Input event type for keyboard events. Stores key presses on the keyboard. Supports key presses, key releases and [member echo] events. Returns the keycode combined with modifier keys such as [code]Shift[/code] or [code]Alt[/code]. See also [InputEventWithModifiers]. To get a human-readable representation of the [InputEventKey] with modifiers, use [code]OS.get_keycode_string(event.get_keycode_with_modifiers())[/code] where [code]event[/code] is the [InputEventKey]. Returns the physical keycode combined with modifier keys such as [code]Shift[/code] or [code]Alt[/code]. See also [InputEventWithModifiers]. To get a human-readable representation of the [InputEventKey] with modifiers, use [code]OS.get_keycode_string(event.get_physical_keycode_with_modifiers())[/code] where [code]event[/code] is the [InputEventKey]. If [code]true[/code], the key was already pressed before this event. It means the user is holding the key down. The key keycode, which corresponds to one of the [enum KeyList] constants. Represent key in the current keyboard layout. To get a human-readable representation of the [InputEventKey], use [code]OS.get_keycode_string(event.keycode)[/code] where [code]event[/code] is the [InputEventKey]. Key physical keycode, which corresponds to one of the [enum KeyList] constants. Represent the physical location of a key on the 101/102-key US QWERTY keyboard. To get a human-readable representation of the [InputEventKey], use [code]OS.get_keycode_string(event.keycode)[/code] where [code]event[/code] is the [InputEventKey]. If [code]true[/code], the key's state is pressed. If [code]false[/code], the key's state is released. The key Unicode identifier (when relevant). Unicode identifiers for the composite characters and complex scripts may not be available unless IME input mode is active. See [method Window.set_ime_active] for more information.