<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<class name="Performance" inherits="Object" version="4.0">
		Exposes performance-related data.
		This class provides access to a number of different monitors related to performance, such as memory usage, draw calls, and FPS. These are the same as the values displayed in the [b]Monitor[/b] tab in the editor's [b]Debugger[/b] panel. By using the [method get_monitor] method of this class, you can access this data from your code.
		You can add custom monitors using the [method add_custom_monitor] method. Custom monitors are available in [b]Monitor[/b] tab in the editor's [b]Debugger[/b] panel together with built-in monitors.
		[b]Note:[/b] A few of these monitors are only available in debug mode and will always return 0 when used in a release build.
		[b]Note:[/b] Many of these monitors are not updated in real-time, so there may be a short delay between changes.
		[b]Note:[/b] Custom monitors do not support negative values. Negative values are clamped to 0.
		<method name="add_custom_monitor">
			<return type="void" />
			<argument index="0" name="id" type="StringName" />
			<argument index="1" name="callable" type="Callable" />
			<argument index="2" name="arguments" type="Array" default="[]" />
				Adds a custom monitor with name same as id. You can specify the category of monitor using '/' in id. If there are more than one '/' then default category is used. Default category is "Custom".
				func _ready():
				    var monitor_value = Callable(self, "get_monitor_value")

				    # Adds monitor with name "MyName" to category "MyCategory".
				    Performance.add_custom_monitor("MyCategory/MyMonitor", monitor_value)

				    # Adds monitor with name "MyName" to category "Custom".
				    # Note: "MyCategory/MyMonitor" and "MyMonitor" have same name but different ids so the code is valid.
				    Performance.add_custom_monitor("MyMonitor", monitor_value)

				    # Adds monitor with name "MyName" to category "Custom".
				    # Note: "MyMonitor" and "Custom/MyMonitor" have same name and same category but different ids so the code is valid.
				    Performance.add_custom_monitor("Custom/MyMonitor", monitor_value)

				    # Adds monitor with name "MyCategoryOne/MyCategoryTwo/MyMonitor" to category "Custom".
				    Performance.add_custom_monitor("MyCategoryOne/MyCategoryTwo/MyMonitor", monitor_value)

				func get_monitor_value():
				    return randi() % 25
				public override void _Ready()
				    var monitorValue = new Callable(this, nameof(GetMonitorValue));

				    // Adds monitor with name "MyName" to category "MyCategory".
				    Performance.AddCustomMonitor("MyCategory/MyMonitor", monitorValue);
				    // Adds monitor with name "MyName" to category "Custom".
				    // Note: "MyCategory/MyMonitor" and "MyMonitor" have same name but different ids so the code is valid.
				    Performance.AddCustomMonitor("MyMonitor", monitorValue);

				    // Adds monitor with name "MyName" to category "Custom".
				    // Note: "MyMonitor" and "Custom/MyMonitor" have same name and same category but different ids so the code is valid.
				    Performance.AddCustomMonitor("Custom/MyMonitor", monitorValue);

				    // Adds monitor with name "MyCategoryOne/MyCategoryTwo/MyMonitor" to category "Custom".
				    Performance.AddCustomMonitor("MyCategoryOne/MyCategoryTwo/MyMonitor", monitorValue);

				public int GetMonitorValue()
				    return GD.Randi() % 25;
				The debugger calls the callable to get the value of custom monitor. The callable must return a number.
				Callables are called with arguments supplied in argument array.
				[b]Note:[/b] It throws an error if given id is already present.
		<method name="get_custom_monitor">
			<return type="Variant" />
			<argument index="0" name="id" type="StringName" />
				Returns the value of custom monitor with given id. The callable is called to get the value of custom monitor.
				[b]Note:[/b] It throws an error if the given id is absent.
		<method name="get_custom_monitor_names">
			<return type="Array" />
				Returns the names of active custom monitors in an array.
		<method name="get_monitor" qualifiers="const">
			<return type="float" />
			<argument index="0" name="monitor" type="int" enum="Performance.Monitor" />
				Returns the value of one of the available monitors. You should provide one of the [enum Monitor] constants as the argument, like this:
				print(Performance.get_monitor(Performance.TIME_FPS)) # Prints the FPS to the console.
				GD.Print(Performance.GetMonitor(Performance.Monitor.TimeFps)); // Prints the FPS to the console.
		<method name="get_monitor_modification_time">
			<return type="int" />
				Returns the last tick in which custom monitor was added/removed.
		<method name="has_custom_monitor">
			<return type="bool" />
			<argument index="0" name="id" type="StringName" />
				Returns true if custom monitor with the given id is present otherwise returns false.
		<method name="remove_custom_monitor">
			<return type="void" />
			<argument index="0" name="id" type="StringName" />
				Removes the custom monitor with given id.
				[b]Note:[/b] It throws an error if the given id is already absent.
		<constant name="TIME_FPS" value="0" enum="Monitor">
			Number of frames per second.
		<constant name="TIME_PROCESS" value="1" enum="Monitor">
			Time it took to complete one frame, in seconds.
		<constant name="TIME_PHYSICS_PROCESS" value="2" enum="Monitor">
			Time it took to complete one physics frame, in seconds.
		<constant name="MEMORY_STATIC" value="3" enum="Monitor">
			Static memory currently used, in bytes. Not available in release builds.
		<constant name="MEMORY_STATIC_MAX" value="4" enum="Monitor">
			Available static memory. Not available in release builds.
		<constant name="MEMORY_MESSAGE_BUFFER_MAX" value="5" enum="Monitor">
			Largest amount of memory the message queue buffer has used, in bytes. The message queue is used for deferred functions calls and notifications.
		<constant name="OBJECT_COUNT" value="6" enum="Monitor">
			Number of objects currently instantiated (including nodes).
		<constant name="OBJECT_RESOURCE_COUNT" value="7" enum="Monitor">
			Number of resources currently used.
		<constant name="OBJECT_NODE_COUNT" value="8" enum="Monitor">
			Number of nodes currently instantiated in the scene tree. This also includes the root node.
		<constant name="OBJECT_ORPHAN_NODE_COUNT" value="9" enum="Monitor">
			Number of orphan nodes, i.e. nodes which are not parented to a node of the scene tree.
		<constant name="RENDER_TOTAL_OBJECTS_IN_FRAME" value="10" enum="Monitor">
		<constant name="RENDER_TOTAL_PRIMITIVES_IN_FRAME" value="11" enum="Monitor">
		<constant name="RENDER_TOTAL_DRAW_CALLS_IN_FRAME" value="12" enum="Monitor">
		<constant name="RENDER_VIDEO_MEM_USED" value="13" enum="Monitor">
			The amount of video memory used, i.e. texture and vertex memory combined.
		<constant name="RENDER_TEXTURE_MEM_USED" value="14" enum="Monitor">
			The amount of texture memory used.
		<constant name="RENDER_BUFFER_MEM_USED" value="15" enum="Monitor">
		<constant name="PHYSICS_2D_ACTIVE_OBJECTS" value="16" enum="Monitor">
			Number of active [RigidDynamicBody2D] nodes in the game.
		<constant name="PHYSICS_2D_COLLISION_PAIRS" value="17" enum="Monitor">
			Number of collision pairs in the 2D physics engine.
		<constant name="PHYSICS_2D_ISLAND_COUNT" value="18" enum="Monitor">
			Number of islands in the 2D physics engine.
		<constant name="PHYSICS_3D_ACTIVE_OBJECTS" value="19" enum="Monitor">
			Number of active [RigidDynamicBody3D] and [VehicleBody3D] nodes in the game.
		<constant name="PHYSICS_3D_COLLISION_PAIRS" value="20" enum="Monitor">
			Number of collision pairs in the 3D physics engine.
		<constant name="PHYSICS_3D_ISLAND_COUNT" value="21" enum="Monitor">
			Number of islands in the 3D physics engine.
		<constant name="AUDIO_OUTPUT_LATENCY" value="22" enum="Monitor">
			Output latency of the [AudioServer].
		<constant name="MONITOR_MAX" value="23" enum="Monitor">
			Represents the size of the [enum Monitor] enum.