path: root/thirdparty/icu4c/common/localematcher.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/icu4c/common/localematcher.cpp')
1 files changed, 844 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/icu4c/common/localematcher.cpp b/thirdparty/icu4c/common/localematcher.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..132aee290e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/icu4c/common/localematcher.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,844 @@
+// © 2019 and later: Unicode, Inc. and others.
+// License & terms of use:
+// localematcher.cpp
+// created: 2019may08 Markus W. Scherer
+#include "unicode/utypes.h"
+#include "unicode/localebuilder.h"
+#include "unicode/localematcher.h"
+#include "unicode/locid.h"
+#include "unicode/stringpiece.h"
+#include "unicode/uloc.h"
+#include "unicode/uobject.h"
+#include "cstring.h"
+#include "localeprioritylist.h"
+#include "loclikelysubtags.h"
+#include "locdistance.h"
+#include "lsr.h"
+#include "uassert.h"
+#include "uhash.h"
+#include "ustr_imp.h"
+#include "uvector.h"
+#define UND_LSR LSR("und", "", "", LSR::EXPLICIT_LSR)
+ * Indicator for the lifetime of desired-locale objects passed into the LocaleMatcher.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 65
+ */
+enum ULocMatchLifetime {
+ /**
+ * Locale objects are temporary.
+ * The matcher will make a copy of a locale that will be used beyond one function call.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 65
+ */
+ /**
+ * Locale objects are stored at least as long as the matcher is used.
+ * The matcher will keep only a pointer to a locale that will be used beyond one function call,
+ * avoiding a copy.
+ *
+ * @draft ICU 65
+ */
+ ULOCMATCH_STORED_LOCALES // TODO: permanent? cached? clone?
+#ifndef U_IN_DOXYGEN
+typedef enum ULocMatchLifetime ULocMatchLifetime;
+LocaleMatcher::Result::Result(LocaleMatcher::Result &&src) U_NOEXCEPT :
+ desiredLocale(src.desiredLocale),
+ supportedLocale(src.supportedLocale),
+ desiredIndex(src.desiredIndex),
+ supportedIndex(src.supportedIndex),
+ desiredIsOwned(src.desiredIsOwned) {
+ if (desiredIsOwned) {
+ src.desiredLocale = nullptr;
+ src.desiredIndex = -1;
+ src.desiredIsOwned = FALSE;
+ }
+LocaleMatcher::Result::~Result() {
+ if (desiredIsOwned) {
+ delete desiredLocale;
+ }
+LocaleMatcher::Result &LocaleMatcher::Result::operator=(LocaleMatcher::Result &&src) U_NOEXCEPT {
+ this->~Result();
+ desiredLocale = src.desiredLocale;
+ supportedLocale = src.supportedLocale;
+ desiredIndex = src.desiredIndex;
+ supportedIndex = src.supportedIndex;
+ desiredIsOwned = src.desiredIsOwned;
+ if (desiredIsOwned) {
+ src.desiredLocale = nullptr;
+ src.desiredIndex = -1;
+ src.desiredIsOwned = FALSE;
+ }
+ return *this;
+Locale LocaleMatcher::Result::makeResolvedLocale(UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode) || supportedLocale == nullptr) {
+ return Locale::getRoot();
+ }
+ const Locale *bestDesired = getDesiredLocale();
+ if (bestDesired == nullptr || *supportedLocale == *bestDesired) {
+ return *supportedLocale;
+ }
+ LocaleBuilder b;
+ b.setLocale(*supportedLocale);
+ // Copy the region from bestDesired, if there is one.
+ const char *region = bestDesired->getCountry();
+ if (*region != 0) {
+ b.setRegion(region);
+ }
+ // Copy the variants from bestDesired, if there are any.
+ // Note that this will override any supportedLocale variants.
+ // For example, "sco-ulster-fonipa" + "...-fonupa" => "sco-fonupa" (replacing ulster).
+ const char *variants = bestDesired->getVariant();
+ if (*variants != 0) {
+ b.setVariant(variants);
+ }
+ // Copy the extensions from bestDesired, if there are any.
+ // C++ note: The following note, copied from Java, may not be true,
+ // as long as C++ copies by legacy ICU keyword, not by extension singleton.
+ // Note that this will override any supportedLocale extensions.
+ // For example, "th-u-nu-latn-ca-buddhist" + "...-u-nu-native" => "th-u-nu-native"
+ // (replacing calendar).
+ b.copyExtensionsFrom(*bestDesired, errorCode);
+ return;
+LocaleMatcher::Builder::Builder(LocaleMatcher::Builder &&src) U_NOEXCEPT :
+ errorCode_(src.errorCode_),
+ supportedLocales_(src.supportedLocales_),
+ thresholdDistance_(src.thresholdDistance_),
+ demotion_(src.demotion_),
+ defaultLocale_(src.defaultLocale_),
+ withDefault_(src.withDefault_),
+ favor_(src.favor_),
+ direction_(src.direction_) {
+ src.supportedLocales_ = nullptr;
+ src.defaultLocale_ = nullptr;
+LocaleMatcher::Builder::~Builder() {
+ delete supportedLocales_;
+ delete defaultLocale_;
+ delete maxDistanceDesired_;
+ delete maxDistanceSupported_;
+LocaleMatcher::Builder &LocaleMatcher::Builder::operator=(LocaleMatcher::Builder &&src) U_NOEXCEPT {
+ this->~Builder();
+ errorCode_ = src.errorCode_;
+ supportedLocales_ = src.supportedLocales_;
+ thresholdDistance_ = src.thresholdDistance_;
+ demotion_ = src.demotion_;
+ defaultLocale_ = src.defaultLocale_;
+ withDefault_ = src.withDefault_,
+ favor_ = src.favor_;
+ direction_ = src.direction_;
+ src.supportedLocales_ = nullptr;
+ src.defaultLocale_ = nullptr;
+ return *this;
+void LocaleMatcher::Builder::clearSupportedLocales() {
+ if (supportedLocales_ != nullptr) {
+ supportedLocales_->removeAllElements();
+ }
+bool LocaleMatcher::Builder::ensureSupportedLocaleVector() {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) { return false; }
+ if (supportedLocales_ != nullptr) { return true; }
+ supportedLocales_ = new UVector(uprv_deleteUObject, nullptr, errorCode_);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) { return false; }
+ if (supportedLocales_ == nullptr) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+LocaleMatcher::Builder &LocaleMatcher::Builder::setSupportedLocalesFromListString(
+ StringPiece locales) {
+ LocalePriorityList list(locales, errorCode_);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) { return *this; }
+ clearSupportedLocales();
+ if (!ensureSupportedLocaleVector()) { return *this; }
+ int32_t length = list.getLengthIncludingRemoved();
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
+ Locale *locale = list.orphanLocaleAt(i);
+ if (locale == nullptr) { continue; }
+ supportedLocales_->addElement(locale, errorCode_);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) {
+ delete locale;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+LocaleMatcher::Builder &LocaleMatcher::Builder::setSupportedLocales(Locale::Iterator &locales) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) { return *this; }
+ clearSupportedLocales();
+ if (!ensureSupportedLocaleVector()) { return *this; }
+ while (locales.hasNext()) {
+ const Locale &locale =;
+ Locale *clone = locale.clone();
+ if (clone == nullptr) {
+ break;
+ }
+ supportedLocales_->addElement(clone, errorCode_);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) {
+ delete clone;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return *this;
+LocaleMatcher::Builder &LocaleMatcher::Builder::addSupportedLocale(const Locale &locale) {
+ if (!ensureSupportedLocaleVector()) { return *this; }
+ Locale *clone = locale.clone();
+ if (clone == nullptr) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ supportedLocales_->addElement(clone, errorCode_);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) {
+ delete clone;
+ }
+ return *this;
+LocaleMatcher::Builder &LocaleMatcher::Builder::setNoDefaultLocale() {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) { return *this; }
+ delete defaultLocale_;
+ defaultLocale_ = nullptr;
+ withDefault_ = false;
+ return *this;
+LocaleMatcher::Builder &LocaleMatcher::Builder::setDefaultLocale(const Locale *defaultLocale) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) { return *this; }
+ Locale *clone = nullptr;
+ if (defaultLocale != nullptr) {
+ clone = defaultLocale->clone();
+ if (clone == nullptr) {
+ return *this;
+ }
+ }
+ delete defaultLocale_;
+ defaultLocale_ = clone;
+ withDefault_ = true;
+ return *this;
+LocaleMatcher::Builder &LocaleMatcher::Builder::setFavorSubtag(ULocMatchFavorSubtag subtag) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) { return *this; }
+ favor_ = subtag;
+ return *this;
+LocaleMatcher::Builder &LocaleMatcher::Builder::setDemotionPerDesiredLocale(ULocMatchDemotion demotion) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) { return *this; }
+ demotion_ = demotion;
+ return *this;
+LocaleMatcher::Builder &LocaleMatcher::Builder::setMaxDistance(const Locale &desired,
+ const Locale &supported) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) { return *this; }
+ Locale *desiredClone = desired.clone();
+ Locale *supportedClone = supported.clone();
+ if (desiredClone == nullptr || supportedClone == nullptr) {
+ delete desiredClone; // in case only one could not be allocated
+ delete supportedClone;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ delete maxDistanceDesired_;
+ delete maxDistanceSupported_;
+ maxDistanceDesired_ = desiredClone;
+ maxDistanceSupported_ = supportedClone;
+ return *this;
+#if 0
+ * <i>Internal only!</i>
+ *
+ * @param thresholdDistance the thresholdDistance to set, with -1 = default
+ * @return this Builder object
+ * @internal
+ * @deprecated This API is ICU internal only.
+ */
+LocaleMatcher::Builder &LocaleMatcher::Builder::internalSetThresholdDistance(int32_t thresholdDistance) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) { return *this; }
+ if (thresholdDistance > 100) {
+ thresholdDistance = 100;
+ }
+ thresholdDistance_ = thresholdDistance;
+ return *this;
+UBool LocaleMatcher::Builder::copyErrorTo(UErrorCode &outErrorCode) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(outErrorCode)) { return TRUE; }
+ if (U_SUCCESS(errorCode_)) { return FALSE; }
+ outErrorCode = errorCode_;
+ return TRUE;
+LocaleMatcher LocaleMatcher::Builder::build(UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+ if (U_SUCCESS(errorCode) && U_FAILURE(errorCode_)) {
+ errorCode = errorCode_;
+ }
+ return LocaleMatcher(*this, errorCode);
+namespace {
+LSR getMaximalLsrOrUnd(const XLikelySubtags &likelySubtags, const Locale &locale,
+ UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode) || locale.isBogus() || *locale.getName() == 0 /* "und" */) {
+ return UND_LSR;
+ } else {
+ return likelySubtags.makeMaximizedLsrFrom(locale, errorCode);
+ }
+int32_t hashLSR(const UHashTok token) {
+ const LSR *lsr = static_cast<const LSR *>(token.pointer);
+ return lsr->hashCode;
+UBool compareLSRs(const UHashTok t1, const UHashTok t2) {
+ const LSR *lsr1 = static_cast<const LSR *>(t1.pointer);
+ const LSR *lsr2 = static_cast<const LSR *>(t2.pointer);
+ return *lsr1 == *lsr2;
+} // namespace
+int32_t LocaleMatcher::putIfAbsent(const LSR &lsr, int32_t i, int32_t suppLength,
+ UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return suppLength; }
+ if (!uhash_containsKey(supportedLsrToIndex, &lsr)) {
+ uhash_putiAllowZero(supportedLsrToIndex, const_cast<LSR *>(&lsr), i, &errorCode);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) {
+ supportedLSRs[suppLength] = &lsr;
+ supportedIndexes[suppLength++] = i;
+ }
+ }
+ return suppLength;
+LocaleMatcher::LocaleMatcher(const Builder &builder, UErrorCode &errorCode) :
+ likelySubtags(*XLikelySubtags::getSingleton(errorCode)),
+ localeDistance(*LocaleDistance::getSingleton(errorCode)),
+ thresholdDistance(builder.thresholdDistance_),
+ demotionPerDesiredLocale(0),
+ favorSubtag(builder.favor_),
+ direction(builder.direction_),
+ supportedLocales(nullptr), lsrs(nullptr), supportedLocalesLength(0),
+ supportedLsrToIndex(nullptr),
+ supportedLSRs(nullptr), supportedIndexes(nullptr), supportedLSRsLength(0),
+ ownedDefaultLocale(nullptr), defaultLocale(nullptr) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
+ const Locale *def = builder.defaultLocale_;
+ LSR builderDefaultLSR;
+ const LSR *defLSR = nullptr;
+ if (def != nullptr) {
+ ownedDefaultLocale = def->clone();
+ if (ownedDefaultLocale == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ def = ownedDefaultLocale;
+ builderDefaultLSR = getMaximalLsrOrUnd(likelySubtags, *def, errorCode);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
+ defLSR = &builderDefaultLSR;
+ }
+ supportedLocalesLength = builder.supportedLocales_ != nullptr ?
+ builder.supportedLocales_->size() : 0;
+ if (supportedLocalesLength > 0) {
+ // Store the supported locales in input order,
+ // so that when different types are used (e.g., language tag strings)
+ // we can return those by parallel index.
+ supportedLocales = static_cast<const Locale **>(
+ uprv_malloc(supportedLocalesLength * sizeof(const Locale *)));
+ // Supported LRSs in input order.
+ // In C++, we store these permanently to simplify ownership management
+ // in the hash tables. Duplicate LSRs (if any) are unused overhead.
+ lsrs = new LSR[supportedLocalesLength];
+ if (supportedLocales == nullptr || lsrs == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // If the constructor fails partway, we need null pointers for destructibility.
+ uprv_memset(supportedLocales, 0, supportedLocalesLength * sizeof(const Locale *));
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < supportedLocalesLength; ++i) {
+ const Locale &locale = *static_cast<Locale *>(builder.supportedLocales_->elementAt(i));
+ supportedLocales[i] = locale.clone();
+ if (supportedLocales[i] == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ const Locale &supportedLocale = *supportedLocales[i];
+ LSR &lsr = lsrs[i] = getMaximalLsrOrUnd(likelySubtags, supportedLocale, errorCode);
+ lsr.setHashCode();
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
+ }
+ // We need an unordered map from LSR to first supported locale with that LSR,
+ // and an ordered list of (LSR, supported index) for
+ // the supported locales in the following order:
+ // 1. Default locale, if it is supported.
+ // 2. Priority locales (aka "paradigm locales") in builder order.
+ // 3. Remaining locales in builder order.
+ supportedLsrToIndex = uhash_openSize(hashLSR, compareLSRs, uhash_compareLong,
+ supportedLocalesLength, &errorCode);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
+ supportedLSRs = static_cast<const LSR **>(
+ uprv_malloc(supportedLocalesLength * sizeof(const LSR *)));
+ supportedIndexes = static_cast<int32_t *>(
+ uprv_malloc(supportedLocalesLength * sizeof(int32_t)));
+ if (supportedLSRs == nullptr || supportedIndexes == nullptr) {
+ return;
+ }
+ int32_t suppLength = 0;
+ // Determine insertion order.
+ // Add locales immediately that are equivalent to the default.
+ MaybeStackArray<int8_t, 100> order(supportedLocalesLength, errorCode);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
+ int32_t numParadigms = 0;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < supportedLocalesLength; ++i) {
+ const Locale &locale = *supportedLocales[i];
+ const LSR &lsr = lsrs[i];
+ if (defLSR == nullptr && builder.withDefault_) {
+ // Implicit default locale = first supported locale, if not turned off.
+ U_ASSERT(i == 0);
+ def = &locale;
+ defLSR = &lsr;
+ order[i] = 1;
+ suppLength = putIfAbsent(lsr, 0, suppLength, errorCode);
+ } else if (defLSR != nullptr && lsr.isEquivalentTo(*defLSR)) {
+ order[i] = 1;
+ suppLength = putIfAbsent(lsr, i, suppLength, errorCode);
+ } else if (localeDistance.isParadigmLSR(lsr)) {
+ order[i] = 2;
+ ++numParadigms;
+ } else {
+ order[i] = 3;
+ }
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
+ }
+ // Add supported paradigm locales.
+ int32_t paradigmLimit = suppLength + numParadigms;
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < supportedLocalesLength && suppLength < paradigmLimit; ++i) {
+ if (order[i] == 2) {
+ suppLength = putIfAbsent(lsrs[i], i, suppLength, errorCode);
+ }
+ }
+ // Add remaining supported locales.
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < supportedLocalesLength; ++i) {
+ if (order[i] == 3) {
+ suppLength = putIfAbsent(lsrs[i], i, suppLength, errorCode);
+ }
+ }
+ supportedLSRsLength = suppLength;
+ // If supportedLSRsLength < supportedLocalesLength then
+ // we waste as many array slots as there are duplicate supported LSRs,
+ // but the amount of wasted space is small as long as there are few duplicates.
+ }
+ defaultLocale = def;
+ if (builder.demotion_ == ULOCMATCH_DEMOTION_REGION) {
+ demotionPerDesiredLocale = localeDistance.getDefaultDemotionPerDesiredLocale();
+ }
+ if (thresholdDistance >= 0) {
+ // already copied
+ } else if (builder.maxDistanceDesired_ != nullptr) {
+ LSR suppLSR = getMaximalLsrOrUnd(likelySubtags, *builder.maxDistanceSupported_, errorCode);
+ const LSR *pSuppLSR = &suppLSR;
+ int32_t indexAndDistance = localeDistance.getBestIndexAndDistance(
+ getMaximalLsrOrUnd(likelySubtags, *builder.maxDistanceDesired_, errorCode),
+ &pSuppLSR, 1,
+ LocaleDistance::shiftDistance(100), favorSubtag, direction);
+ if (U_SUCCESS(errorCode)) {
+ // +1 for an exclusive threshold from an inclusive max.
+ thresholdDistance = LocaleDistance::getDistanceFloor(indexAndDistance) + 1;
+ } else {
+ thresholdDistance = 0;
+ }
+ } else {
+ thresholdDistance = localeDistance.getDefaultScriptDistance();
+ }
+LocaleMatcher::LocaleMatcher(LocaleMatcher &&src) U_NOEXCEPT :
+ likelySubtags(src.likelySubtags),
+ localeDistance(src.localeDistance),
+ thresholdDistance(src.thresholdDistance),
+ demotionPerDesiredLocale(src.demotionPerDesiredLocale),
+ favorSubtag(src.favorSubtag),
+ direction(src.direction),
+ supportedLocales(src.supportedLocales), lsrs(src.lsrs),
+ supportedLocalesLength(src.supportedLocalesLength),
+ supportedLsrToIndex(src.supportedLsrToIndex),
+ supportedLSRs(src.supportedLSRs),
+ supportedIndexes(src.supportedIndexes),
+ supportedLSRsLength(src.supportedLSRsLength),
+ ownedDefaultLocale(src.ownedDefaultLocale), defaultLocale(src.defaultLocale) {
+ src.supportedLocales = nullptr;
+ src.lsrs = nullptr;
+ src.supportedLocalesLength = 0;
+ src.supportedLsrToIndex = nullptr;
+ src.supportedLSRs = nullptr;
+ src.supportedIndexes = nullptr;
+ src.supportedLSRsLength = 0;
+ src.ownedDefaultLocale = nullptr;
+ src.defaultLocale = nullptr;
+LocaleMatcher::~LocaleMatcher() {
+ for (int32_t i = 0; i < supportedLocalesLength; ++i) {
+ delete supportedLocales[i];
+ }
+ uprv_free(supportedLocales);
+ delete[] lsrs;
+ uhash_close(supportedLsrToIndex);
+ uprv_free(supportedLSRs);
+ uprv_free(supportedIndexes);
+ delete ownedDefaultLocale;
+LocaleMatcher &LocaleMatcher::operator=(LocaleMatcher &&src) U_NOEXCEPT {
+ this->~LocaleMatcher();
+ thresholdDistance = src.thresholdDistance;
+ demotionPerDesiredLocale = src.demotionPerDesiredLocale;
+ favorSubtag = src.favorSubtag;
+ direction = src.direction;
+ supportedLocales = src.supportedLocales;
+ lsrs = src.lsrs;
+ supportedLocalesLength = src.supportedLocalesLength;
+ supportedLsrToIndex = src.supportedLsrToIndex;
+ supportedLSRs = src.supportedLSRs;
+ supportedIndexes = src.supportedIndexes;
+ supportedLSRsLength = src.supportedLSRsLength;
+ ownedDefaultLocale = src.ownedDefaultLocale;
+ defaultLocale = src.defaultLocale;
+ src.supportedLocales = nullptr;
+ src.lsrs = nullptr;
+ src.supportedLocalesLength = 0;
+ src.supportedLsrToIndex = nullptr;
+ src.supportedLSRs = nullptr;
+ src.supportedIndexes = nullptr;
+ src.supportedLSRsLength = 0;
+ src.ownedDefaultLocale = nullptr;
+ src.defaultLocale = nullptr;
+ return *this;
+class LocaleLsrIterator {
+ LocaleLsrIterator(const XLikelySubtags &likelySubtags, Locale::Iterator &locales,
+ ULocMatchLifetime lifetime) :
+ likelySubtags(likelySubtags), locales(locales), lifetime(lifetime) {}
+ ~LocaleLsrIterator() {
+ delete remembered;
+ }
+ }
+ bool hasNext() const {
+ return locales.hasNext();
+ }
+ LSR next(UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+ current = &;
+ return getMaximalLsrOrUnd(likelySubtags, *current, errorCode);
+ }
+ void rememberCurrent(int32_t desiredIndex, UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return; }
+ bestDesiredIndex = desiredIndex;
+ if (lifetime == ULOCMATCH_STORED_LOCALES) {
+ remembered = current;
+ } else {
+ delete remembered;
+ remembered = new Locale(*current);
+ if (remembered == nullptr) {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ const Locale *orphanRemembered() {
+ const Locale *rem = remembered;
+ remembered = nullptr;
+ return rem;
+ }
+ int32_t getBestDesiredIndex() const {
+ return bestDesiredIndex;
+ }
+ const XLikelySubtags &likelySubtags;
+ Locale::Iterator &locales;
+ ULocMatchLifetime lifetime;
+ const Locale *current = nullptr, *remembered = nullptr;
+ int32_t bestDesiredIndex = -1;
+const Locale *LocaleMatcher::getBestMatch(const Locale &desiredLocale, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return nullptr; }
+ int32_t suppIndex = getBestSuppIndex(
+ getMaximalLsrOrUnd(likelySubtags, desiredLocale, errorCode),
+ nullptr, errorCode);
+ return U_SUCCESS(errorCode) && suppIndex >= 0 ? supportedLocales[suppIndex] : defaultLocale;
+const Locale *LocaleMatcher::getBestMatch(Locale::Iterator &desiredLocales,
+ UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return nullptr; }
+ if (!desiredLocales.hasNext()) {
+ return defaultLocale;
+ }
+ LocaleLsrIterator lsrIter(likelySubtags, desiredLocales, ULOCMATCH_TEMPORARY_LOCALES);
+ int32_t suppIndex = getBestSuppIndex(, &lsrIter, errorCode);
+ return U_SUCCESS(errorCode) && suppIndex >= 0 ? supportedLocales[suppIndex] : defaultLocale;
+const Locale *LocaleMatcher::getBestMatchForListString(
+ StringPiece desiredLocaleList, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+ LocalePriorityList list(desiredLocaleList, errorCode);
+ LocalePriorityList::Iterator iter = list.iterator();
+ return getBestMatch(iter, errorCode);
+LocaleMatcher::Result LocaleMatcher::getBestMatchResult(
+ const Locale &desiredLocale, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) {
+ return Result(nullptr, defaultLocale, -1, -1, FALSE);
+ }
+ int32_t suppIndex = getBestSuppIndex(
+ getMaximalLsrOrUnd(likelySubtags, desiredLocale, errorCode),
+ nullptr, errorCode);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode) || suppIndex < 0) {
+ return Result(nullptr, defaultLocale, -1, -1, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ return Result(&desiredLocale, supportedLocales[suppIndex], 0, suppIndex, FALSE);
+ }
+LocaleMatcher::Result LocaleMatcher::getBestMatchResult(
+ Locale::Iterator &desiredLocales, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode) || !desiredLocales.hasNext()) {
+ return Result(nullptr, defaultLocale, -1, -1, FALSE);
+ }
+ LocaleLsrIterator lsrIter(likelySubtags, desiredLocales, ULOCMATCH_TEMPORARY_LOCALES);
+ int32_t suppIndex = getBestSuppIndex(, &lsrIter, errorCode);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode) || suppIndex < 0) {
+ return Result(nullptr, defaultLocale, -1, -1, FALSE);
+ } else {
+ return Result(lsrIter.orphanRemembered(), supportedLocales[suppIndex],
+ lsrIter.getBestDesiredIndex(), suppIndex, TRUE);
+ }
+int32_t LocaleMatcher::getBestSuppIndex(LSR desiredLSR, LocaleLsrIterator *remainingIter,
+ UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return -1; }
+ int32_t desiredIndex = 0;
+ int32_t bestSupportedLsrIndex = -1;
+ for (int32_t bestShiftedDistance = LocaleDistance::shiftDistance(thresholdDistance);;) {
+ // Quick check for exact maximized LSR.
+ if (supportedLsrToIndex != nullptr) {
+ desiredLSR.setHashCode();
+ UBool found = false;
+ int32_t suppIndex = uhash_getiAndFound(supportedLsrToIndex, &desiredLSR, &found);
+ if (found) {
+ if (remainingIter != nullptr) {
+ remainingIter->rememberCurrent(desiredIndex, errorCode);
+ }
+ return suppIndex;
+ }
+ }
+ int32_t bestIndexAndDistance = localeDistance.getBestIndexAndDistance(
+ desiredLSR, supportedLSRs, supportedLSRsLength,
+ bestShiftedDistance, favorSubtag, direction);
+ if (bestIndexAndDistance >= 0) {
+ bestShiftedDistance = LocaleDistance::getShiftedDistance(bestIndexAndDistance);
+ if (remainingIter != nullptr) {
+ remainingIter->rememberCurrent(desiredIndex, errorCode);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return -1; }
+ }
+ bestSupportedLsrIndex = LocaleDistance::getIndex(bestIndexAndDistance);
+ }
+ if ((bestShiftedDistance -= LocaleDistance::shiftDistance(demotionPerDesiredLocale)) <= 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (remainingIter == nullptr || !remainingIter->hasNext()) {
+ break;
+ }
+ desiredLSR = remainingIter->next(errorCode);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return -1; }
+ ++desiredIndex;
+ }
+ if (bestSupportedLsrIndex < 0) {
+ // no good match
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return supportedIndexes[bestSupportedLsrIndex];
+UBool LocaleMatcher::isMatch(const Locale &desired, const Locale &supported,
+ UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+ LSR suppLSR = getMaximalLsrOrUnd(likelySubtags, supported, errorCode);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
+ const LSR *pSuppLSR = &suppLSR;
+ int32_t indexAndDistance = localeDistance.getBestIndexAndDistance(
+ getMaximalLsrOrUnd(likelySubtags, desired, errorCode),
+ &pSuppLSR, 1,
+ LocaleDistance::shiftDistance(thresholdDistance), favorSubtag, direction);
+ return indexAndDistance >= 0;
+double LocaleMatcher::internalMatch(const Locale &desired, const Locale &supported, UErrorCode &errorCode) const {
+ // Returns the inverse of the distance: That is, 1-distance(desired, supported).
+ LSR suppLSR = getMaximalLsrOrUnd(likelySubtags, supported, errorCode);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
+ const LSR *pSuppLSR = &suppLSR;
+ int32_t indexAndDistance = localeDistance.getBestIndexAndDistance(
+ getMaximalLsrOrUnd(likelySubtags, desired, errorCode),
+ &pSuppLSR, 1,
+ LocaleDistance::shiftDistance(thresholdDistance), favorSubtag, direction);
+ double distance = LocaleDistance::getDistanceDouble(indexAndDistance);
+ return (100.0 - distance) / 100.0;
+// uloc_acceptLanguage() --------------------------------------------------- ***
+namespace {
+class LocaleFromTag {
+ LocaleFromTag() : locale(Locale::getRoot()) {}
+ const Locale &operator()(const char *tag) { return locale = Locale(tag); }
+ // Store the locale in the converter, rather than return a reference to a temporary,
+ // or a value which could go out of scope with the caller's reference to it.
+ Locale locale;
+int32_t acceptLanguage(UEnumeration &supportedLocales, Locale::Iterator &desiredLocales,
+ char *dest, int32_t capacity, UAcceptResult *acceptResult,
+ UErrorCode &errorCode) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
+ LocaleMatcher::Builder builder;
+ const char *locString;
+ while ((locString = uenum_next(&supportedLocales, nullptr, &errorCode)) != nullptr) {
+ Locale loc(locString);
+ if (loc.isBogus()) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ builder.addSupportedLocale(loc);
+ }
+ LocaleMatcher matcher =;
+ LocaleMatcher::Result result = matcher.getBestMatchResult(desiredLocales, errorCode);
+ if (U_FAILURE(errorCode)) { return 0; }
+ if (result.getDesiredIndex() >= 0) {
+ if (acceptResult != nullptr) {
+ *acceptResult = *result.getDesiredLocale() == *result.getSupportedLocale() ?
+ }
+ const char *bestStr = result.getSupportedLocale()->getName();
+ int32_t bestLength = (int32_t)uprv_strlen(bestStr);
+ if (bestLength <= capacity) {
+ uprv_memcpy(dest, bestStr, bestLength);
+ }
+ return u_terminateChars(dest, capacity, bestLength, &errorCode);
+ } else {
+ if (acceptResult != nullptr) {
+ *acceptResult = ULOC_ACCEPT_FAILED;
+ }
+ return u_terminateChars(dest, capacity, 0, &errorCode);
+ }
+} // namespace
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uloc_acceptLanguage(char *result, int32_t resultAvailable,
+ UAcceptResult *outResult,
+ const char **acceptList, int32_t acceptListCount,
+ UEnumeration *availableLocales,
+ UErrorCode *status) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(*status)) { return 0; }
+ if ((result == nullptr ? resultAvailable != 0 : resultAvailable < 0) ||
+ (acceptList == nullptr ? acceptListCount != 0 : acceptListCount < 0) ||
+ availableLocales == nullptr) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ LocaleFromTag converter;
+ Locale::ConvertingIterator<const char **, LocaleFromTag> desiredLocales(
+ acceptList, acceptList + acceptListCount, converter);
+ return acceptLanguage(*availableLocales, desiredLocales,
+ result, resultAvailable, outResult, *status);
+U_CAPI int32_t U_EXPORT2
+uloc_acceptLanguageFromHTTP(char *result, int32_t resultAvailable,
+ UAcceptResult *outResult,
+ const char *httpAcceptLanguage,
+ UEnumeration *availableLocales,
+ UErrorCode *status) {
+ if (U_FAILURE(*status)) { return 0; }
+ if ((result == nullptr ? resultAvailable != 0 : resultAvailable < 0) ||
+ httpAcceptLanguage == nullptr || availableLocales == nullptr) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ LocalePriorityList list(httpAcceptLanguage, *status);
+ LocalePriorityList::Iterator desiredLocales = list.iterator();
+ return acceptLanguage(*availableLocales, desiredLocales,
+ result, resultAvailable, outResult, *status);