path: root/thirdparty
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty')
8 files changed, 683 insertions, 59 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/ b/thirdparty/
index bc820634bb..732c08fdea 100644
--- a/thirdparty/
+++ b/thirdparty/
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ Collection of single-file libraries used in Godot components.
* License: Public Domain
- `clipper.{cpp,hpp}`
* Upstream:
- * Version: 6.4.2
+ * Version: 6.4.2 + Godot changes (added optional exceptions handling)
* License: BSL-1.0
- `fastlz.{c,h}`
* Upstream:
diff --git a/thirdparty/assimp/code/res/resource.h b/thirdparty/assimp/code/res/resource.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 37d39284fe..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/assimp/code/res/resource.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-// Microsoft Visual C++ generated include file.
-// Used by assimp.rc
-// Nächste Standardwerte für neue Objekte
-#define _APS_NEXT_COMMAND_VALUE 40001
-#define _APS_NEXT_SYMED_VALUE 101
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btCollisionWorld.cpp b/thirdparty/bullet/BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btCollisionWorld.cpp
index 782e9efaf1..b30ce03164 100644
--- a/thirdparty/bullet/BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btCollisionWorld.cpp
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btCollisionWorld.cpp
@@ -19,9 +19,10 @@ subject to the following restrictions:
#include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btCollisionShape.h"
#include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btConvexShape.h"
#include "BulletCollision/NarrowPhaseCollision/btGjkEpaPenetrationDepthSolver.h"
-#include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btSphereShape.h" //for raycasting
-#include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btBvhTriangleMeshShape.h" //for raycasting
-#include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btScaledBvhTriangleMeshShape.h" //for raycasting
+#include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btSphereShape.h" //for raycasting
+#include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btBvhTriangleMeshShape.h" //for raycasting
+#include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btScaledBvhTriangleMeshShape.h" //for raycasting
+#include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btHeightfieldTerrainShape.h" //for raycasting
#include "BulletCollision/NarrowPhaseCollision/btRaycastCallback.h"
#include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btCompoundShape.h"
#include "BulletCollision/NarrowPhaseCollision/btSubSimplexConvexCast.h"
@@ -413,6 +414,18 @@ void btCollisionWorld::rayTestSingleInternal(const btTransform& rayFromTrans, co
rcb.m_hitFraction = resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction;
triangleMesh->performRaycast(&rcb, rayFromLocalScaled, rayToLocalScaled);
+ else if (collisionShape->getShapeType()==TERRAIN_SHAPE_PROXYTYPE)
+ {
+ ///optimized version for btHeightfieldTerrainShape
+ btHeightfieldTerrainShape* heightField = (btHeightfieldTerrainShape*)collisionShape;
+ btTransform worldTocollisionObject = colObjWorldTransform.inverse();
+ btVector3 rayFromLocal = worldTocollisionObject * rayFromTrans.getOrigin();
+ btVector3 rayToLocal = worldTocollisionObject * rayToTrans.getOrigin();
+ BridgeTriangleRaycastCallback rcb(rayFromLocal,rayToLocal,&resultCallback,collisionObjectWrap->getCollisionObject(),heightField,colObjWorldTransform);
+ rcb.m_hitFraction = resultCallback.m_closestHitFraction;
+ heightField->performRaycast(&rcb, rayFromLocal, rayToLocal);
+ }
//generic (slower) case
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btHeightfieldTerrainShape.cpp b/thirdparty/bullet/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btHeightfieldTerrainShape.cpp
index c85ce2498e..4adf27e6bb 100644
--- a/thirdparty/bullet/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btHeightfieldTerrainShape.cpp
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btHeightfieldTerrainShape.cpp
@@ -73,6 +73,10 @@ void btHeightfieldTerrainShape::initialize(
m_useZigzagSubdivision = false;
m_upAxis = upAxis;
m_localScaling.setValue(btScalar(1.), btScalar(1.), btScalar(1.));
+ m_vboundsGrid = NULL;
+ m_vboundsChunkSize = 0;
+ m_vboundsGridWidth = 0;
+ m_vboundsGridLength = 0;
// determine min/max axis-aligned bounding box (aabb) values
switch (m_upAxis)
@@ -108,6 +112,7 @@ void btHeightfieldTerrainShape::initialize(
+ clearAccelerator();
void btHeightfieldTerrainShape::getAabb(const btTransform& t, btVector3& aabbMin, btVector3& aabbMax) const
@@ -323,6 +328,8 @@ void btHeightfieldTerrainShape::processAllTriangles(btTriangleCallback* callback
+ // TODO If m_vboundsGrid is available, use it to determine if we really need to process this area
for (int j = startJ; j < endJ; j++)
for (int x = startX; x < endX; x++)
@@ -373,3 +380,416 @@ const btVector3& btHeightfieldTerrainShape::getLocalScaling() const
return m_localScaling;
+struct GridRaycastState
+ int x; // Next quad coords
+ int z;
+ int prev_x; // Previous quad coords
+ int prev_z;
+ btScalar param; // Exit param for previous quad
+ btScalar prevParam; // Enter param for previous quad
+ btScalar maxDistanceFlat;
+ btScalar maxDistance3d;
+// TODO Does it really need to take 3D vectors?
+/// Iterates through a virtual 2D grid of unit-sized square cells,
+/// and executes an action on each cell intersecting the given segment, ordered from begin to end.
+/// Initially inspired by
+template <typename Action_T>
+void gridRaycast(Action_T &quadAction, const btVector3 &beginPos, const btVector3 &endPos)
+ GridRaycastState rs;
+ rs.maxDistance3d = beginPos.distance(endPos);
+ if (rs.maxDistance3d < 0.0001)
+ // Consider the ray is too small to hit anything
+ return;
+ btScalar rayDirectionFlatX = endPos[0] - beginPos[0];
+ btScalar rayDirectionFlatZ = endPos[2] - beginPos[2];
+ rs.maxDistanceFlat = btSqrt(rayDirectionFlatX * rayDirectionFlatX + rayDirectionFlatZ * rayDirectionFlatZ);
+ if(rs.maxDistanceFlat < 0.0001)
+ {
+ // Consider the ray vertical
+ rayDirectionFlatX = 0;
+ rayDirectionFlatZ = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rayDirectionFlatX /= rs.maxDistanceFlat;
+ rayDirectionFlatZ /= rs.maxDistanceFlat;
+ }
+ const int xiStep = rayDirectionFlatX > 0 ? 1 : rayDirectionFlatX < 0 ? -1 : 0;
+ const int ziStep = rayDirectionFlatZ > 0 ? 1 : rayDirectionFlatZ < 0 ? -1 : 0;
+ const float infinite = 9999999;
+ const btScalar paramDeltaX = xiStep != 0 ? 1.f / btFabs(rayDirectionFlatX) : infinite;
+ const btScalar paramDeltaZ = ziStep != 0 ? 1.f / btFabs(rayDirectionFlatZ) : infinite;
+ // pos = param * dir
+ btScalar paramCrossX; // At which value of `param` we will cross a x-axis lane?
+ btScalar paramCrossZ; // At which value of `param` we will cross a z-axis lane?
+ // paramCrossX and paramCrossZ are initialized as being the first cross
+ // X initialization
+ if (xiStep != 0)
+ {
+ if (xiStep == 1)
+ paramCrossX = (ceil(beginPos[0]) - beginPos[0]) * paramDeltaX;
+ else
+ paramCrossX = (beginPos[0] - floor(beginPos[0])) * paramDeltaX;
+ }
+ else
+ paramCrossX = infinite; // Will never cross on X
+ // Z initialization
+ if (ziStep != 0)
+ {
+ if (ziStep == 1)
+ paramCrossZ = (ceil(beginPos[2]) - beginPos[2]) * paramDeltaZ;
+ else
+ paramCrossZ = (beginPos[2] - floor(beginPos[2])) * paramDeltaZ;
+ }
+ else
+ paramCrossZ = infinite; // Will never cross on Z
+ rs.x = static_cast<int>(floor(beginPos[0]));
+ rs.z = static_cast<int>(floor(beginPos[2]));
+ // Workaround cases where the ray starts at an integer position
+ if (paramCrossX == 0.0)
+ {
+ paramCrossX += paramDeltaX;
+ // If going backwards, we should ignore the position we would get by the above flooring,
+ // because the ray is not heading in that direction
+ if (xiStep == -1)
+ rs.x -= 1;
+ }
+ if (paramCrossZ == 0.0)
+ {
+ paramCrossZ += paramDeltaZ;
+ if (ziStep == -1)
+ rs.z -= 1;
+ }
+ rs.prev_x = rs.x;
+ rs.prev_z = rs.z;
+ rs.param = 0;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ rs.prev_x = rs.x;
+ rs.prev_z = rs.z;
+ rs.prevParam = rs.param;
+ if (paramCrossX < paramCrossZ)
+ {
+ // X lane
+ rs.x += xiStep;
+ // Assign before advancing the param,
+ // to be in sync with the initialization step
+ rs.param = paramCrossX;
+ paramCrossX += paramDeltaX;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Z lane
+ rs.z += ziStep;
+ rs.param = paramCrossZ;
+ paramCrossZ += paramDeltaZ;
+ }
+ if (rs.param > rs.maxDistanceFlat)
+ {
+ rs.param = rs.maxDistanceFlat;
+ quadAction(rs);
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ quadAction(rs);
+ }
+struct ProcessTrianglesAction
+ const btHeightfieldTerrainShape *shape;
+ bool flipQuadEdges;
+ bool useDiamondSubdivision;
+ int width;
+ int length;
+ btTriangleCallback* callback;
+ void exec(int x, int z) const
+ {
+ if(x < 0 || z < 0 || x >= width || z >= length)
+ return;
+ btVector3 vertices[3];
+ // Check quad
+ if (flipQuadEdges || (useDiamondSubdivision && (((z + x) & 1) > 0)))
+ {
+ // First triangle
+ shape->getVertex(x, z, vertices[0]);
+ shape->getVertex(x + 1, z, vertices[1]);
+ shape->getVertex(x + 1, z + 1, vertices[2]);
+ callback->processTriangle(vertices, x, z);
+ // Second triangle
+ shape->getVertex(x, z, vertices[0]);
+ shape->getVertex(x + 1, z + 1, vertices[1]);
+ shape->getVertex(x, z + 1, vertices[2]);
+ callback->processTriangle(vertices, x, z);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // First triangle
+ shape->getVertex(x, z, vertices[0]);
+ shape->getVertex(x, z + 1, vertices[1]);
+ shape->getVertex(x + 1, z, vertices[2]);
+ callback->processTriangle(vertices, x, z);
+ // Second triangle
+ shape->getVertex(x + 1, z, vertices[0]);
+ shape->getVertex(x, z + 1, vertices[1]);
+ shape->getVertex(x + 1, z + 1, vertices[2]);
+ callback->processTriangle(vertices, x, z);
+ }
+ }
+ void operator ()(const GridRaycastState &bs) const
+ {
+ exec(bs.prev_x, bs.prev_z);
+ }
+struct ProcessVBoundsAction
+ const btHeightfieldTerrainShape::Range *vbounds;
+ int width;
+ int length;
+ int chunkSize;
+ btVector3 rayBegin;
+ btVector3 rayEnd;
+ btVector3 rayDir;
+ ProcessTrianglesAction processTriangles;
+ void operator ()(const GridRaycastState &rs) const
+ {
+ int x = rs.prev_x;
+ int z = rs.prev_z;
+ if(x < 0 || z < 0 || x >= width || z >= length)
+ return;
+ const btHeightfieldTerrainShape::Range chunk = vbounds[x + z * width];
+ btVector3 enterPos;
+ btVector3 exitPos;
+ if (rs.maxDistanceFlat > 0.0001)
+ {
+ btScalar flatTo3d = chunkSize * rs.maxDistance3d / rs.maxDistanceFlat;
+ btScalar enterParam3d = rs.prevParam * flatTo3d;
+ btScalar exitParam3d = rs.param * flatTo3d;
+ enterPos = rayBegin + rayDir * enterParam3d;
+ exitPos = rayBegin + rayDir * exitParam3d;
+ // We did enter the flat projection of the AABB,
+ // but we have to check if we intersect it on the vertical axis
+ if (enterPos[1] > chunk.max && exitPos[1] > chunk.max)
+ return;
+ if (enterPos[1] < chunk.min && exitPos[1] < chunk.min)
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Consider the ray vertical
+ // (though we shouldn't reach this often because there is an early check up-front)
+ enterPos = rayBegin;
+ exitPos = rayEnd;
+ }
+ gridRaycast(processTriangles, enterPos, exitPos);
+ // Note: it could be possible to have more than one grid at different levels,
+ // to do this there would be a branch using a pointer to another ProcessVBoundsAction
+ }
+// TODO How do I interrupt the ray when there is a hit? `callback` does not return any result
+/// Performs a raycast using a hierarchical Bresenham algorithm.
+/// Does not allocate any memory by itself.
+void btHeightfieldTerrainShape::performRaycast(btTriangleCallback* callback, const btVector3& raySource, const btVector3& rayTarget) const
+ // Transform to cell-local
+ btVector3 beginPos = raySource / m_localScaling;
+ btVector3 endPos = rayTarget / m_localScaling;
+ beginPos += m_localOrigin;
+ endPos += m_localOrigin;
+ ProcessTrianglesAction processTriangles;
+ processTriangles.shape = this;
+ processTriangles.flipQuadEdges = m_flipQuadEdges;
+ processTriangles.useDiamondSubdivision = m_useDiamondSubdivision;
+ processTriangles.callback = callback;
+ processTriangles.width = m_heightStickWidth - 1;
+ processTriangles.length = m_heightStickLength - 1;
+ // TODO Transform vectors to account for m_upAxis
+ int iBeginX = static_cast<int>(floor(beginPos[0]));
+ int iBeginZ = static_cast<int>(floor(beginPos[2]));
+ int iEndX = static_cast<int>(floor(endPos[0]));
+ int iEndZ = static_cast<int>(floor(endPos[2]));
+ if (iBeginX == iEndX && iBeginZ == iEndZ)
+ {
+ // The ray will never cross quads within the plane,
+ // so directly process triangles within one quad
+ // (typically, vertical rays should end up here)
+ processTriangles.exec(iBeginX, iEndZ);
+ return;
+ }
+ if (m_vboundsGrid == NULL)
+ {
+ // Process all quads intersecting the flat projection of the ray
+ gridRaycast(processTriangles, beginPos, endPos);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ btVector3 rayDiff = endPos - beginPos;
+ btScalar flatDistance2 = rayDiff[0] * rayDiff[0] + rayDiff[2] * rayDiff[2];
+ if (flatDistance2 < m_vboundsChunkSize * m_vboundsChunkSize)
+ {
+ // Don't use chunks, the ray is too short in the plane
+ gridRaycast(processTriangles, beginPos, endPos);
+ }
+ ProcessVBoundsAction processVBounds;
+ processVBounds.width = m_vboundsGridWidth;
+ processVBounds.length = m_vboundsGridLength;
+ processVBounds.vbounds = m_vboundsGrid;
+ processVBounds.rayBegin = beginPos;
+ processVBounds.rayEnd = endPos;
+ processVBounds.rayDir = rayDiff.normalized();
+ processVBounds.processTriangles = processTriangles;
+ processVBounds.chunkSize = m_vboundsChunkSize;
+ // The ray is long, run raycast on a higher-level grid
+ gridRaycast(processVBounds, beginPos / m_vboundsChunkSize, endPos / m_vboundsChunkSize);
+ }
+/// Builds a grid data structure storing the min and max heights of the terrain in chunks.
+/// if chunkSize is zero, that accelerator is removed.
+/// If you modify the heights, you need to rebuild this accelerator.
+void btHeightfieldTerrainShape::buildAccelerator(int chunkSize)
+ if (chunkSize <= 0)
+ {
+ clearAccelerator();
+ return;
+ }
+ m_vboundsChunkSize = chunkSize;
+ int nChunksX = m_heightStickWidth / chunkSize;
+ int nChunksZ = m_heightStickLength / chunkSize;
+ if (m_heightStickWidth % chunkSize > 0)
+ ++nChunksX; // In case terrain size isn't dividable by chunk size
+ if (m_heightStickLength % chunkSize > 0)
+ ++nChunksZ;
+ if(m_vboundsGridWidth != nChunksX || m_vboundsGridLength != nChunksZ)
+ {
+ clearAccelerator();
+ m_vboundsGridWidth = nChunksX;
+ m_vboundsGridLength = nChunksZ;
+ }
+ if (nChunksX == 0 || nChunksZ == 0)
+ return;
+ // TODO What is the recommended way to allocate this?
+ // This data structure is only reallocated if the required size changed
+ if (m_vboundsGrid == NULL)
+ m_vboundsGrid = new Range[nChunksX * nChunksZ];
+ // Compute min and max height for all chunks
+ for (int cz = 0; cz < nChunksZ; ++cz)
+ {
+ int z0 = cz * chunkSize;
+ for (int cx = 0; cx < nChunksX; ++cx)
+ {
+ int x0 = cx * chunkSize;
+ Range r;
+ r.min = getRawHeightFieldValue(x0, z0);
+ r.max = r.min;
+ // Compute min and max height for this chunk.
+ // We have to include one extra cell to account for neighbors.
+ // Here is why:
+ // Say we have a flat terrain, and a plateau that fits a chunk perfectly.
+ //
+ // Left Right
+ // 0---0---0---1---1---1
+ // | | | | | |
+ // 0---0---0---1---1---1
+ // | | | | | |
+ // 0---0---0---1---1---1
+ // x
+ //
+ // If the AABB for the Left chunk did not share vertices with the Right,
+ // then we would fail collision tests at x due to a gap.
+ //
+ for (int z = z0; z < z0 + chunkSize + 1; ++z)
+ {
+ if (z >= m_heightStickLength)
+ continue;
+ for (int x = x0; x < x0 + chunkSize + 1; ++x)
+ {
+ if (x >= m_heightStickWidth)
+ continue;
+ btScalar height = getRawHeightFieldValue(x, z);
+ if (height < r.min)
+ r.min = height;
+ else if (height > r.max)
+ r.max = height;
+ }
+ }
+ m_vboundsGrid[cx + cz * nChunksX] = r;
+ }
+ }
+void btHeightfieldTerrainShape::clearAccelerator()
+ if (m_vboundsGrid)
+ {
+ // TODO What is the recommended way to deallocate this?
+ delete[] m_vboundsGrid;
+ m_vboundsGrid = 0;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btHeightfieldTerrainShape.h b/thirdparty/bullet/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btHeightfieldTerrainShape.h
index 8a50a57e31..e23b548cb2 100644
--- a/thirdparty/bullet/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btHeightfieldTerrainShape.h
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btHeightfieldTerrainShape.h
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ subject to the following restrictions:
#include "btConcaveShape.h"
///btHeightfieldTerrainShape simulates a 2D heightfield terrain
The caller is responsible for maintaining the heightfield array; this
@@ -71,6 +72,12 @@ subject to the following restrictions:
btHeightfieldTerrainShape : public btConcaveShape
+ struct Range {
+ btScalar min;
+ btScalar max;
+ };
btVector3 m_localAabbMin;
btVector3 m_localAabbMax;
@@ -100,9 +107,14 @@ protected:
btVector3 m_localScaling;
+ // Accelerator
+ Range *m_vboundsGrid;
+ int m_vboundsGridWidth;
+ int m_vboundsGridLength;
+ int m_vboundsChunkSize;
virtual btScalar getRawHeightFieldValue(int x, int y) const;
void quantizeWithClamp(int* out, const btVector3& point, int isMax) const;
- void getVertex(int x, int y, btVector3& vertex) const;
/// protected initialization
@@ -154,6 +166,13 @@ public:
virtual void setLocalScaling(const btVector3& scaling);
virtual const btVector3& getLocalScaling() const;
+ void getVertex(int x,int y,btVector3& vertex) const;
+ void performRaycast (btTriangleCallback* callback, const btVector3& raySource, const btVector3& rayTarget) const;
+ void buildAccelerator(int chunkSize=16);
+ void clearAccelerator();
virtual const char* getName() const { return "HEIGHTFIELD"; }
diff --git a/thirdparty/misc/clipper-exceptions.patch b/thirdparty/misc/clipper-exceptions.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..537afd59b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/misc/clipper-exceptions.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+diff --git a/thirdparty/misc/clipper.cpp b/thirdparty/misc/clipper.cpp
+index 8c3a59c4ca..c67045d113 100644
+--- a/thirdparty/misc/clipper.cpp
++++ b/thirdparty/misc/clipper.cpp
+@@ -48,6 +48,38 @@
+ #include <ostream>
+ #include <functional>
++//Explicitly disables exceptions handling for target platform
++#define CLIPPER_THROW(exception) std::abort()
++#define CLIPPER_TRY if(true)
++#define CLIPPER_CATCH(exception) if(false)
++#if defined(__cpp_exceptions) || defined(__EXCEPTIONS) || defined(_CPPUNWIND)
++ #define CLIPPER_THROW(exception) throw exception
++ #undef CLIPPER_TRY
++ #define CLIPPER_TRY try
++ #define CLIPPER_CATCH(exception) catch(exception)
++ #endif
++//Optionally allows to override exception macros
++#if defined(CLIPPER_THROW_USER)
++#if defined(CLIPPER_TRY_USER)
++ #undef CLIPPER_TRY
++#if defined(CLIPPER_CATCH_USER)
+ namespace ClipperLib {
+ static double const pi = 3.141592653589793238;
+@@ -898,7 +930,7 @@ void RangeTest(const IntPoint& Pt, bool& useFullRange)
+ if (useFullRange)
+ {
+ if (Pt.X > hiRange || Pt.Y > hiRange || -Pt.X > hiRange || -Pt.Y > hiRange)
+- throw clipperException("Coordinate outside allowed range");
++ CLIPPER_THROW(clipperException("Coordinate outside allowed range"));
+ }
+ else if (Pt.X > loRange|| Pt.Y > loRange || -Pt.X > loRange || -Pt.Y > loRange)
+ {
+@@ -1046,10 +1078,10 @@ bool ClipperBase::AddPath(const Path &pg, PolyType PolyTyp, bool Closed)
+ {
+ #ifdef use_lines
+ if (!Closed && PolyTyp == ptClip)
+- throw clipperException("AddPath: Open paths must be subject.");
++ CLIPPER_THROW(clipperException("AddPath: Open paths must be subject."));
+ #else
+ if (!Closed)
+- throw clipperException("AddPath: Open paths have been disabled.");
++ CLIPPER_THROW(clipperException("AddPath: Open paths have been disabled."));
+ #endif
+ int highI = (int)pg.size() -1;
+@@ -1062,7 +1094,7 @@ bool ClipperBase::AddPath(const Path &pg, PolyType PolyTyp, bool Closed)
+ bool IsFlat = true;
+ //1. Basic (first) edge initialization ...
+- try
+ {
+ edges[1].Curr = pg[1];
+ RangeTest(pg[0], m_UseFullRange);
+@@ -1075,10 +1107,10 @@ bool ClipperBase::AddPath(const Path &pg, PolyType PolyTyp, bool Closed)
+ InitEdge(&edges[i], &edges[i+1], &edges[i-1], pg[i]);
+ }
+ }
+- catch(...)
+ {
+ delete [] edges;
+- throw; //range test fails
++ CLIPPER_THROW(); //range test fails
+ }
+ TEdge *eStart = &edges[0];
+@@ -1442,7 +1474,7 @@ void ClipperBase::SwapPositionsInAEL(TEdge *Edge1, TEdge *Edge2)
+ void ClipperBase::UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(TEdge *&e)
+ {
+ if (!e->NextInLML)
+- throw clipperException("UpdateEdgeIntoAEL: invalid call");
++ CLIPPER_THROW(clipperException("UpdateEdgeIntoAEL: invalid call"));
+ e->NextInLML->OutIdx = e->OutIdx;
+ TEdge* AelPrev = e->PrevInAEL;
+@@ -1510,7 +1542,7 @@ bool Clipper::Execute(ClipType clipType, Paths &solution,
+ {
+ if( m_ExecuteLocked ) return false;
+ if (m_HasOpenPaths)
+- throw clipperException("Error: PolyTree struct is needed for open path clipping.");
++ CLIPPER_THROW(clipperException("Error: PolyTree struct is needed for open path clipping."));
+ m_ExecuteLocked = true;
+ solution.resize(0);
+ m_SubjFillType = subjFillType;
+@@ -1560,7 +1592,7 @@ void Clipper::FixHoleLinkage(OutRec &outrec)
+ bool Clipper::ExecuteInternal()
+ {
+ bool succeeded = true;
+- try {
+ Reset();
+ m_Maxima = MaximaList();
+ m_SortedEdges = 0;
+@@ -1583,7 +1615,7 @@ bool Clipper::ExecuteInternal()
+ InsertLocalMinimaIntoAEL(botY);
+ }
+ }
+- catch(...)
+ {
+ succeeded = false;
+ }
+@@ -2827,18 +2859,18 @@ void Clipper::ProcessHorizontal(TEdge *horzEdge)
+ bool Clipper::ProcessIntersections(const cInt topY)
+ {
+ if( !m_ActiveEdges ) return true;
+- try {
+ BuildIntersectList(topY);
+ size_t IlSize = m_IntersectList.size();
+ if (IlSize == 0) return true;
+ if (IlSize == 1 || FixupIntersectionOrder()) ProcessIntersectList();
+ else return false;
+ }
+- catch(...)
+ {
+ m_SortedEdges = 0;
+ DisposeIntersectNodes();
+- throw clipperException("ProcessIntersections error");
++ CLIPPER_THROW(clipperException("ProcessIntersections error"));
+ }
+ m_SortedEdges = 0;
+ return true;
+@@ -3002,7 +3034,7 @@ void Clipper::DoMaxima(TEdge *e)
+ DeleteFromAEL(eMaxPair);
+ }
+ #endif
+- else throw clipperException("DoMaxima error");
++ else CLIPPER_THROW(clipperException("DoMaxima error"));
+ }
+ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/thirdparty/misc/clipper.cpp b/thirdparty/misc/clipper.cpp
index d3143fe5ab..c67045d113 100644
--- a/thirdparty/misc/clipper.cpp
+++ b/thirdparty/misc/clipper.cpp
@@ -48,6 +48,38 @@
#include <ostream>
#include <functional>
+//Explicitly disables exceptions handling for target platform
+#define CLIPPER_THROW(exception) std::abort()
+#define CLIPPER_TRY if(true)
+#define CLIPPER_CATCH(exception) if(false)
+#if defined(__cpp_exceptions) || defined(__EXCEPTIONS) || defined(_CPPUNWIND)
+ #define CLIPPER_THROW(exception) throw exception
+ #undef CLIPPER_TRY
+ #define CLIPPER_TRY try
+ #define CLIPPER_CATCH(exception) catch(exception)
+ #endif
+//Optionally allows to override exception macros
+#if defined(CLIPPER_THROW_USER)
+#if defined(CLIPPER_TRY_USER)
+ #undef CLIPPER_TRY
+#if defined(CLIPPER_CATCH_USER)
namespace ClipperLib {
static double const pi = 3.141592653589793238;
@@ -898,7 +930,7 @@ void RangeTest(const IntPoint& Pt, bool& useFullRange)
if (useFullRange)
if (Pt.X > hiRange || Pt.Y > hiRange || -Pt.X > hiRange || -Pt.Y > hiRange)
- throw clipperException("Coordinate outside allowed range");
+ CLIPPER_THROW(clipperException("Coordinate outside allowed range"));
else if (Pt.X > loRange|| Pt.Y > loRange || -Pt.X > loRange || -Pt.Y > loRange)
@@ -1046,10 +1078,10 @@ bool ClipperBase::AddPath(const Path &pg, PolyType PolyTyp, bool Closed)
#ifdef use_lines
if (!Closed && PolyTyp == ptClip)
- throw clipperException("AddPath: Open paths must be subject.");
+ CLIPPER_THROW(clipperException("AddPath: Open paths must be subject."));
if (!Closed)
- throw clipperException("AddPath: Open paths have been disabled.");
+ CLIPPER_THROW(clipperException("AddPath: Open paths have been disabled."));
int highI = (int)pg.size() -1;
@@ -1062,7 +1094,7 @@ bool ClipperBase::AddPath(const Path &pg, PolyType PolyTyp, bool Closed)
bool IsFlat = true;
//1. Basic (first) edge initialization ...
- try
edges[1].Curr = pg[1];
RangeTest(pg[0], m_UseFullRange);
@@ -1075,10 +1107,10 @@ bool ClipperBase::AddPath(const Path &pg, PolyType PolyTyp, bool Closed)
InitEdge(&edges[i], &edges[i+1], &edges[i-1], pg[i]);
- catch(...)
delete [] edges;
- throw; //range test fails
+ CLIPPER_THROW(); //range test fails
TEdge *eStart = &edges[0];
@@ -1442,7 +1474,7 @@ void ClipperBase::SwapPositionsInAEL(TEdge *Edge1, TEdge *Edge2)
void ClipperBase::UpdateEdgeIntoAEL(TEdge *&e)
if (!e->NextInLML)
- throw clipperException("UpdateEdgeIntoAEL: invalid call");
+ CLIPPER_THROW(clipperException("UpdateEdgeIntoAEL: invalid call"));
e->NextInLML->OutIdx = e->OutIdx;
TEdge* AelPrev = e->PrevInAEL;
@@ -1510,7 +1542,7 @@ bool Clipper::Execute(ClipType clipType, Paths &solution,
if( m_ExecuteLocked ) return false;
if (m_HasOpenPaths)
- throw clipperException("Error: PolyTree struct is needed for open path clipping.");
+ CLIPPER_THROW(clipperException("Error: PolyTree struct is needed for open path clipping."));
m_ExecuteLocked = true;
m_SubjFillType = subjFillType;
@@ -1560,7 +1592,7 @@ void Clipper::FixHoleLinkage(OutRec &outrec)
bool Clipper::ExecuteInternal()
bool succeeded = true;
- try {
m_Maxima = MaximaList();
m_SortedEdges = 0;
@@ -1583,7 +1615,7 @@ bool Clipper::ExecuteInternal()
- catch(...)
succeeded = false;
@@ -2827,18 +2859,18 @@ void Clipper::ProcessHorizontal(TEdge *horzEdge)
bool Clipper::ProcessIntersections(const cInt topY)
if( !m_ActiveEdges ) return true;
- try {
size_t IlSize = m_IntersectList.size();
if (IlSize == 0) return true;
if (IlSize == 1 || FixupIntersectionOrder()) ProcessIntersectList();
else return false;
- catch(...)
m_SortedEdges = 0;
- throw clipperException("ProcessIntersections error");
+ CLIPPER_THROW(clipperException("ProcessIntersections error"));
m_SortedEdges = 0;
return true;
@@ -3002,7 +3034,7 @@ void Clipper::DoMaxima(TEdge *e)
- else throw clipperException("DoMaxima error");
+ else CLIPPER_THROW(clipperException("DoMaxima error"));
@@ -4329,10 +4361,10 @@ double DistanceFromLineSqrd(
const IntPoint& pt, const IntPoint& ln1, const IntPoint& ln2)
//The equation of a line in general form (Ax + By + C = 0)
- //given 2 points (x¹,y¹) & (x²,y²) is ...
- //(y¹ - y²)x + (x² - x¹)y + (y² - y¹)x¹ - (x² - x¹)y¹ = 0
- //A = (y¹ - y²); B = (x² - x¹); C = (y² - y¹)x¹ - (x² - x¹)y¹
- //perpendicular distance of point (x³,y³) = (Ax³ + By³ + C)/Sqrt(A² + B²)
+ //given 2 points (x¹,y¹) & (x²,y²) is ...
+ //(y¹ - y²)x + (x² - x¹)y + (y² - y¹)x¹ - (x² - x¹)y¹ = 0
+ //A = (y¹ - y²); B = (x² - x¹); C = (y² - y¹)x¹ - (x² - x¹)y¹
+ //perpendicular distance of point (x³,y³) = (Ax³ + By³ + C)/Sqrt(A² + B²)
double A = double(ln1.Y - ln2.Y);
double B = double(ln2.X - ln1.X);
diff --git a/thirdparty/xatlas/xatlas.cpp b/thirdparty/xatlas/xatlas.cpp
index eb0824a517..2cc2905eee 100644
--- a/thirdparty/xatlas/xatlas.cpp
+++ b/thirdparty/xatlas/xatlas.cpp
@@ -4388,7 +4388,7 @@ private:
class Solver
- // Solve the symmetric system: At·A·x = At·b
+ // Solve the symmetric system: At·A·x = At·b
static bool LeastSquaresSolver(const sparse::Matrix &A, const FullVector &b, FullVector &x, float epsilon = 1e-5f)
xaDebugAssert(A.width() == x.dimension());
@@ -4477,22 +4477,22 @@ private:
* Gradient method.
* Solving sparse linear systems:
- * (1) A·x = b
+ * (1) A·x = b
* The conjugate gradient algorithm solves (1) only in the case that A is
* symmetric and positive definite. It is based on the idea of minimizing the
* function
- * (2) f(x) = 1/2·x·A·x - b·x
+ * (2) f(x) = 1/2·x·A·x - b·x
* This function is minimized when its gradient
- * (3) df = A·x - b
+ * (3) df = A·x - b
* is zero, which is equivalent to (1). The minimization is carried out by
* generating a succession of search directions p.k and improved minimizers x.k.
- * At each stage a quantity alfa.k is found that minimizes f(x.k + alfa.k·p.k),
- * and x.k+1 is set equal to the new point x.k + alfa.k·p.k. The p.k and x.k are
+ * At each stage a quantity alfa.k is found that minimizes f(x.k + alfa.k·p.k),
+ * and x.k+1 is set equal to the new point x.k + alfa.k·p.k. The p.k and x.k are
* built up in such a way that x.k+1 is also the minimizer of f over the whole
* vector space of directions already taken, {p.1, p.2, . . . , p.k}. After N
* iterations you arrive at the minimizer over the entire vector space, i.e., the
@@ -4520,7 +4520,7 @@ private:
float delta_new;
float alpha;
float beta;
- // r = b - A·x;
+ // r = b - A·x;
sparse::copy(b, r);
sparse::sgemv(-1, A, x, 1, r);
// p = r;
@@ -4529,24 +4529,24 @@ private:
delta_0 = delta_new;
while (i < i_max && delta_new > epsilon * epsilon * delta_0) {
- // q = A·p
+ // q = A·p
mult(A, p, q);
- // alpha = delta_new / p·q
+ // alpha = delta_new / p·q
alpha = delta_new / sparse::dot( p, q );
- // x = alfa·p + x
+ // x = alfa·p + x
sparse::saxpy(alpha, p, x);
if ((i & 31) == 0) { // recompute r after 32 steps
- // r = b - A·x
+ // r = b - A·x
sparse::copy(b, r);
sparse::sgemv(-1, A, x, 1, r);
} else {
- // r = r - alpha·q
+ // r = r - alpha·q
sparse::saxpy(-alpha, q, r);
delta_old = delta_new;
delta_new = sparse::dot( r, r );
beta = delta_new / delta_old;
- // p = beta·p + r
+ // p = beta·p + r
sparse::scal(beta, p);
sparse::saxpy(1, r, p);
@@ -4572,35 +4572,35 @@ private:
float delta_new;
float alpha;
float beta;
- // r = b - A·x
+ // r = b - A·x
sparse::copy(b, r);
sparse::sgemv(-1, A, x, 1, r);
- // p = M^-1 · r
+ // p = M^-1 · r
preconditioner.apply(r, p);
delta_new = sparse::dot(r, p);
delta_0 = delta_new;
while (i < i_max && delta_new > epsilon * epsilon * delta_0) {
- // q = A·p
+ // q = A·p
mult(A, p, q);
- // alpha = delta_new / p·q
+ // alpha = delta_new / p·q
alpha = delta_new / sparse::dot(p, q);
- // x = alfa·p + x
+ // x = alfa·p + x
sparse::saxpy(alpha, p, x);
if ((i & 31) == 0) { // recompute r after 32 steps
- // r = b - A·x
+ // r = b - A·x
sparse::copy(b, r);
sparse::sgemv(-1, A, x, 1, r);
} else {
- // r = r - alfa·q
+ // r = r - alfa·q
sparse::saxpy(-alpha, q, r);
- // s = M^-1 · r
+ // s = M^-1 · r
preconditioner.apply(r, s);
delta_old = delta_new;
delta_new = sparse::dot( r, s );
beta = delta_new / delta_old;
- // p = s + beta·p
+ // p = s + beta·p
sparse::scal(beta, p);
sparse::saxpy(1, s, p);