path: root/thirdparty/mbedtls/library/constant_time_internal.h
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diff --git a/thirdparty/mbedtls/library/constant_time_internal.h b/thirdparty/mbedtls/library/constant_time_internal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a550b38fa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/mbedtls/library/constant_time_internal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+ * Constant-time functions
+ *
+ * Copyright The Mbed TLS Contributors
+ * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
+ * not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+ * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "common.h"
+#if defined(MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C)
+#include "mbedtls/bignum.h"
+#if defined(MBEDTLS_SSL_TLS_C)
+#include "mbedtls/ssl_internal.h"
+#include <stddef.h>
+/** Turn a value into a mask:
+ * - if \p value == 0, return the all-bits 0 mask, aka 0
+ * - otherwise, return the all-bits 1 mask, aka (unsigned) -1
+ *
+ * This function can be used to write constant-time code by replacing branches
+ * with bit operations using masks.
+ *
+ * \param value The value to analyze.
+ *
+ * \return Zero if \p value is zero, otherwise all-bits-one.
+ */
+unsigned mbedtls_ct_uint_mask( unsigned value );
+/** Turn a value into a mask:
+ * - if \p value == 0, return the all-bits 0 mask, aka 0
+ * - otherwise, return the all-bits 1 mask, aka (size_t) -1
+ *
+ * This function can be used to write constant-time code by replacing branches
+ * with bit operations using masks.
+ *
+ * \param value The value to analyze.
+ *
+ * \return Zero if \p value is zero, otherwise all-bits-one.
+ */
+size_t mbedtls_ct_size_mask( size_t value );
+#if defined(MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C)
+/** Turn a value into a mask:
+ * - if \p value == 0, return the all-bits 0 mask, aka 0
+ * - otherwise, return the all-bits 1 mask, aka (mbedtls_mpi_uint) -1
+ *
+ * This function can be used to write constant-time code by replacing branches
+ * with bit operations using masks.
+ *
+ * \param value The value to analyze.
+ *
+ * \return Zero if \p value is zero, otherwise all-bits-one.
+ */
+mbedtls_mpi_uint mbedtls_ct_mpi_uint_mask( mbedtls_mpi_uint value );
+#endif /* MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C */
+/** Constant-flow mask generation for "greater or equal" comparison:
+ * - if \p x >= \p y, return all-bits 1, that is (size_t) -1
+ * - otherwise, return all bits 0, that is 0
+ *
+ * This function can be used to write constant-time code by replacing branches
+ * with bit operations using masks.
+ *
+ * \param x The first value to analyze.
+ * \param y The second value to analyze.
+ *
+ * \return All-bits-one if \p x is greater or equal than \p y,
+ * otherwise zero.
+ */
+size_t mbedtls_ct_size_mask_ge( size_t x,
+ size_t y );
+/** Constant-flow boolean "equal" comparison:
+ * return x == y
+ *
+ * This is equivalent to \p x == \p y, but is likely to be compiled
+ * to code using bitwise operation rather than a branch.
+ *
+ * \param x The first value to analyze.
+ * \param y The second value to analyze.
+ *
+ * \return 1 if \p x equals to \p y, otherwise 0.
+ */
+unsigned mbedtls_ct_size_bool_eq( size_t x,
+ size_t y );
+#if defined(MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C)
+/** Decide if an integer is less than the other, without branches.
+ *
+ * This is equivalent to \p x < \p y, but is likely to be compiled
+ * to code using bitwise operation rather than a branch.
+ *
+ * \param x The first value to analyze.
+ * \param y The second value to analyze.
+ *
+ * \return 1 if \p x is less than \p y, otherwise 0.
+ */
+unsigned mbedtls_ct_mpi_uint_lt( const mbedtls_mpi_uint x,
+ const mbedtls_mpi_uint y );
+#endif /* MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C */
+/** Choose between two integer values without branches.
+ *
+ * This is equivalent to `condition ? if1 : if0`, but is likely to be compiled
+ * to code using bitwise operation rather than a branch.
+ *
+ * \param condition Condition to test.
+ * \param if1 Value to use if \p condition is nonzero.
+ * \param if0 Value to use if \p condition is zero.
+ *
+ * \return \c if1 if \p condition is nonzero, otherwise \c if0.
+ */
+unsigned mbedtls_ct_uint_if( unsigned condition,
+ unsigned if1,
+ unsigned if0 );
+#if defined(MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C)
+/** Conditionally assign a value without branches.
+ *
+ * This is equivalent to `if ( condition ) dest = src`, but is likely
+ * to be compiled to code using bitwise operation rather than a branch.
+ *
+ * \param n \p dest and \p src must be arrays of limbs of size n.
+ * \param dest The MPI to conditionally assign to. This must point
+ * to an initialized MPI.
+ * \param src The MPI to be assigned from. This must point to an
+ * initialized MPI.
+ * \param condition Condition to test, must be 0 or 1.
+ */
+void mbedtls_ct_mpi_uint_cond_assign( size_t n,
+ mbedtls_mpi_uint *dest,
+ const mbedtls_mpi_uint *src,
+ unsigned char condition );
+#endif /* MBEDTLS_BIGNUM_C */
+#if defined(MBEDTLS_BASE64_C)
+/** Given a value in the range 0..63, return the corresponding Base64 digit.
+ *
+ * The implementation assumes that letters are consecutive (e.g. ASCII
+ * but not EBCDIC).
+ *
+ * \param value A value in the range 0..63.
+ *
+ * \return A base64 digit converted from \p value.
+ */
+unsigned char mbedtls_ct_base64_enc_char( unsigned char value );
+/** Given a Base64 digit, return its value.
+ *
+ * If c is not a Base64 digit ('A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', '0'..'9', '+' or '/'),
+ * return -1.
+ *
+ * The implementation assumes that letters are consecutive (e.g. ASCII
+ * but not EBCDIC).
+ *
+ * \param c A base64 digit.
+ *
+ * \return The value of the base64 digit \p c.
+ */
+signed char mbedtls_ct_base64_dec_value( unsigned char c );
+#endif /* MBEDTLS_BASE64_C */
+/** Conditional memcpy without branches.
+ *
+ * This is equivalent to `if ( c1 == c2 ) memcpy(dest, src, len)`, but is likely
+ * to be compiled to code using bitwise operation rather than a branch.
+ *
+ * \param dest The pointer to conditionally copy to.
+ * \param src The pointer to copy from. Shouldn't overlap with \p dest.
+ * \param len The number of bytes to copy.
+ * \param c1 The first value to analyze in the condition.
+ * \param c2 The second value to analyze in the condition.
+ */
+void mbedtls_ct_memcpy_if_eq( unsigned char *dest,
+ const unsigned char *src,
+ size_t len,
+ size_t c1, size_t c2 );
+/** Copy data from a secret position with constant flow.
+ *
+ * This function copies \p len bytes from \p src_base + \p offset_secret to \p
+ * dst, with a code flow and memory access pattern that does not depend on \p
+ * offset_secret, but only on \p offset_min, \p offset_max and \p len.
+ * Functionally equivalent to `memcpy(dst, src + offset_secret, len)`.
+ *
+ * \note This function reads from \p dest, but the value that
+ * is read does not influence the result and this
+ * function's behavior is well-defined regardless of the
+ * contents of the buffers. This may result in false
+ * positives from static or dynamic analyzers, especially
+ * if \p dest is not initialized.
+ *
+ * \param dest The destination buffer. This must point to a writable
+ * buffer of at least \p len bytes.
+ * \param src The base of the source buffer. This must point to a
+ * readable buffer of at least \p offset_max + \p len
+ * bytes. Shouldn't overlap with \p dest.
+ * \param offset The offset in the source buffer from which to copy.
+ * This must be no less than \p offset_min and no greater
+ * than \p offset_max.
+ * \param offset_min The minimal value of \p offset.
+ * \param offset_max The maximal value of \p offset.
+ * \param len The number of bytes to copy.
+ */
+void mbedtls_ct_memcpy_offset( unsigned char *dest,
+ const unsigned char *src,
+ size_t offset,
+ size_t offset_min,
+ size_t offset_max,
+ size_t len );
+/** Compute the HMAC of variable-length data with constant flow.
+ *
+ * This function computes the HMAC of the concatenation of \p add_data and \p
+ * data, and does with a code flow and memory access pattern that does not
+ * depend on \p data_len_secret, but only on \p min_data_len and \p
+ * max_data_len. In particular, this function always reads exactly \p
+ * max_data_len bytes from \p data.
+ *
+ * \param ctx The HMAC context. It must have keys configured
+ * with mbedtls_md_hmac_starts() and use one of the
+ * following hashes: SHA-384, SHA-256, SHA-1 or MD-5.
+ * It is reset using mbedtls_md_hmac_reset() after
+ * the computation is complete to prepare for the
+ * next computation.
+ * \param add_data The first part of the message whose HMAC is being
+ * calculated. This must point to a readable buffer
+ * of \p add_data_len bytes.
+ * \param add_data_len The length of \p add_data in bytes.
+ * \param data The buffer containing the second part of the
+ * message. This must point to a readable buffer
+ * of \p max_data_len bytes.
+ * \param data_len_secret The length of the data to process in \p data.
+ * This must be no less than \p min_data_len and no
+ * greater than \p max_data_len.
+ * \param min_data_len The minimal length of the second part of the
+ * message, read from \p data.
+ * \param max_data_len The maximal length of the second part of the
+ * message, read from \p data.
+ * \param output The HMAC will be written here. This must point to
+ * a writable buffer of sufficient size to hold the
+ * HMAC value.
+ *
+ * \retval 0 on success.
+ * The hardware accelerator failed.
+ */
+int mbedtls_ct_hmac( mbedtls_md_context_t *ctx,
+ const unsigned char *add_data,
+ size_t add_data_len,
+ const unsigned char *data,
+ size_t data_len_secret,
+ size_t min_data_len,
+ size_t max_data_len,
+ unsigned char *output );
+#if defined(MBEDTLS_PKCS1_V15) && defined(MBEDTLS_RSA_C) && !defined(MBEDTLS_RSA_ALT)
+/** This function performs the unpadding part of a PKCS#1 v1.5 decryption
+ * operation (EME-PKCS1-v1_5 decoding).
+ *
+ * \note The return value from this function is a sensitive value
+ * (this is unusual). #MBEDTLS_ERR_RSA_OUTPUT_TOO_LARGE shouldn't happen
+ * in a well-written application, but 0 vs #MBEDTLS_ERR_RSA_INVALID_PADDING
+ * is often a situation that an attacker can provoke and leaking which
+ * one is the result is precisely the information the attacker wants.
+ *
+ * \param mode The mode of operation. This must be either
+ * \param input The input buffer which is the payload inside PKCS#1v1.5
+ * encryption padding, called the "encoded message EM"
+ * by the terminology.
+ * \param ilen The length of the payload in the \p input buffer.
+ * \param output The buffer for the payload, called "message M" by the
+ * PKCS#1 terminology. This must be a writable buffer of
+ * length \p output_max_len bytes.
+ * \param olen The address at which to store the length of
+ * the payload. This must not be \c NULL.
+ * \param output_max_len The length in bytes of the output buffer \p output.
+ *
+ * \return \c 0 on success.
+ * The output buffer is too small for the unpadded payload.
+ * The input doesn't contain properly formatted padding.
+ */
+int mbedtls_ct_rsaes_pkcs1_v15_unpadding( int mode,
+ unsigned char *input,
+ size_t ilen,
+ unsigned char *output,
+ size_t output_max_len,
+ size_t *olen );