A 2D line. A line through several points in 2D space. https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/584 https://godotengine.org/asset-library/asset/583 Adds a point at the [param position]. Appends the point at the end of the line. If [param at_position] is given, the point is inserted before the point number [param at_position], moving that point (and every point after) after the inserted point. If [param at_position] is not given, or is an illegal value ([code]at_position < 0[/code] or [code]at_position >= [method get_point_count][/code]), the point will be appended at the end of the point list. Removes all points from the line. Returns the Line2D's amount of points. Returns point [param i]'s position. Removes the point at index [param i] from the line. Overwrites the position in point [param i] with the supplied [param position]. If [code]true[/code], the line's border will be anti-aliased. [b]Note:[/b] Line2D is not accelerated by batching when being anti-aliased. Controls the style of the line's first point. Use [enum LineCapMode] constants. The line's color. Will not be used if a gradient is set. Controls the style of the line's last point. Use [enum LineCapMode] constants. The gradient is drawn through the whole line from start to finish. The default color will not be used if a gradient is set. The style for the points between the start and the end. The points that form the lines. The line is drawn between every point set in this array. Points are interpreted as local vectors. The smoothness of the rounded joints and caps. Higher values result in smoother corners, but are more demanding to render and update. This is only used if a cap or joint is set as round. [b]Note:[/b] The default value is tuned for lines with the default [member width]. For thin lines, this value should be reduced to a number between [code]2[/code] and [code]4[/code] to improve performance. The direction difference in radians between vector points. This value is only used if [member joint_mode] is set to [constant LINE_JOINT_SHARP]. The texture used for the line's texture. Uses [code]texture_mode[/code] for drawing style. The style to render the [code]texture[/code] on the line. Use [enum LineTextureMode] constants. The line's width. The line's width varies with the curve. The original width is simply multiply by the value of the Curve. The line's joints will be pointy. If [code]sharp_limit[/code] is greater than the rotation of a joint, it becomes a bevel joint instead. The line's joints will be bevelled/chamfered. The line's joints will be rounded. Don't draw a line cap. Draws the line cap as a box. Draws the line cap as a circle. Takes the left pixels of the texture and renders it over the whole line. Tiles the texture over the line. [member CanvasItem.texture_repeat] of the [Line2D] node must be [constant CanvasItem.TEXTURE_REPEAT_ENABLED] or [constant CanvasItem.TEXTURE_REPEAT_MIRROR] for it to work properly. Stretches the texture across the line. [member CanvasItem.texture_repeat] of the [Line2D] node must be [constant CanvasItem.TEXTURE_REPEAT_DISABLED] for best results.