<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?> <class name="Node3D" inherits="Node" version="4.0"> <brief_description> Most basic 3D game object, parent of all 3D-related nodes. </brief_description> <description> Most basic 3D game object, with a 3D [Transform3D] and visibility settings. All other 3D game objects inherit from Node3D. Use [Node3D] as a parent node to move, scale, rotate and show/hide children in a 3D project. Affine operations (rotate, scale, translate) happen in parent's local coordinate system, unless the [Node3D] object is set as top-level. Affine operations in this coordinate system correspond to direct affine operations on the [Node3D]'s transform. The word local below refers to this coordinate system. The coordinate system that is attached to the [Node3D] object itself is referred to as object-local coordinate system. [b]Note:[/b] Unless otherwise specified, all methods that have angle parameters must have angles specified as [i]radians[/i]. To convert degrees to radians, use [method @GlobalScope.deg2rad]. </description> <tutorials> <link title="Introduction to 3D">$DOCS_URL/tutorials/3d/introduction_to_3d.html</link> <link title="All 3D Demos">https://github.com/godotengine/godot-demo-projects/tree/master/3d</link> </tutorials> <methods> <method name="add_gizmo"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="gizmo" type="Node3DGizmo" /> <description> Attach a gizmo to this [code]Node3D[/code]. </description> </method> <method name="clear_gizmos"> <return type="void" /> <description> Clear all gizmos attached to this [code]Node3D[/code]. </description> </method> <method name="clear_subgizmo_selection"> <return type="void" /> <description> Clears subgizmo selection for this node in the editor. Useful when subgizmo IDs become invalid after a property change. </description> </method> <method name="force_update_transform"> <return type="void" /> <description> Forces the transform to update. Transform changes in physics are not instant for performance reasons. Transforms are accumulated and then set. Use this if you need an up-to-date transform when doing physics operations. </description> </method> <method name="get_gizmos" qualifiers="const"> <return type="Array" /> <description> Returns all the gizmos attached to this [code]Node3D[/code]. </description> </method> <method name="get_parent_node_3d" qualifiers="const"> <return type="Node3D" /> <description> Returns the parent [Node3D], or an empty [Object] if no parent exists or parent is not of type [Node3D]. </description> </method> <method name="get_world_3d" qualifiers="const"> <return type="World3D" /> <description> Returns the current [World3D] resource this [Node3D] node is registered to. </description> </method> <method name="global_rotate"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="axis" type="Vector3" /> <argument index="1" name="angle" type="float" /> <description> Rotates the global (world) transformation around axis, a unit [Vector3], by specified angle in radians. The rotation axis is in global coordinate system. </description> </method> <method name="global_scale"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="scale" type="Vector3" /> <description> Scales the global (world) transformation by the given [Vector3] scale factors. </description> </method> <method name="global_translate"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="offset" type="Vector3" /> <description> Moves the global (world) transformation by [Vector3] offset. The offset is in global coordinate system. </description> </method> <method name="hide"> <return type="void" /> <description> Disables rendering of this node. Changes [member visible] to [code]false[/code]. </description> </method> <method name="is_local_transform_notification_enabled" qualifiers="const"> <return type="bool" /> <description> Returns whether node notifies about its local transformation changes. [Node3D] will not propagate this by default. </description> </method> <method name="is_scale_disabled" qualifiers="const"> <return type="bool" /> <description> Returns whether this node uses a scale of [code](1, 1, 1)[/code] or its local transformation scale. </description> </method> <method name="is_transform_notification_enabled" qualifiers="const"> <return type="bool" /> <description> Returns whether the node notifies about its global and local transformation changes. [Node3D] will not propagate this by default. </description> </method> <method name="is_visible_in_tree" qualifiers="const"> <return type="bool" /> <description> Returns [code]true[/code] if the node is present in the [SceneTree], its [member visible] property is [code]true[/code] and all its antecedents are also visible. If any antecedent is hidden, this node will not be visible in the scene tree. </description> </method> <method name="look_at"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="target" type="Vector3" /> <argument index="1" name="up" type="Vector3" default="Vector3(0, 1, 0)" /> <description> Rotates the node so that the local forward axis (-Z) points toward the [code]target[/code] position. The local up axis (+Y) points as close to the [code]up[/code] vector as possible while staying perpendicular to the local forward axis. The resulting transform is orthogonal, and the scale is preserved. Non-uniform scaling may not work correctly. The [code]target[/code] position cannot be the same as the node's position, the [code]up[/code] vector cannot be zero, and the direction from the node's position to the [code]target[/code] vector cannot be parallel to the [code]up[/code] vector. Operations take place in global space. </description> </method> <method name="look_at_from_position"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="position" type="Vector3" /> <argument index="1" name="target" type="Vector3" /> <argument index="2" name="up" type="Vector3" default="Vector3(0, 1, 0)" /> <description> Moves the node to the specified [code]position[/code], and then rotates the node to point toward the [code]target[/code] as per [method look_at]. Operations take place in global space. </description> </method> <method name="orthonormalize"> <return type="void" /> <description> Resets this node's transformations (like scale, skew and taper) preserving its rotation and translation by performing Gram-Schmidt orthonormalization on this node's [Transform3D]. </description> </method> <method name="property_can_revert"> <return type="bool" /> <argument index="0" name="name" type="String" /> <description> Returns [code]true[/code] if the property identified by [code]name[/code] can be reverted to a default value. </description> </method> <method name="property_get_revert"> <return type="Variant" /> <argument index="0" name="name" type="String" /> <description> Returns the default value of the Node3D property with given [code]name[/code]. </description> </method> <method name="rotate"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="axis" type="Vector3" /> <argument index="1" name="angle" type="float" /> <description> Rotates the local transformation around axis, a unit [Vector3], by specified angle in radians. </description> </method> <method name="rotate_object_local"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="axis" type="Vector3" /> <argument index="1" name="angle" type="float" /> <description> Rotates the local transformation around axis, a unit [Vector3], by specified angle in radians. The rotation axis is in object-local coordinate system. </description> </method> <method name="rotate_x"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="angle" type="float" /> <description> Rotates the local transformation around the X axis by angle in radians. </description> </method> <method name="rotate_y"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="angle" type="float" /> <description> Rotates the local transformation around the Y axis by angle in radians. </description> </method> <method name="rotate_z"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="angle" type="float" /> <description> Rotates the local transformation around the Z axis by angle in radians. </description> </method> <method name="scale_object_local"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="scale" type="Vector3" /> <description> Scales the local transformation by given 3D scale factors in object-local coordinate system. </description> </method> <method name="set_disable_scale"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="disable" type="bool" /> <description> Sets whether the node uses a scale of [code](1, 1, 1)[/code] or its local transformation scale. Changes to the local transformation scale are preserved. </description> </method> <method name="set_identity"> <return type="void" /> <description> Reset all transformations for this node (sets its [Transform3D] to the identity matrix). </description> </method> <method name="set_ignore_transform_notification"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="enabled" type="bool" /> <description> Sets whether the node ignores notification that its transformation (global or local) changed. </description> </method> <method name="set_notify_local_transform"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="enable" type="bool" /> <description> Sets whether the node notifies about its local transformation changes. [Node3D] will not propagate this by default. </description> </method> <method name="set_notify_transform"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="enable" type="bool" /> <description> Sets whether the node notifies about its global and local transformation changes. [Node3D] will not propagate this by default, unless it is in the editor context and it has a valid gizmo. </description> </method> <method name="set_subgizmo_selection"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="gizmo" type="Node3DGizmo" /> <argument index="1" name="id" type="int" /> <argument index="2" name="transform" type="Transform3D" /> <description> Set subgizmo selection for this node in the editor. </description> </method> <method name="show"> <return type="void" /> <description> Enables rendering of this node. Changes [member visible] to [code]true[/code]. </description> </method> <method name="to_global" qualifiers="const"> <return type="Vector3" /> <argument index="0" name="local_point" type="Vector3" /> <description> Transforms [code]local_point[/code] from this node's local space to world space. </description> </method> <method name="to_local" qualifiers="const"> <return type="Vector3" /> <argument index="0" name="global_point" type="Vector3" /> <description> Transforms [code]global_point[/code] from world space to this node's local space. </description> </method> <method name="translate"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="offset" type="Vector3" /> <description> Changes the node's position by the given offset [Vector3]. Note that the translation [code]offset[/code] is affected by the node's scale, so if scaled by e.g. [code](10, 1, 1)[/code], a translation by an offset of [code](2, 0, 0)[/code] would actually add 20 ([code]2 * 10[/code]) to the X coordinate. </description> </method> <method name="translate_object_local"> <return type="void" /> <argument index="0" name="offset" type="Vector3" /> <description> Changes the node's position by the given offset [Vector3] in local space. </description> </method> <method name="update_gizmos"> <return type="void" /> <description> Updates all the [Node3DGizmo]s attached to this node. </description> </method> </methods> <members> <member name="basis" type="Basis" setter="set_basis" getter="get_basis"> Direct access to the 3x3 basis of the [Transform3D] property. </member> <member name="global_transform" type="Transform3D" setter="set_global_transform" getter="get_global_transform"> World3D space (global) [Transform3D] of this node. </member> <member name="position" type="Vector3" setter="set_position" getter="get_position" default="Vector3(0, 0, 0)"> Local position or translation of this node relative to the parent. This is equivalent to [code]transform.origin[/code]. </member> <member name="quaternion" type="Quaternion" setter="set_quaternion" getter="get_quaternion"> Access to the node rotation as a [Quaternion]. This property is ideal for tweening complex rotations. </member> <member name="rotation" type="Vector3" setter="set_rotation" getter="get_rotation" default="Vector3(0, 0, 0)"> Rotation part of the local transformation in radians, specified in terms of Euler angles. The angles construct a rotaton in the order specified by the [member rotation_order] property. [b]Note:[/b] In the mathematical sense, rotation is a matrix and not a vector. The three Euler angles, which are the three independent parameters of the Euler-angle parametrization of the rotation matrix, are stored in a [Vector3] data structure not because the rotation is a vector, but only because [Vector3] exists as a convenient data-structure to store 3 floating-point numbers. Therefore, applying affine operations on the rotation "vector" is not meaningful. </member> <member name="rotation_edit_mode" type="int" setter="set_rotation_edit_mode" getter="get_rotation_edit_mode" enum="Node3D.RotationEditMode" default="0"> Specify how rotation (and scale) will be presented in the editor. </member> <member name="rotation_order" type="int" setter="set_rotation_order" getter="get_rotation_order" enum="Node3D.RotationOrder" default="2"> Specify the axis rotation order of the [member rotation] property. The final orientation is constructed by rotating the Euler angles in the order specified by this property. </member> <member name="scale" type="Vector3" setter="set_scale" getter="get_scale" default="Vector3(1, 1, 1)"> Scale part of the local transformation. </member> <member name="top_level" type="bool" setter="set_as_top_level" getter="is_set_as_top_level" default="false"> If [code]true[/code], the node will not inherit its transformations from its parent. Node transformations are only in global space. </member> <member name="transform" type="Transform3D" setter="set_transform" getter="get_transform" default="Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0)"> Local space [Transform3D] of this node, with respect to the parent node. </member> <member name="visibility_parent" type="NodePath" setter="set_visibility_parent" getter="get_visibility_parent" default="NodePath("")"> Defines the visibility range parent for this node and its subtree. The visibility parent must be a GeometryInstance3D. Any visual instance will only be visible if the visibility parent (and all of its visibility ancestors) is hidden by being closer to the camera than its own [member GeometryInstance3D.visibility_range_begin]. Nodes hidden via the [member Node3D.visible] property are essentially removed from the visibility dependency tree, so dependent instances will not take the hidden node or its ancestors into account. </member> <member name="visible" type="bool" setter="set_visible" getter="is_visible" default="true"> If [code]true[/code], this node is drawn. The node is only visible if all of its antecedents are visible as well (in other words, [method is_visible_in_tree] must return [code]true[/code]). </member> </members> <signals> <signal name="visibility_changed"> <description> Emitted when node visibility changes. </description> </signal> </signals> <constants> <constant name="NOTIFICATION_TRANSFORM_CHANGED" value="2000"> Node3D nodes receives this notification when their global transform changes. This means that either the current or a parent node changed its transform. In order for [constant NOTIFICATION_TRANSFORM_CHANGED] to work, users first need to ask for it, with [method set_notify_transform]. The notification is also sent if the node is in the editor context and it has at least one valid gizmo. </constant> <constant name="NOTIFICATION_ENTER_WORLD" value="41"> Node3D nodes receives this notification when they are registered to new [World3D] resource. </constant> <constant name="NOTIFICATION_EXIT_WORLD" value="42"> Node3D nodes receives this notification when they are unregistered from current [World3D] resource. </constant> <constant name="NOTIFICATION_VISIBILITY_CHANGED" value="43"> Node3D nodes receives this notification when their visibility changes. </constant> <constant name="ROTATION_EDIT_MODE_EULER" value="0" enum="RotationEditMode"> </constant> <constant name="ROTATION_EDIT_MODE_QUATERNION" value="1" enum="RotationEditMode"> </constant> <constant name="ROTATION_EDIT_MODE_BASIS" value="2" enum="RotationEditMode"> </constant> <constant name="ROTATION_ORDER_XYZ" value="0" enum="RotationOrder"> </constant> <constant name="ROTATION_ORDER_XZY" value="1" enum="RotationOrder"> </constant> <constant name="ROTATION_ORDER_YXZ" value="2" enum="RotationOrder"> </constant> <constant name="ROTATION_ORDER_YZX" value="3" enum="RotationOrder"> </constant> <constant name="ROTATION_ORDER_ZXY" value="4" enum="RotationOrder"> </constant> <constant name="ROTATION_ORDER_ZYX" value="5" enum="RotationOrder"> </constant> </constants> </class>