#!/usr/bin/env python


env_crypto = env.Clone()

is_builtin = env["builtin_mbedtls"]
has_module = env["module_mbedtls_enabled"]
thirdparty_obj = []

if is_builtin or not has_module:
    # Use our headers for builtin or if the module is not going to be compiled.
    # We decided not to depend on system mbedtls just for these few files that can
    # be easily extracted.

# MbedTLS core functions (for CryptoCore).
# If the mbedtls module is compiled we don't need to add the .c files with our
# custom config since they will be built by the module itself.
# Only if the module is not enabled, we must compile here the required sources
# to make a "light" build with only the necessary mbedtls files.
if not has_module:
    env_thirdparty = env_crypto.Clone()
    # Custom config file
        CPPDEFINES=[("MBEDTLS_CONFIG_FILE", '\\"thirdparty/mbedtls/include/godot_core_mbedtls_config.h\\"')]
    thirdparty_mbedtls_dir = "#thirdparty/mbedtls/library/"
    thirdparty_mbedtls_sources = [
    thirdparty_mbedtls_sources = [thirdparty_mbedtls_dir + file for file in thirdparty_mbedtls_sources]
    env_thirdparty.add_source_files(thirdparty_obj, thirdparty_mbedtls_sources)
    env.core_sources += thirdparty_obj

# Godot source files

core_obj = []

env_crypto.add_source_files(core_obj, "*.cpp")
env.core_sources += core_obj

# Needed to force rebuilding the core files when the thirdparty library is updated.
env.Depends(core_obj, thirdparty_obj)