path: root/tools/pe_bliss/resource_version_info_reader.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/pe_bliss/resource_version_info_reader.cpp')
1 files changed, 290 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/pe_bliss/resource_version_info_reader.cpp b/tools/pe_bliss/resource_version_info_reader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a8a2723e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/pe_bliss/resource_version_info_reader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+#include "resource_version_info_reader.h"
+#include "utils.h"
+#include "pe_exception.h"
+#include "resource_internal.h"
+#include "pe_resource_viewer.h"
+namespace pe_bliss
+using namespace pe_win;
+//Root version info block key value
+const u16string resource_version_info_reader::version_info_key(U16TEXT("V\0S\0_\0V\0E\0R\0S\0I\0O\0N\0_\0I\0N\0F\0O\0\0"));
+resource_version_info_reader::resource_version_info_reader(const pe_resource_viewer& res)
+ :res_(res)
+//Returns aligned version block value position
+uint32_t resource_version_info_reader::get_version_block_value_pos(uint32_t base_pos, const unicode16_t* key)
+ uint32_t string_length = static_cast<uint32_t>(u16string(key).length());
+ uint32_t ret = pe_utils::align_up(static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(uint16_t) * 3 /* headers before Key data */
+ + base_pos
+ + (string_length + 1 /* nullbyte */) * 2),
+ sizeof(uint32_t));
+ //Check possible overflows
+ if(ret < base_pos || ret < sizeof(uint16_t) * 3 || ret < (string_length + 1) * 2)
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ return ret;
+//Returns aligned version block first child position
+uint32_t resource_version_info_reader::get_version_block_first_child_pos(uint32_t base_pos, uint32_t value_length, const unicode16_t* key)
+ uint32_t string_length = static_cast<uint32_t>(u16string(key).length());
+ uint32_t ret = pe_utils::align_up(static_cast<uint32_t>(sizeof(uint16_t) * 3 /* headers before Key data */
+ + base_pos
+ + (string_length + 1 /* nullbyte */) * 2),
+ sizeof(uint32_t))
+ + pe_utils::align_up(value_length, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ //Check possible overflows
+ if(ret < base_pos || ret < value_length || ret < sizeof(uint16_t) * 3 || ret < (string_length + 1) * 2)
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ return ret;
+//Throws an exception (id = resource_incorrect_version_info)
+void resource_version_info_reader::throw_incorrect_version_info()
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect resource version info", pe_exception::resource_incorrect_version_info);
+//Returns full version information:
+//file_version_info: versions and file info
+//lang_string_values_map: map of version info strings with encodings
+//translation_values_map: map of translations
+const file_version_info resource_version_info_reader::get_version_info(lang_string_values_map& string_values, translation_values_map& translations, const std::string& resource_data) const
+ //Fixed file version info
+ file_version_info ret;
+ //Check resource data length
+ if(resource_data.length() < sizeof(version_info_block))
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ //Root version info block
+ const version_info_block* root_block = reinterpret_cast<const version_info_block*>(;
+ //Check root block key for null-termination and its name
+ if(!pe_utils::is_null_terminated(root_block->Key, resource_data.length() - sizeof(uint16_t) * 3 /* headers before Key data */)
+ || version_info_key != reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(root_block->Key))
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ //If file has fixed version info
+ if(root_block->ValueLength)
+ {
+ //Get root block value position
+ uint32_t value_pos = get_version_block_value_pos(0, reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(root_block->Key));
+ //Check value length
+ if(resource_data.length() < value_pos + sizeof(vs_fixedfileinfo))
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ //Get VS_FIXEDFILEINFO structure pointer
+ const vs_fixedfileinfo* file_info = reinterpret_cast<const vs_fixedfileinfo*>( + value_pos);
+ //Check its signature and some other fields
+ if(file_info->dwSignature != vs_ffi_signature || file_info->dwStrucVersion != vs_ffi_strucversion) //Don't check if file_info->dwFileFlagsMask == VS_FFI_FILEFLAGSMASK
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ //Save fixed version info
+ ret = file_version_info(*file_info);
+ }
+ //Iterate over child elements of VS_VERSIONINFO (StringFileInfo or VarFileInfo)
+ for(uint32_t child_pos = get_version_block_first_child_pos(0, root_block->ValueLength, reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(root_block->Key));
+ child_pos < root_block->Length;)
+ {
+ //Check block position
+ if(!pe_utils::is_sum_safe(child_pos, sizeof(version_info_block))
+ || resource_data.length() < child_pos + sizeof(version_info_block))
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ //Get VERSION_INFO_BLOCK structure pointer
+ const version_info_block* block = reinterpret_cast<const version_info_block*>( + child_pos);
+ //Check its length
+ if(block->Length == 0)
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ //Check block key for null-termination
+ if(!pe_utils::is_null_terminated(block->Key, resource_data.length() - child_pos - sizeof(uint16_t) * 3 /* headers before Key data */))
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ u16string info_type(reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(block->Key));
+ //If we encountered StringFileInfo...
+ if(info_type == StringFileInfo)
+ {
+ //Enumerate all string tables
+ for(uint32_t string_table_pos = get_version_block_first_child_pos(child_pos, block->ValueLength, reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(block->Key));
+ string_table_pos - child_pos < block->Length;)
+ {
+ //Check string table block position
+ if(resource_data.length() < string_table_pos + sizeof(version_info_block))
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ //Get VERSION_INFO_BLOCK structure pointer for string table
+ const version_info_block* string_table = reinterpret_cast<const version_info_block*>( + string_table_pos);
+ //Check its length
+ if(string_table->Length == 0)
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ //Check string table key for null-termination
+ if(!pe_utils::is_null_terminated(string_table->Key, resource_data.length() - string_table_pos - sizeof(uint16_t) * 3 /* headers before Key data */))
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ string_values_map new_values;
+ //Enumerate all strings in the string table
+ for(uint32_t string_pos = get_version_block_first_child_pos(string_table_pos, string_table->ValueLength, reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(string_table->Key));
+ string_pos - string_table_pos < string_table->Length;)
+ {
+ //Check string block position
+ if(resource_data.length() < string_pos + sizeof(version_info_block))
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ //Get VERSION_INFO_BLOCK structure pointer for string block
+ const version_info_block* string_block = reinterpret_cast<const version_info_block*>( + string_pos);
+ //Check its length
+ if(string_block->Length == 0)
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ //Check string block key for null-termination
+ if(!pe_utils::is_null_terminated(string_block->Key, resource_data.length() - string_pos - sizeof(uint16_t) * 3 /* headers before Key data */))
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ u16string data;
+ //If string block has value
+ if(string_block->ValueLength != 0)
+ {
+ //Get value position
+ uint32_t value_pos = get_version_block_value_pos(string_pos, reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(string_block->Key));
+ //Check it
+ if(resource_data.length() < value_pos + string_block->ValueLength)
+ throw pe_exception("Incorrect resource version info", pe_exception::resource_incorrect_version_info);
+ //Get UNICODE string value
+ data = u16string(reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>( + value_pos), string_block->ValueLength);
+ pe_utils::strip_nullbytes(data);
+ }
+ //Save name-value pair
+ new_values.insert(std::make_pair(reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(string_block->Key), data));
+ new_values.insert(std::make_pair(pe_utils::from_ucs2(reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(string_block->Key)),
+ pe_utils::from_ucs2(data)));
+ //Navigate to next string block
+ string_pos += pe_utils::align_up(string_block->Length, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ }
+ string_values.insert(std::make_pair(reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(string_table->Key), new_values));
+ string_values.insert(std::make_pair(pe_utils::from_ucs2(reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(string_table->Key)), new_values));
+ //Navigate to next string table block
+ string_table_pos += pe_utils::align_up(string_table->Length, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ }
+ }
+ else if(info_type == VarFileInfo) //If we encountered VarFileInfo
+ {
+ for(uint32_t var_table_pos = get_version_block_first_child_pos(child_pos, block->ValueLength, reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(block->Key));
+ var_table_pos - child_pos < block->Length;)
+ {
+ //Check var block position
+ if(resource_data.length() < var_table_pos + sizeof(version_info_block))
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ //Get VERSION_INFO_BLOCK structure pointer for var block
+ const version_info_block* var_table = reinterpret_cast<const version_info_block*>( + var_table_pos);
+ //Check its length
+ if(var_table->Length == 0)
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ //Check its key for null-termination
+ if(!pe_utils::is_null_terminated(var_table->Key, resource_data.length() - var_table_pos - sizeof(uint16_t) * 3 /* headers before Key data */))
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ //If block is "Translation" (actually, there's no other types possible in VarFileInfo) and it has value
+ if(u16string(reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(var_table->Key)) == Translation && var_table->ValueLength)
+ {
+ //Get its value position
+ uint32_t value_pos = get_version_block_value_pos(var_table_pos, reinterpret_cast<const unicode16_t*>(var_table->Key));
+ //Cherck value length
+ if(resource_data.length() < value_pos + var_table->ValueLength)
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ //Get list of translations: pairs of LANGUAGE_ID - CODEPAGE_ID
+ for(unsigned long i = 0; i < var_table->ValueLength; i += sizeof(uint16_t) * 2)
+ {
+ //Pair of WORDs
+ uint16_t lang_id = *reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>( + value_pos + i);
+ uint16_t codepage_id = *reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>( + value_pos + sizeof(uint16_t) + i);
+ //Save translation
+ translations.insert(std::make_pair(lang_id, codepage_id));
+ }
+ }
+ //Navigate to next var block
+ var_table_pos += pe_utils::align_up(var_table->Length, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw_incorrect_version_info();
+ }
+ //Navigate to next element in root block
+ child_pos += pe_utils::align_up(block->Length, sizeof(uint32_t));
+ }
+ return ret;
+//Returns full version information:
+//file_version info: versions and file info
+//lang_string_values_map: map of version info strings with encodings
+//translation_values_map: map of translations
+const file_version_info resource_version_info_reader::get_version_info_by_lang(lang_string_values_map& string_values, translation_values_map& translations, uint32_t language) const
+ const std::string& resource_data = res_.get_root_directory() //Type directory
+ .entry_by_id(pe_resource_viewer::resource_version)
+ .get_resource_directory() //Name/ID directory
+ .entry_by_id(1)
+ .get_resource_directory() //Language directory
+ .entry_by_id(language)
+ .get_data_entry() //Data directory
+ .get_data();
+ return get_version_info(string_values, translations, resource_data);
+//Returns full version information:
+//file_version_info: versions and file info
+//lang_string_values_map: map of version info strings with encodings
+//translation_values_map: map of translations
+const file_version_info resource_version_info_reader::get_version_info(lang_string_values_map& string_values, translation_values_map& translations, uint32_t index) const
+ const resource_directory::entry_list& entries = res_.get_root_directory() //Type directory
+ .entry_by_id(pe_resource_viewer::resource_version)
+ .get_resource_directory() //Name/ID directory
+ .entry_by_id(1)
+ .get_resource_directory() //Language directory
+ .get_entry_list();
+ if(entries.size() <= index)
+ throw pe_exception("Resource data entry not found", pe_exception::resource_data_entry_not_found);
+ return get_version_info(string_values, translations,; //Data directory