<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <class name="ParticlesMaterial" inherits="Material" category="Core" version="3.2"> <brief_description> Particle properties for [Particles] and [Particles2D] nodes. </brief_description> <description> ParticlesMaterial defines particle properties and behavior. It is used in the [code]process_material[/code] of [Particles] and [Particles2D] emitter nodes. Some of this material's properties are applied to each particle when emitted, while others can have a [CurveTexture] applied to vary values over the lifetime of the particle. When a randomness ratio is applied to a property it is used to scale that property by a random amount. The random ratio is used to interpolate between [code]1.0[/code] and a random number less than one, the result is multiplied by the property to obtain the randomized property. For example a random ratio of [code]0.4[/code] would scale the original property between [code]0.4-1.0[/code] of its original value. </description> <tutorials> </tutorials> <methods> </methods> <members> <member name="angle" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param"> Initial rotation applied to each particle, in degrees. Only applied when [member flag_disable_z] or [member flag_rotate_y] are [code]true[/code] or the [SpatialMaterial] being used to draw the particle is using [code]BillboardMode.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES[/code]. </member> <member name="angle_curve" type="Texture" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture"> Each particle's rotation will be animated along this [CurveTexture]. </member> <member name="angle_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness"> Rotation randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code]. </member> <member name="angular_velocity" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param"> Initial angular velocity applied to each particle. Sets the speed of rotation of the particle. Only applied when [member flag_disable_z] or [member flag_rotate_y] are [code]true[/code] or the [SpatialMaterial] being used to draw the particle is using [code]BillboardMode.BILLBOARD_PARTICLES[/code]. </member> <member name="angular_velocity_curve" type="Texture" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture"> Each particle's angular velocity will vary along this [CurveTexture]. </member> <member name="angular_velocity_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness"> Angular velocity randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code]. </member> <member name="anim_offset" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param"> Particle animation offset. </member> <member name="anim_offset_curve" type="Texture" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture"> Each particle's animation offset will vary along this [CurveTexture]. </member> <member name="anim_offset_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness"> Animation offset randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code]. </member> <member name="anim_speed" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param"> Particle animation speed. </member> <member name="anim_speed_curve" type="Texture" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture"> Each particle's animation speed will vary along this [CurveTexture]. </member> <member name="anim_speed_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness"> Animation speed randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code]. </member> <member name="color" type="Color" setter="set_color" getter="get_color"> Each particle's initial color. If the [Particles2D]'s [code]texture[/code] is defined, it will be multiplied by this color. To have particle display color in a [SpatialMaterial] make sure to set [member SpatialMaterial.vertex_color_use_as_albedo] to [code]true[/code]. </member> <member name="color_ramp" type="Texture" setter="set_color_ramp" getter="get_color_ramp"> Each particle's color will vary along this [GradientTexture]. </member> <member name="damping" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param"> The rate at which particles lose velocity. </member> <member name="damping_curve" type="Texture" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture"> Damping will vary along this [CurveTexture]. </member> <member name="damping_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness"> Damping randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code]. </member> <member name="emission_box_extents" type="Vector3" setter="set_emission_box_extents" getter="get_emission_box_extents"> The box's extents if [code]emission_shape[/code] is set to [code]EMISSION_SHAPE_BOX[/code]. </member> <member name="emission_color_texture" type="Texture" setter="set_emission_color_texture" getter="get_emission_color_texture"> Particle color will be modulated by color determined by sampling this texture at the same point as the [member emission_point_texture]. </member> <member name="emission_normal_texture" type="Texture" setter="set_emission_normal_texture" getter="get_emission_normal_texture"> Particle velocity and rotation will be set by sampling this texture at the same point as the [member emission_point_texture]. Used only in [code]EMISSION_SHAPE_DIRECTED[/code]. Can be created automatically from mesh or node by selecting "Create Emission Points from Mesh/Node" under the "Particles" tool in the toolbar. </member> <member name="emission_point_count" type="int" setter="set_emission_point_count" getter="get_emission_point_count"> The number of emission points if [code]emission_shape[/code] is set to [code]EMISSION_SHAPE_POINTS[/code] or [code]EMISSION_SHAPE_DIRECTED_POINTS[/code]. </member> <member name="emission_point_texture" type="Texture" setter="set_emission_point_texture" getter="get_emission_point_texture"> Particles will be emitted at positions determined by sampling this texture at a random position. Used with [code]EMISSION_SHAPE_POINTS[/code] and [code]EMISSION_SHAPE_DIRECTED_POINTS[/code]. Can be created automatically from mesh or node by selecting "Create Emission Points from Mesh/Node" under the "Particles" tool in the toolbar. </member> <member name="emission_shape" type="int" setter="set_emission_shape" getter="get_emission_shape" enum="ParticlesMaterial.EmissionShape"> Particles will be emitted inside this region. Use [code]EMISSION_SHAPE_*[/code] constants for values. Default value: [code]EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT[/code]. </member> <member name="emission_sphere_radius" type="float" setter="set_emission_sphere_radius" getter="get_emission_sphere_radius"> The sphere's radius if [code]emission_shape[/code] is set to [code]EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE[/code]. </member> <member name="flag_align_y" type="bool" setter="set_flag" getter="get_flag"> Align y-axis of particle with the direction of its velocity. </member> <member name="flag_disable_z" type="bool" setter="set_flag" getter="get_flag"> If [code]true[/code], particles will not move on the z axis. Default value: [code]true[/code] for [Particles2D], [code]false[/code] for [Particles]. </member> <member name="flag_rotate_y" type="bool" setter="set_flag" getter="get_flag"> If [code]true[/code], particles rotate around y-axis by [member angle]. </member> <member name="flatness" type="float" setter="set_flatness" getter="get_flatness"> Amount of [member spread] in Y/Z plane. A value of [code]1[/code] restricts particles to X/Z plane. Default [code]0[/code]. </member> <member name="gravity" type="Vector3" setter="set_gravity" getter="get_gravity"> Gravity applied to every particle. Default value: [code](0, -9.8, 0)[/code]. </member> <member name="hue_variation" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param"> Initial hue variation applied to each particle. </member> <member name="hue_variation_curve" type="Texture" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture"> Each particle's hue will vary along this [CurveTexture]. </member> <member name="hue_variation_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness"> Hue variation randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code]. </member> <member name="initial_velocity" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param"> Initial velocity magnitude for each particle. Direction comes from [member spread] and the node's orientation. </member> <member name="initial_velocity_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness"> Initial velocity randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code]. </member> <member name="linear_accel" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param"> Linear acceleration applied to each particle in the direction of motion. </member> <member name="linear_accel_curve" type="Texture" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture"> Each particle's linear acceleration will vary along this [CurveTexture]. </member> <member name="linear_accel_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness"> Linear acceleration randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code]. </member> <member name="orbit_velocity" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param"> Orbital velocity applied to each particle. Makes the particles circle around origin. Specified in number of full rotations around origin per second. Only available when [member flag_disable_z] is [code]true[/code]. </member> <member name="orbit_velocity_curve" type="Texture" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture"> Each particle's orbital velocity will vary along this [CurveTexture]. </member> <member name="orbit_velocity_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness"> Orbital velocity randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code]. </member> <member name="radial_accel" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param"> Radial acceleration applied to each particle. Makes particle accelerate away from origin. </member> <member name="radial_accel_curve" type="Texture" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture"> Each particle's radial acceleration will vary along this [CurveTexture]. </member> <member name="radial_accel_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness"> Radial acceleration randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code]. </member> <member name="scale" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param"> Initial scale applied to each particle. </member> <member name="scale_curve" type="Texture" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture"> Each particle's scale will vary along this [CurveTexture]. </member> <member name="scale_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness"> Scale randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code]. </member> <member name="spread" type="float" setter="set_spread" getter="get_spread"> Each particle's initial direction range from [code]+spread[/code] to [code]-spread[/code] degrees. Default value: [code]45[/code]. Applied to X/Z plane and Y/Z planes. </member> <member name="tangential_accel" type="float" setter="set_param" getter="get_param"> Tangential acceleration applied to each particle. Tangential acceleration is perpendicular to the particle's velocity giving the particles a swirling motion. </member> <member name="tangential_accel_curve" type="Texture" setter="set_param_texture" getter="get_param_texture"> Each particle's tangential acceleration will vary along this [CurveTexture]. </member> <member name="tangential_accel_random" type="float" setter="set_param_randomness" getter="get_param_randomness"> Tangential acceleration randomness ratio. Default value: [code]0[/code]. </member> <member name="trail_color_modifier" type="GradientTexture" setter="set_trail_color_modifier" getter="get_trail_color_modifier"> Trail particles' color will vary along this [GradientTexture]. </member> <member name="trail_divisor" type="int" setter="set_trail_divisor" getter="get_trail_divisor"> Emitter will emit [code]amount[/code] divided by [code]trail_divisor[/code] particles. The remaining particles will be used as trail(s). </member> <member name="trail_size_modifier" type="CurveTexture" setter="set_trail_size_modifier" getter="get_trail_size_modifier"> Trail particles' size will vary along this [CurveTexture]. </member> </members> <constants> <constant name="PARAM_INITIAL_LINEAR_VELOCITY" value="0" enum="Parameter"> Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set initial velocity properties. </constant> <constant name="PARAM_ANGULAR_VELOCITY" value="1" enum="Parameter"> Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set angular velocity properties. </constant> <constant name="PARAM_ORBIT_VELOCITY" value="2" enum="Parameter"> Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set orbital velocity properties. </constant> <constant name="PARAM_LINEAR_ACCEL" value="3" enum="Parameter"> Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set linear acceleration properties. </constant> <constant name="PARAM_RADIAL_ACCEL" value="4" enum="Parameter"> Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set radial acceleration properties. </constant> <constant name="PARAM_TANGENTIAL_ACCEL" value="5" enum="Parameter"> Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set tangential acceleration properties. </constant> <constant name="PARAM_DAMPING" value="6" enum="Parameter"> Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set damping properties. </constant> <constant name="PARAM_ANGLE" value="7" enum="Parameter"> Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set angle properties. </constant> <constant name="PARAM_SCALE" value="8" enum="Parameter"> Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set scale properties. </constant> <constant name="PARAM_HUE_VARIATION" value="9" enum="Parameter"> Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set hue variation properties. </constant> <constant name="PARAM_ANIM_SPEED" value="10" enum="Parameter"> Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set animation speed properties. </constant> <constant name="PARAM_ANIM_OFFSET" value="11" enum="Parameter"> Use with [method set_param], [method set_param_randomness], and [method set_param_texture] to set animation offset properties. </constant> <constant name="PARAM_MAX" value="12" enum="Parameter"> Represents the size of the [enum Parameter] enum. </constant> <constant name="FLAG_ALIGN_Y_TO_VELOCITY" value="0" enum="Flags"> Use with [method set_flag] to set [member flag_align_y]. </constant> <constant name="FLAG_ROTATE_Y" value="1" enum="Flags"> Use with [method set_flag] to set [member flag_rotate_y]. </constant> <constant name="FLAG_DISABLE_Z" value="2" enum="Flags"> Use with [method set_flag] to set [member flag_disable_z]. </constant> <constant name="FLAG_MAX" value="3" enum="Flags"> Represents the size of the [enum Flags] enum. </constant> <constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_POINT" value="0" enum="EmissionShape"> All particles will be emitted from a single point. </constant> <constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_SPHERE" value="1" enum="EmissionShape"> Particles will be emitted in the volume of a sphere. </constant> <constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_BOX" value="2" enum="EmissionShape"> Particles will be emitted in the volume of a box. </constant> <constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_POINTS" value="3" enum="EmissionShape"> Particles will be emitted at a position determined by sampling a random point on the [member emission_point_texture]. Particle color will be modulated by [member emission_color_texture]. </constant> <constant name="EMISSION_SHAPE_DIRECTED_POINTS" value="4" enum="EmissionShape"> Particles will be emitted at a position determined by sampling a random point on the [member emission_point_texture]. Particle velocity and rotation will be set based on [member emission_normal_texture]. Particle color will be modulated by [member emission_color_texture]. </constant> </constants> </class>