path: root/thirdparty/noise/patches
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/noise/patches')
1 files changed, 455 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/noise/patches/FastNoiseLite.patch b/thirdparty/noise/patches/FastNoiseLite.patch
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c835c7b06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/noise/patches/FastNoiseLite.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,455 @@
+--- orig/FastNoiseLite.h 1900-01-00 00:00:00 +0000
++++ noise/FastNoiseLite.h 1900-01-00 00:00:00 +0000
+@@ -52,6 +52,8 @@
+ #include <cmath>
++namespace fastnoiselite{
+ class FastNoiseLite
+ {
+ public:
+@@ -2583,4 +2585,5 @@
+ -0.7870349638f, 0.03447489231f, 0.6159443543f, 0, -0.2015596421f, 0.6859872284f, 0.6991389226f, 0, -0.08581082512f, -0.10920836f, -0.9903080513f, 0, 0.5532693395f, 0.7325250401f, -0.396610771f, 0, -0.1842489331f, -0.9777375055f, -0.1004076743f, 0, 0.0775473789f, -0.9111505856f, 0.4047110257f, 0, 0.1399838409f, 0.7601631212f, -0.6344734459f, 0, 0.4484419361f, -0.845289248f, 0.2904925424f, 0
+ };
++#endif // namespace fastnoiselite
+@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ public:
+ /// Noise output bounded between -1...1
+ /// </returns>
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float GetNoise(FNfloat x, FNfloat y)
++ float GetNoise(FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const
+ {
+ Arguments_must_be_floating_point_values<FNfloat>();
+@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ public:
+ /// Noise output bounded between -1...1
+ /// </returns>
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float GetNoise(FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z)
++ float GetNoise(FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const
+ {
+ Arguments_must_be_floating_point_values<FNfloat>();
+@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ public:
+ /// noise = GetNoise(x, y)</code>
+ /// </example>
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void DomainWarp(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y)
++ void DomainWarp(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y) const
+ {
+ Arguments_must_be_floating_point_values<FNfloat>();
+@@ -377,7 +377,7 @@ public:
+ /// noise = GetNoise(x, y, z)</code>
+ /// </example>
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void DomainWarp(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z)
++ void DomainWarp(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z) const
+ {
+ Arguments_must_be_floating_point_values<FNfloat>();
+@@ -528,7 +528,7 @@ private:
+ }
+- float GradCoord(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, float xd, float yd)
++ float GradCoord(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, float xd, float yd) const
+ {
+ int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed);
+ hash ^= hash >> 15;
+@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ private:
+ }
+- float GradCoord(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, int zPrimed, float xd, float yd, float zd)
++ float GradCoord(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, int zPrimed, float xd, float yd, float zd) const
+ {
+ int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed, zPrimed);
+ hash ^= hash >> 15;
+@@ -555,7 +555,7 @@ private:
+ }
+- void GradCoordOut(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, float& xo, float& yo)
++ void GradCoordOut(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, float& xo, float& yo) const
+ {
+ int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed) & (255 << 1);
+@@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ private:
+ }
+- void GradCoordOut(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, int zPrimed, float& xo, float& yo, float& zo)
++ void GradCoordOut(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, int zPrimed, float& xo, float& yo, float& zo) const
+ {
+ int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed, zPrimed) & (255 << 2);
+@@ -574,7 +574,7 @@ private:
+ }
+- void GradCoordDual(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, float xd, float yd, float& xo, float& yo)
++ void GradCoordDual(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, float xd, float yd, float& xo, float& yo) const
+ {
+ int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed);
+ int index1 = hash & (127 << 1);
+@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ private:
+ }
+- void GradCoordDual(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, int zPrimed, float xd, float yd, float zd, float& xo, float& yo, float& zo)
++ void GradCoordDual(int seed, int xPrimed, int yPrimed, int zPrimed, float xd, float yd, float zd, float& xo, float& yo, float& zo) const
+ {
+ int hash = Hash(seed, xPrimed, yPrimed, zPrimed);
+ int index1 = hash & (63 << 2);
+@@ -616,7 +616,7 @@ private:
+ // Generic noise gen
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float GenNoiseSingle(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y)
++ float GenNoiseSingle(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const
+ {
+ switch (mNoiseType)
+ {
+@@ -638,7 +638,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float GenNoiseSingle(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z)
++ float GenNoiseSingle(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const
+ {
+ switch (mNoiseType)
+ {
+@@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ private:
+ // Noise Coordinate Transforms (frequency, and possible skew or rotation)
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void TransformNoiseCoordinate(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y)
++ void TransformNoiseCoordinate(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y) const
+ {
+ x *= mFrequency;
+ y *= mFrequency;
+@@ -686,7 +686,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void TransformNoiseCoordinate(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z)
++ void TransformNoiseCoordinate(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z) const
+ {
+ x *= mFrequency;
+ y *= mFrequency;
+@@ -757,7 +757,7 @@ private:
+ // Domain Warp Coordinate Transforms
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void TransformDomainWarpCoordinate(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y)
++ void TransformDomainWarpCoordinate(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y) const
+ {
+ switch (mDomainWarpType)
+ {
+@@ -777,7 +777,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void TransformDomainWarpCoordinate(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z)
++ void TransformDomainWarpCoordinate(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z) const
+ {
+ switch (mWarpTransformType3D)
+ {
+@@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ private:
+ // Fractal FBm
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float GenFractalFBm(FNfloat x, FNfloat y)
++ float GenFractalFBm(FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const
+ {
+ int seed = mSeed;
+ float sum = 0;
+@@ -865,7 +865,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float GenFractalFBm(FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z)
++ float GenFractalFBm(FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const
+ {
+ int seed = mSeed;
+ float sum = 0;
+@@ -890,7 +890,7 @@ private:
+ // Fractal Ridged
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float GenFractalRidged(FNfloat x, FNfloat y)
++ float GenFractalRidged(FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const
+ {
+ int seed = mSeed;
+ float sum = 0;
+@@ -911,7 +911,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float GenFractalRidged(FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z)
++ float GenFractalRidged(FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const
+ {
+ int seed = mSeed;
+ float sum = 0;
+@@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ private:
+ // Fractal PingPong
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float GenFractalPingPong(FNfloat x, FNfloat y)
++ float GenFractalPingPong(FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const
+ {
+ int seed = mSeed;
+ float sum = 0;
+@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float GenFractalPingPong(FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z)
++ float GenFractalPingPong(FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const
+ {
+ int seed = mSeed;
+ float sum = 0;
+@@ -982,7 +982,7 @@ private:
+ // Simplex/OpenSimplex2 Noise
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float SingleSimplex(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y)
++ float SingleSimplex(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const
+ {
+ // 2D OpenSimplex2 case uses the same algorithm as ordinary Simplex.
+@@ -1053,7 +1053,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float SingleOpenSimplex2(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z)
++ float SingleOpenSimplex2(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const
+ {
+ // 3D OpenSimplex2 case uses two offset rotated cube grids.
+@@ -1155,7 +1155,7 @@ private:
+ // OpenSimplex2S Noise
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float SingleOpenSimplex2S(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y)
++ float SingleOpenSimplex2S(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const
+ {
+ // 2D OpenSimplex2S case is a modified 2D simplex noise.
+@@ -1286,7 +1286,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float SingleOpenSimplex2S(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z)
++ float SingleOpenSimplex2S(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const
+ {
+ // 3D OpenSimplex2S case uses two offset rotated cube grids.
+@@ -1482,7 +1482,7 @@ private:
+ // Cellular Noise
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float SingleCellular(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y)
++ float SingleCellular(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const
+ {
+ int xr = FastRound(x);
+ int yr = FastRound(y);
+@@ -1612,7 +1612,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float SingleCellular(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z)
++ float SingleCellular(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const
+ {
+ int xr = FastRound(x);
+ int yr = FastRound(y);
+@@ -1769,7 +1769,7 @@ private:
+ // Perlin Noise
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float SinglePerlin(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y)
++ float SinglePerlin(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const
+ {
+ int x0 = FastFloor(x);
+ int y0 = FastFloor(y);
+@@ -1794,7 +1794,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float SinglePerlin(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z)
++ float SinglePerlin(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const
+ {
+ int x0 = FastFloor(x);
+ int y0 = FastFloor(y);
+@@ -1833,7 +1833,7 @@ private:
+ // Value Cubic Noise
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float SingleValueCubic(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y)
++ float SingleValueCubic(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const
+ {
+ int x1 = FastFloor(x);
+ int y1 = FastFloor(y);
+@@ -1863,7 +1863,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float SingleValueCubic(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z)
++ float SingleValueCubic(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const
+ {
+ int x1 = FastFloor(x);
+ int y1 = FastFloor(y);
+@@ -1920,7 +1920,7 @@ private:
+ // Value Noise
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float SingleValue(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y)
++ float SingleValue(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y) const
+ {
+ int x0 = FastFloor(x);
+ int y0 = FastFloor(y);
+@@ -1940,7 +1940,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- float SingleValue(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z)
++ float SingleValue(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const
+ {
+ int x0 = FastFloor(x);
+ int y0 = FastFloor(y);
+@@ -1972,7 +1972,7 @@ private:
+ // Domain Warp
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void DoSingleDomainWarp(int seed, float amp, float freq, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr)
++ void DoSingleDomainWarp(int seed, float amp, float freq, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr) const
+ {
+ switch (mDomainWarpType)
+ {
+@@ -1989,7 +1989,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void DoSingleDomainWarp(int seed, float amp, float freq, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr, FNfloat& zr)
++ void DoSingleDomainWarp(int seed, float amp, float freq, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr, FNfloat& zr) const
+ {
+ switch (mDomainWarpType)
+ {
+@@ -2009,7 +2009,7 @@ private:
+ // Domain Warp Single Wrapper
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void DomainWarpSingle(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y)
++ void DomainWarpSingle(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y) const
+ {
+ int seed = mSeed;
+ float amp = mDomainWarpAmp * mFractalBounding;
+@@ -2023,7 +2023,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void DomainWarpSingle(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z)
++ void DomainWarpSingle(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z) const
+ {
+ int seed = mSeed;
+ float amp = mDomainWarpAmp * mFractalBounding;
+@@ -2041,7 +2041,7 @@ private:
+ // Domain Warp Fractal Progressive
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void DomainWarpFractalProgressive(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y)
++ void DomainWarpFractalProgressive(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y) const
+ {
+ int seed = mSeed;
+ float amp = mDomainWarpAmp * mFractalBounding;
+@@ -2062,7 +2062,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void DomainWarpFractalProgressive(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z)
++ void DomainWarpFractalProgressive(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z) const
+ {
+ int seed = mSeed;
+ float amp = mDomainWarpAmp * mFractalBounding;
+@@ -2087,7 +2087,7 @@ private:
+ // Domain Warp Fractal Independant
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void DomainWarpFractalIndependent(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y)
++ void DomainWarpFractalIndependent(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y) const
+ {
+ FNfloat xs = x;
+ FNfloat ys = y;
+@@ -2108,7 +2108,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void DomainWarpFractalIndependent(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z)
++ void DomainWarpFractalIndependent(FNfloat& x, FNfloat& y, FNfloat& z) const
+ {
+ FNfloat xs = x;
+ FNfloat ys = y;
+@@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ private:
+ // Domain Warp Basic Grid
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void SingleDomainWarpBasicGrid(int seed, float warpAmp, float frequency, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr)
++ void SingleDomainWarpBasicGrid(int seed, float warpAmp, float frequency, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr) const
+ {
+ FNfloat xf = x * frequency;
+ FNfloat yf = y * frequency;
+@@ -2166,7 +2166,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void SingleDomainWarpBasicGrid(int seed, float warpAmp, float frequency, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr, FNfloat& zr)
++ void SingleDomainWarpBasicGrid(int seed, float warpAmp, float frequency, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr, FNfloat& zr) const
+ {
+ FNfloat xf = x * frequency;
+ FNfloat yf = y * frequency;
+@@ -2228,7 +2228,7 @@ private:
+ // Domain Warp Simplex/OpenSimplex2
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void SingleDomainWarpSimplexGradient(int seed, float warpAmp, float frequency, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr, bool outGradOnly)
++ void SingleDomainWarpSimplexGradient(int seed, float warpAmp, float frequency, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr, bool outGradOnly) const
+ {
+ const float SQRT3 = 1.7320508075688772935274463415059f;
+ const float G2 = (3 - SQRT3) / 6;
+@@ -2326,7 +2326,7 @@ private:
+ }
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+- void SingleDomainWarpOpenSimplex2Gradient(int seed, float warpAmp, float frequency, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr, FNfloat& zr, bool outGradOnly)
++ void SingleDomainWarpOpenSimplex2Gradient(int seed, float warpAmp, float frequency, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z, FNfloat& xr, FNfloat& yr, FNfloat& zr, bool outGradOnly) const
+ {
+ x *= frequency;
+ y *= frequency;
+@@ -1611,6 +1611,12 @@ private:
+ }
+ }
++// GCC raises warnings when integer overflows occur, which are needed for hashing here.
++#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
++#pragma GCC diagnostic push
++#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Waggressive-loop-optimizations"
+ template <typename FNfloat>
+ float SingleCellular(int seed, FNfloat x, FNfloat y, FNfloat z) const
+ {
+@@ -1765,6 +1771,9 @@ private:
+ }
+ }
++#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__clang__)
++#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
+ // Perlin Noise
+ \ No newline at end of file