path: root/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasBuilder.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasBuilder.cpp')
1 files changed, 1320 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasBuilder.cpp b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasBuilder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd2140c2f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/param/AtlasBuilder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1320 @@
+// This code is in the public domain --
+#include "nvmesh.h" // pch
+#include "AtlasBuilder.h"
+#include "Util.h"
+#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h"
+#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Face.h"
+#include "nvmesh/halfedge/Vertex.h"
+#include "nvmath/Matrix.inl"
+#include "nvmath/Vector.inl"
+//#include "nvcore/IntroSort.h"
+#include "nvcore/Array.inl"
+#include <algorithm> // std::sort
+#include <float.h> // FLT_MAX
+#include <limits.h> // UINT_MAX
+using namespace nv;
+ // Dummy implementation of a priority queue using sort at insertion.
+ // - Insertion is o(n)
+ // - Smallest element goes at the end, so that popping it is o(1).
+ // - Resorting is n*log(n)
+ // @@ Number of elements in the queue is usually small, and we'd have to rebalance often. I'm not sure it's worth implementing a heap.
+ // @@ Searcing at removal would remove the need for sorting when priorities change.
+ struct PriorityQueue
+ {
+ PriorityQueue(uint size = UINT_MAX) : maxSize(size) {}
+ void push(float priority, uint face) {
+ uint i = 0;
+ const uint count = pairs.count();
+ for (; i < count; i++) {
+ if (pairs[i].priority > priority) break;
+ }
+ Pair p = { priority, face };
+ pairs.insertAt(i, p);
+ if (pairs.count() > maxSize) {
+ pairs.removeAt(0);
+ }
+ }
+ // push face out of order, to be sorted later.
+ void push(uint face) {
+ Pair p = { 0.0f, face };
+ pairs.append(p);
+ }
+ uint pop() {
+ uint f = pairs.back().face;
+ pairs.pop_back();
+ return f;
+ }
+ void sort() {
+ //nv::sort(pairs); // @@ My intro sort appears to be much slower than it should!
+ std::sort(pairs.buffer(), pairs.buffer() + pairs.count());
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ pairs.clear();
+ }
+ uint count() const { return pairs.count(); }
+ float firstPriority() const { return pairs.back().priority; }
+ const uint maxSize;
+ struct Pair {
+ bool operator <(const Pair & p) const { return priority > p.priority; } // !! Sort in inverse priority order!
+ float priority;
+ uint face;
+ };
+ Array<Pair> pairs;
+ };
+ static bool isNormalSeam(const HalfEdge::Edge * edge) {
+ return (edge->vertex->nor != edge->pair->next->vertex->nor || edge->next->vertex->nor != edge->pair->vertex->nor);
+ }
+ static bool isTextureSeam(const HalfEdge::Edge * edge) {
+ return (edge->vertex->tex != edge->pair->next->vertex->tex || edge->next->vertex->tex != edge->pair->vertex->tex);
+ }
+} // namespace
+struct nv::ChartBuildData
+ ChartBuildData(int id) : id(id) {
+ planeNormal = Vector3(0);
+ centroid = Vector3(0);
+ coneAxis = Vector3(0);
+ coneAngle = 0;
+ area = 0;
+ boundaryLength = 0;
+ normalSum = Vector3(0);
+ centroidSum = Vector3(0);
+ }
+ int id;
+ // Proxy info:
+ Vector3 planeNormal;
+ Vector3 centroid;
+ Vector3 coneAxis;
+ float coneAngle;
+ float area;
+ float boundaryLength;
+ Vector3 normalSum;
+ Vector3 centroidSum;
+ Array<uint> seeds; // @@ These could be a pointers to the HalfEdge faces directly.
+ Array<uint> faces;
+ PriorityQueue candidates;
+AtlasBuilder::AtlasBuilder(const HalfEdge::Mesh * m) : mesh(m), facesLeft(m->faceCount())
+ const uint faceCount = m->faceCount();
+ faceChartArray.resize(faceCount, -1);
+ faceCandidateArray.resize(faceCount, -1);
+ // @@ Floyd for the whole mesh is too slow. We could compute floyd progressively per patch as the patch grows. We need a better solution to compute most central faces.
+ //computeShortestPaths();
+ // Precompute edge lengths and face areas.
+ uint edgeCount = m->edgeCount();
+ edgeLengths.resize(edgeCount);
+ for (uint i = 0; i < edgeCount; i++) {
+ uint id = m->edgeAt(i)->id;
+ nvDebugCheck(id / 2 == i);
+ edgeLengths[i] = m->edgeAt(i)->length();
+ }
+ faceAreas.resize(faceCount);
+ for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {
+ faceAreas[i] = m->faceAt(i)->area();
+ }
+ const uint chartCount = chartArray.count();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
+ {
+ delete chartArray[i];
+ }
+void AtlasBuilder::markUnchartedFaces(const Array<uint> & unchartedFaces)
+ const uint unchartedFaceCount = unchartedFaces.count();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < unchartedFaceCount; i++){
+ uint f = unchartedFaces[i];
+ faceChartArray[f] = -2;
+ //faceCandidateArray[f] = -2; // @@ ?
+ removeCandidate(f);
+ }
+ nvDebugCheck(facesLeft >= unchartedFaceCount);
+ facesLeft -= unchartedFaceCount;
+void AtlasBuilder::computeShortestPaths()
+ const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount();
+ shortestPaths.resize(faceCount*faceCount, FLT_MAX);
+ // Fill edges:
+ for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
+ {
+ shortestPaths[i*faceCount + i] = 0.0f;
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face_i = mesh->faceAt(i);
+ Vector3 centroid_i = face_i->centroid();
+ for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face_i->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
+ if (!edge->isBoundary())
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face_j = edge->pair->face;
+ uint j = face_j->id;
+ Vector3 centroid_j = face_j->centroid();
+ shortestPaths[i*faceCount + j] = shortestPaths[j*faceCount + i] = length(centroid_i - centroid_j);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Use Floyd-Warshall algorithm to compute all paths:
+ for (uint k = 0; k < faceCount; k++)
+ {
+ for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
+ {
+ for (uint j = 0; j < faceCount; j++)
+ {
+ shortestPaths[i*faceCount + j] = min(shortestPaths[i*faceCount + j], shortestPaths[i*faceCount + k]+shortestPaths[k*faceCount + j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void AtlasBuilder::placeSeeds(float threshold, uint maxSeedCount)
+ // Instead of using a predefiened number of seeds:
+ // - Add seeds one by one, growing chart until a certain treshold.
+ // - Undo charts and restart growing process.
+ // @@ How can we give preference to faces far from sharp features as in the LSCM paper?
+ // - those points can be found using a simple flood filling algorithm.
+ // - how do we weight the probabilities?
+ for (uint i = 0; i < maxSeedCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (facesLeft == 0) {
+ // No faces left, stop creating seeds.
+ break;
+ }
+ createRandomChart(threshold);
+ }
+void AtlasBuilder::createRandomChart(float threshold)
+ ChartBuildData * chart = new ChartBuildData(chartArray.count());
+ chartArray.append(chart);
+ // Pick random face that is not used by any chart yet.
+ uint randomFaceIdx = rand.getRange(facesLeft - 1);
+ uint i = 0;
+ for (uint f = 0; f != randomFaceIdx; f++, i++)
+ {
+ while (faceChartArray[i] != -1) i++;
+ }
+ while (faceChartArray[i] != -1) i++;
+ chart->seeds.append(i);
+ addFaceToChart(chart, i, true);
+ // Grow the chart as much as possible within the given threshold.
+ growChart(chart, threshold * 0.5f, facesLeft);
+ //growCharts(threshold - threshold * 0.75f / chartCount(), facesLeft);
+void AtlasBuilder::addFaceToChart(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f, bool recomputeProxy)
+ // Add face to chart.
+ chart->faces.append(f);
+ nvDebugCheck(faceChartArray[f] == -1);
+ faceChartArray[f] = chart->id;
+ facesLeft--;
+ // Update area and boundary length.
+ chart->area = evaluateChartArea(chart, f);
+ chart->boundaryLength = evaluateBoundaryLength(chart, f);
+ chart->normalSum = evaluateChartNormalSum(chart, f);
+ chart->centroidSum = evaluateChartCentroidSum(chart, f);
+ if (recomputeProxy) {
+ // Update proxy and candidate's priorities.
+ updateProxy(chart);
+ }
+ // Update candidates.
+ removeCandidate(f);
+ updateCandidates(chart, f);
+ updatePriorities(chart);
+// @@ Get N best candidates in one pass.
+const AtlasBuilder::Candidate & AtlasBuilder::getBestCandidate() const
+ uint best = 0;
+ float bestCandidateMetric = FLT_MAX;
+ const uint candidateCount = candidateArray.count();
+ nvCheck(candidateCount > 0);
+ for (uint i = 0; i < candidateCount; i++)
+ {
+ const Candidate & candidate = candidateArray[i];
+ if (candidate.metric < bestCandidateMetric) {
+ bestCandidateMetric = candidate.metric;
+ best = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return candidateArray[best];
+// Returns true if any of the charts can grow more.
+bool AtlasBuilder::growCharts(float threshold, uint faceCount)
+#if 1 // Using one global list.
+ faceCount = min(faceCount, facesLeft);
+ for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
+ {
+ const Candidate & candidate = getBestCandidate();
+ if (candidate.metric > threshold) {
+ return false; // Can't grow more.
+ }
+ addFaceToChart(candidate.chart, candidate.face);
+ }
+ return facesLeft != 0; // Can continue growing.
+#else // Using one list per chart.
+ bool canGrowMore = false;
+ const uint chartCount = chartArray.count();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (growChart(chartArray[i], threshold, faceCount))
+ {
+ canGrowMore = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return canGrowMore;
+bool AtlasBuilder::growChart(ChartBuildData * chart, float threshold, uint faceCount)
+ // Try to add faceCount faces within threshold to chart.
+ for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; )
+ {
+ if (chart->candidates.count() == 0 || chart->candidates.firstPriority() > threshold)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ uint f = chart->candidates.pop();
+ if (faceChartArray[f] == -1)
+ {
+ addFaceToChart(chart, f);
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (chart->candidates.count() == 0 || chart->candidates.firstPriority() > threshold)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+void AtlasBuilder::resetCharts()
+ const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
+ {
+ faceChartArray[i] = -1;
+ faceCandidateArray[i] = -1;
+ }
+ facesLeft = faceCount;
+ candidateArray.clear();
+ const uint chartCount = chartArray.count();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
+ {
+ ChartBuildData * chart = chartArray[i];
+ const uint seed = chart->seeds.back();
+ chart->area = 0.0f;
+ chart->boundaryLength = 0.0f;
+ chart->normalSum = Vector3(0);
+ chart->centroidSum = Vector3(0);
+ chart->faces.clear();
+ chart->candidates.clear();
+ addFaceToChart(chart, seed);
+ }
+void AtlasBuilder::updateCandidates(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
+ // Traverse neighboring faces, add the ones that do not belong to any chart yet.
+ for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current()->pair;
+ if (!edge->isBoundary())
+ {
+ uint f = edge->face->id;
+ if (faceChartArray[f] == -1)
+ {
+ chart->candidates.push(f);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void AtlasBuilder::updateProxies()
+ const uint chartCount = chartArray.count();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
+ {
+ updateProxy(chartArray[i]);
+ }
+namespace {
+ float absoluteSum(Vector4::Arg v)
+ {
+ return fabs(v.x) + fabs(v.y) + fabs(v.z) + fabs(v.w);
+ }
+ //#pragma message(NV_FILE_LINE "FIXME: Using the c=cos(teta) substitution, the equation system becomes linear and we can avoid the newton solver.")
+ struct ConeFitting
+ {
+ ConeFitting(const HalfEdge::Mesh * m, float g, float tf, float tx) : mesh(m), gamma(g), tolf(tf), tolx(tx), F(0), D(0), H(0) {
+ }
+ void addTerm(Vector3 N, float A)
+ {
+ const float c = cosf(X.w);
+ const float s = sinf(X.w);
+ const float tmp = dot(, N) - c;
+ F += tmp * tmp;
+ D.x += 2 * X.x * tmp;
+ D.y += 2 * X.y * tmp;
+ D.z += 2 * X.z * tmp;
+ D.w += 2 * s * tmp;
+ H(0,0) = 2 * X.x * N.x + 2 * tmp;
+ H(0,1) = 2 * X.x * N.y;
+ H(0,2) = 2 * X.x * N.z;
+ H(0,3) = 2 * X.x * s;
+ H(1,0) = 2 * X.y * N.x;
+ H(1,1) = 2 * X.y * N.y + 2 * tmp;
+ H(1,2) = 2 * X.y * N.z;
+ H(1,3) = 2 * X.y * s;
+ H(2,0) = 2 * X.z * N.x;
+ H(2,1) = 2 * X.z * N.y;
+ H(2,2) = 2 * X.z * N.z + 2 * tmp;
+ H(2,3) = 2 * X.z * s;
+ H(3,0) = 2 * s * N.x;
+ H(3,1) = 2 * s * N.y;
+ H(3,2) = 2 * s * N.z;
+ H(3,3) = 2 * s * s + 2 * c * tmp;
+ }
+ Vector4 solve(ChartBuildData * chart, Vector4 start)
+ {
+ const uint faceCount = chart->faces.count();
+ X = start;
+ Vector4 dX;
+ do {
+ for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(chart->faces[i]);
+ addTerm(face->normal(), face->area());
+ }
+ Vector4 dX;
+ //solveKramer(H, D, &dX);
+ solveLU(H, D, &dX);
+ // @@ Do a full newton step and reduce by half if F doesn't decrease.
+ X -= gamma * dX;
+ // Constrain normal to be normalized.
+ X = Vector4(normalize(, X.w);
+ } while(absoluteSum(D) > tolf || absoluteSum(dX) > tolx);
+ return X;
+ }
+ HalfEdge::Mesh const * const mesh;
+ const float gamma;
+ const float tolf;
+ const float tolx;
+ Vector4 X;
+ float F;
+ Vector4 D;
+ Matrix H;
+ };
+ // Unnormalized face normal assuming it's a triangle.
+ static Vector3 triangleNormal(const HalfEdge::Face * face)
+ {
+ Vector3 p0 = face->edge->vertex->pos;
+ Vector3 p1 = face->edge->next->vertex->pos;
+ Vector3 p2 = face->edge->next->next->vertex->pos;
+ Vector3 e0 = p2 - p0;
+ Vector3 e1 = p1 - p0;
+ return normalizeSafe(cross(e0, e1), Vector3(0), 0.0f);
+ }
+ static Vector3 triangleNormalAreaScaled(const HalfEdge::Face * face)
+ {
+ Vector3 p0 = face->edge->vertex->pos;
+ Vector3 p1 = face->edge->next->vertex->pos;
+ Vector3 p2 = face->edge->next->next->vertex->pos;
+ Vector3 e0 = p2 - p0;
+ Vector3 e1 = p1 - p0;
+ return cross(e0, e1);
+ }
+ // Average of the edge midpoints weighted by the edge length.
+ // I want a point inside the triangle, but closer to the cirumcenter.
+ static Vector3 triangleCenter(const HalfEdge::Face * face)
+ {
+ Vector3 p0 = face->edge->vertex->pos;
+ Vector3 p1 = face->edge->next->vertex->pos;
+ Vector3 p2 = face->edge->next->next->vertex->pos;
+ float l0 = length(p1 - p0);
+ float l1 = length(p2 - p1);
+ float l2 = length(p0 - p2);
+ Vector3 m0 = (p0 + p1) * l0 / (l0 + l1 + l2);
+ Vector3 m1 = (p1 + p2) * l1 / (l0 + l1 + l2);
+ Vector3 m2 = (p2 + p0) * l2 / (l0 + l1 + l2);
+ return m0 + m1 + m2;
+ }
+} // namespace
+void AtlasBuilder::updateProxy(ChartBuildData * chart)
+ //#pragma message(NV_FILE_LINE "TODO: Use best fit plane instead of average normal.")
+ chart->planeNormal = normalizeSafe(chart->normalSum, Vector3(0), 0.0f);
+ chart->centroid = chart->centroidSum / float(chart->faces.count());
+ //#pragma message(NV_FILE_LINE "TODO: Experiment with conic fitting.")
+ // F = (Nc*Nt - cos Oc)^2 = (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos w)^2
+ // dF/dx = 2 * x * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos w)
+ // dF/dy = 2 * y * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos w)
+ // dF/dz = 2 * z * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos w)
+ // dF/dw = 2 * sin w * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos w)
+ // JacobianMatrix({
+ // 2 * x * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - Cos(w)),
+ // 2 * y * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - Cos(w)),
+ // 2 * z * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - Cos(w)),
+ // 2 * Sin(w) * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - Cos(w))}, {x,y,z,w})
+ // H[0,0] = 2 * x * Nt_x + 2 * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos(w));
+ // H[0,1] = 2 * x * Nt_y;
+ // H[0,2] = 2 * x * Nt_z;
+ // H[0,3] = 2 * x * sin(w);
+ // H[1,0] = 2 * y * Nt_x;
+ // H[1,1] = 2 * y * Nt_y + 2 * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos(w));
+ // H[1,2] = 2 * y * Nt_z;
+ // H[1,3] = 2 * y * sin(w);
+ // H[2,0] = 2 * z * Nt_x;
+ // H[2,1] = 2 * z * Nt_y;
+ // H[2,2] = 2 * z * Nt_z + 2 * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos(w));
+ // H[2,3] = 2 * z * sin(w);
+ // H[3,0] = 2 * sin(w) * Nt_x;
+ // H[3,1] = 2 * sin(w) * Nt_y;
+ // H[3,2] = 2 * sin(w) * Nt_z;
+ // H[3,3] = 2 * sin(w) * sin(w) + 2 * cos(w) * (x*Nt_x + y*Nt_y + z*Nt_z - cos(w));
+ // @@ Cone fitting might be quite slow.
+ /*ConeFitting coneFitting(mesh, 0.1f, 0.001f, 0.001f);
+ Vector4 start = Vector4(chart->coneAxis, chart->coneAngle);
+ Vector4 solution = coneFitting.solve(chart, start);
+ chart->coneAxis =;
+ chart->coneAngle = solution.w;*/
+bool AtlasBuilder::relocateSeeds()
+ bool anySeedChanged = false;
+ const uint chartCount = chartArray.count();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < chartCount; i++)
+ {
+ if (relocateSeed(chartArray[i]))
+ {
+ anySeedChanged = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return anySeedChanged;
+bool AtlasBuilder::relocateSeed(ChartBuildData * chart)
+ Vector3 centroid = computeChartCentroid(chart);
+ const uint N = 10; // @@ Hardcoded to 10?
+ PriorityQueue bestTriangles(N);
+ // Find the first N triangles that fit the proxy best.
+ const uint faceCount = chart->faces.count();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
+ {
+ float priority = evaluateProxyFitMetric(chart, chart->faces[i]);
+ bestTriangles.push(priority, chart->faces[i]);
+ }
+ // Of those, choose the most central triangle.
+ uint mostCentral;
+ float maxDistance = -1;
+ const uint bestCount = bestTriangles.count();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < bestCount; i++)
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(bestTriangles.pairs[i].face);
+ Vector3 faceCentroid = triangleCenter(face);
+ float distance = length(centroid - faceCentroid);
+ /*#pragma message(NV_FILE_LINE "TODO: Implement evaluateDistanceToBoundary.")
+ float distance = evaluateDistanceToBoundary(chart, bestTriangles.pairs[i].face);*/
+ if (distance > maxDistance)
+ {
+ maxDistance = distance;
+ mostCentral = bestTriangles.pairs[i].face;
+ }
+ }
+ nvDebugCheck(maxDistance >= 0);
+ // In order to prevent k-means cyles we record all the previously chosen seeds.
+ uint index;
+ if (chart->seeds.find(mostCentral, &index))
+ {
+ // Move new seed to the end of the seed array.
+ uint last = chart->seeds.count() - 1;
+ swap(chart->seeds[index], chart->seeds[last]);
+ return false;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Append new seed.
+ chart->seeds.append(mostCentral);
+ return true;
+ }
+void AtlasBuilder::removeCandidate(uint f)
+ int c = faceCandidateArray[f];
+ if (c != -1) {
+ faceCandidateArray[f] = -1;
+ if (c == candidateArray.count() - 1) {
+ candidateArray.popBack();
+ }
+ else {
+ candidateArray.replaceWithLast(c);
+ faceCandidateArray[candidateArray[c].face] = c;
+ }
+ }
+void AtlasBuilder::updateCandidate(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f, float metric)
+ if (faceCandidateArray[f] == -1) {
+ const uint index = candidateArray.count();
+ faceCandidateArray[f] = index;
+ candidateArray.resize(index + 1);
+ candidateArray[index].face = f;
+ candidateArray[index].chart = chart;
+ candidateArray[index].metric = metric;
+ }
+ else {
+ int c = faceCandidateArray[f];
+ nvDebugCheck(c != -1);
+ Candidate & candidate = candidateArray[c];
+ nvDebugCheck(candidate.face == f);
+ if (metric < candidate.metric || chart == candidate.chart) {
+ candidate.metric = metric;
+ candidate.chart = chart;
+ }
+ }
+void AtlasBuilder::updatePriorities(ChartBuildData * chart)
+ // Re-evaluate candidate priorities.
+ uint candidateCount = chart->candidates.count();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < candidateCount; i++)
+ {
+ chart->candidates.pairs[i].priority = evaluatePriority(chart, chart->candidates.pairs[i].face);
+ if (faceChartArray[chart->candidates.pairs[i].face] == -1)
+ {
+ updateCandidate(chart, chart->candidates.pairs[i].face, chart->candidates.pairs[i].priority);
+ }
+ }
+ // Sort candidates.
+ chart->candidates.sort();
+// Evaluate combined metric.
+float AtlasBuilder::evaluatePriority(ChartBuildData * chart, uint face)
+ // Estimate boundary length and area:
+ float newBoundaryLength = evaluateBoundaryLength(chart, face);
+ float newChartArea = evaluateChartArea(chart, face);
+ float F = evaluateProxyFitMetric(chart, face);
+ float C = evaluateRoundnessMetric(chart, face, newBoundaryLength, newChartArea);
+ float P = evaluateStraightnessMetric(chart, face);
+ // Penalize faces that cross seams, reward faces that close seams or reach boundaries.
+ float N = evaluateNormalSeamMetric(chart, face);
+ float T = evaluateTextureSeamMetric(chart, face);
+ //float R = evaluateCompletenessMetric(chart, face);
+ //float D = evaluateDihedralAngleMetric(chart, face);
+ // @@ Add a metric based on local dihedral angle.
+ // @@ Tweaking the normal and texture seam metrics.
+ // - Cause more impedance. Never cross 90 degree edges.
+ // -
+ float cost = float(
+ settings.proxyFitMetricWeight * F +
+ settings.roundnessMetricWeight * C +
+ settings.straightnessMetricWeight * P +
+ settings.normalSeamMetricWeight * N +
+ settings.textureSeamMetricWeight * T);
+ /*cost = settings.proxyFitMetricWeight * powf(F, settings.proxyFitMetricExponent);
+ cost = max(cost, settings.roundnessMetricWeight * powf(C, settings.roundnessMetricExponent));
+ cost = max(cost, settings.straightnessMetricWeight * pow(P, settings.straightnessMetricExponent));
+ cost = max(cost, settings.normalSeamMetricWeight * N);
+ cost = max(cost, settings.textureSeamMetricWeight * T);*/
+ // Enforce limits strictly:
+ if (newChartArea > settings.maxChartArea) cost = FLT_MAX;
+ if (newBoundaryLength > settings.maxBoundaryLength) cost = FLT_MAX;
+ // Make sure normal seams are fully respected:
+ if (settings.normalSeamMetricWeight >= 1000 && N != 0) cost = FLT_MAX;
+ nvCheck(isFinite(cost));
+ return cost;
+// Returns a value in [0-1].
+float AtlasBuilder::evaluateProxyFitMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
+ Vector3 faceNormal = triangleNormal(face);
+ //return square(dot(chart->coneAxis, faceNormal) - cosf(chart->coneAngle));
+ // Use plane fitting metric for now:
+ //return square(1 - dot(faceNormal, chart->planeNormal)); // @@ normal deviations should be weighted by face area
+ return 1 - dot(faceNormal, chart->planeNormal); // @@ normal deviations should be weighted by face area
+ // Find distance to chart.
+ /*Vector3 faceCentroid = face->centroid();
+ float dist = 0;
+ int count = 0;
+ for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
+ if (!edge->isBoundary()) {
+ const HalfEdge::Face * neighborFace = edge->pair()->face();
+ if (faceChartArray[neighborFace->id()] == chart->id) {
+ dist += length(neighborFace->centroid() - faceCentroid);
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ dist /= (count * count);
+ return (1 - dot(faceNormal, chart->planeNormal)) * dist;*/
+ //return (1 - dot(faceNormal, chart->planeNormal));
+float AtlasBuilder::evaluateDistanceToBoundary(ChartBuildData * chart, uint face)
+//#pragma message(NV_FILE_LINE "TODO: Evaluate distance to boundary metric.")
+ // @@ This is needed for the seed relocation code.
+ // @@ This could provide a better roundness metric.
+ return 0.0f;
+float AtlasBuilder::evaluateDistanceToSeed(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
+ //const uint seed = chart->seeds.back();
+ //const uint faceCount = mesh->faceCount();
+ //return shortestPaths[seed * faceCount + f];
+ const HalfEdge::Face * seed = mesh->faceAt(chart->seeds.back());
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
+ return length(triangleCenter(seed) - triangleCenter(face));
+float AtlasBuilder::evaluateRoundnessMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint face, float newBoundaryLength, float newChartArea)
+ // @@ D-charts use distance to seed.
+ // C(c,t) = pi * D(S_c,t)^2 / A_c
+ //return PI * square(evaluateDistanceToSeed(chart, face)) / chart->area;
+ //return PI * square(evaluateDistanceToSeed(chart, face)) / chart->area;
+ //return 2 * PI * evaluateDistanceToSeed(chart, face) / chart->boundaryLength;
+ // Garland's Hierarchical Face Clustering paper uses ratio between boundary and area, which is easier to compute and might work as well:
+ // roundness = D^2/4*pi*A -> circle = 1, non circle greater than 1
+ //return square(newBoundaryLength) / (newChartArea * 4 * PI);
+ float roundness = square(chart->boundaryLength) / chart->area;
+ float newRoundness = square(newBoundaryLength) / newChartArea;
+ if (newRoundness > roundness) {
+ return square(newBoundaryLength) / (newChartArea * 4 * PI);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Offer no impedance to faces that improve roundness.
+ return 0;
+ }
+ //return square(newBoundaryLength) / (4 * PI * newChartArea);
+ //return clamp(1 - (4 * PI * newChartArea) / square(newBoundaryLength), 0.0f, 1.0f);
+ // Use the ratio between the new roundness vs. the previous roundness.
+ // - If we use the absolute metric, when the initial face is very long, then it's hard to make any progress.
+ //return (square(newBoundaryLength) * chart->area) / (square(chart->boundaryLength) * newChartArea);
+ //return (4 * PI * newChartArea) / square(newBoundaryLength) - (4 * PI * chart->area) / square(chart->boundaryLength);
+ //if (square(newBoundaryLength) * chart->area) / (square(chart->boundaryLength) * newChartArea);
+float AtlasBuilder::evaluateStraightnessMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
+ float l_out = 0.0f;
+ float l_in = 0.0f;
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
+ for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
+ //float l = edge->length();
+ float l = edgeLengths[edge->id/2];
+ if (edge->isBoundary())
+ {
+ l_out += l;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint neighborFaceId = edge->pair->face->id;
+ if (faceChartArray[neighborFaceId] != chart->id) {
+ l_out += l;
+ }
+ else {
+ l_in += l;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ nvDebugCheck(l_in != 0.0f); // Candidate face must be adjacent to chart. @@ This is not true if the input mesh has zero-length edges.
+ //return l_out / l_in;
+ float ratio = (l_out - l_in) / (l_out + l_in);
+ //if (ratio < 0) ratio *= 10; // Encourage closing gaps.
+ return min(ratio, 0.0f); // Only use the straightness metric to close gaps.
+ //return ratio;
+float AtlasBuilder::evaluateNormalSeamMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
+ float seamFactor = 0.0f;
+ float totalLength = 0.0f;
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
+ for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
+ if (edge->isBoundary()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const uint neighborFaceId = edge->pair->face->id;
+ if (faceChartArray[neighborFaceId] != chart->id) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ //float l = edge->length();
+ float l = edgeLengths[edge->id/2];
+ totalLength += l;
+ if (!edge->isSeam()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Make sure it's a normal seam.
+ if (isNormalSeam(edge))
+ {
+ float d0 = clamp(dot(edge->vertex->nor, edge->pair->next->vertex->nor), 0.0f, 1.0f);
+ float d1 = clamp(dot(edge->next->vertex->nor, edge->pair->vertex->nor), 0.0f, 1.0f);
+ //float a0 = clamp(acosf(d0) / (PI/2), 0.0f, 1.0f);
+ //float a1 = clamp(acosf(d1) / (PI/2), 0.0f, 1.0f);
+ //l *= (a0 + a1) * 0.5f;
+ l *= 1 - (d0 + d1) * 0.5f;
+ seamFactor += l;
+ }
+ }
+ if (seamFactor == 0) return 0.0f;
+ return seamFactor / totalLength;
+float AtlasBuilder::evaluateTextureSeamMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
+ float seamLength = 0.0f;
+ //float newSeamLength = 0.0f;
+ //float oldSeamLength = 0.0f;
+ float totalLength = 0.0f;
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
+ for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
+ /*float l = edge->length();
+ totalLength += l;
+ if (edge->isBoundary() || !edge->isSeam()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Make sure it's a texture seam.
+ if (isTextureSeam(edge))
+ {
+ uint neighborFaceId = edge->pair()->face()->id();
+ if (faceChartArray[neighborFaceId] != chart->id) {
+ newSeamLength += l;
+ }
+ else {
+ oldSeamLength += l;
+ }
+ }*/
+ if (edge->isBoundary()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ const uint neighborFaceId = edge->pair->face->id;
+ if (faceChartArray[neighborFaceId] != chart->id) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ //float l = edge->length();
+ float l = edgeLengths[edge->id/2];
+ totalLength += l;
+ if (!edge->isSeam()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Make sure it's a texture seam.
+ if (isTextureSeam(edge))
+ {
+ seamLength += l;
+ }
+ }
+ if (seamLength == 0.0f) {
+ return 0.0f; // Avoid division by zero.
+ }
+ return seamLength / totalLength;
+float AtlasBuilder::evaluateSeamMetric(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
+ float newSeamLength = 0.0f;
+ float oldSeamLength = 0.0f;
+ float totalLength = 0.0f;
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
+ for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
+ //float l = edge->length();
+ float l = edgeLengths[edge->id/2];
+ if (edge->isBoundary())
+ {
+ newSeamLength += l;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (edge->isSeam())
+ {
+ uint neighborFaceId = edge->pair->face->id;
+ if (faceChartArray[neighborFaceId] != chart->id) {
+ newSeamLength += l;
+ }
+ else {
+ oldSeamLength += l;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ totalLength += l;
+ }
+ return (newSeamLength - oldSeamLength) / totalLength;
+float AtlasBuilder::evaluateChartArea(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
+ //return chart->area + face->area();
+ return chart->area + faceAreas[face->id];
+float AtlasBuilder::evaluateBoundaryLength(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
+ float boundaryLength = chart->boundaryLength;
+ // Add new edges, subtract edges shared with the chart.
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
+ for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
+ //float edgeLength = edge->length();
+ float edgeLength = edgeLengths[edge->id/2];
+ if (edge->isBoundary())
+ {
+ boundaryLength += edgeLength;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint neighborFaceId = edge->pair->face->id;
+ if (faceChartArray[neighborFaceId] != chart->id) {
+ boundaryLength += edgeLength;
+ }
+ else {
+ boundaryLength -= edgeLength;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //nvDebugCheck(boundaryLength >= 0);
+ return max(0.0f, boundaryLength); // @@ Hack!
+Vector3 AtlasBuilder::evaluateChartNormalSum(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
+ return chart->normalSum + triangleNormalAreaScaled(face);
+Vector3 AtlasBuilder::evaluateChartCentroidSum(ChartBuildData * chart, uint f)
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
+ return chart->centroidSum + face->centroid();
+Vector3 AtlasBuilder::computeChartCentroid(const ChartBuildData * chart)
+ Vector3 centroid(0);
+ const uint faceCount = chart->faces.count();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(chart->faces[i]);
+ centroid += triangleCenter(face);
+ }
+ return centroid / float(faceCount);
+void AtlasBuilder::fillHoles(float threshold)
+ while (facesLeft > 0)
+ {
+ createRandomChart(threshold);
+ }
+void AtlasBuilder::mergeChart(ChartBuildData * owner, ChartBuildData * chart, float sharedBoundaryLength)
+ const uint faceCount = chart->faces.count();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
+ {
+ uint f = chart->faces[i];
+ nvDebugCheck(faceChartArray[f] == chart->id);
+ faceChartArray[f] = owner->id;
+ owner->faces.append(f);
+ }
+ // Update adjacencies?
+ owner->area += chart->area;
+ owner->boundaryLength += chart->boundaryLength - sharedBoundaryLength;
+ owner->normalSum += chart->normalSum;
+ owner->centroidSum += chart->centroidSum;
+ updateProxy(owner);
+void AtlasBuilder::mergeCharts()
+ Array<float> sharedBoundaryLengths;
+ const uint chartCount = chartArray.count();
+ for (int c = chartCount-1; c >= 0; c--)
+ {
+ sharedBoundaryLengths.clear();
+ sharedBoundaryLengths.resize(chartCount, 0.0f);
+ ChartBuildData * chart = chartArray[c];
+ float externalBoundary = 0.0f;
+ const uint faceCount = chart->faces.count();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++)
+ {
+ uint f = chart->faces[i];
+ const HalfEdge::Face * face = mesh->faceAt(f);
+ for (HalfEdge::Face::ConstEdgeIterator it(face->edges()); !it.isDone(); it.advance())
+ {
+ const HalfEdge::Edge * edge = it.current();
+ //float l = edge->length();
+ float l = edgeLengths[edge->id/2];
+ if (edge->isBoundary()) {
+ externalBoundary += l;
+ }
+ else {
+ uint neighborFace = edge->pair->face->id;
+ uint neighborChart = faceChartArray[neighborFace];
+ if (neighborChart != c) {
+ if ((edge->isSeam() && (isNormalSeam(edge) || isTextureSeam(edge))) || neighborChart == -2) {
+ externalBoundary += l;
+ }
+ else {
+ sharedBoundaryLengths[neighborChart] += l;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int cc = chartCount-1; cc >= 0; cc--)
+ {
+ if (cc == c)
+ continue;
+ ChartBuildData * chart2 = chartArray[cc];
+ if (chart2 == NULL)
+ continue;
+ if (sharedBoundaryLengths[cc] > 0.8 * max(0.0f, chart->boundaryLength - externalBoundary)) {
+ // Try to avoid degenerate configurations.
+ if (chart2->boundaryLength > sharedBoundaryLengths[cc])
+ {
+ if (dot(chart2->planeNormal, chart->planeNormal) > -0.25) {
+ mergeChart(chart2, chart, sharedBoundaryLengths[cc]);
+ delete chart;
+ chartArray[c] = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (sharedBoundaryLengths[cc] > 0.20 * max(0.0f, chart->boundaryLength - externalBoundary)) {
+ // Compare proxies.
+ if (dot(chart2->planeNormal, chart->planeNormal) > 0) {
+ mergeChart(chart2, chart, sharedBoundaryLengths[cc]);
+ delete chart;
+ chartArray[c] = NULL;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Remove deleted charts.
+ for (int c = 0; c < I32(chartArray.count()); /*do not increment if removed*/)
+ {
+ if (chartArray[c] == NULL) {
+ chartArray.removeAt(c);
+ // Update faceChartArray.
+ const uint faceCount = faceChartArray.count();
+ for (uint i = 0; i < faceCount; i++) {
+ nvDebugCheck (faceChartArray[i] != -1);
+ nvDebugCheck (faceChartArray[i] != c);
+ nvDebugCheck (faceChartArray[i] <= I32(chartArray.count()));
+ if (faceChartArray[i] > c) {
+ faceChartArray[i]--;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ chartArray[c]->id = c;
+ c++;
+ }
+ }
+const Array<uint> & AtlasBuilder::chartFaces(uint i) const
+ return chartArray[i]->faces;