Blends linearly between three [AnimationNode] of any type placed in a 2D space. A resource to add to an [AnimationNodeBlendTree]. This node allows you to blend linearly between three animations using a [Vector2] weight. You can add vertices to the blend space with [method add_blend_point] and automatically triangulate it by setting [member auto_triangles] to [code]true[/code]. Otherwise, use [method add_triangle] and [method remove_triangle] to create up the blend space by hand. $DOCS_URL/tutorials/animation/animation_tree.html Adds a new point that represents a [param node] at the position set by [param pos]. You can insert it at a specific index using the [param at_index] argument. If you use the default value for [param at_index], the point is inserted at the end of the blend points array. Creates a new triangle using three points [param x], [param y], and [param z]. Triangles can overlap. You can insert the triangle at a specific index using the [param at_index] argument. If you use the default value for [param at_index], the point is inserted at the end of the blend points array. Returns the number of points in the blend space. Returns the [AnimationRootNode] referenced by the point at index [param point]. Returns the position of the point at index [param point]. Returns the number of triangles in the blend space. Returns the position of the point at index [param point] in the triangle of index [param triangle]. Removes the point at index [param point] from the blend space. Removes the triangle at index [param triangle] from the blend space. Changes the [AnimationNode] referenced by the point at index [param point]. Updates the position of the point at index [param point] on the blend axis. If [code]true[/code], the blend space is triangulated automatically. The mesh updates every time you add or remove points with [method add_blend_point] and [method remove_blend_point]. Controls the interpolation between animations. See [enum BlendMode] constants. The blend space's X and Y axes' upper limit for the points' position. See [method add_blend_point]. The blend space's X and Y axes' lower limit for the points' position. See [method add_blend_point]. Position increment to snap to when moving a point. If [code]false[/code], the blended animations' frame are stopped when the blend value is [code]0[/code]. If [code]true[/code], forcing the blended animations to advance frame. Name of the blend space's X axis. Name of the blend space's Y axis. Emitted every time the blend space's triangles are created, removed, or when one of their vertices changes position. The interpolation between animations is linear. The blend space plays the animation of the node the blending position is closest to. Useful for frame-by-frame 2D animations. Similar to [constant BLEND_MODE_DISCRETE], but starts the new animation at the last animation's playback position.