path: root/thirdparty/oidn/patches
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/oidn/patches')
2 files changed, 352 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/oidn/patches/godot-changes-c58c5216.patch b/thirdparty/oidn/patches/godot-changes-c58c5216.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a54703064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/oidn/patches/godot-changes-c58c5216.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+diff --git a/common/platform.h b/common/platform.h
+index be14bc7..9373b61 100644
+--- a/common/platform.h
++++ b/common/platform.h
+@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
+ #if defined(_WIN32)
+ #define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN
+ #define NOMINMAX
+- #include <Windows.h>
++ #include <windows.h>
+ #elif defined(__APPLE__)
+ #include <sys/sysctl.h>
+ #endif
+@@ -129,4 +129,3 @@ namespace oidn {
+ std::string getBuildName();
+ } // namespace oidn
+diff --git a/core/autoencoder.cpp b/core/autoencoder.cpp
+index d6915e6..d8da684 100644
+--- a/core/autoencoder.cpp
++++ b/core/autoencoder.cpp
+@@ -90,13 +90,19 @@ namespace oidn {
+ if (!dirty)
+ return;
+- device->executeTask([&]()
+- {
++ // -- GODOT start --
++ //device->executeTask([&]()
++ //{
++ // GODOT end --
+ if (mayiuse(avx512_common))
+ net = buildNet<16>();
+ else
+ net = buildNet<8>();
+- });
++ // GODOT start --
++ //});
++ // GODOT end --
+ dirty = false;
+ }
+@@ -108,9 +114,10 @@ namespace oidn {
+ if (!net)
+ return;
+- device->executeTask([&]()
+- {
++ // -- GODOT start --
++ //device->executeTask([&]()
++ //{
++ // -- GODOT end --
+ Progress progress;
+ progress.func = progressFunc;
+ progress.userPtr = progressUserPtr;
+@@ -156,7 +163,9 @@ namespace oidn {
+ tileIndex++;
+ }
+ }
+- });
++ // -- GODOT start --
++ //});
++ // -- GODOT end --
+ }
+ void AutoencoderFilter::computeTileSize()
+@@ -464,6 +473,11 @@ namespace oidn {
+ return std::make_shared<GammaTransferFunction>();
+ }
++// -- GODOT start --
++// Godot doesn't need Raytracing filters. Removing them saves space in the weights files.
++#if 0
++// -- GODOT end --
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // RTFilter
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -491,6 +505,9 @@ namespace oidn {
+ weightData.hdr_alb = weights::rt_hdr_alb;
+ weightData.hdr_alb_nrm = weights::rt_hdr_alb_nrm;
+ }
++// -- GODOT start --
++// -- GODOT end --
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // RTLightmapFilter
+diff --git a/core/autoencoder.h b/core/autoencoder.h
+index c199052..98b6108 100644
+--- a/core/autoencoder.h
++++ b/core/autoencoder.h
+@@ -93,11 +93,18 @@ namespace oidn {
+ // RTFilter - Generic ray tracing denoiser
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
++// -- GODOT start --
++// Godot doesn't need Raytracing filters. Removing them saves space in the weights files.
++#if 0
++// -- GODOT end --
+ class RTFilter : public AutoencoderFilter
+ {
+ public:
+ explicit RTFilter(const Ref<Device>& device);
+ };
++// -- GODOT start --
++// -- GODOT end --
+ // --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // RTLightmapFilter - Ray traced lightmap denoiser
+diff --git a/core/common.h b/core/common.h
+index a3a7e8a..a35dd90 100644
+--- a/core/common.h
++++ b/core/common.h
+@@ -27,7 +27,9 @@
+ #include "common/ref.h"
+ #include "common/exception.h"
+ #include "common/thread.h"
+-#include "common/tasking.h"
++// -- GODOT start --
++//#include "common/tasking.h"
++// -- GODOT end --
+ #include "math.h"
+ namespace oidn {
+diff --git a/core/device.cpp b/core/device.cpp
+index c455695..3cd658b 100644
+--- a/core/device.cpp
++++ b/core/device.cpp
+@@ -29,7 +29,9 @@ namespace oidn {
+ Device::~Device()
+ {
+- observer.reset();
++ // -- GODOT start --
++ //observer.reset();
++ // -- GODOT end --
+ }
+ void Device::setError(Device* device, Error code, const std::string& message)
+@@ -141,6 +143,9 @@ namespace oidn {
+ if (isCommitted())
+ throw Exception(Error::InvalidOperation, "device can be committed only once");
++ // -- GODOT start --
++ #if 0
++ // -- GODOT end --
+ // Get the optimal thread affinities
+ if (setAffinity)
+ {
+@@ -157,7 +162,10 @@ namespace oidn {
+ // Automatically set the thread affinities
+ if (affinity)
+ observer = std::make_shared<PinningObserver>(affinity, *arena);
++ // -- GODOT start --
++ #endif
++ numThreads = 1;
++ // -- GODOT end --
+ dirty = false;
+ if (isVerbose())
+@@ -191,9 +199,17 @@ namespace oidn {
+ Ref<Filter> filter;
++// -- GODOT start --
++// Godot doesn't need Raytracing filters. Removing them saves space in the weights files.
++#if 0
++// -- GODOT end --
+ if (type == "RT")
+ filter = makeRef<RTFilter>(Ref<Device>(this));
+- else if (type == "RTLightmap")
++// -- GODOT start --
++// Godot doesn't need Raytracing filters. Removing them saves space in the weights files.
++ if (type == "RTLightmap")
++// -- GODOT end --
+ filter = makeRef<RTLightmapFilter>(Ref<Device>(this));
+ else
+ throw Exception(Error::InvalidArgument, "unknown filter type");
+@@ -210,11 +226,12 @@ namespace oidn {
+ std::cout << " Build : " << getBuildName() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Platform: " << getPlatformName() << std::endl;
+- std::cout << " Tasking :";
+- std::cout << " TBB" << TBB_VERSION_MAJOR << "." << TBB_VERSION_MINOR;
+- std::cout << " TBB_header_interface_" << TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION << " TBB_lib_interface_" << tbb::TBB_runtime_interface_version();
+- std::cout << std::endl;
++// -- GODOT start --
++// std::cout << " Tasking :";
++// std::cout << " TBB" << TBB_VERSION_MAJOR << "." << TBB_VERSION_MINOR;
++// std::cout << " TBB_header_interface_" << TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION << " TBB_lib_interface_" << tbb::TBB_runtime_interface_version();
++// std::cout << std::endl;
++// -- GODOT end --
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+diff --git a/core/device.h b/core/device.h
+index c2df714..d9cfd85 100644
+--- a/core/device.h
++++ b/core/device.h
+@@ -41,10 +41,12 @@ namespace oidn {
+ ErrorFunction errorFunc = nullptr;
+ void* errorUserPtr = nullptr;
+- // Tasking
+- std::shared_ptr<tbb::task_arena> arena;
+- std::shared_ptr<PinningObserver> observer;
+- std::shared_ptr<ThreadAffinity> affinity;
++// -- GODOT start --
++// // Tasking
++// std::shared_ptr<tbb::task_arena> arena;
++// std::shared_ptr<PinningObserver> observer;
++// std::shared_ptr<ThreadAffinity> affinity;
++// -- GODOT end --
+ // Parameters
+ int numThreads = 0; // autodetect by default
+@@ -66,17 +68,19 @@ namespace oidn {
+ void commit();
+- template<typename F>
+- void executeTask(F& f)
+- {
+- arena->execute(f);
+- }
++// -- GODOT start --
++// template<typename F>
++// void executeTask(F& f)
++// {
++// arena->execute(f);
++// }
+- template<typename F>
+- void executeTask(const F& f)
+- {
+- arena->execute(f);
+- }
++// template<typename F>
++// void executeTask(const F& f)
++// {
++// arena->execute(f);
++// }
++// -- GODOT end --
+ Ref<Buffer> newBuffer(size_t byteSize);
+ Ref<Buffer> newBuffer(void* ptr, size_t byteSize);
+@@ -86,7 +90,10 @@ namespace oidn {
+ __forceinline std::mutex& getMutex() { return mutex; }
+ private:
+- bool isCommitted() const { return bool(arena); }
++// -- GODOT start --
++ //bool isCommitted() const { return bool(arena); }
++ bool isCommitted() const { return false; }
++// -- GODOT end --
+ void checkCommitted();
+ void print();
+diff --git a/core/network.cpp b/core/network.cpp
+index 8c2de09..ed8328c 100644
+--- a/core/network.cpp
++++ b/core/network.cpp
+@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
+ #include "upsample.h"
+ #include "weights_reorder.h"
+ #include "network.h"
++// -- GODOT start --
++#include <cstring>
++// -- GODOT end --
+ namespace oidn {
+diff --git a/core/transfer_function.cpp b/core/transfer_function.cpp
+index 601f814..487f0a9 100644
+--- a/core/transfer_function.cpp
++++ b/core/transfer_function.cpp
+@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ namespace oidn {
+ float AutoexposureNode::autoexposure(const Image& color)
+ {
+ assert(color.format == Format::Float3);
++// -- GODOT start --
++// We don't want to mess with TTB and we don't use autoexposure, so we disable this code
++#if 0
++// -- GODOT end --
+ constexpr float key = 0.18f;
+ constexpr float eps = 1e-8f;
+@@ -89,6 +93,10 @@ namespace oidn {
+ );
+ return (sum.second > 0) ? (key / exp2(sum.first / float(sum.second))) : 1.f;
++// -- GODOT start --
++ return 1.0;
++// -- GODOT end --
+ }
+ } // namespace oidn
diff --git a/thirdparty/oidn/patches/mkl-dnn-fix-vs2017-build.patch b/thirdparty/oidn/patches/mkl-dnn-fix-vs2017-build.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50d94ebffa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/oidn/patches/mkl-dnn-fix-vs2017-build.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+Rediffed by @akien-mga to match oidn 1.1.0 source.
+From 1e42e6db81e1a5270ecc0191c5385ce7e7d978e9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Jeremy Wong <>
+Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2019 04:46:53 +0800
+Subject: [PATCH] src: initialize members in some structures to prevent compile
+ errors with VS2017
+addresses "error C3615: constexpr function '...' cannot result in a constant expression" with VS2017
+ src/cpu/rnn/rnn_reorders.hpp | 2 +-
+ src/cpu/simple_concat.hpp | 6 +++---
+ src/cpu/simple_sum.hpp | 2 +-
+ 3 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/thirdparty/oidn/mkl-dnn/src/cpu/rnn/rnn_reorders.hpp b/thirdparty/oidn/mkl-dnn/src/cpu/rnn/rnn_reorders.hpp
+index 597c63e3f8..ae1551390a 100644
+--- a/thirdparty/oidn/mkl-dnn/src/cpu/rnn/rnn_reorders.hpp
++++ b/thirdparty/oidn/mkl-dnn/src/cpu/rnn/rnn_reorders.hpp
+@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ struct rnn_weights_reorder_t : public cpu_primitive_t {
+ return status::success;
+ }
+- format_tag_t itag_;
++ format_tag_t itag_ = mkldnn_format_tag_undef;
+ private:
+ void init_scratchpad() {
+diff --git a/thirdparty/oidn/mkl-dnn/src/cpu/simple_concat.hpp b/thirdparty/oidn/mkl-dnn/src/cpu/simple_concat.hpp
+index 5177275452..057cc3c4c7 100644
+--- a/thirdparty/oidn/mkl-dnn/src/cpu/simple_concat.hpp
++++ b/thirdparty/oidn/mkl-dnn/src/cpu/simple_concat.hpp
+@@ -96,9 +96,9 @@ struct simple_concat_t: public cpu_primitive_t {
+ return status::success;
+ }
+- int perm_[MKLDNN_MAX_NDIMS];
+- int iperm_[MKLDNN_MAX_NDIMS];
+- dims_t blocks_;
++ int perm_[MKLDNN_MAX_NDIMS] {};
++ int iperm_[MKLDNN_MAX_NDIMS] {};
++ dims_t blocks_ {};
+ dim_t nelems_to_concat(const memory_desc_wrapper &data_d) const {
+ const int ndims = data_d.ndims();