path: root/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Util.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Util.cpp')
1 files changed, 326 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Util.cpp b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Util.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe7b58edf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/Util.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+// This code is in the public domain --
+#include "nvmesh.h" // pch
+#include "Util.h"
+#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h"
+#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Face.h"
+#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Vertex.h"
+#include "nvmath/Vector.inl"
+#include "nvcore/Array.inl"
+using namespace nv;
+// Determine if the given mesh is a quad mesh.
+bool nv::isQuadMesh(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh)
+ nvDebugCheck(mesh != NULL);
+ const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount();
+ for(uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(i);
+ if (face->edgeCount() != 4) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+bool nv::isTriangularMesh(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh)
+ for (HalfEdge::Mesh::ConstFaceIterator it(mesh->faces()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = it.current();
+ if (face->edgeCount() != 3) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+uint nv::countMeshTriangles(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh)
+ const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount();
+ uint triangleCount = 0;
+ for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
+ uint edgeCount = face->edgeCount();
+ nvDebugCheck(edgeCount > 2);
+ triangleCount += edgeCount - 2;
+ }
+ return triangleCount;
+const HalfEdge::Vertex * nv::findBoundaryVertex(const HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh)
+ const uint vertexCount = mesh->vertexCount();
+ for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++)
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = mesh->vertexAt(v);
+ if (vertex->isBoundary()) return vertex;
+ }
+ return NULL;
+HalfEdge::Mesh * nv::unifyVertices(const HalfEdge::Mesh * inputMesh)
+ HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh = new HalfEdge::Mesh;
+ // Only add the first colocal.
+ const uint vertexCount = inputMesh->vertexCount();
+ for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) {
+ const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = inputMesh->vertexAt(v);
+ if (vertex->isFirstColocal()) {
+ mesh->addVertex(vertex->pos);
+ }
+ }
+ nv::Array<uint> indexArray;
+ // Add new faces pointing to first colocals.
+ uint faceCount = inputMesh->faceCount();
+ for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++) {
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = inputMesh->faceAt(f);
+ indexArray.clear();
+ for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance()) {
+ const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
+ const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = edge->vertex->firstColocal();
+ indexArray.append(vertex->id);
+ }
+ mesh->addFace(indexArray);
+ }
+ mesh->linkBoundary();
+ return mesh;
+#include "nvmath/Basis.h"
+static bool pointInTriangle(const Vector2 & p, const Vector2 & a, const Vector2 & b, const Vector2 & c)
+ return triangleArea(a, b, p) >= 0.00001f &&
+ triangleArea(b, c, p) >= 0.00001f &&
+ triangleArea(c, a, p) >= 0.00001f;
+// This is doing a simple ear-clipping algorithm that skips invalid triangles. Ideally, we should
+// also sort the ears by angle, start with the ones that have the smallest angle and proceed in order.
+HalfEdge::Mesh * nv::triangulate(const HalfEdge::Mesh * inputMesh)
+ HalfEdge::Mesh * mesh = new HalfEdge::Mesh;
+ // Add all vertices.
+ const uint vertexCount = inputMesh->vertexCount();
+ for (uint v = 0; v < vertexCount; v++) {
+ const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = inputMesh->vertexAt(v);
+ mesh->addVertex(vertex->pos);
+ }
+ Array<int> polygonVertices;
+ Array<float> polygonAngles;
+ Array<Vector2> polygonPoints;
+ const uint faceCount = inputMesh->faceCount();
+ for (uint f = 0; f < faceCount; f++)
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = inputMesh->faceAt(f);
+ nvDebugCheck(face != NULL);
+ const uint edgeCount = face->edgeCount();
+ nvDebugCheck(edgeCount >= 3);
+ polygonVertices.clear();
+ polygonVertices.reserve(edgeCount);
+ if (edgeCount == 3) {
+ // Simple case for triangles.
+ for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
+ const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = edge->vertex;
+ polygonVertices.append(vertex->id);
+ }
+ int v0 = polygonVertices[0];
+ int v1 = polygonVertices[1];
+ int v2 = polygonVertices[2];
+ mesh->addFace(v0, v1, v2);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Build 2D polygon projecting vertices onto normal plane.
+ // Faces are not necesarily planar, this is for example the case, when the face comes from filling a hole. In such cases
+ // it's much better to use the best fit plane.
+ const Vector3 fn = face->normal();
+ Basis basis;
+ basis.buildFrameForDirection(fn);
+ polygonPoints.clear();
+ polygonPoints.reserve(edgeCount);
+ polygonAngles.clear();
+ polygonAngles.reserve(edgeCount);
+ for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
+ const HalfEdge::Vertex * vertex = edge->vertex;
+ polygonVertices.append(vertex->id);
+ Vector2 p;
+ p.x = dot(basis.tangent, vertex->pos);
+ p.y = dot(basis.bitangent, vertex->pos);
+ polygonPoints.append(p);
+ }
+ polygonAngles.resize(edgeCount);
+ while (polygonVertices.size() > 2) {
+ uint size = polygonVertices.size();
+ // Update polygon angles. @@ Update only those that have changed.
+ float minAngle = 2 * PI;
+ uint bestEar = 0; // Use first one if none of them is valid.
+ bool bestIsValid = false;
+ for (uint i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+ uint i0 = i;
+ uint i1 = (i+1) % size; // Use Sean's polygon interation trick.
+ uint i2 = (i+2) % size;
+ Vector2 p0 = polygonPoints[i0];
+ Vector2 p1 = polygonPoints[i1];
+ Vector2 p2 = polygonPoints[i2];
+ float d = clamp(dot(p0-p1, p2-p1) / (length(p0-p1) * length(p2-p1)), -1.0f, 1.0f);
+ float angle = acosf(d);
+ float area = triangleArea(p0, p1, p2);
+ if (area < 0.0f) angle = 2.0f * PI - angle;
+ polygonAngles[i1] = angle;
+ if (angle < minAngle || !bestIsValid) {
+ // Make sure this is a valid ear, if not, skip this point.
+ bool valid = true;
+ for (uint j = 0; j < size; j++) {
+ if (j == i0 || j == i1 || j == i2) continue;
+ Vector2 p = polygonPoints[j];
+ if (pointInTriangle(p, p0, p1, p2)) {
+ valid = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (valid || !bestIsValid) {
+ minAngle = angle;
+ bestEar = i1;
+ bestIsValid = valid;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nvDebugCheck(minAngle <= 2 * PI);
+ // Clip best ear:
+ uint i0 = (bestEar+size-1) % size;
+ uint i1 = (bestEar+0) % size;
+ uint i2 = (bestEar+1) % size;
+ int v0 = polygonVertices[i0];
+ int v1 = polygonVertices[i1];
+ int v2 = polygonVertices[i2];
+ mesh->addFace(v0, v1, v2);
+ polygonVertices.removeAt(i1);
+ polygonPoints.removeAt(i1);
+ polygonAngles.removeAt(i1);
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+ uint i = 0;
+ while (polygonVertices.size() > 2 && i < polygonVertices.size()) {
+ uint size = polygonVertices.size();
+ uint i0 = (i+0) % size;
+ uint i1 = (i+1) % size;
+ uint i2 = (i+2) % size;
+ const HalfEdge::Vertex * v0 = polygonVertices[i0];
+ const HalfEdge::Vertex * v1 = polygonVertices[i1];
+ const HalfEdge::Vertex * v2 = polygonVertices[i2];
+ const Vector3 p0 = v0->pos;
+ const Vector3 p1 = v1->pos;
+ const Vector3 p2 = v2->pos;
+ const Vector3 e0 = p2 - p1;
+ const Vector3 e1 = p0 - p1;
+ // If this ear forms a valid triangle, setup relations, remove v1 and repeat.
+ Vector3 n = cross(e0, e1);
+ float len = dot(fn, n); // = sin(angle)
+ float angle = asin(len);
+ if (len > 0.0f) {
+ mesh->addFace(v0->id(), v1->id(), v2->id());
+ polygonVertices.removeAt(i1);
+ polygonAngles.removeAt(i1);
+ if (i2 > i1) i2--;
+ // @@ Update angles at i0 and i2
+ }
+ else {
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ // @@ Create a few degenerate triangles to avoid introducing holes.
+ i = 0;
+ const uint size = polygonVertices.size();
+ while (i < size - 2) {
+ uint i0 = (i+0) % size;
+ uint i1 = (i+1) % size;
+ uint i2 = (i+2) % size;
+ const HalfEdge::Vertex * v0 = polygonVertices[i0];
+ const HalfEdge::Vertex * v1 = polygonVertices[i1];
+ const HalfEdge::Vertex * v2 = polygonVertices[i2];
+ mesh->addFace(v0->id(), v1->id(), v2->id());
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ mesh->linkBoundary();
+ return mesh;