path: root/thirdparty/vulkan/registry/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/vulkan/registry/')
1 files changed, 1571 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/vulkan/registry/ b/thirdparty/vulkan/registry/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..49cf720c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/vulkan/registry/
@@ -0,0 +1,1571 @@
+#!/usr/bin/python3 -i
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Valve Corporation
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 LunarG, Inc.
+# Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Google Inc.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Author: Mark Young <>
+# Author: Mark Lobodzinski <>
+import os,re,sys
+import xml.etree.ElementTree as etree
+from generator import *
+from collections import namedtuple
+from common_codegen import *
+WSI_EXT_NAMES = ['VK_KHR_surface',
+ 'VK_KHR_display',
+ 'VK_KHR_xlib_surface',
+ 'VK_KHR_xcb_surface',
+ 'VK_KHR_wayland_surface',
+ 'VK_KHR_win32_surface',
+ 'VK_KHR_android_surface',
+ 'VK_MVK_macos_surface',
+ 'VK_MVK_ios_surface',
+ 'VK_EXT_headless_surface',
+ 'VK_KHR_swapchain',
+ 'VK_KHR_display_swapchain',
+ 'VK_KHR_get_display_properties2']
+ADD_INST_CMDS = ['vkCreateInstance',
+ 'vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties',
+ 'vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties',
+ 'vkEnumerateInstanceVersion']
+AVOID_EXT_NAMES = ['VK_EXT_debug_report']
+NULL_CHECK_EXT_NAMES= ['VK_EXT_debug_utils']
+AVOID_CMD_NAMES = ['vkCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT',
+ 'vkDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT',
+ 'vkSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT']
+DEVICE_CMDS_NEED_TERM = ['vkGetDeviceProcAddr',
+ 'vkCreateSwapchainKHR',
+ 'vkCreateSharedSwapchainsKHR',
+ 'vkGetDeviceGroupSurfacePresentModesKHR',
+ 'vkDebugMarkerSetObjectTagEXT',
+ 'vkDebugMarkerSetObjectNameEXT',
+ 'vkSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT',
+ 'vkSetDebugUtilsObjectTagEXT',
+ 'vkGetDeviceGroupSurfacePresentModes2EXT']
+ 'vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroupsKHR': 'vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroups',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR': 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR': 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2KHR': 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2KHR': 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2KHR': 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2KHR': 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR': 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferPropertiesKHR': 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferProperties',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphorePropertiesKHR': 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphoreProperties',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalFencePropertiesKHR': 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalFenceProperties',
+PRE_INSTANCE_FUNCTIONS = ['vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties',
+ 'vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties',
+ 'vkEnumerateInstanceVersion']
+# LoaderExtensionGeneratorOptions - subclass of GeneratorOptions.
+class LoaderExtensionGeneratorOptions(GeneratorOptions):
+ def __init__(self,
+ conventions = None,
+ filename = None,
+ directory = '.',
+ apiname = None,
+ profile = None,
+ versions = '.*',
+ emitversions = '.*',
+ defaultExtensions = None,
+ addExtensions = None,
+ removeExtensions = None,
+ emitExtensions = None,
+ sortProcedure = regSortFeatures,
+ prefixText = "",
+ genFuncPointers = True,
+ protectFile = True,
+ protectFeature = True,
+ apicall = '',
+ apientry = '',
+ apientryp = '',
+ indentFuncProto = True,
+ indentFuncPointer = False,
+ alignFuncParam = 0,
+ expandEnumerants = True):
+ GeneratorOptions.__init__(self, conventions, filename, directory, apiname, profile,
+ versions, emitversions, defaultExtensions,
+ addExtensions, removeExtensions, emitExtensions, sortProcedure)
+ self.prefixText = prefixText
+ self.prefixText = None
+ self.apicall = apicall
+ self.apientry = apientry
+ self.apientryp = apientryp
+ self.alignFuncParam = alignFuncParam
+ self.expandEnumerants = expandEnumerants
+# LoaderExtensionOutputGenerator - subclass of OutputGenerator.
+# Generates dispatch table helper header files for LVL
+class LoaderExtensionOutputGenerator(OutputGenerator):
+ """Generate dispatch table helper header based on XML element attributes"""
+ def __init__(self,
+ errFile = sys.stderr,
+ warnFile = sys.stderr,
+ diagFile = sys.stdout):
+ OutputGenerator.__init__(self, errFile, warnFile, diagFile)
+ # Internal state - accumulators for different inner block text
+ self.ext_instance_dispatch_list = [] # List of extension entries for instance dispatch list
+ self.ext_device_dispatch_list = [] # List of extension entries for device dispatch list
+ self.core_commands = [] # List of CommandData records for core Vulkan commands
+ self.ext_commands = [] # List of CommandData records for extension Vulkan commands
+ self.CommandParam = namedtuple('CommandParam', ['type', 'name', 'cdecl'])
+ self.CommandData = namedtuple('CommandData', ['name', 'ext_name', 'ext_type', 'require', 'protect', 'return_type', 'handle_type', 'params', 'cdecl'])
+ self.instanceExtensions = []
+ self.ExtensionData = namedtuple('ExtensionData', ['name', 'type', 'protect', 'define', 'num_commands'])
+ #
+ # Called once at the beginning of each run
+ def beginFile(self, genOpts):
+ OutputGenerator.beginFile(self, genOpts)
+ # User-supplied prefix text, if any (list of strings)
+ if (genOpts.prefixText):
+ for s in genOpts.prefixText:
+ write(s, file=self.outFile)
+ # File Comment
+ file_comment = '// *** THIS FILE IS GENERATED - DO NOT EDIT ***\n'
+ file_comment += '// See for modifications\n'
+ write(file_comment, file=self.outFile)
+ # Copyright Notice
+ copyright = '/*\n'
+ copyright += ' * Copyright (c) 2015-2017 The Khronos Group Inc.\n'
+ copyright += ' * Copyright (c) 2015-2017 Valve Corporation\n'
+ copyright += ' * Copyright (c) 2015-2017 LunarG, Inc.\n'
+ copyright += ' *\n'
+ copyright += ' * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");\n'
+ copyright += ' * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.\n'
+ copyright += ' * You may obtain a copy of the License at\n'
+ copyright += ' *\n'
+ copyright += ' *\n'
+ copyright += ' *\n'
+ copyright += ' * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software\n'
+ copyright += ' * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,\n'
+ copyright += ' * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.\n'
+ copyright += ' * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and\n'
+ copyright += ' * limitations under the License.\n'
+ copyright += ' *\n'
+ copyright += ' * Author: Mark Lobodzinski <>\n'
+ copyright += ' * Author: Mark Young <>\n'
+ copyright += ' */\n'
+ preamble = ''
+ if self.genOpts.filename == 'vk_loader_extensions.h':
+ preamble += '#pragma once\n'
+ elif self.genOpts.filename == 'vk_loader_extensions.c':
+ preamble += '#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE\n'
+ preamble += '#define _GNU_SOURCE\n'
+ preamble += '#endif\n'
+ preamble += '#include <stdio.h>\n'
+ preamble += '#include <stdlib.h>\n'
+ preamble += '#include <string.h>\n'
+ preamble += '#include "vk_loader_platform.h"\n'
+ preamble += '#include "loader.h"\n'
+ preamble += '#include "vk_loader_extensions.h"\n'
+ preamble += '#include <vulkan/vk_icd.h>\n'
+ preamble += '#include "wsi.h"\n'
+ preamble += '#include "debug_utils.h"\n'
+ preamble += '#include "extension_manual.h"\n'
+ elif self.genOpts.filename == 'vk_layer_dispatch_table.h':
+ preamble += '#pragma once\n'
+ preamble += '\n'
+ preamble += 'typedef PFN_vkVoidFunction (VKAPI_PTR *PFN_GetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr)(VkInstance instance, const char* pName);\n'
+ write(copyright, file=self.outFile)
+ write(preamble, file=self.outFile)
+ #
+ # Write generate and write dispatch tables to output file
+ def endFile(self):
+ file_data = ''
+ if self.genOpts.filename == 'vk_loader_extensions.h':
+ file_data += self.OutputPrototypesInHeader()
+ file_data += self.OutputLoaderTerminators()
+ file_data += self.OutputIcdDispatchTable()
+ file_data += self.OutputIcdExtensionEnableUnion()
+ elif self.genOpts.filename == 'vk_loader_extensions.c':
+ file_data += self.OutputUtilitiesInSource()
+ file_data += self.OutputIcdDispatchTableInit()
+ file_data += self.OutputLoaderDispatchTables()
+ file_data += self.OutputLoaderLookupFunc()
+ file_data += self.CreateTrampTermFuncs()
+ file_data += self.InstExtensionGPA()
+ file_data += self.InstantExtensionCreate()
+ file_data += self.DeviceExtensionGetTerminator()
+ file_data += self.InitInstLoaderExtensionDispatchTable()
+ file_data += self.OutputInstantExtensionWhitelistArray()
+ elif self.genOpts.filename == 'vk_layer_dispatch_table.h':
+ file_data += self.OutputLayerInstanceDispatchTable()
+ file_data += self.OutputLayerDeviceDispatchTable()
+ write(file_data, file=self.outFile);
+ # Finish processing in superclass
+ OutputGenerator.endFile(self)
+ def beginFeature(self, interface, emit):
+ # Start processing in superclass
+ OutputGenerator.beginFeature(self, interface, emit)
+ self.featureExtraProtect = GetFeatureProtect(interface)
+ enums = interface[0].findall('enum')
+ self.currentExtension = ''
+ self.name_definition = ''
+ for item in enums:
+ name_definition = item.get('name')
+ if 'EXTENSION_NAME' in name_definition:
+ self.name_definition = name_definition
+ self.type = interface.get('type')
+ self.num_commands = 0
+ name = interface.get('name')
+ self.currentExtension = name
+ #
+ # Process commands, adding to appropriate dispatch tables
+ def genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias):
+ OutputGenerator.genCmd(self, cmdinfo, name, alias)
+ # Get first param type
+ params = cmdinfo.elem.findall('param')
+ info = self.getTypeNameTuple(params[0])
+ self.num_commands += 1
+ if 'android' not in name:
+ self.AddCommandToDispatchList(self.currentExtension, self.type, name, cmdinfo, info[0])
+ def endFeature(self):
+ if 'android' not in self.currentExtension:
+ self.instanceExtensions.append(self.ExtensionData(name=self.currentExtension,
+ type=self.type,
+ protect=self.featureExtraProtect,
+ define=self.name_definition,
+ num_commands=self.num_commands))
+ # Finish processing in superclass
+ OutputGenerator.endFeature(self)
+ #
+ # Retrieve the value of the len tag
+ def getLen(self, param):
+ result = None
+ len = param.attrib.get('len')
+ if len and len != 'null-terminated':
+ # For string arrays, 'len' can look like 'count,null-terminated',
+ # indicating that we have a null terminated array of strings. We
+ # strip the null-terminated from the 'len' field and only return
+ # the parameter specifying the string count
+ if 'null-terminated' in len:
+ result = len.split(',')[0]
+ else:
+ result = len
+ result = str(result).replace('::', '->')
+ return result
+ #
+ # Determine if this API should be ignored or added to the instance or device dispatch table
+ def AddCommandToDispatchList(self, extension_name, extension_type, name, cmdinfo, handle_type):
+ handle = self.registry.tree.find("types/type/[name='" + handle_type + "'][@category='handle']")
+ return_type = cmdinfo.elem.find('proto/type')
+ if (return_type is not None and return_type.text == 'void'):
+ return_type = None
+ require = None
+ if name == 'vkGetDeviceGroupSurfacePresentModes2EXT':
+ require_node = self.registry.tree.find("./extensions/extension[@name='{}']/require/command[@name='{}']/..".format(extension_name, name))
+ if 'extension' in require_node.attrib:
+ require = require_node.attrib['extension']
+ cmd_params = []
+ # Generate a list of commands for use in printing the necessary
+ # core instance terminator prototypes
+ params = cmdinfo.elem.findall('param')
+ lens = set()
+ for param in params:
+ len = self.getLen(param)
+ if len:
+ lens.add(len)
+ paramsInfo = []
+ for param in params:
+ paramInfo = self.getTypeNameTuple(param)
+ param_type = paramInfo[0]
+ param_name = paramInfo[1]
+ param_cdecl = self.makeCParamDecl(param, 0)
+ cmd_params.append(self.CommandParam(type=param_type, name=param_name,
+ cdecl=param_cdecl))
+ if handle is not None and handle_type != 'VkInstance' and handle_type != 'VkPhysicalDevice':
+ # The Core Vulkan code will be wrapped in a feature called VK_VERSION_#_#
+ # For example: VK_VERSION_1_0 wraps the core 1.0 Vulkan functionality
+ if 'VK_VERSION_' in extension_name:
+ self.core_commands.append(
+ self.CommandData(name=name, ext_name=extension_name,
+ ext_type='device',
+ require=require,
+ protect=self.featureExtraProtect,
+ return_type = return_type,
+ handle_type = handle_type,
+ params = cmd_params,
+ cdecl=self.makeCDecls(cmdinfo.elem)[0]))
+ else:
+ self.ext_device_dispatch_list.append((name, self.featureExtraProtect))
+ self.ext_commands.append(
+ self.CommandData(name=name, ext_name=extension_name,
+ ext_type=extension_type,
+ require=require,
+ protect=self.featureExtraProtect,
+ return_type = return_type,
+ handle_type = handle_type,
+ params = cmd_params,
+ cdecl=self.makeCDecls(cmdinfo.elem)[0]))
+ else:
+ # The Core Vulkan code will be wrapped in a feature called VK_VERSION_#_#
+ # For example: VK_VERSION_1_0 wraps the core 1.0 Vulkan functionality
+ if 'VK_VERSION_' in extension_name:
+ self.core_commands.append(
+ self.CommandData(name=name, ext_name=extension_name,
+ ext_type='instance',
+ require=require,
+ protect=self.featureExtraProtect,
+ return_type = return_type,
+ handle_type = handle_type,
+ params = cmd_params,
+ cdecl=self.makeCDecls(cmdinfo.elem)[0]))
+ else:
+ self.ext_instance_dispatch_list.append((name, self.featureExtraProtect))
+ self.ext_commands.append(
+ self.CommandData(name=name, ext_name=extension_name,
+ ext_type=extension_type,
+ require=require,
+ protect=self.featureExtraProtect,
+ return_type = return_type,
+ handle_type = handle_type,
+ params = cmd_params,
+ cdecl=self.makeCDecls(cmdinfo.elem)[0]))
+ #
+ # Retrieve the type and name for a parameter
+ def getTypeNameTuple(self, param):
+ type = ''
+ name = ''
+ for elem in param:
+ if elem.tag == 'type':
+ type = noneStr(elem.text)
+ elif elem.tag == 'name':
+ name = noneStr(elem.text)
+ return (type, name)
+ def OutputPrototypesInHeader(self):
+ protos = ''
+ protos += '// Structures defined externally, but used here\n'
+ protos += 'struct loader_instance;\n'
+ protos += 'struct loader_device;\n'
+ protos += 'struct loader_icd_term;\n'
+ protos += 'struct loader_dev_dispatch_table;\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += '// Device extension error function\n'
+ protos += 'VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkDevExtError(VkDevice dev);\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += '// Extension interception for vkGetInstanceProcAddr function, so we can return\n'
+ protos += '// the appropriate information for any instance extensions we know about.\n'
+ protos += 'bool extension_instance_gpa(struct loader_instance *ptr_instance, const char *name, void **addr);\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += '// Extension interception for vkCreateInstance function, so we can properly\n'
+ protos += '// detect and enable any instance extension information for extensions we know\n'
+ protos += '// about.\n'
+ protos += 'void extensions_create_instance(struct loader_instance *ptr_instance, const VkInstanceCreateInfo *pCreateInfo);\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += '// Extension interception for vkGetDeviceProcAddr function, so we can return\n'
+ protos += '// an appropriate terminator if this is one of those few device commands requiring\n'
+ protos += '// a terminator.\n'
+ protos += 'PFN_vkVoidFunction get_extension_device_proc_terminator(struct loader_device *dev, const char *pName);\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += '// Dispatch table properly filled in with appropriate terminators for the\n'
+ protos += '// supported extensions.\n'
+ protos += 'extern const VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable instance_disp;\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += '// Array of extension strings for instance extensions we support.\n'
+ protos += 'extern const char *const LOADER_INSTANCE_EXTENSIONS[];\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += 'VKAPI_ATTR bool VKAPI_CALL loader_icd_init_entries(struct loader_icd_term *icd_term, VkInstance inst,\n'
+ protos += ' const PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr fp_gipa);\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += '// Init Device function pointer dispatch table with core commands\n'
+ protos += 'VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL loader_init_device_dispatch_table(struct loader_dev_dispatch_table *dev_table, PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr gpa,\n'
+ protos += ' VkDevice dev);\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += '// Init Device function pointer dispatch table with extension commands\n'
+ protos += 'VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL loader_init_device_extension_dispatch_table(struct loader_dev_dispatch_table *dev_table,\n'
+ protos += ' PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr gipa,\n'
+ protos += ' PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr gdpa,\n'
+ protos += ' VkInstance inst,\n'
+ protos += ' VkDevice dev);\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += '// Init Instance function pointer dispatch table with core commands\n'
+ protos += 'VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL loader_init_instance_core_dispatch_table(VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable *table, PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr gpa,\n'
+ protos += ' VkInstance inst);\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += '// Init Instance function pointer dispatch table with core commands\n'
+ protos += 'VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL loader_init_instance_extension_dispatch_table(VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable *table, PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr gpa,\n'
+ protos += ' VkInstance inst);\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += '// Device command lookup function\n'
+ protos += 'VKAPI_ATTR void* VKAPI_CALL loader_lookup_device_dispatch_table(const VkLayerDispatchTable *table, const char *name);\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += '// Instance command lookup function\n'
+ protos += 'VKAPI_ATTR void* VKAPI_CALL loader_lookup_instance_dispatch_table(const VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable *table, const char *name,\n'
+ protos += ' bool *found_name);\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += 'VKAPI_ATTR bool VKAPI_CALL loader_icd_init_entries(struct loader_icd_term *icd_term, VkInstance inst,\n'
+ protos += ' const PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr fp_gipa);\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ return protos
+ def OutputUtilitiesInSource(self):
+ protos = ''
+ protos += '// Device extension error function\n'
+ protos += 'VKAPI_ATTR VkResult VKAPI_CALL vkDevExtError(VkDevice dev) {\n'
+ protos += ' struct loader_device *found_dev;\n'
+ protos += ' // The device going in is a trampoline device\n'
+ protos += ' struct loader_icd_term *icd_term = loader_get_icd_and_device(dev, &found_dev, NULL);\n'
+ protos += '\n'
+ protos += ' if (icd_term)\n'
+ protos += ' loader_log(icd_term->this_instance, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT, 0,\n'
+ protos += ' "Bad destination in loader trampoline dispatch,"\n'
+ protos += ' "Are layers and extensions that you are calling enabled?");\n'
+ protos += ' return VK_ERROR_EXTENSION_NOT_PRESENT;\n'
+ protos += '}\n\n'
+ return protos
+ #
+ # Create a layer instance dispatch table from the appropriate list and return it as a string
+ def OutputLayerInstanceDispatchTable(self):
+ commands = []
+ table = ''
+ cur_extension_name = ''
+ table += '// Instance function pointer dispatch table\n'
+ table += 'typedef struct VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable_ {\n'
+ # First add in an entry for GetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr. This will not
+ # ever show up in the XML or header, so we have to manually add it.
+ table += ' // Manually add in GetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr entry\n'
+ table += ' PFN_GetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr GetPhysicalDeviceProcAddr;\n'
+ for x in range(0, 2):
+ if x == 0:
+ commands = self.core_commands
+ else:
+ commands = self.ext_commands
+ for cur_cmd in commands:
+ is_inst_handle_type = in ADD_INST_CMDS or cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkInstance' or cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkPhysicalDevice'
+ if is_inst_handle_type:
+ if cur_cmd.ext_name != cur_extension_name:
+ if 'VK_VERSION_' in cur_cmd.ext_name:
+ table += '\n // ---- Core %s commands\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name[11:]
+ else:
+ table += '\n // ---- %s extension commands\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name
+ cur_extension_name = cur_cmd.ext_name
+ # Remove 'vk' from proto name
+ base_name =[2:]
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ table += '#ifdef %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ table += ' PFN_%s %s;\n' % (, base_name)
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ table += '#endif // %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ table += '} VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable;\n\n'
+ return table
+ #
+ # Create a layer device dispatch table from the appropriate list and return it as a string
+ def OutputLayerDeviceDispatchTable(self):
+ commands = []
+ table = ''
+ cur_extension_name = ''
+ table += '// Device function pointer dispatch table\n'
+ table += 'typedef struct VkLayerDispatchTable_ {\n'
+ for x in range(0, 2):
+ if x == 0:
+ commands = self.core_commands
+ else:
+ commands = self.ext_commands
+ for cur_cmd in commands:
+ is_inst_handle_type = in ADD_INST_CMDS or cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkInstance' or cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkPhysicalDevice'
+ if not is_inst_handle_type:
+ if cur_cmd.ext_name != cur_extension_name:
+ if 'VK_VERSION_' in cur_cmd.ext_name:
+ table += '\n // ---- Core %s commands\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name[11:]
+ else:
+ table += '\n // ---- %s extension commands\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name
+ cur_extension_name = cur_cmd.ext_name
+ # Remove 'vk' from proto name
+ base_name =[2:]
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ table += '#ifdef %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ table += ' PFN_%s %s;\n' % (, base_name)
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ table += '#endif // %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ table += '} VkLayerDispatchTable;\n\n'
+ return table
+ #
+ # Create a dispatch table from the appropriate list and return it as a string
+ def OutputIcdDispatchTable(self):
+ commands = []
+ table = ''
+ cur_extension_name = ''
+ table += '// ICD function pointer dispatch table\n'
+ table += 'struct loader_icd_term_dispatch {\n'
+ for x in range(0, 2):
+ if x == 0:
+ commands = self.core_commands
+ else:
+ commands = self.ext_commands
+ for cur_cmd in commands:
+ is_inst_handle_type = in ADD_INST_CMDS or cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkInstance' or cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkPhysicalDevice'
+ if ((is_inst_handle_type or in DEVICE_CMDS_NEED_TERM) and
+ ( != 'vkGetInstanceProcAddr' and != 'vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties')):
+ if cur_cmd.ext_name != cur_extension_name:
+ if 'VK_VERSION_' in cur_cmd.ext_name:
+ table += '\n // ---- Core %s commands\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name[11:]
+ else:
+ table += '\n // ---- %s extension commands\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name
+ cur_extension_name = cur_cmd.ext_name
+ # Remove 'vk' from proto name
+ base_name =[2:]
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ table += '#ifdef %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ table += ' PFN_%s %s;\n' % (, base_name)
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ table += '#endif // %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ table += '};\n\n'
+ return table
+ #
+ # Init a dispatch table from the appropriate list and return it as a string
+ def OutputIcdDispatchTableInit(self):
+ commands = []
+ cur_extension_name = ''
+ table = ''
+ table += 'VKAPI_ATTR bool VKAPI_CALL loader_icd_init_entries(struct loader_icd_term *icd_term, VkInstance inst,\n'
+ table += ' const PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr fp_gipa) {\n'
+ table += '\n'
+ table += '#define LOOKUP_GIPA(func, required) \\\n'
+ table += ' do { \\\n'
+ table += ' icd_term->dispatch.func = (PFN_vk##func)fp_gipa(inst, "vk" #func); \\\n'
+ table += ' if (!icd_term->dispatch.func && required) { \\\n'
+ table += ' loader_log((struct loader_instance *)inst, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_WARNING_BIT_EXT, 0, \\\n'
+ table += ' loader_platform_get_proc_address_error("vk" #func)); \\\n'
+ table += ' return false; \\\n'
+ table += ' } \\\n'
+ table += ' } while (0)\n'
+ table += '\n'
+ skip_gipa_commands = ['vkGetInstanceProcAddr',
+ 'vkEnumerateDeviceLayerProperties',
+ 'vkCreateInstance',
+ 'vkEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties',
+ 'vkEnumerateInstanceLayerProperties',
+ 'vkEnumerateInstanceVersion',
+ ]
+ for x in range(0, 2):
+ if x == 0:
+ commands = self.core_commands
+ else:
+ commands = self.ext_commands
+ required = False
+ for cur_cmd in commands:
+ is_inst_handle_type = cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkInstance' or cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkPhysicalDevice'
+ if ((is_inst_handle_type or in DEVICE_CMDS_NEED_TERM) and ( not in skip_gipa_commands)):
+ if cur_cmd.ext_name != cur_extension_name:
+ if 'VK_VERSION_' in cur_cmd.ext_name:
+ table += '\n // ---- Core %s\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name[11:]
+ required = cur_cmd.ext_name == 'VK_VERSION_1_0'
+ else:
+ table += '\n // ---- %s extension commands\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name
+ required = False
+ cur_extension_name = cur_cmd.ext_name
+ # Remove 'vk' from proto name
+ base_name =[2:]
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ table += '#ifdef %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ # The Core Vulkan code will be wrapped in a feature called VK_VERSION_#_#
+ # For example: VK_VERSION_1_0 wraps the core 1.0 Vulkan functionality
+ table += ' LOOKUP_GIPA(%s, %s);\n' % (base_name, 'true' if required else 'false')
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ table += '#endif // %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ table += '\n'
+ table += '#undef LOOKUP_GIPA\n'
+ table += '\n'
+ table += ' return true;\n'
+ table += '};\n\n'
+ return table
+ #
+ # Create the extension enable union
+ def OutputIcdExtensionEnableUnion(self):
+ extensions = self.instanceExtensions
+ union = ''
+ union += 'union loader_instance_extension_enables {\n'
+ union += ' struct {\n'
+ for ext in extensions:
+ if ('VK_VERSION_' in or in WSI_EXT_NAMES or
+ ext.type == 'device' or ext.num_commands == 0):
+ continue
+ union += ' uint8_t %s : 1;\n' %[3:].lower()
+ union += ' };\n'
+ union += ' uint64_t padding[4];\n'
+ union += '};\n\n'
+ return union
+ #
+ # Creates the prototypes for the loader's core instance command terminators
+ def OutputLoaderTerminators(self):
+ terminators = ''
+ terminators += '// Loader core instance terminators\n'
+ for cur_cmd in self.core_commands:
+ is_inst_handle_type = in ADD_INST_CMDS or cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkInstance' or cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkPhysicalDevice'
+ if is_inst_handle_type:
+ mod_string = ''
+ new_terminator = cur_cmd.cdecl
+ mod_string = new_terminator.replace("VKAPI_CALL vk", "VKAPI_CALL terminator_")
+ mod_string = mod_string.replace([2:] + '(\n',[2:] + '(\n const Vk' +[2:] + 'Chain* chain,\n')
+ if (cur_cmd.protect is not None):
+ terminators += '#ifdef %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ terminators += mod_string
+ terminators += '\n'
+ if (cur_cmd.protect is not None):
+ terminators += '#endif // %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ terminators += '\n'
+ return terminators
+ #
+ # Creates code to initialize the various dispatch tables
+ def OutputLoaderDispatchTables(self):
+ commands = []
+ tables = ''
+ gpa_param = ''
+ cur_type = ''
+ cur_extension_name = ''
+ for x in range(0, 4):
+ if x == 0:
+ cur_type = 'device'
+ gpa_param = 'dev'
+ commands = self.core_commands
+ tables += '// Init Device function pointer dispatch table with core commands\n'
+ tables += 'VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL loader_init_device_dispatch_table(struct loader_dev_dispatch_table *dev_table, PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr gpa,\n'
+ tables += ' VkDevice dev) {\n'
+ tables += ' VkLayerDispatchTable *table = &dev_table->core_dispatch;\n'
+ tables += ' for (uint32_t i = 0; i < MAX_NUM_UNKNOWN_EXTS; i++) dev_table->ext_dispatch.dev_ext[i] = (PFN_vkDevExt)vkDevExtError;\n'
+ elif x == 1:
+ cur_type = 'device'
+ gpa_param = 'dev'
+ commands = self.ext_commands
+ tables += '// Init Device function pointer dispatch table with extension commands\n'
+ tables += 'VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL loader_init_device_extension_dispatch_table(struct loader_dev_dispatch_table *dev_table,\n'
+ tables += ' PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr gipa,\n'
+ tables += ' PFN_vkGetDeviceProcAddr gdpa,\n'
+ tables += ' VkInstance inst,\n'
+ tables += ' VkDevice dev) {\n'
+ tables += ' VkLayerDispatchTable *table = &dev_table->core_dispatch;\n'
+ elif x == 2:
+ cur_type = 'instance'
+ gpa_param = 'inst'
+ commands = self.core_commands
+ tables += '// Init Instance function pointer dispatch table with core commands\n'
+ tables += 'VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL loader_init_instance_core_dispatch_table(VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable *table, PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr gpa,\n'
+ tables += ' VkInstance inst) {\n'
+ else:
+ cur_type = 'instance'
+ gpa_param = 'inst'
+ commands = self.ext_commands
+ tables += '// Init Instance function pointer dispatch table with core commands\n'
+ tables += 'VKAPI_ATTR void VKAPI_CALL loader_init_instance_extension_dispatch_table(VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable *table, PFN_vkGetInstanceProcAddr gpa,\n'
+ tables += ' VkInstance inst) {\n'
+ for cur_cmd in commands:
+ is_inst_handle_type = cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkInstance' or cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkPhysicalDevice'
+ if ((cur_type == 'instance' and is_inst_handle_type) or (cur_type == 'device' and not is_inst_handle_type)):
+ if cur_cmd.ext_name != cur_extension_name:
+ if 'VK_VERSION_' in cur_cmd.ext_name:
+ tables += '\n // ---- Core %s commands\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name[11:]
+ else:
+ tables += '\n // ---- %s extension commands\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name
+ cur_extension_name = cur_cmd.ext_name
+ # Remove 'vk' from proto name
+ base_name =[2:]
+ # Names to skip
+ if (base_name == 'CreateInstance' or base_name == 'CreateDevice' or
+ base_name == 'EnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties' or
+ base_name == 'EnumerateInstanceLayerProperties' or
+ base_name == 'EnumerateInstanceVersion'):
+ continue
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ tables += '#ifdef %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ # If we're looking for the proc we are passing in, just point the table to it. This fixes the issue where
+ # a layer overrides the function name for the loader.
+ if x == 1:
+ if base_name == 'GetDeviceProcAddr':
+ tables += ' table->GetDeviceProcAddr = gdpa;\n'
+ elif cur_cmd.ext_type == 'instance':
+ tables += ' table->%s = (PFN_%s)gipa(inst, "%s");\n' % (base_name,,
+ else:
+ tables += ' table->%s = (PFN_%s)gdpa(dev, "%s");\n' % (base_name,,
+ elif (x < 1 and base_name == 'GetDeviceProcAddr'):
+ tables += ' table->GetDeviceProcAddr = gpa;\n'
+ elif (x > 1 and base_name == 'GetInstanceProcAddr'):
+ tables += ' table->GetInstanceProcAddr = gpa;\n'
+ else:
+ tables += ' table->%s = (PFN_%s)gpa(%s, "%s");\n' % (base_name,, gpa_param,
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ tables += '#endif // %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ tables += '}\n\n'
+ return tables
+ #
+ # Create a lookup table function from the appropriate list of entrypoints and
+ # return it as a string
+ def OutputLoaderLookupFunc(self):
+ commands = []
+ tables = ''
+ cur_type = ''
+ cur_extension_name = ''
+ for x in range(0, 2):
+ if x == 0:
+ cur_type = 'device'
+ tables += '// Device command lookup function\n'
+ tables += 'VKAPI_ATTR void* VKAPI_CALL loader_lookup_device_dispatch_table(const VkLayerDispatchTable *table, const char *name) {\n'
+ tables += ' if (!name || name[0] != \'v\' || name[1] != \'k\') return NULL;\n'
+ tables += '\n'
+ tables += ' name += 2;\n'
+ else:
+ cur_type = 'instance'
+ tables += '// Instance command lookup function\n'
+ tables += 'VKAPI_ATTR void* VKAPI_CALL loader_lookup_instance_dispatch_table(const VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable *table, const char *name,\n'
+ tables += ' bool *found_name) {\n'
+ tables += ' if (!name || name[0] != \'v\' || name[1] != \'k\') {\n'
+ tables += ' *found_name = false;\n'
+ tables += ' return NULL;\n'
+ tables += ' }\n'
+ tables += '\n'
+ tables += ' *found_name = true;\n'
+ tables += ' name += 2;\n'
+ for y in range(0, 2):
+ if y == 0:
+ commands = self.core_commands
+ else:
+ commands = self.ext_commands
+ for cur_cmd in commands:
+ is_inst_handle_type = cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkInstance' or cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkPhysicalDevice'
+ if ((cur_type == 'instance' and is_inst_handle_type) or (cur_type == 'device' and not is_inst_handle_type)):
+ if cur_cmd.ext_name != cur_extension_name:
+ if 'VK_VERSION_' in cur_cmd.ext_name:
+ tables += '\n // ---- Core %s commands\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name[11:]
+ else:
+ tables += '\n // ---- %s extension commands\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name
+ cur_extension_name = cur_cmd.ext_name
+ # Remove 'vk' from proto name
+ base_name =[2:]
+ if (base_name == 'CreateInstance' or base_name == 'CreateDevice' or
+ base_name == 'EnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties' or
+ base_name == 'EnumerateInstanceLayerProperties' or
+ base_name == 'EnumerateInstanceVersion'):
+ continue
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ tables += '#ifdef %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ tables += ' if (!strcmp(name, "%s")) return (void *)table->%s;\n' % (base_name, base_name)
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ tables += '#endif // %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ tables += '\n'
+ if x == 1:
+ tables += ' *found_name = false;\n'
+ tables += ' return NULL;\n'
+ tables += '}\n\n'
+ return tables
+ #
+ # Create the appropriate trampoline (and possibly terminator) functinos
+ def CreateTrampTermFuncs(self):
+ entries = []
+ funcs = ''
+ cur_extension_name = ''
+ # Some extensions have to be manually added. Skip those in the automatic
+ # generation. They will be manually added later.
+ manual_ext_commands = ['vkEnumeratePhysicalDeviceGroupsKHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalImageFormatPropertiesNV',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceFeatures2KHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceProperties2KHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceFormatProperties2KHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceImageFormatProperties2KHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2KHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceMemoryProperties2KHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceSparseImageFormatProperties2KHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2KHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormats2KHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceCapabilities2EXT',
+ 'vkReleaseDisplayEXT',
+ 'vkAcquireXlibDisplayEXT',
+ 'vkGetRandROutputDisplayEXT',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalBufferPropertiesKHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalSemaphorePropertiesKHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceExternalFencePropertiesKHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayProperties2KHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceDisplayPlaneProperties2KHR',
+ 'vkGetDisplayModeProperties2KHR',
+ 'vkGetDisplayPlaneCapabilities2KHR',
+ 'vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfacePresentModes2EXT',
+ 'vkGetDeviceGroupSurfacePresentModes2EXT']
+ for ext_cmd in self.ext_commands:
+ if (ext_cmd.ext_name in WSI_EXT_NAMES or
+ ext_cmd.ext_name in AVOID_EXT_NAMES or
+ in manual_ext_commands):
+ continue
+ if ext_cmd.ext_name != cur_extension_name:
+ if 'VK_VERSION_' in ext_cmd.ext_name:
+ funcs += '\n// ---- Core %s trampoline/terminators\n\n' % ext_cmd.ext_name[11:]
+ else:
+ funcs += '\n// ---- %s extension trampoline/terminators\n\n' % ext_cmd.ext_name
+ cur_extension_name = ext_cmd.ext_name
+ if ext_cmd.protect is not None:
+ funcs += '#ifdef %s\n' % ext_cmd.protect
+ func_header = ext_cmd.cdecl.replace(";", " {\n")
+ tramp_header = func_header.replace("VKAPI_CALL vk", "VKAPI_CALL ")
+ return_prefix = ' '
+ base_name =[2:]
+ has_surface = 0
+ update_structure_surface = 0
+ update_structure_string = ''
+ requires_terminator = 0
+ surface_var_name = ''
+ phys_dev_var_name = ''
+ has_return_type = False
+ always_use_param_name = True
+ surface_type_to_replace = ''
+ surface_name_replacement = ''
+ physdev_type_to_replace = ''
+ physdev_name_replacement = ''
+ for param in ext_cmd.params:
+ if param.type == 'VkSurfaceKHR':
+ has_surface = 1
+ surface_var_name =
+ requires_terminator = 1
+ always_use_param_name = False
+ surface_type_to_replace = 'VkSurfaceKHR'
+ surface_name_replacement = 'icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces[icd_index]'
+ if param.type == 'VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR':
+ has_surface = 1
+ surface_var_name = + '->surface'
+ requires_terminator = 1
+ update_structure_surface = 1
+ update_structure_string = ' VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR info_copy = *pSurfaceInfo;\n'
+ update_structure_string += ' info_copy.surface = icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces[icd_index];\n'
+ always_use_param_name = False
+ surface_type_to_replace = 'VkPhysicalDeviceSurfaceInfo2KHR'
+ surface_name_replacement = '&info_copy'
+ if param.type == 'VkPhysicalDevice':
+ requires_terminator = 1
+ phys_dev_var_name =
+ always_use_param_name = False
+ physdev_type_to_replace = 'VkPhysicalDevice'
+ physdev_name_replacement = 'phys_dev_term->phys_dev'
+ if (ext_cmd.return_type is not None):
+ return_prefix += 'return '
+ has_return_type = True
+ if (ext_cmd.handle_type == 'VkInstance' or ext_cmd.handle_type == 'VkPhysicalDevice' or
+ 'DebugMarkerSetObject' in or 'SetDebugUtilsObject' in or
+ requires_terminator = 1
+ if requires_terminator == 1:
+ term_header = tramp_header.replace("VKAPI_CALL ", "VKAPI_CALL terminator_")
+ funcs += tramp_header
+ if ext_cmd.handle_type == 'VkPhysicalDevice':
+ funcs += ' const VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable *disp;\n'
+ funcs += ' VkPhysicalDevice unwrapped_phys_dev = loader_unwrap_physical_device(%s);\n' % (phys_dev_var_name)
+ funcs += ' disp = loader_get_instance_layer_dispatch(%s);\n' % (phys_dev_var_name)
+ elif ext_cmd.handle_type == 'VkInstance':
+ funcs += '#error("Not implemented. Likely needs to be manually generated!");\n'
+ else:
+ funcs += ' const VkLayerDispatchTable *disp = loader_get_dispatch('
+ funcs += ext_cmd.params[0].name
+ funcs += ');\n'
+ if 'DebugMarkerSetObjectName' in
+ funcs += ' VkDebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT local_name_info;\n'
+ funcs += ' memcpy(&local_name_info, pNameInfo, sizeof(VkDebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT));\n'
+ funcs += ' // If this is a physical device, we have to replace it with the proper one for the next call.\n'
+ funcs += ' if (pNameInfo->objectType == VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_EXT) {\n'
+ funcs += ' struct loader_physical_device_tramp *phys_dev_tramp = (struct loader_physical_device_tramp *)(uintptr_t)pNameInfo->object;\n'
+ funcs += ' local_name_info.object = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)phys_dev_tramp->phys_dev;\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ elif 'DebugMarkerSetObjectTag' in
+ funcs += ' VkDebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT local_tag_info;\n'
+ funcs += ' memcpy(&local_tag_info, pTagInfo, sizeof(VkDebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT));\n'
+ funcs += ' // If this is a physical device, we have to replace it with the proper one for the next call.\n'
+ funcs += ' if (pTagInfo->objectType == VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_EXT) {\n'
+ funcs += ' struct loader_physical_device_tramp *phys_dev_tramp = (struct loader_physical_device_tramp *)(uintptr_t)pTagInfo->object;\n'
+ funcs += ' local_tag_info.object = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)phys_dev_tramp->phys_dev;\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ elif 'SetDebugUtilsObjectName' in
+ funcs += ' VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT local_name_info;\n'
+ funcs += ' memcpy(&local_name_info, pNameInfo, sizeof(VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT));\n'
+ funcs += ' // If this is a physical device, we have to replace it with the proper one for the next call.\n'
+ funcs += ' if (pNameInfo->objectType == VK_OBJECT_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE) {\n'
+ funcs += ' struct loader_physical_device_tramp *phys_dev_tramp = (struct loader_physical_device_tramp *)(uintptr_t)pNameInfo->objectHandle;\n'
+ funcs += ' local_name_info.objectHandle = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)phys_dev_tramp->phys_dev;\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ elif 'SetDebugUtilsObjectTag' in
+ funcs += ' VkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT local_tag_info;\n'
+ funcs += ' memcpy(&local_tag_info, pTagInfo, sizeof(VkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT));\n'
+ funcs += ' // If this is a physical device, we have to replace it with the proper one for the next call.\n'
+ funcs += ' if (pTagInfo->objectType == VK_OBJECT_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE) {\n'
+ funcs += ' struct loader_physical_device_tramp *phys_dev_tramp = (struct loader_physical_device_tramp *)(uintptr_t)pTagInfo->objectHandle;\n'
+ funcs += ' local_tag_info.objectHandle = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)phys_dev_tramp->phys_dev;\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ if ext_cmd.ext_name in NULL_CHECK_EXT_NAMES:
+ funcs += ' if (disp->' + base_name + ' != NULL) {\n'
+ funcs += ' '
+ funcs += return_prefix
+ funcs += 'disp->'
+ funcs += base_name
+ funcs += '('
+ count = 0
+ for param in ext_cmd.params:
+ if count != 0:
+ funcs += ', '
+ if param.type == 'VkPhysicalDevice':
+ funcs += 'unwrapped_phys_dev'
+ elif ('DebugMarkerSetObject' in or 'SetDebugUtilsObject' in and == 'pNameInfo':
+ funcs += '&local_name_info'
+ elif ('DebugMarkerSetObject' in or 'SetDebugUtilsObject' in and == 'pTagInfo':
+ funcs += '&local_tag_info'
+ else:
+ funcs +=
+ count += 1
+ funcs += ');\n'
+ if ext_cmd.ext_name in NULL_CHECK_EXT_NAMES:
+ if ext_cmd.return_type is not None:
+ funcs += ' } else {\n'
+ funcs += ' return VK_SUCCESS;\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ funcs += '}\n\n'
+ funcs += term_header
+ if ext_cmd.handle_type == 'VkPhysicalDevice':
+ funcs += ' struct loader_physical_device_term *phys_dev_term = (struct loader_physical_device_term *)%s;\n' % (phys_dev_var_name)
+ funcs += ' struct loader_icd_term *icd_term = phys_dev_term->this_icd_term;\n'
+ funcs += ' if (NULL == icd_term->dispatch.'
+ funcs += base_name
+ funcs += ') {\n'
+ funcs += ' loader_log(icd_term->this_instance, VK_DEBUG_REPORT_ERROR_BIT_EXT, 0,\n'
+ funcs += ' "ICD associated with VkPhysicalDevice does not support '
+ funcs += base_name
+ funcs += '");\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ if has_surface == 1:
+ funcs += ' VkIcdSurface *icd_surface = (VkIcdSurface *)(%s);\n' % (surface_var_name)
+ funcs += ' uint8_t icd_index = phys_dev_term->icd_index;\n'
+ funcs += ' if (NULL != icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces && NULL != (void *)icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces[icd_index]) {\n'
+ # If there's a structure with a surface, we need to update its internals with the correct surface for the ICD
+ if update_structure_surface == 1:
+ funcs += update_structure_string
+ funcs += ' ' + return_prefix + 'icd_term->dispatch.'
+ funcs += base_name
+ funcs += '('
+ count = 0
+ for param in ext_cmd.params:
+ if count != 0:
+ funcs += ', '
+ if not always_use_param_name:
+ if surface_type_to_replace and surface_type_to_replace == param.type:
+ funcs += surface_name_replacement
+ elif physdev_type_to_replace and physdev_type_to_replace == param.type:
+ funcs += physdev_name_replacement
+ else:
+ funcs +=
+ else:
+ funcs +=
+ count += 1
+ funcs += ');\n'
+ if not has_return_type:
+ funcs += ' return;\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ funcs += return_prefix
+ funcs += 'icd_term->dispatch.'
+ funcs += base_name
+ funcs += '('
+ count = 0
+ for param in ext_cmd.params:
+ if count != 0:
+ funcs += ', '
+ if param.type == 'VkPhysicalDevice':
+ funcs += 'phys_dev_term->phys_dev'
+ else:
+ funcs +=
+ count += 1
+ funcs += ');\n'
+ elif has_surface == 1 and not (ext_cmd.handle_type == 'VkPhysicalDevice' or ext_cmd.handle_type == 'VkInstance'):
+ funcs += ' uint32_t icd_index = 0;\n'
+ funcs += ' struct loader_device *dev;\n'
+ funcs += ' struct loader_icd_term *icd_term = loader_get_icd_and_device(device, &dev, &icd_index);\n'
+ funcs += ' if (NULL != icd_term && NULL != icd_term->dispatch.%s) {\n' % base_name
+ funcs += ' VkIcdSurface *icd_surface = (VkIcdSurface *)(uintptr_t)%s;\n' % (surface_var_name)
+ funcs += ' if (NULL != icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces && (VkSurfaceKHR)NULL != icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces[icd_index]) {\n'
+ funcs += ' %sicd_term->dispatch.%s(' % (return_prefix, base_name)
+ count = 0
+ for param in ext_cmd.params:
+ if count != 0:
+ funcs += ', '
+ if param.type == 'VkSurfaceKHR':
+ funcs += 'icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces[icd_index]'
+ else:
+ funcs +=
+ count += 1
+ funcs += ');\n'
+ if not has_return_type:
+ funcs += ' return;\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ funcs += ' %sicd_term->dispatch.%s(' % (return_prefix, base_name)
+ count = 0
+ for param in ext_cmd.params:
+ if count != 0:
+ funcs += ', '
+ funcs +=
+ count += 1
+ funcs += ');\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ if has_return_type:
+ funcs += ' return VK_SUCCESS;\n'
+ elif ext_cmd.handle_type == 'VkInstance':
+ funcs += '#error("Not implemented. Likely needs to be manually generated!");\n'
+ elif 'DebugUtilsLabel' in
+ funcs += ' const VkLayerDispatchTable *disp = loader_get_dispatch('
+ funcs += ext_cmd.params[0].name
+ funcs += ');\n'
+ if ext_cmd.ext_name in NULL_CHECK_EXT_NAMES:
+ funcs += ' if (disp->' + base_name + ' != NULL) {\n'
+ funcs += ' '
+ funcs += ' '
+ if has_return_type:
+ funcs += 'return '
+ funcs += 'disp->'
+ funcs += base_name
+ funcs += '('
+ count = 0
+ for param in ext_cmd.params:
+ if count != 0:
+ funcs += ', '
+ funcs +=
+ count += 1
+ funcs += ');\n'
+ if ext_cmd.ext_name in NULL_CHECK_EXT_NAMES:
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ elif 'DebugMarkerSetObject' in or 'SetDebugUtilsObject' in
+ funcs += ' uint32_t icd_index = 0;\n'
+ funcs += ' struct loader_device *dev;\n'
+ funcs += ' struct loader_icd_term *icd_term = loader_get_icd_and_device(%s, &dev, &icd_index);\n' % (ext_cmd.params[0].name)
+ funcs += ' if (NULL != icd_term && NULL != icd_term->dispatch.'
+ funcs += base_name
+ funcs += ') {\n'
+ if 'DebugMarkerSetObjectName' in
+ funcs += ' VkDebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT local_name_info;\n'
+ funcs += ' memcpy(&local_name_info, pNameInfo, sizeof(VkDebugMarkerObjectNameInfoEXT));\n'
+ funcs += ' // If this is a physical device, we have to replace it with the proper one for the next call.\n'
+ funcs += ' if (pNameInfo->objectType == VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_EXT) {\n'
+ funcs += ' struct loader_physical_device_term *phys_dev_term = (struct loader_physical_device_term *)(uintptr_t)pNameInfo->object;\n'
+ funcs += ' local_name_info.object = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)phys_dev_term->phys_dev;\n'
+ funcs += ' // If this is a KHR_surface, and the ICD has created its own, we have to replace it with the proper one for the next call.\n'
+ funcs += ' } else if (pNameInfo->objectType == VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_SURFACE_KHR_EXT) {\n'
+ funcs += ' if (NULL != icd_term && NULL != icd_term->dispatch.CreateSwapchainKHR) {\n'
+ funcs += ' VkIcdSurface *icd_surface = (VkIcdSurface *)(uintptr_t)pNameInfo->object;\n'
+ funcs += ' if (NULL != icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces) {\n'
+ funcs += ' local_name_info.object = (uint64_t)icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces[icd_index];\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ elif 'DebugMarkerSetObjectTag' in
+ funcs += ' VkDebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT local_tag_info;\n'
+ funcs += ' memcpy(&local_tag_info, pTagInfo, sizeof(VkDebugMarkerObjectTagInfoEXT));\n'
+ funcs += ' // If this is a physical device, we have to replace it with the proper one for the next call.\n'
+ funcs += ' if (pTagInfo->objectType == VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_EXT) {\n'
+ funcs += ' struct loader_physical_device_term *phys_dev_term = (struct loader_physical_device_term *)(uintptr_t)pTagInfo->object;\n'
+ funcs += ' local_tag_info.object = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)phys_dev_term->phys_dev;\n'
+ funcs += ' // If this is a KHR_surface, and the ICD has created its own, we have to replace it with the proper one for the next call.\n'
+ funcs += ' } else if (pTagInfo->objectType == VK_DEBUG_REPORT_OBJECT_TYPE_SURFACE_KHR_EXT) {\n'
+ funcs += ' if (NULL != icd_term && NULL != icd_term->dispatch.CreateSwapchainKHR) {\n'
+ funcs += ' VkIcdSurface *icd_surface = (VkIcdSurface *)(uintptr_t)pTagInfo->object;\n'
+ funcs += ' if (NULL != icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces) {\n'
+ funcs += ' local_tag_info.object = (uint64_t)icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces[icd_index];\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ elif 'SetDebugUtilsObjectName' in
+ funcs += ' VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT local_name_info;\n'
+ funcs += ' memcpy(&local_name_info, pNameInfo, sizeof(VkDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT));\n'
+ funcs += ' // If this is a physical device, we have to replace it with the proper one for the next call.\n'
+ funcs += ' if (pNameInfo->objectType == VK_OBJECT_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE) {\n'
+ funcs += ' struct loader_physical_device_term *phys_dev_term = (struct loader_physical_device_term *)(uintptr_t)pNameInfo->objectHandle;\n'
+ funcs += ' local_name_info.objectHandle = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)phys_dev_term->phys_dev;\n'
+ funcs += ' // If this is a KHR_surface, and the ICD has created its own, we have to replace it with the proper one for the next call.\n'
+ funcs += ' } else if (pNameInfo->objectType == VK_OBJECT_TYPE_SURFACE_KHR) {\n'
+ funcs += ' if (NULL != icd_term && NULL != icd_term->dispatch.CreateSwapchainKHR) {\n'
+ funcs += ' VkIcdSurface *icd_surface = (VkIcdSurface *)(uintptr_t)pNameInfo->objectHandle;\n'
+ funcs += ' if (NULL != icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces) {\n'
+ funcs += ' local_name_info.objectHandle = (uint64_t)icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces[icd_index];\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ elif 'SetDebugUtilsObjectTag' in
+ funcs += ' VkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT local_tag_info;\n'
+ funcs += ' memcpy(&local_tag_info, pTagInfo, sizeof(VkDebugUtilsObjectTagInfoEXT));\n'
+ funcs += ' // If this is a physical device, we have to replace it with the proper one for the next call.\n'
+ funcs += ' if (pTagInfo->objectType == VK_OBJECT_TYPE_PHYSICAL_DEVICE) {\n'
+ funcs += ' struct loader_physical_device_term *phys_dev_term = (struct loader_physical_device_term *)(uintptr_t)pTagInfo->objectHandle;\n'
+ funcs += ' local_tag_info.objectHandle = (uint64_t)(uintptr_t)phys_dev_term->phys_dev;\n'
+ funcs += ' // If this is a KHR_surface, and the ICD has created its own, we have to replace it with the proper one for the next call.\n'
+ funcs += ' } else if (pTagInfo->objectType == VK_OBJECT_TYPE_SURFACE_KHR) {\n'
+ funcs += ' if (NULL != icd_term && NULL != icd_term->dispatch.CreateSwapchainKHR) {\n'
+ funcs += ' VkIcdSurface *icd_surface = (VkIcdSurface *)(uintptr_t)pTagInfo->objectHandle;\n'
+ funcs += ' if (NULL != icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces) {\n'
+ funcs += ' local_tag_info.objectHandle = (uint64_t)icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces[icd_index];\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ funcs += ' '
+ if has_return_type:
+ funcs += 'return '
+ funcs += 'icd_term->dispatch.'
+ funcs += base_name
+ funcs += '('
+ count = 0
+ for param in ext_cmd.params:
+ if count != 0:
+ funcs += ', '
+ if param.type == 'VkPhysicalDevice':
+ funcs += 'phys_dev_term->phys_dev'
+ elif param.type == 'VkSurfaceKHR':
+ funcs += 'icd_surface->real_icd_surfaces[icd_index]'
+ elif ('DebugMarkerSetObject' in or 'SetDebugUtilsObject' in and == 'pNameInfo':
+ funcs += '&local_name_info'
+ elif ('DebugMarkerSetObject' in or 'SetDebugUtilsObject' in and == 'pTagInfo':
+ funcs += '&local_tag_info'
+ else:
+ funcs +=
+ count += 1
+ funcs += ');\n'
+ if has_return_type:
+ funcs += ' } else {\n'
+ funcs += ' return VK_SUCCESS;\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ else:
+ funcs += '#error("Unknown error path!");\n'
+ funcs += '}\n\n'
+ else:
+ funcs += tramp_header
+ funcs += ' const VkLayerDispatchTable *disp = loader_get_dispatch('
+ funcs += ext_cmd.params[0].name
+ funcs += ');\n'
+ if ext_cmd.ext_name in NULL_CHECK_EXT_NAMES:
+ funcs += ' if (disp->' + base_name + ' != NULL) {\n'
+ funcs += return_prefix
+ funcs += 'disp->'
+ funcs += base_name
+ funcs += '('
+ count = 0
+ for param in ext_cmd.params:
+ if count != 0:
+ funcs += ', '
+ funcs +=
+ count += 1
+ funcs += ');\n'
+ if ext_cmd.ext_name in NULL_CHECK_EXT_NAMES:
+ if ext_cmd.return_type is not None:
+ funcs += ' } else {\n'
+ funcs += ' return VK_SUCCESS;\n'
+ funcs += ' }\n'
+ funcs += '}\n\n'
+ if ext_cmd.protect is not None:
+ funcs += '#endif // %s\n' % ext_cmd.protect
+ return funcs
+ #
+ # Create a function for the extension GPA call
+ def InstExtensionGPA(self):
+ entries = []
+ gpa_func = ''
+ cur_extension_name = ''
+ gpa_func += '// GPA helpers for extensions\n'
+ gpa_func += 'bool extension_instance_gpa(struct loader_instance *ptr_instance, const char *name, void **addr) {\n'
+ gpa_func += ' *addr = NULL;\n\n'
+ for cur_cmd in self.ext_commands:
+ if ('VK_VERSION_' in cur_cmd.ext_name or
+ cur_cmd.ext_name in WSI_EXT_NAMES or
+ cur_cmd.ext_name in AVOID_EXT_NAMES or
+ continue
+ if cur_cmd.ext_name != cur_extension_name:
+ gpa_func += '\n // ---- %s extension commands\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name
+ cur_extension_name = cur_cmd.ext_name
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ gpa_func += '#ifdef %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ #base_name =[2:]
+ base_name = ALIASED_CMDS[] if in ALIASED_CMDS else[2:]
+ if (cur_cmd.ext_type == 'instance'):
+ gpa_func += ' if (!strcmp("%s", name)) {\n' % (
+ gpa_func += ' *addr = (ptr_instance->enabled_known_extensions.'
+ gpa_func += cur_cmd.ext_name[3:].lower()
+ gpa_func += ' == 1)\n'
+ gpa_func += ' ? (void *)%s\n' % (base_name)
+ gpa_func += ' : NULL;\n'
+ gpa_func += ' return true;\n'
+ gpa_func += ' }\n'
+ else:
+ gpa_func += ' if (!strcmp("%s", name)) {\n' % (
+ gpa_func += ' *addr = (void *)%s;\n' % (base_name)
+ gpa_func += ' return true;\n'
+ gpa_func += ' }\n'
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ gpa_func += '#endif // %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ gpa_func += ' return false;\n'
+ gpa_func += '}\n\n'
+ return gpa_func
+ #
+ # Create the extension name init function
+ def InstantExtensionCreate(self):
+ entries = []
+ entries = self.instanceExtensions
+ count = 0
+ cur_extension_name = ''
+ create_func = ''
+ create_func += '// A function that can be used to query enabled extensions during a vkCreateInstance call\n'
+ create_func += 'void extensions_create_instance(struct loader_instance *ptr_instance, const VkInstanceCreateInfo *pCreateInfo) {\n'
+ create_func += ' for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pCreateInfo->enabledExtensionCount; i++) {\n'
+ for ext in entries:
+ if ('VK_VERSION_' in or in WSI_EXT_NAMES or
+ ext.type == 'device' or ext.num_commands == 0):
+ continue
+ if != cur_extension_name:
+ create_func += '\n // ---- %s extension commands\n' %
+ cur_extension_name =
+ if ext.protect is not None:
+ create_func += '#ifdef %s\n' % ext.protect
+ if count == 0:
+ create_func += ' if (0 == strcmp(pCreateInfo->ppEnabledExtensionNames[i], '
+ else:
+ create_func += ' } else if (0 == strcmp(pCreateInfo->ppEnabledExtensionNames[i], '
+ create_func += ext.define + ')) {\n'
+ create_func += ' ptr_instance->enabled_known_extensions.'
+ create_func +=[3:].lower()
+ create_func += ' = 1;\n'
+ if ext.protect is not None:
+ create_func += '#endif // %s\n' % ext.protect
+ count += 1
+ create_func += ' }\n'
+ create_func += ' }\n'
+ create_func += '}\n\n'
+ return create_func
+ #
+ # Create code to initialize a dispatch table from the appropriate list of
+ # extension entrypoints and return it as a string
+ def DeviceExtensionGetTerminator(self):
+ term_func = ''
+ cur_extension_name = ''
+ term_func += '// Some device commands still need a terminator because the loader needs to unwrap something about them.\n'
+ term_func += '// In many cases, the item needing unwrapping is a VkPhysicalDevice or VkSurfaceKHR object. But there may be other items\n'
+ term_func += '// in the future.\n'
+ term_func += 'PFN_vkVoidFunction get_extension_device_proc_terminator(struct loader_device *dev, const char *pName) {\n'
+ term_func += ' PFN_vkVoidFunction addr = NULL;\n'
+ count = 0
+ is_extension = False
+ last_protect = None
+ for ext_cmd in self.ext_commands:
+ if ext_cmd.ext_name != cur_extension_name:
+ if count > 0:
+ count = 0;
+ term_func += ' }\n'
+ if is_extension:
+ term_func += ' }\n'
+ is_extension = False
+ if 'VK_VERSION_' in ext_cmd.ext_name:
+ term_func += '\n // ---- Core %s commands\n' % ext_cmd.ext_name[11:]
+ else:
+ last_protect = ext_cmd.protect
+ if ext_cmd.protect is not None:
+ term_func += '#ifdef %s\n' % ext_cmd.protect
+ term_func += '\n // ---- %s extension commands\n' % ext_cmd.ext_name
+ if ext_cmd.require:
+ term_func += ' if (dev->extensions.%s_enabled && dev->extensions.%s_enabled) {\n' % (ext_cmd.ext_name[3:].lower(), ext_cmd.require[3:].lower())
+ else:
+ term_func += ' if (dev->extensions.%s_enabled) {\n' % ext_cmd.ext_name[3:].lower()
+ is_extension = True
+ cur_extension_name = ext_cmd.ext_name
+ if count == 0:
+ term_func += ' if'
+ else:
+ term_func += ' } else if'
+ term_func += '(!strcmp(pName, "%s")) {\n' % (
+ term_func += ' addr = (PFN_vkVoidFunction)terminator_%s;\n' % ([2:])
+ count += 1
+ if count > 0:
+ term_func += ' }\n'
+ if is_extension:
+ term_func += ' }\n'
+ if last_protect is not None:
+ term_func += '#endif // %s\n' % ext_cmd.protect
+ term_func += ' return addr;\n'
+ term_func += '}\n\n'
+ return term_func
+ #
+ # Create code to initialize a dispatch table from the appropriate list of
+ # core and extension entrypoints and return it as a string
+ def InitInstLoaderExtensionDispatchTable(self):
+ commands = []
+ table = ''
+ cur_extension_name = ''
+ table += '// This table contains the loader\'s instance dispatch table, which contains\n'
+ table += '// default functions if no instance layers are activated. This contains\n'
+ table += '// pointers to "terminator functions".\n'
+ table += 'const VkLayerInstanceDispatchTable instance_disp = {\n'
+ for x in range(0, 2):
+ if x == 0:
+ commands = self.core_commands
+ else:
+ commands = self.ext_commands
+ for cur_cmd in commands:
+ if cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkInstance' or cur_cmd.handle_type == 'VkPhysicalDevice':
+ if cur_cmd.ext_name != cur_extension_name:
+ if 'VK_VERSION_' in cur_cmd.ext_name:
+ table += '\n // ---- Core %s commands\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name[11:]
+ else:
+ table += '\n // ---- %s extension commands\n' % cur_cmd.ext_name
+ cur_extension_name = cur_cmd.ext_name
+ # Remove 'vk' from proto name
+ base_name =[2:]
+ aliased_name = ALIASED_CMDS[][2:] if in ALIASED_CMDS else base_name
+ if (base_name == 'CreateInstance' or base_name == 'CreateDevice' or
+ base_name == 'EnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties' or
+ base_name == 'EnumerateInstanceLayerProperties' or
+ base_name == 'EnumerateInstanceVersion'):
+ continue
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ table += '#ifdef %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ if base_name == 'GetInstanceProcAddr':
+ table += ' .%s = %s,\n' % (base_name,
+ else:
+ table += ' .%s = terminator_%s,\n' % (base_name, aliased_name)
+ if cur_cmd.protect is not None:
+ table += '#endif // %s\n' % cur_cmd.protect
+ table += '};\n\n'
+ return table
+ #
+ # Create the extension name whitelist array
+ def OutputInstantExtensionWhitelistArray(self):
+ extensions = self.instanceExtensions
+ table = ''
+ table += '// A null-terminated list of all of the instance extensions supported by the loader.\n'
+ table += '// If an instance extension name is not in this list, but it is exported by one or more of the\n'
+ table += '// ICDs detected by the loader, then the extension name not in the list will be filtered out\n'
+ table += '// before passing the list of extensions to the application.\n'
+ table += 'const char *const LOADER_INSTANCE_EXTENSIONS[] = {\n'
+ for ext in extensions:
+ if ext.type == 'device' or 'VK_VERSION_' in
+ continue
+ if ext.protect is not None:
+ table += '#ifdef %s\n' % ext.protect
+ table += ' '
+ table += ext.define + ',\n'
+ if ext.protect is not None:
+ table += '#endif // %s\n' % ext.protect
+ table += ' NULL };\n'
+ return table