path: root/thirdparty/harfbuzz/src/hb-algs.hh
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/harfbuzz/src/hb-algs.hh')
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/harfbuzz/src/hb-algs.hh b/thirdparty/harfbuzz/src/hb-algs.hh
index 3a3ab08046..cc37c073da 100644
--- a/thirdparty/harfbuzz/src/hb-algs.hh
+++ b/thirdparty/harfbuzz/src/hb-algs.hh
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
static inline constexpr T operator | (T l, T r) { return T ((unsigned) l | (unsigned) r); } \
static inline constexpr T operator & (T l, T r) { return T ((unsigned) l & (unsigned) r); } \
static inline constexpr T operator ^ (T l, T r) { return T ((unsigned) l ^ (unsigned) r); } \
- static inline constexpr T operator ~ (T r) { return T (~(unsigned int) r); } \
+ static inline constexpr unsigned operator ~ (T r) { return (~(unsigned) r); } \
static inline T& operator |= (T &l, T r) { l = l | r; return l; } \
static inline T& operator &= (T& l, T r) { l = l & r; return l; } \
static inline T& operator ^= (T& l, T r) { l = l ^ r; return l; } \
@@ -109,15 +109,16 @@ struct BEInt<Type, 2>
struct __attribute__((packed)) packed_uint16_t { uint16_t v; };
constexpr operator Type () const
-#if ((defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 5) || defined(__clang__)) && \
+#if defined(__OPTIMIZE__) && !defined(HB_NO_PACKED) && \
+ ((defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 5) || defined(__clang__)) && \
defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && \
/* Spoon-feed the compiler a big-endian integer with alignment 1.
* */
- return __builtin_bswap16 (((packed_uint16_t *) this)->v);
+ return __builtin_bswap16 (((packed_uint16_t *) v)->v);
#else /* __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN */
- return ((packed_uint16_t *) this)->v;
+ return ((packed_uint16_t *) v)->v;
return (v[0] << 8)
@@ -150,10 +151,27 @@ struct BEInt<Type, 4>
uint8_t ((V >> 16) & 0xFF),
uint8_t ((V >> 8) & 0xFF),
uint8_t ((V ) & 0xFF)} {}
- constexpr operator Type () const { return (v[0] << 24)
- + (v[1] << 16)
- + (v[2] << 8)
- + (v[3] ); }
+ struct __attribute__((packed)) packed_uint32_t { uint32_t v; };
+ constexpr operator Type () const {
+#if defined(__OPTIMIZE__) && !defined(HB_NO_PACKED) && \
+ ((defined(__GNUC__) && __GNUC__ >= 5) || defined(__clang__)) && \
+ defined(__BYTE_ORDER) && \
+ /* Spoon-feed the compiler a big-endian integer with alignment 1.
+ * */
+ return __builtin_bswap32 (((packed_uint32_t *) v)->v);
+#else /* __BYTE_ORDER == __BIG_ENDIAN */
+ return ((packed_uint32_t *) v)->v;
+ return (v[0] << 24)
+ + (v[1] << 16)
+ + (v[2] << 8)
+ + (v[3] );
+ }
private: uint8_t v[4];
@@ -211,31 +229,26 @@ struct
HB_FUNCOBJ (hb_bool);
-template <typename T>
-static inline
-T hb_coerce (const T v) { return v; }
-template <typename T, typename V,
- hb_enable_if (!hb_is_same (hb_decay<T>, hb_decay<V>) && std::is_pointer<V>::value)>
-static inline
-T hb_coerce (const V v) { return *v; }
template <typename T> constexpr auto
- impl (const T& v, hb_priority<2>) const HB_RETURN (uint32_t, hb_deref (v).hash ())
+ impl (const T& v, hb_priority<1>) const HB_RETURN (uint32_t, hb_deref (v).hash ())
- template <typename T> constexpr auto
- impl (const T& v, hb_priority<1>) const HB_RETURN (uint32_t, std::hash<hb_decay<decltype (hb_deref (v))>>{} (hb_deref (v)))
+ template <typename T> constexpr uint32_t
+ impl (const hb::shared_ptr<T>& v, hb_priority<1>) const
+ {
+ return v.get () ? v.get ()->hash () : 0;
+ }
+ template <typename T> constexpr uint32_t
+ impl (const hb::unique_ptr<T>& v, hb_priority<1>) const
+ {
+ return v.get () ? v.get ()->hash () : 0;
+ }
- template <typename T,
- hb_enable_if (std::is_integral<T>::value)> constexpr auto
- impl (const T& v, hb_priority<0>) const HB_AUTO_RETURN
- (
- /* Knuth's multiplicative method: */
- (uint32_t) v * 2654435761u
- )
+ template <typename T> constexpr auto
+ impl (const T& v, hb_priority<0>) const HB_RETURN (uint32_t, std::hash<hb_decay<decltype (hb_deref (v))>>{} (hb_deref (v)))
@@ -498,7 +511,7 @@ struct hb_pair_t
template <typename Q1, typename Q2,
hb_enable_if (hb_is_convertible (T1, Q1) &&
- hb_is_convertible (T2, T2))>
+ hb_is_convertible (T2, Q2))>
operator hb_pair_t<Q1, Q2> () { return hb_pair_t<Q1, Q2> (first, second); }
hb_pair_t<T1, T2> reverse () const
@@ -514,7 +527,6 @@ struct hb_pair_t
T1 first;
T2 second;
-#define hb_pair_t(T1,T2) hb_pair_t<T1, T2>
template <typename T1, typename T2> static inline hb_pair_t<T1, T2>
hb_pair (T1&& a, T2&& b) { return hb_pair_t<T1, T2> (a, b); }
@@ -540,14 +552,14 @@ struct
template <typename T, typename T2> constexpr auto
operator () (T&& a, T2&& b) const HB_AUTO_RETURN
- (a <= b ? std::forward<T> (a) : std::forward<T2> (b))
+ (a <= b ? a : b)
HB_FUNCOBJ (hb_min);
template <typename T, typename T2> constexpr auto
operator () (T&& a, T2&& b) const HB_AUTO_RETURN
- (a >= b ? std::forward<T> (a) : std::forward<T2> (b))
+ (a >= b ? a : b)
HB_FUNCOBJ (hb_max);
@@ -846,6 +858,11 @@ hb_in_ranges (T u, T lo1, T hi1, T lo2, T hi2, T lo3, T hi3)
return hb_in_range (u, lo1, hi1) || hb_in_range (u, lo2, hi2) || hb_in_range (u, lo3, hi3);
+template <typename T> static inline bool
+hb_in_ranges (T u, T lo1, T hi1, T lo2, T hi2, T lo3, T hi3, T lo4, T hi4)
+ return hb_in_range (u, lo1, hi1) || hb_in_range (u, lo2, hi2) || hb_in_range (u, lo3, hi3) || hb_in_range (u, lo4, hi4);
@@ -956,7 +973,7 @@ void hb_qsort(void *base, size_t nel, size_t width,
[void *arg]);
-#define SORT_R_SWAP(a,b,tmp) ((tmp) = (a), (a) = (b), (b) = (tmp))
+#define SORT_R_SWAP(a,b,tmp) ((void) ((tmp) = (a)), (void) ((a) = (b)), (b) = (tmp))
/* swap a and b */
/* a and b must not be equal! */