diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp')
-rw-r--r-- | tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp | 1712 |
1 files changed, 856 insertions, 856 deletions
diff --git a/tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp b/tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp index c66328cf59..00066e67e9 100644 --- a/tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp +++ b/tools/editor/script_editor_debugger.cpp @@ -26,859 +26,859 @@ /* TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE */ /* SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /*************************************************************************/ -#include "script_editor_debugger.h"
-#include "scene/gui/separator.h"
-#include "scene/gui/label.h"
-#include "scene/gui/split_container.h"
-#include "scene/gui/tree.h"
-#include "scene/gui/texture_button.h"
-#include "scene/gui/tab_container.h"
-#include "scene/gui/line_edit.h"
-#include "scene/gui/dialogs.h"
-#include "scene/gui/rich_text_label.h"
-#include "scene/gui/margin_container.h"
-#include "property_editor.h"
-#include "globals.h"
-#include "editor_node.h"
-#include "main/performance.h"
-class ScriptEditorDebuggerVariables : public Object {
- OBJ_TYPE( ScriptEditorDebuggerVariables, Object );
- List<PropertyInfo> props;
- Map<StringName,Variant> values;
- bool _set(const StringName& p_name, const Variant& p_value) {
- return false;
- }
- bool _get(const StringName& p_name,Variant &r_ret) const {
- if (!values.has(p_name))
- return false;
- r_ret=values[p_name];
- return true;
- }
- void _get_property_list( List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const {
- for(const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E=props.front();E;E=E->next() )
- p_list->push_back(E->get());
- }
- void clear() {
- props.clear();
- values.clear();
- }
- String get_var_value(const String& p_var) const {
- for(Map<StringName,Variant>::Element *E=values.front();E;E=E->next()) {
- String v = E->key().operator String().get_slice("/",1);
- if (v==p_var)
- return E->get();
- }
- return "";
- }
- void add_property(const String &p_name, const Variant& p_value) {
- PropertyInfo pinfo;
- pinfo.name=p_name;
- pinfo.type=p_value.get_type();
- props.push_back(pinfo);
- values[p_name]=p_value;
- }
- void update() {
- _change_notify();
- }
- ScriptEditorDebuggerVariables() {
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_next() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!breaked);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null());
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected());
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("next");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- stack_dump->clear();
- inspector->edit(NULL);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_step() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!breaked);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null());
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected());
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("step");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- stack_dump->clear();
- inspector->edit(NULL);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_break() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(breaked);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null());
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected());
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("break");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_continue() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!breaked);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null());
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected());
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("continue");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_request() {
- ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null());
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected());
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("request_scene_tree");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
-Size2 ScriptEditorDebugger::get_minimum_size() const {
- Size2 ms = Control::get_minimum_size();
- ms.y = MAX(ms.y , 250 );
- return ms;
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_parse_message(const String& p_msg,const Array& p_data) {
- if (p_msg=="debug_enter") {
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("get_stack_dump");
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(p_data.size()!=2);
- bool can_continue=p_data[0];
- String error = p_data[1];
- step->set_disabled(!can_continue);
- next->set_disabled(!can_continue);
- reason->set_text(error);
- reason->set_tooltip(error);
- breaked=true;
- dobreak->set_disabled(true);
- docontinue->set_disabled(false);
- emit_signal("breaked",true,can_continue);
- OS::get_singleton()->move_window_to_foreground();
- tabs->set_current_tab(0);
- } else if (p_msg=="debug_exit") {
- breaked=false;
- step->set_disabled(true);
- next->set_disabled(true);
- reason->set_text("");
- reason->set_tooltip("");
- back->set_disabled(true);
- forward->set_disabled(true);
- dobreak->set_disabled(false);
- docontinue->set_disabled(true);
- emit_signal("breaked",false,false);
- //tabs->set_current_tab(0);
- } else if (p_msg=="message:click_ctrl") {
- clicked_ctrl->set_text(p_data[0]);
- clicked_ctrl_type->set_text(p_data[1]);
- } else if (p_msg=="message:scene_tree") {
- scene_tree->clear();
- Map<int,TreeItem*> lv;
- for(int i=0;i<p_data.size();i+=3) {
- TreeItem *p;
- int level = p_data[i];
- if (level==0) {
- p = NULL;
- } else {
- ERR_CONTINUE(!lv.has(level-1));
- p=lv[level-1];
- }
- TreeItem *it = scene_tree->create_item(p);
- it->set_text(0,p_data[i+1]);
- if (has_icon(p_data[i+2],"EditorIcons"))
- it->set_icon(0,get_icon(p_data[i+2],"EditorIcons"));
- lv[level]=it;
- }
- } else if (p_msg=="stack_dump") {
- stack_dump->clear();
- TreeItem *r = stack_dump->create_item();
- for(int i=0;i<p_data.size();i++) {
- Dictionary d = p_data[i];
- ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("function"));
- ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("file"));
- ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("line"));
- ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("id"));
- TreeItem *s = stack_dump->create_item(r);
- d["frame"]=i;
- s->set_metadata(0,d);
-// String line = itos(i)+" - "+String(d["file"])+":"+itos(d["line"])+" - at func: "+d["function"];
- String line = itos(i)+" - "+String(d["file"])+":"+itos(d["line"]);
- s->set_text(0,line);
- if (i==0)
- s->select(0);
- }
- } else if (p_msg=="stack_frame_vars") {
- variables->clear();
- int ofs =0;
- int mcount = p_data[ofs];
- ofs++;
- for(int i=0;i<mcount;i++) {
- String n = p_data[ofs+i*2+0];
- Variant v = p_data[ofs+i*2+1];
- if (n.begins_with("*")) {
- n=n.substr(1,n.length());
- }
- variables->add_property("members/"+n,v);
- }
- ofs+=mcount*2;
- mcount = p_data[ofs];
- ofs++;
- for(int i=0;i<mcount;i++) {
- String n = p_data[ofs+i*2+0];
- Variant v = p_data[ofs+i*2+1];
- if (n.begins_with("*")) {
- n=n.substr(1,n.length());
- }
- variables->add_property("locals/"+n,v);
- }
- variables->update();
- inspector->edit(variables);
- } else if (p_msg=="output") {
- //OUT
- for(int i=0;i<p_data.size();i++) {
- String t = p_data[i];
- //LOG
- if (EditorNode::get_log()->is_hidden()) {
- log_forced_visible=true;
- EditorNode::get_log()->show();
- }
- EditorNode::get_log()->add_message(t);
- }
- } else if (p_msg=="performance") {
- Array arr = p_data[0];
- Vector<float> p;
- p.resize(arr.size());
- for(int i=0;i<arr.size();i++) {
- p[i]=arr[i];
- if (i<perf_items.size()) {
- perf_items[i]->set_text(1,rtos(p[i]));
- if (p[i]>perf_max[i])
- perf_max[i]=p[i];
- }
- }
- perf_history.push_front(p);
- perf_draw->update();
- } else if (p_msg=="kill_me") {
- editor->call_deferred("stop_child_process");
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_performance_select(Object*,int,bool) {
- perf_draw->update();
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_performance_draw() {
- Vector<int> which;
- for(int i=0;i<perf_items.size();i++) {
- if (perf_items[i]->is_selected(0))
- which.push_back(i);
- }
- if(which.empty())
- return;
- Color graph_color=get_color("font_color","TextEdit");
- Ref<StyleBox> graph_sb = get_stylebox("normal","TextEdit");
- Ref<Font> graph_font = get_font("font","TextEdit");
- int cols = Math::ceil(Math::sqrt(which.size()));
- int rows = (which.size()+1)/cols;
- if (which.size()==1)
- rows=1;
- int margin =3;
- int point_sep=5;
- Size2i s = Size2i(perf_draw->get_size())/Size2i(cols,rows);
- for(int i=0;i<which.size();i++) {
- Point2i p(i%cols,i/cols);
- Rect2i r(p*s,s);
- r.pos+=Point2(margin,margin);
- r.size-=Point2(margin,margin)*2.0;
- perf_draw->draw_style_box(graph_sb,r);
- r.pos+=graph_sb->get_offset();
- r.size-=graph_sb->get_minimum_size();
- int pi=which[i];
- Color c = Color(0.7,0.9,0.5);
- c.set_hsv(Math::fmod(c.get_h()+pi*0.7654,1),c.get_s(),c.get_v());
- c.a=0.8;
- perf_draw->draw_string(graph_font,r.pos+Point2(0,graph_font->get_ascent()),perf_items[pi]->get_text(0),c,r.size.x);
- c.a=0.6;
- perf_draw->draw_string(graph_font,r.pos+Point2(graph_font->get_char_size('X').width,graph_font->get_ascent()+graph_font->get_height()),perf_items[pi]->get_text(1),c,r.size.y);
- float spacing=point_sep/float(cols);
- float from = r.size.width;
- List<Vector<float> >::Element *E=perf_history.front();
- float prev=-1;
- while(from>=0 && E) {
- float m = perf_max[pi];
- if (m==0)
- m=0.00001;
- float h = E->get()[pi]/m;
- h=(1.0-h)*r.size.y;
- c.a=0.7;
- if (E!=perf_history.front())
- perf_draw->draw_line(r.pos+Point2(from,h),r.pos+Point2(from+spacing,prev),c,2.0);
- prev=h;
- E=E->next();
- from-=spacing;
- }
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_notification(int p_what) {
- switch(p_what) {
- step->set_icon( get_icon("DebugStep","EditorIcons"));
- next->set_icon( get_icon("DebugNext","EditorIcons"));
- back->set_icon( get_icon("Back","EditorIcons"));
- forward->set_icon( get_icon("Forward","EditorIcons"));
- dobreak->set_icon( get_icon("Pause","EditorIcons"));
- docontinue->set_icon( get_icon("DebugContinue","EditorIcons"));
- tb->set_normal_texture( get_icon("Close","EditorIcons"));
- tb->set_hover_texture( get_icon("CloseHover","EditorIcons"));
- tb->set_pressed_texture( get_icon("Close","EditorIcons"));
- scene_tree_refresh->set_icon( get_icon("Reload","EditorIcons"));
- } break;
- if (connection.is_null()) {
- if (server->is_connection_available()) {
- connection = server->take_connection();
- if (connection.is_null())
- break;
- EditorNode::get_log()->add_message("** Debug Process Started **");
- log_forced_visible=false;
- ppeer->set_stream_peer(connection);
- show();
- dobreak->set_disabled(false);
- tabs->set_current_tab(0);
- emit_signal("show_debugger",true);
- reason->set_text("Child Process Connected");
- reason->set_tooltip("Child Process Connected");
- } else {
- break;
- }
- };
- if (!connection->is_connected()) {
- stop();
- editor->notify_child_process_exited(); //somehow, exited
- msgdialog->set_text("Process being debugged exited.");
- msgdialog->popup_centered(Size2(250,100));
- break;
- };
- if (ppeer->get_available_packet_count() <= 0) {
- break;
- };
- while(ppeer->get_available_packet_count() > 0) {
- if (pending_in_queue) {
- int todo = MIN( ppeer->get_available_packet_count(), pending_in_queue );
- for(int i=0;i<todo;i++) {
- Variant cmd;
- Error ret = ppeer->get_var(cmd);
- if (ret!=OK) {
- stop();
- }
- message.push_back(cmd);
- pending_in_queue--;
- }
- if (pending_in_queue==0) {
- _parse_message(message_type,message);
- message.clear();
- }
- } else {
- if (ppeer->get_available_packet_count()>=2) {
- Variant cmd;
- Error ret = ppeer->get_var(cmd);
- if (ret!=OK) {
- stop();
- }
- if (cmd.get_type()!=Variant::STRING) {
- stop();
- ERR_FAIL_COND(cmd.get_type()!=Variant::STRING);
- }
- message_type=cmd;
- ret = ppeer->get_var(cmd);
- if (ret!=OK) {
- stop();
- }
- if (cmd.get_type()!=Variant::INT) {
- stop();
- ERR_FAIL_COND(cmd.get_type()!=Variant::INT);
- }
- pending_in_queue=cmd;
- if (pending_in_queue==0) {
- _parse_message(message_type,Array());
- message.clear();
- }
- } else {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- } break;
- }
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::start() {
- stop();
- uint16_t port = GLOBAL_DEF("debug/remote_port",6007);
- perf_history.clear();
- for(int i=0;i<Performance::MONITOR_MAX;i++) {
- perf_max[i]=0;
- }
- server->listen(port);
- set_process(true);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::pause(){
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::unpause(){
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::stop(){
- set_process(false);
- server->stop();
- ppeer->set_stream_peer(Ref<StreamPeer>());
- if (connection.is_valid()) {
- EditorNode::get_log()->add_message("** Debug Process Stopped **");
- connection.unref();
- }
- pending_in_queue=0;
- message.clear();
- if (log_forced_visible) {
- EditorNode::get_log()->hide();
- log_forced_visible=false;
- }
- hide();
- emit_signal("show_debugger",false);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_stack_dump_frame_selected() {
- TreeItem *ti = stack_dump->get_selected();
- if (!ti)
- return;
- Dictionary d = ti->get_metadata(0);
- Ref<Script> s = ResourceLoader::load(d["file"]);
- emit_signal("goto_script_line",s,int(d["line"])-1);
- ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null());
- ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected());
- ///
- Array msg;
- msg.push_back("get_stack_frame_vars");
- msg.push_back(d["frame"]);
- ppeer->put_var(msg);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_hide_request() {
- hide();
- emit_signal("show_debugger",false);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_output_clear() {
- //output->clear();
- //output->push_color(Color(0,0,0));
-String ScriptEditorDebugger::get_var_value(const String& p_var) const {
- if (!breaked)
- return String();
- return variables->get_var_value(p_var);
-void ScriptEditorDebugger::_bind_methods() {
- ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_stack_dump_frame_selected"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::_stack_dump_frame_selected);
- ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("debug_next"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_next);
- ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("debug_step"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_step);
- ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("debug_break"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_break);
- ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("debug_continue"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_continue);
- ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_output_clear"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::_output_clear);
- ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_hide_request"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::_hide_request);
- ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_performance_draw"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::_performance_draw);
- ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_performance_select"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::_performance_select);
- ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_scene_tree_request"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_request);
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("goto_script_line"));
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("breaked",PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL,"reallydid")));
- ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("show_debugger",PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL,"reallydid")));
-ScriptEditorDebugger::ScriptEditorDebugger(EditorNode *p_editor){
- ppeer = Ref<PacketPeerStream>( memnew( PacketPeerStream ) );
- editor=p_editor;
- tabs = memnew( TabContainer );
- tabs->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- tabs->set_area_as_parent_rect();
- add_child(tabs);
- tb = memnew( TextureButton );
- tb->connect("pressed",this,"_hide_request");
- tb->set_anchor_and_margin(MARGIN_LEFT,ANCHOR_END,20);
- tb->set_margin(MARGIN_TOP,2);
- add_child(tb);
- VBoxContainer *vbc = memnew( VBoxContainer );
- vbc->set_name("Debugger");
- //tabs->add_child(vbc);
- Control *dbg=vbc;
- HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- vbc->add_child(hbc);
- reason = memnew( Label );
- reason->set_text("");
- hbc->add_child(reason);
- reason->add_color_override("font_color",Color(1,0.4,0.0,0.8));
- reason->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- reason->set_clip_text(true);
- hbc->add_child( memnew( VSeparator) );
- step = memnew( Button );
- hbc->add_child(step);
- step->set_tooltip("Step Into");
- step->connect("pressed",this,"debug_step");
- next = memnew( Button );
- hbc->add_child(next);
- next->set_tooltip("Step Over");
- next->connect("pressed",this,"debug_next");
- hbc->add_child( memnew( VSeparator) );
- dobreak = memnew( Button );
- hbc->add_child(dobreak);
- dobreak->set_tooltip("Break");
- dobreak->connect("pressed",this,"debug_break");
- docontinue = memnew( Button );
- hbc->add_child(docontinue);
- docontinue->set_tooltip("Continue");
- docontinue->connect("pressed",this,"debug_continue");
- hbc->add_child( memnew( VSeparator) );
- back = memnew( Button );
- hbc->add_child(back);
- back->set_tooltip("Inspect Previous Instance");
- forward = memnew( Button );
- hbc->add_child(forward);
- back->set_tooltip("Inspect Next Instance");
- HSplitContainer *sc = memnew( HSplitContainer );
- vbc->add_child(sc);
- sc->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- stack_dump = memnew( Tree );
- stack_dump->set_columns(1);
- stack_dump->set_column_titles_visible(true);
- stack_dump->set_column_title(0,"Stack Frames");
- stack_dump->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- stack_dump->set_hide_root(true);
- stack_dump->connect("cell_selected",this,"_stack_dump_frame_selected");
- sc->add_child(stack_dump);
- inspector = memnew( PropertyEditor );
- inspector->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- inspector->hide_top_label();
- inspector->get_tree()->set_column_title(0,"Variable");
- inspector->set_capitalize_paths(false);
- inspector->set_read_only(true);
- sc->add_child(inspector);
- server = TCP_Server::create();
- pending_in_queue=0;
- variables = memnew( ScriptEditorDebuggerVariables );
- inspector->edit(variables);
- breaked=false;
- tabs->add_child(dbg);
- //tabs->move_child(vbc,0);
- hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- vbc->add_child(hbc);
- HSplitContainer *hsp = memnew( HSplitContainer );
- perf_monitors = memnew(Tree);
- perf_monitors->set_columns(2);
- perf_monitors->set_column_title(0,"Monitor");
- perf_monitors->set_column_title(1,"Value");
- perf_monitors->set_column_titles_visible(true);
- hsp->add_child(perf_monitors);
- perf_monitors->set_select_mode(Tree::SELECT_MULTI);
- perf_monitors->connect("multi_selected",this,"_performance_select");
- perf_draw = memnew( Control );
- perf_draw->connect("draw",this,"_performance_draw");
- hsp->add_child(perf_draw);
- hsp->set_name("Performance");
- hsp->set_split_offset(300);
- tabs->add_child(hsp);
- perf_max.resize(Performance::MONITOR_MAX);
- Map<String,TreeItem*> bases;
- TreeItem *root=perf_monitors->create_item();
- perf_monitors->set_hide_root(true);
- for(int i=0;i<Performance::MONITOR_MAX;i++) {
- String n = Performance::get_singleton()->get_monitor_name(Performance::Monitor(i));
- String base = n.get_slice("/",0);
- String name = n.get_slice("/",1);
- if (!bases.has(base)) {
- TreeItem *b = perf_monitors->create_item(root);
- b->set_text(0,base.capitalize());
- b->set_editable(0,false);
- b->set_selectable(0,false);
- bases[base]=b;
- }
- TreeItem *it = perf_monitors->create_item(bases[base]);
- it->set_editable(0,false);
- it->set_selectable(0,true);
- it->set_text(0,name.capitalize());
- perf_items.push_back(it);
- perf_max[i]=0;
- }
- info = memnew( HSplitContainer );
- info->set_name("Info");
- tabs->add_child(info);
- VBoxContainer *info_left = memnew( VBoxContainer );
- info_left->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- info->add_child(info_left);
- clicked_ctrl = memnew( LineEdit );
- info_left->add_margin_child("Clicked Control:",clicked_ctrl);
- clicked_ctrl_type = memnew( LineEdit );
- info_left->add_margin_child("Clicked Control Type:",clicked_ctrl_type);
- VBoxContainer *info_right = memnew(VBoxContainer);
- info_right->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- info->add_child(info_right);
- HBoxContainer *inforhb = memnew( HBoxContainer );
- info_right->add_child(inforhb);
- Label *l2 = memnew( Label("Scene Tree:" ) );
- l2->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- inforhb->add_child( l2 );
- Button *refresh = memnew( Button );
- inforhb->add_child(refresh);
- refresh->connect("pressed",this,"_scene_tree_request");
- scene_tree_refresh=refresh;
- MarginContainer *infomc = memnew( MarginContainer );
- info_right->add_child(infomc);
- infomc->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL);
- scene_tree = memnew( Tree );
- infomc->add_child(scene_tree);
- msgdialog = memnew( AcceptDialog );
- add_child(msgdialog);
- hide();
- log_forced_visible=false;
-ScriptEditorDebugger::~ScriptEditorDebugger() {
-// inspector->edit(NULL);
- memdelete(variables);
- ppeer->set_stream_peer(Ref<StreamPeer>());
- server->stop();
+#include "script_editor_debugger.h" +#include "scene/gui/separator.h" +#include "scene/gui/label.h" +#include "scene/gui/split_container.h" +#include "scene/gui/tree.h" +#include "scene/gui/texture_button.h" +#include "scene/gui/tab_container.h" +#include "scene/gui/line_edit.h" +#include "scene/gui/dialogs.h" +#include "scene/gui/rich_text_label.h" +#include "scene/gui/margin_container.h" +#include "property_editor.h" +#include "globals.h" +#include "editor_node.h" +#include "main/performance.h" + +class ScriptEditorDebuggerVariables : public Object { + + OBJ_TYPE( ScriptEditorDebuggerVariables, Object ); + + List<PropertyInfo> props; + Map<StringName,Variant> values; +protected: + + bool _set(const StringName& p_name, const Variant& p_value) { + + return false; + } + + bool _get(const StringName& p_name,Variant &r_ret) const { + + if (!values.has(p_name)) + return false; + r_ret=values[p_name]; + return true; + } + void _get_property_list( List<PropertyInfo> *p_list) const { + + for(const List<PropertyInfo>::Element *E=props.front();E;E=E->next() ) + p_list->push_back(E->get()); + } + + +public: + + + void clear() { + + props.clear(); + values.clear(); + } + + String get_var_value(const String& p_var) const { + + for(Map<StringName,Variant>::Element *E=values.front();E;E=E->next()) { + String v = E->key().operator String().get_slice("/",1); + if (v==p_var) + return E->get(); + } + + return ""; + } + + void add_property(const String &p_name, const Variant& p_value) { + + PropertyInfo pinfo; + pinfo.name=p_name; + pinfo.type=p_value.get_type(); + props.push_back(pinfo); + values[p_name]=p_value; + + } + + void update() { + _change_notify(); + } + + + ScriptEditorDebuggerVariables() { + + } +}; + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_next() { + + ERR_FAIL_COND(!breaked); + ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null()); + ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected()); + Array msg; + msg.push_back("next"); + ppeer->put_var(msg); + stack_dump->clear(); + inspector->edit(NULL); + +} +void ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_step() { + + ERR_FAIL_COND(!breaked); + ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null()); + ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected()); + + Array msg; + msg.push_back("step"); + ppeer->put_var(msg); + stack_dump->clear(); + inspector->edit(NULL); +} + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_break() { + + ERR_FAIL_COND(breaked); + ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null()); + ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected()); + + Array msg; + msg.push_back("break"); + ppeer->put_var(msg); + +} + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_continue() { + + ERR_FAIL_COND(!breaked); + ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null()); + ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected()); + + Array msg; + msg.push_back("continue"); + ppeer->put_var(msg); + +} + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_request() { + + ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null()); + ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected()); + + Array msg; + msg.push_back("request_scene_tree"); + ppeer->put_var(msg); + +} + +Size2 ScriptEditorDebugger::get_minimum_size() const { + + Size2 ms = Control::get_minimum_size(); + ms.y = MAX(ms.y , 250 ); + return ms; + +} +void ScriptEditorDebugger::_parse_message(const String& p_msg,const Array& p_data) { + + + + if (p_msg=="debug_enter") { + + Array msg; + msg.push_back("get_stack_dump"); + ppeer->put_var(msg); + ERR_FAIL_COND(p_data.size()!=2); + bool can_continue=p_data[0]; + String error = p_data[1]; + step->set_disabled(!can_continue); + next->set_disabled(!can_continue); + reason->set_text(error); + reason->set_tooltip(error); + breaked=true; + dobreak->set_disabled(true); + docontinue->set_disabled(false); + emit_signal("breaked",true,can_continue); + OS::get_singleton()->move_window_to_foreground(); + tabs->set_current_tab(0); + + } else if (p_msg=="debug_exit") { + + breaked=false; + step->set_disabled(true); + next->set_disabled(true); + reason->set_text(""); + reason->set_tooltip(""); + back->set_disabled(true); + forward->set_disabled(true); + dobreak->set_disabled(false); + docontinue->set_disabled(true); + emit_signal("breaked",false,false); + //tabs->set_current_tab(0); + + } else if (p_msg=="message:click_ctrl") { + + clicked_ctrl->set_text(p_data[0]); + clicked_ctrl_type->set_text(p_data[1]); + + } else if (p_msg=="message:scene_tree") { + + scene_tree->clear(); + Map<int,TreeItem*> lv; + + for(int i=0;i<p_data.size();i+=3) { + + TreeItem *p; + int level = p_data[i]; + if (level==0) { + p = NULL; + } else { + ERR_CONTINUE(!lv.has(level-1)); + p=lv[level-1]; + } + + TreeItem *it = scene_tree->create_item(p); + it->set_text(0,p_data[i+1]); + if (has_icon(p_data[i+2],"EditorIcons")) + it->set_icon(0,get_icon(p_data[i+2],"EditorIcons")); + lv[level]=it; + } + + + } else if (p_msg=="stack_dump") { + + stack_dump->clear(); + TreeItem *r = stack_dump->create_item(); + + for(int i=0;i<p_data.size();i++) { + + Dictionary d = p_data[i]; + ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("function")); + ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("file")); + ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("line")); + ERR_CONTINUE(!d.has("id")); + TreeItem *s = stack_dump->create_item(r); + d["frame"]=i; + s->set_metadata(0,d); + +// String line = itos(i)+" - "+String(d["file"])+":"+itos(d["line"])+" - at func: "+d["function"]; + String line = itos(i)+" - "+String(d["file"])+":"+itos(d["line"]); + s->set_text(0,line); + + if (i==0) + s->select(0); + } + } else if (p_msg=="stack_frame_vars") { + + + variables->clear(); + + + + int ofs =0; + int mcount = p_data[ofs]; + + ofs++; + for(int i=0;i<mcount;i++) { + + String n = p_data[ofs+i*2+0]; + Variant v = p_data[ofs+i*2+1]; + + if (n.begins_with("*")) { + + n=n.substr(1,n.length()); + } + + variables->add_property("members/"+n,v); + } + ofs+=mcount*2; + + mcount = p_data[ofs]; + + ofs++; + for(int i=0;i<mcount;i++) { + + String n = p_data[ofs+i*2+0]; + Variant v = p_data[ofs+i*2+1]; + + if (n.begins_with("*")) { + + n=n.substr(1,n.length()); + } + + + variables->add_property("locals/"+n,v); + } + + variables->update(); + inspector->edit(variables); + + } else if (p_msg=="output") { + + //OUT + for(int i=0;i<p_data.size();i++) { + + String t = p_data[i]; + //LOG + + if (EditorNode::get_log()->is_hidden()) { + log_forced_visible=true; + EditorNode::get_log()->show(); + } + EditorNode::get_log()->add_message(t); + + } + + } else if (p_msg=="performance") { + Array arr = p_data[0]; + Vector<float> p; + p.resize(arr.size()); + for(int i=0;i<arr.size();i++) { + p[i]=arr[i]; + if (i<perf_items.size()) { + perf_items[i]->set_text(1,rtos(p[i])); + if (p[i]>perf_max[i]) + perf_max[i]=p[i]; + } + + } + perf_history.push_front(p); + perf_draw->update(); + + } else if (p_msg=="kill_me") { + + editor->call_deferred("stop_child_process"); + } + +} + + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::_performance_select(Object*,int,bool) { + + perf_draw->update(); + +} + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::_performance_draw() { + + + Vector<int> which; + for(int i=0;i<perf_items.size();i++) { + + + if (perf_items[i]->is_selected(0)) + which.push_back(i); + } + + + if(which.empty()) + return; + + Color graph_color=get_color("font_color","TextEdit"); + Ref<StyleBox> graph_sb = get_stylebox("normal","TextEdit"); + Ref<Font> graph_font = get_font("font","TextEdit"); + + int cols = Math::ceil(Math::sqrt(which.size())); + int rows = (which.size()+1)/cols; + if (which.size()==1) + rows=1; + + + int margin =3; + int point_sep=5; + Size2i s = Size2i(perf_draw->get_size())/Size2i(cols,rows); + for(int i=0;i<which.size();i++) { + + Point2i p(i%cols,i/cols); + Rect2i r(p*s,s); + r.pos+=Point2(margin,margin); + r.size-=Point2(margin,margin)*2.0; + perf_draw->draw_style_box(graph_sb,r); + r.pos+=graph_sb->get_offset(); + r.size-=graph_sb->get_minimum_size(); + int pi=which[i]; + Color c = Color(0.7,0.9,0.5); + c.set_hsv(Math::fmod(c.get_h()+pi*0.7654,1),c.get_s(),c.get_v()); + + c.a=0.8; + perf_draw->draw_string(graph_font,r.pos+Point2(0,graph_font->get_ascent()),perf_items[pi]->get_text(0),c,r.size.x); + c.a=0.6; + perf_draw->draw_string(graph_font,r.pos+Point2(graph_font->get_char_size('X').width,graph_font->get_ascent()+graph_font->get_height()),perf_items[pi]->get_text(1),c,r.size.y); + + float spacing=point_sep/float(cols); + float from = r.size.width; + + List<Vector<float> >::Element *E=perf_history.front(); + float prev=-1; + while(from>=0 && E) { + + float m = perf_max[pi]; + if (m==0) + m=0.00001; + float h = E->get()[pi]/m; + h=(1.0-h)*r.size.y; + + c.a=0.7; + if (E!=perf_history.front()) + perf_draw->draw_line(r.pos+Point2(from,h),r.pos+Point2(from+spacing,prev),c,2.0); + prev=h; + E=E->next(); + from-=spacing; + } + + } + +} + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::_notification(int p_what) { + + switch(p_what) { + + case NOTIFICATION_ENTER_SCENE: { + + step->set_icon( get_icon("DebugStep","EditorIcons")); + next->set_icon( get_icon("DebugNext","EditorIcons")); + back->set_icon( get_icon("Back","EditorIcons")); + forward->set_icon( get_icon("Forward","EditorIcons")); + dobreak->set_icon( get_icon("Pause","EditorIcons")); + docontinue->set_icon( get_icon("DebugContinue","EditorIcons")); + tb->set_normal_texture( get_icon("Close","EditorIcons")); + tb->set_hover_texture( get_icon("CloseHover","EditorIcons")); + tb->set_pressed_texture( get_icon("Close","EditorIcons")); + scene_tree_refresh->set_icon( get_icon("Reload","EditorIcons")); + + } break; + case NOTIFICATION_PROCESS: { + + if (connection.is_null()) { + + if (server->is_connection_available()) { + + connection = server->take_connection(); + if (connection.is_null()) + break; + + EditorNode::get_log()->add_message("** Debug Process Started **"); + log_forced_visible=false; + + ppeer->set_stream_peer(connection); + + + show(); + dobreak->set_disabled(false); + tabs->set_current_tab(0); + + emit_signal("show_debugger",true); + reason->set_text("Child Process Connected"); + reason->set_tooltip("Child Process Connected"); + + } else { + + break; + } + }; + + if (!connection->is_connected()) { + stop(); + editor->notify_child_process_exited(); //somehow, exited + msgdialog->set_text("Process being debugged exited."); + msgdialog->popup_centered(Size2(250,100)); + break; + }; + + if (ppeer->get_available_packet_count() <= 0) { + break; + }; + + while(ppeer->get_available_packet_count() > 0) { + + if (pending_in_queue) { + + int todo = MIN( ppeer->get_available_packet_count(), pending_in_queue ); + + for(int i=0;i<todo;i++) { + + Variant cmd; + Error ret = ppeer->get_var(cmd); + if (ret!=OK) { + stop(); + ERR_FAIL_COND(ret!=OK); + } + + message.push_back(cmd); + pending_in_queue--; + } + + + if (pending_in_queue==0) { + _parse_message(message_type,message); + message.clear(); + + } + + + } else { + + if (ppeer->get_available_packet_count()>=2) { + + + Variant cmd; + Error ret = ppeer->get_var(cmd); + if (ret!=OK) { + stop(); + ERR_FAIL_COND(ret!=OK); + } + if (cmd.get_type()!=Variant::STRING) { + stop(); + ERR_FAIL_COND(cmd.get_type()!=Variant::STRING); + } + + message_type=cmd; + + ret = ppeer->get_var(cmd); + if (ret!=OK) { + stop(); + ERR_FAIL_COND(ret!=OK); + } + if (cmd.get_type()!=Variant::INT) { + stop(); + ERR_FAIL_COND(cmd.get_type()!=Variant::INT); + } + + pending_in_queue=cmd; + + if (pending_in_queue==0) { + _parse_message(message_type,Array()); + message.clear(); + } + + } else { + + + break; + } + + } + } + + + + } break; + } + +} + + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::start() { + + stop(); + + + uint16_t port = GLOBAL_DEF("debug/remote_port",6007); + perf_history.clear(); + for(int i=0;i<Performance::MONITOR_MAX;i++) { + + perf_max[i]=0; + } + + server->listen(port); + set_process(true); + +} + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::pause(){ + + +} + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::unpause(){ + + +} + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::stop(){ + + + set_process(false); + + server->stop(); + + ppeer->set_stream_peer(Ref<StreamPeer>()); + + if (connection.is_valid()) { + EditorNode::get_log()->add_message("** Debug Process Stopped **"); + connection.unref(); + } + + pending_in_queue=0; + message.clear(); + + if (log_forced_visible) { + EditorNode::get_log()->hide(); + log_forced_visible=false; + } + + + + hide(); + emit_signal("show_debugger",false); + +} + + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::_stack_dump_frame_selected() { + + TreeItem *ti = stack_dump->get_selected(); + if (!ti) + return; + + + Dictionary d = ti->get_metadata(0); + + Ref<Script> s = ResourceLoader::load(d["file"]); + emit_signal("goto_script_line",s,int(d["line"])-1); + + ERR_FAIL_COND(connection.is_null()); + ERR_FAIL_COND(!connection->is_connected()); + /// + + Array msg; + msg.push_back("get_stack_frame_vars"); + msg.push_back(d["frame"]); + ppeer->put_var(msg); + +} + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::_hide_request() { + + hide(); + emit_signal("show_debugger",false); + +} + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::_output_clear() { + + //output->clear(); + //output->push_color(Color(0,0,0)); + +} + +String ScriptEditorDebugger::get_var_value(const String& p_var) const { + if (!breaked) + return String(); + return variables->get_var_value(p_var); +} + +void ScriptEditorDebugger::_bind_methods() { + + ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_stack_dump_frame_selected"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::_stack_dump_frame_selected); + ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("debug_next"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_next); + ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("debug_step"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_step); + ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("debug_break"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_break); + ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("debug_continue"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::debug_continue); + ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_output_clear"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::_output_clear); + ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_hide_request"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::_hide_request); + ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_performance_draw"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::_performance_draw); + ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_performance_select"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::_performance_select); + ObjectTypeDB::bind_method(_MD("_scene_tree_request"),&ScriptEditorDebugger::_scene_tree_request); + + ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("goto_script_line")); + ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("breaked",PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL,"reallydid"))); + ADD_SIGNAL(MethodInfo("show_debugger",PropertyInfo(Variant::BOOL,"reallydid"))); +} + +ScriptEditorDebugger::ScriptEditorDebugger(EditorNode *p_editor){ + + + + ppeer = Ref<PacketPeerStream>( memnew( PacketPeerStream ) ); + editor=p_editor; + + tabs = memnew( TabContainer ); + tabs->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); + tabs->set_area_as_parent_rect(); + add_child(tabs); + + tb = memnew( TextureButton ); + tb->connect("pressed",this,"_hide_request"); + tb->set_anchor_and_margin(MARGIN_LEFT,ANCHOR_END,20); + tb->set_margin(MARGIN_TOP,2); + add_child(tb); + + + + VBoxContainer *vbc = memnew( VBoxContainer ); + vbc->set_name("Debugger"); + //tabs->add_child(vbc); + Control *dbg=vbc; + + HBoxContainer *hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer ); + vbc->add_child(hbc); + + + reason = memnew( Label ); + reason->set_text(""); + hbc->add_child(reason); + reason->add_color_override("font_color",Color(1,0.4,0.0,0.8)); + reason->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); + reason->set_clip_text(true); + + hbc->add_child( memnew( VSeparator) ); + + step = memnew( Button ); + hbc->add_child(step); + step->set_tooltip("Step Into"); + step->connect("pressed",this,"debug_step"); + + next = memnew( Button ); + hbc->add_child(next); + next->set_tooltip("Step Over"); + next->connect("pressed",this,"debug_next"); + + hbc->add_child( memnew( VSeparator) ); + + dobreak = memnew( Button ); + hbc->add_child(dobreak); + dobreak->set_tooltip("Break"); + dobreak->connect("pressed",this,"debug_break"); + + docontinue = memnew( Button ); + hbc->add_child(docontinue); + docontinue->set_tooltip("Continue"); + docontinue->connect("pressed",this,"debug_continue"); + + hbc->add_child( memnew( VSeparator) ); + + back = memnew( Button ); + hbc->add_child(back); + back->set_tooltip("Inspect Previous Instance"); + + forward = memnew( Button ); + hbc->add_child(forward); + back->set_tooltip("Inspect Next Instance"); + + + HSplitContainer *sc = memnew( HSplitContainer ); + vbc->add_child(sc); + sc->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); + + stack_dump = memnew( Tree ); + stack_dump->set_columns(1); + stack_dump->set_column_titles_visible(true); + stack_dump->set_column_title(0,"Stack Frames"); + stack_dump->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); + stack_dump->set_hide_root(true); + stack_dump->connect("cell_selected",this,"_stack_dump_frame_selected"); + sc->add_child(stack_dump); + + inspector = memnew( PropertyEditor ); + inspector->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); + inspector->hide_top_label(); + inspector->get_tree()->set_column_title(0,"Variable"); + inspector->set_capitalize_paths(false); + inspector->set_read_only(true); + sc->add_child(inspector); + + server = TCP_Server::create_ref(); + + pending_in_queue=0; + + variables = memnew( ScriptEditorDebuggerVariables ); + inspector->edit(variables); + breaked=false; + + tabs->add_child(dbg); + //tabs->move_child(vbc,0); + + hbc = memnew( HBoxContainer ); + vbc->add_child(hbc); + + + HSplitContainer *hsp = memnew( HSplitContainer ); + + perf_monitors = memnew(Tree); + perf_monitors->set_columns(2); + perf_monitors->set_column_title(0,"Monitor"); + perf_monitors->set_column_title(1,"Value"); + perf_monitors->set_column_titles_visible(true); + hsp->add_child(perf_monitors); + perf_monitors->set_select_mode(Tree::SELECT_MULTI); + perf_monitors->connect("multi_selected",this,"_performance_select"); + perf_draw = memnew( Control ); + perf_draw->connect("draw",this,"_performance_draw"); + hsp->add_child(perf_draw); + hsp->set_name("Performance"); + hsp->set_split_offset(300); + tabs->add_child(hsp); + perf_max.resize(Performance::MONITOR_MAX); + + Map<String,TreeItem*> bases; + TreeItem *root=perf_monitors->create_item(); + perf_monitors->set_hide_root(true); + for(int i=0;i<Performance::MONITOR_MAX;i++) { + + String n = Performance::get_singleton()->get_monitor_name(Performance::Monitor(i)); + String base = n.get_slice("/",0); + String name = n.get_slice("/",1); + if (!bases.has(base)) { + TreeItem *b = perf_monitors->create_item(root); + b->set_text(0,base.capitalize()); + b->set_editable(0,false); + b->set_selectable(0,false); + bases[base]=b; + } + + TreeItem *it = perf_monitors->create_item(bases[base]); + it->set_editable(0,false); + it->set_selectable(0,true); + it->set_text(0,name.capitalize()); + perf_items.push_back(it); + perf_max[i]=0; + + } + + info = memnew( HSplitContainer ); + info->set_name("Info"); + tabs->add_child(info); + + VBoxContainer *info_left = memnew( VBoxContainer ); + info_left->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); + info->add_child(info_left); + clicked_ctrl = memnew( LineEdit ); + info_left->add_margin_child("Clicked Control:",clicked_ctrl); + clicked_ctrl_type = memnew( LineEdit ); + info_left->add_margin_child("Clicked Control Type:",clicked_ctrl_type); + VBoxContainer *info_right = memnew(VBoxContainer); + info_right->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); + info->add_child(info_right); + HBoxContainer *inforhb = memnew( HBoxContainer ); + info_right->add_child(inforhb); + Label *l2 = memnew( Label("Scene Tree:" ) ); + l2->set_h_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); + inforhb->add_child( l2 ); + Button *refresh = memnew( Button ); + inforhb->add_child(refresh); + refresh->connect("pressed",this,"_scene_tree_request"); + scene_tree_refresh=refresh; + MarginContainer *infomc = memnew( MarginContainer ); + info_right->add_child(infomc); + infomc->set_v_size_flags(SIZE_EXPAND_FILL); + scene_tree = memnew( Tree ); + infomc->add_child(scene_tree); + + + msgdialog = memnew( AcceptDialog ); + add_child(msgdialog); + + hide(); + log_forced_visible=false; + +} + +ScriptEditorDebugger::~ScriptEditorDebugger() { + +// inspector->edit(NULL); + memdelete(variables); + + ppeer->set_stream_peer(Ref<StreamPeer>()); + + server->stop(); + +} |