path: root/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http')
10 files changed, 0 insertions, 9703 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/client/client-handshake.c b/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/client/client-handshake.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 6b4e98f346..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/client/client-handshake.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1066 +0,0 @@
-#include "core/private.h"
-static int
-lws_getaddrinfo46(struct lws *wsi, const char *ads, struct addrinfo **result)
- struct addrinfo hints;
- memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
- *result = NULL;
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6
- if (wsi->ipv6) {
-#if !defined(__ANDROID__)
- hints.ai_family = AF_INET6;
- hints.ai_flags = AI_V4MAPPED;
- } else
- {
- hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
- hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
- }
- return getaddrinfo(ads, NULL, &hints, result);
-struct lws *
-lws_client_connect_2(struct lws *wsi)
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
- struct lws_context *context = wsi->context;
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- const char *adsin;
- struct lws *wsi_piggyback = NULL;
- struct lws_pollfd pfd;
- ssize_t plen = 0;
- struct addrinfo *result;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_UNIX_SOCK)
- struct sockaddr_un sau;
- char unix_skt = 0;
- const char *ads;
- sockaddr46 sa46;
- const struct sockaddr *psa;
- int n, port = 0;
- const char *cce = "", *iface;
- const char *meth = NULL;
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6
- char ipv6only = lws_check_opt(wsi->vhost->options,
-#if defined(__ANDROID__)
- ipv6only = 0;
- lwsl_client("%s: %p\n", __func__, wsi);
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
- if (!wsi->http.ah) {
- cce = "ah was NULL at cc2";
- lwsl_err("%s\n", cce);
- goto oom4;
- }
- /* we can only piggyback GET or POST */
- meth = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_METHOD);
- if (meth && strcmp(meth, "GET") && strcmp(meth, "POST"))
- goto create_new_conn;
- /* we only pipeline connections that said it was okay */
- if (!wsi->client_pipeline)
- goto create_new_conn;
- /*
- * let's take a look first and see if there are any already-active
- * client connections we can piggy-back on.
- */
- adsin = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_PEER_ADDRESS);
- lws_vhost_lock(wsi->vhost); /* ----------------------------------- { */
- lws_start_foreach_dll_safe(struct lws_dll_lws *, d, d1,
- wsi->vhost-> {
- struct lws *w = lws_container_of(d, struct lws,
- dll_active_client_conns);
- lwsl_debug("%s: check %s %s %d %d\n", __func__, adsin,
- w->client_hostname_copy, wsi->c_port, w->c_port);
- if (w != wsi && w->client_hostname_copy &&
- !strcmp(adsin, w->client_hostname_copy) &&
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS)
- (wsi->tls.use_ssl & LCCSCF_USE_SSL) ==
- (w->tls.use_ssl & LCCSCF_USE_SSL) &&
- wsi->c_port == w->c_port) {
- /* someone else is already connected to the right guy */
- /* do we know for a fact pipelining won't fly? */
- if (w->keepalive_rejected) {
- lwsl_info("defeating pipelining due to no "
- "keepalive on server\n");
- lws_vhost_unlock(wsi->vhost); /* } ---------- */
- goto create_new_conn;
- }
-#if defined (LWS_WITH_HTTP2)
- /*
- * h2: in usable state already: just use it without
- * going through the queue
- */
- if (w->client_h2_alpn &&
- (lwsi_state(w) == LRS_H2_WAITING_TO_SEND_HEADERS ||
- lwsi_state(w) == LRS_ESTABLISHED)) {
- lwsl_info("%s: just join h2 directly\n",
- __func__);
- wsi->client_h2_alpn = 1;
- lws_wsi_h2_adopt(w, wsi);
- lws_vhost_unlock(wsi->vhost); /* } ---------- */
- return wsi;
- }
- lwsl_info("applying %p to txn queue on %p state 0x%x\n",
- wsi, w, w->wsistate);
- /*
- * ...let's add ourselves to his transaction queue...
- * we are adding ourselves at the HEAD
- */
- lws_dll_lws_add_front(&wsi->dll_client_transaction_queue,
- &w->dll_client_transaction_queue_head);
- /*
- * h1: pipeline our headers out on him,
- * and wait for our turn at client transaction_complete
- * to take over parsing the rx.
- */
- wsi_piggyback = w;
- lws_vhost_unlock(wsi->vhost); /* } ---------- */
- goto send_hs;
- }
- } lws_end_foreach_dll_safe(d, d1);
- lws_vhost_unlock(wsi->vhost); /* } ---------------------------------- */
- /*
- * clients who will create their own fresh connection keep a copy of
- * the hostname they originally connected to, in case other connections
- * want to use it too
- */
- if (!wsi->client_hostname_copy)
- wsi->client_hostname_copy =
- lws_strdup(lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi,
- /*
- * If we made our own connection, and we're doing a method that can take
- * a pipeline, we are an "active client connection".
- *
- * Add ourselves to the vhost list of those so that others can
- * piggyback on our transaction queue
- */
- if (meth && (!strcmp(meth, "GET") || !strcmp(meth, "POST")) &&
- lws_dll_is_null(&wsi->dll_client_transaction_queue) &&
- lws_dll_is_null(&wsi->dll_active_client_conns)) {
- lws_vhost_lock(wsi->vhost);
- /* caution... we will have to unpick this on oom4 path */
- lws_dll_lws_add_front(&wsi->dll_active_client_conns,
- &wsi->vhost->dll_active_client_conns);
- lws_vhost_unlock(wsi->vhost);
- }
- /*
- * unix socket destination?
- */
- ads = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_PEER_ADDRESS);
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_UNIX_SOCK)
- if (*ads == '+') {
- ads++;
- memset(&sau, 0, sizeof(sau));
- sau.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
- strncpy(sau.sun_path, ads, sizeof(sau.sun_path));
- sau.sun_path[sizeof(sau.sun_path) - 1] = '\0';
- lwsl_info("%s: Unix skt: %s\n", __func__, ads);
- if (sau.sun_path[0] == '@')
- sau.sun_path[0] = '\0';
- unix_skt = 1;
- goto ads_known;
- }
- /*
- * start off allowing ipv6 on connection if vhost allows it
- */
- wsi->ipv6 = LWS_IPV6_ENABLED(wsi->vhost);
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
- /* Decide what it is we need to connect to:
- *
- * Priority 1: connect to http proxy */
- if (wsi->vhost->http.http_proxy_port) {
- plen = sprintf((char *)pt->serv_buf,
- "CONNECT %s:%u HTTP/1.0\x0d\x0a"
- "User-agent: libwebsockets\x0d\x0a",
- lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_PEER_ADDRESS),
- wsi->c_port);
- if (wsi->vhost->proxy_basic_auth_token[0])
- plen += sprintf((char *)pt->serv_buf + plen,
- "Proxy-authorization: basic %s\x0d\x0a",
- wsi->vhost->proxy_basic_auth_token);
- plen += sprintf((char *)pt->serv_buf + plen, "\x0d\x0a");
- ads = wsi->vhost->http.http_proxy_address;
- port = wsi->vhost->http.http_proxy_port;
- if (0) {
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_SOCKS5)
- /* Priority 2: Connect to SOCK5 Proxy */
- } else if (wsi->vhost->socks_proxy_port) {
- socks_generate_msg(wsi, SOCKS_MSG_GREETING, &plen);
- lwsl_client("Sending SOCKS Greeting\n");
- ads = wsi->vhost->socks_proxy_address;
- port = wsi->vhost->socks_proxy_port;
- } else {
- /* Priority 3: Connect directly */
- ads = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_PEER_ADDRESS);
- port = wsi->c_port;
- }
- /*
- * prepare the actual connection
- * to whatever we decided to connect to
- */
- lwsl_info("%s: %p: address %s\n", __func__, wsi, ads);
- n = lws_getaddrinfo46(wsi, ads, &result);
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6
- if (wsi->ipv6) {
- struct sockaddr_in6 *sa6;
- if (n || !result) {
- /* lws_getaddrinfo46 failed, there is no usable result */
- lwsl_notice("%s: lws_getaddrinfo46 failed %d\n",
- __func__, n);
- cce = "ipv6 lws_getaddrinfo46 failed";
- goto oom4;
- }
- sa6 = ((struct sockaddr_in6 *)result->ai_addr);
- memset(&sa46, 0, sizeof(sa46));
- sa46.sa6.sin6_family = AF_INET6;
- switch (result->ai_family) {
- case AF_INET:
- if (ipv6only)
- break;
- /* map IPv4 to IPv6 */
- bzero((char *)&sa46.sa6.sin6_addr,
- sizeof(sa46.sa6.sin6_addr));
- sa46.sa6.sin6_addr.s6_addr[10] = 0xff;
- sa46.sa6.sin6_addr.s6_addr[11] = 0xff;
- memcpy(&sa46.sa6.sin6_addr.s6_addr[12],
- &((struct sockaddr_in *)result->ai_addr)->sin_addr,
- sizeof(struct in_addr));
- lwsl_notice("uplevelling AF_INET to AF_INET6\n");
- break;
- case AF_INET6:
- memcpy(&sa46.sa6.sin6_addr, &sa6->sin6_addr,
- sizeof(struct in6_addr));
- sa46.sa6.sin6_scope_id = sa6->sin6_scope_id;
- sa46.sa6.sin6_flowinfo = sa6->sin6_flowinfo;
- break;
- default:
- lwsl_err("Unknown address family\n");
- freeaddrinfo(result);
- cce = "unknown address family";
- goto oom4;
- }
- } else
-#endif /* use ipv6 */
- /* use ipv4 */
- {
- void *p = NULL;
- if (!n) {
- struct addrinfo *res = result;
- /* pick the first AF_INET (IPv4) result */
- while (!p && res) {
- switch (res->ai_family) {
- case AF_INET:
- p = &((struct sockaddr_in *)res->ai_addr)->sin_addr;
- break;
- }
- res = res->ai_next;
- }
- } else if (n == EAI_SYSTEM) {
- struct hostent *host;
- lwsl_info("ipv4 getaddrinfo err, try gethostbyname\n");
- host = gethostbyname(ads);
- if (host) {
- p = host->h_addr;
- } else {
- lwsl_err("gethostbyname failed\n");
- cce = "gethostbyname (ipv4) failed";
- goto oom4;
- }
- } else {
- lwsl_err("getaddrinfo failed: %d\n", n);
- cce = "getaddrinfo failed";
- goto oom4;
- }
- if (!p) {
- if (result)
- freeaddrinfo(result);
- lwsl_err("Couldn't identify address\n");
- cce = "unable to lookup address";
- goto oom4;
- }
- sa46.sa4.sin_family = AF_INET;
- sa46.sa4.sin_addr = *((struct in_addr *)p);
- bzero(&sa46.sa4.sin_zero, 8);
- }
- if (result)
- freeaddrinfo(result);
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_UNIX_SOCK)
- /* now we decided on ipv4 or ipv6, set the port */
- if (!lws_socket_is_valid(wsi->desc.sockfd)) {
- if (wsi->context->event_loop_ops->check_client_connect_ok &&
- wsi->context->event_loop_ops->check_client_connect_ok(wsi)) {
- cce = "waiting for event loop watcher to close";
- goto oom4;
- }
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_UNIX_SOCK)
- if (unix_skt) {
- wsi->unix_skt = 1;
- wsi->desc.sockfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- } else
- {
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6
- if (wsi->ipv6)
- wsi->desc.sockfd = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- else
- wsi->desc.sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- }
- if (!lws_socket_is_valid(wsi->desc.sockfd)) {
- lwsl_warn("Unable to open socket\n");
- cce = "unable to open socket";
- goto oom4;
- }
- if (lws_plat_set_socket_options(wsi->vhost, wsi->desc.sockfd,
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_UNIX_SOCK)
- unix_skt)) {
- 0)) {
- lwsl_err("Failed to set wsi socket options\n");
- compatible_close(wsi->desc.sockfd);
- cce = "set socket opts failed";
- goto oom4;
- }
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_WAITING_CONNECT);
- if (wsi->context->event_loop_ops->accept)
- if (wsi->context->event_loop_ops->accept(wsi)) {
- compatible_close(wsi->desc.sockfd);
- cce = "event loop accept failed";
- goto oom4;
- }
- if (__insert_wsi_socket_into_fds(wsi->context, wsi)) {
- compatible_close(wsi->desc.sockfd);
- cce = "insert wsi failed";
- goto oom4;
- }
- lws_change_pollfd(wsi, 0, LWS_POLLIN);
- /*
- * past here, we can't simply free the structs as error
- * handling as oom4 does. We have to run the whole close flow.
- */
- if (!wsi->protocol)
- wsi->protocol = &wsi->vhost->protocols[0];
- wsi->protocol->callback(wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_WSI_CREATE,
- wsi->user_space, NULL, 0);
- iface = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_IFACE);
- if (iface) {
- n = lws_socket_bind(wsi->vhost, wsi->desc.sockfd, 0,
- iface);
- if (n < 0) {
- cce = "unable to bind socket";
- goto failed;
- }
- }
- }
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_UNIX_SOCK)
- if (unix_skt) {
- psa = (const struct sockaddr *)&sau;
- n = sizeof(sau);
- } else
- {
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6
- if (wsi->ipv6) {
- sa46.sa6.sin6_port = htons(port);
- n = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in6);
- psa = (const struct sockaddr *)&sa46;
- } else
- {
- sa46.sa4.sin_port = htons(port);
- n = sizeof(struct sockaddr);
- psa = (const struct sockaddr *)&sa46;
- }
- }
- if (connect(wsi->desc.sockfd, (const struct sockaddr *)psa, n) == -1 ||
-#ifdef _WIN32
- ) {
- lwsl_client("nonblocking connect retry (errno = %d)\n",
- if (lws_plat_check_connection_error(wsi)) {
- cce = "socket connect failed";
- goto failed;
- }
- /*
- * must do specifically a POLLOUT poll to hear
- * about the connect completion
- */
- if (lws_change_pollfd(wsi, 0, LWS_POLLOUT)) {
- cce = "POLLOUT set failed";
- goto failed;
- }
- return wsi;
- }
- lwsl_notice("Connect failed errno=%d\n", LWS_ERRNO);
- cce = "connect failed";
- goto failed;
- }
- }
- lwsl_client("connected\n");
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
- /* we are connected to server, or proxy */
- /* http proxy */
- if (wsi->vhost->http.http_proxy_port) {
- /*
- * OK from now on we talk via the proxy, so connect to that
- *
- * (will overwrite existing pointer,
- * leaving old string/frag there but unreferenced)
- */
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_PEER_ADDRESS,
- wsi->vhost->http.http_proxy_address))
- goto failed;
- wsi->c_port = wsi->vhost->http.http_proxy_port;
- n = send(wsi->desc.sockfd, (char *)pt->serv_buf, (int)plen,
- if (n < 0) {
- lwsl_debug("ERROR writing to proxy socket\n");
- cce = "proxy write failed";
- goto failed;
- }
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_WAITING_PROXY_REPLY);
- return wsi;
- }
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_SOCKS5)
- /* socks proxy */
- else if (wsi->vhost->socks_proxy_port) {
- n = send(wsi->desc.sockfd, (char *)pt->serv_buf, plen,
- if (n < 0) {
- lwsl_debug("ERROR writing socks greeting\n");
- cce = "socks write failed";
- goto failed;
- }
- lws_set_timeout(wsi,
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_WAITING_SOCKS_GREETING_REPLY);
- return wsi;
- }
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
- if (wsi_piggyback &&
- !lws_dll_is_null(&wsi->dll_client_transaction_queue)) {
- /*
- * We are pipelining on an already-established connection...
- * we can skip tls establishment.
- */
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_H1C_ISSUE_HANDSHAKE2);
- /*
- * we can't send our headers directly, because they have to
- * be sent when the parent is writeable. The parent will check
- * for anybody on his client transaction queue that is in
- * LRS_H1C_ISSUE_HANDSHAKE2, and let them write.
- *
- * If we are trying to do this too early, before the master
- * connection has written his own headers, then it will just
- * wait in the queue until it's possible to send them.
- */
- lws_callback_on_writable(wsi_piggyback);
- lwsl_info("%s: wsi %p: waiting to send hdrs (par state 0x%x)\n",
- __func__, wsi, lwsi_state(wsi_piggyback));
- } else {
- lwsl_info("%s: wsi %p: client creating own connection\n",
- __func__, wsi);
- /* we are making our own connection */
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_H1C_ISSUE_HANDSHAKE);
- /*
- * provoke service to issue the handshake directly.
- *
- * we need to do it this way because in the proxy case, this is
- * the next state and executed only if and when we get a good
- * proxy response inside the state machine... but notice in
- * SSL case this may not have sent anything yet with 0 return,
- * and won't until many retries from main loop. To stop that
- * becoming endless, cover with a timeout.
- */
- pfd.fd = wsi->desc.sockfd;
- pfd.revents = LWS_POLLIN;
- n = lws_service_fd(context, &pfd);
- if (n < 0) {
- cce = "first service failed";
- goto failed;
- }
- if (n) /* returns 1 on failure after closing wsi */
- return NULL;
- }
- return wsi;
- if (lwsi_role_client(wsi) /* && lwsi_state_est(wsi) */) {
- wsi->protocol->callback(wsi,
- wsi->user_space, (void *)cce, strlen(cce));
- wsi->already_did_cce = 1;
- }
- /* take care that we might be inserted in fds already */
- if (wsi->position_in_fds_table != LWS_NO_FDS_POS)
- goto failed1;
- /*
- * We can't be an active client connection any more, if we thought
- * that was what we were going to be doing. It should be if we are
- * failing by oom4 path, we are still called by
- * lws_client_connect_via_info() and will be returning NULL to that,
- * so nobody else should have had a chance to queue on us.
- */
- {
- struct lws_vhost *vhost = wsi->vhost;
- lws_vhost_lock(vhost);
- __lws_free_wsi(wsi);
- lws_vhost_unlock(vhost);
- }
- return NULL;
- wsi->protocol->callback(wsi,
- wsi->user_space, (void *)cce, strlen(cce));
- wsi->already_did_cce = 1;
- lws_close_free_wsi(wsi, LWS_CLOSE_STATUS_NOSTATUS, "client_connect2");
- return NULL;
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
- * lws_client_reset() - retarget a connected wsi to start over with a new
- * connection (ie, redirect)
- * this only works if still in HTTP, ie, not upgraded yet
- * wsi: connection to reset
- * address: network address of the new server
- * port: port to connect to
- * path: uri path to connect to on the new server
- * host: host header to send to the new server
- */
-LWS_VISIBLE struct lws *
-lws_client_reset(struct lws **pwsi, int ssl, const char *address, int port,
- const char *path, const char *host)
- char origin[300] = "", protocol[300] = "", method[32] = "",
- iface[16] = "", alpn[32] = "", *p;
- struct lws *wsi = *pwsi;
- if (wsi->redirects == 3) {
- lwsl_err("%s: Too many redirects\n", __func__);
- return NULL;
- }
- wsi->redirects++;
- p = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_ORIGIN);
- if (p)
- lws_strncpy(origin, p, sizeof(origin));
- p = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_SENT_PROTOCOLS);
- if (p)
- lws_strncpy(protocol, p, sizeof(protocol));
- p = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_METHOD);
- if (p)
- lws_strncpy(method, p, sizeof(method));
- p = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_IFACE);
- if (p)
- lws_strncpy(iface, p, sizeof(iface));
- p = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_ALPN);
- if (p)
- lws_strncpy(alpn, p, sizeof(alpn));
- lwsl_info("redirect ads='%s', port=%d, path='%s', ssl = %d\n",
- address, port, path, ssl);
- /* close the connection by hand */
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS)
- lws_ssl_close(wsi);
- __remove_wsi_socket_from_fds(wsi);
- if (wsi->context->event_loop_ops->close_handle_manually)
- wsi->context->event_loop_ops->close_handle_manually(wsi);
- else
- compatible_close(wsi->desc.sockfd);
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS)
- wsi->tls.use_ssl = ssl;
- if (ssl) {
- lwsl_err("%s: not configured for ssl\n", __func__);
- return NULL;
- }
- wsi->desc.sockfd = LWS_SOCK_INVALID;
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_UNCONNECTED);
- wsi->protocol = NULL;
- wsi->pending_timeout = NO_PENDING_TIMEOUT;
- wsi->c_port = port;
- wsi->hdr_parsing_completed = 0;
- _lws_header_table_reset(wsi->http.ah);
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_PEER_ADDRESS, address))
- return NULL;
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_HOST, host))
- return NULL;
- if (origin[0])
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_ORIGIN,
- origin))
- return NULL;
- if (protocol[0])
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_SENT_PROTOCOLS,
- protocol))
- return NULL;
- if (method[0])
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_METHOD,
- method))
- return NULL;
- if (iface[0])
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_IFACE,
- iface))
- return NULL;
- if (alpn[0])
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_ALPN,
- alpn))
- return NULL;
- origin[0] = '/';
- strncpy(&origin[1], path, sizeof(origin) - 2);
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_URI, origin))
- return NULL;
- *pwsi = lws_client_connect_2(wsi);
- return *pwsi;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_HTTP_PROXY) && defined(LWS_WITH_HUBBUB)
-html_parser_cb(const hubbub_token *token, void *pw)
- struct lws_rewrite *r = (struct lws_rewrite *)pw;
- char buf[1024], *start = buf + LWS_PRE, *p = start,
- *end = &buf[sizeof(buf) - 1];
- size_t i;
- switch (token->type) {
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "<!DOCTYPE %.*s %s ",
- (int) token->,
- token->,
- token->data.doctype.force_quirks ?
- "(force-quirks) " : "");
- if (token->data.doctype.public_missing)
- lwsl_debug("\tpublic: missing\n");
- else
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "PUBLIC \"%.*s\"\n",
- (int) token->data.doctype.public_id.len,
- token->data.doctype.public_id.ptr);
- if (token->data.doctype.system_missing)
- lwsl_debug("\tsystem: missing\n");
- else
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, " \"%.*s\">\n",
- (int) token->data.doctype.system_id.len,
- token->data.doctype.system_id.ptr);
- break;
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "<%.*s", (int)token->,
- token->;
-/* (token->data.tag.self_closing) ?
- "(self-closing) " : "",
- (token->data.tag.n_attributes > 0) ?
- "attributes:" : "");
- for (i = 0; i < token->data.tag.n_attributes; i++) {
- if (!hstrcmp(&token->data.tag.attributes[i].name, "href", 4) ||
- !hstrcmp(&token->data.tag.attributes[i].name, "action", 6) ||
- !hstrcmp(&token->data.tag.attributes[i].name, "src", 3)) {
- const char *pp = (const char *)token->data.tag.attributes[i].value.ptr;
- int plen = (int) token->data.tag.attributes[i].value.len;
- if (strncmp(pp, "http:", 5) && strncmp(pp, "https:", 6)) {
- if (!hstrcmp(&token->data.tag.attributes[i].value,
- r->from, r->from_len)) {
- pp += r->from_len;
- plen -= r->from_len;
- }
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, " %.*s=\"%s/%.*s\"",
- (int) token->data.tag.attributes[i].name.len,
- token->data.tag.attributes[i].name.ptr,
- r->to, plen, pp);
- continue;
- }
- }
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, " %.*s=\"%.*s\"",
- (int) token->data.tag.attributes[i].name.len,
- token->data.tag.attributes[i].name.ptr,
- (int) token->data.tag.attributes[i].value.len,
- token->data.tag.attributes[i].value.ptr);
- }
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, ">");
- break;
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "</%.*s", (int) token->,
- token->;
- (token->data.tag.self_closing) ?
- "(self-closing) " : "",
- (token->data.tag.n_attributes > 0) ?
- "attributes:" : "");
- for (i = 0; i < token->data.tag.n_attributes; i++) {
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, " %.*s='%.*s'\n",
- (int) token->data.tag.attributes[i].name.len,
- token->data.tag.attributes[i].name.ptr,
- (int) token->data.tag.attributes[i].value.len,
- token->data.tag.attributes[i].value.ptr);
- }
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, ">");
- break;
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "<!-- %.*s -->\n",
- (int) token->data.comment.len,
- token->data.comment.ptr);
- break;
- if (token->data.character.len == 1) {
- if (*token->data.character.ptr == '<') {
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "&lt;");
- break;
- }
- if (*token->data.character.ptr == '>') {
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "&gt;");
- break;
- }
- if (*token->data.character.ptr == '&') {
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "&amp;");
- break;
- }
- }
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "%.*s", (int) token->data.character.len,
- token->data.character.ptr);
- break;
- p += lws_snprintf(p, end - p, "\n");
- break;
- }
- if (user_callback_handle_rxflow(r->wsi->protocol->callback,
- r->wsi->user_space, start, p - start))
- return -1;
- return HUBBUB_OK;
-struct lws *
-lws_http_client_connect_via_info2(struct lws *wsi)
- struct client_info_stash *stash = wsi->stash;
- if (!stash)
- return wsi;
- /*
- * we're not necessarily in a position to action these right away,
- * stash them... we only need during connect phase so into a temp
- * allocated stash
- */
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_PEER_ADDRESS,
- stash->address))
- goto bail1;
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_URI, stash->path))
- goto bail1;
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_HOST, stash->host))
- goto bail1;
- if (stash->origin)
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_ORIGIN,
- stash->origin))
- goto bail1;
- /*
- * this is a list of protocols we tell the server we're okay with
- * stash it for later when we compare server response with it
- */
- if (stash->protocol)
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_SENT_PROTOCOLS,
- stash->protocol))
- goto bail1;
- if (stash->method)
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_METHOD,
- stash->method))
- goto bail1;
- if (stash->iface)
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_IFACE,
- stash->iface))
- goto bail1;
- if (stash->alpn)
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_ALPN,
- stash->alpn))
- goto bail1;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_SOCKS5)
- if (!wsi->vhost->socks_proxy_port)
- lws_client_stash_destroy(wsi);
- wsi->context->count_wsi_allocated++;
- return lws_client_connect_2(wsi);
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_SOCKS5)
- if (!wsi->vhost->socks_proxy_port)
- lws_free_set_NULL(wsi->stash);
- return NULL;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_SOCKS5)
-void socks_generate_msg(struct lws *wsi, enum socks_msg_type type,
- ssize_t *msg_len)
- struct lws_context *context = wsi->context;
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- ssize_t len = 0, n, passwd_len;
- short net_num;
- char *p;
- switch (type) {
- /* socks version, version 5 only */
- pt->serv_buf[len++] = SOCKS_VERSION_5;
- /* number of methods */
- pt->serv_buf[len++] = 2;
- /* username password method */
- pt->serv_buf[len++] = SOCKS_AUTH_USERNAME_PASSWORD;
- /* no authentication method */
- pt->serv_buf[len++] = SOCKS_AUTH_NO_AUTH;
- break;
- n = strlen(wsi->vhost->socks_user);
- passwd_len = strlen(wsi->vhost->socks_password);
- /* the subnegotiation version */
- pt->serv_buf[len++] = SOCKS_SUBNEGOTIATION_VERSION_1;
- /* length of the user name */
- pt->serv_buf[len++] = n;
- /* user name */
- lws_strncpy((char *)&pt->serv_buf[len], wsi->vhost->socks_user,
- context->pt_serv_buf_size - len + 1);
- len += n;
- /* length of the password */
- pt->serv_buf[len++] = passwd_len;
- /* password */
- lws_strncpy((char *)&pt->serv_buf[len],
- wsi->vhost->socks_password,
- context->pt_serv_buf_size - len + 1);
- len += passwd_len;
- break;
- p = (char*)&net_num;
- /* socks version */
- pt->serv_buf[len++] = SOCKS_VERSION_5;
- /* socks command */
- pt->serv_buf[len++] = SOCKS_COMMAND_CONNECT;
- /* reserved */
- pt->serv_buf[len++] = 0;
- /* address type */
- pt->serv_buf[len++] = SOCKS_ATYP_DOMAINNAME;
- /* skip length, we fill it in at the end */
- n = len++;
- /* the address we tell SOCKS proxy to connect to */
- lws_strncpy((char *)&(pt->serv_buf[len]), wsi->stash->address,
- context->pt_serv_buf_size - len + 1);
- len += strlen(wsi->stash->address);
- net_num = htons(wsi->c_port);
- /* the port we tell SOCKS proxy to connect to */
- pt->serv_buf[len++] = p[0];
- pt->serv_buf[len++] = p[1];
- /* the length of the address, excluding port */
- pt->serv_buf[n] = strlen(wsi->stash->address);
- break;
- default:
- return;
- }
- *msg_len = len;
diff --git a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/client/client.c b/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/client/client.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d6f13dcf8..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/client/client.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1274 +0,0 @@
- * libwebsockets - lib/client/client.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Andy Green <>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation:
- * version 2.1 of the License.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- * MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-#include "core/private.h"
-lws_client_http_body_pending(struct lws *wsi, int something_left_to_send)
- wsi->client_http_body_pending = !!something_left_to_send;
- * return self, or queued client wsi we are acting on behalf of
- *
- * That is the TAIL of the queue (new queue elements are added at the HEAD)
- */
-struct lws *
-lws_client_wsi_effective(struct lws *wsi)
- struct lws_dll_lws *tail = NULL;
- if (!wsi->transaction_from_pipeline_queue ||
- !wsi->
- return wsi;
- lws_start_foreach_dll_safe(struct lws_dll_lws *, d, d1,
- wsi-> {
- tail = d;
- } lws_end_foreach_dll_safe(d, d1);
- return lws_container_of(tail, struct lws,
- dll_client_transaction_queue);
- * return self or the guy we are queued under
- *
- */
-static struct lws *
-_lws_client_wsi_master(struct lws *wsi)
- struct lws *wsi_eff = wsi;
- struct lws_dll_lws *d;
- d = wsi->dll_client_transaction_queue.prev;
- while (d) {
- wsi_eff = lws_container_of(d, struct lws,
- dll_client_transaction_queue_head);
- d = d->prev;
- }
- return wsi_eff;
-lws_client_socket_service(struct lws *wsi, struct lws_pollfd *pollfd,
- struct lws *wsi_conn)
- struct lws_context *context = wsi->context;
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- char *p = (char *)&pt->serv_buf[0];
- struct lws *w;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS)
- char ebuf[128];
- const char *cce = NULL;
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
- ssize_t len = 0;
- unsigned char c;
- char *sb = p;
- int n = 0;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_SOCKS5)
- int conn_mode = 0, pending_timeout = 0;
- if ((pollfd->revents & LWS_POLLOUT) &&
- wsi->keepalive_active &&
- wsi-> {
- struct lws *wfound = NULL;
- lwsl_debug("%s: pollout HANDSHAKE2\n", __func__);
- /*
- * We have a transaction queued that wants to pipeline.
- *
- * We have to allow it to send headers strictly in the order
- * that it was queued, ie, tail-first.
- */
- lws_vhost_lock(wsi->vhost);
- lws_start_foreach_dll_safe(struct lws_dll_lws *, d, d1,
- wsi-> {
- struct lws *w = lws_container_of(d, struct lws,
- dll_client_transaction_queue);
- lwsl_debug("%s: %p states 0x%x\n", __func__, w,
- w->wsistate);
- if (lwsi_state(w) == LRS_H1C_ISSUE_HANDSHAKE2)
- wfound = w;
- } lws_end_foreach_dll_safe(d, d1);
- if (wfound) {
- /*
- * pollfd has the master sockfd in it... we
- * need to use that in HANDSHAKE2 to understand
- * which wsi to actually write on
- */
- lws_client_socket_service(wfound, pollfd, wsi);
- lws_callback_on_writable(wsi);
- } else
- lwsl_debug("%s: didn't find anything in txn q in HS2\n",
- __func__);
- lws_vhost_unlock(wsi->vhost);
- return 0;
- }
- switch (lwsi_state(wsi)) {
- /*
- * timeout protection set in client-handshake.c
- */
- if (!lws_client_connect_2(wsi)) {
- /* closed */
- lwsl_client("closed\n");
- return -1;
- }
- /* either still pending connection, or changed mode */
- return 0;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_SOCKS5)
- /* SOCKS Greeting Reply */
- /* handle proxy hung up on us */
- if (pollfd->revents & LWS_POLLHUP) {
- lwsl_warn("SOCKS connection %p (fd=%d) dead\n",
- (void *)wsi, pollfd->fd);
- goto bail3;
- }
- n = recv(wsi->desc.sockfd, sb, context->pt_serv_buf_size, 0);
- if (n < 0) {
- lwsl_debug("SOCKS read EAGAIN, retrying\n");
- return 0;
- }
- lwsl_err("ERROR reading from SOCKS socket\n");
- goto bail3;
- }
- switch (lwsi_state(wsi)) {
- if (pt->serv_buf[0] != SOCKS_VERSION_5)
- goto socks_reply_fail;
- if (pt->serv_buf[1] == SOCKS_AUTH_NO_AUTH) {
- lwsl_client("SOCKS GR: No Auth Method\n");
- socks_generate_msg(wsi, SOCKS_MSG_CONNECT, &len);
- pending_timeout =
- goto socks_send;
- }
- if (pt->serv_buf[1] == SOCKS_AUTH_USERNAME_PASSWORD) {
- lwsl_client("SOCKS GR: User/Pw Method\n");
- socks_generate_msg(wsi,
- &len);
- pending_timeout =
- goto socks_send;
- }
- goto socks_reply_fail;
- if (pt->serv_buf[0] != SOCKS_SUBNEGOTIATION_VERSION_1 ||
- pt->serv_buf[1] !=
- goto socks_reply_fail;
- lwsl_client("SOCKS password OK, sending connect\n");
- socks_generate_msg(wsi, SOCKS_MSG_CONNECT, &len);
- pending_timeout =
- n = send(wsi->desc.sockfd, (char *)pt->serv_buf, len,
- if (n < 0) {
- lwsl_debug("ERROR writing to socks proxy\n");
- goto bail3;
- }
- lws_set_timeout(wsi, pending_timeout, AWAITING_TIMEOUT);
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, conn_mode);
- break;
- lwsl_notice("socks reply: v%d, err %d\n",
- pt->serv_buf[0], pt->serv_buf[1]);
- goto bail3;
- if (pt->serv_buf[0] != SOCKS_VERSION_5 ||
- pt->serv_buf[1] != SOCKS_REQUEST_REPLY_SUCCESS)
- goto socks_reply_fail;
- lwsl_client("socks connect OK\n");
- /* free stash since we are done with it */
- lws_client_stash_destroy(wsi);
- if (lws_hdr_simple_create(wsi,
- wsi->vhost->socks_proxy_address))
- goto bail3;
- wsi->c_port = wsi->vhost->socks_proxy_port;
- /* clear his proxy connection timeout */
- lws_set_timeout(wsi, NO_PENDING_TIMEOUT, 0);
- goto start_ws_handshake;
- default:
- break;
- }
- break;
- /* handle proxy hung up on us */
- if (pollfd->revents & LWS_POLLHUP) {
- lwsl_warn("Proxy connection %p (fd=%d) dead\n",
- (void *)wsi, pollfd->fd);
- goto bail3;
- }
- n = recv(wsi->desc.sockfd, sb, context->pt_serv_buf_size, 0);
- if (n < 0) {
- lwsl_debug("Proxy read EAGAIN... retrying\n");
- return 0;
- }
- lwsl_err("ERROR reading from proxy socket\n");
- goto bail3;
- }
- pt->serv_buf[13] = '\0';
- if (strcmp(sb, "HTTP/1.0 200 ") &&
- strcmp(sb, "HTTP/1.1 200 ")) {
- lwsl_err("ERROR proxy: %s\n", sb);
- goto bail3;
- }
- /* clear his proxy connection timeout */
- lws_set_timeout(wsi, NO_PENDING_TIMEOUT, 0);
- /* fallthru */
- /*
- * timeout protection set in client-handshake.c
- *
- * take care of our lws_callback_on_writable
- * happening at a time when there's no real connection yet
- */
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_SOCKS5)
- if (lws_change_pollfd(wsi, LWS_POLLOUT, 0))
- return -1;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS)
- /* we can retry this... just cook the SSL BIO the first time */
- if ((wsi->tls.use_ssl & LCCSCF_USE_SSL) && !wsi->tls.ssl &&
- lws_ssl_client_bio_create(wsi) < 0) {
- cce = "bio_create failed";
- goto bail3;
- }
- if (wsi->tls.use_ssl & LCCSCF_USE_SSL) {
- n = lws_ssl_client_connect1(wsi);
- if (!n)
- return 0;
- if (n < 0) {
- cce = "lws_ssl_client_connect1 failed";
- goto bail3;
- }
- } else
- wsi->tls.ssl = NULL;
- /* fallthru */
- if (wsi->tls.use_ssl & LCCSCF_USE_SSL) {
- n = lws_ssl_client_connect2(wsi, ebuf, sizeof(ebuf));
- if (!n)
- return 0;
- if (n < 0) {
- cce = ebuf;
- goto bail3;
- }
- } else
- wsi->tls.ssl = NULL;
-#if defined (LWS_WITH_HTTP2)
- if (wsi->client_h2_alpn) {
- /*
- * We connected to the server and set up tls, and
- * negotiated "h2".
- *
- * So this is it, we are an h2 master client connection
- * now, not an h1 client connection.
- */
-#if defined (LWS_WITH_TLS)
- lws_tls_server_conn_alpn(wsi);
- /* send the H2 preface to legitimize the connection */
- if (lws_h2_issue_preface(wsi)) {
- cce = "error sending h2 preface";
- goto bail3;
- }
- break;
- }
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_H1C_ISSUE_HANDSHAKE2);
- context->timeout_secs);
- /* fallthru */
- p = lws_generate_client_handshake(wsi, p);
- if (p == NULL) {
- if (wsi->role_ops == &role_ops_raw_skt ||
- wsi->role_ops == &role_ops_raw_file)
- return 0;
- lwsl_err("Failed to generate handshake for client\n");
- lws_close_free_wsi(wsi, LWS_CLOSE_STATUS_NOSTATUS,
- "chs");
- return 0;
- }
- /* send our request to the server */
- lws_latency_pre(context, wsi);
- w = _lws_client_wsi_master(wsi);
- lwsl_info("%s: HANDSHAKE2: %p: sending headers on %p "
- "(wsistate 0x%x 0x%x)\n", __func__, wsi, w,
- wsi->wsistate, w->wsistate);
- n = lws_ssl_capable_write(w, (unsigned char *)sb, (int)(p - sb));
- lws_latency(context, wsi, "send lws_issue_raw", n,
- n == p - sb);
- switch (n) {
- lwsl_debug("ERROR writing to client socket\n");
- lws_close_free_wsi(wsi, LWS_CLOSE_STATUS_NOSTATUS,
- "cws");
- return 0;
- lws_callback_on_writable(wsi);
- break;
- }
- if (wsi->client_http_body_pending) {
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_ISSUE_HTTP_BODY);
- lws_set_timeout(wsi,
- context->timeout_secs);
- /* user code must ask for writable callback */
- break;
- }
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_WAITING_SERVER_REPLY);
- wsi->hdr_parsing_completed = 0;
- if (lwsi_state(w) == LRS_IDLING) {
- lwsi_set_state(w, LRS_WAITING_SERVER_REPLY);
- w->hdr_parsing_completed = 0;
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
- w->http.ah->parser_state = WSI_TOKEN_NAME_PART;
- w->http.ah->lextable_pos = 0;
- /* If we're (re)starting on hdr, need other implied init */
- wsi->http.ah->ues = URIES_IDLE;
- }
- wsi->context->timeout_secs);
- lws_callback_on_writable(w);
- goto client_http_body_sent;
- if (wsi->client_http_body_pending) {
- //lws_set_timeout(wsi,
- // context->timeout_secs);
- /* user code must ask for writable callback */
- break;
- }
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
- /* prepare ourselves to do the parsing */
- wsi->http.ah->parser_state = WSI_TOKEN_NAME_PART;
- wsi->http.ah->lextable_pos = 0;
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_WAITING_SERVER_REPLY);
- context->timeout_secs);
- break;
- /*
- * handle server hanging up on us...
- * but if there is POLLIN waiting, handle that first
- */
- if ((pollfd->revents & (LWS_POLLIN | LWS_POLLHUP)) ==
- lwsl_debug("Server connection %p (fd=%d) dead\n",
- (void *)wsi, pollfd->fd);
- cce = "Peer hung up";
- goto bail3;
- }
- if (!(pollfd->revents & LWS_POLLIN))
- break;
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
- /* interpret the server response
- *
- * HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols
- * Upgrade: websocket
- * Connection: Upgrade
- * Sec-WebSocket-Accept: me89jWimTRKTWwrS3aRrL53YZSo=
- * Sec-WebSocket-Nonce: AQIDBAUGBwgJCgsMDQ4PEC==
- * Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat
- *
- * we have to take some care here to only take from the
- * socket bytewise. The browser may (and has been seen to
- * in the case that onopen() performs websocket traffic)
- * coalesce both handshake response and websocket traffic
- * in one packet, since at that point the connection is
- * definitively ready from browser pov.
- */
- len = 1;
- while (wsi->http.ah->parser_state != WSI_PARSING_COMPLETE &&
- len > 0) {
- int plen = 1;
- n = lws_ssl_capable_read(wsi, &c, 1);
- lws_latency(context, wsi, "send lws_issue_raw", n,
- n == 1);
- switch (n) {
- case 0:
- cce = "read failed";
- goto bail3;
- return 0;
- }
- if (lws_parse(wsi, &c, &plen)) {
- lwsl_warn("problems parsing header\n");
- goto bail3;
- }
- }
- /*
- * hs may also be coming in multiple packets, there is a 5-sec
- * libwebsocket timeout still active here too, so if parsing did
- * not complete just wait for next packet coming in this state
- */
- if (wsi->http.ah->parser_state != WSI_PARSING_COMPLETE)
- break;
- /*
- * otherwise deal with the handshake. If there's any
- * packet traffic already arrived we'll trigger poll() again
- * right away and deal with it that way
- */
- return lws_client_interpret_server_handshake(wsi);
- lwsl_info("closing conn at LWS_CONNMODE...SERVER_REPLY\n");
- if (cce)
- lwsl_info("reason: %s\n", cce);
- wsi->protocol->callback(wsi,
- wsi->user_space, (void *)cce, cce ? strlen(cce) : 0);
- wsi->already_did_cce = 1;
- lws_close_free_wsi(wsi, LWS_CLOSE_STATUS_NOSTATUS, "cbail3");
- return -1;
- default:
- break;
- }
- return 0;
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
-lws_http_transaction_completed_client(struct lws *wsi)
- struct lws *wsi_eff = lws_client_wsi_effective(wsi);
- lwsl_info("%s: wsi: %p, wsi_eff: %p (%s)\n", __func__, wsi, wsi_eff,
- wsi_eff->protocol->name);
- if (user_callback_handle_rxflow(wsi_eff->protocol->callback, wsi_eff,
- wsi_eff->user_space, NULL, 0)) {
- lwsl_debug("%s: Completed call returned nonzero (role 0x%x)\n",
- __func__, lwsi_role(wsi_eff));
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- * Are we constitutionally capable of having a queue, ie, we are on
- * the "active client connections" list?
- *
- * If not, that's it for us.
- */
- if (lws_dll_is_null(&wsi->dll_active_client_conns))
- return -1;
- /* if this was a queued guy, close him and remove from queue */
- if (wsi->transaction_from_pipeline_queue) {
- lwsl_debug("closing queued wsi %p\n", wsi_eff);
- /* so the close doesn't trigger a CCE */
- wsi_eff->already_did_cce = 1;
- __lws_close_free_wsi(wsi_eff,
- "queued client done");
- }
- _lws_header_table_reset(wsi->http.ah);
- /* after the first one, they can only be coming from the queue */
- wsi->transaction_from_pipeline_queue = 1;
- wsi->http.rx_content_length = 0;
- wsi->hdr_parsing_completed = 0;
- /* is there a new tail after removing that one? */
- wsi_eff = lws_client_wsi_effective(wsi);
- /*
- * Do we have something pipelined waiting?
- * it's OK if he hasn't managed to send his headers yet... he's next
- * in line to do that...
- */
- if (wsi_eff == wsi) {
- /*
- * Nothing pipelined... we should hang around a bit
- * in case something turns up...
- */
- lwsl_info("%s: nothing pipelined waiting\n", __func__);
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_IDLING);
- lws_set_timeout(wsi, PENDING_TIMEOUT_CLIENT_CONN_IDLE, 5);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * H1: we can serialize the queued guys into the same ah
- * H2: everybody needs their own ah until their own STREAM_END
- */
- /* otherwise set ourselves up ready to go again */
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_WAITING_SERVER_REPLY);
- wsi->http.ah->parser_state = WSI_TOKEN_NAME_PART;
- wsi->http.ah->lextable_pos = 0;
- wsi->context->timeout_secs);
- /* If we're (re)starting on headers, need other implied init */
- wsi->http.ah->ues = URIES_IDLE;
- lwsl_info("%s: %p: new queued transaction as %p\n", __func__, wsi,
- wsi_eff);
- lws_callback_on_writable(wsi);
- return 0;
-lws_http_client_http_response(struct lws *_wsi)
- struct lws *wsi;
- unsigned int resp;
- if (_wsi->http.ah && _wsi->http.ah->http_response)
- return _wsi->http.ah->http_response;
- lws_vhost_lock(_wsi->vhost);
- wsi = _lws_client_wsi_master(_wsi);
- resp = wsi->http.ah->http_response;
- lws_vhost_unlock(_wsi->vhost);
- return resp;
-#if defined(LWS_PLAT_OPTEE)
-char *
-strrchr(const char *s, int c)
- char *hit = NULL;
- while (*s)
- if (*(s++) == (char)c)
- hit = (char *)s - 1;
- return hit;
-#define atoll atoi
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
-lws_client_interpret_server_handshake(struct lws *wsi)
- int n, port = 0, ssl = 0;
- int close_reason = LWS_CLOSE_STATUS_PROTOCOL_ERR;
- const char *prot, *ads = NULL, *path, *cce = NULL;
- struct allocated_headers *ah;
- struct lws *w = lws_client_wsi_effective(wsi);
- char *p, *q;
- char new_path[300];
- lws_client_stash_destroy(wsi);
- ah = wsi->http.ah;
- if (!wsi->do_ws) {
- /* we are being an http client...
- */
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
- if (wsi->client_h2_alpn || wsi->client_h2_substream) {
- lwsl_debug("%s: %p: transitioning to h2 client\n",
- __func__, wsi);
- lws_role_transition(wsi, LWSIFR_CLIENT,
- LRS_ESTABLISHED, &role_ops_h2);
- } else
- {
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1)
- {
- lwsl_debug("%s: %p: transitioning to h1 client\n",
- __func__, wsi);
- lws_role_transition(wsi, LWSIFR_CLIENT,
- LRS_ESTABLISHED, &role_ops_h1);
- }
- return -1;
- }
- wsi->http.ah = ah;
- ah->http_response = 0;
- }
- /*
- * well, what the server sent looked reasonable for syntax.
- * Now let's confirm it sent all the necessary headers
- *
- * http (non-ws) client will expect something like this
- *
- * HTTP/1.0.200
- * server:.libwebsockets
- * content-type:.text/html
- * content-length:.17703
- * set-cookie:.test=LWS_1456736240_336776_COOKIE;Max-Age=360000
- */
- wsi->http.conn_type = HTTP_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE;
- if (!wsi->client_h2_substream) {
- p = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP);
- if (wsi->do_ws && !p) {
- lwsl_info("no URI\n");
- cce = "HS: URI missing";
- goto bail3;
- }
- if (!p) {
- p = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP1_0);
- wsi->http.conn_type = HTTP_CONNECTION_CLOSE;
- }
- if (!p) {
- cce = "HS: URI missing";
- lwsl_info("no URI\n");
- goto bail3;
- }
- } else {
- p = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_COLON_STATUS);
- if (!p) {
- cce = "HS: :status missing";
- lwsl_info("no status\n");
- goto bail3;
- }
- }
- n = atoi(p);
- if (ah)
- ah->http_response = n;
- if (n == 301 || n == 302 || n == 303 || n == 307 || n == 308) {
- p = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_LOCATION);
- if (!p) {
- cce = "HS: Redirect code but no Location";
- goto bail3;
- }
- /* Relative reference absolute path */
- if (p[0] == '/') {
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS)
- ssl = wsi->tls.use_ssl & LCCSCF_USE_SSL;
- ads = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi,
- port = wsi->c_port;
- /* +1 as lws_client_reset expects leading / omitted */
- path = p + 1;
- }
- /* Absolute (Full) URI */
- else if (strchr(p, ':')) {
- if (lws_parse_uri(p, &prot, &ads, &port, &path)) {
- cce = "HS: URI did not parse";
- goto bail3;
- }
- if (!strcmp(prot, "wss") || !strcmp(prot, "https"))
- ssl = 1;
- }
- /* Relative reference relative path */
- else {
- /* This doesn't try to calculate an absolute path,
- * that will be left to the server */
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS)
- ssl = wsi->tls.use_ssl & LCCSCF_USE_SSL;
- ads = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi,
- port = wsi->c_port;
- /* +1 as lws_client_reset expects leading / omitted */
- path = new_path + 1;
- lws_strncpy(new_path, lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi,
- _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_URI), sizeof(new_path));
- q = strrchr(new_path, '/');
- if (q)
- lws_strncpy(q + 1, p, sizeof(new_path) -
- (q - new_path) - 1);
- else
- path = p;
- }
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS)
- if ((wsi->tls.use_ssl & LCCSCF_USE_SSL) && !ssl) {
- cce = "HS: Redirect attempted SSL downgrade";
- goto bail3;
- }
- if (!lws_client_reset(&wsi, ssl, ads, port, path, ads)) {
- /* there are two ways to fail out with NULL return...
- * simple, early problem where the wsi is intact, or
- * we went through with the reconnect attempt and the
- * wsi is already closed. In the latter case, the wsi
- * has beet set to NULL additionally.
- */
- lwsl_err("Redirect failed\n");
- cce = "HS: Redirect failed";
- if (wsi)
- goto bail3;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if (!wsi->do_ws) {
- /* if h1 KA is allowed, enable the queued pipeline guys */
- if (!wsi->client_h2_alpn && !wsi->client_h2_substream &&
- w == wsi) { /* ie, coming to this for the first time */
- if (wsi->http.conn_type == HTTP_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE)
- wsi->keepalive_active = 1;
- else {
- /*
- * Ugh... now the main http connection has seen
- * both sides, we learn the server doesn't
- * support keepalive.
- *
- * That means any guys queued on us are going
- * to have to be restarted from connect2 with
- * their own connections.
- */
- /*
- * stick around telling any new guys they can't
- * pipeline to this server
- */
- wsi->keepalive_rejected = 1;
- lws_vhost_lock(wsi->vhost);
- lws_start_foreach_dll_safe(struct lws_dll_lws *,
- d, d1,
- wsi-> {
- struct lws *ww = lws_container_of(d,
- struct lws,
- dll_client_transaction_queue);
- /* remove him from our queue */
- lws_dll_lws_remove(
- &ww->dll_client_transaction_queue);
- /* give up on pipelining */
- ww->client_pipeline = 0;
- /* go back to "trying to connect" state */
- lws_role_transition(ww, LWSIFR_CLIENT,
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1)
- &role_ops_h1);
-#if defined (LWS_ROLE_H2)
- &role_ops_h2);
- &role_ops_raw);
- ww->user_space = NULL;
- } lws_end_foreach_dll_safe(d, d1);
- lws_vhost_unlock(wsi->vhost);
- }
- }
- wsi->http.perform_rewrite = 0;
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE)) {
- if (!strncmp(lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi,
- "text/html", 9))
- wsi->http.perform_rewrite = 0;
- }
- /* allocate the per-connection user memory (if any) */
- if (lws_ensure_user_space(wsi)) {
- lwsl_err("Problem allocating wsi user mem\n");
- cce = "HS: OOM";
- goto bail2;
- }
- /* he may choose to send us stuff in chunked transfer-coding */
- wsi->chunked = 0;
- wsi->chunk_remaining = 0; /* ie, next thing is chunk size */
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi,
- wsi->chunked = !strcmp(lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi,
- "chunked");
- /* first thing is hex, after payload there is crlf */
- wsi->chunk_parser = ELCP_HEX;
- }
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH)) {
- wsi->http.rx_content_length =
- atoll(lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi,
- lwsl_info("%s: incoming content length %llu\n",
- __func__, (unsigned long long)
- wsi->http.rx_content_length);
- wsi->http.rx_content_remain =
- wsi->http.rx_content_length;
- } else /* can't do 1.1 without a content length or chunked */
- if (!wsi->chunked)
- wsi->http.conn_type = HTTP_CONNECTION_CLOSE;
- /*
- * we seem to be good to go, give client last chance to check
- * headers and OK it
- */
- if (w->protocol->callback(w,
- w->user_space, NULL, 0)) {
- cce = "HS: disallowed by client filter";
- goto bail2;
- }
- /* clear his proxy connection timeout */
- lws_set_timeout(wsi, NO_PENDING_TIMEOUT, 0);
- wsi->rxflow_change_to = LWS_RXFLOW_ALLOW;
- /* call him back to inform him he is up */
- if (w->protocol->callback(w,
- w->user_space, NULL, 0)) {
- cce = "HS: disallowed at ESTABLISHED";
- goto bail3;
- }
- /*
- * for pipelining, master needs to keep his ah... guys who
- * queued on him can drop it now though.
- */
- if (w != wsi)
- /* free up parsing allocations for queued guy */
- lws_header_table_detach(w, 0);
- lwsl_info("%s: client connection up\n", __func__);
- /*
- * Did we get a response from the server with an explicit
- * content-length of zero? If so, this transaction is already
- * completed at the end of the header processing...
- */
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH) &&
- !wsi->http.rx_content_length)
- return !!lws_http_transaction_completed_client(wsi);
- return 0;
- }
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_WS)
- switch (lws_client_ws_upgrade(wsi, &cce)) {
- case 2:
- goto bail2;
- case 3:
- goto bail3;
- }
- return 0;
- if (wsi->protocol) {
- n = 0;
- if (cce)
- n = (int)strlen(cce);
- w->protocol->callback(w,
- w->user_space, (void *)cce,
- (unsigned int)n);
- }
- wsi->already_did_cce = 1;
- lwsl_info("closing connection (prot %s) "
- "due to bail2 connection error: %s\n", wsi->protocol ?
- wsi->protocol->name : "unknown", cce);
- /* closing will free up his parsing allocations */
- lws_close_free_wsi(wsi, close_reason, "c hs interp");
- return 1;
-char *
-lws_generate_client_handshake(struct lws *wsi, char *pkt)
- char *p = pkt;
- const char *meth;
- const char *pp = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi,
- meth = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_METHOD);
- if (!meth) {
- meth = "GET";
- wsi->do_ws = 1;
- } else {
- wsi->do_ws = 0;
- }
- if (!strcmp(meth, "RAW")) {
- lws_set_timeout(wsi, NO_PENDING_TIMEOUT, 0);
- lwsl_notice("client transition to raw\n");
- if (pp) {
- const struct lws_protocols *pr;
- pr = lws_vhost_name_to_protocol(wsi->vhost, pp);
- if (!pr) {
- lwsl_err("protocol %s not enabled on vhost\n",
- pp);
- return NULL;
- }
- lws_bind_protocol(wsi, pr, __func__);
- }
- if ((wsi->protocol->callback)(wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_RAW_ADOPT,
- wsi->user_space, NULL, 0))
- return NULL;
- lws_role_transition(wsi, 0, LRS_ESTABLISHED, &role_ops_raw_skt);
- lws_header_table_detach(wsi, 1);
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- * 04 example client handshake
- *
- * GET /chat HTTP/1.1
- * Host:
- * Upgrade: websocket
- * Connection: Upgrade
- * Sec-WebSocket-Key: dGhlIHNhbXBsZSBub25jZQ==
- * Sec-WebSocket-Origin:
- * Sec-WebSocket-Protocol: chat, superchat
- * Sec-WebSocket-Version: 4
- */
- p += sprintf(p, "%s %s HTTP/1.1\x0d\x0a", meth,
- lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_URI));
- p += sprintf(p, "Pragma: no-cache\x0d\x0a"
- "Cache-Control: no-cache\x0d\x0a");
- p += sprintf(p, "Host: %s\x0d\x0a",
- lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_HOST));
- if (lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, _WSI_TOKEN_CLIENT_ORIGIN)) {
- if (lws_check_opt(wsi->context->options,
- p += sprintf(p, "Origin: %s\x0d\x0a",
- lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi,
- else
- p += sprintf(p, "Origin: http://%s\x0d\x0a",
- lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi,
- }
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_WS)
- if (wsi->do_ws) {
- const char *conn1 = "";
- if (!wsi->client_pipeline)
- conn1 = "close, ";
- p = lws_generate_client_ws_handshake(wsi, p, conn1);
- } else
- if (!wsi->client_pipeline)
- p += sprintf(p, "connection: close\x0d\x0a");
- /* give userland a chance to append, eg, cookies */
- if (wsi->protocol->callback(wsi,
- wsi->user_space, &p,
- (pkt + wsi->context->pt_serv_buf_size) - p - 12))
- return NULL;
- p += sprintf(p, "\x0d\x0a");
- return p;
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
-lws_http_client_read(struct lws *wsi, char **buf, int *len)
- int rlen, n;
- rlen = lws_ssl_capable_read(wsi, (unsigned char *)*buf, *len);
- *len = 0;
- // lwsl_notice("%s: rlen %d\n", __func__, rlen);
- /* allow the source to signal he has data again next time */
- lws_change_pollfd(wsi, 0, LWS_POLLIN);
- if (rlen == LWS_SSL_CAPABLE_ERROR) {
- lwsl_debug("%s: SSL capable error\n", __func__);
- return -1;
- }
- if (rlen <= 0)
- return 0;
- *len = rlen;
- wsi->client_rx_avail = 0;
- /*
- * server may insist on transfer-encoding: chunked,
- * so http client must deal with it
- */
- while (wsi->chunked && (wsi->chunk_parser != ELCP_CONTENT) && *len) {
- switch (wsi->chunk_parser) {
- case ELCP_HEX:
- if ((*buf)[0] == '\x0d') {
- wsi->chunk_parser = ELCP_CR;
- break;
- }
- n = char_to_hex((*buf)[0]);
- if (n < 0) {
- lwsl_info("%s: chunking failure\n", __func__);
- return -1;
- }
- wsi->chunk_remaining <<= 4;
- wsi->chunk_remaining |= n;
- break;
- case ELCP_CR:
- if ((*buf)[0] != '\x0a') {
- lwsl_info("%s: chunking failure\n", __func__);
- return -1;
- }
- wsi->chunk_parser = ELCP_CONTENT;
- lwsl_info("chunk %d\n", wsi->chunk_remaining);
- if (wsi->chunk_remaining)
- break;
- lwsl_info("final chunk\n");
- goto completed;
- break;
- case ELCP_POST_CR:
- if ((*buf)[0] != '\x0d') {
- lwsl_info("%s: chunking failure\n", __func__);
- return -1;
- }
- wsi->chunk_parser = ELCP_POST_LF;
- break;
- case ELCP_POST_LF:
- if ((*buf)[0] != '\x0a') {
- lwsl_info("%s: chunking failure\n", __func__);
- return -1;
- }
- wsi->chunk_parser = ELCP_HEX;
- wsi->chunk_remaining = 0;
- break;
- }
- (*buf)++;
- (*len)--;
- }
- if (wsi->chunked && !wsi->chunk_remaining)
- return 0;
- if (wsi->http.rx_content_remain &&
- wsi->http.rx_content_remain < (unsigned int)*len)
- n = (int)wsi->http.rx_content_remain;
- else
- n = *len;
- if (wsi->chunked && wsi->chunk_remaining &&
- wsi->chunk_remaining < n)
- n = wsi->chunk_remaining;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_HTTP_PROXY) && defined(LWS_WITH_HUBBUB)
- /* hubbub */
- if (wsi->http.perform_rewrite)
- lws_rewrite_parse(wsi->, (unsigned char *)*buf, n);
- else
- {
- struct lws *wsi_eff = lws_client_wsi_effective(wsi);
- if (user_callback_handle_rxflow(wsi_eff->protocol->callback,
- wsi_eff->user_space, *buf, n)) {
- lwsl_info("%s: RECEIVE_CLIENT_HTTP_READ returned -1\n",
- __func__);
- return -1;
- }
- }
- if (wsi->chunked && wsi->chunk_remaining) {
- (*buf) += n;
- wsi->chunk_remaining -= n;
- *len -= n;
- }
- if (wsi->chunked && !wsi->chunk_remaining)
- wsi->chunk_parser = ELCP_POST_CR;
- if (wsi->chunked && *len)
- goto spin_chunks;
- if (wsi->chunked)
- return 0;
- /* if we know the content length, decrement the content remaining */
- if (wsi->http.rx_content_length > 0)
- wsi->http.rx_content_remain -= n;
- // lwsl_notice("rx_content_remain %lld, rx_content_length %lld\n",
- // wsi->http.rx_content_remain, wsi->http.rx_content_length);
- if (wsi->http.rx_content_remain || !wsi->http.rx_content_length)
- return 0;
- if (lws_http_transaction_completed_client(wsi)) {
- lwsl_notice("%s: transaction completed says -1\n", __func__);
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
diff --git a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/header.c b/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/header.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 448c5a8b5c..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/header.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
- * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Andy Green <>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation:
- * version 2.1 of the License.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- * MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-#include "core/private.h"
-#include "lextable-strings.h"
-const unsigned char *
-lws_token_to_string(enum lws_token_indexes token)
- if ((unsigned int)token >= LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(set))
- return NULL;
- return (unsigned char *)set[token];
-lws_add_http_header_by_name(struct lws *wsi, const unsigned char *name,
- const unsigned char *value, int length,
- unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end)
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_HTTP2
- if (lwsi_role_h2(wsi) || lwsi_role_h2_ENCAPSULATION(wsi))
- return lws_add_http2_header_by_name(wsi, name,
- value, length, p, end);
- (void)wsi;
- if (name) {
- while (*p < end && *name)
- *((*p)++) = *name++;
- if (*p == end)
- return 1;
- *((*p)++) = ' ';
- }
- if (*p + length + 3 >= end)
- return 1;
- memcpy(*p, value, length);
- *p += length;
- *((*p)++) = '\x0d';
- *((*p)++) = '\x0a';
- return 0;
-int lws_finalize_http_header(struct lws *wsi, unsigned char **p,
- unsigned char *end)
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_HTTP2
- if (lwsi_role_h2(wsi) || lwsi_role_h2_ENCAPSULATION(wsi))
- return 0;
- (void)wsi;
- if ((lws_intptr_t)(end - *p) < 3)
- return 1;
- *((*p)++) = '\x0d';
- *((*p)++) = '\x0a';
- return 0;
-lws_finalize_write_http_header(struct lws *wsi, unsigned char *start,
- unsigned char **pp, unsigned char *end)
- unsigned char *p;
- int len;
- if (lws_finalize_http_header(wsi, pp, end))
- return 1;
- p = *pp;
- len = lws_ptr_diff(p, start);
- if (lws_write(wsi, start, len, LWS_WRITE_HTTP_HEADERS) != len)
- return 1;
- return 0;
-lws_add_http_header_by_token(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_token_indexes token,
- const unsigned char *value, int length,
- unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end)
- const unsigned char *name;
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_HTTP2
- if (lwsi_role_h2(wsi) || lwsi_role_h2_ENCAPSULATION(wsi))
- return lws_add_http2_header_by_token(wsi, token, value,
- length, p, end);
- name = lws_token_to_string(token);
- if (!name)
- return 1;
- return lws_add_http_header_by_name(wsi, name, value, length, p, end);
-lws_add_http_header_content_length(struct lws *wsi,
- lws_filepos_t content_length,
- unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end)
- char b[24];
- int n;
- n = sprintf(b, "%llu", (unsigned long long)content_length);
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH,
- (unsigned char *)b, n, p, end))
- return 1;
- wsi->http.tx_content_length = content_length;
- wsi->http.tx_content_remain = content_length;
- lwsl_info("%s: wsi %p: tx_content_length/remain %llu\n", __func__,
- wsi, (unsigned long long)content_length);
- return 0;
-lws_add_http_common_headers(struct lws *wsi, unsigned int code,
- const char *content_type, lws_filepos_t content_len,
- unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end)
- const char *ka[] = { "close", "keep-alive" };
- t = 0;
- if (lws_add_http_header_status(wsi, code, p, end))
- return 1;
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE,
- (unsigned char *)content_type,
- (int)strlen(content_type), p, end))
- return 1;
- if (!wsi->http.lcs &&
- (!strncmp(content_type, "text/", 5) ||
- !strcmp(content_type, "application/javascript") ||
- !strcmp(content_type, "image/svg+xml")))
- lws_http_compression_apply(wsi, NULL, p, end, 0);
- /*
- * if we decided to compress it, we don't know the content length...
- * the compressed data will go out chunked on h1
- */
- if (
- !wsi->http.lcs &&
- content_len != LWS_ILLEGAL_HTTP_CONTENT_LEN) {
- if (lws_add_http_header_content_length(wsi, content_len,
- p, end))
- return 1;
- } else {
- /* there was no length... it normally means CONNECTION_CLOSE */
- if (!wsi->http2_substream && wsi->http.lcs) {
- /* so...
- * - h1 connection
- * - http compression transform active
- * - did not send content length
- *
- * then mark as chunked...
- */
- wsi->http.comp_ctx.chunking = 1;
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi,
- (unsigned char *)"chunked", 7, p, end))
- return -1;
- /* ... but h1 compression is chunked, if active we can
- * still pipeline
- */
- if (wsi->http.lcs &&
- wsi->http.conn_type == HTTP_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE)
- t = 1;
- }
- if (!wsi->http2_substream) {
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi,
- (unsigned char *)ka[t],
- (int)strlen(ka[t]), p, end))
- return 1;
- wsi->http.conn_type = types[t];
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static const char * const err400[] = {
- "Bad Request",
- "Unauthorized",
- "Payment Required",
- "Forbidden",
- "Not Found",
- "Method Not Allowed",
- "Not Acceptable",
- "Proxy Auth Required",
- "Request Timeout",
- "Conflict",
- "Gone",
- "Length Required",
- "Precondition Failed",
- "Request Entity Too Large",
- "Request URI too Long",
- "Unsupported Media Type",
- "Requested Range Not Satisfiable",
- "Expectation Failed"
-static const char * const err500[] = {
- "Internal Server Error",
- "Not Implemented",
- "Bad Gateway",
- "Service Unavailable",
- "Gateway Timeout",
- "HTTP Version Not Supported"
-/* security best practices from Mozilla Observatory */
-static const
-struct lws_protocol_vhost_options pvo_hsbph[] = {{
- NULL, NULL, "referrer-policy:", "no-referrer"
-}, {
- &pvo_hsbph[0], NULL, "x-frame-options:", "deny"
-}, {
- &pvo_hsbph[1], NULL, "x-xss-protection:", "1; mode=block"
-}, {
- &pvo_hsbph[2], NULL, "x-content-type-options:", "nosniff"
-}, {
- &pvo_hsbph[3], NULL, "content-security-policy:",
- "default-src 'none'; img-src 'self' data: ; "
- "script-src 'self'; font-src 'self'; "
- "style-src 'self'; connect-src 'self'; "
- "frame-ancestors 'none'; base-uri 'none';"
- "form-action 'self';"
-lws_add_http_header_status(struct lws *wsi, unsigned int _code,
- unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end)
- static const char * const hver[] = {
- "HTTP/1.0", "HTTP/1.1", "HTTP/2"
- };
- const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *headers;
- unsigned int code = _code & LWSAHH_CODE_MASK;
- const char *description = "", *p1;
- unsigned char code_and_desc[60];
- int n;
- wsi->http.access_log.response = code;
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_HTTP2
- if (lwsi_role_h2(wsi) || lwsi_role_h2_ENCAPSULATION(wsi)) {
- n = lws_add_http2_header_status(wsi, code, p, end);
- if (n)
- return n;
- } else
- {
- if (code >= 400 && code < (400 + LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(err400)))
- description = err400[code - 400];
- if (code >= 500 && code < (500 + LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(err500)))
- description = err500[code - 500];
- if (code == 100)
- description = "Continue";
- if (code == 200)
- description = "OK";
- if (code == 304)
- description = "Not Modified";
- else
- if (code >= 300 && code < 400)
- description = "Redirect";
- if (wsi->http.request_version < LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(hver))
- p1 = hver[wsi->http.request_version];
- else
- p1 = hver[0];
- n = sprintf((char *)code_and_desc, "%s %u %s", p1, code,
- description);
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_name(wsi, NULL, code_and_desc, n, p,
- end))
- return 1;
- }
- headers = wsi->vhost->headers;
- while (headers) {
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_name(wsi,
- (const unsigned char *)headers->name,
- (unsigned char *)headers->value,
- (int)strlen(headers->value), p, end))
- return 1;
- headers = headers->next;
- }
- if (wsi->vhost->options &
- headers = &pvo_hsbph[LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(pvo_hsbph) - 1];
- while (headers) {
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_name(wsi,
- (const unsigned char *)headers->name,
- (unsigned char *)headers->value,
- (int)strlen(headers->value), p, end))
- return 1;
- headers = headers->next;
- }
- }
- if (wsi->context->server_string &&
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_SERVER,
- (unsigned char *)wsi->context->server_string,
- wsi->context->server_string_len, p, end))
- return 1;
- if (wsi->vhost->options & LWS_SERVER_OPTION_STS)
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_name(wsi, (unsigned char *)
- "Strict-Transport-Security:",
- (unsigned char *)"max-age=15768000 ; "
- "includeSubDomains", 36, p, end))
- return 1;
- if (*p >= (end - 2)) {
- lwsl_err("%s: reached end of buffer\n", __func__);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
-lws_return_http_status(struct lws *wsi, unsigned int code,
- const char *html_body)
- struct lws_context *context = lws_get_context(wsi);
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- unsigned char *p = pt->serv_buf + LWS_PRE;
- unsigned char *start = p;
- unsigned char *end = p + context->pt_serv_buf_size - LWS_PRE;
- char *body = (char *)start + context->pt_serv_buf_size - 512;
- int n = 0, m = 0, len;
- char slen[20];
- if (!wsi->vhost) {
- lwsl_err("%s: wsi not bound to vhost\n", __func__);
- return 1;
- }
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
- if (!wsi->handling_404 &&
- wsi->vhost->http.error_document_404 &&
- /* we should do a redirect, and do the 404 there */
- if (lws_http_redirect(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_FOUND,
- (uint8_t *)wsi->vhost->http.error_document_404,
- (int)strlen(wsi->vhost->http.error_document_404),
- &p, end) > 0)
- return 0;
- /* if the redirect failed, just do a simple status */
- p = start;
- if (!html_body)
- html_body = "";
- if (lws_add_http_header_status(wsi, code, &p, end))
- return 1;
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE,
- (unsigned char *)"text/html", 9,
- &p, end))
- return 1;
- len = lws_snprintf(body, 510, "<html><head>"
- "<meta charset=utf-8 http-equiv=\"Content-Language\" "
- "content=\"en\"/>"
- "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" "
- "href=\"/error.css\"/>"
- "</head><body><h1>%u</h1>%s</body></html>", code, html_body);
- n = sprintf(slen, "%d", len);
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH,
- (unsigned char *)slen, n, &p, end))
- return 1;
- if (lws_finalize_http_header(wsi, &p, end))
- return 1;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_HTTP2)
- if (wsi->http2_substream) {
- /*
- * for HTTP/2, the headers must be sent separately, since they
- * go out in their own frame. That puts us in a bind that
- * we won't always be able to get away with two lws_write()s in
- * sequence, since the first may use up the writability due to
- * the pipe being choked or SSL_WANT_.
- *
- * However we do need to send the human-readable body, and the
- *
- * Solve it by writing the headers now...
- */
- m = lws_write(wsi, start, lws_ptr_diff(p, start),
- if (m != lws_ptr_diff(p, start))
- return 1;
- /*
- * ... but stash the body and send it as a priority next
- * handle_POLLOUT
- */
- wsi->http.tx_content_length = len;
- wsi->http.tx_content_remain = len;
- wsi->h2.pending_status_body = lws_malloc(len + LWS_PRE + 1,
- "pending status body");
- if (!wsi->h2.pending_status_body)
- return -1;
- strcpy(wsi->h2.pending_status_body + LWS_PRE, body);
- lws_callback_on_writable(wsi);
- return 0;
- } else
- {
- /*
- * for http/1, we can just append the body after the finalized
- * headers and send it all in one go.
- */
- n = lws_ptr_diff(p, start) + len;
- memcpy(p, body, len);
- m = lws_write(wsi, start, n, LWS_WRITE_HTTP);
- if (m != n)
- return 1;
- }
- return m != n;
-lws_http_redirect(struct lws *wsi, int code, const unsigned char *loc, int len,
- unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end)
- unsigned char *start = *p;
- if (lws_add_http_header_status(wsi, code, p, end))
- return -1;
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_LOCATION, loc, len,
- p, end))
- return -1;
- /*
- * if we're going with http/1.1 and keepalive, we have to give fake
- * content metadata so the client knows we completed the transaction and
- * it can do the redirect...
- */
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_TYPE,
- (unsigned char *)"text/html", 9, p,
- end))
- return -1;
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH,
- (unsigned char *)"0", 1, p, end))
- return -1;
- if (lws_finalize_http_header(wsi, p, end))
- return -1;
- return lws_write(wsi, start, *p - start, LWS_WRITE_HTTP_HEADERS |
-lws_http_compression_apply(struct lws *wsi, const char *name,
- unsigned char **p, unsigned char *end, char decomp)
- (void)wsi;
- (void)name;
- (void)p;
- (void)end;
- (void)decomp;
- return 0;
diff --git a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/lextable-strings.h b/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/lextable-strings.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 1e4fee855f..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/lextable-strings.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-/* set of parsable strings -- ALL LOWER CASE */
-static const char * const set[] = {
- "get ",
- "post ",
- "options ",
- "host:",
- "connection:",
- "upgrade:",
- "origin:",
- "sec-websocket-draft:",
- "\x0d\x0a",
- "sec-websocket-extensions:",
- "sec-websocket-key1:",
- "sec-websocket-key2:",
- "sec-websocket-protocol:",
- "sec-websocket-accept:",
- "sec-websocket-nonce:",
- "http/1.1 ",
- "http2-settings:",
- "accept:",
- "access-control-request-headers:",
- "if-modified-since:",
- "if-none-match:",
- "accept-encoding:",
- "accept-language:",
- "pragma:",
- "cache-control:",
- "authorization:",
- "cookie:",
- "content-length:",
- "content-type:",
- "date:",
- "range:",
- "referer:",
- "sec-websocket-key:",
- "sec-websocket-version:",
- "sec-websocket-origin:",
- ":authority",
- ":method",
- ":path",
- ":scheme",
- ":status",
- "accept-charset:",
- "accept-ranges:",
- "access-control-allow-origin:",
- "age:",
- "allow:",
- "content-disposition:",
- "content-encoding:",
- "content-language:",
- "content-location:",
- "content-range:",
- "etag:",
- "expect:",
- "expires:",
- "from:",
- "if-match:",
- "if-range:",
- "if-unmodified-since:",
- "last-modified:",
- "link:",
- "location:",
- "max-forwards:",
- "proxy-authenticate:",
- "proxy-authorization:",
- "refresh:",
- "retry-after:",
- "server:",
- "set-cookie:",
- "strict-transport-security:",
- "transfer-encoding:",
- "user-agent:",
- "vary:",
- "via:",
- "www-authenticate:",
- "patch",
- "put",
- "delete",
- "uri-args", /* fake header used for uri-only storage */
- "proxy ",
- "x-real-ip:",
- "http/1.0 ",
- "x-forwarded-for",
- "connect ",
- "head ",
- "te:", /* http/2 wants it to reject it */
- "replay-nonce:", /* ACME */
- ":protocol", /* defined in mcmanus-httpbis-h2-ws-02 */
- "x-auth-token:",
- "", /* not matchable */
diff --git a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/lextable.h b/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/lextable.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a8063b157..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/lextable.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,838 +0,0 @@
-/* pos 0000: 0 */ 0x67 /* 'g' */, 0x40, 0x00 /* (to 0x0040 state 1) */,
- 0x70 /* 'p' */, 0x42, 0x00 /* (to 0x0045 state 5) */,
- 0x6F /* 'o' */, 0x51, 0x00 /* (to 0x0057 state 10) */,
- 0x68 /* 'h' */, 0x5D, 0x00 /* (to 0x0066 state 18) */,
- 0x63 /* 'c' */, 0x69, 0x00 /* (to 0x0075 state 23) */,
- 0x75 /* 'u' */, 0x8A, 0x00 /* (to 0x0099 state 34) */,
- 0x73 /* 's' */, 0xA0, 0x00 /* (to 0x00B2 state 48) */,
- 0x0D /* '.' */, 0xD9, 0x00 /* (to 0x00EE state 68) */,
- 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x31, 0x01 /* (to 0x0149 state 129) */,
- 0x69 /* 'i' */, 0x70, 0x01 /* (to 0x018B state 163) */,
- 0x64 /* 'd' */, 0x19, 0x02 /* (to 0x0237 state 265) */,
- 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x22, 0x02 /* (to 0x0243 state 270) */,
- 0x3A /* ':' */, 0x56, 0x02 /* (to 0x027A state 299) */,
- 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0xE8, 0x02 /* (to 0x030F state 409) */,
- 0x66 /* 'f' */, 0x04, 0x03 /* (to 0x032E state 425) */,
- 0x6C /* 'l' */, 0x26, 0x03 /* (to 0x0353 state 458) */,
- 0x6D /* 'm' */, 0x49, 0x03 /* (to 0x0379 state 484) */,
- 0x74 /* 't' */, 0xB8, 0x03 /* (to 0x03EB state 578) */,
- 0x76 /* 'v' */, 0xD9, 0x03 /* (to 0x040F state 606) */,
- 0x77 /* 'w' */, 0xE6, 0x03 /* (to 0x041F state 614) */,
- 0x78 /* 'x' */, 0x0D, 0x04 /* (to 0x0449 state 650) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0040: 1 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0041: 2 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0042: 3 */ 0xA0 /* ' ' -> */,
-/* pos 0043: 4 */ 0x00, 0x00 /* - terminal marker 0 - */,
-/* pos 0045: 5 */ 0x6F /* 'o' */, 0x0D, 0x00 /* (to 0x0052 state 6) */,
- 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x95, 0x01 /* (to 0x01DD state 211) */,
- 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0xE6, 0x03 /* (to 0x0431 state 631) */,
- 0x75 /* 'u' */, 0xE8, 0x03 /* (to 0x0436 state 635) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0052: 6 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 0053: 7 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0054: 8 */ 0xA0 /* ' ' -> */,
-/* pos 0055: 9 */ 0x00, 0x01 /* - terminal marker 1 - */,
-/* pos 0057: 10 */ 0x70 /* 'p' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x005E state 11) */,
- 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x51, 0x00 /* (to 0x00AB state 42) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 005e: 11 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 005f: 12 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 0060: 13 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0061: 14 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 0062: 15 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 0063: 16 */ 0xA0 /* ' ' -> */,
-/* pos 0064: 17 */ 0x00, 0x02 /* - terminal marker 2 - */,
-/* pos 0066: 18 */ 0x6F /* 'o' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x0070 state 19) */,
- 0x74 /* 't' */, 0xBF, 0x00 /* (to 0x0128 state 110) */,
- 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x04, 0x04 /* (to 0x0470 state 676) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0070: 19 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 0071: 20 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0072: 21 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0073: 22 */ 0x00, 0x03 /* - terminal marker 3 - */,
-/* pos 0075: 23 */ 0x6F /* 'o' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x007C state 24) */,
- 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x72, 0x01 /* (to 0x01EA state 217) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 007c: 24 */ 0x6E /* 'n' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0083 state 25) */,
- 0x6F /* 'o' */, 0x87, 0x01 /* (to 0x0206 state 243) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0083: 25 */ 0x6E /* 'n' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x008A state 26) */,
- 0x74 /* 't' */, 0x86, 0x01 /* (to 0x020C state 248) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 008a: 26 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 008b: 27 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 008c: 28 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 008d: 29 */ 0x69 /* 'i' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0094 state 30) */,
- 0x20 /* ' ' */, 0xDE, 0x03 /* (to 0x046E state 675) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0094: 30 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0095: 31 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 0096: 32 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0097: 33 */ 0x00, 0x04 /* - terminal marker 4 - */,
-/* pos 0099: 34 */ 0x70 /* 'p' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x00A3 state 35) */,
- 0x73 /* 's' */, 0x68, 0x03 /* (to 0x0404 state 596) */,
- 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0xA0, 0x03 /* (to 0x043F state 642) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 00a3: 35 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 00a4: 36 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 00a5: 37 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 00a6: 38 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 00a7: 39 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 00a8: 40 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 00a9: 41 */ 0x00, 0x05 /* - terminal marker 5 - */,
-/* pos 00ab: 42 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 00ac: 43 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 00ad: 44 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 00ae: 45 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 00af: 46 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 00b0: 47 */ 0x00, 0x06 /* - terminal marker 6 - */,
-/* pos 00b2: 48 */ 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x00B9 state 49) */,
- 0x74 /* 't' */, 0x1C, 0x03 /* (to 0x03D1 state 553) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 00b9: 49 */ 0x63 /* 'c' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x00C3 state 50) */,
- 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x05, 0x03 /* (to 0x03C1 state 539) */,
- 0x74 /* 't' */, 0x08, 0x03 /* (to 0x03C7 state 544) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 00c3: 50 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 00c4: 51 */ 0xF7 /* 'w' -> */,
-/* pos 00c5: 52 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 00c6: 53 */ 0xE2 /* 'b' -> */,
-/* pos 00c7: 54 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 00c8: 55 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 00c9: 56 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 00ca: 57 */ 0xEB /* 'k' -> */,
-/* pos 00cb: 58 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 00cc: 59 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 00cd: 60 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 00ce: 61 */ 0x64 /* 'd' */, 0x19, 0x00 /* (to 0x00E7 state 62) */,
- 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x20, 0x00 /* (to 0x00F1 state 70) */,
- 0x6B /* 'k' */, 0x29, 0x00 /* (to 0x00FD state 81) */,
- 0x70 /* 'p' */, 0x38, 0x00 /* (to 0x010F state 88) */,
- 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x3F, 0x00 /* (to 0x0119 state 97) */,
- 0x6E /* 'n' */, 0x44, 0x00 /* (to 0x0121 state 104) */,
- 0x76 /* 'v' */, 0x89, 0x01 /* (to 0x0269 state 284) */,
- 0x6F /* 'o' */, 0x8F, 0x01 /* (to 0x0272 state 292) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 00e7: 62 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 00e8: 63 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 00e9: 64 */ 0xE6 /* 'f' -> */,
-/* pos 00ea: 65 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 00eb: 66 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 00ec: 67 */ 0x00, 0x07 /* - terminal marker 7 - */,
-/* pos 00ee: 68 */ 0x8A /* '.' -> */,
-/* pos 00ef: 69 */ 0x00, 0x08 /* - terminal marker 8 - */,
-/* pos 00f1: 70 */ 0xF8 /* 'x' -> */,
-/* pos 00f2: 71 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 00f3: 72 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 00f4: 73 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 00f5: 74 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 00f6: 75 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 00f7: 76 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 00f8: 77 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 00f9: 78 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 00fa: 79 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 00fb: 80 */ 0x00, 0x09 /* - terminal marker 9 - */,
-/* pos 00fd: 81 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 00fe: 82 */ 0xF9 /* 'y' -> */,
-/* pos 00ff: 83 */ 0x31 /* '1' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x0109 state 84) */,
- 0x32 /* '2' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x010C state 86) */,
- 0x3A /* ':' */, 0x62, 0x01 /* (to 0x0267 state 283) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0109: 84 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 010a: 85 */ 0x00, 0x0A /* - terminal marker 10 - */,
-/* pos 010c: 86 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 010d: 87 */ 0x00, 0x0B /* - terminal marker 11 - */,
-/* pos 010f: 88 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 0110: 89 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0111: 90 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0112: 91 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0113: 92 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 0114: 93 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0115: 94 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
-/* pos 0116: 95 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0117: 96 */ 0x00, 0x0C /* - terminal marker 12 - */,
-/* pos 0119: 97 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 011a: 98 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 011b: 99 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 011c: 100 */ 0xF0 /* 'p' -> */,
-/* pos 011d: 101 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 011e: 102 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 011f: 103 */ 0x00, 0x0D /* - terminal marker 13 - */,
-/* pos 0121: 104 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0122: 105 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 0123: 106 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 0124: 107 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0125: 108 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0126: 109 */ 0x00, 0x0E /* - terminal marker 14 - */,
-/* pos 0128: 110 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0129: 111 */ 0xF0 /* 'p' -> */,
-/* pos 012a: 112 */ 0x2F /* '/' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0131 state 113) */,
- 0x32 /* '2' */, 0x10, 0x00 /* (to 0x013D state 118) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0131: 113 */ 0xB1 /* '1' -> */,
-/* pos 0132: 114 */ 0xAE /* '.' -> */,
-/* pos 0133: 115 */ 0x31 /* '1' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x013A state 116) */,
- 0x30 /* '0' */, 0x27, 0x03 /* (to 0x045D state 660) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 013a: 116 */ 0xA0 /* ' ' -> */,
-/* pos 013b: 117 */ 0x00, 0x0F /* - terminal marker 15 - */,
-/* pos 013d: 118 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 013e: 119 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 013f: 120 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0140: 121 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0141: 122 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0142: 123 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 0143: 124 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 0144: 125 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 0145: 126 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 0146: 127 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0147: 128 */ 0x00, 0x10 /* - terminal marker 16 - */,
-/* pos 0149: 129 */ 0x63 /* 'c' */, 0x0D, 0x00 /* (to 0x0156 state 130) */,
- 0x75 /* 'u' */, 0xAC, 0x00 /* (to 0x01F8 state 230) */,
- 0x67 /* 'g' */, 0x86, 0x01 /* (to 0x02D5 state 358) */,
- 0x6C /* 'l' */, 0x87, 0x01 /* (to 0x02D9 state 361) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0156: 130 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 0157: 131 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0158: 132 */ 0x70 /* 'p' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x015F state 133) */,
- 0x73 /* 's' */, 0x0E, 0x00 /* (to 0x0169 state 136) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 015f: 133 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0160: 134 */ 0x3A /* ':' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0167 state 135) */,
- 0x2D /* '-' */, 0x59, 0x00 /* (to 0x01BC state 192) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0167: 135 */ 0x00, 0x11 /* - terminal marker 17 - */,
-/* pos 0169: 136 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 016a: 137 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 016b: 138 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 016c: 139 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 016d: 140 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 016e: 141 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 016f: 142 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 0170: 143 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0171: 144 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
-/* pos 0172: 145 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 0173: 146 */ 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x017A state 147) */,
- 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x51, 0x01 /* (to 0x02C7 state 345) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 017a: 147 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 017b: 148 */ 0xF1 /* 'q' -> */,
-/* pos 017c: 149 */ 0xF5 /* 'u' -> */,
-/* pos 017d: 150 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 017e: 151 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 017f: 152 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0180: 153 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 0181: 154 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 0182: 155 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0183: 156 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 0184: 157 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 0185: 158 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0186: 159 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 0187: 160 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 0188: 161 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0189: 162 */ 0x00, 0x12 /* - terminal marker 18 - */,
-/* pos 018b: 163 */ 0xE6 /* 'f' -> */,
-/* pos 018c: 164 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 018d: 165 */ 0x6D /* 'm' */, 0x0D, 0x00 /* (to 0x019A state 166) */,
- 0x6E /* 'n' */, 0x20, 0x00 /* (to 0x01B0 state 181) */,
- 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0xA7, 0x01 /* (to 0x033A state 435) */,
- 0x75 /* 'u' */, 0xAB, 0x01 /* (to 0x0341 state 441) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 019a: 166 */ 0x6F /* 'o' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x01A1 state 167) */,
- 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x97, 0x01 /* (to 0x0334 state 430) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 01a1: 167 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 01a2: 168 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 01a3: 169 */ 0xE6 /* 'f' -> */,
-/* pos 01a4: 170 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 01a5: 171 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 01a6: 172 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 01a7: 173 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 01a8: 174 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 01a9: 175 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 01aa: 176 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 01ab: 177 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 01ac: 178 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 01ad: 179 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 01ae: 180 */ 0x00, 0x13 /* - terminal marker 19 - */,
-/* pos 01b0: 181 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 01b1: 182 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 01b2: 183 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 01b3: 184 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 01b4: 185 */ 0xED /* 'm' -> */,
-/* pos 01b5: 186 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 01b6: 187 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 01b7: 188 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 01b8: 189 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 01b9: 190 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 01ba: 191 */ 0x00, 0x14 /* - terminal marker 20 - */,
-/* pos 01bc: 192 */ 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x0D, 0x00 /* (to 0x01C9 state 193) */,
- 0x6C /* 'l' */, 0x14, 0x00 /* (to 0x01D3 state 202) */,
- 0x63 /* 'c' */, 0xF4, 0x00 /* (to 0x02B6 state 330) */,
- 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0xFA, 0x00 /* (to 0x02BF state 338) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 01c9: 193 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 01ca: 194 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 01cb: 195 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 01cc: 196 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 01cd: 197 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 01ce: 198 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 01cf: 199 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 01d0: 200 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 01d1: 201 */ 0x00, 0x15 /* - terminal marker 21 - */,
-/* pos 01d3: 202 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 01d4: 203 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 01d5: 204 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 01d6: 205 */ 0xF5 /* 'u' -> */,
-/* pos 01d7: 206 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 01d8: 207 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 01d9: 208 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 01da: 209 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 01db: 210 */ 0x00, 0x16 /* - terminal marker 22 - */,
-/* pos 01dd: 211 */ 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x01E4 state 212) */,
- 0x6F /* 'o' */, 0xA7, 0x01 /* (to 0x0387 state 497) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 01e4: 212 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 01e5: 213 */ 0xED /* 'm' -> */,
-/* pos 01e6: 214 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 01e7: 215 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 01e8: 216 */ 0x00, 0x17 /* - terminal marker 23 - */,
-/* pos 01ea: 217 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 01eb: 218 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 01ec: 219 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 01ed: 220 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 01ee: 221 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 01ef: 222 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 01f0: 223 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 01f1: 224 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 01f2: 225 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 01f3: 226 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 01f4: 227 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
-/* pos 01f5: 228 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 01f6: 229 */ 0x00, 0x18 /* - terminal marker 24 - */,
-/* pos 01f8: 230 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 01f9: 231 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 01fa: 232 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 01fb: 233 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 01fc: 234 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 01fd: 235 */ 0xFA /* 'z' -> */,
-/* pos 01fe: 236 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 01ff: 237 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0200: 238 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 0201: 239 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0202: 240 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 0203: 241 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0204: 242 */ 0x00, 0x19 /* - terminal marker 25 - */,
-/* pos 0206: 243 */ 0xEB /* 'k' -> */,
-/* pos 0207: 244 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 0208: 245 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0209: 246 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 020a: 247 */ 0x00, 0x1A /* - terminal marker 26 - */,
-/* pos 020c: 248 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 020d: 249 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 020e: 250 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 020f: 251 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 0210: 252 */ 0x6C /* 'l' */, 0x10, 0x00 /* (to 0x0220 state 253) */,
- 0x74 /* 't' */, 0x1E, 0x00 /* (to 0x0231 state 260) */,
- 0x64 /* 'd' */, 0xC9, 0x00 /* (to 0x02DF state 366) */,
- 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0xD3, 0x00 /* (to 0x02EC state 378) */,
- 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0xEC, 0x00 /* (to 0x0308 state 403) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0220: 253 */ 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x022A state 254) */,
- 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0xD3, 0x00 /* (to 0x02F6 state 387) */,
- 0x6F /* 'o' */, 0xD9, 0x00 /* (to 0x02FF state 395) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 022a: 254 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 022b: 255 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 022c: 256 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 022d: 257 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 022e: 258 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 022f: 259 */ 0x00, 0x1B /* - terminal marker 27 - */,
-/* pos 0231: 260 */ 0xF9 /* 'y' -> */,
-/* pos 0232: 261 */ 0xF0 /* 'p' -> */,
-/* pos 0233: 262 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0234: 263 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0235: 264 */ 0x00, 0x1C /* - terminal marker 28 - */,
-/* pos 0237: 265 */ 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x023E state 266) */,
- 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0xFF, 0x01 /* (to 0x0439 state 637) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 023e: 266 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 023f: 267 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0240: 268 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0241: 269 */ 0x00, 0x1D /* - terminal marker 29 - */,
-/* pos 0243: 270 */ 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x024A state 271) */,
- 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x0250 state 276) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 024a: 271 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 024b: 272 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 024c: 273 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 024d: 274 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 024e: 275 */ 0x00, 0x1E /* - terminal marker 30 - */,
-/* pos 0250: 276 */ 0x66 /* 'f' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x025A state 277) */,
- 0x74 /* 't' */, 0x63, 0x01 /* (to 0x03B6 state 529) */,
- 0x70 /* 'p' */, 0x22, 0x02 /* (to 0x0478 state 682) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 025a: 277 */ 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0261 state 278) */,
- 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x53, 0x01 /* (to 0x03B0 state 524) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0261: 278 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 0262: 279 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0263: 280 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 0264: 281 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0265: 282 */ 0x00, 0x1F /* - terminal marker 31 - */,
-/* pos 0267: 283 */ 0x00, 0x20 /* - terminal marker 32 - */,
-/* pos 0269: 284 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 026a: 285 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 026b: 286 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 026c: 287 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 026d: 288 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 026e: 289 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 026f: 290 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0270: 291 */ 0x00, 0x21 /* - terminal marker 33 - */,
-/* pos 0272: 292 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 0273: 293 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 0274: 294 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 0275: 295 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 0276: 296 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 0277: 297 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0278: 298 */ 0x00, 0x22 /* - terminal marker 34 - */,
-/* pos 027a: 299 */ 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x0D, 0x00 /* (to 0x0287 state 300) */,
- 0x6D /* 'm' */, 0x14, 0x00 /* (to 0x0291 state 309) */,
- 0x70 /* 'p' */, 0x18, 0x00 /* (to 0x0298 state 315) */,
- 0x73 /* 's' */, 0x20, 0x00 /* (to 0x02A3 state 319) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0287: 300 */ 0xF5 /* 'u' -> */,
-/* pos 0288: 301 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0289: 302 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 028a: 303 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 028b: 304 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 028c: 305 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 028d: 306 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 028e: 307 */ 0xF9 /* 'y' -> */,
-/* pos 028f: 308 */ 0x00, 0x23 /* - terminal marker 35 - */,
-/* pos 0291: 309 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0292: 310 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0293: 311 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 0294: 312 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0295: 313 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 0296: 314 */ 0x00, 0x24 /* - terminal marker 36 - */,
-/* pos 0298: 315 */ 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x029F state 316) */,
- 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0xE9, 0x01 /* (to 0x0484 state 693) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 029f: 316 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 02a0: 317 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 02a1: 318 */ 0x00, 0x25 /* - terminal marker 37 - */,
-/* pos 02a3: 319 */ 0x63 /* 'c' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x02AA state 320) */,
- 0x74 /* 't' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x02B0 state 325) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 02aa: 320 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 02ab: 321 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 02ac: 322 */ 0xED /* 'm' -> */,
-/* pos 02ad: 323 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 02ae: 324 */ 0x00, 0x26 /* - terminal marker 38 - */,
-/* pos 02b0: 325 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 02b1: 326 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 02b2: 327 */ 0xF5 /* 'u' -> */,
-/* pos 02b3: 328 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 02b4: 329 */ 0x00, 0x27 /* - terminal marker 39 - */,
-/* pos 02b6: 330 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 02b7: 331 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 02b8: 332 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 02b9: 333 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 02ba: 334 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 02bb: 335 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 02bc: 336 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 02bd: 337 */ 0x00, 0x28 /* - terminal marker 40 - */,
-/* pos 02bf: 338 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 02c0: 339 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 02c1: 340 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 02c2: 341 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 02c3: 342 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 02c4: 343 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 02c5: 344 */ 0x00, 0x29 /* - terminal marker 41 - */,
-/* pos 02c7: 345 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
-/* pos 02c8: 346 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
-/* pos 02c9: 347 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 02ca: 348 */ 0xF7 /* 'w' -> */,
-/* pos 02cb: 349 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 02cc: 350 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 02cd: 351 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 02ce: 352 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 02cf: 353 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 02d0: 354 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 02d1: 355 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 02d2: 356 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 02d3: 357 */ 0x00, 0x2A /* - terminal marker 42 - */,
-/* pos 02d5: 358 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 02d6: 359 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 02d7: 360 */ 0x00, 0x2B /* - terminal marker 43 - */,
-/* pos 02d9: 361 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
-/* pos 02da: 362 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 02db: 363 */ 0xF7 /* 'w' -> */,
-/* pos 02dc: 364 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 02dd: 365 */ 0x00, 0x2C /* - terminal marker 44 - */,
-/* pos 02df: 366 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 02e0: 367 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 02e1: 368 */ 0xF0 /* 'p' -> */,
-/* pos 02e2: 369 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 02e3: 370 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 02e4: 371 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 02e5: 372 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 02e6: 373 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 02e7: 374 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 02e8: 375 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 02e9: 376 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 02ea: 377 */ 0x00, 0x2D /* - terminal marker 45 - */,
-/* pos 02ec: 378 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 02ed: 379 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 02ee: 380 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 02ef: 381 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 02f0: 382 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 02f1: 383 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 02f2: 384 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 02f3: 385 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 02f4: 386 */ 0x00, 0x2E /* - terminal marker 46 - */,
-/* pos 02f6: 387 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 02f7: 388 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 02f8: 389 */ 0xF5 /* 'u' -> */,
-/* pos 02f9: 390 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 02fa: 391 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 02fb: 392 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 02fc: 393 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 02fd: 394 */ 0x00, 0x2F /* - terminal marker 47 - */,
-/* pos 02ff: 395 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 0300: 396 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 0301: 397 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0302: 398 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 0303: 399 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0304: 400 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 0305: 401 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0306: 402 */ 0x00, 0x30 /* - terminal marker 48 - */,
-/* pos 0308: 403 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 0309: 404 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 030a: 405 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 030b: 406 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 030c: 407 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 030d: 408 */ 0x00, 0x31 /* - terminal marker 49 - */,
-/* pos 030f: 409 */ 0x74 /* 't' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0316 state 410) */,
- 0x78 /* 'x' */, 0x09, 0x00 /* (to 0x031B state 414) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0316: 410 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 0317: 411 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 0318: 412 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0319: 413 */ 0x00, 0x32 /* - terminal marker 50 - */,
-/* pos 031b: 414 */ 0xF0 /* 'p' -> */,
-/* pos 031c: 415 */ 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0323 state 416) */,
- 0x69 /* 'i' */, 0x09, 0x00 /* (to 0x0328 state 420) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0323: 416 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 0324: 417 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0325: 418 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0326: 419 */ 0x00, 0x33 /* - terminal marker 51 - */,
-/* pos 0328: 420 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 0329: 421 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 032a: 422 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 032b: 423 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 032c: 424 */ 0x00, 0x34 /* - terminal marker 52 - */,
-/* pos 032e: 425 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 032f: 426 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0330: 427 */ 0xED /* 'm' -> */,
-/* pos 0331: 428 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0332: 429 */ 0x00, 0x35 /* - terminal marker 53 - */,
-/* pos 0334: 430 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0335: 431 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 0336: 432 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 0337: 433 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0338: 434 */ 0x00, 0x36 /* - terminal marker 54 - */,
-/* pos 033a: 435 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 033b: 436 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 033c: 437 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 033d: 438 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 033e: 439 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 033f: 440 */ 0x00, 0x37 /* - terminal marker 55 - */,
-/* pos 0341: 441 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 0342: 442 */ 0xED /* 'm' -> */,
-/* pos 0343: 443 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0344: 444 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 0345: 445 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 0346: 446 */ 0xE6 /* 'f' -> */,
-/* pos 0347: 447 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 0348: 448 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0349: 449 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 034a: 450 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 034b: 451 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 034c: 452 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 034d: 453 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 034e: 454 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 034f: 455 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0350: 456 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0351: 457 */ 0x00, 0x38 /* - terminal marker 56 - */,
-/* pos 0353: 458 */ 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x035D state 459) */,
- 0x69 /* 'i' */, 0x15, 0x00 /* (to 0x036B state 472) */,
- 0x6F /* 'o' */, 0x17, 0x00 /* (to 0x0370 state 476) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 035d: 459 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 035e: 460 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 035f: 461 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 0360: 462 */ 0xED /* 'm' -> */,
-/* pos 0361: 463 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0362: 464 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 0363: 465 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 0364: 466 */ 0xE6 /* 'f' -> */,
-/* pos 0365: 467 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 0366: 468 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0367: 469 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 0368: 470 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0369: 471 */ 0x00, 0x39 /* - terminal marker 57 - */,
-/* pos 036b: 472 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 036c: 473 */ 0xEB /* 'k' -> */,
-/* pos 036d: 474 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 036e: 475 */ 0x00, 0x3A /* - terminal marker 58 - */,
-/* pos 0370: 476 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 0371: 477 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 0372: 478 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0373: 479 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 0374: 480 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0375: 481 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 0376: 482 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0377: 483 */ 0x00, 0x3B /* - terminal marker 59 - */,
-/* pos 0379: 484 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 037a: 485 */ 0xF8 /* 'x' -> */,
-/* pos 037b: 486 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 037c: 487 */ 0xE6 /* 'f' -> */,
-/* pos 037d: 488 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 037e: 489 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 037f: 490 */ 0xF7 /* 'w' -> */,
-/* pos 0380: 491 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 0381: 492 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 0382: 493 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 0383: 494 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 0384: 495 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0385: 496 */ 0x00, 0x3C /* - terminal marker 60 - */,
-/* pos 0387: 497 */ 0xF8 /* 'x' -> */,
-/* pos 0388: 498 */ 0xF9 /* 'y' -> */,
-/* pos 0389: 499 */ 0x2D /* '-' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0390 state 500) */,
- 0x20 /* ' ' */, 0xBB, 0x00 /* (to 0x0447 state 649) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0390: 500 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 0391: 501 */ 0xF5 /* 'u' -> */,
-/* pos 0392: 502 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0393: 503 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 0394: 504 */ 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x039B state 505) */,
- 0x6F /* 'o' */, 0x0E, 0x00 /* (to 0x03A5 state 514) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 039b: 505 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 039c: 506 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 039d: 507 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 039e: 508 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 039f: 509 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 03a0: 510 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 03a1: 511 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 03a2: 512 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 03a3: 513 */ 0x00, 0x3D /* - terminal marker 61 - */,
-/* pos 03a5: 514 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 03a6: 515 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 03a7: 516 */ 0xFA /* 'z' -> */,
-/* pos 03a8: 517 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 03a9: 518 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 03aa: 519 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 03ab: 520 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 03ac: 521 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 03ad: 522 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 03ae: 523 */ 0x00, 0x3E /* - terminal marker 62 - */,
-/* pos 03b0: 524 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 03b1: 525 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 03b2: 526 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 03b3: 527 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 03b4: 528 */ 0x00, 0x3F /* - terminal marker 63 - */,
-/* pos 03b6: 529 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 03b7: 530 */ 0xF9 /* 'y' -> */,
-/* pos 03b8: 531 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 03b9: 532 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 03ba: 533 */ 0xE6 /* 'f' -> */,
-/* pos 03bb: 534 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 03bc: 535 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 03bd: 536 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 03be: 537 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 03bf: 538 */ 0x00, 0x40 /* - terminal marker 64 - */,
-/* pos 03c1: 539 */ 0xF6 /* 'v' -> */,
-/* pos 03c2: 540 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 03c3: 541 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 03c4: 542 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 03c5: 543 */ 0x00, 0x41 /* - terminal marker 65 - */,
-/* pos 03c7: 544 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 03c8: 545 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 03c9: 546 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 03ca: 547 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 03cb: 548 */ 0xEB /* 'k' -> */,
-/* pos 03cc: 549 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 03cd: 550 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 03ce: 551 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 03cf: 552 */ 0x00, 0x42 /* - terminal marker 66 - */,
-/* pos 03d1: 553 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 03d2: 554 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 03d3: 555 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 03d4: 556 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 03d5: 557 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 03d6: 558 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 03d7: 559 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 03d8: 560 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 03d9: 561 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 03da: 562 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 03db: 563 */ 0xF0 /* 'p' -> */,
-/* pos 03dc: 564 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 03dd: 565 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 03de: 566 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 03df: 567 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 03e0: 568 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 03e1: 569 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 03e2: 570 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 03e3: 571 */ 0xF5 /* 'u' -> */,
-/* pos 03e4: 572 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 03e5: 573 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 03e6: 574 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 03e7: 575 */ 0xF9 /* 'y' -> */,
-/* pos 03e8: 576 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 03e9: 577 */ 0x00, 0x43 /* - terminal marker 67 - */,
-/* pos 03eb: 578 */ 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x03F2 state 579) */,
- 0x65 /* 'e' */, 0x87, 0x00 /* (to 0x0475 state 680) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 03f2: 579 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 03f3: 580 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 03f4: 581 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 03f5: 582 */ 0xE6 /* 'f' -> */,
-/* pos 03f6: 583 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 03f7: 584 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 03f8: 585 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 03f9: 586 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 03fa: 587 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 03fb: 588 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 03fc: 589 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 03fd: 590 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 03fe: 591 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 03ff: 592 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 0400: 593 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 0401: 594 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0402: 595 */ 0x00, 0x44 /* - terminal marker 68 - */,
-/* pos 0404: 596 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0405: 597 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 0406: 598 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 0407: 599 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 0408: 600 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 0409: 601 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 040a: 602 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 040b: 603 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 040c: 604 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 040d: 605 */ 0x00, 0x45 /* - terminal marker 69 - */,
-/* pos 040f: 606 */ 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x07, 0x00 /* (to 0x0416 state 607) */,
- 0x69 /* 'i' */, 0x09, 0x00 /* (to 0x041B state 611) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0416: 607 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 0417: 608 */ 0xF9 /* 'y' -> */,
-/* pos 0418: 609 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0419: 610 */ 0x00, 0x46 /* - terminal marker 70 - */,
-/* pos 041b: 611 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 041c: 612 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 041d: 613 */ 0x00, 0x47 /* - terminal marker 71 - */,
-/* pos 041f: 614 */ 0xF7 /* 'w' -> */,
-/* pos 0420: 615 */ 0xF7 /* 'w' -> */,
-/* pos 0421: 616 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 0422: 617 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 0423: 618 */ 0xF5 /* 'u' -> */,
-/* pos 0424: 619 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0425: 620 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 0426: 621 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0427: 622 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 0428: 623 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0429: 624 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 042a: 625 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 042b: 626 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 042c: 627 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 042d: 628 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 042e: 629 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 042f: 630 */ 0x00, 0x48 /* - terminal marker 72 - */,
-/* pos 0431: 631 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0432: 632 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 0433: 633 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 0434: 634 */ 0x00, 0x49 /* - terminal marker 73 - */,
-/* pos 0436: 635 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0437: 636 */ 0x00, 0x4A /* - terminal marker 74 - */,
-/* pos 0439: 637 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
-/* pos 043a: 638 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 043b: 639 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 043c: 640 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 043d: 641 */ 0x00, 0x4B /* - terminal marker 75 - */,
-/* pos 043f: 642 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 0440: 643 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 0441: 644 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 0442: 645 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 0443: 646 */ 0xE7 /* 'g' -> */,
-/* pos 0444: 647 */ 0xF3 /* 's' -> */,
-/* pos 0445: 648 */ 0x00, 0x4C /* - terminal marker 76 - */,
-/* pos 0447: 649 */ 0x00, 0x4D /* - terminal marker 77 - */,
-/* pos 0449: 650 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 044a: 651 */ 0x72 /* 'r' */, 0x0A, 0x00 /* (to 0x0454 state 652) */,
- 0x66 /* 'f' */, 0x13, 0x00 /* (to 0x0460 state 662) */,
- 0x61 /* 'a' */, 0x3C, 0x00 /* (to 0x048C state 700) */,
- 0x08, /* fail */
-/* pos 0454: 652 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0455: 653 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 0456: 654 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
-/* pos 0457: 655 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 0458: 656 */ 0xE9 /* 'i' -> */,
-/* pos 0459: 657 */ 0xF0 /* 'p' -> */,
-/* pos 045a: 658 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 045b: 659 */ 0x00, 0x4E /* - terminal marker 78 - */,
-/* pos 045d: 660 */ 0xA0 /* ' ' -> */,
-/* pos 045e: 661 */ 0x00, 0x4F /* - terminal marker 79 - */,
-/* pos 0460: 662 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0461: 663 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 0462: 664 */ 0xF7 /* 'w' -> */,
-/* pos 0463: 665 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 0464: 666 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 0465: 667 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 0466: 668 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0467: 669 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 0468: 670 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 0469: 671 */ 0xE6 /* 'f' -> */,
-/* pos 046a: 672 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 046b: 673 */ 0xF2 /* 'r' -> */,
-/* pos 046c: 674 */ 0x00, 0x50 /* - terminal marker 80 - */,
-/* pos 046e: 675 */ 0x00, 0x51 /* - terminal marker 81 - */,
-/* pos 0470: 676 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 0471: 677 */ 0xE4 /* 'd' -> */,
-/* pos 0472: 678 */ 0xA0 /* ' ' -> */,
-/* pos 0473: 679 */ 0x00, 0x52 /* - terminal marker 82 - */,
-/* pos 0475: 680 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0476: 681 */ 0x00, 0x53 /* - terminal marker 83 - */,
-/* pos 0478: 682 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
-/* pos 0479: 683 */ 0xE1 /* 'a' -> */,
-/* pos 047a: 684 */ 0xF9 /* 'y' -> */,
-/* pos 047b: 685 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 047c: 686 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 047d: 687 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 047e: 688 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 047f: 689 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 0480: 690 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0481: 691 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0482: 692 */ 0x00, 0x54 /* - terminal marker 84 - */,
-/* pos 0484: 693 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0485: 694 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0486: 695 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0487: 696 */ 0xE3 /* 'c' -> */,
-/* pos 0488: 697 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0489: 698 */ 0xEC /* 'l' -> */,
-/* pos 048a: 699 */ 0x00, 0x55 /* - terminal marker 85 - */,
-/* pos 048c: 700 */ 0xF5 /* 'u' -> */,
-/* pos 048d: 701 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 048e: 702 */ 0xE8 /* 'h' -> */,
-/* pos 048f: 703 */ 0xAD /* '-' -> */,
-/* pos 0490: 704 */ 0xF4 /* 't' -> */,
-/* pos 0491: 705 */ 0xEF /* 'o' -> */,
-/* pos 0492: 706 */ 0xEB /* 'k' -> */,
-/* pos 0493: 707 */ 0xE5 /* 'e' -> */,
-/* pos 0494: 708 */ 0xEE /* 'n' -> */,
-/* pos 0495: 709 */ 0xBA /* ':' -> */,
-/* pos 0496: 710 */ 0x00, 0x56 /* - terminal marker 86 - */,
-/* total size 1176 bytes */
diff --git a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/private.h b/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/private.h
deleted file mode 100644
index ff8b0581cc..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/private.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,277 +0,0 @@
- * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2010 - 2018 Andy Green <>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation:
- * version 2.1 of the License.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- * MA 02110-1301 USA
- *
- * This is included from core/private.h if either H1 or H2 roles are
- * enabled
- */
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_HUBBUB)
- #include <hubbub/hubbub.h>
- #include <hubbub/parser.h>
- #endif
-#include "roles/http/compression/private.h"
-#define lwsi_role_http(wsi) (lwsi_role_h1(wsi) || lwsi_role_h2(wsi))
-enum http_version {
-enum http_conn_type {
- * This is totally opaque to code using the library. It's exported as a
- * forward-reference pointer-only declaration; the user can use the pointer with
- * other APIs to get information out of it.
- */
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32)
-typedef uint16_t ah_data_idx_t;
-typedef uint32_t ah_data_idx_t;
-struct lws_fragments {
- ah_data_idx_t offset;
- uint16_t len;
- uint8_t nfrag; /* which ah->frag[] continues this content, or 0 */
- uint8_t flags; /* only http2 cares */
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_RANGES)
-enum range_states {
-struct lws_range_parsing {
- unsigned long long start, end, extent, agg, budget;
- const char buf[128];
- int pos;
- enum range_states state;
- char start_valid, end_valid, ctr, count_ranges, did_try, inside, send_ctr;
-lws_ranges_init(struct lws *wsi, struct lws_range_parsing *rp,
- unsigned long long extent);
-lws_ranges_next(struct lws_range_parsing *rp);
-lws_ranges_reset(struct lws_range_parsing *rp);
- * these are assigned from a pool held in the context.
- * Both client and server mode uses them for http header analysis
- */
-struct allocated_headers {
- struct allocated_headers *next; /* linked list */
- struct lws *wsi; /* owner */
- char *data; /* prepared by context init to point to dedicated storage */
- ah_data_idx_t data_length;
- /*
- * the randomly ordered fragments, indexed by frag_index and
- * lws_fragments->nfrag for continuation.
- */
- struct lws_fragments frags[WSI_TOKEN_COUNT];
- time_t assigned;
- /*
- * for each recognized token, frag_index says which frag[] his data
- * starts in (0 means the token did not appear)
- * the actual header data gets dumped as it comes in, into data[]
- */
- uint8_t frag_index[WSI_TOKEN_COUNT];
-#ifndef LWS_NO_CLIENT
- char initial_handshake_hash_base64[30];
- uint32_t pos;
- uint32_t http_response;
- uint32_t current_token_limit;
- int hdr_token_idx;
- int16_t lextable_pos;
- uint8_t in_use;
- uint8_t nfrag;
- char /*enum uri_path_states */ ups;
- char /*enum uri_esc_states */ ues;
- char esc_stash;
- char post_literal_equal;
- uint8_t /* enum lws_token_indexes */ parser_state;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_HUBBUB)
-struct lws_rewrite {
- hubbub_parser *parser;
- hubbub_parser_optparams params;
- const char *from, *to;
- int from_len, to_len;
- unsigned char *p, *end;
- struct lws *wsi;
-static LWS_INLINE int hstrcmp(hubbub_string *s, const char *p, int len)
- if ((int)s->len != len)
- return 1;
- return strncmp((const char *)s->ptr, p, len);
-typedef hubbub_error (*hubbub_callback_t)(const hubbub_token *token, void *pw);
-LWS_EXTERN struct lws_rewrite *
-lws_rewrite_create(struct lws *wsi, hubbub_callback_t cb, const char *from, const char *to);
-lws_rewrite_destroy(struct lws_rewrite *r);
-lws_rewrite_parse(struct lws_rewrite *r, const unsigned char *in, int in_len);
-struct lws_pt_role_http {
- struct allocated_headers *ah_list;
- struct lws *ah_wait_list;
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_CGI
- struct lws_cgi *cgi_list;
- int ah_wait_list_length;
- uint32_t ah_pool_length;
- int ah_count_in_use;
-struct lws_peer_role_http {
- uint32_t count_ah;
- uint32_t total_ah;
-struct lws_vhost_role_http {
- char http_proxy_address[128];
- const struct lws_http_mount *mount_list;
- const char *error_document_404;
- unsigned int http_proxy_port;
-struct lws_access_log {
- char *header_log;
- char *user_agent;
- char *referrer;
- unsigned long sent;
- int response;
-#define LWS_HTTP_CHUNK_HDR_MAX_SIZE (6 + 2) /* 6 hex digits and then CRLF */
-#define LWS_HTTP_CHUNK_TRL_MAX_SIZE (2 + 5) /* CRLF, then maybe 0 CRLF CRLF */
-struct _lws_http_mode_related {
- struct lws *new_wsi_list;
- unsigned char *pending_return_headers;
- size_t pending_return_headers_len;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_HTTP_PROXY)
- struct lws_rewrite *rw;
- struct allocated_headers *ah;
- struct lws *ah_wait_list;
- lws_filepos_t filepos;
- lws_filepos_t filelen;
- lws_fop_fd_t fop_fd;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_RANGES)
- struct lws_range_parsing range;
- char multipart_content_type[64];
- struct lws_access_log access_log;
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_CGI
- struct lws_cgi *cgi; /* wsi being cgi master have one of these */
- struct lws_compression_support *lcs;
- lws_comp_ctx_t comp_ctx;
- unsigned char comp_accept_mask;
- enum http_version request_version;
- enum http_conn_type conn_type;
- lws_filepos_t tx_content_length;
- lws_filepos_t tx_content_remain;
- lws_filepos_t rx_content_length;
- lws_filepos_t rx_content_remain;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_HTTP_PROXY)
- unsigned int perform_rewrite:1;
- unsigned int proxy_clientside:1;
- unsigned int proxy_parent_chunked:1;
- unsigned int deferred_transaction_completed:1;
- unsigned int content_length_explicitly_zero:1;
- unsigned int did_stream_close:1;
-#ifndef LWS_NO_CLIENT
-enum lws_chunk_parser {
-enum lws_parse_urldecode_results {
-lws_read_h1(struct lws *wsi, unsigned char *buf, lws_filepos_t len);
-_lws_header_table_reset(struct allocated_headers *ah);
-_lws_destroy_ah(struct lws_context_per_thread *pt, struct allocated_headers *ah);
diff --git a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/server/fops-zip.c b/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/server/fops-zip.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 4db83ce621..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/server/fops-zip.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,668 +0,0 @@
- * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation
- *
- * Original code used in this source file:
- *
- * @912add15f3d0aec
- *
- * ./lws-term/io.c
- * ./lws-term/junzip.c
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2017 Per Bothner <>
- *
- * MIT License
- *
- * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
- * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
- * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
- * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
- * ( copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
- * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
- *
- * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
- * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
- *
- *
- *
- * lws rewrite:
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2017 Andy Green <>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation:
- * version 2.1 of the License.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- * MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-#include "core/private.h"
-#include <zlib.h>
- * This code works with zip format containers which may have files compressed
- * with gzip deflate (type 8) or store uncompressed (type 0).
- *
- * Linux zip produces such zipfiles by default, eg
- *
- * $ zip ../ file1 file2 file3
- */
-typedef struct {
- lws_filepos_t filename_start;
- uint32_t crc32;
- uint32_t comp_size;
- uint32_t uncomp_size;
- uint32_t offset;
- uint32_t mod_time;
- uint16_t filename_len;
- uint16_t extra;
- uint16_t method;
- uint16_t file_com_len;
-} lws_fops_zip_hdr_t;
-typedef struct {
- struct lws_fop_fd fop_fd; /* MUST BE FIRST logical fop_fd into
- * file inside zip: fops_zip fops */
- lws_fop_fd_t zip_fop_fd; /* logical fop fd on to zip file
- * itself: using platform fops */
- lws_fops_zip_hdr_t hdr;
- z_stream inflate;
- lws_filepos_t content_start;
- lws_filepos_t exp_uncomp_pos;
- union {
- uint8_t trailer8[8];
- uint32_t trailer32[2];
- } u;
- uint8_t rbuf[128]; /* decompression chunk size */
- int entry_count;
- unsigned int decompress:1; /* 0 = direct from file */
- unsigned int add_gzip_container:1;
-} *lws_fops_zip_t;
-struct lws_plat_file_ops fops_zip;
-#define fop_fd_to_priv(FD) ((lws_fops_zip_t)(FD))
-static const uint8_t hd[] = { 31, 139, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3 };
-enum {
- ZC_CRC32 = 16,
-static uint16_t
-get_u16(void *p)
- const uint8_t *c = (const uint8_t *)p;
- return (uint16_t)((c[0] | (c[1] << 8)));
-static uint32_t
-get_u32(void *p)
- const uint8_t *c = (const uint8_t *)p;
- return (uint32_t)((c[0] | (c[1] << 8) | (c[2] << 16) | (c[3] << 24)));
-lws_fops_zip_scan(lws_fops_zip_t priv, const char *name, int len)
- lws_filepos_t amount;
- uint8_t buf[96];
- int i;
- if (lws_vfs_file_seek_end(priv->zip_fop_fd, -ZE_DIRECTORY_LENGTH) < 0)
- if (lws_vfs_file_read(priv->zip_fop_fd, &amount, buf,
- if (amount != ZE_DIRECTORY_LENGTH)
- /*
- * We require the zip to have the last record right at the end
- * Linux zip always does this if no zip comment.
- */
- if (buf[0] != 'P' || buf[1] != 'K' || buf[2] != 5 || buf[3] != 6)
- i = get_u16(buf + ZE_NUM_ENTRIES);
- if (get_u16(buf + ZE_DESK_NUMBER) ||
- i != get_u16(buf + ZE_NUM_ENTRIES_THIS_DISK))
- /* end record is OK... look for our file in the central dir */
- if (lws_vfs_file_seek_set(priv->zip_fop_fd,
- get_u32(buf + ZE_CENTRAL_DIR_OFFSET)) < 0)
- while (i--) {
- priv->content_start = lws_vfs_tell(priv->zip_fop_fd);
- if (lws_vfs_file_read(priv->zip_fop_fd, &amount, buf,
- if (amount != ZC_DIRECTORY_LENGTH)
- if (get_u32(buf + ZC_SIGNATURE) != 0x02014B50)
- lwsl_debug("cstart 0x%lx\n", (unsigned long)priv->content_start);
- priv->hdr.filename_len = get_u16(buf + ZC_FILE_NAME_LENGTH);
- priv->hdr.extra = get_u16(buf + ZC_EXTRA_FIELD_LENGTH);
- priv->hdr.filename_start = lws_vfs_tell(priv->zip_fop_fd);
- priv->hdr.method = get_u16(buf + ZC_COMPRESSION_METHOD);
- priv->hdr.crc32 = get_u32(buf + ZC_CRC32);
- priv->hdr.comp_size = get_u32(buf + ZC_COMPRESSED_SIZE);
- priv->hdr.uncomp_size = get_u32(buf + ZC_UNCOMPRESSED_SIZE);
- priv->hdr.offset = get_u32(buf + ZC_REL_OFFSET_LOCAL_HEADER);
- priv->hdr.mod_time = get_u32(buf + ZC_LAST_MOD_FILE_TIME);
- priv->hdr.file_com_len = get_u16(buf + ZC_FILE_COMMENT_LENGTH);
- if (priv->hdr.filename_len != len)
- goto next;
- if (len >= (int)sizeof(buf) - 1)
- if (priv->zip_fop_fd->fops->LWS_FOP_READ(priv->zip_fop_fd,
- &amount, buf, len))
- if ((int)amount != len)
- buf[len] = '\0';
- lwsl_debug("check %s vs %s\n", buf, name);
- if (strcmp((const char *)buf, name))
- goto next;
- /* we found a match */
- if (lws_vfs_file_seek_set(priv->zip_fop_fd, priv->hdr.offset) < 0)
- if (priv->zip_fop_fd->fops->LWS_FOP_READ(priv->zip_fop_fd,
- &amount, buf,
- if (amount != ZL_HEADER_LENGTH)
- priv->content_start = priv->hdr.offset +
- priv->hdr.filename_len +
- get_u16(buf + ZL_REL_OFFSET_CONTENT);
- lwsl_debug("content supposed to start at 0x%lx\n",
- (unsigned long)priv->content_start);
- if (priv->content_start > priv->zip_fop_fd->len)
- if (lws_vfs_file_seek_set(priv->zip_fop_fd,
- priv->content_start) < 0)
- /* we are aligned at the start of the content */
- priv->exp_uncomp_pos = 0;
- return 0;
- if (i && lws_vfs_file_seek_set(priv->zip_fop_fd,
- priv->content_start +
- priv->hdr.filename_len +
- priv->hdr.extra +
- priv->hdr.file_com_len) < 0)
- }
-static int
-lws_fops_zip_reset_inflate(lws_fops_zip_t priv)
- if (priv->decompress)
- inflateEnd(&priv->inflate);
- priv->inflate.zalloc = Z_NULL;
- priv->inflate.zfree = Z_NULL;
- priv->inflate.opaque = Z_NULL;
- priv->inflate.avail_in = 0;
- priv->inflate.next_in = Z_NULL;
- if (inflateInit2(&priv->inflate, -MAX_WBITS) != Z_OK) {
- lwsl_err("inflate init failed\n");
- }
- if (lws_vfs_file_seek_set(priv->zip_fop_fd, priv->content_start) < 0)
- priv->exp_uncomp_pos = 0;
- return 0;
-static lws_fop_fd_t
-lws_fops_zip_open(const struct lws_plat_file_ops *fops, const char *vfs_path,
- const char *vpath, lws_fop_flags_t *flags)
- lws_fop_flags_t local_flags = 0;
- lws_fops_zip_t priv;
- char rp[192];
- int m;
- /*
- * vpath points at the / after the fops signature in vfs_path, eg
- * with a vfs_path "/var/www/docs/", vpath
- * will come pointing at "/index.html"
- */
- priv = lws_zalloc(sizeof(*priv), "fops_zip priv");
- if (!priv)
- return NULL;
- priv->fop_fd.fops = &fops_zip;
- m = sizeof(rp) - 1;
- if ((vpath - vfs_path - 1) < m)
- m = lws_ptr_diff(vpath, vfs_path) - 1;
- lws_strncpy(rp, vfs_path, m + 1);
- /* open the zip file itself using the incoming fops, not fops_zip */
- priv->zip_fop_fd = fops->LWS_FOP_OPEN(fops, rp, NULL, &local_flags);
- if (!priv->zip_fop_fd) {
- lwsl_err("unable to open zip %s\n", rp);
- goto bail1;
- }
- if (*vpath == '/')
- vpath++;
- m = lws_fops_zip_scan(priv, vpath, (int)strlen(vpath));
- if (m) {
- lwsl_err("unable to find record matching '%s' %d\n", vpath, m);
- goto bail2;
- }
- /* the directory metadata tells us modification time, so pass it on */
- priv->fop_fd.mod_time = priv->hdr.mod_time;
- priv->fop_fd.flags = *flags;
- /* The zip fop_fd is left pointing at the start of the content.
- *
- * 1) Content could be uncompressed (STORE), and we can always serve
- * that directly
- *
- * 2) Content could be compressed (GZIP), and the client can handle
- * receiving GZIP... we can wrap it in a GZIP header and trailer
- * and serve the content part directly. The flag indicating we
- * are providing GZIP directly is set so lws will send the right
- * headers.
- *
- * 3) Content could be compressed (GZIP) but the client can't handle
- * receiving GZIP... we can decompress it and serve as it is
- * inflated piecemeal.
- *
- * 4) Content may be compressed some unknown way... fail
- *
- */
- if (priv->hdr.method == ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_STORE) {
- /*
- * it is stored uncompressed, leave it indicated as
- * uncompressed, and just serve it from inside the
- * zip with no gzip container;
- */
- lwsl_info("direct zip serving (stored)\n");
- priv->fop_fd.len = priv->hdr.uncomp_size;
- return &priv->fop_fd;
- }
- priv->hdr.method == ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE) {
- /*
- * We can serve the gzipped file contents directly as gzip
- * from inside the zip container; client says it is OK.
- *
- * To convert to standalone gzip, we have to add a 10-byte
- * constant header and a variable 8-byte trailer around the
- * content.
- *
- * The 8-byte trailer is prepared now and held in the priv.
- */
- lwsl_info("direct zip serving (gzipped)\n");
- priv->fop_fd.len = sizeof(hd) + priv->hdr.comp_size +
- sizeof(priv->u);
- if (lws_is_be()) {
- uint8_t *p = priv->u.trailer8;
- *p++ = (uint8_t)priv->hdr.crc32;
- *p++ = (uint8_t)(priv->hdr.crc32 >> 8);
- *p++ = (uint8_t)(priv->hdr.crc32 >> 16);
- *p++ = (uint8_t)(priv->hdr.crc32 >> 24);
- *p++ = (uint8_t)priv->hdr.uncomp_size;
- *p++ = (uint8_t)(priv->hdr.uncomp_size >> 8);
- *p++ = (uint8_t)(priv->hdr.uncomp_size >> 16);
- *p = (uint8_t)(priv->hdr.uncomp_size >> 24);
- } else {
- priv->u.trailer32[0] = priv->hdr.crc32;
- priv->u.trailer32[1] = priv->hdr.uncomp_size;
- }
- priv->fop_fd.flags = *flags;
- priv->add_gzip_container = 1;
- return &priv->fop_fd;
- }
- if (priv->hdr.method == ZIP_COMPRESSION_METHOD_DEFLATE) {
- /* we must decompress it to serve it */
- lwsl_info("decompressed zip serving\n");
- priv->fop_fd.len = priv->hdr.uncomp_size;
- if (lws_fops_zip_reset_inflate(priv)) {
- lwsl_err("inflate init failed\n");
- goto bail2;
- }
- priv->decompress = 1;
- return &priv->fop_fd;
- }
- /* we can't handle it ... */
- lwsl_err("zipped file %s compressed in unknown way (%d)\n", vfs_path,
- priv->hdr.method);
- lws_vfs_file_close(&priv->zip_fop_fd);
- free(priv);
- return NULL;
-/* ie, we are closing the fop_fd for the file inside the gzip */
-static int
-lws_fops_zip_close(lws_fop_fd_t *fd)
- lws_fops_zip_t priv = fop_fd_to_priv(*fd);
- if (priv->decompress)
- inflateEnd(&priv->inflate);
- lws_vfs_file_close(&priv->zip_fop_fd); /* close the gzip fop_fd */
- free(priv);
- *fd = NULL;
- return 0;
-static lws_fileofs_t
-lws_fops_zip_seek_cur(lws_fop_fd_t fd, lws_fileofs_t offset_from_cur_pos)
- fd->pos += offset_from_cur_pos;
- return fd->pos;
-static int
-lws_fops_zip_read(lws_fop_fd_t fd, lws_filepos_t *amount, uint8_t *buf,
- lws_filepos_t len)
- lws_fops_zip_t priv = fop_fd_to_priv(fd);
- lws_filepos_t ramount, rlen, cur = lws_vfs_tell(fd);
- int ret;
- if (priv->decompress) {
- if (priv->exp_uncomp_pos != fd->pos) {
- /*
- * there has been a seek in the uncompressed fop_fd
- * we have to restart the decompression and loop eating
- * the decompressed data up to the seek point
- */
- lwsl_info("seek in decompressed\n");
- lws_fops_zip_reset_inflate(priv);
- while (priv->exp_uncomp_pos != fd->pos) {
- rlen = len;
- if (rlen > fd->pos - priv->exp_uncomp_pos)
- rlen = fd->pos - priv->exp_uncomp_pos;
- if (lws_fops_zip_read(fd, amount, buf, rlen))
- }
- *amount = 0;
- }
- priv->inflate.avail_out = (unsigned int)len;
- priv->inflate.next_out = buf;
- if (!priv->inflate.avail_in) {
- rlen = sizeof(priv->rbuf);
- if (rlen > priv->hdr.comp_size -
- (cur - priv->content_start))
- rlen = priv->hdr.comp_size -
- (priv->hdr.comp_size -
- priv->content_start);
- if (priv->zip_fop_fd->fops->LWS_FOP_READ(
- priv->zip_fop_fd, &ramount, priv->rbuf,
- rlen))
- cur += ramount;
- priv->inflate.avail_in = (unsigned int)ramount;
- priv->inflate.next_in = priv->rbuf;
- }
- ret = inflate(&priv->inflate, Z_NO_FLUSH);
- if (ret == Z_STREAM_ERROR)
- return ret;
- switch (ret) {
- case Z_NEED_DICT:
- ret = Z_DATA_ERROR;
- /* fallthru */
- case Z_DATA_ERROR:
- case Z_MEM_ERROR:
- return ret;
- }
- if (!priv->inflate.avail_in && priv->inflate.avail_out &&
- cur != priv->content_start + priv->hdr.comp_size)
- goto spin;
- *amount = len - priv->inflate.avail_out;
- priv->exp_uncomp_pos += *amount;
- fd->pos += *amount;
- return 0;
- }
- if (priv->add_gzip_container) {
- lwsl_info("%s: gzip + container\n", __func__);
- *amount = 0;
- /* place the canned header at the start */
- if (len && fd->pos < sizeof(hd)) {
- rlen = sizeof(hd) - fd->pos;
- if (rlen > len)
- rlen = len;
- /* provide stuff from canned header */
- memcpy(buf, hd + fd->pos, (size_t)rlen);
- fd->pos += rlen;
- buf += rlen;
- len -= rlen;
- *amount += rlen;
- }
- /* serve gzipped data direct from zipfile */
- if (len && fd->pos >= sizeof(hd) &&
- fd->pos < priv->hdr.comp_size + sizeof(hd)) {
- rlen = priv->hdr.comp_size - (priv->zip_fop_fd->pos -
- priv->content_start);
- if (rlen > len)
- rlen = len;
- if (rlen &&
- priv->zip_fop_fd->pos < (priv->hdr.comp_size +
- priv->content_start)) {
- if (lws_vfs_file_read(priv->zip_fop_fd,
- &ramount, buf, rlen))
- *amount += ramount;
- fd->pos += ramount; // virtual pos
- buf += ramount;
- len -= ramount;
- }
- }
- /* place the prepared trailer at the end */
- if (len && fd->pos >= priv->hdr.comp_size + sizeof(hd) &&
- fd->pos < priv->hdr.comp_size + sizeof(hd) +
- sizeof(priv->u)) {
- cur = fd->pos - priv->hdr.comp_size - sizeof(hd);
- rlen = sizeof(priv->u) - cur;
- if (rlen > len)
- rlen = len;
- memcpy(buf, priv->u.trailer8 + cur, (size_t)rlen);
- *amount += rlen;
- fd->pos += rlen;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- lwsl_info("%s: store\n", __func__);
- if (len > priv->hdr.uncomp_size - (cur - priv->content_start))
- len = priv->hdr.comp_size - (priv->hdr.comp_size -
- priv->content_start);
- if (priv->zip_fop_fd->fops->LWS_FOP_READ(priv->zip_fop_fd,
- amount, buf, len))
- return 0;
-struct lws_plat_file_ops fops_zip = {
- lws_fops_zip_open,
- lws_fops_zip_close,
- lws_fops_zip_seek_cur,
- lws_fops_zip_read,
- { { ".zip/", 5 }, { ".jar/", 5 }, { ".war/", 5 } },
diff --git a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/server/lejp-conf.c b/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/server/lejp-conf.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 0dd701d835..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/server/lejp-conf.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1036 +0,0 @@
- * libwebsockets web server application
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Andy Green <>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation:
- * version 2.1 of the License.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- * MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-#include "core/private.h"
-#ifndef _WIN32
-/* this is needed for Travis CI */
-#include <dirent.h>
-#define ESC_INSTALL_DATADIR "_lws_ddir_"
-static const char * const paths_global[] = {
- "global.uid",
- "global.gid",
- "global.count-threads",
- "global.init-ssl",
- "global.server-string",
- "global.plugin-dir",
- "",
- "global.timeout-secs",
- "global.reject-service-keywords[].*",
- "global.reject-service-keywords[]",
- "global.default-alpn",
-enum lejp_global_paths {
-static const char * const paths_vhosts[] = {
- "vhosts[]",
- "vhosts[].mounts[]",
- "vhosts[].name",
- "vhosts[].port",
- "vhosts[].interface",
- "vhosts[].unix-socket",
- "vhosts[].sts",
- "vhosts[].host-ssl-key",
- "vhosts[].host-ssl-cert",
- "vhosts[].host-ssl-ca",
- "vhosts[].access-log",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].mountpoint",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].origin",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].protocol",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].default",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].auth-mask",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].cgi-timeout",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].cgi-env[].*",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].cache-max-age",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].cache-reuse",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].cache-revalidate",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].basic-auth",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].cache-intermediaries",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].extra-mimetypes.*",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].interpret.*",
- "vhosts[].ws-protocols[].*.*",
- "vhosts[].ws-protocols[].*",
- "vhosts[].ws-protocols[]",
- "vhosts[].keepalive_timeout",
- "vhosts[].enable-client-ssl",
- "vhosts[].ciphers",
- "vhosts[].ecdh-curve",
- "vhosts[].noipv6",
- "vhosts[].ipv6only",
- "vhosts[].ssl-option-set",
- "vhosts[].ssl-option-clear",
- "vhosts[].mounts[].pmo[].*",
- "vhosts[].headers[].*",
- "vhosts[].headers[]",
- "vhosts[].client-ssl-key",
- "vhosts[].client-ssl-cert",
- "vhosts[].client-ssl-ca",
- "vhosts[].client-ssl-ciphers",
- "vhosts[].onlyraw",
- "vhosts[].client-cert-required",
- "vhosts[].ignore-missing-cert",
- "vhosts[].error-document-404",
- "vhosts[].alpn",
- "vhosts[].ssl-client-option-set",
- "vhosts[].ssl-client-option-clear",
- "vhosts[].tls13-ciphers",
- "vhosts[].client-tls13-ciphers",
- "vhosts[].strict-host-check",
-enum lejp_vhost_paths {
-static const char * const parser_errs[] = {
- "",
- "",
- "No opening '{'",
- "Expected closing '}'",
- "Expected '\"'",
- "String underrun",
- "Illegal unescaped control char",
- "Illegal escape format",
- "Illegal hex number",
- "Expected ':'",
- "Illegal value start",
- "Digit required after decimal point",
- "Bad number format",
- "Bad exponent format",
- "Unknown token",
- "Too many ']'",
- "Mismatched ']'",
- "Expected ']'",
- "JSON nesting limit exceeded",
- "Nesting tracking used up",
- "Number too long",
- "Comma or block end expected",
- "Unknown",
- "Parser callback errored (see earlier error)",
-#define MAX_PLUGIN_DIRS 10
-struct jpargs {
- struct lws_context_creation_info *info;
- struct lws_context *context;
- const struct lws_protocols *protocols;
- const struct lws_extension *extensions;
- char *p, *end, valid;
- struct lws_http_mount *head, *last;
- struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *pvo;
- struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *pvo_em;
- struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *pvo_int;
- struct lws_http_mount m;
- const char **plugin_dirs;
- int count_plugin_dirs;
- unsigned int enable_client_ssl:1;
- unsigned int fresh_mount:1;
- unsigned int any_vhosts:1;
- unsigned int chunk:1;
-static void *
-lwsws_align(struct jpargs *a)
- if ((lws_intptr_t)(a->p) & 15)
- a->p += 16 - ((lws_intptr_t)(a->p) & 15);
- a->chunk = 0;
- return a->p;
-static int
-arg_to_bool(const char *s)
- static const char * const on[] = { "on", "yes", "true" };
- int n = atoi(s);
- if (n)
- return 1;
- for (n = 0; n < (int)LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(on); n++)
- if (!strcasecmp(s, on[n]))
- return 1;
- return 0;
-static signed char
-lejp_globals_cb(struct lejp_ctx *ctx, char reason)
- struct jpargs *a = (struct jpargs *)ctx->user;
- struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *rej;
- int n;
- /* we only match on the prepared path strings */
- if (!(reason & LEJP_FLAG_CB_IS_VALUE) || !ctx->path_match)
- return 0;
- /* this catches, eg, vhosts[].headers[].xxx */
- if (reason == LEJPCB_VAL_STR_END &&
- ctx->path_match == LWJPGP_REJECT_SERVICE_KEYWORDS_NAME + 1) {
- rej = lwsws_align(a);
- a->p += sizeof(*rej);
- n = lejp_get_wildcard(ctx, 0, a->p, lws_ptr_diff(a->end, a->p));
- rej->next = a->info->reject_service_keywords;
- a->info->reject_service_keywords = rej;
- rej->name = a->p;
- lwsl_notice(" adding rej %s=%s\n", a->p, ctx->buf);
- a->p += n - 1;
- *(a->p++) = '\0';
- rej->value = a->p;
- rej->options = NULL;
- goto dostring;
- }
- switch (ctx->path_match - 1) {
- case LEJPGP_UID:
- a->info->uid = atoi(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- case LEJPGP_GID:
- a->info->gid = atoi(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- a->info->count_threads = atoi(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- if (arg_to_bool(ctx->buf))
- return 0;
- a->info->server_string = a->p;
- break;
- if (a->count_plugin_dirs == MAX_PLUGIN_DIRS - 1) {
- lwsl_err("Too many plugin dirs\n");
- return -1;
- }
- a->plugin_dirs[a->count_plugin_dirs++] = a->p;
- break;
- a->info->ws_ping_pong_interval = atoi(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- a->info->timeout_secs = atoi(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- a->info->alpn = a->p;
- break;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- a->p += lws_snprintf(a->p, a->end - a->p, "%s", ctx->buf);
- *(a->p)++ = '\0';
- return 0;
-static signed char
-lejp_vhosts_cb(struct lejp_ctx *ctx, char reason)
- struct jpargs *a = (struct jpargs *)ctx->user;
- struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *pvo, *mp_cgienv, *headers;
- struct lws_http_mount *m;
- char *p, *p1;
- int n;
-#if 0
- lwsl_notice(" %d: %s (%d)\n", reason, ctx->path, ctx->path_match);
- for (n = 0; n < ctx->wildcount; n++)
- lwsl_notice(" %d\n", ctx->wild[n]);
- if (reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_START && ctx->path_match == LEJPVP + 1) {
- uint32_t i[4];
- const char *ss;
- /* set the defaults for this vhost */
- a->valid = 1;
- a->head = NULL;
- a->last = NULL;
- i[0] = a->info->count_threads;
- i[1] = a->info->options & (
- );
- ss = a->info->server_string;
- i[2] = a->info->ws_ping_pong_interval;
- i[3] = a->info->timeout_secs;
- memset(a->info, 0, sizeof(*a->info));
- a->info->count_threads = i[0];
- a->info->options = i[1];
- a->info->server_string = ss;
- a->info->ws_ping_pong_interval = i[2];
- a->info->timeout_secs = i[3];
- a->info->protocols = a->protocols;
- a->info->extensions = a->extensions;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS)
- a->info->client_ssl_cipher_list = "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:"
- "DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:"
- "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:"
- "!DES:!MD5:!PSK:!RC4:!HMAC_SHA1:"
- "!SHA1:!DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:"
- "!DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:"
- "!AES128-GCM-SHA256:"
- "!AES128-SHA256:"
- "!DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:"
- "!AES256-GCM-SHA384:"
- "!AES256-SHA256";
- a->info->ssl_cipher_list = "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:"
- "DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:"
- "ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384:"
- "!DES:!MD5:!PSK:!RC4:!HMAC_SHA1:"
- "!SHA1:!DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:"
- "!DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256:"
- "!AES128-GCM-SHA256:"
- "!AES128-SHA256:"
- "!DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256:"
- "!AES256-GCM-SHA384:"
- "!AES256-SHA256";
- a->info->keepalive_timeout = 5;
- }
- if (reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_START &&
- ctx->path_match == LEJPVP_MOUNTS + 1) {
- a->fresh_mount = 1;
- memset(&a->m, 0, sizeof(a->m));
- }
- /* this catches, eg, vhosts[].ws-protocols[].xxx-protocol */
- if (reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_START &&
- ctx->path_match == LEJPVP_PROTOCOL_NAME + 1) {
- a->pvo = lwsws_align(a);
- a->p += sizeof(*a->pvo);
- n = lejp_get_wildcard(ctx, 0, a->p, lws_ptr_diff(a->end, a->p));
- /* ie, enable this protocol, no options yet */
- a->pvo->next = a->info->pvo;
- a->info->pvo = a->pvo;
- a->pvo->name = a->p;
- lwsl_info(" adding protocol %s\n", a->p);
- a->p += n;
- a->pvo->value = a->p;
- a->pvo->options = NULL;
- goto dostring;
- }
- /* this catches, eg, vhosts[].headers[].xxx */
- if ((reason == LEJPCB_VAL_STR_END || reason == LEJPCB_VAL_STR_CHUNK) &&
- ctx->path_match == LEJPVP_HEADERS_NAME + 1) {
- if (!a->chunk) {
- headers = lwsws_align(a);
- a->p += sizeof(*headers);
- n = lejp_get_wildcard(ctx, 0, a->p,
- lws_ptr_diff(a->end, a->p));
- /* ie, add this header */
- headers->next = a->info->headers;
- a->info->headers = headers;
- headers->name = a->p;
- lwsl_notice(" adding header %s=%s\n", a->p, ctx->buf);
- a->p += n - 1;
- *(a->p++) = ':';
- if (a->p < a->end)
- *(a->p++) = '\0';
- else
- *(a->p - 1) = '\0';
- headers->value = a->p;
- headers->options = NULL;
- }
- a->chunk = reason == LEJPCB_VAL_STR_CHUNK;
- goto dostring;
- }
- if (reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_END &&
- (ctx->path_match == LEJPVP + 1 || !ctx->path[0]) &&
- a->valid) {
- struct lws_vhost *vhost;
- //lwsl_notice("%s\n", ctx->path);
- if (!a->info->port &&
- !(a->info->options & LWS_SERVER_OPTION_UNIX_SOCK)) {
- lwsl_err("Port required (eg, 443)\n");
- return 1;
- }
- a->valid = 0;
- a->info->mounts = a->head;
- vhost = lws_create_vhost(a->context, a->info);
- if (!vhost) {
- lwsl_err("Failed to create vhost %s\n",
- a->info->vhost_name);
- return 1;
- }
- a->any_vhosts = 1;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS)
- if (a->enable_client_ssl) {
- const char *cert_filepath =
- a->info->client_ssl_cert_filepath;
- const char *private_key_filepath =
- a->info->client_ssl_private_key_filepath;
- const char *ca_filepath =
- a->info->client_ssl_ca_filepath;
- const char *cipher_list =
- a->info->client_ssl_cipher_list;
- memset(a->info, 0, sizeof(*a->info));
- a->info->client_ssl_cert_filepath = cert_filepath;
- a->info->client_ssl_private_key_filepath =
- private_key_filepath;
- a->info->client_ssl_ca_filepath = ca_filepath;
- a->info->client_ssl_cipher_list = cipher_list;
- lws_init_vhost_client_ssl(a->info, vhost);
- }
- return 0;
- }
- if (reason == LEJPCB_OBJECT_END &&
- ctx->path_match == LEJPVP_MOUNTS + 1) {
- static const char * const mount_protocols[] = {
- "http://",
- "https://",
- "file://",
- "cgi://",
- ">http://",
- ">https://",
- "callback://",
- "gzip://",
- };
- if (!a->fresh_mount)
- return 0;
- if (!a->m.mountpoint || !a->m.origin) {
- lwsl_err("mountpoint and origin required\n");
- return 1;
- }
- lwsl_debug("adding mount %s\n", a->m.mountpoint);
- m = lwsws_align(a);
- memcpy(m, &a->m, sizeof(*m));
- if (a->last)
- a->last->mount_next = m;
- for (n = 0; n < (int)LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(mount_protocols); n++)
- if (!strncmp(a->m.origin, mount_protocols[n],
- strlen(mount_protocols[n]))) {
- lwsl_info("----%s\n", a->m.origin);
- m->origin_protocol = n;
- m->origin = a->m.origin +
- strlen(mount_protocols[n]);
- break;
- }
- if (n == (int)LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(mount_protocols)) {
- lwsl_err("unsupported protocol:// %s\n", a->m.origin);
- return 1;
- }
- a->p += sizeof(*m);
- if (!a->head)
- a->head = m;
- a->last = m;
- a->fresh_mount = 0;
- }
- /* we only match on the prepared path strings */
- if (!(reason & LEJP_FLAG_CB_IS_VALUE) || !ctx->path_match)
- return 0;
- switch (ctx->path_match - 1) {
- a->info->vhost_name = a->p;
- break;
- a->info->port = atoi(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- a->info->iface = a->p;
- break;
- if (arg_to_bool(ctx->buf))
- a->info->options |= LWS_SERVER_OPTION_UNIX_SOCK;
- else
- a->info->options &= ~(LWS_SERVER_OPTION_UNIX_SOCK);
- return 0;
- case LEJPVP_STS:
- if (arg_to_bool(ctx->buf))
- a->info->options |= LWS_SERVER_OPTION_STS;
- else
- a->info->options &= ~(LWS_SERVER_OPTION_STS);
- return 0;
- a->info->ssl_private_key_filepath = a->p;
- break;
- a->info->ssl_cert_filepath = a->p;
- break;
- a->info->ssl_ca_filepath = a->p;
- break;
- a->info->log_filepath = a->p;
- break;
- a->m.mountpoint = a->p;
- a->m.mountpoint_len = (unsigned char)strlen(ctx->buf);
- break;
- if (!strncmp(ctx->buf, "callback://", 11))
- a->m.protocol = a->p + 11;
- if (!a->m.origin)
- a->m.origin = a->p;
- break;
- a->m.def = a->p;
- break;
- a->m.auth_mask = atoi(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- a->m.cache_max_age = atoi(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- a->m.cache_reusable = arg_to_bool(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- a->m.cache_revalidate = arg_to_bool(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- a->m.cache_intermediaries = arg_to_bool(ctx->buf);;
- return 0;
- a->m.basic_auth_login_file = a->p;
- break;
- a->m.cgi_timeout = atoi(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- a->info->keepalive_timeout = atoi(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS)
- a->info->client_ssl_cipher_list = a->p;
- break;
- a->info->ssl_cipher_list = a->p;
- break;
- a->info->tls1_3_plus_cipher_list = a->p;
- break;
- a->info->client_tls_1_3_plus_cipher_list = a->p;
- break;
- a->info->ecdh_curve = a->p;
- break;
- case LEJPVP_PMO:
- mp_cgienv = lwsws_align(a);
- a->p += sizeof(*a->m.cgienv);
- mp_cgienv->next = a->m.cgienv;
- a->m.cgienv = mp_cgienv;
- n = lejp_get_wildcard(ctx, 0, a->p, lws_ptr_diff(a->end, a->p));
- mp_cgienv->name = a->p;
- a->p += n;
- mp_cgienv->value = a->p;
- mp_cgienv->options = NULL;
- //lwsl_notice(" adding pmo / cgi-env '%s' = '%s'\n",
- // mp_cgienv->name, mp_cgienv->value);
- goto dostring;
- /* this catches, eg,
- * vhosts[].ws-protocols[].xxx-protocol.yyy-option
- * ie, these are options attached to a protocol with { }
- */
- pvo = lwsws_align(a);
- a->p += sizeof(*a->pvo);
- n = lejp_get_wildcard(ctx, 1, a->p, lws_ptr_diff(a->end, a->p));
- /* ie, enable this protocol, no options yet */
- pvo->next = a->pvo->options;
- a->pvo->options = pvo;
- pvo->name = a->p;
- a->p += n;
- pvo->value = a->p;
- pvo->options = NULL;
- break;
- a->pvo_em = lwsws_align(a);
- a->p += sizeof(*a->pvo_em);
- n = lejp_get_wildcard(ctx, 0, a->p, lws_ptr_diff(a->end, a->p));
- /* ie, enable this protocol, no options yet */
- a->pvo_em->next = a->m.extra_mimetypes;
- a->m.extra_mimetypes = a->pvo_em;
- a->pvo_em->name = a->p;
- lwsl_notice(" + extra-mimetypes %s -> %s\n", a->p, ctx->buf);
- a->p += n;
- a->pvo_em->value = a->p;
- a->pvo_em->options = NULL;
- break;
- a->pvo_int = lwsws_align(a);
- a->p += sizeof(*a->pvo_int);
- n = lejp_get_wildcard(ctx, 0, a->p, lws_ptr_diff(a->end, a->p));
- /* ie, enable this protocol, no options yet */
- a->pvo_int->next = a->m.interpret;
- a->m.interpret = a->pvo_int;
- a->pvo_int->name = a->p;
- lwsl_notice(" adding interpret %s -> %s\n", a->p,
- ctx->buf);
- a->p += n;
- a->pvo_int->value = a->p;
- a->pvo_int->options = NULL;
- break;
- a->enable_client_ssl = arg_to_bool(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS)
- a->info->client_ssl_private_key_filepath = a->p;
- break;
- a->info->client_ssl_cert_filepath = a->p;
- break;
- a->info->client_ssl_ca_filepath = a->p;
- break;
- if (arg_to_bool(ctx->buf))
- a->info->options |= LWS_SERVER_OPTION_DISABLE_IPV6;
- else
- a->info->options &= ~(LWS_SERVER_OPTION_DISABLE_IPV6);
- return 0;
- if (arg_to_bool(ctx->buf))
- a->info->options |= LWS_SERVER_OPTION_ONLY_RAW;
- else
- a->info->options &= ~(LWS_SERVER_OPTION_ONLY_RAW);
- return 0;
- a->info->options |= LWS_SERVER_OPTION_IPV6_V6ONLY_MODIFY;
- if (arg_to_bool(ctx->buf))
- a->info->options |= LWS_SERVER_OPTION_IPV6_V6ONLY_VALUE;
- else
- a->info->options &= ~(LWS_SERVER_OPTION_IPV6_V6ONLY_VALUE);
- return 0;
- if (arg_to_bool(ctx->buf))
- a->info->options |=
- return 0;
- if (arg_to_bool(ctx->buf))
- else
- return 0;
- if (arg_to_bool(ctx->buf))
- a->info->options |=
- else
- a->info->options &=
- return 0;
- a->info->error_document_404 = a->p;
- break;
- a->info->ssl_options_set |= atol(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- a->info->ssl_options_clear |= atol(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- a->info->ssl_client_options_set |= atol(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- a->info->ssl_client_options_clear |= atol(ctx->buf);
- return 0;
- a->info->alpn = a->p;
- break;
- default:
- return 0;
- }
- p = ctx->buf;
- p[LEJP_STRING_CHUNK] = '\0';
- p1 = strstr(p, ESC_INSTALL_DATADIR);
- if (p1) {
- n = lws_ptr_diff(p1, p);
- if (n > a->end - a->p)
- n = lws_ptr_diff(a->end, a->p);
- lws_strncpy(a->p, p, n + 1);
- a->p += n;
- a->p += lws_snprintf(a->p, a->end - a->p, "%s",
- p += n + strlen(ESC_INSTALL_DATADIR);
- }
- a->p += lws_snprintf(a->p, a->end - a->p, "%s", p);
- if (reason == LEJPCB_VAL_STR_END)
- *(a->p)++ = '\0';
- return 0;
- * returns 0 = OK, 1 = can't open, 2 = parsing error
- */
-static int
-lwsws_get_config(void *user, const char *f, const char * const *paths,
- int count_paths, lejp_callback cb)
- unsigned char buf[128];
- struct lejp_ctx ctx;
- int n, m, fd;
- fd = lws_open(f, O_RDONLY);
- if (fd < 0) {
- lwsl_err("Cannot open %s\n", f);
- return 2;
- }
- lwsl_info("%s: %s\n", __func__, f);
- lejp_construct(&ctx, cb, user, paths, count_paths);
- do {
- n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (!n)
- break;
- m = (int)(signed char)lejp_parse(&ctx, buf, n);
- } while (m == LEJP_CONTINUE);
- close(fd);
- n = ctx.line;
- lejp_destruct(&ctx);
- if (m < 0) {
- lwsl_err("%s(%u): parsing error %d: %s\n", f, n, m,
- parser_errs[-m]);
- return 2;
- }
- return 0;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_LIBUV) && UV_VERSION_MAJOR > 0
-static int
-lwsws_get_config_d(void *user, const char *d, const char * const *paths,
- int count_paths, lejp_callback cb)
- uv_dirent_t dent;
- uv_fs_t req;
- char path[256];
- int ret = 0, ir;
- uv_loop_t loop;
- ir = uv_loop_init(&loop);
- if (ir) {
- lwsl_err("%s: loop init failed %d\n", __func__, ir);
- }
- if (!uv_fs_scandir(&loop, &req, d, 0, NULL)) {
- lwsl_err("Scandir on %s failed\n", d);
- return 2;
- }
- while (uv_fs_scandir_next(&req, &dent) != UV_EOF) {
- lws_snprintf(path, sizeof(path) - 1, "%s/%s", d,;
- ret = lwsws_get_config(user, path, paths, count_paths, cb);
- if (ret)
- goto bail;
- }
- uv_fs_req_cleanup(&req);
- while (uv_loop_close(&loop))
- ;
- return ret;
-#ifndef _WIN32
-static int filter(const struct dirent *ent)
- if (!strcmp(ent->d_name, ".") || !strcmp(ent->d_name, ".."))
- return 0;
- return 1;
-static int
-lwsws_get_config_d(void *user, const char *d, const char * const *paths,
- int count_paths, lejp_callback cb)
-#if !defined(_WIN32) && !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32)
- struct dirent **namelist;
- char path[256];
- int n, i, ret = 0;
- n = scandir(d, &namelist, filter, alphasort);
- if (n < 0) {
- lwsl_err("Scandir on %s failed\n", d);
- return 1;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
- if (strchr(namelist[i]->d_name, '~'))
- goto skip;
- lws_snprintf(path, sizeof(path) - 1, "%s/%s", d,
- namelist[i]->d_name);
- ret = lwsws_get_config(user, path, paths, count_paths, cb);
- if (ret) {
- while (i++ < n)
- free(namelist[i]);
- goto bail;
- }
- free(namelist[i]);
- }
- free(namelist);
- return ret;
- return 0;
-lwsws_get_config_globals(struct lws_context_creation_info *info, const char *d,
- char **cs, int *len)
- struct jpargs a;
- const char * const *old = info->plugin_dirs;
- char dd[128];
- memset(&a, 0, sizeof(a));
- = info;
- a.p = *cs;
- a.end = (a.p + *len) - 1;
- a.valid = 0;
- lwsws_align(&a);
- info->plugin_dirs = (void *)a.p;
- a.plugin_dirs = (void *)a.p; /* writeable version */
- a.p += MAX_PLUGIN_DIRS * sizeof(void *);
- /* copy any default paths */
- while (old && *old) {
- a.plugin_dirs[a.count_plugin_dirs++] = *old;
- old++;
- }
- lws_snprintf(dd, sizeof(dd) - 1, "%s/conf", d);
- if (lwsws_get_config(&a, dd, paths_global,
- LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(paths_global), lejp_globals_cb) > 1)
- return 1;
- lws_snprintf(dd, sizeof(dd) - 1, "%s/conf.d", d);
- if (lwsws_get_config_d(&a, dd, paths_global,
- LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(paths_global),
- lejp_globals_cb) > 1)
- return 1;
- a.plugin_dirs[a.count_plugin_dirs] = NULL;
- *cs = a.p;
- *len = lws_ptr_diff(a.end, a.p);
- return 0;
-lwsws_get_config_vhosts(struct lws_context *context,
- struct lws_context_creation_info *info, const char *d,
- char **cs, int *len)
- struct jpargs a;
- char dd[128];
- memset(&a, 0, sizeof(a));
- = info;
- a.p = *cs;
- a.end = a.p + *len;
- a.valid = 0;
- a.context = context;
- a.protocols = info->protocols;
- a.extensions = info->extensions;
- lws_snprintf(dd, sizeof(dd) - 1, "%s/conf", d);
- if (lwsws_get_config(&a, dd, paths_vhosts,
- LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(paths_vhosts), lejp_vhosts_cb) > 1)
- return 1;
- lws_snprintf(dd, sizeof(dd) - 1, "%s/conf.d", d);
- if (lwsws_get_config_d(&a, dd, paths_vhosts,
- LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(paths_vhosts), lejp_vhosts_cb) > 1)
- return 1;
- *cs = a.p;
- *len = lws_ptr_diff(a.end, a.p);
- if (!a.any_vhosts) {
- lwsl_err("Need at least one vhost\n");
- return 1;
- }
-// lws_finalize_startup(context);
- return 0;
diff --git a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/server/parsers.c b/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/server/parsers.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 641e9b8dac..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/server/parsers.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1168 +0,0 @@
- * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Andy Green <>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation:
- * version 2.1 of the License.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- * MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-#include "core/private.h"
-static const unsigned char lextable[] = {
- #include "../lextable.h"
-#define FAIL_CHAR 0x08
-static struct allocated_headers *
-_lws_create_ah(struct lws_context_per_thread *pt, ah_data_idx_t data_size)
- struct allocated_headers *ah = lws_zalloc(sizeof(*ah), "ah struct");
- if (!ah)
- return NULL;
- ah->data = lws_malloc(data_size, "ah data");
- if (!ah->data) {
- lws_free(ah);
- return NULL;
- }
- ah->next = pt->http.ah_list;
- pt->http.ah_list = ah;
- ah->data_length = data_size;
- pt->http.ah_pool_length++;
- lwsl_info("%s: created ah %p (size %d): pool length %d\n", __func__,
- ah, (int)data_size, pt->http.ah_pool_length);
- return ah;
-_lws_destroy_ah(struct lws_context_per_thread *pt, struct allocated_headers *ah)
- lws_start_foreach_llp(struct allocated_headers **, a, pt->http.ah_list) {
- if ((*a) == ah) {
- *a = ah->next;
- pt->http.ah_pool_length--;
- lwsl_info("%s: freed ah %p : pool length %d\n",
- __func__, ah, pt->http.ah_pool_length);
- if (ah->data)
- lws_free(ah->data);
- lws_free(ah);
- return 0;
- }
- } lws_end_foreach_llp(a, next);
- return 1;
-_lws_header_table_reset(struct allocated_headers *ah)
- /* init the ah to reflect no headers or data have appeared yet */
- memset(ah->frag_index, 0, sizeof(ah->frag_index));
- memset(ah->frags, 0, sizeof(ah->frags));
- ah->nfrag = 0;
- ah->pos = 0;
- ah->http_response = 0;
- ah->parser_state = WSI_TOKEN_NAME_PART;
- ah->lextable_pos = 0;
-// doesn't scrub the ah rxbuffer by default, parent must do if needed
-__lws_header_table_reset(struct lws *wsi, int autoservice)
- struct allocated_headers *ah = wsi->http.ah;
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt;
- struct lws_pollfd *pfd;
- /* if we have the idea we're resetting 'our' ah, must be bound to one */
- assert(ah);
- /* ah also concurs with ownership */
- assert(ah->wsi == wsi);
- _lws_header_table_reset(ah);
- /* since we will restart the ah, our new headers are not completed */
- wsi->hdr_parsing_completed = 0;
- /* while we hold the ah, keep a timeout on the wsi */
- __lws_set_timeout(wsi, PENDING_TIMEOUT_HOLDING_AH,
- wsi->vhost->timeout_secs_ah_idle);
- time(&ah->assigned);
- if (wsi->position_in_fds_table != LWS_NO_FDS_POS &&
- lws_buflist_next_segment_len(&wsi->buflist, NULL) &&
- autoservice) {
- lwsl_debug("%s: service on readbuf ah\n", __func__);
- pt = &wsi->context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- /*
- * Unlike a normal connect, we have the headers already
- * (or the first part of them anyway)
- */
- pfd = &pt->fds[wsi->position_in_fds_table];
- pfd->revents |= LWS_POLLIN;
- lwsl_err("%s: calling service\n", __func__);
- lws_service_fd_tsi(wsi->context, pfd, wsi->tsi);
- }
-lws_header_table_reset(struct lws *wsi, int autoservice)
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &wsi->context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- lws_pt_lock(pt, __func__);
- __lws_header_table_reset(wsi, autoservice);
- lws_pt_unlock(pt);
-static void
-_lws_header_ensure_we_are_on_waiting_list(struct lws *wsi)
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &wsi->context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- struct lws_pollargs pa;
- struct lws **pwsi = &pt->http.ah_wait_list;
- while (*pwsi) {
- if (*pwsi == wsi)
- return;
- pwsi = &(*pwsi)->http.ah_wait_list;
- }
- lwsl_info("%s: wsi: %p\n", __func__, wsi);
- wsi->http.ah_wait_list = pt->http.ah_wait_list;
- pt->http.ah_wait_list = wsi;
- pt->http.ah_wait_list_length++;
- /* we cannot accept input then */
- _lws_change_pollfd(wsi, LWS_POLLIN, 0, &pa);
-static int
-__lws_remove_from_ah_waiting_list(struct lws *wsi)
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &wsi->context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- struct lws **pwsi =&pt->http.ah_wait_list;
- while (*pwsi) {
- if (*pwsi == wsi) {
- lwsl_info("%s: wsi %p\n", __func__, wsi);
- /* point prev guy to our next */
- *pwsi = wsi->http.ah_wait_list;
- /* we shouldn't point anywhere now */
- wsi->http.ah_wait_list = NULL;
- pt->http.ah_wait_list_length--;
- return 1;
- }
- pwsi = &(*pwsi)->http.ah_wait_list;
- }
- return 0;
-lws_header_table_attach(struct lws *wsi, int autoservice)
- struct lws_context *context = wsi->context;
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- struct lws_pollargs pa;
- int n;
- lwsl_info("%s: wsi %p: ah %p (tsi %d, count = %d) in\n", __func__,
- (void *)wsi, (void *)wsi->http.ah, wsi->tsi,
- pt->http.ah_count_in_use);
- lws_pt_lock(pt, __func__);
- /* if we are already bound to one, just clear it down */
- if (wsi->http.ah) {
- lwsl_info("%s: cleardown\n", __func__);
- goto reset;
- }
- n = pt->http.ah_count_in_use == context->max_http_header_pool;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_PEER_LIMITS)
- if (!n) {
- n = lws_peer_confirm_ah_attach_ok(context, wsi->peer);
- if (n)
- lws_stats_atomic_bump(wsi->context, pt,
- }
- if (n) {
- /*
- * Pool is either all busy, or we don't want to give this
- * particular guy an ah right now...
- *
- * Make sure we are on the waiting list, and return that we
- * weren't able to provide the ah
- */
- _lws_header_ensure_we_are_on_waiting_list(wsi);
- goto bail;
- }
- __lws_remove_from_ah_waiting_list(wsi);
- wsi->http.ah = _lws_create_ah(pt, context->max_http_header_data);
- if (!wsi->http.ah) { /* we could not create an ah */
- _lws_header_ensure_we_are_on_waiting_list(wsi);
- goto bail;
- }
- wsi->http.ah->in_use = 1;
- wsi->http.ah->wsi = wsi; /* mark our owner */
- pt->http.ah_count_in_use++;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_PEER_LIMITS) && (defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || \
- defined(LWS_ROLE_H2))
- lws_context_lock(context, "ah attach"); /* <========================= */
- if (wsi->peer)
- wsi->peer->http.count_ah++;
- lws_context_unlock(context); /* ====================================> */
- _lws_change_pollfd(wsi, 0, LWS_POLLIN, &pa);
- lwsl_info("%s: did attach wsi %p: ah %p: count %d (on exit)\n", __func__,
- (void *)wsi, (void *)wsi->http.ah, pt->http.ah_count_in_use);
- __lws_header_table_reset(wsi, autoservice);
- lws_pt_unlock(pt);
-#ifndef LWS_NO_CLIENT
- if (lwsi_role_client(wsi) && lwsi_state(wsi) == LRS_UNCONNECTED)
- if (!lws_http_client_connect_via_info2(wsi))
- /* our client connect has failed, the wsi
- * has been closed
- */
- return -1;
- return 0;
- lws_pt_unlock(pt);
- return 1;
-int __lws_header_table_detach(struct lws *wsi, int autoservice)
- struct lws_context *context = wsi->context;
- struct allocated_headers *ah = wsi->http.ah;
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- struct lws_pollargs pa;
- struct lws **pwsi, **pwsi_eligible;
- time_t now;
- __lws_remove_from_ah_waiting_list(wsi);
- if (!ah)
- return 0;
- lwsl_info("%s: wsi %p: ah %p (tsi=%d, count = %d)\n", __func__,
- (void *)wsi, (void *)ah, wsi->tsi,
- pt->http.ah_count_in_use);
- /* we did have an ah attached */
- time(&now);
- if (ah->assigned && now - ah->assigned > 3) {
- /*
- * we're detaching the ah, but it was held an
- * unreasonably long time
- */
- lwsl_debug("%s: wsi %p: ah held %ds, role/state 0x%x 0x%x,"
- "\n", __func__, wsi, (int)(now - ah->assigned),
- lwsi_role(wsi), lwsi_state(wsi));
- }
- ah->assigned = 0;
- /* if we think we're detaching one, there should be one in use */
- assert(pt->http.ah_count_in_use > 0);
- /* and this specific one should have been in use */
- assert(ah->in_use);
- memset(&wsi->http.ah, 0, sizeof(wsi->http.ah));
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_PEER_LIMITS)
- if (ah->wsi)
- lws_peer_track_ah_detach(context, wsi->peer);
- ah->wsi = NULL; /* no owner */
- pwsi = &pt->http.ah_wait_list;
- /* oh there is nobody on the waiting list... leave the ah unattached */
- if (!*pwsi)
- goto nobody_usable_waiting;
- /*
- * at least one wsi on the same tsi is waiting, give it to oldest guy
- * who is allowed to take it (if any)
- */
- lwsl_info("pt wait list %p\n", *pwsi);
- wsi = NULL;
- pwsi_eligible = NULL;
- while (*pwsi) {
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_PEER_LIMITS)
- /* are we willing to give this guy an ah? */
- if (!lws_peer_confirm_ah_attach_ok(context, (*pwsi)->peer))
- {
- wsi = *pwsi;
- pwsi_eligible = pwsi;
- }
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_PEER_LIMITS)
- else
- if (!(*pwsi)->http.ah_wait_list)
- lws_stats_atomic_bump(context, pt,
- pwsi = &(*pwsi)->http.ah_wait_list;
- }
- if (!wsi) /* everybody waiting already has too many ah... */
- goto nobody_usable_waiting;
- lwsl_info("%s: transferring ah to last eligible wsi in wait list "
- "%p (wsistate 0x%x)\n", __func__, wsi, wsi->wsistate);
- wsi->http.ah = ah;
- ah->wsi = wsi; /* new owner */
- __lws_header_table_reset(wsi, autoservice);
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_PEER_LIMITS) && (defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || \
- defined(LWS_ROLE_H2))
- lws_context_lock(context, "ah detach"); /* <========================= */
- if (wsi->peer)
- wsi->peer->http.count_ah++;
- lws_context_unlock(context); /* ====================================> */
- /* clients acquire the ah and then insert themselves in fds table... */
- if (wsi->position_in_fds_table != LWS_NO_FDS_POS) {
- lwsl_info("%s: Enabling %p POLLIN\n", __func__, wsi);
- /* he has been stuck waiting for an ah, but now his wait is
- * over, let him progress */
- _lws_change_pollfd(wsi, 0, LWS_POLLIN, &pa);
- }
- /* point prev guy to next guy in list instead */
- *pwsi_eligible = wsi->http.ah_wait_list;
- /* the guy who got one is out of the list */
- wsi->http.ah_wait_list = NULL;
- pt->http.ah_wait_list_length--;
-#ifndef LWS_NO_CLIENT
- if (lwsi_role_client(wsi) && lwsi_state(wsi) == LRS_UNCONNECTED) {
- lws_pt_unlock(pt);
- if (!lws_http_client_connect_via_info2(wsi)) {
- /* our client connect has failed, the wsi
- * has been closed
- */
- return -1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- assert(!!pt->http.ah_wait_list_length ==
- !!(lws_intptr_t)pt->http.ah_wait_list);
- lwsl_info("%s: wsi %p: ah %p (tsi=%d, count = %d)\n", __func__,
- (void *)wsi, (void *)ah, pt->tid, pt->http.ah_count_in_use);
- return 0;
- lwsl_info("%s: nobody usable waiting\n", __func__);
- _lws_destroy_ah(pt, ah);
- pt->http.ah_count_in_use--;
- goto bail;
-int lws_header_table_detach(struct lws *wsi, int autoservice)
- struct lws_context *context = wsi->context;
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- int n;
- lws_pt_lock(pt, __func__);
- n = __lws_header_table_detach(wsi, autoservice);
- lws_pt_unlock(pt);
- return n;
-lws_hdr_fragment_length(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_token_indexes h, int frag_idx)
- int n;
- if (!wsi->http.ah)
- return 0;
- n = wsi->http.ah->frag_index[h];
- if (!n)
- return 0;
- do {
- if (!frag_idx)
- return wsi->http.ah->frags[n].len;
- n = wsi->http.ah->frags[n].nfrag;
- } while (frag_idx-- && n);
- return 0;
-LWS_VISIBLE int lws_hdr_total_length(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_token_indexes h)
- int n;
- int len = 0;
- if (!wsi->http.ah)
- return 0;
- n = wsi->http.ah->frag_index[h];
- if (!n)
- return 0;
- do {
- len += wsi->http.ah->frags[n].len;
- n = wsi->http.ah->frags[n].nfrag;
- if (n && h != WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_COOKIE)
- ++len;
- } while (n);
- return len;
-LWS_VISIBLE int lws_hdr_copy_fragment(struct lws *wsi, char *dst, int len,
- enum lws_token_indexes h, int frag_idx)
- int n = 0;
- int f;
- if (!wsi->http.ah)
- return -1;
- f = wsi->http.ah->frag_index[h];
- if (!f)
- return -1;
- while (n < frag_idx) {
- f = wsi->http.ah->frags[f].nfrag;
- if (!f)
- return -1;
- n++;
- }
- if (wsi->http.ah->frags[f].len >= len)
- return -1;
- memcpy(dst, wsi->http.ah->data + wsi->http.ah->frags[f].offset,
- wsi->http.ah->frags[f].len);
- dst[wsi->http.ah->frags[f].len] = '\0';
- return wsi->http.ah->frags[f].len;
-LWS_VISIBLE int lws_hdr_copy(struct lws *wsi, char *dst, int len,
- enum lws_token_indexes h)
- int toklen = lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, h);
- int n;
- int comma;
- *dst = '\0';
- if (!toklen)
- return 0;
- if (toklen >= len)
- return -1;
- if (!wsi->http.ah)
- return -1;
- n = wsi->http.ah->frag_index[h];
- if (!n)
- return 0;
- do {
- comma = (wsi->http.ah->frags[n].nfrag &&
- h != WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_COOKIE) ? 1 : 0;
- if (wsi->http.ah->frags[n].len + comma >= len)
- return -1;
- strncpy(dst, &wsi->http.ah->data[wsi->http.ah->frags[n].offset],
- wsi->http.ah->frags[n].len);
- dst += wsi->http.ah->frags[n].len;
- len -= wsi->http.ah->frags[n].len;
- n = wsi->http.ah->frags[n].nfrag;
- if (comma)
- *dst++ = ',';
- } while (n);
- *dst = '\0';
- return toklen;
-char *lws_hdr_simple_ptr(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_token_indexes h)
- int n;
- if (!wsi->http.ah)
- return NULL;
- n = wsi->http.ah->frag_index[h];
- if (!n)
- return NULL;
- return wsi->http.ah->data + wsi->http.ah->frags[n].offset;
-lws_pos_in_bounds(struct lws *wsi)
- if (!wsi->http.ah)
- return -1;
- if (wsi->http.ah->pos <
- (unsigned int)wsi->context->max_http_header_data)
- return 0;
- if ((int)wsi->http.ah->pos == wsi->context->max_http_header_data) {
- lwsl_err("Ran out of header data space\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * with these tests everywhere, it should never be able to exceed
- * the limit, only meet it
- */
- lwsl_err("%s: pos %d, limit %d\n", __func__, wsi->http.ah->pos,
- wsi->context->max_http_header_data);
- assert(0);
- return 1;
-lws_hdr_simple_create(struct lws *wsi, enum lws_token_indexes h, const char *s)
- wsi->http.ah->nfrag++;
- if (wsi->http.ah->nfrag == LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(wsi->http.ah->frags)) {
- lwsl_warn("More hdr frags than we can deal with, dropping\n");
- return -1;
- }
- wsi->http.ah->frag_index[h] = wsi->http.ah->nfrag;
- wsi->http.ah->frags[wsi->http.ah->nfrag].offset = wsi->http.ah->pos;
- wsi->http.ah->frags[wsi->http.ah->nfrag].len = 0;
- wsi->http.ah->frags[wsi->http.ah->nfrag].nfrag = 0;
- do {
- if (lws_pos_in_bounds(wsi))
- return -1;
- wsi->http.ah->data[wsi->http.ah->pos++] = *s;
- if (*s)
- wsi->http.ah->frags[wsi->http.ah->nfrag].len++;
- } while (*s++);
- return 0;
-issue_char(struct lws *wsi, unsigned char c)
- unsigned short frag_len;
- if (lws_pos_in_bounds(wsi))
- return -1;
- frag_len = wsi->http.ah->frags[wsi->http.ah->nfrag].len;
- /*
- * If we haven't hit the token limit, just copy the character into
- * the header
- */
- if (!wsi->http.ah->current_token_limit ||
- frag_len < wsi->http.ah->current_token_limit) {
- wsi->http.ah->data[wsi->http.ah->pos++] = c;
- if (c)
- wsi->http.ah->frags[wsi->http.ah->nfrag].len++;
- return 0;
- }
- /* Insert a null character when we *hit* the limit: */
- if (frag_len == wsi->http.ah->current_token_limit) {
- if (lws_pos_in_bounds(wsi))
- return -1;
- wsi->http.ah->data[wsi->http.ah->pos++] = '\0';
- lwsl_warn("header %i exceeds limit %d\n",
- wsi->http.ah->parser_state,
- wsi->http.ah->current_token_limit);
- }
- return 1;
-lws_parse_urldecode(struct lws *wsi, uint8_t *_c)
- struct allocated_headers *ah = wsi->http.ah;
- unsigned int enc = 0;
- uint8_t c = *_c;
- // lwsl_notice("ah->ups %d\n", ah->ups);
- /*
- * special URI processing... convert %xx
- */
- switch (ah->ues) {
- case URIES_IDLE:
- if (c == '%') {
- goto swallow;
- }
- break;
- if (char_to_hex(c) < 0)
- /* illegal post-% char */
- goto forbid;
- ah->esc_stash = c;
- ah->ues = URIES_SEEN_PERCENT_H1;
- goto swallow;
- if (char_to_hex(c) < 0)
- /* illegal post-% char */
- goto forbid;
- *_c = (char_to_hex(ah->esc_stash) << 4) |
- char_to_hex(c);
- c = *_c;
- enc = 1;
- ah->ues = URIES_IDLE;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * special URI processing...
- * convert /.. or /... or /../ etc to /
- * convert /./ to /
- * convert // or /// etc to /
- * leave /.dir or whatever alone
- */
- switch (ah->ups) {
- case URIPS_IDLE:
- if (!c)
- return -1;
- /* genuine delimiter */
- if ((c == '&' || c == ';') && !enc) {
- if (issue_char(wsi, '\0') < 0)
- return -1;
- /* link to next fragment */
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].nfrag = ah->nfrag + 1;
- ah->nfrag++;
- if (ah->nfrag >= LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(ah->frags))
- goto excessive;
- /* start next fragment after the & */
- ah->post_literal_equal = 0;
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].offset = ++ah->pos;
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].len = 0;
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].nfrag = 0;
- goto swallow;
- }
- /* uriencoded = in the name part, disallow */
- if (c == '=' && enc &&
- ah->frag_index[WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_URI_ARGS] &&
- !ah->post_literal_equal) {
- c = '_';
- *_c =c;
- }
- /* after the real =, we don't care how many = */
- if (c == '=' && !enc)
- ah->post_literal_equal = 1;
- /* + to space */
- if (c == '+' && !enc) {
- c = ' ';
- *_c = c;
- }
- /* issue the first / always */
- if (c == '/' && !ah->frag_index[WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_URI_ARGS])
- ah->ups = URIPS_SEEN_SLASH;
- break;
- /* swallow subsequent slashes */
- if (c == '/')
- goto swallow;
- /* track and swallow the first . after / */
- if (c == '.') {
- goto swallow;
- }
- ah->ups = URIPS_IDLE;
- break;
- /* swallow second . */
- if (c == '.') {
- goto swallow;
- }
- /* change /./ to / */
- if (c == '/') {
- ah->ups = URIPS_SEEN_SLASH;
- goto swallow;
- }
- /* it was like /.dir ... regurgitate the . */
- ah->ups = URIPS_IDLE;
- if (issue_char(wsi, '.') < 0)
- return -1;
- break;
- /* /../ or /..[End of URI] --> backup to last / */
- if (c == '/' || c == '?') {
- /*
- * back up one dir level if possible
- * safe against header fragmentation because
- * the method URI can only be in 1 fragment
- */
- if (ah->frags[ah->nfrag].len > 2) {
- ah->pos--;
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].len--;
- do {
- ah->pos--;
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].len--;
- } while (ah->frags[ah->nfrag].len > 1 &&
- ah->data[ah->pos] != '/');
- }
- ah->ups = URIPS_SEEN_SLASH;
- if (ah->frags[ah->nfrag].len > 1)
- break;
- goto swallow;
- }
- /* /..[^/] ... regurgitate and allow */
- if (issue_char(wsi, '.') < 0)
- return -1;
- if (issue_char(wsi, '.') < 0)
- return -1;
- ah->ups = URIPS_IDLE;
- break;
- }
- if (c == '?' && !enc &&
- !ah->frag_index[WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_URI_ARGS]) { /* start of URI args */
- if (ah->ues != URIES_IDLE)
- goto forbid;
- /* seal off uri header */
- if (issue_char(wsi, '\0') < 0)
- return -1;
- /* move to using WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_URI_ARGS */
- ah->nfrag++;
- if (ah->nfrag >= LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(ah->frags))
- goto excessive;
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].offset = ++ah->pos;
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].len = 0;
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].nfrag = 0;
- ah->post_literal_equal = 0;
- ah->frag_index[WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_URI_ARGS] = ah->nfrag;
- ah->ups = URIPS_IDLE;
- goto swallow;
- }
- return LPUR_SWALLOW;
- return LPUR_FORBID;
-static const unsigned char methods[] = {
- * possible returns:, -1 fail, 0 ok or 2, transition to raw
- */
-lws_parse(struct lws *wsi, unsigned char *buf, int *len)
- struct allocated_headers *ah = wsi->http.ah;
- struct lws_context *context = wsi->context;
- unsigned int n, m;
- unsigned char c;
- int r, pos;
- assert(wsi->http.ah);
- do {
- (*len)--;
- c = *buf++;
- switch (ah->parser_state) {
- default:
- lwsl_parser("WSI_TOK_(%d) '%c'\n", ah->parser_state, c);
- /* collect into malloc'd buffers */
- /* optional initial space swallow */
- if (!ah->frags[ah->frag_index[ah->parser_state]].len &&
- c == ' ')
- break;
- for (m = 0; m < LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(methods); m++)
- if (ah->parser_state == methods[m])
- break;
- if (m == LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(methods))
- /* it was not any of the methods */
- goto check_eol;
- /* special URI processing... end at space */
- if (c == ' ') {
- /* enforce starting with / */
- if (!ah->frags[ah->nfrag].len)
- if (issue_char(wsi, '/') < 0)
- return -1;
- if (ah->ups == URIPS_SEEN_SLASH_DOT_DOT) {
- /*
- * back up one dir level if possible
- * safe against header fragmentation
- * because the method URI can only be
- * in 1 fragment
- */
- if (ah->frags[ah->nfrag].len > 2) {
- ah->pos--;
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].len--;
- do {
- ah->pos--;
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].len--;
- } while (ah->frags[ah->nfrag].len > 1 &&
- ah->data[ah->pos] != '/');
- }
- }
- /* begin parsing HTTP version: */
- if (issue_char(wsi, '\0') < 0)
- return -1;
- ah->parser_state = WSI_TOKEN_HTTP;
- goto start_fragment;
- }
- r = lws_parse_urldecode(wsi, &c);
- switch (r) {
- break;
- goto swallow;
- goto forbid;
- goto excessive;
- default:
- return -1;
- }
- /* bail at EOL */
- if (ah->parser_state != WSI_TOKEN_CHALLENGE &&
- c == '\x0d') {
- if (ah->ues != URIES_IDLE)
- goto forbid;
- c = '\0';
- ah->parser_state = WSI_TOKEN_SKIPPING_SAW_CR;
- lwsl_parser("*\n");
- }
- n = issue_char(wsi, c);
- if ((int)n < 0)
- return -1;
- if (n > 0)
- ah->parser_state = WSI_TOKEN_SKIPPING;
- /* per-protocol end of headers management */
- if (ah->parser_state == WSI_TOKEN_CHALLENGE)
- goto set_parsing_complete;
- break;
- /* collecting and checking a name part */
- lwsl_parser("WSI_TOKEN_NAME_PART '%c' 0x%02X (role=0x%x) "
- "wsi->lextable_pos=%d\n", c, c, lwsi_role(wsi),
- ah->lextable_pos);
- if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z')
- c += 'a' - 'A';
- pos = ah->lextable_pos;
- while (1) {
- if (lextable[pos] & (1 << 7)) {
- /* 1-byte, fail on mismatch */
- if ((lextable[pos] & 0x7f) != c) {
- ah->lextable_pos = -1;
- break;
- }
- /* fall thru */
- pos++;
- if (lextable[pos] == FAIL_CHAR)
- goto nope;
- ah->lextable_pos = pos;
- break;
- }
- if (lextable[pos] == FAIL_CHAR)
- goto nope;
- /* b7 = 0, end or 3-byte */
- if (lextable[pos] < FAIL_CHAR) { /* term mark */
- ah->lextable_pos = pos;
- break;
- }
- if (lextable[pos] == c) { /* goto */
- ah->lextable_pos = pos +
- (lextable[pos + 1]) +
- (lextable[pos + 2] << 8);
- break;
- }
- /* fall thru goto */
- pos += 3;
- /* continue */
- }
- /*
- * If it's h1, server needs to look out for unknown
- * methods...
- */
- if (ah->lextable_pos < 0 && lwsi_role_h1(wsi) &&
- lwsi_role_server(wsi)) {
- /* this is not a header we know about */
- for (m = 0; m < LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(methods); m++)
- if (ah->frag_index[methods[m]]) {
- /*
- * already had the method, no idea what
- * this crap from the client is, ignore
- */
- ah->parser_state = WSI_TOKEN_SKIPPING;
- break;
- }
- /*
- * hm it's an unknown http method from a client in fact,
- * it cannot be valid http
- */
- if (m == LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(methods)) {
- /*
- * are we set up to accept raw in these cases?
- */
- if (lws_check_opt(wsi->vhost->options,
- return 2; /* transition to raw */
- lwsl_info("Unknown method - dropping\n");
- goto forbid;
- }
- break;
- }
- /*
- * ...otherwise for a client, let him ignore unknown headers
- * coming from the server
- */
- if (ah->lextable_pos < 0) {
- ah->parser_state = WSI_TOKEN_SKIPPING;
- break;
- }
- if (lextable[ah->lextable_pos] < FAIL_CHAR) {
- /* terminal state */
- n = ((unsigned int)lextable[ah->lextable_pos] << 8) |
- lextable[ah->lextable_pos + 1];
- lwsl_parser("known hdr %d\n", n);
- for (m = 0; m < LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(methods); m++)
- if (n == methods[m] &&
- ah->frag_index[methods[m]]) {
- lwsl_warn("Duplicated method\n");
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- * WSORIGIN is protocol equiv to ORIGIN,
- * JWebSocket likes to send it, map to ORIGIN
- */
- ah->parser_state = (enum lws_token_indexes)
- ah->ups = URIPS_IDLE;
- if (context->token_limits)
- ah->current_token_limit = context->
- token_limits->token_limit[
- ah->parser_state];
- else
- ah->current_token_limit =
- wsi->context->max_http_header_data;
- if (ah->parser_state == WSI_TOKEN_CHALLENGE)
- goto set_parsing_complete;
- goto start_fragment;
- }
- break;
- ah->nfrag++;
- if (ah->nfrag == LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(ah->frags)) {
- lwsl_warn("More hdr frags than we can deal with\n");
- return -1;
- }
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].offset = ah->pos;
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].len = 0;
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].nfrag = 0;
- ah->frags[ah->nfrag].flags = 2;
- n = ah->frag_index[ah->parser_state];
- if (!n) { /* first fragment */
- ah->frag_index[ah->parser_state] = ah->nfrag;
- ah->hdr_token_idx = ah->parser_state;
- break;
- }
- /* continuation */
- while (ah->frags[n].nfrag)
- n = ah->frags[n].nfrag;
- ah->frags[n].nfrag = ah->nfrag;
- if (issue_char(wsi, ' ') < 0)
- return -1;
- break;
- /* skipping arg part of a name we didn't recognize */
- lwsl_parser("WSI_TOKEN_SKIPPING '%c'\n", c);
- if (c == '\x0d')
- ah->parser_state = WSI_TOKEN_SKIPPING_SAW_CR;
- break;
- lwsl_parser("WSI_TOKEN_SKIPPING_SAW_CR '%c'\n", c);
- if (ah->ues != URIES_IDLE)
- goto forbid;
- if (c == '\x0a') {
- ah->parser_state = WSI_TOKEN_NAME_PART;
- ah->lextable_pos = 0;
- } else
- ah->parser_state = WSI_TOKEN_SKIPPING;
- break;
- /* we're done, ignore anything else */
- lwsl_parser("WSI_PARSING_COMPLETE '%c'\n", c);
- break;
- }
- } while (*len);
- return 0;
- if (ah->ues != URIES_IDLE)
- goto forbid;
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_UPGRADE)) {
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_VERSION))
- wsi->rx_frame_type = /* temp for ws version index */
- atoi(lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_VERSION));
- lwsl_parser("v%02d hdrs done\n", wsi->rx_frame_type);
- }
- ah->parser_state = WSI_PARSING_COMPLETE;
- wsi->hdr_parsing_completed = 1;
- return 0;
- lwsl_notice(" forbidding on uri sanitation\n");
- lws_return_http_status(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN, NULL);
- return -1;
diff --git a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/server/server.c b/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/server/server.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 729315602c..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/libwebsockets/lib/roles/http/server/server.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2743 +0,0 @@
- * libwebsockets - small server side websockets and web server implementation
- *
- * Copyright (C) 2010-2018 Andy Green <>
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation:
- * version 2.1 of the License.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
- * MA 02110-1301 USA
- */
-#include "core/private.h"
-const char * const method_names[] = {
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_HTTP2
- ":path",
- };
-static const char * const intermediates[] = { "private", "public" };
- * return 0: all done
- * 1: nonfatal error
- * <0: fatal error
- *
- */
-_lws_vhost_init_server(const struct lws_context_creation_info *info,
- struct lws_vhost *vhost)
- int n, opt = 1, limit = 1;
- lws_sockfd_type sockfd;
- struct lws_vhost *vh;
- struct lws *wsi;
- int m = 0, is;
- (void)method_names;
- (void)opt;
- if (info) {
- vhost->iface = info->iface;
- vhost->listen_port = info->port;
- }
- /* set up our external listening socket we serve on */
- if (vhost->listen_port == CONTEXT_PORT_NO_LISTEN ||
- vhost->listen_port == CONTEXT_PORT_NO_LISTEN_SERVER)
- return 0;
- vh = vhost->context->vhost_list;
- while (vh) {
- if (vh->listen_port == vhost->listen_port) {
- if (((!vhost->iface && !vh->iface) ||
- (vhost->iface && vh->iface &&
- !strcmp(vhost->iface, vh->iface))) &&
- vh->lserv_wsi
- ) {
- lwsl_notice(" using listen skt from vhost %s\n",
- vh->name);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- vh = vh->vhost_next;
- }
- if (vhost->iface) {
- /*
- * let's check before we do anything else about the disposition
- * of the interface he wants to bind to...
- */
- is = lws_socket_bind(vhost, LWS_SOCK_INVALID, vhost->listen_port,
- vhost->iface);
- lwsl_debug("initial if check says %d\n", is);
- if (is == LWS_ITOSA_BUSY)
- /* treat as fatal */
- return -1;
- lws_start_foreach_llp(struct lws_vhost **, pv,
- vhost->context->no_listener_vhost_list) {
- if (is >= LWS_ITOSA_USABLE && *pv == vhost) {
- /* on the list and shouldn't be: remove it */
- lwsl_debug("deferred iface: removing vh %s\n",
- (*pv)->name);
- *pv = vhost->no_listener_vhost_list;
- vhost->no_listener_vhost_list = NULL;
- goto done_list;
- }
- if (is < LWS_ITOSA_USABLE && *pv == vhost)
- goto done_list;
- } lws_end_foreach_llp(pv, no_listener_vhost_list);
- /* not on the list... */
- if (is < LWS_ITOSA_USABLE) {
- /* ... but needs to be: so add it */
- lwsl_debug("deferred iface: adding vh %s\n", vhost->name);
- vhost->no_listener_vhost_list =
- vhost->context->no_listener_vhost_list;
- vhost->context->no_listener_vhost_list = vhost;
- }
- switch (is) {
- default:
- break;
- /* can't add it */
- if (info) /* first time */
- lwsl_err("VH %s: iface %s port %d DOESN'T EXIST\n",
- vhost->name, vhost->iface, vhost->listen_port);
- return 1;
- /* can't add it */
- if (info) /* first time */
- lwsl_err("VH %s: iface %s port %d NOT USABLE\n",
- vhost->name, vhost->iface, vhost->listen_port);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- (void)n;
-#if defined(__linux__)
- /*
- * A Unix domain sockets cannot be bound for several times, even if we set
- * the SO_REUSE* options on.
- * However, fortunately, each thread is able to independently listen when
- * running on a reasonably new Linux kernel. So we can safely assume
- * creating just one listening socket for a multi-threaded environment won't
- * fail in most cases.
- */
- if (!LWS_UNIX_SOCK_ENABLED(vhost))
- limit = vhost->context->count_threads;
- for (m = 0; m < limit; m++) {
- sockfd = socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- else
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_IPV6
- if (LWS_IPV6_ENABLED(vhost))
- sockfd = socket(AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- else
- sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (sockfd == LWS_SOCK_INVALID) {
- lwsl_err("ERROR opening socket\n");
- return 1;
- }
-#if !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32)
-#if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32)) && defined(SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE)
- /*
- * only accept that we are the only listener on the port
- *
- * windows/desktop/ms740621(v=vs.85).aspx
- *
- * for lws, to match Linux, we default to exclusive listen
- */
- if (!lws_check_opt(vhost->options,
- if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE,
- (const void *)&opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) {
- lwsl_err("reuseaddr failed\n");
- compatible_close(sockfd);
- return -1;
- }
- } else
- /*
- * allow us to restart even if old sockets in TIME_WAIT
- */
- if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR,
- (const void *)&opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) {
- lwsl_err("reuseaddr failed\n");
- compatible_close(sockfd);
- return -1;
- }
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_IPV6) && defined(IPV6_V6ONLY)
- if (LWS_IPV6_ENABLED(vhost) &&
- vhost->options & LWS_SERVER_OPTION_IPV6_V6ONLY_MODIFY) {
- int value = (vhost->options &
- if (setsockopt(sockfd, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY,
- (const void*)&value, sizeof(value)) < 0) {
- compatible_close(sockfd);
- return -1;
- }
- }
-#if defined(__linux__) && defined(SO_REUSEPORT)
- /* keep coverity happy */
-#if LWS_MAX_SMP > 1
- n = 1;
- n = lws_check_opt(vhost->options,
- if (n && vhost->context->count_threads > 1)
- if (setsockopt(sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEPORT,
- (const void *)&opt, sizeof(opt)) < 0) {
- compatible_close(sockfd);
- return -1;
- }
- lws_plat_set_socket_options(vhost, sockfd, 0);
- is = lws_socket_bind(vhost, sockfd, vhost->listen_port, vhost->iface);
- if (is == LWS_ITOSA_BUSY) {
- /* treat as fatal */
- compatible_close(sockfd);
- return -1;
- }
- /*
- * There is a race where the network device may come up and then
- * go away and fail here. So correctly handle unexpected failure
- * here despite we earlier confirmed it.
- */
- if (is < 0) {
- lwsl_info("%s: lws_socket_bind says %d\n", __func__, is);
- compatible_close(sockfd);
- goto deal;
- }
- wsi = lws_zalloc(sizeof(struct lws), "listen wsi");
- if (wsi == NULL) {
- lwsl_err("Out of mem\n");
- goto bail;
- }
- if (!LWS_UNIX_SOCK_ENABLED(vhost))
- {
- wsi->unix_skt = 1;
- vhost->listen_port = is;
- lwsl_debug("%s: lws_socket_bind says %d\n", __func__, is);
- }
- wsi->context = vhost->context;
- wsi->desc.sockfd = sockfd;
- lws_role_transition(wsi, 0, LRS_UNCONNECTED, &role_ops_listen);
- wsi->protocol = vhost->protocols;
- wsi->tsi = m;
- lws_vhost_bind_wsi(vhost, wsi);
- wsi->listener = 1;
- if (wsi->context->event_loop_ops->init_vhost_listen_wsi)
- wsi->context->event_loop_ops->init_vhost_listen_wsi(wsi);
- if (__insert_wsi_socket_into_fds(vhost->context, wsi)) {
- lwsl_notice("inserting wsi socket into fds failed\n");
- goto bail;
- }
- vhost->context->count_wsi_allocated++;
- vhost->lserv_wsi = wsi;
- n = listen(wsi->desc.sockfd, LWS_SOMAXCONN);
- if (n < 0) {
- lwsl_err("listen failed with error %d\n", LWS_ERRNO);
- vhost->lserv_wsi = NULL;
- vhost->context->count_wsi_allocated--;
- __remove_wsi_socket_from_fds(wsi);
- goto bail;
- }
- } /* for each thread able to independently listen */
- if (!lws_check_opt(vhost->context->options, LWS_SERVER_OPTION_EXPLICIT_VHOSTS)) {
- lwsl_info(" Listening on \"%s\"\n", vhost->iface);
- else
- lwsl_info(" Listening on port %d\n", vhost->listen_port);
- }
- // info->port = vhost->listen_port;
- return 0;
- compatible_close(sockfd);
- return -1;
-struct lws_vhost *
-lws_select_vhost(struct lws_context *context, int port, const char *servername)
- struct lws_vhost *vhost = context->vhost_list;
- const char *p;
- int n, colon;
- n = (int)strlen(servername);
- colon = n;
- p = strchr(servername, ':');
- if (p)
- colon = lws_ptr_diff(p, servername);
- /* Priotity 1: first try exact matches */
- while (vhost) {
- if (port == vhost->listen_port &&
- !strncmp(vhost->name, servername, colon)) {
- lwsl_info("SNI: Found: %s\n", servername);
- return vhost;
- }
- vhost = vhost->vhost_next;
- }
- /*
- * Priority 2: if no exact matches, try matching *.vhost-name
- * unintentional matches are possible but resolve to for *
- * which is reasonable. If exact match exists we already chose it and
- * never reach here. SSL will still fail it if the cert doesn't allow
- * *
- */
- vhost = context->vhost_list;
- while (vhost) {
- int m = (int)strlen(vhost->name);
- if (port && port == vhost->listen_port &&
- m <= (colon - 2) &&
- servername[colon - m - 1] == '.' &&
- !strncmp(vhost->name, servername + colon - m, m)) {
- lwsl_info("SNI: Found %s on wildcard: %s\n",
- servername, vhost->name);
- return vhost;
- }
- vhost = vhost->vhost_next;
- }
- /* Priority 3: match the first vhost on our port */
- vhost = context->vhost_list;
- while (vhost) {
- if (port && port == vhost->listen_port) {
- lwsl_info("%s: vhost match to %s based on port %d\n",
- __func__, vhost->name, port);
- return vhost;
- }
- vhost = vhost->vhost_next;
- }
- /* no match */
- return NULL;
-lws_get_mimetype(const char *file, const struct lws_http_mount *m)
- const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *pvo = NULL;
- int n = (int)strlen(file);
- if (m)
- pvo = m->extra_mimetypes;
- if (n < 5)
- return NULL;
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 4], ".ico"))
- return "image/x-icon";
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 4], ".gif"))
- return "image/gif";
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 3], ".js"))
- return "text/javascript";
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 4], ".png"))
- return "image/png";
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 4], ".jpg"))
- return "image/jpeg";
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 3], ".gz"))
- return "application/gzip";
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 4], ".JPG"))
- return "image/jpeg";
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 5], ".html"))
- return "text/html";
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 4], ".css"))
- return "text/css";
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 4], ".txt"))
- return "text/plain";
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 4], ".svg"))
- return "image/svg+xml";
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 4], ".ttf"))
- return "application/x-font-ttf";
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 4], ".otf"))
- return "application/font-woff";
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 5], ".woff"))
- return "application/font-woff";
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - 4], ".xml"))
- return "application/xml";
- while (pvo) {
- if (pvo->name[0] == '*') /* ie, match anything */
- return pvo->value;
- if (!strcmp(&file[n - strlen(pvo->name)], pvo->name))
- return pvo->value;
- pvo = pvo->next;
- }
- return NULL;
-static lws_fop_flags_t
-lws_vfs_prepare_flags(struct lws *wsi)
- lws_fop_flags_t f = 0;
- if (!lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING))
- return f;
- if (strstr(lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING),
- "gzip")) {
- lwsl_info("client indicates GZIP is acceptable\n");
- }
- return f;
-static int
-lws_http_serve(struct lws *wsi, char *uri, const char *origin,
- const struct lws_http_mount *m)
- const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *pvo = m->interpret;
- struct lws_process_html_args args;
- const char *mimetype;
-#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
- const struct lws_plat_file_ops *fops;
- const char *vpath;
- lws_fop_flags_t fflags = LWS_O_RDONLY;
-#if defined(WIN32) && defined(LWS_HAVE__STAT32I64)
- struct _stat32i64 st;
- struct stat st;
- int spin = 0;
- char path[256], sym[2048];
- unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *)sym + 32 + LWS_PRE, *start = p;
- unsigned char *end = p + sizeof(sym) - 32 - LWS_PRE;
-#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32)
- size_t len;
- int n;
- wsi->handling_404 = 0;
- if (!wsi->vhost)
- return -1;
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
- if (wsi->vhost->http.error_document_404 &&
- !strcmp(uri, wsi->vhost->http.error_document_404))
- wsi->handling_404 = 1;
- lws_snprintf(path, sizeof(path) - 1, "%s/%s", origin, uri);
-#if !defined(_WIN32_WCE)
- fflags |= lws_vfs_prepare_flags(wsi);
- do {
- spin++;
- fops = lws_vfs_select_fops(wsi->context->fops, path, &vpath);
- if (wsi->http.fop_fd)
- lws_vfs_file_close(&wsi->http.fop_fd);
- wsi->http.fop_fd = fops->LWS_FOP_OPEN(wsi->context->fops,
- path, vpath, &fflags);
- if (!wsi->http.fop_fd) {
- lwsl_info("%s: Unable to open '%s': errno %d\n",
- __func__, path, errno);
- return 1;
- }
- /* if it can't be statted, don't try */
- if (fflags & LWS_FOP_FLAG_VIRTUAL)
- break;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32)
- break;
-#if !defined(WIN32)
- if (fstat(wsi->http.fop_fd->fd, &st)) {
- lwsl_info("unable to stat %s\n", path);
- goto notfound;
- }
-#if defined(LWS_HAVE__STAT32I64)
- if (_stat32i64(path, &st)) {
- lwsl_info("unable to stat %s\n", path);
- goto notfound;
- }
- if (stat(path, &st)) {
- lwsl_info("unable to stat %s\n", path);
- goto notfound;
- }
- wsi->http.fop_fd->mod_time = (uint32_t)st.st_mtime;
-#if !defined(WIN32) && !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32)
- if ((S_IFMT & st.st_mode) == S_IFLNK) {
- len = readlink(path, sym, sizeof(sym) - 1);
- if (len) {
- lwsl_err("Failed to read link %s\n", path);
- goto notfound;
- }
- sym[len] = '\0';
- lwsl_debug("symlink %s -> %s\n", path, sym);
- lws_snprintf(path, sizeof(path) - 1, "%s", sym);
- }
- if ((S_IFMT & st.st_mode) == S_IFDIR) {
- lwsl_debug("default filename append to dir\n");
- lws_snprintf(path, sizeof(path) - 1, "%s/%s/index.html",
- origin, uri);
- }
- } while ((S_IFMT & st.st_mode) != S_IFREG && spin < 5);
- if (spin == 5)
- lwsl_err("symlink loop %s \n", path);
- n = sprintf(sym, "%08llX%08lX",
- (unsigned long long)lws_vfs_get_length(wsi->http.fop_fd),
- (unsigned long)lws_vfs_get_mod_time(wsi->http.fop_fd));
- /* disable ranges if IF_RANGE token invalid */
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_IF_RANGE))
- if (strcmp(sym, lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_IF_RANGE)))
- /* differs - defeat Range: */
- wsi->http.ah->frag_index[WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_RANGE] = 0;
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_IF_NONE_MATCH)) {
- /*
- * he thinks he has some version of it already,
- * check if the tag matches
- */
- if (!strcmp(sym, lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi,
- char cache_control[50], *cc = "no-store";
- int cclen = 8;
- lwsl_debug("%s: ETAG match %s %s\n", __func__,
- uri, origin);
- /* we don't need to send the payload */
- if (lws_add_http_header_status(wsi,
- lwsl_err("%s: failed adding not modified\n",
- __func__);
- return -1;
- }
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi,
- (unsigned char *)sym, n, &p, end))
- return -1;
- /* but we still need to send cache control... */
- if (m->cache_max_age && m->cache_reusable) {
- if (!m->cache_revalidate) {
- cc = cache_control;
- cclen = sprintf(cache_control,
- "%s, max-age=%u",
- intermediates[wsi->cache_intermediaries],
- m->cache_max_age);
- } else {
- cc = cache_control;
- cclen = sprintf(cache_control,
- "must-revalidate, %s, max-age=%u",
- intermediates[wsi->cache_intermediaries],
- m->cache_max_age);
- }
- }
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi,
- (unsigned char *)cc, cclen, &p, end))
- return -1;
- if (lws_finalize_http_header(wsi, &p, end))
- return -1;
- n = lws_write(wsi, start, p - start,
- if (n != (p - start)) {
- lwsl_err("_write returned %d from %ld\n", n,
- (long)(p - start));
- return -1;
- }
- lws_vfs_file_close(&wsi->http.fop_fd);
- if (lws_http_transaction_completed(wsi))
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_ETAG,
- (unsigned char *)sym, n, &p, end))
- return -1;
- mimetype = lws_get_mimetype(path, m);
- if (!mimetype) {
- lwsl_info("unknown mimetype for %s\n", path);
- if (lws_return_http_status(wsi,
- lws_http_transaction_completed(wsi))
- return -1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (!mimetype[0])
- lwsl_debug("sending no mimetype for %s\n", path);
- wsi->sending_chunked = 0;
- /*
- * check if this is in the list of file suffixes to be interpreted by
- * a protocol
- */
- while (pvo) {
- n = (int)strlen(path);
- if (n > (int)strlen(pvo->name) &&
- !strcmp(&path[n - strlen(pvo->name)], pvo->name)) {
- wsi->interpreting = 1;
- if (!wsi->http2_substream)
- wsi->sending_chunked = 1;
- wsi->protocol_interpret_idx =
- (char)(lws_intptr_t)pvo->value;
- lwsl_info("want %s interpreted by %s\n", path,
- wsi->vhost->protocols[
- (int)(lws_intptr_t)(pvo->value)].name);
- wsi->protocol = &wsi->vhost->protocols[
- (int)(lws_intptr_t)(pvo->value)];
- if (lws_ensure_user_space(wsi))
- return -1;
- break;
- }
- pvo = pvo->next;
- }
- if (m->protocol) {
- const struct lws_protocols *pp = lws_vhost_name_to_protocol(
- wsi->vhost, m->protocol);
- if (lws_bind_protocol(wsi, pp, __func__))
- return -1;
- args.p = (char *)p;
- args.max_len = lws_ptr_diff(end, p);
- if (pp->callback(wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_ADD_HEADERS,
- wsi->user_space, &args, 0))
- return -1;
- p = (unsigned char *)args.p;
- }
- *p = '\0';
- n = lws_serve_http_file(wsi, path, mimetype, (char *)start,
- lws_ptr_diff(p, start));
- if (n < 0 || ((n > 0) && lws_http_transaction_completed(wsi)))
- return -1; /* error or can't reuse connection: close the socket */
- return 0;
- return 1;
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_H1) || defined(LWS_ROLE_H2)
-const struct lws_http_mount *
-lws_find_mount(struct lws *wsi, const char *uri_ptr, int uri_len)
- const struct lws_http_mount *hm, *hit = NULL;
- int best = 0;
- hm = wsi->vhost->http.mount_list;
- while (hm) {
- if (uri_len >= hm->mountpoint_len &&
- !strncmp(uri_ptr, hm->mountpoint, hm->mountpoint_len) &&
- (uri_ptr[hm->mountpoint_len] == '\0' ||
- uri_ptr[hm->mountpoint_len] == '/' ||
- hm->mountpoint_len == 1)
- ) {
- if (hm->origin_protocol == LWSMPRO_CALLBACK ||
- ((hm->origin_protocol == LWSMPRO_CGI ||
- lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_GET_URI) ||
- (wsi->http2_substream &&
- lws_hdr_total_length(wsi,
- hm->protocol) &&
- hm->mountpoint_len > best)) {
- best = hm->mountpoint_len;
- hit = hm;
- }
- }
- hm = hm->mount_next;
- }
- return hit;
-#if !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32)
-static int
-lws_find_string_in_file(const char *filename, const char *string, int stringlen)
- char buf[128];
- int fd, match = 0, pos = 0, n = 0, hit = 0;
- fd = lws_open(filename, O_RDONLY);
- if (fd < 0) {
- lwsl_err("can't open auth file: %s\n", filename);
- return 0;
- }
- while (1) {
- if (pos == n) {
- n = read(fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
- if (n <= 0) {
- if (match == stringlen)
- hit = 1;
- break;
- }
- pos = 0;
- }
- if (match == stringlen) {
- if (buf[pos] == '\r' || buf[pos] == '\n') {
- hit = 1;
- break;
- }
- match = 0;
- }
- if (buf[pos] == string[match])
- match++;
- else
- match = 0;
- pos++;
- }
- close(fd);
- return hit;
-static int
-lws_unauthorised_basic_auth(struct lws *wsi)
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &wsi->context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- unsigned char *start = pt->serv_buf + LWS_PRE,
- *p = start, *end = p + 2048;
- char buf[64];
- int n;
- /* no auth... tell him it is required */
- if (lws_add_http_header_status(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED, &p, end))
- return -1;
- n = lws_snprintf(buf, sizeof(buf), "Basic realm=\"lwsws\"");
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi,
- (unsigned char *)buf, n, &p, end))
- return -1;
- if (lws_finalize_http_header(wsi, &p, end))
- return -1;
- n = lws_write(wsi, start, p - start, LWS_WRITE_HTTP_HEADERS |
- if (n < 0)
- return -1;
- return lws_http_transaction_completed(wsi);
-int lws_clean_url(char *p)
- if (p[0] == 'h' && p[1] == 't' && p[2] == 't' && p[3] == 'p') {
- p += 4;
- if (*p == 's')
- p++;
- if (*p == ':') {
- p++;
- if (*p == '/')
- p++;
- }
- }
- while (*p) {
- if (p[0] == '/' && p[1] == '/') {
- char *p1 = p;
- while (*p1) {
- *p1 = p1[1];
- p1++;
- }
- continue;
- }
- p++;
- }
- return 0;
-static const unsigned char methods[] = {
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_HTTP2
-static int
-lws_http_get_uri_and_method(struct lws *wsi, char **puri_ptr, int *puri_len)
- int n, count = 0;
- for (n = 0; n < (int)LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(methods); n++)
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, methods[n]))
- count++;
- if (!count) {
- lwsl_warn("Missing URI in HTTP request\n");
- return -1;
- }
- if (count != 1 &&
- !(wsi->http2_substream &&
- lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_COLON_PATH))) {
- lwsl_warn("multiple methods?\n");
- return -1;
- }
- for (n = 0; n < (int)LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(methods); n++)
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, methods[n])) {
- *puri_ptr = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, methods[n]);
- *puri_len = lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, methods[n]);
- return n;
- }
- return -1;
-static const char * const oprot[] = {
- "http://", "https://"
-lws_http_action(struct lws *wsi)
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &wsi->context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- const struct lws_http_mount *hit = NULL;
- enum http_version request_version;
- struct lws_process_html_args args;
- enum http_conn_type conn_type;
- char content_length_str[32];
- char http_version_str[12];
- char *uri_ptr = NULL, *s;
- int uri_len = 0, meth, m;
- char http_conn_str[25];
- int http_version_len;
- unsigned int n;
- meth = lws_http_get_uri_and_method(wsi, &uri_ptr, &uri_len);
- if (meth < 0 || meth >= (int)LWS_ARRAY_SIZE(method_names))
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- /* we insist on absolute paths */
- if (!uri_ptr || uri_ptr[0] != '/') {
- lws_return_http_status(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_FORBIDDEN, NULL);
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- }
- lwsl_info("Method: '%s' (%d), request for '%s'\n", method_names[meth],
- meth, uri_ptr);
- if (wsi->role_ops && wsi->role_ops->check_upgrades)
- switch (wsi->role_ops->check_upgrades(wsi)) {
- return 0;
- break;
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- }
- if (lws_ensure_user_space(wsi))
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- /* HTTP header had a content length? */
- wsi->http.rx_content_length = 0;
- wsi->http.content_length_explicitly_zero = 0;
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_POST_URI) ||
- lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_PATCH_URI) ||
- lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_PUT_URI))
- wsi->http.rx_content_length = 100 * 1024 * 1024;
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_CONTENT_LENGTH) &&
- lws_hdr_copy(wsi, content_length_str,
- sizeof(content_length_str) - 1,
- wsi->http.rx_content_length = atoll(content_length_str);
- if (!wsi->http.rx_content_length) {
- wsi->http.content_length_explicitly_zero = 1;
- lwsl_debug("%s: explicit 0 content-length\n", __func__);
- }
- }
- if (wsi->http2_substream) {
- wsi->http.request_version = HTTP_VERSION_2;
- } else {
- /* http_version? Default to 1.0, override with token: */
- request_version = HTTP_VERSION_1_0;
- /* Works for single digit HTTP versions. : */
- http_version_len = lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP);
- if (http_version_len > 7 &&
- lws_hdr_copy(wsi, http_version_str,
- sizeof(http_version_str) - 1,
- WSI_TOKEN_HTTP) > 0 &&
- http_version_str[5] == '1' && http_version_str[7] == '1')
- request_version = HTTP_VERSION_1_1;
- wsi->http.request_version = request_version;
- /* HTTP/1.1 defaults to "keep-alive", 1.0 to "close" */
- if (request_version == HTTP_VERSION_1_1)
- else
- /* Override default if http "Connection:" header: */
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_CONNECTION) &&
- lws_hdr_copy(wsi, http_conn_str, sizeof(http_conn_str) - 1,
- http_conn_str[sizeof(http_conn_str) - 1] = '\0';
- if (!strcasecmp(http_conn_str, "keep-alive"))
- else
- if (!strcasecmp(http_conn_str, "close"))
- }
- wsi->http.conn_type = conn_type;
- }
- n = wsi->protocol->callback(wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_FILTER_HTTP_CONNECTION,
- wsi->user_space, uri_ptr, uri_len);
- if (n) {
- lwsl_info("LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP closing\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * if there is content supposed to be coming,
- * put a timeout on it having arrived
- */
- lws_set_timeout(wsi, PENDING_TIMEOUT_HTTP_CONTENT,
- wsi->context->timeout_secs);
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_TLS
- if (wsi->tls.redirect_to_https) {
- /*
- * we accepted http:// only so we could redirect to
- * https://, so issue the redirect. Create the redirection
- * URI from the host: header and ignore the path part
- */
- unsigned char *start = pt->serv_buf + LWS_PRE, *p = start,
- *end = p + wsi->context->pt_serv_buf_size - LWS_PRE;
- if (!lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HOST))
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- n = sprintf((char *)end, "https://%s/",
- lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HOST));
- n = lws_http_redirect(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY,
- end, n, &p, end);
- if ((int)n < 0)
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- return lws_http_transaction_completed(wsi);
- }
- lws_prepare_access_log_info(wsi, uri_ptr, uri_len, meth);
- /* can we serve it from the mount list? */
- hit = lws_find_mount(wsi, uri_ptr, uri_len);
- if (!hit) {
- /* deferred cleanup and reset to protocols[0] */
- lwsl_info("no hit\n");
- if (lws_bind_protocol(wsi, &wsi->vhost->protocols[0],
- "no mount hit"))
- return 1;
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_DOING_TRANSACTION);
- m = wsi->protocol->callback(wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP,
- wsi->user_space, uri_ptr, uri_len);
- goto after;
- }
- s = uri_ptr + hit->mountpoint_len;
- /*
- * if we have a mountpoint like
- * there is an implied / at the end for our purposes since
- * we can only mount on a "directory".
- *
- * But if we just go with that, the browser cannot understand
- * that he is actually looking down one "directory level", so
- * even though we give him /yyy/abc.html he acts like the
- * current directory level is /. So relative urls like "x.png"
- * wrongly look outside the mountpoint.
- *
- * Therefore if we didn't come in on a url with an explicit
- * / at the end, we must redirect to add it so the browser
- * understands he is one "directory level" down.
- */
- if ((hit->mountpoint_len > 1 ||
- (hit->origin_protocol == LWSMPRO_REDIR_HTTP ||
- hit->origin_protocol == LWSMPRO_REDIR_HTTPS)) &&
- (*s != '/' ||
- (hit->origin_protocol == LWSMPRO_REDIR_HTTP ||
- hit->origin_protocol == LWSMPRO_REDIR_HTTPS)) &&
- (hit->origin_protocol != LWSMPRO_CGI &&
- hit->origin_protocol != LWSMPRO_CALLBACK)) {
- unsigned char *start = pt->serv_buf + LWS_PRE, *p = start,
- *end = p + wsi->context->pt_serv_buf_size -
- LWS_PRE - 512;
- lwsl_info("Doing 301 '%s' org %s\n", s, hit->origin);
- /* > at start indicates deal with by redirect */
- if (hit->origin_protocol == LWSMPRO_REDIR_HTTP ||
- hit->origin_protocol == LWSMPRO_REDIR_HTTPS)
- n = lws_snprintf((char *)end, 256, "%s%s",
- oprot[hit->origin_protocol & 1],
- hit->origin);
- else {
- if (!lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HOST)) {
- if (!lws_hdr_total_length(wsi,
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- n = lws_snprintf((char *)end, 256,
- "%s%s%s/", oprot[!!lws_is_ssl(wsi)],
- lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi,
- uri_ptr);
- } else
- n = lws_snprintf((char *)end, 256,
- "%s%s%s/", oprot[!!lws_is_ssl(wsi)],
- lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HOST),
- uri_ptr);
- }
- lws_clean_url((char *)end);
- n = lws_http_redirect(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_MOVED_PERMANENTLY,
- end, n, &p, end);
- if ((int)n < 0)
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- return lws_http_transaction_completed(wsi);
- }
- /* basic auth? */
- if (hit->basic_auth_login_file) {
- char b64[160], plain[(sizeof(b64) * 3) / 4], *pcolon;
- int m, ml, fi;
- /* Did he send auth? */
- ml = lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION);
- if (!ml)
- return lws_unauthorised_basic_auth(wsi);
- /* Disallow fragmentation monkey business */
- fi = wsi->http.ah->frag_index[WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION];
- if (wsi->http.ah->frags[fi].nfrag) {
- lwsl_err("fragmented basic auth header not allowed\n");
- return lws_unauthorised_basic_auth(wsi);
- }
- m = lws_hdr_copy(wsi, b64, sizeof(b64),
- if (m < 7) {
- lwsl_err("b64 auth too long\n");
- goto transaction_result_n;
- }
- b64[5] = '\0';
- if (strcasecmp(b64, "Basic")) {
- lwsl_err("auth missing basic: %s\n", b64);
- goto transaction_result_n;
- }
- /* It'll be like Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l */
- m = lws_b64_decode_string(b64 + 6, plain, sizeof(plain) - 1);
- if (m < 0) {
- lwsl_err("plain auth too long\n");
- goto transaction_result_n;
- }
- plain[m] = '\0';
- pcolon = strchr(plain, ':');
- if (!pcolon) {
- lwsl_err("basic auth format broken\n");
- return lws_unauthorised_basic_auth(wsi);
- }
- if (!lws_find_string_in_file(hit->basic_auth_login_file,
- plain, m)) {
- lwsl_err("basic auth lookup failed\n");
- return lws_unauthorised_basic_auth(wsi);
- }
- /*
- * Rewrite WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION so it is just the
- * authorized username
- */
- *pcolon = '\0';
- wsi->http.ah->frags[fi].len = lws_ptr_diff(pcolon, plain);
- pcolon = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION);
- strncpy(pcolon, plain, ml - 1);
- pcolon[ml - 1] = '\0';
- lwsl_info("%s: basic auth accepted for %s\n", __func__,
- lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_AUTHORIZATION));
- }
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_HTTP_PROXY)
- /*
- * The mount is a reverse proxy?
- */
- // lwsl_notice("%s: origin_protocol: %d\n", __func__, hit->origin_protocol);
- if (hit->origin_protocol == LWSMPRO_HTTPS ||
- hit->origin_protocol == LWSMPRO_HTTP) {
- char ads[96], rpath[256], *pcolon, *pslash, unix_skt = 0;
- struct lws_client_connect_info i;
- struct lws *cwsi;
- int n, na;
- memset(&i, 0, sizeof(i));
- i.context = lws_get_context(wsi);
- if (hit->origin[0] == '+')
- unix_skt = 1;
- pcolon = strchr(hit->origin, ':');
- pslash = strchr(hit->origin, '/');
- if (!pslash) {
- lwsl_err("Proxy mount origin '%s' must have /\n",
- hit->origin);
- return -1;
- }
- if (unix_skt) {
- if (!pcolon) {
- lwsl_err("Proxy mount origin for unix skt must "
- "have address delimited by :\n");
- return -1;
- }
- n = lws_ptr_diff(pcolon, hit->origin);
- pslash = pcolon;
- } else {
- if (pcolon > pslash)
- pcolon = NULL;
- if (pcolon)
- n = (int)(pcolon - hit->origin);
- else
- n = (int)(pslash - hit->origin);
- if (n >= (int)sizeof(ads) - 2)
- n = sizeof(ads) - 2;
- }
- memcpy(ads, hit->origin, n);
- ads[n] = '\0';
- i.address = ads;
- i.port = 80;
- if (hit->origin_protocol == LWSMPRO_HTTPS) {
- i.port = 443;
- i.ssl_connection = 1;
- }
- if (pcolon)
- i.port = atoi(pcolon + 1);
- n = lws_snprintf(rpath, sizeof(rpath) - 1, "/%s/%s",
- pslash + 1, uri_ptr + hit->mountpoint_len) - 2;
- lws_clean_url(rpath);
- na = lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_URI_ARGS);
- if (na) {
- char *p = rpath + n;
- if (na >= (int)sizeof(rpath) - n - 2) {
- lwsl_info("%s: query string %d longer "
- "than we can handle\n", __func__,
- na);
- return -1;
- }
- *p++ = '?';
- if (lws_hdr_copy(wsi, p,
- (int)(&rpath[sizeof(rpath) - 1] - p),
- while (na--) {
- if (*p == '\0')
- *p = '&';
- p++;
- }
- *p = '\0';
- }
- i.path = rpath;
- if (i.address[0] != '+' ||
- !lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HOST))
- = i.address;
- else
- = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HOST);
- i.origin = NULL;
- i.method = "GET";
- i.alpn = "http/1.1";
- i.parent_wsi = wsi;
- i.pwsi = &cwsi;
- // i.uri_replace_from = hit->origin;
- // i.uri_replace_to = hit->mountpoint;
- lwsl_info("proxying to %s port %d url %s, ssl %d, "
- "from %s, to %s\n",
- i.address, i.port, i.path, i.ssl_connection,
- i.uri_replace_from, i.uri_replace_to);
- if (!lws_client_connect_via_info(&i)) {
- lwsl_err("proxy connect fail\n");
- /*
- * ... we can't do the proxy action, but we can
- * cleanly return him a 503 and a description
- */
- lws_return_http_status(wsi,
- "<h1>Service Temporarily Unavailable</h1>"
- "The server is temporarily unable to service "
- "your request due to maintenance downtime or "
- "capacity problems. Please try again later.");
- return 1;
- }
- lwsl_info("%s: setting proxy clientside on %p (parent %p)\n",
- __func__, cwsi, lws_get_parent(cwsi));
- cwsi->http.proxy_clientside = 1;
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * A particular protocol callback is mounted here?
- *
- * For the duration of this http transaction, bind us to the
- * associated protocol
- */
- if (hit->origin_protocol == LWSMPRO_CALLBACK || hit->protocol) {
- const struct lws_protocols *pp;
- const char *name = hit->origin;
- if (hit->protocol)
- name = hit->protocol;
- pp = lws_vhost_name_to_protocol(wsi->vhost, name);
- if (!pp) {
- n = -1;
- lwsl_err("Unable to find plugin '%s'\n",
- hit->origin);
- return 1;
- }
- if (lws_bind_protocol(wsi, pp, "http action CALLBACK bind"))
- return 1;
- args.p = uri_ptr;
- args.len = uri_len;
- args.max_len = hit->auth_mask;
- = 0; /* used to signal callback dealt with it */
- args.chunked = 0;
- n = wsi->protocol->callback(wsi,
- wsi->user_space, &args, 0);
- if (n) {
- lws_return_http_status(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_UNAUTHORIZED,
- NULL);
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- }
- if ( /* callback completely handled it well */
- return 0;
- if (hit->cgienv && wsi->protocol->callback(wsi,
- wsi->user_space, (void *)hit->cgienv, 0))
- return 1;
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_POST_URI)) {
- m = wsi->protocol->callback(wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP,
- wsi->user_space,
- uri_ptr + hit->mountpoint_len,
- uri_len - hit->mountpoint_len);
- goto after;
- }
- }
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_CGI
- /* did we hit something with a cgi:// origin? */
- if (hit->origin_protocol == LWSMPRO_CGI) {
- const char *cmd[] = {
- NULL, /* replace with cgi path */
- };
- lwsl_debug("%s: cgi\n", __func__);
- cmd[0] = hit->origin;
- n = 5;
- if (hit->cgi_timeout)
- n = hit->cgi_timeout;
- n = lws_cgi(wsi, cmd, hit->mountpoint_len, n,
- hit->cgienv);
- if (n) {
- lwsl_err("%s: cgi failed\n", __func__);
- return -1;
- }
- goto deal_body;
- }
- n = uri_len - lws_ptr_diff(s, uri_ptr); // (int)strlen(s);
- if (s[0] == '\0' || (n == 1 && s[n - 1] == '/'))
- s = (char *)hit->def;
- if (!s)
- s = "index.html";
- wsi->cache_secs = hit->cache_max_age;
- wsi->cache_reuse = hit->cache_reusable;
- wsi->cache_revalidate = hit->cache_revalidate;
- wsi->cache_intermediaries = hit->cache_intermediaries;
- m = 1;
- if (hit->origin_protocol == LWSMPRO_FILE)
- m = lws_http_serve(wsi, s, hit->origin, hit);
- if (m > 0) {
- /*
- * lws_return_http_status(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND, NULL);
- */
- if (hit->protocol) {
- const struct lws_protocols *pp =
- lws_vhost_name_to_protocol(
- wsi->vhost, hit->protocol);
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_DOING_TRANSACTION);
- if (lws_bind_protocol(wsi, pp, "http_action HTTP"))
- return 1;
- m = pp->callback(wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP,
- wsi->user_space,
- uri_ptr + hit->mountpoint_len,
- uri_len - hit->mountpoint_len);
- } else
- m = wsi->protocol->callback(wsi, LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP,
- wsi->user_space, uri_ptr, uri_len);
- }
- if (m) {
- lwsl_info("LWS_CALLBACK_HTTP closing\n");
- return 1;
- }
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_CGI
- /*
- * If we're not issuing a file, check for content_length or
- * HTTP keep-alive. No keep-alive header allocation for
- * ISSUING_FILE, as this uses HTTP/1.0.
- *
- * In any case, return 0 and let lws_read decide how to
- * proceed based on state
- */
- if (lwsi_state(wsi) != LRS_ISSUING_FILE) {
- /* Prepare to read body if we have a content length: */
- lwsl_debug("wsi->http.rx_content_length %lld %d %d\n",
- (long long)wsi->http.rx_content_length,
- wsi->upgraded_to_http2, wsi->http2_substream);
- if (wsi->http.content_length_explicitly_zero &&
- lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_POST_URI)) {
- /*
- * POST with an explicit content-length of zero
- *
- * If we don't give the user code the empty HTTP_BODY
- * callback, he may become confused to hear the
- * HTTP_BODY_COMPLETION (due to, eg, instantiation of
- * lws_spa never happened).
- *
- * HTTP_BODY_COMPLETION is responsible for sending the
- * result status code and result body if any, and
- * do the transaction complete processing.
- */
- if (wsi->protocol->callback(wsi,
- wsi->user_space, NULL, 0))
- return 1;
- if (wsi->protocol->callback(wsi,
- wsi->user_space, NULL, 0))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- if (wsi->http.rx_content_length > 0) {
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_BODY);
- lwsl_info("%s: %p: LRS_BODY state set (0x%x)\n",
- __func__, wsi, wsi->wsistate);
- wsi->http.rx_content_remain =
- wsi->http.rx_content_length;
- /*
- * At this point we have transitioned from deferred
- * action to expecting BODY on the stream wsi, if it's
- * in a bundle like h2. So if the stream wsi has its
- * own buflist, we need to deal with that first.
- */
- while (1) {
- struct lws_tokens ebuf;
- int m;
- ebuf.len = (int)lws_buflist_next_segment_len(
- &wsi->buflist,
- (uint8_t **)&ebuf.token);
- if (!ebuf.len)
- break;
- lwsl_notice("%s: consuming %d\n", __func__,
- (int)ebuf.len);
- m = lws_read_h1(wsi, (uint8_t *)ebuf.token,
- ebuf.len);
- if (m < 0)
- return -1;
- if (lws_buflist_aware_consume(wsi, &ebuf, m, 1))
- return -1;
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- lws_header_table_detach(wsi, 1);
- return 1;
- lws_return_http_status(wsi, n, NULL);
- return lws_http_transaction_completed(wsi);
-lws_confirm_host_header(struct lws *wsi)
- struct lws_tokenize ts;
- lws_tokenize_elem e;
- char buf[128];
- int port = 80;
- /*
- * this vhost wants us to validate what the
- * client sent against our vhost name
- */
- if (!lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HOST)) {
- lwsl_info("%s: missing host on upgrade\n", __func__);
- return 1;
- }
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_TLS)
- if (wsi->tls.ssl)
- port = 443;
- lws_tokenize_init(&ts, buf, LWS_TOKENIZE_F_DOT_NONTERM /* */|
- ts.len = lws_hdr_copy(wsi, buf, sizeof(buf) - 1, WSI_TOKEN_HOST);
- if (ts.len <= 0) {
- lwsl_info("%s: missing or oversize host header\n", __func__);
- return 1;
- }
- if (lws_tokenize(&ts) != LWS_TOKZE_TOKEN)
- goto bad_format;
- if (strncmp(ts.token, wsi->vhost->name, ts.token_len)) {
- buf[(ts.token - buf) + ts.token_len] = '\0';
- lwsl_info("%s: '%s' in host hdr but vhost name %s\n",
- __func__, ts.token, wsi->vhost->name);
- return 1;
- }
- e = lws_tokenize(&ts);
- if (e == LWS_TOKZE_DELIMITER && ts.token[0] == ':') {
- if (lws_tokenize(&ts) != LWS_TOKZE_INTEGER)
- goto bad_format;
- else
- port = atoi(ts.token);
- } else
- if (e != LWS_TOKZE_ENDED)
- goto bad_format;
- if (wsi->vhost->listen_port != port) {
- lwsl_info("%s: host port %d mismatches vhost port %d\n",
- __func__, port, wsi->vhost->listen_port);
- return 1;
- }
- lwsl_debug("%s: host header OK\n", __func__);
- return 0;
- lwsl_info("%s: bad host header format\n", __func__);
- return 1;
-lws_handshake_server(struct lws *wsi, unsigned char **buf, size_t len)
- struct lws_context *context = lws_get_context(wsi);
- unsigned char *obuf = *buf;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_HTTP2)
- char tbuf[128], *p;
- size_t olen = len;
- int n = 0, m, i;
- if (len >= 10000000) {
- lwsl_err("%s: assert: len %ld\n", __func__, (long)len);
- assert(0);
- }
- if (!wsi->http.ah) {
- lwsl_err("%s: assert: NULL ah\n", __func__);
- assert(0);
- }
- while (len) {
- if (!lwsi_role_server(wsi) || !lwsi_role_http(wsi)) {
- lwsl_err("%s: bad wsi role 0x%x\n", __func__,
- lwsi_role(wsi));
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- }
- i = (int)len;
- m = lws_parse(wsi, *buf, &i);
- lwsl_info("%s: parsed count %d\n", __func__, (int)len - i);
- (*buf) += (int)len - i;
- len = i;
- if (m) {
- if (m == 2) {
- /*
- * we are transitioning from http with
- * an AH, to raw. Drop the ah and set
- * the mode.
- */
- lws_set_timeout(wsi, NO_PENDING_TIMEOUT, 0);
- lws_bind_protocol(wsi, &wsi->vhost->protocols[
- wsi->vhost->
- raw_protocol_index],
- __func__);
- lwsl_info("transition to raw vh %s prot %d\n",
- wsi->vhost->name,
- wsi->vhost->raw_protocol_index);
- if ((wsi->protocol->callback)(wsi,
- wsi->user_space, NULL, 0))
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- lws_role_transition(wsi, 0, LRS_ESTABLISHED,
- &role_ops_raw_skt);
- lws_header_table_detach(wsi, 1);
- if (wsi->protocol->callback(wsi,
- wsi->user_space, obuf, olen))
- return 1;
- return 0;
- }
- lwsl_info("lws_parse failed\n");
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- }
- if (wsi->http.ah->parser_state != WSI_PARSING_COMPLETE)
- continue;
- lwsl_parser("%s: lws_parse sees parsing complete\n", __func__);
- /* select vhost */
- if (wsi->vhost->listen_port &&
- lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HOST)) {
- struct lws_vhost *vhost = lws_select_vhost(
- context, wsi->vhost->listen_port,
- lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HOST));
- if (vhost)
- lws_vhost_bind_wsi(vhost, wsi);
- } else
- lwsl_info("no host\n");
- if (!lwsi_role_h2(wsi) || !lwsi_role_server(wsi)) {
- wsi->vhost->conn_stats.h1_trans++;
- if (!wsi->conn_stat_done) {
- wsi->vhost->conn_stats.h1_conn++;
- wsi->conn_stat_done = 1;
- }
- }
- /* check for unwelcome guests */
- if (wsi->context->reject_service_keywords) {
- const struct lws_protocol_vhost_options *rej =
- wsi->context->reject_service_keywords;
- char ua[384], *msg = NULL;
- if (lws_hdr_copy(wsi, ua, sizeof(ua) - 1,
- char *uri_ptr = NULL;
- int meth, uri_len;
- ua[sizeof(ua) - 1] = '\0';
- while (rej) {
- if (!strstr(ua, rej->name)) {
- rej = rej->next;
- continue;
- }
- msg = strchr(rej->value, ' ');
- if (msg)
- msg++;
- lws_return_http_status(wsi,
- atoi(rej->value), msg);
- meth = lws_http_get_uri_and_method(wsi,
- &uri_ptr, &uri_len);
- if (meth >= 0)
- lws_prepare_access_log_info(wsi,
- uri_ptr, uri_len, meth);
- /* wsi close will do the log */
- wsi->vhost->conn_stats.rejected++;
- /*
- * We don't want anything from
- * this rejected guy. Follow
- * the close flow, not the
- * transaction complete flow.
- */
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- }
- }
- }
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_CONNECT)) {
- lwsl_info("Changing to RAW mode\n");
- m = 0;
- goto raw_transition;
- }
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_PRE_WS_SERVING_ACCEPT);
- lws_set_timeout(wsi, NO_PENDING_TIMEOUT, 0);
- if (lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_UPGRADE)) {
- const char *up = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi,
- if (strcasecmp(up, "websocket") &&
- strcasecmp(up, "h2c")) {
- lwsl_info("Unknown upgrade '%s'\n", up);
- if (lws_return_http_status(wsi,
- lws_http_transaction_completed(wsi))
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- }
- n = user_callback_handle_rxflow(wsi->protocol->callback,
- wsi->user_space, (char *)up, 0);
- /* just hang up? */
- if (n < 0)
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- /* callback returned headers already, do t_c? */
- if (n > 0) {
- if (lws_http_transaction_completed(wsi))
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- /* continue on */
- return 0;
- }
- /* callback said 0, it was allowed */
- if (wsi->vhost->options &
- lws_confirm_host_header(wsi))
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- if (!strcasecmp(up, "websocket")) {
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_WS)
- wsi->vhost->conn_stats.ws_upg++;
- lwsl_info("Upgrade to ws\n");
- goto upgrade_ws;
- }
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_HTTP2)
- if (!strcasecmp(up, "h2c")) {
- wsi->vhost->conn_stats.h2_upg++;
- lwsl_info("Upgrade to h2c\n");
- goto upgrade_h2c;
- }
- }
- /* no upgrade ack... he remained as HTTP */
- lwsl_info("%s: %p: No upgrade\n", __func__, wsi);
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_ESTABLISHED);
- wsi->http.fop_fd = NULL;
- lws_http_compression_validate(wsi);
- lwsl_debug("%s: wsi %p: ah %p\n", __func__, (void *)wsi,
- (void *)wsi->http.ah);
- n = lws_http_action(wsi);
- return n;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_HTTP2)
- if (!lws_hdr_total_length(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP2_SETTINGS)) {
- lwsl_info("missing http2_settings\n");
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- }
- lwsl_info("h2c upgrade...\n");
- p = lws_hdr_simple_ptr(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP2_SETTINGS);
- /* convert the peer's HTTP-Settings */
- n = lws_b64_decode_string(p, tbuf, sizeof(tbuf));
- if (n < 0) {
- lwsl_parser("HTTP2_SETTINGS too long\n");
- return 1;
- }
- /* adopt the header info */
- if (!wsi->h2.h2n) {
- wsi->h2.h2n = lws_zalloc(sizeof(*wsi->h2.h2n),
- "h2n");
- if (!wsi->h2.h2n)
- return 1;
- }
- lws_h2_init(wsi);
- /* HTTP2 union */
- lws_h2_settings(wsi, &wsi->h2.h2n->set, (unsigned char *)tbuf, n);
- lws_hpack_dynamic_size(wsi, wsi->h2.h2n->set.s[
- strcpy(tbuf, "HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols\x0d\x0a"
- "Connection: Upgrade\x0d\x0a"
- "Upgrade: h2c\x0d\x0a\x0d\x0a");
- m = (int)strlen(tbuf);
- n = lws_issue_raw(wsi, (unsigned char *)tbuf, m);
- if (n != m) {
- lwsl_debug("http2 switch: ERROR writing to socket\n");
- return 1;
- }
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_H2_AWAIT_PREFACE);
- wsi->upgraded_to_http2 = 1;
- return 0;
-#if defined(LWS_ROLE_WS)
- if (lws_process_ws_upgrade(wsi))
- goto bail_nuke_ah;
- return 0;
- } /* while all chars are handled */
- return 0;
- /* drop the header info */
- lws_header_table_detach(wsi, 1);
- return 1;
-lws_http_transaction_completed(struct lws *wsi)
- if (lws_has_buffered_out(wsi)
- || wsi->http.comp_ctx.buflist_comp ||
- wsi->http.comp_ctx.may_have_more
- ) {
- /*
- * he tried to send something large as the http reply,
- * it went as a partial, but he immediately said the
- * transaction was completed.
- *
- * Defer the transaction completed until the last part of the
- * partial is sent.
- */
- lwsl_debug("%s: %p: deferring due to partial\n", __func__, wsi);
- wsi->http.deferred_transaction_completed = 1;
- lws_callback_on_writable(wsi);
- return 0;
- }
- lwsl_info("%s: wsi %p\n", __func__, wsi);
- lws_http_compression_destroy(wsi);
- lws_access_log(wsi);
- if (!wsi->hdr_parsing_completed) {
- char peer[64];
- lws_get_peer_simple(wsi, peer, sizeof(peer) - 1);
- peer[sizeof(peer) - 1] = '\0';
- lwsl_notice("%s: (from %s) ignoring, ah parsing incomplete\n",
- __func__, peer);
- return 0;
- }
- /* if we can't go back to accept new headers, drop the connection */
- if (wsi->http2_substream)
- return 1;
- if (wsi->seen_zero_length_recv)
- return 1;
- if (wsi->http.conn_type != HTTP_CONNECTION_KEEP_ALIVE) {
- lwsl_info("%s: %p: close connection\n", __func__, wsi);
- return 1;
- }
- if (lws_bind_protocol(wsi, &wsi->vhost->protocols[0], __func__))
- return 1;
- /*
- * otherwise set ourselves up ready to go again, but because we have no
- * idea about the wsi writability, we make put it in a holding state
- * until we can verify POLLOUT. The part of this that confirms POLLOUT
- * with no partials is in lws_server_socket_service() below.
- */
- lwsl_debug("%s: %p: setting DEF_ACT from 0x%x\n", __func__,
- wsi, wsi->wsistate);
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_DEFERRING_ACTION);
- wsi->http.tx_content_length = 0;
- wsi->http.tx_content_remain = 0;
- wsi->hdr_parsing_completed = 0;
- wsi->sending_chunked = 0;
- wsi->http.access_log.sent = 0;
- if (wsi->vhost->keepalive_timeout)
- lws_set_timeout(wsi, n, wsi->vhost->keepalive_timeout);
- /*
- * We already know we are on http1.1 / keepalive and the next thing
- * coming will be another header set.
- *
- * If there is no pending rx and we still have the ah, drop it and
- * reacquire a new ah when the new headers start to arrive. (Otherwise
- * we needlessly hog an ah indefinitely.)
- *
- * However if there is pending rx and we know from the keepalive state
- * that is already at least the start of another header set, simply
- * reset the existing header table and keep it.
- */
- if (wsi->http.ah) {
- // lws_buflist_describe(&wsi->buflist, wsi);
- if (!lws_buflist_next_segment_len(&wsi->buflist, NULL)) {
- lwsl_debug("%s: %p: nothing in buflist, detaching ah\n",
- __func__, wsi);
- lws_header_table_detach(wsi, 1);
-#ifdef LWS_WITH_TLS
- /*
- * additionally... if we are hogging an SSL instance
- * with no pending pipelined headers (or ah now), and
- * SSL is scarce, drop this connection without waiting
- */
- if (wsi->vhost->tls.use_ssl &&
- wsi->context->simultaneous_ssl_restriction &&
- wsi->context->simultaneous_ssl ==
- wsi->context->simultaneous_ssl_restriction) {
- lwsl_info("%s: simultaneous_ssl_restriction\n",
- __func__);
- return 1;
- }
- } else {
- lwsl_info("%s: %p: resetting/keeping ah as pipeline\n",
- __func__, wsi);
- lws_header_table_reset(wsi, 0);
- /*
- * If we kept the ah, we should restrict the amount
- * of time we are willing to keep it. Otherwise it
- * will be bound the whole time the connection remains
- * open.
- */
- lws_set_timeout(wsi, PENDING_TIMEOUT_HOLDING_AH,
- wsi->vhost->keepalive_timeout);
- }
- /* If we're (re)starting on headers, need other implied init */
- if (wsi->http.ah)
- wsi->http.ah->ues = URIES_IDLE;
- //lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_ESTABLISHED); // !!!
- } else
- if (lws_buflist_next_segment_len(&wsi->buflist, NULL))
- if (lws_header_table_attach(wsi, 0))
- lwsl_debug("acquired ah\n");
- lwsl_debug("%s: %p: keep-alive await new transaction (state 0x%x)\n",
- __func__, wsi, wsi->wsistate);
- lws_callback_on_writable(wsi);
- return 0;
-lws_serve_http_file(struct lws *wsi, const char *file, const char *content_type,
- const char *other_headers, int other_headers_len)
- struct lws_context *context = lws_get_context(wsi);
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- unsigned char *response = pt->serv_buf + LWS_PRE;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_RANGES)
- struct lws_range_parsing *rp = &wsi->http.range;
- int ret = 0, cclen = 8, n = HTTP_STATUS_OK;
- char cache_control[50], *cc = "no-store";
- lws_fop_flags_t fflags = LWS_O_RDONLY;
- const struct lws_plat_file_ops *fops;
- lws_filepos_t total_content_length;
- unsigned char *p = response;
- unsigned char *end = p + context->pt_serv_buf_size - LWS_PRE;
- const char *vpath;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_RANGES)
- int ranges;
- if (wsi->handling_404)
- /*
- * We either call the platform fops .open with first arg platform fops,
- * or we call fops_zip .open with first arg platform fops, and fops_zip
- * open will decide whether to switch to fops_zip or stay with fops_def.
- *
- * If wsi->http.fop_fd is already set, the caller already opened it
- */
- if (!wsi->http.fop_fd) {
- fops = lws_vfs_select_fops(wsi->context->fops, file, &vpath);
- fflags |= lws_vfs_prepare_flags(wsi);
- wsi->http.fop_fd = fops->LWS_FOP_OPEN(wsi->context->fops,
- file, vpath, &fflags);
- if (!wsi->http.fop_fd) {
- lwsl_info("%s: Unable to open: '%s': errno %d\n",
- __func__, file, errno);
- if (lws_return_http_status(wsi, HTTP_STATUS_NOT_FOUND,
- NULL))
- return -1;
- return !wsi->http2_substream;
- }
- }
- wsi->http.filelen = lws_vfs_get_length(wsi->http.fop_fd);
- total_content_length = wsi->http.filelen;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_RANGES)
- ranges = lws_ranges_init(wsi, rp, wsi->http.filelen);
- lwsl_debug("Range count %d\n", ranges);
- /*
- * no ranges -> 200;
- * 1 range -> 206 + Content-Type: normal; Content-Range;
- * more -> 206 + Content-Type: multipart/byteranges
- * Repeat the true Content-Type in each multipart header
- * along with Content-Range
- */
- if (ranges < 0) {
- /* it means he expressed a range in Range:, but it was illegal */
- lws_return_http_status(wsi,
- if (lws_http_transaction_completed(wsi))
- return -1; /* <0 means just hang up */
- lws_vfs_file_close(&wsi->http.fop_fd);
- return 0; /* == 0 means we did the transaction complete */
- }
- if (ranges)
- if (lws_add_http_header_status(wsi, n, &p, end))
- return -1;
- if ((wsi->http.fop_fd->flags & (LWS_FOP_FLAG_COMPR_ACCEPTABLE_GZIP |
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi,
- (unsigned char *)"gzip", 4, &p, end))
- return -1;
- lwsl_info("file is being provided in gzip\n");
- }
- else {
- /*
- * if we know its very compressible, and we can use
- * compression, then use the most preferred compression
- * method that the client said he will accept
- */
- if (!strncmp(content_type, "text/", 5) ||
- !strcmp(content_type, "application/javascript") ||
- !strcmp(content_type, "image/svg+xml"))
- lws_http_compression_apply(wsi, NULL, &p, end, 0);
- }
- if (
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_RANGES)
- ranges < 2 &&
- content_type && content_type[0])
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi,
- (unsigned char *)content_type,
- (int)strlen(content_type),
- &p, end))
- return -1;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_RANGES)
- if (ranges >= 2) { /* multipart byteranges */
- lws_strncpy(wsi->http.multipart_content_type, content_type,
- sizeof(wsi->http.multipart_content_type));
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi,
- (unsigned char *)
- "multipart/byteranges; "
- "boundary=_lws",
- 20, &p, end))
- return -1;
- /*
- * our overall content length has to include
- *
- * - (n + 1) x "_lws\r\n"
- * - n x Content-Type: xxx/xxx\r\n
- * - n x Content-Range: bytes xxx-yyy/zzz\r\n
- * - n x /r/n
- * - the actual payloads (aggregated in rp->agg)
- *
- * Precompute it for the main response header
- */
- total_content_length = (lws_filepos_t)rp->agg +
- 6 /* final _lws\r\n */;
- lws_ranges_reset(rp);
- while (lws_ranges_next(rp)) {
- n = lws_snprintf(cache_control, sizeof(cache_control),
- "bytes %llu-%llu/%llu",
- rp->start, rp->end, rp->extent);
- total_content_length +=
- 6 /* header _lws\r\n */ +
- /* Content-Type: xxx/xxx\r\n */
- 14 + strlen(content_type) + 2 +
- /* Content-Range: xxxx\r\n */
- 15 + n + 2 +
- 2; /* /r/n */
- }
- lws_ranges_reset(rp);
- lws_ranges_next(rp);
- }
- if (ranges == 1) {
- total_content_length = (lws_filepos_t)rp->agg;
- n = lws_snprintf(cache_control, sizeof(cache_control),
- "bytes %llu-%llu/%llu",
- rp->start, rp->end, rp->extent);
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi,
- (unsigned char *)cache_control,
- n, &p, end))
- return -1;
- }
- wsi->http.range.inside = 0;
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi, WSI_TOKEN_HTTP_ACCEPT_RANGES,
- (unsigned char *)"bytes", 5, &p, end))
- return -1;
- if (!wsi->http2_substream) {
- /* for http/1.1 ... */
- if (!wsi->sending_chunked
- && !wsi->http.lcs
- ) {
- /* ... if not already using chunked and not using an
- * http compression translation, then send the naive
- * content length
- */
- if (lws_add_http_header_content_length(wsi,
- total_content_length, &p, end))
- return -1;
- } else {
- if (wsi->http.lcs) {
- /* ...otherwise, for http 1 it must go chunked.
- * For the compression case, the reason is we
- * compress on the fly and do not know the
- * compressed content-length until it has all
- * been sent. Http/1.1 pipelining must be able
- * to know where the transaction boundaries are
- * ... so chunking...
- */
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi,
- (unsigned char *)"chunked", 7,
- &p, end))
- return -1;
- /*
- * ...this is fun, isn't it :-) For h1 that is
- * using an http compression translation, the
- * compressor must chunk its output privately.
- *
- * h2 doesn't need (or support) any of this
- * crap.
- */
- lwsl_debug("setting chunking\n");
- wsi->http.comp_ctx.chunking = 1;
- }
- }
- }
- if (wsi->cache_secs && wsi->cache_reuse) {
- if (!wsi->cache_revalidate) {
- cc = cache_control;
- cclen = sprintf(cache_control, "%s, max-age=%u",
- intermediates[wsi->cache_intermediaries],
- wsi->cache_secs);
- } else {
- cc = cache_control;
- cclen = sprintf(cache_control,
- "must-revalidate, %s, max-age=%u",
- intermediates[wsi->cache_intermediaries],
- wsi->cache_secs);
- }
- }
- /* Only add cache control if its not specified by any other_headers. */
- if (!other_headers ||
- (!strstr(other_headers, "cache-control") &&
- !strstr(other_headers, "Cache-Control"))) {
- if (lws_add_http_header_by_token(wsi,
- (unsigned char *)cc, cclen, &p, end))
- return -1;
- }
- if (other_headers) {
- if ((end - p) < other_headers_len)
- return -1;
- memcpy(p, other_headers, other_headers_len);
- p += other_headers_len;
- }
- if (lws_finalize_http_header(wsi, &p, end))
- return -1;
- ret = lws_write(wsi, response, p - response, LWS_WRITE_HTTP_HEADERS);
- if (ret != (p - response)) {
- lwsl_err("_write returned %d from %ld\n", ret,
- (long)(p - response));
- return -1;
- }
- wsi->http.filepos = 0;
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_ISSUING_FILE);
- lws_callback_on_writable(wsi);
- return 0;
-LWS_VISIBLE int lws_serve_http_file_fragment(struct lws *wsi)
- struct lws_context *context = wsi->context;
- struct lws_context_per_thread *pt = &context->pt[(int)wsi->tsi];
- struct lws_process_html_args args;
- lws_filepos_t amount, poss;
- unsigned char *p, *pstart;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_RANGES)
- unsigned char finished = 0;
- int n, m;
- lwsl_debug("wsi->http2_substream %d\n", wsi->http2_substream);
- do {
- /* priority 1: buffered output */
- if (lws_has_buffered_out(wsi)) {
- if (lws_issue_raw(wsi, NULL, 0) < 0) {
- lwsl_info("%s: closing\n", __func__);
- goto file_had_it;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* priority 2: buffered pre-compression-transform */
- if (wsi->http.comp_ctx.buflist_comp ||
- wsi->http.comp_ctx.may_have_more) {
- enum lws_write_protocol wp = LWS_WRITE_HTTP;
- lwsl_info("%s: completing comp partial (buflist %p, may %d)\n",
- __func__, wsi->http.comp_ctx.buflist_comp,
- wsi->http.comp_ctx.may_have_more);
- if (wsi->role_ops->write_role_protocol(wsi, NULL, 0, &wp) < 0) {
- lwsl_info("%s signalling to close\n", __func__);
- goto file_had_it;
- }
- lws_callback_on_writable(wsi);
- break;
- }
- if (wsi->http.filepos == wsi->http.filelen)
- goto all_sent;
- n = 0;
- pstart = pt->serv_buf + LWS_H2_FRAME_HEADER_LENGTH;
- p = pstart;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_RANGES)
- if (wsi->http.range.count_ranges && !wsi->http.range.inside) {
- lwsl_notice("%s: doing range start %llu\n", __func__,
- wsi->http.range.start);
- if ((long long)lws_vfs_file_seek_cur(wsi->http.fop_fd,
- wsi->http.range.start -
- wsi->http.filepos) < 0)
- goto file_had_it;
- wsi->http.filepos = wsi->http.range.start;
- if (wsi->http.range.count_ranges > 1) {
- n = lws_snprintf((char *)p,
- context->pt_serv_buf_size -
- "_lws\x0d\x0a"
- "Content-Type: %s\x0d\x0a"
- "Content-Range: bytes "
- "%llu-%llu/%llu\x0d\x0a"
- "\x0d\x0a",
- wsi->http.multipart_content_type,
- wsi->http.range.start,
- wsi->http.range.end,
- wsi->http.range.extent);
- p += n;
- }
- wsi->http.range.budget = wsi->http.range.end -
- wsi->http.range.start + 1;
- wsi->http.range.inside = 1;
- }
- poss = context->pt_serv_buf_size - n -
- if (wsi->http.tx_content_length)
- if (poss > wsi->http.tx_content_remain)
- poss = wsi->http.tx_content_remain;
- /*
- * if there is a hint about how much we will do well to send at
- * one time, restrict ourselves to only trying to send that.
- */
- if (wsi->protocol->tx_packet_size &&
- poss > wsi->protocol->tx_packet_size)
- poss = wsi->protocol->tx_packet_size;
- if (wsi->role_ops->tx_credit) {
- lws_filepos_t txc = wsi->role_ops->tx_credit(wsi);
- if (!txc) {
- lwsl_info("%s: came here with no tx credit\n",
- __func__);
- return 0;
- }
- if (txc < poss)
- poss = txc;
- /*
- * consumption of the actual payload amount sent will be
- * handled when the role data frame is sent
- */
- }
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_RANGES)
- if (wsi->http.range.count_ranges) {
- if (wsi->http.range.count_ranges > 1)
- poss -= 7; /* allow for final boundary */
- if (poss > wsi->http.range.budget)
- poss = wsi->http.range.budget;
- }
- if (wsi->sending_chunked) {
- /* we need to drop the chunk size in here */
- p += 10;
- /* allow for the chunk to grow by 128 in translation */
- poss -= 10 + 128;
- }
- if (lws_vfs_file_read(wsi->http.fop_fd, &amount, p, poss) < 0)
- goto file_had_it; /* caller will close */
- if (wsi->sending_chunked)
- n = (int)amount;
- else
- n = lws_ptr_diff(p, pstart) + (int)amount;
- lwsl_debug("%s: sending %d\n", __func__, n);
- if (n) {
- lws_set_timeout(wsi, PENDING_TIMEOUT_HTTP_CONTENT,
- context->timeout_secs);
- if (wsi->interpreting) {
- args.p = (char *)p;
- args.len = n;
- args.max_len = (unsigned int)poss + 128;
- = wsi->http.filepos + n ==
- wsi->http.filelen;
- args.chunked = wsi->sending_chunked;
- if (user_callback_handle_rxflow(
- wsi->vhost->protocols[
- (int)wsi->protocol_interpret_idx].callback,
- wsi->user_space, &args, 0) < 0)
- goto file_had_it;
- n = args.len;
- p = (unsigned char *)args.p;
- } else
- p = pstart;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_RANGES)
- if (wsi->http.range.send_ctr + 1 ==
- wsi->http.range.count_ranges && // last range
- wsi->http.range.count_ranges > 1 && // was 2+ ranges (ie, multipart)
- wsi->http.range.budget - amount == 0) {// final part
- n += lws_snprintf((char *)pstart + n, 6,
- "_lws\x0d\x0a"); // append trailing boundary
- lwsl_debug("added trailing boundary\n");
- }
- m = lws_write(wsi, p, n, wsi->http.filepos + amount ==
- wsi->http.filelen ?
- if (m < 0)
- goto file_had_it;
- wsi->http.filepos += amount;
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_RANGES)
- if (wsi->http.range.count_ranges >= 1) {
- wsi->http.range.budget -= amount;
- if (wsi->http.range.budget == 0) {
- lwsl_notice("range budget exhausted\n");
- wsi->http.range.inside = 0;
- wsi->http.range.send_ctr++;
- if (lws_ranges_next(&wsi->http.range) < 1) {
- finished = 1;
- goto all_sent;
- }
- }
- }
- if (m != n) {
- /* adjust for what was not sent */
- if (lws_vfs_file_seek_cur(wsi->http.fop_fd,
- m - n) ==
- (lws_fileofs_t)-1)
- goto file_had_it;
- }
- }
- if ((!lws_has_buffered_out(wsi)
- && !wsi->http.comp_ctx.buflist_comp &&
- !wsi->http.comp_ctx.may_have_more
- ) && (wsi->http.filepos >= wsi->http.filelen
-#if defined(LWS_WITH_RANGES)
- || finished)
- )
- )
- {
- lwsi_set_state(wsi, LRS_ESTABLISHED);
- /* we might be in keepalive, so close it off here */
- lws_vfs_file_close(&wsi->http.fop_fd);
- lwsl_debug("file completed\n");
- if (wsi->protocol->callback &&
- user_callback_handle_rxflow(wsi->protocol->callback,
- wsi->user_space, NULL, 0) < 0) {
- /*
- * For http/1.x, the choices from
- * transaction_completed are either
- * 0 to use the connection for pipelined
- * or nonzero to hang it up.
- *
- * However for http/2. while we are
- * still interested in hanging up the
- * nwsi if there was a network-level
- * fatal error, simply completing the
- * transaction is a matter of the stream
- * state, not the root connection at the
- * network level
- */
- if (wsi->http2_substream)
- return 1;
- else
- return -1;
- }
- return 1; /* >0 indicates completed */
- }
- } while (1); //(!lws_send_pipe_choked(wsi));
- lws_callback_on_writable(wsi);
- return 0; /* indicates further processing must be done */
- lws_vfs_file_close(&wsi->http.fop_fd);
- return -1;
-lws_server_get_canonical_hostname(struct lws_context *context,
- const struct lws_context_creation_info *info)
- if (lws_check_opt(info->options,
- return;
-#if !defined(LWS_WITH_ESP32)
- /* find canonical hostname */
- gethostname((char *)context->canonical_hostname,
- sizeof(context->canonical_hostname) - 1);
- lwsl_info(" canonical_hostname = %s\n", context->canonical_hostname);
- (void)context;
-lws_chunked_html_process(struct lws_process_html_args *args,
- struct lws_process_html_state *s)
- char *sp, buffer[32];
- const char *pc;
- int old_len, n;
- /* do replacements */
- sp = args->p;
- old_len = args->len;
- args->len = 0;
- s->start = sp;
- while (sp < args->p + old_len) {
- if (args->len + 7 >= args->max_len) {
- lwsl_err("Used up interpret padding\n");
- return -1;
- }
- if ((!s->pos && *sp == '$') || s->pos) {
- int hits = 0, hit = 0;
- if (!s->pos)
- s->start = sp;
- s->swallow[s->pos++] = *sp;
- if (s->pos == sizeof(s->swallow) - 1)
- goto skip;
- for (n = 0; n < s->count_vars; n++)
- if (!strncmp(s->swallow, s->vars[n], s->pos)) {
- hits++;
- hit = n;
- }
- if (!hits) {
- s->swallow[s->pos] = '\0';
- memcpy(s->start, s->swallow, s->pos);
- args->len++;
- s->pos = 0;
- sp = s->start + 1;
- continue;
- }
- if (hits == 1 && s->pos == (int)strlen(s->vars[hit])) {
- pc = s->replace(s->data, hit);
- if (!pc)
- pc = "NULL";
- n = (int)strlen(pc);
- s->swallow[s->pos] = '\0';
- if (n != s->pos) {
- memmove(s->start + n, s->start + s->pos,
- old_len - (sp - args->p));
- old_len += (n - s->pos) + 1;
- }
- memcpy(s->start, pc, n);
- args->len++;
- sp = s->start + 1;
- s->pos = 0;
- }
- sp++;
- continue;
- }
- args->len++;
- sp++;
- }
- if (args->chunked) {
- /* no space left for final chunk trailer */
- if (args->final && args->len + 7 >= args->max_len)
- return -1;
- n = sprintf(buffer, "%X\x0d\x0a", args->len);
- args->p -= n;
- memcpy(args->p, buffer, n);
- args->len += n;
- if (args->final) {
- sp = args->p + args->len;
- *sp++ = '\x0d';
- *sp++ = '\x0a';
- *sp++ = '0';
- *sp++ = '\x0d';
- *sp++ = '\x0a';
- *sp++ = '\x0d';
- *sp++ = '\x0a';
- args->len += 7;
- } else {
- sp = args->p + args->len;
- *sp++ = '\x0d';
- *sp++ = '\x0a';
- args->len += 2;
- }
- }
- return 0;