<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <class name="ScriptCreateDialog" inherits="ConfirmationDialog" category="Core" version="3.1"> <brief_description> The Editor's popup dialog for creating new [Script] files. </brief_description> <description> The ScriptCreateDialog creates script files according to a given template for a given scripting language. The standard use is to configure its fields prior to calling a [method popup]() method. [codeblock] func _ready(): dialog.config("Node", "res://new_node.gd") # for in-engine types dialog.config("\"res://base_node.gd\"", "res://derived_node.gd") # for script types dialog.popup_centered() [/codeblock] </description> <tutorials> </tutorials> <demos> </demos> <methods> <method name="config"> <return type="void"> </return> <argument index="0" name="inherits" type="String"> </argument> <argument index="1" name="path" type="String"> </argument> <argument index="2" name="built_in_enabled" type="bool" default="true"> </argument> <description> Prefills required fields to configure the ScriptCreateDialog for use. </description> </method> </methods> <signals> <signal name="script_created"> <argument index="0" name="script" type="Script"> </argument> <description> Emitted when the user clicks the OK button. </description> </signal> </signals> <constants> </constants> </class>