Piston kind of slider between two bodies in 3D.
Slides across the x-axis of the pivot object.
The amount of damping of the rotation when the limit is surpassed.
A lower damping value allows a rotation initiated by body A to travel to body B slower.
The lower limit of rotation in the slider.
The amount of restitution of the rotation when the limit is surpassed.
Does not affect damping.
A factor applied to the all rotation once the limit is surpassed.
Makes all rotation slower when between 0 and 1.
The upper limit of rotation in the slider.
The amount of damping of the rotation in the limits.
The amount of restitution of the rotation in the limits.
A factor applied to the all rotation in the limits.
The amount of damping of the rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
The amount of restitution of the rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
A factor applied to the all rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
The amount of damping that happens once the limit defined by [member linear_limit/lower_distance] and [member linear_limit/upper_distance] is surpassed.
The minimum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens.
The amount of restitution once the limits are surpassed. The lower, the more velocity-energy gets lost.
A factor applied to the movement across the slider axis once the limits get surpassed. The lower, the slower the movement.
The maximum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens.
The amount of damping inside the slider limits.
The amount of restitution inside the slider limits.
A factor applied to the movement across the slider axis as long as the slider is in the limits. The lower, the slower the movement.
The amount of damping when movement is across axes orthogonal to the slider.
The amount of restitution when movement is across axes orthogonal to the slider.
A factor applied to the movement across axes orthogonal to the slider.
The maximum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens.
The minimum difference between the pivot points on their x-axis before damping happens.
A factor applied to the movement across the slider axis once the limits get surpassed. The lower, the slower the movement.
The amount of restitution once the limits are surpassed. The lower, the more velocityenergy gets lost.
The amount of damping once the slider limits are surpassed.
A factor applied to the movement across the slider axis as long as the slider is in the limits. The lower, the slower the movement.
The amount of restitution inside the slider limits.
The amount of damping inside the slider limits.
A factor applied to the movement across axes orthogonal to the slider.
The amount of restitution when movement is across axes orthogonal to the slider.
The amount of damping when movement is across axes orthogonal to the slider.
The upper limit of rotation in the slider.
The lower limit of rotation in the slider.
A factor applied to the all rotation once the limit is surpassed.
The amount of restitution of the rotation when the limit is surpassed.
The amount of damping of the rotation when the limit is surpassed.
A factor applied to the all rotation in the limits.
The amount of restitution of the rotation in the limits.
The amount of damping of the rotation in the limits.
A factor applied to the all rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
The amount of restitution of the rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
The amount of damping of the rotation across axes orthogonal to the slider.
Represents the size of the [enum Param] enum.