path: root/thirdparty/harfbuzz/src/hb-ot-layout-gsub-table.hh
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/harfbuzz/src/hb-ot-layout-gsub-table.hh')
1 files changed, 11 insertions, 1721 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/harfbuzz/src/hb-ot-layout-gsub-table.hh b/thirdparty/harfbuzz/src/hb-ot-layout-gsub-table.hh
index 0b0bc547bd..50301ff1d9 100644
--- a/thirdparty/harfbuzz/src/hb-ot-layout-gsub-table.hh
+++ b/thirdparty/harfbuzz/src/hb-ot-layout-gsub-table.hh
@@ -29,1727 +29,13 @@
-#include "hb-ot-layout-gsubgpos.hh"
+#include "OT/Layout/GSUB/GSUB.hh"
namespace OT {
+namespace Layout {
+namespace GSUB_impl {
-typedef hb_pair_t<hb_codepoint_t, hb_codepoint_t> hb_codepoint_pair_t;
-template<typename Iterator>
-static void SingleSubst_serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- Iterator it);
-struct SingleSubstFormat1
- bool intersects (const hb_set_t *glyphs) const
- { return (this+coverage).intersects (glyphs); }
- bool may_have_non_1to1 () const
- { return false; }
- void closure (hb_closure_context_t *c) const
- {
- unsigned d = deltaGlyphID;
- + hb_iter (this+coverage)
- | hb_filter (c->parent_active_glyphs ())
- | hb_map ([d] (hb_codepoint_t g) { return (g + d) & 0xFFFFu; })
- | hb_sink (c->output)
- ;
- }
- void closure_lookups (hb_closure_lookups_context_t *c) const {}
- void collect_glyphs (hb_collect_glyphs_context_t *c) const
- {
- if (unlikely (!(this+coverage).collect_coverage (c->input))) return;
- unsigned d = deltaGlyphID;
- + hb_iter (this+coverage)
- | hb_map ([d] (hb_codepoint_t g) { return (g + d) & 0xFFFFu; })
- | hb_sink (c->output)
- ;
- }
- const Coverage &get_coverage () const { return this+coverage; }
- bool would_apply (hb_would_apply_context_t *c) const
- { return c->len == 1 && (this+coverage).get_coverage (c->glyphs[0]) != NOT_COVERED; }
- bool apply (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_APPLY (this);
- hb_codepoint_t glyph_id = c->buffer->cur().codepoint;
- unsigned int index = (this+coverage).get_coverage (glyph_id);
- if (likely (index == NOT_COVERED)) return_trace (false);
- /* According to the Adobe Annotated OpenType Suite, result is always
- * limited to 16bit. */
- glyph_id = (glyph_id + deltaGlyphID) & 0xFFFFu;
- c->replace_glyph (glyph_id);
- return_trace (true);
- }
- template<typename Iterator,
- hb_requires (hb_is_sorted_source_of (Iterator, hb_codepoint_t))>
- bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- Iterator glyphs,
- unsigned delta)
- {
- if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (this))) return_trace (false);
- if (unlikely (!coverage.serialize_serialize (c, glyphs))) return_trace (false);
- c->check_assign (deltaGlyphID, delta, HB_SERIALIZE_ERROR_INT_OVERFLOW);
- return_trace (true);
- }
- bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_SUBSET (this);
- const hb_set_t &glyphset = *c->plan->glyphset_gsub ();
- const hb_map_t &glyph_map = *c->plan->glyph_map;
- hb_codepoint_t delta = deltaGlyphID;
- auto it =
- + hb_iter (this+coverage)
- | hb_filter (glyphset)
- | hb_map_retains_sorting ([&] (hb_codepoint_t g) {
- return hb_codepoint_pair_t (g,
- (g + delta) & 0xFFFF); })
- | hb_filter (glyphset, hb_second)
- | hb_map_retains_sorting ([&] (hb_codepoint_pair_t p) -> hb_codepoint_pair_t
- { return hb_pair (glyph_map[p.first], glyph_map[p.second]); })
- ;
- bool ret = bool (it);
- SingleSubst_serialize (c->serializer, it);
- return_trace (ret);
- }
- bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
- {
- return_trace (coverage.sanitize (c, this) && deltaGlyphID.sanitize (c));
- }
- protected:
- HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
- Offset16To<Coverage>
- coverage; /* Offset to Coverage table--from
- * beginning of Substitution table */
- HBUINT16 deltaGlyphID; /* Add to original GlyphID to get
- * substitute GlyphID, modulo 0x10000 */
- public:
-struct SingleSubstFormat2
- bool intersects (const hb_set_t *glyphs) const
- { return (this+coverage).intersects (glyphs); }
- bool may_have_non_1to1 () const
- { return false; }
- void closure (hb_closure_context_t *c) const
- {
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, substitute)
- | hb_filter (c->parent_active_glyphs (), hb_first)
- | hb_map (hb_second)
- | hb_sink (c->output)
- ;
- }
- void closure_lookups (hb_closure_lookups_context_t *c) const {}
- void collect_glyphs (hb_collect_glyphs_context_t *c) const
- {
- if (unlikely (!(this+coverage).collect_coverage (c->input))) return;
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, substitute)
- | hb_map (hb_second)
- | hb_sink (c->output)
- ;
- }
- const Coverage &get_coverage () const { return this+coverage; }
- bool would_apply (hb_would_apply_context_t *c) const
- { return c->len == 1 && (this+coverage).get_coverage (c->glyphs[0]) != NOT_COVERED; }
- bool apply (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_APPLY (this);
- unsigned int index = (this+coverage).get_coverage (c->buffer->cur().codepoint);
- if (likely (index == NOT_COVERED)) return_trace (false);
- if (unlikely (index >= substitute.len)) return_trace (false);
- c->replace_glyph (substitute[index]);
- return_trace (true);
- }
- template<typename Iterator,
- hb_requires (hb_is_sorted_source_of (Iterator,
- hb_codepoint_pair_t))>
- bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- Iterator it)
- {
- auto substitutes =
- + it
- | hb_map (hb_second)
- ;
- auto glyphs =
- + it
- | hb_map_retains_sorting (hb_first)
- ;
- if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (this))) return_trace (false);
- if (unlikely (!substitute.serialize (c, substitutes))) return_trace (false);
- if (unlikely (!coverage.serialize_serialize (c, glyphs))) return_trace (false);
- return_trace (true);
- }
- bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_SUBSET (this);
- const hb_set_t &glyphset = *c->plan->glyphset_gsub ();
- const hb_map_t &glyph_map = *c->plan->glyph_map;
- auto it =
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, substitute)
- | hb_filter (glyphset, hb_first)
- | hb_filter (glyphset, hb_second)
- | hb_map_retains_sorting ([&] (hb_pair_t<hb_codepoint_t, const HBGlyphID16 &> p) -> hb_codepoint_pair_t
- { return hb_pair (glyph_map[p.first], glyph_map[p.second]); })
- ;
- bool ret = bool (it);
- SingleSubst_serialize (c->serializer, it);
- return_trace (ret);
- }
- bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
- {
- return_trace (coverage.sanitize (c, this) && substitute.sanitize (c));
- }
- protected:
- HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier--format = 2 */
- Offset16To<Coverage>
- coverage; /* Offset to Coverage table--from
- * beginning of Substitution table */
- Array16Of<HBGlyphID16>
- substitute; /* Array of substitute
- * GlyphIDs--ordered by Coverage Index */
- public:
- DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (6, substitute);
-struct SingleSubst
- template<typename Iterator,
- hb_requires (hb_is_sorted_source_of (Iterator,
- const hb_codepoint_pair_t))>
- bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- Iterator glyphs)
- {
- if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (u.format))) return_trace (false);
- unsigned format = 2;
- unsigned delta = 0;
- if (glyphs)
- {
- format = 1;
- auto get_delta = [=] (hb_codepoint_pair_t _)
- { return (unsigned) (_.second - _.first) & 0xFFFF; };
- delta = get_delta (*glyphs);
- if (!hb_all (++(+glyphs), delta, get_delta)) format = 2;
- }
- u.format = format;
- switch (u.format) {
- case 1: return_trace (u.format1.serialize (c,
- + glyphs
- | hb_map_retains_sorting (hb_first),
- delta));
- case 2: return_trace (u.format2.serialize (c, glyphs));
- default:return_trace (false);
- }
- }
- template <typename context_t, typename ...Ts>
- typename context_t::return_t dispatch (context_t *c, Ts&&... ds) const
- {
- TRACE_DISPATCH (this, u.format);
- if (unlikely (!c->may_dispatch (this, &u.format))) return_trace (c->no_dispatch_return_value ());
- switch (u.format) {
- case 1: return_trace (c->dispatch (u.format1, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...));
- case 2: return_trace (c->dispatch (u.format2, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...));
- default:return_trace (c->default_return_value ());
- }
- }
- protected:
- union {
- HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier */
- SingleSubstFormat1 format1;
- SingleSubstFormat2 format2;
- } u;
-template<typename Iterator>
-static void
-SingleSubst_serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- Iterator it)
-{ c->start_embed<SingleSubst> ()->serialize (c, it); }
-struct Sequence
- bool intersects (const hb_set_t *glyphs) const
- { return hb_all (substitute, glyphs); }
- void closure (hb_closure_context_t *c) const
- { c->output->add_array (substitute.arrayZ, substitute.len); }
- void collect_glyphs (hb_collect_glyphs_context_t *c) const
- { c->output->add_array (substitute.arrayZ, substitute.len); }
- bool apply (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_APPLY (this);
- unsigned int count = substitute.len;
- /* Special-case to make it in-place and not consider this
- * as a "multiplied" substitution. */
- if (unlikely (count == 1))
- {
- c->replace_glyph (substitute.arrayZ[0]);
- return_trace (true);
- }
- /* Spec disallows this, but Uniscribe allows it.
- * */
- else if (unlikely (count == 0))
- {
- c->buffer->delete_glyph ();
- return_trace (true);
- }
- unsigned int klass = _hb_glyph_info_is_ligature (&c->buffer->cur()) ?
- unsigned lig_id = _hb_glyph_info_get_lig_id (&c->buffer->cur());
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
- {
- /* If is attached to a ligature, don't disturb that.
- * */
- if (!lig_id)
- _hb_glyph_info_set_lig_props_for_component (&c->buffer->cur(), i);
- c->output_glyph_for_component (substitute.arrayZ[i], klass);
- }
- c->buffer->skip_glyph ();
- return_trace (true);
- }
- template <typename Iterator,
- hb_requires (hb_is_source_of (Iterator, hb_codepoint_t))>
- bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- Iterator subst)
- {
- return_trace (substitute.serialize (c, subst));
- }
- bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_SUBSET (this);
- const hb_set_t &glyphset = *c->plan->glyphset_gsub ();
- const hb_map_t &glyph_map = *c->plan->glyph_map;
- if (!intersects (&glyphset)) return_trace (false);
- auto it =
- + hb_iter (substitute)
- | hb_map (glyph_map)
- ;
- auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
- return_trace (out->serialize (c->serializer, it));
- }
- bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
- {
- return_trace (substitute.sanitize (c));
- }
- protected:
- Array16Of<HBGlyphID16>
- substitute; /* String of GlyphIDs to substitute */
- public:
- DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (2, substitute);
-struct MultipleSubstFormat1
- bool intersects (const hb_set_t *glyphs) const
- { return (this+coverage).intersects (glyphs); }
- bool may_have_non_1to1 () const
- { return true; }
- void closure (hb_closure_context_t *c) const
- {
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, sequence)
- | hb_filter (c->parent_active_glyphs (), hb_first)
- | hb_map (hb_second)
- | hb_map (hb_add (this))
- | hb_apply ([c] (const Sequence &_) { _.closure (c); })
- ;
- }
- void closure_lookups (hb_closure_lookups_context_t *c) const {}
- void collect_glyphs (hb_collect_glyphs_context_t *c) const
- {
- if (unlikely (!(this+coverage).collect_coverage (c->input))) return;
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, sequence)
- | hb_map (hb_second)
- | hb_map (hb_add (this))
- | hb_apply ([c] (const Sequence &_) { _.collect_glyphs (c); })
- ;
- }
- const Coverage &get_coverage () const { return this+coverage; }
- bool would_apply (hb_would_apply_context_t *c) const
- { return c->len == 1 && (this+coverage).get_coverage (c->glyphs[0]) != NOT_COVERED; }
- bool apply (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_APPLY (this);
- unsigned int index = (this+coverage).get_coverage (c->buffer->cur().codepoint);
- if (likely (index == NOT_COVERED)) return_trace (false);
- return_trace ((this+sequence[index]).apply (c));
- }
- bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- hb_sorted_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> glyphs,
- hb_array_t<const unsigned int> substitute_len_list,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> substitute_glyphs_list)
- {
- if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (this))) return_trace (false);
- if (unlikely (!sequence.serialize (c, glyphs.length))) return_trace (false);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i++)
- {
- unsigned int substitute_len = substitute_len_list[i];
- if (unlikely (!sequence[i]
- .serialize_serialize (c, substitute_glyphs_list.sub_array (0, substitute_len))))
- return_trace (false);
- substitute_glyphs_list += substitute_len;
- }
- return_trace (coverage.serialize_serialize (c, glyphs));
- }
- bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_SUBSET (this);
- const hb_set_t &glyphset = *c->plan->glyphset_gsub ();
- const hb_map_t &glyph_map = *c->plan->glyph_map;
- auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
- if (unlikely (!c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
- out->format = format;
- hb_sorted_vector_t<hb_codepoint_t> new_coverage;
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, sequence)
- | hb_filter (glyphset, hb_first)
- | hb_filter (subset_offset_array (c, out->sequence, this), hb_second)
- | hb_map (hb_first)
- | hb_map (glyph_map)
- | hb_sink (new_coverage)
- ;
- out->coverage.serialize_serialize (c->serializer, new_coverage.iter ());
- return_trace (bool (new_coverage));
- }
- bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
- {
- return_trace (coverage.sanitize (c, this) && sequence.sanitize (c, this));
- }
- protected:
- HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
- Offset16To<Coverage>
- coverage; /* Offset to Coverage table--from
- * beginning of Substitution table */
- Array16OfOffset16To<Sequence>
- sequence; /* Array of Sequence tables
- * ordered by Coverage Index */
- public:
- DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (6, sequence);
-struct MultipleSubst
- bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- hb_sorted_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> glyphs,
- hb_array_t<const unsigned int> substitute_len_list,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> substitute_glyphs_list)
- {
- if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (u.format))) return_trace (false);
- unsigned int format = 1;
- u.format = format;
- switch (u.format) {
- case 1: return_trace (u.format1.serialize (c, glyphs, substitute_len_list, substitute_glyphs_list));
- default:return_trace (false);
- }
- }
- template <typename context_t, typename ...Ts>
- typename context_t::return_t dispatch (context_t *c, Ts&&... ds) const
- {
- TRACE_DISPATCH (this, u.format);
- if (unlikely (!c->may_dispatch (this, &u.format))) return_trace (c->no_dispatch_return_value ());
- switch (u.format) {
- case 1: return_trace (c->dispatch (u.format1, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...));
- default:return_trace (c->default_return_value ());
- }
- }
- protected:
- union {
- HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier */
- MultipleSubstFormat1 format1;
- } u;
-struct AlternateSet
- bool intersects (const hb_set_t *glyphs) const
- { return hb_any (alternates, glyphs); }
- void closure (hb_closure_context_t *c) const
- { c->output->add_array (alternates.arrayZ, alternates.len); }
- void collect_glyphs (hb_collect_glyphs_context_t *c) const
- { c->output->add_array (alternates.arrayZ, alternates.len); }
- bool apply (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_APPLY (this);
- unsigned int count = alternates.len;
- if (unlikely (!count)) return_trace (false);
- hb_mask_t glyph_mask = c->buffer->cur().mask;
- hb_mask_t lookup_mask = c->lookup_mask;
- /* Note: This breaks badly if two features enabled this lookup together. */
- unsigned int shift = hb_ctz (lookup_mask);
- unsigned int alt_index = ((lookup_mask & glyph_mask) >> shift);
- /* If alt_index is MAX_VALUE, randomize feature if it is the rand feature. */
- if (alt_index == HB_OT_MAP_MAX_VALUE && c->random)
- {
- /* Maybe we can do better than unsafe-to-break all; but since we are
- * changing random state, it would be hard to track that. Good 'nough. */
- c->buffer->unsafe_to_break (0, c->buffer->len);
- alt_index = c->random_number () % count + 1;
- }
- if (unlikely (alt_index > count || alt_index == 0)) return_trace (false);
- c->replace_glyph (alternates[alt_index - 1]);
- return_trace (true);
- }
- unsigned
- get_alternates (unsigned start_offset,
- unsigned *alternate_count /* IN/OUT. May be NULL. */,
- hb_codepoint_t *alternate_glyphs /* OUT. May be NULL. */) const
- {
- if (alternates.len && alternate_count)
- {
- + alternates.sub_array (start_offset, alternate_count)
- | hb_sink (hb_array (alternate_glyphs, *alternate_count))
- ;
- }
- return alternates.len;
- }
- template <typename Iterator,
- hb_requires (hb_is_source_of (Iterator, hb_codepoint_t))>
- bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- Iterator alts)
- {
- return_trace (alternates.serialize (c, alts));
- }
- bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_SUBSET (this);
- const hb_set_t &glyphset = *c->plan->glyphset_gsub ();
- const hb_map_t &glyph_map = *c->plan->glyph_map;
- auto it =
- + hb_iter (alternates)
- | hb_filter (glyphset)
- | hb_map (glyph_map)
- ;
- auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
- return_trace (out->serialize (c->serializer, it) &&
- out->alternates);
- }
- bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
- {
- return_trace (alternates.sanitize (c));
- }
- protected:
- Array16Of<HBGlyphID16>
- alternates; /* Array of alternate GlyphIDs--in
- * arbitrary order */
- public:
- DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (2, alternates);
-struct AlternateSubstFormat1
- bool intersects (const hb_set_t *glyphs) const
- { return (this+coverage).intersects (glyphs); }
- bool may_have_non_1to1 () const
- { return false; }
- void closure (hb_closure_context_t *c) const
- {
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, alternateSet)
- | hb_filter (c->parent_active_glyphs (), hb_first)
- | hb_map (hb_second)
- | hb_map (hb_add (this))
- | hb_apply ([c] (const AlternateSet &_) { _.closure (c); })
- ;
- }
- void closure_lookups (hb_closure_lookups_context_t *c) const {}
- void collect_glyphs (hb_collect_glyphs_context_t *c) const
- {
- if (unlikely (!(this+coverage).collect_coverage (c->input))) return;
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, alternateSet)
- | hb_map (hb_second)
- | hb_map (hb_add (this))
- | hb_apply ([c] (const AlternateSet &_) { _.collect_glyphs (c); })
- ;
- }
- const Coverage &get_coverage () const { return this+coverage; }
- bool would_apply (hb_would_apply_context_t *c) const
- { return c->len == 1 && (this+coverage).get_coverage (c->glyphs[0]) != NOT_COVERED; }
- unsigned
- get_glyph_alternates (hb_codepoint_t gid,
- unsigned start_offset,
- unsigned *alternate_count /* IN/OUT. May be NULL. */,
- hb_codepoint_t *alternate_glyphs /* OUT. May be NULL. */) const
- { return (this+alternateSet[(this+coverage).get_coverage (gid)])
- .get_alternates (start_offset, alternate_count, alternate_glyphs); }
- bool apply (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_APPLY (this);
- unsigned int index = (this+coverage).get_coverage (c->buffer->cur().codepoint);
- if (likely (index == NOT_COVERED)) return_trace (false);
- return_trace ((this+alternateSet[index]).apply (c));
- }
- bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- hb_sorted_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> glyphs,
- hb_array_t<const unsigned int> alternate_len_list,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> alternate_glyphs_list)
- {
- if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (this))) return_trace (false);
- if (unlikely (!alternateSet.serialize (c, glyphs.length))) return_trace (false);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < glyphs.length; i++)
- {
- unsigned int alternate_len = alternate_len_list[i];
- if (unlikely (!alternateSet[i]
- .serialize_serialize (c, alternate_glyphs_list.sub_array (0, alternate_len))))
- return_trace (false);
- alternate_glyphs_list += alternate_len;
- }
- return_trace (coverage.serialize_serialize (c, glyphs));
- }
- bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_SUBSET (this);
- const hb_set_t &glyphset = *c->plan->glyphset_gsub ();
- const hb_map_t &glyph_map = *c->plan->glyph_map;
- auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
- if (unlikely (!c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
- out->format = format;
- hb_sorted_vector_t<hb_codepoint_t> new_coverage;
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, alternateSet)
- | hb_filter (glyphset, hb_first)
- | hb_filter (subset_offset_array (c, out->alternateSet, this), hb_second)
- | hb_map (hb_first)
- | hb_map (glyph_map)
- | hb_sink (new_coverage)
- ;
- out->coverage.serialize_serialize (c->serializer, new_coverage.iter ());
- return_trace (bool (new_coverage));
- }
- bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
- {
- return_trace (coverage.sanitize (c, this) && alternateSet.sanitize (c, this));
- }
- protected:
- HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
- Offset16To<Coverage>
- coverage; /* Offset to Coverage table--from
- * beginning of Substitution table */
- Array16OfOffset16To<AlternateSet>
- alternateSet; /* Array of AlternateSet tables
- * ordered by Coverage Index */
- public:
- DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (6, alternateSet);
-struct AlternateSubst
- bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- hb_sorted_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> glyphs,
- hb_array_t<const unsigned int> alternate_len_list,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> alternate_glyphs_list)
- {
- if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (u.format))) return_trace (false);
- unsigned int format = 1;
- u.format = format;
- switch (u.format) {
- case 1: return_trace (u.format1.serialize (c, glyphs, alternate_len_list, alternate_glyphs_list));
- default:return_trace (false);
- }
- }
- template <typename context_t, typename ...Ts>
- typename context_t::return_t dispatch (context_t *c, Ts&&... ds) const
- {
- TRACE_DISPATCH (this, u.format);
- if (unlikely (!c->may_dispatch (this, &u.format))) return_trace (c->no_dispatch_return_value ());
- switch (u.format) {
- case 1: return_trace (c->dispatch (u.format1, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...));
- default:return_trace (c->default_return_value ());
- }
- }
- protected:
- union {
- HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier */
- AlternateSubstFormat1 format1;
- } u;
-struct Ligature
- bool intersects (const hb_set_t *glyphs) const
- { return hb_all (component, glyphs); }
- void closure (hb_closure_context_t *c) const
- {
- if (!intersects (c->glyphs)) return;
- c->output->add (ligGlyph);
- }
- void collect_glyphs (hb_collect_glyphs_context_t *c) const
- {
- c->input->add_array (component.arrayZ, component.get_length ());
- c->output->add (ligGlyph);
- }
- bool would_apply (hb_would_apply_context_t *c) const
- {
- if (c->len != component.lenP1)
- return false;
- for (unsigned int i = 1; i < c->len; i++)
- if (likely (c->glyphs[i] != component[i]))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- bool apply (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_APPLY (this);
- unsigned int count = component.lenP1;
- if (unlikely (!count)) return_trace (false);
- /* Special-case to make it in-place and not consider this
- * as a "ligated" substitution. */
- if (unlikely (count == 1))
- {
- c->replace_glyph (ligGlyph);
- return_trace (true);
- }
- unsigned int total_component_count = 0;
- unsigned int match_end = 0;
- unsigned int match_positions[HB_MAX_CONTEXT_LENGTH];
- if (likely (!match_input (c, count,
- &component[1],
- match_glyph,
- nullptr,
- &match_end,
- match_positions,
- &total_component_count)))
- {
- c->buffer->unsafe_to_concat (c->buffer->idx, match_end);
- return_trace (false);
- }
- ligate_input (c,
- count,
- match_positions,
- match_end,
- ligGlyph,
- total_component_count);
- return_trace (true);
- }
- template <typename Iterator,
- hb_requires (hb_is_source_of (Iterator, hb_codepoint_t))>
- bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- hb_codepoint_t ligature,
- Iterator components /* Starting from second */)
- {
- if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (this))) return_trace (false);
- ligGlyph = ligature;
- if (unlikely (!component.serialize (c, components))) return_trace (false);
- return_trace (true);
- }
- bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c, unsigned coverage_idx) const
- {
- TRACE_SUBSET (this);
- const hb_set_t &glyphset = *c->plan->glyphset_gsub ();
- const hb_map_t &glyph_map = *c->plan->glyph_map;
- if (!intersects (&glyphset) || !glyphset.has (ligGlyph)) return_trace (false);
- // Ensure Coverage table is always packed after this.
- c->serializer->add_virtual_link (coverage_idx);
- auto it =
- + hb_iter (component)
- | hb_map (glyph_map)
- ;
- auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
- return_trace (out->serialize (c->serializer,
- glyph_map[ligGlyph],
- it));
- }
- public:
- bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
- {
- return_trace (ligGlyph.sanitize (c) && component.sanitize (c));
- }
- protected:
- HBGlyphID16 ligGlyph; /* GlyphID of ligature to substitute */
- HeadlessArrayOf<HBGlyphID16>
- component; /* Array of component GlyphIDs--start
- * with the second component--ordered
- * in writing direction */
- public:
- DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (4, component);
-struct LigatureSet
- bool intersects (const hb_set_t *glyphs) const
- {
- return
- + hb_iter (ligature)
- | hb_map (hb_add (this))
- | hb_map ([glyphs] (const Ligature &_) { return _.intersects (glyphs); })
- | hb_any
- ;
- }
- void closure (hb_closure_context_t *c) const
- {
- + hb_iter (ligature)
- | hb_map (hb_add (this))
- | hb_apply ([c] (const Ligature &_) { _.closure (c); })
- ;
- }
- void collect_glyphs (hb_collect_glyphs_context_t *c) const
- {
- + hb_iter (ligature)
- | hb_map (hb_add (this))
- | hb_apply ([c] (const Ligature &_) { _.collect_glyphs (c); })
- ;
- }
- bool would_apply (hb_would_apply_context_t *c) const
- {
- return
- + hb_iter (ligature)
- | hb_map (hb_add (this))
- | hb_map ([c] (const Ligature &_) { return _.would_apply (c); })
- | hb_any
- ;
- }
- bool apply (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_APPLY (this);
- unsigned int num_ligs = ligature.len;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < num_ligs; i++)
- {
- const Ligature &lig = this+ligature[i];
- if (lig.apply (c)) return_trace (true);
- }
- return_trace (false);
- }
- bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> ligatures,
- hb_array_t<const unsigned int> component_count_list,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> &component_list /* Starting from second for each ligature */)
- {
- if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (this))) return_trace (false);
- if (unlikely (!ligature.serialize (c, ligatures.length))) return_trace (false);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ligatures.length; i++)
- {
- unsigned int component_count = (unsigned) hb_max ((int) component_count_list[i] - 1, 0);
- if (unlikely (!ligature[i].serialize_serialize (c,
- ligatures[i],
- component_list.sub_array (0, component_count))))
- return_trace (false);
- component_list += component_count;
- }
- return_trace (true);
- }
- bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c, unsigned coverage_idx) const
- {
- TRACE_SUBSET (this);
- auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
- if (unlikely (!c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
- + hb_iter (ligature)
- | hb_filter (subset_offset_array (c, out->ligature, this, coverage_idx))
- | hb_drain
- ;
- if (bool (out->ligature))
- // Ensure Coverage table is always packed after this.
- c->serializer->add_virtual_link (coverage_idx);
- return_trace (bool (out->ligature));
- }
- bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
- {
- return_trace (ligature.sanitize (c, this));
- }
- protected:
- Array16OfOffset16To<Ligature>
- ligature; /* Array LigatureSet tables
- * ordered by preference */
- public:
- DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (2, ligature);
-struct LigatureSubstFormat1
- bool intersects (const hb_set_t *glyphs) const
- {
- return
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, ligatureSet)
- | hb_filter (*glyphs, hb_first)
- | hb_map (hb_second)
- | hb_map ([this, glyphs] (const Offset16To<LigatureSet> &_)
- { return (this+_).intersects (glyphs); })
- | hb_any
- ;
- }
- bool may_have_non_1to1 () const
- { return true; }
- void closure (hb_closure_context_t *c) const
- {
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, ligatureSet)
- | hb_filter (c->parent_active_glyphs (), hb_first)
- | hb_map (hb_second)
- | hb_map (hb_add (this))
- | hb_apply ([c] (const LigatureSet &_) { _.closure (c); })
- ;
- }
- void closure_lookups (hb_closure_lookups_context_t *c) const {}
- void collect_glyphs (hb_collect_glyphs_context_t *c) const
- {
- if (unlikely (!(this+coverage).collect_coverage (c->input))) return;
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, ligatureSet)
- | hb_map (hb_second)
- | hb_map (hb_add (this))
- | hb_apply ([c] (const LigatureSet &_) { _.collect_glyphs (c); })
- ;
- }
- const Coverage &get_coverage () const { return this+coverage; }
- bool would_apply (hb_would_apply_context_t *c) const
- {
- unsigned int index = (this+coverage).get_coverage (c->glyphs[0]);
- if (likely (index == NOT_COVERED)) return false;
- const LigatureSet &lig_set = this+ligatureSet[index];
- return lig_set.would_apply (c);
- }
- bool apply (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_APPLY (this);
- unsigned int index = (this+coverage).get_coverage (c->buffer->cur ().codepoint);
- if (likely (index == NOT_COVERED)) return_trace (false);
- const LigatureSet &lig_set = this+ligatureSet[index];
- return_trace (lig_set.apply (c));
- }
- bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- hb_sorted_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> first_glyphs,
- hb_array_t<const unsigned int> ligature_per_first_glyph_count_list,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> ligatures_list,
- hb_array_t<const unsigned int> component_count_list,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> component_list /* Starting from second for each ligature */)
- {
- if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (this))) return_trace (false);
- if (unlikely (!ligatureSet.serialize (c, first_glyphs.length))) return_trace (false);
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < first_glyphs.length; i++)
- {
- unsigned int ligature_count = ligature_per_first_glyph_count_list[i];
- if (unlikely (!ligatureSet[i]
- .serialize_serialize (c,
- ligatures_list.sub_array (0, ligature_count),
- component_count_list.sub_array (0, ligature_count),
- component_list))) return_trace (false);
- ligatures_list += ligature_count;
- component_count_list += ligature_count;
- }
- return_trace (coverage.serialize_serialize (c, first_glyphs));
- }
- bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_SUBSET (this);
- const hb_set_t &glyphset = *c->plan->glyphset_gsub ();
- const hb_map_t &glyph_map = *c->plan->glyph_map;
- auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (*this);
- if (unlikely (!c->serializer->extend_min (out))) return_trace (false);
- out->format = format;
- // Due to a bug in some older versions of windows 7 the Coverage table must be
- // packed after the LigatureSet and Ligature tables, so serialize Coverage first
- // which places it last in the packed order.
- hb_set_t new_coverage;
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, hb_iter (ligatureSet) | hb_map (hb_add (this)))
- | hb_filter (glyphset, hb_first)
- | hb_filter ([&] (const LigatureSet& _) {
- return _.intersects (&glyphset);
- }, hb_second)
- | hb_map (hb_first)
- | hb_sink (new_coverage);
- if (!c->serializer->push<Coverage> ()
- ->serialize (c->serializer,
- + new_coverage.iter () | hb_map_retains_sorting (glyph_map)))
- {
- c->serializer->pop_discard ();
- return_trace (false);
- }
- unsigned coverage_idx = c->serializer->pop_pack ();
- c->serializer->add_link (out->coverage, coverage_idx);
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, ligatureSet)
- | hb_filter (new_coverage, hb_first)
- | hb_map (hb_second)
- // to ensure that the repacker always orders the coverage table after the LigatureSet
- // and LigatureSubtable's they will be linked to the Coverage table via a virtual link
- // the coverage table object idx is passed down to facilitate this.
- | hb_apply (subset_offset_array (c, out->ligatureSet, this, coverage_idx))
- ;
- return_trace (bool (new_coverage));
- }
- bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
- {
- return_trace (coverage.sanitize (c, this) && ligatureSet.sanitize (c, this));
- }
- protected:
- HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
- Offset16To<Coverage>
- coverage; /* Offset to Coverage table--from
- * beginning of Substitution table */
- Array16OfOffset16To<LigatureSet>
- ligatureSet; /* Array LigatureSet tables
- * ordered by Coverage Index */
- public:
- DEFINE_SIZE_ARRAY (6, ligatureSet);
-struct LigatureSubst
- bool serialize (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- hb_sorted_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> first_glyphs,
- hb_array_t<const unsigned int> ligature_per_first_glyph_count_list,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> ligatures_list,
- hb_array_t<const unsigned int> component_count_list,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> component_list /* Starting from second for each ligature */)
- {
- if (unlikely (!c->extend_min (u.format))) return_trace (false);
- unsigned int format = 1;
- u.format = format;
- switch (u.format) {
- case 1: return_trace (u.format1.serialize (c,
- first_glyphs,
- ligature_per_first_glyph_count_list,
- ligatures_list,
- component_count_list,
- component_list));
- default:return_trace (false);
- }
- }
- template <typename context_t, typename ...Ts>
- typename context_t::return_t dispatch (context_t *c, Ts&&... ds) const
- {
- TRACE_DISPATCH (this, u.format);
- if (unlikely (!c->may_dispatch (this, &u.format))) return_trace (c->no_dispatch_return_value ());
- switch (u.format) {
- case 1: return_trace (c->dispatch (u.format1, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...));
- default:return_trace (c->default_return_value ());
- }
- }
- protected:
- union {
- HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier */
- LigatureSubstFormat1 format1;
- } u;
-struct ContextSubst : Context {};
-struct ChainContextSubst : ChainContext {};
-struct ExtensionSubst : Extension<ExtensionSubst>
- typedef struct SubstLookupSubTable SubTable;
- bool is_reverse () const;
-struct ReverseChainSingleSubstFormat1
- bool intersects (const hb_set_t *glyphs) const
- {
- if (!(this+coverage).intersects (glyphs))
- return false;
- const Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage> &lookahead = StructAfter<Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage>> (backtrack);
- unsigned int count;
- count = backtrack.len;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
- if (!(this+backtrack[i]).intersects (glyphs))
- return false;
- count = lookahead.len;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
- if (!(this+lookahead[i]).intersects (glyphs))
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- bool may_have_non_1to1 () const
- { return false; }
- void closure (hb_closure_context_t *c) const
- {
- if (!intersects (c->glyphs)) return;
- const Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage> &lookahead = StructAfter<Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage>> (backtrack);
- const Array16Of<HBGlyphID16> &substitute = StructAfter<Array16Of<HBGlyphID16>> (lookahead);
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, substitute)
- | hb_filter (c->parent_active_glyphs (), hb_first)
- | hb_map (hb_second)
- | hb_sink (c->output)
- ;
- }
- void closure_lookups (hb_closure_lookups_context_t *c) const {}
- void collect_glyphs (hb_collect_glyphs_context_t *c) const
- {
- if (unlikely (!(this+coverage).collect_coverage (c->input))) return;
- unsigned int count;
- count = backtrack.len;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
- if (unlikely (!(this+backtrack[i]).collect_coverage (c->before))) return;
- const Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage> &lookahead = StructAfter<Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage>> (backtrack);
- count = lookahead.len;
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < count; i++)
- if (unlikely (!(this+lookahead[i]).collect_coverage (c->after))) return;
- const Array16Of<HBGlyphID16> &substitute = StructAfter<Array16Of<HBGlyphID16>> (lookahead);
- count = substitute.len;
- c->output->add_array (substitute.arrayZ, substitute.len);
- }
- const Coverage &get_coverage () const { return this+coverage; }
- bool would_apply (hb_would_apply_context_t *c) const
- { return c->len == 1 && (this+coverage).get_coverage (c->glyphs[0]) != NOT_COVERED; }
- bool apply (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_APPLY (this);
- if (unlikely (c->nesting_level_left != HB_MAX_NESTING_LEVEL))
- return_trace (false); /* No chaining to this type */
- unsigned int index = (this+coverage).get_coverage (c->buffer->cur ().codepoint);
- if (likely (index == NOT_COVERED)) return_trace (false);
- const Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage> &lookahead = StructAfter<Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage>> (backtrack);
- const Array16Of<HBGlyphID16> &substitute = StructAfter<Array16Of<HBGlyphID16>> (lookahead);
- if (unlikely (index >= substitute.len)) return_trace (false);
- unsigned int start_index = 0, end_index = 0;
- if (match_backtrack (c,
- backtrack.len, (HBUINT16 *) backtrack.arrayZ,
- match_coverage, this,
- &start_index) &&
- match_lookahead (c,
- lookahead.len, (HBUINT16 *) lookahead.arrayZ,
- match_coverage, this,
- c->buffer->idx + 1, &end_index))
- {
- c->buffer->unsafe_to_break_from_outbuffer (start_index, end_index);
- c->replace_glyph_inplace (substitute[index]);
- /* Note: We DON'T decrease buffer->idx. The main loop does it
- * for us. This is useful for preventing surprises if someone
- * calls us through a Context lookup. */
- return_trace (true);
- }
- else
- {
- c->buffer->unsafe_to_concat_from_outbuffer (start_index, end_index);
- return_trace (false);
- }
- }
- template<typename Iterator,
- hb_requires (hb_is_iterator (Iterator))>
- bool serialize_coverage_offset_array (hb_subset_context_t *c, Iterator it) const
- {
- auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed<Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage>> ();
- if (unlikely (!c->serializer->allocate_size<HBUINT16> (HBUINT16::static_size)))
- return_trace (false);
- for (auto& offset : it) {
- auto *o = out->serialize_append (c->serializer);
- if (unlikely (!o) || !o->serialize_subset (c, offset, this))
- return_trace (false);
- }
- return_trace (true);
- }
- template<typename Iterator, typename BacktrackIterator, typename LookaheadIterator,
- hb_requires (hb_is_sorted_source_of (Iterator, hb_codepoint_pair_t)),
- hb_requires (hb_is_iterator (BacktrackIterator)),
- hb_requires (hb_is_iterator (LookaheadIterator))>
- bool serialize (hb_subset_context_t *c,
- Iterator coverage_subst_iter,
- BacktrackIterator backtrack_iter,
- LookaheadIterator lookahead_iter) const
- {
- auto *out = c->serializer->start_embed (this);
- if (unlikely (!c->serializer->check_success (out))) return_trace (false);
- if (unlikely (!c->serializer->embed (this->format))) return_trace (false);
- if (unlikely (!c->serializer->embed (this->coverage))) return_trace (false);
- if (!serialize_coverage_offset_array (c, backtrack_iter)) return_trace (false);
- if (!serialize_coverage_offset_array (c, lookahead_iter)) return_trace (false);
- auto *substitute_out = c->serializer->start_embed<Array16Of<HBGlyphID16>> ();
- auto substitutes =
- + coverage_subst_iter
- | hb_map (hb_second)
- ;
- auto glyphs =
- + coverage_subst_iter
- | hb_map_retains_sorting (hb_first)
- ;
- if (unlikely (! c->serializer->check_success (substitute_out->serialize (c->serializer, substitutes))))
- return_trace (false);
- if (unlikely (!out->coverage.serialize_serialize (c->serializer, glyphs)))
- return_trace (false);
- return_trace (true);
- }
- bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_SUBSET (this);
- const hb_set_t &glyphset = *c->plan->glyphset_gsub ();
- const hb_map_t &glyph_map = *c->plan->glyph_map;
- const Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage> &lookahead = StructAfter<Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage>> (backtrack);
- const Array16Of<HBGlyphID16> &substitute = StructAfter<Array16Of<HBGlyphID16>> (lookahead);
- auto it =
- + hb_zip (this+coverage, substitute)
- | hb_filter (glyphset, hb_first)
- | hb_filter (glyphset, hb_second)
- | hb_map_retains_sorting ([&] (hb_pair_t<hb_codepoint_t, const HBGlyphID16 &> p) -> hb_codepoint_pair_t
- { return hb_pair (glyph_map[p.first], glyph_map[p.second]); })
- ;
- return_trace (bool (it) && serialize (c, it, backtrack.iter (), lookahead.iter ()));
- }
- bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
- {
- if (!(coverage.sanitize (c, this) && backtrack.sanitize (c, this)))
- return_trace (false);
- const Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage> &lookahead = StructAfter<Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage>> (backtrack);
- if (!lookahead.sanitize (c, this))
- return_trace (false);
- const Array16Of<HBGlyphID16> &substitute = StructAfter<Array16Of<HBGlyphID16>> (lookahead);
- return_trace (substitute.sanitize (c));
- }
- protected:
- HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier--format = 1 */
- Offset16To<Coverage>
- coverage; /* Offset to Coverage table--from
- * beginning of table */
- Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage>
- backtrack; /* Array of coverage tables
- * in backtracking sequence, in glyph
- * sequence order */
- Array16OfOffset16To<Coverage>
- lookaheadX; /* Array of coverage tables
- * in lookahead sequence, in glyph
- * sequence order */
- Array16Of<HBGlyphID16>
- substituteX; /* Array of substitute
- * GlyphIDs--ordered by Coverage Index */
- public:
-struct ReverseChainSingleSubst
- template <typename context_t, typename ...Ts>
- typename context_t::return_t dispatch (context_t *c, Ts&&... ds) const
- {
- TRACE_DISPATCH (this, u.format);
- if (unlikely (!c->may_dispatch (this, &u.format))) return_trace (c->no_dispatch_return_value ());
- switch (u.format) {
- case 1: return_trace (c->dispatch (u.format1, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...));
- default:return_trace (c->default_return_value ());
- }
- }
- protected:
- union {
- HBUINT16 format; /* Format identifier */
- ReverseChainSingleSubstFormat1 format1;
- } u;
- * SubstLookup
- */
-struct SubstLookupSubTable
- friend struct Lookup;
- friend struct SubstLookup;
- enum Type {
- Single = 1,
- Multiple = 2,
- Alternate = 3,
- Ligature = 4,
- Context = 5,
- ChainContext = 6,
- Extension = 7,
- ReverseChainSingle = 8
- };
- template <typename context_t, typename ...Ts>
- typename context_t::return_t dispatch (context_t *c, unsigned int lookup_type, Ts&&... ds) const
- {
- TRACE_DISPATCH (this, lookup_type);
- switch (lookup_type) {
- case Single: return_trace (u.single.dispatch (c, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...));
- case Multiple: return_trace (u.multiple.dispatch (c, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...));
- case Alternate: return_trace (u.alternate.dispatch (c, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...));
- case Ligature: return_trace (u.ligature.dispatch (c, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...));
- case Context: return_trace (u.context.dispatch (c, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...));
- case ChainContext: return_trace (u.chainContext.dispatch (c, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...));
- case Extension: return_trace (u.extension.dispatch (c, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...));
- case ReverseChainSingle: return_trace (u.reverseChainContextSingle.dispatch (c, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...));
- default: return_trace (c->default_return_value ());
- }
- }
- bool intersects (const hb_set_t *glyphs, unsigned int lookup_type) const
- {
- hb_intersects_context_t c (glyphs);
- return dispatch (&c, lookup_type);
- }
- protected:
- union {
- SingleSubst single;
- MultipleSubst multiple;
- AlternateSubst alternate;
- LigatureSubst ligature;
- ContextSubst context;
- ChainContextSubst chainContext;
- ExtensionSubst extension;
- ReverseChainSingleSubst reverseChainContextSingle;
- } u;
- public:
-struct SubstLookup : Lookup
- typedef SubstLookupSubTable SubTable;
- const SubTable& get_subtable (unsigned int i) const
- { return Lookup::get_subtable<SubTable> (i); }
- static inline bool lookup_type_is_reverse (unsigned int lookup_type)
- { return lookup_type == SubTable::ReverseChainSingle; }
- bool is_reverse () const
- {
- unsigned int type = get_type ();
- if (unlikely (type == SubTable::Extension))
- return reinterpret_cast<const ExtensionSubst &> (get_subtable (0)).is_reverse ();
- return lookup_type_is_reverse (type);
- }
- bool may_have_non_1to1 () const
- {
- hb_have_non_1to1_context_t c;
- return dispatch (&c);
- }
- bool apply (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c) const
- {
- TRACE_APPLY (this);
- return_trace (dispatch (c));
- }
- bool intersects (const hb_set_t *glyphs) const
- {
- hb_intersects_context_t c (glyphs);
- return dispatch (&c);
- }
- hb_closure_context_t::return_t closure (hb_closure_context_t *c, unsigned int this_index) const
- {
- if (!c->should_visit_lookup (this_index))
- return hb_closure_context_t::default_return_value ();
- c->set_recurse_func (dispatch_closure_recurse_func);
- hb_closure_context_t::return_t ret = dispatch (c);
- c->flush ();
- return ret;
- }
- hb_closure_lookups_context_t::return_t closure_lookups (hb_closure_lookups_context_t *c, unsigned this_index) const
- {
- if (c->is_lookup_visited (this_index))
- return hb_closure_lookups_context_t::default_return_value ();
- c->set_lookup_visited (this_index);
- if (!intersects (c->glyphs))
- {
- c->set_lookup_inactive (this_index);
- return hb_closure_lookups_context_t::default_return_value ();
- }
- c->set_recurse_func (dispatch_closure_lookups_recurse_func);
- hb_closure_lookups_context_t::return_t ret = dispatch (c);
- return ret;
- }
- hb_collect_glyphs_context_t::return_t collect_glyphs (hb_collect_glyphs_context_t *c) const
- {
- c->set_recurse_func (dispatch_recurse_func<hb_collect_glyphs_context_t>);
- return dispatch (c);
- }
- template <typename set_t>
- void collect_coverage (set_t *glyphs) const
- {
- hb_collect_coverage_context_t<set_t> c (glyphs);
- dispatch (&c);
- }
- bool would_apply (hb_would_apply_context_t *c,
- const hb_ot_layout_lookup_accelerator_t *accel) const
- {
- if (unlikely (!c->len)) return false;
- if (!accel->may_have (c->glyphs[0])) return false;
- return dispatch (c);
- }
- static inline bool apply_recurse_func (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c, unsigned int lookup_index);
- bool serialize_single (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- uint32_t lookup_props,
- hb_sorted_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> glyphs,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> substitutes)
- {
- if (unlikely (!Lookup::serialize (c, SubTable::Single, lookup_props, 1))) return_trace (false);
- if (c->push<SubTable> ()->u.single.serialize (c, hb_zip (glyphs, substitutes)))
- {
- c->add_link (get_subtables<SubTable> ()[0], c->pop_pack ());
- return_trace (true);
- }
- c->pop_discard ();
- return_trace (false);
- }
- bool serialize_multiple (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- uint32_t lookup_props,
- hb_sorted_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> glyphs,
- hb_array_t<const unsigned int> substitute_len_list,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> substitute_glyphs_list)
- {
- if (unlikely (!Lookup::serialize (c, SubTable::Multiple, lookup_props, 1))) return_trace (false);
- if (c->push<SubTable> ()->u.multiple.
- serialize (c,
- glyphs,
- substitute_len_list,
- substitute_glyphs_list))
- {
- c->add_link (get_subtables<SubTable> ()[0], c->pop_pack ());
- return_trace (true);
- }
- c->pop_discard ();
- return_trace (false);
- }
- bool serialize_alternate (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- uint32_t lookup_props,
- hb_sorted_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> glyphs,
- hb_array_t<const unsigned int> alternate_len_list,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> alternate_glyphs_list)
- {
- if (unlikely (!Lookup::serialize (c, SubTable::Alternate, lookup_props, 1))) return_trace (false);
- if (c->push<SubTable> ()->u.alternate.
- serialize (c,
- glyphs,
- alternate_len_list,
- alternate_glyphs_list))
- {
- c->add_link (get_subtables<SubTable> ()[0], c->pop_pack ());
- return_trace (true);
- }
- c->pop_discard ();
- return_trace (false);
- }
- bool serialize_ligature (hb_serialize_context_t *c,
- uint32_t lookup_props,
- hb_sorted_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> first_glyphs,
- hb_array_t<const unsigned int> ligature_per_first_glyph_count_list,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> ligatures_list,
- hb_array_t<const unsigned int> component_count_list,
- hb_array_t<const HBGlyphID16> component_list /* Starting from second for each ligature */)
- {
- if (unlikely (!Lookup::serialize (c, SubTable::Ligature, lookup_props, 1))) return_trace (false);
- if (c->push<SubTable> ()->u.ligature.
- serialize (c,
- first_glyphs,
- ligature_per_first_glyph_count_list,
- ligatures_list,
- component_count_list,
- component_list))
- {
- c->add_link (get_subtables<SubTable> ()[0], c->pop_pack ());
- return_trace (true);
- }
- c->pop_discard ();
- return_trace (false);
- }
- template <typename context_t>
- static inline typename context_t::return_t dispatch_recurse_func (context_t *c, unsigned int lookup_index);
- static inline typename hb_closure_context_t::return_t closure_glyphs_recurse_func (hb_closure_context_t *c, unsigned lookup_index, hb_set_t *covered_seq_indices, unsigned seq_index, unsigned end_index);
- static inline hb_closure_context_t::return_t dispatch_closure_recurse_func (hb_closure_context_t *c, unsigned lookup_index, hb_set_t *covered_seq_indices, unsigned seq_index, unsigned end_index)
- {
- if (!c->should_visit_lookup (lookup_index))
- return hb_empty_t ();
- hb_closure_context_t::return_t ret = closure_glyphs_recurse_func (c, lookup_index, covered_seq_indices, seq_index, end_index);
- /* While in theory we should flush here, it will cause timeouts because a recursive
- * lookup can keep growing the glyph set. Skip, and outer loop will retry up to
- * HB_CLOSURE_MAX_STAGES time, which should be enough for every realistic font. */
- //c->flush ();
- return ret;
- }
- HB_INTERNAL static hb_closure_lookups_context_t::return_t dispatch_closure_lookups_recurse_func (hb_closure_lookups_context_t *c, unsigned lookup_index);
- template <typename context_t, typename ...Ts>
- typename context_t::return_t dispatch (context_t *c, Ts&&... ds) const
- { return Lookup::dispatch<SubTable> (c, std::forward<Ts> (ds)...); }
- bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
- { return Lookup::subset<SubTable> (c); }
- bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
- { return Lookup::sanitize<SubTable> (c); }
- * GSUB -- Glyph Substitution
- *
- */
- static constexpr hb_tag_t tableTag = HB_OT_TAG_GSUB;
- const SubstLookup& get_lookup (unsigned int i) const
- { return static_cast<const SubstLookup &> (GSUBGPOS::get_lookup (i)); }
- bool subset (hb_subset_context_t *c) const
- {
- hb_subset_layout_context_t l (c, tableTag, c->plan->gsub_lookups, c->plan->gsub_langsys, c->plan->gsub_features);
- return GSUBGPOS::subset<SubstLookup> (&l);
- }
- bool sanitize (hb_sanitize_context_t *c) const
- { return GSUBGPOS::sanitize<SubstLookup> (c); }
- HB_INTERNAL bool is_blocklisted (hb_blob_t *blob,
- hb_face_t *face) const;
- void closure_lookups (hb_face_t *face,
- const hb_set_t *glyphs,
- hb_set_t *lookup_indexes /* IN/OUT */) const
- { GSUBGPOS::closure_lookups<SubstLookup> (face, glyphs, lookup_indexes); }
- typedef GSUBGPOS::accelerator_t<GSUB> accelerator_t;
-struct GSUB_accelerator_t : GSUB::accelerator_t {
- GSUB_accelerator_t (hb_face_t *face) : GSUB::accelerator_t (face) {}
+// TODO(garretrieger): Move into the new layout directory.
/* Out-of-class implementation for methods recursing */
@@ -1772,13 +58,16 @@ template <typename context_t>
return l.dispatch (c);
-/*static*/ inline hb_closure_lookups_context_t::return_t SubstLookup::dispatch_closure_lookups_recurse_func (hb_closure_lookups_context_t *c, unsigned this_index)
+template <>
+inline hb_closure_lookups_context_t::return_t
+SubstLookup::dispatch_recurse_func<hb_closure_lookups_context_t> (hb_closure_lookups_context_t *c, unsigned this_index)
const SubstLookup &l = c->face->table.GSUB.get_relaxed ()->table->get_lookup (this_index);
return l.closure_lookups (c, this_index);
-/*static*/ bool SubstLookup::apply_recurse_func (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c, unsigned int lookup_index)
+template <>
+inline bool SubstLookup::dispatch_recurse_func<hb_ot_apply_context_t> (hb_ot_apply_context_t *c, unsigned int lookup_index)
const SubstLookup &l = c->face->table.GSUB.get_relaxed ()->table->get_lookup (lookup_index);
unsigned int saved_lookup_props = c->lookup_props;
@@ -1792,7 +81,8 @@ template <typename context_t>
+} /* namespace GSUB_impl */
+} /* namespace Layout */
} /* namespace OT */