path: root/thirdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/localintermediate.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/localintermediate.h')
1 files changed, 1001 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/localintermediate.h b/thirdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/localintermediate.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..683290af74
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/glslang/glslang/MachineIndependent/localintermediate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1001 @@
+// Copyright (C) 2002-2005 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd.
+// Copyright (C) 2016 LunarG, Inc.
+// Copyright (C) 2017 ARM Limited.
+// Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Google, Inc.
+// All rights reserved.
+// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+// are met:
+// Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+// Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+// disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided
+// with the distribution.
+// Neither the name of 3Dlabs Inc. Ltd. nor the names of its
+// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
+// from this software without specific prior written permission.
+#include "../Include/intermediate.h"
+#include "../Public/ShaderLang.h"
+#include "Versions.h"
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <set>
+#include <array>
+class TInfoSink;
+namespace glslang {
+struct TMatrixSelector {
+ int coord1; // stay agnostic about column/row; this is parse order
+ int coord2;
+typedef int TVectorSelector;
+const int MaxSwizzleSelectors = 4;
+template<typename selectorType>
+class TSwizzleSelectors {
+ TSwizzleSelectors() : size_(0) { }
+ void push_back(selectorType comp)
+ {
+ if (size_ < MaxSwizzleSelectors)
+ components[size_++] = comp;
+ }
+ void resize(int s)
+ {
+ assert(s <= size_);
+ size_ = s;
+ }
+ int size() const { return size_; }
+ selectorType operator[](int i) const
+ {
+ assert(i < MaxSwizzleSelectors);
+ return components[i];
+ }
+ int size_;
+ selectorType components[MaxSwizzleSelectors];
+// Some helper structures for TIntermediate. Their contents are encapsulated
+// by TIntermediate.
+// Used for call-graph algorithms for detecting recursion, missing bodies, and dead bodies.
+// A "call" is a pair: <caller, callee>.
+// There can be duplicates. General assumption is the list is small.
+struct TCall {
+ TCall(const TString& pCaller, const TString& pCallee) : caller(pCaller), callee(pCallee) { }
+ TString caller;
+ TString callee;
+ bool visited;
+ bool currentPath;
+ bool errorGiven;
+ int calleeBodyPosition;
+// A generic 1-D range.
+struct TRange {
+ TRange(int start, int last) : start(start), last(last) { }
+ bool overlap(const TRange& rhs) const
+ {
+ return last >= rhs.start && start <= rhs.last;
+ }
+ int start;
+ int last;
+// An IO range is a 3-D rectangle; the set of (location, component, index) triples all lying
+// within the same location range, component range, and index value. Locations don't alias unless
+// all other dimensions of their range overlap.
+struct TIoRange {
+ TIoRange(TRange location, TRange component, TBasicType basicType, int index)
+ : location(location), component(component), basicType(basicType), index(index) { }
+ bool overlap(const TIoRange& rhs) const
+ {
+ return location.overlap(rhs.location) && component.overlap(rhs.component) && index == rhs.index;
+ }
+ TRange location;
+ TRange component;
+ TBasicType basicType;
+ int index;
+// An offset range is a 2-D rectangle; the set of (binding, offset) pairs all lying
+// within the same binding and offset range.
+struct TOffsetRange {
+ TOffsetRange(TRange binding, TRange offset)
+ : binding(binding), offset(offset) { }
+ bool overlap(const TOffsetRange& rhs) const
+ {
+ return binding.overlap(rhs.binding) && offset.overlap(rhs.offset);
+ }
+ TRange binding;
+ TRange offset;
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
+// Things that need to be tracked per xfb buffer.
+struct TXfbBuffer {
+ TXfbBuffer() : stride(TQualifier::layoutXfbStrideEnd), implicitStride(0), contains64BitType(false),
+ contains32BitType(false), contains16BitType(false) { }
+ std::vector<TRange> ranges; // byte offsets that have already been assigned
+ unsigned int stride;
+ unsigned int implicitStride;
+ bool contains64BitType;
+ bool contains32BitType;
+ bool contains16BitType;
+// Track a set of strings describing how the module was processed.
+// Using the form:
+// process arg0 arg1 arg2 ...
+// process arg0 arg1 arg2 ...
+// where everything is textual, and there can be zero or more arguments
+class TProcesses {
+ TProcesses() {}
+ ~TProcesses() {}
+ void addProcess(const char* process)
+ {
+ processes.push_back(process);
+ }
+ void addProcess(const std::string& process)
+ {
+ processes.push_back(process);
+ }
+ void addArgument(int arg)
+ {
+ processes.back().append(" ");
+ std::string argString = std::to_string(arg);
+ processes.back().append(argString);
+ }
+ void addArgument(const char* arg)
+ {
+ processes.back().append(" ");
+ processes.back().append(arg);
+ }
+ void addArgument(const std::string& arg)
+ {
+ processes.back().append(" ");
+ processes.back().append(arg);
+ }
+ void addIfNonZero(const char* process, int value)
+ {
+ if (value != 0) {
+ addProcess(process);
+ addArgument(value);
+ }
+ }
+ const std::vector<std::string>& getProcesses() const { return processes; }
+ std::vector<std::string> processes;
+class TSymbolTable;
+class TSymbol;
+class TVariable;
+// Texture and Sampler transformation mode.
+enum ComputeDerivativeMode {
+ LayoutDerivativeNone, // default layout as SPV_NV_compute_shader_derivatives not enabled
+ LayoutDerivativeGroupQuads, // derivative_group_quadsNV
+ LayoutDerivativeGroupLinear, // derivative_group_linearNV
+// Set of helper functions to help parse and build the tree.
+class TIntermediate {
+ explicit TIntermediate(EShLanguage l, int v = 0, EProfile p = ENoProfile) :
+ language(l),
+ profile(p), version(v), treeRoot(0),
+ numEntryPoints(0), numErrors(0), numPushConstants(0), recursive(false),
+ invertY(false),
+ useStorageBuffer(false),
+ nanMinMaxClamp(false),
+ depthReplacing(false)
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
+ ,
+ implicitThisName("@this"), implicitCounterName("@count"),
+ source(EShSourceNone),
+ useVulkanMemoryModel(false),
+ invocations(TQualifier::layoutNotSet), vertices(TQualifier::layoutNotSet),
+ inputPrimitive(ElgNone), outputPrimitive(ElgNone),
+ pixelCenterInteger(false), originUpperLeft(false),
+ vertexSpacing(EvsNone), vertexOrder(EvoNone), interlockOrdering(EioNone), pointMode(false), earlyFragmentTests(false),
+ postDepthCoverage(false), depthLayout(EldNone),
+ hlslFunctionality1(false),
+ blendEquations(0), xfbMode(false), multiStream(false),
+ layoutOverrideCoverage(false),
+ geoPassthroughEXT(false),
+ numShaderRecordNVBlocks(0),
+ computeDerivativeMode(LayoutDerivativeNone),
+ primitives(TQualifier::layoutNotSet),
+ numTaskNVBlocks(0),
+ autoMapBindings(false),
+ autoMapLocations(false),
+ flattenUniformArrays(false),
+ useUnknownFormat(false),
+ hlslOffsets(false),
+ hlslIoMapping(false),
+ useVariablePointers(false),
+ textureSamplerTransformMode(EShTexSampTransKeep),
+ needToLegalize(false),
+ binaryDoubleOutput(false),
+ usePhysicalStorageBuffer(false),
+ uniformLocationBase(0)
+ {
+ localSize[0] = 1;
+ localSize[1] = 1;
+ localSize[2] = 1;
+ localSizeNotDefault[0] = false;
+ localSizeNotDefault[1] = false;
+ localSizeNotDefault[2] = false;
+ localSizeSpecId[0] = TQualifier::layoutNotSet;
+ localSizeSpecId[1] = TQualifier::layoutNotSet;
+ localSizeSpecId[2] = TQualifier::layoutNotSet;
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
+ xfbBuffers.resize(TQualifier::layoutXfbBufferEnd);
+ shiftBinding.fill(0);
+ }
+ void setVersion(int v) { version = v; }
+ int getVersion() const { return version; }
+ void setProfile(EProfile p) { profile = p; }
+ EProfile getProfile() const { return profile; }
+ void setSpv(const SpvVersion& s)
+ {
+ spvVersion = s;
+ // client processes
+ if (spvVersion.vulkan > 0)
+ processes.addProcess("client vulkan100");
+ if (spvVersion.openGl > 0)
+ processes.addProcess("client opengl100");
+ // target SPV
+ switch (spvVersion.spv) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case EShTargetSpv_1_0:
+ break;
+ case EShTargetSpv_1_1:
+ processes.addProcess("target-env spirv1.1");
+ break;
+ case EShTargetSpv_1_2:
+ processes.addProcess("target-env spirv1.2");
+ break;
+ case EShTargetSpv_1_3:
+ processes.addProcess("target-env spirv1.3");
+ break;
+ case EShTargetSpv_1_4:
+ processes.addProcess("target-env spirv1.4");
+ break;
+ case EShTargetSpv_1_5:
+ processes.addProcess("target-env spirv1.5");
+ break;
+ default:
+ processes.addProcess("target-env spirvUnknown");
+ break;
+ }
+ // target-environment processes
+ switch (spvVersion.vulkan) {
+ case 0:
+ break;
+ case EShTargetVulkan_1_0:
+ processes.addProcess("target-env vulkan1.0");
+ break;
+ case EShTargetVulkan_1_1:
+ processes.addProcess("target-env vulkan1.1");
+ break;
+ case EShTargetVulkan_1_2:
+ processes.addProcess("target-env vulkan1.2");
+ break;
+ default:
+ processes.addProcess("target-env vulkanUnknown");
+ break;
+ }
+ if (spvVersion.openGl > 0)
+ processes.addProcess("target-env opengl");
+ }
+ const SpvVersion& getSpv() const { return spvVersion; }
+ EShLanguage getStage() const { return language; }
+ void addRequestedExtension(const char* extension) { requestedExtensions.insert(extension); }
+ const std::set<std::string>& getRequestedExtensions() const { return requestedExtensions; }
+ void setTreeRoot(TIntermNode* r) { treeRoot = r; }
+ TIntermNode* getTreeRoot() const { return treeRoot; }
+ void incrementEntryPointCount() { ++numEntryPoints; }
+ int getNumEntryPoints() const { return numEntryPoints; }
+ int getNumErrors() const { return numErrors; }
+ void addPushConstantCount() { ++numPushConstants; }
+ void setLimits(const TBuiltInResource& r) { resources = r; }
+ bool postProcess(TIntermNode*, EShLanguage);
+ void removeTree();
+ void setEntryPointName(const char* ep)
+ {
+ entryPointName = ep;
+ processes.addProcess("entry-point");
+ processes.addArgument(entryPointName);
+ }
+ void setEntryPointMangledName(const char* ep) { entryPointMangledName = ep; }
+ const std::string& getEntryPointName() const { return entryPointName; }
+ const std::string& getEntryPointMangledName() const { return entryPointMangledName; }
+ void setInvertY(bool invert)
+ {
+ invertY = invert;
+ if (invertY)
+ processes.addProcess("invert-y");
+ }
+ bool getInvertY() const { return invertY; }
+ void setSource(EShSource s) { source = s; }
+ EShSource getSource() const { return source; }
+ void setSource(EShSource s) { assert(s == EShSourceGlsl); }
+ EShSource getSource() const { return EShSourceGlsl; }
+ bool isRecursive() const { return recursive; }
+ TIntermSymbol* addSymbol(const TVariable&);
+ TIntermSymbol* addSymbol(const TVariable&, const TSourceLoc&);
+ TIntermSymbol* addSymbol(const TType&, const TSourceLoc&);
+ TIntermSymbol* addSymbol(const TIntermSymbol&);
+ TIntermTyped* addConversion(TOperator, const TType&, TIntermTyped*);
+ std::tuple<TIntermTyped*, TIntermTyped*> addConversion(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* node0, TIntermTyped* node1);
+ TIntermTyped* addUniShapeConversion(TOperator, const TType&, TIntermTyped*);
+ TIntermTyped* addConversion(TBasicType convertTo, TIntermTyped* node) const;
+ void addBiShapeConversion(TOperator, TIntermTyped*& lhsNode, TIntermTyped*& rhsNode);
+ TIntermTyped* addShapeConversion(const TType&, TIntermTyped*);
+ TIntermTyped* addBinaryMath(TOperator, TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right, TSourceLoc);
+ TIntermTyped* addAssign(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right, TSourceLoc);
+ TIntermTyped* addIndex(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* base, TIntermTyped* index, TSourceLoc);
+ TIntermTyped* addUnaryMath(TOperator, TIntermTyped* child, TSourceLoc);
+ TIntermTyped* addBuiltInFunctionCall(const TSourceLoc& line, TOperator, bool unary, TIntermNode*, const TType& returnType);
+ bool canImplicitlyPromote(TBasicType from, TBasicType to, TOperator op = EOpNull) const;
+ bool isIntegralPromotion(TBasicType from, TBasicType to) const;
+ bool isFPPromotion(TBasicType from, TBasicType to) const;
+ bool isIntegralConversion(TBasicType from, TBasicType to) const;
+ bool isFPConversion(TBasicType from, TBasicType to) const;
+ bool isFPIntegralConversion(TBasicType from, TBasicType to) const;
+ TOperator mapTypeToConstructorOp(const TType&) const;
+ TIntermAggregate* growAggregate(TIntermNode* left, TIntermNode* right);
+ TIntermAggregate* growAggregate(TIntermNode* left, TIntermNode* right, const TSourceLoc&);
+ TIntermAggregate* makeAggregate(TIntermNode* node);
+ TIntermAggregate* makeAggregate(TIntermNode* node, const TSourceLoc&);
+ TIntermAggregate* makeAggregate(const TSourceLoc&);
+ TIntermTyped* setAggregateOperator(TIntermNode*, TOperator, const TType& type, TSourceLoc);
+ bool areAllChildConst(TIntermAggregate* aggrNode);
+ TIntermSelection* addSelection(TIntermTyped* cond, TIntermNodePair code, const TSourceLoc&);
+ TIntermTyped* addSelection(TIntermTyped* cond, TIntermTyped* trueBlock, TIntermTyped* falseBlock, const TSourceLoc&);
+ TIntermTyped* addComma(TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right, const TSourceLoc&);
+ TIntermTyped* addMethod(TIntermTyped*, const TType&, const TString*, const TSourceLoc&);
+ TIntermConstantUnion* addConstantUnion(const TConstUnionArray&, const TType&, const TSourceLoc&, bool literal = false) const;
+ TIntermConstantUnion* addConstantUnion(signed char, const TSourceLoc&, bool literal = false) const;
+ TIntermConstantUnion* addConstantUnion(unsigned char, const TSourceLoc&, bool literal = false) const;
+ TIntermConstantUnion* addConstantUnion(signed short, const TSourceLoc&, bool literal = false) const;
+ TIntermConstantUnion* addConstantUnion(unsigned short, const TSourceLoc&, bool literal = false) const;
+ TIntermConstantUnion* addConstantUnion(int, const TSourceLoc&, bool literal = false) const;
+ TIntermConstantUnion* addConstantUnion(unsigned int, const TSourceLoc&, bool literal = false) const;
+ TIntermConstantUnion* addConstantUnion(long long, const TSourceLoc&, bool literal = false) const;
+ TIntermConstantUnion* addConstantUnion(unsigned long long, const TSourceLoc&, bool literal = false) const;
+ TIntermConstantUnion* addConstantUnion(bool, const TSourceLoc&, bool literal = false) const;
+ TIntermConstantUnion* addConstantUnion(double, TBasicType, const TSourceLoc&, bool literal = false) const;
+ TIntermConstantUnion* addConstantUnion(const TString*, const TSourceLoc&, bool literal = false) const;
+ TIntermTyped* promoteConstantUnion(TBasicType, TIntermConstantUnion*) const;
+ bool parseConstTree(TIntermNode*, TConstUnionArray, TOperator, const TType&, bool singleConstantParam = false);
+ TIntermLoop* addLoop(TIntermNode*, TIntermTyped*, TIntermTyped*, bool testFirst, const TSourceLoc&);
+ TIntermAggregate* addForLoop(TIntermNode*, TIntermNode*, TIntermTyped*, TIntermTyped*, bool testFirst,
+ const TSourceLoc&, TIntermLoop*&);
+ TIntermBranch* addBranch(TOperator, const TSourceLoc&);
+ TIntermBranch* addBranch(TOperator, TIntermTyped*, const TSourceLoc&);
+ template<typename selectorType> TIntermTyped* addSwizzle(TSwizzleSelectors<selectorType>&, const TSourceLoc&);
+ // Low level functions to add nodes (no conversions or other higher level transformations)
+ // If a type is provided, the node's type will be set to it.
+ TIntermBinary* addBinaryNode(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right, TSourceLoc) const;
+ TIntermBinary* addBinaryNode(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* left, TIntermTyped* right, TSourceLoc, const TType&) const;
+ TIntermUnary* addUnaryNode(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* child, TSourceLoc) const;
+ TIntermUnary* addUnaryNode(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* child, TSourceLoc, const TType&) const;
+ // Constant folding (in Constant.cpp)
+ TIntermTyped* fold(TIntermAggregate* aggrNode);
+ TIntermTyped* foldConstructor(TIntermAggregate* aggrNode);
+ TIntermTyped* foldDereference(TIntermTyped* node, int index, const TSourceLoc&);
+ TIntermTyped* foldSwizzle(TIntermTyped* node, TSwizzleSelectors<TVectorSelector>& fields, const TSourceLoc&);
+ // Tree ops
+ static const TIntermTyped* findLValueBase(const TIntermTyped*, bool swizzleOkay);
+ // Linkage related
+ void addSymbolLinkageNodes(TIntermAggregate*& linkage, EShLanguage, TSymbolTable&);
+ void addSymbolLinkageNode(TIntermAggregate*& linkage, const TSymbol&);
+ void setUseStorageBuffer()
+ {
+ useStorageBuffer = true;
+ processes.addProcess("use-storage-buffer");
+ }
+ bool usingStorageBuffer() const { return useStorageBuffer; }
+ void setDepthReplacing() { depthReplacing = true; }
+ bool isDepthReplacing() const { return depthReplacing; }
+ bool setLocalSize(int dim, int size)
+ {
+ if (localSizeNotDefault[dim])
+ return size == localSize[dim];
+ localSizeNotDefault[dim] = true;
+ localSize[dim] = size;
+ return true;
+ }
+ unsigned int getLocalSize(int dim) const { return localSize[dim]; }
+ bool setLocalSizeSpecId(int dim, int id)
+ {
+ if (localSizeSpecId[dim] != TQualifier::layoutNotSet)
+ return id == localSizeSpecId[dim];
+ localSizeSpecId[dim] = id;
+ return true;
+ }
+ int getLocalSizeSpecId(int dim) const { return localSizeSpecId[dim]; }
+ void output(TInfoSink&, bool tree) { }
+ bool isEsProfile() const { return false; }
+ bool getXfbMode() const { return false; }
+ bool isMultiStream() const { return false; }
+ TLayoutGeometry getOutputPrimitive() const { return ElgNone; }
+ bool getPostDepthCoverage() const { return false; }
+ bool getEarlyFragmentTests() const { return false; }
+ TLayoutDepth getDepth() const { return EldNone; }
+ bool getPixelCenterInteger() const { return false; }
+ void setOriginUpperLeft() { }
+ bool getOriginUpperLeft() const { return true; }
+ TInterlockOrdering getInterlockOrdering() const { return EioNone; }
+ bool getAutoMapBindings() const { return false; }
+ bool getAutoMapLocations() const { return false; }
+ int getNumPushConstants() const { return 0; }
+ void addShaderRecordNVCount() { }
+ void addTaskNVCount() { }
+ void setUseVulkanMemoryModel() { }
+ bool usingVulkanMemoryModel() const { return false; }
+ bool usingPhysicalStorageBuffer() const { return false; }
+ bool usingVariablePointers() const { return false; }
+ unsigned getXfbStride(int buffer) const { return 0; }
+ bool hasLayoutDerivativeModeNone() const { return false; }
+ ComputeDerivativeMode getLayoutDerivativeModeNone() const { return LayoutDerivativeNone; }
+ void output(TInfoSink&, bool tree);
+ bool isEsProfile() const { return profile == EEsProfile; }
+ void setShiftBinding(TResourceType res, unsigned int shift)
+ {
+ shiftBinding[res] = shift;
+ const char* name = getResourceName(res);
+ if (name != nullptr)
+ processes.addIfNonZero(name, shift);
+ }
+ unsigned int getShiftBinding(TResourceType res) const { return shiftBinding[res]; }
+ void setShiftBindingForSet(TResourceType res, unsigned int shift, unsigned int set)
+ {
+ if (shift == 0) // ignore if there's no shift: it's a no-op.
+ return;
+ shiftBindingForSet[res][set] = shift;
+ const char* name = getResourceName(res);
+ if (name != nullptr) {
+ processes.addProcess(name);
+ processes.addArgument(shift);
+ processes.addArgument(set);
+ }
+ }
+ int getShiftBindingForSet(TResourceType res, unsigned int set) const
+ {
+ const auto shift = shiftBindingForSet[res].find(set);
+ return shift == shiftBindingForSet[res].end() ? -1 : shift->second;
+ }
+ bool hasShiftBindingForSet(TResourceType res) const { return !shiftBindingForSet[res].empty(); }
+ void setResourceSetBinding(const std::vector<std::string>& shift)
+ {
+ resourceSetBinding = shift;
+ if (shift.size() > 0) {
+ processes.addProcess("resource-set-binding");
+ for (int s = 0; s < (int)shift.size(); ++s)
+ processes.addArgument(shift[s]);
+ }
+ }
+ const std::vector<std::string>& getResourceSetBinding() const { return resourceSetBinding; }
+ void setAutoMapBindings(bool map)
+ {
+ autoMapBindings = map;
+ if (autoMapBindings)
+ processes.addProcess("auto-map-bindings");
+ }
+ bool getAutoMapBindings() const { return autoMapBindings; }
+ void setAutoMapLocations(bool map)
+ {
+ autoMapLocations = map;
+ if (autoMapLocations)
+ processes.addProcess("auto-map-locations");
+ }
+ bool getAutoMapLocations() const { return autoMapLocations; }
+ void setFlattenUniformArrays(bool flatten)
+ {
+ flattenUniformArrays = flatten;
+ if (flattenUniformArrays)
+ processes.addProcess("flatten-uniform-arrays");
+ }
+ bool getFlattenUniformArrays() const { return flattenUniformArrays; }
+ void setNoStorageFormat(bool b)
+ {
+ useUnknownFormat = b;
+ if (useUnknownFormat)
+ processes.addProcess("no-storage-format");
+ }
+ bool getNoStorageFormat() const { return useUnknownFormat; }
+ void setUseVulkanMemoryModel()
+ {
+ useVulkanMemoryModel = true;
+ processes.addProcess("use-vulkan-memory-model");
+ }
+ bool usingVulkanMemoryModel() const { return useVulkanMemoryModel; }
+ void setUsePhysicalStorageBuffer()
+ {
+ usePhysicalStorageBuffer = true;
+ }
+ bool usingPhysicalStorageBuffer() const { return usePhysicalStorageBuffer; }
+ void setUseVariablePointers()
+ {
+ useVariablePointers = true;
+ processes.addProcess("use-variable-pointers");
+ }
+ bool usingVariablePointers() const { return useVariablePointers; }
+ template<class T> T addCounterBufferName(const T& name) const { return name + implicitCounterName; }
+ bool hasCounterBufferName(const TString& name) const {
+ size_t len = strlen(implicitCounterName);
+ return name.size() > len &&
+ - len, len, implicitCounterName) == 0;
+ }
+ void setTextureSamplerTransformMode(EShTextureSamplerTransformMode mode) { textureSamplerTransformMode = mode; }
+ int getNumPushConstants() const { return numPushConstants; }
+ void addShaderRecordNVCount() { ++numShaderRecordNVBlocks; }
+ void addTaskNVCount() { ++numTaskNVBlocks; }
+ bool setInvocations(int i)
+ {
+ if (invocations != TQualifier::layoutNotSet)
+ return invocations == i;
+ invocations = i;
+ return true;
+ }
+ int getInvocations() const { return invocations; }
+ bool setVertices(int m)
+ {
+ if (vertices != TQualifier::layoutNotSet)
+ return vertices == m;
+ vertices = m;
+ return true;
+ }
+ int getVertices() const { return vertices; }
+ bool setInputPrimitive(TLayoutGeometry p)
+ {
+ if (inputPrimitive != ElgNone)
+ return inputPrimitive == p;
+ inputPrimitive = p;
+ return true;
+ }
+ TLayoutGeometry getInputPrimitive() const { return inputPrimitive; }
+ bool setVertexSpacing(TVertexSpacing s)
+ {
+ if (vertexSpacing != EvsNone)
+ return vertexSpacing == s;
+ vertexSpacing = s;
+ return true;
+ }
+ TVertexSpacing getVertexSpacing() const { return vertexSpacing; }
+ bool setVertexOrder(TVertexOrder o)
+ {
+ if (vertexOrder != EvoNone)
+ return vertexOrder == o;
+ vertexOrder = o;
+ return true;
+ }
+ TVertexOrder getVertexOrder() const { return vertexOrder; }
+ void setPointMode() { pointMode = true; }
+ bool getPointMode() const { return pointMode; }
+ bool setInterlockOrdering(TInterlockOrdering o)
+ {
+ if (interlockOrdering != EioNone)
+ return interlockOrdering == o;
+ interlockOrdering = o;
+ return true;
+ }
+ TInterlockOrdering getInterlockOrdering() const { return interlockOrdering; }
+ void setXfbMode() { xfbMode = true; }
+ bool getXfbMode() const { return xfbMode; }
+ void setMultiStream() { multiStream = true; }
+ bool isMultiStream() const { return multiStream; }
+ bool setOutputPrimitive(TLayoutGeometry p)
+ {
+ if (outputPrimitive != ElgNone)
+ return outputPrimitive == p;
+ outputPrimitive = p;
+ return true;
+ }
+ TLayoutGeometry getOutputPrimitive() const { return outputPrimitive; }
+ void setPostDepthCoverage() { postDepthCoverage = true; }
+ bool getPostDepthCoverage() const { return postDepthCoverage; }
+ void setEarlyFragmentTests() { earlyFragmentTests = true; }
+ bool getEarlyFragmentTests() const { return earlyFragmentTests; }
+ bool setDepth(TLayoutDepth d)
+ {
+ if (depthLayout != EldNone)
+ return depthLayout == d;
+ depthLayout = d;
+ return true;
+ }
+ TLayoutDepth getDepth() const { return depthLayout; }
+ void setOriginUpperLeft() { originUpperLeft = true; }
+ bool getOriginUpperLeft() const { return originUpperLeft; }
+ void setPixelCenterInteger() { pixelCenterInteger = true; }
+ bool getPixelCenterInteger() const { return pixelCenterInteger; }
+ void addBlendEquation(TBlendEquationShift b) { blendEquations |= (1 << b); }
+ unsigned int getBlendEquations() const { return blendEquations; }
+ bool setXfbBufferStride(int buffer, unsigned stride)
+ {
+ if (xfbBuffers[buffer].stride != TQualifier::layoutXfbStrideEnd)
+ return xfbBuffers[buffer].stride == stride;
+ xfbBuffers[buffer].stride = stride;
+ return true;
+ }
+ unsigned getXfbStride(int buffer) const { return xfbBuffers[buffer].stride; }
+ int addXfbBufferOffset(const TType&);
+ unsigned int computeTypeXfbSize(const TType&, bool& contains64BitType, bool& contains32BitType, bool& contains16BitType) const;
+ unsigned int computeTypeXfbSize(const TType&, bool& contains64BitType) const;
+ void setLayoutOverrideCoverage() { layoutOverrideCoverage = true; }
+ bool getLayoutOverrideCoverage() const { return layoutOverrideCoverage; }
+ void setGeoPassthroughEXT() { geoPassthroughEXT = true; }
+ bool getGeoPassthroughEXT() const { return geoPassthroughEXT; }
+ void setLayoutDerivativeMode(ComputeDerivativeMode mode) { computeDerivativeMode = mode; }
+ bool hasLayoutDerivativeModeNone() const { return computeDerivativeMode != LayoutDerivativeNone; }
+ ComputeDerivativeMode getLayoutDerivativeModeNone() const { return computeDerivativeMode; }
+ bool setPrimitives(int m)
+ {
+ if (primitives != TQualifier::layoutNotSet)
+ return primitives == m;
+ primitives = m;
+ return true;
+ }
+ int getPrimitives() const { return primitives; }
+ const char* addSemanticName(const TString& name)
+ {
+ return semanticNameSet.insert(name).first->c_str();
+ }
+ void addUniformLocationOverride(const char* nameStr, int location)
+ {
+ std::string name = nameStr;
+ uniformLocationOverrides[name] = location;
+ }
+ int getUniformLocationOverride(const char* nameStr) const
+ {
+ std::string name = nameStr;
+ auto pos = uniformLocationOverrides.find(name);
+ if (pos == uniformLocationOverrides.end())
+ return -1;
+ else
+ return pos->second;
+ }
+ void setUniformLocationBase(int base) { uniformLocationBase = base; }
+ int getUniformLocationBase() const { return uniformLocationBase; }
+ void setNeedsLegalization() { needToLegalize = true; }
+ bool needsLegalization() const { return needToLegalize; }
+ void setBinaryDoubleOutput() { binaryDoubleOutput = true; }
+ bool getBinaryDoubleOutput() { return binaryDoubleOutput; }
+#endif // GLSLANG_WEB
+ void setHlslFunctionality1() { hlslFunctionality1 = true; }
+ bool getHlslFunctionality1() const { return hlslFunctionality1; }
+ void setHlslOffsets()
+ {
+ hlslOffsets = true;
+ if (hlslOffsets)
+ processes.addProcess("hlsl-offsets");
+ }
+ bool usingHlslOffsets() const { return hlslOffsets; }
+ void setHlslIoMapping(bool b)
+ {
+ hlslIoMapping = b;
+ if (hlslIoMapping)
+ processes.addProcess("hlsl-iomap");
+ }
+ bool usingHlslIoMapping() { return hlslIoMapping; }
+ bool getHlslFunctionality1() const { return false; }
+ bool usingHlslOffsets() const { return false; }
+ bool usingHlslIoMapping() { return false; }
+ void addToCallGraph(TInfoSink&, const TString& caller, const TString& callee);
+ void merge(TInfoSink&, TIntermediate&);
+ void finalCheck(TInfoSink&, bool keepUncalled);
+ bool buildConvertOp(TBasicType dst, TBasicType src, TOperator& convertOp) const;
+ TIntermTyped* createConversion(TBasicType convertTo, TIntermTyped* node) const;
+ void addIoAccessed(const TString& name) { ioAccessed.insert(name); }
+ bool inIoAccessed(const TString& name) const { return ioAccessed.find(name) != ioAccessed.end(); }
+ int addUsedLocation(const TQualifier&, const TType&, bool& typeCollision);
+ int checkLocationRange(int set, const TIoRange& range, const TType&, bool& typeCollision);
+ int addUsedOffsets(int binding, int offset, int numOffsets);
+ bool addUsedConstantId(int id);
+ static int computeTypeLocationSize(const TType&, EShLanguage);
+ static int computeTypeUniformLocationSize(const TType&);
+ static int getBaseAlignmentScalar(const TType&, int& size);
+ static int getBaseAlignment(const TType&, int& size, int& stride, TLayoutPacking layoutPacking, bool rowMajor);
+ static int getScalarAlignment(const TType&, int& size, int& stride, bool rowMajor);
+ static int getMemberAlignment(const TType&, int& size, int& stride, TLayoutPacking layoutPacking, bool rowMajor);
+ static bool improperStraddle(const TType& type, int size, int offset);
+ static void updateOffset(const TType& parentType, const TType& memberType, int& offset, int& memberSize);
+ static int getOffset(const TType& type, int index);
+ static int getBlockSize(const TType& blockType);
+ static int computeBufferReferenceTypeSize(const TType&);
+ bool promote(TIntermOperator*);
+ void setNanMinMaxClamp(bool setting) { nanMinMaxClamp = setting; }
+ bool getNanMinMaxClamp() const { return nanMinMaxClamp; }
+ void setSourceFile(const char* file) { if (file != nullptr) sourceFile = file; }
+ const std::string& getSourceFile() const { return sourceFile; }
+ void addSourceText(const char* text, size_t len) { sourceText.append(text, len); }
+ const std::string& getSourceText() const { return sourceText; }
+ const std::map<std::string, std::string>& getIncludeText() const { return includeText; }
+ void addIncludeText(const char* name, const char* text, size_t len) { includeText[name].assign(text,len); }
+ void addProcesses(const std::vector<std::string>& p)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < (int)p.size(); ++i)
+ processes.addProcess(p[i]);
+ }
+ void addProcess(const std::string& process) { processes.addProcess(process); }
+ void addProcessArgument(const std::string& arg) { processes.addArgument(arg); }
+ const std::vector<std::string>& getProcesses() const { return processes.getProcesses(); }
+ // Certain explicit conversions are allowed conditionally
+ bool getArithemeticInt8Enabled() const { return false; }
+ bool getArithemeticInt16Enabled() const { return false; }
+ bool getArithemeticFloat16Enabled() const { return false; }
+ bool getArithemeticInt8Enabled() const {
+ return extensionRequested(E_GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types) ||
+ extensionRequested(E_GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_int8);
+ }
+ bool getArithemeticInt16Enabled() const {
+ return extensionRequested(E_GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types) ||
+ extensionRequested(E_GL_AMD_gpu_shader_int16) ||
+ extensionRequested(E_GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_int16);
+ }
+ bool getArithemeticFloat16Enabled() const {
+ return extensionRequested(E_GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types) ||
+ extensionRequested(E_GL_AMD_gpu_shader_half_float) ||
+ extensionRequested(E_GL_EXT_shader_explicit_arithmetic_types_float16);
+ }
+ TIntermSymbol* addSymbol(int Id, const TString&, const TType&, const TConstUnionArray&, TIntermTyped* subtree, const TSourceLoc&);
+ void error(TInfoSink& infoSink, const char*);
+ void warn(TInfoSink& infoSink, const char*);
+ void mergeCallGraphs(TInfoSink&, TIntermediate&);
+ void mergeModes(TInfoSink&, TIntermediate&);
+ void mergeTrees(TInfoSink&, TIntermediate&);
+ void seedIdMap(TMap<TString, int>& idMap, int& maxId);
+ void remapIds(const TMap<TString, int>& idMap, int idShift, TIntermediate&);
+ void mergeBodies(TInfoSink&, TIntermSequence& globals, const TIntermSequence& unitGlobals);
+ void mergeLinkerObjects(TInfoSink&, TIntermSequence& linkerObjects, const TIntermSequence& unitLinkerObjects);
+ void mergeImplicitArraySizes(TType&, const TType&);
+ void mergeErrorCheck(TInfoSink&, const TIntermSymbol&, const TIntermSymbol&, bool crossStage);
+ void checkCallGraphCycles(TInfoSink&);
+ void checkCallGraphBodies(TInfoSink&, bool keepUncalled);
+ void inOutLocationCheck(TInfoSink&);
+ TIntermAggregate* findLinkerObjects() const;
+ bool userOutputUsed() const;
+ bool isSpecializationOperation(const TIntermOperator&) const;
+ bool isNonuniformPropagating(TOperator) const;
+ bool promoteUnary(TIntermUnary&);
+ bool promoteBinary(TIntermBinary&);
+ void addSymbolLinkageNode(TIntermAggregate*& linkage, TSymbolTable&, const TString&);
+ bool promoteAggregate(TIntermAggregate&);
+ void pushSelector(TIntermSequence&, const TVectorSelector&, const TSourceLoc&);
+ void pushSelector(TIntermSequence&, const TMatrixSelector&, const TSourceLoc&);
+ bool specConstantPropagates(const TIntermTyped&, const TIntermTyped&);
+ void performTextureUpgradeAndSamplerRemovalTransformation(TIntermNode* root);
+ bool isConversionAllowed(TOperator op, TIntermTyped* node) const;
+ std::tuple<TBasicType, TBasicType> getConversionDestinatonType(TBasicType type0, TBasicType type1, TOperator op) const;
+ // JohnK: I think this function should go away.
+ // This data structure is just a log to pass on to back ends.
+ // Versioning and extensions are handled in Version.cpp, with a rich
+ // set of functions for querying stages, versions, extension enable/disabled, etc.
+ bool extensionRequested(const char *extension) const { return false; }
+ bool extensionRequested(const char *extension) const {return requestedExtensions.find(extension) != requestedExtensions.end();}
+ static const char* getResourceName(TResourceType);
+ const EShLanguage language; // stage, known at construction time
+ std::string entryPointName;
+ std::string entryPointMangledName;
+ typedef std::list<TCall> TGraph;
+ TGraph callGraph;
+ EProfile profile; // source profile
+ int version; // source version
+ SpvVersion spvVersion;
+ TIntermNode* treeRoot;
+ std::set<std::string> requestedExtensions; // cumulation of all enabled or required extensions; not connected to what subset of the shader used them
+ TBuiltInResource resources;
+ int numEntryPoints;
+ int numErrors;
+ int numPushConstants;
+ bool recursive;
+ bool invertY;
+ bool useStorageBuffer;
+ bool nanMinMaxClamp; // true if desiring min/max/clamp to favor non-NaN over NaN
+ bool depthReplacing;
+ int localSize[3];
+ bool localSizeNotDefault[3];
+ int localSizeSpecId[3];
+#ifndef GLSLANG_WEB
+ const char* const implicitThisName;
+ const char* const implicitCounterName;
+ EShSource source; // source language, known a bit later
+ bool useVulkanMemoryModel;
+ int invocations;
+ int vertices;
+ TLayoutGeometry inputPrimitive;
+ TLayoutGeometry outputPrimitive;
+ bool pixelCenterInteger;
+ bool originUpperLeft;
+ TVertexSpacing vertexSpacing;
+ TVertexOrder vertexOrder;
+ TInterlockOrdering interlockOrdering;
+ bool pointMode;
+ bool earlyFragmentTests;
+ bool postDepthCoverage;
+ TLayoutDepth depthLayout;
+ bool hlslFunctionality1;
+ int blendEquations; // an 'or'ing of masks of shifts of TBlendEquationShift
+ bool xfbMode;
+ std::vector<TXfbBuffer> xfbBuffers; // all the data we need to track per xfb buffer
+ bool multiStream;
+ bool layoutOverrideCoverage;
+ bool geoPassthroughEXT;
+ int numShaderRecordNVBlocks;
+ ComputeDerivativeMode computeDerivativeMode;
+ int primitives;
+ int numTaskNVBlocks;
+ // Base shift values
+ std::array<unsigned int, EResCount> shiftBinding;
+ // Per-descriptor-set shift values
+ std::array<std::map<int, int>, EResCount> shiftBindingForSet;
+ std::vector<std::string> resourceSetBinding;
+ bool autoMapBindings;
+ bool autoMapLocations;
+ bool flattenUniformArrays;
+ bool useUnknownFormat;
+ bool hlslOffsets;
+ bool hlslIoMapping;
+ bool useVariablePointers;
+ std::set<TString> semanticNameSet;
+ EShTextureSamplerTransformMode textureSamplerTransformMode;
+ bool needToLegalize;
+ bool binaryDoubleOutput;
+ bool usePhysicalStorageBuffer;
+ std::unordered_map<std::string, int> uniformLocationOverrides;
+ int uniformLocationBase;
+ std::unordered_set<int> usedConstantId; // specialization constant ids used
+ std::vector<TOffsetRange> usedAtomics; // sets of bindings used by atomic counters
+ std::vector<TIoRange> usedIo[4]; // sets of used locations, one for each of in, out, uniform, and buffers
+ // set of names of statically read/written I/O that might need extra checking
+ std::set<TString> ioAccessed;
+ // source code of shader, useful as part of debug information
+ std::string sourceFile;
+ std::string sourceText;
+ // Included text. First string is a name, second is the included text
+ std::map<std::string, std::string> includeText;
+ // for OpModuleProcessed, or equivalent
+ TProcesses processes;
+ void operator=(TIntermediate&); // prevent assignments
+} // end namespace glslang