path: root/thirdparty/misc/yuv2rgb.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/misc/yuv2rgb.h')
1 files changed, 1123 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/misc/yuv2rgb.h b/thirdparty/misc/yuv2rgb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9bef76da8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/misc/yuv2rgb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1123 @@
+/* Thirdparty code presumably from */
+/* FIXME: Move to thirdparty dir */
+#ifndef YUV2RGB_H
+#define YUV2RGB_H
+#include "typedefs.h"
+static const uint32_t tables[256*3] = {
+ /* y_table */
+ 0x7FFFFFF0U,
+ 0x7FFFFFF1U,
+ 0x7FFFFFF2U,
+ 0x7FFFFFF3U,
+ 0x7FFFFFF4U,
+ 0x7FFFFFF6U,
+ 0x7FFFFFF7U,
+ 0x7FFFFFF8U,
+ 0x7FFFFFF9U,
+ 0x80000000U,
+ 0x80400801U,
+ 0x80A01002U,
+ 0x80E01803U,
+ 0x81202805U,
+ 0x81803006U,
+ 0x81C03807U,
+ 0x82004008U,
+ 0x82604809U,
+ 0x82A0500AU,
+ 0x82E0600CU,
+ 0x8340680DU,
+ 0x8380700EU,
+ 0x83C0780FU,
+ 0x84208010U,
+ 0x84608811U,
+ 0x84A09813U,
+ 0x8500A014U,
+ 0x8540A815U,
+ 0x8580B016U,
+ 0x85E0B817U,
+ 0x8620C018U,
+ 0x8660D01AU,
+ 0x86C0D81BU,
+ 0x8700E01CU,
+ 0x8740E81DU,
+ 0x87A0F01EU,
+ 0x87E0F81FU,
+ 0x88210821U,
+ 0x88811022U,
+ 0x88C11823U,
+ 0x89012024U,
+ 0x89412825U,
+ 0x89A13026U,
+ 0x89E14028U,
+ 0x8A214829U,
+ 0x8A81502AU,
+ 0x8AC1582BU,
+ 0x8B01602CU,
+ 0x8B61682DU,
+ 0x8BA1782FU,
+ 0x8BE18030U,
+ 0x8C418831U,
+ 0x8C819032U,
+ 0x8CC19833U,
+ 0x8D21A034U,
+ 0x8D61B036U,
+ 0x8DA1B837U,
+ 0x8E01C038U,
+ 0x8E41C839U,
+ 0x8E81D03AU,
+ 0x8EE1D83BU,
+ 0x8F21E83DU,
+ 0x8F61F03EU,
+ 0x8FC1F83FU,
+ 0x90020040U,
+ 0x90420841U,
+ 0x90A21042U,
+ 0x90E22044U,
+ 0x91222845U,
+ 0x91823046U,
+ 0x91C23847U,
+ 0x92024048U,
+ 0x92624849U,
+ 0x92A2504AU,
+ 0x92E2604CU,
+ 0x9342684DU,
+ 0x9382704EU,
+ 0x93C2784FU,
+ 0x94228050U,
+ 0x94628851U,
+ 0x94A29853U,
+ 0x9502A054U,
+ 0x9542A855U,
+ 0x9582B056U,
+ 0x95E2B857U,
+ 0x9622C058U,
+ 0x9662D05AU,
+ 0x96C2D85BU,
+ 0x9702E05CU,
+ 0x9742E85DU,
+ 0x97A2F05EU,
+ 0x97E2F85FU,
+ 0x98230861U,
+ 0x98831062U,
+ 0x98C31863U,
+ 0x99032064U,
+ 0x99632865U,
+ 0x99A33066U,
+ 0x99E34068U,
+ 0x9A434869U,
+ 0x9A83506AU,
+ 0x9AC3586BU,
+ 0x9B23606CU,
+ 0x9B63686DU,
+ 0x9BA3786FU,
+ 0x9BE38070U,
+ 0x9C438871U,
+ 0x9C839072U,
+ 0x9CC39873U,
+ 0x9D23A074U,
+ 0x9D63B076U,
+ 0x9DA3B877U,
+ 0x9E03C078U,
+ 0x9E43C879U,
+ 0x9E83D07AU,
+ 0x9EE3D87BU,
+ 0x9F23E87DU,
+ 0x9F63F07EU,
+ 0x9FC3F87FU,
+ 0xA0040080U,
+ 0xA0440881U,
+ 0xA0A41082U,
+ 0xA0E42084U,
+ 0xA1242885U,
+ 0xA1843086U,
+ 0xA1C43887U,
+ 0xA2044088U,
+ 0xA2644889U,
+ 0xA2A4588BU,
+ 0xA2E4608CU,
+ 0xA344688DU,
+ 0xA384708EU,
+ 0xA3C4788FU,
+ 0xA4248090U,
+ 0xA4649092U,
+ 0xA4A49893U,
+ 0xA504A094U,
+ 0xA544A895U,
+ 0xA584B096U,
+ 0xA5E4B897U,
+ 0xA624C098U,
+ 0xA664D09AU,
+ 0xA6C4D89BU,
+ 0xA704E09CU,
+ 0xA744E89DU,
+ 0xA7A4F09EU,
+ 0xA7E4F89FU,
+ 0xA82508A1U,
+ 0xA88510A2U,
+ 0xA8C518A3U,
+ 0xA90520A4U,
+ 0xA96528A5U,
+ 0xA9A530A6U,
+ 0xA9E540A8U,
+ 0xAA4548A9U,
+ 0xAA8550AAU,
+ 0xAAC558ABU,
+ 0xAB2560ACU,
+ 0xAB6568ADU,
+ 0xABA578AFU,
+ 0xAC0580B0U,
+ 0xAC4588B1U,
+ 0xAC8590B2U,
+ 0xACE598B3U,
+ 0xAD25A0B4U,
+ 0xAD65B0B6U,
+ 0xADA5B8B7U,
+ 0xAE05C0B8U,
+ 0xAE45C8B9U,
+ 0xAE85D0BAU,
+ 0xAEE5D8BBU,
+ 0xAF25E8BDU,
+ 0xAF65F0BEU,
+ 0xAFC5F8BFU,
+ 0xB00600C0U,
+ 0xB04608C1U,
+ 0xB0A610C2U,
+ 0xB0E620C4U,
+ 0xB12628C5U,
+ 0xB18630C6U,
+ 0xB1C638C7U,
+ 0xB20640C8U,
+ 0xB26648C9U,
+ 0xB2A658CBU,
+ 0xB2E660CCU,
+ 0xB34668CDU,
+ 0xB38670CEU,
+ 0xB3C678CFU,
+ 0xB42680D0U,
+ 0xB46690D2U,
+ 0xB4A698D3U,
+ 0xB506A0D4U,
+ 0xB546A8D5U,
+ 0xB586B0D6U,
+ 0xB5E6B8D7U,
+ 0xB626C8D9U,
+ 0xB666D0DAU,
+ 0xB6C6D8DBU,
+ 0xB706E0DCU,
+ 0xB746E8DDU,
+ 0xB7A6F0DEU,
+ 0xB7E6F8DFU,
+ 0xB82708E1U,
+ 0xB88710E2U,
+ 0xB8C718E3U,
+ 0xB90720E4U,
+ 0xB96728E5U,
+ 0xB9A730E6U,
+ 0xB9E740E8U,
+ 0xBA4748E9U,
+ 0xBA8750EAU,
+ 0xBAC758EBU,
+ 0xBB2760ECU,
+ 0xBB6768EDU,
+ 0xBBA778EFU,
+ 0xBC0780F0U,
+ 0xBC4788F1U,
+ 0xBC8790F2U,
+ 0xBCE798F3U,
+ 0xBD27A0F4U,
+ 0xBD67B0F6U,
+ 0xBDC7B8F7U,
+ 0xBE07C0F8U,
+ 0xBE47C8F9U,
+ 0xBEA7D0FAU,
+ 0xBEE7D8FBU,
+ 0xBF27E8FDU,
+ 0xBF87F0FEU,
+ 0xBFC7F8FFU,
+ 0xC0080100U,
+ 0xC0480901U,
+ 0xC0A81102U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ 0xC0E82104U,
+ /* u_table */
+ 0x0C400103U,
+ 0x0C200105U,
+ 0x0C200107U,
+ 0x0C000109U,
+ 0x0BE0010BU,
+ 0x0BC0010DU,
+ 0x0BA0010FU,
+ 0x0BA00111U,
+ 0x0B800113U,
+ 0x0B600115U,
+ 0x0B400117U,
+ 0x0B400119U,
+ 0x0B20011BU,
+ 0x0B00011DU,
+ 0x0AE0011FU,
+ 0x0AE00121U,
+ 0x0AC00123U,
+ 0x0AA00125U,
+ 0x0A800127U,
+ 0x0A600129U,
+ 0x0A60012BU,
+ 0x0A40012DU,
+ 0x0A20012FU,
+ 0x0A000131U,
+ 0x0A000132U,
+ 0x09E00134U,
+ 0x09C00136U,
+ 0x09A00138U,
+ 0x09A0013AU,
+ 0x0980013CU,
+ 0x0960013EU,
+ 0x09400140U,
+ 0x09400142U,
+ 0x09200144U,
+ 0x09000146U,
+ 0x08E00148U,
+ 0x08C0014AU,
+ 0x08C0014CU,
+ 0x08A0014EU,
+ 0x08800150U,
+ 0x08600152U,
+ 0x08600154U,
+ 0x08400156U,
+ 0x08200158U,
+ 0x0800015AU,
+ 0x0800015CU,
+ 0x07E0015EU,
+ 0x07C00160U,
+ 0x07A00162U,
+ 0x07A00164U,
+ 0x07800166U,
+ 0x07600168U,
+ 0x0740016AU,
+ 0x0720016CU,
+ 0x0720016EU,
+ 0x07000170U,
+ 0x06E00172U,
+ 0x06C00174U,
+ 0x06C00176U,
+ 0x06A00178U,
+ 0x0680017AU,
+ 0x0660017CU,
+ 0x0660017EU,
+ 0x06400180U,
+ 0x06200182U,
+ 0x06000184U,
+ 0x05E00185U,
+ 0x05E00187U,
+ 0x05C00189U,
+ 0x05A0018BU,
+ 0x0580018DU,
+ 0x0580018FU,
+ 0x05600191U,
+ 0x05400193U,
+ 0x05200195U,
+ 0x05200197U,
+ 0x05000199U,
+ 0x04E0019BU,
+ 0x04C0019DU,
+ 0x04C0019FU,
+ 0x04A001A1U,
+ 0x048001A3U,
+ 0x046001A5U,
+ 0x044001A7U,
+ 0x044001A9U,
+ 0x042001ABU,
+ 0x040001ADU,
+ 0x03E001AFU,
+ 0x03E001B1U,
+ 0x03C001B3U,
+ 0x03A001B5U,
+ 0x038001B7U,
+ 0x038001B9U,
+ 0x036001BBU,
+ 0x034001BDU,
+ 0x032001BFU,
+ 0x032001C1U,
+ 0x030001C3U,
+ 0x02E001C5U,
+ 0x02C001C7U,
+ 0x02A001C9U,
+ 0x02A001CBU,
+ 0x028001CDU,
+ 0x026001CFU,
+ 0x024001D1U,
+ 0x024001D3U,
+ 0x022001D5U,
+ 0x020001D7U,
+ 0x01E001D8U,
+ 0x01E001DAU,
+ 0x01C001DCU,
+ 0x01A001DEU,
+ 0x018001E0U,
+ 0x016001E2U,
+ 0x016001E4U,
+ 0x014001E6U,
+ 0x012001E8U,
+ 0x010001EAU,
+ 0x010001ECU,
+ 0x00E001EEU,
+ 0x00C001F0U,
+ 0x00A001F2U,
+ 0x00A001F4U,
+ 0x008001F6U,
+ 0x006001F8U,
+ 0x004001FAU,
+ 0x004001FCU,
+ 0x002001FEU,
+ 0x00000200U,
+ 0xFFE00202U,
+ 0xFFC00204U,
+ 0xFFC00206U,
+ 0xFFA00208U,
+ 0xFF80020AU,
+ 0xFF60020CU,
+ 0xFF60020EU,
+ 0xFF400210U,
+ 0xFF200212U,
+ 0xFF000214U,
+ 0xFF000216U,
+ 0xFEE00218U,
+ 0xFEC0021AU,
+ 0xFEA0021CU,
+ 0xFEA0021EU,
+ 0xFE800220U,
+ 0xFE600222U,
+ 0xFE400224U,
+ 0xFE200226U,
+ 0xFE200228U,
+ 0xFE000229U,
+ 0xFDE0022BU,
+ 0xFDC0022DU,
+ 0xFDC0022FU,
+ 0xFDA00231U,
+ 0xFD800233U,
+ 0xFD600235U,
+ 0xFD600237U,
+ 0xFD400239U,
+ 0xFD20023BU,
+ 0xFD00023DU,
+ 0xFCE0023FU,
+ 0xFCE00241U,
+ 0xFCC00243U,
+ 0xFCA00245U,
+ 0xFC800247U,
+ 0xFC800249U,
+ 0xFC60024BU,
+ 0xFC40024DU,
+ 0xFC20024FU,
+ 0xFC200251U,
+ 0xFC000253U,
+ 0xFBE00255U,
+ 0xFBC00257U,
+ 0xFBC00259U,
+ 0xFBA0025BU,
+ 0xFB80025DU,
+ 0xFB60025FU,
+ 0xFB400261U,
+ 0xFB400263U,
+ 0xFB200265U,
+ 0xFB000267U,
+ 0xFAE00269U,
+ 0xFAE0026BU,
+ 0xFAC0026DU,
+ 0xFAA0026FU,
+ 0xFA800271U,
+ 0xFA800273U,
+ 0xFA600275U,
+ 0xFA400277U,
+ 0xFA200279U,
+ 0xFA20027BU,
+ 0xFA00027CU,
+ 0xF9E0027EU,
+ 0xF9C00280U,
+ 0xF9A00282U,
+ 0xF9A00284U,
+ 0xF9800286U,
+ 0xF9600288U,
+ 0xF940028AU,
+ 0xF940028CU,
+ 0xF920028EU,
+ 0xF9000290U,
+ 0xF8E00292U,
+ 0xF8E00294U,
+ 0xF8C00296U,
+ 0xF8A00298U,
+ 0xF880029AU,
+ 0xF860029CU,
+ 0xF860029EU,
+ 0xF84002A0U,
+ 0xF82002A2U,
+ 0xF80002A4U,
+ 0xF80002A6U,
+ 0xF7E002A8U,
+ 0xF7C002AAU,
+ 0xF7A002ACU,
+ 0xF7A002AEU,
+ 0xF78002B0U,
+ 0xF76002B2U,
+ 0xF74002B4U,
+ 0xF74002B6U,
+ 0xF72002B8U,
+ 0xF70002BAU,
+ 0xF6E002BCU,
+ 0xF6C002BEU,
+ 0xF6C002C0U,
+ 0xF6A002C2U,
+ 0xF68002C4U,
+ 0xF66002C6U,
+ 0xF66002C8U,
+ 0xF64002CAU,
+ 0xF62002CCU,
+ 0xF60002CEU,
+ 0xF60002CFU,
+ 0xF5E002D1U,
+ 0xF5C002D3U,
+ 0xF5A002D5U,
+ 0xF5A002D7U,
+ 0xF58002D9U,
+ 0xF56002DBU,
+ 0xF54002DDU,
+ 0xF52002DFU,
+ 0xF52002E1U,
+ 0xF50002E3U,
+ 0xF4E002E5U,
+ 0xF4C002E7U,
+ 0xF4C002E9U,
+ 0xF4A002EBU,
+ 0xF48002EDU,
+ 0xF46002EFU,
+ 0xF46002F1U,
+ 0xF44002F3U,
+ 0xF42002F5U,
+ 0xF40002F7U,
+ 0xF3E002F9U,
+ 0xF3E002FBU,
+ /* v_table */
+ 0x1A09A000U,
+ 0x19E9A800U,
+ 0x19A9B800U,
+ 0x1969C800U,
+ 0x1949D000U,
+ 0x1909E000U,
+ 0x18C9E800U,
+ 0x18A9F800U,
+ 0x186A0000U,
+ 0x182A1000U,
+ 0x180A2000U,
+ 0x17CA2800U,
+ 0x17AA3800U,
+ 0x176A4000U,
+ 0x172A5000U,
+ 0x170A6000U,
+ 0x16CA6800U,
+ 0x168A7800U,
+ 0x166A8000U,
+ 0x162A9000U,
+ 0x160AA000U,
+ 0x15CAA800U,
+ 0x158AB800U,
+ 0x156AC000U,
+ 0x152AD000U,
+ 0x14EAE000U,
+ 0x14CAE800U,
+ 0x148AF800U,
+ 0x146B0000U,
+ 0x142B1000U,
+ 0x13EB2000U,
+ 0x13CB2800U,
+ 0x138B3800U,
+ 0x134B4000U,
+ 0x132B5000U,
+ 0x12EB6000U,
+ 0x12CB6800U,
+ 0x128B7800U,
+ 0x124B8000U,
+ 0x122B9000U,
+ 0x11EBA000U,
+ 0x11ABA800U,
+ 0x118BB800U,
+ 0x114BC000U,
+ 0x112BD000U,
+ 0x10EBE000U,
+ 0x10ABE800U,
+ 0x108BF800U,
+ 0x104C0000U,
+ 0x100C1000U,
+ 0x0FEC2000U,
+ 0x0FAC2800U,
+ 0x0F8C3800U,
+ 0x0F4C4000U,
+ 0x0F0C5000U,
+ 0x0EEC5800U,
+ 0x0EAC6800U,
+ 0x0E6C7800U,
+ 0x0E4C8000U,
+ 0x0E0C9000U,
+ 0x0DEC9800U,
+ 0x0DACA800U,
+ 0x0D6CB800U,
+ 0x0D4CC000U,
+ 0x0D0CD000U,
+ 0x0CCCD800U,
+ 0x0CACE800U,
+ 0x0C6CF800U,
+ 0x0C4D0000U,
+ 0x0C0D1000U,
+ 0x0BCD1800U,
+ 0x0BAD2800U,
+ 0x0B6D3800U,
+ 0x0B2D4000U,
+ 0x0B0D5000U,
+ 0x0ACD5800U,
+ 0x0AAD6800U,
+ 0x0A6D7800U,
+ 0x0A2D8000U,
+ 0x0A0D9000U,
+ 0x09CD9800U,
+ 0x098DA800U,
+ 0x096DB800U,
+ 0x092DC000U,
+ 0x090DD000U,
+ 0x08CDD800U,
+ 0x088DE800U,
+ 0x086DF800U,
+ 0x082E0000U,
+ 0x07EE1000U,
+ 0x07CE1800U,
+ 0x078E2800U,
+ 0x076E3800U,
+ 0x072E4000U,
+ 0x06EE5000U,
+ 0x06CE5800U,
+ 0x068E6800U,
+ 0x064E7800U,
+ 0x062E8000U,
+ 0x05EE9000U,
+ 0x05CE9800U,
+ 0x058EA800U,
+ 0x054EB800U,
+ 0x052EC000U,
+ 0x04EED000U,
+ 0x04AED800U,
+ 0x048EE800U,
+ 0x044EF000U,
+ 0x042F0000U,
+ 0x03EF1000U,
+ 0x03AF1800U,
+ 0x038F2800U,
+ 0x034F3000U,
+ 0x030F4000U,
+ 0x02EF5000U,
+ 0x02AF5800U,
+ 0x028F6800U,
+ 0x024F7000U,
+ 0x020F8000U,
+ 0x01EF9000U,
+ 0x01AF9800U,
+ 0x016FA800U,
+ 0x014FB000U,
+ 0x010FC000U,
+ 0x00EFD000U,
+ 0x00AFD800U,
+ 0x006FE800U,
+ 0x004FF000U,
+ 0x00100000U,
+ 0xFFD01000U,
+ 0xFFB01800U,
+ 0xFF702800U,
+ 0xFF303000U,
+ 0xFF104000U,
+ 0xFED05000U,
+ 0xFEB05800U,
+ 0xFE706800U,
+ 0xFE307000U,
+ 0xFE108000U,
+ 0xFDD09000U,
+ 0xFD909800U,
+ 0xFD70A800U,
+ 0xFD30B000U,
+ 0xFD10C000U,
+ 0xFCD0D000U,
+ 0xFC90D800U,
+ 0xFC70E800U,
+ 0xFC30F000U,
+ 0xFBF10000U,
+ 0xFBD11000U,
+ 0xFB911800U,
+ 0xFB712800U,
+ 0xFB313000U,
+ 0xFAF14000U,
+ 0xFAD14800U,
+ 0xFA915800U,
+ 0xFA516800U,
+ 0xFA317000U,
+ 0xF9F18000U,
+ 0xF9D18800U,
+ 0xF9919800U,
+ 0xF951A800U,
+ 0xF931B000U,
+ 0xF8F1C000U,
+ 0xF8B1C800U,
+ 0xF891D800U,
+ 0xF851E800U,
+ 0xF831F000U,
+ 0xF7F20000U,
+ 0xF7B20800U,
+ 0xF7921800U,
+ 0xF7522800U,
+ 0xF7123000U,
+ 0xF6F24000U,
+ 0xF6B24800U,
+ 0xF6925800U,
+ 0xF6526800U,
+ 0xF6127000U,
+ 0xF5F28000U,
+ 0xF5B28800U,
+ 0xF5729800U,
+ 0xF552A800U,
+ 0xF512B000U,
+ 0xF4F2C000U,
+ 0xF4B2C800U,
+ 0xF472D800U,
+ 0xF452E800U,
+ 0xF412F000U,
+ 0xF3D30000U,
+ 0xF3B30800U,
+ 0xF3731800U,
+ 0xF3532800U,
+ 0xF3133000U,
+ 0xF2D34000U,
+ 0xF2B34800U,
+ 0xF2735800U,
+ 0xF2336800U,
+ 0xF2137000U,
+ 0xF1D38000U,
+ 0xF1B38800U,
+ 0xF1739800U,
+ 0xF133A800U,
+ 0xF113B000U,
+ 0xF0D3C000U,
+ 0xF093C800U,
+ 0xF073D800U,
+ 0xF033E000U,
+ 0xF013F000U,
+ 0xEFD40000U,
+ 0xEF940800U,
+ 0xEF741800U,
+ 0xEF342000U,
+ 0xEEF43000U,
+ 0xEED44000U,
+ 0xEE944800U,
+ 0xEE745800U,
+ 0xEE346000U,
+ 0xEDF47000U,
+ 0xEDD48000U,
+ 0xED948800U,
+ 0xED549800U,
+ 0xED34A000U,
+ 0xECF4B000U,
+ 0xECD4C000U,
+ 0xEC94C800U,
+ 0xEC54D800U,
+ 0xEC34E000U,
+ 0xEBF4F000U,
+ 0xEBB50000U,
+ 0xEB950800U,
+ 0xEB551800U,
+ 0xEB352000U,
+ 0xEAF53000U,
+ 0xEAB54000U,
+ 0xEA954800U,
+ 0xEA555800U,
+ 0xEA156000U,
+ 0xE9F57000U,
+ 0xE9B58000U,
+ 0xE9958800U,
+ 0xE9559800U,
+ 0xE915A000U,
+ 0xE8F5B000U,
+ 0xE8B5C000U,
+ 0xE875C800U,
+ 0xE855D800U,
+ 0xE815E000U,
+ 0xE7F5F000U,
+ 0xE7B60000U,
+ 0xE7760800U,
+ 0xE7561800U,
+ 0xE7162000U,
+ 0xE6D63000U,
+ 0xE6B64000U,
+ 0xE6764800U,
+ 0xE6365800U
+#define FLAGS 0x40080100
+#define READUV(U,V) (tables[256 + (U)] + tables[512 + (V)])
+#define READY(Y) tables[Y]
+#define FIXUP(Y) \
+do { \
+ int tmp = (Y) & FLAGS; \
+ if (tmp != 0) \
+ { \
+ tmp -= tmp>>8; \
+ (Y) |= tmp; \
+ tmp = FLAGS & ~(Y>>1); \
+ (Y) += tmp>>8; \
+ } \
+} while (0 == 1)
+#define STORE(Y,DSTPTR) \
+do { \
+ *(DSTPTR)++ = (Y); \
+ *(DSTPTR)++ = (Y)>>22; \
+ *(DSTPTR)++ = (Y)>>11; \
+ *(DSTPTR)++ = 255; \
+} while (0 == 1)
+static void yuv422_2_rgb8888(uint8_t *dst_ptr,
+ const uint8_t *y_ptr,
+ const uint8_t *u_ptr,
+ const uint8_t *v_ptr,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height,
+ int32_t y_span,
+ int32_t uv_span,
+ int32_t dst_span,
+ int32_t dither)
+ height -= 1;
+ while (height > 0)
+ {
+ height -= width<<16;
+ height += 1<<16;
+ while (height < 0)
+ {
+ /* Do top row pair */
+ uint32_t uv, y0, y1;
+ uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++);
+ y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ y1 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y0);
+ FIXUP(y1);
+ STORE(y0, dst_ptr);
+ STORE(y1, dst_ptr);
+ height += (2<<16);
+ }
+ if ((height>>16) == 0)
+ {
+ /* Trailing top row pix */
+ uint32_t uv, y0;
+ uv = READUV(*u_ptr,*v_ptr);
+ y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y0);
+ STORE(y0, dst_ptr);
+ }
+ dst_ptr += dst_span-width*4;
+ y_ptr += y_span-width;
+ u_ptr += uv_span-(width>>1);
+ v_ptr += uv_span-(width>>1);
+ height = (height<<16)>>16;
+ height -= 1;
+ if (height == 0)
+ break;
+ height -= width<<16;
+ height += 1<<16;
+ while (height < 0)
+ {
+ /* Do second row pair */
+ uint32_t uv, y0, y1;
+ uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++);
+ y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ y1 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y0);
+ FIXUP(y1);
+ STORE(y0, dst_ptr);
+ STORE(y1, dst_ptr);
+ height += (2<<16);
+ }
+ if ((height>>16) == 0)
+ {
+ /* Trailing bottom row pix */
+ uint32_t uv, y0;
+ uv = READUV(*u_ptr,*v_ptr);
+ y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y0);
+ STORE(y0, dst_ptr);
+ }
+ dst_ptr += dst_span-width*4;
+ y_ptr += y_span-width;
+ u_ptr += uv_span-(width>>1);
+ v_ptr += uv_span-(width>>1);
+ height = (height<<16)>>16;
+ height -= 1;
+ }
+#undef FLAGS
+#undef READUV
+#undef READY
+#undef FIXUP
+#undef STORE
+#define FLAGS 0x40080100
+#define READUV(U,V) (tables[256 + (U)] + tables[512 + (V)])
+#define READY(Y) tables[Y]
+#define FIXUP(Y) \
+do { \
+ int tmp = (Y) & FLAGS; \
+ if (tmp != 0) \
+ { \
+ tmp -= tmp>>8; \
+ (Y) |= tmp; \
+ tmp = FLAGS & ~(Y>>1); \
+ (Y) += tmp>>8; \
+ } \
+} while (0 == 1)
+#define STORE(Y,DSTPTR) \
+do { \
+ (DSTPTR) = 0xFF000000 | (Y & 0xFF) | (0xFF00 & (Y>>14)) | (0xFF0000 & (Y<<5));\
+} while (0 == 1)
+static void yuv420_2_rgb8888(uint8_t *dst_ptr_,
+ const uint8_t *y_ptr,
+ const uint8_t *u_ptr,
+ const uint8_t *v_ptr,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height,
+ int32_t y_span,
+ int32_t uv_span,
+ int32_t dst_span,
+ int32_t dither)
+ uint32_t *dst_ptr = (uint32_t *)(void *)dst_ptr_;
+ dst_span >>= 2;
+ height -= 1;
+ while (height > 0)
+ {
+ height -= width<<16;
+ height += 1<<16;
+ while (height < 0)
+ {
+ /* Do 2 column pairs */
+ uint32_t uv, y0, y1;
+ uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++);
+ y1 = uv + READY(y_ptr[y_span]);
+ y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y1);
+ FIXUP(y0);
+ STORE(y1, dst_ptr[dst_span]);
+ STORE(y0, *dst_ptr++);
+ y1 = uv + READY(y_ptr[y_span]);
+ y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y1);
+ FIXUP(y0);
+ STORE(y1, dst_ptr[dst_span]);
+ STORE(y0, *dst_ptr++);
+ height += (2<<16);
+ }
+ if ((height>>16) == 0)
+ {
+ /* Trailing column pair */
+ uint32_t uv, y0, y1;
+ uv = READUV(*u_ptr,*v_ptr);
+ y1 = uv + READY(y_ptr[y_span]);
+ y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y1);
+ FIXUP(y0);
+ STORE(y0, dst_ptr[dst_span]);
+ STORE(y1, *dst_ptr++);
+ }
+ dst_ptr += dst_span*2-width;
+ y_ptr += y_span*2-width;
+ u_ptr += uv_span-(width>>1);
+ v_ptr += uv_span-(width>>1);
+ height = (height<<16)>>16;
+ height -= 2;
+ }
+ if (height == 0)
+ {
+ /* Trail row */
+ height -= width<<16;
+ height += 1<<16;
+ while (height < 0)
+ {
+ /* Do a row pair */
+ uint32_t uv, y0, y1;
+ uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++);
+ y1 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y1);
+ FIXUP(y0);
+ STORE(y1, *dst_ptr++);
+ STORE(y0, *dst_ptr++);
+ height += (2<<16);
+ }
+ if ((height>>16) == 0)
+ {
+ /* Trailing pix */
+ uint32_t uv, y0;
+ uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++);
+ y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y0);
+ STORE(y0, *dst_ptr++);
+ }
+ }
+#undef FLAGS
+#undef READUV
+#undef READY
+#undef FIXUP
+#undef STORE
+#define FLAGS 0x40080100
+#define READUV(U,V) (tables[256 + (U)] + tables[512 + (V)])
+#define READY(Y) tables[Y]
+#define FIXUP(Y) \
+do { \
+ int tmp = (Y) & FLAGS; \
+ if (tmp != 0) \
+ { \
+ tmp -= tmp>>8; \
+ (Y) |= tmp; \
+ tmp = FLAGS & ~(Y>>1); \
+ (Y) += tmp>>8; \
+ } \
+} while (0 == 1)
+#define STORE(Y,DSTPTR) \
+do { \
+ *(DSTPTR)++ = (Y); \
+ *(DSTPTR)++ = (Y)>>22; \
+ *(DSTPTR)++ = (Y)>>11; \
+ *(DSTPTR)++ = 255; \
+} while (0 == 1)
+static void yuv444_2_rgb8888(uint8_t *dst_ptr,
+ const uint8_t *y_ptr,
+ const uint8_t *u_ptr,
+ const uint8_t *v_ptr,
+ int32_t width,
+ int32_t height,
+ int32_t y_span,
+ int32_t uv_span,
+ int32_t dst_span,
+ int32_t dither)
+ height -= 1;
+ while (height > 0)
+ {
+ height -= width<<16;
+ height += 1<<16;
+ while (height < 0)
+ {
+ /* Do top row pair */
+ uint32_t uv, y0, y1;
+ uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++);
+ y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y0);
+ STORE(y0, dst_ptr);
+ uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++);
+ y1 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y1);
+ STORE(y1, dst_ptr);
+ height += (2<<16);
+ }
+ if ((height>>16) == 0)
+ {
+ /* Trailing top row pix */
+ uint32_t uv, y0;
+ uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++);
+ y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y0);
+ STORE(y0, dst_ptr);
+ }
+ dst_ptr += dst_span-width*4;
+ y_ptr += y_span-width;
+ u_ptr += uv_span-width;
+ v_ptr += uv_span-width;
+ height = (height<<16)>>16;
+ height -= 1;
+ if (height == 0)
+ break;
+ height -= width<<16;
+ height += 1<<16;
+ while (height < 0)
+ {
+ /* Do second row pair */
+ uint32_t uv, y0, y1;
+ uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++);
+ y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y0);
+ STORE(y0, dst_ptr);
+ uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++);
+ y1 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y1);
+ STORE(y1, dst_ptr);
+ height += (2<<16);
+ }
+ if ((height>>16) == 0)
+ {
+ /* Trailing bottom row pix */
+ uint32_t uv, y0;
+ uv = READUV(*u_ptr++,*v_ptr++);
+ y0 = uv + READY(*y_ptr++);
+ FIXUP(y0);
+ STORE(y0, dst_ptr);
+ }
+ dst_ptr += dst_span-width*4;
+ y_ptr += y_span-width;
+ u_ptr += uv_span-width;
+ v_ptr += uv_span-width;
+ height = (height<<16)>>16;
+ height -= 1;
+ }
+#endif // YUV2RGB_H