path: root/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld')
5 files changed, 0 insertions, 513 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/Snap.cpp b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/Snap.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index b6bff4d83d..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/Snap.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
-// This code is in the public domain --
-#include <nvcore/RadixSort.h>
-#include <nvmesh/weld/Snap.h>
-#include <nvmesh/TriMesh.h>
-#include <nvmesh/geometry/Bounds.h>
-using namespace nv;
-namespace {
- // Snap the given vertices.
- void Snap(TriMesh::Vertex & a, TriMesh::Vertex & b, float texThreshold, float norThreshold)
- {
- a.pos = b.pos = (a.pos + b.pos) * 0.5f;
- if (equal(a.tex.x, b.tex.x, texThreshold) && equal(a.tex.y, b.tex.y, texThreshold)) {
- b.tex = a.tex = (a.tex + b.tex) * 0.5f;
- }
- if (equal(a.nor.x, b.nor.x, norThreshold) && equal(a.nor.y, b.nor.y, norThreshold) && equal(a.nor.z, b.nor.z, norThreshold)) {
- b.nor = a.nor = (a.nor + b.nor) * 0.5f;
- }
- };
-} // nv namespace
-uint nv::SnapVertices(TriMesh * mesh, float posThreshold, float texThreshold, float norThreshold)
- nvDebug("--- Snapping vertices.\n");
- // Determine largest axis.
- Box box = MeshBounds::box(mesh);
- Vector3 extents = box.extents();
- int axis = 2;
- if( extents.x > extents.y ) {
- if( extents.x > extents.z ) {
- axis = 0;
- }
- }
- else if(extents.y > extents.z) {
- axis = 1;
- }
- // @@ Use diagonal instead!
- // Sort vertices according to the largest axis.
- const uint vertexCount = mesh->vertexCount();
- nvCheck(vertexCount > 2); // Must have at least two vertices.
- // Get pos channel.
- //PiMesh::Channel * pos_channel = mesh->GetChannel(mesh->FindChannel(VS_POS));
- //nvCheck( pos_channel != NULL );
- //const PiArray<Vec4> & pos_array = pos_channel->data;
- Array<float> distArray;
- distArray.resize(vertexCount);
- for(uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) {
- if (axis == 0) distArray[v] = mesh->vertexAt(v).pos.x;
- else if (axis == 1) distArray[v] = mesh->vertexAt(v).pos.y;
- else distArray[v] = mesh->vertexAt(v).pos.z;
- }
- RadixSort radix;
- const uint * xrefs = radix.sort(distArray.buffer(), distArray.count()).ranks();
- nvCheck(xrefs != NULL);
- uint snapCount = 0;
- for(uint v = 0; v < vertexCount-1; v++) {
- for(uint n = v+1; n < vertexCount; n++) {
- nvDebugCheck( distArray[xrefs[v]] <= distArray[xrefs[n]] );
- if (fabs(distArray[xrefs[n]] - distArray[xrefs[v]]) > posThreshold) {
- break;
- }
- TriMesh::Vertex & v0 = mesh->vertexAt(xrefs[v]);
- TriMesh::Vertex & v1 = mesh->vertexAt(xrefs[n]);
- const float dist = length(v0.pos - v1.pos);
- if (dist <= posThreshold) {
- Snap(v0, v1, texThreshold, norThreshold);
- snapCount++;
- }
- }
- }
- // @@ todo: debug, make sure that the distance between vertices is now >= threshold
- nvDebug("--- %u vertices snapped\n", snapCount);
- return snapCount;
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/Snap.h b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/Snap.h
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index 8e0566cda3..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/Snap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-// This code is in the public domain --
-#ifndef NV_MESH_SNAP_H
-#define NV_MESH_SNAP_H
-#include <nvmesh/nvmesh.h>
-#include <nvmath/nvmath.h>
-namespace nv
- class TriMesh;
- NVMESH_API uint SnapVertices(TriMesh * mesh, float posThreshold=NV_EPSILON, float texThreshold=1.0f/1024, float norThreshold=NV_NORMAL_EPSILON);
-} // nv namespace
-#endif // NV_MESH_SNAP_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/VertexWeld.cpp b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/VertexWeld.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ba4dcae18..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/VertexWeld.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2006 -- Ignacio Castano <>
-#include <nvmesh/TriMesh.h>
-#include <nvmesh/QuadTriMesh.h>
-#include <nvmesh/weld/VertexWeld.h>
-#include <nvmesh/weld/Weld.h>
-using namespace nv;
-// Weld trimesh vertices
-void nv::WeldVertices(TriMesh * mesh)
- nvDebug("--- Welding vertices.\n");
- nvCheck(mesh != NULL);
- uint count = mesh->vertexCount();
- Array<uint> xrefs;
- Weld<TriMesh::Vertex> weld;
- uint newCount = weld(mesh->vertices(), xrefs);
- nvDebug("--- %d vertices welded\n", count - newCount);
- // Remap faces.
- const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount();
- for(uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- TriMesh::Face & face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- face.v[0] = xrefs[face.v[0]];
- face.v[1] = xrefs[face.v[1]];
- face.v[2] = xrefs[face.v[2]];
- }
-// Weld trimesh vertices
-void nv::WeldVertices(QuadTriMesh * mesh)
- nvDebug("--- Welding vertices.\n");
- nvCheck(mesh != NULL);
- uint count = mesh->vertexCount();
- Array<uint> xrefs;
- Weld<TriMesh::Vertex> weld;
- uint newCount = weld(mesh->vertices(), xrefs);
- nvDebug("--- %d vertices welded\n", count - newCount);
- // Remap faces.
- const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount();
- for(uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- QuadTriMesh::Face & face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- face.v[0] = xrefs[face.v[0]];
- face.v[1] = xrefs[face.v[1]];
- face.v[2] = xrefs[face.v[2]];
- if (face.isQuadFace())
- {
- face.v[3] = xrefs[face.v[3]];
- }
- }
-// OLD code
-#if 0
-namespace {
-struct VertexInfo {
- uint id; ///< Original vertex id.
- uint normal_face_group;
- uint tangent_face_group;
- uint material;
- uint chart;
-/// VertexInfo hash functor.
-struct VertexHash : public IHashFunctor<VertexInfo> {
- VertexHash(PiMeshPtr m) : mesh(m) {
- uint c = mesh->FindChannel(VS_POS);
- piCheck(c != PI_NULL_INDEX);
- channel = mesh->GetChannel(c);
- piCheck(channel != NULL);
- }
- uint32 operator () (const VertexInfo & v) const {
- return channel->data[].GetHash();
- }
- PiMeshPtr mesh;
- PiMesh::Channel * channel;
-/// VertexInfo comparator.
-struct VertexEqual : public IBinaryPredicate<VertexInfo> {
- VertexEqual(PiMeshPtr m) : mesh(m) {}
- bool operator () (const VertexInfo & a, const VertexInfo & b) const {
- bool equal = a.normal_face_group == b.normal_face_group &&
- a.tangent_face_group == b.tangent_face_group &&
- a.material == b.material &&
- a.chart == b.chart;
- // Split vertex shared by different face types.
- if( !equal ) {
- return false;
- }
- // They were the same vertex.
- if( == ) {
- return true;
- }
- // Vertex equal if all the channels are equal.
- return mesh->IsVertexEqual(,;
- }
- PiMeshPtr mesh;
-} // namespace
-/// Weld the vertices.
-void PiMeshVertexWeld::WeldVertices(const PiMeshSmoothGroup * mesh_smooth_group,
- const PiMeshMaterial * mesh_material, const PiMeshAtlas * mesh_atlas )
- piDebug( "--- Welding vertices:\n" );
- piDebug( "--- Expand mesh vertices.\n" );
- PiArray<VertexInfo> vertex_array;
- const uint face_num = mesh->GetFaceNum();
- const uint vertex_max = face_num * 3;
- vertex_array.Resize( vertex_max );
- for(uint i = 0; i < vertex_max; i++) {
- uint f = i/3;
- const PiMesh::Face & face = mesh->GetFace(f);
- vertex_array[i].id = face.v[i%3];
- // Reset face attributes.
- vertex_array[i].normal_face_group = PI_NULL_INDEX;
- vertex_array[i].tangent_face_group = PI_NULL_INDEX;
- vertex_array[i].material = PI_NULL_INDEX;
- vertex_array[i].chart = PI_NULL_INDEX;
- // Set available attributes.
- if( mesh_smooth_group != NULL ) {
- if( mesh_smooth_group->HasNormalFaceGroups() ) {
- vertex_array[i].normal_face_group = mesh_smooth_group->GetNormalFaceGroup( f );
- }
- if( mesh_smooth_group->HasTangentFaceGroups() ) {
- vertex_array[i].tangent_face_group = mesh_smooth_group->GetTangentFaceGroup( f );
- }
- }
- if( mesh_material != NULL ) {
- vertex_array[i].material = mesh_material->GetFaceMaterial( f );
- }
- if( mesh_atlas != NULL && mesh_atlas->HasCharts() ) {
- vertex_array[i].chart = mesh_atlas->GetFaceChart( f );
- }
- }
- piDebug( "--- %d vertices.\n", vertex_max );
- piDebug( "--- Collapse vertices.\n" );
- uint * xrefs = new uint[vertex_max];
- VertexHash hash(mesh);
- VertexEqual equal(mesh);
- const uint vertex_num = Weld( vertex_array, xrefs, hash, equal );
- piCheck(vertex_num <= vertex_max);
- piDebug( "--- %d vertices.\n", vertex_num );
- // Remap face indices.
- piDebug( "--- Remapping face indices.\n" );
- mesh->RemapFaceIndices(vertex_max, xrefs);
- // Overwrite xrefs to map new vertices to old vertices.
- for(uint v = 0; v < vertex_num; v++) {
- xrefs[v] = vertex_array[v].id;
- }
- // Update vertex order.
- mesh->ReorderVertices(vertex_num, xrefs);
- delete [] xrefs;
-#endif // 0
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/VertexWeld.h b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/VertexWeld.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dc2e4ba4d..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/VertexWeld.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2006 -- Ignacio Castano <>
-#include <nvmesh/nvmesh.h>
-namespace nv
- class TriMesh;
- class QuadMesh;
- NVMESH_API void WeldVertices(TriMesh * mesh);
- NVMESH_API void WeldVertices(QuadTriMesh * mesh);
-} // nv namespace
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/Weld.h b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/Weld.h
deleted file mode 100644
index e615539461..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/weld/Weld.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-// This code is in the public domain --
-#ifndef NV_MESH_WELD_H
-#define NV_MESH_WELD_H
-#include "nvcore/Array.h"
-#include "nvcore/Hash.h"
-#include "nvcore/Utils.h" // nextPowerOfTwo
-#include <string.h> // for memset, memcmp, memcpy
-// Weld function to remove array duplicates in linear time using hashing.
-namespace nv
-/// Generic welding routine. This function welds the elements of the array p
-/// and returns the cross references in the xrefs array. To compare the elements
-/// it uses the given hash and equal functors.
-/// This code is based on the ideas of Ville Miettinen and Pierre Terdiman.
-template <class T, class H=Hash<T>, class E=Equal<T> >
-struct Weld
- // xrefs maps old elements to new elements
- uint operator()(Array<T> & p, Array<uint> & xrefs)
- {
- const uint N = p.size(); // # of input vertices.
- uint outputCount = 0; // # of output vertices
- uint hashSize = nextPowerOfTwo(N); // size of the hash table
- uint * hashTable = new uint[hashSize + N]; // hash table + linked list
- uint * next = hashTable + hashSize; // use bottom part as linked list
- xrefs.resize(N);
- memset( hashTable, NIL, hashSize*sizeof(uint) ); // init hash table (NIL = 0xFFFFFFFF so memset works)
- H hash;
- E equal;
- for (uint i = 0; i < N; i++)
- {
- const T & e = p[i];
- uint32 hashValue = hash(e) & (hashSize-1);
- uint offset = hashTable[hashValue];
- // traverse linked list
- while( offset != NIL && !equal(p[offset], e) )
- {
- offset = next[offset];
- }
- xrefs[i] = offset;
- // no match found - copy vertex & add to hash
- if( offset == NIL )
- {
- // save xref
- xrefs[i] = outputCount;
- // copy element
- p[outputCount] = e;
- // link to hash table
- next[outputCount] = hashTable[hashValue];
- // update hash heads and increase output counter
- hashTable[hashValue] = outputCount++;
- }
- }
- // cleanup
- delete [] hashTable;
- p.resize(outputCount);
- // number of output vertices
- return outputCount;
- }
-/// Reorder the given array accoding to the indices given in xrefs.
-template <class T>
-void reorderArray(Array<T> & array, const Array<uint> & xrefs)
- const uint count = xrefs.count();
- Array<T> new_array;
- new_array.resize(count);
- for(uint i = 0; i < count; i++) {
- new_array[i] = array[xrefs[i]];
- }
- swap(array, new_array);
-/// Reverse the given array so that new indices point to old indices.
-inline void reverseXRefs(Array<uint> & xrefs, uint count)
- Array<uint> new_xrefs;
- new_xrefs.resize(count);
- for(uint i = 0; i < xrefs.count(); i++) {
- new_xrefs[xrefs[i]] = i;
- }
- swap(xrefs, new_xrefs);
-struct WeldN
- uint vertexSize;
- WeldN(uint n) : vertexSize(n) {}
- // xrefs maps old elements to new elements
- uint operator()(uint8 * ptr, uint N, Array<uint> & xrefs)
- {
- uint outputCount = 0; // # of output vertices
- uint hashSize = nextPowerOfTwo(N); // size of the hash table
- uint * hashTable = new uint[hashSize + N]; // hash table + linked list
- uint * next = hashTable + hashSize; // use bottom part as linked list
- xrefs.resize(N);
- memset( hashTable, NIL, hashSize*sizeof(uint) ); // init hash table (NIL = 0xFFFFFFFF so memset works)
- for (uint i = 0; i < N; i++)
- {
- const uint8 * vertex = ptr + i * vertexSize;
- uint32 hashValue = sdbmHash(vertex, vertexSize) & (hashSize-1);
- uint offset = hashTable[hashValue];
- // traverse linked list
- while (offset != NIL && memcmp(ptr + offset * vertexSize, vertex, vertexSize) != 0)
- {
- offset = next[offset];
- }
- xrefs[i] = offset;
- // no match found - copy vertex & add to hash
- if (offset == NIL)
- {
- // save xref
- xrefs[i] = outputCount;
- // copy element
- memcpy(ptr + outputCount * vertexSize, vertex, vertexSize);
- // link to hash table
- next[outputCount] = hashTable[hashValue];
- // update hash heads and increase output counter
- hashTable[hashValue] = outputCount++;
- }
- }
- // cleanup
- delete [] hashTable;
- // number of output vertices
- return outputCount;
- }
-} // nv namespace
-#endif // NV_MESH_WELD_H