<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <class name="SurfaceTool" inherits="Reference" category="Core" version="3.0.alpha.custom_build"> <brief_description> Helper tool to create geometry. </brief_description> <description> The [code]SurfaceTool[/code] is used to construct a [Mesh] by specifying vertex attributes individually. It can be used to construct a [Mesh] from script. All properties except index need to be added before a call to [method add_vertex]. For example adding vertex colors and UVs looks like [codeblock] var st = SurfaceTool.new() st.begin(Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES) st.add_color(Color(1, 0, 0)) st.add_uv(Vector2(0, 0)) st.add_vertex(Vector3(0, 0, 0)) [/codeblock] The [code]SurfaceTool[/code] now contains one vertex of a triangle which has a UV coordinate and a specified [Color]. If another vertex were added without calls to [method add_uv] or [method add_color] then the last values would be used. It is very important that vertex attributes are passed [b]before[/b] the call to [method add_vertex], failure to do this will result in an error when committing the vertex information to a mesh. </description> <tutorials> </tutorials> <demos> </demos> <methods> <method name="add_bones"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="bones" type="PoolIntArray"> </argument> <description> Add an array of bones for the next Vertex to use. </description> </method> <method name="add_color"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="color" type="Color"> </argument> <description> Specify a [Color] for the next Vertex to use. </description> </method> <method name="add_index"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="index" type="int"> </argument> <description> Adds an index to index array if you are using indexed Vertices. Does not need to be called before adding Vertex. </description> </method> <method name="add_normal"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="normal" type="Vector3"> </argument> <description> Specify a normal for the next Vertex to use. </description> </method> <method name="add_smooth_group"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="smooth" type="bool"> </argument> <description> Specify whether current Vertex (if using only Vertex arrays) or current index (if also using index arrays) should utilize smooth normals for normal calculation. </description> </method> <method name="add_tangent"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="tangent" type="Plane"> </argument> <description> Specify a Tangent for the next Vertex to use. </description> </method> <method name="add_to_format"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="flags" type="int"> </argument> <description> </description> </method> <method name="add_triangle_fan"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="vertexes" type="PoolVector3Array"> </argument> <argument index="1" name="uvs" type="PoolVector2Array" default="PoolVector2Array( )"> </argument> <argument index="2" name="colors" type="PoolColorArray" default="PoolColorArray( )"> </argument> <argument index="3" name="uv2s" type="PoolVector2Array" default="PoolVector2Array( )"> </argument> <argument index="4" name="normals" type="PoolVector3Array" default="PoolVector3Array( )"> </argument> <argument index="5" name="tangents" type="Array" default="[ ]"> </argument> <description> Insert a triangle fan made of array data into [Mesh] being constructed. </description> </method> <method name="add_uv"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="uv" type="Vector2"> </argument> <description> Specify UV Coordinate for next Vertex to use. </description> </method> <method name="add_uv2"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="uv2" type="Vector2"> </argument> <description> Specify an optional second set of UV coordinates for next Vertex to use. </description> </method> <method name="add_vertex"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="vertex" type="Vector3"> </argument> <description> Specify position of current Vertex. Should be called after specifying other vertex properties (e.g. Color, UV). </description> </method> <method name="add_weights"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="weights" type="PoolRealArray"> </argument> <description> Specify weight value for next Vertex to use. </description> </method> <method name="append_from"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="existing" type="Mesh"> </argument> <argument index="1" name="surface" type="int"> </argument> <argument index="2" name="transform" type="Transform"> </argument> <description> </description> </method> <method name="begin"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="primitive" type="int" enum="Mesh.PrimitiveType"> </argument> <description> Called before adding any Vertices. Takes the primitive type as an argument (e.g. Mesh.PRIMITIVE_TRIANGLES). </description> </method> <method name="clear"> <return type="void"> </return> <description> Clear all information passed into the surface tool so far. </description> </method> <method name="commit"> <return type="ArrayMesh"> </return> <argument index="0" name="existing" type="ArrayMesh" default="null"> </argument> <description> Returns a constructed [ArrayMesh] from current information passed in. If an existing [ArrayMesh] is passed in as an argument, will add an extra surface to the existing [ArrayMesh]. </description> </method> <method name="create_from"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="existing" type="Mesh"> </argument> <argument index="1" name="surface" type="int"> </argument> <description> </description> </method> <method name="deindex"> <return type="void"> </return> <description> Removes index array by expanding Vertex array. </description> </method> <method name="generate_normals"> <return type="void"> </return> <description> Generates normals from Vertices so you do not have to do it manually. </description> </method> <method name="generate_tangents"> <return type="void"> </return> <description> </description> </method> <method name="index"> <return type="void"> </return> <description> Shrinks Vertex array by creating an index array. Avoids reusing Vertices. </description> </method> <method name="set_material"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="material" type="Material"> </argument> <description> Sets [Material] to be used by the [Mesh] you are constructing. </description> </method> </methods> <constants> </constants> </class>