Age | Commit message (Collapse) | Author |
allowed negative DoF blur transition in the editor
Remove compatibility code for Mesh surfaces
Clean-up, harmonize, and improve StyleBox API
Address Android editor crashes
* This new audio stream allows to play multiple sounds and control them over time from code.
* It greatly simplifies tasks such as generative music (music generated from code) or audio.
This new type of stream was added with the goal of fixing audio blending in AnimationPlayer and AnimationTree, but can be used by others for their regular audio needs.
Does not fix anything currently, but should help implement #69758 properly.
Some demo code of how to use this:
var player = $SomeNode as AudioStreamPlayer =
var playback = player.get_stream_playback() as AudioStreamPlaybackPolyphonic
var id = playback.play_stream(preload("res://Clip1.ogg"))
await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout
playback.set_stream_volume(id,-12) # Set volume to half after one second
await get_tree().create_timer(2).timeout
var id2 = playback.play_stream(preload("res://Clip2.ogg")) # 2 seconds later, start another clip
await get_tree().create_timer(1).timeout
playback.stop_stream(id) # 1 second later, kill the first clip
playback.set_stream_pitch_scale(id2,1.5) # Make the second clip go 50% faster
Support script global resource name in EditorFileSystem
Clean up shader parameter remap
* Works for binary and text files.
* Makes EditorQuickOpen work with custom resources again.
* Information is cached and easily accessible.
Properly fixes #66179. Supersedes #66215 and supersedes #62417
**WARNING**: This required breaking backwards binary compatibility (.res and .scn files). Files saved after this PR is merged will no longer open in any earlier versions of Godot.
This PR is a follow up to #64092, which fixed important issues but it was implemented in an overly complex and inefficient way (because it forced the default code path to always go through string operations).
This cleans up all the shader parameter code.
This fixes #54336. Also fixes #56219 because, as the new code never queries the RenderingServer on load, potential deadlocks are avoided.
**NOTE**: materials saved between #62972 and #64092 will no longer work and will need to be resaved in an earlier version.
fix(editor): Remove some MeshLibrary editor updates
Hide Ambient Light properties in Environment inspector depending on mode
Implement BiDi override mode for GDScript source.
Cleanup unused engine code v2
Fix LOD sort order; checks in add_surface; and document all parameters of `ArrayMesh::add_surface_from_arrays`
- Make all margin properties follow the same naming convention (their getter and setter too).
- Remove a virtual counterpart of `get_style_margin` from API.
- Allow to override `get_minimum_size` from scripting and remove `get_center_size`.
Fixes #57506.
Also clarify some related documentation and expose the misssing `ArrayFormat::ARRAY_FLAG_USES_EMPTY_VERTEX_ARRAY`
in favour of texture hints
Update ImmediateMesh to use octohedral encoded normals
Fix TileDate::add_source accepting invalid ID values
Removes all 3D modification resources. SkeletonIK3D is a node and still supported.
Remove deprecated Skeleton3D functionality for 4.0, so we can add it back in 4.x.
Remove local_pose_override feature from Skeleton3D and BoneAttachment3D.
Expose Skeleton3D::get_version() so IK scripts/extensions can cache bones.
Note: This change only affects 3D. SkeletonModification2D will work as before.
* Moved the order of progress update to after the actual resource loading to give better % numbers.
* Fix a bug introduced by #67714, which broke cache ignoring.
Tweak particles animation offset property hint to allow more precise values
* Works for text, binary and imported resources
* Allows better clean up of duplicate files.
TODO (future PRs):
* Use this API for assigning new UIDs to copied files.
* Use this API for UID conflict on FS scanning (if more than one file has the same UID, the newer one(s) should get assigned a different UID).
Use BitField<> hint for Mesh.ArrayFormat and Control.SizeFlags
This was missing in the conversion of bitflags to BitField<>.
`const` is used on all methods, even when they cause modification of the server. This reworks the methods of the server to only use `const` on method that don't change the state of the server.
Add PropertyInfo overload for GLOBAL_DEF
Fix pingpong-loop with `loop_wrap` is not working & clean-up cubic interpolation key retrieve process
`AnimatedSprite{2D,3D}` improvements
As many open source projects have started doing it, we're removing the
current year from the copyright notice, so that we don't need to bump
it every year.
It seems like only the first year of publication is technically
relevant for copyright notices, and even that seems to be something
that many companies stopped listing altogether (in a version controlled
codebase, the commits are a much better source of date of publication
than a hardcoded copyright statement).
We also now list Godot Engine contributors first as we're collectively
the current maintainers of the project, and we clarify that the
"exclusive" copyright of the co-founders covers the timespan before
opensourcing (their further contributions are included as part of Godot
Engine contributors).
Also fixed "cf." Frenchism - it's meant as "refer to / see".
Fix NavigationPolygon error msg
* Add support for individual frame duration to `SpriteFrames`.
* Various minor improvements.
Rename `get_points_count()` to `get_point_count()` in Gradient
Fix scroll grabber can't reach ends in default theme
Add safety-checks before some servers `free()`