path: root/thirdparty/libtheora/internal.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/libtheora/internal.h')
1 files changed, 26 insertions, 419 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/libtheora/internal.h b/thirdparty/libtheora/internal.h
index d81263e13e..53c77b88be 100644
--- a/thirdparty/libtheora/internal.h
+++ b/thirdparty/libtheora/internal.h
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
- last mod: $Id: internal.h 16503 2009-08-22 18:14:02Z giles $
+ last mod: $Id$
#if !defined(_internal_H)
@@ -19,10 +19,20 @@
# include <stdlib.h>
# include <limits.h>
# if defined(HAVE_CONFIG_H)
-# include <config.h>
+# include "config.h"
# endif
# include "theora/codec.h"
# include "theora/theora.h"
+# include "ocintrin.h"
+# if !defined(__GNUC_PREREQ)
+# if defined(__GNUC__)&&defined(__GNUC_MINOR__)
+# define __GNUC_PREREQ(_maj,_min) \
+ ((__GNUC__<<16)+__GNUC_MINOR__>=((_maj)<<16)+(_min))
+# else
+# define __GNUC_PREREQ(_maj,_min) 0
+# endif
+# endif
# if defined(_MSC_VER)
/*Disable missing EMMS warnings.*/
@@ -31,24 +41,25 @@
# pragma warning(disable:4554)
# endif
/*You, too, gcc.*/
-# if defined(__GNUC_PREREQ)
-# if __GNUC_PREREQ(4,2)
-# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wparentheses"
-# endif
+# if __GNUC_PREREQ(4,2)
+# pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wparentheses"
# endif
-# include "ocintrin.h"
-# include "huffman.h"
-# include "quant.h"
-/*Some assembly constructs require aligned operands.*/
-# if defined(OC_X86_ASM)
+/*Some assembly constructs require aligned operands.
+ The following macros are _only_ intended for structure member declarations.
+ Although they will sometimes work on stack variables, gcc will often silently
+ ignore them.
+ A separate set of macros could be made for manual stack alignment, but we
+ don't actually require it anywhere.*/
+# if defined(OC_X86_ASM)||defined(OC_ARM_ASM)
# if defined(__GNUC__)
# define OC_ALIGN8(expr) expr __attribute__((aligned(8)))
# define OC_ALIGN16(expr) expr __attribute__((aligned(16)))
# elif defined(_MSC_VER)
# define OC_ALIGN8(expr) __declspec (align(8)) expr
# define OC_ALIGN16(expr) __declspec (align(16)) expr
+# else
+# error "Alignment macros required for this platform."
# endif
# endif
# if !defined(OC_ALIGN8)
@@ -60,19 +71,8 @@
-typedef struct oc_sb_flags oc_sb_flags;
-typedef struct oc_border_info oc_border_info;
-typedef struct oc_fragment oc_fragment;
-typedef struct oc_fragment_plane oc_fragment_plane;
-typedef struct oc_base_opt_vtable oc_base_opt_vtable;
-typedef struct oc_base_opt_data oc_base_opt_data;
-typedef struct oc_state_dispatch_vtable oc_state_dispatch_vtable;
-typedef struct oc_theora_state oc_theora_state;
/*This library's version.*/
-# define OC_VENDOR_STRING "Xiph.Org libtheora 1.1 20090822 (Thusnelda)"
+# define OC_VENDOR_STRING "Xiph.Org libtheora 1.2.0alpha 20100924 (Ptalarbvorm)"
/*Theora bitstream version.*/
# define TH_VERSION_MAJOR (3)
@@ -83,315 +83,6 @@ typedef struct oc_theora_state oc_theora_state;
((_info)->version_minor>(_min)||(_info)->version_minor==(_min)&& \
-/*A keyframe.*/
-#define OC_INTRA_FRAME (0)
-/*A predicted frame.*/
-#define OC_INTER_FRAME (1)
-/*A frame of unknown type (frame type decision has not yet been made).*/
-#define OC_UNKWN_FRAME (-1)
-/*The amount of padding to add to the reconstructed frame buffers on all
- sides.
- This is used to allow unrestricted motion vectors without special casing.
- This must be a multiple of 2.*/
-#define OC_UMV_PADDING (16)
-/*Frame classification indices.*/
-/*The previous golden frame.*/
-#define OC_FRAME_GOLD (0)
-/*The previous frame.*/
-#define OC_FRAME_PREV (1)
-/*The current frame.*/
-#define OC_FRAME_SELF (2)
-/*The input or output buffer.*/
-#define OC_FRAME_IO (3)
-/*Macroblock modes.*/
-/*Macro block is invalid: It is never coded.*/
-#define OC_MODE_INVALID (-1)
-/*Encoded difference from the same macro block in the previous frame.*/
-#define OC_MODE_INTER_NOMV (0)
-/*Encoded with no motion compensated prediction.*/
-#define OC_MODE_INTRA (1)
-/*Encoded difference from the previous frame offset by the given motion
- vector.*/
-#define OC_MODE_INTER_MV (2)
-/*Encoded difference from the previous frame offset by the last coded motion
- vector.*/
-#define OC_MODE_INTER_MV_LAST (3)
-/*Encoded difference from the previous frame offset by the second to last
- coded motion vector.*/
-#define OC_MODE_INTER_MV_LAST2 (4)
-/*Encoded difference from the same macro block in the previous golden
- frame.*/
-#define OC_MODE_GOLDEN_NOMV (5)
-/*Encoded difference from the previous golden frame offset by the given motion
- vector.*/
-#define OC_MODE_GOLDEN_MV (6)
-/*Encoded difference from the previous frame offset by the individual motion
- vectors given for each block.*/
-#define OC_MODE_INTER_MV_FOUR (7)
-/*The number of (coded) modes.*/
-#define OC_NMODES (8)
-/*Determines the reference frame used for a given MB mode.*/
-#define OC_FRAME_FOR_MODE(_x) \
-/*Constants for the packet state machine common between encoder and decoder.*/
-/*Next packet to emit/read: Codec info header.*/
-#define OC_PACKET_INFO_HDR (-3)
-/*Next packet to emit/read: Comment header.*/
-/*Next packet to emit/read: Codec setup header.*/
-#define OC_PACKET_SETUP_HDR (-1)
-/*No more packets to emit/read.*/
-/*Super blocks are 32x32 segments of pixels in a single color plane indexed
- in image order.
- Internally, super blocks are broken up into four quadrants, each of which
- contains a 2x2 pattern of blocks, each of which is an 8x8 block of pixels.
- Quadrants, and the blocks within them, are indexed in a special order called
- a "Hilbert curve" within the super block.
- In order to differentiate between the Hilbert-curve indexing strategy and
- the regular image order indexing strategy, blocks indexed in image order
- are called "fragments".
- Fragments are indexed in image order, left to right, then bottom to top,
- from Y' plane to Cb plane to Cr plane.
- The co-located fragments in all image planes corresponding to the location
- of a single quadrant of a luma plane super block form a macro block.
- Thus there is only a single set of macro blocks for all planes, each of which
- contains between 6 and 12 fragments, depending on the pixel format.
- Therefore macro block information is kept in a separate set of arrays from
- super blocks to avoid unused space in the other planes.
- The lists are indexed in super block order.
- That is, the macro block corresponding to the macro block mbi in (luma plane)
- super block sbi is at index (sbi<<2|mbi).
- Thus the number of macro blocks in each dimension is always twice the number
- of super blocks, even when only an odd number fall inside the coded frame.
- These "extra" macro blocks are just an artifact of our internal data layout,
- and not part of the coded stream; they are flagged with a negative MB mode.*/
-/*A single quadrant of the map from a super block to fragment numbers.*/
-typedef ptrdiff_t oc_sb_map_quad[4];
-/*A map from a super block to fragment numbers.*/
-typedef oc_sb_map_quad oc_sb_map[4];
-/*A single plane of the map from a macro block to fragment numbers.*/
-typedef ptrdiff_t oc_mb_map_plane[4];
-/*A map from a macro block to fragment numbers.*/
-typedef oc_mb_map_plane oc_mb_map[3];
-/*A motion vector.*/
-typedef signed char oc_mv[2];
-/*Super block information.*/
-struct oc_sb_flags{
- unsigned char coded_fully:1;
- unsigned char coded_partially:1;
- unsigned char quad_valid:4;
-/*Information about a fragment which intersects the border of the displayable
- region.
- This marks which pixels belong to the displayable region.*/
-struct oc_border_info{
- /*A bit mask marking which pixels are in the displayable region.
- Pixel (x,y) corresponds to bit (y<<3|x).*/
- ogg_int64_t mask;
- /*The number of pixels in the displayable region.
- This is always positive, and always less than 64.*/
- int npixels;
-/*Fragment information.*/
-struct oc_fragment{
- /*A flag indicating whether or not this fragment is coded.*/
- unsigned coded:1;
- /*A flag indicating that this entire fragment lies outside the displayable
- region of the frame.
- Note the contrast with an invalid macro block, which is outside the coded
- frame, not just the displayable one.
- There are no fragments outside the coded frame by construction.*/
- unsigned invalid:1;
- /*The index of the quality index used for this fragment's AC coefficients.*/
- unsigned qii:6;
- /*The mode of the macroblock this fragment belongs to.*/
- unsigned mb_mode:3;
- /*The index of the associated border information for fragments which lie
- partially outside the displayable region.
- For fragments completely inside or outside this region, this is -1.
- Note that the C standard requires an explicit signed keyword for bitfield
- types, since some compilers may treat them as unsigned without it.*/
- signed int borderi:5;
- /*The prediction-corrected DC component.
- Note that the C standard requires an explicit signed keyword for bitfield
- types, since some compilers may treat them as unsigned without it.*/
- signed int dc:16;
-/*A description of each fragment plane.*/
-struct oc_fragment_plane{
- /*The number of fragments in the horizontal direction.*/
- int nhfrags;
- /*The number of fragments in the vertical direction.*/
- int nvfrags;
- /*The offset of the first fragment in the plane.*/
- ptrdiff_t froffset;
- /*The total number of fragments in the plane.*/
- ptrdiff_t nfrags;
- /*The number of super blocks in the horizontal direction.*/
- unsigned nhsbs;
- /*The number of super blocks in the vertical direction.*/
- unsigned nvsbs;
- /*The offset of the first super block in the plane.*/
- unsigned sboffset;
- /*The total number of super blocks in the plane.*/
- unsigned nsbs;
-/*The shared (encoder and decoder) functions that have accelerated variants.*/
-struct oc_base_opt_vtable{
- void (*frag_copy)(unsigned char *_dst,
- const unsigned char *_src,int _ystride);
- void (*frag_recon_intra)(unsigned char *_dst,int _ystride,
- const ogg_int16_t _residue[64]);
- void (*frag_recon_inter)(unsigned char *_dst,
- const unsigned char *_src,int _ystride,const ogg_int16_t _residue[64]);
- void (*frag_recon_inter2)(unsigned char *_dst,const unsigned char *_src1,
- const unsigned char *_src2,int _ystride,const ogg_int16_t _residue[64]);
- void (*idct8x8)(ogg_int16_t _y[64],int _last_zzi);
- void (*state_frag_recon)(const oc_theora_state *_state,ptrdiff_t _fragi,
- int _pli,ogg_int16_t _dct_coeffs[64],int _last_zzi,ogg_uint16_t _dc_quant);
- void (*state_frag_copy_list)(const oc_theora_state *_state,
- const ptrdiff_t *_fragis,ptrdiff_t _nfragis,
- int _dst_frame,int _src_frame,int _pli);
- void (*state_loop_filter_frag_rows)(const oc_theora_state *_state,
- int _bv[256],int _refi,int _pli,int _fragy0,int _fragy_end);
- void (*restore_fpu)(void);
-/*The shared (encoder and decoder) tables that vary according to which variants
- of the above functions are used.*/
-struct oc_base_opt_data{
- const unsigned char *dct_fzig_zag;
-/*State information common to both the encoder and decoder.*/
-struct oc_theora_state{
- /*The stream information.*/
- th_info info;
- /*Table for shared accelerated functions.*/
- oc_base_opt_vtable opt_vtable;
- /*Table for shared data used by accelerated functions.*/
- oc_base_opt_data opt_data;
- /*CPU flags to detect the presence of extended instruction sets.*/
- ogg_uint32_t cpu_flags;
- /*The fragment plane descriptions.*/
- oc_fragment_plane fplanes[3];
- /*The list of fragments, indexed in image order.*/
- oc_fragment *frags;
- /*The the offset into the reference frame buffer to the upper-left pixel of
- each fragment.*/
- ptrdiff_t *frag_buf_offs;
- /*The motion vector for each fragment.*/
- oc_mv *frag_mvs;
- /*The total number of fragments in a single frame.*/
- ptrdiff_t nfrags;
- /*The list of super block maps, indexed in image order.*/
- oc_sb_map *sb_maps;
- /*The list of super block flags, indexed in image order.*/
- oc_sb_flags *sb_flags;
- /*The total number of super blocks in a single frame.*/
- unsigned nsbs;
- /*The fragments from each color plane that belong to each macro block.
- Fragments are stored in image order (left to right then top to bottom).
- When chroma components are decimated, the extra fragments have an index of
- -1.*/
- oc_mb_map *mb_maps;
- /*The list of macro block modes.
- A negative number indicates the macro block lies entirely outside the
- coded frame.*/
- signed char *mb_modes;
- /*The number of macro blocks in the X direction.*/
- unsigned nhmbs;
- /*The number of macro blocks in the Y direction.*/
- unsigned nvmbs;
- /*The total number of macro blocks.*/
- size_t nmbs;
- /*The list of coded fragments, in coded order.
- Uncoded fragments are stored in reverse order from the end of the list.*/
- ptrdiff_t *coded_fragis;
- /*The number of coded fragments in each plane.*/
- ptrdiff_t ncoded_fragis[3];
- /*The total number of coded fragments.*/
- ptrdiff_t ntotal_coded_fragis;
- /*The index of the buffers being used for each OC_FRAME_* reference frame.*/
- int ref_frame_idx[4];
- /*The actual buffers used for the previously decoded frames.*/
- th_ycbcr_buffer ref_frame_bufs[4];
- /*The storage for the reference frame buffers.*/
- unsigned char *ref_frame_data[4];
- /*The strides for each plane in the reference frames.*/
- int ref_ystride[3];
- /*The number of unique border patterns.*/
- int nborders;
- /*The unique border patterns for all border fragments.
- The borderi field of fragments which straddle the border indexes this
- list.*/
- oc_border_info borders[16];
- /*The frame number of the last keyframe.*/
- ogg_int64_t keyframe_num;
- /*The frame number of the current frame.*/
- ogg_int64_t curframe_num;
- /*The granpos of the current frame.*/
- ogg_int64_t granpos;
- /*The type of the current frame.*/
- unsigned char frame_type;
- /*The bias to add to the frame count when computing granule positions.*/
- unsigned char granpos_bias;
- /*The number of quality indices used in the current frame.*/
- unsigned char nqis;
- /*The quality indices of the current frame.*/
- unsigned char qis[3];
- /*The dequantization tables, stored in zig-zag order, and indexed by
- qi, pli, qti, and zzi.*/
- ogg_uint16_t *dequant_tables[64][3][2];
- OC_ALIGN16(oc_quant_table dequant_table_data[64][3][2]);
- /*Loop filter strength parameters.*/
- unsigned char loop_filter_limits[64];
-/*The function type used to fill in the chroma plane motion vectors for a
- macro block when 4 different motion vectors are specified in the luma
- plane.
- _cbmvs: The chroma block-level motion vectors to fill in.
- _lmbmv: The luma macro-block level motion vector to fill in for use in
- prediction.
- _lbmvs: The luma block-level motion vectors.*/
-typedef void (*oc_set_chroma_mvs_func)(oc_mv _cbmvs[4],const oc_mv _lbmvs[4]);
/*A map from the index in the zig zag scan to the coefficient number in a
@@ -409,14 +100,12 @@ extern const unsigned char OC_MB_MAP_IDXS[TH_PF_NFORMATS][12];
/*The number of indices in the oc_mb_map array that can be valid for each of
the various chroma decimation types.*/
extern const unsigned char OC_MB_MAP_NIDXS[TH_PF_NFORMATS];
-/*A table of functions used to fill in the Cb,Cr plane motion vectors for a
- macro block when 4 different motion vectors are specified in the luma
- plane.*/
-extern const oc_set_chroma_mvs_func OC_SET_CHROMA_MVS_TABLE[TH_PF_NFORMATS];
int oc_ilog(unsigned _v);
+void *oc_aligned_malloc(size_t _sz,size_t _align);
+void oc_aligned_free(void *_ptr);
void **oc_malloc_2d(size_t _height,size_t _width,size_t _sz);
void **oc_calloc_2d(size_t _height,size_t _width,size_t _sz);
void oc_free_2d(void *_ptr);
@@ -424,86 +113,4 @@ void oc_free_2d(void *_ptr);
void oc_ycbcr_buffer_flip(th_ycbcr_buffer _dst,
const th_ycbcr_buffer _src);
-int oc_state_init(oc_theora_state *_state,const th_info *_info,int _nrefs);
-void oc_state_clear(oc_theora_state *_state);
-void oc_state_vtable_init_c(oc_theora_state *_state);
-void oc_state_borders_fill_rows(oc_theora_state *_state,int _refi,int _pli,
- int _y0,int _yend);
-void oc_state_borders_fill_caps(oc_theora_state *_state,int _refi,int _pli);
-void oc_state_borders_fill(oc_theora_state *_state,int _refi);
-void oc_state_fill_buffer_ptrs(oc_theora_state *_state,int _buf_idx,
- th_ycbcr_buffer _img);
-int oc_state_mbi_for_pos(oc_theora_state *_state,int _mbx,int _mby);
-int oc_state_get_mv_offsets(const oc_theora_state *_state,int _offsets[2],
- int _pli,int _dx,int _dy);
-int oc_state_loop_filter_init(oc_theora_state *_state,int *_bv);
-void oc_state_loop_filter(oc_theora_state *_state,int _frame);
-#if defined(OC_DUMP_IMAGES)
-int oc_state_dump_frame(const oc_theora_state *_state,int _frame,
- const char *_suf);
-/*Shared accelerated functions.*/
-void oc_frag_copy(const oc_theora_state *_state,unsigned char *_dst,
- const unsigned char *_src,int _ystride);
-void oc_frag_recon_intra(const oc_theora_state *_state,
- unsigned char *_dst,int _dst_ystride,const ogg_int16_t _residue[64]);
-void oc_frag_recon_inter(const oc_theora_state *_state,unsigned char *_dst,
- const unsigned char *_src,int _ystride,const ogg_int16_t _residue[64]);
-void oc_frag_recon_inter2(const oc_theora_state *_state,
- unsigned char *_dst,const unsigned char *_src1,const unsigned char *_src2,
- int _ystride,const ogg_int16_t _residue[64]);
-void oc_idct8x8(const oc_theora_state *_state,ogg_int16_t _y[64],int _last_zzi);
-void oc_state_frag_recon(const oc_theora_state *_state,ptrdiff_t _fragi,
- int _pli,ogg_int16_t _dct_coeffs[64],int _last_zzi,ogg_uint16_t _dc_quant);
-void oc_state_frag_copy_list(const oc_theora_state *_state,
- const ptrdiff_t *_fragis,ptrdiff_t _nfragis,
- int _dst_frame,int _src_frame,int _pli);
-void oc_state_loop_filter_frag_rows(const oc_theora_state *_state,
- int _bv[256],int _refi,int _pli,int _fragy0,int _fragy_end);
-void oc_restore_fpu(const oc_theora_state *_state);
-/*Default pure-C implementations.*/
-void oc_frag_copy_c(unsigned char *_dst,
- const unsigned char *_src,int _src_ystride);
-void oc_frag_recon_intra_c(unsigned char *_dst,int _dst_ystride,
- const ogg_int16_t _residue[64]);
-void oc_frag_recon_inter_c(unsigned char *_dst,
- const unsigned char *_src,int _ystride,const ogg_int16_t _residue[64]);
-void oc_frag_recon_inter2_c(unsigned char *_dst,const unsigned char *_src1,
- const unsigned char *_src2,int _ystride,const ogg_int16_t _residue[64]);
-void oc_idct8x8_c(ogg_int16_t _y[64],int _last_zzi);
-void oc_state_frag_recon_c(const oc_theora_state *_state,ptrdiff_t _fragi,
- int _pli,ogg_int16_t _dct_coeffs[64],int _last_zzi,ogg_uint16_t _dc_quant);
-void oc_state_frag_copy_list_c(const oc_theora_state *_state,
- const ptrdiff_t *_fragis,ptrdiff_t _nfragis,
- int _dst_frame,int _src_frame,int _pli);
-void oc_state_loop_filter_frag_rows_c(const oc_theora_state *_state,
- int _bv[256],int _refi,int _pli,int _fragy0,int _fragy_end);
-void oc_restore_fpu_c(void);
-/*We need a way to call a few encoder functions without introducing a link-time
- dependency into the decoder, while still allowing the old alpha API which
- does not distinguish between encoder and decoder objects to be used.
- We do this by placing a function table at the start of the encoder object
- which can dispatch into the encoder library.
- We do a similar thing for the decoder in case we ever decide to split off a
- common base library.*/
-typedef void (*oc_state_clear_func)(theora_state *_th);
-typedef int (*oc_state_control_func)(theora_state *th,int _req,
- void *_buf,size_t _buf_sz);
-typedef ogg_int64_t (*oc_state_granule_frame_func)(theora_state *_th,
- ogg_int64_t _granulepos);
-typedef double (*oc_state_granule_time_func)(theora_state *_th,
- ogg_int64_t _granulepos);
-struct oc_state_dispatch_vtable{
- oc_state_clear_func clear;
- oc_state_control_func control;
- oc_state_granule_frame_func granule_frame;
- oc_state_granule_time_func granule_time;