/*************************************************************************/ /* script_language_extension.h */ /*************************************************************************/ /* This file is part of: */ /* GODOT ENGINE */ /* https://godotengine.org */ /*************************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2007-2022 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur. */ /* Copyright (c) 2014-2022 Godot Engine contributors (cf. AUTHORS.md). */ /* */ /* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining */ /* a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the */ /* "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including */ /* without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, */ /* distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to */ /* permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to */ /* the following conditions: */ /* */ /* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be */ /* included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. */ /* */ /* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, */ /* EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT.*/ /* IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY */ /* CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, */ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ #ifndef SCRIPT_LANGUAGE_EXTENSION_H #define SCRIPT_LANGUAGE_EXTENSION_H #include "core/extension/ext_wrappers.gen.inc" #include "core/object/gdvirtual.gen.inc" #include "core/object/script_language.h" #include "core/variant/native_ptr.h" #include "core/variant/typed_array.h" class ScriptExtension : public Script { GDCLASS(ScriptExtension, Script) protected: EXBIND0R(bool, editor_can_reload_from_file) GDVIRTUAL1(_placeholder_erased, GDNativePtr<void>) virtual void _placeholder_erased(PlaceHolderScriptInstance *p_placeholder) override { GDVIRTUAL_CALL(_placeholder_erased, p_placeholder); } static void _bind_methods(); public: EXBIND0RC(bool, can_instantiate) EXBIND0RC(Ref<Script>, get_base_script) EXBIND1RC(bool, inherits_script, const Ref<Script> &) EXBIND0RC(StringName, get_instance_base_type) GDVIRTUAL1RC(GDNativePtr<void>, _instance_create, Object *) virtual ScriptInstance *instance_create(Object *p_this) override { GDNativePtr<void> ret = nullptr; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_instance_create, p_this, ret); return reinterpret_cast<ScriptInstance *>(ret.operator void *()); } GDVIRTUAL1RC(GDNativePtr<void>, _placeholder_instance_create, Object *) PlaceHolderScriptInstance *placeholder_instance_create(Object *p_this) override { GDNativePtr<void> ret = nullptr; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_placeholder_instance_create, p_this, ret); return reinterpret_cast<PlaceHolderScriptInstance *>(ret.operator void *()); } EXBIND1RC(bool, instance_has, const Object *) EXBIND0RC(bool, has_source_code) EXBIND0RC(String, get_source_code) EXBIND1(set_source_code, const String &) EXBIND1R(Error, reload, bool) GDVIRTUAL0RC(TypedArray<Dictionary>, _get_documentation) #ifdef TOOLS_ENABLED virtual Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> get_documentation() const override { TypedArray<Dictionary> doc; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_documentation, doc); Vector<DocData::ClassDoc> class_doc; #ifndef _MSC_VER #warning missing conversion from documentation to ClassDoc #endif return class_doc; } #endif // TOOLS_ENABLED EXBIND1RC(bool, has_method, const StringName &) GDVIRTUAL1RC(Dictionary, _get_method_info, const StringName &) virtual MethodInfo get_method_info(const StringName &p_method) const override { Dictionary mi; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_method_info, p_method, mi); return MethodInfo::from_dict(mi); } EXBIND0RC(bool, is_tool) EXBIND0RC(bool, is_valid) EXBIND0RC(ScriptLanguage *, get_language) EXBIND1RC(bool, has_script_signal, const StringName &) GDVIRTUAL0RC(TypedArray<Dictionary>, _get_script_signal_list) virtual void get_script_signal_list(List<MethodInfo> *r_signals) const override { TypedArray<Dictionary> sl; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_script_signal_list, sl); for (int i = 0; i < sl.size(); i++) { r_signals->push_back(MethodInfo::from_dict(sl[i])); } } GDVIRTUAL1RC(bool, _has_property_default_value, const StringName &) GDVIRTUAL1RC(Variant, _get_property_default_value, const StringName &) virtual bool get_property_default_value(const StringName &p_property, Variant &r_value) const override { bool has_dv = false; if (!GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_has_property_default_value, p_property, has_dv) || !has_dv) { return false; } Variant ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_property_default_value, p_property, ret); return ret; } EXBIND0(update_exports) GDVIRTUAL0RC(TypedArray<Dictionary>, _get_script_method_list) virtual void get_script_method_list(List<MethodInfo> *r_methods) const override { TypedArray<Dictionary> sl; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_script_method_list, sl); for (int i = 0; i < sl.size(); i++) { r_methods->push_back(MethodInfo::from_dict(sl[i])); } } GDVIRTUAL0RC(TypedArray<Dictionary>, _get_script_property_list) virtual void get_script_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *r_propertys) const override { TypedArray<Dictionary> sl; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_script_property_list, sl); for (int i = 0; i < sl.size(); i++) { r_propertys->push_back(PropertyInfo::from_dict(sl[i])); } } EXBIND1RC(int, get_member_line, const StringName &) GDVIRTUAL0RC(Dictionary, _get_constants) virtual void get_constants(HashMap<StringName, Variant> *p_constants) override { Dictionary constants; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_constants, constants); List<Variant> keys; constants.get_key_list(&keys); for (const Variant &K : keys) { p_constants->insert(K, constants[K]); } } GDVIRTUAL0RC(TypedArray<StringName>, _get_members) virtual void get_members(HashSet<StringName> *p_members) override { TypedArray<StringName> members; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_members, members); for (int i = 0; i < members.size(); i++) { p_members->insert(members[i]); } } EXBIND0RC(bool, is_placeholder_fallback_enabled) GDVIRTUAL0RC(TypedArray<Dictionary>, _get_rpc_methods) virtual const Vector<Multiplayer::RPCConfig> get_rpc_methods() const override { TypedArray<Dictionary> ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_rpc_methods, ret); Vector<Multiplayer::RPCConfig> rpcret; for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) { Dictionary d = ret[i]; Multiplayer::RPCConfig rpc; ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("name")); rpc.name = d["name"]; ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("rpc_mode")); rpc.rpc_mode = Multiplayer::RPCMode(int(d["rpc_mode"])); ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("call_local")); rpc.call_local = d["call_local"]; ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("transfer_mode")); rpc.transfer_mode = Multiplayer::TransferMode(int(d["transfer_mode"])); ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("channel")); rpc.channel = d["channel"]; rpcret.push_back(rpc); } return rpcret; } ScriptExtension() {} }; typedef ScriptLanguage::ProfilingInfo ScriptLanguageExtensionProfilingInfo; GDVIRTUAL_NATIVE_PTR(ScriptLanguageExtensionProfilingInfo) class ScriptLanguageExtension : public ScriptLanguage { GDCLASS(ScriptLanguageExtension, ScriptLanguage) protected: static void _bind_methods(); public: EXBIND0RC(String, get_name) EXBIND0(init) EXBIND0RC(String, get_type) EXBIND0RC(String, get_extension) EXBIND1R(Error, execute_file, const String &) EXBIND0(finish) /* EDITOR FUNCTIONS */ GDVIRTUAL0RC(Vector<String>, _get_reserved_words) virtual void get_reserved_words(List<String> *p_words) const override { Vector<String> ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_reserved_words, ret); for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) { p_words->push_back(ret[i]); } } EXBIND1RC(bool, is_control_flow_keyword, String) GDVIRTUAL0RC(Vector<String>, _get_comment_delimiters) virtual void get_comment_delimiters(List<String> *p_words) const override { Vector<String> ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_comment_delimiters, ret); for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) { p_words->push_back(ret[i]); } } GDVIRTUAL0RC(Vector<String>, _get_string_delimiters) virtual void get_string_delimiters(List<String> *p_words) const override { Vector<String> ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_string_delimiters, ret); for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) { p_words->push_back(ret[i]); } } EXBIND3RC(Ref<Script>, make_template, const String &, const String &, const String &) GDVIRTUAL1RC(TypedArray<Dictionary>, _get_built_in_templates, StringName) virtual Vector<ScriptTemplate> get_built_in_templates(StringName p_object) override { TypedArray<Dictionary> ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_built_in_templates, p_object, ret); Vector<ScriptTemplate> stret; for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) { Dictionary d = ret[i]; ScriptTemplate st; ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("inherit")); st.inherit = d["inherit"]; ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("name")); st.name = d["name"]; ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("description")); st.description = d["description"]; ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("content")); st.content = d["content"]; ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("id")); st.id = d["id"]; ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("origin")); st.origin = TemplateLocation(int(d["origin"])); stret.push_back(st); } return stret; } EXBIND0R(bool, is_using_templates) GDVIRTUAL6RC(Dictionary, _validate, const String &, const String &, bool, bool, bool, bool) virtual bool validate(const String &p_script, const String &p_path = "", List<String> *r_functions = nullptr, List<ScriptError> *r_errors = nullptr, List<Warning> *r_warnings = nullptr, HashSet<int> *r_safe_lines = nullptr) const override { Dictionary ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_validate, p_script, p_path, r_functions != nullptr, r_errors != nullptr, r_warnings != nullptr, r_safe_lines != nullptr, ret); if (!ret.has("valid")) { return false; } if (r_functions != nullptr && ret.has("functions")) { Vector<String> functions = ret["functions"]; for (int i = 0; i < functions.size(); i++) { r_functions->push_back(functions[i]); } } if (r_errors != nullptr && ret.has("errors")) { Array errors = ret["errors"]; for (int i = 0; i < errors.size(); i++) { Dictionary err = errors[i]; ERR_CONTINUE(!err.has("line")); ERR_CONTINUE(!err.has("column")); ERR_CONTINUE(!err.has("message")); ScriptError serr; serr.line = err["line"]; serr.column = err["column"]; serr.message = err["message"]; r_errors->push_back(serr); } } if (r_warnings != nullptr && ret.has("warnings")) { ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!ret.has("warnings"), false); Array warnings = ret["warnings"]; for (int i = 0; i < warnings.size(); i++) { Dictionary warn = warnings[i]; ERR_CONTINUE(!warn.has("start_line")); ERR_CONTINUE(!warn.has("end_line")); ERR_CONTINUE(!warn.has("leftmost_column")); ERR_CONTINUE(!warn.has("rightmost_column")); ERR_CONTINUE(!warn.has("code")); ERR_CONTINUE(!warn.has("string_code")); ERR_CONTINUE(!warn.has("message")); Warning swarn; swarn.start_line = warn["start_line"]; swarn.end_line = warn["end_line"]; swarn.leftmost_column = warn["leftmost_column"]; swarn.rightmost_column = warn["rightmost_column"]; swarn.code = warn["code"]; swarn.string_code = warn["string_code"]; swarn.message = warn["message"]; r_warnings->push_back(swarn); } } if (r_safe_lines != nullptr && ret.has("safe_lines")) { PackedInt32Array safe_lines = ret["safe_lines"]; for (int i = 0; i < safe_lines.size(); i++) { r_safe_lines->insert(safe_lines[i]); } } return ret["valid"]; } EXBIND1RC(String, validate_path, const String &) GDVIRTUAL0RC(Object *, _create_script) Script *create_script() const override { Object *ret = nullptr; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_create_script, ret); return Object::cast_to<Script>(ret); } EXBIND0RC(bool, has_named_classes) EXBIND0RC(bool, supports_builtin_mode) EXBIND0RC(bool, supports_documentation) EXBIND0RC(bool, can_inherit_from_file) EXBIND2RC(int, find_function, const String &, const String &) EXBIND3RC(String, make_function, const String &, const String &, const PackedStringArray &) EXBIND3R(Error, open_in_external_editor, const Ref<Script> &, int, int) EXBIND0R(bool, overrides_external_editor) GDVIRTUAL3RC(Dictionary, _complete_code, const String &, const String &, Object *) virtual Error complete_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_path, Object *p_owner, List<CodeCompletionOption> *r_options, bool &r_force, String &r_call_hint) override { Dictionary ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_complete_code, p_code, p_path, p_owner, ret); if (!ret.has("result")) { return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } if (r_options != nullptr && ret.has("options")) { Array options = ret["options"]; for (int i = 0; i < options.size(); i++) { Dictionary op = options[i]; CodeCompletionOption option; ERR_CONTINUE(!op.has("kind")); option.kind = CodeCompletionKind(int(op["kind"])); ERR_CONTINUE(!op.has("display")); option.display = op["display"]; ERR_CONTINUE(!op.has("insert_text")); option.insert_text = op["insert_text"]; ERR_CONTINUE(!op.has("font_color")); option.font_color = op["font_color"]; ERR_CONTINUE(!op.has("icon")); option.icon = op["icon"]; ERR_CONTINUE(!op.has("default_value")); option.default_value = op["default_value"]; ERR_CONTINUE(!op.has("location")); option.location = op["location"]; if (op.has("matches")) { PackedInt32Array matches = op["matches"]; ERR_CONTINUE(matches.size() & 1); for (int j = 0; j < matches.size(); j += 2) { option.matches.push_back(Pair<int, int>(matches[j], matches[j + 1])); } } r_options->push_back(option); } } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!ret.has("force"), ERR_UNAVAILABLE); r_force = ret["force"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!ret.has("call_hint"), ERR_UNAVAILABLE); r_call_hint = ret["call_hint"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!ret.has("result"), ERR_UNAVAILABLE); Error result = Error(int(ret["result"])); return result; } GDVIRTUAL4RC(Dictionary, _lookup_code, const String &, const String &, const String &, Object *) virtual Error lookup_code(const String &p_code, const String &p_symbol, const String &p_path, Object *p_owner, LookupResult &r_result) override { Dictionary ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_lookup_code, p_code, p_symbol, p_path, p_owner, ret); if (!ret.has("result")) { return ERR_UNAVAILABLE; } ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!ret.has("type"), ERR_UNAVAILABLE); r_result.type = LookupResultType(int(ret["type"])); ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!ret.has("script"), ERR_UNAVAILABLE); r_result.script = ret["script"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!ret.has("class_name"), ERR_UNAVAILABLE); r_result.class_name = ret["class_name"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!ret.has("class_path"), ERR_UNAVAILABLE); r_result.class_path = ret["class_path"]; ERR_FAIL_COND_V(!ret.has("location"), ERR_UNAVAILABLE); r_result.location = ret["location"]; Error result = Error(int(ret["result"])); return result; } GDVIRTUAL3RC(String, _auto_indent_code, const String &, int, int) virtual void auto_indent_code(String &p_code, int p_from_line, int p_to_line) const override { String ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_auto_indent_code, p_code, p_from_line, p_to_line, ret); p_code = ret; } EXBIND2(add_global_constant, const StringName &, const Variant &) EXBIND2(add_named_global_constant, const StringName &, const Variant &) EXBIND1(remove_named_global_constant, const StringName &) /* MULTITHREAD FUNCTIONS */ //some VMs need to be notified of thread creation/exiting to allocate a stack EXBIND0(thread_enter) EXBIND0(thread_exit) EXBIND0RC(String, debug_get_error) EXBIND0RC(int, debug_get_stack_level_count) EXBIND1RC(int, debug_get_stack_level_line, int) EXBIND1RC(String, debug_get_stack_level_function, int) EXBIND1RC(String, debug_get_stack_level_source, int) GDVIRTUAL3R(Dictionary, _debug_get_stack_level_locals, int, int, int) virtual void debug_get_stack_level_locals(int p_level, List<String> *p_locals, List<Variant> *p_values, int p_max_subitems = -1, int p_max_depth = -1) override { Dictionary ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_debug_get_stack_level_locals, p_level, p_max_subitems, p_max_depth, ret); if (ret.size() == 0) { return; } if (p_locals != nullptr && ret.has("locals")) { PackedStringArray strings = ret["locals"]; for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) { p_locals->push_back(strings[i]); } } if (p_values != nullptr && ret.has("values")) { Array values = ret["values"]; for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { p_values->push_back(values[i]); } } } GDVIRTUAL3R(Dictionary, _debug_get_stack_level_members, int, int, int) virtual void debug_get_stack_level_members(int p_level, List<String> *p_members, List<Variant> *p_values, int p_max_subitems = -1, int p_max_depth = -1) override { Dictionary ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_debug_get_stack_level_members, p_level, p_max_subitems, p_max_depth, ret); if (ret.size() == 0) { return; } if (p_members != nullptr && ret.has("members")) { PackedStringArray strings = ret["members"]; for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) { p_members->push_back(strings[i]); } } if (p_values != nullptr && ret.has("values")) { Array values = ret["values"]; for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { p_values->push_back(values[i]); } } } GDVIRTUAL1R(GDNativePtr<void>, _debug_get_stack_level_instance, int) virtual ScriptInstance *debug_get_stack_level_instance(int p_level) override { GDNativePtr<void> ret = nullptr; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_debug_get_stack_level_instance, p_level, ret); return reinterpret_cast<ScriptInstance *>(ret.operator void *()); } GDVIRTUAL2R(Dictionary, _debug_get_globals, int, int) virtual void debug_get_globals(List<String> *p_globals, List<Variant> *p_values, int p_max_subitems = -1, int p_max_depth = -1) override { Dictionary ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_debug_get_globals, p_max_subitems, p_max_depth, ret); if (ret.size() == 0) { return; } if (p_globals != nullptr && ret.has("globals")) { PackedStringArray strings = ret["globals"]; for (int i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++) { p_globals->push_back(strings[i]); } } if (p_values != nullptr && ret.has("values")) { Array values = ret["values"]; for (int i = 0; i < values.size(); i++) { p_values->push_back(values[i]); } } } EXBIND4R(String, debug_parse_stack_level_expression, int, const String &, int, int) GDVIRTUAL0R(TypedArray<Dictionary>, _debug_get_current_stack_info) virtual Vector<StackInfo> debug_get_current_stack_info() override { TypedArray<Dictionary> ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_debug_get_current_stack_info, ret); Vector<StackInfo> sret; for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) { StackInfo si; Dictionary d = ret[i]; ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("file")); ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("func")); ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("line")); si.file = d["file"]; si.func = d["func"]; si.line = d["line"]; sret.push_back(si); } return sret; } EXBIND0(reload_all_scripts) EXBIND2(reload_tool_script, const Ref<Script> &, bool) /* LOADER FUNCTIONS */ GDVIRTUAL0RC(PackedStringArray, _get_recognized_extensions) virtual void get_recognized_extensions(List<String> *p_extensions) const override { PackedStringArray ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_recognized_extensions, ret); for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) { p_extensions->push_back(ret[i]); } } GDVIRTUAL0RC(TypedArray<Dictionary>, _get_public_functions) virtual void get_public_functions(List<MethodInfo> *p_functions) const override { TypedArray<Dictionary> ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_public_functions, ret); for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) { MethodInfo mi = MethodInfo::from_dict(ret[i]); p_functions->push_back(mi); } } GDVIRTUAL0RC(Dictionary, _get_public_constants) virtual void get_public_constants(List<Pair<String, Variant>> *p_constants) const override { Dictionary ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_public_constants, ret); for (int i = 0; i < ret.size(); i++) { Dictionary d = ret[i]; ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("name")); ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("value")); p_constants->push_back(Pair<String, Variant>(d["name"], d["value"])); } } EXBIND0(profiling_start) EXBIND0(profiling_stop) GDVIRTUAL2R(int, _profiling_get_accumulated_data, GDNativePtr<ScriptLanguageExtensionProfilingInfo>, int) virtual int profiling_get_accumulated_data(ProfilingInfo *p_info_arr, int p_info_max) override { int ret = 0; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_profiling_get_accumulated_data, p_info_arr, p_info_max, ret); return ret; } GDVIRTUAL2R(int, _profiling_get_frame_data, GDNativePtr<ScriptLanguageExtensionProfilingInfo>, int) virtual int profiling_get_frame_data(ProfilingInfo *p_info_arr, int p_info_max) override { int ret = 0; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_profiling_get_accumulated_data, p_info_arr, p_info_max, ret); return ret; } GDVIRTUAL1R(GDNativePtr<void>, _alloc_instance_binding_data, Object *) virtual void *alloc_instance_binding_data(Object *p_object) override { GDNativePtr<void> ret = nullptr; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_alloc_instance_binding_data, p_object, ret); return ret.operator void *(); } GDVIRTUAL1(_free_instance_binding_data, GDNativePtr<void>) virtual void free_instance_binding_data(void *p_data) override { GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_free_instance_binding_data, p_data); } EXBIND1(refcount_incremented_instance_binding, Object *) EXBIND1R(bool, refcount_decremented_instance_binding, Object *) EXBIND0(frame) EXBIND1RC(bool, handles_global_class_type, const String &) GDVIRTUAL1RC(Dictionary, _get_global_class_name, const String &) virtual String get_global_class_name(const String &p_path, String *r_base_type = nullptr, String *r_icon_path = nullptr) const override { Dictionary ret; GDVIRTUAL_REQUIRED_CALL(_get_global_class_name, p_path, ret); if (!ret.has("name")) { return String(); } if (r_base_type != nullptr && ret.has("base_type")) { *r_base_type = ret["base_type"]; } if (r_icon_path != nullptr && ret.has("icon_path")) { *r_icon_path = ret["icon_path"]; } return ret["name"]; } }; VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(ScriptLanguageExtension::LookupResultType) VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(ScriptLanguageExtension::CodeCompletionKind) VARIANT_ENUM_CAST(ScriptLanguageExtension::CodeCompletionLocation) class ScriptInstanceExtension : public ScriptInstance { public: const GDNativeExtensionScriptInstanceInfo *native_info; GDNativeExtensionScriptInstanceDataPtr instance = nullptr; // There should not be warnings on explicit casts. #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) #pragma GCC diagnostic push #pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wignored-qualifiers" #endif virtual bool set(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value) override { if (native_info->set_func) { return native_info->set_func(instance, (const GDNativeStringNamePtr)&p_name, (const GDNativeVariantPtr)&p_value); } return false; } virtual bool get(const StringName &p_name, Variant &r_ret) const override { if (native_info->get_func) { return native_info->get_func(instance, (const GDNativeStringNamePtr)&p_name, (GDNativeVariantPtr)&r_ret); } return false; } virtual void get_property_list(List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const override { if (native_info->get_property_list_func) { uint32_t pcount; const GDNativePropertyInfo *pinfo = native_info->get_property_list_func(instance, &pcount); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pcount; i++) { p_list->push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::Type(pinfo[i].type), pinfo[i].class_name, PropertyHint(pinfo[i].hint), pinfo[i].hint_string, pinfo[i].usage, pinfo[i].class_name)); } if (native_info->free_property_list_func) { native_info->free_property_list_func(instance, pinfo); } } } virtual Variant::Type get_property_type(const StringName &p_name, bool *r_is_valid = nullptr) const override { if (native_info->get_property_type_func) { GDNativeBool is_valid = 0; GDNativeVariantType type = native_info->get_property_type_func(instance, (const GDNativeStringNamePtr)&p_name, &is_valid); if (r_is_valid) { *r_is_valid = is_valid != 0; } return Variant::Type(type); } return Variant::NIL; } virtual Object *get_owner() override { if (native_info->get_owner_func) { return (Object *)native_info->get_owner_func(instance); } return nullptr; } static void _add_property_with_state(const GDNativeStringNamePtr p_name, const GDNativeVariantPtr p_value, void *p_userdata) { List<Pair<StringName, Variant>> *state = (List<Pair<StringName, Variant>> *)p_userdata; state->push_back(Pair<StringName, Variant>(*(const StringName *)p_name, *(const Variant *)p_value)); } virtual void get_property_state(List<Pair<StringName, Variant>> &state) override { if (native_info->get_property_state_func) { native_info->get_property_state_func(instance, _add_property_with_state, &state); } } virtual void get_method_list(List<MethodInfo> *p_list) const override { if (native_info->get_method_list_func) { uint32_t mcount; const GDNativeMethodInfo *minfo = native_info->get_method_list_func(instance, &mcount); for (uint32_t i = 0; i < mcount; i++) { MethodInfo m; m.name = minfo[i].name; m.flags = minfo[i].flags; m.id = minfo[i].id; m.return_val = PropertyInfo(Variant::Type(minfo[i].return_value.type), minfo[i].return_value.class_name, PropertyHint(minfo[i].return_value.hint), minfo[i].return_value.hint_string, minfo[i].return_value.usage, minfo[i].return_value.class_name); for (uint32_t j = 0; j < minfo[i].argument_count; j++) { m.arguments.push_back(PropertyInfo(Variant::Type(minfo[i].arguments[j].type), minfo[i].arguments[j].class_name, PropertyHint(minfo[i].arguments[j].hint), minfo[i].arguments[j].hint_string, minfo[i].arguments[j].usage, minfo[i].arguments[j].class_name)); } const Variant *def_values = (const Variant *)minfo[i].default_arguments; for (uint32_t j = 0; j < minfo[i].default_argument_count; j++) { m.default_arguments.push_back(def_values[j]); } p_list->push_back(m); } if (native_info->free_method_list_func) { native_info->free_method_list_func(instance, minfo); } } } virtual bool has_method(const StringName &p_method) const override { if (native_info->has_method_func) { return native_info->has_method_func(instance, (GDNativeStringNamePtr)&p_method); } return false; } virtual Variant callp(const StringName &p_method, const Variant **p_args, int p_argcount, Callable::CallError &r_error) override { Variant ret; if (native_info->call_func) { GDNativeCallError ce; native_info->call_func(instance, (const GDNativeStringNamePtr)&p_method, (const GDNativeVariantPtr *)p_args, p_argcount, (GDNativeVariantPtr)&ret, &ce); r_error.error = Callable::CallError::Error(ce.error); r_error.argument = ce.argument; r_error.expected = ce.expected; } return ret; } virtual void notification(int p_notification) override { if (native_info->notification_func) { native_info->notification_func(instance, p_notification); } } virtual String to_string(bool *r_valid) override { if (native_info->to_string_func) { GDNativeBool valid; String ret = native_info->to_string_func(instance, &valid); if (r_valid) { *r_valid = valid != 0; } return ret; } return String(); } virtual void refcount_incremented() override { if (native_info->refcount_incremented_func) { native_info->refcount_incremented_func(instance); } } virtual bool refcount_decremented() override { if (native_info->refcount_decremented_func) { return native_info->refcount_decremented_func(instance); } return false; } virtual Ref<Script> get_script() const override { if (native_info->get_script_func) { GDNativeObjectPtr script = native_info->get_script_func(instance); return Ref<Script>(reinterpret_cast<Script *>(script)); } return Ref<Script>(); } virtual bool is_placeholder() const override { if (native_info->is_placeholder_func) { return native_info->is_placeholder_func(instance); } return false; } virtual void property_set_fallback(const StringName &p_name, const Variant &p_value, bool *r_valid) override { if (native_info->set_fallback_func) { bool ret = native_info->set_fallback_func(instance, (const GDNativeStringNamePtr)&p_name, (const GDNativeVariantPtr)&p_value); if (r_valid) { *r_valid = ret; } } } virtual Variant property_get_fallback(const StringName &p_name, bool *r_valid) override { Variant ret; if (native_info->get_fallback_func) { bool valid = native_info->get_fallback_func(instance, (const GDNativeStringNamePtr)&p_name, (GDNativeVariantPtr)&ret); if (r_valid) { *r_valid = valid; } } return ret; } virtual ScriptLanguage *get_language() override { if (native_info->get_language_func) { GDNativeExtensionScriptLanguagePtr lang = native_info->get_language_func(instance); return reinterpret_cast<ScriptLanguage *>(lang); } return nullptr; ; } virtual ~ScriptInstanceExtension() { if (native_info->free_func) { native_info->free_func(instance); } } #if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__) #pragma GCC diagnostic pop #endif }; #endif // SCRIPT_LANGUAGE_EXTENSION_H