/*  variant_parser.cpp                                                   */
/*                       This file is part of:                           */
/*                           GODOT ENGINE                                */
/*                      https://godotengine.org                          */
/* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur.                 */
/* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md).   */
/*                                                                       */
/* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */
/* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the       */
/* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including   */
/* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,   */
/* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to    */
/* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */
/* the following conditions:                                             */
/*                                                                       */
/* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be        */
/* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.       */
/*                                                                       */

#include "variant_parser.h"

#include "core/input/input_event.h"
#include "core/io/resource_loader.h"
#include "core/os/keyboard.h"
#include "core/string/string_buffer.h"

char32_t VariantParser::StreamFile::get_char() {
	return f->get_8();

bool VariantParser::StreamFile::is_utf8() const {
	return true;

bool VariantParser::StreamFile::is_eof() const {
	return f->eof_reached();

char32_t VariantParser::StreamString::get_char() {
	if (pos > s.length()) {
		return 0;
	} else if (pos == s.length()) {
		// You need to try to read again when you have reached the end for EOF to be reported,
		// so this works the same as files (like StreamFile does)
		return 0;
	} else {
		return s[pos++];

bool VariantParser::StreamString::is_utf8() const {
	return false;

bool VariantParser::StreamString::is_eof() const {
	return pos > s.length();


const char *VariantParser::tk_name[TK_MAX] = {

static double stor_fix(const String &p_str) {
	if (p_str == "inf") {
		return INFINITY;
	} else if (p_str == "inf_neg") {
		return -INFINITY;
	} else if (p_str == "nan") {
		return NAN;
	return -1;

Error VariantParser::get_token(Stream *p_stream, Token &r_token, int &line, String &r_err_str) {
	bool string_name = false;

	while (true) {
		char32_t cchar;
		if (p_stream->saved) {
			cchar = p_stream->saved;
			p_stream->saved = 0;
		} else {
			cchar = p_stream->get_char();
			if (p_stream->is_eof()) {
				r_token.type = TK_EOF;
				return OK;

		switch (cchar) {
			case '\n': {
			case 0: {
				r_token.type = TK_EOF;
				return OK;
			} break;
			case '{': {
				r_token.type = TK_CURLY_BRACKET_OPEN;
				return OK;
			case '}': {
				r_token.type = TK_CURLY_BRACKET_CLOSE;
				return OK;
			case '[': {
				r_token.type = TK_BRACKET_OPEN;
				return OK;
			case ']': {
				r_token.type = TK_BRACKET_CLOSE;
				return OK;
			case '(': {
				r_token.type = TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN;
				return OK;
			case ')': {
				r_token.type = TK_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE;
				return OK;
			case ':': {
				r_token.type = TK_COLON;
				return OK;
			case ';': {
				while (true) {
					char32_t ch = p_stream->get_char();
					if (p_stream->is_eof()) {
						r_token.type = TK_EOF;
						return OK;
					if (ch == '\n') {

			case ',': {
				r_token.type = TK_COMMA;
				return OK;
			case '.': {
				r_token.type = TK_PERIOD;
				return OK;
			case '=': {
				r_token.type = TK_EQUAL;
				return OK;
			case '#': {
				StringBuffer<> color_str;
				color_str += '#';
				while (true) {
					char32_t ch = p_stream->get_char();
					if (p_stream->is_eof()) {
						r_token.type = TK_EOF;
						return OK;
					} else if ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F')) {
						color_str += ch;

					} else {
						p_stream->saved = ch;

				r_token.value = Color::html(color_str.as_string());
				r_token.type = TK_COLOR;
				return OK;
			case '@': // Compatibility with 3.x StringNames.
			case '&': { // StringName.
				cchar = p_stream->get_char();
				if (cchar != '"') {
					r_err_str = "Expected '\"' after '&'";
					r_token.type = TK_ERROR;
					return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

				string_name = true;
			case '"': {
				String str;
				while (true) {
					char32_t ch = p_stream->get_char();

					if (ch == 0) {
						r_err_str = "Unterminated String";
						r_token.type = TK_ERROR;
						return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
					} else if (ch == '"') {
					} else if (ch == '\\') {
						//escaped characters...
						char32_t next = p_stream->get_char();
						if (next == 0) {
							r_err_str = "Unterminated String";
							r_token.type = TK_ERROR;
							return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
						char32_t res = 0;

						switch (next) {
							case 'b':
								res = 8;
							case 't':
								res = 9;
							case 'n':
								res = 10;
							case 'f':
								res = 12;
							case 'r':
								res = 13;
							case 'u': {
								//hex number
								for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
									char32_t c = p_stream->get_char();
									if (c == 0) {
										r_err_str = "Unterminated String";
										r_token.type = TK_ERROR;
										return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
									if (!((c >= '0' && c <= '9') || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F'))) {
										r_err_str = "Malformed hex constant in string";
										r_token.type = TK_ERROR;
										return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
									char32_t v;
									if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
										v = c - '0';
									} else if (c >= 'a' && c <= 'f') {
										v = c - 'a';
										v += 10;
									} else if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'F') {
										v = c - 'A';
										v += 10;
									} else {
										ERR_PRINT("Bug parsing hex constant.");
										v = 0;

									res <<= 4;
									res |= v;

							} break;
							default: {
								res = next;
							} break;

						str += res;

					} else {
						if (ch == '\n') {
						str += ch;

				if (p_stream->is_utf8()) {
				if (string_name) {
					r_token.type = TK_STRING_NAME;
					r_token.value = StringName(str);
					string_name = false; //reset
				} else {
					r_token.type = TK_STRING;
					r_token.value = str;
				return OK;

			} break;
			default: {
				if (cchar <= 32) {

				if (cchar == '-' || (cchar >= '0' && cchar <= '9')) {
					//a number

					StringBuffer<> num;
#define READING_SIGN 0
#define READING_INT 1
#define READING_DEC 2
#define READING_EXP 3
#define READING_DONE 4
					int reading = READING_INT;

					if (cchar == '-') {
						num += '-';
						cchar = p_stream->get_char();

					char32_t c = cchar;
					bool exp_sign = false;
					bool exp_beg = false;
					bool is_float = false;

					while (true) {
						switch (reading) {
							case READING_INT: {
								if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
								} else if (c == '.') {
									reading = READING_DEC;
									is_float = true;
								} else if (c == 'e') {
									reading = READING_EXP;
									is_float = true;
								} else {
									reading = READING_DONE;

							} break;
							case READING_DEC: {
								if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
								} else if (c == 'e') {
									reading = READING_EXP;
								} else {
									reading = READING_DONE;

							} break;
							case READING_EXP: {
								if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') {
									exp_beg = true;

								} else if ((c == '-' || c == '+') && !exp_sign && !exp_beg) {
									exp_sign = true;

								} else {
									reading = READING_DONE;
							} break;

						if (reading == READING_DONE) {
						num += c;
						c = p_stream->get_char();

					p_stream->saved = c;

					r_token.type = TK_NUMBER;

					if (is_float) {
						r_token.value = num.as_double();
					} else {
						r_token.value = num.as_int();
					return OK;
				} else if ((cchar >= 'A' && cchar <= 'Z') || (cchar >= 'a' && cchar <= 'z') || cchar == '_') {
					StringBuffer<> id;
					bool first = true;

					while ((cchar >= 'A' && cchar <= 'Z') || (cchar >= 'a' && cchar <= 'z') || cchar == '_' || (!first && cchar >= '0' && cchar <= '9')) {
						id += cchar;
						cchar = p_stream->get_char();
						first = false;

					p_stream->saved = cchar;

					r_token.type = TK_IDENTIFIER;
					r_token.value = id.as_string();
					return OK;
				} else {
					r_err_str = "Unexpected character.";
					r_token.type = TK_ERROR;
					return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

	r_token.type = TK_ERROR;

Error VariantParser::_parse_enginecfg(Stream *p_stream, Vector<String> &strings, int &line, String &r_err_str) {
	Token token;
	get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
	if (token.type != TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
		r_err_str = "Expected '(' in old-style project.godot construct";

	String accum;

	while (true) {
		char32_t c = p_stream->get_char();

		if (p_stream->is_eof()) {
			r_err_str = "Unexpected EOF while parsing old-style project.godot construct";
			return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

		if (c == ',') {
			accum = String();
		} else if (c == ')') {
			return OK;
		} else if (c == '\n') {

template <class T>
Error VariantParser::_parse_construct(Stream *p_stream, Vector<T> &r_construct, int &line, String &r_err_str) {
	Token token;
	get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
	if (token.type != TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
		r_err_str = "Expected '(' in constructor";

	bool first = true;
	while (true) {
		if (!first) {
			get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
			if (token.type == TK_COMMA) {
				//do none
			} else if (token.type == TK_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE) {
			} else {
				r_err_str = "Expected ',' or ')' in constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
		get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);

		if (first && token.type == TK_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE) {
		} else if (token.type != TK_NUMBER) {
			bool valid = false;
			if (token.type == TK_IDENTIFIER) {
				double real = stor_fix(token.value);
				if (real != -1) {
					token.type = TK_NUMBER;
					token.value = real;
					valid = true;
			if (!valid) {
				r_err_str = "Expected float in constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

		first = false;

	return OK;

Error VariantParser::parse_value(Token &token, Variant &value, Stream *p_stream, int &line, String &r_err_str, ResourceParser *p_res_parser) {
	if (token.type == TK_CURLY_BRACKET_OPEN) {
		Dictionary d;
		Error err = _parse_dictionary(d, p_stream, line, r_err_str, p_res_parser);
		if (err) {
			return err;
		value = d;
		return OK;
	} else if (token.type == TK_BRACKET_OPEN) {
		Array a;
		Error err = _parse_array(a, p_stream, line, r_err_str, p_res_parser);
		if (err) {
			return err;
		value = a;
		return OK;
	} else if (token.type == TK_IDENTIFIER) {
		String id = token.value;
		if (id == "true") {
			value = true;
		} else if (id == "false") {
			value = false;
		} else if (id == "null" || id == "nil") {
			value = Variant();
		} else if (id == "inf") {
			value = INFINITY;
		} else if (id == "inf_neg") {
			value = -INFINITY;
		} else if (id == "nan") {
			value = NAN;
		} else if (id == "Vector2") {
			Vector<real_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<real_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			if (args.size() != 2) {
				r_err_str = "Expected 2 arguments for constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			value = Vector2(args[0], args[1]);
		} else if (id == "Vector2i") {
			Vector<int32_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<int32_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			if (args.size() != 2) {
				r_err_str = "Expected 2 arguments for constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			value = Vector2i(args[0], args[1]);
		} else if (id == "Rect2") {
			Vector<real_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<real_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			if (args.size() != 4) {
				r_err_str = "Expected 4 arguments for constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			value = Rect2(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
		} else if (id == "Rect2i") {
			Vector<int32_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<int32_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			if (args.size() != 4) {
				r_err_str = "Expected 4 arguments for constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			value = Rect2i(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
		} else if (id == "Vector3") {
			Vector<real_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<real_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			if (args.size() != 3) {
				r_err_str = "Expected 3 arguments for constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			value = Vector3(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
		} else if (id == "Vector3i") {
			Vector<int32_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<int32_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			if (args.size() != 3) {
				r_err_str = "Expected 3 arguments for constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			value = Vector3i(args[0], args[1], args[2]);
		} else if (id == "Transform2D" || id == "Matrix32") { //compatibility
			Vector<real_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<real_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			if (args.size() != 6) {
				r_err_str = "Expected 6 arguments for constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			Transform2D m;
			m[0] = Vector2(args[0], args[1]);
			m[1] = Vector2(args[2], args[3]);
			m[2] = Vector2(args[4], args[5]);
			value = m;
		} else if (id == "Plane") {
			Vector<real_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<real_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			if (args.size() != 4) {
				r_err_str = "Expected 4 arguments for constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			value = Plane(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
		} else if (id == "Quaternion" || id == "Quat") { // "Quat" kept for compatibility
			Vector<real_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<real_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			if (args.size() != 4) {
				r_err_str = "Expected 4 arguments for constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			value = Quaternion(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
		} else if (id == "AABB" || id == "Rect3") {
			Vector<real_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<real_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			if (args.size() != 6) {
				r_err_str = "Expected 6 arguments for constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			value = AABB(Vector3(args[0], args[1], args[2]), Vector3(args[3], args[4], args[5]));
		} else if (id == "Basis" || id == "Matrix3") { //compatibility
			Vector<real_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<real_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			if (args.size() != 9) {
				r_err_str = "Expected 9 arguments for constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			value = Basis(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8]);
		} else if (id == "Transform3D" || id == "Transform") { // "Transform" kept for compatibility with Godot <4.
			Vector<real_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<real_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			if (args.size() != 12) {
				r_err_str = "Expected 12 arguments for constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			value = Transform3D(Basis(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7], args[8]), Vector3(args[9], args[10], args[11]));
		} else if (id == "Color") {
			Vector<float> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<float>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			if (args.size() != 4) {
				r_err_str = "Expected 4 arguments for constructor";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			value = Color(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]);
		} else if (id == "NodePath") {
			get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
			if (token.type != TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
				r_err_str = "Expected '('";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
			if (token.type != TK_STRING) {
				r_err_str = "Expected string as argument for NodePath()";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			value = NodePath(String(token.value));

			get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
			if (token.type != TK_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE) {
				r_err_str = "Expected ')'";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
		} else if (id == "RID") {
			get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
			if (token.type != TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
				r_err_str = "Expected '('";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
			if (token.type != TK_NUMBER) {
				r_err_str = "Expected number as argument";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			value = token.value;

			get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
			if (token.type != TK_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE) {
				r_err_str = "Expected ')'";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
		} else if (id == "Object") {
			get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
			if (token.type != TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
				r_err_str = "Expected '('";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);

			if (token.type != TK_IDENTIFIER) {
				r_err_str = "Expected identifier with type of object";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			String type = token.value;

			Object *obj = ClassDB::instantiate(type);

			if (!obj) {
				r_err_str = "Can't instantiate Object() of type: " + type;
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			REF ref = REF(Object::cast_to<RefCounted>(obj));

			get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
			if (token.type != TK_COMMA) {
				r_err_str = "Expected ',' after object type";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			bool at_key = true;
			String key;
			Token token2;
			bool need_comma = false;

			while (true) {
				if (p_stream->is_eof()) {
					r_err_str = "Unexpected End of File while parsing Object()";
					return ERR_FILE_CORRUPT;

				if (at_key) {
					Error err = get_token(p_stream, token2, line, r_err_str);
					if (err != OK) {
						return err;

					if (token2.type == TK_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE) {
						value = ref.is_valid() ? Variant(ref) : Variant(obj);
						return OK;

					if (need_comma) {
						if (token2.type != TK_COMMA) {
							r_err_str = "Expected '}' or ','";
							return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
						} else {
							need_comma = false;

					if (token2.type != TK_STRING) {
						r_err_str = "Expected property name as string";
						return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

					key = token2.value;

					err = get_token(p_stream, token2, line, r_err_str);

					if (err != OK) {
						return err;
					if (token2.type != TK_COLON) {
						r_err_str = "Expected ':'";
						return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
					at_key = false;
				} else {
					Error err = get_token(p_stream, token2, line, r_err_str);
					if (err != OK) {
						return err;

					Variant v;
					err = parse_value(token2, v, p_stream, line, r_err_str, p_res_parser);
					if (err) {
						return err;
					obj->set(key, v);
					need_comma = true;
					at_key = true;
		} else if (id == "Resource" || id == "SubResource" || id == "ExtResource") {
			get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
			if (token.type != TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
				r_err_str = "Expected '('";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			if (p_res_parser && id == "Resource" && p_res_parser->func) {
				RES res;
				Error err = p_res_parser->func(p_res_parser->userdata, p_stream, res, line, r_err_str);
				if (err) {
					return err;

				value = res;
			} else if (p_res_parser && id == "ExtResource" && p_res_parser->ext_func) {
				RES res;
				Error err = p_res_parser->ext_func(p_res_parser->userdata, p_stream, res, line, r_err_str);
				if (err) {
					return err;

				value = res;
			} else if (p_res_parser && id == "SubResource" && p_res_parser->sub_func) {
				RES res;
				Error err = p_res_parser->sub_func(p_res_parser->userdata, p_stream, res, line, r_err_str);
				if (err) {
					return err;

				value = res;
			} else {
				get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
				if (token.type == TK_STRING) {
					String path = token.value;
					RES res = ResourceLoader::load(path);
					if (res.is_null()) {
						r_err_str = "Can't load resource at path: '" + path + "'.";
						return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

					get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
					if (token.type != TK_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE) {
						r_err_str = "Expected ')'";
						return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

					value = res;
				} else {
					r_err_str = "Expected string as argument for Resource().";
					return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
		} else if (id == "PackedByteArray" || id == "PoolByteArray" || id == "ByteArray") {
			Vector<uint8_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<uint8_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			Vector<uint8_t> arr;
				int len = args.size();
				uint8_t *w = arr.ptrw();
				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					w[i] = args[i];

			value = arr;
		} else if (id == "PackedInt32Array" || id == "PackedIntArray" || id == "PoolIntArray" || id == "IntArray") {
			Vector<int32_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<int32_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			Vector<int32_t> arr;
				int32_t len = args.size();
				int32_t *w = arr.ptrw();
				for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					w[i] = int32_t(args[i]);

			value = arr;
		} else if (id == "PackedInt64Array") {
			Vector<int64_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<int64_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			Vector<int64_t> arr;
				int64_t len = args.size();
				int64_t *w = arr.ptrw();
				for (int64_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					w[i] = int64_t(args[i]);

			value = arr;
		} else if (id == "PackedFloat32Array" || id == "PackedRealArray" || id == "PoolRealArray" || id == "FloatArray") {
			Vector<float> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<float>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			Vector<float> arr;
				int len = args.size();
				float *w = arr.ptrw();
				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					w[i] = args[i];

			value = arr;
		} else if (id == "PackedFloat64Array") {
			Vector<double> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<double>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			Vector<double> arr;
				int len = args.size();
				double *w = arr.ptrw();
				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					w[i] = args[i];

			value = arr;
		} else if (id == "PackedStringArray" || id == "PoolStringArray" || id == "StringArray") {
			get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
			if (token.type != TK_PARENTHESIS_OPEN) {
				r_err_str = "Expected '('";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

			Vector<String> cs;

			bool first = true;
			while (true) {
				if (!first) {
					get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
					if (token.type == TK_COMMA) {
						//do none
					} else if (token.type == TK_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE) {
					} else {
						r_err_str = "Expected ',' or ')'";
						return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
				get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);

				if (token.type == TK_PARENTHESIS_CLOSE) {
				} else if (token.type != TK_STRING) {
					r_err_str = "Expected string";
					return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

				first = false;

			Vector<String> arr;
				int len = cs.size();
				String *w = arr.ptrw();
				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					w[i] = cs[i];

			value = arr;
		} else if (id == "PackedVector2Array" || id == "PoolVector2Array" || id == "Vector2Array") {
			Vector<real_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<real_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			Vector<Vector2> arr;
				int len = args.size() / 2;
				Vector2 *w = arr.ptrw();
				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					w[i] = Vector2(args[i * 2 + 0], args[i * 2 + 1]);

			value = arr;
		} else if (id == "PackedVector3Array" || id == "PoolVector3Array" || id == "Vector3Array") {
			Vector<real_t> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<real_t>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			Vector<Vector3> arr;
				int len = args.size() / 3;
				Vector3 *w = arr.ptrw();
				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					w[i] = Vector3(args[i * 3 + 0], args[i * 3 + 1], args[i * 3 + 2]);

			value = arr;
		} else if (id == "PackedColorArray" || id == "PoolColorArray" || id == "ColorArray") {
			Vector<float> args;
			Error err = _parse_construct<float>(p_stream, args, line, r_err_str);
			if (err) {
				return err;

			Vector<Color> arr;
				int len = args.size() / 4;
				Color *w = arr.ptrw();
				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					w[i] = Color(args[i * 4 + 0], args[i * 4 + 1], args[i * 4 + 2], args[i * 4 + 3]);

			value = arr;
		} else {
			r_err_str = "Unexpected identifier: '" + id + "'.";
			return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

		// All above branches end up here unless they had an early return.
		return OK;
	} else if (token.type == TK_NUMBER) {
		value = token.value;
		return OK;
	} else if (token.type == TK_STRING) {
		value = token.value;
		return OK;
	} else if (token.type == TK_STRING_NAME) {
		value = token.value;
		return OK;
	} else if (token.type == TK_COLOR) {
		value = token.value;
		return OK;
	} else {
		r_err_str = "Expected value, got " + String(tk_name[token.type]) + ".";

Error VariantParser::_parse_array(Array &array, Stream *p_stream, int &line, String &r_err_str, ResourceParser *p_res_parser) {
	Token token;
	bool need_comma = false;

	while (true) {
		if (p_stream->is_eof()) {
			r_err_str = "Unexpected End of File while parsing array";

		Error err = get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
		if (err != OK) {
			return err;

		if (token.type == TK_BRACKET_CLOSE) {
			return OK;

		if (need_comma) {
			if (token.type != TK_COMMA) {
				r_err_str = "Expected ','";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
			} else {
				need_comma = false;

		Variant v;
		err = parse_value(token, v, p_stream, line, r_err_str, p_res_parser);
		if (err) {
			return err;

		need_comma = true;

Error VariantParser::_parse_dictionary(Dictionary &object, Stream *p_stream, int &line, String &r_err_str, ResourceParser *p_res_parser) {
	bool at_key = true;
	Variant key;
	Token token;
	bool need_comma = false;

	while (true) {
		if (p_stream->is_eof()) {
			r_err_str = "Unexpected End of File while parsing dictionary";

		if (at_key) {
			Error err = get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
			if (err != OK) {
				return err;

			if (token.type == TK_CURLY_BRACKET_CLOSE) {
				return OK;

			if (need_comma) {
				if (token.type != TK_COMMA) {
					r_err_str = "Expected '}' or ','";
					return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
				} else {
					need_comma = false;

			err = parse_value(token, key, p_stream, line, r_err_str, p_res_parser);

			if (err) {
				return err;

			err = get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);

			if (err != OK) {
				return err;
			if (token.type != TK_COLON) {
				r_err_str = "Expected ':'";
				return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
			at_key = false;
		} else {
			Error err = get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
			if (err != OK) {
				return err;

			Variant v;
			err = parse_value(token, v, p_stream, line, r_err_str, p_res_parser);
			if (err) {
				return err;
			object[key] = v;
			need_comma = true;
			at_key = true;

Error VariantParser::_parse_tag(Token &token, Stream *p_stream, int &line, String &r_err_str, Tag &r_tag, ResourceParser *p_res_parser, bool p_simple_tag) {

	if (token.type != TK_BRACKET_OPEN) {
		r_err_str = "Expected '['";

	if (p_simple_tag) {
		r_tag.name = "";

		if (p_stream->is_utf8()) {
			CharString cs;
			while (true) {
				char c = p_stream->get_char();
				if (p_stream->is_eof()) {
					r_err_str = "Unexpected EOF while parsing simple tag";
					return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
				if (c == ']') {
				cs += c;
			r_tag.name.parse_utf8(cs.get_data(), cs.length());
		} else {
			while (true) {
				char32_t c = p_stream->get_char();
				if (p_stream->is_eof()) {
					r_err_str = "Unexpected EOF while parsing simple tag";
					return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;
				if (c == ']') {
				r_tag.name += String::chr(c);

		r_tag.name = r_tag.name.strip_edges();

		return OK;

	get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);

	if (token.type != TK_IDENTIFIER) {
		r_err_str = "Expected identifier (tag name)";

	r_tag.name = token.value;
	bool parsing_tag = true;

	while (true) {
		if (p_stream->is_eof()) {
			r_err_str = "Unexpected End of File while parsing tag: " + r_tag.name;

		get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
		if (token.type == TK_BRACKET_CLOSE) {

		if (parsing_tag && token.type == TK_PERIOD) {
			r_tag.name += "."; //support tags such as [someprop.Android] for specific platforms
			get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
		} else if (parsing_tag && token.type == TK_COLON) {
			r_tag.name += ":"; //support tags such as [someprop.Android] for specific platforms
			get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
		} else {
			parsing_tag = false;

		if (token.type != TK_IDENTIFIER) {
			r_err_str = "Expected Identifier";
			return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

		String id = token.value;

		if (parsing_tag) {
			r_tag.name += id;

		get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
		if (token.type != TK_EQUAL) {
			return ERR_PARSE_ERROR;

		get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
		Variant value;
		Error err = parse_value(token, value, p_stream, line, r_err_str, p_res_parser);
		if (err) {
			return err;

		r_tag.fields[id] = value;

	return OK;

Error VariantParser::parse_tag(Stream *p_stream, int &line, String &r_err_str, Tag &r_tag, ResourceParser *p_res_parser, bool p_simple_tag) {
	Token token;
	get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);

	if (token.type == TK_EOF) {
		return ERR_FILE_EOF;

	if (token.type != TK_BRACKET_OPEN) {
		r_err_str = "Expected '['";

	return _parse_tag(token, p_stream, line, r_err_str, r_tag, p_res_parser, p_simple_tag);

Error VariantParser::parse_tag_assign_eof(Stream *p_stream, int &line, String &r_err_str, Tag &r_tag, String &r_assign, Variant &r_value, ResourceParser *p_res_parser, bool p_simple_tag) {
	r_assign = "";
	String what;

	while (true) {
		char32_t c;
		if (p_stream->saved) {
			c = p_stream->saved;
			p_stream->saved = 0;

		} else {
			c = p_stream->get_char();

		if (p_stream->is_eof()) {
			return ERR_FILE_EOF;

		if (c == ';') { //comment
			while (true) {
				char32_t ch = p_stream->get_char();
				if (p_stream->is_eof()) {
					return ERR_FILE_EOF;
				if (ch == '\n') {

		if (c == '[' && what.length() == 0) {
			//it's a tag!
			p_stream->saved = '['; //go back one

			Error err = parse_tag(p_stream, line, r_err_str, r_tag, p_res_parser, p_simple_tag);

			return err;

		if (c > 32) {
			if (c == '"') { //quoted
				p_stream->saved = '"';
				Token tk;
				Error err = get_token(p_stream, tk, line, r_err_str);
				if (err) {
					return err;
				if (tk.type != TK_STRING) {
					r_err_str = "Error reading quoted string";
					return ERR_INVALID_DATA;

				what = tk.value;

			} else if (c != '=') {
				what += String::chr(c);
			} else {
				r_assign = what;
				Token token;
				get_token(p_stream, token, line, r_err_str);
				Error err = parse_value(token, r_value, p_stream, line, r_err_str, p_res_parser);
				return err;
		} else if (c == '\n') {

Error VariantParser::parse(Stream *p_stream, Variant &r_ret, String &r_err_str, int &r_err_line, ResourceParser *p_res_parser) {
	Token token;
	Error err = get_token(p_stream, token, r_err_line, r_err_str);
	if (err) {
		return err;

	if (token.type == TK_EOF) {
		return ERR_FILE_EOF;

	return parse_value(token, r_ret, p_stream, r_err_line, r_err_str, p_res_parser);


static String rtos_fix(double p_value) {
	if (p_value == 0.0) {
		return "0"; //avoid negative zero (-0) being written, which may annoy git, svn, etc. for changes when they don't exist.
	} else if (isnan(p_value)) {
		return "nan";
	} else if (isinf(p_value)) {
		if (p_value > 0) {
			return "inf";
		} else {
			return "inf_neg";
	} else {
		return rtoss(p_value);

Error VariantWriter::write(const Variant &p_variant, StoreStringFunc p_store_string_func, void *p_store_string_ud, EncodeResourceFunc p_encode_res_func, void *p_encode_res_ud, int recursion_count) {
	switch (p_variant.get_type()) {
		case Variant::NIL: {
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "null");
		} break;
		case Variant::BOOL: {
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, p_variant.operator bool() ? "true" : "false");
		} break;
		case Variant::INT: {
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, itos(p_variant.operator int64_t()));
		} break;
		case Variant::FLOAT: {
			String s = rtos_fix(p_variant.operator double());
			if (s != "inf" && s != "inf_neg" && s != "nan") {
				if (s.find(".") == -1 && s.find("e") == -1) {
					s += ".0";
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, s);
		} break;
		case Variant::STRING: {
			String str = p_variant;

			str = "\"" + str.c_escape_multiline() + "\"";
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, str);
		} break;
		case Variant::VECTOR2: {
			Vector2 v = p_variant;
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "Vector2(" + rtos_fix(v.x) + ", " + rtos_fix(v.y) + ")");
		} break;
		case Variant::VECTOR2I: {
			Vector2i v = p_variant;
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "Vector2i(" + itos(v.x) + ", " + itos(v.y) + ")");
		} break;
		case Variant::RECT2: {
			Rect2 aabb = p_variant;
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "Rect2(" + rtos_fix(aabb.position.x) + ", " + rtos_fix(aabb.position.y) + ", " + rtos_fix(aabb.size.x) + ", " + rtos_fix(aabb.size.y) + ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::RECT2I: {
			Rect2i aabb = p_variant;
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "Rect2i(" + itos(aabb.position.x) + ", " + itos(aabb.position.y) + ", " + itos(aabb.size.x) + ", " + itos(aabb.size.y) + ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::VECTOR3: {
			Vector3 v = p_variant;
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "Vector3(" + rtos_fix(v.x) + ", " + rtos_fix(v.y) + ", " + rtos_fix(v.z) + ")");
		} break;
		case Variant::VECTOR3I: {
			Vector3i v = p_variant;
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "Vector3i(" + itos(v.x) + ", " + itos(v.y) + ", " + itos(v.z) + ")");
		} break;
		case Variant::PLANE: {
			Plane p = p_variant;
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "Plane(" + rtos_fix(p.normal.x) + ", " + rtos_fix(p.normal.y) + ", " + rtos_fix(p.normal.z) + ", " + rtos_fix(p.d) + ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::AABB: {
			AABB aabb = p_variant;
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "AABB(" + rtos_fix(aabb.position.x) + ", " + rtos_fix(aabb.position.y) + ", " + rtos_fix(aabb.position.z) + ", " + rtos_fix(aabb.size.x) + ", " + rtos_fix(aabb.size.y) + ", " + rtos_fix(aabb.size.z) + ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::QUATERNION: {
			Quaternion quaternion = p_variant;
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "Quaternion(" + rtos_fix(quaternion.x) + ", " + rtos_fix(quaternion.y) + ", " + rtos_fix(quaternion.z) + ", " + rtos_fix(quaternion.w) + ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::TRANSFORM2D: {
			String s = "Transform2D(";
			Transform2D m3 = p_variant;
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
					if (i != 0 || j != 0) {
						s += ", ";
					s += rtos_fix(m3.elements[i][j]);

			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, s + ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::BASIS: {
			String s = "Basis(";
			Basis m3 = p_variant;
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
					if (i != 0 || j != 0) {
						s += ", ";
					s += rtos_fix(m3.elements[i][j]);

			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, s + ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::TRANSFORM3D: {
			String s = "Transform3D(";
			Transform3D t = p_variant;
			Basis &m3 = t.basis;
			for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
				for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
					if (i != 0 || j != 0) {
						s += ", ";
					s += rtos_fix(m3.elements[i][j]);

			s = s + ", " + rtos_fix(t.origin.x) + ", " + rtos_fix(t.origin.y) + ", " + rtos_fix(t.origin.z);

			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, s + ")");
		} break;

		// misc types
		case Variant::COLOR: {
			Color c = p_variant;
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "Color(" + rtos_fix(c.r) + ", " + rtos_fix(c.g) + ", " + rtos_fix(c.b) + ", " + rtos_fix(c.a) + ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::STRING_NAME: {
			String str = p_variant;

			str = "&\"" + str.c_escape() + "\"";
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, str);

		} break;
		case Variant::NODE_PATH: {
			String str = p_variant;

			str = "NodePath(\"" + str.c_escape() + "\")";
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, str);

		} break;

		case Variant::OBJECT: {
			Object *obj = p_variant;

			if (!obj) {
				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "null");
				break; // don't save it

			RES res = p_variant;
			if (res.is_valid()) {
				//is resource
				String res_text;

				//try external function
				if (p_encode_res_func) {
					res_text = p_encode_res_func(p_encode_res_ud, res);

				//try path because it's a file
				if (res_text.is_empty() && res->get_path().is_resource_file()) {
					//external resource
					String path = res->get_path();
					res_text = "Resource(\"" + path + "\")";

				//could come up with some sort of text
				if (!res_text.is_empty()) {
					p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, res_text);

			//store as generic object

			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "Object(" + obj->get_class() + ",");

			List<PropertyInfo> props;
			bool first = true;
			for (const PropertyInfo &E : props) {
					//must be serialized

					if (first) {
						first = false;
					} else {
						p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ",");

					p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "\"" + E.name + "\":");
					write(obj->get(E.name), p_store_string_func, p_store_string_ud, p_encode_res_func, p_encode_res_ud);

			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ")\n");

		} break;

		case Variant::DICTIONARY: {
			Dictionary dict = p_variant;
			if (recursion_count > MAX_RECURSION) {
				ERR_PRINT("Max recursion reached");
				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "{}");
			} else {

				List<Variant> keys;

				if (keys.is_empty()) { // Avoid unnecessary line break.
					p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "{}");

				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "{\n");
				for (List<Variant>::Element *E = keys.front(); E; E = E->next()) {
					write(E->get(), p_store_string_func, p_store_string_ud, p_encode_res_func, p_encode_res_ud, recursion_count);
					p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ": ");
					write(dict[E->get()], p_store_string_func, p_store_string_ud, p_encode_res_func, p_encode_res_ud, recursion_count);
					if (E->next()) {
						p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ",\n");
					} else {
						p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "\n");

				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "}");

		} break;

		case Variant::ARRAY: {
			if (recursion_count > MAX_RECURSION) {
				ERR_PRINT("Max recursion reached");
				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "[]");
			} else {

				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "[");
				Array array = p_variant;
				int len = array.size();
				for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
					if (i > 0) {
						p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ", ");
					write(array[i], p_store_string_func, p_store_string_ud, p_encode_res_func, p_encode_res_ud, recursion_count);

				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "]");

		} break;

		case Variant::PACKED_BYTE_ARRAY: {
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "PackedByteArray(");
			String s;
			Vector<uint8_t> data = p_variant;
			int len = data.size();
			const uint8_t *ptr = data.ptr();

			for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (i > 0) {
					p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ", ");

				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, itos(ptr[i]));

			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::PACKED_INT32_ARRAY: {
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "PackedInt32Array(");
			Vector<int32_t> data = p_variant;
			int32_t len = data.size();
			const int32_t *ptr = data.ptr();

			for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (i > 0) {
					p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ", ");

				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, itos(ptr[i]));

			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::PACKED_INT64_ARRAY: {
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "PackedInt64Array(");
			Vector<int64_t> data = p_variant;
			int64_t len = data.size();
			const int64_t *ptr = data.ptr();

			for (int64_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (i > 0) {
					p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ", ");

				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, itos(ptr[i]));

			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT32_ARRAY: {
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "PackedFloat32Array(");
			Vector<float> data = p_variant;
			int len = data.size();
			const float *ptr = data.ptr();

			for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (i > 0) {
					p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ", ");
				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, rtos_fix(ptr[i]));

			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::PACKED_FLOAT64_ARRAY: {
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "PackedFloat64Array(");
			Vector<double> data = p_variant;
			int len = data.size();
			const double *ptr = data.ptr();

			for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (i > 0) {
					p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ", ");
				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, rtos_fix(ptr[i]));

			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::PACKED_STRING_ARRAY: {
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "PackedStringArray(");
			Vector<String> data = p_variant;
			int len = data.size();
			const String *ptr = data.ptr();

			String s;

			for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (i > 0) {
					p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ", ");
				String str = ptr[i];
				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "\"" + str.c_escape() + "\"");

			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR2_ARRAY: {
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "PackedVector2Array(");
			Vector<Vector2> data = p_variant;
			int len = data.size();
			const Vector2 *ptr = data.ptr();

			for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (i > 0) {
					p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ", ");
				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, rtos_fix(ptr[i].x) + ", " + rtos_fix(ptr[i].y));

			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::PACKED_VECTOR3_ARRAY: {
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "PackedVector3Array(");
			Vector<Vector3> data = p_variant;
			int len = data.size();
			const Vector3 *ptr = data.ptr();

			for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (i > 0) {
					p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ", ");
				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, rtos_fix(ptr[i].x) + ", " + rtos_fix(ptr[i].y) + ", " + rtos_fix(ptr[i].z));

			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ")");

		} break;
		case Variant::PACKED_COLOR_ARRAY: {
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, "PackedColorArray(");
			Vector<Color> data = p_variant;
			int len = data.size();
			const Color *ptr = data.ptr();

			for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
				if (i > 0) {
					p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ", ");

				p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, rtos_fix(ptr[i].r) + ", " + rtos_fix(ptr[i].g) + ", " + rtos_fix(ptr[i].b) + ", " + rtos_fix(ptr[i].a));
			p_store_string_func(p_store_string_ud, ")");

		} break;
		default: {

	return OK;

static Error _write_to_str(void *ud, const String &p_string) {
	String *str = (String *)ud;
	(*str) += p_string;
	return OK;

Error VariantWriter::write_to_string(const Variant &p_variant, String &r_string, EncodeResourceFunc p_encode_res_func, void *p_encode_res_ud) {
	r_string = String();

	return write(p_variant, _write_to_str, &r_string, p_encode_res_func, p_encode_res_ud);