void _debug_node_verify_bound(uint32_t p_node_id) { TNode &node = _nodes[p_node_id]; BVHABB_CLASS abb_before = node.aabb; node_update_aabb(node); BVHABB_CLASS abb_after = node.aabb; CRASH_COND(abb_before != abb_after); } void node_update_aabb(TNode &tnode) { tnode.aabb.set_to_max_opposite_extents(); tnode.height = 0; if (!tnode.is_leaf()) { for (int n = 0; n < tnode.num_children; n++) { uint32_t child_node_id = tnode.children[n]; // merge with child aabb const TNode &tchild = _nodes[child_node_id]; tnode.aabb.merge(tchild.aabb); // do heights at the same time if (tchild.height > tnode.height) { tnode.height = tchild.height; } } // the height of a non leaf is always 1 bigger than the biggest child tnode.height++; #ifdef BVH_CHECKS if (!tnode.num_children) { // the 'blank' aabb will screw up parent aabbs WARN_PRINT("BVH_Tree::TNode no children, AABB is undefined"); } #endif } else { // leaf const TLeaf &leaf = _node_get_leaf(tnode); for (int n = 0; n < leaf.num_items; n++) { tnode.aabb.merge(leaf.get_aabb(n)); } // now the leaf items are unexpanded, we expand only in the node AABB tnode.aabb.expand(_node_expansion); #ifdef BVH_CHECKS if (!leaf.num_items) { // the 'blank' aabb will screw up parent aabbs WARN_PRINT("BVH_Tree::TLeaf no items, AABB is undefined"); } #endif } } void refit_all(int p_tree_id) { refit_downward(_root_node_id[p_tree_id]); } void refit_upward(uint32_t p_node_id) { while (p_node_id != BVHCommon::INVALID) { TNode &tnode = _nodes[p_node_id]; node_update_aabb(tnode); p_node_id = tnode.parent_id; } } void refit_upward_and_balance(uint32_t p_node_id) { while (p_node_id != BVHCommon::INVALID) { uint32_t before = p_node_id; p_node_id = _logic_balance(p_node_id); if (before != p_node_id) { VERBOSE_PRINT("REBALANCED!"); } TNode &tnode = _nodes[p_node_id]; // update overall aabb from the children node_update_aabb(tnode); p_node_id = tnode.parent_id; } } void refit_downward(uint32_t p_node_id) { TNode &tnode = _nodes[p_node_id]; // do children first if (!tnode.is_leaf()) { for (int n = 0; n < tnode.num_children; n++) { refit_downward(tnode.children[n]); } } node_update_aabb(tnode); } // go down to the leaves, then refit upward void refit_branch(uint32_t p_node_id) { // our function parameters to keep on a stack struct RefitParams { uint32_t node_id; }; // most of the iterative functionality is contained in this helper class BVH_IterativeInfo<RefitParams> ii; // alloca must allocate the stack from this function, it cannot be allocated in the // helper class ii.stack = (RefitParams *)alloca(ii.get_alloca_stacksize()); // seed the stack ii.get_first()->node_id = p_node_id; RefitParams rp; // while there are still more nodes on the stack while (ii.pop(rp)) { TNode &tnode = _nodes[rp.node_id]; // do children first if (!tnode.is_leaf()) { for (int n = 0; n < tnode.num_children; n++) { uint32_t child_id = tnode.children[n]; // add to the stack RefitParams *child = ii.request(); child->node_id = child_id; } } else { // leaf .. only refit upward if dirty TLeaf &leaf = _node_get_leaf(tnode); if (leaf.is_dirty()) { leaf.set_dirty(false); refit_upward(p_node_id); } } } // while more nodes to pop }