/*************************************************************************/ /* os.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef OS_H #define OS_H #include "core/config/engine.h" #include "core/io/image.h" #include "core/io/logger.h" #include "core/string/ustring.h" #include "core/templates/list.h" #include "core/templates/vector.h" #include <stdarg.h> #include <stdlib.h> class OS { static OS *singleton; static uint64_t target_ticks; String _execpath; List<String> _cmdline; bool _keep_screen_on = true; // set default value to true, because this had been true before godot 2.0. bool low_processor_usage_mode = false; int low_processor_usage_mode_sleep_usec = 10000; bool _verbose_stdout = false; bool _debug_stdout = false; bool _single_window = false; String _local_clipboard; int _exit_code = EXIT_FAILURE; // unexpected exit is marked as failure int _orientation; bool _allow_hidpi = false; bool _allow_layered = false; bool _stdout_enabled = true; bool _stderr_enabled = true; char *last_error; CompositeLogger *_logger = nullptr; bool restart_on_exit = false; List<String> restart_commandline; // for the user interface we keep a record of the current display driver // so we can retrieve the rendering drivers available int _display_driver_id = -1; String _current_rendering_driver_name = ""; protected: void _set_logger(CompositeLogger *p_logger); public: typedef void (*ImeCallback)(void *p_inp, String p_text, Point2 p_selection); typedef bool (*HasServerFeatureCallback)(const String &p_feature); enum RenderThreadMode { RENDER_THREAD_UNSAFE, RENDER_THREAD_SAFE, RENDER_SEPARATE_THREAD }; enum RenderMainThreadMode { RENDER_MAIN_THREAD_ONLY, RENDER_ANY_THREAD, }; protected: friend class Main; // Needed by tests to setup command-line args. friend int test_main(int argc, char *argv[]); HasServerFeatureCallback has_server_feature_callback = nullptr; RenderThreadMode _render_thread_mode = RENDER_THREAD_SAFE; RenderMainThreadMode _render_main_thread_mode = RENDER_ANY_THREAD; // Functions used by Main to initialize/deinitialize the OS. void add_logger(Logger *p_logger); virtual void initialize() = 0; virtual void initialize_joypads() = 0; void set_current_rendering_driver_name(String p_driver_name) { _current_rendering_driver_name = p_driver_name; } void set_display_driver_id(int p_display_driver_id) { _display_driver_id = p_display_driver_id; } virtual void set_main_loop(MainLoop *p_main_loop) = 0; virtual void delete_main_loop() = 0; virtual void finalize() = 0; virtual void finalize_core() = 0; virtual void set_cmdline(const char *p_execpath, const List<String> &p_args); virtual bool _check_internal_feature_support(const String &p_feature) = 0; public: typedef int64_t ProcessID; static OS *get_singleton(); String get_current_rendering_driver_name() const { return _current_rendering_driver_name; } int get_display_driver_id() const { return _display_driver_id; } void print_error(const char *p_function, const char *p_file, int p_line, const char *p_code, const char *p_rationale, bool p_editor_notify = false, Logger::ErrorType p_type = Logger::ERR_ERROR); void print(const char *p_format, ...) _PRINTF_FORMAT_ATTRIBUTE_2_3; void printerr(const char *p_format, ...) _PRINTF_FORMAT_ATTRIBUTE_2_3; virtual String get_stdin_string(bool p_block = true) = 0; virtual Error get_entropy(uint8_t *r_buffer, int p_bytes) = 0; // Should return cryptographically-safe random bytes. virtual PackedStringArray get_connected_midi_inputs(); virtual void open_midi_inputs(); virtual void close_midi_inputs(); virtual void alert(const String &p_alert, const String &p_title = "ALERT!"); virtual Error open_dynamic_library(const String p_path, void *&p_library_handle, bool p_also_set_library_path = false) { return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } virtual Error close_dynamic_library(void *p_library_handle) { return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } virtual Error get_dynamic_library_symbol_handle(void *p_library_handle, const String p_name, void *&p_symbol_handle, bool p_optional = false) { return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } virtual void set_low_processor_usage_mode(bool p_enabled); virtual bool is_in_low_processor_usage_mode() const; virtual void set_low_processor_usage_mode_sleep_usec(int p_usec); virtual int get_low_processor_usage_mode_sleep_usec() const; virtual String get_executable_path() const; virtual Error execute(const String &p_path, const List<String> &p_arguments, String *r_pipe = nullptr, int *r_exitcode = nullptr, bool read_stderr = false, Mutex *p_pipe_mutex = nullptr, bool p_open_console = false) = 0; virtual Error create_process(const String &p_path, const List<String> &p_arguments, ProcessID *r_child_id = nullptr, bool p_open_console = false) = 0; virtual Error create_instance(const List<String> &p_arguments, ProcessID *r_child_id = nullptr) { return create_process(get_executable_path(), p_arguments, r_child_id); }; virtual Error kill(const ProcessID &p_pid) = 0; virtual int get_process_id() const; virtual void vibrate_handheld(int p_duration_ms = 500); virtual Error shell_open(String p_uri); virtual Error set_cwd(const String &p_cwd); virtual bool has_environment(const String &p_var) const = 0; virtual String get_environment(const String &p_var) const = 0; virtual bool set_environment(const String &p_var, const String &p_value) const = 0; virtual String get_name() const = 0; virtual List<String> get_cmdline_args() const { return _cmdline; } virtual String get_model_name() const; bool is_layered_allowed() const { return _allow_layered; } bool is_hidpi_allowed() const { return _allow_hidpi; } void ensure_user_data_dir(); virtual MainLoop *get_main_loop() const = 0; virtual void yield(); enum Weekday : uint8_t { WEEKDAY_SUNDAY, WEEKDAY_MONDAY, WEEKDAY_TUESDAY, WEEKDAY_WEDNESDAY, WEEKDAY_THURSDAY, WEEKDAY_FRIDAY, WEEKDAY_SATURDAY, }; enum Month : uint8_t { /// Start at 1 to follow Windows SYSTEMTIME structure /// https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ms724950(v=vs.85).aspx MONTH_JANUARY = 1, MONTH_FEBRUARY, MONTH_MARCH, MONTH_APRIL, MONTH_MAY, MONTH_JUNE, MONTH_JULY, MONTH_AUGUST, MONTH_SEPTEMBER, MONTH_OCTOBER, MONTH_NOVEMBER, MONTH_DECEMBER, }; struct Date { int64_t year; Month month; uint8_t day; Weekday weekday; bool dst; }; struct Time { uint8_t hour; uint8_t minute; uint8_t second; }; struct TimeZoneInfo { int bias; String name; }; virtual Date get_date(bool p_utc = false) const = 0; virtual Time get_time(bool p_utc = false) const = 0; virtual TimeZoneInfo get_time_zone_info() const = 0; virtual double get_unix_time() const; virtual void delay_usec(uint32_t p_usec) const = 0; virtual void add_frame_delay(bool p_can_draw); virtual uint64_t get_ticks_usec() const = 0; uint64_t get_ticks_msec() const; virtual bool is_userfs_persistent() const { return true; } bool is_stdout_verbose() const; bool is_stdout_debug_enabled() const; bool is_stdout_enabled() const; bool is_stderr_enabled() const; void set_stdout_enabled(bool p_enabled); void set_stderr_enabled(bool p_enabled); virtual bool is_single_window() const; virtual void disable_crash_handler() {} virtual bool is_disable_crash_handler() const { return false; } virtual void initialize_debugging() {} virtual void dump_memory_to_file(const char *p_file); virtual void dump_resources_to_file(const char *p_file); virtual void print_resources_in_use(bool p_short = false); virtual void print_all_resources(String p_to_file = ""); virtual uint64_t get_static_memory_usage() const; virtual uint64_t get_static_memory_peak_usage() const; virtual uint64_t get_free_static_memory() const; RenderThreadMode get_render_thread_mode() const { return _render_thread_mode; } RenderMainThreadMode get_render_main_thread_mode() const { return _render_main_thread_mode; } void set_render_main_thread_mode(RenderMainThreadMode p_thread_mode) { _render_main_thread_mode = p_thread_mode; } virtual String get_locale() const; String get_locale_language() const; String get_safe_dir_name(const String &p_dir_name, bool p_allow_dir_separator = false) const; virtual String get_godot_dir_name() const; virtual String get_data_path() const; virtual String get_config_path() const; virtual String get_cache_path() const; virtual String get_bundle_resource_dir() const; virtual String get_bundle_icon_path() const; virtual String get_user_data_dir() const; virtual String get_resource_dir() const; enum SystemDir { SYSTEM_DIR_DESKTOP, SYSTEM_DIR_DCIM, SYSTEM_DIR_DOCUMENTS, SYSTEM_DIR_DOWNLOADS, SYSTEM_DIR_MOVIES, SYSTEM_DIR_MUSIC, SYSTEM_DIR_PICTURES, SYSTEM_DIR_RINGTONES, }; virtual String get_system_dir(SystemDir p_dir, bool p_shared_storage = true) const; virtual Error move_to_trash(const String &p_path) { return FAILED; } virtual void debug_break(); virtual int get_exit_code() const; // `set_exit_code` should only be used from `SceneTree` (or from a similar // level, e.g. from the `Main::start` if leaving without creating a `SceneTree`). // For other components, `SceneTree.quit()` should be used instead. virtual void set_exit_code(int p_code); virtual int get_processor_count() const; virtual String get_processor_name() const; virtual int get_default_thread_pool_size() const { return get_processor_count(); } virtual String get_unique_id() const; virtual bool can_use_threads() const; bool has_feature(const String &p_feature); void set_has_server_feature_callback(HasServerFeatureCallback p_callback); void set_restart_on_exit(bool p_restart, const List<String> &p_restart_arguments); bool is_restart_on_exit_set() const; List<String> get_restart_on_exit_arguments() const; virtual bool request_permission(const String &p_name) { return true; } virtual bool request_permissions() { return true; } virtual Vector<String> get_granted_permissions() const { return Vector<String>(); } virtual void process_and_drop_events() {} OS(); virtual ~OS(); }; #endif // OS_H