path: root/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/openxr/src/loader')
20 files changed, 5671 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/.gitignore b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5e8e0ba3a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2020 The Khronos Group Inc.
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/android_utilities.cpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/android_utilities.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..59d9a99b74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/android_utilities.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Collabora, Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Author: Ryan Pavlik <>
+#include "android_utilities.h"
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+#include <wrap/>
+#include <wrap/android.content.h>
+#include <wrap/android.database.h>
+#include <json/value.h>
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <vector>
+#include <android/log.h>
+#define ALOGE(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_ERROR, "openxr_loader", __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ALOGW(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_WARN, "openxr_loader", __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ALOGV(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_VERBOSE, "openxr_loader", __VA_ARGS__)
+#define ALOGI(...) __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, "openxr_loader", __VA_ARGS__)
+namespace openxr_android {
+using wrap::android::content::ContentUris;
+using wrap::android::content::Context;
+using wrap::android::database::Cursor;
+using wrap::android::net::Uri;
+using wrap::android::net::Uri_Builder;
+// Code in here corresponds roughly to the Java "BrokerContract" class and subclasses.
+namespace {
+constexpr auto AUTHORITY = "org.khronos.openxr.runtime_broker";
+constexpr auto SYSTEM_AUTHORITY = "org.khronos.openxr.system_runtime_broker";
+constexpr auto BASE_PATH = "openxr";
+constexpr auto ABI_PATH = "abi";
+constexpr auto RUNTIMES_PATH = "runtimes";
+constexpr const char *getBrokerAuthority(bool systemBroker) { return systemBroker ? SYSTEM_AUTHORITY : AUTHORITY; }
+struct BaseColumns {
+ /**
+ * The unique ID for a row.
+ */
+ [[maybe_unused]] static constexpr auto ID = "_id";
+ * Contains details for the /openxr/[major_ver]/abi/[abi]/runtimes/active URI.
+ * <p>
+ * This URI represents a "table" containing at most one item, the currently active runtime. The
+ * policy of which runtime is chosen to be active (if more than one is installed) is left to the
+ * content provider.
+ * <p>
+ * No sort order is required to be honored by the content provider.
+ */
+namespace active_runtime {
+ * Final path component to this URI.
+ */
+static constexpr auto TABLE_PATH = "active";
+ * Create a content URI for querying the data on the active runtime for a
+ * given major version of OpenXR.
+ *
+ * @param systemBroker If the system runtime broker (instead of the installable one) should be queried.
+ * @param majorVer The major version of OpenXR.
+ * @param abi The Android ABI name in use.
+ * @return A content URI for a single item: the active runtime.
+ */
+static Uri makeContentUri(bool systemBroker, int majorVersion, const char *abi) {
+ auto builder = Uri_Builder::construct();
+ builder.scheme("content")
+ .authority(getBrokerAuthority(systemBroker))
+ .appendPath(BASE_PATH)
+ .appendPath(std::to_string(majorVersion))
+ .appendPath(ABI_PATH)
+ .appendPath(abi)
+ .appendPath(RUNTIMES_PATH)
+ .appendPath(TABLE_PATH);
+ ContentUris::appendId(builder, 0);
+ return;
+struct Columns : BaseColumns {
+ /**
+ * Constant for the PACKAGE_NAME column name
+ */
+ static constexpr auto PACKAGE_NAME = "package_name";
+ /**
+ * Constant for the NATIVE_LIB_DIR column name
+ */
+ static constexpr auto NATIVE_LIB_DIR = "native_lib_dir";
+ /**
+ * Constant for the SO_FILENAME column name
+ */
+ static constexpr auto SO_FILENAME = "so_filename";
+ /**
+ * Constant for the HAS_FUNCTIONS column name.
+ * <p>
+ * If this column contains true, you should check the /functions/ URI for that runtime.
+ */
+ static constexpr auto HAS_FUNCTIONS = "has_functions";
+} // namespace active_runtime
+ * Contains details for the /openxr/[major_ver]/abi/[abi]/runtimes/[package]/functions URI.
+ * <p>
+ * This URI is for package-specific function name remapping. Since this is an optional field in
+ * the corresponding JSON manifests for OpenXR, it is optional here as well. If the active
+ * runtime contains "true" in its "has_functions" column, then this table must exist and be
+ * queryable.
+ * <p>
+ * No sort order is required to be honored by the content provider.
+ */
+namespace functions {
+ * Final path component to this URI.
+ */
+static constexpr auto TABLE_PATH = "functions";
+ * Create a content URI for querying all rows of the function remapping data for a given
+ * runtime package and major version of OpenXR.
+ *
+ * @param systemBroker If the system runtime broker (instead of the installable one) should be queried.
+ * @param majorVer The major version of OpenXR.
+ * @param packageName The package name of the runtime.
+ * @param abi The Android ABI name in use.
+ * @return A content URI for the entire table: the function remapping for that runtime.
+ */
+static Uri makeContentUri(bool systemBroker, int majorVersion, std::string const &packageName, const char *abi) {
+ auto builder = Uri_Builder::construct();
+ builder.scheme("content")
+ .authority(getBrokerAuthority(systemBroker))
+ .appendPath(BASE_PATH)
+ .appendPath(std::to_string(majorVersion))
+ .appendPath(ABI_PATH)
+ .appendPath(abi)
+ .appendPath(RUNTIMES_PATH)
+ .appendPath(packageName)
+ .appendPath(TABLE_PATH);
+ return;
+struct Columns : BaseColumns {
+ /**
+ * Constant for the FUNCTION_NAME column name
+ */
+ static constexpr auto FUNCTION_NAME = "function_name";
+ /**
+ * Constant for the SYMBOL_NAME column name
+ */
+ static constexpr auto SYMBOL_NAME = "symbol_name";
+} // namespace functions
+} // namespace
+static inline jni::Array<std::string> makeArray(std::initializer_list<const char *> &&list) {
+ auto ret = jni::Array<std::string>{(long)list.size()};
+ long i = 0;
+ for (auto &&elt : list) {
+ ret.setElement(i, elt);
+ ++i;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static constexpr auto TAG = "OpenXR-Loader";
+#if defined(__arm__)
+static constexpr auto ABI = "armeabi-v7l";
+#elif defined(__aarch64__)
+static constexpr auto ABI = "arm64-v8a";
+#elif defined(__i386__)
+static constexpr auto ABI = "x86";
+#elif defined(__x86_64__)
+static constexpr auto ABI = "x86_64";
+#error "Unknown ABI!"
+/// Helper class to generate the jsoncpp object corresponding to a synthetic runtime manifest.
+class JsonManifestBuilder {
+ public:
+ JsonManifestBuilder(const std::string &libraryPathParent, const std::string &libraryPath);
+ JsonManifestBuilder &function(const std::string &functionName, const std::string &symbolName);
+ Json::Value build() const { return root_node; }
+ private:
+ Json::Value root_node;
+inline JsonManifestBuilder::JsonManifestBuilder(const std::string &libraryPathParent, const std::string &libraryPath)
+ : root_node(Json::objectValue) {
+ root_node["file_format_version"] = "1.0.0";
+ root_node["instance_extensions"] = Json::Value(Json::arrayValue);
+ root_node["functions"] = Json::Value(Json::objectValue);
+ root_node[libraryPathParent] = Json::objectValue;
+ root_node[libraryPathParent]["library_path"] = libraryPath;
+inline JsonManifestBuilder &JsonManifestBuilder::function(const std::string &functionName, const std::string &symbolName) {
+ root_node["functions"][functionName] = symbolName;
+ return *this;
+static constexpr const char *getBrokerTypeName(bool systemBroker) { return systemBroker ? "system" : "installable"; }
+static int populateFunctions(wrap::android::content::Context const &context, bool systemBroker, const std::string &packageName,
+ JsonManifestBuilder &builder) {
+ jni::Array<std::string> projection = makeArray({functions::Columns::FUNCTION_NAME, functions::Columns::SYMBOL_NAME});
+ auto uri = functions::makeContentUri(systemBroker, XR_VERSION_MAJOR(XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION), packageName, ABI);
+ ALOGI("populateFunctions: Querying URI: %s", uri.toString().c_str());
+ Cursor cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, projection);
+ if (cursor.isNull()) {
+ ALOGE("Null cursor when querying content resolver for functions.");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ if (cursor.getCount() < 1) {
+ ALOGE("Non-null but empty cursor when querying content resolver for functions.");
+ cursor.close();
+ return -1;
+ }
+ auto functionIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(functions::Columns::FUNCTION_NAME);
+ auto symbolIndex = cursor.getColumnIndex(functions::Columns::SYMBOL_NAME);
+ while (cursor.moveToNext()) {
+ builder.function(cursor.getString(functionIndex), cursor.getString(symbolIndex));
+ }
+ cursor.close();
+ return 0;
+/// Get cursor for active runtime, parameterized by whether or not we use the system broker
+static bool getActiveRuntimeCursor(wrap::android::content::Context const &context, jni::Array<std::string> const &projection,
+ bool systemBroker, Cursor &cursor) {
+ auto uri = active_runtime::makeContentUri(systemBroker, XR_VERSION_MAJOR(XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION), ABI);
+ ALOGI("getActiveRuntimeCursor: Querying URI: %s", uri.toString().c_str());
+ try {
+ cursor = context.getContentResolver().query(uri, projection);
+ } catch (const std::exception &e) {
+ ALOGW("Exception when querying %s content resolver: %s", getBrokerTypeName(systemBroker), e.what());
+ cursor = {};
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (cursor.isNull()) {
+ ALOGW("Null cursor when querying %s content resolver.", getBrokerTypeName(systemBroker));
+ cursor = {};
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (cursor.getCount() < 1) {
+ ALOGW("Non-null but empty cursor when querying %s content resolver.", getBrokerTypeName(systemBroker));
+ cursor.close();
+ cursor = {};
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+int getActiveRuntimeVirtualManifest(wrap::android::content::Context const &context, Json::Value &virtualManifest) {
+ jni::Array<std::string> projection = makeArray({active_runtime::Columns::PACKAGE_NAME, active_runtime::Columns::NATIVE_LIB_DIR,
+ active_runtime::Columns::SO_FILENAME, active_runtime::Columns::HAS_FUNCTIONS});
+ // First, try getting the installable broker's provider
+ bool systemBroker = false;
+ Cursor cursor;
+ if (!getActiveRuntimeCursor(context, projection, systemBroker, cursor)) {
+ // OK, try the system broker as a fallback.
+ systemBroker = true;
+ getActiveRuntimeCursor(context, projection, systemBroker, cursor);
+ }
+ if (cursor.isNull()) {
+ // Couldn't find either broker
+ ALOGE("Could access neither the installable nor system runtime broker.");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ cursor.moveToFirst();
+ auto filename = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(active_runtime::Columns::SO_FILENAME));
+ auto libDir = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(active_runtime::Columns::NATIVE_LIB_DIR));
+ auto packageName = cursor.getString(cursor.getColumnIndex(active_runtime::Columns::PACKAGE_NAME));
+ auto hasFunctions = cursor.getInt(cursor.getColumnIndex(active_runtime::Columns::HAS_FUNCTIONS)) == 1;
+ __android_log_print(ANDROID_LOG_INFO, TAG, "Got runtime: package: %s, so filename: %s, native lib dir: %s, has functions: %s",
+ packageName.c_str(), filename.c_str(), libDir.c_str(), (hasFunctions ? "yes" : "no"));
+ auto lib_path = libDir + "/" + filename;
+ cursor.close();
+ JsonManifestBuilder builder{"runtime", lib_path};
+ if (hasFunctions) {
+ int result = populateFunctions(context, systemBroker, packageName, builder);
+ if (result != 0) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ }
+ virtualManifest =;
+ return 0;
+} // namespace openxr_android
+#endif // __ANDROID__
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/android_utilities.h b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/android_utilities.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..adb8abaf1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/android_utilities.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2020-2021, Collabora, Ltd.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Author: Ryan Pavlik <>
+#pragma once
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+#include "wrap/android.content.h"
+#include <string>
+namespace Json {
+class Value;
+} // namespace Json
+namespace openxr_android {
+using wrap::android::content::Context;
+ * Find the single active OpenXR runtime on the system, and return a constructed JSON object representing it.
+ *
+ * @param context An Android context, preferably an Activity Context.
+ * @param[out] virtualManifest The Json::Value to fill with the virtual manifest.
+ *
+ * @return 0 on success, something else on failure.
+ */
+int getActiveRuntimeVirtualManifest(wrap::android::content::Context const &context, Json::Value &virtualManifest);
+} // namespace openxr_android
+#endif // __ANDROID__
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/api_layer_interface.cpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/api_layer_interface.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b946e09402
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/api_layer_interface.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,398 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Author: Mark Young <>
+#include "api_layer_interface.hpp"
+#include "loader_interfaces.h"
+#include "loader_logger.hpp"
+#include "loader_platform.hpp"
+#include "manifest_file.hpp"
+#include "platform_utils.hpp"
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <memory>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+// Add any layers defined in the loader layer environment variable.
+static void AddEnvironmentApiLayers(std::vector<std::string>& enabled_layers) {
+ std::string layers = PlatformUtilsGetEnv(OPENXR_ENABLE_LAYERS_ENV_VAR);
+ std::size_t last_found = 0;
+ std::size_t found = layers.find_first_of(PATH_SEPARATOR);
+ std::string cur_search;
+ // Handle any path listings in the string (separated by the appropriate path separator)
+ while (found != std::string::npos) {
+ cur_search = layers.substr(last_found, found - last_found);
+ enabled_layers.push_back(cur_search);
+ last_found = found + 1;
+ found = layers.find_first_of(PATH_SEPARATOR, last_found);
+ }
+ // If there's something remaining in the string, copy it over
+ if (last_found < layers.size()) {
+ cur_search = layers.substr(last_found);
+ enabled_layers.push_back(cur_search);
+ }
+XrResult ApiLayerInterface::GetApiLayerProperties(const std::string& openxr_command, uint32_t incoming_count,
+ uint32_t* outgoing_count, XrApiLayerProperties* api_layer_properties) {
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerManifestFile>> manifest_files;
+ uint32_t manifest_count = 0;
+ // Validate props struct before proceeding
+ if (0 < incoming_count && nullptr != api_layer_properties) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < incoming_count; i++) {
+ if (XR_TYPE_API_LAYER_PROPERTIES != api_layer_properties[i].type) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command,
+ "VUID-XrApiLayerProperties-type-type: unknown type in api_layer_properties");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // "Independent of elementCapacityInput or elements parameters, elementCountOutput must be a valid pointer,
+ // and the function sets elementCountOutput." - 2.11
+ if (nullptr == outgoing_count) {
+ }
+ // Find any implicit layers which we may need to report information for.
+ XrResult result = ApiLayerManifestFile::FindManifestFiles(MANIFEST_TYPE_IMPLICIT_API_LAYER, manifest_files);
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ // Find any explicit layers which we may need to report information for.
+ result = ApiLayerManifestFile::FindManifestFiles(MANIFEST_TYPE_EXPLICIT_API_LAYER, manifest_files);
+ }
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command,
+ "ApiLayerInterface::GetApiLayerProperties - failed searching for API layer manifest files");
+ return result;
+ }
+ manifest_count = static_cast<uint32_t>(manifest_files.size());
+ if (nullptr == outgoing_count) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties",
+ "VUID-xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties-propertyCountOutput-parameter: null propertyCountOutput");
+ }
+ *outgoing_count = manifest_count;
+ if (0 == incoming_count) {
+ // capacity check only
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if (nullptr == api_layer_properties) {
+ // incoming_count is not 0 BUT the api_layer_properties is NULL
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties",
+ "VUID-xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties-properties-parameter: non-zero capacity but null array");
+ }
+ if (incoming_count < manifest_count) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(
+ "xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties",
+ "VUID-xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties-propertyCapacityInput-parameter: insufficient space in array");
+ }
+ for (uint32_t prop = 0; prop < incoming_count && prop < manifest_count; ++prop) {
+ manifest_files[prop]->PopulateApiLayerProperties(api_layer_properties[prop]);
+ }
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+XrResult ApiLayerInterface::GetInstanceExtensionProperties(const std::string& openxr_command, const char* layer_name,
+ std::vector<XrExtensionProperties>& extension_properties) {
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerManifestFile>> manifest_files;
+ // If a layer name is supplied, only use the information out of that one layer
+ if (nullptr != layer_name && 0 != strlen(layer_name)) {
+ XrResult result = ApiLayerManifestFile::FindManifestFiles(MANIFEST_TYPE_IMPLICIT_API_LAYER, manifest_files);
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ // Find any explicit layers which we may need to report information for.
+ result = ApiLayerManifestFile::FindManifestFiles(MANIFEST_TYPE_EXPLICIT_API_LAYER, manifest_files);
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(
+ openxr_command,
+ "ApiLayerInterface::GetInstanceExtensionProperties - failed searching for API layer manifest files");
+ return result;
+ }
+ bool found = false;
+ auto num_files = static_cast<uint32_t>(manifest_files.size());
+ for (uint32_t man_file = 0; man_file < num_files; ++man_file) {
+ // If a layer with the provided name exists, get it's instance extension information.
+ if (manifest_files[man_file]->LayerName() == layer_name) {
+ manifest_files[man_file]->GetInstanceExtensionProperties(extension_properties);
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // If nothing found, report 0
+ if (!found) {
+ }
+ }
+ // Otherwise, we want to add only implicit API layers and explicit API layers enabled using the environment variables
+ } else {
+ XrResult result = ApiLayerManifestFile::FindManifestFiles(MANIFEST_TYPE_IMPLICIT_API_LAYER, manifest_files);
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ // Find any environmentally enabled explicit layers. If they're present, treat them like implicit layers
+ // since we know that they're going to be enabled.
+ std::vector<std::string> env_enabled_layers;
+ AddEnvironmentApiLayers(env_enabled_layers);
+ if (!env_enabled_layers.empty()) {
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerManifestFile>> exp_layer_man_files = {};
+ result = ApiLayerManifestFile::FindManifestFiles(MANIFEST_TYPE_EXPLICIT_API_LAYER, exp_layer_man_files);
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ for (auto& exp_layer_man_file : exp_layer_man_files) {
+ for (std::string& enabled_layer : env_enabled_layers) {
+ // If this is an enabled layer, transfer it over to the manifest list.
+ if (enabled_layer == exp_layer_man_file->LayerName()) {
+ manifest_files.push_back(std::move(exp_layer_man_file));
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Grab the layer instance extensions information
+ auto num_files = static_cast<uint32_t>(manifest_files.size());
+ for (uint32_t man_file = 0; man_file < num_files; ++man_file) {
+ manifest_files[man_file]->GetInstanceExtensionProperties(extension_properties);
+ }
+ }
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+XrResult ApiLayerInterface::LoadApiLayers(const std::string& openxr_command, uint32_t enabled_api_layer_count,
+ const char* const* enabled_api_layer_names,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerInterface>>& api_layer_interfaces) {
+ XrResult last_error = XR_SUCCESS;
+ std::unordered_set<std::string> layers_already_found;
+ bool any_loaded = false;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerManifestFile>> enabled_layer_manifest_files_in_init_order = {};
+ // Find any implicit layers.
+ XrResult result =
+ ApiLayerManifestFile::FindManifestFiles(MANIFEST_TYPE_IMPLICIT_API_LAYER, enabled_layer_manifest_files_in_init_order);
+ for (const auto& enabled_layer_manifest_file : enabled_layer_manifest_files_in_init_order) {
+ layers_already_found.insert(enabled_layer_manifest_file->LayerName());
+ }
+ // Find any explicit layers.
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerManifestFile>> explicit_layer_manifest_files = {};
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = ApiLayerManifestFile::FindManifestFiles(MANIFEST_TYPE_EXPLICIT_API_LAYER, explicit_layer_manifest_files);
+ }
+ bool found_all_layers = true;
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ // Put all explicit and then xrCreateInstance enabled layers into a string vector
+ std::vector<std::string> enabled_explicit_api_layer_names = {};
+ AddEnvironmentApiLayers(enabled_explicit_api_layer_names);
+ if (enabled_api_layer_count > 0) {
+ if (nullptr == enabled_api_layer_names) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(
+ "xrCreateInstance",
+ "VUID-XrInstanceCreateInfo-enabledApiLayerNames-parameter: enabledApiLayerCount is non-0 but array is NULL");
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(
+ "xrCreateInstance", "VUID-xrCreateInstance-info-parameter: something wrong with XrInstanceCreateInfo contents");
+ }
+ std::copy(enabled_api_layer_names, enabled_api_layer_names + enabled_api_layer_count,
+ std::back_inserter(enabled_explicit_api_layer_names));
+ }
+ // add explicit layers to list of layers to enable
+ for (const auto& layer_name : enabled_explicit_api_layer_names) {
+ bool found_this_layer = false;
+ for (auto it = explicit_layer_manifest_files.begin(); it != explicit_layer_manifest_files.end();) {
+ bool erased_layer_manifest_file = false;
+ if (layers_already_found.count(layer_name) > 0) {
+ found_this_layer = true;
+ } else if (layer_name == (*it)->LayerName()) {
+ found_this_layer = true;
+ layers_already_found.insert(layer_name);
+ enabled_layer_manifest_files_in_init_order.push_back(std::move(*it));
+ it = explicit_layer_manifest_files.erase(it);
+ erased_layer_manifest_file = true;
+ }
+ if (!erased_layer_manifest_file) {
+ it++;
+ }
+ }
+ // If even one of the layers wasn't found, we want to return an error
+ if (!found_this_layer) {
+ found_all_layers = false;
+ std::string error_message = "ApiLayerInterface::LoadApiLayers - failed to find layer ";
+ error_message += layer_name;
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command, error_message);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerManifestFile>& manifest_file : enabled_layer_manifest_files_in_init_order) {
+ LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle layer_library = LoaderPlatformLibraryOpen(manifest_file->LibraryPath());
+ if (nullptr == layer_library) {
+ if (!any_loaded) {
+ }
+ std::string library_message = LoaderPlatformLibraryOpenError(manifest_file->LibraryPath());
+ std::string warning_message = "ApiLayerInterface::LoadApiLayers skipping layer ";
+ warning_message += manifest_file->LayerName();
+ warning_message += ", failed to load with message \"";
+ warning_message += library_message;
+ warning_message += "\"";
+ LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage(openxr_command, warning_message);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Get and settle on an layer interface version (using any provided name if required).
+ std::string function_name = manifest_file->GetFunctionName("xrNegotiateLoaderApiLayerInterface");
+ auto negotiate = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrNegotiateLoaderApiLayerInterface>(
+ LoaderPlatformLibraryGetProcAddr(layer_library, function_name));
+ if (nullptr == negotiate) {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "ApiLayerInterface::LoadApiLayers skipping layer " << manifest_file->LayerName()
+ << " because negotiation function " << function_name << " was not found";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command, oss.str());
+ LoaderPlatformLibraryClose(layer_library);
+ continue;
+ }
+ // Loader info for negotiation
+ XrNegotiateLoaderInfo loader_info = {};
+ loader_info.structVersion = XR_LOADER_INFO_STRUCT_VERSION;
+ loader_info.structSize = sizeof(XrNegotiateLoaderInfo);
+ loader_info.minInterfaceVersion = 1;
+ loader_info.maxInterfaceVersion = XR_CURRENT_LOADER_API_LAYER_VERSION;
+ loader_info.minApiVersion = XR_MAKE_VERSION(1, 0, 0);
+ loader_info.maxApiVersion = XR_MAKE_VERSION(1, 0x3ff, 0xfff); // Maximum allowed version for this major version.
+ // Set up the layer return structure
+ XrNegotiateApiLayerRequest api_layer_info = {};
+ api_layer_info.structVersion = XR_API_LAYER_INFO_STRUCT_VERSION;
+ api_layer_info.structSize = sizeof(XrNegotiateApiLayerRequest);
+ XrResult res = negotiate(&loader_info, manifest_file->LayerName().c_str(), &api_layer_info);
+ // If we supposedly succeeded, but got a nullptr for getInstanceProcAddr
+ // then something still went wrong, so return with an error.
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(res) && nullptr == api_layer_info.getInstanceProcAddr) {
+ std::string warning_message = "ApiLayerInterface::LoadApiLayers skipping layer ";
+ warning_message += manifest_file->LayerName();
+ warning_message += ", negotiation did not return a valid getInstanceProcAddr";
+ LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage(openxr_command, warning_message);
+ }
+ if (XR_FAILED(res)) {
+ if (!any_loaded) {
+ last_error = res;
+ }
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "ApiLayerInterface::LoadApiLayers skipping layer " << manifest_file->LayerName()
+ << " due to failed negotiation with error " << res;
+ LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage(openxr_command, oss.str());
+ LoaderPlatformLibraryClose(layer_library);
+ continue;
+ }
+ {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "ApiLayerInterface::LoadApiLayers succeeded loading layer " << manifest_file->LayerName()
+ << " using interface version " << api_layer_info.layerInterfaceVersion << " and OpenXR API version "
+ << XR_VERSION_MAJOR(api_layer_info.layerApiVersion) << "." << XR_VERSION_MINOR(api_layer_info.layerApiVersion);
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage(openxr_command, oss.str());
+ }
+ // Grab the list of extensions this layer supports for easy filtering after the
+ // xrCreateInstance call
+ std::vector<std::string> supported_extensions;
+ std::vector<XrExtensionProperties> extension_properties;
+ manifest_file->GetInstanceExtensionProperties(extension_properties);
+ supported_extensions.reserve(extension_properties.size());
+ for (XrExtensionProperties& ext_prop : extension_properties) {
+ supported_extensions.emplace_back(ext_prop.extensionName);
+ }
+ // Add this API layer to the vector
+ api_layer_interfaces.emplace_back(new ApiLayerInterface(manifest_file->LayerName(), layer_library, supported_extensions,
+ api_layer_info.getInstanceProcAddr,
+ api_layer_info.createApiLayerInstance));
+ // If we load one, clear all errors.
+ any_loaded = true;
+ last_error = XR_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ // Set error here to preserve prior error behavior
+ if (!found_all_layers) {
+ }
+ // If we failed catastrophically for some reason, clean up everything.
+ if (XR_FAILED(last_error)) {
+ api_layer_interfaces.clear();
+ }
+ return last_error;
+ApiLayerInterface::ApiLayerInterface(const std::string& layer_name, LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle layer_library,
+ std::vector<std::string>& supported_extensions,
+ PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr get_instance_proc_addr,
+ PFN_xrCreateApiLayerInstance create_api_layer_instance)
+ : _layer_name(layer_name),
+ _layer_library(layer_library),
+ _get_instance_proc_addr(get_instance_proc_addr),
+ _create_api_layer_instance(create_api_layer_instance),
+ _supported_extensions(supported_extensions) {}
+ApiLayerInterface::~ApiLayerInterface() {
+ std::string info_message = "ApiLayerInterface being destroyed for layer ";
+ info_message += _layer_name;
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("", info_message);
+ LoaderPlatformLibraryClose(_layer_library);
+bool ApiLayerInterface::SupportsExtension(const std::string& extension_name) const {
+ bool found_prop = false;
+ for (const std::string& supported_extension : _supported_extensions) {
+ if (supported_extension == extension_name) {
+ found_prop = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return found_prop;
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/api_layer_interface.hpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/api_layer_interface.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b93e44584e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/api_layer_interface.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Author: Mark Young <>
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <memory>
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include "loader_platform.hpp"
+#include "loader_interfaces.h"
+struct XrGeneratedDispatchTable;
+class ApiLayerInterface {
+ public:
+ // Factory method
+ static XrResult LoadApiLayers(const std::string& openxr_command, uint32_t enabled_api_layer_count,
+ const char* const* enabled_api_layer_names,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerInterface>>& api_layer_interfaces);
+ // Static queries
+ static XrResult GetApiLayerProperties(const std::string& openxr_command, uint32_t incoming_count, uint32_t* outgoing_count,
+ XrApiLayerProperties* api_layer_properties);
+ static XrResult GetInstanceExtensionProperties(const std::string& openxr_command, const char* layer_name,
+ std::vector<XrExtensionProperties>& extension_properties);
+ ApiLayerInterface(const std::string& layer_name, LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle layer_library,
+ std::vector<std::string>& supported_extensions, PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr get_instance_proc_addr,
+ PFN_xrCreateApiLayerInstance create_api_layer_instance);
+ virtual ~ApiLayerInterface();
+ PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr GetInstanceProcAddrFuncPointer() { return _get_instance_proc_addr; }
+ PFN_xrCreateApiLayerInstance GetCreateApiLayerInstanceFuncPointer() { return _create_api_layer_instance; }
+ std::string LayerName() { return _layer_name; }
+ // Generated methods
+ bool SupportsExtension(const std::string& extension_name) const;
+ private:
+ std::string _layer_name;
+ LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle _layer_library;
+ PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr _get_instance_proc_addr;
+ PFN_xrCreateApiLayerInstance _create_api_layer_instance;
+ std::vector<std::string> _supported_extensions;
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/exception_handling.hpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/exception_handling.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..428dd00279
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/exception_handling.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2019-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Author: Ryan Pavlik <>
+// Provides protection for C ABI functions if standard library functions may throw.
+#pragma once
+#include "common_config.h"
+#include <stdexcept>
+#define XRLOADER_ABI_TRY try
+ catch (const std::bad_alloc&) { \
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", "failed allocating memory"); \
+ }
+ catch (const std::exception& e) { \
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", "Unknown failure: " + std::string(e.what())); \
+ } \
+ catch (...) { \
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", "Unknown failure"); \
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_core.cpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_core.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8bbfb4de2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_core.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,847 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Authors: Mark Young <>, Dave Houlton <>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)
+#include "api_layer_interface.hpp"
+#include "exception_handling.hpp"
+#include "hex_and_handles.h"
+#include "loader_instance.hpp"
+#include "loader_logger_recorders.hpp"
+#include "loader_logger.hpp"
+#include "loader_platform.hpp"
+#include "runtime_interface.hpp"
+#include "xr_generated_dispatch_table.h"
+#include "xr_generated_loader.hpp"
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+// Global loader lock to:
+// 1. Ensure ActiveLoaderInstance get and set operations are done atomically.
+// 2. Ensure RuntimeInterface isn't used to unload the runtime while the runtime is in use.
+std::mutex &GetGlobalLoaderMutex() {
+ static std::mutex loader_mutex;
+ return loader_mutex;
+// Prototypes for the debug utils calls used internally.
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderTrampolineCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(
+ XrInstance instance, const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT *createInfo, XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT *messenger);
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderTrampolineDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger);
+// Terminal functions needed by xrCreateInstance.
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrTermGetInstanceProcAddr(XrInstance, const char *, PFN_xrVoidFunction *);
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrTermCreateInstance(const XrInstanceCreateInfo *, XrInstance *);
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrTermCreateApiLayerInstance(const XrInstanceCreateInfo *,
+ const struct XrApiLayerCreateInfo *, XrInstance *);
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrTermSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT(XrInstance, const XrDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT *);
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrTermCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(XrInstance,
+ const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT *,
+ XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT *);
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrTermDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT);
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrTermSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT(
+ XrInstance instance, XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT messageSeverity, XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT messageTypes,
+ const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT *callbackData);
+// Utility template function meant to validate if a fixed size string contains
+// a null-terminator.
+template <size_t max_length>
+inline bool IsMissingNullTerminator(const char (&str)[max_length]) {
+ for (size_t index = 0; index < max_length; ++index) {
+ if (str[index] == '\0') {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+// ---- Core 1.0 manual loader trampoline functions
+#ifdef XR_KHR_LOADER_INIT_SUPPORT // platforms that support XR_KHR_loader_init.
+XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrInitializeLoaderKHR(const XrLoaderInitInfoBaseHeaderKHR *loaderInitInfo) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrInitializeLoaderKHR", "Entering loader trampoline");
+ return InitializeLoader(loaderInitInfo);
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrEnumerateApiLayerProperties(uint32_t propertyCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t *propertyCountOutput,
+ XrApiLayerProperties *properties) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties", "Entering loader trampoline");
+ // Make sure only one thread is attempting to read the JSON files at a time.
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> loader_lock(GetGlobalLoaderMutex());
+ XrResult result = ApiLayerInterface::GetApiLayerProperties("xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties", propertyCapacityInput,
+ propertyCountOutput, properties);
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties", "Failed ApiLayerInterface::GetApiLayerProperties");
+ }
+ return result;
+LoaderXrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(const char *layerName, uint32_t propertyCapacityInput, uint32_t *propertyCountOutput,
+ XrExtensionProperties *properties) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ bool just_layer_properties = false;
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties", "Entering loader trampoline");
+ // "Independent of elementCapacityInput or elements parameters, elementCountOutput must be a valid pointer,
+ // and the function sets elementCountOutput." - 2.11
+ if (nullptr == propertyCountOutput) {
+ }
+ if (nullptr != layerName && 0 != strlen(layerName)) {
+ // Application is only interested in layer's properties, not all of them.
+ just_layer_properties = true;
+ }
+ std::vector<XrExtensionProperties> extension_properties = {};
+ XrResult result;
+ {
+ // Make sure the runtime isn't unloaded while this call is in progress.
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> loader_lock(GetGlobalLoaderMutex());
+ // Get the layer extension properties
+ result = ApiLayerInterface::GetInstanceExtensionProperties("xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties", layerName,
+ extension_properties);
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result) && !just_layer_properties) {
+ // If not specific to a layer, get the runtime extension properties
+ result = RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime("xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ RuntimeInterface::GetRuntime().GetInstanceExtensionProperties(extension_properties);
+ } else {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties",
+ "Failed to find default runtime with RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime()");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties", "Failed querying extension properties");
+ return result;
+ }
+ // If this is not in reference to a specific layer, then add the loader-specific extension properties as well.
+ // These are extensions that the loader directly supports.
+ if (!just_layer_properties) {
+ for (const XrExtensionProperties &loader_prop : LoaderInstance::LoaderSpecificExtensions()) {
+ bool found_prop = false;
+ for (XrExtensionProperties &existing_prop : extension_properties) {
+ if (0 == strcmp(existing_prop.extensionName, loader_prop.extensionName)) {
+ found_prop = true;
+ // Use the loader version if it is newer
+ if (existing_prop.extensionVersion < loader_prop.extensionVersion) {
+ existing_prop.extensionVersion = loader_prop.extensionVersion;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Only add extensions not supported by the loader
+ if (!found_prop) {
+ extension_properties.push_back(loader_prop);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ auto num_extension_properties = static_cast<uint32_t>(extension_properties.size());
+ if (propertyCapacityInput == 0) {
+ *propertyCountOutput = num_extension_properties;
+ } else if (nullptr != properties) {
+ if (propertyCapacityInput < num_extension_properties) {
+ *propertyCountOutput = num_extension_properties;
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties-propertyCountOutput-parameter",
+ "xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties", "insufficient space in array");
+ }
+ uint32_t num_to_copy = num_extension_properties;
+ // Determine how many extension properties we can copy over
+ if (propertyCapacityInput < num_to_copy) {
+ num_to_copy = propertyCapacityInput;
+ }
+ bool properties_valid = true;
+ for (uint32_t prop = 0; prop < propertyCapacityInput && prop < extension_properties.size(); ++prop) {
+ if (XR_TYPE_EXTENSION_PROPERTIES != properties[prop].type) {
+ properties_valid = false;
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-XrExtensionProperties-type-type",
+ "xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties", "unknown type in properties");
+ }
+ if (properties_valid) {
+ properties[prop] = extension_properties[prop];
+ }
+ }
+ if (!properties_valid) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties-properties-parameter",
+ "xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties", "invalid properties");
+ }
+ if (nullptr != propertyCountOutput) {
+ *propertyCountOutput = num_to_copy;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // incoming_count is not 0 BUT the properties is NULL
+ }
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties", "Completed loader trampoline");
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrCreateInstance(const XrInstanceCreateInfo *info,
+ XrInstance *instance) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrCreateInstance", "Entering loader trampoline");
+ if (nullptr == info) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-xrCreateInstance-info-parameter", "xrCreateInstance", "must be non-NULL");
+ }
+ // If application requested OpenXR API version is higher than the loader version, then we need to throw
+ // an error.
+ uint16_t app_major = XR_VERSION_MAJOR(info->applicationInfo.apiVersion); // NOLINT
+ uint16_t app_minor = XR_VERSION_MINOR(info->applicationInfo.apiVersion); // NOLINT
+ if (app_major > loader_major || (app_major == loader_major && app_minor > loader_minor)) {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "xrCreateInstance called with invalid API version " << app_major << "." << app_minor
+ << ". Max supported version is " << loader_major << "." << loader_minor;
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrCreateInstance", oss.str());
+ }
+ if (nullptr == instance) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-xrCreateInstance-instance-parameter", "xrCreateInstance", "must be non-NULL");
+ }
+ // Make sure the ActiveLoaderInstance::IsAvailable check is done atomically with RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime.
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> instance_lock(GetGlobalLoaderMutex());
+ // Check if there is already an XrInstance that is alive. If so, another instance cannot be created.
+ // The loader does not support multiple simultaneous instances because the loader is intended to be
+ // usable by apps using future OpenXR APIs (through xrGetInstanceProcAddr). Because the loader would
+ // not be aware of new handle types, it would not be able to look up the appropriate dispatch table
+ // in some cases.
+ if (ActiveLoaderInstance::IsAvailable()) { // If there is an XrInstance already alive.
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrCreateInstance", "Loader does not support simultaneous XrInstances");
+ }
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerInterface>> api_layer_interfaces;
+ XrResult result;
+ // Make sure only one thread is attempting to read the JSON files and use the instance.
+ {
+ // Load the available runtime
+ result = RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime("xrCreateInstance");
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrCreateInstance", "Failed loading runtime information");
+ } else {
+ // Load the appropriate layers
+ result = ApiLayerInterface::LoadApiLayers("xrCreateInstance", info->enabledApiLayerCount, info->enabledApiLayerNames,
+ api_layer_interfaces);
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrCreateInstance", "Failed loading layer information");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Create the loader instance (only send down first runtime interface)
+ LoaderInstance *loader_instance = nullptr;
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ std::unique_ptr<LoaderInstance> owned_loader_instance;
+ result = LoaderInstance::CreateInstance(LoaderXrTermGetInstanceProcAddr, LoaderXrTermCreateInstance,
+ LoaderXrTermCreateApiLayerInstance, std::move(api_layer_interfaces), info,
+ &owned_loader_instance);
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ loader_instance = owned_loader_instance.get();
+ result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Set(std::move(owned_loader_instance), "xrCreateInstance");
+ }
+ }
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ // Create a debug utils messenger if the create structure is in the "next" chain
+ const auto *next_header = reinterpret_cast<const XrBaseInStructure *>(info->next);
+ const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT *dbg_utils_create_info = nullptr;
+ while (next_header != nullptr) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("xrCreateInstance", "Found XrDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT in \'next\' chain.");
+ dbg_utils_create_info = reinterpret_cast<const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT *>(next_header);
+ XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger;
+ result = LoaderTrampolineCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(loader_instance->GetInstanceHandle(), dbg_utils_create_info,
+ &messenger);
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ }
+ loader_instance->SetDefaultDebugUtilsMessenger(messenger);
+ break;
+ }
+ next_header = reinterpret_cast<const XrBaseInStructure *>(next_header->next);
+ }
+ }
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ // Ensure the global loader instance and runtime are destroyed if something went wrong.
+ ActiveLoaderInstance::Remove();
+ RuntimeInterface::UnloadRuntime("xrCreateInstance");
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrCreateInstance", "xrCreateInstance failed");
+ } else {
+ *instance = loader_instance->GetInstanceHandle();
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrCreateInstance", "Completed loader trampoline");
+ }
+ return result;
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrDestroyInstance(XrInstance instance) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrDestroyInstance", "Entering loader trampoline");
+ // Runtimes may detect XR_NULL_HANDLE provided as a required handle parameter and return XR_ERROR_HANDLE_INVALID. - 2.9
+ if (XR_NULL_HANDLE == instance) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrDestroyInstance", "Instance handle is XR_NULL_HANDLE.");
+ }
+ // Make sure the runtime isn't unloaded while it is being used by xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties.
+ std::unique_lock<std::mutex> loader_lock(GetGlobalLoaderMutex());
+ LoaderInstance *loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrDestroyInstance");
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ const std::unique_ptr<XrGeneratedDispatchTable> &dispatch_table = loader_instance->DispatchTable();
+ // If we allocated a default debug utils messenger, free it
+ XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger = loader_instance->DefaultDebugUtilsMessenger();
+ if (messenger != XR_NULL_HANDLE) {
+ LoaderTrampolineDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(messenger);
+ }
+ // Now destroy the instance
+ if (XR_FAILED(dispatch_table->DestroyInstance(instance))) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrDestroyInstance", "Unknown error occurred calling down chain");
+ }
+ // Get rid of the loader instance. This will make it possible to create another instance in the future.
+ ActiveLoaderInstance::Remove();
+ // Lock the instance create/destroy mutex
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrDestroyInstance", "Completed loader trampoline");
+ // Finally, unload the runtime if necessary
+ RuntimeInterface::UnloadRuntime("xrDestroyInstance");
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+// ---- Core 1.0 manual loader terminator functions
+// Validate that the applicationInfo structure in the XrInstanceCreateInfo is valid.
+static XrResult ValidateApplicationInfo(const XrApplicationInfo &info) {
+ if (IsMissingNullTerminator<XR_MAX_APPLICATION_NAME_SIZE>(info.applicationName)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-XrApplicationInfo-applicationName-parameter", "xrCreateInstance",
+ "application name missing NULL terminator.");
+ }
+ if (IsMissingNullTerminator<XR_MAX_ENGINE_NAME_SIZE>(info.engineName)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-XrApplicationInfo-engineName-parameter", "xrCreateInstance",
+ "engine name missing NULL terminator.");
+ }
+ if (strlen(info.applicationName) == 0) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrCreateInstance",
+ "VUID-XrApplicationInfo-engineName-parameter: application name can not be empty.");
+ }
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+// Validate that the XrInstanceCreateInfo is valid
+static XrResult ValidateInstanceCreateInfo(const XrInstanceCreateInfo *info) {
+ // Should have a valid 'type'
+ if (XR_TYPE_INSTANCE_CREATE_INFO != info->type) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-XrInstanceCreateInfo-type-type", "xrCreateInstance",
+ }
+ // Flags must be 0
+ if (0 != info->createFlags) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-XrInstanceCreateInfo-createFlags-zerobitmask", "xrCreateInstance",
+ "flags must be 0.");
+ }
+ // ApplicationInfo struct must be valid
+ XrResult result = ValidateApplicationInfo(info->applicationInfo);
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-XrInstanceCreateInfo-applicationInfo-parameter", "xrCreateInstance",
+ "info->applicationInfo is not valid.");
+ return result;
+ }
+ // VUID-XrInstanceCreateInfo-enabledApiLayerNames-parameter already tested in LoadApiLayers()
+ if ((info->enabledExtensionCount != 0u) && nullptr == info->enabledExtensionNames) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-XrInstanceCreateInfo-enabledExtensionNames-parameter", "xrCreateInstance",
+ "enabledExtensionCount is non-0 but array is NULL");
+ }
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrTermCreateInstance(const XrInstanceCreateInfo *createInfo,
+ XrInstance *instance) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrCreateInstance", "Entering loader terminator");
+ XrResult result = ValidateInstanceCreateInfo(createInfo);
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-xrCreateInstance-info-parameter", "xrCreateInstance",
+ "something wrong with XrInstanceCreateInfo contents");
+ return result;
+ }
+ result = RuntimeInterface::GetRuntime().CreateInstance(createInfo, instance);
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrCreateInstance", "Completed loader terminator");
+ return result;
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrTermCreateApiLayerInstance(const XrInstanceCreateInfo *info,
+ const struct XrApiLayerCreateInfo * /*apiLayerInfo*/,
+ XrInstance *instance) {
+ return LoaderXrTermCreateInstance(info, instance);
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrTermDestroyInstance(XrInstance instance) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrDestroyInstance", "Entering loader terminator");
+ LoaderLogger::GetInstance().RemoveLogRecordersForXrInstance(instance);
+ XrResult result = RuntimeInterface::GetRuntime().DestroyInstance(instance);
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrDestroyInstance", "Completed loader terminator");
+ return result;
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrTermGetInstanceProcAddr(XrInstance instance, const char *name,
+ PFN_xrVoidFunction *function) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ // A few instance commands need to go through a loader terminator.
+ // Otherwise, go directly to the runtime version of the command if it exists.
+ // But first set the function pointer to NULL so that the fall-through below actually works.
+ *function = nullptr;
+ // NOTE: ActiveLoaderInstance cannot be used in this function because it is called before an instance is made active.
+ if (0 == strcmp(name, "xrGetInstanceProcAddr")) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderXrTermGetInstanceProcAddr);
+ } else if (0 == strcmp(name, "xrCreateInstance")) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderXrTermCreateInstance);
+ } else if (0 == strcmp(name, "xrDestroyInstance")) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderXrTermDestroyInstance);
+ } else if (0 == strcmp(name, "xrSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT")) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderXrTermSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT);
+ } else if (0 == strcmp(name, "xrCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT")) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderXrTermCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT);
+ } else if (0 == strcmp(name, "xrDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT")) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderXrTermDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT);
+ } else if (0 == strcmp(name, "xrSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT")) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderXrTermSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT);
+ } else if (0 == strcmp(name, "xrCreateApiLayerInstance")) {
+ // Special layer version of xrCreateInstance terminator. If we get called this by a layer,
+ // we simply re-direct the information back into the standard xrCreateInstance terminator.
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderXrTermCreateApiLayerInstance);
+ }
+ if (nullptr != *function) {
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ return RuntimeInterface::GetInstanceProcAddr(instance, name, function);
+// ---- Extension manual loader trampoline functions
+LoaderTrampolineCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(XrInstance instance, const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT *createInfo,
+ XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT *messenger) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT", "Entering loader trampoline");
+ if (instance == XR_NULL_HANDLE) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT", "Instance handle is XR_NULL_HANDLE.");
+ }
+ LoaderInstance *loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT");
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->CreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(instance, createInfo, messenger);
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT", "Completed loader trampoline");
+ return result;
+ LoaderTrampolineDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ // TODO: get instance from messenger in loader
+ // Also, is the loader really doing all this every call?
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT", "Entering loader trampoline");
+ if (messenger == XR_NULL_HANDLE) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT", "Messenger handle is XR_NULL_HANDLE.");
+ }
+ LoaderInstance *loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT");
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->DestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(messenger);
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT", "Completed loader trampoline");
+ return result;
+LoaderTrampolineSessionBeginDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT(XrSession session, const XrDebugUtilsLabelEXT *labelInfo) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ if (session == XR_NULL_HANDLE) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrSessionBeginDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT", "Session handle is XR_NULL_HANDLE.");
+ }
+ if (nullptr == labelInfo) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-xrSessionBeginDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT-labelInfo-parameter",
+ "xrSessionBeginDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT", "labelInfo must be non-NULL",
+ {XrSdkLogObjectInfo{session, XR_OBJECT_TYPE_SESSION}});
+ }
+ LoaderInstance *loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrSessionBeginDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT");
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ LoaderLogger::GetInstance().BeginLabelRegion(session, labelInfo);
+ const std::unique_ptr<XrGeneratedDispatchTable> &dispatch_table = loader_instance->DispatchTable();
+ if (nullptr != dispatch_table->SessionBeginDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT) {
+ return dispatch_table->SessionBeginDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT(session, labelInfo);
+ }
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderTrampolineSessionEndDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT(XrSession session) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ if (session == XR_NULL_HANDLE) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrSessionEndDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT", "Session handle is XR_NULL_HANDLE.");
+ }
+ LoaderInstance *loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrSessionEndDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT");
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ LoaderLogger::GetInstance().EndLabelRegion(session);
+ const std::unique_ptr<XrGeneratedDispatchTable> &dispatch_table = loader_instance->DispatchTable();
+ if (nullptr != dispatch_table->SessionEndDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT) {
+ return dispatch_table->SessionEndDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT(session);
+ }
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+LoaderTrampolineSessionInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT(XrSession session, const XrDebugUtilsLabelEXT *labelInfo) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ if (session == XR_NULL_HANDLE) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrSessionInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT", "Session handle is XR_NULL_HANDLE.");
+ }
+ LoaderInstance *loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrSessionInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT");
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (nullptr == labelInfo) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-xrSessionInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT-labelInfo-parameter",
+ "xrSessionInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT", "labelInfo must be non-NULL",
+ {XrSdkLogObjectInfo{session, XR_OBJECT_TYPE_SESSION}});
+ }
+ LoaderLogger::GetInstance().InsertLabel(session, labelInfo);
+ const std::unique_ptr<XrGeneratedDispatchTable> &dispatch_table = loader_instance->DispatchTable();
+ if (nullptr != dispatch_table->SessionInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT) {
+ return dispatch_table->SessionInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT(session, labelInfo);
+ }
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+// No-op trampoline needed for xrGetInstanceProcAddr. Work done in terminator.
+LoaderTrampolineSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT(XrInstance instance, const XrDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT *nameInfo) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance *loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->SetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT(instance, nameInfo);
+ }
+ return result;
+// No-op trampoline needed for xrGetInstanceProcAddr. Work done in terminator.
+static XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderTrampolineSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT(
+ XrInstance instance, XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT messageSeverity, XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT messageTypes,
+ const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT *callbackData) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance *loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result =
+ loader_instance->DispatchTable()->SubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT(instance, messageSeverity, messageTypes, callbackData);
+ }
+ return result;
+// ---- Extension manual loader terminator functions
+XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrTermCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(XrInstance instance,
+ const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT *createInfo,
+ XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT *messenger) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT", "Entering loader terminator");
+ if (nullptr == messenger) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-xrCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT-messenger-parameter",
+ "xrCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT", "invalid messenger pointer");
+ }
+ const XrGeneratedDispatchTable *dispatch_table = RuntimeInterface::GetDispatchTable(instance);
+ XrResult result = XR_SUCCESS;
+ // This extension is supported entirely by the loader which means the runtime may or may not support it.
+ if (nullptr != dispatch_table->CreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT) {
+ result = dispatch_table->CreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(instance, createInfo, messenger);
+ } else {
+ // Just allocate a character so we have a unique value
+ char *temp_mess_ptr = new char;
+ *messenger = reinterpret_cast<XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT>(temp_mess_ptr);
+ }
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ LoaderLogger::GetInstance().AddLogRecorderForXrInstance(instance, MakeDebugUtilsLoaderLogRecorder(createInfo, *messenger));
+ RuntimeInterface::GetRuntime().TrackDebugMessenger(instance, *messenger);
+ }
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT", "Completed loader terminator");
+ return result;
+XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrTermDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT", "Entering loader terminator");
+ const XrGeneratedDispatchTable *dispatch_table = RuntimeInterface::GetDebugUtilsMessengerDispatchTable(messenger);
+ XrResult result = XR_SUCCESS;
+ LoaderLogger::GetInstance().RemoveLogRecorder(MakeHandleGeneric(messenger));
+ RuntimeInterface::GetRuntime().ForgetDebugMessenger(messenger);
+ // This extension is supported entirely by the loader which means the runtime may or may not support it.
+ if (nullptr != dispatch_table->DestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT) {
+ result = dispatch_table->DestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT(messenger);
+ } else {
+ // Delete the character we would've created
+ delete (reinterpret_cast<char *>(MakeHandleGeneric(messenger)));
+ }
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT", "Completed loader terminator");
+ return result;
+XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrTermSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT(
+ XrInstance instance, XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT messageSeverity, XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT messageTypes,
+ const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT *callbackData) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT", "Entering loader terminator");
+ const XrGeneratedDispatchTable *dispatch_table = RuntimeInterface::GetDispatchTable(instance);
+ XrResult result = XR_SUCCESS;
+ if (nullptr != dispatch_table->SubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT) {
+ result = dispatch_table->SubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT(instance, messageSeverity, messageTypes, callbackData);
+ } else {
+ // Only log the message from the loader if the runtime doesn't support this extension. If we did,
+ // then the user would receive multiple instances of the same message.
+ LoaderLogger::GetInstance().LogDebugUtilsMessage(messageSeverity, messageTypes, callbackData);
+ }
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT", "Completed loader terminator");
+ return result;
+LoaderXrTermSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT(XrInstance instance, const XrDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT *nameInfo) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT", "Entering loader terminator");
+ const XrGeneratedDispatchTable *dispatch_table = RuntimeInterface::GetDispatchTable(instance);
+ XrResult result = XR_SUCCESS;
+ if (nullptr != dispatch_table->SetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT) {
+ result = dispatch_table->SetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT(instance, nameInfo);
+ }
+ LoaderLogger::GetInstance().AddObjectName(nameInfo->objectHandle, nameInfo->objectType, nameInfo->objectName);
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT", "Completed loader terminator");
+ return result;
+XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL LoaderXrGetInstanceProcAddr(XrInstance instance, const char *name,
+ PFN_xrVoidFunction *function) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ if (nullptr == function) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-xrGetInstanceProcAddr-function-parameter", "xrGetInstanceProcAddr",
+ "Invalid Function pointer");
+ }
+ if (nullptr == name) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-xrGetInstanceProcAddr-function-parameter", "xrGetInstanceProcAddr",
+ "Invalid Name pointer");
+ }
+ // Initialize the function to nullptr in case it does not get caught in a known case
+ *function = nullptr;
+ LoaderInstance *loader_instance = nullptr;
+ if (instance == XR_NULL_HANDLE) {
+ // Null instance is allowed for a few specific API entry points, otherwise return error
+ if (strcmp(name, "xrCreateInstance") != 0 && strcmp(name, "xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties") != 0 &&
+ strcmp(name, "xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties") != 0 && strcmp(name, "xrInitializeLoaderKHR") != 0) {
+ // TODO why is xrGetInstanceProcAddr not listed in here?
+ std::string error_str = "XR_NULL_HANDLE for instance but query for ";
+ error_str += name;
+ error_str += " requires a valid instance";
+ LoaderLogger::LogValidationErrorMessage("VUID-xrGetInstanceProcAddr-instance-parameter", "xrGetInstanceProcAddr",
+ error_str);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // non null instance passed in, it should be our current instance
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrGetInstanceProcAddr");
+ if (XR_FAILED(result)) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ if (loader_instance->GetInstanceHandle() != instance) {
+ }
+ }
+ // These functions must always go through the loader's implementation (trampoline).
+ if (strcmp(name, "xrGetInstanceProcAddr") == 0) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderXrGetInstanceProcAddr);
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+ } else if (strcmp(name, "xrInitializeLoaderKHR") == 0) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderXrInitializeLoaderKHR);
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+ } else if (strcmp(name, "xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties") == 0) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderXrEnumerateApiLayerProperties);
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+ } else if (strcmp(name, "xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties") == 0) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderXrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties);
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+ } else if (strcmp(name, "xrCreateInstance") == 0) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderXrCreateInstance);
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+ } else if (strcmp(name, "xrDestroyInstance") == 0) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderXrDestroyInstance);
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ // XR_EXT_debug_utils is built into the loader and handled partly through the xrGetInstanceProcAddress terminator,
+ // but the check to see if the extension is enabled must be done here where ActiveLoaderInstance is safe to use.
+ if (*function == nullptr) {
+ if (strcmp(name, "xrCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT") == 0) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderTrampolineCreateDebugUtilsMessengerEXT);
+ } else if (strcmp(name, "xrDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT") == 0) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderTrampolineDestroyDebugUtilsMessengerEXT);
+ } else if (strcmp(name, "xrSessionBeginDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT") == 0) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderTrampolineSessionBeginDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT);
+ } else if (strcmp(name, "xrSessionEndDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT") == 0) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderTrampolineSessionEndDebugUtilsLabelRegionEXT);
+ } else if (strcmp(name, "xrSessionInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT") == 0) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderTrampolineSessionInsertDebugUtilsLabelEXT);
+ } else if (strcmp(name, "xrSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT") == 0) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderTrampolineSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT);
+ } else if (strcmp(name, "xrSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT") == 0) {
+ *function = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction>(LoaderTrampolineSubmitDebugUtilsMessageEXT);
+ }
+ if (*function != nullptr && !loader_instance->ExtensionIsEnabled("XR_EXT_debug_utils")) {
+ // The function matches one of the XR_EXT_debug_utils functions but the extension is not enabled.
+ *function = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (*function != nullptr) {
+ // The loader has a trampoline or implementation of this function.
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ // If the function is not supported by the loader, call down to the next layer.
+ return loader_instance->GetInstanceProcAddr(name, function);
+// Exported loader functions
+// The application might override these by exporting the same symbols and so we can't use these
+// symbols anywhere in the loader code, and instead the internal non exported functions that these
+// stubs call should be used internally.
+LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateApiLayerProperties(uint32_t propertyCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t *propertyCountOutput,
+ XrApiLayerProperties *properties) {
+ return LoaderXrEnumerateApiLayerProperties(propertyCapacityInput, propertyCountOutput, properties);
+LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(const char *layerName,
+ uint32_t propertyCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t *propertyCountOutput,
+ XrExtensionProperties *properties) {
+ return LoaderXrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(layerName, propertyCapacityInput, propertyCountOutput, properties);
+LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateInstance(const XrInstanceCreateInfo *info, XrInstance *instance) {
+ return LoaderXrCreateInstance(info, instance);
+LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroyInstance(XrInstance instance) { return LoaderXrDestroyInstance(instance); }
+LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetInstanceProcAddr(XrInstance instance, const char *name,
+ PFN_xrVoidFunction *function) {
+ return LoaderXrGetInstanceProcAddr(instance, name, function);
+LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrInitializeLoaderKHR(const XrLoaderInitInfoBaseHeaderKHR *loaderInitInfo) {
+ return LoaderXrInitializeLoaderKHR(loaderInitInfo);
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_instance.cpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_instance.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b24c8de53b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_instance.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,303 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Author: Mark Young <>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)
+#include "loader_instance.hpp"
+#include "api_layer_interface.hpp"
+#include "hex_and_handles.h"
+#include "loader_interfaces.h"
+#include "loader_logger.hpp"
+#include "runtime_interface.hpp"
+#include "xr_generated_dispatch_table.h"
+#include "xr_generated_loader.hpp"
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <memory>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+namespace {
+std::unique_ptr<LoaderInstance>& GetSetCurrentLoaderInstance() {
+ static std::unique_ptr<LoaderInstance> current_loader_instance;
+ return current_loader_instance;
+} // namespace
+namespace ActiveLoaderInstance {
+XrResult Set(std::unique_ptr<LoaderInstance> loader_instance, const char* log_function_name) {
+ if (GetSetCurrentLoaderInstance() != nullptr) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(log_function_name, "Active XrInstance handle already exists");
+ }
+ GetSetCurrentLoaderInstance() = std::move(loader_instance);
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+XrResult Get(LoaderInstance** loader_instance, const char* log_function_name) {
+ *loader_instance = GetSetCurrentLoaderInstance().get();
+ if (*loader_instance == nullptr) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(log_function_name, "No active XrInstance handle.");
+ }
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+bool IsAvailable() { return GetSetCurrentLoaderInstance() != nullptr; }
+void Remove() { GetSetCurrentLoaderInstance().release(); }
+} // namespace ActiveLoaderInstance
+// Extensions that are supported by the loader, but may not be supported
+// the the runtime.
+const std::array<XrExtensionProperties, 1>& LoaderInstance::LoaderSpecificExtensions() {
+ static const std::array<XrExtensionProperties, 1> extensions = {XrExtensionProperties{
+ return extensions;
+namespace {
+class InstanceCreateInfoManager {
+ public:
+ explicit InstanceCreateInfoManager(const XrInstanceCreateInfo* info) : original_create_info(info), modified_create_info(*info) {
+ Reset();
+ }
+ // Reset the "modified" state to match the original state.
+ void Reset() {
+ enabled_extensions_cstr.clear();
+ enabled_extensions_cstr.reserve(original_create_info->enabledExtensionCount);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < original_create_info->enabledExtensionCount; ++i) {
+ enabled_extensions_cstr.push_back(original_create_info->enabledExtensionNames[i]);
+ }
+ Update();
+ }
+ // Remove extensions named in the parameter and return a pointer to the current state.
+ const XrInstanceCreateInfo* FilterOutExtensions(const std::vector<const char*>& extensions_to_skip) {
+ if (enabled_extensions_cstr.empty()) {
+ return Get();
+ }
+ if (extensions_to_skip.empty()) {
+ return Get();
+ }
+ for (auto& ext : extensions_to_skip) {
+ FilterOutExtension(ext);
+ }
+ return Update();
+ }
+ // Remove the extension named in the parameter and return a pointer to the current state.
+ const XrInstanceCreateInfo* FilterOutExtension(const char* extension_to_skip) {
+ if (enabled_extensions_cstr.empty()) {
+ return &modified_create_info;
+ }
+ auto b = enabled_extensions_cstr.begin();
+ auto e = enabled_extensions_cstr.end();
+ auto it = std::find_if(b, e, [&](const char* extension) { return strcmp(extension_to_skip, extension) == 0; });
+ if (it != e) {
+ // Just that one element goes away
+ enabled_extensions_cstr.erase(it);
+ }
+ return Update();
+ }
+ // Get the current modified XrInstanceCreateInfo
+ const XrInstanceCreateInfo* Get() const { return &modified_create_info; }
+ private:
+ const XrInstanceCreateInfo* Update() {
+ modified_create_info.enabledExtensionCount = static_cast<uint32_t>(enabled_extensions_cstr.size());
+ modified_create_info.enabledExtensionNames = enabled_extensions_cstr.empty() ? nullptr :;
+ return &modified_create_info;
+ }
+ const XrInstanceCreateInfo* original_create_info;
+ XrInstanceCreateInfo modified_create_info;
+ std::vector<const char*> enabled_extensions_cstr;
+} // namespace
+// Factory method
+XrResult LoaderInstance::CreateInstance(PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr get_instance_proc_addr_term,
+ PFN_xrCreateInstance create_instance_term,
+ PFN_xrCreateApiLayerInstance create_api_layer_instance_term,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerInterface>> api_layer_interfaces,
+ const XrInstanceCreateInfo* info, std::unique_ptr<LoaderInstance>* loader_instance) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogVerboseMessage("xrCreateInstance", "Entering LoaderInstance::CreateInstance");
+ // Check the list of enabled extensions to make sure something supports them, and, if we do,
+ // add it to the list of enabled extensions
+ XrResult last_error = XR_SUCCESS;
+ for (uint32_t ext = 0; ext < info->enabledExtensionCount; ++ext) {
+ bool found = false;
+ // First check the runtime
+ if (RuntimeInterface::GetRuntime().SupportsExtension(info->enabledExtensionNames[ext])) {
+ found = true;
+ }
+ // Next check the loader
+ if (!found) {
+ for (auto& loader_extension : LoaderInstance::LoaderSpecificExtensions()) {
+ if (strcmp(loader_extension.extensionName, info->enabledExtensionNames[ext]) == 0) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Finally, check the enabled layers
+ if (!found) {
+ for (auto& layer_interface : api_layer_interfaces) {
+ if (layer_interface->SupportsExtension(info->enabledExtensionNames[ext])) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ std::string msg = "LoaderInstance::CreateInstance, no support found for requested extension: ";
+ msg += info->enabledExtensionNames[ext];
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrCreateInstance", msg);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ // Topmost means "closest to the application"
+ PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr topmost_gipa = get_instance_proc_addr_term;
+ XrInstance instance{XR_NULL_HANDLE};
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(last_error)) {
+ // Remove the loader-supported-extensions (debug utils), if it's in the list of enabled extensions but not supported by
+ // the runtime.
+ InstanceCreateInfoManager create_info_manager{info};
+ const XrInstanceCreateInfo* modified_create_info = info;
+ if (info->enabledExtensionCount > 0) {
+ std::vector<const char*> extensions_to_skip;
+ for (const auto& ext : LoaderInstance::LoaderSpecificExtensions()) {
+ if (!RuntimeInterface::GetRuntime().SupportsExtension(ext.extensionName)) {
+ extensions_to_skip.emplace_back(ext.extensionName);
+ }
+ }
+ modified_create_info = create_info_manager.FilterOutExtensions(extensions_to_skip);
+ }
+ // Only start the xrCreateApiLayerInstance stack if we have layers.
+ if (!api_layer_interfaces.empty()) {
+ // Initialize an array of ApiLayerNextInfo structs
+ std::unique_ptr<XrApiLayerNextInfo[]> next_info_list(new XrApiLayerNextInfo[api_layer_interfaces.size()]);
+ auto ni_index = static_cast<uint32_t>(api_layer_interfaces.size() - 1);
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i <= ni_index; i++) {
+ next_info_list[i].structType = XR_LOADER_INTERFACE_STRUCT_API_LAYER_NEXT_INFO;
+ next_info_list[i].structVersion = XR_API_LAYER_NEXT_INFO_STRUCT_VERSION;
+ next_info_list[i].structSize = sizeof(XrApiLayerNextInfo);
+ }
+ // Go through all layers, and override the instance pointers with the layer version. However,
+ // go backwards through the layer list so we replace in reverse order so the layers can call their next function
+ // appropriately.
+ PFN_xrCreateApiLayerInstance topmost_cali_fp = create_api_layer_instance_term;
+ XrApiLayerNextInfo* topmost_nextinfo = nullptr;
+ for (auto layer_interface = api_layer_interfaces.rbegin(); layer_interface != api_layer_interfaces.rend();
+ ++layer_interface) {
+ // Collect current layer's function pointers
+ PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr cur_gipa_fp = (*layer_interface)->GetInstanceProcAddrFuncPointer();
+ PFN_xrCreateApiLayerInstance cur_cali_fp = (*layer_interface)->GetCreateApiLayerInstanceFuncPointer();
+ // Fill in layer info and link previous (lower) layer fxn pointers
+ strncpy(next_info_list[ni_index].layerName, (*layer_interface)->LayerName().c_str(),
+ next_info_list[ni_index].layerName[XR_MAX_API_LAYER_NAME_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
+ next_info_list[ni_index].next = topmost_nextinfo;
+ next_info_list[ni_index].nextGetInstanceProcAddr = topmost_gipa;
+ next_info_list[ni_index].nextCreateApiLayerInstance = topmost_cali_fp;
+ // Update saved pointers for next iteration
+ topmost_nextinfo = &next_info_list[ni_index];
+ topmost_gipa = cur_gipa_fp;
+ topmost_cali_fp = cur_cali_fp;
+ ni_index--;
+ }
+ // Populate the ApiLayerCreateInfo struct and pass to topmost CreateApiLayerInstance()
+ XrApiLayerCreateInfo api_layer_ci = {};
+ api_layer_ci.structVersion = XR_API_LAYER_CREATE_INFO_STRUCT_VERSION;
+ api_layer_ci.structSize = sizeof(XrApiLayerCreateInfo);
+ api_layer_ci.loaderInstance = nullptr; // Not used.
+ api_layer_ci.settings_file_location[0] = '\0';
+ api_layer_ci.nextInfo = next_info_list.get();
+ //! @todo do we filter our create info extension list here?
+ //! Think that actually each layer might need to filter...
+ last_error = topmost_cali_fp(modified_create_info, &api_layer_ci, &instance);
+ } else {
+ // The loader's terminator is the topmost CreateInstance if there are no layers.
+ last_error = create_instance_term(modified_create_info, &instance);
+ }
+ if (XR_FAILED(last_error)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("xrCreateInstance", "LoaderInstance::CreateInstance chained CreateInstance call failed");
+ }
+ }
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(last_error)) {
+ loader_instance->reset(new LoaderInstance(instance, info, topmost_gipa, std::move(api_layer_interfaces)));
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "LoaderInstance::CreateInstance succeeded with ";
+ oss << (*loader_instance)->LayerInterfaces().size();
+ oss << " layers enabled and runtime interface - created instance = ";
+ oss << HandleToHexString((*loader_instance)->GetInstanceHandle());
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("xrCreateInstance", oss.str());
+ }
+ return last_error;
+XrResult LoaderInstance::GetInstanceProcAddr(const char* name, PFN_xrVoidFunction* function) {
+ return _topmost_gipa(_runtime_instance, name, function);
+LoaderInstance::LoaderInstance(XrInstance instance, const XrInstanceCreateInfo* create_info, PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr topmost_gipa,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerInterface>> api_layer_interfaces)
+ : _runtime_instance(instance),
+ _topmost_gipa(topmost_gipa),
+ _api_layer_interfaces(std::move(api_layer_interfaces)),
+ _dispatch_table(new XrGeneratedDispatchTable{}) {
+ for (uint32_t ext = 0; ext < create_info->enabledExtensionCount; ++ext) {
+ _enabled_extensions.push_back(create_info->enabledExtensionNames[ext]);
+ }
+ GeneratedXrPopulateDispatchTable(_dispatch_table.get(), instance, topmost_gipa);
+LoaderInstance::~LoaderInstance() {
+ std::ostringstream oss;
+ oss << "Destroying LoaderInstance = ";
+ oss << PointerToHexString(this);
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("xrDestroyInstance", oss.str());
+bool LoaderInstance::ExtensionIsEnabled(const std::string& extension) {
+ for (std::string& cur_enabled : _enabled_extensions) {
+ if (cur_enabled == extension) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_instance.hpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_instance.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d43ed758d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_instance.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Author: Mark Young <>
+#pragma once
+#include "extra_algorithms.h"
+#include "loader_interfaces.h"
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include <array>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <vector>
+class ApiLayerInterface;
+struct XrGeneratedDispatchTable;
+class LoaderInstance;
+// Manage the single loader instance that is available.
+namespace ActiveLoaderInstance {
+// Set the active loader instance. This will fail if there is already an active loader instance.
+XrResult Set(std::unique_ptr<LoaderInstance> loader_instance, const char* log_function_name);
+// Returns true if there is an active loader instance.
+bool IsAvailable();
+// Get the active LoaderInstance.
+XrResult Get(LoaderInstance** loader_instance, const char* log_function_name);
+// Destroy the currently active LoaderInstance if there is one. This will make the loader able to create a new XrInstance if needed.
+void Remove();
+}; // namespace ActiveLoaderInstance
+// Manages information needed by the loader for an XrInstance, such as what extensions are available and the dispatch table.
+class LoaderInstance {
+ public:
+ // Factory method
+ static XrResult CreateInstance(PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr get_instance_proc_addr_term, PFN_xrCreateInstance create_instance_term,
+ PFN_xrCreateApiLayerInstance create_api_layer_instance_term,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerInterface>> layer_interfaces,
+ const XrInstanceCreateInfo* createInfo, std::unique_ptr<LoaderInstance>* loader_instance);
+ static const std::array<XrExtensionProperties, 1>& LoaderSpecificExtensions();
+ virtual ~LoaderInstance();
+ XrInstance GetInstanceHandle() { return _runtime_instance; }
+ const std::unique_ptr<XrGeneratedDispatchTable>& DispatchTable() { return _dispatch_table; }
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerInterface>>& LayerInterfaces() { return _api_layer_interfaces; }
+ bool ExtensionIsEnabled(const std::string& extension);
+ XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT DefaultDebugUtilsMessenger() { return _messenger; }
+ void SetDefaultDebugUtilsMessenger(XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger) { _messenger = messenger; }
+ XrResult GetInstanceProcAddr(const char* name, PFN_xrVoidFunction* function);
+ private:
+ LoaderInstance(XrInstance instance, const XrInstanceCreateInfo* createInfo, PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr topmost_gipa,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerInterface>> api_layer_interfaces);
+ private:
+ XrInstance _runtime_instance{XR_NULL_HANDLE};
+ PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr _topmost_gipa{nullptr};
+ std::vector<std::string> _enabled_extensions;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerInterface>> _api_layer_interfaces;
+ std::unique_ptr<XrGeneratedDispatchTable> _dispatch_table;
+ // Internal debug messenger created during xrCreateInstance
+ XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT _messenger{XR_NULL_HANDLE};
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_logger.cpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_logger.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dba46aa92d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_logger.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Author: Mark Young <>
+#include "loader_logger.hpp"
+#include "extra_algorithms.h"
+#include "hex_and_handles.h"
+#include "loader_logger_recorders.hpp"
+#include "platform_utils.hpp"
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <iterator>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+bool LoaderLogRecorder::LogDebugUtilsMessage(XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT /*message_severity*/,
+ XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT /*message_type*/,
+ const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT* /*callback_data*/) {
+ return false;
+// Utility functions for converting to/from XR_EXT_debug_utils values
+XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags DebugUtilsSeveritiesToLoaderLogMessageSeverities(
+ XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT utils_severities) {
+ XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags log_severities = 0UL;
+ if ((utils_severities & XR_DEBUG_UTILS_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE_BIT_EXT) != 0u) {
+ }
+ if ((utils_severities & XR_DEBUG_UTILS_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_INFO_BIT_EXT) != 0u) {
+ }
+ if ((utils_severities & XR_DEBUG_UTILS_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_WARNING_BIT_EXT) != 0u) {
+ }
+ if ((utils_severities & XR_DEBUG_UTILS_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR_BIT_EXT) != 0u) {
+ }
+ return log_severities;
+XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT LoaderLogMessageSeveritiesToDebugUtilsMessageSeverities(
+ XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags log_severities) {
+ XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT utils_severities = 0UL;
+ if ((log_severities & XR_LOADER_LOG_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_VERBOSE_BIT) != 0u) {
+ }
+ if ((log_severities & XR_LOADER_LOG_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_INFO_BIT) != 0u) {
+ }
+ if ((log_severities & XR_LOADER_LOG_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_WARNING_BIT) != 0u) {
+ }
+ if ((log_severities & XR_LOADER_LOG_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR_BIT) != 0u) {
+ }
+ return utils_severities;
+XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlagBits DebugUtilsMessageTypesToLoaderLogMessageTypes(XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT utils_types) {
+ XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlagBits log_types = 0UL;
+ if ((utils_types & XR_DEBUG_UTILS_MESSAGE_TYPE_GENERAL_BIT_EXT) != 0u) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return log_types;
+XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT LoaderLogMessageTypesToDebugUtilsMessageTypes(XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlagBits log_types) {
+ XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT utils_types = 0UL;
+ if ((log_types & XR_LOADER_LOG_MESSAGE_TYPE_GENERAL_BIT) != 0u) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return utils_types;
+LoaderLogger::LoaderLogger() {
+ std::string debug_string = PlatformUtilsGetEnv("XR_LOADER_DEBUG");
+ // Add an error logger by default so that we at least get errors out to std::cerr.
+ // Normally we enable stderr output. But if the XR_LOADER_DEBUG environment variable is
+ // present as "none" then we don't.
+ if (debug_string != "none") {
+ AddLogRecorder(MakeStdErrLoaderLogRecorder(nullptr));
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+ // Add a logcat logger by default.
+ AddLogRecorder(MakeLogcatLoaderLogRecorder());
+#endif // __ANDROID__
+ }
+#ifdef _WIN32
+ // Add an debugger logger by default so that we at least get errors out to the debugger.
+ AddLogRecorder(MakeDebuggerLoaderLogRecorder(nullptr));
+ // If the environment variable to enable loader debugging is set, then enable the
+ // appropriate logging out to std::cout.
+ if (!debug_string.empty()) {
+ XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags debug_flags = {};
+ if (debug_string == "error") {
+ } else if (debug_string == "warn") {
+ } else if (debug_string == "info") {
+ } else if (debug_string == "all" || debug_string == "verbose") {
+ }
+ AddLogRecorder(MakeStdOutLoaderLogRecorder(nullptr, debug_flags));
+ }
+void LoaderLogger::AddLogRecorder(std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder>&& recorder) {
+ std::unique_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ _recorders.push_back(std::move(recorder));
+void LoaderLogger::AddLogRecorderForXrInstance(XrInstance instance, std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder>&& recorder) {
+ std::unique_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ _recordersByInstance[instance].insert(recorder->UniqueId());
+ _recorders.emplace_back(std::move(recorder));
+void LoaderLogger::RemoveLogRecorder(uint64_t unique_id) {
+ std::unique_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ vector_remove_if_and_erase(
+ _recorders, [=](std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> const& recorder) { return recorder->UniqueId() == unique_id; });
+ for (auto& recorders : _recordersByInstance) {
+ auto& messengersForInstance = recorders.second;
+ if (messengersForInstance.count(unique_id) > 0) {
+ messengersForInstance.erase(unique_id);
+ }
+ }
+void LoaderLogger::RemoveLogRecordersForXrInstance(XrInstance instance) {
+ std::unique_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ if (_recordersByInstance.find(instance) != _recordersByInstance.end()) {
+ auto recorders = _recordersByInstance[instance];
+ vector_remove_if_and_erase(_recorders, [=](std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> const& recorder) {
+ return recorders.find(recorder->UniqueId()) != recorders.end();
+ });
+ _recordersByInstance.erase(instance);
+ }
+bool LoaderLogger::LogMessage(XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlagBits message_severity, XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags message_type,
+ const std::string& message_id, const std::string& command_name, const std::string& message,
+ const std::vector<XrSdkLogObjectInfo>& objects) {
+ XrLoaderLogMessengerCallbackData callback_data = {};
+ callback_data.message_id = message_id.c_str();
+ callback_data.command_name = command_name.c_str();
+ callback_data.message = message.c_str();
+ auto names_and_labels = data_.PopulateNamesAndLabels(objects);
+ callback_data.objects = names_and_labels.sdk_objects.empty() ? nullptr :;
+ callback_data.object_count = static_cast<uint8_t>(names_and_labels.objects.size());
+ callback_data.session_labels = names_and_labels.labels.empty() ? nullptr :;
+ callback_data.session_labels_count = static_cast<uint8_t>(names_and_labels.labels.size());
+ std::shared_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ bool exit_app = false;
+ for (std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder>& recorder : _recorders) {
+ if ((recorder->MessageSeverities() & message_severity) == message_severity &&
+ (recorder->MessageTypes() & message_type) == message_type) {
+ exit_app |= recorder->LogMessage(message_severity, message_type, &callback_data);
+ }
+ }
+ return exit_app;
+// Extension-specific logging functions
+bool LoaderLogger::LogDebugUtilsMessage(XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT message_severity,
+ XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT message_type,
+ const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT* callback_data) {
+ bool exit_app = false;
+ XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags log_message_severity = DebugUtilsSeveritiesToLoaderLogMessageSeverities(message_severity);
+ XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags log_message_type = DebugUtilsMessageTypesToLoaderLogMessageTypes(message_type);
+ AugmentedCallbackData augmented_data;
+ data_.WrapCallbackData(&augmented_data, callback_data);
+ // Loop through the recorders
+ std::shared_lock<std::shared_timed_mutex> lock(_mutex);
+ for (std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder>& recorder : _recorders) {
+ // Only send the message if it's a debug utils recorder and of the type the recorder cares about.
+ if (recorder->Type() != XR_LOADER_LOG_DEBUG_UTILS ||
+ (recorder->MessageSeverities() & log_message_severity) != log_message_severity ||
+ (recorder->MessageTypes() & log_message_type) != log_message_type) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ exit_app |= recorder->LogDebugUtilsMessage(message_severity, message_type, augmented_data.exported_data);
+ }
+ return exit_app;
+void LoaderLogger::AddObjectName(uint64_t object_handle, XrObjectType object_type, const std::string& object_name) {
+ data_.AddObjectName(object_handle, object_type, object_name);
+void LoaderLogger::BeginLabelRegion(XrSession session, const XrDebugUtilsLabelEXT* label_info) {
+ data_.BeginLabelRegion(session, *label_info);
+void LoaderLogger::EndLabelRegion(XrSession session) { data_.EndLabelRegion(session); }
+void LoaderLogger::InsertLabel(XrSession session, const XrDebugUtilsLabelEXT* label_info) {
+ data_.InsertLabel(session, *label_info);
+void LoaderLogger::DeleteSessionLabels(XrSession session) { data_.DeleteSessionLabels(session); }
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_logger.hpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_logger.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..260ebe354a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_logger.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Author: Mark Young <>
+#pragma once
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include <vector>
+#include <set>
+#include <map>
+#include <shared_mutex>
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include "hex_and_handles.h"
+#include "object_info.h"
+// Use internal versions of flags similar to XR_EXT_debug_utils so that
+// we're not tightly coupled to that extension. This way, if the extension
+// changes or gets replaced, we can be flexible in the loader.
+typedef XrFlags64 XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlagBits;
+typedef XrFlags64 XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags;
+typedef XrFlags64 XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlagBits;
+typedef XrFlags64 XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags;
+struct XrLoaderLogMessengerCallbackData {
+ const char* message_id;
+ const char* command_name;
+ const char* message;
+ uint8_t object_count;
+ XrSdkLogObjectInfo* objects;
+ uint8_t session_labels_count;
+ XrDebugUtilsLabelEXT* session_labels;
+enum XrLoaderLogType {
+class LoaderLogRecorder {
+ public:
+ LoaderLogRecorder(XrLoaderLogType type, void* user_data, XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags message_severities,
+ XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags message_types) {
+ _active = false;
+ _user_data = user_data;
+ _type = type;
+ _unique_id = 0;
+ _message_severities = message_severities;
+ _message_types = message_types;
+ }
+ virtual ~LoaderLogRecorder() = default;
+ XrLoaderLogType Type() { return _type; }
+ uint64_t UniqueId() { return _unique_id; }
+ XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags MessageSeverities() { return _message_severities; }
+ XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags MessageTypes() { return _message_types; }
+ virtual void Start() { _active = true; }
+ bool IsPaused() { return _active; }
+ virtual void Pause() { _active = false; }
+ virtual void Resume() { _active = true; }
+ virtual void Stop() { _active = false; }
+ virtual bool LogMessage(XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlagBits message_severity, XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags message_type,
+ const XrLoaderLogMessengerCallbackData* callback_data) = 0;
+ // Extension-specific logging functions - defaults to do nothing.
+ virtual bool LogDebugUtilsMessage(XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT message_severity,
+ XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT message_type,
+ const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT* callback_data);
+ protected:
+ bool _active;
+ XrLoaderLogType _type;
+ uint64_t _unique_id;
+ void* _user_data;
+ XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags _message_severities;
+ XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags _message_types;
+class LoaderLogger {
+ public:
+ static LoaderLogger& GetInstance() {
+ static LoaderLogger instance;
+ return instance;
+ }
+ void AddLogRecorder(std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder>&& recorder);
+ void RemoveLogRecorder(uint64_t unique_id);
+ void AddLogRecorderForXrInstance(XrInstance instance, std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder>&& recorder);
+ void RemoveLogRecordersForXrInstance(XrInstance instance);
+ //! Called from LoaderXrTermSetDebugUtilsObjectNameEXT - an empty name means remove
+ void AddObjectName(uint64_t object_handle, XrObjectType object_type, const std::string& object_name);
+ void BeginLabelRegion(XrSession session, const XrDebugUtilsLabelEXT* label_info);
+ void EndLabelRegion(XrSession session);
+ void InsertLabel(XrSession session, const XrDebugUtilsLabelEXT* label_info);
+ void DeleteSessionLabels(XrSession session);
+ bool LogMessage(XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlagBits message_severity, XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags message_type,
+ const std::string& message_id, const std::string& command_name, const std::string& message,
+ const std::vector<XrSdkLogObjectInfo>& objects = {});
+ static bool LogErrorMessage(const std::string& command_name, const std::string& message,
+ const std::vector<XrSdkLogObjectInfo>& objects = {}) {
+ "OpenXR-Loader", command_name, message, objects);
+ }
+ static bool LogWarningMessage(const std::string& command_name, const std::string& message,
+ const std::vector<XrSdkLogObjectInfo>& objects = {}) {
+ "OpenXR-Loader", command_name, message, objects);
+ }
+ static bool LogInfoMessage(const std::string& command_name, const std::string& message,
+ const std::vector<XrSdkLogObjectInfo>& objects = {}) {
+ "OpenXR-Loader", command_name, message, objects);
+ }
+ static bool LogVerboseMessage(const std::string& command_name, const std::string& message,
+ const std::vector<XrSdkLogObjectInfo>& objects = {}) {
+ "OpenXR-Loader", command_name, message, objects);
+ }
+ static bool LogValidationErrorMessage(const std::string& vuid, const std::string& command_name, const std::string& message,
+ const std::vector<XrSdkLogObjectInfo>& objects = {}) {
+ vuid, command_name, message, objects);
+ }
+ static bool LogValidationWarningMessage(const std::string& vuid, const std::string& command_name, const std::string& message,
+ const std::vector<XrSdkLogObjectInfo>& objects = {}) {
+ vuid, command_name, message, objects);
+ }
+ // Extension-specific logging functions
+ bool LogDebugUtilsMessage(XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT message_severity, XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT message_type,
+ const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT* callback_data);
+ // Non-copyable
+ LoaderLogger(const LoaderLogger&) = delete;
+ LoaderLogger& operator=(const LoaderLogger&) = delete;
+ private:
+ LoaderLogger();
+ std::shared_timed_mutex _mutex;
+ // List of *all* available recorder objects (including created specifically for an Instance)
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder>> _recorders;
+ // List of recorder objects only created specifically for an XrInstance
+ std::unordered_map<XrInstance, std::unordered_set<uint64_t>> _recordersByInstance;
+ DebugUtilsData data_;
+// Utility functions for converting to/from XR_EXT_debug_utils values
+XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags DebugUtilsSeveritiesToLoaderLogMessageSeverities(
+ XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT utils_severities);
+XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT LoaderLogMessageSeveritiesToDebugUtilsMessageSeverities(
+ XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags log_severities);
+XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlagBits DebugUtilsMessageTypesToLoaderLogMessageTypes(XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT utils_types);
+XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT LoaderLogMessageTypesToDebugUtilsMessageTypes(XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlagBits log_types);
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_logger_recorders.cpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_logger_recorders.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7673678c60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_logger_recorders.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Author: Mark Young <>
+#include "loader_logger_recorders.hpp"
+#include "hex_and_handles.h"
+#include "loader_logger.hpp"
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <sstream>
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+#include "android/log.h"
+#ifdef _WIN32
+#include <windows.h>
+// Anonymous namespace to keep these types private
+namespace {
+void OutputMessageToStream(std::ostream& os, XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlagBits message_severity,
+ XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags message_type, const XrLoaderLogMessengerCallbackData* callback_data) {
+ if (XR_LOADER_LOG_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_INFO_BIT > message_severity) {
+ os << "Verbose [";
+ } else if (XR_LOADER_LOG_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_WARNING_BIT > message_severity) {
+ os << "Info [";
+ } else if (XR_LOADER_LOG_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR_BIT > message_severity) {
+ os << "Warning [";
+ } else {
+ os << "Error [";
+ }
+ switch (message_type) {
+ os << "GENERAL";
+ break;
+ os << "SPEC";
+ break;
+ os << "PERF";
+ break;
+ default:
+ os << "UNKNOWN";
+ break;
+ }
+ os << " | " << callback_data->command_name << " | " << callback_data->message_id << "] : " << callback_data->message
+ << std::endl;
+ for (uint32_t obj = 0; obj < callback_data->object_count; ++obj) {
+ os << " Object[" << obj << "] = " << callback_data->objects[obj].ToString();
+ os << std::endl;
+ }
+ for (uint32_t label = 0; label < callback_data->session_labels_count; ++label) {
+ os << " SessionLabel[" << std::to_string(label) << "] = " << callback_data->session_labels[label].labelName;
+ os << std::endl;
+ }
+// With std::cerr: Standard Error logger, always on for now
+// With std::cout: Standard Output logger used with XR_LOADER_DEBUG
+class OstreamLoaderLogRecorder : public LoaderLogRecorder {
+ public:
+ OstreamLoaderLogRecorder(std::ostream& os, void* user_data, XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags flags);
+ bool LogMessage(XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlagBits message_severity, XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags message_type,
+ const XrLoaderLogMessengerCallbackData* callback_data) override;
+ private:
+ std::ostream& os_;
+// Debug Utils logger used with XR_EXT_debug_utils
+class DebugUtilsLogRecorder : public LoaderLogRecorder {
+ public:
+ DebugUtilsLogRecorder(const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT* create_info, XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT debug_messenger);
+ bool LogMessage(XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlagBits message_severity, XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags message_type,
+ const XrLoaderLogMessengerCallbackData* callback_data) override;
+ // Extension-specific logging functions
+ bool LogDebugUtilsMessage(XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT message_severity, XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT message_type,
+ const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT* callback_data) override;
+ private:
+ PFN_xrDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackEXT _user_callback;
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+class LogcatLoaderLogRecorder : public LoaderLogRecorder {
+ public:
+ LogcatLoaderLogRecorder();
+ bool LogMessage(XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlagBits message_severity, XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags message_type,
+ const XrLoaderLogMessengerCallbackData* callback_data) override;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+// Output to debugger
+class DebuggerLoaderLogRecorder : public LoaderLogRecorder {
+ public:
+ DebuggerLoaderLogRecorder(void* user_data, XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags flags);
+ bool LogMessage(XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlagBits message_severity, XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags message_type,
+ const XrLoaderLogMessengerCallbackData* callback_data) override;
+// Unified stdout/stderr logger
+OstreamLoaderLogRecorder::OstreamLoaderLogRecorder(std::ostream& os, void* user_data, XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags flags)
+ : LoaderLogRecorder(XR_LOADER_LOG_STDOUT, user_data, flags, 0xFFFFFFFFUL), os_(os) {
+ // Automatically start
+ Start();
+bool OstreamLoaderLogRecorder::LogMessage(XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlagBits message_severity,
+ XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags message_type,
+ const XrLoaderLogMessengerCallbackData* callback_data) {
+ if (_active && 0 != (_message_severities & message_severity) && 0 != (_message_types & message_type)) {
+ OutputMessageToStream(os_, message_severity, message_type, callback_data);
+ }
+ // Return of "true" means that we should exit the application after the logged message. We
+ // don't want to do that for our internal logging. Only let a user return true.
+ return false;
+// A logger associated with the XR_EXT_debug_utils extension
+DebugUtilsLogRecorder::DebugUtilsLogRecorder(const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT* create_info,
+ XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT debug_messenger)
+ : LoaderLogRecorder(XR_LOADER_LOG_DEBUG_UTILS, static_cast<void*>(create_info->userData),
+ DebugUtilsSeveritiesToLoaderLogMessageSeverities(create_info->messageSeverities),
+ DebugUtilsMessageTypesToLoaderLogMessageTypes(create_info->messageTypes)),
+ _user_callback(create_info->userCallback) {
+ // Use the debug messenger value to uniquely identify this logger with that messenger
+ _unique_id = MakeHandleGeneric(debug_messenger);
+ Start();
+// Extension-specific logging functions
+bool DebugUtilsLogRecorder::LogMessage(XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlagBits message_severity,
+ XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags message_type,
+ const XrLoaderLogMessengerCallbackData* callback_data) {
+ bool should_exit = false;
+ if (_active && 0 != (_message_severities & message_severity) && 0 != (_message_types & message_type)) {
+ XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT utils_severity = DebugUtilsSeveritiesToLoaderLogMessageSeverities(message_severity);
+ XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT utils_type = LoaderLogMessageTypesToDebugUtilsMessageTypes(message_type);
+ // Convert the loader log message into the debug utils log message information
+ XrDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT utils_callback_data = {};
+ utils_callback_data.messageId = callback_data->message_id;
+ utils_callback_data.functionName = callback_data->command_name;
+ utils_callback_data.message = callback_data->message;
+ std::vector<XrDebugUtilsObjectNameInfoEXT> utils_objects;
+ utils_objects.resize(callback_data->object_count);
+ for (uint8_t object = 0; object < callback_data->object_count; ++object) {
+ utils_objects[object].type = XR_TYPE_DEBUG_UTILS_OBJECT_NAME_INFO_EXT;
+ utils_objects[object].next = nullptr;
+ utils_objects[object].objectHandle = callback_data->objects[object].handle;
+ utils_objects[object].objectType = callback_data->objects[object].type;
+ utils_objects[object].objectName = callback_data->objects[object].name.c_str();
+ }
+ utils_callback_data.objectCount = callback_data->object_count;
+ utils_callback_data.objects =;
+ utils_callback_data.sessionLabelCount = callback_data->session_labels_count;
+ utils_callback_data.sessionLabels = callback_data->session_labels;
+ // Call the user callback with the appropriate info
+ // Return of "true" means that we should exit the application after the logged message.
+ should_exit = (_user_callback(utils_severity, utils_type, &utils_callback_data, _user_data) == XR_TRUE);
+ }
+ return should_exit;
+bool DebugUtilsLogRecorder::LogDebugUtilsMessage(XrDebugUtilsMessageSeverityFlagsEXT message_severity,
+ XrDebugUtilsMessageTypeFlagsEXT message_type,
+ const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCallbackDataEXT* callback_data) {
+ // Call the user callback with the appropriate info
+ // Return of "true" means that we should exit the application after the logged message.
+ return (_user_callback(message_severity, message_type, callback_data, _user_data) == XR_TRUE);
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+static inline android_LogPriority LoaderToAndroidLogPriority(XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags message_severity) {
+ if (0 != (message_severity & XR_LOADER_LOG_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR_BIT)) {
+ }
+ if (0 != (message_severity & XR_LOADER_LOG_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_WARNING_BIT)) {
+ }
+ if (0 != (message_severity & XR_LOADER_LOG_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_INFO_BIT)) {
+ }
+ : LoaderLogRecorder(XR_LOADER_LOG_LOGCAT, nullptr,
+ // Automatically start
+ Start();
+bool LogcatLoaderLogRecorder::LogMessage(XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlagBits message_severity,
+ XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags message_type,
+ const XrLoaderLogMessengerCallbackData* callback_data) {
+ if (_active && 0 != (_message_severities & message_severity) && 0 != (_message_types & message_type)) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ OutputMessageToStream(ss, message_severity, message_type, callback_data);
+ __android_log_write(LoaderToAndroidLogPriority(message_severity), "OpenXR-Loader", ss.str().c_str());
+ }
+ // Return of "true" means that we should exit the application after the logged message. We
+ // don't want to do that for our internal logging. Only let a user return true.
+ return false;
+#endif // __ANDROID__
+#ifdef _WIN32
+// Unified stdout/stderr logger
+DebuggerLoaderLogRecorder::DebuggerLoaderLogRecorder(void* user_data, XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags flags)
+ : LoaderLogRecorder(XR_LOADER_LOG_DEBUGGER, user_data, flags, 0xFFFFFFFFUL) {
+ // Automatically start
+ Start();
+bool DebuggerLoaderLogRecorder::LogMessage(XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlagBits message_severity,
+ XrLoaderLogMessageTypeFlags message_type,
+ const XrLoaderLogMessengerCallbackData* callback_data) {
+ if (_active && 0 != (_message_severities & message_severity) && 0 != (_message_types & message_type)) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ OutputMessageToStream(ss, message_severity, message_type, callback_data);
+ OutputDebugStringA(ss.str().c_str());
+ }
+ // Return of "true" means that we should exit the application after the logged message. We
+ // don't want to do that for our internal logging. Only let a user return true.
+ return false;
+} // namespace
+std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> MakeStdOutLoaderLogRecorder(void* user_data, XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags flags) {
+ std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> recorder(new OstreamLoaderLogRecorder(std::cout, user_data, flags));
+ return recorder;
+std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> MakeStdErrLoaderLogRecorder(void* user_data) {
+ std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> recorder(
+ new OstreamLoaderLogRecorder(std::cerr, user_data, XR_LOADER_LOG_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR_BIT));
+ return recorder;
+std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> MakeDebugUtilsLoaderLogRecorder(const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT* create_info,
+ XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT debug_messenger) {
+ std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> recorder(new DebugUtilsLogRecorder(create_info, debug_messenger));
+ return recorder;
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> MakeLogcatLoaderLogRecorder() {
+ std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> recorder(new LogcatLoaderLogRecorder());
+ return recorder;
+#ifdef _WIN32
+std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> MakeDebuggerLoaderLogRecorder(void* user_data) {
+ std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> recorder(new DebuggerLoaderLogRecorder(user_data, XR_LOADER_LOG_MESSAGE_SEVERITY_ERROR_BIT));
+ return recorder;
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_logger_recorders.hpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_logger_recorders.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..31e5243c45
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_logger_recorders.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Author: Ryan Pavlik <>
+#pragma once
+#include "loader_logger.hpp"
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include <memory>
+//! Standard Error logger, on by default. Disabled with environment variable XR_LOADER_DEBUG = "none".
+std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> MakeStdErrLoaderLogRecorder(void* user_data);
+//! Standard Output logger used with XR_LOADER_DEBUG environment variable.
+std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> MakeStdOutLoaderLogRecorder(void* user_data, XrLoaderLogMessageSeverityFlags flags);
+#ifdef __ANDROID__
+//! Android liblog ("logcat") logger
+std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> MakeLogcatLoaderLogRecorder();
+// Debug Utils logger used with XR_EXT_debug_utils
+std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> MakeDebugUtilsLoaderLogRecorder(const XrDebugUtilsMessengerCreateInfoEXT* create_info,
+ XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT debug_messenger);
+#ifdef _WIN32
+//! Win32 debugger output
+std::unique_ptr<LoaderLogRecorder> MakeDebuggerLoaderLogRecorder(void* user_data);
+// TODO: Add other Derived classes:
+// - FileLoaderLogRecorder - During/after xrCreateInstance
+// - PipeLoaderLogRecorder? - During/after xrCreateInstance
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_platform.hpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_platform.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e2757fffb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/loader_platform.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Authors: Mark Young <>, Dave Houlton <>
+#pragma once
+#include <cassert>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <string>
+#include "xr_dependencies.h"
+#include "platform_utils.hpp"
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 4
+#define LOADER_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+#elif defined(__SUNPRO_C) && (__SUNPRO_C >= 0x590)
+#define LOADER_EXPORT __attribute__((visibility("default")))
+// Environment variables
+#if defined(XR_OS_LINUX) || defined(XR_OS_APPLE) || defined(XR_OS_ANDROID)
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <dirent.h>
+#ifndef PATH_MAX
+#define PATH_MAX 1024
+#define PATH_SEPARATOR ':'
+// Dynamic Loading of libraries:
+typedef void *LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle;
+static inline LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle LoaderPlatformLibraryOpen(const std::string &path) {
+ // When loading the library, we use RTLD_LAZY so that not all symbols have to be
+ // resolved at this time (which improves performance). Note that if not all symbols
+ // can be resolved, this could cause crashes later.
+ // For experimenting/debugging: Define the LD_BIND_NOW environment variable to force all
+ // symbols to be resolved here.
+ return dlopen(path.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
+static inline const char *LoaderPlatformLibraryOpenError(const std::string &path) {
+ (void)path;
+ return dlerror();
+static inline void LoaderPlatformLibraryClose(LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle library) { dlclose(library); }
+static inline void *LoaderPlatformLibraryGetProcAddr(LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle library, const std::string &name) {
+ assert(library);
+ assert(!name.empty());
+ return dlsym(library, name.c_str());
+static inline const char *LoaderPlatformLibraryGetProcAddrError(const std::string &name) {
+ (void)name;
+ return dlerror();
+#elif defined(XR_OS_WINDOWS)
+#define PATH_SEPARATOR ';'
+#define DIRECTORY_SYMBOL '\\'
+// Workaround for MS VS 2010/2013 missing snprintf and vsnprintf
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER < 1900
+#include <stdint.h>
+static inline int32_t xr_vsnprintf(char *result_buffer, size_t buffer_size, const char *print_format, va_list varying_list) {
+ int32_t copy_count = -1;
+ if (buffer_size != 0) {
+ copy_count = _vsnprintf_s(result_buffer, buffer_size, _TRUNCATE, print_format, varying_list);
+ }
+ if (copy_count == -1) {
+ copy_count = _vscprintf(print_format, varying_list);
+ }
+ return copy_count;
+static inline int32_t xr_snprintf(char *result_buffer, size_t buffer_size, const char *print_format, ...) {
+ va_list varying_list;
+ va_start(varying_list, print_format);
+ int32_t copy_count = xr_vsnprintf(result_buffer, buffer_size, print_format, varying_list);
+ va_end(varying_list);
+ return copy_count;
+#define snprintf xr_snprintf
+#define vsnprintf xr_vsnprintf
+static inline std::string DescribeError(uint32_t code, bool prefixErrorCode = true) {
+ std::string str;
+ if (prefixErrorCode) {
+ char prefixBuffer[64];
+ snprintf(prefixBuffer, sizeof(prefixBuffer), "0x%llx (%lld): ", (uint64_t)code, (int64_t)code);
+ str = prefixBuffer;
+ }
+ // Could use FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_HMODULE to specify an error source.
+ WCHAR errorBufferW[1024]{};
+ const DWORD errorBufferWCapacity = sizeof(errorBufferW) / sizeof(errorBufferW[0]);
+ MAKELANGID(LANG_NEUTRAL, SUBLANG_DEFAULT), errorBufferW, errorBufferWCapacity, nullptr);
+ if (length) { // If errorBufferW contains what we are looking for...
+ str += wide_to_utf8(errorBufferW);
+ } else {
+ str = "(unknown)";
+ }
+ return str;
+// Dynamic Loading:
+typedef HMODULE LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle;
+static inline LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle LoaderPlatformLibraryOpen(const std::string &path) {
+ const std::wstring pathW = utf8_to_wide(path);
+ // Try loading the library the original way first.
+ LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle handle = LoadLibraryW(pathW.c_str());
+ if (handle == NULL && GetLastError() == ERROR_MOD_NOT_FOUND) {
+ const DWORD dwAttrib = GetFileAttributesW(pathW.c_str());
+ const bool fileExists = (dwAttrib != INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES && !(dwAttrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY));
+ if (fileExists) {
+ // If that failed, then try loading it with broader search folders.
+ }
+ }
+ return handle;
+static inline std::string LoaderPlatformLibraryOpenError(const std::string &path) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ const DWORD dwLastError = GetLastError();
+ const std::string strError = DescribeError(dwLastError);
+ ss << "Failed to open dynamic library " << path << " with error " << dwLastError << ": " << strError;
+ return ss.str();
+static inline void LoaderPlatformLibraryClose(LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle library) { FreeLibrary(library); }
+static inline void *LoaderPlatformLibraryGetProcAddr(LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle library, const std::string &name) {
+ assert(library);
+ assert(name.size() > 0);
+ return reinterpret_cast<void *>(GetProcAddress(library, name.c_str()));
+static inline std::string LoaderPlatformLibraryGetProcAddrAddrError(const std::string &name) {
+ std::stringstream ss;
+ ss << "Failed to find function " << name << " in dynamic library";
+ return ss.str();
+#else // Not Linux or Windows
+#define PATH_SEPARATOR ':'
+static inline LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle LoaderPlatformLibraryOpen(const std::string &path) {
+// Stub func
+#error("Unknown platform, undefined dynamic library routines resulting");
+ (void)path;
+static inline const char *LoaderPlatformLibraryOpenError(const std::string &path) {
+ // Stub func
+ (void)path;
+static inline void LoaderPlatformLibraryClose(LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle library) {
+ // Stub func
+ (void)library;
+static inline void *LoaderPlatformLibraryGetProcAddr(LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle library, const std::string &name) {
+ // Stub func
+ void(library);
+ void(name);
+static inline const char *LoaderPlatformLibraryGetProcAddrError(const std::string &name) {
+ // Stub func
+ (void)name;
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/manifest_file.cpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/manifest_file.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df99d51f8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/manifest_file.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,943 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Authors: Mark Young <>, Dave Houlton <>
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && !defined(_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS)
+#include "manifest_file.hpp"
+#include "common_config.h"
+#include "filesystem_utils.hpp"
+#include "loader_platform.hpp"
+#include "platform_utils.hpp"
+#include "loader_logger.hpp"
+#include "unique_asset.h"
+#include <json/json.h>
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <fstream>
+#include <memory>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#define FALLBACK_CONFIG_DIRS "/etc/xdg"
+#define FALLBACK_DATA_DIRS "/usr/local/share:/usr/share"
+#define SYSCONFDIR "/etc"
+#endif // !SYSCONFDIR
+#include <android/asset_manager.h>
+#error \
+ "Loader is configured to not catch exceptions, but jsoncpp was built with exception-throwing enabled, which could violate the C ABI. One of those two things needs to change."
+#include "runtime_interface.hpp"
+// Utility functions for finding files in the appropriate paths
+static inline bool StringEndsWith(const std::string &value, const std::string &ending) {
+ if (ending.size() > value.size()) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return std::equal(ending.rbegin(), ending.rend(), value.rbegin());
+// If the file found is a manifest file name, add it to the out_files manifest list.
+static void AddIfJson(const std::string &full_file, std::vector<std::string> &manifest_files) {
+ if (full_file.empty() || !StringEndsWith(full_file, ".json")) {
+ return;
+ }
+ manifest_files.push_back(full_file);
+// Check the current path for any manifest files. If the provided search_path is a directory, look for
+// all included JSON files in that directory. Otherwise, just check the provided search_path which should
+// be a single filename.
+static void CheckAllFilesInThePath(const std::string &search_path, bool is_directory_list,
+ std::vector<std::string> &manifest_files) {
+ if (FileSysUtilsPathExists(search_path)) {
+ std::string absolute_path;
+ if (!is_directory_list) {
+ // If the file exists, try to add it
+ if (FileSysUtilsIsRegularFile(search_path)) {
+ FileSysUtilsGetAbsolutePath(search_path, absolute_path);
+ AddIfJson(absolute_path, manifest_files);
+ }
+ } else {
+ std::vector<std::string> files;
+ if (FileSysUtilsFindFilesInPath(search_path, files)) {
+ for (std::string &cur_file : files) {
+ std::string relative_path;
+ FileSysUtilsCombinePaths(search_path, cur_file, relative_path);
+ if (!FileSysUtilsGetAbsolutePath(relative_path, absolute_path)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ AddIfJson(absolute_path, manifest_files);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Add all manifest files in the provided paths to the manifest_files list. If search_path
+// is made up of directory listings (versus direct manifest file names) search each path for
+// any manifest files.
+static void AddFilesInPath(const std::string &search_path, bool is_directory_list, std::vector<std::string> &manifest_files) {
+ std::size_t last_found = 0;
+ std::size_t found = search_path.find_first_of(PATH_SEPARATOR);
+ std::string cur_search;
+ // Handle any path listings in the string (separated by the appropriate path separator)
+ while (found != std::string::npos) {
+ // substr takes a start index and length.
+ std::size_t length = found - last_found;
+ cur_search = search_path.substr(last_found, length);
+ CheckAllFilesInThePath(cur_search, is_directory_list, manifest_files);
+ // This works around issue if multiple path separator follow each other directly.
+ last_found = found;
+ while (found == last_found) {
+ last_found = found + 1;
+ found = search_path.find_first_of(PATH_SEPARATOR, last_found);
+ }
+ }
+ // If there's something remaining in the string, copy it over
+ if (last_found < search_path.size()) {
+ cur_search = search_path.substr(last_found);
+ CheckAllFilesInThePath(cur_search, is_directory_list, manifest_files);
+ }
+// Copy all paths listed in the cur_path string into output_path and append the appropriate relative_path onto the end of each.
+static void CopyIncludedPaths(bool is_directory_list, const std::string &cur_path, const std::string &relative_path,
+ std::string &output_path) {
+ if (!cur_path.empty()) {
+ std::size_t last_found = 0;
+ std::size_t found = cur_path.find_first_of(PATH_SEPARATOR);
+ // Handle any path listings in the string (separated by the appropriate path separator)
+ while (found != std::string::npos) {
+ std::size_t length = found - last_found;
+ output_path += cur_path.substr(last_found, length);
+ if (is_directory_list && (cur_path[found - 1] != '\\' && cur_path[found - 1] != '/')) {
+ output_path += DIRECTORY_SYMBOL;
+ }
+ output_path += relative_path;
+ output_path += PATH_SEPARATOR;
+ last_found = found;
+ found = cur_path.find_first_of(PATH_SEPARATOR, found + 1);
+ }
+ // If there's something remaining in the string, copy it over
+ size_t last_char = cur_path.size() - 1;
+ if (last_found != last_char) {
+ output_path += cur_path.substr(last_found);
+ if (is_directory_list && (cur_path[last_char] != '\\' && cur_path[last_char] != '/')) {
+ output_path += DIRECTORY_SYMBOL;
+ }
+ output_path += relative_path;
+ output_path += PATH_SEPARATOR;
+ }
+ }
+// Look for data files in the provided paths, but first check the environment override to determine if we should use that instead.
+static void ReadDataFilesInSearchPaths(const std::string &override_env_var, const std::string &relative_path, bool &override_active,
+ std::vector<std::string> &manifest_files) {
+ std::string override_path;
+ std::string search_path;
+ if (!override_env_var.empty()) {
+ bool permit_override = true;
+#ifndef XR_OS_WINDOWS
+ if (geteuid() != getuid() || getegid() != getgid()) {
+ // Don't allow setuid apps to use the env var
+ permit_override = false;
+ }
+ if (permit_override) {
+ override_path = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv(override_env_var.c_str());
+ }
+ }
+ if (!override_path.empty()) {
+ CopyIncludedPaths(true, override_path, "", search_path);
+ override_active = true;
+ } else {
+ override_active = false;
+#if !defined(XR_OS_WINDOWS) && !defined(XR_OS_ANDROID)
+ const char home_additional[] = ".local/share/";
+ // Determine how much space is needed to generate the full search path
+ // for the current manifest files.
+ std::string xdg_conf_dirs = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS");
+ std::string xdg_data_dirs = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv("XDG_DATA_DIRS");
+ std::string xdg_data_home = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv("XDG_DATA_HOME");
+ std::string home = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv("HOME");
+ if (xdg_conf_dirs.empty()) {
+ CopyIncludedPaths(true, FALLBACK_CONFIG_DIRS, relative_path, search_path);
+ } else {
+ CopyIncludedPaths(true, xdg_conf_dirs, relative_path, search_path);
+ }
+ CopyIncludedPaths(true, SYSCONFDIR, relative_path, search_path);
+ CopyIncludedPaths(true, EXTRASYSCONFDIR, relative_path, search_path);
+ if (xdg_data_dirs.empty()) {
+ CopyIncludedPaths(true, FALLBACK_DATA_DIRS, relative_path, search_path);
+ } else {
+ CopyIncludedPaths(true, xdg_data_dirs, relative_path, search_path);
+ }
+ if (!xdg_data_home.empty()) {
+ CopyIncludedPaths(true, xdg_data_home, relative_path, search_path);
+ } else if (!home.empty()) {
+ std::string relative_home_path = home_additional;
+ relative_home_path += relative_path;
+ CopyIncludedPaths(true, home, relative_home_path, search_path);
+ }
+ (void)relative_path;
+ }
+ // Now, parse the paths and add any manifest files found in them.
+ AddFilesInPath(search_path, true, manifest_files);
+#ifdef XR_OS_LINUX
+// Get an XDG environment variable with a $HOME-relative default
+static std::string GetXDGEnvHome(const char *name, const char *fallback_path) {
+ std::string result = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv(name);
+ if (!result.empty()) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ result = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv("HOME");
+ if (result.empty()) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ result += "/";
+ result += fallback_path;
+ return result;
+// Get an XDG environment variable with absolute defaults
+static std::string GetXDGEnvAbsolute(const char *name, const char *fallback_paths) {
+ std::string result = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv(name);
+ if (!result.empty()) {
+ return result;
+ }
+ return fallback_paths;
+// Return the first instance of relative_path occurring in an XDG config dir according to standard
+// precedence order.
+static bool FindXDGConfigFile(const std::string &relative_path, std::string &out) {
+ out = GetXDGEnvHome("XDG_CONFIG_HOME", ".config");
+ if (!out.empty()) {
+ out += "/";
+ out += relative_path;
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("", "Looking for " + relative_path + " in XDG_CONFIG_HOME: " + out);
+ if (FileSysUtilsPathExists(out)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ std::istringstream iss(GetXDGEnvAbsolute("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS", FALLBACK_CONFIG_DIRS));
+ std::string path;
+ while (std::getline(iss, path, PATH_SEPARATOR)) {
+ if (path.empty()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ out = path;
+ out += "/";
+ out += relative_path;
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("", "Looking for " + relative_path + " in an entry of XDG_CONFIG_DIRS: " + out);
+ if (FileSysUtilsPathExists(out)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ out += "/";
+ out += relative_path;
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("", "Looking for " + relative_path + " in compiled-in SYSCONFDIR: " + out);
+ if (FileSysUtilsPathExists(out)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ out += "/";
+ out += relative_path;
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("", "Looking for " + relative_path + " in compiled-in EXTRASYSCONFDIR: " + out);
+ if (FileSysUtilsPathExists(out)) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ out.clear();
+ return false;
+// Look for runtime data files in the provided paths, but first check the environment override to determine
+// if we should use that instead.
+static void ReadRuntimeDataFilesInRegistry(const std::string &runtime_registry_location,
+ const std::string &default_runtime_value_name,
+ std::vector<std::string> &manifest_files) {
+ HKEY hkey;
+ DWORD access_flags;
+ wchar_t value_w[1024];
+ DWORD value_size_w = sizeof(value_w); // byte size of the buffer.
+ // Generate the full registry location for the registry information
+ std::string full_registry_location = OPENXR_REGISTRY_LOCATION;
+ full_registry_location += std::to_string(XR_VERSION_MAJOR(XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION));
+ full_registry_location += runtime_registry_location;
+ const std::wstring full_registry_location_w = utf8_to_wide(full_registry_location);
+ const std::wstring default_runtime_value_name_w = utf8_to_wide(default_runtime_value_name);
+ // Use 64 bit regkey for 64bit application, and use 32 bit regkey in WOW for 32bit application.
+ access_flags = KEY_QUERY_VALUE;
+ LONG open_value = RegOpenKeyExW(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, full_registry_location_w.c_str(), 0, access_flags, &hkey);
+ if (ERROR_SUCCESS != open_value) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage("",
+ "ReadRuntimeDataFilesInRegistry - failed to open registry key " + full_registry_location);
+ } else if (ERROR_SUCCESS != RegGetValueW(hkey, nullptr, default_runtime_value_name_w.c_str(),
+ reinterpret_cast<LPBYTE>(&value_w), &value_size_w)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage(
+ "", "ReadRuntimeDataFilesInRegistry - failed to read registry value " + default_runtime_value_name);
+ } else {
+ AddFilesInPath(wide_to_utf8(value_w), false, manifest_files);
+ }
+// Look for layer data files in the provided paths, but first check the environment override to determine
+// if we should use that instead.
+static void ReadLayerDataFilesInRegistry(const std::string &registry_location, std::vector<std::string> &manifest_files) {
+ const std::wstring full_registry_location_w =
+ utf8_to_wide(OPENXR_REGISTRY_LOCATION + std::to_string(XR_VERSION_MAJOR(XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION)) + registry_location);
+ auto ReadLayerDataFilesInHive = [&](HKEY hive) {
+ HKEY hkey;
+ LONG open_value = RegOpenKeyExW(hive, full_registry_location_w.c_str(), 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &hkey);
+ if (ERROR_SUCCESS != open_value) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ wchar_t name_w[1024]{};
+ LONG rtn_value;
+ DWORD name_size = 1023;
+ DWORD value;
+ DWORD value_size = sizeof(value);
+ DWORD key_index = 0;
+ while (ERROR_SUCCESS ==
+ (rtn_value = RegEnumValueW(hkey, key_index++, name_w, &name_size, NULL, NULL, (LPBYTE)&value, &value_size))) {
+ if (value_size == sizeof(value) && value == 0) {
+ const std::string filename = wide_to_utf8(name_w);
+ AddFilesInPath(filename, false, manifest_files);
+ }
+ // Reset some items for the next loop
+ name_size = 1023;
+ }
+ RegCloseKey(hkey);
+ return true;
+ };
+ // Do not allow high integrity processes to act on data that can be controlled by medium integrity processes.
+ const bool readFromCurrentUser = !IsHighIntegrityLevel();
+ bool found = ReadLayerDataFilesInHive(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE);
+ if (readFromCurrentUser) {
+ found |= ReadLayerDataFilesInHive(HKEY_CURRENT_USER);
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ std::string warning_message = "ReadLayerDataFilesInRegistry - failed to read registry location ";
+ warning_message += registry_location;
+ warning_message += (readFromCurrentUser ? " in either HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_CURRENT_USER" : " in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE");
+ LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage("", warning_message);
+ }
+#endif // XR_OS_WINDOWS
+ManifestFile::ManifestFile(ManifestFileType type, const std::string &filename, const std::string &library_path)
+ : _filename(filename), _type(type), _library_path(library_path) {}
+bool ManifestFile::IsValidJson(const Json::Value &root_node, JsonVersion &version) {
+ if (root_node["file_format_version"].isNull() || !root_node["file_format_version"].isString()) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", "ManifestFile::IsValidJson - JSON file missing \"file_format_version\"");
+ return false;
+ }
+ std::string file_format = root_node["file_format_version"].asString();
+ const int num_fields = sscanf(file_format.c_str(), "%u.%u.%u", &version.major, &version.minor, &version.patch);
+ // Only version 1.0.0 is defined currently. Eventually we may have more version, but
+ // some of the versions may only be valid for layers or runtimes specifically.
+ if (num_fields != 3 || version.major != 1 || version.minor != 0 || version.patch != 0) {
+ std::ostringstream error_ss;
+ error_ss << "ManifestFile::IsValidJson - JSON \"file_format_version\" " << version.major << "." << version.minor << "."
+ << version.patch << " is not supported";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static void GetExtensionProperties(const std::vector<ExtensionListing> &extensions, std::vector<XrExtensionProperties> &props) {
+ for (const auto &ext : extensions) {
+ auto it =
+ std::find_if(props.begin(), props.end(), [&](XrExtensionProperties &prop) { return prop.extensionName ==; });
+ if (it != props.end()) {
+ it->extensionVersion = std::max(it->extensionVersion, ext.extension_version);
+ } else {
+ XrExtensionProperties prop = {};
+ = nullptr;
+ strncpy(prop.extensionName,, XR_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME_SIZE - 1);
+ prop.extensionName[XR_MAX_EXTENSION_NAME_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
+ prop.extensionVersion = ext.extension_version;
+ props.push_back(prop);
+ }
+ }
+// Return any instance extensions found in the manifest files in the proper form for
+// OpenXR (XrExtensionProperties).
+void ManifestFile::GetInstanceExtensionProperties(std::vector<XrExtensionProperties> &props) {
+ GetExtensionProperties(_instance_extensions, props);
+const std::string &ManifestFile::GetFunctionName(const std::string &func_name) const {
+ if (!_functions_renamed.empty()) {
+ auto found = _functions_renamed.find(func_name);
+ if (found != _functions_renamed.end()) {
+ return found->second;
+ }
+ }
+ return func_name;
+RuntimeManifestFile::RuntimeManifestFile(const std::string &filename, const std::string &library_path)
+ : ManifestFile(MANIFEST_TYPE_RUNTIME, filename, library_path) {}
+static void ParseExtension(Json::Value const &ext, std::vector<ExtensionListing> &extensions) {
+ Json::Value ext_name = ext["name"];
+ Json::Value ext_version = ext["extension_version"];
+ // Allow "extension_version" as a String or a UInt to maintain backwards compatibility, even though it should be a String.
+ // Internal Issue 1411:
+ // Internal MR !1867:
+ if (ext_name.isString() && (ext_version.isString() || ext_version.isUInt())) {
+ ExtensionListing ext_listing = {};
+ = ext_name.asString();
+ if (ext_version.isUInt()) {
+ ext_listing.extension_version = ext_version.asUInt();
+ } else {
+ ext_listing.extension_version = atoi(ext_version.asString().c_str());
+ }
+ extensions.push_back(ext_listing);
+ }
+void ManifestFile::ParseCommon(Json::Value const &root_node) {
+ const Json::Value &inst_exts = root_node["instance_extensions"];
+ if (!inst_exts.isNull() && inst_exts.isArray()) {
+ for (const auto &ext : inst_exts) {
+ ParseExtension(ext, _instance_extensions);
+ }
+ }
+ const Json::Value &funcs_renamed = root_node["functions"];
+ if (!funcs_renamed.isNull() && !funcs_renamed.empty()) {
+ for (Json::ValueConstIterator func_it = funcs_renamed.begin(); func_it != funcs_renamed.end(); ++func_it) {
+ if (!(*func_it).isString()) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage(
+ "", "ManifestFile::ParseCommon " + _filename + " \"functions\" section contains non-string values.");
+ continue;
+ }
+ std::string original_name = func_it.key().asString();
+ std::string new_name = (*func_it).asString();
+ _functions_renamed.emplace(original_name, new_name);
+ }
+ }
+void RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid(std::string const &filename,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RuntimeManifestFile>> &manifest_files) {
+ std::ifstream json_stream(filename, std::ifstream::in);
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("", "RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid - attempting to load " + filename);
+ std::ostringstream error_ss("RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid ");
+ if (!json_stream.is_open()) {
+ error_ss << "failed to open " << filename << ". Does it exist?";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ Json::CharReaderBuilder builder;
+ std::string errors;
+ Json::Value root_node = Json::nullValue;
+ if (!Json::parseFromStream(builder, json_stream, &root_node, &errors) || !root_node.isObject()) {
+ error_ss << "failed to parse " << filename << ".";
+ if (!errors.empty()) {
+ error_ss << " (Error message: " << errors << ")";
+ }
+ error_ss << " Is it a valid runtime manifest file?";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ CreateIfValid(root_node, filename, manifest_files);
+void RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid(const Json::Value &root_node, const std::string &filename,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RuntimeManifestFile>> &manifest_files) {
+ std::ostringstream error_ss("RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid ");
+ JsonVersion file_version = {};
+ if (!ManifestFile::IsValidJson(root_node, file_version)) {
+ error_ss << "isValidJson indicates " << filename << " is not a valid manifest file.";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ const Json::Value &runtime_root_node = root_node["runtime"];
+ // The Runtime manifest file needs the "runtime" root as well as a sub-node for "library_path". If any of those aren't there,
+ // fail.
+ if (runtime_root_node.isNull() || runtime_root_node["library_path"].isNull() || !runtime_root_node["library_path"].isString()) {
+ error_ss << filename << " is missing required fields. Verify all proper fields exist.";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string lib_path = runtime_root_node["library_path"].asString();
+ // If the library_path variable has no directory symbol, it's just a file name and should be accessible on the
+ // global library path.
+ if (lib_path.find('\\') != std::string::npos || lib_path.find('/') != std::string::npos) {
+ // If the library_path is an absolute path, just use that if it exists
+ if (FileSysUtilsIsAbsolutePath(lib_path)) {
+ if (!FileSysUtilsPathExists(lib_path)) {
+ error_ss << filename << " library " << lib_path << " does not appear to exist";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, treat the library path as a relative path based on the JSON file.
+ std::string canonical_path;
+ std::string combined_path;
+ std::string file_parent;
+ // Search relative to the real manifest file, not relative to the symlink
+ if (!FileSysUtilsGetCanonicalPath(filename, canonical_path)) {
+ // Give relative to the non-canonical path a chance
+ canonical_path = filename;
+ }
+ if (!FileSysUtilsGetParentPath(canonical_path, file_parent) ||
+ !FileSysUtilsCombinePaths(file_parent, lib_path, combined_path) || !FileSysUtilsPathExists(combined_path)) {
+ error_ss << filename << " library " << combined_path << " does not appear to exist";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ lib_path = combined_path;
+ }
+ }
+ // Add this runtime manifest file
+ manifest_files.emplace_back(new RuntimeManifestFile(filename, lib_path));
+ // Add any extensions to it after the fact.
+ // Handle any renamed functions
+ manifest_files.back()->ParseCommon(runtime_root_node);
+// Find all manifest files in the appropriate search paths/registries for the given type.
+XrResult RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RuntimeManifestFile>> &manifest_files) {
+ XrResult result = XR_SUCCESS;
+ std::string filename = PlatformUtilsGetSecureEnv(OPENXR_RUNTIME_JSON_ENV_VAR);
+ if (!filename.empty()) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage(
+ "", "RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - using environment variable override runtime file " + filename);
+ } else {
+ std::vector<std::string> filenames;
+ ReadRuntimeDataFilesInRegistry("", "ActiveRuntime", filenames);
+ if (filenames.size() == 0) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(
+ "", "RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - failed to find active runtime file in registry");
+ }
+ if (filenames.size() > 1) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage(
+ "", "RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - found too many default runtime files in registry");
+ }
+ filename = filenames[0];
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("",
+ "RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - using registry-specified runtime file " + filename);
+#elif defined(XR_OS_LINUX)
+ const std::string relative_path =
+ "openxr/" + std::to_string(XR_VERSION_MAJOR(XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION)) + "/active_runtime.json";
+ if (!FindXDGConfigFile(relative_path, filename)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(
+ "", "RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - failed to determine active runtime file path for this environment");
+ }
+ Json::Value virtualManifest;
+ result = GetPlatformRuntimeVirtualManifest(virtualManifest);
+ if (XR_SUCCESS == result) {
+ RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid(virtualManifest, "", manifest_files);
+ return result;
+ }
+#endif // defined(XR_KHR_LOADER_INIT_SUPPORT)
+ if (!PlatformGetGlobalRuntimeFileName(XR_VERSION_MAJOR(XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION), filename)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(
+ "", "RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - failed to determine active runtime file path for this environment");
+ }
+ result = XR_SUCCESS;
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("", "RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - using global runtime file " + filename);
+ }
+ RuntimeManifestFile::CreateIfValid(filename, manifest_files);
+ return result;
+ApiLayerManifestFile::ApiLayerManifestFile(ManifestFileType type, const std::string &filename, const std::string &layer_name,
+ const std::string &description, const JsonVersion &api_version,
+ const uint32_t &implementation_version, const std::string &library_path)
+ : ManifestFile(type, filename, library_path),
+ _api_version(api_version),
+ _layer_name(layer_name),
+ _description(description),
+ _implementation_version(implementation_version) {}
+void ApiLayerManifestFile::AddManifestFilesAndroid(ManifestFileType type,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerManifestFile>> &manifest_files) {
+ AAssetManager *assetManager = (AAssetManager *)Android_Get_Asset_Manager();
+ std::vector<std::string> filenames;
+ {
+ std::string search_path = "";
+ switch (type) {
+ search_path = "openxr/1/api_layers/implicit.d/";
+ break;
+ search_path = "openxr/1/api_layers/explicit.d/";
+ break;
+ default:
+ return;
+ }
+ UniqueAssetDir dir{AAssetManager_openDir(assetManager, search_path.c_str())};
+ if (!dir) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const std::string json = ".json";
+ const char *fn = nullptr;
+ while ((fn = AAssetDir_getNextFileName(dir.get())) != nullptr) {
+ const std::string filename = search_path + fn;
+ if (filename.size() < json.size()) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if ( - json.size(), json.size(), json) == 0) {
+ filenames.push_back(filename);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (const auto &filename : filenames) {
+ UniqueAsset asset{AAssetManager_open(assetManager, filename.c_str(), AASSET_MODE_BUFFER)};
+ if (!asset) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage(
+ "", "ApiLayerManifestFile::AddManifestFilesAndroid unable to open asset " + filename + ", skipping");
+ continue;
+ }
+ size_t length = AAsset_getLength(asset.get());
+ const char *buf = reinterpret_cast<const char *>(AAsset_getBuffer(asset.get()));
+ if (!buf) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage(
+ "", "ApiLayerManifestFile::AddManifestFilesAndroid unable to access asset" + filename + ", skipping");
+ continue;
+ }
+ std::istringstream json_stream(std::string{buf, length});
+ CreateIfValid(ManifestFileType::MANIFEST_TYPE_EXPLICIT_API_LAYER, filename, json_stream,
+ &ApiLayerManifestFile::LocateLibraryInAssets, manifest_files);
+ }
+void ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid(ManifestFileType type, const std::string &filename, std::istream &json_stream,
+ LibraryLocator locate_library,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerManifestFile>> &manifest_files) {
+ std::ostringstream error_ss("ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid ");
+ Json::CharReaderBuilder builder;
+ std::string errors;
+ Json::Value root_node = Json::nullValue;
+ if (!Json::parseFromStream(builder, json_stream, &root_node, &errors) || !root_node.isObject()) {
+ error_ss << "failed to parse " << filename << ".";
+ if (!errors.empty()) {
+ error_ss << " (Error message: " << errors << ")";
+ }
+ error_ss << " Is it a valid layer manifest file?";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ JsonVersion file_version = {};
+ if (!ManifestFile::IsValidJson(root_node, file_version)) {
+ error_ss << "isValidJson indicates " << filename << " is not a valid manifest file.";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ Json::Value layer_root_node = root_node["api_layer"];
+ // The API Layer manifest file needs the "api_layer" root as well as other sub-nodes.
+ // If any of those aren't there, fail.
+ if (layer_root_node.isNull() || layer_root_node["name"].isNull() || !layer_root_node["name"].isString() ||
+ layer_root_node["api_version"].isNull() || !layer_root_node["api_version"].isString() ||
+ layer_root_node["library_path"].isNull() || !layer_root_node["library_path"].isString() ||
+ layer_root_node["implementation_version"].isNull() || !layer_root_node["implementation_version"].isString()) {
+ error_ss << filename << " is missing required fields. Verify all proper fields exist.";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ bool enabled = true;
+ // Implicit layers require the disable environment variable.
+ if (layer_root_node["disable_environment"].isNull() || !layer_root_node["disable_environment"].isString()) {
+ error_ss << "Implicit layer " << filename << " is missing \"disable_environment\"";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check if there's an enable environment variable provided
+ if (!layer_root_node["enable_environment"].isNull() && layer_root_node["enable_environment"].isString()) {
+ std::string env_var = layer_root_node["enable_environment"].asString();
+ // If it's not set in the environment, disable the layer
+ if (!PlatformUtilsGetEnvSet(env_var.c_str())) {
+ enabled = false;
+ }
+ }
+ // Check for the disable environment variable, which must be provided in the JSON
+ std::string env_var = layer_root_node["disable_environment"].asString();
+ // If the env var is set, disable the layer. Disable env var overrides enable above
+ if (PlatformUtilsGetEnvSet(env_var.c_str())) {
+ enabled = false;
+ }
+ // Not enabled, so pretend like it isn't even there.
+ if (!enabled) {
+ error_ss << "Implicit layer " << filename << " is disabled";
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string layer_name = layer_root_node["name"].asString();
+ std::string api_version_string = layer_root_node["api_version"].asString();
+ JsonVersion api_version = {};
+ const int num_fields = sscanf(api_version_string.c_str(), "%u.%u", &api_version.major, &api_version.minor);
+ api_version.patch = 0;
+ if ((num_fields != 2) || (api_version.major == 0 && api_version.minor == 0) ||
+ error_ss << "layer " << filename << " has invalid API Version. Skipping layer.";
+ LoaderLogger::LogWarningMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t implementation_version = atoi(layer_root_node["implementation_version"].asString().c_str());
+ std::string library_path = layer_root_node["library_path"].asString();
+ // If the library_path variable has no directory symbol, it's just a file name and should be accessible on the
+ // global library path.
+ if (library_path.find('\\') != std::string::npos || library_path.find('/') != std::string::npos) {
+ // If the library_path is an absolute path, just use that if it exists
+ if (FileSysUtilsIsAbsolutePath(library_path)) {
+ if (!FileSysUtilsPathExists(library_path)) {
+ error_ss << filename << " library " << library_path << " does not appear to exist";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Otherwise, treat the library path as a relative path based on the JSON file.
+ std::string combined_path;
+ if (!locate_library(filename, library_path, combined_path)) {
+ error_ss << filename << " library " << combined_path << " does not appear to exist";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ library_path = combined_path;
+ }
+ }
+ std::string description;
+ if (!layer_root_node["description"].isNull() && layer_root_node["description"].isString()) {
+ description = layer_root_node["description"].asString();
+ }
+ // Add this layer manifest file
+ manifest_files.emplace_back(
+ new ApiLayerManifestFile(type, filename, layer_name, description, api_version, implementation_version, library_path));
+ // Add any extensions to it after the fact.
+ manifest_files.back()->ParseCommon(layer_root_node);
+void ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid(ManifestFileType type, const std::string &filename,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerManifestFile>> &manifest_files) {
+ std::ifstream json_stream(filename, std::ifstream::in);
+ if (!json_stream.is_open()) {
+ std::ostringstream error_ss("ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid ");
+ error_ss << "failed to open " << filename << ". Does it exist?";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", error_ss.str());
+ return;
+ }
+ CreateIfValid(type, filename, json_stream, &ApiLayerManifestFile::LocateLibraryRelativeToJson, manifest_files);
+bool ApiLayerManifestFile::LocateLibraryRelativeToJson(
+ const std::string &json_filename, const std::string &library_path,
+ std::string &out_combined_path) { // Otherwise, treat the library path as a relative path based on the JSON file.
+ std::string combined_path;
+ std::string file_parent;
+ if (!FileSysUtilsGetParentPath(json_filename, file_parent) ||
+ !FileSysUtilsCombinePaths(file_parent, library_path, combined_path) || !FileSysUtilsPathExists(combined_path)) {
+ out_combined_path = combined_path;
+ return false;
+ }
+ out_combined_path = combined_path;
+ return true;
+bool ApiLayerManifestFile::LocateLibraryInAssets(const std::string & /* json_filename */, const std::string &library_path,
+ std::string &out_combined_path) {
+ std::string combined_path;
+ std::string file_parent = GetAndroidNativeLibraryDir();
+ if (!FileSysUtilsCombinePaths(file_parent, library_path, combined_path) || !FileSysUtilsPathExists(combined_path)) {
+ out_combined_path = combined_path;
+ return false;
+ }
+ out_combined_path = combined_path;
+ return true;
+void ApiLayerManifestFile::PopulateApiLayerProperties(XrApiLayerProperties &props) const {
+ props.layerVersion = _implementation_version;
+ props.specVersion = XR_MAKE_VERSION(_api_version.major, _api_version.minor, _api_version.patch);
+ strncpy(props.layerName, _layer_name.c_str(), XR_MAX_API_LAYER_NAME_SIZE - 1);
+ if (_layer_name.size() >= XR_MAX_API_LAYER_NAME_SIZE - 1) {
+ props.layerName[XR_MAX_API_LAYER_NAME_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+ strncpy(props.description, _description.c_str(), XR_MAX_API_LAYER_DESCRIPTION_SIZE - 1);
+ if (_description.size() >= XR_MAX_API_LAYER_DESCRIPTION_SIZE - 1) {
+ props.description[XR_MAX_API_LAYER_DESCRIPTION_SIZE - 1] = '\0';
+ }
+// Find all layer manifest files in the appropriate search paths/registries for the given type.
+XrResult ApiLayerManifestFile::FindManifestFiles(ManifestFileType type,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerManifestFile>> &manifest_files) {
+ std::string relative_path;
+ std::string override_env_var;
+ std::string registry_location;
+ // Add the appropriate top-level folders for the relative path. These should be
+ // the string "openxr/" followed by the API major version as a string.
+ relative_path = OPENXR_RELATIVE_PATH;
+ relative_path += std::to_string(XR_VERSION_MAJOR(XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION));
+ switch (type) {
+ override_env_var = "";
+ break;
+ override_env_var = OPENXR_API_LAYER_PATH_ENV_VAR;
+ break;
+ default:
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage("", "ApiLayerManifestFile::FindManifestFiles - unknown manifest file requested");
+ }
+ bool override_active = false;
+ std::vector<std::string> filenames;
+ ReadDataFilesInSearchPaths(override_env_var, relative_path, override_active, filenames);
+ // Read the registry if the override wasn't active.
+ if (!override_active) {
+ ReadLayerDataFilesInRegistry(registry_location, filenames);
+ }
+ for (std::string &cur_file : filenames) {
+ ApiLayerManifestFile::CreateIfValid(type, cur_file, manifest_files);
+ }
+ ApiLayerManifestFile::AddManifestFilesAndroid(type, manifest_files);
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/manifest_file.hpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/manifest_file.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de0aab65c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/manifest_file.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017 The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Author: Mark Young <>
+#pragma once
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <iosfwd>
+#include <unordered_map>
+namespace Json {
+class Value;
+enum ManifestFileType {
+struct JsonVersion {
+ uint32_t major;
+ uint32_t minor;
+ uint32_t patch;
+struct ExtensionListing {
+ std::string name;
+ uint32_t extension_version;
+// ManifestFile class -
+// Base class responsible for finding and parsing manifest files.
+class ManifestFile {
+ public:
+ // Non-copyable
+ ManifestFile(const ManifestFile &) = delete;
+ ManifestFile &operator=(const ManifestFile &) = delete;
+ ManifestFileType Type() const { return _type; }
+ const std::string &Filename() const { return _filename; }
+ const std::string &LibraryPath() const { return _library_path; }
+ void GetInstanceExtensionProperties(std::vector<XrExtensionProperties> &props);
+ const std::string &GetFunctionName(const std::string &func_name) const;
+ protected:
+ ManifestFile(ManifestFileType type, const std::string &filename, const std::string &library_path);
+ void ParseCommon(Json::Value const &root_node);
+ static bool IsValidJson(const Json::Value &root, JsonVersion &version);
+ private:
+ std::string _filename;
+ ManifestFileType _type;
+ std::string _library_path;
+ std::vector<ExtensionListing> _instance_extensions;
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> _functions_renamed;
+// RuntimeManifestFile class -
+// Responsible for finding and parsing Runtime-specific manifest files.
+class RuntimeManifestFile : public ManifestFile {
+ public:
+ // Factory method
+ static XrResult FindManifestFiles(std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RuntimeManifestFile>> &manifest_files);
+ private:
+ RuntimeManifestFile(const std::string &filename, const std::string &library_path);
+ static void CreateIfValid(const std::string &filename, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RuntimeManifestFile>> &manifest_files);
+ static void CreateIfValid(const Json::Value &root_node, const std::string &filename,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RuntimeManifestFile>> &manifest_files);
+using LibraryLocator = bool (*)(const std::string &json_filename, const std::string &library_path, std::string &out_combined_path);
+// ApiLayerManifestFile class -
+// Responsible for finding and parsing API Layer-specific manifest files.
+class ApiLayerManifestFile : public ManifestFile {
+ public:
+ // Factory method
+ static XrResult FindManifestFiles(ManifestFileType type, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerManifestFile>> &manifest_files);
+ const std::string &LayerName() const { return _layer_name; }
+ void PopulateApiLayerProperties(XrApiLayerProperties &props) const;
+ private:
+ ApiLayerManifestFile(ManifestFileType type, const std::string &filename, const std::string &layer_name,
+ const std::string &description, const JsonVersion &api_version, const uint32_t &implementation_version,
+ const std::string &library_path);
+ static void CreateIfValid(ManifestFileType type, const std::string &filename, std::istream &json_stream,
+ LibraryLocator locate_library, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerManifestFile>> &manifest_files);
+ static void CreateIfValid(ManifestFileType type, const std::string &filename,
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerManifestFile>> &manifest_files);
+ /// @return false if we could not find the library.
+ static bool LocateLibraryRelativeToJson(const std::string &json_filename, const std::string &library_path,
+ std::string &out_combined_path);
+ static bool LocateLibraryInAssets(const std::string &json_filename, const std::string &library_path,
+ std::string &out_combined_path);
+ static void AddManifestFilesAndroid(ManifestFileType type, std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ApiLayerManifestFile>> &manifest_files);
+ JsonVersion _api_version;
+ std::string _layer_name;
+ std::string _description;
+ uint32_t _implementation_version;
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/runtime_interface.cpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/runtime_interface.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0f081ff9b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/runtime_interface.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,530 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Author: Mark Young <>
+#include "runtime_interface.hpp"
+#include "manifest_file.hpp"
+#include "loader_interfaces.h"
+#include "loader_logger.hpp"
+#include "loader_platform.hpp"
+#include "xr_generated_dispatch_table.h"
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <memory>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include "android_utilities.h"
+#include <android/asset_manager_jni.h>
+#include <json/value.h>
+namespace {
+ * Stores a copy of the data passed to the xrInitializeLoaderKHR function in a singleton.
+ */
+class LoaderInitData {
+ public:
+ /*!
+ * Singleton accessor.
+ */
+ static LoaderInitData& instance() {
+ static LoaderInitData obj;
+ return obj;
+ }
+ /*!
+ * Type alias for the platform-specific structure type.
+ */
+ using StructType = XrLoaderInitInfoAndroidKHR;
+ /*!
+ * Native library path.
+ */
+ std::string _native_library_path;
+ /*!
+ * Android asset manager.
+ */
+ AAssetManager* _android_asset_manager;
+ /*!
+ * Get our copy of the data, casted to pass to the runtime's matching method.
+ */
+ const XrLoaderInitInfoBaseHeaderKHR* getParam() const { return reinterpret_cast<const XrLoaderInitInfoBaseHeaderKHR*>(&_data); }
+ /*!
+ * Get the data via its real structure type.
+ */
+ const StructType& getData() const { return _data; }
+ /*!
+ * Has this been correctly initialized?
+ */
+ bool initialized() const noexcept { return _initialized; }
+ /*!
+ * Initialize loader data - called by InitializeLoader() and thus ultimately by the loader's xrInitializeLoaderKHR
+ * implementation. Each platform that needs this extension will provide an implementation of this.
+ */
+ XrResult initialize(const XrLoaderInitInfoBaseHeaderKHR* info);
+ private:
+ //! Private constructor, forces use of singleton accessor.
+ LoaderInitData() = default;
+ //! Platform-specific init data
+ StructType _data = {};
+ //! Flag for indicating whether _data is valid.
+ bool _initialized = false;
+// Check and copy the Android-specific init data.
+XrResult LoaderInitData::initialize(const XrLoaderInitInfoBaseHeaderKHR* info) {
+ }
+ auto cast_info = reinterpret_cast<XrLoaderInitInfoAndroidKHR const*>(info);
+ if (cast_info->applicationVM == nullptr) {
+ }
+ if (cast_info->applicationContext == nullptr) {
+ }
+ _data = *cast_info;
+ jni::init((jni::JavaVM*)_data.applicationVM);
+ = nullptr;
+ JNIEnv* Env;
+ ((jni::JavaVM*)(cast_info->applicationVM))->AttachCurrentThread(&Env, nullptr);
+ const jclass contextClass = Env->GetObjectClass((jobject)_data.applicationContext);
+ const jmethodID getAssetsMethod = Env->GetMethodID(contextClass, "getAssets", "()Landroid/content/res/AssetManager;");
+ const jobject AssetManagerObject = Env->CallObjectMethod((jobject)_data.applicationContext, getAssetsMethod);
+ _android_asset_manager = AAssetManager_fromJava(Env, AssetManagerObject);
+ const jmethodID getApplicationContextMethod =
+ Env->GetMethodID(contextClass, "getApplicationContext", "()Landroid/content/Context;");
+ const jobject contextObject = Env->CallObjectMethod((jobject)_data.applicationContext, getApplicationContextMethod);
+ const jmethodID getApplicationInfoMethod =
+ Env->GetMethodID(contextClass, "getApplicationInfo", "()Landroid/content/pm/ApplicationInfo;");
+ const jobject applicationInfoObject = Env->CallObjectMethod(contextObject, getApplicationInfoMethod);
+ const jfieldID nativeLibraryDirField =
+ Env->GetFieldID(Env->GetObjectClass(applicationInfoObject), "nativeLibraryDir", "Ljava/lang/String;");
+ const jobject nativeLibraryDirObject = Env->GetObjectField(applicationInfoObject, nativeLibraryDirField);
+ const jmethodID getBytesMethod =
+ Env->GetMethodID(Env->GetObjectClass(nativeLibraryDirObject), "getBytes", "(Ljava/lang/String;)[B");
+ const auto bytesObject =
+ static_cast<jbyteArray>(Env->CallObjectMethod(nativeLibraryDirObject, getBytesMethod, Env->NewStringUTF("UTF-8")));
+ const size_t length = Env->GetArrayLength(bytesObject);
+ const jbyte* const bytes = Env->GetByteArrayElements(bytesObject, nullptr);
+ _native_library_path = std::string(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(bytes), length);
+ _initialized = true;
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+} // namespace
+XrResult InitializeLoader(const XrLoaderInitInfoBaseHeaderKHR* loaderInitInfo) {
+ return LoaderInitData::instance().initialize(loaderInitInfo);
+std::string GetAndroidNativeLibraryDir() { return LoaderInitData::instance()._native_library_path; }
+void* Android_Get_Asset_Manager() { return LoaderInitData::instance()._android_asset_manager; }
+XrResult GetPlatformRuntimeVirtualManifest(Json::Value& out_manifest) {
+ using wrap::android::content::Context;
+ auto& initData = LoaderInitData::instance();
+ if (!initData.initialized()) {
+ }
+ auto context = Context(reinterpret_cast<jobject>(initData.getData().applicationContext));
+ if (context.isNull()) {
+ }
+ Json::Value virtualManifest;
+ if (0 != openxr_android::getActiveRuntimeVirtualManifest(context, virtualManifest)) {
+ }
+ out_manifest = virtualManifest;
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+XrResult RuntimeInterface::TryLoadingSingleRuntime(const std::string& openxr_command,
+ std::unique_ptr<RuntimeManifestFile>& manifest_file) {
+ LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle runtime_library = LoaderPlatformLibraryOpen(manifest_file->LibraryPath());
+ if (nullptr == runtime_library) {
+ std::string library_message = LoaderPlatformLibraryOpenError(manifest_file->LibraryPath());
+ std::string warning_message = "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime skipping manifest file ";
+ warning_message += manifest_file->Filename();
+ warning_message += ", failed to load with message \"";
+ warning_message += library_message;
+ warning_message += "\"";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command, warning_message);
+ }
+ if (!LoaderInitData::instance().initialized()) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command, "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime skipping manifest file " +
+ manifest_file->Filename() +
+ " because xrInitializeLoaderKHR was not yet called.");
+ LoaderPlatformLibraryClose(runtime_library);
+ }
+ bool forwardedInitLoader = false;
+ {
+ // If we have xrInitializeLoaderKHR exposed as an export, forward call to it.
+ const auto function_name = manifest_file->GetFunctionName("xrInitializeLoaderKHR");
+ auto initLoader =
+ reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrInitializeLoaderKHR>(LoaderPlatformLibraryGetProcAddr(runtime_library, function_name));
+ if (initLoader != nullptr) {
+ // we found the entry point one way or another.
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage(openxr_command,
+ "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime forwarding xrInitializeLoaderKHR call to runtime before "
+ "calling xrNegotiateLoaderRuntimeInterface.");
+ XrResult res = initLoader(LoaderInitData::instance().getParam());
+ if (!XR_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command,
+ "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime forwarded call to xrInitializeLoaderKHR failed.");
+ LoaderPlatformLibraryClose(runtime_library);
+ return res;
+ }
+ forwardedInitLoader = true;
+ }
+ }
+ // Get and settle on an runtime interface version (using any provided name if required).
+ std::string function_name = manifest_file->GetFunctionName("xrNegotiateLoaderRuntimeInterface");
+ auto negotiate =
+ reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrNegotiateLoaderRuntimeInterface>(LoaderPlatformLibraryGetProcAddr(runtime_library, function_name));
+ // Loader info for negotiation
+ XrNegotiateLoaderInfo loader_info = {};
+ loader_info.structVersion = XR_LOADER_INFO_STRUCT_VERSION;
+ loader_info.structSize = sizeof(XrNegotiateLoaderInfo);
+ loader_info.minInterfaceVersion = 1;
+ loader_info.maxInterfaceVersion = XR_CURRENT_LOADER_RUNTIME_VERSION;
+ loader_info.minApiVersion = XR_MAKE_VERSION(1, 0, 0);
+ loader_info.maxApiVersion = XR_MAKE_VERSION(1, 0x3ff, 0xfff); // Maximum allowed version for this major version.
+ // Set up the runtime return structure
+ XrNegotiateRuntimeRequest runtime_info = {};
+ runtime_info.structVersion = XR_RUNTIME_INFO_STRUCT_VERSION;
+ runtime_info.structSize = sizeof(XrNegotiateRuntimeRequest);
+ // Skip calling the negotiate function and fail if the function pointer
+ // could not get loaded
+ if (nullptr != negotiate) {
+ res = negotiate(&loader_info, &runtime_info);
+ }
+ // If we supposedly succeeded, but got a nullptr for GetInstanceProcAddr
+ // then something still went wrong, so return with an error.
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
+ uint32_t runtime_major = XR_VERSION_MAJOR(runtime_info.runtimeApiVersion);
+ uint32_t runtime_minor = XR_VERSION_MINOR(runtime_info.runtimeApiVersion);
+ uint32_t loader_major = XR_VERSION_MAJOR(XR_CURRENT_API_VERSION);
+ if (nullptr == runtime_info.getInstanceProcAddr) {
+ std::string error_message = "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime skipping manifest file ";
+ error_message += manifest_file->Filename();
+ error_message += ", negotiation succeeded but returned NULL getInstanceProcAddr";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command, error_message);
+ } else if (0 >= runtime_info.runtimeInterfaceVersion ||
+ XR_CURRENT_LOADER_RUNTIME_VERSION < runtime_info.runtimeInterfaceVersion) {
+ std::string error_message = "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime skipping manifest file ";
+ error_message += manifest_file->Filename();
+ error_message += ", negotiation succeeded but returned invalid interface version";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command, error_message);
+ } else if (runtime_major != loader_major || (runtime_major == 0 && runtime_minor == 0)) {
+ std::string error_message = "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime skipping manifest file ";
+ error_message += manifest_file->Filename();
+ error_message += ", OpenXR version returned not compatible with this loader";
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command, error_message);
+ }
+ }
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(res) && !forwardedInitLoader) {
+ // Forward initialize loader call, where possible and if we did not do so before.
+ PFN_xrVoidFunction initializeVoid = nullptr;
+ PFN_xrInitializeLoaderKHR initialize = nullptr;
+ // Now we may try asking xrGetInstanceProcAddr
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(runtime_info.getInstanceProcAddr(XR_NULL_HANDLE, "xrInitializeLoaderKHR", &initializeVoid))) {
+ if (initializeVoid == nullptr) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command,
+ "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime got success from xrGetInstanceProcAddr "
+ "for xrInitializeLoaderKHR, but output a null pointer.");
+ } else {
+ initialize = reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrInitializeLoaderKHR>(initializeVoid);
+ }
+ }
+ if (initialize != nullptr) {
+ // we found the entry point one way or another.
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage(openxr_command,
+ "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime forwarding xrInitializeLoaderKHR call to runtime after "
+ "calling xrNegotiateLoaderRuntimeInterface.");
+ res = initialize(LoaderInitData::instance().getParam());
+ if (!XR_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command,
+ "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime forwarded call to xrInitializeLoaderKHR failed.");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (XR_FAILED(res)) {
+ std::string warning_message = "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime skipping manifest file ";
+ warning_message += manifest_file->Filename();
+ warning_message += ", negotiation failed with error ";
+ warning_message += std::to_string(res);
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command, warning_message);
+ LoaderPlatformLibraryClose(runtime_library);
+ return res;
+ }
+ std::string info_message = "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime succeeded loading runtime defined in manifest file ";
+ info_message += manifest_file->Filename();
+ info_message += " using interface version ";
+ info_message += std::to_string(runtime_info.runtimeInterfaceVersion);
+ info_message += " and OpenXR API version ";
+ info_message += std::to_string(XR_VERSION_MAJOR(runtime_info.runtimeApiVersion));
+ info_message += ".";
+ info_message += std::to_string(XR_VERSION_MINOR(runtime_info.runtimeApiVersion));
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage(openxr_command, info_message);
+ // Use this runtime
+ GetInstance().reset(new RuntimeInterface(runtime_library, runtime_info.getInstanceProcAddr));
+ // Grab the list of extensions this runtime supports for easy filtering after the
+ // xrCreateInstance call
+ std::vector<std::string> supported_extensions;
+ std::vector<XrExtensionProperties> extension_properties;
+ GetInstance()->GetInstanceExtensionProperties(extension_properties);
+ supported_extensions.reserve(extension_properties.size());
+ for (XrExtensionProperties ext_prop : extension_properties) {
+ supported_extensions.emplace_back(ext_prop.extensionName);
+ }
+ GetInstance()->SetSupportedExtensions(supported_extensions);
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+XrResult RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime(const std::string& openxr_command) {
+ // If something's already loaded, we're done here.
+ if (GetInstance() != nullptr) {
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ if (!LoaderInitData::instance().initialized()) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(
+ openxr_command, "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntime cannot run because xrInitializeLoaderKHR was not successfully called.");
+ }
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RuntimeManifestFile>> runtime_manifest_files = {};
+ // Find the available runtimes which we may need to report information for.
+ XrResult last_error = RuntimeManifestFile::FindManifestFiles(runtime_manifest_files);
+ if (XR_FAILED(last_error)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command, "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntimes - unknown error");
+ } else {
+ for (std::unique_ptr<RuntimeManifestFile>& manifest_file : runtime_manifest_files) {
+ last_error = RuntimeInterface::TryLoadingSingleRuntime(openxr_command, manifest_file);
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(last_error)) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Unsuccessful in loading any runtime, throw the runtime unavailable message.
+ if (XR_FAILED(last_error)) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogErrorMessage(openxr_command, "RuntimeInterface::LoadRuntimes - failed to load a runtime");
+ }
+ return last_error;
+void RuntimeInterface::UnloadRuntime(const std::string& openxr_command) {
+ if (GetInstance()) {
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage(openxr_command, "RuntimeInterface::UnloadRuntime - Unloading RuntimeInterface");
+ GetInstance().reset();
+ }
+XrResult RuntimeInterface::GetInstanceProcAddr(XrInstance instance, const char* name, PFN_xrVoidFunction* function) {
+ return GetInstance()->_get_instance_proc_addr(instance, name, function);
+const XrGeneratedDispatchTable* RuntimeInterface::GetDispatchTable(XrInstance instance) {
+ XrGeneratedDispatchTable* table = nullptr;
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mlock(GetInstance()->_dispatch_table_mutex);
+ auto it = GetInstance()->_dispatch_table_map.find(instance);
+ if (it != GetInstance()->_dispatch_table_map.end()) {
+ table = it->second.get();
+ }
+ return table;
+const XrGeneratedDispatchTable* RuntimeInterface::GetDebugUtilsMessengerDispatchTable(XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger) {
+ XrInstance runtime_instance = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mlock(GetInstance()->_messenger_to_instance_mutex);
+ auto it = GetInstance()->_messenger_to_instance_map.find(messenger);
+ if (it != GetInstance()->_messenger_to_instance_map.end()) {
+ runtime_instance = it->second;
+ }
+ }
+ return GetDispatchTable(runtime_instance);
+RuntimeInterface::RuntimeInterface(LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle runtime_library, PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr get_instance_proc_addr)
+ : _runtime_library(runtime_library), _get_instance_proc_addr(get_instance_proc_addr) {}
+RuntimeInterface::~RuntimeInterface() {
+ std::string info_message = "RuntimeInterface being destroyed.";
+ LoaderLogger::LogInfoMessage("", info_message);
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mlock(_dispatch_table_mutex);
+ _dispatch_table_map.clear();
+ }
+ LoaderPlatformLibraryClose(_runtime_library);
+void RuntimeInterface::GetInstanceExtensionProperties(std::vector<XrExtensionProperties>& extension_properties) {
+ std::vector<XrExtensionProperties> runtime_extension_properties;
+ PFN_xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties rt_xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties;
+ _get_instance_proc_addr(XR_NULL_HANDLE, "xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties",
+ reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction*>(&rt_xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties));
+ uint32_t count = 0;
+ uint32_t count_output = 0;
+ // Get the count from the runtime
+ rt_xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(nullptr, count, &count_output, nullptr);
+ if (count_output > 0) {
+ runtime_extension_properties.resize(count_output);
+ count = count_output;
+ for (XrExtensionProperties& ext_prop : runtime_extension_properties) {
+ = nullptr;
+ }
+ rt_xrEnumerateInstanceExtensionProperties(nullptr, count, &count_output,;
+ }
+ size_t ext_count = runtime_extension_properties.size();
+ size_t props_count = extension_properties.size();
+ for (size_t ext = 0; ext < ext_count; ++ext) {
+ bool found = false;
+ for (size_t prop = 0; prop < props_count; ++prop) {
+ // If we find it, then make sure the spec version matches that of the runtime instead of the
+ // layer.
+ if (strcmp(extension_properties[prop].extensionName, runtime_extension_properties[ext].extensionName) == 0) {
+ // Make sure the spec version used is the runtime's
+ extension_properties[prop].extensionVersion = runtime_extension_properties[ext].extensionVersion;
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ extension_properties.push_back(runtime_extension_properties[ext]);
+ }
+ }
+XrResult RuntimeInterface::CreateInstance(const XrInstanceCreateInfo* info, XrInstance* instance) {
+ XrResult res = XR_SUCCESS;
+ bool create_succeeded = false;
+ PFN_xrCreateInstance rt_xrCreateInstance;
+ _get_instance_proc_addr(XR_NULL_HANDLE, "xrCreateInstance", reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction*>(&rt_xrCreateInstance));
+ res = rt_xrCreateInstance(info, instance);
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(res)) {
+ create_succeeded = true;
+ std::unique_ptr<XrGeneratedDispatchTable> dispatch_table(new XrGeneratedDispatchTable());
+ GeneratedXrPopulateDispatchTable(dispatch_table.get(), *instance, _get_instance_proc_addr);
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mlock(_dispatch_table_mutex);
+ _dispatch_table_map[*instance] = std::move(dispatch_table);
+ }
+ // If the failure occurred during the populate, clean up the instance we had picked up from the runtime
+ if (XR_FAILED(res) && create_succeeded) {
+ PFN_xrDestroyInstance rt_xrDestroyInstance;
+ _get_instance_proc_addr(*instance, "xrDestroyInstance", reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction*>(&rt_xrDestroyInstance));
+ rt_xrDestroyInstance(*instance);
+ *instance = XR_NULL_HANDLE;
+ }
+ return res;
+XrResult RuntimeInterface::DestroyInstance(XrInstance instance) {
+ if (XR_NULL_HANDLE != instance) {
+ // Destroy the dispatch table for this instance first
+ {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mlock(_dispatch_table_mutex);
+ auto map_iter = _dispatch_table_map.find(instance);
+ if (map_iter != _dispatch_table_map.end()) {
+ _dispatch_table_map.erase(map_iter);
+ }
+ }
+ // Now delete the instance
+ PFN_xrDestroyInstance rt_xrDestroyInstance;
+ _get_instance_proc_addr(instance, "xrDestroyInstance", reinterpret_cast<PFN_xrVoidFunction*>(&rt_xrDestroyInstance));
+ rt_xrDestroyInstance(instance);
+ }
+ return XR_SUCCESS;
+bool RuntimeInterface::TrackDebugMessenger(XrInstance instance, XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mlock(_messenger_to_instance_mutex);
+ _messenger_to_instance_map[messenger] = instance;
+ return true;
+void RuntimeInterface::ForgetDebugMessenger(XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger) {
+ if (XR_NULL_HANDLE != messenger) {
+ std::lock_guard<std::mutex> mlock(_messenger_to_instance_mutex);
+ _messenger_to_instance_map.erase(messenger);
+ }
+void RuntimeInterface::SetSupportedExtensions(std::vector<std::string>& supported_extensions) {
+ _supported_extensions = supported_extensions;
+bool RuntimeInterface::SupportsExtension(const std::string& extension_name) {
+ bool found_prop = false;
+ for (const std::string& supported_extension : _supported_extensions) {
+ if (supported_extension == extension_name) {
+ found_prop = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return found_prop;
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/runtime_interface.hpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/runtime_interface.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fa53ee03f2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/runtime_interface.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// Initial Author: Mark Young <>
+#pragma once
+#include "loader_platform.hpp"
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <memory>
+namespace Json {
+class Value;
+//! Initialize loader, where required.
+XrResult InitializeLoader(const XrLoaderInitInfoBaseHeaderKHR* loaderInitInfo);
+XrResult GetPlatformRuntimeVirtualManifest(Json::Value& out_manifest);
+std::string GetAndroidNativeLibraryDir();
+void* Android_Get_Asset_Manager();
+class RuntimeManifestFile;
+struct XrGeneratedDispatchTable;
+class RuntimeInterface {
+ public:
+ virtual ~RuntimeInterface();
+ // Helper functions for loading and unloading the runtime (but only when necessary)
+ static XrResult LoadRuntime(const std::string& openxr_command);
+ static void UnloadRuntime(const std::string& openxr_command);
+ static RuntimeInterface& GetRuntime() { return *(GetInstance().get()); }
+ static XrResult GetInstanceProcAddr(XrInstance instance, const char* name, PFN_xrVoidFunction* function);
+ // Get the direct dispatch table to this runtime, without API layers or loader terminators.
+ static const XrGeneratedDispatchTable* GetDispatchTable(XrInstance instance);
+ static const XrGeneratedDispatchTable* GetDebugUtilsMessengerDispatchTable(XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger);
+ void GetInstanceExtensionProperties(std::vector<XrExtensionProperties>& extension_properties);
+ bool SupportsExtension(const std::string& extension_name);
+ XrResult CreateInstance(const XrInstanceCreateInfo* info, XrInstance* instance);
+ XrResult DestroyInstance(XrInstance instance);
+ bool TrackDebugMessenger(XrInstance instance, XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger);
+ void ForgetDebugMessenger(XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT messenger);
+ // No default construction
+ RuntimeInterface() = delete;
+ // Non-copyable
+ RuntimeInterface(const RuntimeInterface&) = delete;
+ RuntimeInterface& operator=(const RuntimeInterface&) = delete;
+ private:
+ RuntimeInterface(LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle runtime_library, PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr get_instance_proc_addr);
+ void SetSupportedExtensions(std::vector<std::string>& supported_extensions);
+ static XrResult TryLoadingSingleRuntime(const std::string& openxr_command, std::unique_ptr<RuntimeManifestFile>& manifest_file);
+ static std::unique_ptr<RuntimeInterface>& GetInstance() {
+ static std::unique_ptr<RuntimeInterface> instance;
+ return instance;
+ }
+ LoaderPlatformLibraryHandle _runtime_library;
+ PFN_xrGetInstanceProcAddr _get_instance_proc_addr;
+ std::unordered_map<XrInstance, std::unique_ptr<XrGeneratedDispatchTable>> _dispatch_table_map;
+ std::mutex _dispatch_table_mutex;
+ std::unordered_map<XrDebugUtilsMessengerEXT, XrInstance> _messenger_to_instance_map;
+ std::mutex _messenger_to_instance_mutex;
+ std::vector<std::string> _supported_extensions;
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/xr_generated_loader.cpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/xr_generated_loader.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ce323e51f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/xr_generated_loader.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// *********** THIS FILE IS GENERATED - DO NOT EDIT ***********
+// See for modifications
+// ************************************************************
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Author: Mark Young <>
+#include "xr_generated_loader.hpp"
+#include "api_layer_interface.hpp"
+#include "exception_handling.hpp"
+#include "hex_and_handles.h"
+#include "loader_instance.hpp"
+#include "loader_logger.hpp"
+#include "loader_platform.hpp"
+#include "runtime_interface.hpp"
+#include "xr_generated_dispatch_table.h"
+#include "xr_dependencies.h"
+#include <openxr/openxr.h>
+#include <openxr/openxr_platform.h>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <memory>
+#include <new>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+// Automatically generated instance trampolines and terminators
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetInstanceProperties(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrInstanceProperties* instanceProperties) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrGetInstanceProperties");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->GetInstanceProperties(instance, instanceProperties);
+ }
+ return result;
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrEventDataBuffer* eventData) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrPollEvent");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->PollEvent(instance, eventData);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrResultToString(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrResult value,
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrResultToString");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->ResultToString(instance, value, buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrStructureTypeToString(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrStructureType value,
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrStructureTypeToString");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->StructureTypeToString(instance, value, buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+ XrInstance instance,
+ const XrSystemGetInfo* getInfo,
+ XrSystemId* systemId) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrGetSystem");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->GetSystem(instance, getInfo, systemId);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetSystemProperties(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrSystemId systemId,
+ XrSystemProperties* properties) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrGetSystemProperties");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->GetSystemProperties(instance, systemId, properties);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateEnvironmentBlendModes(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrSystemId systemId,
+ XrViewConfigurationType viewConfigurationType,
+ uint32_t environmentBlendModeCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* environmentBlendModeCountOutput,
+ XrEnvironmentBlendMode* environmentBlendModes) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrEnumerateEnvironmentBlendModes");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->EnumerateEnvironmentBlendModes(instance, systemId, viewConfigurationType, environmentBlendModeCapacityInput, environmentBlendModeCountOutput, environmentBlendModes);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateSession(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ const XrSessionCreateInfo* createInfo,
+ XrSession* session) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrCreateSession");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->CreateSession(instance, createInfo, session);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroySession(
+ XrSession session) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrDestroySession");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->DestroySession(session);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateReferenceSpaces(
+ XrSession session,
+ uint32_t spaceCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* spaceCountOutput,
+ XrReferenceSpaceType* spaces) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrEnumerateReferenceSpaces");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->EnumerateReferenceSpaces(session, spaceCapacityInput, spaceCountOutput, spaces);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateReferenceSpace(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrReferenceSpaceCreateInfo* createInfo,
+ XrSpace* space) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrCreateReferenceSpace");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->CreateReferenceSpace(session, createInfo, space);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetReferenceSpaceBoundsRect(
+ XrSession session,
+ XrReferenceSpaceType referenceSpaceType,
+ XrExtent2Df* bounds) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrGetReferenceSpaceBoundsRect");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->GetReferenceSpaceBoundsRect(session, referenceSpaceType, bounds);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateActionSpace(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrActionSpaceCreateInfo* createInfo,
+ XrSpace* space) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrCreateActionSpace");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->CreateActionSpace(session, createInfo, space);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrLocateSpace(
+ XrSpace space,
+ XrSpace baseSpace,
+ XrTime time,
+ XrSpaceLocation* location) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrLocateSpace");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->LocateSpace(space, baseSpace, time, location);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroySpace(
+ XrSpace space) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrDestroySpace");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->DestroySpace(space);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateViewConfigurations(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrSystemId systemId,
+ uint32_t viewConfigurationTypeCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* viewConfigurationTypeCountOutput,
+ XrViewConfigurationType* viewConfigurationTypes) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrEnumerateViewConfigurations");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->EnumerateViewConfigurations(instance, systemId, viewConfigurationTypeCapacityInput, viewConfigurationTypeCountOutput, viewConfigurationTypes);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetViewConfigurationProperties(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrSystemId systemId,
+ XrViewConfigurationType viewConfigurationType,
+ XrViewConfigurationProperties* configurationProperties) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrGetViewConfigurationProperties");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->GetViewConfigurationProperties(instance, systemId, viewConfigurationType, configurationProperties);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrSystemId systemId,
+ XrViewConfigurationType viewConfigurationType,
+ uint32_t viewCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* viewCountOutput,
+ XrViewConfigurationView* views) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->EnumerateViewConfigurationViews(instance, systemId, viewConfigurationType, viewCapacityInput, viewCountOutput, views);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateSwapchainFormats(
+ XrSession session,
+ uint32_t formatCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* formatCountOutput,
+ int64_t* formats) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrEnumerateSwapchainFormats");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->EnumerateSwapchainFormats(session, formatCapacityInput, formatCountOutput, formats);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateSwapchain(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrSwapchainCreateInfo* createInfo,
+ XrSwapchain* swapchain) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrCreateSwapchain");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->CreateSwapchain(session, createInfo, swapchain);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroySwapchain(
+ XrSwapchain swapchain) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrDestroySwapchain");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->DestroySwapchain(swapchain);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateSwapchainImages(
+ XrSwapchain swapchain,
+ uint32_t imageCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* imageCountOutput,
+ XrSwapchainImageBaseHeader* images) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrEnumerateSwapchainImages");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->EnumerateSwapchainImages(swapchain, imageCapacityInput, imageCountOutput, images);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrAcquireSwapchainImage(
+ XrSwapchain swapchain,
+ const XrSwapchainImageAcquireInfo* acquireInfo,
+ uint32_t* index) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrAcquireSwapchainImage");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->AcquireSwapchainImage(swapchain, acquireInfo, index);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrWaitSwapchainImage(
+ XrSwapchain swapchain,
+ const XrSwapchainImageWaitInfo* waitInfo) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrWaitSwapchainImage");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->WaitSwapchainImage(swapchain, waitInfo);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrReleaseSwapchainImage(
+ XrSwapchain swapchain,
+ const XrSwapchainImageReleaseInfo* releaseInfo) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrReleaseSwapchainImage");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->ReleaseSwapchainImage(swapchain, releaseInfo);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrBeginSession(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrSessionBeginInfo* beginInfo) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrBeginSession");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->BeginSession(session, beginInfo);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEndSession(
+ XrSession session) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrEndSession");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->EndSession(session);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrRequestExitSession(
+ XrSession session) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrRequestExitSession");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->RequestExitSession(session);
+ }
+ return result;
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrFrameWaitInfo* frameWaitInfo,
+ XrFrameState* frameState) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrWaitFrame");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->WaitFrame(session, frameWaitInfo, frameState);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrBeginFrame(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrFrameBeginInfo* frameBeginInfo) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrBeginFrame");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->BeginFrame(session, frameBeginInfo);
+ }
+ return result;
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrFrameEndInfo* frameEndInfo) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrEndFrame");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->EndFrame(session, frameEndInfo);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrLocateViews(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrViewLocateInfo* viewLocateInfo,
+ XrViewState* viewState,
+ uint32_t viewCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* viewCountOutput,
+ XrView* views) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrLocateViews");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->LocateViews(session, viewLocateInfo, viewState, viewCapacityInput, viewCountOutput, views);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrStringToPath(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ const char* pathString,
+ XrPath* path) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrStringToPath");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->StringToPath(instance, pathString, path);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrPathToString(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrPath path,
+ uint32_t bufferCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* bufferCountOutput,
+ char* buffer) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrPathToString");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->PathToString(instance, path, bufferCapacityInput, bufferCountOutput, buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateActionSet(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ const XrActionSetCreateInfo* createInfo,
+ XrActionSet* actionSet) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrCreateActionSet");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->CreateActionSet(instance, createInfo, actionSet);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroyActionSet(
+ XrActionSet actionSet) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrDestroyActionSet");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->DestroyActionSet(actionSet);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateAction(
+ XrActionSet actionSet,
+ const XrActionCreateInfo* createInfo,
+ XrAction* action) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrCreateAction");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->CreateAction(actionSet, createInfo, action);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroyAction(
+ XrAction action) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrDestroyAction");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->DestroyAction(action);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrSuggestInteractionProfileBindings(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ const XrInteractionProfileSuggestedBinding* suggestedBindings) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrSuggestInteractionProfileBindings");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->SuggestInteractionProfileBindings(instance, suggestedBindings);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrAttachSessionActionSets(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrSessionActionSetsAttachInfo* attachInfo) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrAttachSessionActionSets");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->AttachSessionActionSets(session, attachInfo);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetCurrentInteractionProfile(
+ XrSession session,
+ XrPath topLevelUserPath,
+ XrInteractionProfileState* interactionProfile) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrGetCurrentInteractionProfile");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->GetCurrentInteractionProfile(session, topLevelUserPath, interactionProfile);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetActionStateBoolean(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrActionStateGetInfo* getInfo,
+ XrActionStateBoolean* state) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrGetActionStateBoolean");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->GetActionStateBoolean(session, getInfo, state);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetActionStateFloat(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrActionStateGetInfo* getInfo,
+ XrActionStateFloat* state) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrGetActionStateFloat");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->GetActionStateFloat(session, getInfo, state);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetActionStateVector2f(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrActionStateGetInfo* getInfo,
+ XrActionStateVector2f* state) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrGetActionStateVector2f");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->GetActionStateVector2f(session, getInfo, state);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetActionStatePose(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrActionStateGetInfo* getInfo,
+ XrActionStatePose* state) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrGetActionStatePose");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->GetActionStatePose(session, getInfo, state);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrSyncActions(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrActionsSyncInfo* syncInfo) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrSyncActions");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->SyncActions(session, syncInfo);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateBoundSourcesForAction(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrBoundSourcesForActionEnumerateInfo* enumerateInfo,
+ uint32_t sourceCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* sourceCountOutput,
+ XrPath* sources) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrEnumerateBoundSourcesForAction");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->EnumerateBoundSourcesForAction(session, enumerateInfo, sourceCapacityInput, sourceCountOutput, sources);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetInputSourceLocalizedName(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrInputSourceLocalizedNameGetInfo* getInfo,
+ uint32_t bufferCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* bufferCountOutput,
+ char* buffer) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrGetInputSourceLocalizedName");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->GetInputSourceLocalizedName(session, getInfo, bufferCapacityInput, bufferCountOutput, buffer);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrApplyHapticFeedback(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrHapticActionInfo* hapticActionInfo,
+ const XrHapticBaseHeader* hapticFeedback) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrApplyHapticFeedback");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->ApplyHapticFeedback(session, hapticActionInfo, hapticFeedback);
+ }
+ return result;
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrStopHapticFeedback(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrHapticActionInfo* hapticActionInfo) XRLOADER_ABI_TRY {
+ LoaderInstance* loader_instance;
+ XrResult result = ActiveLoaderInstance::Get(&loader_instance, "xrStopHapticFeedback");
+ if (XR_SUCCEEDED(result)) {
+ result = loader_instance->DispatchTable()->StopHapticFeedback(session, hapticActionInfo);
+ }
+ return result;
diff --git a/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/xr_generated_loader.hpp b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/xr_generated_loader.hpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..482cf1e83e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/openxr/src/loader/xr_generated_loader.hpp
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 OR MIT
+// *********** THIS FILE IS GENERATED - DO NOT EDIT ***********
+// See for modifications
+// ************************************************************
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2022, The Khronos Group Inc.
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Valve Corporation
+// Copyright (c) 2017-2019 LunarG, Inc.
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+// You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// Author: Mark Young <>
+#pragma once
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <thread>
+#include <mutex>
+#include "xr_dependencies.h"
+#include "openxr/openxr.h"
+#include "openxr/openxr_platform.h"
+#include "loader_interfaces.h"
+#include "loader_instance.hpp"
+#include "loader_platform.hpp"
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+extern "C" {
+// Loader manually generated function prototypes
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetInstanceProperties(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrInstanceProperties* instanceProperties);
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrEventDataBuffer* eventData);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrResultToString(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrResult value,
+ char buffer[XR_MAX_RESULT_STRING_SIZE]);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrStructureTypeToString(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrStructureType value,
+ XrInstance instance,
+ const XrSystemGetInfo* getInfo,
+ XrSystemId* systemId);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetSystemProperties(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrSystemId systemId,
+ XrSystemProperties* properties);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateEnvironmentBlendModes(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrSystemId systemId,
+ XrViewConfigurationType viewConfigurationType,
+ uint32_t environmentBlendModeCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* environmentBlendModeCountOutput,
+ XrEnvironmentBlendMode* environmentBlendModes);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateSession(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ const XrSessionCreateInfo* createInfo,
+ XrSession* session);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroySession(
+ XrSession session);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateReferenceSpaces(
+ XrSession session,
+ uint32_t spaceCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* spaceCountOutput,
+ XrReferenceSpaceType* spaces);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateReferenceSpace(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrReferenceSpaceCreateInfo* createInfo,
+ XrSpace* space);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetReferenceSpaceBoundsRect(
+ XrSession session,
+ XrReferenceSpaceType referenceSpaceType,
+ XrExtent2Df* bounds);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateActionSpace(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrActionSpaceCreateInfo* createInfo,
+ XrSpace* space);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrLocateSpace(
+ XrSpace space,
+ XrSpace baseSpace,
+ XrTime time,
+ XrSpaceLocation* location);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroySpace(
+ XrSpace space);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateViewConfigurations(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrSystemId systemId,
+ uint32_t viewConfigurationTypeCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* viewConfigurationTypeCountOutput,
+ XrViewConfigurationType* viewConfigurationTypes);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetViewConfigurationProperties(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrSystemId systemId,
+ XrViewConfigurationType viewConfigurationType,
+ XrViewConfigurationProperties* configurationProperties);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateViewConfigurationViews(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrSystemId systemId,
+ XrViewConfigurationType viewConfigurationType,
+ uint32_t viewCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* viewCountOutput,
+ XrViewConfigurationView* views);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateSwapchainFormats(
+ XrSession session,
+ uint32_t formatCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* formatCountOutput,
+ int64_t* formats);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateSwapchain(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrSwapchainCreateInfo* createInfo,
+ XrSwapchain* swapchain);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroySwapchain(
+ XrSwapchain swapchain);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateSwapchainImages(
+ XrSwapchain swapchain,
+ uint32_t imageCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* imageCountOutput,
+ XrSwapchainImageBaseHeader* images);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrAcquireSwapchainImage(
+ XrSwapchain swapchain,
+ const XrSwapchainImageAcquireInfo* acquireInfo,
+ uint32_t* index);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrWaitSwapchainImage(
+ XrSwapchain swapchain,
+ const XrSwapchainImageWaitInfo* waitInfo);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrReleaseSwapchainImage(
+ XrSwapchain swapchain,
+ const XrSwapchainImageReleaseInfo* releaseInfo);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrBeginSession(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrSessionBeginInfo* beginInfo);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEndSession(
+ XrSession session);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrRequestExitSession(
+ XrSession session);
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrFrameWaitInfo* frameWaitInfo,
+ XrFrameState* frameState);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrBeginFrame(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrFrameBeginInfo* frameBeginInfo);
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrFrameEndInfo* frameEndInfo);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrLocateViews(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrViewLocateInfo* viewLocateInfo,
+ XrViewState* viewState,
+ uint32_t viewCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* viewCountOutput,
+ XrView* views);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrStringToPath(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ const char* pathString,
+ XrPath* path);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrPathToString(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ XrPath path,
+ uint32_t bufferCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* bufferCountOutput,
+ char* buffer);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateActionSet(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ const XrActionSetCreateInfo* createInfo,
+ XrActionSet* actionSet);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroyActionSet(
+ XrActionSet actionSet);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrCreateAction(
+ XrActionSet actionSet,
+ const XrActionCreateInfo* createInfo,
+ XrAction* action);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrDestroyAction(
+ XrAction action);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrSuggestInteractionProfileBindings(
+ XrInstance instance,
+ const XrInteractionProfileSuggestedBinding* suggestedBindings);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrAttachSessionActionSets(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrSessionActionSetsAttachInfo* attachInfo);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetCurrentInteractionProfile(
+ XrSession session,
+ XrPath topLevelUserPath,
+ XrInteractionProfileState* interactionProfile);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetActionStateBoolean(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrActionStateGetInfo* getInfo,
+ XrActionStateBoolean* state);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetActionStateFloat(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrActionStateGetInfo* getInfo,
+ XrActionStateFloat* state);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetActionStateVector2f(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrActionStateGetInfo* getInfo,
+ XrActionStateVector2f* state);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetActionStatePose(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrActionStateGetInfo* getInfo,
+ XrActionStatePose* state);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrSyncActions(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrActionsSyncInfo* syncInfo);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrEnumerateBoundSourcesForAction(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrBoundSourcesForActionEnumerateInfo* enumerateInfo,
+ uint32_t sourceCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* sourceCountOutput,
+ XrPath* sources);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrGetInputSourceLocalizedName(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrInputSourceLocalizedNameGetInfo* getInfo,
+ uint32_t bufferCapacityInput,
+ uint32_t* bufferCountOutput,
+ char* buffer);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrApplyHapticFeedback(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrHapticActionInfo* hapticActionInfo,
+ const XrHapticBaseHeader* hapticFeedback);
+extern "C" LOADER_EXPORT XRAPI_ATTR XrResult XRAPI_CALL xrStopHapticFeedback(
+ XrSession session,
+ const XrHapticActionInfo* hapticActionInfo);
+#ifdef __cplusplus
+} // extern "C"