path: root/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param')
16 files changed, 0 insertions, 6008 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Atlas.cpp b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Atlas.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 98f92cef96..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Atlas.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1519 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2006 -- Ignacio Castano <>
-#include "nvmesh.h" // pch
-#include "Atlas.h"
-#include "Util.h"
-#include "AtlasBuilder.h"
-#include "AtlasPacker.h"
-#include "SingleFaceMap.h"
-#include "OrthogonalProjectionMap.h"
-#include "LeastSquaresConformalMap.h"
-#include "ParameterizationQuality.h"
-//#include "nvmesh/export/MeshExportOBJ.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Face.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Vertex.h"
-#include "nvmesh/MeshBuilder.h"
-#include "nvmesh/MeshTopology.h"
-#include "nvmesh/param/Util.h"
-#include "nvmesh/geometry/Measurements.h"
-#include "nvmath/Vector.inl"
-#include "nvmath/Fitting.h"
-#include "nvmath/Box.inl"
-#include "nvmath/ProximityGrid.h"
-#include "nvmath/Morton.h"
-#include "nvcore/StrLib.h"
-#include "nvcore/Array.inl"
-#include "nvcore/HashMap.inl"
-using namespace nv;
-/// Ctor.
- failed=false;
-// Dtor.
- deleteAll(m_meshChartsArray);
-uint Atlas::chartCount() const
- uint count = 0;
- foreach(c, m_meshChartsArray) {
- count += m_meshChartsArray[c]->chartCount();
- }
- return count;
-const Chart * Atlas::chartAt(uint i) const
- foreach(c, m_meshChartsArray) {
- uint count = m_meshChartsArray[c]->chartCount();
- if (i < count) {
- return m_meshChartsArray[c]->chartAt(i);
- }
- i -= count;
- }
- return NULL;
-Chart * Atlas::chartAt(uint i)
- foreach(c, m_meshChartsArray) {
- uint count = m_meshChartsArray[c]->chartCount();
- if (i < count) {
- return m_meshChartsArray[c]->chartAt(i);
- }
- i -= count;
- }
- return NULL;
-// Extract the charts and add to this atlas.
-void Atlas::addMeshCharts(MeshCharts * meshCharts)
- m_meshChartsArray.append(meshCharts);
-void Atlas::extractCharts(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh)
- MeshCharts * meshCharts = new MeshCharts(mesh);
- meshCharts->extractCharts();
- addMeshCharts(meshCharts);
-void Atlas::computeCharts(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh, const SegmentationSettings & settings, const Array<uint> & unchartedMaterialArray)
- failed=false;
- MeshCharts * meshCharts = new MeshCharts(mesh);
- meshCharts->computeCharts(settings, unchartedMaterialArray);
- addMeshCharts(meshCharts);
-#if 0
-/// Compute a seamless texture atlas.
-bool Atlas::computeSeamlessTextureAtlas(bool groupFaces/*= true*/, bool scaleTiles/*= false*/, uint w/*= 1024*/, uint h/* = 1024*/)
- // Implement seamless texture atlas similar to what ZBrush does. See also:
- // "Meshed Atlases for Real-Time Procedural Solid Texturing"
- //
- // Other methods that we should experiment with:
- //
- // Seamless Texture Atlases:
- //
- //
- // Rectangular Multi-Chart Geometry Images:
- //
- //
- // Discrete differential geometry also provide a way of constructing
- // seamless quadrangulations as shown in:
- //
- //
-#pragma message(NV_FILE_LINE "TODO: Implement seamless texture atlas.")
- if (groupFaces)
- {
- // @@ TODO.
- }
- else
- {
- // @@ Create one atlas per face.
- }
- if (scaleTiles)
- {
- // @@ TODO
- }
- /*
- if (!isQuadMesh(m_mesh)) {
- // Only handle quads for now.
- return false;
- }
- // Each face is a chart.
- const uint faceCount = m_mesh->faceCount();
- m_chartArray.resize(faceCount);
- for(uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) {
- m_chartArray[f].faceArray.clear();
- m_chartArray[f].faceArray.append(f);
- }
- // Map each face to a separate square.
- // Determine face layout according to width and height.
- float aspect = float(m_width) / float(m_height);
- uint i = 2;
- uint total = (m_width / (i+1)) * (m_height / (i+1));
- while(total > faceCount) {
- i *= 2;
- total = (m_width / (i+1)) * (m_height / (i+1));
- }
- uint tileSize = i / 2;
- int x = 0;
- int y = 0;
- m_result = new HalfEdge::Mesh();
- // Once you have that it's just matter of traversing the faces.
- for(uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) {
- // Compute texture coordinates.
- Vector2 tex[4];
- tex[0] = Vector2(float(x), float(y));
- tex[1] = Vector2(float(x+tileSize), float(y));
- tex[2] = Vector2(float(x+tileSize), float(y+tileSize));
- tex[3] = Vector2(float(x), float(y+tileSize));
- Array<uint> indexArray(4);
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = m_mesh->faceAt(f);
- int i = 0;
- for(HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance(), i++) {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = edge->from();
- HalfEdge::Vertex * newVertex = m_result->addVertex(vertex->id(), vertex->pos());
- newVertex->setTex(Vector3(tex[i], 0));
- newVertex->setNor(vertex->nor());
- indexArray.append(m_result->vertexCount() + 1);
- }
- m_result->addFace(indexArray);
- // Move to the next tile.
- x += tileSize + 1;
- if (x + tileSize > m_width) {
- x = 0;
- y += tileSize + 1;
- }
- }
- */
- return false;
-void Atlas::parameterizeCharts()
- foreach(i, m_meshChartsArray) {
- m_meshChartsArray[i]->parameterizeCharts();
- }
-float Atlas::packCharts(int quality, float texelsPerUnit, bool blockAlign, bool conservative)
- AtlasPacker packer(this);
- packer.packCharts(quality, texelsPerUnit, blockAlign, conservative);
- if (hasFailed())
- return 0;
- return packer.computeAtlasUtilization();
-/// Ctor.
-MeshCharts::MeshCharts(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh) : m_mesh(mesh)
-// Dtor.
- deleteAll(m_chartArray);
-void MeshCharts::extractCharts()
- const uint faceCount = m_mesh->faceCount();
- int first = 0;
- Array<uint> queue(faceCount);
- BitArray bitFlags(faceCount);
- bitFlags.clearAll();
- for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- if (bitFlags.bitAt(f) == false)
- {
- // Start new patch. Reset queue.
- first = 0;
- queue.clear();
- queue.append(f);
- bitFlags.setBitAt(f);
- while (first != queue.count())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = m_mesh->faceAt(queue[first]);
- // Visit face neighbors of queue[first]
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- nvDebugCheck(edge->pair != NULL);
- if (!edge->isBoundary() && /*!edge->isSeam()*/
- //!(edge->from()->tex() != edge->pair()->to()->tex() || edge->to()->tex() != edge->pair()->from()->tex()))
- !(edge->from() != edge->pair->to() || edge->to() != edge->pair->from())) // Preserve existing seams (not just texture seams).
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * neighborFace = edge->pair->face;
- nvDebugCheck(neighborFace != NULL);
- if (bitFlags.bitAt(neighborFace->id) == false)
- {
- queue.append(neighborFace->id);
- bitFlags.setBitAt(neighborFace->id);
- }
- }
- }
- first++;
- }
- Chart * chart = new Chart();
- chart->build(m_mesh, queue);
- m_chartArray.append(chart);
- }
- }
-- identify sharp features using local dihedral angles.
-- identify seed faces farthest from sharp features.
-- grow charts from these seeds.
-- phase 1: chart growth
- - grow all charts simultaneously using dijkstra search on the dual graph of the mesh.
- - graph edges are weighted based on planarity metric.
- - metric uses distance to global chart normal.
- - terminate when all faces have been assigned.
-- phase 2: seed computation:
- - place new seed of the chart at the most interior face.
- - most interior is evaluated using distance metric only.
-- method repeates the two phases, until the location of the seeds does not change.
- - cycles are detected by recording all the previous seeds and chartification terminates.
-- Uniaxial conic metric:
- - N_c = axis of the generalized cone that best fits the chart. (cone can a be cylinder or a plane).
- - omega_c = angle between the face normals and the axis.
- - Fitting error between chart C and tringle t: F(c,t) = (N_c*n_t - cos(omega_c))^2
-- Compactness metrics:
- - Roundness:
- - C(c,t) = pi * D(S_c,t)^2 / A_c
- - S_c = chart seed.
- - D(S_c,t) = length of the shortest path inside the chart betwen S_c and t.
- - A_c = chart area.
- - Straightness:
- - P(c,t) = l_out(c,t) / l_in(c,t)
- - l_out(c,t) = lenght of the edges not shared between C and t.
- - l_in(c,t) = lenght of the edges shared between C and t.
-- Combined metric:
- - Cost(c,t) = F(c,t)^alpha + C(c,t)^beta + P(c,t)^gamma
- - alpha = 1, beta = 0.7, gamma = 0.5
-Our basic approach:
-- Just one iteration of k-means?
-- Avoid dijkstra by greedily growing charts until a threshold is met. Increase threshold and repeat until no faces left.
-- If distortion metric is too high, split chart, add two seeds.
-- If chart size is low, try removing chart.
-- If topology is not disk:
- - Fill holes, if new faces fit proxy.
- - Find best cut, otherwise.
-- After parameterization:
- - If boundary self-intersects:
- - cut chart along the closest two diametral boundary vertices, repeat parametrization.
- - what if the overlap is on an appendix? How do we find that out and cut appropiately?
- - emphasize roundness metrics to prevent those cases.
- - If interior self-overlaps: preserve boundary parameterization and use mean-value map.
- // Charts have no area or boundary limits right now.
- maxChartArea = NV_FLOAT_MAX;
- maxBoundaryLength = NV_FLOAT_MAX;
- proxyFitMetricWeight = 1.0f;
- roundnessMetricWeight = 0.1f;
- straightnessMetricWeight = 0.25f;
- normalSeamMetricWeight = 1.0f;
- textureSeamMetricWeight = 0.1f;
-void MeshCharts::computeCharts(const SegmentationSettings & settings, const Array<uint> & unchartedMaterialArray)
- Chart * vertexMap = NULL;
- if (unchartedMaterialArray.count() != 0) {
- vertexMap = new Chart();
- vertexMap->buildVertexMap(m_mesh, unchartedMaterialArray);
- if (vertexMap->faceCount() == 0) {
- delete vertexMap;
- vertexMap = NULL;
- }
- }
- AtlasBuilder builder(m_mesh);
- if (vertexMap != NULL) {
- // Mark faces that do not need to be charted.
- builder.markUnchartedFaces(vertexMap->faceArray());
- m_chartArray.append(vertexMap);
- }
- if (builder.facesLeft != 0) {
- // Tweak these values:
- const float maxThreshold = 2;
- const uint growFaceCount = 32;
- const uint maxIterations = 4;
- builder.settings = settings;
- //builder.settings.proxyFitMetricWeight *= 0.75; // relax proxy fit weight during initial seed placement.
- //builder.settings.roundnessMetricWeight = 0;
- //builder.settings.straightnessMetricWeight = 0;
- // This seems a reasonable estimate.
- uint maxSeedCount = max(6U, builder.facesLeft);
- // Create initial charts greedely.
- nvDebug("### Placing seeds\n");
- builder.placeSeeds(maxThreshold, maxSeedCount);
- nvDebug("### Placed %d seeds (max = %d)\n", builder.chartCount(), maxSeedCount);
- builder.updateProxies();
- builder.mergeCharts();
- #if 1
- nvDebug("### Relocating seeds\n");
- builder.relocateSeeds();
- nvDebug("### Reset charts\n");
- builder.resetCharts();
- if (vertexMap != NULL) {
- builder.markUnchartedFaces(vertexMap->faceArray());
- }
- builder.settings = settings;
- nvDebug("### Growing charts\n");
- // Restart process growing charts in parallel.
- uint iteration = 0;
- while (true)
- {
- if (!builder.growCharts(maxThreshold, growFaceCount))
- {
- nvDebug("### Can't grow anymore\n");
- // If charts cannot grow more: fill holes, merge charts, relocate seeds and start new iteration.
- nvDebug("### Filling holes\n");
- builder.fillHoles(maxThreshold);
- nvDebug("### Using %d charts now\n", builder.chartCount());
- builder.updateProxies();
- nvDebug("### Merging charts\n");
- builder.mergeCharts();
- nvDebug("### Using %d charts now\n", builder.chartCount());
- nvDebug("### Reseeding\n");
- if (!builder.relocateSeeds())
- {
- nvDebug("### Cannot relocate seeds anymore\n");
- // Done!
- break;
- }
- if (iteration == maxIterations)
- {
- nvDebug("### Reached iteration limit\n");
- break;
- }
- iteration++;
- nvDebug("### Reset charts\n");
- builder.resetCharts();
- if (vertexMap != NULL) {
- builder.markUnchartedFaces(vertexMap->faceArray());
- }
- nvDebug("### Growing charts\n");
- }
- };
- #endif
- // Make sure no holes are left!
- nvDebugCheck(builder.facesLeft == 0);
- const uint chartCount = builder.chartArray.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
- {
- Chart * chart = new Chart();
- m_chartArray.append(chart);
- chart->build(m_mesh, builder.chartFaces(i));
- }
- }
- const uint chartCount = m_chartArray.count();
- // Build face indices.
- m_faceChart.resize(m_mesh->faceCount());
- m_faceIndex.resize(m_mesh->faceCount());
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
- {
- const Chart * chart = m_chartArray[i];
- const uint faceCount = chart->faceCount();
- for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- uint idx = chart->faceAt(f);
- m_faceChart[idx] = i;
- m_faceIndex[idx] = f;
- }
- }
- // Build an exclusive prefix sum of the chart vertex counts.
- m_chartVertexCountPrefixSum.resize(chartCount);
- if (chartCount > 0)
- {
- m_chartVertexCountPrefixSum[0] = 0;
- for (uint i = 1; i < chartCount; i++)
- {
- const Chart * chart = m_chartArray[i-1];
- m_chartVertexCountPrefixSum[i] = m_chartVertexCountPrefixSum[i-1] + chart->vertexCount();
- }
- m_totalVertexCount = m_chartVertexCountPrefixSum[chartCount - 1] + m_chartArray[chartCount-1]->vertexCount();
- }
- else
- {
- m_totalVertexCount = 0;
- }
-void MeshCharts::parameterizeCharts()
- ParameterizationQuality globalParameterizationQuality;
- // Parameterize the charts.
- uint diskCount = 0;
- const uint chartCount = m_chartArray.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)\
- {
- Chart * chart = m_chartArray[i];
- bool isValid = false;
- if (chart->isVertexMapped()) {
- continue;
- }
- if (chart->isDisk())
- {
- diskCount++;
- ParameterizationQuality chartParameterizationQuality;
- if (chart->faceCount() == 1) {
- computeSingleFaceMap(chart->unifiedMesh());
- chartParameterizationQuality = ParameterizationQuality(chart->unifiedMesh());
- }
- else {
- computeOrthogonalProjectionMap(chart->unifiedMesh());
- ParameterizationQuality orthogonalQuality(chart->unifiedMesh());
- computeLeastSquaresConformalMap(chart->unifiedMesh());
- ParameterizationQuality lscmQuality(chart->unifiedMesh());
- // If the orthogonal projection produces better results, just use that.
- // @@ It may be dangerous to do this, because isValid() does not detect self-overlaps.
- // @@ Another problem is that with very thin patches with nearly zero parametric area, the results of our metric are not accurate.
- /*if (orthogonalQuality.isValid() && orthogonalQuality.rmsStretchMetric() < lscmQuality.rmsStretchMetric()) {
- computeOrthogonalProjectionMap(chart->unifiedMesh());
- chartParameterizationQuality = orthogonalQuality;
- }
- else*/ {
- chartParameterizationQuality = lscmQuality;
- }
- // If conformal map failed,
- // @@ Experiment with other parameterization methods.
- //computeCircularBoundaryMap(chart->unifiedMesh());
- //computeConformalMap(chart->unifiedMesh());
- //computeNaturalConformalMap(chart->unifiedMesh());
- //computeGuidanceGradientMap(chart->unifiedMesh());
- }
- //ParameterizationQuality chartParameterizationQuality(chart->unifiedMesh());
- isValid = chartParameterizationQuality.isValid();
- if (!isValid)
- {
- nvDebug("*** Invalid parameterization.\n");
-#if 0
- // Dump mesh to inspect problem:
- static int pieceCount = 0;
- StringBuilder fileName;
- fileName.format("invalid_chart_%d.obj", pieceCount++);
- exportMesh(chart->unifiedMesh(), fileName.str());
- }
- // @@ Check that parameterization quality is above a certain threshold.
- // @@ Detect boundary self-intersections.
- globalParameterizationQuality += chartParameterizationQuality;
- }
- if (!isValid)
- {
- //nvDebugBreak();
- // @@ Run the builder again, but only on this chart.
- //AtlasBuilder builder(chart->chartMesh());
- }
- // Transfer parameterization from unified mesh to chart mesh.
- chart->transferParameterization();
- }
- nvDebug(" Parameterized %d/%d charts.\n", diskCount, chartCount);
- nvDebug(" RMS stretch metric: %f\n", globalParameterizationQuality.rmsStretchMetric());
- nvDebug(" MAX stretch metric: %f\n", globalParameterizationQuality.maxStretchMetric());
- nvDebug(" RMS conformal metric: %f\n", globalParameterizationQuality.rmsConformalMetric());
- nvDebug(" RMS authalic metric: %f\n", globalParameterizationQuality.maxAuthalicMetric());
-Chart::Chart() : m_chartMesh(NULL), m_unifiedMesh(NULL), m_isDisk(false), m_isVertexMapped(false)
-void Chart::build(const HalfEdge::Mesh * originalMesh, const Array<uint> & faceArray)
- // Copy face indices.
- m_faceArray = faceArray;
- const uint meshVertexCount = originalMesh->vertexCount();
- m_chartMesh = new HalfEdge::Mesh();
- m_unifiedMesh = new HalfEdge::Mesh();
- Array<uint> chartMeshIndices;
- chartMeshIndices.resize(meshVertexCount, ~0);
- Array<uint> unifiedMeshIndices;
- unifiedMeshIndices.resize(meshVertexCount, ~0);
- // Add vertices.
- const uint faceCount = faceArray.count();
- for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = originalMesh->faceAt(faceArray[f]);
- nvDebugCheck(face != NULL);
- for(HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = it.current()->vertex;
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * unifiedVertex = vertex->firstColocal();
- if (unifiedMeshIndices[unifiedVertex->id] == ~0)
- {
- unifiedMeshIndices[unifiedVertex->id] = m_unifiedMesh->vertexCount();
- nvDebugCheck(vertex->pos == unifiedVertex->pos);
- m_unifiedMesh->addVertex(vertex->pos);
- }
- if (chartMeshIndices[vertex->id] == ~0)
- {
- chartMeshIndices[vertex->id] = m_chartMesh->vertexCount();
- m_chartToOriginalMap.append(vertex->id);
- m_chartToUnifiedMap.append(unifiedMeshIndices[unifiedVertex->id]);
- HalfEdge::Vertex * v = m_chartMesh->addVertex(vertex->pos);
- v->nor = vertex->nor;
- v->tex = vertex->tex;
- }
- }
- }
- // This is ignoring the canonical map:
- // - Is it really necessary to link colocals?
- m_chartMesh->linkColocals();
- //m_unifiedMesh->linkColocals(); // Not strictly necessary, no colocals in the unified mesh. # Wrong.
- // This check is not valid anymore, if the original mesh vertices were linked with a canonical map, then it might have
- // some colocal vertices that were unlinked. So, the unified mesh might have some duplicate vertices, because firstColocal()
- // is not guaranteed to return the same vertex for two colocal vertices.
- //nvCheck(m_chartMesh->colocalVertexCount() == m_unifiedMesh->vertexCount());
- // Is that OK? What happens in meshes were that happens? Does anything break? Apparently not...
- Array<uint> faceIndices(7);
- // Add faces.
- for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = originalMesh->faceAt(faceArray[f]);
- nvDebugCheck(face != NULL);
- faceIndices.clear();
- for(HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = it.current()->vertex;
- nvDebugCheck(vertex != NULL);
- faceIndices.append(chartMeshIndices[vertex->id]);
- }
- m_chartMesh->addFace(faceIndices);
- faceIndices.clear();
- for(HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = it.current()->vertex;
- nvDebugCheck(vertex != NULL);
- vertex = vertex->firstColocal();
- faceIndices.append(unifiedMeshIndices[vertex->id]);
- }
- m_unifiedMesh->addFace(faceIndices);
- }
- m_chartMesh->linkBoundary();
- m_unifiedMesh->linkBoundary();
- //exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), "debug_input.obj");
- if (m_unifiedMesh->splitBoundaryEdges()) {
- m_unifiedMesh = unifyVertices(m_unifiedMesh.ptr());
- }
- //exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), "debug_split.obj");
- // Closing the holes is not always the best solution and does not fix all the problems.
- // We need to do some analysis of the holes and the genus to:
- // - Find cuts that reduce genus.
- // - Find cuts to connect holes.
- // - Use minimal spanning trees or seamster.
- if (!closeHoles()) {
- /*static int pieceCount = 0;
- StringBuilder fileName;
- fileName.format("debug_hole_%d.obj", pieceCount++);
- exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), fileName.str());*/
- }
- m_unifiedMesh = triangulate(m_unifiedMesh.ptr());
- //exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), "debug_triangulated.obj");
- // Analyze chart topology.
- MeshTopology topology(m_unifiedMesh.ptr());
- m_isDisk = topology.isDisk();
- // This is sometimes failing, when triangulate fails to add a triangle, it generates a hole in the mesh.
- //nvDebugCheck(m_isDisk);
- /*if (!m_isDisk) {
- static int pieceCount = 0;
- StringBuilder fileName;
- fileName.format("debug_hole_%d.obj", pieceCount++);
- exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), fileName.str());
- }*/
-#if 0
- if (!m_isDisk) {
- nvDebugBreak();
- static int pieceCount = 0;
- StringBuilder fileName;
- fileName.format("debug_nodisk_%d.obj", pieceCount++);
- exportMesh(m_chartMesh.ptr(), fileName.str());
- }
-void Chart::buildVertexMap(const HalfEdge::Mesh * originalMesh, const Array<uint> & unchartedMaterialArray)
- nvCheck(m_chartMesh == NULL && m_unifiedMesh == NULL);
- m_isVertexMapped = true;
- // Build face indices.
- m_faceArray.clear();
- const uint meshFaceCount = originalMesh->faceCount();
- for (uint f = 0; f < meshFaceCount; f++) {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = originalMesh->faceAt(f);
- if (unchartedMaterialArray.contains(face->material)) {
- m_faceArray.append(f);
- }
- }
- const uint faceCount = m_faceArray.count();
- if (faceCount == 0) {
- return;
- }
- // @@ The chartMesh construction is basically the same as with regular charts, don't duplicate!
- const uint meshVertexCount = originalMesh->vertexCount();
- m_chartMesh = new HalfEdge::Mesh();
- Array<uint> chartMeshIndices;
- chartMeshIndices.resize(meshVertexCount, ~0);
- // Vertex map mesh only has disconnected vertices.
- for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = originalMesh->faceAt(m_faceArray[f]);
- nvDebugCheck(face != NULL);
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = it.current()->vertex;
- if (chartMeshIndices[vertex->id] == ~0)
- {
- chartMeshIndices[vertex->id] = m_chartMesh->vertexCount();
- m_chartToOriginalMap.append(vertex->id);
- HalfEdge::Vertex * v = m_chartMesh->addVertex(vertex->pos);
- v->nor = vertex->nor;
- v->tex = vertex->tex; // @@ Not necessary.
- }
- }
- }
- // @@ Link colocals using the original mesh canonical map? Build canonical map on the fly? Do we need to link colocals at all for this?
- //m_chartMesh->linkColocals();
- Array<uint> faceIndices(7);
- // Add faces.
- for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = originalMesh->faceAt(m_faceArray[f]);
- nvDebugCheck(face != NULL);
- faceIndices.clear();
- for(HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = it.current()->vertex;
- nvDebugCheck(vertex != NULL);
- nvDebugCheck(chartMeshIndices[vertex->id] != ~0);
- faceIndices.append(chartMeshIndices[vertex->id]);
- }
- HalfEdge::Face * new_face = m_chartMesh->addFace(faceIndices);
- nvDebugCheck(new_face != NULL);
- }
- m_chartMesh->linkBoundary();
- const uint chartVertexCount = m_chartMesh->vertexCount();
- Box bounds;
- bounds.clearBounds();
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartVertexCount; i++) {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(i);
- bounds.addPointToBounds(vertex->pos);
- }
- ProximityGrid grid;
- grid.init(bounds, chartVertexCount);
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartVertexCount; i++) {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(i);
- grid.add(vertex->pos, i);
- }
-#if 0
- // Arrange vertices in a rectangle.
- vertexMapWidth = ftoi_ceil(sqrtf(float(chartVertexCount)));
- vertexMapHeight = (chartVertexCount + vertexMapWidth - 1) / vertexMapWidth;
- nvDebugCheck(vertexMapWidth >= vertexMapHeight);
- int x = 0, y = 0;
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartVertexCount; i++) {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(i);
- vertex->tex.x = float(x);
- vertex->tex.y = float(y);
- x++;
- if (x == vertexMapWidth) {
- x = 0;
- y++;
- nvCheck(y < vertexMapHeight);
- }
- }
-#elif 0
- // Arrange vertices in a rectangle, traversing grid in 3D morton order and laying them down in 2D morton order.
- vertexMapWidth = ftoi_ceil(sqrtf(float(chartVertexCount)));
- vertexMapHeight = (chartVertexCount + vertexMapWidth - 1) / vertexMapWidth;
- nvDebugCheck(vertexMapWidth >= vertexMapHeight);
- int n = 0;
- uint32 texelCode = 0;
- uint cellsVisited = 0;
- const uint32 cellCodeCount = grid.mortonCount();
- for (uint32 cellCode = 0; cellCode < cellCodeCount; cellCode++) {
- int cell = grid.mortonIndex(cellCode);
- if (cell < 0) continue;
- cellsVisited++;
- const Array<uint> & indexArray = grid.cellArray[cell].indexArray;
- foreach(i, indexArray) {
- uint idx = indexArray[i];
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(idx);
- //vertex->tex.x = float(n % rectangleWidth) + 0.5f;
- //vertex->tex.y = float(n / rectangleWidth) + 0.5f;
- // Lay down the points in z order too.
- uint x, y;
- do {
- x = decodeMorton2X(texelCode);
- y = decodeMorton2Y(texelCode);
- texelCode++;
- } while (x >= U32(vertexMapWidth) || y >= U32(vertexMapHeight));
- vertex->tex.x = float(x);
- vertex->tex.y = float(y);
- n++;
- }
- }
- nvDebugCheck(cellsVisited == grid.cellArray.count());
- nvDebugCheck(n == chartVertexCount);
- uint texelCount = 0;
- const float positionThreshold = 0.01f;
- const float normalThreshold = 0.01f;
- uint verticesVisited = 0;
- uint cellsVisited = 0;
- Array<int> vertexIndexArray;
- vertexIndexArray.resize(chartVertexCount, -1); // Init all indices to -1.
- // Traverse vertices in morton order. @@ It may be more interesting to sort them based on orientation.
- const uint cellCodeCount = grid.mortonCount();
- for (uint cellCode = 0; cellCode < cellCodeCount; cellCode++) {
- int cell = grid.mortonIndex(cellCode);
- if (cell < 0) continue;
- cellsVisited++;
- const Array<uint> & indexArray = grid.cellArray[cell].indexArray;
- foreach(i, indexArray) {
- uint idx = indexArray[i];
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(idx);
- nvDebugCheck(vertexIndexArray[idx] == -1);
- Array<uint> neighbors;
- grid.gather(vertex->pos, positionThreshold, /*ref*/neighbors);
- // Compare against all nearby vertices, cluster greedily.
- foreach(j, neighbors) {
- uint otherIdx = neighbors[j];
- if (vertexIndexArray[otherIdx] != -1) {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * otherVertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(otherIdx);
- if (distance(vertex->pos, otherVertex->pos) < positionThreshold &&
- distance(vertex->nor, otherVertex->nor) < normalThreshold)
- {
- vertexIndexArray[idx] = vertexIndexArray[otherIdx];
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- // If index not assigned, assign new one.
- if (vertexIndexArray[idx] == -1) {
- vertexIndexArray[idx] = texelCount++;
- }
- verticesVisited++;
- }
- }
- nvDebugCheck(cellsVisited == grid.cellArray.count());
- nvDebugCheck(verticesVisited == chartVertexCount);
- vertexMapWidth = ftoi_ceil(sqrtf(float(texelCount)));
- vertexMapWidth = (vertexMapWidth + 3) & ~3; // Width aligned to 4.
- vertexMapHeight = vertexMapWidth == 0 ? 0 : (texelCount + vertexMapWidth - 1) / vertexMapWidth;
- //vertexMapHeight = (vertexMapHeight + 3) & ~3; // Height aligned to 4.
- nvDebugCheck(vertexMapWidth >= vertexMapHeight);
- nvDebug("Reduced vertex count from %d to %d.\n", chartVertexCount, texelCount);
-#if 0
- // This lays down the clustered vertices linearly.
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartVertexCount; i++) {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(i);
- int idx = vertexIndexArray[i];
- vertex->tex.x = float(idx % vertexMapWidth);
- vertex->tex.y = float(idx / vertexMapWidth);
- }
- // Lay down the clustered vertices in morton order.
- Array<uint> texelCodes;
- texelCodes.resize(texelCount);
- // For each texel, assign one morton code.
- uint texelCode = 0;
- for (uint i = 0; i < texelCount; i++) {
- uint x, y;
- do {
- x = decodeMorton2X(texelCode);
- y = decodeMorton2Y(texelCode);
- texelCode++;
- } while (x >= U32(vertexMapWidth) || y >= U32(vertexMapHeight));
- texelCodes[i] = texelCode - 1;
- }
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartVertexCount; i++) {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(i);
- int idx = vertexIndexArray[i];
- if (idx != -1) {
- uint texelCode = texelCodes[idx];
- uint x = decodeMorton2X(texelCode);
- uint y = decodeMorton2Y(texelCode);
- vertex->tex.x = float(x);
- vertex->tex.y = float(y);
- }
- }
-static void getBoundaryEdges(HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh, Array<HalfEdge::Edge *> & boundaryEdges)
- nvDebugCheck(mesh != NULL);
- const uint edgeCount = mesh->edgeCount();
- BitArray bitFlags(edgeCount);
- bitFlags.clearAll();
- boundaryEdges.clear();
- // Search for boundary edges. Mark all the edges that belong to the same boundary.
- for (uint e = 0; e < edgeCount; e++)
- {
- HalfEdge::Edge * startEdge = mesh->edgeAt(e);
- if (startEdge != NULL && startEdge->isBoundary() && bitFlags.bitAt(e) == false)
- {
- nvDebugCheck(startEdge->face != NULL);
- nvDebugCheck(startEdge->pair->face == NULL);
- startEdge = startEdge->pair;
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge;
- do {
- nvDebugCheck(edge->face == NULL);
- nvDebugCheck(bitFlags.bitAt(edge->id/2) == false);
- bitFlags.setBitAt(edge->id / 2);
- edge = edge->next;
- } while(startEdge != edge);
- boundaryEdges.append(startEdge);
- }
- }
-bool Chart::closeLoop(uint start, const Array<HalfEdge::Edge *> & loop)
- const uint vertexCount = loop.count() - start;
- nvDebugCheck(vertexCount >= 3);
- if (vertexCount < 3) return false;
- nvDebugCheck(loop[start]->vertex->isColocal(loop[start+vertexCount-1]->to()));
- // If the hole is planar, then we add a single face that will be properly triangulated later.
- // If the hole is not planar, we add a triangle fan with a vertex at the hole centroid.
- // This is still a bit of a hack. There surely are better hole filling algorithms out there.
- Array<Vector3> points;
- points.resize(vertexCount);
- for (uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
- points[i] = loop[start+i]->vertex->pos;
- }
- bool isPlanar = Fit::isPlanar(vertexCount, points.buffer());
- if (isPlanar) {
- // Add face and connect edges.
- HalfEdge::Face * face = m_unifiedMesh->addFace();
- for (uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
- HalfEdge::Edge * edge = loop[start + i];
- edge->face = face;
- edge->setNext(loop[start + (i + 1) % vertexCount]);
- }
- face->edge = loop[start];
- nvDebugCheck(face->isValid());
- }
- else {
- // If the polygon is not planar, we just cross our fingers, and hope this will work:
- // Compute boundary centroid:
- Vector3 centroidPos(0);
- for (uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
- centroidPos += points[i];
- }
- centroidPos *= (1.0f / vertexCount);
- HalfEdge::Vertex * centroid = m_unifiedMesh->addVertex(centroidPos);
- // Add one pair of edges for each boundary vertex.
- for (uint j = vertexCount-1, i = 0; i < vertexCount; j = i++) {
- HalfEdge::Face * face = m_unifiedMesh->addFace(centroid->id, loop[start+j]->vertex->id, loop[start+i]->vertex->id);
- nvDebugCheck(face != NULL);
- }
- }
- return true;
-bool Chart::closeHoles()
- nvDebugCheck(!m_isVertexMapped);
- Array<HalfEdge::Edge *> boundaryEdges;
- getBoundaryEdges(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), boundaryEdges);
- uint boundaryCount = boundaryEdges.count();
- if (boundaryCount <= 1)
- {
- // Nothing to close.
- return true;
- }
- // Compute lengths and areas.
- Array<float> boundaryLengths;
- //Array<Vector3> boundaryCentroids;
- for (uint i = 0; i < boundaryCount; i++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * startEdge = boundaryEdges[i];
- nvCheck(startEdge->face == NULL);
- //float boundaryEdgeCount = 0;
- float boundaryLength = 0.0f;
- //Vector3 boundaryCentroid(zero);
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge;
- do {
- Vector3 t0 = edge->from()->pos;
- Vector3 t1 = edge->to()->pos;
- //boundaryEdgeCount++;
- boundaryLength += length(t1 - t0);
- //boundaryCentroid += edge->vertex()->pos;
- edge = edge->next;
- } while(edge != startEdge);
- boundaryLengths.append(boundaryLength);
- //boundaryCentroids.append(boundaryCentroid / boundaryEdgeCount);
- }
- // Find disk boundary.
- uint diskBoundary = 0;
- float maxLength = boundaryLengths[0];
- for (uint i = 1; i < boundaryCount; i++)
- {
- if (boundaryLengths[i] > maxLength)
- {
- maxLength = boundaryLengths[i];
- diskBoundary = i;
- }
- }
- // Sew holes.
- /*for (uint i = 0; i < boundaryCount; i++)
- {
- if (diskBoundary == i)
- {
- // Skip disk boundary.
- continue;
- }
- HalfEdge::Edge * startEdge = boundaryEdges[i];
- nvCheck(startEdge->face() == NULL);
- boundaryEdges[i] = m_unifiedMesh->sewBoundary(startEdge);
- }
- exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), "debug_sewn.obj");*/
- //bool hasNewHoles = false;
- // !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- // @@ Close loop is wrong, after closing a loop, we do not only have to add the face, but make sure that every edge in he loop is pointing to the right place.
- // Close holes.
- for (uint i = 0; i < boundaryCount; i++)
- {
- if (diskBoundary == i)
- {
- // Skip disk boundary.
- continue;
- }
- HalfEdge::Edge * startEdge = boundaryEdges[i];
- nvDebugCheck(startEdge != NULL);
- nvDebugCheck(startEdge->face == NULL);
-#if 1
- Array<HalfEdge::Vertex *> vertexLoop;
- Array<HalfEdge::Edge *> edgeLoop;
- HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge;
- do {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = edge->next->vertex; // edge->to()
- uint i;
- for (i = 0; i < vertexLoop.count(); i++) {
- if (vertex->isColocal(vertexLoop[i])) {
- break;
- }
- }
- bool isCrossing = (i != vertexLoop.count());
- if (isCrossing) {
- HalfEdge::Edge * prev = edgeLoop[i]; // Previous edge before the loop.
- HalfEdge::Edge * next = edge->next; // Next edge after the loop.
- nvDebugCheck(prev->to()->isColocal(next->from()));
- // Close loop.
- edgeLoop.append(edge);
- closeLoop(i+1, edgeLoop);
- // Link boundary loop.
- prev->setNext(next);
- vertex->setEdge(next);
- // Start over again.
- vertexLoop.clear();
- edgeLoop.clear();
- edge = startEdge;
- vertex = edge->to();
- }
- vertexLoop.append(vertex);
- edgeLoop.append(edge);
- edge = edge->next;
- } while(edge != startEdge);
- closeLoop(0, edgeLoop);
- /*
- // Add face and connect boundary edges.
- HalfEdge::Face * face = m_unifiedMesh->addFace();
- face->setEdge(startEdge);
- HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge;
- do {
- edge->setFace(face);
- edge = edge->next();
- } while(edge != startEdge);
- */
- /*
- uint edgeCount = 0;
- HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge;
- do {
- edgeCount++;
- edge = edge->next();
- } while(edge != startEdge);
- // Count edges in this boundary.
- uint edgeCount = 0;
- HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge;
- do {
- edgeCount++;
- edge = edge->next();
- } while(edge != startEdge);
- // Trivial hole, fill with one triangle. This actually works for all convex boundaries with non colinear vertices.
- if (edgeCount == 3) {
- // Add face and connect boundary edges.
- HalfEdge::Face * face = m_unifiedMesh->addFace();
- face->setEdge(startEdge);
- edge = startEdge;
- do {
- edge->setFace(face);
- edge = edge->next();
- } while(edge != startEdge);
- // @@ Implement the above using addFace, it should now work with existing edges, as long as their face pointers is zero.
- }
- else {
- // Ideally we should:
- // - compute best fit plane of boundary vertices.
- // - project boundary polygon onto plane.
- // - triangulate boundary polygon.
- // - add faces of the resulting triangulation.
- // I don't have a good triangulator available. A more simple solution that works in more (but not all) cases:
- // - compute boundary centroid.
- // - add vertex centroid.
- // - connect centroid vertex with boundary vertices.
- // - connect radial edges with boundary edges.
- // This should work for non-convex boundaries with colinear vertices as long as the kernel of the polygon is not empty.
- // Compute boundary centroid:
- Vector3 centroid_pos(0);
- Vector2 centroid_tex(0);
- HalfEdge::Edge * edge = startEdge;
- do {
- centroid_pos += edge->vertex()->pos;
- centroid_tex += edge->vertex()->tex;
- edge = edge->next();
- } while(edge != startEdge);
- centroid_pos *= (1.0f / edgeCount);
- centroid_tex *= (1.0f / edgeCount);
- HalfEdge::Vertex * centroid = m_unifiedMesh->addVertex(centroid_pos);
- centroid->tex = centroid_tex;
- // Add one pair of edges for each boundary vertex.
- edge = startEdge;
- do {
- HalfEdge::Edge * next = edge->next();
- nvCheck(edge->face() == NULL);
- HalfEdge::Face * face = m_unifiedMesh->addFace(centroid->id(), edge->from()->id(), edge->to()->id());
- if (face != NULL) {
- nvCheck(edge->face() == face);
- }
- else {
- hasNewHoles = true;
- }
- edge = next;
- } while(edge != startEdge);
- }
- */
- }
- /*nvDebugCheck(!hasNewHoles);
- if (hasNewHoles) {
- // Link boundary again, in case closeHoles created new holes!
- m_unifiedMesh->linkBoundary();
- }*/
- // Because some algorithms do not expect sparse edge buffers.
- //m_unifiedMesh->compactEdges();
- // In case we messed up:
- //m_unifiedMesh->linkBoundary();
- getBoundaryEdges(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), boundaryEdges);
- boundaryCount = boundaryEdges.count();
- nvDebugCheck(boundaryCount == 1);
- //exportMesh(m_unifiedMesh.ptr(), "debug_hole_filled.obj");
- return boundaryCount == 1;
-// Transfer parameterization from unified mesh to chart mesh.
-void Chart::transferParameterization() {
- nvDebugCheck(!m_isVertexMapped);
- uint vertexCount = m_chartMesh->vertexCount();
- for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(v);
- HalfEdge::Vertex * unifiedVertex = m_unifiedMesh->vertexAt(mapChartVertexToUnifiedVertex(v));
- vertex->tex = unifiedVertex->tex;
- }
-float Chart::computeSurfaceArea() const {
- return nv::computeSurfaceArea(m_chartMesh.ptr()) * scale;
-float Chart::computeParametricArea() const {
- // This only makes sense in parameterized meshes.
- nvDebugCheck(m_isDisk);
- nvDebugCheck(!m_isVertexMapped);
- return nv::computeParametricArea(m_chartMesh.ptr());
-Vector2 Chart::computeParametricBounds() const {
- // This only makes sense in parameterized meshes.
- nvDebugCheck(m_isDisk);
- nvDebugCheck(!m_isVertexMapped);
- Box bounds;
- bounds.clearBounds();
- uint vertexCount = m_chartMesh->vertexCount();
- for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = m_chartMesh->vertexAt(v);
- bounds.addPointToBounds(Vector3(vertex->tex, 0));
- }
- return bounds.extents().xy();
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Atlas.h b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Atlas.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 41cfaea9cb..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Atlas.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2006 -- Ignacio Castano <>
-#pragma once
-#ifndef NV_MESH_ATLAS_H
-#define NV_MESH_ATLAS_H
-#include "nvcore/Array.h"
-#include "nvcore/Ptr.h"
-#include "nvmath/Vector.h"
-#include "nvmesh/nvmesh.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h"
-namespace nv
- namespace HalfEdge { class Mesh; }
- class Chart;
- class MeshCharts;
- class VertexMap;
- struct SegmentationSettings
- {
- SegmentationSettings();
- float maxChartArea;
- float maxBoundaryLength;
- float proxyFitMetricWeight;
- float roundnessMetricWeight;
- float straightnessMetricWeight;
- float normalSeamMetricWeight;
- float textureSeamMetricWeight;
- };
- /// An atlas is a set of charts.
- class Atlas
- {
- public:
- Atlas();
- ~Atlas();
- uint meshCount() const { return m_meshChartsArray.count(); }
- const MeshCharts * meshAt(uint i) const { return m_meshChartsArray[i]; }
- MeshCharts * meshAt(uint i) { return m_meshChartsArray[i]; }
- uint chartCount() const;
- const Chart * chartAt(uint i) const;
- Chart * chartAt(uint i);
- // Add mesh charts and takes ownership.
- void addMeshCharts(MeshCharts * meshCharts);
- void extractCharts(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh);
- void computeCharts(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh, const SegmentationSettings & settings, const Array<uint> & unchartedMaterialArray);
- // Compute a trivial seamless texture similar to ZBrush.
- //bool computeSeamlessTextureAtlas(bool groupFaces = true, bool scaleTiles = false, uint w = 1024, uint h = 1024);
- void parameterizeCharts();
- // Pack charts in the smallest possible rectangle.
- float packCharts(int quality, float texelArea, bool blockAlign, bool conservative);
- void setFailed() { failed = true; }
- bool hasFailed() const { return failed; }
- private:
- bool failed;
- Array<MeshCharts *> m_meshChartsArray;
- };
- // Set of charts corresponding to a single mesh.
- class MeshCharts
- {
- public:
- MeshCharts(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh);
- ~MeshCharts();
- uint chartCount() const { return m_chartArray.count(); }
- uint vertexCount () const { return m_totalVertexCount; }
- const Chart * chartAt(uint i) const { return m_chartArray[i]; }
- Chart * chartAt(uint i) { return m_chartArray[i]; }
- void computeVertexMap(const Array<uint> & unchartedMaterialArray);
- // Extract the charts of the input mesh.
- void extractCharts();
- // Compute charts using a simple segmentation algorithm.
- void computeCharts(const SegmentationSettings & settings, const Array<uint> & unchartedMaterialArray);
- void parameterizeCharts();
- uint faceChartAt(uint i) const { return m_faceChart[i]; }
- uint faceIndexWithinChartAt(uint i) const { return m_faceIndex[i]; }
- uint vertexCountBeforeChartAt(uint i) const { return m_chartVertexCountPrefixSum[i]; }
- private:
- const HalfEdge::Mesh * m_mesh;
- Array<Chart *> m_chartArray;
- Array<uint> m_chartVertexCountPrefixSum;
- uint m_totalVertexCount;
- Array<uint> m_faceChart; // the chart of every face of the input mesh.
- Array<uint> m_faceIndex; // the index within the chart for every face of the input mesh.
- };
- /// A chart is a connected set of faces with a certain topology (usually a disk).
- class Chart
- {
- public:
- Chart();
- void build(const HalfEdge::Mesh * originalMesh, const Array<uint> & faceArray);
- void buildVertexMap(const HalfEdge::Mesh * originalMesh, const Array<uint> & unchartedMaterialArray);
- bool closeHoles();
- bool isDisk() const { return m_isDisk; }
- bool isVertexMapped() const { return m_isVertexMapped; }
- uint vertexCount() const { return m_chartMesh->vertexCount(); }
- uint colocalVertexCount() const { return m_unifiedMesh->vertexCount(); }
- uint faceCount() const { return m_faceArray.count(); }
- uint faceAt(uint i) const { return m_faceArray[i]; }
- const HalfEdge::Mesh * chartMesh() const { return m_chartMesh.ptr(); }
- HalfEdge::Mesh * chartMesh() { return m_chartMesh.ptr(); }
- const HalfEdge::Mesh * unifiedMesh() const { return m_unifiedMesh.ptr(); }
- HalfEdge::Mesh * unifiedMesh() { return m_unifiedMesh.ptr(); }
- //uint vertexIndex(uint i) const { return m_vertexIndexArray[i]; }
- uint mapChartVertexToOriginalVertex(uint i) const { return m_chartToOriginalMap[i]; }
- uint mapChartVertexToUnifiedVertex(uint i) const { return m_chartToUnifiedMap[i]; }
- const Array<uint> & faceArray() const { return m_faceArray; }
- void transferParameterization();
- float computeSurfaceArea() const;
- float computeParametricArea() const;
- Vector2 computeParametricBounds() const;
- float scale = 1.0f;
- uint vertexMapWidth;
- uint vertexMapHeight;
- private:
- bool closeLoop(uint start, const Array<HalfEdge::Edge *> & loop);
- // Chart mesh.
- AutoPtr<HalfEdge::Mesh> m_chartMesh;
- AutoPtr<HalfEdge::Mesh> m_unifiedMesh;
- bool m_isDisk;
- bool m_isVertexMapped;
- // List of faces of the original mesh that belong to this chart.
- Array<uint> m_faceArray;
- // Map vertices of the chart mesh to vertices of the original mesh.
- Array<uint> m_chartToOriginalMap;
- Array<uint> m_chartToUnifiedMap;
- };
-} // nv namespace
-#endif // NV_MESH_ATLAS_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasBuilder.cpp b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasBuilder.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index bd2140c2f3..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasBuilder.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1320 +0,0 @@
-// This code is in the public domain --
-#include "nvmesh.h" // pch
-#include "AtlasBuilder.h"
-#include "Util.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Face.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Vertex.h"
-#include "nvmath/Matrix.inl"
-#include "nvmath/Vector.inl"
-//#include "nvcore/IntroSort.h"
-#include "nvcore/Array.inl"
-#include <algorithm> // std::sort
-#include <float.h> // FLT_MAX
-#include <limits.h> // UINT_MAX
-using namespace nv;
- // Dummy implementation of a priority queue using sort at insertion.
- // - Insertion is o(n)
- // - Smallest element goes at the end, so that popping it is o(1).
- // - Resorting is n*log(n)
- // @@ Number of elements in the queue is usually small, and we'd have to rebalance often. I'm not sure it's worth implementing a heap.
- // @@ Searcing at removal would remove the need for sorting when priorities change.
- struct PriorityQueue
- {
- PriorityQueue(uint size = UINT_MAX) : maxSize(size) {}
- void push(float priority, uint face) {
- uint i = 0;
- const uint count = pairs.count();
- for (; i < count; i++) {
- if (pairs[i].priority > priority) break;
- }
- Pair p = { priority, face };
- pairs.insertAt(i, p);
- if (pairs.count() > maxSize) {
- pairs.removeAt(0);
- }
- }
- // push face out of order, to be sorted later.
- void push(uint face) {
- Pair p = { 0.0f, face };
- pairs.append(p);
- }
- uint pop() {
- uint f = pairs.back().face;
- pairs.pop_back();
- return f;
- }
- void sort() {
- //nv::sort(pairs); // @@ My intro sort appears to be much slower than it should!
- std::sort(pairs.buffer(), pairs.buffer() + pairs.count());
- }
- void clear() {
- pairs.clear();
- }
- uint count() const { return pairs.count(); }
- float firstPriority() const { return pairs.back().priority; }
- const uint maxSize;
- struct Pair {
- bool operator <(const Pair & p) const { return priority > p.priority; } // !! Sort in inverse priority order!
- float priority;
- uint face;
- };
- Array<Pair> pairs;
- };
- static bool isNormalSeam(const HalfEdge::Edge * edge) {
- return (edge->vertex->nor != edge->pair->next->vertex->nor || edge->next->vertex->nor != edge->pair->vertex->nor);
- }
- static bool isTextureSeam(const HalfEdge::Edge * edge) {
- return (edge->vertex->tex != edge->pair->next->vertex->tex || edge->next->vertex->tex != edge->pair->vertex->tex);
- }
-} // namespace
-struct nv::ChartBuildData
- ChartBuildData(int id) : id(id) {
- planeNormal = Vector3(0);
- centroid = Vector3(0);
- coneAxis = Vector3(0);
- coneAngle = 0;
- area = 0;
- boundaryLength = 0;
- normalSum = Vector3(0);
- centroidSum = Vector3(0);
- }
- int id;
- // Proxy info:
- Vector3 planeNormal;
- Vector3 centroid;
- Vector3 coneAxis;
- float coneAngle;
- float area;
- float boundaryLength;
- Vector3 normalSum;
- Vector3 centroidSum;
- Array<uint> seeds; // @@ These could be a pointers to the HalfEdge faces directly.
- Array<uint> faces;
- PriorityQueue candidates;
-AtlasBuilder::AtlasBuilder(const HalfEdge::Mesh * m) : mesh(m), facesLeft(m->faceCount())
- const uint faceCount = m->faceCount();
- faceChartArray.resize(faceCount, -1);
- faceCandidateArray.resize(faceCount, -1);
- // @@ Floyd for the whole mesh is too slow. We could compute floyd progressively per patch as the patch grows. We need a better solution to compute most central faces.
- //computeShortestPaths();
- // Precompute edge lengths and face areas.
- uint edgeCount = m->edgeCount();
- edgeLengths.resize(edgeCount);
- for (uint i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++) {
- uint id = m->edgeAt(i)->id;
- nvDebugCheck(id / 2 == i);
- edgeLengths[i] = m->edgeAt(i)->length();
- }
- faceAreas.resize(faceCount);
- for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {
- faceAreas[i] = m->faceAt(i)->area();
- }
- const uint chartCount = chartArray.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
- {
- delete chartArray[i];
- }
-void AtlasBuilder::markUnchartedFaces(const Array<uint> & unchartedFaces)
- const uint unchartedFaceCount = unchartedFaces.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < unchartedFaceCount; i++){
- uint f = unchartedFaces[i];
- faceChartArray[f] = -2;
- //faceCandidateArray[f] = -2; // @@ ?
- removeCandidate(f);
- }
- nvDebugCheck(facesLeft >= unchartedFaceCount);
- facesLeft -= unchartedFaceCount;
-void AtlasBuilder::computeShortestPaths()
- const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount();
- shortestPaths.resize(faceCount*faceCount, FLT_MAX);
- // Fill edges:
- for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
- {
- shortestPaths[i*faceCount + i] = 0.0f;
- const HalfEdge::Face * face_i = mesh->faceAt(i);
- Vector3 centroid_i = face_i->centroid();
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face_i->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- if (!edge->isBoundary())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face_j = edge->pair->face;
- uint j = face_j->id;
- Vector3 centroid_j = face_j->centroid();
- shortestPaths[i*faceCount + j] = shortestPaths[j*faceCount + i] = length(centroid_i - centroid_j);
- }
- }
- }
- // Use Floyd-Warshall algorithm to compute all paths:
- for (uint k = 0; k < faceCount; k++)
- {
- for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
- {
- for (uint j = 0; j < faceCount; j++)
- {
- shortestPaths[i*faceCount + j] = min(shortestPaths[i*faceCount + j], shortestPaths[i*faceCount + k]+shortestPaths[k*faceCount + j]);
- }
- }
- }
-void AtlasBuilder::placeSeeds(float threshold, uint maxSeedCount)
- // Instead of using a predefiened number of seeds:
- // - Add seeds one by one, growing chart until a certain treshold.
- // - Undo charts and restart growing process.
- // @@ How can we give preference to faces far from sharp features as in the LSCM paper?
- // - those points can be found using a simple flood filling algorithm.
- // - how do we weight the probabilities?
- for (uint i = 0; i < maxSeedCount; i++)
- {
- if (facesLeft == 0) {
- // No faces left, stop creating seeds.
- break;
- }
- createRandomChart(threshold);
- }
-void AtlasBuilder::createRandomChart(float threshold)
- ChartBuildData * chart = new ChartBuildData(chartArray.count());
- chartArray.append(chart);
- // Pick random face that is not used by any chart yet.
- uint randomFaceIdx = rand.getRange(facesLeft - 1);
- uint i = 0;
- for (uint f = 0; f != randomFaceIdx; f++, i++)
- {
- while (faceChartArray[i] != -1) i++;
- }
- while (faceChartArray[i] != -1) i++;
- chart->seeds.append(i);
- addFaceToChart(chart, i, true);
- // Grow the chart as much as possible within the given threshold.
- growChart(chart, threshold * 0.5f, facesLeft);
- //growCharts(threshold - threshold * 0.75f / chartCount(), facesLeft);
-void AtlasBuilder::addFaceToChart(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f, bool recomputeProxy)
- // Add face to chart.
- chart->faces.append(f);
- nvDebugCheck(faceChartArray[f] == -1);
- faceChartArray[f] = chart->id;
- facesLeft--;
- // Update area and boundary length.
- chart->area = evaluateChartArea(chart, f);
- chart->boundaryLength = evaluateBoundaryLength(chart, f);
- chart->normalSum = evaluateChartNormalSum(chart, f);
- chart->centroidSum = evaluateChartCentroidSum(chart, f);
- if (recomputeProxy) {
- // Update proxy and candidate's priorities.
- updateProxy(chart);
- }
- // Update candidates.
- removeCandidate(f);
- updateCandidates(chart, f);
- updatePriorities(chart);
-// @@ Get N best candidates in one pass.
-const AtlasBuilder::Candidate & AtlasBuilder::getBestCandidate() const
- uint best = 0;
- float bestCandidateMetric = FLT_MAX;
- const uint candidateCount = candidateArray.count();
- nvCheck(candidateCount > 0);
- for (uint i = 0; i < candidateCount; i++)
- {
- const Candidate & candidate = candidateArray[i];
- if (candidate.metric < bestCandidateMetric) {
- bestCandidateMetric = candidate.metric;
- best = i;
- }
- }
- return candidateArray[best];
-// Returns true if any of the charts can grow more.
-bool AtlasBuilder::growCharts(float threshold, uint faceCount)
-#if 1 // Using one global list.
- faceCount = min(faceCount, facesLeft);
- for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
- {
- const Candidate & candidate = getBestCandidate();
- if (candidate.metric > threshold) {
- return false; // Can't grow more.
- }
- addFaceToChart(candidate.chart, candidate.face);
- }
- return facesLeft != 0; // Can continue growing.
-#else // Using one list per chart.
- bool canGrowMore = false;
- const uint chartCount = chartArray.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
- {
- if (growChart(chartArray[i], threshold, faceCount))
- {
- canGrowMore = true;
- }
- }
- return canGrowMore;
-bool AtlasBuilder::growChart(ChartBuildData * chart, float threshold, uint faceCount)
- // Try to add faceCount faces within threshold to chart.
- for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; )
- {
- if (chart->candidates.count() == 0 || chart->candidates.firstPriority() > threshold)
- {
- return false;
- }
- uint f = chart->candidates.pop();
- if (faceChartArray[f] == -1)
- {
- addFaceToChart(chart, f);
- i++;
- }
- }
- if (chart->candidates.count() == 0 || chart->candidates.firstPriority() > threshold)
- {
- return false;
- }
- return true;
-void AtlasBuilder::resetCharts()
- const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount();
- for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
- {
- faceChartArray[i] = -1;
- faceCandidateArray[i] = -1;
- }
- facesLeft = faceCount;
- candidateArray.clear();
- const uint chartCount = chartArray.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
- {
- ChartBuildData * chart = chartArray[i];
- const uint seed = chart->seeds.back();
- chart->area = 0.0f;
- chart->boundaryLength = 0.0f;
- chart->normalSum = Vector3(0);
- chart->centroidSum = Vector3(0);
- chart->faces.clear();
- chart->candidates.clear();
- addFaceToChart(chart, seed);
- }
-void AtlasBuilder::updateCandidates(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- // Traverse neighboring faces, add the ones that do not belong to any chart yet.
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current()->pair;
- if (!edge->isBoundary())
- {
- uint f = edge->face->id;
- if (faceChartArray[f] == -1)
- {
- chart->candidates.push(f);
- }
- }
- }
-void AtlasBuilder::updateProxies()
- const uint chartCount = chartArray.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
- {
- updateProxy(chartArray[i]);
- }
-namespace {
- float absoluteSum(Vector4::Arg v)
- {
- return fabs(v.x) + fabs(v.y) + fabs(v.z) + fabs(v.w);
- }
- //#pragma message(NV_FILE_LINE "FIXME: Using the c=cos(teta) substitution, the equation system becomes linear and we can avoid the newton solver.")
- struct ConeFitting
- {
- ConeFitting(const HalfEdge::Mesh * m, float g, float tf, float tx) : mesh(m), gamma(g), tolf(tf), tolx(tx), F(0), D(0), H(0) {
- }
- void addTerm(Vector3 N, float A)
- {
- const float c = cosf(X.w);
- const float s = sinf(X.w);
- const float tmp = dot(, N) - c;
- F += tmp * tmp;
- D.x += 2 * X.x * tmp;
- D.y += 2 * X.y * tmp;
- D.z += 2 * X.z * tmp;
- D.w += 2 * s * tmp;
- H(0,0) = 2 * X.x * N.x + 2 * tmp;
- H(0,1) = 2 * X.x * N.y;
- H(0,2) = 2 * X.x * N.z;
- H(0,3) = 2 * X.x * s;
- H(1,0) = 2 * X.y * N.x;
- H(1,1) = 2 * X.y * N.y + 2 * tmp;
- H(1,2) = 2 * X.y * N.z;
- H(1,3) = 2 * X.y * s;
- H(2,0) = 2 * X.z * N.x;
- H(2,1) = 2 * X.z * N.y;
- H(2,2) = 2 * X.z * N.z + 2 * tmp;
- H(2,3) = 2 * X.z * s;
- H(3,0) = 2 * s * N.x;
- H(3,1) = 2 * s * N.y;
- H(3,2) = 2 * s * N.z;
- H(3,3) = 2 * s * s + 2 * c * tmp;
- }
- Vector4 solve(ChartBuildData * chart, Vector4 start)
- {
- const uint faceCount = chart->faces.count();
- X = start;
- Vector4 dX;
- do {
- for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(chart->faces[i]);
- addTerm(face->normal(), face->area());
- }
- Vector4 dX;
- //solveKramer(H, D, &dX);
- solveLU(H, D, &dX);
- // @@ Do a full newton step and reduce by half if F doesn't decrease.
- X -= gamma * dX;
- // Constrain normal to be normalized.
- X = Vector4(normalize(, X.w);
- } while(absoluteSum(D) > tolf || absoluteSum(dX) > tolx);
- return X;
- }
- HalfEdge::Mesh const * const mesh;
- const float gamma;
- const float tolf;
- const float tolx;
- Vector4 X;
- float F;
- Vector4 D;
- Matrix H;
- };
- // Unnormalized face normal assuming it's a triangle.
- static Vector3 triangleNormal(const HalfEdge::Face * face)
- {
- Vector3 p0 = face->edge->vertex->pos;
- Vector3 p1 = face->edge->next->vertex->pos;
- Vector3 p2 = face->edge->next->next->vertex->pos;
- Vector3 e0 = p2 - p0;
- Vector3 e1 = p1 - p0;
- return normalizeSafe(cross(e0, e1), Vector3(0), 0.0f);
- }
- static Vector3 triangleNormalAreaScaled(const HalfEdge::Face * face)
- {
- Vector3 p0 = face->edge->vertex->pos;
- Vector3 p1 = face->edge->next->vertex->pos;
- Vector3 p2 = face->edge->next->next->vertex->pos;
- Vector3 e0 = p2 - p0;
- Vector3 e1 = p1 - p0;
- return cross(e0, e1);
- }
- // Average of the edge midpoints weighted by the edge length.
- // I want a point inside the triangle, but closer to the cirumcenter.
- static Vector3 triangleCenter(const HalfEdge::Face * face)
- {
- Vector3 p0 = face->edge->vertex->pos;
- Vector3 p1 = face->edge->next->vertex->pos;
- Vector3 p2 = face->edge->next->next->vertex->pos;
- float l0 = length(p1 - p0);
- float l1 = length(p2 - p1);
- float l2 = length(p0 - p2);
- Vector3 m0 = (p0 + p1) * l0 / (l0 + l1 + l2);
- Vector3 m1 = (p1 + p2) * l1 / (l0 + l1 + l2);
- Vector3 m2 = (p2 + p0) * l2 / (l0 + l1 + l2);
- return m0 + m1 + m2;
- }
-} // namespace
-void AtlasBuilder::updateProxy(ChartBuildData * chart)
- //#pragma message(NV_FILE_LINE "TODO: Use best fit plane instead of average normal.")
- chart->planeNormal = normalizeSafe(chart->normalSum, Vector3(0), 0.0f);
- chart->centroid = chart->centroidSum / float(chart->faces.count());
- //#pragma message(NV_FILE_LINE "TODO: Experiment with conic fitting.")
- // F = (Nc*Nt - cos Oc)^2 = (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos w)^2
- // dF/dx = 2 * x * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos w)
- // dF/dy = 2 * y * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos w)
- // dF/dz = 2 * z * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos w)
- // dF/dw = 2 * sin w * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos w)
- // JacobianMatrix({
- // 2 * x * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - Cos(w)),
- // 2 * y * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - Cos(w)),
- // 2 * z * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - Cos(w)),
- // 2 * Sin(w) * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - Cos(w))}, {x,y,z,w})
- // H[0,0] = 2 * x * Nt_x + 2 * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos(w));
- // H[0,1] = 2 * x * Nt_y;
- // H[0,2] = 2 * x * Nt_z;
- // H[0,3] = 2 * x * sin(w);
- // H[1,0] = 2 * y * Nt_x;
- // H[1,1] = 2 * y * Nt_y + 2 * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos(w));
- // H[1,2] = 2 * y * Nt_z;
- // H[1,3] = 2 * y * sin(w);
- // H[2,0] = 2 * z * Nt_x;
- // H[2,1] = 2 * z * Nt_y;
- // H[2,2] = 2 * z * Nt_z + 2 * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos(w));
- // H[2,3] = 2 * z * sin(w);
- // H[3,0] = 2 * sin(w) * Nt_x;
- // H[3,1] = 2 * sin(w) * Nt_y;
- // H[3,2] = 2 * sin(w) * Nt_z;
- // H[3,3] = 2 * sin(w) * sin(w) + 2 * cos(w) * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos(w));
- // @@ Cone fitting might be quite slow.
- /*ConeFitting coneFitting(mesh, 0.1f, 0.001f, 0.001f);
- Vector4 start = Vector4(chart->coneAxis, chart->coneAngle);
- Vector4 solution = coneFitting.solve(chart, start);
- chart->coneAxis =;
- chart->coneAngle = solution.w;*/
-bool AtlasBuilder::relocateSeeds()
- bool anySeedChanged = false;
- const uint chartCount = chartArray.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
- {
- if (relocateSeed(chartArray[i]))
- {
- anySeedChanged = true;
- }
- }
- return anySeedChanged;
-bool AtlasBuilder::relocateSeed(ChartBuildData * chart)
- Vector3 centroid = computeChartCentroid(chart);
- const uint N = 10; // @@ Hardcoded to 10?
- PriorityQueue bestTriangles(N);
- // Find the first N triangles that fit the proxy best.
- const uint faceCount = chart->faces.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
- {
- float priority = evaluateProxyFitMetric(chart, chart->faces[i]);
- bestTriangles.push(priority, chart->faces[i]);
- }
- // Of those, choose the most central triangle.
- uint mostCentral;
- float maxDistance = -1;
- const uint bestCount = bestTriangles.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < bestCount; i++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(bestTriangles.pairs[i].face);
- Vector3 faceCentroid = triangleCenter(face);
- float distance = length(centroid - faceCentroid);
- /*#pragma message(NV_FILE_LINE "TODO: Implement evaluateDistanceToBoundary.")
- float distance = evaluateDistanceToBoundary(chart, bestTriangles.pairs[i].face);*/
- if (distance > maxDistance)
- {
- maxDistance = distance;
- mostCentral = bestTriangles.pairs[i].face;
- }
- }
- nvDebugCheck(maxDistance >= 0);
- // In order to prevent k-means cyles we record all the previously chosen seeds.
- uint index;
- if (chart->seeds.find(mostCentral, &index))
- {
- // Move new seed to the end of the seed array.
- uint last = chart->seeds.count() - 1;
- swap(chart->seeds[index], chart->seeds[last]);
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- // Append new seed.
- chart->seeds.append(mostCentral);
- return true;
- }
-void AtlasBuilder::removeCandidate(uint f)
- int c = faceCandidateArray[f];
- if (c != -1) {
- faceCandidateArray[f] = -1;
- if (c == candidateArray.count() - 1) {
- candidateArray.popBack();
- }
- else {
- candidateArray.replaceWithLast(c);
- faceCandidateArray[candidateArray[c].face] = c;
- }
- }
-void AtlasBuilder::updateCandidate(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f, float metric)
- if (faceCandidateArray[f] == -1) {
- const uint index = candidateArray.count();
- faceCandidateArray[f] = index;
- candidateArray.resize(index + 1);
- candidateArray[index].face = f;
- candidateArray[index].chart = chart;
- candidateArray[index].metric = metric;
- }
- else {
- int c = faceCandidateArray[f];
- nvDebugCheck(c != -1);
- Candidate & candidate = candidateArray[c];
- nvDebugCheck(candidate.face == f);
- if (metric < candidate.metric || chart == candidate.chart) {
- candidate.metric = metric;
- candidate.chart = chart;
- }
- }
-void AtlasBuilder::updatePriorities(ChartBuildData * chart)
- // Re-evaluate candidate priorities.
- uint candidateCount = chart->candidates.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < candidateCount; i++)
- {
- chart->candidates.pairs[i].priority = evaluatePriority(chart, chart->candidates.pairs[i].face);
- if (faceChartArray[chart->candidates.pairs[i].face] == -1)
- {
- updateCandidate(chart, chart->candidates.pairs[i].face, chart->candidates.pairs[i].priority);
- }
- }
- // Sort candidates.
- chart->candidates.sort();
-// Evaluate combined metric.
-float AtlasBuilder::evaluatePriority(ChartBuildData * chart, uint face)
- // Estimate boundary length and area:
- float newBoundaryLength = evaluateBoundaryLength(chart, face);
- float newChartArea = evaluateChartArea(chart, face);
- float F = evaluateProxyFitMetric(chart, face);
- float C = evaluateRoundnessMetric(chart, face, newBoundaryLength, newChartArea);
- float P = evaluateStraightnessMetric(chart, face);
- // Penalize faces that cross seams, reward faces that close seams or reach boundaries.
- float N = evaluateNormalSeamMetric(chart, face);
- float T = evaluateTextureSeamMetric(chart, face);
- //float R = evaluateCompletenessMetric(chart, face);
- //float D = evaluateDihedralAngleMetric(chart, face);
- // @@ Add a metric based on local dihedral angle.
- // @@ Tweaking the normal and texture seam metrics.
- // - Cause more impedance. Never cross 90 degree edges.
- // -
- float cost = float(
- settings.proxyFitMetricWeight * F +
- settings.roundnessMetricWeight * C +
- settings.straightnessMetricWeight * P +
- settings.normalSeamMetricWeight * N +
- settings.textureSeamMetricWeight * T);
- /*cost = settings.proxyFitMetricWeight * powf(F, settings.proxyFitMetricExponent);
- cost = max(cost, settings.roundnessMetricWeight * powf(C, settings.roundnessMetricExponent));
- cost = max(cost, settings.straightnessMetricWeight * pow(P, settings.straightnessMetricExponent));
- cost = max(cost, settings.normalSeamMetricWeight * N);
- cost = max(cost, settings.textureSeamMetricWeight * T);*/
- // Enforce limits strictly:
- if (newChartArea > settings.maxChartArea) cost = FLT_MAX;
- if (newBoundaryLength > settings.maxBoundaryLength) cost = FLT_MAX;
- // Make sure normal seams are fully respected:
- if (settings.normalSeamMetricWeight >= 1000 && N != 0) cost = FLT_MAX;
- nvCheck(isFinite(cost));
- return cost;
-// Returns a value in [0-1].
-float AtlasBuilder::evaluateProxyFitMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- Vector3 faceNormal = triangleNormal(face);
- //return square(dot(chart->coneAxis, faceNormal) - cosf(chart->coneAngle));
- // Use plane fitting metric for now:
- //return square(1 - dot(faceNormal, chart->planeNormal)); // @@ normal deviations should be weighted by face area
- return 1 - dot(faceNormal, chart->planeNormal); // @@ normal deviations should be weighted by face area
- // Find distance to chart.
- /*Vector3 faceCentroid = face->centroid();
- float dist = 0;
- int count = 0;
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- if (!edge->isBoundary()) {
- const HalfEdge::Face * neighborFace = edge->pair()->face();
- if (faceChartArray[neighborFace->id()] == chart->id) {
- dist += length(neighborFace->centroid() - faceCentroid);
- count++;
- }
- }
- }
- dist /= (count * count);
- return (1 - dot(faceNormal, chart->planeNormal)) * dist;*/
- //return (1 - dot(faceNormal, chart->planeNormal));
-float AtlasBuilder::evaluateDistanceToBoundary(ChartBuildData * chart, uint face)
-//#pragma message(NV_FILE_LINE "TODO: Evaluate distance to boundary metric.")
- // @@ This is needed for the seed relocation code.
- // @@ This could provide a better roundness metric.
- return 0.0f;
-float AtlasBuilder::evaluateDistanceToSeed(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
- //const uint seed = chart->seeds.back();
- //const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount();
- //return shortestPaths[seed * faceCount + f];
- const HalfEdge::Face * seed = mesh->faceAt(chart->seeds.back());
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- return length(triangleCenter(seed) - triangleCenter(face));
-float AtlasBuilder::evaluateRoundnessMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint face, float newBoundaryLength, float newChartArea)
- // @@ D-charts use distance to seed.
- // C(c,t) = pi * D(S_c,t)^2 / A_c
- //return PI * square(evaluateDistanceToSeed(chart, face)) / chart->area;
- //return PI * square(evaluateDistanceToSeed(chart, face)) / chart->area;
- //return 2 * PI * evaluateDistanceToSeed(chart, face) / chart->boundaryLength;
- // Garland's Hierarchical Face Clustering paper uses ratio between boundary and area, which is easier to compute and might work as well:
- // roundness = D^2/4*pi*A -> circle = 1, non circle greater than 1
- //return square(newBoundaryLength) / (newChartArea * 4 * PI);
- float roundness = square(chart->boundaryLength) / chart->area;
- float newRoundness = square(newBoundaryLength) / newChartArea;
- if (newRoundness > roundness) {
- return square(newBoundaryLength) / (newChartArea * 4 * PI);
- }
- else {
- // Offer no impedance to faces that improve roundness.
- return 0;
- }
- //return square(newBoundaryLength) / (4 * PI * newChartArea);
- //return clamp(1 - (4 * PI * newChartArea) / square(newBoundaryLength), 0.0f, 1.0f);
- // Use the ratio between the new roundness vs. the previous roundness.
- // - If we use the absolute metric, when the initial face is very long, then it's hard to make any progress.
- //return (square(newBoundaryLength) * chart->area) / (square(chart->boundaryLength) * newChartArea);
- //return (4 * PI * newChartArea) / square(newBoundaryLength) - (4 * PI * chart->area) / square(chart->boundaryLength);
- //if (square(newBoundaryLength) * chart->area) / (square(chart->boundaryLength) * newChartArea);
-float AtlasBuilder::evaluateStraightnessMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
- float l_out = 0.0f;
- float l_in = 0.0f;
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- //float l = edge->length();
- float l = edgeLengths[edge->id/2];
- if (edge->isBoundary())
- {
- l_out += l;
- }
- else
- {
- uint neighborFaceId = edge->pair->face->id;
- if (faceChartArray[neighborFaceId] != chart->id) {
- l_out += l;
- }
- else {
- l_in += l;
- }
- }
- }
- nvDebugCheck(l_in != 0.0f); // Candidate face must be adjacent to chart. @@ This is not true if the input mesh has zero-length edges.
- //return l_out / l_in;
- float ratio = (l_out - l_in) / (l_out + l_in);
- //if (ratio < 0) ratio *= 10; // Encourage closing gaps.
- return min(ratio, 0.0f); // Only use the straightness metric to close gaps.
- //return ratio;
-float AtlasBuilder::evaluateNormalSeamMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
- float seamFactor = 0.0f;
- float totalLength = 0.0f;
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- if (edge->isBoundary()) {
- continue;
- }
- const uint neighborFaceId = edge->pair->face->id;
- if (faceChartArray[neighborFaceId] != chart->id) {
- continue;
- }
- //float l = edge->length();
- float l = edgeLengths[edge->id/2];
- totalLength += l;
- if (!edge->isSeam()) {
- continue;
- }
- // Make sure it's a normal seam.
- if (isNormalSeam(edge))
- {
- float d0 = clamp(dot(edge->vertex->nor, edge->pair->next->vertex->nor), 0.0f, 1.0f);
- float d1 = clamp(dot(edge->next->vertex->nor, edge->pair->vertex->nor), 0.0f, 1.0f);
- //float a0 = clamp(acosf(d0) / (PI/2), 0.0f, 1.0f);
- //float a1 = clamp(acosf(d1) / (PI/2), 0.0f, 1.0f);
- //l *= (a0 + a1) * 0.5f;
- l *= 1 - (d0 + d1) * 0.5f;
- seamFactor += l;
- }
- }
- if (seamFactor == 0) return 0.0f;
- return seamFactor / totalLength;
-float AtlasBuilder::evaluateTextureSeamMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
- float seamLength = 0.0f;
- //float newSeamLength = 0.0f;
- //float oldSeamLength = 0.0f;
- float totalLength = 0.0f;
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- /*float l = edge->length();
- totalLength += l;
- if (edge->isBoundary() || !edge->isSeam()) {
- continue;
- }
- // Make sure it's a texture seam.
- if (isTextureSeam(edge))
- {
- uint neighborFaceId = edge->pair()->face()->id();
- if (faceChartArray[neighborFaceId] != chart->id) {
- newSeamLength += l;
- }
- else {
- oldSeamLength += l;
- }
- }*/
- if (edge->isBoundary()) {
- continue;
- }
- const uint neighborFaceId = edge->pair->face->id;
- if (faceChartArray[neighborFaceId] != chart->id) {
- continue;
- }
- //float l = edge->length();
- float l = edgeLengths[edge->id/2];
- totalLength += l;
- if (!edge->isSeam()) {
- continue;
- }
- // Make sure it's a texture seam.
- if (isTextureSeam(edge))
- {
- seamLength += l;
- }
- }
- if (seamLength == 0.0f) {
- return 0.0f; // Avoid division by zero.
- }
- return seamLength / totalLength;
-float AtlasBuilder::evaluateSeamMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
- float newSeamLength = 0.0f;
- float oldSeamLength = 0.0f;
- float totalLength = 0.0f;
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- //float l = edge->length();
- float l = edgeLengths[edge->id/2];
- if (edge->isBoundary())
- {
- newSeamLength += l;
- }
- else
- {
- if (edge->isSeam())
- {
- uint neighborFaceId = edge->pair->face->id;
- if (faceChartArray[neighborFaceId] != chart->id) {
- newSeamLength += l;
- }
- else {
- oldSeamLength += l;
- }
- }
- }
- totalLength += l;
- }
- return (newSeamLength - oldSeamLength) / totalLength;
-float AtlasBuilder::evaluateChartArea(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- //return chart->area + face->area();
- return chart->area + faceAreas[face->id];
-float AtlasBuilder::evaluateBoundaryLength(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
- float boundaryLength = chart->boundaryLength;
- // Add new edges, subtract edges shared with the chart.
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- //float edgeLength = edge->length();
- float edgeLength = edgeLengths[edge->id/2];
- if (edge->isBoundary())
- {
- boundaryLength += edgeLength;
- }
- else
- {
- uint neighborFaceId = edge->pair->face->id;
- if (faceChartArray[neighborFaceId] != chart->id) {
- boundaryLength += edgeLength;
- }
- else {
- boundaryLength -= edgeLength;
- }
- }
- }
- //nvDebugCheck(boundaryLength >= 0);
- return max(0.0f, boundaryLength); // @@ Hack!
-Vector3 AtlasBuilder::evaluateChartNormalSum(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- return chart->normalSum + triangleNormalAreaScaled(face);
-Vector3 AtlasBuilder::evaluateChartCentroidSum(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- return chart->centroidSum + face->centroid();
-Vector3 AtlasBuilder::computeChartCentroid(const ChartBuildData * chart)
- Vector3 centroid(0);
- const uint faceCount = chart->faces.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(chart->faces[i]);
- centroid += triangleCenter(face);
- }
- return centroid / float(faceCount);
-void AtlasBuilder::fillHoles(float threshold)
- while (facesLeft > 0)
- {
- createRandomChart(threshold);
- }
-void AtlasBuilder::mergeChart(ChartBuildData * owner, ChartBuildData * chart, float sharedBoundaryLength)
- const uint faceCount = chart->faces.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
- {
- uint f = chart->faces[i];
- nvDebugCheck(faceChartArray[f] == chart->id);
- faceChartArray[f] = owner->id;
- owner->faces.append(f);
- }
- // Update adjacencies?
- owner->area += chart->area;
- owner->boundaryLength += chart->boundaryLength - sharedBoundaryLength;
- owner->normalSum += chart->normalSum;
- owner->centroidSum += chart->centroidSum;
- updateProxy(owner);
-void AtlasBuilder::mergeCharts()
- Array<float> sharedBoundaryLengths;
- const uint chartCount = chartArray.count();
- for (int c = chartCount-1; c >= 0; c--)
- {
- sharedBoundaryLengths.clear();
- sharedBoundaryLengths.resize(chartCount, 0.0f);
- ChartBuildData * chart = chartArray[c];
- float externalBoundary = 0.0f;
- const uint faceCount = chart->faces.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
- {
- uint f = chart->faces[i];
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- //float l = edge->length();
- float l = edgeLengths[edge->id/2];
- if (edge->isBoundary()) {
- externalBoundary += l;
- }
- else {
- uint neighborFace = edge->pair->face->id;
- uint neighborChart = faceChartArray[neighborFace];
- if (neighborChart != c) {
- if ((edge->isSeam() && (isNormalSeam(edge) || isTextureSeam(edge))) || neighborChart == -2) {
- externalBoundary += l;
- }
- else {
- sharedBoundaryLengths[neighborChart] += l;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (int cc = chartCount-1; cc >= 0; cc--)
- {
- if (cc == c)
- continue;
- ChartBuildData * chart2 = chartArray[cc];
- if (chart2 == NULL)
- continue;
- if (sharedBoundaryLengths[cc] > 0.8 * max(0.0f, chart->boundaryLength - externalBoundary)) {
- // Try to avoid degenerate configurations.
- if (chart2->boundaryLength > sharedBoundaryLengths[cc])
- {
- if (dot(chart2->planeNormal, chart->planeNormal) > -0.25) {
- mergeChart(chart2, chart, sharedBoundaryLengths[cc]);
- delete chart;
- chartArray[c] = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if (sharedBoundaryLengths[cc] > 0.20 * max(0.0f, chart->boundaryLength - externalBoundary)) {
- // Compare proxies.
- if (dot(chart2->planeNormal, chart->planeNormal) > 0) {
- mergeChart(chart2, chart, sharedBoundaryLengths[cc]);
- delete chart;
- chartArray[c] = NULL;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Remove deleted charts.
- for (int c = 0; c < I32(chartArray.count()); /*do not increment if removed*/)
- {
- if (chartArray[c] == NULL) {
- chartArray.removeAt(c);
- // Update faceChartArray.
- const uint faceCount = faceChartArray.count();
- for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {
- nvDebugCheck (faceChartArray[i] != -1);
- nvDebugCheck (faceChartArray[i] != c);
- nvDebugCheck (faceChartArray[i] <= I32(chartArray.count()));
- if (faceChartArray[i] > c) {
- faceChartArray[i]--;
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- chartArray[c]->id = c;
- c++;
- }
- }
-const Array<uint> & AtlasBuilder::chartFaces(uint i) const
- return chartArray[i]->faces;
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasBuilder.h b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasBuilder.h
deleted file mode 100644
index f25c724f7e..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasBuilder.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-// This code is in the public domain --
-#pragma once
-#include "Atlas.h"
-#include "nvmath/Vector.h"
-#include "nvmath/Random.h"
-#include "nvmesh/nvmesh.h"
-#include "nvcore/Array.h"
-#include "nvcore/BitArray.h"
-namespace nv
- namespace HalfEdge { class Mesh; }
- struct ChartBuildData;
- struct AtlasBuilder
- {
- AtlasBuilder(const HalfEdge::Mesh * m);
- ~AtlasBuilder();
- void markUnchartedFaces(const Array<uint> & unchartedFaces);
- void computeShortestPaths();
- void placeSeeds(float threshold, uint maxSeedCount);
- void createRandomChart(float threshold);
- void addFaceToChart(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f, bool recomputeProxy=false);
- bool growCharts(float threshold, uint faceCount);
- bool growChart(ChartBuildData * chart, float threshold, uint faceCount);
- void resetCharts();
- void updateCandidates(ChartBuildData * chart, uint face);
- void updateProxies();
- void updateProxy(ChartBuildData * chart);
- bool relocateSeeds();
- bool relocateSeed(ChartBuildData * chart);
- void updatePriorities(ChartBuildData * chart);
- float evaluatePriority(ChartBuildData * chart, uint face);
- float evaluateProxyFitMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint face);
- float evaluateDistanceToBoundary(ChartBuildData * chart, uint face);
- float evaluateDistanceToSeed(ChartBuildData * chart, uint face);
- float evaluateRoundnessMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint face, float newBoundaryLength, float newChartArea);
- float evaluateStraightnessMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint face);
- float evaluateNormalSeamMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f);
- float evaluateTextureSeamMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f);
- float evaluateSeamMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f);
- float evaluateChartArea(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f);
- float evaluateBoundaryLength(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f);
- Vector3 evaluateChartNormalSum(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f);
- Vector3 evaluateChartCentroidSum(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f);
- Vector3 computeChartCentroid(const ChartBuildData * chart);
- void fillHoles(float threshold);
- void mergeCharts();
- // @@ Cleanup.
- struct Candidate {
- uint face;
- ChartBuildData * chart;
- float metric;
- };
- const Candidate & getBestCandidate() const;
- void removeCandidate(uint f);
- void updateCandidate(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f, float metric);
- void mergeChart(ChartBuildData * owner, ChartBuildData * chart, float sharedBoundaryLength);
- uint chartCount() const { return chartArray.count(); }
- const Array<uint> & chartFaces(uint i) const;
- const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh;
- uint facesLeft;
- Array<int> faceChartArray;
- Array<ChartBuildData *> chartArray;
- Array<float> shortestPaths;
- Array<float> edgeLengths;
- Array<float> faceAreas;
- Array<Candidate> candidateArray; //
- Array<uint> faceCandidateArray; // Map face index to candidate index.
- MTRand rand;
- SegmentationSettings settings;
- };
-} // nv namespace
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasPacker.cpp b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasPacker.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 11e635db17..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasPacker.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1401 +0,0 @@
-// This code is in the public domain --
-#include "nvmesh.h" // pch
-#include "AtlasPacker.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Vertex.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Face.h"
-#include "nvmesh/param/Atlas.h"
-#include "nvmesh/param/Util.h"
-#include "nvmesh/raster/Raster.h"
-#include "nvmath/Vector.inl"
-#include "nvmath/ConvexHull.h"
-#include "nvmath/Color.h"
-#include "nvmath/ftoi.h"
-#include "nvcore/StrLib.h" // debug
-#include "nvcore/StdStream.h" // fileOpen
-#include <float.h> // FLT_MAX
-#include <limits.h> // UINT_MAX
-using namespace nv;
-#define DEBUG_OUTPUT 0
-#include "nvimage/ImageIO.h"
- const uint TGA_TYPE_GREY = 3;
- const uint TGA_TYPE_RGB = 2;
- const uint TGA_ORIGIN_UPPER = 0x20;
-#pragma pack(push, 1)
- struct TgaHeader {
- uint8 id_length;
- uint8 colormap_type;
- uint8 image_type;
- uint16 colormap_index;
- uint16 colormap_length;
- uint8 colormap_size;
- uint16 x_origin;
- uint16 y_origin;
- uint16 width;
- uint16 height;
- uint8 pixel_size;
- uint8 flags;
- enum { Size = 18 }; //const static int SIZE = 18;
- };
-#pragma pack(pop)
- static void outputDebugBitmap(const char * fileName, const BitMap & bitmap, int w, int h)
- {
- FILE * fp = fileOpen(fileName, "wb");
- if (fp == NULL) return;
- nvStaticCheck(sizeof(TgaHeader) == TgaHeader::Size);
- TgaHeader tga;
- tga.id_length = 0;
- tga.colormap_type = 0;
- tga.image_type = TGA_TYPE_GREY;
- tga.colormap_index = 0;
- tga.colormap_length = 0;
- tga.colormap_size = 0;
- tga.x_origin = 0;
- tga.y_origin = 0;
- tga.width = w;
- tga.height = h;
- tga.pixel_size = 8;
- tga.flags = TGA_ORIGIN_UPPER;
- fwrite(&tga, sizeof(TgaHeader), 1, fp);
- for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) {
- for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {
- uint8 color = bitmap.bitAt(i, j) ? 0xFF : 0x0;
- fwrite(&color, 1, 1, fp);
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- }
- static void outputDebugImage(const char * fileName, const Image & bitmap, int w, int h)
- {
- FILE * fp = fileOpen(fileName, "wb");
- if (fp == NULL) return;
- nvStaticCheck(sizeof(TgaHeader) == TgaHeader::Size);
- TgaHeader tga;
- tga.id_length = 0;
- tga.colormap_type = 0;
- tga.image_type = TGA_TYPE_RGB;
- tga.colormap_index = 0;
- tga.colormap_length = 0;
- tga.colormap_size = 0;
- tga.x_origin = 0;
- tga.y_origin = 0;
- tga.width = w;
- tga.height = h;
- tga.pixel_size = 24;
- tga.flags = TGA_ORIGIN_UPPER;
- fwrite(&tga, sizeof(TgaHeader), 1, fp);
- for (int j = 0; j < h; j++) {
- for (int i = 0; i < w; i++) {
- Color32 color = bitmap.pixel(i, j);
- fwrite(&color.r, 1, 1, fp);
- fwrite(&color.g, 1, 1, fp);
- fwrite(&color.b, 1, 1, fp);
- }
- }
- fclose(fp);
- }
-#endif // DEBUG_OUTPUT
-inline int align(int x, int a) {
- //return a * ((x + a - 1) / a);
- //return (x + a - 1) & -a;
- return (x + a - 1) & ~(a - 1);
-inline bool isAligned(int x, int a) {
- return (x & (a - 1)) == 0;
-AtlasPacker::AtlasPacker(Atlas * atlas) : m_atlas(atlas), m_bitmap(256, 256)
- m_width = 0;
- m_height = 0;
- // -- GODOT start --
- //m_debug_bitmap.allocate(256, 256);
- //m_debug_bitmap.fill(Color32(0,0,0,0));
- // -- GODOT end --
-// This should compute convex hull and use rotating calipers to find the best box. Currently it uses a brute force method.
-static bool computeBoundingBox(Chart * chart, Vector2 * majorAxis, Vector2 * minorAxis, Vector2 * minCorner, Vector2 * maxCorner)
- // Compute list of boundary points.
- Array<Vector2> points(16);
- HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh = chart->chartMesh();
- const uint vertexCount = mesh->vertexCount();
- for (uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(i);
- if (vertex->isBoundary()) {
- points.append(vertex->tex);
- }
- }
- // This is not valid anymore. The chart mesh may have multiple boundaries!
- /*const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = findBoundaryVertex(chart->chartMesh());
- // Traverse boundary.
- const HalfEdge::Edge * const firstEdge = vertex->edge();
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = firstEdge;
- do {
- vertex = edge->vertex();
- nvDebugCheck (vertex->isBoundary());
- points.append(vertex->tex);
- edge = edge->next();
- } while (edge != firstEdge);*/
-#if 1
- Array<Vector2> hull;
- if (points.size()==0) {
- return false;
- }
- convexHull(points, hull, 0.00001f);
- // @@ Ideally I should use rotating calipers to find the best box. Using brute force for now.
- float best_area = FLT_MAX;
- Vector2 best_min;
- Vector2 best_max;
- Vector2 best_axis;
- const uint hullCount = hull.count();
- for (uint i = 0, j = hullCount-1; i < hullCount; j = i, i++) {
- if (equal(hull[i], hull[j])) {
- continue;
- }
- Vector2 axis = normalize(hull[i] - hull[j], 0.0f);
- nvDebugCheck(isFinite(axis));
- // Compute bounding box.
- Vector2 box_min(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
- Vector2 box_max(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX);
- for (uint v = 0; v < hullCount; v++) {
- Vector2 point = hull[v];
- float x = dot(axis, point);
- if (x < box_min.x) box_min.x = x;
- if (x > box_max.x) box_max.x = x;
- float y = dot(Vector2(-axis.y, axis.x), point);
- if (y < box_min.y) box_min.y = y;
- if (y > box_max.y) box_max.y = y;
- }
- // Compute box area.
- float area = (box_max.x - box_min.x) * (box_max.y - box_min.y);
- if (area < best_area) {
- best_area = area;
- best_min = box_min;
- best_max = box_max;
- best_axis = axis;
- }
- }
- // Make sure the box contains all the input points since the convex hull is not 100% accurate.
- /*const uint pointCount = points.count();
- for (uint v = 0; v < pointCount; v++) {
- Vector2 point = points[v];
- float x = dot(best_axis, point);
- if (x < best_min.x) best_min.x = x;
- float y = dot(Vector2(-best_axis.y, best_axis.x), point);
- if (y < best_min.y) best_min.y = y;
- }*/
- // Consider all points, not only boundary points, in case the input chart is malformed.
- for (uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++) {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(i);
- Vector2 point = vertex->tex;
- float x = dot(best_axis, point);
- if (x < best_min.x) best_min.x = x;
- if (x > best_max.x) best_max.x = x;
- float y = dot(Vector2(-best_axis.y, best_axis.x), point);
- if (y < best_min.y) best_min.y = y;
- if (y > best_max.y) best_max.y = y;
- }
- *majorAxis = best_axis;
- *minorAxis = Vector2(-best_axis.y, best_axis.x);
- *minCorner = best_min;
- *maxCorner = best_max;
- // Approximate implementation: try 16 different directions and keep the best.
- const uint N = 16;
- Vector2 axis[N];
- float minAngle = 0;
- float maxAngle = PI / 2;
- int best;
- Vector2 mins[N];
- Vector2 maxs[N];
- const int iterationCount = 1;
- for (int j = 0; j < iterationCount; j++)
- {
- // Init predefined directions.
- for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
- {
- float angle = lerp(minAngle, maxAngle, float(i)/N);
- axis[i].set(cosf(angle), sinf(angle));
- }
- // Compute box for each direction.
- for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
- {
- mins[i].set(FLT_MAX, FLT_MAX);
- maxs[i].set(-FLT_MAX, -FLT_MAX);
- }
- for (uint p = 0; p < points.count(); p++)
- {
- Vector2 point = points[p];
- for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
- {
- float x = dot(axis[i], point);
- if (x < mins[i].x) mins[i].x = x;
- if (x > maxs[i].x) maxs[i].x = x;
- float y = dot(Vector2(-axis[i].y, axis[i].x), point);
- if (y < mins[i].y) mins[i].y = y;
- if (y > maxs[i].y) maxs[i].y = y;
- }
- }
- // Find box with minimum area.
- best = -1;
- int second_best = -1;
- float best_area = FLT_MAX;
- float second_best_area = FLT_MAX;
- for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
- {
- float area = (maxs[i].x - mins[i].x) * (maxs[i].y - mins[i].y);
- if (area < best_area)
- {
- second_best_area = best_area;
- second_best = best;
- best_area = area;
- best = i;
- }
- else if (area < second_best_area)
- {
- second_best_area = area;
- second_best = i;
- }
- }
- nvDebugCheck(best != -1);
- nvDebugCheck(second_best != -1);
- nvDebugCheck(best != second_best);
- if (j != iterationCount-1)
- {
- // Handle wrap-around during the first iteration.
- if (j == 0) {
- if (best == 0 && second_best == N-1) best = N;
- if (best == N-1 && second_best == 0) second_best = N;
- }
- if (best < second_best) swap(best, second_best);
- // Update angles.
- float deltaAngle = (maxAngle - minAngle) / N;
- maxAngle = minAngle + (best - 0.5f) * deltaAngle;
- minAngle = minAngle + (second_best + 0.5f) * deltaAngle;
- }
- }
- // Compute major and minor axis, and origin.
- *majorAxis = axis[best];
- *minorAxis = Vector2(-axis[best].y, axis[best].x);
- *origin = mins[best];
- // @@ If the parameterization is invalid, we could have an interior vertex outside the boundary.
- // @@ In that case the returned bounding box would be incorrect. Compute updated bounds here.
- /*for (uint p = 0; p < points.count(); p++)
- {
- Vector2 point = points[p];
- for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
- {
- float x = dot(*majorAxis, point);
- float y = dot(*minorAxis, point);
- }
- }*/
- return true;
-void AtlasPacker::packCharts(int quality, float texelsPerUnit, bool blockAligned, bool conservative)
- const uint chartCount = m_atlas->chartCount();
- if (chartCount == 0) return;
- Array<float> chartOrderArray;
- chartOrderArray.resize(chartCount);
- Array<Vector2> chartExtents;
- chartExtents.resize(chartCount);
- float meshArea = 0;
- for (uint c = 0; c < chartCount; c++)
- {
- Chart * chart = m_atlas->chartAt(c);
- if (!chart->isVertexMapped() && !chart->isDisk()) {
- chartOrderArray[c] = 0;
- // Skip non-disks.
- continue;
- }
- Vector2 extents(0.0f);
- if (chart->isVertexMapped()) {
- // Let's assume vertex maps are arranged in a rectangle.
- //HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh = chart->chartMesh();
- // Arrange vertices in a rectangle.
- extents.x = float(chart->vertexMapWidth);
- extents.y = float(chart->vertexMapHeight);
- }
- else {
- // Compute surface area to sort charts.
- float chartArea = chart->computeSurfaceArea();
- meshArea += chartArea;
- //chartOrderArray[c] = chartArea;
- // Compute chart scale
- float parametricArea = fabs(chart->computeParametricArea()); // @@ There doesn't seem to be anything preventing parametric area to be negative.
- if (parametricArea < NV_EPSILON) {
- // When the parametric area is too small we use a rough approximation to prevent divisions by very small numbers.
- Vector2 bounds = chart->computeParametricBounds();
- parametricArea = bounds.x * bounds.y;
- }
- float scale = (chartArea / parametricArea) * texelsPerUnit;
- if (parametricArea == 0) // < NV_EPSILON)
- {
- scale = 0;
- }
- nvCheck(isFinite(scale));
- // Compute bounding box of chart.
- Vector2 majorAxis, minorAxis, origin, end;
- if (!computeBoundingBox(chart, &majorAxis, &minorAxis, &origin, &end)) {
- m_atlas->setFailed();
- return;
- }
- nvCheck(isFinite(majorAxis) && isFinite(minorAxis) && isFinite(origin));
- // Sort charts by perimeter. @@ This is sometimes producing somewhat unexpected results. Is this right?
- //chartOrderArray[c] = ((end.x - origin.x) + (end.y - origin.y)) * scale;
- // Translate, rotate and scale vertices. Compute extents.
- HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh = chart->chartMesh();
- const uint vertexCount = mesh->vertexCount();
- for (uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
- {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(i);
- //Vector2 t = vertex->tex - origin;
- Vector2 tmp;
- tmp.x = dot(vertex->tex, majorAxis);
- tmp.y = dot(vertex->tex, minorAxis);
- tmp -= origin;
- tmp *= scale;
- if (tmp.x < 0 || tmp.y < 0) {
- nvDebug("tmp: %f %f\n", tmp.x, tmp.y);
- nvDebug("scale: %f\n", scale);
- nvDebug("origin: %f %f\n", origin.x, origin.y);
- nvDebug("majorAxis: %f %f\n", majorAxis.x, majorAxis.y);
- nvDebug("minorAxis: %f %f\n", minorAxis.x, minorAxis.y);
- // -- GODOT start --
- //nvDebugBreak();
- m_atlas->setFailed();
- return;
- // -- GODOT end --
- }
- //nvCheck(tmp.x >= 0 && tmp.y >= 0);
- vertex->tex = tmp;
- nvCheck(isFinite(vertex->tex.x) && isFinite(vertex->tex.y));
- extents = max(extents, tmp);
- }
- nvDebugCheck(extents.x >= 0 && extents.y >= 0);
- // Limit chart size.
- if (extents.x > 1024 || extents.y > 1024) {
- float limit = max(extents.x, extents.y);
- scale = 1024 / (limit + 1);
- for (uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
- {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(i);
- vertex->tex *= scale;
- }
- extents *= scale;
- nvDebugCheck(extents.x <= 1024 && extents.y <= 1024);
- }
- // Scale the charts to use the entire texel area available. So, if the width is 0.1 we could scale it to 1 without increasing the lightmap usage and making a better
- // use of it. In many cases this also improves the look of the seams, since vertices on the chart boundaries have more chances of being aligned with the texel centers.
- float scale_x = 1.0f;
- float scale_y = 1.0f;
- float divide_x = 1.0f;
- float divide_y = 1.0f;
- if (extents.x > 0) {
- int cw = ftoi_ceil(extents.x);
- if (blockAligned) {
- // Align all chart extents to 4x4 blocks, but taking padding into account.
- if (conservative) {
- cw = align(cw + 2, 4) - 2;
- }
- else {
- cw = align(cw + 1, 4) - 1;
- }
- }
- scale_x = (float(cw) - NV_EPSILON);
- divide_x = extents.x;
- extents.x = float(cw);
- }
- if (extents.y > 0) {
- int ch = ftoi_ceil(extents.y);
- if (blockAligned) {
- // Align all chart extents to 4x4 blocks, but taking padding into account.
- if (conservative) {
- ch = align(ch + 2, 4) - 2;
- }
- else {
- ch = align(ch + 1, 4) - 1;
- }
- }
- scale_y = (float(ch) - NV_EPSILON);
- divide_y = extents.y;
- extents.y = float(ch);
- }
- for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(v);
- vertex->tex.x /= divide_x;
- vertex->tex.y /= divide_y;
- vertex->tex.x *= scale_x;
- vertex->tex.y *= scale_y;
- nvCheck(isFinite(vertex->tex.x) && isFinite(vertex->tex.y));
- }
- }
- chartExtents[c] = extents;
- // Sort charts by perimeter.
- chartOrderArray[c] = extents.x + extents.y;
- }
- // @@ We can try to improve compression of small charts by sorting them by proximity like we do with vertex samples.
- // @@ How to do that? One idea: compute chart centroid, insert into grid, compute morton index of the cell, sort based on morton index.
- // @@ We would sort by morton index, first, then quantize the chart sizes, so that all small charts have the same size, and sort by size preserving the morton order.
- //nvDebug("Sorting charts.\n");
- // Sort charts by area.
- m_radix.sort(chartOrderArray);
- const uint32 * ranks = m_radix.ranks();
- // Estimate size of the map based on the mesh surface area and given texel scale.
- float texelCount = meshArea * square(texelsPerUnit) / 0.75f; // Assume 75% utilization.
- if (texelCount < 1) texelCount = 1;
- uint approximateExtent = nextPowerOfTwo(uint(sqrtf(texelCount)));
- //nvDebug("Init bitmap.\n");
- // @@ Pack all charts smaller than a texel into a compact rectangle.
- // @@ Start considering only 1x1 charts. Extend to 1xn charts later.
- /*for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
- {
- uint c = ranks[chartCount - i - 1]; // largest chart first
- Chart * chart = m_atlas->chartAt(c);
- if (!chart->isDisk()) continue;
- if (iceil(chartExtents[c].x) == 1 && iceil(chartExtents[c].x) == 1) {
- // @@ Add to
- }
- }*/
- // Init bit map.
- m_bitmap.clearAll();
- if (approximateExtent > m_bitmap.width()) {
- m_bitmap.resize(approximateExtent, approximateExtent, false);
- // -- GODOT start --
- //m_debug_bitmap.resize(approximateExtent, approximateExtent);
- //m_debug_bitmap.fill(Color32(0,0,0,0));
- // -- GODOT end --
- }
- int w = 0;
- int h = 0;
-#if 1
- // Add sorted charts to bitmap.
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
- {
- uint c = ranks[chartCount - i - 1]; // largest chart first
- Chart * chart = m_atlas->chartAt(c);
- if (!chart->isVertexMapped() && !chart->isDisk()) continue;
- //float scale_x = 1;
- //float scale_y = 1;
- BitMap chart_bitmap;
- if (chart->isVertexMapped()) {
- // Init all bits to 1.
- chart_bitmap.resize(ftoi_ceil(chartExtents[c].x), ftoi_ceil(chartExtents[c].y), /*initValue=*/true);
- // @@ Another alternative would be to try to map each vertex to a different texel trying to fill all the available unused texels.
- }
- else {
- // @@ Add special cases for dot and line charts. @@ Lightmap rasterizer also needs to handle these special cases.
- // @@ We could also have a special case for chart quads. If the quad surface <= 4 texels, align vertices with texel centers and do not add padding. May be very useful for foliage.
- // @@ In general we could reduce the padding of all charts by one texel by using a rasterizer that takes into account the 2-texel footprint of the tent bilinear filter. For example,
- // if we have a chart that is less than 1 texel wide currently we add one texel to the left and one texel to the right creating a 3-texel-wide bitmap. However, if we know that the
- // chart is only 1 texel wide we could align it so that it only touches the footprint of two texels:
- // | | <- Touches texels 0, 1 and 2.
- // | | <- Only touches texels 0 and 1.
- // \ \ / \ / /
- // \ X X /
- // \ / \ / \ /
- // V V V
- // 0 1 2
- if (conservative) {
- // Init all bits to 0.
- chart_bitmap.resize(ftoi_ceil(chartExtents[c].x) + 2, ftoi_ceil(chartExtents[c].y) + 2, /*initValue=*/false); // + 2 to add padding on both sides.
- // Rasterize chart and dilate.
- drawChartBitmapDilate(chart, &chart_bitmap, /*padding=*/1);
- }
- else {
- // Init all bits to 0.
- chart_bitmap.resize(ftoi_ceil(chartExtents[c].x) + 1, ftoi_ceil(chartExtents[c].y) + 1, /*initValue=*/false); // Add half a texels on each side.
- // Rasterize chart and dilate.
- drawChartBitmap(chart, &chart_bitmap, Vector2(1), Vector2(0.5));
- }
- }
- int best_x, best_y;
- int best_cw, best_ch; // Includes padding now.
- int best_r;
- findChartLocation(quality, &chart_bitmap, chartExtents[c], w, h, &best_x, &best_y, &best_cw, &best_ch, &best_r);
- /*if (w < best_x + best_cw || h < best_y + best_ch)
- {
- nvDebug("Resize extents to (%d, %d).\n", best_x + best_cw, best_y + best_ch);
- }*/
- // Update parametric extents.
- w = max(w, best_x + best_cw);
- h = max(h, best_y + best_ch);
- w = align(w, 4);
- h = align(h, 4);
- // Resize bitmap if necessary.
- if (uint(w) > m_bitmap.width() || uint(h) > m_bitmap.height())
- {
- //nvDebug("Resize bitmap (%d, %d).\n", nextPowerOfTwo(w), nextPowerOfTwo(h));
- m_bitmap.resize(nextPowerOfTwo(U32(w)), nextPowerOfTwo(U32(h)), false);
- // -- GODOT start --
- //m_debug_bitmap.resize(nextPowerOfTwo(U32(w)), nextPowerOfTwo(U32(h)));
- // -- GODOT end --
- }
- //nvDebug("Add chart at (%d, %d).\n", best_x, best_y);
- addChart(&chart_bitmap, w, h, best_x, best_y, best_r, /*debugOutput=*/NULL);
- // -- GODOT start --
- // IC: Output chart again to debug bitmap.
- /*if (chart->isVertexMapped()) {
- addChart(&chart_bitmap, w, h, best_x, best_y, best_r, &m_debug_bitmap);
- }
- else {
- addChart(chart, w, h, best_x, best_y, best_r, &m_debug_bitmap);
- }*/
- // -- GODOT end --
- //float best_angle = 2 * PI * best_r;
- // Translate and rotate chart texture coordinates.
- HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh = chart->chartMesh();
- const uint vertexCount = mesh->vertexCount();
- for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
- {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(v);
- Vector2 t = vertex->tex;
- if (best_r) swap(t.x, t.y);
- //vertex->tex.x = best_x + t.x * cosf(best_angle) - t.y * sinf(best_angle);
- //vertex->tex.y = best_y + t.x * sinf(best_angle) + t.y * cosf(best_angle);
- vertex->tex.x = best_x + t.x + 0.5f;
- vertex->tex.y = best_y + t.y + 0.5f;
- nvCheck(vertex->tex.x >= 0 && vertex->tex.y >= 0);
- nvCheck(isFinite(vertex->tex.x) && isFinite(vertex->tex.y));
- }
-#if DEBUG_OUTPUT && 0
- StringBuilder fileName;
- fileName.format("debug_packer_%d.tga", i);
- //outputDebugBitmap(fileName.str(), m_bitmap, w, h);
- outputDebugImage(fileName.str(), m_debug_bitmap, w, h);
- }
-#else // 0
- // Add sorted charts to bitmap.
- for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
- {
- uint c = ranks[chartCount - i - 1]; // largest chart first
- Chart * chart = m_atlas->chartAt(c);
- if (!chart->isDisk()) continue;
- Vector2 scale(1, 1);
-#if 0 // old method.
- //m_padding_x = 2*padding;
- //m_padding_y = 2*padding;
- //m_padding_x = 0; //padding;
- //m_padding_y = 0; //padding;
- int bw = ftoi_ceil(chartExtents[c].x + 1);
- int bh = ftoi_ceil(chartExtents[c].y + 1);
- if (chartExtents[c].x < 1.0f) {
- scale.x = 0.01f; // @@ Ideally we would like to scale it to 0, but then our rasterizer would not touch any pixels.
- bw = 1;
- }
- if (chartExtents[c].y < 1.0f) {
- scale.y = 0.01f;
- bh = 1;
- }
- //BitMap chart_bitmap(iceil(chartExtents[c].x) + 1 + m_padding_x * 2, iceil(chartExtents[c].y) + 1 + m_padding_y * 2);
- //BitMap chart_bitmap(ftoi_ceil(chartExtents[c].x/2)*2, ftoi_ceil(chartExtents[c].y/2)*2);
- BitMap chart_bitmap(bw, bh);
- chart_bitmap.clearAll();
- Vector2 offset;
- offset.x = 0; // (chart_bitmap.width() - chartExtents[c].x) * 0.5f;
- offset.y = 0; // (chart_bitmap.height() - chartExtents[c].y) * 0.5f;
- drawChartBitmap(chart, &chart_bitmap, scale, offset);
- int best_x, best_y;
- int best_cw, best_ch;
- int best_r;
- findChartLocation(quality, &chart_bitmap, chartExtents[c], w, h, &best_x, &best_y, &best_cw, &best_ch, &best_r);
- /*if (w < best_x + best_cw || h < best_y + best_ch)
- {
- nvDebug("Resize extents to (%d, %d).\n", best_x + best_cw, best_y + best_ch);
- }*/
- // Update parametric extents.
- w = max(w, best_x + best_cw);
- h = max(h, best_y + best_ch);
- // Resize bitmap if necessary.
- if (uint(w) > m_bitmap.width() || uint(h) > m_bitmap.height())
- {
- //nvDebug("Resize bitmap (%d, %d).\n", nextPowerOfTwo(w), nextPowerOfTwo(h));
- m_bitmap.resize(nextPowerOfTwo(w), nextPowerOfTwo(h), false);
- m_debug_bitmap.resize(nextPowerOfTwo(w), nextPowerOfTwo(h));
- }
- //nvDebug("Add chart at (%d, %d).\n", best_x, best_y);
-#if 0 // old method.
-#if _DEBUG
- checkCanAddChart(chart, w, h, best_x, best_y, best_r);
- // Add chart.
- addChart(chart, w, h, best_x, best_y, best_r);
- // Add chart reusing its bitmap.
- addChart(&chart_bitmap, w, h, best_x, best_y, best_r);
- //float best_angle = 2 * PI * best_r;
- // Translate and rotate chart texture coordinates.
- HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh = chart->chartMesh();
- const uint vertexCount = mesh->vertexCount();
- for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
- {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(v);
- Vector2 t = vertex->tex * scale + offset;
- if (best_r) swap(t.x, t.y);
- //vertex->tex.x = best_x + t.x * cosf(best_angle) - t.y * sinf(best_angle);
- //vertex->tex.y = best_y + t.x * sinf(best_angle) + t.y * cosf(best_angle);
- vertex->tex.x = best_x + t.x + 0.5f;
- vertex->tex.y = best_y + t.y + 0.5f;
- nvCheck(vertex->tex.x >= 0 && vertex->tex.y >= 0);
- }
-#if DEBUG_OUTPUT && 0
- StringBuilder fileName;
- fileName.format("debug_packer_%d.tga", i);
- //outputDebugBitmap(fileName.str(), m_bitmap, w, h);
- outputDebugImage(fileName.str(), m_debug_bitmap, w, h);
- }
-#endif // 0
- //w -= padding - 1; // Leave one pixel border!
- //h -= padding - 1;
- m_width = max(0, w);
- m_height = max(0, h);
- nvCheck(isAligned(m_width, 4));
- nvCheck(isAligned(m_height, 4));
- // -- GODOT start --
- //m_debug_bitmap.resize(m_width, m_height);
- //m_debug_bitmap.setFormat(Image::Format_ARGB);
- // -- GODOT end --
- //outputDebugBitmap("debug_packer_final.tga", m_bitmap, w, h);
- //outputDebugImage("debug_packer_final.tga", m_debug_bitmap, w, h);
- ImageIO::save("debug_packer_final.tga", &m_debug_bitmap);
-// IC: Brute force is slow, and random may take too much time to converge. We start inserting large charts in a small atlas. Using brute force is lame, because most of the space
-// is occupied at this point. At the end we have many small charts and a large atlas with sparse holes. Finding those holes randomly is slow. A better approach would be to
-// start stacking large charts as if they were tetris pieces. Once charts get small try to place them randomly. It may be interesting to try a intermediate strategy, first try
-// along one axis and then try exhaustively along that axis.
-void AtlasPacker::findChartLocation(int quality, const BitMap * bitmap, Vector2::Arg extents, int w, int h, int * best_x, int * best_y, int * best_w, int * best_h, int * best_r)
- int attempts = 256;
- if (quality == 1) attempts = 4096;
- if (quality == 2) attempts = 2048;
- if (quality == 3) attempts = 1024;
- if (quality == 4) attempts = 512;
- if (quality == 0 || w*h < attempts)
- {
- findChartLocation_bruteForce(bitmap, extents, w, h, best_x, best_y, best_w, best_h, best_r);
- }
- else
- {
- findChartLocation_random(bitmap, extents, w, h, best_x, best_y, best_w, best_h, best_r, attempts);
- }
-#define BLOCK_SIZE 4
-void AtlasPacker::findChartLocation_bruteForce(const BitMap * bitmap, Vector2::Arg extents, int w, int h, int * best_x, int * best_y, int * best_w, int * best_h, int * best_r)
- int best_metric = INT_MAX;
- // Try two different orientations.
- for (int r = 0; r < 2; r++)
- {
- int cw = bitmap->width();
- int ch = bitmap->height();
- if (r & 1) swap(cw, ch);
- for (int y = 0; y <= h + 1; y += BLOCK_SIZE) // + 1 to extend atlas in case atlas full.
- {
- for (int x = 0; x <= w + 1; x += BLOCK_SIZE) // + 1 not really necessary here.
- {
- // Early out.
- int area = max(w, x+cw) * max(h, y+ch);
- //int perimeter = max(w, x+cw) + max(h, y+ch);
- int extents = max(max(w, x+cw), max(h, y+ch));
- int metric = extents*extents + area;
- if (metric > best_metric) {
- continue;
- }
- if (metric == best_metric && max(x, y) >= max(*best_x, *best_y)) {
- // If metric is the same, pick the one closest to the origin.
- continue;
- }
- if (canAddChart(bitmap, w, h, x, y, r))
- {
- best_metric = metric;
- *best_x = x;
- *best_y = y;
- *best_w = cw;
- *best_h = ch;
- *best_r = r;
- if (area == w*h)
- {
- // Chart is completely inside, do not look at any other location.
- goto done;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- nvDebugCheck (best_metric != INT_MAX);
-void AtlasPacker::findChartLocation_random(const BitMap * bitmap, Vector2::Arg extents, int w, int h, int * best_x, int * best_y, int * best_w, int * best_h, int * best_r, int minTrialCount)
- int best_metric = INT_MAX;
- for (int i = 0; i < minTrialCount || best_metric == INT_MAX; i++)
- {
- int r = m_rand.getRange(1);
- int x = m_rand.getRange(w + 1); // + 1 to extend atlas in case atlas full. We may want to use a higher number to increase probability of extending atlas.
- int y = m_rand.getRange(h + 1); // + 1 to extend atlas in case atlas full.
- x = align(x, BLOCK_SIZE);
- y = align(y, BLOCK_SIZE);
- int cw = bitmap->width();
- int ch = bitmap->height();
- if (r & 1) swap(cw, ch);
- // Early out.
- int area = max(w, x+cw) * max(h, y+ch);
- //int perimeter = max(w, x+cw) + max(h, y+ch);
- int extents = max(max(w, x+cw), max(h, y+ch));
- int metric = extents*extents + area;
- if (metric > best_metric) {
- continue;
- }
- if (metric == best_metric && min(x, y) > min(*best_x, *best_y)) {
- // If metric is the same, pick the one closest to the origin.
- continue;
- }
- if (canAddChart(bitmap, w, h, x, y, r))
- {
- best_metric = metric;
- *best_x = x;
- *best_y = y;
- *best_w = cw;
- *best_h = ch;
- *best_r = r;
- if (area == w*h)
- {
- // Chart is completely inside, do not look at any other location.
- break;
- }
- }
- }
-void AtlasPacker::drawChartBitmapDilate(const Chart * chart, BitMap * bitmap, int padding)
- const int w = bitmap->width();
- const int h = bitmap->height();
- const Vector2 extents = Vector2(float(w), float(h));
- // Rasterize chart faces, check that all bits are not set.
- const uint faceCount = chart->faceCount();
- for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = chart->chartMesh()->faceAt(f);
- Vector2 vertices[4];
- uint edgeCount = 0;
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- if (edgeCount < 4)
- {
- vertices[edgeCount] = it.vertex()->tex + Vector2(0.5) + Vector2(float(padding), float(padding));
- }
- edgeCount++;
- }
- if (edgeCount == 3)
- {
- Raster::drawTriangle(Raster::Mode_Antialiased, extents, true, vertices, AtlasPacker::setBitsCallback, bitmap);
- }
- else
- {
- Raster::drawQuad(Raster::Mode_Antialiased, extents, true, vertices, AtlasPacker::setBitsCallback, bitmap);
- }
- }
- // Expand chart by padding pixels. (dilation)
- BitMap tmp(w, h);
- for (int i = 0; i < padding; i++) {
- tmp.clearAll();
- for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
- bool b = bitmap->bitAt(x, y);
- if (!b) {
- if (x > 0) {
- b |= bitmap->bitAt(x - 1, y);
- if (y > 0) b |= bitmap->bitAt(x - 1, y - 1);
- if (y < h-1) b |= bitmap->bitAt(x - 1, y + 1);
- }
- if (y > 0) b |= bitmap->bitAt(x, y - 1);
- if (y < h-1) b |= bitmap->bitAt(x, y + 1);
- if (x < w-1) {
- b |= bitmap->bitAt(x + 1, y);
- if (y > 0) b |= bitmap->bitAt(x + 1, y - 1);
- if (y < h-1) b |= bitmap->bitAt(x + 1, y + 1);
- }
- }
- if (b) tmp.setBitAt(x, y);
- }
- }
- swap(tmp, *bitmap);
- }
-void AtlasPacker::drawChartBitmap(const Chart * chart, BitMap * bitmap, const Vector2 & scale, const Vector2 & offset)
- const int w = bitmap->width();
- const int h = bitmap->height();
- const Vector2 extents = Vector2(float(w), float(h));
- static const Vector2 pad[4] = {
- Vector2(-0.5, -0.5),
- Vector2(0.5, -0.5),
- Vector2(-0.5, 0.5),
- Vector2(0.5, 0.5)
- };
- /*static const Vector2 pad[4] = {
- Vector2(-1, -1),
- Vector2(1, -1),
- Vector2(-1, 1),
- Vector2(1, 1)
- };*/
- // Rasterize 4 times to add proper padding.
- for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
- // Rasterize chart faces, check that all bits are not set.
- const uint faceCount = chart->chartMesh()->faceCount();
- for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = chart->chartMesh()->faceAt(f);
- Vector2 vertices[4];
- uint edgeCount = 0;
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- if (edgeCount < 4)
- {
- vertices[edgeCount] = it.vertex()->tex * scale + offset + pad[i];
- nvCheck(ftoi_ceil(vertices[edgeCount].x) >= 0);
- nvCheck(ftoi_ceil(vertices[edgeCount].y) >= 0);
- nvCheck(ftoi_ceil(vertices[edgeCount].x) <= w);
- nvCheck(ftoi_ceil(vertices[edgeCount].y) <= h);
- }
- edgeCount++;
- }
- if (edgeCount == 3)
- {
- Raster::drawTriangle(Raster::Mode_Antialiased, extents, /*enableScissors=*/true, vertices, AtlasPacker::setBitsCallback, bitmap);
- }
- else
- {
- Raster::drawQuad(Raster::Mode_Antialiased, extents, /*enableScissors=*/true, vertices, AtlasPacker::setBitsCallback, bitmap);
- }
- }
- }
- // @@ This only allows us to expand the size in texel intervals.
- /*if (m_padding_x != 0 && m_padding_y != 0)*/ {
- // Expand chart by padding pixels. (dilation)
- BitMap tmp(w, h);
- //for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
- tmp.clearAll();
- for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
- bool b = bitmap->bitAt(x, y);
- if (!b) {
- if (x > 0) {
- b |= bitmap->bitAt(x - 1, y);
- if (y > 0) b |= bitmap->bitAt(x - 1, y - 1);
- if (y < h-1) b |= bitmap->bitAt(x - 1, y + 1);
- }
- if (y > 0) b |= bitmap->bitAt(x, y - 1);
- if (y < h-1) b |= bitmap->bitAt(x, y + 1);
- if (x < w-1) {
- b |= bitmap->bitAt(x + 1, y);
- if (y > 0) b |= bitmap->bitAt(x + 1, y - 1);
- if (y < h-1) b |= bitmap->bitAt(x + 1, y + 1);
- }
- }
- if (b) tmp.setBitAt(x, y);
- }
- }
- swap(tmp, *bitmap);
- //}
- }
-bool AtlasPacker::canAddChart(const BitMap * bitmap, int atlas_w, int atlas_h, int offset_x, int offset_y, int r)
- nvDebugCheck(r == 0 || r == 1);
- // Check whether the two bitmaps overlap.
- const int w = bitmap->width();
- const int h = bitmap->height();
- if (r == 0) {
- for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- int yy = y + offset_y;
- if (yy >= 0) {
- for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
- int xx = x + offset_x;
- if (xx >= 0) {
- if (bitmap->bitAt(x, y)) {
- if (xx < atlas_w && yy < atlas_h) {
- if (m_bitmap.bitAt(xx, yy)) return false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (r == 1) {
- for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- int xx = y + offset_x;
- if (xx >= 0) {
- for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
- int yy = x + offset_y;
- if (yy >= 0) {
- if (bitmap->bitAt(x, y)) {
- if (xx < atlas_w && yy < atlas_h) {
- if (m_bitmap.bitAt(xx, yy)) return false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
-#if 0
-void AtlasPacker::checkCanAddChart(const Chart * chart, int w, int h, int x, int y, int r)
- nvDebugCheck(r == 0 || r == 1);
- Vector2 extents = Vector2(float(w), float(h));
- Vector2 offset = Vector2(float(x), float(y));
- // Rasterize chart faces, set bits.
- const uint faceCount = chart->faceCount();
- for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = chart->chartMesh()->faceAt(f);
- Vector2 vertices[4];
- uint edgeCount = 0;
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- if (edgeCount < 4)
- {
- Vector2 t = it.vertex()->tex;
- if (r == 1) swap(t.x, t.y);
- vertices[edgeCount] = t + offset;
- }
- edgeCount++;
- }
- if (edgeCount == 3)
- {
- Raster::drawTriangle(Raster::Mode_Antialiased, extents, /*enableScissors=*/true, vertices, AtlasPacker::checkBitsCallback, &m_bitmap);
- }
- else
- {
- Raster::drawQuad(Raster::Mode_Antialiased, extents, /*enableScissors=*/true, vertices, AtlasPacker::checkBitsCallback, &m_bitmap);
- }
- }
-#endif // 0
-static Color32 chartColor = Color32(0);
-static void selectRandomColor(MTRand & rand) {
- // Pick random color for this chart. @@ Select random hue, but fixed saturation/luminance?
- chartColor.r = 128 + rand.getRange(127);
- chartColor.g = 128 + rand.getRange(127);
- chartColor.b = 128 + rand.getRange(127);
- chartColor.a = 255;
-static bool debugDrawCallback(void * param, int x, int y, Vector3::Arg, Vector3::Arg, Vector3::Arg, float area)
- Image * image = (Image *)param;
- if (area > 0.0) {
- Color32 c = image->pixel(x, y);
- c.r = chartColor.r;
- c.g = chartColor.g;
- c.b = chartColor.b;
- c.a += U8(ftoi_round(0.5f * area * 255));
- image->pixel(x, y) = c;
- }
- return true;
-void AtlasPacker::addChart(const Chart * chart, int w, int h, int x, int y, int r, Image * debugOutput)
- nvDebugCheck(r == 0 || r == 1);
- nvDebugCheck(debugOutput != NULL);
- selectRandomColor(m_rand);
- Vector2 extents = Vector2(float(w), float(h));
- Vector2 offset = Vector2(float(x), float(y)) + Vector2(0.5);
- // Rasterize chart faces, set bits.
- const uint faceCount = chart->faceCount();
- for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = chart->chartMesh()->faceAt(f);
- Vector2 vertices[4];
- uint edgeCount = 0;
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- if (edgeCount < 4)
- {
- Vector2 t = it.vertex()->tex;
- if (r == 1) swap(t.x, t.y);
- vertices[edgeCount] = t + offset;
- }
- edgeCount++;
- }
- if (edgeCount == 3)
- {
- Raster::drawTriangle(Raster::Mode_Antialiased, extents, /*enableScissors=*/true, vertices, debugDrawCallback, debugOutput);
- }
- else
- {
- Raster::drawQuad(Raster::Mode_Antialiased, extents, /*enableScissors=*/true, vertices, debugDrawCallback, debugOutput);
- }
- }
-void AtlasPacker::addChart(const BitMap * bitmap, int atlas_w, int atlas_h, int offset_x, int offset_y, int r, Image * debugOutput)
- nvDebugCheck(r == 0 || r == 1);
- // Check whether the two bitmaps overlap.
- const int w = bitmap->width();
- const int h = bitmap->height();
- if (debugOutput != NULL) {
- selectRandomColor(m_rand);
- }
- if (r == 0) {
- for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- int yy = y + offset_y;
- if (yy >= 0) {
- for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
- int xx = x + offset_x;
- if (xx >= 0) {
- if (bitmap->bitAt(x, y)) {
- if (xx < atlas_w && yy < atlas_h) {
- if (debugOutput) debugOutput->pixel(xx, yy) = chartColor;
- else {
- nvDebugCheck(m_bitmap.bitAt(xx, yy) == false);
- m_bitmap.setBitAt(xx, yy);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if (r == 1) {
- for (int y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- int xx = y + offset_x;
- if (xx >= 0) {
- for (int x = 0; x < w; x++) {
- int yy = x + offset_y;
- if (yy >= 0) {
- if (bitmap->bitAt(x, y)) {
- if (xx < atlas_w && yy < atlas_h) {
- if (debugOutput) debugOutput->pixel(xx, yy) = chartColor;
- else {
- nvDebugCheck(m_bitmap.bitAt(xx, yy) == false);
- m_bitmap.setBitAt(xx, yy);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-/*static*/ bool AtlasPacker::checkBitsCallback(void * param, int x, int y, Vector3::Arg, Vector3::Arg, Vector3::Arg, float)
- BitMap * bitmap = (BitMap * )param;
- nvDebugCheck(bitmap->bitAt(x, y) == false);
- return true;
-/*static*/ bool AtlasPacker::setBitsCallback(void * param, int x, int y, Vector3::Arg, Vector3::Arg, Vector3::Arg, float area)
- BitMap * bitmap = (BitMap * )param;
- if (area > 0.0) {
- bitmap->setBitAt(x, y);
- }
- return true;
-float AtlasPacker::computeAtlasUtilization() const {
- const uint w = m_width;
- const uint h = m_height;
- nvDebugCheck(w <= m_bitmap.width());
- nvDebugCheck(h <= m_bitmap.height());
- uint count = 0;
- for (uint y = 0; y < h; y++) {
- for (uint x = 0; x < w; x++) {
- count += m_bitmap.bitAt(x, y);
- }
- }
- return float(count) / (w * h);
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasPacker.h b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasPacker.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 845dbfb6f3..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasPacker.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-// This code is in the public domain --
-#pragma once
-#include "nvcore/RadixSort.h"
-#include "nvmath/Vector.h"
-#include "nvmath/Random.h"
-#include "nvimage/BitMap.h"
-#include "nvimage/Image.h"
-#include "nvmesh/nvmesh.h"
-namespace nv
- class Atlas;
- class Chart;
- struct AtlasPacker
- {
- AtlasPacker(Atlas * atlas);
- ~AtlasPacker();
- void packCharts(int quality, float texelArea, bool blockAligned, bool conservative);
- float computeAtlasUtilization() const;
- private:
- void findChartLocation(int quality, const BitMap * bitmap, Vector2::Arg extents, int w, int h, int * best_x, int * best_y, int * best_w, int * best_h, int * best_r);
- void findChartLocation_bruteForce(const BitMap * bitmap, Vector2::Arg extents, int w, int h, int * best_x, int * best_y, int * best_w, int * best_h, int * best_r);
- void findChartLocation_random(const BitMap * bitmap, Vector2::Arg extents, int w, int h, int * best_x, int * best_y, int * best_w, int * best_h, int * best_r, int minTrialCount);
- void drawChartBitmapDilate(const Chart * chart, BitMap * bitmap, int padding);
- void drawChartBitmap(const Chart * chart, BitMap * bitmap, const Vector2 & scale, const Vector2 & offset);
- bool canAddChart(const BitMap * bitmap, int w, int h, int x, int y, int r);
- void addChart(const BitMap * bitmap, int w, int h, int x, int y, int r, Image * debugOutput);
- //void checkCanAddChart(const Chart * chart, int w, int h, int x, int y, int r);
- void addChart(const Chart * chart, int w, int h, int x, int y, int r, Image * debugOutput);
- static bool checkBitsCallback(void * param, int x, int y, Vector3::Arg bar, Vector3::Arg dx, Vector3::Arg dy, float coverage);
- static bool setBitsCallback(void * param, int x, int y, Vector3::Arg bar, Vector3::Arg dx, Vector3::Arg dy, float coverage);
- private:
- Atlas * m_atlas;
- BitMap m_bitmap;
- // -- GODOT start --
- //Image m_debug_bitmap;
- // -- GODOT end --
- RadixSort m_radix;
- uint m_width;
- uint m_height;
- MTRand m_rand;
- };
-} // nv namespace
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/LeastSquaresConformalMap.cpp b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/LeastSquaresConformalMap.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index cd1e8bbb7b..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/LeastSquaresConformalMap.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,483 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2008 -- Ignacio Castano <>
-#include "nvmesh.h" // pch
-#include "LeastSquaresConformalMap.h"
-#include "ParameterizationQuality.h"
-#include "Util.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Vertex.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Face.h"
-#include "nvmath/Sparse.h"
-#include "nvmath/Solver.h"
-#include "nvmath/Vector.inl"
-#include "nvcore/Array.inl"
-using namespace nv;
-using namespace HalfEdge;
- // Test all pairs of vertices in the boundary and check distance.
- static void findDiameterVertices(HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh, HalfEdge::Vertex ** a, HalfEdge::Vertex ** b)
- {
- nvDebugCheck(mesh != NULL);
- nvDebugCheck(a != NULL);
- nvDebugCheck(b != NULL);
- const uint vertexCount = mesh->vertexCount();
- float maxLength = 0.0f;
- for (uint v0 = 1; v0 < vertexCount; v0++)
- {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex0 = mesh->vertexAt(v0);
- nvDebugCheck(vertex0 != NULL);
- if (!vertex0->isBoundary()) continue;
- for (uint v1 = 0; v1 < v0; v1++)
- {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex1 = mesh->vertexAt(v1);
- nvDebugCheck(vertex1 != NULL);
- if (!vertex1->isBoundary()) continue;
- float len = length(vertex0->pos - vertex1->pos);
- if (len > maxLength)
- {
- maxLength = len;
- *a = vertex0;
- *b = vertex1;
- }
- }
- }
- nvDebugCheck(*a != NULL && *b != NULL);
- }
- // Fast sweep in 3 directions
- static bool findApproximateDiameterVertices(HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh, HalfEdge::Vertex ** a, HalfEdge::Vertex ** b)
- {
- nvDebugCheck(mesh != NULL);
- nvDebugCheck(a != NULL);
- nvDebugCheck(b != NULL);
- const uint vertexCount = mesh->vertexCount();
- HalfEdge::Vertex * minVertex[3];
- HalfEdge::Vertex * maxVertex[3];
- minVertex[0] = minVertex[1] = minVertex[2] = NULL;
- maxVertex[0] = maxVertex[1] = maxVertex[2] = NULL;
- for (uint v = 1; v < vertexCount; v++)
- {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(v);
- nvDebugCheck(vertex != NULL);
- if (vertex->isBoundary())
- {
- minVertex[0] = minVertex[1] = minVertex[2] = vertex;
- maxVertex[0] = maxVertex[1] = maxVertex[2] = vertex;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (minVertex[0] == NULL)
- {
- // Input mesh has not boundaries.
- return false;
- }
- for (uint v = 1; v < vertexCount; v++)
- {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(v);
- nvDebugCheck(vertex != NULL);
- if (!vertex->isBoundary())
- {
- // Skip interior vertices.
- continue;
- }
- if (vertex->pos.x < minVertex[0]->pos.x) minVertex[0] = vertex;
- else if (vertex->pos.x > maxVertex[0]->pos.x) maxVertex[0] = vertex;
- if (vertex->pos.y < minVertex[1]->pos.y) minVertex[1] = vertex;
- else if (vertex->pos.y > maxVertex[1]->pos.y) maxVertex[1] = vertex;
- if (vertex->pos.z < minVertex[2]->pos.z) minVertex[2] = vertex;
- else if (vertex->pos.z > maxVertex[2]->pos.z) maxVertex[2] = vertex;
- }
- float lengths[3];
- for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
- {
- lengths[i] = length(minVertex[i]->pos - maxVertex[i]->pos);
- }
- if (lengths[0] > lengths[1] && lengths[0] > lengths[2])
- {
- *a = minVertex[0];
- *b = maxVertex[0];
- }
- else if (lengths[1] > lengths[2])
- {
- *a = minVertex[1];
- *b = maxVertex[1];
- }
- else
- {
- *a = minVertex[2];
- *b = maxVertex[2];
- }
- return true;
- }
- // Conformal relations from Bruno Levy:
- // Computes the coordinates of the vertices of a triangle
- // in a local 2D orthonormal basis of the triangle's plane.
- static void project_triangle(Vector3::Arg p0, Vector3::Arg p1, Vector3::Arg p2, Vector2 * z0, Vector2 * z1, Vector2 * z2)
- {
- Vector3 X = normalize(p1 - p0, 0.0f);
- Vector3 Z = normalize(cross(X, (p2 - p0)), 0.0f);
- Vector3 Y = normalize(cross(Z, X), 0.0f);
- float x0 = 0.0f;
- float y0 = 0.0f;
- float x1 = length(p1 - p0);
- float y1 = 0.0f;
- float x2 = dot((p2 - p0), X);
- float y2 = dot((p2 - p0), Y);
- *z0 = Vector2(x0, y0);
- *z1 = Vector2(x1, y1);
- *z2 = Vector2(x2, y2);
- }
- // LSCM equation, geometric form :
- // (Z1 - Z0)(U2 - U0) = (Z2 - Z0)(U1 - U0)
- // Where Uk = uk + i.vk is the complex number
- // corresponding to (u,v) coords
- // Zk = xk + i.yk is the complex number
- // corresponding to local (x,y) coords
- // cool: no divide with this expression,
- // makes it more numerically stable in
- // the presence of degenerate triangles.
- static void setup_conformal_map_relations(SparseMatrix & A, int row, const HalfEdge::Vertex * v0, const HalfEdge::Vertex * v1, const HalfEdge::Vertex * v2)
- {
- int id0 = v0->id;
- int id1 = v1->id;
- int id2 = v2->id;
- Vector3 p0 = v0->pos;
- Vector3 p1 = v1->pos;
- Vector3 p2 = v2->pos;
- Vector2 z0, z1, z2;
- project_triangle(p0, p1, p2, &z0, &z1, &z2);
- Vector2 z01 = z1 - z0;
- Vector2 z02 = z2 - z0;
- float a = z01.x;
- float b = z01.y;
- float c = z02.x;
- float d = z02.y;
- nvCheck(b == 0.0f);
- // Note : 2*id + 0 --> u
- // 2*id + 1 --> v
- int u0_id = 2 * id0 + 0;
- int v0_id = 2 * id0 + 1;
- int u1_id = 2 * id1 + 0;
- int v1_id = 2 * id1 + 1;
- int u2_id = 2 * id2 + 0;
- int v2_id = 2 * id2 + 1;
- // Note : b = 0
- // Real part
- A.setCoefficient(u0_id, 2 * row + 0, -a+c);
- A.setCoefficient(v0_id, 2 * row + 0, b-d);
- A.setCoefficient(u1_id, 2 * row + 0, -c);
- A.setCoefficient(v1_id, 2 * row + 0, d);
- A.setCoefficient(u2_id, 2 * row + 0, a);
- // Imaginary part
- A.setCoefficient(u0_id, 2 * row + 1, -b+d);
- A.setCoefficient(v0_id, 2 * row + 1, -a+c);
- A.setCoefficient(u1_id, 2 * row + 1, -d);
- A.setCoefficient(v1_id, 2 * row + 1, -c);
- A.setCoefficient(v2_id, 2 * row + 1, a);
- }
- // Conformal relations from Brecht Van Lommel (based on ABF):
- static float vec_angle_cos(Vector3::Arg v1, Vector3::Arg v2, Vector3::Arg v3)
- {
- Vector3 d1 = v1 - v2;
- Vector3 d2 = v3 - v2;
- return clamp(dot(d1, d2) / (length(d1) * length(d2)), -1.0f, 1.0f);
- }
- static float vec_angle(Vector3::Arg v1, Vector3::Arg v2, Vector3::Arg v3)
- {
- float dot = vec_angle_cos(v1, v2, v3);
- return acosf(dot);
- }
- static void triangle_angles(Vector3::Arg v1, Vector3::Arg v2, Vector3::Arg v3, float *a1, float *a2, float *a3)
- {
- *a1 = vec_angle(v3, v1, v2);
- *a2 = vec_angle(v1, v2, v3);
- *a3 = PI - *a2 - *a1;
- }
- static void triangle_cosines(Vector3::Arg v1, Vector3::Arg v2, Vector3::Arg v3, float *a1, float *a2, float *a3)
- {
- *a1 = vec_angle_cos(v3, v1, v2);
- *a2 = vec_angle_cos(v1, v2, v3);
- *a3 = vec_angle_cos(v2, v3, v1);
- }
- static void setup_abf_relations(SparseMatrix & A, int row, const HalfEdge::Vertex * v0, const HalfEdge::Vertex * v1, const HalfEdge::Vertex * v2)
- {
- int id0 = v0->id;
- int id1 = v1->id;
- int id2 = v2->id;
- Vector3 p0 = v0->pos;
- Vector3 p1 = v1->pos;
- Vector3 p2 = v2->pos;
-#if 1
- // @@ IC: Wouldn't it be more accurate to return cos and compute 1-cos^2?
- // It does indeed seem to be a little bit more robust.
- // @@ Need to revisit this more carefully!
- float a0, a1, a2;
- triangle_angles(p0, p1, p2, &a0, &a1, &a2);
- float s0 = sinf(a0);
- float s1 = sinf(a1);
- float s2 = sinf(a2);
- /*// Hack for degenerate triangles.
- if (equal(s0, 0) && equal(s1, 0) && equal(s2, 0)) {
- if (equal(a0, 0)) a0 += 0.001f;
- if (equal(a1, 0)) a1 += 0.001f;
- if (equal(a2, 0)) a2 += 0.001f;
- if (equal(a0, PI)) a0 = PI - a1 - a2;
- if (equal(a1, PI)) a1 = PI - a0 - a2;
- if (equal(a2, PI)) a2 = PI - a0 - a1;
- s0 = sinf(a0);
- s1 = sinf(a1);
- s2 = sinf(a2);
- }*/
- if (s1 > s0 && s1 > s2)
- {
- swap(s1, s2);
- swap(s0, s1);
- swap(a1, a2);
- swap(a0, a1);
- swap(id1, id2);
- swap(id0, id1);
- }
- else if (s0 > s1 && s0 > s2)
- {
- swap(s0, s2);
- swap(s0, s1);
- swap(a0, a2);
- swap(a0, a1);
- swap(id0, id2);
- swap(id0, id1);
- }
- float c0 = cosf(a0);
- float c0, c1, c2;
- triangle_cosines(p0, p1, p2, &c0, &c1, &c2);
- float s0 = 1 - c0*c0;
- float s1 = 1 - c1*c1;
- float s2 = 1 - c2*c2;
- nvDebugCheck(s0 != 0 || s1 != 0 || s2 != 0);
- if (s1 > s0 && s1 > s2)
- {
- swap(s1, s2);
- swap(s0, s1);
- swap(c1, c2);
- swap(c0, c1);
- swap(id1, id2);
- swap(id0, id1);
- }
- else if (s0 > s1 && s0 > s2)
- {
- swap(s0, s2);
- swap(s0, s1);
- swap(c0, c2);
- swap(c0, c1);
- swap(id0, id2);
- swap(id0, id1);
- }
- float ratio = (s2 == 0.0f) ? 1.0f: s1/s2;
- float cosine = c0 * ratio;
- float sine = s0 * ratio;
- // Note : 2*id + 0 --> u
- // 2*id + 1 --> v
- int u0_id = 2 * id0 + 0;
- int v0_id = 2 * id0 + 1;
- int u1_id = 2 * id1 + 0;
- int v1_id = 2 * id1 + 1;
- int u2_id = 2 * id2 + 0;
- int v2_id = 2 * id2 + 1;
- // Real part
- A.setCoefficient(u0_id, 2 * row + 0, cosine - 1.0f);
- A.setCoefficient(v0_id, 2 * row + 0, -sine);
- A.setCoefficient(u1_id, 2 * row + 0, -cosine);
- A.setCoefficient(v1_id, 2 * row + 0, sine);
- A.setCoefficient(u2_id, 2 * row + 0, 1);
- // Imaginary part
- A.setCoefficient(u0_id, 2 * row + 1, sine);
- A.setCoefficient(v0_id, 2 * row + 1, cosine - 1.0f);
- A.setCoefficient(u1_id, 2 * row + 1, -sine);
- A.setCoefficient(v1_id, 2 * row + 1, -cosine);
- A.setCoefficient(v2_id, 2 * row + 1, 1);
- }
-} // namespace
-bool nv::computeLeastSquaresConformalMap(HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh)
- nvDebugCheck(mesh != NULL);
- // For this to work properly, mesh should not have colocals that have the same
- // attributes, unless you want the vertices to actually have different texcoords.
- const uint vertexCount = mesh->vertexCount();
- const uint D = 2 * vertexCount;
- const uint N = 2 * countMeshTriangles(mesh);
- // N is the number of equations (one per triangle)
- // D is the number of variables (one per vertex; there are 2 pinned vertices).
- if (N < D - 4) {
- return false;
- }
- SparseMatrix A(D, N);
- FullVector b(N);
- FullVector x(D);
- // Fill b:
- b.fill(0.0f);
- // Fill x:
- HalfEdge::Vertex * v0;
- HalfEdge::Vertex * v1;
- if (!findApproximateDiameterVertices(mesh, &v0, &v1))
- {
- // Mesh has no boundaries.
- return false;
- }
- if (v0->tex == v1->tex)
- {
- // LSCM expects an existing parameterization.
- return false;
- }
- for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
- {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(v);
- nvDebugCheck(vertex != NULL);
- // Initial solution.
- x[2 * v + 0] = vertex->tex.x;
- x[2 * v + 1] = vertex->tex.y;
- }
- // Fill A:
- const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount();
- for (uint f = 0, t = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- nvDebugCheck(face != NULL);
- nvDebugCheck(face->edgeCount() == 3);
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex0 = NULL;
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- nvCheck(edge != NULL);
- if (vertex0 == NULL)
- {
- vertex0 = edge->vertex;
- }
- else if (edge->next->vertex != vertex0)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex1 = edge->from();
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex2 = edge->to();
- setup_abf_relations(A, t, vertex0, vertex1, vertex2);
- //setup_conformal_map_relations(A, t, vertex0, vertex1, vertex2);
- t++;
- }
- }
- }
- const uint lockedParameters[] =
- {
- 2 * v0->id + 0,
- 2 * v0->id + 1,
- 2 * v1->id + 0,
- 2 * v1->id + 1
- };
- // Solve
- LeastSquaresSolver(A, b, x, lockedParameters, 4, 0.000001f);
- // Map x back to texcoords:
- for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
- {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(v);
- nvDebugCheck(vertex != NULL);
- vertex->tex = Vector2(x[2 * v + 0], x[2 * v + 1]);
- }
- return true;
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/LeastSquaresConformalMap.h b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/LeastSquaresConformalMap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 51fbf193c8..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/LeastSquaresConformalMap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2008 -- Ignacio Castano <>
-#pragma once
-namespace nv
- namespace HalfEdge { class Mesh; }
- bool computeLeastSquaresConformalMap(HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh);
-} // nv namespace
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/OrthogonalProjectionMap.cpp b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/OrthogonalProjectionMap.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index d6e5e30561..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/OrthogonalProjectionMap.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-// This code is in the public domain --
-#include "nvmesh.h" // pch
-#include "OrthogonalProjectionMap.h"
-#include "nvcore/Array.inl"
-#include "nvmath/Fitting.h"
-#include "nvmath/Vector.inl"
-#include "nvmath/Box.inl"
-#include "nvmath/Plane.inl"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Vertex.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Face.h"
-#include "nvmesh/geometry/Bounds.h"
-using namespace nv;
-bool nv::computeOrthogonalProjectionMap(HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh)
- Vector3 axis[2];
-#if 1
- uint vertexCount = mesh->vertexCount();
- Array<Vector3> points(vertexCount);
- points.resize(vertexCount);
- for (uint i = 0; i < vertexCount; i++)
- {
- points[i] = mesh->vertexAt(i)->pos;
- }
-#if 0
- axis[0] = Fit::computePrincipalComponent_EigenSolver(vertexCount, points.buffer());
- axis[0] = normalize(axis[0]);
- Plane plane = Fit::bestPlane(vertexCount, points.buffer());
- Vector3 n = plane.vector();
- axis[1] = cross(axis[0], n);
- axis[1] = normalize(axis[1]);
- // Avoid redundant computations.
- float matrix[6];
- Fit::computeCovariance(vertexCount, points.buffer(), matrix);
- if (matrix[0] == 0 && matrix[3] == 0 && matrix[5] == 0) {
- return false;
- }
- float eigenValues[3];
- Vector3 eigenVectors[3];
- if (!nv::Fit::eigenSolveSymmetric3(matrix, eigenValues, eigenVectors)) {
- return false;
- }
- axis[0] = normalize(eigenVectors[0]);
- axis[1] = normalize(eigenVectors[1]);
- // IC: I thought this was generally more robust, but turns out it's not even guaranteed to return a valid projection. Imagine a narrow quad perpendicular to one plane, but rotated so that the shortest axis of
- // the bounding box is in the direction of that plane.
- // Use the shortest box axis
- Box box = MeshBounds::box(mesh);
- Vector3 dir = box.extents();
- if (fabs(dir.x) <= fabs(dir.y) && fabs(dir.x) <= fabs(dir.z)) {
- axis[0] = Vector3(0, 1, 0);
- axis[1] = Vector3(0, 0, 1);
- }
- else if (fabs(dir.y) <= fabs(dir.z)) {
- axis[0] = Vector3(1, 0, 0);
- axis[1] = Vector3(0, 0, 1);
- }
- else {
- axis[0] = Vector3(1, 0, 0);
- axis[1] = Vector3(0, 1, 0);
- }
- // Project vertices to plane.
- for (HalfEdge::Mesh::VertexIterator it(mesh->vertices()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = it.current();
- vertex->tex.x = dot(axis[0], vertex->pos);
- vertex->tex.y = dot(axis[1], vertex->pos);
- }
- return true;
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/OrthogonalProjectionMap.h b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/OrthogonalProjectionMap.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 54920413d5..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/OrthogonalProjectionMap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-// This code is in the public domain --
-#pragma once
-namespace nv
- namespace HalfEdge { class Mesh; }
- bool computeOrthogonalProjectionMap(HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh);
-} // nv namespace
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/ParameterizationQuality.cpp b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/ParameterizationQuality.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 683ee603cd..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/ParameterizationQuality.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2008 -- Ignacio Castano <>
-#include "nvmesh.h" // pch
-#include "ParameterizationQuality.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Face.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Vertex.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Edge.h"
-#include "nvmath/Vector.inl"
-#include "nvcore/Debug.h"
-#include <float.h>
-using namespace nv;
-#if 0
-float triangleConformalEnergy(Vector3 q[3], Vector2 p[3])
-const Vector3 v1 = q[0];
-const Vector3 v2 = q[1];
-const Vector3 v3 = q[2];
-const Vector2 w1 = p[0];
-const Vector2 w2 = p[1];
-const Vector2 w3 = p[2];
-float x1 = v2.x() - v1.x();
-float x2 = v3.x() - v1.x();
-float y1 = v2.y() - v1.y();
-float y2 = v3.y() - v1.y();
-float z1 = v2.z() - v1.z();
-float z2 = v3.z() - v1.z();
-float s1 = w2.x() - w1.x();
-float s2 = w3.x() - w1.x();
-float t1 = w2.y() - w1.y();
-float t2 = w3.y() - w1.y();
-float r = 1.0f / (s1 * t2 - s2 * t1);
-Vector3 sdir((t2 * x1 - t1 * x2) * r, (t2 * y1 - t1 * y2) * r, (t2 * z1 - t1 * z2) * r);
-Vector3 tdir((s1 * x2 - s2 * x1) * r, (s1 * y2 - s2 * y1) * r, (s1 * z2 - s2 * z1) * r);
-Vector3 N = cross(v3-v1, v2-v1);
-// Rotate 90 around N.
-static float triangleConformalEnergy(Vector3 q[3], Vector2 p[3])
- // Using Denis formulas:
- Vector3 c0 = q[1] - q[2];
- Vector3 c1 = q[2] - q[0];
- Vector3 c2 = q[0] - q[1];
- Vector3 N = cross(-c0, c1);
- float T = length(N); // 2T
- N = normalize(N, 0);
- float cot_alpha0 = dot(-c1, c2) / length(cross(-c1, c2));
- float cot_alpha1 = dot(-c2, c0) / length(cross(-c2, c0));
- float cot_alpha2 = dot(-c0, c1) / length(cross(-c0, c1));
- Vector3 t0 = -cot_alpha1 * c1 + cot_alpha2 * c2;
- Vector3 t1 = -cot_alpha2 * c2 + cot_alpha0 * c0;
- Vector3 t2 = -cot_alpha0 * c0 + cot_alpha1 * c1;
- nvCheck(equal(length(t0), length(c0)));
- nvCheck(equal(length(t1), length(c1)));
- nvCheck(equal(length(t2), length(c2)));
- nvCheck(equal(dot(t0, c0), 0));
- nvCheck(equal(dot(t1, c1), 0));
- nvCheck(equal(dot(t2, c2), 0));
- // Gradients
- Vector3 grad_u = 1.0f / T * (p[0].x * t0 + p[1].x * t1 + p[2].x * t2);
- Vector3 grad_v = 1.0f / T * (p[0].y * t0 + p[1].y * t1 + p[2].y * t2);
- // Rotated gradients
- Vector3 Jgrad_u = 1.0f / T * (p[0].x * c0 + p[1].x * c1 + p[2].x * c2);
- Vector3 Jgrad_v = 1.0f / T * (p[0].y * c0 + p[1].y * c1 + p[2].y * c2);
- // Using Lengyel's formulas:
- {
- const Vector3 v1 = q[0];
- const Vector3 v2 = q[1];
- const Vector3 v3 = q[2];
- const Vector2 w1 = p[0];
- const Vector2 w2 = p[1];
- const Vector2 w3 = p[2];
- float x1 = v2.x - v1.x;
- float x2 = v3.x - v1.x;
- float y1 = v2.y - v1.y;
- float y2 = v3.y - v1.y;
- float z1 = v2.z - v1.z;
- float z2 = v3.z - v1.z;
- float s1 = w2.x - w1.x;
- float s2 = w3.x - w1.x;
- float t1 = w2.y - w1.y;
- float t2 = w3.y - w1.y;
- float r = 1.0f / (s1 * t2 - s2 * t1);
- Vector3 sdir((t2 * x1 - t1 * x2) * r, (t2 * y1 - t1 * y2) * r, (t2 * z1 - t1 * z2) * r);
- Vector3 tdir((s1 * x2 - s2 * x1) * r, (s1 * y2 - s2 * y1) * r, (s1 * z2 - s2 * z1) * r);
- Vector3 Jsdir = cross(N, sdir);
- Vector3 Jtdir = cross(N, tdir);
- float x = 3;
- }
- // check: sdir == grad_u
- // check: tdir == grad_v
- return length(grad_u - Jgrad_v);
-#endif // 0
- m_totalTriangleCount = 0;
- m_flippedTriangleCount = 0;
- m_zeroAreaTriangleCount = 0;
- m_parametricArea = 0.0f;
- m_geometricArea = 0.0f;
- m_stretchMetric = 0.0f;
- m_maxStretchMetric = 0.0f;
- m_conformalMetric = 0.0f;
- m_authalicMetric = 0.0f;
-ParameterizationQuality::ParameterizationQuality(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh)
- nvDebugCheck(mesh != NULL);
- m_totalTriangleCount = 0;
- m_flippedTriangleCount = 0;
- m_zeroAreaTriangleCount = 0;
- m_parametricArea = 0.0f;
- m_geometricArea = 0.0f;
- m_stretchMetric = 0.0f;
- m_maxStretchMetric = 0.0f;
- m_conformalMetric = 0.0f;
- m_authalicMetric = 0.0f;
- const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount();
- for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex0 = NULL;
- Vector3 p[3];
- Vector2 t[3];
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- if (vertex0 == NULL)
- {
- vertex0 = edge->vertex;
- p[0] = vertex0->pos;
- t[0] = vertex0->tex;
- }
- else if (edge->to() != vertex0)
- {
- p[1] = edge->from()->pos;
- p[2] = edge->to()->pos;
- t[1] = edge->from()->tex;
- t[2] = edge->to()->tex;
- processTriangle(p, t);
- }
- }
- }
- if (m_flippedTriangleCount + m_zeroAreaTriangleCount == faceCount)
- {
- // If all triangles are flipped, then none is.
- m_flippedTriangleCount = 0;
- }
- nvDebugCheck(isFinite(m_parametricArea) && m_parametricArea >= 0);
- nvDebugCheck(isFinite(m_geometricArea) && m_geometricArea >= 0);
- nvDebugCheck(isFinite(m_stretchMetric));
- nvDebugCheck(isFinite(m_maxStretchMetric));
- nvDebugCheck(isFinite(m_conformalMetric));
- nvDebugCheck(isFinite(m_authalicMetric));
-bool ParameterizationQuality::isValid() const
- return m_flippedTriangleCount == 0; // @@ Does not test for self-overlaps.
-float ParameterizationQuality::rmsStretchMetric() const
- if (m_geometricArea == 0) return 0.0f;
- float normFactor = sqrtf(m_parametricArea / m_geometricArea);
- return sqrtf(m_stretchMetric / m_geometricArea) * normFactor;
-float ParameterizationQuality::maxStretchMetric() const
- if (m_geometricArea == 0) return 0.0f;
- float normFactor = sqrtf(m_parametricArea / m_geometricArea);
- return m_maxStretchMetric * normFactor;
-float ParameterizationQuality::rmsConformalMetric() const
- if (m_geometricArea == 0) return 0.0f;
- return sqrtf(m_conformalMetric / m_geometricArea);
-float ParameterizationQuality::maxAuthalicMetric() const
- if (m_geometricArea == 0) return 0.0f;
- return sqrtf(m_authalicMetric / m_geometricArea);
-void ParameterizationQuality::operator += (const ParameterizationQuality & pq)
- m_totalTriangleCount += pq.m_totalTriangleCount;
- m_flippedTriangleCount += pq.m_flippedTriangleCount;
- m_zeroAreaTriangleCount += pq.m_zeroAreaTriangleCount;
- m_parametricArea += pq.m_parametricArea;
- m_geometricArea += pq.m_geometricArea;
- m_stretchMetric += pq.m_stretchMetric;
- m_maxStretchMetric = max(m_maxStretchMetric, pq.m_maxStretchMetric);
- m_conformalMetric += pq.m_conformalMetric;
- m_authalicMetric += pq.m_authalicMetric;
-void ParameterizationQuality::processTriangle(Vector3 q[3], Vector2 p[3])
- m_totalTriangleCount++;
- // Evaluate texture stretch metric. See:
- // - "Texture Mapping Progressive Meshes", Sander, Snyder, Gortler & Hoppe
- // - "Mesh Parameterization: Theory and Practice", Siggraph'07 Course Notes, Hormann, Levy & Sheffer.
- float t1 = p[0].x;
- float s1 = p[0].y;
- float t2 = p[1].x;
- float s2 = p[1].y;
- float t3 = p[2].x;
- float s3 = p[2].y;
- float geometricArea = length(cross(q[1] - q[0], q[2] - q[0])) / 2;
- float parametricArea = ((s2 - s1)*(t3 - t1) - (s3 - s1)*(t2 - t1)) / 2;
- if (isZero(parametricArea))
- {
- m_zeroAreaTriangleCount++;
- return;
- }
- Vector3 Ss = (q[0] * (t2- t3) + q[1] * (t3 - t1) + q[2] * (t1 - t2)) / (2 * parametricArea);
- Vector3 St = (q[0] * (s3- s2) + q[1] * (s1 - s3) + q[2] * (s2 - s1)) / (2 * parametricArea);
- float a = dot(Ss, Ss); // E
- float b = dot(Ss, St); // F
- float c = dot(St, St); // G
- // Compute eigen-values of the first fundamental form:
- float sigma1 = sqrtf(0.5f * max(0.0f, a + c - sqrtf(square(a - c) + 4 * square(b)))); // gamma uppercase, min eigenvalue.
- float sigma2 = sqrtf(0.5f * max(0.0f, a + c + sqrtf(square(a - c) + 4 * square(b)))); // gamma lowercase, max eigenvalue.
- nvCheck(sigma2 >= sigma1);
- // isometric: sigma1 = sigma2 = 1
- // conformal: sigma1 / sigma2 = 1
- // authalic: sigma1 * sigma2 = 1
- float rmsStretch = sqrtf((a + c) * 0.5f);
- float rmsStretch2 = sqrtf((square(sigma1) + square(sigma2)) * 0.5f);
- nvDebugCheck(equal(rmsStretch, rmsStretch2, 0.01f));
- if (parametricArea < 0.0f)
- {
- // Count flipped triangles.
- m_flippedTriangleCount++;
- parametricArea = fabsf(parametricArea);
- }
- m_stretchMetric += square(rmsStretch) * geometricArea;
- m_maxStretchMetric = max(m_maxStretchMetric, sigma2);
- if (!isZero(sigma1, 0.000001f)) {
- // sigma1 is zero when geometricArea is zero.
- m_conformalMetric += (sigma2 / sigma1) * geometricArea;
- }
- m_authalicMetric += (sigma1 * sigma2) * geometricArea;
- // Accumulate total areas.
- m_geometricArea += geometricArea;
- m_parametricArea += parametricArea;
- //triangleConformalEnergy(q, p);
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/ParameterizationQuality.h b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/ParameterizationQuality.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 342e26b889..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/ParameterizationQuality.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2008 -- Ignacio Castano <>
-#pragma once
-#include <nvmesh/nvmesh.h>
-namespace nv
- class Vector2;
- class Vector3;
- namespace HalfEdge { class Mesh; }
- // Estimate quality of existing parameterization.
- NVMESH_CLASS class ParameterizationQuality
- {
- public:
- ParameterizationQuality();
- ParameterizationQuality(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh);
- bool isValid() const;
- float rmsStretchMetric() const;
- float maxStretchMetric() const;
- float rmsConformalMetric() const;
- float maxAuthalicMetric() const;
- void operator += (const ParameterizationQuality & pq);
- private:
- void processTriangle(Vector3 p[3], Vector2 t[3]);
- private:
- uint m_totalTriangleCount;
- uint m_flippedTriangleCount;
- uint m_zeroAreaTriangleCount;
- float m_parametricArea;
- float m_geometricArea;
- float m_stretchMetric;
- float m_maxStretchMetric;
- float m_conformalMetric;
- float m_authalicMetric;
- };
-} // nv namespace
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/SingleFaceMap.cpp b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/SingleFaceMap.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 4b205de8bf..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/SingleFaceMap.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2008 -- Ignacio Castano <>
-#include "nvmesh.h" // pch
-#include "SingleFaceMap.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Vertex.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Face.h"
-#include "nvmath/Vector.inl"
-using namespace nv;
-void nv::computeSingleFaceMap(HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh)
- nvDebugCheck(mesh != NULL);
- nvDebugCheck(mesh->faceCount() == 1);
- HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(0);
- nvCheck(face != NULL);
- Vector3 p0 = face->edge->from()->pos;
- Vector3 p1 = face->edge->to()->pos;
- Vector3 X = normalizeSafe(p1 - p0, Vector3(0.0f), 0.0f);
- Vector3 Z = face->normal();
- Vector3 Y = normalizeSafe(cross(Z, X), Vector3(0.0f), 0.0f);
- uint i = 0;
- for (HalfEdge::Face::EdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance(), i++)
- {
- HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = it.vertex();
- nvCheck(vertex != NULL);
- if (i == 0)
- {
- vertex->tex = Vector2(0);
- }
- else
- {
- Vector3 pn = vertex->pos;
- float xn = dot((pn - p0), X);
- float yn = dot((pn - p0), Y);
- vertex->tex = Vector2(xn, yn);
- }
- }
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/SingleFaceMap.h b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/SingleFaceMap.h
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index b70719f5d8..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/SingleFaceMap.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright NVIDIA Corporation 2008 -- Ignacio Castano <>
-#pragma once
-namespace nv
- namespace HalfEdge
- {
- class Mesh;
- }
- void computeSingleFaceMap(HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh);
-} // nv namespace
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Util.cpp b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Util.cpp
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index fe7b58edf8..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Util.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,326 +0,0 @@
-// This code is in the public domain --
-#include "nvmesh.h" // pch
-#include "Util.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Face.h"
-#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Vertex.h"
-#include "nvmath/Vector.inl"
-#include "nvcore/Array.inl"
-using namespace nv;
-// Determine if the given mesh is a quad mesh.
-bool nv::isQuadMesh(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh)
- nvDebugCheck(mesh != NULL);
- const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount();
- for(uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(i);
- if (face->edgeCount() != 4) {
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-bool nv::isTriangularMesh(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh)
- for (HalfEdge::Mesh::ConstFaceIterator it(mesh->faces()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = it.current();
- if (face->edgeCount() != 3) return false;
- }
- return true;
-uint nv::countMeshTriangles(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh)
- const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount();
- uint triangleCount = 0;
- for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
- uint edgeCount = face->edgeCount();
- nvDebugCheck(edgeCount > 2);
- triangleCount += edgeCount - 2;
- }
- return triangleCount;
-const HalfEdge::Vertex * nv::findBoundaryVertex(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh)
- const uint vertexCount = mesh->vertexCount();
- for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(v);
- if (vertex->isBoundary()) return vertex;
- }
- return NULL;
-HalfEdge::Mesh * nv::unifyVertices(const HalfEdge::Mesh * inputMesh)
- HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh = new HalfEdge::Mesh;
- // Only add the first colocal.
- const uint vertexCount = inputMesh->vertexCount();
- for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) {
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = inputMesh->vertexAt(v);
- if (vertex->isFirstColocal()) {
- mesh->addVertex(vertex->pos);
- }
- }
- nv::Array<uint> indexArray;
- // Add new faces pointing to first colocals.
- uint faceCount = inputMesh->faceCount();
- for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = inputMesh->faceAt(f);
- indexArray.clear();
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance()) {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = edge->vertex->firstColocal();
- indexArray.append(vertex->id);
- }
- mesh->addFace(indexArray);
- }
- mesh->linkBoundary();
- return mesh;
-#include "nvmath/Basis.h"
-static bool pointInTriangle(const Vector2 & p, const Vector2 & a, const Vector2 & b, const Vector2 & c)
- return triangleArea(a, b, p) >= 0.00001f &&
- triangleArea(b, c, p) >= 0.00001f &&
- triangleArea(c, a, p) >= 0.00001f;
-// This is doing a simple ear-clipping algorithm that skips invalid triangles. Ideally, we should
-// also sort the ears by angle, start with the ones that have the smallest angle and proceed in order.
-HalfEdge::Mesh * nv::triangulate(const HalfEdge::Mesh * inputMesh)
- HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh = new HalfEdge::Mesh;
- // Add all vertices.
- const uint vertexCount = inputMesh->vertexCount();
- for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) {
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = inputMesh->vertexAt(v);
- mesh->addVertex(vertex->pos);
- }
- Array<int> polygonVertices;
- Array<float> polygonAngles;
- Array<Vector2> polygonPoints;
- const uint faceCount = inputMesh->faceCount();
- for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
- {
- const HalfEdge::Face * face = inputMesh->faceAt(f);
- nvDebugCheck(face != NULL);
- const uint edgeCount = face->edgeCount();
- nvDebugCheck(edgeCount >= 3);
- polygonVertices.clear();
- polygonVertices.reserve(edgeCount);
- if (edgeCount == 3) {
- // Simple case for triangles.
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = edge->vertex;
- polygonVertices.append(vertex->id);
- }
- int v0 = polygonVertices[0];
- int v1 = polygonVertices[1];
- int v2 = polygonVertices[2];
- mesh->addFace(v0, v1, v2);
- }
- else {
- // Build 2D polygon projecting vertices onto normal plane.
- // Faces are not necesarily planar, this is for example the case, when the face comes from filling a hole. In such cases
- // it's much better to use the best fit plane.
- const Vector3 fn = face->normal();
- Basis basis;
- basis.buildFrameForDirection(fn);
- polygonPoints.clear();
- polygonPoints.reserve(edgeCount);
- polygonAngles.clear();
- polygonAngles.reserve(edgeCount);
- for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
- {
- const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = edge->vertex;
- polygonVertices.append(vertex->id);
- Vector2 p;
- p.x = dot(basis.tangent, vertex->pos);
- p.y = dot(basis.bitangent, vertex->pos);
- polygonPoints.append(p);
- }
- polygonAngles.resize(edgeCount);
- while (polygonVertices.size() > 2) {
- uint size = polygonVertices.size();
- // Update polygon angles. @@ Update only those that have changed.
- float minAngle = 2 * PI;
- uint bestEar = 0; // Use first one if none of them is valid.
- bool bestIsValid = false;
- for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) {
- uint i0 = i;
- uint i1 = (i+1) % size; // Use Sean's polygon interation trick.
- uint i2 = (i+2) % size;
- Vector2 p0 = polygonPoints[i0];
- Vector2 p1 = polygonPoints[i1];
- Vector2 p2 = polygonPoints[i2];
- float d = clamp(dot(p0-p1, p2-p1) / (length(p0-p1) * length(p2-p1)), -1.0f, 1.0f);
- float angle = acosf(d);
- float area = triangleArea(p0, p1, p2);
- if (area < 0.0f) angle = 2.0f * PI - angle;
- polygonAngles[i1] = angle;
- if (angle < minAngle || !bestIsValid) {
- // Make sure this is a valid ear, if not, skip this point.
- bool valid = true;
- for (uint j = 0; j < size; j++) {
- if (j == i0 || j == i1 || j == i2) continue;
- Vector2 p = polygonPoints[j];
- if (pointInTriangle(p, p0, p1, p2)) {
- valid = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (valid || !bestIsValid) {
- minAngle = angle;
- bestEar = i1;
- bestIsValid = valid;
- }
- }
- }
- nvDebugCheck(minAngle <= 2 * PI);
- // Clip best ear:
- uint i0 = (bestEar+size-1) % size;
- uint i1 = (bestEar+0) % size;
- uint i2 = (bestEar+1) % size;
- int v0 = polygonVertices[i0];
- int v1 = polygonVertices[i1];
- int v2 = polygonVertices[i2];
- mesh->addFace(v0, v1, v2);
- polygonVertices.removeAt(i1);
- polygonPoints.removeAt(i1);
- polygonAngles.removeAt(i1);
- }
- }
-#if 0
- uint i = 0;
- while (polygonVertices.size() > 2 && i < polygonVertices.size()) {
- uint size = polygonVertices.size();
- uint i0 = (i+0) % size;
- uint i1 = (i+1) % size;
- uint i2 = (i+2) % size;
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * v0 = polygonVertices[i0];
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * v1 = polygonVertices[i1];
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * v2 = polygonVertices[i2];
- const Vector3 p0 = v0->pos;
- const Vector3 p1 = v1->pos;
- const Vector3 p2 = v2->pos;
- const Vector3 e0 = p2 - p1;
- const Vector3 e1 = p0 - p1;
- // If this ear forms a valid triangle, setup relations, remove v1 and repeat.
- Vector3 n = cross(e0, e1);
- float len = dot(fn, n); // = sin(angle)
- float angle = asin(len);
- if (len > 0.0f) {
- mesh->addFace(v0->id(), v1->id(), v2->id());
- polygonVertices.removeAt(i1);
- polygonAngles.removeAt(i1);
- if (i2 > i1) i2--;
- // @@ Update angles at i0 and i2
- }
- else {
- i++;
- }
- }
- // @@ Create a few degenerate triangles to avoid introducing holes.
- i = 0;
- const uint size = polygonVertices.size();
- while (i < size - 2) {
- uint i0 = (i+0) % size;
- uint i1 = (i+1) % size;
- uint i2 = (i+2) % size;
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * v0 = polygonVertices[i0];
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * v1 = polygonVertices[i1];
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * v2 = polygonVertices[i2];
- mesh->addFace(v0->id(), v1->id(), v2->id());
- i++;
- }
- }
- mesh->linkBoundary();
- return mesh;
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--- a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Util.h
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-// This code is in the public domain --
-#include "nvmesh/nvmesh.h"
-namespace nv {
- namespace HalfEdge { class Mesh; class Vertex; }
- bool isQuadMesh(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh);
- bool isTriangularMesh(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh);
- uint countMeshTriangles(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh);
- const HalfEdge::Vertex * findBoundaryVertex(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh);
- HalfEdge::Mesh * unifyVertices(const HalfEdge::Mesh * inputMesh);
- HalfEdge::Mesh * triangulate(const HalfEdge::Mesh * inputMesh);
-} // nv namespace