Canvas drawing layer.
Canvas drawing layer. [CanvasItem] nodes that are direct or indirect children of a [CanvasLayer] will be drawn in that layer. The layer is a numeric index that defines the draw order. The default 2D scene renders with index 0, so a [CanvasLayer] with index -1 will be drawn below, and one with index 1 will be drawn above. This is very useful for HUDs (in layer 1+ or above), or backgrounds (in layer -1 or below).
Returns the RID of the canvas used by this layer.
The custom [Viewport] node assigned to the [CanvasLayer]. If [code]null[/code], uses the default viewport instead.
Layer index for draw order. Lower values are drawn first. Default value: [code]1[/code].
The layer's base offset.
The layer's rotation in radians.
The layer's rotation in degrees.
The layer's scale.
The layer's transform.