path: root/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h')
1 files changed, 274 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c202c2ef9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/thekla_atlas/nvmesh/halfedge/Mesh.h
@@ -0,0 +1,274 @@
+// This code is in the public domain --
+#pragma once
+#include "nvmesh/nvmesh.h"
+#include "nvcore/Array.h"
+#include "nvcore/HashMap.h"
+If I were to redo this again, there are a number of things that I would do differently.
+- Edge map is only useful when importing a mesh to guarantee the result is two-manifold. However, when manipulating the mesh
+ it's a pain to maintain the map up to date.
+- Edge array only points to the even vertices. There's no good reason for that. The map becomes required to traverse all edges
+ or you have to make sure edges are properly paired.
+- Linked boundaries. It's cleaner to assume a NULL pair means a boundary edge. Makes easier to seal boundaries. The only reason
+ why we link boundaries is to simplify traversal, but that could be done with two helper functions (nextBoundary, prevBoundary).
+- Minimize the amount of state that needs to be set in a certain way:
+ - boundary vertices point to boundary edge.
+- Remove parenthesis! Make some members public.
+- Remove member functions with side effects:
+ - e->setNext(n) modifies e->next and n->prev, instead use "link(e, n)", or "e->next = n, n->prev = e"
+namespace nv
+ class Vector3;
+ class TriMesh;
+ class QuadTriMesh;
+ //template <typename T> struct Hash<Mesh::Key>;
+ namespace HalfEdge
+ {
+ class Edge;
+ class Face;
+ class Vertex;
+ /// Simple half edge mesh designed for dynamic mesh manipulation.
+ class Mesh
+ {
+ public:
+ Mesh();
+ Mesh(const Mesh * mesh);
+ ~Mesh();
+ void clear();
+ Vertex * addVertex(const Vector3 & pos);
+ //Vertex * addVertex(uint id, const Vector3 & pos);
+ //void addVertices(const Mesh * mesh);
+ void linkColocals();
+ void linkColocalsWithCanonicalMap(const Array<uint> & canonicalMap);
+ void resetColocalLinks();
+ Face * addFace();
+ Face * addFace(uint v0, uint v1, uint v2);
+ Face * addFace(uint v0, uint v1, uint v2, uint v3);
+ Face * addFace(const Array<uint> & indexArray);
+ Face * addFace(const Array<uint> & indexArray, uint first, uint num);
+ //void addFaces(const Mesh * mesh);
+ // These functions disconnect the given element from the mesh and delete it.
+ void disconnect(Edge * edge);
+ void disconnectPair(Edge * edge);
+ void disconnect(Vertex * vertex);
+ void disconnect(Face * face);
+ void remove(Edge * edge);
+ void remove(Vertex * vertex);
+ void remove(Face * face);
+ // Remove holes from arrays and reassign indices.
+ void compactEdges();
+ void compactVertices();
+ void compactFaces();
+ void triangulate();
+ void linkBoundary();
+ bool splitBoundaryEdges(); // Returns true if any split was made.
+ // Sew the boundary that starts at the given edge, returns one edge that still belongs to boundary, or NULL if boundary closed.
+ HalfEdge::Edge * sewBoundary(Edge * startEdge);
+ // Vertices
+ uint vertexCount() const { return m_vertexArray.count(); }
+ const Vertex * vertexAt(int i) const { return m_vertexArray[i]; }
+ Vertex * vertexAt(int i) { return m_vertexArray[i]; }
+ uint colocalVertexCount() const { return m_colocalVertexCount; }
+ // Faces
+ uint faceCount() const { return m_faceArray.count(); }
+ const Face * faceAt(int i) const { return m_faceArray[i]; }
+ Face * faceAt(int i) { return m_faceArray[i]; }
+ // Edges
+ uint edgeCount() const { return m_edgeArray.count(); }
+ const Edge * edgeAt(int i) const { return m_edgeArray[i]; }
+ Edge * edgeAt(int i) { return m_edgeArray[i]; }
+ class ConstVertexIterator;
+ class VertexIterator
+ {
+ friend class ConstVertexIterator;
+ public:
+ VertexIterator(Mesh * mesh) : m_mesh(mesh), m_current(0) { }
+ virtual void advance() { m_current++; }
+ virtual bool isDone() const { return m_current == m_mesh->vertexCount(); }
+ virtual Vertex * current() const { return m_mesh->vertexAt(m_current); }
+ private:
+ HalfEdge::Mesh * m_mesh;
+ uint m_current;
+ };
+ VertexIterator vertices() { return VertexIterator(this); }
+ class ConstVertexIterator
+ {
+ public:
+ ConstVertexIterator(const Mesh * mesh) : m_mesh(mesh), m_current(0) { }
+ ConstVertexIterator(class VertexIterator & it) : m_mesh(it.m_mesh), m_current(it.m_current) { }
+ virtual void advance() { m_current++; }
+ virtual bool isDone() const { return m_current == m_mesh->vertexCount(); }
+ virtual const Vertex * current() const { return m_mesh->vertexAt(m_current); }
+ private:
+ const HalfEdge::Mesh * m_mesh;
+ uint m_current;
+ };
+ ConstVertexIterator vertices() const { return ConstVertexIterator(this); }
+ class ConstFaceIterator;
+ class FaceIterator
+ {
+ friend class ConstFaceIterator;
+ public:
+ FaceIterator(Mesh * mesh) : m_mesh(mesh), m_current(0) { }
+ virtual void advance() { m_current++; }
+ virtual bool isDone() const { return m_current == m_mesh->faceCount(); }
+ virtual Face * current() const { return m_mesh->faceAt(m_current); }
+ private:
+ HalfEdge::Mesh * m_mesh;
+ uint m_current;
+ };
+ FaceIterator faces() { return FaceIterator(this); }
+ class ConstFaceIterator
+ {
+ public:
+ ConstFaceIterator(const Mesh * mesh) : m_mesh(mesh), m_current(0) { }
+ ConstFaceIterator(const FaceIterator & it) : m_mesh(it.m_mesh), m_current(it.m_current) { }
+ virtual void advance() { m_current++; }
+ virtual bool isDone() const { return m_current == m_mesh->faceCount(); }
+ virtual const Face * current() const { return m_mesh->faceAt(m_current); }
+ private:
+ const HalfEdge::Mesh * m_mesh;
+ uint m_current;
+ };
+ ConstFaceIterator faces() const { return ConstFaceIterator(this); }
+ class ConstEdgeIterator;
+ class EdgeIterator
+ {
+ friend class ConstEdgeIterator;
+ public:
+ EdgeIterator(Mesh * mesh) : m_mesh(mesh), m_current(0) { }
+ virtual void advance() { m_current++; }
+ virtual bool isDone() const { return m_current == m_mesh->edgeCount(); }
+ virtual Edge * current() const { return m_mesh->edgeAt(m_current); }
+ private:
+ HalfEdge::Mesh * m_mesh;
+ uint m_current;
+ };
+ EdgeIterator edges() { return EdgeIterator(this); }
+ class ConstEdgeIterator
+ {
+ public:
+ ConstEdgeIterator(const Mesh * mesh) : m_mesh(mesh), m_current(0) { }
+ ConstEdgeIterator(const EdgeIterator & it) : m_mesh(it.m_mesh), m_current(it.m_current) { }
+ virtual void advance() { m_current++; }
+ virtual bool isDone() const { return m_current == m_mesh->edgeCount(); }
+ virtual const Edge * current() const { return m_mesh->edgeAt(m_current); }
+ private:
+ const HalfEdge::Mesh * m_mesh;
+ uint m_current;
+ };
+ ConstEdgeIterator edges() const { return ConstEdgeIterator(this); }
+ // @@ Add half-edge iterator.
+ // Convert to tri mesh.
+ TriMesh * toTriMesh() const;
+ QuadTriMesh * toQuadTriMesh() const;
+ bool isValid() const;
+ public:
+ // Error status:
+ mutable uint errorCount;
+ mutable uint errorIndex0;
+ mutable uint errorIndex1;
+ private:
+ bool canAddFace(const Array<uint> & indexArray, uint first, uint num) const;
+ bool canAddEdge(uint i, uint j) const;
+ Edge * addEdge(uint i, uint j);
+ Edge * findEdge(uint i, uint j) const;
+ void linkBoundaryEdge(Edge * edge);
+ Vertex * splitBoundaryEdge(Edge * edge, float t, const Vector3 & pos);
+ void splitBoundaryEdge(Edge * edge, Vertex * vertex);
+ private:
+ Array<Vertex *> m_vertexArray;
+ Array<Edge *> m_edgeArray;
+ Array<Face *> m_faceArray;
+ struct Key {
+ Key() {}
+ Key(const Key & k) : p0(k.p0), p1(k.p1) {}
+ Key(uint v0, uint v1) : p0(v0), p1(v1) {}
+ void operator=(const Key & k) { p0 = k.p0; p1 = k.p1; }
+ bool operator==(const Key & k) const { return p0 == k.p0 && p1 == k.p1; }
+ uint p0;
+ uint p1;
+ };
+ friend struct Hash<Mesh::Key>;
+ HashMap<Key, Edge *> m_edgeMap;
+ uint m_colocalVertexCount;
+ };
+ /*
+ // This is a much better hash than the default and greatly improves performance!
+ template <> struct hash<Mesh::Key>
+ {
+ uint operator()(const Mesh::Key & k) const { return k.p0 + k.p1; }
+ };
+ */
+ } // HalfEdge namespace
+} // nv namespace