Pin joint for 3D PhysicsBodies.
Pin joint for 3D rigid bodies. It pins 2 bodies (dynamic or static) together. See also [Generic6DOFJoint3D].
Returns the value of the specified parameter.
Sets the value of the specified parameter.
The force with which the pinned objects stay in positional relation to each other. The higher, the stronger.
The force with which the pinned objects stay in velocity relation to each other. The higher, the stronger.
If above 0, this value is the maximum value for an impulse that this Joint3D produces.
The force with which the pinned objects stay in positional relation to each other. The higher, the stronger.
The force with which the pinned objects stay in velocity relation to each other. The higher, the stronger.
If above 0, this value is the maximum value for an impulse that this Joint3D produces.