path: root/thirdparty/embree/kernels
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/embree/kernels')
208 files changed, 64700 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_hair.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_hair.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d83e8918a1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_hair.h
@@ -0,0 +1,411 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../bvh/bvh.h"
+#include "../geometry/primitive.h"
+#include "../builders/bvh_builder_sah.h"
+#include "../builders/heuristic_binning_array_aligned.h"
+#include "../builders/heuristic_binning_array_unaligned.h"
+#include "../builders/heuristic_strand_array.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct BVHBuilderHair
+ {
+ /*! settings for builder */
+ struct Settings
+ {
+ /*! default settings */
+ Settings ()
+ : branchingFactor(2), maxDepth(32), logBlockSize(0), minLeafSize(1), maxLeafSize(7), finished_range_threshold(inf) {}
+ public:
+ size_t branchingFactor; //!< branching factor of BVH to build
+ size_t maxDepth; //!< maximum depth of BVH to build
+ size_t logBlockSize; //!< log2 of blocksize for SAH heuristic
+ size_t minLeafSize; //!< minimum size of a leaf
+ size_t maxLeafSize; //!< maximum size of a leaf
+ size_t finished_range_threshold; //!< finished range threshold
+ };
+ template<typename NodeRef,
+ typename CreateAllocFunc,
+ typename CreateAABBNodeFunc,
+ typename SetAABBNodeFunc,
+ typename CreateOBBNodeFunc,
+ typename SetOBBNodeFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename ProgressMonitor,
+ typename ReportFinishedRangeFunc>
+ class BuilderT
+ {
+ friend struct BVHBuilderHair;
+ typedef FastAllocator::CachedAllocator Allocator;
+ typedef HeuristicArrayBinningSAH<PrimRef,NUM_HAIR_OBJECT_BINS> HeuristicBinningSAH;
+ typedef UnalignedHeuristicArrayBinningSAH<PrimRef,NUM_HAIR_OBJECT_BINS> UnalignedHeuristicBinningSAH;
+ typedef HeuristicStrandSplit HeuristicStrandSplitSAH;
+ static const size_t MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR = 8; //!< maximum supported BVH branching factor
+ static const size_t MIN_LARGE_LEAF_LEVELS = 8; //!< create balanced tree if we are that many levels before the maximum tree depth
+ static const size_t SINGLE_THREADED_THRESHOLD = 4096; //!< threshold to switch to single threaded build
+ static const size_t travCostAligned = 1;
+ static const size_t travCostUnaligned = 5;
+ static const size_t intCost = 6;
+ BuilderT (Scene* scene,
+ PrimRef* prims,
+ const CreateAllocFunc& createAlloc,
+ const CreateAABBNodeFunc& createAABBNode,
+ const SetAABBNodeFunc& setAABBNode,
+ const CreateOBBNodeFunc& createOBBNode,
+ const SetOBBNodeFunc& setOBBNode,
+ const CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf,
+ const ProgressMonitor& progressMonitor,
+ const ReportFinishedRangeFunc& reportFinishedRange,
+ const Settings settings)
+ : cfg(settings),
+ prims(prims),
+ createAlloc(createAlloc),
+ createAABBNode(createAABBNode),
+ setAABBNode(setAABBNode),
+ createOBBNode(createOBBNode),
+ setOBBNode(setOBBNode),
+ createLeaf(createLeaf),
+ progressMonitor(progressMonitor),
+ reportFinishedRange(reportFinishedRange),
+ alignedHeuristic(prims), unalignedHeuristic(scene,prims), strandHeuristic(scene,prims) {}
+ /*! checks if all primitives are from the same geometry */
+ __forceinline bool sameGeometry(const PrimInfoRange& range)
+ {
+ if (range.size() == 0) return true;
+ unsigned int firstGeomID = prims[range.begin()].geomID();
+ for (size_t i=range.begin()+1; i<range.end(); i++) {
+ if (prims[i].geomID() != firstGeomID){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! creates a large leaf that could be larger than supported by the BVH */
+ NodeRef createLargeLeaf(size_t depth, const PrimInfoRange& pinfo, Allocator alloc)
+ {
+ /* this should never occur but is a fatal error */
+ if (depth > cfg.maxDepth)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"depth limit reached");
+ /* create leaf for few primitives */
+ if (pinfo.size() <= cfg.maxLeafSize && sameGeometry(pinfo))
+ return createLeaf(prims,pinfo,alloc);
+ /* fill all children by always splitting the largest one */
+ PrimInfoRange children[MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ unsigned numChildren = 1;
+ children[0] = pinfo;
+ do {
+ /* find best child with largest bounding box area */
+ int bestChild = -1;
+ size_t bestSize = 0;
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
+ {
+ /* ignore leaves as they cannot get split */
+ if (children[i].size() <= cfg.maxLeafSize && sameGeometry(children[i]))
+ continue;
+ /* remember child with largest size */
+ if (children[i].size() > bestSize) {
+ bestSize = children[i].size();
+ bestChild = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestChild == -1) break;
+ /*! split best child into left and right child */
+ __aligned(64) PrimInfoRange left, right;
+ if (!sameGeometry(children[bestChild])) {
+ alignedHeuristic.splitByGeometry(children[bestChild],left,right);
+ } else {
+ alignedHeuristic.splitFallback(children[bestChild],left,right);
+ }
+ /* add new children left and right */
+ children[bestChild] = children[numChildren-1];
+ children[numChildren-1] = left;
+ children[numChildren+0] = right;
+ numChildren++;
+ } while (numChildren < cfg.branchingFactor);
+ /* create node */
+ auto node = createAABBNode(alloc);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numChildren; i++) {
+ const NodeRef child = createLargeLeaf(depth+1,children[i],alloc);
+ setAABBNode(node,i,child,children[i].geomBounds);
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
+ /*! performs split */
+ __noinline void split(const PrimInfoRange& pinfo, PrimInfoRange& linfo, PrimInfoRange& rinfo, bool& aligned) // FIXME: not inlined as ICC otherwise uses much stack
+ {
+ /* variable to track the SAH of the best splitting approach */
+ float bestSAH = inf;
+ const size_t blocks = (pinfo.size()+(1ull<<cfg.logBlockSize)-1ull) >> cfg.logBlockSize;
+ const float leafSAH = intCost*float(blocks)*halfArea(pinfo.geomBounds);
+ /* try standard binning in aligned space */
+ float alignedObjectSAH = inf;
+ HeuristicBinningSAH::Split alignedObjectSplit;
+ if (aligned) {
+ alignedObjectSplit = alignedHeuristic.find(pinfo,cfg.logBlockSize);
+ alignedObjectSAH = travCostAligned*halfArea(pinfo.geomBounds) + intCost*alignedObjectSplit.splitSAH();
+ bestSAH = min(alignedObjectSAH,bestSAH);
+ }
+ /* try standard binning in unaligned space */
+ UnalignedHeuristicBinningSAH::Split unalignedObjectSplit;
+ LinearSpace3fa uspace;
+ float unalignedObjectSAH = inf;
+ if (bestSAH > 0.7f*leafSAH) {
+ uspace = unalignedHeuristic.computeAlignedSpace(pinfo);
+ const PrimInfoRange sinfo = unalignedHeuristic.computePrimInfo(pinfo,uspace);
+ unalignedObjectSplit = unalignedHeuristic.find(sinfo,cfg.logBlockSize,uspace);
+ unalignedObjectSAH = travCostUnaligned*halfArea(pinfo.geomBounds) + intCost*unalignedObjectSplit.splitSAH();
+ bestSAH = min(unalignedObjectSAH,bestSAH);
+ }
+ /* try splitting into two strands */
+ HeuristicStrandSplitSAH::Split strandSplit;
+ float strandSAH = inf;
+ if (bestSAH > 0.7f*leafSAH && pinfo.size() <= 256) {
+ strandSplit = strandHeuristic.find(pinfo,cfg.logBlockSize);
+ strandSAH = travCostUnaligned*halfArea(pinfo.geomBounds) + intCost*strandSplit.splitSAH();
+ bestSAH = min(strandSAH,bestSAH);
+ }
+ /* fallback if SAH heuristics failed */
+ if (unlikely(!std::isfinite(bestSAH)))
+ {
+ alignedHeuristic.deterministic_order(pinfo);
+ alignedHeuristic.splitFallback(pinfo,linfo,rinfo);
+ }
+ /* perform aligned split if this is best */
+ else if (bestSAH == alignedObjectSAH) {
+ alignedHeuristic.split(alignedObjectSplit,pinfo,linfo,rinfo);
+ }
+ /* perform unaligned split if this is best */
+ else if (bestSAH == unalignedObjectSAH) {
+ unalignedHeuristic.split(unalignedObjectSplit,uspace,pinfo,linfo,rinfo);
+ aligned = false;
+ }
+ /* perform strand split if this is best */
+ else if (bestSAH == strandSAH) {
+ strandHeuristic.split(strandSplit,pinfo,linfo,rinfo);
+ aligned = false;
+ }
+ /* can never happen */
+ else
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ /*! recursive build */
+ NodeRef recurse(size_t depth, const PrimInfoRange& pinfo, Allocator alloc, bool toplevel, bool alloc_barrier)
+ {
+ /* get thread local allocator */
+ if (!alloc)
+ alloc = createAlloc();
+ /* call memory monitor function to signal progress */
+ if (toplevel && pinfo.size() <= SINGLE_THREADED_THRESHOLD)
+ progressMonitor(pinfo.size());
+ PrimInfoRange children[MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ /* create leaf node */
+ if (depth+MIN_LARGE_LEAF_LEVELS >= cfg.maxDepth || pinfo.size() <= cfg.minLeafSize) {
+ alignedHeuristic.deterministic_order(pinfo);
+ return createLargeLeaf(depth,pinfo,alloc);
+ }
+ /* fill all children by always splitting the one with the largest surface area */
+ size_t numChildren = 1;
+ children[0] = pinfo;
+ bool aligned = true;
+ do {
+ /* find best child with largest bounding box area */
+ ssize_t bestChild = -1;
+ float bestArea = neg_inf;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
+ {
+ /* ignore leaves as they cannot get split */
+ if (children[i].size() <= cfg.minLeafSize)
+ continue;
+ /* remember child with largest area */
+ if (area(children[i].geomBounds) > bestArea) {
+ bestArea = area(children[i].geomBounds);
+ bestChild = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestChild == -1) break;
+ /*! split best child into left and right child */
+ PrimInfoRange left, right;
+ split(children[bestChild],left,right,aligned);
+ /* add new children left and right */
+ children[bestChild] = children[numChildren-1];
+ children[numChildren-1] = left;
+ children[numChildren+0] = right;
+ numChildren++;
+ } while (numChildren < cfg.branchingFactor);
+ NodeRef node;
+ /* create aligned node */
+ if (aligned)
+ {
+ node = createAABBNode(alloc);
+ /* spawn tasks or ... */
+ if (pinfo.size() > SINGLE_THREADED_THRESHOLD)
+ {
+ parallel_for(size_t(0), numChildren, [&] (const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ const bool child_alloc_barrier = pinfo.size() > cfg.finished_range_threshold && children[i].size() <= cfg.finished_range_threshold;
+ setAABBNode(node,i,recurse(depth+1,children[i],nullptr,true,child_alloc_barrier),children[i].geomBounds);
+ _mm_mfence(); // to allow non-temporal stores during build
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /* ... continue sequentially */
+ else {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numChildren; i++) {
+ const bool child_alloc_barrier = pinfo.size() > cfg.finished_range_threshold && children[i].size() <= cfg.finished_range_threshold;
+ setAABBNode(node,i,recurse(depth+1,children[i],alloc,false,child_alloc_barrier),children[i].geomBounds);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* create unaligned node */
+ else
+ {
+ node = createOBBNode(alloc);
+ /* spawn tasks or ... */
+ if (pinfo.size() > SINGLE_THREADED_THRESHOLD)
+ {
+ parallel_for(size_t(0), numChildren, [&] (const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ const LinearSpace3fa space = unalignedHeuristic.computeAlignedSpace(children[i]);
+ const PrimInfoRange sinfo = unalignedHeuristic.computePrimInfo(children[i],space);
+ const OBBox3fa obounds(space,sinfo.geomBounds);
+ const bool child_alloc_barrier = pinfo.size() > cfg.finished_range_threshold && children[i].size() <= cfg.finished_range_threshold;
+ setOBBNode(node,i,recurse(depth+1,children[i],nullptr,true,child_alloc_barrier),obounds);
+ _mm_mfence(); // to allow non-temporal stores during build
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /* ... continue sequentially */
+ else
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numChildren; i++) {
+ const LinearSpace3fa space = unalignedHeuristic.computeAlignedSpace(children[i]);
+ const PrimInfoRange sinfo = unalignedHeuristic.computePrimInfo(children[i],space);
+ const OBBox3fa obounds(space,sinfo.geomBounds);
+ const bool child_alloc_barrier = pinfo.size() > cfg.finished_range_threshold && children[i].size() <= cfg.finished_range_threshold;
+ setOBBNode(node,i,recurse(depth+1,children[i],alloc,false,child_alloc_barrier),obounds);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* reports a finished range of primrefs */
+ if (unlikely(alloc_barrier))
+ reportFinishedRange(pinfo);
+ return node;
+ }
+ private:
+ Settings cfg;
+ PrimRef* prims;
+ const CreateAllocFunc& createAlloc;
+ const CreateAABBNodeFunc& createAABBNode;
+ const SetAABBNodeFunc& setAABBNode;
+ const CreateOBBNodeFunc& createOBBNode;
+ const SetOBBNodeFunc& setOBBNode;
+ const CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf;
+ const ProgressMonitor& progressMonitor;
+ const ReportFinishedRangeFunc& reportFinishedRange;
+ private:
+ HeuristicBinningSAH alignedHeuristic;
+ UnalignedHeuristicBinningSAH unalignedHeuristic;
+ HeuristicStrandSplitSAH strandHeuristic;
+ };
+ template<typename NodeRef,
+ typename CreateAllocFunc,
+ typename CreateAABBNodeFunc,
+ typename SetAABBNodeFunc,
+ typename CreateOBBNodeFunc,
+ typename SetOBBNodeFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename ProgressMonitor,
+ typename ReportFinishedRangeFunc>
+ static NodeRef build (const CreateAllocFunc& createAlloc,
+ const CreateAABBNodeFunc& createAABBNode,
+ const SetAABBNodeFunc& setAABBNode,
+ const CreateOBBNodeFunc& createOBBNode,
+ const SetOBBNodeFunc& setOBBNode,
+ const CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf,
+ const ProgressMonitor& progressMonitor,
+ const ReportFinishedRangeFunc& reportFinishedRange,
+ Scene* scene,
+ PrimRef* prims,
+ const PrimInfo& pinfo,
+ const Settings settings)
+ {
+ typedef BuilderT<NodeRef,
+ CreateAllocFunc,
+ CreateAABBNodeFunc,SetAABBNodeFunc,
+ CreateOBBNodeFunc,SetOBBNodeFunc,
+ CreateLeafFunc,ProgressMonitor,
+ ReportFinishedRangeFunc> Builder;
+ Builder builder(scene,prims,createAlloc,
+ createAABBNode,setAABBNode,
+ createOBBNode,setOBBNode,
+ createLeaf,progressMonitor,reportFinishedRange,settings);
+ NodeRef root = builder.recurse(1,pinfo,nullptr,true,false);
+ _mm_mfence(); // to allow non-temporal stores during build
+ return root;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_morton.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_morton.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8f21e3254f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_morton.h
@@ -0,0 +1,501 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/builder.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_reduce.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct BVHBuilderMorton
+ {
+ static const size_t MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR = 8; //!< maximum supported BVH branching factor
+ static const size_t MIN_LARGE_LEAF_LEVELS = 8; //!< create balanced tree of we are that many levels before the maximum tree depth
+ /*! settings for morton builder */
+ struct Settings
+ {
+ /*! default settings */
+ Settings ()
+ : branchingFactor(2), maxDepth(32), minLeafSize(1), maxLeafSize(7), singleThreadThreshold(1024) {}
+ /*! initialize settings from API settings */
+ Settings (const RTCBuildArguments& settings)
+ : branchingFactor(2), maxDepth(32), minLeafSize(1), maxLeafSize(7), singleThreadThreshold(1024)
+ {
+ if (RTC_BUILD_ARGUMENTS_HAS(settings,maxBranchingFactor)) branchingFactor = settings.maxBranchingFactor;
+ if (RTC_BUILD_ARGUMENTS_HAS(settings,maxDepth )) maxDepth = settings.maxDepth;
+ if (RTC_BUILD_ARGUMENTS_HAS(settings,minLeafSize )) minLeafSize = settings.minLeafSize;
+ if (RTC_BUILD_ARGUMENTS_HAS(settings,maxLeafSize )) maxLeafSize = settings.maxLeafSize;
+ minLeafSize = min(minLeafSize,maxLeafSize);
+ }
+ Settings (size_t branchingFactor, size_t maxDepth, size_t minLeafSize, size_t maxLeafSize, size_t singleThreadThreshold)
+ : branchingFactor(branchingFactor), maxDepth(maxDepth), minLeafSize(minLeafSize), maxLeafSize(maxLeafSize), singleThreadThreshold(singleThreadThreshold)
+ {
+ minLeafSize = min(minLeafSize,maxLeafSize);
+ }
+ public:
+ size_t branchingFactor; //!< branching factor of BVH to build
+ size_t maxDepth; //!< maximum depth of BVH to build
+ size_t minLeafSize; //!< minimum size of a leaf
+ size_t maxLeafSize; //!< maximum size of a leaf
+ size_t singleThreadThreshold; //!< threshold when we switch to single threaded build
+ };
+ /*! Build primitive consisting of morton code and primitive ID. */
+ struct __aligned(8) BuildPrim
+ {
+ union {
+ struct {
+ unsigned int code; //!< morton code
+ unsigned int index; //!< i'th primitive
+ };
+ uint64_t t;
+ };
+ /*! interface for radix sort */
+ __forceinline operator unsigned() const { return code; }
+ /*! interface for standard sort */
+ __forceinline bool operator<(const BuildPrim &m) const { return code < m.code; }
+ };
+ /*! maps bounding box to morton code */
+ struct MortonCodeMapping
+ {
+ static const size_t LATTICE_BITS_PER_DIM = 10;
+ static const size_t LATTICE_SIZE_PER_DIM = size_t(1) << LATTICE_BITS_PER_DIM;
+ vfloat4 base;
+ vfloat4 scale;
+ __forceinline MortonCodeMapping(const BBox3fa& bounds)
+ {
+ base = (vfloat4)bounds.lower;
+ const vfloat4 diag = (vfloat4)bounds.upper - (vfloat4)bounds.lower;
+ scale = select(diag > vfloat4(1E-19f), rcp(diag) * vfloat4(LATTICE_SIZE_PER_DIM * 0.99f),vfloat4(0.0f));
+ }
+ __forceinline const vint4 bin (const BBox3fa& box) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 lower = (vfloat4)box.lower;
+ const vfloat4 upper = (vfloat4)box.upper;
+ const vfloat4 centroid = lower+upper;
+ return vint4((centroid-base)*scale);
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int code (const BBox3fa& box) const
+ {
+ const vint4 binID = bin(box);
+ const unsigned int x = extract<0>(binID);
+ const unsigned int y = extract<1>(binID);
+ const unsigned int z = extract<2>(binID);
+ const unsigned int xyz = bitInterleave(x,y,z);
+ return xyz;
+ }
+ };
+#if defined (__AVX2__)
+ /*! for AVX2 there is a fast scalar bitInterleave */
+ struct MortonCodeGenerator
+ {
+ __forceinline MortonCodeGenerator(const MortonCodeMapping& mapping, BuildPrim* dest)
+ : mapping(mapping), dest(dest) {}
+ __forceinline void operator() (const BBox3fa& b, const unsigned index)
+ {
+ dest->index = index;
+ dest->code = mapping.code(b);
+ dest++;
+ }
+ public:
+ const MortonCodeMapping mapping;
+ BuildPrim* dest;
+ size_t currentID;
+ };
+ /*! before AVX2 is it better to use the SSE version of bitInterleave */
+ struct MortonCodeGenerator
+ {
+ __forceinline MortonCodeGenerator(const MortonCodeMapping& mapping, BuildPrim* dest)
+ : mapping(mapping), dest(dest), currentID(0), slots(0), ax(0), ay(0), az(0), ai(0) {}
+ __forceinline ~MortonCodeGenerator()
+ {
+ if (slots != 0)
+ {
+ const vint4 code = bitInterleave(ax,ay,az);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<slots; i++) {
+ dest[currentID-slots+i].index = ai[i];
+ dest[currentID-slots+i].code = code[i];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline void operator() (const BBox3fa& b, const unsigned index)
+ {
+ const vint4 binID = mapping.bin(b);
+ ax[slots] = extract<0>(binID);
+ ay[slots] = extract<1>(binID);
+ az[slots] = extract<2>(binID);
+ ai[slots] = index;
+ slots++;
+ currentID++;
+ if (slots == 4)
+ {
+ const vint4 code = bitInterleave(ax,ay,az);
+ vint4::storeu(&dest[currentID-4],unpacklo(code,ai));
+ vint4::storeu(&dest[currentID-2],unpackhi(code,ai));
+ slots = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ const MortonCodeMapping mapping;
+ BuildPrim* dest;
+ size_t currentID;
+ size_t slots;
+ vint4 ax, ay, az, ai;
+ };
+ template<
+ typename ReductionTy,
+ typename Allocator,
+ typename CreateAllocator,
+ typename CreateNodeFunc,
+ typename SetNodeBoundsFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename CalculateBounds,
+ typename ProgressMonitor>
+ class BuilderT : private Settings
+ {
+ public:
+ BuilderT (CreateAllocator& createAllocator,
+ CreateNodeFunc& createNode,
+ SetNodeBoundsFunc& setBounds,
+ CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf,
+ CalculateBounds& calculateBounds,
+ ProgressMonitor& progressMonitor,
+ const Settings& settings)
+ : Settings(settings),
+ createAllocator(createAllocator),
+ createNode(createNode),
+ setBounds(setBounds),
+ createLeaf(createLeaf),
+ calculateBounds(calculateBounds),
+ progressMonitor(progressMonitor),
+ morton(nullptr) {}
+ ReductionTy createLargeLeaf(size_t depth, const range<unsigned>& current, Allocator alloc)
+ {
+ /* this should never occur but is a fatal error */
+ if (depth > maxDepth)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"depth limit reached");
+ /* create leaf for few primitives */
+ if (current.size() <= maxLeafSize)
+ return createLeaf(current,alloc);
+ /* fill all children by always splitting the largest one */
+ range<unsigned> children[MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ size_t numChildren = 1;
+ children[0] = current;
+ do {
+ /* find best child with largest number of primitives */
+ size_t bestChild = -1;
+ size_t bestSize = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
+ {
+ /* ignore leaves as they cannot get split */
+ if (children[i].size() <= maxLeafSize)
+ continue;
+ /* remember child with largest size */
+ if (children[i].size() > bestSize) {
+ bestSize = children[i].size();
+ bestChild = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestChild == size_t(-1)) break;
+ /*! split best child into left and right child */
+ auto split = children[bestChild].split();
+ /* add new children left and right */
+ children[bestChild] = children[numChildren-1];
+ children[numChildren-1] = split.first;
+ children[numChildren+0] = split.second;
+ numChildren++;
+ } while (numChildren < branchingFactor);
+ /* create node */
+ auto node = createNode(alloc,numChildren);
+ /* recurse into each child */
+ ReductionTy bounds[MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
+ bounds[i] = createLargeLeaf(depth+1,children[i],alloc);
+ return setBounds(node,bounds,numChildren);
+ }
+ /*! recreates morton codes when reaching a region where all codes are identical */
+ __noinline void recreateMortonCodes(const range<unsigned>& current) const
+ {
+ /* fast path for small ranges */
+ if (likely(current.size() < 1024))
+ {
+ /*! recalculate centroid bounds */
+ BBox3fa centBounds(empty);
+ for (size_t i=current.begin(); i<current.end(); i++)
+ centBounds.extend(center2(calculateBounds(morton[i])));
+ /* recalculate morton codes */
+ MortonCodeMapping mapping(centBounds);
+ for (size_t i=current.begin(); i<current.end(); i++)
+ morton[i].code = mapping.code(calculateBounds(morton[i]));
+ /* sort morton codes */
+ std::sort(morton+current.begin(),morton+current.end());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /*! recalculate centroid bounds */
+ auto calculateCentBounds = [&] ( const range<unsigned>& r ) {
+ BBox3fa centBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
+ centBounds.extend(center2(calculateBounds(morton[i])));
+ return centBounds;
+ };
+ const BBox3fa centBounds = parallel_reduce(current.begin(), current.end(), unsigned(1024),
+ BBox3fa(empty), calculateCentBounds, BBox3fa::merge);
+ /* recalculate morton codes */
+ MortonCodeMapping mapping(centBounds);
+ parallel_for(current.begin(), current.end(), unsigned(1024), [&] ( const range<unsigned>& r ) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ morton[i].code = mapping.code(calculateBounds(morton[i]));
+ }
+ });
+ /*! sort morton codes */
+#if defined(TASKING_TBB)
+ tbb::parallel_sort(morton+current.begin(),morton+current.end());
+ radixsort32(morton+current.begin(),current.size());
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline void split(const range<unsigned>& current, range<unsigned>& left, range<unsigned>& right) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int code_start = morton[current.begin()].code;
+ const unsigned int code_end = morton[current.end()-1].code;
+ unsigned int bitpos = lzcnt(code_start^code_end);
+ /* if all items mapped to same morton code, then re-create new morton codes for the items */
+ if (unlikely(bitpos == 32))
+ {
+ recreateMortonCodes(current);
+ const unsigned int code_start = morton[current.begin()].code;
+ const unsigned int code_end = morton[current.end()-1].code;
+ bitpos = lzcnt(code_start^code_end);
+ /* if the morton code is still the same, goto fall back split */
+ if (unlikely(bitpos == 32)) {
+ current.split(left,right);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /* split the items at the topmost different morton code bit */
+ const unsigned int bitpos_diff = 31-bitpos;
+ const unsigned int bitmask = 1 << bitpos_diff;
+ /* find location where bit differs using binary search */
+ unsigned begin = current.begin();
+ unsigned end = current.end();
+ while (begin + 1 != end) {
+ const unsigned mid = (begin+end)/2;
+ const unsigned bit = morton[mid].code & bitmask;
+ if (bit == 0) begin = mid; else end = mid;
+ }
+ unsigned center = end;
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ for (unsigned int i=begin; i<center; i++) assert((morton[i].code & bitmask) == 0);
+ for (unsigned int i=center; i<end; i++) assert((morton[i].code & bitmask) == bitmask);
+ left = make_range(current.begin(),center);
+ right = make_range(center,current.end());
+ }
+ ReductionTy recurse(size_t depth, const range<unsigned>& current, Allocator alloc, bool toplevel)
+ {
+ /* get thread local allocator */
+ if (!alloc)
+ alloc = createAllocator();
+ /* call memory monitor function to signal progress */
+ if (toplevel && current.size() <= singleThreadThreshold)
+ progressMonitor(current.size());
+ /* create leaf node */
+ if (unlikely(depth+MIN_LARGE_LEAF_LEVELS >= maxDepth || current.size() <= minLeafSize))
+ return createLargeLeaf(depth,current,alloc);
+ /* fill all children by always splitting the one with the largest surface area */
+ range<unsigned> children[MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ split(current,children[0],children[1]);
+ size_t numChildren = 2;
+ while (numChildren < branchingFactor)
+ {
+ /* find best child with largest number of primitives */
+ int bestChild = -1;
+ unsigned bestItems = 0;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
+ {
+ /* ignore leaves as they cannot get split */
+ if (children[i].size() <= minLeafSize)
+ continue;
+ /* remember child with largest area */
+ if (children[i].size() > bestItems) {
+ bestItems = children[i].size();
+ bestChild = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestChild == -1) break;
+ /*! split best child into left and right child */
+ range<unsigned> left, right;
+ split(children[bestChild],left,right);
+ /* add new children left and right */
+ children[bestChild] = children[numChildren-1];
+ children[numChildren-1] = left;
+ children[numChildren+0] = right;
+ numChildren++;
+ }
+ /* create leaf node if no split is possible */
+ if (unlikely(numChildren == 1))
+ return createLeaf(current,alloc);
+ /* allocate node */
+ auto node = createNode(alloc,numChildren);
+ /* process top parts of tree parallel */
+ ReductionTy bounds[MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ if (current.size() > singleThreadThreshold)
+ {
+ /*! parallel_for is faster than spawing sub-tasks */
+ parallel_for(size_t(0), numChildren, [&] (const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ bounds[i] = recurse(depth+1,children[i],nullptr,true);
+ _mm_mfence(); // to allow non-temporal stores during build
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /* finish tree sequentially */
+ else
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
+ bounds[i] = recurse(depth+1,children[i],alloc,false);
+ }
+ return setBounds(node,bounds,numChildren);
+ }
+ /* build function */
+ ReductionTy build(BuildPrim* src, BuildPrim* tmp, size_t numPrimitives)
+ {
+ /* sort morton codes */
+ morton = src;
+ radix_sort_u32(src,tmp,numPrimitives,singleThreadThreshold);
+ /* build BVH */
+ const ReductionTy root = recurse(1, range<unsigned>(0,(unsigned)numPrimitives), nullptr, true);
+ _mm_mfence(); // to allow non-temporal stores during build
+ return root;
+ }
+ public:
+ CreateAllocator& createAllocator;
+ CreateNodeFunc& createNode;
+ SetNodeBoundsFunc& setBounds;
+ CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf;
+ CalculateBounds& calculateBounds;
+ ProgressMonitor& progressMonitor;
+ public:
+ BuildPrim* morton;
+ };
+ template<
+ typename ReductionTy,
+ typename CreateAllocFunc,
+ typename CreateNodeFunc,
+ typename SetBoundsFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename CalculateBoundsFunc,
+ typename ProgressMonitor>
+ static ReductionTy build(CreateAllocFunc createAllocator,
+ CreateNodeFunc createNode,
+ SetBoundsFunc setBounds,
+ CreateLeafFunc createLeaf,
+ CalculateBoundsFunc calculateBounds,
+ ProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
+ BuildPrim* src,
+ BuildPrim* tmp,
+ size_t numPrimitives,
+ const Settings& settings)
+ {
+ typedef BuilderT<
+ ReductionTy,
+ decltype(createAllocator()),
+ CreateAllocFunc,
+ CreateNodeFunc,
+ SetBoundsFunc,
+ CreateLeafFunc,
+ CalculateBoundsFunc,
+ ProgressMonitor> Builder;
+ Builder builder(createAllocator,
+ createNode,
+ setBounds,
+ createLeaf,
+ calculateBounds,
+ progressMonitor,
+ settings);
+ return,tmp,numPrimitives);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_msmblur.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_msmblur.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f9a08d65cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_msmblur.h
@@ -0,0 +1,692 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../bvh/bvh.h"
+#include "../common/primref_mb.h"
+#include "heuristic_binning_array_aligned.h"
+#include "heuristic_timesplit_array.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<typename T>
+ struct SharedVector
+ {
+ __forceinline SharedVector() {}
+ __forceinline SharedVector(T* ptr, size_t refCount = 1)
+ : prims(ptr), refCount(refCount) {}
+ __forceinline void incRef() {
+ refCount++;
+ }
+ __forceinline void decRef()
+ {
+ if (--refCount == 0)
+ delete prims;
+ }
+ T* prims;
+ size_t refCount;
+ };
+ template<typename BuildRecord, int MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR>
+ struct LocalChildListT
+ {
+ typedef SharedVector<mvector<PrimRefMB>> SharedPrimRefVector;
+ __forceinline LocalChildListT (const BuildRecord& record)
+ : numChildren(1), numSharedPrimVecs(1)
+ {
+ /* the local root will be freed in the ancestor where it was created (thus refCount is 2) */
+ children[0] = record;
+ primvecs[0] = new (&sharedPrimVecs[0]) SharedPrimRefVector(record.prims.prims, 2);
+ }
+ __forceinline ~LocalChildListT()
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numChildren; i++)
+ primvecs[i]->decRef();
+ }
+ __forceinline BuildRecord& operator[] ( const size_t i ) {
+ return children[i];
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t size() const {
+ return numChildren;
+ }
+ __forceinline void split(ssize_t bestChild, const BuildRecord& lrecord, const BuildRecord& rrecord, std::unique_ptr<mvector<PrimRefMB>> new_vector)
+ {
+ SharedPrimRefVector* bsharedPrimVec = primvecs[bestChild];
+ if (lrecord.prims.prims == bsharedPrimVec->prims) {
+ primvecs[bestChild] = bsharedPrimVec;
+ bsharedPrimVec->incRef();
+ }
+ else {
+ primvecs[bestChild] = new (&sharedPrimVecs[numSharedPrimVecs++]) SharedPrimRefVector(lrecord.prims.prims);
+ }
+ if (rrecord.prims.prims == bsharedPrimVec->prims) {
+ primvecs[numChildren] = bsharedPrimVec;
+ bsharedPrimVec->incRef();
+ }
+ else {
+ primvecs[numChildren] = new (&sharedPrimVecs[numSharedPrimVecs++]) SharedPrimRefVector(rrecord.prims.prims);
+ }
+ bsharedPrimVec->decRef();
+ new_vector.release();
+ children[bestChild] = lrecord;
+ children[numChildren] = rrecord;
+ numChildren++;
+ }
+ public:
+ array_t<BuildRecord,MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR> children;
+ array_t<SharedPrimRefVector*,MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR> primvecs;
+ size_t numChildren;
+ array_t<SharedPrimRefVector,2*MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR> sharedPrimVecs;
+ size_t numSharedPrimVecs;
+ };
+ template<typename Mesh>
+ struct RecalculatePrimRef
+ {
+ Scene* scene;
+ __forceinline RecalculatePrimRef (Scene* scene)
+ : scene(scene) {}
+ __forceinline PrimRefMB operator() (const PrimRefMB& prim, const BBox1f time_range) const
+ {
+ const unsigned geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned primID = prim.primID();
+ const Mesh* mesh = scene->get<Mesh>(geomID);
+ const LBBox3fa lbounds = mesh->linearBounds(primID, time_range);
+ const range<int> tbounds = mesh->timeSegmentRange(time_range);
+ return PrimRefMB (lbounds, tbounds.size(), mesh->time_range, mesh->numTimeSegments(), geomID, primID);
+ }
+ // __noinline is workaround for ICC16 bug under MacOSX
+ __noinline PrimRefMB operator() (const PrimRefMB& prim, const BBox1f time_range, const LinearSpace3fa& space) const
+ {
+ const unsigned geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned primID = prim.primID();
+ const Mesh* mesh = scene->get<Mesh>(geomID);
+ const LBBox3fa lbounds = mesh->linearBounds(space, primID, time_range);
+ const range<int> tbounds = mesh->timeSegmentRange(time_range);
+ return PrimRefMB (lbounds, tbounds.size(), mesh->time_range, mesh->numTimeSegments(), geomID, primID);
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const PrimRefMB& prim, const BBox1f time_range) const {
+ return scene->get<Mesh>(prim.geomID())->linearBounds(prim.primID(), time_range);
+ }
+ // __noinline is workaround for ICC16 bug under MacOSX
+ __noinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const PrimRefMB& prim, const BBox1f time_range, const LinearSpace3fa& space) const {
+ return scene->get<Mesh>(prim.geomID())->linearBounds(space, prim.primID(), time_range);
+ }
+ };
+ struct VirtualRecalculatePrimRef
+ {
+ Scene* scene;
+ __forceinline VirtualRecalculatePrimRef (Scene* scene)
+ : scene(scene) {}
+ __forceinline PrimRefMB operator() (const PrimRefMB& prim, const BBox1f time_range) const
+ {
+ const unsigned geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned primID = prim.primID();
+ const Geometry* mesh = scene->get(geomID);
+ const LBBox3fa lbounds = mesh->vlinearBounds(primID, time_range);
+ const range<int> tbounds = mesh->timeSegmentRange(time_range);
+ return PrimRefMB (lbounds, tbounds.size(), mesh->time_range, mesh->numTimeSegments(), geomID, primID);
+ }
+ __forceinline PrimRefMB operator() (const PrimRefMB& prim, const BBox1f time_range, const LinearSpace3fa& space) const
+ {
+ const unsigned geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned primID = prim.primID();
+ const Geometry* mesh = scene->get(geomID);
+ const LBBox3fa lbounds = mesh->vlinearBounds(space, primID, time_range);
+ const range<int> tbounds = mesh->timeSegmentRange(time_range);
+ return PrimRefMB (lbounds, tbounds.size(), mesh->time_range, mesh->numTimeSegments(), geomID, primID);
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const PrimRefMB& prim, const BBox1f time_range) const {
+ return scene->get(prim.geomID())->vlinearBounds(prim.primID(), time_range);
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const PrimRefMB& prim, const BBox1f time_range, const LinearSpace3fa& space) const {
+ return scene->get(prim.geomID())->vlinearBounds(space, prim.primID(), time_range);
+ }
+ };
+ struct BVHBuilderMSMBlur
+ {
+ /*! settings for msmblur builder */
+ struct Settings
+ {
+ /*! default settings */
+ Settings ()
+ : branchingFactor(2), maxDepth(32), logBlockSize(0), minLeafSize(1), maxLeafSize(8),
+ travCost(1.0f), intCost(1.0f), singleLeafTimeSegment(false),
+ singleThreadThreshold(1024) {}
+ Settings (size_t sahBlockSize, size_t minLeafSize, size_t maxLeafSize, float travCost, float intCost, size_t singleThreadThreshold)
+ : branchingFactor(2), maxDepth(32), logBlockSize(bsr(sahBlockSize)), minLeafSize(minLeafSize), maxLeafSize(maxLeafSize),
+ travCost(travCost), intCost(intCost), singleThreadThreshold(singleThreadThreshold)
+ {
+ minLeafSize = min(minLeafSize,maxLeafSize);
+ }
+ public:
+ size_t branchingFactor; //!< branching factor of BVH to build
+ size_t maxDepth; //!< maximum depth of BVH to build
+ size_t logBlockSize; //!< log2 of blocksize for SAH heuristic
+ size_t minLeafSize; //!< minimum size of a leaf
+ size_t maxLeafSize; //!< maximum size of a leaf
+ float travCost; //!< estimated cost of one traversal step
+ float intCost; //!< estimated cost of one primitive intersection
+ bool singleLeafTimeSegment; //!< split time to single time range
+ size_t singleThreadThreshold; //!< threshold when we switch to single threaded build
+ };
+ struct BuildRecord
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline BuildRecord () {}
+ __forceinline BuildRecord (size_t depth)
+ : depth(depth) {}
+ __forceinline BuildRecord (const SetMB& prims, size_t depth)
+ : depth(depth), prims(prims) {}
+ __forceinline friend bool operator< (const BuildRecord& a, const BuildRecord& b) {
+ return a.prims.size() < b.prims.size();
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t size() const {
+ return prims.size();
+ }
+ public:
+ size_t depth; //!< Depth of the root of this subtree.
+ SetMB prims; //!< The list of primitives.
+ };
+ struct BuildRecordSplit : public BuildRecord
+ {
+ __forceinline BuildRecordSplit () {}
+ __forceinline BuildRecordSplit (size_t depth)
+ : BuildRecord(depth) {}
+ __forceinline BuildRecordSplit (const BuildRecord& record, const BinSplit<MBLUR_NUM_OBJECT_BINS>& split)
+ : BuildRecord(record), split(split) {}
+ BinSplit<MBLUR_NUM_OBJECT_BINS> split;
+ };
+ template<
+ typename NodeRef,
+ typename RecalculatePrimRef,
+ typename Allocator,
+ typename CreateAllocFunc,
+ typename CreateNodeFunc,
+ typename SetNodeFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename ProgressMonitor>
+ class BuilderT
+ {
+ static const size_t MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR = 16; //!< maximum supported BVH branching factor
+ static const size_t MIN_LARGE_LEAF_LEVELS = 8; //!< create balanced tree if we are that many levels before the maximum tree depth
+ typedef BVHNodeRecordMB4D<NodeRef> NodeRecordMB4D;
+ typedef BinSplit<MBLUR_NUM_OBJECT_BINS> Split;
+ typedef mvector<PrimRefMB>* PrimRefVector;
+ typedef SharedVector<mvector<PrimRefMB>> SharedPrimRefVector;
+ typedef LocalChildListT<BuildRecord,MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR> LocalChildList;
+ typedef LocalChildListT<BuildRecordSplit,MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR> LocalChildListSplit;
+ public:
+ BuilderT (MemoryMonitorInterface* device,
+ const RecalculatePrimRef recalculatePrimRef,
+ const CreateAllocFunc createAlloc,
+ const CreateNodeFunc createNode,
+ const SetNodeFunc setNode,
+ const CreateLeafFunc createLeaf,
+ const ProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
+ const Settings& settings)
+ : cfg(settings),
+ heuristicObjectSplit(),
+ heuristicTemporalSplit(device, recalculatePrimRef),
+ recalculatePrimRef(recalculatePrimRef), createAlloc(createAlloc), createNode(createNode), setNode(setNode), createLeaf(createLeaf),
+ progressMonitor(progressMonitor)
+ {
+ if (cfg.branchingFactor > MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"bvh_builder: branching factor too large");
+ }
+ /*! finds the best split */
+ const Split find(const SetMB& set)
+ {
+ /* first try standard object split */
+ const Split object_split = heuristicObjectSplit.find(set,cfg.logBlockSize);
+ const float object_split_sah = object_split.splitSAH();
+ /* test temporal splits only when object split was bad */
+ const float leaf_sah = set.leafSAH(cfg.logBlockSize);
+ if (object_split_sah < 0.50f*leaf_sah)
+ return object_split;
+ /* do temporal splits only if the time range is big enough */
+ if (set.time_range.size() > 1.01f/float(set.max_num_time_segments))
+ {
+ const Split temporal_split = heuristicTemporalSplit.find(set,cfg.logBlockSize);
+ const float temporal_split_sah = temporal_split.splitSAH();
+ /* take temporal split if it improved SAH */
+ if (temporal_split_sah < object_split_sah)
+ return temporal_split;
+ }
+ return object_split;
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ __forceinline std::unique_ptr<mvector<PrimRefMB>> split(const Split& split, const SetMB& set, SetMB& lset, SetMB& rset)
+ {
+ /* perform object split */
+ if (likely( == Split::SPLIT_OBJECT)) {
+ heuristicObjectSplit.split(split,set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ /* perform temporal split */
+ else if (likely( == Split::SPLIT_TEMPORAL)) {
+ return heuristicTemporalSplit.split(split,set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ /* perform fallback split */
+ else if (unlikely( == Split::SPLIT_FALLBACK)) {
+ set.deterministic_order();
+ splitFallback(set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ /* split by geometry */
+ else if (unlikely( == Split::SPLIT_GEOMID)) {
+ set.deterministic_order();
+ splitByGeometry(set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ else
+ assert(false);
+ return std::unique_ptr<mvector<PrimRefMB>>();
+ }
+ /*! finds the best fallback split */
+ __noinline Split findFallback(const SetMB& set)
+ {
+ /* split if primitives are not from same geometry */
+ if (!sameGeometry(set))
+ return Split(0.0f,Split::SPLIT_GEOMID);
+ /* if a leaf can only hold a single time-segment, we might have to do additional temporal splits */
+ if (cfg.singleLeafTimeSegment)
+ {
+ /* test if one primitive has more than one time segment in time range, if so split time */
+ for (size_t i=set.begin(); i<set.end(); i++)
+ {
+ const PrimRefMB& prim = (*set.prims)[i];
+ const range<int> itime_range = prim.timeSegmentRange(set.time_range);
+ const int localTimeSegments = itime_range.size();
+ assert(localTimeSegments > 0);
+ if (localTimeSegments > 1) {
+ const int icenter = (itime_range.begin() + itime_range.end())/2;
+ const float splitTime = prim.timeStep(icenter);
+ return Split(0.0f,(unsigned)Split::SPLIT_TEMPORAL,0,splitTime);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* otherwise return fallback split */
+ return Split(0.0f,Split::SPLIT_FALLBACK);
+ }
+ /*! performs fallback split */
+ void splitFallback(const SetMB& set, SetMB& lset, SetMB& rset)
+ {
+ mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims = *set.prims;
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ const size_t center = (begin + end)/2;
+ PrimInfoMB linfo = empty;
+ for (size_t i=begin; i<center; i++)
+ linfo.add_primref(prims[i]);
+ PrimInfoMB rinfo = empty;
+ for (size_t i=center; i<end; i++)
+ rinfo.add_primref(prims[i]);
+ new (&lset) SetMB(linfo,set.prims,range<size_t>(begin,center),set.time_range);
+ new (&rset) SetMB(rinfo,set.prims,range<size_t>(center,end ),set.time_range);
+ }
+ /*! checks if all primitives are from the same geometry */
+ __forceinline bool sameGeometry(const SetMB& set)
+ {
+ if (set.size() == 0) return true;
+ mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims = *set.prims;
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ unsigned int firstGeomID = prims[begin].geomID();
+ for (size_t i=begin+1; i<end; i++) {
+ if (prims[i].geomID() != firstGeomID){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* split by geometry ID */
+ void splitByGeometry(const SetMB& set, SetMB& lset, SetMB& rset)
+ {
+ assert(set.size() > 1);
+ mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims = *set.prims;
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ PrimInfoMB left(empty);
+ PrimInfoMB right(empty);
+ unsigned int geomID = prims[begin].geomID();
+ size_t center = serial_partitioning(,begin,end,left,right,
+ [&] ( const PrimRefMB& prim ) { return prim.geomID() == geomID; },
+ [ ] ( PrimInfoMB& dst, const PrimRefMB& prim ) { dst.add_primref(prim); });
+ new (&lset) SetMB(left, set.prims,range<size_t>(begin,center),set.time_range);
+ new (&rset) SetMB(right,set.prims,range<size_t>(center,end ),set.time_range);
+ }
+ const NodeRecordMB4D createLargeLeaf(const BuildRecord& in, Allocator alloc)
+ {
+ /* this should never occur but is a fatal error */
+ if (in.depth > cfg.maxDepth)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"depth limit reached");
+ /* replace already found split by fallback split */
+ const BuildRecordSplit current(BuildRecord(in.prims,in.depth),findFallback(in.prims));
+ /* special case when directly creating leaf without any splits that could shrink time_range */
+ bool force_split = false;
+ if (current.depth == 1 && current.size() > 0)
+ {
+ BBox1f c = empty;
+ BBox1f p = current.prims.time_range;
+ for (size_t i=current.prims.begin(); i<current.prims.end(); i++) {
+ mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims = *current.prims.prims;
+ c.extend(prims[i].time_range);
+ }
+ force_split = c.lower > p.lower || c.upper < p.upper;
+ }
+ /* create leaf for few primitives */
+ if (current.size() <= cfg.maxLeafSize && < Split::SPLIT_ENFORCE && !force_split)
+ return createLeaf(current,alloc);
+ /* fill all children by always splitting the largest one */
+ bool hasTimeSplits = false;
+ NodeRecordMB4D values[MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ LocalChildListSplit children(current);
+ do {
+ /* find best child with largest bounding box area */
+ size_t bestChild = -1;
+ size_t bestSize = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++)
+ {
+ /* ignore leaves as they cannot get split */
+ if (children[i].size() <= cfg.maxLeafSize && children[i] < Split::SPLIT_ENFORCE && !force_split)
+ continue;
+ force_split = false;
+ /* remember child with largest size */
+ if (children[i].size() > bestSize) {
+ bestSize = children[i].size();
+ bestChild = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestChild == -1) break;
+ /* perform best found split */
+ BuildRecordSplit& brecord = children[bestChild];
+ BuildRecordSplit lrecord(current.depth+1);
+ BuildRecordSplit rrecord(current.depth+1);
+ std::unique_ptr<mvector<PrimRefMB>> new_vector = split(brecord.split,brecord.prims,lrecord.prims,rrecord.prims);
+ hasTimeSplits |= new_vector != nullptr;
+ /* find new splits */
+ lrecord.split = findFallback(lrecord.prims);
+ rrecord.split = findFallback(rrecord.prims);
+ children.split(bestChild,lrecord,rrecord,std::move(new_vector));
+ } while (children.size() < cfg.branchingFactor);
+ /* detect time_ranges that have shrunken */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
+ const BBox1f c = children[i].prims.time_range;
+ const BBox1f p = in.prims.time_range;
+ hasTimeSplits |= c.lower > p.lower || c.upper < p.upper;
+ }
+ /* create node */
+ auto node = createNode(,children.numChildren,alloc,hasTimeSplits);
+ /* recurse into each child and perform reduction */
+ LBBox3fa gbounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
+ values[i] = createLargeLeaf(children[i],alloc);
+ gbounds.extend(values[i].lbounds);
+ }
+ setNode(current,,node,values,children.numChildren);
+ /* calculate geometry bounds of this node */
+ if (hasTimeSplits)
+ return NodeRecordMB4D(node,current.prims.linearBounds(recalculatePrimRef),current.prims.time_range);
+ else
+ return NodeRecordMB4D(node,gbounds,current.prims.time_range);
+ }
+ const NodeRecordMB4D recurse(const BuildRecord& current, Allocator alloc, bool toplevel)
+ {
+ /* get thread local allocator */
+ if (!alloc)
+ alloc = createAlloc();
+ /* call memory monitor function to signal progress */
+ if (toplevel && current.size() <= cfg.singleThreadThreshold)
+ progressMonitor(current.size());
+ /*! find best split */
+ const Split csplit = find(current.prims);
+ /*! compute leaf and split cost */
+ const float leafSAH = cfg.intCost*current.prims.leafSAH(cfg.logBlockSize);
+ const float splitSAH = cfg.travCost*current.prims.halfArea()+cfg.intCost*csplit.splitSAH();
+ assert((current.size() == 0) || ((leafSAH >= 0) && (splitSAH >= 0)));
+ /*! create a leaf node when threshold reached or SAH tells us to stop */
+ if (current.size() <= cfg.minLeafSize || current.depth+MIN_LARGE_LEAF_LEVELS >= cfg.maxDepth || (current.size() <= cfg.maxLeafSize && leafSAH <= splitSAH)) {
+ current.prims.deterministic_order();
+ return createLargeLeaf(current,alloc);
+ }
+ /*! perform initial split */
+ SetMB lprims,rprims;
+ std::unique_ptr<mvector<PrimRefMB>> new_vector = split(csplit,current.prims,lprims,rprims);
+ bool hasTimeSplits = new_vector != nullptr;
+ NodeRecordMB4D values[MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ LocalChildList children(current);
+ {
+ BuildRecord lrecord(lprims,current.depth+1);
+ BuildRecord rrecord(rprims,current.depth+1);
+ children.split(0,lrecord,rrecord,std::move(new_vector));
+ }
+ /*! split until node is full or SAH tells us to stop */
+ while (children.size() < cfg.branchingFactor)
+ {
+ /*! find best child to split */
+ float bestArea = neg_inf;
+ ssize_t bestChild = -1;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (children[i].size() <= cfg.minLeafSize) continue;
+ if (expectedApproxHalfArea(children[i].prims.geomBounds) > bestArea) {
+ bestChild = i; bestArea = expectedApproxHalfArea(children[i].prims.geomBounds);
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestChild == -1) break;
+ /* perform split */
+ BuildRecord& brecord = children[bestChild];
+ BuildRecord lrecord(current.depth+1);
+ BuildRecord rrecord(current.depth+1);
+ Split csplit = find(brecord.prims);
+ std::unique_ptr<mvector<PrimRefMB>> new_vector = split(csplit,brecord.prims,lrecord.prims,rrecord.prims);
+ hasTimeSplits |= new_vector != nullptr;
+ children.split(bestChild,lrecord,rrecord,std::move(new_vector));
+ }
+ /* detect time_ranges that have shrunken */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
+ const BBox1f c = children[i].prims.time_range;
+ const BBox1f p = current.prims.time_range;
+ hasTimeSplits |= c.lower > p.lower || c.upper < p.upper;
+ }
+ /* sort buildrecords for simpler shadow ray traversal */
+ //std::sort(&children[0],&children[children.size()],std::greater<BuildRecord>()); // FIXME: reduces traversal performance of bvh8.triangle4 (need to verified) !!
+ /*! create an inner node */
+ auto node = createNode(, children.numChildren, alloc, hasTimeSplits);
+ LBBox3fa gbounds = empty;
+ /* spawn tasks */
+ if (unlikely(current.size() > cfg.singleThreadThreshold))
+ {
+ /*! parallel_for is faster than spawing sub-tasks */
+ parallel_for(size_t(0), children.size(), [&] (const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ values[i] = recurse(children[i],nullptr,true);
+ _mm_mfence(); // to allow non-temporal stores during build
+ }
+ });
+ /*! merge bounding boxes */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++)
+ gbounds.extend(values[i].lbounds);
+ }
+ /* recurse into each child */
+ else
+ {
+ //for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++)
+ for (ssize_t i=children.size()-1; i>=0; i--) {
+ values[i] = recurse(children[i],alloc,false);
+ gbounds.extend(values[i].lbounds);
+ }
+ }
+ setNode(current,,node,values,children.numChildren);
+ /* calculate geometry bounds of this node */
+ if (unlikely(hasTimeSplits))
+ return NodeRecordMB4D(node,current.prims.linearBounds(recalculatePrimRef),current.prims.time_range);
+ else
+ return NodeRecordMB4D(node,gbounds,current.prims.time_range);
+ }
+ /*! builder entry function */
+ __forceinline const NodeRecordMB4D operator() (mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims, const PrimInfoMB& pinfo)
+ {
+ const SetMB set(pinfo,&prims);
+ auto ret = recurse(BuildRecord(set,1),nullptr,true);
+ _mm_mfence(); // to allow non-temporal stores during build
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private:
+ Settings cfg;
+ HeuristicArrayBinningMB<PrimRefMB,MBLUR_NUM_OBJECT_BINS> heuristicObjectSplit;
+ HeuristicMBlurTemporalSplit<PrimRefMB,RecalculatePrimRef,MBLUR_NUM_TEMPORAL_BINS> heuristicTemporalSplit;
+ const RecalculatePrimRef recalculatePrimRef;
+ const CreateAllocFunc createAlloc;
+ const CreateNodeFunc createNode;
+ const SetNodeFunc setNode;
+ const CreateLeafFunc createLeaf;
+ const ProgressMonitor progressMonitor;
+ };
+ template<typename NodeRef,
+ typename RecalculatePrimRef,
+ typename CreateAllocFunc,
+ typename CreateNodeFunc,
+ typename SetNodeFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename ProgressMonitorFunc>
+ static const BVHNodeRecordMB4D<NodeRef> build(mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims,
+ const PrimInfoMB& pinfo,
+ MemoryMonitorInterface* device,
+ const RecalculatePrimRef recalculatePrimRef,
+ const CreateAllocFunc createAlloc,
+ const CreateNodeFunc createNode,
+ const SetNodeFunc setNode,
+ const CreateLeafFunc createLeaf,
+ const ProgressMonitorFunc progressMonitor,
+ const Settings& settings)
+ {
+ typedef BuilderT<
+ NodeRef,
+ RecalculatePrimRef,
+ decltype(createAlloc()),
+ CreateAllocFunc,
+ CreateNodeFunc,
+ SetNodeFunc,
+ CreateLeafFunc,
+ ProgressMonitorFunc> Builder;
+ Builder builder(device,
+ recalculatePrimRef,
+ createAlloc,
+ createNode,
+ setNode,
+ createLeaf,
+ progressMonitor,
+ settings);
+ return builder(prims,pinfo);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_msmblur_hair.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_msmblur_hair.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..397e8636b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_msmblur_hair.h
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../bvh/bvh.h"
+#include "../geometry/primitive.h"
+#include "../builders/bvh_builder_msmblur.h"
+#include "../builders/heuristic_binning_array_aligned.h"
+#include "../builders/heuristic_binning_array_unaligned.h"
+#include "../builders/heuristic_timesplit_array.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct BVHBuilderHairMSMBlur
+ {
+ /*! settings for msmblur builder */
+ struct Settings
+ {
+ /*! default settings */
+ Settings ()
+ : branchingFactor(2), maxDepth(32), logBlockSize(0), minLeafSize(1), maxLeafSize(8) {}
+ public:
+ size_t branchingFactor; //!< branching factor of BVH to build
+ size_t maxDepth; //!< maximum depth of BVH to build
+ size_t logBlockSize; //!< log2 of blocksize for SAH heuristic
+ size_t minLeafSize; //!< minimum size of a leaf
+ size_t maxLeafSize; //!< maximum size of a leaf
+ };
+ struct BuildRecord
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline BuildRecord () {}
+ __forceinline BuildRecord (size_t depth)
+ : depth(depth) {}
+ __forceinline BuildRecord (const SetMB& prims, size_t depth)
+ : depth(depth), prims(prims) {}
+ __forceinline size_t size() const {
+ return prims.size();
+ }
+ public:
+ size_t depth; //!< depth of the root of this subtree
+ SetMB prims; //!< the list of primitives
+ };
+ template<typename NodeRef,
+ typename RecalculatePrimRef,
+ typename CreateAllocFunc,
+ typename CreateAABBNodeMBFunc,
+ typename SetAABBNodeMBFunc,
+ typename CreateOBBNodeMBFunc,
+ typename SetOBBNodeMBFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename ProgressMonitor>
+ class BuilderT
+ {
+ static const size_t MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR = 8; //!< maximum supported BVH branching factor
+ static const size_t MIN_LARGE_LEAF_LEVELS = 8; //!< create balanced tree if we are that many levels before the maximum tree depth
+ static const size_t SINGLE_THREADED_THRESHOLD = 4096; //!< threshold to switch to single threaded build
+ typedef BVHNodeRecordMB<NodeRef> NodeRecordMB;
+ typedef BVHNodeRecordMB4D<NodeRef> NodeRecordMB4D;
+ typedef FastAllocator::CachedAllocator Allocator;
+ typedef LocalChildListT<BuildRecord,MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR> LocalChildList;
+ typedef HeuristicMBlurTemporalSplit<PrimRefMB,RecalculatePrimRef,MBLUR_NUM_TEMPORAL_BINS> HeuristicTemporal;
+ typedef HeuristicArrayBinningMB<PrimRefMB,MBLUR_NUM_OBJECT_BINS> HeuristicBinning;
+ typedef UnalignedHeuristicArrayBinningMB<PrimRefMB,MBLUR_NUM_OBJECT_BINS> UnalignedHeuristicBinning;
+ public:
+ BuilderT (Scene* scene,
+ const RecalculatePrimRef& recalculatePrimRef,
+ const CreateAllocFunc& createAlloc,
+ const CreateAABBNodeMBFunc& createAABBNodeMB,
+ const SetAABBNodeMBFunc& setAABBNodeMB,
+ const CreateOBBNodeMBFunc& createOBBNodeMB,
+ const SetOBBNodeMBFunc& setOBBNodeMB,
+ const CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf,
+ const ProgressMonitor& progressMonitor,
+ const Settings settings)
+ : cfg(settings),
+ scene(scene),
+ recalculatePrimRef(recalculatePrimRef),
+ createAlloc(createAlloc),
+ createAABBNodeMB(createAABBNodeMB), setAABBNodeMB(setAABBNodeMB),
+ createOBBNodeMB(createOBBNodeMB), setOBBNodeMB(setOBBNodeMB),
+ createLeaf(createLeaf),
+ progressMonitor(progressMonitor),
+ unalignedHeuristic(scene),
+ temporalSplitHeuristic(scene->device,recalculatePrimRef) {}
+ private:
+ /*! checks if all primitives are from the same geometry */
+ __forceinline bool sameGeometry(const SetMB& set)
+ {
+ mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims = *set.prims;
+ unsigned int firstGeomID = prims[set.begin()].geomID();
+ for (size_t i=set.begin()+1; i<set.end(); i++) {
+ if (prims[i].geomID() != firstGeomID){
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! performs some split if SAH approaches fail */
+ void splitFallback(const SetMB& set, SetMB& lset, SetMB& rset)
+ {
+ mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims = *set.prims;
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ const size_t center = (begin + end)/2;
+ PrimInfoMB linfo = empty;
+ for (size_t i=begin; i<center; i++)
+ linfo.add_primref(prims[i]);
+ PrimInfoMB rinfo = empty;
+ for (size_t i=center; i<end; i++)
+ rinfo.add_primref(prims[i]);
+ new (&lset) SetMB(linfo,set.prims,range<size_t>(begin,center),set.time_range);
+ new (&rset) SetMB(rinfo,set.prims,range<size_t>(center,end ),set.time_range);
+ }
+ void splitByGeometry(const SetMB& set, SetMB& lset, SetMB& rset)
+ {
+ assert(set.size() > 1);
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ PrimInfoMB linfo(empty);
+ PrimInfoMB rinfo(empty);
+ unsigned int geomID = (*set.prims)[begin].geomID();
+ size_t center = serial_partitioning(set.prims->data(),begin,end,linfo,rinfo,
+ [&] ( const PrimRefMB& prim ) { return prim.geomID() == geomID; },
+ [ ] ( PrimInfoMB& a, const PrimRefMB& ref ) { a.add_primref(ref); });
+ new (&lset) SetMB(linfo,set.prims,range<size_t>(begin,center),set.time_range);
+ new (&rset) SetMB(rinfo,set.prims,range<size_t>(center,end ),set.time_range);
+ }
+ /*! creates a large leaf that could be larger than supported by the BVH */
+ NodeRecordMB4D createLargeLeaf(BuildRecord& current, Allocator alloc)
+ {
+ /* this should never occur but is a fatal error */
+ if (current.depth > cfg.maxDepth)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"depth limit reached");
+ /* special case when directly creating leaf without any splits that could shrink time_range */
+ bool force_split = false;
+ if (current.depth == 1 && current.size() > 0)
+ {
+ BBox1f c = empty;
+ BBox1f p = current.prims.time_range;
+ for (size_t i=current.prims.begin(); i<current.prims.end(); i++) {
+ mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims = *current.prims.prims;
+ c.extend(prims[i].time_range);
+ }
+ force_split = c.lower > p.lower || c.upper < p.upper;
+ }
+ /* create leaf for few primitives */
+ if (current.size() <= cfg.maxLeafSize && sameGeometry(current.prims) && !force_split)
+ return createLeaf(current.prims,alloc);
+ /* fill all children by always splitting the largest one */
+ LocalChildList children(current);
+ NodeRecordMB4D values[MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ do {
+ /* find best child with largest bounding box area */
+ int bestChild = -1;
+ size_t bestSize = 0;
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<children.size(); i++)
+ {
+ /* ignore leaves as they cannot get split */
+ if (children[i].size() <= cfg.maxLeafSize && sameGeometry(children[i].prims) && !force_split)
+ continue;
+ force_split = false;
+ /* remember child with largest size */
+ if (children[i].size() > bestSize) {
+ bestSize = children[i].size();
+ bestChild = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestChild == -1) break;
+ /*! split best child into left and right child */
+ BuildRecord left(current.depth+1);
+ BuildRecord right(current.depth+1);
+ if (!sameGeometry(children[bestChild].prims)) {
+ splitByGeometry(children[bestChild].prims,left.prims,right.prims);
+ } else {
+ splitFallback(children[bestChild].prims,left.prims,right.prims);
+ }
+ children.split(bestChild,left,right,std::unique_ptr<mvector<PrimRefMB>>());
+ } while (children.size() < cfg.branchingFactor);
+ /* detect time_ranges that have shrunken */
+ bool timesplit = false;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
+ const BBox1f c = children[i].prims.time_range;
+ const BBox1f p = current.prims.time_range;
+ timesplit |= c.lower > p.lower || c.upper < p.upper;
+ }
+ /* create node */
+ NodeRef node = createAABBNodeMB(,children.numChildren,alloc,timesplit);
+ LBBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
+ values[i] = createLargeLeaf(children[i],alloc);
+ bounds.extend(values[i].lbounds);
+ }
+ setAABBNodeMB(current,,node,values,children.numChildren);
+ if (timesplit)
+ bounds = current.prims.linearBounds(recalculatePrimRef);
+ return NodeRecordMB4D(node,bounds,current.prims.time_range);
+ }
+ /*! performs split */
+ std::unique_ptr<mvector<PrimRefMB>> split(const BuildRecord& current, BuildRecord& lrecord, BuildRecord& rrecord, bool& aligned, bool& timesplit)
+ {
+ /* variable to track the SAH of the best splitting approach */
+ float bestSAH = inf;
+ const float leafSAH = current.prims.leafSAH(cfg.logBlockSize);
+ /* perform standard binning in aligned space */
+ HeuristicBinning::Split alignedObjectSplit = alignedHeuristic.find(current.prims,cfg.logBlockSize);
+ float alignedObjectSAH = alignedObjectSplit.splitSAH();
+ bestSAH = min(alignedObjectSAH,bestSAH);
+ /* perform standard binning in unaligned space */
+ UnalignedHeuristicBinning::Split unalignedObjectSplit;
+ LinearSpace3fa uspace;
+ float unalignedObjectSAH = inf;
+ if (alignedObjectSAH > 0.7f*leafSAH) {
+ uspace = unalignedHeuristic.computeAlignedSpaceMB(scene,current.prims);
+ const SetMB sset = current.prims.primInfo(recalculatePrimRef,uspace);
+ unalignedObjectSplit = unalignedHeuristic.find(sset,cfg.logBlockSize,uspace);
+ unalignedObjectSAH = 1.3f*unalignedObjectSplit.splitSAH(); // makes unaligned splits more expensive
+ bestSAH = min(unalignedObjectSAH,bestSAH);
+ }
+ /* do temporal splits only if previous approaches failed to produce good SAH and the the time range is large enough */
+ float temporal_split_sah = inf;
+ typename HeuristicTemporal::Split temporal_split;
+ if (bestSAH > 0.5f*leafSAH) {
+ if (current.prims.time_range.size() > 1.01f/float(current.prims.max_num_time_segments)) {
+ temporal_split = temporalSplitHeuristic.find(current.prims,cfg.logBlockSize);
+ temporal_split_sah = temporal_split.splitSAH();
+ bestSAH = min(temporal_split_sah,bestSAH);
+ }
+ }
+ /* perform fallback split if SAH heuristics failed */
+ if (unlikely(!std::isfinite(bestSAH))) {
+ current.prims.deterministic_order();
+ splitFallback(current.prims,lrecord.prims,rrecord.prims);
+ }
+ /* perform aligned split if this is best */
+ else if (likely(bestSAH == alignedObjectSAH)) {
+ alignedHeuristic.split(alignedObjectSplit,current.prims,lrecord.prims,rrecord.prims);
+ }
+ /* perform unaligned split if this is best */
+ else if (likely(bestSAH == unalignedObjectSAH)) {
+ unalignedHeuristic.split(unalignedObjectSplit,uspace,current.prims,lrecord.prims,rrecord.prims);
+ aligned = false;
+ }
+ /* perform temporal split if this is best */
+ else if (likely(bestSAH == temporal_split_sah)) {
+ timesplit = true;
+ return temporalSplitHeuristic.split(temporal_split,current.prims,lrecord.prims,rrecord.prims);
+ }
+ else
+ assert(false);
+ return std::unique_ptr<mvector<PrimRefMB>>();
+ }
+ /*! recursive build */
+ NodeRecordMB4D recurse(BuildRecord& current, Allocator alloc, bool toplevel)
+ {
+ /* get thread local allocator */
+ if (!alloc)
+ alloc = createAlloc();
+ /* call memory monitor function to signal progress */
+ if (toplevel && current.size() <= SINGLE_THREADED_THRESHOLD)
+ progressMonitor(current.size());
+ /* create leaf node */
+ if (current.depth+MIN_LARGE_LEAF_LEVELS >= cfg.maxDepth || current.size() <= cfg.minLeafSize) {
+ current.prims.deterministic_order();
+ return createLargeLeaf(current,alloc);
+ }
+ /* fill all children by always splitting the one with the largest surface area */
+ NodeRecordMB4D values[MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ LocalChildList children(current);
+ bool aligned = true;
+ bool timesplit = false;
+ do {
+ /* find best child with largest bounding box area */
+ ssize_t bestChild = -1;
+ float bestArea = neg_inf;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++)
+ {
+ /* ignore leaves as they cannot get split */
+ if (children[i].size() <= cfg.minLeafSize)
+ continue;
+ /* remember child with largest area */
+ const float A = children[i].prims.halfArea();
+ if (A > bestArea) {
+ bestArea = children[i].prims.halfArea();
+ bestChild = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestChild == -1) break;
+ /*! split best child into left and right child */
+ BuildRecord left(current.depth+1);
+ BuildRecord right(current.depth+1);
+ std::unique_ptr<mvector<PrimRefMB>> new_vector = split(children[bestChild],left,right,aligned,timesplit);
+ children.split(bestChild,left,right,std::move(new_vector));
+ } while (children.size() < cfg.branchingFactor);
+ /* detect time_ranges that have shrunken */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
+ const BBox1f c = children[i].prims.time_range;
+ const BBox1f p = current.prims.time_range;
+ timesplit |= c.lower > p.lower || c.upper < p.upper;
+ }
+ /* create time split node */
+ if (timesplit)
+ {
+ const NodeRef node = createAABBNodeMB(,children.numChildren,alloc,true);
+ /* spawn tasks or ... */
+ if (current.size() > SINGLE_THREADED_THRESHOLD)
+ {
+ parallel_for(size_t(0), children.size(), [&] (const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ values[i] = recurse(children[i],nullptr,true);
+ _mm_mfence(); // to allow non-temporal stores during build
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /* ... continue sequential */
+ else {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
+ values[i] = recurse(children[i],alloc,false);
+ }
+ }
+ setAABBNodeMB(current,,node,values,children.numChildren);
+ const LBBox3fa bounds = current.prims.linearBounds(recalculatePrimRef);
+ return NodeRecordMB4D(node,bounds,current.prims.time_range);
+ }
+ /* create aligned node */
+ else if (aligned)
+ {
+ const NodeRef node = createAABBNodeMB(,children.numChildren,alloc,true);
+ /* spawn tasks or ... */
+ if (current.size() > SINGLE_THREADED_THRESHOLD)
+ {
+ parallel_for(size_t(0), children.size(), [&] (const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ values[i] = recurse(children[i],nullptr,true);
+ cbounds[i] = values[i].lbounds;
+ _mm_mfence(); // to allow non-temporal stores during build
+ }
+ });
+ LBBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++)
+ bounds.extend(cbounds[i]);
+ setAABBNodeMB(current,,node,values,children.numChildren);
+ return NodeRecordMB4D(node,bounds,current.prims.time_range);
+ }
+ /* ... continue sequentially */
+ else
+ {
+ LBBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
+ values[i] = recurse(children[i],alloc,false);
+ bounds.extend(values[i].lbounds);
+ }
+ setAABBNodeMB(current,,node,values,children.numChildren);
+ return NodeRecordMB4D(node,bounds,current.prims.time_range);
+ }
+ }
+ /* create unaligned node */
+ else
+ {
+ const NodeRef node = createOBBNodeMB(alloc);
+ /* spawn tasks or ... */
+ if (current.size() > SINGLE_THREADED_THRESHOLD)
+ {
+ parallel_for(size_t(0), children.size(), [&] (const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ const LinearSpace3fa space = unalignedHeuristic.computeAlignedSpaceMB(scene,children[i].prims);
+ const LBBox3fa lbounds = children[i].prims.linearBounds(recalculatePrimRef,space);
+ const auto child = recurse(children[i],nullptr,true);
+ setOBBNodeMB(node,i,child.ref,space,lbounds,children[i].prims.time_range);
+ _mm_mfence(); // to allow non-temporal stores during build
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ /* ... continue sequentially */
+ else
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<children.size(); i++) {
+ const LinearSpace3fa space = unalignedHeuristic.computeAlignedSpaceMB(scene,children[i].prims);
+ const LBBox3fa lbounds = children[i].prims.linearBounds(recalculatePrimRef,space);
+ const auto child = recurse(children[i],alloc,false);
+ setOBBNodeMB(node,i,child.ref,space,lbounds,children[i].prims.time_range);
+ }
+ }
+ const LBBox3fa bounds = current.prims.linearBounds(recalculatePrimRef);
+ return NodeRecordMB4D(node,bounds,current.prims.time_range);
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ /*! entry point into builder */
+ NodeRecordMB4D operator() (mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims, const PrimInfoMB& pinfo)
+ {
+ BuildRecord record(SetMB(pinfo,&prims),1);
+ auto root = recurse(record,nullptr,true);
+ _mm_mfence(); // to allow non-temporal stores during build
+ return root;
+ }
+ private:
+ Settings cfg;
+ Scene* scene;
+ const RecalculatePrimRef& recalculatePrimRef;
+ const CreateAllocFunc& createAlloc;
+ const CreateAABBNodeMBFunc& createAABBNodeMB;
+ const SetAABBNodeMBFunc& setAABBNodeMB;
+ const CreateOBBNodeMBFunc& createOBBNodeMB;
+ const SetOBBNodeMBFunc& setOBBNodeMB;
+ const CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf;
+ const ProgressMonitor& progressMonitor;
+ private:
+ HeuristicBinning alignedHeuristic;
+ UnalignedHeuristicBinning unalignedHeuristic;
+ HeuristicTemporal temporalSplitHeuristic;
+ };
+ template<typename NodeRef,
+ typename RecalculatePrimRef,
+ typename CreateAllocFunc,
+ typename CreateAABBNodeMBFunc,
+ typename SetAABBNodeMBFunc,
+ typename CreateOBBNodeMBFunc,
+ typename SetOBBNodeMBFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename ProgressMonitor>
+ static BVHNodeRecordMB4D<NodeRef> build (Scene* scene, mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims, const PrimInfoMB& pinfo,
+ const RecalculatePrimRef& recalculatePrimRef,
+ const CreateAllocFunc& createAlloc,
+ const CreateAABBNodeMBFunc& createAABBNodeMB,
+ const SetAABBNodeMBFunc& setAABBNodeMB,
+ const CreateOBBNodeMBFunc& createOBBNodeMB,
+ const SetOBBNodeMBFunc& setOBBNodeMB,
+ const CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf,
+ const ProgressMonitor& progressMonitor,
+ const Settings settings)
+ {
+ typedef BuilderT<NodeRef,RecalculatePrimRef,CreateAllocFunc,
+ CreateAABBNodeMBFunc,SetAABBNodeMBFunc,
+ CreateOBBNodeMBFunc,SetOBBNodeMBFunc,
+ CreateLeafFunc,ProgressMonitor> Builder;
+ Builder builder(scene,recalculatePrimRef,createAlloc,
+ createAABBNodeMB,setAABBNodeMB,
+ createOBBNodeMB,setOBBNodeMB,
+ createLeaf,progressMonitor,settings);
+ return builder(prims,pinfo);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_sah.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_sah.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fff4bf2a35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/bvh_builder_sah.h
@@ -0,0 +1,669 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "heuristic_binning_array_aligned.h"
+#include "heuristic_spatial_array.h"
+#include "heuristic_openmerge_array.h"
+#if defined(__AVX512F__) && !defined(__AVX512VL__) // KNL
+# define NUM_OBJECT_BINS 16
+# define NUM_SPATIAL_BINS 16
+# define NUM_OBJECT_BINS 32
+# define NUM_SPATIAL_BINS 16
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ MAYBE_UNUSED static const float travCost = 1.0f;
+ struct GeneralBVHBuilder
+ {
+ static const size_t MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR = 16; //!< maximum supported BVH branching factor
+ static const size_t MIN_LARGE_LEAF_LEVELS = 8; //!< create balanced tree of we are that many levels before the maximum tree depth
+ /*! settings for SAH builder */
+ struct Settings
+ {
+ /*! default settings */
+ Settings ()
+ : branchingFactor(2), maxDepth(32), logBlockSize(0), minLeafSize(1), maxLeafSize(7),
+ travCost(1.0f), intCost(1.0f), singleThreadThreshold(1024), primrefarrayalloc(inf) {}
+ /*! initialize settings from API settings */
+ Settings (const RTCBuildArguments& settings)
+ : branchingFactor(2), maxDepth(32), logBlockSize(0), minLeafSize(1), maxLeafSize(7),
+ travCost(1.0f), intCost(1.0f), singleThreadThreshold(1024), primrefarrayalloc(inf)
+ {
+ if (RTC_BUILD_ARGUMENTS_HAS(settings,maxBranchingFactor)) branchingFactor = settings.maxBranchingFactor;
+ if (RTC_BUILD_ARGUMENTS_HAS(settings,maxDepth )) maxDepth = settings.maxDepth;
+ if (RTC_BUILD_ARGUMENTS_HAS(settings,sahBlockSize )) logBlockSize = bsr(settings.sahBlockSize);
+ if (RTC_BUILD_ARGUMENTS_HAS(settings,minLeafSize )) minLeafSize = settings.minLeafSize;
+ if (RTC_BUILD_ARGUMENTS_HAS(settings,maxLeafSize )) maxLeafSize = settings.maxLeafSize;
+ if (RTC_BUILD_ARGUMENTS_HAS(settings,traversalCost )) travCost = settings.traversalCost;
+ if (RTC_BUILD_ARGUMENTS_HAS(settings,intersectionCost )) intCost = settings.intersectionCost;
+ minLeafSize = min(minLeafSize,maxLeafSize);
+ }
+ Settings (size_t sahBlockSize, size_t minLeafSize, size_t maxLeafSize, float travCost, float intCost, size_t singleThreadThreshold, size_t primrefarrayalloc = inf)
+ : branchingFactor(2), maxDepth(32), logBlockSize(bsr(sahBlockSize)), minLeafSize(minLeafSize), maxLeafSize(maxLeafSize),
+ travCost(travCost), intCost(intCost), singleThreadThreshold(singleThreadThreshold), primrefarrayalloc(primrefarrayalloc)
+ {
+ minLeafSize = min(minLeafSize,maxLeafSize);
+ }
+ public:
+ size_t branchingFactor; //!< branching factor of BVH to build
+ size_t maxDepth; //!< maximum depth of BVH to build
+ size_t logBlockSize; //!< log2 of blocksize for SAH heuristic
+ size_t minLeafSize; //!< minimum size of a leaf
+ size_t maxLeafSize; //!< maximum size of a leaf
+ float travCost; //!< estimated cost of one traversal step
+ float intCost; //!< estimated cost of one primitive intersection
+ size_t singleThreadThreshold; //!< threshold when we switch to single threaded build
+ size_t primrefarrayalloc; //!< builder uses prim ref array to allocate nodes and leaves when a subtree of that size is finished
+ };
+ /*! recursive state of builder */
+ template<typename Set, typename Split>
+ struct BuildRecordT
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline BuildRecordT () {}
+ __forceinline BuildRecordT (size_t depth)
+ : depth(depth), alloc_barrier(false), prims(empty) {}
+ __forceinline BuildRecordT (size_t depth, const Set& prims)
+ : depth(depth), alloc_barrier(false), prims(prims) {}
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds() const { return prims.geomBounds; }
+ __forceinline friend bool operator< (const BuildRecordT& a, const BuildRecordT& b) { return a.prims.size() < b.prims.size(); }
+ __forceinline friend bool operator> (const BuildRecordT& a, const BuildRecordT& b) { return a.prims.size() > b.prims.size(); }
+ __forceinline size_t size() const { return prims.size(); }
+ public:
+ size_t depth; //!< Depth of the root of this subtree.
+ bool alloc_barrier; //!< barrier used to reuse primref-array blocks to allocate nodes
+ Set prims; //!< The list of primitives.
+ };
+ template<typename PrimRef, typename Set>
+ struct DefaultCanCreateLeafFunc
+ {
+ __forceinline bool operator()(const PrimRef*, const Set&) const { return true; }
+ };
+ template<typename PrimRef, typename Set>
+ struct DefaultCanCreateLeafSplitFunc
+ {
+ __forceinline void operator()(PrimRef*, const Set&, Set&, Set&) const { }
+ };
+ template<typename BuildRecord,
+ typename Heuristic,
+ typename Set,
+ typename PrimRef,
+ typename ReductionTy,
+ typename Allocator,
+ typename CreateAllocFunc,
+ typename CreateNodeFunc,
+ typename UpdateNodeFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename CanCreateLeafFunc,
+ typename CanCreateLeafSplitFunc,
+ typename ProgressMonitor>
+ class BuilderT
+ {
+ friend struct GeneralBVHBuilder;
+ BuilderT (PrimRef* prims,
+ Heuristic& heuristic,
+ const CreateAllocFunc& createAlloc,
+ const CreateNodeFunc& createNode,
+ const UpdateNodeFunc& updateNode,
+ const CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf,
+ const CanCreateLeafFunc& canCreateLeaf,
+ const CanCreateLeafSplitFunc& canCreateLeafSplit,
+ const ProgressMonitor& progressMonitor,
+ const Settings& settings) :
+ cfg(settings),
+ prims(prims),
+ heuristic(heuristic),
+ createAlloc(createAlloc),
+ createNode(createNode),
+ updateNode(updateNode),
+ createLeaf(createLeaf),
+ canCreateLeaf(canCreateLeaf),
+ canCreateLeafSplit(canCreateLeafSplit),
+ progressMonitor(progressMonitor)
+ {
+ if (cfg.branchingFactor > MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"bvh_builder: branching factor too large");
+ }
+ const ReductionTy createLargeLeaf(const BuildRecord& current, Allocator alloc)
+ {
+ /* this should never occur but is a fatal error */
+ if (current.depth > cfg.maxDepth)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"depth limit reached");
+ /* create leaf for few primitives */
+ if (current.prims.size() <= cfg.maxLeafSize && canCreateLeaf(prims,current.prims))
+ return createLeaf(prims,current.prims,alloc);
+ /* fill all children by always splitting the largest one */
+ ReductionTy values[MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ BuildRecord children[MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ size_t numChildren = 1;
+ children[0] = current;
+ do {
+ /* find best child with largest bounding box area */
+ size_t bestChild = -1;
+ size_t bestSize = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
+ {
+ /* ignore leaves as they cannot get split */
+ if (children[i].prims.size() <= cfg.maxLeafSize && canCreateLeaf(prims,children[i].prims))
+ continue;
+ /* remember child with largest size */
+ if (children[i].prims.size() > bestSize) {
+ bestSize = children[i].prims.size();
+ bestChild = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestChild == (size_t)-1) break;
+ /*! split best child into left and right child */
+ BuildRecord left(current.depth+1);
+ BuildRecord right(current.depth+1);
+ if (!canCreateLeaf(prims,children[bestChild].prims)) {
+ canCreateLeafSplit(prims,children[bestChild].prims,left.prims,right.prims);
+ } else {
+ heuristic.splitFallback(children[bestChild].prims,left.prims,right.prims);
+ }
+ /* add new children left and right */
+ children[bestChild] = children[numChildren-1];
+ children[numChildren-1] = left;
+ children[numChildren+0] = right;
+ numChildren++;
+ } while (numChildren < cfg.branchingFactor);
+ /* set barrier for primrefarrayalloc */
+ if (unlikely(current.size() > cfg.primrefarrayalloc))
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
+ children[i].alloc_barrier = children[i].size() <= cfg.primrefarrayalloc;
+ /* create node */
+ auto node = createNode(children,numChildren,alloc);
+ /* recurse into each child and perform reduction */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
+ values[i] = createLargeLeaf(children[i],alloc);
+ /* perform reduction */
+ return updateNode(current,children,node,values,numChildren);
+ }
+ const ReductionTy recurse(BuildRecord& current, Allocator alloc, bool toplevel)
+ {
+ /* get thread local allocator */
+ if (!alloc)
+ alloc = createAlloc();
+ /* call memory monitor function to signal progress */
+ if (toplevel && current.size() <= cfg.singleThreadThreshold)
+ progressMonitor(current.size());
+ /*! find best split */
+ auto split = heuristic.find(current.prims,cfg.logBlockSize);
+ /*! compute leaf and split cost */
+ const float leafSAH = cfg.intCost*current.prims.leafSAH(cfg.logBlockSize);
+ const float splitSAH = cfg.travCost*halfArea(current.prims.geomBounds)+cfg.intCost*split.splitSAH();
+ assert((current.prims.size() == 0) || ((leafSAH >= 0) && (splitSAH >= 0)));
+ /*! create a leaf node when threshold reached or SAH tells us to stop */
+ if (current.prims.size() <= cfg.minLeafSize || current.depth+MIN_LARGE_LEAF_LEVELS >= cfg.maxDepth || (current.prims.size() <= cfg.maxLeafSize && leafSAH <= splitSAH)) {
+ heuristic.deterministic_order(current.prims);
+ return createLargeLeaf(current,alloc);
+ }
+ /*! perform initial split */
+ Set lprims,rprims;
+ heuristic.split(split,current.prims,lprims,rprims);
+ /*! initialize child list with initial split */
+ ReductionTy values[MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ BuildRecord children[MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ children[0] = BuildRecord(current.depth+1,lprims);
+ children[1] = BuildRecord(current.depth+1,rprims);
+ size_t numChildren = 2;
+ /*! split until node is full or SAH tells us to stop */
+ while (numChildren < cfg.branchingFactor)
+ {
+ /*! find best child to split */
+ float bestArea = neg_inf;
+ ssize_t bestChild = -1;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
+ {
+ /* ignore leaves as they cannot get split */
+ if (children[i].prims.size() <= cfg.minLeafSize) continue;
+ /* find child with largest surface area */
+ if (halfArea(children[i].prims.geomBounds) > bestArea) {
+ bestChild = i;
+ bestArea = halfArea(children[i].prims.geomBounds);
+ }
+ }
+ if (bestChild == -1) break;
+ /* perform best found split */
+ BuildRecord& brecord = children[bestChild];
+ BuildRecord lrecord(current.depth+1);
+ BuildRecord rrecord(current.depth+1);
+ auto split = heuristic.find(brecord.prims,cfg.logBlockSize);
+ heuristic.split(split,brecord.prims,lrecord.prims,rrecord.prims);
+ children[bestChild ] = lrecord;
+ children[numChildren] = rrecord;
+ numChildren++;
+ }
+ /* set barrier for primrefarrayalloc */
+ if (unlikely(current.size() > cfg.primrefarrayalloc))
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
+ children[i].alloc_barrier = children[i].size() <= cfg.primrefarrayalloc;
+ /* sort buildrecords for faster shadow ray traversal */
+ std::sort(&children[0],&children[numChildren],std::greater<BuildRecord>());
+ /*! create an inner node */
+ auto node = createNode(children,numChildren,alloc);
+ /* spawn tasks */
+ if (current.size() > cfg.singleThreadThreshold)
+ {
+ /*! parallel_for is faster than spawing sub-tasks */
+ parallel_for(size_t(0), numChildren, [&] (const range<size_t>& r) { // FIXME: no range here
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ values[i] = recurse(children[i],nullptr,true);
+ _mm_mfence(); // to allow non-temporal stores during build
+ }
+ });
+ return updateNode(current,children,node,values,numChildren);
+ }
+ /* recurse into each child */
+ else
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numChildren; i++)
+ values[i] = recurse(children[i],alloc,false);
+ return updateNode(current,children,node,values,numChildren);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Settings cfg;
+ PrimRef* prims;
+ Heuristic& heuristic;
+ const CreateAllocFunc& createAlloc;
+ const CreateNodeFunc& createNode;
+ const UpdateNodeFunc& updateNode;
+ const CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf;
+ const CanCreateLeafFunc& canCreateLeaf;
+ const CanCreateLeafSplitFunc& canCreateLeafSplit;
+ const ProgressMonitor& progressMonitor;
+ };
+ template<
+ typename ReductionTy,
+ typename Heuristic,
+ typename Set,
+ typename PrimRef,
+ typename CreateAllocFunc,
+ typename CreateNodeFunc,
+ typename UpdateNodeFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename ProgressMonitor>
+ __noinline static ReductionTy build(Heuristic& heuristic,
+ PrimRef* prims,
+ const Set& set,
+ CreateAllocFunc createAlloc,
+ CreateNodeFunc createNode, UpdateNodeFunc updateNode,
+ const CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf,
+ const ProgressMonitor& progressMonitor,
+ const Settings& settings)
+ {
+ typedef BuildRecordT<Set,typename Heuristic::Split> BuildRecord;
+ typedef BuilderT<
+ BuildRecord,
+ Heuristic,
+ Set,
+ PrimRef,
+ ReductionTy,
+ decltype(createAlloc()),
+ CreateAllocFunc,
+ CreateNodeFunc,
+ UpdateNodeFunc,
+ CreateLeafFunc,
+ DefaultCanCreateLeafFunc<PrimRef, Set>,
+ DefaultCanCreateLeafSplitFunc<PrimRef, Set>,
+ ProgressMonitor> Builder;
+ /* instantiate builder */
+ Builder builder(prims,
+ heuristic,
+ createAlloc,
+ createNode,
+ updateNode,
+ createLeaf,
+ DefaultCanCreateLeafFunc<PrimRef, Set>(),
+ DefaultCanCreateLeafSplitFunc<PrimRef, Set>(),
+ progressMonitor,
+ settings);
+ /* build hierarchy */
+ BuildRecord record(1,set);
+ const ReductionTy root = builder.recurse(record,nullptr,true);
+ _mm_mfence(); // to allow non-temporal stores during build
+ return root;
+ }
+ template<
+ typename ReductionTy,
+ typename Heuristic,
+ typename Set,
+ typename PrimRef,
+ typename CreateAllocFunc,
+ typename CreateNodeFunc,
+ typename UpdateNodeFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename CanCreateLeafFunc,
+ typename CanCreateLeafSplitFunc,
+ typename ProgressMonitor>
+ __noinline static ReductionTy build(Heuristic& heuristic,
+ PrimRef* prims,
+ const Set& set,
+ CreateAllocFunc createAlloc,
+ CreateNodeFunc createNode, UpdateNodeFunc updateNode,
+ const CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf,
+ const CanCreateLeafFunc& canCreateLeaf,
+ const CanCreateLeafSplitFunc& canCreateLeafSplit,
+ const ProgressMonitor& progressMonitor,
+ const Settings& settings)
+ {
+ typedef BuildRecordT<Set,typename Heuristic::Split> BuildRecord;
+ typedef BuilderT<
+ BuildRecord,
+ Heuristic,
+ Set,
+ PrimRef,
+ ReductionTy,
+ decltype(createAlloc()),
+ CreateAllocFunc,
+ CreateNodeFunc,
+ UpdateNodeFunc,
+ CreateLeafFunc,
+ CanCreateLeafFunc,
+ CanCreateLeafSplitFunc,
+ ProgressMonitor> Builder;
+ /* instantiate builder */
+ Builder builder(prims,
+ heuristic,
+ createAlloc,
+ createNode,
+ updateNode,
+ createLeaf,
+ canCreateLeaf,
+ canCreateLeafSplit,
+ progressMonitor,
+ settings);
+ /* build hierarchy */
+ BuildRecord record(1,set);
+ const ReductionTy root = builder.recurse(record,nullptr,true);
+ _mm_mfence(); // to allow non-temporal stores during build
+ return root;
+ }
+ };
+ /* SAH builder that operates on an array of BuildRecords */
+ struct BVHBuilderBinnedSAH
+ {
+ typedef PrimInfoRange Set;
+ typedef HeuristicArrayBinningSAH<PrimRef,NUM_OBJECT_BINS> Heuristic;
+ typedef GeneralBVHBuilder::BuildRecordT<Set,typename Heuristic::Split> BuildRecord;
+ typedef GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings Settings;
+ /*! special builder that propagates reduction over the tree */
+ template<
+ typename ReductionTy,
+ typename CreateAllocFunc,
+ typename CreateNodeFunc,
+ typename UpdateNodeFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename ProgressMonitor>
+ static ReductionTy build(CreateAllocFunc createAlloc,
+ CreateNodeFunc createNode, UpdateNodeFunc updateNode,
+ const CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf,
+ const ProgressMonitor& progressMonitor,
+ PrimRef* prims, const PrimInfo& pinfo,
+ const Settings& settings)
+ {
+ Heuristic heuristic(prims);
+ return GeneralBVHBuilder::build<ReductionTy,Heuristic,Set,PrimRef>(
+ heuristic,
+ prims,
+ PrimInfoRange(0,pinfo.size(),pinfo),
+ createAlloc,
+ createNode,
+ updateNode,
+ createLeaf,
+ progressMonitor,
+ settings);
+ }
+ /*! special builder that propagates reduction over the tree */
+ template<
+ typename ReductionTy,
+ typename CreateAllocFunc,
+ typename CreateNodeFunc,
+ typename UpdateNodeFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename CanCreateLeafFunc,
+ typename CanCreateLeafSplitFunc,
+ typename ProgressMonitor>
+ static ReductionTy build(CreateAllocFunc createAlloc,
+ CreateNodeFunc createNode, UpdateNodeFunc updateNode,
+ const CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf,
+ const CanCreateLeafFunc& canCreateLeaf,
+ const CanCreateLeafSplitFunc& canCreateLeafSplit,
+ const ProgressMonitor& progressMonitor,
+ PrimRef* prims, const PrimInfo& pinfo,
+ const Settings& settings)
+ {
+ Heuristic heuristic(prims);
+ return GeneralBVHBuilder::build<ReductionTy,Heuristic,Set,PrimRef>(
+ heuristic,
+ prims,
+ PrimInfoRange(0,pinfo.size(),pinfo),
+ createAlloc,
+ createNode,
+ updateNode,
+ createLeaf,
+ canCreateLeaf,
+ canCreateLeafSplit,
+ progressMonitor,
+ settings);
+ }
+ };
+ /* Spatial SAH builder that operates on an double-buffered array of BuildRecords */
+ struct BVHBuilderBinnedFastSpatialSAH
+ {
+ typedef PrimInfoExtRange Set;
+ typedef Split2<BinSplit<NUM_OBJECT_BINS>,SpatialBinSplit<NUM_SPATIAL_BINS> > Split;
+ typedef GeneralBVHBuilder::BuildRecordT<Set,Split> BuildRecord;
+ typedef GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings Settings;
+ template<typename ReductionTy, typename UserCreateLeaf>
+ struct CreateLeafExt
+ {
+ __forceinline CreateLeafExt (const UserCreateLeaf userCreateLeaf)
+ : userCreateLeaf(userCreateLeaf) {}
+ // __noinline is workaround for ICC2016 compiler bug
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline ReductionTy operator() (PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& range, Allocator alloc) const
+ {
+ for (size_t i=range.begin(); i<range.end(); i++)
+ prims[i].lower.u &= GEOMID_MASK;
+ return userCreateLeaf(prims,range,alloc);
+ }
+ const UserCreateLeaf userCreateLeaf;
+ };
+ /*! special builder that propagates reduction over the tree */
+ template<
+ typename ReductionTy,
+ typename CreateAllocFunc,
+ typename CreateNodeFunc,
+ typename UpdateNodeFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename SplitPrimitiveFunc,
+ typename ProgressMonitor>
+ static ReductionTy build(CreateAllocFunc createAlloc,
+ CreateNodeFunc createNode,
+ UpdateNodeFunc updateNode,
+ const CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf,
+ SplitPrimitiveFunc splitPrimitive,
+ ProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
+ PrimRef* prims,
+ const size_t extSize,
+ const PrimInfo& pinfo,
+ const Settings& settings)
+ {
+ typedef HeuristicArraySpatialSAH<SplitPrimitiveFunc,PrimRef,NUM_OBJECT_BINS,NUM_SPATIAL_BINS> Heuristic;
+ Heuristic heuristic(splitPrimitive,prims,pinfo);
+ /* calculate total surface area */ // FIXME: this sum is not deterministic
+ const float A = (float) parallel_reduce(size_t(0),pinfo.size(),0.0, [&] (const range<size_t>& r) -> double {
+ double A = 0.0f;
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
+ {
+ PrimRef& prim = prims[i];
+ A += area(prim.bounds());
+ }
+ return A;
+ },std::plus<double>());
+ /* calculate maximum number of spatial splits per primitive */
+ const unsigned int maxSplits = ((size_t)1 << RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS)-1;
+ const float f = 10.0f;
+ const float invA = 1.0f / A;
+ parallel_for( size_t(0), pinfo.size(), [&](const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
+ {
+ PrimRef& prim = prims[i];
+ assert((prim.geomID() & SPLITS_MASK) == 0);
+ // FIXME: is there a better general heuristic ?
+ const float nf = ceilf(f*pinfo.size()*area(prim.bounds()) * invA);
+ unsigned int n = 4+min((int)maxSplits-4, max(1, (int)(nf)));
+ prim.lower.u |= n << (32-RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS);
+ }
+ });
+ return GeneralBVHBuilder::build<ReductionTy,Heuristic,Set,PrimRef>(
+ heuristic,
+ prims,
+ PrimInfoExtRange(0,pinfo.size(),extSize,pinfo),
+ createAlloc,
+ createNode,
+ updateNode,
+ CreateLeafExt<ReductionTy,CreateLeafFunc>(createLeaf),
+ progressMonitor,
+ settings);
+ }
+ };
+ /* Open/Merge SAH builder that operates on an array of BuildRecords */
+ struct BVHBuilderBinnedOpenMergeSAH
+ {
+ static const size_t NUM_OBJECT_BINS_HQ = 32;
+ typedef PrimInfoExtRange Set;
+ typedef BinSplit<NUM_OBJECT_BINS_HQ> Split;
+ typedef GeneralBVHBuilder::BuildRecordT<Set,Split> BuildRecord;
+ typedef GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings Settings;
+ /*! special builder that propagates reduction over the tree */
+ template<
+ typename ReductionTy,
+ typename BuildRef,
+ typename CreateAllocFunc,
+ typename CreateNodeFunc,
+ typename UpdateNodeFunc,
+ typename CreateLeafFunc,
+ typename NodeOpenerFunc,
+ typename ProgressMonitor>
+ static ReductionTy build(CreateAllocFunc createAlloc,
+ CreateNodeFunc createNode,
+ UpdateNodeFunc updateNode,
+ const CreateLeafFunc& createLeaf,
+ NodeOpenerFunc nodeOpenerFunc,
+ ProgressMonitor progressMonitor,
+ BuildRef* prims,
+ const size_t extSize,
+ const PrimInfo& pinfo,
+ const Settings& settings)
+ {
+ typedef HeuristicArrayOpenMergeSAH<NodeOpenerFunc,BuildRef,NUM_OBJECT_BINS_HQ> Heuristic;
+ Heuristic heuristic(nodeOpenerFunc,prims,settings.branchingFactor);
+ return GeneralBVHBuilder::build<ReductionTy,Heuristic,Set,BuildRef>(
+ heuristic,
+ prims,
+ PrimInfoExtRange(0,pinfo.size(),extSize,pinfo),
+ createAlloc,
+ createNode,
+ updateNode,
+ createLeaf,
+ progressMonitor,
+ settings);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_binning.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_binning.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ee29d09ac9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_binning.h
@@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "priminfo.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_reduce.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_partition.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! mapping into bins */
+ template<size_t BINS>
+ struct BinMapping
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline BinMapping() {}
+ /*! calculates the mapping */
+ __forceinline BinMapping(size_t N, const BBox3fa& centBounds)
+ {
+ num = min(BINS,size_t(4.0f + 0.05f*N));
+ assert(num >= 1);
+ const vfloat4 eps = 1E-34f;
+ const vfloat4 diag = max(eps, (vfloat4) centBounds.size());
+ scale = select(diag > eps,vfloat4(0.99f*num)/diag,vfloat4(0.0f));
+ ofs = (vfloat4) centBounds.lower;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the mapping */
+ __forceinline BinMapping(const BBox3fa& centBounds)
+ {
+ num = BINS;
+ const vfloat4 eps = 1E-34f;
+ const vfloat4 diag = max(eps, (vfloat4) centBounds.size());
+ scale = select(diag > eps,vfloat4(0.99f*num)/diag,vfloat4(0.0f));
+ ofs = (vfloat4) centBounds.lower;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the mapping */
+ template<typename PrimInfo>
+ __forceinline BinMapping(const PrimInfo& pinfo)
+ {
+ const vfloat4 eps = 1E-34f;
+ num = min(BINS,size_t(4.0f + 0.05f*pinfo.size()));
+ const vfloat4 diag = max(eps,(vfloat4) pinfo.centBounds.size());
+ scale = select(diag > eps,vfloat4(0.99f*num)/diag,vfloat4(0.0f));
+ ofs = (vfloat4) pinfo.centBounds.lower;
+ }
+ /*! returns number of bins */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const { return num; }
+ /*! slower but safe binning */
+ __forceinline Vec3ia bin(const Vec3fa& p) const
+ {
+ const vint4 i = floori((vfloat4(p)-ofs)*scale);
+#if 1
+ assert(i[0] >= 0 && (size_t)i[0] < num);
+ assert(i[1] >= 0 && (size_t)i[1] < num);
+ assert(i[2] >= 0 && (size_t)i[2] < num);
+ return Vec3ia(i);
+ return Vec3ia(clamp(i,vint4(0),vint4(num-1)));
+ }
+ /*! faster but unsafe binning */
+ __forceinline Vec3ia bin_unsafe(const Vec3fa& p) const {
+ return Vec3ia(floori((vfloat4(p)-ofs)*scale));
+ }
+ /*! faster but unsafe binning */
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline Vec3ia bin_unsafe(const PrimRef& p) const {
+ return bin_unsafe(p.binCenter());
+ }
+ /*! faster but unsafe binning */
+ template<typename PrimRef, typename BinBoundsAndCenter>
+ __forceinline Vec3ia bin_unsafe(const PrimRef& p, const BinBoundsAndCenter& binBoundsAndCenter) const {
+ return bin_unsafe(binBoundsAndCenter.binCenter(p));
+ }
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline bool bin_unsafe(const PrimRef& ref,
+ const vint4& vSplitPos,
+ const vbool4& splitDimMask) const // FIXME: rename to isLeft
+ {
+ return any(((vint4)bin_unsafe(center2(ref.bounds())) < vSplitPos) & splitDimMask);
+ }
+ /*! calculates left spatial position of bin */
+ __forceinline float pos(const size_t bin, const size_t dim) const {
+ return madd(float(bin),1.0f / scale[dim],ofs[dim]);
+ }
+ /*! returns true if the mapping is invalid in some dimension */
+ __forceinline bool invalid(const size_t dim) const {
+ return scale[dim] == 0.0f;
+ }
+ /*! stream output */
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const BinMapping& mapping) {
+ return cout << "BinMapping { num = " << mapping.num << ", ofs = " << mapping.ofs << ", scale = " << mapping.scale << "}";
+ }
+ public:
+ size_t num;
+ vfloat4 ofs,scale; //!< linear function that maps to bin ID
+ };
+ /*! stores all information to perform some split */
+ template<size_t BINS>
+ struct BinSplit
+ {
+ enum
+ {
+ SPLIT_ENFORCE = 2, // splits with larger ID are enforced in createLargeLeaf even if we could create a leaf already
+ };
+ /*! construct an invalid split by default */
+ __forceinline BinSplit()
+ : sah(inf), dim(-1), pos(0), data(0) {}
+ __forceinline BinSplit(float sah, unsigned data, int dim = 0, float fpos = 0)
+ : sah(sah), dim(dim), fpos(fpos), data(data) {}
+ /*! constructs specified split */
+ __forceinline BinSplit(float sah, int dim, int pos, const BinMapping<BINS>& mapping)
+ : sah(sah), dim(dim), pos(pos), data(0), mapping(mapping) {}
+ /*! tests if this split is valid */
+ __forceinline bool valid() const { return dim != -1; }
+ /*! calculates surface area heuristic for performing the split */
+ __forceinline float splitSAH() const { return sah; }
+ /*! stream output */
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const BinSplit& split) {
+ return cout << "BinSplit { sah = " << split.sah << ", dim = " << split.dim << ", pos = " << split.pos << "}";
+ }
+ public:
+ float sah; //!< SAH cost of the split
+ int dim; //!< split dimension
+ union { int pos; float fpos; }; //!< bin index for splitting
+ unsigned int data; //!< extra optional split data
+ BinMapping<BINS> mapping; //!< mapping into bins
+ };
+ /*! stores extended information about the split */
+ template<typename BBox>
+ struct SplitInfoT
+ {
+ __forceinline SplitInfoT () {}
+ __forceinline SplitInfoT (size_t leftCount, const BBox& leftBounds, size_t rightCount, const BBox& rightBounds)
+ : leftCount(leftCount), rightCount(rightCount), leftBounds(leftBounds), rightBounds(rightBounds) {}
+ public:
+ size_t leftCount,rightCount;
+ BBox leftBounds,rightBounds;
+ };
+ typedef SplitInfoT<BBox3fa> SplitInfo;
+ typedef SplitInfoT<LBBox3fa> SplitInfo2;
+ /*! stores all binning information */
+ template<size_t BINS, typename PrimRef, typename BBox>
+ struct __aligned(64) BinInfoT
+ {
+ typedef BinSplit<BINS> Split;
+ typedef vbool4 vbool;
+ typedef vint4 vint;
+ typedef vfloat4 vfloat;
+ __forceinline BinInfoT() {
+ }
+ __forceinline BinInfoT(EmptyTy) {
+ clear();
+ }
+ /*! bin access function */
+ __forceinline BBox &bounds(const size_t binID, const size_t dimID) { return _bounds[binID][dimID]; }
+ __forceinline const BBox &bounds(const size_t binID, const size_t dimID) const { return _bounds[binID][dimID]; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int &counts(const size_t binID, const size_t dimID) { return _counts[binID][dimID]; }
+ __forceinline const unsigned int &counts(const size_t binID, const size_t dimID) const { return _counts[binID][dimID]; }
+ __forceinline vuint4 &counts(const size_t binID) { return _counts[binID]; }
+ __forceinline const vuint4 &counts(const size_t binID) const { return _counts[binID]; }
+ /*! clears the bin info */
+ __forceinline void clear()
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<BINS; i++) {
+ bounds(i,0) = bounds(i,1) = bounds(i,2) = empty;
+ counts(i) = vuint4(zero);
+ }
+ }
+ /*! bins an array of primitives */
+ __forceinline void bin (const PrimRef* prims, size_t N, const BinMapping<BINS>& mapping)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(N == 0)) return;
+ size_t i;
+ for (i=0; i<N-1; i+=2)
+ {
+ /*! map even and odd primitive to bin */
+ BBox prim0; Vec3fa center0;
+ prims[i+0].binBoundsAndCenter(prim0,center0);
+ const vint4 bin0 = (vint4)mapping.bin(center0);
+ BBox prim1; Vec3fa center1;
+ prims[i+1].binBoundsAndCenter(prim1,center1);
+ const vint4 bin1 = (vint4)mapping.bin(center1);
+ /*! increase bounds for bins for even primitive */
+ const unsigned int b00 = extract<0>(bin0); bounds(b00,0).extend(prim0);
+ const unsigned int b01 = extract<1>(bin0); bounds(b01,1).extend(prim0);
+ const unsigned int b02 = extract<2>(bin0); bounds(b02,2).extend(prim0);
+ const unsigned int s0 = (unsigned int)prims[i+0].size();
+ counts(b00,0)+=s0;
+ counts(b01,1)+=s0;
+ counts(b02,2)+=s0;
+ /*! increase bounds of bins for odd primitive */
+ const unsigned int b10 = extract<0>(bin1); bounds(b10,0).extend(prim1);
+ const unsigned int b11 = extract<1>(bin1); bounds(b11,1).extend(prim1);
+ const unsigned int b12 = extract<2>(bin1); bounds(b12,2).extend(prim1);
+ const unsigned int s1 = (unsigned int)prims[i+1].size();
+ counts(b10,0)+=s1;
+ counts(b11,1)+=s1;
+ counts(b12,2)+=s1;
+ }
+ /*! for uneven number of primitives */
+ if (i < N)
+ {
+ /*! map primitive to bin */
+ BBox prim0; Vec3fa center0;
+ prims[i].binBoundsAndCenter(prim0,center0);
+ const vint4 bin0 = (vint4)mapping.bin(center0);
+ /*! increase bounds of bins */
+ const unsigned int s0 = (unsigned int)prims[i].size();
+ const int b00 = extract<0>(bin0); counts(b00,0)+=s0; bounds(b00,0).extend(prim0);
+ const int b01 = extract<1>(bin0); counts(b01,1)+=s0; bounds(b01,1).extend(prim0);
+ const int b02 = extract<2>(bin0); counts(b02,2)+=s0; bounds(b02,2).extend(prim0);
+ }
+ }
+ /*! bins an array of primitives */
+ template<typename BinBoundsAndCenter>
+ __forceinline void bin (const PrimRef* prims, size_t N, const BinMapping<BINS>& mapping, const BinBoundsAndCenter& binBoundsAndCenter)
+ {
+ if (N == 0) return;
+ size_t i;
+ for (i=0; i<N-1; i+=2)
+ {
+ /*! map even and odd primitive to bin */
+ BBox prim0; Vec3fa center0; binBoundsAndCenter.binBoundsAndCenter(prims[i+0],prim0,center0);
+ const vint4 bin0 = (vint4)mapping.bin(center0);
+ BBox prim1; Vec3fa center1; binBoundsAndCenter.binBoundsAndCenter(prims[i+1],prim1,center1);
+ const vint4 bin1 = (vint4)mapping.bin(center1);
+ /*! increase bounds for bins for even primitive */
+ const unsigned int s0 = prims[i+0].size();
+ const int b00 = extract<0>(bin0); counts(b00,0)+=s0; bounds(b00,0).extend(prim0);
+ const int b01 = extract<1>(bin0); counts(b01,1)+=s0; bounds(b01,1).extend(prim0);
+ const int b02 = extract<2>(bin0); counts(b02,2)+=s0; bounds(b02,2).extend(prim0);
+ /*! increase bounds of bins for odd primitive */
+ const unsigned int s1 = prims[i+1].size();
+ const int b10 = extract<0>(bin1); counts(b10,0)+=s1; bounds(b10,0).extend(prim1);
+ const int b11 = extract<1>(bin1); counts(b11,1)+=s1; bounds(b11,1).extend(prim1);
+ const int b12 = extract<2>(bin1); counts(b12,2)+=s1; bounds(b12,2).extend(prim1);
+ }
+ /*! for uneven number of primitives */
+ if (i < N)
+ {
+ /*! map primitive to bin */
+ BBox prim0; Vec3fa center0; binBoundsAndCenter.binBoundsAndCenter(prims[i+0],prim0,center0);
+ const vint4 bin0 = (vint4)mapping.bin(center0);
+ /*! increase bounds of bins */
+ const unsigned int s0 = prims[i+0].size();
+ const int b00 = extract<0>(bin0); counts(b00,0)+=s0; bounds(b00,0).extend(prim0);
+ const int b01 = extract<1>(bin0); counts(b01,1)+=s0; bounds(b01,1).extend(prim0);
+ const int b02 = extract<2>(bin0); counts(b02,2)+=s0; bounds(b02,2).extend(prim0);
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline void bin(const PrimRef* prims, size_t begin, size_t end, const BinMapping<BINS>& mapping) {
+ bin(prims+begin,end-begin,mapping);
+ }
+ template<typename BinBoundsAndCenter>
+ __forceinline void bin(const PrimRef* prims, size_t begin, size_t end, const BinMapping<BINS>& mapping, const BinBoundsAndCenter& binBoundsAndCenter) {
+ bin<BinBoundsAndCenter>(prims+begin,end-begin,mapping,binBoundsAndCenter);
+ }
+ /*! merges in other binning information */
+ __forceinline void merge (const BinInfoT& other, size_t numBins)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numBins; i++)
+ {
+ counts(i) += other.counts(i);
+ bounds(i,0).extend(other.bounds(i,0));
+ bounds(i,1).extend(other.bounds(i,1));
+ bounds(i,2).extend(other.bounds(i,2));
+ }
+ }
+ /*! reduces binning information */
+ static __forceinline const BinInfoT reduce (const BinInfoT& a, const BinInfoT& b, const size_t numBins = BINS)
+ {
+ BinInfoT c;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numBins; i++)
+ {
+ c.counts(i) = a.counts(i)+b.counts(i);
+ c.bounds(i,0) = embree::merge(a.bounds(i,0),b.bounds(i,0));
+ c.bounds(i,1) = embree::merge(a.bounds(i,1),b.bounds(i,1));
+ c.bounds(i,2) = embree::merge(a.bounds(i,2),b.bounds(i,2));
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ /*! finds the best split by scanning binning information */
+ __forceinline Split best(const BinMapping<BINS>& mapping, const size_t blocks_shift) const
+ {
+ /* sweep from right to left and compute parallel prefix of merged bounds */
+ vfloat4 rAreas[BINS];
+ vuint4 rCounts[BINS];
+ vuint4 count = 0; BBox bx = empty; BBox by = empty; BBox bz = empty;
+ for (size_t i=mapping.size()-1; i>0; i--)
+ {
+ count += counts(i);
+ rCounts[i] = count;
+ bx.extend(bounds(i,0)); rAreas[i][0] = expectedApproxHalfArea(bx);
+ by.extend(bounds(i,1)); rAreas[i][1] = expectedApproxHalfArea(by);
+ bz.extend(bounds(i,2)); rAreas[i][2] = expectedApproxHalfArea(bz);
+ rAreas[i][3] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ /* sweep from left to right and compute SAH */
+ vuint4 blocks_add = (1 << blocks_shift)-1;
+ vuint4 ii = 1; vfloat4 vbestSAH = pos_inf; vuint4 vbestPos = 0;
+ count = 0; bx = empty; by = empty; bz = empty;
+ for (size_t i=1; i<mapping.size(); i++, ii+=1)
+ {
+ count += counts(i-1);
+ bx.extend(bounds(i-1,0)); float Ax = expectedApproxHalfArea(bx);
+ by.extend(bounds(i-1,1)); float Ay = expectedApproxHalfArea(by);
+ bz.extend(bounds(i-1,2)); float Az = expectedApproxHalfArea(bz);
+ const vfloat4 lArea = vfloat4(Ax,Ay,Az,Az);
+ const vfloat4 rArea = rAreas[i];
+ const vuint4 lCount = (count +blocks_add) >> (unsigned int)(blocks_shift); // if blocks_shift >=1 then lCount < 4B and could be represented with an vint4, which would allow for faster vfloat4 conversions.
+ const vuint4 rCount = (rCounts[i]+blocks_add) >> (unsigned int)(blocks_shift);
+ const vfloat4 sah = madd(lArea,vfloat4(lCount),rArea*vfloat4(rCount));
+ //const vfloat4 sah = madd(lArea,vfloat4(vint4(lCount)),rArea*vfloat4(vint4(rCount)));
+ vbestPos = select(sah < vbestSAH,ii ,vbestPos);
+ vbestSAH = select(sah < vbestSAH,sah,vbestSAH);
+ }
+ /* find best dimension */
+ float bestSAH = inf;
+ int bestDim = -1;
+ int bestPos = 0;
+ for (int dim=0; dim<3; dim++)
+ {
+ /* ignore zero sized dimensions */
+ if (unlikely(mapping.invalid(dim)))
+ continue;
+ /* test if this is a better dimension */
+ if (vbestSAH[dim] < bestSAH && vbestPos[dim] != 0) {
+ bestDim = dim;
+ bestPos = vbestPos[dim];
+ bestSAH = vbestSAH[dim];
+ }
+ }
+ return Split(bestSAH,bestDim,bestPos,mapping);
+ }
+ /*! calculates extended split information */
+ __forceinline void getSplitInfo(const BinMapping<BINS>& mapping, const Split& split, SplitInfoT<BBox>& info) const
+ {
+ if (split.dim == -1) {
+ new (&info) SplitInfoT<BBox>(0,empty,0,empty);
+ return;
+ }
+ size_t leftCount = 0;
+ BBox leftBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<(size_t)split.pos; i++) {
+ leftCount += counts(i,split.dim);
+ leftBounds.extend(bounds(i,split.dim));
+ }
+ size_t rightCount = 0;
+ BBox rightBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=split.pos; i<mapping.size(); i++) {
+ rightCount += counts(i,split.dim);
+ rightBounds.extend(bounds(i,split.dim));
+ }
+ new (&info) SplitInfoT<BBox>(leftCount,leftBounds,rightCount,rightBounds);
+ }
+ /*! gets the number of primitives left of the split */
+ __forceinline size_t getLeftCount(const BinMapping<BINS>& mapping, const Split& split) const
+ {
+ if (unlikely(split.dim == -1)) return -1;
+ size_t leftCount = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t)split.pos; i++) {
+ leftCount += counts(i, split.dim);
+ }
+ return leftCount;
+ }
+ /*! gets the number of primitives right of the split */
+ __forceinline size_t getRightCount(const BinMapping<BINS>& mapping, const Split& split) const
+ {
+ if (unlikely(split.dim == -1)) return -1;
+ size_t rightCount = 0;
+ for (size_t i = (size_t)split.pos; i<mapping.size(); i++) {
+ rightCount += counts(i, split.dim);
+ }
+ return rightCount;
+ }
+ private:
+ BBox _bounds[BINS][3]; //!< geometry bounds for each bin in each dimension
+ vuint4 _counts[BINS]; //!< counts number of primitives that map into the bins
+ };
+ }
+ template<typename BinInfoT, typename BinMapping, typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void bin_parallel(BinInfoT& binner, const PrimRef* prims, size_t begin, size_t end, size_t blockSize, size_t parallelThreshold, const BinMapping& mapping)
+ {
+ if (likely(end-begin < parallelThreshold)) {
+ binner.bin(prims,begin,end,mapping);
+ } else {
+ binner = parallel_reduce(begin,end,blockSize,binner,
+ [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> BinInfoT { BinInfoT binner(empty); binner.bin(prims + r.begin(), r.size(), mapping); return binner; },
+ [&](const BinInfoT& b0, const BinInfoT& b1) -> BinInfoT { BinInfoT r = b0; r.merge(b1, mapping.size()); return r; });
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename BinBoundsAndCenter, typename BinInfoT, typename BinMapping, typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void bin_parallel(BinInfoT& binner, const PrimRef* prims, size_t begin, size_t end, size_t blockSize, size_t parallelThreshold, const BinMapping& mapping, const BinBoundsAndCenter& binBoundsAndCenter)
+ {
+ if (likely(end-begin < parallelThreshold)) {
+ binner.bin(prims,begin,end,mapping,binBoundsAndCenter);
+ } else {
+ binner = parallel_reduce(begin,end,blockSize,binner,
+ [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> BinInfoT { BinInfoT binner(empty); binner.bin(prims + r.begin(), r.size(), mapping, binBoundsAndCenter); return binner; },
+ [&](const BinInfoT& b0, const BinInfoT& b1) -> BinInfoT { BinInfoT r = b0; r.merge(b1, mapping.size()); return r; });
+ }
+ }
+ template<bool parallel, typename BinInfoT, typename BinMapping, typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void bin_serial_or_parallel(BinInfoT& binner, const PrimRef* prims, size_t begin, size_t end, size_t blockSize, const BinMapping& mapping)
+ {
+ if (!parallel) {
+ binner.bin(prims,begin,end,mapping);
+ } else {
+ binner = parallel_reduce(begin,end,blockSize,binner,
+ [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> BinInfoT { BinInfoT binner(empty); binner.bin(prims + r.begin(), r.size(), mapping); return binner; },
+ [&](const BinInfoT& b0, const BinInfoT& b1) -> BinInfoT { BinInfoT r = b0; r.merge(b1, mapping.size()); return r; });
+ }
+ }
+ template<bool parallel, typename BinBoundsAndCenter, typename BinInfoT, typename BinMapping, typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void bin_serial_or_parallel(BinInfoT& binner, const PrimRef* prims, size_t begin, size_t end, size_t blockSize, const BinMapping& mapping, const BinBoundsAndCenter& binBoundsAndCenter)
+ {
+ if (!parallel) {
+ binner.bin(prims,begin,end,mapping,binBoundsAndCenter);
+ } else {
+ binner = parallel_reduce(begin,end,blockSize,binner,
+ [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> BinInfoT { BinInfoT binner(empty); binner.bin(prims + r.begin(), r.size(), mapping, binBoundsAndCenter); return binner; },
+ [&](const BinInfoT& b0, const BinInfoT& b1) -> BinInfoT { BinInfoT r = b0; r.merge(b1, mapping.size()); return r; });
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_binning_array_aligned.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_binning_array_aligned.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab3b97efb9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_binning_array_aligned.h
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "heuristic_binning.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct PrimInfoRange : public CentGeomBBox3fa, public range<size_t>
+ {
+ __forceinline PrimInfoRange () {
+ }
+ __forceinline PrimInfoRange(const PrimInfo& pinfo)
+ : CentGeomBBox3fa(pinfo), range<size_t>(pinfo.begin,pinfo.end) {}
+ __forceinline PrimInfoRange(EmptyTy)
+ : CentGeomBBox3fa(EmptyTy()), range<size_t>(0,0) {}
+ __forceinline PrimInfoRange (size_t begin, size_t end, const CentGeomBBox3fa& centGeomBounds)
+ : CentGeomBBox3fa(centGeomBounds), range<size_t>(begin,end) {}
+ __forceinline float leafSAH() const {
+ return expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds)*float(size());
+ }
+ __forceinline float leafSAH(size_t block_shift) const {
+ return expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds)*float((size()+(size_t(1)<<block_shift)-1) >> block_shift);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Performs standard object binning */
+ template<typename PrimRef, size_t BINS>
+ struct HeuristicArrayBinningSAH
+ {
+ typedef BinSplit<BINS> Split;
+ typedef BinInfoT<BINS,PrimRef,BBox3fa> Binner;
+ typedef range<size_t> Set;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_THRESHOLD = 3 * 1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_PARTITION_BLOCK_SIZE = 128;
+ __forceinline HeuristicArrayBinningSAH ()
+ : prims(nullptr) {}
+ /*! remember prim array */
+ __forceinline HeuristicArrayBinningSAH (PrimRef* prims)
+ : prims(prims) {}
+ /*! finds the best split */
+ __noinline const Split find(const PrimInfoRange& pinfo, const size_t logBlockSize)
+ {
+ if (likely(pinfo.size() < PARALLEL_THRESHOLD))
+ return find_template<false>(pinfo,logBlockSize);
+ else
+ return find_template<true>(pinfo,logBlockSize);
+ }
+ template<bool parallel>
+ __forceinline const Split find_template(const PrimInfoRange& pinfo, const size_t logBlockSize)
+ {
+ Binner binner(empty);
+ const BinMapping<BINS> mapping(pinfo);
+ bin_serial_or_parallel<parallel>(binner,prims,pinfo.begin(),pinfo.end(),PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE,mapping);
+ return,logBlockSize);
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ __forceinline void split(const Split& split, const PrimInfoRange& pinfo, PrimInfoRange& linfo, PrimInfoRange& rinfo)
+ {
+ if (likely(pinfo.size() < PARALLEL_THRESHOLD))
+ split_template<false>(split,pinfo,linfo,rinfo);
+ else
+ split_template<true>(split,pinfo,linfo,rinfo);
+ }
+ template<bool parallel>
+ __forceinline void split_template(const Split& split, const PrimInfoRange& set, PrimInfoRange& lset, PrimInfoRange& rset)
+ {
+ if (!split.valid()) {
+ deterministic_order(set);
+ return splitFallback(set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ CentGeomBBox3fa local_left(empty);
+ CentGeomBBox3fa local_right(empty);
+ const unsigned int splitPos = split.pos;
+ const unsigned int splitDim = split.dim;
+ const unsigned int splitDimMask = (unsigned int)1 << splitDim;
+ const typename Binner::vint vSplitPos(splitPos);
+ const typename Binner::vbool vSplitMask(splitDimMask);
+ auto isLeft = [&] (const PrimRef &ref) { return split.mapping.bin_unsafe(ref,vSplitPos,vSplitMask); };
+ size_t center = 0;
+ if (!parallel)
+ center = serial_partitioning(prims,begin,end,local_left,local_right,isLeft,
+ [] (CentGeomBBox3fa& pinfo,const PrimRef& ref) { pinfo.extend_center2(ref); });
+ else
+ center = parallel_partitioning(
+ prims,begin,end,EmptyTy(),local_left,local_right,isLeft,
+ [] (CentGeomBBox3fa& pinfo,const PrimRef& ref) { pinfo.extend_center2(ref); },
+ [] (CentGeomBBox3fa& pinfo0,const CentGeomBBox3fa& pinfo1) { pinfo0.merge(pinfo1); },
+ new (&lset) PrimInfoRange(begin,center,local_left);
+ new (&rset) PrimInfoRange(center,end,local_right);
+ assert(area(lset.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ assert(area(rset.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ }
+ void deterministic_order(const PrimInfoRange& pinfo)
+ {
+ /* required as parallel partition destroys original primitive order */
+ std::sort(&prims[pinfo.begin()],&prims[pinfo.end()]);
+ }
+ void splitFallback(const PrimInfoRange& pinfo, PrimInfoRange& linfo, PrimInfoRange& rinfo)
+ {
+ const size_t begin = pinfo.begin();
+ const size_t end = pinfo.end();
+ const size_t center = (begin + end)/2;
+ CentGeomBBox3fa left(empty);
+ for (size_t i=begin; i<center; i++)
+ left.extend_center2(prims[i]);
+ new (&linfo) PrimInfoRange(begin,center,left);
+ CentGeomBBox3fa right(empty);
+ for (size_t i=center; i<end; i++)
+ right.extend_center2(prims[i]);
+ new (&rinfo) PrimInfoRange(center,end,right);
+ }
+ void splitByGeometry(const range<size_t>& range, PrimInfoRange& linfo, PrimInfoRange& rinfo)
+ {
+ assert(range.size() > 1);
+ CentGeomBBox3fa left(empty);
+ CentGeomBBox3fa right(empty);
+ unsigned int geomID = prims[range.begin()].geomID();
+ size_t center = serial_partitioning(prims,range.begin(),range.end(),left,right,
+ [&] ( const PrimRef& prim ) { return prim.geomID() == geomID; },
+ [ ] ( CentGeomBBox3fa& a, const PrimRef& ref ) { a.extend_center2(ref); });
+ new (&linfo) PrimInfoRange(range.begin(),center,left);
+ new (&rinfo) PrimInfoRange(center,range.end(),right);
+ }
+ private:
+ PrimRef* const prims;
+ };
+ /*! Performs standard object binning */
+ template<typename PrimRefMB, size_t BINS>
+ struct HeuristicArrayBinningMB
+ {
+ typedef BinSplit<BINS> Split;
+ typedef typename PrimRefMB::BBox BBox;
+ typedef BinInfoT<BINS,PrimRefMB,BBox> ObjectBinner;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_THRESHOLD = 3 * 1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_PARTITION_BLOCK_SIZE = 128;
+ /*! finds the best split */
+ const Split find(const SetMB& set, const size_t logBlockSize)
+ {
+ ObjectBinner binner(empty);
+ const BinMapping<BINS> mapping(set.size(),set.centBounds);
+ bin_parallel(binner,set.prims->data(),set.begin(),set.end(),PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE,PARALLEL_THRESHOLD,mapping);
+ Split osplit =,logBlockSize);
+ osplit.sah *= set.time_range.size();
+ if (!osplit.valid()) = Split::SPLIT_FALLBACK; // use fallback split
+ return osplit;
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ __forceinline void split(const Split& split, const SetMB& set, SetMB& lset, SetMB& rset)
+ {
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ PrimInfoMB left = empty;
+ PrimInfoMB right = empty;
+ const vint4 vSplitPos(split.pos);
+ const vbool4 vSplitMask(1 << split.dim);
+ auto isLeft = [&] (const PrimRefMB &ref) { return any(((vint4)split.mapping.bin_unsafe(ref) < vSplitPos) & vSplitMask); };
+ auto reduction = [] (PrimInfoMB& pinfo, const PrimRefMB& ref) { pinfo.add_primref(ref); };
+ auto reduction2 = [] (PrimInfoMB& pinfo0,const PrimInfoMB& pinfo1) { pinfo0.merge(pinfo1); };
+ size_t center = parallel_partitioning(set.prims->data(),begin,end,EmptyTy(),left,right,isLeft,reduction,reduction2,PARALLEL_PARTITION_BLOCK_SIZE,PARALLEL_THRESHOLD);
+ new (&lset) SetMB(left, set.prims,range<size_t>(begin,center),set.time_range);
+ new (&rset) SetMB(right,set.prims,range<size_t>(center,end ),set.time_range);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_binning_array_unaligned.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_binning_array_unaligned.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34a7f121bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_binning_array_unaligned.h
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "heuristic_binning.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! Performs standard object binning */
+ template<typename PrimRef, size_t BINS>
+ struct UnalignedHeuristicArrayBinningSAH
+ {
+ typedef BinSplit<BINS> Split;
+ typedef BinInfoT<BINS,PrimRef,BBox3fa> Binner;
+ typedef range<size_t> Set;
+ __forceinline UnalignedHeuristicArrayBinningSAH () // FIXME: required?
+ : scene(nullptr), prims(nullptr) {}
+ /*! remember prim array */
+ __forceinline UnalignedHeuristicArrayBinningSAH (Scene* scene, PrimRef* prims)
+ : scene(scene), prims(prims) {}
+ const LinearSpace3fa computeAlignedSpace(const range<size_t>& set)
+ {
+ Vec3fa axis(0,0,1);
+ uint64_t bestGeomPrimID = -1;
+ /*! find curve with minimum ID that defines valid direction */
+ for (size_t i=set.begin(); i<set.end(); i++)
+ {
+ const unsigned int geomID = prims[i].geomID();
+ const unsigned int primID = prims[i].primID();
+ const uint64_t geomprimID = prims[i].ID64();
+ if (geomprimID >= bestGeomPrimID) continue;
+ const Vec3fa axis1 = scene->get(geomID)->computeDirection(primID);
+ if (sqr_length(axis1) > 1E-18f) {
+ axis = normalize(axis1);
+ bestGeomPrimID = geomprimID;
+ }
+ }
+ return frame(axis).transposed();
+ }
+ const PrimInfo computePrimInfo(const range<size_t>& set, const LinearSpace3fa& space)
+ {
+ auto computeBounds = [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> CentGeomBBox3fa
+ {
+ CentGeomBBox3fa bounds(empty);
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ Geometry* mesh = scene->get(prims[i].geomID());
+ bounds.extend(mesh->vbounds(space,prims[i].primID()));
+ }
+ return bounds;
+ };
+ const CentGeomBBox3fa bounds = parallel_reduce(set.begin(), set.end(), size_t(1024), size_t(4096),
+ CentGeomBBox3fa(empty), computeBounds, CentGeomBBox3fa::merge2);
+ return PrimInfo(set.begin(),set.end(),bounds);
+ }
+ struct BinBoundsAndCenter
+ {
+ __forceinline BinBoundsAndCenter(Scene* scene, const LinearSpace3fa& space)
+ : scene(scene), space(space) {}
+ /*! returns center for binning */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa binCenter(const PrimRef& ref) const
+ {
+ Geometry* mesh = (Geometry*) scene->get(ref.geomID());
+ BBox3fa bounds = mesh->vbounds(space,ref.primID());
+ return embree::center2(bounds);
+ }
+ /*! returns bounds and centroid used for binning */
+ __forceinline void binBoundsAndCenter(const PrimRef& ref, BBox3fa& bounds_o, Vec3fa& center_o) const
+ {
+ Geometry* mesh = (Geometry*) scene->get(ref.geomID());
+ BBox3fa bounds = mesh->vbounds(space,ref.primID());
+ bounds_o = bounds;
+ center_o = embree::center2(bounds);
+ }
+ private:
+ Scene* scene;
+ const LinearSpace3fa space;
+ };
+ /*! finds the best split */
+ __forceinline const Split find(const PrimInfoRange& pinfo, const size_t logBlockSize, const LinearSpace3fa& space)
+ {
+ if (likely(pinfo.size() < 10000))
+ return find_template<false>(pinfo,logBlockSize,space);
+ else
+ return find_template<true>(pinfo,logBlockSize,space);
+ }
+ /*! finds the best split */
+ template<bool parallel>
+ const Split find_template(const PrimInfoRange& set, const size_t logBlockSize, const LinearSpace3fa& space)
+ {
+ Binner binner(empty);
+ const BinMapping<BINS> mapping(set);
+ BinBoundsAndCenter binBoundsAndCenter(scene,space);
+ bin_serial_or_parallel<parallel>(binner,prims,set.begin(),set.end(),size_t(4096),mapping,binBoundsAndCenter);
+ return,logBlockSize);
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ __forceinline void split(const Split& split, const LinearSpace3fa& space, const Set& set, PrimInfoRange& lset, PrimInfoRange& rset)
+ {
+ if (likely(set.size() < 10000))
+ split_template<false>(split,space,set,lset,rset);
+ else
+ split_template<true>(split,space,set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ template<bool parallel>
+ __forceinline void split_template(const Split& split, const LinearSpace3fa& space, const Set& set, PrimInfoRange& lset, PrimInfoRange& rset)
+ {
+ if (!split.valid()) {
+ deterministic_order(set);
+ return splitFallback(set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ CentGeomBBox3fa local_left(empty);
+ CentGeomBBox3fa local_right(empty);
+ const int splitPos = split.pos;
+ const int splitDim = split.dim;
+ BinBoundsAndCenter binBoundsAndCenter(scene,space);
+ size_t center = 0;
+ if (likely(set.size() < 10000))
+ center = serial_partitioning(prims,begin,end,local_left,local_right,
+ [&] (const PrimRef& ref) { return split.mapping.bin_unsafe(ref,binBoundsAndCenter)[splitDim] < splitPos; },
+ [] (CentGeomBBox3fa& pinfo,const PrimRef& ref) { pinfo.extend_center2(ref); });
+ else
+ center = parallel_partitioning(prims,begin,end,EmptyTy(),local_left,local_right,
+ [&] (const PrimRef& ref) { return split.mapping.bin_unsafe(ref,binBoundsAndCenter)[splitDim] < splitPos; },
+ [] (CentGeomBBox3fa& pinfo,const PrimRef& ref) { pinfo.extend_center2(ref); },
+ [] (CentGeomBBox3fa& pinfo0,const CentGeomBBox3fa& pinfo1) { pinfo0.merge(pinfo1); },
+ 128);
+ new (&lset) PrimInfoRange(begin,center,local_left);
+ new (&rset) PrimInfoRange(center,end,local_right);
+ assert(area(lset.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ assert(area(rset.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ }
+ void deterministic_order(const range<size_t>& set)
+ {
+ /* required as parallel partition destroys original primitive order */
+ std::sort(&prims[set.begin()],&prims[set.end()]);
+ }
+ void splitFallback(const range<size_t>& set, PrimInfoRange& lset, PrimInfoRange& rset)
+ {
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ const size_t center = (begin + end)/2;
+ CentGeomBBox3fa left(empty);
+ for (size_t i=begin; i<center; i++)
+ left.extend_center2(prims[i]);
+ new (&lset) PrimInfoRange(begin,center,left);
+ CentGeomBBox3fa right(empty);
+ for (size_t i=center; i<end; i++)
+ right.extend_center2(prims[i]);
+ new (&rset) PrimInfoRange(center,end,right);
+ }
+ private:
+ Scene* const scene;
+ PrimRef* const prims;
+ };
+ /*! Performs standard object binning */
+ template<typename PrimRefMB, size_t BINS>
+ struct UnalignedHeuristicArrayBinningMB
+ {
+ typedef BinSplit<BINS> Split;
+ typedef typename PrimRefMB::BBox BBox;
+ typedef BinInfoT<BINS,PrimRefMB,BBox> ObjectBinner;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_THRESHOLD = 3 * 1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_PARTITION_BLOCK_SIZE = 128;
+ UnalignedHeuristicArrayBinningMB(Scene* scene)
+ : scene(scene) {}
+ const LinearSpace3fa computeAlignedSpaceMB(Scene* scene, const SetMB& set)
+ {
+ Vec3fa axis0(0,0,1);
+ uint64_t bestGeomPrimID = -1;
+ /*! find curve with minimum ID that defines valid direction */
+ for (size_t i=set.begin(); i<set.end(); i++)
+ {
+ const PrimRefMB& prim = (*set.prims)[i];
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID();
+ const uint64_t geomprimID = prim.ID64();
+ if (geomprimID >= bestGeomPrimID) continue;
+ const Geometry* mesh = scene->get(geomID);
+ const range<int> tbounds = mesh->timeSegmentRange(set.time_range);
+ if (tbounds.size() == 0) continue;
+ const size_t t = (tbounds.begin()+tbounds.end())/2;
+ const Vec3fa axis1 = mesh->computeDirection(primID,t);
+ if (sqr_length(axis1) > 1E-18f) {
+ axis0 = normalize(axis1);
+ bestGeomPrimID = geomprimID;
+ }
+ }
+ return frame(axis0).transposed();
+ }
+ struct BinBoundsAndCenter
+ {
+ __forceinline BinBoundsAndCenter(Scene* scene, BBox1f time_range, const LinearSpace3fa& space)
+ : scene(scene), time_range(time_range), space(space) {}
+ /*! returns center for binning */
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline Vec3fa binCenter(const PrimRef& ref) const
+ {
+ Geometry* mesh = scene->get(ref.geomID());
+ LBBox3fa lbounds = mesh->vlinearBounds(space,ref.primID(),time_range);
+ return center2(lbounds.interpolate(0.5f));
+ }
+ /*! returns bounds and centroid used for binning */
+ __noinline void binBoundsAndCenter (const PrimRefMB& ref, BBox3fa& bounds_o, Vec3fa& center_o) const // __noinline is workaround for ICC16 bug under MacOSX
+ {
+ Geometry* mesh = scene->get(ref.geomID());
+ LBBox3fa lbounds = mesh->vlinearBounds(space,ref.primID(),time_range);
+ bounds_o = lbounds.interpolate(0.5f);
+ center_o = center2(bounds_o);
+ }
+ /*! returns bounds and centroid used for binning */
+ __noinline void binBoundsAndCenter (const PrimRefMB& ref, LBBox3fa& bounds_o, Vec3fa& center_o) const // __noinline is workaround for ICC16 bug under MacOSX
+ {
+ Geometry* mesh = scene->get(ref.geomID());
+ LBBox3fa lbounds = mesh->vlinearBounds(space,ref.primID(),time_range);
+ bounds_o = lbounds;
+ center_o = center2(lbounds.interpolate(0.5f));
+ }
+ private:
+ Scene* scene;
+ BBox1f time_range;
+ const LinearSpace3fa space;
+ };
+ /*! finds the best split */
+ const Split find(const SetMB& set, const size_t logBlockSize, const LinearSpace3fa& space)
+ {
+ BinBoundsAndCenter binBoundsAndCenter(scene,set.time_range,space);
+ ObjectBinner binner(empty);
+ const BinMapping<BINS> mapping(set.size(),set.centBounds);
+ bin_parallel(binner,set.prims->data(),set.begin(),set.end(),PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE,PARALLEL_THRESHOLD,mapping,binBoundsAndCenter);
+ Split osplit =,logBlockSize);
+ osplit.sah *= set.time_range.size();
+ if (!osplit.valid()) = Split::SPLIT_FALLBACK; // use fallback split
+ return osplit;
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ __forceinline void split(const Split& split, const LinearSpace3fa& space, const SetMB& set, SetMB& lset, SetMB& rset)
+ {
+ BinBoundsAndCenter binBoundsAndCenter(scene,set.time_range,space);
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ PrimInfoMB left = empty;
+ PrimInfoMB right = empty;
+ const vint4 vSplitPos(split.pos);
+ const vbool4 vSplitMask(1 << split.dim);
+ auto isLeft = [&] (const PrimRefMB &ref) { return any(((vint4)split.mapping.bin_unsafe(ref,binBoundsAndCenter) < vSplitPos) & vSplitMask); };
+ auto reduction = [] (PrimInfoMB& pinfo, const PrimRefMB& ref) { pinfo.add_primref(ref); };
+ auto reduction2 = [] (PrimInfoMB& pinfo0,const PrimInfoMB& pinfo1) { pinfo0.merge(pinfo1); };
+ size_t center = parallel_partitioning(set.prims->data(),begin,end,EmptyTy(),left,right,isLeft,reduction,reduction2,PARALLEL_PARTITION_BLOCK_SIZE,PARALLEL_THRESHOLD);
+ new (&lset) SetMB(left,set.prims,range<size_t>(begin,center),set.time_range);
+ new (&rset) SetMB(right,set.prims,range<size_t>(center,end ),set.time_range);
+ }
+ private:
+ Scene* scene;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_openmerge_array.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_openmerge_array.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4249d16ea1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_openmerge_array.h
@@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+// TODO:
+// - adjust parallel build thresholds
+// - openNodesBasedOnExtend should consider max extended size
+#pragma once
+#include "heuristic_binning.h"
+#include "heuristic_spatial.h"
+/* stop opening of all bref.geomIDs are the same */
+/* 10% spatial extend threshold */
+/* maximum is 8 children */
+/* open until all build refs are below threshold size in one step */
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! Performs standard object binning */
+ template<typename NodeOpenerFunc, typename PrimRef, size_t OBJECT_BINS>
+ struct HeuristicArrayOpenMergeSAH
+ {
+ typedef BinSplit<OBJECT_BINS> Split;
+ typedef BinInfoT<OBJECT_BINS,PrimRef,BBox3fa> Binner;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_THRESHOLD = 1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE = 512;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_PARTITION_BLOCK_SIZE = 128;
+ static const size_t MOVE_STEP_SIZE = 64;
+ static const size_t CREATE_SPLITS_STEP_SIZE = 128;
+ __forceinline HeuristicArrayOpenMergeSAH ()
+ : prims0(nullptr) {}
+ /*! remember prim array */
+ __forceinline HeuristicArrayOpenMergeSAH (const NodeOpenerFunc& nodeOpenerFunc, PrimRef* prims0, size_t max_open_size)
+ : prims0(prims0), nodeOpenerFunc(nodeOpenerFunc), max_open_size(max_open_size)
+ {
+ assert(max_open_size <= MAX_OPENED_CHILD_NODES);
+ }
+ struct OpenHeuristic
+ {
+ __forceinline OpenHeuristic( const PrimInfoExtRange& pinfo )
+ {
+ const Vec3fa diag = pinfo.geomBounds.size();
+ dim = maxDim(diag);
+ assert(diag[dim] > 0.0f);
+ inv_max_extend = 1.0f / diag[dim];
+ }
+ __forceinline bool operator () ( PrimRef& prim ) const {
+ return !prim.node.isLeaf() && prim.bounds().size()[dim] * inv_max_extend > MAX_EXTEND_THRESHOLD;
+ }
+ private:
+ size_t dim;
+ float inv_max_extend;
+ };
+ /*! compute extended ranges */
+ __forceinline void setExtentedRanges(const PrimInfoExtRange& set, PrimInfoExtRange& lset, PrimInfoExtRange& rset, const size_t lweight, const size_t rweight)
+ {
+ assert(set.ext_range_size() > 0);
+ const float left_factor = (float)lweight / (lweight + rweight);
+ const size_t ext_range_size = set.ext_range_size();
+ const size_t left_ext_range_size = min((size_t)(floorf(left_factor * ext_range_size)),ext_range_size);
+ const size_t right_ext_range_size = ext_range_size - left_ext_range_size;
+ lset.set_ext_range(lset.end() + left_ext_range_size);
+ rset.set_ext_range(rset.end() + right_ext_range_size);
+ }
+ /*! move ranges */
+ __forceinline void moveExtentedRange(const PrimInfoExtRange& set, const PrimInfoExtRange& lset, PrimInfoExtRange& rset)
+ {
+ const size_t left_ext_range_size = lset.ext_range_size();
+ const size_t right_size = rset.size();
+ /* has the left child an extended range? */
+ if (left_ext_range_size > 0)
+ {
+ /* left extended range smaller than right range ? */
+ if (left_ext_range_size < right_size)
+ {
+ /* only move a small part of the beginning of the right range to the end */
+ parallel_for( rset.begin(), rset.begin()+left_ext_range_size, MOVE_STEP_SIZE, [&](const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
+ prims0[i+right_size] = prims0[i];
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* no overlap, move entire right range to new location, can be made fully parallel */
+ parallel_for( rset.begin(), rset.end(), MOVE_STEP_SIZE, [&](const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
+ prims0[i+left_ext_range_size] = prims0[i];
+ });
+ }
+ /* update right range */
+ assert(rset.ext_end() + left_ext_range_size == set.ext_end());
+ rset.move_right(left_ext_range_size);
+ }
+ }
+ /* estimates the extra space required when opening, and checks if all primitives are from same geometry */
+ __noinline std::pair<size_t,bool> getProperties(const PrimInfoExtRange& set)
+ {
+ const OpenHeuristic heuristic(set);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prims0[set.begin()].geomID();
+ auto body = [&] (const range<size_t>& r) -> std::pair<size_t,bool> {
+ bool commonGeomID = true;
+ size_t opens = 0;
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ commonGeomID &= prims0[i].geomID() == geomID;
+ if (heuristic(prims0[i]))
+ opens += prims0[i].node.getN()-1; // coarse approximation
+ }
+ return std::pair<size_t,bool>(opens,commonGeomID);
+ };
+ auto reduction = [&] (const std::pair<size_t,bool>& b0, const std::pair<size_t,bool>& b1) -> std::pair<size_t,bool> {
+ return std::pair<size_t,bool>(b0.first+b1.first,b0.second && b1.second);
+ };
+ return parallel_reduce(set.begin(),set.end(),PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE,PARALLEL_THRESHOLD,std::pair<size_t,bool>(0,true),body,reduction);
+ }
+ // FIXME: should consider maximum available extended size
+ __noinline void openNodesBasedOnExtend(PrimInfoExtRange& set)
+ {
+ const OpenHeuristic heuristic(set);
+ const size_t ext_range_start = set.end();
+ if (false && set.size() < PARALLEL_THRESHOLD)
+ {
+ size_t extra_elements = 0;
+ for (size_t i=set.begin(); i<set.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (heuristic(prims0[i]))
+ {
+ const size_t n = nodeOpenerFunc(prims0[i],tmp);
+ assert(extra_elements + n-1 <= set.ext_range_size());
+ for (size_t j=0; j<n; j++)
+ set.extend_center2(tmp[j]);
+ prims0[i] = tmp[0];
+ for (size_t j=1; j<n; j++)
+ prims0[ext_range_start+extra_elements+j-1] = tmp[j];
+ extra_elements += n-1;
+ }
+ }
+ set._end += extra_elements;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ std::atomic<size_t> ext_elements;
+ PrimInfo info = parallel_reduce( set.begin(), set.end(), CREATE_SPLITS_STEP_SIZE, PrimInfo(empty), [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> PrimInfo {
+ PrimInfo info(empty);
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
+ if (heuristic(prims0[i]))
+ {
+ const size_t n = nodeOpenerFunc(prims0[i],tmp);
+ const size_t ID = ext_elements.fetch_add(n-1);
+ assert(ID + n-1 <= set.ext_range_size());
+ for (size_t j=0; j<n; j++)
+ info.extend_center2(tmp[j]);
+ prims0[i] = tmp[0];
+ for (size_t j=1; j<n; j++)
+ prims0[ext_range_start+ID+j-1] = tmp[j];
+ }
+ return info;
+ }, [] (const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ set.centBounds.extend(info.centBounds);
+ assert(ext_elements.load() <= set.ext_range_size());
+ set._end += ext_elements.load();
+ }
+ }
+ __noinline void openNodesBasedOnExtendLoop(PrimInfoExtRange& set, const size_t est_new_elements)
+ {
+ const OpenHeuristic heuristic(set);
+ size_t next_iteration_extra_elements = est_new_elements;
+ while (next_iteration_extra_elements <= set.ext_range_size())
+ {
+ next_iteration_extra_elements = 0;
+ size_t extra_elements = 0;
+ const size_t ext_range_start = set.end();
+ for (size_t i=set.begin(); i<set.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (heuristic(prims0[i]))
+ {
+ const size_t n = nodeOpenerFunc(prims0[i],tmp);
+ assert(extra_elements + n-1 <= set.ext_range_size());
+ for (size_t j=0;j<n;j++)
+ set.extend_center2(tmp[j]);
+ prims0[i] = tmp[0];
+ for (size_t j=1;j<n;j++)
+ prims0[ext_range_start+extra_elements+j-1] = tmp[j];
+ extra_elements += n-1;
+ for (size_t j=0; j<n; j++)
+ if (heuristic(tmp[j]))
+ next_iteration_extra_elements += tmp[j].node.getN()-1; // coarse approximation
+ }
+ }
+ assert( extra_elements <= set.ext_range_size());
+ set._end += extra_elements;
+ for (size_t i=set.begin();i<set.end();i++)
+ assert(prims0[i].numPrimitives() > 0);
+ if (unlikely(next_iteration_extra_elements == 0)) break;
+ }
+ }
+ __noinline const Split find(PrimInfoExtRange& set, const size_t logBlockSize)
+ {
+ /* single element */
+ if (set.size() <= 1)
+ return Split();
+ /* disable opening if there is no overlap */
+ const size_t D = 4;
+ if (unlikely(set.has_ext_range() && set.size() <= D))
+ {
+ bool disjoint = true;
+ for (size_t j=set.begin(); j<set.end()-1; j++) {
+ for (size_t i=set.begin()+1; i<set.end(); i++) {
+ if (conjoint(prims0[j].bounds(),prims0[i].bounds())) {
+ disjoint = false; break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (disjoint) set.set_ext_range(set.end()); /* disables opening */
+ }
+ std::pair<size_t,bool> p(0,false);
+ /* disable opening when all primitives are from same geometry */
+ if (unlikely(set.has_ext_range()))
+ {
+ p = getProperties(set);
+ if (p.second) set.set_ext_range(set.end()); /* disable opening */
+ }
+ /* open nodes when we have sufficient space available */
+ if (unlikely(set.has_ext_range()))
+ {
+ openNodesBasedOnExtendLoop(set,p.first);
+ if (p.first <= set.ext_range_size())
+ openNodesBasedOnExtend(set);
+ /* disable opening when unsufficient space for opening a node available */
+ if (set.ext_range_size() < max_open_size-1)
+ set.set_ext_range(set.end()); /* disable opening */
+ }
+ /* find best split */
+ return object_find(set,logBlockSize);
+ }
+ /*! finds the best object split */
+ __forceinline const Split object_find(const PrimInfoExtRange& set,const size_t logBlockSize)
+ {
+ if (set.size() < PARALLEL_THRESHOLD) return sequential_object_find(set,logBlockSize);
+ else return parallel_object_find (set,logBlockSize);
+ }
+ /*! finds the best object split */
+ __noinline const Split sequential_object_find(const PrimInfoExtRange& set, const size_t logBlockSize)
+ {
+ Binner binner(empty);
+ const BinMapping<OBJECT_BINS> mapping(set.centBounds);
+ binner.bin(prims0,set.begin(),set.end(),mapping);
+ return,logBlockSize);
+ }
+ /*! finds the best split */
+ __noinline const Split parallel_object_find(const PrimInfoExtRange& set, const size_t logBlockSize)
+ {
+ Binner binner(empty);
+ const BinMapping<OBJECT_BINS> mapping(set.centBounds);
+ const BinMapping<OBJECT_BINS>& _mapping = mapping; // CLANG 3.4 parser bug workaround
+ auto body = [&] (const range<size_t>& r) -> Binner {
+ Binner binner(empty); binner.bin(prims0+r.begin(),r.size(),_mapping); return binner;
+ };
+ auto reduction = [&] (const Binner& b0, const Binner& b1) -> Binner {
+ Binner r = b0; r.merge(b1,_mapping.size()); return r;
+ };
+ binner = parallel_reduce(set.begin(),set.end(),PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE,binner,body,reduction);
+ return,logBlockSize);
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ __noinline void split(const Split& split, const PrimInfoExtRange& set_i, PrimInfoExtRange& lset, PrimInfoExtRange& rset)
+ {
+ PrimInfoExtRange set = set_i;
+ /* valid split */
+ if (unlikely(!split.valid())) {
+ deterministic_order(set);
+ splitFallback(set,lset,rset);
+ return;
+ }
+ std::pair<size_t,size_t> ext_weights(0,0);
+ /* object split */
+ if (likely(set.size() < PARALLEL_THRESHOLD))
+ ext_weights = sequential_object_split(split,set,lset,rset);
+ else
+ ext_weights = parallel_object_split(split,set,lset,rset);
+ /* if we have an extended range, set extended child ranges and move right split range */
+ if (unlikely(set.has_ext_range()))
+ {
+ setExtentedRanges(set,lset,rset,ext_weights.first,ext_weights.second);
+ moveExtentedRange(set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ std::pair<size_t,size_t> sequential_object_split(const Split& split, const PrimInfoExtRange& set, PrimInfoExtRange& lset, PrimInfoExtRange& rset)
+ {
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ PrimInfo local_left(empty);
+ PrimInfo local_right(empty);
+ const unsigned int splitPos = split.pos;
+ const unsigned int splitDim = split.dim;
+ const unsigned int splitDimMask = (unsigned int)1 << splitDim;
+ const vint4 vSplitPos(splitPos);
+ const vbool4 vSplitMask( (int)splitDimMask );
+ size_t center = serial_partitioning(prims0,
+ begin,end,local_left,local_right,
+ [&] (const PrimRef& ref) { return split.mapping.bin_unsafe(ref,vSplitPos,vSplitMask); },
+ [] (PrimInfo& pinfo,const PrimRef& ref) { pinfo.add_center2(ref); });
+ new (&lset) PrimInfoExtRange(begin,center,center,local_left);
+ new (&rset) PrimInfoExtRange(center,end,end,local_right);
+ assert(area(lset.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ assert(area(rset.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ return std::pair<size_t,size_t>(local_left.size(),local_right.size());
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ __noinline std::pair<size_t,size_t> parallel_object_split(const Split& split, const PrimInfoExtRange& set, PrimInfoExtRange& lset, PrimInfoExtRange& rset)
+ {
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ PrimInfo left(empty);
+ PrimInfo right(empty);
+ const unsigned int splitPos = split.pos;
+ const unsigned int splitDim = split.dim;
+ const unsigned int splitDimMask = (unsigned int)1 << splitDim;
+ const vint4 vSplitPos(splitPos);
+ const vbool4 vSplitMask( (int)splitDimMask );
+ auto isLeft = [&] (const PrimRef& ref) { return split.mapping.bin_unsafe(ref,vSplitPos,vSplitMask); };
+ const size_t center = parallel_partitioning(
+ prims0,begin,end,EmptyTy(),left,right,isLeft,
+ [] (PrimInfo& pinfo,const PrimRef& ref) { pinfo.add_center2(ref); },
+ [] (PrimInfo& pinfo0,const PrimInfo& pinfo1) { pinfo0.merge(pinfo1); },
+ new (&lset) PrimInfoExtRange(begin,center,center,left);
+ new (&rset) PrimInfoExtRange(center,end,end,right);
+ assert(area(lset.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ assert(area(rset.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ return std::pair<size_t,size_t>(left.size(),right.size());
+ }
+ void deterministic_order(const extended_range<size_t>& set)
+ {
+ /* required as parallel partition destroys original primitive order */
+ std::sort(&prims0[set.begin()],&prims0[set.end()]);
+ }
+ __forceinline void splitFallback(const PrimInfoExtRange& set, PrimInfoExtRange& lset, PrimInfoExtRange& rset)
+ {
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ const size_t center = (begin + end)/2;
+ PrimInfo left(empty);
+ for (size_t i=begin; i<center; i++)
+ left.add_center2(prims0[i]);
+ const size_t lweight = left.end;
+ PrimInfo right(empty);
+ for (size_t i=center; i<end; i++)
+ right.add_center2(prims0[i]);
+ const size_t rweight = right.end;
+ new (&lset) PrimInfoExtRange(begin,center,center,left);
+ new (&rset) PrimInfoExtRange(center,end,end,right);
+ /* if we have an extended range */
+ if (set.has_ext_range())
+ {
+ setExtentedRanges(set,lset,rset,lweight,rweight);
+ moveExtentedRange(set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ PrimRef* const prims0;
+ const NodeOpenerFunc& nodeOpenerFunc;
+ size_t max_open_size;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_spatial.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_spatial.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a6939ba258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_spatial.h
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/scene.h"
+#include "priminfo.h"
+namespace embree
+ static const unsigned int RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS = 5;
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! mapping into bins */
+ template<size_t BINS>
+ struct SpatialBinMapping
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline SpatialBinMapping() {}
+ /*! calculates the mapping */
+ __forceinline SpatialBinMapping(const CentGeomBBox3fa& pinfo)
+ {
+ const vfloat4 lower = (vfloat4) pinfo.geomBounds.lower;
+ const vfloat4 upper = (vfloat4) pinfo.geomBounds.upper;
+ const vfloat4 eps = 128.0f*vfloat4(ulp)*max(abs(lower),abs(upper));
+ const vfloat4 diag = max(eps,(vfloat4) pinfo.geomBounds.size());
+ scale = select(upper-lower <= eps,vfloat4(0.0f),vfloat4(BINS)/diag);
+ ofs = (vfloat4) pinfo.geomBounds.lower;
+ inv_scale = 1.0f / scale;
+ }
+ /*! slower but safe binning */
+ __forceinline vint4 bin(const Vec3fa& p) const
+ {
+ const vint4 i = floori((vfloat4(p)-ofs)*scale);
+ return clamp(i,vint4(0),vint4(BINS-1));
+ }
+ __forceinline std::pair<vint4,vint4> bin(const BBox3fa& b) const
+ {
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ const vfloat8 ofs8(ofs);
+ const vfloat8 scale8(scale);
+ const vint8 lu = floori((vfloat8::loadu(&b)-ofs8)*scale8);
+ const vint8 c_lu = clamp(lu,vint8(zero),vint8(BINS-1));
+ return std::pair<vint4,vint4>(extract4<0>(c_lu),extract4<1>(c_lu));
+ const vint4 lower = floori((vfloat4(b.lower)-ofs)*scale);
+ const vint4 upper = floori((vfloat4(b.upper)-ofs)*scale);
+ const vint4 c_lower = clamp(lower,vint4(0),vint4(BINS-1));
+ const vint4 c_upper = clamp(upper,vint4(0),vint4(BINS-1));
+ return std::pair<vint4,vint4>(c_lower,c_upper);
+ }
+ /*! calculates left spatial position of bin */
+ __forceinline float pos(const size_t bin, const size_t dim) const {
+ return madd(float(bin),inv_scale[dim],ofs[dim]);
+ }
+ /*! calculates left spatial position of bin */
+ template<size_t N>
+ __forceinline vfloat<N> posN(const vfloat<N> bin, const size_t dim) const {
+ return madd(bin,vfloat<N>(inv_scale[dim]),vfloat<N>(ofs[dim]));
+ }
+ /*! returns true if the mapping is invalid in some dimension */
+ __forceinline bool invalid(const size_t dim) const {
+ return scale[dim] == 0.0f;
+ }
+ public:
+ vfloat4 ofs,scale,inv_scale; //!< linear function that maps to bin ID
+ };
+ /*! stores all information required to perform some split */
+ template<size_t BINS>
+ struct SpatialBinSplit
+ {
+ /*! construct an invalid split by default */
+ __forceinline SpatialBinSplit()
+ : sah(inf), dim(-1), pos(0), left(-1), right(-1), factor(1.0f) {}
+ /*! constructs specified split */
+ __forceinline SpatialBinSplit(float sah, int dim, int pos, const SpatialBinMapping<BINS>& mapping)
+ : sah(sah), dim(dim), pos(pos), left(-1), right(-1), factor(1.0f), mapping(mapping) {}
+ /*! constructs specified split */
+ __forceinline SpatialBinSplit(float sah, int dim, int pos, int left, int right, float factor, const SpatialBinMapping<BINS>& mapping)
+ : sah(sah), dim(dim), pos(pos), left(left), right(right), factor(factor), mapping(mapping) {}
+ /*! tests if this split is valid */
+ __forceinline bool valid() const { return dim != -1; }
+ /*! calculates surface area heuristic for performing the split */
+ __forceinline float splitSAH() const { return sah; }
+ /*! stream output */
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const SpatialBinSplit& split) {
+ return cout << "SpatialBinSplit { sah = " << split.sah << ", dim = " << split.dim << ", pos = " << split.pos << ", left = " << split.left << ", right = " << split.right << ", factor = " << split.factor << "}";
+ }
+ public:
+ float sah; //!< SAH cost of the split
+ int dim; //!< split dimension
+ int pos; //!< split position
+ int left; //!< number of elements on the left side
+ int right; //!< number of elements on the right side
+ float factor; //!< factor splitting the extended range
+ SpatialBinMapping<BINS> mapping; //!< mapping into bins
+ };
+ /*! stores all binning information */
+ template<size_t BINS, typename PrimRef>
+ struct __aligned(64) SpatialBinInfo
+ {
+ SpatialBinInfo() {
+ }
+ __forceinline SpatialBinInfo(EmptyTy) {
+ clear();
+ }
+ /*! clears the bin info */
+ __forceinline void clear()
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<BINS; i++) {
+ bounds[i][0] = bounds[i][1] = bounds[i][2] = empty;
+ numBegin[i] = numEnd[i] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /*! adds binning data */
+ __forceinline void add(const size_t dim,
+ const size_t beginID,
+ const size_t endID,
+ const size_t binID,
+ const BBox3fa &b,
+ const size_t n = 1)
+ {
+ assert(beginID < BINS);
+ assert(endID < BINS);
+ assert(binID < BINS);
+ numBegin[beginID][dim]+=(unsigned int)n;
+ numEnd [endID][dim]+=(unsigned int)n;
+ bounds [binID][dim].extend(b);
+ }
+ /*! extends binning bounds */
+ __forceinline void extend(const size_t dim,
+ const size_t binID,
+ const BBox3fa &b)
+ {
+ assert(binID < BINS);
+ bounds [binID][dim].extend(b);
+ }
+ /*! bins an array of triangles */
+ template<typename SplitPrimitive>
+ __forceinline void bin(const SplitPrimitive& splitPrimitive, const PrimRef* prims, size_t N, const SpatialBinMapping<BINS>& mapping)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
+ {
+ const PrimRef prim = prims[i];
+ unsigned splits = prim.geomID() >> (32-RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS);
+ if (unlikely(splits == 1))
+ {
+ const vint4 bin = mapping.bin(center(prim.bounds()));
+ for (size_t dim=0; dim<3; dim++)
+ {
+ assert(bin[dim] >= (int)0 && bin[dim] < (int)BINS);
+ numBegin[bin[dim]][dim]++;
+ numEnd [bin[dim]][dim]++;
+ bounds [bin[dim]][dim].extend(prim.bounds());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const vint4 bin0 = mapping.bin(prim.bounds().lower);
+ const vint4 bin1 = mapping.bin(prim.bounds().upper);
+ for (size_t dim=0; dim<3; dim++)
+ {
+ size_t bin;
+ PrimRef rest = prim;
+ size_t l = bin0[dim];
+ size_t r = bin1[dim];
+ // same bin optimization
+ if (likely(l == r))
+ {
+ numBegin[l][dim]++;
+ numEnd [l][dim]++;
+ bounds [l][dim].extend(prim.bounds());
+ continue;
+ }
+ for (bin=(size_t)bin0[dim]; bin<(size_t)bin1[dim]; bin++)
+ {
+ const float pos = mapping.pos(bin+1,dim);
+ PrimRef left,right;
+ splitPrimitive(rest,(int)dim,pos,left,right);
+ if (unlikely(left.bounds().empty())) l++;
+ bounds[bin][dim].extend(left.bounds());
+ rest = right;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(rest.bounds().empty())) r--;
+ numBegin[l][dim]++;
+ numEnd [r][dim]++;
+ bounds [bin][dim].extend(rest.bounds());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*! bins a range of primitives inside an array */
+ template<typename SplitPrimitive>
+ void bin(const SplitPrimitive& splitPrimitive, const PrimRef* prims, size_t begin, size_t end, const SpatialBinMapping<BINS>& mapping) {
+ bin(splitPrimitive,prims+begin,end-begin,mapping);
+ }
+ /*! bins an array of primitives */
+ template<typename PrimitiveSplitterFactory>
+ __forceinline void bin2(const PrimitiveSplitterFactory& splitterFactory, const PrimRef* source, size_t begin, size_t end, const SpatialBinMapping<BINS>& mapping)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=begin; i<end; i++)
+ {
+ const PrimRef &prim = source[i];
+ const vint4 bin0 = mapping.bin(prim.bounds().lower);
+ const vint4 bin1 = mapping.bin(prim.bounds().upper);
+ for (size_t dim=0; dim<3; dim++)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(mapping.invalid(dim)))
+ continue;
+ size_t bin;
+ size_t l = bin0[dim];
+ size_t r = bin1[dim];
+ // same bin optimization
+ if (likely(l == r))
+ {
+ add(dim,l,l,l,prim.bounds());
+ continue;
+ }
+ const size_t bin_start = bin0[dim];
+ const size_t bin_end = bin1[dim];
+ BBox3fa rest = prim.bounds();
+ const auto splitter = splitterFactory(prim);
+ for (bin=bin_start; bin<bin_end; bin++)
+ {
+ const float pos = mapping.pos(bin+1,dim);
+ BBox3fa left,right;
+ splitter(rest,dim,pos,left,right);
+ if (unlikely(left.empty())) l++;
+ extend(dim,bin,left);
+ rest = right;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(rest.empty())) r--;
+ add(dim,l,r,bin,rest);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*! bins an array of primitives */
+ __forceinline void binSubTreeRefs(const PrimRef* source, size_t begin, size_t end, const SpatialBinMapping<BINS>& mapping)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=begin; i<end; i++)
+ {
+ const PrimRef &prim = source[i];
+ const vint4 bin0 = mapping.bin(prim.bounds().lower);
+ const vint4 bin1 = mapping.bin(prim.bounds().upper);
+ for (size_t dim=0; dim<3; dim++)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(mapping.invalid(dim)))
+ continue;
+ const size_t l = bin0[dim];
+ const size_t r = bin1[dim];
+ const unsigned int n = prim.primID();
+ // same bin optimization
+ if (likely(l == r))
+ {
+ add(dim,l,l,l,prim.bounds(),n);
+ continue;
+ }
+ const size_t bin_start = bin0[dim];
+ const size_t bin_end = bin1[dim];
+ for (size_t bin=bin_start; bin<bin_end; bin++)
+ add(dim,l,r,bin,prim.bounds(),n);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*! merges in other binning information */
+ void merge (const SpatialBinInfo& other)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<BINS; i++)
+ {
+ numBegin[i] += other.numBegin[i];
+ numEnd [i] += other.numEnd [i];
+ bounds[i][0].extend(other.bounds[i][0]);
+ bounds[i][1].extend(other.bounds[i][1]);
+ bounds[i][2].extend(other.bounds[i][2]);
+ }
+ }
+ /*! merges in other binning information */
+ static __forceinline const SpatialBinInfo reduce (const SpatialBinInfo& a, const SpatialBinInfo& b)
+ {
+ SpatialBinInfo c(empty);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<BINS; i++)
+ {
+ c.numBegin[i] += a.numBegin[i]+b.numBegin[i];
+ c.numEnd [i] += a.numEnd [i]+b.numEnd [i];
+ c.bounds[i][0] = embree::merge(a.bounds[i][0],b.bounds[i][0]);
+ c.bounds[i][1] = embree::merge(a.bounds[i][1],b.bounds[i][1]);
+ c.bounds[i][2] = embree::merge(a.bounds[i][2],b.bounds[i][2]);
+ }
+ return c;
+ }
+ /*! finds the best split by scanning binning information */
+ SpatialBinSplit<BINS> best(const SpatialBinMapping<BINS>& mapping, const size_t blocks_shift) const
+ {
+ /* sweep from right to left and compute parallel prefix of merged bounds */
+ vfloat4 rAreas[BINS];
+ vuint4 rCounts[BINS];
+ vuint4 count = 0; BBox3fa bx = empty; BBox3fa by = empty; BBox3fa bz = empty;
+ for (size_t i=BINS-1; i>0; i--)
+ {
+ count += numEnd[i];
+ rCounts[i] = count;
+ bx.extend(bounds[i][0]); rAreas[i][0] = halfArea(bx);
+ by.extend(bounds[i][1]); rAreas[i][1] = halfArea(by);
+ bz.extend(bounds[i][2]); rAreas[i][2] = halfArea(bz);
+ rAreas[i][3] = 0.0f;
+ }
+ /* sweep from left to right and compute SAH */
+ vuint4 blocks_add = (1 << blocks_shift)-1;
+ vuint4 ii = 1; vfloat4 vbestSAH = pos_inf; vuint4 vbestPos = 0; vuint4 vbestlCount = 0; vuint4 vbestrCount = 0;
+ count = 0; bx = empty; by = empty; bz = empty;
+ for (size_t i=1; i<BINS; i++, ii+=1)
+ {
+ count += numBegin[i-1];
+ bx.extend(bounds[i-1][0]); float Ax = halfArea(bx);
+ by.extend(bounds[i-1][1]); float Ay = halfArea(by);
+ bz.extend(bounds[i-1][2]); float Az = halfArea(bz);
+ const vfloat4 lArea = vfloat4(Ax,Ay,Az,Az);
+ const vfloat4 rArea = rAreas[i];
+ const vuint4 lCount = (count +blocks_add) >> (unsigned int)(blocks_shift);
+ const vuint4 rCount = (rCounts[i]+blocks_add) >> (unsigned int)(blocks_shift);
+ const vfloat4 sah = madd(lArea,vfloat4(lCount),rArea*vfloat4(rCount));
+ // const vfloat4 sah = madd(lArea,vfloat4(vint4(lCount)),rArea*vfloat4(vint4(rCount)));
+ const vbool4 mask = sah < vbestSAH;
+ vbestPos = select(mask,ii ,vbestPos);
+ vbestSAH = select(mask,sah,vbestSAH);
+ vbestlCount = select(mask,count,vbestlCount);
+ vbestrCount = select(mask,rCounts[i],vbestrCount);
+ }
+ /* find best dimension */
+ float bestSAH = inf;
+ int bestDim = -1;
+ int bestPos = 0;
+ unsigned int bestlCount = 0;
+ unsigned int bestrCount = 0;
+ for (int dim=0; dim<3; dim++)
+ {
+ /* ignore zero sized dimensions */
+ if (unlikely(mapping.invalid(dim)))
+ continue;
+ /* test if this is a better dimension */
+ if (vbestSAH[dim] < bestSAH && vbestPos[dim] != 0) {
+ bestDim = dim;
+ bestPos = vbestPos[dim];
+ bestSAH = vbestSAH[dim];
+ bestlCount = vbestlCount[dim];
+ bestrCount = vbestrCount[dim];
+ }
+ }
+ assert(bestSAH >= 0.0f);
+ /* return invalid split if no split found */
+ if (bestDim == -1)
+ return SpatialBinSplit<BINS>(inf,-1,0,mapping);
+ /* return best found split */
+ return SpatialBinSplit<BINS>(bestSAH,bestDim,bestPos,bestlCount,bestrCount,1.0f,mapping);
+ }
+ private:
+ BBox3fa bounds[BINS][3]; //!< geometry bounds for each bin in each dimension
+ vuint4 numBegin[BINS]; //!< number of primitives starting in bin
+ vuint4 numEnd[BINS]; //!< number of primitives ending in bin
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_spatial_array.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_spatial_array.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..60d235f48d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_spatial_array.h
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "heuristic_binning.h"
+#include "heuristic_spatial.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+#if 0
+ struct PrimInfoExtRange : public CentGeomBBox3fa, public extended_range<size_t>
+ {
+ __forceinline PrimInfoExtRange() {
+ }
+ __forceinline PrimInfoExtRange(EmptyTy)
+ : CentGeomBBox3fa(EmptyTy()), extended_range<size_t>(0,0,0) {}
+ __forceinline PrimInfoExtRange(size_t begin, size_t end, size_t ext_end, const CentGeomBBox3fa& centGeomBounds)
+ : CentGeomBBox3fa(centGeomBounds), extended_range<size_t>(begin,end,ext_end) {}
+ __forceinline float leafSAH() const {
+ return expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds)*float(size());
+ }
+ __forceinline float leafSAH(size_t block_shift) const {
+ return expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds)*float((size()+(size_t(1)<<block_shift)-1) >> block_shift);
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename ObjectSplit, typename SpatialSplit>
+ struct Split2
+ {
+ __forceinline Split2 () {}
+ __forceinline Split2 (const Split2& other)
+ {
+ spatial = other.spatial;
+ sah = other.sah;
+ if (spatial) spatialSplit() = other.spatialSplit();
+ else objectSplit() = other.objectSplit();
+ }
+ __forceinline Split2& operator= (const Split2& other)
+ {
+ spatial = other.spatial;
+ sah = other.sah;
+ if (spatial) spatialSplit() = other.spatialSplit();
+ else objectSplit() = other.objectSplit();
+ return *this;
+ }
+ __forceinline ObjectSplit& objectSplit() { return *( ObjectSplit*)data; }
+ __forceinline const ObjectSplit& objectSplit() const { return *(const ObjectSplit*)data; }
+ __forceinline SpatialSplit& spatialSplit() { return *( SpatialSplit*)data; }
+ __forceinline const SpatialSplit& spatialSplit() const { return *(const SpatialSplit*)data; }
+ __forceinline Split2 (const ObjectSplit& objectSplit, float sah)
+ : spatial(false), sah(sah)
+ {
+ new (data) ObjectSplit(objectSplit);
+ }
+ __forceinline Split2 (const SpatialSplit& spatialSplit, float sah)
+ : spatial(true), sah(sah)
+ {
+ new (data) SpatialSplit(spatialSplit);
+ }
+ __forceinline float splitSAH() const {
+ return sah;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool valid() const {
+ return sah < float(inf);
+ }
+ public:
+ __aligned(64) char data[sizeof(ObjectSplit) > sizeof(SpatialSplit) ? sizeof(ObjectSplit) : sizeof(SpatialSplit)];
+ bool spatial;
+ float sah;
+ };
+ /*! Performs standard object binning */
+ template<typename PrimitiveSplitterFactory, typename PrimRef, size_t OBJECT_BINS, size_t SPATIAL_BINS>
+ struct HeuristicArraySpatialSAH
+ {
+ typedef BinSplit<OBJECT_BINS> ObjectSplit;
+ typedef BinInfoT<OBJECT_BINS,PrimRef,BBox3fa> ObjectBinner;
+ typedef SpatialBinSplit<SPATIAL_BINS> SpatialSplit;
+ typedef SpatialBinInfo<SPATIAL_BINS,PrimRef> SpatialBinner;
+ //typedef extended_range<size_t> Set;
+ typedef Split2<ObjectSplit,SpatialSplit> Split;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_THRESHOLD = 3*1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_PARTITION_BLOCK_SIZE = 128;
+ static const size_t MOVE_STEP_SIZE = 64;
+ static const size_t CREATE_SPLITS_STEP_SIZE = 64;
+ __forceinline HeuristicArraySpatialSAH ()
+ : prims0(nullptr) {}
+ /*! remember prim array */
+ __forceinline HeuristicArraySpatialSAH (const PrimitiveSplitterFactory& splitterFactory, PrimRef* prims0, const CentGeomBBox3fa& root_info)
+ : prims0(prims0), splitterFactory(splitterFactory), root_info(root_info) {}
+ /*! compute extended ranges */
+ __noinline void setExtentedRanges(const PrimInfoExtRange& set, PrimInfoExtRange& lset, PrimInfoExtRange& rset, const size_t lweight, const size_t rweight)
+ {
+ assert(set.ext_range_size() > 0);
+ const float left_factor = (float)lweight / (lweight + rweight);
+ const size_t ext_range_size = set.ext_range_size();
+ const size_t left_ext_range_size = min((size_t)(floorf(left_factor * ext_range_size)),ext_range_size);
+ const size_t right_ext_range_size = ext_range_size - left_ext_range_size;
+ lset.set_ext_range(lset.end() + left_ext_range_size);
+ rset.set_ext_range(rset.end() + right_ext_range_size);
+ }
+ /*! move ranges */
+ __noinline void moveExtentedRange(const PrimInfoExtRange& set, const PrimInfoExtRange& lset, PrimInfoExtRange& rset)
+ {
+ const size_t left_ext_range_size = lset.ext_range_size();
+ const size_t right_size = rset.size();
+ /* has the left child an extended range? */
+ if (left_ext_range_size > 0)
+ {
+ /* left extended range smaller than right range ? */
+ if (left_ext_range_size < right_size)
+ {
+ /* only move a small part of the beginning of the right range to the end */
+ parallel_for( rset.begin(), rset.begin()+left_ext_range_size, MOVE_STEP_SIZE, [&](const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
+ prims0[i+right_size] = prims0[i];
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* no overlap, move entire right range to new location, can be made fully parallel */
+ parallel_for( rset.begin(), rset.end(), MOVE_STEP_SIZE, [&](const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
+ prims0[i+left_ext_range_size] = prims0[i];
+ });
+ }
+ /* update right range */
+ assert(rset.ext_end() + left_ext_range_size == set.ext_end());
+ rset.move_right(left_ext_range_size);
+ }
+ }
+ /*! finds the best split */
+ const Split find(const PrimInfoExtRange& set, const size_t logBlockSize)
+ {
+ SplitInfo oinfo;
+ const ObjectSplit object_split = object_find(set,logBlockSize,oinfo);
+ const float object_split_sah = object_split.splitSAH();
+ if (unlikely(set.has_ext_range()))
+ {
+ const BBox3fa overlap = intersect(oinfo.leftBounds, oinfo.rightBounds);
+ /* do only spatial splits if the child bounds overlap */
+ if (safeArea(overlap) >= SPATIAL_ASPLIT_AREA_THRESHOLD*safeArea(root_info.geomBounds) &&
+ safeArea(overlap) >= SPATIAL_ASPLIT_OVERLAP_THRESHOLD*safeArea(set.geomBounds))
+ {
+ const SpatialSplit spatial_split = spatial_find(set, logBlockSize);
+ const float spatial_split_sah = spatial_split.splitSAH();
+ /* valid spatial split, better SAH and number of splits do not exceed extended range */
+ if (spatial_split_sah < SPATIAL_ASPLIT_SAH_THRESHOLD*object_split_sah &&
+ spatial_split.left + spatial_split.right - set.size() <= set.ext_range_size())
+ {
+ return Split(spatial_split,spatial_split_sah);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return Split(object_split,object_split_sah);
+ }
+ /*! finds the best object split */
+ __forceinline const ObjectSplit object_find(const PrimInfoExtRange& set, const size_t logBlockSize, SplitInfo &info)
+ {
+ if (set.size() < PARALLEL_THRESHOLD) return sequential_object_find(set,logBlockSize,info);
+ else return parallel_object_find (set,logBlockSize,info);
+ }
+ /*! finds the best object split */
+ __noinline const ObjectSplit sequential_object_find(const PrimInfoExtRange& set, const size_t logBlockSize, SplitInfo &info)
+ {
+ ObjectBinner binner(empty);
+ const BinMapping<OBJECT_BINS> mapping(set);
+ binner.bin(prims0,set.begin(),set.end(),mapping);
+ ObjectSplit s =,logBlockSize);
+ binner.getSplitInfo(mapping, s, info);
+ return s;
+ }
+ /*! finds the best split */
+ __noinline const ObjectSplit parallel_object_find(const PrimInfoExtRange& set, const size_t logBlockSize, SplitInfo &info)
+ {
+ ObjectBinner binner(empty);
+ const BinMapping<OBJECT_BINS> mapping(set);
+ const BinMapping<OBJECT_BINS>& _mapping = mapping; // CLANG 3.4 parser bug workaround
+ binner = parallel_reduce(set.begin(),set.end(),PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE,binner,
+ [&] (const range<size_t>& r) -> ObjectBinner { ObjectBinner binner(empty); binner.bin(prims0+r.begin(),r.size(),_mapping); return binner; },
+ [&] (const ObjectBinner& b0, const ObjectBinner& b1) -> ObjectBinner { ObjectBinner r = b0; r.merge(b1,_mapping.size()); return r; });
+ ObjectSplit s =,logBlockSize);
+ binner.getSplitInfo(mapping, s, info);
+ return s;
+ }
+ /*! finds the best spatial split */
+ __forceinline const SpatialSplit spatial_find(const PrimInfoExtRange& set, const size_t logBlockSize)
+ {
+ if (set.size() < PARALLEL_THRESHOLD) return sequential_spatial_find(set, logBlockSize);
+ else return parallel_spatial_find (set, logBlockSize);
+ }
+ /*! finds the best spatial split */
+ __noinline const SpatialSplit sequential_spatial_find(const PrimInfoExtRange& set, const size_t logBlockSize)
+ {
+ SpatialBinner binner(empty);
+ const SpatialBinMapping<SPATIAL_BINS> mapping(set);
+ binner.bin2(splitterFactory,prims0,set.begin(),set.end(),mapping);
+ /* todo: best spatial split not exeeding the extended range does not provide any benefit ?*/
+ return,logBlockSize); //,set.ext_size());
+ }
+ __noinline const SpatialSplit parallel_spatial_find(const PrimInfoExtRange& set, const size_t logBlockSize)
+ {
+ SpatialBinner binner(empty);
+ const SpatialBinMapping<SPATIAL_BINS> mapping(set);
+ const SpatialBinMapping<SPATIAL_BINS>& _mapping = mapping; // CLANG 3.4 parser bug workaround
+ binner = parallel_reduce(set.begin(),set.end(),PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE,binner,
+ [&] (const range<size_t>& r) -> SpatialBinner {
+ SpatialBinner binner(empty);
+ binner.bin2(splitterFactory,prims0,r.begin(),r.end(),_mapping);
+ return binner; },
+ [&] (const SpatialBinner& b0, const SpatialBinner& b1) -> SpatialBinner { return SpatialBinner::reduce(b0,b1); });
+ /* todo: best spatial split not exeeding the extended range does not provide any benefit ?*/
+ return,logBlockSize); //,set.ext_size());
+ }
+ /*! subdivides primitives based on a spatial split */
+ __noinline void create_spatial_splits(PrimInfoExtRange& set, const SpatialSplit& split, const SpatialBinMapping<SPATIAL_BINS> &mapping)
+ {
+ assert(set.has_ext_range());
+ const size_t max_ext_range_size = set.ext_range_size();
+ const size_t ext_range_start = set.end();
+ /* atomic counter for number of primref splits */
+ std::atomic<size_t> ext_elements;
+ const float fpos = split.mapping.pos(split.pos,split.dim);
+ parallel_for( set.begin(), set.end(), CREATE_SPLITS_STEP_SIZE, [&](const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin();i<r.end();i++)
+ {
+ const unsigned int splits = prims0[i].geomID() >> (32-RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS);
+ if (likely(splits <= 1)) continue; /* todo: does this ever happen ? */
+ //int bin0 = split.mapping.bin(prims0[i].lower)[split.dim];
+ //int bin1 = split.mapping.bin(prims0[i].upper)[split.dim];
+ //if (unlikely(bin0 < split.pos && bin1 >= split.pos))
+ if (unlikely(prims0[i].lower[split.dim] < fpos && prims0[i].upper[split.dim] > fpos))
+ {
+ assert(splits > 1);
+ PrimRef left,right;
+ const auto splitter = splitterFactory(prims0[i]);
+ splitter(prims0[i],split.dim,fpos,left,right);
+ // no empty splits
+ if (unlikely(left.bounds().empty() || right.bounds().empty())) continue;
+ left.lower.u = (left.lower.u & mask) | ((splits-1) << (32-RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS));
+ right.lower.u = (right.lower.u & mask) | ((splits-1) << (32-RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS));
+ const size_t ID = ext_elements.fetch_add(1);
+ /* break if the number of subdivided elements are greater than the maximum allowed size */
+ if (unlikely(ID >= max_ext_range_size))
+ break;
+ /* only write within the correct bounds */
+ assert(ID < max_ext_range_size);
+ prims0[i] = left;
+ prims0[ext_range_start+ID] = right;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ const size_t numExtElements = min(max_ext_range_size,ext_elements.load());
+ assert(set.end()+numExtElements<=set.ext_end());
+ set._end += numExtElements;
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ void split(const Split& split, const PrimInfoExtRange& set_i, PrimInfoExtRange& lset, PrimInfoExtRange& rset)
+ {
+ PrimInfoExtRange set = set_i;
+ /* valid split */
+ if (unlikely(!split.valid())) {
+ deterministic_order(set);
+ return splitFallback(set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ std::pair<size_t,size_t> ext_weights(0,0);
+ if (unlikely(split.spatial))
+ {
+ create_spatial_splits(set,split.spatialSplit(), split.spatialSplit().mapping);
+ /* spatial split */
+ if (likely(set.size() < PARALLEL_THRESHOLD))
+ ext_weights = sequential_spatial_split(split.spatialSplit(),set,lset,rset);
+ else
+ ext_weights = parallel_spatial_split(split.spatialSplit(),set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* object split */
+ if (likely(set.size() < PARALLEL_THRESHOLD))
+ ext_weights = sequential_object_split(split.objectSplit(),set,lset,rset);
+ else
+ ext_weights = parallel_object_split(split.objectSplit(),set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ /* if we have an extended range, set extended child ranges and move right split range */
+ if (unlikely(set.has_ext_range()))
+ {
+ setExtentedRanges(set,lset,rset,ext_weights.first,ext_weights.second);
+ moveExtentedRange(set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ std::pair<size_t,size_t> sequential_object_split(const ObjectSplit& split, const PrimInfoExtRange& set, PrimInfoExtRange& lset, PrimInfoExtRange& rset)
+ {
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ PrimInfo local_left(empty);
+ PrimInfo local_right(empty);
+ const unsigned int splitPos = split.pos;
+ const unsigned int splitDim = split.dim;
+ const unsigned int splitDimMask = (unsigned int)1 << splitDim;
+ const typename ObjectBinner::vint vSplitPos(splitPos);
+ const typename ObjectBinner::vbool vSplitMask(splitDimMask);
+ size_t center = serial_partitioning(prims0,
+ begin,end,local_left,local_right,
+ [&] (const PrimRef& ref) {
+ return split.mapping.bin_unsafe(ref,vSplitPos,vSplitMask);
+ },
+ [] (PrimInfo& pinfo,const PrimRef& ref) { pinfo.add_center2(ref,ref.lower.u >> (32-RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS)); });
+ const size_t left_weight = local_left.end;
+ const size_t right_weight = local_right.end;
+ new (&lset) PrimInfoExtRange(begin,center,center,local_left);
+ new (&rset) PrimInfoExtRange(center,end,end,local_right);
+ assert(area(lset.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ assert(area(rset.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ return std::pair<size_t,size_t>(left_weight,right_weight);
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ __noinline std::pair<size_t,size_t> sequential_spatial_split(const SpatialSplit& split, const PrimInfoExtRange& set, PrimInfoExtRange& lset, PrimInfoExtRange& rset)
+ {
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ PrimInfo local_left(empty);
+ PrimInfo local_right(empty);
+ const unsigned int splitPos = split.pos;
+ const unsigned int splitDim = split.dim;
+ const unsigned int splitDimMask = (unsigned int)1 << splitDim;
+ /* init spatial mapping */
+ const SpatialBinMapping<SPATIAL_BINS> &mapping = split.mapping;
+ const vint4 vSplitPos(splitPos);
+ const vbool4 vSplitMask( (int)splitDimMask );
+ size_t center = serial_partitioning(prims0,
+ begin,end,local_left,local_right,
+ [&] (const PrimRef& ref) {
+ const Vec3fa c = ref.bounds().center();
+ return any(((vint4)mapping.bin(c) < vSplitPos) & vSplitMask);
+ },
+ [] (PrimInfo& pinfo,const PrimRef& ref) { pinfo.add_center2(ref,ref.lower.u >> (32-RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS)); });
+ const size_t left_weight = local_left.end;
+ const size_t right_weight = local_right.end;
+ new (&lset) PrimInfoExtRange(begin,center,center,local_left);
+ new (&rset) PrimInfoExtRange(center,end,end,local_right);
+ assert(area(lset.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ assert(area(rset.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ return std::pair<size_t,size_t>(left_weight,right_weight);
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ __noinline std::pair<size_t,size_t> parallel_object_split(const ObjectSplit& split, const PrimInfoExtRange& set, PrimInfoExtRange& lset, PrimInfoExtRange& rset)
+ {
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ PrimInfo left(empty);
+ PrimInfo right(empty);
+ const unsigned int splitPos = split.pos;
+ const unsigned int splitDim = split.dim;
+ const unsigned int splitDimMask = (unsigned int)1 << splitDim;
+ const typename ObjectBinner::vint vSplitPos(splitPos);
+ const typename ObjectBinner::vbool vSplitMask(splitDimMask);
+ auto isLeft = [&] (const PrimRef &ref) { return split.mapping.bin_unsafe(ref,vSplitPos,vSplitMask); };
+ const size_t center = parallel_partitioning(
+ prims0,begin,end,EmptyTy(),left,right,isLeft,
+ [] (PrimInfo &pinfo,const PrimRef &ref) { pinfo.add_center2(ref,ref.lower.u >> (32-RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS)); },
+ [] (PrimInfo &pinfo0,const PrimInfo &pinfo1) { pinfo0.merge(pinfo1); },
+ const size_t left_weight = left.end;
+ const size_t right_weight = right.end;
+ left.begin = begin; left.end = center;
+ right.begin = center; right.end = end;
+ new (&lset) PrimInfoExtRange(begin,center,center,left);
+ new (&rset) PrimInfoExtRange(center,end,end,right);
+ assert(area(left.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ assert(area(right.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ return std::pair<size_t,size_t>(left_weight,right_weight);
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ __noinline std::pair<size_t,size_t> parallel_spatial_split(const SpatialSplit& split, const PrimInfoExtRange& set, PrimInfoExtRange& lset, PrimInfoExtRange& rset)
+ {
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ PrimInfo left(empty);
+ PrimInfo right(empty);
+ const unsigned int splitPos = split.pos;
+ const unsigned int splitDim = split.dim;
+ const unsigned int splitDimMask = (unsigned int)1 << splitDim;
+ /* init spatial mapping */
+ const SpatialBinMapping<SPATIAL_BINS>& mapping = split.mapping;
+ const vint4 vSplitPos(splitPos);
+ const vbool4 vSplitMask( (int)splitDimMask );
+ auto isLeft = [&] (const PrimRef &ref) {
+ const Vec3fa c = ref.bounds().center();
+ return any(((vint4)mapping.bin(c) < vSplitPos) & vSplitMask); };
+ const size_t center = parallel_partitioning(
+ prims0,begin,end,EmptyTy(),left,right,isLeft,
+ [] (PrimInfo &pinfo,const PrimRef &ref) { pinfo.add_center2(ref,ref.lower.u >> (32-RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS)); },
+ [] (PrimInfo &pinfo0,const PrimInfo &pinfo1) { pinfo0.merge(pinfo1); },
+ const size_t left_weight = left.end;
+ const size_t right_weight = right.end;
+ left.begin = begin; left.end = center;
+ right.begin = center; right.end = end;
+ new (&lset) PrimInfoExtRange(begin,center,center,left);
+ new (&rset) PrimInfoExtRange(center,end,end,right);
+ assert(area(left.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ assert(area(right.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ return std::pair<size_t,size_t>(left_weight,right_weight);
+ }
+ void deterministic_order(const PrimInfoExtRange& set)
+ {
+ /* required as parallel partition destroys original primitive order */
+ std::sort(&prims0[set.begin()],&prims0[set.end()]);
+ }
+ void splitFallback(const PrimInfoExtRange& set,
+ PrimInfoExtRange& lset,
+ PrimInfoExtRange& rset)
+ {
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ const size_t center = (begin + end)/2;
+ PrimInfo left(empty);
+ for (size_t i=begin; i<center; i++) {
+ left.add_center2(prims0[i],prims0[i].lower.u >> (32-RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS));
+ }
+ const size_t lweight = left.end;
+ PrimInfo right(empty);
+ for (size_t i=center; i<end; i++) {
+ right.add_center2(prims0[i],prims0[i].lower.u >> (32-RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS));
+ }
+ const size_t rweight = right.end;
+ new (&lset) PrimInfoExtRange(begin,center,center,left);
+ new (&rset) PrimInfoExtRange(center,end,end,right);
+ /* if we have an extended range */
+ if (set.has_ext_range()) {
+ setExtentedRanges(set,lset,rset,lweight,rweight);
+ moveExtentedRange(set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ PrimRef* const prims0;
+ const PrimitiveSplitterFactory& splitterFactory;
+ const CentGeomBBox3fa& root_info;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_strand_array.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_strand_array.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..19c7fcdaa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_strand_array.h
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "priminfo.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_reduce.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_partition.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! Performs standard object binning */
+ struct HeuristicStrandSplit
+ {
+ typedef range<size_t> Set;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_THRESHOLD = 10000;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE = 4096;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_PARTITION_BLOCK_SIZE = 64;
+ /*! stores all information to perform some split */
+ struct Split
+ {
+ /*! construct an invalid split by default */
+ __forceinline Split()
+ : sah(inf), axis0(zero), axis1(zero) {}
+ /*! constructs specified split */
+ __forceinline Split(const float sah, const Vec3fa& axis0, const Vec3fa& axis1)
+ : sah(sah), axis0(axis0), axis1(axis1) {}
+ /*! calculates standard surface area heuristic for the split */
+ __forceinline float splitSAH() const { return sah; }
+ /*! test if this split is valid */
+ __forceinline bool valid() const { return sah != float(inf); }
+ public:
+ float sah; //!< SAH cost of the split
+ Vec3fa axis0, axis1; //!< axis the two strands are aligned into
+ };
+ __forceinline HeuristicStrandSplit () // FIXME: required?
+ : scene(nullptr), prims(nullptr) {}
+ /*! remember prim array */
+ __forceinline HeuristicStrandSplit (Scene* scene, PrimRef* prims)
+ : scene(scene), prims(prims) {}
+ __forceinline const Vec3fa direction(const PrimRef& prim) {
+ return scene->get(prim.geomID())->computeDirection(prim.primID());
+ }
+ __forceinline const BBox3fa bounds(const PrimRef& prim) {
+ return scene->get(prim.geomID())->vbounds(prim.primID());
+ }
+ __forceinline const BBox3fa bounds(const LinearSpace3fa& space, const PrimRef& prim) {
+ return scene->get(prim.geomID())->vbounds(space,prim.primID());
+ }
+ /*! finds the best split */
+ const Split find(const range<size_t>& set, size_t logBlockSize)
+ {
+ Vec3fa axis0(0,0,1);
+ uint64_t bestGeomPrimID = -1;
+ /* curve with minimum ID determines first axis */
+ for (size_t i=set.begin(); i<set.end(); i++)
+ {
+ const uint64_t geomprimID = prims[i].ID64();
+ if (geomprimID >= bestGeomPrimID) continue;
+ const Vec3fa axis = direction(prims[i]);
+ if (sqr_length(axis) > 1E-18f) {
+ axis0 = normalize(axis);
+ bestGeomPrimID = geomprimID;
+ }
+ }
+ /* find 2nd axis that is most misaligned with first axis and has minimum ID */
+ float bestCos = 1.0f;
+ Vec3fa axis1 = axis0;
+ bestGeomPrimID = -1;
+ for (size_t i=set.begin(); i<set.end(); i++)
+ {
+ const uint64_t geomprimID = prims[i].ID64();
+ Vec3fa axisi = direction(prims[i]);
+ float leni = length(axisi);
+ if (leni == 0.0f) continue;
+ axisi /= leni;
+ float cos = abs(dot(axisi,axis0));
+ if ((cos == bestCos && (geomprimID < bestGeomPrimID)) || cos < bestCos) {
+ bestCos = cos; axis1 = axisi;
+ bestGeomPrimID = geomprimID;
+ }
+ }
+ /* partition the two strands */
+ size_t lnum = 0, rnum = 0;
+ BBox3fa lbounds = empty, rbounds = empty;
+ const LinearSpace3fa space0 = frame(axis0).transposed();
+ const LinearSpace3fa space1 = frame(axis1).transposed();
+ for (size_t i=set.begin(); i<set.end(); i++)
+ {
+ PrimRef& prim = prims[i];
+ const Vec3fa axisi = normalize(direction(prim));
+ const float cos0 = abs(dot(axisi,axis0));
+ const float cos1 = abs(dot(axisi,axis1));
+ if (cos0 > cos1) { lnum++; lbounds.extend(bounds(space0,prim)); }
+ else { rnum++; rbounds.extend(bounds(space1,prim)); }
+ }
+ /*! return an invalid split if we do not partition */
+ if (lnum == 0 || rnum == 0)
+ return Split(inf,axis0,axis1);
+ /*! calculate sah for the split */
+ const size_t lblocks = (lnum+(1ull<<logBlockSize)-1ull) >> logBlockSize;
+ const size_t rblocks = (rnum+(1ull<<logBlockSize)-1ull) >> logBlockSize;
+ const float sah = madd(float(lblocks),halfArea(lbounds),float(rblocks)*halfArea(rbounds));
+ return Split(sah,axis0,axis1);
+ }
+ /*! array partitioning */
+ void split(const Split& split, const PrimInfoRange& set, PrimInfoRange& lset, PrimInfoRange& rset)
+ {
+ if (!split.valid()) {
+ deterministic_order(set);
+ return splitFallback(set,lset,rset);
+ }
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ CentGeomBBox3fa local_left(empty);
+ CentGeomBBox3fa local_right(empty);
+ auto primOnLeftSide = [&] (const PrimRef& prim) -> bool {
+ const Vec3fa axisi = normalize(direction(prim));
+ const float cos0 = abs(dot(axisi,split.axis0));
+ const float cos1 = abs(dot(axisi,split.axis1));
+ return cos0 > cos1;
+ };
+ auto mergePrimBounds = [this] (CentGeomBBox3fa& pinfo,const PrimRef& ref) {
+ pinfo.extend(bounds(ref));
+ };
+ size_t center = serial_partitioning(prims,begin,end,local_left,local_right,primOnLeftSide,mergePrimBounds);
+ new (&lset) PrimInfoRange(begin,center,local_left);
+ new (&rset) PrimInfoRange(center,end,local_right);
+ assert(area(lset.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ assert(area(rset.geomBounds) >= 0.0f);
+ }
+ void deterministic_order(const Set& set)
+ {
+ /* required as parallel partition destroys original primitive order */
+ std::sort(&prims[set.begin()],&prims[set.end()]);
+ }
+ void splitFallback(const Set& set, PrimInfoRange& lset, PrimInfoRange& rset)
+ {
+ const size_t begin = set.begin();
+ const size_t end = set.end();
+ const size_t center = (begin + end)/2;
+ CentGeomBBox3fa left(empty);
+ for (size_t i=begin; i<center; i++)
+ left.extend(bounds(prims[i]));
+ new (&lset) PrimInfoRange(begin,center,left);
+ CentGeomBBox3fa right(empty);
+ for (size_t i=center; i<end; i++)
+ right.extend(bounds(prims[i]));
+ new (&rset) PrimInfoRange(center,end,right);
+ }
+ private:
+ Scene* const scene;
+ PrimRef* const prims;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_timesplit_array.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_timesplit_array.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b968e01c90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/heuristic_timesplit_array.h
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/primref_mb.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_filter.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! Performs standard object binning */
+ template<typename PrimRefMB, typename RecalculatePrimRef, size_t BINS>
+ struct HeuristicMBlurTemporalSplit
+ {
+ typedef BinSplit<MBLUR_NUM_OBJECT_BINS> Split;
+ typedef mvector<PrimRefMB>* PrimRefVector;
+ typedef typename PrimRefMB::BBox BBox;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_THRESHOLD = 3 * 1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_PARTITION_BLOCK_SIZE = 128;
+ HeuristicMBlurTemporalSplit (MemoryMonitorInterface* device, const RecalculatePrimRef& recalculatePrimRef)
+ : device(device), recalculatePrimRef(recalculatePrimRef) {}
+ struct TemporalBinInfo
+ {
+ __forceinline TemporalBinInfo () {
+ }
+ __forceinline TemporalBinInfo (EmptyTy)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<BINS-1; i++)
+ {
+ count0[i] = count1[i] = 0;
+ bounds0[i] = bounds1[i] = empty;
+ }
+ }
+ void bin(const PrimRefMB* prims, size_t begin, size_t end, BBox1f time_range, const SetMB& set, const RecalculatePrimRef& recalculatePrimRef)
+ {
+ for (int b=0; b<BINS-1; b++)
+ {
+ const float t = float(b+1)/float(BINS);
+ const float ct = lerp(time_range.lower,time_range.upper,t);
+ const float center_time = set.align_time(ct);
+ if (center_time <= time_range.lower) continue;
+ if (center_time >= time_range.upper) continue;
+ const BBox1f dt0(time_range.lower,center_time);
+ const BBox1f dt1(center_time,time_range.upper);
+ /* find linear bounds for both time segments */
+ for (size_t i=begin; i<end; i++)
+ {
+ if (prims[i].time_range_overlap(dt0))
+ {
+ const LBBox3fa bn0 = recalculatePrimRef.linearBounds(prims[i],dt0);
+ bounds0[b].extend(bn0);
+ bounds0[b].extend(bn0.interpolate(0.5f));
+ count0[b] += prims[i].timeSegmentRange(dt0).size();
+ }
+ if (prims[i].time_range_overlap(dt1))
+ {
+ const LBBox3fa bn1 = recalculatePrimRef.linearBounds(prims[i],dt1);
+ bounds1[b].extend(bn1);
+ bounds1[b].extend(bn1.interpolate(0.5f));
+ count1[b] += prims[i].timeSegmentRange(dt1).size();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline void bin_parallel(const PrimRefMB* prims, size_t begin, size_t end, size_t blockSize, size_t parallelThreshold, BBox1f time_range, const SetMB& set, const RecalculatePrimRef& recalculatePrimRef)
+ {
+ if (likely(end-begin < parallelThreshold)) {
+ bin(prims,begin,end,time_range,set,recalculatePrimRef);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ auto bin = [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> TemporalBinInfo {
+ TemporalBinInfo binner(empty); binner.bin(prims, r.begin(), r.end(), time_range, set, recalculatePrimRef); return binner;
+ };
+ *this = parallel_reduce(begin,end,blockSize,TemporalBinInfo(empty),bin,merge2);
+ }
+ }
+ /*! merges in other binning information */
+ __forceinline void merge (const TemporalBinInfo& other)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<BINS-1; i++)
+ {
+ count0[i] += other.count0[i];
+ count1[i] += other.count1[i];
+ bounds0[i].extend(other.bounds0[i]);
+ bounds1[i].extend(other.bounds1[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline const TemporalBinInfo merge2(const TemporalBinInfo& a, const TemporalBinInfo& b) {
+ TemporalBinInfo r = a; r.merge(b); return r;
+ }
+ Split best(int logBlockSize, BBox1f time_range, const SetMB& set)
+ {
+ float bestSAH = inf;
+ float bestPos = 0.0f;
+ for (int b=0; b<BINS-1; b++)
+ {
+ float t = float(b+1)/float(BINS);
+ float ct = lerp(time_range.lower,time_range.upper,t);
+ const float center_time = set.align_time(ct);
+ if (center_time <= time_range.lower) continue;
+ if (center_time >= time_range.upper) continue;
+ const BBox1f dt0(time_range.lower,center_time);
+ const BBox1f dt1(center_time,time_range.upper);
+ /* calculate sah */
+ const size_t lCount = (count0[b]+(size_t(1) << logBlockSize)-1) >> int(logBlockSize);
+ const size_t rCount = (count1[b]+(size_t(1) << logBlockSize)-1) >> int(logBlockSize);
+ float sah0 = expectedApproxHalfArea(bounds0[b])*float(lCount)*dt0.size();
+ float sah1 = expectedApproxHalfArea(bounds1[b])*float(rCount)*dt1.size();
+ if (unlikely(lCount == 0)) sah0 = 0.0f; // happens for initial splits when objects not alive over entire shutter time
+ if (unlikely(rCount == 0)) sah1 = 0.0f;
+ const float sah = sah0+sah1;
+ if (sah < bestSAH) {
+ bestSAH = sah;
+ bestPos = center_time;
+ }
+ }
+ return Split(bestSAH*MBLUR_TIME_SPLIT_THRESHOLD,(unsigned)Split::SPLIT_TEMPORAL,0,bestPos);
+ }
+ public:
+ size_t count0[BINS-1];
+ size_t count1[BINS-1];
+ BBox bounds0[BINS-1];
+ BBox bounds1[BINS-1];
+ };
+ /*! finds the best split */
+ const Split find(const SetMB& set, const size_t logBlockSize)
+ {
+ assert(set.size() > 0);
+ TemporalBinInfo binner(empty);
+ binner.bin_parallel(set.prims->data(),set.begin(),set.end(),PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE,PARALLEL_THRESHOLD,set.time_range,set,recalculatePrimRef);
+ Split tsplit =,set.time_range,set);
+ if (!tsplit.valid()) = Split::SPLIT_FALLBACK; // use fallback split
+ return tsplit;
+ }
+ __forceinline std::unique_ptr<mvector<PrimRefMB>> split(const Split& tsplit, const SetMB& set, SetMB& lset, SetMB& rset)
+ {
+ assert(tsplit.sah != float(inf));
+ assert(tsplit.fpos > set.time_range.lower);
+ assert(tsplit.fpos < set.time_range.upper);
+ float center_time = tsplit.fpos;
+ const BBox1f time_range0(set.time_range.lower,center_time);
+ const BBox1f time_range1(center_time,set.time_range.upper);
+ mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims = *set.prims;
+ /* calculate primrefs for first time range */
+ std::unique_ptr<mvector<PrimRefMB>> new_vector(new mvector<PrimRefMB>(device, set.size()));
+ PrimRefVector lprims = new_vector.get();
+ auto reduction_func0 = [&] (const range<size_t>& r) {
+ PrimInfoMB pinfo = empty;
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (likely(prims[i].time_range_overlap(time_range0)))
+ {
+ const PrimRefMB& prim = recalculatePrimRef(prims[i],time_range0);
+ (*lprims)[i-set.begin()] = prim;
+ pinfo.add_primref(prim);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (*lprims)[i-set.begin()] = prims[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ };
+ PrimInfoMB linfo = parallel_reduce(set.object_range,PARALLEL_PARTITION_BLOCK_SIZE,PARALLEL_THRESHOLD,PrimInfoMB(empty),reduction_func0,PrimInfoMB::merge2);
+ /* primrefs for first time range are in lprims[0 .. set.size()) */
+ /* some primitives may need to be filtered out */
+ if (linfo.size() != set.size())
+ linfo.object_range._end = parallel_filter(lprims->data(), size_t(0), set.size(), size_t(1024),
+ [&](const PrimRefMB& prim) { return prim.time_range_overlap(time_range0); });
+ lset = SetMB(linfo,lprims,time_range0);
+ /* calculate primrefs for second time range */
+ auto reduction_func1 = [&] (const range<size_t>& r) {
+ PrimInfoMB pinfo = empty;
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (likely(prims[i].time_range_overlap(time_range1)))
+ {
+ const PrimRefMB& prim = recalculatePrimRef(prims[i],time_range1);
+ prims[i] = prim;
+ pinfo.add_primref(prim);
+ }
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ };
+ PrimInfoMB rinfo = parallel_reduce(set.object_range,PARALLEL_PARTITION_BLOCK_SIZE,PARALLEL_THRESHOLD,PrimInfoMB(empty),reduction_func1,PrimInfoMB::merge2);
+ rinfo.object_range = range<size_t>(set.begin(), set.begin() + rinfo.size());
+ /* primrefs for second time range are in prims[set.begin() .. set.end()) */
+ /* some primitives may need to be filtered out */
+ if (rinfo.size() != set.size())
+ rinfo.object_range._end = parallel_filter(, set.begin(), set.end(), size_t(1024),
+ [&](const PrimRefMB& prim) { return prim.time_range_overlap(time_range1); });
+ rset = SetMB(rinfo,&prims,time_range1);
+ return new_vector;
+ }
+ private:
+ MemoryMonitorInterface* device; // device to report memory usage to
+ const RecalculatePrimRef recalculatePrimRef;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/priminfo.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/priminfo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fee515247a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/priminfo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/default.h"
+#include "../common/primref.h"
+#include "../common/primref_mb.h"
+namespace embree
+ // FIXME: maybe there's a better place for this util fct
+ __forceinline float areaProjectedTriangle(const Vec3fa& v0, const Vec3fa& v1, const Vec3fa& v2)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa e0 = v1-v0;
+ const Vec3fa e1 = v2-v0;
+ const Vec3fa d = cross(e0,e1);
+ return fabs(d.x) + fabs(d.y) + fabs(d.z);
+ }
+ //namespace isa
+ //{
+ template<typename BBox>
+ class CentGeom
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline CentGeom () {}
+ __forceinline CentGeom (EmptyTy)
+ : geomBounds(empty), centBounds(empty) {}
+ __forceinline CentGeom (const BBox& geomBounds, const BBox3fa& centBounds)
+ : geomBounds(geomBounds), centBounds(centBounds) {}
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void extend_primref(const PrimRef& prim)
+ {
+ BBox bounds; Vec3fa center;
+ prim.binBoundsAndCenter(bounds,center);
+ geomBounds.extend(bounds);
+ centBounds.extend(center);
+ }
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void extend_center2(const PrimRef& prim)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = prim.bounds();
+ geomBounds.extend(bounds);
+ centBounds.extend(bounds.center2());
+ }
+ __forceinline void extend(const BBox& geomBounds_) {
+ geomBounds.extend(geomBounds_);
+ centBounds.extend(center2(geomBounds_));
+ }
+ __forceinline void merge(const CentGeom& other)
+ {
+ geomBounds.extend(other.geomBounds);
+ centBounds.extend(other.centBounds);
+ }
+ static __forceinline const CentGeom merge2(const CentGeom& a, const CentGeom& b) {
+ CentGeom r = a; r.merge(b); return r;
+ }
+ public:
+ BBox geomBounds; //!< geometry bounds of primitives
+ BBox3fa centBounds; //!< centroid bounds of primitives
+ };
+ typedef CentGeom<BBox3fa> CentGeomBBox3fa;
+ /*! stores bounding information for a set of primitives */
+ template<typename BBox>
+ class PrimInfoT : public CentGeom<BBox>
+ {
+ public:
+ using CentGeom<BBox>::geomBounds;
+ using CentGeom<BBox>::centBounds;
+ __forceinline PrimInfoT () {}
+ __forceinline PrimInfoT (EmptyTy)
+ : CentGeom<BBox>(empty), begin(0), end(0) {}
+ __forceinline PrimInfoT (size_t begin, size_t end, const CentGeomBBox3fa& centGeomBounds)
+ : CentGeom<BBox>(centGeomBounds), begin(begin), end(end) {}
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void add_primref(const PrimRef& prim)
+ {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::extend_primref(prim);
+ end++;
+ }
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void add_center2(const PrimRef& prim) {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::extend_center2(prim);
+ end++;
+ }
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void add_center2(const PrimRef& prim, const size_t i) {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::extend_center2(prim);
+ end+=i;
+ }
+ /*__forceinline void add(const BBox& geomBounds_) {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::extend(geomBounds_);
+ end++;
+ }
+ __forceinline void add(const BBox& geomBounds_, const size_t i) {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::extend(geomBounds_);
+ end+=i;
+ }*/
+ __forceinline void merge(const PrimInfoT& other)
+ {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::merge(other);
+ begin += other.begin;
+ end += other.end;
+ }
+ static __forceinline const PrimInfoT merge(const PrimInfoT& a, const PrimInfoT& b) {
+ PrimInfoT r = a; r.merge(b); return r;
+ }
+ /*! returns the number of primitives */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const {
+ return end-begin;
+ }
+ __forceinline float halfArea() {
+ return expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds);
+ }
+ __forceinline float leafSAH() const {
+ return expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds)*float(size());
+ //return halfArea(geomBounds)*blocks(num);
+ }
+ __forceinline float leafSAH(size_t block_shift) const {
+ return expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds)*float((size()+(size_t(1)<<block_shift)-1) >> block_shift);
+ //return halfArea(geomBounds)*float((num+3) >> 2);
+ //return halfArea(geomBounds)*blocks(num);
+ }
+ /*! stream output */
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const PrimInfoT& pinfo) {
+ return cout << "PrimInfo { begin = " << pinfo.begin << ", end = " << pinfo.end << ", geomBounds = " << pinfo.geomBounds << ", centBounds = " << pinfo.centBounds << "}";
+ }
+ public:
+ size_t begin,end; //!< number of primitives
+ };
+ typedef PrimInfoT<BBox3fa> PrimInfo;
+ //typedef PrimInfoT<LBBox3fa> PrimInfoMB;
+ /*! stores bounding information for a set of primitives */
+ template<typename BBox>
+ class PrimInfoMBT : public CentGeom<BBox>
+ {
+ public:
+ using CentGeom<BBox>::geomBounds;
+ using CentGeom<BBox>::centBounds;
+ __forceinline PrimInfoMBT () {
+ }
+ __forceinline PrimInfoMBT (EmptyTy)
+ : CentGeom<BBox>(empty), object_range(0,0), num_time_segments(0), max_num_time_segments(0), max_time_range(0.0f,1.0f), time_range(1.0f,0.0f) {}
+ __forceinline PrimInfoMBT (size_t begin, size_t end)
+ : CentGeom<BBox>(empty), object_range(begin,end), num_time_segments(0), max_num_time_segments(0), max_time_range(0.0f,1.0f), time_range(1.0f,0.0f) {}
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void add_primref(const PrimRef& prim)
+ {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::extend_primref(prim);
+ time_range.extend(prim.time_range);
+ object_range._end++;
+ num_time_segments += prim.size();
+ if (max_num_time_segments < prim.totalTimeSegments()) {
+ max_num_time_segments = prim.totalTimeSegments();
+ max_time_range = prim.time_range;
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline void merge(const PrimInfoMBT& other)
+ {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::merge(other);
+ time_range.extend(other.time_range);
+ object_range._begin += other.object_range.begin();
+ object_range._end += other.object_range.end();
+ num_time_segments += other.num_time_segments;
+ if (max_num_time_segments < other.max_num_time_segments) {
+ max_num_time_segments = other.max_num_time_segments;
+ max_time_range = other.max_time_range;
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline const PrimInfoMBT merge2(const PrimInfoMBT& a, const PrimInfoMBT& b) {
+ PrimInfoMBT r = a; r.merge(b); return r;
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t begin() const {
+ return object_range.begin();
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t end() const {
+ return object_range.end();
+ }
+ /*! returns the number of primitives */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const {
+ return object_range.size();
+ }
+ __forceinline float halfArea() const {
+ return time_range.size()*expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds);
+ }
+ __forceinline float leafSAH() const {
+ return time_range.size()*expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds)*float(num_time_segments);
+ }
+ __forceinline float leafSAH(size_t block_shift) const {
+ return time_range.size()*expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds)*float((num_time_segments+(size_t(1)<<block_shift)-1) >> block_shift);
+ }
+ __forceinline float align_time(float ct) const
+ {
+ //return roundf(ct * float(numTimeSegments)) / float(numTimeSegments);
+ float t0 = (ct-max_time_range.lower)/max_time_range.size();
+ float t1 = roundf(t0 * float(max_num_time_segments)) / float(max_num_time_segments);
+ return t1*max_time_range.size()+max_time_range.lower;
+ }
+ /*! stream output */
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const PrimInfoMBT& pinfo)
+ {
+ return cout << "PrimInfo { " <<
+ "object_range = " << pinfo.object_range <<
+ ", time_range = " << pinfo.time_range <<
+ ", time_segments = " << pinfo.num_time_segments <<
+ ", geomBounds = " << pinfo.geomBounds <<
+ ", centBounds = " << pinfo.centBounds <<
+ "}";
+ }
+ public:
+ range<size_t> object_range; //!< primitive range
+ size_t num_time_segments; //!< total number of time segments of all added primrefs
+ size_t max_num_time_segments; //!< maximum number of time segments of a primitive
+ BBox1f max_time_range; //!< time range of primitive with max_num_time_segments
+ BBox1f time_range; //!< merged time range of primitives when merging prims, or additionally clipped with build time range when used in SetMB
+ };
+ typedef PrimInfoMBT<typename PrimRefMB::BBox> PrimInfoMB;
+ struct SetMB : public PrimInfoMB
+ {
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_THRESHOLD = 3 * 1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_PARTITION_BLOCK_SIZE = 128;
+ typedef mvector<PrimRefMB>* PrimRefVector;
+ __forceinline SetMB() {}
+ __forceinline SetMB(const PrimInfoMB& pinfo_i, PrimRefVector prims)
+ : PrimInfoMB(pinfo_i), prims(prims) {}
+ __forceinline SetMB(const PrimInfoMB& pinfo_i, PrimRefVector prims, range<size_t> object_range_in, BBox1f time_range_in)
+ : PrimInfoMB(pinfo_i), prims(prims)
+ {
+ object_range = object_range_in;
+ time_range = intersect(time_range,time_range_in);
+ }
+ __forceinline SetMB(const PrimInfoMB& pinfo_i, PrimRefVector prims, BBox1f time_range_in)
+ : PrimInfoMB(pinfo_i), prims(prims)
+ {
+ time_range = intersect(time_range,time_range_in);
+ }
+ void deterministic_order() const
+ {
+ /* required as parallel partition destroys original primitive order */
+ PrimRefMB* prim = prims->data();
+ std::sort(&prim[object_range.begin()],&prim[object_range.end()]);
+ }
+ template<typename RecalculatePrimRef>
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const RecalculatePrimRef& recalculatePrimRef) const
+ {
+ auto reduce = [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> LBBox3fa
+ {
+ LBBox3fa cbounds(empty);
+ for (size_t j = r.begin(); j < r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ PrimRefMB& ref = (*prims)[j];
+ const LBBox3fa bn = recalculatePrimRef.linearBounds(ref, time_range);
+ cbounds.extend(bn);
+ };
+ return cbounds;
+ };
+ return parallel_reduce(object_range.begin(), object_range.end(), PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE, PARALLEL_THRESHOLD, LBBox3fa(empty),
+ reduce,
+ [&](const LBBox3fa& b0, const LBBox3fa& b1) -> LBBox3fa { return embree::merge(b0, b1); });
+ }
+ template<typename RecalculatePrimRef>
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const RecalculatePrimRef& recalculatePrimRef, const LinearSpace3fa& space) const
+ {
+ auto reduce = [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> LBBox3fa
+ {
+ LBBox3fa cbounds(empty);
+ for (size_t j = r.begin(); j < r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ PrimRefMB& ref = (*prims)[j];
+ const LBBox3fa bn = recalculatePrimRef.linearBounds(ref, time_range, space);
+ cbounds.extend(bn);
+ };
+ return cbounds;
+ };
+ return parallel_reduce(object_range.begin(), object_range.end(), PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE, PARALLEL_THRESHOLD, LBBox3fa(empty),
+ reduce,
+ [&](const LBBox3fa& b0, const LBBox3fa& b1) -> LBBox3fa { return embree::merge(b0, b1); });
+ }
+ template<typename RecalculatePrimRef>
+ const SetMB primInfo(const RecalculatePrimRef& recalculatePrimRef, const LinearSpace3fa& space) const
+ {
+ auto computePrimInfo = [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> PrimInfoMB
+ {
+ PrimInfoMB pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ PrimRefMB& ref = (*prims)[j];
+ PrimRefMB ref1 = recalculatePrimRef(ref,time_range,space);
+ pinfo.add_primref(ref1);
+ };
+ return pinfo;
+ };
+ const PrimInfoMB pinfo = parallel_reduce(object_range.begin(), object_range.end(), PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE, PARALLEL_THRESHOLD,
+ PrimInfoMB(empty), computePrimInfo, PrimInfoMB::merge2);
+ return SetMB(pinfo,prims,object_range,time_range);
+ }
+ public:
+ PrimRefVector prims;
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/primrefgen.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/primrefgen.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d279dc4993
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/primrefgen.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,312 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "primrefgen.h"
+#include "primrefgen_presplit.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_for_for.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_for_for_prefix_sum.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArray(Geometry* geometry, unsigned int geomID, const size_t numPrimRefs, mvector<PrimRef>& prims, BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor)
+ {
+ ParallelPrefixSumState<PrimInfo> pstate;
+ /* first try */
+ progressMonitor(0);
+ PrimInfo pinfo = parallel_prefix_sum( pstate, size_t(0), geometry->size(), size_t(1024), PrimInfo(empty), [&](const range<size_t>& r, const PrimInfo& base) -> PrimInfo {
+ return geometry->createPrimRefArray(prims,r,r.begin(),geomID);
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ /* if we need to filter out geometry, run again */
+ if (pinfo.size() != numPrimRefs)
+ {
+ progressMonitor(0);
+ pinfo = parallel_prefix_sum( pstate, size_t(0), geometry->size(), size_t(1024), PrimInfo(empty), [&](const range<size_t>& r, const PrimInfo& base) -> PrimInfo {
+ return geometry->createPrimRefArray(prims,r,base.size(),geomID);
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArray(Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask types, bool mblur, const size_t numPrimRefs, mvector<PrimRef>& prims, BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor)
+ {
+ ParallelForForPrefixSumState<PrimInfo> pstate;
+ Scene::Iterator2 iter(scene,types,mblur);
+ /* first try */
+ progressMonitor(0);
+ pstate.init(iter,size_t(1024));
+ PrimInfo pinfo = parallel_for_for_prefix_sum0( pstate, iter, PrimInfo(empty), [&](Geometry* mesh, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, size_t geomID) -> PrimInfo {
+ return mesh->createPrimRefArray(prims,r,k,(unsigned)geomID);
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ /* if we need to filter out geometry, run again */
+ if (pinfo.size() != numPrimRefs)
+ {
+ progressMonitor(0);
+ pinfo = parallel_for_for_prefix_sum1( pstate, iter, PrimInfo(empty), [&](Geometry* mesh, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, size_t geomID, const PrimInfo& base) -> PrimInfo {
+ return mesh->createPrimRefArray(prims,r,base.size(),(unsigned)geomID);
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArrayMBlur(Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask types, const size_t numPrimRefs, mvector<PrimRef>& prims, BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor, size_t itime)
+ {
+ ParallelForForPrefixSumState<PrimInfo> pstate;
+ Scene::Iterator2 iter(scene,types,true);
+ /* first try */
+ progressMonitor(0);
+ pstate.init(iter,size_t(1024));
+ PrimInfo pinfo = parallel_for_for_prefix_sum0( pstate, iter, PrimInfo(empty), [&](Geometry* mesh, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, size_t geomID) -> PrimInfo {
+ return mesh->createPrimRefArrayMB(prims,itime,r,k,(unsigned)geomID);
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ /* if we need to filter out geometry, run again */
+ if (pinfo.size() != numPrimRefs)
+ {
+ progressMonitor(0);
+ pinfo = parallel_for_for_prefix_sum1( pstate, iter, PrimInfo(empty), [&](Geometry* mesh, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, size_t geomID, const PrimInfo& base) -> PrimInfo {
+ return mesh->createPrimRefArrayMB(prims,itime,r,base.size(),(unsigned)geomID);
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfoMB createPrimRefArrayMSMBlur(Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask types, const size_t numPrimRefs, mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims, BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor, BBox1f t0t1)
+ {
+ ParallelForForPrefixSumState<PrimInfoMB> pstate;
+ Scene::Iterator2 iter(scene,types,true);
+ /* first try */
+ progressMonitor(0);
+ pstate.init(iter,size_t(1024));
+ PrimInfoMB pinfo = parallel_for_for_prefix_sum0( pstate, iter, PrimInfoMB(empty), [&](Geometry* mesh, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, size_t geomID) -> PrimInfoMB {
+ return mesh->createPrimRefMBArray(prims,t0t1,r,k,(unsigned)geomID);
+ }, [](const PrimInfoMB& a, const PrimInfoMB& b) -> PrimInfoMB { return PrimInfoMB::merge2(a,b); });
+ /* if we need to filter out geometry, run again */
+ if (pinfo.size() != numPrimRefs)
+ {
+ progressMonitor(0);
+ pinfo = parallel_for_for_prefix_sum1( pstate, iter, PrimInfoMB(empty), [&](Geometry* mesh, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, size_t geomID, const PrimInfoMB& base) -> PrimInfoMB {
+ return mesh->createPrimRefMBArray(prims,t0t1,r,base.size(),(unsigned)geomID);
+ }, [](const PrimInfoMB& a, const PrimInfoMB& b) -> PrimInfoMB { return PrimInfoMB::merge2(a,b); });
+ }
+ /* the BVH starts with that time range, even though primitives might have smaller/larger time range */
+ pinfo.time_range = t0t1;
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ template<typename Mesh>
+ size_t createMortonCodeArray(Mesh* mesh, mvector<BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim>& morton, BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor)
+ {
+ size_t numPrimitives = morton.size();
+ /* compute scene bounds */
+ std::pair<size_t,BBox3fa> cb_empty(0,empty);
+ auto cb = parallel_reduce
+ ( size_t(0), numPrimitives, size_t(1024), cb_empty, [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> std::pair<size_t,BBox3fa>
+ {
+ size_t num = 0;
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ BBox3fa prim_bounds = empty;
+ if (unlikely(!mesh->buildBounds(j,&prim_bounds))) continue;
+ bounds.extend(center2(prim_bounds));
+ num++;
+ }
+ return std::make_pair(num,bounds);
+ }, [] (const std::pair<size_t,BBox3fa>& a, const std::pair<size_t,BBox3fa>& b) {
+ return std::make_pair(a.first + b.first,merge(a.second,b.second));
+ });
+ size_t numPrimitivesGen = cb.first;
+ const BBox3fa centBounds = cb.second;
+ /* compute morton codes */
+ if (likely(numPrimitivesGen == numPrimitives))
+ {
+ /* fast path if all primitives were valid */
+ BVHBuilderMorton::MortonCodeMapping mapping(centBounds);
+ parallel_for( size_t(0), numPrimitives, size_t(1024), [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> void {
+ BVHBuilderMorton::MortonCodeGenerator generator(mapping,&[r.begin()]);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ generator(mesh->bounds(j),unsigned(j));
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* slow path, fallback in case some primitives were invalid */
+ ParallelPrefixSumState<size_t> pstate;
+ BVHBuilderMorton::MortonCodeMapping mapping(centBounds);
+ parallel_prefix_sum( pstate, size_t(0), numPrimitives, size_t(1024), size_t(0), [&](const range<size_t>& r, const size_t base) -> size_t {
+ size_t num = 0;
+ BVHBuilderMorton::MortonCodeGenerator generator(mapping,&[r.begin()]);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (unlikely(!mesh->buildBounds(j,&bounds))) continue;
+ generator(bounds,unsigned(j));
+ num++;
+ }
+ return num;
+ }, std::plus<size_t>());
+ parallel_prefix_sum( pstate, size_t(0), numPrimitives, size_t(1024), size_t(0), [&](const range<size_t>& r, const size_t base) -> size_t {
+ size_t num = 0;
+ BVHBuilderMorton::MortonCodeGenerator generator(mapping,&[base]);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (!mesh->buildBounds(j,&bounds)) continue;
+ generator(bounds,unsigned(j));
+ num++;
+ }
+ return num;
+ }, std::plus<size_t>());
+ }
+ return numPrimitivesGen;
+ }
+ // ====================================================================================================
+ // ====================================================================================================
+ // ====================================================================================================
+ // special variants for grid meshes
+// -- GODOT start --
+// -- GODOT end --
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArrayGrids(Scene* scene, mvector<PrimRef>& prims, mvector<SubGridBuildData>& sgrids)
+ {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ size_t numPrimitives = 0;
+ /* first run to get #primitives */
+ ParallelForForPrefixSumState<PrimInfo> pstate;
+ Scene::Iterator<GridMesh,false> iter(scene);
+ pstate.init(iter,size_t(1024));
+ /* iterate over all meshes in the scene */
+ pinfo = parallel_for_for_prefix_sum0( pstate, iter, PrimInfo(empty), [&](GridMesh* mesh, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, size_t geomID) -> PrimInfo {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ if (!mesh->valid(j)) continue;
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds,(unsigned)geomID,(unsigned)j);
+ if (!mesh->valid(j)) continue;
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim,mesh->getNumSubGrids(j));
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ numPrimitives = pinfo.size();
+ /* resize arrays */
+ sgrids.resize(numPrimitives);
+ prims.resize(numPrimitives);
+ /* second run to fill primrefs and SubGridBuildData arrays */
+ pinfo = parallel_for_for_prefix_sum1( pstate, iter, PrimInfo(empty), [&](GridMesh* mesh, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, size_t geomID, const PrimInfo& base) -> PrimInfo {
+ k = base.size();
+ size_t p_index = k;
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ if (!mesh->valid(j)) continue;
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(j);
+ for (unsigned int y=0; y<g.resY-1u; y+=2)
+ for (unsigned int x=0; x<g.resX-1u; x+=2)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (!mesh->buildBounds(g,x,y,bounds)) continue; // get bounds of subgrid
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds,(unsigned)geomID,(unsigned)p_index);
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ sgrids[p_index] = SubGridBuildData(x | g.get3x3FlagsX(x), y | g.get3x3FlagsY(y), unsigned(j));
+ prims[p_index++] = prim;
+ }
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ assert(pinfo.size() == numPrimitives);
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArrayGrids(GridMesh* mesh, mvector<PrimRef>& prims, mvector<SubGridBuildData>& sgrids)
+ {
+ unsigned int geomID_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max ();
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ size_t numPrimitives = 0;
+ ParallelPrefixSumState<PrimInfo> pstate;
+ /* iterate over all grids in a single mesh */
+ pinfo = parallel_prefix_sum( pstate, size_t(0), mesh->size(), size_t(1024), PrimInfo(empty), [&](const range<size_t>& r, const PrimInfo& base) -> PrimInfo
+ {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ if (!mesh->valid(j)) continue;
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds,geomID_,unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim,mesh->getNumSubGrids(j));
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ numPrimitives = pinfo.size();
+ /* resize arrays */
+ sgrids.resize(numPrimitives);
+ prims.resize(numPrimitives);
+ /* second run to fill primrefs and SubGridBuildData arrays */
+ pinfo = parallel_prefix_sum( pstate, size_t(0), mesh->size(), size_t(1024), PrimInfo(empty), [&](const range<size_t>& r, const PrimInfo& base) -> PrimInfo
+ {
+ size_t p_index = base.size();
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ if (!mesh->valid(j)) continue;
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(j);
+ for (unsigned int y=0; y<g.resY-1u; y+=2)
+ for (unsigned int x=0; x<g.resX-1u; x+=2)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (!mesh->buildBounds(g,x,y,bounds)) continue; // get bounds of subgrid
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds,geomID_,unsigned(p_index));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ sgrids[p_index] = SubGridBuildData(x | g.get3x3FlagsX(x), y | g.get3x3FlagsY(y), unsigned(j));
+ prims[p_index++] = prim;
+ }
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+// -- GODOT start --
+// -- GODOT end --
+ // ====================================================================================================
+ // ====================================================================================================
+ // ====================================================================================================
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS (template size_t createMortonCodeArray<TriangleMesh>(TriangleMesh* mesh COMMA mvector<BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim>& morton COMMA BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(template size_t createMortonCodeArray<QuadMesh>(QuadMesh* mesh COMMA mvector<BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim>& morton COMMA BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER (template size_t createMortonCodeArray<UserGeometry>(UserGeometry* mesh COMMA mvector<BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim>& morton COMMA BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE (template size_t createMortonCodeArray<Instance>(Instance* mesh COMMA mvector<BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim>& morton COMMA BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor));
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/primrefgen.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/primrefgen.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c09a848ba3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/primrefgen.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/scene.h"
+#include "../common/primref.h"
+#include "../common/primref_mb.h"
+#include "priminfo.h"
+#include "bvh_builder_morton.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArray(Geometry* geometry, unsigned int geomID, size_t numPrimitives, mvector<PrimRef>& prims, BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor);
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArray(Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask types, bool mblur, size_t numPrimitives, mvector<PrimRef>& prims, BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor);
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArrayMBlur(Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask types, size_t numPrimitives, mvector<PrimRef>& prims, BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor, size_t itime = 0);
+ PrimInfoMB createPrimRefArrayMSMBlur(Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask types, size_t numPrimitives, mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims, BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor, BBox1f t0t1 = BBox1f(0.0f,1.0f));
+ template<typename Mesh>
+ size_t createMortonCodeArray(Mesh* mesh, mvector<BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim>& morton, BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor);
+ /* special variants for grids */
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArrayGrids(Scene* scene, mvector<PrimRef>& prims, mvector<SubGridBuildData>& sgrids);
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArrayGrids(GridMesh* mesh, mvector<PrimRef>& prims, mvector<SubGridBuildData>& sgrids);
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/primrefgen_presplit.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/primrefgen_presplit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8cd251ddd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/primrefgen_presplit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../builders/primrefgen.h"
+#include "../builders/heuristic_spatial.h"
+#include "../builders/splitter.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_for_for.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_for_for_prefix_sum.h"
+#define DBG_PRESPLIT(x)
+#define CHECK_PRESPLIT(x)
+#define GRID_SIZE 1024
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct PresplitItem
+ {
+ union {
+ float priority;
+ unsigned int data;
+ };
+ unsigned int index;
+ __forceinline operator unsigned() const
+ {
+ return reinterpret_cast<const unsigned&>(priority);
+ }
+ __forceinline bool operator < (const PresplitItem& item) const
+ {
+ return (priority < item.priority);
+ }
+ template<typename Mesh>
+ __forceinline static float compute_priority(const PrimRef &ref, Scene *scene, const Vec2i &mc)
+ {
+ const unsigned int geomID = ref.geomID();
+ const unsigned int primID = ref.primID();
+ const float area_aabb = area(ref.bounds());
+ const float area_prim = ((Mesh*)scene->get(geomID))->projectedPrimitiveArea(primID);
+ const unsigned int diff = 31 - lzcnt(mc.x^mc.y);
+ assert(area_prim <= area_aabb);
+ //const float priority = powf((area_aabb - area_prim) * powf(PRIORITY_SPLIT_POS_WEIGHT,(float)diff),1.0f/4.0f);
+ const float priority = sqrtf(sqrtf( (area_aabb - area_prim) * powf(PRIORITY_SPLIT_POS_WEIGHT,(float)diff) ));
+ assert(priority >= 0.0f && priority < FLT_LARGE);
+ return priority;
+ }
+ };
+ inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &cout, const PresplitItem& item) {
+ return cout << "index " << item.index << " priority " << item.priority;
+ };
+ template<typename SplitterFactory>
+ void splitPrimitive(SplitterFactory &Splitter,
+ const PrimRef &prim,
+ const unsigned int geomID,
+ const unsigned int primID,
+ const unsigned int split_level,
+ const Vec3fa &grid_base,
+ const float grid_scale,
+ const float grid_extend,
+ unsigned int& numSubPrims)
+ {
+ assert(split_level <= MAX_PRESPLITS_PER_PRIMITIVE_LOG);
+ if (split_level == 0)
+ {
+ assert(numSubPrims < MAX_PRESPLITS_PER_PRIMITIVE);
+ subPrims[numSubPrims++] = prim;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const Vec3fa lower = prim.lower;
+ const Vec3fa upper = prim.upper;
+ const Vec3fa glower = (lower-grid_base)*Vec3fa(grid_scale)+Vec3fa(0.2f);
+ const Vec3fa gupper = (upper-grid_base)*Vec3fa(grid_scale)-Vec3fa(0.2f);
+ Vec3ia ilower(floor(glower));
+ Vec3ia iupper(floor(gupper));
+ /* this ignores dimensions that are empty */
+ iupper = (Vec3ia)(select(vint4(glower) >= vint4(gupper),vint4(ilower),vint4(iupper)));
+ /* compute a morton code for the lower and upper grid coordinates. */
+ const unsigned int lower_code = bitInterleave(ilower.x,ilower.y,ilower.z);
+ const unsigned int upper_code = bitInterleave(iupper.x,iupper.y,iupper.z);
+ /* if all bits are equal then we cannot split */
+ if(unlikely(lower_code == upper_code))
+ {
+ assert(numSubPrims < MAX_PRESPLITS_PER_PRIMITIVE);
+ subPrims[numSubPrims++] = prim;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* compute octree level and dimension to perform the split in */
+ const unsigned int diff = 31 - lzcnt(lower_code^upper_code);
+ const unsigned int level = diff / 3;
+ const unsigned int dim = diff % 3;
+ /* now we compute the grid position of the split */
+ const unsigned int isplit = iupper[dim] & ~((1<<level)-1);
+ /* compute world space position of split */
+ const float inv_grid_size = 1.0f / GRID_SIZE;
+ const float fsplit = grid_base[dim] + isplit * inv_grid_size * grid_extend;
+ assert(prim.lower[dim] <= fsplit &&
+ prim.upper[dim] >= fsplit);
+ /* split primitive */
+ const auto splitter = Splitter(prim);
+ BBox3fa left,right;
+ splitter(prim.bounds(),dim,fsplit,left,right);
+ assert(!left.empty());
+ assert(!right.empty());
+ splitPrimitive(Splitter,PrimRef(left ,geomID,primID),geomID,primID,split_level-1,grid_base,grid_scale,grid_extend,subPrims,numSubPrims);
+ splitPrimitive(Splitter,PrimRef(right,geomID,primID),geomID,primID,split_level-1,grid_base,grid_scale,grid_extend,subPrims,numSubPrims);
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Mesh, typename SplitterFactory>
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArray_presplit(Geometry* geometry, unsigned int geomID, size_t numPrimRefs, mvector<PrimRef>& prims, BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor)
+ {
+ ParallelPrefixSumState<PrimInfo> pstate;
+ /* first try */
+ progressMonitor(0);
+ PrimInfo pinfo = parallel_prefix_sum( pstate, size_t(0), geometry->size(), size_t(1024), PrimInfo(empty), [&](const range<size_t>& r, const PrimInfo& base) -> PrimInfo {
+ return geometry->createPrimRefArray(prims,r,r.begin(),geomID);
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ /* if we need to filter out geometry, run again */
+ if (pinfo.size() != numPrimRefs)
+ {
+ progressMonitor(0);
+ pinfo = parallel_prefix_sum( pstate, size_t(0), geometry->size(), size_t(1024), PrimInfo(empty), [&](const range<size_t>& r, const PrimInfo& base) -> PrimInfo {
+ return geometry->createPrimRefArray(prims,r,base.size(),geomID);
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec2i computeMC(const Vec3fa &grid_base, const float grid_scale, const PrimRef &ref)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa lower = ref.lower;
+ const Vec3fa upper = ref.upper;
+ const Vec3fa glower = (lower-grid_base)*Vec3fa(grid_scale)+Vec3fa(0.2f);
+ const Vec3fa gupper = (upper-grid_base)*Vec3fa(grid_scale)-Vec3fa(0.2f);
+ Vec3ia ilower(floor(glower));
+ Vec3ia iupper(floor(gupper));
+ /* this ignores dimensions that are empty */
+ iupper = (Vec3ia)select(vint4(glower) >= vint4(gupper),vint4(ilower),vint4(iupper));
+ /* compute a morton code for the lower and upper grid coordinates. */
+ const unsigned int lower_code = bitInterleave(ilower.x,ilower.y,ilower.z);
+ const unsigned int upper_code = bitInterleave(iupper.x,iupper.y,iupper.z);
+ return Vec2i(lower_code,upper_code);
+ }
+ template<typename Mesh, typename SplitterFactory>
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArray_presplit(Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask types, bool mblur, size_t numPrimRefs, mvector<PrimRef>& prims, BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor)
+ {
+ static const size_t MIN_STEP_SIZE = 128;
+ ParallelForForPrefixSumState<PrimInfo> pstate;
+ Scene::Iterator2 iter(scene,types,mblur);
+ /* first try */
+ progressMonitor(0);
+ pstate.init(iter,size_t(1024));
+ PrimInfo pinfo = parallel_for_for_prefix_sum0( pstate, iter, PrimInfo(empty), [&](Geometry* mesh, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, size_t geomID) -> PrimInfo {
+ return mesh->createPrimRefArray(prims,r,k,(unsigned)geomID);
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ /* if we need to filter out geometry, run again */
+ if (pinfo.size() != numPrimRefs)
+ {
+ progressMonitor(0);
+ pinfo = parallel_for_for_prefix_sum1( pstate, iter, PrimInfo(empty), [&](Geometry* mesh, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, size_t geomID, const PrimInfo& base) -> PrimInfo {
+ return mesh->createPrimRefArray(prims,r,base.size(),(unsigned)geomID);
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ }
+ /* use correct number of primitives */
+ size_t numPrimitives = pinfo.size();
+ const size_t alloc_numPrimitives = prims.size();
+ const size_t numSplitPrimitivesBudget = alloc_numPrimitives - numPrimitives;
+ /* set up primitive splitter */
+ SplitterFactory Splitter(scene);
+ const size_t org_numPrimitives = pinfo.size();
+ PRINT(numPrimitives);
+ PRINT(alloc_numPrimitives);
+ PRINT(numSplitPrimitivesBudget);
+ );
+ /* allocate double buffer presplit items */
+ const size_t presplit_allocation_size = sizeof(PresplitItem)*alloc_numPrimitives;
+ PresplitItem *presplitItem = (PresplitItem*)alignedMalloc(presplit_allocation_size,64);
+ PresplitItem *tmp_presplitItem = (PresplitItem*)alignedMalloc(presplit_allocation_size,64);
+ /* compute grid */
+ const Vec3fa grid_base = pinfo.geomBounds.lower;
+ const Vec3fa grid_diag = pinfo.geomBounds.size();
+ const float grid_extend = max(grid_diag.x,max(grid_diag.y,grid_diag.z));
+ const float grid_scale = grid_extend == 0.0f ? 0.0f : GRID_SIZE / grid_extend;
+ /* init presplit items and get total sum */
+ const float psum = parallel_reduce( size_t(0), numPrimitives, size_t(MIN_STEP_SIZE), 0.0f, [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> float {
+ float sum = 0.0f;
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
+ {
+ presplitItem[i].index = (unsigned int)i;
+ const Vec2i mc = computeMC(grid_base,grid_scale,prims[i]);
+ /* if all bits are equal then we cannot split */
+ presplitItem[i].priority = (mc.x != mc.y) ? PresplitItem::compute_priority<Mesh>(prims[i],scene,mc) : 0.0f;
+ /* FIXME: sum undeterministic */
+ sum += presplitItem[i].priority;
+ }
+ return sum;
+ },[](const float& a, const float& b) -> float { return a+b; });
+ /* compute number of splits per primitive */
+ const float inv_psum = 1.0f / psum;
+ parallel_for( size_t(0), numPrimitives, size_t(MIN_STEP_SIZE), [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> void {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (presplitItem[i].priority > 0.0f)
+ {
+ const float rel_p = (float)numSplitPrimitivesBudget * presplitItem[i].priority * inv_psum;
+ if (rel_p >= PRIORITY_CUTOFF_THRESHOLD) // need at least a split budget that generates two sub-prims
+ {
+ presplitItem[i].priority = max(min(ceilf(logf(rel_p)/logf(2.0f)),(float)MAX_PRESPLITS_PER_PRIMITIVE_LOG),1.0f);
+ //presplitItem[i].priority = min(floorf(logf(rel_p)/logf(2.0f)),(float)MAX_PRESPLITS_PER_PRIMITIVE_LOG);
+ assert(presplitItem[i].priority >= 0.0f && presplitItem[i].priority <= (float)MAX_PRESPLITS_PER_PRIMITIVE_LOG);
+ }
+ else
+ presplitItem[i].priority = 0.0f;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ auto isLeft = [&] (const PresplitItem &ref) { return ref.priority < PRIORITY_CUTOFF_THRESHOLD; };
+ size_t center = parallel_partitioning(presplitItem,0,numPrimitives,isLeft,1024);
+ /* anything to split ? */
+ if (center < numPrimitives)
+ {
+ const size_t numPrimitivesToSplit = numPrimitives - center;
+ assert(presplitItem[center].priority >= 1.0f);
+ /* sort presplit items in ascending order */
+ radix_sort_u32(presplitItem + center,tmp_presplitItem + center,numPrimitivesToSplit,1024);
+ parallel_for( size_t(center+1), numPrimitives, size_t(MIN_STEP_SIZE), [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> void {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
+ assert(presplitItem[i-1].priority <= presplitItem[i].priority);
+ });
+ );
+ unsigned int *const primOffset0 = (unsigned int*)tmp_presplitItem;
+ unsigned int *const primOffset1 = (unsigned int*)tmp_presplitItem + numPrimitivesToSplit;
+ /* compute actual number of sub-primitives generated within the [center;numPrimitives-1] range */
+ const size_t totalNumSubPrims = parallel_reduce( size_t(center), numPrimitives, size_t(MIN_STEP_SIZE), size_t(0), [&](const range<size_t>& t) -> size_t {
+ size_t sum = 0;
+ for (size_t i=t.begin(); i<t.end(); i++)
+ {
+ assert(presplitItem[i].priority >= 1.0f);
+ const unsigned int primrefID = presplitItem[i].index;
+ const float prio = presplitItem[i].priority;
+ const unsigned int geomID = prims[primrefID].geomID();
+ const unsigned int primID = prims[primrefID].primID();
+ const unsigned int split_levels = (unsigned int)prio;
+ unsigned int numSubPrims = 0;
+ splitPrimitive(Splitter,prims[primrefID],geomID,primID,split_levels,grid_base,grid_scale,grid_extend,subPrims,numSubPrims);
+ assert(numSubPrims);
+ numSubPrims--; // can reuse slot
+ sum+=numSubPrims;
+ presplitItem[i].data = (numSubPrims << MAX_PRESPLITS_PER_PRIMITIVE_LOG) | split_levels;
+ primOffset0[i-center] = numSubPrims;
+ }
+ return sum;
+ },[](const size_t& a, const size_t& b) -> size_t { return a+b; });
+ /* if we are over budget, need to shrink the range */
+ if (totalNumSubPrims > numSplitPrimitivesBudget)
+ {
+ size_t new_center = numPrimitives-1;
+ size_t sum = 0;
+ for (;new_center>=center;new_center--)
+ {
+ const unsigned int numSubPrims = presplitItem[new_center].data >> MAX_PRESPLITS_PER_PRIMITIVE_LOG;
+ if (unlikely(sum + numSubPrims >= numSplitPrimitivesBudget)) break;
+ sum += numSubPrims;
+ }
+ new_center++;
+ center = new_center;
+ }
+ /* parallel prefix sum to compute offsets for storing sub-primitives */
+ const unsigned int offset = parallel_prefix_sum(primOffset0,primOffset1,numPrimitivesToSplit,(unsigned int)0,std::plus<unsigned int>());
+ /* iterate over range, and split primitives into sub primitives and append them to prims array */
+ parallel_for( size_t(center), numPrimitives, size_t(MIN_STEP_SIZE), [&](const range<size_t>& rn) -> void {
+ for (size_t j=rn.begin(); j<rn.end(); j++)
+ {
+ const unsigned int primrefID = presplitItem[j].index;
+ const unsigned int geomID = prims[primrefID].geomID();
+ const unsigned int primID = prims[primrefID].primID();
+ const unsigned int split_levels = presplitItem[j].data & ((unsigned int)(1 << MAX_PRESPLITS_PER_PRIMITIVE_LOG)-1);
+ assert(split_levels);
+ assert(split_levels <= MAX_PRESPLITS_PER_PRIMITIVE_LOG);
+ unsigned int numSubPrims = 0;
+ splitPrimitive(Splitter,prims[primrefID],geomID,primID,split_levels,grid_base,grid_scale,grid_extend,subPrims,numSubPrims);
+ const size_t newID = numPrimitives + primOffset1[j-center];
+ assert(newID+numSubPrims <= alloc_numPrimitives);
+ prims[primrefID] = subPrims[0];
+ for (size_t i=1;i<numSubPrims;i++)
+ prims[newID+i-1] = subPrims[i];
+ }
+ });
+ numPrimitives += offset;
+ PRINT(pinfo.size());
+ PRINT(numPrimitives);
+ PRINT((float)numPrimitives/org_numPrimitives));
+ }
+ /* recompute centroid bounding boxes */
+ pinfo = parallel_reduce(size_t(0),numPrimitives,size_t(MIN_STEP_SIZE),PrimInfo(empty),[&] (const range<size_t>& r) -> PrimInfo {
+ PrimInfo p(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ p.add_center2(prims[j]);
+ return p;
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ assert(pinfo.size() == numPrimitives);
+ /* free double buffer presplit items */
+ alignedFree(tmp_presplitItem);
+ alignedFree(presplitItem);
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/splitter.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/splitter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7720bd284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/builders/splitter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/scene.h"
+#include "../common/primref.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<size_t N>
+ __forceinline void splitPolygon(const BBox3fa& bounds,
+ const size_t dim,
+ const float pos,
+ const Vec3fa (&v)[N+1],
+ const Vec3fa (&inv_length)[N],
+ BBox3fa& left_o,
+ BBox3fa& right_o)
+ {
+ BBox3fa left = empty, right = empty;
+ /* clip triangle to left and right box by processing all edges */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa &v0 = v[i];
+ const Vec3fa &v1 = v[i+1];
+ const float v0d = v0[dim];
+ const float v1d = v1[dim];
+ if (v0d <= pos) left. extend(v0); // this point is on left side
+ if (v0d >= pos) right.extend(v0); // this point is on right side
+ if ((v0d < pos && pos < v1d) || (v1d < pos && pos < v0d)) // the edge crosses the splitting location
+ {
+ assert((v1d-v0d) != 0.0f);
+ const Vec3fa c = madd(Vec3fa((pos-v0d)*inv_length[i][dim]),v1-v0,v0);
+ left.extend(c);
+ right.extend(c);
+ }
+ }
+ /* clip against current bounds */
+ left_o = intersect(left,bounds);
+ right_o = intersect(right,bounds);
+ }
+ template<size_t N>
+ __forceinline void splitPolygon(const PrimRef& prim,
+ const size_t dim,
+ const float pos,
+ const Vec3fa (&v)[N+1],
+ PrimRef& left_o,
+ PrimRef& right_o)
+ {
+ BBox3fa left = empty, right = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa &v0 = v[i];
+ const Vec3fa &v1 = v[i+1];
+ const float v0d = v0[dim];
+ const float v1d = v1[dim];
+ if (v0d <= pos) left. extend(v0); // this point is on left side
+ if (v0d >= pos) right.extend(v0); // this point is on right side
+ if ((v0d < pos && pos < v1d) || (v1d < pos && pos < v0d)) // the edge crosses the splitting location
+ {
+ assert((v1d-v0d) != 0.0f);
+ const float inv_length = 1.0f/(v1d-v0d);
+ const Vec3fa c = madd(Vec3fa((pos-v0d)*inv_length),v1-v0,v0);
+ left.extend(c);
+ right.extend(c);
+ }
+ }
+ /* clip against current bounds */
+ new (&left_o ) PrimRef(intersect(left ,prim.bounds()),prim.geomID(), prim.primID());
+ new (&right_o) PrimRef(intersect(right,prim.bounds()),prim.geomID(), prim.primID());
+ }
+ struct TriangleSplitter
+ {
+ __forceinline TriangleSplitter(const Scene* scene, const PrimRef& prim)
+ {
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh = (const TriangleMesh*) scene->get(prim.geomID() & mask );
+ TriangleMesh::Triangle tri = mesh->triangle(prim.primID());
+ v[0] = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0]);
+ v[1] = mesh->vertex(tri.v[1]);
+ v[2] = mesh->vertex(tri.v[2]);
+ v[3] = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0]);
+ inv_length[0] = Vec3fa(1.0f) / (v[1]-v[0]);
+ inv_length[1] = Vec3fa(1.0f) / (v[2]-v[1]);
+ inv_length[2] = Vec3fa(1.0f) / (v[0]-v[2]);
+ }
+ __forceinline void operator() (const PrimRef& prim, const size_t dim, const float pos, PrimRef& left_o, PrimRef& right_o) const {
+ splitPolygon<3>(prim,dim,pos,v,left_o,right_o);
+ }
+ __forceinline void operator() (const BBox3fa& prim, const size_t dim, const float pos, BBox3fa& left_o, BBox3fa& right_o) const {
+ splitPolygon<3>(prim,dim,pos,v,inv_length,left_o,right_o);
+ }
+ private:
+ Vec3fa v[4];
+ Vec3fa inv_length[3];
+ };
+ struct TriangleSplitterFactory
+ {
+ __forceinline TriangleSplitterFactory(const Scene* scene)
+ : scene(scene) {}
+ __forceinline TriangleSplitter operator() (const PrimRef& prim) const {
+ return TriangleSplitter(scene,prim);
+ }
+ private:
+ const Scene* scene;
+ };
+ struct QuadSplitter
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadSplitter(const Scene* scene, const PrimRef& prim)
+ {
+ const QuadMesh* mesh = (const QuadMesh*) scene->get(prim.geomID() & mask );
+ QuadMesh::Quad quad = mesh->quad(prim.primID());
+ v[0] = mesh->vertex(quad.v[0]);
+ v[1] = mesh->vertex(quad.v[1]);
+ v[2] = mesh->vertex(quad.v[2]);
+ v[3] = mesh->vertex(quad.v[3]);
+ v[4] = mesh->vertex(quad.v[0]);
+ inv_length[0] = Vec3fa(1.0f) / (v[1]-v[0]);
+ inv_length[1] = Vec3fa(1.0f) / (v[2]-v[1]);
+ inv_length[2] = Vec3fa(1.0f) / (v[3]-v[2]);
+ inv_length[3] = Vec3fa(1.0f) / (v[0]-v[3]);
+ }
+ __forceinline void operator() (const PrimRef& prim, const size_t dim, const float pos, PrimRef& left_o, PrimRef& right_o) const {
+ splitPolygon<4>(prim,dim,pos,v,left_o,right_o);
+ }
+ __forceinline void operator() (const BBox3fa& prim, const size_t dim, const float pos, BBox3fa& left_o, BBox3fa& right_o) const {
+ splitPolygon<4>(prim,dim,pos,v,inv_length,left_o,right_o);
+ }
+ private:
+ Vec3fa v[5];
+ Vec3fa inv_length[4];
+ };
+ struct QuadSplitterFactory
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadSplitterFactory(const Scene* scene)
+ : scene(scene) {}
+ __forceinline QuadSplitter operator() (const PrimRef& prim) const {
+ return QuadSplitter(scene,prim);
+ }
+ private:
+ const Scene* scene;
+ };
+ struct DummySplitter
+ {
+ __forceinline DummySplitter(const Scene* scene, const PrimRef& prim)
+ {
+ }
+ };
+ struct DummySplitterFactory
+ {
+ __forceinline DummySplitterFactory(const Scene* scene)
+ : scene(scene) {}
+ __forceinline DummySplitter operator() (const PrimRef& prim) const {
+ return DummySplitter(scene,prim);
+ }
+ private:
+ const Scene* scene;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a84295f0da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh.h"
+#include "bvh_statistics.h"
+namespace embree
+ template<int N>
+ BVHN<N>::BVHN (const PrimitiveType& primTy, Scene* scene)
+ : AccelData((N==4) ? AccelData::TY_BVH4 : (N==8) ? AccelData::TY_BVH8 : AccelData::TY_UNKNOWN),
+ primTy(&primTy), device(scene->device), scene(scene),
+ root(emptyNode), alloc(scene->device,scene->isStaticAccel()), numPrimitives(0), numVertices(0)
+ {
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ BVHN<N>::~BVHN ()
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<objects.size(); i++)
+ delete objects[i];
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHN<N>::clear()
+ {
+ set(BVHN::emptyNode,empty,0);
+ alloc.clear();
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHN<N>::set (NodeRef root, const LBBox3fa& bounds, size_t numPrimitives)
+ {
+ this->root = root;
+ this->bounds = bounds;
+ this->numPrimitives = numPrimitives;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHN<N>::clearBarrier(NodeRef& node)
+ {
+ if (node.isBarrier())
+ node.clearBarrier();
+ else if (!node.isLeaf()) {
+ BaseNode* n = node.baseNode(); // FIXME: flags should be stored in BVH
+ for (size_t c=0; c<N; c++)
+ clearBarrier(n->child(c));
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHN<N>::layoutLargeNodes(size_t num)
+ {
+#if defined(__64BIT__) // do not use tree rotations on 32 bit platforms, barrier bit in NodeRef will cause issues
+ struct NodeArea
+ {
+ __forceinline NodeArea() {}
+ __forceinline NodeArea(NodeRef& node, const BBox3fa& bounds)
+ : node(&node), A(node.isLeaf() ? float(neg_inf) : area(bounds)) {}
+ __forceinline bool operator< (const NodeArea& other) const {
+ return this->A < other.A;
+ }
+ NodeRef* node;
+ float A;
+ };
+ std::vector<NodeArea> lst;
+ lst.reserve(num);
+ lst.push_back(NodeArea(root,empty));
+ while (lst.size() < num)
+ {
+ std::pop_heap(lst.begin(), lst.end());
+ NodeArea n = lst.back(); lst.pop_back();
+ if (!n.node->isAABBNode()) break;
+ AABBNode* node = n.node->getAABBNode();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ if (node->child(i) == BVHN::emptyNode) continue;
+ lst.push_back(NodeArea(node->child(i),node->bounds(i)));
+ std::push_heap(lst.begin(), lst.end());
+ }
+ }
+ for (size_t i=0; i<lst.size(); i++)
+ lst[i].node->setBarrier();
+ root = layoutLargeNodesRecursion(root,alloc.getCachedAllocator());
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef BVHN<N>::layoutLargeNodesRecursion(NodeRef& node, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& allocator)
+ {
+ if (node.isBarrier()) {
+ node.clearBarrier();
+ return node;
+ }
+ else if (node.isAABBNode())
+ {
+ AABBNode* oldnode = node.getAABBNode();
+ AABBNode* newnode = (BVHN::AABBNode*) allocator.malloc0(sizeof(BVHN::AABBNode),byteNodeAlignment);
+ *newnode = *oldnode;
+ for (size_t c=0; c<N; c++)
+ newnode->child(c) = layoutLargeNodesRecursion(oldnode->child(c),allocator);
+ return encodeNode(newnode);
+ }
+ else return node;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ double BVHN<N>::preBuild(const std::string& builderName)
+ {
+ if (builderName == "")
+ return inf;
+ if (device->verbosity(2))
+ {
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(g_printMutex);
+ std::cout << "building BVH" << N << (builderName.find("MBlur") != std::string::npos ? "MB" : "") << "<" << primTy->name() << "> using " << builderName << " ..." << std::endl << std::flush;
+ }
+ double t0 = 0.0;
+ if (device->benchmark || device->verbosity(2)) t0 = getSeconds();
+ return t0;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHN<N>::postBuild(double t0)
+ {
+ if (t0 == double(inf))
+ return;
+ double dt = 0.0;
+ if (device->benchmark || device->verbosity(2))
+ dt = getSeconds()-t0;
+ std::unique_ptr<BVHNStatistics<N>> stat;
+ /* print statistics */
+ if (device->verbosity(2))
+ {
+ if (!stat) stat.reset(new BVHNStatistics<N>(this));
+ const size_t usedBytes = alloc.getUsedBytes();
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(g_printMutex);
+ std::cout << "finished BVH" << N << "<" << primTy->name() << "> : " << 1000.0f*dt << "ms, " << 1E-6*double(numPrimitives)/dt << " Mprim/s, " << 1E-9*double(usedBytes)/dt << " GB/s" << std::endl;
+ if (device->verbosity(2))
+ std::cout << stat->str();
+ if (device->verbosity(2))
+ {
+ FastAllocator::AllStatistics stat(&alloc);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<objects.size(); i++)
+ if (objects[i])
+ stat = stat + FastAllocator::AllStatistics(&objects[i]->alloc);
+ stat.print(numPrimitives);
+ }
+ if (device->verbosity(3))
+ {
+ alloc.print_blocks();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<objects.size(); i++)
+ if (objects[i])
+ objects[i]->alloc.print_blocks();
+ }
+ std::cout << std::flush;
+ }
+ /* benchmark mode */
+ if (device->benchmark)
+ {
+ if (!stat) stat.reset(new BVHNStatistics<N>(this));
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(g_printMutex);
+ std::cout << "BENCHMARK_BUILD " << dt << " " << double(numPrimitives)/dt << " " << stat->sah() << " " << stat->bytesUsed() << " BVH" << N << "<" << primTy->name() << ">" << std::endl << std::flush;
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ template class BVHN<8>;
+#if !defined(__AVX__) || !defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SSE2) && !defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SSE42)
+ template class BVHN<4>;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..565eec5a58
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh.h
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+/* include all node types */
+#include "bvh_node_aabb.h"
+#include "bvh_node_aabb_mb.h"
+#include "bvh_node_aabb_mb4d.h"
+#include "bvh_node_obb.h"
+#include "bvh_node_obb_mb.h"
+#include "bvh_node_qaabb.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! flags used to enable specific node types in intersectors */
+ enum BVHNodeFlags
+ {
+ /* short versions */
+ };
+ /*! Multi BVH with N children. Each node stores the bounding box of
+ * it's N children as well as N child references. */
+ template<int N>
+ class BVHN : public AccelData
+ {
+ public:
+ /*! forward declaration of node ref type */
+ typedef NodeRefPtr<N> NodeRef;
+ typedef BaseNode_t<NodeRef,N> BaseNode;
+ typedef AABBNode_t<NodeRef,N> AABBNode;
+ typedef AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRef,N> AABBNodeMB;
+ typedef AABBNodeMB4D_t<NodeRef,N> AABBNodeMB4D;
+ typedef OBBNode_t<NodeRef,N> OBBNode;
+ typedef OBBNodeMB_t<NodeRef,N> OBBNodeMB;
+ typedef QuantizedBaseNode_t<N> QuantizedBaseNode;
+ typedef QuantizedBaseNodeMB_t<N> QuantizedBaseNodeMB;
+ typedef QuantizedNode_t<NodeRef,N> QuantizedNode;
+ /*! Number of bytes the nodes and primitives are minimally aligned to.*/
+ static const size_t byteAlignment = 16;
+ static const size_t byteNodeAlignment = 4*N;
+ /*! Empty node */
+ static const size_t emptyNode = NodeRef::emptyNode;
+ /*! Invalid node, used as marker in traversal */
+ static const size_t invalidNode = NodeRef::invalidNode;
+ static const size_t popRay = NodeRef::popRay;
+ /*! Maximum depth of the BVH. */
+ static const size_t maxBuildDepth = 32;
+ static const size_t maxBuildDepthLeaf = maxBuildDepth+8;
+ static const size_t maxDepth = 2*maxBuildDepthLeaf; // 2x because of two level builder
+ /*! Maximum number of primitive blocks in a leaf. */
+ static const size_t maxLeafBlocks = NodeRef::maxLeafBlocks;
+ public:
+ /*! Builder interface to create allocator */
+ struct CreateAlloc : public FastAllocator::Create {
+ __forceinline CreateAlloc (BVHN* bvh) : FastAllocator::Create(&bvh->alloc) {}
+ };
+ typedef BVHNodeRecord<NodeRef> NodeRecord;
+ typedef BVHNodeRecordMB<NodeRef> NodeRecordMB;
+ typedef BVHNodeRecordMB4D<NodeRef> NodeRecordMB4D;
+ public:
+ /*! BVHN default constructor. */
+ BVHN (const PrimitiveType& primTy, Scene* scene);
+ /*! BVHN destruction */
+ ~BVHN ();
+ /*! clears the acceleration structure */
+ void clear();
+ /*! sets BVH members after build */
+ void set (NodeRef root, const LBBox3fa& bounds, size_t numPrimitives);
+ /*! Clears the barrier bits of a subtree. */
+ void clearBarrier(NodeRef& node);
+ /*! lays out num large nodes of the BVH */
+ void layoutLargeNodes(size_t num);
+ NodeRef layoutLargeNodesRecursion(NodeRef& node, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& allocator);
+ /*! called by all builders before build starts */
+ double preBuild(const std::string& builderName);
+ /*! called by all builders after build ended */
+ void postBuild(double t0);
+ /*! allocator class */
+ struct Allocator {
+ BVHN* bvh;
+ Allocator (BVHN* bvh) : bvh(bvh) {}
+ __forceinline void* operator() (size_t bytes) const {
+ return bvh->alloc._threadLocal()->malloc(&bvh->alloc,bytes);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! post build cleanup */
+ void cleanup() {
+ alloc.cleanup();
+ }
+ public:
+ /*! Encodes a node */
+ static __forceinline NodeRef encodeNode(AABBNode* node) { return NodeRef::encodeNode(node); }
+ static __forceinline NodeRef encodeNode(AABBNodeMB* node) { return NodeRef::encodeNode(node); }
+ static __forceinline NodeRef encodeNode(AABBNodeMB4D* node) { return NodeRef::encodeNode(node); }
+ static __forceinline NodeRef encodeNode(OBBNode* node) { return NodeRef::encodeNode(node); }
+ static __forceinline NodeRef encodeNode(OBBNodeMB* node) { return NodeRef::encodeNode(node); }
+ static __forceinline NodeRef encodeLeaf(void* tri, size_t num) { return NodeRef::encodeLeaf(tri,num); }
+ static __forceinline NodeRef encodeTypedLeaf(void* ptr, size_t ty) { return NodeRef::encodeTypedLeaf(ptr,ty); }
+ public:
+ /*! Prefetches the node this reference points to */
+ __forceinline static void prefetch(const NodeRef ref, int types=0)
+ {
+#if defined(__AVX512PF__) // MIC
+ if (types != BVH_FLAG_QUANTIZED_NODE) {
+ prefetchL2(((char*)ref.ptr)+0*64);
+ prefetchL2(((char*)ref.ptr)+1*64);
+ if ((N >= 8) || (types > BVH_FLAG_ALIGNED_NODE)) {
+ prefetchL2(((char*)ref.ptr)+2*64);
+ prefetchL2(((char*)ref.ptr)+3*64);
+ }
+ if ((N >= 8) && (types > BVH_FLAG_ALIGNED_NODE)) {
+ /* KNL still needs L2 prefetches for large nodes */
+ prefetchL2(((char*)ref.ptr)+4*64);
+ prefetchL2(((char*)ref.ptr)+5*64);
+ prefetchL2(((char*)ref.ptr)+6*64);
+ prefetchL2(((char*)ref.ptr)+7*64);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* todo: reduce if 32bit offsets are enabled */
+ prefetchL2(((char*)ref.ptr)+0*64);
+ prefetchL2(((char*)ref.ptr)+1*64);
+ prefetchL2(((char*)ref.ptr)+2*64);
+ }
+ if (types != BVH_FLAG_QUANTIZED_NODE) {
+ prefetchL1(((char*)ref.ptr)+0*64);
+ prefetchL1(((char*)ref.ptr)+1*64);
+ if ((N >= 8) || (types > BVH_FLAG_ALIGNED_NODE)) {
+ prefetchL1(((char*)ref.ptr)+2*64);
+ prefetchL1(((char*)ref.ptr)+3*64);
+ }
+ if ((N >= 8) && (types > BVH_FLAG_ALIGNED_NODE)) {
+ /* deactivate for large nodes on Xeon, as it introduces regressions */
+ //prefetchL1(((char*)ref.ptr)+4*64);
+ //prefetchL1(((char*)ref.ptr)+5*64);
+ //prefetchL1(((char*)ref.ptr)+6*64);
+ //prefetchL1(((char*)ref.ptr)+7*64);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* todo: reduce if 32bit offsets are enabled */
+ prefetchL1(((char*)ref.ptr)+0*64);
+ prefetchL1(((char*)ref.ptr)+1*64);
+ prefetchL1(((char*)ref.ptr)+2*64);
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline static void prefetchW(const NodeRef ref, int types=0)
+ {
+ embree::prefetchEX(((char*)ref.ptr)+0*64);
+ embree::prefetchEX(((char*)ref.ptr)+1*64);
+ if ((N >= 8) || (types > BVH_FLAG_ALIGNED_NODE)) {
+ embree::prefetchEX(((char*)ref.ptr)+2*64);
+ embree::prefetchEX(((char*)ref.ptr)+3*64);
+ }
+ if ((N >= 8) && (types > BVH_FLAG_ALIGNED_NODE)) {
+ embree::prefetchEX(((char*)ref.ptr)+4*64);
+ embree::prefetchEX(((char*)ref.ptr)+5*64);
+ embree::prefetchEX(((char*)ref.ptr)+6*64);
+ embree::prefetchEX(((char*)ref.ptr)+7*64);
+ }
+ }
+ /*! bvh type information */
+ public:
+ const PrimitiveType* primTy; //!< primitive type stored in the BVH
+ /*! bvh data */
+ public:
+ Device* device; //!< device pointer
+ Scene* scene; //!< scene pointer
+ NodeRef root; //!< root node
+ FastAllocator alloc; //!< allocator used to allocate nodes
+ /*! statistics data */
+ public:
+ size_t numPrimitives; //!< number of primitives the BVH is build over
+ size_t numVertices; //!< number of vertices the BVH references
+ /*! data arrays for special builders */
+ public:
+ std::vector<BVHN*> objects;
+ vector_t<char,aligned_allocator<char,32>> subdiv_patches;
+ };
+ typedef BVHN<4> BVH4;
+ typedef BVHN<8> BVH8;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh4_factory.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh4_factory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..890d5e7b7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh4_factory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1325 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh4_factory.h"
+#include "../bvh/bvh.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNv.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNi.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNi_mb.h"
+#include "../geometry/linei.h"
+#include "../geometry/triangle.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_mb.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglei.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadv.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadi.h"
+#include "../geometry/subdivpatch1.h"
+#include "../geometry/object.h"
+#include "../geometry/instance.h"
+#include "../geometry/subgrid.h"
+#include "../common/accelinstance.h"
+namespace embree
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Collider,BVH4ColliderUserGeom);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector4i,void);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector8i,void);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector4v,void);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector8v,void);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector4iMB,void);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector8iMB,void);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector1);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector1MB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust1);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust1MB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4Intersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4vIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Quad4vIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Quad4iIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Quad4vIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,QBVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,QBVH4Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector1);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector1);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4VirtualIntersector1);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4VirtualMBIntersector1);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4InstanceIntersector1);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4InstanceMBIntersector1);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4GridIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4GridMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4GridIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4Hybrid);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4HybridMB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4Hybrid);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4HybridMB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4vIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Quad4iIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Quad4iIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector4);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector4);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4VirtualIntersector4Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4VirtualMBIntersector4Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4InstanceIntersector4Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4InstanceMBIntersector4Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4GridIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4GridMBIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4GridIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector8Hybrid);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector8HybridMB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8Hybrid);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8HybridMB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4vIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Quad4iIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Quad4vIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Quad4iIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector8);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector8);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4VirtualIntersector8Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4VirtualMBIntersector8Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4InstanceIntersector8Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4InstanceMBIntersector8Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4GridIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4GridMBIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4GridIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16Hybrid);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16HybridMB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16Hybrid);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16HybridMB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4vIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Quad4iIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Quad4vIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Quad4iIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector16);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector16);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4VirtualIntersector16Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4VirtualMBIntersector16Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4InstanceIntersector16Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4InstanceMBIntersector16Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4GridIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4GridMBIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4GridIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4VirtualIntersectorStream);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4InstanceIntersectorStream);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4MeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4vMeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4iMeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelQuadMeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelVirtualSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelInstanceSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask COMMA bool);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Curve4vBuilder_OBB_New,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Curve4iBuilder_OBB_New,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4OBBCurve4iMBBuilder_OBB,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Curve8iBuilder_OBB_New,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4OBBCurve8iMBBuilder_OBB,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4SceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4vSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4iMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4vMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4QuantizedTriangle4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Quad4vSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Quad4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Quad4iMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4QuantizedQuad4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4SceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4iSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Quad4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4VirtualSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4VirtualMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4InstanceSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4InstanceMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4GridSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4GridMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4SubdivPatch1BuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4SubdivPatch1MBBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4MeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4vMeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4iMeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Quad4vMeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA QuadMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4VirtualMeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA UserGeometry* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ BVH4Factory::BVH4Factory(int bfeatures, int ifeatures)
+ {
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2(ifeatures,BVH4ColliderUserGeom);
+ selectBuilders(bfeatures);
+ selectIntersectors(ifeatures);
+ }
+ void BVH4Factory::selectBuilders(int features)
+ {
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS (SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX(features,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4MeshSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS (SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX(features,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4iMeshSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS (SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX(features,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4vMeshSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX(features,BVH4QuantizedTriangle4iSceneBuilderSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX(features,BVH4Triangle4SceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX(features,BVH4Triangle4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX(features,BVH4Triangle4iSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH));
+ }
+ void BVH4Factory::selectIntersectors(int features)
+ {
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,VirtualCurveIntersector8i));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,VirtualCurveIntersector8v));
+ /* select intersectors1 */
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4Intersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4vIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iIntersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX512(features,QBVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX512(features,QBVH4Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector1));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4GridIntersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4GridIntersector1Pluecker));
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ /* select intersectors4 */
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4vIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector4));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4VirtualIntersector4Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4VirtualMBIntersector4Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4GridIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4GridMBIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4GridIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ /* select intersectors8 */
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8Hybrid));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8HybridMB));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4vIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector8));
+ IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector8));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4VirtualIntersector8Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4VirtualMBIntersector8Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4InstanceIntersector8Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4InstanceMBIntersector8Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4GridIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4GridMBIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4GridIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ /* select intersectors16 */
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16Hybrid));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16HybridMB));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16Hybrid));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16HybridMB));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4vIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector16));
+ IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector16));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4VirtualIntersector16Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4VirtualMBIntersector16Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4InstanceIntersector16Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4InstanceMBIntersector16Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4GridIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4GridMBIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH4GridIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ /* select stream intersectors */
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback);
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH4VirtualIntersectorStream));
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, VirtualCurveIntersector* leafIntersector, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.leafIntersector = leafIntersector;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector1();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4Hybrid();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector8Hybrid();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16Hybrid();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.leafIntersector = leafIntersector;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust1();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4Hybrid();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8Hybrid();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16Hybrid();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ default: assert(false);
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorsMB(BVH4* bvh, VirtualCurveIntersector* leafIntersector, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.leafIntersector = leafIntersector;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector1MB();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4HybridMB();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector8HybridMB();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16HybridMB();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.leafIntersector = leafIntersector;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust1MB();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4HybridMB();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8HybridMB();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16HybridMB();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ default: assert(false);
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4Triangle4Intersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ assert(ivariant == IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4Triangle4Intersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4_filter = BVH4Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector4_nofilter = BVH4Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter();
+ intersectors.intersector8_filter = BVH4Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8_nofilter = BVH4Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter();
+ intersectors.intersector16_filter = BVH4Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16_nofilter = BVH4Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter();
+ intersectors.intersectorN_filter = BVH4Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN_nofilter = BVH4Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4Triangle4vIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ assert(ivariant == IntersectVariant::ROBUST);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4Triangle4vIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4Triangle4vIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4Triangle4vIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4Triangle4vIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4Triangle4iIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4Triangle4iIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4Triangle4iIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4Triangle4iIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4Triangle4iIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4Triangle4iIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4Triangle4iIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4Quad4vIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4Quad4vIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4_filter = BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector4_nofilter = BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter();
+ intersectors.intersector8_filter = BVH4Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8_nofilter = BVH4Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter();
+ intersectors.intersector16_filter = BVH4Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16_nofilter = BVH4Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter();
+ intersectors.intersectorN_filter = BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN_nofilter = BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4Quad4vIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4Quad4vIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4Quad4vIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4Quad4iIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4Quad4iIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4Quad4iIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4Quad4iIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16= BVH4Quad4iIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4Quad4iIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4Quad4iIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16= BVH4Quad4iIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4Quad4iMBIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16= BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16= BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::QBVH4Triangle4iIntersectors(BVH4* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = QBVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::QBVH4Quad4iIntersectors(BVH4* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = QBVH4Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4UserGeometryIntersectors(BVH4* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4VirtualIntersector1();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4VirtualIntersector4Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4VirtualIntersector8Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4VirtualIntersector16Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4VirtualIntersectorStream();
+ intersectors.collider = BVH4ColliderUserGeom();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4UserGeometryMBIntersectors(BVH4* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4VirtualMBIntersector1();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4VirtualMBIntersector4Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4VirtualMBIntersector8Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4VirtualMBIntersector16Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4InstanceIntersectors(BVH4* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4InstanceIntersector1();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4InstanceIntersector4Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4InstanceIntersector8Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4InstanceIntersector16Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4InstanceIntersectorStream();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4InstanceMBIntersectors(BVH4* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4InstanceMBIntersector1();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4InstanceMBIntersector4Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4InstanceMBIntersector8Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4InstanceMBIntersector16Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersectors(BVH4* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector1();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector4();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector8();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector16();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersectors(BVH4* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector1();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector4();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector8();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector16();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4i(Scene* scene, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Curve4i::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectors(accel,VirtualCurveIntersector4i(),ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->hair_builder == "default" ) builder = BVH4Curve4iBuilder_OBB_New(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->hair_builder == "sah" ) builder = BVH4Curve4iBuilder_OBB_New(accel,scene,0);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->hair_builder+" for BVH4OBB<VirtualCurve4i>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4OBBVirtualCurve8i(Scene* scene, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Curve8i::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectors(accel,VirtualCurveIntersector8i(),ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->hair_builder == "default" ) builder = BVH4Curve8iBuilder_OBB_New(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->hair_builder == "sah" ) builder = BVH4Curve8iBuilder_OBB_New(accel,scene,0);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->hair_builder+" for BVH4OBB<VirtualCurve8i>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4v(Scene* scene, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Curve4v::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectors(accel,VirtualCurveIntersector4v(),ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->hair_builder == "default" ) builder = BVH4Curve4vBuilder_OBB_New(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->hair_builder == "sah" ) builder = BVH4Curve4vBuilder_OBB_New(accel,scene,0);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->hair_builder+" for BVH4OBB<VirtualCurve4v>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4iMB(Scene* scene, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Curve4iMB::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorsMB(accel,VirtualCurveIntersector4iMB(),ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->hair_builder == "default" ) builder = BVH4OBBCurve4iMBBuilder_OBB(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->hair_builder == "sah" ) builder = BVH4OBBCurve4iMBBuilder_OBB(accel,scene,0);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->hair_builder+" for BVH4OBB<VirtualCurve4iMB>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4OBBVirtualCurve8iMB(Scene* scene, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Curve8iMB::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorsMB(accel,VirtualCurveIntersector8iMB(), ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->hair_builder == "default" ) builder = BVH4OBBCurve8iMBBuilder_OBB(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->hair_builder == "sah" ) builder = BVH4OBBCurve8iMBBuilder_OBB(accel,scene,0);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->hair_builder+" for BVH4OBB<VirtualCurve8iMB>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4Triangle4(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Triangle4::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ if (scene->device->tri_traverser == "default") intersectors = BVH4Triangle4Intersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_traverser == "fast" ) intersectors = BVH4Triangle4Intersectors(accel,IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown traverser "+scene->device->tri_traverser+" for BVH4<Triangle4>");
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->tri_builder == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH4Triangle4SceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4MeshSAH(accel,scene,false); break;
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: builder = BVH4Triangle4SceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "sah" ) builder = BVH4Triangle4SceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "sah_fast_spatial" ) builder = BVH4Triangle4SceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "sah_presplit") builder = BVH4Triangle4SceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,MODE_HIGH_QUALITY);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "dynamic" ) builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4MeshSAH(accel,scene,false);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "morton" ) builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4MeshSAH(accel,scene,true);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->tri_builder+" for BVH4<Triangle4>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4Triangle4v(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Triangle4v::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ if (scene->device->tri_traverser == "default") intersectors = BVH4Triangle4vIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_traverser == "fast" ) intersectors = BVH4Triangle4vIntersectors(accel,IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_traverser == "robust" ) intersectors = BVH4Triangle4vIntersectors(accel,IntersectVariant::ROBUST);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown traverser "+scene->device->tri_traverser+" for BVH4<Triangle4>");
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->tri_builder == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH4Triangle4vSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4vMeshSAH(accel,scene,false); break;
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: builder = BVH4Triangle4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "sah" ) builder = BVH4Triangle4vSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "sah_fast_spatial" ) builder = BVH4Triangle4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "sah_presplit") builder = BVH4Triangle4vSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,MODE_HIGH_QUALITY);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "dynamic" ) builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4vMeshSAH(accel,scene,false);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "morton" ) builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4vMeshSAH(accel,scene,true);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->tri_builder+" for BVH4<Triangle4v>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4Triangle4i(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Triangle4i::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ if (scene->device->tri_traverser == "default") intersectors = BVH4Triangle4iIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_traverser == "fast" ) intersectors = BVH4Triangle4iIntersectors(accel,IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_traverser == "robust" ) intersectors = BVH4Triangle4iIntersectors(accel,IntersectVariant::ROBUST);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown traverser "+scene->device->tri_traverser+" for BVH4<Triangle4i>");
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->tri_builder == "default" ) {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH4Triangle4iSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4iMeshSAH(accel,scene,false); break;
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: builder = BVH4Triangle4iSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "sah" ) builder = BVH4Triangle4iSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "sah_fast_spatial" ) builder = BVH4Triangle4iSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "sah_presplit") builder = BVH4Triangle4iSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,MODE_HIGH_QUALITY);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "dynamic" ) builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4iMeshSAH(accel,scene,false);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "morton" ) builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4iMeshSAH(accel,scene,true);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->tri_builder+" for BVH4<Triangle4i>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4Triangle4iMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Triangle4i::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ if (scene->device->tri_traverser_mb == "default") intersectors = BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_traverser_mb == "fast" ) intersectors = BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersectors(accel,IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_traverser_mb == "robust" ) intersectors = BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersectors(accel,IntersectVariant::ROBUST);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown traverser "+scene->device->tri_traverser_mb+" for BVH4<Triangle4iMB>");
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->tri_builder_mb == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH4Triangle4iMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : assert(false); break; // FIXME: implement
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: assert(false); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder_mb == "internal_time_splits") builder = BVH4Triangle4iMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->tri_builder_mb+" for BVH4<Triangle4iMB>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4Triangle4vMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Triangle4vMB::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ if (scene->device->tri_traverser_mb == "default") intersectors = BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_traverser_mb == "fast" ) intersectors = BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersectors(accel,IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_traverser_mb == "robust" ) intersectors = BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersectors(accel,IntersectVariant::ROBUST);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown traverser "+scene->device->tri_traverser_mb+" for BVH4<Triangle4vMB>");
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->tri_builder_mb == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH4Triangle4vMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : assert(false); break; // FIXME: implement
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: assert(false); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder_mb == "internal_time_splits") builder = BVH4Triangle4vMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->tri_builder_mb+" for BVH4<Triangle4vMB>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4Quad4v(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Quad4v::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4Quad4vIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->quad_builder == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH4Quad4vSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelQuadMeshSAH(accel,scene,false); break;
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: builder = BVH4Quad4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->quad_builder == "sah" ) builder = BVH4Quad4vSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->quad_builder == "sah_fast_spatial" ) builder = BVH4Quad4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->quad_builder == "dynamic" ) builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelQuadMeshSAH(accel,scene,false);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->quad_builder+" for BVH4<Quad4v>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4Quad4i(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Quad4i::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4Quad4iIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->quad_builder == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH4Quad4iSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : assert(false); break; // FIXME: implement
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: assert(false); break; // FIXME: implement
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->quad_builder == "sah") builder = BVH4Quad4iSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->quad_builder+" for BVH4<Quad4i>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4Quad4iMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Quad4i::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4Quad4iMBIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->quad_builder_mb == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH4Quad4iMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : assert(false); break; // FIXME: implement
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: assert(false); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->quad_builder_mb == "sah") builder = BVH4Quad4iMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->quad_builder_mb+" for BVH4<Quad4iMB>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4QuantizedQuad4i(Scene* scene)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Quad4i::type,scene);
+ Builder* builder = BVH4QuantizedQuad4iSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = QBVH4Quad4iIntersectors(accel);
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4QuantizedTriangle4i(Scene* scene)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Triangle4i::type,scene);
+ Builder* builder = BVH4QuantizedTriangle4iSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = QBVH4Triangle4iIntersectors(accel);
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4SubdivPatch1(Scene* scene)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(SubdivPatch1::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersectors(accel);
+ Builder* builder = BVH4SubdivPatch1BuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4SubdivPatch1MB(Scene* scene)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(SubdivPatch1::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersectors(accel);
+ Builder* builder = BVH4SubdivPatch1MBBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4UserGeometry(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Object::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4UserGeometryIntersectors(accel);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->object_builder == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH4VirtualSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelVirtualSAH(accel,scene,false); break;
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: assert(false); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->object_builder == "sah") builder = BVH4VirtualSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->object_builder == "dynamic") builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelVirtualSAH(accel,scene,false);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->object_builder+" for BVH4<Object>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4UserGeometryMB(Scene* scene)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(Object::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4UserGeometryMBIntersectors(accel);
+ Builder* builder = BVH4VirtualMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4Instance(Scene* scene, bool isExpensive, BuildVariant bvariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(InstancePrimitive::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4InstanceIntersectors(accel);
+ auto gtype = isExpensive ? Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE_EXPENSIVE : Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE_CHEAP;
+ // Builder* builder = BVH4InstanceSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,gtype);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->object_builder == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH4InstanceSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,gtype); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelInstanceSAH(accel,scene,gtype,false); break;
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: assert(false); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->object_builder == "sah") builder = BVH4InstanceSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,gtype);
+ else if (scene->device->object_builder == "dynamic") builder = BVH4BuilderTwoLevelInstanceSAH(accel,scene,gtype,false);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->object_builder+" for BVH4<Object>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4InstanceMB(Scene* scene, bool isExpensive)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(InstancePrimitive::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4InstanceMBIntersectors(accel);
+ auto gtype = isExpensive ? Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE_EXPENSIVE : Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE_CHEAP;
+ Builder* builder = BVH4InstanceMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,gtype);
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4GridIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ if (ivariant == IntersectVariant::FAST)
+ {
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4GridIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4GridIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4GridIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4GridIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ }
+ else /* if (ivariant == IntersectVariant::ROBUST) */
+ {
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4GridIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4GridIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4GridIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4GridIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ }
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Factory::BVH4GridMBIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH4GridMBIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH4GridMBIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH4GridMBIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH4GridMBIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4Grid(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(SubGridQBVH4::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4GridIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->object_builder == "default") {
+ builder = BVH4GridSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ }
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->grid_builder+" for BVH4<GridMesh>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH4Factory::BVH4GridMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH4* accel = new BVH4(SubGridQBVH4::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH4GridMBIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->object_builder == "default") {
+ builder = BVH4GridMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ }
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->grid_builder+" for BVH4MB<GridMesh>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh4_factory.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh4_factory.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..30973971a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh4_factory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh_factory.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! BVH4 instantiations */
+ class BVH4Factory : public BVHFactory
+ {
+ public:
+ BVH4Factory(int bfeatures, int ifeatures);
+ public:
+ Accel* BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4i(Scene* scene, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel* BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4v(Scene* scene, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel* BVH4OBBVirtualCurve8i(Scene* scene, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel* BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4iMB(Scene* scene, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel* BVH4OBBVirtualCurve8iMB(Scene* scene, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector4i);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector8i);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector4v);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector8v);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector4iMB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector8iMB);
+ Accel* BVH4Triangle4 (Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH4Triangle4v (Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::ROBUST);
+ Accel* BVH4Triangle4i (Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH4Triangle4vMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH4Triangle4iMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH4Quad4v (Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH4Quad4i (Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH4Quad4iMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH4QuantizedTriangle4i(Scene* scene);
+ Accel* BVH4QuantizedQuad4i(Scene* scene);
+ Accel* BVH4SubdivPatch1(Scene* scene);
+ Accel* BVH4SubdivPatch1MB(Scene* scene);
+ Accel* BVH4UserGeometry(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC);
+ Accel* BVH4UserGeometryMB(Scene* scene);
+ Accel* BVH4Instance(Scene* scene, bool isExpensive, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC);
+ Accel* BVH4InstanceMB(Scene* scene, bool isExpensive);
+ Accel* BVH4Grid(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH4GridMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ private:
+ void selectBuilders(int features);
+ void selectIntersectors(int features);
+ private:
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, VirtualCurveIntersector* leafIntersector, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorsMB(BVH4* bvh, VirtualCurveIntersector* leafIntersector, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Triangle4Intersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Triangle4vIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Triangle4iIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Quad4vIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Quad4iIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4Quad4iMBIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors QBVH4Quad4iIntersectors(BVH4* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors QBVH4Triangle4iIntersectors(BVH4* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4UserGeometryIntersectors(BVH4* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4UserGeometryMBIntersectors(BVH4* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4InstanceIntersectors(BVH4* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4InstanceMBIntersectors(BVH4* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersectors(BVH4* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersectors(BVH4* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4GridIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH4GridMBIntersectors(BVH4* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ private:
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Collider,BVH4ColliderUserGeom);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector1);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector1MB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust1);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust1MB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4Intersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4vIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Quad4vIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Quad4iIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Quad4vIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,QBVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,QBVH4Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector1);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector1);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4VirtualIntersector1);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4VirtualMBIntersector1);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4InstanceIntersector1);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4InstanceMBIntersector1);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4GridIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4GridMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH4GridIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4Hybrid);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4HybridMB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4Hybrid);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4HybridMB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4vIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Quad4iIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Quad4iIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector4);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector4);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4VirtualIntersector4Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4VirtualMBIntersector4Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4InstanceIntersector4Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4InstanceMBIntersector4Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4GridIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4GridMBIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH4GridIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ // ==============
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector8Hybrid);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector8HybridMB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8Hybrid);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8HybridMB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4vIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Quad4iIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Quad4vIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Quad4iIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector8);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector8);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4VirtualIntersector8Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4VirtualMBIntersector8Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4InstanceIntersector8Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4InstanceMBIntersector8Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4GridIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4GridMBIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH4GridIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ // ==============
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16Hybrid);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16HybridMB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16Hybrid);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16HybridMB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4vIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4iIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Quad4iIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Quad4vIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Quad4iIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector16);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector16);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4VirtualIntersector16Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4VirtualMBIntersector16Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4InstanceIntersector16Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4InstanceMBIntersector16Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4GridIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4GridMBIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH4GridIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ // ==============
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN, BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN, BVH4Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN, BVH4Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN, BVH4Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN, BVH4Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN, BVH4Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN, BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN, BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN, BVH4Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN, BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN, BVH4Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4VirtualIntersectorStream);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH4InstanceIntersectorStream);
+ // SAH scene builders
+ private:
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Curve4vBuilder_OBB_New,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Curve4iBuilder_OBB_New,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4OBBCurve4iMBBuilder_OBB,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Curve8iBuilder_OBB_New,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4OBBCurve8iMBBuilder_OBB,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4SceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4vSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4iMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4vMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4QuantizedTriangle4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Quad4vSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Quad4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Quad4iMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4QuantizedQuad4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4SubdivPatch1BuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4SubdivPatch1MBBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4VirtualSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4VirtualMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4InstanceSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4InstanceMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4GridSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4GridMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ // spatial scene builder
+ private:
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4SceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4iSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Quad4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ // twolevel scene builders
+ private:
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4MeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4vMeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4iMeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelQuadMeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelVirtualSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4BuilderTwoLevelInstanceSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask COMMA bool);
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh8_factory.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh8_factory.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d4521af241
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh8_factory.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1165 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "../common/isa.h" // to define EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+#include "bvh8_factory.h"
+#include "../bvh/bvh.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNv.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNi.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNi_mb.h"
+#include "../geometry/linei.h"
+#include "../geometry/triangle.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_mb.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglei.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadv.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadi.h"
+#include "../geometry/subdivpatch1.h"
+#include "../geometry/object.h"
+#include "../geometry/instance.h"
+#include "../geometry/subgrid.h"
+#include "../common/accelinstance.h"
+namespace embree
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Collider,BVH8ColliderUserGeom);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector8v,void);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector8iMB,void);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector1);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector1MB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust1);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust1MB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4Intersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector1Woop);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Quad4vIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Quad4iIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Quad4vIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,QBVH8Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,QBVH8Triangle4Intersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,QBVH8Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8VirtualIntersector1);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8VirtualMBIntersector1);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8InstanceIntersector1);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8InstanceMBIntersector1);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8GridIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8GridMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8GridIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4Hybrid);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4HybridMB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4Hybrid);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4HybridMB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Quad4iIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Quad4vIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Quad4iIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8VirtualIntersector4Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8VirtualMBIntersector4Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8InstanceIntersector4Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8InstanceMBIntersector4Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8GridIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8GridIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector8Hybrid);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector8HybridMB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8Hybrid);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8HybridMB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Quad4iIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Quad4vIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Quad4iIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8VirtualIntersector8Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8VirtualMBIntersector8Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8InstanceIntersector8Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8InstanceMBIntersector8Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8GridIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8GridIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16Hybrid);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16HybridMB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16Hybrid);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16HybridMB);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Quad4iIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Quad4vIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Quad4iIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8VirtualIntersector16Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8VirtualMBIntersector16Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8InstanceIntersector16Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8InstanceMBIntersector16Chunk);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8GridIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8GridIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8VirtualIntersectorStream);
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8InstanceIntersectorStream);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Curve8vBuilder_OBB_New,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8OBBCurve8iMBBuilder_OBB,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4SceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4vSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4iMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4vMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8QuantizedTriangle4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8QuantizedTriangle4SceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Quad4vSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Quad4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Quad4iMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8QuantizedQuad4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8VirtualSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8VirtualMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8InstanceSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8InstanceMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4SceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Quad4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8GridSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8GridMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4MeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4vMeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4iMeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelQuadMeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelVirtualSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelInstanceSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask COMMA bool);
+ BVH8Factory::BVH8Factory(int bfeatures, int ifeatures)
+ {
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX(ifeatures,BVH8ColliderUserGeom);
+ selectBuilders(bfeatures);
+ selectIntersectors(ifeatures);
+ }
+ void BVH8Factory::selectBuilders(int features)
+ {
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX(features,BVH8Triangle4vSceneBuilderSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX(features,BVH8Triangle4iSceneBuilderSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX(features,BVH8QuantizedTriangle4iSceneBuilderSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX(features,BVH8QuantizedTriangle4SceneBuilderSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX(features,BVH8QuantizedQuad4iSceneBuilderSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX(features,BVH8Triangle4SceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX(features,BVH8Triangle4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX(features,BVH8Quad4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS (SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX(features,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4MeshSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS (SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX(features,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4vMeshSAH));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS (SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX(features,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4iMeshSAH));
+ }
+ void BVH8Factory::selectIntersectors(int features)
+ {
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,VirtualCurveIntersector8v));
+ /* select intersectors1 */
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4Intersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector1Woop));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4vIntersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4iIntersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4vIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,QBVH8Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,QBVH8Triangle4Intersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,QBVH8Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8VirtualIntersector1));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8VirtualMBIntersector1));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8GridIntersector1Moeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8GridMBIntersector1Moeller))
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8GridIntersector1Pluecker));
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ /* select intersectors4 */
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4Hybrid));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4HybridMB));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4iIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4vIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4iIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2(features,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2(features,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8VirtualIntersector4Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8VirtualMBIntersector4Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8InstanceIntersector4Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8InstanceMBIntersector4Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8GridIntersector4HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8GridIntersector4HybridPluecker));
+ /* select intersectors8 */
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8Hybrid));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8HybridMB));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4iIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4vIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4iIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2(features,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2(features,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8VirtualIntersector8Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8VirtualMBIntersector8Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8InstanceIntersector8Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8InstanceMBIntersector8Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8GridIntersector8HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8GridIntersector8HybridPluecker));
+ /* select intersectors16 */
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16Hybrid));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16HybridMB));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16Hybrid));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16HybridMB));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4iIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4vIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4iIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8VirtualIntersector16Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8VirtualMBIntersector16Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8InstanceIntersector16Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8InstanceMBIntersector16Chunk));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8GridIntersector16HybridMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,BVH8GridIntersector16HybridPluecker));
+ /* select stream intersectors */
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback);
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8VirtualIntersectorStream));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,BVH8InstanceIntersectorStream));
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, VirtualCurveIntersector* leafIntersector, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.leafIntersector = leafIntersector;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector1();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4Hybrid();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector8Hybrid();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16Hybrid();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.leafIntersector = leafIntersector;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust1();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4Hybrid();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8Hybrid();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16Hybrid();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ default: assert(false);
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorsMB(BVH8* bvh, VirtualCurveIntersector* leafIntersector, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.leafIntersector = leafIntersector;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector1MB();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4HybridMB();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector8HybridMB();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16HybridMB();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.leafIntersector = leafIntersector;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust1MB();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4HybridMB();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8HybridMB();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16HybridMB();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ default: assert(false);
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8Triangle4Intersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ assert(ivariant == IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Triangle4Intersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4_filter = BVH8Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector4_nofilter = BVH8Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter();
+ intersectors.intersector8_filter = BVH8Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8_nofilter = BVH8Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter();
+ intersectors.intersector16_filter = BVH8Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16_nofilter = BVH8Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter();
+ intersectors.intersectorN_filter = BVH8Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN_nofilter = BVH8Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8Triangle4vIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ //assert(ivariant == IntersectVariant::ROBUST);
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Triangle4vIntersector1Pluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Triangle4vIntersector1Woop();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8Triangle4vIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8Triangle4vIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8Triangle4vIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8Triangle4iIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Triangle4iIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8Triangle4iIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8Triangle4iIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8Triangle4iIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8Triangle4iIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8Triangle4iIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8Triangle4iIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8Quad4vIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Quad4vIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4_filter = BVH8Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector4_nofilter = BVH8Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter();
+ intersectors.intersector8_filter = BVH8Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8_nofilter = BVH8Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter();
+ intersectors.intersector16_filter = BVH8Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16_nofilter = BVH8Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter();
+ intersectors.intersectorN_filter = BVH8Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN_nofilter = BVH8Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Quad4vIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8Quad4vIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8Quad4vIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8Quad4vIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8Quad4iIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Quad4iIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8Quad4iIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8Quad4iIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8Quad4iIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8Quad4iIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8Quad4iIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8Quad4iIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8Quad4iMBIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ switch (ivariant) {
+ case IntersectVariant::FAST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ case IntersectVariant::ROBUST:
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ }
+ return Accel::Intersectors();
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::QBVH8Triangle4iIntersectors(BVH8* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = QBVH8Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::QBVH8Triangle4Intersectors(BVH8* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = QBVH8Triangle4Intersector1Moeller();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::QBVH8Quad4iIntersectors(BVH8* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = QBVH8Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8UserGeometryIntersectors(BVH8* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8VirtualIntersector1();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8VirtualIntersector4Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8VirtualIntersector8Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8VirtualIntersector16Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8VirtualIntersectorStream();
+ intersectors.collider = BVH8ColliderUserGeom();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8UserGeometryMBIntersectors(BVH8* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8VirtualMBIntersector1();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8VirtualMBIntersector4Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8VirtualMBIntersector8Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8VirtualMBIntersector16Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8InstanceIntersectors(BVH8* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8InstanceIntersector1();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8InstanceIntersector4Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8InstanceIntersector8Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8InstanceIntersector16Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8InstanceIntersectorStream();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8InstanceMBIntersectors(BVH8* bvh)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8InstanceMBIntersector1();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8InstanceMBIntersector4Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8InstanceMBIntersector8Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8InstanceMBIntersector16Chunk();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8OBBVirtualCurve8v(Scene* scene, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Curve8v::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectors(accel,VirtualCurveIntersector8v(),ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = BVH8Curve8vBuilder_OBB_New(accel,scene,0);
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8OBBVirtualCurve8iMB(Scene* scene, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Curve8iMB::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorsMB(accel,VirtualCurveIntersector8iMB(),ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = BVH8OBBCurve8iMBBuilder_OBB(accel,scene,0);
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8Triangle4(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Triangle4::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors= BVH8Triangle4Intersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->tri_builder == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH8Triangle4SceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : builder = BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4MeshSAH(accel,scene,false); break;
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: builder = BVH8Triangle4SceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "sah" ) builder = BVH8Triangle4SceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "sah_fast_spatial") builder = BVH8Triangle4SceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "sah_presplit") builder = BVH8Triangle4SceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,MODE_HIGH_QUALITY);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "dynamic" ) builder = BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4MeshSAH(accel,scene,false);
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "morton" ) builder = BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4MeshSAH(accel,scene,true);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->tri_builder+" for BVH8<Triangle4>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8Triangle4v(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Triangle4v::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors= BVH8Triangle4vIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->tri_builder == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH8Triangle4vSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : builder = BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4vMeshSAH(accel,scene,false); break;
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: builder = BVH8Triangle4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder == "sah_fast_spatial") builder = BVH8Triangle4SceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->tri_builder+" for BVH8<Triangle4v>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8Triangle4i(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Triangle4i::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH8Triangle4iIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->tri_builder == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH8Triangle4iSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : builder = BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4iMeshSAH(accel,scene,false); break;
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: assert(false); break; // FIXME: implement
+ }
+ }
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->tri_builder+" for BVH8<Triangle4i>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8Triangle4iMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Triangle4i::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->tri_builder_mb == "default") { // FIXME: implement
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH8Triangle4iMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : assert(false); break; // FIXME: implement
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: assert(false); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder_mb == "internal_time_splits") builder = BVH8Triangle4iMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->tri_builder_mb+" for BVH8<Triangle4iMB>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8Triangle4vMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Triangle4vMB::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors= BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->tri_builder_mb == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH8Triangle4vMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : assert(false); break; // FIXME: implement
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: assert(false); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->tri_builder_mb == "internal_time_splits") builder = BVH8Triangle4vMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->tri_builder_mb+" for BVH8<Triangle4vMB>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8QuantizedTriangle4i(Scene* scene)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Triangle4i::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = QBVH8Triangle4iIntersectors(accel);
+ Builder* builder = BVH8QuantizedTriangle4iSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8QuantizedTriangle4(Scene* scene)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Triangle4::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = QBVH8Triangle4Intersectors(accel);
+ Builder* builder = BVH8QuantizedTriangle4SceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8Quad4v(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Quad4v::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH8Quad4vIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->quad_builder == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH8Quad4vSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : builder = BVH8BuilderTwoLevelQuadMeshSAH(accel,scene,false); break;
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: builder = BVH8Quad4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->quad_builder == "dynamic" ) builder = BVH8BuilderTwoLevelQuadMeshSAH(accel,scene,false);
+ else if (scene->device->quad_builder == "morton" ) builder = BVH8BuilderTwoLevelQuadMeshSAH(accel,scene,true);
+ else if (scene->device->quad_builder == "sah_fast_spatial" ) builder = BVH8Quad4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->quad_builder+" for BVH8<Quad4v>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8Quad4i(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Quad4i::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH8Quad4iIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->quad_builder == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH8Quad4iSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : assert(false); break; // FIXME: implement
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: assert(false); break; // FIXME: implement
+ }
+ }
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->quad_builder+" for BVH8<Quad4i>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8Quad4iMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Quad4i::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH8Quad4iMBIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->quad_builder_mb == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH8Quad4iMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : assert(false); break; // FIXME: implement
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: assert(false); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->quad_builder_mb+" for BVH8<Quad4i>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8QuantizedQuad4i(Scene* scene)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Quad4i::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = QBVH8Quad4iIntersectors(accel);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->quad_builder == "default" ) builder = BVH8QuantizedQuad4iSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->quad_builder+" for QBVH8<Quad4i>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8UserGeometry(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Object::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH8UserGeometryIntersectors(accel);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->object_builder == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH8VirtualSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0); break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : builder = BVH8BuilderTwoLevelVirtualSAH(accel,scene,false); break;
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: assert(false); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->object_builder == "sah") builder = BVH8VirtualSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ else if (scene->device->object_builder == "dynamic") builder = BVH8BuilderTwoLevelVirtualSAH(accel,scene,false);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->object_builder+" for BVH8<Object>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8UserGeometryMB(Scene* scene)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(Object::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH8UserGeometryMBIntersectors(accel);
+ Builder* builder = BVH8VirtualMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8Instance(Scene* scene, bool isExpensive, BuildVariant bvariant)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(InstancePrimitive::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH8InstanceIntersectors(accel);
+ auto gtype = isExpensive ? Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE_EXPENSIVE : Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE;
+ // Builder* builder = BVH8InstanceSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,gtype);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->object_builder == "default") {
+ switch (bvariant) {
+ case BuildVariant::STATIC : builder = BVH8InstanceSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,gtype);; break;
+ case BuildVariant::DYNAMIC : builder = BVH8BuilderTwoLevelInstanceSAH(accel,scene,gtype,false); break;
+ case BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY: assert(false); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (scene->device->object_builder == "sah") builder = BVH8InstanceSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,gtype);
+ else if (scene->device->object_builder == "dynamic") builder = BVH8BuilderTwoLevelInstanceSAH(accel,scene,gtype,false);
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->object_builder+" for BVH8<Object>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8InstanceMB(Scene* scene, bool isExpensive)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(InstancePrimitive::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH8InstanceMBIntersectors(accel);
+ auto gtype = isExpensive ? Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE_EXPENSIVE : Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE;
+ Builder* builder = BVH8InstanceMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,gtype);
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8GridIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ if (ivariant == IntersectVariant::FAST)
+ {
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8GridIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8GridIntersector4HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8GridIntersector8HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8GridIntersector16HybridMoeller();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ }
+ else /* if (ivariant == IntersectVariant::ROBUST) */
+ {
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8GridIntersector1Pluecker();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = BVH8GridIntersector4HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector8 = BVH8GridIntersector8HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersector16 = BVH8GridIntersector16HybridPluecker();
+ intersectors.intersectorN = BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback();
+ }
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Factory::BVH8GridMBIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.ptr = bvh;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = BVH8GridMBIntersector1Moeller();
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ intersectors.intersector4 = nullptr;
+ intersectors.intersector8 = nullptr;
+ intersectors.intersector16 = nullptr;
+ intersectors.intersectorN = nullptr;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8Grid(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(SubGridQBVH8::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH8GridIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->grid_builder == "default") {
+ builder = BVH8GridSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ }
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->object_builder+" for BVH4<GridMesh>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
+ Accel* BVH8Factory::BVH8GridMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant, IntersectVariant ivariant)
+ {
+ BVH8* accel = new BVH8(SubGridQBVH8::type,scene);
+ Accel::Intersectors intersectors = BVH8GridMBIntersectors(accel,ivariant);
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ if (scene->device->grid_builder_mb == "default") {
+ builder = BVH8GridMBSceneBuilderSAH(accel,scene,0);
+ }
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown builder "+scene->device->object_builder+" for BVH8MB<GridMesh>");
+ return new AccelInstance(accel,builder,intersectors);
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh8_factory.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh8_factory.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..198d6f1df0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh8_factory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh_factory.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! BVH8 instantiations */
+ class BVH8Factory : public BVHFactory
+ {
+ public:
+ BVH8Factory(int bfeatures, int ifeatures);
+ public:
+ Accel* BVH8OBBVirtualCurve8v(Scene* scene, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel* BVH8OBBVirtualCurve8iMB(Scene* scene, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector8v);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(VirtualCurveIntersector*,VirtualCurveIntersector8iMB);
+ Accel* BVH8Triangle4 (Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH8Triangle4v (Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH8Triangle4i (Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH8Triangle4vMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH8Triangle4iMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH8Quad4v (Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH8Quad4i (Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH8Quad4iMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH8QuantizedTriangle4i(Scene* scene);
+ Accel* BVH8QuantizedTriangle4(Scene* scene);
+ Accel* BVH8QuantizedQuad4i(Scene* scene);
+ Accel* BVH8UserGeometry(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC);
+ Accel* BVH8UserGeometryMB(Scene* scene);
+ Accel* BVH8Instance(Scene* scene, bool isExpensive, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC);
+ Accel* BVH8InstanceMB(Scene* scene, bool isExpensive);
+ Accel* BVH8Grid(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ Accel* BVH8GridMB(Scene* scene, BuildVariant bvariant = BuildVariant::STATIC, IntersectVariant ivariant = IntersectVariant::FAST);
+ private:
+ void selectBuilders(int features);
+ void selectIntersectors(int features);
+ private:
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, VirtualCurveIntersector* leafIntersector, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorsMB(BVH8* bvh, VirtualCurveIntersector* leafIntersector, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Triangle4Intersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Triangle4vIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Triangle4iIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Quad4vIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Quad4iIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8Quad4iMBIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors QBVH8Triangle4iIntersectors(BVH8* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors QBVH8Triangle4Intersectors(BVH8* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors QBVH8Quad4iIntersectors(BVH8* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8UserGeometryIntersectors(BVH8* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8UserGeometryMBIntersectors(BVH8* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8InstanceIntersectors(BVH8* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8InstanceMBIntersectors(BVH8* bvh);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8GridIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ Accel::Intersectors BVH8GridMBIntersectors(BVH8* bvh, IntersectVariant ivariant);
+ private:
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Collider,BVH8ColliderUserGeom);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector1);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector1MB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust1);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust1MB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4Intersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector1Woop);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Quad4vIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Quad4iIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Quad4vIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,QBVH8Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,QBVH8Triangle4Intersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,QBVH8Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8VirtualIntersector1);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8VirtualMBIntersector1);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8InstanceIntersector1);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8InstanceMBIntersector1);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8GridIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8GridMBIntersector1Moeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector1,BVH8GridIntersector1Pluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4Hybrid);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4HybridMB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4Hybrid);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4HybridMB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Quad4iIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Quad4vIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Quad4iIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8VirtualIntersector4Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8VirtualMBIntersector4Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8InstanceIntersector4Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8InstanceMBIntersector4Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8GridIntersector4HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector4,BVH8GridIntersector4HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector8Hybrid);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector8HybridMB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8Hybrid);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust8HybridMB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4Intersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Quad4vIntersector8HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Quad4iIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Quad4vIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Quad4iIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8VirtualIntersector8Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8VirtualMBIntersector8Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8InstanceIntersector8Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8InstanceMBIntersector8Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8GridIntersector8HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector8,BVH8GridIntersector8HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16Hybrid);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersector16HybridMB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16Hybrid);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust16HybridMB);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4Intersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4vIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4iIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4vMBIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Triangle4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Quad4vIntersector16HybridMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Quad4iIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Quad4vIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Quad4iIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8Quad4iMBIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8VirtualIntersector16Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8VirtualMBIntersector16Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8InstanceIntersector16Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8InstanceMBIntersector16Chunk);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8GridIntersector16HybridMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::Intersector16,BVH8GridIntersector16HybridPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8IntersectorStreamPacketFallback);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8VirtualIntersectorStream);
+ DEFINE_SYMBOL2(Accel::IntersectorN,BVH8InstanceIntersectorStream);
+ // SAH scene builders
+ private:
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Curve8vBuilder_OBB_New,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8OBBCurve8iMBBuilder_OBB,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4SceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4vSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4iMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4vMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8QuantizedTriangle4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8QuantizedTriangle4SceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Quad4vSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Quad4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Quad4iMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8QuantizedQuad4iSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8VirtualSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8VirtualMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8InstanceSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8InstanceMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8GridSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8GridMBSceneBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ // SAH spatial scene builders
+ private:
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4SceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Quad4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA size_t);
+ // twolevel scene builders
+ private:
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4MeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4vMeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4iMeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelQuadMeshSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelVirtualSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA bool);
+ DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8BuilderTwoLevelInstanceSAH,void* COMMA Scene* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask COMMA bool);
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..161d01bb5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_builder.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int N>
+ typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef BVHNBuilderVirtual<N>::BVHNBuilderV::build(FastAllocator* allocator, BuildProgressMonitor& progressFunc, PrimRef* prims, const PrimInfo& pinfo, GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings)
+ {
+ auto createLeafFunc = [&] (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const Allocator& alloc) -> NodeRef {
+ return createLeaf(prims,set,alloc);
+ };
+ settings.branchingFactor = N;
+ settings.maxDepth = BVH::maxBuildDepthLeaf;
+ return BVHBuilderBinnedSAH::build<NodeRef>
+ (FastAllocator::Create(allocator),typename BVH::AABBNode::Create2(),typename BVH::AABBNode::Set3(allocator,prims),createLeafFunc,progressFunc,prims,pinfo,settings);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef BVHNBuilderQuantizedVirtual<N>::BVHNBuilderV::build(FastAllocator* allocator, BuildProgressMonitor& progressFunc, PrimRef* prims, const PrimInfo& pinfo, GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings)
+ {
+ auto createLeafFunc = [&] (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const Allocator& alloc) -> NodeRef {
+ return createLeaf(prims,set,alloc);
+ };
+ settings.branchingFactor = N;
+ settings.maxDepth = BVH::maxBuildDepthLeaf;
+ return BVHBuilderBinnedSAH::build<NodeRef>
+ (FastAllocator::Create(allocator),typename BVH::QuantizedNode::Create2(),typename BVH::QuantizedNode::Set2(),createLeafFunc,progressFunc,prims,pinfo,settings);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ typename BVHN<N>::NodeRecordMB BVHNBuilderMblurVirtual<N>::BVHNBuilderV::build(FastAllocator* allocator, BuildProgressMonitor& progressFunc, PrimRef* prims, const PrimInfo& pinfo, GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings, const BBox1f& timeRange)
+ {
+ auto createLeafFunc = [&] (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const Allocator& alloc) -> NodeRecordMB {
+ return createLeaf(prims,set,alloc);
+ };
+ settings.branchingFactor = N;
+ settings.maxDepth = BVH::maxBuildDepthLeaf;
+ return BVHBuilderBinnedSAH::build<NodeRecordMB>
+ (FastAllocator::Create(allocator),typename BVH::AABBNodeMB::Create(),typename BVH::AABBNodeMB::SetTimeRange(timeRange),createLeafFunc,progressFunc,prims,pinfo,settings);
+ }
+ template struct BVHNBuilderVirtual<4>;
+ template struct BVHNBuilderQuantizedVirtual<4>;
+ template struct BVHNBuilderMblurVirtual<4>;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ template struct BVHNBuilderVirtual<8>;
+ template struct BVHNBuilderQuantizedVirtual<8>;
+ template struct BVHNBuilderMblurVirtual<8>;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e35d052a62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh.h"
+#include "../builders/bvh_builder_sah.h"
+#include "../builders/bvh_builder_msmblur.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNBuilderVirtual
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef FastAllocator::CachedAllocator Allocator;
+ struct BVHNBuilderV {
+ NodeRef build(FastAllocator* allocator, BuildProgressMonitor& progress, PrimRef* prims, const PrimInfo& pinfo, GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings);
+ virtual NodeRef createLeaf (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const Allocator& alloc) = 0;
+ };
+ template<typename CreateLeafFunc>
+ struct BVHNBuilderT : public BVHNBuilderV
+ {
+ BVHNBuilderT (CreateLeafFunc createLeafFunc)
+ : createLeafFunc(createLeafFunc) {}
+ NodeRef createLeaf (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const Allocator& alloc) {
+ return createLeafFunc(prims,set,alloc);
+ }
+ private:
+ CreateLeafFunc createLeafFunc;
+ };
+ template<typename CreateLeafFunc>
+ static NodeRef build(FastAllocator* allocator, CreateLeafFunc createLeaf, BuildProgressMonitor& progress, PrimRef* prims, const PrimInfo& pinfo, GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings) {
+ return BVHNBuilderT<CreateLeafFunc>(createLeaf).build(allocator,progress,prims,pinfo,settings);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNBuilderQuantizedVirtual
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef FastAllocator::CachedAllocator Allocator;
+ struct BVHNBuilderV {
+ NodeRef build(FastAllocator* allocator, BuildProgressMonitor& progress, PrimRef* prims, const PrimInfo& pinfo, GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings);
+ virtual NodeRef createLeaf (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const Allocator& alloc) = 0;
+ };
+ template<typename CreateLeafFunc>
+ struct BVHNBuilderT : public BVHNBuilderV
+ {
+ BVHNBuilderT (CreateLeafFunc createLeafFunc)
+ : createLeafFunc(createLeafFunc) {}
+ NodeRef createLeaf (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const Allocator& alloc) {
+ return createLeafFunc(prims,set,alloc);
+ }
+ private:
+ CreateLeafFunc createLeafFunc;
+ };
+ template<typename CreateLeafFunc>
+ static NodeRef build(FastAllocator* allocator, CreateLeafFunc createLeaf, BuildProgressMonitor& progress, PrimRef* prims, const PrimInfo& pinfo, GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings) {
+ return BVHNBuilderT<CreateLeafFunc>(createLeaf).build(allocator,progress,prims,pinfo,settings);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNBuilderMblurVirtual
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNodeMB AABBNodeMB;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRecordMB NodeRecordMB;
+ typedef FastAllocator::CachedAllocator Allocator;
+ struct BVHNBuilderV {
+ NodeRecordMB build(FastAllocator* allocator, BuildProgressMonitor& progress, PrimRef* prims, const PrimInfo& pinfo, GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings, const BBox1f& timeRange);
+ virtual NodeRecordMB createLeaf (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const Allocator& alloc) = 0;
+ };
+ template<typename CreateLeafFunc>
+ struct BVHNBuilderT : public BVHNBuilderV
+ {
+ BVHNBuilderT (CreateLeafFunc createLeafFunc)
+ : createLeafFunc(createLeafFunc) {}
+ NodeRecordMB createLeaf (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const Allocator& alloc) {
+ return createLeafFunc(prims,set,alloc);
+ }
+ private:
+ CreateLeafFunc createLeafFunc;
+ };
+ template<typename CreateLeafFunc>
+ static NodeRecordMB build(FastAllocator* allocator, CreateLeafFunc createLeaf, BuildProgressMonitor& progress, PrimRef* prims, const PrimInfo& pinfo, GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings, const BBox1f& timeRange) {
+ return BVHNBuilderT<CreateLeafFunc>(createLeaf).build(allocator,progress,prims,pinfo,settings,timeRange);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_morton.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_morton.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a4d8d71df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_morton.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,531 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh.h"
+#include "bvh_statistics.h"
+#include "bvh_rotate.h"
+#include "../common/profile.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_prefix_sum.h"
+#include "../builders/primrefgen.h"
+#include "../builders/bvh_builder_morton.h"
+#include "../geometry/triangle.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglei.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadv.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadi.h"
+#include "../geometry/object.h"
+#include "../geometry/instance.h"
+#if defined(__64BIT__)
+# define ROTATE_TREE 1 // specifies number of tree rotation rounds to perform
+# define ROTATE_TREE 0 // do not use tree rotations on 32 bit platforms, barrier bit in NodeRef will cause issues
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int N>
+ struct SetBVHNBounds
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRecord NodeRecord;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNode AABBNode;
+ BVH* bvh;
+ __forceinline SetBVHNBounds (BVH* bvh) : bvh(bvh) {}
+ __forceinline NodeRecord operator() (NodeRef ref, const NodeRecord* children, size_t num)
+ {
+ AABBNode* node = ref.getAABBNode();
+ BBox3fa res = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ const BBox3fa b = children[i].bounds;
+ res.extend(b);
+ node->setRef(i,children[i].ref);
+ node->setBounds(i,b);
+ }
+ BBox3fx result = (BBox3fx&)res;
+ if (N == 4)
+ {
+ size_t n = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++)
+ n += children[i].bounds.lower.a;
+ if (n >= 4096) {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ if (children[i].bounds.lower.a < 4096) {
+ for (int j=0; j<ROTATE_TREE; j++)
+ BVHNRotate<N>::rotate(node->child(i));
+ node->child(i).setBarrier();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ result.lower.a = unsigned(n);
+ }
+ return NodeRecord(ref,result);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, typename Primitive>
+ struct CreateMortonLeaf;
+ template<int N>
+ struct CreateMortonLeaf<N,Triangle4>
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRecord NodeRecord;
+ __forceinline CreateMortonLeaf (TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim* morton)
+ : mesh(mesh), morton(morton), geomID_(geomID) {}
+ __noinline NodeRecord operator() (const range<unsigned>& current, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc)
+ {
+ vfloat4 lower(pos_inf);
+ vfloat4 upper(neg_inf);
+ size_t items = current.size();
+ size_t start = current.begin();
+ assert(items<=4);
+ /* allocate leaf node */
+ Triangle4* accel = (Triangle4*) alloc.malloc1(sizeof(Triangle4),BVH::byteAlignment);
+ NodeRef ref = BVH::encodeLeaf((char*)accel,1);
+ vuint4 vgeomID = -1, vprimID = -1;
+ Vec3vf4 v0 = zero, v1 = zero, v2 = zero;
+ const TriangleMesh* __restrict__ const mesh = this->mesh;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++)
+ {
+ const unsigned int primID = morton[start+i].index;
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primID);
+ const Vec3fa& p0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa& p1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa& p2 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[2]);
+ lower = min(lower,(vfloat4)p0,(vfloat4)p1,(vfloat4)p2);
+ upper = max(upper,(vfloat4)p0,(vfloat4)p1,(vfloat4)p2);
+ vgeomID [i] = geomID_;
+ vprimID [i] = primID;
+ v0.x[i] = p0.x; v0.y[i] = p0.y; v0.z[i] = p0.z;
+ v1.x[i] = p1.x; v1.y[i] = p1.y; v1.z[i] = p1.z;
+ v2.x[i] = p2.x; v2.y[i] = p2.y; v2.z[i] = p2.z;
+ }
+ Triangle4::store_nt(accel,Triangle4(v0,v1,v2,vgeomID,vprimID));
+ BBox3fx box_o = BBox3fx((Vec3fx)lower,(Vec3fx)upper);
+ if (N == 4)
+ box_o.lower.a = unsigned(current.size());
+ return NodeRecord(ref,box_o);
+ }
+ private:
+ TriangleMesh* mesh;
+ BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim* morton;
+ unsigned int geomID_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct CreateMortonLeaf<N,Triangle4v>
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRecord NodeRecord;
+ __forceinline CreateMortonLeaf (TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim* morton)
+ : mesh(mesh), morton(morton), geomID_(geomID) {}
+ __noinline NodeRecord operator() (const range<unsigned>& current, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc)
+ {
+ vfloat4 lower(pos_inf);
+ vfloat4 upper(neg_inf);
+ size_t items = current.size();
+ size_t start = current.begin();
+ assert(items<=4);
+ /* allocate leaf node */
+ Triangle4v* accel = (Triangle4v*) alloc.malloc1(sizeof(Triangle4v),BVH::byteAlignment);
+ NodeRef ref = BVH::encodeLeaf((char*)accel,1);
+ vuint4 vgeomID = -1, vprimID = -1;
+ Vec3vf4 v0 = zero, v1 = zero, v2 = zero;
+ const TriangleMesh* __restrict__ mesh = this->mesh;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++)
+ {
+ const unsigned int primID = morton[start+i].index;
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primID);
+ const Vec3fa& p0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa& p1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa& p2 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[2]);
+ lower = min(lower,(vfloat4)p0,(vfloat4)p1,(vfloat4)p2);
+ upper = max(upper,(vfloat4)p0,(vfloat4)p1,(vfloat4)p2);
+ vgeomID [i] = geomID_;
+ vprimID [i] = primID;
+ v0.x[i] = p0.x; v0.y[i] = p0.y; v0.z[i] = p0.z;
+ v1.x[i] = p1.x; v1.y[i] = p1.y; v1.z[i] = p1.z;
+ v2.x[i] = p2.x; v2.y[i] = p2.y; v2.z[i] = p2.z;
+ }
+ Triangle4v::store_nt(accel,Triangle4v(v0,v1,v2,vgeomID,vprimID));
+ BBox3fx box_o = BBox3fx((Vec3fx)lower,(Vec3fx)upper);
+ if (N == 4)
+ box_o.lower.a = current.size();
+ return NodeRecord(ref,box_o);
+ }
+ private:
+ TriangleMesh* mesh;
+ BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim* morton;
+ unsigned int geomID_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct CreateMortonLeaf<N,Triangle4i>
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRecord NodeRecord;
+ __forceinline CreateMortonLeaf (TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim* morton)
+ : mesh(mesh), morton(morton), geomID_(geomID) {}
+ __noinline NodeRecord operator() (const range<unsigned>& current, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc)
+ {
+ vfloat4 lower(pos_inf);
+ vfloat4 upper(neg_inf);
+ size_t items = current.size();
+ size_t start = current.begin();
+ assert(items<=4);
+ /* allocate leaf node */
+ Triangle4i* accel = (Triangle4i*) alloc.malloc1(sizeof(Triangle4i),BVH::byteAlignment);
+ NodeRef ref = BVH::encodeLeaf((char*)accel,1);
+ vuint4 v0 = zero, v1 = zero, v2 = zero;
+ vuint4 vgeomID = -1, vprimID = -1;
+ const TriangleMesh* __restrict__ const mesh = this->mesh;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++)
+ {
+ const unsigned int primID = morton[start+i].index;
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primID);
+ const Vec3fa& p0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa& p1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa& p2 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[2]);
+ lower = min(lower,(vfloat4)p0,(vfloat4)p1,(vfloat4)p2);
+ upper = max(upper,(vfloat4)p0,(vfloat4)p1,(vfloat4)p2);
+ vgeomID[i] = geomID_;
+ vprimID[i] = primID;
+ unsigned int int_stride = mesh->vertices0.getStride()/4;
+ v0[i] = tri.v[0] * int_stride;
+ v1[i] = tri.v[1] * int_stride;
+ v2[i] = tri.v[2] * int_stride;
+ }
+ for (size_t i=items; i<4; i++)
+ {
+ vgeomID[i] = vgeomID[0];
+ vprimID[i] = -1;
+ v0[i] = 0;
+ v1[i] = 0;
+ v2[i] = 0;
+ }
+ Triangle4i::store_nt(accel,Triangle4i(v0,v1,v2,vgeomID,vprimID));
+ BBox3fx box_o = BBox3fx((Vec3fx)lower,(Vec3fx)upper);
+ if (N == 4)
+ box_o.lower.a = current.size();
+ return NodeRecord(ref,box_o);
+ }
+ private:
+ TriangleMesh* mesh;
+ BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim* morton;
+ unsigned int geomID_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct CreateMortonLeaf<N,Quad4v>
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRecord NodeRecord;
+ __forceinline CreateMortonLeaf (QuadMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim* morton)
+ : mesh(mesh), morton(morton), geomID_(geomID) {}
+ __noinline NodeRecord operator() (const range<unsigned>& current, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc)
+ {
+ vfloat4 lower(pos_inf);
+ vfloat4 upper(neg_inf);
+ size_t items = current.size();
+ size_t start = current.begin();
+ assert(items<=4);
+ /* allocate leaf node */
+ Quad4v* accel = (Quad4v*) alloc.malloc1(sizeof(Quad4v),BVH::byteAlignment);
+ NodeRef ref = BVH::encodeLeaf((char*)accel,1);
+ vuint4 vgeomID = -1, vprimID = -1;
+ Vec3vf4 v0 = zero, v1 = zero, v2 = zero, v3 = zero;
+ const QuadMesh* __restrict__ mesh = this->mesh;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++)
+ {
+ const unsigned int primID = morton[start+i].index;
+ const QuadMesh::Quad& tri = mesh->quad(primID);
+ const Vec3fa& p0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa& p1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa& p2 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[2]);
+ const Vec3fa& p3 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[3]);
+ lower = min(lower,(vfloat4)p0,(vfloat4)p1,(vfloat4)p2,(vfloat4)p3);
+ upper = max(upper,(vfloat4)p0,(vfloat4)p1,(vfloat4)p2,(vfloat4)p3);
+ vgeomID [i] = geomID_;
+ vprimID [i] = primID;
+ v0.x[i] = p0.x; v0.y[i] = p0.y; v0.z[i] = p0.z;
+ v1.x[i] = p1.x; v1.y[i] = p1.y; v1.z[i] = p1.z;
+ v2.x[i] = p2.x; v2.y[i] = p2.y; v2.z[i] = p2.z;
+ v3.x[i] = p3.x; v3.y[i] = p3.y; v3.z[i] = p3.z;
+ }
+ Quad4v::store_nt(accel,Quad4v(v0,v1,v2,v3,vgeomID,vprimID));
+ BBox3fx box_o = BBox3fx((Vec3fx)lower,(Vec3fx)upper);
+ if (N == 4)
+ box_o.lower.a = current.size();
+ return NodeRecord(ref,box_o);
+ }
+ private:
+ QuadMesh* mesh;
+ BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim* morton;
+ unsigned int geomID_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct CreateMortonLeaf<N,Object>
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRecord NodeRecord;
+ __forceinline CreateMortonLeaf (UserGeometry* mesh, unsigned int geomID, BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim* morton)
+ : mesh(mesh), morton(morton), geomID_(geomID) {}
+ __noinline NodeRecord operator() (const range<unsigned>& current, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc)
+ {
+ vfloat4 lower(pos_inf);
+ vfloat4 upper(neg_inf);
+ size_t items = current.size();
+ size_t start = current.begin();
+ /* allocate leaf node */
+ Object* accel = (Object*) alloc.malloc1(items*sizeof(Object),BVH::byteAlignment);
+ NodeRef ref = BVH::encodeLeaf((char*)accel,items);
+ const UserGeometry* mesh = this->mesh;
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++)
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = morton[start+i].index;
+ const unsigned int primID = index;
+ bounds.extend(mesh->bounds(primID));
+ new (&accel[i]) Object(geomID_,primID);
+ }
+ BBox3fx box_o = (BBox3fx&)bounds;
+ if (N == 4)
+ box_o.lower.a = current.size();
+ return NodeRecord(ref,box_o);
+ }
+ private:
+ UserGeometry* mesh;
+ BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim* morton;
+ unsigned int geomID_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct CreateMortonLeaf<N,InstancePrimitive>
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRecord NodeRecord;
+ __forceinline CreateMortonLeaf (Instance* mesh, unsigned int geomID, BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim* morton)
+ : mesh(mesh), morton(morton), geomID_(geomID) {}
+ __noinline NodeRecord operator() (const range<unsigned>& current, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc)
+ {
+ vfloat4 lower(pos_inf);
+ vfloat4 upper(neg_inf);
+ size_t items = current.size();
+ size_t start = current.begin();
+ assert(items <= 1);
+ /* allocate leaf node */
+ InstancePrimitive* accel = (InstancePrimitive*) alloc.malloc1(items*sizeof(InstancePrimitive),BVH::byteAlignment);
+ NodeRef ref = BVH::encodeLeaf((char*)accel,items);
+ const Instance* instance = this->mesh;
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++)
+ {
+ const unsigned int primID = morton[start+i].index;
+ bounds.extend(instance->bounds(primID));
+ new (&accel[i]) InstancePrimitive(instance, geomID_);
+ }
+ BBox3fx box_o = (BBox3fx&)bounds;
+ if (N == 4)
+ box_o.lower.a = current.size();
+ return NodeRecord(ref,box_o);
+ }
+ private:
+ Instance* mesh;
+ BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim* morton;
+ unsigned int geomID_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
+ };
+ template<typename Mesh>
+ struct CalculateMeshBounds
+ {
+ __forceinline CalculateMeshBounds (Mesh* mesh)
+ : mesh(mesh) {}
+ __forceinline const BBox3fa operator() (const BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim& morton) {
+ return mesh->bounds(morton.index);
+ }
+ private:
+ Mesh* mesh;
+ };
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ class BVHNMeshBuilderMorton : public Builder
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNode AABBNode;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRecord NodeRecord;
+ public:
+ BVHNMeshBuilderMorton (BVH* bvh, Mesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, const size_t minLeafSize, const size_t maxLeafSize, const size_t singleThreadThreshold = DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD)
+ : bvh(bvh), mesh(mesh), morton(bvh->device,0), settings(N,BVH::maxBuildDepth,minLeafSize,min(maxLeafSize,Primitive::max_size()*BVH::maxLeafBlocks),singleThreadThreshold), geomID_(geomID) {}
+ /* build function */
+ void build()
+ {
+ /* we reset the allocator when the mesh size changed */
+ if (mesh->numPrimitives != numPreviousPrimitives) {
+ bvh->alloc.clear();
+ morton.clear();
+ }
+ size_t numPrimitives = mesh->size();
+ numPreviousPrimitives = numPrimitives;
+ /* skip build for empty scene */
+ if (numPrimitives == 0) {
+ bvh->set(BVH::emptyNode,empty,0);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* preallocate arrays */
+ morton.resize(numPrimitives);
+ size_t bytesEstimated = numPrimitives*sizeof(AABBNode)/(4*N) + size_t(1.2f*Primitive::blocks(numPrimitives)*sizeof(Primitive));
+ size_t bytesMortonCodes = numPrimitives*sizeof(BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim);
+ bytesEstimated = max(bytesEstimated,bytesMortonCodes); // the first allocation block is reused to sort the morton codes
+ bvh->alloc.init(bytesMortonCodes,bytesMortonCodes,bytesEstimated);
+ /* create morton code array */
+ BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim* dest = (BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim*) bvh->alloc.specialAlloc(bytesMortonCodes);
+ size_t numPrimitivesGen = createMortonCodeArray<Mesh>(mesh,morton,bvh->scene->progressInterface);
+ /* create BVH */
+ SetBVHNBounds<N> setBounds(bvh);
+ CreateMortonLeaf<N,Primitive> createLeaf(mesh,geomID_,;
+ CalculateMeshBounds<Mesh> calculateBounds(mesh);
+ auto root = BVHBuilderMorton::build<NodeRecord>(
+ typename BVH::CreateAlloc(bvh),
+ typename BVH::AABBNode::Create(),
+ setBounds,createLeaf,calculateBounds,bvh->scene->progressInterface,
+ bvh->set(root.ref,LBBox3fa(root.bounds),numPrimitives);
+ if (N == 4)
+ {
+ for (int i=0; i<ROTATE_TREE; i++)
+ BVHNRotate<N>::rotate(bvh->root);
+ bvh->clearBarrier(bvh->root);
+ }
+ /* clear temporary data for static geometry */
+ if (bvh->scene->isStaticAccel()) {
+ morton.clear();
+ }
+ bvh->cleanup();
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ morton.clear();
+ }
+ private:
+ BVH* bvh;
+ Mesh* mesh;
+ mvector<BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim> morton;
+ BVHBuilderMorton::Settings settings;
+ unsigned int geomID_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
+ unsigned int numPreviousPrimitives = 0;
+ };
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4MeshBuilderMortonGeneral (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new class BVHNMeshBuilderMorton<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4> ((BVH4*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,4); }
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4vMeshBuilderMortonGeneral (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new class BVHNMeshBuilderMorton<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4v>((BVH4*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,4); }
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4iMeshBuilderMortonGeneral (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new class BVHNMeshBuilderMorton<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i>((BVH4*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,4); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4MeshBuilderMortonGeneral (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new class BVHNMeshBuilderMorton<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4> ((BVH8*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,4); }
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4vMeshBuilderMortonGeneral (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new class BVHNMeshBuilderMorton<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4v>((BVH8*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,4); }
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4iMeshBuilderMortonGeneral (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new class BVHNMeshBuilderMorton<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i>((BVH8*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,4); }
+ Builder* BVH4Quad4vMeshBuilderMortonGeneral (void* bvh, QuadMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new class BVHNMeshBuilderMorton<4,QuadMesh,Quad4v>((BVH4*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,4); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8Quad4vMeshBuilderMortonGeneral (void* bvh, QuadMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new class BVHNMeshBuilderMorton<8,QuadMesh,Quad4v>((BVH8*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,4); }
+ Builder* BVH4VirtualMeshBuilderMortonGeneral (void* bvh, UserGeometry* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new class BVHNMeshBuilderMorton<4,UserGeometry,Object>((BVH4*)bvh,mesh,geomID,1,BVH4::maxLeafBlocks); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8VirtualMeshBuilderMortonGeneral (void* bvh, UserGeometry* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new class BVHNMeshBuilderMorton<8,UserGeometry,Object>((BVH8*)bvh,mesh,geomID,1,BVH4::maxLeafBlocks); }
+ Builder* BVH4InstanceMeshBuilderMortonGeneral (void* bvh, Instance* mesh, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new class BVHNMeshBuilderMorton<4,Instance,InstancePrimitive>((BVH4*)bvh,mesh,gtype,geomID,1,BVH4::maxLeafBlocks); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8InstanceMeshBuilderMortonGeneral (void* bvh, Instance* mesh, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new class BVHNMeshBuilderMorton<8,Instance,InstancePrimitive>((BVH8*)bvh,mesh,gtype,geomID,1,BVH4::maxLeafBlocks); }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_sah.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_sah.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fad02fcc04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_sah.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,543 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh.h"
+#include "bvh_builder.h"
+#include "../builders/primrefgen.h"
+#include "../builders/splitter.h"
+#include "../geometry/linei.h"
+#include "../geometry/triangle.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_mb.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglei.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadv.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadi.h"
+#include "../geometry/object.h"
+#include "../geometry/instance.h"
+#include "../geometry/subgrid.h"
+#include "../common/state.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_for_for.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_for_for_prefix_sum.h"
+#define PROFILE 0
+#define PROFILE_RUNS 20
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int N, typename Primitive>
+ struct CreateLeaf
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ __forceinline CreateLeaf (BVH* bvh) : bvh(bvh) {}
+ __forceinline NodeRef operator() (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) const
+ {
+ size_t n = set.size();
+ size_t items = Primitive::blocks(n);
+ size_t start = set.begin();
+ Primitive* accel = (Primitive*) alloc.malloc1(items*sizeof(Primitive),BVH::byteAlignment);
+ typename BVH::NodeRef node = BVH::encodeLeaf((char*)accel,items);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++) {
+ accel[i].fill(prims,start,set.end(),bvh->scene);
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
+ BVH* bvh;
+ };
+ template<int N, typename Primitive>
+ struct CreateLeafQuantized
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ __forceinline CreateLeafQuantized (BVH* bvh) : bvh(bvh) {}
+ __forceinline NodeRef operator() (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) const
+ {
+ size_t n = set.size();
+ size_t items = Primitive::blocks(n);
+ size_t start = set.begin();
+ Primitive* accel = (Primitive*) alloc.malloc1(items*sizeof(Primitive),BVH::byteAlignment);
+ typename BVH::NodeRef node = BVH::encodeLeaf((char*)accel,items);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++) {
+ accel[i].fill(prims,start,set.end(),bvh->scene);
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
+ BVH* bvh;
+ };
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ template<int N, typename Primitive>
+ struct BVHNBuilderSAH : public Builder
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ BVH* bvh;
+ Scene* scene;
+ Geometry* mesh;
+ mvector<PrimRef> prims;
+ GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings;
+ Geometry::GTypeMask gtype_;
+ unsigned int geomID_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max ();
+ bool primrefarrayalloc;
+ unsigned int numPreviousPrimitives = 0;
+ BVHNBuilderSAH (BVH* bvh, Scene* scene, const size_t sahBlockSize, const float intCost, const size_t minLeafSize, const size_t maxLeafSize,
+ const Geometry::GTypeMask gtype, bool primrefarrayalloc = false)
+ : bvh(bvh), scene(scene), mesh(nullptr), prims(scene->device,0),
+ settings(sahBlockSize, minLeafSize, min(maxLeafSize,Primitive::max_size()*BVH::maxLeafBlocks), travCost, intCost, DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD), gtype_(gtype), primrefarrayalloc(primrefarrayalloc) {}
+ BVHNBuilderSAH (BVH* bvh, Geometry* mesh, unsigned int geomID, const size_t sahBlockSize, const float intCost, const size_t minLeafSize, const size_t maxLeafSize, const Geometry::GTypeMask gtype)
+ : bvh(bvh), scene(nullptr), mesh(mesh), prims(bvh->device,0), settings(sahBlockSize, minLeafSize, min(maxLeafSize,Primitive::max_size()*BVH::maxLeafBlocks), travCost, intCost, DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD), gtype_(gtype), geomID_(geomID), primrefarrayalloc(false) {}
+ // FIXME: shrink bvh->alloc in destructor here and in other builders too
+ void build()
+ {
+ /* we reset the allocator when the mesh size changed */
+ if (mesh && mesh->numPrimitives != numPreviousPrimitives) {
+ bvh->alloc.clear();
+ }
+ /* if we use the primrefarray for allocations we have to take it back from the BVH */
+ if (settings.primrefarrayalloc != size_t(inf))
+ bvh->alloc.unshare(prims);
+ /* skip build for empty scene */
+ const size_t numPrimitives = mesh ? mesh->size() : scene->getNumPrimitives(gtype_,false);
+ numPreviousPrimitives = numPrimitives;
+ if (numPrimitives == 0) {
+ bvh->clear();
+ prims.clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ double t0 = bvh->preBuild(mesh ? "" : TOSTRING(isa) "::BVH" + toString(N) + "BuilderSAH");
+ profile(2,PROFILE_RUNS,numPrimitives,[&] (ProfileTimer& timer) {
+ /* create primref array */
+ if (primrefarrayalloc) {
+ settings.primrefarrayalloc = numPrimitives/1000;
+ if (settings.primrefarrayalloc < 1000)
+ settings.primrefarrayalloc = inf;
+ }
+ /* enable os_malloc for two level build */
+ if (mesh)
+ bvh->alloc.setOSallocation(true);
+ /* initialize allocator */
+ const size_t node_bytes = numPrimitives*sizeof(typename BVH::AABBNodeMB)/(4*N);
+ const size_t leaf_bytes = size_t(1.2*Primitive::blocks(numPrimitives)*sizeof(Primitive));
+ bvh->alloc.init_estimate(node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ settings.singleThreadThreshold = bvh->alloc.fixSingleThreadThreshold(N,DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD,numPrimitives,node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ prims.resize(numPrimitives);
+ PrimInfo pinfo = mesh ?
+ createPrimRefArray(mesh,geomID_,numPrimitives,prims,bvh->scene->progressInterface) :
+ createPrimRefArray(scene,gtype_,false,numPrimitives,prims,bvh->scene->progressInterface);
+ /* pinfo might has zero size due to invalid geometry */
+ if (unlikely(pinfo.size() == 0))
+ {
+ bvh->clear();
+ prims.clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ /* call BVH builder */
+ NodeRef root = BVHNBuilderVirtual<N>::build(&bvh->alloc,CreateLeaf<N,Primitive>(bvh),bvh->scene->progressInterface,,pinfo,settings);
+ bvh->set(root,LBBox3fa(pinfo.geomBounds),pinfo.size());
+ bvh->layoutLargeNodes(size_t(pinfo.size()*0.005f));
+ });
+ /* if we allocated using the primrefarray we have to keep it alive */
+ if (settings.primrefarrayalloc != size_t(inf))
+ bvh->alloc.share(prims);
+ /* for static geometries we can do some cleanups */
+ else if (scene && scene->isStaticAccel()) {
+ prims.clear();
+ }
+ bvh->cleanup();
+ bvh->postBuild(t0);
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ prims.clear();
+ }
+ };
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ template<int N, typename Primitive>
+ struct BVHNBuilderSAHQuantized : public Builder
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ BVH* bvh;
+ Scene* scene;
+ Geometry* mesh;
+ mvector<PrimRef> prims;
+ GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings;
+ Geometry::GTypeMask gtype_;
+ unsigned int geomID_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
+ unsigned int numPreviousPrimitives = 0;
+ BVHNBuilderSAHQuantized (BVH* bvh, Scene* scene, const size_t sahBlockSize, const float intCost, const size_t minLeafSize, const size_t maxLeafSize, const Geometry::GTypeMask gtype)
+ : bvh(bvh), scene(scene), mesh(nullptr), prims(scene->device,0), settings(sahBlockSize, minLeafSize, min(maxLeafSize,Primitive::max_size()*BVH::maxLeafBlocks), travCost, intCost, DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD), gtype_(gtype) {}
+ BVHNBuilderSAHQuantized (BVH* bvh, Geometry* mesh, unsigned int geomID, const size_t sahBlockSize, const float intCost, const size_t minLeafSize, const size_t maxLeafSize, const Geometry::GTypeMask gtype)
+ : bvh(bvh), scene(nullptr), mesh(mesh), prims(bvh->device,0), settings(sahBlockSize, minLeafSize, min(maxLeafSize,Primitive::max_size()*BVH::maxLeafBlocks), travCost, intCost, DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD), gtype_(gtype), geomID_(geomID) {}
+ // FIXME: shrink bvh->alloc in destructor here and in other builders too
+ void build()
+ {
+ /* we reset the allocator when the mesh size changed */
+ if (mesh && mesh->numPrimitives != numPreviousPrimitives) {
+ bvh->alloc.clear();
+ }
+ /* skip build for empty scene */
+ const size_t numPrimitives = mesh ? mesh->size() : scene->getNumPrimitives(gtype_,false);
+ numPreviousPrimitives = numPrimitives;
+ if (numPrimitives == 0) {
+ prims.clear();
+ bvh->clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ double t0 = bvh->preBuild(mesh ? "" : TOSTRING(isa) "::QBVH" + toString(N) + "BuilderSAH");
+ profile(2,PROFILE_RUNS,numPrimitives,[&] (ProfileTimer& timer) {
+ /* create primref array */
+ prims.resize(numPrimitives);
+ PrimInfo pinfo = mesh ?
+ createPrimRefArray(mesh,geomID_,numPrimitives,prims,bvh->scene->progressInterface) :
+ createPrimRefArray(scene,gtype_,false,numPrimitives,prims,bvh->scene->progressInterface);
+ /* enable os_malloc for two level build */
+ if (mesh)
+ bvh->alloc.setOSallocation(true);
+ /* call BVH builder */
+ const size_t node_bytes = numPrimitives*sizeof(typename BVH::QuantizedNode)/(4*N);
+ const size_t leaf_bytes = size_t(1.2*Primitive::blocks(numPrimitives)*sizeof(Primitive));
+ bvh->alloc.init_estimate(node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ settings.singleThreadThreshold = bvh->alloc.fixSingleThreadThreshold(N,DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD,numPrimitives,node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ NodeRef root = BVHNBuilderQuantizedVirtual<N>::build(&bvh->alloc,CreateLeafQuantized<N,Primitive>(bvh),bvh->scene->progressInterface,,pinfo,settings);
+ bvh->set(root,LBBox3fa(pinfo.geomBounds),pinfo.size());
+ //bvh->layoutLargeNodes(pinfo.size()*0.005f); // FIXME: COPY LAYOUT FOR LARGE NODES !!!
+ });
+ /* clear temporary data for static geometry */
+ if (scene && scene->isStaticAccel()) {
+ prims.clear();
+ }
+ bvh->cleanup();
+ bvh->postBuild(t0);
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ prims.clear();
+ }
+ };
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ template<int N, typename Primitive>
+ struct CreateLeafGrid
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ __forceinline CreateLeafGrid (BVH* bvh, const SubGridBuildData * const sgrids) : bvh(bvh),sgrids(sgrids) {}
+ __forceinline NodeRef operator() (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) const
+ {
+ const size_t items = set.size(); //Primitive::blocks(n);
+ const size_t start = set.begin();
+ /* collect all subsets with unique geomIDs */
+ assert(items <= N);
+ unsigned int geomIDs[N];
+ unsigned int num_geomIDs = 1;
+ geomIDs[0] = prims[start].geomID();
+ for (size_t i=1;i<items;i++)
+ {
+ bool found = false;
+ const unsigned int new_geomID = prims[start+i].geomID();
+ for (size_t j=0;j<num_geomIDs;j++)
+ if (new_geomID == geomIDs[j])
+ { found = true; break; }
+ if (!found)
+ geomIDs[num_geomIDs++] = new_geomID;
+ }
+ /* allocate all leaf memory in one single block */
+ SubGridQBVHN<N>* accel = (SubGridQBVHN<N>*) alloc.malloc1(num_geomIDs*sizeof(SubGridQBVHN<N>),BVH::byteAlignment);
+ typename BVH::NodeRef node = BVH::encodeLeaf((char*)accel,num_geomIDs);
+ for (size_t g=0;g<num_geomIDs;g++)
+ {
+ unsigned int x[N];
+ unsigned int y[N];
+ unsigned int primID[N];
+ BBox3fa bounds[N];
+ unsigned int pos = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<items;i++)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(prims[start+i].geomID() != geomIDs[g])) continue;
+ const SubGridBuildData& sgrid_bd = sgrids[prims[start+i].primID()];
+ x[pos] =;
+ y[pos] =;
+ primID[pos] = sgrid_bd.primID;
+ bounds[pos] = prims[start+i].bounds();
+ pos++;
+ }
+ assert(pos <= N);
+ new (&accel[g]) SubGridQBVHN<N>(x,y,primID,bounds,geomIDs[g],pos);
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
+ BVH* bvh;
+ const SubGridBuildData * const sgrids;
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNBuilderSAHGrid : public Builder
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ BVH* bvh;
+ Scene* scene;
+ GridMesh* mesh;
+ mvector<PrimRef> prims;
+ mvector<SubGridBuildData> sgrids;
+ GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings;
+ const unsigned int geomID_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
+ unsigned int numPreviousPrimitives = 0;
+ BVHNBuilderSAHGrid (BVH* bvh, Scene* scene, const size_t sahBlockSize, const float intCost, const size_t minLeafSize, const size_t maxLeafSize, const size_t mode)
+ : bvh(bvh), scene(scene), mesh(nullptr), prims(scene->device,0), sgrids(scene->device,0), settings(sahBlockSize, minLeafSize, min(maxLeafSize,BVH::maxLeafBlocks), travCost, intCost, DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD) {}
+ BVHNBuilderSAHGrid (BVH* bvh, GridMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, const size_t sahBlockSize, const float intCost, const size_t minLeafSize, const size_t maxLeafSize, const size_t mode)
+ : bvh(bvh), scene(nullptr), mesh(mesh), prims(bvh->device,0), sgrids(scene->device,0), settings(sahBlockSize, minLeafSize, min(maxLeafSize,BVH::maxLeafBlocks), travCost, intCost, DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD), geomID_(geomID) {}
+ void build()
+ {
+ /* we reset the allocator when the mesh size changed */
+ if (mesh && mesh->numPrimitives != numPreviousPrimitives) {
+ bvh->alloc.clear();
+ }
+ /* if we use the primrefarray for allocations we have to take it back from the BVH */
+ if (settings.primrefarrayalloc != size_t(inf))
+ bvh->alloc.unshare(prims);
+ const size_t numGridPrimitives = mesh ? mesh->size() : scene->getNumPrimitives(GridMesh::geom_type,false);
+ numPreviousPrimitives = numGridPrimitives;
+ PrimInfo pinfo = mesh ? createPrimRefArrayGrids(mesh,prims,sgrids) : createPrimRefArrayGrids(scene,prims,sgrids);
+ const size_t numPrimitives = pinfo.size();
+ /* no primitives */
+ if (numPrimitives == 0) {
+ bvh->clear();
+ prims.clear();
+ sgrids.clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ double t0 = bvh->preBuild(mesh ? "" : TOSTRING(isa) "::BVH" + toString(N) + "BuilderSAH");
+ /* create primref array */
+ settings.primrefarrayalloc = numPrimitives/1000;
+ if (settings.primrefarrayalloc < 1000)
+ settings.primrefarrayalloc = inf;
+ /* enable os_malloc for two level build */
+ if (mesh)
+ bvh->alloc.setOSallocation(true);
+ /* initialize allocator */
+ const size_t node_bytes = numPrimitives*sizeof(typename BVH::AABBNodeMB)/(4*N);
+ const size_t leaf_bytes = size_t(1.2*(float)numPrimitives/N * sizeof(SubGridQBVHN<N>));
+ bvh->alloc.init_estimate(node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ settings.singleThreadThreshold = bvh->alloc.fixSingleThreadThreshold(N,DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD,numPrimitives,node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ /* pinfo might has zero size due to invalid geometry */
+ if (unlikely(pinfo.size() == 0))
+ {
+ bvh->clear();
+ sgrids.clear();
+ prims.clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ /* call BVH builder */
+ NodeRef root = BVHNBuilderVirtual<N>::build(&bvh->alloc,CreateLeafGrid<N,SubGridQBVHN<N>>(bvh,,bvh->scene->progressInterface,,pinfo,settings);
+ bvh->set(root,LBBox3fa(pinfo.geomBounds),pinfo.size());
+ bvh->layoutLargeNodes(size_t(pinfo.size()*0.005f));
+ /* clear temporary array */
+ sgrids.clear();
+ /* if we allocated using the primrefarray we have to keep it alive */
+ if (settings.primrefarrayalloc != size_t(inf))
+ bvh->alloc.share(prims);
+ /* for static geometries we can do some cleanups */
+ else if (scene && scene->isStaticAccel()) {
+ prims.clear();
+ }
+ bvh->cleanup();
+ bvh->postBuild(t0);
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ prims.clear();
+ }
+ };
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4MeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<4,Triangle4>((BVH4*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4vMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<4,Triangle4v>((BVH4*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4iMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<4,Triangle4i>((BVH4*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4SceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<4,Triangle4>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4vSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<4,Triangle4v>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4iSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<4,Triangle4i>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type,true); }
+ Builder* BVH4QuantizedTriangle4iSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAHQuantized<4,Triangle4i>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4MeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<8,Triangle4>((BVH8*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4vMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<8,Triangle4v>((BVH8*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4iMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<8,Triangle4i>((BVH8*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4SceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<8,Triangle4>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4vSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<8,Triangle4v>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4iSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<8,Triangle4i>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type,true); }
+ Builder* BVH8QuantizedTriangle4iSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAHQuantized<8,Triangle4i>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH8QuantizedTriangle4SceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAHQuantized<8,Triangle4>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,TriangleMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH4Quad4vMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, QuadMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<4,Quad4v>((BVH4*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,1.0f,4,inf,QuadMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH4Quad4iMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, QuadMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<4,Quad4i>((BVH4*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,1.0f,4,inf,QuadMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH4Quad4vSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<4,Quad4v>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,QuadMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH4Quad4iSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<4,Quad4i>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,QuadMesh::geom_type,true); }
+ Builder* BVH4QuantizedQuad4vSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAHQuantized<4,Quad4v>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,QuadMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH4QuantizedQuad4iSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAHQuantized<4,Quad4i>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,QuadMesh::geom_type); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8Quad4vSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<8,Quad4v>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,QuadMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH8Quad4iSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<8,Quad4i>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,QuadMesh::geom_type,true); }
+ Builder* BVH8QuantizedQuad4vSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAHQuantized<8,Quad4v>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,QuadMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH8QuantizedQuad4iSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAHQuantized<8,Quad4i>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,QuadMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH8Quad4vMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, QuadMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<8,Quad4v>((BVH8*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,1.0f,4,inf,QuadMesh::geom_type); }
+ Builder* BVH4VirtualSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) {
+ int minLeafSize = scene->device->object_accel_min_leaf_size;
+ int maxLeafSize = scene->device->object_accel_max_leaf_size;
+ return new BVHNBuilderSAH<4,Object>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,minLeafSize,maxLeafSize,UserGeometry::geom_type);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH4VirtualMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, UserGeometry* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderSAH<4,Object>((BVH4*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,1.0f,1,inf,UserGeometry::geom_type);
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8VirtualSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) {
+ int minLeafSize = scene->device->object_accel_min_leaf_size;
+ int maxLeafSize = scene->device->object_accel_max_leaf_size;
+ return new BVHNBuilderSAH<8,Object>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,8,1.0f,minLeafSize,maxLeafSize,UserGeometry::geom_type);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH8VirtualMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, UserGeometry* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderSAH<8,Object>((BVH8*)bvh,mesh,geomID,8,1.0f,1,inf,UserGeometry::geom_type);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH4InstanceSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<4,InstancePrimitive>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,1,1,gtype); }
+ Builder* BVH4InstanceMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Instance* mesh, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderSAH<4,InstancePrimitive>((BVH4*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,1.0f,1,inf,gtype);
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8InstanceSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype) { return new BVHNBuilderSAH<8,InstancePrimitive>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,8,1.0f,1,1,gtype); }
+ Builder* BVH8InstanceMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Instance* mesh, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderSAH<8,InstancePrimitive>((BVH8*)bvh,mesh,geomID,8,1.0f,1,inf,gtype);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH4GridMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, GridMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAHGrid<4>((BVH4*)bvh,mesh,geomID,4,1.0f,4,4,mode); }
+ Builder* BVH4GridSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAHGrid<4>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,4,mode); } // FIXME: check whether cost factors are correct
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8GridMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, GridMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAHGrid<8>((BVH8*)bvh,mesh,geomID,8,1.0f,8,8,mode); }
+ Builder* BVH8GridSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderSAHGrid<8>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,8,1.0f,8,8,mode); } // FIXME: check whether cost factors are correct
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_sah_mb.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_sah_mb.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d163a80ab1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_sah_mb.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh.h"
+#include "bvh_builder.h"
+#include "../builders/bvh_builder_msmblur.h"
+#include "../builders/primrefgen.h"
+#include "../builders/splitter.h"
+#include "../geometry/linei.h"
+#include "../geometry/triangle.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_mb.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglei.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadv.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadi.h"
+#include "../geometry/object.h"
+#include "../geometry/instance.h"
+#include "../geometry/subgrid.h"
+#include "../common/state.h"
+// FIXME: remove after removing BVHNBuilderMBlurRootTimeSplitsSAH
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_for_for.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_for_for_prefix_sum.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+#if 0
+ template<int N, typename Primitive>
+ struct CreateMBlurLeaf
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRecordMB NodeRecordMB;
+ __forceinline CreateMBlurLeaf (BVH* bvh, PrimRef* prims, size_t time) : bvh(bvh), prims(prims), time(time) {}
+ __forceinline NodeRecordMB operator() (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) const
+ {
+ size_t items = Primitive::blocks(set.size());
+ size_t start = set.begin();
+ for (size_t i=start; i<end; i++) assert((*current.prims.prims)[start].geomID() == (*current.prims.prims)[i].geomID()); // assert that all geomIDs are identical
+ Primitive* accel = (Primitive*) alloc.malloc1(items*sizeof(Primitive),BVH::byteAlignment);
+ NodeRef node = bvh->encodeLeaf((char*)accel,items);
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++)
+ allBounds.extend(accel[i].fillMB(prims, start, set.end(), bvh->scene, time));
+ return NodeRecordMB(node,allBounds);
+ }
+ BVH* bvh;
+ PrimRef* prims;
+ size_t time;
+ };
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ struct CreateMSMBlurLeaf
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRecordMB4D NodeRecordMB4D;
+ __forceinline CreateMSMBlurLeaf (BVH* bvh) : bvh(bvh) {}
+ __forceinline const NodeRecordMB4D operator() (const BVHBuilderMSMBlur::BuildRecord& current, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) const
+ {
+ size_t items = Primitive::blocks(current.prims.size());
+ size_t start = current.prims.begin();
+ size_t end = current.prims.end();
+ for (size_t i=start; i<end; i++) assert((*current.prims.prims)[start].geomID() == (*current.prims.prims)[i].geomID()); // assert that all geomIDs are identical
+ Primitive* accel = (Primitive*) alloc.malloc1(items*sizeof(Primitive),BVH::byteNodeAlignment);
+ NodeRef node = bvh->encodeLeaf((char*)accel,items);
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++)
+ allBounds.extend(accel[i].fillMB(current.prims.prims->data(), start, current.prims.end(), bvh->scene, current.prims.time_range));
+ return NodeRecordMB4D(node,allBounds,current.prims.time_range);
+ }
+ BVH* bvh;
+ };
+ /* Motion blur BVH with 4D nodes and internal time splits */
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ struct BVHNBuilderMBlurSAH : public Builder
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVHN<N>::NodeRecordMB NodeRecordMB;
+ typedef typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB AABBNodeMB;
+ BVH* bvh;
+ Scene* scene;
+ const size_t sahBlockSize;
+ const float intCost;
+ const size_t minLeafSize;
+ const size_t maxLeafSize;
+ const Geometry::GTypeMask gtype_;
+ BVHNBuilderMBlurSAH (BVH* bvh, Scene* scene, const size_t sahBlockSize, const float intCost, const size_t minLeafSize, const size_t maxLeafSize, const Geometry::GTypeMask gtype)
+ : bvh(bvh), scene(scene), sahBlockSize(sahBlockSize), intCost(intCost), minLeafSize(minLeafSize), maxLeafSize(min(maxLeafSize,Primitive::max_size()*BVH::maxLeafBlocks)), gtype_(gtype) {}
+ void build()
+ {
+ /* skip build for empty scene */
+ const size_t numPrimitives = scene->getNumPrimitives(gtype_,true);
+ if (numPrimitives == 0) { bvh->clear(); return; }
+ double t0 = bvh->preBuild(TOSTRING(isa) "::BVH" + toString(N) + "BuilderMBlurSAH");
+ profile(2,PROFILE_RUNS,numPrimitives,[&] (ProfileTimer& timer) {
+ //const size_t numTimeSteps = scene->getNumTimeSteps<typename Mesh::type_t,true>();
+ //const size_t numTimeSegments = numTimeSteps-1; assert(numTimeSteps > 1);
+ /*if (numTimeSegments == 1)
+ buildSingleSegment(numPrimitives);
+ else*/
+ buildMultiSegment(numPrimitives);
+ });
+ /* clear temporary data for static geometry */
+ bvh->cleanup();
+ bvh->postBuild(t0);
+ }
+#if 0 // No longer compatible when time_ranges are present for geometries. Would have to create temporal nodes sometimes, and put only a single geometry into leaf.
+ void buildSingleSegment(size_t numPrimitives)
+ {
+ /* create primref array */
+ mvector<PrimRef> prims(scene->device,numPrimitives);
+ const PrimInfo pinfo = createPrimRefArrayMBlur(scene,gtype_,numPrimitives,prims,bvh->scene->progressInterface,0);
+ /* early out if no valid primitives */
+ if (pinfo.size() == 0) { bvh->clear(); return; }
+ /* estimate acceleration structure size */
+ const size_t node_bytes = pinfo.size()*sizeof(AABBNodeMB)/(4*N);
+ const size_t leaf_bytes = size_t(1.2*Primitive::blocks(pinfo.size())*sizeof(Primitive));
+ bvh->alloc.init_estimate(node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ /* settings for BVH build */
+ GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings;
+ settings.branchingFactor = N;
+ settings.maxDepth = BVH::maxBuildDepthLeaf;
+ settings.logBlockSize = bsr(sahBlockSize);
+ settings.minLeafSize = min(minLeafSize,maxLeafSize);
+ settings.maxLeafSize = maxLeafSize;
+ settings.travCost = travCost;
+ settings.intCost = intCost;
+ settings.singleThreadThreshold = bvh->alloc.fixSingleThreadThreshold(N,DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD,pinfo.size(),node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ /* build hierarchy */
+ auto root = BVHBuilderBinnedSAH::build<NodeRecordMB>
+ (typename BVH::CreateAlloc(bvh),typename BVH::AABBNodeMB::Create(),typename BVH::AABBNodeMB::Set(),
+ CreateMBlurLeaf<N,Primitive>(bvh,,0),bvh->scene->progressInterface,
+ bvh->set(root.ref,root.lbounds,pinfo.size());
+ }
+ void buildMultiSegment(size_t numPrimitives)
+ {
+ /* create primref array */
+ mvector<PrimRefMB> prims(scene->device,numPrimitives);
+ PrimInfoMB pinfo = createPrimRefArrayMSMBlur(scene,gtype_,numPrimitives,prims,bvh->scene->progressInterface);
+ /* early out if no valid primitives */
+ if (pinfo.size() == 0) { bvh->clear(); return; }
+ /* estimate acceleration structure size */
+ const size_t node_bytes = pinfo.num_time_segments*sizeof(AABBNodeMB)/(4*N);
+ const size_t leaf_bytes = size_t(1.2*Primitive::blocks(pinfo.num_time_segments)*sizeof(Primitive));
+ bvh->alloc.init_estimate(node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ /* settings for BVH build */
+ BVHBuilderMSMBlur::Settings settings;
+ settings.branchingFactor = N;
+ settings.maxDepth = BVH::maxDepth;
+ settings.logBlockSize = bsr(sahBlockSize);
+ settings.minLeafSize = min(minLeafSize,maxLeafSize);
+ settings.maxLeafSize = maxLeafSize;
+ settings.travCost = travCost;
+ settings.intCost = intCost;
+ settings.singleLeafTimeSegment = Primitive::singleTimeSegment;
+ settings.singleThreadThreshold = bvh->alloc.fixSingleThreadThreshold(N,DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD,pinfo.size(),node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ /* build hierarchy */
+ auto root =
+ BVHBuilderMSMBlur::build<NodeRef>(prims,pinfo,scene->device,
+ RecalculatePrimRef<Mesh>(scene),
+ typename BVH::CreateAlloc(bvh),
+ typename BVH::AABBNodeMB4D::Create(),
+ typename BVH::AABBNodeMB4D::Set(),
+ CreateMSMBlurLeaf<N,Mesh,Primitive>(bvh),
+ bvh->scene->progressInterface,
+ settings);
+ bvh->set(root.ref,root.lbounds,pinfo.num_time_segments);
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ }
+ };
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ struct GridRecalculatePrimRef
+ {
+ Scene* scene;
+ const SubGridBuildData * const sgrids;
+ __forceinline GridRecalculatePrimRef (Scene* scene, const SubGridBuildData * const sgrids)
+ : scene(scene), sgrids(sgrids) {}
+ __forceinline PrimRefMB operator() (const PrimRefMB& prim, const BBox1f time_range) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const GridMesh* mesh = scene->get<GridMesh>(geomID);
+ const unsigned int buildID = prim.primID();
+ const SubGridBuildData &subgrid = sgrids[buildID];
+ const unsigned int primID = subgrid.primID;
+ const size_t x = subgrid.x();
+ const size_t y = subgrid.y();
+ const LBBox3fa lbounds = mesh->linearBounds(mesh->grid(primID),x,y,time_range);
+ const unsigned num_time_segments = mesh->numTimeSegments();
+ const range<int> tbounds = mesh->timeSegmentRange(time_range);
+ return PrimRefMB (lbounds, tbounds.size(), mesh->time_range, num_time_segments, geomID, buildID);
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const PrimRefMB& prim, const BBox1f time_range) const {
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const GridMesh* mesh = scene->get<GridMesh>(geomID);
+ const unsigned int buildID = prim.primID();
+ const SubGridBuildData &subgrid = sgrids[buildID];
+ const unsigned int primID = subgrid.primID;
+ const size_t x = subgrid.x();
+ const size_t y = subgrid.y();
+ return mesh->linearBounds(mesh->grid(primID),x,y,time_range);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct CreateMSMBlurLeafGrid
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRecordMB4D NodeRecordMB4D;
+ __forceinline CreateMSMBlurLeafGrid (Scene* scene, BVH* bvh, const SubGridBuildData * const sgrids) : scene(scene), bvh(bvh), sgrids(sgrids) {}
+ __forceinline const NodeRecordMB4D operator() (const BVHBuilderMSMBlur::BuildRecord& current, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) const
+ {
+ const size_t items = current.prims.size();
+ const size_t start = current.prims.begin();
+ const PrimRefMB* prims = current.prims.prims->data();
+ /* collect all subsets with unique geomIDs */
+ assert(items <= N);
+ unsigned int geomIDs[N];
+ unsigned int num_geomIDs = 1;
+ geomIDs[0] = prims[start].geomID();
+ for (size_t i=1;i<items;i++)
+ {
+ bool found = false;
+ const unsigned int new_geomID = prims[start+i].geomID();
+ for (size_t j=0;j<num_geomIDs;j++)
+ if (new_geomID == geomIDs[j])
+ { found = true; break; }
+ if (!found)
+ geomIDs[num_geomIDs++] = new_geomID;
+ }
+ /* allocate all leaf memory in one single block */
+ SubGridMBQBVHN<N>* accel = (SubGridMBQBVHN<N>*) alloc.malloc1(num_geomIDs*sizeof(SubGridMBQBVHN<N>),BVH::byteAlignment);
+ typename BVH::NodeRef node = bvh->encodeLeaf((char*)accel,num_geomIDs);
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t g=0;g<num_geomIDs;g++)
+ {
+ const GridMesh* __restrict__ const mesh = scene->get<GridMesh>(geomIDs[g]);
+ unsigned int x[N];
+ unsigned int y[N];
+ unsigned int primID[N];
+ BBox3fa bounds0[N];
+ BBox3fa bounds1[N];
+ unsigned int pos = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<items;i++)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(prims[start+i].geomID() != geomIDs[g])) continue;
+ const SubGridBuildData &sgrid_bd = sgrids[prims[start+i].primID()];
+ x[pos] =;
+ y[pos] =;
+ primID[pos] = sgrid_bd.primID;
+ const size_t x = sgrid_bd.x();
+ const size_t y = sgrid_bd.y();
+ LBBox3fa newBounds = mesh->linearBounds(mesh->grid(sgrid_bd.primID),x,y,current.prims.time_range);
+ allBounds.extend(newBounds);
+ bounds0[pos] = newBounds.bounds0;
+ bounds1[pos] = newBounds.bounds1;
+ pos++;
+ }
+ assert(pos <= N);
+ new (&accel[g]) SubGridMBQBVHN<N>(x,y,primID,bounds0,bounds1,geomIDs[g],current.prims.time_range.lower,1.0f/current.prims.time_range.size(),pos);
+ }
+ return NodeRecordMB4D(node,allBounds,current.prims.time_range);
+ }
+ Scene *scene;
+ BVH* bvh;
+ const SubGridBuildData * const sgrids;
+ };
+#if 0
+ template<int N>
+ struct CreateLeafGridMB
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRecordMB NodeRecordMB;
+ __forceinline CreateLeafGridMB (Scene* scene, BVH* bvh, const SubGridBuildData * const sgrids)
+ : scene(scene), bvh(bvh), sgrids(sgrids) {}
+ __forceinline NodeRecordMB operator() (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) const
+ {
+ const size_t items = set.size();
+ const size_t start = set.begin();
+ /* collect all subsets with unique geomIDs */
+ assert(items <= N);
+ unsigned int geomIDs[N];
+ unsigned int num_geomIDs = 1;
+ geomIDs[0] = prims[start].geomID();
+ for (size_t i=1;i<items;i++)
+ {
+ bool found = false;
+ const unsigned int new_geomID = prims[start+i].geomID();
+ for (size_t j=0;j<num_geomIDs;j++)
+ if (new_geomID == geomIDs[j])
+ { found = true; break; }
+ if (!found)
+ geomIDs[num_geomIDs++] = new_geomID;
+ }
+ /* allocate all leaf memory in one single block */
+ SubGridMBQBVHN<N>* accel = (SubGridMBQBVHN<N>*) alloc.malloc1(num_geomIDs*sizeof(SubGridMBQBVHN<N>),BVH::byteAlignment);
+ typename BVH::NodeRef node = bvh->encodeLeaf((char*)accel,num_geomIDs);
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t g=0;g<num_geomIDs;g++)
+ {
+ const GridMesh* __restrict__ const mesh = scene->get<GridMesh>(geomIDs[g]);
+ unsigned int x[N];
+ unsigned int y[N];
+ unsigned int primID[N];
+ BBox3fa bounds0[N];
+ BBox3fa bounds1[N];
+ unsigned int pos = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<items;i++)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(prims[start+i].geomID() != geomIDs[g])) continue;
+ const SubGridBuildData &sgrid_bd = sgrids[prims[start+i].primID()];
+ x[pos] =;
+ y[pos] =;
+ primID[pos] = sgrid_bd.primID;
+ const size_t x = sgrid_bd.x();
+ const size_t y = sgrid_bd.y();
+ bool MAYBE_UNUSED valid0 = mesh->buildBounds(mesh->grid(sgrid_bd.primID),x,y,0,bounds0[pos]);
+ bool MAYBE_UNUSED valid1 = mesh->buildBounds(mesh->grid(sgrid_bd.primID),x,y,1,bounds1[pos]);
+ assert(valid0);
+ assert(valid1);
+ allBounds.extend(LBBox3fa(bounds0[pos],bounds1[pos]));
+ pos++;
+ }
+ new (&accel[g]) SubGridMBQBVHN<N>(x,y,primID,bounds0,bounds1,geomIDs[g],0.0f,1.0f,pos);
+ }
+ return NodeRecordMB(node,allBounds);
+ }
+ Scene *scene;
+ BVH* bvh;
+ const SubGridBuildData * const sgrids;
+ };
+ /* Motion blur BVH with 4D nodes and internal time splits */
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNBuilderMBlurSAHGrid : public Builder
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVHN<N>::NodeRecordMB NodeRecordMB;
+ typedef typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB AABBNodeMB;
+ BVH* bvh;
+ Scene* scene;
+ const size_t sahBlockSize;
+ const float intCost;
+ const size_t minLeafSize;
+ const size_t maxLeafSize;
+ mvector<SubGridBuildData> sgrids;
+ BVHNBuilderMBlurSAHGrid (BVH* bvh, Scene* scene, const size_t sahBlockSize, const float intCost, const size_t minLeafSize, const size_t maxLeafSize)
+ : bvh(bvh), scene(scene), sahBlockSize(sahBlockSize), intCost(intCost), minLeafSize(minLeafSize), maxLeafSize(min(maxLeafSize,BVH::maxLeafBlocks)), sgrids(scene->device,0) {}
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArrayMBlurGrid(Scene* scene, mvector<PrimRef>& prims, BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor, size_t itime)
+ {
+ /* first run to get #primitives */
+ ParallelForForPrefixSumState<PrimInfo> pstate;
+ Scene::Iterator<GridMesh,true> iter(scene);
+ pstate.init(iter,size_t(1024));
+ /* iterate over all meshes in the scene */
+ PrimInfo pinfo = parallel_for_for_prefix_sum0( pstate, iter, PrimInfo(empty), [&](GridMesh* mesh, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, size_t geomID) -> PrimInfo {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ if (!mesh->valid(j,range<size_t>(0,1))) continue;
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds,unsigned(geomID),unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim,mesh->getNumSubGrids(j));
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ size_t numPrimitives = pinfo.size();
+ if (numPrimitives == 0) return pinfo;
+ /* resize arrays */
+ sgrids.resize(numPrimitives);
+ prims.resize(numPrimitives);
+ /* second run to fill primrefs and SubGridBuildData arrays */
+ pinfo = parallel_for_for_prefix_sum1( pstate, iter, PrimInfo(empty), [&](GridMesh* mesh, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, size_t geomID, const PrimInfo& base) -> PrimInfo {
+ k = base.size();
+ size_t p_index = k;
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(j);
+ if (!mesh->valid(j,range<size_t>(0,1))) continue;
+ for (unsigned int y=0; y<g.resY-1u; y+=2)
+ for (unsigned int x=0; x<g.resX-1u; x+=2)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (!mesh->buildBounds(g,x,y,itime,bounds)) continue; // get bounds of subgrid
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds,unsigned(geomID),unsigned(p_index));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ sgrids[p_index] = SubGridBuildData(x | g.get3x3FlagsX(x), y | g.get3x3FlagsY(y), unsigned(j));
+ prims[p_index++] = prim;
+ }
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }, [](const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) -> PrimInfo { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ assert(pinfo.size() == numPrimitives);
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfoMB createPrimRefArrayMSMBlurGrid(Scene* scene, mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims, BuildProgressMonitor& progressMonitor, BBox1f t0t1 = BBox1f(0.0f,1.0f))
+ {
+ /* first run to get #primitives */
+ ParallelForForPrefixSumState<PrimInfoMB> pstate;
+ Scene::Iterator<GridMesh,true> iter(scene);
+ pstate.init(iter,size_t(1024));
+ /* iterate over all meshes in the scene */
+ PrimInfoMB pinfoMB = parallel_for_for_prefix_sum0( pstate, iter, PrimInfoMB(empty), [&](GridMesh* mesh, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, size_t /*geomID*/) -> PrimInfoMB {
+ PrimInfoMB pinfoMB(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ if (!mesh->valid(j, mesh->timeSegmentRange(t0t1))) continue;
+ LBBox3fa bounds(empty);
+ PrimInfoMB gridMB(0,mesh->getNumSubGrids(j));
+ pinfoMB.merge(gridMB);
+ }
+ return pinfoMB;
+ }, [](const PrimInfoMB& a, const PrimInfoMB& b) -> PrimInfoMB { return PrimInfoMB::merge2(a,b); });
+ size_t numPrimitives = pinfoMB.size();
+ if (numPrimitives == 0) return pinfoMB;
+ /* resize arrays */
+ sgrids.resize(numPrimitives);
+ prims.resize(numPrimitives);
+ /* second run to fill primrefs and SubGridBuildData arrays */
+ pinfoMB = parallel_for_for_prefix_sum1( pstate, iter, PrimInfoMB(empty), [&](GridMesh* mesh, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, size_t geomID, const PrimInfoMB& base) -> PrimInfoMB {
+ k = base.size();
+ size_t p_index = k;
+ PrimInfoMB pinfoMB(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ if (!mesh->valid(j, mesh->timeSegmentRange(t0t1))) continue;
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(j);
+ for (unsigned int y=0; y<g.resY-1u; y+=2)
+ for (unsigned int x=0; x<g.resX-1u; x+=2)
+ {
+ const PrimRefMB prim(mesh->linearBounds(g,x,y,t0t1),mesh->numTimeSegments(),mesh->time_range,mesh->numTimeSegments(),unsigned(geomID),unsigned(p_index));
+ pinfoMB.add_primref(prim);
+ sgrids[p_index] = SubGridBuildData(x | g.get3x3FlagsX(x), y | g.get3x3FlagsY(y), unsigned(j));
+ prims[p_index++] = prim;
+ }
+ }
+ return pinfoMB;
+ }, [](const PrimInfoMB& a, const PrimInfoMB& b) -> PrimInfoMB { return PrimInfoMB::merge2(a,b); });
+ assert(pinfoMB.size() == numPrimitives);
+ pinfoMB.time_range = t0t1;
+ return pinfoMB;
+ }
+ void build()
+ {
+ /* skip build for empty scene */
+ const size_t numPrimitives = scene->getNumPrimitives(GridMesh::geom_type,true);
+ if (numPrimitives == 0) { bvh->clear(); return; }
+ double t0 = bvh->preBuild(TOSTRING(isa) "::BVH" + toString(N) + "BuilderMBlurSAHGrid");
+ //const size_t numTimeSteps = scene->getNumTimeSteps<GridMesh,true>();
+ //const size_t numTimeSegments = numTimeSteps-1; assert(numTimeSteps > 1);
+ //if (numTimeSegments == 1)
+ // buildSingleSegment(numPrimitives);
+ //else
+ buildMultiSegment(numPrimitives);
+ /* clear temporary data for static geometry */
+ bvh->cleanup();
+ bvh->postBuild(t0);
+ }
+#if 0
+ void buildSingleSegment(size_t numPrimitives)
+ {
+ /* create primref array */
+ mvector<PrimRef> prims(scene->device,numPrimitives);
+ const PrimInfo pinfo = createPrimRefArrayMBlurGrid(scene,prims,bvh->scene->progressInterface,0);
+ /* early out if no valid primitives */
+ if (pinfo.size() == 0) { bvh->clear(); return; }
+ /* estimate acceleration structure size */
+ const size_t node_bytes = pinfo.size()*sizeof(AABBNodeMB)/(4*N);
+ //TODO: check leaf_bytes
+ const size_t leaf_bytes = size_t(1.2*(float)numPrimitives/N * sizeof(SubGridQBVHN<N>));
+ bvh->alloc.init_estimate(node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ /* settings for BVH build */
+ GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings;
+ settings.branchingFactor = N;
+ settings.maxDepth = BVH::maxBuildDepthLeaf;
+ settings.logBlockSize = bsr(sahBlockSize);
+ settings.minLeafSize = min(minLeafSize,maxLeafSize);
+ settings.maxLeafSize = maxLeafSize;
+ settings.travCost = travCost;
+ settings.intCost = intCost;
+ settings.singleThreadThreshold = bvh->alloc.fixSingleThreadThreshold(N,DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD,pinfo.size(),node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ /* build hierarchy */
+ auto root = BVHBuilderBinnedSAH::build<NodeRecordMB>
+ (typename BVH::CreateAlloc(bvh),
+ typename BVH::AABBNodeMB::Create(),
+ typename BVH::AABBNodeMB::Set(),
+ CreateLeafGridMB<N>(scene,bvh,,
+ bvh->scene->progressInterface,
+ bvh->set(root.ref,root.lbounds,pinfo.size());
+ }
+ void buildMultiSegment(size_t numPrimitives)
+ {
+ /* create primref array */
+ mvector<PrimRefMB> prims(scene->device,numPrimitives);
+ PrimInfoMB pinfo = createPrimRefArrayMSMBlurGrid(scene,prims,bvh->scene->progressInterface);
+ /* early out if no valid primitives */
+ if (pinfo.size() == 0) { bvh->clear(); return; }
+ GridRecalculatePrimRef recalculatePrimRef(scene,;
+ /* estimate acceleration structure size */
+ const size_t node_bytes = pinfo.num_time_segments*sizeof(AABBNodeMB)/(4*N);
+ //FIXME: check leaf_bytes
+ //const size_t leaf_bytes = size_t(1.2*Primitive::blocks(pinfo.num_time_segments)*sizeof(SubGridQBVHN<N>));
+ const size_t leaf_bytes = size_t(1.2*(float)numPrimitives/N * sizeof(SubGridQBVHN<N>));
+ bvh->alloc.init_estimate(node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ /* settings for BVH build */
+ BVHBuilderMSMBlur::Settings settings;
+ settings.branchingFactor = N;
+ settings.maxDepth = BVH::maxDepth;
+ settings.logBlockSize = bsr(sahBlockSize);
+ settings.minLeafSize = min(minLeafSize,maxLeafSize);
+ settings.maxLeafSize = maxLeafSize;
+ settings.travCost = travCost;
+ settings.intCost = intCost;
+ settings.singleLeafTimeSegment = false;
+ settings.singleThreadThreshold = bvh->alloc.fixSingleThreadThreshold(N,DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD,pinfo.size(),node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ /* build hierarchy */
+ auto root =
+ BVHBuilderMSMBlur::build<NodeRef>(prims,pinfo,scene->device,
+ recalculatePrimRef,
+ typename BVH::CreateAlloc(bvh),
+ typename BVH::AABBNodeMB4D::Create(),
+ typename BVH::AABBNodeMB4D::Set(),
+ CreateMSMBlurLeafGrid<N>(scene,bvh,,
+ bvh->scene->progressInterface,
+ settings);
+ bvh->set(root.ref,root.lbounds,pinfo.num_time_segments);
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ }
+ };
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4iMBSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderMBlurSAH<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,Geometry::MTY_TRIANGLE_MESH); }
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4vMBSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderMBlurSAH<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4vMB>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,Geometry::MTY_TRIANGLE_MESH); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4iMBSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderMBlurSAH<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,Geometry::MTY_TRIANGLE_MESH); }
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4vMBSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderMBlurSAH<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4vMB>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,Geometry::MTY_TRIANGLE_MESH); }
+ Builder* BVH4Quad4iMBSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderMBlurSAH<4,QuadMesh,Quad4i>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,Geometry::MTY_QUAD_MESH); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8Quad4iMBSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderMBlurSAH<8,QuadMesh,Quad4i>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,Geometry::MTY_QUAD_MESH); }
+ Builder* BVH4VirtualMBSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) {
+ int minLeafSize = scene->device->object_accel_mb_min_leaf_size;
+ int maxLeafSize = scene->device->object_accel_mb_max_leaf_size;
+ return new BVHNBuilderMBlurSAH<4,UserGeometry,Object>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,minLeafSize,maxLeafSize,Geometry::MTY_USER_GEOMETRY);
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8VirtualMBSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) {
+ int minLeafSize = scene->device->object_accel_mb_min_leaf_size;
+ int maxLeafSize = scene->device->object_accel_mb_max_leaf_size;
+ return new BVHNBuilderMBlurSAH<8,UserGeometry,Object>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,8,1.0f,minLeafSize,maxLeafSize,Geometry::MTY_USER_GEOMETRY);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH4InstanceMBSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype) { return new BVHNBuilderMBlurSAH<4,Instance,InstancePrimitive>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,1,1,gtype); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8InstanceMBSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype) { return new BVHNBuilderMBlurSAH<8,Instance,InstancePrimitive>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,8,1.0f,1,1,gtype); }
+ Builder* BVH4GridMBSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderMBlurSAHGrid<4>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,4); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8GridMBSceneBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderMBlurSAHGrid<8>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,8,1.0f,8,8); }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_sah_spatial.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_sah_spatial.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4e55d7484
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_sah_spatial.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh.h"
+#include "bvh_builder.h"
+#include "../builders/primrefgen.h"
+#include "../builders/primrefgen_presplit.h"
+#include "../builders/splitter.h"
+#include "../geometry/linei.h"
+#include "../geometry/triangle.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_mb.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglei.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadv.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadi.h"
+#include "../geometry/object.h"
+#include "../geometry/instance.h"
+#include "../geometry/subgrid.h"
+#include "../common/state.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int N, typename Primitive>
+ struct CreateLeafSpatial
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ __forceinline CreateLeafSpatial (BVH* bvh) : bvh(bvh) {}
+ __forceinline NodeRef operator() (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) const
+ {
+ size_t n = set.size();
+ size_t items = Primitive::blocks(n);
+ size_t start = set.begin();
+ Primitive* accel = (Primitive*) alloc.malloc1(items*sizeof(Primitive),BVH::byteAlignment);
+ typename BVH::NodeRef node = BVH::encodeLeaf((char*)accel,items);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++) {
+ accel[i].fill(prims,start,set.end(),bvh->scene);
+ }
+ return node;
+ }
+ BVH* bvh;
+ };
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive, typename Splitter>
+ struct BVHNBuilderFastSpatialSAH : public Builder
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ BVH* bvh;
+ Scene* scene;
+ Mesh* mesh;
+ mvector<PrimRef> prims0;
+ GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings;
+ const float splitFactor;
+ unsigned int geomID_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max();
+ unsigned int numPreviousPrimitives = 0;
+ BVHNBuilderFastSpatialSAH (BVH* bvh, Scene* scene, const size_t sahBlockSize, const float intCost, const size_t minLeafSize, const size_t maxLeafSize, const size_t mode)
+ : bvh(bvh), scene(scene), mesh(nullptr), prims0(scene->device,0), settings(sahBlockSize, minLeafSize, min(maxLeafSize,Primitive::max_size()*BVH::maxLeafBlocks), travCost, intCost, DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD),
+ splitFactor(scene->device->max_spatial_split_replications) {}
+ BVHNBuilderFastSpatialSAH (BVH* bvh, Mesh* mesh, const unsigned int geomID, const size_t sahBlockSize, const float intCost, const size_t minLeafSize, const size_t maxLeafSize, const size_t mode)
+ : bvh(bvh), scene(nullptr), mesh(mesh), prims0(bvh->device,0), settings(sahBlockSize, minLeafSize, min(maxLeafSize,Primitive::max_size()*BVH::maxLeafBlocks), travCost, intCost, DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD),
+ splitFactor(scene->device->max_spatial_split_replications), geomID_(geomID) {}
+ // FIXME: shrink bvh->alloc in destructor here and in other builders too
+ void build()
+ {
+ /* we reset the allocator when the mesh size changed */
+ if (mesh && mesh->numPrimitives != numPreviousPrimitives) {
+ bvh->alloc.clear();
+ }
+ /* skip build for empty scene */
+ const size_t numOriginalPrimitives = mesh ? mesh->size() : scene->getNumPrimitives(Mesh::geom_type,false);
+ numPreviousPrimitives = numOriginalPrimitives;
+ if (numOriginalPrimitives == 0) {
+ prims0.clear();
+ bvh->clear();
+ return;
+ }
+ const unsigned int maxGeomID = mesh ? geomID_ : scene->getMaxGeomID<Mesh,false>();
+ const bool usePreSplits = scene->device->useSpatialPreSplits || (maxGeomID >= ((unsigned int)1 << (32-RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS)));
+ double t0 = bvh->preBuild(mesh ? "" : TOSTRING(isa) "::BVH" + toString(N) + (usePreSplits ? "BuilderFastSpatialPresplitSAH" : "BuilderFastSpatialSAH"));
+ /* create primref array */
+ const size_t numSplitPrimitives = max(numOriginalPrimitives,size_t(splitFactor*numOriginalPrimitives));
+ prims0.resize(numSplitPrimitives);
+ /* enable os_malloc for two level build */
+ if (mesh)
+ bvh->alloc.setOSallocation(true);
+ NodeRef root(0);
+ PrimInfo pinfo;
+ if (likely(usePreSplits))
+ {
+ /* spatial presplit SAH BVH builder */
+ pinfo = mesh ?
+ createPrimRefArray_presplit<Mesh,Splitter>(mesh,maxGeomID,numOriginalPrimitives,prims0,bvh->scene->progressInterface) :
+ createPrimRefArray_presplit<Mesh,Splitter>(scene,Mesh::geom_type,false,numOriginalPrimitives,prims0,bvh->scene->progressInterface);
+ const size_t node_bytes = pinfo.size()*sizeof(typename BVH::AABBNode)/(4*N);
+ const size_t leaf_bytes = size_t(1.2*Primitive::blocks(pinfo.size())*sizeof(Primitive));
+ bvh->alloc.init_estimate(node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ settings.singleThreadThreshold = bvh->alloc.fixSingleThreadThreshold(N,DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD,pinfo.size(),node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ settings.branchingFactor = N;
+ settings.maxDepth = BVH::maxBuildDepthLeaf;
+ /* call BVH builder */
+ root = BVHNBuilderVirtual<N>::build(&bvh->alloc,CreateLeafSpatial<N,Primitive>(bvh),bvh->scene->progressInterface,,pinfo,settings);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* standard spatial split SAH BVH builder */
+ pinfo = mesh ?
+ createPrimRefArray(mesh,geomID_,numSplitPrimitives,prims0,bvh->scene->progressInterface) :
+ createPrimRefArray(scene,Mesh::geom_type,false,numSplitPrimitives,prims0,bvh->scene->progressInterface);
+ Splitter splitter(scene);
+ const size_t node_bytes = pinfo.size()*sizeof(typename BVH::AABBNode)/(4*N);
+ const size_t leaf_bytes = size_t(1.2*Primitive::blocks(pinfo.size())*sizeof(Primitive));
+ bvh->alloc.init_estimate(node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ settings.singleThreadThreshold = bvh->alloc.fixSingleThreadThreshold(N,DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD,pinfo.size(),node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ settings.branchingFactor = N;
+ settings.maxDepth = BVH::maxBuildDepthLeaf;
+ /* call BVH builder */
+ root = BVHBuilderBinnedFastSpatialSAH::build<NodeRef>(
+ typename BVH::CreateAlloc(bvh),
+ typename BVH::AABBNode::Create2(),
+ typename BVH::AABBNode::Set2(),
+ CreateLeafSpatial<N,Primitive>(bvh),
+ splitter,
+ bvh->scene->progressInterface,
+ numSplitPrimitives,
+ pinfo,settings);
+ /* ==================== */
+ }
+ bvh->set(root,LBBox3fa(pinfo.geomBounds),pinfo.size());
+ bvh->layoutLargeNodes(size_t(pinfo.size()*0.005f));
+ /* clear temporary data for static geometry */
+ if (scene && scene->isStaticAccel()) {
+ prims0.clear();
+ }
+ bvh->cleanup();
+ bvh->postBuild(t0);
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ prims0.clear();
+ }
+ };
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4SceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderFastSpatialSAH<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4,TriangleSplitterFactory>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,mode); }
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderFastSpatialSAH<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4v,TriangleSplitterFactory>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,mode); }
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4iSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderFastSpatialSAH<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i,TriangleSplitterFactory>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,mode); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4SceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderFastSpatialSAH<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4,TriangleSplitterFactory>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,mode); }
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderFastSpatialSAH<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4v,TriangleSplitterFactory>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,mode); }
+ Builder* BVH4Quad4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderFastSpatialSAH<4,QuadMesh,Quad4v,QuadSplitterFactory>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,mode); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8Quad4vSceneBuilderFastSpatialSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, size_t mode) { return new BVHNBuilderFastSpatialSAH<8,QuadMesh,Quad4v,QuadSplitterFactory>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,4,1.0f,4,inf,mode); }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_twolevel.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_twolevel.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d45ed3748
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_twolevel.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_builder_twolevel.h"
+#include "bvh_statistics.h"
+#include "../builders/bvh_builder_sah.h"
+#include "../common/scene_line_segments.h"
+#include "../common/scene_triangle_mesh.h"
+#include "../common/scene_quad_mesh.h"
+#define PROFILE 0
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<N,Mesh,Primitive>::BVHNBuilderTwoLevel (BVH* bvh, Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype, bool useMortonBuilder, const size_t singleThreadThreshold)
+ : bvh(bvh), scene(scene), refs(scene->device,0), prims(scene->device,0), singleThreadThreshold(singleThreadThreshold), gtype(gtype), useMortonBuilder_(useMortonBuilder) {}
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<N,Mesh,Primitive>::~BVHNBuilderTwoLevel () {
+ }
+ // ===========================================================================
+ // ===========================================================================
+ // ===========================================================================
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ void BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<N,Mesh,Primitive>::build()
+ {
+ /* delete some objects */
+ size_t num = scene->size();
+ if (num < bvh->objects.size()) {
+ parallel_for(num, bvh->objects.size(), [&] (const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ builders[i].reset();
+ delete bvh->objects[i]; bvh->objects[i] = nullptr;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ while(1)
+ {
+ /* reset memory allocator */
+ bvh->alloc.reset();
+ /* skip build for empty scene */
+ const size_t numPrimitives = scene->getNumPrimitives(gtype,false);
+ if (numPrimitives == 0) {
+ prims.resize(0);
+ bvh->set(BVH::emptyNode,empty,0);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* calculate the size of the entire BVH */
+ const size_t numLeafBlocks = Primitive::blocks(numPrimitives);
+ const size_t node_bytes = 2*numLeafBlocks*sizeof(typename BVH::AABBNode)/N;
+ const size_t leaf_bytes = size_t(1.2*numLeafBlocks*sizeof(Primitive));
+ bvh->alloc.init_estimate(node_bytes+leaf_bytes);
+ double t0 = bvh->preBuild(TOSTRING(isa) "::BVH" + toString(N) + "BuilderTwoLevel");
+ /* resize object array if scene got larger */
+ if (bvh->objects.size() < num) bvh->objects.resize(num);
+ if (builders.size() < num) builders.resize(num);
+ resizeRefsList ();
+ /* create acceleration structures */
+ parallel_for(size_t(0), num, [&] (const range<size_t>& r)
+ {
+ for (size_t objectID=r.begin(); objectID<r.end(); objectID++)
+ {
+ Mesh* mesh = scene->getSafe<Mesh>(objectID);
+ /* ignore meshes we do not support */
+ if (mesh == nullptr || mesh->numTimeSteps != 1)
+ continue;
+ if (isSmallGeometry(mesh)) {
+ setupSmallBuildRefBuilder (objectID, mesh);
+ } else {
+ setupLargeBuildRefBuilder (objectID, mesh);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ /* parallel build of acceleration structures */
+ parallel_for(size_t(0), num, [&] (const range<size_t>& r)
+ {
+ for (size_t objectID=r.begin(); objectID<r.end(); objectID++)
+ {
+ /* ignore if no triangle mesh or not enabled */
+ Mesh* mesh = scene->getSafe<Mesh>(objectID);
+ if (mesh == nullptr || !mesh->isEnabled() || mesh->numTimeSteps != 1)
+ continue;
+ builders[objectID]->attachBuildRefs (this);
+ }
+ });
+ double d0 = getSeconds();
+ /* fast path for single geometry scenes */
+ if (nextRef == 1) {
+ bvh->set(refs[0].node,LBBox3fa(refs[0].bounds()),numPrimitives);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* open all large nodes */
+ refs.resize(nextRef);
+ /* this probably needs some more tuning */
+ const size_t extSize = max(max((size_t)SPLIT_MIN_EXT_SPACE,refs.size()*SPLIT_MEMORY_RESERVE_SCALE),size_t((float)numPrimitives / SPLIT_MEMORY_RESERVE_FACTOR));
+ open_sequential(extSize);
+ /* compute PrimRefs */
+ prims.resize(refs.size());
+ {
+ const PrimInfo pinfo = parallel_reduce(size_t(0), refs.size(), PrimInfo(empty), [&] (const range<size_t>& r) -> PrimInfo {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ pinfo.add_center2(refs[i]);
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }, [] (const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ const PrimInfo pinfo = parallel_reduce(size_t(0), refs.size(), PrimInfo(empty), [&] (const range<size_t>& r) -> PrimInfo {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ pinfo.add_center2(refs[i]);
+ prims[i] = PrimRef(refs[i].bounds(),(size_t)refs[i].node);
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }, [] (const PrimInfo& a, const PrimInfo& b) { return PrimInfo::merge(a,b); });
+ /* skip if all objects where empty */
+ if (pinfo.size() == 0)
+ bvh->set(BVH::emptyNode,empty,0);
+ /* otherwise build toplevel hierarchy */
+ else
+ {
+ /* settings for BVH build */
+ GeneralBVHBuilder::Settings settings;
+ settings.branchingFactor = N;
+ settings.maxDepth = BVH::maxBuildDepthLeaf;
+ settings.logBlockSize = bsr(N);
+ settings.minLeafSize = 1;
+ settings.maxLeafSize = 1;
+ settings.travCost = 1.0f;
+ settings.intCost = 1.0f;
+ settings.singleThreadThreshold = singleThreadThreshold;
+ refs.resize(extSize);
+ NodeRef root = BVHBuilderBinnedOpenMergeSAH::build<NodeRef,BuildRef>(
+ typename BVH::CreateAlloc(bvh),
+ typename BVH::AABBNode::Create2(),
+ typename BVH::AABBNode::Set2(),
+ [&] (const BuildRef* refs, const range<size_t>& range, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) -> NodeRef {
+ assert(range.size() == 1);
+ return (NodeRef) refs[range.begin()].node;
+ },
+ [&] (BuildRef &bref, BuildRef *refs) -> size_t {
+ return openBuildRef(bref,refs);
+ },
+ [&] (size_t dn) { bvh->scene->progressMonitor(0); },
+ NodeRef root = BVHBuilderBinnedSAH::build<NodeRef>(
+ typename BVH::CreateAlloc(bvh),
+ typename BVH::AABBNode::Create2(),
+ typename BVH::AABBNode::Set2(),
+ [&] (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& range, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) -> NodeRef {
+ assert(range.size() == 1);
+ return (NodeRef) prims[range.begin()].ID();
+ },
+ [&] (size_t dn) { bvh->scene->progressMonitor(0); },
+ bvh->set(root,LBBox3fa(pinfo.geomBounds),numPrimitives);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bvh->alloc.cleanup();
+ bvh->postBuild(t0);
+ double d1 = getSeconds();
+ std::cout << "TOP_LEVEL OPENING/REBUILD TIME " << 1000.0*(d1-d0) << " ms" << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ void BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<N,Mesh,Primitive>::deleteGeometry(size_t geomID)
+ {
+ if (geomID >= bvh->objects.size()) return;
+ if (builders[geomID]) builders[geomID].reset();
+ delete bvh->objects [geomID]; bvh->objects [geomID] = nullptr;
+ }
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ void BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<N,Mesh,Primitive>::clear()
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<bvh->objects.size(); i++)
+ if (bvh->objects[i]) bvh->objects[i]->clear();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<builders.size(); i++)
+ if (builders[i]) builders[i].reset();
+ refs.clear();
+ }
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ void BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<N,Mesh,Primitive>::open_sequential(const size_t extSize)
+ {
+ if (refs.size() == 0)
+ return;
+ refs.reserve(extSize);
+#if 1
+ for (size_t i=0;i<refs.size();i++)
+ {
+ NodeRef ref = refs[i].node;
+ if (ref.isAABBNode())
+ BVH::prefetch(ref);
+ }
+ std::make_heap(refs.begin(),refs.end());
+ while (refs.size()+N-1 <= extSize)
+ {
+ std::pop_heap (refs.begin(),refs.end());
+ NodeRef ref = refs.back().node;
+ if (ref.isLeaf()) break;
+ refs.pop_back();
+ AABBNode* node = ref.getAABBNode();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ if (node->child(i) == BVH::emptyNode) continue;
+ refs.push_back(BuildRef(node->bounds(i),node->child(i)));
+#if 1
+ NodeRef ref_pre = node->child(i);
+ if (ref_pre.isAABBNode())
+ ref_pre.prefetch();
+ std::push_heap (refs.begin(),refs.end());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ void BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<N,Mesh,Primitive>::setupSmallBuildRefBuilder (size_t objectID, Mesh const * const /*mesh*/)
+ {
+ if (builders[objectID] == nullptr || // new mesh
+ dynamic_cast<RefBuilderSmall*>(builders[objectID].get()) == nullptr) // size change resulted in large->small change
+ {
+ builders[objectID].reset (new RefBuilderSmall(objectID));
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ void BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<N,Mesh,Primitive>::setupLargeBuildRefBuilder (size_t objectID, Mesh const * const mesh)
+ {
+ if (bvh->objects[objectID] == nullptr || // new mesh
+ builders[objectID]->meshQualityChanged (mesh->quality) || // changed build quality
+ dynamic_cast<RefBuilderLarge*>(builders[objectID].get()) == nullptr) // size change resulted in small->large change
+ {
+ Builder* builder = nullptr;
+ delete bvh->objects[objectID];
+ createMeshAccel(objectID, builder);
+ builders[objectID].reset (new RefBuilderLarge(objectID, builder, mesh->quality));
+ }
+ }
+ Builder* BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4MeshSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, bool useMortonBuilder) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,TriangleMesh::geom_type,useMortonBuilder);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4vMeshSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, bool useMortonBuilder) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4v>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,TriangleMesh::geom_type,useMortonBuilder);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH4BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4iMeshSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, bool useMortonBuilder) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,TriangleMesh::geom_type,useMortonBuilder);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH4BuilderTwoLevelQuadMeshSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, bool useMortonBuilder) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<4,QuadMesh,Quad4v>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,QuadMesh::geom_type,useMortonBuilder);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH4BuilderTwoLevelVirtualSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, bool useMortonBuilder) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<4,UserGeometry,Object>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,UserGeometry::geom_type,useMortonBuilder);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH4BuilderTwoLevelInstanceSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype, bool useMortonBuilder) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<4,Instance,InstancePrimitive>((BVH4*)bvh,scene,gtype,useMortonBuilder);
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4MeshSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, bool useMortonBuilder) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,TriangleMesh::geom_type,useMortonBuilder);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4vMeshSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, bool useMortonBuilder) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4v>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,TriangleMesh::geom_type,useMortonBuilder);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH8BuilderTwoLevelTriangle4iMeshSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, bool useMortonBuilder) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,TriangleMesh::geom_type,useMortonBuilder);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH8BuilderTwoLevelQuadMeshSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, bool useMortonBuilder) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<8,QuadMesh,Quad4v>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,QuadMesh::geom_type,useMortonBuilder);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH8BuilderTwoLevelVirtualSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, bool useMortonBuilder) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<8,UserGeometry,Object>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,UserGeometry::geom_type,useMortonBuilder);
+ }
+ Builder* BVH8BuilderTwoLevelInstanceSAH (void* bvh, Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype, bool useMortonBuilder) {
+ return new BVHNBuilderTwoLevel<8,Instance,InstancePrimitive>((BVH8*)bvh,scene,gtype,useMortonBuilder);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_twolevel.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_twolevel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dc7ec7d278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_twolevel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include <type_traits>
+#include "bvh_builder_twolevel_internal.h"
+#include "bvh.h"
+#include "../common/primref.h"
+#include "../builders/priminfo.h"
+#include "../builders/primrefgen.h"
+/* new open/merge builder */
+#define SPLIT_MIN_EXT_SPACE 1000
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ class BVHNBuilderTwoLevel : public Builder
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNode AABBNode;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ __forceinline static bool isSmallGeometry(Mesh* mesh) {
+ return mesh->size() <= 4;
+ }
+ public:
+ typedef void (*createMeshAccelTy)(Scene* scene, unsigned int geomID, AccelData*& accel, Builder*& builder);
+ struct BuildRef : public PrimRef
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline BuildRef () {}
+ __forceinline BuildRef (const BBox3fa& bounds, NodeRef node)
+ : PrimRef(bounds,(size_t)node), node(node)
+ {
+ if (node.isLeaf())
+ bounds_area = 0.0f;
+ else
+ bounds_area = area(this->bounds());
+ }
+ /* used by the open/merge bvh builder */
+ __forceinline BuildRef (const BBox3fa& bounds, NodeRef node, const unsigned int geomID, const unsigned int numPrimitives)
+ : PrimRef(bounds,geomID,numPrimitives), node(node)
+ {
+ /* important for relative buildref ordering */
+ if (node.isLeaf())
+ bounds_area = 0.0f;
+ else
+ bounds_area = area(this->bounds());
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t size() const {
+ return primID();
+ }
+ friend bool operator< (const BuildRef& a, const BuildRef& b) {
+ return a.bounds_area < b.bounds_area;
+ }
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const BuildRef& ref) {
+ return cout << "{ lower = " << ref.lower << ", upper = " << ref.upper << ", center2 = " << ref.center2() << ", geomID = " << ref.geomID() << ", numPrimitives = " << ref.numPrimitives() << ", bounds_area = " << ref.bounds_area << " }";
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int numPrimitives() const { return primID(); }
+ public:
+ NodeRef node;
+ float bounds_area;
+ };
+ __forceinline size_t openBuildRef(BuildRef &bref, BuildRef *const refs) {
+ if (bref.node.isLeaf())
+ {
+ refs[0] = bref;
+ return 1;
+ }
+ NodeRef ref = bref.node;
+ unsigned int geomID = bref.geomID();
+ unsigned int numPrims = max((unsigned int)bref.numPrimitives() / N,(unsigned int)1);
+ AABBNode* node = ref.getAABBNode();
+ size_t n = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ if (node->child(i) == BVH::emptyNode) continue;
+ refs[i] = BuildRef(node->bounds(i),node->child(i),geomID,numPrims);
+ n++;
+ }
+ assert(n > 1);
+ return n;
+ }
+ /*! Constructor. */
+ BVHNBuilderTwoLevel (BVH* bvh, Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype = Mesh::geom_type, bool useMortonBuilder = false, const size_t singleThreadThreshold = DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD);
+ /*! Destructor */
+ ~BVHNBuilderTwoLevel ();
+ /*! builder entry point */
+ void build();
+ void deleteGeometry(size_t geomID);
+ void clear();
+ void open_sequential(const size_t extSize);
+ private:
+ class RefBuilderBase {
+ public:
+ virtual ~RefBuilderBase () {}
+ virtual void attachBuildRefs (BVHNBuilderTwoLevel* builder) = 0;
+ virtual bool meshQualityChanged (RTCBuildQuality currQuality) = 0;
+ };
+ class RefBuilderSmall : public RefBuilderBase {
+ public:
+ RefBuilderSmall (size_t objectID)
+ : objectID_ (objectID) {}
+ void attachBuildRefs (BVHNBuilderTwoLevel* topBuilder) {
+ Mesh* mesh = topBuilder->scene->template getSafe<Mesh>(objectID_);
+ size_t meshSize = mesh->size();
+ assert(isSmallGeometry(mesh));
+ mvector<PrimRef> prefs(topBuilder->scene->device, meshSize);
+ auto pinfo = createPrimRefArray(mesh,objectID_,meshSize,prefs,topBuilder->bvh->scene->progressInterface);
+ size_t begin=0;
+ while (begin < pinfo.size())
+ {
+ Primitive* accel = (Primitive*) topBuilder->bvh->alloc.getCachedAllocator().malloc1(sizeof(Primitive),BVH::byteAlignment);
+ typename BVH::NodeRef node = BVH::encodeLeaf((char*)accel,1);
+ accel->fill(,begin,pinfo.size(),topBuilder->bvh->scene);
+ /* create build primitive */
+ topBuilder->refs[topBuilder->nextRef++] = BVHNBuilderTwoLevel::BuildRef(pinfo.geomBounds,node,(unsigned int)objectID_,1);
+ topBuilder->refs[topBuilder->nextRef++] = BVHNBuilderTwoLevel::BuildRef(pinfo.geomBounds,node);
+ }
+ assert(begin == pinfo.size());
+ }
+ bool meshQualityChanged (RTCBuildQuality /*currQuality*/) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ size_t objectID_;
+ };
+ class RefBuilderLarge : public RefBuilderBase {
+ public:
+ RefBuilderLarge (size_t objectID, const Ref<Builder>& builder, RTCBuildQuality quality)
+ : objectID_ (objectID), builder_ (builder), quality_ (quality) {}
+ void attachBuildRefs (BVHNBuilderTwoLevel* topBuilder)
+ {
+ BVH* object = topBuilder->getBVH(objectID_); assert(object);
+ /* build object if it got modified */
+ if (topBuilder->isGeometryModified(objectID_))
+ builder_->build();
+ /* create build primitive */
+ if (!object->getBounds().empty())
+ {
+ Mesh* mesh = topBuilder->getMesh(objectID_);
+ topBuilder->refs[topBuilder->nextRef++] = BVHNBuilderTwoLevel::BuildRef(object->getBounds(),object->root,(unsigned int)objectID_,(unsigned int)mesh->size());
+ topBuilder->refs[topBuilder->nextRef++] = BVHNBuilderTwoLevel::BuildRef(object->getBounds(),object->root);
+ }
+ }
+ bool meshQualityChanged (RTCBuildQuality currQuality) {
+ return currQuality != quality_;
+ }
+ private:
+ size_t objectID_;
+ Ref<Builder> builder_;
+ RTCBuildQuality quality_;
+ };
+ void setupLargeBuildRefBuilder (size_t objectID, Mesh const * const mesh);
+ void setupSmallBuildRefBuilder (size_t objectID, Mesh const * const mesh);
+ BVH* getBVH (size_t objectID) {
+ return this->bvh->objects[objectID];
+ }
+ Mesh* getMesh (size_t objectID) {
+ return this->scene->template getSafe<Mesh>(objectID);
+ }
+ bool isGeometryModified (size_t objectID) {
+ return this->scene->isGeometryModified(objectID);
+ }
+ void resizeRefsList ()
+ {
+ size_t num = parallel_reduce (size_t(0), scene->size(), size_t(0),
+ [this](const range<size_t>& r)->size_t {
+ size_t c = 0;
+ for (auto i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); ++i) {
+ Mesh* mesh = scene->getSafe<Mesh>(i);
+ if (mesh == nullptr || mesh->numTimeSteps != 1)
+ continue;
+ size_t meshSize = mesh->size();
+ c += isSmallGeometry(mesh) ? Primitive::blocks(meshSize) : 1;
+ }
+ return c;
+ },
+ std::plus<size_t>()
+ );
+ if (refs.size() < num) {
+ refs.resize(num);
+ }
+ }
+ void createMeshAccel (size_t geomID, Builder*& builder)
+ {
+ bvh->objects[geomID] = new BVH(Primitive::type,scene);
+ BVH* accel = bvh->objects[geomID];
+ auto mesh = scene->getSafe<Mesh>(geomID);
+ if (nullptr == mesh) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"geomID does not return correct type");
+ return;
+ }
+ __internal_two_level_builder__::MeshBuilder<N,Mesh,Primitive>()(accel, mesh, geomID, this->gtype, this->useMortonBuilder_, builder);
+ }
+ using BuilderList = std::vector<std::unique_ptr<RefBuilderBase>>;
+ BuilderList builders;
+ BVH* bvh;
+ Scene* scene;
+ mvector<BuildRef> refs;
+ mvector<PrimRef> prims;
+ std::atomic<int> nextRef;
+ const size_t singleThreadThreshold;
+ Geometry::GTypeMask gtype;
+ bool useMortonBuilder_ = false;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_twolevel_internal.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_twolevel_internal.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..023b52b780
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_builder_twolevel_internal.h
@@ -0,0 +1,267 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh.h"
+#include "../geometry/triangle.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglei.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadv.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadi.h"
+#include "../geometry/object.h"
+#include "../geometry/instance.h"
+namespace embree
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4MeshBuilderMortonGeneral,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4MeshBuilderSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4MeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4vMeshBuilderMortonGeneral,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4vMeshBuilderSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4vMeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4iMeshBuilderMortonGeneral,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4iMeshBuilderSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Triangle4iMeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Quad4vMeshBuilderMortonGeneral,void* COMMA QuadMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Quad4vMeshBuilderSAH,void* COMMA QuadMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4Quad4vMeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA QuadMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4VirtualMeshBuilderMortonGeneral,void* COMMA UserGeometry* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4VirtualMeshBuilderSAH,void* COMMA UserGeometry* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4VirtualMeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA UserGeometry* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4InstanceMeshBuilderMortonGeneral,void* COMMA Instance* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4InstanceMeshBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Instance* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH4InstanceMeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA Instance* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t)
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4MeshBuilderMortonGeneral,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4MeshBuilderSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4MeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4vMeshBuilderMortonGeneral,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4vMeshBuilderSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4vMeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4iMeshBuilderMortonGeneral,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4iMeshBuilderSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Triangle4iMeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA TriangleMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Quad4vMeshBuilderMortonGeneral,void* COMMA QuadMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Quad4vMeshBuilderSAH,void* COMMA QuadMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8Quad4vMeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA QuadMesh* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8VirtualMeshBuilderMortonGeneral,void* COMMA UserGeometry* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8VirtualMeshBuilderSAH,void* COMMA UserGeometry* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8VirtualMeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA UserGeometry* COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8InstanceMeshBuilderMortonGeneral,void* COMMA Instance* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8InstanceMeshBuilderSAH,void* COMMA Instance* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t);
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Builder*,BVH8InstanceMeshRefitSAH,void* COMMA Instance* COMMA Geometry::GTypeMask COMMA unsigned int COMMA size_t)
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ namespace __internal_two_level_builder__ {
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ struct MortonBuilder {};
+ template<>
+ struct MortonBuilder<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4> {
+ MortonBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4Triangle4MeshBuilderMortonGeneral(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct MortonBuilder<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4v> {
+ MortonBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4Triangle4vMeshBuilderMortonGeneral(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct MortonBuilder<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i> {
+ MortonBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4Triangle4iMeshBuilderMortonGeneral(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct MortonBuilder<4,QuadMesh,Quad4v> {
+ MortonBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, QuadMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4Quad4vMeshBuilderMortonGeneral(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct MortonBuilder<4,UserGeometry,Object> {
+ MortonBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, UserGeometry* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4VirtualMeshBuilderMortonGeneral(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct MortonBuilder<4,Instance,InstancePrimitive> {
+ MortonBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, Instance* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype) { return BVH4InstanceMeshBuilderMortonGeneral(bvh,mesh,gtype,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct MortonBuilder<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4> {
+ MortonBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8Triangle4MeshBuilderMortonGeneral(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct MortonBuilder<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4v> {
+ MortonBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8Triangle4vMeshBuilderMortonGeneral(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct MortonBuilder<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i> {
+ MortonBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8Triangle4iMeshBuilderMortonGeneral(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct MortonBuilder<8,QuadMesh,Quad4v> {
+ MortonBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, QuadMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8Quad4vMeshBuilderMortonGeneral(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct MortonBuilder<8,UserGeometry,Object> {
+ MortonBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, UserGeometry* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8VirtualMeshBuilderMortonGeneral(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct MortonBuilder<8,Instance,InstancePrimitive> {
+ MortonBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, Instance* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype) { return BVH8InstanceMeshBuilderMortonGeneral(bvh,mesh,gtype,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ struct SAHBuilder {};
+ template<>
+ struct SAHBuilder<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4> {
+ SAHBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4Triangle4MeshBuilderSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct SAHBuilder<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4v> {
+ SAHBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4Triangle4vMeshBuilderSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct SAHBuilder<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i> {
+ SAHBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4Triangle4iMeshBuilderSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct SAHBuilder<4,QuadMesh,Quad4v> {
+ SAHBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, QuadMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4Quad4vMeshBuilderSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct SAHBuilder<4,UserGeometry,Object> {
+ SAHBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, UserGeometry* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4VirtualMeshBuilderSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct SAHBuilder<4,Instance,InstancePrimitive> {
+ SAHBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, Instance* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype) { return BVH4InstanceMeshBuilderSAH(bvh,mesh,gtype,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct SAHBuilder<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4> {
+ SAHBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8Triangle4MeshBuilderSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct SAHBuilder<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4v> {
+ SAHBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8Triangle4vMeshBuilderSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct SAHBuilder<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i> {
+ SAHBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8Triangle4iMeshBuilderSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct SAHBuilder<8,QuadMesh,Quad4v> {
+ SAHBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, QuadMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8Quad4vMeshBuilderSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct SAHBuilder<8,UserGeometry,Object> {
+ SAHBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, UserGeometry* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8VirtualMeshBuilderSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct SAHBuilder<8,Instance,InstancePrimitive> {
+ SAHBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, Instance* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype) { return BVH8InstanceMeshBuilderSAH(bvh,mesh,gtype,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ struct RefitBuilder {};
+ template<>
+ struct RefitBuilder<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4> {
+ RefitBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4Triangle4MeshRefitSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct RefitBuilder<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4v> {
+ RefitBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4Triangle4vMeshRefitSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct RefitBuilder<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i> {
+ RefitBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4Triangle4iMeshRefitSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct RefitBuilder<4,QuadMesh,Quad4v> {
+ RefitBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, QuadMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4Quad4vMeshRefitSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct RefitBuilder<4,UserGeometry,Object> {
+ RefitBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, UserGeometry* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH4VirtualMeshRefitSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct RefitBuilder<4,Instance,InstancePrimitive> {
+ RefitBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, Instance* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype) { return BVH4InstanceMeshRefitSAH(bvh,mesh,gtype,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct RefitBuilder<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4> {
+ RefitBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8Triangle4MeshRefitSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct RefitBuilder<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4v> {
+ RefitBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8Triangle4vMeshRefitSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct RefitBuilder<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i> {
+ RefitBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8Triangle4iMeshRefitSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct RefitBuilder<8,QuadMesh,Quad4v> {
+ RefitBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, QuadMesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8Quad4vMeshRefitSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct RefitBuilder<8,UserGeometry,Object> {
+ RefitBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, UserGeometry* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask /*gtype*/) { return BVH8VirtualMeshRefitSAH(bvh,mesh,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct RefitBuilder<8,Instance,InstancePrimitive> {
+ RefitBuilder () {}
+ Builder* operator () (void* bvh, Instance* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype) { return BVH8InstanceMeshRefitSAH(bvh,mesh,gtype,geomID,0);}
+ };
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ struct MeshBuilder {
+ MeshBuilder () {}
+ void operator () (void* bvh, Mesh* mesh, size_t geomID, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype, bool useMortonBuilder, Builder*& builder) {
+ if(useMortonBuilder) {
+ builder = MortonBuilder<N,Mesh,Primitive>()(bvh,mesh,geomID,gtype);
+ return;
+ }
+ switch (mesh->quality) {
+ case RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW: builder = MortonBuilder<N,Mesh,Primitive>()(bvh,mesh,geomID,gtype); break;
+ case RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_HIGH: builder = SAHBuilder<N,Mesh,Primitive>()(bvh,mesh,geomID,gtype); break;
+ case RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_REFIT: builder = RefitBuilder<N,Mesh,Primitive>()(bvh,mesh,geomID,gtype); break;
+ default: throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"invalid build quality");
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_collider.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_collider.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9428c0b88e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_collider.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_collider.h"
+#include "../geometry/triangle_triangle_intersector.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+#define CSTAT(x)
+ size_t parallel_depth_threshold = 3;
+ CSTAT(std::atomic<size_t> bvh_collide_traversal_steps(0));
+ CSTAT(std::atomic<size_t> bvh_collide_leaf_pairs(0));
+ CSTAT(std::atomic<size_t> bvh_collide_leaf_iterations(0));
+ CSTAT(std::atomic<size_t> bvh_collide_prim_intersections1(0));
+ CSTAT(std::atomic<size_t> bvh_collide_prim_intersections2(0));
+ CSTAT(std::atomic<size_t> bvh_collide_prim_intersections3(0));
+ CSTAT(std::atomic<size_t> bvh_collide_prim_intersections4(0));
+ CSTAT(std::atomic<size_t> bvh_collide_prim_intersections5(0));
+ CSTAT(std::atomic<size_t> bvh_collide_prim_intersections(0));
+ struct Collision
+ {
+ __forceinline Collision() {}
+ __forceinline Collision (unsigned geomID0, unsigned primID0, unsigned geomID1, unsigned primID1)
+ : geomID0(geomID0), primID0(primID0), geomID1(geomID1), primID1(primID1) {}
+ unsigned geomID0;
+ unsigned primID0;
+ unsigned geomID1;
+ unsigned primID1;
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t overlap(const BBox3fa& box0, const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode& node1)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> lower_x = max(vfloat<N>(box0.lower.x),node1.lower_x);
+ const vfloat<N> lower_y = max(vfloat<N>(box0.lower.y),node1.lower_y);
+ const vfloat<N> lower_z = max(vfloat<N>(box0.lower.z),node1.lower_z);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_x = min(vfloat<N>(box0.upper.x),node1.upper_x);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_y = min(vfloat<N>(box0.upper.y),node1.upper_y);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_z = min(vfloat<N>(box0.upper.z),node1.upper_z);
+ return movemask((lower_x <= upper_x) & (lower_y <= upper_y) & (lower_z <= upper_z));
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t overlap(const BBox3fa& box0, const BBox<Vec3<vfloat<N>>>& box1)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> lower_x = max(vfloat<N>(box0.lower.x),box1.lower.x);
+ const vfloat<N> lower_y = max(vfloat<N>(box0.lower.y),box1.lower.y);
+ const vfloat<N> lower_z = max(vfloat<N>(box0.lower.z),box1.lower.z);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_x = min(vfloat<N>(box0.upper.x),box1.upper.x);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_y = min(vfloat<N>(box0.upper.y),box1.upper.y);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_z = min(vfloat<N>(box0.upper.z),box1.upper.z);
+ return movemask((lower_x <= upper_x) & (lower_y <= upper_y) & (lower_z <= upper_z));
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t overlap(const BBox<Vec3<vfloat<N>>>& box0, size_t i, const BBox<Vec3<vfloat<N>>>& box1)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> lower_x = max(vfloat<N>(box0.lower.x[i]),box1.lower.x);
+ const vfloat<N> lower_y = max(vfloat<N>(box0.lower.y[i]),box1.lower.y);
+ const vfloat<N> lower_z = max(vfloat<N>(box0.lower.z[i]),box1.lower.z);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_x = min(vfloat<N>(box0.upper.x[i]),box1.upper.x);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_y = min(vfloat<N>(box0.upper.y[i]),box1.upper.y);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_z = min(vfloat<N>(box0.upper.z[i]),box1.upper.z);
+ return movemask((lower_x <= upper_x) & (lower_y <= upper_y) & (lower_z <= upper_z));
+ }
+ bool intersect_triangle_triangle (Scene* scene0, unsigned geomID0, unsigned primID0, Scene* scene1, unsigned geomID1, unsigned primID1)
+ {
+ CSTAT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections1++);
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh0 = scene0->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID0);
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh1 = scene1->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID1);
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri0 = mesh0->triangle(primID0);
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri1 = mesh1->triangle(primID1);
+ /* special culling for scene intersection with itself */
+ if (scene0 == scene1 && geomID0 == geomID1)
+ {
+ /* ignore self intersections */
+ if (primID0 == primID1)
+ return false;
+ }
+ CSTAT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections2++);
+ if (scene0 == scene1 && geomID0 == geomID1)
+ {
+ /* ignore intersection with topological neighbors */
+ const vint4 t0(tri0.v[0],tri0.v[1],tri0.v[2],tri0.v[2]);
+ if (any(vint4(tri1.v[0]) == t0)) return false;
+ if (any(vint4(tri1.v[1]) == t0)) return false;
+ if (any(vint4(tri1.v[2]) == t0)) return false;
+ }
+ CSTAT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections3++);
+ const Vec3fa a0 = mesh0->vertex(tri0.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa a1 = mesh0->vertex(tri0.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa a2 = mesh0->vertex(tri0.v[2]);
+ const Vec3fa b0 = mesh1->vertex(tri1.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa b1 = mesh1->vertex(tri1.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa b2 = mesh1->vertex(tri1.v[2]);
+ return TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle(a0,a1,a2,b0,b1,b2);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline void BVHNColliderUserGeom<N>::processLeaf(NodeRef node0, NodeRef node1)
+ {
+ Collision collisions[16];
+ size_t num_collisions = 0;
+ size_t N0; Object* leaf0 = (Object*) node0.leaf(N0);
+ size_t N1; Object* leaf1 = (Object*) node1.leaf(N1);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N0; i++) {
+ for (size_t j=0; j<N1; j++) {
+ const unsigned geomID0 = leaf0[i].geomID();
+ const unsigned primID0 = leaf0[i].primID();
+ const unsigned geomID1 = leaf1[j].geomID();
+ const unsigned primID1 = leaf1[j].primID();
+ if (this->scene0 == this->scene1 && geomID0 == geomID1 && primID0 == primID1) continue;
+ collisions[num_collisions++] = Collision(geomID0,primID0,geomID1,primID1);
+ if (num_collisions == 16) {
+ this->callback(this->userPtr,(RTCCollision*)&collisions,num_collisions);
+ num_collisions = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (num_collisions)
+ this->callback(this->userPtr,(RTCCollision*)&collisions,num_collisions);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHNCollider<N>::collide_recurse(NodeRef ref0, const BBox3fa& bounds0, NodeRef ref1, const BBox3fa& bounds1, size_t depth0, size_t depth1)
+ {
+ CSTAT(bvh_collide_traversal_steps++);
+ if (unlikely(ref0.isLeaf())) {
+ if (unlikely(ref1.isLeaf())) {
+ CSTAT(bvh_collide_leaf_pairs++);
+ processLeaf(ref0,ref1);
+ return;
+ } else goto recurse_node1;
+ } else {
+ if (unlikely(ref1.isLeaf())) {
+ goto recurse_node0;
+ } else {
+ if (area(bounds0) > area(bounds1)) {
+ goto recurse_node0;
+ }
+ else {
+ goto recurse_node1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ recurse_node0:
+ AABBNode* node0 = ref0.getAABBNode();
+ size_t mask = overlap<N>(bounds1,*node0);
+ //for (size_t m=mask, i=bsf(m); m!=0; m=btc(m,i), i=bsf(m)) {
+ //for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+#if 0
+ if (depth0 < parallel_depth_threshold)
+ {
+ parallel_for(size_t(N), [&] ( size_t i ) {
+ if (mask & ( 1 << i)) {
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(node0->child(i),BVH_FLAG_ALIGNED_NODE);
+ collide_recurse(node0->child(i),node0->bounds(i),ref1,bounds1,depth0+1,depth1);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (size_t m=mask, i=bsf(m); m!=0; m=btc(m,i), i=bsf(m)) {
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(node0->child(i),BVH_FLAG_ALIGNED_NODE);
+ collide_recurse(node0->child(i),node0->bounds(i),ref1,bounds1,depth0+1,depth1);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ recurse_node1:
+ AABBNode* node1 = ref1.getAABBNode();
+ size_t mask = overlap<N>(bounds0,*node1);
+ //for (size_t m=mask, i=bsf(m); m!=0; m=btc(m,i), i=bsf(m)) {
+ //for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+#if 0
+ if (depth1 < parallel_depth_threshold)
+ {
+ parallel_for(size_t(N), [&] ( size_t i ) {
+ if (mask & ( 1 << i)) {
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(node1->child(i),BVH_FLAG_ALIGNED_NODE);
+ collide_recurse(ref0,bounds0,node1->child(i),node1->bounds(i),depth0,depth1+1);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (size_t m=mask, i=bsf(m); m!=0; m=btc(m,i), i=bsf(m)) {
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(node1->child(i),BVH_FLAG_ALIGNED_NODE);
+ collide_recurse(ref0,bounds0,node1->child(i),node1->bounds(i),depth0,depth1+1);
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHNCollider<N>::split(const CollideJob& job, jobvector& jobs)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(job.ref0.isLeaf())) {
+ if (unlikely(job.ref1.isLeaf())) {
+ jobs.push_back(job);
+ return;
+ } else goto recurse_node1;
+ } else {
+ if (unlikely(job.ref1.isLeaf())) {
+ goto recurse_node0;
+ } else {
+ if (area(job.bounds0) > area(job.bounds1)) {
+ goto recurse_node0;
+ }
+ else {
+ goto recurse_node1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ recurse_node0:
+ const AABBNode* node0 = job.ref0.getAABBNode();
+ size_t mask = overlap<N>(job.bounds1,*node0);
+ for (size_t m=mask, i=bsf(m); m!=0; m=btc(m,i), i=bsf(m)) {
+ jobs.push_back(CollideJob(node0->child(i),node0->bounds(i),job.depth0+1,job.ref1,job.bounds1,job.depth1));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ {
+ recurse_node1:
+ const AABBNode* node1 = job.ref1.getAABBNode();
+ size_t mask = overlap<N>(job.bounds0,*node1);
+ for (size_t m=mask, i=bsf(m); m!=0; m=btc(m,i), i=bsf(m)) {
+ jobs.push_back(CollideJob(job.ref0,job.bounds0,job.depth0,node1->child(i),node1->bounds(i),job.depth1+1));
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHNCollider<N>::collide_recurse_entry(NodeRef ref0, const BBox3fa& bounds0, NodeRef ref1, const BBox3fa& bounds1)
+ {
+ CSTAT(bvh_collide_traversal_steps = 0);
+ CSTAT(bvh_collide_leaf_pairs = 0);
+ CSTAT(bvh_collide_leaf_iterations = 0);
+ CSTAT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections1 = 0);
+ CSTAT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections2 = 0);
+ CSTAT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections3 = 0);
+ CSTAT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections4 = 0);
+ CSTAT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections5 = 0);
+ CSTAT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections = 0);
+#if 0
+ collide_recurse(ref0,bounds0,ref1,bounds1,0,0);
+ const int M = 2048;
+ jobvector jobs[2];
+ jobs[0].reserve(M);
+ jobs[1].reserve(M);
+ jobs[0].push_back(CollideJob(ref0,bounds0,0,ref1,bounds1,0));
+ int source = 0;
+ int target = 1;
+ /* try to split job until job list is full */
+ while (jobs[source].size()+8 <= M)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<jobs[source].size(); i++)
+ {
+ const CollideJob& job = jobs[source][i];
+ size_t remaining = jobs[source].size()-i;
+ if (jobs[target].size()+remaining+8 > M) {
+ jobs[target].push_back(job);
+ } else {
+ split(job,jobs[target]);
+ }
+ }
+ /* stop splitting jobs if we reached only leaves and cannot make progress anymore */
+ if (jobs[target].size() == jobs[source].size())
+ break;
+ jobs[source].resize(0);
+ std::swap(source,target);
+ }
+ /* parallel processing of all jobs */
+ parallel_for(size_t(jobs[source].size()), [&] ( size_t i ) {
+ CollideJob& j = jobs[source][i];
+ collide_recurse(j.ref0,j.bounds0,j.ref1,j.bounds1,j.depth0,j.depth1);
+ });
+ CSTAT(PRINT(bvh_collide_traversal_steps));
+ CSTAT(PRINT(bvh_collide_leaf_pairs));
+ CSTAT(PRINT(bvh_collide_leaf_iterations));
+ CSTAT(PRINT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections1));
+ CSTAT(PRINT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections2));
+ CSTAT(PRINT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections3));
+ CSTAT(PRINT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections4));
+ CSTAT(PRINT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections5));
+ CSTAT(PRINT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections));
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHNColliderUserGeom<N>::collide(BVH* __restrict__ bvh0, BVH* __restrict__ bvh1, RTCCollideFunc callback, void* userPtr)
+ {
+ BVHNColliderUserGeom<N>(bvh0->scene,bvh1->scene,callback,userPtr).
+ collide_recurse_entry(bvh0->root,bvh0->bounds.bounds(),bvh1->root,bvh1->bounds.bounds());
+ }
+#if defined (EMBREE_LOWEST_ISA)
+ struct collision_regression_test : public RegressionTest
+ {
+ collision_regression_test(const char* name) : RegressionTest(name) {
+ registerRegressionTest(this);
+ }
+ bool run ()
+ {
+ bool passed = true;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(-0.008815f, 0.041848f, -2.49875e-06f), Vec3fa(-0.008276f, 0.053318f, -2.49875e-06f), Vec3fa(0.003023f, 0.048969f, -2.49875e-06f),
+ Vec3fa(0.00245f, 0.037612f, -2.49875e-06f), Vec3fa(0.01434f, 0.042634f, -2.49875e-06f), Vec3fa(0.013499f, 0.031309f, -2.49875e-06f)) == false;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0), Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0)) == true;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0), Vec3fa(0,0,1),Vec3fa(1,0,1),Vec3fa(0,1,1)) == false;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0), Vec3fa(0,0,1),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0)) == true;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0), Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,1),Vec3fa(0,1,1)) == true;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0), Vec3fa(0.1f,0.1f,0),Vec3fa(1,0,1),Vec3fa(0,1,1)) == true;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0), Vec3fa(0.1f,0.1f,-0.1f),Vec3fa(1,0,1),Vec3fa(0,1,1)) == true;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0), Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0)) == true;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0), Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(0.5f,0,0),Vec3fa(0,0.5f,0)) == true;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0), Vec3fa(0.1f,0.1f,0),Vec3fa(0.5f,0,0),Vec3fa(0,0.5f,0)) == true;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0), Vec3fa(0.1f,0.1f,0),Vec3fa(0.5f,0.1f,0),Vec3fa(0.1f,0.5f,0)) == true;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0), Vec3fa(0.1f,-0.1f,0),Vec3fa(0.5f,0.1f,0),Vec3fa(0.1f,0.5f,0)) == true;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0), Vec3fa(-0.1f,0.1f,0),Vec3fa(0.5f,0.1f,0),Vec3fa(0.1f,0.5f,0)) == true;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0),
+ Vec3fa(-1,1,0) + Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(-1,1,0) + Vec3fa(0.1f,0,0),Vec3fa(-1,1,0) + Vec3fa(0,0.1f,0)) == false;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0),
+ Vec3fa( 2,0.5f,0) + Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa( 2,0.5f,0) + Vec3fa(0.1f,0,0),Vec3fa( 2,0.5f,0) + Vec3fa(0,0.1f,0)) == false;
+ passed &= TriangleTriangleIntersector::intersect_triangle_triangle (Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(1,0,0),Vec3fa(0,1,0),
+ Vec3fa(0.5f,-2.0f,0) + Vec3fa(0,0,0),Vec3fa(0.5f,-2.0f,0) + Vec3fa(0.1f,0,0),Vec3fa(0.5f,-2.0f,0) + Vec3fa(0,0.1f,0)) == false;
+ return passed;
+ }
+ };
+ collision_regression_test collision_regression("collision_regression_test");
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Collider Definitions
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ DEFINE_COLLIDER(BVH4ColliderUserGeom,BVHNColliderUserGeom<4>);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ DEFINE_COLLIDER(BVH8ColliderUserGeom,BVHNColliderUserGeom<8>);
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_collider.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_collider.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c42f211c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_collider.h
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev.h"
+#include "../geometry/object.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int N>
+ class BVHNCollider
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNode AABBNode;
+ struct CollideJob
+ {
+ CollideJob () {}
+ CollideJob (NodeRef ref0, const BBox3fa& bounds0, size_t depth0,
+ NodeRef ref1, const BBox3fa& bounds1, size_t depth1)
+ : ref0(ref0), bounds0(bounds0), depth0(depth0), ref1(ref1), bounds1(bounds1), depth1(depth1) {}
+ NodeRef ref0;
+ BBox3fa bounds0;
+ size_t depth0;
+ NodeRef ref1;
+ BBox3fa bounds1;
+ size_t depth1;
+ };
+ typedef vector_t<CollideJob, aligned_allocator<CollideJob,16>> jobvector;
+ void split(const CollideJob& job, jobvector& jobs);
+ public:
+ __forceinline BVHNCollider (Scene* scene0, Scene* scene1, RTCCollideFunc callback, void* userPtr)
+ : scene0(scene0), scene1(scene1), callback(callback), userPtr(userPtr) {}
+ public:
+ virtual void processLeaf(NodeRef leaf0, NodeRef leaf1) = 0;
+ void collide_recurse(NodeRef node0, const BBox3fa& bounds0, NodeRef node1, const BBox3fa& bounds1, size_t depth0, size_t depth1);
+ void collide_recurse_entry(NodeRef node0, const BBox3fa& bounds0, NodeRef node1, const BBox3fa& bounds1);
+ protected:
+ Scene* scene0;
+ Scene* scene1;
+ RTCCollideFunc callback;
+ void* userPtr;
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ class BVHNColliderUserGeom : public BVHNCollider<N>
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNode AABBNode;
+ __forceinline BVHNColliderUserGeom (Scene* scene0, Scene* scene1, RTCCollideFunc callback, void* userPtr)
+ : BVHNCollider<N>(scene0,scene1,callback,userPtr) {}
+ virtual void processLeaf(NodeRef leaf0, NodeRef leaf1);
+ public:
+ static void collide(BVH* __restrict__ bvh0, BVH* __restrict__ bvh1, RTCCollideFunc callback, void* userPtr);
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_factory.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_factory.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..453d455bd9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_factory.h
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../bvh/bvh.h"
+#include "../common/isa.h"
+#include "../common/accel.h"
+#include "../common/scene.h"
+#include "../geometry/curve_intersector_virtual.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! BVH instantiations */
+ class BVHFactory
+ {
+ public:
+ enum class BuildVariant { STATIC, DYNAMIC, HIGH_QUALITY };
+ enum class IntersectVariant { FAST, ROBUST };
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector1.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector1.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9594f402c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector1.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_intersector1.h"
+#include "node_intersector1.h"
+#include "bvh_traverser1.h"
+#include "../geometry/intersector_iterators.h"
+#include "../geometry/triangle_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_mb_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglei_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadv_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadi_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNv_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNi_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNi_mb_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/linei_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/subdivpatch1_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/object_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/instance_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/subgrid_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/subgrid_mb_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/curve_intersector_virtual.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector1>
+ void BVHNIntersector1<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector1>::intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayHit& __restrict__ ray,
+ IntersectContext* __restrict__ context)
+ {
+ const BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (const BVH*)This->ptr;
+ /* we may traverse an empty BVH in case all geometry was invalid */
+ if (bvh->root == BVH::emptyNode)
+ return;
+ /* perform per ray precalculations required by the primitive intersector */
+ Precalculations pre(ray, bvh);
+ /* stack state */
+ StackItemT<NodeRef> stack[stackSize]; // stack of nodes
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackPtr = stack+1; // current stack pointer
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackEnd = stack+stackSize;
+ stack[0].ptr = bvh->root;
+ stack[0].dist = neg_inf;
+ if (bvh->root == BVH::emptyNode)
+ return;
+ /* filter out invalid rays */
+ if (!ray.valid()) return;
+ /* verify correct input */
+ assert(ray.valid());
+ assert(ray.tnear() >= 0.0f);
+ assert(!(types & BVH_MB) || (ray.time() >= 0.0f && ray.time() <= 1.0f));
+ /* load the ray into SIMD registers */
+ TravRay<N,robust> tray(, ray.dir, max(ray.tnear(), 0.0f), max(ray.tfar, 0.0f));
+ /* initialize the node traverser */
+ BVHNNodeTraverser1Hit<N, types> nodeTraverser;
+ /* pop loop */
+ while (true) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node */
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ stackPtr--;
+ NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->ptr);
+ /* if popped node is too far, pop next one */
+ if (unlikely(*(float*)&stackPtr->dist > ray.tfar))
+ continue;
+ /* downtraversal loop */
+ while (true)
+ {
+ /* intersect node */
+ size_t mask; vfloat<N> tNear;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_nodes,1,1,1);
+ bool nodeIntersected = BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, types, robust>::intersect(cur, tray, ray.time(), tNear, mask);
+ if (unlikely(!nodeIntersected)) { STAT3(normal.trav_nodes,-1,-1,-1); break; }
+ /* if no child is hit, pop next node */
+ if (unlikely(mask == 0))
+ goto pop;
+ /* select next child and push other children */
+ nodeTraverser.traverseClosestHit(cur, mask, tNear, stackPtr, stackEnd);
+ }
+ /* this is a leaf node */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_leaves,1,1,1);
+ size_t num; Primitive* prim = (Primitive*)cur.leaf(num);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ PrimitiveIntersector1::intersect(This, pre, ray, context, prim, num, tray, lazy_node);
+ tray.tfar = ray.tfar;
+ /* push lazy node onto stack */
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ stackPtr->ptr = lazy_node;
+ stackPtr->dist = neg_inf;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector1>
+ void BVHNIntersector1<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector1>::occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ Ray& __restrict__ ray,
+ IntersectContext* __restrict__ context)
+ {
+ const BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (const BVH*)This->ptr;
+ /* we may traverse an empty BVH in case all geometry was invalid */
+ if (bvh->root == BVH::emptyNode)
+ return;
+ /* early out for already occluded rays */
+ if (unlikely(ray.tfar < 0.0f))
+ return;
+ /* perform per ray precalculations required by the primitive intersector */
+ Precalculations pre(ray, bvh);
+ /* stack state */
+ NodeRef stack[stackSize]; // stack of nodes that still need to get traversed
+ NodeRef* stackPtr = stack+1; // current stack pointer
+ NodeRef* stackEnd = stack+stackSize;
+ stack[0] = bvh->root;
+ /* filter out invalid rays */
+ if (!ray.valid()) return;
+ /* verify correct input */
+ assert(ray.valid());
+ assert(ray.tnear() >= 0.0f);
+ assert(!(types & BVH_MB) || (ray.time() >= 0.0f && ray.time() <= 1.0f));
+ /* load the ray into SIMD registers */
+ TravRay<N,robust> tray(, ray.dir, max(ray.tnear(), 0.0f), max(ray.tfar, 0.0f));
+ /* initialize the node traverser */
+ BVHNNodeTraverser1Hit<N, types> nodeTraverser;
+ /* pop loop */
+ while (true) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node */
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ stackPtr--;
+ NodeRef cur = (NodeRef)*stackPtr;
+ /* downtraversal loop */
+ while (true)
+ {
+ /* intersect node */
+ size_t mask; vfloat<N> tNear;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_nodes,1,1,1);
+ bool nodeIntersected = BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, types, robust>::intersect(cur, tray, ray.time(), tNear, mask);
+ if (unlikely(!nodeIntersected)) { STAT3(shadow.trav_nodes,-1,-1,-1); break; }
+ /* if no child is hit, pop next node */
+ if (unlikely(mask == 0))
+ goto pop;
+ /* select next child and push other children */
+ nodeTraverser.traverseAnyHit(cur, mask, tNear, stackPtr, stackEnd);
+ }
+ /* this is a leaf node */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_leaves,1,1,1);
+ size_t num; Primitive* prim = (Primitive*)cur.leaf(num);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ if (PrimitiveIntersector1::occluded(This, pre, ray, context, prim, num, tray, lazy_node)) {
+ ray.tfar = neg_inf;
+ break;
+ }
+ /* push lazy node onto stack */
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ *stackPtr = (NodeRef)lazy_node;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector1>
+ struct PointQueryDispatch
+ {
+ typedef typename PrimitiveIntersector1::Precalculations Precalculations;
+ typedef typename PrimitiveIntersector1::Primitive Primitive;
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNode AABBNode;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNodeMB4D AABBNodeMB4D;
+ static const size_t stackSize = 1+(N-1)*BVH::maxDepth+3; // +3 due to 16-wide store
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context)
+ {
+ const BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (const BVH*)This->ptr;
+ /* we may traverse an empty BVH in case all geometry was invalid */
+ if (bvh->root == BVH::emptyNode)
+ return false;
+ /* stack state */
+ StackItemT<NodeRef> stack[stackSize]; // stack of nodes
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackPtr = stack+1; // current stack pointer
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackEnd = stack+stackSize;
+ stack[0].ptr = bvh->root;
+ stack[0].dist = neg_inf;
+ /* verify correct input */
+ assert(!(types & BVH_MB) || (query->time >= 0.0f && query->time <= 1.0f));
+ /* load the point query into SIMD registers */
+ TravPointQuery<N> tquery(query->p, context->query_radius);
+ /* initialize the node traverser */
+ BVHNNodeTraverser1Hit<N,types> nodeTraverser;
+ bool changed = false;
+ float cull_radius = context->query_type == POINT_QUERY_TYPE_SPHERE
+ ? query->radius * query->radius
+ : dot(context->query_radius, context->query_radius);
+ /* pop loop */
+ while (true) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node */
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ stackPtr--;
+ NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->ptr);
+ /* if popped node is too far, pop next one */
+ if (unlikely(*(float*)&stackPtr->dist > cull_radius))
+ continue;
+ /* downtraversal loop */
+ while (true)
+ {
+ /* intersect node */
+ size_t mask; vfloat<N> tNear;
+ STAT3(point_query.trav_nodes,1,1,1);
+ bool nodeIntersected;
+ if (likely(context->query_type == POINT_QUERY_TYPE_SPHERE)) {
+ nodeIntersected = BVHNNodePointQuerySphere1<N, types>::pointQuery(cur, tquery, query->time, tNear, mask);
+ } else {
+ nodeIntersected = BVHNNodePointQueryAABB1 <N, types>::pointQuery(cur, tquery, query->time, tNear, mask);
+ }
+ if (unlikely(!nodeIntersected)) { STAT3(point_query.trav_nodes,-1,-1,-1); break; }
+ /* if no child is hit, pop next node */
+ if (unlikely(mask == 0))
+ goto pop;
+ /* select next child and push other children */
+ nodeTraverser.traverseClosestHit(cur, mask, tNear, stackPtr, stackEnd);
+ }
+ /* this is a leaf node */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ STAT3(point_query.trav_leaves,1,1,1);
+ size_t num; Primitive* prim = (Primitive*)cur.leaf(num);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ if (PrimitiveIntersector1::pointQuery(This, query, context, prim, num, tquery, lazy_node))
+ {
+ changed = true;
+ tquery.rad = context->query_radius;
+ cull_radius = context->query_type == POINT_QUERY_TYPE_SPHERE
+ ? query->radius * query->radius
+ : dot(context->query_radius, context->query_radius);
+ }
+ /* push lazy node onto stack */
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ stackPtr->ptr = lazy_node;
+ stackPtr->dist = neg_inf;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ return changed;
+ }
+ };
+ /* disable point queries for not yet supported geometry types */
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust>
+ struct PointQueryDispatch<N, types, robust, VirtualCurveIntersector1> {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context) { return false; }
+ };
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust>
+ struct PointQueryDispatch<N, types, robust, SubdivPatch1Intersector1> {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context) { return false; }
+ };
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust>
+ struct PointQueryDispatch<N, types, robust, SubdivPatch1MBIntersector1> {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context) { return false; }
+ };
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector1>
+ bool BVHNIntersector1<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector1>::pointQuery(
+ const Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context)
+ {
+ return PointQueryDispatch<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector1>::pointQuery(This, query, context);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector1.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector1.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2df3d6eddb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh.h"
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "../common/point_query.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! BVH single ray intersector. */
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector1>
+ class BVHNIntersector1
+ {
+ /* shortcuts for frequently used types */
+ typedef typename PrimitiveIntersector1::Precalculations Precalculations;
+ typedef typename PrimitiveIntersector1::Primitive Primitive;
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNode AABBNode;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNodeMB4D AABBNodeMB4D;
+ static const size_t stackSize = 1+(N-1)*BVH::maxDepth+3; // +3 due to 16-wide store
+ public:
+ static void intersect (const Accel::Intersectors* This, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void occluded (const Accel::Intersectors* This, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context);
+ static bool pointQuery(const Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context);
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector1_bvh4.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector1_bvh4.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..831d613367
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector1_bvh4.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_intersector1.cpp"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ int getISA() {
+ return VerifyMultiTargetLinking::getISA();
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// BVH4Intersector1 Definitions
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector1,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1_UN1 COMMA false COMMA VirtualCurveIntersector1 >));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector1MB,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D_UN2 COMMA false COMMA VirtualCurveIntersector1 >));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust1,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1_UN1 COMMA true COMMA VirtualCurveIntersector1 >));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust1MB,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D_UN2 COMMA true COMMA VirtualCurveIntersector1 >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4Triangle4Intersector1Moeller, BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersector1<TriangleMIntersector1Moeller <4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Moeller, BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersector1<TriangleMiIntersector1Moeller <4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4Triangle4vIntersector1Pluecker,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersector1<TriangleMvIntersector1Pluecker<4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersector1<TriangleMiIntersector1Pluecker<4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector1Moeller, BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersector1<TriangleMvMBIntersector1Moeller <4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector1Moeller, BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersector1<TriangleMiMBIntersector1Moeller <4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector1Pluecker,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersector1<TriangleMvMBIntersector1Pluecker<4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector1Pluecker,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersector1<TriangleMiMBIntersector1Pluecker<4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4Quad4vIntersector1Moeller, BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersector1<QuadMvIntersector1Moeller <4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4Quad4iIntersector1Moeller, BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersector1<QuadMiIntersector1Moeller <4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4Quad4vIntersector1Pluecker,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersector1<QuadMvIntersector1Pluecker<4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersector1<QuadMiIntersector1Pluecker<4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector1Moeller, BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersector1<QuadMiMBIntersector1Moeller <4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector1Pluecker,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersector1<QuadMiMBIntersector1Pluecker<4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector1,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA SubdivPatch1Intersector1>));
+ IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector1,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA true COMMA SubdivPatch1MBIntersector1>));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4VirtualIntersector1,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersector1<ObjectIntersector1<false>> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4VirtualMBIntersector1,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersector1<ObjectIntersector1<true>> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4InstanceIntersector1,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersector1<InstanceIntersector1> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4InstanceMBIntersector1,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersector1<InstanceIntersector1MB> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(QBVH4Triangle4iIntersector1Pluecker,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_QN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersector1<TriangleMiIntersector1Pluecker<4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(QBVH4Quad4iIntersector1Pluecker,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_QN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersector1<QuadMiIntersector1Pluecker<4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4GridIntersector1Moeller,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA SubGridIntersector1Moeller<4 COMMA true> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4GridMBIntersector1Moeller,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA true COMMA SubGridMBIntersector1Pluecker<4 COMMA true> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4GridIntersector1Pluecker,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA SubGridIntersector1Pluecker<4 COMMA true> >));
+ //IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(BVH4GridMBIntersector1Pluecker,BVHNIntersector1<4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA SubGridMBIntersector1Pluecker<4 COMMA true> >));
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e9a5a538e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_intersector_hybrid.h"
+#include "bvh_traverser1.h"
+#include "node_intersector1.h"
+#include "node_intersector_packet.h"
+#include "../geometry/intersector_iterators.h"
+#include "../geometry/triangle_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_mb_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglei_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadv_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadi_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNv_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNi_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNi_mb_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/linei_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/subdivpatch1_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/object_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/instance_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/subgrid_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/subgrid_mb_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/curve_intersector_virtual.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersectorK, bool single>
+ void BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<N, K, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersectorK, single>::intersect1(Accel::Intersectors* This,
+ const BVH* bvh,
+ NodeRef root,
+ size_t k,
+ Precalculations& pre,
+ RayHitK<K>& ray,
+ const TravRayK<K, robust>& tray,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ /* stack state */
+ StackItemT<NodeRef> stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackPtr = stack + 1; // current stack pointer
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackEnd = stack + stackSizeSingle;
+ stack[0].ptr = root;
+ stack[0].dist = neg_inf;
+ /* load the ray into SIMD registers */
+ TravRay<N,robust> tray1;
+ tray1.template init<K>(k,, tray.dir, tray.rdir, tray.nearXYZ, tray.tnear[k], tray.tfar[k]);
+ /* pop loop */
+ while (true) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node */
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ stackPtr--;
+ NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->ptr);
+ /* if popped node is too far, pop next one */
+ if (unlikely(*(float*)&stackPtr->dist > ray.tfar[k]))
+ continue;
+ /* downtraversal loop */
+ while (true)
+ {
+ /* intersect node */
+ size_t mask; vfloat<N> tNear;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_nodes, 1, 1, 1);
+ bool nodeIntersected = BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, types, robust>::intersect(cur, tray1, ray.time()[k], tNear, mask);
+ if (unlikely(!nodeIntersected)) { STAT3(normal.trav_nodes,-1,-1,-1); break; }
+ /* if no child is hit, pop next node */
+ if (unlikely(mask == 0))
+ goto pop;
+ /* select next child and push other children */
+ BVHNNodeTraverser1Hit<N, types>::traverseClosestHit(cur, mask, tNear, stackPtr, stackEnd);
+ }
+ /* this is a leaf node */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_leaves, 1, 1, 1);
+ size_t num; Primitive* prim = (Primitive*)cur.leaf(num);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ PrimitiveIntersectorK::intersect(This, pre, ray, k, context, prim, num, tray1, lazy_node);
+ tray1.tfar = ray.tfar[k];
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ stackPtr->ptr = lazy_node;
+ stackPtr->dist = neg_inf;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersectorK, bool single>
+ void BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<N, K, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersectorK, single>::intersect(vint<K>* __restrict__ valid_i,
+ Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayHitK<K>& __restrict__ ray,
+ IntersectContext* __restrict__ context)
+ {
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*)This->ptr;
+ /* we may traverse an empty BVH in case all geometry was invalid */
+ if (bvh->root == BVH::emptyNode)
+ return;
+ assert(context);
+ if (unlikely(types == BVH_AN1 && context->user && context->isCoherent()))
+ {
+ intersectCoherent(valid_i, This, ray, context);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* filter out invalid rays */
+ vbool<K> valid = *valid_i == -1;
+ valid &= ray.valid();
+ /* return if there are no valid rays */
+ size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ STAT3(normal.trav_hit_boxes[popcnt(movemask(valid))], 1, 1, 1);
+ if (unlikely(valid_bits == 0)) return;
+ /* verify correct input */
+ assert(all(valid, ray.valid()));
+ assert(all(valid, ray.tnear() >= 0.0f));
+ assert(!(types & BVH_MB) || all(valid, (ray.time() >= 0.0f) & (ray.time() <= 1.0f)));
+ Precalculations pre(valid, ray);
+ /* load ray */
+ TravRayK<K, robust> tray(, ray.dir, single ? N : 0);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tnear = max(ray.tnear(), 0.0f);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tfar = max(ray.tfar , 0.0f);
+ if (single)
+ {
+ tray.tnear = select(valid, org_ray_tnear, vfloat<K>(pos_inf));
+ tray.tfar = select(valid, org_ray_tfar , vfloat<K>(neg_inf));
+ for (; valid_bits!=0; ) {
+ const size_t i = bscf(valid_bits);
+ intersect1(This, bvh, bvh->root, i, pre, ray, tray, context);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* determine switch threshold based on flags */
+ const size_t switchThreshold = (context->user && context->isCoherent()) ? 2 : switchThresholdIncoherent;
+ vint<K> octant = ray.octant();
+ octant = select(valid, octant, vint<K>(0xffffffff));
+ /* test whether we have ray with opposing direction signs in the packet */
+ bool split = false;
+ {
+ size_t bits = valid_bits;
+ vbool<K> vsplit( false );
+ do
+ {
+ const size_t valid_index = bsf(bits);
+ vbool<K> octant_valid = octant[valid_index] == octant;
+ bits &= ~(size_t)movemask(octant_valid);
+ vsplit |= vint<K>(octant[valid_index]) == (octant^vint<K>(0x7));
+ } while (bits);
+ if (any(vsplit)) split = true;
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ const size_t valid_index = bsf(valid_bits);
+ const vint<K> diff_octant = vint<K>(octant[valid_index])^octant;
+ const vint<K> count_diff_octant = \
+ ((diff_octant >> 2) & 1) +
+ ((diff_octant >> 1) & 1) +
+ ((diff_octant >> 0) & 1);
+ vbool<K> octant_valid = (count_diff_octant <= 1) & (octant != vint<K>(0xffffffff));
+ if (!single || !split) octant_valid = valid; // deactivate octant sorting in pure chunk mode, otherwise instance traversal performance goes down
+ octant = select(octant_valid,vint<K>(0xffffffff),octant);
+ valid_bits &= ~(size_t)movemask(octant_valid);
+ tray.tnear = select(octant_valid, org_ray_tnear, vfloat<K>(pos_inf));
+ tray.tfar = select(octant_valid, org_ray_tfar , vfloat<K>(neg_inf));
+ /* allocate stack and push root node */
+ vfloat<K> stack_near[stackSizeChunk];
+ NodeRef stack_node[stackSizeChunk];
+ stack_node[0] = BVH::invalidNode;
+ stack_near[0] = inf;
+ stack_node[1] = bvh->root;
+ stack_near[1] = tray.tnear;
+ NodeRef* stackEnd MAYBE_UNUSED = stack_node+stackSizeChunk;
+ NodeRef* __restrict__ sptr_node = stack_node + 2;
+ vfloat<K>* __restrict__ sptr_near = stack_near + 2;
+ while (1) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node from stack */
+ assert(sptr_node > stack_node);
+ sptr_node--;
+ sptr_near--;
+ NodeRef cur = *sptr_node;
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::invalidNode)) {
+ assert(sptr_node == stack_node);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* cull node if behind closest hit point */
+ vfloat<K> curDist = *sptr_near;
+ const vbool<K> active = curDist < tray.tfar;
+ if (unlikely(none(active)))
+ continue;
+ /* switch to single ray traversal */
+#if (!defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__X86_64__)) && defined(__SSE4_2__)
+ if (single)
+ {
+ size_t bits = movemask(active);
+ if (unlikely(popcnt(bits) <= switchThreshold))
+ {
+ for (; bits!=0; ) {
+ const size_t i = bscf(bits);
+ intersect1(This, bvh, cur, i, pre, ray, tray, context);
+ }
+ tray.tfar = min(tray.tfar, ray.tfar);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ while (likely(!cur.isLeaf()))
+ {
+ /* process nodes */
+ const vbool<K> valid_node = tray.tfar > curDist;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_nodes, 1, popcnt(valid_node), K);
+ const NodeRef nodeRef = cur;
+ const BaseNode* __restrict__ const node = nodeRef.baseNode();
+ /* set cur to invalid */
+ cur = BVH::emptyNode;
+ curDist = pos_inf;
+ size_t num_child_hits = 0;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ {
+ const NodeRef child = node->children[i];
+ if (unlikely(child == BVH::emptyNode)) break;
+ vfloat<K> lnearP;
+ vbool<K> lhit = valid_node;
+ BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, types, robust>::intersect(nodeRef, i, tray, ray.time(), lnearP, lhit);
+ /* if we hit the child we choose to continue with that child if it
+ is closer than the current next child, or we push it onto the stack */
+ if (likely(any(lhit)))
+ {
+ assert(sptr_node < stackEnd);
+ assert(child != BVH::emptyNode);
+ const vfloat<K> childDist = select(lhit, lnearP, inf);
+ /* push cur node onto stack and continue with hit child */
+ if (any(childDist < curDist))
+ {
+ if (likely(cur != BVH::emptyNode)) {
+ num_child_hits++;
+ *sptr_node = cur; sptr_node++;
+ *sptr_near = curDist; sptr_near++;
+ }
+ curDist = childDist;
+ cur = child;
+ }
+ /* push hit child onto stack */
+ else {
+ num_child_hits++;
+ *sptr_node = child; sptr_node++;
+ *sptr_near = childDist; sptr_near++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ //STAT3(normal.trav_hit_boxes[num_child_hits], 1, 1, 1);
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::emptyNode))
+ goto pop;
+ /* improved distance sorting for 3 or more hits */
+ if (unlikely(num_child_hits >= 2))
+ {
+ if (any(sptr_near[-2] < sptr_near[-1]))
+ {
+ std::swap(sptr_near[-2],sptr_near[-1]);
+ std::swap(sptr_node[-2],sptr_node[-1]);
+ }
+ if (unlikely(num_child_hits >= 3))
+ {
+ if (any(sptr_near[-3] < sptr_near[-1]))
+ {
+ std::swap(sptr_near[-3],sptr_near[-1]);
+ std::swap(sptr_node[-3],sptr_node[-1]);
+ }
+ if (any(sptr_near[-3] < sptr_near[-2]))
+ {
+ std::swap(sptr_near[-3],sptr_near[-2]);
+ std::swap(sptr_node[-3],sptr_node[-2]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (single)
+ {
+ // seems to be the best place for testing utilization
+ if (unlikely(popcnt(tray.tfar > curDist) <= switchThreshold))
+ {
+ *sptr_node++ = cur;
+ *sptr_near++ = curDist;
+ goto pop;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* return if stack is empty */
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::invalidNode)) {
+ assert(sptr_node == stack_node);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* intersect leaf */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ const vbool<K> valid_leaf = tray.tfar > curDist;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_leaves, 1, popcnt(valid_leaf), K);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_leaf))) continue;
+ size_t items; const Primitive* prim = (Primitive*)cur.leaf(items);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ PrimitiveIntersectorK::intersect(valid_leaf, This, pre, ray, context, prim, items, tray, lazy_node);
+ tray.tfar = select(valid_leaf, ray.tfar, tray.tfar);
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ *sptr_node = lazy_node; sptr_node++;
+ *sptr_near = neg_inf; sptr_near++;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(valid_bits);
+ }
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersectorK, bool single>
+ void BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<N, K, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersectorK, single>::intersectCoherent(vint<K>* __restrict__ valid_i,
+ Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayHitK<K>& __restrict__ ray,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*)This->ptr;
+ /* filter out invalid rays */
+ vbool<K> valid = *valid_i == -1;
+ valid &= ray.valid();
+ /* return if there are no valid rays */
+ size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+ if (unlikely(valid_bits == 0)) return;
+ /* verify correct input */
+ assert(all(valid, ray.valid()));
+ assert(all(valid, ray.tnear() >= 0.0f));
+ assert(!(types & BVH_MB) || all(valid, (ray.time() >= 0.0f) & (ray.time() <= 1.0f)));
+ Precalculations pre(valid, ray);
+ /* load ray */
+ TravRayK<K, robust> tray(, ray.dir, single ? N : 0);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tnear = max(ray.tnear(), 0.0f);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tfar = max(ray.tfar , 0.0f);
+ vint<K> octant = ray.octant();
+ octant = select(valid, octant, vint<K>(0xffffffff));
+ do
+ {
+ const size_t valid_index = bsf(valid_bits);
+ const vbool<K> octant_valid = octant[valid_index] == octant;
+ valid_bits &= ~(size_t)movemask(octant_valid);
+ tray.tnear = select(octant_valid, org_ray_tnear, vfloat<K>(pos_inf));
+ tray.tfar = select(octant_valid, org_ray_tfar , vfloat<K>(neg_inf));
+ Frustum<robust> frustum;
+ frustum.template init<K>(octant_valid,, tray.rdir, tray.tnear, tray.tfar, N);
+ StackItemT<NodeRef> stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackPtr = stack + 1; // current stack pointer
+ stack[0].ptr = bvh->root;
+ stack[0].dist = neg_inf;
+ while (1) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node from stack */
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ stackPtr--;
+ NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->ptr);
+ /* cull node if behind closest hit point */
+ vfloat<K> curDist = *(float*)&stackPtr->dist;
+ const vbool<K> active = curDist < tray.tfar;
+ if (unlikely(none(active))) continue;
+ while (likely(!cur.isLeaf()))
+ {
+ /* process nodes */
+ //STAT3(normal.trav_nodes, 1, popcnt(valid_node), K);
+ const NodeRef nodeRef = cur;
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = nodeRef.getAABBNode();
+ vfloat<N> fmin;
+ size_t m_frustum_node = intersectNodeFrustum<N>(node, frustum, fmin);
+ if (unlikely(!m_frustum_node)) goto pop;
+ cur = BVH::emptyNode;
+ curDist = pos_inf;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ //STAT3(normal.trav_hit_boxes[popcnt(m_frustum_node)], 1, 1, 1);
+ size_t num_child_hits = 0;
+ do {
+ const size_t i = bscf(m_frustum_node);
+ vfloat<K> lnearP;
+ vbool<K> lhit = false; // motion blur is not supported, so the initial value will be ignored
+ STAT3(normal.trav_nodes, 1, 1, 1);
+ BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, types, robust>::intersect(nodeRef, i, tray, ray.time(), lnearP, lhit);
+ if (likely(any(lhit)))
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> childDist = fmin[i];
+ const NodeRef child = node->child(i);
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(child);
+ if (any(childDist < curDist))
+ {
+ if (likely(cur != BVH::emptyNode)) {
+ num_child_hits++;
+ stackPtr->ptr = cur;
+ *(float*)&stackPtr->dist = toScalar(curDist);
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ curDist = childDist;
+ cur = child;
+ }
+ /* push hit child onto stack */
+ else {
+ num_child_hits++;
+ stackPtr->ptr = child;
+ *(float*)&stackPtr->dist = toScalar(childDist);
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(m_frustum_node);
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::emptyNode)) goto pop;
+ /* improved distance sorting for 3 or more hits */
+ if (unlikely(num_child_hits >= 2))
+ {
+ if (stackPtr[-2].dist < stackPtr[-1].dist)
+ std::swap(stackPtr[-2],stackPtr[-1]);
+ if (unlikely(num_child_hits >= 3))
+ {
+ if (stackPtr[-3].dist < stackPtr[-1].dist)
+ std::swap(stackPtr[-3],stackPtr[-1]);
+ if (stackPtr[-3].dist < stackPtr[-2].dist)
+ std::swap(stackPtr[-3],stackPtr[-2]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* intersect leaf */
+ assert(cur != BVH::invalidNode);
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ const vbool<K> valid_leaf = tray.tfar > curDist;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_leaves, 1, popcnt(valid_leaf), K);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_leaf))) continue;
+ size_t items; const Primitive* prim = (Primitive*)cur.leaf(items);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ PrimitiveIntersectorK::intersect(valid_leaf, This, pre, ray, context, prim, items, tray, lazy_node);
+ /* reduce max distance interval on successful intersection */
+ if (likely(any((ray.tfar < tray.tfar) & valid_leaf)))
+ {
+ tray.tfar = select(valid_leaf, ray.tfar, tray.tfar);
+ frustum.template updateMaxDist<K>(tray.tfar);
+ }
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ stackPtr->ptr = lazy_node;
+ stackPtr->dist = neg_inf;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(valid_bits);
+ }
+ // ===================================================================================================================================================================
+ // ===================================================================================================================================================================
+ // ===================================================================================================================================================================
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersectorK, bool single>
+ bool BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<N, K, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersectorK, single>::occluded1(Accel::Intersectors* This,
+ const BVH* bvh,
+ NodeRef root,
+ size_t k,
+ Precalculations& pre,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const TravRayK<K, robust>& tray,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ /* stack state */
+ NodeRef stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes that still need to get traversed
+ NodeRef* stackPtr = stack+1; // current stack pointer
+ NodeRef* stackEnd = stack+stackSizeSingle;
+ stack[0] = root;
+ /* load the ray into SIMD registers */
+ TravRay<N,robust> tray1;
+ tray1.template init<K>(k,, tray.dir, tray.rdir, tray.nearXYZ, tray.tnear[k], tray.tfar[k]);
+ /* pop loop */
+ while (true) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node */
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ stackPtr--;
+ NodeRef cur = (NodeRef)*stackPtr;
+ /* downtraversal loop */
+ while (true)
+ {
+ /* intersect node */
+ size_t mask; vfloat<N> tNear;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_nodes, 1, 1, 1);
+ bool nodeIntersected = BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, types, robust>::intersect(cur, tray1, ray.time()[k], tNear, mask);
+ if (unlikely(!nodeIntersected)) { STAT3(shadow.trav_nodes,-1,-1,-1); break; }
+ /* if no child is hit, pop next node */
+ if (unlikely(mask == 0))
+ goto pop;
+ /* select next child and push other children */
+ BVHNNodeTraverser1Hit<N, types>::traverseAnyHit(cur, mask, tNear, stackPtr, stackEnd);
+ }
+ /* this is a leaf node */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_leaves, 1, 1, 1);
+ size_t num; Primitive* prim = (Primitive*)cur.leaf(num);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ if (PrimitiveIntersectorK::occluded(This, pre, ray, k, context, prim, num, tray1, lazy_node)) {
+ ray.tfar[k] = neg_inf;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ *stackPtr = lazy_node;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersectorK, bool single>
+ void BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<N, K, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersectorK, single>::occluded(vint<K>* __restrict__ valid_i,
+ Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayK<K>& __restrict__ ray,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*)This->ptr;
+ /* we may traverse an empty BVH in case all geometry was invalid */
+ if (bvh->root == BVH::emptyNode)
+ return;
+ assert(context);
+ if (unlikely(types == BVH_AN1 && context->user && context->isCoherent()))
+ {
+ occludedCoherent(valid_i, This, ray, context);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* filter out already occluded and invalid rays */
+ vbool<K> valid = (*valid_i == -1) & (ray.tfar >= 0.0f);
+ valid &= ray.valid();
+ /* return if there are no valid rays */
+ const size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+ if (unlikely(valid_bits == 0)) return;
+ /* verify correct input */
+ assert(all(valid, ray.valid()));
+ assert(all(valid, ray.tnear() >= 0.0f));
+ assert(!(types & BVH_MB) || all(valid, (ray.time() >= 0.0f) & (ray.time() <= 1.0f)));
+ Precalculations pre(valid, ray);
+ /* load ray */
+ TravRayK<K, robust> tray(, ray.dir, single ? N : 0);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tnear = max(ray.tnear(), 0.0f);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tfar = max(ray.tfar , 0.0f);
+ tray.tnear = select(valid, org_ray_tnear, vfloat<K>(pos_inf));
+ tray.tfar = select(valid, org_ray_tfar , vfloat<K>(neg_inf));
+ vbool<K> terminated = !valid;
+ const vfloat<K> inf = vfloat<K>(pos_inf);
+ /* determine switch threshold based on flags */
+ const size_t switchThreshold = (context->user && context->isCoherent()) ? 2 : switchThresholdIncoherent;
+ /* allocate stack and push root node */
+ vfloat<K> stack_near[stackSizeChunk];
+ NodeRef stack_node[stackSizeChunk];
+ stack_node[0] = BVH::invalidNode;
+ stack_near[0] = inf;
+ stack_node[1] = bvh->root;
+ stack_near[1] = tray.tnear;
+ NodeRef* stackEnd MAYBE_UNUSED = stack_node+stackSizeChunk;
+ NodeRef* __restrict__ sptr_node = stack_node + 2;
+ vfloat<K>* __restrict__ sptr_near = stack_near + 2;
+ while (1) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node from stack */
+ assert(sptr_node > stack_node);
+ sptr_node--;
+ sptr_near--;
+ NodeRef cur = *sptr_node;
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::invalidNode)) {
+ assert(sptr_node == stack_node);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* cull node if behind closest hit point */
+ vfloat<K> curDist = *sptr_near;
+ const vbool<K> active = curDist < tray.tfar;
+ if (unlikely(none(active)))
+ continue;
+ /* switch to single ray traversal */
+#if (!defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__X86_64__)) && defined(__SSE4_2__)
+ if (single)
+ {
+ size_t bits = movemask(active);
+ if (unlikely(popcnt(bits) <= switchThreshold))
+ {
+ for (; bits!=0; ) {
+ const size_t i = bscf(bits);
+ if (occluded1(This, bvh, cur, i, pre, ray, tray, context))
+ set(terminated, i);
+ }
+ if (all(terminated)) break;
+ tray.tfar = select(terminated, vfloat<K>(neg_inf), tray.tfar);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ while (likely(!cur.isLeaf()))
+ {
+ /* process nodes */
+ const vbool<K> valid_node = tray.tfar > curDist;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_nodes, 1, popcnt(valid_node), K);
+ const NodeRef nodeRef = cur;
+ const BaseNode* __restrict__ const node = nodeRef.baseNode();
+ /* set cur to invalid */
+ cur = BVH::emptyNode;
+ curDist = pos_inf;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ {
+ const NodeRef child = node->children[i];
+ if (unlikely(child == BVH::emptyNode)) break;
+ vfloat<K> lnearP;
+ vbool<K> lhit = valid_node;
+ BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, types, robust>::intersect(nodeRef, i, tray, ray.time(), lnearP, lhit);
+ /* if we hit the child we push the previously hit node onto the stack, and continue with the currently hit child */
+ if (likely(any(lhit)))
+ {
+ assert(sptr_node < stackEnd);
+ assert(child != BVH::emptyNode);
+ const vfloat<K> childDist = select(lhit, lnearP, inf);
+ /* push 'cur' node onto stack and continue with hit child */
+ if (likely(cur != BVH::emptyNode)) {
+ *sptr_node = cur; sptr_node++;
+ *sptr_near = curDist; sptr_near++;
+ }
+ curDist = childDist;
+ cur = child;
+ }
+ }
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::emptyNode))
+ goto pop;
+ if (single)
+ {
+ // seems to be the best place for testing utilization
+ if (unlikely(popcnt(tray.tfar > curDist) <= switchThreshold))
+ {
+ *sptr_node++ = cur;
+ *sptr_near++ = curDist;
+ goto pop;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* return if stack is empty */
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::invalidNode)) {
+ assert(sptr_node == stack_node);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* intersect leaf */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ const vbool<K> valid_leaf = tray.tfar > curDist;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_leaves, 1, popcnt(valid_leaf), K);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_leaf))) continue;
+ size_t items; const Primitive* prim = (Primitive*) cur.leaf(items);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ terminated |= PrimitiveIntersectorK::occluded(!terminated, This, pre, ray, context, prim, items, tray, lazy_node);
+ if (all(terminated)) break;
+ tray.tfar = select(terminated, vfloat<K>(neg_inf), tray.tfar); // ignore node intersections for terminated rays
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ *sptr_node = lazy_node; sptr_node++;
+ *sptr_near = neg_inf; sptr_near++;
+ }
+ }
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid & terminated, &ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ }
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersectorK, bool single>
+ void BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<N, K, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersectorK, single>::occludedCoherent(vint<K>* __restrict__ valid_i,
+ Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayK<K>& __restrict__ ray,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*)This->ptr;
+ /* filter out invalid rays */
+ vbool<K> valid = *valid_i == -1;
+ valid &= ray.valid();
+ /* return if there are no valid rays */
+ size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+ if (unlikely(valid_bits == 0)) return;
+ /* verify correct input */
+ assert(all(valid, ray.valid()));
+ assert(all(valid, ray.tnear() >= 0.0f));
+ assert(!(types & BVH_MB) || all(valid, (ray.time() >= 0.0f) & (ray.time() <= 1.0f)));
+ Precalculations pre(valid,ray);
+ /* load ray */
+ TravRayK<K, robust> tray(, ray.dir, single ? N : 0);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tnear = max(ray.tnear(), 0.0f);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tfar = max(ray.tfar , 0.0f);
+ vbool<K> terminated = !valid;
+ vint<K> octant = ray.octant();
+ octant = select(valid, octant, vint<K>(0xffffffff));
+ do
+ {
+ const size_t valid_index = bsf(valid_bits);
+ vbool<K> octant_valid = octant[valid_index] == octant;
+ valid_bits &= ~(size_t)movemask(octant_valid);
+ tray.tnear = select(octant_valid, org_ray_tnear, vfloat<K>(pos_inf));
+ tray.tfar = select(octant_valid, org_ray_tfar, vfloat<K>(neg_inf));
+ Frustum<robust> frustum;
+ frustum.template init<K>(octant_valid,, tray.rdir, tray.tnear, tray.tfar, N);
+ StackItemMaskT<NodeRef> stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
+ StackItemMaskT<NodeRef>* stackPtr = stack + 1; // current stack pointer
+ stack[0].ptr = bvh->root;
+ stack[0].mask = movemask(octant_valid);
+ while (1) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node from stack */
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ stackPtr--;
+ NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->ptr);
+ /* cull node of active rays have already been terminated */
+ size_t m_active = (size_t)stackPtr->mask & (~(size_t)movemask(terminated));
+ if (unlikely(m_active == 0)) continue;
+ while (likely(!cur.isLeaf()))
+ {
+ /* process nodes */
+ //STAT3(normal.trav_nodes, 1, popcnt(valid_node), K);
+ const NodeRef nodeRef = cur;
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = nodeRef.getAABBNode();
+ vfloat<N> fmin;
+ size_t m_frustum_node = intersectNodeFrustum<N>(node, frustum, fmin);
+ if (unlikely(!m_frustum_node)) goto pop;
+ cur = BVH::emptyNode;
+ m_active = 0;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ //STAT3(normal.trav_hit_boxes[popcnt(m_frustum_node)], 1, 1, 1);
+ size_t num_child_hits = 0;
+ do {
+ const size_t i = bscf(m_frustum_node);
+ vfloat<K> lnearP;
+ vbool<K> lhit = false; // motion blur is not supported, so the initial value will be ignored
+ STAT3(normal.trav_nodes, 1, 1, 1);
+ BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, types, robust>::intersect(nodeRef, i, tray, ray.time(), lnearP, lhit);
+ if (likely(any(lhit)))
+ {
+ const NodeRef child = node->child(i);
+ assert(child != BVH::emptyNode);
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(child);
+ if (likely(cur != BVH::emptyNode)) {
+ num_child_hits++;
+ stackPtr->ptr = cur;
+ stackPtr->mask = m_active;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ cur = child;
+ m_active = movemask(lhit);
+ }
+ } while(m_frustum_node);
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::emptyNode)) goto pop;
+ }
+ /* intersect leaf */
+ assert(cur != BVH::invalidNode);
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ STAT3(normal.trav_leaves, 1, popcnt(m_active), K);
+ if (unlikely(!m_active)) continue;
+ size_t items; const Primitive* prim = (Primitive*)cur.leaf(items);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ terminated |= PrimitiveIntersectorK::occluded(!terminated, This, pre, ray, context, prim, items, tray, lazy_node);
+ octant_valid &= !terminated;
+ if (unlikely(none(octant_valid))) break;
+ tray.tfar = select(terminated, vfloat<K>(neg_inf), tray.tfar); // ignore node intersections for terminated rays
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ stackPtr->ptr = lazy_node;
+ stackPtr->mask = movemask(octant_valid);
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(valid_bits);
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid & terminated, &ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50ebf375c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid.h
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh.h"
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "../common/stack_item.h"
+#include "node_intersector_frustum.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int K, bool robust>
+ struct TravRayK;
+ /*! BVH hybrid packet intersector. Switches between packet and single ray traversal (optional). */
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersectorK, bool single = true>
+ class BVHNIntersectorKHybrid
+ {
+ /* shortcuts for frequently used types */
+ typedef typename PrimitiveIntersectorK::Precalculations Precalculations;
+ typedef typename PrimitiveIntersectorK::Primitive Primitive;
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::BaseNode BaseNode;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNode AABBNode;
+ static const size_t stackSizeSingle = 1+(N-1)*BVH::maxDepth+3; // +3 due to 16-wide store
+ static const size_t stackSizeChunk = 1+(N-1)*BVH::maxDepth;
+ static const size_t switchThresholdIncoherent = \
+ (K==4) ? 3 :
+ (K==8) ? ((N==4) ? 5 : 7) :
+ (K==16) ? 14 : // 14 seems to work best for KNL due to better ordered chunk traversal
+ 0;
+ private:
+ static void intersect1(Accel::Intersectors* This, const BVH* bvh, NodeRef root, size_t k, Precalculations& pre,
+ RayHitK<K>& ray, const TravRayK<K, robust>& tray, IntersectContext* context);
+ static bool occluded1(Accel::Intersectors* This, const BVH* bvh, NodeRef root, size_t k, Precalculations& pre,
+ RayK<K>& ray, const TravRayK<K, robust>& tray, IntersectContext* context);
+ public:
+ static void intersect(vint<K>* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void occluded (vint<K>* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void intersectCoherent(vint<K>* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void occludedCoherent (vint<K>* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context);
+ };
+ /*! BVH packet intersector. */
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersectorK>
+ class BVHNIntersectorKChunk : public BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<N, K, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersectorK, false> {};
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid4_bvh4.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid4_bvh4.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2137da6a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid4_bvh4.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_intersector_hybrid.cpp"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// BVH4Intersector4 Definitions
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA false> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4iIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMiIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4vIntersector4HybridPluecker, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMvIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4iIntersector4HybridPluecker, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMiIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMvMBIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMiMBIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridPluecker, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMvMBIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMiMBIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA QuadMvIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true > > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter,BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA QuadMvIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA false> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Quad4iIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA QuadMiIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true > > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridPluecker, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA QuadMvIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA 4 COMMA true > > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Quad4iIntersector4HybridPluecker, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA QuadMiIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA 4 COMMA true > > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA QuadMiMBIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true > > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker,BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA QuadMiMBIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA 4 COMMA true > > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4Hybrid, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1_UN1 COMMA false COMMA VirtualCurveIntersectorK<4> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4HybridMB,BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D_UN2 COMMA false COMMA VirtualCurveIntersectorK<4> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4Hybrid, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1_UN1 COMMA true COMMA VirtualCurveIntersectorK<4> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4HybridMB,BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D_UN2 COMMA true COMMA VirtualCurveIntersectorK<4> >));
+ //IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector4, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA SubdivPatch1Intersector4>));
+ IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector4, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA SubdivPatch1Intersector4>));
+ IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector4, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA SubdivPatch1MBIntersector4>));
+ //IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector4, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA SubdivPatch1MBIntersector4>));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4VirtualIntersector4Chunk, BVHNIntersectorKChunk<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA ObjectIntersector4> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4VirtualMBIntersector4Chunk, BVHNIntersectorKChunk<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA ObjectIntersector4MB> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4InstanceIntersector4Chunk, BVHNIntersectorKChunk<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA InstanceIntersectorK<4>> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4InstanceMBIntersector4Chunk, BVHNIntersectorKChunk<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA InstanceIntersectorKMB<4>> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4GridIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA SubGridIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> >));
+ //IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4GridIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKChunk<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA SubGridIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4GridMBIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA true COMMA SubGridMBIntersectorKPluecker <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4GridIntersector4HybridPluecker, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA SubGridIntersectorKPluecker <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> >));
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a74d8468d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_intersector_stream.h"
+#include "../geometry/intersector_iterators.h"
+#include "../geometry/triangle_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_mb_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglei_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadv_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadi_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/linei_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/subdivpatch1_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/object_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/instance_intersector.h"
+#include "../common/scene.h"
+#include <bitset>
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ __aligned(64) static const int shiftTable[32] = {
+ (int)1 << 0, (int)1 << 1, (int)1 << 2, (int)1 << 3, (int)1 << 4, (int)1 << 5, (int)1 << 6, (int)1 << 7,
+ (int)1 << 8, (int)1 << 9, (int)1 << 10, (int)1 << 11, (int)1 << 12, (int)1 << 13, (int)1 << 14, (int)1 << 15,
+ (int)1 << 16, (int)1 << 17, (int)1 << 18, (int)1 << 19, (int)1 << 20, (int)1 << 21, (int)1 << 22, (int)1 << 23,
+ (int)1 << 24, (int)1 << 25, (int)1 << 26, (int)1 << 27, (int)1 << 28, (int)1 << 29, (int)1 << 30, (int)1 << 31
+ };
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
+ __forceinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::intersect(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayHitN** inputPackets,
+ size_t numOctantRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ /* we may traverse an empty BVH in case all geometry was invalid */
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*) This->ptr;
+ if (bvh->root == BVH::emptyNode)
+ return;
+ // Only the coherent code path is implemented
+ assert(context->isCoherent());
+ intersectCoherent(This, (RayHitK<VSIZEL>**)inputPackets, numOctantRays, context);
+ }
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::intersectCoherent(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayHitK<K>** inputPackets,
+ size_t numOctantRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ assert(context->isCoherent());
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*) This->ptr;
+ __aligned(64) StackItemMaskCoherent stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
+ assert(numOctantRays <= MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE);
+ __aligned(64) TravRayKStream<K, robust> packets[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE/K];
+ __aligned(64) Frustum<robust> frustum;
+ bool commonOctant = true;
+ const size_t m_active = initPacketsAndFrustum((RayK<K>**)inputPackets, numOctantRays, packets, frustum, commonOctant);
+ if (unlikely(m_active == 0)) return;
+ /* case of non-common origin */
+ if (unlikely(!commonOctant))
+ {
+ const size_t numPackets = (numOctantRays+K-1)/K;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
+ This->intersect(inputPackets[i]->tnear() <= inputPackets[i]->tfar, *inputPackets[i], context);
+ return;
+ }
+ stack[0].mask = m_active;
+ stack[0].parent = 0;
+ stack[0].child = bvh->root;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ StackItemMaskCoherent* stackPtr = stack + 1;
+ while (1) pop:
+ {
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_stack_pop,1,1,1);
+ stackPtr--;
+ /*! pop next node */
+ NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->child);
+ size_t m_trav_active = stackPtr->mask;
+ assert(m_trav_active);
+ NodeRef parent = stackPtr->parent;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(cur.isLeaf())) break;
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = cur.getAABBNode();
+ parent = cur;
+ __aligned(64) size_t maskK[N];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ maskK[i] = m_trav_active;
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ const size_t m_node_hit = traverseCoherentStream(m_trav_active, packets, node, frustum, maskK, dist);
+ if (unlikely(m_node_hit == 0)) goto pop;
+ BVHNNodeTraverserStreamHitCoherent<N, types>::traverseClosestHit(cur, m_trav_active, vbool<N>((int)m_node_hit), dist, (size_t*)maskK, stackPtr);
+ assert(m_trav_active);
+ }
+ /* non-root and leaf => full culling test for all rays */
+ if (unlikely(parent != 0 && cur.isLeaf()))
+ {
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = parent.getAABBNode();
+ size_t boxID = 0xff;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ if (node->child(i) == cur) { boxID = i; break; }
+ assert(boxID < N);
+ assert(cur == node->child(boxID));
+ m_trav_active = intersectAABBNodePacket(m_trav_active, packets, node, boxID,;
+ }
+ /*! this is a leaf node */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_leaves, 1, 1, 1);
+ size_t num; PrimitiveK<K>* prim = (PrimitiveK<K>*)cur.leaf(num);
+ size_t bits = m_trav_active;
+ /*! intersect stream of rays with all primitives */
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+#if defined(__SSE4_2__)
+ STAT_USER(1,(popcnt(bits)+K-1)/K*4);
+ while(bits)
+ {
+ size_t i = bsf(bits) / K;
+ const size_t m_isec = ((((size_t)1 << K)-1) << (i*K));
+ assert(m_isec & bits);
+ bits &= ~m_isec;
+ TravRayKStream<K, robust>& p = packets[i];
+ vbool<K> m_valid = p.tnear <= p.tfar;
+ PrimitiveIntersectorK<K>::intersectK(m_valid, This, *inputPackets[i], context, prim, num, lazy_node);
+ p.tfar = min(p.tfar, inputPackets[i]->tfar);
+ };
+ } // traversal + intersection
+ }
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
+ __forceinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::occluded(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayN** inputPackets,
+ size_t numOctantRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ /* we may traverse an empty BVH in case all geometry was invalid */
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*) This->ptr;
+ if (bvh->root == BVH::emptyNode)
+ return;
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ occludedCoherent(This, (RayK<VSIZEL>**)inputPackets, numOctantRays, context);
+ else
+ occludedIncoherent(This, (RayK<VSIZEX>**)inputPackets, numOctantRays, context);
+ }
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
+ template<int K>
+ __noinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::occludedCoherent(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayK<K>** inputPackets,
+ size_t numOctantRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ assert(context->isCoherent());
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*)This->ptr;
+ __aligned(64) StackItemMaskCoherent stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
+ assert(numOctantRays <= MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE);
+ /* inactive rays should have been filtered out before */
+ __aligned(64) TravRayKStream<K, robust> packets[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE/K];
+ __aligned(64) Frustum<robust> frustum;
+ bool commonOctant = true;
+ size_t m_active = initPacketsAndFrustum(inputPackets, numOctantRays, packets, frustum, commonOctant);
+ /* valid rays */
+ if (unlikely(m_active == 0)) return;
+ /* case of non-common origin */
+ if (unlikely(!commonOctant))
+ {
+ const size_t numPackets = (numOctantRays+K-1)/K;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
+ This->occluded(inputPackets[i]->tnear() <= inputPackets[i]->tfar, *inputPackets[i], context);
+ return;
+ }
+ stack[0].mask = m_active;
+ stack[0].parent = 0;
+ stack[0].child = bvh->root;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ StackItemMaskCoherent* stackPtr = stack + 1;
+ while (1) pop:
+ {
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_stack_pop,1,1,1);
+ stackPtr--;
+ /*! pop next node */
+ NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->child);
+ size_t m_trav_active = stackPtr->mask & m_active;
+ if (unlikely(!m_trav_active)) continue;
+ assert(m_trav_active);
+ NodeRef parent = stackPtr->parent;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(cur.isLeaf())) break;
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = cur.getAABBNode();
+ parent = cur;
+ __aligned(64) size_t maskK[N];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ maskK[i] = m_trav_active;
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ const size_t m_node_hit = traverseCoherentStream(m_trav_active, packets, node, frustum, maskK, dist);
+ if (unlikely(m_node_hit == 0)) goto pop;
+ BVHNNodeTraverserStreamHitCoherent<N, types>::traverseAnyHit(cur, m_trav_active, vbool<N>((int)m_node_hit), (size_t*)maskK, stackPtr);
+ assert(m_trav_active);
+ }
+ /* non-root and leaf => full culling test for all rays */
+ if (unlikely(parent != 0 && cur.isLeaf()))
+ {
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = parent.getAABBNode();
+ size_t boxID = 0xff;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ if (node->child(i) == cur) { boxID = i; break; }
+ assert(boxID < N);
+ assert(cur == node->child(boxID));
+ m_trav_active = intersectAABBNodePacket(m_trav_active, packets, node, boxID,;
+ }
+ /*! this is a leaf node */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_leaves, 1, 1, 1);
+ size_t num; PrimitiveK<K>* prim = (PrimitiveK<K>*)cur.leaf(num);
+ size_t bits = m_trav_active & m_active;
+ /*! intersect stream of rays with all primitives */
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+#if defined(__SSE4_2__)
+ STAT_USER(1,(popcnt(bits)+K-1)/K*4);
+ while (bits)
+ {
+ size_t i = bsf(bits) / K;
+ const size_t m_isec = ((((size_t)1 << K)-1) << (i*K));
+ assert(m_isec & bits);
+ bits &= ~m_isec;
+ TravRayKStream<K, robust>& p = packets[i];
+ vbool<K> m_valid = p.tnear <= p.tfar;
+ vbool<K> m_hit = PrimitiveIntersectorK<K>::occludedK(m_valid, This, *inputPackets[i], context, prim, num, lazy_node);
+ inputPackets[i]->tfar = select(m_hit & m_valid, vfloat<K>(neg_inf), inputPackets[i]->tfar);
+ m_active &= ~((size_t)movemask(m_hit) << (i*K));
+ }
+ } // traversal + intersection
+ }
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::occludedIncoherent(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayK<K>** inputPackets,
+ size_t numOctantRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ assert(!context->isCoherent());
+ assert(types & BVH_FLAG_ALIGNED_NODE);
+ __aligned(64) TravRayKStream<K,robust> packet[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE/K];
+ assert(numOctantRays <= 32);
+ const size_t numPackets = (numOctantRays+K-1)/K;
+ size_t m_active = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> tnear = inputPackets[i]->tnear();
+ const vfloat<K> tfar = inputPackets[i]->tfar;
+ vbool<K> m_valid = (tnear <= tfar) & (tnear >= 0.0f);
+ m_active |= (size_t)movemask(m_valid) << (K*i);
+ const Vec3vf<K>& org = inputPackets[i]->org;
+ const Vec3vf<K>& dir = inputPackets[i]->dir;
+ vfloat<K> packet_min_dist = max(tnear, 0.0f);
+ vfloat<K> packet_max_dist = select(m_valid, tfar, neg_inf);
+ new (&packet[i]) TravRayKStream<K,robust>(org, dir, packet_min_dist, packet_max_dist);
+ }
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*)This->ptr;
+ StackItemMaskT<NodeRef> stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
+ StackItemMaskT<NodeRef>* stackPtr = stack + 1; // current stack pointer
+ stack[0].ptr = bvh->root;
+ stack[0].mask = m_active;
+ size_t terminated = ~m_active;
+ /* near/far offsets based on first ray */
+ const NearFarPrecalculations nf(Vec3fa(packet[0].rdir.x[0], packet[0].rdir.y[0], packet[0].rdir.z[0]), N);
+ while (1) pop:
+ {
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_stack_pop,1,1,1);
+ stackPtr--;
+ NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->ptr);
+ size_t cur_mask = stackPtr->mask & (~terminated);
+ if (unlikely(cur_mask == 0)) continue;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ /*! stop if we found a leaf node */
+ if (unlikely(cur.isLeaf())) break;
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = cur.getAABBNode();
+ const vint<N> vmask = traverseIncoherentStream(cur_mask, packet, node, nf, shiftTable);
+ size_t mask = movemask(vmask != vint<N>(zero));
+ if (unlikely(mask == 0)) goto pop;
+ __aligned(64) unsigned int child_mask[N];
+ vint<N>::storeu(child_mask, vmask); // this explicit store here causes much better code generation
+ /*! one child is hit, continue with that child */
+ size_t r = bscf(mask);
+ assert(r < N);
+ cur = node->child(r);
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(cur,types);
+ cur_mask = child_mask[r];
+ /* simple in order sequence */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) continue;
+ stackPtr->ptr = cur;
+ stackPtr->mask = cur_mask;
+ stackPtr++;
+ for (; ;)
+ {
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ assert(r < N);
+ cur = node->child(r);
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(cur,types);
+ cur_mask = child_mask[r];
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) break;
+ stackPtr->ptr = cur;
+ stackPtr->mask = cur_mask;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ /*! this is a leaf node */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_leaves,1,1,1);
+ size_t num; PrimitiveK<K>* prim = (PrimitiveK<K>*)cur.leaf(num);
+ size_t bits = cur_mask;
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ for (; bits != 0;)
+ {
+ const size_t rayID = bscf(bits);
+ RayK<K> &ray = *inputPackets[rayID / K];
+ const size_t k = rayID % K;
+ if (PrimitiveIntersectorK<K>::occluded(This, ray, k, context, prim, num, lazy_node))
+ {
+ ray.tfar[k] = neg_inf;
+ terminated |= (size_t)1 << rayID;
+ }
+ /* lazy node */
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node))
+ {
+ stackPtr->ptr = lazy_node;
+ stackPtr->mask = cur_mask;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (unlikely(terminated == (size_t)-1)) break;
+ }
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// ArrayIntersectorKStream Definitions
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,TriangleMIntersectorKMoeller<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,TriangleMvIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,TriangleMiIntersectorKMoeller<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,TriangleMiIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,QuadMvIntersectorKMoeller<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,QuadMiIntersectorKMoeller<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,QuadMvIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,QuadMiIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ struct ObjectIntersectorStream {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,ObjectIntersectorK<K COMMA false>>;
+ };
+ struct InstanceIntersectorStream {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,InstanceIntersectorK<K>>;
+ };
+ // =====================================================================================================
+ // =====================================================================================================
+ // =====================================================================================================
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback<N>::intersect(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayHitN** inputRays,
+ size_t numTotalRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ intersectK(This, (RayHitK<VSIZEL>**)inputRays, numTotalRays, context);
+ else
+ intersectK(This, (RayHitK<VSIZEX>**)inputRays, numTotalRays, context);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback<N>::occluded(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayN** inputRays,
+ size_t numTotalRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ occludedK(This, (RayK<VSIZEL>**)inputRays, numTotalRays, context);
+ else
+ occludedK(This, (RayK<VSIZEX>**)inputRays, numTotalRays, context);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ template<int K>
+ __noinline void BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback<N>::intersectK(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayHitK<K>** inputRays,
+ size_t numTotalRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ /* fallback to packets */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numTotalRays; i += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(i)) + vint<K>(step);
+ vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numTotalRays));
+ RayHitK<K>& ray = *(inputRays[i / K]);
+ valid &= ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
+ This->intersect(valid, ray, context);
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ template<int K>
+ __noinline void BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback<N>::occludedK(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayK<K>** inputRays,
+ size_t numTotalRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ /* fallback to packets */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numTotalRays; i += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(i)) + vint<K>(step);
+ vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numTotalRays));
+ RayK<K>& ray = *(inputRays[i / K]);
+ valid &= ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
+ This->occluded(valid, ray, context);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..717f559677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,270 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "node_intersector_packet_stream.h"
+#include "node_intersector_frustum.h"
+#include "bvh_traverser_stream.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! BVH ray stream intersector. */
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
+ class BVHNIntersectorStream
+ {
+ /* shortcuts for frequently used types */
+ template<int K> using PrimitiveIntersectorK = typename PrimitiveIntersector::template Type<K>;
+ template<int K> using PrimitiveK = typename PrimitiveIntersectorK<K>::PrimitiveK;
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::BaseNode BaseNode;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNode AABBNode;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNodeMB AABBNodeMB;
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline static size_t initPacketsAndFrustum(RayK<K>** inputPackets, size_t numOctantRays,
+ TravRayKStream<K, robust>* packets, Frustum<robust>& frustum, bool& commonOctant)
+ {
+ const size_t numPackets = (numOctantRays+K-1)/K;
+ Vec3vf<K> tmp_min_rdir(pos_inf);
+ Vec3vf<K> tmp_max_rdir(neg_inf);
+ Vec3vf<K> tmp_min_org(pos_inf);
+ Vec3vf<K> tmp_max_org(neg_inf);
+ vfloat<K> tmp_min_dist(pos_inf);
+ vfloat<K> tmp_max_dist(neg_inf);
+ size_t m_active = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> tnear = inputPackets[i]->tnear();
+ const vfloat<K> tfar = inputPackets[i]->tfar;
+ vbool<K> m_valid = (tnear <= tfar) & (tnear >= 0.0f);
+ m_valid &= inputPackets[i]->valid();
+ m_active |= (size_t)movemask(m_valid) << (i*K);
+ vfloat<K> packet_min_dist = max(tnear, 0.0f);
+ vfloat<K> packet_max_dist = select(m_valid, tfar, neg_inf);
+ tmp_min_dist = min(tmp_min_dist, packet_min_dist);
+ tmp_max_dist = max(tmp_max_dist, packet_max_dist);
+ const Vec3vf<K>& org = inputPackets[i]->org;
+ const Vec3vf<K>& dir = inputPackets[i]->dir;
+ new (&packets[i]) TravRayKStream<K, robust>(org, dir, packet_min_dist, packet_max_dist);
+ tmp_min_rdir = min(tmp_min_rdir, select(m_valid, packets[i].rdir, Vec3vf<K>(pos_inf)));
+ tmp_max_rdir = max(tmp_max_rdir, select(m_valid, packets[i].rdir, Vec3vf<K>(neg_inf)));
+ tmp_min_org = min(tmp_min_org , select(m_valid,org , Vec3vf<K>(pos_inf)));
+ tmp_max_org = max(tmp_max_org , select(m_valid,org , Vec3vf<K>(neg_inf)));
+ }
+ m_active &= (numOctantRays == (8 * sizeof(size_t))) ? (size_t)-1 : (((size_t)1 << numOctantRays)-1);
+ const Vec3fa reduced_min_rdir(reduce_min(tmp_min_rdir.x),
+ reduce_min(tmp_min_rdir.y),
+ reduce_min(tmp_min_rdir.z));
+ const Vec3fa reduced_max_rdir(reduce_max(tmp_max_rdir.x),
+ reduce_max(tmp_max_rdir.y),
+ reduce_max(tmp_max_rdir.z));
+ const Vec3fa reduced_min_origin(reduce_min(tmp_min_org.x),
+ reduce_min(tmp_min_org.y),
+ reduce_min(tmp_min_org.z));
+ const Vec3fa reduced_max_origin(reduce_max(tmp_max_org.x),
+ reduce_max(tmp_max_org.y),
+ reduce_max(tmp_max_org.z));
+ commonOctant =
+ (reduced_max_rdir.x < 0.0f || reduced_min_rdir.x >= 0.0f) &&
+ (reduced_max_rdir.y < 0.0f || reduced_min_rdir.y >= 0.0f) &&
+ (reduced_max_rdir.z < 0.0f || reduced_min_rdir.z >= 0.0f);
+ const float frustum_min_dist = reduce_min(tmp_min_dist);
+ const float frustum_max_dist = reduce_max(tmp_max_dist);
+ frustum.init(reduced_min_origin, reduced_max_origin,
+ reduced_min_rdir, reduced_max_rdir,
+ frustum_min_dist, frustum_max_dist,
+ N);
+ return m_active;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline static size_t intersectAABBNodePacket(size_t m_active,
+ const TravRayKStream<K,robust>* packets,
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ node,
+ size_t boxID,
+ const NearFarPrecalculations& nf)
+ {
+ assert(m_active);
+ const size_t startPacketID = bsf(m_active) / K;
+ const size_t endPacketID = bsr(m_active) / K;
+ size_t m_trav_active = 0;
+ for (size_t i = startPacketID; i <= endPacketID; i++)
+ {
+ const size_t m_hit = intersectNodeK<N>(node, boxID, packets[i], nf);
+ m_trav_active |= m_hit << (i*K);
+ }
+ return m_trav_active;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline static size_t traverseCoherentStream(size_t m_active,
+ TravRayKStream<K, robust>* packets,
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ node,
+ const Frustum<robust>& frustum,
+ size_t* maskK,
+ vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ size_t m_node_hit = intersectNodeFrustum<N>(node, frustum, dist);
+ const size_t first_index = bsf(m_active);
+ const size_t first_packetID = first_index / K;
+ const size_t first_rayID = first_index % K;
+ size_t m_first_hit = intersectNode1<N>(node, packets[first_packetID], first_rayID,;
+ /* this make traversal independent of the ordering of rays */
+ size_t m_node = m_node_hit ^ m_first_hit;
+ while (unlikely(m_node))
+ {
+ const size_t boxID = bscf(m_node);
+ const size_t m_current = m_active & intersectAABBNodePacket(m_active, packets, node, boxID,;
+ m_node_hit ^= m_current ? (size_t)0 : ((size_t)1 << boxID);
+ maskK[boxID] = m_current;
+ }
+ return m_node_hit;
+ }
+ // TODO: explicit 16-wide path for KNL
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline static vint<N> traverseIncoherentStream(size_t m_active,
+ TravRayKStreamFast<K>* __restrict__ packets,
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ node,
+ const NearFarPrecalculations& nf,
+ const int shiftTable[32])
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> bminX = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearX));
+ const vfloat<N> bminY = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearY));
+ const vfloat<N> bminZ = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearZ));
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxX = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farX));
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxY = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farY));
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxZ = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farZ));
+ assert(m_active);
+ vint<N> vmask(zero);
+ do
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_nodes,1,1,1);
+ const size_t rayID = bscf(m_active);
+ TravRayKStream<K,robust> &p = packets[rayID / K];
+ const size_t i = rayID % K;
+ const vint<N> bitmask(shiftTable[rayID]);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearX = msub(bminX, p.rdir.x[i], p.org_rdir.x[i]);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearY = msub(bminY, p.rdir.y[i], p.org_rdir.y[i]);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearZ = msub(bminZ, p.rdir.z[i], p.org_rdir.z[i]);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarX = msub(bmaxX, p.rdir.x[i], p.org_rdir.x[i]);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarY = msub(bmaxY, p.rdir.y[i], p.org_rdir.y[i]);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarZ = msub(bmaxZ, p.rdir.z[i], p.org_rdir.z[i]);
+ const vfloat<N> tNear = maxi(tNearX, tNearY, tNearZ, vfloat<N>(p.tnear[i]));
+ const vfloat<N> tFar = mini(tFarX , tFarY , tFarZ, vfloat<N>(p.tfar[i]));
+ const vbool<N> hit_mask = tNear <= tFar;
+#if defined(__AVX2__)
+ vmask = vmask | (bitmask & vint<N>(hit_mask));
+ vmask = select(hit_mask, vmask | bitmask, vmask);
+ } while(m_active);
+ return vmask;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline static vint<N> traverseIncoherentStream(size_t m_active,
+ TravRayKStreamRobust<K>* __restrict__ packets,
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ node,
+ const NearFarPrecalculations& nf,
+ const int shiftTable[32])
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> bminX = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearX));
+ const vfloat<N> bminY = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearY));
+ const vfloat<N> bminZ = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearZ));
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxX = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farX));
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxY = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farY));
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxZ = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farZ));
+ assert(m_active);
+ vint<N> vmask(zero);
+ do
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_nodes,1,1,1);
+ const size_t rayID = bscf(m_active);
+ TravRayKStream<K,robust> &p = packets[rayID / K];
+ const size_t i = rayID % K;
+ const vint<N> bitmask(shiftTable[rayID]);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearX = (bminX -[i]) * p.rdir.x[i];
+ const vfloat<N> tNearY = (bminY -[i]) * p.rdir.y[i];
+ const vfloat<N> tNearZ = (bminZ -[i]) * p.rdir.z[i];
+ const vfloat<N> tFarX = (bmaxX -[i]) * p.rdir.x[i];
+ const vfloat<N> tFarY = (bmaxY -[i]) * p.rdir.y[i];
+ const vfloat<N> tFarZ = (bmaxZ -[i]) * p.rdir.z[i];
+ const vfloat<N> tNear = maxi(tNearX, tNearY, tNearZ, vfloat<N>(p.tnear[i]));
+ const vfloat<N> tFar = mini(tFarX , tFarY , tFarZ, vfloat<N>(p.tfar[i]));
+ const float round_down = 1.0f-2.0f*float(ulp);
+ const float round_up = 1.0f+2.0f*float(ulp);
+ const vbool<N> hit_mask = round_down*tNear <= round_up*tFar;
+#if defined(__AVX2__)
+ vmask = vmask | (bitmask & vint<N>(hit_mask));
+ vmask = select(hit_mask, vmask | bitmask, vmask);
+ } while(m_active);
+ return vmask;
+ }
+ static const size_t stackSizeSingle = 1+(N-1)*BVH::maxDepth;
+ public:
+ static void intersect(Accel::Intersectors* This, RayHitN** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void occluded (Accel::Intersectors* This, RayN** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
+ private:
+ template<int K>
+ static void intersectCoherent(Accel::Intersectors* This, RayHitK<K>** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
+ template<int K>
+ static void occludedCoherent(Accel::Intersectors* This, RayK<K>** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
+ template<int K>
+ static void occludedIncoherent(Accel::Intersectors* This, RayK<K>** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
+ };
+ /*! BVH ray stream intersector with direct fallback to packets. */
+ template<int N>
+ class BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback
+ {
+ public:
+ static void intersect(Accel::Intersectors* This, RayHitN** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void occluded (Accel::Intersectors* This, RayN** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
+ private:
+ template<int K>
+ static void intersectK(Accel::Intersectors* This, RayHitK<K>** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
+ template<int K>
+ static void occludedK(Accel::Intersectors* This, RayK<K>** inputRays, size_t numRays, IntersectContext* context);
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_bvh4.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_bvh4.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3e5f137b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_bvh4.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_intersector_stream.cpp"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// General BVHIntersectorStreamPacketFallback Intersector
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback,BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback<4>);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// BVH4IntersectorStream Definitions
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller<false>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter,BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller<false>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4VirtualIntersectorStream,BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ObjectIntersectorStream>));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4InstanceIntersectorStream,BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA InstanceIntersectorStream>));
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_filters.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_filters.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b858eb163f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_filters.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_intersector_stream_filters.h"
+#include "bvh_intersector_stream.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int K, bool intersect>
+ __noinline void RayStreamFilter::filterAOS(Scene* scene, void* _rayN, size_t N, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ RayStreamAOS rayN(_rayN);
+ /* use fast path for coherent ray mode */
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ {
+ __aligned(64) RayTypeK<K, intersect> rays[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ __aligned(64) RayTypeK<K, intersect>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i += MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE)
+ {
+ const size_t size = min(N - i, MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE);
+ /* convert from AOS to SOA */
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vij = vint<K>(int(i+j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vij < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const vint<K> offset = vij * int(stride);
+ const size_t packetIndex = j / K;
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect> ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ ray.tnear() = select(valid, ray.tnear(), zero);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid, ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ rays[packetIndex] = ray;
+ rayPtrs[packetIndex] = &rays[packetIndex]; // rayPtrs might get reordered for occludedN
+ }
+ /* trace stream */
+ scene->intersectors.intersectN(rayPtrs, size, context);
+ /* convert from SOA to AOS */
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vij = vint<K>(int(i+j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vij < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const vint<K> offset = vij * int(stride);
+ const size_t packetIndex = j / K;
+ rayN.setHitByOffset(valid, offset, rays[packetIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (unlikely(!intersect))
+ {
+ /* octant sorting for occlusion rays */
+ __aligned(64) unsigned int octants[8][MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K> rays[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ unsigned int raysInOctant[8];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ raysInOctant[i] = 0;
+ size_t inputRayID = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ int curOctant = -1;
+ /* sort rays into octants */
+ for (; inputRayID < N;)
+ {
+ const Ray& ray = rayN.getRayByOffset(inputRayID * stride);
+ /* skip invalid rays */
+ if (unlikely(ray.tnear() > ray.tfar || ray.tfar < 0.0f)) { inputRayID++; continue; } // ignore invalid or already occluded rays
+ if (unlikely(!ray.valid())) { inputRayID++; continue; }
+ const unsigned int octantID = movemask(vfloat4(Vec3fa(ray.dir)) < 0.0f) & 0x7;
+ assert(octantID < 8);
+ octants[octantID][raysInOctant[octantID]++] = (unsigned int)inputRayID;
+ inputRayID++;
+ if (unlikely(raysInOctant[octantID] == MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE))
+ {
+ curOctant = octantID;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* need to flush rays in octant? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ if (raysInOctant[i]) { curOctant = i; break; }
+ }
+ /* all rays traced? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ break;
+ unsigned int* const rayIDs = &octants[curOctant][0];
+ const unsigned int numOctantRays = raysInOctant[curOctant];
+ assert(numOctantRays);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> offset = *(vint<K>*)&rayIDs[j] * int(stride);
+ RayK<K>& ray = rays[j/K];
+ rayPtrs[j/K] = &ray;
+ ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ ray.tnear() = select(valid, ray.tnear(), zero);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid, ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ }
+ scene->intersectors.occludedN(rayPtrs, numOctantRays, context);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> offset = *(vint<K>*)&rayIDs[j] * int(stride);
+ rayN.setHitByOffset<K>(valid, offset, rays[j/K]);
+ }
+ raysInOctant[curOctant] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* fallback to packets */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(i)) + vint<K>(step);
+ vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const vint<K> offset = vi * int(stride);
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect> ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ valid &= ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
+ scene->intersectors.intersect(valid, ray, context);
+ rayN.setHitByOffset<K>(valid, offset, ray);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K, bool intersect>
+ __noinline void RayStreamFilter::filterAOP(Scene* scene, void** _rayN, size_t N, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ RayStreamAOP rayN(_rayN);
+ /* use fast path for coherent ray mode */
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ {
+ __aligned(64) RayTypeK<K, intersect> rays[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ __aligned(64) RayTypeK<K, intersect>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i += MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE)
+ {
+ const size_t size = min(N - i, MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE);
+ /* convert from AOP to SOA */
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vij = vint<K>(int(i+j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vij < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const size_t packetIndex = j / K;
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect> ray = rayN.getRayByIndex<K>(valid, vij);
+ ray.tnear() = select(valid, ray.tnear(), zero);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid, ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ rays[packetIndex] = ray;
+ rayPtrs[packetIndex] = &rays[packetIndex]; // rayPtrs might get reordered for occludedN
+ }
+ /* trace stream */
+ scene->intersectors.intersectN(rayPtrs, size, context);
+ /* convert from SOA to AOP */
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vij = vint<K>(int(i+j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vij < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const size_t packetIndex = j / K;
+ rayN.setHitByIndex<K>(valid, vij, rays[packetIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (unlikely(!intersect))
+ {
+ /* octant sorting for occlusion rays */
+ __aligned(64) unsigned int octants[8][MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K> rays[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ unsigned int raysInOctant[8];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ raysInOctant[i] = 0;
+ size_t inputRayID = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ int curOctant = -1;
+ /* sort rays into octants */
+ for (; inputRayID < N;)
+ {
+ const Ray& ray = rayN.getRayByIndex(inputRayID);
+ /* skip invalid rays */
+ if (unlikely(ray.tnear() > ray.tfar || ray.tfar < 0.0f)) { inputRayID++; continue; } // ignore invalid or already occluded rays
+ if (unlikely(!ray.valid())) { inputRayID++; continue; }
+ const unsigned int octantID = movemask(lt_mask(ray.dir,Vec3fa(0.0f)));
+ assert(octantID < 8);
+ octants[octantID][raysInOctant[octantID]++] = (unsigned int)inputRayID;
+ inputRayID++;
+ if (unlikely(raysInOctant[octantID] == MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE))
+ {
+ curOctant = octantID;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* need to flush rays in octant? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ if (raysInOctant[i]) { curOctant = i; break; }
+ }
+ /* all rays traced? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ break;
+ unsigned int* const rayIDs = &octants[curOctant][0];
+ const unsigned int numOctantRays = raysInOctant[curOctant];
+ assert(numOctantRays);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> index = *(vint<K>*)&rayIDs[j];
+ RayK<K>& ray = rays[j/K];
+ rayPtrs[j/K] = &ray;
+ ray = rayN.getRayByIndex<K>(valid, index);
+ ray.tnear() = select(valid, ray.tnear(), zero);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid, ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ }
+ scene->intersectors.occludedN(rayPtrs, numOctantRays, context);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> index = *(vint<K>*)&rayIDs[j];
+ rayN.setHitByIndex<K>(valid, index, rays[j/K]);
+ }
+ raysInOctant[curOctant] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* fallback to packets */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(i)) + vint<K>(step);
+ vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(N));
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect> ray = rayN.getRayByIndex<K>(valid, vi);
+ valid &= ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
+ scene->intersectors.intersect(valid, ray, context);
+ rayN.setHitByIndex<K>(valid, vi, ray);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K, bool intersect>
+ __noinline void RayStreamFilter::filterSOA(Scene* scene, char* rayData, size_t N, size_t numPackets, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ const size_t rayDataAlignment = (size_t)rayData % (K*sizeof(float));
+ const size_t offsetAlignment = (size_t)stride % (K*sizeof(float));
+ /* fast path for packets with the correct width and data alignment */
+ if (likely(N == K &&
+ !rayDataAlignment &&
+ !offsetAlignment))
+ {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ {
+ __aligned(64) RayTypeK<K, intersect>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ size_t packetIndex = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
+ {
+ const size_t offset = i * stride;
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect>& ray = *(RayTypeK<K, intersect>*)(rayData + offset);
+ rayPtrs[packetIndex++] = &ray;
+ /* trace as stream */
+ if (unlikely(packetIndex == MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K))
+ {
+ const size_t size = packetIndex*K;
+ scene->intersectors.intersectN(rayPtrs, size, context);
+ packetIndex = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* flush remaining packets */
+ if (unlikely(packetIndex > 0))
+ {
+ const size_t size = packetIndex*K;
+ scene->intersectors.intersectN(rayPtrs, size, context);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (unlikely(!intersect))
+ {
+ /* octant sorting for occlusion rays */
+ RayStreamSOA rayN(rayData, K);
+ __aligned(64) unsigned int octants[8][MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K> rays[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ unsigned int raysInOctant[8];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ raysInOctant[i] = 0;
+ size_t inputRayID = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ int curOctant = -1;
+ /* sort rays into octants */
+ for (; inputRayID < N*numPackets;)
+ {
+ const size_t offset = (inputRayID / K) * stride + (inputRayID % K) * sizeof(float);
+ /* skip invalid rays */
+ if (unlikely(!rayN.isValidByOffset(offset))) { inputRayID++; continue; } // ignore invalid or already occluded rays
+ __aligned(64) Ray ray = rayN.getRayByOffset(offset);
+ if (unlikely(!ray.valid())) { inputRayID++; continue; }
+ #endif
+ const unsigned int octantID = (unsigned int)rayN.getOctantByOffset(offset);
+ assert(octantID < 8);
+ octants[octantID][raysInOctant[octantID]++] = (unsigned int)offset;
+ inputRayID++;
+ if (unlikely(raysInOctant[octantID] == MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE))
+ {
+ curOctant = octantID;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* need to flush rays in octant? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ if (raysInOctant[i]) { curOctant = i; break; }
+ }
+ /* all rays traced? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ break;
+ unsigned int* const rayOffsets = &octants[curOctant][0];
+ const unsigned int numOctantRays = raysInOctant[curOctant];
+ assert(numOctantRays);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> offset = *(vint<K>*)&rayOffsets[j];
+ RayK<K>& ray = rays[j/K];
+ rayPtrs[j/K] = &ray;
+ ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ ray.tnear() = select(valid, ray.tnear(), zero);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid, ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ }
+ scene->intersectors.occludedN(rayPtrs, numOctantRays, context);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> offset = *(vint<K>*)&rayOffsets[j];
+ rayN.setHitByOffset(valid, offset, rays[j/K]);
+ }
+ raysInOctant[curOctant] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* fallback to packets */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
+ {
+ const size_t offset = i * stride;
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect>& ray = *(RayTypeK<K, intersect>*)(rayData + offset);
+ const vbool<K> valid = ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
+ scene->intersectors.intersect(valid, ray, context);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* fallback to packets for arbitrary packet size and alignment */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
+ {
+ const size_t offsetN = i * stride;
+ RayStreamSOA rayN(rayData + offsetN, N);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < N; j += K)
+ {
+ const size_t offset = j * sizeof(float);
+ vbool<K> valid = (vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step)) < vint<K>(int(N));
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect> ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ valid &= ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
+ scene->intersectors.intersect(valid, ray, context);
+ rayN.setHitByOffset(valid, offset, ray);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K, bool intersect>
+ __noinline void RayStreamFilter::filterSOP(Scene* scene, const void* _rayN, size_t N, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ RayStreamSOP& rayN = *(RayStreamSOP*)_rayN;
+ /* use fast path for coherent ray mode */
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ {
+ __aligned(64) RayTypeK<K, intersect> rays[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ __aligned(64) RayTypeK<K, intersect>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i += MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE)
+ {
+ const size_t size = min(N - i, MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE);
+ /* convert from SOP to SOA */
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vij = vint<K>(int(i+j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vij < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const size_t offset = (i+j) * sizeof(float);
+ const size_t packetIndex = j / K;
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect> ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ ray.tnear() = select(valid, ray.tnear(), zero);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid, ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ rays[packetIndex] = ray;
+ rayPtrs[packetIndex] = &rays[packetIndex]; // rayPtrs might get reordered for occludedN
+ }
+ /* trace stream */
+ scene->intersectors.intersectN(rayPtrs, size, context);
+ /* convert from SOA to SOP */
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vij = vint<K>(int(i+j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vij < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const size_t offset = (i+j) * sizeof(float);
+ const size_t packetIndex = j / K;
+ rayN.setHitByOffset(valid, offset, rays[packetIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (unlikely(!intersect))
+ {
+ /* octant sorting for occlusion rays */
+ __aligned(64) unsigned int octants[8][MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K> rays[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ unsigned int raysInOctant[8];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ raysInOctant[i] = 0;
+ size_t inputRayID = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ int curOctant = -1;
+ /* sort rays into octants */
+ for (; inputRayID < N;)
+ {
+ const size_t offset = inputRayID * sizeof(float);
+ /* skip invalid rays */
+ if (unlikely(!rayN.isValidByOffset(offset))) { inputRayID++; continue; } // ignore invalid or already occluded rays
+ __aligned(64) Ray ray = rayN.getRayByOffset(offset);
+ if (unlikely(!ray.valid())) { inputRayID++; continue; }
+ const unsigned int octantID = (unsigned int)rayN.getOctantByOffset(offset);
+ assert(octantID < 8);
+ octants[octantID][raysInOctant[octantID]++] = (unsigned int)offset;
+ inputRayID++;
+ if (unlikely(raysInOctant[octantID] == MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE))
+ {
+ curOctant = octantID;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* need to flush rays in octant? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ if (raysInOctant[i]) { curOctant = i; break; }
+ }
+ /* all rays traced? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ break;
+ unsigned int* const rayOffsets = &octants[curOctant][0];
+ const unsigned int numOctantRays = raysInOctant[curOctant];
+ assert(numOctantRays);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> offset = *(vint<K>*)&rayOffsets[j];
+ RayK<K>& ray = rays[j/K];
+ rayPtrs[j/K] = &ray;
+ ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ ray.tnear() = select(valid, ray.tnear(), zero);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid, ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ }
+ scene->intersectors.occludedN(rayPtrs, numOctantRays, context);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> offset = *(vint<K>*)&rayOffsets[j];
+ rayN.setHitByOffset(valid, offset, rays[j/K]);
+ }
+ raysInOctant[curOctant] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* fallback to packets */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(i)) + vint<K>(step);
+ vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const size_t offset = i * sizeof(float);
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect> ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ valid &= ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
+ scene->intersectors.intersect(valid, ray, context);
+ rayN.setHitByOffset(valid, offset, ray);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::intersectAOS(Scene* scene, RTCRayHit* _rayN, size_t N, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterAOS<VSIZEL, true>(scene, _rayN, N, stride, context);
+ else
+ filterAOS<VSIZEX, true>(scene, _rayN, N, stride, context);
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::occludedAOS(Scene* scene, RTCRay* _rayN, size_t N, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterAOS<VSIZEL, false>(scene, _rayN, N, stride, context);
+ else
+ filterAOS<VSIZEX, false>(scene, _rayN, N, stride, context);
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::intersectAOP(Scene* scene, RTCRayHit** _rayN, size_t N, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterAOP<VSIZEL, true>(scene, (void**)_rayN, N, context);
+ else
+ filterAOP<VSIZEX, true>(scene, (void**)_rayN, N, context);
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::occludedAOP(Scene* scene, RTCRay** _rayN, size_t N, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterAOP<VSIZEL, false>(scene, (void**)_rayN, N, context);
+ else
+ filterAOP<VSIZEX, false>(scene, (void**)_rayN, N, context);
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::intersectSOA(Scene* scene, char* rayData, size_t N, size_t numPackets, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterSOA<VSIZEL, true>(scene, rayData, N, numPackets, stride, context);
+ else
+ filterSOA<VSIZEX, true>(scene, rayData, N, numPackets, stride, context);
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::occludedSOA(Scene* scene, char* rayData, size_t N, size_t numPackets, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterSOA<VSIZEL, false>(scene, rayData, N, numPackets, stride, context);
+ else
+ filterSOA<VSIZEX, false>(scene, rayData, N, numPackets, stride, context);
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::intersectSOP(Scene* scene, const RTCRayHitNp* _rayN, size_t N, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterSOP<VSIZEL, true>(scene, _rayN, N, context);
+ else
+ filterSOP<VSIZEX, true>(scene, _rayN, N, context);
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::occludedSOP(Scene* scene, const RTCRayNp* _rayN, size_t N, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterSOP<VSIZEL, false>(scene, _rayN, N, context);
+ else
+ filterSOP<VSIZEX, false>(scene, _rayN, N, context);
+ }
+ RayStreamFilterFuncs rayStreamFilterFuncs() {
+ return RayStreamFilterFuncs(RayStreamFilter::intersectAOS, RayStreamFilter::intersectAOP, RayStreamFilter::intersectSOA, RayStreamFilter::intersectSOP,
+ RayStreamFilter::occludedAOS, RayStreamFilter::occludedAOP, RayStreamFilter::occludedSOA, RayStreamFilter::occludedSOP);
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_filters.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_filters.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e7df7c2ae2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_filters.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/default.h"
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "../common/scene.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ class RayStreamFilter
+ {
+ public:
+ static void intersectAOS(Scene* scene, RTCRayHit* rays, size_t N, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void intersectAOP(Scene* scene, RTCRayHit** rays, size_t N, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void intersectSOA(Scene* scene, char* rays, size_t N, size_t numPackets, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void intersectSOP(Scene* scene, const RTCRayHitNp* rays, size_t N, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void occludedAOS(Scene* scene, RTCRay* rays, size_t N, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void occludedAOP(Scene* scene, RTCRay** rays, size_t N, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void occludedSOA(Scene* scene, char* rays, size_t N, size_t numPackets, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void occludedSOP(Scene* scene, const RTCRayNp* rays, size_t N, IntersectContext* context);
+ private:
+ template<int K, bool intersect>
+ static void filterAOS(Scene* scene, void* rays, size_t N, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context);
+ template<int K, bool intersect>
+ static void filterAOP(Scene* scene, void** rays, size_t N, IntersectContext* context);
+ template<int K, bool intersect>
+ static void filterSOA(Scene* scene, char* rays, size_t N, size_t numPackets, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context);
+ template<int K, bool intersect>
+ static void filterSOP(Scene* scene, const void* rays, size_t N, IntersectContext* context);
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_aabb.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_aabb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..57530692bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_aabb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh_node_base.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! BVHN AABBNode */
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N>
+ struct AABBNode_t : public BaseNode_t<NodeRef, N>
+ {
+ using BaseNode_t<NodeRef,N>::children;
+ struct Create
+ {
+ __forceinline NodeRef operator() (const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc, size_t numChildren = 0) const
+ {
+ AABBNode_t* node = (AABBNode_t*) alloc.malloc0(sizeof(AABBNode_t),NodeRef::byteNodeAlignment); node->clear();
+ return NodeRef::encodeNode(node);
+ }
+ };
+ struct Set
+ {
+ __forceinline void operator() (NodeRef node, size_t i, NodeRef child, const BBox3fa& bounds) const {
+ node.getAABBNode()->setRef(i,child);
+ node.getAABBNode()->setBounds(i,bounds);
+ }
+ };
+ struct Create2
+ {
+ template<typename BuildRecord>
+ __forceinline NodeRef operator() (BuildRecord* children, const size_t num, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) const
+ {
+ AABBNode_t* node = (AABBNode_t*) alloc.malloc0(sizeof(AABBNode_t), NodeRef::byteNodeAlignment); node->clear();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) node->setBounds(i,children[i].bounds());
+ return NodeRef::encodeNode(node);
+ }
+ };
+ struct Set2
+ {
+ template<typename BuildRecord>
+ __forceinline NodeRef operator() (const BuildRecord& precord, const BuildRecord* crecords, NodeRef ref, NodeRef* children, const size_t num) const
+ {
+ AABBNode_t* node = ref.getAABBNode();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) node->setRef(i,children[i]);
+ return ref;
+ }
+ };
+ struct Set3
+ {
+ Set3 (FastAllocator* allocator, PrimRef* prims)
+ : allocator(allocator), prims(prims) {}
+ template<typename BuildRecord>
+ __forceinline NodeRef operator() (const BuildRecord& precord, const BuildRecord* crecords, NodeRef ref, NodeRef* children, const size_t num) const
+ {
+ AABBNode_t* node = ref.getAABBNode();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) node->setRef(i,children[i]);
+ if (unlikely(precord.alloc_barrier))
+ {
+ PrimRef* begin = &prims[precord.prims.begin()];
+ PrimRef* end = &prims[precord.prims.end()]; // FIXME: extended end for spatial split builder!!!!!
+ size_t bytes = (size_t)end - (size_t)begin;
+ allocator->addBlock(begin,bytes);
+ }
+ return ref;
+ }
+ FastAllocator* const allocator;
+ PrimRef* const prims;
+ };
+ /*! Clears the node. */
+ __forceinline void clear() {
+ lower_x = lower_y = lower_z = pos_inf;
+ upper_x = upper_y = upper_z = neg_inf;
+ BaseNode_t<NodeRef,N>::clear();
+ }
+ /*! Sets bounding box and ID of child. */
+ __forceinline void setRef(size_t i, const NodeRef& ref) {
+ assert(i < N);
+ children[i] = ref;
+ }
+ /*! Sets bounding box of child. */
+ __forceinline void setBounds(size_t i, const BBox3fa& bounds)
+ {
+ assert(i < N);
+ lower_x[i] = bounds.lower.x; lower_y[i] = bounds.lower.y; lower_z[i] = bounds.lower.z;
+ upper_x[i] = bounds.upper.x; upper_y[i] = bounds.upper.y; upper_z[i] = bounds.upper.z;
+ }
+ /*! Sets bounding box and ID of child. */
+ __forceinline void set(size_t i, const NodeRef& ref, const BBox3fa& bounds) {
+ setBounds(i,bounds);
+ children[i] = ref;
+ }
+ /*! Returns bounds of node. */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds() const {
+ const Vec3fa lower(reduce_min(lower_x),reduce_min(lower_y),reduce_min(lower_z));
+ const Vec3fa upper(reduce_max(upper_x),reduce_max(upper_y),reduce_max(upper_z));
+ return BBox3fa(lower,upper);
+ }
+ /*! Returns bounds of specified child. */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i) const
+ {
+ assert(i < N);
+ const Vec3fa lower(lower_x[i],lower_y[i],lower_z[i]);
+ const Vec3fa upper(upper_x[i],upper_y[i],upper_z[i]);
+ return BBox3fa(lower,upper);
+ }
+ /*! Returns extent of bounds of specified child. */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa extend(size_t i) const {
+ return bounds(i).size();
+ }
+ /*! Returns bounds of all children (implemented later as specializations) */
+ __forceinline void bounds(BBox<vfloat4>& bounds0, BBox<vfloat4>& bounds1, BBox<vfloat4>& bounds2, BBox<vfloat4>& bounds3) const;
+ /*! swap two children of the node */
+ __forceinline void swap(size_t i, size_t j)
+ {
+ assert(i<N && j<N);
+ std::swap(children[i],children[j]);
+ std::swap(lower_x[i],lower_x[j]);
+ std::swap(lower_y[i],lower_y[j]);
+ std::swap(lower_z[i],lower_z[j]);
+ std::swap(upper_x[i],upper_x[j]);
+ std::swap(upper_y[i],upper_y[j]);
+ std::swap(upper_z[i],upper_z[j]);
+ }
+ /*! swap the children of two nodes */
+ __forceinline static void swap(AABBNode_t* a, size_t i, AABBNode_t* b, size_t j)
+ {
+ assert(i<N && j<N);
+ std::swap(a->children[i],b->children[j]);
+ std::swap(a->lower_x[i],b->lower_x[j]);
+ std::swap(a->lower_y[i],b->lower_y[j]);
+ std::swap(a->lower_z[i],b->lower_z[j]);
+ std::swap(a->upper_x[i],b->upper_x[j]);
+ std::swap(a->upper_y[i],b->upper_y[j]);
+ std::swap(a->upper_z[i],b->upper_z[j]);
+ }
+ /*! compacts a node (moves empty children to the end) */
+ __forceinline static void compact(AABBNode_t* a)
+ {
+ /* find right most filled node */
+ ssize_t j=N;
+ for (j=j-1; j>=0; j--)
+ if (a->child(j) != NodeRef::emptyNode)
+ break;
+ /* replace empty nodes with filled nodes */
+ for (ssize_t i=0; i<j; i++) {
+ if (a->child(i) == NodeRef::emptyNode) {
+ a->swap(i,j);
+ for (j=j-1; j>i; j--)
+ if (a->child(j) != NodeRef::emptyNode)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Returns reference to specified child */
+ __forceinline NodeRef& child(size_t i) { assert(i<N); return children[i]; }
+ __forceinline const NodeRef& child(size_t i) const { assert(i<N); return children[i]; }
+ /*! output operator */
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream o, const AABBNode_t& n)
+ {
+ o << "AABBNode { " << embree_endl;
+ o << " lower_x " << n.lower_x << embree_endl;
+ o << " upper_x " << n.upper_x << embree_endl;
+ o << " lower_y " << n.lower_y << embree_endl;
+ o << " upper_y " << n.upper_y << embree_endl;
+ o << " lower_z " << n.lower_z << embree_endl;
+ o << " upper_z " << n.upper_z << embree_endl;
+ o << " children = ";
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) o << n.children[i] << " ";
+ o << embree_endl;
+ o << "}" << embree_endl;
+ return o;
+ }
+ public:
+ vfloat<N> lower_x; //!< X dimension of lower bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> upper_x; //!< X dimension of upper bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> lower_y; //!< Y dimension of lower bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> upper_y; //!< Y dimension of upper bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> lower_z; //!< Z dimension of lower bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> upper_z; //!< Z dimension of upper bounds of all N children.
+ };
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void AABBNode_t<NodeRefPtr<4>,4>::bounds(BBox<vfloat4>& bounds0, BBox<vfloat4>& bounds1, BBox<vfloat4>& bounds2, BBox<vfloat4>& bounds3) const {
+ transpose(lower_x,lower_y,lower_z,vfloat4(zero),bounds0.lower,bounds1.lower,bounds2.lower,bounds3.lower);
+ transpose(upper_x,upper_y,upper_z,vfloat4(zero),bounds0.upper,bounds1.upper,bounds2.upper,bounds3.upper);
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_aabb_mb.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_aabb_mb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4cea7d8ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_aabb_mb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh_node_base.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! Motion Blur AABBNode */
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N>
+ struct AABBNodeMB_t : public BaseNode_t<NodeRef, N>
+ {
+ using BaseNode_t<NodeRef,N>::children;
+ typedef BVHNodeRecord<NodeRef> NodeRecord;
+ typedef BVHNodeRecordMB<NodeRef> NodeRecordMB;
+ typedef BVHNodeRecordMB4D<NodeRef> NodeRecordMB4D;
+ struct Create
+ {
+ template<typename BuildRecord>
+ __forceinline NodeRef operator() (BuildRecord* children, const size_t num, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) const
+ {
+ AABBNodeMB_t* node = (AABBNodeMB_t*) alloc.malloc0(sizeof(AABBNodeMB_t),NodeRef::byteNodeAlignment); node->clear();
+ return NodeRef::encodeNode(node);
+ }
+ };
+ struct Set
+ {
+ template<typename BuildRecord>
+ __forceinline NodeRecordMB operator() (const BuildRecord& precord, const BuildRecord* crecords, NodeRef ref, NodeRecordMB* children, const size_t num) const
+ {
+ AABBNodeMB_t* node = ref.getAABBNodeMB();
+ LBBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ node->setRef(i,children[i].ref);
+ node->setBounds(i,children[i].lbounds);
+ bounds.extend(children[i].lbounds);
+ }
+ return NodeRecordMB(ref,bounds);
+ }
+ };
+ struct SetTimeRange
+ {
+ __forceinline SetTimeRange(BBox1f tbounds) : tbounds(tbounds) {}
+ template<typename BuildRecord>
+ __forceinline NodeRecordMB operator() (const BuildRecord& precord, const BuildRecord* crecords, NodeRef ref, NodeRecordMB* children, const size_t num) const
+ {
+ AABBNodeMB_t* node = ref.getAABBNodeMB();
+ LBBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ node->setRef(i, children[i].ref);
+ node->setBounds(i, children[i].lbounds, tbounds);
+ bounds.extend(children[i].lbounds);
+ }
+ return NodeRecordMB(ref,bounds);
+ }
+ BBox1f tbounds;
+ };
+ /*! Clears the node. */
+ __forceinline void clear() {
+ lower_x = lower_y = lower_z = vfloat<N>(pos_inf);
+ upper_x = upper_y = upper_z = vfloat<N>(neg_inf);
+ lower_dx = lower_dy = lower_dz = vfloat<N>(0.0f);
+ upper_dx = upper_dy = upper_dz = vfloat<N>(0.0f);
+ BaseNode_t<NodeRef,N>::clear();
+ }
+ /*! Sets ID of child. */
+ __forceinline void setRef(size_t i, NodeRef ref) {
+ children[i] = ref;
+ }
+ /*! Sets bounding box of child. */
+ __forceinline void setBounds(size_t i, const BBox3fa& bounds0_i, const BBox3fa& bounds1_i)
+ {
+ /*! for empty bounds we have to avoid inf-inf=nan */
+ BBox3fa bounds0(min(bounds0_i.lower,Vec3fa(+FLT_MAX)),max(bounds0_i.upper,Vec3fa(-FLT_MAX)));
+ BBox3fa bounds1(min(bounds1_i.lower,Vec3fa(+FLT_MAX)),max(bounds1_i.upper,Vec3fa(-FLT_MAX)));
+ bounds0 = bounds0.enlarge_by(4.0f*float(ulp));
+ bounds1 = bounds1.enlarge_by(4.0f*float(ulp));
+ Vec3fa dlower = bounds1.lower-bounds0.lower;
+ Vec3fa dupper = bounds1.upper-bounds0.upper;
+ lower_x[i] = bounds0.lower.x; lower_y[i] = bounds0.lower.y; lower_z[i] = bounds0.lower.z;
+ upper_x[i] = bounds0.upper.x; upper_y[i] = bounds0.upper.y; upper_z[i] = bounds0.upper.z;
+ lower_dx[i] = dlower.x; lower_dy[i] = dlower.y; lower_dz[i] = dlower.z;
+ upper_dx[i] = dupper.x; upper_dy[i] = dupper.y; upper_dz[i] = dupper.z;
+ }
+ /*! Sets bounding box of child. */
+ __forceinline void setBounds(size_t i, const LBBox3fa& bounds) {
+ setBounds(i, bounds.bounds0, bounds.bounds1);
+ }
+ /*! Sets bounding box of child. */
+ __forceinline void setBounds(size_t i, const LBBox3fa& bounds, const BBox1f& tbounds) {
+ setBounds(i,;
+ }
+ /*! Sets bounding box and ID of child. */
+ __forceinline void set(size_t i, NodeRef ref, const BBox3fa& bounds) {
+ lower_x[i] = bounds.lower.x; lower_y[i] = bounds.lower.y; lower_z[i] = bounds.lower.z;
+ upper_x[i] = bounds.upper.x; upper_y[i] = bounds.upper.y; upper_z[i] = bounds.upper.z;
+ children[i] = ref;
+ }
+ /*! Sets bounding box and ID of child. */
+ __forceinline void set(size_t i, const NodeRecordMB4D& child)
+ {
+ setRef(i, child.ref);
+ setBounds(i, child.lbounds, child.dt);
+ }
+ /*! Return bounding box for time 0 */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds0(size_t i) const {
+ return BBox3fa(Vec3fa(lower_x[i],lower_y[i],lower_z[i]),
+ Vec3fa(upper_x[i],upper_y[i],upper_z[i]));
+ }
+ /*! Return bounding box for time 1 */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds1(size_t i) const {
+ return BBox3fa(Vec3fa(lower_x[i]+lower_dx[i],lower_y[i]+lower_dy[i],lower_z[i]+lower_dz[i]),
+ Vec3fa(upper_x[i]+upper_dx[i],upper_y[i]+upper_dy[i],upper_z[i]+upper_dz[i]));
+ }
+ /*! Returns bounds of node. */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds() const {
+ return BBox3fa(Vec3fa(reduce_min(min(lower_x,lower_x+lower_dx)),
+ reduce_min(min(lower_y,lower_y+lower_dy)),
+ reduce_min(min(lower_z,lower_z+lower_dz))),
+ Vec3fa(reduce_max(max(upper_x,upper_x+upper_dx)),
+ reduce_max(max(upper_y,upper_y+upper_dy)),
+ reduce_max(max(upper_z,upper_z+upper_dz))));
+ }
+ /*! Return bounding box of child i */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i) const {
+ return merge(bounds0(i),bounds1(i));
+ }
+ /*! Return linear bounding box of child i */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa lbounds(size_t i) const {
+ return LBBox3fa(bounds0(i),bounds1(i));
+ }
+ /*! Return bounding box of child i at specified time */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i, float time) const {
+ return lerp(bounds0(i),bounds1(i),time);
+ }
+ /*! Returns the expected surface area when randomly sampling the time. */
+ __forceinline float expectedHalfArea(size_t i) const {
+ return lbounds(i).expectedHalfArea();
+ }
+ /*! Returns the expected surface area when randomly sampling the time. */
+ __forceinline float expectedHalfArea(size_t i, const BBox1f& t0t1) const {
+ return lbounds(i).expectedHalfArea(t0t1);
+ }
+ /*! swap two children of the node */
+ __forceinline void swap(size_t i, size_t j)
+ {
+ assert(i<N && j<N);
+ std::swap(children[i],children[j]);
+ std::swap(lower_x[i],lower_x[j]);
+ std::swap(upper_x[i],upper_x[j]);
+ std::swap(lower_y[i],lower_y[j]);
+ std::swap(upper_y[i],upper_y[j]);
+ std::swap(lower_z[i],lower_z[j]);
+ std::swap(upper_z[i],upper_z[j]);
+ std::swap(lower_dx[i],lower_dx[j]);
+ std::swap(upper_dx[i],upper_dx[j]);
+ std::swap(lower_dy[i],lower_dy[j]);
+ std::swap(upper_dy[i],upper_dy[j]);
+ std::swap(lower_dz[i],lower_dz[j]);
+ std::swap(upper_dz[i],upper_dz[j]);
+ }
+ /*! compacts a node (moves empty children to the end) */
+ __forceinline static void compact(AABBNodeMB_t* a)
+ {
+ /* find right most filled node */
+ ssize_t j=N;
+ for (j=j-1; j>=0; j--)
+ if (a->child(j) != NodeRef::emptyNode)
+ break;
+ /* replace empty nodes with filled nodes */
+ for (ssize_t i=0; i<j; i++) {
+ if (a->child(i) == NodeRef::emptyNode) {
+ a->swap(i,j);
+ for (j=j-1; j>i; j--)
+ if (a->child(j) != NodeRef::emptyNode)
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Returns reference to specified child */
+ __forceinline NodeRef& child(size_t i) { assert(i<N); return children[i]; }
+ __forceinline const NodeRef& child(size_t i) const { assert(i<N); return children[i]; }
+ /*! stream output operator */
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const AABBNodeMB_t& n)
+ {
+ cout << "AABBNodeMB {" << embree_endl;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
+ {
+ const BBox3fa b0 = n.bounds0(i);
+ const BBox3fa b1 = n.bounds1(i);
+ cout << " child" << i << " { " << embree_endl;
+ cout << " bounds0 = " << b0 << ", " << embree_endl;
+ cout << " bounds1 = " << b1 << ", " << embree_endl;
+ cout << " }";
+ }
+ cout << "}";
+ return cout;
+ }
+ public:
+ vfloat<N> lower_x; //!< X dimension of lower bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> upper_x; //!< X dimension of upper bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> lower_y; //!< Y dimension of lower bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> upper_y; //!< Y dimension of upper bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> lower_z; //!< Z dimension of lower bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> upper_z; //!< Z dimension of upper bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> lower_dx; //!< X dimension of lower bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> upper_dx; //!< X dimension of upper bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> lower_dy; //!< Y dimension of lower bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> upper_dy; //!< Y dimension of upper bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> lower_dz; //!< Z dimension of lower bounds of all N children.
+ vfloat<N> upper_dz; //!< Z dimension of upper bounds of all N children.
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_aabb_mb4d.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_aabb_mb4d.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46a81d7581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_aabb_mb4d.h
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh_node_aabb_mb.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! Aligned 4D Motion Blur Node */
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N>
+ struct AABBNodeMB4D_t : public AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRef, N>
+ {
+ using BaseNode_t<NodeRef,N>::children;
+ using AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRef,N>::set;
+ typedef BVHNodeRecord<NodeRef> NodeRecord;
+ typedef BVHNodeRecordMB<NodeRef> NodeRecordMB;
+ typedef BVHNodeRecordMB4D<NodeRef> NodeRecordMB4D;
+ struct Create
+ {
+ template<typename BuildRecord>
+ __forceinline NodeRef operator() (BuildRecord*, const size_t, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc, bool hasTimeSplits = true) const
+ {
+ if (hasTimeSplits)
+ {
+ AABBNodeMB4D_t* node = (AABBNodeMB4D_t*) alloc.malloc0(sizeof(AABBNodeMB4D_t),NodeRef::byteNodeAlignment); node->clear();
+ return NodeRef::encodeNode(node);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRef,N>* node = (AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRef,N>*) alloc.malloc0(sizeof(AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRef,N>),NodeRef::byteNodeAlignment); node->clear();
+ return NodeRef::encodeNode(node);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ struct Set
+ {
+ template<typename BuildRecord>
+ __forceinline void operator() (const BuildRecord&, const BuildRecord*, NodeRef ref, NodeRecordMB4D* children, const size_t num) const
+ {
+ if (likely(ref.isAABBNodeMB())) {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++)
+ ref.getAABBNodeMB()->set(i, children[i]);
+ } else {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++)
+ ref.getAABBNodeMB4D()->set(i, children[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Clears the node. */
+ __forceinline void clear() {
+ lower_t = vfloat<N>(pos_inf);
+ upper_t = vfloat<N>(neg_inf);
+ AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRef,N>::clear();
+ }
+ /*! Sets bounding box of child. */
+ __forceinline void setBounds(size_t i, const LBBox3fa& bounds, const BBox1f& tbounds)
+ {
+ AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRef,N>::setBounds(i,;
+ lower_t[i] = tbounds.lower;
+ upper_t[i] = tbounds.upper == 1.0f ? 1.0f+float(ulp) : tbounds.upper;
+ }
+ /*! Sets bounding box and ID of child. */
+ __forceinline void set(size_t i, const NodeRecordMB4D& child) {
+ AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRef,N>::setRef(i,child.ref);
+ setBounds(i, child.lbounds, child.dt);
+ }
+ /*! Returns the expected surface area when randomly sampling the time. */
+ __forceinline float expectedHalfArea(size_t i) const {
+ return AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRef,N>::lbounds(i).expectedHalfArea(timeRange(i));
+ }
+ /*! returns time range for specified child */
+ __forceinline BBox1f timeRange(size_t i) const {
+ return BBox1f(lower_t[i],upper_t[i]);
+ }
+ /*! stream output operator */
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const AABBNodeMB4D_t& n)
+ {
+ cout << "AABBNodeMB4D {" << embree_endl;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
+ {
+ const BBox3fa b0 = n.bounds0(i);
+ const BBox3fa b1 = n.bounds1(i);
+ cout << " child" << i << " { " << embree_endl;
+ cout << " bounds0 = " << lerp(b0,b1,n.lower_t[i]) << ", " << embree_endl;
+ cout << " bounds1 = " << lerp(b0,b1,n.upper_t[i]) << ", " << embree_endl;
+ cout << " time_bounds = " << n.lower_t[i] << ", " << n.upper_t[i] << embree_endl;
+ cout << " }";
+ }
+ cout << "}";
+ return cout;
+ }
+ public:
+ vfloat<N> lower_t; //!< time dimension of lower bounds of all N children
+ vfloat<N> upper_t; //!< time dimension of upper bounds of all N children
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_base.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_base.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5570a7b9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh_node_ref.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! BVHN Base Node */
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N>
+ struct BaseNode_t
+ {
+ /*! Clears the node. */
+ __forceinline void clear()
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
+ children[i] = NodeRef::emptyNode;
+ }
+ /*! Returns reference to specified child */
+ __forceinline NodeRef& child(size_t i) { assert(i<N); return children[i]; }
+ __forceinline const NodeRef& child(size_t i) const { assert(i<N); return children[i]; }
+ /*! verifies the node */
+ __forceinline bool verify() const
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ if (child(i) == NodeRef::emptyNode) {
+ for (; i<N; i++) {
+ if (child(i) != NodeRef::emptyNode)
+ return false;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ NodeRef children[N]; //!< Pointer to the N children (can be a node or leaf)
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_obb.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_obb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6b500691e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_obb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh_node_base.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! Node with unaligned bounds */
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N>
+ struct OBBNode_t : public BaseNode_t<NodeRef, N>
+ {
+ using BaseNode_t<NodeRef,N>::children;
+ struct Create
+ {
+ __forceinline NodeRef operator() (const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) const
+ {
+ OBBNode_t* node = (OBBNode_t*) alloc.malloc0(sizeof(OBBNode_t),NodeRef::byteNodeAlignment); node->clear();
+ return NodeRef::encodeNode(node);
+ }
+ };
+ struct Set
+ {
+ __forceinline void operator() (NodeRef node, size_t i, NodeRef child, const OBBox3fa& bounds) const {
+ node.ungetAABBNode()->setRef(i,child);
+ node.ungetAABBNode()->setBounds(i,bounds);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Clears the node. */
+ __forceinline void clear()
+ {
+ naabb.l.vx = Vec3fa(nan);
+ naabb.l.vy = Vec3fa(nan);
+ naabb.l.vz = Vec3fa(nan);
+ naabb.p = Vec3fa(nan);
+ BaseNode_t<NodeRef,N>::clear();
+ }
+ /*! Sets bounding box. */
+ __forceinline void setBounds(size_t i, const OBBox3fa& b)
+ {
+ assert(i < N);
+ AffineSpace3fa space =;
+ space.p -= b.bounds.lower;
+ space = AffineSpace3fa::scale(1.0f/max(Vec3fa(1E-19f),b.bounds.upper-b.bounds.lower))*space;
+ naabb.l.vx.x[i] = space.l.vx.x;
+ naabb.l.vx.y[i] = space.l.vx.y;
+ naabb.l.vx.z[i] = space.l.vx.z;
+ naabb.l.vy.x[i] = space.l.vy.x;
+ naabb.l.vy.y[i] = space.l.vy.y;
+ naabb.l.vy.z[i] = space.l.vy.z;
+ naabb.l.vz.x[i] = space.l.vz.x;
+ naabb.l.vz.y[i] = space.l.vz.y;
+ naabb.l.vz.z[i] = space.l.vz.z;
+ naabb.p.x[i] = space.p.x;
+ naabb.p.y[i] = space.p.y;
+ naabb.p.z[i] = space.p.z;
+ }
+ /*! Sets ID of child. */
+ __forceinline void setRef(size_t i, const NodeRef& ref) {
+ assert(i < N);
+ children[i] = ref;
+ }
+ /*! Returns the extent of the bounds of the ith child */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa extent(size_t i) const {
+ assert(i<N);
+ const Vec3fa vx(naabb.l.vx.x[i],naabb.l.vx.y[i],naabb.l.vx.z[i]);
+ const Vec3fa vy(naabb.l.vy.x[i],naabb.l.vy.y[i],naabb.l.vy.z[i]);
+ const Vec3fa vz(naabb.l.vz.x[i],naabb.l.vz.y[i],naabb.l.vz.z[i]);
+ return rsqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz);
+ }
+ /*! Returns reference to specified child */
+ __forceinline NodeRef& child(size_t i) { assert(i<N); return children[i]; }
+ __forceinline const NodeRef& child(size_t i) const { assert(i<N); return children[i]; }
+ /*! output operator */
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream o, const OBBNode_t& n)
+ {
+ o << "UnAABBNode { " << n.naabb << " } " << embree_endl;
+ return o;
+ }
+ public:
+ AffineSpace3vf<N> naabb; //!< non-axis aligned bounding boxes (bounds are [0,1] in specified space)
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_obb_mb.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_obb_mb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c06b1aea5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_obb_mb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh_node_base.h"
+namespace embree
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N>
+ struct OBBNodeMB_t : public BaseNode_t<NodeRef, N>
+ {
+ using BaseNode_t<NodeRef,N>::children;
+ struct Create
+ {
+ __forceinline NodeRef operator() (const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) const
+ {
+ OBBNodeMB_t* node = (OBBNodeMB_t*) alloc.malloc0(sizeof(OBBNodeMB_t),NodeRef::byteNodeAlignment); node->clear();
+ return NodeRef::encodeNode(node);
+ }
+ };
+ struct Set
+ {
+ __forceinline void operator() (NodeRef node, size_t i, NodeRef child, const LinearSpace3fa& space, const LBBox3fa& lbounds, const BBox1f dt) const {
+ node.ungetAABBNodeMB()->setRef(i,child);
+ node.ungetAABBNodeMB()->setBounds(i,space,;
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Clears the node. */
+ __forceinline void clear()
+ {
+ space0 = one;
+ //b0.lower = b0.upper = Vec3fa(nan);
+ b1.lower = b1.upper = Vec3fa(nan);
+ BaseNode_t<NodeRef,N>::clear();
+ }
+ /*! Sets space and bounding boxes. */
+ __forceinline void setBounds(size_t i, const AffineSpace3fa& space, const LBBox3fa& lbounds) {
+ setBounds(i,space,lbounds.bounds0,lbounds.bounds1);
+ }
+ /*! Sets space and bounding boxes. */
+ __forceinline void setBounds(size_t i, const AffineSpace3fa& s0, const BBox3fa& a, const BBox3fa& c)
+ {
+ assert(i < N);
+ AffineSpace3fa space = s0;
+ space.p -= a.lower;
+ Vec3fa scale = 1.0f/max(Vec3fa(1E-19f),a.upper-a.lower);
+ space = AffineSpace3fa::scale(scale)*space;
+ BBox3fa a1((a.lower-a.lower)*scale,(a.upper-a.lower)*scale);
+ BBox3fa c1((c.lower-a.lower)*scale,(c.upper-a.lower)*scale);
+ space0.l.vx.x[i] = space.l.vx.x; space0.l.vx.y[i] = space.l.vx.y; space0.l.vx.z[i] = space.l.vx.z;
+ space0.l.vy.x[i] = space.l.vy.x; space0.l.vy.y[i] = space.l.vy.y; space0.l.vy.z[i] = space.l.vy.z;
+ space0.l.vz.x[i] = space.l.vz.x; space0.l.vz.y[i] = space.l.vz.y; space0.l.vz.z[i] = space.l.vz.z;
+ space0.p .x[i] = space.p .x; space0.p .y[i] = space.p .y; space0.p .z[i] = space.p .z;
+ /*b0.lower.x[i] = a1.lower.x; b0.lower.y[i] = a1.lower.y; b0.lower.z[i] = a1.lower.z;
+ b0.upper.x[i] = a1.upper.x; b0.upper.y[i] = a1.upper.y; b0.upper.z[i] = a1.upper.z;*/
+ b1.lower.x[i] = c1.lower.x; b1.lower.y[i] = c1.lower.y; b1.lower.z[i] = c1.lower.z;
+ b1.upper.x[i] = c1.upper.x; b1.upper.y[i] = c1.upper.y; b1.upper.z[i] = c1.upper.z;
+ }
+ /*! Sets ID of child. */
+ __forceinline void setRef(size_t i, const NodeRef& ref) {
+ assert(i < N);
+ children[i] = ref;
+ }
+ /*! Returns the extent of the bounds of the ith child */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa extent0(size_t i) const {
+ assert(i < N);
+ const Vec3fa vx(space0.l.vx.x[i],space0.l.vx.y[i],space0.l.vx.z[i]);
+ const Vec3fa vy(space0.l.vy.x[i],space0.l.vy.y[i],space0.l.vy.z[i]);
+ const Vec3fa vz(space0.l.vz.x[i],space0.l.vz.y[i],space0.l.vz.z[i]);
+ return rsqrt(vx*vx + vy*vy + vz*vz);
+ }
+ public:
+ AffineSpace3vf<N> space0;
+ //BBox3vf<N> b0; // these are the unit bounds
+ BBox3vf<N> b1;
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_qaabb.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_qaabb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2afc8c98e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_qaabb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh_node_base.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! BVHN Quantized Node */
+ template<int N>
+ struct __aligned(8) QuantizedBaseNode_t
+ {
+ typedef unsigned char T;
+ static const T MIN_QUAN = 0;
+ static const T MAX_QUAN = 255;
+ /*! Clears the node. */
+ __forceinline void clear() {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) lower_x[i] = lower_y[i] = lower_z[i] = MAX_QUAN;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) upper_x[i] = upper_y[i] = upper_z[i] = MIN_QUAN;
+ }
+ /*! Returns bounds of specified child. */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i) const
+ {
+ assert(i < N);
+ const Vec3fa lower(madd(scale.x,(float)lower_x[i],start.x),
+ madd(scale.y,(float)lower_y[i],start.y),
+ madd(scale.z,(float)lower_z[i],start.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper(madd(scale.x,(float)upper_x[i],start.x),
+ madd(scale.y,(float)upper_y[i],start.y),
+ madd(scale.z,(float)upper_z[i],start.z));
+ return BBox3fa(lower,upper);
+ }
+ /*! Returns extent of bounds of specified child. */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa extent(size_t i) const {
+ return bounds(i).size();
+ }
+ static __forceinline void init_dim(const vfloat<N> &lower,
+ const vfloat<N> &upper,
+ T lower_quant[N],
+ T upper_quant[N],
+ float &start,
+ float &scale)
+ {
+ /* quantize bounds */
+ const vbool<N> m_valid = lower != vfloat<N>(pos_inf);
+ const float minF = reduce_min(lower);
+ const float maxF = reduce_max(upper);
+ float diff = (1.0f+2.0f*float(ulp))*(maxF - minF);
+ float decode_scale = diff / float(MAX_QUAN);
+ if (decode_scale == 0.0f) decode_scale = 2.0f*FLT_MIN; // result may have been flushed to zero
+ assert(madd(decode_scale,float(MAX_QUAN),minF) >= maxF);
+ const float encode_scale = diff > 0 ? (float(MAX_QUAN) / diff) : 0.0f;
+ vint<N> ilower = max(vint<N>(floor((lower - vfloat<N>(minF))*vfloat<N>(encode_scale))),MIN_QUAN);
+ vint<N> iupper = min(vint<N>(ceil ((upper - vfloat<N>(minF))*vfloat<N>(encode_scale))),MAX_QUAN);
+ /* lower/upper correction */
+ vbool<N> m_lower_correction = (madd(vfloat<N>(ilower),decode_scale,minF)) > lower;
+ vbool<N> m_upper_correction = (madd(vfloat<N>(iupper),decode_scale,minF)) < upper;
+ ilower = max(select(m_lower_correction,ilower-1,ilower),MIN_QUAN);
+ iupper = min(select(m_upper_correction,iupper+1,iupper),MAX_QUAN);
+ /* disable invalid lanes */
+ ilower = select(m_valid,ilower,MAX_QUAN);
+ iupper = select(m_valid,iupper,MIN_QUAN);
+ /* store as uchar to memory */
+ vint<N>::store(lower_quant,ilower);
+ vint<N>::store(upper_quant,iupper);
+ start = minF;
+ scale = decode_scale;
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ vfloat<N> extract_lower( vint<N>::loadu(lower_quant) );
+ vfloat<N> extract_upper( vint<N>::loadu(upper_quant) );
+ vfloat<N> final_extract_lower = madd(extract_lower,decode_scale,minF);
+ vfloat<N> final_extract_upper = madd(extract_upper,decode_scale,minF);
+ assert( (movemask(final_extract_lower <= lower ) & movemask(m_valid)) == movemask(m_valid));
+ assert( (movemask(final_extract_upper >= upper ) & movemask(m_valid)) == movemask(m_valid));
+ }
+ __forceinline void init_dim(AABBNode_t<NodeRefPtr<N>,N>& node)
+ {
+ init_dim(node.lower_x,node.upper_x,lower_x,upper_x,start.x,scale.x);
+ init_dim(node.lower_y,node.upper_y,lower_y,upper_y,start.y,scale.y);
+ init_dim(node.lower_z,node.upper_z,lower_z,upper_z,start.z,scale.z);
+ }
+ __forceinline vbool<N> validMask() const { return vint<N>::loadu(lower_x) <= vint<N>::loadu(upper_x); }
+#if defined(__AVX512F__) // KNL
+ __forceinline vbool16 validMask16() const { return le(0xff,vint<16>::loadu(lower_x),vint<16>::loadu(upper_x)); }
+ __forceinline vfloat<N> dequantizeLowerX() const { return madd(vfloat<N>(vint<N>::loadu(lower_x)),scale.x,vfloat<N>(start.x)); }
+ __forceinline vfloat<N> dequantizeUpperX() const { return madd(vfloat<N>(vint<N>::loadu(upper_x)),scale.x,vfloat<N>(start.x)); }
+ __forceinline vfloat<N> dequantizeLowerY() const { return madd(vfloat<N>(vint<N>::loadu(lower_y)),scale.y,vfloat<N>(start.y)); }
+ __forceinline vfloat<N> dequantizeUpperY() const { return madd(vfloat<N>(vint<N>::loadu(upper_y)),scale.y,vfloat<N>(start.y)); }
+ __forceinline vfloat<N> dequantizeLowerZ() const { return madd(vfloat<N>(vint<N>::loadu(lower_z)),scale.z,vfloat<N>(start.z)); }
+ __forceinline vfloat<N> dequantizeUpperZ() const { return madd(vfloat<N>(vint<N>::loadu(upper_z)),scale.z,vfloat<N>(start.z)); }
+ template <int M>
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> dequantize(const size_t offset) const { return vfloat<M>(vint<M>::loadu(all_planes+offset)); }
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ __forceinline vfloat16 dequantizeLowerUpperX(const vint16 &p) const { return madd(vfloat16(permute(vint<16>::loadu(lower_x),p)),scale.x,vfloat16(start.x)); }
+ __forceinline vfloat16 dequantizeLowerUpperY(const vint16 &p) const { return madd(vfloat16(permute(vint<16>::loadu(lower_y),p)),scale.y,vfloat16(start.y)); }
+ __forceinline vfloat16 dequantizeLowerUpperZ(const vint16 &p) const { return madd(vfloat16(permute(vint<16>::loadu(lower_z),p)),scale.z,vfloat16(start.z)); }
+ union {
+ struct {
+ T lower_x[N]; //!< 8bit discretized X dimension of lower bounds of all N children
+ T upper_x[N]; //!< 8bit discretized X dimension of upper bounds of all N children
+ T lower_y[N]; //!< 8bit discretized Y dimension of lower bounds of all N children
+ T upper_y[N]; //!< 8bit discretized Y dimension of upper bounds of all N children
+ T lower_z[N]; //!< 8bit discretized Z dimension of lower bounds of all N children
+ T upper_z[N]; //!< 8bit discretized Z dimension of upper bounds of all N children
+ };
+ T all_planes[6*N];
+ };
+ Vec3f start;
+ Vec3f scale;
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream o, const QuantizedBaseNode_t& n)
+ {
+ o << "QuantizedBaseNode { " << embree_endl;
+ o << " start " << n.start << embree_endl;
+ o << " scale " << n.scale << embree_endl;
+ o << " lower_x " << vuint<N>::loadu(n.lower_x) << embree_endl;
+ o << " upper_x " << vuint<N>::loadu(n.upper_x) << embree_endl;
+ o << " lower_y " << vuint<N>::loadu(n.lower_y) << embree_endl;
+ o << " upper_y " << vuint<N>::loadu(n.upper_y) << embree_endl;
+ o << " lower_z " << vuint<N>::loadu(n.lower_z) << embree_endl;
+ o << " upper_z " << vuint<N>::loadu(n.upper_z) << embree_endl;
+ o << "}" << embree_endl;
+ return o;
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N>
+ struct __aligned(8) QuantizedNode_t : public BaseNode_t<NodeRef, N>, QuantizedBaseNode_t<N>
+ {
+ using BaseNode_t<NodeRef,N>::children;
+ using QuantizedBaseNode_t<N>::lower_x;
+ using QuantizedBaseNode_t<N>::upper_x;
+ using QuantizedBaseNode_t<N>::lower_y;
+ using QuantizedBaseNode_t<N>::upper_y;
+ using QuantizedBaseNode_t<N>::lower_z;
+ using QuantizedBaseNode_t<N>::upper_z;
+ using QuantizedBaseNode_t<N>::start;
+ using QuantizedBaseNode_t<N>::scale;
+ using QuantizedBaseNode_t<N>::init_dim;
+ __forceinline void setRef(size_t i, const NodeRef& ref) {
+ assert(i < N);
+ children[i] = ref;
+ }
+ struct Create2
+ {
+ template<typename BuildRecord>
+ __forceinline NodeRef operator() (BuildRecord* children, const size_t n, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) const
+ {
+ __aligned(64) AABBNode_t<NodeRef,N> node;
+ node.clear();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<n; i++) {
+ node.setBounds(i,children[i].bounds());
+ }
+ QuantizedNode_t *qnode = (QuantizedNode_t*) alloc.malloc0(sizeof(QuantizedNode_t), NodeRef::byteAlignment);
+ qnode->init(node);
+ return (size_t)qnode | NodeRef::tyQuantizedNode;
+ }
+ };
+ struct Set2
+ {
+ template<typename BuildRecord>
+ __forceinline NodeRef operator() (const BuildRecord& precord, const BuildRecord* crecords, NodeRef ref, NodeRef* children, const size_t num) const
+ {
+ QuantizedNode_t* node = ref.quantizedNode();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) node->setRef(i,children[i]);
+ return ref;
+ }
+ };
+ __forceinline void init(AABBNode_t<NodeRef,N>& node)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0;i<N;i++) children[i] = NodeRef::emptyNode;
+ init_dim(node);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! BVHN Quantized Node */
+ template<int N>
+ struct __aligned(8) QuantizedBaseNodeMB_t
+ {
+ QuantizedBaseNode_t<N> node0;
+ QuantizedBaseNode_t<N> node1;
+ /*! Clears the node. */
+ __forceinline void clear() {
+ node0.clear();
+ node1.clear();
+ }
+ /*! Returns bounds of specified child. */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i) const
+ {
+ assert(i < N);
+ BBox3fa bounds0 = node0.bounds(i);
+ BBox3fa bounds1 = node1.bounds(i);
+ bounds0.extend(bounds1);
+ return bounds0;
+ }
+ /*! Returns extent of bounds of specified child. */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa extent(size_t i) const {
+ return bounds(i).size();
+ }
+ __forceinline vbool<N> validMask() const { return node0.validMask(); }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline vfloat<N> dequantizeLowerX(const T t) const { return lerp(node0.dequantizeLowerX(),node1.dequantizeLowerX(),t); }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline vfloat<N> dequantizeUpperX(const T t) const { return lerp(node0.dequantizeUpperX(),node1.dequantizeUpperX(),t); }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline vfloat<N> dequantizeLowerY(const T t) const { return lerp(node0.dequantizeLowerY(),node1.dequantizeLowerY(),t); }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline vfloat<N> dequantizeUpperY(const T t) const { return lerp(node0.dequantizeUpperY(),node1.dequantizeUpperY(),t); }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline vfloat<N> dequantizeLowerZ(const T t) const { return lerp(node0.dequantizeLowerZ(),node1.dequantizeLowerZ(),t); }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline vfloat<N> dequantizeUpperZ(const T t) const { return lerp(node0.dequantizeUpperZ(),node1.dequantizeUpperZ(),t); }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> dequantizeLowerX(const size_t i, const vfloat<M> &t) const { return lerp(vfloat<M>(node0.dequantizeLowerX()[i]),vfloat<M>(node1.dequantizeLowerX()[i]),t); }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> dequantizeUpperX(const size_t i, const vfloat<M> &t) const { return lerp(vfloat<M>(node0.dequantizeUpperX()[i]),vfloat<M>(node1.dequantizeUpperX()[i]),t); }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> dequantizeLowerY(const size_t i, const vfloat<M> &t) const { return lerp(vfloat<M>(node0.dequantizeLowerY()[i]),vfloat<M>(node1.dequantizeLowerY()[i]),t); }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> dequantizeUpperY(const size_t i, const vfloat<M> &t) const { return lerp(vfloat<M>(node0.dequantizeUpperY()[i]),vfloat<M>(node1.dequantizeUpperY()[i]),t); }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> dequantizeLowerZ(const size_t i, const vfloat<M> &t) const { return lerp(vfloat<M>(node0.dequantizeLowerZ()[i]),vfloat<M>(node1.dequantizeLowerZ()[i]),t); }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> dequantizeUpperZ(const size_t i, const vfloat<M> &t) const { return lerp(vfloat<M>(node0.dequantizeUpperZ()[i]),vfloat<M>(node1.dequantizeUpperZ()[i]),t); }
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_ref.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_ref.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6f6da758de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_node_ref.h
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/default.h"
+#include "../common/alloc.h"
+#include "../common/accel.h"
+#include "../common/device.h"
+#include "../common/scene.h"
+#include "../geometry/primitive.h"
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+namespace embree
+ /* BVH node reference with bounds */
+ template<typename NodeRef>
+ struct BVHNodeRecord
+ {
+ __forceinline BVHNodeRecord() {}
+ __forceinline BVHNodeRecord(NodeRef ref, const BBox3fa& bounds) : ref(ref), bounds((BBox3fx)bounds) {}
+ __forceinline BVHNodeRecord(NodeRef ref, const BBox3fx& bounds) : ref(ref), bounds(bounds) {}
+ NodeRef ref;
+ BBox3fx bounds;
+ };
+ template<typename NodeRef>
+ struct BVHNodeRecordMB
+ {
+ __forceinline BVHNodeRecordMB() {}
+ __forceinline BVHNodeRecordMB(NodeRef ref, const LBBox3fa& lbounds) : ref(ref), lbounds(lbounds) {}
+ NodeRef ref;
+ LBBox3fa lbounds;
+ };
+ template<typename NodeRef>
+ struct BVHNodeRecordMB4D
+ {
+ __forceinline BVHNodeRecordMB4D() {}
+ __forceinline BVHNodeRecordMB4D(NodeRef ref, const LBBox3fa& lbounds, const BBox1f& dt) : ref(ref), lbounds(lbounds), dt(dt) {}
+ NodeRef ref;
+ LBBox3fa lbounds;
+ BBox1f dt;
+ };
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N> struct BaseNode_t;
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N> struct AABBNode_t;
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N> struct AABBNodeMB_t;
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N> struct AABBNodeMB4D_t;
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N> struct OBBNode_t;
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N> struct OBBNodeMB_t;
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N> struct QuantizedNode_t;
+ template<typename NodeRef, int N> struct QuantizedNodeMB_t;
+ /*! Pointer that points to a node or a list of primitives */
+ template<int N>
+ struct NodeRefPtr
+ {
+ //template<int NN> friend class BVHN;
+ /*! Number of bytes the nodes and primitives are minimally aligned to.*/
+ static const size_t byteAlignment = 16;
+ static const size_t byteNodeAlignment = 4*N;
+ /*! highest address bit is used as barrier for some algorithms */
+ static const size_t barrier_mask = (1LL << (8*sizeof(size_t)-1));
+ /*! Masks the bits that store the number of items per leaf. */
+ static const size_t align_mask = byteAlignment-1;
+ static const size_t items_mask = byteAlignment-1;
+ /*! different supported node types */
+ static const size_t tyAABBNode = 0;
+ static const size_t tyAABBNodeMB = 1;
+ static const size_t tyAABBNodeMB4D = 6;
+ static const size_t tyOBBNode = 2;
+ static const size_t tyOBBNodeMB = 3;
+ static const size_t tyQuantizedNode = 5;
+ static const size_t tyLeaf = 8;
+ /*! Empty node */
+ static const size_t emptyNode = tyLeaf;
+ /*! Invalid node, used as marker in traversal */
+ static const size_t invalidNode = (((size_t)-1) & (~items_mask)) | (tyLeaf+0);
+ static const size_t popRay = (((size_t)-1) & (~items_mask)) | (tyLeaf+1);
+ /*! Maximum number of primitive blocks in a leaf. */
+ static const size_t maxLeafBlocks = items_mask-tyLeaf;
+ /*! Default constructor */
+ __forceinline NodeRefPtr () {}
+ /*! Construction from integer */
+ __forceinline NodeRefPtr (size_t ptr) : ptr(ptr) {}
+ /*! Cast to size_t */
+ __forceinline operator size_t() const { return ptr; }
+ /*! Sets the barrier bit. */
+ __forceinline void setBarrier() {
+#if defined(__64BIT__)
+ assert(!isBarrier());
+ ptr |= barrier_mask;
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ /*! Clears the barrier bit. */
+ __forceinline void clearBarrier() {
+#if defined(__64BIT__)
+ ptr &= ~barrier_mask;
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ /*! Checks if this is an barrier. A barrier tells the top level tree rotations how deep to enter the tree. */
+ __forceinline bool isBarrier() const { return (ptr & barrier_mask) != 0; }
+ /*! checks if this is a leaf */
+ __forceinline size_t isLeaf() const { return ptr & tyLeaf; }
+ /*! returns node type */
+ __forceinline int type() const { return ptr & (size_t)align_mask; }
+ /*! checks if this is a node */
+ __forceinline int isAABBNode() const { return (ptr & (size_t)align_mask) == tyAABBNode; }
+ /*! checks if this is a motion blur node */
+ __forceinline int isAABBNodeMB() const { return (ptr & (size_t)align_mask) == tyAABBNodeMB; }
+ /*! checks if this is a 4D motion blur node */
+ __forceinline int isAABBNodeMB4D() const { return (ptr & (size_t)align_mask) == tyAABBNodeMB4D; }
+ /*! checks if this is a node with unaligned bounding boxes */
+ __forceinline int isOBBNode() const { return (ptr & (size_t)align_mask) == tyOBBNode; }
+ /*! checks if this is a motion blur node with unaligned bounding boxes */
+ __forceinline int isOBBNodeMB() const { return (ptr & (size_t)align_mask) == tyOBBNodeMB; }
+ /*! checks if this is a quantized node */
+ __forceinline int isQuantizedNode() const { return (ptr & (size_t)align_mask) == tyQuantizedNode; }
+ /*! Encodes a node */
+ static __forceinline NodeRefPtr encodeNode(AABBNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* node) {
+ assert(!((size_t)node & align_mask));
+ return NodeRefPtr((size_t) node);
+ }
+ static __forceinline NodeRefPtr encodeNode(AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* node) {
+ assert(!((size_t)node & align_mask));
+ return NodeRefPtr((size_t) node | tyAABBNodeMB);
+ }
+ static __forceinline NodeRefPtr encodeNode(AABBNodeMB4D_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* node) {
+ assert(!((size_t)node & align_mask));
+ return NodeRefPtr((size_t) node | tyAABBNodeMB4D);
+ }
+ /*! Encodes an unaligned node */
+ static __forceinline NodeRefPtr encodeNode(OBBNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* node) {
+ return NodeRefPtr((size_t) node | tyOBBNode);
+ }
+ /*! Encodes an unaligned motion blur node */
+ static __forceinline NodeRefPtr encodeNode(OBBNodeMB_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* node) {
+ return NodeRefPtr((size_t) node | tyOBBNodeMB);
+ }
+ /*! Encodes a leaf */
+ static __forceinline NodeRefPtr encodeLeaf(void* tri, size_t num) {
+ assert(!((size_t)tri & align_mask));
+ assert(num <= maxLeafBlocks);
+ return NodeRefPtr((size_t)tri | (tyLeaf+min(num,(size_t)maxLeafBlocks)));
+ }
+ /*! Encodes a leaf */
+ static __forceinline NodeRefPtr encodeTypedLeaf(void* ptr, size_t ty) {
+ assert(!((size_t)ptr & align_mask));
+ return NodeRefPtr((size_t)ptr | (tyLeaf+ty));
+ }
+ /*! returns base node pointer */
+ __forceinline BaseNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* baseNode()
+ {
+ assert(!isLeaf());
+ return (BaseNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>*)(ptr & ~(size_t)align_mask);
+ }
+ __forceinline const BaseNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* baseNode() const
+ {
+ assert(!isLeaf());
+ return (const BaseNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>*)(ptr & ~(size_t)align_mask);
+ }
+ /*! returns node pointer */
+ __forceinline AABBNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* getAABBNode() { assert(isAABBNode()); return ( AABBNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>*)ptr; }
+ __forceinline const AABBNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* getAABBNode() const { assert(isAABBNode()); return (const AABBNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>*)ptr; }
+ /*! returns motion blur node pointer */
+ __forceinline AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* getAABBNodeMB() { assert(isAABBNodeMB() || isAABBNodeMB4D()); return ( AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRefPtr,N>*)(ptr & ~(size_t)align_mask); }
+ __forceinline const AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* getAABBNodeMB() const { assert(isAABBNodeMB() || isAABBNodeMB4D()); return (const AABBNodeMB_t<NodeRefPtr,N>*)(ptr & ~(size_t)align_mask); }
+ /*! returns 4D motion blur node pointer */
+ __forceinline AABBNodeMB4D_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* getAABBNodeMB4D() { assert(isAABBNodeMB4D()); return ( AABBNodeMB4D_t<NodeRefPtr,N>*)(ptr & ~(size_t)align_mask); }
+ __forceinline const AABBNodeMB4D_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* getAABBNodeMB4D() const { assert(isAABBNodeMB4D()); return (const AABBNodeMB4D_t<NodeRefPtr,N>*)(ptr & ~(size_t)align_mask); }
+ /*! returns unaligned node pointer */
+ __forceinline OBBNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* ungetAABBNode() { assert(isOBBNode()); return ( OBBNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>*)(ptr & ~(size_t)align_mask); }
+ __forceinline const OBBNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* ungetAABBNode() const { assert(isOBBNode()); return (const OBBNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>*)(ptr & ~(size_t)align_mask); }
+ /*! returns unaligned motion blur node pointer */
+ __forceinline OBBNodeMB_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* ungetAABBNodeMB() { assert(isOBBNodeMB()); return ( OBBNodeMB_t<NodeRefPtr,N>*)(ptr & ~(size_t)align_mask); }
+ __forceinline const OBBNodeMB_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* ungetAABBNodeMB() const { assert(isOBBNodeMB()); return (const OBBNodeMB_t<NodeRefPtr,N>*)(ptr & ~(size_t)align_mask); }
+ /*! returns quantized node pointer */
+ __forceinline QuantizedNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* quantizedNode() { assert(isQuantizedNode()); return ( QuantizedNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>*)(ptr & ~(size_t)align_mask ); }
+ __forceinline const QuantizedNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>* quantizedNode() const { assert(isQuantizedNode()); return (const QuantizedNode_t<NodeRefPtr,N>*)(ptr & ~(size_t)align_mask ); }
+ /*! returns leaf pointer */
+ __forceinline char* leaf(size_t& num) const {
+ assert(isLeaf());
+ num = (ptr & (size_t)items_mask)-tyLeaf;
+ return (char*)(ptr & ~(size_t)align_mask);
+ }
+ /*! clear all bit flags */
+ __forceinline void clearFlags() {
+ ptr &= ~(size_t)align_mask;
+ }
+ /*! returns the wideness */
+ __forceinline size_t getN() const { return N; }
+ public:
+ size_t ptr;
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_refit.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_refit.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bf5c8538ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_refit.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_refit.h"
+#include "bvh_statistics.h"
+#include "../geometry/linei.h"
+#include "../geometry/triangle.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglei.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadv.h"
+#include "../geometry/object.h"
+#include "../geometry/instance.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ static const size_t SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD = 4*1024;
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline bool compare(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef* a, const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef* b)
+ {
+ size_t sa = *(size_t*)&a->node()->lower_x;
+ size_t sb = *(size_t*)&b->node()->lower_x;
+ return sa < sb;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ BVHNRefitter<N>::BVHNRefitter (BVH* bvh, const LeafBoundsInterface& leafBounds)
+ : bvh(bvh), leafBounds(leafBounds), numSubTrees(0)
+ {
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHNRefitter<N>::refit()
+ {
+ if (bvh->numPrimitives <= SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD) {
+ bvh->bounds = LBBox3fa(recurse_bottom(bvh->root));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BBox3fa subTreeBounds[MAX_NUM_SUB_TREES];
+ numSubTrees = 0;
+ gather_subtree_refs(bvh->root,numSubTrees,0);
+ if (numSubTrees)
+ parallel_for(size_t(0), numSubTrees, size_t(1), [&](const range<size_t>& r) {
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ NodeRef& ref = subTrees[i];
+ subTreeBounds[i] = recurse_bottom(ref);
+ }
+ });
+ numSubTrees = 0;
+ bvh->bounds = LBBox3fa(refit_toplevel(bvh->root,numSubTrees,subTreeBounds,0));
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHNRefitter<N>::gather_subtree_refs(NodeRef& ref,
+ size_t &subtrees,
+ const size_t depth)
+ {
+ {
+ assert(subtrees < MAX_NUM_SUB_TREES);
+ subTrees[subtrees++] = ref;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ref.isAABBNode())
+ {
+ AABBNode* node = ref.getAABBNode();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ NodeRef& child = node->child(i);
+ if (unlikely(child == BVH::emptyNode)) continue;
+ gather_subtree_refs(child,subtrees,depth+1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ BBox3fa BVHNRefitter<N>::refit_toplevel(NodeRef& ref,
+ size_t &subtrees,
+ const BBox3fa *const subTreeBounds,
+ const size_t depth)
+ {
+ {
+ assert(subtrees < MAX_NUM_SUB_TREES);
+ assert(subTrees[subtrees] == ref);
+ return subTreeBounds[subtrees++];
+ }
+ if (ref.isAABBNode())
+ {
+ AABBNode* node = ref.getAABBNode();
+ BBox3fa bounds[N];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
+ {
+ NodeRef& child = node->child(i);
+ if (unlikely(child == BVH::emptyNode))
+ bounds[i] = BBox3fa(empty);
+ else
+ bounds[i] = refit_toplevel(child,subtrees,subTreeBounds,depth+1);
+ }
+ BBox3vf<N> boundsT = transpose<N>(bounds);
+ /* set new bounds */
+ node->lower_x = boundsT.lower.x;
+ node->lower_y = boundsT.lower.y;
+ node->lower_z = boundsT.lower.z;
+ node->upper_x = boundsT.upper.x;
+ node->upper_y = boundsT.upper.y;
+ node->upper_z = boundsT.upper.z;
+ return merge<N>(bounds);
+ }
+ else
+ return leafBounds.leafBounds(ref);
+ }
+ // =========================================================
+ // =========================================================
+ // =========================================================
+ template<int N>
+ BBox3fa BVHNRefitter<N>::recurse_bottom(NodeRef& ref)
+ {
+ /* this is a leaf node */
+ if (unlikely(ref.isLeaf()))
+ return leafBounds.leafBounds(ref);
+ /* recurse if this is an internal node */
+ AABBNode* node = ref.getAABBNode();
+ /* enable exclusive prefetch for >= AVX platforms */
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ BVH::prefetchW(ref);
+ BBox3fa bounds[N];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
+ if (unlikely(node->child(i) == BVH::emptyNode))
+ {
+ bounds[i] = BBox3fa(empty);
+ }
+ else
+ bounds[i] = recurse_bottom(node->child(i));
+ /* AOS to SOA transform */
+ BBox3vf<N> boundsT = transpose<N>(bounds);
+ /* set new bounds */
+ node->lower_x = boundsT.lower.x;
+ node->lower_y = boundsT.lower.y;
+ node->lower_z = boundsT.lower.z;
+ node->upper_x = boundsT.upper.x;
+ node->upper_y = boundsT.upper.y;
+ node->upper_z = boundsT.upper.z;
+ return merge<N>(bounds);
+ }
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ BVHNRefitT<N,Mesh,Primitive>::BVHNRefitT (BVH* bvh, Builder* builder, Mesh* mesh, size_t mode)
+ : bvh(bvh), builder(builder), refitter(new BVHNRefitter<N>(bvh,*(typename BVHNRefitter<N>::LeafBoundsInterface*)this)), mesh(mesh), topologyVersion(0) {}
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ void BVHNRefitT<N,Mesh,Primitive>::clear()
+ {
+ if (builder)
+ builder->clear();
+ }
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ void BVHNRefitT<N,Mesh,Primitive>::build()
+ {
+ if (mesh->topologyChanged(topologyVersion)) {
+ topologyVersion = mesh->getTopologyVersion();
+ builder->build();
+ }
+ else
+ refitter->refit();
+ }
+ template class BVHNRefitter<4>;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ template class BVHNRefitter<8>;
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4MeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode);
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4vMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode);
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4iMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode);
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4MeshRefitSAH (void* accel, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNRefitT<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4> ((BVH4*)accel,BVH4Triangle4MeshBuilderSAH (accel,mesh,geomID,mode),mesh,mode); }
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4vMeshRefitSAH (void* accel, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNRefitT<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4v>((BVH4*)accel,BVH4Triangle4vMeshBuilderSAH(accel,mesh,geomID,mode),mesh,mode); }
+ Builder* BVH4Triangle4iMeshRefitSAH (void* accel, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNRefitT<4,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i>((BVH4*)accel,BVH4Triangle4iMeshBuilderSAH(accel,mesh,geomID,mode),mesh,mode); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4MeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode);
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4vMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode);
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4iMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode);
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4MeshRefitSAH (void* accel, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNRefitT<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4> ((BVH8*)accel,BVH8Triangle4MeshBuilderSAH (accel,mesh,geomID,mode),mesh,mode); }
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4vMeshRefitSAH (void* accel, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNRefitT<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4v>((BVH8*)accel,BVH8Triangle4vMeshBuilderSAH(accel,mesh,geomID,mode),mesh,mode); }
+ Builder* BVH8Triangle4iMeshRefitSAH (void* accel, TriangleMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNRefitT<8,TriangleMesh,Triangle4i>((BVH8*)accel,BVH8Triangle4iMeshBuilderSAH(accel,mesh,geomID,mode),mesh,mode); }
+ Builder* BVH4Quad4vMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, QuadMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode);
+ Builder* BVH4Quad4vMeshRefitSAH (void* accel, QuadMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNRefitT<4,QuadMesh,Quad4v>((BVH4*)accel,BVH4Quad4vMeshBuilderSAH(accel,mesh,geomID,mode),mesh,mode); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8Quad4vMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, QuadMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode);
+ Builder* BVH8Quad4vMeshRefitSAH (void* accel, QuadMesh* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNRefitT<8,QuadMesh,Quad4v>((BVH8*)accel,BVH8Quad4vMeshBuilderSAH(accel,mesh,geomID,mode),mesh,mode); }
+ Builder* BVH4VirtualMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, UserGeometry* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode);
+ Builder* BVH4VirtualMeshRefitSAH (void* accel, UserGeometry* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNRefitT<4,UserGeometry,Object>((BVH4*)accel,BVH4VirtualMeshBuilderSAH(accel,mesh,geomID,mode),mesh,mode); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8VirtualMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, UserGeometry* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode);
+ Builder* BVH8VirtualMeshRefitSAH (void* accel, UserGeometry* mesh, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNRefitT<8,UserGeometry,Object>((BVH8*)accel,BVH8VirtualMeshBuilderSAH(accel,mesh,geomID,mode),mesh,mode); }
+ Builder* BVH4InstanceMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Instance* mesh, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode);
+ Builder* BVH4InstanceMeshRefitSAH (void* accel, Instance* mesh, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNRefitT<4,Instance,InstancePrimitive>((BVH4*)accel,BVH4InstanceMeshBuilderSAH(accel,mesh,gtype,geomID,mode),mesh,mode); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ Builder* BVH8InstanceMeshBuilderSAH (void* bvh, Instance* mesh, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode);
+ Builder* BVH8InstanceMeshRefitSAH (void* accel, Instance* mesh, Geometry::GTypeMask gtype, unsigned int geomID, size_t mode) { return new BVHNRefitT<8,Instance,InstancePrimitive>((BVH8*)accel,BVH8InstanceMeshBuilderSAH(accel,mesh,gtype,geomID,mode),mesh,mode); }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_refit.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_refit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..09bb3d8da5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_refit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../bvh/bvh.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int N>
+ class BVHNRefitter
+ {
+ public:
+ /*! Type shortcuts */
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNode AABBNode;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ struct LeafBoundsInterface {
+ virtual const BBox3fa leafBounds(NodeRef& ref) const = 0;
+ };
+ public:
+ /*! Constructor. */
+ BVHNRefitter (BVH* bvh, const LeafBoundsInterface& leafBounds);
+ /*! refits the BVH */
+ void refit();
+ private:
+ /* single-threaded subtree extraction based on BVH depth */
+ void gather_subtree_refs(NodeRef& ref,
+ size_t &subtrees,
+ const size_t depth = 0);
+ /* single-threaded top-level refit */
+ BBox3fa refit_toplevel(NodeRef& ref,
+ size_t &subtrees,
+ const BBox3fa *const subTreeBounds,
+ const size_t depth = 0);
+ /* single-threaded subtree refit */
+ BBox3fa recurse_bottom(NodeRef& ref);
+ public:
+ BVH* bvh; //!< BVH to refit
+ const LeafBoundsInterface& leafBounds; //!< calculates bounds of leaves
+ static const size_t MAX_SUB_TREE_EXTRACTION_DEPTH = (N==4) ? 4 : (N==8) ? 3 : 3;
+ static const size_t MAX_NUM_SUB_TREES = (N==4) ? 256 : (N==8) ? 512 : N*N*N; // N ^ MAX_SUB_TREE_EXTRACTION_DEPTH
+ size_t numSubTrees;
+ NodeRef subTrees[MAX_NUM_SUB_TREES];
+ };
+ template<int N, typename Mesh, typename Primitive>
+ class BVHNRefitT : public Builder, public BVHNRefitter<N>::LeafBoundsInterface
+ {
+ public:
+ /*! Type shortcuts */
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNode AABBNode;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ public:
+ BVHNRefitT (BVH* bvh, Builder* builder, Mesh* mesh, size_t mode);
+ virtual void build();
+ virtual void clear();
+ virtual const BBox3fa leafBounds (NodeRef& ref) const
+ {
+ size_t num; char* prim = ref.leaf(num);
+ if (unlikely(ref == BVH::emptyNode)) return empty;
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++)
+ bounds.extend(((Primitive*)prim)[i].update(mesh));
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ private:
+ BVH* bvh;
+ std::unique_ptr<Builder> builder;
+ std::unique_ptr<BVHNRefitter<N>> refitter;
+ Mesh* mesh;
+ unsigned int topologyVersion;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_rotate.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_rotate.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..460bd60c62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_rotate.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_rotate.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! Computes half surface area of box. */
+ __forceinline float halfArea3f(const BBox<vfloat4>& box) {
+ const vfloat4 d = box.size();
+ const vfloat4 a = d*shuffle<1,2,0,3>(d);
+ return a[0]+a[1]+a[2];
+ }
+ size_t BVHNRotate<4>::rotate(NodeRef parentRef, size_t depth)
+ {
+ /*! nothing to rotate if we reached a leaf node. */
+ if (parentRef.isBarrier()) return 0;
+ if (parentRef.isLeaf()) return 0;
+ AABBNode* parent = parentRef.getAABBNode();
+ /*! rotate all children first */
+ vint4 cdepth;
+ for (size_t c=0; c<4; c++)
+ cdepth[c] = (int)rotate(parent->child(c),depth+1);
+ /* compute current areas of all children */
+ vfloat4 sizeX = parent->upper_x-parent->lower_x;
+ vfloat4 sizeY = parent->upper_y-parent->lower_y;
+ vfloat4 sizeZ = parent->upper_z-parent->lower_z;
+ vfloat4 childArea = madd(sizeX,(sizeY + sizeZ),sizeY*sizeZ);
+ /*! get node bounds */
+ BBox<vfloat4> child1_0,child1_1,child1_2,child1_3;
+ parent->bounds(child1_0,child1_1,child1_2,child1_3);
+ /*! Find best rotation. We pick a first child (child1) and a sub-child
+ (child2child) of a different second child (child2), and swap child1
+ and child2child. We perform the best such swap. */
+ float bestArea = 0;
+ size_t bestChild1 = -1, bestChild2 = -1, bestChild2Child = -1;
+ for (size_t c2=0; c2<4; c2++)
+ {
+ /*! ignore leaf nodes as we cannot descent into them */
+ if (parent->child(c2).isBarrier()) continue;
+ if (parent->child(c2).isLeaf()) continue;
+ AABBNode* child2 = parent->child(c2).getAABBNode();
+ /*! transpose child bounds */
+ BBox<vfloat4> child2c0,child2c1,child2c2,child2c3;
+ child2->bounds(child2c0,child2c1,child2c2,child2c3);
+ /*! put child1_0 at each child2 position */
+ float cost00 = halfArea3f(merge(child1_0,child2c1,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost01 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child1_0,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost02 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child1_0,child2c3));
+ float cost03 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child2c2,child1_0));
+ vfloat4 cost0 = vfloat4(cost00,cost01,cost02,cost03);
+ vfloat4 min0 = vreduce_min(cost0);
+ int pos0 = (int)bsf(movemask(min0 == cost0));
+ /*! put child1_1 at each child2 position */
+ float cost10 = halfArea3f(merge(child1_1,child2c1,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost11 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child1_1,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost12 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child1_1,child2c3));
+ float cost13 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child2c2,child1_1));
+ vfloat4 cost1 = vfloat4(cost10,cost11,cost12,cost13);
+ vfloat4 min1 = vreduce_min(cost1);
+ int pos1 = (int)bsf(movemask(min1 == cost1));
+ /*! put child1_2 at each child2 position */
+ float cost20 = halfArea3f(merge(child1_2,child2c1,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost21 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child1_2,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost22 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child1_2,child2c3));
+ float cost23 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child2c2,child1_2));
+ vfloat4 cost2 = vfloat4(cost20,cost21,cost22,cost23);
+ vfloat4 min2 = vreduce_min(cost2);
+ int pos2 = (int)bsf(movemask(min2 == cost2));
+ /*! put child1_3 at each child2 position */
+ float cost30 = halfArea3f(merge(child1_3,child2c1,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost31 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child1_3,child2c2,child2c3));
+ float cost32 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child1_3,child2c3));
+ float cost33 = halfArea3f(merge(child2c0,child2c1,child2c2,child1_3));
+ vfloat4 cost3 = vfloat4(cost30,cost31,cost32,cost33);
+ vfloat4 min3 = vreduce_min(cost3);
+ int pos3 = (int)bsf(movemask(min3 == cost3));
+ /*! find best other child */
+ vfloat4 area0123 = vfloat4(extract<0>(min0),extract<0>(min1),extract<0>(min2),extract<0>(min3)) - vfloat4(childArea[c2]);
+ int pos[4] = { pos0,pos1,pos2,pos3 };
+ const size_t mbd = BVH4::maxBuildDepth;
+ vbool4 valid = vint4(int(depth+1))+cdepth <= vint4(mbd); // only select swaps that fulfill depth constraints
+ valid &= vint4(int(c2)) != vint4(step);
+ if (none(valid)) continue;
+ size_t c1 = select_min(valid,area0123);
+ float area = area0123[c1];
+ if (c1 == c2) continue; // can happen if bounds are NANs
+ /*! accept a swap when it reduces cost and is not swapping a node with itself */
+ if (area < bestArea) {
+ bestArea = area;
+ bestChild1 = c1;
+ bestChild2 = c2;
+ bestChild2Child = pos[c1];
+ }
+ }
+ /*! if we did not find a swap that improves the SAH then do nothing */
+ if (bestChild1 == size_t(-1)) return 1+reduce_max(cdepth);
+ /*! perform the best found tree rotation */
+ AABBNode* child2 = parent->child(bestChild2).getAABBNode();
+ AABBNode::swap(parent,bestChild1,child2,bestChild2Child);
+ parent->setBounds(bestChild2,child2->bounds());
+ AABBNode::compact(parent);
+ AABBNode::compact(child2);
+ /*! This returned depth is conservative as the child that was
+ * pulled up in the tree could have been on the critical path. */
+ cdepth[bestChild1]++; // bestChild1 was pushed down one level
+ return 1+reduce_max(cdepth);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_rotate.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_rotate.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..61ef64a679
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_rotate.h
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int N>
+ class BVHNRotate
+ {
+ typedef typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ public:
+ static const bool enabled = false;
+ static __forceinline size_t rotate(NodeRef parentRef, size_t depth = 1) { return 0; }
+ static __forceinline void restructure(NodeRef ref, size_t depth = 1) {}
+ };
+ /* BVH4 tree rotations */
+ template<>
+ class BVHNRotate<4>
+ {
+ typedef BVH4::AABBNode AABBNode;
+ typedef BVH4::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ public:
+ static const bool enabled = true;
+ static size_t rotate(NodeRef parentRef, size_t depth = 1);
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_statistics.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_statistics.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d857ff7d95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_statistics.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_statistics.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_reduce.h"
+namespace embree
+ template<int N>
+ BVHNStatistics<N>::BVHNStatistics (BVH* bvh) : bvh(bvh)
+ {
+ double A = max(0.0f,bvh->getLinearBounds().expectedHalfArea());
+ stat = statistics(bvh->root,A,BBox1f(0.0f,1.0f));
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ std::string BVHNStatistics<N>::str()
+ {
+ std::ostringstream stream;
+ stream.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
+ stream << " primitives = " << bvh->numPrimitives << ", vertices = " << bvh->numVertices << ", depth = " << stat.depth << std::endl;
+ size_t totalBytes = stat.bytes(bvh);
+ double totalSAH = stat.sah(bvh);
+ stream << " total : sah = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << totalSAH << " (100.00%), ";
+ stream << "#bytes = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(2) << totalBytes/1E6 << " MB (100.00%), ";
+ stream << "#nodes = " << std::setw(7) << stat.size() << " (" << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << 100.0*stat.fillRate(bvh) << "% filled), ";
+ stream << "#bytes/prim = " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << double(totalBytes)/double(bvh->numPrimitives) << std::endl;
+ if (stat.statAABBNodes.numNodes ) stream << " getAABBNodes : " << stat.statAABBNodes.toString(bvh,totalSAH,totalBytes) << std::endl;
+ if (stat.statOBBNodes.numNodes ) stream << " ungetAABBNodes : " << stat.statOBBNodes.toString(bvh,totalSAH,totalBytes) << std::endl;
+ if (stat.statAABBNodesMB.numNodes ) stream << " getAABBNodesMB : " << stat.statAABBNodesMB.toString(bvh,totalSAH,totalBytes) << std::endl;
+ if (stat.statAABBNodesMB4D.numNodes) stream << " getAABBNodesMB4D : " << stat.statAABBNodesMB4D.toString(bvh,totalSAH,totalBytes) << std::endl;
+ if (stat.statOBBNodesMB.numNodes) stream << " ungetAABBNodesMB : " << stat.statOBBNodesMB.toString(bvh,totalSAH,totalBytes) << std::endl;
+ if (stat.statQuantizedNodes.numNodes ) stream << " quantizedNodes : " << stat.statQuantizedNodes.toString(bvh,totalSAH,totalBytes) << std::endl;
+ if (true) stream << " leaves : " << stat.statLeaf.toString(bvh,totalSAH,totalBytes) << std::endl;
+ if (true) stream << " histogram : " << stat.statLeaf.histToString() << std::endl;
+ return stream.str();
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ typename BVHNStatistics<N>::Statistics BVHNStatistics<N>::statistics(NodeRef node, const double A, const BBox1f t0t1)
+ {
+ Statistics s;
+ assert(t0t1.size() > 0.0f);
+ double dt = max(0.0f,t0t1.size());
+ if (node.isAABBNode())
+ {
+ AABBNode* n = node.getAABBNode();
+ s = s + parallel_reduce(0,N,Statistics(),[&] ( const int i ) {
+ if (n->child(i) == BVH::emptyNode) return Statistics();
+ const double Ai = max(0.0f,halfArea(n->extend(i)));
+ Statistics s = statistics(n->child(i),Ai,t0t1);
+ s.statAABBNodes.numChildren++;
+ return s;
+ }, Statistics::add);
+ s.statAABBNodes.numNodes++;
+ s.statAABBNodes.nodeSAH += dt*A;
+ s.depth++;
+ }
+ else if (node.isOBBNode())
+ {
+ OBBNode* n = node.ungetAABBNode();
+ s = s + parallel_reduce(0,N,Statistics(),[&] ( const int i ) {
+ if (n->child(i) == BVH::emptyNode) return Statistics();
+ const double Ai = max(0.0f,halfArea(n->extent(i)));
+ Statistics s = statistics(n->child(i),Ai,t0t1);
+ s.statOBBNodes.numChildren++;
+ return s;
+ }, Statistics::add);
+ s.statOBBNodes.numNodes++;
+ s.statOBBNodes.nodeSAH += dt*A;
+ s.depth++;
+ }
+ else if (node.isAABBNodeMB())
+ {
+ AABBNodeMB* n = node.getAABBNodeMB();
+ s = s + parallel_reduce(0,N,Statistics(),[&] ( const int i ) {
+ if (n->child(i) == BVH::emptyNode) return Statistics();
+ const double Ai = max(0.0f,n->expectedHalfArea(i,t0t1));
+ Statistics s = statistics(n->child(i),Ai,t0t1);
+ s.statAABBNodesMB.numChildren++;
+ return s;
+ }, Statistics::add);
+ s.statAABBNodesMB.numNodes++;
+ s.statAABBNodesMB.nodeSAH += dt*A;
+ s.depth++;
+ }
+ else if (node.isAABBNodeMB4D())
+ {
+ AABBNodeMB4D* n = node.getAABBNodeMB4D();
+ s = s + parallel_reduce(0,N,Statistics(),[&] ( const int i ) {
+ if (n->child(i) == BVH::emptyNode) return Statistics();
+ const BBox1f t0t1i = intersect(t0t1,n->timeRange(i));
+ assert(!t0t1i.empty());
+ const double Ai = n->AABBNodeMB::expectedHalfArea(i,t0t1i);
+ Statistics s = statistics(n->child(i),Ai,t0t1i);
+ s.statAABBNodesMB4D.numChildren++;
+ return s;
+ }, Statistics::add);
+ s.statAABBNodesMB4D.numNodes++;
+ s.statAABBNodesMB4D.nodeSAH += dt*A;
+ s.depth++;
+ }
+ else if (node.isOBBNodeMB())
+ {
+ OBBNodeMB* n = node.ungetAABBNodeMB();
+ s = s + parallel_reduce(0,N,Statistics(),[&] ( const int i ) {
+ if (n->child(i) == BVH::emptyNode) return Statistics();
+ const double Ai = max(0.0f,halfArea(n->extent0(i)));
+ Statistics s = statistics(n->child(i),Ai,t0t1);
+ s.statOBBNodesMB.numChildren++;
+ return s;
+ }, Statistics::add);
+ s.statOBBNodesMB.numNodes++;
+ s.statOBBNodesMB.nodeSAH += dt*A;
+ s.depth++;
+ }
+ else if (node.isQuantizedNode())
+ {
+ QuantizedNode* n = node.quantizedNode();
+ s = s + parallel_reduce(0,N,Statistics(),[&] ( const int i ) {
+ if (n->child(i) == BVH::emptyNode) return Statistics();
+ const double Ai = max(0.0f,halfArea(n->extent(i)));
+ Statistics s = statistics(n->child(i),Ai,t0t1);
+ s.statQuantizedNodes.numChildren++;
+ return s;
+ }, Statistics::add);
+ s.statQuantizedNodes.numNodes++;
+ s.statQuantizedNodes.nodeSAH += dt*A;
+ s.depth++;
+ }
+ else if (node.isLeaf())
+ {
+ size_t num; const char* tri = node.leaf(num);
+ if (num)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++)
+ {
+ const size_t bytes = bvh->primTy->getBytes(tri);
+ s.statLeaf.numPrimsActive += bvh->primTy->sizeActive(tri);
+ s.statLeaf.numPrimsTotal += bvh->primTy->sizeTotal(tri);
+ s.statLeaf.numBytes += bytes;
+ tri+=bytes;
+ }
+ s.statLeaf.numLeaves++;
+ s.statLeaf.numPrimBlocks += num;
+ s.statLeaf.leafSAH += dt*A*num;
+ if (num-1 < Statistics::LeafStat::NHIST) {
+ s.statLeaf.numPrimBlocksHistogram[num-1]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // -- GODOT start --
+ // throw std::runtime_error("not supported node type in bvh_statistics");
+ abort();
+ // -- GODOT end --
+ }
+ return s;
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ template class BVHNStatistics<8>;
+#if !defined(__AVX__) || !defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SSE2) && !defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SSE42)
+ template class BVHNStatistics<4>;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_statistics.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_statistics.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a28e115f1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_statistics.h
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh.h"
+#include <sstream>
+namespace embree
+ template<int N>
+ class BVHNStatistics
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNode AABBNode;
+ typedef typename BVH::OBBNode OBBNode;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNodeMB AABBNodeMB;
+ typedef typename BVH::AABBNodeMB4D AABBNodeMB4D;
+ typedef typename BVH::OBBNodeMB OBBNodeMB;
+ typedef typename BVH::QuantizedNode QuantizedNode;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ struct Statistics
+ {
+ template<typename Node>
+ struct NodeStat
+ {
+ NodeStat ( double nodeSAH = 0,
+ size_t numNodes = 0,
+ size_t numChildren = 0)
+ : nodeSAH(nodeSAH),
+ numNodes(numNodes),
+ numChildren(numChildren) {}
+ double sah(BVH* bvh) const {
+ return nodeSAH/bvh->getLinearBounds().expectedHalfArea();
+ }
+ size_t bytes() const {
+ return numNodes*sizeof(Node);
+ }
+ size_t size() const {
+ return numNodes;
+ }
+ double fillRateNom () const { return double(numChildren); }
+ double fillRateDen () const { return double(numNodes*N); }
+ double fillRate () const { return fillRateNom()/fillRateDen(); }
+ __forceinline friend NodeStat operator+ ( const NodeStat& a, const NodeStat& b)
+ {
+ return NodeStat(a.nodeSAH + b.nodeSAH,
+ a.numNodes+b.numNodes,
+ a.numChildren+b.numChildren);
+ }
+ std::string toString(BVH* bvh, double sahTotal, size_t bytesTotal) const
+ {
+ std::ostringstream stream;
+ stream.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
+ stream << "sah = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << sah(bvh);
+ stream << " (" << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << 100.0*sah(bvh)/sahTotal << "%), ";
+ stream << "#bytes = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(2) << bytes()/1E6 << " MB ";
+ stream << "(" << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << 100.0*double(bytes())/double(bytesTotal) << "%), ";
+ stream << "#nodes = " << std::setw(7) << numNodes << " (" << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << 100.0*fillRate() << "% filled), ";
+ stream << "#bytes/prim = " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << double(bytes())/double(bvh->numPrimitives);
+ return stream.str();
+ }
+ public:
+ double nodeSAH;
+ size_t numNodes;
+ size_t numChildren;
+ };
+ struct LeafStat
+ {
+ static const int NHIST = 8;
+ LeafStat ( double leafSAH = 0.0f,
+ size_t numLeaves = 0,
+ size_t numPrimsActive = 0,
+ size_t numPrimsTotal = 0,
+ size_t numPrimBlocks = 0,
+ size_t numBytes = 0)
+ : leafSAH(leafSAH),
+ numLeaves(numLeaves),
+ numPrimsActive(numPrimsActive),
+ numPrimsTotal(numPrimsTotal),
+ numPrimBlocks(numPrimBlocks),
+ numBytes(numBytes)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<NHIST; i++)
+ numPrimBlocksHistogram[i] = 0;
+ }
+ double sah(BVH* bvh) const {
+ return leafSAH/bvh->getLinearBounds().expectedHalfArea();
+ }
+ size_t bytes(BVH* bvh) const {
+ return numBytes;
+ }
+ size_t size() const {
+ return numLeaves;
+ }
+ double fillRateNom (BVH* bvh) const { return double(numPrimsActive); }
+ double fillRateDen (BVH* bvh) const { return double(numPrimsTotal); }
+ double fillRate (BVH* bvh) const { return fillRateNom(bvh)/fillRateDen(bvh); }
+ __forceinline friend LeafStat operator+ ( const LeafStat& a, const LeafStat& b)
+ {
+ LeafStat stat(a.leafSAH + b.leafSAH,
+ a.numLeaves+b.numLeaves,
+ a.numPrimsActive+b.numPrimsActive,
+ a.numPrimsTotal+b.numPrimsTotal,
+ a.numPrimBlocks+b.numPrimBlocks,
+ a.numBytes+b.numBytes);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<NHIST; i++) {
+ stat.numPrimBlocksHistogram[i] += a.numPrimBlocksHistogram[i];
+ stat.numPrimBlocksHistogram[i] += b.numPrimBlocksHistogram[i];
+ }
+ return stat;
+ }
+ std::string toString(BVH* bvh, double sahTotal, size_t bytesTotal) const
+ {
+ std::ostringstream stream;
+ stream.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
+ stream << "sah = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << sah(bvh);
+ stream << " (" << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << 100.0*sah(bvh)/sahTotal << "%), ";
+ stream << "#bytes = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(2) << double(bytes(bvh))/1E6 << " MB ";
+ stream << "(" << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << 100.0*double(bytes(bvh))/double(bytesTotal) << "%), ";
+ stream << "#nodes = " << std::setw(7) << numLeaves << " (" << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << 100.0*fillRate(bvh) << "% filled), ";
+ stream << "#bytes/prim = " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << double(bytes(bvh))/double(bvh->numPrimitives);
+ return stream.str();
+ }
+ std::string histToString() const
+ {
+ std::ostringstream stream;
+ stream.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<NHIST; i++)
+ stream << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << 100.0f*float(numPrimBlocksHistogram[i])/float(numLeaves) << "% ";
+ return stream.str();
+ }
+ public:
+ double leafSAH; //!< SAH of the leaves only
+ size_t numLeaves; //!< Number of leaf nodes.
+ size_t numPrimsActive; //!< Number of active primitives (
+ size_t numPrimsTotal; //!< Number of active and inactive primitives
+ size_t numPrimBlocks; //!< Number of primitive blocks.
+ size_t numBytes; //!< Number of bytes of leaves.
+ size_t numPrimBlocksHistogram[8];
+ };
+ public:
+ Statistics (size_t depth = 0,
+ LeafStat statLeaf = LeafStat(),
+ NodeStat<AABBNode> statAABBNodes = NodeStat<AABBNode>(),
+ NodeStat<OBBNode> statOBBNodes = NodeStat<OBBNode>(),
+ NodeStat<AABBNodeMB> statAABBNodesMB = NodeStat<AABBNodeMB>(),
+ NodeStat<AABBNodeMB4D> statAABBNodesMB4D = NodeStat<AABBNodeMB4D>(),
+ NodeStat<OBBNodeMB> statOBBNodesMB = NodeStat<OBBNodeMB>(),
+ NodeStat<QuantizedNode> statQuantizedNodes = NodeStat<QuantizedNode>())
+ : depth(depth),
+ statLeaf(statLeaf),
+ statAABBNodes(statAABBNodes),
+ statOBBNodes(statOBBNodes),
+ statAABBNodesMB(statAABBNodesMB),
+ statAABBNodesMB4D(statAABBNodesMB4D),
+ statOBBNodesMB(statOBBNodesMB),
+ statQuantizedNodes(statQuantizedNodes) {}
+ double sah(BVH* bvh) const
+ {
+ return statLeaf.sah(bvh) +
+ statAABBNodes.sah(bvh) +
+ statOBBNodes.sah(bvh) +
+ statAABBNodesMB.sah(bvh) +
+ statAABBNodesMB4D.sah(bvh) +
+ statOBBNodesMB.sah(bvh) +
+ statQuantizedNodes.sah(bvh);
+ }
+ size_t bytes(BVH* bvh) const {
+ return statLeaf.bytes(bvh) +
+ statAABBNodes.bytes() +
+ statOBBNodes.bytes() +
+ statAABBNodesMB.bytes() +
+ statAABBNodesMB4D.bytes() +
+ statOBBNodesMB.bytes() +
+ statQuantizedNodes.bytes();
+ }
+ size_t size() const
+ {
+ return statLeaf.size() +
+ statAABBNodes.size() +
+ statOBBNodes.size() +
+ statAABBNodesMB.size() +
+ statAABBNodesMB4D.size() +
+ statOBBNodesMB.size() +
+ statQuantizedNodes.size();
+ }
+ double fillRate (BVH* bvh) const
+ {
+ double nom = statLeaf.fillRateNom(bvh) +
+ statAABBNodes.fillRateNom() +
+ statOBBNodes.fillRateNom() +
+ statAABBNodesMB.fillRateNom() +
+ statAABBNodesMB4D.fillRateNom() +
+ statOBBNodesMB.fillRateNom() +
+ statQuantizedNodes.fillRateNom();
+ double den = statLeaf.fillRateDen(bvh) +
+ statAABBNodes.fillRateDen() +
+ statOBBNodes.fillRateDen() +
+ statAABBNodesMB.fillRateDen() +
+ statAABBNodesMB4D.fillRateDen() +
+ statOBBNodesMB.fillRateDen() +
+ statQuantizedNodes.fillRateDen();
+ return nom/den;
+ }
+ friend Statistics operator+ ( const Statistics& a, const Statistics& b )
+ {
+ return Statistics(max(a.depth,b.depth),
+ a.statLeaf + b.statLeaf,
+ a.statAABBNodes + b.statAABBNodes,
+ a.statOBBNodes + b.statOBBNodes,
+ a.statAABBNodesMB + b.statAABBNodesMB,
+ a.statAABBNodesMB4D + b.statAABBNodesMB4D,
+ a.statOBBNodesMB + b.statOBBNodesMB,
+ a.statQuantizedNodes + b.statQuantizedNodes);
+ }
+ static Statistics add ( const Statistics& a, const Statistics& b ) {
+ return a+b;
+ }
+ public:
+ size_t depth;
+ LeafStat statLeaf;
+ NodeStat<AABBNode> statAABBNodes;
+ NodeStat<OBBNode> statOBBNodes;
+ NodeStat<AABBNodeMB> statAABBNodesMB;
+ NodeStat<AABBNodeMB4D> statAABBNodesMB4D;
+ NodeStat<OBBNodeMB> statOBBNodesMB;
+ NodeStat<QuantizedNode> statQuantizedNodes;
+ };
+ public:
+ /* Constructor gathers statistics. */
+ BVHNStatistics (BVH* bvh);
+ /*! Convert statistics into a string */
+ std::string str();
+ double sah() const {
+ return stat.sah(bvh);
+ }
+ size_t bytesUsed() const {
+ return stat.bytes(bvh);
+ }
+ private:
+ Statistics statistics(NodeRef node, const double A, const BBox1f dt);
+ private:
+ BVH* bvh;
+ Statistics stat;
+ };
+ typedef BVHNStatistics<4> BVH4Statistics;
+ typedef BVHNStatistics<8> BVH8Statistics;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_traverser1.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_traverser1.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ce01b57f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_traverser1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,466 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh.h"
+#include "node_intersector1.h"
+#include "../common/stack_item.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! BVH regular node traversal for single rays. */
+ template<int N, int types>
+ class BVHNNodeTraverser1Hit;
+#if defined(__AVX512VL__) // SKX
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline void isort_update(vint<N> &dist, const vint<N> &d)
+ {
+ const vint<N> dist_shift = align_shift_right<N-1>(dist,dist);
+ const vboolf<N> m_geq = d >= dist;
+ const vboolf<N> m_geq_shift = m_geq << 1;
+ dist = select(m_geq,d,dist);
+ dist = select(m_geq_shift,dist_shift,dist);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline void isort_quick_update(vint<N> &dist, const vint<N> &d) {
+ dist = align_shift_right<N-1>(dist,permute(d,vint<N>(zero)));
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t permuteExtract(const vint8& index, const vllong4& n0, const vllong4& n1) {
+ return toScalar(permutex2var((__m256i)index,n0,n1));
+ }
+ __forceinline float permuteExtract(const vint8& index, const vfloat8& n) {
+ return toScalar(permute(n,index));
+ }
+ /* Specialization for BVH4. */
+ template<int types>
+ class BVHNNodeTraverser1Hit<4, types>
+ {
+ typedef BVH4 BVH;
+ typedef BVH4::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef BVH4::BaseNode BaseNode;
+ public:
+ /* Traverses a node with at least one hit child. Optimized for finding the closest hit (intersection). */
+ static __forceinline void traverseClosestHit(NodeRef& cur,
+ size_t mask,
+ const vfloat4& tNear,
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>*& stackPtr,
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackEnd)
+ {
+ assert(mask != 0);
+ const BaseNode* node = cur.baseNode();
+ /*! one child is hit, continue with that child */
+ size_t r = bscf(mask);
+ cur = node->child(r);
+ BVH::prefetch(cur,types);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) {
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ return;
+ }
+ /*! two children are hit, push far child, and continue with closer child */
+ NodeRef c0 = cur;
+ const unsigned int d0 = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r];
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ NodeRef c1 = node->child(r);
+ BVH::prefetch(c1,types);
+ const unsigned int d1 = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r];
+ assert(c0 != BVH::emptyNode);
+ assert(c1 != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) {
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ if (d0 < d1) { stackPtr->ptr = c1; stackPtr->dist = d1; stackPtr++; cur = c0; return; }
+ else { stackPtr->ptr = c0; stackPtr->dist = d0; stackPtr++; cur = c1; return; }
+ }
+ vint4 s0((size_t)c0,(size_t)d0);
+ vint4 s1((size_t)c1,(size_t)d1);
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ NodeRef c2 = node->child(r); BVH::prefetch(c2,types); unsigned int d2 = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r];
+ vint4 s2((size_t)c2,(size_t)d2);
+ /* 3 hits */
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) {
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>::sort3(s0,s1,s2);
+ *(vint4*)&stackPtr[0] = s0; *(vint4*)&stackPtr[1] = s1;
+ cur = toSizeT(s2);
+ stackPtr+=2;
+ return;
+ }
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ NodeRef c3 = node->child(r); BVH::prefetch(c3,types); unsigned int d3 = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r];
+ vint4 s3((size_t)c3,(size_t)d3);
+ /* 4 hits */
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>::sort4(s0,s1,s2,s3);
+ *(vint4*)&stackPtr[0] = s0; *(vint4*)&stackPtr[1] = s1; *(vint4*)&stackPtr[2] = s2;
+ cur = toSizeT(s3);
+ stackPtr+=3;
+ /*! Here starts the slow path for 3 or 4 hit children. We push
+ * all nodes onto the stack to sort them there. */
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ stackPtr->ptr = c0; stackPtr->dist = d0; stackPtr++;
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ stackPtr->ptr = c1; stackPtr->dist = d1; stackPtr++;
+ /*! three children are hit, push all onto stack and sort 3 stack items, continue with closest child */
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ NodeRef c = node->child(r); BVH::prefetch(c,types); unsigned int d = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r]; stackPtr->ptr = c; stackPtr->dist = d; stackPtr++;
+ assert(c != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) {
+ sort(stackPtr[-1],stackPtr[-2],stackPtr[-3]);
+ cur = (NodeRef) stackPtr[-1].ptr; stackPtr--;
+ return;
+ }
+ /*! four children are hit, push all onto stack and sort 4 stack items, continue with closest child */
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ c = node->child(r); BVH::prefetch(c,types); d = *(unsigned int*)&tNear[r]; stackPtr->ptr = c; stackPtr->dist = d; stackPtr++;
+ assert(c != BVH::emptyNode);
+ sort(stackPtr[-1],stackPtr[-2],stackPtr[-3],stackPtr[-4]);
+ cur = (NodeRef) stackPtr[-1].ptr; stackPtr--;
+ }
+ /* Traverses a node with at least one hit child. Optimized for finding any hit (occlusion). */
+ static __forceinline void traverseAnyHit(NodeRef& cur,
+ size_t mask,
+ const vfloat4& tNear,
+ NodeRef*& stackPtr,
+ NodeRef* stackEnd)
+ {
+ const BaseNode* node = cur.baseNode();
+ /*! one child is hit, continue with that child */
+ size_t r = bscf(mask);
+ cur = node->child(r);
+ BVH::prefetch(cur,types);
+ /* simpler in sequence traversal order */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) return;
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ *stackPtr = cur; stackPtr++;
+ for (; ;)
+ {
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ cur = node->child(r); BVH::prefetch(cur,types);
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) return;
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ *stackPtr = cur; stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ /* Specialization for BVH8. */
+ template<int types>
+ class BVHNNodeTraverser1Hit<8, types>
+ {
+ typedef BVH8 BVH;
+ typedef BVH8::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef BVH8::BaseNode BaseNode;
+#if defined(__AVX512VL__)
+ template<class NodeRef, class BaseNode>
+ static __forceinline void traverseClosestHitAVX512VL8(NodeRef& cur,
+ size_t mask,
+ const vfloat8& tNear,
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>*& stackPtr,
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackEnd)
+ {
+ assert(mask != 0);
+ const BaseNode* node = cur.baseNode();
+ const vllong4 n0 = vllong4::loadu((vllong4*)&node->children[0]);
+ const vllong4 n1 = vllong4::loadu((vllong4*)&node->children[4]);
+ vint8 distance_i = (asInt(tNear) & 0xfffffff8) | vint8(step);
+ distance_i = vint8::compact((int)mask,distance_i,distance_i);
+ cur = permuteExtract(distance_i,n0,n1);
+ BVH::prefetch(cur,types);
+ mask &= mask-1;
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) return;
+ /* 2 hits: order A0 B0 */
+ const vint8 d0(distance_i);
+ const vint8 d1(shuffle<1>(distance_i));
+ cur = permuteExtract(d1,n0,n1);
+ BVH::prefetch(cur,types);
+ const vint8 dist_A0 = min(d0, d1);
+ const vint8 dist_B0 = max(d0, d1);
+ assert(dist_A0[0] < dist_B0[0]);
+ mask &= mask-1;
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) {
+ cur = permuteExtract(dist_A0,n0,n1);
+ stackPtr[0].ptr = permuteExtract(dist_B0,n0,n1);
+ *(float*)&stackPtr[0].dist = permuteExtract(dist_B0,tNear);
+ stackPtr++;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* 3 hits: order A1 B1 C1 */
+ const vint8 d2(shuffle<2>(distance_i));
+ cur = permuteExtract(d2,n0,n1);
+ BVH::prefetch(cur,types);
+ const vint8 dist_A1 = min(dist_A0,d2);
+ const vint8 dist_tmp_B1 = max(dist_A0,d2);
+ const vint8 dist_B1 = min(dist_B0,dist_tmp_B1);
+ const vint8 dist_C1 = max(dist_B0,dist_tmp_B1);
+ assert(dist_A1[0] < dist_B1[0]);
+ assert(dist_B1[0] < dist_C1[0]);
+ mask &= mask-1;
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) {
+ cur = permuteExtract(dist_A1,n0,n1);
+ stackPtr[0].ptr = permuteExtract(dist_C1,n0,n1);
+ *(float*)&stackPtr[0].dist = permuteExtract(dist_C1,tNear);
+ stackPtr[1].ptr = permuteExtract(dist_B1,n0,n1);
+ *(float*)&stackPtr[1].dist = permuteExtract(dist_B1,tNear);
+ stackPtr+=2;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* 4 hits: order A2 B2 C2 D2 */
+ const vint8 d3(shuffle<3>(distance_i));
+ cur = permuteExtract(d3,n0,n1);
+ BVH::prefetch(cur,types);
+ const vint8 dist_A2 = min(dist_A1,d3);
+ const vint8 dist_tmp_B2 = max(dist_A1,d3);
+ const vint8 dist_B2 = min(dist_B1,dist_tmp_B2);
+ const vint8 dist_tmp_C2 = max(dist_B1,dist_tmp_B2);
+ const vint8 dist_C2 = min(dist_C1,dist_tmp_C2);
+ const vint8 dist_D2 = max(dist_C1,dist_tmp_C2);
+ assert(dist_A2[0] < dist_B2[0]);
+ assert(dist_B2[0] < dist_C2[0]);
+ assert(dist_C2[0] < dist_D2[0]);
+ mask &= mask-1;
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) {
+ cur = permuteExtract(dist_A2,n0,n1);
+ stackPtr[0].ptr = permuteExtract(dist_D2,n0,n1);
+ *(float*)&stackPtr[0].dist = permuteExtract(dist_D2,tNear);
+ stackPtr[1].ptr = permuteExtract(dist_C2,n0,n1);
+ *(float*)&stackPtr[1].dist = permuteExtract(dist_C2,tNear);
+ stackPtr[2].ptr = permuteExtract(dist_B2,n0,n1);
+ *(float*)&stackPtr[2].dist = permuteExtract(dist_B2,tNear);
+ stackPtr+=3;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* >=5 hits: reverse to descending order for writing to stack */
+ distance_i = align_shift_right<3>(distance_i,distance_i);
+ const size_t hits = 4 + popcnt(mask);
+ vint8 dist(INT_MIN); // this will work with -0.0f (0x80000000) as distance, isort_update uses >= to insert
+ isort_quick_update<8>(dist,dist_A2);
+ isort_quick_update<8>(dist,dist_B2);
+ isort_quick_update<8>(dist,dist_C2);
+ isort_quick_update<8>(dist,dist_D2);
+ do {
+ distance_i = align_shift_right<1>(distance_i,distance_i);
+ cur = permuteExtract(distance_i,n0,n1);
+ BVH::prefetch(cur,types);
+ const vint8 new_dist(permute(distance_i,vint8(zero)));
+ mask &= mask-1;
+ isort_update<8>(dist,new_dist);
+ } while(mask);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<7; i++)
+ assert(dist[i+0]>=dist[i+1]);
+ for (size_t i=0;i<hits-1;i++)
+ {
+ stackPtr->ptr = permuteExtract(dist,n0,n1);
+ *(float*)&stackPtr->dist = permuteExtract(dist,tNear);
+ dist = align_shift_right<1>(dist,dist);
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ cur = permuteExtract(dist,n0,n1);
+ }
+ public:
+ static __forceinline void traverseClosestHit(NodeRef& cur,
+ size_t mask,
+ const vfloat8& tNear,
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>*& stackPtr,
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackEnd)
+ {
+ assert(mask != 0);
+#if defined(__AVX512VL__)
+ traverseClosestHitAVX512VL8<NodeRef,BaseNode>(cur,mask,tNear,stackPtr,stackEnd);
+ const BaseNode* node = cur.baseNode();
+ /*! one child is hit, continue with that child */
+ size_t r = bscf(mask);
+ cur = node->child(r);
+ BVH::prefetch(cur,types);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) {
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ return;
+ }
+ /*! two children are hit, push far child, and continue with closer child */
+ NodeRef c0 = cur;
+ const unsigned int d0 = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r];
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ NodeRef c1 = node->child(r);
+ BVH::prefetch(c1,types);
+ const unsigned int d1 = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r];
+ assert(c0 != BVH::emptyNode);
+ assert(c1 != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) {
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ if (d0 < d1) { stackPtr->ptr = c1; stackPtr->dist = d1; stackPtr++; cur = c0; return; }
+ else { stackPtr->ptr = c0; stackPtr->dist = d0; stackPtr++; cur = c1; return; }
+ }
+ vint4 s0((size_t)c0,(size_t)d0);
+ vint4 s1((size_t)c1,(size_t)d1);
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ NodeRef c2 = node->child(r); BVH::prefetch(c2,types); unsigned int d2 = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r];
+ vint4 s2((size_t)c2,(size_t)d2);
+ /* 3 hits */
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) {
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>::sort3(s0,s1,s2);
+ *(vint4*)&stackPtr[0] = s0; *(vint4*)&stackPtr[1] = s1;
+ cur = toSizeT(s2);
+ stackPtr+=2;
+ return;
+ }
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ NodeRef c3 = node->child(r); BVH::prefetch(c3,types); unsigned int d3 = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r];
+ vint4 s3((size_t)c3,(size_t)d3);
+ /* 4 hits */
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) {
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>::sort4(s0,s1,s2,s3);
+ *(vint4*)&stackPtr[0] = s0; *(vint4*)&stackPtr[1] = s1; *(vint4*)&stackPtr[2] = s2;
+ cur = toSizeT(s3);
+ stackPtr+=3;
+ return;
+ }
+ *(vint4*)&stackPtr[0] = s0; *(vint4*)&stackPtr[1] = s1; *(vint4*)&stackPtr[2] = s2; *(vint4*)&stackPtr[3] = s3;
+ /*! fallback case if more than 4 children are hit */
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackFirst = stackPtr;
+ stackPtr+=4;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ NodeRef c = node->child(r); BVH::prefetch(c,types); unsigned int d = *(unsigned int*)&tNear[r];
+ const vint4 s((size_t)c,(size_t)d);
+ *(vint4*)stackPtr++ = s;
+ assert(c != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (unlikely(mask == 0)) break;
+ }
+ sort(stackFirst,stackPtr);
+ cur = (NodeRef) stackPtr[-1].ptr; stackPtr--;
+ /*! Here starts the slow path for 3 or 4 hit children. We push
+ * all nodes onto the stack to sort them there. */
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ stackPtr->ptr = c0; stackPtr->dist = d0; stackPtr++;
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ stackPtr->ptr = c1; stackPtr->dist = d1; stackPtr++;
+ /*! three children are hit, push all onto stack and sort 3 stack items, continue with closest child */
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ NodeRef c = node->child(r); BVH::prefetch(c,types); unsigned int d = ((unsigned int*)&tNear)[r]; stackPtr->ptr = c; stackPtr->dist = d; stackPtr++;
+ assert(c != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) {
+ sort(stackPtr[-1],stackPtr[-2],stackPtr[-3]);
+ cur = (NodeRef) stackPtr[-1].ptr; stackPtr--;
+ return;
+ }
+ /*! four children are hit, push all onto stack and sort 4 stack items, continue with closest child */
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ c = node->child(r); BVH::prefetch(c,types); d = *(unsigned int*)&tNear[r]; stackPtr->ptr = c; stackPtr->dist = d; stackPtr++;
+ assert(c != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) {
+ sort(stackPtr[-1],stackPtr[-2],stackPtr[-3],stackPtr[-4]);
+ cur = (NodeRef) stackPtr[-1].ptr; stackPtr--;
+ return;
+ }
+ /*! fallback case if more than 4 children are hit */
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackFirst = stackPtr-4;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ c = node->child(r); BVH::prefetch(c,types); d = *(unsigned int*)&tNear[r]; stackPtr->ptr = c; stackPtr->dist = d; stackPtr++;
+ assert(c != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (unlikely(mask == 0)) break;
+ }
+ sort(stackFirst,stackPtr);
+ cur = (NodeRef) stackPtr[-1].ptr; stackPtr--;
+ }
+ static __forceinline void traverseAnyHit(NodeRef& cur,
+ size_t mask,
+ const vfloat8& tNear,
+ NodeRef*& stackPtr,
+ NodeRef* stackEnd)
+ {
+ const BaseNode* node = cur.baseNode();
+ /*! one child is hit, continue with that child */
+ size_t r = bscf(mask);
+ cur = node->child(r);
+ BVH::prefetch(cur,types);
+ /* simpler in sequence traversal order */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) return;
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ *stackPtr = cur; stackPtr++;
+ for (; ;)
+ {
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ cur = node->child(r); BVH::prefetch(cur,types);
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) return;
+ assert(stackPtr < stackEnd);
+ *stackPtr = cur; stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_traverser_stream.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_traverser_stream.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..852981e69d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_traverser_stream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh.h"
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "../common/stack_item.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int N, int types>
+ class BVHNNodeTraverserStreamHitCoherent
+ {
+ typedef BVHN<N> BVH;
+ typedef typename BVH::NodeRef NodeRef;
+ typedef typename BVH::BaseNode BaseNode;
+ public:
+ template<class T>
+ static __forceinline void traverseClosestHit(NodeRef& cur,
+ size_t& m_trav_active,
+ const vbool<N>& vmask,
+ const vfloat<N>& tNear,
+ const T* const tMask,
+ StackItemMaskCoherent*& stackPtr)
+ {
+ const NodeRef parent = cur;
+ size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ assert(mask != 0);
+ const BaseNode* node = cur.baseNode();
+ /*! one child is hit, continue with that child */
+ const size_t r0 = bscf(mask);
+ assert(r0 < 8);
+ cur = node->child(r0);
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(cur,types);
+ m_trav_active = tMask[r0];
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (unlikely(mask == 0)) return;
+ const unsigned int* const tNear_i = (unsigned int*)&tNear;
+ /*! two children are hit, push far child, and continue with closer child */
+ NodeRef c0 = cur;
+ unsigned int d0 = tNear_i[r0];
+ const size_t r1 = bscf(mask);
+ assert(r1 < 8);
+ NodeRef c1 = node->child(r1);
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(c1,types);
+ unsigned int d1 = tNear_i[r1];
+ assert(c0 != BVH::emptyNode);
+ assert(c1 != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) {
+ if (d0 < d1) {
+ assert(tNear[r1] >= 0.0f);
+ stackPtr->mask = tMask[r1];
+ stackPtr->parent = parent;
+ stackPtr->child = c1;
+ stackPtr++;
+ cur = c0;
+ m_trav_active = tMask[r0];
+ return;
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(tNear[r0] >= 0.0f);
+ stackPtr->mask = tMask[r0];
+ stackPtr->parent = parent;
+ stackPtr->child = c0;
+ stackPtr++;
+ cur = c1;
+ m_trav_active = tMask[r1];
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ /*! slow path for more than two hits */
+ size_t hits = movemask(vmask);
+ const vint<N> dist_i = select(vmask, (asInt(tNear) & 0xfffffff8) | vint<N>(step), 0);
+ const vint<N> dist_i_sorted = usort_descending(dist_i);
+ const vint<N> sorted_index = dist_i_sorted & 7;
+ size_t i = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = sorted_index[i];
+ assert(index < 8);
+ cur = node->child(index);
+ m_trav_active = tMask[index];
+ assert(m_trav_active);
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(cur,types);
+ bscf(hits);
+ if (unlikely(hits==0)) break;
+ i++;
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ assert(tNear[index] >= 0.0f);
+ stackPtr->mask = m_trav_active;
+ stackPtr->parent = parent;
+ stackPtr->child = cur;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ static __forceinline void traverseAnyHit(NodeRef& cur,
+ size_t& m_trav_active,
+ const vbool<N>& vmask,
+ const T* const tMask,
+ StackItemMaskCoherent*& stackPtr)
+ {
+ const NodeRef parent = cur;
+ size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ assert(mask != 0);
+ const BaseNode* node = cur.baseNode();
+ /*! one child is hit, continue with that child */
+ size_t r = bscf(mask);
+ cur = node->child(r);
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(cur,types);
+ m_trav_active = tMask[r];
+ /* simple in order sequence */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) return;
+ stackPtr->mask = m_trav_active;
+ stackPtr->parent = parent;
+ stackPtr->child = cur;
+ stackPtr++;
+ for (; ;)
+ {
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ cur = node->child(r);
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(cur,types);
+ m_trav_active = tMask[r];
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) return;
+ stackPtr->mask = m_trav_active;
+ stackPtr->parent = parent;
+ stackPtr->child = cur;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..25edaf295d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bvh.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct NearFarPrecalculations
+ {
+ size_t nearX, nearY, nearZ;
+ size_t farX, farY, farZ;
+ __forceinline NearFarPrecalculations() {}
+ __forceinline NearFarPrecalculations(const Vec3fa& dir, size_t N)
+ {
+ const size_t size = sizeof(float)*N;
+ nearX = (dir.x < 0.0f) ? 1*size : 0*size;
+ nearY = (dir.y < 0.0f) ? 3*size : 2*size;
+ nearZ = (dir.z < 0.0f) ? 5*size : 4*size;
+ farX = nearX ^ size;
+ farY = nearY ^ size;
+ farZ = nearZ ^ size;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector1.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector1.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ec4fc63fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1403 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "node_intersector.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Ray structure used in single-ray traversal
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ struct TravRayBase;
+ /* Base (without tnear and tfar) */
+ template<int N>
+ struct TravRayBase<N,false>
+ {
+ __forceinline TravRayBase() {}
+ __forceinline TravRayBase(const Vec3fa& ray_org, const Vec3fa& ray_dir)
+ : org_xyz(ray_org), dir_xyz(ray_dir)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa ray_rdir = rcp_safe(ray_dir);
+ org = Vec3vf<N>(ray_org.x,ray_org.y,ray_org.z);
+ dir = Vec3vf<N>(ray_dir.x,ray_dir.y,ray_dir.z);
+ rdir = Vec3vf<N>(ray_rdir.x,ray_rdir.y,ray_rdir.z);
+#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ const Vec3fa ray_org_rdir = ray_org*ray_rdir;
+ org_rdir = Vec3vf<N>(ray_org_rdir.x,ray_org_rdir.y,ray_org_rdir.z);
+ nearX = ray_rdir.x >= 0.0f ? 0*sizeof(vfloat<N>) : 1*sizeof(vfloat<N>);
+ nearY = ray_rdir.y >= 0.0f ? 2*sizeof(vfloat<N>) : 3*sizeof(vfloat<N>);
+ nearZ = ray_rdir.z >= 0.0f ? 4*sizeof(vfloat<N>) : 5*sizeof(vfloat<N>);
+ farX = nearX ^ sizeof(vfloat<N>);
+ farY = nearY ^ sizeof(vfloat<N>);
+ farZ = nearZ ^ sizeof(vfloat<N>);
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void init(size_t k, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& ray_rdir, const Vec3vi<K>& nearXYZ,
+ size_t flip = sizeof(vfloat<N>))
+ {
+ org = Vec3vf<N>(ray_org.x[k], ray_org.y[k], ray_org.z[k]);
+ dir = Vec3vf<N>(ray_dir.x[k], ray_dir.y[k], ray_dir.z[k]);
+ rdir = Vec3vf<N>(ray_rdir.x[k], ray_rdir.y[k], ray_rdir.z[k]);
+#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ org_rdir = org*rdir;
+ nearX = nearXYZ.x[k];
+ nearY = nearXYZ.y[k];
+ nearZ = nearXYZ.z[k];
+ farX = nearX ^ flip;
+ farY = nearY ^ flip;
+ farZ = nearZ ^ flip;
+ }
+ Vec3fa org_xyz, dir_xyz;
+ Vec3vf<N> org, dir, rdir;
+#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ Vec3vf<N> org_rdir;
+ size_t nearX, nearY, nearZ;
+ size_t farX, farY, farZ;
+ };
+ /* Base (without tnear and tfar) */
+ template<int N>
+ struct TravRayBase<N,true>
+ {
+ __forceinline TravRayBase() {}
+ __forceinline TravRayBase(const Vec3fa& ray_org, const Vec3fa& ray_dir)
+ : org_xyz(ray_org), dir_xyz(ray_dir)
+ {
+ const float round_down = 1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp);
+ const float round_up = 1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp);
+ const Vec3fa ray_rdir = 1.0f/zero_fix(ray_dir);
+ const Vec3fa ray_rdir_near = round_down*ray_rdir;
+ const Vec3fa ray_rdir_far = round_up *ray_rdir;
+ org = Vec3vf<N>(ray_org.x,ray_org.y,ray_org.z);
+ dir = Vec3vf<N>(ray_dir.x,ray_dir.y,ray_dir.z);
+ rdir_near = Vec3vf<N>(ray_rdir_near.x,ray_rdir_near.y,ray_rdir_near.z);
+ rdir_far = Vec3vf<N>(ray_rdir_far .x,ray_rdir_far .y,ray_rdir_far .z);
+ nearX = ray_rdir_near.x >= 0.0f ? 0*sizeof(vfloat<N>) : 1*sizeof(vfloat<N>);
+ nearY = ray_rdir_near.y >= 0.0f ? 2*sizeof(vfloat<N>) : 3*sizeof(vfloat<N>);
+ nearZ = ray_rdir_near.z >= 0.0f ? 4*sizeof(vfloat<N>) : 5*sizeof(vfloat<N>);
+ farX = nearX ^ sizeof(vfloat<N>);
+ farY = nearY ^ sizeof(vfloat<N>);
+ farZ = nearZ ^ sizeof(vfloat<N>);
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void init(size_t k, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& ray_rdir, const Vec3vi<K>& nearXYZ,
+ size_t flip = sizeof(vfloat<N>))
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> round_down = 1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp);
+ const vfloat<N> round_up = 1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp);
+ org = Vec3vf<N>(ray_org.x[k], ray_org.y[k], ray_org.z[k]);
+ dir = Vec3vf<N>(ray_dir.x[k], ray_dir.y[k], ray_dir.z[k]);
+ rdir_near = round_down*Vec3vf<N>(ray_rdir.x[k], ray_rdir.y[k], ray_rdir.z[k]);
+ rdir_far = round_up *Vec3vf<N>(ray_rdir.x[k], ray_rdir.y[k], ray_rdir.z[k]);
+ nearX = nearXYZ.x[k];
+ nearY = nearXYZ.y[k];
+ nearZ = nearXYZ.z[k];
+ farX = nearX ^ flip;
+ farY = nearY ^ flip;
+ farZ = nearZ ^ flip;
+ }
+ Vec3fa org_xyz, dir_xyz;
+ Vec3vf<N> org, dir, rdir_near, rdir_far;
+ size_t nearX, nearY, nearZ;
+ size_t farX, farY, farZ;
+ };
+ /* Full (with tnear and tfar) */
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ struct TravRay : TravRayBase<N,robust>
+ {
+ __forceinline TravRay() {}
+ __forceinline TravRay(const Vec3fa& ray_org, const Vec3fa& ray_dir, float ray_tnear, float ray_tfar)
+ : TravRayBase<N,robust>(ray_org, ray_dir),
+ tnear(ray_tnear), tfar(ray_tfar) {}
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void init(size_t k, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& ray_rdir, const Vec3vi<K>& nearXYZ,
+ float ray_tnear, float ray_tfar,
+ size_t flip = sizeof(vfloat<N>))
+ {
+ TravRayBase<N,robust>::template init<K>(k, ray_org, ray_dir, ray_rdir, nearXYZ, flip);
+ tnear = ray_tnear; tfar = ray_tfar;
+ }
+ vfloat<N> tnear;
+ vfloat<N> tfar;
+ };
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Point Query structure used in single-ray traversal
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N>
+ struct TravPointQuery
+ {
+ __forceinline TravPointQuery() {}
+ __forceinline TravPointQuery(const Vec3fa& query_org, const Vec3fa& query_rad)
+ {
+ org = Vec3vf<N>(query_org.x, query_org.y, query_org.z);
+ rad = Vec3vf<N>(query_rad.x, query_rad.y, query_rad.z);
+ }
+ __forceinline vfloat<N> const& tfar() const {
+ return rad.x;
+ }
+ Vec3vf<N> org, rad;
+ };
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // point query
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQuerySphereDistAndMask(
+ const TravPointQuery<N>& query, vfloat<N>& dist, vfloat<N> const& minX, vfloat<N> const& maxX,
+ vfloat<N> const& minY, vfloat<N> const& maxY, vfloat<N> const& minZ, vfloat<N> const& maxZ)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> vX = min(max(, minX), maxX) -;
+ const vfloat<N> vY = min(max(, minY), maxY) -;
+ const vfloat<N> vZ = min(max(, minZ), maxZ) -;
+ dist = vX * vX + vY * vY + vZ * vZ;
+ const vbool<N> vmask = dist <= query.tfar()*query.tfar();
+ const vbool<N> valid = minX <= maxX;
+ return movemask(vmask) & movemask(valid);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryNodeSphere(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> minX = vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x));
+ const vfloat<N> minY = vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_y));
+ const vfloat<N> minZ = vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_z));
+ const vfloat<N> maxX = vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->upper_x));
+ const vfloat<N> maxY = vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->upper_y));
+ const vfloat<N> maxZ = vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->upper_z));
+ return pointQuerySphereDistAndMask(query, dist, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryNodeSphere(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N>* pMinX = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x);
+ const vfloat<N>* pMinY = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_y);
+ const vfloat<N>* pMinZ = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_z);
+ const vfloat<N>* pMaxX = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->upper_x);
+ const vfloat<N>* pMaxY = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->upper_y);
+ const vfloat<N>* pMaxZ = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->upper_z);
+ const vfloat<N> minX = madd(time,pMinX[6],vfloat<N>(pMinX[0]));
+ const vfloat<N> minY = madd(time,pMinY[6],vfloat<N>(pMinY[0]));
+ const vfloat<N> minZ = madd(time,pMinZ[6],vfloat<N>(pMinZ[0]));
+ const vfloat<N> maxX = madd(time,pMaxX[6],vfloat<N>(pMaxX[0]));
+ const vfloat<N> maxY = madd(time,pMaxY[6],vfloat<N>(pMaxY[0]));
+ const vfloat<N> maxZ = madd(time,pMaxZ[6],vfloat<N>(pMaxZ[0]));
+ return pointQuerySphereDistAndMask(query, dist, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryNodeSphereMB4D(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef ref, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB* node = ref.getAABBNodeMB();
+ size_t mask = pointQueryNodeSphere(node, query, time, dist);
+ if (unlikely(ref.isAABBNodeMB4D())) {
+ const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB4D* node1 = (const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB4D*) node;
+ const vbool<N> vmask = (node1->lower_t <= time) & (time < node1->upper_t);
+ mask &= movemask(vmask);
+ }
+ return mask;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryNodeSphere(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNode* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> start_x(node->start.x);
+ const vfloat<N> scale_x(node->scale.x);
+ const vfloat<N> minX = madd(node->template dequantize<N>((0*sizeof(vfloat<N>)) >> 2),scale_x,start_x);
+ const vfloat<N> maxX = madd(node->template dequantize<N>((1*sizeof(vfloat<N>)) >> 2),scale_x,start_x);
+ const vfloat<N> start_y(node->start.y);
+ const vfloat<N> scale_y(node->scale.y);
+ const vfloat<N> minY = madd(node->template dequantize<N>((2*sizeof(vfloat<N>)) >> 2),scale_y,start_y);
+ const vfloat<N> maxY = madd(node->template dequantize<N>((3*sizeof(vfloat<N>)) >> 2),scale_y,start_y);
+ const vfloat<N> start_z(node->start.z);
+ const vfloat<N> scale_z(node->scale.z);
+ const vfloat<N> minZ = madd(node->template dequantize<N>((4*sizeof(vfloat<N>)) >> 2),scale_z,start_z);
+ const vfloat<N> maxZ = madd(node->template dequantize<N>((5*sizeof(vfloat<N>)) >> 2),scale_z,start_z);
+ return pointQuerySphereDistAndMask(query, dist, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ) & movemask(node->validMask());
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryNodeSphere(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNodeMB* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> minX = node->dequantizeLowerX(time);
+ const vfloat<N> maxX = node->dequantizeUpperX(time);
+ const vfloat<N> minY = node->dequantizeLowerY(time);
+ const vfloat<N> maxY = node->dequantizeUpperY(time);
+ const vfloat<N> minZ = node->dequantizeLowerZ(time);
+ const vfloat<N> maxZ = node->dequantizeUpperZ(time);
+ return pointQuerySphereDistAndMask(query, dist, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ) & movemask(node->validMask());
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryNodeSphere(const typename BVHN<N>::OBBNode* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ // TODO: point query - implement
+ const vbool<N> vmask = vbool<N>(true);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask) & ((1<<N)-1);
+ dist = vfloat<N>(0.0f);
+ return mask;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryNodeSphere(const typename BVHN<N>::OBBNodeMB* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ // TODO: point query - implement
+ const vbool<N> vmask = vbool<N>(true);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask) & ((1<<N)-1);
+ dist = vfloat<N>(0.0f);
+ return mask;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryAABBDistAndMask(
+ const TravPointQuery<N>& query, vfloat<N>& dist, vfloat<N> const& minX, vfloat<N> const& maxX,
+ vfloat<N> const& minY, vfloat<N> const& maxY, vfloat<N> const& minZ, vfloat<N> const& maxZ)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> vX = min(max(, minX), maxX) -;
+ const vfloat<N> vY = min(max(, minY), maxY) -;
+ const vfloat<N> vZ = min(max(, minZ), maxZ) -;
+ dist = vX * vX + vY * vY + vZ * vZ;
+ const vbool<N> valid = minX <= maxX;
+ const vbool<N> vmask = !((maxX < - query.rad.x) | (minX > + query.rad.x) |
+ (maxY < - query.rad.y) | (minY > + query.rad.y) |
+ (maxZ < - query.rad.z) | (minZ > + query.rad.z));
+ return movemask(vmask) & movemask(valid);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryNodeAABB(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> minX = vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x));
+ const vfloat<N> minY = vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_y));
+ const vfloat<N> minZ = vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_z));
+ const vfloat<N> maxX = vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->upper_x));
+ const vfloat<N> maxY = vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->upper_y));
+ const vfloat<N> maxZ = vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->upper_z));
+ return pointQueryAABBDistAndMask(query, dist, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryNodeAABB(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N>* pMinX = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x);
+ const vfloat<N>* pMinY = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_y);
+ const vfloat<N>* pMinZ = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_z);
+ const vfloat<N>* pMaxX = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->upper_x);
+ const vfloat<N>* pMaxY = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->upper_y);
+ const vfloat<N>* pMaxZ = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->upper_z);
+ const vfloat<N> minX = madd(time,pMinX[6],vfloat<N>(pMinX[0]));
+ const vfloat<N> minY = madd(time,pMinY[6],vfloat<N>(pMinY[0]));
+ const vfloat<N> minZ = madd(time,pMinZ[6],vfloat<N>(pMinZ[0]));
+ const vfloat<N> maxX = madd(time,pMaxX[6],vfloat<N>(pMaxX[0]));
+ const vfloat<N> maxY = madd(time,pMaxY[6],vfloat<N>(pMaxY[0]));
+ const vfloat<N> maxZ = madd(time,pMaxZ[6],vfloat<N>(pMaxZ[0]));
+ return pointQueryAABBDistAndMask(query, dist, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryNodeAABBMB4D(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef ref, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB* node = ref.getAABBNodeMB();
+ size_t mask = pointQueryNodeAABB(node, query, time, dist);
+ if (unlikely(ref.isAABBNodeMB4D())) {
+ const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB4D* node1 = (const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB4D*) node;
+ const vbool<N> vmask = (node1->lower_t <= time) & (time < node1->upper_t);
+ mask &= movemask(vmask);
+ }
+ return mask;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryNodeAABB(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNode* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const size_t mvalid = movemask(node->validMask());
+ const vfloat<N> start_x(node->start.x);
+ const vfloat<N> scale_x(node->scale.x);
+ const vfloat<N> minX = madd(node->template dequantize<N>((0*sizeof(vfloat<N>)) >> 2),scale_x,start_x);
+ const vfloat<N> maxX = madd(node->template dequantize<N>((1*sizeof(vfloat<N>)) >> 2),scale_x,start_x);
+ const vfloat<N> start_y(node->start.y);
+ const vfloat<N> scale_y(node->scale.y);
+ const vfloat<N> minY = madd(node->template dequantize<N>((2*sizeof(vfloat<N>)) >> 2),scale_y,start_y);
+ const vfloat<N> maxY = madd(node->template dequantize<N>((3*sizeof(vfloat<N>)) >> 2),scale_y,start_y);
+ const vfloat<N> start_z(node->start.z);
+ const vfloat<N> scale_z(node->scale.z);
+ const vfloat<N> minZ = madd(node->template dequantize<N>((4*sizeof(vfloat<N>)) >> 2),scale_z,start_z);
+ const vfloat<N> maxZ = madd(node->template dequantize<N>((5*sizeof(vfloat<N>)) >> 2),scale_z,start_z);
+ return pointQueryAABBDistAndMask(query, dist, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ) & mvalid;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryNodeAABB(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNodeMB* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const size_t mvalid = movemask(node->validMask());
+ const vfloat<N> minX = node->dequantizeLowerX(time);
+ const vfloat<N> maxX = node->dequantizeUpperX(time);
+ const vfloat<N> minY = node->dequantizeLowerY(time);
+ const vfloat<N> maxY = node->dequantizeUpperY(time);
+ const vfloat<N> minZ = node->dequantizeLowerZ(time);
+ const vfloat<N> maxZ = node->dequantizeUpperZ(time);
+ return pointQueryAABBDistAndMask(query, dist, minX, maxX, minY, maxY, minZ, maxZ) & mvalid;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryNodeAABB(const typename BVHN<N>::OBBNode* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ // TODO: point query - implement
+ const vbool<N> vmask = vbool<N>(true);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask) & ((1<<N)-1);
+ dist = vfloat<N>(0.0f);
+ return mask;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t pointQueryNodeAABB(const typename BVHN<N>::OBBNodeMB* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ // TODO: point query - implement
+ const vbool<N> vmask = vbool<N>(true);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask) & ((1<<N)-1);
+ dist = vfloat<N>(0.0f);
+ return mask;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Fast AABBNode intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode* node, const TravRay<N,robust>& ray, vfloat<N>& dist);
+ template<>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode<4>(const typename BVH4::AABBNode* node, const TravRay<4,false>& ray, vfloat4& dist)
+ {
+#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ const vfloat4 tNearX = msub(vfloat4::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearX)), ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat4 tNearY = msub(vfloat4::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearY)), ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat4 tNearZ = msub(vfloat4::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearZ)), ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat4 tFarX = msub(vfloat4::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farX )), ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat4 tFarY = msub(vfloat4::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farY )), ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat4 tFarZ = msub(vfloat4::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farZ )), ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat4 tNearX = (vfloat4::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearX)) - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat4 tNearY = (vfloat4::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearY)) - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat4 tNearZ = (vfloat4::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearZ)) - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat4 tFarX = (vfloat4::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farX )) - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat4 tFarY = (vfloat4::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farY )) - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat4 tFarZ = (vfloat4::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farZ )) - * ray.rdir.z;
+#if defined(__aarch64__)
+ const vfloat4 tNear = maxi(tNearX, tNearY, tNearZ, ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat4 tFar = mini(tFarX, tFarY, tFarZ, ray.tfar);
+ const vbool4 vmask = asInt(tNear) <= asInt(tFar);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+#elif defined(__SSE4_1__) && !defined(__AVX512F__) // up to HSW
+ const vfloat4 tNear = maxi(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat4 tFar = mini(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool4 vmask = asInt(tNear) > asInt(tFar);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask) ^ ((1<<4)-1);
+#elif defined(__AVX512F__) // SKX
+ const vfloat4 tNear = maxi(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat4 tFar = mini(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool4 vmask = asInt(tNear) <= asInt(tFar);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ const vfloat4 tNear = max(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat4 tFar = min(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool4 vmask = tNear <= tFar;
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ dist = tNear;
+ return mask;
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ template<>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode<8>(const typename BVH8::AABBNode* node, const TravRay<8,false>& ray, vfloat8& dist)
+ {
+#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ const vfloat8 tNearX = msub(vfloat8::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearX)), ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat8 tNearY = msub(vfloat8::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearY)), ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat8 tNearZ = msub(vfloat8::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearZ)), ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat8 tFarX = msub(vfloat8::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farX )), ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat8 tFarY = msub(vfloat8::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farY )), ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat8 tFarZ = msub(vfloat8::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farZ )), ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat8 tNearX = (vfloat8::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearX)) - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat8 tNearY = (vfloat8::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearY)) - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat8 tNearZ = (vfloat8::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearZ)) - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat8 tFarX = (vfloat8::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farX )) - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat8 tFarY = (vfloat8::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farY )) - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat8 tFarZ = (vfloat8::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farZ )) - * ray.rdir.z;
+#if defined(__AVX2__) && !defined(__AVX512F__) // HSW
+ const vfloat8 tNear = maxi(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat8 tFar = mini(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool8 vmask = asInt(tNear) > asInt(tFar);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask) ^ ((1<<8)-1);
+#elif defined(__AVX512F__) // SKX
+ const vfloat8 tNear = maxi(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat8 tFar = mini(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool8 vmask = asInt(tNear) <= asInt(tFar);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ const vfloat8 tNear = max(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat8 tFar = min(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool8 vmask = tNear <= tFar;
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ dist = tNear;
+ return mask;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Robust AABBNode intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNodeRobust(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode* node, const TravRay<N,true>& ray, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> tNearX = (vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearX)) - * ray.rdir_near.x;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearY = (vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearY)) - * ray.rdir_near.y;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearZ = (vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearZ)) - * ray.rdir_near.z;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarX = (vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farX )) - * ray.rdir_far.x;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarY = (vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farY )) - * ray.rdir_far.y;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarZ = (vfloat<N>::load((float*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farZ )) - * ray.rdir_far.z;
+ const vfloat<N> tNear = max(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat<N> tFar = min(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool<N> vmask = tNear <= tFar;
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ dist = tNear;
+ return mask;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Fast AABBNodeMB intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB* node, const TravRay<N,false>& ray, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N>* pNearX = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearX);
+ const vfloat<N>* pNearY = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearY);
+ const vfloat<N>* pNearZ = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearZ);
+ const vfloat<N>* pFarX = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farX);
+ const vfloat<N>* pFarY = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farY);
+ const vfloat<N>* pFarZ = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farZ);
+#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ const vfloat<N> tNearX = msub(madd(time,pNearX[6],vfloat<N>(pNearX[0])), ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearY = msub(madd(time,pNearY[6],vfloat<N>(pNearY[0])), ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearZ = msub(madd(time,pNearZ[6],vfloat<N>(pNearZ[0])), ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarX = msub(madd(time,pFarX [6],vfloat<N>(pFarX [0])), ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarY = msub(madd(time,pFarY [6],vfloat<N>(pFarY [0])), ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarZ = msub(madd(time,pFarZ [6],vfloat<N>(pFarZ [0])), ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearX = (madd(time,pNearX[6],vfloat<N>(pNearX[0])) - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearY = (madd(time,pNearY[6],vfloat<N>(pNearY[0])) - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearZ = (madd(time,pNearZ[6],vfloat<N>(pNearZ[0])) - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarX = (madd(time,pFarX [6],vfloat<N>(pFarX [0])) - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarY = (madd(time,pFarY [6],vfloat<N>(pFarY [0])) - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarZ = (madd(time,pFarZ [6],vfloat<N>(pFarZ [0])) - * ray.rdir.z;
+#if defined(__AVX2__) && !defined(__AVX512F__) // HSW
+ const vfloat<N> tNear = maxi(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat<N> tFar = mini(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool<N> vmask = asInt(tNear) > asInt(tFar);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask) ^ ((1<<N)-1);
+#elif defined(__AVX512F__) // SKX
+ const vfloat<N> tNear = maxi(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat<N> tFar = mini(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool<N> vmask = asInt(tNear) <= asInt(tFar);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ const vfloat<N> tNear = max(ray.tnear,tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ);
+ const vfloat<N> tFar = min(ray.tfar, tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ );
+ const vbool<N> vmask = tNear <= tFar;
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ dist = tNear;
+ return mask;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Robust AABBNodeMB intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNodeRobust(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB* node, const TravRay<N,true>& ray, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N>* pNearX = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearX);
+ const vfloat<N>* pNearY = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearY);
+ const vfloat<N>* pNearZ = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearZ);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearX = (madd(time,pNearX[6],vfloat<N>(pNearX[0])) - * ray.rdir_near.x;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearY = (madd(time,pNearY[6],vfloat<N>(pNearY[0])) - * ray.rdir_near.y;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearZ = (madd(time,pNearZ[6],vfloat<N>(pNearZ[0])) - * ray.rdir_near.z;
+ const vfloat<N> tNear = max(ray.tnear,tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ);
+ const vfloat<N>* pFarX = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farX);
+ const vfloat<N>* pFarY = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farY);
+ const vfloat<N>* pFarZ = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farZ);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarX = (madd(time,pFarX[6],vfloat<N>(pFarX[0])) - * ray.rdir_far.x;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarY = (madd(time,pFarY[6],vfloat<N>(pFarY[0])) - * ray.rdir_far.y;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarZ = (madd(time,pFarZ[6],vfloat<N>(pFarZ[0])) - * ray.rdir_far.z;
+ const vfloat<N> tFar = min(ray.tfar,tFarX,tFarY,tFarZ);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(tNear <= tFar);
+ dist = tNear;
+ return mask;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Fast AABBNodeMB4D intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNodeMB4D(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef ref, const TravRay<N,false>& ray, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB* node = ref.getAABBNodeMB();
+ const vfloat<N>* pNearX = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearX);
+ const vfloat<N>* pNearY = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearY);
+ const vfloat<N>* pNearZ = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearZ);
+ const vfloat<N>* pFarX = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farX);
+ const vfloat<N>* pFarY = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farY);
+ const vfloat<N>* pFarZ = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farZ);
+#if defined (__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ const vfloat<N> tNearX = msub(madd(time,pNearX[6],vfloat<N>(pNearX[0])), ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearY = msub(madd(time,pNearY[6],vfloat<N>(pNearY[0])), ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearZ = msub(madd(time,pNearZ[6],vfloat<N>(pNearZ[0])), ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarX = msub(madd(time,pFarX [6],vfloat<N>(pFarX [0])), ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarY = msub(madd(time,pFarY [6],vfloat<N>(pFarY [0])), ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarZ = msub(madd(time,pFarZ [6],vfloat<N>(pFarZ [0])), ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearX = (madd(time,pNearX[6],vfloat<N>(pNearX[0])) - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearY = (madd(time,pNearY[6],vfloat<N>(pNearY[0])) - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearZ = (madd(time,pNearZ[6],vfloat<N>(pNearZ[0])) - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarX = (madd(time,pFarX [6],vfloat<N>(pFarX [0])) - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarY = (madd(time,pFarY [6],vfloat<N>(pFarY [0])) - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarZ = (madd(time,pFarZ [6],vfloat<N>(pFarZ [0])) - * ray.rdir.z;
+#if defined(__AVX2__) && !defined(__AVX512F__)
+ const vfloat<N> tNear = maxi(maxi(tNearX,tNearY),maxi(tNearZ,ray.tnear));
+ const vfloat<N> tFar = mini(mini(tFarX ,tFarY ),mini(tFarZ ,ray.tfar ));
+ const vfloat<N> tNear = max(ray.tnear,tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ);
+ const vfloat<N> tFar = min(ray.tfar, tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ );
+ vbool<N> vmask = tNear <= tFar;
+ if (unlikely(ref.isAABBNodeMB4D())) {
+ const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB4D* node1 = (const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB4D*) node;
+ vmask &= (node1->lower_t <= time) & (time < node1->upper_t);
+ }
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ dist = tNear;
+ return mask;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Robust AABBNodeMB4D intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNodeMB4DRobust(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef ref, const TravRay<N,true>& ray, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB* node = ref.getAABBNodeMB();
+ const vfloat<N>* pNearX = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearX);
+ const vfloat<N>* pNearY = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearY);
+ const vfloat<N>* pNearZ = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.nearZ);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearX = (madd(time,pNearX[6],vfloat<N>(pNearX[0])) - * ray.rdir_near.x;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearY = (madd(time,pNearY[6],vfloat<N>(pNearY[0])) - * ray.rdir_near.y;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearZ = (madd(time,pNearZ[6],vfloat<N>(pNearZ[0])) - * ray.rdir_near.z;
+ const vfloat<N> tNear = max(ray.tnear,tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ);
+ const vfloat<N>* pFarX = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farX);
+ const vfloat<N>* pFarY = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farY);
+ const vfloat<N>* pFarZ = (const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x+ray.farZ);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarX = (madd(time,pFarX[6],vfloat<N>(pFarX[0])) - * ray.rdir_far.x;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarY = (madd(time,pFarY[6],vfloat<N>(pFarY[0])) - * ray.rdir_far.y;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarZ = (madd(time,pFarZ[6],vfloat<N>(pFarZ[0])) - * ray.rdir_far.z;
+ const vfloat<N> tFar = min(ray.tfar,tFarX,tFarY,tFarZ);
+ vbool<N> vmask = tNear <= tFar;
+ if (unlikely(ref.isAABBNodeMB4D())) {
+ const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB4D* node1 = (const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB4D*) node;
+ vmask &= (node1->lower_t <= time) & (time < node1->upper_t);
+ }
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ dist = tNear;
+ return mask;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Fast QuantizedBaseNode intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNode* node, const TravRay<N,robust>& ray, vfloat<N>& dist);
+ template<>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode<4>(const typename BVH4::QuantizedBaseNode* node, const TravRay<4,false>& ray, vfloat4& dist)
+ {
+ const size_t mvalid = movemask(node->validMask());
+ const vfloat4 start_x(node->start.x);
+ const vfloat4 scale_x(node->scale.x);
+ const vfloat4 lower_x = madd(node->dequantize<4>(ray.nearX >> 2),scale_x,start_x);
+ const vfloat4 upper_x = madd(node->dequantize<4>(ray.farX >> 2),scale_x,start_x);
+ const vfloat4 start_y(node->start.y);
+ const vfloat4 scale_y(node->scale.y);
+ const vfloat4 lower_y = madd(node->dequantize<4>(ray.nearY >> 2),scale_y,start_y);
+ const vfloat4 upper_y = madd(node->dequantize<4>(ray.farY >> 2),scale_y,start_y);
+ const vfloat4 start_z(node->start.z);
+ const vfloat4 scale_z(node->scale.z);
+ const vfloat4 lower_z = madd(node->dequantize<4>(ray.nearZ >> 2),scale_z,start_z);
+ const vfloat4 upper_z = madd(node->dequantize<4>(ray.farZ >> 2),scale_z,start_z);
+#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ const vfloat4 tNearX = msub(lower_x, ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat4 tNearY = msub(lower_y, ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat4 tNearZ = msub(lower_z, ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat4 tFarX = msub(upper_x, ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat4 tFarY = msub(upper_y, ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat4 tFarZ = msub(upper_z, ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat4 tNearX = (lower_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat4 tNearY = (lower_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat4 tNearZ = (lower_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat4 tFarX = (upper_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat4 tFarY = (upper_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat4 tFarZ = (upper_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+#if defined(__SSE4_1__) && !defined(__AVX512F__) // up to HSW
+ const vfloat4 tNear = maxi(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat4 tFar = mini(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool4 vmask = asInt(tNear) > asInt(tFar);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask) ^ ((1<<4)-1);
+#elif defined(__AVX512F__) // SKX
+ const vfloat4 tNear = maxi(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat4 tFar = mini(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool4 vmask = asInt(tNear) <= asInt(tFar);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ const vfloat4 tNear = max(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat4 tFar = min(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool4 vmask = tNear <= tFar;
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ dist = tNear;
+ return mask & mvalid;
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode<4>(const typename BVH4::QuantizedBaseNode* node, const TravRay<4,true>& ray, vfloat4& dist)
+ {
+ const size_t mvalid = movemask(node->validMask());
+ const vfloat4 start_x(node->start.x);
+ const vfloat4 scale_x(node->scale.x);
+ const vfloat4 lower_x = madd(node->dequantize<4>(ray.nearX >> 2),scale_x,start_x);
+ const vfloat4 upper_x = madd(node->dequantize<4>(ray.farX >> 2),scale_x,start_x);
+ const vfloat4 start_y(node->start.y);
+ const vfloat4 scale_y(node->scale.y);
+ const vfloat4 lower_y = madd(node->dequantize<4>(ray.nearY >> 2),scale_y,start_y);
+ const vfloat4 upper_y = madd(node->dequantize<4>(ray.farY >> 2),scale_y,start_y);
+ const vfloat4 start_z(node->start.z);
+ const vfloat4 scale_z(node->scale.z);
+ const vfloat4 lower_z = madd(node->dequantize<4>(ray.nearZ >> 2),scale_z,start_z);
+ const vfloat4 upper_z = madd(node->dequantize<4>(ray.farZ >> 2),scale_z,start_z);
+ const vfloat4 tNearX = (lower_x - * ray.rdir_near.x;
+ const vfloat4 tNearY = (lower_y - * ray.rdir_near.y;
+ const vfloat4 tNearZ = (lower_z - * ray.rdir_near.z;
+ const vfloat4 tFarX = (upper_x - * ray.rdir_far.x;
+ const vfloat4 tFarY = (upper_y - * ray.rdir_far.y;
+ const vfloat4 tFarZ = (upper_z - * ray.rdir_far.z;
+ const vfloat4 tNear = max(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat4 tFar = min(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool4 vmask = tNear <= tFar;
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ dist = tNear;
+ return mask & mvalid;
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ template<>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode<8>(const typename BVH8::QuantizedBaseNode* node, const TravRay<8,false>& ray, vfloat8& dist)
+ {
+ const size_t mvalid = movemask(node->validMask());
+ const vfloat8 start_x(node->start.x);
+ const vfloat8 scale_x(node->scale.x);
+ const vfloat8 lower_x = madd(node->dequantize<8>(ray.nearX >> 2),scale_x,start_x);
+ const vfloat8 upper_x = madd(node->dequantize<8>(ray.farX >> 2),scale_x,start_x);
+ const vfloat8 start_y(node->start.y);
+ const vfloat8 scale_y(node->scale.y);
+ const vfloat8 lower_y = madd(node->dequantize<8>(ray.nearY >> 2),scale_y,start_y);
+ const vfloat8 upper_y = madd(node->dequantize<8>(ray.farY >> 2),scale_y,start_y);
+ const vfloat8 start_z(node->start.z);
+ const vfloat8 scale_z(node->scale.z);
+ const vfloat8 lower_z = madd(node->dequantize<8>(ray.nearZ >> 2),scale_z,start_z);
+ const vfloat8 upper_z = madd(node->dequantize<8>(ray.farZ >> 2),scale_z,start_z);
+#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ const vfloat8 tNearX = msub(lower_x, ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat8 tNearY = msub(lower_y, ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat8 tNearZ = msub(lower_z, ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat8 tFarX = msub(upper_x, ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat8 tFarY = msub(upper_y, ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat8 tFarZ = msub(upper_z, ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat8 tNearX = (lower_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat8 tNearY = (lower_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat8 tNearZ = (lower_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat8 tFarX = (upper_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat8 tFarY = (upper_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat8 tFarZ = (upper_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+#if defined(__AVX2__) && !defined(__AVX512F__) // HSW
+ const vfloat8 tNear = maxi(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat8 tFar = mini(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool8 vmask = asInt(tNear) > asInt(tFar);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask) ^ ((1<<8)-1);
+#elif defined(__AVX512F__) // SKX
+ const vfloat8 tNear = maxi(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat8 tFar = mini(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool8 vmask = asInt(tNear) <= asInt(tFar);
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ const vfloat8 tNear = max(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat8 tFar = min(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool8 vmask = tNear <= tFar;
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ dist = tNear;
+ return mask & mvalid;
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode<8>(const typename BVH8::QuantizedBaseNode* node, const TravRay<8,true>& ray, vfloat8& dist)
+ {
+ const size_t mvalid = movemask(node->validMask());
+ const vfloat8 start_x(node->start.x);
+ const vfloat8 scale_x(node->scale.x);
+ const vfloat8 lower_x = madd(node->dequantize<8>(ray.nearX >> 2),scale_x,start_x);
+ const vfloat8 upper_x = madd(node->dequantize<8>(ray.farX >> 2),scale_x,start_x);
+ const vfloat8 start_y(node->start.y);
+ const vfloat8 scale_y(node->scale.y);
+ const vfloat8 lower_y = madd(node->dequantize<8>(ray.nearY >> 2),scale_y,start_y);
+ const vfloat8 upper_y = madd(node->dequantize<8>(ray.farY >> 2),scale_y,start_y);
+ const vfloat8 start_z(node->start.z);
+ const vfloat8 scale_z(node->scale.z);
+ const vfloat8 lower_z = madd(node->dequantize<8>(ray.nearZ >> 2),scale_z,start_z);
+ const vfloat8 upper_z = madd(node->dequantize<8>(ray.farZ >> 2),scale_z,start_z);
+ const vfloat8 tNearX = (lower_x - * ray.rdir_near.x;
+ const vfloat8 tNearY = (lower_y - * ray.rdir_near.y;
+ const vfloat8 tNearZ = (lower_z - * ray.rdir_near.z;
+ const vfloat8 tFarX = (upper_x - * ray.rdir_far.x;
+ const vfloat8 tFarY = (upper_y - * ray.rdir_far.y;
+ const vfloat8 tFarZ = (upper_z - * ray.rdir_far.z;
+ const vfloat8 tNear = max(tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat8 tFar = min(tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ ,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool8 vmask = tNear <= tFar;
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ dist = tNear;
+ return mask & mvalid;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNodeMB* node, const TravRay<N,false>& ray, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const vboolf<N> mvalid = node->validMask();
+ const vfloat<N> lower_x = node->dequantizeLowerX(time);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_x = node->dequantizeUpperX(time);
+ const vfloat<N> lower_y = node->dequantizeLowerY(time);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_y = node->dequantizeUpperY(time);
+ const vfloat<N> lower_z = node->dequantizeLowerZ(time);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_z = node->dequantizeUpperZ(time);
+#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ const vfloat<N> tNearX = msub(lower_x, ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearY = msub(lower_y, ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearZ = msub(lower_z, ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarX = msub(upper_x, ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarY = msub(upper_y, ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarZ = msub(upper_z, ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearX = (lower_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearY = (lower_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearZ = (lower_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarX = (upper_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarY = (upper_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarZ = (upper_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<N> tminX = mini(tNearX,tFarX);
+ const vfloat<N> tmaxX = maxi(tNearX,tFarX);
+ const vfloat<N> tminY = mini(tNearY,tFarY);
+ const vfloat<N> tmaxY = maxi(tNearY,tFarY);
+ const vfloat<N> tminZ = mini(tNearZ,tFarZ);
+ const vfloat<N> tmaxZ = maxi(tNearZ,tFarZ);
+ const vfloat<N> tNear = maxi(tminX,tminY,tminZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat<N> tFar = mini(tmaxX,tmaxY,tmaxZ,ray.tfar);
+#if defined(__AVX512F__) // SKX
+ const vbool<N> vmask = le(mvalid,asInt(tNear),asInt(tFar));
+ const vbool<N> vmask = (asInt(tNear) <= asInt(tFar)) & mvalid;
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ dist = tNear;
+ return mask;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNodeMB* node, const TravRay<N,true>& ray, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const vboolf<N> mvalid = node->validMask();
+ const vfloat<N> lower_x = node->dequantizeLowerX(time);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_x = node->dequantizeUpperX(time);
+ const vfloat<N> lower_y = node->dequantizeLowerY(time);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_y = node->dequantizeUpperY(time);
+ const vfloat<N> lower_z = node->dequantizeLowerZ(time);
+ const vfloat<N> upper_z = node->dequantizeUpperZ(time);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearX = (lower_x - * ray.rdir_near.x;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearY = (lower_y - * ray.rdir_near.y;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearZ = (lower_z - * ray.rdir_near.z;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarX = (upper_x - * ray.rdir_far.x;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarY = (upper_y - * ray.rdir_far.y;
+ const vfloat<N> tFarZ = (upper_z - * ray.rdir_far.z;
+ const vfloat<N> tminX = mini(tNearX,tFarX);
+ const vfloat<N> tmaxX = maxi(tNearX,tFarX);
+ const vfloat<N> tminY = mini(tNearY,tFarY);
+ const vfloat<N> tmaxY = maxi(tNearY,tFarY);
+ const vfloat<N> tminZ = mini(tNearZ,tFarZ);
+ const vfloat<N> tmaxZ = maxi(tNearZ,tFarZ);
+ const vfloat<N> tNear = maxi(tminX,tminY,tminZ,ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat<N> tFar = mini(tmaxX,tmaxY,tmaxZ,ray.tfar);
+#if defined(__AVX512F__) // SKX
+ const vbool<N> vmask = le(mvalid,asInt(tNear),asInt(tFar));
+ const vbool<N> vmask = (asInt(tNear) <= asInt(tFar)) & mvalid;
+ const size_t mask = movemask(vmask);
+ dist = tNear;
+ return mask;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Fast OBBNode intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode(const typename BVHN<N>::OBBNode* node, const TravRay<N,robust>& ray, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<N> dir = xfmVector(node->naabb,ray.dir);
+ //const Vec3vf<N> nrdir = Vec3vf<N>(vfloat<N>(-1.0f))/dir;
+ const Vec3vf<N> nrdir = Vec3vf<N>(vfloat<N>(-1.0f))*rcp_safe(dir);
+ const Vec3vf<N> org = xfmPoint(node->naabb,;
+ const Vec3vf<N> tLowerXYZ = org * nrdir; // (Vec3fa(zero) - org) * rdir;
+ const Vec3vf<N> tUpperXYZ = tLowerXYZ - nrdir; // (Vec3fa(one ) - org) * rdir;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearX = mini(tLowerXYZ.x,tUpperXYZ.x);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearY = mini(tLowerXYZ.y,tUpperXYZ.y);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearZ = mini(tLowerXYZ.z,tUpperXYZ.z);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarX = maxi(tLowerXYZ.x,tUpperXYZ.x);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarY = maxi(tLowerXYZ.y,tUpperXYZ.y);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarZ = maxi(tLowerXYZ.z,tUpperXYZ.z);
+ vfloat<N> tNear = max(ray.tnear, tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ);
+ vfloat<N> tFar = min(ray.tfar, tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ );
+ if (robust) {
+ tNear = tNear*vfloat<N>(1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp));
+ tFar = tFar *vfloat<N>(1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp));
+ }
+ const vbool<N> vmask = tNear <= tFar;
+ dist = tNear;
+ return movemask(vmask);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Fast OBBNodeMB intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode(const typename BVHN<N>::OBBNodeMB* node, const TravRay<N,robust>& ray, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const AffineSpace3vf<N> xfm = node->space0;
+ const Vec3vf<N> b0_lower = zero;
+ const Vec3vf<N> b0_upper = one;
+ const Vec3vf<N> lower = lerp(b0_lower,node->b1.lower,vfloat<N>(time));
+ const Vec3vf<N> upper = lerp(b0_upper,node->b1.upper,vfloat<N>(time));
+ const BBox3vf<N> bounds(lower,upper);
+ const Vec3vf<N> dir = xfmVector(xfm,ray.dir);
+ const Vec3vf<N> rdir = rcp_safe(dir);
+ const Vec3vf<N> org = xfmPoint(xfm,;
+ const Vec3vf<N> tLowerXYZ = (bounds.lower - org) * rdir;
+ const Vec3vf<N> tUpperXYZ = (bounds.upper - org) * rdir;
+ const vfloat<N> tNearX = mini(tLowerXYZ.x,tUpperXYZ.x);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearY = mini(tLowerXYZ.y,tUpperXYZ.y);
+ const vfloat<N> tNearZ = mini(tLowerXYZ.z,tUpperXYZ.z);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarX = maxi(tLowerXYZ.x,tUpperXYZ.x);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarY = maxi(tLowerXYZ.y,tUpperXYZ.y);
+ const vfloat<N> tFarZ = maxi(tLowerXYZ.z,tUpperXYZ.z);
+ vfloat<N> tNear = max(ray.tnear, tNearX,tNearY,tNearZ);
+ vfloat<N> tFar = min(ray.tfar, tFarX ,tFarY ,tFarZ );
+ if (robust) {
+ tNear = tNear*vfloat<N>(1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp));
+ tFar = tFar *vfloat<N>(1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp));
+ }
+ const vbool<N> vmask = tNear <= tFar;
+ dist = tNear;
+ return movemask(vmask);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Node intersectors used in point query raversal
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*! Computes traversal information for N nodes with 1 point query */
+ template<int N, int types>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQuerySphere1;
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQuerySphere1<N, BVH_AN1>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = pointQueryNodeSphere(node.getAABBNode(), query, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQuerySphere1<N, BVH_AN2>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = pointQueryNodeSphere(node.getAABBNodeMB(), query, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQuerySphere1<N, BVH_AN2_AN4D>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = pointQueryNodeSphereMB4D<N>(node, query, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQuerySphere1<N, BVH_AN1_UN1>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (likely(node.isAABBNode())) mask = pointQueryNodeSphere(node.getAABBNode(), query, dist);
+ else if (unlikely(node.isOBBNode())) mask = pointQueryNodeSphere(node.ungetAABBNode(), query, dist);
+ else return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQuerySphere1<N, BVH_AN2_UN2>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (likely(node.isAABBNodeMB())) mask = pointQueryNodeSphere(node.getAABBNodeMB(), query, time, dist);
+ else if (unlikely(node.isOBBNodeMB())) mask = pointQueryNodeSphere(node.ungetAABBNodeMB(), query, time, dist);
+ else return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQuerySphere1<N, BVH_AN2_AN4D_UN2>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(node.isOBBNodeMB())) mask = pointQueryNodeSphere(node.ungetAABBNodeMB(), query, time, dist);
+ else mask = pointQueryNodeSphereMB4D(node, query, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQuerySphere1<N, BVH_QN1>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = pointQueryNodeSphere((const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedNode*)node.quantizedNode(), query, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNQuantizedBaseNodePointQuerySphere1
+ {
+ static __forceinline size_t pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNode* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ return pointQueryNodeSphere(node,query,dist);
+ }
+ static __forceinline size_t pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNodeMB* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ return pointQueryNodeSphere(node,query,time,dist);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Computes traversal information for N nodes with 1 point query */
+ template<int N, int types>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQueryAABB1;
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQueryAABB1<N, BVH_AN1>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = pointQueryNodeAABB(node.getAABBNode(), query, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQueryAABB1<N, BVH_AN2>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = pointQueryNodeAABB(node.getAABBNodeMB(), query, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQueryAABB1<N, BVH_AN2_AN4D>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = pointQueryNodeAABBMB4D<N>(node, query, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQueryAABB1<N, BVH_AN1_UN1>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (likely(node.isAABBNode())) mask = pointQueryNodeAABB(node.getAABBNode(), query, dist);
+ else if (unlikely(node.isOBBNode())) mask = pointQueryNodeAABB(node.ungetAABBNode(), query, dist);
+ else return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQueryAABB1<N, BVH_AN2_UN2>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (likely(node.isAABBNodeMB())) mask = pointQueryNodeAABB(node.getAABBNodeMB(), query, time, dist);
+ else if (unlikely(node.isOBBNodeMB())) mask = pointQueryNodeAABB(node.ungetAABBNodeMB(), query, time, dist);
+ else return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQueryAABB1<N, BVH_AN2_AN4D_UN2>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(node.isOBBNodeMB())) mask = pointQueryNodeAABB(node.ungetAABBNodeMB(), query, time, dist);
+ else mask = pointQueryNodeAABBMB4D(node, query, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodePointQueryAABB1<N, BVH_QN1>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = pointQueryNodeAABB((const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedNode*)node.quantizedNode(), query, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNQuantizedBaseNodePointQueryAABB1
+ {
+ static __forceinline size_t pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNode* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ return pointQueryNodeAABB(node,query,dist);
+ }
+ static __forceinline size_t pointQuery(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNodeMB* node, const TravPointQuery<N>& query, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ return pointQueryNodeAABB(node,query,time,dist);
+ }
+ };
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Node intersectors used in ray traversal
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*! Intersects N nodes with 1 ray */
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1;
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, BVH_AN1, false>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravRay<N,false>& ray, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = intersectNode(node.getAABBNode(), ray, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, BVH_AN1, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravRay<N,true>& ray, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = intersectNodeRobust(node.getAABBNode(), ray, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, BVH_AN2, false>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravRay<N,false>& ray, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = intersectNode(node.getAABBNodeMB(), ray, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, BVH_AN2, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravRay<N,true>& ray, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = intersectNodeRobust(node.getAABBNodeMB(), ray, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, BVH_AN2_AN4D, false>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravRay<N,false>& ray, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = intersectNodeMB4D<N>(node, ray, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, BVH_AN2_AN4D, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravRay<N,true>& ray, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = intersectNodeMB4DRobust<N>(node, ray, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, BVH_AN1_UN1, false>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravRay<N,false>& ray, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (likely(node.isAABBNode())) mask = intersectNode(node.getAABBNode(), ray, dist);
+ else if (unlikely(node.isOBBNode())) mask = intersectNode(node.ungetAABBNode(), ray, dist);
+ else return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, BVH_AN1_UN1, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravRay<N,true>& ray, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (likely(node.isAABBNode())) mask = intersectNodeRobust(node.getAABBNode(), ray, dist);
+ else if (unlikely(node.isOBBNode())) mask = intersectNode(node.ungetAABBNode(), ray, dist);
+ else return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, BVH_AN2_UN2, false>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravRay<N,false>& ray, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (likely(node.isAABBNodeMB())) mask = intersectNode(node.getAABBNodeMB(), ray, time, dist);
+ else if (unlikely(node.isOBBNodeMB())) mask = intersectNode(node.ungetAABBNodeMB(), ray, time, dist);
+ else return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, BVH_AN2_UN2, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravRay<N,true>& ray, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (likely(node.isAABBNodeMB())) mask = intersectNodeRobust(node.getAABBNodeMB(), ray, time, dist);
+ else if (unlikely(node.isOBBNodeMB())) mask = intersectNode(node.ungetAABBNodeMB(), ray, time, dist);
+ else return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, BVH_AN2_AN4D_UN2, false>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravRay<N,false>& ray, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(node.isOBBNodeMB())) mask = intersectNode(node.ungetAABBNodeMB(), ray, time, dist);
+ else mask = intersectNodeMB4D(node, ray, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, BVH_AN2_AN4D_UN2, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravRay<N,true>& ray, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(node.isOBBNodeMB())) mask = intersectNode(node.ungetAABBNodeMB(), ray, time, dist);
+ else mask = intersectNodeMB4DRobust(node, ray, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, BVH_QN1, false>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravRay<N,false>& ray, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = intersectNode((const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedNode*)node.quantizedNode(), ray, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, BVH_QN1, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, const TravRay<N,true>& ray, float time, vfloat<N>& dist, size_t& mask)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(node.isLeaf())) return false;
+ mask = intersectNodeRobust((const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedNode*)node.quantizedNode(), ray, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects N nodes with K rays */
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ struct BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1;
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1<N, false>
+ {
+ static __forceinline size_t intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNode* node, const TravRay<N,false>& ray, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ return intersectNode(node,ray,dist);
+ }
+ static __forceinline size_t intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNodeMB* node, const TravRay<N,false>& ray, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ return intersectNode(node,ray,time,dist);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1<N, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline size_t intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNode* node, const TravRay<N,true>& ray, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ return intersectNode(node,ray,dist);
+ }
+ static __forceinline size_t intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNodeMB* node, const TravRay<N,true>& ray, const float time, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ return intersectNode(node,ray,time,dist);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector_frustum.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector_frustum.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f7215e5df
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector_frustum.h
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "node_intersector.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Frustum structure used in hybrid and stream traversal
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*
+ Optimized frustum test. We calculate t=(p-org)/dir in ray/box
+ intersection. We assume the rays are split by octant, thus
+ dir intervals are either positive or negative in each
+ dimension.
+ Case 1: dir.min >= 0 && dir.max >= 0:
+ t_min = (p_min - org_max) / dir_max = (p_min - org_max)*rdir_min = p_min*rdir_min - org_max*rdir_min
+ t_max = (p_max - org_min) / dir_min = (p_max - org_min)*rdir_max = p_max*rdir_max - org_min*rdir_max
+ Case 2: dir.min < 0 && dir.max < 0:
+ t_min = (p_max - org_min) / dir_min = (p_max - org_min)*rdir_max = p_max*rdir_max - org_min*rdir_max
+ t_max = (p_min - org_max) / dir_max = (p_min - org_max)*rdir_min = p_min*rdir_min - org_max*rdir_min
+ */
+ template<bool robust>
+ struct Frustum;
+ /* Fast variant */
+ template<>
+ struct Frustum<false>
+ {
+ __forceinline Frustum() {}
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void init(const vbool<K>& valid, const Vec3vf<K>& org, const Vec3vf<K>& rdir, const vfloat<K>& ray_tnear, const vfloat<K>& ray_tfar, int N)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa reduced_min_org(reduce_min(select(valid, org.x, pos_inf)),
+ reduce_min(select(valid, org.y, pos_inf)),
+ reduce_min(select(valid, org.z, pos_inf)));
+ const Vec3fa reduced_max_org(reduce_max(select(valid, org.x, neg_inf)),
+ reduce_max(select(valid, org.y, neg_inf)),
+ reduce_max(select(valid, org.z, neg_inf)));
+ const Vec3fa reduced_min_rdir(reduce_min(select(valid, rdir.x, pos_inf)),
+ reduce_min(select(valid, rdir.y, pos_inf)),
+ reduce_min(select(valid, rdir.z, pos_inf)));
+ const Vec3fa reduced_max_rdir(reduce_max(select(valid, rdir.x, neg_inf)),
+ reduce_max(select(valid, rdir.y, neg_inf)),
+ reduce_max(select(valid, rdir.z, neg_inf)));
+ const float reduced_min_dist = reduce_min(select(valid, ray_tnear, vfloat<K>(pos_inf)));
+ const float reduced_max_dist = reduce_max(select(valid, ray_tfar , vfloat<K>(neg_inf)));
+ init(reduced_min_org, reduced_max_org, reduced_min_rdir, reduced_max_rdir, reduced_min_dist, reduced_max_dist, N);
+ }
+ __forceinline void init(const Vec3fa& reduced_min_org,
+ const Vec3fa& reduced_max_org,
+ const Vec3fa& reduced_min_rdir,
+ const Vec3fa& reduced_max_rdir,
+ float reduced_min_dist,
+ float reduced_max_dist,
+ int N)
+ {
+ const Vec3ba pos_rdir = ge_mask(reduced_min_rdir, Vec3fa(zero));
+ min_rdir = select(pos_rdir, reduced_min_rdir, reduced_max_rdir);
+ max_rdir = select(pos_rdir, reduced_max_rdir, reduced_min_rdir);
+ min_org_rdir = min_rdir * select(pos_rdir, reduced_max_org, reduced_min_org);
+ max_org_rdir = max_rdir * select(pos_rdir, reduced_min_org, reduced_max_org);
+ min_dist = reduced_min_dist;
+ max_dist = reduced_max_dist;
+ nf = NearFarPrecalculations(min_rdir, N);
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void updateMaxDist(const vfloat<K>& ray_tfar)
+ {
+ max_dist = reduce_max(ray_tfar);
+ }
+ NearFarPrecalculations nf;
+ Vec3fa min_rdir;
+ Vec3fa max_rdir;
+ Vec3fa min_org_rdir;
+ Vec3fa max_org_rdir;
+ float min_dist;
+ float max_dist;
+ };
+ typedef Frustum<false> FrustumFast;
+ /* Robust variant */
+ template<>
+ struct Frustum<true>
+ {
+ __forceinline Frustum() {}
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void init(const vbool<K>& valid, const Vec3vf<K>& org, const Vec3vf<K>& rdir, const vfloat<K>& ray_tnear, const vfloat<K>& ray_tfar, int N)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa reduced_min_org(reduce_min(select(valid, org.x, pos_inf)),
+ reduce_min(select(valid, org.y, pos_inf)),
+ reduce_min(select(valid, org.z, pos_inf)));
+ const Vec3fa reduced_max_org(reduce_max(select(valid, org.x, neg_inf)),
+ reduce_max(select(valid, org.y, neg_inf)),
+ reduce_max(select(valid, org.z, neg_inf)));
+ const Vec3fa reduced_min_rdir(reduce_min(select(valid, rdir.x, pos_inf)),
+ reduce_min(select(valid, rdir.y, pos_inf)),
+ reduce_min(select(valid, rdir.z, pos_inf)));
+ const Vec3fa reduced_max_rdir(reduce_max(select(valid, rdir.x, neg_inf)),
+ reduce_max(select(valid, rdir.y, neg_inf)),
+ reduce_max(select(valid, rdir.z, neg_inf)));
+ const float reduced_min_dist = reduce_min(select(valid, ray_tnear, vfloat<K>(pos_inf)));
+ const float reduced_max_dist = reduce_max(select(valid, ray_tfar , vfloat<K>(neg_inf)));
+ init(reduced_min_org, reduced_max_org, reduced_min_rdir, reduced_max_rdir, reduced_min_dist, reduced_max_dist, N);
+ }
+ __forceinline void init(const Vec3fa& reduced_min_org,
+ const Vec3fa& reduced_max_org,
+ const Vec3fa& reduced_min_rdir,
+ const Vec3fa& reduced_max_rdir,
+ float reduced_min_dist,
+ float reduced_max_dist,
+ int N)
+ {
+ const Vec3ba pos_rdir = ge_mask(reduced_min_rdir, Vec3fa(zero));
+ min_rdir = select(pos_rdir, reduced_min_rdir, reduced_max_rdir);
+ max_rdir = select(pos_rdir, reduced_max_rdir, reduced_min_rdir);
+ min_org = select(pos_rdir, reduced_max_org, reduced_min_org);
+ max_org = select(pos_rdir, reduced_min_org, reduced_max_org);
+ min_dist = reduced_min_dist;
+ max_dist = reduced_max_dist;
+ nf = NearFarPrecalculations(min_rdir, N);
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void updateMaxDist(const vfloat<K>& ray_tfar)
+ {
+ max_dist = reduce_max(ray_tfar);
+ }
+ NearFarPrecalculations nf;
+ Vec3fa min_rdir;
+ Vec3fa max_rdir;
+ Vec3fa min_org;
+ Vec3fa max_org;
+ float min_dist;
+ float max_dist;
+ };
+ typedef Frustum<true> FrustumRobust;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Fast AABBNode intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNodeFrustum(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode* __restrict__ node,
+ const FrustumFast& frustum, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> bminX = *(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x +;
+ const vfloat<N> bminY = *(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x +;
+ const vfloat<N> bminZ = *(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x +;
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxX = *(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x +;
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxY = *(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x +;
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxZ = *(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x +;
+ const vfloat<N> fminX = msub(bminX, vfloat<N>(frustum.min_rdir.x), vfloat<N>(frustum.min_org_rdir.x));
+ const vfloat<N> fminY = msub(bminY, vfloat<N>(frustum.min_rdir.y), vfloat<N>(frustum.min_org_rdir.y));
+ const vfloat<N> fminZ = msub(bminZ, vfloat<N>(frustum.min_rdir.z), vfloat<N>(frustum.min_org_rdir.z));
+ const vfloat<N> fmaxX = msub(bmaxX, vfloat<N>(frustum.max_rdir.x), vfloat<N>(frustum.max_org_rdir.x));
+ const vfloat<N> fmaxY = msub(bmaxY, vfloat<N>(frustum.max_rdir.y), vfloat<N>(frustum.max_org_rdir.y));
+ const vfloat<N> fmaxZ = msub(bmaxZ, vfloat<N>(frustum.max_rdir.z), vfloat<N>(frustum.max_org_rdir.z));
+ const vfloat<N> fmin = maxi(fminX, fminY, fminZ, vfloat<N>(frustum.min_dist));
+ dist = fmin;
+ const vfloat<N> fmax = mini(fmaxX, fmaxY, fmaxZ, vfloat<N>(frustum.max_dist));
+ const vbool<N> vmask_node_hit = fmin <= fmax;
+ size_t m_node = movemask(vmask_node_hit) & (((size_t)1 << N)-1);
+ return m_node;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Robust AABBNode intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNodeFrustum(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode* __restrict__ node,
+ const FrustumRobust& frustum, vfloat<N>& dist)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> bminX = *(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x +;
+ const vfloat<N> bminY = *(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x +;
+ const vfloat<N> bminZ = *(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x +;
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxX = *(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x +;
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxY = *(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x +;
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxZ = *(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x +;
+ const vfloat<N> fminX = (bminX - vfloat<N>(frustum.min_org.x)) * vfloat<N>(frustum.min_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<N> fminY = (bminY - vfloat<N>(frustum.min_org.y)) * vfloat<N>(frustum.min_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<N> fminZ = (bminZ - vfloat<N>(frustum.min_org.z)) * vfloat<N>(frustum.min_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<N> fmaxX = (bmaxX - vfloat<N>(frustum.max_org.x)) * vfloat<N>(frustum.max_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<N> fmaxY = (bmaxY - vfloat<N>(frustum.max_org.y)) * vfloat<N>(frustum.max_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<N> fmaxZ = (bmaxZ - vfloat<N>(frustum.max_org.z)) * vfloat<N>(frustum.max_rdir.z);
+ const float round_down = 1.0f-2.0f*float(ulp); // FIXME: use per instruction rounding for AVX512
+ const float round_up = 1.0f+2.0f*float(ulp);
+ const vfloat<N> fmin = max(fminX, fminY, fminZ, vfloat<N>(frustum.min_dist));
+ dist = fmin;
+ const vfloat<N> fmax = min(fmaxX, fmaxY, fmaxZ, vfloat<N>(frustum.max_dist));
+ const vbool<N> vmask_node_hit = (round_down*fmin <= round_up*fmax);
+ size_t m_node = movemask(vmask_node_hit) & (((size_t)1 << N)-1);
+ return m_node;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector_packet.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector_packet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5498fc5db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector_packet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,805 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "node_intersector.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Ray packet structure used in hybrid traversal
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int K, bool robust>
+ struct TravRayK;
+ /* Fast variant */
+ template<int K>
+ struct TravRayK<K, false>
+ {
+ __forceinline TravRayK() {}
+ __forceinline TravRayK(const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir, int N)
+ {
+ init(ray_org, ray_dir, N);
+ }
+ __forceinline TravRayK(const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir, const vfloat<K>& ray_tnear, const vfloat<K>& ray_tfar, int N)
+ {
+ init(ray_org, ray_dir, N);
+ tnear = ray_tnear;
+ tfar = ray_tfar;
+ }
+ __forceinline void init(const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir, int N)
+ {
+ org = ray_org;
+ dir = ray_dir;
+ rdir = rcp_safe(ray_dir);
+#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ org_rdir = org * rdir;
+ if (N)
+ {
+ const int size = sizeof(float)*N;
+ nearXYZ.x = select(rdir.x >= 0.0f, vint<K>(0*size), vint<K>(1*size));
+ nearXYZ.y = select(rdir.y >= 0.0f, vint<K>(2*size), vint<K>(3*size));
+ nearXYZ.z = select(rdir.z >= 0.0f, vint<K>(4*size), vint<K>(5*size));
+ }
+ }
+ Vec3vf<K> org;
+ Vec3vf<K> dir;
+ Vec3vf<K> rdir;
+#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ Vec3vf<K> org_rdir;
+ Vec3vi<K> nearXYZ;
+ vfloat<K> tnear;
+ vfloat<K> tfar;
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ using TravRayKFast = TravRayK<K, false>;
+ /* Robust variant */
+ template<int K>
+ struct TravRayK<K, true>
+ {
+ __forceinline TravRayK() {}
+ __forceinline TravRayK(const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir, int N)
+ {
+ init(ray_org, ray_dir, N);
+ }
+ __forceinline TravRayK(const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir, const vfloat<K>& ray_tnear, const vfloat<K>& ray_tfar, int N)
+ {
+ init(ray_org, ray_dir, N);
+ tnear = ray_tnear;
+ tfar = ray_tfar;
+ }
+ __forceinline void init(const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir, int N)
+ {
+ org = ray_org;
+ dir = ray_dir;
+ rdir = vfloat<K>(1.0f)/(zero_fix(ray_dir));
+ if (N)
+ {
+ const int size = sizeof(float)*N;
+ nearXYZ.x = select(rdir.x >= 0.0f, vint<K>(0*size), vint<K>(1*size));
+ nearXYZ.y = select(rdir.y >= 0.0f, vint<K>(2*size), vint<K>(3*size));
+ nearXYZ.z = select(rdir.z >= 0.0f, vint<K>(4*size), vint<K>(5*size));
+ }
+ }
+ Vec3vf<K> org;
+ Vec3vf<K> dir;
+ Vec3vf<K> rdir;
+ Vec3vi<K> nearXYZ;
+ vfloat<K> tnear;
+ vfloat<K> tfar;
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ using TravRayKRobust = TravRayK<K, true>;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Fast AABBNode intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectNodeK(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode* node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKFast<K>& ray, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ #if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = msub(node->lower_x[i], ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = msub(node->lower_y[i], ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = msub(node->lower_z[i], ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = msub(node->upper_x[i], ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = msub(node->upper_y[i], ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = msub(node->upper_z[i], ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ #else
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = (node->lower_x[i] - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = (node->lower_y[i] - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = (node->lower_z[i] - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = (node->upper_x[i] - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = (node->upper_y[i] - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = (node->upper_z[i] - * ray.rdir.z;
+ #endif
+ #if defined(__AVX512F__) // SKX
+ if (K == 16)
+ {
+ /* use mixed float/int min/max */
+ const vfloat<K> lnearP = maxi(min(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), min(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), min(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vfloat<K> lfarP = mini(max(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), max(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), max(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vbool<K> lhit = asInt(maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear)) <= asInt(mini(lfarP, ray.tfar));
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ else
+ #endif
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> lnearP = maxi(mini(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), mini(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), mini(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vfloat<K> lfarP = mini(maxi(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), maxi(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), maxi(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ #if defined(__AVX512F__) // SKX
+ const vbool<K> lhit = asInt(maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear)) <= asInt(mini(lfarP, ray.tfar));
+ #else
+ const vbool<K> lhit = maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear) <= mini(lfarP, ray.tfar);
+ #endif
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Robust AABBNode intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectNodeKRobust(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode* node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKRobust<K>& ray, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ // FIXME: use per instruction rounding for AVX512
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = (node->lower_x[i] - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = (node->lower_y[i] - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = (node->lower_z[i] - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = (node->upper_x[i] - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = (node->upper_y[i] - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = (node->upper_z[i] - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const float round_up = 1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp);
+ const float round_down = 1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp);
+ const vfloat<K> lnearP = round_down*max(max(min(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), min(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY)), min(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vfloat<K> lfarP = round_up *min(min(max(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), max(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY)), max(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vbool<K> lhit = max(lnearP, ray.tnear) <= min(lfarP, ray.tfar);
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Fast AABBNodeMB intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectNodeK(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB* node, const size_t i,
+ const TravRayKFast<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> vlower_x = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->lower_dx[i]), vfloat<K>(node->lower_x[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vlower_y = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->lower_dy[i]), vfloat<K>(node->lower_y[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vlower_z = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->lower_dz[i]), vfloat<K>(node->lower_z[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vupper_x = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->upper_dx[i]), vfloat<K>(node->upper_x[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vupper_y = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->upper_dy[i]), vfloat<K>(node->upper_y[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vupper_z = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->upper_dz[i]), vfloat<K>(node->upper_z[i]));
+#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = msub(vlower_x, ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = msub(vlower_y, ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = msub(vlower_z, ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = msub(vupper_x, ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = msub(vupper_y, ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = msub(vupper_z, ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = (vlower_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = (vlower_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = (vlower_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = (vupper_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = (vupper_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = (vupper_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__) // SKX
+ if (K == 16)
+ {
+ /* use mixed float/int min/max */
+ const vfloat<K> lnearP = maxi(min(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), min(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), min(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vfloat<K> lfarP = mini(max(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), max(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), max(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vbool<K> lhit = asInt(maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear)) <= asInt(mini(lfarP, ray.tfar));
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> lnearP = maxi(mini(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), mini(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), mini(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vfloat<K> lfarP = mini(maxi(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), maxi(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), maxi(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+#if defined(__AVX512F__) // SKX
+ const vbool<K> lhit = asInt(maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear)) <= asInt(mini(lfarP, ray.tfar));
+ const vbool<K> lhit = maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear) <= mini(lfarP, ray.tfar);
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Robust AABBNodeMB intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectNodeKRobust(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB* node, const size_t i,
+ const TravRayKRobust<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> vlower_x = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->lower_dx[i]), vfloat<K>(node->lower_x[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vlower_y = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->lower_dy[i]), vfloat<K>(node->lower_y[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vlower_z = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->lower_dz[i]), vfloat<K>(node->lower_z[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vupper_x = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->upper_dx[i]), vfloat<K>(node->upper_x[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vupper_y = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->upper_dy[i]), vfloat<K>(node->upper_y[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vupper_z = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->upper_dz[i]), vfloat<K>(node->upper_z[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = (vlower_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = (vlower_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = (vlower_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = (vupper_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = (vupper_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = (vupper_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const float round_up = 1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp);
+ const float round_down = 1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp);
+#if defined(__AVX512F__) // SKX
+ if (K == 16)
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> lnearP = round_down*maxi(min(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), min(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), min(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vfloat<K> lfarP = round_up *mini(max(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), max(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), max(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vbool<K> lhit = maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear) <= mini(lfarP, ray.tfar);
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> lnearP = round_down*maxi(mini(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), mini(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), mini(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vfloat<K> lfarP = round_up *mini(maxi(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), maxi(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), maxi(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vbool<K> lhit = maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear) <= mini(lfarP, ray.tfar);
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Fast AABBNodeMB4D intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectNodeKMB4D(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef ref, const size_t i,
+ const TravRayKFast<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB* node = ref.getAABBNodeMB();
+ const vfloat<K> vlower_x = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->lower_dx[i]), vfloat<K>(node->lower_x[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vlower_y = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->lower_dy[i]), vfloat<K>(node->lower_y[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vlower_z = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->lower_dz[i]), vfloat<K>(node->lower_z[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vupper_x = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->upper_dx[i]), vfloat<K>(node->upper_x[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vupper_y = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->upper_dy[i]), vfloat<K>(node->upper_y[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vupper_z = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->upper_dz[i]), vfloat<K>(node->upper_z[i]));
+#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = msub(vlower_x, ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = msub(vlower_y, ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = msub(vlower_z, ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = msub(vupper_x, ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = msub(vupper_y, ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = msub(vupper_z, ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = (vlower_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = (vlower_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = (vlower_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = (vupper_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = (vupper_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = (vupper_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<K> lnearP = maxi(maxi(mini(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), mini(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY)), mini(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vfloat<K> lfarP = mini(mini(maxi(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), maxi(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY)), maxi(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ vbool<K> lhit = maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear) <= mini(lfarP, ray.tfar);
+ if (unlikely(ref.isAABBNodeMB4D())) {
+ const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB4D* node1 = (const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB4D*) node;
+ lhit = lhit & (vfloat<K>(node1->lower_t[i]) <= time) & (time < vfloat<K>(node1->upper_t[i]));
+ }
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Robust AABBNodeMB4D intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectNodeKMB4DRobust(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef ref, const size_t i,
+ const TravRayKRobust<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB* node = ref.getAABBNodeMB();
+ const vfloat<K> vlower_x = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->lower_dx[i]), vfloat<K>(node->lower_x[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vlower_y = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->lower_dy[i]), vfloat<K>(node->lower_y[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vlower_z = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->lower_dz[i]), vfloat<K>(node->lower_z[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vupper_x = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->upper_dx[i]), vfloat<K>(node->upper_x[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vupper_y = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->upper_dy[i]), vfloat<K>(node->upper_y[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> vupper_z = madd(time, vfloat<K>(node->upper_dz[i]), vfloat<K>(node->upper_z[i]));
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = (vlower_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = (vlower_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = (vlower_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = (vupper_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = (vupper_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = (vupper_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const float round_up = 1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp);
+ const float round_down = 1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp);
+ const vfloat<K> lnearP = round_down*maxi(maxi(mini(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), mini(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY)), mini(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vfloat<K> lfarP = round_up *mini(mini(maxi(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), maxi(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY)), maxi(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ vbool<K> lhit = maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear) <= mini(lfarP, ray.tfar);
+ if (unlikely(ref.isAABBNodeMB4D())) {
+ const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB4D* node1 = (const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNodeMB4D*) node;
+ lhit = lhit & (vfloat<K>(node1->lower_t[i]) <= time) & (time < vfloat<K>(node1->upper_t[i]));
+ }
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Fast OBBNode intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, int K, bool robust>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectNodeK(const typename BVHN<N>::OBBNode* node, const size_t i,
+ const TravRayK<K,robust>& ray, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ const AffineSpace3vf<K> naabb(Vec3f(node->naabb.l.vx.x[i], node->naabb.l.vx.y[i], node->naabb.l.vx.z[i]),
+ Vec3f(node->naabb.l.vy.x[i], node->naabb.l.vy.y[i], node->naabb.l.vy.z[i]),
+ Vec3f(node->naabb.l.vz.x[i], node->naabb.l.vz.y[i], node->naabb.l.vz.z[i]),
+ Vec3f(node->naabb.p .x[i], node->naabb.p .y[i], node->naabb.p .z[i]));
+ const Vec3vf<K> dir = xfmVector(naabb, ray.dir);
+ const Vec3vf<K> nrdir = Vec3vf<K>(vfloat<K>(-1.0f)) * rcp_safe(dir); // FIXME: negate instead of mul with -1?
+ const Vec3vf<K> org = xfmPoint(naabb,;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = org.x * nrdir.x; // (Vec3fa(zero) - org) * rdir;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = org.y * nrdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = org.z * nrdir.z;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = lclipMinX - nrdir.x; // (Vec3fa(one) - org) * rdir;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = lclipMinY - nrdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = lclipMinZ - nrdir.z;
+ vfloat<K> lnearP = maxi(mini(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), mini(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), mini(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ vfloat<K> lfarP = mini(maxi(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), maxi(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), maxi(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ if (robust) {
+ lnearP = lnearP*vfloat<K>(1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp));
+ lfarP = lfarP *vfloat<K>(1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp));
+ }
+ const vbool<K> lhit = maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear) <= mini(lfarP, ray.tfar);
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Fast OBBNodeMB intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, int K, bool robust>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectNodeK(const typename BVHN<N>::OBBNodeMB* node, const size_t i,
+ const TravRayK<K,robust>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ const AffineSpace3vf<K> xfm(Vec3f(node->space0.l.vx.x[i], node->space0.l.vx.y[i], node->space0.l.vx.z[i]),
+ Vec3f(node->space0.l.vy.x[i], node->space0.l.vy.y[i], node->space0.l.vy.z[i]),
+ Vec3f(node->space0.l.vz.x[i], node->space0.l.vz.y[i], node->space0.l.vz.z[i]),
+ Vec3f(node->space0.p .x[i], node->space0.p .y[i], node->space0.p .z[i]));
+ const Vec3vf<K> b0_lower = zero;
+ const Vec3vf<K> b0_upper = one;
+ const Vec3vf<K> b1_lower(node->b1.lower.x[i], node->b1.lower.y[i], node->b1.lower.z[i]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> b1_upper(node->b1.upper.x[i], node->b1.upper.y[i], node->b1.upper.z[i]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> lower = lerp(b0_lower, b1_lower, time);
+ const Vec3vf<K> upper = lerp(b0_upper, b1_upper, time);
+ const Vec3vf<K> dir = xfmVector(xfm, ray.dir);
+ const Vec3vf<K> rdir = rcp_safe(dir);
+ const Vec3vf<K> org = xfmPoint(xfm,;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = (lower.x - org.x) * rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = (lower.y - org.y) * rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = (lower.z - org.z) * rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = (upper.x - org.x) * rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = (upper.y - org.y) * rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = (upper.z - org.z) * rdir.z;
+ vfloat<K> lnearP = maxi(mini(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), mini(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), mini(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ vfloat<K> lfarP = mini(maxi(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), maxi(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), maxi(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ if (robust) {
+ lnearP = lnearP*vfloat<K>(1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp));
+ lfarP = lfarP *vfloat<K>(1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp));
+ }
+ const vbool<K> lhit = maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear) <= mini(lfarP, ray.tfar);
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // QuantizedBaseNode intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectQuantizedNodeK(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNode* node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayK<K,false>& ray, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ assert(movemask(node->validMask()) & ((size_t)1 << i));
+ const vfloat<N> lower_x = node->dequantizeLowerX();
+ const vfloat<N> upper_x = node->dequantizeUpperX();
+ const vfloat<N> lower_y = node->dequantizeLowerY();
+ const vfloat<N> upper_y = node->dequantizeUpperY();
+ const vfloat<N> lower_z = node->dequantizeLowerZ();
+ const vfloat<N> upper_z = node->dequantizeUpperZ();
+ #if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = msub(lower_x[i], ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = msub(lower_y[i], ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = msub(lower_z[i], ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = msub(upper_x[i], ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = msub(upper_y[i], ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = msub(upper_z[i], ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ #else
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = (lower_x[i] - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = (lower_y[i] - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = (lower_z[i] - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = (upper_x[i] - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = (upper_y[i] - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = (upper_z[i] - * ray.rdir.z;
+ #endif
+ #if defined(__AVX512F__) // SKX
+ if (K == 16)
+ {
+ /* use mixed float/int min/max */
+ const vfloat<K> lnearP = maxi(min(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), min(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), min(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vfloat<K> lfarP = mini(max(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), max(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), max(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vbool<K> lhit = asInt(maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear)) <= asInt(mini(lfarP, ray.tfar));
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ else
+ #endif
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> lnearP = maxi(mini(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), mini(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), mini(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vfloat<K> lfarP = mini(maxi(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), maxi(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), maxi(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ #if defined(__AVX512F__) // SKX
+ const vbool<K> lhit = asInt(maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear)) <= asInt(mini(lfarP, ray.tfar));
+ #else
+ const vbool<K> lhit = maxi(lnearP, ray.tnear) <= mini(lfarP, ray.tfar);
+ #endif
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N, int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectQuantizedNodeK(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNode* node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayK<K,true>& ray, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ assert(movemask(node->validMask()) & ((size_t)1 << i));
+ const vfloat<N> lower_x = node->dequantizeLowerX();
+ const vfloat<N> upper_x = node->dequantizeUpperX();
+ const vfloat<N> lower_y = node->dequantizeLowerY();
+ const vfloat<N> upper_y = node->dequantizeUpperY();
+ const vfloat<N> lower_z = node->dequantizeLowerZ();
+ const vfloat<N> upper_z = node->dequantizeUpperZ();
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = (lower_x[i] - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = (lower_y[i] - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = (lower_z[i] - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = (upper_x[i] - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = (upper_y[i] - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = (upper_z[i] - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const float round_up = 1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp);
+ const float round_down = 1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp);
+ const vfloat<K> lnearP = round_down*max(min(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), min(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), min(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vfloat<K> lfarP = round_up *min(max(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), max(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), max(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vbool<K> lhit = max(lnearP, ray.tnear) <= min(lfarP, ray.tfar);
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ template<int N, int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectQuantizedNodeMBK(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNodeMB* node, const size_t i,
+ const TravRayK<K,false>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ assert(movemask(node->validMask()) & ((size_t)1 << i));
+ const vfloat<K> lower_x = node->template dequantizeLowerX<K>(i,time);
+ const vfloat<K> upper_x = node->template dequantizeUpperX<K>(i,time);
+ const vfloat<K> lower_y = node->template dequantizeLowerY<K>(i,time);
+ const vfloat<K> upper_y = node->template dequantizeUpperY<K>(i,time);
+ const vfloat<K> lower_z = node->template dequantizeLowerZ<K>(i,time);
+ const vfloat<K> upper_z = node->template dequantizeUpperZ<K>(i,time);
+#if defined(__AVX2__) || defined(__ARM_NEON)
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = msub(lower_x, ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = msub(lower_y, ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = msub(lower_z, ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = msub(upper_x, ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = msub(upper_y, ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = msub(upper_z, ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = (lower_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = (lower_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = (lower_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = (upper_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = (upper_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = (upper_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ #endif
+ const vfloat<K> lnearP = max(min(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), min(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), min(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vfloat<K> lfarP = min(max(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), max(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), max(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vbool<K> lhit = max(lnearP, ray.tnear) <= min(lfarP, ray.tfar);
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ template<int N, int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectQuantizedNodeMBK(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNodeMB* node, const size_t i,
+ const TravRayK<K,true>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ assert(movemask(node->validMask()) & ((size_t)1 << i));
+ const vfloat<K> lower_x = node->template dequantizeLowerX<K>(i,time);
+ const vfloat<K> upper_x = node->template dequantizeUpperX<K>(i,time);
+ const vfloat<K> lower_y = node->template dequantizeLowerY<K>(i,time);
+ const vfloat<K> upper_y = node->template dequantizeUpperY<K>(i,time);
+ const vfloat<K> lower_z = node->template dequantizeLowerZ<K>(i,time);
+ const vfloat<K> upper_z = node->template dequantizeUpperZ<K>(i,time);
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinX = (lower_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinY = (lower_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMinZ = (lower_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxX = (upper_x - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxY = (upper_y - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> lclipMaxZ = (upper_z - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const float round_up = 1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp);
+ const float round_down = 1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp);
+ const vfloat<K> lnearP = round_down*max(min(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), min(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), min(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vfloat<K> lfarP = round_up *min(max(lclipMinX, lclipMaxX), max(lclipMinY, lclipMaxY), max(lclipMinZ, lclipMaxZ));
+ const vbool<K> lhit = max(lnearP, ray.tnear) <= min(lfarP, ray.tfar);
+ dist = lnearP;
+ return lhit;
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Node intersectors used in hybrid traversal
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /*! Intersects N nodes with K rays */
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersectorK;
+ template<int N, int K>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, BVH_AN1, false>
+ {
+ /* vmask is both an input and an output parameter! Its initial value should be the parent node
+ hit mask, which is used for correctly computing the current hit mask. The parent hit mask
+ is actually required only for motion blur node intersections (because different rays may
+ have different times), so for regular nodes vmask is simply overwritten. */
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKFast<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist, vbool<K>& vmask)
+ {
+ vmask = intersectNodeK<N,K>(node.getAABBNode(), i, ray, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, BVH_AN1, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKRobust<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist, vbool<K>& vmask)
+ {
+ vmask = intersectNodeKRobust<N,K>(node.getAABBNode(), i, ray, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, BVH_AN2, false>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKFast<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist, vbool<K>& vmask)
+ {
+ vmask = intersectNodeK<N,K>(node.getAABBNodeMB(), i, ray, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, BVH_AN2, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKRobust<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist, vbool<K>& vmask)
+ {
+ vmask = intersectNodeKRobust<N,K>(node.getAABBNodeMB(), i, ray, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, BVH_AN1_UN1, false>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKFast<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist, vbool<K>& vmask)
+ {
+ if (likely(node.isAABBNode())) vmask = intersectNodeK<N,K>(node.getAABBNode(), i, ray, dist);
+ else /*if (unlikely(node.isOBBNode()))*/ vmask = intersectNodeK<N,K>(node.ungetAABBNode(), i, ray, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, BVH_AN1_UN1, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKRobust<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist, vbool<K>& vmask)
+ {
+ if (likely(node.isAABBNode())) vmask = intersectNodeKRobust<N,K>(node.getAABBNode(), i, ray, dist);
+ else /*if (unlikely(node.isOBBNode()))*/ vmask = intersectNodeK<N,K>(node.ungetAABBNode(), i, ray, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, BVH_AN2_UN2, false>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKFast<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist, vbool<K>& vmask)
+ {
+ if (likely(node.isAABBNodeMB())) vmask = intersectNodeK<N,K>(node.getAABBNodeMB(), i, ray, time, dist);
+ else /*if (unlikely(node.isOBBNodeMB()))*/ vmask = intersectNodeK<N,K>(node.ungetAABBNodeMB(), i, ray, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, BVH_AN2_UN2, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKRobust<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist, vbool<K>& vmask)
+ {
+ if (likely(node.isAABBNodeMB())) vmask = intersectNodeKRobust<N,K>(node.getAABBNodeMB(), i, ray, time, dist);
+ else /*if (unlikely(node.isOBBNodeMB()))*/ vmask = intersectNodeK<N,K>(node.ungetAABBNodeMB(), i, ray, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, BVH_AN2_AN4D, false>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKFast<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist, vbool<K>& vmask)
+ {
+ vmask &= intersectNodeKMB4D<N,K>(node, i, ray, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, BVH_AN2_AN4D, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKRobust<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist, vbool<K>& vmask)
+ {
+ vmask &= intersectNodeKMB4DRobust<N,K>(node, i, ray, time, dist);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, BVH_AN2_AN4D_UN2, false>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKFast<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist, vbool<K>& vmask)
+ {
+ if (likely(node.isAABBNodeMB() || node.isAABBNodeMB4D())) {
+ vmask &= intersectNodeKMB4D<N,K>(node, i, ray, time, dist);
+ } else /*if (unlikely(node.isOBBNodeMB()))*/ {
+ assert(node.isOBBNodeMB());
+ vmask &= intersectNodeK<N,K>(node.ungetAABBNodeMB(), i, ray, time, dist);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K>
+ struct BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, BVH_AN2_AN4D_UN2, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const typename BVHN<N>::NodeRef& node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKRobust<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist, vbool<K>& vmask)
+ {
+ if (likely(node.isAABBNodeMB() || node.isAABBNodeMB4D())) {
+ vmask &= intersectNodeKMB4DRobust<N,K>(node, i, ray, time, dist);
+ } else /*if (unlikely(node.isOBBNodeMB()))*/ {
+ assert(node.isOBBNodeMB());
+ vmask &= intersectNodeK<N,K>(node.ungetAABBNodeMB(), i, ray, time, dist);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects N nodes with K rays */
+ template<int N, int K, bool robust>
+ struct BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersectorK;
+ template<int N, int K>
+ struct BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersectorK<N, K, false>
+ {
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNode* node, const size_t i,
+ const TravRayK<K,false>& ray, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ return intersectQuantizedNodeK<N,K>(node,i,ray,dist);
+ }
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNodeMB* node, const size_t i,
+ const TravRayK<K,false>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ return intersectQuantizedNodeMBK<N,K>(node,i,ray,time,dist);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K>
+ struct BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersectorK<N, K, true>
+ {
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNode* node, const size_t i,
+ const TravRayK<K,true>& ray, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ return intersectQuantizedNodeK<N,K>(node,i,ray,dist);
+ }
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNodeMB* node, const size_t i,
+ const TravRayK<K,true>& ray, const vfloat<K>& time, vfloat<K>& dist)
+ {
+ return intersectQuantizedNodeMBK<N,K>(node,i,ray,time,dist);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector_packet_stream.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector_packet_stream.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..55b2c27231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/node_intersector_packet_stream.h
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "node_intersector.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Ray packet structure used in stream traversal
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int K, bool robust>
+ struct TravRayKStream;
+ /* Fast variant */
+ template<int K>
+ struct TravRayKStream<K, false>
+ {
+ __forceinline TravRayKStream() {}
+ __forceinline TravRayKStream(const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir, const vfloat<K>& ray_tnear, const vfloat<K>& ray_tfar)
+ {
+ init(ray_org, ray_dir);
+ tnear = ray_tnear;
+ tfar = ray_tfar;
+ }
+ __forceinline void init(const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir)
+ {
+ rdir = rcp_safe(ray_dir);
+ org_rdir = ray_org * rdir;
+ }
+ Vec3vf<K> rdir;
+ Vec3vf<K> org_rdir;
+ vfloat<K> tnear;
+ vfloat<K> tfar;
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ using TravRayKStreamFast = TravRayKStream<K, false>;
+ /* Robust variant */
+ template<int K>
+ struct TravRayKStream<K, true>
+ {
+ __forceinline TravRayKStream() {}
+ __forceinline TravRayKStream(const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir, const vfloat<K>& ray_tnear, const vfloat<K>& ray_tfar)
+ {
+ init(ray_org, ray_dir);
+ tnear = ray_tnear;
+ tfar = ray_tfar;
+ }
+ __forceinline void init(const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org, const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir)
+ {
+ rdir = vfloat<K>(1.0f)/(zero_fix(ray_dir));
+ org = ray_org;
+ }
+ Vec3vf<K> rdir;
+ Vec3vf<K> org;
+ vfloat<K> tnear;
+ vfloat<K> tfar;
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ using TravRayKStreamRobust = TravRayKStream<K, true>;
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Fast AABBNode intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, int K>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode1(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode* __restrict__ node,
+ const TravRayKStreamFast<K>& ray, size_t k, const NearFarPrecalculations& nf)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> bminX = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearX));
+ const vfloat<N> bminY = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearY));
+ const vfloat<N> bminZ = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearZ));
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxX = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farX));
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxY = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farY));
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxZ = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farZ));
+ const vfloat<N> rminX = msub(bminX, vfloat<N>(ray.rdir.x[k]), vfloat<N>(ray.org_rdir.x[k]));
+ const vfloat<N> rminY = msub(bminY, vfloat<N>(ray.rdir.y[k]), vfloat<N>(ray.org_rdir.y[k]));
+ const vfloat<N> rminZ = msub(bminZ, vfloat<N>(ray.rdir.z[k]), vfloat<N>(ray.org_rdir.z[k]));
+ const vfloat<N> rmaxX = msub(bmaxX, vfloat<N>(ray.rdir.x[k]), vfloat<N>(ray.org_rdir.x[k]));
+ const vfloat<N> rmaxY = msub(bmaxY, vfloat<N>(ray.rdir.y[k]), vfloat<N>(ray.org_rdir.y[k]));
+ const vfloat<N> rmaxZ = msub(bmaxZ, vfloat<N>(ray.rdir.z[k]), vfloat<N>(ray.org_rdir.z[k]));
+ const vfloat<N> rmin = maxi(rminX, rminY, rminZ, vfloat<N>(ray.tnear[k]));
+ const vfloat<N> rmax = mini(rmaxX, rmaxY, rmaxZ, vfloat<N>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ const vbool<N> vmask_first_hit = rmin <= rmax;
+ return movemask(vmask_first_hit) & (((size_t)1 << N)-1);
+ }
+ template<int N, int K>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNodeK(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode* __restrict__ node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKStreamFast<K>& ray, const NearFarPrecalculations& nf)
+ {
+ char* ptr = (char*)&node->lower_x + i*sizeof(float);
+ const vfloat<K> bminX = *(const float*)(ptr + nf.nearX);
+ const vfloat<K> bminY = *(const float*)(ptr + nf.nearY);
+ const vfloat<K> bminZ = *(const float*)(ptr + nf.nearZ);
+ const vfloat<K> bmaxX = *(const float*)(ptr + nf.farX);
+ const vfloat<K> bmaxY = *(const float*)(ptr + nf.farY);
+ const vfloat<K> bmaxZ = *(const float*)(ptr + nf.farZ);
+ const vfloat<K> rminX = msub(bminX, ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<K> rminY = msub(bminY, ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<K> rminZ = msub(bminZ, ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<K> rmaxX = msub(bmaxX, ray.rdir.x, ray.org_rdir.x);
+ const vfloat<K> rmaxY = msub(bmaxY, ray.rdir.y, ray.org_rdir.y);
+ const vfloat<K> rmaxZ = msub(bmaxZ, ray.rdir.z, ray.org_rdir.z);
+ const vfloat<K> rmin = maxi(rminX, rminY, rminZ, ray.tnear);
+ const vfloat<K> rmax = mini(rmaxX, rmaxY, rmaxZ, ray.tfar);
+ const vbool<K> vmask_first_hit = rmin <= rmax;
+ return movemask(vmask_first_hit);
+ }
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ // Robust AABBNode intersection
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N, int K>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNode1(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode* __restrict__ node,
+ const TravRayKStreamRobust<K>& ray, size_t k, const NearFarPrecalculations& nf)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> bminX = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearX));
+ const vfloat<N> bminY = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearY));
+ const vfloat<N> bminZ = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.nearZ));
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxX = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farX));
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxY = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farY));
+ const vfloat<N> bmaxZ = vfloat<N>(*(const vfloat<N>*)((const char*)&node->lower_x + nf.farZ));
+ const vfloat<N> rminX = (bminX - vfloat<N>([k])) * vfloat<N>(ray.rdir.x[k]);
+ const vfloat<N> rminY = (bminY - vfloat<N>([k])) * vfloat<N>(ray.rdir.y[k]);
+ const vfloat<N> rminZ = (bminZ - vfloat<N>([k])) * vfloat<N>(ray.rdir.z[k]);
+ const vfloat<N> rmaxX = (bmaxX - vfloat<N>([k])) * vfloat<N>(ray.rdir.x[k]);
+ const vfloat<N> rmaxY = (bmaxY - vfloat<N>([k])) * vfloat<N>(ray.rdir.y[k]);
+ const vfloat<N> rmaxZ = (bmaxZ - vfloat<N>([k])) * vfloat<N>(ray.rdir.z[k]);
+ const float round_up = 1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp); // FIXME: use per instruction rounding for AVX512
+ const vfloat<N> rmin = max(rminX, rminY, rminZ, vfloat<N>(ray.tnear[k]));
+ const vfloat<N> rmax = round_up *min(rmaxX, rmaxY, rmaxZ, vfloat<N>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ const vbool<N> vmask_first_hit = rmin <= rmax;
+ return movemask(vmask_first_hit) & (((size_t)1 << N)-1);
+ }
+ template<int N, int K>
+ __forceinline size_t intersectNodeK(const typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode* __restrict__ node, size_t i,
+ const TravRayKStreamRobust<K>& ray, const NearFarPrecalculations& nf)
+ {
+ char *ptr = (char*)&node->lower_x + i*sizeof(float);
+ const vfloat<K> bminX = *(const float*)(ptr + nf.nearX);
+ const vfloat<K> bminY = *(const float*)(ptr + nf.nearY);
+ const vfloat<K> bminZ = *(const float*)(ptr + nf.nearZ);
+ const vfloat<K> bmaxX = *(const float*)(ptr + nf.farX);
+ const vfloat<K> bmaxY = *(const float*)(ptr + nf.farY);
+ const vfloat<K> bmaxZ = *(const float*)(ptr + nf.farZ);
+ const vfloat<K> rminX = (bminX - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> rminY = (bminY - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> rminZ = (bminZ - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const vfloat<K> rmaxX = (bmaxX - * ray.rdir.x;
+ const vfloat<K> rmaxY = (bmaxY - * ray.rdir.y;
+ const vfloat<K> rmaxZ = (bmaxZ - * ray.rdir.z;
+ const float round_up = 1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp);
+ const vfloat<K> rmin = max(rminX, rminY, rminZ, vfloat<K>(ray.tnear));
+ const vfloat<K> rmax = round_up * min(rmaxX, rmaxY, rmaxZ, vfloat<K>(ray.tfar));
+ const vbool<K> vmask_first_hit = rmin <= rmax;
+ return movemask(vmask_first_hit);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/accel.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/accel.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc4ea1805b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/accel.h
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+#include "ray.h"
+#include "point_query.h"
+#include "context.h"
+namespace embree
+ class Scene;
+ /*! Base class for the acceleration structure data. */
+ class AccelData : public RefCount
+ {
+ public:
+ enum Type { TY_UNKNOWN = 0, TY_ACCELN = 1, TY_ACCEL_INSTANCE = 2, TY_BVH4 = 3, TY_BVH8 = 4 };
+ public:
+ AccelData (const Type type)
+ : bounds(empty), type(type) {}
+ /*! notifies the acceleration structure about the deletion of some geometry */
+ virtual void deleteGeometry(size_t geomID) {};
+ /*! clears the acceleration structure data */
+ virtual void clear() = 0;
+ /*! returns normal bounds */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa getBounds() const {
+ return bounds.bounds();
+ }
+ /*! returns bounds for some time */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa getBounds(float t) const {
+ return bounds.interpolate(t);
+ }
+ /*! returns linear bounds */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa getLinearBounds() const {
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ /*! checks if acceleration structure is empty */
+ __forceinline bool isEmpty() const {
+ return bounds.bounds0.lower.x == float(pos_inf);
+ }
+ public:
+ LBBox3fa bounds; // linear bounds
+ Type type;
+ };
+ /*! Base class for all intersectable and buildable acceleration structures. */
+ class Accel : public AccelData
+ {
+ public:
+ struct Intersectors;
+ /*! Type of collide function */
+ typedef void (*CollideFunc)(void* bvh0, void* bvh1, RTCCollideFunc callback, void* userPtr);
+ /*! Type of point query function */
+ typedef bool(*PointQueryFunc)(Intersectors* This, /*!< this pointer to accel */
+ PointQuery* query, /*!< point query for lookup */
+ PointQueryContext* context); /*!< point query context */
+ /*! Type of intersect function pointer for single rays. */
+ typedef void (*IntersectFunc)(Intersectors* This, /*!< this pointer to accel */
+ RTCRayHit& ray, /*!< ray to intersect */
+ IntersectContext* context);
+ /*! Type of intersect function pointer for ray packets of size 4. */
+ typedef void (*IntersectFunc4)(const void* valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */
+ Intersectors* This, /*!< this pointer to accel */
+ RTCRayHit4& ray, /*!< ray packet to intersect */
+ IntersectContext* context);
+ /*! Type of intersect function pointer for ray packets of size 8. */
+ typedef void (*IntersectFunc8)(const void* valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */
+ Intersectors* This, /*!< this pointer to accel */
+ RTCRayHit8& ray, /*!< ray packet to intersect */
+ IntersectContext* context);
+ /*! Type of intersect function pointer for ray packets of size 16. */
+ typedef void (*IntersectFunc16)(const void* valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */
+ Intersectors* This, /*!< this pointer to accel */
+ RTCRayHit16& ray, /*!< ray packet to intersect */
+ IntersectContext* context);
+ /*! Type of intersect function pointer for ray packets of size N. */
+ typedef void (*IntersectFuncN)(Intersectors* This, /*!< this pointer to accel */
+ RTCRayHitN** ray, /*!< ray stream to intersect */
+ const size_t N, /*!< number of rays in stream */
+ IntersectContext* context /*!< layout flags */);
+ /*! Type of occlusion function pointer for single rays. */
+ typedef void (*OccludedFunc) (Intersectors* This, /*!< this pointer to accel */
+ RTCRay& ray, /*!< ray to test occlusion */
+ IntersectContext* context);
+ /*! Type of occlusion function pointer for ray packets of size 4. */
+ typedef void (*OccludedFunc4) (const void* valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */
+ Intersectors* This, /*!< this pointer to accel */
+ RTCRay4& ray, /*!< ray packet to test occlusion. */
+ IntersectContext* context);
+ /*! Type of occlusion function pointer for ray packets of size 8. */
+ typedef void (*OccludedFunc8) (const void* valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */
+ Intersectors* This, /*!< this pointer to accel */
+ RTCRay8& ray, /*!< ray packet to test occlusion. */
+ IntersectContext* context);
+ /*! Type of occlusion function pointer for ray packets of size 16. */
+ typedef void (*OccludedFunc16) (const void* valid, /*!< pointer to valid mask */
+ Intersectors* This, /*!< this pointer to accel */
+ RTCRay16& ray, /*!< ray packet to test occlusion. */
+ IntersectContext* context);
+ /*! Type of intersect function pointer for ray packets of size N. */
+ typedef void (*OccludedFuncN)(Intersectors* This, /*!< this pointer to accel */
+ RTCRayN** ray, /*!< ray stream to test occlusion */
+ const size_t N, /*!< number of rays in stream */
+ IntersectContext* context /*!< layout flags */);
+ typedef void (*ErrorFunc) ();
+ struct Collider
+ {
+ Collider (ErrorFunc error = nullptr)
+ : collide((CollideFunc)error), name(nullptr) {}
+ Collider (CollideFunc collide, const char* name)
+ : collide(collide), name(name) {}
+ operator bool() const { return name; }
+ public:
+ CollideFunc collide;
+ const char* name;
+ };
+ struct Intersector1
+ {
+ Intersector1 (ErrorFunc error = nullptr)
+ : intersect((IntersectFunc)error), occluded((OccludedFunc)error), name(nullptr) {}
+ Intersector1 (IntersectFunc intersect, OccludedFunc occluded, const char* name)
+ : intersect(intersect), occluded(occluded), pointQuery(nullptr), name(name) {}
+ Intersector1 (IntersectFunc intersect, OccludedFunc occluded, PointQueryFunc pointQuery, const char* name)
+ : intersect(intersect), occluded(occluded), pointQuery(pointQuery), name(name) {}
+ operator bool() const { return name; }
+ public:
+ static const char* type;
+ IntersectFunc intersect;
+ OccludedFunc occluded;
+ PointQueryFunc pointQuery;
+ const char* name;
+ };
+ struct Intersector4
+ {
+ Intersector4 (ErrorFunc error = nullptr)
+ : intersect((IntersectFunc4)error), occluded((OccludedFunc4)error), name(nullptr) {}
+ Intersector4 (IntersectFunc4 intersect, OccludedFunc4 occluded, const char* name)
+ : intersect(intersect), occluded(occluded), name(name) {}
+ operator bool() const { return name; }
+ public:
+ static const char* type;
+ IntersectFunc4 intersect;
+ OccludedFunc4 occluded;
+ const char* name;
+ };
+ struct Intersector8
+ {
+ Intersector8 (ErrorFunc error = nullptr)
+ : intersect((IntersectFunc8)error), occluded((OccludedFunc8)error), name(nullptr) {}
+ Intersector8 (IntersectFunc8 intersect, OccludedFunc8 occluded, const char* name)
+ : intersect(intersect), occluded(occluded), name(name) {}
+ operator bool() const { return name; }
+ public:
+ static const char* type;
+ IntersectFunc8 intersect;
+ OccludedFunc8 occluded;
+ const char* name;
+ };
+ struct Intersector16
+ {
+ Intersector16 (ErrorFunc error = nullptr)
+ : intersect((IntersectFunc16)error), occluded((OccludedFunc16)error), name(nullptr) {}
+ Intersector16 (IntersectFunc16 intersect, OccludedFunc16 occluded, const char* name)
+ : intersect(intersect), occluded(occluded), name(name) {}
+ operator bool() const { return name; }
+ public:
+ static const char* type;
+ IntersectFunc16 intersect;
+ OccludedFunc16 occluded;
+ const char* name;
+ };
+ struct IntersectorN
+ {
+ IntersectorN (ErrorFunc error = nullptr)
+ : intersect((IntersectFuncN)error), occluded((OccludedFuncN)error), name(nullptr) {}
+ IntersectorN (IntersectFuncN intersect, OccludedFuncN occluded, const char* name)
+ : intersect(intersect), occluded(occluded), name(name) {}
+ operator bool() const { return name; }
+ public:
+ static const char* type;
+ IntersectFuncN intersect;
+ OccludedFuncN occluded;
+ const char* name;
+ };
+ struct Intersectors
+ {
+ Intersectors()
+ : ptr(nullptr), leafIntersector(nullptr), collider(nullptr), intersector1(nullptr), intersector4(nullptr), intersector8(nullptr), intersector16(nullptr), intersectorN(nullptr) {}
+ Intersectors (ErrorFunc error)
+ : ptr(nullptr), leafIntersector(nullptr), collider(error), intersector1(error), intersector4(error), intersector8(error), intersector16(error), intersectorN(error) {}
+ void print(size_t ident)
+ {
+ if ( {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ident; i++) std::cout << " ";
+ std::cout << "collider = " << << std::endl;
+ }
+ if ( {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ident; i++) std::cout << " ";
+ std::cout << "intersector1 = " << << std::endl;
+ }
+ if ( {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ident; i++) std::cout << " ";
+ std::cout << "intersector4 = " << << std::endl;
+ }
+ if ( {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ident; i++) std::cout << " ";
+ std::cout << "intersector8 = " << << std::endl;
+ }
+ if ( {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ident; i++) std::cout << " ";
+ std::cout << "intersector16 = " << << std::endl;
+ }
+ if ( {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<ident; i++) std::cout << " ";
+ std::cout << "intersectorN = " << << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ void select(bool filter)
+ {
+ if (intersector4_filter) {
+ if (filter) intersector4 = intersector4_filter;
+ else intersector4 = intersector4_nofilter;
+ }
+ if (intersector8_filter) {
+ if (filter) intersector8 = intersector8_filter;
+ else intersector8 = intersector8_nofilter;
+ }
+ if (intersector16_filter) {
+ if (filter) intersector16 = intersector16_filter;
+ else intersector16 = intersector16_nofilter;
+ }
+ if (intersectorN_filter) {
+ if (filter) intersectorN = intersectorN_filter;
+ else intersectorN = intersectorN_nofilter;
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline bool pointQuery (PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context) {
+ assert(intersector1.pointQuery);
+ return intersector1.pointQuery(this,query,context);
+ }
+ /*! collides two scenes */
+ __forceinline void collide (Accel* scene0, Accel* scene1, RTCCollideFunc callback, void* userPtr) {
+ assert(collider.collide);
+ collider.collide(scene0->intersectors.ptr,scene1->intersectors.ptr,callback,userPtr);
+ }
+ /*! Intersects a single ray with the scene. */
+ __forceinline void intersect (RTCRayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ assert(intersector1.intersect);
+ intersector1.intersect(this,ray,context);
+ }
+ /*! Intersects a packet of 4 rays with the scene. */
+ __forceinline void intersect4 (const void* valid, RTCRayHit4& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ assert(intersector4.intersect);
+ intersector4.intersect(valid,this,ray,context);
+ }
+ /*! Intersects a packet of 8 rays with the scene. */
+ __forceinline void intersect8 (const void* valid, RTCRayHit8& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ assert(intersector8.intersect);
+ intersector8.intersect(valid,this,ray,context);
+ }
+ /*! Intersects a packet of 16 rays with the scene. */
+ __forceinline void intersect16 (const void* valid, RTCRayHit16& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ assert(intersector16.intersect);
+ intersector16.intersect(valid,this,ray,context);
+ }
+ /*! Intersects a stream of N rays in SOA layout with the scene. */
+ __forceinline void intersectN (RTCRayHitN** rayN, const size_t N, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ assert(intersectorN.intersect);
+ intersectorN.intersect(this,rayN,N,context);
+ }
+#if defined(__SSE__)
+ __forceinline void intersect(const vbool4& valid, RayHitK<4>& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ const vint<4> mask = valid.mask32();
+ intersect4(&mask,(RTCRayHit4&)ray,context);
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ __forceinline void intersect(const vbool8& valid, RayHitK<8>& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ const vint<8> mask = valid.mask32();
+ intersect8(&mask,(RTCRayHit8&)ray,context);
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ __forceinline void intersect(const vbool16& valid, RayHitK<16>& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ const vint<16> mask = valid.mask32();
+ intersect16(&mask,(RTCRayHit16&)ray,context);
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void intersectN (RayHitK<K>** rayN, const size_t N, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ intersectN((RTCRayHitN**)rayN,N,context);
+ }
+ /*! Tests if single ray is occluded by the scene. */
+ __forceinline void occluded (RTCRay& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ assert(intersector1.occluded);
+ intersector1.occluded(this,ray,context);
+ }
+ /*! Tests if a packet of 4 rays is occluded by the scene. */
+ __forceinline void occluded4 (const void* valid, RTCRay4& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ assert(intersector4.occluded);
+ intersector4.occluded(valid,this,ray,context);
+ }
+ /*! Tests if a packet of 8 rays is occluded by the scene. */
+ __forceinline void occluded8 (const void* valid, RTCRay8& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ assert(intersector8.occluded);
+ intersector8.occluded(valid,this,ray,context);
+ }
+ /*! Tests if a packet of 16 rays is occluded by the scene. */
+ __forceinline void occluded16 (const void* valid, RTCRay16& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ assert(intersector16.occluded);
+ intersector16.occluded(valid,this,ray,context);
+ }
+ /*! Tests if a stream of N rays in SOA layout is occluded by the scene. */
+ __forceinline void occludedN (RTCRayN** rayN, const size_t N, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ assert(intersectorN.occluded);
+ intersectorN.occluded(this,rayN,N,context);
+ }
+#if defined(__SSE__)
+ __forceinline void occluded(const vbool4& valid, RayK<4>& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ const vint<4> mask = valid.mask32();
+ occluded4(&mask,(RTCRay4&)ray,context);
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ __forceinline void occluded(const vbool8& valid, RayK<8>& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ const vint<8> mask = valid.mask32();
+ occluded8(&mask,(RTCRay8&)ray,context);
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ __forceinline void occluded(const vbool16& valid, RayK<16>& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ const vint<16> mask = valid.mask32();
+ occluded16(&mask,(RTCRay16&)ray,context);
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void occludedN (RayK<K>** rayN, const size_t N, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ occludedN((RTCRayN**)rayN,N,context);
+ }
+ /*! Tests if single ray is occluded by the scene. */
+ __forceinline void intersect(RTCRay& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ occluded(ray, context);
+ }
+ /*! Tests if a packet of K rays is occluded by the scene. */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context) {
+ occluded(valid, ray, context);
+ }
+ /*! Tests if a packet of N rays in SOA layout is occluded by the scene. */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void intersectN(RayK<K>** rayN, const size_t N, IntersectContext* context) {
+ occludedN(rayN, N, context);
+ }
+ public:
+ AccelData* ptr;
+ void* leafIntersector;
+ Collider collider;
+ Intersector1 intersector1;
+ Intersector4 intersector4;
+ Intersector4 intersector4_filter;
+ Intersector4 intersector4_nofilter;
+ Intersector8 intersector8;
+ Intersector8 intersector8_filter;
+ Intersector8 intersector8_nofilter;
+ Intersector16 intersector16;
+ Intersector16 intersector16_filter;
+ Intersector16 intersector16_nofilter;
+ IntersectorN intersectorN;
+ IntersectorN intersectorN_filter;
+ IntersectorN intersectorN_nofilter;
+ };
+ public:
+ /*! Construction */
+ Accel (const AccelData::Type type)
+ : AccelData(type) {}
+ /*! Construction */
+ Accel (const AccelData::Type type, const Intersectors& intersectors)
+ : AccelData(type), intersectors(intersectors) {}
+ /*! Virtual destructor */
+ virtual ~Accel() {}
+ /*! makes the acceleration structure immutable */
+ virtual void immutable () {}
+ /*! build acceleration structure */
+ virtual void build () = 0;
+ public:
+ Intersectors intersectors;
+ };
+#define DEFINE_COLLIDER(symbol,collider) \
+ Accel::Collider symbol() { \
+ return Accel::Collider((Accel::CollideFunc)collider::collide, \
+ TOSTRING(isa) "::" TOSTRING(symbol)); \
+ }
+#define DEFINE_INTERSECTOR1(symbol,intersector) \
+ Accel::Intersector1 symbol() { \
+ return Accel::Intersector1((Accel::IntersectFunc )intersector::intersect, \
+ (Accel::OccludedFunc )intersector::occluded, \
+ (Accel::PointQueryFunc)intersector::pointQuery,\
+ TOSTRING(isa) "::" TOSTRING(symbol)); \
+ }
+#define DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(symbol,intersector) \
+ Accel::Intersector4 symbol() { \
+ return Accel::Intersector4((Accel::IntersectFunc4)intersector::intersect, \
+ (Accel::OccludedFunc4)intersector::occluded, \
+ TOSTRING(isa) "::" TOSTRING(symbol)); \
+ }
+#define DEFINE_INTERSECTOR8(symbol,intersector) \
+ Accel::Intersector8 symbol() { \
+ return Accel::Intersector8((Accel::IntersectFunc8)intersector::intersect, \
+ (Accel::OccludedFunc8)intersector::occluded, \
+ TOSTRING(isa) "::" TOSTRING(symbol)); \
+ }
+#define DEFINE_INTERSECTOR16(symbol,intersector) \
+ Accel::Intersector16 symbol() { \
+ return Accel::Intersector16((Accel::IntersectFunc16)intersector::intersect, \
+ (Accel::OccludedFunc16)intersector::occluded, \
+ TOSTRING(isa) "::" TOSTRING(symbol)); \
+ }
+#define DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(symbol,intersector) \
+ Accel::IntersectorN symbol() { \
+ return Accel::IntersectorN((Accel::IntersectFuncN)intersector::intersect, \
+ (Accel::OccludedFuncN)intersector::occluded, \
+ TOSTRING(isa) "::" TOSTRING(symbol)); \
+ }
+ /* ray stream filter interface */
+ typedef void (*intersectStreamAOS_func)(Scene* scene, RTCRayHit* _rayN, const size_t N, const size_t stride, IntersectContext* context);
+ typedef void (*intersectStreamAOP_func)(Scene* scene, RTCRayHit** _rayN, const size_t N, IntersectContext* context);
+ typedef void (*intersectStreamSOA_func)(Scene* scene, char* rayN, const size_t N, const size_t streams, const size_t stream_offset, IntersectContext* context);
+ typedef void (*intersectStreamSOP_func)(Scene* scene, const RTCRayHitNp* rayN, const size_t N, IntersectContext* context);
+ typedef void (*occludedStreamAOS_func)(Scene* scene, RTCRay* _rayN, const size_t N, const size_t stride, IntersectContext* context);
+ typedef void (*occludedStreamAOP_func)(Scene* scene, RTCRay** _rayN, const size_t N, IntersectContext* context);
+ typedef void (*occludedStreamSOA_func)(Scene* scene, char* rayN, const size_t N, const size_t streams, const size_t stream_offset, IntersectContext* context);
+ typedef void (*occludedStreamSOP_func)(Scene* scene, const RTCRayNp* rayN, const size_t N, IntersectContext* context);
+ struct RayStreamFilterFuncs
+ {
+ RayStreamFilterFuncs()
+ : intersectAOS(nullptr), intersectAOP(nullptr), intersectSOA(nullptr), intersectSOP(nullptr),
+ occludedAOS(nullptr), occludedAOP(nullptr), occludedSOA(nullptr), occludedSOP(nullptr) {}
+ RayStreamFilterFuncs(void (*ptr) ())
+ : intersectAOS((intersectStreamAOS_func) ptr), intersectAOP((intersectStreamAOP_func) ptr), intersectSOA((intersectStreamSOA_func) ptr), intersectSOP((intersectStreamSOP_func) ptr),
+ occludedAOS((occludedStreamAOS_func) ptr), occludedAOP((occludedStreamAOP_func) ptr), occludedSOA((occludedStreamSOA_func) ptr), occludedSOP((occludedStreamSOP_func) ptr) {}
+ RayStreamFilterFuncs(intersectStreamAOS_func intersectAOS, intersectStreamAOP_func intersectAOP, intersectStreamSOA_func intersectSOA, intersectStreamSOP_func intersectSOP,
+ occludedStreamAOS_func occludedAOS, occludedStreamAOP_func occludedAOP, occludedStreamSOA_func occludedSOA, occludedStreamSOP_func occludedSOP)
+ : intersectAOS(intersectAOS), intersectAOP(intersectAOP), intersectSOA(intersectSOA), intersectSOP(intersectSOP),
+ occludedAOS(occludedAOS), occludedAOP(occludedAOP), occludedSOA(occludedSOA), occludedSOP(occludedSOP) {}
+ public:
+ intersectStreamAOS_func intersectAOS;
+ intersectStreamAOP_func intersectAOP;
+ intersectStreamSOA_func intersectSOA;
+ intersectStreamSOP_func intersectSOP;
+ occludedStreamAOS_func occludedAOS;
+ occludedStreamAOP_func occludedAOP;
+ occludedStreamSOA_func occludedSOA;
+ occludedStreamSOP_func occludedSOP;
+ };
+ typedef RayStreamFilterFuncs (*RayStreamFilterFuncsType)();
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/accelinstance.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/accelinstance.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c63ef998bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/accelinstance.h
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "accel.h"
+#include "builder.h"
+namespace embree
+ class AccelInstance : public Accel
+ {
+ public:
+ AccelInstance (AccelData* accel, Builder* builder, Intersectors& intersectors)
+ : Accel(AccelData::TY_ACCEL_INSTANCE,intersectors), accel(accel), builder(builder) {}
+ void immutable () {
+ builder.reset(nullptr);
+ }
+ public:
+ void build () {
+ if (builder) builder->build();
+ bounds = accel->bounds;
+ }
+ void deleteGeometry(size_t geomID) {
+ if (accel ) accel->deleteGeometry(geomID);
+ if (builder) builder->deleteGeometry(geomID);
+ }
+ void clear() {
+ if (accel) accel->clear();
+ if (builder) builder->clear();
+ }
+ private:
+ std::unique_ptr<AccelData> accel;
+ std::unique_ptr<Builder> builder;
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/acceln.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/acceln.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..32a27c560a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/acceln.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "acceln.h"
+#include "ray.h"
+#include "../../include/embree3/rtcore_ray.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_for.h"
+namespace embree
+ AccelN::AccelN()
+ : Accel(AccelData::TY_ACCELN), accels() {}
+ AccelN::~AccelN()
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<accels.size(); i++)
+ delete accels[i];
+ }
+ void AccelN::accels_add(Accel* accel)
+ {
+ assert(accel);
+ accels.push_back(accel);
+ }
+ void AccelN::accels_init()
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<accels.size(); i++)
+ delete accels[i];
+ accels.clear();
+ }
+ bool AccelN::pointQuery (Accel::Intersectors* This_in, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context)
+ {
+ bool changed = false;
+ AccelN* This = (AccelN*)This_in->ptr;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<This->accels.size(); i++)
+ if (!This->accels[i]->isEmpty())
+ changed |= This->accels[i]->intersectors.pointQuery(query,context);
+ return changed;
+ }
+ void AccelN::intersect (Accel::Intersectors* This_in, RTCRayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ AccelN* This = (AccelN*)This_in->ptr;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<This->accels.size(); i++)
+ if (!This->accels[i]->isEmpty())
+ This->accels[i]->intersectors.intersect(ray,context);
+ }
+ void AccelN::intersect4 (const void* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This_in, RTCRayHit4& ray, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ AccelN* This = (AccelN*)This_in->ptr;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<This->accels.size(); i++)
+ if (!This->accels[i]->isEmpty())
+ This->accels[i]->intersectors.intersect4(valid,ray,context);
+ }
+ void AccelN::intersect8 (const void* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This_in, RTCRayHit8& ray, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ AccelN* This = (AccelN*)This_in->ptr;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<This->accels.size(); i++)
+ if (!This->accels[i]->isEmpty())
+ This->accels[i]->intersectors.intersect8(valid,ray,context);
+ }
+ void AccelN::intersect16 (const void* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This_in, RTCRayHit16& ray, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ AccelN* This = (AccelN*)This_in->ptr;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<This->accels.size(); i++)
+ if (!This->accels[i]->isEmpty())
+ This->accels[i]->intersectors.intersect16(valid,ray,context);
+ }
+ void AccelN::intersectN (Accel::Intersectors* This_in, RTCRayHitN** ray, const size_t N, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ AccelN* This = (AccelN*)This_in->ptr;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<This->accels.size(); i++)
+ if (!This->accels[i]->isEmpty())
+ This->accels[i]->intersectors.intersectN(ray,N,context);
+ }
+ void AccelN::occluded (Accel::Intersectors* This_in, RTCRay& ray, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ AccelN* This = (AccelN*)This_in->ptr;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<This->accels.size(); i++) {
+ if (This->accels[i]->isEmpty()) continue;
+ This->accels[i]->intersectors.occluded(ray,context);
+ if (ray.tfar < 0.0f) break;
+ }
+ }
+ void AccelN::occluded4 (const void* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This_in, RTCRay4& ray, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ AccelN* This = (AccelN*)This_in->ptr;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<This->accels.size(); i++) {
+ if (This->accels[i]->isEmpty()) continue;
+ This->accels[i]->intersectors.occluded4(valid,ray,context);
+#if defined(__SSE2__)
+ vbool4 valid0 = asBool(((vint4*)valid)[0]);
+ vbool4 hit0 = ((vfloat4*)ray.tfar)[0] >= vfloat4(zero);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid0 & hit0))) break;
+ }
+ }
+ void AccelN::occluded8 (const void* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This_in, RTCRay8& ray, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ AccelN* This = (AccelN*)This_in->ptr;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<This->accels.size(); i++) {
+ if (This->accels[i]->isEmpty()) continue;
+ This->accels[i]->intersectors.occluded8(valid,ray,context);
+#if defined(__SSE2__) // FIXME: use higher ISA
+ vbool4 valid0 = asBool(((vint4*)valid)[0]);
+ vbool4 hit0 = ((vfloat4*)ray.tfar)[0] >= vfloat4(zero);
+ vbool4 valid1 = asBool(((vint4*)valid)[1]);
+ vbool4 hit1 = ((vfloat4*)ray.tfar)[1] >= vfloat4(zero);
+ if (unlikely((none((valid0 & hit0) | (valid1 & hit1))))) break;
+ }
+ }
+ void AccelN::occluded16 (const void* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This_in, RTCRay16& ray, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ AccelN* This = (AccelN*)This_in->ptr;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<This->accels.size(); i++) {
+ if (This->accels[i]->isEmpty()) continue;
+ This->accels[i]->intersectors.occluded16(valid,ray,context);
+#if defined(__SSE2__) // FIXME: use higher ISA
+ vbool4 valid0 = asBool(((vint4*)valid)[0]);
+ vbool4 hit0 = ((vfloat4*)ray.tfar)[0] >= vfloat4(zero);
+ vbool4 valid1 = asBool(((vint4*)valid)[1]);
+ vbool4 hit1 = ((vfloat4*)ray.tfar)[1] >= vfloat4(zero);
+ vbool4 valid2 = asBool(((vint4*)valid)[2]);
+ vbool4 hit2 = ((vfloat4*)ray.tfar)[2] >= vfloat4(zero);
+ vbool4 valid3 = asBool(((vint4*)valid)[3]);
+ vbool4 hit3 = ((vfloat4*)ray.tfar)[3] >= vfloat4(zero);
+ if (unlikely((none((valid0 & hit0) | (valid1 & hit1) | (valid2 & hit2) | (valid3 & hit3))))) break;
+ }
+ }
+ void AccelN::occludedN (Accel::Intersectors* This_in, RTCRayN** ray, const size_t N, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ AccelN* This = (AccelN*)This_in->ptr;
+ size_t M = N;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<This->accels.size(); i++)
+ if (!This->accels[i]->isEmpty())
+ This->accels[i]->intersectors.occludedN(ray,M,context);
+ }
+ void AccelN::accels_print(size_t ident)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<accels.size(); i++)
+ {
+ for (size_t j=0; j<ident; j++) std::cout << " ";
+ std::cout << "accels[" << i << "]" << std::endl;
+ accels[i]->intersectors.print(ident+2);
+ }
+ }
+ void AccelN::accels_immutable()
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<accels.size(); i++)
+ accels[i]->immutable();
+ }
+ void AccelN::accels_build ()
+ {
+ /* reduce memory consumption */
+ accels.shrink_to_fit();
+ /* build all acceleration structures in parallel */
+ parallel_for (accels.size(), [&] (size_t i) {
+ accels[i]->build();
+ });
+ /* create list of non-empty acceleration structures */
+ bool valid1 = true;
+ bool valid4 = true;
+ bool valid8 = true;
+ bool valid16 = true;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<accels.size(); i++) {
+ valid1 &= (bool) accels[i]->intersectors.intersector1;
+ valid4 &= (bool) accels[i]->intersectors.intersector4;
+ valid8 &= (bool) accels[i]->intersectors.intersector8;
+ valid16 &= (bool) accels[i]->intersectors.intersector16;
+ }
+ if (accels.size() == 1) {
+ type = accels[0]->type; // FIXME: should just assign entire Accel
+ bounds = accels[0]->bounds;
+ intersectors = accels[0]->intersectors;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ type = AccelData::TY_ACCELN;
+ intersectors.ptr = this;
+ intersectors.intersector1 = Intersector1(&intersect,&occluded,&pointQuery,valid1 ? "AccelN::intersector1": nullptr);
+ intersectors.intersector4 = Intersector4(&intersect4,&occluded4,valid4 ? "AccelN::intersector4" : nullptr);
+ intersectors.intersector8 = Intersector8(&intersect8,&occluded8,valid8 ? "AccelN::intersector8" : nullptr);
+ intersectors.intersector16 = Intersector16(&intersect16,&occluded16,valid16 ? "AccelN::intersector16": nullptr);
+ intersectors.intersectorN = IntersectorN(&intersectN,&occludedN,"AccelN::intersectorN");
+ /*! calculate bounds */
+ bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<accels.size(); i++)
+ bounds.extend(accels[i]->bounds);
+ }
+ }
+ void AccelN::accels_select(bool filter)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<accels.size(); i++)
+ accels[i]->;
+ }
+ void AccelN::accels_deleteGeometry(size_t geomID)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<accels.size(); i++)
+ accels[i]->deleteGeometry(geomID);
+ }
+ void AccelN::accels_clear()
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<accels.size(); i++) {
+ accels[i]->clear();
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/acceln.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/acceln.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0445b2e811
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/acceln.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "accel.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! merges N acceleration structures together, by processing them in order */
+ class AccelN : public Accel
+ {
+ public:
+ AccelN ();
+ ~AccelN();
+ public:
+ void accels_add(Accel* accel);
+ void accels_init();
+ public:
+ static bool pointQuery (Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context);
+ public:
+ static void intersect (Accel::Intersectors* This, RTCRayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void intersect4 (const void* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This, RTCRayHit4& ray, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void intersect8 (const void* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This, RTCRayHit8& ray, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void intersect16 (const void* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This, RTCRayHit16& ray, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void intersectN (Accel::Intersectors* This, RTCRayHitN** ray, const size_t N, IntersectContext* context);
+ public:
+ static void occluded (Accel::Intersectors* This, RTCRay& ray, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void occluded4 (const void* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This, RTCRay4& ray, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void occluded8 (const void* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This, RTCRay8& ray, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void occluded16 (const void* valid, Accel::Intersectors* This, RTCRay16& ray, IntersectContext* context);
+ static void occludedN (Accel::Intersectors* This, RTCRayN** ray, const size_t N, IntersectContext* context);
+ public:
+ void accels_print(size_t ident);
+ void accels_immutable();
+ void accels_build ();
+ void accels_select(bool filter);
+ void accels_deleteGeometry(size_t geomID);
+ void accels_clear ();
+ public:
+ std::vector<Accel*> accels;
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/accelset.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/accelset.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8c18f31776
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/accelset.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "accelset.h"
+#include "scene.h"
+namespace embree
+ AccelSet::AccelSet (Device* device, Geometry::GType gtype, size_t numItems, size_t numTimeSteps)
+ : Geometry(device,gtype,(unsigned int)numItems,(unsigned int)numTimeSteps), boundsFunc(nullptr) {}
+ AccelSet::IntersectorN::IntersectorN (ErrorFunc error)
+ : intersect((IntersectFuncN)error), occluded((OccludedFuncN)error), name(nullptr) {}
+ AccelSet::IntersectorN::IntersectorN (IntersectFuncN intersect, OccludedFuncN occluded, const char* name)
+ : intersect(intersect), occluded(occluded), name(name) {}
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/accelset.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/accelset.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90b184a07b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/accelset.h
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+#include "builder.h"
+#include "geometry.h"
+#include "ray.h"
+#include "hit.h"
+namespace embree
+ struct IntersectFunctionNArguments;
+ struct OccludedFunctionNArguments;
+ typedef void (*ReportIntersectionFunc) (IntersectFunctionNArguments* args, const RTCFilterFunctionNArguments* filter_args);
+ typedef void (*ReportOcclusionFunc) (OccludedFunctionNArguments* args, const RTCFilterFunctionNArguments* filter_args);
+ struct IntersectFunctionNArguments : public RTCIntersectFunctionNArguments
+ {
+ IntersectContext* internal_context;
+ Geometry* geometry;
+ ReportIntersectionFunc report;
+ };
+ struct OccludedFunctionNArguments : public RTCOccludedFunctionNArguments
+ {
+ IntersectContext* internal_context;
+ Geometry* geometry;
+ ReportOcclusionFunc report;
+ };
+ /*! Base class for set of acceleration structures. */
+ class AccelSet : public Geometry
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef RTCIntersectFunctionN IntersectFuncN;
+ typedef RTCOccludedFunctionN OccludedFuncN;
+ typedef void (*ErrorFunc) ();
+ struct IntersectorN
+ {
+ IntersectorN (ErrorFunc error = nullptr) ;
+ IntersectorN (IntersectFuncN intersect, OccludedFuncN occluded, const char* name);
+ operator bool() const { return name; }
+ public:
+ static const char* type;
+ IntersectFuncN intersect;
+ OccludedFuncN occluded;
+ const char* name;
+ };
+ public:
+ /*! construction */
+ AccelSet (Device* device, Geometry::GType gtype, size_t items, size_t numTimeSteps);
+ /*! makes the acceleration structure immutable */
+ virtual void immutable () {}
+ /*! build accel */
+ virtual void build () = 0;
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid between the specified time range */
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t i, const range<size_t>& itime_range) const
+ {
+ for (size_t itime = itime_range.begin(); itime <= itime_range.end(); itime++)
+ if (!isvalid_non_empty(bounds(i,itime))) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! Calculates the bounds of an item */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const
+ {
+ BBox3fa box;
+ assert(i < size());
+ RTCBoundsFunctionArguments args;
+ args.geometryUserPtr = userPtr;
+ args.primID = (unsigned int)i;
+ args.timeStep = (unsigned int)itime;
+ args.bounds_o = (RTCBounds*)&box;
+ boundsFunc(&args);
+ return box;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th item at the itime'th time segment */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(size_t i, size_t itime) const
+ {
+ BBox3fa box[2];
+ assert(i < size());
+ RTCBoundsFunctionArguments args;
+ args.geometryUserPtr = userPtr;
+ args.primID = (unsigned int)i;
+ args.timeStep = (unsigned int)(itime+0);
+ args.bounds_o = (RTCBounds*)&box[0];
+ boundsFunc(&args);
+ args.timeStep = (unsigned int)(itime+1);
+ args.bounds_o = (RTCBounds*)&box[1];
+ boundsFunc(&args);
+ return LBBox3fa(box[0],box[1]);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the build bounds of the i'th item, if it's valid */
+ __forceinline bool buildBounds(size_t i, BBox3fa* bbox = nullptr) const
+ {
+ const BBox3fa b = bounds(i);
+ if (bbox) *bbox = b;
+ return isvalid_non_empty(b);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the build bounds of the i'th item at the itime'th time segment, if it's valid */
+ __forceinline bool buildBounds(size_t i, size_t itime, BBox3fa& bbox) const
+ {
+ const LBBox3fa bounds = linearBounds(i,itime);
+ bbox = bounds.bounds0; // use bounding box of first timestep to build BVH
+ return isvalid_non_empty(bounds);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive for the specified time range */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(size_t primID, const BBox1f& dt) const {
+ return LBBox3fa([&] (size_t itime) { return bounds(primID, itime); }, dt, time_range, fnumTimeSegments);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive for the specified time range */
+ __forceinline bool linearBounds(size_t i, const BBox1f& time_range, LBBox3fa& bbox) const {
+ if (!valid(i, timeSegmentRange(time_range))) return false;
+ bbox = linearBounds(i, time_range);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* gets version info of topology */
+ unsigned int getTopologyVersion() const {
+ return numPrimitives;
+ }
+ /* returns true if topology changed */
+ bool topologyChanged(unsigned int otherVersion) const {
+ return numPrimitives != otherVersion;
+ }
+ public:
+ /*! Intersects a single ray with the scene. */
+ __forceinline void intersect (RayHit& ray, unsigned int geomID, unsigned int primID, IntersectContext* context, ReportIntersectionFunc report)
+ {
+ assert(primID < size());
+ assert(intersectorN.intersect);
+ int mask = -1;
+ IntersectFunctionNArguments args;
+ args.valid = &mask;
+ args.geometryUserPtr = userPtr;
+ args.context = context->user;
+ args.rayhit = (RTCRayHitN*)&ray;
+ args.N = 1;
+ args.geomID = geomID;
+ args.primID = primID;
+ args.internal_context = context;
+ args.geometry = this;
+ = report;
+ intersectorN.intersect(&args);
+ }
+ /*! Tests if single ray is occluded by the scene. */
+ __forceinline void occluded (Ray& ray, unsigned int geomID, unsigned int primID, IntersectContext* context, ReportOcclusionFunc report)
+ {
+ assert(primID < size());
+ assert(intersectorN.occluded);
+ int mask = -1;
+ OccludedFunctionNArguments args;
+ args.valid = &mask;
+ args.geometryUserPtr = userPtr;
+ args.context = context->user;
+ args.ray = (RTCRayN*)&ray;
+ args.N = 1;
+ args.geomID = geomID;
+ args.primID = primID;
+ args.internal_context = context;
+ args.geometry = this;
+ = report;
+ intersectorN.occluded(&args);
+ }
+ /*! Intersects a packet of K rays with the scene. */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void intersect (const vbool<K>& valid, RayHitK<K>& ray, unsigned int geomID, unsigned int primID, IntersectContext* context, ReportIntersectionFunc report)
+ {
+ assert(primID < size());
+ assert(intersectorN.intersect);
+ vint<K> mask = valid.mask32();
+ IntersectFunctionNArguments args;
+ args.valid = (int*)&mask;
+ args.geometryUserPtr = userPtr;
+ args.context = context->user;
+ args.rayhit = (RTCRayHitN*)&ray;
+ args.N = K;
+ args.geomID = geomID;
+ args.primID = primID;
+ args.internal_context = context;
+ args.geometry = this;
+ = report;
+ intersectorN.intersect(&args);
+ }
+ /*! Tests if a packet of K rays is occluded by the scene. */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void occluded (const vbool<K>& valid, RayK<K>& ray, unsigned int geomID, unsigned int primID, IntersectContext* context, ReportOcclusionFunc report)
+ {
+ assert(primID < size());
+ assert(intersectorN.occluded);
+ vint<K> mask = valid.mask32();
+ OccludedFunctionNArguments args;
+ args.valid = (int*)&mask;
+ args.geometryUserPtr = userPtr;
+ args.context = context->user;
+ args.ray = (RTCRayN*)&ray;
+ args.N = K;
+ args.geomID = geomID;
+ args.primID = primID;
+ args.internal_context = context;
+ args.geometry = this;
+ = report;
+ intersectorN.occluded(&args);
+ }
+ public:
+ RTCBoundsFunction boundsFunc;
+ IntersectorN intersectorN;
+ };
+#define DEFINE_SET_INTERSECTORN(symbol,intersector) \
+ AccelSet::IntersectorN symbol() { \
+ return AccelSet::IntersectorN(intersector::intersect, \
+ intersector::occluded, \
+ TOSTRING(isa) "::" TOSTRING(symbol)); \
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/alloc.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/alloc.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1a0e1aeed3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/alloc.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "alloc.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/thread.h"
+namespace embree
+ __thread FastAllocator::ThreadLocal2* FastAllocator::thread_local_allocator2 = nullptr;
+ SpinLock FastAllocator::s_thread_local_allocators_lock;
+ std::vector<std::unique_ptr<FastAllocator::ThreadLocal2>> FastAllocator::s_thread_local_allocators;
+ struct fast_allocator_regression_test : public RegressionTest
+ {
+ BarrierSys barrier;
+ std::atomic<size_t> numFailed;
+ std::unique_ptr<FastAllocator> alloc;
+ fast_allocator_regression_test()
+ : RegressionTest("fast_allocator_regression_test"), numFailed(0)
+ {
+ registerRegressionTest(this);
+ }
+ static void thread_alloc(fast_allocator_regression_test* This)
+ {
+ FastAllocator::CachedAllocator threadalloc = This->alloc->getCachedAllocator();
+ size_t* ptrs[1000];
+ for (size_t j=0; j<1000; j++)
+ {
+ This->barrier.wait();
+ for (size_t i=0; i<1000; i++) {
+ ptrs[i] = (size_t*) threadalloc.malloc0(sizeof(size_t)+(i%32));
+ *ptrs[i] = size_t(threadalloc.talloc0) + i;
+ }
+ for (size_t i=0; i<1000; i++) {
+ if (*ptrs[i] != size_t(threadalloc.talloc0) + i)
+ This->numFailed++;
+ }
+ This->barrier.wait();
+ }
+ }
+ bool run ()
+ {
+ alloc = make_unique(new FastAllocator(nullptr,false));
+ size_t numThreads = getNumberOfLogicalThreads();
+ barrier.init(numThreads+1);
+ /* create threads */
+ std::vector<thread_t> threads;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numThreads; i++)
+ threads.push_back(createThread((thread_func)thread_alloc,this));
+ /* run test */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<1000; i++)
+ {
+ alloc->reset();
+ barrier.wait();
+ barrier.wait();
+ }
+ /* destroy threads */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numThreads; i++)
+ join(threads[i]);
+ alloc = nullptr;
+ return numFailed == 0;
+ }
+ };
+ fast_allocator_regression_test fast_allocator_regression;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/alloc.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/alloc.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4458e35c24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/alloc.h
@@ -0,0 +1,958 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+#include "device.h"
+#include "scene.h"
+#include "primref.h"
+namespace embree
+ class FastAllocator
+ {
+ /*! maximum supported alignment */
+ static const size_t maxAlignment = 64;
+ /*! maximum allocation size */
+ /* default settings */
+ //static const size_t defaultBlockSize = 4096;
+#define maxAllocationSize size_t(2*1024*1024-maxAlignment)
+ static const size_t MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS = 8;
+ public:
+ struct ThreadLocal2;
+ /*! Per thread structure holding the current memory block. */
+ struct __aligned(64) ThreadLocal
+ {
+ public:
+ /*! Constructor for usage with ThreadLocalData */
+ __forceinline ThreadLocal (ThreadLocal2* parent)
+ : parent(parent), ptr(nullptr), cur(0), end(0), allocBlockSize(0), bytesUsed(0), bytesWasted(0) {}
+ /*! initialize allocator */
+ void init(FastAllocator* alloc)
+ {
+ ptr = nullptr;
+ cur = end = 0;
+ bytesUsed = 0;
+ bytesWasted = 0;
+ allocBlockSize = 0;
+ if (alloc) allocBlockSize = alloc->defaultBlockSize;
+ }
+ /* Allocate aligned memory from the threads memory block. */
+ __forceinline void* malloc(FastAllocator* alloc, size_t bytes, size_t align = 16)
+ {
+ /* bind the thread local allocator to the proper FastAllocator*/
+ parent->bind(alloc);
+ assert(align <= maxAlignment);
+ bytesUsed += bytes;
+ /* try to allocate in local block */
+ size_t ofs = (align - cur) & (align-1);
+ cur += bytes + ofs;
+ if (likely(cur <= end)) { bytesWasted += ofs; return &ptr[cur - bytes]; }
+ cur -= bytes + ofs;
+ /* if allocation is too large allocate with parent allocator */
+ if (4*bytes > allocBlockSize) {
+ return alloc->malloc(bytes,maxAlignment,false);
+ }
+ /* get new partial block if allocation failed */
+ size_t blockSize = allocBlockSize;
+ ptr = (char*) alloc->malloc(blockSize,maxAlignment,true);
+ bytesWasted += end-cur;
+ cur = 0; end = blockSize;
+ /* retry allocation */
+ ofs = (align - cur) & (align-1);
+ cur += bytes + ofs;
+ if (likely(cur <= end)) { bytesWasted += ofs; return &ptr[cur - bytes]; }
+ cur -= bytes + ofs;
+ /* get new full block if allocation failed */
+ blockSize = allocBlockSize;
+ ptr = (char*) alloc->malloc(blockSize,maxAlignment,false);
+ bytesWasted += end-cur;
+ cur = 0; end = blockSize;
+ /* retry allocation */
+ ofs = (align - cur) & (align-1);
+ cur += bytes + ofs;
+ if (likely(cur <= end)) { bytesWasted += ofs; return &ptr[cur - bytes]; }
+ cur -= bytes + ofs;
+ /* should never happen as large allocations get handled specially above */
+ assert(false);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ /*! returns amount of used bytes */
+ __forceinline size_t getUsedBytes() const { return bytesUsed; }
+ /*! returns amount of free bytes */
+ __forceinline size_t getFreeBytes() const { return end-cur; }
+ /*! returns amount of wasted bytes */
+ __forceinline size_t getWastedBytes() const { return bytesWasted; }
+ private:
+ ThreadLocal2* parent;
+ char* ptr; //!< pointer to memory block
+ size_t cur; //!< current location of the allocator
+ size_t end; //!< end of the memory block
+ size_t allocBlockSize; //!< block size for allocations
+ size_t bytesUsed; //!< number of total bytes allocated
+ size_t bytesWasted; //!< number of bytes wasted
+ };
+ /*! Two thread local structures. */
+ struct __aligned(64) ThreadLocal2
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline ThreadLocal2()
+ : alloc(nullptr), alloc0(this), alloc1(this) {}
+ /*! bind to fast allocator */
+ __forceinline void bind(FastAllocator* alloc_i)
+ {
+ assert(alloc_i);
+ if (alloc.load() == alloc_i) return;
+ Lock<SpinLock> lock(mutex);
+ //if (alloc.load() == alloc_i) return; // not required as only one thread calls bind
+ if (alloc.load()) {
+ alloc.load()->bytesUsed += alloc0.getUsedBytes() + alloc1.getUsedBytes();
+ alloc.load()->bytesFree += alloc0.getFreeBytes() + alloc1.getFreeBytes();
+ alloc.load()->bytesWasted += alloc0.getWastedBytes() + alloc1.getWastedBytes();
+ }
+ alloc0.init(alloc_i);
+ alloc1.init(alloc_i);
+ alloc_i->join(this);
+ }
+ /*! unbind to fast allocator */
+ void unbind(FastAllocator* alloc_i)
+ {
+ assert(alloc_i);
+ if (alloc.load() != alloc_i) return;
+ Lock<SpinLock> lock(mutex);
+ if (alloc.load() != alloc_i) return; // required as a different thread calls unbind
+ alloc.load()->bytesUsed += alloc0.getUsedBytes() + alloc1.getUsedBytes();
+ alloc.load()->bytesFree += alloc0.getFreeBytes() + alloc1.getFreeBytes();
+ alloc.load()->bytesWasted += alloc0.getWastedBytes() + alloc1.getWastedBytes();
+ alloc0.init(nullptr);
+ alloc1.init(nullptr);
+ }
+ public:
+ SpinLock mutex; //!< required as unbind is called from other threads
+ std::atomic<FastAllocator*> alloc; //!< parent allocator
+ ThreadLocal alloc0;
+ ThreadLocal alloc1;
+ };
+ FastAllocator (Device* device, bool osAllocation)
+ : device(device), slotMask(0), usedBlocks(nullptr), freeBlocks(nullptr), use_single_mode(false), defaultBlockSize(PAGE_SIZE), estimatedSize(0),
+ growSize(PAGE_SIZE), maxGrowSize(maxAllocationSize), log2_grow_size_scale(0), bytesUsed(0), bytesFree(0), bytesWasted(0), atype(osAllocation ? OS_MALLOC : ALIGNED_MALLOC),
+ primrefarray(device,0)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS; i++)
+ {
+ threadUsedBlocks[i] = nullptr;
+ threadBlocks[i] = nullptr;
+ assert(!slotMutex[i].isLocked());
+ }
+ }
+ ~FastAllocator () {
+ clear();
+ }
+ /*! returns the device attached to this allocator */
+ Device* getDevice() {
+ return device;
+ }
+ void share(mvector<PrimRef>& primrefarray_i) {
+ primrefarray = std::move(primrefarray_i);
+ }
+ void unshare(mvector<PrimRef>& primrefarray_o)
+ {
+ reset(); // this removes blocks that are allocated inside the shared primref array
+ primrefarray_o = std::move(primrefarray);
+ }
+ /*! returns first fast thread local allocator */
+ __forceinline ThreadLocal* _threadLocal() {
+ return &threadLocal2()->alloc0;
+ }
+ void setOSallocation(bool flag)
+ {
+ atype = flag ? OS_MALLOC : ALIGNED_MALLOC;
+ }
+ private:
+ /*! returns both fast thread local allocators */
+ __forceinline ThreadLocal2* threadLocal2()
+ {
+ ThreadLocal2* alloc = thread_local_allocator2;
+ if (alloc == nullptr) {
+ thread_local_allocator2 = alloc = new ThreadLocal2;
+ Lock<SpinLock> lock(s_thread_local_allocators_lock);
+ s_thread_local_allocators.push_back(make_unique(alloc));
+ }
+ return alloc;
+ }
+ public:
+ __forceinline void join(ThreadLocal2* alloc)
+ {
+ Lock<SpinLock> lock(thread_local_allocators_lock);
+ thread_local_allocators.push_back(alloc);
+ }
+ public:
+ struct CachedAllocator
+ {
+ __forceinline CachedAllocator(void* ptr)
+ : alloc(nullptr), talloc0(nullptr), talloc1(nullptr)
+ {
+ assert(ptr == nullptr);
+ }
+ __forceinline CachedAllocator(FastAllocator* alloc, ThreadLocal2* talloc)
+ : alloc(alloc), talloc0(&talloc->alloc0), talloc1(alloc->use_single_mode ? &talloc->alloc0 : &talloc->alloc1) {}
+ __forceinline operator bool () const {
+ return alloc != nullptr;
+ }
+ __forceinline void* operator() (size_t bytes, size_t align = 16) const {
+ return talloc0->malloc(alloc,bytes,align);
+ }
+ __forceinline void* malloc0 (size_t bytes, size_t align = 16) const {
+ return talloc0->malloc(alloc,bytes,align);
+ }
+ __forceinline void* malloc1 (size_t bytes, size_t align = 16) const {
+ return talloc1->malloc(alloc,bytes,align);
+ }
+ public:
+ FastAllocator* alloc;
+ ThreadLocal* talloc0;
+ ThreadLocal* talloc1;
+ };
+ __forceinline CachedAllocator getCachedAllocator() {
+ return CachedAllocator(this,threadLocal2());
+ }
+ /*! Builder interface to create thread local allocator */
+ struct Create
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline Create (FastAllocator* allocator) : allocator(allocator) {}
+ __forceinline CachedAllocator operator() () const { return allocator->getCachedAllocator(); }
+ private:
+ FastAllocator* allocator;
+ };
+ void internal_fix_used_blocks()
+ {
+ /* move thread local blocks to global block list */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS; i++)
+ {
+ while (threadBlocks[i].load() != nullptr) {
+ Block* nextUsedBlock = threadBlocks[i].load()->next;
+ threadBlocks[i].load()->next = usedBlocks.load();
+ usedBlocks = threadBlocks[i].load();
+ threadBlocks[i] = nextUsedBlock;
+ }
+ threadBlocks[i] = nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ static const size_t threadLocalAllocOverhead = 20; //! 20 means 5% parallel allocation overhead through unfilled thread local blocks
+ static const size_t mainAllocOverheadStatic = 20; //! 20 means 5% allocation overhead through unfilled main alloc blocks
+ static const size_t mainAllocOverheadDynamic = 8; //! 20 means 12.5% allocation overhead through unfilled main alloc blocks
+ /* calculates a single threaded threshold for the builders such
+ * that for small scenes the overhead of partly allocated blocks
+ * per thread is low */
+ size_t fixSingleThreadThreshold(size_t branchingFactor, size_t defaultThreshold, size_t numPrimitives, size_t bytesEstimated)
+ {
+ if (numPrimitives == 0 || bytesEstimated == 0)
+ return defaultThreshold;
+ /* calculate block size in bytes to fulfill threadLocalAllocOverhead constraint */
+ const size_t single_mode_factor = use_single_mode ? 1 : 2;
+ const size_t threadCount = TaskScheduler::threadCount();
+ const size_t singleThreadBytes = single_mode_factor*threadLocalAllocOverhead*defaultBlockSize;
+ /* if we do not have to limit number of threads use optimal thresdhold */
+ if ( (bytesEstimated+(singleThreadBytes-1))/singleThreadBytes >= threadCount)
+ return defaultThreshold;
+ /* otherwise limit number of threads by calculating proper single thread threshold */
+ else {
+ double bytesPerPrimitive = double(bytesEstimated)/double(numPrimitives);
+ return size_t(ceil(branchingFactor*singleThreadBytes/bytesPerPrimitive));
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t alignSize(size_t i) {
+ return (i+127)/128*128;
+ }
+ /*! initializes the grow size */
+ __forceinline void initGrowSizeAndNumSlots(size_t bytesEstimated, bool fast)
+ {
+ /* we do not need single thread local allocator mode */
+ use_single_mode = false;
+ /* calculate growSize such that at most mainAllocationOverhead gets wasted when a block stays unused */
+ size_t mainAllocOverhead = fast ? mainAllocOverheadDynamic : mainAllocOverheadStatic;
+ size_t blockSize = alignSize(bytesEstimated/mainAllocOverhead);
+ growSize = maxGrowSize = clamp(blockSize,size_t(1024),maxAllocationSize);
+ /* if we reached the maxAllocationSize for growSize, we can
+ * increase the number of allocation slots by still guaranteeing
+ * the mainAllocationOverhead */
+ slotMask = 0x0;
+ if (MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS >= 2 && bytesEstimated > 2*mainAllocOverhead*growSize) slotMask = 0x1;
+ if (MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS >= 4 && bytesEstimated > 4*mainAllocOverhead*growSize) slotMask = 0x3;
+ if (MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS >= 8 && bytesEstimated > 8*mainAllocOverhead*growSize) slotMask = 0x7;
+ if (MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS >= 8 && bytesEstimated > 16*mainAllocOverhead*growSize) { growSize *= 2; } /* if the overhead is tiny, double the growSize */
+ /* set the thread local alloc block size */
+ size_t defaultBlockSizeSwitch = PAGE_SIZE+maxAlignment;
+ /* for sufficiently large scene we can increase the defaultBlockSize over the defaultBlockSizeSwitch size */
+#if 0 // we do not do this as a block size of 4160 if for some reason best for KNL
+ const size_t threadCount = TaskScheduler::threadCount();
+ const size_t single_mode_factor = use_single_mode ? 1 : 2;
+ const size_t singleThreadBytes = single_mode_factor*threadLocalAllocOverhead*defaultBlockSizeSwitch;
+ if (bytesEstimated+(singleThreadBytes-1))/singleThreadBytes >= threadCount)
+ defaultBlockSize = min(max(defaultBlockSizeSwitch,bytesEstimated/(single_mode_factor*threadLocalAllocOverhead*threadCount)),growSize);
+ /* otherwise we grow the defaultBlockSize up to defaultBlockSizeSwitch */
+ else
+ defaultBlockSize = clamp(blockSize,size_t(1024),defaultBlockSizeSwitch);
+ if (bytesEstimated == 0) {
+ maxGrowSize = maxAllocationSize; // special mode if builder cannot estimate tree size
+ defaultBlockSize = defaultBlockSizeSwitch;
+ }
+ log2_grow_size_scale = 0;
+ if (device->alloc_main_block_size != 0) growSize = device->alloc_main_block_size;
+ if (device->alloc_num_main_slots >= 1 ) slotMask = 0x0;
+ if (device->alloc_num_main_slots >= 2 ) slotMask = 0x1;
+ if (device->alloc_num_main_slots >= 4 ) slotMask = 0x3;
+ if (device->alloc_num_main_slots >= 8 ) slotMask = 0x7;
+ if (device->alloc_thread_block_size != 0) defaultBlockSize = device->alloc_thread_block_size;
+ if (device->alloc_single_thread_alloc != -1) use_single_mode = device->alloc_single_thread_alloc;
+ }
+ /*! initializes the allocator */
+ void init(size_t bytesAllocate, size_t bytesReserve, size_t bytesEstimate)
+ {
+ internal_fix_used_blocks();
+ /* distribute the allocation to multiple thread block slots */
+ slotMask = MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS-1; // FIXME: remove
+ if (usedBlocks.load() || freeBlocks.load()) { reset(); return; }
+ if (bytesReserve == 0) bytesReserve = bytesAllocate;
+ freeBlocks = Block::create(device,bytesAllocate,bytesReserve,nullptr,atype);
+ estimatedSize = bytesEstimate;
+ initGrowSizeAndNumSlots(bytesEstimate,true);
+ }
+ /*! initializes the allocator */
+ void init_estimate(size_t bytesEstimate)
+ {
+ internal_fix_used_blocks();
+ if (usedBlocks.load() || freeBlocks.load()) { reset(); return; }
+ /* single allocator mode ? */
+ estimatedSize = bytesEstimate;
+ //initGrowSizeAndNumSlots(bytesEstimate,false);
+ initGrowSizeAndNumSlots(bytesEstimate,false);
+ }
+ /*! frees state not required after build */
+ __forceinline void cleanup()
+ {
+ internal_fix_used_blocks();
+ /* unbind all thread local allocators */
+ for (auto alloc : thread_local_allocators) alloc->unbind(this);
+ thread_local_allocators.clear();
+ }
+ /*! resets the allocator, memory blocks get reused */
+ void reset ()
+ {
+ internal_fix_used_blocks();
+ /* reset all used blocks and move them to begin of free block list */
+ while (usedBlocks.load() != nullptr) {
+ usedBlocks.load()->reset_block();
+ Block* nextUsedBlock = usedBlocks.load()->next;
+ usedBlocks.load()->next = freeBlocks.load();
+ freeBlocks = usedBlocks.load();
+ usedBlocks = nextUsedBlock;
+ }
+ /* remove all shared blocks as they are re-added during build */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS; i++)
+ {
+ threadUsedBlocks[i] = nullptr;
+ threadBlocks[i] = nullptr;
+ }
+ /* unbind all thread local allocators */
+ for (auto alloc : thread_local_allocators) alloc->unbind(this);
+ thread_local_allocators.clear();
+ }
+ /*! frees all allocated memory */
+ __forceinline void clear()
+ {
+ cleanup();
+ if (usedBlocks.load() != nullptr) usedBlocks.load()->clear_list(device); usedBlocks = nullptr;
+ if (freeBlocks.load() != nullptr) freeBlocks.load()->clear_list(device); freeBlocks = nullptr;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS; i++) {
+ threadUsedBlocks[i] = nullptr;
+ threadBlocks[i] = nullptr;
+ }
+ primrefarray.clear();
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t incGrowSizeScale()
+ {
+ size_t scale = log2_grow_size_scale.fetch_add(1)+1;
+ return size_t(1) << min(size_t(16),scale);
+ }
+ /*! thread safe allocation of memory */
+ void* malloc(size_t& bytes, size_t align, bool partial)
+ {
+ assert(align <= maxAlignment);
+ while (true)
+ {
+ /* allocate using current block */
+ size_t threadID = TaskScheduler::threadID();
+ size_t slot = threadID & slotMask;
+ Block* myUsedBlocks = threadUsedBlocks[slot];
+ if (myUsedBlocks) {
+ void* ptr = myUsedBlocks->malloc(device,bytes,align,partial);
+ if (ptr) return ptr;
+ }
+ /* throw error if allocation is too large */
+ if (bytes > maxAllocationSize)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"allocation is too large");
+ /* parallel block creation in case of no freeBlocks, avoids single global mutex */
+ if (likely(freeBlocks.load() == nullptr))
+ {
+ Lock<SpinLock> lock(slotMutex[slot]);
+ if (myUsedBlocks == threadUsedBlocks[slot]) {
+ const size_t alignedBytes = (bytes+(align-1)) & ~(align-1);
+ const size_t allocSize = max(min(growSize,maxGrowSize),alignedBytes);
+ assert(allocSize >= bytes);
+ threadBlocks[slot] = threadUsedBlocks[slot] = Block::create(device,allocSize,allocSize,threadBlocks[slot],atype); // FIXME: a large allocation might throw away a block here!
+ // FIXME: a direct allocation should allocate inside the block here, and not in the next loop! a different thread could do some allocation and make the large allocation fail.
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* if this fails allocate new block */
+ {
+ Lock<SpinLock> lock(mutex);
+ if (myUsedBlocks == threadUsedBlocks[slot])
+ {
+ if (freeBlocks.load() != nullptr) {
+ Block* nextFreeBlock = freeBlocks.load()->next;
+ freeBlocks.load()->next = usedBlocks;
+ __memory_barrier();
+ usedBlocks = freeBlocks.load();
+ threadUsedBlocks[slot] = freeBlocks.load();
+ freeBlocks = nextFreeBlock;
+ } else {
+ const size_t allocSize = min(growSize*incGrowSizeScale(),maxGrowSize);
+ usedBlocks = threadUsedBlocks[slot] = Block::create(device,allocSize,allocSize,usedBlocks,atype); // FIXME: a large allocation should get delivered directly, like above!
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*! add new block */
+ void addBlock(void* ptr, ssize_t bytes)
+ {
+ Lock<SpinLock> lock(mutex);
+ const size_t sizeof_Header = offsetof(Block,data[0]);
+ void* aptr = (void*) ((((size_t)ptr)+maxAlignment-1) & ~(maxAlignment-1));
+ size_t ofs = (size_t) aptr - (size_t) ptr;
+ bytes -= ofs;
+ if (bytes < 4096) return; // ignore empty or very small blocks
+ freeBlocks = new (aptr) Block(SHARED,bytes-sizeof_Header,bytes-sizeof_Header,freeBlocks,ofs);
+ }
+ /* special allocation only used from morton builder only a single time for each build */
+ void* specialAlloc(size_t bytes)
+ {
+ assert(freeBlocks.load() != nullptr && freeBlocks.load()->getBlockAllocatedBytes() >= bytes);
+ return freeBlocks.load()->ptr();
+ }
+ struct Statistics
+ {
+ Statistics ()
+ : bytesUsed(0), bytesFree(0), bytesWasted(0) {}
+ Statistics (size_t bytesUsed, size_t bytesFree, size_t bytesWasted)
+ : bytesUsed(bytesUsed), bytesFree(bytesFree), bytesWasted(bytesWasted) {}
+ Statistics (FastAllocator* alloc, AllocationType atype, bool huge_pages = false)
+ : bytesUsed(0), bytesFree(0), bytesWasted(0)
+ {
+ Block* usedBlocks = alloc->usedBlocks.load();
+ Block* freeBlocks = alloc->freeBlocks.load();
+ if (usedBlocks) bytesUsed += usedBlocks->getUsedBytes(atype,huge_pages);
+ if (freeBlocks) bytesFree += freeBlocks->getAllocatedBytes(atype,huge_pages);
+ if (usedBlocks) bytesFree += usedBlocks->getFreeBytes(atype,huge_pages);
+ if (freeBlocks) bytesWasted += freeBlocks->getWastedBytes(atype,huge_pages);
+ if (usedBlocks) bytesWasted += usedBlocks->getWastedBytes(atype,huge_pages);
+ }
+ std::string str(size_t numPrimitives)
+ {
+ std::stringstream str;
+ str.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
+ str << "used = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesUsed << " MB, "
+ << "free = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesFree << " MB, "
+ << "wasted = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesWasted << " MB, "
+ << "total = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesAllocatedTotal() << " MB, "
+ << "#bytes/prim = " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << double(bytesAllocatedTotal())/double(numPrimitives);
+ return str.str();
+ }
+ friend Statistics operator+ ( const Statistics& a, const Statistics& b)
+ {
+ return Statistics(a.bytesUsed+b.bytesUsed,
+ a.bytesFree+b.bytesFree,
+ a.bytesWasted+b.bytesWasted);
+ }
+ size_t bytesAllocatedTotal() const {
+ return bytesUsed + bytesFree + bytesWasted;
+ }
+ public:
+ size_t bytesUsed;
+ size_t bytesFree;
+ size_t bytesWasted;
+ };
+ Statistics getStatistics(AllocationType atype, bool huge_pages = false) {
+ return Statistics(this,atype,huge_pages);
+ }
+ size_t getUsedBytes() {
+ return bytesUsed;
+ }
+ size_t getWastedBytes() {
+ return bytesWasted;
+ }
+ struct AllStatistics
+ {
+ AllStatistics (FastAllocator* alloc)
+ : bytesUsed(alloc->bytesUsed),
+ bytesFree(alloc->bytesFree),
+ bytesWasted(alloc->bytesWasted),
+ stat_all(alloc,ANY_TYPE),
+ stat_malloc(alloc,ALIGNED_MALLOC),
+ stat_4K(alloc,OS_MALLOC,false),
+ stat_2M(alloc,OS_MALLOC,true),
+ stat_shared(alloc,SHARED) {}
+ AllStatistics (size_t bytesUsed,
+ size_t bytesFree,
+ size_t bytesWasted,
+ Statistics stat_all,
+ Statistics stat_malloc,
+ Statistics stat_4K,
+ Statistics stat_2M,
+ Statistics stat_shared)
+ : bytesUsed(bytesUsed),
+ bytesFree(bytesFree),
+ bytesWasted(bytesWasted),
+ stat_all(stat_all),
+ stat_malloc(stat_malloc),
+ stat_4K(stat_4K),
+ stat_2M(stat_2M),
+ stat_shared(stat_shared) {}
+ friend AllStatistics operator+ (const AllStatistics& a, const AllStatistics& b)
+ {
+ return AllStatistics(a.bytesUsed+b.bytesUsed,
+ a.bytesFree+b.bytesFree,
+ a.bytesWasted+b.bytesWasted,
+ a.stat_all + b.stat_all,
+ a.stat_malloc + b.stat_malloc,
+ a.stat_4K + b.stat_4K,
+ a.stat_2M + b.stat_2M,
+ a.stat_shared + b.stat_shared);
+ }
+ void print(size_t numPrimitives)
+ {
+ std::stringstream str0;
+ str0.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
+ str0 << " alloc : "
+ << "used = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesUsed << " MB, "
+ << " "
+ << "#bytes/prim = " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << double(bytesUsed)/double(numPrimitives);
+ std::cout << str0.str() << std::endl;
+ std::stringstream str1;
+ str1.setf(std::ios::fixed, std::ios::floatfield);
+ str1 << " alloc : "
+ << "used = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesUsed << " MB, "
+ << "free = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesFree << " MB, "
+ << "wasted = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*bytesWasted << " MB, "
+ << "total = " << std::setw(7) << std::setprecision(3) << 1E-6f*(bytesUsed+bytesFree+bytesWasted) << " MB, "
+ << "#bytes/prim = " << std::setw(6) << std::setprecision(2) << double(bytesUsed+bytesFree+bytesWasted)/double(numPrimitives);
+ std::cout << str1.str() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " total : " << stat_all.str(numPrimitives) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " 4K : " << stat_4K.str(numPrimitives) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " 2M : " << stat_2M.str(numPrimitives) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " malloc: " << stat_malloc.str(numPrimitives) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " shared: " << stat_shared.str(numPrimitives) << std::endl;
+ }
+ private:
+ size_t bytesUsed;
+ size_t bytesFree;
+ size_t bytesWasted;
+ Statistics stat_all;
+ Statistics stat_malloc;
+ Statistics stat_4K;
+ Statistics stat_2M;
+ Statistics stat_shared;
+ };
+ void print_blocks()
+ {
+ std::cout << " estimatedSize = " << estimatedSize << ", slotMask = " << slotMask << ", use_single_mode = " << use_single_mode << ", maxGrowSize = " << maxGrowSize << ", defaultBlockSize = " << defaultBlockSize << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " used blocks = ";
+ if (usedBlocks.load() != nullptr) usedBlocks.load()->print_list();
+ std::cout << "[END]" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " free blocks = ";
+ if (freeBlocks.load() != nullptr) freeBlocks.load()->print_list();
+ std::cout << "[END]" << std::endl;
+ }
+ private:
+ struct Block
+ {
+ static Block* create(MemoryMonitorInterface* device, size_t bytesAllocate, size_t bytesReserve, Block* next, AllocationType atype)
+ {
+ /* We avoid using os_malloc for small blocks as this could
+ * cause a risk of fragmenting the virtual address space and
+ * reach the limit of vm.max_map_count = 65k under Linux. */
+ if (atype == OS_MALLOC && bytesAllocate < maxAllocationSize)
+ /* we need to additionally allocate some header */
+ const size_t sizeof_Header = offsetof(Block,data[0]);
+ bytesAllocate = sizeof_Header+bytesAllocate;
+ bytesReserve = sizeof_Header+bytesReserve;
+ /* consume full 4k pages with using os_malloc */
+ if (atype == OS_MALLOC) {
+ bytesAllocate = ((bytesAllocate+PAGE_SIZE-1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE-1));
+ bytesReserve = ((bytesReserve +PAGE_SIZE-1) & ~(PAGE_SIZE-1));
+ }
+ /* either use alignedMalloc or os_malloc */
+ void *ptr = nullptr;
+ if (atype == ALIGNED_MALLOC)
+ {
+ /* special handling for default block size */
+ if (bytesAllocate == (2*PAGE_SIZE_2M))
+ {
+ const size_t alignment = maxAlignment;
+ if (device) device->memoryMonitor(bytesAllocate+alignment,false);
+ ptr = alignedMalloc(bytesAllocate,alignment);
+ /* give hint to transparently convert these pages to 2MB pages */
+ const size_t ptr_aligned_begin = ((size_t)ptr) & ~size_t(PAGE_SIZE_2M-1);
+ os_advise((void*)(ptr_aligned_begin + 0),PAGE_SIZE_2M); // may fail if no memory mapped before block
+ os_advise((void*)(ptr_aligned_begin + 1*PAGE_SIZE_2M),PAGE_SIZE_2M);
+ os_advise((void*)(ptr_aligned_begin + 2*PAGE_SIZE_2M),PAGE_SIZE_2M); // may fail if no memory mapped after block
+ return new (ptr) Block(ALIGNED_MALLOC,bytesAllocate-sizeof_Header,bytesAllocate-sizeof_Header,next,alignment);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const size_t alignment = maxAlignment;
+ if (device) device->memoryMonitor(bytesAllocate+alignment,false);
+ ptr = alignedMalloc(bytesAllocate,alignment);
+ return new (ptr) Block(ALIGNED_MALLOC,bytesAllocate-sizeof_Header,bytesAllocate-sizeof_Header,next,alignment);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (atype == OS_MALLOC)
+ {
+ if (device) device->memoryMonitor(bytesAllocate,false);
+ bool huge_pages; ptr = os_malloc(bytesReserve,huge_pages);
+ return new (ptr) Block(OS_MALLOC,bytesAllocate-sizeof_Header,bytesReserve-sizeof_Header,next,0,huge_pages);
+ }
+ else
+ assert(false);
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ Block (AllocationType atype, size_t bytesAllocate, size_t bytesReserve, Block* next, size_t wasted, bool huge_pages = false)
+ : cur(0), allocEnd(bytesAllocate), reserveEnd(bytesReserve), next(next), wasted(wasted), atype(atype), huge_pages(huge_pages)
+ {
+ assert((((size_t)&data[0]) & (maxAlignment-1)) == 0);
+ }
+ static Block* remove_shared_blocks(Block* head)
+ {
+ Block** prev_next = &head;
+ for (Block* block = head; block; block = block->next) {
+ if (block->atype == SHARED) *prev_next = block->next;
+ else prev_next = &block->next;
+ }
+ return head;
+ }
+ void clear_list(MemoryMonitorInterface* device)
+ {
+ Block* block = this;
+ while (block) {
+ Block* next = block->next;
+ block->clear_block(device);
+ block = next;
+ }
+ }
+ void clear_block (MemoryMonitorInterface* device)
+ {
+ const size_t sizeof_Header = offsetof(Block,data[0]);
+ const ssize_t sizeof_Alloced = wasted+sizeof_Header+getBlockAllocatedBytes();
+ if (atype == ALIGNED_MALLOC) {
+ alignedFree(this);
+ if (device) device->memoryMonitor(-sizeof_Alloced,true);
+ }
+ else if (atype == OS_MALLOC) {
+ size_t sizeof_This = sizeof_Header+reserveEnd;
+ os_free(this,sizeof_This,huge_pages);
+ if (device) device->memoryMonitor(-sizeof_Alloced,true);
+ }
+ else /* if (atype == SHARED) */ {
+ }
+ }
+ void* malloc(MemoryMonitorInterface* device, size_t& bytes_in, size_t align, bool partial)
+ {
+ size_t bytes = bytes_in;
+ assert(align <= maxAlignment);
+ bytes = (bytes+(align-1)) & ~(align-1);
+ if (unlikely(cur+bytes > reserveEnd && !partial)) return nullptr;
+ const size_t i = cur.fetch_add(bytes);
+ if (unlikely(i+bytes > reserveEnd && !partial)) return nullptr;
+ if (unlikely(i > reserveEnd)) return nullptr;
+ bytes_in = bytes = min(bytes,reserveEnd-i);
+ if (i+bytes > allocEnd) {
+ if (device) device->memoryMonitor(i+bytes-max(i,allocEnd),true);
+ }
+ return &data[i];
+ }
+ void* ptr() {
+ return &data[cur];
+ }
+ void reset_block ()
+ {
+ allocEnd = max(allocEnd,(size_t)cur);
+ cur = 0;
+ }
+ size_t getBlockUsedBytes() const {
+ return min(size_t(cur),reserveEnd);
+ }
+ size_t getBlockFreeBytes() const {
+ return getBlockAllocatedBytes() - getBlockUsedBytes();
+ }
+ size_t getBlockAllocatedBytes() const {
+ return min(max(allocEnd,size_t(cur)),reserveEnd);
+ }
+ size_t getBlockWastedBytes() const {
+ const size_t sizeof_Header = offsetof(Block,data[0]);
+ return sizeof_Header + wasted;
+ }
+ size_t getBlockReservedBytes() const {
+ return reserveEnd;
+ }
+ bool hasType(AllocationType atype_i, bool huge_pages_i) const
+ {
+ if (atype_i == ANY_TYPE ) return true;
+ else if (atype == OS_MALLOC) return atype_i == atype && huge_pages_i == huge_pages;
+ else return atype_i == atype;
+ }
+ size_t getUsedBytes(AllocationType atype, bool huge_pages = false) const {
+ size_t bytes = 0;
+ for (const Block* block = this; block; block = block->next) {
+ if (!block->hasType(atype,huge_pages)) continue;
+ bytes += block->getBlockUsedBytes();
+ }
+ return bytes;
+ }
+ size_t getFreeBytes(AllocationType atype, bool huge_pages = false) const {
+ size_t bytes = 0;
+ for (const Block* block = this; block; block = block->next) {
+ if (!block->hasType(atype,huge_pages)) continue;
+ bytes += block->getBlockFreeBytes();
+ }
+ return bytes;
+ }
+ size_t getWastedBytes(AllocationType atype, bool huge_pages = false) const {
+ size_t bytes = 0;
+ for (const Block* block = this; block; block = block->next) {
+ if (!block->hasType(atype,huge_pages)) continue;
+ bytes += block->getBlockWastedBytes();
+ }
+ return bytes;
+ }
+ size_t getAllocatedBytes(AllocationType atype, bool huge_pages = false) const {
+ size_t bytes = 0;
+ for (const Block* block = this; block; block = block->next) {
+ if (!block->hasType(atype,huge_pages)) continue;
+ bytes += block->getBlockAllocatedBytes();
+ }
+ return bytes;
+ }
+ void print_list ()
+ {
+ for (const Block* block = this; block; block = block->next)
+ block->print_block();
+ }
+ void print_block() const
+ {
+ if (atype == ALIGNED_MALLOC) std::cout << "A";
+ else if (atype == OS_MALLOC) std::cout << "O";
+ else if (atype == SHARED) std::cout << "S";
+ if (huge_pages) std::cout << "H";
+ size_t bytesUsed = getBlockUsedBytes();
+ size_t bytesFree = getBlockFreeBytes();
+ size_t bytesWasted = getBlockWastedBytes();
+ std::cout << "[" << bytesUsed << ", " << bytesFree << ", " << bytesWasted << "] ";
+ }
+ public:
+ std::atomic<size_t> cur; //!< current location of the allocator
+ std::atomic<size_t> allocEnd; //!< end of the allocated memory region
+ std::atomic<size_t> reserveEnd; //!< end of the reserved memory region
+ Block* next; //!< pointer to next block in list
+ size_t wasted; //!< amount of memory wasted through block alignment
+ AllocationType atype; //!< allocation mode of the block
+ bool huge_pages; //!< whether the block uses huge pages
+ char align[maxAlignment-5*sizeof(size_t)-sizeof(AllocationType)-sizeof(bool)]; //!< align data to maxAlignment
+ char data[1]; //!< here starts memory to use for allocations
+ };
+ private:
+ Device* device;
+ SpinLock mutex;
+ size_t slotMask;
+ std::atomic<Block*> threadUsedBlocks[MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS];
+ std::atomic<Block*> usedBlocks;
+ std::atomic<Block*> freeBlocks;
+ std::atomic<Block*> threadBlocks[MAX_THREAD_USED_BLOCK_SLOTS];
+ bool use_single_mode;
+ size_t defaultBlockSize;
+ size_t estimatedSize;
+ size_t growSize;
+ size_t maxGrowSize;
+ std::atomic<size_t> log2_grow_size_scale; //!< log2 of scaling factor for grow size // FIXME: remove
+ std::atomic<size_t> bytesUsed;
+ std::atomic<size_t> bytesFree;
+ std::atomic<size_t> bytesWasted;
+ static __thread ThreadLocal2* thread_local_allocator2;
+ static SpinLock s_thread_local_allocators_lock;
+ static std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ThreadLocal2>> s_thread_local_allocators;
+ SpinLock thread_local_allocators_lock;
+ std::vector<ThreadLocal2*> thread_local_allocators;
+ AllocationType atype;
+ mvector<PrimRef> primrefarray; //!< primrefarray used to allocate nodes
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/buffer.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/buffer.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..793012c04d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/buffer.h
@@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+#include "device.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! Implements an API data buffer object. This class may or may not own the data. */
+ class Buffer : public RefCount
+ {
+ public:
+ /*! Buffer construction */
+ Buffer()
+ : device(nullptr), ptr(nullptr), numBytes(0), shared(false) {}
+ /*! Buffer construction */
+ Buffer(Device* device, size_t numBytes_in, void* ptr_in = nullptr)
+ : device(device), numBytes(numBytes_in)
+ {
+ device->refInc();
+ if (ptr_in)
+ {
+ shared = true;
+ ptr = (char*)ptr_in;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ shared = false;
+ alloc();
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Buffer destruction */
+ ~Buffer() {
+ free();
+ device->refDec();
+ }
+ /*! this class is not copyable */
+ private:
+ Buffer(const Buffer& other) DELETED; // do not implement
+ Buffer& operator =(const Buffer& other) DELETED; // do not implement
+ public:
+ /* inits and allocates the buffer */
+ void create(Device* device_in, size_t numBytes_in)
+ {
+ init(device_in, numBytes_in);
+ alloc();
+ }
+ /* inits the buffer */
+ void init(Device* device_in, size_t numBytes_in)
+ {
+ free();
+ device = device_in;
+ ptr = nullptr;
+ numBytes = numBytes_in;
+ shared = false;
+ }
+ /*! sets shared buffer */
+ void set(Device* device_in, void* ptr_in, size_t numBytes_in)
+ {
+ free();
+ device = device_in;
+ ptr = (char*)ptr_in;
+ if (numBytes_in != (size_t)-1)
+ numBytes = numBytes_in;
+ shared = true;
+ }
+ /*! allocated buffer */
+ void alloc()
+ {
+ if (device)
+ device->memoryMonitor(this->bytes(), false);
+ size_t b = (this->bytes()+15) & ssize_t(-16);
+ ptr = (char*)alignedMalloc(b,16);
+ }
+ /*! frees the buffer */
+ void free()
+ {
+ if (shared) return;
+ alignedFree(ptr);
+ if (device)
+ device->memoryMonitor(-ssize_t(this->bytes()), true);
+ ptr = nullptr;
+ }
+ /*! gets buffer pointer */
+ void* data()
+ {
+ /* report error if buffer is not existing */
+ if (!device)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid buffer specified");
+ /* return buffer */
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ /*! returns pointer to first element */
+ __forceinline char* getPtr() const {
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ /*! returns the number of bytes of the buffer */
+ __forceinline size_t bytes() const {
+ return numBytes;
+ }
+ /*! returns true of the buffer is not empty */
+ __forceinline operator bool() const {
+ return ptr;
+ }
+ public:
+ Device* device; //!< device to report memory usage to
+ char* ptr; //!< pointer to buffer data
+ size_t numBytes; //!< number of bytes in the buffer
+ bool shared; //!< set if memory is shared with application
+ };
+ /*! An untyped contiguous range of a buffer. This class does not own the buffer content. */
+ class RawBufferView
+ {
+ public:
+ /*! Buffer construction */
+ RawBufferView()
+ : ptr_ofs(nullptr), stride(0), num(0), format(RTC_FORMAT_UNDEFINED), modCounter(1), modified(true), userData(0) {}
+ public:
+ /*! sets the buffer view */
+ void set(const Ref<Buffer>& buffer_in, size_t offset_in, size_t stride_in, size_t num_in, RTCFormat format_in)
+ {
+ if ((offset_in + stride_in * num_in) > (stride_in * buffer_in->numBytes))
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "buffer range out of bounds");
+ ptr_ofs = buffer_in->ptr + offset_in;
+ stride = stride_in;
+ num = num_in;
+ format = format_in;
+ modCounter++;
+ modified = true;
+ buffer = buffer_in;
+ }
+ /*! returns pointer to the first element */
+ __forceinline char* getPtr() const {
+ return ptr_ofs;
+ }
+ /*! returns pointer to the i'th element */
+ __forceinline char* getPtr(size_t i) const
+ {
+ assert(i<num);
+ return ptr_ofs + i*stride;
+ }
+ /*! returns the number of elements of the buffer */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const {
+ return num;
+ }
+ /*! returns the number of bytes of the buffer */
+ __forceinline size_t bytes() const {
+ return num*stride;
+ }
+ /*! returns the buffer stride */
+ __forceinline unsigned getStride() const
+ {
+ assert(stride <= unsigned(inf));
+ return unsigned(stride);
+ }
+ /*! return the buffer format */
+ __forceinline RTCFormat getFormat() const {
+ return format;
+ }
+ /*! mark buffer as modified or unmodified */
+ __forceinline void setModified() {
+ modCounter++;
+ modified = true;
+ }
+ /*! mark buffer as modified or unmodified */
+ __forceinline bool isModified(unsigned int otherModCounter) const {
+ return modCounter > otherModCounter;
+ }
+ /*! mark buffer as modified or unmodified */
+ __forceinline bool isLocalModified() const {
+ return modified;
+ }
+ /*! clear local modified flag */
+ __forceinline void clearLocalModified() {
+ modified = false;
+ }
+ /*! returns true of the buffer is not empty */
+ __forceinline operator bool() const {
+ return ptr_ofs;
+ }
+ /*! checks padding to 16 byte check, fails hard */
+ __forceinline void checkPadding16() const
+ {
+ if (ptr_ofs && num)
+ volatile int MAYBE_UNUSED w = *((int*)getPtr(size()-1)+3); // FIXME: is failing hard avoidable?
+ }
+ public:
+ char* ptr_ofs; //!< base pointer plus offset
+ size_t stride; //!< stride of the buffer in bytes
+ size_t num; //!< number of elements in the buffer
+ RTCFormat format; //!< format of the buffer
+ unsigned int modCounter; //!< version ID of this buffer
+ bool modified; //!< local modified data
+ int userData; //!< special data
+ Ref<Buffer> buffer; //!< reference to the parent buffer
+ };
+ /*! A typed contiguous range of a buffer. This class does not own the buffer content. */
+ template<typename T>
+ class BufferView : public RawBufferView
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef T value_type;
+ /*! access to the ith element of the buffer */
+ __forceinline T& operator [](size_t i) { assert(i<num); return *(T*)(ptr_ofs + i*stride); }
+ __forceinline const T& operator [](size_t i) const { assert(i<num); return *(T*)(ptr_ofs + i*stride); }
+ };
+ template<>
+ class BufferView<Vec3fa> : public RawBufferView
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef Vec3fa value_type;
+ /*! access to the ith element of the buffer */
+ __forceinline const Vec3fa operator [](size_t i) const
+ {
+ assert(i<num);
+ return Vec3fa(vfloat4::loadu((float*)(ptr_ofs + i*stride)));
+ }
+ /*! writes the i'th element */
+ __forceinline void store(size_t i, const Vec3fa& v)
+ {
+ assert(i<num);
+ vfloat4::storeu((float*)(ptr_ofs + i*stride), (vfloat4)v);
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/builder.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/builder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..07fe7b069b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/builder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+#include "accel.h"
+namespace embree
+#define MODE_HIGH_QUALITY (1<<8)
+ /*! virtual interface for all hierarchy builders */
+ class Builder : public RefCount {
+ public:
+ static const size_t DEFAULT_SINGLE_THREAD_THRESHOLD = 1024;
+ /*! initiates the hierarchy builder */
+ virtual void build() = 0;
+ /*! notifies the builder about the deletion of some geometry */
+ virtual void deleteGeometry(size_t geomID) {};
+ /*! clears internal builder state */
+ virtual void clear() = 0;
+ };
+ /*! virtual interface for progress monitor class */
+ struct BuildProgressMonitor {
+ virtual void operator() (size_t dn) const = 0;
+ };
+ /*! build the progress monitor interface from a closure */
+ template<typename Closure>
+ struct ProgressMonitorClosure : BuildProgressMonitor
+ {
+ public:
+ ProgressMonitorClosure (const Closure& closure) : closure(closure) {}
+ void operator() (size_t dn) const { closure(dn); }
+ private:
+ const Closure closure;
+ };
+ template<typename Closure> __forceinline const ProgressMonitorClosure<Closure> BuildProgressMonitorFromClosure(const Closure& closure) {
+ return ProgressMonitorClosure<Closure>(closure);
+ }
+ struct LineSegments;
+ struct TriangleMesh;
+ struct QuadMesh;
+ struct UserGeometry;
+ class Scene;
+ typedef void (*createLineSegmentsAccelTy)(Scene* scene, LineSegments* mesh, AccelData*& accel, Builder*& builder);
+ typedef void (*createTriangleMeshAccelTy)(Scene* scene, unsigned int geomID, AccelData*& accel, Builder*& builder);
+ typedef void (*createQuadMeshAccelTy)(Scene* scene, unsigned int geomID, AccelData*& accel, Builder*& builder);
+ typedef void (*createUserGeometryAccelTy)(Scene* scene, unsigned int geomID, AccelData*& accel, Builder*& builder);
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/context.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/context.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ccd88bdeac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/context.h
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+#include "rtcore.h"
+#include "point_query.h"
+namespace embree
+ class Scene;
+ struct IntersectContext
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline IntersectContext(Scene* scene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context)
+ : scene(scene), user(user_context) {}
+ __forceinline bool hasContextFilter() const {
+ return user->filter != nullptr;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool isCoherent() const {
+ return embree::isCoherent(user->flags);
+ }
+ __forceinline bool isIncoherent() const {
+ return embree::isIncoherent(user->flags);
+ }
+ public:
+ Scene* scene;
+ RTCIntersectContext* user;
+ };
+ template<int M, typename Geometry>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(const IntersectContext* context, const Geometry* geom, const Vec3vf<M>& ray_org, const Vec4vf<M>& v)
+ {
+ const vfloat<M> d = length(Vec3vf<M>(v) - ray_org);
+ const vfloat<M> r = clamp(context->user->minWidthDistanceFactor*d, v.w, geom->maxRadiusScale*v.w);
+ return Vec4vf<M>(v.x,v.y,v.z,r);
+ return v;
+ }
+ template<typename Geometry>
+ __forceinline Vec3ff enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(const IntersectContext* context, const Geometry* geom, const Vec3fa& ray_org, const Vec3ff& v)
+ {
+ const float d = length(Vec3fa(v) - ray_org);
+ const float r = clamp(context->user->minWidthDistanceFactor*d, v.w, geom->maxRadiusScale*v.w);
+ return Vec3ff(v.x,v.y,v.z,r);
+ return v;
+ }
+ enum PointQueryType
+ {
+ };
+ typedef bool (*PointQueryFunction)(struct RTCPointQueryFunctionArguments* args);
+ struct PointQueryContext
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline PointQueryContext(Scene* scene,
+ PointQuery* query_ws,
+ PointQueryType query_type,
+ PointQueryFunction func,
+ RTCPointQueryContext* userContext,
+ float similarityScale,
+ void* userPtr)
+ : scene(scene)
+ , query_ws(query_ws)
+ , query_type(query_type)
+ , func(func)
+ , userContext(userContext)
+ , similarityScale(similarityScale)
+ , userPtr(userPtr)
+ , query_radius(query_ws->radius)
+ {
+ if (query_type == POINT_QUERY_TYPE_AABB) {
+ assert(similarityScale == 0.f);
+ updateAABB();
+ }
+ if (userContext->instStackSize == 0) {
+ assert(similarityScale == 1.f);
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ __forceinline void updateAABB()
+ {
+ if (likely(query_ws->radius == (float)inf || userContext->instStackSize == 0)) {
+ query_radius = Vec3fa(query_ws->radius);
+ return;
+ }
+ const AffineSpace3fa m = AffineSpace3fa_load_unaligned((AffineSpace3fa*)userContext->world2inst[userContext->instStackSize-1]);
+ BBox3fa bbox(Vec3fa(-query_ws->radius), Vec3fa(query_ws->radius));
+ bbox = xfmBounds(m, bbox);
+ query_radius = 0.5f * (bbox.upper - bbox.lower);
+ }
+ Scene* scene;
+ PointQuery* query_ws; // the original world space point query
+ PointQueryType query_type;
+ PointQueryFunction func;
+ RTCPointQueryContext* userContext;
+ const float similarityScale;
+ void* userPtr;
+ unsigned int primID;
+ unsigned int geomID;
+ Vec3fa query_radius; // used if the query is converted to an AABB internally
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/default.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/default.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f15d61b768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/default.h
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../../common/sys/platform.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/sysinfo.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/thread.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/alloc.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/ref.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/intrinsics.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/atomic.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/mutex.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/vector.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/array.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/string.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/regression.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/vector.h"
+#include "../../common/math/math.h"
+#include "../../common/math/transcendental.h"
+#include "../../common/simd/simd.h"
+#include "../../common/math/vec2.h"
+#include "../../common/math/vec3.h"
+#include "../../common/math/vec4.h"
+#include "../../common/math/vec2fa.h"
+#include "../../common/math/vec3fa.h"
+#include "../../common/math/interval.h"
+#include "../../common/math/bbox.h"
+#include "../../common/math/obbox.h"
+#include "../../common/math/lbbox.h"
+#include "../../common/math/linearspace2.h"
+#include "../../common/math/linearspace3.h"
+#include "../../common/math/affinespace.h"
+#include "../../common/math/range.h"
+#include "../../common/lexers/tokenstream.h"
+#include "../../common/tasking/taskscheduler.h"
+#define COMMA ,
+#include "../config.h"
+#include "isa.h"
+#include "stat.h"
+#include "profile.h"
+#include "rtcore.h"
+#include "vector.h"
+#include "state.h"
+#include "instance_stack.h"
+#include <vector>
+#include <map>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <functional>
+#include <utility>
+#include <sstream>
+namespace embree
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Vec2 shortcuts
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N> using Vec2vf = Vec2<vfloat<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec2vd = Vec2<vdouble<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec2vr = Vec2<vreal<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec2vi = Vec2<vint<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec2vl = Vec2<vllong<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec2vb = Vec2<vbool<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec2vbf = Vec2<vboolf<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec2vbd = Vec2<vboold<N>>;
+ typedef Vec2<vfloat4> Vec2vf4;
+ typedef Vec2<vdouble4> Vec2vd4;
+ typedef Vec2<vreal4> Vec2vr4;
+ typedef Vec2<vint4> Vec2vi4;
+ typedef Vec2<vllong4> Vec2vl4;
+ typedef Vec2<vbool4> Vec2vb4;
+ typedef Vec2<vboolf4> Vec2vbf4;
+ typedef Vec2<vboold4> Vec2vbd4;
+ typedef Vec2<vfloat8> Vec2vf8;
+ typedef Vec2<vdouble8> Vec2vd8;
+ typedef Vec2<vreal8> Vec2vr8;
+ typedef Vec2<vint8> Vec2vi8;
+ typedef Vec2<vllong8> Vec2vl8;
+ typedef Vec2<vbool8> Vec2vb8;
+ typedef Vec2<vboolf8> Vec2vbf8;
+ typedef Vec2<vboold8> Vec2vbd8;
+ typedef Vec2<vfloat16> Vec2vf16;
+ typedef Vec2<vdouble16> Vec2vd16;
+ typedef Vec2<vreal16> Vec2vr16;
+ typedef Vec2<vint16> Vec2vi16;
+ typedef Vec2<vllong16> Vec2vl16;
+ typedef Vec2<vbool16> Vec2vb16;
+ typedef Vec2<vboolf16> Vec2vbf16;
+ typedef Vec2<vboold16> Vec2vbd16;
+ typedef Vec2<vfloatx> Vec2vfx;
+ typedef Vec2<vdoublex> Vec2vdx;
+ typedef Vec2<vrealx> Vec2vrx;
+ typedef Vec2<vintx> Vec2vix;
+ typedef Vec2<vllongx> Vec2vlx;
+ typedef Vec2<vboolx> Vec2vbx;
+ typedef Vec2<vboolfx> Vec2vbfx;
+ typedef Vec2<vbooldx> Vec2vbdx;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Vec3 shortcuts
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N> using Vec3vf = Vec3<vfloat<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec3vd = Vec3<vdouble<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec3vr = Vec3<vreal<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec3vi = Vec3<vint<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec3vl = Vec3<vllong<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec3vb = Vec3<vbool<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec3vbf = Vec3<vboolf<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec3vbd = Vec3<vboold<N>>;
+ typedef Vec3<vfloat4> Vec3vf4;
+ typedef Vec3<vdouble4> Vec3vd4;
+ typedef Vec3<vreal4> Vec3vr4;
+ typedef Vec3<vint4> Vec3vi4;
+ typedef Vec3<vllong4> Vec3vl4;
+ typedef Vec3<vbool4> Vec3vb4;
+ typedef Vec3<vboolf4> Vec3vbf4;
+ typedef Vec3<vboold4> Vec3vbd4;
+ typedef Vec3<vfloat8> Vec3vf8;
+ typedef Vec3<vdouble8> Vec3vd8;
+ typedef Vec3<vreal8> Vec3vr8;
+ typedef Vec3<vint8> Vec3vi8;
+ typedef Vec3<vllong8> Vec3vl8;
+ typedef Vec3<vbool8> Vec3vb8;
+ typedef Vec3<vboolf8> Vec3vbf8;
+ typedef Vec3<vboold8> Vec3vbd8;
+ typedef Vec3<vfloat16> Vec3vf16;
+ typedef Vec3<vdouble16> Vec3vd16;
+ typedef Vec3<vreal16> Vec3vr16;
+ typedef Vec3<vint16> Vec3vi16;
+ typedef Vec3<vllong16> Vec3vl16;
+ typedef Vec3<vbool16> Vec3vb16;
+ typedef Vec3<vboolf16> Vec3vbf16;
+ typedef Vec3<vboold16> Vec3vbd16;
+ typedef Vec3<vfloatx> Vec3vfx;
+ typedef Vec3<vdoublex> Vec3vdx;
+ typedef Vec3<vrealx> Vec3vrx;
+ typedef Vec3<vintx> Vec3vix;
+ typedef Vec3<vllongx> Vec3vlx;
+ typedef Vec3<vboolx> Vec3vbx;
+ typedef Vec3<vboolfx> Vec3vbfx;
+ typedef Vec3<vbooldx> Vec3vbdx;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Vec4 shortcuts
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N> using Vec4vf = Vec4<vfloat<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec4vd = Vec4<vdouble<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec4vr = Vec4<vreal<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec4vi = Vec4<vint<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec4vl = Vec4<vllong<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec4vb = Vec4<vbool<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec4vbf = Vec4<vboolf<N>>;
+ template<int N> using Vec4vbd = Vec4<vboold<N>>;
+ typedef Vec4<vfloat4> Vec4vf4;
+ typedef Vec4<vdouble4> Vec4vd4;
+ typedef Vec4<vreal4> Vec4vr4;
+ typedef Vec4<vint4> Vec4vi4;
+ typedef Vec4<vllong4> Vec4vl4;
+ typedef Vec4<vbool4> Vec4vb4;
+ typedef Vec4<vboolf4> Vec4vbf4;
+ typedef Vec4<vboold4> Vec4vbd4;
+ typedef Vec4<vfloat8> Vec4vf8;
+ typedef Vec4<vdouble8> Vec4vd8;
+ typedef Vec4<vreal8> Vec4vr8;
+ typedef Vec4<vint8> Vec4vi8;
+ typedef Vec4<vllong8> Vec4vl8;
+ typedef Vec4<vbool8> Vec4vb8;
+ typedef Vec4<vboolf8> Vec4vbf8;
+ typedef Vec4<vboold8> Vec4vbd8;
+ typedef Vec4<vfloat16> Vec4vf16;
+ typedef Vec4<vdouble16> Vec4vd16;
+ typedef Vec4<vreal16> Vec4vr16;
+ typedef Vec4<vint16> Vec4vi16;
+ typedef Vec4<vllong16> Vec4vl16;
+ typedef Vec4<vbool16> Vec4vb16;
+ typedef Vec4<vboolf16> Vec4vbf16;
+ typedef Vec4<vboold16> Vec4vbd16;
+ typedef Vec4<vfloatx> Vec4vfx;
+ typedef Vec4<vdoublex> Vec4vdx;
+ typedef Vec4<vrealx> Vec4vrx;
+ typedef Vec4<vintx> Vec4vix;
+ typedef Vec4<vllongx> Vec4vlx;
+ typedef Vec4<vboolx> Vec4vbx;
+ typedef Vec4<vboolfx> Vec4vbfx;
+ typedef Vec4<vbooldx> Vec4vbdx;
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// Other shortcuts
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<int N> using BBox3vf = BBox<Vec3vf<N>>;
+ typedef BBox<Vec3vf4> BBox3vf4;
+ typedef BBox<Vec3vf8> BBox3vf8;
+ typedef BBox<Vec3vf16> BBox3vf16;
+ /* calculate time segment itime and fractional time ftime */
+ __forceinline int getTimeSegment(float time, float numTimeSegments, float& ftime)
+ {
+ const float timeScaled = time * numTimeSegments;
+ const float itimef = clamp(floorf(timeScaled), 0.0f, numTimeSegments-1.0f);
+ ftime = timeScaled - itimef;
+ return int(itimef);
+ }
+ __forceinline int getTimeSegment(float time, float start_time, float end_time, float numTimeSegments, float& ftime)
+ {
+ const float timeScaled = (time-start_time)/(end_time-start_time) * numTimeSegments;
+ const float itimef = clamp(floorf(timeScaled), 0.0f, numTimeSegments-1.0f);
+ ftime = timeScaled - itimef;
+ return int(itimef);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline vint<N> getTimeSegment(const vfloat<N>& time, const vfloat<N>& numTimeSegments, vfloat<N>& ftime)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> timeScaled = time * numTimeSegments;
+ const vfloat<N> itimef = clamp(floor(timeScaled), vfloat<N>(zero), numTimeSegments-1.0f);
+ ftime = timeScaled - itimef;
+ return vint<N>(itimef);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline vint<N> getTimeSegment(const vfloat<N>& time, const vfloat<N>& start_time, const vfloat<N>& end_time, const vfloat<N>& numTimeSegments, vfloat<N>& ftime)
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> timeScaled = (time-start_time)/(end_time-start_time) * numTimeSegments;
+ const vfloat<N> itimef = clamp(floor(timeScaled), vfloat<N>(zero), numTimeSegments-1.0f);
+ ftime = timeScaled - itimef;
+ return vint<N>(itimef);
+ }
+ /* calculate overlapping time segment range */
+ __forceinline range<int> getTimeSegmentRange(const BBox1f& time_range, float numTimeSegments)
+ {
+ const float round_up = 1.0f+2.0f*float(ulp); // corrects inaccuracies to precisely match time step
+ const float round_down = 1.0f-2.0f*float(ulp);
+ const int itime_lower = (int)max(floor(round_up *time_range.lower*numTimeSegments), 0.0f);
+ const int itime_upper = (int)min(ceil (round_down*time_range.upper*numTimeSegments), numTimeSegments);
+ return make_range(itime_lower, itime_upper);
+ }
+ /* calculate overlapping time segment range */
+ __forceinline range<int> getTimeSegmentRange(const BBox1f& range, BBox1f time_range, float numTimeSegments)
+ {
+ const float lower = (range.lower-time_range.lower)/time_range.size();
+ const float upper = (range.upper-time_range.lower)/time_range.size();
+ return getTimeSegmentRange(BBox1f(lower,upper),numTimeSegments);
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/device.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/device.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..068e0c2983
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/device.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,556 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "device.h"
+#include "../hash.h"
+#include "scene_triangle_mesh.h"
+#include "scene_user_geometry.h"
+#include "scene_instance.h"
+#include "scene_curves.h"
+#include "scene_subdiv_mesh.h"
+#include "../subdiv/tessellation_cache.h"
+#include "acceln.h"
+#include "geometry.h"
+#include "../geometry/cylinder.h"
+#include "../bvh/bvh4_factory.h"
+#include "../bvh/bvh8_factory.h"
+#include "../../common/tasking/taskscheduler.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/alloc.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! some global variables that can be set via rtcSetParameter1i for debugging purposes */
+ ssize_t Device::debug_int0 = 0;
+ ssize_t Device::debug_int1 = 0;
+ ssize_t Device::debug_int2 = 0;
+ ssize_t Device::debug_int3 = 0;
+ DECLARE_SYMBOL2(RayStreamFilterFuncs,rayStreamFilterFuncs);
+ static MutexSys g_mutex;
+ static std::map<Device*,size_t> g_cache_size_map;
+ static std::map<Device*,size_t> g_num_threads_map;
+ Device::Device (const char* cfg)
+ {
+ /* check that CPU supports lowest ISA */
+ if (!hasISA(ISA)) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CPU,"CPU does not support " ISA_STR);
+ }
+ /* set default frequency level for detected CPU */
+ switch (getCPUModel()) {
+ case CPU::UNKNOWN: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD256; break;
+ case CPU::XEON_ICE_LAKE: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD256; break;
+ case CPU::CORE_ICE_LAKE: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD256; break;
+ case CPU::CORE_TIGER_LAKE: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD128; break;
+ case CPU::CORE_COMET_LAKE: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD128; break;
+ case CPU::CORE_CANNON_LAKE:frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD128; break;
+ case CPU::CORE_KABY_LAKE: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD128; break;
+ case CPU::XEON_SKY_LAKE: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD128; break;
+ case CPU::CORE_SKY_LAKE: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD128; break;
+ case CPU::XEON_BROADWELL: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD256; break;
+ case CPU::CORE_BROADWELL: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD256; break;
+ case CPU::XEON_HASWELL: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD256; break;
+ case CPU::CORE_HASWELL: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD256; break;
+ case CPU::XEON_IVY_BRIDGE: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD256; break;
+ case CPU::CORE_IVY_BRIDGE: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD256; break;
+ case CPU::SANDY_BRIDGE: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD256; break;
+ case CPU::NEHALEM: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD128; break;
+ case CPU::CORE2: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD128; break;
+ case CPU::CORE1: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD128; break;
+ case CPU::XEON_PHI_KNIGHTS_MILL : frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD512; break;
+ case CPU::XEON_PHI_KNIGHTS_LANDING: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD512; break;
+ case CPU::ARM: frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD128; break;
+ }
+ /* initialize global state */
+#if defined(EMBREE_CONFIG)
+ State::parseString(EMBREE_CONFIG);
+ State::parseString(cfg);
+ State::verify();
+ /* check whether selected ISA is supported by the HW, as the user could have forced an unsupported ISA */
+ if (!checkISASupport()) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CPU,"CPU does not support selected ISA");
+ }
+ /*! do some internal tests */
+ assert(isa::Cylinder::verify());
+ /*! enable huge page support if desired */
+#if defined(__WIN32__)
+ if (State::enable_selockmemoryprivilege)
+ State::hugepages_success &= win_enable_selockmemoryprivilege(State::verbosity(3));
+ State::hugepages_success &= os_init(State::hugepages,State::verbosity(3));
+ /*! set tessellation cache size */
+ setCacheSize( State::tessellation_cache_size );
+ /*! enable some floating point exceptions to catch bugs */
+ if (State::float_exceptions)
+ {
+ int exceptions = _MM_MASK_MASK;
+ //exceptions &= ~_MM_MASK_INVALID;
+ exceptions &= ~_MM_MASK_DENORM;
+ exceptions &= ~_MM_MASK_DIV_ZERO;
+ //exceptions &= ~_MM_MASK_OVERFLOW;
+ //exceptions &= ~_MM_MASK_UNDERFLOW;
+ //exceptions &= ~_MM_MASK_INEXACT;
+ _MM_SET_EXCEPTION_MASK(exceptions);
+ }
+ /* print info header */
+ if (State::verbosity(1))
+ print();
+ if (State::verbosity(2))
+ State::print();
+ /* register all algorithms */
+ bvh4_factory = make_unique(new BVH4Factory(enabled_builder_cpu_features, enabled_cpu_features));
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ bvh8_factory = make_unique(new BVH8Factory(enabled_builder_cpu_features, enabled_cpu_features));
+ /* setup tasking system */
+ initTaskingSystem(numThreads);
+ /* ray stream SOA to AOS conversion */
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ RayStreamFilterFuncsType rayStreamFilterFuncs;
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(enabled_cpu_features,rayStreamFilterFuncs);
+ rayStreamFilters = rayStreamFilterFuncs();
+ }
+ Device::~Device ()
+ {
+ setCacheSize(0);
+ exitTaskingSystem();
+ }
+ std::string getEnabledTargets()
+ {
+ std::string v;
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SSE2)
+ v += "SSE2 ";
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SSE42)
+ v += "SSE4.2 ";
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_AVX)
+ v += "AVX ";
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_AVX2)
+ v += "AVX2 ";
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_AVX512)
+ v += "AVX512 ";
+ return v;
+ }
+ std::string getEmbreeFeatures()
+ {
+ std::string v;
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ v += "raymasks ";
+ v += "backfaceculling ";
+ v += "backfacecullingcurves ";
+ v += "intersection_filter ";
+ v += "compact_polys ";
+ return v;
+ }
+ void Device::print()
+ {
+ const int cpu_features = getCPUFeatures();
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Embree Ray Tracing Kernels " << RTC_VERSION_STRING << " (" << RTC_HASH << ")" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Compiler : " << getCompilerName() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Build : ";
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ std::cout << "Debug " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "Release " << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Platform : " << getPlatformName() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " CPU : " << stringOfCPUModel(getCPUModel()) << " (" << getCPUVendor() << ")" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Threads : " << getNumberOfLogicalThreads() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " ISA : " << stringOfCPUFeatures(cpu_features) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Targets : " << supportedTargetList(cpu_features) << std::endl;
+ const bool hasFTZ = _mm_getcsr() & _MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON;
+ const bool hasDAZ = _mm_getcsr() & _MM_DENORMALS_ZERO_ON;
+ std::cout << " MXCSR : " << "FTZ=" << hasFTZ << ", DAZ=" << hasDAZ << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Config" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Threads : " << (numThreads ? toString(numThreads) : std::string("default")) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " ISA : " << stringOfCPUFeatures(enabled_cpu_features) << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Targets : " << supportedTargetList(enabled_cpu_features) << " (supported)" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " " << getEnabledTargets() << " (compile time enabled)" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Features: " << getEmbreeFeatures() << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " Tasking : ";
+#if defined(TASKING_TBB)
+ std::cout << "TBB" << TBB_VERSION_MAJOR << "." << TBB_VERSION_MINOR << " ";
+ std::cout << "TBB_header_interface_" << TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION << " TBB_lib_interface_" << TBB_runtime_interface_version() << " ";
+ #else
+ std::cout << "TBB_header_interface_" << TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION << " TBB_lib_interface_" << tbb::TBB_runtime_interface_version() << " ";
+ #endif
+#if defined(TASKING_INTERNAL)
+ std::cout << "internal_tasking_system ";
+#if defined(TASKING_PPL)
+ std::cout << "PPL ";
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ /* check of FTZ and DAZ flags are set in CSR */
+ if (!hasFTZ || !hasDAZ)
+ {
+#if !defined(_DEBUG)
+ if (State::verbosity(1))
+ {
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "================================================================================" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " WARNING: \"Flush to Zero\" or \"Denormals are Zero\" mode not enabled " << std::endl
+ << " in the MXCSR control and status register. This can have a severe " << std::endl
+ << " performance impact. Please enable these modes for each application " << std::endl
+ << " thread the following way:" << std::endl
+ << std::endl
+ << " #include \"xmmintrin.h\"" << std::endl
+ << " #include \"pmmintrin.h\"" << std::endl
+ << std::endl
+ << " _MM_SET_FLUSH_ZERO_MODE(_MM_FLUSH_ZERO_ON);" << std::endl
+ std::cout << "================================================================================" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ void Device::setDeviceErrorCode(RTCError error)
+ {
+ RTCError* stored_error = errorHandler.error();
+ if (*stored_error == RTC_ERROR_NONE)
+ *stored_error = error;
+ }
+ RTCError Device::getDeviceErrorCode()
+ {
+ RTCError* stored_error = errorHandler.error();
+ RTCError error = *stored_error;
+ *stored_error = RTC_ERROR_NONE;
+ return error;
+ }
+ void Device::setThreadErrorCode(RTCError error)
+ {
+ RTCError* stored_error = g_errorHandler.error();
+ if (*stored_error == RTC_ERROR_NONE)
+ *stored_error = error;
+ }
+ RTCError Device::getThreadErrorCode()
+ {
+ RTCError* stored_error = g_errorHandler.error();
+ RTCError error = *stored_error;
+ *stored_error = RTC_ERROR_NONE;
+ return error;
+ }
+ void Device::process_error(Device* device, RTCError error, const char* str)
+ {
+ /* store global error code when device construction failed */
+ if (!device)
+ return setThreadErrorCode(error);
+ /* print error when in verbose mode */
+ if (device->verbosity(1))
+ {
+ switch (error) {
+ case RTC_ERROR_NONE : std::cerr << "Embree: No error"; break;
+ case RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN : std::cerr << "Embree: Unknown error"; break;
+ case RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT : std::cerr << "Embree: Invalid argument"; break;
+ case RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION: std::cerr << "Embree: Invalid operation"; break;
+ case RTC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY : std::cerr << "Embree: Out of memory"; break;
+ case RTC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CPU : std::cerr << "Embree: Unsupported CPU"; break;
+ default : std::cerr << "Embree: Invalid error code"; break;
+ };
+ if (str) std::cerr << ", (" << str << ")";
+ std::cerr << std::endl;
+ }
+ /* call user specified error callback */
+ if (device->error_function)
+ device->error_function(device->error_function_userptr,error,str);
+ /* record error code */
+ device->setDeviceErrorCode(error);
+ }
+ void Device::memoryMonitor(ssize_t bytes, bool post)
+ {
+ if (State::memory_monitor_function && bytes != 0) {
+ if (!State::memory_monitor_function(State::memory_monitor_userptr,bytes,post)) {
+ if (bytes > 0) { // only throw exception when we allocate memory to never throw inside a destructor
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY,"memory monitor forced termination");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ size_t getMaxNumThreads()
+ {
+ size_t maxNumThreads = 0;
+ for (std::map<Device*,size_t>::iterator i=g_num_threads_map.begin(); i != g_num_threads_map.end(); i++)
+ maxNumThreads = max(maxNumThreads, (*i).second);
+ if (maxNumThreads == 0)
+ maxNumThreads = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
+ return maxNumThreads;
+ }
+ size_t getMaxCacheSize()
+ {
+ size_t maxCacheSize = 0;
+ for (std::map<Device*,size_t>::iterator i=g_cache_size_map.begin(); i!= g_cache_size_map.end(); i++)
+ maxCacheSize = max(maxCacheSize, (*i).second);
+ return maxCacheSize;
+ }
+ void Device::setCacheSize(size_t bytes)
+ {
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(g_mutex);
+ if (bytes == 0) g_cache_size_map.erase(this);
+ else g_cache_size_map[this] = bytes;
+ size_t maxCacheSize = getMaxCacheSize();
+ resizeTessellationCache(maxCacheSize);
+ }
+ void Device::initTaskingSystem(size_t numThreads)
+ {
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(g_mutex);
+ if (numThreads == 0)
+ g_num_threads_map[this] = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
+ else
+ g_num_threads_map[this] = numThreads;
+ /* create task scheduler */
+ size_t maxNumThreads = getMaxNumThreads();
+ TaskScheduler::create(maxNumThreads,State::set_affinity,State::start_threads);
+ const size_t nThreads = min(maxNumThreads,TaskScheduler::threadCount());
+ const size_t uThreads = min(max(numUserThreads,(size_t)1),nThreads);
+ arena = make_unique(new tbb::task_arena((int)nThreads,(unsigned int)uThreads));
+ }
+ void Device::exitTaskingSystem()
+ {
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(g_mutex);
+ g_num_threads_map.erase(this);
+ /* terminate tasking system */
+ if (g_num_threads_map.size() == 0) {
+ TaskScheduler::destroy();
+ }
+ /* or configure new number of threads */
+ else {
+ size_t maxNumThreads = getMaxNumThreads();
+ TaskScheduler::create(maxNumThreads,State::set_affinity,State::start_threads);
+ }
+ arena.reset();
+ }
+ void Device::setProperty(const RTCDeviceProperty prop, ssize_t val)
+ {
+ /* hidden internal properties */
+ switch ((size_t)prop)
+ {
+ case 1000000: debug_int0 = val; return;
+ case 1000001: debug_int1 = val; return;
+ case 1000002: debug_int2 = val; return;
+ case 1000003: debug_int3 = val; return;
+ }
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "unknown writable property");
+ }
+ ssize_t Device::getProperty(const RTCDeviceProperty prop)
+ {
+ size_t iprop = (size_t)prop;
+ /* get name of internal regression test */
+ if (iprop >= 2000000 && iprop < 3000000)
+ {
+ RegressionTest* test = getRegressionTest(iprop-2000000);
+ if (test) return (ssize_t) test->name.c_str();
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ /* run internal regression test */
+ if (iprop >= 3000000 && iprop < 4000000)
+ {
+ RegressionTest* test = getRegressionTest(iprop-3000000);
+ if (test) return test->run();
+ else return 0;
+ }
+ /* documented properties */
+ switch (prop)
+ {
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD4) && defined(EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8) && defined(EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD16) && defined(EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+#if defined(TASKING_INTERNAL)
+#if defined(TASKING_TBB)
+#if defined(TASKING_PPL)
+#if defined(TASKING_PPL)
+ default: throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "unknown readable property"); break;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/device.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/device.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21c42c654d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/device.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+#include "state.h"
+#include "accel.h"
+namespace embree
+ class BVH4Factory;
+ class BVH8Factory;
+ class Device : public State, public MemoryMonitorInterface
+ {
+ public:
+ /*! Device construction */
+ Device (const char* cfg);
+ /*! Device destruction */
+ virtual ~Device ();
+ /*! prints info about the device */
+ void print();
+ /*! sets the error code */
+ void setDeviceErrorCode(RTCError error);
+ /*! returns and clears the error code */
+ RTCError getDeviceErrorCode();
+ /*! sets the error code */
+ static void setThreadErrorCode(RTCError error);
+ /*! returns and clears the error code */
+ static RTCError getThreadErrorCode();
+ /*! processes error codes, do not call directly */
+ static void process_error(Device* device, RTCError error, const char* str);
+ /*! invokes the memory monitor callback */
+ void memoryMonitor(ssize_t bytes, bool post);
+ /*! sets the size of the software cache. */
+ void setCacheSize(size_t bytes);
+ /*! sets a property */
+ void setProperty(const RTCDeviceProperty prop, ssize_t val);
+ /*! gets a property */
+ ssize_t getProperty(const RTCDeviceProperty prop);
+ private:
+ /*! initializes the tasking system */
+ void initTaskingSystem(size_t numThreads);
+ /*! shuts down the tasking system */
+ void exitTaskingSystem();
+ /*! some variables that can be set via rtcSetParameter1i for debugging purposes */
+ public:
+ static ssize_t debug_int0;
+ static ssize_t debug_int1;
+ static ssize_t debug_int2;
+ static ssize_t debug_int3;
+ public:
+ std::unique_ptr<BVH4Factory> bvh4_factory;
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ std::unique_ptr<BVH8Factory> bvh8_factory;
+ std::unique_ptr<tbb::task_arena> arena;
+ /* ray streams filter */
+ RayStreamFilterFuncs rayStreamFilters;
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/geometry.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/geometry.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d8d3f65a5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/geometry.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "geometry.h"
+#include "scene.h"
+namespace embree
+ const char* Geometry::gtype_names[Geometry::GTY_END] =
+ {
+ "flat_linear_curve",
+ "round_linear_curve",
+ "oriented_linear_curve",
+ "",
+ "flat_bezier_curve",
+ "round_bezier_curve",
+ "oriented_bezier_curve",
+ "",
+ "flat_bspline_curve",
+ "round_bspline_curve",
+ "oriented_bspline_curve",
+ "",
+ "flat_hermite_curve",
+ "round_hermite_curve",
+ "oriented_hermite_curve",
+ "",
+ "flat_catmull_rom_curve",
+ "round_catmull_rom_curve",
+ "oriented_catmull_rom_curve",
+ "",
+ "triangles",
+ "quads",
+ "grid",
+ "subdivs",
+ "",
+ "sphere",
+ "disc",
+ "oriented_disc",
+ "",
+ "usergeom",
+ "instance_cheap",
+ "instance_expensive",
+ };
+ Geometry::Geometry (Device* device, GType gtype, unsigned int numPrimitives, unsigned int numTimeSteps)
+ : device(device), userPtr(nullptr),
+ numPrimitives(numPrimitives), numTimeSteps(unsigned(numTimeSteps)), fnumTimeSegments(float(numTimeSteps-1)), time_range(0.0f,1.0f),
+ mask(-1),
+ gtype(gtype),
+ state((unsigned)State::MODIFIED),
+ enabled(true),
+ intersectionFilterN(nullptr), occlusionFilterN(nullptr), pointQueryFunc(nullptr)
+ {
+ device->refInc();
+ }
+ Geometry::~Geometry()
+ {
+ device->refDec();
+ }
+ void Geometry::setNumPrimitives(unsigned int numPrimitives_in)
+ {
+ if (numPrimitives_in == numPrimitives) return;
+ numPrimitives = numPrimitives_in;
+ Geometry::update();
+ }
+ void Geometry::setNumTimeSteps (unsigned int numTimeSteps_in)
+ {
+ if (numTimeSteps_in == numTimeSteps) {
+ return;
+ }
+ numTimeSteps = numTimeSteps_in;
+ fnumTimeSegments = float(numTimeSteps_in-1);
+ Geometry::update();
+ }
+ void Geometry::setTimeRange (const BBox1f range)
+ {
+ time_range = range;
+ Geometry::update();
+ }
+ void Geometry::update()
+ {
+ ++modCounter_; // FIXME: required?
+ state = (unsigned)State::MODIFIED;
+ }
+ void Geometry::commit()
+ {
+ ++modCounter_;
+ state = (unsigned)State::COMMITTED;
+ }
+ void Geometry::preCommit()
+ {
+ if (State::MODIFIED == (State)state)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"geometry not committed");
+ }
+ void Geometry::postCommit()
+ {
+ }
+ void Geometry::enable ()
+ {
+ if (isEnabled())
+ return;
+ enabled = true;
+ ++modCounter_;
+ }
+ void Geometry::disable ()
+ {
+ if (isDisabled())
+ return;
+ enabled = false;
+ ++modCounter_;
+ }
+ void Geometry::setUserData (void* ptr)
+ {
+ userPtr = ptr;
+ }
+ void Geometry::setIntersectionFilterFunctionN (RTCFilterFunctionN filter)
+ {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"filter functions not supported for this geometry");
+ intersectionFilterN = filter;
+ }
+ void Geometry::setOcclusionFilterFunctionN (RTCFilterFunctionN filter)
+ {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"filter functions not supported for this geometry");
+ occlusionFilterN = filter;
+ }
+ void Geometry::setPointQueryFunction (RTCPointQueryFunction func)
+ {
+ pointQueryFunc = func;
+ }
+ void Geometry::interpolateN(const RTCInterpolateNArguments* const args)
+ {
+ const void* valid_i = args->valid;
+ const unsigned* primIDs = args->primIDs;
+ const float* u = args->u;
+ const float* v = args->v;
+ unsigned int N = args->N;
+ RTCBufferType bufferType = args->bufferType;
+ unsigned int bufferSlot = args->bufferSlot;
+ float* P = args->P;
+ float* dPdu = args->dPdu;
+ float* dPdv = args->dPdv;
+ float* ddPdudu = args->ddPdudu;
+ float* ddPdvdv = args->ddPdvdv;
+ float* ddPdudv = args->ddPdudv;
+ unsigned int valueCount = args->valueCount;
+ if (valueCount > 256) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"maximally 256 floating point values can be interpolated per vertex");
+ const int* valid = (const int*) valid_i;
+ __aligned(64) float P_tmp[256];
+ __aligned(64) float dPdu_tmp[256];
+ __aligned(64) float dPdv_tmp[256];
+ __aligned(64) float ddPdudu_tmp[256];
+ __aligned(64) float ddPdvdv_tmp[256];
+ __aligned(64) float ddPdudv_tmp[256];
+ float* Pt = P ? P_tmp : nullptr;
+ float* dPdut = nullptr, *dPdvt = nullptr;
+ if (dPdu) { dPdut = dPdu_tmp; dPdvt = dPdv_tmp; }
+ float* ddPdudut = nullptr, *ddPdvdvt = nullptr, *ddPdudvt = nullptr;
+ if (ddPdudu) { ddPdudut = ddPdudu_tmp; ddPdvdvt = ddPdvdv_tmp; ddPdudvt = ddPdudv_tmp; }
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; i++)
+ {
+ if (valid && !valid[i]) continue;
+ RTCInterpolateArguments iargs;
+ iargs.primID = primIDs[i];
+ iargs.u = u[i];
+ iargs.v = v[i];
+ iargs.bufferType = bufferType;
+ iargs.bufferSlot = bufferSlot;
+ iargs.P = Pt;
+ iargs.dPdu = dPdut;
+ iargs.dPdv = dPdvt;
+ iargs.ddPdudu = ddPdudut;
+ iargs.ddPdvdv = ddPdvdvt;
+ iargs.ddPdudv = ddPdudvt;
+ iargs.valueCount = valueCount;
+ interpolate(&iargs);
+ if (likely(P)) {
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<valueCount; j++)
+ P[j*N+i] = Pt[j];
+ }
+ if (likely(dPdu))
+ {
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<valueCount; j++) {
+ dPdu[j*N+i] = dPdut[j];
+ dPdv[j*N+i] = dPdvt[j];
+ }
+ }
+ if (likely(ddPdudu))
+ {
+ for (unsigned int j=0; j<valueCount; j++) {
+ ddPdudu[j*N+i] = ddPdudut[j];
+ ddPdvdv[j*N+i] = ddPdvdvt[j];
+ ddPdudv[j*N+i] = ddPdudvt[j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bool Geometry::pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context)
+ {
+ assert(context->primID < size());
+ RTCPointQueryFunctionArguments args;
+ args.query = (RTCPointQuery*)context->query_ws;
+ args.userPtr = context->userPtr;
+ args.primID = context->primID;
+ args.geomID = context->geomID;
+ args.context = context->userContext;
+ args.similarityScale = context->similarityScale;
+ bool update = false;
+ if(context->func) update |= context->func(&args);
+ if(pointQueryFunc) update |= pointQueryFunc(&args);
+ if (update && context->userContext->instStackSize > 0)
+ {
+ // update point query
+ if (context->query_type == POINT_QUERY_TYPE_AABB) {
+ context->updateAABB();
+ } else {
+ assert(context->similarityScale > 0.f);
+ query->radius = context->query_ws->radius * context->similarityScale;
+ }
+ }
+ return update;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/geometry.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/geometry.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2f9f2e7c94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/geometry.h
@@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+#include "device.h"
+#include "buffer.h"
+#include "../common/point_query.h"
+#include "../builders/priminfo.h"
+namespace embree
+ class Scene;
+ class Geometry;
+ struct GeometryCounts
+ {
+ __forceinline GeometryCounts()
+ : numFilterFunctions(0),
+ numTriangles(0), numMBTriangles(0),
+ numQuads(0), numMBQuads(0),
+ numBezierCurves(0), numMBBezierCurves(0),
+ numLineSegments(0), numMBLineSegments(0),
+ numSubdivPatches(0), numMBSubdivPatches(0),
+ numUserGeometries(0), numMBUserGeometries(0),
+ numInstancesCheap(0), numMBInstancesCheap(0),
+ numInstancesExpensive(0), numMBInstancesExpensive(0),
+ numGrids(0), numMBGrids(0),
+ numPoints(0), numMBPoints(0) {}
+ __forceinline size_t size() const {
+ return numTriangles + numQuads + numBezierCurves + numLineSegments + numSubdivPatches + numUserGeometries + numInstancesCheap + numInstancesExpensive + numGrids + numPoints
+ + numMBTriangles + numMBQuads + numMBBezierCurves + numMBLineSegments + numMBSubdivPatches + numMBUserGeometries + numMBInstancesCheap + numMBInstancesExpensive + numMBGrids + numMBPoints;
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int enabledGeometryTypesMask() const
+ {
+ unsigned int mask = 0;
+ if (numTriangles) mask |= 1 << 0;
+ if (numQuads) mask |= 1 << 1;
+ if (numBezierCurves+numLineSegments) mask |= 1 << 2;
+ if (numSubdivPatches) mask |= 1 << 3;
+ if (numUserGeometries) mask |= 1 << 4;
+ if (numInstancesCheap) mask |= 1 << 5;
+ if (numInstancesExpensive) mask |= 1 << 6;
+ if (numGrids) mask |= 1 << 7;
+ if (numPoints) mask |= 1 << 8;
+ unsigned int maskMB = 0;
+ if (numMBTriangles) maskMB |= 1 << 0;
+ if (numMBQuads) maskMB |= 1 << 1;
+ if (numMBBezierCurves+numMBLineSegments) maskMB |= 1 << 2;
+ if (numMBSubdivPatches) maskMB |= 1 << 3;
+ if (numMBUserGeometries) maskMB |= 1 << 4;
+ if (numMBInstancesCheap) maskMB |= 1 << 5;
+ if (numMBInstancesExpensive) maskMB |= 1 << 6;
+ if (numMBGrids) maskMB |= 1 << 7;
+ if (numMBPoints) maskMB |= 1 << 8;
+ return (mask<<8) + maskMB;
+ }
+ __forceinline GeometryCounts operator+ (GeometryCounts const & rhs) const
+ {
+ GeometryCounts ret;
+ ret.numFilterFunctions = numFilterFunctions + rhs.numFilterFunctions;
+ ret.numTriangles = numTriangles + rhs.numTriangles;
+ ret.numMBTriangles = numMBTriangles + rhs.numMBTriangles;
+ ret.numQuads = numQuads + rhs.numQuads;
+ ret.numMBQuads = numMBQuads + rhs.numMBQuads;
+ ret.numBezierCurves = numBezierCurves + rhs.numBezierCurves;
+ ret.numMBBezierCurves = numMBBezierCurves + rhs.numMBBezierCurves;
+ ret.numLineSegments = numLineSegments + rhs.numLineSegments;
+ ret.numMBLineSegments = numMBLineSegments + rhs.numMBLineSegments;
+ ret.numSubdivPatches = numSubdivPatches + rhs.numSubdivPatches;
+ ret.numMBSubdivPatches = numMBSubdivPatches + rhs.numMBSubdivPatches;
+ ret.numUserGeometries = numUserGeometries + rhs.numUserGeometries;
+ ret.numMBUserGeometries = numMBUserGeometries + rhs.numMBUserGeometries;
+ ret.numInstancesCheap = numInstancesCheap + rhs.numInstancesCheap;
+ ret.numMBInstancesCheap = numMBInstancesCheap + rhs.numMBInstancesCheap;
+ ret.numInstancesExpensive = numInstancesExpensive + rhs.numInstancesExpensive;
+ ret.numMBInstancesExpensive = numMBInstancesExpensive + rhs.numMBInstancesExpensive;
+ ret.numGrids = numGrids + rhs.numGrids;
+ ret.numMBGrids = numMBGrids + rhs.numMBGrids;
+ ret.numPoints = numPoints + rhs.numPoints;
+ ret.numMBPoints = numMBPoints + rhs.numMBPoints;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ size_t numFilterFunctions; //!< number of geometries with filter functions enabled
+ size_t numTriangles; //!< number of enabled triangles
+ size_t numMBTriangles; //!< number of enabled motion blured triangles
+ size_t numQuads; //!< number of enabled quads
+ size_t numMBQuads; //!< number of enabled motion blurred quads
+ size_t numBezierCurves; //!< number of enabled curves
+ size_t numMBBezierCurves; //!< number of enabled motion blurred curves
+ size_t numLineSegments; //!< number of enabled line segments
+ size_t numMBLineSegments; //!< number of enabled line motion blurred segments
+ size_t numSubdivPatches; //!< number of enabled subdivision patches
+ size_t numMBSubdivPatches; //!< number of enabled motion blured subdivision patches
+ size_t numUserGeometries; //!< number of enabled user geometries
+ size_t numMBUserGeometries; //!< number of enabled motion blurred user geometries
+ size_t numInstancesCheap; //!< number of enabled cheap instances
+ size_t numMBInstancesCheap; //!< number of enabled motion blurred cheap instances
+ size_t numInstancesExpensive; //!< number of enabled expensive instances
+ size_t numMBInstancesExpensive; //!< number of enabled motion blurred expensive instances
+ size_t numGrids; //!< number of enabled grid geometries
+ size_t numMBGrids; //!< number of enabled motion blurred grid geometries
+ size_t numPoints; //!< number of enabled points
+ size_t numMBPoints; //!< number of enabled motion blurred points
+ };
+ /*! Base class all geometries are derived from */
+ class Geometry : public RefCount
+ {
+ friend class Scene;
+ public:
+ /*! type of geometry */
+ enum GType
+ {
+ GTY_END = 32,
+ };
+ enum GSubType
+ {
+ };
+ enum GTypeMask
+ {
+ };
+ static const char* gtype_names[GTY_END];
+ enum class State : unsigned {
+ };
+ public:
+ /*! Geometry constructor */
+ Geometry (Device* device, GType gtype, unsigned int numPrimitives, unsigned int numTimeSteps);
+ /*! Geometry destructor */
+ virtual ~Geometry();
+ public:
+ /*! tests if geometry is enabled */
+ __forceinline bool isEnabled() const { return enabled; }
+ /*! tests if geometry is disabled */
+ __forceinline bool isDisabled() const { return !isEnabled(); }
+ /*! tests if that geometry has some filter function set */
+ __forceinline bool hasFilterFunctions () const {
+ return (intersectionFilterN != nullptr) || (occlusionFilterN != nullptr);
+ }
+ /*! returns geometry type */
+ __forceinline GType getType() const { return gtype; }
+ /*! returns curve type */
+ __forceinline GType getCurveType() const { return (GType)(gtype & GTY_SUBTYPE_MASK); }
+ /*! returns curve basis */
+ __forceinline GType getCurveBasis() const { return (GType)(gtype & GTY_BASIS_MASK); }
+ /*! returns geometry type mask */
+ __forceinline GTypeMask getTypeMask() const { return (GTypeMask)(1 << gtype); }
+ /*! returns number of primitives */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const { return numPrimitives; }
+ /*! sets the number of primitives */
+ virtual void setNumPrimitives(unsigned int numPrimitives_in);
+ /*! sets number of time steps */
+ virtual void setNumTimeSteps (unsigned int numTimeSteps_in);
+ /*! sets motion blur time range */
+ void setTimeRange (const BBox1f range);
+ /*! sets number of vertex attributes */
+ virtual void setVertexAttributeCount (unsigned int N) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! sets number of topologies */
+ virtual void setTopologyCount (unsigned int N) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! sets the build quality */
+ void setBuildQuality(RTCBuildQuality quality_in)
+ {
+ this->quality = quality_in;
+ Geometry::update();
+ }
+ /* calculate time segment itime and fractional time ftime */
+ __forceinline int timeSegment(float time, float& ftime) const {
+ return getTimeSegment(time,time_range.lower,time_range.upper,fnumTimeSegments,ftime);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline vint<N> timeSegment(const vfloat<N>& time, vfloat<N>& ftime) const {
+ return getTimeSegment<N>(time,vfloat<N>(time_range.lower),vfloat<N>(time_range.upper),vfloat<N>(fnumTimeSegments),ftime);
+ }
+ /* calculate overlapping time segment range */
+ __forceinline range<int> timeSegmentRange(const BBox1f& range) const {
+ return getTimeSegmentRange(range,time_range,fnumTimeSegments);
+ }
+ /* returns time that corresponds to time step */
+ __forceinline float timeStep(const int i) const {
+ assert(i>=0 && i<(int)numTimeSteps);
+ return time_range.lower + time_range.size()*float(i)/fnumTimeSegments;
+ }
+ /*! for all geometries */
+ public:
+ /*! Enable geometry. */
+ virtual void enable();
+ /*! Update geometry. */
+ void update();
+ /*! commit of geometry */
+ virtual void commit();
+ /*! Update geometry buffer. */
+ virtual void updateBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot) {
+ update(); // update everything for geometries not supporting this call
+ }
+ /*! Disable geometry. */
+ virtual void disable();
+ /*! Verify the geometry */
+ virtual bool verify() { return true; }
+ /*! called before every build */
+ virtual void preCommit();
+ /*! called after every build */
+ virtual void postCommit();
+ virtual void addElementsToCount (GeometryCounts & counts) const {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ };
+ /*! sets constant tessellation rate for the geometry */
+ virtual void setTessellationRate(float N) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! Sets the maximal curve radius scale allowed by min-width feature. */
+ virtual void setMaxRadiusScale(float s) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! Set user data pointer. */
+ virtual void setUserData(void* ptr);
+ /*! Get user data pointer. */
+ __forceinline void* getUserData() const {
+ return userPtr;
+ }
+ /*! interpolates user data to the specified u/v location */
+ virtual void interpolate(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! interpolates user data to the specified u/v locations */
+ virtual void interpolateN(const RTCInterpolateNArguments* const args);
+ /* point query api */
+ bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context);
+ /*! for subdivision surfaces only */
+ public:
+ virtual void setSubdivisionMode (unsigned topologyID, RTCSubdivisionMode mode) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual void setVertexAttributeTopology(unsigned int vertexBufferSlot, unsigned int indexBufferSlot) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! Set displacement function. */
+ virtual void setDisplacementFunction (RTCDisplacementFunctionN filter) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual unsigned int getFirstHalfEdge(unsigned int faceID) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual unsigned int getFace(unsigned int edgeID) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual unsigned int getNextHalfEdge(unsigned int edgeID) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual unsigned int getPreviousHalfEdge(unsigned int edgeID) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual unsigned int getOppositeHalfEdge(unsigned int topologyID, unsigned int edgeID) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! get fast access to first vertex buffer if applicable */
+ virtual float * getCompactVertexArray () const {
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ /*! Returns the modified counter - how many times the geo has been modified */
+ __forceinline unsigned int getModCounter () const {
+ return modCounter_;
+ }
+ /*! for triangle meshes and bezier curves only */
+ public:
+ /*! Sets ray mask. */
+ virtual void setMask(unsigned mask) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! Sets specified buffer. */
+ virtual void setBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot, RTCFormat format, const Ref<Buffer>& buffer, size_t offset, size_t stride, unsigned int num) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! Gets specified buffer. */
+ virtual void* getBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! Set intersection filter function for ray packets of size N. */
+ virtual void setIntersectionFilterFunctionN (RTCFilterFunctionN filterN);
+ /*! Set occlusion filter function for ray packets of size N. */
+ virtual void setOcclusionFilterFunctionN (RTCFilterFunctionN filterN);
+ /*! for instances only */
+ public:
+ /*! Sets the instanced scene */
+ virtual void setInstancedScene(const Ref<Scene>& scene) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! Sets transformation of the instance */
+ virtual void setTransform(const AffineSpace3fa& transform, unsigned int timeStep) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! Sets transformation of the instance */
+ virtual void setQuaternionDecomposition(const AffineSpace3ff& qd, unsigned int timeStep) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! Returns the transformation of the instance */
+ virtual AffineSpace3fa getTransform(float time) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! for user geometries only */
+ public:
+ /*! Set bounds function. */
+ virtual void setBoundsFunction (RTCBoundsFunction bounds, void* userPtr) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! Set intersect function for ray packets of size N. */
+ virtual void setIntersectFunctionN (RTCIntersectFunctionN intersect) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! Set occlusion function for ray packets of size N. */
+ virtual void setOccludedFunctionN (RTCOccludedFunctionN occluded) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation not supported for this geometry");
+ }
+ /*! Set point query function. */
+ void setPointQueryFunction(RTCPointQueryFunction func);
+ /*! returns number of time segments */
+ __forceinline unsigned numTimeSegments () const {
+ return numTimeSteps-1;
+ }
+ public:
+ virtual PrimInfo createPrimRefArray(mvector<PrimRef>& prims, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"createPrimRefArray not implemented for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual PrimInfo createPrimRefArrayMB(mvector<PrimRef>& prims, size_t itime, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"createPrimRefMBArray not implemented for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual PrimInfoMB createPrimRefMBArray(mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims, const BBox1f& t0t1, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"createPrimRefMBArray not implemented for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual LinearSpace3fa computeAlignedSpace(const size_t primID) const {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"computeAlignedSpace not implemented for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual LinearSpace3fa computeAlignedSpaceMB(const size_t primID, const BBox1f time_range) const {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"computeAlignedSpace not implemented for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual Vec3fa computeDirection(unsigned int primID) const {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"computeDirection not implemented for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual Vec3fa computeDirection(unsigned int primID, size_t time) const {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"computeDirection not implemented for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual BBox3fa vbounds(size_t primID) const {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"vbounds not implemented for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual BBox3fa vbounds(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t primID) const {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"vbounds not implemented for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual BBox3fa vbounds(const Vec3fa& ofs, const float scale, const float r_scale0, const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"vbounds not implemented for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual LBBox3fa vlinearBounds(size_t primID, const BBox1f& time_range) const {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"vlinearBounds not implemented for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual LBBox3fa vlinearBounds(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t primID, const BBox1f& time_range) const {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"vlinearBounds not implemented for this geometry");
+ }
+ virtual LBBox3fa vlinearBounds(const Vec3fa& ofs, const float scale, const float r_scale0, const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t primID, const BBox1f& time_range) const {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"vlinearBounds not implemented for this geometry");
+ }
+ public:
+ __forceinline bool hasIntersectionFilter() const { return intersectionFilterN != nullptr; }
+ __forceinline bool hasOcclusionFilter() const { return occlusionFilterN != nullptr; }
+ public:
+ Device* device; //!< device this geometry belongs to
+ void* userPtr; //!< user pointer
+ unsigned int numPrimitives; //!< number of primitives of this geometry
+ unsigned int numTimeSteps; //!< number of time steps
+ float fnumTimeSegments; //!< number of time segments (precalculation)
+ BBox1f time_range; //!< motion blur time range
+ unsigned int mask; //!< for masking out geometry
+ unsigned int modCounter_ = 1; //!< counter for every modification - used to rebuild scenes when geo is modified
+ struct {
+ GType gtype : 8; //!< geometry type
+ GSubType gsubtype : 8; //!< geometry subtype
+ RTCBuildQuality quality : 3; //!< build quality for geometry
+ unsigned state : 2;
+ bool enabled : 1; //!< true if geometry is enabled
+ };
+ RTCFilterFunctionN intersectionFilterN;
+ RTCFilterFunctionN occlusionFilterN;
+ RTCPointQueryFunction pointQueryFunc;
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/hit.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/hit.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fd1a9d6391
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/hit.h
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+#include "ray.h"
+#include "instance_stack.h"
+namespace embree
+ /* Hit structure for K hits */
+ template<int K>
+ struct HitK
+ {
+ /* Default construction does nothing */
+ __forceinline HitK() {}
+ /* Constructs a hit */
+ __forceinline HitK(const RTCIntersectContext* context, const vuint<K>& geomID, const vuint<K>& primID, const vfloat<K>& u, const vfloat<K>& v, const Vec3vf<K>& Ng)
+ : Ng(Ng), u(u), v(v), primID(primID), geomID(geomID)
+ {
+ for (unsigned l = 0; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; ++l)
+ instance_id_stack::copy_UV<K>(context->instID, instID);
+ }
+ /* Returns the size of the hit */
+ static __forceinline size_t size() { return K; }
+ public:
+ Vec3vf<K> Ng; // geometry normal
+ vfloat<K> u; // barycentric u coordinate of hit
+ vfloat<K> v; // barycentric v coordinate of hit
+ vuint<K> primID; // primitive ID
+ vuint<K> geomID; // geometry ID
+ vuint<K> instID[RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT]; // instance ID
+ };
+ /* Specialization for a single hit */
+ template<>
+ struct __aligned(16) HitK<1>
+ {
+ /* Default construction does nothing */
+ __forceinline HitK() {}
+ /* Constructs a hit */
+ __forceinline HitK(const RTCIntersectContext* context, unsigned int geomID, unsigned int primID, float u, float v, const Vec3fa& Ng)
+ : Ng(Ng.x,Ng.y,Ng.z), u(u), v(v), primID(primID), geomID(geomID)
+ {
+ instance_id_stack::copy_UU(context->instID, instID);
+ }
+ /* Returns the size of the hit */
+ static __forceinline size_t size() { return 1; }
+ public:
+ Vec3<float> Ng; // geometry normal
+ float u; // barycentric u coordinate of hit
+ float v; // barycentric v coordinate of hit
+ unsigned int primID; // primitive ID
+ unsigned int geomID; // geometry ID
+ unsigned int instID[RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT]; // instance ID
+ };
+ /* Shortcuts */
+ typedef HitK<1> Hit;
+ typedef HitK<4> Hit4;
+ typedef HitK<8> Hit8;
+ typedef HitK<16> Hit16;
+ /* Outputs hit to stream */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const HitK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ cout << "{ " << embree_endl
+ << " Ng = " << ray.Ng << embree_endl
+ << " u = " << ray.u << embree_endl
+ << " v = " << ray.v << embree_endl
+ << " primID = " << ray.primID << embree_endl
+ << " geomID = " << ray.geomID << embree_endl
+ << " instID =";
+ for (unsigned l = 0; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; ++l)
+ {
+ cout << " " << ray.instID[l];
+ }
+ cout << embree_endl;
+ return cout << "}";
+ }
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline void copyHitToRay(RayHit& ray, const Hit& hit)
+ {
+ ray.Ng = hit.Ng;
+ ray.u = hit.u;
+ ray.v = hit.v;
+ ray.primID = hit.primID;
+ ray.geomID = hit.geomID;
+ instance_id_stack::copy_UU(hit.instID, ray.instID);
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void copyHitToRay(const vbool<K> &mask, RayHitK<K> &ray, const HitK<K> &hit)
+ {
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(mask,&ray.Ng.x, hit.Ng.x);
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(mask,&ray.Ng.y, hit.Ng.y);
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(mask,&ray.Ng.z, hit.Ng.z);
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(mask,&ray.u, hit.u);
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(mask,&ray.v, hit.v);
+ vuint<K>::storeu(mask,&ray.primID, hit.primID);
+ vuint<K>::storeu(mask,&ray.geomID, hit.geomID);
+ instance_id_stack::copy_VV<K>(hit.instID, ray.instID, mask);
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/instance_stack.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/instance_stack.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d3c0a643f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/instance_stack.h
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "rtcore.h"
+namespace embree {
+namespace instance_id_stack {
+static_assert(RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT > 0,
+ "RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT must be greater than 0.");
+ * Instance ID stack manipulation.
+ * This is used from the instance intersector.
+ ******************************************************************************/
+ * Push an instance to the stack.
+ */
+RTC_FORCEINLINE bool push(RTCIntersectContext* context,
+ unsigned instanceId)
+ const bool spaceAvailable = context->instStackSize < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT;
+ /* We assert here because instances are silently dropped when the stack is full.
+ This might be quite hard to find in production. */
+ assert(spaceAvailable);
+ if (likely(spaceAvailable))
+ context->instID[context->instStackSize++] = instanceId;
+ return spaceAvailable;
+ const bool spaceAvailable = (context->instID[0] == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID);
+ assert(spaceAvailable);
+ if (likely(spaceAvailable))
+ context->instID[0] = instanceId;
+ return spaceAvailable;
+ * Pop the last instance pushed to the stack.
+ * Do not call on an empty stack.
+ */
+RTC_FORCEINLINE void pop(RTCIntersectContext* context)
+ assert(context);
+ assert(context->instStackSize > 0);
+ context->instID[--context->instStackSize] = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
+ assert(context->instID[0] != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID);
+ context->instID[0] = RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
+ * Optimized instance id stack copy.
+ * The copy() functions will either copy full
+ * stacks or copy only until the last valid element has been copied, depending
+ */
+RTC_FORCEINLINE void copy_UU(const unsigned* src, unsigned* tgt)
+ tgt[0] = src[0];
+ for (unsigned l = 0; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; ++l) {
+ tgt[l] = src[l];
+ if (src[l] == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
+ break;
+ }
+template <int K>
+RTC_FORCEINLINE void copy_UV(const unsigned* src, vuint<K>* tgt)
+ tgt[0] = src[0];
+ for (unsigned l = 0; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; ++l) {
+ tgt[l] = src[l];
+ if (src[l] == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
+ break;
+ }
+template <int K>
+RTC_FORCEINLINE void copy_UV(const unsigned* src, vuint<K>* tgt, size_t j)
+ tgt[0][j] = src[0];
+ for (unsigned l = 0; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; ++l) {
+ tgt[l][j] = src[l];
+ if (src[l] == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
+ break;
+ }
+template <int K>
+RTC_FORCEINLINE void copy_UV(const unsigned* src, vuint<K>* tgt, const vbool<K>& mask)
+ vuint<K>::store(mask, tgt, src[0]);
+ for (unsigned l = 0; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; ++l) {
+ vuint<K>::store(mask, tgt + l, src[l]);
+ if (src[l] == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
+ break;
+ }
+template <int K>
+RTC_FORCEINLINE void copy_VU(const vuint<K>* src, unsigned* tgt, size_t i)
+ tgt[0] = src[0][i];
+ for (unsigned l = 0; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; ++l) {
+ tgt[l] = src[l][i];
+ if (src[l][i] == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
+ break;
+ }
+template <int K>
+RTC_FORCEINLINE void copy_VV(const vuint<K>* src, vuint<K>* tgt, size_t i, size_t j)
+ tgt[0][j] = src[0][i];
+ for (unsigned l = 0; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; ++l) {
+ tgt[l][j] = src[l][i];
+ if (src[l][i] == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
+ break;
+ }
+template <int K>
+RTC_FORCEINLINE void copy_VV(const vuint<K>* src, vuint<K>* tgt, const vbool<K>& mask)
+ vuint<K>::store(mask, tgt, src[0]);
+ vbool<K> done = !mask;
+ for (unsigned l = 0; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; ++l) {
+ vuint<K>::store(mask, tgt + l, src[l]);
+ done |= src[l] == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID;
+ if (all(done)) break;
+ }
+ }
+} // namespace instance_id_stack
+} // namespace embree
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/isa.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/isa.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae6556336c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/isa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../../common/sys/platform.h"
+#include "../../common/sys/sysinfo.h"
+namespace embree
+#define DEFINE_SYMBOL2(type,name) \
+ typedef type (*name##Func)(); \
+ name##Func name;
+#define DECLARE_SYMBOL2(type,name) \
+ namespace sse2 { extern type name(); } \
+ namespace sse42 { extern type name(); } \
+ namespace avx { extern type name(); } \
+ namespace avx2 { extern type name(); } \
+ namespace avx512 { extern type name(); } \
+ void name##_error2() { throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"internal error in ISA selection for " TOSTRING(name)); } \
+ type name##_error() { return type(name##_error2); } \
+ type name##_zero() { return type(nullptr); }
+#define DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(type,symbol,args) \
+ namespace sse2 { extern type symbol(args); } \
+ namespace sse42 { extern type symbol(args); } \
+ namespace avx { extern type symbol(args); } \
+ namespace avx2 { extern type symbol(args); } \
+ namespace avx512 { extern type symbol(args); } \
+ inline type symbol##_error(args) { throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_CPU,"function " TOSTRING(symbol) " not supported by your CPU"); } \
+ typedef type (*symbol##Ty)(args); \
+#define DEFINE_ISA_FUNCTION(type,symbol,args) \
+ typedef type (*symbol##Func)(args); \
+ symbol##Func symbol;
+#define ZERO_SYMBOL(features,intersector) \
+ intersector = intersector##_zero;
+#define INIT_SYMBOL(features,intersector) \
+ intersector = decltype(intersector)(intersector##_error);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector) \
+ intersector = isa::intersector;
+#if defined(__SSE__)
+#if !defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD4)
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SSE42)
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_SSE42(features,intersector) \
+ if ((features & SSE42) == SSE42) intersector = sse42::intersector;
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_SSE42(features,intersector)
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_AVX) || defined(__AVX__)
+#if !defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+#if defined(__AVX__) // if default ISA is >= AVX we treat AVX target as default target
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector) \
+ if ((features & ISA) == ISA) intersector = isa::intersector;
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector) \
+ if ((features & AVX) == AVX) intersector = avx::intersector;
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector)
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_AVX2)
+#if !defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector) \
+ if ((features & AVX2) == AVX2) intersector = avx2::intersector;
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector)
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_AVX512)
+#if !defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD16)
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ if ((features & AVX512) == AVX512) intersector = avx512::intersector;
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector)
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_SSE42(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_SSE42(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_SSE42(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_SSE42(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_SSE42(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_SSE42(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX(features,intersector) \
+ INIT_SYMBOL(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2(features,intersector) \
+ INIT_SYMBOL(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ INIT_SYMBOL(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2(features,intersector) \
+ INIT_SYMBOL(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_SSE42(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX(features,intersector) \
+ INIT_SYMBOL(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ INIT_SYMBOL(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2(features,intersector) \
+ INIT_SYMBOL(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ INIT_SYMBOL(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ INIT_SYMBOL(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_SSE42(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_ZERO_SSE42_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ ZERO_SYMBOL(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_SSE42(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_INIT_AVX512(features,intersector) \
+ INIT_SYMBOL(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX512(features,intersector);
+#define SELECT_SYMBOL_SSE42_AVX_AVX2(features,intersector) \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_SSE42(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX(features,intersector); \
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_AVX2(features,intersector);
+ struct VerifyMultiTargetLinking {
+ static __noinline int getISA(int depth = 5) {
+ if (depth == 0) return ISA;
+ else return getISA(depth-1);
+ }
+ };
+ namespace sse2 { int getISA(); };
+ namespace sse42 { int getISA(); };
+ namespace avx { int getISA(); };
+ namespace avx2 { int getISA(); };
+ namespace avx512 { int getISA(); };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/motion_derivative.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/motion_derivative.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c619d6a675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/motion_derivative.h
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../../common/math/affinespace.h"
+#include "../../common/math/interval.h"
+#include <functional>
+namespace embree {
+static void motion_derivative_coefficients(const float *p, float *coeff);
+struct MotionDerivativeCoefficients
+ float theta;
+ float coeffs[3*8*7];
+ MotionDerivativeCoefficients() {}
+ // xfm0 and xfm1 are interpret as quaternion decomposition
+ MotionDerivativeCoefficients(AffineSpace3ff const& xfm0, AffineSpace3ff const& xfm1)
+ {
+ // cosTheta of the two quaternions
+ const float cosTheta = min(1.f, max(-1.f,
+ xfm0.l.vx.w * xfm1.l.vx.w
+ + xfm0.l.vy.w * xfm1.l.vy.w
+ + xfm0.l.vz.w * xfm1.l.vz.w
+ + xfm0.p.w * xfm1.p.w));
+ theta = std::acos(cosTheta);
+ Vec4f qperp(xfm1.p.w, xfm1.l.vx.w, xfm1.l.vy.w, xfm1.l.vz.w);
+ if (cosTheta < 0.995f) {
+ // compute perpendicular quaternion
+ qperp.x = xfm1.p.w - cosTheta * xfm0.p.w;
+ qperp.y = xfm1.l.vx.w - cosTheta * xfm0.l.vx.w;
+ qperp.z = xfm1.l.vy.w - cosTheta * xfm0.l.vy.w;
+ qperp.w = xfm1.l.vz.w - cosTheta * xfm0.l.vz.w;
+ qperp = normalize(qperp);
+ }
+ const float p[33] = {
+ theta,
+ xfm0.l.vx.y, xfm0.l.vx.z, xfm0.l.vy.z, // translation component of xfm0
+ xfm1.l.vx.y, xfm1.l.vx.z, xfm1.l.vy.z, // translation component of xfm1
+ xfm0.p.w, xfm0.l.vx.w, xfm0.l.vy.w, xfm0.l.vz.w, // quaternion of xfm0
+ qperp.x, qperp.y, qperp.z, qperp.w,
+ xfm0.l.vx.x, xfm0.l.vy.x, xfm0.l.vz.x, xfm0.p.x, // scale/skew component of xfm0
+ xfm0.l.vy.y, xfm0.l.vz.y, xfm0.p.y,
+ xfm0.l.vz.z, xfm0.p.z,
+ xfm1.l.vx.x, xfm1.l.vy.x, xfm1.l.vz.x, xfm1.p.x, // scale/skew component of xfm1
+ xfm1.l.vy.y, xfm1.l.vz.y, xfm1.p.y,
+ xfm1.l.vz.z, xfm1.p.z
+ };
+ motion_derivative_coefficients(p, coeffs);
+ }
+struct MotionDerivative
+ float twoTheta;
+ float c[8];
+ MotionDerivative(MotionDerivativeCoefficients const& mdc,
+ int dim, Vec3fa const& p0, Vec3fa const& p1)
+ : twoTheta(2.f*mdc.theta)
+ {
+ const float p[7] = { 1, p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, p1.x, p1.y, p1.z };
+ for (int i = 0; i < 8; ++i) {
+ c[i] = 0;
+ for (int j = 0; j < 7; ++j) {
+ c[i] += mdc.coeffs[8*7*dim + i*7 + j] * p[j];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ struct EvalMotionDerivative
+ {
+ MotionDerivative const& md;
+ float offset;
+ EvalMotionDerivative(MotionDerivative const& md, float offset) : md(md), offset(offset) {}
+ T operator()(T const& time) const {
+ return md.c[0] + md.c[1] * time
+ + (md.c[2] + md.c[3] * time + md.c[4] * time * time) * cos(md.twoTheta * time)
+ + (md.c[5] + md.c[6] * time + md.c[7] * time * time) * sin(md.twoTheta * time)
+ + offset;
+ }
+ };
+ unsigned int findRoots(
+ Interval1f const& interval,
+ float offset,
+ float* roots,
+ unsigned int maxNumRoots)
+ {
+ unsigned int numRoots = 0;
+ EvalMotionDerivative<Interval1f> eval(*this, offset);
+ findRoots(eval, interval, numRoots, roots, maxNumRoots);
+ return numRoots;
+ }
+ template<typename Eval>
+ static void findRoots(
+ Eval const& eval,
+ Interval1f const& interval,
+ unsigned int& numRoots,
+ float* roots,
+ unsigned int maxNumRoots)
+ {
+ Interval1f range = eval(interval);
+ if (range.lower > 0 || range.upper < 0 || range.lower >= range.upper) return;
+ const float split = 0.5f * (interval.upper + interval.lower);
+ if (interval.upper-interval.lower < 1e-7f || abs(split-interval.lower) < 1e-7f || abs(split-interval.upper) < 1e-7f)
+ {
+ // check if the root already exists
+ for (unsigned int k = 0; k < numRoots && k < maxNumRoots; ++k) {
+ if (abs(roots[k]-split) < MOTION_DERIVATIVE_ROOT_EPSILON)
+ return;
+ }
+ if (numRoots < maxNumRoots) {
+ roots[numRoots++] = split;
+ }
+ if (numRoots > maxNumRoots) {
+ printf("error: more roots than expected\n"); // FIXME: workaround for ICC2019.4 compiler bug under macOS
+ return;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ findRoots(eval, Interval1f(interval.lower, split), numRoots, roots, maxNumRoots);
+ findRoots(eval, Interval1f(split, interval.upper), numRoots, roots, maxNumRoots);
+ }
+ * Code generated with sympy 1.4 *
+ * See for more information. *
+ * *
+ * see *
+ * *
+ * scripts/ *
+ * *
+ * for how this code is generated *
+ * *
+ ******************************************************************************/
+static void motion_derivative_coefficients(const float *p, float *coeff)
+ coeff[0] = -p[1] + p[4] - p[7]*p[9]*p[23] + p[7]*p[9]*p[32] + p[7]*p[10]*p[21] - p[7]*p[10]*p[30] - p[8]*p[9]*p[21] + p[8]*p[9]*p[30] - p[8]*p[10]*p[23] + p[8]*p[10]*p[32] + p[9]*p[9]*p[18] - p[9]*p[9]*p[27] + p[10]*p[10]*p[18] - p[10]*p[10]*p[27] - p[11]*p[13]*p[23] + p[11]*p[13]*p[32] + p[11]*p[14]*p[21] - p[11]*p[14]*p[30] - p[12]*p[13]*p[21] + p[12]*p[13]*p[30] - p[12]*p[14]*p[23] + p[12]*p[14]*p[32] + p[13]*p[13]*p[18] - p[13]*p[13]*p[27] + p[14]*p[14]*p[18] - p[14]*p[14]*p[27] - p[18] + p[27];
+ coeff[1] = 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[15] - p[9]*p[9]*p[24] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[15] - p[10]*p[10]*p[24] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[15] - p[13]*p[13]*p[24] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[15] - p[14]*p[14]*p[24] - 2*p[15] + p[24];
+ coeff[2] = 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[19] - p[7]*p[10]*p[28] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[19] + p[8]*p[9]*p[28] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[16] - p[9]*p[9]*p[25] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[16] - p[10]*p[10]*p[25] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[19] - p[11]*p[14]*p[28] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[19] + p[12]*p[13]*p[28] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[16] - p[13]*p[13]*p[25] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[16] - p[14]*p[14]*p[25] - 2*p[16] + p[25];
+ coeff[3] = -2*p[7]*p[9]*p[22] + p[7]*p[9]*p[31] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[20] - p[7]*p[10]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[20] + p[8]*p[9]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[22] + p[8]*p[10]*p[31] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[17] - p[9]*p[9]*p[26] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[17] - p[10]*p[10]*p[26] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[22] + p[11]*p[13]*p[31] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[20] - p[11]*p[14]*p[29] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[20] + p[12]*p[13]*p[29] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[22] + p[12]*p[14]*p[31] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[17] - p[13]*p[13]*p[26] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[17] - p[14]*p[14]*p[26] - 2*p[17] + p[26];
+ coeff[4] = (-p[9]*p[9] - p[10]*p[10] - p[13]*p[13] - p[14]*p[14] + 1)*p[15];
+ coeff[5] = -p[7]*p[10]*p[19] + p[8]*p[9]*p[19] - p[9]*p[9]*p[16] - p[10]*p[10]*p[16] - p[11]*p[14]*p[19] + p[12]*p[13]*p[19] - p[13]*p[13]*p[16] - p[14]*p[14]*p[16] + p[16];
+ coeff[6] = p[7]*p[9]*p[22] - p[7]*p[10]*p[20] + p[8]*p[9]*p[20] + p[8]*p[10]*p[22] - p[9]*p[9]*p[17] - p[10]*p[10]*p[17] + p[11]*p[13]*p[22] - p[11]*p[14]*p[20] + p[12]*p[13]*p[20] + p[12]*p[14]*p[22] - p[13]*p[13]*p[17] - p[14]*p[14]*p[17] + p[17];
+ coeff[7] = 0;
+ coeff[8] = -2*p[9]*p[9]*p[15] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[24] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[15] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[24] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[24] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[24] + 2*p[15] - 2*p[24];
+ coeff[9] = -2*p[7]*p[10]*p[19] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[28] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[19] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[28] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[16] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[25] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[16] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[25] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[28] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[19] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[28] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[25] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[25] + 2*p[16] - 2*p[25];
+ coeff[10] = 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[22] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[31] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[20] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[29] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[20] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[29] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[22] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[31] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[17] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[26] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[17] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[26] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[31] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[29] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[20] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[29] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[22] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[31] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[26] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[17] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[26] + 2*p[17] - 2*p[26];
+ coeff[11] = 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[15] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[24] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[15] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[24] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[24] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[24] - 2*p[15] + 2*p[24];
+ coeff[12] = 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[28] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[19] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[28] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[16] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[25] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[16] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[25] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[28] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[19] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[28] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[25] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[25] - 2*p[16] + 2*p[25];
+ coeff[13] = -2*p[7]*p[9]*p[22] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[31] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[20] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[20] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[22] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[31] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[17] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[26] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[17] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[26] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[22] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[31] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[29] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[29] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[31] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[26] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[26] - 2*p[17] + 2*p[26];
+ coeff[14] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[18] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[23] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[21] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[18] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[21] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[23] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[23] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[21] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[18] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[21] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[23] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[18] - p[7]*p[9]*p[23] + p[7]*p[9]*p[32] + p[7]*p[10]*p[21] - p[7]*p[10]*p[30] - p[8]*p[9]*p[21] + p[8]*p[9]*p[30] - p[8]*p[10]*p[23] + p[8]*p[10]*p[32] + p[9]*p[9]*p[18] - p[9]*p[9]*p[27] + p[10]*p[10]*p[18] - p[10]*p[10]*p[27] + p[11]*p[13]*p[23] - p[11]*p[13]*p[32] - p[11]*p[14]*p[21] + p[11]*p[14]*p[30] + p[12]*p[13]*p[21] - p[12]*p[13]*p[30] + p[12]*p[14]*p[23] - p[12]*p[14]*p[32] - p[13]*p[13]*p[18] + p[13]*p[13]*p[27] - p[14]*p[14]*p[18] + p[14]*p[14]*p[27];
+ coeff[15] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[15] - p[9]*p[9]*p[24] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[15] - p[10]*p[10]*p[24] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[15] + p[13]*p[13]*p[24] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[15] + p[14]*p[14]*p[24];
+ coeff[16] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[19] - p[7]*p[10]*p[28] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[19] + p[8]*p[9]*p[28] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[16] - p[9]*p[9]*p[25] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[16] - p[10]*p[10]*p[25] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[19] + p[11]*p[14]*p[28] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[19] - p[12]*p[13]*p[28] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[16] + p[13]*p[13]*p[25] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[16] + p[14]*p[14]*p[25];
+ coeff[17] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[22] + p[7]*p[9]*p[31] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[20] - p[7]*p[10]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[20] + p[8]*p[9]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[22] + p[8]*p[10]*p[31] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[17] - p[9]*p[9]*p[26] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[17] - p[10]*p[10]*p[26] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[22] - p[11]*p[13]*p[31] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[20] + p[11]*p[14]*p[29] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[20] - p[12]*p[13]*p[29] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[22] - p[12]*p[14]*p[31] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[17] + p[13]*p[13]*p[26] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[17] + p[14]*p[14]*p[26];
+ coeff[18] = (-p[9]*p[9] - p[10]*p[10] + p[13]*p[13] + p[14]*p[14])*p[15];
+ coeff[19] = -p[7]*p[10]*p[19] + p[8]*p[9]*p[19] - p[9]*p[9]*p[16] - p[10]*p[10]*p[16] + p[11]*p[14]*p[19] - p[12]*p[13]*p[19] + p[13]*p[13]*p[16] + p[14]*p[14]*p[16];
+ coeff[20] = p[7]*p[9]*p[22] - p[7]*p[10]*p[20] + p[8]*p[9]*p[20] + p[8]*p[10]*p[22] - p[9]*p[9]*p[17] - p[10]*p[10]*p[17] - p[11]*p[13]*p[22] + p[11]*p[14]*p[20] - p[12]*p[13]*p[20] - p[12]*p[14]*p[22] + p[13]*p[13]*p[17] + p[14]*p[14]*p[17];
+ coeff[21] = 2*(-p[7]*p[11]*p[18] + p[7]*p[11]*p[27] - p[7]*p[13]*p[23] + p[7]*p[13]*p[32] + p[7]*p[14]*p[21] - p[7]*p[14]*p[30] - p[8]*p[12]*p[18] + p[8]*p[12]*p[27] - p[8]*p[13]*p[21] + p[8]*p[13]*p[30] - p[8]*p[14]*p[23] + p[8]*p[14]*p[32] - p[9]*p[11]*p[23] + p[9]*p[11]*p[32] - p[9]*p[12]*p[21] + p[9]*p[12]*p[30] + p[9]*p[13]*p[18] - p[9]*p[13]*p[27] + p[10]*p[11]*p[21] - p[10]*p[11]*p[30] - p[10]*p[12]*p[23] + p[10]*p[12]*p[32] + p[10]*p[14]*p[18] - p[10]*p[14]*p[27])*p[0];
+ coeff[22] = -4*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[24] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[24] + 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[24] + 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[24] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[15] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[24] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[15] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[24] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[24] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[24];
+ coeff[23] = -4*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[25] + 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[28] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[25] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[28] - 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[28] + 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[25] + 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[28] + 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[25] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[19] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[28] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[19] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[28] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[16] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[25] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[16] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[25] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[28] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[19] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[28] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[25] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[25];
+ coeff[24] = -4*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[26] - 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[31] + 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[29] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[26] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[29] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[31] - 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[31] - 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[29] + 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[26] + 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[29] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[31] + 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[26] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[22] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[31] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[20] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[29] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[20] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[29] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[22] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[31] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[17] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[26] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[17] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[26] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[22] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[31] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[29] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[29] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[31] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[26] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[26];
+ coeff[25] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[15] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[24] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[15] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[24] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[24] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[24];
+ coeff[26] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[28] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[19] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[28] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[16] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[25] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[16] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[25] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[28] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[19] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[28] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[25] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[25];
+ coeff[27] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[22] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[31] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[20] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[20] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[22] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[31] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[17] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[26] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[17] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[26] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[31] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[29] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[20] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[29] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[22] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[31] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[26] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[17] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[26];
+ coeff[28] = 0;
+ coeff[29] = 2*(p[7]*p[11]*p[15] - p[7]*p[11]*p[24] + p[8]*p[12]*p[15] - p[8]*p[12]*p[24] - p[9]*p[13]*p[15] + p[9]*p[13]*p[24] - p[10]*p[14]*p[15] + p[10]*p[14]*p[24])*p[0];
+ coeff[30] = 2*(p[7]*p[11]*p[16] - p[7]*p[11]*p[25] - p[7]*p[14]*p[19] + p[7]*p[14]*p[28] + p[8]*p[12]*p[16] - p[8]*p[12]*p[25] + p[8]*p[13]*p[19] - p[8]*p[13]*p[28] + p[9]*p[12]*p[19] - p[9]*p[12]*p[28] - p[9]*p[13]*p[16] + p[9]*p[13]*p[25] - p[10]*p[11]*p[19] + p[10]*p[11]*p[28] - p[10]*p[14]*p[16] + p[10]*p[14]*p[25])*p[0];
+ coeff[31] = 2*(p[7]*p[11]*p[17] - p[7]*p[11]*p[26] + p[7]*p[13]*p[22] - p[7]*p[13]*p[31] - p[7]*p[14]*p[20] + p[7]*p[14]*p[29] + p[8]*p[12]*p[17] - p[8]*p[12]*p[26] + p[8]*p[13]*p[20] - p[8]*p[13]*p[29] + p[8]*p[14]*p[22] - p[8]*p[14]*p[31] + p[9]*p[11]*p[22] - p[9]*p[11]*p[31] + p[9]*p[12]*p[20] - p[9]*p[12]*p[29] - p[9]*p[13]*p[17] + p[9]*p[13]*p[26] - p[10]*p[11]*p[20] + p[10]*p[11]*p[29] + p[10]*p[12]*p[22] - p[10]*p[12]*p[31] - p[10]*p[14]*p[17] + p[10]*p[14]*p[26])*p[0];
+ coeff[32] = 2*(-p[7]*p[11]*p[15] + p[7]*p[11]*p[24] - p[8]*p[12]*p[15] + p[8]*p[12]*p[24] + p[9]*p[13]*p[15] - p[9]*p[13]*p[24] + p[10]*p[14]*p[15] - p[10]*p[14]*p[24])*p[0];
+ coeff[33] = 2*(-p[7]*p[11]*p[16] + p[7]*p[11]*p[25] + p[7]*p[14]*p[19] - p[7]*p[14]*p[28] - p[8]*p[12]*p[16] + p[8]*p[12]*p[25] - p[8]*p[13]*p[19] + p[8]*p[13]*p[28] - p[9]*p[12]*p[19] + p[9]*p[12]*p[28] + p[9]*p[13]*p[16] - p[9]*p[13]*p[25] + p[10]*p[11]*p[19] - p[10]*p[11]*p[28] + p[10]*p[14]*p[16] - p[10]*p[14]*p[25])*p[0];
+ coeff[34] = 2*(-p[7]*p[11]*p[17] + p[7]*p[11]*p[26] - p[7]*p[13]*p[22] + p[7]*p[13]*p[31] + p[7]*p[14]*p[20] - p[7]*p[14]*p[29] - p[8]*p[12]*p[17] + p[8]*p[12]*p[26] - p[8]*p[13]*p[20] + p[8]*p[13]*p[29] - p[8]*p[14]*p[22] + p[8]*p[14]*p[31] - p[9]*p[11]*p[22] + p[9]*p[11]*p[31] - p[9]*p[12]*p[20] + p[9]*p[12]*p[29] + p[9]*p[13]*p[17] - p[9]*p[13]*p[26] + p[10]*p[11]*p[20] - p[10]*p[11]*p[29] - p[10]*p[12]*p[22] + p[10]*p[12]*p[31] + p[10]*p[14]*p[17] - p[10]*p[14]*p[26])*p[0];
+ coeff[35] = -2*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[23] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[21] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[21] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[23] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[18] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[18] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[23] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[21] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[21] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[23] - 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[18] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[18] - p[7]*p[11]*p[18] + p[7]*p[11]*p[27] - p[7]*p[13]*p[23] + p[7]*p[13]*p[32] + p[7]*p[14]*p[21] - p[7]*p[14]*p[30] - p[8]*p[12]*p[18] + p[8]*p[12]*p[27] - p[8]*p[13]*p[21] + p[8]*p[13]*p[30] - p[8]*p[14]*p[23] + p[8]*p[14]*p[32] - p[9]*p[11]*p[23] + p[9]*p[11]*p[32] - p[9]*p[12]*p[21] + p[9]*p[12]*p[30] + p[9]*p[13]*p[18] - p[9]*p[13]*p[27] + p[10]*p[11]*p[21] - p[10]*p[11]*p[30] - p[10]*p[12]*p[23] + p[10]*p[12]*p[32] + p[10]*p[14]*p[18] - p[10]*p[14]*p[27];
+ coeff[36] = 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[15] + p[7]*p[11]*p[24] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[15] + p[8]*p[12]*p[24] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[15] - p[9]*p[13]*p[24] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[15] - p[10]*p[14]*p[24];
+ coeff[37] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[16] + p[7]*p[11]*p[25] + 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[19] - p[7]*p[14]*p[28] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[16] + p[8]*p[12]*p[25] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[19] + p[8]*p[13]*p[28] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[19] + p[9]*p[12]*p[28] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[16] - p[9]*p[13]*p[25] + 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[19] - p[10]*p[11]*p[28] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[16] - p[10]*p[14]*p[25];
+ coeff[38] = -2*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[17] + p[7]*p[11]*p[26] - 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[22] + p[7]*p[13]*p[31] + 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[20] - p[7]*p[14]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[17] + p[8]*p[12]*p[26] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[20] + p[8]*p[13]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[22] + p[8]*p[14]*p[31] - 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[22] + p[9]*p[11]*p[31] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[20] + p[9]*p[12]*p[29] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[17] - p[9]*p[13]*p[26] + 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[20] - p[10]*p[11]*p[29] - 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[22] + p[10]*p[12]*p[31] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[17] - p[10]*p[14]*p[26];
+ coeff[39] = (p[7]*p[11] + p[8]*p[12] - p[9]*p[13] - p[10]*p[14])*p[15];
+ coeff[40] = p[7]*p[11]*p[16] - p[7]*p[14]*p[19] + p[8]*p[12]*p[16] + p[8]*p[13]*p[19] + p[9]*p[12]*p[19] - p[9]*p[13]*p[16] - p[10]*p[11]*p[19] - p[10]*p[14]*p[16];
+ coeff[41] = p[7]*p[11]*p[17] + p[7]*p[13]*p[22] - p[7]*p[14]*p[20] + p[8]*p[12]*p[17] + p[8]*p[13]*p[20] + p[8]*p[14]*p[22] + p[9]*p[11]*p[22] + p[9]*p[12]*p[20] - p[9]*p[13]*p[17] - p[10]*p[11]*p[20] + p[10]*p[12]*p[22] - p[10]*p[14]*p[17];
+ coeff[42] = 2*(p[7]*p[9]*p[23] - p[7]*p[9]*p[32] - p[7]*p[10]*p[21] + p[7]*p[10]*p[30] + p[8]*p[9]*p[21] - p[8]*p[9]*p[30] + p[8]*p[10]*p[23] - p[8]*p[10]*p[32] - p[9]*p[9]*p[18] + p[9]*p[9]*p[27] - p[10]*p[10]*p[18] + p[10]*p[10]*p[27] - p[11]*p[13]*p[23] + p[11]*p[13]*p[32] + p[11]*p[14]*p[21] - p[11]*p[14]*p[30] - p[12]*p[13]*p[21] + p[12]*p[13]*p[30] - p[12]*p[14]*p[23] + p[12]*p[14]*p[32] + p[13]*p[13]*p[18] - p[13]*p[13]*p[27] + p[14]*p[14]*p[18] - p[14]*p[14]*p[27])*p[0];
+ coeff[43] = -4*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[24] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[24] + 4*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[24] + 4*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[24] + 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[15] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[24] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[15] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[24] - 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[24] - 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[24];
+ coeff[44] = -4*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[28] + 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[28] - 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[25] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[25] + 4*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[28] - 4*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[28] + 4*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[25] + 4*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[25] + 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[16] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[25] - 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[28] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[16] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[25] + 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[19] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[28] + 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[28] - 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[25] - 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[19] + 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[28] - 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[25];
+ coeff[45] = 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[31] - 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[29] + 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[29] + 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[31] - 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[26] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[26] - 4*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[31] + 4*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[29] - 4*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[29] - 4*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[31] + 4*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[26] + 4*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[26] + 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[17] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[26] + 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[31] - 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[29] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[17] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[26] + 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[20] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[29] + 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[22] - 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[31] + 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[22] - 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[31] + 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[29] - 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[26] - 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[20] + 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[29] + 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[22] - 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[31] - 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[17] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[26];
+ coeff[46] = 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[15] + 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[24] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[15] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[24] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[24] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[24];
+ coeff[47] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[16] + 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[25] + 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[28] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[16] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[25] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[19] + 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[28] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[19] + 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[28] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[25] + 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[19] - 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[28] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[25];
+ coeff[48] = -2*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[17] + 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[26] - 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[22] + 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[31] + 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[17] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[26] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[31] - 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[22] + 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[31] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[20] + 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[29] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[26] + 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[20] - 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[29] - 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[31] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[26];
+ coeff[49] = 0;
+ coeff[50] = 2*(p[9]*p[9]*p[15] - p[9]*p[9]*p[24] + p[10]*p[10]*p[15] - p[10]*p[10]*p[24] - p[13]*p[13]*p[15] + p[13]*p[13]*p[24] - p[14]*p[14]*p[15] + p[14]*p[14]*p[24])*p[0];
+ coeff[51] = 2*(p[7]*p[10]*p[19] - p[7]*p[10]*p[28] - p[8]*p[9]*p[19] + p[8]*p[9]*p[28] + p[9]*p[9]*p[16] - p[9]*p[9]*p[25] + p[10]*p[10]*p[16] - p[10]*p[10]*p[25] - p[11]*p[14]*p[19] + p[11]*p[14]*p[28] + p[12]*p[13]*p[19] - p[12]*p[13]*p[28] - p[13]*p[13]*p[16] + p[13]*p[13]*p[25] - p[14]*p[14]*p[16] + p[14]*p[14]*p[25])*p[0];
+ coeff[52] = 2*(-p[7]*p[9]*p[22] + p[7]*p[9]*p[31] + p[7]*p[10]*p[20] - p[7]*p[10]*p[29] - p[8]*p[9]*p[20] + p[8]*p[9]*p[29] - p[8]*p[10]*p[22] + p[8]*p[10]*p[31] + p[9]*p[9]*p[17] - p[9]*p[9]*p[26] + p[10]*p[10]*p[17] - p[10]*p[10]*p[26] + p[11]*p[13]*p[22] - p[11]*p[13]*p[31] - p[11]*p[14]*p[20] + p[11]*p[14]*p[29] + p[12]*p[13]*p[20] - p[12]*p[13]*p[29] + p[12]*p[14]*p[22] - p[12]*p[14]*p[31] - p[13]*p[13]*p[17] + p[13]*p[13]*p[26] - p[14]*p[14]*p[17] + p[14]*p[14]*p[26])*p[0];
+ coeff[53] = 2*(-p[9]*p[9]*p[15] + p[9]*p[9]*p[24] - p[10]*p[10]*p[15] + p[10]*p[10]*p[24] + p[13]*p[13]*p[15] - p[13]*p[13]*p[24] + p[14]*p[14]*p[15] - p[14]*p[14]*p[24])*p[0];
+ coeff[54] = 2*(-p[7]*p[10]*p[19] + p[7]*p[10]*p[28] + p[8]*p[9]*p[19] - p[8]*p[9]*p[28] - p[9]*p[9]*p[16] + p[9]*p[9]*p[25] - p[10]*p[10]*p[16] + p[10]*p[10]*p[25] + p[11]*p[14]*p[19] - p[11]*p[14]*p[28] - p[12]*p[13]*p[19] + p[12]*p[13]*p[28] + p[13]*p[13]*p[16] - p[13]*p[13]*p[25] + p[14]*p[14]*p[16] - p[14]*p[14]*p[25])*p[0];
+ coeff[55] = 2*(p[7]*p[9]*p[22] - p[7]*p[9]*p[31] - p[7]*p[10]*p[20] + p[7]*p[10]*p[29] + p[8]*p[9]*p[20] - p[8]*p[9]*p[29] + p[8]*p[10]*p[22] - p[8]*p[10]*p[31] - p[9]*p[9]*p[17] + p[9]*p[9]*p[26] - p[10]*p[10]*p[17] + p[10]*p[10]*p[26] - p[11]*p[13]*p[22] + p[11]*p[13]*p[31] + p[11]*p[14]*p[20] - p[11]*p[14]*p[29] - p[12]*p[13]*p[20] + p[12]*p[13]*p[29] - p[12]*p[14]*p[22] + p[12]*p[14]*p[31] + p[13]*p[13]*p[17] - p[13]*p[13]*p[26] + p[14]*p[14]*p[17] - p[14]*p[14]*p[26])*p[0];
+ coeff[56] = -p[2] + p[5] + p[7]*p[8]*p[23] - p[7]*p[8]*p[32] - p[7]*p[10]*p[18] + p[7]*p[10]*p[27] + p[8]*p[8]*p[21] - p[8]*p[8]*p[30] - p[8]*p[9]*p[18] + p[8]*p[9]*p[27] - p[9]*p[10]*p[23] + p[9]*p[10]*p[32] + p[10]*p[10]*p[21] - p[10]*p[10]*p[30] + p[11]*p[12]*p[23] - p[11]*p[12]*p[32] - p[11]*p[14]*p[18] + p[11]*p[14]*p[27] + p[12]*p[12]*p[21] - p[12]*p[12]*p[30] - p[12]*p[13]*p[18] + p[12]*p[13]*p[27] - p[13]*p[14]*p[23] + p[13]*p[14]*p[32] + p[14]*p[14]*p[21] - p[14]*p[14]*p[30] - p[21] + p[30];
+ coeff[57] = -2*p[7]*p[10]*p[15] + p[7]*p[10]*p[24] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[15] + p[8]*p[9]*p[24] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[15] + p[11]*p[14]*p[24] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[15] + p[12]*p[13]*p[24];
+ coeff[58] = -2*p[7]*p[10]*p[16] + p[7]*p[10]*p[25] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[19] - p[8]*p[8]*p[28] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[16] + p[8]*p[9]*p[25] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[19] - p[10]*p[10]*p[28] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[16] + p[11]*p[14]*p[25] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[19] - p[12]*p[12]*p[28] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[16] + p[12]*p[13]*p[25] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[19] - p[14]*p[14]*p[28] - 2*p[19] + p[28];
+ coeff[59] = 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[22] - p[7]*p[8]*p[31] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[17] + p[7]*p[10]*p[26] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[20] - p[8]*p[8]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[17] + p[8]*p[9]*p[26] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[22] + p[9]*p[10]*p[31] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[20] - p[10]*p[10]*p[29] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[22] - p[11]*p[12]*p[31] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[17] + p[11]*p[14]*p[26] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[20] - p[12]*p[12]*p[29] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[17] + p[12]*p[13]*p[26] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[22] + p[13]*p[14]*p[31] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[20] - p[14]*p[14]*p[29] - 2*p[20] + p[29];
+ coeff[60] = (p[7]*p[10] + p[8]*p[9] + p[11]*p[14] + p[12]*p[13])*p[15];
+ coeff[61] = p[7]*p[10]*p[16] - p[8]*p[8]*p[19] + p[8]*p[9]*p[16] - p[10]*p[10]*p[19] + p[11]*p[14]*p[16] - p[12]*p[12]*p[19] + p[12]*p[13]*p[16] - p[14]*p[14]*p[19] + p[19];
+ coeff[62] = -p[7]*p[8]*p[22] + p[7]*p[10]*p[17] - p[8]*p[8]*p[20] + p[8]*p[9]*p[17] + p[9]*p[10]*p[22] - p[10]*p[10]*p[20] - p[11]*p[12]*p[22] + p[11]*p[14]*p[17] - p[12]*p[12]*p[20] + p[12]*p[13]*p[17] + p[13]*p[14]*p[22] - p[14]*p[14]*p[20] + p[20];
+ coeff[63] = 0;
+ coeff[64] = 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[15] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[24] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[15] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[24] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[24] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[24];
+ coeff[65] = 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[16] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[25] - 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[19] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[28] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[16] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[25] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[19] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[28] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[25] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[19] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[28] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[25] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[28] + 2*p[19] - 2*p[28];
+ coeff[66] = -2*p[7]*p[8]*p[22] + 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[31] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[17] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[26] - 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[20] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[29] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[17] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[26] + 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[22] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[31] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[20] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[29] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[31] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[26] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[20] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[29] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[26] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[22] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[31] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[29] + 2*p[20] - 2*p[29];
+ coeff[67] = -2*p[7]*p[10]*p[15] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[24] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[15] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[24] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[24] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[24];
+ coeff[68] = -2*p[7]*p[10]*p[16] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[25] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[19] - 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[28] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[16] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[25] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[19] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[28] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[25] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[28] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[25] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[28] - 2*p[19] + 2*p[28];
+ coeff[69] = 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[22] - 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[31] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[17] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[26] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[20] - 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[17] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[26] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[22] + 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[31] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[20] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[29] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[22] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[31] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[17] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[26] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[29] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[26] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[31] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[29] - 2*p[20] + 2*p[29];
+ coeff[70] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[21] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[12]*p[23] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[18] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[11]*p[23] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[21] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[18] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[18] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[21] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[14]*p[23] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[18] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[13]*p[23] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[21] + p[7]*p[8]*p[23] - p[7]*p[8]*p[32] - p[7]*p[10]*p[18] + p[7]*p[10]*p[27] + p[8]*p[8]*p[21] - p[8]*p[8]*p[30] - p[8]*p[9]*p[18] + p[8]*p[9]*p[27] - p[9]*p[10]*p[23] + p[9]*p[10]*p[32] + p[10]*p[10]*p[21] - p[10]*p[10]*p[30] - p[11]*p[12]*p[23] + p[11]*p[12]*p[32] + p[11]*p[14]*p[18] - p[11]*p[14]*p[27] - p[12]*p[12]*p[21] + p[12]*p[12]*p[30] + p[12]*p[13]*p[18] - p[12]*p[13]*p[27] + p[13]*p[14]*p[23] - p[13]*p[14]*p[32] - p[14]*p[14]*p[21] + p[14]*p[14]*p[30];
+ coeff[71] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[15] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[15] + p[7]*p[10]*p[24] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[15] + p[8]*p[9]*p[24] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[15] - p[11]*p[14]*p[24] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[15] - p[12]*p[13]*p[24];
+ coeff[72] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[16] + p[7]*p[10]*p[25] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[19] - p[8]*p[8]*p[28] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[16] + p[8]*p[9]*p[25] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[19] - p[10]*p[10]*p[28] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[16] - p[11]*p[14]*p[25] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[19] + p[12]*p[12]*p[28] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[16] - p[12]*p[13]*p[25] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[19] + p[14]*p[14]*p[28];
+ coeff[73] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[11]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[22] - p[7]*p[8]*p[31] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[17] + p[7]*p[10]*p[26] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[20] - p[8]*p[8]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[17] + p[8]*p[9]*p[26] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[22] + p[9]*p[10]*p[31] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[20] - p[10]*p[10]*p[29] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[22] + p[11]*p[12]*p[31] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[17] - p[11]*p[14]*p[26] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[20] + p[12]*p[12]*p[29] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[17] - p[12]*p[13]*p[26] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[22] - p[13]*p[14]*p[31] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[20] + p[14]*p[14]*p[29];
+ coeff[74] = (p[7]*p[10] + p[8]*p[9] - p[11]*p[14] - p[12]*p[13])*p[15];
+ coeff[75] = p[7]*p[10]*p[16] - p[8]*p[8]*p[19] + p[8]*p[9]*p[16] - p[10]*p[10]*p[19] - p[11]*p[14]*p[16] + p[12]*p[12]*p[19] - p[12]*p[13]*p[16] + p[14]*p[14]*p[19];
+ coeff[76] = -p[7]*p[8]*p[22] + p[7]*p[10]*p[17] - p[8]*p[8]*p[20] + p[8]*p[9]*p[17] + p[9]*p[10]*p[22] - p[10]*p[10]*p[20] + p[11]*p[12]*p[22] - p[11]*p[14]*p[17] + p[12]*p[12]*p[20] - p[12]*p[13]*p[17] - p[13]*p[14]*p[22] + p[14]*p[14]*p[20];
+ coeff[77] = 2*(-p[7]*p[11]*p[21] + p[7]*p[11]*p[30] + p[7]*p[12]*p[23] - p[7]*p[12]*p[32] - p[7]*p[14]*p[18] + p[7]*p[14]*p[27] + p[8]*p[11]*p[23] - p[8]*p[11]*p[32] + p[8]*p[12]*p[21] - p[8]*p[12]*p[30] - p[8]*p[13]*p[18] + p[8]*p[13]*p[27] - p[9]*p[12]*p[18] + p[9]*p[12]*p[27] - p[9]*p[13]*p[21] + p[9]*p[13]*p[30] - p[9]*p[14]*p[23] + p[9]*p[14]*p[32] - p[10]*p[11]*p[18] + p[10]*p[11]*p[27] - p[10]*p[13]*p[23] + p[10]*p[13]*p[32] + p[10]*p[14]*p[21] - p[10]*p[14]*p[30])*p[0];
+ coeff[78] = -4*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[24] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[24] - 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[24] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[24] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[15] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[24] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[15] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[24] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[24] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[24];
+ coeff[79] = -4*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[28] - 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[25] + 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[28] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[25] - 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[25] - 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[28] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[25] + 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[28] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[16] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[25] - 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[19] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[28] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[16] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[25] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[19] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[28] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[25] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[28] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[25] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[28];
+ coeff[80] = -4*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[29] + 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[12]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[12]*p[31] - 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[26] + 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[11]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[11]*p[31] + 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[29] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[26] - 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[26] - 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[29] - 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[14]*p[31] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[26] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[13]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[13]*p[31] + 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[29] - 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[22] + 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[31] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[17] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[26] - 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[20] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[29] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[17] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[26] + 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[22] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[31] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[20] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[29] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[22] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[31] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[17] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[26] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[29] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[26] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[31] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[29];
+ coeff[81] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[15] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[15] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[24] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[15] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[24] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[24] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[24];
+ coeff[82] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[16] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[25] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[19] - 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[28] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[16] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[25] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[19] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[28] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[25] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[19] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[28] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[25] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[28];
+ coeff[83] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[11]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[12]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[11]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[22] - 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[31] - 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[17] + 2*p[7]*p[10]*p[26] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[20] - 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[17] + 2*p[8]*p[9]*p[26] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[22] + 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[31] + 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[20] - 2*p[10]*p[10]*p[29] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[31] + 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[11]*p[14]*p[26] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[20] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[29] + 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[12]*p[13]*p[26] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[22] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[31] - 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[14]*p[14]*p[29];
+ coeff[84] = 0;
+ coeff[85] = 2*(p[7]*p[14]*p[15] - p[7]*p[14]*p[24] + p[8]*p[13]*p[15] - p[8]*p[13]*p[24] + p[9]*p[12]*p[15] - p[9]*p[12]*p[24] + p[10]*p[11]*p[15] - p[10]*p[11]*p[24])*p[0];
+ coeff[86] = 2*(p[7]*p[11]*p[19] - p[7]*p[11]*p[28] + p[7]*p[14]*p[16] - p[7]*p[14]*p[25] - p[8]*p[12]*p[19] + p[8]*p[12]*p[28] + p[8]*p[13]*p[16] - p[8]*p[13]*p[25] + p[9]*p[12]*p[16] - p[9]*p[12]*p[25] + p[9]*p[13]*p[19] - p[9]*p[13]*p[28] + p[10]*p[11]*p[16] - p[10]*p[11]*p[25] - p[10]*p[14]*p[19] + p[10]*p[14]*p[28])*p[0];
+ coeff[87] = 2*(p[7]*p[11]*p[20] - p[7]*p[11]*p[29] - p[7]*p[12]*p[22] + p[7]*p[12]*p[31] + p[7]*p[14]*p[17] - p[7]*p[14]*p[26] - p[8]*p[11]*p[22] + p[8]*p[11]*p[31] - p[8]*p[12]*p[20] + p[8]*p[12]*p[29] + p[8]*p[13]*p[17] - p[8]*p[13]*p[26] + p[9]*p[12]*p[17] - p[9]*p[12]*p[26] + p[9]*p[13]*p[20] - p[9]*p[13]*p[29] + p[9]*p[14]*p[22] - p[9]*p[14]*p[31] + p[10]*p[11]*p[17] - p[10]*p[11]*p[26] + p[10]*p[13]*p[22] - p[10]*p[13]*p[31] - p[10]*p[14]*p[20] + p[10]*p[14]*p[29])*p[0];
+ coeff[88] = 2*(-p[7]*p[14]*p[15] + p[7]*p[14]*p[24] - p[8]*p[13]*p[15] + p[8]*p[13]*p[24] - p[9]*p[12]*p[15] + p[9]*p[12]*p[24] - p[10]*p[11]*p[15] + p[10]*p[11]*p[24])*p[0];
+ coeff[89] = 2*(-p[7]*p[11]*p[19] + p[7]*p[11]*p[28] - p[7]*p[14]*p[16] + p[7]*p[14]*p[25] + p[8]*p[12]*p[19] - p[8]*p[12]*p[28] - p[8]*p[13]*p[16] + p[8]*p[13]*p[25] - p[9]*p[12]*p[16] + p[9]*p[12]*p[25] - p[9]*p[13]*p[19] + p[9]*p[13]*p[28] - p[10]*p[11]*p[16] + p[10]*p[11]*p[25] + p[10]*p[14]*p[19] - p[10]*p[14]*p[28])*p[0];
+ coeff[90] = 2*(-p[7]*p[11]*p[20] + p[7]*p[11]*p[29] + p[7]*p[12]*p[22] - p[7]*p[12]*p[31] - p[7]*p[14]*p[17] + p[7]*p[14]*p[26] + p[8]*p[11]*p[22] - p[8]*p[11]*p[31] + p[8]*p[12]*p[20] - p[8]*p[12]*p[29] - p[8]*p[13]*p[17] + p[8]*p[13]*p[26] - p[9]*p[12]*p[17] + p[9]*p[12]*p[26] - p[9]*p[13]*p[20] + p[9]*p[13]*p[29] - p[9]*p[14]*p[22] + p[9]*p[14]*p[31] - p[10]*p[11]*p[17] + p[10]*p[11]*p[26] - p[10]*p[13]*p[22] + p[10]*p[13]*p[31] + p[10]*p[14]*p[20] - p[10]*p[14]*p[29])*p[0];
+ coeff[91] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[8]*p[23] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[18] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[8]*p[21] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[18] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[10]*p[23] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[21] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[12]*p[23] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[18] - 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[12]*p[21] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[18] + 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[14]*p[23] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[21] - p[7]*p[11]*p[21] + p[7]*p[11]*p[30] + p[7]*p[12]*p[23] - p[7]*p[12]*p[32] - p[7]*p[14]*p[18] + p[7]*p[14]*p[27] + p[8]*p[11]*p[23] - p[8]*p[11]*p[32] + p[8]*p[12]*p[21] - p[8]*p[12]*p[30] - p[8]*p[13]*p[18] + p[8]*p[13]*p[27] - p[9]*p[12]*p[18] + p[9]*p[12]*p[27] - p[9]*p[13]*p[21] + p[9]*p[13]*p[30] - p[9]*p[14]*p[23] + p[9]*p[14]*p[32] - p[10]*p[11]*p[18] + p[10]*p[11]*p[27] - p[10]*p[13]*p[23] + p[10]*p[13]*p[32] + p[10]*p[14]*p[21] - p[10]*p[14]*p[30];
+ coeff[92] = -2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[15] + p[7]*p[14]*p[24] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[15] + p[8]*p[13]*p[24] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[15] + p[9]*p[12]*p[24] - 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[15] + p[10]*p[11]*p[24];
+ coeff[93] = -2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[8]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[12]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[19] + p[7]*p[11]*p[28] - 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[16] + p[7]*p[14]*p[25] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[19] - p[8]*p[12]*p[28] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[16] + p[8]*p[13]*p[25] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[16] + p[9]*p[12]*p[25] - 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[19] + p[9]*p[13]*p[28] - 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[16] + p[10]*p[11]*p[25] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[19] - p[10]*p[14]*p[28];
+ coeff[94] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[8]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[8]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[10]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[12]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[14]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[20] + p[7]*p[11]*p[29] + 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[22] - p[7]*p[12]*p[31] - 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[17] + p[7]*p[14]*p[26] + 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[22] - p[8]*p[11]*p[31] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[20] - p[8]*p[12]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[17] + p[8]*p[13]*p[26] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[17] + p[9]*p[12]*p[26] - 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[20] + p[9]*p[13]*p[29] - 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[22] + p[9]*p[14]*p[31] - 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[17] + p[10]*p[11]*p[26] - 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[22] + p[10]*p[13]*p[31] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[20] - p[10]*p[14]*p[29];
+ coeff[95] = (p[7]*p[14] + p[8]*p[13] + p[9]*p[12] + p[10]*p[11])*p[15];
+ coeff[96] = p[7]*p[11]*p[19] + p[7]*p[14]*p[16] - p[8]*p[12]*p[19] + p[8]*p[13]*p[16] + p[9]*p[12]*p[16] + p[9]*p[13]*p[19] + p[10]*p[11]*p[16] - p[10]*p[14]*p[19];
+ coeff[97] = p[7]*p[11]*p[20] - p[7]*p[12]*p[22] + p[7]*p[14]*p[17] - p[8]*p[11]*p[22] - p[8]*p[12]*p[20] + p[8]*p[13]*p[17] + p[9]*p[12]*p[17] + p[9]*p[13]*p[20] + p[9]*p[14]*p[22] + p[10]*p[11]*p[17] + p[10]*p[13]*p[22] - p[10]*p[14]*p[20];
+ coeff[98] = 2*(-p[7]*p[8]*p[23] + p[7]*p[8]*p[32] + p[7]*p[10]*p[18] - p[7]*p[10]*p[27] - p[8]*p[8]*p[21] + p[8]*p[8]*p[30] + p[8]*p[9]*p[18] - p[8]*p[9]*p[27] + p[9]*p[10]*p[23] - p[9]*p[10]*p[32] - p[10]*p[10]*p[21] + p[10]*p[10]*p[30] + p[11]*p[12]*p[23] - p[11]*p[12]*p[32] - p[11]*p[14]*p[18] + p[11]*p[14]*p[27] + p[12]*p[12]*p[21] - p[12]*p[12]*p[30] - p[12]*p[13]*p[18] + p[12]*p[13]*p[27] - p[13]*p[14]*p[23] + p[13]*p[14]*p[32] + p[14]*p[14]*p[21] - p[14]*p[14]*p[30])*p[0];
+ coeff[99] = 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[24] + 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[24] - 4*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[24] - 4*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[24] + 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[24] + 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[24] + 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[15] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[24] + 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[15] - 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[24];
+ coeff[100] = 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[25] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[8]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[8]*p[28] + 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[25] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[28] - 4*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[25] + 4*p[0]*p[12]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[12]*p[28] - 4*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[25] + 4*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[28] + 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[28] + 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[25] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[19] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[28] + 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[25] + 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[16] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[25] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[19] - 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[28] + 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[16] - 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[25] - 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[28];
+ coeff[101] = -4*p[0]*p[7]*p[8]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[8]*p[31] + 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[26] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[8]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[8]*p[29] + 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[26] + 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[10]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[10]*p[31] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[29] + 4*p[0]*p[11]*p[12]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[12]*p[31] - 4*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[26] + 4*p[0]*p[12]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[12]*p[29] - 4*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[26] - 4*p[0]*p[13]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[14]*p[31] + 4*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[29] + 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[20] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[29] - 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[31] + 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[26] - 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[22] + 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[31] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[20] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[29] + 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[26] + 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[17] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[26] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[20] - 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[29] + 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[22] - 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[31] + 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[17] - 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[26] + 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[31] - 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[29];
+ coeff[102] = -2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[24] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[24] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[15] + 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[24] - 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[15] + 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[24];
+ coeff[103] = -2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[8]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[12]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[19] + 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[28] - 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[25] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[28] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[25] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[16] + 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[25] - 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[19] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[28] - 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[16] + 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[25] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[28];
+ coeff[104] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[8]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[10]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[8]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[9]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[10]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[10]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[12]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[14]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[14]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[20] + 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[29] + 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[22] - 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[31] - 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[17] + 2*p[7]*p[14]*p[26] + 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[22] - 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[31] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[8]*p[13]*p[26] - 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[17] + 2*p[9]*p[12]*p[26] - 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[29] - 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[31] - 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[17] + 2*p[10]*p[11]*p[26] - 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[22] + 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[31] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[29];
+ coeff[105] = 0;
+ coeff[106] = 2*(-p[7]*p[10]*p[15] + p[7]*p[10]*p[24] - p[8]*p[9]*p[15] + p[8]*p[9]*p[24] + p[11]*p[14]*p[15] - p[11]*p[14]*p[24] + p[12]*p[13]*p[15] - p[12]*p[13]*p[24])*p[0];
+ coeff[107] = 2*(-p[7]*p[10]*p[16] + p[7]*p[10]*p[25] + p[8]*p[8]*p[19] - p[8]*p[8]*p[28] - p[8]*p[9]*p[16] + p[8]*p[9]*p[25] + p[10]*p[10]*p[19] - p[10]*p[10]*p[28] + p[11]*p[14]*p[16] - p[11]*p[14]*p[25] - p[12]*p[12]*p[19] + p[12]*p[12]*p[28] + p[12]*p[13]*p[16] - p[12]*p[13]*p[25] - p[14]*p[14]*p[19] + p[14]*p[14]*p[28])*p[0];
+ coeff[108] = 2*(p[7]*p[8]*p[22] - p[7]*p[8]*p[31] - p[7]*p[10]*p[17] + p[7]*p[10]*p[26] + p[8]*p[8]*p[20] - p[8]*p[8]*p[29] - p[8]*p[9]*p[17] + p[8]*p[9]*p[26] - p[9]*p[10]*p[22] + p[9]*p[10]*p[31] + p[10]*p[10]*p[20] - p[10]*p[10]*p[29] - p[11]*p[12]*p[22] + p[11]*p[12]*p[31] + p[11]*p[14]*p[17] - p[11]*p[14]*p[26] - p[12]*p[12]*p[20] + p[12]*p[12]*p[29] + p[12]*p[13]*p[17] - p[12]*p[13]*p[26] + p[13]*p[14]*p[22] - p[13]*p[14]*p[31] - p[14]*p[14]*p[20] + p[14]*p[14]*p[29])*p[0];
+ coeff[109] = 2*(p[7]*p[10]*p[15] - p[7]*p[10]*p[24] + p[8]*p[9]*p[15] - p[8]*p[9]*p[24] - p[11]*p[14]*p[15] + p[11]*p[14]*p[24] - p[12]*p[13]*p[15] + p[12]*p[13]*p[24])*p[0];
+ coeff[110] = 2*(p[7]*p[10]*p[16] - p[7]*p[10]*p[25] - p[8]*p[8]*p[19] + p[8]*p[8]*p[28] + p[8]*p[9]*p[16] - p[8]*p[9]*p[25] - p[10]*p[10]*p[19] + p[10]*p[10]*p[28] - p[11]*p[14]*p[16] + p[11]*p[14]*p[25] + p[12]*p[12]*p[19] - p[12]*p[12]*p[28] - p[12]*p[13]*p[16] + p[12]*p[13]*p[25] + p[14]*p[14]*p[19] - p[14]*p[14]*p[28])*p[0];
+ coeff[111] = 2*(-p[7]*p[8]*p[22] + p[7]*p[8]*p[31] + p[7]*p[10]*p[17] - p[7]*p[10]*p[26] - p[8]*p[8]*p[20] + p[8]*p[8]*p[29] + p[8]*p[9]*p[17] - p[8]*p[9]*p[26] + p[9]*p[10]*p[22] - p[9]*p[10]*p[31] - p[10]*p[10]*p[20] + p[10]*p[10]*p[29] + p[11]*p[12]*p[22] - p[11]*p[12]*p[31] - p[11]*p[14]*p[17] + p[11]*p[14]*p[26] + p[12]*p[12]*p[20] - p[12]*p[12]*p[29] - p[12]*p[13]*p[17] + p[12]*p[13]*p[26] - p[13]*p[14]*p[22] + p[13]*p[14]*p[31] + p[14]*p[14]*p[20] - p[14]*p[14]*p[29])*p[0];
+ coeff[112] = -p[3] + p[6] - p[7]*p[8]*p[21] + p[7]*p[8]*p[30] + p[7]*p[9]*p[18] - p[7]*p[9]*p[27] + p[8]*p[8]*p[23] - p[8]*p[8]*p[32] - p[8]*p[10]*p[18] + p[8]*p[10]*p[27] + p[9]*p[9]*p[23] - p[9]*p[9]*p[32] - p[9]*p[10]*p[21] + p[9]*p[10]*p[30] - p[11]*p[12]*p[21] + p[11]*p[12]*p[30] + p[11]*p[13]*p[18] - p[11]*p[13]*p[27] + p[12]*p[12]*p[23] - p[12]*p[12]*p[32] - p[12]*p[14]*p[18] + p[12]*p[14]*p[27] + p[13]*p[13]*p[23] - p[13]*p[13]*p[32] - p[13]*p[14]*p[21] + p[13]*p[14]*p[30] - p[23] + p[32];
+ coeff[113] = 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[15] - p[7]*p[9]*p[24] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[15] + p[8]*p[10]*p[24] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[15] - p[11]*p[13]*p[24] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[15] + p[12]*p[14]*p[24];
+ coeff[114] = -2*p[7]*p[8]*p[19] + p[7]*p[8]*p[28] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[16] - p[7]*p[9]*p[25] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[16] + p[8]*p[10]*p[25] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[19] + p[9]*p[10]*p[28] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[19] + p[11]*p[12]*p[28] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[16] - p[11]*p[13]*p[25] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[16] + p[12]*p[14]*p[25] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[19] + p[13]*p[14]*p[28];
+ coeff[115] = -2*p[7]*p[8]*p[20] + p[7]*p[8]*p[29] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[17] - p[7]*p[9]*p[26] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[22] - p[8]*p[8]*p[31] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[17] + p[8]*p[10]*p[26] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[22] - p[9]*p[9]*p[31] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[20] + p[9]*p[10]*p[29] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[20] + p[11]*p[12]*p[29] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[17] - p[11]*p[13]*p[26] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[22] - p[12]*p[12]*p[31] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[17] + p[12]*p[14]*p[26] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[22] - p[13]*p[13]*p[31] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[20] + p[13]*p[14]*p[29] - 2*p[22] + p[31];
+ coeff[116] = (-p[7]*p[9] + p[8]*p[10] - p[11]*p[13] + p[12]*p[14])*p[15];
+ coeff[117] = p[7]*p[8]*p[19] - p[7]*p[9]*p[16] + p[8]*p[10]*p[16] + p[9]*p[10]*p[19] + p[11]*p[12]*p[19] - p[11]*p[13]*p[16] + p[12]*p[14]*p[16] + p[13]*p[14]*p[19];
+ coeff[118] = p[7]*p[8]*p[20] - p[7]*p[9]*p[17] - p[8]*p[8]*p[22] + p[8]*p[10]*p[17] - p[9]*p[9]*p[22] + p[9]*p[10]*p[20] + p[11]*p[12]*p[20] - p[11]*p[13]*p[17] - p[12]*p[12]*p[22] + p[12]*p[14]*p[17] - p[13]*p[13]*p[22] + p[13]*p[14]*p[20] + p[22];
+ coeff[119] = 0;
+ coeff[120] = -2*p[7]*p[9]*p[15] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[24] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[15] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[24] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[24] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[24];
+ coeff[121] = 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[28] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[16] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[25] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[16] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[25] + 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[19] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[28] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[28] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[25] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[25] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[28];
+ coeff[122] = 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[20] - 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[29] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[17] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[26] - 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[22] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[31] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[17] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[26] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[22] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[31] + 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[20] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[29] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[29] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[26] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[31] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[26] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[22] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[31] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[29] + 2*p[22] - 2*p[31];
+ coeff[123] = 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[15] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[24] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[15] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[24] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[24] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[24];
+ coeff[124] = -2*p[7]*p[8]*p[19] + 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[28] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[16] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[25] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[16] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[25] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[19] + 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[28] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[19] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[28] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[25] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[25] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[28];
+ coeff[125] = -2*p[7]*p[8]*p[20] + 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[29] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[17] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[26] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[22] - 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[31] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[17] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[26] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[22] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[31] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[20] + 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[29] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[20] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[29] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[26] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[22] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[31] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[17] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[26] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[31] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[29] - 2*p[22] + 2*p[31];
+ coeff[126] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[23] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[12]*p[21] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[18] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[11]*p[21] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[23] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[18] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[18] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[23] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[14]*p[21] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[18] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[13]*p[21] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[23] - p[7]*p[8]*p[21] + p[7]*p[8]*p[30] + p[7]*p[9]*p[18] - p[7]*p[9]*p[27] + p[8]*p[8]*p[23] - p[8]*p[8]*p[32] - p[8]*p[10]*p[18] + p[8]*p[10]*p[27] + p[9]*p[9]*p[23] - p[9]*p[9]*p[32] - p[9]*p[10]*p[21] + p[9]*p[10]*p[30] + p[11]*p[12]*p[21] - p[11]*p[12]*p[30] - p[11]*p[13]*p[18] + p[11]*p[13]*p[27] - p[12]*p[12]*p[23] + p[12]*p[12]*p[32] + p[12]*p[14]*p[18] - p[12]*p[14]*p[27] - p[13]*p[13]*p[23] + p[13]*p[13]*p[32] + p[13]*p[14]*p[21] - p[13]*p[14]*p[30];
+ coeff[127] = -2*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[15] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[15] - p[7]*p[9]*p[24] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[15] + p[8]*p[10]*p[24] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[15] + p[11]*p[13]*p[24] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[15] - p[12]*p[14]*p[24];
+ coeff[128] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[11]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[13]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[19] + p[7]*p[8]*p[28] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[16] - p[7]*p[9]*p[25] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[16] + p[8]*p[10]*p[25] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[19] + p[9]*p[10]*p[28] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[19] - p[11]*p[12]*p[28] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[16] + p[11]*p[13]*p[25] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[16] - p[12]*p[14]*p[25] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[19] - p[13]*p[14]*p[28];
+ coeff[129] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[11]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[22] - 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[20] + p[7]*p[8]*p[29] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[17] - p[7]*p[9]*p[26] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[22] - p[8]*p[8]*p[31] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[17] + p[8]*p[10]*p[26] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[22] - p[9]*p[9]*p[31] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[20] + p[9]*p[10]*p[29] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[20] - p[11]*p[12]*p[29] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[17] + p[11]*p[13]*p[26] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[22] + p[12]*p[12]*p[31] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[17] - p[12]*p[14]*p[26] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[22] + p[13]*p[13]*p[31] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[20] - p[13]*p[14]*p[29];
+ coeff[130] = (-p[7]*p[9] + p[8]*p[10] + p[11]*p[13] - p[12]*p[14])*p[15];
+ coeff[131] = p[7]*p[8]*p[19] - p[7]*p[9]*p[16] + p[8]*p[10]*p[16] + p[9]*p[10]*p[19] - p[11]*p[12]*p[19] + p[11]*p[13]*p[16] - p[12]*p[14]*p[16] - p[13]*p[14]*p[19];
+ coeff[132] = p[7]*p[8]*p[20] - p[7]*p[9]*p[17] - p[8]*p[8]*p[22] + p[8]*p[10]*p[17] - p[9]*p[9]*p[22] + p[9]*p[10]*p[20] - p[11]*p[12]*p[20] + p[11]*p[13]*p[17] + p[12]*p[12]*p[22] - p[12]*p[14]*p[17] + p[13]*p[13]*p[22] - p[13]*p[14]*p[20];
+ coeff[133] = 2*(-p[7]*p[11]*p[23] + p[7]*p[11]*p[32] - p[7]*p[12]*p[21] + p[7]*p[12]*p[30] + p[7]*p[13]*p[18] - p[7]*p[13]*p[27] - p[8]*p[11]*p[21] + p[8]*p[11]*p[30] + p[8]*p[12]*p[23] - p[8]*p[12]*p[32] - p[8]*p[14]*p[18] + p[8]*p[14]*p[27] + p[9]*p[11]*p[18] - p[9]*p[11]*p[27] + p[9]*p[13]*p[23] - p[9]*p[13]*p[32] - p[9]*p[14]*p[21] + p[9]*p[14]*p[30] - p[10]*p[12]*p[18] + p[10]*p[12]*p[27] - p[10]*p[13]*p[21] + p[10]*p[13]*p[30] - p[10]*p[14]*p[23] + p[10]*p[14]*p[32])*p[0];
+ coeff[134] = 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[24] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[24] + 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[24] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[24] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[15] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[24] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[15] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[24] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[24] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[24];
+ coeff[135] = -4*p[0]*p[7]*p[12]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[12]*p[28] + 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[25] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[11]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[11]*p[28] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[25] + 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[25] - 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[14]*p[28] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[25] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[13]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[13]*p[28] + 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[28] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[16] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[25] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[16] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[25] + 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[19] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[28] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[19] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[28] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[25] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[25] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[28];
+ coeff[136] = -4*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[31] - 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[12]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[12]*p[29] + 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[26] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[11]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[11]*p[29] + 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[31] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[26] + 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[26] + 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[31] - 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[14]*p[29] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[26] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[13]*p[29] - 4*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[31] + 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[20] - 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[29] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[17] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[26] - 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[22] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[31] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[17] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[26] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[22] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[31] + 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[20] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[29] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[20] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[29] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[26] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[22] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[31] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[17] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[26] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[31] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[29];
+ coeff[137] = -2*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[15] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[15] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[24] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[15] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[24] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[24] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[24];
+ coeff[138] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[11]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[13]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[19] + 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[28] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[16] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[25] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[16] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[25] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[19] + 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[28] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[28] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[25] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[25] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[28];
+ coeff[139] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[11]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[11]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[11]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[13]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[12]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[10]*p[14]*p[22] - 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[20] + 2*p[7]*p[8]*p[29] + 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[17] - 2*p[7]*p[9]*p[26] + 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[22] - 2*p[8]*p[8]*p[31] - 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[17] + 2*p[8]*p[10]*p[26] + 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[22] - 2*p[9]*p[9]*p[31] - 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[20] + 2*p[9]*p[10]*p[29] + 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[11]*p[12]*p[29] - 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[11]*p[13]*p[26] - 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[12]*p[12]*p[31] + 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[12]*p[14]*p[26] - 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[22] + 2*p[13]*p[13]*p[31] + 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[13]*p[14]*p[29];
+ coeff[140] = 0;
+ coeff[141] = 2*(-p[7]*p[13]*p[15] + p[7]*p[13]*p[24] + p[8]*p[14]*p[15] - p[8]*p[14]*p[24] - p[9]*p[11]*p[15] + p[9]*p[11]*p[24] + p[10]*p[12]*p[15] - p[10]*p[12]*p[24])*p[0];
+ coeff[142] = 2*(p[7]*p[12]*p[19] - p[7]*p[12]*p[28] - p[7]*p[13]*p[16] + p[7]*p[13]*p[25] + p[8]*p[11]*p[19] - p[8]*p[11]*p[28] + p[8]*p[14]*p[16] - p[8]*p[14]*p[25] - p[9]*p[11]*p[16] + p[9]*p[11]*p[25] + p[9]*p[14]*p[19] - p[9]*p[14]*p[28] + p[10]*p[12]*p[16] - p[10]*p[12]*p[25] + p[10]*p[13]*p[19] - p[10]*p[13]*p[28])*p[0];
+ coeff[143] = 2*(p[7]*p[11]*p[22] - p[7]*p[11]*p[31] + p[7]*p[12]*p[20] - p[7]*p[12]*p[29] - p[7]*p[13]*p[17] + p[7]*p[13]*p[26] + p[8]*p[11]*p[20] - p[8]*p[11]*p[29] - p[8]*p[12]*p[22] + p[8]*p[12]*p[31] + p[8]*p[14]*p[17] - p[8]*p[14]*p[26] - p[9]*p[11]*p[17] + p[9]*p[11]*p[26] - p[9]*p[13]*p[22] + p[9]*p[13]*p[31] + p[9]*p[14]*p[20] - p[9]*p[14]*p[29] + p[10]*p[12]*p[17] - p[10]*p[12]*p[26] + p[10]*p[13]*p[20] - p[10]*p[13]*p[29] + p[10]*p[14]*p[22] - p[10]*p[14]*p[31])*p[0];
+ coeff[144] = 2*(p[7]*p[13]*p[15] - p[7]*p[13]*p[24] - p[8]*p[14]*p[15] + p[8]*p[14]*p[24] + p[9]*p[11]*p[15] - p[9]*p[11]*p[24] - p[10]*p[12]*p[15] + p[10]*p[12]*p[24])*p[0];
+ coeff[145] = 2*(-p[7]*p[12]*p[19] + p[7]*p[12]*p[28] + p[7]*p[13]*p[16] - p[7]*p[13]*p[25] - p[8]*p[11]*p[19] + p[8]*p[11]*p[28] - p[8]*p[14]*p[16] + p[8]*p[14]*p[25] + p[9]*p[11]*p[16] - p[9]*p[11]*p[25] - p[9]*p[14]*p[19] + p[9]*p[14]*p[28] - p[10]*p[12]*p[16] + p[10]*p[12]*p[25] - p[10]*p[13]*p[19] + p[10]*p[13]*p[28])*p[0];
+ coeff[146] = 2*(-p[7]*p[11]*p[22] + p[7]*p[11]*p[31] - p[7]*p[12]*p[20] + p[7]*p[12]*p[29] + p[7]*p[13]*p[17] - p[7]*p[13]*p[26] - p[8]*p[11]*p[20] + p[8]*p[11]*p[29] + p[8]*p[12]*p[22] - p[8]*p[12]*p[31] - p[8]*p[14]*p[17] + p[8]*p[14]*p[26] + p[9]*p[11]*p[17] - p[9]*p[11]*p[26] + p[9]*p[13]*p[22] - p[9]*p[13]*p[31] - p[9]*p[14]*p[20] + p[9]*p[14]*p[29] - p[10]*p[12]*p[17] + p[10]*p[12]*p[26] - p[10]*p[13]*p[20] + p[10]*p[13]*p[29] - p[10]*p[14]*p[22] + p[10]*p[14]*p[31])*p[0];
+ coeff[147] = -2*p[0]*p[7]*p[8]*p[21] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[18] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[8]*p[23] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[18] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[23] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[10]*p[21] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[12]*p[21] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[18] - 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[12]*p[23] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[18] - 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[23] + 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[14]*p[21] - p[7]*p[11]*p[23] + p[7]*p[11]*p[32] - p[7]*p[12]*p[21] + p[7]*p[12]*p[30] + p[7]*p[13]*p[18] - p[7]*p[13]*p[27] - p[8]*p[11]*p[21] + p[8]*p[11]*p[30] + p[8]*p[12]*p[23] - p[8]*p[12]*p[32] - p[8]*p[14]*p[18] + p[8]*p[14]*p[27] + p[9]*p[11]*p[18] - p[9]*p[11]*p[27] + p[9]*p[13]*p[23] - p[9]*p[13]*p[32] - p[9]*p[14]*p[21] + p[9]*p[14]*p[30] - p[10]*p[12]*p[18] + p[10]*p[12]*p[27] - p[10]*p[13]*p[21] + p[10]*p[13]*p[30] - p[10]*p[14]*p[23] + p[10]*p[14]*p[32];
+ coeff[148] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[15] - p[7]*p[13]*p[24] - 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[15] + p[8]*p[14]*p[24] + 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[15] - p[9]*p[11]*p[24] - 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[15] + p[10]*p[12]*p[24];
+ coeff[149] = -2*p[0]*p[7]*p[8]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[10]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[19] + p[7]*p[12]*p[28] + 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[16] - p[7]*p[13]*p[25] - 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[19] + p[8]*p[11]*p[28] - 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[16] + p[8]*p[14]*p[25] + 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[16] - p[9]*p[11]*p[25] - 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[19] + p[9]*p[14]*p[28] - 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[16] + p[10]*p[12]*p[25] - 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[19] + p[10]*p[13]*p[28];
+ coeff[150] = -2*p[0]*p[7]*p[8]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[8]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[10]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[22] + p[7]*p[11]*p[31] - 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[20] + p[7]*p[12]*p[29] + 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[17] - p[7]*p[13]*p[26] - 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[20] + p[8]*p[11]*p[29] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[22] - p[8]*p[12]*p[31] - 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[17] + p[8]*p[14]*p[26] + 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[17] - p[9]*p[11]*p[26] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[22] - p[9]*p[13]*p[31] - 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[20] + p[9]*p[14]*p[29] - 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[17] + p[10]*p[12]*p[26] - 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[20] + p[10]*p[13]*p[29] - 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[22] + p[10]*p[14]*p[31];
+ coeff[151] = (-p[7]*p[13] + p[8]*p[14] - p[9]*p[11] + p[10]*p[12])*p[15];
+ coeff[152] = p[7]*p[12]*p[19] - p[7]*p[13]*p[16] + p[8]*p[11]*p[19] + p[8]*p[14]*p[16] - p[9]*p[11]*p[16] + p[9]*p[14]*p[19] + p[10]*p[12]*p[16] + p[10]*p[13]*p[19];
+ coeff[153] = p[7]*p[11]*p[22] + p[7]*p[12]*p[20] - p[7]*p[13]*p[17] + p[8]*p[11]*p[20] - p[8]*p[12]*p[22] + p[8]*p[14]*p[17] - p[9]*p[11]*p[17] - p[9]*p[13]*p[22] + p[9]*p[14]*p[20] + p[10]*p[12]*p[17] + p[10]*p[13]*p[20] + p[10]*p[14]*p[22];
+ coeff[154] = 2*(p[7]*p[8]*p[21] - p[7]*p[8]*p[30] - p[7]*p[9]*p[18] + p[7]*p[9]*p[27] - p[8]*p[8]*p[23] + p[8]*p[8]*p[32] + p[8]*p[10]*p[18] - p[8]*p[10]*p[27] - p[9]*p[9]*p[23] + p[9]*p[9]*p[32] + p[9]*p[10]*p[21] - p[9]*p[10]*p[30] - p[11]*p[12]*p[21] + p[11]*p[12]*p[30] + p[11]*p[13]*p[18] - p[11]*p[13]*p[27] + p[12]*p[12]*p[23] - p[12]*p[12]*p[32] - p[12]*p[14]*p[18] + p[12]*p[14]*p[27] + p[13]*p[13]*p[23] - p[13]*p[13]*p[32] - p[13]*p[14]*p[21] + p[13]*p[14]*p[30])*p[0];
+ coeff[155] = -4*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[24] + 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[24] + 4*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[24] - 4*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[24] - 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[24] + 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[15] - 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[24] - 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[15] + 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[24] + 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[15] - 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[24];
+ coeff[156] = 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[8]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[8]*p[28] - 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[25] + 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[25] + 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[10]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[10]*p[28] - 4*p[0]*p[11]*p[12]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[12]*p[28] + 4*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[25] - 4*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[25] - 4*p[0]*p[13]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[14]*p[28] + 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[28] - 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[25] + 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[19] - 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[28] + 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[16] - 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[25] - 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[16] + 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[25] + 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[28] + 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[16] - 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[25] + 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[19] - 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[28];
+ coeff[157] = 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[8]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[8]*p[29] - 4*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[26] - 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[8]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[8]*p[31] + 4*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[26] - 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[31] + 4*p[0]*p[9]*p[10]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[10]*p[29] - 4*p[0]*p[11]*p[12]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[12]*p[29] + 4*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[26] + 4*p[0]*p[12]*p[12]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[12]*p[31] - 4*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[26] + 4*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[31] - 4*p[0]*p[13]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[14]*p[29] + 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[22] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[31] + 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[29] - 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[17] + 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[26] + 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[20] - 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[29] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[31] + 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[26] - 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[17] + 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[26] - 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[22] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[31] + 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[29] + 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[17] - 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[26] + 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[20] - 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[29] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[22] - 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[31];
+ coeff[158] = 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[15] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[15] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[15] - 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[24] - 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[15] + 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[24] + 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[15] - 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[24] - 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[15] + 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[24];
+ coeff[159] = -2*p[0]*p[7]*p[8]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[16] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[10]*p[19] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[12]*p[19] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[14]*p[19] - 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[19] + 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[28] + 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[16] - 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[25] - 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[19] + 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[28] - 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[16] + 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[25] + 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[16] - 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[25] - 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[19] + 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[28] - 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[16] + 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[25] - 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[19] + 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[28];
+ coeff[160] = -2*p[0]*p[7]*p[8]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[7]*p[9]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[8]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[8]*p[10]*p[17] + 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[9]*p[22] - 2*p[0]*p[9]*p[10]*p[20] + 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[12]*p[20] - 2*p[0]*p[11]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[12]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[12]*p[14]*p[17] - 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[13]*p[22] + 2*p[0]*p[13]*p[14]*p[20] - 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[22] + 2*p[7]*p[11]*p[31] - 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[20] + 2*p[7]*p[12]*p[29] + 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[17] - 2*p[7]*p[13]*p[26] - 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[20] + 2*p[8]*p[11]*p[29] + 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[22] - 2*p[8]*p[12]*p[31] - 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[17] + 2*p[8]*p[14]*p[26] + 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[17] - 2*p[9]*p[11]*p[26] + 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[22] - 2*p[9]*p[13]*p[31] - 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[20] + 2*p[9]*p[14]*p[29] - 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[17] + 2*p[10]*p[12]*p[26] - 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[20] + 2*p[10]*p[13]*p[29] - 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[22] + 2*p[10]*p[14]*p[31];
+ coeff[161] = 0;
+ coeff[162] = 2*(p[7]*p[9]*p[15] - p[7]*p[9]*p[24] - p[8]*p[10]*p[15] + p[8]*p[10]*p[24] - p[11]*p[13]*p[15] + p[11]*p[13]*p[24] + p[12]*p[14]*p[15] - p[12]*p[14]*p[24])*p[0];
+ coeff[163] = 2*(-p[7]*p[8]*p[19] + p[7]*p[8]*p[28] + p[7]*p[9]*p[16] - p[7]*p[9]*p[25] - p[8]*p[10]*p[16] + p[8]*p[10]*p[25] - p[9]*p[10]*p[19] + p[9]*p[10]*p[28] + p[11]*p[12]*p[19] - p[11]*p[12]*p[28] - p[11]*p[13]*p[16] + p[11]*p[13]*p[25] + p[12]*p[14]*p[16] - p[12]*p[14]*p[25] + p[13]*p[14]*p[19] - p[13]*p[14]*p[28])*p[0];
+ coeff[164] = 2*(-p[7]*p[8]*p[20] + p[7]*p[8]*p[29] + p[7]*p[9]*p[17] - p[7]*p[9]*p[26] + p[8]*p[8]*p[22] - p[8]*p[8]*p[31] - p[8]*p[10]*p[17] + p[8]*p[10]*p[26] + p[9]*p[9]*p[22] - p[9]*p[9]*p[31] - p[9]*p[10]*p[20] + p[9]*p[10]*p[29] + p[11]*p[12]*p[20] - p[11]*p[12]*p[29] - p[11]*p[13]*p[17] + p[11]*p[13]*p[26] - p[12]*p[12]*p[22] + p[12]*p[12]*p[31] + p[12]*p[14]*p[17] - p[12]*p[14]*p[26] - p[13]*p[13]*p[22] + p[13]*p[13]*p[31] + p[13]*p[14]*p[20] - p[13]*p[14]*p[29])*p[0];
+ coeff[165] = 2*(-p[7]*p[9]*p[15] + p[7]*p[9]*p[24] + p[8]*p[10]*p[15] - p[8]*p[10]*p[24] + p[11]*p[13]*p[15] - p[11]*p[13]*p[24] - p[12]*p[14]*p[15] + p[12]*p[14]*p[24])*p[0];
+ coeff[166] = 2*(p[7]*p[8]*p[19] - p[7]*p[8]*p[28] - p[7]*p[9]*p[16] + p[7]*p[9]*p[25] + p[8]*p[10]*p[16] - p[8]*p[10]*p[25] + p[9]*p[10]*p[19] - p[9]*p[10]*p[28] - p[11]*p[12]*p[19] + p[11]*p[12]*p[28] + p[11]*p[13]*p[16] - p[11]*p[13]*p[25] - p[12]*p[14]*p[16] + p[12]*p[14]*p[25] - p[13]*p[14]*p[19] + p[13]*p[14]*p[28])*p[0];
+ coeff[167] = 2*(p[7]*p[8]*p[20] - p[7]*p[8]*p[29] - p[7]*p[9]*p[17] + p[7]*p[9]*p[26] - p[8]*p[8]*p[22] + p[8]*p[8]*p[31] + p[8]*p[10]*p[17] - p[8]*p[10]*p[26] - p[9]*p[9]*p[22] + p[9]*p[9]*p[31] + p[9]*p[10]*p[20] - p[9]*p[10]*p[29] - p[11]*p[12]*p[20] + p[11]*p[12]*p[29] + p[11]*p[13]*p[17] - p[11]*p[13]*p[26] + p[12]*p[12]*p[22] - p[12]*p[12]*p[31] - p[12]*p[14]*p[17] + p[12]*p[14]*p[26] + p[13]*p[13]*p[22] - p[13]*p[13]*p[31] - p[13]*p[14]*p[20] + p[13]*p[14]*p[29])*p[0];
+} // namespace embree
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/point_query.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/point_query.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7d55c91fff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/point_query.h
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+namespace embree
+ /* Point query structure for closest point query */
+ template<int K>
+ struct RTC_ALIGN(16) PointQueryK
+ {
+ /* Default construction does nothing */
+ __forceinline PointQueryK() {}
+ /* Constructs a ray from origin, direction, and ray segment. Near
+ * has to be smaller than far */
+ __forceinline PointQueryK(const Vec3vf<K>& p, const vfloat<K>& radius = inf, const vfloat<K>& time = zero)
+ : p(p), time(time), radius(radius) {}
+ /* Returns the size of the ray */
+ static __forceinline size_t size() { return K; }
+ /* Calculates if this is a valid ray that does not cause issues during traversal */
+ __forceinline vbool<K> valid() const
+ {
+ const vbool<K> vx = (abs(p.x) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE));
+ const vbool<K> vy = (abs(p.y) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE));
+ const vbool<K> vz = (abs(p.z) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE));
+ const vbool<K> vn = radius >= vfloat<K>(0);
+ const vbool<K> vf = abs(time) < vfloat<K>(inf);
+ return vx & vy & vz & vn & vf;
+ }
+ __forceinline void get(PointQueryK<1>* ray) const;
+ __forceinline void get(size_t i, PointQueryK<1>& ray) const;
+ __forceinline void set(const PointQueryK<1>* ray);
+ __forceinline void set(size_t i, const PointQueryK<1>& ray);
+ Vec3vf<K> p; // location of the query point
+ vfloat<K> time; // time for motion blur
+ vfloat<K> radius; // radius for the point query
+ };
+ /* Specialization for a single point query */
+ template<>
+ struct RTC_ALIGN(16) PointQueryK<1>
+ {
+ /* Default construction does nothing */
+ __forceinline PointQueryK() {}
+ /* Constructs a ray from origin, direction, and ray segment. Near
+ * has to be smaller than far */
+ __forceinline PointQueryK(const Vec3fa& p, float radius = inf, float time = zero)
+ : p(p), time(time), radius(radius) {}
+ /* Calculates if this is a valid ray that does not cause issues during traversal */
+ __forceinline bool valid() const {
+ return all(le_mask(abs(Vec3fa(p)), Vec3fa(FLT_LARGE)) & le_mask(Vec3fa(0.f), Vec3fa(radius))) && abs(time) < float(inf);
+ }
+ Vec3f p;
+ float time;
+ float radius;
+ };
+ /* Converts point query packet to single point query */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void PointQueryK<K>::get(PointQueryK<1>* query) const
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < K; i++) // FIXME: use SIMD transpose
+ {
+ query[i].p.x = p.x[i];
+ query[i].p.y = p.y[i];
+ query[i].p.z = p.z[i];
+ query[i].time = time[i];
+ query[i].radius = radius[i];
+ }
+ }
+ /* Extracts a single point query out of a point query packet*/
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void PointQueryK<K>::get(size_t i, PointQueryK<1>& query) const
+ {
+ query.p.x = p.x[i];
+ query.p.y = p.y[i];
+ query.p.z = p.z[i];
+ query.radius = radius[i];
+ query.time = time[i];
+ }
+ /* Converts single point query to point query packet */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void PointQueryK<K>::set(const PointQueryK<1>* query)
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < K; i++)
+ {
+ p.x[i] = query[i].p.x;
+ p.y[i] = query[i].p.y;
+ p.z[i] = query[i].p.z;
+ radius[i] = query[i].radius;
+ time[i] = query[i].time;
+ }
+ }
+ /* inserts a single point query into a point query packet element */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void PointQueryK<K>::set(size_t i, const PointQueryK<1>& query)
+ {
+ p.x[i] = query.p.x;
+ p.y[i] = query.p.y;
+ p.z[i] = query.p.z;
+ radius[i] = query.radius;
+ time[i] = query.time;
+ }
+ /* Shortcuts */
+ typedef PointQueryK<1> PointQuery;
+ typedef PointQueryK<4> PointQuery4;
+ typedef PointQueryK<8> PointQuery8;
+ typedef PointQueryK<16> PointQuery16;
+ struct PointQueryN;
+ /* Outputs point query to stream */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline embree_ostream operator <<(embree_ostream cout, const PointQueryK<K>& query)
+ {
+ cout << "{ " << embree_endl
+ << " p = " << query.p << embree_endl
+ << " r = " << query.radius << embree_endl
+ << " time = " << query.time << embree_endl
+ << "}";
+ return cout;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/primref.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/primref.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d61763487b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/primref.h
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! A primitive reference stores the bounds of the primitive and its ID. */
+ struct __aligned(32) PrimRef
+ {
+ __forceinline PrimRef () {}
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ __forceinline PrimRef(const PrimRef& v) {
+ vfloat8::store((float*)this,vfloat8::load((float*)&v));
+ }
+ __forceinline PrimRef& operator=(const PrimRef& v) {
+ vfloat8::store((float*)this,vfloat8::load((float*)&v)); return *this;
+ }
+ __forceinline PrimRef (const BBox3fa& bounds, unsigned int geomID, unsigned int primID)
+ {
+ lower = Vec3fx(bounds.lower, geomID);
+ upper = Vec3fx(bounds.upper, primID);
+ }
+ __forceinline PrimRef (const BBox3fa& bounds, size_t id)
+ {
+#if defined(__64BIT__)
+ lower = Vec3fx(bounds.lower, (unsigned)(id & 0xFFFFFFFF));
+ upper = Vec3fx(bounds.upper, (unsigned)((id >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF));
+ lower = Vec3fx(bounds.lower, (unsigned)id);
+ upper = Vec3fx(bounds.upper, (unsigned)0);
+ }
+ /*! calculates twice the center of the primitive */
+ __forceinline const Vec3fa center2() const {
+ return lower+upper;
+ }
+ /*! return the bounding box of the primitive */
+ __forceinline const BBox3fa bounds() const {
+ return BBox3fa(lower,upper);
+ }
+ /*! size for bin heuristic is 1 */
+ __forceinline unsigned size() const {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ /*! returns bounds and centroid used for binning */
+ __forceinline void binBoundsAndCenter(BBox3fa& bounds_o, Vec3fa& center_o) const
+ {
+ bounds_o = bounds();
+ center_o = embree::center2(bounds_o);
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned& geomIDref() { // FIXME: remove !!!!!!!
+ return lower.u;
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned& primIDref() { // FIXME: remove !!!!!!!
+ return upper.u;
+ }
+ /*! returns the geometry ID */
+ __forceinline unsigned geomID() const {
+ return lower.a;
+ }
+ /*! returns the primitive ID */
+ __forceinline unsigned primID() const {
+ return upper.a;
+ }
+ /*! returns an size_t sized ID */
+ __forceinline size_t ID() const {
+#if defined(__64BIT__)
+ return size_t(lower.u) + (size_t(upper.u) << 32);
+ return size_t(lower.u);
+ }
+ /*! special function for operator< */
+ __forceinline uint64_t ID64() const {
+ return (((uint64_t)primID()) << 32) + (uint64_t)geomID();
+ }
+ /*! allows sorting the primrefs by ID */
+ friend __forceinline bool operator<(const PrimRef& p0, const PrimRef& p1) {
+ return p0.ID64() < p1.ID64();
+ }
+ /*! Outputs primitive reference to a stream. */
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const PrimRef& ref) {
+ return cout << "{ lower = " << ref.lower << ", upper = " << ref.upper << ", geomID = " << ref.geomID() << ", primID = " << ref.primID() << " }";
+ }
+ public:
+ Vec3fx lower; //!< lower bounds and geomID
+ Vec3fx upper; //!< upper bounds and primID
+ };
+ /*! fast exchange for PrimRefs */
+ __forceinline void xchg(PrimRef& a, PrimRef& b)
+ {
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ const vfloat8 aa = vfloat8::load((float*)&a);
+ const vfloat8 bb = vfloat8::load((float*)&b);
+ vfloat8::store((float*)&a,bb);
+ vfloat8::store((float*)&b,aa);
+ std::swap(a,b);
+ }
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ /************************************************************************************/
+ struct SubGridBuildData {
+ unsigned short sx,sy;
+ unsigned int primID;
+ __forceinline SubGridBuildData() {};
+ __forceinline SubGridBuildData(const unsigned int sx, const unsigned int sy, const unsigned int primID) : sx(sx), sy(sy), primID(primID) {};
+ __forceinline size_t x() const { return (size_t)sx & 0x7fff; }
+ __forceinline size_t y() const { return (size_t)sy & 0x7fff; }
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/primref_mb.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/primref_mb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb08a05003
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/primref_mb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,262 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+#define MBLUR_BIN_LBBOX 1
+namespace embree
+ /*! A primitive reference stores the bounds of the primitive and its ID. */
+ struct PrimRefMB
+ {
+ typedef LBBox3fa BBox;
+ __forceinline PrimRefMB () {}
+ __forceinline PrimRefMB (const LBBox3fa& lbounds_i, unsigned int activeTimeSegments, BBox1f time_range, unsigned int totalTimeSegments, unsigned int geomID, unsigned int primID)
+ : lbounds((LBBox3fx)lbounds_i), time_range(time_range)
+ {
+ assert(activeTimeSegments > 0);
+ lbounds.bounds0.lower.a = geomID;
+ lbounds.bounds0.upper.a = primID;
+ lbounds.bounds1.lower.a = activeTimeSegments;
+ lbounds.bounds1.upper.a = totalTimeSegments;
+ }
+ __forceinline PrimRefMB (EmptyTy empty, const LBBox3fa& lbounds_i, unsigned int activeTimeSegments, BBox1f time_range, unsigned int totalTimeSegments, size_t id)
+ : lbounds((LBBox3fx)lbounds_i), time_range(time_range)
+ {
+ assert(activeTimeSegments > 0);
+#if defined(__64BIT__)
+ lbounds.bounds0.lower.a = id & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ lbounds.bounds0.upper.a = (id >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ lbounds.bounds0.lower.a = id;
+ lbounds.bounds0.upper.a = 0;
+ lbounds.bounds1.lower.a = activeTimeSegments;
+ lbounds.bounds1.upper.a = totalTimeSegments;
+ }
+ __forceinline PrimRefMB (const LBBox3fa& lbounds_i, unsigned int activeTimeSegments, BBox1f time_range, unsigned int totalTimeSegments, size_t id)
+ : lbounds((LBBox3fx)lbounds_i), time_range(time_range)
+ {
+ assert(activeTimeSegments > 0);
+#if defined(__64BIT__)
+ lbounds.bounds0.lower.u = id & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ lbounds.bounds0.upper.u = (id >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ lbounds.bounds0.lower.u = id;
+ lbounds.bounds0.upper.u = 0;
+ lbounds.bounds1.lower.a = activeTimeSegments;
+ lbounds.bounds1.upper.a = totalTimeSegments;
+ }
+ /*! returns bounds for binning */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa bounds() const {
+ return lbounds;
+ }
+ /*! returns the number of time segments of this primref */
+ __forceinline unsigned size() const {
+ return lbounds.bounds1.lower.a;
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned totalTimeSegments() const {
+ return lbounds.bounds1.upper.a;
+ }
+ /* calculate overlapping time segment range */
+ __forceinline range<int> timeSegmentRange(const BBox1f& range) const {
+ return getTimeSegmentRange(range,time_range,float(totalTimeSegments()));
+ }
+ /* returns time that corresponds to time step */
+ __forceinline float timeStep(const int i) const {
+ assert(i>=0 && i<=(int)totalTimeSegments());
+ return time_range.lower + time_range.size()*float(i)/float(totalTimeSegments());
+ }
+ /*! checks if time range overlaps */
+ __forceinline bool time_range_overlap(const BBox1f& range) const
+ {
+ if (0.9999f*time_range.upper <= range.lower) return false;
+ if (1.0001f*time_range.lower >= range.upper) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! returns center for binning */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa binCenter() const {
+ return center2(lbounds.interpolate(0.5f));
+ }
+ /*! returns bounds and centroid used for binning */
+ __forceinline void binBoundsAndCenter(LBBox3fa& bounds_o, Vec3fa& center_o) const
+ {
+ bounds_o = bounds();
+ center_o = binCenter();
+ }
+ /*! returns the geometry ID */
+ __forceinline unsigned geomID() const {
+ return lbounds.bounds0.lower.a;
+ }
+ /*! returns the primitive ID */
+ __forceinline unsigned primID() const {
+ return lbounds.bounds0.upper.a;
+ }
+ /*! returns an size_t sized ID */
+ __forceinline size_t ID() const {
+#if defined(__64BIT__)
+ return size_t(lbounds.bounds0.lower.u) + (size_t(lbounds.bounds0.upper.u) << 32);
+ return size_t(lbounds.bounds0.lower.u);
+ }
+ /*! special function for operator< */
+ __forceinline uint64_t ID64() const {
+ return (((uint64_t)primID()) << 32) + (uint64_t)geomID();
+ }
+ /*! allows sorting the primrefs by ID */
+ friend __forceinline bool operator<(const PrimRefMB& p0, const PrimRefMB& p1) {
+ return p0.ID64() < p1.ID64();
+ }
+ /*! Outputs primitive reference to a stream. */
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const PrimRefMB& ref) {
+ return cout << "{ time_range = " << ref.time_range << ", bounds = " << ref.bounds() << ", geomID = " << ref.geomID() << ", primID = " << ref.primID() << ", active_segments = " << ref.size() << ", total_segments = " << ref.totalTimeSegments() << " }";
+ }
+ public:
+ LBBox3fx lbounds;
+ BBox1f time_range; // entire geometry time range
+ };
+ /*! A primitive reference stores the bounds of the primitive and its ID. */
+ struct __aligned(16) PrimRefMB
+ {
+ typedef BBox3fa BBox;
+ __forceinline PrimRefMB () {}
+ __forceinline PrimRefMB (const LBBox3fa& bounds, unsigned int activeTimeSegments, BBox1f time_range, unsigned int totalTimeSegments, unsigned int geomID, unsigned int primID)
+ : bbox(bounds.interpolate(0.5f)), _activeTimeSegments(activeTimeSegments), _totalTimeSegments(totalTimeSegments), time_range(time_range)
+ {
+ assert(activeTimeSegments > 0);
+ bbox.lower.a = geomID;
+ bbox.upper.a = primID;
+ }
+ __forceinline PrimRefMB (EmptyTy empty, const LBBox3fa& bounds, unsigned int activeTimeSegments, BBox1f time_range, unsigned int totalTimeSegments, size_t id)
+ : bbox(bounds.interpolate(0.5f)), _activeTimeSegments(activeTimeSegments), _totalTimeSegments(totalTimeSegments), time_range(time_range)
+ {
+ assert(activeTimeSegments > 0);
+#if defined(__64BIT__)
+ bbox.lower.u = id & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ bbox.upper.u = (id >> 32) & 0xFFFFFFFF;
+ bbox.lower.u = id;
+ bbox.upper.u = 0;
+ }
+ /*! returns bounds for binning */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds() const {
+ return bbox;
+ }
+ /*! returns the number of time segments of this primref */
+ __forceinline unsigned int size() const {
+ return _activeTimeSegments;
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int totalTimeSegments() const {
+ return _totalTimeSegments;
+ }
+ /* calculate overlapping time segment range */
+ __forceinline range<int> timeSegmentRange(const BBox1f& range) const {
+ return getTimeSegmentRange(range,time_range,float(_totalTimeSegments));
+ }
+ /* returns time that corresponds to time step */
+ __forceinline float timeStep(const int i) const {
+ assert(i>=0 && i<=(int)_totalTimeSegments);
+ return time_range.lower + time_range.size()*float(i)/float(_totalTimeSegments);
+ }
+ /*! checks if time range overlaps */
+ __forceinline bool time_range_overlap(const BBox1f& range) const
+ {
+ if (0.9999f*time_range.upper <= range.lower) return false;
+ if (1.0001f*time_range.lower >= range.upper) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! returns center for binning */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa binCenter() const {
+ return center2(bounds());
+ }
+ /*! returns bounds and centroid used for binning */
+ __forceinline void binBoundsAndCenter(BBox3fa& bounds_o, Vec3fa& center_o) const
+ {
+ bounds_o = bounds();
+ center_o = center2(bounds());
+ }
+ /*! returns the geometry ID */
+ __forceinline unsigned int geomID() const {
+ return bbox.lower.a;
+ }
+ /*! returns the primitive ID */
+ __forceinline unsigned int primID() const {
+ return bbox.upper.a;
+ }
+ /*! returns an size_t sized ID */
+ __forceinline size_t ID() const {
+#if defined(__64BIT__)
+ return size_t(bbox.lower.u) + (size_t(bbox.upper.u) << 32);
+ return size_t(bbox.lower.u);
+ }
+ /*! special function for operator< */
+ __forceinline uint64_t ID64() const {
+ return (((uint64_t)primID()) << 32) + (uint64_t)geomID();
+ }
+ /*! allows sorting the primrefs by ID */
+ friend __forceinline bool operator<(const PrimRefMB& p0, const PrimRefMB& p1) {
+ return p0.ID64() < p1.ID64();
+ }
+ /*! Outputs primitive reference to a stream. */
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const PrimRefMB& ref) {
+ return cout << "{ bounds = " << ref.bounds() << ", geomID = " << ref.geomID() << ", primID = " << ref.primID() << ", active_segments = " << ref.size() << ", total_segments = " << ref.totalTimeSegments() << " }";
+ }
+ public:
+ BBox3fa bbox; // bounds, geomID, primID
+ unsigned int _activeTimeSegments;
+ unsigned int _totalTimeSegments;
+ BBox1f time_range; // entire geometry time range
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/profile.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/profile.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ef7f6ec0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/profile.h
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! helper structure for the implementation of the profile functions below */
+ struct ProfileTimer
+ {
+ static const size_t N = 20;
+ ProfileTimer () {}
+ ProfileTimer (const size_t numSkip) : i(0), j(0), maxJ(0), numSkip(numSkip), t0(0)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) names[i] = nullptr;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) dt_fst[i] = 0.0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) dt_min[i] = pos_inf;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) dt_avg[i] = 0.0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) dt_max[i] = neg_inf;
+ }
+ __forceinline void begin()
+ {
+ j=0;
+ t0 = tj = getSeconds();
+ }
+ __forceinline void end() {
+ absolute("total");
+ i++;
+ }
+ __forceinline void operator() (const char* name) {
+ relative(name);
+ }
+ __forceinline void absolute (const char* name)
+ {
+ const double t1 = getSeconds();
+ const double dt = t1-t0;
+ assert(names[j] == nullptr || names[j] == name);
+ names[j] = name;
+ if (i == 0) dt_fst[j] = dt;
+ if (i>=numSkip) {
+ dt_min[j] = min(dt_min[j],dt);
+ dt_avg[j] = dt_avg[j] + dt;
+ dt_max[j] = max(dt_max[j],dt);
+ }
+ j++;
+ maxJ = max(maxJ,j);
+ }
+ __forceinline void relative (const char* name)
+ {
+ const double t1 = getSeconds();
+ const double dt = t1-tj;
+ tj = t1;
+ assert(names[j] == nullptr || names[j] == name);
+ names[j] = name;
+ if (i == 0) dt_fst[j] = dt;
+ if (i>=numSkip) {
+ dt_min[j] = min(dt_min[j],dt);
+ dt_avg[j] = dt_avg[j] + dt;
+ dt_max[j] = max(dt_max[j],dt);
+ }
+ j++;
+ maxJ = max(maxJ,j);
+ }
+ void print(size_t numElements)
+ {
+ for (size_t k=0; k<N; k++)
+ dt_avg[k] /= double(i-numSkip);
+ printf(" profile [M/s]:\n");
+ for (size_t j=0; j<maxJ; j++)
+ printf("%20s: fst = %7.2f M/s, min = %7.2f M/s, avg = %7.2f M/s, max = %7.2f M/s\n",
+ names[j],numElements/dt_fst[j]*1E-6,numElements/dt_max[j]*1E-6,numElements/dt_avg[j]*1E-6,numElements/dt_min[j]*1E-6);
+ printf(" profile [ms]:\n");
+ for (size_t j=0; j<maxJ; j++)
+ printf("%20s: fst = %7.2f ms, min = %7.2f ms, avg = %7.2f ms, max = %7.2fms\n",
+ names[j],1000.0*dt_fst[j],1000.0*dt_min[j],1000.0*dt_avg[j],1000.0*dt_max[j]);
+ }
+ void print()
+ {
+ printf(" profile:\n");
+ for (size_t k=0; k<N; k++)
+ dt_avg[k] /= double(i-numSkip);
+ for (size_t j=0; j<maxJ; j++) {
+ printf("%20s: fst = %7.2f ms, min = %7.2f ms, avg = %7.2f ms, max = %7.2fms\n",
+ names[j],1000.0*dt_fst[j],1000.0*dt_min[j],1000.0*dt_avg[j],1000.0*dt_max[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ double avg() {
+ return dt_avg[maxJ-1]/double(i-numSkip);
+ }
+ private:
+ size_t i;
+ size_t j;
+ size_t maxJ;
+ size_t numSkip;
+ double t0;
+ double tj;
+ const char* names[N];
+ double dt_fst[N];
+ double dt_min[N];
+ double dt_avg[N];
+ double dt_max[N];
+ };
+ /*! This function executes some code block multiple times and measured sections of it.
+ Use the following way:
+ profile(1,10,1000,[&](ProfileTimer& timer) {
+ // code
+ timer("A");
+ // code
+ timer("B");
+ });
+ */
+ template<typename Closure>
+ void profile(const size_t numSkip, const size_t numIter, const size_t numElements, const Closure& closure)
+ {
+ ProfileTimer timer(numSkip);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numSkip+numIter; i++)
+ {
+ timer.begin();
+ closure(timer);
+ timer.end();
+ }
+ timer.print(numElements);
+ }
+ /*! similar as the function above, but the timer object comes externally */
+ template<typename Closure>
+ void profile(ProfileTimer& timer, const size_t numSkip, const size_t numIter, const size_t numElements, const Closure& closure)
+ {
+ timer = ProfileTimer(numSkip);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numSkip+numIter; i++)
+ {
+ timer.begin();
+ closure(timer);
+ timer.end();
+ }
+ timer.print(numElements);
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/ray.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/ray.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b951cc1e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/ray.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1517 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+#include "instance_stack.h"
+// FIXME: if ray gets seperated into ray* and hit, uload4 needs to be adjusted
+namespace embree
+ static const size_t MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE = 32;
+ /* Ray structure for K rays */
+ template<int K>
+ struct RayK
+ {
+ /* Default construction does nothing */
+ __forceinline RayK() {}
+ /* Constructs a ray from origin, direction, and ray segment. Near
+ * has to be smaller than far */
+ __forceinline RayK(const Vec3vf<K>& org, const Vec3vf<K>& dir,
+ const vfloat<K>& tnear = zero, const vfloat<K>& tfar = inf,
+ const vfloat<K>& time = zero, const vint<K>& mask = -1, const vint<K>& id = 0, const vint<K>& flags = 0)
+ : org(org), dir(dir), _tnear(tnear), tfar(tfar), _time(time), mask(mask), id(id), flags(flags) {}
+ /* Returns the size of the ray */
+ static __forceinline size_t size() { return K; }
+ /* Calculates if this is a valid ray that does not cause issues during traversal */
+ __forceinline vbool<K> valid() const
+ {
+ const vbool<K> vx = (abs(org.x) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE)) & (abs(dir.x) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE));
+ const vbool<K> vy = (abs(org.y) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE)) & (abs(dir.y) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE));
+ const vbool<K> vz = (abs(org.z) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE)) & (abs(dir.z) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE));
+ const vbool<K> vn = abs(tnear()) <= vfloat<K>(inf);
+ const vbool<K> vf = abs(tfar) <= vfloat<K>(inf);
+ return vx & vy & vz & vn & vf;
+ }
+ __forceinline void get(RayK<1>* ray) const;
+ __forceinline void get(size_t i, RayK<1>& ray) const;
+ __forceinline void set(const RayK<1>* ray);
+ __forceinline void set(size_t i, const RayK<1>& ray);
+ __forceinline void copy(size_t dest, size_t source);
+ __forceinline vint<K> octant() const
+ {
+ return select(dir.x < 0.0f, vint<K>(1), vint<K>(zero)) |
+ select(dir.y < 0.0f, vint<K>(2), vint<K>(zero)) |
+ select(dir.z < 0.0f, vint<K>(4), vint<K>(zero));
+ }
+ /* Ray data */
+ Vec3vf<K> org; // ray origin
+ vfloat<K> _tnear; // start of ray segment
+ Vec3vf<K> dir; // ray direction
+ vfloat<K> _time; // time of this ray for motion blur
+ vfloat<K> tfar; // end of ray segment
+ vint<K> mask; // used to mask out objects during traversal
+ vint<K> id;
+ vint<K> flags;
+ __forceinline vfloat<K>& tnear() { return _tnear; }
+ __forceinline vfloat<K>& time() { return _time; }
+ __forceinline const vfloat<K>& tnear() const { return _tnear; }
+ __forceinline const vfloat<K>& time() const { return _time; }
+ };
+ /* Ray+hit structure for K rays */
+ template<int K>
+ struct RayHitK : RayK<K>
+ {
+ using RayK<K>::org;
+ using RayK<K>::_tnear;
+ using RayK<K>::dir;
+ using RayK<K>::_time;
+ using RayK<K>::tfar;
+ using RayK<K>::mask;
+ using RayK<K>::id;
+ using RayK<K>::flags;
+ using RayK<K>::tnear;
+ using RayK<K>::time;
+ /* Default construction does nothing */
+ __forceinline RayHitK() {}
+ /* Constructs a ray from origin, direction, and ray segment. Near
+ * has to be smaller than far */
+ __forceinline RayHitK(const Vec3vf<K>& org, const Vec3vf<K>& dir,
+ const vfloat<K>& tnear = zero, const vfloat<K>& tfar = inf,
+ const vfloat<K>& time = zero, const vint<K>& mask = -1, const vint<K>& id = 0, const vint<K>& flags = 0)
+ : RayK<K>(org, dir, tnear, tfar, time, mask, id, flags),
+ {
+ for (unsigned l = 0; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; ++l)
+ }
+ __forceinline RayHitK(const RayK<K>& ray)
+ : RayK<K>(ray),
+ {
+ for (unsigned l = 0; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; ++l)
+ }
+ __forceinline RayHitK<K>& operator =(const RayK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ org =;
+ _tnear = ray._tnear;
+ dir = ray.dir;
+ _time = ray._time;
+ tfar = ray.tfar;
+ mask = ray.mask;
+ id =;
+ flags = ray.flags;
+ for (unsigned l = 0; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; ++l)
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /* Calculates if the hit is valid */
+ __forceinline void verifyHit(const vbool<K>& valid0) const
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid0 & geomID != vuint<K>(RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID);
+ const vbool<K> vt = (abs(tfar) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE)) | (tfar == vfloat<K>(neg_inf));
+ const vbool<K> vu = (abs(u) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE));
+ const vbool<K> vv = (abs(u) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE));
+ const vbool<K> vnx = abs(Ng.x) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE);
+ const vbool<K> vny = abs(Ng.y) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE);
+ const vbool<K> vnz = abs(Ng.z) <= vfloat<K>(FLT_LARGE);
+ if (any(valid & !vt)) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"invalid t");
+ if (any(valid & !vu)) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"invalid u");
+ if (any(valid & !vv)) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"invalid v");
+ if (any(valid & !vnx)) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"invalid Ng.x");
+ if (any(valid & !vny)) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"invalid Ng.y");
+ if (any(valid & !vnz)) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"invalid Ng.z");
+ }
+ __forceinline void get(RayHitK<1>* ray) const;
+ __forceinline void get(size_t i, RayHitK<1>& ray) const;
+ __forceinline void set(const RayHitK<1>* ray);
+ __forceinline void set(size_t i, const RayHitK<1>& ray);
+ __forceinline void copy(size_t dest, size_t source);
+ /* Hit data */
+ Vec3vf<K> Ng; // geometry normal
+ vfloat<K> u; // barycentric u coordinate of hit
+ vfloat<K> v; // barycentric v coordinate of hit
+ vuint<K> primID; // primitive ID
+ vuint<K> geomID; // geometry ID
+ vuint<K> instID[RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT]; // instance ID
+ };
+ /* Specialization for a single ray */
+ template<>
+ struct RayK<1>
+ {
+ /* Default construction does nothing */
+ __forceinline RayK() {}
+ /* Constructs a ray from origin, direction, and ray segment. Near
+ * has to be smaller than far */
+ __forceinline RayK(const Vec3fa& org, const Vec3fa& dir, float tnear = zero, float tfar = inf, float time = zero, int mask = -1, int id = 0, int flags = 0)
+ : org(org,tnear), dir(dir,time), tfar(tfar), mask(mask), id(id), flags(flags) {}
+ /* Calculates if this is a valid ray that does not cause issues during traversal */
+ __forceinline bool valid() const {
+ return all(le_mask(abs(Vec3fa(org)), Vec3fa(FLT_LARGE)) & le_mask(abs(Vec3fa(dir)), Vec3fa(FLT_LARGE))) && abs(tnear()) <= float(inf) && abs(tfar) <= float(inf);
+ }
+ /* Ray data */
+ Vec3ff org; // 3 floats for ray origin, 1 float for tnear
+ //float tnear; // start of ray segment
+ Vec3ff dir; // 3 floats for ray direction, 1 float for time
+ // float time;
+ float tfar; // end of ray segment
+ int mask; // used to mask out objects during traversal
+ int id; // ray ID
+ int flags; // ray flags
+ __forceinline float& tnear() { return org.w; };
+ __forceinline const float& tnear() const { return org.w; };
+ __forceinline float& time() { return dir.w; };
+ __forceinline const float& time() const { return dir.w; };
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct RayHitK<1> : RayK<1>
+ {
+ /* Default construction does nothing */
+ __forceinline RayHitK() {}
+ /* Constructs a ray from origin, direction, and ray segment. Near
+ * has to be smaller than far */
+ __forceinline RayHitK(const Vec3fa& org, const Vec3fa& dir, float tnear = zero, float tfar = inf, float time = zero, int mask = -1, int id = 0, int flags = 0)
+ : RayK<1>(org, dir, tnear, tfar, time, mask, id, flags),
+ __forceinline RayHitK(const RayK<1>& ray)
+ : RayK<1>(ray),
+ __forceinline RayHitK<1>& operator =(const RayK<1>& ray)
+ {
+ org =;
+ dir = ray.dir;
+ tfar = ray.tfar;
+ mask = ray.mask;
+ id =;
+ flags = ray.flags;
+ return *this;
+ }
+ /* Calculates if the hit is valid */
+ __forceinline void verifyHit() const
+ {
+ if (geomID == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID) return;
+ const bool vt = (abs(tfar) <= FLT_LARGE) || (tfar == float(neg_inf));
+ const bool vu = (abs(u) <= FLT_LARGE);
+ const bool vv = (abs(u) <= FLT_LARGE);
+ const bool vnx = abs(Ng.x) <= FLT_LARGE;
+ const bool vny = abs(Ng.y) <= FLT_LARGE;
+ const bool vnz = abs(Ng.z) <= FLT_LARGE;
+ if (!vt) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "invalid t");
+ if (!vu) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "invalid u");
+ if (!vv) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "invalid v");
+ if (!vnx) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "invalid Ng.x");
+ if (!vny) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "invalid Ng.y");
+ if (!vnz) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "invalid Ng.z");
+ }
+ /* Hit data */
+ Vec3f Ng; // not normalized geometry normal
+ float u; // barycentric u coordinate of hit
+ float v; // barycentric v coordinate of hit
+ unsigned int primID; // primitive ID
+ unsigned int geomID; // geometry ID
+ unsigned int instID[RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT]; // instance ID
+ };
+ /* Converts ray packet to single rays */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void RayK<K>::get(RayK<1>* ray) const
+ {
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < K; i++) // FIXME: use SIMD transpose
+ {
+ ray[i].org.x = org.x[i]; ray[i].org.y = org.y[i]; ray[i].org.z = org.z[i]; ray[i].tnear() = tnear()[i];
+ ray[i].dir.x = dir.x[i]; ray[i].dir.y = dir.y[i]; ray[i].dir.z = dir.z[i]; ray[i].time() = time()[i];
+ ray[i].tfar = tfar[i]; ray[i].mask = mask[i]; ray[i].id = id[i]; ray[i].flags = flags[i];
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void RayHitK<K>::get(RayHitK<1>* ray) const
+ {
+ // FIXME: use SIMD transpose
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < K; i++)
+ get(i, ray[i]);
+ }
+ /* Extracts a single ray out of a ray packet*/
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void RayK<K>::get(size_t i, RayK<1>& ray) const
+ {
+ = org.x[i]; = org.y[i]; = org.z[i]; ray.tnear() = tnear()[i];
+ ray.dir.x = dir.x[i]; ray.dir.y = dir.y[i]; ray.dir.z = dir.z[i]; ray.time() = time()[i];
+ ray.tfar = tfar[i]; ray.mask = mask[i]; = id[i]; ray.flags = flags[i];
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void RayHitK<K>::get(size_t i, RayHitK<1>& ray) const
+ {
+ = org.x[i]; = org.y[i]; = org.z[i]; ray.tnear() = tnear()[i];
+ ray.dir.x = dir.x[i]; ray.dir.y = dir.y[i]; ray.dir.z = dir.z[i]; ray.tfar = tfar[i]; ray.time() = time()[i];
+ ray.mask = mask[i]; = id[i]; ray.flags = flags[i];
+ ray.Ng.x = Ng.x[i]; ray.Ng.y = Ng.y[i]; ray.Ng.z = Ng.z[i];
+ ray.u = u[i]; ray.v = v[i];
+ ray.primID = primID[i]; ray.geomID = geomID[i];
+ instance_id_stack::copy_VU<K>(instID, ray.instID, i);
+ }
+ /* Converts single rays to ray packet */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void RayK<K>::set(const RayK<1>* ray)
+ {
+ // FIXME: use SIMD transpose
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < K; i++)
+ set(i, ray[i]);
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void RayHitK<K>::set(const RayHitK<1>* ray)
+ {
+ // FIXME: use SIMD transpose
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < K; i++)
+ set(i, ray[i]);
+ }
+ /* inserts a single ray into a ray packet element */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void RayK<K>::set(size_t i, const RayK<1>& ray)
+ {
+ org.x[i] =; org.y[i] =; org.z[i] =; tnear()[i] = ray.tnear();
+ dir.x[i] = ray.dir.x; dir.y[i] = ray.dir.y; dir.z[i] = ray.dir.z; time()[i] = ray.time();
+ tfar[i] = ray.tfar; mask[i] = ray.mask; id[i] =; flags[i] = ray.flags;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void RayHitK<K>::set(size_t i, const RayHitK<1>& ray)
+ {
+ org.x[i] =; org.y[i] =; org.z[i] =; tnear()[i] = ray.tnear();
+ dir.x[i] = ray.dir.x; dir.y[i] = ray.dir.y; dir.z[i] = ray.dir.z; time()[i] = ray.time();
+ tfar[i] = ray.tfar; mask[i] = ray.mask; id[i] =; flags[i] = ray.flags;
+ Ng.x[i] = ray.Ng.x; Ng.y[i] = ray.Ng.y; Ng.z[i] = ray.Ng.z;
+ u[i] = ray.u; v[i] = ray.v;
+ primID[i] = ray.primID; geomID[i] = ray.geomID;
+ instance_id_stack::copy_UV<K>(ray.instID, instID, i);
+ }
+ /* copies a ray packet element into another element*/
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void RayK<K>::copy(size_t dest, size_t source)
+ {
+ org.x[dest] = org.x[source]; org.y[dest] = org.y[source]; org.z[dest] = org.z[source]; tnear()[dest] = tnear()[source];
+ dir.x[dest] = dir.x[source]; dir.y[dest] = dir.y[source]; dir.z[dest] = dir.z[source]; time()[dest] = time()[source];
+ tfar [dest] = tfar[source]; mask[dest] = mask[source]; id[dest] = id[source]; flags[dest] = flags[source];
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void RayHitK<K>::copy(size_t dest, size_t source)
+ {
+ org.x[dest] = org.x[source]; org.y[dest] = org.y[source]; org.z[dest] = org.z[source]; tnear()[dest] = tnear()[source];
+ dir.x[dest] = dir.x[source]; dir.y[dest] = dir.y[source]; dir.z[dest] = dir.z[source]; time()[dest] = time()[source];
+ tfar [dest] = tfar[source]; mask[dest] = mask[source]; id[dest] = id[source]; flags[dest] = flags[source];
+ Ng.x[dest] = Ng.x[source]; Ng.y[dest] = Ng.y[source]; Ng.z[dest] = Ng.z[source];
+ u[dest] = u[source]; v[dest] = v[source];
+ primID[dest] = primID[source]; geomID[dest] = geomID[source];
+ instance_id_stack::copy_VV<K>(instID, instID, source, dest);
+ }
+ /* Shortcuts */
+ typedef RayK<1> Ray;
+ typedef RayK<4> Ray4;
+ typedef RayK<8> Ray8;
+ typedef RayK<16> Ray16;
+ struct RayN;
+ typedef RayHitK<1> RayHit;
+ typedef RayHitK<4> RayHit4;
+ typedef RayHitK<8> RayHit8;
+ typedef RayHitK<16> RayHit16;
+ struct RayHitN;
+ template<int K, bool intersect>
+ struct RayTypeHelper;
+ template<int K>
+ struct RayTypeHelper<K, true>
+ {
+ typedef RayHitK<K> Ty;
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ struct RayTypeHelper<K, false>
+ {
+ typedef RayK<K> Ty;
+ };
+ template<bool intersect>
+ using RayType = typename RayTypeHelper<1, intersect>::Ty;
+ template<int K, bool intersect>
+ using RayTypeK = typename RayTypeHelper<K, intersect>::Ty;
+ /* Outputs ray to stream */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline embree_ostream operator <<(embree_ostream cout, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ return cout << "{ " << embree_endl
+ << " org = " << << embree_endl
+ << " dir = " << ray.dir << embree_endl
+ << " near = " << ray.tnear() << embree_endl
+ << " far = " << ray.tfar << embree_endl
+ << " time = " << ray.time() << embree_endl
+ << " mask = " << ray.mask << embree_endl
+ << " id = " << << embree_endl
+ << " flags = " << ray.flags << embree_endl
+ << "}";
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline embree_ostream operator <<(embree_ostream cout, const RayHitK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ cout << "{ " << embree_endl
+ << " org = " << << embree_endl
+ << " dir = " << ray.dir << embree_endl
+ << " near = " << ray.tnear() << embree_endl
+ << " far = " << ray.tfar << embree_endl
+ << " time = " << ray.time() << embree_endl
+ << " mask = " << ray.mask << embree_endl
+ << " id = " << << embree_endl
+ << " flags = " << ray.flags << embree_endl
+ << " Ng = " << ray.Ng
+ << " u = " << ray.u << embree_endl
+ << " v = " << ray.v << embree_endl
+ << " primID = " << ray.primID << embree_endl
+ << " geomID = " << ray.geomID << embree_endl
+ << " instID =";
+ for (unsigned l = 0; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; ++l)
+ {
+ cout << " " << ray.instID[l];
+ }
+ cout << embree_endl;
+ return cout << "}";
+ }
+ struct RayStreamSOA
+ {
+ __forceinline RayStreamSOA(void* rays, size_t N)
+ : ptr((char*)rays), N(N) {}
+ /* ray data access functions */
+ __forceinline float* org_x(size_t offset = 0) { return (float*)&ptr[0*4*N+offset]; } // x coordinate of ray origin
+ __forceinline float* org_y(size_t offset = 0) { return (float*)&ptr[1*4*N+offset]; } // y coordinate of ray origin
+ __forceinline float* org_z(size_t offset = 0) { return (float*)&ptr[2*4*N+offset]; }; // z coordinate of ray origin
+ __forceinline float* tnear(size_t offset = 0) { return (float*)&ptr[3*4*N+offset]; }; // start of ray segment
+ __forceinline float* dir_x(size_t offset = 0) { return (float*)&ptr[4*4*N+offset]; }; // x coordinate of ray direction
+ __forceinline float* dir_y(size_t offset = 0) { return (float*)&ptr[5*4*N+offset]; }; // y coordinate of ray direction
+ __forceinline float* dir_z(size_t offset = 0) { return (float*)&ptr[6*4*N+offset]; }; // z coordinate of ray direction
+ __forceinline float* time (size_t offset = 0) { return (float*)&ptr[7*4*N+offset]; }; // time of this ray for motion blur
+ __forceinline float* tfar (size_t offset = 0) { return (float*)&ptr[8*4*N+offset]; }; // end of ray segment (set to hit distance)
+ __forceinline int* mask (size_t offset = 0) { return (int*)&ptr[9*4*N+offset]; }; // used to mask out objects during traversal (optional)
+ __forceinline int* id (size_t offset = 0) { return (int*)&ptr[10*4*N+offset]; }; // id
+ __forceinline int* flags(size_t offset = 0) { return (int*)&ptr[11*4*N+offset]; }; // flags
+ /* hit data access functions */
+ __forceinline float* Ng_x(size_t offset = 0) { return (float*)&ptr[12*4*N+offset]; }; // x coordinate of geometry normal
+ __forceinline float* Ng_y(size_t offset = 0) { return (float*)&ptr[13*4*N+offset]; }; // y coordinate of geometry normal
+ __forceinline float* Ng_z(size_t offset = 0) { return (float*)&ptr[14*4*N+offset]; }; // z coordinate of geometry normal
+ __forceinline float* u(size_t offset = 0) { return (float*)&ptr[15*4*N+offset]; }; // barycentric u coordinate of hit
+ __forceinline float* v(size_t offset = 0) { return (float*)&ptr[16*4*N+offset]; }; // barycentric v coordinate of hit
+ __forceinline unsigned int* primID(size_t offset = 0) { return (unsigned int*)&ptr[17*4*N+offset]; }; // primitive ID
+ __forceinline unsigned int* geomID(size_t offset = 0) { return (unsigned int*)&ptr[18*4*N+offset]; }; // geometry ID
+ __forceinline unsigned int* instID(size_t level, size_t offset = 0) { return (unsigned int*)&ptr[19*4*N+level*4*N+offset]; }; // instance ID
+ __forceinline Ray getRayByOffset(size_t offset)
+ {
+ Ray ray;
+ = org_x(offset)[0];
+ = org_y(offset)[0];
+ = org_z(offset)[0];
+ ray.tnear() = tnear(offset)[0];
+ ray.dir.x = dir_x(offset)[0];
+ ray.dir.y = dir_y(offset)[0];
+ ray.dir.z = dir_z(offset)[0];
+ ray.time() = time(offset)[0];
+ ray.tfar = tfar(offset)[0];
+ ray.mask = mask(offset)[0];
+ = id(offset)[0];
+ ray.flags = flags(offset)[0];
+ return ray;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline RayK<K> getRayByOffset(size_t offset)
+ {
+ RayK<K> ray;
+ = vfloat<K>::loadu(org_x(offset));
+ = vfloat<K>::loadu(org_y(offset));
+ = vfloat<K>::loadu(org_z(offset));
+ ray.tnear = vfloat<K>::loadu(tnear(offset));
+ ray.dir.x = vfloat<K>::loadu(dir_x(offset));
+ ray.dir.y = vfloat<K>::loadu(dir_y(offset));
+ ray.dir.z = vfloat<K>::loadu(dir_z(offset));
+ ray.time = vfloat<K>::loadu(time(offset));
+ ray.tfar = vfloat<K>::loadu(tfar(offset));
+ ray.mask = vint<K>::loadu(mask(offset));
+ = vint<K>::loadu(id(offset));
+ ray.flags = vint<K>::loadu(flags(offset));
+ return ray;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline RayK<K> getRayByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid, size_t offset)
+ {
+ RayK<K> ray;
+ = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, org_x(offset));
+ = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, org_y(offset));
+ = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, org_z(offset));
+ ray.tnear() = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, tnear(offset));
+ ray.dir.x = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, dir_x(offset));
+ ray.dir.y = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, dir_y(offset));
+ ray.dir.z = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, dir_z(offset));
+ ray.time() = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, time(offset));
+ ray.tfar = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, tfar(offset));
+#if !defined(__AVX__)
+ /* SSE: some ray members must be loaded with scalar instructions to ensure that we don't cause memory faults,
+ because the SSE masked loads always access the entire vector */
+ if (unlikely(!all(valid)))
+ {
+ ray.mask = zero;
+ = zero;
+ ray.flags = zero;
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < K; k++)
+ {
+ if (likely(valid[k]))
+ {
+ ray.mask[k] = mask(offset)[k];
+[k] = id(offset)[k];
+ ray.flags[k] = flags(offset)[k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ ray.mask = vint<K>::loadu(valid, mask(offset));
+ = vint<K>::loadu(valid, id(offset));
+ ray.flags = vint<K>::loadu(valid, flags(offset));
+ }
+ return ray;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void setHitByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid_i, size_t offset, const RayHitK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ /*
+ * valid_i: stores which of the input rays exist (do not access nonexistent rays!)
+ * valid: stores which of the rays actually hit something.
+ */
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ valid &= (ray.geomID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID);
+ if (likely(any(valid)))
+ {
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(valid, tfar(offset), ray.tfar);
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(valid, Ng_x(offset), ray.Ng.x);
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(valid, Ng_y(offset), ray.Ng.y);
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(valid, Ng_z(offset), ray.Ng.z);
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(valid, u(offset), ray.u);
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(valid, v(offset), ray.v);
+#if !defined(__AVX__)
+ /* SSE: some ray members must be stored with scalar instructions to ensure that we don't cause memory faults,
+ because the SSE masked stores always access the entire vector */
+ if (unlikely(!all(valid_i)))
+ {
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < K; k++)
+ {
+ if (likely(valid[k]))
+ {
+ primID(offset)[k] = ray.primID[k];
+ geomID(offset)[k] = ray.geomID[k];
+ instID(0, offset)[k] = ray.instID[0][k];
+ for (unsigned l = 1; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT && ray.instID[l-1][k] != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID; ++l)
+ instID(l, offset)[k] = ray.instID[l][k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ vuint<K>::storeu(valid, primID(offset), ray.primID);
+ vuint<K>::storeu(valid, geomID(offset), ray.geomID);
+ vuint<K>::storeu(valid, instID(0, offset), ray.instID[0]);
+ for (unsigned l = 1; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT && any(valid & (ray.instID[l-1] != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)); ++l)
+ vuint<K>::storeu(valid, instID(l, offset), ray.instID[l]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void setHitByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid_i, size_t offset, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ valid &= (ray.tfar < 0.0f);
+ if (likely(any(valid)))
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(valid, tfar(offset), ray.tfar);
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t getOctantByOffset(size_t offset)
+ {
+ const float dx = dir_x(offset)[0];
+ const float dy = dir_y(offset)[0];
+ const float dz = dir_z(offset)[0];
+ const size_t octantID = (dx < 0.0f ? 1 : 0) + (dy < 0.0f ? 2 : 0) + (dz < 0.0f ? 4 : 0);
+ return octantID;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool isValidByOffset(size_t offset)
+ {
+ const float nnear = tnear(offset)[0];
+ const float ffar = tfar(offset)[0];
+ return nnear <= ffar;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline RayK<K> getRayByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid, const vint<K>& offset)
+ {
+ RayK<K> ray;
+#if defined(__AVX2__)
+ = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, org_x(), offset);
+ = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, org_y(), offset);
+ = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, org_z(), offset);
+ ray.tnear() = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, tnear(), offset);
+ ray.dir.x = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, dir_x(), offset);
+ ray.dir.y = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, dir_y(), offset);
+ ray.dir.z = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, dir_z(), offset);
+ ray.time() = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, time(), offset);
+ ray.tfar = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, tfar(), offset);
+ ray.mask = vint<K>::template gather<1>(valid, mask(), offset);
+ = vint<K>::template gather<1>(valid, id(), offset);
+ ray.flags = vint<K>::template gather<1>(valid, flags(), offset);
+ = zero;
+ ray.tnear() = zero;
+ ray.dir = zero;
+ ray.time() = zero;
+ ray.tfar = zero;
+ ray.mask = zero;
+ = zero;
+ ray.flags = zero;
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < K; k++)
+ {
+ if (likely(valid[k]))
+ {
+ const size_t ofs = offset[k];
+[k] = *org_x(ofs);
+[k] = *org_y(ofs);
+[k] = *org_z(ofs);
+ ray.tnear()[k] = *tnear(ofs);
+ ray.dir.x[k] = *dir_x(ofs);
+ ray.dir.y[k] = *dir_y(ofs);
+ ray.dir.z[k] = *dir_z(ofs);
+ ray.time()[k] = *time(ofs);
+ ray.tfar[k] = *tfar(ofs);
+ ray.mask[k] = *mask(ofs);
+[k] = *id(ofs);
+ ray.flags[k] = *flags(ofs);
+ }
+ }
+ return ray;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void setHitByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const vint<K>& offset, const RayHitK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ valid &= (ray.geomID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID);
+ if (likely(any(valid)))
+ {
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, tfar(), offset, ray.tfar);
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, Ng_x(), offset, ray.Ng.x);
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, Ng_y(), offset, ray.Ng.y);
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, Ng_z(), offset, ray.Ng.z);
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, u(), offset, ray.u);
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, v(), offset, ray.v);
+ vuint<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, primID(), offset, ray.primID);
+ vuint<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, geomID(), offset, ray.geomID);
+ vuint<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, instID(0), offset, ray.instID[0]);
+ for (unsigned l = 1; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT && any(valid & (ray.instID[l-1] != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)); ++l)
+ vuint<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, instID(l), offset, ray.instID[l]);
+ size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+ while (valid_bits != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t k = bscf(valid_bits);
+ const size_t ofs = offset[k];
+ *tfar(ofs) = ray.tfar[k];
+ *Ng_x(ofs) = ray.Ng.x[k];
+ *Ng_y(ofs) = ray.Ng.y[k];
+ *Ng_z(ofs) = ray.Ng.z[k];
+ *u(ofs) = ray.u[k];
+ *v(ofs) = ray.v[k];
+ *primID(ofs) = ray.primID[k];
+ *geomID(ofs) = ray.geomID[k];
+ *instID(0, ofs) = ray.instID[0][k];
+ for (unsigned l = 1; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT && ray.instID[l-1][k] != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID; ++l)
+ *instID(l, ofs) = ray.instID[l][k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void setHitByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const vint<K>& offset, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ valid &= (ray.tfar < 0.0f);
+ if (likely(any(valid)))
+ {
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, tfar(), offset, ray.tfar);
+ size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+ while (valid_bits != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t k = bscf(valid_bits);
+ const size_t ofs = offset[k];
+ *tfar(ofs) = ray.tfar[k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ char* __restrict__ ptr;
+ size_t N;
+ };
+ template<size_t MAX_K>
+ struct StackRayStreamSOA : public RayStreamSOA
+ {
+ __forceinline StackRayStreamSOA(size_t K)
+ : RayStreamSOA(data, K) { assert(K <= MAX_K); }
+ char data[MAX_K / 4 * sizeof(RayHit4)];
+ };
+ struct RayStreamSOP
+ {
+ template<class T>
+ __forceinline void init(T& t)
+ {
+ org_x = (float*)&;
+ org_y = (float*)&;
+ org_z = (float*)&;
+ tnear = (float*)&t.tnear;
+ dir_x = (float*)&t.dir.x;
+ dir_y = (float*)&t.dir.y;
+ dir_z = (float*)&t.dir.z;
+ time = (float*)&t.time;
+ tfar = (float*)&t.tfar;
+ mask = (unsigned int*)&t.mask;
+ id = (unsigned int*)&;
+ flags = (unsigned int*)&t.flags;
+ Ng_x = (float*)&t.Ng.x;
+ Ng_y = (float*)&t.Ng.y;
+ Ng_z = (float*)&t.Ng.z;
+ u = (float*)&t.u;
+ v = (float*)&t.v;
+ primID = (unsigned int*)&t.primID;
+ geomID = (unsigned int*)&t.geomID;
+ for (unsigned l = 0; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT; ++l)
+ instID[l] = (unsigned int*)&t.instID[l];
+ }
+ __forceinline Ray getRayByOffset(size_t offset)
+ {
+ Ray ray;
+ = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)org_x + offset);
+ = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)org_y + offset);
+ = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)org_z + offset);
+ ray.dir.x = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_x + offset);
+ ray.dir.y = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_y + offset);
+ ray.dir.z = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_z + offset);
+ ray.tfar = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)tfar + offset);
+ ray.tnear() = tnear ? *(float* __restrict__)((char*)tnear + offset) : 0.0f;
+ ray.time() = time ? *(float* __restrict__)((char*)time + offset) : 0.0f;
+ ray.mask = mask ? *(unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)mask + offset) : -1;
+ = id ? *(unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)id + offset) : -1;
+ ray.flags = flags ? *(unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)flags + offset) : -1;
+ return ray;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline RayK<K> getRayByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid, size_t offset)
+ {
+ RayK<K> ray;
+ = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)org_x + offset));
+ = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)org_y + offset));
+ = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)org_z + offset));
+ ray.dir.x = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_x + offset));
+ ray.dir.y = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_y + offset));
+ ray.dir.z = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_z + offset));
+ ray.tfar = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)tfar + offset));
+ ray.tnear() = tnear ? vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)tnear + offset)) : 0.0f;
+ ray.time() = time ? vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)time + offset)) : 0.0f;
+ ray.mask = mask ? vint<K>::loadu(valid, (const void* __restrict__)((char*)mask + offset)) : -1;
+ = id ? vint<K>::loadu(valid, (const void* __restrict__)((char*)id + offset)) : -1;
+ ray.flags = flags ? vint<K>::loadu(valid, (const void* __restrict__)((char*)flags + offset)) : -1;
+ return ray;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline Vec3vf<K> getDirByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid, size_t offset)
+ {
+ Vec3vf<K> dir;
+ dir.x = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_x + offset));
+ dir.y = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_y + offset));
+ dir.z = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_z + offset));
+ return dir;
+ }
+ __forceinline void setHitByOffset(size_t offset, const RayHit& ray)
+ {
+ if (ray.geomID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)
+ {
+ *(float* __restrict__)((char*)tfar + offset) = ray.tfar;
+ if (likely(Ng_x)) *(float* __restrict__)((char*)Ng_x + offset) = ray.Ng.x;
+ if (likely(Ng_y)) *(float* __restrict__)((char*)Ng_y + offset) = ray.Ng.y;
+ if (likely(Ng_z)) *(float* __restrict__)((char*)Ng_z + offset) = ray.Ng.z;
+ *(float* __restrict__)((char*)u + offset) = ray.u;
+ *(float* __restrict__)((char*)v + offset) = ray.v;
+ *(unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)geomID + offset) = ray.geomID;
+ *(unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)primID + offset) = ray.primID;
+ if (likely(instID[0])) {
+ *(unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)instID[0] + offset) = ray.instID[0];
+ for (unsigned l = 1; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT && ray.instID[l-1] != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID; ++l)
+ *(unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)instID[l] + offset) = ray.instID[l];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline void setHitByOffset(size_t offset, const Ray& ray)
+ {
+ *(float* __restrict__)((char*)tfar + offset) = ray.tfar;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void setHitByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid_i, size_t offset, const RayHitK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ valid &= (ray.geomID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID);
+ if (likely(any(valid)))
+ {
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)tfar + offset), ray.tfar);
+ if (likely(Ng_x)) vfloat<K>::storeu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)Ng_x + offset), ray.Ng.x);
+ if (likely(Ng_y)) vfloat<K>::storeu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)Ng_y + offset), ray.Ng.y);
+ if (likely(Ng_z)) vfloat<K>::storeu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)Ng_z + offset), ray.Ng.z);
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)u + offset), ray.u);
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)v + offset), ray.v);
+ vuint<K>::storeu(valid, (unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)primID + offset), ray.primID);
+ vuint<K>::storeu(valid, (unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)geomID + offset), ray.geomID);
+ if (likely(instID[0])) {
+ vuint<K>::storeu(valid, (unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)instID[0] + offset), ray.instID[0]);
+ for (unsigned l = 1; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT && any(valid & (ray.instID[l-1] != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)); ++l)
+ vuint<K>::storeu(valid, (unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)instID[l] + offset), ray.instID[l]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void setHitByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid_i, size_t offset, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ valid &= (ray.tfar < 0.0f);
+ if (likely(any(valid)))
+ vfloat<K>::storeu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)tfar + offset), ray.tfar);
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t getOctantByOffset(size_t offset)
+ {
+ const float dx = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_x + offset);
+ const float dy = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_y + offset);
+ const float dz = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_z + offset);
+ const size_t octantID = (dx < 0.0f ? 1 : 0) + (dy < 0.0f ? 2 : 0) + (dz < 0.0f ? 4 : 0);
+ return octantID;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool isValidByOffset(size_t offset)
+ {
+ const float nnear = tnear ? *(float* __restrict__)((char*)tnear + offset) : 0.0f;
+ const float ffar = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)tfar + offset);
+ return nnear <= ffar;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> isValidByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid, size_t offset)
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> nnear = tnear ? vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)tnear + offset)) : 0.0f;
+ const vfloat<K> ffar = vfloat<K>::loadu(valid, (float* __restrict__)((char*)tfar + offset));
+ return nnear <= ffar;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline RayK<K> getRayByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid, const vint<K>& offset)
+ {
+ RayK<K> ray;
+#if defined(__AVX2__)
+ = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, org_x, offset);
+ = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, org_y, offset);
+ = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, org_z, offset);
+ ray.dir.x = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, dir_x, offset);
+ ray.dir.y = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, dir_y, offset);
+ ray.dir.z = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, dir_z, offset);
+ ray.tfar = vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, tfar, offset);
+ ray.tnear() = tnear ? vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, tnear, offset) : vfloat<K>(zero);
+ ray.time() = time ? vfloat<K>::template gather<1>(valid, time, offset) : vfloat<K>(zero);
+ ray.mask = mask ? vint<K>::template gather<1>(valid, (int*)mask, offset) : vint<K>(-1);
+ = id ? vint<K>::template gather<1>(valid, (int*)id, offset) : vint<K>(-1);
+ ray.flags = flags ? vint<K>::template gather<1>(valid, (int*)flags, offset) : vint<K>(-1);
+ = zero;
+ ray.tnear() = zero;
+ ray.dir = zero;
+ ray.tfar = zero;
+ ray.time() = zero;
+ ray.mask = zero;
+ = zero;
+ ray.flags = zero;
+ for (size_t k = 0; k < K; k++)
+ {
+ if (likely(valid[k]))
+ {
+ const size_t ofs = offset[k];
+[k] = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)org_x + ofs);
+[k] = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)org_y + ofs);
+[k] = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)org_z + ofs);
+ ray.dir.x[k] = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_x + ofs);
+ ray.dir.y[k] = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_y + ofs);
+ ray.dir.z[k] = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)dir_z + ofs);
+ ray.tfar[k] = *(float* __restrict__)((char*)tfar + ofs);
+ ray.tnear()[k] = tnear ? *(float* __restrict__)((char*)tnear + ofs) : 0.0f;
+ ray.time()[k] = time ? *(float* __restrict__)((char*)time + ofs) : 0.0f;
+ ray.mask[k] = mask ? *(int* __restrict__)((char*)mask + ofs) : -1;
+[k] = id ? *(int* __restrict__)((char*)id + ofs) : -1;
+ ray.flags[k] = flags ? *(int* __restrict__)((char*)flags + ofs) : -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return ray;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void setHitByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const vint<K>& offset, const RayHitK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ valid &= (ray.geomID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID);
+ if (likely(any(valid)))
+ {
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, tfar, offset, ray.tfar);
+ if (likely(Ng_x)) vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, Ng_x, offset, ray.Ng.x);
+ if (likely(Ng_y)) vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, Ng_y, offset, ray.Ng.y);
+ if (likely(Ng_z)) vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, Ng_z, offset, ray.Ng.z);
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, u, offset, ray.u);
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, v, offset, ray.v);
+ vuint<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, (unsigned int*)geomID, offset, ray.geomID);
+ vuint<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, (unsigned int*)primID, offset, ray.primID);
+ if (likely(instID[0])) {
+ vuint<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, (unsigned int*)instID[0], offset, ray.instID[0]);
+ for (unsigned l = 1; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT && any(valid & (ray.instID[l-1] != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)); ++l)
+ vuint<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, (unsigned int*)instID[l], offset, ray.instID[l]);
+ }
+ size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+ while (valid_bits != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t k = bscf(valid_bits);
+ const size_t ofs = offset[k];
+ *(float* __restrict__)((char*)tfar + ofs) = ray.tfar[k];
+ if (likely(Ng_x)) *(float* __restrict__)((char*)Ng_x + ofs) = ray.Ng.x[k];
+ if (likely(Ng_y)) *(float* __restrict__)((char*)Ng_y + ofs) = ray.Ng.y[k];
+ if (likely(Ng_z)) *(float* __restrict__)((char*)Ng_z + ofs) = ray.Ng.z[k];
+ *(float* __restrict__)((char*)u + ofs) = ray.u[k];
+ *(float* __restrict__)((char*)v + ofs) = ray.v[k];
+ *(unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)primID + ofs) = ray.primID[k];
+ *(unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)geomID + ofs) = ray.geomID[k];
+ if (likely(instID[0])) {
+ *(unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)instID[0] + ofs) = ray.instID[0][k];
+ for (unsigned l = 1; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT && ray.instID[l-1][k] != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID; ++l)
+ *(unsigned int* __restrict__)((char*)instID[l] + ofs) = ray.instID[l][k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void setHitByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const vint<K>& offset, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ valid &= (ray.tfar < 0.0f);
+ if (likely(any(valid)))
+ {
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, tfar, offset, ray.tfar);
+ size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+ while (valid_bits != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t k = bscf(valid_bits);
+ const size_t ofs = offset[k];
+ *(float* __restrict__)((char*)tfar + ofs) = ray.tfar[k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* ray data */
+ float* __restrict__ org_x; // x coordinate of ray origin
+ float* __restrict__ org_y; // y coordinate of ray origin
+ float* __restrict__ org_z; // z coordinate of ray origin
+ float* __restrict__ tnear; // start of ray segment (optional)
+ float* __restrict__ dir_x; // x coordinate of ray direction
+ float* __restrict__ dir_y; // y coordinate of ray direction
+ float* __restrict__ dir_z; // z coordinate of ray direction
+ float* __restrict__ time; // time of this ray for motion blur (optional)
+ float* __restrict__ tfar; // end of ray segment (set to hit distance)
+ unsigned int* __restrict__ mask; // used to mask out objects during traversal (optional)
+ unsigned int* __restrict__ id; // ray ID
+ unsigned int* __restrict__ flags; // ray flags
+ /* hit data */
+ float* __restrict__ Ng_x; // x coordinate of geometry normal (optional)
+ float* __restrict__ Ng_y; // y coordinate of geometry normal (optional)
+ float* __restrict__ Ng_z; // z coordinate of geometry normal (optional)
+ float* __restrict__ u; // barycentric u coordinate of hit
+ float* __restrict__ v; // barycentric v coordinate of hit
+ unsigned int* __restrict__ primID; // primitive ID
+ unsigned int* __restrict__ geomID; // geometry ID
+ unsigned int* __restrict__ instID[RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT]; // instance ID (optional)
+ };
+ struct RayStreamAOS
+ {
+ __forceinline RayStreamAOS(void* rays)
+ : ptr((Ray*)rays) {}
+ __forceinline Ray& getRayByOffset(size_t offset)
+ {
+ return *(Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset);
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline RayK<K> getRayByOffset(const vint<K>& offset);
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline RayK<K> getRayByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid, const vint<K>& offset)
+ {
+ const vint<K> valid_offset = select(valid, offset, vintx(zero));
+ return getRayByOffset<K>(valid_offset);
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void setHitByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const vint<K>& offset, const RayHitK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ valid &= (ray.geomID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID);
+ if (likely(any(valid)))
+ {
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, &ptr->tfar, offset, ray.tfar);
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, &((RayHit*)ptr)->Ng.x, offset, ray.Ng.x);
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, &((RayHit*)ptr)->Ng.y, offset, ray.Ng.y);
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, &((RayHit*)ptr)->Ng.z, offset, ray.Ng.z);
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, &((RayHit*)ptr)->u, offset, ray.u);
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, &((RayHit*)ptr)->v, offset, ray.v);
+ vuint<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, (unsigned int*)&((RayHit*)ptr)->primID, offset, ray.primID);
+ vuint<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, (unsigned int*)&((RayHit*)ptr)->geomID, offset, ray.geomID);
+ vuint<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, (unsigned int*)&((RayHit*)ptr)->instID[0], offset, ray.instID[0]);
+ for (unsigned l = 1; l < RTC_MAX_INSTANCE_LEVEL_COUNT && any(valid & (ray.instID[l-1] != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID)); ++l)
+ vuint<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, (unsigned int*)&((RayHit*)ptr)->instID[l], offset, ray.instID[l]);
+ size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+ while (valid_bits != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t k = bscf(valid_bits);
+ RayHit* __restrict__ ray_k = (RayHit*)((char*)ptr + offset[k]);
+ ray_k->tfar = ray.tfar[k];
+ ray_k->Ng.x = ray.Ng.x[k];
+ ray_k->Ng.y = ray.Ng.y[k];
+ ray_k->Ng.z = ray.Ng.z[k];
+ ray_k->u = ray.u[k];
+ ray_k->v = ray.v[k];
+ ray_k->primID = ray.primID[k];
+ ray_k->geomID = ray.geomID[k];
+ instance_id_stack::copy_VU<K>(ray.instID, ray_k->instID, k);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void setHitByOffset(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const vint<K>& offset, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ valid &= (ray.tfar < 0.0f);
+ if (likely(any(valid)))
+ {
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ vfloat<K>::template scatter<1>(valid, &ptr->tfar, offset, ray.tfar);
+ size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+ while (valid_bits != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t k = bscf(valid_bits);
+ Ray* __restrict__ ray_k = (Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[k]);
+ ray_k->tfar = ray.tfar[k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ray* __restrict__ ptr;
+ };
+ template<>
+ __forceinline Ray4 RayStreamAOS::getRayByOffset<4>(const vint4& offset)
+ {
+ Ray4 ray;
+ /* load and transpose: org.x, org.y, org.z, tnear */
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[0]))->org);
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[1]))->org);
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[2]))->org);
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[3]))->org);
+ transpose(a0,a1,a2,a3,,,, ray.tnear());
+ /* load and transpose: dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, time */
+ const vfloat4 b0 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[0]))->dir);
+ const vfloat4 b1 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[1]))->dir);
+ const vfloat4 b2 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[2]))->dir);
+ const vfloat4 b3 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[3]))->dir);
+ transpose(b0,b1,b2,b3, ray.dir.x, ray.dir.y, ray.dir.z, ray.time());
+ /* load and transpose: tfar, mask, id, flags */
+ const vfloat4 c0 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[0]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c1 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[1]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c2 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[2]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c3 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[3]))->tfar);
+ vfloat4 maskf, idf, flagsf;
+ transpose(c0,c1,c2,c3, ray.tfar, maskf, idf, flagsf);
+ ray.mask = asInt(maskf);
+ = asInt(idf);
+ ray.flags = asInt(flagsf);
+ return ray;
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ template<>
+ __forceinline Ray8 RayStreamAOS::getRayByOffset<8>(const vint8& offset)
+ {
+ Ray8 ray;
+ /* load and transpose: org.x, org.y, org.z, tnear, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, time */
+ const vfloat8 ab0 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[0]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab1 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[1]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab2 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[2]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab3 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[3]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab4 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[4]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab5 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[5]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab6 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[6]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab7 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[7]))->org);
+ transpose(ab0,ab1,ab2,ab3,ab4,ab5,ab6,ab7,,,, ray.tnear(), ray.dir.x, ray.dir.y, ray.dir.z, ray.time());
+ /* load and transpose: tfar, mask, id, flags */
+ const vfloat4 c0 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[0]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c1 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[1]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c2 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[2]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c3 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[3]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c4 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[4]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c5 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[5]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c6 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[6]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c7 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[7]))->tfar);
+ vfloat8 maskf, idf, flagsf;
+ transpose(c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7, ray.tfar, maskf, idf, flagsf);
+ ray.mask = asInt(maskf);
+ = asInt(idf);
+ ray.flags = asInt(flagsf);
+ return ray;
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ template<>
+ __forceinline Ray16 RayStreamAOS::getRayByOffset<16>(const vint16& offset)
+ {
+ Ray16 ray;
+ /* load and transpose: org.x, org.y, org.z, tnear, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, time */
+ const vfloat8 ab0 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 0]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab1 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 1]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab2 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 2]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab3 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 3]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab4 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 4]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab5 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 5]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab6 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 6]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab7 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 7]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab8 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 8]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab9 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 9]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab10 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[10]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab11 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[11]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab12 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[12]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab13 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[13]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab14 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[14]))->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab15 = vfloat8::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[15]))->org);
+ transpose(ab0,ab1,ab2,ab3,ab4,ab5,ab6,ab7,ab8,ab9,ab10,ab11,ab12,ab13,ab14,ab15,
+,,, ray.tnear(), ray.dir.x, ray.dir.y, ray.dir.z, ray.time());
+ /* load and transpose: tfar, mask, id, flags */
+ const vfloat4 c0 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 0]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c1 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 1]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c2 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 2]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c3 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 3]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c4 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 4]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c5 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 5]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c6 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 6]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c7 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 7]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c8 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 8]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c9 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[ 9]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c10 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[10]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c11 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[11]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c12 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[12]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c13 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[13]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c14 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[14]))->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c15 = vfloat4::loadu(&((Ray*)((char*)ptr + offset[15]))->tfar);
+ vfloat16 maskf, idf, flagsf;
+ transpose(c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,
+ ray.tfar, maskf, idf, flagsf);
+ ray.mask = asInt(maskf);
+ = asInt(idf);
+ ray.flags = asInt(flagsf);
+ return ray;
+ }
+ struct RayStreamAOP
+ {
+ __forceinline RayStreamAOP(void* rays)
+ : ptr((Ray**)rays) {}
+ __forceinline Ray& getRayByIndex(size_t index)
+ {
+ return *ptr[index];
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline RayK<K> getRayByIndex(const vint<K>& index);
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline RayK<K> getRayByIndex(const vbool<K>& valid, const vint<K>& index)
+ {
+ const vint<K> valid_index = select(valid, index, vintx(zero));
+ return getRayByIndex<K>(valid_index);
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void setHitByIndex(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const vint<K>& index, const RayHitK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ valid &= (ray.geomID != RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID);
+ if (likely(any(valid)))
+ {
+ size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+ while (valid_bits != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t k = bscf(valid_bits);
+ RayHit* __restrict__ ray_k = (RayHit*)ptr[index[k]];
+ ray_k->tfar = ray.tfar[k];
+ ray_k->Ng.x = ray.Ng.x[k];
+ ray_k->Ng.y = ray.Ng.y[k];
+ ray_k->Ng.z = ray.Ng.z[k];
+ ray_k->u = ray.u[k];
+ ray_k->v = ray.v[k];
+ ray_k->primID = ray.primID[k];
+ ray_k->geomID = ray.geomID[k];
+ instance_id_stack::copy_VU<K>(ray.instID, ray_k->instID, k);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void setHitByIndex(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const vint<K>& index, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ valid &= (ray.tfar < 0.0f);
+ if (likely(any(valid)))
+ {
+ size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+ while (valid_bits != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t k = bscf(valid_bits);
+ Ray* __restrict__ ray_k = ptr[index[k]];
+ ray_k->tfar = ray.tfar[k];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ Ray** __restrict__ ptr;
+ };
+ template<>
+ __forceinline Ray4 RayStreamAOP::getRayByIndex<4>(const vint4& index)
+ {
+ Ray4 ray;
+ /* load and transpose: org.x, org.y, org.z, tnear */
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[0]]->org);
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[1]]->org);
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[2]]->org);
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[3]]->org);
+ transpose(a0,a1,a2,a3,,,, ray.tnear());
+ /* load and transpose: dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, time */
+ const vfloat4 b0 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[0]]->dir);
+ const vfloat4 b1 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[1]]->dir);
+ const vfloat4 b2 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[2]]->dir);
+ const vfloat4 b3 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[3]]->dir);
+ transpose(b0,b1,b2,b3, ray.dir.x, ray.dir.y, ray.dir.z, ray.time());
+ /* load and transpose: tfar, mask, id, flags */
+ const vfloat4 c0 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[0]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c1 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[1]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c2 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[2]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c3 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[3]]->tfar);
+ vfloat4 maskf, idf, flagsf;
+ transpose(c0,c1,c2,c3, ray.tfar, maskf, idf, flagsf);
+ ray.mask = asInt(maskf);
+ = asInt(idf);
+ ray.flags = asInt(flagsf);
+ return ray;
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ template<>
+ __forceinline Ray8 RayStreamAOP::getRayByIndex<8>(const vint8& index)
+ {
+ Ray8 ray;
+ /* load and transpose: org.x, org.y, org.z, tnear, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, time */
+ const vfloat8 ab0 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[0]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab1 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[1]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab2 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[2]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab3 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[3]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab4 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[4]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab5 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[5]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab6 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[6]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab7 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[7]]->org);
+ transpose(ab0,ab1,ab2,ab3,ab4,ab5,ab6,ab7,,,, ray.tnear(), ray.dir.x, ray.dir.y, ray.dir.z, ray.time());
+ /* load and transpose: tfar, mask, id, flags */
+ const vfloat4 c0 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[0]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c1 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[1]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c2 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[2]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c3 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[3]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c4 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[4]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c5 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[5]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c6 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[6]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c7 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[7]]->tfar);
+ vfloat8 maskf, idf, flagsf;
+ transpose(c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7, ray.tfar, maskf, idf, flagsf);
+ ray.mask = asInt(maskf);
+ = asInt(idf);
+ ray.flags = asInt(flagsf);
+ return ray;
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ template<>
+ __forceinline Ray16 RayStreamAOP::getRayByIndex<16>(const vint16& index)
+ {
+ Ray16 ray;
+ /* load and transpose: org.x, org.y, org.z, tnear, dir.x, dir.y, dir.z, time */
+ const vfloat8 ab0 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[0]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab1 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[1]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab2 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[2]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab3 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[3]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab4 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[4]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab5 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[5]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab6 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[6]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab7 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[7]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab8 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[8]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab9 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[9]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab10 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[10]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab11 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[11]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab12 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[12]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab13 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[13]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab14 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[14]]->org);
+ const vfloat8 ab15 = vfloat8::loadu(&ptr[index[15]]->org);
+ transpose(ab0,ab1,ab2,ab3,ab4,ab5,ab6,ab7,ab8,ab9,ab10,ab11,ab12,ab13,ab14,ab15,
+,,, ray.tnear(), ray.dir.x, ray.dir.y, ray.dir.z, ray.time());
+ /* load and transpose: tfar, mask, id, flags */
+ const vfloat4 c0 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[0]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c1 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[1]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c2 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[2]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c3 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[3]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c4 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[4]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c5 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[5]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c6 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[6]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c7 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[7]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c8 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[8]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c9 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[9]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c10 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[10]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c11 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[11]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c12 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[12]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c13 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[13]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c14 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[14]]->tfar);
+ const vfloat4 c15 = vfloat4::loadu(&ptr[index[15]]->tfar);
+ vfloat16 maskf, idf, flagsf;
+ transpose(c0,c1,c2,c3,c4,c5,c6,c7,c8,c9,c10,c11,c12,c13,c14,c15,
+ ray.tfar, maskf, idf, flagsf);
+ ray.mask = asInt(maskf);
+ = asInt(idf);
+ ray.flags = asInt(flagsf);
+ return ray;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/rtcore.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/rtcore.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94b3819e42
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/rtcore.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1766 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "default.h"
+#include "device.h"
+#include "scene.h"
+#include "context.h"
+#include "../../include/embree3/rtcore_ray.h"
+using namespace embree;
+ /* mutex to make API thread safe */
+ static MutexSys g_mutex;
+ RTC_API RTCDevice rtcNewDevice(const char* config)
+ {
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcNewDevice);
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(g_mutex);
+ Device* device = new Device(config);
+ return (RTCDevice) device->refInc();
+ RTC_CATCH_END(nullptr);
+ return (RTCDevice) nullptr;
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcRetainDevice(RTCDevice hdevice)
+ {
+ Device* device = (Device*) hdevice;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcRetainDevice);
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(g_mutex);
+ device->refInc();
+ RTC_CATCH_END(nullptr);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcReleaseDevice(RTCDevice hdevice)
+ {
+ Device* device = (Device*) hdevice;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcReleaseDevice);
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(g_mutex);
+ device->refDec();
+ RTC_CATCH_END(nullptr);
+ }
+ RTC_API ssize_t rtcGetDeviceProperty(RTCDevice hdevice, RTCDeviceProperty prop)
+ {
+ Device* device = (Device*) hdevice;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetDeviceProperty);
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(g_mutex);
+ return device->getProperty(prop);
+ RTC_CATCH_END(device);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetDeviceProperty(RTCDevice hdevice, const RTCDeviceProperty prop, ssize_t val)
+ {
+ Device* device = (Device*) hdevice;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetDeviceProperty);
+ const bool internal_prop = (size_t)prop >= 1000000 && (size_t)prop < 1000004;
+ if (!internal_prop) RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hdevice); // allow NULL device for special internal settings
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(g_mutex);
+ device->setProperty(prop,val);
+ RTC_CATCH_END(device);
+ }
+ RTC_API RTCError rtcGetDeviceError(RTCDevice hdevice)
+ {
+ Device* device = (Device*) hdevice;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetDeviceError);
+ if (device == nullptr) return Device::getThreadErrorCode();
+ else return device->getDeviceErrorCode();
+ RTC_CATCH_END(device);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetDeviceErrorFunction(RTCDevice hdevice, RTCErrorFunction error, void* userPtr)
+ {
+ Device* device = (Device*) hdevice;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetDeviceErrorFunction);
+ device->setErrorFunction(error, userPtr);
+ RTC_CATCH_END(device);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetDeviceMemoryMonitorFunction(RTCDevice hdevice, RTCMemoryMonitorFunction memoryMonitor, void* userPtr)
+ {
+ Device* device = (Device*) hdevice;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetDeviceMemoryMonitorFunction);
+ device->setMemoryMonitorFunction(memoryMonitor, userPtr);
+ RTC_CATCH_END(device);
+ }
+ RTC_API RTCBuffer rtcNewBuffer(RTCDevice hdevice, size_t byteSize)
+ {
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcNewBuffer);
+ Buffer* buffer = new Buffer((Device*)hdevice, byteSize);
+ return (RTCBuffer)buffer->refInc();
+ RTC_CATCH_END((Device*)hdevice);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RTC_API RTCBuffer rtcNewSharedBuffer(RTCDevice hdevice, void* ptr, size_t byteSize)
+ {
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcNewSharedBuffer);
+ Buffer* buffer = new Buffer((Device*)hdevice, byteSize, ptr);
+ return (RTCBuffer)buffer->refInc();
+ RTC_CATCH_END((Device*)hdevice);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RTC_API void* rtcGetBufferData(RTCBuffer hbuffer)
+ {
+ Buffer* buffer = (Buffer*)hbuffer;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetBufferData);
+ return buffer->data();
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(buffer);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcRetainBuffer(RTCBuffer hbuffer)
+ {
+ Buffer* buffer = (Buffer*)hbuffer;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcRetainBuffer);
+ buffer->refInc();
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(buffer);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcReleaseBuffer(RTCBuffer hbuffer)
+ {
+ Buffer* buffer = (Buffer*)hbuffer;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcReleaseBuffer);
+ buffer->refDec();
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(buffer);
+ }
+ RTC_API RTCScene rtcNewScene (RTCDevice hdevice)
+ {
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcNewScene);
+ Scene* scene = new Scene((Device*)hdevice);
+ return (RTCScene) scene->refInc();
+ RTC_CATCH_END((Device*)hdevice);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RTC_API RTCDevice rtcGetSceneDevice(RTCScene hscene)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetSceneDevice);
+ return (RTCDevice)scene->device->refInc(); // user will own one additional device reference
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ return (RTCDevice)nullptr;
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetSceneProgressMonitorFunction(RTCScene hscene, RTCProgressMonitorFunction progress, void* ptr)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetSceneProgressMonitorFunction);
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(g_mutex);
+ scene->setProgressMonitorFunction(progress,ptr);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetSceneBuildQuality (RTCScene hscene, RTCBuildQuality quality)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetSceneBuildQuality);
+ if (quality != RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW &&
+ // -- GODOT start --
+ // throw std::runtime_error("invalid build quality");
+ abort();
+ // -- GODOT end --
+ scene->setBuildQuality(quality);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetSceneFlags (RTCScene hscene, RTCSceneFlags flags)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetSceneFlags);
+ scene->setSceneFlags(flags);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API RTCSceneFlags rtcGetSceneFlags(RTCScene hscene)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetSceneFlags);
+ return scene->getSceneFlags();
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcCommitScene (RTCScene hscene)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcCommitScene);
+ scene->commit(false);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcJoinCommitScene (RTCScene hscene)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcJoinCommitScene);
+ scene->commit(true);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcGetSceneBounds(RTCScene hscene, RTCBounds* bounds_o)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetSceneBounds);
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ BBox3fa bounds = scene->bounds.bounds();
+ bounds_o->lower_x = bounds.lower.x;
+ bounds_o->lower_y = bounds.lower.y;
+ bounds_o->lower_z = bounds.lower.z;
+ bounds_o->align0 = 0;
+ bounds_o->upper_x = bounds.upper.x;
+ bounds_o->upper_y = bounds.upper.y;
+ bounds_o->upper_z = bounds.upper.z;
+ bounds_o->align1 = 0;
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcGetSceneLinearBounds(RTCScene hscene, RTCLinearBounds* bounds_o)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetSceneBounds);
+ if (bounds_o == nullptr)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"invalid destination pointer");
+ if (scene->isModified())
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ bounds_o->bounds0.lower_x = scene->bounds.bounds0.lower.x;
+ bounds_o->bounds0.lower_y = scene->bounds.bounds0.lower.y;
+ bounds_o->bounds0.lower_z = scene->bounds.bounds0.lower.z;
+ bounds_o->bounds0.align0 = 0;
+ bounds_o->bounds0.upper_x = scene->bounds.bounds0.upper.x;
+ bounds_o->bounds0.upper_y = scene->bounds.bounds0.upper.y;
+ bounds_o->bounds0.upper_z = scene->bounds.bounds0.upper.z;
+ bounds_o->bounds0.align1 = 0;
+ bounds_o->bounds1.lower_x = scene->bounds.bounds1.lower.x;
+ bounds_o->bounds1.lower_y = scene->bounds.bounds1.lower.y;
+ bounds_o->bounds1.lower_z = scene->bounds.bounds1.lower.z;
+ bounds_o->bounds1.align0 = 0;
+ bounds_o->bounds1.upper_x = scene->bounds.bounds1.upper.x;
+ bounds_o->bounds1.upper_y = scene->bounds.bounds1.upper.y;
+ bounds_o->bounds1.upper_z = scene->bounds.bounds1.upper.z;
+ bounds_o->bounds1.align1 = 0;
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcCollide (RTCScene hscene0, RTCScene hscene1, RTCCollideFunc callback, void* userPtr)
+ {
+ Scene* scene0 = (Scene*) hscene0;
+ Scene* scene1 = (Scene*) hscene1;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcCollide);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene0->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene got not committed");
+ if (scene1->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene got not committed");
+ if (scene0->device != scene1->device) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scenes are from different devices");
+ auto nUserPrims0 = scene0->getNumPrimitives (Geometry::MTY_USER_GEOMETRY, false);
+ auto nUserPrims1 = scene1->getNumPrimitives (Geometry::MTY_USER_GEOMETRY, false);
+ if (scene0->numPrimitives() != nUserPrims0 && scene1->numPrimitives() != nUserPrims1) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scenes must only contain user geometries with a single timestep");
+ scene0->intersectors.collide(scene0,scene1,callback,userPtr);
+ RTC_CATCH_END(scene0->device);
+ }
+ inline bool pointQuery(Scene* scene, RTCPointQuery* query, RTCPointQueryContext* userContext, RTCPointQueryFunction queryFunc, void* userPtr)
+ {
+ bool changed = false;
+ if (userContext->instStackSize > 0)
+ {
+ const AffineSpace3fa transform = AffineSpace3fa_load_unaligned((AffineSpace3fa*)userContext->world2inst[userContext->instStackSize-1]);
+ float similarityScale = 0.f;
+ const bool similtude = similarityTransform(transform, &similarityScale);
+ assert((similtude && similarityScale > 0) || (!similtude && similarityScale == 0.f));
+ PointQuery query_inst;
+ query_inst.p = xfmPoint(transform, Vec3fa(query->x, query->y, query->z));
+ query_inst.radius = query->radius * similarityScale;
+ query_inst.time = query->time;
+ PointQueryContext context_inst(scene, (PointQuery*)query,
+ queryFunc, userContext, similarityScale, userPtr);
+ changed = scene->intersectors.pointQuery((PointQuery*)&query_inst, &context_inst);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PointQueryContext context(scene, (PointQuery*)query,
+ POINT_QUERY_TYPE_SPHERE, queryFunc, userContext, 1.f, userPtr);
+ changed = scene->intersectors.pointQuery((PointQuery*)query, &context);
+ }
+ return changed;
+ }
+ RTC_API bool rtcPointQuery(RTCScene hscene, RTCPointQuery* query, RTCPointQueryContext* userContext, RTCPointQueryFunction queryFunc, void* userPtr)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcPointQuery);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(userContext);
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene got not committed");
+ if (((size_t)query) & 0x0F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "query not aligned to 16 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)userContext) & 0x0F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "context not aligned to 16 bytes");
+ return pointQuery(scene, query, userContext, queryFunc, userPtr);
+ }
+ RTC_API bool rtcPointQuery4 (const int* valid, RTCScene hscene, RTCPointQuery4* query, struct RTCPointQueryContext* userContext, RTCPointQueryFunction queryFunc, void** userPtrN)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcPointQuery4);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene got not committed");
+ if (((size_t)valid) & 0x0F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "mask not aligned to 16 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)query) & 0x0F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "query not aligned to 16 bytes");
+ STAT(size_t cnt=0; for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++) cnt += ((int*)valid)[i] == -1;);
+ STAT3(point_query.travs,cnt,cnt,cnt);
+ bool changed = false;
+ PointQuery4* query4 = (PointQuery4*)query;
+ PointQuery query1;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ if (!valid[i]) continue;
+ query4->get(i,query1);
+ changed |= pointQuery(scene, (RTCPointQuery*)&query1, userContext, queryFunc, userPtrN?userPtrN[i]:NULL);
+ query4->set(i,query1);
+ }
+ return changed;
+ }
+ RTC_API bool rtcPointQuery8 (const int* valid, RTCScene hscene, RTCPointQuery8* query, struct RTCPointQueryContext* userContext, RTCPointQueryFunction queryFunc, void** userPtrN)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcPointQuery8);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene got not committed");
+ if (((size_t)valid) & 0x0F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "mask not aligned to 16 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)query) & 0x0F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "query not aligned to 16 bytes");
+ STAT(size_t cnt=0; for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++) cnt += ((int*)valid)[i] == -1;);
+ STAT3(point_query.travs,cnt,cnt,cnt);
+ bool changed = false;
+ PointQuery8* query8 = (PointQuery8*)query;
+ PointQuery query1;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<8; i++) {
+ if (!valid[i]) continue;
+ query8->get(i,query1);
+ changed |= pointQuery(scene, (RTCPointQuery*)&query1, userContext, queryFunc, userPtrN?userPtrN[i]:NULL);
+ query8->set(i,query1);
+ }
+ return changed;
+ }
+ RTC_API bool rtcPointQuery16 (const int* valid, RTCScene hscene, RTCPointQuery16* query, struct RTCPointQueryContext* userContext, RTCPointQueryFunction queryFunc, void** userPtrN)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcPointQuery16);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene got not committed");
+ if (((size_t)valid) & 0x0F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "mask not aligned to 16 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)query) & 0x0F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "query not aligned to 16 bytes");
+ STAT(size_t cnt=0; for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++) cnt += ((int*)valid)[i] == -1;);
+ STAT3(point_query.travs,cnt,cnt,cnt);
+ bool changed = false;
+ PointQuery16* query16 = (PointQuery16*)query;
+ PointQuery query1;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<16; i++) {
+ if (!valid[i]) continue;
+ PointQuery query1; query16->get(i,query1);
+ changed |= pointQuery(scene, (RTCPointQuery*)&query1, userContext, queryFunc, userPtrN?userPtrN[i]:NULL);
+ query16->set(i,query1);
+ }
+ return changed;
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcIntersect1 (RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, RTCRayHit* rayhit)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcIntersect1);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit) & 0x0F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "ray not aligned to 16 bytes");
+ STAT3(normal.travs,1,1,1);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+ scene->intersectors.intersect(*rayhit,&context);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ ((RayHit*)rayhit)->verifyHit();
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcIntersect4 (const int* valid, RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, RTCRayHit4* rayhit)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcIntersect4);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)valid) & 0x0F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "mask not aligned to 16 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit) & 0x0F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit not aligned to 16 bytes");
+ STAT(size_t cnt=0; for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++) cnt += ((int*)valid)[i] == -1;);
+ STAT3(normal.travs,cnt,cnt,cnt);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+#if !defined(EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ Ray4* ray4 = (Ray4*) rayhit;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ if (!valid[i]) continue;
+ RayHit ray1; ray4->get(i,ray1);
+ scene->intersectors.intersect((RTCRayHit&)ray1,&context);
+ ray4->set(i,ray1);
+ }
+ scene->intersectors.intersect4(valid,*rayhit,&context);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcIntersect8 (const int* valid, RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, RTCRayHit8* rayhit)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcIntersect8);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)valid) & 0x1F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "mask not aligned to 32 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit) & 0x1F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit not aligned to 32 bytes");
+ STAT(size_t cnt=0; for (size_t i=0; i<8; i++) cnt += ((int*)valid)[i] == -1;);
+ STAT3(normal.travs,cnt,cnt,cnt);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+#if !defined(EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ Ray8* ray8 = (Ray8*) rayhit;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<8; i++) {
+ if (!valid[i]) continue;
+ RayHit ray1; ray8->get(i,ray1);
+ scene->intersectors.intersect((RTCRayHit&)ray1,&context);
+ ray8->set(i,ray1);
+ }
+ if (likely(scene->intersectors.intersector8))
+ scene->intersectors.intersect8(valid,*rayhit,&context);
+ else
+ scene->device->rayStreamFilters.intersectSOA(scene,(char*)rayhit,8,1,sizeof(RTCRayHit8),&context);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcIntersect16 (const int* valid, RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, RTCRayHit16* rayhit)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcIntersect16);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)valid) & 0x3F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "mask not aligned to 64 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit) & 0x3F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit not aligned to 64 bytes");
+ STAT(size_t cnt=0; for (size_t i=0; i<16; i++) cnt += ((int*)valid)[i] == -1;);
+ STAT3(normal.travs,cnt,cnt,cnt);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+#if !defined(EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ Ray16* ray16 = (Ray16*) rayhit;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<16; i++) {
+ if (!valid[i]) continue;
+ RayHit ray1; ray16->get(i,ray1);
+ scene->intersectors.intersect((RTCRayHit&)ray1,&context);
+ ray16->set(i,ray1);
+ }
+ if (likely(scene->intersectors.intersector16))
+ scene->intersectors.intersect16(valid,*rayhit,&context);
+ else
+ scene->device->rayStreamFilters.intersectSOA(scene,(char*)rayhit,16,1,sizeof(RTCRayHit16),&context);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcIntersect1M (RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, RTCRayHit* rayhit, unsigned int M, size_t byteStride)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcIntersect1M);
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit ) & 0x03) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "ray not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ STAT3(normal.travs,M,M,M);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+ /* fast codepath for single rays */
+ if (likely(M == 1)) {
+ if (likely(rayhit->ray.tnear <= rayhit->ray.tfar))
+ scene->intersectors.intersect(*rayhit,&context);
+ }
+ /* codepath for streams */
+ else {
+ scene->device->rayStreamFilters.intersectAOS(scene,rayhit,M,byteStride,&context);
+ }
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcIntersect1M not supported");
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcIntersect1Mp (RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, RTCRayHit** rn, unsigned int M)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcIntersect1Mp);
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)rn) & 0x03) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "ray not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ STAT3(normal.travs,M,M,M);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+ /* fast codepath for single rays */
+ if (likely(M == 1)) {
+ if (likely(rn[0]->ray.tnear <= rn[0]->ray.tfar))
+ scene->intersectors.intersect(*rn[0],&context);
+ }
+ /* codepath for streams */
+ else {
+ scene->device->rayStreamFilters.intersectAOP(scene,rn,M,&context);
+ }
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcIntersect1Mp not supported");
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcIntersectNM (RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, struct RTCRayHitN* rayhit, unsigned int N, unsigned int M, size_t byteStride)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcIntersectNM);
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit) & 0x03) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "ray not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ STAT3(normal.travs,N*M,N*M,N*M);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+ /* code path for single ray streams */
+ if (likely(N == 1))
+ {
+ /* fast code path for streams of size 1 */
+ if (likely(M == 1)) {
+ if (likely(((RTCRayHit*)rayhit)->ray.tnear <= ((RTCRayHit*)rayhit)->ray.tfar))
+ scene->intersectors.intersect(*(RTCRayHit*)rayhit,&context);
+ }
+ /* normal codepath for single ray streams */
+ else {
+ scene->device->rayStreamFilters.intersectAOS(scene,(RTCRayHit*)rayhit,M,byteStride,&context);
+ }
+ }
+ /* code path for ray packet streams */
+ else {
+ scene->device->rayStreamFilters.intersectSOA(scene,(char*)rayhit,N,M,byteStride,&context);
+ }
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcIntersectNM not supported");
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcIntersectNp (RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, const RTCRayHitNp* rayhit, unsigned int N)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcIntersectNp);
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->ray.org_x ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->ray.org_x not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->ray.org_y ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->ray.org_y not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->ray.org_z ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->ray.org_z not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->ray.dir_x ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->ray.dir_x not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->ray.dir_y ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->ray.dir_y not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->ray.dir_z ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->ray.dir_z not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->ray.tnear ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->ray.dir_x not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->ray.tfar ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->ray.tnear not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->ray.time ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->ray.time not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->ray.mask ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->ray.mask not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->hit.Ng_x ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->hit.Ng_x not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->hit.Ng_y ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->hit.Ng_y not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->hit.Ng_z ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->hit.Ng_z not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->hit.u ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->hit.u not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->hit.v ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->hit.v not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->hit.geomID) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->hit.geomID not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->hit.primID) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->hit.primID not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)rayhit->hit.instID) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "rayhit->hit.instID not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ STAT3(normal.travs,N,N,N);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+ scene->device->rayStreamFilters.intersectSOP(scene,rayhit,N,&context);
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcIntersectNp not supported");
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcOccluded1 (RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, RTCRay* ray)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcOccluded1);
+ STAT3(shadow.travs,1,1,1);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)ray) & 0x0F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "ray not aligned to 16 bytes");
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+ scene->intersectors.occluded(*ray,&context);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcOccluded4 (const int* valid, RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, RTCRay4* ray)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcOccluded4);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)valid) & 0x0F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "mask not aligned to 16 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)ray) & 0x0F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "ray not aligned to 16 bytes");
+ STAT(size_t cnt=0; for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++) cnt += ((int*)valid)[i] == -1;);
+ STAT3(shadow.travs,cnt,cnt,cnt);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+#if !defined(EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ RayHit4* ray4 = (RayHit4*) ray;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++) {
+ if (!valid[i]) continue;
+ RayHit ray1; ray4->get(i,ray1);
+ scene->intersectors.occluded((RTCRay&)ray1,&context);
+ ray4->geomID[i] = ray1.geomID;
+ }
+ scene->intersectors.occluded4(valid,*ray,&context);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcOccluded8 (const int* valid, RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, RTCRay8* ray)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcOccluded8);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)valid) & 0x1F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "mask not aligned to 32 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)ray) & 0x1F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "ray not aligned to 32 bytes");
+ STAT(size_t cnt=0; for (size_t i=0; i<8; i++) cnt += ((int*)valid)[i] == -1;);
+ STAT3(shadow.travs,cnt,cnt,cnt);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+#if !defined(EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ RayHit8* ray8 = (RayHit8*) ray;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<8; i++) {
+ if (!valid[i]) continue;
+ RayHit ray1; ray8->get(i,ray1);
+ scene->intersectors.occluded((RTCRay&)ray1,&context);
+ ray8->set(i,ray1);
+ }
+ if (likely(scene->intersectors.intersector8))
+ scene->intersectors.occluded8(valid,*ray,&context);
+ else
+ scene->device->rayStreamFilters.occludedSOA(scene,(char*)ray,8,1,sizeof(RTCRay8),&context);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcOccluded16 (const int* valid, RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, RTCRay16* ray)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcOccluded16);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)valid) & 0x3F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "mask not aligned to 64 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)ray) & 0x3F) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "ray not aligned to 64 bytes");
+ STAT(size_t cnt=0; for (size_t i=0; i<16; i++) cnt += ((int*)valid)[i] == -1;);
+ STAT3(shadow.travs,cnt,cnt,cnt);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+#if !defined(EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+ RayHit16* ray16 = (RayHit16*) ray;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<16; i++) {
+ if (!valid[i]) continue;
+ RayHit ray1; ray16->get(i,ray1);
+ scene->intersectors.occluded((RTCRay&)ray1,&context);
+ ray16->set(i,ray1);
+ }
+ if (likely(scene->intersectors.intersector16))
+ scene->intersectors.occluded16(valid,*ray,&context);
+ else
+ scene->device->rayStreamFilters.occludedSOA(scene,(char*)ray,16,1,sizeof(RTCRay16),&context);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcOccluded1M(RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, RTCRay* ray, unsigned int M, size_t byteStride)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcOccluded1M);
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)ray) & 0x03) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "ray not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ STAT3(shadow.travs,M,M,M);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+ /* fast codepath for streams of size 1 */
+ if (likely(M == 1)) {
+ if (likely(ray->tnear <= ray->tfar))
+ scene->intersectors.occluded (*ray,&context);
+ }
+ /* codepath for normal streams */
+ else {
+ scene->device->rayStreamFilters.occludedAOS(scene,ray,M,byteStride,&context);
+ }
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcOccluded1M not supported");
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcOccluded1Mp(RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, RTCRay** ray, unsigned int M)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcOccluded1Mp);
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)ray) & 0x03) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "ray not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ STAT3(shadow.travs,M,M,M);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+ /* fast codepath for streams of size 1 */
+ if (likely(M == 1)) {
+ if (likely(ray[0]->tnear <= ray[0]->tfar))
+ scene->intersectors.occluded (*ray[0],&context);
+ }
+ /* codepath for normal streams */
+ else {
+ scene->device->rayStreamFilters.occludedAOP(scene,ray,M,&context);
+ }
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcOccluded1Mp not supported");
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcOccludedNM(RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, RTCRayN* ray, unsigned int N, unsigned int M, size_t byteStride)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcOccludedNM);
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (byteStride < sizeof(RTCRayHit)) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"byteStride too small");
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)ray) & 0x03) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "ray not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ STAT3(shadow.travs,N*M,N*N,N*N);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+ /* codepath for single rays */
+ if (likely(N == 1))
+ {
+ /* fast path for streams of size 1 */
+ if (likely(M == 1)) {
+ if (likely(((RTCRay*)ray)->tnear <= ((RTCRay*)ray)->tfar))
+ scene->intersectors.occluded (*(RTCRay*)ray,&context);
+ }
+ /* codepath for normal ray streams */
+ else {
+ scene->device->rayStreamFilters.occludedAOS(scene,(RTCRay*)ray,M,byteStride,&context);
+ }
+ }
+ /* code path for ray packet streams */
+ else {
+ scene->device->rayStreamFilters.occludedSOA(scene,(char*)ray,N,M,byteStride,&context);
+ }
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcOccludedNM not supported");
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcOccludedNp(RTCScene hscene, RTCIntersectContext* user_context, const RTCRayNp* ray, unsigned int N)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcOccludedNp);
+#if defined (EMBREE_RAY_PACKETS)
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ if (scene->isModified()) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed");
+ if (((size_t)ray->org_x ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "org_x not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)ray->org_y ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "org_y not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)ray->org_z ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "org_z not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)ray->dir_x ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "dir_x not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)ray->dir_y ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "dir_y not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)ray->dir_z ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "dir_z not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)ray->tnear ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "dir_x not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)ray->tfar ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "tnear not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)ray->time ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "time not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ if (((size_t)ray->mask ) & 0x03 ) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "mask not aligned to 4 bytes");
+ STAT3(shadow.travs,N,N,N);
+ IntersectContext context(scene,user_context);
+ scene->device->rayStreamFilters.occludedSOP(scene,ray,N,&context);
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcOccludedNp not supported");
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcRetainScene (RTCScene hscene)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcRetainScene);
+ scene->refInc();
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcReleaseScene (RTCScene hscene)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcReleaseScene);
+ scene->refDec();
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryInstancedScene(RTCGeometry hgeometry, RTCScene hscene)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ Ref<Scene> scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryInstancedScene);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setInstancedScene(scene);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ AffineSpace3fa loadTransform(RTCFormat format, const float* xfm)
+ {
+ AffineSpace3fa space = one;
+ switch (format)
+ {
+ space = AffineSpace3fa(Vec3fa(xfm[ 0], xfm[ 4], xfm[ 8]),
+ Vec3fa(xfm[ 1], xfm[ 5], xfm[ 9]),
+ Vec3fa(xfm[ 2], xfm[ 6], xfm[10]),
+ Vec3fa(xfm[ 3], xfm[ 7], xfm[11]));
+ break;
+ space = AffineSpace3fa(Vec3fa(xfm[ 0], xfm[ 1], xfm[ 2]),
+ Vec3fa(xfm[ 3], xfm[ 4], xfm[ 5]),
+ Vec3fa(xfm[ 6], xfm[ 7], xfm[ 8]),
+ Vec3fa(xfm[ 9], xfm[10], xfm[11]));
+ break;
+ space = AffineSpace3fa(Vec3fa(xfm[ 0], xfm[ 1], xfm[ 2]),
+ Vec3fa(xfm[ 4], xfm[ 5], xfm[ 6]),
+ Vec3fa(xfm[ 8], xfm[ 9], xfm[10]),
+ Vec3fa(xfm[12], xfm[13], xfm[14]));
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "invalid matrix format");
+ break;
+ }
+ return space;
+ }
+ void storeTransform(const AffineSpace3fa& space, RTCFormat format, float* xfm)
+ {
+ switch (format)
+ {
+ xfm[ 0] = space.l.vx.x; xfm[ 1] = space.l.vy.x; xfm[ 2] = space.l.vz.x; xfm[ 3] = space.p.x;
+ xfm[ 4] = space.l.vx.y; xfm[ 5] = space.l.vy.y; xfm[ 6] = space.l.vz.y; xfm[ 7] = space.p.y;
+ xfm[ 8] = space.l.vx.z; xfm[ 9] = space.l.vy.z; xfm[10] = space.l.vz.z; xfm[11] = space.p.z;
+ break;
+ xfm[ 0] = space.l.vx.x; xfm[ 1] = space.l.vx.y; xfm[ 2] = space.l.vx.z;
+ xfm[ 3] = space.l.vy.x; xfm[ 4] = space.l.vy.y; xfm[ 5] = space.l.vy.z;
+ xfm[ 6] = space.l.vz.x; xfm[ 7] = space.l.vz.y; xfm[ 8] = space.l.vz.z;
+ xfm[ 9] = space.p.x; xfm[10] = space.p.y; xfm[11] = space.p.z;
+ break;
+ xfm[ 0] = space.l.vx.x; xfm[ 1] = space.l.vx.y; xfm[ 2] = space.l.vx.z; xfm[ 3] = 0.f;
+ xfm[ 4] = space.l.vy.x; xfm[ 5] = space.l.vy.y; xfm[ 6] = space.l.vy.z; xfm[ 7] = 0.f;
+ xfm[ 8] = space.l.vz.x; xfm[ 9] = space.l.vz.y; xfm[10] = space.l.vz.z; xfm[11] = 0.f;
+ xfm[12] = space.p.x; xfm[13] = space.p.y; xfm[14] = space.p.z; xfm[15] = 1.f;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "invalid matrix format");
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryTransform(RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned int timeStep, RTCFormat format, const void* xfm)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryTransform);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ const AffineSpace3fa transform = loadTransform(format, (const float*)xfm);
+ geometry->setTransform(transform, timeStep);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryTransformQuaternion(RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned int timeStep, const RTCQuaternionDecomposition* qd)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryTransformQuaternion);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ AffineSpace3fx transform;
+ transform.l.vx.x = qd->scale_x;
+ transform.l.vy.y = qd->scale_y;
+ transform.l.vz.z = qd->scale_z;
+ transform.l.vy.x = qd->skew_xy;
+ transform.l.vz.x = qd->skew_xz;
+ transform.l.vz.y = qd->skew_yz;
+ transform.l.vx.y = qd->translation_x;
+ transform.l.vx.z = qd->translation_y;
+ transform.l.vy.z = qd->translation_z;
+ transform.p.x = qd->shift_x;
+ transform.p.y = qd->shift_y;
+ transform.p.z = qd->shift_z;
+ // normalize quaternion
+ Quaternion3f q(qd->quaternion_r, qd->quaternion_i, qd->quaternion_j, qd->quaternion_k);
+ q = normalize(q);
+ transform.l.vx.w = q.i;
+ transform.l.vy.w = q.j;
+ transform.l.vz.w = q.k;
+ transform.p.w = q.r;
+ geometry->setQuaternionDecomposition(transform, timeStep);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcGetGeometryTransform(RTCGeometry hgeometry, float time, RTCFormat format, void* xfm)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetGeometryTransform);
+ const AffineSpace3fa transform = geometry->getTransform(time);
+ storeTransform(transform, format, (float*)xfm);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcFilterIntersection(const struct RTCIntersectFunctionNArguments* const args_i, const struct RTCFilterFunctionNArguments* filter_args)
+ {
+ IntersectFunctionNArguments* args = (IntersectFunctionNArguments*) args_i;
+ args->report(args,filter_args);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcFilterOcclusion(const struct RTCOccludedFunctionNArguments* const args_i, const struct RTCFilterFunctionNArguments* filter_args)
+ {
+ OccludedFunctionNArguments* args = (OccludedFunctionNArguments*) args_i;
+ args->report(args,filter_args);
+ }
+ RTC_API RTCGeometry rtcNewGeometry (RTCDevice hdevice, RTCGeometryType type)
+ {
+ Device* device = (Device*) hdevice;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcNewGeometry);
+ switch (type)
+ {
+ {
+ createTriangleMeshTy createTriangleMesh = nullptr;
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(device->enabled_cpu_features,createTriangleMesh);
+ Geometry* geom = createTriangleMesh(device);
+ return (RTCGeometry) geom->refInc();
+ }
+ {
+ createQuadMeshTy createQuadMesh = nullptr;
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(device->enabled_cpu_features,createQuadMesh);
+ Geometry* geom = createQuadMesh(device);
+ return (RTCGeometry) geom->refInc();
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_QUAD is not supported");
+ }
+ {
+ createPointsTy createPoints = nullptr;
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(device->enabled_builder_cpu_features, createPoints);
+ Geometry *geom;
+ switch(type) {
+ geom = createPoints(device, Geometry::GTY_SPHERE_POINT);
+ break;
+ geom = createPoints(device, Geometry::GTY_DISC_POINT);
+ break;
+ geom = createPoints(device, Geometry::GTY_ORIENTED_DISC_POINT);
+ break;
+ default:
+ geom = nullptr;
+ break;
+ }
+ return (RTCGeometry) geom->refInc();
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_POINT is not supported");
+ }
+ {
+ createLineSegmentsTy createLineSegments = nullptr;
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(device->enabled_cpu_features,createLineSegments);
+ createCurvesTy createCurves = nullptr;
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(device->enabled_cpu_features,createCurves);
+ Geometry* geom;
+ switch (type) {
+ case RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_CONE_LINEAR_CURVE : geom = createLineSegments (device,Geometry::GTY_CONE_LINEAR_CURVE); break;
+ case RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_ROUND_LINEAR_CURVE : geom = createLineSegments (device,Geometry::GTY_ROUND_LINEAR_CURVE); break;
+ case RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FLAT_LINEAR_CURVE : geom = createLineSegments (device,Geometry::GTY_FLAT_LINEAR_CURVE); break;
+ //case RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_NORMAL_ORIENTED_LINEAR_CURVE : geom = createLineSegments (device,Geometry::GTY_ORIENTED_LINEAR_CURVE); break;
+ case RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_ROUND_BEZIER_CURVE : geom = createCurves(device,Geometry::GTY_ROUND_BEZIER_CURVE); break;
+ case RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FLAT_BEZIER_CURVE : geom = createCurves(device,Geometry::GTY_FLAT_BEZIER_CURVE); break;
+ case RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_ROUND_BSPLINE_CURVE : geom = createCurves(device,Geometry::GTY_ROUND_BSPLINE_CURVE); break;
+ case RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FLAT_BSPLINE_CURVE : geom = createCurves(device,Geometry::GTY_FLAT_BSPLINE_CURVE); break;
+ case RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_ROUND_HERMITE_CURVE : geom = createCurves(device,Geometry::GTY_ROUND_HERMITE_CURVE); break;
+ case RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FLAT_HERMITE_CURVE : geom = createCurves(device,Geometry::GTY_FLAT_HERMITE_CURVE); break;
+ case RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_ROUND_CATMULL_ROM_CURVE : geom = createCurves(device,Geometry::GTY_ROUND_CATMULL_ROM_CURVE); break;
+ case RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_FLAT_CATMULL_ROM_CURVE : geom = createCurves(device,Geometry::GTY_FLAT_CATMULL_ROM_CURVE); break;
+ default: geom = nullptr; break;
+ }
+ return (RTCGeometry) geom->refInc();
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_CURVE is not supported");
+ }
+ {
+ createSubdivMeshTy createSubdivMesh = nullptr;
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX(device->enabled_cpu_features,createSubdivMesh);
+ //SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(device->enabled_cpu_features,createSubdivMesh); // FIXME: this does not work for some reason?
+ Geometry* geom = createSubdivMesh(device);
+ return (RTCGeometry) geom->refInc();
+ }
+ {
+ createUserGeometryTy createUserGeometry = nullptr;
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(device->enabled_cpu_features,createUserGeometry);
+ Geometry* geom = createUserGeometry(device);
+ return (RTCGeometry) geom->refInc();
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_USER is not supported");
+ }
+ {
+ createInstanceTy createInstance = nullptr;
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(device->enabled_cpu_features,createInstance);
+ Geometry* geom = createInstance(device);
+ return (RTCGeometry) geom->refInc();
+ }
+ {
+ createGridMeshTy createGridMesh = nullptr;
+ SELECT_SYMBOL_DEFAULT_AVX_AVX2_AVX512(device->enabled_cpu_features,createGridMesh);
+ Geometry* geom = createGridMesh(device);
+ return (RTCGeometry) geom->refInc();
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"RTC_GEOMETRY_TYPE_GRID is not supported");
+ }
+ default:
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"invalid geometry type");
+ }
+ RTC_CATCH_END(device);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryUserPrimitiveCount(RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned int userPrimitiveCount)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryUserPrimitiveCount);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ if (unlikely(geometry->getType() != Geometry::GTY_USER_GEOMETRY))
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"operation only allowed for user geometries");
+ geometry->setNumPrimitives(userPrimitiveCount);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryTimeStepCount(RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned int timeStepCount)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryTimeStepCount);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ if (timeStepCount > RTC_MAX_TIME_STEP_COUNT)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"number of time steps is out of range");
+ geometry->setNumTimeSteps(timeStepCount);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryTimeRange(RTCGeometry hgeometry, float startTime, float endTime)
+ {
+ Ref<Geometry> geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryTimeRange);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ if (startTime > endTime)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"startTime has to be smaller or equal to the endTime");
+ geometry->setTimeRange(BBox1f(startTime,endTime));
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryVertexAttributeCount(RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned int N)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryVertexAttributeCount);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setVertexAttributeCount(N);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryTopologyCount(RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned int N)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryTopologyCount);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setTopologyCount(N);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryBuildQuality (RTCGeometry hgeometry, RTCBuildQuality quality)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryBuildQuality);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ if (quality != RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW &&
+ quality != RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_HIGH &&
+ // -- GODOT start --
+ // throw std::runtime_error("invalid build quality");
+ abort();
+ // -- GODOT end --
+ geometry->setBuildQuality(quality);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryMaxRadiusScale(RTCGeometry hgeometry, float maxRadiusScale)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryMaxRadiusScale);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ if (maxRadiusScale < 1.0f) throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"maximal radius scale has to be larger or equal to 1");
+ geometry->setMaxRadiusScale(maxRadiusScale);
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"min-width feature is not enabled");
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryMask (RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned int mask)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryMask);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setMask(mask);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometrySubdivisionMode (RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned topologyID, RTCSubdivisionMode mode)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometrySubdivisionMode);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setSubdivisionMode(topologyID,mode);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryVertexAttributeTopology(RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned int vertexAttributeID, unsigned int topologyID)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryVertexAttributeTopology);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setVertexAttributeTopology(vertexAttributeID, topologyID);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryBuffer(RTCGeometry hgeometry, RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot, RTCFormat format, RTCBuffer hbuffer, size_t byteOffset, size_t byteStride, size_t itemCount)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ Ref<Buffer> buffer = (Buffer*)hbuffer;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryBuffer);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ if (geometry->device != buffer->device)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"inputs are from different devices");
+ if (itemCount > 0xFFFFFFFFu)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"buffer too large");
+ geometry->setBuffer(type, slot, format, buffer, byteOffset, byteStride, (unsigned int)itemCount);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetSharedGeometryBuffer(RTCGeometry hgeometry, RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot, RTCFormat format, const void* ptr, size_t byteOffset, size_t byteStride, size_t itemCount)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetSharedGeometryBuffer);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ if (itemCount > 0xFFFFFFFFu)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"buffer too large");
+ Ref<Buffer> buffer = new Buffer(geometry->device, itemCount*byteStride, (char*)ptr + byteOffset);
+ geometry->setBuffer(type, slot, format, buffer, 0, byteStride, (unsigned int)itemCount);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void* rtcSetNewGeometryBuffer(RTCGeometry hgeometry, RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot, RTCFormat format, size_t byteStride, size_t itemCount)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetNewGeometryBuffer);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ if (itemCount > 0xFFFFFFFFu)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"buffer too large");
+ /* vertex buffers need to get overallocated slightly as elements are accessed using SSE loads */
+ size_t bytes = itemCount*byteStride;
+ bytes += (16 - (byteStride%16))%16;
+ Ref<Buffer> buffer = new Buffer(geometry->device, bytes);
+ geometry->setBuffer(type, slot, format, buffer, 0, byteStride, (unsigned int)itemCount);
+ return buffer->data();
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RTC_API void* rtcGetGeometryBufferData(RTCGeometry hgeometry, RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetGeometryBufferData);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ return geometry->getBuffer(type, slot);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcEnableGeometry (RTCGeometry hgeometry)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcEnableGeometry);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->enable();
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcUpdateGeometryBuffer (RTCGeometry hgeometry, RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcUpdateGeometryBuffer);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->updateBuffer(type, slot);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcDisableGeometry (RTCGeometry hgeometry)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcDisableGeometry);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->disable();
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryTessellationRate (RTCGeometry hgeometry, float tessellationRate)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryTessellationRate);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setTessellationRate(tessellationRate);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryUserData (RTCGeometry hgeometry, void* ptr)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryUserData);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setUserData(ptr);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void* rtcGetGeometryUserData (RTCGeometry hgeometry)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry; // no ref counting here!
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetGeometryUserData);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ return geometry->getUserData();
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryBoundsFunction (RTCGeometry hgeometry, RTCBoundsFunction bounds, void* userPtr)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryBoundsFunction);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setBoundsFunction(bounds,userPtr);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryDisplacementFunction (RTCGeometry hgeometry, RTCDisplacementFunctionN displacement)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryDisplacementFunction);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setDisplacementFunction(displacement);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryIntersectFunction (RTCGeometry hgeometry, RTCIntersectFunctionN intersect)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryIntersectFunction);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setIntersectFunctionN(intersect);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryPointQueryFunction(RTCGeometry hgeometry, RTCPointQueryFunction pointQuery)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryPointQueryFunction);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setPointQueryFunction(pointQuery);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API unsigned int rtcGetGeometryFirstHalfEdge(RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned int faceID)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetGeometryFirstHalfEdge);
+ return geometry->getFirstHalfEdge(faceID);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ RTC_API unsigned int rtcGetGeometryFace(RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned int edgeID)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetGeometryFace);
+ return geometry->getFace(edgeID);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ RTC_API unsigned int rtcGetGeometryNextHalfEdge(RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned int edgeID)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetGeometryNextHalfEdge);
+ return geometry->getNextHalfEdge(edgeID);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ RTC_API unsigned int rtcGetGeometryPreviousHalfEdge(RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned int edgeID)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetGeometryPreviousHalfEdge);
+ return geometry->getPreviousHalfEdge(edgeID);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ RTC_API unsigned int rtcGetGeometryOppositeHalfEdge(RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned int topologyID, unsigned int edgeID)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetGeometryOppositeHalfEdge);
+ return geometry->getOppositeHalfEdge(topologyID,edgeID);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryOccludedFunction (RTCGeometry hgeometry, RTCOccludedFunctionN occluded)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetOccludedFunctionN);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setOccludedFunctionN(occluded);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryIntersectFilterFunction (RTCGeometry hgeometry, RTCFilterFunctionN filter)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryIntersectFilterFunction);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setIntersectionFilterFunctionN(filter);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcSetGeometryOccludedFilterFunction (RTCGeometry hgeometry, RTCFilterFunctionN filter)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcSetGeometryOccludedFilterFunction);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->setOcclusionFilterFunctionN(filter);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcInterpolate(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) args->geometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcInterpolate);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(args->geometry);
+ geometry->interpolate(args);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcInterpolateN(const RTCInterpolateNArguments* const args)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) args->geometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcInterpolateN);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(args->geometry);
+ geometry->interpolateN(args);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcCommitGeometry (RTCGeometry hgeometry)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcCommitGeometry);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ return geometry->commit();
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API unsigned int rtcAttachGeometry (RTCScene hscene, RTCGeometry hgeometry)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcAttachGeometry);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ if (scene->device != geometry->device)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"inputs are from different devices");
+ return scene->bind(RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID,geometry);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcAttachGeometryByID (RTCScene hscene, RTCGeometry hgeometry, unsigned int geomID)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcAttachGeometryByID);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ if (scene->device != geometry->device)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"inputs are from different devices");
+ scene->bind(geomID,geometry);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcDetachGeometry (RTCScene hscene, unsigned int geomID)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcDetachGeometry);
+ scene->detachGeometry(geomID);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcRetainGeometry (RTCGeometry hgeometry)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcRetainGeometry);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->refInc();
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcReleaseGeometry (RTCGeometry hgeometry)
+ {
+ Geometry* geometry = (Geometry*) hgeometry;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcReleaseGeometry);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(hgeometry);
+ geometry->refDec();
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(geometry);
+ }
+ RTC_API RTCGeometry rtcGetGeometry (RTCScene hscene, unsigned int geomID)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = (Scene*) hscene;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcGetGeometry);
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+ return (RTCGeometry) scene->get(geomID);
+ RTC_CATCH_END2(scene);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/rtcore.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/rtcore.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8aad7c7cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/rtcore.h
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../../include/embree3/rtcore.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! decoding of intersection flags */
+ __forceinline bool isCoherent (RTCIntersectContextFlags flags) { return (flags & RTC_INTERSECT_CONTEXT_FLAG_COHERENT) == RTC_INTERSECT_CONTEXT_FLAG_COHERENT; }
+ __forceinline bool isIncoherent(RTCIntersectContextFlags flags) { return (flags & RTC_INTERSECT_CONTEXT_FLAG_COHERENT) == RTC_INTERSECT_CONTEXT_FLAG_INCOHERENT; }
+# define USE_TASK_ARENA 1
+# define USE_TASK_ARENA 0
+#if defined(TASKING_TBB) && (TBB_INTERFACE_VERSION >= 11009) // TBB 2019 Update 9
+/*! Macros used in the rtcore API implementation */
+// -- GODOT start --
+// #define RTC_CATCH_BEGIN try {
+// #define RTC_CATCH_END(device) \
+// } catch (std::bad_alloc&) { \
+// Device::process_error(device,RTC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY,"out of memory"); \
+// } catch (rtcore_error& e) { \
+// Device::process_error(device,e.error,e.what()); \
+// } catch (std::exception& e) { \
+// Device::process_error(device,RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,e.what()); \
+// } catch (...) { \
+// Device::process_error(device,RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"unknown exception caught"); \
+// }
+#define RTC_CATCH_END(device)
+// #define RTC_CATCH_END2(scene) \
+// } catch (std::bad_alloc&) { \
+// Device* device = scene ? scene->device : nullptr; \
+// Device::process_error(device,RTC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY,"out of memory"); \
+// } catch (rtcore_error& e) { \
+// Device* device = scene ? scene->device : nullptr; \
+// Device::process_error(device,e.error,e.what()); \
+// } catch (std::exception& e) { \
+// Device* device = scene ? scene->device : nullptr; \
+// Device::process_error(device,RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,e.what()); \
+// } catch (...) { \
+// Device* device = scene ? scene->device : nullptr; \
+// Device::process_error(device,RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"unknown exception caught"); \
+// }
+#define RTC_CATCH_END2(scene)
+// #define RTC_CATCH_END2_FALSE(scene) \
+// } catch (std::bad_alloc&) { \
+// Device* device = scene ? scene->device : nullptr; \
+// Device::process_error(device,RTC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY,"out of memory"); \
+// return false; \
+// } catch (rtcore_error& e) { \
+// Device* device = scene ? scene->device : nullptr; \
+// Device::process_error(device,e.error,e.what()); \
+// return false; \
+// } catch (std::exception& e) { \
+// Device* device = scene ? scene->device : nullptr; \
+// Device::process_error(device,RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,e.what()); \
+// return false; \
+// } catch (...) { \
+// Device* device = scene ? scene->device : nullptr; \
+// Device::process_error(device,RTC_ERROR_UNKNOWN,"unknown exception caught"); \
+// return false; \
+// }
+#define RTC_CATCH_END2_FALSE(scene) return false;
+// -- GODOT end --
+#define RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(handle) \
+ if (handle == nullptr) { \
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"invalid argument"); \
+ }
+#define RTC_VERIFY_GEOMID(id) \
+ if (id == RTC_INVALID_GEOMETRY_ID) { \
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"invalid argument"); \
+ }
+#define RTC_VERIFY_UPPER(id,upper) \
+ if (id > upper) { \
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"invalid argument"); \
+ }
+#define RTC_VERIFY_RANGE(id,lower,upper) \
+ if (id < lower || id > upper) \
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"argument out of bounds");
+#if 0 // enable to debug print all API calls
+#define RTC_TRACE(x) std::cout << #x << std::endl;
+#define RTC_TRACE(x)
+// -- GODOT begin --
+// /*! used to throw embree API errors */
+// struct rtcore_error : public std::exception
+// {
+// __forceinline rtcore_error(RTCError error, const std::string& str)
+// : error(error), str(str) {}
+// ~rtcore_error() throw() {}
+// const char* what () const throw () {
+// return str.c_str();
+// }
+// RTCError error;
+// std::string str;
+// };
+// -- GODOT end --
+#if defined(DEBUG) // only report file and line in debug mode
+ // -- GODOT begin --
+ // #define throw_RTCError(error,str) \
+ // throw rtcore_error(error,std::string(__FILE__) + " (" + toString(__LINE__) + "): " + std::string(str));
+ #define throw_RTCError(error,str) \
+ printf("%s (%d): %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, std::string(str).c_str()), abort();
+ // -- GODOT end --
+ // -- GODOT begin --
+ // #define throw_RTCError(error,str) \
+ // throw rtcore_error(error,str);
+ #define throw_RTCError(error,str) \
+ abort();
+ // -- GODOT end --
+#define RTC_BUILD_ARGUMENTS_HAS(settings,member) \
+ (settings.byteSize > (offsetof(RTCBuildArguments,member)+sizeof(settings.member)))
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/rtcore_builder.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/rtcore_builder.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1f1b6f6ddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/rtcore_builder.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "default.h"
+#include "device.h"
+#include "scene.h"
+#include "context.h"
+#include "alloc.h"
+#include "../builders/bvh_builder_sah.h"
+#include "../builders/bvh_builder_morton.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa // FIXME: support more ISAs for builders
+ {
+ struct BVH : public RefCount
+ {
+ BVH (Device* device)
+ : device(device), allocator(device,true), morton_src(device,0), morton_tmp(device,0)
+ {
+ device->refInc();
+ }
+ ~BVH() {
+ device->refDec();
+ }
+ public:
+ Device* device;
+ FastAllocator allocator;
+ mvector<BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim> morton_src;
+ mvector<BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim> morton_tmp;
+ };
+ void* rtcBuildBVHMorton(const RTCBuildArguments* arguments)
+ {
+ BVH* bvh = (BVH*) arguments->bvh;
+ RTCBuildPrimitive* prims_i = arguments->primitives;
+ size_t primitiveCount = arguments->primitiveCount;
+ RTCCreateNodeFunction createNode = arguments->createNode;
+ RTCSetNodeChildrenFunction setNodeChildren = arguments->setNodeChildren;
+ RTCSetNodeBoundsFunction setNodeBounds = arguments->setNodeBounds;
+ RTCCreateLeafFunction createLeaf = arguments->createLeaf;
+ RTCProgressMonitorFunction buildProgress = arguments->buildProgress;
+ void* userPtr = arguments->userPtr;
+ std::atomic<size_t> progress(0);
+ /* initialize temporary arrays for morton builder */
+ PrimRef* prims = (PrimRef*) prims_i;
+ mvector<BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim>& morton_src = bvh->morton_src;
+ mvector<BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim>& morton_tmp = bvh->morton_tmp;
+ morton_src.resize(primitiveCount);
+ morton_tmp.resize(primitiveCount);
+ /* compute centroid bounds */
+ const BBox3fa centBounds = parallel_reduce ( size_t(0), primitiveCount, BBox3fa(empty), [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> BBox3fa {
+ BBox3fa bounds(empty);
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++)
+ bounds.extend(prims[i].bounds().center2());
+ return bounds;
+ }, BBox3fa::merge);
+ /* compute morton codes */
+ BVHBuilderMorton::MortonCodeMapping mapping(centBounds);
+ parallel_for ( size_t(0), primitiveCount, [&](const range<size_t>& r) {
+ BVHBuilderMorton::MortonCodeGenerator generator(mapping,&morton_src[r.begin()]);
+ for (size_t i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); i++) {
+ generator(prims[i].bounds(),(unsigned) i);
+ }
+ });
+ /* start morton build */
+ std::pair<void*,BBox3fa> root = BVHBuilderMorton::build<std::pair<void*,BBox3fa>>(
+ /* thread local allocator for fast allocations */
+ [&] () -> FastAllocator::CachedAllocator {
+ return bvh->allocator.getCachedAllocator();
+ },
+ /* lambda function that allocates BVH nodes */
+ [&] ( const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc, size_t N ) -> void* {
+ return createNode((RTCThreadLocalAllocator)&alloc, (unsigned int)N,userPtr);
+ },
+ /* lambda function that sets bounds */
+ [&] (void* node, const std::pair<void*,BBox3fa>* children, size_t N) -> std::pair<void*,BBox3fa>
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ void* childptrs[BVHBuilderMorton::MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ const RTCBounds* cbounds[BVHBuilderMorton::MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ bounds.extend(children[i].second);
+ childptrs[i] = children[i].first;
+ cbounds[i] = (const RTCBounds*)&children[i].second;
+ }
+ setNodeBounds(node,cbounds,(unsigned int)N,userPtr);
+ setNodeChildren(node,childptrs, (unsigned int)N,userPtr);
+ return std::make_pair(node,bounds);
+ },
+ /* lambda function that creates BVH leaves */
+ [&]( const range<unsigned>& current, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) -> std::pair<void*,BBox3fa>
+ {
+ RTCBuildPrimitive localBuildPrims[RTC_BUILD_MAX_PRIMITIVES_PER_LEAF];
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<current.size();i++)
+ {
+ const size_t id = morton_src[current.begin()+i].index;
+ bounds.extend(prims[id].bounds());
+ localBuildPrims[i] = prims_i[id];
+ }
+ void* node = createLeaf((RTCThreadLocalAllocator)&alloc,localBuildPrims,current.size(),userPtr);
+ return std::make_pair(node,bounds);
+ },
+ /* lambda that calculates the bounds for some primitive */
+ [&] (const BVHBuilderMorton::BuildPrim& morton) -> BBox3fa {
+ return prims[morton.index].bounds();
+ },
+ /* progress monitor function */
+ [&] (size_t dn) {
+ if (!buildProgress) return true;
+ const size_t n = progress.fetch_add(dn)+dn;
+ const double f = std::min(1.0,double(n)/double(primitiveCount));
+ return buildProgress(userPtr,f);
+ },
+ *arguments);
+ bvh->allocator.cleanup();
+ return root.first;
+ }
+ void* rtcBuildBVHBinnedSAH(const RTCBuildArguments* arguments)
+ {
+ BVH* bvh = (BVH*) arguments->bvh;
+ RTCBuildPrimitive* prims = arguments->primitives;
+ size_t primitiveCount = arguments->primitiveCount;
+ RTCCreateNodeFunction createNode = arguments->createNode;
+ RTCSetNodeChildrenFunction setNodeChildren = arguments->setNodeChildren;
+ RTCSetNodeBoundsFunction setNodeBounds = arguments->setNodeBounds;
+ RTCCreateLeafFunction createLeaf = arguments->createLeaf;
+ RTCProgressMonitorFunction buildProgress = arguments->buildProgress;
+ void* userPtr = arguments->userPtr;
+ std::atomic<size_t> progress(0);
+ /* calculate priminfo */
+ auto computeBounds = [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> CentGeomBBox3fa
+ {
+ CentGeomBBox3fa bounds(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ bounds.extend((BBox3fa&)prims[j]);
+ return bounds;
+ };
+ const CentGeomBBox3fa bounds =
+ parallel_reduce(size_t(0),primitiveCount,size_t(1024),size_t(1024),CentGeomBBox3fa(empty), computeBounds, CentGeomBBox3fa::merge2);
+ const PrimInfo pinfo(0,primitiveCount,bounds);
+ /* build BVH */
+ void* root = BVHBuilderBinnedSAH::build<void*>(
+ /* thread local allocator for fast allocations */
+ [&] () -> FastAllocator::CachedAllocator {
+ return bvh->allocator.getCachedAllocator();
+ },
+ /* lambda function that creates BVH nodes */
+ [&](BVHBuilderBinnedSAH::BuildRecord* children, const size_t N, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) -> void*
+ {
+ void* node = createNode((RTCThreadLocalAllocator)&alloc, (unsigned int)N,userPtr);
+ const RTCBounds* cbounds[GeneralBVHBuilder::MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) cbounds[i] = (const RTCBounds*) &children[i].prims.geomBounds;
+ setNodeBounds(node,cbounds, (unsigned int)N,userPtr);
+ return node;
+ },
+ /* lambda function that updates BVH nodes */
+ [&](const BVHBuilderBinnedSAH::BuildRecord& precord, const BVHBuilderBinnedSAH::BuildRecord* crecords, void* node, void** children, const size_t N) -> void* {
+ setNodeChildren(node,children, (unsigned int)N,userPtr);
+ return node;
+ },
+ /* lambda function that creates BVH leaves */
+ [&](const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& range, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) -> void* {
+ return createLeaf((RTCThreadLocalAllocator)&alloc,(RTCBuildPrimitive*)(prims+range.begin()),range.size(),userPtr);
+ },
+ /* progress monitor function */
+ [&] (size_t dn) {
+ if (!buildProgress) return true;
+ const size_t n = progress.fetch_add(dn)+dn;
+ const double f = std::min(1.0,double(n)/double(primitiveCount));
+ return buildProgress(userPtr,f);
+ },
+ (PrimRef*)prims,pinfo,*arguments);
+ bvh->allocator.cleanup();
+ return root;
+ }
+ static __forceinline const std::pair<CentGeomBBox3fa,unsigned int> mergePair(const std::pair<CentGeomBBox3fa,unsigned int>& a, const std::pair<CentGeomBBox3fa,unsigned int>& b) {
+ CentGeomBBox3fa centBounds = CentGeomBBox3fa::merge2(a.first,b.first);
+ unsigned int maxGeomID = max(a.second,b.second);
+ return std::pair<CentGeomBBox3fa,unsigned int>(centBounds,maxGeomID);
+ }
+ void* rtcBuildBVHSpatialSAH(const RTCBuildArguments* arguments)
+ {
+ BVH* bvh = (BVH*) arguments->bvh;
+ RTCBuildPrimitive* prims = arguments->primitives;
+ size_t primitiveCount = arguments->primitiveCount;
+ RTCCreateNodeFunction createNode = arguments->createNode;
+ RTCSetNodeChildrenFunction setNodeChildren = arguments->setNodeChildren;
+ RTCSetNodeBoundsFunction setNodeBounds = arguments->setNodeBounds;
+ RTCCreateLeafFunction createLeaf = arguments->createLeaf;
+ RTCSplitPrimitiveFunction splitPrimitive = arguments->splitPrimitive;
+ RTCProgressMonitorFunction buildProgress = arguments->buildProgress;
+ void* userPtr = arguments->userPtr;
+ std::atomic<size_t> progress(0);
+ /* calculate priminfo */
+ auto computeBounds = [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> std::pair<CentGeomBBox3fa,unsigned int>
+ {
+ CentGeomBBox3fa bounds(empty);
+ unsigned maxGeomID = 0;
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ bounds.extend((BBox3fa&)prims[j]);
+ maxGeomID = max(maxGeomID,prims[j].geomID);
+ }
+ return std::pair<CentGeomBBox3fa,unsigned int>(bounds,maxGeomID);
+ };
+ const std::pair<CentGeomBBox3fa,unsigned int> pair =
+ parallel_reduce(size_t(0),primitiveCount,size_t(1024),size_t(1024),std::pair<CentGeomBBox3fa,unsigned int>(CentGeomBBox3fa(empty),0), computeBounds, mergePair);
+ CentGeomBBox3fa bounds = pair.first;
+ const unsigned int maxGeomID = pair.second;
+ if (unlikely(maxGeomID >= ((unsigned int)1 << (32-RESERVED_NUM_SPATIAL_SPLITS_GEOMID_BITS))))
+ {
+ /* fallback code for max geomID larger than threshold */
+ return rtcBuildBVHBinnedSAH(arguments);
+ }
+ const PrimInfo pinfo(0,primitiveCount,bounds);
+ /* function that splits a build primitive */
+ struct Splitter
+ {
+ Splitter (RTCSplitPrimitiveFunction splitPrimitive, unsigned geomID, unsigned primID, void* userPtr)
+ : splitPrimitive(splitPrimitive), geomID(geomID), primID(primID), userPtr(userPtr) {}
+ __forceinline void operator() (PrimRef& prim, const size_t dim, const float pos, PrimRef& left_o, PrimRef& right_o) const
+ {
+ prim.geomIDref() &= BVHBuilderBinnedFastSpatialSAH::GEOMID_MASK;
+ splitPrimitive((RTCBuildPrimitive*)&prim,(unsigned)dim,pos,(RTCBounds*)&left_o,(RTCBounds*)&right_o,userPtr);
+ left_o.geomIDref() = geomID; left_o.primIDref() = primID;
+ right_o.geomIDref() = geomID; right_o.primIDref() = primID;
+ }
+ __forceinline void operator() (const BBox3fa& box, const size_t dim, const float pos, BBox3fa& left_o, BBox3fa& right_o) const
+ {
+ PrimRef prim(box,geomID & BVHBuilderBinnedFastSpatialSAH::GEOMID_MASK,primID);
+ splitPrimitive((RTCBuildPrimitive*)&prim,(unsigned)dim,pos,(RTCBounds*)&left_o,(RTCBounds*)&right_o,userPtr);
+ }
+ RTCSplitPrimitiveFunction splitPrimitive;
+ unsigned geomID;
+ unsigned primID;
+ void* userPtr;
+ };
+ /* build BVH */
+ void* root = BVHBuilderBinnedFastSpatialSAH::build<void*>(
+ /* thread local allocator for fast allocations */
+ [&] () -> FastAllocator::CachedAllocator {
+ return bvh->allocator.getCachedAllocator();
+ },
+ /* lambda function that creates BVH nodes */
+ [&] (BVHBuilderBinnedFastSpatialSAH::BuildRecord* children, const size_t N, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) -> void*
+ {
+ void* node = createNode((RTCThreadLocalAllocator)&alloc, (unsigned int)N,userPtr);
+ const RTCBounds* cbounds[GeneralBVHBuilder::MAX_BRANCHING_FACTOR];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) cbounds[i] = (const RTCBounds*) &children[i].prims.geomBounds;
+ setNodeBounds(node,cbounds, (unsigned int)N,userPtr);
+ return node;
+ },
+ /* lambda function that updates BVH nodes */
+ [&] (const BVHBuilderBinnedFastSpatialSAH::BuildRecord& precord, const BVHBuilderBinnedFastSpatialSAH::BuildRecord* crecords, void* node, void** children, const size_t N) -> void* {
+ setNodeChildren(node,children, (unsigned int)N,userPtr);
+ return node;
+ },
+ /* lambda function that creates BVH leaves */
+ [&] (const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& range, const FastAllocator::CachedAllocator& alloc) -> void* {
+ return createLeaf((RTCThreadLocalAllocator)&alloc,(RTCBuildPrimitive*)(prims+range.begin()),range.size(),userPtr);
+ },
+ /* returns the splitter */
+ [&] ( const PrimRef& prim ) -> Splitter {
+ return Splitter(splitPrimitive,prim.geomID(),prim.primID(),userPtr);
+ },
+ /* progress monitor function */
+ [&] (size_t dn) {
+ if (!buildProgress) return true;
+ const size_t n = progress.fetch_add(dn)+dn;
+ const double f = std::min(1.0,double(n)/double(primitiveCount));
+ return buildProgress(userPtr,f);
+ },
+ (PrimRef*)prims,
+ arguments->primitiveArrayCapacity,
+ pinfo,*arguments);
+ bvh->allocator.cleanup();
+ return root;
+ }
+ }
+using namespace embree;
+using namespace embree::isa;
+ RTC_API RTCBVH rtcNewBVH(RTCDevice device)
+ {
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcNewAllocator);
+ BVH* bvh = new BVH((Device*)device);
+ return (RTCBVH) bvh->refInc();
+ RTC_CATCH_END((Device*)device);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RTC_API void* rtcBuildBVH(const RTCBuildArguments* arguments)
+ {
+ BVH* bvh = (BVH*) arguments->bvh;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcBuildBVH);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(arguments);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(arguments->createNode);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(arguments->setNodeChildren);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(arguments->setNodeBounds);
+ RTC_VERIFY_HANDLE(arguments->createLeaf);
+ if (arguments->primitiveArrayCapacity < arguments->primitiveCount)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"primitiveArrayCapacity must be greater or equal to primitiveCount")
+ /* initialize the allocator */
+ bvh->allocator.init_estimate(arguments->primitiveCount*sizeof(BBox3fa));
+ bvh->allocator.reset();
+ /* switch between differnet builders based on quality level */
+ if (arguments->buildQuality == RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW)
+ return rtcBuildBVHMorton(arguments);
+ else if (arguments->buildQuality == RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_MEDIUM)
+ return rtcBuildBVHBinnedSAH(arguments);
+ else if (arguments->buildQuality == RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_HIGH) {
+ if (arguments->splitPrimitive == nullptr || arguments->primitiveArrayCapacity <= arguments->primitiveCount)
+ return rtcBuildBVHBinnedSAH(arguments);
+ else
+ return rtcBuildBVHSpatialSAH(arguments);
+ }
+ else
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"invalid build quality");
+ /* if we are in dynamic mode, then do not clear temporary data */
+ if (!(arguments->buildFlags & RTC_BUILD_FLAG_DYNAMIC))
+ {
+ bvh->morton_src.clear();
+ bvh->morton_tmp.clear();
+ }
+ RTC_CATCH_END(bvh->device);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RTC_API void* rtcThreadLocalAlloc(RTCThreadLocalAllocator localAllocator, size_t bytes, size_t align)
+ {
+ FastAllocator::CachedAllocator* alloc = (FastAllocator::CachedAllocator*) localAllocator;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcThreadLocalAlloc);
+ return alloc->malloc0(bytes,align);
+ RTC_CATCH_END(alloc->alloc->getDevice());
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcMakeStaticBVH(RTCBVH hbvh)
+ {
+ BVH* bvh = (BVH*) hbvh;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcStaticBVH);
+ bvh->morton_src.clear();
+ bvh->morton_tmp.clear();
+ RTC_CATCH_END(bvh->device);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcRetainBVH(RTCBVH hbvh)
+ {
+ BVH* bvh = (BVH*) hbvh;
+ Device* device = bvh ? bvh->device : nullptr;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcRetainBVH);
+ bvh->refInc();
+ RTC_CATCH_END(device);
+ }
+ RTC_API void rtcReleaseBVH(RTCBVH hbvh)
+ {
+ BVH* bvh = (BVH*) hbvh;
+ Device* device = bvh ? bvh->device : nullptr;
+ RTC_TRACE(rtcReleaseBVH);
+ bvh->refDec();
+ RTC_CATCH_END(device);
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..408d7eae6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,955 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "scene.h"
+#include "../bvh/bvh4_factory.h"
+#include "../bvh/bvh8_factory.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_reduce.h"
+namespace embree
+ /* error raising rtcIntersect and rtcOccluded functions */
+ void missing_rtcCommit() { throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"scene not committed"); }
+ void invalid_rtcIntersect1() { throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcIntersect and rtcOccluded not enabled"); }
+ void invalid_rtcIntersect4() { throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcIntersect4 and rtcOccluded4 not enabled"); }
+ void invalid_rtcIntersect8() { throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcIntersect8 and rtcOccluded8 not enabled"); }
+ void invalid_rtcIntersect16() { throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcIntersect16 and rtcOccluded16 not enabled"); }
+ void invalid_rtcIntersectN() { throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcIntersectN and rtcOccludedN not enabled"); }
+ Scene::Scene (Device* device)
+ : device(device),
+ flags_modified(true), enabled_geometry_types(0),
+ scene_flags(RTC_SCENE_FLAG_NONE),
+ quality_flags(RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_MEDIUM),
+ is_build(false), modified(true),
+ progressInterface(this), progress_monitor_function(nullptr), progress_monitor_ptr(nullptr), progress_monitor_counter(0)
+ {
+ device->refInc();
+ intersectors = Accel::Intersectors(missing_rtcCommit);
+ /* one can overwrite flags through device for debugging */
+ if (device->quality_flags != -1)
+ quality_flags = (RTCBuildQuality) device->quality_flags;
+ if (device->scene_flags != -1)
+ scene_flags = (RTCSceneFlags) device->scene_flags;
+ }
+ Scene::~Scene() noexcept
+ {
+ device->refDec();
+ }
+ void Scene::printStatistics()
+ {
+ /* calculate maximum number of time segments */
+ unsigned max_time_steps = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<size(); i++) {
+ if (!get(i)) continue;
+ max_time_steps = max(max_time_steps,get(i)->numTimeSteps);
+ }
+ /* initialize vectors*/
+ std::vector<size_t> statistics[Geometry::GTY_END];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<Geometry::GTY_END; i++)
+ statistics[i].resize(max_time_steps);
+ /* gather statistics */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!get(i)) continue;
+ int ty = get(i)->getType();
+ assert(ty<Geometry::GTY_END);
+ int timesegments = get(i)->numTimeSegments();
+ assert((unsigned int)timesegments < max_time_steps);
+ statistics[ty][timesegments] += get(i)->size();
+ }
+ /* print statistics */
+ std::cout << std::setw(23) << "segments" << ": ";
+ for (size_t t=0; t<max_time_steps; t++)
+ std::cout << std::setw(10) << t;
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "-------------------------";
+ for (size_t t=0; t<max_time_steps; t++)
+ std::cout << "----------";
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ for (size_t p=0; p<Geometry::GTY_END; p++)
+ {
+ if (std::string(Geometry::gtype_names[p]) == "") continue;
+ std::cout << std::setw(23) << Geometry::gtype_names[p] << ": ";
+ for (size_t t=0; t<max_time_steps; t++)
+ std::cout << std::setw(10) << statistics[p][t];
+ std::cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ }
+ void Scene::createTriangleAccel()
+ {
+ if (device->tri_accel == "default")
+ {
+ if (quality_flags != RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW)
+ {
+ int mode = 2*(int)isCompactAccel() + 1*(int)isRobustAccel();
+ switch (mode) {
+ case /*0b00*/ 0:
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX())
+ {
+ if (quality_flags == RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_HIGH)
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Triangle4(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ else
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Triangle4(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (quality_flags == RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_HIGH)
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ else
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ }
+ break;
+ case /*0b01*/ 1:
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX())
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Triangle4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST));
+ else
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST));
+ break;
+ case /*0b10*/ 2: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4i(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST )); break;
+ case /*0b11*/ 3: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4i(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else /* dynamic */
+ {
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX())
+ {
+ int mode = 2*(int)isCompactAccel() + 1*(int)isRobustAccel();
+ switch (mode) {
+ case /*0b00*/ 0: accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Triangle4 (this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST )); break;
+ case /*0b01*/ 1: accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Triangle4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ case /*0b10*/ 2: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4i(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST )); break;
+ case /*0b11*/ 3: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4i(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int mode = 2*(int)isCompactAccel() + 1*(int)isRobustAccel();
+ switch (mode) {
+ case /*0b00*/ 0: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4 (this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST )); break;
+ case /*0b01*/ 1: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ case /*0b10*/ 2: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4i(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST )); break;
+ case /*0b11*/ 3: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4i(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (device->tri_accel == "bvh4.triangle4") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4 (this));
+ else if (device->tri_accel == "bvh4.triangle4v") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4v(this));
+ else if (device->tri_accel == "bvh4.triangle4i") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4i(this));
+ else if (device->tri_accel == "qbvh4.triangle4i") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4QuantizedTriangle4i(this));
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ else if (device->tri_accel == "bvh8.triangle4") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Triangle4 (this));
+ else if (device->tri_accel == "bvh8.triangle4v") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Triangle4v(this));
+ else if (device->tri_accel == "bvh8.triangle4i") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Triangle4i(this));
+ else if (device->tri_accel == "qbvh8.triangle4i") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8QuantizedTriangle4i(this));
+ else if (device->tri_accel == "qbvh8.triangle4") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8QuantizedTriangle4(this));
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown triangle acceleration structure "+device->tri_accel);
+ }
+ void Scene::createTriangleMBAccel()
+ {
+ if (device->tri_accel_mb == "default")
+ {
+ int mode = 2*(int)isCompactAccel() + 1*(int)isRobustAccel();
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX2()) // BVH8 reduces performance on AVX only-machines
+ {
+ switch (mode) {
+ case /*0b00*/ 0: accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Triangle4iMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST )); break;
+ case /*0b01*/ 1: accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Triangle4iMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ case /*0b10*/ 2: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4iMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST )); break;
+ case /*0b11*/ 3: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4iMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (mode) {
+ case /*0b00*/ 0: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4iMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST )); break;
+ case /*0b01*/ 1: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4iMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ case /*0b10*/ 2: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4iMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST )); break;
+ case /*0b11*/ 3: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4iMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (device->tri_accel_mb == "bvh4.triangle4imb") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4iMB(this));
+ else if (device->tri_accel_mb == "bvh4.triangle4vmb") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Triangle4vMB(this));
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ else if (device->tri_accel_mb == "bvh8.triangle4imb") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Triangle4iMB(this));
+ else if (device->tri_accel_mb == "bvh8.triangle4vmb") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Triangle4vMB(this));
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown motion blur triangle acceleration structure "+device->tri_accel_mb);
+ }
+ void Scene::createQuadAccel()
+ {
+ if (device->quad_accel == "default")
+ {
+ if (quality_flags != RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW)
+ {
+ /* static */
+ int mode = 2*(int)isCompactAccel() + 1*(int)isRobustAccel();
+ switch (mode) {
+ case /*0b00*/ 0:
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX())
+ {
+ if (quality_flags == RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_HIGH)
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Quad4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ else
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Quad4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (quality_flags == RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_HIGH)
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::HIGH_QUALITY,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ else
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ }
+ break;
+ case /*0b01*/ 1:
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX())
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Quad4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST));
+ else
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST));
+ break;
+ case /*0b10*/ 2: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4i(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST)); break;
+ case /*0b11*/ 3: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4i(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else /* dynamic */
+ {
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX())
+ {
+ int mode = 2*(int)isCompactAccel() + 1*(int)isRobustAccel();
+ switch (mode) {
+ case /*0b00*/ 0: accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Quad4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST)); break;
+ case /*0b01*/ 1: accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Quad4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ case /*0b10*/ 2: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST)); break;
+ case /*0b11*/ 3: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int mode = 2*(int)isCompactAccel() + 1*(int)isRobustAccel();
+ switch (mode) {
+ case /*0b00*/ 0: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST)); break;
+ case /*0b01*/ 1: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ case /*0b10*/ 2: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST)); break;
+ case /*0b11*/ 3: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4v(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (device->quad_accel == "bvh4.quad4v") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4v(this));
+ else if (device->quad_accel == "bvh4.quad4i") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4i(this));
+ else if (device->quad_accel == "qbvh4.quad4i") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4QuantizedQuad4i(this));
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ else if (device->quad_accel == "bvh8.quad4v") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Quad4v(this));
+ else if (device->quad_accel == "bvh8.quad4i") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Quad4i(this));
+ else if (device->quad_accel == "qbvh8.quad4i") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8QuantizedQuad4i(this));
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown quad acceleration structure "+device->quad_accel);
+ }
+ void Scene::createQuadMBAccel()
+ {
+ if (device->quad_accel_mb == "default")
+ {
+ int mode = 2*(int)isCompactAccel() + 1*(int)isRobustAccel();
+ switch (mode) {
+ case /*0b00*/ 0:
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX())
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Quad4iMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ else
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4iMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ break;
+ case /*0b01*/ 1:
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX())
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Quad4iMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST));
+ else
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4iMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST));
+ break;
+ case /*0b10*/ 2: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4iMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST )); break;
+ case /*0b11*/ 3: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4iMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (device->quad_accel_mb == "bvh4.quad4imb") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Quad4iMB(this));
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ else if (device->quad_accel_mb == "bvh8.quad4imb") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Quad4iMB(this));
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown quad motion blur acceleration structure "+device->quad_accel_mb);
+ }
+ void Scene::createHairAccel()
+ {
+ if (device->hair_accel == "default")
+ {
+ int mode = 2*(int)isCompactAccel() + 1*(int)isRobustAccel();
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX2()) // only enable on HSW machines, for SNB this codepath is slower
+ {
+ switch (mode) {
+ case /*0b00*/ 0: accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8OBBVirtualCurve8v(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST)); break;
+ case /*0b01*/ 1: accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8OBBVirtualCurve8v(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ case /*0b10*/ 2: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4OBBVirtualCurve8i(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST)); break;
+ case /*0b11*/ 3: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4OBBVirtualCurve8i(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch (mode) {
+ case /*0b00*/ 0: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4v(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST)); break;
+ case /*0b01*/ 1: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4v(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ case /*0b10*/ 2: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4i(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST)); break;
+ case /*0b11*/ 3: accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4i(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST)); break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (device->hair_accel == "bvh4obb.virtualcurve4v" ) accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4v(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ else if (device->hair_accel == "bvh4obb.virtualcurve4i" ) accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4i(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ else if (device->hair_accel == "bvh8obb.virtualcurve8v" ) accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8OBBVirtualCurve8v(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ else if (device->hair_accel == "bvh4obb.virtualcurve8i" ) accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4OBBVirtualCurve8i(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown hair acceleration structure "+device->hair_accel);
+ }
+ void Scene::createHairMBAccel()
+ {
+ if (device->hair_accel_mb == "default")
+ {
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX2()) // only enable on HSW machines, on SNB this codepath is slower
+ {
+ if (isRobustAccel()) accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8OBBVirtualCurve8iMB(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST));
+ else accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8OBBVirtualCurve8iMB(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (isRobustAccel()) accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4iMB(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST));
+ else accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4iMB(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (device->hair_accel_mb == "bvh4.virtualcurve4imb") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4OBBVirtualCurve4iMB(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ else if (device->hair_accel_mb == "bvh4.virtualcurve8imb") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4OBBVirtualCurve8iMB(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ else if (device->hair_accel_mb == "bvh8.virtualcurve8imb") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8OBBVirtualCurve8iMB(this,BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST));
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown motion blur hair acceleration structure "+device->hair_accel_mb);
+ }
+ void Scene::createSubdivAccel()
+ {
+ if (device->subdiv_accel == "default") {
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4SubdivPatch1(this));
+ }
+ else if (device->subdiv_accel == "bvh4.grid.eager" ) accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4SubdivPatch1(this));
+ else if (device->subdiv_accel == "bvh4.subdivpatch1eager" ) accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4SubdivPatch1(this));
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown subdiv accel "+device->subdiv_accel);
+ }
+ void Scene::createSubdivMBAccel()
+ {
+ if (device->subdiv_accel_mb == "default") {
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4SubdivPatch1MB(this));
+ }
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown subdiv mblur accel "+device->subdiv_accel_mb);
+ }
+ void Scene::createUserGeometryAccel()
+ {
+ if (device->object_accel == "default")
+ {
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX() && !isCompactAccel())
+ {
+ if (quality_flags != RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW) {
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8UserGeometry(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC));
+ } else {
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8UserGeometry(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (quality_flags != RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW) {
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4UserGeometry(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC));
+ } else {
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4UserGeometry(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (device->object_accel == "bvh4.object") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4UserGeometry(this));
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ else if (device->object_accel == "bvh8.object") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8UserGeometry(this));
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown user geometry accel "+device->object_accel);
+ }
+ void Scene::createUserGeometryMBAccel()
+ {
+ if (device->object_accel_mb == "default" ) {
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX() && !isCompactAccel())
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8UserGeometryMB(this));
+ else
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4UserGeometryMB(this));
+ }
+ else if (device->object_accel_mb == "bvh4.object") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4UserGeometryMB(this));
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ else if (device->object_accel_mb == "bvh8.object") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8UserGeometryMB(this));
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown user geometry mblur accel "+device->object_accel_mb);
+ }
+ void Scene::createInstanceAccel()
+ {
+ // if (device->object_accel == "default")
+ {
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX() && !isCompactAccel()) {
+ if (quality_flags != RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW) {
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Instance(this, false, BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC));
+ } else {
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Instance(this, false, BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (quality_flags != RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW) {
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Instance(this, false, BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC));
+ } else {
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Instance(this, false, BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown instance accel "+device->instance_accel);
+ }
+ void Scene::createInstanceMBAccel()
+ {
+ //if (device->instance_accel_mb == "default")
+ {
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX() && !isCompactAccel())
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8InstanceMB(this, false));
+ else
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4InstanceMB(this, false));
+ }
+ //else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown instance mblur accel "+device->instance_accel_mb);
+ }
+ void Scene::createInstanceExpensiveAccel()
+ {
+ // if (device->object_accel == "default")
+ {
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX() && !isCompactAccel()) {
+ if (quality_flags != RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW) {
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Instance(this, true, BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC));
+ } else {
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Instance(this, true, BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC));
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (quality_flags != RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW) {
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Instance(this, true, BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC));
+ } else {
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Instance(this, true, BVHFactory::BuildVariant::DYNAMIC));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown instance accel "+device->instance_accel);
+ }
+ void Scene::createInstanceExpensiveMBAccel()
+ {
+ //if (device->instance_accel_mb == "default")
+ {
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX() && !isCompactAccel())
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8InstanceMB(this, true));
+ else
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4InstanceMB(this, true));
+ }
+ //else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown instance mblur accel "+device->instance_accel_mb);
+ }
+ void Scene::createGridAccel()
+ {
+ BVHFactory::IntersectVariant ivariant = isRobustAccel() ? BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::ROBUST : BVHFactory::IntersectVariant::FAST;
+ if (device->grid_accel == "default")
+ {
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ if (device->canUseAVX() && !isCompactAccel())
+ {
+ accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Grid(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,ivariant));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Grid(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,ivariant));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (device->grid_accel == "bvh4.grid") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4Grid(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,ivariant));
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_SIMD8)
+ else if (device->grid_accel == "bvh8.grid") accels_add(device->bvh8_factory->BVH8Grid(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC,ivariant));
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown grid accel "+device->grid_accel);
+ }
+ void Scene::createGridMBAccel()
+ {
+ if (device->grid_accel_mb == "default")
+ {
+ accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4GridMB(this,BVHFactory::BuildVariant::STATIC));
+ }
+ else if (device->grid_accel_mb == "bvh4mb.grid") accels_add(device->bvh4_factory->BVH4GridMB(this));
+ else throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT,"unknown grid mb accel "+device->grid_accel);
+ }
+ void Scene::clear() {
+ }
+ unsigned Scene::bind(unsigned geomID, Ref<Geometry> geometry)
+ {
+ Lock<SpinLock> lock(geometriesMutex);
+ geomID = id_pool.allocate();
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"too many geometries inside scene");
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (!id_pool.add(geomID))
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"invalid geometry ID provided");
+ }
+ if (geomID >= geometries.size()) {
+ geometries.resize(geomID+1);
+ vertices.resize(geomID+1);
+ geometryModCounters_.resize(geomID+1);
+ }
+ geometries[geomID] = geometry;
+ geometryModCounters_[geomID] = 0;
+ if (geometry->isEnabled()) {
+ setModified ();
+ }
+ return geomID;
+ }
+ void Scene::detachGeometry(size_t geomID)
+ {
+ Lock<SpinLock> lock(geometriesMutex);
+ if (geomID >= geometries.size())
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"invalid geometry ID");
+ Ref<Geometry>& geometry = geometries[geomID];
+ if (geometry == null)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"invalid geometry");
+ if (geometry->isEnabled()) {
+ setModified ();
+ }
+ accels_deleteGeometry(unsigned(geomID));
+ id_pool.deallocate((unsigned)geomID);
+ geometries[geomID] = null;
+ vertices[geomID] = nullptr;
+ geometryModCounters_[geomID] = 0;
+ }
+ void Scene::updateInterface()
+ {
+ is_build = true;
+ }
+ void Scene::commit_task ()
+ {
+ checkIfModifiedAndSet ();
+ if (!isModified()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* print scene statistics */
+ if (device->verbosity(2))
+ printStatistics();
+ progress_monitor_counter = 0;
+ /* gather scene stats and call preCommit function of each geometry */
+ this->world = parallel_reduce (size_t(0), geometries.size(), GeometryCounts (),
+ [this](const range<size_t>& r)->GeometryCounts
+ {
+ GeometryCounts c;
+ for (auto i=r.begin(); i<r.end(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (geometries[i] && geometries[i]->isEnabled())
+ {
+ geometries[i]->preCommit();
+ geometries[i]->addElementsToCount (c);
+ c.numFilterFunctions += (int) geometries[i]->hasFilterFunctions();
+ }
+ }
+ return c;
+ },
+ std::plus<GeometryCounts>()
+ );
+ /* select acceleration structures to build */
+ unsigned int new_enabled_geometry_types = world.enabledGeometryTypesMask();
+ if (flags_modified || new_enabled_geometry_types != enabled_geometry_types)
+ {
+ accels_init();
+ /* we need to make all geometries modified, otherwise two level builder will
+ not rebuild currently not modified geometries */
+ parallel_for(geometryModCounters_.size(), [&] ( const size_t i ) {
+ geometryModCounters_[i] = 0;
+ });
+ if (getNumPrimitives(TriangleMesh::geom_type,false)) createTriangleAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(TriangleMesh::geom_type,true)) createTriangleMBAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(QuadMesh::geom_type,false)) createQuadAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(QuadMesh::geom_type,true)) createQuadMBAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(GridMesh::geom_type,false)) createGridAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(GridMesh::geom_type,true)) createGridMBAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(SubdivMesh::geom_type,false)) createSubdivAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(SubdivMesh::geom_type,true)) createSubdivMBAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(Geometry::MTY_CURVES,false)) createHairAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(Geometry::MTY_CURVES,true)) createHairMBAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(UserGeometry::geom_type,false)) createUserGeometryAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(UserGeometry::geom_type,true)) createUserGeometryMBAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE_CHEAP,false)) createInstanceAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE_CHEAP,true)) createInstanceMBAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE_EXPENSIVE,false)) createInstanceExpensiveAccel();
+ if (getNumPrimitives(Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE_EXPENSIVE,true)) createInstanceExpensiveMBAccel();
+ flags_modified = false;
+ enabled_geometry_types = new_enabled_geometry_types;
+ }
+ /* select fast code path if no filter function is present */
+ accels_select(hasFilterFunction());
+ /* build all hierarchies of this scene */
+ accels_build();
+ /* make static geometry immutable */
+ if (!isDynamicAccel()) {
+ accels_immutable();
+ flags_modified = true; // in non-dynamic mode we have to re-create accels
+ }
+ /* call postCommit function of each geometry */
+ parallel_for(geometries.size(), [&] ( const size_t i ) {
+ if (geometries[i] && geometries[i]->isEnabled()) {
+ geometries[i]->postCommit();
+ vertices[i] = geometries[i]->getCompactVertexArray();
+ geometryModCounters_[i] = geometries[i]->getModCounter();
+ }
+ });
+ updateInterface();
+ if (device->verbosity(2)) {
+ std::cout << "created scene intersector" << std::endl;
+ accels_print(2);
+ std::cout << "selected scene intersector" << std::endl;
+ intersectors.print(2);
+ }
+ setModified(false);
+ }
+ void Scene::setBuildQuality(RTCBuildQuality quality_flags_i)
+ {
+ if (quality_flags == quality_flags_i) return;
+ quality_flags = quality_flags_i;
+ flags_modified = true;
+ }
+ RTCBuildQuality Scene::getBuildQuality() const {
+ return quality_flags;
+ }
+ void Scene::setSceneFlags(RTCSceneFlags scene_flags_i)
+ {
+ if (scene_flags == scene_flags_i) return;
+ scene_flags = scene_flags_i;
+ flags_modified = true;
+ }
+ RTCSceneFlags Scene::getSceneFlags() const {
+ return scene_flags;
+ }
+#if defined(TASKING_INTERNAL)
+ void Scene::commit (bool join)
+ {
+ Lock<MutexSys> buildLock(buildMutex,false);
+ /* allocates own taskscheduler for each build */
+ Ref<TaskScheduler> scheduler = nullptr;
+ {
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(schedulerMutex);
+ scheduler = this->scheduler;
+ if (scheduler == null) {
+ buildLock.lock();
+ this->scheduler = scheduler = new TaskScheduler;
+ }
+ }
+ /* worker threads join build */
+ if (!buildLock.isLocked())
+ {
+ if (!join)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"use rtcJoinCommitScene to join a build operation");
+ scheduler->join();
+ return;
+ }
+ /* initiate build */
+ // -- GODOT start --
+ // try {
+ scheduler->spawn_root([&]() { commit_task(); Lock<MutexSys> lock(schedulerMutex); this->scheduler = nullptr; }, 1, !join);
+ // }
+ // catch (...) {
+ // accels_clear();
+ // updateInterface();
+ // Lock<MutexSys> lock(schedulerMutex);
+ // this->scheduler = nullptr;
+ // throw;
+ // }
+ // -- GODOT end --
+ }
+#if defined(TASKING_TBB)
+ void Scene::commit (bool join)
+ {
+ if (join)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcJoinCommitScene not supported with this TBB version");
+ /* try to obtain build lock */
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(buildMutex,buildMutex.try_lock());
+ /* join hierarchy build */
+ if (!lock.isLocked())
+ {
+ if (!join)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"invoking rtcCommitScene from multiple threads is not supported with this TBB version");
+ do {
+ if (join) {
+ device->arena->execute([&]{ group.wait(); });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ group.wait();
+ }
+ pause_cpu();
+ yield();
+ } while (!buildMutex.try_lock());
+ buildMutex.unlock();
+ return;
+ }
+ /* for best performance set FTZ and DAZ flags in the MXCSR control and status register */
+ const unsigned int mxcsr = _mm_getcsr();
+ _mm_setcsr(mxcsr | /* FTZ */ (1<<15) | /* DAZ */ (1<<6));
+ try {
+ tbb::task_group_context ctx( tbb::task_group_context::isolated, tbb::task_group_context::default_traits);
+ tbb::task_group_context ctx( tbb::task_group_context::isolated, tbb::task_group_context::default_traits | tbb::task_group_context::fp_settings );
+ //ctx.set_priority(tbb::priority_high);
+ if (join)
+ {
+ device->arena->execute([&]{
+ tbb::parallel_for (size_t(0), size_t(1), size_t(1), [&] (size_t) { commit_task(); }, ctx);
+ });
+ group.wait();
+ });
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tbb::parallel_for (size_t(0), size_t(1), size_t(1), [&] (size_t) { commit_task(); }, ctx);
+ });
+ group.wait();
+ }
+ /* reset MXCSR register again */
+ _mm_setcsr(mxcsr);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ /* reset MXCSR register again */
+ _mm_setcsr(mxcsr);
+ accels_clear();
+ updateInterface();
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(TASKING_PPL)
+ void Scene::commit (bool join)
+ {
+#if defined(TASKING_PPL)
+ if (join)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"rtcJoinCommitScene not supported with PPL");
+ /* try to obtain build lock */
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(buildMutex);
+ checkIfModifiedAndSet ();
+ if (!isModified()) {
+ return;
+ }
+ /* for best performance set FTZ and DAZ flags in the MXCSR control and status register */
+ const unsigned int mxcsr = _mm_getcsr();
+ _mm_setcsr(mxcsr | /* FTZ */ (1<<15) | /* DAZ */ (1<<6));
+ try {
+ concurrency::parallel_for(size_t(0), size_t(1), size_t(1), [&](size_t) { commit_task(); });
+ });
+ group.wait();
+ /* reset MXCSR register again */
+ _mm_setcsr(mxcsr);
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ /* reset MXCSR register again */
+ _mm_setcsr(mxcsr);
+ accels_clear();
+ updateInterface();
+ throw;
+ }
+ }
+ void Scene::setProgressMonitorFunction(RTCProgressMonitorFunction func, void* ptr)
+ {
+ progress_monitor_function = func;
+ progress_monitor_ptr = ptr;
+ }
+ void Scene::progressMonitor(double dn)
+ {
+ if (progress_monitor_function) {
+ size_t n = size_t(dn) + progress_monitor_counter.fetch_add(size_t(dn));
+ if (!progress_monitor_function(progress_monitor_ptr, n / (double(numPrimitives())))) {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_CANCELLED,"progress monitor forced termination");
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ed80a63f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene.h
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+#include "device.h"
+#include "builder.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_any_of.h"
+#include "scene_triangle_mesh.h"
+#include "scene_quad_mesh.h"
+#include "scene_user_geometry.h"
+#include "scene_instance.h"
+#include "scene_curves.h"
+#include "scene_line_segments.h"
+#include "scene_subdiv_mesh.h"
+#include "scene_grid_mesh.h"
+#include "scene_points.h"
+#include "../subdiv/tessellation_cache.h"
+#include "acceln.h"
+#include "geometry.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! Base class all scenes are derived from */
+ class Scene : public AccelN
+ {
+ ALIGNED_CLASS_(std::alignment_of<Scene>::value);
+ public:
+ template<typename Ty, bool mblur = false>
+ class Iterator
+ {
+ public:
+ Iterator () {}
+ Iterator (Scene* scene, bool all = false)
+ : scene(scene), all(all) {}
+ __forceinline Ty* at(const size_t i)
+ {
+ Geometry* geom = scene->geometries[i].ptr;
+ if (geom == nullptr) return nullptr;
+ if (!all && !geom->isEnabled()) return nullptr;
+ const size_t mask = geom->getTypeMask() & Ty::geom_type;
+ if (!(mask)) return nullptr;
+ if ((geom->numTimeSteps != 1) != mblur) return nullptr;
+ return (Ty*) geom;
+ }
+ __forceinline Ty* operator[] (const size_t i) {
+ return at(i);
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t size() const {
+ return scene->size();
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t numPrimitives() const {
+ return scene->getNumPrimitives(Ty::geom_type,mblur);
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t maxPrimitivesPerGeometry()
+ {
+ size_t ret = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<scene->size(); i++) {
+ Ty* mesh = at(i);
+ if (mesh == nullptr) continue;
+ ret = max(ret,mesh->size());
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int maxGeomID()
+ {
+ unsigned int ret = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<scene->size(); i++) {
+ Ty* mesh = at(i);
+ if (mesh == nullptr) continue;
+ ret = max(ret,(unsigned int)i);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned maxTimeStepsPerGeometry()
+ {
+ unsigned ret = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<scene->size(); i++) {
+ Ty* mesh = at(i);
+ if (mesh == nullptr) continue;
+ ret = max(ret,mesh->numTimeSteps);
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ private:
+ Scene* scene;
+ bool all;
+ };
+ class Iterator2
+ {
+ public:
+ Iterator2 () {}
+ Iterator2 (Scene* scene, Geometry::GTypeMask typemask, bool mblur)
+ : scene(scene), typemask(typemask), mblur(mblur) {}
+ __forceinline Geometry* at(const size_t i)
+ {
+ Geometry* geom = scene->geometries[i].ptr;
+ if (geom == nullptr) return nullptr;
+ if (!geom->isEnabled()) return nullptr;
+ if (!(geom->getTypeMask() & typemask)) return nullptr;
+ if ((geom->numTimeSteps != 1) != mblur) return nullptr;
+ return geom;
+ }
+ __forceinline Geometry* operator[] (const size_t i) {
+ return at(i);
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t size() const {
+ return scene->size();
+ }
+ private:
+ Scene* scene;
+ Geometry::GTypeMask typemask;
+ bool mblur;
+ };
+ public:
+ /*! Scene construction */
+ Scene (Device* device);
+ /*! Scene destruction */
+ ~Scene () noexcept;
+ private:
+ /*! class is non-copyable */
+ Scene (const Scene& other) DELETED; // do not implement
+ Scene& operator= (const Scene& other) DELETED; // do not implement
+ public:
+ void createTriangleAccel();
+ void createTriangleMBAccel();
+ void createQuadAccel();
+ void createQuadMBAccel();
+ void createHairAccel();
+ void createHairMBAccel();
+ void createSubdivAccel();
+ void createSubdivMBAccel();
+ void createUserGeometryAccel();
+ void createUserGeometryMBAccel();
+ void createInstanceAccel();
+ void createInstanceMBAccel();
+ void createInstanceExpensiveAccel();
+ void createInstanceExpensiveMBAccel();
+ void createGridAccel();
+ void createGridMBAccel();
+ /*! prints statistics about the scene */
+ void printStatistics();
+ /*! clears the scene */
+ void clear();
+ /*! detaches some geometry */
+ void detachGeometry(size_t geomID);
+ void setBuildQuality(RTCBuildQuality quality_flags);
+ RTCBuildQuality getBuildQuality() const;
+ void setSceneFlags(RTCSceneFlags scene_flags);
+ RTCSceneFlags getSceneFlags() const;
+ void commit (bool join);
+ void commit_task ();
+ void build () {}
+ void updateInterface();
+ /* return number of geometries */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const { return geometries.size(); }
+ /* bind geometry to the scene */
+ unsigned int bind (unsigned geomID, Ref<Geometry> geometry);
+ /* determines if scene is modified */
+ __forceinline bool isModified() const { return modified; }
+ /* sets modified flag */
+ __forceinline void setModified(bool f = true) {
+ modified = f;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool isGeometryModified(size_t geomID)
+ {
+ Ref<Geometry>& g = geometries[geomID];
+ if (!g) return false;
+ return g->getModCounter() > geometryModCounters_[geomID];
+ }
+ protected:
+ __forceinline void checkIfModifiedAndSet ()
+ {
+ if (isModified ()) return;
+ auto geometryIsModified = [this](size_t geomID)->bool {
+ return isGeometryModified(geomID);
+ };
+ if (parallel_any_of (size_t(0), geometries.size (), geometryIsModified)) {
+ setModified ();
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ /* get mesh by ID */
+ __forceinline Geometry* get(size_t i) { assert(i < geometries.size()); return geometries[i].ptr; }
+ __forceinline const Geometry* get(size_t i) const { assert(i < geometries.size()); return geometries[i].ptr; }
+ template<typename Mesh>
+ __forceinline Mesh* get(size_t i) {
+ assert(i < geometries.size());
+ assert(geometries[i]->getTypeMask() & Mesh::geom_type);
+ return (Mesh*)geometries[i].ptr;
+ }
+ template<typename Mesh>
+ __forceinline const Mesh* get(size_t i) const {
+ assert(i < geometries.size());
+ assert(geometries[i]->getTypeMask() & Mesh::geom_type);
+ return (Mesh*)geometries[i].ptr;
+ }
+ template<typename Mesh>
+ __forceinline Mesh* getSafe(size_t i) {
+ assert(i < geometries.size());
+ if (geometries[i] == null) return nullptr;
+ if (!(geometries[i]->getTypeMask() & Mesh::geom_type)) return nullptr;
+ else return (Mesh*) geometries[i].ptr;
+ }
+ __forceinline Ref<Geometry> get_locked(size_t i) {
+ Lock<SpinLock> lock(geometriesMutex);
+ assert(i < geometries.size());
+ return geometries[i];
+ }
+ /* flag decoding */
+ __forceinline bool isFastAccel() const { return !isCompactAccel() && !isRobustAccel(); }
+ __forceinline bool isCompactAccel() const { return scene_flags & RTC_SCENE_FLAG_COMPACT; }
+ __forceinline bool isRobustAccel() const { return scene_flags & RTC_SCENE_FLAG_ROBUST; }
+ __forceinline bool isStaticAccel() const { return !(scene_flags & RTC_SCENE_FLAG_DYNAMIC); }
+ __forceinline bool isDynamicAccel() const { return scene_flags & RTC_SCENE_FLAG_DYNAMIC; }
+ __forceinline bool hasContextFilterFunction() const {
+ }
+ __forceinline bool hasGeometryFilterFunction() {
+ return world.numFilterFunctions != 0;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool hasFilterFunction() {
+ return hasContextFilterFunction() || hasGeometryFilterFunction();
+ }
+ /* test if scene got already build */
+ __forceinline bool isBuild() const { return is_build; }
+ public:
+ IDPool<unsigned,0xFFFFFFFE> id_pool;
+ vector<Ref<Geometry>> geometries; //!< list of all user geometries
+ vector<unsigned int> geometryModCounters_;
+ vector<float*> vertices;
+ public:
+ Device* device;
+ /* these are to detect if we need to recreate the acceleration structures */
+ bool flags_modified;
+ unsigned int enabled_geometry_types;
+ RTCSceneFlags scene_flags;
+ RTCBuildQuality quality_flags;
+ MutexSys buildMutex;
+ SpinLock geometriesMutex;
+ bool is_build;
+ private:
+ bool modified; //!< true if scene got modified
+ public:
+ /*! global lock step task scheduler */
+#if defined(TASKING_INTERNAL)
+ MutexSys schedulerMutex;
+ Ref<TaskScheduler> scheduler;
+ tbb::isolated_task_group group;
+#elif defined(TASKING_TBB)
+ tbb::task_group group;
+#elif defined(TASKING_PPL)
+ concurrency::task_group group;
+ public:
+ struct BuildProgressMonitorInterface : public BuildProgressMonitor {
+ BuildProgressMonitorInterface(Scene* scene)
+ : scene(scene) {}
+ void operator() (size_t dn) const { scene->progressMonitor(double(dn)); }
+ private:
+ Scene* scene;
+ };
+ BuildProgressMonitorInterface progressInterface;
+ RTCProgressMonitorFunction progress_monitor_function;
+ void* progress_monitor_ptr;
+ std::atomic<size_t> progress_monitor_counter;
+ void progressMonitor(double nprims);
+ void setProgressMonitorFunction(RTCProgressMonitorFunction func, void* ptr);
+ private:
+ GeometryCounts world; //!< counts for geometry
+ public:
+ __forceinline size_t numPrimitives() const {
+ return world.size();
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t getNumPrimitives(Geometry::GTypeMask mask, bool mblur) const
+ {
+ size_t count = 0;
+ if (mask & Geometry::MTY_TRIANGLE_MESH)
+ count += mblur ? world.numMBTriangles : world.numTriangles;
+ if (mask & Geometry::MTY_QUAD_MESH)
+ count += mblur ? world.numMBQuads : world.numQuads;
+ if (mask & Geometry::MTY_CURVE2)
+ count += mblur ? world.numMBLineSegments : world.numLineSegments;
+ if (mask & Geometry::MTY_CURVE4)
+ count += mblur ? world.numMBBezierCurves : world.numBezierCurves;
+ if (mask & Geometry::MTY_POINTS)
+ count += mblur ? world.numMBPoints : world.numPoints;
+ if (mask & Geometry::MTY_SUBDIV_MESH)
+ count += mblur ? world.numMBSubdivPatches : world.numSubdivPatches;
+ if (mask & Geometry::MTY_USER_GEOMETRY)
+ count += mblur ? world.numMBUserGeometries : world.numUserGeometries;
+ if (mask & Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE_CHEAP)
+ count += mblur ? world.numMBInstancesCheap : world.numInstancesCheap;
+ if (mask & Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE_EXPENSIVE)
+ count += mblur ? world.numMBInstancesExpensive : world.numInstancesExpensive;
+ if (mask & Geometry::MTY_GRID_MESH)
+ count += mblur ? world.numMBGrids : world.numGrids;
+ return count;
+ }
+ template<typename Mesh, bool mblur>
+ __forceinline unsigned getNumTimeSteps()
+ {
+ if (!mblur)
+ return 1;
+ Scene::Iterator<Mesh,mblur> iter(this);
+ return iter.maxTimeStepsPerGeometry();
+ }
+ template<typename Mesh, bool mblur>
+ __forceinline unsigned int getMaxGeomID()
+ {
+ Scene::Iterator<Mesh,mblur> iter(this);
+ return iter.maxGeomID();
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_curves.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_curves.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5a39e42d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_curves.h
@@ -0,0 +1,688 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+#include "geometry.h"
+#include "buffer.h"
+#include "../subdiv/bezier_curve.h"
+#include "../subdiv/hermite_curve.h"
+#include "../subdiv/bspline_curve.h"
+#include "../subdiv/catmullrom_curve.h"
+#include "../subdiv/linear_bezier_patch.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! represents an array of bicubic bezier curves */
+ struct CurveGeometry : public Geometry
+ {
+ /*! type of this geometry */
+ static const Geometry::GTypeMask geom_type = Geometry::MTY_CURVE4;
+ public:
+ /*! bezier curve construction */
+ CurveGeometry (Device* device, Geometry::GType gtype);
+ public:
+ void setMask(unsigned mask);
+ void setNumTimeSteps (unsigned int numTimeSteps);
+ void setVertexAttributeCount (unsigned int N);
+ void setBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot, RTCFormat format, const Ref<Buffer>& buffer, size_t offset, size_t stride, unsigned int num);
+ void* getBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot);
+ void updateBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot);
+ void commit();
+ bool verify();
+ void setTessellationRate(float N);
+ void setMaxRadiusScale(float s);
+ void addElementsToCount (GeometryCounts & counts) const;
+ public:
+ /*! returns the number of vertices */
+ __forceinline size_t numVertices() const {
+ return vertices[0].size();
+ }
+ /*! returns the i'th curve */
+ __forceinline const unsigned int& curve(size_t i) const {
+ return curves[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of the first time step */
+ __forceinline Vec3ff vertex(size_t i) const {
+ return vertices0[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th normal of the first time step */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa normal(size_t i) const {
+ return normals0[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th tangent of the first time step */
+ __forceinline Vec3ff tangent(size_t i) const {
+ return tangents0[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th normal derivative of the first time step */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa dnormal(size_t i) const {
+ return dnormals0[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th radius of the first time step */
+ __forceinline float radius(size_t i) const {
+ return vertices0[i].w;
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline Vec3ff vertex(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return vertices[itime][i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th normal of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa normal(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return normals[itime][i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th tangent of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline Vec3ff tangent(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return tangents[itime][i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th normal derivative of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa dnormal(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return dnormals[itime][i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th radius of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline float radius(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return vertices[itime][i].w;
+ }
+ /*! gathers the curve starting with i'th vertex */
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3ff& p0, Vec3ff& p1, Vec3ff& p2, Vec3ff& p3, size_t i) const
+ {
+ p0 = vertex(i+0);
+ p1 = vertex(i+1);
+ p2 = vertex(i+2);
+ p3 = vertex(i+3);
+ }
+ /*! gathers the curve starting with i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3ff& p0, Vec3ff& p1, Vec3ff& p2, Vec3ff& p3, size_t i, size_t itime) const
+ {
+ p0 = vertex(i+0,itime);
+ p1 = vertex(i+1,itime);
+ p2 = vertex(i+2,itime);
+ p3 = vertex(i+3,itime);
+ }
+ /*! gathers the curve starting with i'th vertex */
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3ff& p0, Vec3ff& p1, Vec3ff& p2, Vec3ff& p3, Vec3fa& n0, Vec3fa& n1, Vec3fa& n2, Vec3fa& n3, size_t i) const
+ {
+ p0 = vertex(i+0);
+ p1 = vertex(i+1);
+ p2 = vertex(i+2);
+ p3 = vertex(i+3);
+ n0 = normal(i+0);
+ n1 = normal(i+1);
+ n2 = normal(i+2);
+ n3 = normal(i+3);
+ }
+ /*! gathers the curve starting with i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3ff& p0, Vec3ff& p1, Vec3ff& p2, Vec3ff& p3, Vec3fa& n0, Vec3fa& n1, Vec3fa& n2, Vec3fa& n3, size_t i, size_t itime) const
+ {
+ p0 = vertex(i+0,itime);
+ p1 = vertex(i+1,itime);
+ p2 = vertex(i+2,itime);
+ p3 = vertex(i+3,itime);
+ n0 = normal(i+0,itime);
+ n1 = normal(i+1,itime);
+ n2 = normal(i+2,itime);
+ n3 = normal(i+3,itime);
+ }
+ /*! prefetches the curve starting with i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline void prefetchL1_vertices(size_t i) const
+ {
+ prefetchL1(vertices0.getPtr(i)+0);
+ prefetchL1(vertices0.getPtr(i)+64);
+ }
+ /*! prefetches the curve starting with i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline void prefetchL2_vertices(size_t i) const
+ {
+ prefetchL2(vertices0.getPtr(i)+0);
+ prefetchL2(vertices0.getPtr(i)+64);
+ }
+ /*! loads curve vertices for specified time */
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3ff& p0, Vec3ff& p1, Vec3ff& p2, Vec3ff& p3, size_t i, float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const size_t itime = timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ const float t0 = 1.0f - ftime;
+ const float t1 = ftime;
+ Vec3ff a0,a1,a2,a3;
+ gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,i,itime);
+ Vec3ff b0,b1,b2,b3;
+ gather(b0,b1,b2,b3,i,itime+1);
+ p0 = madd(Vec3ff(t0),a0,t1*b0);
+ p1 = madd(Vec3ff(t0),a1,t1*b1);
+ p2 = madd(Vec3ff(t0),a2,t1*b2);
+ p3 = madd(Vec3ff(t0),a3,t1*b3);
+ }
+ /*! loads curve vertices for specified time */
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3ff& p0, Vec3ff& p1, Vec3ff& p2, Vec3ff& p3, Vec3fa& n0, Vec3fa& n1, Vec3fa& n2, Vec3fa& n3, size_t i, float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const size_t itime = timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ const float t0 = 1.0f - ftime;
+ const float t1 = ftime;
+ Vec3ff a0,a1,a2,a3; Vec3fa an0,an1,an2,an3;
+ gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,an0,an1,an2,an3,i,itime);
+ Vec3ff b0,b1,b2,b3; Vec3fa bn0,bn1,bn2,bn3;
+ gather(b0,b1,b2,b3,bn0,bn1,bn2,bn3,i,itime+1);
+ p0 = madd(Vec3ff(t0),a0,t1*b0);
+ p1 = madd(Vec3ff(t0),a1,t1*b1);
+ p2 = madd(Vec3ff(t0),a2,t1*b2);
+ p3 = madd(Vec3ff(t0),a3,t1*b3);
+ n0 = madd(Vec3ff(t0),an0,t1*bn0);
+ n1 = madd(Vec3ff(t0),an1,t1*bn1);
+ n2 = madd(Vec3ff(t0),an2,t1*bn2);
+ n3 = madd(Vec3ff(t0),an3,t1*bn3);
+ }
+ template<typename SourceCurve3ff, typename SourceCurve3fa, typename TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa getNormalOrientedCurve(IntersectContext* context, const Vec3fa& ray_org, const unsigned int primID, const size_t itime) const
+ {
+ Vec3ff v0,v1,v2,v3; Vec3fa n0,n1,n2,n3;
+ unsigned int vertexID = curve(primID);
+ gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,n0,n1,n2,n3,vertexID,itime);
+ SourceCurve3ff ccurve(v0,v1,v2,v3);
+ SourceCurve3fa ncurve(n0,n1,n2,n3);
+ ccurve = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,this,ray_org,ccurve);
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa::fromCenterAndNormalCurve(ccurve,ncurve);
+ }
+ template<typename SourceCurve3ff, typename SourceCurve3fa, typename TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa getNormalOrientedCurve(IntersectContext* context, const Vec3fa& ray_org, const unsigned int primID, const float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const size_t itime = timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve0 = getNormalOrientedCurve<SourceCurve3ff, SourceCurve3fa, TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>(context,ray_org,primID,itime+0);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve1 = getNormalOrientedCurve<SourceCurve3ff, SourceCurve3fa, TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>(context,ray_org,primID,itime+1);
+ return clerp(curve0,curve1,ftime);
+ }
+ /*! gathers the hermite curve starting with i'th vertex */
+ __forceinline void gather_hermite(Vec3ff& p0, Vec3ff& t0, Vec3ff& p1, Vec3ff& t1, size_t i) const
+ {
+ p0 = vertex (i+0);
+ p1 = vertex (i+1);
+ t0 = tangent(i+0);
+ t1 = tangent(i+1);
+ }
+ /*! gathers the hermite curve starting with i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline void gather_hermite(Vec3ff& p0, Vec3ff& t0, Vec3ff& p1, Vec3ff& t1, size_t i, size_t itime) const
+ {
+ p0 = vertex (i+0,itime);
+ p1 = vertex (i+1,itime);
+ t0 = tangent(i+0,itime);
+ t1 = tangent(i+1,itime);
+ }
+ /*! loads curve vertices for specified time */
+ __forceinline void gather_hermite(Vec3ff& p0, Vec3ff& t0, Vec3ff& p1, Vec3ff& t1, size_t i, float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const size_t itime = timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ const float f0 = 1.0f - ftime, f1 = ftime;
+ Vec3ff ap0,at0,ap1,at1;
+ gather_hermite(ap0,at0,ap1,at1,i,itime);
+ Vec3ff bp0,bt0,bp1,bt1;
+ gather_hermite(bp0,bt0,bp1,bt1,i,itime+1);
+ p0 = madd(Vec3ff(f0),ap0,f1*bp0);
+ t0 = madd(Vec3ff(f0),at0,f1*bt0);
+ p1 = madd(Vec3ff(f0),ap1,f1*bp1);
+ t1 = madd(Vec3ff(f0),at1,f1*bt1);
+ }
+ /*! gathers the hermite curve starting with i'th vertex */
+ __forceinline void gather_hermite(Vec3ff& p0, Vec3ff& t0, Vec3fa& n0, Vec3fa& dn0, Vec3ff& p1, Vec3ff& t1, Vec3fa& n1, Vec3fa& dn1, size_t i) const
+ {
+ p0 = vertex (i+0);
+ p1 = vertex (i+1);
+ t0 = tangent(i+0);
+ t1 = tangent(i+1);
+ n0 = normal(i+0);
+ n1 = normal(i+1);
+ dn0 = dnormal(i+0);
+ dn1 = dnormal(i+1);
+ }
+ /*! gathers the hermite curve starting with i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline void gather_hermite(Vec3ff& p0, Vec3ff& t0, Vec3fa& n0, Vec3fa& dn0, Vec3ff& p1, Vec3ff& t1, Vec3fa& n1, Vec3fa& dn1, size_t i, size_t itime) const
+ {
+ p0 = vertex (i+0,itime);
+ p1 = vertex (i+1,itime);
+ t0 = tangent(i+0,itime);
+ t1 = tangent(i+1,itime);
+ n0 = normal(i+0,itime);
+ n1 = normal(i+1,itime);
+ dn0 = dnormal(i+0,itime);
+ dn1 = dnormal(i+1,itime);
+ }
+ /*! loads curve vertices for specified time */
+ __forceinline void gather_hermite(Vec3ff& p0, Vec3fa& t0, Vec3fa& n0, Vec3fa& dn0, Vec3ff& p1, Vec3fa& t1, Vec3fa& n1, Vec3fa& dn1, size_t i, float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const size_t itime = timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ const float f0 = 1.0f - ftime, f1 = ftime;
+ Vec3ff ap0,at0,ap1,at1; Vec3fa an0,adn0,an1,adn1;
+ gather_hermite(ap0,at0,an0,adn0,ap1,at1,an1,adn1,i,itime);
+ Vec3ff bp0,bt0,bp1,bt1; Vec3fa bn0,bdn0,bn1,bdn1;
+ gather_hermite(bp0,bt0,bn0,bdn0,bp1,bt1,bn1,bdn1,i,itime+1);
+ p0 = madd(Vec3ff(f0),ap0,f1*bp0);
+ t0 = madd(Vec3ff(f0),at0,f1*bt0);
+ n0 = madd(Vec3ff(f0),an0,f1*bn0);
+ dn0= madd(Vec3ff(f0),adn0,f1*bdn0);
+ p1 = madd(Vec3ff(f0),ap1,f1*bp1);
+ t1 = madd(Vec3ff(f0),at1,f1*bt1);
+ n1 = madd(Vec3ff(f0),an1,f1*bn1);
+ dn1= madd(Vec3ff(f0),adn1,f1*bdn1);
+ }
+ template<typename SourceCurve3ff, typename SourceCurve3fa, typename TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa getNormalOrientedHermiteCurve(IntersectContext* context, const Vec3fa& ray_org, const unsigned int primID, const size_t itime) const
+ {
+ Vec3ff v0,t0,v1,t1; Vec3fa n0,dn0,n1,dn1;
+ unsigned int vertexID = curve(primID);
+ gather_hermite(v0,t0,n0,dn0,v1,t1,n1,dn1,vertexID,itime);
+ SourceCurve3ff ccurve(v0,t0,v1,t1);
+ SourceCurve3fa ncurve(n0,dn0,n1,dn1);
+ ccurve = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,this,ray_org,ccurve);
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa::fromCenterAndNormalCurve(ccurve,ncurve);
+ }
+ template<typename SourceCurve3ff, typename SourceCurve3fa, typename TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa getNormalOrientedHermiteCurve(IntersectContext* context, const Vec3fa& ray_org, const unsigned int primID, const float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const size_t itime = timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve0 = getNormalOrientedHermiteCurve<SourceCurve3ff, SourceCurve3fa, TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>(context, ray_org, primID,itime+0);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve1 = getNormalOrientedHermiteCurve<SourceCurve3ff, SourceCurve3fa, TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>(context, ray_org, primID,itime+1);
+ return clerp(curve0,curve1,ftime);
+ }
+ private:
+ void resizeBuffers(unsigned int numSteps);
+ public:
+ BufferView<unsigned int> curves; //!< array of curve indices
+ BufferView<Vec3ff> vertices0; //!< fast access to first vertex buffer
+ BufferView<Vec3fa> normals0; //!< fast access to first normal buffer
+ BufferView<Vec3ff> tangents0; //!< fast access to first tangent buffer
+ BufferView<Vec3fa> dnormals0; //!< fast access to first normal derivative buffer
+ vector<BufferView<Vec3ff>> vertices; //!< vertex array for each timestep
+ vector<BufferView<Vec3fa>> normals; //!< normal array for each timestep
+ vector<BufferView<Vec3ff>> tangents; //!< tangent array for each timestep
+ vector<BufferView<Vec3fa>> dnormals; //!< normal derivative array for each timestep
+ BufferView<char> flags; //!< start, end flag per segment
+ vector<BufferView<char>> vertexAttribs; //!< user buffers
+ int tessellationRate; //!< tessellation rate for flat curve
+ float maxRadiusScale = 1.0; //!< maximal min-width scaling of curve radii
+ };
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve>
+ struct CurveGeometryInterface : public CurveGeometry
+ {
+ typedef Curve<Vec3ff> Curve3ff;
+ typedef Curve<Vec3fa> Curve3fa;
+ CurveGeometryInterface (Device* device, Geometry::GType gtype)
+ : CurveGeometry(device,gtype) {}
+ __forceinline const Curve3ff getCurveScaledRadius(size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = curve(i);
+ Vec3ff v0 = vertex(index+0,itime);
+ Vec3ff v1 = vertex(index+1,itime);
+ Vec3ff v2 = vertex(index+2,itime);
+ Vec3ff v3 = vertex(index+3,itime);
+ v0.w *= maxRadiusScale;
+ v1.w *= maxRadiusScale;
+ v2.w *= maxRadiusScale;
+ v3.w *= maxRadiusScale;
+ return Curve3ff (v0,v1,v2,v3);
+ }
+ __forceinline const Curve3ff getCurveScaledRadius(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = curve(i);
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3ff v1 = vertex(index+1,itime);
+ const Vec3ff v2 = vertex(index+2,itime);
+ const Vec3ff v3 = vertex(index+3,itime);
+ const Vec3ff w0(xfmPoint(space,(Vec3fa)v0), maxRadiusScale*v0.w);
+ const Vec3ff w1(xfmPoint(space,(Vec3fa)v1), maxRadiusScale*v1.w);
+ const Vec3ff w2(xfmPoint(space,(Vec3fa)v2), maxRadiusScale*v2.w);
+ const Vec3ff w3(xfmPoint(space,(Vec3fa)v3), maxRadiusScale*v3.w);
+ return Curve3ff(w0,w1,w2,w3);
+ }
+ __forceinline const Curve3ff getCurveScaledRadius(const Vec3fa& ofs, const float scale, const float r_scale0, const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const
+ {
+ const float r_scale = r_scale0*scale;
+ const unsigned int index = curve(i);
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3ff v1 = vertex(index+1,itime);
+ const Vec3ff v2 = vertex(index+2,itime);
+ const Vec3ff v3 = vertex(index+3,itime);
+ const Vec3ff w0(xfmPoint(space,((Vec3fa)v0-ofs)*Vec3fa(scale)), maxRadiusScale*v0.w*r_scale);
+ const Vec3ff w1(xfmPoint(space,((Vec3fa)v1-ofs)*Vec3fa(scale)), maxRadiusScale*v1.w*r_scale);
+ const Vec3ff w2(xfmPoint(space,((Vec3fa)v2-ofs)*Vec3fa(scale)), maxRadiusScale*v2.w*r_scale);
+ const Vec3ff w3(xfmPoint(space,((Vec3fa)v3-ofs)*Vec3fa(scale)), maxRadiusScale*v3.w*r_scale);
+ return Curve3ff(w0,w1,w2,w3);
+ }
+ __forceinline const Curve3fa getNormalCurve(size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = curve(i);
+ const Vec3fa n0 = normal(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3fa n1 = normal(index+1,itime);
+ const Vec3fa n2 = normal(index+2,itime);
+ const Vec3fa n3 = normal(index+3,itime);
+ return Curve3fa (n0,n1,n2,n3);
+ }
+ __forceinline const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa getOrientedCurveScaledRadius(size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const
+ {
+ const Curve3ff center = getCurveScaledRadius(i,itime);
+ const Curve3fa normal = getNormalCurve(i,itime);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa ocurve = TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa::fromCenterAndNormalCurve(center,normal);
+ return ocurve;
+ }
+ __forceinline const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa getOrientedCurveScaledRadius(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const {
+ return getOrientedCurveScaledRadius(i,itime).xfm(space);
+ }
+ __forceinline const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa getOrientedCurveScaledRadius(const Vec3fa& ofs, const float scale, const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const {
+ return getOrientedCurveScaledRadius(i,itime).xfm(space,ofs,scale);
+ }
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid at the itime'th time step */
+ __forceinline bool valid(Geometry::GType ctype, size_t i, const range<size_t>& itime_range) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = curve(i);
+ if (index+3 >= numVertices()) return false;
+ for (size_t itime = itime_range.begin(); itime <= itime_range.end(); itime++)
+ {
+ const float r0 = radius(index+0,itime);
+ const float r1 = radius(index+1,itime);
+ const float r2 = radius(index+2,itime);
+ const float r3 = radius(index+3,itime);
+ if (!isvalid(r0) || !isvalid(r1) || !isvalid(r2) || !isvalid(r3))
+ return false;
+ const Vec3fa v0 = vertex(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = vertex(index+1,itime);
+ const Vec3fa v2 = vertex(index+2,itime);
+ const Vec3fa v3 = vertex(index+3,itime);
+ if (!isvalid(v0) || !isvalid(v1) || !isvalid(v2) || !isvalid(v3))
+ return false;
+ if (ctype == Geometry::GTY_SUBTYPE_ORIENTED_CURVE)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa n0 = normal(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3fa n1 = normal(index+1,itime);
+ if (!isvalid(n0) || !isvalid(n1))
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void interpolate_impl(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args)
+ {
+ unsigned int primID = args->primID;
+ float u = args->u;
+ RTCBufferType bufferType = args->bufferType;
+ unsigned int bufferSlot = args->bufferSlot;
+ float* P = args->P;
+ float* dPdu = args->dPdu;
+ float* ddPdudu = args->ddPdudu;
+ unsigned int valueCount = args->valueCount;
+ /* calculate base pointer and stride */
+ assert((bufferType == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX && bufferSlot < numTimeSteps) ||
+ (bufferType == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE && bufferSlot <= vertexAttribs.size()));
+ const char* src = nullptr;
+ size_t stride = 0;
+ src = vertexAttribs[bufferSlot].getPtr();
+ stride = vertexAttribs[bufferSlot].getStride();
+ } else {
+ src = vertices[bufferSlot].getPtr();
+ stride = vertices[bufferSlot].getStride();
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<valueCount; i+=N)
+ {
+ size_t ofs = i*sizeof(float);
+ const size_t index = curves[primID];
+ const vbool<N> valid = vint<N>((int)i)+vint<N>(step) < vint<N>((int)valueCount);
+ const vfloat<N> p0 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[(index+0)*stride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> p1 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[(index+1)*stride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> p2 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[(index+2)*stride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> p3 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[(index+3)*stride+ofs]);
+ const Curve<vfloat<N>> curve(p0,p1,p2,p3);
+ if (P ) mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,P+i, curve.eval(u));
+ if (dPdu ) mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,dPdu+i, curve.eval_du(u));
+ if (ddPdudu) mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,ddPdudu+i,curve.eval_dudu(u));
+ }
+ }
+ void interpolate(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args) {
+ interpolate_impl<4>(args);
+ }
+ };
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve>
+ struct HermiteCurveGeometryInterface : public CurveGeometry
+ {
+ typedef Curve<Vec3ff> HermiteCurve3ff;
+ typedef Curve<Vec3fa> HermiteCurve3fa;
+ HermiteCurveGeometryInterface (Device* device, Geometry::GType gtype)
+ : CurveGeometry(device,gtype) {}
+ __forceinline const HermiteCurve3ff getCurveScaledRadius(size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = curve(i);
+ Vec3ff v0 = vertex(index+0,itime);
+ Vec3ff v1 = vertex(index+1,itime);
+ Vec3ff t0 = tangent(index+0,itime);
+ Vec3ff t1 = tangent(index+1,itime);
+ v0.w *= maxRadiusScale;
+ v1.w *= maxRadiusScale;
+ t0.w *= maxRadiusScale;
+ t1.w *= maxRadiusScale;
+ return HermiteCurve3ff (v0,t0,v1,t1);
+ }
+ __forceinline const HermiteCurve3ff getCurveScaledRadius(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = curve(i);
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3ff v1 = vertex(index+1,itime);
+ const Vec3ff t0 = tangent(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3ff t1 = tangent(index+1,itime);
+ const Vec3ff V0(xfmPoint(space,(Vec3fa)v0),maxRadiusScale*v0.w);
+ const Vec3ff V1(xfmPoint(space,(Vec3fa)v1),maxRadiusScale*v1.w);
+ const Vec3ff T0(xfmVector(space,(Vec3fa)t0),maxRadiusScale*t0.w);
+ const Vec3ff T1(xfmVector(space,(Vec3fa)t1),maxRadiusScale*t1.w);
+ return HermiteCurve3ff(V0,T0,V1,T1);
+ }
+ __forceinline const HermiteCurve3ff getCurveScaledRadius(const Vec3fa& ofs, const float scale, const float r_scale0, const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const
+ {
+ const float r_scale = r_scale0*scale;
+ const unsigned int index = curve(i);
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3ff v1 = vertex(index+1,itime);
+ const Vec3ff t0 = tangent(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3ff t1 = tangent(index+1,itime);
+ const Vec3ff V0(xfmPoint(space,(v0-ofs)*Vec3fa(scale)), maxRadiusScale*v0.w*r_scale);
+ const Vec3ff V1(xfmPoint(space,(v1-ofs)*Vec3fa(scale)), maxRadiusScale*v1.w*r_scale);
+ const Vec3ff T0(xfmVector(space,t0*Vec3fa(scale)), maxRadiusScale*t0.w*r_scale);
+ const Vec3ff T1(xfmVector(space,t1*Vec3fa(scale)), maxRadiusScale*t1.w*r_scale);
+ return HermiteCurve3ff(V0,T0,V1,T1);
+ }
+ __forceinline const HermiteCurve3fa getNormalCurve(size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = curve(i);
+ const Vec3fa n0 = normal(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3fa n1 = normal(index+1,itime);
+ const Vec3fa dn0 = dnormal(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3fa dn1 = dnormal(index+1,itime);
+ return HermiteCurve3fa (n0,dn0,n1,dn1);
+ }
+ __forceinline const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa getOrientedCurveScaledRadius(size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const
+ {
+ const HermiteCurve3ff center = getCurveScaledRadius(i,itime);
+ const HermiteCurve3fa normal = getNormalCurve(i,itime);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa ocurve = TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa::fromCenterAndNormalCurve(center,normal);
+ return ocurve;
+ }
+ __forceinline const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa getOrientedCurveScaledRadius(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const {
+ return getOrientedCurveScaledRadius(i,itime).xfm(space);
+ }
+ __forceinline const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa getOrientedCurveScaledRadius(const Vec3fa& ofs, const float scale, const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i, size_t itime = 0) const {
+ return getOrientedCurveScaledRadius(i,itime).xfm(space,ofs,scale);
+ }
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid at the itime'th time step */
+ __forceinline bool valid(Geometry::GType ctype, size_t i, const range<size_t>& itime_range) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = curve(i);
+ if (index+1 >= numVertices()) return false;
+ for (size_t itime = itime_range.begin(); itime <= itime_range.end(); itime++)
+ {
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3ff v1 = vertex(index+1,itime);
+ if (!isvalid4(v0) || !isvalid4(v1))
+ return false;
+ const Vec3ff t0 = tangent(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3ff t1 = tangent(index+1,itime);
+ if (!isvalid4(t0) || !isvalid4(t1))
+ return false;
+ if (ctype == Geometry::GTY_SUBTYPE_ORIENTED_CURVE)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa n0 = normal(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3fa n1 = normal(index+1,itime);
+ if (!isvalid(n0) || !isvalid(n1))
+ return false;
+ const Vec3fa dn0 = dnormal(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3fa dn1 = dnormal(index+1,itime);
+ if (!isvalid(dn0) || !isvalid(dn1))
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void interpolate_impl(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args)
+ {
+ unsigned int primID = args->primID;
+ float u = args->u;
+ RTCBufferType bufferType = args->bufferType;
+ unsigned int bufferSlot = args->bufferSlot;
+ float* P = args->P;
+ float* dPdu = args->dPdu;
+ float* ddPdudu = args->ddPdudu;
+ unsigned int valueCount = args->valueCount;
+ /* we interpolate vertex attributes linearly for hermite basis */
+ {
+ assert(bufferSlot <= vertexAttribs.size());
+ const char* vsrc = vertexAttribs[bufferSlot].getPtr();
+ const size_t vstride = vertexAttribs[bufferSlot].getStride();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<valueCount; i+=N)
+ {
+ const size_t ofs = i*sizeof(float);
+ const size_t index = curves[primID];
+ const vbool<N> valid = vint<N>((int)i)+vint<N>(step) < vint<N>((int)valueCount);
+ const vfloat<N> p0 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&vsrc[(index+0)*vstride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> p1 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&vsrc[(index+1)*vstride+ofs]);
+ if (P ) mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,P+i, madd(1.0f-u,p0,u*p1));
+ if (dPdu ) mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,dPdu+i, p1-p0);
+ if (ddPdudu) mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,ddPdudu+i,vfloat<N>(zero));
+ }
+ }
+ /* interpolation for vertex buffers */
+ else
+ {
+ assert(bufferSlot < numTimeSteps);
+ const char* vsrc = vertices[bufferSlot].getPtr();
+ const char* tsrc = tangents[bufferSlot].getPtr();
+ const size_t vstride = vertices[bufferSlot].getStride();
+ const size_t tstride = vertices[bufferSlot].getStride();
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<valueCount; i+=N)
+ {
+ const size_t ofs = i*sizeof(float);
+ const size_t index = curves[primID];
+ const vbool<N> valid = vint<N>((int)i)+vint<N>(step) < vint<N>((int)valueCount);
+ const vfloat<N> p0 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&vsrc[(index+0)*vstride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> p1 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&vsrc[(index+1)*vstride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> t0 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&tsrc[(index+0)*tstride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> t1 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&tsrc[(index+1)*tstride+ofs]);
+ const HermiteCurveT<vfloat<N>> curve(p0,t0,p1,t1);
+ if (P ) mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,P+i, curve.eval(u));
+ if (dPdu ) mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,dPdu+i, curve.eval_du(u));
+ if (ddPdudu) mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,ddPdudu+i,curve.eval_dudu(u));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void interpolate(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args) {
+ interpolate_impl<4>(args);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(CurveGeometry*, createCurves, Device* COMMA Geometry::GType);
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_grid_mesh.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_grid_mesh.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fb6fed445b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_grid_mesh.h
@@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "geometry.h"
+#include "buffer.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! Grid Mesh */
+ struct GridMesh : public Geometry
+ {
+ /*! type of this geometry */
+ static const Geometry::GTypeMask geom_type = Geometry::MTY_GRID_MESH;
+ /*! grid */
+ struct Grid
+ {
+ unsigned int startVtxID;
+ unsigned int lineVtxOffset;
+ unsigned short resX,resY;
+ /* border flags due to 3x3 vertex pattern */
+ __forceinline unsigned int get3x3FlagsX(const unsigned int x) const
+ {
+ return (x + 2 >= (unsigned int)resX) ? (1<<15) : 0;
+ }
+ /* border flags due to 3x3 vertex pattern */
+ __forceinline unsigned int get3x3FlagsY(const unsigned int y) const
+ {
+ return (y + 2 >= (unsigned int)resY) ? (1<<15) : 0;
+ }
+ /*! outputs grid structure */
+ __forceinline friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const Grid& t) {
+ return cout << "Grid { startVtxID " << t.startVtxID << ", lineVtxOffset " << t.lineVtxOffset << ", resX " << t.resX << ", resY " << t.resY << " }";
+ }
+ };
+ public:
+ /*! grid mesh construction */
+ GridMesh (Device* device);
+ /* geometry interface */
+ public:
+ void setMask(unsigned mask);
+ void setNumTimeSteps (unsigned int numTimeSteps);
+ void setVertexAttributeCount (unsigned int N);
+ void setBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot, RTCFormat format, const Ref<Buffer>& buffer, size_t offset, size_t stride, unsigned int num);
+ void* getBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot);
+ void updateBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot);
+ void commit();
+ bool verify();
+ void interpolate(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args);
+ template<int N>
+ void interpolate_impl(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args)
+ {
+ unsigned int primID = args->primID;
+ float U = args->u;
+ float V = args->v;
+ /* clamp input u,v to [0;1] range */
+ U = max(min(U,1.0f),0.0f);
+ V = max(min(V,1.0f),0.0f);
+ RTCBufferType bufferType = args->bufferType;
+ unsigned int bufferSlot = args->bufferSlot;
+ float* P = args->P;
+ float* dPdu = args->dPdu;
+ float* dPdv = args->dPdv;
+ float* ddPdudu = args->ddPdudu;
+ float* ddPdvdv = args->ddPdvdv;
+ float* ddPdudv = args->ddPdudv;
+ unsigned int valueCount = args->valueCount;
+ /* calculate base pointer and stride */
+ assert((bufferType == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX && bufferSlot < numTimeSteps) ||
+ (bufferType == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE && bufferSlot <= vertexAttribs.size()));
+ const char* src = nullptr;
+ size_t stride = 0;
+ src = vertexAttribs[bufferSlot].getPtr();
+ stride = vertexAttribs[bufferSlot].getStride();
+ } else {
+ src = vertices[bufferSlot].getPtr();
+ stride = vertices[bufferSlot].getStride();
+ }
+ const Grid& grid = grids[primID];
+ const int grid_width = grid.resX-1;
+ const int grid_height = grid.resY-1;
+ const float rcp_grid_width = rcp(float(grid_width));
+ const float rcp_grid_height = rcp(float(grid_height));
+ const int iu = min((int)floor(U*grid_width ),grid_width);
+ const int iv = min((int)floor(V*grid_height),grid_height);
+ const float u = U*grid_width-float(iu);
+ const float v = V*grid_height-float(iv);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<valueCount; i+=N)
+ {
+ const size_t ofs = i*sizeof(float);
+ const unsigned int idx0 = grid.startVtxID + (iv+0)*grid.lineVtxOffset + iu;
+ const unsigned int idx1 = grid.startVtxID + (iv+1)*grid.lineVtxOffset + iu;
+ const vbool<N> valid = vint<N>((int)i)+vint<N>(step) < vint<N>(int(valueCount));
+ const vfloat<N> p0 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[(idx0+0)*stride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> p1 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[(idx0+1)*stride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> p2 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[(idx1+1)*stride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> p3 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[(idx1+0)*stride+ofs]);
+ const vbool<N> left = u+v <= 1.0f;
+ const vfloat<N> Q0 = select(left,p0,p2);
+ const vfloat<N> Q1 = select(left,p1,p3);
+ const vfloat<N> Q2 = select(left,p3,p1);
+ const vfloat<N> U = select(left,u,vfloat<N>(1.0f)-u);
+ const vfloat<N> V = select(left,v,vfloat<N>(1.0f)-v);
+ const vfloat<N> W = 1.0f-U-V;
+ if (P) {
+ mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,P+i,madd(W,Q0,madd(U,Q1,V*Q2)));
+ }
+ if (dPdu) {
+ assert(dPdu); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,dPdu+i,select(left,Q1-Q0,Q0-Q1)*rcp_grid_width);
+ assert(dPdv); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,dPdv+i,select(left,Q2-Q0,Q0-Q2)*rcp_grid_height);
+ }
+ if (ddPdudu) {
+ assert(ddPdudu); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,ddPdudu+i,vfloat<N>(zero));
+ assert(ddPdvdv); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,ddPdvdv+i,vfloat<N>(zero));
+ assert(ddPdudv); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,ddPdudv+i,vfloat<N>(zero));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void addElementsToCount (GeometryCounts & counts) const;
+ __forceinline unsigned int getNumSubGrids(const size_t gridID)
+ {
+ const Grid &g = grid(gridID);
+ return max((unsigned int)1,((unsigned int)g.resX >> 1) * ((unsigned int)g.resY >> 1));
+ }
+ /*! get fast access to first vertex buffer */
+ __forceinline float * getCompactVertexArray () const {
+ return (float*) vertices0.getPtr();
+ }
+ public:
+ /*! returns number of vertices */
+ __forceinline size_t numVertices() const {
+ return vertices[0].size();
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th grid*/
+ __forceinline const Grid& grid(size_t i) const {
+ return grids[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of the first time step */
+ __forceinline const Vec3fa vertex(size_t i) const { // FIXME: check if this does a unaligned load
+ return vertices0[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of the first time step */
+ __forceinline const char* vertexPtr(size_t i) const {
+ return vertices0.getPtr(i);
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline const Vec3fa vertex(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return vertices[itime][i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline const char* vertexPtr(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return vertices[itime].getPtr(i);
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of the first timestep */
+ __forceinline size_t grid_vertex_index(const Grid& g, size_t x, size_t y) const {
+ assert(x < (size_t)g.resX);
+ assert(y < (size_t)g.resY);
+ return g.startVtxID + x + y * g.lineVtxOffset;
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of the first timestep */
+ __forceinline const Vec3fa grid_vertex(const Grid& g, size_t x, size_t y) const {
+ const size_t index = grid_vertex_index(g,x,y);
+ return vertex(index);
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of the itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline const Vec3fa grid_vertex(const Grid& g, size_t x, size_t y, size_t itime) const {
+ const size_t index = grid_vertex_index(g,x,y);
+ return vertex(index,itime);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the build bounds of the i'th primitive, if it's valid */
+ __forceinline bool buildBounds(const Grid& g, size_t sx, size_t sy, BBox3fa& bbox) const
+ {
+ BBox3fa b(empty);
+ for (size_t t=0; t<numTimeSteps; t++)
+ {
+ for (size_t y=sy;y<min(sy+3,(size_t)g.resY);y++)
+ for (size_t x=sx;x<min(sx+3,(size_t)g.resX);x++)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa v = grid_vertex(g,x,y,t);
+ if (unlikely(!isvalid(v))) return false;
+ b.extend(v);
+ }
+ }
+ bbox = b;
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the build bounds of the i'th primitive at the itime'th time segment, if it's valid */
+ __forceinline bool buildBounds(const Grid& g, size_t sx, size_t sy, size_t itime, BBox3fa& bbox) const
+ {
+ assert(itime < numTimeSteps);
+ BBox3fa b0(empty);
+ for (size_t y=sy;y<min(sy+3,(size_t)g.resY);y++)
+ for (size_t x=sx;x<min(sx+3,(size_t)g.resX);x++)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa v = grid_vertex(g,x,y,itime);
+ if (unlikely(!isvalid(v))) return false;
+ b0.extend(v);
+ }
+ /* use bounds of first time step in builder */
+ bbox = b0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t gridID, size_t itime=0) const {
+ return valid(gridID, make_range(itime, itime));
+ }
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid between the specified time range */
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t gridID, const range<size_t>& itime_range) const
+ {
+ if (unlikely(gridID >= grids.size())) return false;
+ const Grid &g = grid(gridID);
+ if (unlikely(g.startVtxID + 0 >= vertices0.size())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(g.startVtxID + (g.resY-1)*g.lineVtxOffset + g.resX-1 >= vertices0.size())) return false;
+ for (size_t y=0;y<g.resY;y++)
+ for (size_t x=0;x<g.resX;x++)
+ for (size_t itime = itime_range.begin(); itime <= itime_range.end(); itime++)
+ if (!isvalid(grid_vertex(g,x,y,itime))) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(const Grid& g, size_t sx, size_t sy, size_t itime) const
+ {
+ BBox3fa box(empty);
+ buildBounds(g,sx,sy,itime,box);
+ return box;
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Grid& g, size_t sx, size_t sy, size_t itime) const {
+ BBox3fa bounds0, bounds1;
+ buildBounds(g,sx,sy,itime+0,bounds0);
+ buildBounds(g,sx,sy,itime+1,bounds1);
+ return LBBox3fa(bounds0,bounds1);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive for the specified time range */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Grid& g, size_t sx, size_t sy, const BBox1f& dt) const {
+ return LBBox3fa([&] (size_t itime) { return bounds(g,sx,sy,itime); }, dt, time_range, fnumTimeSegments);
+ }
+ public:
+ BufferView<Grid> grids; //!< array of triangles
+ BufferView<Vec3fa> vertices0; //!< fast access to first vertex buffer
+ vector<BufferView<Vec3fa>> vertices; //!< vertex array for each timestep
+ vector<RawBufferView> vertexAttribs; //!< vertex attributes
+ };
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct GridMeshISA : public GridMesh
+ {
+ GridMeshISA (Device* device)
+ : GridMesh(device) {}
+ };
+ }
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(GridMesh*, createGridMesh, Device*);
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_instance.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_instance.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..773f2b6fec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_instance.h
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "geometry.h"
+#include "accel.h"
+namespace embree
+ struct MotionDerivativeCoefficients;
+ /*! Instanced acceleration structure */
+ struct Instance : public Geometry
+ {
+ static const Geometry::GTypeMask geom_type = Geometry::MTY_INSTANCE;
+ public:
+ Instance (Device* device, Accel* object = nullptr, unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1);
+ ~Instance();
+ private:
+ Instance (const Instance& other) DELETED; // do not implement
+ Instance& operator= (const Instance& other) DELETED; // do not implement
+ private:
+ LBBox3fa nonlinearBounds(const BBox1f& time_range_in,
+ const BBox1f& geom_time_range,
+ float geom_time_segments) const;
+ BBox3fa boundSegment(size_t itime,
+ BBox3fa const& obbox0, BBox3fa const& obbox1,
+ BBox3fa const& bbox0, BBox3fa const& bbox1,
+ float t_min, float t_max) const;
+ /* calculates the (correct) interpolated bounds */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t itime0, size_t itime1, float f) const
+ {
+ if (unlikely(gsubtype == GTY_SUBTYPE_INSTANCE_QUATERNION))
+ return xfmBounds(slerp(local2world[itime0], local2world[itime1], f),
+ lerp(getObjectBounds(itime0), getObjectBounds(itime1), f));
+ return xfmBounds(lerp(local2world[itime0], local2world[itime1], f),
+ lerp(getObjectBounds(itime0), getObjectBounds(itime1), f));
+ }
+ public:
+ virtual void setNumTimeSteps (unsigned int numTimeSteps) override;
+ virtual void setInstancedScene(const Ref<Scene>& scene) override;
+ virtual void setTransform(const AffineSpace3fa& local2world, unsigned int timeStep) override;
+ virtual void setQuaternionDecomposition(const AffineSpace3ff& qd, unsigned int timeStep) override;
+ virtual AffineSpace3fa getTransform(float time) override;
+ virtual void setMask (unsigned mask) override;
+ virtual void build() {}
+ virtual void addElementsToCount (GeometryCounts & counts) const override;
+ virtual void commit() override;
+ public:
+ /*! calculates the bounds of instance */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i) const {
+ assert(i == 0);
+ if (unlikely(gsubtype == GTY_SUBTYPE_INSTANCE_QUATERNION))
+ return xfmBounds(quaternionDecompositionToAffineSpace(local2world[0]),object->bounds.bounds());
+ return xfmBounds(local2world[0],object->bounds.bounds());
+ }
+ /*! gets the bounds of the instanced scene */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa getObjectBounds(size_t itime) const {
+ return object->getBounds(timeStep(itime));
+ }
+ /*! calculates the bounds of instance */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ assert(i == 0);
+ if (unlikely(gsubtype == GTY_SUBTYPE_INSTANCE_QUATERNION))
+ return xfmBounds(quaternionDecompositionToAffineSpace(local2world[itime]),getObjectBounds(itime));
+ return xfmBounds(local2world[itime],getObjectBounds(itime));
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive for the specified time range */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(size_t i, const BBox1f& dt) const {
+ assert(i == 0);
+ LBBox3fa lbbox = nonlinearBounds(dt, time_range, fnumTimeSegments);
+ return lbbox;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the build bounds of the i'th item, if it's valid */
+ __forceinline bool buildBounds(size_t i, BBox3fa* bbox = nullptr) const
+ {
+ assert(i==0);
+ const BBox3fa b = bounds(i);
+ if (bbox) *bbox = b;
+ return isvalid(b);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the build bounds of the i'th item at the itime'th time segment, if it's valid */
+ __forceinline bool buildBounds(size_t i, size_t itime, BBox3fa& bbox) const
+ {
+ assert(i==0);
+ const LBBox3fa bounds = linearBounds(i,itime);
+ bbox = bounds.bounds ();
+ return isvalid(bounds);
+ }
+ /* gets version info of topology */
+ unsigned int getTopologyVersion() const {
+ return numPrimitives;
+ }
+ /* returns true if topology changed */
+ bool topologyChanged(unsigned int otherVersion) const {
+ return numPrimitives != otherVersion;
+ }
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid between the specified time range */
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t i, const range<size_t>& itime_range) const
+ {
+ assert(i == 0);
+ for (size_t itime = itime_range.begin(); itime <= itime_range.end(); itime++)
+ if (!isvalid(bounds(i,itime))) return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ __forceinline AffineSpace3fa getLocal2World() const
+ {
+ if (unlikely(gsubtype == GTY_SUBTYPE_INSTANCE_QUATERNION))
+ return quaternionDecompositionToAffineSpace(local2world[0]);
+ return local2world[0];
+ }
+ __forceinline AffineSpace3fa getLocal2World(float t) const
+ {
+ float ftime; const unsigned int itime = timeSegment(t, ftime);
+ if (unlikely(gsubtype == GTY_SUBTYPE_INSTANCE_QUATERNION))
+ return slerp(local2world[itime+0],local2world[itime+1],ftime);
+ return lerp(local2world[itime+0],local2world[itime+1],ftime);
+ }
+ __forceinline AffineSpace3fa getWorld2Local() const {
+ return world2local0;
+ }
+ __forceinline AffineSpace3fa getWorld2Local(float t) const {
+ return rcp(getLocal2World(t));
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline AffineSpace3vf<K> getWorld2Local(const vbool<K>& valid, const vfloat<K>& t) const
+ {
+ if (unlikely(gsubtype == GTY_SUBTYPE_INSTANCE_QUATERNION))
+ return getWorld2LocalSlerp<K>(valid, t);
+ return getWorld2LocalLerp<K>(valid, t);
+ }
+ private:
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline AffineSpace3vf<K> getWorld2LocalSlerp(const vbool<K>& valid, const vfloat<K>& t) const
+ {
+ vfloat<K> ftime;
+ const vint<K> itime_k = timeSegment<K>(t, ftime);
+ assert(any(valid));
+ const size_t index = bsf(movemask(valid));
+ const int itime = itime_k[index];
+ if (likely(all(valid, itime_k == vint<K>(itime)))) {
+ return rcp(slerp(AffineSpace3vff<K>(local2world[itime+0]),
+ AffineSpace3vff<K>(local2world[itime+1]),
+ ftime));
+ }
+ else {
+ AffineSpace3vff<K> space0,space1;
+ vbool<K> valid1 = valid;
+ while (any(valid1)) {
+ vbool<K> valid2;
+ const int itime = next_unique(valid1, itime_k, valid2);
+ space0 = select(valid2, AffineSpace3vff<K>(local2world[itime+0]), space0);
+ space1 = select(valid2, AffineSpace3vff<K>(local2world[itime+1]), space1);
+ }
+ return rcp(slerp(space0, space1, ftime));
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline AffineSpace3vf<K> getWorld2LocalLerp(const vbool<K>& valid, const vfloat<K>& t) const
+ {
+ vfloat<K> ftime;
+ const vint<K> itime_k = timeSegment<K>(t, ftime);
+ assert(any(valid));
+ const size_t index = bsf(movemask(valid));
+ const int itime = itime_k[index];
+ if (likely(all(valid, itime_k == vint<K>(itime)))) {
+ return rcp(lerp(AffineSpace3vf<K>((AffineSpace3fa)local2world[itime+0]),
+ AffineSpace3vf<K>((AffineSpace3fa)local2world[itime+1]),
+ ftime));
+ } else {
+ AffineSpace3vf<K> space0,space1;
+ vbool<K> valid1 = valid;
+ while (any(valid1)) {
+ vbool<K> valid2;
+ const int itime = next_unique(valid1, itime_k, valid2);
+ space0 = select(valid2, AffineSpace3vf<K>((AffineSpace3fa)local2world[itime+0]), space0);
+ space1 = select(valid2, AffineSpace3vf<K>((AffineSpace3fa)local2world[itime+1]), space1);
+ }
+ return rcp(lerp(space0, space1, ftime));
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ Accel* object; //!< pointer to instanced acceleration structure
+ AffineSpace3ff* local2world; //!< transformation from local space to world space for each timestep (either normal matrix or quaternion decomposition)
+ AffineSpace3fa world2local0; //!< transformation from world space to local space for timestep 0
+ };
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct InstanceISA : public Instance
+ {
+ InstanceISA (Device* device)
+ : Instance(device) {}
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArray(mvector<PrimRef>& prims, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ assert(r.begin() == 0);
+ assert(r.end() == 1);
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ BBox3fa b = empty;
+ if (!buildBounds(0,&b)) return pinfo;
+ // const BBox3fa b = bounds(0);
+ // if (!isvalid(b)) return pinfo;
+ const PrimRef prim(b,geomID,unsigned(0));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArrayMB(mvector<PrimRef>& prims, size_t itime, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ assert(r.begin() == 0);
+ assert(r.end() == 1);
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ BBox3fa b = empty;
+ if (!buildBounds(0,&b)) return pinfo;
+ // if (!valid(0,range<size_t>(itime))) return pinfo;
+ // const PrimRef prim(linearBounds(0,itime).bounds(),geomID,unsigned(0));
+ const PrimRef prim(b,geomID,unsigned(0));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfoMB createPrimRefMBArray(mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims, const BBox1f& t0t1, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ assert(r.begin() == 0);
+ assert(r.end() == 1);
+ PrimInfoMB pinfo(empty);
+ if (!valid(0, timeSegmentRange(t0t1))) return pinfo;
+ const PrimRefMB prim(linearBounds(0,t0t1),this->numTimeSegments(),this->time_range,this->numTimeSegments(),geomID,unsigned(0));
+ pinfo.add_primref(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Instance*, createInstance, Device*);
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_line_segments.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_line_segments.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c9fdb39db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_line_segments.h
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+#include "geometry.h"
+#include "buffer.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! represents an array of line segments */
+ struct LineSegments : public Geometry
+ {
+ /*! type of this geometry */
+ static const Geometry::GTypeMask geom_type = Geometry::MTY_CURVE2;
+ public:
+ /*! line segments construction */
+ LineSegments (Device* device, Geometry::GType gtype);
+ public:
+ void setMask (unsigned mask);
+ void setNumTimeSteps (unsigned int numTimeSteps);
+ void setVertexAttributeCount (unsigned int N);
+ void setBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot, RTCFormat format, const Ref<Buffer>& buffer, size_t offset, size_t stride, unsigned int num);
+ void* getBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot);
+ void updateBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot);
+ void commit();
+ bool verify ();
+ void interpolate(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args);
+ void setTessellationRate(float N);
+ void setMaxRadiusScale(float s);
+ void addElementsToCount (GeometryCounts & counts) const;
+ template<int N>
+ void interpolate_impl(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args)
+ {
+ unsigned int primID = args->primID;
+ float u = args->u;
+ RTCBufferType bufferType = args->bufferType;
+ unsigned int bufferSlot = args->bufferSlot;
+ float* P = args->P;
+ float* dPdu = args->dPdu;
+ float* ddPdudu = args->ddPdudu;
+ unsigned int valueCount = args->valueCount;
+ /* calculate base pointer and stride */
+ assert((bufferType == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX && bufferSlot < numTimeSteps) ||
+ (bufferType == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE && bufferSlot <= vertexAttribs.size()));
+ const char* src = nullptr;
+ size_t stride = 0;
+ src = vertexAttribs[bufferSlot].getPtr();
+ stride = vertexAttribs[bufferSlot].getStride();
+ } else {
+ src = vertices[bufferSlot].getPtr();
+ stride = vertices[bufferSlot].getStride();
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<valueCount; i+=N)
+ {
+ const size_t ofs = i*sizeof(float);
+ const size_t segment = segments[primID];
+ const vbool<N> valid = vint<N>((int)i)+vint<N>(step) < vint<N>(int(valueCount));
+ const vfloat<N> p0 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[(segment+0)*stride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> p1 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[(segment+1)*stride+ofs]);
+ if (P ) mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,P+i,lerp(p0,p1,u));
+ if (dPdu ) mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,dPdu+i,p1-p0);
+ if (ddPdudu) mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,dPdu+i,vfloat<N>(zero));
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ /*! returns the number of vertices */
+ __forceinline size_t numVertices() const {
+ return vertices[0].size();
+ }
+ /*! returns the i'th segment */
+ __forceinline const unsigned int& segment(size_t i) const {
+ return segments[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns the segment to the left of the i'th segment */
+ __forceinline bool segmentLeftExists(size_t i) const {
+ assert (flags);
+ return (flags[i] & RTC_CURVE_FLAG_NEIGHBOR_LEFT) != 0;
+ }
+ /*! returns the segment to the right of the i'th segment */
+ __forceinline bool segmentRightExists(size_t i) const {
+ assert (flags);
+ return (flags[i] & RTC_CURVE_FLAG_NEIGHBOR_RIGHT) != 0;
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of the first time step */
+ __forceinline Vec3ff vertex(size_t i) const {
+ return vertices0[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of the first time step */
+ __forceinline const char* vertexPtr(size_t i) const {
+ return vertices0.getPtr(i);
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th normal of the first time step */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa normal(size_t i) const {
+ return normals0[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th radius of the first time step */
+ __forceinline float radius(size_t i) const {
+ return vertices0[i].w;
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline Vec3ff vertex(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return vertices[itime][i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline const char* vertexPtr(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return vertices[itime].getPtr(i);
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th normal of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa normal(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return normals[itime][i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th radius of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline float radius(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return vertices[itime][i].w;
+ }
+ /*! calculates bounding box of i'th line segment */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(const Vec3ff& v0, const Vec3ff& v1) const
+ {
+ const BBox3ff b = merge(BBox3ff(v0),BBox3ff(v1));
+ return enlarge((BBox3fa)b,maxRadiusScale*Vec3fa(max(v0.w,v1.w)));
+ }
+ /*! calculates bounding box of i'th line segment */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = segment(i);
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(index+0);
+ const Vec3ff v1 = vertex(index+1);
+ return bounds(v0,v1);
+ }
+ /*! calculates bounding box of i'th line segment for the itime'th time step */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i, size_t itime) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = segment(i);
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3ff v1 = vertex(index+1,itime);
+ return bounds(v0,v1);
+ }
+ /*! calculates bounding box of i'th line segment */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = segment(i);
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(index+0);
+ const Vec3ff v1 = vertex(index+1);
+ const Vec3ff w0(xfmVector(space,(Vec3fa)v0),v0.w);
+ const Vec3ff w1(xfmVector(space,(Vec3fa)v1),v1.w);
+ return bounds(w0,w1);
+ }
+ /*! calculates bounding box of i'th line segment for the itime'th time step */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i, size_t itime) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = segment(i);
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(index+0,itime);
+ const Vec3ff v1 = vertex(index+1,itime);
+ const Vec3ff w0(xfmVector(space,(Vec3fa)v0),v0.w);
+ const Vec3ff w1(xfmVector(space,(Vec3fa)v1),v1.w);
+ return bounds(w0,w1);
+ }
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid at the itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return valid(i, make_range(itime, itime));
+ }
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid between the specified time range */
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t i, const range<size_t>& itime_range) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = segment(i);
+ if (index+1 >= numVertices()) return false;
+ for (size_t itime = itime_range.begin(); itime <= itime_range.end(); itime++)
+ {
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(index+0,itime); if (unlikely(!isvalid4(v0))) return false;
+ const Vec3ff v1 = vertex(index+1,itime); if (unlikely(!isvalid4(v1))) return false;
+ if (min(v0.w,v1.w) < 0.0f) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive at the itimeGlobal'th time segment */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return LBBox3fa(bounds(i,itime+0),bounds(i,itime+1));
+ }
+ /*! calculates the build bounds of the i'th primitive, if it's valid */
+ __forceinline bool buildBounds(size_t i, BBox3fa* bbox) const
+ {
+ if (!valid(i,0)) return false;
+ *bbox = bounds(i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the build bounds of the i'th primitive at the itime'th time segment, if it's valid */
+ __forceinline bool buildBounds(size_t i, size_t itime, BBox3fa& bbox) const
+ {
+ if (!valid(i,itime+0) || !valid(i,itime+1)) return false;
+ bbox = bounds(i,itime); // use bounds of first time step in builder
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive for the specified time range */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(size_t primID, const BBox1f& dt) const {
+ return LBBox3fa([&] (size_t itime) { return bounds(primID, itime); }, dt, time_range, fnumTimeSegments);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive for the specified time range */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t primID, const BBox1f& dt) const {
+ return LBBox3fa([&] (size_t itime) { return bounds(space, primID, itime); }, dt, time_range, fnumTimeSegments);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive for the specified time range */
+ __forceinline bool linearBounds(size_t i, const BBox1f& time_range, LBBox3fa& bbox) const
+ {
+ if (!valid(i, timeSegmentRange(time_range))) return false;
+ bbox = linearBounds(i, time_range);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! get fast access to first vertex buffer */
+ __forceinline float * getCompactVertexArray () const {
+ return (float*) vertices0.getPtr();
+ }
+ public:
+ BufferView<unsigned int> segments; //!< array of line segment indices
+ BufferView<Vec3ff> vertices0; //!< fast access to first vertex buffer
+ BufferView<Vec3fa> normals0; //!< fast access to first normal buffer
+ BufferView<char> flags; //!< start, end flag per segment
+ vector<BufferView<Vec3ff>> vertices; //!< vertex array for each timestep
+ vector<BufferView<Vec3fa>> normals; //!< normal array for each timestep
+ vector<BufferView<char>> vertexAttribs; //!< user buffers
+ int tessellationRate; //!< tessellation rate for bezier curve
+ float maxRadiusScale = 1.0; //!< maximal min-width scaling of curve radii
+ };
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct LineSegmentsISA : public LineSegments
+ {
+ LineSegmentsISA (Device* device, Geometry::GType gtype)
+ : LineSegments(device,gtype) {}
+ Vec3fa computeDirection(unsigned int primID) const
+ {
+ const unsigned vtxID = segment(primID);
+ const Vec3fa v0 = vertex(vtxID+0);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = vertex(vtxID+1);
+ return v1-v0;
+ }
+ Vec3fa computeDirection(unsigned int primID, size_t time) const
+ {
+ const unsigned vtxID = segment(primID);
+ const Vec3fa v0 = vertex(vtxID+0,time);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = vertex(vtxID+1,time);
+ return v1-v0;
+ }
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArray(mvector<PrimRef>& prims, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (!buildBounds(j,&bounds)) continue;
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds,geomID,unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArrayMB(mvector<PrimRef>& prims, size_t itime, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (!buildBounds(j,itime,bounds)) continue;
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds,geomID,unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfoMB createPrimRefMBArray(mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims, const BBox1f& t0t1, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfoMB pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ if (!valid(j, timeSegmentRange(t0t1))) continue;
+ const PrimRefMB prim(linearBounds(j,t0t1),this->numTimeSegments(),this->time_range,this->numTimeSegments(),geomID,unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_primref(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ BBox3fa vbounds(size_t i) const {
+ return bounds(i);
+ }
+ BBox3fa vbounds(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i) const {
+ return bounds(space,i);
+ }
+ LBBox3fa vlinearBounds(size_t primID, const BBox1f& time_range) const {
+ return linearBounds(primID,time_range);
+ }
+ LBBox3fa vlinearBounds(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t primID, const BBox1f& time_range) const {
+ return linearBounds(space,primID,time_range);
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(LineSegments*, createLineSegments, Device* COMMA Geometry::GType);
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_points.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_points.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..017e098a51
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_points.h
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "buffer.h"
+#include "default.h"
+#include "geometry.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! represents an array of points */
+ struct Points : public Geometry
+ {
+ /*! type of this geometry */
+ static const Geometry::GTypeMask geom_type = Geometry::MTY_POINTS;
+ public:
+ /*! line segments construction */
+ Points(Device* device, Geometry::GType gtype);
+ public:
+ void setMask(unsigned mask);
+ void setNumTimeSteps(unsigned int numTimeSteps);
+ void setVertexAttributeCount(unsigned int N);
+ void setBuffer(RTCBufferType type,
+ unsigned int slot,
+ RTCFormat format,
+ const Ref<Buffer>& buffer,
+ size_t offset,
+ size_t stride,
+ unsigned int num);
+ void* getBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot);
+ void updateBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot);
+ void commit();
+ bool verify();
+ void setMaxRadiusScale(float s);
+ void addElementsToCount (GeometryCounts & counts) const;
+ public:
+ /*! returns the number of vertices */
+ __forceinline size_t numVertices() const {
+ return vertices[0].size();
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of the first time step */
+ __forceinline Vec3ff vertex(size_t i) const {
+ return vertices0[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of the first time step */
+ __forceinline const char* vertexPtr(size_t i) const {
+ return vertices0.getPtr(i);
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th normal of the first time step */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa normal(size_t i) const {
+ return normals0[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th radius of the first time step */
+ __forceinline float radius(size_t i) const {
+ return vertices0[i].w;
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline Vec3ff vertex(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return vertices[itime][i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline const char* vertexPtr(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return vertices[itime].getPtr(i);
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th normal of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline Vec3fa normal(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return normals[itime][i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th radius of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline float radius(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return vertices[itime][i].w;
+ }
+ /*! calculates bounding box of i'th line segment */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(const Vec3ff& v0) const {
+ return enlarge(BBox3fa(v0), maxRadiusScale*Vec3fa(v0.w));
+ }
+ /*! calculates bounding box of i'th line segment */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i) const
+ {
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(i);
+ return bounds(v0);
+ }
+ /*! calculates bounding box of i'th line segment for the itime'th time step */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i, size_t itime) const
+ {
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(i, itime);
+ return bounds(v0);
+ }
+ /*! calculates bounding box of i'th line segment */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i) const
+ {
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(i);
+ const Vec3ff w0(xfmVector(space, (Vec3fa)v0), v0.w);
+ return bounds(w0);
+ }
+ /*! calculates bounding box of i'th line segment for the itime'th time step */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i, size_t itime) const
+ {
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(i, itime);
+ const Vec3ff w0(xfmVector(space, (Vec3fa)v0), v0.w);
+ return bounds(w0);
+ }
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid at the itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return valid(i, make_range(itime, itime));
+ }
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid between the specified time range */
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t i, const range<size_t>& itime_range) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int index = (unsigned int)i;
+ if (index >= numVertices())
+ return false;
+ for (size_t itime = itime_range.begin(); itime <= itime_range.end(); itime++) {
+ const Vec3ff v0 = vertex(index + 0, itime);
+ if (unlikely(!isvalid4(v0)))
+ return false;
+ if (v0.w < 0.0f)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive at the itimeGlobal'th time segment */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return LBBox3fa(bounds(i, itime + 0), bounds(i, itime + 1));
+ }
+ /*! calculates the build bounds of the i'th primitive, if it's valid */
+ __forceinline bool buildBounds(size_t i, BBox3fa* bbox) const
+ {
+ if (!valid(i, 0))
+ return false;
+ *bbox = bounds(i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the build bounds of the i'th primitive at the itime'th time segment, if it's valid */
+ __forceinline bool buildBounds(size_t i, size_t itime, BBox3fa& bbox) const
+ {
+ if (!valid(i, itime + 0) || !valid(i, itime + 1))
+ return false;
+ bbox = bounds(i, itime); // use bounds of first time step in builder
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive for the specified time range */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(size_t primID, const BBox1f& dt) const {
+ return LBBox3fa([&](size_t itime) { return bounds(primID, itime); }, dt, time_range, fnumTimeSegments);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive for the specified time range */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t primID, const BBox1f& dt) const {
+ return LBBox3fa([&](size_t itime) { return bounds(space, primID, itime); }, dt, time_range, fnumTimeSegments);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive for the specified time range */
+ __forceinline bool linearBounds(size_t i, const BBox1f& time_range, LBBox3fa& bbox) const
+ {
+ if (!valid(i, timeSegmentRange(time_range))) return false;
+ bbox = linearBounds(i, time_range);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! get fast access to first vertex buffer */
+ __forceinline float * getCompactVertexArray () const {
+ return (float*) vertices0.getPtr();
+ }
+ public:
+ BufferView<Vec3ff> vertices0; //!< fast access to first vertex buffer
+ BufferView<Vec3fa> normals0; //!< fast access to first normal buffer
+ vector<BufferView<Vec3ff>> vertices; //!< vertex array for each timestep
+ vector<BufferView<Vec3fa>> normals; //!< normal array for each timestep
+ vector<BufferView<char>> vertexAttribs; //!< user buffers
+ float maxRadiusScale = 1.0; //!< maximal min-width scaling of curve radii
+ };
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct PointsISA : public Points
+ {
+ PointsISA(Device* device, Geometry::GType gtype) : Points(device, gtype) {}
+ Vec3fa computeDirection(unsigned int primID) const
+ {
+ return Vec3fa(1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ Vec3fa computeDirection(unsigned int primID, size_t time) const
+ {
+ return Vec3fa(1, 0, 0);
+ }
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArray(mvector<PrimRef>& prims, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j = r.begin(); j < r.end(); j++) {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (!buildBounds(j, &bounds))
+ continue;
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds, geomID, unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArrayMB(mvector<PrimRef>& prims, size_t itime, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j = r.begin(); j < r.end(); j++) {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (!buildBounds(j, itime, bounds))
+ continue;
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds, geomID, unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfoMB createPrimRefMBArray(mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims,
+ const BBox1f& t0t1,
+ const range<size_t>& r,
+ size_t k,
+ unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfoMB pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j = r.begin(); j < r.end(); j++) {
+ if (!valid(j, timeSegmentRange(t0t1)))
+ continue;
+ const PrimRefMB prim(linearBounds(j, t0t1), this->numTimeSegments(), this->time_range, this->numTimeSegments(), geomID, unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_primref(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ BBox3fa vbounds(size_t i) const
+ {
+ return bounds(i);
+ }
+ BBox3fa vbounds(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t i) const
+ {
+ return bounds(space, i);
+ }
+ LBBox3fa vlinearBounds(size_t primID, const BBox1f& time_range) const
+ {
+ return linearBounds(primID, time_range);
+ }
+ LBBox3fa vlinearBounds(const LinearSpace3fa& space, size_t primID, const BBox1f& time_range) const
+ {
+ return linearBounds(space, primID, time_range);
+ }
+ };
+ } // namespace isa
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(Points*, createPoints, Device* COMMA Geometry::GType);
+} // namespace embree
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_quad_mesh.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_quad_mesh.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bd8eeaaeb7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_quad_mesh.h
@@ -0,0 +1,337 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "geometry.h"
+#include "buffer.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! Quad Mesh */
+ struct QuadMesh : public Geometry
+ {
+ /*! type of this geometry */
+ static const Geometry::GTypeMask geom_type = Geometry::MTY_QUAD_MESH;
+ /*! triangle indices */
+ struct Quad
+ {
+ uint32_t v[4];
+ /*! outputs triangle indices */
+ __forceinline friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const Quad& q) {
+ return cout << "Quad {" << q.v[0] << ", " << q.v[1] << ", " << q.v[2] << ", " << q.v[3] << " }";
+ }
+ };
+ public:
+ /*! quad mesh construction */
+ QuadMesh (Device* device);
+ /* geometry interface */
+ public:
+ void setMask(unsigned mask);
+ void setNumTimeSteps (unsigned int numTimeSteps);
+ void setVertexAttributeCount (unsigned int N);
+ void setBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot, RTCFormat format, const Ref<Buffer>& buffer, size_t offset, size_t stride, unsigned int num);
+ void* getBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot);
+ void updateBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot);
+ void commit();
+ bool verify();
+ void interpolate(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args);
+ void addElementsToCount (GeometryCounts & counts) const;
+ template<int N>
+ void interpolate_impl(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args)
+ {
+ unsigned int primID = args->primID;
+ float u = args->u;
+ float v = args->v;
+ RTCBufferType bufferType = args->bufferType;
+ unsigned int bufferSlot = args->bufferSlot;
+ float* P = args->P;
+ float* dPdu = args->dPdu;
+ float* dPdv = args->dPdv;
+ float* ddPdudu = args->ddPdudu;
+ float* ddPdvdv = args->ddPdvdv;
+ float* ddPdudv = args->ddPdudv;
+ unsigned int valueCount = args->valueCount;
+ /* calculate base pointer and stride */
+ assert((bufferType == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX && bufferSlot < numTimeSteps) ||
+ (bufferType == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE && bufferSlot <= vertexAttribs.size()));
+ const char* src = nullptr;
+ size_t stride = 0;
+ src = vertexAttribs[bufferSlot].getPtr();
+ stride = vertexAttribs[bufferSlot].getStride();
+ } else {
+ src = vertices[bufferSlot].getPtr();
+ stride = vertices[bufferSlot].getStride();
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<valueCount; i+=N)
+ {
+ const vbool<N> valid = vint<N>((int)i)+vint<N>(step) < vint<N>(int(valueCount));
+ const size_t ofs = i*sizeof(float);
+ const Quad& tri = quad(primID);
+ const vfloat<N> p0 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[tri.v[0]*stride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> p1 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[tri.v[1]*stride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> p2 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[tri.v[2]*stride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> p3 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[tri.v[3]*stride+ofs]);
+ const vbool<N> left = u+v <= 1.0f;
+ const vfloat<N> Q0 = select(left,p0,p2);
+ const vfloat<N> Q1 = select(left,p1,p3);
+ const vfloat<N> Q2 = select(left,p3,p1);
+ const vfloat<N> U = select(left,u,vfloat<N>(1.0f)-u);
+ const vfloat<N> V = select(left,v,vfloat<N>(1.0f)-v);
+ const vfloat<N> W = 1.0f-U-V;
+ if (P) {
+ mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,P+i,madd(W,Q0,madd(U,Q1,V*Q2)));
+ }
+ if (dPdu) {
+ assert(dPdu); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,dPdu+i,select(left,Q1-Q0,Q0-Q1));
+ assert(dPdv); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,dPdv+i,select(left,Q2-Q0,Q0-Q2));
+ }
+ if (ddPdudu) {
+ assert(ddPdudu); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,ddPdudu+i,vfloat<N>(zero));
+ assert(ddPdvdv); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,ddPdvdv+i,vfloat<N>(zero));
+ assert(ddPdudv); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,ddPdudv+i,vfloat<N>(zero));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ /*! returns number of vertices */
+ __forceinline size_t numVertices() const {
+ return vertices[0].size();
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th quad */
+ __forceinline const Quad& quad(size_t i) const {
+ return quads[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline const Vec3fa vertex(size_t i) const {
+ return vertices0[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline const char* vertexPtr(size_t i) const {
+ return vertices0.getPtr(i);
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline const Vec3fa vertex(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return vertices[itime][i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline const char* vertexPtr(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return vertices[itime].getPtr(i);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the bounds of the i'th quad */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i) const
+ {
+ const Quad& q = quad(i);
+ const Vec3fa v0 = vertex(q.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = vertex(q.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa v2 = vertex(q.v[2]);
+ const Vec3fa v3 = vertex(q.v[3]);
+ return BBox3fa(min(v0,v1,v2,v3),max(v0,v1,v2,v3));
+ }
+ /*! calculates the bounds of the i'th quad at the itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i, size_t itime) const
+ {
+ const Quad& q = quad(i);
+ const Vec3fa v0 = vertex(q.v[0],itime);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = vertex(q.v[1],itime);
+ const Vec3fa v2 = vertex(q.v[2],itime);
+ const Vec3fa v3 = vertex(q.v[3],itime);
+ return BBox3fa(min(v0,v1,v2,v3),max(v0,v1,v2,v3));
+ }
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid at the itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return valid(i, make_range(itime, itime));
+ }
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid between the specified time range */
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t i, const range<size_t>& itime_range) const
+ {
+ const Quad& q = quad(i);
+ if (unlikely(q.v[0] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(q.v[1] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(q.v[2] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(q.v[3] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ for (size_t itime = itime_range.begin(); itime <= itime_range.end(); itime++)
+ {
+ if (!isvalid(vertex(q.v[0],itime))) return false;
+ if (!isvalid(vertex(q.v[1],itime))) return false;
+ if (!isvalid(vertex(q.v[2],itime))) return false;
+ if (!isvalid(vertex(q.v[3],itime))) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th quad at the itimeGlobal'th time segment */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return LBBox3fa(bounds(i,itime+0),bounds(i,itime+1));
+ }
+ /*! calculates the build bounds of the i'th primitive, if it's valid */
+ __forceinline bool buildBounds(size_t i, BBox3fa* bbox = nullptr) const
+ {
+ const Quad& q = quad(i);
+ if (q.v[0] >= numVertices()) return false;
+ if (q.v[1] >= numVertices()) return false;
+ if (q.v[2] >= numVertices()) return false;
+ if (q.v[3] >= numVertices()) return false;
+ for (unsigned int t=0; t<numTimeSteps; t++)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa v0 = vertex(q.v[0],t);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = vertex(q.v[1],t);
+ const Vec3fa v2 = vertex(q.v[2],t);
+ const Vec3fa v3 = vertex(q.v[3],t);
+ if (unlikely(!isvalid(v0) || !isvalid(v1) || !isvalid(v2) || !isvalid(v3)))
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (bbox)
+ *bbox = bounds(i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the build bounds of the i'th primitive at the itime'th time segment, if it's valid */
+ __forceinline bool buildBounds(size_t i, size_t itime, BBox3fa& bbox) const
+ {
+ const Quad& q = quad(i);
+ if (unlikely(q.v[0] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(q.v[1] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(q.v[2] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(q.v[3] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ assert(itime+1 < numTimeSteps);
+ const Vec3fa a0 = vertex(q.v[0],itime+0); if (unlikely(!isvalid(a0))) return false;
+ const Vec3fa a1 = vertex(q.v[1],itime+0); if (unlikely(!isvalid(a1))) return false;
+ const Vec3fa a2 = vertex(q.v[2],itime+0); if (unlikely(!isvalid(a2))) return false;
+ const Vec3fa a3 = vertex(q.v[3],itime+0); if (unlikely(!isvalid(a3))) return false;
+ const Vec3fa b0 = vertex(q.v[0],itime+1); if (unlikely(!isvalid(b0))) return false;
+ const Vec3fa b1 = vertex(q.v[1],itime+1); if (unlikely(!isvalid(b1))) return false;
+ const Vec3fa b2 = vertex(q.v[2],itime+1); if (unlikely(!isvalid(b2))) return false;
+ const Vec3fa b3 = vertex(q.v[3],itime+1); if (unlikely(!isvalid(b3))) return false;
+ /* use bounds of first time step in builder */
+ bbox = BBox3fa(min(a0,a1,a2,a3),max(a0,a1,a2,a3));
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive for the specified time range */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(size_t primID, const BBox1f& dt) const {
+ return LBBox3fa([&] (size_t itime) { return bounds(primID, itime); }, dt, time_range, fnumTimeSegments);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive for the specified time range */
+ __forceinline bool linearBounds(size_t i, const BBox1f& dt, LBBox3fa& bbox) const
+ {
+ if (!valid(i, timeSegmentRange(dt))) return false;
+ bbox = linearBounds(i, dt);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! get fast access to first vertex buffer */
+ __forceinline float * getCompactVertexArray () const {
+ return (float*) vertices0.getPtr();
+ }
+ /* gets version info of topology */
+ unsigned int getTopologyVersion() const {
+ return quads.modCounter;
+ }
+ /* returns true if topology changed */
+ bool topologyChanged(unsigned int otherVersion) const {
+ return quads.isModified(otherVersion); // || numPrimitivesChanged;
+ }
+ /* returns the projected area */
+ __forceinline float projectedPrimitiveArea(const size_t i) const {
+ const Quad& q = quad(i);
+ const Vec3fa v0 = vertex(q.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = vertex(q.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa v2 = vertex(q.v[2]);
+ const Vec3fa v3 = vertex(q.v[3]);
+ return areaProjectedTriangle(v0,v1,v3) +
+ areaProjectedTriangle(v1,v2,v3);
+ }
+ public:
+ BufferView<Quad> quads; //!< array of quads
+ BufferView<Vec3fa> vertices0; //!< fast access to first vertex buffer
+ vector<BufferView<Vec3fa>> vertices; //!< vertex array for each timestep
+ vector<BufferView<char>> vertexAttribs; //!< vertex attribute buffers
+ };
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct QuadMeshISA : public QuadMesh
+ {
+ QuadMeshISA (Device* device)
+ : QuadMesh(device) {}
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArray(mvector<PrimRef>& prims, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (!buildBounds(j,&bounds)) continue;
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds,geomID,unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArrayMB(mvector<PrimRef>& prims, size_t itime, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (!buildBounds(j,itime,bounds)) continue;
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds,geomID,unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfoMB createPrimRefMBArray(mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims, const BBox1f& t0t1, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfoMB pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ if (!valid(j, timeSegmentRange(t0t1))) continue;
+ const PrimRefMB prim(linearBounds(j,t0t1),this->numTimeSegments(),this->time_range,this->numTimeSegments(),geomID,unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_primref(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(QuadMesh*, createQuadMesh, Device*);
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_subdiv_mesh.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_subdiv_mesh.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1db170196d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_subdiv_mesh.h
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "geometry.h"
+#include "buffer.h"
+#include "../subdiv/half_edge.h"
+#include "../subdiv/tessellation_cache.h"
+#include "../subdiv/catmullclark_coefficients.h"
+#include "../subdiv/patch.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_map.h"
+#include "../../common/algorithms/parallel_set.h"
+namespace embree
+ class SubdivMesh : public Geometry
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef HalfEdge::Edge Edge;
+ /*! type of this geometry */
+ static const Geometry::GTypeMask geom_type = Geometry::MTY_SUBDIV_MESH;
+ /*! structure used to sort half edges using radix sort by their key */
+ struct KeyHalfEdge
+ {
+ KeyHalfEdge() {}
+ KeyHalfEdge (uint64_t key, HalfEdge* edge)
+ : key(key), edge(edge) {}
+ __forceinline operator uint64_t() const {
+ return key;
+ }
+ friend __forceinline bool operator<(const KeyHalfEdge& e0, const KeyHalfEdge& e1) {
+ return e0.key < e1.key;
+ }
+ public:
+ uint64_t key;
+ HalfEdge* edge;
+ };
+ public:
+ /*! subdiv mesh construction */
+ SubdivMesh(Device* device);
+ public:
+ void setMask (unsigned mask);
+ void setSubdivisionMode (unsigned int topologyID, RTCSubdivisionMode mode);
+ void setVertexAttributeTopology(unsigned int vertexAttribID, unsigned int topologyID);
+ void setNumTimeSteps (unsigned int numTimeSteps);
+ void setVertexAttributeCount (unsigned int N);
+ void setTopologyCount (unsigned int N);
+ void setBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot, RTCFormat format, const Ref<Buffer>& buffer, size_t offset, size_t stride, unsigned int num);
+ void* getBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot);
+ void updateBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot);
+ void setTessellationRate(float N);
+ bool verify();
+ void commit();
+ void addElementsToCount (GeometryCounts & counts) const;
+ void setDisplacementFunction (RTCDisplacementFunctionN func);
+ unsigned int getFirstHalfEdge(unsigned int faceID);
+ unsigned int getFace(unsigned int edgeID);
+ unsigned int getNextHalfEdge(unsigned int edgeID);
+ unsigned int getPreviousHalfEdge(unsigned int edgeID);
+ unsigned int getOppositeHalfEdge(unsigned int topologyID, unsigned int edgeID);
+ public:
+ /*! return the number of faces */
+ size_t numFaces() const {
+ return faceVertices.size();
+ }
+ /*! return the number of edges */
+ size_t numEdges() const {
+ return topology[0].vertexIndices.size();
+ }
+ /*! return the number of vertices */
+ size_t numVertices() const {
+ return vertices[0].size();
+ }
+ /*! calculates the bounds of the i'th subdivision patch at the j'th timestep */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i, size_t j = 0) const {
+ return topology[0].getHalfEdge(i)->bounds(vertices[j]);
+ }
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid */
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t i) const {
+ return topology[0].valid(i) && !invalidFace(i);
+ }
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid for the j'th time range */
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t i, size_t j) const {
+ return topology[0].valid(i) && !invalidFace(i,j);
+ }
+ /*! prints some statistics */
+ void printStatistics();
+ /*! initializes the half edge data structure */
+ void initializeHalfEdgeStructures ();
+ public:
+ /*! returns the vertex buffer for some time step */
+ __forceinline const BufferView<Vec3fa>& getVertexBuffer( const size_t t = 0 ) const {
+ return vertices[t];
+ }
+ /* returns tessellation level of edge */
+ __forceinline float getEdgeLevel(const size_t i) const
+ {
+ if (levels) return clamp(levels[i],1.0f,4096.0f); // FIXME: do we want to limit edge level?
+ else return clamp(tessellationRate,1.0f,4096.0f); // FIXME: do we want to limit edge level?
+ }
+ public:
+ RTCDisplacementFunctionN displFunc; //!< displacement function
+ /*! all buffers in this section are provided by the application */
+ public:
+ /*! the topology contains all data that may differ when
+ * interpolating different user data buffers */
+ struct Topology
+ {
+ public:
+ /*! Default topology construction */
+ Topology () : halfEdges(nullptr,0) {}
+ /*! Topology initialization */
+ Topology (SubdivMesh* mesh);
+ /*! make the class movable */
+ public:
+ Topology (Topology&& other) // FIXME: this is only required to workaround compilation issues under Windows
+ : mesh(std::move(other.mesh)),
+ vertexIndices(std::move(other.vertexIndices)),
+ subdiv_mode(std::move(other.subdiv_mode)),
+ halfEdges(std::move(other.halfEdges)),
+ halfEdges0(std::move(other.halfEdges0)),
+ halfEdges1(std::move(other.halfEdges1)) {}
+ Topology& operator= (Topology&& other) // FIXME: this is only required to workaround compilation issues under Windows
+ {
+ mesh = std::move(other.mesh);
+ vertexIndices = std::move(other.vertexIndices);
+ subdiv_mode = std::move(other.subdiv_mode);
+ halfEdges = std::move(other.halfEdges);
+ halfEdges0 = std::move(other.halfEdges0);
+ halfEdges1 = std::move(other.halfEdges1);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ public:
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid in this topology */
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t i) const
+ {
+ if (unlikely(subdiv_mode == RTC_SUBDIVISION_MODE_NO_BOUNDARY)) {
+ if (getHalfEdge(i)->faceHasBorder()) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! updates the interpolation mode for the topology */
+ void setSubdivisionMode (RTCSubdivisionMode mode);
+ /*! marks all buffers as modified */
+ void update ();
+ /*! verifies index array */
+ bool verify (size_t numVertices);
+ /*! initializes the half edge data structure */
+ void initializeHalfEdgeStructures ();
+ private:
+ /*! recalculates the half edges */
+ void calculateHalfEdges();
+ /*! updates half edges when recalculation is not necessary */
+ void updateHalfEdges();
+ /*! user input data */
+ public:
+ SubdivMesh* mesh;
+ /*! indices of the vertices composing each face */
+ BufferView<unsigned int> vertexIndices;
+ /*! subdiv interpolation mode */
+ RTCSubdivisionMode subdiv_mode;
+ /*! generated data */
+ public:
+ /*! returns the start half edge for face f */
+ __forceinline const HalfEdge* getHalfEdge ( const size_t f ) const {
+ return &halfEdges[mesh->faceStartEdge[f]];
+ }
+ /*! Half edge structure, generated by initHalfEdgeStructures */
+ mvector<HalfEdge> halfEdges;
+ /*! the following data is only required during construction of the
+ * half edge structure and can be cleared for static scenes */
+ private:
+ /*! two arrays used to sort the half edges */
+ std::vector<KeyHalfEdge> halfEdges0;
+ std::vector<KeyHalfEdge> halfEdges1;
+ };
+ /*! returns the start half edge for topology t and face f */
+ __forceinline const HalfEdge* getHalfEdge ( const size_t t , const size_t f ) const {
+ return topology[t].getHalfEdge(f);
+ }
+ /*! buffer containing the number of vertices for each face */
+ BufferView<unsigned int> faceVertices;
+ /*! array of topologies */
+ vector<Topology> topology;
+ /*! vertex buffer (one buffer for each time step) */
+ vector<BufferView<Vec3fa>> vertices;
+ /*! user data buffers */
+ vector<RawBufferView> vertexAttribs;
+ /*! edge crease buffer containing edges (pairs of vertices) that carry edge crease weights */
+ BufferView<Edge> edge_creases;
+ /*! edge crease weights for each edge of the edge_creases buffer */
+ BufferView<float> edge_crease_weights;
+ /*! vertex crease buffer containing all vertices that carry vertex crease weights */
+ BufferView<unsigned int> vertex_creases;
+ /*! vertex crease weights for each vertex of the vertex_creases buffer */
+ BufferView<float> vertex_crease_weights;
+ /*! subdivision level for each half edge of the vertexIndices buffer */
+ BufferView<float> levels;
+ float tessellationRate; // constant rate that is used when levels is not set
+ /*! buffer that marks specific faces as holes */
+ BufferView<unsigned> holes;
+ /*! all data in this section is generated by initializeHalfEdgeStructures function */
+ private:
+ /*! number of half edges used by faces */
+ size_t numHalfEdges;
+ /*! fast lookup table to find the first half edge for some face */
+ mvector<uint32_t> faceStartEdge;
+ /*! fast lookup table to find the face for some half edge */
+ mvector<uint32_t> halfEdgeFace;
+ /*! set with all holes */
+ parallel_set<uint32_t> holeSet;
+ /*! fast lookup table to detect invalid faces */
+ mvector<char> invalid_face;
+ /*! test if face i is invalid in timestep j */
+ __forceinline char& invalidFace(size_t i, size_t j = 0) { return invalid_face[i*numTimeSteps+j]; }
+ __forceinline const char& invalidFace(size_t i, size_t j = 0) const { return invalid_face[i*numTimeSteps+j]; }
+ /*! interpolation cache */
+ public:
+ static __forceinline size_t numInterpolationSlots4(size_t stride) { return (stride+15)/16; }
+ static __forceinline size_t numInterpolationSlots8(size_t stride) { return (stride+31)/32; }
+ static __forceinline size_t interpolationSlot(size_t prim, size_t slot, size_t stride) {
+ const size_t slots = numInterpolationSlots4(stride);
+ assert(slot < slots);
+ return slots*prim+slot;
+ }
+ std::vector<std::vector<SharedLazyTessellationCache::CacheEntry>> vertex_buffer_tags;
+ std::vector<std::vector<SharedLazyTessellationCache::CacheEntry>> vertex_attrib_buffer_tags;
+ std::vector<Patch3fa::Ref> patch_eval_trees;
+ /*! the following data is only required during construction of the
+ * half edge structure and can be cleared for static scenes */
+ private:
+ /*! map with all vertex creases */
+ parallel_map<uint32_t,float> vertexCreaseMap;
+ /*! map with all edge creases */
+ parallel_map<uint64_t,float> edgeCreaseMap;
+ protected:
+ /*! counts number of geometry commits */
+ size_t commitCounter;
+ };
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct SubdivMeshISA : public SubdivMesh
+ {
+ SubdivMeshISA (Device* device)
+ : SubdivMesh(device) {}
+ void interpolate(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args);
+ void interpolateN(const RTCInterpolateNArguments* const args);
+ };
+ }
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(SubdivMesh*, createSubdivMesh, Device*);
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_triangle_mesh.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_triangle_mesh.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3bbd7e51ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_triangle_mesh.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "scene_triangle_mesh.h"
+#include "scene.h"
+namespace embree
+#if defined(EMBREE_LOWEST_ISA)
+ TriangleMesh::TriangleMesh (Device* device)
+ : Geometry(device,GTY_TRIANGLE_MESH,0,1)
+ {
+ vertices.resize(numTimeSteps);
+ }
+ void TriangleMesh::setMask (unsigned mask)
+ {
+ this->mask = mask;
+ Geometry::update();
+ }
+ void TriangleMesh::setNumTimeSteps (unsigned int numTimeSteps)
+ {
+ vertices.resize(numTimeSteps);
+ Geometry::setNumTimeSteps(numTimeSteps);
+ }
+ void TriangleMesh::setVertexAttributeCount (unsigned int N)
+ {
+ vertexAttribs.resize(N);
+ Geometry::update();
+ }
+ void TriangleMesh::setBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot, RTCFormat format, const Ref<Buffer>& buffer, size_t offset, size_t stride, unsigned int num)
+ {
+ /* verify that all accesses are 4 bytes aligned */
+ if (((size_t(buffer->getPtr()) + offset) & 0x3) || (stride & 0x3))
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "data must be 4 bytes aligned");
+ {
+ if (format != RTC_FORMAT_FLOAT3)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "invalid vertex buffer format");
+ /* if buffer is larger than 16GB the premultiplied index optimization does not work */
+ if (stride*num > 16ll*1024ll*1024ll*1024ll)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "vertex buffer can be at most 16GB large");
+ if (slot >= vertices.size())
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid vertex buffer slot");
+ vertices[slot].set(buffer, offset, stride, num, format);
+ vertices[slot].checkPadding16();
+ vertices0 = vertices[0];
+ }
+ {
+ if (format < RTC_FORMAT_FLOAT || format > RTC_FORMAT_FLOAT16)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "invalid vertex attribute buffer format");
+ if (slot >= vertexAttribs.size())
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "invalid vertex attribute buffer slot");
+ vertexAttribs[slot].set(buffer, offset, stride, num, format);
+ vertexAttribs[slot].checkPadding16();
+ }
+ else if (type == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_INDEX)
+ {
+ if (slot != 0)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid buffer slot");
+ if (format != RTC_FORMAT_UINT3)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION, "invalid index buffer format");
+ triangles.set(buffer, offset, stride, num, format);
+ setNumPrimitives(num);
+ }
+ else
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "unknown buffer type");
+ }
+ void* TriangleMesh::getBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot)
+ {
+ if (type == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_INDEX)
+ {
+ if (slot != 0)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid buffer slot");
+ return triangles.getPtr();
+ }
+ else if (type == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX)
+ {
+ if (slot >= vertices.size())
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid buffer slot");
+ return vertices[slot].getPtr();
+ }
+ {
+ if (slot >= vertexAttribs.size())
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid buffer slot");
+ return vertexAttribs[slot].getPtr();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "unknown buffer type");
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ }
+ void TriangleMesh::updateBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot)
+ {
+ if (type == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_INDEX)
+ {
+ if (slot != 0)
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid buffer slot");
+ triangles.setModified();
+ }
+ else if (type == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX)
+ {
+ if (slot >= vertices.size())
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid buffer slot");
+ vertices[slot].setModified();
+ }
+ {
+ if (slot >= vertexAttribs.size())
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "invalid buffer slot");
+ vertexAttribs[slot].setModified();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT, "unknown buffer type");
+ }
+ Geometry::update();
+ }
+ void TriangleMesh::commit()
+ {
+ /* verify that stride of all time steps are identical */
+ for (unsigned int t=0; t<numTimeSteps; t++)
+ if (vertices[t].getStride() != vertices[0].getStride())
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"stride of vertex buffers have to be identical for each time step");
+ Geometry::commit();
+ }
+ void TriangleMesh::addElementsToCount (GeometryCounts & counts) const
+ {
+ if (numTimeSteps == 1) counts.numTriangles += numPrimitives;
+ else counts.numMBTriangles += numPrimitives;
+ }
+ bool TriangleMesh::verify()
+ {
+ /*! verify size of vertex arrays */
+ if (vertices.size() == 0) return false;
+ for (const auto& buffer : vertices)
+ if (buffer.size() != numVertices())
+ return false;
+ /*! verify size of user vertex arrays */
+ for (const auto& buffer : vertexAttribs)
+ if (buffer.size() != numVertices())
+ return false;
+ /*! verify triangle indices */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<size(); i++) {
+ if (triangles[i].v[0] >= numVertices()) return false;
+ if (triangles[i].v[1] >= numVertices()) return false;
+ if (triangles[i].v[2] >= numVertices()) return false;
+ }
+ /*! verify vertices */
+ for (const auto& buffer : vertices)
+ for (size_t i=0; i<buffer.size(); i++)
+ if (!isvalid(buffer[i]))
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ void TriangleMesh::interpolate(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args) {
+ interpolate_impl<4>(args);
+ }
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ TriangleMesh* createTriangleMesh(Device* device) {
+ return new TriangleMeshISA(device);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_triangle_mesh.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_triangle_mesh.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad3f602fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_triangle_mesh.h
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "geometry.h"
+#include "buffer.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! Triangle Mesh */
+ struct TriangleMesh : public Geometry
+ {
+ /*! type of this geometry */
+ static const Geometry::GTypeMask geom_type = Geometry::MTY_TRIANGLE_MESH;
+ /*! triangle indices */
+ struct Triangle
+ {
+ uint32_t v[3];
+ /*! outputs triangle indices */
+ __forceinline friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const Triangle& t) {
+ return cout << "Triangle { " << t.v[0] << ", " << t.v[1] << ", " << t.v[2] << " }";
+ }
+ };
+ public:
+ /*! triangle mesh construction */
+ TriangleMesh (Device* device);
+ /* geometry interface */
+ public:
+ void setMask(unsigned mask);
+ void setNumTimeSteps (unsigned int numTimeSteps);
+ void setVertexAttributeCount (unsigned int N);
+ void setBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot, RTCFormat format, const Ref<Buffer>& buffer, size_t offset, size_t stride, unsigned int num);
+ void* getBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot);
+ void updateBuffer(RTCBufferType type, unsigned int slot);
+ void commit();
+ bool verify();
+ void interpolate(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args);
+ void addElementsToCount (GeometryCounts & counts) const;
+ template<int N>
+ void interpolate_impl(const RTCInterpolateArguments* const args)
+ {
+ unsigned int primID = args->primID;
+ float u = args->u;
+ float v = args->v;
+ RTCBufferType bufferType = args->bufferType;
+ unsigned int bufferSlot = args->bufferSlot;
+ float* P = args->P;
+ float* dPdu = args->dPdu;
+ float* dPdv = args->dPdv;
+ float* ddPdudu = args->ddPdudu;
+ float* ddPdvdv = args->ddPdvdv;
+ float* ddPdudv = args->ddPdudv;
+ unsigned int valueCount = args->valueCount;
+ /* calculate base pointer and stride */
+ assert((bufferType == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX && bufferSlot < numTimeSteps) ||
+ (bufferType == RTC_BUFFER_TYPE_VERTEX_ATTRIBUTE && bufferSlot <= vertexAttribs.size()));
+ const char* src = nullptr;
+ size_t stride = 0;
+ src = vertexAttribs[bufferSlot].getPtr();
+ stride = vertexAttribs[bufferSlot].getStride();
+ } else {
+ src = vertices[bufferSlot].getPtr();
+ stride = vertices[bufferSlot].getStride();
+ }
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<valueCount; i+=N)
+ {
+ size_t ofs = i*sizeof(float);
+ const float w = 1.0f-u-v;
+ const Triangle& tri = triangle(primID);
+ const vbool<N> valid = vint<N>((int)i)+vint<N>(step) < vint<N>(int(valueCount));
+ const vfloat<N> p0 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[tri.v[0]*stride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> p1 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[tri.v[1]*stride+ofs]);
+ const vfloat<N> p2 = mem<vfloat<N>>::loadu(valid,(float*)&src[tri.v[2]*stride+ofs]);
+ if (P) {
+ mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,P+i,madd(w,p0,madd(u,p1,v*p2)));
+ }
+ if (dPdu) {
+ assert(dPdu); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,dPdu+i,p1-p0);
+ assert(dPdv); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,dPdv+i,p2-p0);
+ }
+ if (ddPdudu) {
+ assert(ddPdudu); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,ddPdudu+i,vfloat<N>(zero));
+ assert(ddPdvdv); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,ddPdvdv+i,vfloat<N>(zero));
+ assert(ddPdudv); mem<vfloat<N>>::storeu(valid,ddPdudv+i,vfloat<N>(zero));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ /*! returns number of vertices */
+ __forceinline size_t numVertices() const {
+ return vertices[0].size();
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th triangle*/
+ __forceinline const Triangle& triangle(size_t i) const {
+ return triangles[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of the first time step */
+ __forceinline const Vec3fa vertex(size_t i) const {
+ return vertices0[i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of the first time step */
+ __forceinline const char* vertexPtr(size_t i) const {
+ return vertices0.getPtr(i);
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline const Vec3fa vertex(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return vertices[itime][i];
+ }
+ /*! returns i'th vertex of itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline const char* vertexPtr(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return vertices[itime].getPtr(i);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the bounds of the i'th triangle */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i) const
+ {
+ const Triangle& tri = triangle(i);
+ const Vec3fa v0 = vertex(tri.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = vertex(tri.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa v2 = vertex(tri.v[2]);
+ return BBox3fa(min(v0,v1,v2),max(v0,v1,v2));
+ }
+ /*! calculates the bounds of the i'th triangle at the itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(size_t i, size_t itime) const
+ {
+ const Triangle& tri = triangle(i);
+ const Vec3fa v0 = vertex(tri.v[0],itime);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = vertex(tri.v[1],itime);
+ const Vec3fa v2 = vertex(tri.v[2],itime);
+ return BBox3fa(min(v0,v1,v2),max(v0,v1,v2));
+ }
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid at the itime'th timestep */
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return valid(i, make_range(itime, itime));
+ }
+ /*! check if the i'th primitive is valid between the specified time range */
+ __forceinline bool valid(size_t i, const range<size_t>& itime_range) const
+ {
+ const Triangle& tri = triangle(i);
+ if (unlikely(tri.v[0] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(tri.v[1] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(tri.v[2] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ for (size_t itime = itime_range.begin(); itime <= itime_range.end(); itime++)
+ {
+ if (!isvalid(vertex(tri.v[0],itime))) return false;
+ if (!isvalid(vertex(tri.v[1],itime))) return false;
+ if (!isvalid(vertex(tri.v[2],itime))) return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive at the itimeGlobal'th time segment */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(size_t i, size_t itime) const {
+ return LBBox3fa(bounds(i,itime+0),bounds(i,itime+1));
+ }
+ /*! calculates the build bounds of the i'th primitive, if it's valid */
+ __forceinline bool buildBounds(size_t i, BBox3fa* bbox = nullptr) const
+ {
+ const Triangle& tri = triangle(i);
+ if (unlikely(tri.v[0] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(tri.v[1] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(tri.v[2] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ for (size_t t=0; t<numTimeSteps; t++)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa v0 = vertex(tri.v[0],t);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = vertex(tri.v[1],t);
+ const Vec3fa v2 = vertex(tri.v[2],t);
+ if (unlikely(!isvalid(v0) || !isvalid(v1) || !isvalid(v2)))
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (likely(bbox))
+ *bbox = bounds(i);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the build bounds of the i'th primitive at the itime'th time segment, if it's valid */
+ __forceinline bool buildBounds(size_t i, size_t itime, BBox3fa& bbox) const
+ {
+ const Triangle& tri = triangle(i);
+ if (unlikely(tri.v[0] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(tri.v[1] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ if (unlikely(tri.v[2] >= numVertices())) return false;
+ assert(itime+1 < numTimeSteps);
+ const Vec3fa a0 = vertex(tri.v[0],itime+0); if (unlikely(!isvalid(a0))) return false;
+ const Vec3fa a1 = vertex(tri.v[1],itime+0); if (unlikely(!isvalid(a1))) return false;
+ const Vec3fa a2 = vertex(tri.v[2],itime+0); if (unlikely(!isvalid(a2))) return false;
+ const Vec3fa b0 = vertex(tri.v[0],itime+1); if (unlikely(!isvalid(b0))) return false;
+ const Vec3fa b1 = vertex(tri.v[1],itime+1); if (unlikely(!isvalid(b1))) return false;
+ const Vec3fa b2 = vertex(tri.v[2],itime+1); if (unlikely(!isvalid(b2))) return false;
+ /* use bounds of first time step in builder */
+ bbox = BBox3fa(min(a0,a1,a2),max(a0,a1,a2));
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive for the specified time range */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(size_t primID, const BBox1f& dt) const {
+ return LBBox3fa([&] (size_t itime) { return bounds(primID, itime); }, dt, time_range, fnumTimeSegments);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the linear bounds of the i'th primitive for the specified time range */
+ __forceinline bool linearBounds(size_t i, const BBox1f& dt, LBBox3fa& bbox) const {
+ if (!valid(i, timeSegmentRange(dt))) return false;
+ bbox = linearBounds(i, dt);
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*! get fast access to first vertex buffer */
+ __forceinline float * getCompactVertexArray () const {
+ return (float*) vertices0.getPtr();
+ }
+ /* gets version info of topology */
+ unsigned int getTopologyVersion() const {
+ return triangles.modCounter;
+ }
+ /* returns true if topology changed */
+ bool topologyChanged(unsigned int otherVersion) const {
+ return triangles.isModified(otherVersion); // || numPrimitivesChanged;
+ }
+ /* returns the projected area */
+ __forceinline float projectedPrimitiveArea(const size_t i) const {
+ const Triangle& tri = triangle(i);
+ const Vec3fa v0 = vertex(tri.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = vertex(tri.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa v2 = vertex(tri.v[2]);
+ return areaProjectedTriangle(v0,v1,v2);
+ }
+ public:
+ BufferView<Triangle> triangles; //!< array of triangles
+ BufferView<Vec3fa> vertices0; //!< fast access to first vertex buffer
+ vector<BufferView<Vec3fa>> vertices; //!< vertex array for each timestep
+ vector<RawBufferView> vertexAttribs; //!< vertex attributes
+ };
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct TriangleMeshISA : public TriangleMesh
+ {
+ TriangleMeshISA (Device* device)
+ : TriangleMesh(device) {}
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArray(mvector<PrimRef>& prims, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (!buildBounds(j,&bounds)) continue;
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds,geomID,unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArrayMB(mvector<PrimRef>& prims, size_t itime, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (!buildBounds(j,itime,bounds)) continue;
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds,geomID,unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfoMB createPrimRefMBArray(mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims, const BBox1f& t0t1, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfoMB pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ if (!valid(j, timeSegmentRange(t0t1))) continue;
+ const PrimRefMB prim(linearBounds(j,t0t1),this->numTimeSegments(),this->time_range,this->numTimeSegments(),geomID,unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_primref(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(TriangleMesh*, createTriangleMesh, Device*);
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_user_geometry.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_user_geometry.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2867b18b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/scene_user_geometry.h
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "accelset.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! User geometry with user defined intersection functions */
+ struct UserGeometry : public AccelSet
+ {
+ /*! type of this geometry */
+ static const Geometry::GTypeMask geom_type = Geometry::MTY_USER_GEOMETRY;
+ public:
+ UserGeometry (Device* device, unsigned int items = 0, unsigned int numTimeSteps = 1);
+ virtual void setMask (unsigned mask);
+ virtual void setBoundsFunction (RTCBoundsFunction bounds, void* userPtr);
+ virtual void setIntersectFunctionN (RTCIntersectFunctionN intersect);
+ virtual void setOccludedFunctionN (RTCOccludedFunctionN occluded);
+ virtual void build() {}
+ virtual void addElementsToCount (GeometryCounts & counts) const;
+ };
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct UserGeometryISA : public UserGeometry
+ {
+ UserGeometryISA (Device* device)
+ : UserGeometry(device) {}
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArray(mvector<PrimRef>& prims, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (!buildBounds(j,&bounds)) continue;
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds,geomID,unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfo createPrimRefArrayMB(mvector<PrimRef>& prims, size_t itime, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfo pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ if (!buildBounds(j,itime,bounds)) continue;
+ const PrimRef prim(bounds,geomID,unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_center2(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ PrimInfoMB createPrimRefMBArray(mvector<PrimRefMB>& prims, const BBox1f& t0t1, const range<size_t>& r, size_t k, unsigned int geomID) const
+ {
+ PrimInfoMB pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ if (!valid(j, timeSegmentRange(t0t1))) continue;
+ const PrimRefMB prim(linearBounds(j,t0t1),this->numTimeSegments(),this->time_range,this->numTimeSegments(),geomID,unsigned(j));
+ pinfo.add_primref(prim);
+ prims[k++] = prim;
+ }
+ return pinfo;
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ DECLARE_ISA_FUNCTION(UserGeometry*, createUserGeometry, Device*);
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/stack_item.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/stack_item.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c31c64e862
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/stack_item.h
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! An item on the stack holds the node ID and distance of that node. */
+ template<typename T>
+ struct __aligned(16) StackItemT
+ {
+ /*! assert that the xchg function works */
+ static_assert(sizeof(T) <= 12, "sizeof(T) <= 12 failed");
+ __forceinline StackItemT() {}
+ __forceinline StackItemT(T &ptr, unsigned &dist) : ptr(ptr), dist(dist) {}
+ /*! use SSE instructions to swap stack items */
+ __forceinline static void xchg(StackItemT& a, StackItemT& b)
+ {
+ const vfloat4 sse_a = vfloat4::load((float*)&a);
+ const vfloat4 sse_b = vfloat4::load((float*)&b);
+ vfloat4::store(&a,sse_b);
+ vfloat4::store(&b,sse_a);
+ }
+ /*! Sort 2 stack items. */
+ __forceinline friend void sort(StackItemT& s1, StackItemT& s2) {
+ if (s2.dist < s1.dist) xchg(s2,s1);
+ }
+ /*! Sort 3 stack items. */
+ __forceinline friend void sort(StackItemT& s1, StackItemT& s2, StackItemT& s3)
+ {
+ if (s2.dist < s1.dist) xchg(s2,s1);
+ if (s3.dist < s2.dist) xchg(s3,s2);
+ if (s2.dist < s1.dist) xchg(s2,s1);
+ }
+ /*! Sort 4 stack items. */
+ __forceinline friend void sort(StackItemT& s1, StackItemT& s2, StackItemT& s3, StackItemT& s4)
+ {
+ if (s2.dist < s1.dist) xchg(s2,s1);
+ if (s4.dist < s3.dist) xchg(s4,s3);
+ if (s3.dist < s1.dist) xchg(s3,s1);
+ if (s4.dist < s2.dist) xchg(s4,s2);
+ if (s3.dist < s2.dist) xchg(s3,s2);
+ }
+ /*! use SSE instructions to swap stack items */
+ __forceinline static void cmp_xchg(vint4& a, vint4& b)
+ {
+#if defined(__AVX512VL__)
+ const vboolf4 mask(shuffle<2,2,2,2>(b) < shuffle<2,2,2,2>(a));
+ const vboolf4 mask0(b < a);
+ const vboolf4 mask(shuffle<2,2,2,2>(mask0));
+ const vint4 c = select(mask,b,a);
+ const vint4 d = select(mask,a,b);
+ a = c;
+ b = d;
+ }
+ /*! Sort 3 stack items. */
+ __forceinline static void sort3(vint4& s1, vint4& s2, vint4& s3)
+ {
+ cmp_xchg(s2,s1);
+ cmp_xchg(s3,s2);
+ cmp_xchg(s2,s1);
+ }
+ /*! Sort 4 stack items. */
+ __forceinline static void sort4(vint4& s1, vint4& s2, vint4& s3, vint4& s4)
+ {
+ cmp_xchg(s2,s1);
+ cmp_xchg(s4,s3);
+ cmp_xchg(s3,s1);
+ cmp_xchg(s4,s2);
+ cmp_xchg(s3,s2);
+ }
+ /*! Sort N stack items. */
+ __forceinline friend void sort(StackItemT* begin, StackItemT* end)
+ {
+ for (StackItemT* i = begin+1; i != end; ++i)
+ {
+ const vfloat4 item = vfloat4::load((float*)i);
+ const unsigned dist = i->dist;
+ StackItemT* j = i;
+ while ((j != begin) && ((j-1)->dist < dist))
+ {
+ vfloat4::store(j, vfloat4::load((float*)(j-1)));
+ --j;
+ }
+ vfloat4::store(j, item);
+ }
+ }
+ public:
+ T ptr;
+ unsigned dist;
+ };
+ /*! An item on the stack holds the node ID and active ray mask. */
+ template<typename T>
+ struct __aligned(8) StackItemMaskT
+ {
+ T ptr;
+ size_t mask;
+ };
+ struct __aligned(8) StackItemMaskCoherent
+ {
+ size_t mask;
+ size_t parent;
+ size_t child;
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/stat.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/stat.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebb77cd534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/stat.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "stat.h"
+namespace embree
+ Stat Stat::instance;
+ Stat::Stat () {
+ }
+ Stat::~Stat ()
+ {
+ Stat::print(std::cout);
+ }
+ void Stat::print(std::ostream& cout)
+ {
+ Counters& cntrs = instance.cntrs;
+ Counters::Data& data = instance.cntrs.code;
+ //Counters::Data& data =;
+ /* print absolute numbers */
+ cout << "--------- ABSOLUTE ---------" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #normal_travs = " << float(data.normal.travs )*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #nodes = " << float(data.normal.trav_nodes )*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #nodes_xfm = " << float(data.normal.trav_xfm_nodes )*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #leaves = " << float(data.normal.trav_leaves )*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #prims = " << float(data.normal.trav_prims )*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #prim_hits = " << float(data.normal.trav_prim_hits )*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #stack nodes = " << float(data.normal.trav_stack_nodes )*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #stack pop = " << float(data.normal.trav_stack_pop )*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ size_t normal_box_hits = 0;
+ size_t weighted_box_hits = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<SIZE_HISTOGRAM;i++) {
+ normal_box_hits += data.normal.trav_hit_boxes[i];
+ weighted_box_hits += data.normal.trav_hit_boxes[i]*i;
+ }
+ cout << " #hit_boxes = " << normal_box_hits << " (total) distribution: ";
+ float average = 0.0f;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<SIZE_HISTOGRAM;i++)
+ {
+ float value = 100.0f * data.normal.trav_hit_boxes[i] / normal_box_hits;
+ cout << "[" << i << "] " << value << " ";
+ average += (float)i*data.normal.trav_hit_boxes[i] / normal_box_hits;
+ }
+ cout << " average = " << average << std::endl;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<SIZE_HISTOGRAM;i++) cout << "[" << i << "] " << 100.0f * data.normal.trav_hit_boxes[i]*i / weighted_box_hits << " ";
+ cout << std::endl;
+ if (data.shadow.travs) {
+ cout << " #shadow_travs = " << float(data.shadow.travs )*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #nodes = " << float(data.shadow.trav_nodes )*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #nodes_xfm = " << float(data.shadow.trav_xfm_nodes)*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #leaves = " << float(data.shadow.trav_leaves )*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #prims = " << float(data.shadow.trav_prims )*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #prim_hits = " << float(data.shadow.trav_prim_hits)*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #stack nodes = " << float(data.shadow.trav_stack_nodes )*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #stack pop = " << float(data.shadow.trav_stack_pop )*1E-6 << "M" << std::endl;
+ size_t shadow_box_hits = 0;
+ size_t weighted_shadow_box_hits = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<SIZE_HISTOGRAM;i++) {
+ shadow_box_hits += data.shadow.trav_hit_boxes[i];
+ weighted_shadow_box_hits += data.shadow.trav_hit_boxes[i]*i;
+ }
+ cout << " #hit_boxes = ";
+ for (size_t i=0;i<SIZE_HISTOGRAM;i++) cout << "[" << i << "] " << 100.0f * data.shadow.trav_hit_boxes[i] / shadow_box_hits << " ";
+ cout << std::endl;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<SIZE_HISTOGRAM;i++) cout << "[" << i << "] " << 100.0f * data.shadow.trav_hit_boxes[i]*i / weighted_shadow_box_hits << " ";
+ cout << std::endl;
+ }
+ cout << std::endl;
+ /* print per traversal numbers */
+ cout << "--------- PER TRAVERSAL ---------" << std::endl;
+ float active_normal_travs = float( )/float(cntrs.all.normal.travs );
+ float active_normal_trav_nodes = float( )/float(cntrs.all.normal.trav_nodes );
+ float active_normal_trav_xfm_nodes = float( )/float(cntrs.all.normal.trav_xfm_nodes );
+ float active_normal_trav_leaves = float(;
+ float active_normal_trav_prims = float( )/float(cntrs.all.normal.trav_prims );
+ float active_normal_trav_prim_hits = float( )/float(cntrs.all.normal.trav_prim_hits );
+ float active_normal_trav_stack_pop = float( )/float(cntrs.all.normal.trav_stack_pop );
+ cout << " #normal_travs = " << float(cntrs.code.normal.travs )/float(cntrs.code.normal.travs) << ", " << 100.0f*active_normal_travs << "% active" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #nodes = " << float(cntrs.code.normal.trav_nodes )/float(cntrs.code.normal.travs) << ", " << 100.0f*active_normal_trav_nodes << "% active" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #node_xfm = " << float(cntrs.code.normal.trav_xfm_nodes )/float(cntrs.code.normal.travs) << ", " << 100.0f*active_normal_trav_xfm_nodes << "% active" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #leaves = " << float(cntrs.code.normal.trav_leaves)/float(cntrs.code.normal.travs) << ", " << 100.0f*active_normal_trav_leaves << "% active" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #prims = " << float(cntrs.code.normal.trav_prims )/float(cntrs.code.normal.travs) << ", " << 100.0f*active_normal_trav_prims << "% active" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #prim_hits = " << float(cntrs.code.normal.trav_prim_hits )/float(cntrs.code.normal.travs) << ", " << 100.0f*active_normal_trav_prim_hits << "% active" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #stack_pop = " << float(cntrs.code.normal.trav_stack_pop )/float(cntrs.code.normal.travs) << ", " << 100.0f*active_normal_trav_stack_pop << "% active" << std::endl;
+ if (cntrs.all.shadow.travs) {
+ float active_shadow_travs = float( )/float(cntrs.all.shadow.travs );
+ float active_shadow_trav_nodes = float( )/float(cntrs.all.shadow.trav_nodes );
+ float active_shadow_trav_xfm_nodes = float( )/float(cntrs.all.shadow.trav_xfm_nodes );
+ float active_shadow_trav_leaves = float(;
+ float active_shadow_trav_prims = float( )/float(cntrs.all.shadow.trav_prims );
+ float active_shadow_trav_prim_hits = float( )/float(cntrs.all.shadow.trav_prim_hits );
+ cout << " #shadow_travs = " << float(cntrs.code.shadow.travs )/float(cntrs.code.shadow.travs) << ", " << 100.0f*active_shadow_travs << "% active" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #nodes = " << float(cntrs.code.shadow.trav_nodes )/float(cntrs.code.shadow.travs) << ", " << 100.0f*active_shadow_trav_nodes << "% active" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #nodes_xfm = " << float(cntrs.code.shadow.trav_xfm_nodes )/float(cntrs.code.shadow.travs) << ", " << 100.0f*active_shadow_trav_xfm_nodes << "% active" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #leaves = " << float(cntrs.code.shadow.trav_leaves)/float(cntrs.code.shadow.travs) << ", " << 100.0f*active_shadow_trav_leaves << "% active" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #prims = " << float(cntrs.code.shadow.trav_prims )/float(cntrs.code.shadow.travs) << ", " << 100.0f*active_shadow_trav_prims << "% active" << std::endl;
+ cout << " #prim_hits = " << float(cntrs.code.shadow.trav_prim_hits )/float(cntrs.code.shadow.travs) << ", " << 100.0f*active_shadow_trav_prim_hits << "% active" << std::endl;
+ }
+ cout << std::endl;
+ /* print user counters for performance tuning */
+ cout << "--------- USER ---------" << std::endl;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<10; i++)
+ cout << "#user" << i << " = " << float(cntrs.user[i])/float(cntrs.all.normal.travs+cntrs.all.shadow.travs) << " per traversal" << std::endl;
+ cout << "#user5/user3 " << 100.0f*float(cntrs.user[5])/float(cntrs.user[3]) << "%" << std::endl;
+ cout << "#user6/user3 " << 100.0f*float(cntrs.user[6])/float(cntrs.user[3]) << "%" << std::endl;
+ cout << "#user7/user3 " << 100.0f*float(cntrs.user[7])/float(cntrs.user[3]) << "%" << std::endl;
+ cout << std::endl;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/stat.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/stat.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..02fc07e67f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/stat.h
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+/* Macros to gather statistics */
+# define STAT(x) x
+# define STAT3(s,x,y,z) \
+ STAT(Stat::get().code .s+=x); \
+ STAT(Stat::get().active.s+=y); \
+ STAT(Stat::get().all .s+=z);
+# define STAT_USER(i,x) Stat::get().user[i]+=x;
+# define STAT(x)
+# define STAT3(s,x,y,z)
+# define STAT_USER(i,x)
+namespace embree
+ /*! Gathers ray tracing statistics. We count 1) how often a code
+ * location is reached, 2) how many SIMD lanes are active, 3) how
+ * many SIMD lanes reach the code location */
+ class Stat
+ {
+ public:
+ static const size_t SIZE_HISTOGRAM = 64+1;
+ /*! constructs stat counter class */
+ Stat ();
+ /*! destructs stat counter class */
+ ~Stat ();
+ class Counters
+ {
+ public:
+ Counters () {
+ clear();
+ }
+ void clear()
+ {
+ all.clear();
+ active.clear();
+ code.clear();
+ for (auto& u : user);
+ }
+ public:
+ /* per packet and per ray stastics */
+ struct Data
+ {
+ void clear () {
+ normal.clear();
+ shadow.clear();
+ point_query.clear();
+ }
+ /* normal and shadow ray statistics */
+ struct
+ {
+ void clear()
+ {
+ for (auto& v : trav_hit_boxes);
+ }
+ public:
+ std::atomic<size_t> travs;
+ std::atomic<size_t> trav_nodes;
+ std::atomic<size_t> trav_leaves;
+ std::atomic<size_t> trav_prims;
+ std::atomic<size_t> trav_prim_hits;
+ std::atomic<size_t> trav_hit_boxes[SIZE_HISTOGRAM+1];
+ std::atomic<size_t> trav_stack_pop;
+ std::atomic<size_t> trav_stack_nodes;
+ std::atomic<size_t> trav_xfm_nodes;
+ } normal, shadow, point_query;
+ } all, active, code;
+ std::atomic<size_t> user[10];
+ };
+ public:
+ static __forceinline Counters& get() {
+ return instance.cntrs;
+ }
+ static void clear() {
+ instance.cntrs.clear();
+ }
+ static void print(embree_ostream cout);
+ private:
+ Counters cntrs;
+ private:
+ static Stat instance;
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/state.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/state.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01c862da0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/state.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,519 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "state.h"
+#include "../../common/lexers/streamfilters.h"
+namespace embree
+ MutexSys g_printMutex;
+ State::ErrorHandler State::g_errorHandler;
+ State::ErrorHandler::ErrorHandler()
+ : thread_error(createTls()) {}
+ State::ErrorHandler::~ErrorHandler()
+ {
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(errors_mutex);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<thread_errors.size(); i++)
+ delete thread_errors[i];
+ destroyTls(thread_error);
+ thread_errors.clear();
+ }
+ RTCError* State::ErrorHandler::error()
+ {
+ RTCError* stored_error = (RTCError*) getTls(thread_error);
+ if (stored_error) return stored_error;
+ Lock<MutexSys> lock(errors_mutex);
+ stored_error = new RTCError(RTC_ERROR_NONE);
+ thread_errors.push_back(stored_error);
+ setTls(thread_error,stored_error);
+ return stored_error;
+ }
+ State::State ()
+ : enabled_cpu_features(getCPUFeatures()),
+ enabled_builder_cpu_features(enabled_cpu_features),
+ frequency_level(FREQUENCY_SIMD256)
+ {
+ tri_accel = "default";
+ tri_builder = "default";
+ tri_traverser = "default";
+ tri_accel_mb = "default";
+ tri_builder_mb = "default";
+ tri_traverser_mb = "default";
+ quad_accel = "default";
+ quad_builder = "default";
+ quad_traverser = "default";
+ quad_accel_mb = "default";
+ quad_builder_mb = "default";
+ quad_traverser_mb = "default";
+ line_accel = "default";
+ line_builder = "default";
+ line_traverser = "default";
+ line_accel_mb = "default";
+ line_builder_mb = "default";
+ line_traverser_mb = "default";
+ hair_accel = "default";
+ hair_builder = "default";
+ hair_traverser = "default";
+ hair_accel_mb = "default";
+ hair_builder_mb = "default";
+ hair_traverser_mb = "default";
+ object_accel = "default";
+ object_builder = "default";
+ object_accel_min_leaf_size = 1;
+ object_accel_max_leaf_size = 1;
+ object_accel_mb = "default";
+ object_builder_mb = "default";
+ object_accel_mb_min_leaf_size = 1;
+ object_accel_mb_max_leaf_size = 1;
+ max_spatial_split_replications = 1.2f;
+ useSpatialPreSplits = false;
+ tessellation_cache_size = 128*1024*1024;
+ subdiv_accel = "default";
+ subdiv_accel_mb = "default";
+ grid_accel = "default";
+ grid_builder = "default";
+ grid_accel_mb = "default";
+ grid_builder_mb = "default";
+ instancing_open_min = 0;
+ instancing_block_size = 0;
+ instancing_open_factor = 8.0f;
+ instancing_open_max_depth = 32;
+ instancing_open_max = 50000000;
+ float_exceptions = false;
+ quality_flags = -1;
+ scene_flags = -1;
+ verbose = 0;
+ benchmark = 0;
+ numThreads = 0;
+ numUserThreads = 0;
+ set_affinity = true;
+ set_affinity = false;
+ start_threads = false;
+ enable_selockmemoryprivilege = false;
+#if defined(__LINUX__)
+ hugepages = true;
+ hugepages = false;
+ hugepages_success = true;
+ alloc_main_block_size = 0;
+ alloc_num_main_slots = 0;
+ alloc_thread_block_size = 0;
+ alloc_single_thread_alloc = -1;
+ error_function = nullptr;
+ error_function_userptr = nullptr;
+ memory_monitor_function = nullptr;
+ memory_monitor_userptr = nullptr;
+ }
+ State::~State() {
+ }
+ bool State::hasISA(const int isa) {
+ return (enabled_cpu_features & isa) == isa;
+ }
+ bool State::checkISASupport() {
+ return (getCPUFeatures() & enabled_cpu_features) == enabled_cpu_features;
+ }
+ void State::verify()
+ {
+ /* verify that calculations stay in range */
+ assert(rcp(min_rcp_input)*FLT_LARGE+FLT_LARGE < 0.01f*FLT_MAX);
+ /* here we verify that CPP files compiled for a specific ISA only
+ * call that same or lower ISA version of non-inlined class member
+ * functions */
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SSE2)
+ assert(sse2::getISA() <= SSE2);
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_SSE42)
+ assert(sse42::getISA() <= SSE42);
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_AVX)
+ assert(avx::getISA() <= AVX);
+#if defined(EMBREE_TARGET_AVX2)
+ assert(avx2::getISA() <= AVX2);
+#if defined (EMBREE_TARGET_AVX512)
+ assert(avx512::getISA() <= AVX512);
+ }
+ const char* symbols[3] = { "=", ",", "|" };
+ bool State::parseFile(const FileName& fileName)
+ {
+ FILE* f = fopen(fileName.c_str(),"r");
+ if (!f) return false;
+ Ref<Stream<int> > file = new FileStream(f,fileName);
+ std::vector<std::string> syms;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<sizeof(symbols)/sizeof(void*); i++)
+ syms.push_back(symbols[i]);
+ Ref<TokenStream> cin = new TokenStream(new LineCommentFilter(file,"#"),
+ TokenStream::alpha+TokenStream::ALPHA+TokenStream::numbers+"_.",
+ TokenStream::separators,syms);
+ parse(cin);
+ return true;
+ }
+ void State::parseString(const char* cfg)
+ {
+ if (cfg == nullptr) return;
+ std::vector<std::string> syms;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<sizeof(symbols)/sizeof(void*); i++)
+ syms.push_back(symbols[i]);
+ Ref<TokenStream> cin = new TokenStream(new StrStream(cfg),
+ TokenStream::alpha+TokenStream::ALPHA+TokenStream::numbers+"_.",
+ TokenStream::separators,syms);
+ parse(cin);
+ }
+ int string_to_cpufeatures(const std::string& isa)
+ {
+ if (isa == "sse" ) return SSE;
+ else if (isa == "sse2") return SSE2;
+ else if (isa == "sse3") return SSE3;
+ else if (isa == "ssse3") return SSSE3;
+ else if (isa == "sse41") return SSE41;
+ else if (isa == "sse4.1") return SSE41;
+ else if (isa == "sse42") return SSE42;
+ else if (isa == "sse4.2") return SSE42;
+ else if (isa == "avx") return AVX;
+ else if (isa == "avxi") return AVXI;
+ else if (isa == "avx2") return AVX2;
+ else if (isa == "avx512") return AVX512;
+ else return SSE2;
+ }
+ void State::parse(Ref<TokenStream> cin)
+ {
+ /* parse until end of stream */
+ while (cin->peek() != Token::Eof())
+ {
+ const Token tok = cin->get();
+ if (tok == Token::Id("threads") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ numThreads = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("user_threads")&& cin->trySymbol("="))
+ numUserThreads = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("set_affinity")&& cin->trySymbol("="))
+ set_affinity = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("affinity")&& cin->trySymbol("="))
+ set_affinity = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("start_threads")&& cin->trySymbol("="))
+ start_threads = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("isa") && cin->trySymbol("=")) {
+ std::string isa_str = toLowerCase(cin->get().Identifier());
+ enabled_cpu_features = string_to_cpufeatures(isa_str);
+ enabled_builder_cpu_features = enabled_cpu_features;
+ }
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("max_isa") && cin->trySymbol("=")) {
+ std::string isa_str = toLowerCase(cin->get().Identifier());
+ enabled_cpu_features &= string_to_cpufeatures(isa_str);
+ enabled_builder_cpu_features &= enabled_cpu_features;
+ }
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("max_builder_isa") && cin->trySymbol("=")) {
+ std::string isa_str = toLowerCase(cin->get().Identifier());
+ enabled_builder_cpu_features &= string_to_cpufeatures(isa_str);
+ }
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("frequency_level") && cin->trySymbol("=")) {
+ std::string freq = cin->get().Identifier();
+ if (freq == "simd128") frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD128;
+ else if (freq == "simd256") frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD256;
+ else if (freq == "simd512") frequency_level = FREQUENCY_SIMD512;
+ }
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("enable_selockmemoryprivilege") && cin->trySymbol("=")) {
+ enable_selockmemoryprivilege = cin->get().Int();
+ }
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("hugepages") && cin->trySymbol("=")) {
+ hugepages = cin->get().Int();
+ }
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("float_exceptions") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ float_exceptions = cin->get().Int();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("tri_accel") || tok == Token::Id("accel")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ tri_accel = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("tri_builder") || tok == Token::Id("builder")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ tri_builder = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("tri_traverser") || tok == Token::Id("traverser")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ tri_traverser = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("tri_accel_mb") || tok == Token::Id("accel_mb")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ tri_accel_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("tri_builder_mb") || tok == Token::Id("builder_mb")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ tri_builder_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("tri_traverser_mb") || tok == Token::Id("traverser_mb")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ tri_traverser_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("quad_accel")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ quad_accel = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("quad_builder")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ quad_builder = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("quad_traverser")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ quad_traverser = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("quad_accel_mb")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ quad_accel_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("quad_builder_mb")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ quad_builder_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("quad_traverser_mb")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ quad_traverser_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("line_accel")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ line_accel = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("line_builder")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ line_builder = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("line_traverser")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ line_traverser = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("line_accel_mb")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ line_accel_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("line_builder_mb")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ line_builder_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if ((tok == Token::Id("line_traverser_mb")) && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ line_traverser_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("hair_accel") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ hair_accel = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("hair_builder") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ hair_builder = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("hair_traverser") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ hair_traverser = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("hair_accel_mb") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ hair_accel_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("hair_builder_mb") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ hair_builder_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("hair_traverser_mb") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ hair_traverser_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("object_accel") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ object_accel = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("object_builder") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ object_builder = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("object_accel_min_leaf_size") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ object_accel_min_leaf_size = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("object_accel_max_leaf_size") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ object_accel_max_leaf_size = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("object_accel_mb") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ object_accel_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("object_builder_mb") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ object_builder_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("object_accel_mb_min_leaf_size") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ object_accel_mb_min_leaf_size = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("object_accel_mb_max_leaf_size") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ object_accel_mb_max_leaf_size = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("instancing_open_min") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ instancing_open_min = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("instancing_block_size") && cin->trySymbol("=")) {
+ instancing_block_size = cin->get().Int();
+ instancing_open_factor = 0.0f;
+ }
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("instancing_open_max_depth") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ instancing_open_max_depth = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("instancing_open_factor") && cin->trySymbol("=")) {
+ instancing_block_size = 0;
+ instancing_open_factor = cin->get().Float();
+ }
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("instancing_open_max") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ instancing_open_max = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("subdiv_accel") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ subdiv_accel = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("subdiv_accel_mb") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ subdiv_accel_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("grid_accel") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ grid_accel = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("grid_accel_mb") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ grid_accel_mb = cin->get().Identifier();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("verbose") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ verbose = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("benchmark") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ benchmark = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("quality")) {
+ if (cin->trySymbol("=")) {
+ Token flag = cin->get();
+ if (flag == Token::Id("low")) quality_flags = RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_LOW;
+ else if (flag == Token::Id("medium")) quality_flags = RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_MEDIUM;
+ else if (flag == Token::Id("high")) quality_flags = RTC_BUILD_QUALITY_HIGH;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("scene_flags")) {
+ scene_flags = 0;
+ if (cin->trySymbol("=")) {
+ do {
+ Token flag = cin->get();
+ if (flag == Token::Id("dynamic") ) scene_flags |= RTC_SCENE_FLAG_DYNAMIC;
+ else if (flag == Token::Id("compact")) scene_flags |= RTC_SCENE_FLAG_COMPACT;
+ else if (flag == Token::Id("robust")) scene_flags |= RTC_SCENE_FLAG_ROBUST;
+ } while (cin->trySymbol("|"));
+ }
+ }
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("max_spatial_split_replications") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ max_spatial_split_replications = cin->get().Float();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("presplits") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ useSpatialPreSplits = cin->get().Int() != 0 ? true : false;
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("tessellation_cache_size") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ tessellation_cache_size = size_t(cin->get().Float()*1024.0f*1024.0f);
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("cache_size") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ tessellation_cache_size = size_t(cin->get().Float()*1024.0f*1024.0f);
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("alloc_main_block_size") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ alloc_main_block_size = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("alloc_num_main_slots") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ alloc_num_main_slots = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("alloc_thread_block_size") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ alloc_thread_block_size = cin->get().Int();
+ else if (tok == Token::Id("alloc_single_thread_alloc") && cin->trySymbol("="))
+ alloc_single_thread_alloc = cin->get().Int();
+ cin->trySymbol(","); // optional , separator
+ }
+ }
+ bool State::verbosity(size_t N) {
+ return N <= verbose;
+ }
+ void State::print()
+ {
+ std::cout << "general:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " build threads = " << numThreads << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " build user threads = " << numUserThreads << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " start_threads = " << start_threads << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " affinity = " << set_affinity << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " frequency_level = ";
+ switch (frequency_level) {
+ case FREQUENCY_SIMD128: std::cout << "simd128" << std::endl; break;
+ case FREQUENCY_SIMD256: std::cout << "simd256" << std::endl; break;
+ case FREQUENCY_SIMD512: std::cout << "simd512" << std::endl; break;
+ default: std::cout << "error" << std::endl; break;
+ }
+ std::cout << " hugepages = ";
+ if (!hugepages) std::cout << "disabled" << std::endl;
+ else if (hugepages_success) std::cout << "enabled" << std::endl;
+ else std::cout << "failed" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " verbosity = " << verbose << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " cache_size = " << float(tessellation_cache_size)*1E-6 << " MB" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " max_spatial_split_replications = " << max_spatial_split_replications << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "triangles:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " accel = " << tri_accel << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " builder = " << tri_builder << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " traverser = " << tri_traverser << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "motion blur triangles:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " accel = " << tri_accel_mb << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " builder = " << tri_builder_mb << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " traverser = " << tri_traverser_mb << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "quads:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " accel = " << quad_accel << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " builder = " << quad_builder << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " traverser = " << quad_traverser << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "motion blur quads:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " accel = " << quad_accel_mb << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " builder = " << quad_builder_mb << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " traverser = " << quad_traverser_mb << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "line segments:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " accel = " << line_accel << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " builder = " << line_builder << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " traverser = " << line_traverser << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "motion blur line segments:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " accel = " << line_accel_mb << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " builder = " << line_builder_mb << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " traverser = " << line_traverser_mb << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "hair:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " accel = " << hair_accel << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " builder = " << hair_builder << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " traverser = " << hair_traverser << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "motion blur hair:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " accel = " << hair_accel_mb << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " builder = " << hair_builder_mb << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " traverser = " << hair_traverser_mb << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "subdivision surfaces:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " accel = " << subdiv_accel << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "grids:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " accel = " << grid_accel << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " builder = " << grid_builder << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "motion blur grids:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " accel = " << grid_accel_mb << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " builder = " << grid_builder_mb << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "object_accel:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " min_leaf_size = " << object_accel_min_leaf_size << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " max_leaf_size = " << object_accel_max_leaf_size << std::endl;
+ std::cout << "object_accel_mb:" << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " min_leaf_size = " << object_accel_mb_min_leaf_size << std::endl;
+ std::cout << " max_leaf_size = " << object_accel_mb_max_leaf_size << std::endl;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/state.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/state.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..33bcc843b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/state.h
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "default.h"
+namespace embree
+ /* mutex to make printing to cout thread safe */
+ extern MutexSys g_printMutex;
+ struct State : public RefCount
+ {
+ public:
+ /*! state construction */
+ State ();
+ /*! state destruction */
+ ~State();
+ /*! verifies that state is correct */
+ void verify();
+ /*! parses state from a configuration file */
+ bool parseFile(const FileName& fileName);
+ /*! parses the state from a string */
+ void parseString(const char* cfg);
+ /*! parses the state from a stream */
+ void parse(Ref<TokenStream> cin);
+ /*! prints the state */
+ void print();
+ /*! checks if verbosity level is at least N */
+ bool verbosity(size_t N);
+ /*! checks if some particular ISA is enabled */
+ bool hasISA(const int isa);
+ /*! check whether selected ISA is supported by the HW */
+ bool checkISASupport();
+ public:
+ std::string tri_accel; //!< acceleration structure to use for triangles
+ std::string tri_builder; //!< builder to use for triangles
+ std::string tri_traverser; //!< traverser to use for triangles
+ public:
+ std::string tri_accel_mb; //!< acceleration structure to use for motion blur triangles
+ std::string tri_builder_mb; //!< builder to use for motion blur triangles
+ std::string tri_traverser_mb; //!< traverser to use for triangles
+ public:
+ std::string quad_accel; //!< acceleration structure to use for quads
+ std::string quad_builder; //!< builder to use for quads
+ std::string quad_traverser; //!< traverser to use for quads
+ public:
+ std::string quad_accel_mb; //!< acceleration structure to use for motion blur quads
+ std::string quad_builder_mb; //!< builder to use for motion blur quads
+ std::string quad_traverser_mb; //!< traverser to use for motion blur quads
+ public:
+ std::string line_accel; //!< acceleration structure to use for line segments
+ std::string line_builder; //!< builder to use for line segments
+ std::string line_traverser; //!< traverser to use for line segments
+ public:
+ std::string line_accel_mb; //!< acceleration structure to use for motion blur line segments
+ std::string line_builder_mb; //!< builder to use for motion blur line segments
+ std::string line_traverser_mb; //!< traverser to use for motion blur line segments
+ public:
+ std::string hair_accel; //!< hair acceleration structure to use
+ std::string hair_builder; //!< builder to use for hair
+ std::string hair_traverser; //!< traverser to use for hair
+ public:
+ std::string hair_accel_mb; //!< acceleration structure to use for motion blur hair
+ std::string hair_builder_mb; //!< builder to use for motion blur hair
+ std::string hair_traverser_mb; //!< traverser to use for motion blur hair
+ public:
+ std::string object_accel; //!< acceleration structure for user geometries
+ std::string object_builder; //!< builder for user geometries
+ int object_accel_min_leaf_size; //!< minimum leaf size for object acceleration structure
+ int object_accel_max_leaf_size; //!< maximum leaf size for object acceleration structure
+ public:
+ std::string object_accel_mb; //!< acceleration structure for user geometries
+ std::string object_builder_mb; //!< builder for user geometries
+ int object_accel_mb_min_leaf_size; //!< minimum leaf size for mblur object acceleration structure
+ int object_accel_mb_max_leaf_size; //!< maximum leaf size for mblur object acceleration structure
+ public:
+ std::string subdiv_accel; //!< acceleration structure to use for subdivision surfaces
+ std::string subdiv_accel_mb; //!< acceleration structure to use for subdivision surfaces
+ public:
+ std::string grid_accel; //!< acceleration structure to use for grids
+ std::string grid_builder; //!< builder for grids
+ std::string grid_accel_mb; //!< acceleration structure to use for motion blur grids
+ std::string grid_builder_mb; //!< builder for motion blur grids
+ public:
+ float max_spatial_split_replications; //!< maximally replications*N many primitives in accel for spatial splits
+ bool useSpatialPreSplits; //!< use spatial pre-splits instead of the full spatial split builder
+ size_t tessellation_cache_size; //!< size of the shared tessellation cache
+ public:
+ size_t instancing_open_min; //!< instancing opens tree to minimally that number of subtrees
+ size_t instancing_block_size; //!< instancing opens tree up to average block size of primitives
+ float instancing_open_factor; //!< instancing opens tree up to x times the number of instances
+ size_t instancing_open_max_depth; //!< maximum open depth for geometries
+ size_t instancing_open_max; //!< instancing opens tree to maximally that number of subtrees
+ public:
+ bool float_exceptions; //!< enable floating point exceptions
+ int quality_flags;
+ int scene_flags;
+ size_t verbose; //!< verbosity of output
+ size_t benchmark; //!< true
+ public:
+ size_t numThreads; //!< number of threads to use in builders
+ size_t numUserThreads; //!< number of user provided threads to use in builders
+ bool set_affinity; //!< sets affinity for worker threads
+ bool start_threads; //!< true when threads should be started at device creation time
+ int enabled_cpu_features; //!< CPU ISA features to use
+ int enabled_builder_cpu_features; //!< CPU ISA features to use for builders only
+ } frequency_level; //!< frequency level the app wants to run on (default is SIMD256)
+ bool enable_selockmemoryprivilege; //!< configures the SeLockMemoryPrivilege under Windows to enable huge pages
+ bool hugepages; //!< true if huge pages should get used
+ bool hugepages_success; //!< status for enabling huge pages
+ public:
+ size_t alloc_main_block_size; //!< main allocation block size (shared between threads)
+ int alloc_num_main_slots; //!< number of such shared blocks to be used to allocate
+ size_t alloc_thread_block_size; //!< size of thread local allocator block size
+ int alloc_single_thread_alloc; //!< in single mode nodes and leaves use same thread local allocator
+ public:
+ /*! checks if we can use AVX */
+ bool canUseAVX() {
+ return hasISA(AVX) && frequency_level != FREQUENCY_SIMD128;
+ }
+ /*! checks if we can use AVX2 */
+ bool canUseAVX2() {
+ return hasISA(AVX2) && frequency_level != FREQUENCY_SIMD128;
+ }
+ struct ErrorHandler
+ {
+ public:
+ ErrorHandler();
+ ~ErrorHandler();
+ RTCError* error();
+ public:
+ tls_t thread_error;
+ std::vector<RTCError*> thread_errors;
+ MutexSys errors_mutex;
+ };
+ ErrorHandler errorHandler;
+ static ErrorHandler g_errorHandler;
+ public:
+ void setErrorFunction(RTCErrorFunction fptr, void* uptr)
+ {
+ error_function = fptr;
+ error_function_userptr = uptr;
+ }
+ RTCErrorFunction error_function;
+ void* error_function_userptr;
+ public:
+ void setMemoryMonitorFunction(RTCMemoryMonitorFunction fptr, void* uptr)
+ {
+ memory_monitor_function = fptr;
+ memory_monitor_userptr = uptr;
+ }
+ RTCMemoryMonitorFunction memory_monitor_function;
+ void* memory_monitor_userptr;
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/vector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/vector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4b08275f3b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/common/vector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "default.h"
+namespace embree
+ /*! invokes the memory monitor callback */
+ struct MemoryMonitorInterface {
+ virtual void memoryMonitor(ssize_t bytes, bool post) = 0;
+ };
+ /*! allocator that performs aligned monitored allocations */
+ template<typename T, size_t alignment = 64>
+ struct aligned_monitored_allocator
+ {
+ typedef T value_type;
+ typedef T* pointer;
+ typedef const T* const_pointer;
+ typedef T& reference;
+ typedef const T& const_reference;
+ typedef std::size_t size_type;
+ typedef std::ptrdiff_t difference_type;
+ __forceinline aligned_monitored_allocator(MemoryMonitorInterface* device)
+ : device(device), hugepages(false) {}
+ __forceinline pointer allocate( size_type n )
+ {
+ if (n) {
+ assert(device);
+ device->memoryMonitor(n*sizeof(T),false);
+ }
+ if (n*sizeof(value_type) >= 14 * PAGE_SIZE_2M)
+ {
+ pointer p = (pointer) os_malloc(n*sizeof(value_type),hugepages);
+ assert(p);
+ return p;
+ }
+ return (pointer) alignedMalloc(n*sizeof(value_type),alignment);
+ }
+ __forceinline void deallocate( pointer p, size_type n )
+ {
+ if (p)
+ {
+ if (n*sizeof(value_type) >= 14 * PAGE_SIZE_2M)
+ os_free(p,n*sizeof(value_type),hugepages);
+ else
+ alignedFree(p);
+ }
+ else assert(n == 0);
+ if (n) {
+ assert(device);
+ device->memoryMonitor(-ssize_t(n)*sizeof(T),true);
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline void construct( pointer p, const_reference val ) {
+ new (p) T(val);
+ }
+ __forceinline void destroy( pointer p ) {
+ p->~T();
+ }
+ private:
+ MemoryMonitorInterface* device;
+ bool hugepages;
+ };
+ /*! monitored vector */
+ template<typename T>
+ using mvector = vector_t<T,aligned_monitored_allocator<T,std::alignment_of<T>::value> >;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/config.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/config.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2bf7e93587
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/config.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2020 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+/* #undef EMBREE_RAY_MASK */
+ #define IF_ENABLED_TRIS(x) x
+ #define IF_ENABLED_TRIS(x)
+ #define IF_ENABLED_QUADS(x) x
+ #define IF_ENABLED_QUADS(x)
+ #define IF_ENABLED_CURVES(x) x
+ #define IF_ENABLED_CURVES(x)
+ #define IF_ENABLED_POINTS(x) x
+ #define IF_ENABLED_POINTS(x)
+ #define IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(x) x
+ #define IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(x)
+ #define IF_ENABLED_USER(x) x
+ #define IF_ENABLED_USER(x)
+ #define IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(x) x
+ #define IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(x) x
+ #define IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(x)
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/cone.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/cone.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..17429bab32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/cone.h
@@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct Cone
+ {
+ const Vec3fa p0; //!< start position of cone
+ const Vec3fa p1; //!< end position of cone
+ const float r0; //!< start radius of cone
+ const float r1; //!< end radius of cone
+ __forceinline Cone(const Vec3fa& p0, const float r0, const Vec3fa& p1, const float r1)
+ : p0(p0), p1(p1), r0(r0), r1(r1) {}
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const Vec3fa& org, const Vec3fa& dir,
+ BBox1f& t_o,
+ float& u0_o, Vec3fa& Ng0_o,
+ float& u1_o, Vec3fa& Ng1_o) const
+ {
+ /* calculate quadratic equation to solve */
+ const Vec3fa v0 = p0-org;
+ const Vec3fa v1 = p1-org;
+ const float rl = rcp_length(v1-v0);
+ const Vec3fa P0 = v0, dP = (v1-v0)*rl;
+ const float dr = (r1-r0)*rl;
+ const Vec3fa O = -P0, dO = dir;
+ const float dOdO = dot(dO,dO);
+ const float OdO = dot(dO,O);
+ const float OO = dot(O,O);
+ const float dOz = dot(dP,dO);
+ const float Oz = dot(dP,O);
+ const float R = r0 + Oz*dr;
+ const float A = dOdO - sqr(dOz) * (1.0f+sqr(dr));
+ const float B = 2.0f * (OdO - dOz*(Oz + R*dr));
+ const float C = OO - (sqr(Oz) + sqr(R));
+ /* we miss the cone if determinant is smaller than zero */
+ const float D = B*B - 4.0f*A*C;
+ if (D < 0.0f) return false;
+ /* special case for rays that are "parallel" to the cone */
+ const float eps = float(1<<8)*float(ulp)*max(abs(dOdO),abs(sqr(dOz)));
+ if (unlikely(abs(A) < eps))
+ {
+ /* cylinder case */
+ if (abs(dr) < 16.0f*float(ulp)) {
+ if (C <= 0.0f) { t_o = BBox1f(neg_inf,pos_inf); return true; }
+ else { t_o = BBox1f(pos_inf,neg_inf); return false; }
+ }
+ /* cone case */
+ else
+ {
+ /* if we hit the negative cone there cannot be a hit */
+ const float t = -C/B;
+ const float z0 = Oz+t*dOz;
+ const float z0r = r0+z0*dr;
+ if (z0r < 0.0f) return false;
+ /* test if we start inside or outside the cone */
+ if (dOz*dr > 0.0f) t_o = BBox1f(t,pos_inf);
+ else t_o = BBox1f(neg_inf,t);
+ }
+ }
+ /* standard case for "non-parallel" rays */
+ else
+ {
+ const float Q = sqrt(D);
+ const float rcp_2A = rcp(2.0f*A);
+ t_o.lower = (-B-Q)*rcp_2A;
+ t_o.upper = (-B+Q)*rcp_2A;
+ /* standard case where both hits are on same cone */
+ if (likely(A > 0.0f)) {
+ const float z0 = Oz+t_o.lower*dOz;
+ const float z0r = r0+z0*dr;
+ if (z0r < 0.0f) return false;
+ }
+ /* special case where the hits are on the positive and negative cone */
+ else
+ {
+ /* depending on the ray direction and the open direction
+ * of the cone we have a hit from inside or outside the
+ * cone */
+ if (dOz*dr > 0) t_o.upper = pos_inf;
+ else t_o.lower = neg_inf;
+ }
+ }
+ /* calculates u and Ng for near hit */
+ {
+ u0_o = (Oz+t_o.lower*dOz)*rl;
+ const Vec3fa Pr = t_o.lower*dir;
+ const Vec3fa Pl = v0 + u0_o*(v1-v0);
+ const Vec3fa R = normalize(Pr-Pl);
+ const Vec3fa U = (p1-p0)+(r1-r0)*R;
+ const Vec3fa V = cross(p1-p0,R);
+ Ng0_o = cross(V,U);
+ }
+ /* calculates u and Ng for far hit */
+ {
+ u1_o = (Oz+t_o.upper*dOz)*rl;
+ const Vec3fa Pr = t_o.upper*dir;
+ const Vec3fa Pl = v0 + u1_o*(v1-v0);
+ const Vec3fa R = normalize(Pr-Pl);
+ const Vec3fa U = (p1-p0)+(r1-r0)*R;
+ const Vec3fa V = cross(p1-p0,R);
+ Ng1_o = cross(V,U);
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const Vec3fa& org, const Vec3fa& dir, BBox1f& t_o) const
+ {
+ float u0_o; Vec3fa Ng0_o; float u1_o; Vec3fa Ng1_o;
+ return intersect(org,dir,t_o,u0_o,Ng0_o,u1_o,Ng1_o);
+ }
+ static bool verify(const size_t id, const Cone& cone, const Ray& ray, bool shouldhit, const float t0, const float t1)
+ {
+ float eps = 0.001f;
+ BBox1f t; bool hit;
+ hit = cone.intersect(,ray.dir,t);
+ bool failed = hit != shouldhit;
+ if (shouldhit) failed |= std::isinf(t0) ? t0 != t.lower : (t0 == -1E6) ? t.lower > -1E6f : abs(t0-t.lower) > eps;
+ if (shouldhit) failed |= std::isinf(t1) ? t1 != t.upper : (t1 == +1E6) ? t.upper < +1E6f : abs(t1-t.upper) > eps;
+ if (!failed) return true;
+ embree_cout << "Cone test " << id << " failed: cone = " << cone << ", ray = " << ray << ", hit = " << hit << ", t = " << t << embree_endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* verify cone class */
+ static bool verify()
+ {
+ bool passed = true;
+ const Cone cone0(Vec3fa(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f),0.0f,Vec3fa(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f),1.0f);
+ passed &= verify(0,cone0,Ray(Vec3fa(-2.0f,1.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa(+1.0f,+0.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,3.0f,pos_inf);
+ passed &= verify(1,cone0,Ray(Vec3fa(+2.0f,1.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa(-1.0f,+0.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,neg_inf,1.0f);
+ passed &= verify(2,cone0,Ray(Vec3fa(-1.0f,0.0f,2.0f),Vec3fa(+0.0f,+0.0f,-1.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),false,0.0f,0.0f);
+ passed &= verify(3,cone0,Ray(Vec3fa(+1.0f,0.0f,2.0f),Vec3fa(+0.0f,+0.0f,-1.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,1.0f,3.0f);
+ passed &= verify(4,cone0,Ray(Vec3fa(-1.0f,0.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa(+1.0f,+0.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,1.0f,pos_inf);
+ passed &= verify(5,cone0,Ray(Vec3fa(+1.0f,0.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa(-1.0f,+0.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,neg_inf,1.0f);
+ passed &= verify(6,cone0,Ray(Vec3fa(+0.0f,0.0f,1.0f),Vec3fa(+0.0f,+0.0f,-1.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,1.0f,1.0f);
+ passed &= verify(7,cone0,Ray(Vec3fa(+0.0f,1.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa(-1.0f,-1.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),false,0.0f,0.0f);
+ passed &= verify(8,cone0,Ray(Vec3fa(+0.0f,1.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa(+1.0f,-1.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,0.5f,+1E6);
+ passed &= verify(9,cone0,Ray(Vec3fa(+0.0f,1.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa(-1.0f,+1.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,-1E6,-0.5f);
+ const Cone cone1(Vec3fa(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f),1.0f,Vec3fa(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f),0.0f);
+ passed &= verify(10,cone1,Ray(Vec3fa(-2.0f,1.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa(+1.0f,+0.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,neg_inf,2.0f);
+ passed &= verify(11,cone1,Ray(Vec3fa(-1.0f,0.0f,2.0f),Vec3fa(+0.0f,+0.0f,-1.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,0.0f,4.0f);
+ const Cone cylinder(Vec3fa(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f),1.0f,Vec3fa(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f),1.0f);
+ passed &= verify(12,cylinder,Ray(Vec3fa(-2.0f,1.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa( 0.0f,-1.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,0.0f,2.0f);
+ passed &= verify(13,cylinder,Ray(Vec3fa(+2.0f,1.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa( 0.0f,-1.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,0.0f,2.0f);
+ passed &= verify(14,cylinder,Ray(Vec3fa(+2.0f,1.0f,2.0f),Vec3fa( 0.0f,-1.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),false,0.0f,0.0f);
+ passed &= verify(15,cylinder,Ray(Vec3fa(+0.0f,0.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa( 1.0f, 0.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,neg_inf,pos_inf);
+ passed &= verify(16,cylinder,Ray(Vec3fa(+0.0f,0.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa(-1.0f, 0.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,neg_inf,pos_inf);
+ passed &= verify(17,cylinder,Ray(Vec3fa(+0.0f,2.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa( 1.0f, 0.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),false,pos_inf,neg_inf);
+ passed &= verify(18,cylinder,Ray(Vec3fa(+0.0f,2.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa(-1.0f, 0.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),false,pos_inf,neg_inf);
+ return passed;
+ }
+ /*! output operator */
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const Cone& c) {
+ return cout << "Cone { p0 = " << c.p0 << ", r0 = " << c.r0 << ", p1 = " << c.p1 << ", r1 = " << c.r1 << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct ConeN
+ {
+ typedef Vec3<vfloat<N>> Vec3vfN;
+ const Vec3vfN p0; //!< start position of cone
+ const Vec3vfN p1; //!< end position of cone
+ const vfloat<N> r0; //!< start radius of cone
+ const vfloat<N> r1; //!< end radius of cone
+ __forceinline ConeN(const Vec3vfN& p0, const vfloat<N>& r0, const Vec3vfN& p1, const vfloat<N>& r1)
+ : p0(p0), p1(p1), r0(r0), r1(r1) {}
+ __forceinline Cone operator[] (const size_t i) const
+ {
+ assert(i<N);
+ return Cone(Vec3fa(p0.x[i],p0.y[i],p0.z[i]),r0[i],Vec3fa(p1.x[i],p1.y[i],p1.z[i]),r1[i]);
+ }
+ __forceinline vbool<N> intersect(const Vec3fa& org, const Vec3fa& dir,
+ BBox<vfloat<N>>& t_o,
+ vfloat<N>& u0_o, Vec3vfN& Ng0_o,
+ vfloat<N>& u1_o, Vec3vfN& Ng1_o) const
+ {
+ /* calculate quadratic equation to solve */
+ const Vec3vfN v0 = p0-Vec3vfN(org);
+ const Vec3vfN v1 = p1-Vec3vfN(org);
+ const vfloat<N> rl = rcp_length(v1-v0);
+ const Vec3vfN P0 = v0, dP = (v1-v0)*rl;
+ const vfloat<N> dr = (r1-r0)*rl;
+ const Vec3vfN O = -P0, dO = dir;
+ const vfloat<N> dOdO = dot(dO,dO);
+ const vfloat<N> OdO = dot(dO,O);
+ const vfloat<N> OO = dot(O,O);
+ const vfloat<N> dOz = dot(dP,dO);
+ const vfloat<N> Oz = dot(dP,O);
+ const vfloat<N> R = r0 + Oz*dr;
+ const vfloat<N> A = dOdO - sqr(dOz) * (vfloat<N>(1.0f)+sqr(dr));
+ const vfloat<N> B = 2.0f * (OdO - dOz*(Oz + R*dr));
+ const vfloat<N> C = OO - (sqr(Oz) + sqr(R));
+ /* we miss the cone if determinant is smaller than zero */
+ const vfloat<N> D = B*B - 4.0f*A*C;
+ vbool<N> valid = D >= 0.0f;
+ if (none(valid)) return valid;
+ /* special case for rays that are "parallel" to the cone */
+ const vfloat<N> eps = float(1<<8)*float(ulp)*max(abs(dOdO),abs(sqr(dOz)));
+ const vbool<N> validt = valid & (abs(A) < eps);
+ const vbool<N> validf = valid & !(abs(A) < eps);
+ if (unlikely(any(validt)))
+ {
+ const vboolx validtt = validt & (abs(dr) < 16.0f*float(ulp));
+ const vboolx validtf = validt & (abs(dr) >= 16.0f*float(ulp));
+ /* cylinder case */
+ if (unlikely(any(validtt)))
+ {
+ t_o.lower = select(validtt, select(C <= 0.0f, vfloat<N>(neg_inf), vfloat<N>(pos_inf)), t_o.lower);
+ t_o.upper = select(validtt, select(C <= 0.0f, vfloat<N>(pos_inf), vfloat<N>(neg_inf)), t_o.upper);
+ valid &= !validtt | C <= 0.0f;
+ }
+ /* cone case */
+ if (any(validtf))
+ {
+ /* if we hit the negative cone there cannot be a hit */
+ const vfloat<N> t = -C/B;
+ const vfloat<N> z0 = Oz+t*dOz;
+ const vfloat<N> z0r = r0+z0*dr;
+ valid &= !validtf | z0r >= 0.0f;
+ /* test if we start inside or outside the cone */
+ t_o.lower = select(validtf, select(dOz*dr > 0.0f, t, vfloat<N>(neg_inf)), t_o.lower);
+ t_o.upper = select(validtf, select(dOz*dr > 0.0f, vfloat<N>(pos_inf), t), t_o.upper);
+ }
+ }
+ /* standard case for "non-parallel" rays */
+ if (likely(any(validf)))
+ {
+ const vfloat<N> Q = sqrt(D);
+ const vfloat<N> rcp_2A = 0.5f*rcp(A);
+ t_o.lower = select(validf, (-B-Q)*rcp_2A, t_o.lower);
+ t_o.upper = select(validf, (-B+Q)*rcp_2A, t_o.upper);
+ /* standard case where both hits are on same cone */
+ const vbool<N> validft = validf & A>0.0f;
+ const vbool<N> validff = validf & !(A>0.0f);
+ if (any(validft)) {
+ const vfloat<N> z0 = Oz+t_o.lower*dOz;
+ const vfloat<N> z0r = r0+z0*dr;
+ valid &= !validft | z0r >= 0.0f;
+ }
+ /* special case where the hits are on the positive and negative cone */
+ if (any(validff)) {
+ /* depending on the ray direction and the open direction
+ * of the cone we have a hit from inside or outside the
+ * cone */
+ t_o.lower = select(validff, select(dOz*dr > 0.0f, t_o.lower, float(neg_inf)), t_o.lower);
+ t_o.upper = select(validff, select(dOz*dr > 0.0f, float(pos_inf), t_o.upper), t_o.upper);
+ }
+ }
+ /* calculates u and Ng for near hit */
+ {
+ u0_o = (Oz+t_o.lower*dOz)*rl;
+ const Vec3vfN Pr = t_o.lower*Vec3vfN(dir);
+ const Vec3vfN Pl = v0 + u0_o*(v1-v0);
+ const Vec3vfN R = normalize(Pr-Pl);
+ const Vec3vfN U = (p1-p0)+(r1-r0)*R;
+ const Vec3vfN V = cross(p1-p0,R);
+ Ng0_o = cross(V,U);
+ }
+ /* calculates u and Ng for far hit */
+ {
+ u1_o = (Oz+t_o.upper*dOz)*rl;
+ const Vec3vfN Pr = t_o.lower*Vec3vfN(dir);
+ const Vec3vfN Pl = v0 + u1_o*(v1-v0);
+ const Vec3vfN R = normalize(Pr-Pl);
+ const Vec3vfN U = (p1-p0)+(r1-r0)*R;
+ const Vec3vfN V = cross(p1-p0,R);
+ Ng1_o = cross(V,U);
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ __forceinline vbool<N> intersect(const Vec3fa& org, const Vec3fa& dir, BBox<vfloat<N>>& t_o) const
+ {
+ vfloat<N> u0_o; Vec3vfN Ng0_o; vfloat<N> u1_o; Vec3vfN Ng1_o;
+ return intersect(org,dir,t_o,u0_o,Ng0_o,u1_o,Ng1_o);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/coneline_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/coneline_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..90f3792eff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/coneline_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_precalculations.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ namespace __coneline_internal
+ {
+ template<int M, typename Epilog, typename ray_tfar_func>
+ static __forceinline bool intersectCone(const vbool<M>& valid_i,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& ray_org_in, const Vec3vf<M>& ray_dir,
+ const vfloat<M>& ray_tnear, const ray_tfar_func& ray_tfar,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& v0, const Vec4vf<M>& v1,
+ const vbool<M>& cL, const vbool<M>& cR,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ /* move ray origin closer to make calculations numerically stable */
+ const vfloat<M> dOdO = sqr(ray_dir);
+ const vfloat<M> rcp_dOdO = rcp(dOdO);
+ const Vec3vf<M> center = vfloat<M>(0.5f)*(;
+ const vfloat<M> dt = dot(center-ray_org_in,ray_dir)*rcp_dOdO;
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org = ray_org_in + dt*ray_dir;
+ const Vec3vf<M> dP = -;
+ const Vec3vf<M> p0 = ray_org -;
+ const Vec3vf<M> p1 = ray_org -;
+ const vfloat<M> dPdP = sqr(dP);
+ const vfloat<M> dP0 = dot(p0,dP);
+ const vfloat<M> dP1 = dot(p1,dP);
+ const vfloat<M> dOdP = dot(ray_dir,dP);
+ // intersect cone body
+ const vfloat<M> dr = v0.w - v1.w;
+ const vfloat<M> hy = dPdP + sqr(dr);
+ const vfloat<M> dO0 = dot(ray_dir,p0);
+ const vfloat<M> OO = sqr(p0);
+ const vfloat<M> dPdP2 = sqr(dPdP);
+ const vfloat<M> dPdPr0 = dPdP*v0.w;
+ const vfloat<M> A = dPdP2 - sqr(dOdP)*hy;
+ const vfloat<M> B = dPdP2*dO0 - dP0*dOdP*hy + dPdPr0*(dr*dOdP);
+ const vfloat<M> C = dPdP2*OO - sqr(dP0)*hy + dPdPr0*(2.0f*dr*dP0 - dPdPr0);
+ const vfloat<M> D = B*B - A*C;
+ valid &= D >= 0.0f;
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* standard case for "non-parallel" rays */
+ const vfloat<M> Q = sqrt(D);
+ const vfloat<M> rcp_A = rcp(A);
+ /* special case for rays that are "parallel" to the cone - assume miss */
+ const vbool<M> isParallel = abs(A) <= min_rcp_input;
+ vfloat<M> t_cone_lower = select (isParallel, neg_inf, (-B-Q)*rcp_A);
+ vfloat<M> t_cone_upper = select (isParallel, pos_inf, (-B+Q)*rcp_A);
+ const vfloat<M> y_lower = dP0 + t_cone_lower*dOdP;
+ const vfloat<M> y_upper = dP0 + t_cone_upper*dOdP;
+ t_cone_lower = select(valid & y_lower > 0.0f & y_lower < dPdP, t_cone_lower, pos_inf);
+ t_cone_upper = select(valid & y_upper > 0.0f & y_upper < dPdP, t_cone_upper, neg_inf);
+ const vbool<M> hitDisk0 = valid & cL;
+ const vbool<M> hitDisk1 = valid & cR;
+ const vfloat<M> rcp_dOdP = rcp(dOdP);
+ const vfloat<M> t_disk0 = select (hitDisk0, select (sqr(p0*dOdP-ray_dir*dP0)<(sqr(v0.w)*sqr(dOdP)), -dP0*rcp_dOdP, pos_inf), pos_inf);
+ const vfloat<M> t_disk1 = select (hitDisk1, select (sqr(p1*dOdP-ray_dir*dP1)<(sqr(v1.w)*sqr(dOdP)), -dP1*rcp_dOdP, pos_inf), pos_inf);
+ const vfloat<M> t_disk_lower = min(t_disk0, t_disk1);
+ const vfloat<M> t_disk_upper = max(t_disk0, t_disk1);
+ const vfloat<M> t_lower = min(t_cone_lower, t_disk_lower);
+ const vfloat<M> t_upper = max(t_cone_upper, select(t_lower==t_disk_lower,
+ select(t_disk_upper==vfloat<M>(pos_inf),neg_inf,t_disk_upper),
+ select(t_disk_lower==vfloat<M>(pos_inf),neg_inf,t_disk_lower)));
+ const vbool<M> valid_lower = valid & ray_tnear <= dt+t_lower & dt+t_lower <= ray_tfar() & t_lower != vfloat<M>(pos_inf);
+ const vbool<M> valid_upper = valid & ray_tnear <= dt+t_upper & dt+t_upper <= ray_tfar() & t_upper != vfloat<M>(neg_inf);
+ const vbool<M> valid_first = valid_lower | valid_upper;
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_first)))
+ return false;
+ const vfloat<M> t_first = select(valid_lower, t_lower, t_upper);
+ const vfloat<M> y_first = select(valid_lower, y_lower, y_upper);
+ const vfloat<M> rcp_dPdP = rcp(dPdP);
+ const Vec3vf<M> dP2drr0dP = dPdP*dr*v0.w*dP;
+ const Vec3vf<M> dPhy = dP*hy;
+ const vbool<M> cone_hit_first = valid & (t_first == t_cone_lower | t_first == t_cone_upper);
+ const vbool<M> disk0_hit_first = valid & (t_first == t_disk0);
+ const Vec3vf<M> Ng_first = select(cone_hit_first, dPdP2*(p0+t_first*ray_dir)+dP2drr0dP-dPhy*y_first, select(disk0_hit_first, -dP, dP));
+ const vfloat<M> u_first = select(cone_hit_first, y_first*rcp_dPdP, select(disk0_hit_first, vfloat<M>(zero), vfloat<M>(one)));
+ /* invoke intersection filter for first hit */
+ RoundLineIntersectorHitM<M> hit(u_first,zero,dt+t_first,Ng_first);
+ const bool is_hit_first = epilog(valid_first, hit);
+ /* check for possible second hits before potentially accepted hit */
+ const vfloat<M> t_second = t_upper;
+ const vfloat<M> y_second = y_upper;
+ const vbool<M> valid_second = valid_lower & valid_upper & (dt+t_upper <= ray_tfar());
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_second)))
+ return is_hit_first;
+ /* invoke intersection filter for second hit */
+ const vbool<M> cone_hit_second = t_second == t_cone_lower | t_second == t_cone_upper;
+ const vbool<M> disk0_hit_second = t_second == t_disk0;
+ const Vec3vf<M> Ng_second = select(cone_hit_second, dPdP2*(p0+t_second*ray_dir)+dP2drr0dP-dPhy*y_second, select(disk0_hit_second, -dP, dP));
+ const vfloat<M> u_second = select(cone_hit_second, y_second*rcp_dPdP, select(disk0_hit_first, vfloat<M>(zero), vfloat<M>(one)));
+ hit = RoundLineIntersectorHitM<M>(u_second,zero,dt+t_second,Ng_second);
+ const bool is_hit_second = epilog(valid_second, hit);
+ return is_hit_first | is_hit_second;
+ }
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ struct ConeLineIntersectorHitM
+ {
+ __forceinline ConeLineIntersectorHitM() {}
+ __forceinline ConeLineIntersectorHitM(const vfloat<M>& u, const vfloat<M>& v, const vfloat<M>& t, const Vec3vf<M>& Ng)
+ : vu(u), vv(v), vt(t), vNg(Ng) {}
+ __forceinline void finalize() {}
+ __forceinline Vec2f uv (const size_t i) const { return Vec2f(vu[i],vv[i]); }
+ __forceinline float t (const size_t i) const { return vt[i]; }
+ __forceinline Vec3fa Ng(const size_t i) const { return Vec3fa(vNg.x[i],vNg.y[i],vNg.z[i]); }
+ public:
+ vfloat<M> vu;
+ vfloat<M> vv;
+ vfloat<M> vt;
+ Vec3vf<M> vNg;
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ struct ConeCurveIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ struct ray_tfar {
+ Ray& ray;
+ __forceinline ray_tfar(Ray& ray) : ray(ray) {}
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> operator() () const { return ray.tfar; };
+ };
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid_i,
+ Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& v0i, const Vec4vf<M>& v1i,
+ const vbool<M>& cL, const vbool<M>& cR,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org(,,;
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_dir(ray.dir.x, ray.dir.y, ray.dir.z);
+ const vfloat<M> ray_tnear(ray.tnear());
+ const Vec4vf<M> v0 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v0i);
+ const Vec4vf<M> v1 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v1i);
+ return __coneline_internal::intersectCone<M>(valid_i,ray_org,ray_dir,ray_tnear,ray_tfar(ray),v0,v1,cL,cR,epilog);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K>
+ struct ConeCurveIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ struct ray_tfar {
+ RayK<K>& ray;
+ size_t k;
+ __forceinline ray_tfar(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k) : ray(ray), k(k) {}
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> operator() () const { return ray.tfar[k]; };
+ };
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid_i,
+ RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& v0i, const Vec4vf<M>& v1i,
+ const vbool<M>& cL, const vbool<M>& cR,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org([k],[k],[k]);
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_dir(ray.dir.x[k], ray.dir.y[k], ray.dir.z[k]);
+ const vfloat<M> ray_tnear = ray.tnear()[k];
+ const Vec4vf<M> v0 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v0i);
+ const Vec4vf<M> v1 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v1i);
+ return __coneline_internal::intersectCone<M>(valid_i,ray_org,ray_dir,ray_tnear,ray_tfar(ray,k),v0,v1,cL,cR,epilog);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/conelinei_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/conelinei_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a985ebcad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/conelinei_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "coneline_intersector.h"
+#include "intersector_epilog.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct ConeCurveMiIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef LineMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1;
+ vbool<M> cL,cR;
+ line.gather(v0,v1,cL,cR,geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ ConeCurveIntersector1<M>::intersect(valid,ray,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,cL,cR,Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1;
+ vbool<M> cL,cR;
+ line.gather(v0,v1,cL,cR,geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ return ConeCurveIntersector1<M>::intersect(valid,ray,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,cL,cR,Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ return false;
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, line);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct ConeCurveMiMBIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef LineMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1;
+ vbool<M> cL,cR;
+ line.gather(v0,v1,cL,cR,geom,ray.time());
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ ConeCurveIntersector1<M>::intersect(valid,ray,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,cL,cR,Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1;
+ vbool<M> cL,cR;
+ line.gather(v0,v1,cL,cR,geom,ray.time());
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ return ConeCurveIntersector1<M>::intersect(valid,ray,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,cL,cR,Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ return false;
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, line);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct ConeCurveMiIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef LineMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1;
+ vbool<M> cL,cR;
+ line.gather(v0,v1,cL,cR,geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ ConeCurveIntersectorK<M,K>::intersect(valid,ray,k,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,cL,cR,Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1;
+ vbool<M> cL,cR;
+ line.gather(v0,v1,cL,cR,geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ return ConeCurveIntersectorK<M,K>::intersect(valid,ray,k,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,cL,cR,Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct ConeCurveMiMBIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef LineMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1;
+ vbool<M> cL,cR;
+ line.gather(v0,v1,cL,cR,geom,ray.time()[k]);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ ConeCurveIntersectorK<M,K>::intersect(valid,ray,k,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,cL,cR,Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1;
+ vbool<M> cL,cR;
+ line.gather(v0,v1,cL,cR,geom,ray.time()[k]);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ return ConeCurveIntersectorK<M,K>::intersect(valid,ray,k,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,cL,cR,Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNi.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6366a6fb9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "primitive.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_precalculations.h"
+namespace embree
+ template<int M>
+ struct CurveNi
+ {
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /* Returns maximum number of stored primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t max_size() { return M; }
+ /* Returns required number of primitive blocks for N primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t blocks(size_t N) { return (N+M-1)/M; }
+ static __forceinline size_t bytes(size_t N)
+ {
+ const size_t f = N/M, r = N%M;
+ static_assert(sizeof(CurveNi) == 22+25*M, "internal data layout issue");
+ return f*sizeof(CurveNi) + (r!=0)*(22 + 25*r);
+ }
+ public:
+ /*! Default constructor. */
+ __forceinline CurveNi () {}
+ /*! fill curve from curve list */
+ __forceinline void fill(const PrimRef* prims, size_t& begin, size_t _end, Scene* scene)
+ {
+ size_t end = min(begin+M,_end);
+ N = (unsigned char)(end-begin);
+ const unsigned int geomID0 = prims[begin].geomID();
+ this->geomID(N) = geomID0;
+ ty = (unsigned char) scene->get(geomID0)->getType();
+ /* encode all primitives */
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
+ {
+ const PrimRef& prim = prims[begin+i];
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(); assert(geomID == geomID0);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID();
+ bounds.extend(scene->get(geomID)->vbounds(primID));
+ }
+ /* calculate offset and scale */
+ Vec3fa loffset = bounds.lower;
+ float lscale = reduce_min(256.0f/(bounds.size()*sqrt(3.0f)));
+ if (bounds.size() == Vec3fa(zero)) lscale = 0.0f;
+ *this->offset(N) = loffset;
+ *this->scale(N) = lscale;
+ /* encode all primitives */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && begin<end; i++, begin++)
+ {
+ const PrimRef& prim = prims[begin];
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID();
+ const LinearSpace3fa space2 = scene->get(geomID)->computeAlignedSpace(primID);
+ const LinearSpace3fa space3(trunc(126.0f*space2.vx),trunc(126.0f*space2.vy),trunc(126.0f*space2.vz));
+ const BBox3fa bounds = scene->get(geomID)->vbounds(loffset,lscale,max(length(space3.vx),length(space3.vy),length(space3.vz)),space3.transposed(),primID);
+ bounds_vx_x(N)[i] = (char) space3.vx.x;
+ bounds_vx_y(N)[i] = (char) space3.vx.y;
+ bounds_vx_z(N)[i] = (char) space3.vx.z;
+ bounds_vx_lower(N)[i] = (short) clamp(floor(bounds.lower.x),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ bounds_vx_upper(N)[i] = (short) clamp(ceil (bounds.upper.x),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= floor(bounds.lower.x) && floor(bounds.lower.x) <= 32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= ceil (bounds.upper.x) && ceil (bounds.upper.x) <= 32767.0f);
+ bounds_vy_x(N)[i] = (char) space3.vy.x;
+ bounds_vy_y(N)[i] = (char) space3.vy.y;
+ bounds_vy_z(N)[i] = (char) space3.vy.z;
+ bounds_vy_lower(N)[i] = (short) clamp(floor(bounds.lower.y),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ bounds_vy_upper(N)[i] = (short) clamp(ceil (bounds.upper.y),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= floor(bounds.lower.y) && floor(bounds.lower.y) <= 32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= ceil (bounds.upper.y) && ceil (bounds.upper.y) <= 32767.0f);
+ bounds_vz_x(N)[i] = (char) space3.vz.x;
+ bounds_vz_y(N)[i] = (char) space3.vz.y;
+ bounds_vz_z(N)[i] = (char) space3.vz.z;
+ bounds_vz_lower(N)[i] = (short) clamp(floor(bounds.lower.z),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ bounds_vz_upper(N)[i] = (short) clamp(ceil (bounds.upper.z),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= floor(bounds.lower.z) && floor(bounds.lower.z) <= 32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= ceil (bounds.upper.z) && ceil (bounds.upper.z) <= 32767.0f);
+ this->primID(N)[i] = primID;
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename BVH, typename Allocator>
+ __forceinline static typename BVH::NodeRef createLeaf (BVH* bvh, const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const Allocator& alloc)
+ {
+ size_t start = set.begin();
+ size_t items = CurveNi::blocks(set.size());
+ size_t numbytes = CurveNi::bytes(set.size());
+ CurveNi* accel = (CurveNi*) alloc.malloc1(numbytes,BVH::byteAlignment);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++) {
+ accel[i].fill(prims,start,set.end(),bvh->scene);
+ }
+ return bvh->encodeLeaf((char*)accel,items);
+ };
+ public:
+ // 27.6 - 46 bytes per primitive
+ unsigned char ty;
+ unsigned char N;
+ unsigned char data[4+25*M+16];
+ /*
+ struct Layout
+ {
+ unsigned int geomID;
+ unsigned int primID[N];
+ char bounds_vx_x[N];
+ char bounds_vx_y[N];
+ char bounds_vx_z[N];
+ short bounds_vx_lower[N];
+ short bounds_vx_upper[N];
+ char bounds_vy_x[N];
+ char bounds_vy_y[N];
+ char bounds_vy_z[N];
+ short bounds_vy_lower[N];
+ short bounds_vy_upper[N];
+ char bounds_vz_x[N];
+ char bounds_vz_y[N];
+ char bounds_vz_z[N];
+ short bounds_vz_lower[N];
+ short bounds_vz_upper[N];
+ Vec3f offset;
+ float scale;
+ };
+ */
+ __forceinline unsigned int& geomID(size_t N) { return *(unsigned int*)((char*)this+2); }
+ __forceinline const unsigned int& geomID(size_t N) const { return *(unsigned int*)((char*)this+2); }
+ __forceinline unsigned int* primID(size_t N) { return (unsigned int*)((char*)this+6); }
+ __forceinline const unsigned int* primID(size_t N) const { return (unsigned int*)((char*)this+6); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vx_x(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+4*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vx_x(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+4*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vx_y(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+5*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vx_y(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+5*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vx_z(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+6*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vx_z(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+6*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vx_lower(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+7*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vx_lower(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+7*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vx_upper(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+9*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vx_upper(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+9*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vy_x(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+11*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vy_x(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+11*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vy_y(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+12*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vy_y(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+12*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vy_z(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+13*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vy_z(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+13*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vy_lower(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+14*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vy_lower(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+14*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vy_upper(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+16*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vy_upper(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+16*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vz_x(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+18*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vz_x(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+18*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vz_y(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+19*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vz_y(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+19*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vz_z(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+20*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vz_z(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+20*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vz_lower(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+21*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vz_lower(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+21*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vz_upper(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+23*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vz_upper(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+23*N); }
+ __forceinline Vec3f* offset(size_t N) { return (Vec3f*)((char*)this+6+25*N); }
+ __forceinline const Vec3f* offset(size_t N) const { return (Vec3f*)((char*)this+6+25*N); }
+ __forceinline float* scale(size_t N) { return (float*)((char*)this+6+25*N+12); }
+ __forceinline const float* scale(size_t N) const { return (float*)((char*)this+6+25*N+12); }
+ __forceinline char* end(size_t N) { return (char*)this+6+25*N+16; }
+ __forceinline const char* end(size_t N) const { return (char*)this+6+25*N+16; }
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ typename CurveNi<M>::Type CurveNi<M>::type;
+ typedef CurveNi<4> Curve4i;
+ typedef CurveNi<8> Curve8i;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNi_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNi_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0b66515c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNi_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,569 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "curveNi.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ struct CurveNiIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef CurveNi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef Vec3vf<M> Vec3vfM;
+ typedef LinearSpace3<Vec3vfM>LinearSpace3vfM;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline vbool<M> intersect(Ray& ray, const Primitive& prim, vfloat<M>& tNear_o)
+ {
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ const vfloat4 offset_scale = vfloat4::loadu(prim.offset(N));
+ const Vec3fa offset = Vec3fa(offset_scale);
+ const Vec3fa scale = Vec3fa(shuffle<3,3,3,3>(offset_scale));
+ const Vec3fa org1 = (*scale;
+ const Vec3fa dir1 = ray.dir*scale;
+ const LinearSpace3vfM space(vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_x(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_y(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_z(N)),
+ vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_x(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_y(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_z(N)),
+ vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_x(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_y(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_z(N)));
+ const Vec3vfM dir2 = xfmVector(space,Vec3vfM(dir1));
+ const Vec3vfM org2 = xfmPoint (space,Vec3vfM(org1));
+ const Vec3vfM rcp_dir2 = rcp_safe(dir2);
+ const vfloat<M> t_lower_x = (vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_lower(N))-vfloat<M>(org2.x))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.x);
+ const vfloat<M> t_upper_x = (vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_upper(N))-vfloat<M>(org2.x))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.x);
+ const vfloat<M> t_lower_y = (vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_lower(N))-vfloat<M>(org2.y))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.y);
+ const vfloat<M> t_upper_y = (vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_upper(N))-vfloat<M>(org2.y))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.y);
+ const vfloat<M> t_lower_z = (vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_lower(N))-vfloat<M>(org2.z))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.z);
+ const vfloat<M> t_upper_z = (vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_upper(N))-vfloat<M>(org2.z))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.z);
+ const vfloat<M> round_up (1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp));
+ const vfloat<M> round_down(1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp));
+ const vfloat<M> tNear = round_down*max(mini(t_lower_x,t_upper_x),mini(t_lower_y,t_upper_y),mini(t_lower_z,t_upper_z),vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()));
+ const vfloat<M> tFar = round_up *min(maxi(t_lower_x,t_upper_x),maxi(t_lower_y,t_upper_y),maxi(t_lower_z,t_upper_z),vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ tNear_o = tNear;
+ return (vint<M>(step) < vint<M>(prim.N)) & (tNear <= tFar);
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_t(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff a0,a1,a2,a3; geom->gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,geom->curve(primID));
+ size_t mask1 = mask;
+ const size_t i1 = bscf(mask1);
+ if (mask) {
+ const unsigned int primID1 = prim.primID(N)[i1];
+ geom->prefetchL1_vertices(geom->curve(primID1));
+ if (mask1) {
+ const size_t i2 = bsf(mask1);
+ const unsigned int primID2 = prim.primID(N)[i2];
+ geom->prefetchL2_vertices(geom->curve(primID2));
+ }
+ }
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_t(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff a0,a1,a2,a3; geom->gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,geom->curve(primID));
+ size_t mask1 = mask;
+ const size_t i1 = bscf(mask1);
+ if (mask) {
+ const unsigned int primID1 = prim.primID(N)[i1];
+ geom->prefetchL1_vertices(geom->curve(primID1));
+ if (mask1) {
+ const size_t i2 = bsf(mask1);
+ const unsigned int primID2 = prim.primID(N)[i2];
+ geom->prefetchL2_vertices(geom->curve(primID2));
+ }
+ }
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_n(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ unsigned int vertexID = geom->curve(primID);
+ Vec3ff a0,a1,a2,a3; Vec3fa n0,n1,n2,n3; geom->gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,n0,n1,n2,n3,vertexID);
+ size_t mask1 = mask;
+ const size_t i1 = bscf(mask1);
+ if (mask) {
+ const unsigned int primID1 = prim.primID(N)[i1];
+ geom->prefetchL1_vertices(geom->curve(primID1));
+ if (mask1) {
+ const size_t i2 = bsf(mask1);
+ const unsigned int primID2 = prim.primID(N)[i2];
+ geom->prefetchL2_vertices(geom->curve(primID2));
+ }
+ }
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,n0,n1,n2,n3,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_n(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ unsigned int vertexID = geom->curve(primID);
+ Vec3ff a0,a1,a2,a3; Vec3fa n0,n1,n2,n3; geom->gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,n0,n1,n2,n3,vertexID);
+ size_t mask1 = mask;
+ const size_t i1 = bscf(mask1);
+ if (mask) {
+ const unsigned int primID1 = prim.primID(N)[i1];
+ geom->prefetchL1_vertices(geom->curve(primID1));
+ if (mask1) {
+ const size_t i2 = bsf(mask1);
+ const unsigned int primID2 = prim.primID(N)[i2];
+ geom->prefetchL2_vertices(geom->curve(primID2));
+ }
+ }
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,n0,n1,n2,n3,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_h(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff p0,t0,p1,t1; geom->gather_hermite(p0,t0,p1,t1,geom->curve(primID));
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,p0,t0,p1,t1,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_h(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff p0,t0,p1,t1; geom->gather_hermite(p0,t0,p1,t1,geom->curve(primID));
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,p0,t0,p1,t1,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_hn(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff p0,t0,p1,t1; Vec3fa n0,dn0,n1,dn1; geom->gather_hermite(p0,t0,n0,dn0,p1,t1,n1,dn1,geom->curve(primID));
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,p0,t0,p1,t1,n0,dn0,n1,dn1,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_hn(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff p0,t0,p1,t1; Vec3fa n0,dn0,n1,dn1; geom->gather_hermite(p0,t0,n0,dn0,p1,t1,n1,dn1,geom->curve(primID));
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,p0,t0,p1,t1,n0,dn0,n1,dn1,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K>
+ struct CurveNiIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef CurveNi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef Vec3vf<M> Vec3vfM;
+ typedef LinearSpace3<Vec3vfM>LinearSpace3vfM;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline vbool<M> intersect(RayK<K>& ray, const size_t k, const Primitive& prim, vfloat<M>& tNear_o)
+ {
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ const vfloat4 offset_scale = vfloat4::loadu(prim.offset(N));
+ const Vec3fa offset = Vec3fa(offset_scale);
+ const Vec3fa scale = Vec3fa(shuffle<3,3,3,3>(offset_scale));
+ const Vec3fa ray_org([k],[k],[k]);
+ const Vec3fa ray_dir(ray.dir.x[k],ray.dir.y[k],ray.dir.z[k]);
+ const Vec3fa org1 = (ray_org-offset)*scale;
+ const Vec3fa dir1 = ray_dir*scale;
+ const LinearSpace3vfM space(vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_x(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_y(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_z(N)),
+ vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_x(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_y(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_z(N)),
+ vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_x(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_y(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_z(N)));
+ const Vec3vfM dir2 = xfmVector(space,Vec3vfM(dir1));
+ const Vec3vfM org2 = xfmPoint (space,Vec3vfM(org1));
+ const Vec3vfM rcp_dir2 = rcp_safe(dir2);
+ const vfloat<M> t_lower_x = (vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_lower(N))-vfloat<M>(org2.x))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.x);
+ const vfloat<M> t_upper_x = (vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_upper(N))-vfloat<M>(org2.x))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.x);
+ const vfloat<M> t_lower_y = (vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_lower(N))-vfloat<M>(org2.y))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.y);
+ const vfloat<M> t_upper_y = (vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_upper(N))-vfloat<M>(org2.y))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.y);
+ const vfloat<M> t_lower_z = (vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_lower(N))-vfloat<M>(org2.z))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.z);
+ const vfloat<M> t_upper_z = (vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_upper(N))-vfloat<M>(org2.z))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.z);
+ const vfloat<M> round_up (1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp));
+ const vfloat<M> round_down(1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp));
+ const vfloat<M> tNear = round_down*max(mini(t_lower_x,t_upper_x),mini(t_lower_y,t_upper_y),mini(t_lower_z,t_upper_z),vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()[k]));
+ const vfloat<M> tFar = round_up *min(maxi(t_lower_x,t_upper_x),maxi(t_lower_y,t_upper_y),maxi(t_lower_z,t_upper_z),vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ tNear_o = tNear;
+ return (vint<M>(step) < vint<M>(prim.N)) & (tNear <= tFar);
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_t(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff a0,a1,a2,a3; geom->gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,geom->curve(primID));
+ size_t mask1 = mask;
+ const size_t i1 = bscf(mask1);
+ if (mask) {
+ const unsigned int primID1 = prim.primID(N)[i1];
+ geom->prefetchL1_vertices(geom->curve(primID1));
+ if (mask1) {
+ const size_t i2 = bsf(mask1);
+ const unsigned int primID2 = prim.primID(N)[i2];
+ geom->prefetchL2_vertices(geom->curve(primID2));
+ }
+ }
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_t(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff a0,a1,a2,a3; geom->gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,geom->curve(primID));
+ size_t mask1 = mask;
+ const size_t i1 = bscf(mask1);
+ if (mask) {
+ const unsigned int primID1 = prim.primID(N)[i1];
+ geom->prefetchL1_vertices(geom->curve(primID1));
+ if (mask1) {
+ const size_t i2 = bsf(mask1);
+ const unsigned int primID2 = prim.primID(N)[i2];
+ geom->prefetchL2_vertices(geom->curve(primID2));
+ }
+ }
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_n(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ unsigned int vertexID = geom->curve(primID);
+ Vec3ff a0,a1,a2,a3; Vec3fa n0,n1,n2,n3; geom->gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,n0,n1,n2,n3,vertexID);
+ size_t mask1 = mask;
+ const size_t i1 = bscf(mask1);
+ if (mask) {
+ const unsigned int primID1 = prim.primID(N)[i1];
+ geom->prefetchL1_vertices(geom->curve(primID1));
+ if (mask1) {
+ const size_t i2 = bsf(mask1);
+ const unsigned int primID2 = prim.primID(N)[i2];
+ geom->prefetchL2_vertices(geom->curve(primID2));
+ }
+ }
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,n0,n1,n2,n3,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_n(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ unsigned int vertexID = geom->curve(primID);
+ Vec3ff a0,a1,a2,a3; Vec3fa n0,n1,n2,n3; geom->gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,n0,n1,n2,n3,vertexID);
+ size_t mask1 = mask;
+ const size_t i1 = bscf(mask1);
+ if (mask) {
+ const unsigned int primID1 = prim.primID(N)[i1];
+ geom->prefetchL1_vertices(geom->curve(primID1));
+ if (mask1) {
+ const size_t i2 = bsf(mask1);
+ const unsigned int primID2 = prim.primID(N)[i2];
+ geom->prefetchL2_vertices(geom->curve(primID2));
+ }
+ }
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,n0,n1,n2,n3,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_h(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff p0,t0,p1,t1; geom->gather_hermite(p0,t0,p1,t1,geom->curve(primID));
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,p0,t0,p1,t1,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_h(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff p0,t0,p1,t1; geom->gather_hermite(p0,t0,p1,t1,geom->curve(primID));
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,p0,t0,p1,t1,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_hn(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff p0,t0,p1,t1; Vec3fa n0,dn0,n1,dn1; geom->gather_hermite(p0,t0,n0,dn0,p1,t1,n1,dn1,geom->curve(primID));
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,p0,t0,p1,t1,n0,dn0,n1,dn1,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_hn(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff p0,t0,p1,t1; Vec3fa n0,dn0,n1,dn1; geom->gather_hermite(p0,t0,n0,dn0,p1,t1,n1,dn1,geom->curve(primID));
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,p0,t0,p1,t1,n0,dn0,n1,dn1,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNi_mb.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNi_mb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5d972b43a0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNi_mb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,278 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "primitive.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_precalculations.h"
+namespace embree
+ template<int M>
+ struct CurveNiMB
+ {
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /* Returns maximum number of stored primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t max_size() { return M; }
+ /* Returns required number of primitive blocks for N primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t blocks(size_t N) { return (N+M-1)/M; }
+ static __forceinline size_t bytes(size_t N)
+ {
+ const size_t f = N/M, r = N%M;
+ static_assert(sizeof(CurveNiMB) == 6+37*M+24, "internal data layout issue");
+ return f*sizeof(CurveNiMB) + (r!=0)*(6+37*r+24);
+ }
+ public:
+ /*! Default constructor. */
+ __forceinline CurveNiMB () {}
+ /*! fill curve from curve list */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(const PrimRefMB* prims, size_t& begin, size_t _end, Scene* scene, const BBox1f time_range)
+ {
+ size_t end = min(begin+M,_end);
+ N = (unsigned char)(end-begin);
+ const unsigned int geomID0 = prims[begin].geomID();
+ this->geomID(N) = geomID0;
+ ty = (unsigned char) scene->get(geomID0)->getType();
+ /* encode all primitives */
+ LBBox3fa lbounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
+ {
+ const PrimRefMB& prim = prims[begin+i];
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(); assert(geomID == geomID0);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID();
+ lbounds.extend(scene->get(geomID)->vlinearBounds(primID,time_range));
+ }
+ BBox3fa bounds = lbounds.bounds();
+ /* calculate offset and scale */
+ Vec3fa loffset = bounds.lower;
+ float lscale = reduce_min(256.0f/(bounds.size()*sqrt(3.0f)));
+ if (bounds.size() == Vec3fa(zero)) lscale = 0.0f;
+ *this->offset(N) = loffset;
+ *this->scale(N) = lscale;
+ this->time_offset(N) = time_range.lower;
+ this->time_scale(N) = 1.0f/time_range.size();
+ /* encode all primitives */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && begin<end; i++, begin++)
+ {
+ const PrimRefMB& prim = prims[begin];
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID();
+ const LinearSpace3fa space2 = scene->get(geomID)->computeAlignedSpaceMB(primID,time_range);
+ const LinearSpace3fa space3(trunc(126.0f*space2.vx),trunc(126.0f*space2.vy),trunc(126.0f*space2.vz));
+ const LBBox3fa bounds = scene->get(geomID)->vlinearBounds(loffset,lscale,max(length(space3.vx),length(space3.vy),length(space3.vz)),space3.transposed(),primID,time_range);
+ // NOTE: this weird (char) (short) cast works around VS2015 Win32 compiler bug
+ bounds_vx_x(N)[i] = (char) (short) space3.vx.x;
+ bounds_vx_y(N)[i] = (char) (short) space3.vx.y;
+ bounds_vx_z(N)[i] = (char) (short) space3.vx.z;
+ bounds_vx_lower0(N)[i] = (short) clamp(floor(bounds.bounds0.lower.x),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ bounds_vx_upper0(N)[i] = (short) clamp(ceil (bounds.bounds0.upper.x),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ bounds_vx_lower1(N)[i] = (short) clamp(floor(bounds.bounds1.lower.x),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ bounds_vx_upper1(N)[i] = (short) clamp(ceil (bounds.bounds1.upper.x),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= floor(bounds.bounds0.lower.x) && floor(bounds.bounds0.lower.x) <= 32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= ceil (bounds.bounds0.upper.x) && ceil (bounds.bounds0.upper.x) <= 32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= floor(bounds.bounds1.lower.x) && floor(bounds.bounds1.lower.x) <= 32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= ceil (bounds.bounds1.upper.x) && ceil (bounds.bounds1.upper.x) <= 32767.0f);
+ bounds_vy_x(N)[i] = (char) (short) space3.vy.x;
+ bounds_vy_y(N)[i] = (char) (short) space3.vy.y;
+ bounds_vy_z(N)[i] = (char) (short) space3.vy.z;
+ bounds_vy_lower0(N)[i] = (short) clamp(floor(bounds.bounds0.lower.y),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ bounds_vy_upper0(N)[i] = (short) clamp(ceil (bounds.bounds0.upper.y),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ bounds_vy_lower1(N)[i] = (short) clamp(floor(bounds.bounds1.lower.y),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ bounds_vy_upper1(N)[i] = (short) clamp(ceil (bounds.bounds1.upper.y),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= floor(bounds.bounds0.lower.y) && floor(bounds.bounds0.lower.y) <= 32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= ceil (bounds.bounds0.upper.y) && ceil (bounds.bounds0.upper.y) <= 32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= floor(bounds.bounds1.lower.y) && floor(bounds.bounds1.lower.y) <= 32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= ceil (bounds.bounds1.upper.y) && ceil (bounds.bounds1.upper.y) <= 32767.0f);
+ bounds_vz_x(N)[i] = (char) (short) space3.vz.x;
+ bounds_vz_y(N)[i] = (char) (short) space3.vz.y;
+ bounds_vz_z(N)[i] = (char) (short) space3.vz.z;
+ bounds_vz_lower0(N)[i] = (short) clamp(floor(bounds.bounds0.lower.z),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ bounds_vz_upper0(N)[i] = (short) clamp(ceil (bounds.bounds0.upper.z),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ bounds_vz_lower1(N)[i] = (short) clamp(floor(bounds.bounds1.lower.z),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ bounds_vz_upper1(N)[i] = (short) clamp(ceil (bounds.bounds1.upper.z),-32767.0f,32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= floor(bounds.bounds0.lower.z) && floor(bounds.bounds0.lower.z) <= 32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= ceil (bounds.bounds0.upper.z) && ceil (bounds.bounds0.upper.z) <= 32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= floor(bounds.bounds1.lower.z) && floor(bounds.bounds1.lower.z) <= 32767.0f);
+ assert(-32767.0f <= ceil (bounds.bounds1.upper.z) && ceil (bounds.bounds1.upper.z) <= 32767.0f);
+ this->primID(N)[i] = primID;
+ }
+ return lbounds;
+ }
+ template<typename BVH, typename SetMB, typename Allocator>
+ __forceinline static typename BVH::NodeRecordMB4D createLeafMB(BVH* bvh, const SetMB& prims, const Allocator& alloc)
+ {
+ size_t start = prims.begin();
+ size_t end = prims.end();
+ size_t items = CurveNiMB::blocks(prims.size());
+ size_t numbytes = CurveNiMB::bytes(prims.size());
+ CurveNiMB* accel = (CurveNiMB*) alloc.malloc1(numbytes,BVH::byteAlignment);
+ const typename BVH::NodeRef node = bvh->encodeLeaf((char*)accel,items);
+ LBBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++)
+ bounds.extend(accel[i].fillMB(prims.prims->data(),start,end,bvh->scene,prims.time_range));
+ return typename BVH::NodeRecordMB4D(node,bounds,prims.time_range);
+ };
+ public:
+ // 27.6 - 46 bytes per primitive
+ unsigned char ty;
+ unsigned char N;
+ unsigned char data[4+37*M+24];
+ /*
+ struct Layout
+ {
+ unsigned int geomID;
+ unsigned int primID[N];
+ char bounds_vx_x[N];
+ char bounds_vx_y[N];
+ char bounds_vx_z[N];
+ short bounds_vx_lower0[N];
+ short bounds_vx_upper0[N];
+ short bounds_vx_lower1[N];
+ short bounds_vx_upper1[N];
+ char bounds_vy_x[N];
+ char bounds_vy_y[N];
+ char bounds_vy_z[N];
+ short bounds_vy_lower0[N];
+ short bounds_vy_upper0[N];
+ short bounds_vy_lower1[N];
+ short bounds_vy_upper1[N];
+ char bounds_vz_x[N];
+ char bounds_vz_y[N];
+ char bounds_vz_z[N];
+ short bounds_vz_lower0[N];
+ short bounds_vz_upper0[N];
+ short bounds_vz_lower1[N];
+ short bounds_vz_upper1[N];
+ Vec3f offset;
+ float scale;
+ float time_offset;
+ float time_scale;
+ };
+ */
+ __forceinline unsigned int& geomID(size_t N) { return *(unsigned int*)((char*)this+2); }
+ __forceinline const unsigned int& geomID(size_t N) const { return *(unsigned int*)((char*)this+2); }
+ __forceinline unsigned int* primID(size_t N) { return (unsigned int*)((char*)this+6); }
+ __forceinline const unsigned int* primID(size_t N) const { return (unsigned int*)((char*)this+6); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vx_x(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+4*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vx_x(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+4*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vx_y(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+5*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vx_y(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+5*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vx_z(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+6*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vx_z(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+6*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vx_lower0(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+7*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vx_lower0(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+7*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vx_upper0(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+9*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vx_upper0(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+9*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vx_lower1(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+11*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vx_lower1(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+11*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vx_upper1(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+13*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vx_upper1(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+13*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vy_x(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+15*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vy_x(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+15*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vy_y(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+16*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vy_y(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+16*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vy_z(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+17*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vy_z(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+17*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vy_lower0(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+18*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vy_lower0(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+18*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vy_upper0(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+20*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vy_upper0(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+20*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vy_lower1(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+22*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vy_lower1(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+22*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vy_upper1(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+24*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vy_upper1(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+24*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vz_x(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+26*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vz_x(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+26*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vz_y(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+27*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vz_y(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+27*N); }
+ __forceinline char* bounds_vz_z(size_t N) { return (char*)((char*)this+6+28*N); }
+ __forceinline const char* bounds_vz_z(size_t N) const { return (char*)((char*)this+6+28*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vz_lower0(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+29*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vz_lower0(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+29*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vz_upper0(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+31*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vz_upper0(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+31*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vz_lower1(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+33*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vz_lower1(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+33*N); }
+ __forceinline short* bounds_vz_upper1(size_t N) { return (short*)((char*)this+6+35*N); }
+ __forceinline const short* bounds_vz_upper1(size_t N) const { return (short*)((char*)this+6+35*N); }
+ __forceinline Vec3f* offset(size_t N) { return (Vec3f*)((char*)this+6+37*N); }
+ __forceinline const Vec3f* offset(size_t N) const { return (Vec3f*)((char*)this+6+37*N); }
+ __forceinline float* scale(size_t N) { return (float*)((char*)this+6+37*N+12); }
+ __forceinline const float* scale(size_t N) const { return (float*)((char*)this+6+37*N+12); }
+ __forceinline float& time_offset(size_t N) { return *(float*)((char*)this+6+37*N+16); }
+ __forceinline const float& time_offset(size_t N) const { return *(float*)((char*)this+6+37*N+16); }
+ __forceinline float& time_scale(size_t N) { return *(float*)((char*)this+6+37*N+20); }
+ __forceinline const float& time_scale(size_t N) const { return *(float*)((char*)this+6+37*N+20); }
+ __forceinline char* end(size_t N) { return (char*)this+6+37*N+24; }
+ __forceinline const char* end(size_t N) const { return (char*)this+6+37*N+24; }
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ typename CurveNiMB<M>::Type CurveNiMB<M>::type;
+ typedef CurveNiMB<4> Curve4iMB;
+ typedef CurveNiMB<8> Curve8iMB;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNi_mb_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNi_mb_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bab796b33b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNi_mb_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,516 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "curveNi_mb.h"
+#include "../subdiv/linear_bezier_patch.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ struct CurveNiMBIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef CurveNiMB<M> Primitive;
+ typedef Vec3vf<M> Vec3vfM;
+ typedef LinearSpace3<Vec3vfM>LinearSpace3vfM;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline vbool<M> intersect(Ray& ray, const Primitive& prim, vfloat<M>& tNear_o)
+ {
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ const vfloat4 offset_scale = vfloat4::loadu(prim.offset(N));
+ const Vec3fa offset = Vec3fa(offset_scale);
+ const Vec3fa scale = Vec3fa(shuffle<3,3,3,3>(offset_scale));
+ const Vec3fa org1 = (*scale;
+ const Vec3fa dir1 = ray.dir*scale;
+ const LinearSpace3vfM space(vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_x(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_y(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_z(N)),
+ vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_x(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_y(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_z(N)),
+ vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_x(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_y(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_z(N)));
+ const Vec3vfM dir2 = xfmVector(space,Vec3vfM(dir1));
+ const Vec3vfM org2 = xfmPoint (space,Vec3vfM(org1));
+ const Vec3vfM rcp_dir2 = rcp_safe(dir2);
+ const vfloat<M> ltime = (ray.time()-prim.time_offset(N))*prim.time_scale(N);
+ const vfloat<M> vx_lower0 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_lower0(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vx_lower1 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_lower1(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vx_lower = madd(ltime,vx_lower1-vx_lower0,vx_lower0);
+ const vfloat<M> vx_upper0 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_upper0(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vx_upper1 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_upper1(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vx_upper = madd(ltime,vx_upper1-vx_upper0,vx_upper0);
+ const vfloat<M> vy_lower0 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_lower0(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vy_lower1 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_lower1(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vy_lower = madd(ltime,vy_lower1-vy_lower0,vy_lower0);
+ const vfloat<M> vy_upper0 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_upper0(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vy_upper1 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_upper1(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vy_upper = madd(ltime,vy_upper1-vy_upper0,vy_upper0);
+ const vfloat<M> vz_lower0 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_lower0(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vz_lower1 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_lower1(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vz_lower = madd(ltime,vz_lower1-vz_lower0,vz_lower0);
+ const vfloat<M> vz_upper0 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_upper0(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vz_upper1 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_upper1(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vz_upper = madd(ltime,vz_upper1-vz_upper0,vz_upper0);
+ const vfloat<M> t_lower_x = (vx_lower-vfloat<M>(org2.x))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.x);
+ const vfloat<M> t_upper_x = (vx_upper-vfloat<M>(org2.x))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.x);
+ const vfloat<M> t_lower_y = (vy_lower-vfloat<M>(org2.y))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.y);
+ const vfloat<M> t_upper_y = (vy_upper-vfloat<M>(org2.y))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.y);
+ const vfloat<M> t_lower_z = (vz_lower-vfloat<M>(org2.z))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.z);
+ const vfloat<M> t_upper_z = (vz_upper-vfloat<M>(org2.z))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.z);
+ const vfloat<M> round_up (1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp));
+ const vfloat<M> round_down(1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp));
+ const vfloat<M> tNear = round_down*max(mini(t_lower_x,t_upper_x),mini(t_lower_y,t_upper_y),mini(t_lower_z,t_upper_z),vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()));
+ const vfloat<M> tFar = round_up *min(maxi(t_lower_x,t_upper_x),maxi(t_lower_y,t_upper_y),maxi(t_lower_z,t_upper_z),vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ tNear_o = tNear;
+ return (vint<M>(step) < vint<M>(prim.N)) & (tNear <= tFar);
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_t(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff a0,a1,a2,a3; geom->gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,geom->curve(primID),ray.time());
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_t(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff a0,a1,a2,a3; geom->gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,geom->curve(primID),ray.time());
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_n(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve = geom->getNormalOrientedCurve<typename Intersector::SourceCurve3ff, typename Intersector::SourceCurve3fa, TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>(context,, primID,ray.time());
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,curve,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_n(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve = geom->getNormalOrientedCurve<typename Intersector::SourceCurve3ff, typename Intersector::SourceCurve3fa, TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>(context,, primID,ray.time());
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,curve,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_h(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff p0,t0,p1,t1; geom->gather_hermite(p0,t0,p1,t1,geom->curve(primID),ray.time());
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,p0,t0,p1,t1,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_h(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff p0,t0,p1,t1; geom->gather_hermite(p0,t0,p1,t1,geom->curve(primID),ray.time());
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,p0,t0,p1,t1,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_hn(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve = geom->getNormalOrientedHermiteCurve<typename Intersector::SourceCurve3ff, typename Intersector::SourceCurve3fa, TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>(context,, primID,ray.time());
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,curve,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_hn(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve = geom->getNormalOrientedHermiteCurve<typename Intersector::SourceCurve3ff, typename Intersector::SourceCurve3fa, TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>(context,, primID,ray.time());
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,curve,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K>
+ struct CurveNiMBIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef CurveNiMB<M> Primitive;
+ typedef Vec3vf<M> Vec3vfM;
+ typedef LinearSpace3<Vec3vfM>LinearSpace3vfM;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline vbool<M> intersect(RayK<K>& ray, const size_t k, const Primitive& prim, vfloat<M>& tNear_o)
+ {
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ const vfloat4 offset_scale = vfloat4::loadu(prim.offset(N));
+ const Vec3fa offset = Vec3fa(offset_scale);
+ const Vec3fa scale = Vec3fa(shuffle<3,3,3,3>(offset_scale));
+ const Vec3fa ray_org([k],[k],[k]);
+ const Vec3fa ray_dir(ray.dir.x[k],ray.dir.y[k],ray.dir.z[k]);
+ const Vec3fa org1 = (ray_org-offset)*scale;
+ const Vec3fa dir1 = ray_dir*scale;
+ const LinearSpace3vfM space(vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_x(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_y(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_z(N)),
+ vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_x(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_y(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_z(N)),
+ vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_x(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_y(N)), vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_z(N)));
+ const Vec3vfM dir2 = xfmVector(space,Vec3vfM(dir1));
+ const Vec3vfM org2 = xfmPoint (space,Vec3vfM(org1));
+ const Vec3vfM rcp_dir2 = rcp_safe(dir2);
+ const vfloat<M> ltime = (ray.time()[k]-prim.time_offset(N))*prim.time_scale(N);
+ const vfloat<M> vx_lower0 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_lower0(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vx_lower1 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_lower1(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vx_lower = madd(ltime,vx_lower1-vx_lower0,vx_lower0);
+ const vfloat<M> vx_upper0 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_upper0(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vx_upper1 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vx_upper1(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vx_upper = madd(ltime,vx_upper1-vx_upper0,vx_upper0);
+ const vfloat<M> vy_lower0 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_lower0(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vy_lower1 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_lower1(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vy_lower = madd(ltime,vy_lower1-vy_lower0,vy_lower0);
+ const vfloat<M> vy_upper0 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_upper0(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vy_upper1 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vy_upper1(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vy_upper = madd(ltime,vy_upper1-vy_upper0,vy_upper0);
+ const vfloat<M> vz_lower0 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_lower0(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vz_lower1 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_lower1(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vz_lower = madd(ltime,vz_lower1-vz_lower0,vz_lower0);
+ const vfloat<M> vz_upper0 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_upper0(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vz_upper1 = vfloat<M>::load(prim.bounds_vz_upper1(N));
+ const vfloat<M> vz_upper = madd(ltime,vz_upper1-vz_upper0,vz_upper0);
+ const vfloat<M> t_lower_x = (vx_lower-vfloat<M>(org2.x))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.x);
+ const vfloat<M> t_upper_x = (vx_upper-vfloat<M>(org2.x))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.x);
+ const vfloat<M> t_lower_y = (vy_lower-vfloat<M>(org2.y))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.y);
+ const vfloat<M> t_upper_y = (vy_upper-vfloat<M>(org2.y))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.y);
+ const vfloat<M> t_lower_z = (vz_lower-vfloat<M>(org2.z))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.z);
+ const vfloat<M> t_upper_z = (vz_upper-vfloat<M>(org2.z))*vfloat<M>(rcp_dir2.z);
+ const vfloat<M> round_up (1.0f+3.0f*float(ulp));
+ const vfloat<M> round_down(1.0f-3.0f*float(ulp));
+ const vfloat<M> tNear = round_down*max(mini(t_lower_x,t_upper_x),mini(t_lower_y,t_upper_y),mini(t_lower_z,t_upper_z),vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()[k]));
+ const vfloat<M> tFar = round_up *min(maxi(t_lower_x,t_upper_x),maxi(t_lower_y,t_upper_y),maxi(t_lower_z,t_upper_z),vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ tNear_o = tNear;
+ return (vint<M>(step) < vint<M>(prim.N)) & (tNear <= tFar);
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_t(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff a0,a1,a2,a3; geom->gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,geom->curve(primID),ray.time()[k]);
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_t(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff a0,a1,a2,a3; geom->gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,geom->curve(primID),ray.time()[k]);
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_n(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ const Vec3fa ray_org([k],[k],[k]);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve = geom->getNormalOrientedCurve<typename Intersector::SourceCurve3ff, typename Intersector::SourceCurve3fa, TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>(context, ray_org, primID,ray.time()[k]);
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,curve,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_n(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ const Vec3fa ray_org([k],[k],[k]);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve = geom->getNormalOrientedCurve<typename Intersector::SourceCurve3ff, typename Intersector::SourceCurve3fa, TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>(context, ray_org, primID,ray.time()[k]);
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,curve,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_h(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff p0,t0,p1,t1; geom->gather_hermite(p0,t0,p1,t1,geom->curve(primID),ray.time()[k]);
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,p0,t0,p1,t1,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_h(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ Vec3ff p0,t0,p1,t1; geom->gather_hermite(p0,t0,p1,t1,geom->curve(primID),ray.time()[k]);
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,p0,t0,p1,t1,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_hn(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ const Vec3fa ray_org([k],[k],[k]);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve = geom->getNormalOrientedHermiteCurve<typename Intersector::SourceCurve3ff, typename Intersector::SourceCurve3fa, TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>(context, ray_org, primID,ray.time()[k]);
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,curve,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_hn(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = context->scene->get<CurveGeometry>(geomID);
+ const Vec3fa ray_org([k],[k],[k]);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve = geom->getNormalOrientedHermiteCurve<typename Intersector::SourceCurve3ff, typename Intersector::SourceCurve3fa, TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa>(context, ray_org, primID,ray.time()[k]);
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,curve,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNv.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e41a381706
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "curveNi.h"
+namespace embree
+ template<int M>
+ struct CurveNv : public CurveNi<M>
+ {
+ using CurveNi<M>::N;
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /* Returns maximum number of stored primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t max_size() { return M; }
+ /* Returns required number of primitive blocks for N primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t blocks(size_t N) { return (N+M-1)/M; }
+ static __forceinline size_t bytes(size_t N)
+ {
+ const size_t f = N/M, r = N%M;
+ static_assert(sizeof(CurveNv) == 22+25*M+4*16*M, "internal data layout issue");
+ return f*sizeof(CurveNv) + (r!=0)*(22 + 25*r + 4*16*r);
+ }
+ public:
+ /*! Default constructor. */
+ __forceinline CurveNv () {}
+ /*! fill curve from curve list */
+ __forceinline void fill(const PrimRef* prims, size_t& begin, size_t _end, Scene* scene)
+ {
+ size_t end = min(begin+M,_end);
+ size_t N = end-begin;
+ /* encode all primitives */
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
+ {
+ const PrimRef& prim = prims[begin+i];
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID();
+ CurveGeometry* mesh = (CurveGeometry*) scene->get(geomID);
+ const unsigned vtxID = mesh->curve(primID);
+ Vec3fa::storeu(&this->vertices(i,N)[0],mesh->vertex(vtxID+0));
+ Vec3fa::storeu(&this->vertices(i,N)[1],mesh->vertex(vtxID+1));
+ Vec3fa::storeu(&this->vertices(i,N)[2],mesh->vertex(vtxID+2));
+ Vec3fa::storeu(&this->vertices(i,N)[3],mesh->vertex(vtxID+3));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename BVH, typename Allocator>
+ __forceinline static typename BVH::NodeRef createLeaf (BVH* bvh, const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const Allocator& alloc)
+ {
+ if (set.size() == 0)
+ return BVH::emptyNode;
+ /* fall back to CurveNi for oriented curves */
+ unsigned int geomID = prims[set.begin()].geomID();
+ if (bvh->scene->get(geomID)->getCurveType() == Geometry::GTY_SUBTYPE_ORIENTED_CURVE) {
+ return CurveNi<M>::createLeaf(bvh,prims,set,alloc);
+ }
+ if (bvh->scene->get(geomID)->getCurveBasis() == Geometry::GTY_BASIS_HERMITE) {
+ return CurveNi<M>::createLeaf(bvh,prims,set,alloc);
+ }
+ size_t start = set.begin();
+ size_t items = CurveNv::blocks(set.size());
+ size_t numbytes = CurveNv::bytes(set.size());
+ CurveNv* accel = (CurveNv*) alloc.malloc1(numbytes,BVH::byteAlignment);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++) {
+ accel[i].CurveNv<M>::fill(prims,start,set.end(),bvh->scene);
+ accel[i].CurveNi<M>::fill(prims,start,set.end(),bvh->scene);
+ }
+ return bvh->encodeLeaf((char*)accel,items);
+ };
+ public:
+ unsigned char data[4*16*M];
+ __forceinline Vec3fa* vertices(size_t i, size_t N) { return (Vec3fa*)CurveNi<M>::end(N)+4*i; }
+ __forceinline const Vec3fa* vertices(size_t i, size_t N) const { return (Vec3fa*)CurveNi<M>::end(N)+4*i; }
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ typename CurveNv<M>::Type CurveNv<M>::type;
+ typedef CurveNv<4> Curve4v;
+ typedef CurveNv<8> Curve8v;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNv_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNv_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2742725aec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curveNv_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "curveNv.h"
+#include "curveNi_intersector.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ struct CurveNvIntersector1 : public CurveNiIntersector1<M>
+ {
+ typedef CurveNv<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_t(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = CurveNiIntersector1<M>::intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = (CurveGeometry*) context->scene->get(geomID);
+ const Vec3ff a0 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[0]);
+ const Vec3ff a1 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[1]);
+ const Vec3ff a2 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[2]);
+ const Vec3ff a3 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[3]);
+ size_t mask1 = mask;
+ const size_t i1 = bscf(mask1);
+ if (mask) {
+ prefetchL1(&prim.vertices(i1,N)[0]);
+ prefetchL1(&prim.vertices(i1,N)[4]);
+ if (mask1) {
+ const size_t i2 = bsf(mask1);
+ prefetchL2(&prim.vertices(i2,N)[0]);
+ prefetchL2(&prim.vertices(i2,N)[4]);
+ }
+ }
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_t(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = CurveNiIntersector1<M>::intersect(ray,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = (CurveGeometry*) context->scene->get(geomID);
+ const Vec3ff a0 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[0]);
+ const Vec3ff a1 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[1]);
+ const Vec3ff a2 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[2]);
+ const Vec3ff a3 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[3]);
+ size_t mask1 = mask;
+ const size_t i1 = bscf(mask1);
+ if (mask) {
+ prefetchL1(&prim.vertices(i1,N)[0]);
+ prefetchL1(&prim.vertices(i1,N)[4]);
+ if (mask1) {
+ const size_t i2 = bsf(mask1);
+ prefetchL2(&prim.vertices(i2,N)[0]);
+ prefetchL2(&prim.vertices(i2,N)[4]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,Epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K>
+ struct CurveNvIntersectorK : public CurveNiIntersectorK<M,K>
+ {
+ typedef CurveNv<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline void intersect_t(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = CurveNiIntersectorK<M,K>::intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = (CurveGeometry*) context->scene->get(geomID);
+ const Vec3ff a0 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[0]);
+ const Vec3ff a1 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[1]);
+ const Vec3ff a2 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[2]);
+ const Vec3ff a3 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[3]);
+ size_t mask1 = mask;
+ const size_t i1 = bscf(mask1);
+ if (mask) {
+ prefetchL1(&prim.vertices(i1,N)[0]);
+ prefetchL1(&prim.vertices(i1,N)[4]);
+ if (mask1) {
+ const size_t i2 = bsf(mask1);
+ prefetchL2(&prim.vertices(i2,N)[0]);
+ prefetchL2(&prim.vertices(i2,N)[4]);
+ }
+ }
+ Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID));
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename Intersector, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded_t(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, const size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vfloat<M> tNear;
+ vbool<M> valid = CurveNiIntersectorK<M,K>::intersect(ray,k,prim,tNear);
+ const size_t N = prim.N;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ while (mask)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID(N);
+ const unsigned int primID = prim.primID(N)[i];
+ const CurveGeometry* geom = (CurveGeometry*) context->scene->get(geomID);
+ const Vec3ff a0 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[0]);
+ const Vec3ff a1 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[1]);
+ const Vec3ff a2 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[2]);
+ const Vec3ff a3 = Vec3ff::loadu(&prim.vertices(i,N)[3]);
+ size_t mask1 = mask;
+ const size_t i1 = bscf(mask1);
+ if (mask) {
+ prefetchL1(&prim.vertices(i1,N)[0]);
+ prefetchL1(&prim.vertices(i1,N)[4]);
+ if (mask1) {
+ const size_t i2 = bsf(mask1);
+ prefetchL2(&prim.vertices(i2,N)[0]);
+ prefetchL2(&prim.vertices(i2,N)[4]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (Intersector().intersect(pre,ray,k,context,geom,primID,a0,a1,a2,a3,Epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID)))
+ return true;
+ mask &= movemask(tNear <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1e8ac26125
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "primitive.h"
+#include "../subdiv/bezier_curve.h"
+#include "../common/primref.h"
+#include "bezier_hair_intersector.h"
+#include "bezier_ribbon_intersector.h"
+#include "bezier_curve_intersector.h"
+#include "oriented_curve_intersector.h"
+#include "../bvh/node_intersector1.h"
+// FIXME: this file seems replicate of curve_intersector_virtual.h
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct VirtualCurveIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef unsigned char Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(num == 1);
+ RTCGeometryType ty = (RTCGeometryType)(*prim);
+ assert(This->leafIntersector);
+ VirtualCurvePrimitive::Intersectors& leafIntersector = ((VirtualCurvePrimitive*) This->leafIntersector)->vtbl[ty];
+ leafIntersector.intersect<1>(&pre,&ray,context,prim);
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(num == 1);
+ RTCGeometryType ty = (RTCGeometryType)(*prim);
+ assert(This->leafIntersector);
+ VirtualCurvePrimitive::Intersectors& leafIntersector = ((VirtualCurvePrimitive*) This->leafIntersector)->vtbl[ty];
+ return leafIntersector.occluded<1>(&pre,&ray,context,prim);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ struct VirtualCurveIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef unsigned char Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(num == 1);
+ RTCGeometryType ty = (RTCGeometryType)(*prim);
+ assert(This->leafIntersector);
+ VirtualCurvePrimitive::Intersectors& leafIntersector = ((VirtualCurvePrimitive*) This->leafIntersector)->vtbl[ty];
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid_i);
+ while (mask) leafIntersector.intersect<K>(&pre,&ray,bscf(mask),context,prim);
+ }
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(num == 1);
+ RTCGeometryType ty = (RTCGeometryType)(*prim);
+ assert(This->leafIntersector);
+ VirtualCurvePrimitive::Intersectors& leafIntersector = ((VirtualCurvePrimitive*) This->leafIntersector)->vtbl[ty];
+ vbool<K> valid_o = false;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid_i);
+ while (mask) {
+ size_t k = bscf(mask);
+ if (leafIntersector.occluded<K>(&pre,&ray,k,context,prim))
+ set(valid_o, k);
+ }
+ return valid_o;
+ }
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(num == 1);
+ RTCGeometryType ty = (RTCGeometryType)(*prim);
+ assert(This->leafIntersector);
+ VirtualCurvePrimitive::Intersectors& leafIntersector = ((VirtualCurvePrimitive*) This->leafIntersector)->vtbl[ty];
+ leafIntersector.intersect<K>(&pre,&ray,k,context,prim);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(num == 1);
+ RTCGeometryType ty = (RTCGeometryType)(*prim);
+ assert(This->leafIntersector);
+ VirtualCurvePrimitive::Intersectors& leafIntersector = ((VirtualCurvePrimitive*) This->leafIntersector)->vtbl[ty];
+ return leafIntersector.occluded<K>(&pre,&ray,k,context,prim);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_distance.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_distance.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..748a9511a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_distance.h
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_precalculations.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<typename NativeCurve3fa, int M>
+ struct DistanceCurveHit
+ {
+ __forceinline DistanceCurveHit() {}
+ __forceinline DistanceCurveHit(const vbool<M>& valid, const vfloat<M>& U, const vfloat<M>& V, const vfloat<M>& T, const int i, const int N,
+ const NativeCurve3fa& curve3D)
+ : U(U), V(V), T(T), i(i), N(N), curve3D(curve3D), valid(valid) {}
+ __forceinline void finalize()
+ {
+ vu = (vfloat<M>(step)+U+vfloat<M>(float(i)))*(1.0f/float(N));
+ vv = V;
+ vt = T;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec2f uv (const size_t i) const { return Vec2f(vu[i],vv[i]); }
+ __forceinline float t (const size_t i) const { return vt[i]; }
+ __forceinline Vec3fa Ng(const size_t i) const {
+ return curve3D.eval_du(vu[i]);
+ }
+ public:
+ vfloat<M> U;
+ vfloat<M> V;
+ vfloat<M> T;
+ int i, N;
+ NativeCurve3fa curve3D;
+ public:
+ vbool<M> valid;
+ vfloat<M> vu;
+ vfloat<M> vv;
+ vfloat<M> vt;
+ };
+ template<typename NativeCurve3fa>
+ struct DistanceCurve1Intersector1
+ {
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const CurvePrecalculations1& pre,Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const CurveGeometry* geom, const unsigned int primID,
+ const Vec3fa& v0, const Vec3fa& v1, const Vec3fa& v2, const Vec3fa& v3,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ const int N = geom->tessellationRate;
+ /* transform control points into ray space */
+ const NativeCurve3fa curve3Di(v0,v1,v2,v3);
+ const NativeCurve3fa curve3D = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,,curve3Di);
+ const NativeCurve3fa curve2D = curve3D.xfm_pr(pre.ray_space,;
+ /* evaluate the bezier curve */
+ vboolx valid = vfloatx(step) < vfloatx(float(N));
+ const Vec4vfx p0 = curve2D.template eval0<VSIZEX>(0,N);
+ const Vec4vfx p1 = curve2D.template eval1<VSIZEX>(0,N);
+ /* approximative intersection with cone */
+ const Vec4vfx v = p1-p0;
+ const Vec4vfx w = -p0;
+ const vfloatx d0 = madd(w.x,v.x,w.y*v.y);
+ const vfloatx d1 = madd(v.x,v.x,v.y*v.y);
+ const vfloatx u = clamp(d0*rcp(d1),vfloatx(zero),vfloatx(one));
+ const Vec4vfx p = madd(u,v,p0);
+ const vfloatx t = p.z*pre.depth_scale;
+ const vfloatx d2 = madd(p.x,p.x,p.y*p.y);
+ const vfloatx r = p.w;
+ const vfloatx r2 = r*r;
+ valid &= (d2 <= r2) & (vfloatx(ray.tnear()) <= t) & (t <= vfloatx(ray.tfar));
+ valid &= t > float(EMBREE_CURVE_SELF_INTERSECTION_AVOIDANCE_FACTOR)*r*pre.depth_scale; // ignore self intersections
+ /* update hit information */
+ bool ishit = false;
+ if (unlikely(any(valid))) {
+ DistanceCurveHit<NativeCurve3fa,VSIZEX> hit(valid,u,0.0f,t,0,N,curve3D);
+ ishit = ishit | epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ if (unlikely(VSIZEX < N))
+ {
+ /* process SIMD-size many segments per iteration */
+ for (int i=VSIZEX; i<N; i+=VSIZEX)
+ {
+ /* evaluate the bezier curve */
+ vboolx valid = vintx(i)+vintx(step) < vintx(N);
+ const Vec4vfx p0 = curve2D.template eval0<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ const Vec4vfx p1 = curve2D.template eval1<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ /* approximative intersection with cone */
+ const Vec4vfx v = p1-p0;
+ const Vec4vfx w = -p0;
+ const vfloatx d0 = madd(w.x,v.x,w.y*v.y);
+ const vfloatx d1 = madd(v.x,v.x,v.y*v.y);
+ const vfloatx u = clamp(d0*rcp(d1),vfloatx(zero),vfloatx(one));
+ const Vec4vfx p = madd(u,v,p0);
+ const vfloatx t = p.z*pre.depth_scale;
+ const vfloatx d2 = madd(p.x,p.x,p.y*p.y);
+ const vfloatx r = p.w;
+ const vfloatx r2 = r*r;
+ valid &= (d2 <= r2) & (vfloatx(ray.tnear()) <= t) & (t <= vfloatx(ray.tfar));
+ valid &= t > float(EMBREE_CURVE_SELF_INTERSECTION_AVOIDANCE_FACTOR)*r*pre.depth_scale; // ignore self intersections
+ /* update hit information */
+ if (unlikely(any(valid))) {
+ DistanceCurveHit<NativeCurve3fa,VSIZEX> hit(valid,u,0.0f,t,i,N,curve3D);
+ ishit = ishit | epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ishit;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_oriented.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_oriented.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3d8900c2aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_oriented.h
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_precalculations.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_sweep.h"
+#include "../subdiv/linear_bezier_patch.h"
+#define DBG(x)
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<typename Ray, typename Epilog>
+ struct TensorLinearCubicBezierSurfaceIntersector
+ {
+ const LinearSpace3fa& ray_space;
+ Ray& ray;
+ TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve3d;
+ TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface2fa curve2d;
+ float eps;
+ const Epilog& epilog;
+ bool isHit;
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurfaceIntersector (const LinearSpace3fa& ray_space, Ray& ray, const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa& curve3d, const Epilog& epilog)
+ : ray_space(ray_space), ray(ray), curve3d(curve3d), epilog(epilog), isHit(false)
+ {
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve3dray = curve3d.xfm(ray_space,;
+ curve2d = TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface2fa(CubicBezierCurve2fa(curve3dray.L),CubicBezierCurve2fa(curve3dray.R));
+ const BBox2fa b2 = curve2d.bounds();
+ eps = 8.0f*float(ulp)*reduce_max(max(abs(b2.lower),abs(b2.upper)));
+ }
+ __forceinline Interval1f solve_linear(const float u0, const float u1, const float& p0, const float& p1)
+ {
+ if (p1 == p0) {
+ if (p0 == 0.0f) return Interval1f(u0,u1);
+ else return Interval1f(empty);
+ }
+ const float t = -p0/(p1-p0);
+ const float tt = lerp(u0,u1,t);
+ return Interval1f(tt);
+ }
+ __forceinline void solve_linear(const float u0, const float u1, const Interval1f& p0, const Interval1f& p1, Interval1f& u)
+ {
+ if (sign(p0.lower) != sign(p0.upper)) u.extend(u0);
+ if (sign(p0.lower) != sign(p1.lower)) u.extend(solve_linear(u0,u1,p0.lower,p1.lower));
+ if (sign(p0.upper) != sign(p1.upper)) u.extend(solve_linear(u0,u1,p0.upper,p1.upper));
+ if (sign(p1.lower) != sign(p1.upper)) u.extend(u1);
+ }
+ __forceinline Interval1f bezier_clipping(const CubicBezierCurve<Interval1f>& curve)
+ {
+ Interval1f u = empty;
+ solve_linear(0.0f/3.0f,1.0f/3.0f,curve.v0,curve.v1,u);
+ solve_linear(0.0f/3.0f,2.0f/3.0f,curve.v0,curve.v2,u);
+ solve_linear(0.0f/3.0f,3.0f/3.0f,curve.v0,curve.v3,u);
+ solve_linear(1.0f/3.0f,2.0f/3.0f,curve.v1,curve.v2,u);
+ solve_linear(1.0f/3.0f,3.0f/3.0f,curve.v1,curve.v3,u);
+ solve_linear(2.0f/3.0f,3.0f/3.0f,curve.v2,curve.v3,u);
+ return intersect(u,Interval1f(0.0f,1.0f));
+ }
+ __forceinline Interval1f bezier_clipping(const LinearBezierCurve<Interval1f>& curve)
+ {
+ Interval1f v = empty;
+ solve_linear(0.0f,1.0f,curve.v0,curve.v1,v);
+ return intersect(v,Interval1f(0.0f,1.0f));
+ }
+ __forceinline void solve_bezier_clipping(BBox1f cu, BBox1f cv, const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface2fa& curve2)
+ {
+ BBox2fa bounds = curve2.bounds();
+ if (bounds.upper.x < 0.0f) return;
+ if (bounds.upper.y < 0.0f) return;
+ if (bounds.lower.x > 0.0f) return;
+ if (bounds.lower.y > 0.0f) return;
+ if (max(cu.size(),cv.size()) < 1E-4f)
+ {
+ const float u =;
+ const float v =;
+ TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface1f curve_z = curve3d.xfm(ray_space.row2(),;
+ const float t = curve_z.eval(u,v);
+ if (ray.tnear() <= t && t <= ray.tfar) {
+ const Vec3fa Ng = cross(curve3d.eval_du(u,v),curve3d.eval_dv(u,v));
+ BezierCurveHit hit(t,u,v,Ng);
+ isHit |= epilog(hit);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ const Vec2fa dv = curve2.axis_v();
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface1f curve1v = curve2.xfm(dv);
+ LinearBezierCurve<Interval1f> curve0v = curve1v.reduce_u();
+ if (!curve0v.hasRoot()) return;
+ const Interval1f v = bezier_clipping(curve0v);
+ if (isEmpty(v)) return;
+ TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface2fa curve2a = curve2.clip_v(v);
+ cv = BBox1f(lerp(cv.lower,cv.upper,v.lower),lerp(cv.lower,cv.upper,v.upper));
+ const Vec2fa du = curve2.axis_u();
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface1f curve1u = curve2a.xfm(du);
+ CubicBezierCurve<Interval1f> curve0u = curve1u.reduce_v();
+ int roots = curve0u.maxRoots();
+ if (roots == 0) return;
+ if (roots == 1)
+ {
+ const Interval1f u = bezier_clipping(curve0u);
+ if (isEmpty(u)) return;
+ TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface2fa curve2b = curve2a.clip_u(u);
+ cu = BBox1f(lerp(cu.lower,cu.upper,u.lower),lerp(cu.lower,cu.upper,u.upper));
+ solve_bezier_clipping(cu,cv,curve2b);
+ return;
+ }
+ TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface2fa curve2l, curve2r;
+ curve2a.split_u(curve2l,curve2r);
+ solve_bezier_clipping(BBox1f(cu.lower,,cv,curve2l);
+ solve_bezier_clipping(BBox1f(,cu.upper),cv,curve2r);
+ }
+ __forceinline bool solve_bezier_clipping()
+ {
+ solve_bezier_clipping(BBox1f(0.0f,1.0f),BBox1f(0.0f,1.0f),curve2d);
+ return isHit;
+ }
+ __forceinline void solve_newton_raphson(BBox1f cu, BBox1f cv)
+ {
+ Vec2fa uv(,;
+ const Vec2fa dfdu = curve2d.eval_du(uv.x,uv.y);
+ const Vec2fa dfdv = curve2d.eval_dv(uv.x,uv.y);
+ const LinearSpace2fa rcp_J = rcp(LinearSpace2fa(dfdu,dfdv));
+ solve_newton_raphson_loop(cu,cv,uv,dfdu,dfdv,rcp_J);
+ }
+ __forceinline void solve_newton_raphson_loop(BBox1f cu, BBox1f cv, const Vec2fa& uv_in, const Vec2fa& dfdu, const Vec2fa& dfdv, const LinearSpace2fa& rcp_J)
+ {
+ Vec2fa uv = uv_in;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<200; i++)
+ {
+ const Vec2fa f = curve2d.eval(uv.x,uv.y);
+ const Vec2fa duv = rcp_J*f;
+ uv -= duv;
+ if (max(abs(f.x),abs(f.y)) < eps)
+ {
+ const float u = uv.x;
+ const float v = uv.y;
+ if (!(u >= 0.0f && u <= 1.0f)) return; // rejects NaNs
+ if (!(v >= 0.0f && v <= 1.0f)) return; // rejects NaNs
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface1f curve_z = curve3d.xfm(ray_space.row2(),;
+ const float t = curve_z.eval(u,v);
+ if (!(ray.tnear() <= t && t <= ray.tfar)) return; // rejects NaNs
+ const Vec3fa Ng = cross(curve3d.eval_du(u,v),curve3d.eval_dv(u,v));
+ BezierCurveHit hit(t,u,v,Ng);
+ isHit |= epilog(hit);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline bool clip_v(BBox1f& cu, BBox1f& cv)
+ {
+ const Vec2fa dv = curve2d.eval_dv(cu.lower,cv.lower);
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface1f curve1v = curve2d.xfm(dv).clip(cu,cv);
+ LinearBezierCurve<Interval1f> curve0v = curve1v.reduce_u();
+ if (!curve0v.hasRoot()) return false;
+ Interval1f v = bezier_clipping(curve0v);
+ if (isEmpty(v)) return false;
+ v = intersect(v + Interval1f(-0.1f,+0.1f),Interval1f(0.0f,1.0f));
+ cv = BBox1f(lerp(cv.lower,cv.upper,v.lower),lerp(cv.lower,cv.upper,v.upper));
+ return true;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool solve_krawczyk(bool very_small, BBox1f& cu, BBox1f& cv)
+ {
+ /* perform bezier clipping in v-direction to get tight v-bounds */
+ TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface2fa curve2 = curve2d.clip(cu,cv);
+ const Vec2fa dv = curve2.axis_v();
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface1f curve1v = curve2.xfm(dv);
+ LinearBezierCurve<Interval1f> curve0v = curve1v.reduce_u();
+ if (unlikely(!curve0v.hasRoot())) return true;
+ Interval1f v = bezier_clipping(curve0v);
+ if (unlikely(isEmpty(v))) return true;
+ v = intersect(v + Interval1f(-0.1f,+0.1f),Interval1f(0.0f,1.0f));
+ curve2 = curve2.clip_v(v);
+ cv = BBox1f(lerp(cv.lower,cv.upper,v.lower),lerp(cv.lower,cv.upper,v.upper));
+ /* perform one newton raphson iteration */
+ Vec2fa c(,;
+ Vec2fa f,dfdu,dfdv; curve2d.eval(c.x,c.y,f,dfdu,dfdv);
+ const LinearSpace2fa rcp_J = rcp(LinearSpace2fa(dfdu,dfdv));
+ const Vec2fa c1 = c - rcp_J*f;
+ /* calculate bounds of derivatives */
+ const BBox2fa bounds_du = (1.0f/cu.size())*curve2.derivative_u().bounds();
+ const BBox2fa bounds_dv = (1.0f/cv.size())*curve2.derivative_v().bounds();
+ /* calculate krawczyk test */
+ LinearSpace2<Vec2<Interval1f>> I(Interval1f(1.0f), Interval1f(0.0f),
+ Interval1f(0.0f), Interval1f(1.0f));
+ LinearSpace2<Vec2<Interval1f>> G(Interval1f(bounds_du.lower.x,bounds_du.upper.x), Interval1f(bounds_dv.lower.x,bounds_dv.upper.x),
+ Interval1f(bounds_du.lower.y,bounds_du.upper.y), Interval1f(bounds_dv.lower.y,bounds_dv.upper.y));
+ const LinearSpace2<Vec2f> rcp_J2(rcp_J);
+ const LinearSpace2<Vec2<Interval1f>> rcp_Ji(rcp_J2);
+ const Vec2<Interval1f> x(cu,cv);
+ const Vec2<Interval1f> K = Vec2<Interval1f>(Vec2f(c1)) + (I - rcp_Ji*G)*(x-Vec2<Interval1f>(Vec2f(c)));
+ /* test if there is no solution */
+ const Vec2<Interval1f> KK = intersect(K,x);
+ if (unlikely(isEmpty(KK.x) || isEmpty(KK.y))) return true;
+ /* exit if convergence cannot get proven, but terminate if we are very small */
+ if (unlikely(!subset(K,x) && !very_small)) return false;
+ /* solve using newton raphson iteration of convergence is guarenteed */
+ solve_newton_raphson_loop(cu,cv,c1,dfdu,dfdv,rcp_J);
+ return true;
+ }
+ __forceinline void solve_newton_raphson_no_recursion(BBox1f cu, BBox1f cv)
+ {
+ if (!clip_v(cu,cv)) return;
+ return solve_newton_raphson(cu,cv);
+ }
+ __forceinline void solve_newton_raphson_recursion(BBox1f cu, BBox1f cv)
+ {
+ unsigned int sptr = 0;
+ const unsigned int stack_size = 4;
+ unsigned int mask_stack[stack_size];
+ BBox1f cu_stack[stack_size];
+ BBox1f cv_stack[stack_size];
+ goto entry;
+ /* terminate if stack is empty */
+ while (sptr)
+ {
+ /* pop from stack */
+ {
+ sptr--;
+ size_t mask = mask_stack[sptr];
+ cu = cu_stack[sptr];
+ cv = cv_stack[sptr];
+ const size_t i = bscf(mask);
+ mask_stack[sptr] = mask;
+ if (mask) sptr++; // there are still items on the stack
+ /* process next element recurse into each hit curve segment */
+ const float u0 = float(i+0)*(1.0f/(VSIZEX-1));
+ const float u1 = float(i+1)*(1.0f/(VSIZEX-1));
+ const BBox1f cui(lerp(cu.lower,cu.upper,u0),lerp(cu.lower,cu.upper,u1));
+ cu = cui;
+ }
+#if 0
+ solve_newton_raphson_no_recursion(cu,cv);
+ continue;
+ /* we assume convergence for small u ranges and verify using krawczyk */
+ if (cu.size() < 1.0f/6.0f) {
+ const bool very_small = cu.size() < 0.001f || sptr >= stack_size;
+ if (solve_krawczyk(very_small,cu,cv)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ entry:
+ /* split the curve into VSIZEX-1 segments in u-direction */
+ vboolx valid = true;
+ TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<Vec2vfx> subcurves = curve2d.clip_v(cv).vsplit_u(valid,cu);
+ /* slabs test in u-direction */
+ Vec2vfx ndv = cross(subcurves.axis_v());
+ BBox<vfloatx> boundsv = subcurves.vxfm(ndv).bounds();
+ valid &= boundsv.lower <= eps;
+ valid &= boundsv.upper >= -eps;
+ if (none(valid)) continue;
+ /* slabs test in v-direction */
+ Vec2vfx ndu = cross(subcurves.axis_u());
+ BBox<vfloatx> boundsu = subcurves.vxfm(ndu).bounds();
+ valid &= boundsu.lower <= eps;
+ valid &= boundsu.upper >= -eps;
+ if (none(valid)) continue;
+ /* push valid segments to stack */
+ assert(sptr < stack_size);
+ mask_stack [sptr] = movemask(valid);
+ cu_stack [sptr] = cu;
+ cv_stack [sptr] = cv;
+ sptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline bool solve_newton_raphson_main()
+ {
+ BBox1f vu(0.0f,1.0f);
+ BBox1f vv(0.0f,1.0f);
+ solve_newton_raphson_recursion(vu,vv);
+ return isHit;
+ }
+ };
+ template<template<typename Ty> class SourceCurve>
+ struct OrientedCurve1Intersector1
+ {
+ //template<typename Ty> using Curve = SourceCurve<Ty>;
+ typedef SourceCurve<Vec3ff> SourceCurve3ff;
+ typedef SourceCurve<Vec3fa> SourceCurve3fa;
+ __forceinline OrientedCurve1Intersector1() {}
+ __forceinline OrientedCurve1Intersector1(const Ray& ray, const void* ptr) {}
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __noinline bool intersect(const CurvePrecalculations1& pre, Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const CurveGeometry* geom, const unsigned int primID,
+ const Vec3ff& v0i, const Vec3ff& v1i, const Vec3ff& v2i, const Vec3ff& v3i,
+ const Vec3fa& n0i, const Vec3fa& n1i, const Vec3fa& n2i, const Vec3fa& n3i,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ SourceCurve3ff ccurve(v0i,v1i,v2i,v3i);
+ SourceCurve3fa ncurve(n0i,n1i,n2i,n3i);
+ ccurve = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,,ccurve);
+ TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve = TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa::fromCenterAndNormalCurve(ccurve,ncurve);
+ //return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurfaceIntersector<Ray,Epilog>(pre.ray_space,ray,curve,epilog).solve_bezier_clipping();
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurfaceIntersector<Ray,Epilog>(pre.ray_space,ray,curve,epilog).solve_newton_raphson_main();
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __noinline bool intersect(const CurvePrecalculations1& pre, Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const CurveGeometry* geom, const unsigned int primID,
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa& curve, const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ //return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurfaceIntersector<Ray,Epilog>(pre.ray_space,ray,curve,epilog).solve_bezier_clipping();
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurfaceIntersector<Ray,Epilog>(pre.ray_space,ray,curve,epilog).solve_newton_raphson_main();
+ }
+ };
+ template<template<typename Ty> class SourceCurve, int K>
+ struct OrientedCurve1IntersectorK
+ {
+ //template<typename Ty> using Curve = SourceCurve<Ty>;
+ typedef SourceCurve<Vec3ff> SourceCurve3ff;
+ typedef SourceCurve<Vec3fa> SourceCurve3fa;
+ struct Ray1
+ {
+ __forceinline Ray1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k)
+ : org([k],[k],[k]), dir(ray.dir.x[k],ray.dir.y[k],ray.dir.z[k]), _tnear(ray.tnear()[k]), tfar(ray.tfar[k]) {}
+ Vec3fa org;
+ Vec3fa dir;
+ float _tnear;
+ float& tfar;
+ __forceinline float& tnear() { return _tnear; }
+ //__forceinline float& tfar() { return _tfar; }
+ __forceinline const float& tnear() const { return _tnear; }
+ //__forceinline const float& tfar() const { return _tfar; }
+ };
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const CurvePrecalculationsK<K>& pre, RayK<K>& vray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const CurveGeometry* geom, const unsigned int primID,
+ const Vec3ff& v0i, const Vec3ff& v1i, const Vec3ff& v2i, const Vec3ff& v3i,
+ const Vec3fa& n0i, const Vec3fa& n1i, const Vec3fa& n2i, const Vec3fa& n3i,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Ray1 ray(vray,k);
+ SourceCurve3ff ccurve(v0i,v1i,v2i,v3i);
+ SourceCurve3fa ncurve(n0i,n1i,n2i,n3i);
+ ccurve = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,,ccurve);
+ TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa curve = TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa::fromCenterAndNormalCurve(ccurve,ncurve);
+ //return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurfaceIntersector<Ray1,Epilog>(pre.ray_space[k],ray,curve,epilog).solve_bezier_clipping();
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurfaceIntersector<Ray1,Epilog>(pre.ray_space[k],ray,curve,epilog).solve_newton_raphson_main();
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const CurvePrecalculationsK<K>& pre, RayK<K>& vray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const CurveGeometry* geom, const unsigned int primID,
+ const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa& curve,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Ray1 ray(vray,k);
+ //return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurfaceIntersector<Ray1,Epilog>(pre.ray_space[k],ray,curve,epilog).solve_bezier_clipping();
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurfaceIntersector<Ray1,Epilog>(pre.ray_space[k],ray,curve,epilog).solve_newton_raphson_main();
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_precalculations.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_precalculations.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de6b70be1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_precalculations.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "../common/geometry.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct CurvePrecalculations1
+ {
+ float depth_scale;
+ LinearSpace3fa ray_space;
+ __forceinline CurvePrecalculations1() {}
+ __forceinline CurvePrecalculations1(const Ray& ray, const void* ptr)
+ {
+ depth_scale = rsqrt(dot(ray.dir,ray.dir));
+ LinearSpace3fa space = frame(depth_scale*ray.dir);
+ space.vz *= depth_scale;
+ ray_space = space.transposed();
+ }
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ struct CurvePrecalculationsK
+ {
+ vfloat<K> depth_scale;
+ LinearSpace3fa ray_space[K];
+ __forceinline CurvePrecalculationsK(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ {
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid);
+ depth_scale = rsqrt(dot(ray.dir,ray.dir));
+ while (mask) {
+ size_t k = bscf(mask);
+ Vec3fa ray_dir_k = Vec3fa(ray.dir.x[k],ray.dir.y[k],ray.dir.z[k]);
+ LinearSpace3fa ray_space_k = frame(depth_scale[k]*ray_dir_k);
+ ray_space_k.vz *= depth_scale[k];
+ ray_space[k] = ray_space_k.transposed();
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_ribbon.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_ribbon.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3272e99fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_ribbon.h
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "quad_intersector.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_precalculations.h"
+#define Bezier1Intersector1 RibbonCurve1Intersector1
+#define Bezier1IntersectorK RibbonCurve1IntersectorK
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<typename NativeCurve3ff, int M>
+ struct RibbonHit
+ {
+ __forceinline RibbonHit() {}
+ __forceinline RibbonHit(const vbool<M>& valid, const vfloat<M>& U, const vfloat<M>& V, const vfloat<M>& T, const int i, const int N,
+ const NativeCurve3ff& curve3D)
+ : U(U), V(V), T(T), i(i), N(N), curve3D(curve3D), valid(valid) {}
+ __forceinline void finalize()
+ {
+ vu = (vfloat<M>(step)+U+vfloat<M>(float(i)))*(1.0f/float(N));
+ vv = V;
+ vt = T;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec2f uv (const size_t i) const { return Vec2f(vu[i],vv[i]); }
+ __forceinline float t (const size_t i) const { return vt[i]; }
+ __forceinline Vec3fa Ng(const size_t i) const { return curve3D.eval_du(vu[i]); }
+ __forceinline Vec2vf<M> uv() const { return Vec2vf<M>(vu,vv); }
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> t () const { return vt; }
+ __forceinline Vec3vf<M> Ng() const { return (Vec3vf<M>) curve3D.template veval_du<M>(vu); }
+ public:
+ vfloat<M> U;
+ vfloat<M> V;
+ vfloat<M> T;
+ int i, N;
+ NativeCurve3ff curve3D;
+ public:
+ vbool<M> valid;
+ vfloat<M> vu;
+ vfloat<M> vv;
+ vfloat<M> vt;
+ };
+ /* calculate squared distance of point p0 to line p1->p2 */
+ __forceinline std::pair<vfloatx,vfloatx> sqr_point_line_distance(const Vec2vfx& p0, const Vec2vfx& p1, const Vec2vfx& p2)
+ {
+ const vfloatx num = det(p2-p1,p1-p0);
+ const vfloatx den2 = dot(p2-p1,p2-p1);
+ return std::make_pair(num*num,den2);
+ }
+ /* performs culling against a cylinder */
+ __forceinline vboolx cylinder_culling_test(const Vec2vfx& p0, const Vec2vfx& p1, const Vec2vfx& p2, const vfloatx& r)
+ {
+ const std::pair<vfloatx,vfloatx> d = sqr_point_line_distance(p0,p1,p2);
+ return d.first <= r*r*d.second;
+ }
+ template<typename NativeCurve3ff, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect_ribbon(const Vec3fa& ray_org, const Vec3fa& ray_dir, const float ray_tnear, const float& ray_tfar,
+ const LinearSpace3fa& ray_space, const float& depth_scale,
+ const NativeCurve3ff& curve3D, const int N,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ /* transform control points into ray space */
+ const NativeCurve3ff curve2D = curve3D.xfm_pr(ray_space,ray_org);
+ float eps = 4.0f*float(ulp)*reduce_max(max(abs(curve2D.v0),abs(curve2D.v1),abs(curve2D.v2),abs(curve2D.v3)));
+ /* evaluate the bezier curve */
+ bool ishit = false;
+ vboolx valid = vfloatx(step) < vfloatx(float(N));
+ const Vec4vfx p0 = curve2D.template eval0<VSIZEX>(0,N);
+ const Vec4vfx p1 = curve2D.template eval1<VSIZEX>(0,N);
+ valid &= cylinder_culling_test(zero,Vec2vfx(p0.x,p0.y),Vec2vfx(p1.x,p1.y),max(p0.w,p1.w));
+ if (any(valid))
+ {
+ Vec3vfx dp0dt = curve2D.template derivative0<VSIZEX>(0,N);
+ Vec3vfx dp1dt = curve2D.template derivative1<VSIZEX>(0,N);
+ dp0dt = select(reduce_max(abs(dp0dt)) < vfloatx(eps),Vec3vfx(p1-p0),dp0dt);
+ dp1dt = select(reduce_max(abs(dp1dt)) < vfloatx(eps),Vec3vfx(p1-p0),dp1dt);
+ const Vec3vfx n0(dp0dt.y,-dp0dt.x,0.0f);
+ const Vec3vfx n1(dp1dt.y,-dp1dt.x,0.0f);
+ const Vec3vfx nn0 = normalize(n0);
+ const Vec3vfx nn1 = normalize(n1);
+ const Vec3vfx lp0 = madd(p0.w,nn0,Vec3vfx(p0));
+ const Vec3vfx lp1 = madd(p1.w,nn1,Vec3vfx(p1));
+ const Vec3vfx up0 = nmadd(p0.w,nn0,Vec3vfx(p0));
+ const Vec3vfx up1 = nmadd(p1.w,nn1,Vec3vfx(p1));
+ vfloatx vu,vv,vt;
+ vboolx valid0 = intersect_quad_backface_culling<VSIZEX>(valid,zero,Vec3fa(0,0,1),ray_tnear,ray_tfar,lp0,lp1,up1,up0,vu,vv,vt);
+ if (any(valid0))
+ {
+ /* ignore self intersections */
+ vfloatx r = lerp(p0.w, p1.w, vu);
+ valid0 &= vt > float(EMBREE_CURVE_SELF_INTERSECTION_AVOIDANCE_FACTOR)*r*depth_scale;
+ }
+ if (any(valid0))
+ {
+ vv = madd(2.0f,vv,vfloatx(-1.0f));
+ RibbonHit<NativeCurve3ff,VSIZEX> bhit(valid0,vu,vv,vt,0,N,curve3D);
+ ishit |= epilog(bhit.valid,bhit);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (unlikely(VSIZEX < N))
+ {
+ /* process SIMD-size many segments per iteration */
+ for (int i=VSIZEX; i<N; i+=VSIZEX)
+ {
+ /* evaluate the bezier curve */
+ vboolx valid = vintx(i)+vintx(step) < vintx(N);
+ const Vec4vfx p0 = curve2D.template eval0<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ const Vec4vfx p1 = curve2D.template eval1<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ valid &= cylinder_culling_test(zero,Vec2vfx(p0.x,p0.y),Vec2vfx(p1.x,p1.y),max(p0.w,p1.w));
+ if (none(valid)) continue;
+ Vec3vfx dp0dt = curve2D.template derivative0<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ Vec3vfx dp1dt = curve2D.template derivative1<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ dp0dt = select(reduce_max(abs(dp0dt)) < vfloatx(eps),Vec3vfx(p1-p0),dp0dt);
+ dp1dt = select(reduce_max(abs(dp1dt)) < vfloatx(eps),Vec3vfx(p1-p0),dp1dt);
+ const Vec3vfx n0(dp0dt.y,-dp0dt.x,0.0f);
+ const Vec3vfx n1(dp1dt.y,-dp1dt.x,0.0f);
+ const Vec3vfx nn0 = normalize(n0);
+ const Vec3vfx nn1 = normalize(n1);
+ const Vec3vfx lp0 = madd(p0.w,nn0,Vec3vfx(p0));
+ const Vec3vfx lp1 = madd(p1.w,nn1,Vec3vfx(p1));
+ const Vec3vfx up0 = nmadd(p0.w,nn0,Vec3vfx(p0));
+ const Vec3vfx up1 = nmadd(p1.w,nn1,Vec3vfx(p1));
+ vfloatx vu,vv,vt;
+ vboolx valid0 = intersect_quad_backface_culling<VSIZEX>(valid,zero,Vec3fa(0,0,1),ray_tnear,ray_tfar,lp0,lp1,up1,up0,vu,vv,vt);
+ if (any(valid0))
+ {
+ /* ignore self intersections */
+ vfloatx r = lerp(p0.w, p1.w, vu);
+ valid0 &= vt > float(EMBREE_CURVE_SELF_INTERSECTION_AVOIDANCE_FACTOR)*r*depth_scale;
+ }
+ if (any(valid0))
+ {
+ vv = madd(2.0f,vv,vfloatx(-1.0f));
+ RibbonHit<NativeCurve3ff,VSIZEX> bhit(valid0,vu,vv,vt,i,N,curve3D);
+ ishit |= epilog(bhit.valid,bhit);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return ishit;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class NativeCurve>
+ struct RibbonCurve1Intersector1
+ {
+ typedef NativeCurve<Vec3ff> NativeCurve3ff;
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const CurvePrecalculations1& pre, Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const CurveGeometry* geom, const unsigned int primID,
+ const Vec3ff& v0, const Vec3ff& v1, const Vec3ff& v2, const Vec3ff& v3,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ const int N = geom->tessellationRate;
+ NativeCurve3ff curve(v0,v1,v2,v3);
+ curve = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,,curve);
+ return intersect_ribbon<NativeCurve3ff>(,ray.dir,ray.tnear(),ray.tfar,
+ pre.ray_space,pre.depth_scale,
+ curve,N,
+ epilog);
+ }
+ };
+ template<template<typename Ty> class NativeCurve, int K>
+ struct RibbonCurve1IntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef NativeCurve<Vec3ff> NativeCurve3ff;
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const CurvePrecalculationsK<K>& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const CurveGeometry* geom, const unsigned int primID,
+ const Vec3ff& v0, const Vec3ff& v1, const Vec3ff& v2, const Vec3ff& v3,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ const int N = geom->tessellationRate;
+ const Vec3fa ray_org([k],[k],[k]);
+ const Vec3fa ray_dir(ray.dir.x[k],ray.dir.y[k],ray.dir.z[k]);
+ NativeCurve3ff curve(v0,v1,v2,v3);
+ curve = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,ray_org,curve);
+ return intersect_ribbon<NativeCurve3ff>(ray_org,ray_dir,ray.tnear()[k],ray.tfar[k],
+ pre.ray_space[k],pre.depth_scale[k],
+ curve,N,
+ epilog);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_sweep.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_sweep.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2d4abd73ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_sweep.h
@@ -0,0 +1,364 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "cylinder.h"
+#include "plane.h"
+#include "line_intersector.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_precalculations.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ static const size_t numJacobianIterations = 5;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ static const size_t numBezierSubdivisions = 2;
+ static const size_t numBezierSubdivisions = 3;
+ struct BezierCurveHit
+ {
+ __forceinline BezierCurveHit() {}
+ __forceinline BezierCurveHit(const float t, const float u, const Vec3fa& Ng)
+ : t(t), u(u), v(0.0f), Ng(Ng) {}
+ __forceinline BezierCurveHit(const float t, const float u, const float v, const Vec3fa& Ng)
+ : t(t), u(u), v(v), Ng(Ng) {}
+ __forceinline void finalize() {}
+ public:
+ float t;
+ float u;
+ float v;
+ Vec3fa Ng;
+ };
+ template<typename NativeCurve3ff, typename Ray, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect_bezier_iterative_debug(const Ray& ray, const float dt, const NativeCurve3ff& curve, size_t i,
+ const vfloatx& u, const BBox<vfloatx>& tp, const BBox<vfloatx>& h0, const BBox<vfloatx>& h1,
+ const Vec3vfx& Ng, const Vec4vfx& dP0du, const Vec4vfx& dP3du,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ if (tp.lower[i]+dt > ray.tfar) return false;
+ Vec3fa Ng_o = Vec3fa(Ng.x[i],Ng.y[i],Ng.z[i]);
+ if (h0.lower[i] == tp.lower[i]) Ng_o = -Vec3fa(dP0du.x[i],dP0du.y[i],dP0du.z[i]);
+ if (h1.lower[i] == tp.lower[i]) Ng_o = +Vec3fa(dP3du.x[i],dP3du.y[i],dP3du.z[i]);
+ BezierCurveHit hit(tp.lower[i]+dt,u[i],Ng_o);
+ return epilog(hit);
+ }
+ template<typename NativeCurve3ff, typename Ray, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect_bezier_iterative_jacobian(const Ray& ray, const float dt, const NativeCurve3ff& curve, float u, float t, const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa org = zero;
+ const Vec3fa dir = ray.dir;
+ const float length_ray_dir = length(dir);
+ /* error of curve evaluations is propertional to largest coordinate */
+ const BBox3ff box = curve.bounds();
+ const float P_err = 16.0f*float(ulp)*reduce_max(max(abs(box.lower),abs(box.upper)));
+ for (size_t i=0; i<numJacobianIterations; i++)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa Q = madd(Vec3fa(t),dir,org);
+ //const Vec3fa dQdu = zero;
+ const Vec3fa dQdt = dir;
+ const float Q_err = 16.0f*float(ulp)*length_ray_dir*t; // works as org=zero here
+ Vec3ff P,dPdu,ddPdu; curve.eval(u,P,dPdu,ddPdu);
+ //const Vec3fa dPdt = zero;
+ const Vec3fa R = Q-P;
+ const float len_R = length(R); //reduce_max(abs(R));
+ const float R_err = max(Q_err,P_err);
+ const Vec3fa dRdu = /*dQdu*/-dPdu;
+ const Vec3fa dRdt = dQdt;//-dPdt;
+ const Vec3fa T = normalize(dPdu);
+ const Vec3fa dTdu = dnormalize(dPdu,ddPdu);
+ //const Vec3fa dTdt = zero;
+ const float cos_err = P_err/length(dPdu);
+ /* Error estimate for dot(R,T):
+ dot(R,T) = cos(R,T) |R| |T|
+ = (cos(R,T) +- cos_error) * (|R| +- |R|_err) * (|T| +- |T|_err)
+ = cos(R,T)*|R|*|T|
+ +- cos(R,T)*(|R|*|T|_err + |T|*|R|_err)
+ +- cos_error*(|R| + |T|)
+ +- lower order terms
+ with cos(R,T) being in [0,1] and |T| = 1 we get:
+ dot(R,T)_err = |R|*|T|_err + |R|_err = cos_error*(|R|+1)
+ */
+ const float f = dot(R,T);
+ const float f_err = len_R*P_err + R_err + cos_err*(1.0f+len_R);
+ const float dfdu = dot(dRdu,T) + dot(R,dTdu);
+ const float dfdt = dot(dRdt,T);// + dot(R,dTdt);
+ const float K = dot(R,R)-sqr(f);
+ const float dKdu = /*2.0f*/(dot(R,dRdu)-f*dfdu);
+ const float dKdt = /*2.0f*/(dot(R,dRdt)-f*dfdt);
+ const float rsqrt_K = rsqrt(K);
+ const float g = sqrt(K)-P.w;
+ const float g_err = R_err + f_err + 16.0f*float(ulp)*box.upper.w;
+ const float dgdu = /*0.5f*/dKdu*rsqrt_K-dPdu.w;
+ const float dgdt = /*0.5f*/dKdt*rsqrt_K;//-dPdt.w;
+ const LinearSpace2f J = LinearSpace2f(dfdu,dfdt,dgdu,dgdt);
+ const Vec2f dut = rcp(J)*Vec2f(f,g);
+ const Vec2f ut = Vec2f(u,t) - dut;
+ u = ut.x; t = ut.y;
+ if (abs(f) < f_err && abs(g) < g_err)
+ {
+ t+=dt;
+ if (!(ray.tnear() <= t && t <= ray.tfar)) return false; // rejects NaNs
+ if (!(u >= 0.0f && u <= 1.0f)) return false; // rejects NaNs
+ const Vec3fa R = normalize(Q-P);
+ const Vec3fa U = madd(Vec3fa(dPdu.w),R,dPdu);
+ const Vec3fa V = cross(dPdu,R);
+ BezierCurveHit hit(t,u,cross(V,U));
+ return epilog(hit);
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename NativeCurve3ff, typename Ray, typename Epilog>
+ bool intersect_bezier_recursive_jacobian(const Ray& ray, const float dt, const NativeCurve3ff& curve,
+ float u0, float u1, unsigned int depth, const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ enum { VSIZEX_ = 8 };
+ typedef vbool8 vboolx; // maximally 8-wide to work around KNL issues
+ typedef vint8 vintx;
+ typedef vfloat8 vfloatx;
+ enum { VSIZEX_ = 4 };
+ typedef vbool4 vboolx;
+ typedef vint4 vintx;
+ typedef vfloat4 vfloatx;
+ typedef Vec3<vfloatx> Vec3vfx;
+ typedef Vec4<vfloatx> Vec4vfx;
+ unsigned int maxDepth = numBezierSubdivisions;
+ bool found = false;
+ const Vec3fa org = zero;
+ const Vec3fa dir = ray.dir;
+ unsigned int sptr = 0;
+ const unsigned int stack_size = numBezierSubdivisions+1; // +1 because of unstable workaround below
+ struct StackEntry {
+ vboolx valid;
+ vfloatx tlower;
+ float u0;
+ float u1;
+ unsigned int depth;
+ };
+ StackEntry stack[stack_size];
+ goto entry;
+ /* terminate if stack is empty */
+ while (sptr)
+ {
+ /* pop from stack */
+ {
+ sptr--;
+ vboolx valid = stack[sptr].valid;
+ const vfloatx tlower = stack[sptr].tlower;
+ valid &= tlower+dt <= ray.tfar;
+ if (none(valid)) continue;
+ u0 = stack[sptr].u0;
+ u1 = stack[sptr].u1;
+ depth = stack[sptr].depth;
+ const size_t i = select_min(valid,tlower); clear(valid,i);
+ stack[sptr].valid = valid;
+ if (any(valid)) sptr++; // there are still items on the stack
+ /* process next segment */
+ const vfloatx vu0 = lerp(u0,u1,vfloatx(step)*(1.0f/(vfloatx::size-1)));
+ u0 = vu0[i+0];
+ u1 = vu0[i+1];
+ }
+ entry:
+ /* subdivide curve */
+ const float dscale = (u1-u0)*(1.0f/(3.0f*(vfloatx::size-1)));
+ const vfloatx vu0 = lerp(u0,u1,vfloatx(step)*(1.0f/(vfloatx::size-1)));
+ Vec4vfx P0, dP0du; curve.template veval<VSIZEX_>(vu0,P0,dP0du); dP0du = dP0du * Vec4vfx(dscale);
+ const Vec4vfx P3 = shift_right_1(P0);
+ const Vec4vfx dP3du = shift_right_1(dP0du);
+ const Vec4vfx P1 = P0 + dP0du;
+ const Vec4vfx P2 = P3 - dP3du;
+ /* calculate bounding cylinders */
+ const vfloatx rr1 = sqr_point_to_line_distance(Vec3vfx(dP0du),Vec3vfx(P3-P0));
+ const vfloatx rr2 = sqr_point_to_line_distance(Vec3vfx(dP3du),Vec3vfx(P3-P0));
+ const vfloatx maxr12 = sqrt(max(rr1,rr2));
+ const vfloatx one_plus_ulp = 1.0f+2.0f*float(ulp);
+ const vfloatx one_minus_ulp = 1.0f-2.0f*float(ulp);
+ vfloatx r_outer = max(P0.w,P1.w,P2.w,P3.w)+maxr12;
+ vfloatx r_inner = min(P0.w,P1.w,P2.w,P3.w)-maxr12;
+ r_outer = one_plus_ulp*r_outer;
+ r_inner = max(0.0f,one_minus_ulp*r_inner);
+ const CylinderN<vfloatx::size> cylinder_outer(Vec3vfx(P0),Vec3vfx(P3),r_outer);
+ const CylinderN<vfloatx::size> cylinder_inner(Vec3vfx(P0),Vec3vfx(P3),r_inner);
+ vboolx valid = true; clear(valid,vfloatx::size-1);
+ /* intersect with outer cylinder */
+ BBox<vfloatx> tc_outer; vfloatx u_outer0; Vec3vfx Ng_outer0; vfloatx u_outer1; Vec3vfx Ng_outer1;
+ valid &= cylinder_outer.intersect(org,dir,tc_outer,u_outer0,Ng_outer0,u_outer1,Ng_outer1);
+ if (none(valid)) continue;
+ /* intersect with cap-planes */
+ BBox<vfloatx> tp(ray.tnear()-dt,ray.tfar-dt);
+ tp = embree::intersect(tp,tc_outer);
+ BBox<vfloatx> h0 = HalfPlaneN<vfloatx::size>(Vec3vfx(P0),+Vec3vfx(dP0du)).intersect(org,dir);
+ tp = embree::intersect(tp,h0);
+ BBox<vfloatx> h1 = HalfPlaneN<vfloatx::size>(Vec3vfx(P3),-Vec3vfx(dP3du)).intersect(org,dir);
+ tp = embree::intersect(tp,h1);
+ valid &= tp.lower <= tp.upper;
+ if (none(valid)) continue;
+ /* clamp and correct u parameter */
+ u_outer0 = clamp(u_outer0,vfloatx(0.0f),vfloatx(1.0f));
+ u_outer1 = clamp(u_outer1,vfloatx(0.0f),vfloatx(1.0f));
+ u_outer0 = lerp(u0,u1,(vfloatx(step)+u_outer0)*(1.0f/float(vfloatx::size)));
+ u_outer1 = lerp(u0,u1,(vfloatx(step)+u_outer1)*(1.0f/float(vfloatx::size)));
+ /* intersect with inner cylinder */
+ BBox<vfloatx> tc_inner;
+ vfloatx u_inner0 = zero; Vec3vfx Ng_inner0 = zero; vfloatx u_inner1 = zero; Vec3vfx Ng_inner1 = zero;
+ const vboolx valid_inner = cylinder_inner.intersect(org,dir,tc_inner,u_inner0,Ng_inner0,u_inner1,Ng_inner1);
+ /* at the unstable area we subdivide deeper */
+ const vboolx unstable0 = (!valid_inner) | (abs(dot(Vec3vfx(Vec3fa(ray.dir)),Ng_inner0)) < 0.3f);
+ const vboolx unstable1 = (!valid_inner) | (abs(dot(Vec3vfx(Vec3fa(ray.dir)),Ng_inner1)) < 0.3f);
+ /* subtract the inner interval from the current hit interval */
+ BBox<vfloatx> tp0, tp1;
+ subtract(tp,tc_inner,tp0,tp1);
+ vboolx valid0 = valid & (tp0.lower <= tp0.upper);
+ vboolx valid1 = valid & (tp1.lower <= tp1.upper);
+ if (none(valid0 | valid1)) continue;
+ /* iterate over all first hits front to back */
+ const vintx termDepth0 = select(unstable0,vintx(maxDepth+1),vintx(maxDepth));
+ vboolx recursion_valid0 = valid0 & (depth < termDepth0);
+ valid0 &= depth >= termDepth0;
+ while (any(valid0))
+ {
+ const size_t i = select_min(valid0,tp0.lower); clear(valid0,i);
+ found = found | intersect_bezier_iterative_jacobian(ray,dt,curve,u_outer0[i],tp0.lower[i],epilog);
+ //found = found | intersect_bezier_iterative_debug (ray,dt,curve,i,u_outer0,tp0,h0,h1,Ng_outer0,dP0du,dP3du,epilog);
+ valid0 &= tp0.lower+dt <= ray.tfar;
+ }
+ valid1 &= tp1.lower+dt <= ray.tfar;
+ /* iterate over all second hits front to back */
+ const vintx termDepth1 = select(unstable1,vintx(maxDepth+1),vintx(maxDepth));
+ vboolx recursion_valid1 = valid1 & (depth < termDepth1);
+ valid1 &= depth >= termDepth1;
+ while (any(valid1))
+ {
+ const size_t i = select_min(valid1,tp1.lower); clear(valid1,i);
+ found = found | intersect_bezier_iterative_jacobian(ray,dt,curve,u_outer1[i],tp1.upper[i],epilog);
+ //found = found | intersect_bezier_iterative_debug (ray,dt,curve,i,u_outer1,tp1,h0,h1,Ng_outer1,dP0du,dP3du,epilog);
+ valid1 &= tp1.lower+dt <= ray.tfar;
+ }
+ /* push valid segments to stack */
+ recursion_valid0 &= tp0.lower+dt <= ray.tfar;
+ recursion_valid1 &= tp1.lower+dt <= ray.tfar;
+ const vboolx recursion_valid = recursion_valid0 | recursion_valid1;
+ if (any(recursion_valid))
+ {
+ assert(sptr < stack_size);
+ stack[sptr].valid = recursion_valid;
+ stack[sptr].tlower = select(recursion_valid0,tp0.lower,tp1.lower);
+ stack[sptr].u0 = u0;
+ stack[sptr].u1 = u1;
+ stack[sptr].depth = depth+1;
+ sptr++;
+ }
+ }
+ return found;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class NativeCurve>
+ struct SweepCurve1Intersector1
+ {
+ typedef NativeCurve<Vec3ff> NativeCurve3ff;
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __noinline bool intersect(const CurvePrecalculations1& pre, Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const CurveGeometry* geom, const unsigned int primID,
+ const Vec3ff& v0, const Vec3ff& v1, const Vec3ff& v2, const Vec3ff& v3,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ /* move ray closer to make intersection stable */
+ NativeCurve3ff curve0(v0,v1,v2,v3);
+ curve0 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,,curve0);
+ const float dt = dot(,ray.dir)*rcp(dot(ray.dir,ray.dir));
+ const Vec3ff ref(madd(Vec3fa(dt),ray.dir,,0.0f);
+ const NativeCurve3ff curve1 = curve0-ref;
+ return intersect_bezier_recursive_jacobian(ray,dt,curve1,0.0f,1.0f,1,epilog);
+ }
+ };
+ template<template<typename Ty> class NativeCurve, int K>
+ struct SweepCurve1IntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef NativeCurve<Vec3ff> NativeCurve3ff;
+ struct Ray1
+ {
+ __forceinline Ray1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k)
+ : org([k],[k],[k]), dir(ray.dir.x[k],ray.dir.y[k],ray.dir.z[k]), _tnear(ray.tnear()[k]), tfar(ray.tfar[k]) {}
+ Vec3fa org;
+ Vec3fa dir;
+ float _tnear;
+ float& tfar;
+ __forceinline float& tnear() { return _tnear; }
+ //__forceinline float& tfar() { return _tfar; }
+ __forceinline const float& tnear() const { return _tnear; }
+ //__forceinline const float& tfar() const { return _tfar; }
+ };
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const CurvePrecalculationsK<K>& pre, RayK<K>& vray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const CurveGeometry* geom, const unsigned int primID,
+ const Vec3ff& v0, const Vec3ff& v1, const Vec3ff& v2, const Vec3ff& v3,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Ray1 ray(vray,k);
+ /* move ray closer to make intersection stable */
+ NativeCurve3ff curve0(v0,v1,v2,v3);
+ curve0 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,,curve0);
+ const float dt = dot(,ray.dir)*rcp(dot(ray.dir,ray.dir));
+ const Vec3ff ref(madd(Vec3fa(dt),ray.dir,,0.0f);
+ const NativeCurve3ff curve1 = curve0-ref;
+ return intersect_bezier_recursive_jacobian(ray,dt,curve1,0.0f,1.0f,1,epilog);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_virtual.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_virtual.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cffa8e46ad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/curve_intersector_virtual.h
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "primitive.h"
+#include "../subdiv/bezier_curve.h"
+#include "../common/primref.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_precalculations.h"
+#include "../bvh/node_intersector1.h"
+#include "../bvh/node_intersector_packet.h"
+#include "intersector_epilog.h"
+#include "../subdiv/bezier_curve.h"
+#include "../subdiv/bspline_curve.h"
+#include "../subdiv/hermite_curve.h"
+#include "../subdiv/catmullrom_curve.h"
+#include "spherei_intersector.h"
+#include "disci_intersector.h"
+#include "linei_intersector.h"
+#include "roundlinei_intersector.h"
+#include "conelinei_intersector.h"
+#include "curveNi_intersector.h"
+#include "curveNv_intersector.h"
+#include "curveNi_mb_intersector.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_distance.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_ribbon.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_oriented.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_sweep.h"
+namespace embree
+ struct VirtualCurveIntersector
+ {
+ typedef void (*Intersect1Ty)(void* pre, void* ray, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive);
+ typedef bool (*Occluded1Ty )(void* pre, void* ray, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive);
+ typedef void (*Intersect4Ty)(void* pre, void* ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive);
+ typedef bool (*Occluded4Ty) (void* pre, void* ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive);
+ typedef void (*Intersect8Ty)(void* pre, void* ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive);
+ typedef bool (*Occluded8Ty) (void* pre, void* ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive);
+ typedef void (*Intersect16Ty)(void* pre, void* ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive);
+ typedef bool (*Occluded16Ty) (void* pre, void* ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive);
+ public:
+ struct Intersectors
+ {
+ Intersectors() {} // WARNING: Do not zero initialize this, as we otherwise get problems with thread unsafe local static variable initialization (e.g. on VS2013) in curve_intersector_virtual.cpp.
+ template<int K> void intersect(void* pre, void* ray, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive);
+ template<int K> bool occluded (void* pre, void* ray, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive);
+ template<int K> void intersect(void* pre, void* ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive);
+ template<int K> bool occluded (void* pre, void* ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive);
+ public:
+ Intersect1Ty intersect1;
+ Occluded1Ty occluded1;
+ Intersect4Ty intersect4;
+ Occluded4Ty occluded4;
+ Intersect8Ty intersect8;
+ Occluded8Ty occluded8;
+ Intersect16Ty intersect16;
+ Occluded16Ty occluded16;
+ };
+ Intersectors vtbl[Geometry::GTY_END];
+ };
+ template<> __forceinline void VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors::intersect<1> (void* pre, void* ray, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive) { assert(intersect1); intersect1(pre,ray,context,primitive); }
+ template<> __forceinline bool VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors::occluded<1> (void* pre, void* ray, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive) { assert(occluded1); return occluded1(pre,ray,context,primitive); }
+ template<> __forceinline void VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors::intersect<4>(void* pre, void* ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive) { assert(intersect4); intersect4(pre,ray,k,context,primitive); }
+ template<> __forceinline bool VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors::occluded<4> (void* pre, void* ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive) { assert(occluded4); return occluded4(pre,ray,k,context,primitive); }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ template<> __forceinline void VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors::intersect<8>(void* pre, void* ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive) { assert(intersect8); intersect8(pre,ray,k,context,primitive); }
+ template<> __forceinline bool VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors::occluded<8> (void* pre, void* ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive) { assert(occluded8); return occluded8(pre,ray,k,context,primitive); }
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ template<> __forceinline void VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors::intersect<16>(void* pre, void* ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive) { assert(intersect16); intersect16(pre,ray,k,context,primitive); }
+ template<> __forceinline bool VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors::occluded<16> (void* pre, void* ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const void* primitive) { assert(occluded16); return occluded16(pre,ray,k,context,primitive); }
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct VirtualCurveIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef unsigned char Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(num == 1);
+ RTCGeometryType ty = (RTCGeometryType)(*prim);
+ assert(This->leafIntersector);
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors& leafIntersector = ((VirtualCurveIntersector*) This->leafIntersector)->vtbl[ty];
+ leafIntersector.intersect<1>(&pre,&ray,context,prim);
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(num == 1);
+ RTCGeometryType ty = (RTCGeometryType)(*prim);
+ assert(This->leafIntersector);
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors& leafIntersector = ((VirtualCurveIntersector*) This->leafIntersector)->vtbl[ty];
+ return leafIntersector.occluded<1>(&pre,&ray,context,prim);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ struct VirtualCurveIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef unsigned char Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRayK<K, robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(num == 1);
+ RTCGeometryType ty = (RTCGeometryType)(*prim);
+ assert(This->leafIntersector);
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors& leafIntersector = ((VirtualCurveIntersector*) This->leafIntersector)->vtbl[ty];
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid_i);
+ while (mask) leafIntersector.intersect<K>(&pre,&ray,bscf(mask),context,prim);
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRayK<K, robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(num == 1);
+ RTCGeometryType ty = (RTCGeometryType)(*prim);
+ assert(This->leafIntersector);
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors& leafIntersector = ((VirtualCurveIntersector*) This->leafIntersector)->vtbl[ty];
+ vbool<K> valid_o = false;
+ size_t mask = movemask(valid_i);
+ while (mask) {
+ size_t k = bscf(mask);
+ if (leafIntersector.occluded<K>(&pre,&ray,k,context,prim))
+ set(valid_o, k);
+ }
+ return valid_o;
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(num == 1);
+ RTCGeometryType ty = (RTCGeometryType)(*prim);
+ assert(This->leafIntersector);
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors& leafIntersector = ((VirtualCurveIntersector*) This->leafIntersector)->vtbl[ty];
+ leafIntersector.intersect<K>(&pre,&ray,k,context,prim);
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(num == 1);
+ RTCGeometryType ty = (RTCGeometryType)(*prim);
+ assert(This->leafIntersector);
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors& leafIntersector = ((VirtualCurveIntersector*) This->leafIntersector)->vtbl[ty];
+ return leafIntersector.occluded<K>(&pre,&ray,k,context,prim);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors LinearRoundConeNiIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &RoundLinearCurveMiIntersector1<N,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &RoundLinearCurveMiIntersector1<N,true>::occluded;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &RoundLinearCurveMiIntersectorK<N,4,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &RoundLinearCurveMiIntersectorK<N,4,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&RoundLinearCurveMiIntersectorK<N,8,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &RoundLinearCurveMiIntersectorK<N,8,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&RoundLinearCurveMiIntersectorK<N,16,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &RoundLinearCurveMiIntersectorK<N,16,true>::occluded;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors LinearConeNiIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &ConeCurveMiIntersector1<N,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &ConeCurveMiIntersector1<N,true>::occluded;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &ConeCurveMiIntersectorK<N,4,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &ConeCurveMiIntersectorK<N,4,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&ConeCurveMiIntersectorK<N,8,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &ConeCurveMiIntersectorK<N,8,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&ConeCurveMiIntersectorK<N,16,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &ConeCurveMiIntersectorK<N,16,true>::occluded;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors LinearRoundConeNiMBIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &RoundLinearCurveMiMBIntersector1<N,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &RoundLinearCurveMiMBIntersector1<N,true>::occluded;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &RoundLinearCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,4,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &RoundLinearCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,4,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&RoundLinearCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,8,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &RoundLinearCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,8,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&RoundLinearCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,16,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &RoundLinearCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,16,true>::occluded;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors LinearConeNiMBIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &ConeCurveMiMBIntersector1<N,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &ConeCurveMiMBIntersector1<N,true>::occluded;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &ConeCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,4,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &ConeCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,4,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&ConeCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,8,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &ConeCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,8,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&ConeCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,16,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &ConeCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,16,true>::occluded;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors LinearRibbonNiIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &FlatLinearCurveMiIntersector1<N,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &FlatLinearCurveMiIntersector1<N,true>::occluded;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &FlatLinearCurveMiIntersectorK<N,4,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &FlatLinearCurveMiIntersectorK<N,4,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&FlatLinearCurveMiIntersectorK<N,8,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &FlatLinearCurveMiIntersectorK<N,8,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&FlatLinearCurveMiIntersectorK<N,16,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &FlatLinearCurveMiIntersectorK<N,16,true>::occluded;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors LinearRibbonNiMBIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &FlatLinearCurveMiMBIntersector1<N,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &FlatLinearCurveMiMBIntersector1<N,true>::occluded;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &FlatLinearCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,4,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &FlatLinearCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,4,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&FlatLinearCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,8,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &FlatLinearCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,8,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&FlatLinearCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,16,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &FlatLinearCurveMiMBIntersectorK<N,16,true>::occluded;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors SphereNiIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &SphereMiIntersector1<N,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &SphereMiIntersector1<N,true>::occluded;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &SphereMiIntersectorK<N,4,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &SphereMiIntersectorK<N,4,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&SphereMiIntersectorK<N,8,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &SphereMiIntersectorK<N,8,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&SphereMiIntersectorK<N,16,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &SphereMiIntersectorK<N,16,true>::occluded;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors SphereNiMBIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &SphereMiMBIntersector1<N,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &SphereMiMBIntersector1<N,true>::occluded;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &SphereMiMBIntersectorK<N,4,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &SphereMiMBIntersectorK<N,4,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&SphereMiMBIntersectorK<N,8,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &SphereMiMBIntersectorK<N,8,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&SphereMiMBIntersectorK<N,16,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &SphereMiMBIntersectorK<N,16,true>::occluded;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors DiscNiIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &DiscMiIntersector1<N,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &DiscMiIntersector1<N,true>::occluded;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &DiscMiIntersectorK<N,4,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &DiscMiIntersectorK<N,4,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&DiscMiIntersectorK<N,8,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &DiscMiIntersectorK<N,8,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&DiscMiIntersectorK<N,16,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &DiscMiIntersectorK<N,16,true>::occluded;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors DiscNiMBIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &DiscMiMBIntersector1<N,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &DiscMiMBIntersector1<N,true>::occluded;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &DiscMiMBIntersectorK<N,4,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &DiscMiMBIntersectorK<N,4,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&DiscMiMBIntersectorK<N,8,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &DiscMiMBIntersectorK<N,8,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&DiscMiMBIntersectorK<N,16,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &DiscMiMBIntersectorK<N,16,true>::occluded;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors OrientedDiscNiIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &OrientedDiscMiIntersector1<N,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &OrientedDiscMiIntersector1<N,true>::occluded;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &OrientedDiscMiIntersectorK<N,4,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &OrientedDiscMiIntersectorK<N,4,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&OrientedDiscMiIntersectorK<N,8,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &OrientedDiscMiIntersectorK<N,8,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&OrientedDiscMiIntersectorK<N,16,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &OrientedDiscMiIntersectorK<N,16,true>::occluded;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors OrientedDiscNiMBIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &OrientedDiscMiMBIntersector1<N,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &OrientedDiscMiMBIntersector1<N,true>::occluded;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &OrientedDiscMiMBIntersectorK<N,4,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &OrientedDiscMiMBIntersectorK<N,4,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&OrientedDiscMiMBIntersectorK<N,8,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &OrientedDiscMiMBIntersectorK<N,8,true>::occluded;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&OrientedDiscMiMBIntersectorK<N,16,true>::intersect;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &OrientedDiscMiMBIntersectorK<N,16,true>::occluded;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve, int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors RibbonNiIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &CurveNiIntersector1<N>::template intersect_t<RibbonCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Intersect1EpilogMU<VSIZEX,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &CurveNiIntersector1<N>::template occluded_t <RibbonCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Occluded1EpilogMU<VSIZEX,true> >;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,4>::template intersect_t<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,4,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,4>::template occluded_t <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,4,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,8>::template intersect_t<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,8,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,8>::template occluded_t <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,8,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,16>::template intersect_t<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,16,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,16>::template occluded_t <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,16,true> >;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve, int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors RibbonNvIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &CurveNvIntersector1<N>::template intersect_t<RibbonCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Intersect1EpilogMU<VSIZEX,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &CurveNvIntersector1<N>::template occluded_t <RibbonCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Occluded1EpilogMU<VSIZEX,true> >;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &CurveNvIntersectorK<N,4>::template intersect_t<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,4,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &CurveNvIntersectorK<N,4>::template occluded_t <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,4,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&CurveNvIntersectorK<N,8>::template intersect_t<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,8,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &CurveNvIntersectorK<N,8>::template occluded_t <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,8,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&CurveNvIntersectorK<N,16>::template intersect_t<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,16,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &CurveNvIntersectorK<N,16>::template occluded_t <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,16,true> >;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve, int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors RibbonNiMBIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersector1<N>::template intersect_t<RibbonCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Intersect1EpilogMU<VSIZEX,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersector1<N>::template occluded_t <RibbonCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Occluded1EpilogMU<VSIZEX,true> >;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,4>::template intersect_t<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,4,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,4>::template occluded_t <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,4,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,8>::template intersect_t<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,8,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,8>::template occluded_t <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,8,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,16>::template intersect_t<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,16,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,16>::template occluded_t <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,16,true> >;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve, int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors CurveNiIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &CurveNiIntersector1<N>::template intersect_t<SweepCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Intersect1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &CurveNiIntersector1<N>::template occluded_t <SweepCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Occluded1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,4>::template intersect_t<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Intersect1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,4>::template occluded_t <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Occluded1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,8>::template intersect_t<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Intersect1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,8>::template occluded_t <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Occluded1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,16>::template intersect_t<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Intersect1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,16>::template occluded_t <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Occluded1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve, int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors CurveNvIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &CurveNvIntersector1<N>::template intersect_t<SweepCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Intersect1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &CurveNvIntersector1<N>::template occluded_t <SweepCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Occluded1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty)&CurveNvIntersectorK<N,4>::template intersect_t<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Intersect1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &CurveNvIntersectorK<N,4>::template occluded_t <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Occluded1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&CurveNvIntersectorK<N,8>::template intersect_t<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Intersect1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &CurveNvIntersectorK<N,8>::template occluded_t <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Occluded1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&CurveNvIntersectorK<N,16>::template intersect_t<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Intersect1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &CurveNvIntersectorK<N,16>::template occluded_t <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Occluded1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve, int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors CurveNiMBIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersector1<N>::template intersect_t<SweepCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Intersect1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersector1<N>::template occluded_t <SweepCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Occluded1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,4>::template intersect_t<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Intersect1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,4>::template occluded_t <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Occluded1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,8>::template intersect_t<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Intersect1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,8>::template occluded_t <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Occluded1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,16>::template intersect_t<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Intersect1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,16>::template occluded_t <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Occluded1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve, int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors OrientedCurveNiIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &CurveNiIntersector1<N>::template intersect_n<OrientedCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Intersect1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &CurveNiIntersector1<N>::template occluded_n <OrientedCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Occluded1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,4>::template intersect_n<OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Intersect1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,4>::template occluded_n <OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Occluded1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,8>::template intersect_n<OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Intersect1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,8>::template occluded_n <OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Occluded1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,16>::template intersect_n<OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Intersect1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,16>::template occluded_n <OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Occluded1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve, int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors OrientedCurveNiMBIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersector1<N>::template intersect_n<OrientedCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Intersect1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersector1<N>::template occluded_n <OrientedCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Occluded1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,4>::template intersect_n<OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Intersect1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,4>::template occluded_n <OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Occluded1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,8>::template intersect_n<OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Intersect1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,8>::template occluded_n <OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Occluded1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,16>::template intersect_n<OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Intersect1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,16>::template occluded_n <OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Occluded1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve, int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors HermiteRibbonNiIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &CurveNiIntersector1<N>::template intersect_h<RibbonCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Intersect1EpilogMU<VSIZEX,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &CurveNiIntersector1<N>::template occluded_h <RibbonCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Occluded1EpilogMU<VSIZEX,true> >;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,4>::template intersect_h<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,4,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,4>::template occluded_h <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,4,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,8>::template intersect_h<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,8,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,8>::template occluded_h <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,8,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,16>::template intersect_h<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,16,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,16>::template occluded_h <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,16,true> >;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve, int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors HermiteRibbonNiMBIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersector1<N>::template intersect_h<RibbonCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Intersect1EpilogMU<VSIZEX,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersector1<N>::template occluded_h <RibbonCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Occluded1EpilogMU<VSIZEX,true> >;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,4>::template intersect_h<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,4,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,4>::template occluded_h <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,4,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,8>::template intersect_h<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,8,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,8>::template occluded_h <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,8,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,16>::template intersect_h<RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Intersect1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,16,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,16>::template occluded_h <RibbonCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Occluded1KEpilogMU<VSIZEX,16,true> >;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve, int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors HermiteCurveNiIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &CurveNiIntersector1<N>::template intersect_h<SweepCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Intersect1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &CurveNiIntersector1<N>::template occluded_h <SweepCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Occluded1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,4>::template intersect_h<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Intersect1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,4>::template occluded_h <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Occluded1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,8>::template intersect_h<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Intersect1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,8>::template occluded_h <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Occluded1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,16>::template intersect_h<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Intersect1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,16>::template occluded_h <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Occluded1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve, int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors HermiteCurveNiMBIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersector1<N>::template intersect_h<SweepCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Intersect1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersector1<N>::template occluded_h <SweepCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Occluded1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,4>::template intersect_h<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Intersect1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,4>::template occluded_h <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Occluded1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,8>::template intersect_h<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Intersect1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,8>::template occluded_h <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Occluded1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,16>::template intersect_h<SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Intersect1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,16>::template occluded_h <SweepCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Occluded1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve, int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors HermiteOrientedCurveNiIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &CurveNiIntersector1<N>::template intersect_hn<OrientedCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Intersect1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &CurveNiIntersector1<N>::template occluded_hn <OrientedCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Occluded1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,4>::template intersect_hn<OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Intersect1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,4>::template occluded_hn <OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Occluded1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,8>::template intersect_hn<OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Intersect1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,8>::template occluded_hn <OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Occluded1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&CurveNiIntersectorK<N,16>::template intersect_hn<OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Intersect1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &CurveNiIntersectorK<N,16>::template occluded_hn <OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Occluded1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ template<template<typename Ty> class Curve, int N>
+ static VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors HermiteOrientedCurveNiMBIntersectors()
+ {
+ VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersectors intersectors;
+ intersectors.intersect1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect1Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersector1<N>::template intersect_hn<OrientedCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Intersect1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded1 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded1Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersector1<N>::template occluded_hn <OrientedCurve1Intersector1<Curve>, Occluded1Epilog1<true> >;
+ intersectors.intersect4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect4Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,4>::template intersect_hn<OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Intersect1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded4 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded4Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,4>::template occluded_hn <OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,4>, Occluded1KEpilog1<4,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersectors.intersect8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect8Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,8>::template intersect_hn<OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Intersect1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded8 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded8Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,8>::template occluded_hn <OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,8>, Occluded1KEpilog1<8,true> >;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ intersectors.intersect16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Intersect16Ty)&CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,16>::template intersect_hn<OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Intersect1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ intersectors.occluded16 = (VirtualCurveIntersector::Occluded16Ty) &CurveNiMBIntersectorK<N,16>::template occluded_hn <OrientedCurve1IntersectorK<Curve,16>, Occluded1KEpilog1<16,true> >;
+ return intersectors;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/cylinder.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/cylinder.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dab02989ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/cylinder.h
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct Cylinder
+ {
+ const Vec3fa p0; //!< start location
+ const Vec3fa p1; //!< end position
+ const float rr; //!< squared radius of cylinder
+ __forceinline Cylinder(const Vec3fa& p0, const Vec3fa& p1, const float r)
+ : p0(p0), p1(p1), rr(sqr(r)) {}
+ __forceinline Cylinder(const Vec3fa& p0, const Vec3fa& p1, const float rr, bool)
+ : p0(p0), p1(p1), rr(rr) {}
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const Vec3fa& org,
+ const Vec3fa& dir,
+ BBox1f& t_o,
+ float& u0_o, Vec3fa& Ng0_o,
+ float& u1_o, Vec3fa& Ng1_o) const
+ {
+ /* calculate quadratic equation to solve */
+ const float rl = rcp_length(p1-p0);
+ const Vec3fa P0 = p0, dP = (p1-p0)*rl;
+ const Vec3fa O = org-P0, dO = dir;
+ const float dOdO = dot(dO,dO);
+ const float OdO = dot(dO,O);
+ const float OO = dot(O,O);
+ const float dOz = dot(dP,dO);
+ const float Oz = dot(dP,O);
+ const float A = dOdO - sqr(dOz);
+ const float B = 2.0f * (OdO - dOz*Oz);
+ const float C = OO - sqr(Oz) - rr;
+ /* we miss the cylinder if determinant is smaller than zero */
+ const float D = B*B - 4.0f*A*C;
+ if (D < 0.0f) {
+ t_o = BBox1f(pos_inf,neg_inf);
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* special case for rays that are parallel to the cylinder */
+ const float eps = 16.0f*float(ulp)*max(abs(dOdO),abs(sqr(dOz)));
+ if (abs(A) < eps)
+ {
+ if (C <= 0.0f) {
+ t_o = BBox1f(neg_inf,pos_inf);
+ return true;
+ } else {
+ t_o = BBox1f(pos_inf,neg_inf);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ /* standard case for rays that are not parallel to the cylinder */
+ const float Q = sqrt(D);
+ const float rcp_2A = rcp(2.0f*A);
+ const float t0 = (-B-Q)*rcp_2A;
+ const float t1 = (-B+Q)*rcp_2A;
+ /* calculates u and Ng for near hit */
+ {
+ u0_o = madd(t0,dOz,Oz)*rl;
+ const Vec3fa Pr = t0*dir;
+ const Vec3fa Pl = madd(u0_o,p1-p0,p0);
+ Ng0_o = Pr-Pl;
+ }
+ /* calculates u and Ng for far hit */
+ {
+ u1_o = madd(t1,dOz,Oz)*rl;
+ const Vec3fa Pr = t1*dir;
+ const Vec3fa Pl = madd(u1_o,p1-p0,p0);
+ Ng1_o = Pr-Pl;
+ }
+ t_o.lower = t0;
+ t_o.upper = t1;
+ return true;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const Vec3fa& org_i, const Vec3fa& dir, BBox1f& t_o) const
+ {
+ float u0_o; Vec3fa Ng0_o;
+ float u1_o; Vec3fa Ng1_o;
+ return intersect(org_i,dir,t_o,u0_o,Ng0_o,u1_o,Ng1_o);
+ }
+ static bool verify(const size_t id, const Cylinder& cylinder, const RayHit& ray, bool shouldhit, const float t0, const float t1)
+ {
+ float eps = 0.001f;
+ BBox1f t; bool hit;
+ hit = cylinder.intersect(,ray.dir,t);
+ bool failed = hit != shouldhit;
+ if (shouldhit) failed |= std::isinf(t0) ? t0 != t.lower : abs(t0-t.lower) > eps;
+ if (shouldhit) failed |= std::isinf(t1) ? t1 != t.upper : abs(t1-t.upper) > eps;
+ if (!failed) return true;
+ embree_cout << "Cylinder test " << id << " failed: cylinder = " << cylinder << ", ray = " << ray << ", hit = " << hit << ", t = " << t << embree_endl;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* verify cylinder class */
+ static bool verify()
+ {
+ bool passed = true;
+ const Cylinder cylinder(Vec3fa(0.0f,0.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f),1.0f);
+ passed &= verify(0,cylinder,RayHit(Vec3fa(-2.0f,1.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa( 0.0f,-1.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,0.0f,2.0f);
+ passed &= verify(1,cylinder,RayHit(Vec3fa(+2.0f,1.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa( 0.0f,-1.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,0.0f,2.0f);
+ passed &= verify(2,cylinder,RayHit(Vec3fa(+2.0f,1.0f,2.0f),Vec3fa( 0.0f,-1.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),false,0.0f,0.0f);
+ passed &= verify(3,cylinder,RayHit(Vec3fa(+0.0f,0.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa( 1.0f, 0.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,neg_inf,pos_inf);
+ passed &= verify(4,cylinder,RayHit(Vec3fa(+0.0f,0.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa(-1.0f, 0.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),true,neg_inf,pos_inf);
+ passed &= verify(5,cylinder,RayHit(Vec3fa(+0.0f,2.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa( 1.0f, 0.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),false,pos_inf,neg_inf);
+ passed &= verify(6,cylinder,RayHit(Vec3fa(+0.0f,2.0f,0.0f),Vec3fa(-1.0f, 0.0f,+0.0f),0.0f,float(inf)),false,pos_inf,neg_inf);
+ return passed;
+ }
+ /*! output operator */
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const Cylinder& c) {
+ return cout << "Cylinder { p0 = " << c.p0 << ", p1 = " << c.p1 << ", r = " << sqrtf(c.rr) << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ struct CylinderN
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<N> p0; //!< start location
+ const Vec3vf<N> p1; //!< end position
+ const vfloat<N> rr; //!< squared radius of cylinder
+ __forceinline CylinderN(const Vec3vf<N>& p0, const Vec3vf<N>& p1, const vfloat<N>& r)
+ : p0(p0), p1(p1), rr(sqr(r)) {}
+ __forceinline CylinderN(const Vec3vf<N>& p0, const Vec3vf<N>& p1, const vfloat<N>& rr, bool)
+ : p0(p0), p1(p1), rr(rr) {}
+ __forceinline vbool<N> intersect(const Vec3fa& org, const Vec3fa& dir,
+ BBox<vfloat<N>>& t_o,
+ vfloat<N>& u0_o, Vec3vf<N>& Ng0_o,
+ vfloat<N>& u1_o, Vec3vf<N>& Ng1_o) const
+ {
+ /* calculate quadratic equation to solve */
+ const vfloat<N> rl = rcp_length(p1-p0);
+ const Vec3vf<N> P0 = p0, dP = (p1-p0)*rl;
+ const Vec3vf<N> O = Vec3vf<N>(org)-P0, dO = dir;
+ const vfloat<N> dOdO = dot(dO,dO);
+ const vfloat<N> OdO = dot(dO,O);
+ const vfloat<N> OO = dot(O,O);
+ const vfloat<N> dOz = dot(dP,dO);
+ const vfloat<N> Oz = dot(dP,O);
+ const vfloat<N> A = dOdO - sqr(dOz);
+ const vfloat<N> B = 2.0f * (OdO - dOz*Oz);
+ const vfloat<N> C = OO - sqr(Oz) - rr;
+ /* we miss the cylinder if determinant is smaller than zero */
+ const vfloat<N> D = B*B - 4.0f*A*C;
+ vbool<N> valid = D >= 0.0f;
+ if (none(valid)) {
+ t_o = BBox<vfloat<N>>(empty);
+ return valid;
+ }
+ /* standard case for rays that are not parallel to the cylinder */
+ const vfloat<N> Q = sqrt(D);
+ const vfloat<N> rcp_2A = rcp(2.0f*A);
+ const vfloat<N> t0 = (-B-Q)*rcp_2A;
+ const vfloat<N> t1 = (-B+Q)*rcp_2A;
+ /* calculates u and Ng for near hit */
+ {
+ u0_o = madd(t0,dOz,Oz)*rl;
+ const Vec3vf<N> Pr = t0*Vec3vf<N>(dir);
+ const Vec3vf<N> Pl = madd(u0_o,p1-p0,p0);
+ Ng0_o = Pr-Pl;
+ }
+ /* calculates u and Ng for far hit */
+ {
+ u1_o = madd(t1,dOz,Oz)*rl;
+ const Vec3vf<N> Pr = t1*Vec3vf<N>(dir);
+ const Vec3vf<N> Pl = madd(u1_o,p1-p0,p0);
+ Ng1_o = Pr-Pl;
+ }
+ t_o.lower = select(valid, t0, vfloat<N>(pos_inf));
+ t_o.upper = select(valid, t1, vfloat<N>(neg_inf));
+ /* special case for rays that are parallel to the cylinder */
+ const vfloat<N> eps = 16.0f*float(ulp)*max(abs(dOdO),abs(sqr(dOz)));
+ vbool<N> validt = valid & (abs(A) < eps);
+ if (unlikely(any(validt)))
+ {
+ vbool<N> inside = C <= 0.0f;
+ t_o.lower = select(validt,select(inside,vfloat<N>(neg_inf),vfloat<N>(pos_inf)),t_o.lower);
+ t_o.upper = select(validt,select(inside,vfloat<N>(pos_inf),vfloat<N>(neg_inf)),t_o.upper);
+ valid &= !validt | inside;
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ __forceinline vbool<N> intersect(const Vec3fa& org_i, const Vec3fa& dir, BBox<vfloat<N>>& t_o) const
+ {
+ vfloat<N> u0_o; Vec3vf<N> Ng0_o;
+ vfloat<N> u1_o; Vec3vf<N> Ng1_o;
+ return intersect(org_i,dir,t_o,u0_o,Ng0_o,u1_o,Ng1_o);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/disc_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/disc_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..816c066899
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/disc_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "../common/scene_points.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_precalculations.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ struct DiscIntersectorHitM
+ {
+ __forceinline DiscIntersectorHitM() {}
+ __forceinline DiscIntersectorHitM(const vfloat<M>& u, const vfloat<M>& v, const vfloat<M>& t, const Vec3vf<M>& Ng)
+ : vu(u), vv(v), vt(t), vNg(Ng)
+ {
+ }
+ __forceinline void finalize() {}
+ __forceinline Vec2f uv(const size_t i) const
+ {
+ return Vec2f(vu[i], vv[i]);
+ }
+ __forceinline float t(const size_t i) const
+ {
+ return vt[i];
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec3fa Ng(const size_t i) const
+ {
+ return Vec3fa(vNg.x[i], vNg.y[i], vNg.z[i]);
+ }
+ public:
+ vfloat<M> vu;
+ vfloat<M> vv;
+ vfloat<M> vt;
+ Vec3vf<M> vNg;
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ struct DiscIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(
+ const vbool<M>& valid_i,
+ Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Points* geom,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& v0i,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org(,,;
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_dir(ray.dir.x, ray.dir.y, ray.dir.z);
+ const vfloat<M> rd2 = rcp(dot(ray_dir, ray_dir));
+ const Vec4vf<M> v0 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v0i);
+ const Vec3vf<M> center =;
+ const vfloat<M> radius = v0.w;
+ const Vec3vf<M> c0 = center - ray_org;
+ const vfloat<M> projC0 = dot(c0, ray_dir) * rd2;
+ valid &= (vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()) <= projC0) & (projC0 <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ valid &= projC0 > float(EMBREE_CURVE_SELF_INTERSECTION_AVOIDANCE_FACTOR) * radius * pre.depth_scale; // ignore self intersections
+ if (unlikely(none(valid)))
+ return false;
+ const Vec3vf<M> perp = c0 - projC0 * ray_dir;
+ const vfloat<M> l2 = dot(perp, perp);
+ const vfloat<M> r2 = radius * radius;
+ valid &= (l2 <= r2);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid)))
+ return false;
+ DiscIntersectorHitM<M> hit(zero, zero, projC0, -ray_dir);
+ return epilog(valid, hit);
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid_i,
+ Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Points* geom,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& v0i,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& normal,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org(,,;
+ const Vec4vf<M> v0 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v0i);
+ const Vec3vf<M> center =;
+ const vfloat<M> radius = v0.w;
+ vfloat<M> divisor = dot(Vec3vf<M>((Vec3fa)ray.dir), normal);
+ const vbool<M> parallel = divisor == vfloat<M>(0.f);
+ valid &= !parallel;
+ divisor = select(parallel, 1.f, divisor); // prevent divide by zero
+ vfloat<M> t = dot(center - Vec3vf<M>((Vec3fa), Vec3vf<M>(normal)) / divisor;
+ valid &= (vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()) <= t) & (t <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ if (unlikely(none(valid)))
+ return false;
+ Vec3vf<M> intersection = Vec3vf<M>((Vec3fa) + Vec3vf<M>((Vec3fa)ray.dir) * t;
+ vfloat<M> dist2 = dot(intersection - center, intersection - center);
+ valid &= dist2 < radius * radius;
+ if (unlikely(none(valid)))
+ return false;
+ DiscIntersectorHitM<M> hit(zero, zero, t, normal);
+ return epilog(valid, hit);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K>
+ struct DiscIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid_i,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Points* geom,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& v0i,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org([k],[k],[k]);
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_dir(ray.dir.x[k], ray.dir.y[k], ray.dir.z[k]);
+ const vfloat<M> rd2 = rcp(dot(ray_dir, ray_dir));
+ const Vec4vf<M> v0 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v0i);
+ const Vec3vf<M> center =;
+ const vfloat<M> radius = v0.w;
+ const Vec3vf<M> c0 = center - ray_org;
+ const vfloat<M> projC0 = dot(c0, ray_dir) * rd2;
+ valid &= (vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()[k]) <= projC0) & (projC0 <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ valid &= projC0 > float(EMBREE_CURVE_SELF_INTERSECTION_AVOIDANCE_FACTOR) * radius * pre.depth_scale[k]; // ignore self intersections
+ if (unlikely(none(valid)))
+ return false;
+ const Vec3vf<M> perp = c0 - projC0 * ray_dir;
+ const vfloat<M> l2 = dot(perp, perp);
+ const vfloat<M> r2 = radius * radius;
+ valid &= (l2 <= r2);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid)))
+ return false;
+ DiscIntersectorHitM<M> hit(zero, zero, projC0, -ray_dir);
+ return epilog(valid, hit);
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid_i,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Points* geom,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& v0i,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& normal,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org([k],[k],[k]);
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_dir(ray.dir.x[k], ray.dir.y[k], ray.dir.z[k]);
+ const Vec4vf<M> v0 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v0i);
+ const Vec3vf<M> center =;
+ const vfloat<M> radius = v0.w;
+ vfloat<M> divisor = dot(Vec3vf<M>(ray_dir), normal);
+ const vbool<M> parallel = divisor == vfloat<M>(0.f);
+ valid &= !parallel;
+ divisor = select(parallel, 1.f, divisor); // prevent divide by zero
+ vfloat<M> t = dot(center - Vec3vf<M>(ray_org), Vec3vf<M>(normal)) / divisor;
+ valid &= (vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()[k]) <= t) & (t <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ if (unlikely(none(valid)))
+ return false;
+ Vec3vf<M> intersection = Vec3vf<M>(ray_org) + Vec3vf<M>(ray_dir) * t;
+ vfloat<M> dist2 = dot(intersection - center, intersection - center);
+ valid &= dist2 < radius * radius;
+ if (unlikely(none(valid)))
+ return false;
+ DiscIntersectorHitM<M> hit(zero, zero, t, normal);
+ return epilog(valid, hit);
+ }
+ };
+ } // namespace isa
+} // namespace embree
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/disci_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/disci_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb9d396f6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/disci_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,277 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "disc_intersector.h"
+#include "intersector_epilog.h"
+#include "pointi.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct DiscMiIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef PointMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre,
+ RayHit& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Disc.gather(v0, geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ DiscIntersector1<M>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, context, geom, pre, v0, Intersect1EpilogM<M, filter>(ray, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre,
+ Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Disc.gather(v0, geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ return DiscIntersector1<M>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, context, geom, pre, v0, Occluded1EpilogM<M, filter>(ray, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct DiscMiMBIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef PointMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre,
+ RayHit& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Disc.gather(v0, geom, ray.time());
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ DiscIntersector1<M>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, context, geom, pre, v0, Intersect1EpilogM<M, filter>(ray, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre,
+ Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Disc.gather(v0, geom, ray.time());
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ return DiscIntersector1<M>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, context, geom, pre, v0, Occluded1EpilogM<M, filter>(ray, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct DiscMiIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef PointMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(
+ const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Disc.gather(v0, geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ DiscIntersectorK<M, K>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, k, context, geom, pre, v0,
+ Intersect1KEpilogM<M, K, filter>(ray, k, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(
+ const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Disc.gather(v0, geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ return DiscIntersectorK<M, K>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, k, context, geom, pre, v0,
+ Occluded1KEpilogM<M, K, filter>(ray, k, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct DiscMiMBIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef PointMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(
+ const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Disc.gather(v0, geom, ray.time()[k]);
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ DiscIntersectorK<M, K>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, k, context, geom, pre, v0,
+ Intersect1KEpilogM<M, K, filter>(ray, k, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(
+ const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Disc.gather(v0, geom, ray.time()[k]);
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ return DiscIntersectorK<M, K>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, k, context, geom, pre, v0, Occluded1KEpilogM<M, K, filter>(ray, k, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct OrientedDiscMiIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef PointMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre,
+ RayHit& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Vec3vf<M> n0;
+ Disc.gather(v0, n0, geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ DiscIntersector1<M>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, context, geom, pre, v0, n0, Intersect1EpilogM<M, filter>(ray, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre,
+ Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Vec3vf<M> n0;
+ Disc.gather(v0, n0, geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ return DiscIntersector1<M>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, context, geom, pre, v0, n0, Occluded1EpilogM<M, filter>(ray, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct OrientedDiscMiMBIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef PointMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre,
+ RayHit& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Vec3vf<M> n0;
+ Disc.gather(v0, n0, geom, ray.time());
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ DiscIntersector1<M>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, context, geom, pre, v0, n0, Intersect1EpilogM<M, filter>(ray, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre,
+ Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Vec3vf<M> n0;
+ Disc.gather(v0, n0, geom, ray.time());
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ return DiscIntersector1<M>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, context, geom, pre, v0, n0, Occluded1EpilogM<M, filter>(ray, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct OrientedDiscMiIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef PointMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(
+ const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Vec3vf<M> n0;
+ Disc.gather(v0, n0, geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ DiscIntersectorK<M, K>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, k, context, geom, pre, v0, n0,
+ Intersect1KEpilogM<M, K, filter>(ray, k, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(
+ const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Vec3vf<M> n0;
+ Disc.gather(v0, n0, geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ return DiscIntersectorK<M, K>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, k, context, geom, pre, v0, n0,
+ Occluded1KEpilogM<M, K, filter>(ray, k, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct OrientedDiscMiMBIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef PointMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(
+ const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Vec3vf<M> n0;
+ Disc.gather(v0, n0, geom, ray.time()[k]);
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ DiscIntersectorK<M, K>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, k, context, geom, pre, v0, n0,
+ Intersect1KEpilogM<M, K, filter>(ray, k, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(
+ const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& Disc)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(Disc.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; Vec3vf<M> n0;
+ Disc.gather(v0, n0, geom, ray.time()[k]);
+ const vbool<M> valid = Disc.valid();
+ return DiscIntersectorK<M, K>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, k, context, geom, pre, v0, n0,
+ Occluded1KEpilogM<M, K, filter>(ray, k, context, Disc.geomID(), Disc.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ } // namespace isa
+} // namespace embree
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/filter.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/filter.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3b4d924ea7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/filter.h
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/geometry.h"
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "../common/hit.h"
+#include "../common/context.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ __forceinline bool runIntersectionFilter1Helper(RTCFilterFunctionNArguments* args, const Geometry* const geometry, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ if (geometry->intersectionFilterN)
+ {
+ assert(context->scene->hasGeometryFilterFunction());
+ geometry->intersectionFilterN(args);
+ if (args->valid[0] == 0)
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (context->user->filter) {
+ assert(context->scene->hasContextFilterFunction());
+ context->user->filter(args);
+ if (args->valid[0] == 0)
+ return false;
+ }
+ copyHitToRay(*(RayHit*)args->ray,*(Hit*)args->hit);
+ return true;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool runIntersectionFilter1(const Geometry* const geometry, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, Hit& hit)
+ {
+ RTCFilterFunctionNArguments args;
+ int mask = -1;
+ args.valid = &mask;
+ args.geometryUserPtr = geometry->userPtr;
+ args.context = context->user;
+ args.ray = (RTCRayN*)&ray;
+ args.hit = (RTCHitN*)&hit;
+ args.N = 1;
+ return runIntersectionFilter1Helper(&args,geometry,context);
+ }
+ __forceinline void reportIntersection1(IntersectFunctionNArguments* args, const RTCFilterFunctionNArguments* filter_args)
+ {
+ IntersectContext* MAYBE_UNUSED context = args->internal_context;
+ const Geometry* const geometry = args->geometry;
+ if (geometry->intersectionFilterN) {
+ assert(context->scene->hasGeometryFilterFunction());
+ geometry->intersectionFilterN(filter_args);
+ }
+ //if (args->valid[0] == 0)
+ // return;
+ if (context->user->filter) {
+ assert(context->scene->hasContextFilterFunction());
+ context->user->filter(filter_args);
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline bool runOcclusionFilter1Helper(RTCFilterFunctionNArguments* args, const Geometry* const geometry, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ if (geometry->occlusionFilterN)
+ {
+ assert(context->scene->hasGeometryFilterFunction());
+ geometry->occlusionFilterN(args);
+ if (args->valid[0] == 0)
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (context->user->filter) {
+ assert(context->scene->hasContextFilterFunction());
+ context->user->filter(args);
+ if (args->valid[0] == 0)
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool runOcclusionFilter1(const Geometry* const geometry, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, Hit& hit)
+ {
+ RTCFilterFunctionNArguments args;
+ int mask = -1;
+ args.valid = &mask;
+ args.geometryUserPtr = geometry->userPtr;
+ args.context = context->user;
+ args.ray = (RTCRayN*)&ray;
+ args.hit = (RTCHitN*)&hit;
+ args.N = 1;
+ return runOcclusionFilter1Helper(&args,geometry,context);
+ }
+ __forceinline void reportOcclusion1(OccludedFunctionNArguments* args, const RTCFilterFunctionNArguments* filter_args)
+ {
+ IntersectContext* MAYBE_UNUSED context = args->internal_context;
+ const Geometry* const geometry = args->geometry;
+ if (geometry->occlusionFilterN) {
+ assert(context->scene->hasGeometryFilterFunction());
+ geometry->occlusionFilterN(filter_args);
+ }
+ //if (args->valid[0] == 0)
+ // return false;
+ if (context->user->filter) {
+ assert(context->scene->hasContextFilterFunction());
+ context->user->filter(filter_args);
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> runIntersectionFilterHelper(RTCFilterFunctionNArguments* args, const Geometry* const geometry, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ vint<K>* mask = (vint<K>*) args->valid;
+ if (geometry->intersectionFilterN)
+ {
+ assert(context->scene->hasGeometryFilterFunction());
+ geometry->intersectionFilterN(args);
+ }
+ vbool<K> valid_o = *mask != vint<K>(zero);
+ if (none(valid_o)) return valid_o;
+ if (context->user->filter) {
+ assert(context->scene->hasContextFilterFunction());
+ context->user->filter(args);
+ }
+ valid_o = *mask != vint<K>(zero);
+ if (none(valid_o)) return valid_o;
+ copyHitToRay(valid_o,*(RayHitK<K>*)args->ray,*(HitK<K>*)args->hit);
+ return valid_o;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> runIntersectionFilter(const vbool<K>& valid, const Geometry* const geometry, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, HitK<K>& hit)
+ {
+ RTCFilterFunctionNArguments args;
+ vint<K> mask = valid.mask32();
+ args.valid = (int*)&mask;
+ args.geometryUserPtr = geometry->userPtr;
+ args.context = context->user;
+ args.ray = (RTCRayN*)&ray;
+ args.hit = (RTCHitN*)&hit;
+ args.N = K;
+ return runIntersectionFilterHelper<K>(&args,geometry,context);
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> runOcclusionFilterHelper(RTCFilterFunctionNArguments* args, const Geometry* const geometry, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ vint<K>* mask = (vint<K>*) args->valid;
+ if (geometry->occlusionFilterN)
+ {
+ assert(context->scene->hasGeometryFilterFunction());
+ geometry->occlusionFilterN(args);
+ }
+ vbool<K> valid_o = *mask != vint<K>(zero);
+ if (none(valid_o)) return valid_o;
+ if (context->user->filter) {
+ assert(context->scene->hasContextFilterFunction());
+ context->user->filter(args);
+ }
+ valid_o = *mask != vint<K>(zero);
+ RayK<K>* ray = (RayK<K>*) args->ray;
+ ray->tfar = select(valid_o, vfloat<K>(neg_inf), ray->tfar);
+ return valid_o;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> runOcclusionFilter(const vbool<K>& valid, const Geometry* const geometry, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, HitK<K>& hit)
+ {
+ RTCFilterFunctionNArguments args;
+ vint<K> mask = valid.mask32();
+ args.valid = (int*)&mask;
+ args.geometryUserPtr = geometry->userPtr;
+ args.context = context->user;
+ args.ray = (RTCRayN*)&ray;
+ args.hit = (RTCHitN*)&hit;
+ args.N = K;
+ return runOcclusionFilterHelper<K>(&args,geometry,context);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/grid_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/grid_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c59cef119
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/grid_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "grid_soa.h"
+#include "grid_soa_intersector1.h"
+#include "grid_soa_intersector_packet.h"
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<typename T>
+ class SubdivPatch1Precalculations : public T
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline SubdivPatch1Precalculations (const Ray& ray, const void* ptr)
+ : T(ray,ptr) {}
+ };
+ template<int K, typename T>
+ class SubdivPatch1PrecalculationsK : public T
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline SubdivPatch1PrecalculationsK (const vbool<K>& valid, RayK<K>& ray)
+ : T(valid,ray) {}
+ };
+ class Grid1Intersector1
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef GridSOA Primitive;
+ typedef Grid1Precalculations<GridSOAIntersector1::Precalculations> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the primitive. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ GridSOAIntersector1::intersect(pre,ray,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, size_t ty0, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, size_t& lazy_node) {
+ intersect(pre,ray,context,prim,ty,lazy_node);
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by the primitive */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ GridSOAIntersector1::occluded(pre,ray,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, size_t ty0, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, size_t& lazy_node) {
+ return occluded(pre,ray,context,prim,ty,lazy_node);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, size_t& lazy_node) {
+ assert(false && "not implemented");
+ return false;
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, size_t ty0, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, size_t& lazy_node) {
+ assert(false && "not implemented");
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template <int K>
+ struct GridIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef GridSOA Primitive;
+ typedef SubdivPatch1PrecalculationsK<K,typename GridSOAIntersectorK<K>::Precalculations> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ GridSOAIntersectorK<K>::intersect(valid,pre,ray,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ GridSOAIntersectorK<K>::occluded(valid,pre,ray,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ GridSOAIntersectorK<K>::intersect(pre,ray,k,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ GridSOAIntersectorK<K>::occluded(pre,ray,k,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ };
+ typedef Grid1IntersectorK<4> SubdivPatch1Intersector4;
+ typedef Grid1IntersectorK<8> SubdivPatch1Intersector8;
+ typedef Grid1IntersectorK<16> SubdivPatch1Intersector16;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/grid_soa.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/grid_soa.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cea90aedf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/grid_soa.h
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "../common/scene_subdiv_mesh.h"
+#include "../bvh/bvh.h"
+#include "../subdiv/tessellation.h"
+#include "../subdiv/tessellation_cache.h"
+#include "subdivpatch1.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ class GridSOA
+ {
+ public:
+ /*! GridSOA constructor */
+ GridSOA(const SubdivPatch1Base* patches, const unsigned time_steps,
+ const unsigned x0, const unsigned x1, const unsigned y0, const unsigned y1, const unsigned swidth, const unsigned sheight,
+ const SubdivMesh* const geom, const size_t totalBvhBytes, const size_t gridBytes, BBox3fa* bounds_o = nullptr);
+ /*! Subgrid creation */
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ static GridSOA* create(const SubdivPatch1Base* patches, const unsigned time_steps,
+ unsigned x0, unsigned x1, unsigned y0, unsigned y1,
+ const Scene* scene, Allocator& alloc, BBox3fa* bounds_o = nullptr)
+ {
+ const unsigned width = x1-x0+1;
+ const unsigned height = y1-y0+1;
+ const GridRange range(0,width-1,0,height-1);
+ size_t bvhBytes = 0;
+ if (time_steps == 1)
+ bvhBytes = getBVHBytes(range,sizeof(BVH4::AABBNode),0);
+ else {
+ bvhBytes = (time_steps-1)*getBVHBytes(range,sizeof(BVH4::AABBNodeMB),0);
+ bvhBytes += getTemporalBVHBytes(make_range(0,int(time_steps-1)),sizeof(BVH4::AABBNodeMB4D));
+ }
+ const size_t gridBytes = 4*size_t(width)*size_t(height)*sizeof(float);
+ size_t rootBytes = time_steps*sizeof(BVH4::NodeRef);
+#if !defined(__64BIT__)
+ rootBytes += 4; // We read 2 elements behind the grid. As we store at least 8 root bytes after the grid we are fine in 64 bit mode. But in 32 bit mode we have to do additional padding.
+ void* data = alloc(offsetof(GridSOA,data)+bvhBytes+time_steps*gridBytes+rootBytes);
+ assert(data);
+ return new (data) GridSOA(patches,time_steps,x0,x1,y0,y1,patches->grid_u_res,patches->grid_v_res,scene->get<SubdivMesh>(patches->geomID()),bvhBytes,gridBytes,bounds_o);
+ }
+ /*! Grid creation */
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ static GridSOA* create(const SubdivPatch1Base* const patches, const unsigned time_steps,
+ const Scene* scene, const Allocator& alloc, BBox3fa* bounds_o = nullptr)
+ {
+ return create(patches,time_steps,0,patches->grid_u_res-1,0,patches->grid_v_res-1,scene,alloc,bounds_o);
+ }
+ /*! returns reference to root */
+ __forceinline BVH4::NodeRef& root(size_t t = 0) { return (BVH4::NodeRef&)data[rootOffset + t*sizeof(BVH4::NodeRef)]; }
+ __forceinline const BVH4::NodeRef& root(size_t t = 0) const { return (BVH4::NodeRef&)data[rootOffset + t*sizeof(BVH4::NodeRef)]; }
+ /*! returns pointer to BVH array */
+ __forceinline char* bvhData() { return &data[0]; }
+ __forceinline const char* bvhData() const { return &data[0]; }
+ /*! returns pointer to Grid array */
+ __forceinline float* gridData(size_t t = 0) { return (float*) &data[gridOffset + t*gridBytes]; }
+ __forceinline const float* gridData(size_t t = 0) const { return (float*) &data[gridOffset + t*gridBytes]; }
+ __forceinline void* encodeLeaf(size_t u, size_t v) {
+ return (void*) (16*(v * width + u + 1)); // +1 to not create empty leaf
+ }
+ __forceinline float* decodeLeaf(size_t t, const void* ptr) {
+ return gridData(t) + (((size_t) (ptr) >> 4) - 1);
+ }
+ /*! returns the size of the BVH over the grid in bytes */
+ static size_t getBVHBytes(const GridRange& range, const size_t nodeBytes, const size_t leafBytes);
+ /*! returns the size of the temporal BVH over the time range BVHs */
+ static size_t getTemporalBVHBytes(const range<int> time_range, const size_t nodeBytes);
+ /*! calculates bounding box of grid range */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa calculateBounds(size_t time, const GridRange& range) const
+ {
+ const float* const grid_array = gridData(time);
+ const float* const grid_x_array = grid_array + 0 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_y_array = grid_array + 1 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_z_array = grid_array + 2 * dim_offset;
+ /* compute the bounds just for the range! */
+ BBox3fa bounds( empty );
+ for (unsigned v = range.v_start; v<=range.v_end; v++)
+ {
+ for (unsigned u = range.u_start; u<=range.u_end; u++)
+ {
+ const float x = grid_x_array[ v * width + u];
+ const float y = grid_y_array[ v * width + u];
+ const float z = grid_z_array[ v * width + u];
+ bounds.extend( Vec3fa(x,y,z) );
+ }
+ }
+ assert(is_finite(bounds));
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ /*! Evaluates grid over patch and builds BVH4 tree over the grid. */
+ std::pair<BVH4::NodeRef,BBox3fa> buildBVH(BBox3fa* bounds_o);
+ /*! Create BVH4 tree over grid. */
+ std::pair<BVH4::NodeRef,BBox3fa> buildBVH(const GridRange& range, size_t& allocator);
+ /*! Evaluates grid over patch and builds MSMBlur BVH4 tree over the grid. */
+ std::pair<BVH4::NodeRef,LBBox3fa> buildMSMBlurBVH(const range<int> time_range, BBox3fa* bounds_o);
+ /*! Create MBlur BVH4 tree over grid. */
+ std::pair<BVH4::NodeRef,LBBox3fa> buildMBlurBVH(size_t time, const GridRange& range, size_t& allocator);
+ /*! Create MSMBlur BVH4 tree over grid. */
+ std::pair<BVH4::NodeRef,LBBox3fa> buildMSMBlurBVH(const range<int> time_range, size_t& allocator, BBox3fa* bounds_o);
+ template<typename Loader>
+ struct MapUV
+ {
+ typedef typename Loader::vfloat vfloat;
+ const float* const grid_uv;
+ size_t line_offset;
+ size_t lines;
+ __forceinline MapUV(const float* const grid_uv, size_t line_offset, const size_t lines)
+ : grid_uv(grid_uv), line_offset(line_offset), lines(lines) {}
+ __forceinline void operator() (vfloat& u, vfloat& v, Vec3<vfloat>& Ng) const {
+ const Vec3<vfloat> tri_v012_uv = Loader::gather(grid_uv,line_offset,lines);
+ const Vec2<vfloat> uv0 = GridSOA::decodeUV(tri_v012_uv[0]);
+ const Vec2<vfloat> uv1 = GridSOA::decodeUV(tri_v012_uv[1]);
+ const Vec2<vfloat> uv2 = GridSOA::decodeUV(tri_v012_uv[2]);
+ const Vec2<vfloat> uv = u * uv1 + v * uv2 + (1.0f-u-v) * uv0;
+ u = uv[0];v = uv[1];
+ }
+ };
+ struct Gather2x3
+ {
+ enum { M = 4 };
+ typedef vbool4 vbool;
+ typedef vint4 vint;
+ typedef vfloat4 vfloat;
+ static __forceinline const Vec3vf4 gather(const float* const grid, const size_t line_offset, const size_t lines)
+ {
+ vfloat4 r0 = vfloat4::loadu(grid + 0*line_offset);
+ vfloat4 r1 = vfloat4::loadu(grid + 1*line_offset); // this accesses 2 elements too much in case of 2x2 grid, but this is ok as we ensure enough padding after the grid
+ if (unlikely(line_offset == 2))
+ {
+ r0 = shuffle<0,1,1,1>(r0);
+ r1 = shuffle<0,1,1,1>(r1);
+ }
+ return Vec3vf4(unpacklo(r0,r1), // r00, r10, r01, r11
+ shuffle<1,1,2,2>(r0), // r01, r01, r02, r02
+ shuffle<0,1,1,2>(r1)); // r10, r11, r11, r12
+ }
+ static __forceinline void gather(const float* const grid_x,
+ const float* const grid_y,
+ const float* const grid_z,
+ const size_t line_offset,
+ const size_t lines,
+ Vec3vf4& v0_o,
+ Vec3vf4& v1_o,
+ Vec3vf4& v2_o)
+ {
+ const Vec3vf4 tri_v012_x = gather(grid_x,line_offset,lines);
+ const Vec3vf4 tri_v012_y = gather(grid_y,line_offset,lines);
+ const Vec3vf4 tri_v012_z = gather(grid_z,line_offset,lines);
+ v0_o = Vec3vf4(tri_v012_x[0],tri_v012_y[0],tri_v012_z[0]);
+ v1_o = Vec3vf4(tri_v012_x[1],tri_v012_y[1],tri_v012_z[1]);
+ v2_o = Vec3vf4(tri_v012_x[2],tri_v012_y[2],tri_v012_z[2]);
+ }
+ };
+#if defined (__AVX__)
+ struct Gather3x3
+ {
+ enum { M = 8 };
+ typedef vbool8 vbool;
+ typedef vint8 vint;
+ typedef vfloat8 vfloat;
+ static __forceinline const Vec3vf8 gather(const float* const grid, const size_t line_offset, const size_t lines)
+ {
+ vfloat4 ra = vfloat4::loadu(grid + 0*line_offset);
+ vfloat4 rb = vfloat4::loadu(grid + 1*line_offset); // this accesses 2 elements too much in case of 2x2 grid, but this is ok as we ensure enough padding after the grid
+ vfloat4 rc;
+ if (likely(lines > 2))
+ rc = vfloat4::loadu(grid + 2*line_offset);
+ else
+ rc = rb;
+ if (unlikely(line_offset == 2))
+ {
+ ra = shuffle<0,1,1,1>(ra);
+ rb = shuffle<0,1,1,1>(rb);
+ rc = shuffle<0,1,1,1>(rc);
+ }
+ const vfloat8 r0 = vfloat8(ra,rb);
+ const vfloat8 r1 = vfloat8(rb,rc);
+ return Vec3vf8(unpacklo(r0,r1), // r00, r10, r01, r11, r10, r20, r11, r21
+ shuffle<1,1,2,2>(r0), // r01, r01, r02, r02, r11, r11, r12, r12
+ shuffle<0,1,1,2>(r1)); // r10, r11, r11, r12, r20, r21, r21, r22
+ }
+ static __forceinline void gather(const float* const grid_x,
+ const float* const grid_y,
+ const float* const grid_z,
+ const size_t line_offset,
+ const size_t lines,
+ Vec3vf8& v0_o,
+ Vec3vf8& v1_o,
+ Vec3vf8& v2_o)
+ {
+ const Vec3vf8 tri_v012_x = gather(grid_x,line_offset,lines);
+ const Vec3vf8 tri_v012_y = gather(grid_y,line_offset,lines);
+ const Vec3vf8 tri_v012_z = gather(grid_z,line_offset,lines);
+ v0_o = Vec3vf8(tri_v012_x[0],tri_v012_y[0],tri_v012_z[0]);
+ v1_o = Vec3vf8(tri_v012_x[1],tri_v012_y[1],tri_v012_z[1]);
+ v2_o = Vec3vf8(tri_v012_x[2],tri_v012_y[2],tri_v012_z[2]);
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename vfloat>
+ static __forceinline Vec2<vfloat> decodeUV(const vfloat& uv)
+ {
+ typedef typename vfloat::Int vint;
+ const vint iu = asInt(uv) & 0xffff;
+ const vint iv = srl(asInt(uv),16);
+ const vfloat u = (vfloat)iu * vfloat(8.0f/0x10000);
+ const vfloat v = (vfloat)iv * vfloat(8.0f/0x10000);
+ return Vec2<vfloat>(u,v);
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int geomID() const {
+ return _geomID;
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int primID() const {
+ return _primID;
+ }
+ public:
+ BVH4::NodeRef troot;
+#if !defined(__64BIT__)
+ unsigned align1;
+ unsigned time_steps;
+ unsigned width;
+ unsigned height;
+ unsigned dim_offset;
+ unsigned _geomID;
+ unsigned _primID;
+ unsigned align2;
+ unsigned gridOffset;
+ unsigned gridBytes;
+ unsigned rootOffset;
+ char data[1]; //!< after the struct we first store the BVH, then the grid, and finally the roots
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/grid_soa_intersector1.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/grid_soa_intersector1.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fbf0d4bdf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/grid_soa_intersector1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "grid_soa.h"
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "triangle_intersector_pluecker.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ class GridSOAIntersector1
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef void Primitive;
+ class Precalculations
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline Precalculations (const Ray& ray, const void* ptr)
+ : grid(nullptr) {}
+ public:
+ GridSOA* grid;
+ int itime;
+ float ftime;
+ };
+ template<typename Loader>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(RayHit& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const float* const grid_x,
+ const size_t line_offset,
+ const size_t lines,
+ Precalculations& pre)
+ {
+ typedef typename Loader::vfloat vfloat;
+ const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset;
+ Vec3<vfloat> v0, v1, v2;
+ Loader::gather(grid_x,grid_y,grid_z,line_offset,lines,v0,v1,v2);
+ GridSOA::MapUV<Loader> mapUV(grid_uv,line_offset,lines);
+ PlueckerIntersector1<Loader::M> intersector(ray,nullptr);
+ intersector.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,mapUV,Intersect1EpilogMU<Loader::M,true>(ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ };
+ template<typename Loader>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const float* const grid_x,
+ const size_t line_offset,
+ const size_t lines,
+ Precalculations& pre)
+ {
+ typedef typename Loader::vfloat vfloat;
+ const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset;
+ Vec3<vfloat> v0, v1, v2;
+ Loader::gather(grid_x,grid_y,grid_z,line_offset,lines,v0,v1,v2);
+ GridSOA::MapUV<Loader> mapUV(grid_uv,line_offset,lines);
+ PlueckerIntersector1<Loader::M> intersector(ray,nullptr);
+ return intersector.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,mapUV,Occluded1EpilogMU<Loader::M,true>(ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the primitive. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width;
+ const size_t lines = pre.grid->height;
+ const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(0,prim);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersect<GridSOA::Gather3x3>( ray, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre);
+ intersect<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, context, grid_x , line_offset, lines, pre);
+ if (likely(lines > 2))
+ intersect<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, context, grid_x+line_offset, line_offset, lines, pre);
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by the primitive */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width;
+ const size_t lines = pre.grid->height;
+ const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(0,prim);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ return occluded<GridSOA::Gather3x3>( ray, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre);
+ if (occluded<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, context, grid_x , line_offset, lines, pre)) return true;
+ if (likely(lines > 2))
+ if (occluded<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, context, grid_x+line_offset, line_offset, lines, pre)) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ class GridSOAMBIntersector1
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef void Primitive;
+ typedef GridSOAIntersector1::Precalculations Precalculations;
+ template<typename Loader>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(RayHit& ray, const float ftime,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const float* const grid_x,
+ const size_t line_offset,
+ const size_t lines,
+ Precalculations& pre)
+ {
+ typedef typename Loader::vfloat vfloat;
+ const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset;
+ const size_t grid_offset = pre.grid->gridBytes >> 2;
+ const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset;
+ Vec3<vfloat> a0, a1, a2;
+ Loader::gather(grid_x,grid_y,grid_z,line_offset,lines,a0,a1,a2);
+ Vec3<vfloat> b0, b1, b2;
+ Loader::gather(grid_x+grid_offset,grid_y+grid_offset,grid_z+grid_offset,line_offset,lines,b0,b1,b2);
+ Vec3<vfloat> v0 = lerp(a0,b0,vfloat(ftime));
+ Vec3<vfloat> v1 = lerp(a1,b1,vfloat(ftime));
+ Vec3<vfloat> v2 = lerp(a2,b2,vfloat(ftime));
+ GridSOA::MapUV<Loader> mapUV(grid_uv,line_offset,lines);
+ PlueckerIntersector1<Loader::M> intersector(ray,nullptr);
+ intersector.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,mapUV,Intersect1EpilogMU<Loader::M,true>(ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ };
+ template<typename Loader>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Ray& ray, const float ftime,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const float* const grid_x,
+ const size_t line_offset,
+ const size_t lines,
+ Precalculations& pre)
+ {
+ typedef typename Loader::vfloat vfloat;
+ const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset;
+ const size_t grid_offset = pre.grid->gridBytes >> 2;
+ const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset;
+ Vec3<vfloat> a0, a1, a2;
+ Loader::gather(grid_x,grid_y,grid_z,line_offset,lines,a0,a1,a2);
+ Vec3<vfloat> b0, b1, b2;
+ Loader::gather(grid_x+grid_offset,grid_y+grid_offset,grid_z+grid_offset,line_offset,lines,b0,b1,b2);
+ Vec3<vfloat> v0 = lerp(a0,b0,vfloat(ftime));
+ Vec3<vfloat> v1 = lerp(a1,b1,vfloat(ftime));
+ Vec3<vfloat> v2 = lerp(a2,b2,vfloat(ftime));
+ GridSOA::MapUV<Loader> mapUV(grid_uv,line_offset,lines);
+ PlueckerIntersector1<Loader::M> intersector(ray,nullptr);
+ return intersector.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,mapUV,Occluded1EpilogMU<Loader::M,true>(ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the primitive. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width;
+ const size_t lines = pre.grid->height;
+ const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(pre.itime,prim);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersect<GridSOA::Gather3x3>( ray, pre.ftime, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre);
+ intersect<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, pre.ftime, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre);
+ if (likely(lines > 2))
+ intersect<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, pre.ftime, context, grid_x+line_offset, line_offset, lines, pre);
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by the primitive */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width;
+ const size_t lines = pre.grid->height;
+ const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(pre.itime,prim);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ return occluded<GridSOA::Gather3x3>( ray, pre.ftime, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre);
+ if (occluded<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, pre.ftime, context, grid_x , line_offset, lines, pre)) return true;
+ if (likely(lines > 2))
+ if (occluded<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, pre.ftime, context, grid_x+line_offset, line_offset, lines, pre)) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/grid_soa_intersector_packet.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/grid_soa_intersector_packet.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14cacab5fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/grid_soa_intersector_packet.h
@@ -0,0 +1,445 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "grid_soa.h"
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "triangle_intersector_pluecker.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int K>
+ struct MapUV0
+ {
+ const float* const grid_uv;
+ size_t ofs00, ofs01, ofs10, ofs11;
+ __forceinline MapUV0(const float* const grid_uv, size_t ofs00, size_t ofs01, size_t ofs10, size_t ofs11)
+ : grid_uv(grid_uv), ofs00(ofs00), ofs01(ofs01), ofs10(ofs10), ofs11(ofs11) {}
+ __forceinline void operator() (vfloat<K>& u, vfloat<K>& v, Vec3vf<K>& Ng) const {
+ const vfloat<K> uv00(grid_uv[ofs00]);
+ const vfloat<K> uv01(grid_uv[ofs01]);
+ const vfloat<K> uv10(grid_uv[ofs10]);
+ const vfloat<K> uv11(grid_uv[ofs11]);
+ const Vec2vf<K> uv0 = GridSOA::decodeUV(uv00);
+ const Vec2vf<K> uv1 = GridSOA::decodeUV(uv01);
+ const Vec2vf<K> uv2 = GridSOA::decodeUV(uv10);
+ const Vec2vf<K> uv = madd(u,uv1,madd(v,uv2,(1.0f-u-v)*uv0));
+ u = uv[0]; v = uv[1];
+ }
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ struct MapUV1
+ {
+ const float* const grid_uv;
+ size_t ofs00, ofs01, ofs10, ofs11;
+ __forceinline MapUV1(const float* const grid_uv, size_t ofs00, size_t ofs01, size_t ofs10, size_t ofs11)
+ : grid_uv(grid_uv), ofs00(ofs00), ofs01(ofs01), ofs10(ofs10), ofs11(ofs11) {}
+ __forceinline void operator() (vfloat<K>& u, vfloat<K>& v, Vec3vf<K>& Ng) const {
+ const vfloat<K> uv00(grid_uv[ofs00]);
+ const vfloat<K> uv01(grid_uv[ofs01]);
+ const vfloat<K> uv10(grid_uv[ofs10]);
+ const vfloat<K> uv11(grid_uv[ofs11]);
+ const Vec2vf<K> uv0 = GridSOA::decodeUV(uv10);
+ const Vec2vf<K> uv1 = GridSOA::decodeUV(uv01);
+ const Vec2vf<K> uv2 = GridSOA::decodeUV(uv11);
+ const Vec2vf<K> uv = madd(u,uv1,madd(v,uv2,(1.0f-u-v)*uv0));
+ u = uv[0]; v = uv[1];
+ }
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ class GridSOAIntersectorK
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef void Primitive;
+ class Precalculations
+ {
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ static const int M = 8;
+ static const int M = 4;
+ public:
+ __forceinline Precalculations (const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ : grid(nullptr), intersector(valid,ray) {}
+ public:
+ GridSOA* grid;
+ PlueckerIntersectorK<M,K> intersector; // FIXME: use quad intersector
+ };
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the primitive. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset;
+ const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width;
+ const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(0,prim);
+ const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset;
+ const size_t max_x = pre.grid->width == 2 ? 1 : 2;
+ const size_t max_y = pre.grid->height == 2 ? 1 : 2;
+ for (size_t y=0; y<max_y; y++)
+ {
+ for (size_t x=0; x<max_x; x++)
+ {
+ const size_t ofs00 = (y+0)*line_offset+(x+0);
+ const size_t ofs01 = (y+0)*line_offset+(x+1);
+ const size_t ofs10 = (y+1)*line_offset+(x+0);
+ const size_t ofs11 = (y+1)*line_offset+(x+1);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p00(grid_x[ofs00],grid_y[ofs00],grid_z[ofs00]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p01(grid_x[ofs01],grid_y[ofs01],grid_z[ofs01]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p10(grid_x[ofs10],grid_y[ofs10],grid_z[ofs10]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p11(grid_x[ofs11],grid_y[ofs11],grid_z[ofs11]);
+ pre.intersector.intersectK(valid_i,ray,p00,p01,p10,MapUV0<K>(grid_uv,ofs00,ofs01,ofs10,ofs11),IntersectKEpilogMU<1,K,true>(ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ pre.intersector.intersectK(valid_i,ray,p10,p01,p11,MapUV1<K>(grid_uv,ofs00,ofs01,ofs10,ofs11),IntersectKEpilogMU<1,K,true>(ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by the primitive */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset;
+ const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width;
+ const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(0,prim);
+ const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset;
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ const size_t max_x = pre.grid->width == 2 ? 1 : 2;
+ const size_t max_y = pre.grid->height == 2 ? 1 : 2;
+ for (size_t y=0; y<max_y; y++)
+ {
+ for (size_t x=0; x<max_x; x++)
+ {
+ const size_t ofs00 = (y+0)*line_offset+(x+0);
+ const size_t ofs01 = (y+0)*line_offset+(x+1);
+ const size_t ofs10 = (y+1)*line_offset+(x+0);
+ const size_t ofs11 = (y+1)*line_offset+(x+1);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p00(grid_x[ofs00],grid_y[ofs00],grid_z[ofs00]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p01(grid_x[ofs01],grid_y[ofs01],grid_z[ofs01]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p10(grid_x[ofs10],grid_y[ofs10],grid_z[ofs10]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p11(grid_x[ofs11],grid_y[ofs11],grid_z[ofs11]);
+ pre.intersector.intersectK(valid,ray,p00,p01,p10,MapUV0<K>(grid_uv,ofs00,ofs01,ofs10,ofs11),OccludedKEpilogMU<1,K,true>(valid,ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ if (none(valid)) break;
+ pre.intersector.intersectK(valid,ray,p10,p01,p11,MapUV1<K>(grid_uv,ofs00,ofs01,ofs10,ofs11),OccludedKEpilogMU<1,K,true>(valid,ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ if (none(valid)) break;
+ }
+ }
+ return !valid;
+ }
+ template<typename Loader>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const float* const grid_x,
+ const size_t line_offset,
+ const size_t lines,
+ Precalculations& pre)
+ {
+ typedef typename Loader::vfloat vfloat;
+ const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset;
+ Vec3<vfloat> v0, v1, v2; Loader::gather(grid_x,grid_y,grid_z,line_offset,lines,v0,v1,v2);
+ pre.intersector.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,GridSOA::MapUV<Loader>(grid_uv,line_offset,lines),Intersect1KEpilogMU<Loader::M,K,true>(ray,k,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ };
+ template<typename Loader>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const float* const grid_x,
+ const size_t line_offset,
+ const size_t lines,
+ Precalculations& pre)
+ {
+ typedef typename Loader::vfloat vfloat;
+ const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset;
+ Vec3<vfloat> v0, v1, v2; Loader::gather(grid_x,grid_y,grid_z,line_offset,lines,v0,v1,v2);
+ return pre.intersector.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,GridSOA::MapUV<Loader>(grid_uv,line_offset,lines),Occluded1KEpilogMU<Loader::M,K,true>(ray,k,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the primitive. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width;
+ const size_t lines = pre.grid->height;
+ const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(0,prim);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersect<GridSOA::Gather3x3>( ray, k, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre);
+ intersect<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, k, context, grid_x , line_offset, lines, pre);
+ if (likely(lines > 2))
+ intersect<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, k, context, grid_x+line_offset, line_offset, lines, pre);
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by the primitive */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width;
+ const size_t lines = pre.grid->height;
+ const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(0,prim);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ return occluded<GridSOA::Gather3x3>( ray, k, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre);
+ if (occluded<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, k, context, grid_x , line_offset, lines, pre)) return true;
+ if (likely(lines > 2))
+ if (occluded<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, k, context, grid_x+line_offset, line_offset, lines, pre)) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ class GridSOAMBIntersectorK
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef void Primitive;
+ typedef typename GridSOAIntersectorK<K>::Precalculations Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the primitive. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ vfloat<K> vftime;
+ vint<K> vitime = getTimeSegment<K>(ray.time(), vfloat<K>((float)(pre.grid->time_steps-1)), vftime);
+ vbool<K> valid1 = valid_i;
+ while (any(valid1)) {
+ const size_t j = bsf(movemask(valid1));
+ const int itime = vitime[j];
+ const vbool<K> valid2 = valid1 & (itime == vitime);
+ valid1 = valid1 & !valid2;
+ intersect(valid2,pre,ray,vftime,itime,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the primitive. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& ftime, int itime, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ const size_t grid_offset = pre.grid->gridBytes >> 2;
+ const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset;
+ const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width;
+ const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(itime,prim);
+ const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset;
+ const size_t max_x = pre.grid->width == 2 ? 1 : 2;
+ const size_t max_y = pre.grid->height == 2 ? 1 : 2;
+ for (size_t y=0; y<max_y; y++)
+ {
+ for (size_t x=0; x<max_x; x++)
+ {
+ size_t ofs00 = (y+0)*line_offset+(x+0);
+ size_t ofs01 = (y+0)*line_offset+(x+1);
+ size_t ofs10 = (y+1)*line_offset+(x+0);
+ size_t ofs11 = (y+1)*line_offset+(x+1);
+ const Vec3vf<K> a00(grid_x[ofs00],grid_y[ofs00],grid_z[ofs00]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> a01(grid_x[ofs01],grid_y[ofs01],grid_z[ofs01]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> a10(grid_x[ofs10],grid_y[ofs10],grid_z[ofs10]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> a11(grid_x[ofs11],grid_y[ofs11],grid_z[ofs11]);
+ ofs00 += grid_offset;
+ ofs01 += grid_offset;
+ ofs10 += grid_offset;
+ ofs11 += grid_offset;
+ const Vec3vf<K> b00(grid_x[ofs00],grid_y[ofs00],grid_z[ofs00]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> b01(grid_x[ofs01],grid_y[ofs01],grid_z[ofs01]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> b10(grid_x[ofs10],grid_y[ofs10],grid_z[ofs10]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> b11(grid_x[ofs11],grid_y[ofs11],grid_z[ofs11]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p00 = lerp(a00,b00,ftime);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p01 = lerp(a01,b01,ftime);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p10 = lerp(a10,b10,ftime);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p11 = lerp(a11,b11,ftime);
+ pre.intersector.intersectK(valid_i,ray,p00,p01,p10,MapUV0<K>(grid_uv,ofs00,ofs01,ofs10,ofs11),IntersectKEpilogMU<1,K,true>(ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ pre.intersector.intersectK(valid_i,ray,p10,p01,p11,MapUV1<K>(grid_uv,ofs00,ofs01,ofs10,ofs11),IntersectKEpilogMU<1,K,true>(ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by the primitive */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ vfloat<K> vftime;
+ vint<K> vitime = getTimeSegment<K>(ray.time(), vfloat<K>((float)(pre.grid->time_steps-1)), vftime);
+ vbool<K> valid_o = valid_i;
+ vbool<K> valid1 = valid_i;
+ while (any(valid1)) {
+ const int j = int(bsf(movemask(valid1)));
+ const int itime = vitime[j];
+ const vbool<K> valid2 = valid1 & (itime == vitime);
+ valid1 = valid1 & !valid2;
+ valid_o &= !valid2 | occluded(valid2,pre,ray,vftime,itime,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ return !valid_o;
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by the primitive */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, const vfloat<K>& ftime, int itime, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ const size_t grid_offset = pre.grid->gridBytes >> 2;
+ const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset;
+ const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width;
+ const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(itime,prim);
+ const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset;
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ const size_t max_x = pre.grid->width == 2 ? 1 : 2;
+ const size_t max_y = pre.grid->height == 2 ? 1 : 2;
+ for (size_t y=0; y<max_y; y++)
+ {
+ for (size_t x=0; x<max_x; x++)
+ {
+ size_t ofs00 = (y+0)*line_offset+(x+0);
+ size_t ofs01 = (y+0)*line_offset+(x+1);
+ size_t ofs10 = (y+1)*line_offset+(x+0);
+ size_t ofs11 = (y+1)*line_offset+(x+1);
+ const Vec3vf<K> a00(grid_x[ofs00],grid_y[ofs00],grid_z[ofs00]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> a01(grid_x[ofs01],grid_y[ofs01],grid_z[ofs01]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> a10(grid_x[ofs10],grid_y[ofs10],grid_z[ofs10]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> a11(grid_x[ofs11],grid_y[ofs11],grid_z[ofs11]);
+ ofs00 += grid_offset;
+ ofs01 += grid_offset;
+ ofs10 += grid_offset;
+ ofs11 += grid_offset;
+ const Vec3vf<K> b00(grid_x[ofs00],grid_y[ofs00],grid_z[ofs00]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> b01(grid_x[ofs01],grid_y[ofs01],grid_z[ofs01]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> b10(grid_x[ofs10],grid_y[ofs10],grid_z[ofs10]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> b11(grid_x[ofs11],grid_y[ofs11],grid_z[ofs11]);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p00 = lerp(a00,b00,ftime);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p01 = lerp(a01,b01,ftime);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p10 = lerp(a10,b10,ftime);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p11 = lerp(a11,b11,ftime);
+ pre.intersector.intersectK(valid,ray,p00,p01,p10,MapUV0<K>(grid_uv,ofs00,ofs01,ofs10,ofs11),OccludedKEpilogMU<1,K,true>(valid,ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ if (none(valid)) break;
+ pre.intersector.intersectK(valid,ray,p10,p01,p11,MapUV1<K>(grid_uv,ofs00,ofs01,ofs10,ofs11),OccludedKEpilogMU<1,K,true>(valid,ray,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ if (none(valid)) break;
+ }
+ }
+ return valid;
+ }
+ template<typename Loader>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ const float ftime,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const float* const grid_x,
+ const size_t line_offset,
+ const size_t lines,
+ Precalculations& pre)
+ {
+ typedef typename Loader::vfloat vfloat;
+ const size_t grid_offset = pre.grid->gridBytes >> 2;
+ const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset;
+ Vec3<vfloat> a0, a1, a2;
+ Loader::gather(grid_x,grid_y,grid_z,line_offset,lines,a0,a1,a2);
+ Vec3<vfloat> b0, b1, b2;
+ Loader::gather(grid_x+grid_offset,grid_y+grid_offset,grid_z+grid_offset,line_offset,lines,b0,b1,b2);
+ Vec3<vfloat> v0 = lerp(a0,b0,vfloat(ftime));
+ Vec3<vfloat> v1 = lerp(a1,b1,vfloat(ftime));
+ Vec3<vfloat> v2 = lerp(a2,b2,vfloat(ftime));
+ pre.intersector.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,GridSOA::MapUV<Loader>(grid_uv,line_offset,lines),Intersect1KEpilogMU<Loader::M,K,true>(ray,k,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ };
+ template<typename Loader>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ const float ftime,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const float* const grid_x,
+ const size_t line_offset,
+ const size_t lines,
+ Precalculations& pre)
+ {
+ typedef typename Loader::vfloat vfloat;
+ const size_t grid_offset = pre.grid->gridBytes >> 2;
+ const size_t dim_offset = pre.grid->dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_y = grid_x + 1 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_z = grid_x + 2 * dim_offset;
+ const float* const grid_uv = grid_x + 3 * dim_offset;
+ Vec3<vfloat> a0, a1, a2;
+ Loader::gather(grid_x,grid_y,grid_z,line_offset,lines,a0,a1,a2);
+ Vec3<vfloat> b0, b1, b2;
+ Loader::gather(grid_x+grid_offset,grid_y+grid_offset,grid_z+grid_offset,line_offset,lines,b0,b1,b2);
+ Vec3<vfloat> v0 = lerp(a0,b0,vfloat(ftime));
+ Vec3<vfloat> v1 = lerp(a1,b1,vfloat(ftime));
+ Vec3<vfloat> v2 = lerp(a2,b2,vfloat(ftime));
+ return pre.intersector.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,GridSOA::MapUV<Loader>(grid_uv,line_offset,lines),Occluded1KEpilogMU<Loader::M,K,true>(ray,k,context,pre.grid->geomID(),pre.grid->primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the primitive. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ int itime = getTimeSegment(ray.time()[k], float(pre.grid->time_steps-1), ftime);
+ const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width;
+ const size_t lines = pre.grid->height;
+ const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(itime,prim);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ intersect<GridSOA::Gather3x3>( ray, k, ftime, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre);
+ intersect<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, k, ftime, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre);
+ if (likely(lines > 2))
+ intersect<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, k, ftime, context, grid_x+line_offset, line_offset, lines, pre);
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by the primitive */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ int itime = getTimeSegment(ray.time()[k], float(pre.grid->time_steps-1), ftime);
+ const size_t line_offset = pre.grid->width;
+ const size_t lines = pre.grid->height;
+ const float* const grid_x = pre.grid->decodeLeaf(itime,prim);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ return occluded<GridSOA::Gather3x3>( ray, k, ftime, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre);
+ if (occluded<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, k, ftime, context, grid_x, line_offset, lines, pre)) return true;
+ if (likely(lines > 2))
+ if (occluded<GridSOA::Gather2x3>(ray, k, ftime, context, grid_x+line_offset, line_offset, lines, pre)) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/instance.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/instance.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c0e7e0f49
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/instance.h
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "primitive.h"
+#include "../common/scene_instance.h"
+namespace embree
+ struct InstancePrimitive
+ {
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType
+ {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /* primitive supports multiple time segments */
+ static const bool singleTimeSegment = false;
+ /* Returns maximum number of stored primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t max_size() { return 1; }
+ /* Returns required number of primitive blocks for N primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t blocks(size_t N) { return N; }
+ public:
+ InstancePrimitive (const Instance* instance, unsigned int instID)
+ : instance(instance)
+ , instID_(instID)
+ {}
+ __forceinline void fill(const PrimRef* prims, size_t& i, size_t end, Scene* scene)
+ {
+ assert(end-i == 1);
+ const PrimRef& prim = prims[i]; i++;
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const Instance* instance = scene->get<Instance>(geomID);
+ new (this) InstancePrimitive(instance, geomID);
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(const PrimRef* prims, size_t& i, size_t end, Scene* scene, size_t itime)
+ {
+ assert(end-i == 1);
+ const PrimRef& prim = prims[i]; i++;
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const Instance* instance = scene->get<Instance>(geomID);
+ new (this) InstancePrimitive(instance,geomID);
+ return instance->linearBounds(0,itime);
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(const PrimRefMB* prims, size_t& i, size_t end, Scene* scene, const BBox1f time_range)
+ {
+ assert(end-i == 1);
+ const PrimRefMB& prim = prims[i]; i++;
+ const unsigned int geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const Instance* instance = scene->get<Instance>(geomID);
+ new (this) InstancePrimitive(instance,geomID);
+ return instance->linearBounds(0,time_range);
+ }
+ /* Updates the primitive */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa update(Instance* instance) {
+ return instance->bounds(0);
+ }
+ public:
+ const Instance* instance;
+ const unsigned int instID_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max ();
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/instance_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/instance_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..28a7b728e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/instance_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "instance.h"
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "../common/point_query.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct InstanceIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef InstancePrimitive Primitive;
+ struct Precalculations {
+ __forceinline Precalculations (const Ray& ray, const void *ptr) {}
+ };
+ static void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim);
+ static bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim);
+ static bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& prim);
+ };
+ struct InstanceIntersector1MB
+ {
+ typedef InstancePrimitive Primitive;
+ struct Precalculations {
+ __forceinline Precalculations (const Ray& ray, const void *ptr) {}
+ };
+ static void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim);
+ static bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim);
+ static bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& prim);
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ struct InstanceIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef InstancePrimitive Primitive;
+ struct Precalculations {
+ __forceinline Precalculations (const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray) {}
+ };
+ static void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim);
+ static vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim);
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim) {
+ intersect(vbool<K>(1<<int(k)),pre,ray,context,prim);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim) {
+ occluded(vbool<K>(1<<int(k)),pre,ray,context,prim);
+ return ray.tfar[k] < 0.0f;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ struct InstanceIntersectorKMB
+ {
+ typedef InstancePrimitive Primitive;
+ struct Precalculations {
+ __forceinline Precalculations (const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray) {}
+ };
+ static void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim);
+ static vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim);
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim) {
+ intersect(vbool<K>(1<<int(k)),pre,ray,context,prim);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim) {
+ occluded(vbool<K>(1<<int(k)),pre,ray,context,prim);
+ return ray.tfar[k] < 0.0f;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/intersector_epilog.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/intersector_epilog.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7bf134cc54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/intersector_epilog.h
@@ -0,0 +1,979 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "../common/context.h"
+#include "filter.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ struct UVIdentity {
+ __forceinline void operator() (vfloat<M>& u, vfloat<M>& v, Vec3vf<M>& Ng) const {}
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Intersect1Epilog1
+ {
+ RayHit& ray;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const unsigned int geomID;
+ const unsigned int primID;
+ __forceinline Intersect1Epilog1(RayHit& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const unsigned int geomID,
+ const unsigned int primID)
+ : ray(ray), context(context), geomID(geomID), primID(primID) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline bool operator() (Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ /* ray mask test */
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ if ((geometry->mask & ray.mask) == 0) return false;
+ hit.finalize();
+ /* intersection filter test */
+ if (filter) {
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasIntersectionFilter())) {
+ HitK<1> h(context->user,geomID,primID,hit.u,hit.v,hit.Ng);
+ const float old_t = ray.tfar;
+ ray.tfar = hit.t;
+ bool found = runIntersectionFilter1(geometry,ray,context,h);
+ if (!found) ray.tfar = old_t;
+ return found;
+ }
+ }
+ /* update hit information */
+ ray.tfar = hit.t;
+ ray.Ng = hit.Ng;
+ ray.u = hit.u;
+ ray.v = hit.v;
+ ray.primID = primID;
+ ray.geomID = geomID;
+ instance_id_stack::copy_UU(context->user->instID, ray.instID);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Occluded1Epilog1
+ {
+ Ray& ray;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const unsigned int geomID;
+ const unsigned int primID;
+ __forceinline Occluded1Epilog1(Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const unsigned int geomID,
+ const unsigned int primID)
+ : ray(ray), context(context), geomID(geomID), primID(primID) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline bool operator() (Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ /* ray mask test */
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ if ((geometry->mask & ray.mask) == 0) return false;
+ hit.finalize();
+ /* intersection filter test */
+ if (filter) {
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasOcclusionFilter())) {
+ HitK<1> h(context->user,geomID,primID,hit.u,hit.v,hit.Ng);
+ const float old_t = ray.tfar;
+ ray.tfar = hit.t;
+ const bool found = runOcclusionFilter1(geometry,ray,context,h);
+ if (!found) ray.tfar = old_t;
+ return found;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int K, bool filter>
+ struct Intersect1KEpilog1
+ {
+ RayHitK<K>& ray;
+ size_t k;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const unsigned int geomID;
+ const unsigned int primID;
+ __forceinline Intersect1KEpilog1(RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const unsigned int geomID,
+ const unsigned int primID)
+ : ray(ray), k(k), context(context), geomID(geomID), primID(primID) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline bool operator() (Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ /* ray mask test */
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ if ((geometry->mask & ray.mask[k]) == 0)
+ return false;
+ hit.finalize();
+ /* intersection filter test */
+ if (filter) {
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasIntersectionFilter())) {
+ HitK<K> h(context->user,geomID,primID,hit.u,hit.v,hit.Ng);
+ const float old_t = ray.tfar[k];
+ ray.tfar[k] = hit.t;
+ const bool found = any(runIntersectionFilter(vbool<K>(1<<k),geometry,ray,context,h));
+ if (!found) ray.tfar[k] = old_t;
+ return found;
+ }
+ }
+ /* update hit information */
+ ray.tfar[k] = hit.t;
+ ray.Ng.x[k] = hit.Ng.x;
+ ray.Ng.y[k] = hit.Ng.y;
+ ray.Ng.z[k] = hit.Ng.z;
+ ray.u[k] = hit.u;
+ ray.v[k] = hit.v;
+ ray.primID[k] = primID;
+ ray.geomID[k] = geomID;
+ instance_id_stack::copy_UV<K>(context->user->instID, ray.instID, k);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int K, bool filter>
+ struct Occluded1KEpilog1
+ {
+ RayK<K>& ray;
+ size_t k;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const unsigned int geomID;
+ const unsigned int primID;
+ __forceinline Occluded1KEpilog1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const unsigned int geomID,
+ const unsigned int primID)
+ : ray(ray), k(k), context(context), geomID(geomID), primID(primID) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline bool operator() (Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ /* ray mask test */
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ if ((geometry->mask & ray.mask[k]) == 0)
+ return false;
+ /* intersection filter test */
+ if (filter) {
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasOcclusionFilter())) {
+ hit.finalize();
+ HitK<K> h(context->user,geomID,primID,hit.u,hit.v,hit.Ng);
+ const float old_t = ray.tfar[k];
+ ray.tfar[k] = hit.t;
+ const bool found = any(runOcclusionFilter(vbool<K>(1<<k),geometry,ray,context,h));
+ if (!found) ray.tfar[k] = old_t;
+ return found;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct Intersect1EpilogM
+ {
+ RayHit& ray;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs;
+ const vuint<M>& primIDs;
+ __forceinline Intersect1EpilogM(RayHit& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs,
+ const vuint<M>& primIDs)
+ : ray(ray), context(context), geomIDs(geomIDs), primIDs(primIDs) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline bool operator() (const vbool<M>& valid_i, Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ hit.finalize();
+ size_t i = select_min(valid,hit.vt);
+ unsigned int geomID = geomIDs[i];
+ /* intersection filter test */
+ bool foundhit = false;
+ goto entry;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return foundhit;
+ i = select_min(valid,hit.vt);
+ geomID = geomIDs[i];
+ entry:
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ /* goto next hit if mask test fails */
+ if ((geometry->mask & ray.mask) == 0) {
+ clear(valid,i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* call intersection filter function */
+ if (filter) {
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasIntersectionFilter())) {
+ const Vec2f uv = hit.uv(i);
+ HitK<1> h(context->user,geomID,primIDs[i],uv.x,uv.y,hit.Ng(i));
+ const float old_t = ray.tfar;
+ ray.tfar = hit.t(i);
+ const bool found = runIntersectionFilter1(geometry,ray,context,h);
+ if (!found) ray.tfar = old_t;
+ foundhit |= found;
+ clear(valid,i);
+ valid &= hit.vt <= ray.tfar; // intersection filters may modify tfar value
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ /* update hit information */
+ const Vec2f uv = hit.uv(i);
+ ray.tfar = hit.vt[i];
+ ray.Ng.x = hit.vNg.x[i];
+ ray.Ng.y = hit.vNg.y[i];
+ ray.Ng.z = hit.vNg.z[i];
+ ray.u = uv.x;
+ ray.v = uv.y;
+ ray.primID = primIDs[i];
+ ray.geomID = geomID;
+ instance_id_stack::copy_UU(context->user->instID, ray.instID);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct Occluded1EpilogM
+ {
+ Ray& ray;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs;
+ const vuint<M>& primIDs;
+ __forceinline Occluded1EpilogM(Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs,
+ const vuint<M>& primIDs)
+ : ray(ray), context(context), geomIDs(geomIDs), primIDs(primIDs) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline bool operator() (const vbool<M>& valid_i, Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ /* intersection filter test */
+ if (unlikely(filter))
+ hit.finalize(); /* called only once */
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ size_t m=movemask(valid);
+ goto entry;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(m == 0)) return false;
+ entry:
+ size_t i=bsf(m);
+ const unsigned int geomID = geomIDs[i];
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ /* goto next hit if mask test fails */
+ if ((geometry->mask & ray.mask) == 0) {
+ m=btc(m,i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* if we have no filter then the test passed */
+ if (filter) {
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasOcclusionFilter()))
+ {
+ const Vec2f uv = hit.uv(i);
+ HitK<1> h(context->user,geomID,primIDs[i],uv.x,uv.y,hit.Ng(i));
+ const float old_t = ray.tfar;
+ ray.tfar = hit.t(i);
+ if (runOcclusionFilter1(geometry,ray,context,h)) return true;
+ ray.tfar = old_t;
+ m=btc(m,i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct Intersect1EpilogMU
+ {
+ RayHit& ray;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const unsigned int geomID;
+ const unsigned int primID;
+ __forceinline Intersect1EpilogMU(RayHit& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const unsigned int geomID,
+ const unsigned int primID)
+ : ray(ray), context(context), geomID(geomID), primID(primID) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline bool operator() (const vbool<M>& valid_i, Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ /* ray mask test */
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ if ((geometry->mask & ray.mask) == 0) return false;
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ hit.finalize();
+ size_t i = select_min(valid,hit.vt);
+ /* intersection filter test */
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasIntersectionFilter()))
+ {
+ bool foundhit = false;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ /* call intersection filter function */
+ Vec2f uv = hit.uv(i);
+ const float old_t = ray.tfar;
+ ray.tfar = hit.t(i);
+ HitK<1> h(context->user,geomID,primID,uv.x,uv.y,hit.Ng(i));
+ const bool found = runIntersectionFilter1(geometry,ray,context,h);
+ if (!found) ray.tfar = old_t;
+ foundhit |= found;
+ clear(valid,i);
+ valid &= hit.vt <= ray.tfar; // intersection filters may modify tfar value
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) break;
+ i = select_min(valid,hit.vt);
+ }
+ return foundhit;
+ }
+ /* update hit information */
+ const Vec2f uv = hit.uv(i);
+ const Vec3fa Ng = hit.Ng(i);
+ ray.tfar = hit.t(i);
+ ray.Ng.x = Ng.x;
+ ray.Ng.y = Ng.y;
+ ray.Ng.z = Ng.z;
+ ray.u = uv.x;
+ ray.v = uv.y;
+ ray.primID = primID;
+ ray.geomID = geomID;
+ instance_id_stack::copy_UU(context->user->instID, ray.instID);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct Occluded1EpilogMU
+ {
+ Ray& ray;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const unsigned int geomID;
+ const unsigned int primID;
+ __forceinline Occluded1EpilogMU(Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const unsigned int geomID,
+ const unsigned int primID)
+ : ray(ray), context(context), geomID(geomID), primID(primID) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline bool operator() (const vbool<M>& valid, Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ /* ray mask test */
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ if ((geometry->mask & ray.mask) == 0) return false;
+ /* intersection filter test */
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasOcclusionFilter()))
+ {
+ hit.finalize();
+ for (size_t m=movemask(valid), i=bsf(m); m!=0; m=btc(m,i), i=bsf(m))
+ {
+ const Vec2f uv = hit.uv(i);
+ const float old_t = ray.tfar;
+ ray.tfar = hit.t(i);
+ HitK<1> h(context->user,geomID,primID,uv.x,uv.y,hit.Ng(i));
+ if (runOcclusionFilter1(geometry,ray,context,h)) return true;
+ ray.tfar = old_t;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct IntersectKEpilogM
+ {
+ RayHitK<K>& ray;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs;
+ const vuint<M>& primIDs;
+ const size_t i;
+ __forceinline IntersectKEpilogM(RayHitK<K>& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs,
+ const vuint<M>& primIDs,
+ size_t i)
+ : ray(ray), context(context), geomIDs(geomIDs), primIDs(primIDs), i(i) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> operator() (const vbool<K>& valid_i, const Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ vfloat<K> u, v, t;
+ Vec3vf<K> Ng;
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ std::tie(u,v,t,Ng) = hit();
+ const unsigned int geomID = geomIDs[i];
+ const unsigned int primID = primIDs[i];
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+ /* ray masking test */
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ valid &= (geometry->mask & ray.mask) != 0;
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* occlusion filter test */
+ if (filter) {
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasIntersectionFilter())) {
+ HitK<K> h(context->user,geomID,primID,u,v,Ng);
+ const vfloat<K> old_t = ray.tfar;
+ ray.tfar = select(valid,t,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool<K> m_accept = runIntersectionFilter(valid,geometry,ray,context,h);
+ ray.tfar = select(m_accept,ray.tfar,old_t);
+ return m_accept;
+ }
+ }
+ /* update hit information */
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid,&ray.tfar,t);
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid,&ray.Ng.x,Ng.x);
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid,&ray.Ng.y,Ng.y);
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid,&ray.Ng.z,Ng.z);
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid,&ray.u,u);
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid,&ray.v,v);
+ vuint<K>::store(valid,&ray.primID,primID);
+ vuint<K>::store(valid,&ray.geomID,geomID);
+ instance_id_stack::copy_UV<K>(context->user->instID, ray.instID, valid);
+ return valid;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct OccludedKEpilogM
+ {
+ vbool<K>& valid0;
+ RayK<K>& ray;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs;
+ const vuint<M>& primIDs;
+ const size_t i;
+ __forceinline OccludedKEpilogM(vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs,
+ const vuint<M>& primIDs,
+ size_t i)
+ : valid0(valid0), ray(ray), context(context), geomIDs(geomIDs), primIDs(primIDs), i(i) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> operator() (const vbool<K>& valid_i, const Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ /* ray masking test */
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ const unsigned int geomID MAYBE_UNUSED = geomIDs[i];
+ const unsigned int primID MAYBE_UNUSED = primIDs[i];
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ valid &= (geometry->mask & ray.mask) != 0;
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return valid;
+ /* intersection filter test */
+ if (filter) {
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasOcclusionFilter()))
+ {
+ vfloat<K> u, v, t;
+ Vec3vf<K> Ng;
+ std::tie(u,v,t,Ng) = hit();
+ HitK<K> h(context->user,geomID,primID,u,v,Ng);
+ const vfloat<K> old_t = ray.tfar;
+ ray.tfar = select(valid,t,ray.tfar);
+ valid = runOcclusionFilter(valid,geometry,ray,context,h);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid,ray.tfar,old_t);
+ }
+ }
+ /* update occlusion */
+ valid0 = valid0 & !valid;
+ return valid;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct IntersectKEpilogMU
+ {
+ RayHitK<K>& ray;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const unsigned int geomID;
+ const unsigned int primID;
+ __forceinline IntersectKEpilogMU(RayHitK<K>& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const unsigned int geomID,
+ const unsigned int primID)
+ : ray(ray), context(context), geomID(geomID), primID(primID) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> operator() (const vbool<K>& valid_org, const Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_org;
+ vfloat<K> u, v, t;
+ Vec3vf<K> Ng;
+ std::tie(u,v,t,Ng) = hit();
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+ /* ray masking test */
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ valid &= (geometry->mask & ray.mask) != 0;
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* intersection filter test */
+ if (filter) {
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasIntersectionFilter())) {
+ HitK<K> h(context->user,geomID,primID,u,v,Ng);
+ const vfloat<K> old_t = ray.tfar;
+ ray.tfar = select(valid,t,ray.tfar);
+ const vbool<K> m_accept = runIntersectionFilter(valid,geometry,ray,context,h);
+ ray.tfar = select(m_accept,ray.tfar,old_t);
+ return m_accept;
+ }
+ }
+ /* update hit information */
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid,&ray.tfar,t);
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid,&ray.Ng.x,Ng.x);
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid,&ray.Ng.y,Ng.y);
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid,&ray.Ng.z,Ng.z);
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid,&ray.u,u);
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid,&ray.v,v);
+ vuint<K>::store(valid,&ray.primID,primID);
+ vuint<K>::store(valid,&ray.geomID,geomID);
+ instance_id_stack::copy_UV<K>(context->user->instID, ray.instID, valid);
+ return valid;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct OccludedKEpilogMU
+ {
+ vbool<K>& valid0;
+ RayK<K>& ray;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const unsigned int geomID;
+ const unsigned int primID;
+ __forceinline OccludedKEpilogMU(vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const unsigned int geomID,
+ const unsigned int primID)
+ : valid0(valid0), ray(ray), context(context), geomID(geomID), primID(primID) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> operator() (const vbool<K>& valid_i, const Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ valid &= (geometry->mask & ray.mask) != 0;
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* occlusion filter test */
+ if (filter) {
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasOcclusionFilter()))
+ {
+ vfloat<K> u, v, t;
+ Vec3vf<K> Ng;
+ std::tie(u,v,t,Ng) = hit();
+ HitK<K> h(context->user,geomID,primID,u,v,Ng);
+ const vfloat<K> old_t = ray.tfar;
+ ray.tfar = select(valid,t,ray.tfar);
+ valid = runOcclusionFilter(valid,geometry,ray,context,h);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid,ray.tfar,old_t);
+ }
+ }
+ /* update occlusion */
+ valid0 = valid0 & !valid;
+ return valid;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct Intersect1KEpilogM
+ {
+ RayHitK<K>& ray;
+ size_t k;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs;
+ const vuint<M>& primIDs;
+ __forceinline Intersect1KEpilogM(RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs,
+ const vuint<M>& primIDs)
+ : ray(ray), k(k), context(context), geomIDs(geomIDs), primIDs(primIDs) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline bool operator() (const vbool<M>& valid_i, Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ hit.finalize();
+ size_t i = select_min(valid,hit.vt);
+ assert(i<M);
+ unsigned int geomID = geomIDs[i];
+ /* intersection filter test */
+ bool foundhit = false;
+ goto entry;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return foundhit;
+ i = select_min(valid,hit.vt);
+ assert(i<M);
+ geomID = geomIDs[i];
+ entry:
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ /* goto next hit if mask test fails */
+ if ((geometry->mask & ray.mask[k]) == 0) {
+ clear(valid,i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* call intersection filter function */
+ if (filter) {
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasIntersectionFilter())) {
+ assert(i<M);
+ const Vec2f uv = hit.uv(i);
+ HitK<K> h(context->user,geomID,primIDs[i],uv.x,uv.y,hit.Ng(i));
+ const float old_t = ray.tfar[k];
+ ray.tfar[k] = hit.t(i);
+ const bool found = any(runIntersectionFilter(vbool<K>(1<<k),geometry,ray,context,h));
+ if (!found) ray.tfar[k] = old_t;
+ foundhit = foundhit | found;
+ clear(valid,i);
+ valid &= hit.vt <= ray.tfar[k]; // intersection filters may modify tfar value
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ assert(i<M);
+ /* update hit information */
+ const Vec2f uv = hit.uv(i);
+ ray.tfar[k] = hit.t(i);
+ ray.Ng.x[k] = hit.vNg.x[i];
+ ray.Ng.y[k] = hit.vNg.y[i];
+ ray.Ng.z[k] = hit.vNg.z[i];
+ ray.u[k] = uv.x;
+ ray.v[k] = uv.y;
+ ray.primID[k] = primIDs[i];
+ ray.geomID[k] = geomID;
+ instance_id_stack::copy_UV<K>(context->user->instID, ray.instID, k);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct Occluded1KEpilogM
+ {
+ RayK<K>& ray;
+ size_t k;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs;
+ const vuint<M>& primIDs;
+ __forceinline Occluded1KEpilogM(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs,
+ const vuint<M>& primIDs)
+ : ray(ray), k(k), context(context), geomIDs(geomIDs), primIDs(primIDs) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline bool operator() (const vbool<M>& valid_i, Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ /* intersection filter test */
+ if (unlikely(filter))
+ hit.finalize(); /* called only once */
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ size_t m=movemask(valid);
+ goto entry;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(m == 0)) return false;
+ entry:
+ size_t i=bsf(m);
+ const unsigned int geomID = geomIDs[i];
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ /* goto next hit if mask test fails */
+ if ((geometry->mask & ray.mask[k]) == 0) {
+ m=btc(m,i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* execute occlusion filer */
+ if (filter) {
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasOcclusionFilter()))
+ {
+ const Vec2f uv = hit.uv(i);
+ const float old_t = ray.tfar[k];
+ ray.tfar[k] = hit.t(i);
+ HitK<K> h(context->user,geomID,primIDs[i],uv.x,uv.y,hit.Ng(i));
+ if (any(runOcclusionFilter(vbool<K>(1<<k),geometry,ray,context,h))) return true;
+ ray.tfar[k] = old_t;
+ m=btc(m,i);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct Intersect1KEpilogMU
+ {
+ RayHitK<K>& ray;
+ size_t k;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const unsigned int geomID;
+ const unsigned int primID;
+ __forceinline Intersect1KEpilogMU(RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const unsigned int geomID,
+ const unsigned int primID)
+ : ray(ray), k(k), context(context), geomID(geomID), primID(primID) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline bool operator() (const vbool<M>& valid_i, Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ /* ray mask test */
+ if ((geometry->mask & ray.mask[k]) == 0)
+ return false;
+ /* finalize hit calculation */
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ hit.finalize();
+ size_t i = select_min(valid,hit.vt);
+ /* intersection filter test */
+ if (filter) {
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasIntersectionFilter()))
+ {
+ bool foundhit = false;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ const Vec2f uv = hit.uv(i);
+ const float old_t = ray.tfar[k];
+ ray.tfar[k] = hit.t(i);
+ HitK<K> h(context->user,geomID,primID,uv.x,uv.y,hit.Ng(i));
+ const bool found = any(runIntersectionFilter(vbool<K>(1<<k),geometry,ray,context,h));
+ if (!found) ray.tfar[k] = old_t;
+ foundhit = foundhit | found;
+ clear(valid,i);
+ valid &= hit.vt <= ray.tfar[k]; // intersection filters may modify tfar value
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) break;
+ i = select_min(valid,hit.vt);
+ }
+ return foundhit;
+ }
+ }
+ /* update hit information */
+ const Vec2f uv = hit.uv(i);
+ const Vec3fa Ng = hit.Ng(i);
+ ray.tfar[k] = hit.t(i);
+ ray.Ng.x[k] = Ng.x;
+ ray.Ng.y[k] = Ng.y;
+ ray.Ng.z[k] = Ng.z;
+ ray.u[k] = uv.x;
+ ray.v[k] = uv.y;
+ ray.primID[k] = primID;
+ ray.geomID[k] = geomID;
+ instance_id_stack::copy_UV<K>(context->user->instID, ray.instID, k);
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct Occluded1KEpilogMU
+ {
+ RayK<K>& ray;
+ size_t k;
+ IntersectContext* context;
+ const unsigned int geomID;
+ const unsigned int primID;
+ __forceinline Occluded1KEpilogMU(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const unsigned int geomID,
+ const unsigned int primID)
+ : ray(ray), k(k), context(context), geomID(geomID), primID(primID) {}
+ template<typename Hit>
+ __forceinline bool operator() (const vbool<M>& valid_i, Hit& hit) const
+ {
+ Scene* scene MAYBE_UNUSED = context->scene;
+ Geometry* geometry MAYBE_UNUSED = scene->get(geomID);
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ /* ray mask test */
+ if ((geometry->mask & ray.mask[k]) == 0)
+ return false;
+ /* intersection filter test */
+ if (filter) {
+ if (unlikely(context->hasContextFilter() || geometry->hasOcclusionFilter()))
+ {
+ hit.finalize();
+ for (size_t m=movemask(valid_i), i=bsf(m); m!=0; m=btc(m,i), i=bsf(m))
+ {
+ const Vec2f uv = hit.uv(i);
+ const float old_t = ray.tfar[k];
+ ray.tfar[k] = hit.t(i);
+ HitK<K> h(context->user,geomID,primID,uv.x,uv.y,hit.Ng(i));
+ if (any(runOcclusionFilter(vbool<K>(1<<k),geometry,ray,context,h))) return true;
+ ray.tfar[k] = old_t;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/intersector_iterators.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/intersector_iterators.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9cac1cd25c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/intersector_iterators.h
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/scene.h"
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "../common/point_query.h"
+#include "../bvh/node_intersector1.h"
+#include "../bvh/node_intersector_packet.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<typename Intersector>
+ struct ArrayIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef typename Intersector::Primitive Primitive;
+ typedef typename Intersector::Precalculations Precalculations;
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++)
+ Intersector::intersect(pre,ray,context,prim[i]);
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ if (Intersector::occluded(pre,ray,context,prim[i]))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravPointQuery<N> &tquery, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ bool changed = false;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++)
+ changed |= Intersector::pointQuery(query, context, prim[i]);
+ return changed;
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ static __forceinline void intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid, /* PrecalculationsK& pre, */ RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occludedK(const vbool<K>& valid, /* PrecalculationsK& pre, */ RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ return valid;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int K, typename Intersector>
+ struct ArrayIntersectorK_1
+ {
+ typedef typename Intersector::Primitive Primitive;
+ typedef typename Intersector::Precalculations Precalculations;
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRayK<K, robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ Intersector::intersect(valid,pre,ray,context,prim[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRayK<K, robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ valid0 &= !Intersector::occluded(valid0,pre,ray,context,prim[i]);
+ if (none(valid0)) break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ Intersector::intersect(pre,ray,k,context,prim[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ if (Intersector::occluded(pre,ray,k,context,prim[i]))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ // =============================================================================================
+ template<int K, typename IntersectorK>
+ struct ArrayIntersectorKStream
+ {
+ typedef typename IntersectorK::Primitive PrimitiveK;
+ typedef typename IntersectorK::Precalculations PrecalculationsK;
+ static __forceinline void intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid, const Accel::Intersectors* This, /* PrecalculationsK& pre, */ RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const PrimitiveK* prim, size_t num, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ PrecalculationsK pre(valid,ray); // FIXME: might cause trouble
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ IntersectorK::intersect(valid,pre,ray,context,prim[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occludedK(const vbool<K>& valid, const Accel::Intersectors* This, /* PrecalculationsK& pre, */ RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const PrimitiveK* prim, size_t num, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ PrecalculationsK pre(valid,ray); // FIXME: might cause trouble
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ valid0 &= !IntersectorK::occluded(valid0,pre,ray,context,prim[i]);
+ if (none(valid0)) break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const PrimitiveK* prim, size_t num, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ PrecalculationsK pre(ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar,ray); // FIXME: might cause trouble
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ IntersectorK::intersect(pre,ray,k,context,prim[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const PrimitiveK* prim, size_t num, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ PrecalculationsK pre(ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar,ray); // FIXME: might cause trouble
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ if (IntersectorK::occluded(pre,ray,k,context,prim[i]))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static __forceinline size_t occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, size_t cur_mask, RayK<K>** __restrict__ inputPackets, IntersectContext* context, const PrimitiveK* prim, size_t num, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ size_t m_occluded = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<num; i++) {
+ size_t bits = cur_mask & (~m_occluded);
+ for (; bits!=0; )
+ {
+ const size_t rayID = bscf(bits);
+ RayHitK<K> &ray = *inputPackets[rayID / K];
+ const size_t k = rayID % K;
+ PrecalculationsK pre(ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar,ray); // FIXME: might cause trouble
+ if (IntersectorK::occluded(pre,ray,k,context,prim[i]))
+ {
+ m_occluded |= (size_t)1 << rayID;
+ ray.tfar[k] = neg_inf;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return m_occluded;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/line_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/line_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41096d8794
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/line_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_precalculations.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ struct LineIntersectorHitM
+ {
+ __forceinline LineIntersectorHitM() {}
+ __forceinline LineIntersectorHitM(const vfloat<M>& u, const vfloat<M>& v, const vfloat<M>& t, const Vec3vf<M>& Ng)
+ : vu(u), vv(v), vt(t), vNg(Ng) {}
+ __forceinline void finalize() {}
+ __forceinline Vec2f uv (const size_t i) const { return Vec2f(vu[i],vv[i]); }
+ __forceinline float t (const size_t i) const { return vt[i]; }
+ __forceinline Vec3fa Ng(const size_t i) const { return Vec3fa(vNg.x[i],vNg.y[i],vNg.z[i]); }
+ __forceinline Vec2vf<M> uv() const { return Vec2vf<M>(vu,vv); }
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> t () const { return vt; }
+ __forceinline Vec3vf<M> Ng() const { return vNg; }
+ public:
+ vfloat<M> vu;
+ vfloat<M> vv;
+ vfloat<M> vt;
+ Vec3vf<M> vNg;
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ struct FlatLinearCurveIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ template<typename Ray, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid_i,
+ Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& v0i, const Vec4vf<M>& v1i,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ /* transform end points into ray space */
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ vfloat<M> depth_scale = pre.depth_scale;
+ LinearSpace3<Vec3vf<M>> ray_space = pre.ray_space;
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org ((Vec3fa);
+ const Vec4vf<M> v0 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v0i);
+ const Vec4vf<M> v1 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v1i);
+ Vec4vf<M> p0(xfmVector(ray_space,, v0.w);
+ Vec4vf<M> p1(xfmVector(ray_space,, v1.w);
+ /* approximative intersection with cone */
+ const Vec4vf<M> v = p1-p0;
+ const Vec4vf<M> w = -p0;
+ const vfloat<M> d0 = madd(w.x,v.x,w.y*v.y);
+ const vfloat<M> d1 = madd(v.x,v.x,v.y*v.y);
+ const vfloat<M> u = clamp(d0*rcp(d1),vfloat<M>(zero),vfloat<M>(one));
+ const Vec4vf<M> p = madd(u,v,p0);
+ const vfloat<M> t = p.z;
+ const vfloat<M> d2 = madd(p.x,p.x,p.y*p.y);
+ const vfloat<M> r = p.w;
+ const vfloat<M> r2 = r*r;
+ valid &= (d2 <= r2) & (vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()) <= t) & (t <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ valid &= t > float(EMBREE_CURVE_SELF_INTERSECTION_AVOIDANCE_FACTOR)*r*depth_scale; // ignore self intersections
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* ignore denormalized segments */
+ const Vec3vf<M> T =;
+ valid &= (T.x != vfloat<M>(zero)) | (T.y != vfloat<M>(zero)) | (T.z != vfloat<M>(zero));
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* update hit information */
+ LineIntersectorHitM<M> hit(u,zero,t,T);
+ return epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K>
+ struct FlatLinearCurveIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid_i,
+ RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& v0i, const Vec4vf<M>& v1i,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ /* transform end points into ray space */
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ vfloat<M> depth_scale = pre.depth_scale[k];
+ LinearSpace3<Vec3vf<M>> ray_space = pre.ray_space[k];
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org([k],[k],[k]);
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_dir(ray.dir.x[k],ray.dir.y[k],ray.dir.z[k]);
+ const Vec4vf<M> v0 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v0i);
+ const Vec4vf<M> v1 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v1i);
+ Vec4vf<M> p0(xfmVector(ray_space,, v0.w);
+ Vec4vf<M> p1(xfmVector(ray_space,, v1.w);
+ /* approximative intersection with cone */
+ const Vec4vf<M> v = p1-p0;
+ const Vec4vf<M> w = -p0;
+ const vfloat<M> d0 = madd(w.x,v.x,w.y*v.y);
+ const vfloat<M> d1 = madd(v.x,v.x,v.y*v.y);
+ const vfloat<M> u = clamp(d0*rcp(d1),vfloat<M>(zero),vfloat<M>(one));
+ const Vec4vf<M> p = madd(u,v,p0);
+ const vfloat<M> t = p.z;
+ const vfloat<M> d2 = madd(p.x,p.x,p.y*p.y);
+ const vfloat<M> r = p.w;
+ const vfloat<M> r2 = r*r;
+ valid &= (d2 <= r2) & (vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()[k]) <= t) & (t <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ valid &= t > float(EMBREE_CURVE_SELF_INTERSECTION_AVOIDANCE_FACTOR)*r*depth_scale; // ignore self intersections
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* ignore denormalized segments */
+ const Vec3vf<M> T =;
+ valid &= (T.x != vfloat<M>(zero)) | (T.y != vfloat<M>(zero)) | (T.z != vfloat<M>(zero));
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* update hit information */
+ LineIntersectorHitM<M> hit(u,zero,t,T);
+ return epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/linei.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/linei.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3ee70ac012
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/linei.h
@@ -0,0 +1,705 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "primitive.h"
+namespace embree
+ template<int M>
+ struct LineMi
+ {
+ /* Virtual interface to query information about the line segment type */
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType
+ {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /* primitive supports multiple time segments */
+ static const bool singleTimeSegment = false;
+ /* Returns maximum number of stored line segments */
+ static __forceinline size_t max_size() { return M; }
+ /* Returns required number of primitive blocks for N line segments */
+ static __forceinline size_t blocks(size_t N) { return (N+max_size()-1)/max_size(); }
+ /* Returns required number of bytes for N line segments */
+ static __forceinline size_t bytes(size_t N) { return blocks(N)*sizeof(LineMi); }
+ public:
+ /* Default constructor */
+ __forceinline LineMi() { }
+ /* Construction from vertices and IDs */
+ __forceinline LineMi(const vuint<M>& v0, unsigned short leftExists, unsigned short rightExists, const vuint<M>& geomIDs, const vuint<M>& primIDs, Geometry::GType gtype)
+ : gtype((unsigned char)gtype), m((unsigned char)popcnt(vuint<M>(primIDs) != vuint<M>(-1))), sharedGeomID(geomIDs[0]), leftExists (leftExists), rightExists(rightExists), v0(v0), primIDs(primIDs)
+ {
+ assert(all(vuint<M>(geomID()) == geomIDs));
+ }
+ /* Returns a mask that tells which line segments are valid */
+ __forceinline vbool<M> valid() const { return primIDs != vuint<M>(-1); }
+ /* Returns if the specified line segment is valid */
+ __forceinline bool valid(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return primIDs[i] != -1; }
+ /* Returns the number of stored line segments */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const { return bsf(~movemask(valid())); }
+ /* Returns the geometry IDs */
+ //template<class T>
+ //static __forceinline T unmask(T &index) { return index & 0x3fffffff; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int geomID(unsigned int i = 0) const { return sharedGeomID; }
+ //__forceinline vuint<M> geomID() { return unmask(geomIDs); }
+ //__forceinline const vuint<M> geomID() const { return unmask(geomIDs); }
+ //__forceinline unsigned int geomID(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return unmask(geomIDs[i]); }
+ /* Returns the primitive IDs */
+ __forceinline vuint<M>& primID() { return primIDs; }
+ __forceinline const vuint<M>& primID() const { return primIDs; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int primID(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return primIDs[i]; }
+ /* gather the line segments */
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec4vf<M>& p0,
+ Vec4vf<M>& p1,
+ const LineSegments* geom) const;
+ __forceinline void gatheri(Vec4vf<M>& p0,
+ Vec4vf<M>& p1,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const int itime) const;
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec4vf<M>& p0,
+ Vec4vf<M>& p1,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ float time) const;
+ /* gather the line segments with lateral info */
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec4vf<M>& p0,
+ Vec4vf<M>& p1,
+ Vec4vf<M>& pL,
+ Vec4vf<M>& pR,
+ const LineSegments* geom) const;
+ __forceinline void gatheri(Vec4vf<M>& p0,
+ Vec4vf<M>& p1,
+ Vec4vf<M>& pL,
+ Vec4vf<M>& pR,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const int itime) const;
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec4vf<M>& p0,
+ Vec4vf<M>& p1,
+ Vec4vf<M>& pL,
+ Vec4vf<M>& pR,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ float time) const;
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec4vf<M>& p0,
+ Vec4vf<M>& p1,
+ vbool<M>& cL,
+ vbool<M>& cR,
+ const LineSegments* geom) const;
+ __forceinline void gatheri(Vec4vf<M>& p0,
+ Vec4vf<M>& p1,
+ vbool<M>& cL,
+ vbool<M>& cR,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const int itime) const;
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec4vf<M>& p0,
+ Vec4vf<M>& p1,
+ vbool<M>& cL,
+ vbool<M>& cR,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ float time) const;
+ /* Calculate the bounds of the line segments */
+ __forceinline const BBox3fa bounds(const Scene* scene, size_t itime = 0) const
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && valid(i); i++)
+ {
+ const LineSegments* geom = scene->get<LineSegments>(geomID(i));
+ const Vec3ff& p0 = geom->vertex(v0[i]+0,itime);
+ const Vec3ff& p1 = geom->vertex(v0[i]+1,itime);
+ BBox3fa b = merge(BBox3fa(p0),BBox3fa(p1));
+ b = enlarge(b,Vec3fa(max(p0.w,p1.w)));
+ bounds.extend(b);
+ }
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ /* Calculate the linear bounds of the primitive */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene* scene, size_t itime) {
+ return LBBox3fa(bounds(scene,itime+0), bounds(scene,itime+1));
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene *const scene, size_t itime, size_t numTimeSteps) {
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && valid(i); i++)
+ {
+ const LineSegments* geom = scene->get<LineSegments>(geomID(i));
+ allBounds.extend(geom->linearBounds(primID(i), itime, numTimeSteps));
+ }
+ return allBounds;
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene *const scene, const BBox1f time_range)
+ {
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && valid(i); i++)
+ {
+ const LineSegments* geom = scene->get<LineSegments>(geomID((unsigned int)i));
+ allBounds.extend(geom->linearBounds(primID(i), time_range));
+ }
+ return allBounds;
+ }
+ /* Fill line segment from line segment list */
+ template<typename PrimRefT>
+ __forceinline void fill(const PrimRefT* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene)
+ {
+ Geometry::GType gty = scene->get(prims[begin].geomID())->getType();
+ vuint<M> geomID, primID;
+ vuint<M> v0;
+ unsigned short leftExists = 0;
+ unsigned short rightExists = 0;
+ const PrimRefT* prim = &prims[begin];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M; i++)
+ {
+ const LineSegments* geom = scene->get<LineSegments>(prim->geomID());
+ if (begin<end) {
+ geomID[i] = prim->geomID();
+ primID[i] = prim->primID();
+ v0[i] = geom->segment(prim->primID());
+ leftExists |= geom->segmentLeftExists(primID[i]) << i;
+ rightExists |= geom->segmentRightExists(primID[i]) << i;
+ begin++;
+ } else {
+ assert(i);
+ if (i>0) {
+ geomID[i] = geomID[i-1];
+ primID[i] = -1;
+ v0[i] = v0[i-1];
+ }
+ }
+ if (begin<end) prim = &prims[begin]; // FIXME: remove this line
+ }
+ new (this) LineMi(v0,leftExists,rightExists,geomID,primID,gty); // FIXME: use non temporal store
+ }
+ template<typename BVH, typename Allocator>
+ __forceinline static typename BVH::NodeRef createLeaf (BVH* bvh, const PrimRef* prims, const range<size_t>& set, const Allocator& alloc)
+ {
+ size_t start = set.begin();
+ size_t items = LineMi::blocks(set.size());
+ size_t numbytes = LineMi::bytes(set.size());
+ LineMi* accel = (LineMi*) alloc.malloc1(numbytes,M*sizeof(float));
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++) {
+ accel[i].fill(prims,start,set.end(),bvh->scene);
+ }
+ return bvh->encodeLeaf((char*)accel,items);
+ };
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(const PrimRef* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene, size_t itime)
+ {
+ fill(prims,begin,end,scene);
+ return linearBounds(scene,itime);
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(const PrimRefMB* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene, const BBox1f time_range)
+ {
+ fill(prims,begin,end,scene);
+ return linearBounds(scene,time_range);
+ }
+ template<typename BVH, typename SetMB, typename Allocator>
+ __forceinline static typename BVH::NodeRecordMB4D createLeafMB(BVH* bvh, const SetMB& prims, const Allocator& alloc)
+ {
+ size_t start = prims.begin();
+ size_t end = prims.end();
+ size_t items = LineMi::blocks(prims.size());
+ size_t numbytes = LineMi::bytes(prims.size());
+ LineMi* accel = (LineMi*) alloc.malloc1(numbytes,M*sizeof(float));
+ const typename BVH::NodeRef node = bvh->encodeLeaf((char*)accel,items);
+ LBBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<items; i++)
+ bounds.extend(accel[i].fillMB(prims.prims->data(),start,end,bvh->scene,prims.time_range));
+ return typename BVH::NodeRecordMB4D(node,bounds,prims.time_range);
+ };
+ /* Updates the primitive */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa update(LineSegments* geom)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && valid(i); i++)
+ {
+ const Vec3ff& p0 = geom->vertex(v0[i]+0);
+ const Vec3ff& p1 = geom->vertex(v0[i]+1);
+ BBox3fa b = merge(BBox3fa(p0),BBox3fa(p1));
+ b = enlarge(b,Vec3fa(max(p0.w,p1.w)));
+ bounds.extend(b);
+ }
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ /*! output operator */
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const LineMi& line) {
+ return cout << "Line" << M << "i {" << line.v0 << ", " << line.geomID() << ", " << line.primID() << "}";
+ }
+ public:
+ unsigned char gtype;
+ unsigned char m;
+ unsigned int sharedGeomID;
+ unsigned short leftExists, rightExists;
+ vuint<M> v0; // index of start vertex
+ private:
+ vuint<M> primIDs; // primitive ID
+ };
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<4>::gather(Vec4vf4& p0,
+ Vec4vf4& p1,
+ const LineSegments* geom) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]));
+ transpose(a0,a1,a2,a3,p0.x,p0.y,p0.z,p0.w);
+ const vfloat4 b0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]+1));
+ transpose(b0,b1,b2,b3,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z,p1.w);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<4>::gatheri(Vec4vf4& p0,
+ Vec4vf4& p1,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const int itime) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3],itime));
+ transpose(a0,a1,a2,a3,p0.x,p0.y,p0.z,p0.w);
+ const vfloat4 b0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]+1,itime));
+ transpose(b0,b1,b2,b3,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z,p1.w);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<4>::gather(Vec4vf4& p0,
+ Vec4vf4& p1,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const int itime = geom->timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ Vec4vf4 a0,a1;
+ gatheri(a0,a1,geom,itime);
+ Vec4vf4 b0,b1;
+ gatheri(b0,b1,geom,itime+1);
+ p0 = lerp(a0,b0,vfloat4(ftime));
+ p1 = lerp(a1,b1,vfloat4(ftime));
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<4>::gather(Vec4vf4& p0,
+ Vec4vf4& p1,
+ vbool4& cL,
+ vbool4& cR,
+ const LineSegments* geom) const
+ {
+ gather(p0,p1,geom);
+ cL = !vbool4(leftExists);
+ cR = !vbool4(rightExists);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<4>::gatheri(Vec4vf4& p0,
+ Vec4vf4& p1,
+ vbool4& cL,
+ vbool4& cR,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const int itime) const
+ {
+ gatheri(p0,p1,geom,itime);
+ cL = !vbool4(leftExists);
+ cR = !vbool4(rightExists);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<4>::gather(Vec4vf4& p0,
+ Vec4vf4& p1,
+ vbool4& cL,
+ vbool4& cR,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const int itime = geom->timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ Vec4vf4 a0,a1;
+ gatheri(a0,a1,geom,itime);
+ Vec4vf4 b0,b1;
+ gatheri(b0,b1,geom,itime+1);
+ p0 = lerp(a0,b0,vfloat4(ftime));
+ p1 = lerp(a1,b1,vfloat4(ftime));
+ cL = !vbool4(leftExists);
+ cR = !vbool4(rightExists);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<4>::gather(Vec4vf4& p0,
+ Vec4vf4& p1,
+ Vec4vf4& pL,
+ Vec4vf4& pR,
+ const LineSegments* geom) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]));
+ transpose(a0,a1,a2,a3,p0.x,p0.y,p0.z,p0.w);
+ const vfloat4 b0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]+1));
+ transpose(b0,b1,b2,b3,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z,p1.w);
+ const vfloat4 l0 = (leftExists & (1<<0)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]-1)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l1 = (leftExists & (1<<1)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]-1)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l2 = (leftExists & (1<<2)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]-1)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l3 = (leftExists & (1<<3)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]-1)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ transpose(l0,l1,l2,l3,pL.x,pL.y,pL.z,pL.w);
+ const vfloat4 r0 = (rightExists & (1<<0)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]+2)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r1 = (rightExists & (1<<1)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]+2)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r2 = (rightExists & (1<<2)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]+2)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r3 = (rightExists & (1<<3)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]+2)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ transpose(r0,r1,r2,r3,pR.x,pR.y,pR.z,pR.w);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<4>::gatheri(Vec4vf4& p0,
+ Vec4vf4& p1,
+ Vec4vf4& pL,
+ Vec4vf4& pR,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const int itime) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3],itime));
+ transpose(a0,a1,a2,a3,p0.x,p0.y,p0.z,p0.w);
+ const vfloat4 b0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]+1,itime));
+ transpose(b0,b1,b2,b3,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z,p1.w);
+ const vfloat4 l0 = (leftExists & (1<<0)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]-1,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l1 = (leftExists & (1<<1)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]-1,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l2 = (leftExists & (1<<2)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]-1,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l3 = (leftExists & (1<<3)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]-1,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ transpose(l0,l1,l2,l3,pL.x,pL.y,pL.z,pL.w);
+ const vfloat4 r0 = (rightExists & (1<<0)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]+2,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r1 = (rightExists & (1<<1)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]+2,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r2 = (rightExists & (1<<2)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]+2,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r3 = (rightExists & (1<<3)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]+2,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ transpose(r0,r1,r2,r3,pR.x,pR.y,pR.z,pR.w);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<4>::gather(Vec4vf4& p0,
+ Vec4vf4& p1,
+ Vec4vf4& pL,
+ Vec4vf4& pR,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const int itime = geom->timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ Vec4vf4 a0,a1,aL,aR;
+ gatheri(a0,a1,aL,aR,geom,itime);
+ Vec4vf4 b0,b1,bL,bR;
+ gatheri(b0,b1,bL,bR,geom,itime+1);
+ p0 = lerp(a0,b0,vfloat4(ftime));
+ p1 = lerp(a1,b1,vfloat4(ftime));
+ pL = lerp(aL,bL,vfloat4(ftime));
+ pR = lerp(aR,bR,vfloat4(ftime));
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<8>::gather(Vec4vf8& p0,
+ Vec4vf8& p1,
+ const LineSegments* geom) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]));
+ const vfloat4 a4 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[4]));
+ const vfloat4 a5 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[5]));
+ const vfloat4 a6 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[6]));
+ const vfloat4 a7 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[7]));
+ transpose(a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,p0.x,p0.y,p0.z,p0.w);
+ const vfloat4 b0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b4 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[4]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b5 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[5]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b6 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[6]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b7 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[7]+1));
+ transpose(b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z,p1.w);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<8>::gatheri(Vec4vf8& p0,
+ Vec4vf8& p1,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const int itime) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a4 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[4],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a5 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[5],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a6 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[6],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a7 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[7],itime));
+ transpose(a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,p0.x,p0.y,p0.z,p0.w);
+ const vfloat4 b0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b4 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[4]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b5 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[5]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b6 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[6]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b7 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[7]+1,itime));
+ transpose(b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z,p1.w);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<8>::gather(Vec4vf8& p0,
+ Vec4vf8& p1,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const int itime = geom->timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ Vec4vf8 a0,a1;
+ gatheri(a0,a1,geom,itime);
+ Vec4vf8 b0,b1;
+ gatheri(b0,b1,geom,itime+1);
+ p0 = lerp(a0,b0,vfloat8(ftime));
+ p1 = lerp(a1,b1,vfloat8(ftime));
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<8>::gather(Vec4vf8& p0,
+ Vec4vf8& p1,
+ Vec4vf8& pL,
+ Vec4vf8& pR,
+ const LineSegments* geom) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]));
+ const vfloat4 a4 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[4]));
+ const vfloat4 a5 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[5]));
+ const vfloat4 a6 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[6]));
+ const vfloat4 a7 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[7]));
+ transpose(a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,p0.x,p0.y,p0.z,p0.w);
+ const vfloat4 b0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b4 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[4]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b5 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[5]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b6 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[6]+1));
+ const vfloat4 b7 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[7]+1));
+ transpose(b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z,p1.w);
+ const vfloat4 l0 = (leftExists & (1<<0)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]-1)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l1 = (leftExists & (1<<1)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]-1)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l2 = (leftExists & (1<<2)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]-1)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l3 = (leftExists & (1<<3)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]-1)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l4 = (leftExists & (1<<4)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[4]-1)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l5 = (leftExists & (1<<5)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[5]-1)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l6 = (leftExists & (1<<6)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[6]-1)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l7 = (leftExists & (1<<7)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[7]-1)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ transpose(l0,l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,pL.x,pL.y,pL.z,pL.w);
+ const vfloat4 r0 = (rightExists & (1<<0)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]+2)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r1 = (rightExists & (1<<1)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]+2)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r2 = (rightExists & (1<<2)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]+2)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r3 = (rightExists & (1<<3)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]+2)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r4 = (rightExists & (1<<4)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[4]+2)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r5 = (rightExists & (1<<5)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[5]+2)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r6 = (rightExists & (1<<6)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[6]+2)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r7 = (rightExists & (1<<7)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[7]+2)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ transpose(r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,pR.x,pR.y,pR.z,pR.w);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<8>::gatheri(Vec4vf8& p0,
+ Vec4vf8& p1,
+ Vec4vf8& pL,
+ Vec4vf8& pR,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const int itime) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a4 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[4],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a5 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[5],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a6 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[6],itime));
+ const vfloat4 a7 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[7],itime));
+ transpose(a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,p0.x,p0.y,p0.z,p0.w);
+ const vfloat4 b0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b4 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[4]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b5 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[5]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b6 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[6]+1,itime));
+ const vfloat4 b7 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[7]+1,itime));
+ transpose(b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z,p1.w);
+ const vfloat4 l0 = (leftExists & (1<<0)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]-1,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l1 = (leftExists & (1<<1)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]-1,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l2 = (leftExists & (1<<2)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]-1,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l3 = (leftExists & (1<<3)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]-1,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l4 = (leftExists & (1<<4)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[4]-1,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l5 = (leftExists & (1<<5)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[5]-1,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l6 = (leftExists & (1<<6)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[6]-1,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 l7 = (leftExists & (1<<7)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[7]-1,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ transpose(l0,l1,l2,l3,l4,l5,l6,l7,pL.x,pL.y,pL.z,pL.w);
+ const vfloat4 r0 = (rightExists & (1<<0)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[0]+2,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r1 = (rightExists & (1<<1)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[1]+2,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r2 = (rightExists & (1<<2)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[2]+2,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r3 = (rightExists & (1<<3)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[3]+2,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r4 = (rightExists & (1<<4)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[4]+2,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r5 = (rightExists & (1<<5)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[5]+2,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r6 = (rightExists & (1<<6)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[6]+2,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ const vfloat4 r7 = (rightExists & (1<<7)) ? vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(v0[7]+2,itime)) : vfloat4(inf);
+ transpose(r0,r1,r2,r3,r4,r5,r6,r7,pR.x,pR.y,pR.z,pR.w);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<8>::gather(Vec4vf8& p0,
+ Vec4vf8& p1,
+ Vec4vf8& pL,
+ Vec4vf8& pR,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const int itime = geom->timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ Vec4vf8 a0,a1,aL,aR;
+ gatheri(a0,a1,aL,aR,geom,itime);
+ Vec4vf8 b0,b1,bL,bR;
+ gatheri(b0,b1,bL,bR,geom,itime+1);
+ p0 = lerp(a0,b0,vfloat8(ftime));
+ p1 = lerp(a1,b1,vfloat8(ftime));
+ pL = lerp(aL,bL,vfloat8(ftime));
+ pR = lerp(aR,bR,vfloat8(ftime));
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<8>::gather(Vec4vf8& p0,
+ Vec4vf8& p1,
+ vbool8& cL,
+ vbool8& cR,
+ const LineSegments* geom) const
+ {
+ gather(p0,p1,geom);
+ cL = !vbool8(leftExists);
+ cR = !vbool8(rightExists);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<8>::gatheri(Vec4vf8& p0,
+ Vec4vf8& p1,
+ vbool8& cL,
+ vbool8& cR,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const int itime) const
+ {
+ gatheri(p0,p1,geom,itime);
+ cL = !vbool8(leftExists);
+ cR = !vbool8(rightExists);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void LineMi<8>::gather(Vec4vf8& p0,
+ Vec4vf8& p1,
+ vbool8& cL,
+ vbool8& cR,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const int itime = geom->timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ Vec4vf8 a0,a1;
+ gatheri(a0,a1,geom,itime);
+ Vec4vf8 b0,b1;
+ gatheri(b0,b1,geom,itime+1);
+ p0 = lerp(a0,b0,vfloat8(ftime));
+ p1 = lerp(a1,b1,vfloat8(ftime));
+ cL = !vbool8(leftExists);
+ cR = !vbool8(rightExists);
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ typename LineMi<M>::Type LineMi<M>::type;
+ typedef LineMi<4> Line4i;
+ typedef LineMi<8> Line8i;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/linei_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/linei_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5992827f5b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/linei_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "linei.h"
+#include "line_intersector.h"
+#include "intersector_epilog.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct FlatLinearCurveMiIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef LineMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1; line.gather(v0,v1,geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ FlatLinearCurveIntersector1<M>::intersect(valid,ray,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1; line.gather(v0,v1,geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ return FlatLinearCurveIntersector1<M>::intersect(valid,ray,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, line);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct FlatLinearCurveMiMBIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef LineMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1; line.gather(v0,v1,geom,ray.time());
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ FlatLinearCurveIntersector1<M>::intersect(valid,ray,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1; line.gather(v0,v1,geom,ray.time());
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ return FlatLinearCurveIntersector1<M>::intersect(valid,ray,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, line);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct FlatLinearCurveMiIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef LineMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1; line.gather(v0,v1,geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ FlatLinearCurveIntersectorK<M,K>::intersect(valid,ray,k,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1; line.gather(v0,v1,geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ return FlatLinearCurveIntersectorK<M,K>::intersect(valid,ray,k,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct FlatLinearCurveMiMBIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef LineMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1; line.gather(v0,v1,geom,ray.time()[k]);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ FlatLinearCurveIntersectorK<M,K>::intersect(valid,ray,k,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1; line.gather(v0,v1,geom,ray.time()[k]);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ return FlatLinearCurveIntersectorK<M,K>::intersect(valid,ray,k,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/object.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/object.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2a61829ffd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/object.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "primitive.h"
+namespace embree
+ struct Object
+ {
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType
+ {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /* primitive supports multiple time segments */
+ static const bool singleTimeSegment = false;
+ /* Returns maximum number of stored primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t max_size() { return 1; }
+ /* Returns required number of primitive blocks for N primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t blocks(size_t N) { return N; }
+ public:
+ /*! constructs a virtual object */
+ Object (unsigned geomID, unsigned primID)
+ : _geomID(geomID), _primID(primID) {}
+ __forceinline unsigned geomID() const {
+ return _geomID;
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned primID() const {
+ return _primID;
+ }
+ /*! fill triangle from triangle list */
+ __forceinline void fill(const PrimRef* prims, size_t& i, size_t end, Scene* scene)
+ {
+ const PrimRef& prim = prims[i]; i++;
+ new (this) Object(prim.geomID(), prim.primID());
+ }
+ /*! fill triangle from triangle list */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(const PrimRef* prims, size_t& i, size_t end, Scene* scene, size_t itime)
+ {
+ const PrimRef& prim = prims[i]; i++;
+ const unsigned geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned primID = prim.primID();
+ new (this) Object(geomID, primID);
+ AccelSet* accel = (AccelSet*) scene->get(geomID);
+ return accel->linearBounds(primID,itime);
+ }
+ /*! fill triangle from triangle list */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(const PrimRefMB* prims, size_t& i, size_t end, Scene* scene, const BBox1f time_range)
+ {
+ const PrimRefMB& prim = prims[i]; i++;
+ const unsigned geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned primID = prim.primID();
+ new (this) Object(geomID, primID);
+ AccelSet* accel = (AccelSet*) scene->get(geomID);
+ return accel->linearBounds(primID,time_range);
+ }
+ /* Updates the primitive */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa update(AccelSet* mesh) {
+ return mesh->bounds(primID());
+ }
+ private:
+ unsigned int _geomID; //!< geometry ID
+ unsigned int _primID; //!< primitive ID
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/object_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/object_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..11ceb2f7fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/object_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "object.h"
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<bool mblur>
+ struct ObjectIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef Object Primitive;
+ static const bool validIntersectorK = false;
+ struct Precalculations {
+ __forceinline Precalculations() {}
+ __forceinline Precalculations (const Ray& ray, const void *ptr) {}
+ };
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ AccelSet* accel = (AccelSet*) context->scene->get(prim.geomID());
+ /* perform ray mask test */
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ if ((ray.mask & accel->mask) == 0)
+ return;
+ accel->intersect(ray,prim.geomID(),prim.primID(),context,reportIntersection1);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ AccelSet* accel = (AccelSet*) context->scene->get(prim.geomID());
+ /* perform ray mask test */
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ if ((ray.mask & accel->mask) == 0)
+ return false;
+ accel->occluded(ray,prim.geomID(),prim.primID(),context,&reportOcclusion1);
+ return ray.tfar < 0.0f;
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ AccelSet* accel = (AccelSet*)context->scene->get(prim.geomID());
+ context->geomID = prim.geomID();
+ context->primID = prim.primID();
+ return accel->pointQuery(query, context);
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ static __forceinline void intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid, /* PrecalculationsK& pre, */ RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ template<int K>
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occludedK(const vbool<K>& valid, /* PrecalculationsK& pre, */ RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(false);
+ return valid;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int K, bool mblur>
+ struct ObjectIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef Object Primitive;
+ struct Precalculations {
+ __forceinline Precalculations (const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray) {}
+ };
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ AccelSet* accel = (AccelSet*) context->scene->get(prim.geomID());
+ /* perform ray mask test */
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ valid &= (ray.mask & accel->mask) != 0;
+ if (none(valid)) return;
+ accel->intersect(valid,ray,prim.geomID(),prim.primID(),context,&reportIntersection1);
+ }
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid = valid_i;
+ AccelSet* accel = (AccelSet*) context->scene->get(prim.geomID());
+ /* perform ray mask test */
+#if defined(EMBREE_RAY_MASK)
+ valid &= (ray.mask & accel->mask) != 0;
+ if (none(valid)) return false;
+ accel->occluded(valid,ray,prim.geomID(),prim.primID(),context,&reportOcclusion1);
+ return ray.tfar < 0.0f;
+ }
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim) {
+ intersect(vbool<K>(1<<int(k)),pre,ray,context,prim);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& prim) {
+ occluded(vbool<K>(1<<int(k)),pre,ray,context,prim);
+ return ray.tfar[k] < 0.0f;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef ObjectIntersectorK<4,false> ObjectIntersector4;
+ typedef ObjectIntersectorK<8,false> ObjectIntersector8;
+ typedef ObjectIntersectorK<16,false> ObjectIntersector16;
+ typedef ObjectIntersectorK<4,true> ObjectIntersector4MB;
+ typedef ObjectIntersectorK<8,true> ObjectIntersector8MB;
+ typedef ObjectIntersectorK<16,true> ObjectIntersector16MB;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/plane.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/plane.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e447122eab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/plane.h
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct HalfPlane
+ {
+ const Vec3fa P; //!< plane origin
+ const Vec3fa N; //!< plane normal
+ __forceinline HalfPlane(const Vec3fa& P, const Vec3fa& N)
+ : P(P), N(N) {}
+ __forceinline BBox1f intersect(const Vec3fa& ray_org, const Vec3fa& ray_dir) const
+ {
+ Vec3fa O = Vec3fa(ray_org) - P;
+ Vec3fa D = Vec3fa(ray_dir);
+ float ON = dot(O,N);
+ float DN = dot(D,N);
+ bool eps = abs(DN) < min_rcp_input;
+ float t = -ON*rcp(DN);
+ float lower = select(eps || DN < 0.0f, float(neg_inf), t);
+ float upper = select(eps || DN > 0.0f, float(pos_inf), t);
+ return BBox1f(lower,upper);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ struct HalfPlaneN
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> P; //!< plane origin
+ const Vec3vf<M> N; //!< plane normal
+ __forceinline HalfPlaneN(const Vec3vf<M>& P, const Vec3vf<M>& N)
+ : P(P), N(N) {}
+ __forceinline BBox<vfloat<M>> intersect(const Vec3fa& ray_org, const Vec3fa& ray_dir) const
+ {
+ Vec3vf<M> O = Vec3vf<M>((Vec3fa)ray_org) - P;
+ Vec3vf<M> D = Vec3vf<M>((Vec3fa)ray_dir);
+ vfloat<M> ON = dot(O,N);
+ vfloat<M> DN = dot(D,N);
+ vbool<M> eps = abs(DN) < min_rcp_input;
+ vfloat<M> t = -ON*rcp(DN);
+ vfloat<M> lower = select(eps | DN < 0.0f, vfloat<M>(neg_inf), t);
+ vfloat<M> upper = select(eps | DN > 0.0f, vfloat<M>(pos_inf), t);
+ return BBox<vfloat<M>>(lower,upper);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/pointi.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/pointi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bed04116b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/pointi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,412 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "primitive.h"
+namespace embree
+ template<int M>
+ struct PointMi
+ {
+ /* Virtual interface to query information about the line segment type */
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType
+ {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /* primitive supports multiple time segments */
+ static const bool singleTimeSegment = false;
+ /* Returns maximum number of stored line segments */
+ static __forceinline size_t max_size()
+ {
+ return M;
+ }
+ /* Returns required number of primitive blocks for N line segments */
+ static __forceinline size_t blocks(size_t N)
+ {
+ return (N + max_size() - 1) / max_size();
+ }
+ /* Returns required number of bytes for N line segments */
+ static __forceinline size_t bytes(size_t N)
+ {
+ return blocks(N) * sizeof(PointMi);
+ }
+ public:
+ /* Default constructor */
+ __forceinline PointMi() {}
+ /* Construction from vertices and IDs */
+ __forceinline PointMi(const vuint<M>& geomIDs, const vuint<M>& primIDs, Geometry::GType gtype, uint32_t numPrimitives)
+ : gtype((unsigned char)gtype),
+ numPrimitives(numPrimitives),
+ sharedGeomID(geomIDs[0]),
+ primIDs(primIDs)
+ {
+ assert(all(vuint<M>(geomID()) == geomIDs));
+ }
+ /* Returns a mask that tells which line segments are valid */
+ __forceinline vbool<M> valid() const {
+ return vint<M>(step) < vint<M>(numPrimitives);
+ }
+ /* Returns if the specified line segment is valid */
+ __forceinline bool valid(const size_t i) const
+ {
+ assert(i < M);
+ return i < numPrimitives;
+ }
+ /* Returns the number of stored line segments */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const {
+ return numPrimitives;
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int geomID(unsigned int i = 0) const {
+ return sharedGeomID;
+ }
+ __forceinline vuint<M>& primID() {
+ return primIDs;
+ }
+ __forceinline const vuint<M>& primID() const {
+ return primIDs;
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int primID(const size_t i) const {
+ assert(i < M);
+ return primIDs[i];
+ }
+ /* gather the line segments */
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec4vf<M>& p0, const Points* geom) const;
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec4vf<M>& p0, Vec3vf<M>& n0, const Points* geom) const;
+ __forceinline void gatheri(Vec4vf<M>& p0, const Points* geom, const int itime) const;
+ __forceinline void gatheri(Vec4vf<M>& p0, Vec3vf<M>& n0, const Points* geom, const int itime) const;
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec4vf<M>& p0, const Points* geom, float time) const;
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec4vf<M>& p0, Vec3vf<M>& n0, const Points* geom, float time) const;
+ /* Calculate the bounds of the line segments */
+ __forceinline const BBox3fa bounds(const Scene* scene, size_t itime = 0) const
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < M && valid(i); i++) {
+ const Points* geom = scene->get<Points>(geomID(i));
+ bounds.extend(geom->bounds(primID(i),itime));
+ }
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ /* Calculate the linear bounds of the primitive */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene* scene, size_t itime) {
+ return LBBox3fa(bounds(scene, itime + 0), bounds(scene, itime + 1));
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene* const scene, size_t itime, size_t numTimeSteps)
+ {
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < M && valid(i); i++) {
+ const Points* geom = scene->get<Points>(geomID(i));
+ allBounds.extend(geom->linearBounds(primID(i), itime, numTimeSteps));
+ }
+ return allBounds;
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene* const scene, const BBox1f time_range)
+ {
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < M && valid(i); i++) {
+ const Points* geom = scene->get<Points>(geomID((unsigned int)i));
+ allBounds.extend(geom->linearBounds(primID(i), time_range));
+ }
+ return allBounds;
+ }
+ /* Fill line segment from line segment list */
+ template<typename PrimRefT>
+ __forceinline void fill(const PrimRefT* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene)
+ {
+ Geometry::GType gty = scene->get(prims[begin].geomID())->getType();
+ vuint<M> geomID, primID;
+ vuint<M> v0;
+ const PrimRefT* prim = &prims[begin];
+ int numPrimitives = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < M; i++) {
+ if (begin < end) {
+ geomID[i] = prim->geomID();
+ primID[i] = prim->primID();
+ begin++;
+ numPrimitives++;
+ } else {
+ assert(i);
+ if (i > 0) {
+ geomID[i] = geomID[i - 1];
+ primID[i] = primID[i - 1];
+ }
+ }
+ if (begin < end)
+ prim = &prims[begin]; // FIXME: remove this line
+ }
+ new (this) PointMi(geomID, primID, gty, numPrimitives); // FIXME: use non temporal store
+ }
+ template<typename BVH, typename Allocator>
+ __forceinline static typename BVH::NodeRef createLeaf(BVH* bvh,
+ const PrimRef* prims,
+ const range<size_t>& set,
+ const Allocator& alloc)
+ {
+ size_t start = set.begin();
+ size_t items = PointMi::blocks(set.size());
+ size_t numbytes = PointMi::bytes(set.size());
+ PointMi* accel = (PointMi*)alloc.malloc1(numbytes, M * sizeof(float));
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < items; i++) {
+ accel[i].fill(prims, start, set.end(), bvh->scene);
+ }
+ return bvh->encodeLeaf((char*)accel, items);
+ };
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(const PrimRef* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene, size_t itime)
+ {
+ fill(prims, begin, end, scene);
+ return linearBounds(scene, itime);
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(
+ const PrimRefMB* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene, const BBox1f time_range)
+ {
+ fill(prims, begin, end, scene);
+ return linearBounds(scene, time_range);
+ }
+ template<typename BVH, typename SetMB, typename Allocator>
+ __forceinline static typename BVH::NodeRecordMB4D createLeafMB(BVH* bvh, const SetMB& prims, const Allocator& alloc)
+ {
+ size_t start = prims.object_range.begin();
+ size_t end = prims.object_range.end();
+ size_t items = PointMi::blocks(prims.object_range.size());
+ size_t numbytes = PointMi::bytes(prims.object_range.size());
+ PointMi* accel = (PointMi*)alloc.malloc1(numbytes, M * sizeof(float));
+ const typename BVH::NodeRef node = bvh->encodeLeaf((char*)accel, items);
+ LBBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < items; i++)
+ bounds.extend(accel[i].fillMB(prims.prims->data(), start, end, bvh->scene, prims.time_range));
+ return typename BVH::NodeRecordMB4D(node, bounds, prims.time_range);
+ };
+ /*! output operator */
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const PointMi& line)
+ {
+ return cout << "Line" << M << "i {" << line.v0 << ", " << line.geomID() << ", " << line.primID() << "}";
+ }
+ public:
+ unsigned char gtype;
+ unsigned char numPrimitives;
+ unsigned int sharedGeomID;
+ private:
+ vuint<M> primIDs; // primitive ID
+ };
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void PointMi<4>::gather(Vec4vf4& p0, const Points* geom) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(0)));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(1)));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(2)));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(3)));
+ transpose(a0, a1, a2, a3, p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, p0.w);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void PointMi<4>::gather(Vec4vf4& p0, Vec3vf4& n0, const Points* geom) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(0)));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(1)));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(2)));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(3)));
+ transpose(a0, a1, a2, a3, p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, p0.w);
+ const vfloat4 b0 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(0)));
+ const vfloat4 b1 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(1)));
+ const vfloat4 b2 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(2)));
+ const vfloat4 b3 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(3)));
+ transpose(b0, b1, b2, b3, n0.x, n0.y, n0.z);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void PointMi<4>::gatheri(Vec4vf4& p0, const Points* geom, const int itime) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(0), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(1), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(2), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(3), itime));
+ transpose(a0, a1, a2, a3, p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, p0.w);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void PointMi<4>::gatheri(Vec4vf4& p0, Vec3vf4& n0, const Points* geom, const int itime) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(0), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(1), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(2), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(3), itime));
+ transpose(a0, a1, a2, a3, p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, p0.w);
+ const vfloat4 b0 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(0), itime));
+ const vfloat4 b1 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(1), itime));
+ const vfloat4 b2 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(2), itime));
+ const vfloat4 b3 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(3), itime));
+ transpose(b0, b1, b2, b3, n0.x, n0.y, n0.z);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void PointMi<4>::gather(Vec4vf4& p0, const Points* geom, float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const int itime = geom->timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ Vec4vf4 a0; gatheri(a0, geom, itime);
+ Vec4vf4 b0; gatheri(b0, geom, itime + 1);
+ p0 = lerp(a0, b0, vfloat4(ftime));
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void PointMi<4>::gather(Vec4vf4& p0, Vec3vf4& n0, const Points* geom, float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const int itime = geom->timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ Vec4vf4 a0, b0;
+ Vec3vf4 norm0, norm1;
+ gatheri(a0, norm0, geom, itime);
+ gatheri(b0, norm1, geom, itime + 1);
+ p0 = lerp(a0, b0, vfloat4(ftime));
+ n0 = lerp(norm0, norm1, vfloat4(ftime));
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void PointMi<8>::gather(Vec4vf8& p0, const Points* geom) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(0)));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(1)));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(2)));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(3)));
+ const vfloat4 a4 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(4)));
+ const vfloat4 a5 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(5)));
+ const vfloat4 a6 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(6)));
+ const vfloat4 a7 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(7)));
+ transpose(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, p0.w);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void PointMi<8>::gather(Vec4vf8& p0, Vec3vf8& n0, const Points* geom) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(0)));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(1)));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(2)));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(3)));
+ const vfloat4 a4 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(4)));
+ const vfloat4 a5 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(5)));
+ const vfloat4 a6 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(6)));
+ const vfloat4 a7 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(7)));
+ transpose(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, p0.w);
+ const vfloat4 b0 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(0)));
+ const vfloat4 b1 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(1)));
+ const vfloat4 b2 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(2)));
+ const vfloat4 b3 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(3)));
+ const vfloat4 b4 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(4)));
+ const vfloat4 b5 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(5)));
+ const vfloat4 b6 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(6)));
+ const vfloat4 b7 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(7)));
+ transpose(b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, n0.x, n0.y, n0.z);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void PointMi<8>::gatheri(Vec4vf8& p0, const Points* geom, const int itime) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(0), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(1), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(2), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(3), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a4 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(4), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a5 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(5), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a6 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(6), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a7 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(7), itime));
+ transpose(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, p0.w);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void PointMi<8>::gatheri(Vec4vf8& p0, Vec3vf8& n0, const Points* geom, const int itime) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 a0 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(0), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a1 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(1), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a2 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(2), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a3 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(3), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a4 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(4), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a5 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(5), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a6 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(6), itime));
+ const vfloat4 a7 = vfloat4::loadu(geom->vertexPtr(primID(7), itime));
+ transpose(a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, p0.w);
+ const vfloat4 b0 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(0), itime));
+ const vfloat4 b1 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(1), itime));
+ const vfloat4 b2 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(2), itime));
+ const vfloat4 b3 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(3), itime));
+ const vfloat4 b4 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(4), itime));
+ const vfloat4 b5 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(5), itime));
+ const vfloat4 b6 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(6), itime));
+ const vfloat4 b7 = vfloat4(geom->normal(primID(7), itime));
+ transpose(b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, n0.x, n0.y, n0.z);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void PointMi<8>::gather(Vec4vf8& p0, const Points* geom, float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const int itime = geom->timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ Vec4vf8 a0;
+ gatheri(a0, geom, itime);
+ Vec4vf8 b0;
+ gatheri(b0, geom, itime + 1);
+ p0 = lerp(a0, b0, vfloat8(ftime));
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void PointMi<8>::gather(Vec4vf8& p0, Vec3vf8& n0, const Points* geom, float time) const
+ {
+ float ftime;
+ const int itime = geom->timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ Vec4vf8 a0, b0;
+ Vec3vf8 norm0, norm1;
+ gatheri(a0, norm0, geom, itime);
+ gatheri(b0, norm1, geom, itime + 1);
+ p0 = lerp(a0, b0, vfloat8(ftime));
+ n0 = lerp(norm0, norm1, vfloat8(ftime));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ typename PointMi<M>::Type PointMi<M>::type;
+ typedef PointMi<4> Point4i;
+ typedef PointMi<8> Point8i;
+} // namespace embree
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/primitive.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/primitive.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..608d981dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/primitive.h
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/default.h"
+#include "../common/scene.h"
+#include "../../common/simd/simd.h"
+#include "../common/primref.h"
+#include "../common/primref_mb.h"
+namespace embree
+ struct PrimitiveType
+ {
+ /*! returns name of this primitive type */
+ virtual const char* name() const = 0;
+ /*! Returns the number of stored active primitives in a block. */
+ virtual size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const = 0;
+ /*! Returns the number of stored active and inactive primitives in a block. */
+ virtual size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const = 0;
+ /*! Returns the number of bytes of block. */
+ virtual size_t getBytes(const char* This) const = 0;
+ };
+ template<typename Primitive>
+ struct PrimitivePointQuery1
+ {
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& prim)
+ {
+ bool changed = false;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < Primitive::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!prim.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(point_query.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ AccelSet* accel = (AccelSet*)context->scene->get(prim.geomID(i));
+ context->geomID = prim.geomID(i);
+ context->primID = prim.primID(i);
+ changed |= accel->pointQuery(query, context);
+ }
+ return changed;
+ }
+ static __forceinline void pointQueryNoop(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& prim) { }
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/primitive4.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/primitive4.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c953c5d35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/primitive4.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "primitive.h"
+#include "curveNv.h"
+#include "curveNi.h"
+#include "curveNi_mb.h"
+#include "linei.h"
+#include "triangle.h"
+#include "trianglev.h"
+#include "trianglev_mb.h"
+#include "trianglei.h"
+#include "quadv.h"
+#include "quadi.h"
+#include "subdivpatch1.h"
+#include "object.h"
+#include "instance.h"
+#include "subgrid.h"
+namespace embree
+ /********************** Curve4v **************************/
+ template<>
+ const char* Curve4v::Type::name () const {
+ return "curve4v";
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Curve4v::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const
+ {
+ if ((*This & Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_MASK) == Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_LINEAR)
+ return ((Line4i*)This)->size();
+ else
+ return ((Curve4v*)This)->N;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Curve4v::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const
+ {
+ if ((*This & Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_MASK) == Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_LINEAR)
+ return 4;
+ else
+ return ((Curve4v*)This)->N;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Curve4v::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const
+ {
+ if ((*This & Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_MASK) == Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_LINEAR)
+ return Line4i::bytes(sizeActive(This));
+ else
+ return Curve4v::bytes(sizeActive(This));
+ }
+ /********************** Curve4i **************************/
+ template<>
+ const char* Curve4i::Type::name () const {
+ return "curve4i";
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Curve4i::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const
+ {
+ if ((*This & Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_MASK) == Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_LINEAR)
+ return ((Line4i*)This)->size();
+ else
+ return ((Curve4i*)This)->N;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Curve4i::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const
+ {
+ if ((*This & Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_MASK) == Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_LINEAR)
+ return 4;
+ else
+ return ((Curve4i*)This)->N;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Curve4i::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const
+ {
+ if ((*This & Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_MASK) == Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_LINEAR)
+ return Line4i::bytes(sizeActive(This));
+ else
+ return Curve4i::bytes(sizeActive(This));
+ }
+ /********************** Curve4iMB **************************/
+ template<>
+ const char* Curve4iMB::Type::name () const {
+ return "curve4imb";
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Curve4iMB::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const
+ {
+ if ((*This & Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_MASK) == Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_LINEAR)
+ return ((Line4i*)This)->size();
+ else
+ return ((Curve4iMB*)This)->N;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Curve4iMB::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const
+ {
+ if ((*This & Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_MASK) == Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_LINEAR)
+ return 4;
+ else
+ return ((Curve4iMB*)This)->N;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Curve4iMB::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const
+ {
+ if ((*This & Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_MASK) == Geometry::GType::GTY_BASIS_LINEAR)
+ return Line4i::bytes(sizeActive(This));
+ else
+ return Curve4iMB::bytes(sizeActive(This));
+ }
+ /********************** Line4i **************************/
+ template<>
+ const char* Line4i::Type::name () const {
+ return "line4i";
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Line4i::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const {
+ return ((Line4i*)This)->size();
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Line4i::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const {
+ return 4;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Line4i::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const {
+ return sizeof(Line4i);
+ }
+ /********************** Triangle4 **************************/
+ template<>
+ const char* Triangle4::Type::name () const {
+ return "triangle4";
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Triangle4::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const {
+ return ((Triangle4*)This)->size();
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Triangle4::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const {
+ return 4;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Triangle4::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const {
+ return sizeof(Triangle4);
+ }
+ /********************** Triangle4v **************************/
+ template<>
+ const char* Triangle4v::Type::name () const {
+ return "triangle4v";
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Triangle4v::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const {
+ return ((Triangle4v*)This)->size();
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Triangle4v::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const {
+ return 4;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Triangle4v::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const {
+ return sizeof(Triangle4v);
+ }
+ /********************** Triangle4i **************************/
+ template<>
+ const char* Triangle4i::Type::name () const {
+ return "triangle4i";
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Triangle4i::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const {
+ return ((Triangle4i*)This)->size();
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Triangle4i::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const {
+ return 4;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Triangle4i::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const {
+ return sizeof(Triangle4i);
+ }
+ /********************** Triangle4vMB **************************/
+ template<>
+ const char* Triangle4vMB::Type::name () const {
+ return "triangle4vmb";
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Triangle4vMB::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const {
+ return ((Triangle4vMB*)This)->size();
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Triangle4vMB::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const {
+ return 4;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Triangle4vMB::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const {
+ return sizeof(Triangle4vMB);
+ }
+ /********************** Quad4v **************************/
+ template<>
+ const char* Quad4v::Type::name () const {
+ return "quad4v";
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Quad4v::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const {
+ return ((Quad4v*)This)->size();
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Quad4v::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const {
+ return 4;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Quad4v::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const {
+ return sizeof(Quad4v);
+ }
+ /********************** Quad4i **************************/
+ template<>
+ const char* Quad4i::Type::name () const {
+ return "quad4i";
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Quad4i::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const {
+ return ((Quad4i*)This)->size();
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Quad4i::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const {
+ return 4;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t Quad4i::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const {
+ return sizeof(Quad4i);
+ }
+ /********************** SubdivPatch1 **************************/
+ const char* SubdivPatch1::Type::name () const {
+ return "subdivpatch1";
+ }
+ size_t SubdivPatch1::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ size_t SubdivPatch1::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ size_t SubdivPatch1::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const {
+ return sizeof(SubdivPatch1);
+ }
+ SubdivPatch1::Type SubdivPatch1::type;
+ /********************** Virtual Object **************************/
+ const char* Object::Type::name () const {
+ return "object";
+ }
+ size_t Object::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ size_t Object::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ size_t Object::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const {
+ return sizeof(Object);
+ }
+ Object::Type Object::type;
+ /********************** Instance **************************/
+ const char* InstancePrimitive::Type::name () const {
+ return "instance";
+ }
+ size_t InstancePrimitive::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ size_t InstancePrimitive::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ size_t InstancePrimitive::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const {
+ return sizeof(InstancePrimitive);
+ }
+ InstancePrimitive::Type InstancePrimitive::type;
+ /********************** SubGrid **************************/
+ const char* SubGrid::Type::name () const {
+ return "subgrid";
+ }
+ size_t SubGrid::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ size_t SubGrid::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ size_t SubGrid::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const {
+ return sizeof(SubGrid);
+ }
+ SubGrid::Type SubGrid::type;
+ /********************** SubGridQBVH4 **************************/
+ template<>
+ const char* SubGridQBVH4::Type::name () const {
+ return "SubGridQBVH4";
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t SubGridQBVH4::Type::sizeActive(const char* This) const {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t SubGridQBVH4::Type::sizeTotal(const char* This) const {
+ return 1;
+ }
+ template<>
+ size_t SubGridQBVH4::Type::getBytes(const char* This) const {
+ return sizeof(SubGridQBVH4);
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quad_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quad_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..93c9526912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quad_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! Intersects a ray with a quad with backface culling
+ * enabled. The quad v0,v1,v2,v3 is split into two triangles
+ * v0,v1,v3 and v2,v3,v1. The edge v1,v2 decides which of the two
+ * triangles gets intersected. */
+ template<int N>
+ __forceinline vbool<N> intersect_quad_backface_culling(const vbool<N>& valid0,
+ const Vec3fa& ray_org,
+ const Vec3fa& ray_dir,
+ const float ray_tnear,
+ const float ray_tfar,
+ const Vec3vf<N>& quad_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<N>& quad_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<N>& quad_v2,
+ const Vec3vf<N>& quad_v3,
+ vfloat<N>& u_o,
+ vfloat<N>& v_o,
+ vfloat<N>& t_o)
+ {
+ /* calculate vertices relative to ray origin */
+ vbool<N> valid = valid0;
+ const Vec3vf<N> O = Vec3vf<N>(ray_org);
+ const Vec3vf<N> D = Vec3vf<N>(ray_dir);
+ const Vec3vf<N> va = quad_v0-O;
+ const Vec3vf<N> vb = quad_v1-O;
+ const Vec3vf<N> vc = quad_v2-O;
+ const Vec3vf<N> vd = quad_v3-O;
+ const Vec3vf<N> edb = vb-vd;
+ const vfloat<N> WW = dot(cross(vd,edb),D);
+ const Vec3vf<N> v0 = select(WW <= 0.0f,va,vc);
+ const Vec3vf<N> v1 = select(WW <= 0.0f,vb,vd);
+ const Vec3vf<N> v2 = select(WW <= 0.0f,vd,vb);
+ /* calculate edges */
+ const Vec3vf<N> e0 = v2-v0;
+ const Vec3vf<N> e1 = v0-v1;
+ /* perform edge tests */
+ const vfloat<N> U = dot(cross(v0,e0),D);
+ const vfloat<N> V = dot(cross(v1,e1),D);
+ valid &= max(U,V) <= 0.0f;
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* calculate geometry normal and denominator */
+ const Vec3vf<N> Ng = cross(e1,e0);
+ const vfloat<N> den = dot(Ng,D);
+ const vfloat<N> rcpDen = rcp(den);
+ /* perform depth test */
+ const vfloat<N> t = rcpDen*dot(v0,Ng);
+ valid &= vfloat<N>(ray_tnear) <= t & t <= vfloat<N>(ray_tfar);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* avoid division by 0 */
+ valid &= den != vfloat<N>(zero);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* update hit information */
+ t_o = t;
+ u_o = U * rcpDen;
+ v_o = V * rcpDen;
+ u_o = select(WW <= 0.0f,u_o,1.0f-u_o);
+ v_o = select(WW <= 0.0f,v_o,1.0f-v_o);
+ return valid;
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quad_intersector_moeller.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quad_intersector_moeller.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3abc9d6f70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quad_intersector_moeller.h
@@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "quadv.h"
+#include "triangle_intersector_moeller.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ struct QuadHitM
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadHitM() {}
+ __forceinline QuadHitM(const vbool<M>& valid,
+ const vfloat<M>& U,
+ const vfloat<M>& V,
+ const vfloat<M>& T,
+ const vfloat<M>& absDen,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& Ng,
+ const vbool<M>& flags)
+ : U(U), V(V), T(T), absDen(absDen), tri_Ng(Ng), valid(valid), flags(flags) {}
+ __forceinline void finalize()
+ {
+ const vfloat<M> rcpAbsDen = rcp(absDen);
+ vt = T * rcpAbsDen;
+ const vfloat<M> u = min(U * rcpAbsDen,1.0f);
+ const vfloat<M> v = min(V * rcpAbsDen,1.0f);
+ const vfloat<M> u1 = vfloat<M>(1.0f) - u;
+ const vfloat<M> v1 = vfloat<M>(1.0f) - v;
+#if !defined(__AVX__) || defined(EMBREE_BACKFACE_CULLING)
+ vu = select(flags,u1,u);
+ vv = select(flags,v1,v);
+ vNg = Vec3vf<M>(tri_Ng.x,tri_Ng.y,tri_Ng.z);
+ const vfloat<M> flip = select(flags,vfloat<M>(-1.0f),vfloat<M>(1.0f));
+ vv = select(flags,u1,v);
+ vu = select(flags,v1,u);
+ vNg = Vec3vf<M>(flip*tri_Ng.x,flip*tri_Ng.y,flip*tri_Ng.z);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec2f uv(const size_t i)
+ {
+ const float u = vu[i];
+ const float v = vv[i];
+ return Vec2f(u,v);
+ }
+ __forceinline float t(const size_t i) { return vt[i]; }
+ __forceinline Vec3fa Ng(const size_t i) { return Vec3fa(vNg.x[i],vNg.y[i],vNg.z[i]); }
+ private:
+ vfloat<M> U;
+ vfloat<M> V;
+ vfloat<M> T;
+ vfloat<M> absDen;
+ Vec3vf<M> tri_Ng;
+ public:
+ vbool<M> valid;
+ vfloat<M> vu;
+ vfloat<M> vv;
+ vfloat<M> vt;
+ Vec3vf<M> vNg;
+ public:
+ const vbool<M> flags;
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ struct QuadHitK
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadHitK(const vfloat<K>& U,
+ const vfloat<K>& V,
+ const vfloat<K>& T,
+ const vfloat<K>& absDen,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& Ng,
+ const vbool<K>& flags)
+ : U(U), V(V), T(T), absDen(absDen), flags(flags), tri_Ng(Ng) {}
+ __forceinline std::tuple<vfloat<K>,vfloat<K>,vfloat<K>,Vec3vf<K>> operator() () const
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> rcpAbsDen = rcp(absDen);
+ const vfloat<K> t = T * rcpAbsDen;
+ const vfloat<K> u0 = min(U * rcpAbsDen,1.0f);
+ const vfloat<K> v0 = min(V * rcpAbsDen,1.0f);
+ const vfloat<K> u1 = vfloat<K>(1.0f) - u0;
+ const vfloat<K> v1 = vfloat<K>(1.0f) - v0;
+ const vfloat<K> u = select(flags,u1,u0);
+ const vfloat<K> v = select(flags,v1,v0);
+ const Vec3vf<K> Ng(tri_Ng.x,tri_Ng.y,tri_Ng.z);
+ return std::make_tuple(u,v,t,Ng);
+ }
+ private:
+ const vfloat<K> U;
+ const vfloat<K> V;
+ const vfloat<K> T;
+ const vfloat<K> absDen;
+ const vbool<K> flags;
+ const Vec3vf<K> tri_Ng;
+ };
+ /* ----------------------------- */
+ /* -- single ray intersectors -- */
+ /* ----------------------------- */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore;
+ /*! Intersects M quads with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore() {}
+ __forceinline QuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore(const Ray& ray, const void* ptr) {}
+ __forceinline void intersect(RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3,
+ const vuint<M>& geomID, const vuint<M>& primID) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<M> mapUV;
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> hit(mapUV);
+ MoellerTrumboreIntersector1<M> intersector(ray,nullptr);
+ Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter> epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID);
+ /* intersect first triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v3,mapUV,hit))
+ epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ /* intersect second triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,v2,v3,v1,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ hit.U = hit.absDen - hit.U;
+ hit.V = hit.absDen - hit.V;
+ epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded(Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3,
+ const vuint<M>& geomID, const vuint<M>& primID) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<M> mapUV;
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> hit(mapUV);
+ MoellerTrumboreIntersector1<M> intersector(ray,nullptr);
+ Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter> epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID);
+ /* intersect first triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v3,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ if (epilog(hit.valid,hit))
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* intersect second triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,v2,v3,v1,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ hit.U = hit.absDen - hit.U;
+ hit.V = hit.absDen - hit.V;
+ if (epilog(hit.valid,hit))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ /*! Intersects 4 quads with 1 ray using AVX */
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct QuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore<4,filter>
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore() {}
+ __forceinline QuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore(const Ray& ray, const void* ptr) {}
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(Ray& ray, const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3, const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx0(vfloat8(v0.x,v2.x),vfloat8(v0.y,v2.y),vfloat8(v0.z,v2.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x),vfloat8(v1.y),vfloat8(v1.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x),vfloat8(v3.y),vfloat8(v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x,v3.x),vfloat8(v1.y,v3.y),vfloat8(v1.z,v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x,v1.x),vfloat8(v3.y,v1.y),vfloat8(v3.z,v1.z));
+ UVIdentity<8> mapUV;
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<8,UVIdentity<8>> hit(mapUV);
+ MoellerTrumboreIntersector1<8> intersector(ray,nullptr);
+ const vbool8 flags(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1);
+ if (unlikely(intersector.intersect(ray,vtx0,vtx1,vtx2,mapUV,hit)))
+ {
+ vfloat8 U = hit.U, V = hit.V, absDen = hit.absDen;
+ hit.U = select(flags,absDen-V,U);
+ hit.V = select(flags,absDen-U,V);
+ hit.vNg *= select(flags,vfloat8(-1.0f),vfloat8(1.0f)); // FIXME: use XOR
+ hit.U = select(flags,absDen-U,U);
+ hit.V = select(flags,absDen-V,V);
+ if (unlikely(epilog(hit.valid,hit)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool intersect(RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3,
+ const vuint4& geomID, const vuint4& primID) const
+ {
+ return intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,v3,Intersect1EpilogM<8,filter>(ray,context,vuint8(geomID),vuint8(primID)));
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded(Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3,
+ const vuint4& geomID, const vuint4& primID) const
+ {
+ return intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,v3,Occluded1EpilogM<8,filter>(ray,context,vuint8(geomID),vuint8(primID)));
+ }
+ };
+ /* ----------------------------- */
+ /* -- ray packet intersectors -- */
+ /* ----------------------------- */
+ struct MoellerTrumboreIntersector1KTriangleM
+ {
+ /*! Intersect k'th ray from ray packet of size K with M triangles. */
+ template<int M, int K, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e2,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_Ng,
+ const vbool<M>& flags,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ /* calculate denominator */
+ const Vec3vf<M> O = broadcast<vfloat<M>>(,k);
+ const Vec3vf<M> D = broadcast<vfloat<M>>(ray.dir,k);
+ const Vec3vf<M> C = Vec3vf<M>(tri_v0) - O;
+ const Vec3vf<M> R = cross(C,D);
+ const vfloat<M> den = dot(Vec3vf<M>(tri_Ng),D);
+ const vfloat<M> absDen = abs(den);
+ const vfloat<M> sgnDen = signmsk(den);
+ /* perform edge tests */
+ const vfloat<M> U = dot(R,Vec3vf<M>(tri_e2)) ^ sgnDen;
+ const vfloat<M> V = dot(R,Vec3vf<M>(tri_e1)) ^ sgnDen;
+ /* perform backface culling */
+ vbool<M> valid = (den < vfloat<M>(zero)) & (U >= 0.0f) & (V >= 0.0f) & (U+V<=absDen);
+ vbool<M> valid = (den != vfloat<M>(zero)) & (U >= 0.0f) & (V >= 0.0f) & (U+V<=absDen);
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* perform depth test */
+ const vfloat<M> T = dot(Vec3vf<M>(tri_Ng),C) ^ sgnDen;
+ valid &= (absDen*vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()[k]) < T) & (T <= absDen*vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* calculate hit information */
+ QuadHitM<M> hit(valid,U,V,T,absDen,tri_Ng,flags);
+ return epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ template<int M, int K, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect1(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const vbool<M>& flags,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e2 = v2-v0;
+ const Vec3vf<M> Ng = cross(e2,e1);
+ return intersect<M,K>(ray,k,v0,e1,e2,Ng,flags,epilog);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumboreBase
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumboreBase(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray) {}
+ /*! Intersects K rays with one of M triangles. */
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_e2,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_Ng,
+ const vbool<K>& flags,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ /* calculate denominator */
+ vbool<K> valid = valid0;
+ const Vec3vf<K> C = tri_v0 -;
+ const Vec3vf<K> R = cross(C,ray.dir);
+ const vfloat<K> den = dot(tri_Ng,ray.dir);
+ const vfloat<K> absDen = abs(den);
+ const vfloat<K> sgnDen = signmsk(den);
+ /* test against edge p2 p0 */
+ const vfloat<K> U = dot(R,tri_e2) ^ sgnDen;
+ valid &= U >= 0.0f;
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* test against edge p0 p1 */
+ const vfloat<K> V = dot(R,tri_e1) ^ sgnDen;
+ valid &= V >= 0.0f;
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* test against edge p1 p2 */
+ const vfloat<K> W = absDen-U-V;
+ valid &= W >= 0.0f;
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* perform depth test */
+ const vfloat<K> T = dot(tri_Ng,C) ^ sgnDen;
+ valid &= (absDen*ray.tnear() < T) & (T <= absDen*ray.tfar);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* perform backface culling */
+ valid &= den < vfloat<K>(zero);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ valid &= den != vfloat<K>(zero);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* calculate hit information */
+ QuadHitK<K> hit(U,V,T,absDen,tri_Ng,flags);
+ return epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ /*! Intersects K rays with one of M quads. */
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v2,
+ const vbool<K>& flags,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<K> e1 = tri_v0-tri_v1;
+ const Vec3vf<K> e2 = tri_v2-tri_v0;
+ const Vec3vf<K> Ng = cross(e2,e1);
+ return intersectK(valid0,ray,tri_v0,e1,e2,Ng,flags,epilog);
+ }
+ /*! Intersects K rays with one of M quads. */
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v2,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v3,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ intersectK(valid0,ray,v0,v1,v3,vbool<K>(false),epilog);
+ if (none(valid0)) return true;
+ intersectK(valid0,ray,v2,v3,v1,vbool<K>(true ),epilog);
+ return none(valid0);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumbore : public QuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumboreBase<M,K,filter>
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumbore(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ : QuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumboreBase<M,K,filter>(valid,ray) {}
+ __forceinline void intersect1(RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3,
+ const vuint<M>& geomID, const vuint<M>& primID) const
+ {
+ Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter> epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID);
+ MoellerTrumboreIntersector1KTriangleM::intersect1<M,K>(ray,k,v0,v1,v3,vbool<M>(false),epilog);
+ MoellerTrumboreIntersector1KTriangleM::intersect1<M,K>(ray,k,v2,v3,v1,vbool<M>(true ),epilog);
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3,
+ const vuint<M>& geomID, const vuint<M>& primID) const
+ {
+ Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter> epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID);
+ if (MoellerTrumboreIntersector1KTriangleM::intersect1<M,K>(ray,k,v0,v1,v3,vbool<M>(false),epilog)) return true;
+ if (MoellerTrumboreIntersector1KTriangleM::intersect1<M,K>(ray,k,v2,v3,v1,vbool<M>(true ),epilog)) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ /*! Intersects 4 quads with 1 ray using AVX */
+ template<int K, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumbore<4,K,filter> : public QuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumboreBase<4,K,filter>
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumbore(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ : QuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumboreBase<4,K,filter>(valid,ray) {}
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3, const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx0(vfloat8(v0.x,v2.x),vfloat8(v0.y,v2.y),vfloat8(v0.z,v2.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x),vfloat8(v1.y),vfloat8(v1.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x),vfloat8(v3.y),vfloat8(v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x,v3.x),vfloat8(v1.y,v3.y),vfloat8(v1.z,v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x,v1.x),vfloat8(v3.y,v1.y),vfloat8(v3.z,v1.z));
+ const vbool8 flags(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1);
+ return MoellerTrumboreIntersector1KTriangleM::intersect1<8,K>(ray,k,vtx0,vtx1,vtx2,flags,epilog);
+ }
+ __forceinline bool intersect1(RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3,
+ const vuint4& geomID, const vuint4& primID) const
+ {
+ return intersect1(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,v3,Intersect1KEpilogM<8,K,filter>(ray,k,context,vuint8(geomID),vuint8(primID)));
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3,
+ const vuint4& geomID, const vuint4& primID) const
+ {
+ return intersect1(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,v3,Occluded1KEpilogM<8,K,filter>(ray,k,context,vuint8(geomID),vuint8(primID)));
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quad_intersector_pluecker.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quad_intersector_pluecker.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9873ff76ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quad_intersector_pluecker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,438 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "quad_intersector_moeller.h"
+/*! Modified Pluecker ray/triangle intersector. The test first shifts
+ * the ray origin into the origin of the coordinate system and then
+ * uses Pluecker coordinates for the intersection. Due to the shift,
+ * the Pluecker coordinate calculation simplifies and the tests get
+ * numerically stable. The edge equations are watertight along the
+ * edge for neighboring triangles. */
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ struct QuadHitPlueckerM
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadHitPlueckerM() {}
+ __forceinline QuadHitPlueckerM(const vbool<M>& valid,
+ const vfloat<M>& U,
+ const vfloat<M>& V,
+ const vfloat<M>& UVW,
+ const vfloat<M>& t,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& Ng,
+ const vbool<M>& flags)
+ : U(U), V(V), UVW(UVW), tri_Ng(Ng), valid(valid), vt(t), flags(flags) {}
+ __forceinline void finalize()
+ {
+ const vbool<M> invalid = abs(UVW) < min_rcp_input;
+ const vfloat<M> rcpUVW = select(invalid,vfloat<M>(0.0f),rcp(UVW));
+ const vfloat<M> u = min(U * rcpUVW,1.0f);
+ const vfloat<M> v = min(V * rcpUVW,1.0f);
+ const vfloat<M> u1 = vfloat<M>(1.0f) - u;
+ const vfloat<M> v1 = vfloat<M>(1.0f) - v;
+#if !defined(__AVX__) || defined(EMBREE_BACKFACE_CULLING)
+ vu = select(flags,u1,u);
+ vv = select(flags,v1,v);
+ vNg = Vec3vf<M>(tri_Ng.x,tri_Ng.y,tri_Ng.z);
+ const vfloat<M> flip = select(flags,vfloat<M>(-1.0f),vfloat<M>(1.0f));
+ vv = select(flags,u1,v);
+ vu = select(flags,v1,u);
+ vNg = Vec3vf<M>(flip*tri_Ng.x,flip*tri_Ng.y,flip*tri_Ng.z);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec2f uv(const size_t i)
+ {
+ const float u = vu[i];
+ const float v = vv[i];
+ return Vec2f(u,v);
+ }
+ __forceinline float t(const size_t i) { return vt[i]; }
+ __forceinline Vec3fa Ng(const size_t i) { return Vec3fa(vNg.x[i],vNg.y[i],vNg.z[i]); }
+ private:
+ vfloat<M> U;
+ vfloat<M> V;
+ vfloat<M> UVW;
+ Vec3vf<M> tri_Ng;
+ public:
+ vbool<M> valid;
+ vfloat<M> vu;
+ vfloat<M> vv;
+ vfloat<M> vt;
+ Vec3vf<M> vNg;
+ public:
+ const vbool<M> flags;
+ };
+ template<int K>
+ struct QuadHitPlueckerK
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadHitPlueckerK(const vfloat<K>& U,
+ const vfloat<K>& V,
+ const vfloat<K>& UVW,
+ const vfloat<K>& t,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& Ng,
+ const vbool<K>& flags)
+ : U(U), V(V), UVW(UVW), t(t), flags(flags), tri_Ng(Ng) {}
+ __forceinline std::tuple<vfloat<K>,vfloat<K>,vfloat<K>,Vec3vf<K>> operator() () const
+ {
+ const vbool<K> invalid = abs(UVW) < min_rcp_input;
+ const vfloat<K> rcpUVW = select(invalid,vfloat<K>(0.0f),rcp(UVW));
+ const vfloat<K> u0 = min(U * rcpUVW,1.0f);
+ const vfloat<K> v0 = min(V * rcpUVW,1.0f);
+ const vfloat<K> u1 = vfloat<K>(1.0f) - u0;
+ const vfloat<K> v1 = vfloat<K>(1.0f) - v0;
+ const vfloat<K> u = select(flags,u1,u0);
+ const vfloat<K> v = select(flags,v1,v0);
+ const Vec3vf<K> Ng(tri_Ng.x,tri_Ng.y,tri_Ng.z);
+ return std::make_tuple(u,v,t,Ng);
+ }
+ private:
+ const vfloat<K> U;
+ const vfloat<K> V;
+ const vfloat<K> UVW;
+ const vfloat<K> t;
+ const vbool<K> flags;
+ const Vec3vf<K> tri_Ng;
+ };
+ struct PlueckerIntersectorTriangle1
+ {
+ template<int M, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v2,
+ const vbool<M>& flags,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ /* calculate vertices relative to ray origin */
+ const Vec3vf<M> O = Vec3vf<M>((Vec3fa);
+ const Vec3vf<M> D = Vec3vf<M>((Vec3fa)ray.dir);
+ const Vec3vf<M> v0 = tri_v0-O;
+ const Vec3vf<M> v1 = tri_v1-O;
+ const Vec3vf<M> v2 = tri_v2-O;
+ /* calculate triangle edges */
+ const Vec3vf<M> e0 = v2-v0;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e2 = v1-v2;
+ /* perform edge tests */
+ const vfloat<M> U = dot(cross(e0,v2+v0),D);
+ const vfloat<M> V = dot(cross(e1,v0+v1),D);
+ const vfloat<M> W = dot(cross(e2,v1+v2),D);
+ const vfloat<M> UVW = U+V+W;
+ const vfloat<M> eps = float(ulp)*abs(UVW);
+ vbool<M> valid = max(U,V,W) <= eps;
+ vbool<M> valid = (min(U,V,W) >= -eps) | (max(U,V,W) <= eps);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* calculate geometry normal and denominator */
+ const Vec3vf<M> Ng = stable_triangle_normal(e0,e1,e2);
+ const vfloat<M> den = twice(dot(Ng,D));
+ /* perform depth test */
+ const vfloat<M> T = twice(dot(v0,Ng));
+ const vfloat<M> t = rcp(den)*T;
+ valid &= vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()) <= t & t <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar);
+ valid &= den != vfloat<M>(zero);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* update hit information */
+ QuadHitPlueckerM<M> hit(valid,U,V,UVW,t,Ng,flags);
+ return epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M quads with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMIntersector1Pluecker
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadMIntersector1Pluecker() {}
+ __forceinline QuadMIntersector1Pluecker(const Ray& ray, const void* ptr) {}
+ __forceinline void intersect(RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3,
+ const vuint<M>& geomID, const vuint<M>& primID) const
+ {
+ Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter> epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID);
+ PlueckerIntersectorTriangle1::intersect<M>(ray,v0,v1,v3,vbool<M>(false),epilog);
+ PlueckerIntersectorTriangle1::intersect<M>(ray,v2,v3,v1,vbool<M>(true),epilog);
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded(Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3,
+ const vuint<M>& geomID, const vuint<M>& primID) const
+ {
+ Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter> epilog(ray,context,geomID,primID);
+ if (PlueckerIntersectorTriangle1::intersect<M>(ray,v0,v1,v3,vbool<M>(false),epilog)) return true;
+ if (PlueckerIntersectorTriangle1::intersect<M>(ray,v2,v3,v1,vbool<M>(true ),epilog)) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ /*! Intersects 4 quads with 1 ray using AVX */
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct QuadMIntersector1Pluecker<4,filter>
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadMIntersector1Pluecker() {}
+ __forceinline QuadMIntersector1Pluecker(const Ray& ray, const void* ptr) {}
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(Ray& ray, const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3, const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx0(vfloat8(v0.x,v2.x),vfloat8(v0.y,v2.y),vfloat8(v0.z,v2.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x),vfloat8(v1.y),vfloat8(v1.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x),vfloat8(v3.y),vfloat8(v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x,v3.x),vfloat8(v1.y,v3.y),vfloat8(v1.z,v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x,v1.x),vfloat8(v3.y,v1.y),vfloat8(v3.z,v1.z));
+ const vbool8 flags(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1);
+ return PlueckerIntersectorTriangle1::intersect<8>(ray,vtx0,vtx1,vtx2,flags,epilog);
+ }
+ __forceinline bool intersect(RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3,
+ const vuint4& geomID, const vuint4& primID) const
+ {
+ return intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,v3,Intersect1EpilogM<8,filter>(ray,context,vuint8(geomID),vuint8(primID)));
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded(Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3,
+ const vuint4& geomID, const vuint4& primID) const
+ {
+ return intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,v3,Occluded1EpilogM<8,filter>(ray,context,vuint8(geomID),vuint8(primID)));
+ }
+ };
+ /* ----------------------------- */
+ /* -- ray packet intersectors -- */
+ /* ----------------------------- */
+ struct PlueckerIntersector1KTriangleM
+ {
+ /*! Intersect k'th ray from ray packet of size K with M triangles. */
+ template<int M, int K, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect1(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v2,
+ const vbool<M>& flags,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ /* calculate vertices relative to ray origin */
+ const Vec3vf<M> O = broadcast<vfloat<M>>(,k);
+ const Vec3vf<M> D = broadcast<vfloat<M>>(ray.dir,k);
+ const Vec3vf<M> v0 = tri_v0-O;
+ const Vec3vf<M> v1 = tri_v1-O;
+ const Vec3vf<M> v2 = tri_v2-O;
+ /* calculate triangle edges */
+ const Vec3vf<M> e0 = v2-v0;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e2 = v1-v2;
+ /* perform edge tests */
+ const vfloat<M> U = dot(cross(e0,v2+v0),D);
+ const vfloat<M> V = dot(cross(e1,v0+v1),D);
+ const vfloat<M> W = dot(cross(e2,v1+v2),D);
+ const vfloat<M> UVW = U+V+W;
+ const vfloat<M> eps = float(ulp)*abs(UVW);
+ vbool<M> valid = max(U,V,W) <= eps;
+ vbool<M> valid = (min(U,V,W) >= -eps) | (max(U,V,W) <= eps);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* calculate geometry normal and denominator */
+ const Vec3vf<M> Ng = stable_triangle_normal(e0,e1,e2);
+ const vfloat<M> den = twice(dot(Ng,D));
+ /* perform depth test */
+ const vfloat<M> T = twice(dot(v0,Ng));
+ const vfloat<M> t = rcp(den)*T;
+ valid &= vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()[k]) <= t & t <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* avoid division by 0 */
+ valid &= den != vfloat<M>(zero);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* update hit information */
+ QuadHitPlueckerM<M> hit(valid,U,V,UVW,t,Ng,flags);
+ return epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMIntersectorKPlueckerBase
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadMIntersectorKPlueckerBase(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray) {}
+ /*! Intersects K rays with one of M triangles. */
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v2,
+ const vbool<K>& flags,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ /* calculate vertices relative to ray origin */
+ vbool<K> valid = valid0;
+ const Vec3vf<K> O =;
+ const Vec3vf<K> D = ray.dir;
+ const Vec3vf<K> v0 = tri_v0-O;
+ const Vec3vf<K> v1 = tri_v1-O;
+ const Vec3vf<K> v2 = tri_v2-O;
+ /* calculate triangle edges */
+ const Vec3vf<K> e0 = v2-v0;
+ const Vec3vf<K> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<K> e2 = v1-v2;
+ /* perform edge tests */
+ const vfloat<K> U = dot(Vec3vf<K>(cross(e0,v2+v0)),D);
+ const vfloat<K> V = dot(Vec3vf<K>(cross(e1,v0+v1)),D);
+ const vfloat<K> W = dot(Vec3vf<K>(cross(e2,v1+v2)),D);
+ const vfloat<K> UVW = U+V+W;
+ const vfloat<K> eps = float(ulp)*abs(UVW);
+ valid &= max(U,V,W) <= eps;
+ valid &= (min(U,V,W) >= -eps) | (max(U,V,W) <= eps);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* calculate geometry normal and denominator */
+ const Vec3vf<K> Ng = stable_triangle_normal(e0,e1,e2);
+ const vfloat<K> den = twice(dot(Vec3vf<K>(Ng),D));
+ /* perform depth test */
+ const vfloat<K> T = twice(dot(v0,Vec3vf<K>(Ng)));
+ const vfloat<K> t = rcp(den)*T;
+ valid &= ray.tnear() <= t & t <= ray.tfar;
+ valid &= den != vfloat<K>(zero);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* calculate hit information */
+ QuadHitPlueckerK<K> hit(U,V,UVW,t,Ng,flags);
+ return epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ /*! Intersects K rays with one of M quads. */
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v2,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v3,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ intersectK(valid0,ray,v0,v1,v3,vbool<K>(false),epilog);
+ if (none(valid0)) return true;
+ intersectK(valid0,ray,v2,v3,v1,vbool<K>(true ),epilog);
+ return none(valid0);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMIntersectorKPluecker : public QuadMIntersectorKPlueckerBase<M,K,filter>
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadMIntersectorKPluecker(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ : QuadMIntersectorKPlueckerBase<M,K,filter>(valid,ray) {}
+ __forceinline void intersect1(RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3,
+ const vuint<M>& geomID, const vuint<M>& primID) const
+ {
+ Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter> epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID);
+ PlueckerIntersector1KTriangleM::intersect1<M,K>(ray,k,v0,v1,v3,vbool<M>(false),epilog);
+ PlueckerIntersector1KTriangleM::intersect1<M,K>(ray,k,v2,v3,v1,vbool<M>(true ),epilog);
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3,
+ const vuint<M>& geomID, const vuint<M>& primID) const
+ {
+ Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter> epilog(ray,k,context,geomID,primID);
+ if (PlueckerIntersector1KTriangleM::intersect1<M,K>(ray,k,v0,v1,v3,vbool<M>(false),epilog)) return true;
+ if (PlueckerIntersector1KTriangleM::intersect1<M,K>(ray,k,v2,v3,v1,vbool<M>(true ),epilog)) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ /*! Intersects 4 quads with 1 ray using AVX */
+ template<int K, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMIntersectorKPluecker<4,K,filter> : public QuadMIntersectorKPlueckerBase<4,K,filter>
+ {
+ __forceinline QuadMIntersectorKPluecker(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ : QuadMIntersectorKPlueckerBase<4,K,filter>(valid,ray) {}
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3, const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx0(vfloat8(v0.x,v2.x),vfloat8(v0.y,v2.y),vfloat8(v0.z,v2.z));
+ const vbool8 flags(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1);
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x),vfloat8(v1.y),vfloat8(v1.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x),vfloat8(v3.y),vfloat8(v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x,v3.x),vfloat8(v1.y,v3.y),vfloat8(v1.z,v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x,v1.x),vfloat8(v3.y,v1.y),vfloat8(v3.z,v1.z));
+ return PlueckerIntersector1KTriangleM::intersect1<8,K>(ray,k,vtx0,vtx1,vtx2,flags,epilog);
+ }
+ __forceinline bool intersect1(RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3,
+ const vuint4& geomID, const vuint4& primID) const
+ {
+ return intersect1(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,v3,Intersect1KEpilogM<8,K,filter>(ray,k,context,vuint8(geomID),vuint8(primID)));
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3,
+ const vuint4& geomID, const vuint4& primID) const
+ {
+ return intersect1(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,v3,Occluded1KEpilogM<8,K,filter>(ray,k,context,vuint8(geomID),vuint8(primID)));
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quadi.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quadi.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..70a7bdf158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quadi.h
@@ -0,0 +1,483 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "primitive.h"
+#include "../common/scene.h"
+namespace embree
+ /* Stores M quads from an indexed face set */
+ template <int M>
+ struct QuadMi
+ {
+ /* Virtual interface to query information about the quad type */
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType
+ {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /* primitive supports multiple time segments */
+ static const bool singleTimeSegment = false;
+ /* Returns maximum number of stored quads */
+ static __forceinline size_t max_size() { return M; }
+ /* Returns required number of primitive blocks for N primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t blocks(size_t N) { return (N+max_size()-1)/max_size(); }
+ public:
+ /* Default constructor */
+ __forceinline QuadMi() { }
+ /* Construction from vertices and IDs */
+ __forceinline QuadMi(const vuint<M>& v0,
+ const vuint<M>& v1,
+ const vuint<M>& v2,
+ const vuint<M>& v3,
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs,
+ const vuint<M>& primIDs)
+ : geomIDs(geomIDs), primIDs(primIDs) {}
+ : v0_(v0),v1_(v1), v2_(v2), v3_(v3), geomIDs(geomIDs), primIDs(primIDs) {}
+ /* Returns a mask that tells which quads are valid */
+ __forceinline vbool<M> valid() const { return primIDs != vuint<M>(-1); }
+ /* Returns if the specified quad is valid */
+ __forceinline bool valid(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return primIDs[i] != -1; }
+ /* Returns the number of stored quads */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const { return bsf(~movemask(valid())); }
+ /* Returns the geometry IDs */
+ __forceinline vuint<M>& geomID() { return geomIDs; }
+ __forceinline const vuint<M>& geomID() const { return geomIDs; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int geomID(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); assert(geomIDs[i] != -1); return geomIDs[i]; }
+ /* Returns the primitive IDs */
+ __forceinline vuint<M>& primID() { return primIDs; }
+ __forceinline const vuint<M>& primID() const { return primIDs; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int primID(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return primIDs[i]; }
+ /* Calculate the bounds of the quads */
+ __forceinline const BBox3fa bounds(const Scene *const scene, const size_t itime=0) const
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && valid(i); i++) {
+ const QuadMesh* mesh = scene->get<QuadMesh>(geomID(i));
+ bounds.extend(mesh->bounds(primID(i),itime));
+ }
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ /* Calculate the linear bounds of the primitive */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene* const scene, const size_t itime) {
+ return LBBox3fa(bounds(scene,itime+0),bounds(scene,itime+1));
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene *const scene, size_t itime, size_t numTimeSteps)
+ {
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && valid(i); i++)
+ {
+ const QuadMesh* mesh = scene->get<QuadMesh>(geomID(i));
+ allBounds.extend(mesh->linearBounds(primID(i), itime, numTimeSteps));
+ }
+ return allBounds;
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene *const scene, const BBox1f time_range)
+ {
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && valid(i); i++)
+ {
+ const QuadMesh* mesh = scene->get<QuadMesh>(geomID(i));
+ allBounds.extend(mesh->linearBounds(primID(i), time_range));
+ }
+ return allBounds;
+ }
+ /* Fill quad from quad list */
+ template<typename PrimRefT>
+ __forceinline void fill(const PrimRefT* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene)
+ {
+ vuint<M> geomID = -1, primID = -1;
+ const PrimRefT* prim = &prims[begin];
+ vuint<M> v0 = zero, v1 = zero, v2 = zero, v3 = zero;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M; i++)
+ {
+ if (begin<end) {
+ geomID[i] = prim->geomID();
+ primID[i] = prim->primID();
+ const QuadMesh* mesh = scene->get<QuadMesh>(prim->geomID());
+ const QuadMesh::Quad& q = mesh->quad(prim->primID());
+ unsigned int_stride = mesh->vertices0.getStride()/4;
+ v0[i] = q.v[0] * int_stride;
+ v1[i] = q.v[1] * int_stride;
+ v2[i] = q.v[2] * int_stride;
+ v3[i] = q.v[3] * int_stride;
+ begin++;
+ } else {
+ assert(i);
+ if (likely(i > 0)) {
+ geomID[i] = geomID[0]; // always valid geomIDs
+ primID[i] = -1; // indicates invalid data
+ v0[i] = v0[0];
+ v1[i] = v0[0];
+ v2[i] = v0[0];
+ v3[i] = v0[0];
+ }
+ }
+ if (begin<end) prim = &prims[begin];
+ }
+ new (this) QuadMi(v0,v1,v2,v3,geomID,primID); // FIXME: use non temporal store
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(const PrimRef* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene, size_t itime)
+ {
+ fill(prims, begin, end, scene);
+ return linearBounds(scene, itime);
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(const PrimRefMB* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene, const BBox1f time_range)
+ {
+ fill(prims, begin, end, scene);
+ return linearBounds(scene, time_range);
+ }
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const QuadMi& quad) {
+ return cout << "QuadMi<" << M << ">( "
+ << "v0 = " << quad.v0_ << ", v1 = " << quad.v1_ << ", v2 = " << quad.v2_ << ", v3 = " << quad.v3_ << ", "
+ << "geomID = " << quad.geomIDs << ", primID = " << quad.primIDs << " )";
+ }
+ protected:
+ vuint<M> v0_; // 4 byte offset of 1st vertex
+ vuint<M> v1_; // 4 byte offset of 2nd vertex
+ vuint<M> v2_; // 4 byte offset of 3rd vertex
+ vuint<M> v3_; // 4 byte offset of 4th vertex
+ vuint<M> geomIDs; // geometry ID of mesh
+ vuint<M> primIDs; // primitive ID of primitive inside mesh
+ };
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ struct QuadMi : public embree::QuadMi<M>
+ {
+ using embree::QuadMi<M>::v0_;
+ using embree::QuadMi<M>::v1_;
+ using embree::QuadMi<M>::v2_;
+ using embree::QuadMi<M>::v3_;
+ using embree::QuadMi<M>::geomIDs;
+ using embree::QuadMi<M>::primIDs;
+ using embree::QuadMi<M>::geomID;
+ using embree::QuadMi<M>::primID;
+ using embree::QuadMi<M>::valid;
+ template<int vid>
+ __forceinline Vec3f getVertex(const size_t index, const Scene *const scene) const
+ {
+ const QuadMesh* mesh = scene->get<QuadMesh>(geomID(index));
+ const QuadMesh::Quad& quad = mesh->quad(primID(index));
+ return (Vec3f) mesh->vertices[0][quad.v[vid]];
+ const vuint<M>& v = getVertexOffset<vid>();
+ const float* vertices = scene->vertices[geomID(index)];
+ return (Vec3f&) vertices[v[index]];
+ }
+ template<int vid, typename T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> getVertex(const size_t index, const Scene *const scene, const size_t itime, const T& ftime) const
+ {
+ const QuadMesh* mesh = scene->get<QuadMesh>(geomID(index));
+ const QuadMesh::Quad& quad = mesh->quad(primID(index));
+ const Vec3fa v0 = mesh->vertices[itime+0][quad.v[vid]];
+ const Vec3fa v1 = mesh->vertices[itime+1][quad.v[vid]];
+ const vuint<M>& v = getVertexOffset<vid>();
+ const QuadMesh* mesh = scene->get<QuadMesh>(geomID(index));
+ const float* vertices0 = (const float*) mesh->vertexPtr(0,itime+0);
+ const float* vertices1 = (const float*) mesh->vertexPtr(0,itime+1);
+ const Vec3fa v0 = Vec3fa::loadu(vertices0+v[index]);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = Vec3fa::loadu(vertices1+v[index]);
+ const Vec3<T> p0(v0.x,v0.y,v0.z);
+ const Vec3<T> p1(v1.x,v1.y,v1.z);
+ return lerp(p0,p1,ftime);
+ }
+ template<int vid, int K, typename T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> getVertex(const vbool<K>& valid, const size_t index, const Scene *const scene, const vint<K>& itime, const T& ftime) const
+ {
+ Vec3<T> p0, p1;
+ const QuadMesh* mesh = scene->get<QuadMesh>(geomID(index));
+ for (size_t mask=movemask(valid), i=bsf(mask); mask; mask=btc(mask,i), i=bsf(mask))
+ {
+ const QuadMesh::Quad& quad = mesh->quad(primID(index));
+ const Vec3fa v0 = mesh->vertices[itime[i]+0][quad.v[vid]];
+ const Vec3fa v1 = mesh->vertices[itime[i]+1][quad.v[vid]];
+ const vuint<M>& v = getVertexOffset<vid>();
+ const float* vertices0 = (const float*) mesh->vertexPtr(0,itime[i]+0);
+ const float* vertices1 = (const float*) mesh->vertexPtr(0,itime[i]+1);
+ const Vec3fa v0 = Vec3fa::loadu(vertices0+v[index]);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = Vec3fa::loadu(vertices1+v[index]);
+ p0.x[i] = v0.x; p0.y[i] = v0.y; p0.z[i] = v0.z;
+ p1.x[i] = v1.x; p1.y[i] = v1.y; p1.z[i] = v1.z;
+ }
+ return (T(one)-ftime)*p0 + ftime*p1;
+ }
+ struct Quad {
+ vfloat4 v0,v1,v2,v3;
+ };
+ __forceinline Quad loadQuad(const int i, const Scene* const scene) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int geomID = geomIDs[i];
+ const unsigned int primID = primIDs[i];
+ if (unlikely(primID == -1)) return { zero, zero, zero, zero };
+ const QuadMesh* mesh = scene->get<QuadMesh>(geomID);
+ const QuadMesh::Quad& quad = mesh->quad(primID);
+ const vfloat4 v0 = (vfloat4) mesh->vertices0[quad.v[0]];
+ const vfloat4 v1 = (vfloat4) mesh->vertices0[quad.v[1]];
+ const vfloat4 v2 = (vfloat4) mesh->vertices0[quad.v[2]];
+ const vfloat4 v3 = (vfloat4) mesh->vertices0[quad.v[3]];
+ return { v0, v1, v2, v3 };
+ }
+ __forceinline Quad loadQuad(const int i, const int itime, const Scene* const scene) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int geomID = geomIDs[i];
+ const unsigned int primID = primIDs[i];
+ if (unlikely(primID == -1)) return { zero, zero, zero, zero };
+ const QuadMesh* mesh = scene->get<QuadMesh>(geomID);
+ const QuadMesh::Quad& quad = mesh->quad(primID);
+ const vfloat4 v0 = (vfloat4) mesh->vertices[itime][quad.v[0]];
+ const vfloat4 v1 = (vfloat4) mesh->vertices[itime][quad.v[1]];
+ const vfloat4 v2 = (vfloat4) mesh->vertices[itime][quad.v[2]];
+ const vfloat4 v3 = (vfloat4) mesh->vertices[itime][quad.v[3]];
+ return { v0, v1, v2, v3 };
+ }
+ __forceinline Quad loadQuad(const int i, const Scene* const scene) const
+ {
+ const float* vertices = scene->vertices[geomID(i)];
+ const vfloat4 v0 = vfloat4::loadu(vertices + v0_[i]);
+ const vfloat4 v1 = vfloat4::loadu(vertices + v1_[i]);
+ const vfloat4 v2 = vfloat4::loadu(vertices + v2_[i]);
+ const vfloat4 v3 = vfloat4::loadu(vertices + v3_[i]);
+ return { v0, v1, v2, v3 };
+ }
+ __forceinline Quad loadQuad(const int i, const int itime, const Scene* const scene) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int geomID = geomIDs[i];
+ const QuadMesh* mesh = scene->get<QuadMesh>(geomID);
+ const float* vertices = (const float*) mesh->vertexPtr(0,itime);
+ const vfloat4 v0 = vfloat4::loadu(vertices + v0_[i]);
+ const vfloat4 v1 = vfloat4::loadu(vertices + v1_[i]);
+ const vfloat4 v2 = vfloat4::loadu(vertices + v2_[i]);
+ const vfloat4 v3 = vfloat4::loadu(vertices + v3_[i]);
+ return { v0, v1, v2, v3 };
+ }
+ /* Gather the quads */
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3vf<M>& p0,
+ Vec3vf<M>& p1,
+ Vec3vf<M>& p2,
+ Vec3vf<M>& p3,
+ const Scene *const scene) const;
+#if defined(__AVX512F__)
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3vf16& p0,
+ Vec3vf16& p1,
+ Vec3vf16& p2,
+ Vec3vf16& p3,
+ const Scene *const scene) const;
+ template<int K>
+#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && (__INTEL_COMPILER < 2000) // workaround for compiler bug in ICC 2019
+ __noinline
+ __forceinline
+ void gather(const vbool<K>& valid,
+ Vec3vf<K>& p0,
+ Vec3vf<K>& p1,
+ Vec3vf<K>& p2,
+ Vec3vf<K>& p3,
+ const size_t index,
+ const Scene* const scene,
+ const vfloat<K>& time) const
+ {
+ const QuadMesh* mesh = scene->get<QuadMesh>(geomID(index));
+ vfloat<K> ftime;
+ const vint<K> itime = mesh->timeSegment<K>(time, ftime);
+ const size_t first = bsf(movemask(valid));
+ if (likely(all(valid,itime[first] == itime)))
+ {
+ p0 = getVertex<0>(index, scene, itime[first], ftime);
+ p1 = getVertex<1>(index, scene, itime[first], ftime);
+ p2 = getVertex<2>(index, scene, itime[first], ftime);
+ p3 = getVertex<3>(index, scene, itime[first], ftime);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ p0 = getVertex<0,K>(valid, index, scene, itime, ftime);
+ p1 = getVertex<1,K>(valid, index, scene, itime, ftime);
+ p2 = getVertex<2,K>(valid, index, scene, itime, ftime);
+ p3 = getVertex<3,K>(valid, index, scene, itime, ftime);
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3vf<M>& p0,
+ Vec3vf<M>& p1,
+ Vec3vf<M>& p2,
+ Vec3vf<M>& p3,
+ const QuadMesh* mesh,
+ const Scene *const scene,
+ const int itime) const;
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3vf<M>& p0,
+ Vec3vf<M>& p1,
+ Vec3vf<M>& p2,
+ Vec3vf<M>& p3,
+ const Scene *const scene,
+ const float time) const;
+ /* Updates the primitive */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa update(QuadMesh* mesh)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M; i++)
+ {
+ if (!valid(i)) break;
+ const unsigned primId = primID(i);
+ const QuadMesh::Quad& q = mesh->quad(primId);
+ const Vec3fa p0 = mesh->vertex(q.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa p1 = mesh->vertex(q.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa p2 = mesh->vertex(q.v[2]);
+ const Vec3fa p3 = mesh->vertex(q.v[3]);
+ bounds.extend(merge(BBox3fa(p0),BBox3fa(p1),BBox3fa(p2),BBox3fa(p3)));
+ }
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ private:
+ template<int N> const vuint<M>& getVertexOffset() const;
+ };
+ template<> template<> __forceinline const vuint<4>& QuadMi<4>::getVertexOffset<0>() const { return v0_; }
+ template<> template<> __forceinline const vuint<4>& QuadMi<4>::getVertexOffset<1>() const { return v1_; }
+ template<> template<> __forceinline const vuint<4>& QuadMi<4>::getVertexOffset<2>() const { return v2_; }
+ template<> template<> __forceinline const vuint<4>& QuadMi<4>::getVertexOffset<3>() const { return v3_; }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void QuadMi<4>::gather(Vec3vf4& p0,
+ Vec3vf4& p1,
+ Vec3vf4& p2,
+ Vec3vf4& p3,
+ const Scene *const scene) const
+ {
+ prefetchL1(((char*)this)+0*64);
+ prefetchL1(((char*)this)+1*64);
+ const Quad tri0 = loadQuad(0,scene);
+ const Quad tri1 = loadQuad(1,scene);
+ const Quad tri2 = loadQuad(2,scene);
+ const Quad tri3 = loadQuad(3,scene);
+ transpose(tri0.v0,tri1.v0,tri2.v0,tri3.v0,p0.x,p0.y,p0.z);
+ transpose(tri0.v1,tri1.v1,tri2.v1,tri3.v1,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z);
+ transpose(tri0.v2,tri1.v2,tri2.v2,tri3.v2,p2.x,p2.y,p2.z);
+ transpose(tri0.v3,tri1.v3,tri2.v3,tri3.v3,p3.x,p3.y,p3.z);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void QuadMi<4>::gather(Vec3vf4& p0,
+ Vec3vf4& p1,
+ Vec3vf4& p2,
+ Vec3vf4& p3,
+ const QuadMesh* mesh,
+ const Scene *const scene,
+ const int itime) const
+ {
+ // FIXME: for trianglei there all geometries are identical, is this the case here too?
+ const Quad tri0 = loadQuad(0,itime,scene);
+ const Quad tri1 = loadQuad(1,itime,scene);
+ const Quad tri2 = loadQuad(2,itime,scene);
+ const Quad tri3 = loadQuad(3,itime,scene);
+ transpose(tri0.v0,tri1.v0,tri2.v0,tri3.v0,p0.x,p0.y,p0.z);
+ transpose(tri0.v1,tri1.v1,tri2.v1,tri3.v1,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z);
+ transpose(tri0.v2,tri1.v2,tri2.v2,tri3.v2,p2.x,p2.y,p2.z);
+ transpose(tri0.v3,tri1.v3,tri2.v3,tri3.v3,p3.x,p3.y,p3.z);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void QuadMi<4>::gather(Vec3vf4& p0,
+ Vec3vf4& p1,
+ Vec3vf4& p2,
+ Vec3vf4& p3,
+ const Scene *const scene,
+ const float time) const
+ {
+ const QuadMesh* mesh = scene->get<QuadMesh>(geomID(0)); // in mblur mode all geometries are identical
+ float ftime;
+ const int itime = mesh->timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ Vec3vf4 a0,a1,a2,a3; gather(a0,a1,a2,a3,mesh,scene,itime);
+ Vec3vf4 b0,b1,b2,b3; gather(b0,b1,b2,b3,mesh,scene,itime+1);
+ p0 = lerp(a0,b0,vfloat4(ftime));
+ p1 = lerp(a1,b1,vfloat4(ftime));
+ p2 = lerp(a2,b2,vfloat4(ftime));
+ p3 = lerp(a3,b3,vfloat4(ftime));
+ }
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ typename QuadMi<M>::Type QuadMi<M>::type;
+ typedef QuadMi<4> Quad4i;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quadi_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quadi_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..20a98c3406
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quadi_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "quadi.h"
+#include "quad_intersector_moeller.h"
+#include "quad_intersector_pluecker.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! Intersects M quads with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMiIntersector1Moeller
+ {
+ typedef QuadMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef QuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore<M,filter> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the M quads and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ pre.intersect(ray,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of M quads. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ return pre.occluded(ray,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, quad);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M triangles with K rays. */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMiIntersectorKMoeller
+ {
+ typedef QuadMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef QuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumbore<M,K,filter> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersects K rays with M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = context->scene;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<QuadMi<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!quad.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p0 = quad.template getVertex<0>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p1 = quad.template getVertex<1>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p2 = quad.template getVertex<2>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p3 = quad.template getVertex<3>(i,scene);
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,p0,p1,p2,p3,IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,quad.geomID(),quad.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test for K rays if they are occluded by any of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = context->scene;
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<QuadMi<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!quad.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid0),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p0 = quad.template getVertex<0>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p1 = quad.template getVertex<1>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p2 = quad.template getVertex<2>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p3 = quad.template getVertex<3>(i,scene);
+ if (pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,p0,p1,p2,p3,OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,quad.geomID(),quad.primID(),i)))
+ break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ pre.intersect1(ray,k,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ return pre.occluded1(ray,k,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M quads with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMiIntersector1Pluecker
+ {
+ typedef QuadMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef QuadMIntersector1Pluecker<M,filter> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the M quads and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ pre.intersect(ray,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of M quads. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ return pre.occluded(ray,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, quad);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M triangles with K rays. */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMiIntersectorKPluecker
+ {
+ typedef QuadMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef QuadMIntersectorKPluecker<M,K,filter> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersects K rays with M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = context->scene;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<QuadMi<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!quad.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p0 = quad.template getVertex<0>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p1 = quad.template getVertex<1>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p2 = quad.template getVertex<2>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p3 = quad.template getVertex<3>(i,scene);
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,p0,p1,p2,p3,IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,quad.geomID(),quad.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test for K rays if they are occluded by any of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ Scene* scene = context->scene;
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<QuadMi<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!quad.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid0),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p0 = quad.template getVertex<0>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p1 = quad.template getVertex<1>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p2 = quad.template getVertex<2>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p3 = quad.template getVertex<3>(i,scene);
+ if (pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,p0,p1,p2,p3,OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,quad.geomID(),quad.primID(),i)))
+ break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ pre.intersect1(ray,k,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ return pre.occluded1(ray,k,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M motion blur quads with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMiMBIntersector1Moeller
+ {
+ typedef QuadMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef QuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore<M,filter> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the M quads and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene,ray.time());
+ pre.intersect(ray,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of M quads. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene,ray.time());
+ return pre.occluded(ray,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, quad);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M motion blur quads with K rays. */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMiMBIntersectorKMoeller
+ {
+ typedef QuadMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef QuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumbore<M,K,filter> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersects K rays with M quads. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<QuadMi<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!quad.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ Vec3vf<K> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.template gather<K>(valid_i,v0,v1,v2,v3,i,context->scene,ray.time());
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,v0,v1,v2,v3,IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,quad.geomID(),quad.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test for K rays if they are occluded by any of the M quads. */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<QuadMi<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!quad.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid0),K);
+ Vec3vf<K> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.template gather<K>(valid_i,v0,v1,v2,v3,i,context->scene,ray.time());
+ if (pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,v0,v1,v2,v3,OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,quad.geomID(),quad.primID(),i)))
+ break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M quads and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene,ray.time()[k]);
+ pre.intersect1(ray,k,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M quads. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene,ray.time()[k]);
+ return pre.occluded1(ray,k,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M motion blur quads with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMiMBIntersector1Pluecker
+ {
+ typedef QuadMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef QuadMIntersector1Pluecker<M,filter> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the M quads and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene,ray.time());
+ pre.intersect(ray,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of M quads. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene,ray.time());
+ return pre.occluded(ray,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, quad);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M motion blur quads with K rays. */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMiMBIntersectorKPluecker
+ {
+ typedef QuadMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef QuadMIntersectorKPluecker<M,K,filter> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersects K rays with M quads. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<QuadMi<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!quad.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ Vec3vf<K> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.template gather<K>(valid_i,v0,v1,v2,v3,i,context->scene,ray.time());
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,v0,v1,v2,v3,IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,quad.geomID(),quad.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test for K rays if they are occluded by any of the M quads. */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<QuadMi<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!quad.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid0),K);
+ Vec3vf<K> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.template gather<K>(valid_i,v0,v1,v2,v3,i,context->scene,ray.time());
+ if (pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,v0,v1,v2,v3,OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,quad.geomID(),quad.primID(),i)))
+ break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M quads and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene,ray.time()[k]);
+ pre.intersect1(ray,k,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M quads. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMi<M>& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2,v3; quad.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene,ray.time()[k]);
+ return pre.occluded1(ray,k,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quadv.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quadv.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2137356ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quadv.h
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "primitive.h"
+namespace embree
+ /* Stores the vertices of M quads in struct of array layout */
+ template <int M>
+ struct QuadMv
+ {
+ public:
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType
+ {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /* Returns maximum number of stored quads */
+ static __forceinline size_t max_size() { return M; }
+ /* Returns required number of primitive blocks for N primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t blocks(size_t N) { return (N+max_size()-1)/max_size(); }
+ public:
+ /* Default constructor */
+ __forceinline QuadMv() {}
+ /* Construction from vertices and IDs */
+ __forceinline QuadMv(const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3, const vuint<M>& geomIDs, const vuint<M>& primIDs)
+ : v0(v0), v1(v1), v2(v2), v3(v3), geomIDs(geomIDs), primIDs(primIDs) {}
+ /* Returns a mask that tells which quads are valid */
+ __forceinline vbool<M> valid() const { return geomIDs != vuint<M>(-1); }
+ /* Returns true if the specified quad is valid */
+ __forceinline bool valid(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return geomIDs[i] != -1; }
+ /* Returns the number of stored quads */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const { return bsf(~movemask(valid())); }
+ /* Returns the geometry IDs */
+ __forceinline vuint<M>& geomID() { return geomIDs; }
+ __forceinline const vuint<M>& geomID() const { return geomIDs; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int geomID(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return geomIDs[i]; }
+ /* Returns the primitive IDs */
+ __forceinline vuint<M> primID() { return primIDs; }
+ __forceinline const vuint<M> primID() const { return primIDs; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int primID(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return primIDs[i]; }
+ /* Calculate the bounds of the quads */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds() const
+ {
+ Vec3vf<M> lower = min(v0,v1,v2,v3);
+ Vec3vf<M> upper = max(v0,v1,v2,v3);
+ vbool<M> mask = valid();
+ lower.x = select(mask,lower.x,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ lower.y = select(mask,lower.y,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ lower.z = select(mask,lower.z,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ upper.x = select(mask,upper.x,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ upper.y = select(mask,upper.y,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ upper.z = select(mask,upper.z,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ return BBox3fa(Vec3fa(reduce_min(lower.x),reduce_min(lower.y),reduce_min(lower.z)),
+ Vec3fa(reduce_max(upper.x),reduce_max(upper.y),reduce_max(upper.z)));
+ }
+ /* Non temporal store */
+ __forceinline static void store_nt(QuadMv* dst, const QuadMv& src)
+ {
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v0.x,src.v0.x);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v0.y,src.v0.y);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v0.z,src.v0.z);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v1.x,src.v1.x);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v1.y,src.v1.y);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v1.z,src.v1.z);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v2.x,src.v2.x);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v2.y,src.v2.y);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v2.z,src.v2.z);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v3.x,src.v3.x);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v3.y,src.v3.y);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v3.z,src.v3.z);
+ vuint<M>::store_nt(&dst->geomIDs,src.geomIDs);
+ vuint<M>::store_nt(&dst->primIDs,src.primIDs);
+ }
+ /* Fill quad from quad list */
+ __forceinline void fill(const PrimRef* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene)
+ {
+ vuint<M> vgeomID = -1, vprimID = -1;
+ Vec3vf<M> v0 = zero, v1 = zero, v2 = zero, v3 = zero;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && begin<end; i++, begin++)
+ {
+ const PrimRef& prim = prims[begin];
+ const unsigned geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned primID = prim.primID();
+ const QuadMesh* __restrict__ const mesh = scene->get<QuadMesh>(geomID);
+ const QuadMesh::Quad& quad = mesh->quad(primID);
+ const Vec3fa& p0 = mesh->vertex(quad.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa& p1 = mesh->vertex(quad.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa& p2 = mesh->vertex(quad.v[2]);
+ const Vec3fa& p3 = mesh->vertex(quad.v[3]);
+ vgeomID [i] = geomID;
+ vprimID [i] = primID;
+ v0.x[i] = p0.x; v0.y[i] = p0.y; v0.z[i] = p0.z;
+ v1.x[i] = p1.x; v1.y[i] = p1.y; v1.z[i] = p1.z;
+ v2.x[i] = p2.x; v2.y[i] = p2.y; v2.z[i] = p2.z;
+ v3.x[i] = p3.x; v3.y[i] = p3.y; v3.z[i] = p3.z;
+ }
+ QuadMv::store_nt(this,QuadMv(v0,v1,v2,v3,vgeomID,vprimID));
+ }
+ /* Updates the primitive */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa update(QuadMesh* mesh)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ vuint<M> vgeomID = -1, vprimID = -1;
+ Vec3vf<M> v0 = zero, v1 = zero, v2 = zero;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M; i++)
+ {
+ if (primID(i) == -1) break;
+ const unsigned geomId = geomID(i);
+ const unsigned primId = primID(i);
+ const QuadMesh::Quad& quad = mesh->quad(primId);
+ const Vec3fa p0 = mesh->vertex(quad.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa p1 = mesh->vertex(quad.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa p2 = mesh->vertex(quad.v[2]);
+ const Vec3fa p3 = mesh->vertex(quad.v[3]);
+ bounds.extend(merge(BBox3fa(p0),BBox3fa(p1),BBox3fa(p2),BBox3fa(p3)));
+ vgeomID [i] = geomId;
+ vprimID [i] = primId;
+ v0.x[i] = p0.x; v0.y[i] = p0.y; v0.z[i] = p0.z;
+ v1.x[i] = p1.x; v1.y[i] = p1.y; v1.z[i] = p1.z;
+ v2.x[i] = p2.x; v2.y[i] = p2.y; v2.z[i] = p2.z;
+ v3.x[i] = p3.x; v3.y[i] = p3.y; v3.z[i] = p3.z;
+ }
+ new (this) QuadMv(v0,v1,v2,v3,vgeomID,vprimID);
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ public:
+ Vec3vf<M> v0; // 1st vertex of the quads
+ Vec3vf<M> v1; // 2nd vertex of the quads
+ Vec3vf<M> v2; // 3rd vertex of the quads
+ Vec3vf<M> v3; // 4rd vertex of the quads
+ private:
+ vuint<M> geomIDs; // geometry ID
+ vuint<M> primIDs; // primitive ID
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ typename QuadMv<M>::Type QuadMv<M>::type;
+ typedef QuadMv<4> Quad4v;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quadv_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quadv_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9b28e05614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/quadv_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "quadv.h"
+#include "quad_intersector_moeller.h"
+#include "quad_intersector_pluecker.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! Intersects M quads with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMvIntersector1Moeller
+ {
+ typedef QuadMv<M> Primitive;
+ typedef QuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore<M,filter> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the M quads and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ pre.intersect(ray,context,quad.v0,quad.v1,quad.v2,quad.v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of M quads. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ return pre.occluded(ray,context, quad.v0,quad.v1,quad.v2,quad.v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, quad);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M triangles with K rays. */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMvIntersectorKMoeller
+ {
+ typedef QuadMv<M> Primitive;
+ typedef QuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumbore<M,K,filter> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersects K rays with M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMv<M>& quad)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<QuadMv<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!quad.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p0 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v0,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p1 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v1,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p2 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v2,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p3 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v3,i);
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,p0,p1,p2,p3,IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,quad.geomID(),quad.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test for K rays if they are occluded by any of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMv<M>& quad)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<QuadMv<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!quad.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid0),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p0 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v0,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p1 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v1,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p2 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v2,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p3 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v3,i);
+ if (pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,p0,p1,p2,p3,OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,quad.geomID(),quad.primID(),i)))
+ break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMv<M>& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ pre.intersect1(ray,k,context,quad.v0,quad.v1,quad.v2,quad.v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMv<M>& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ return pre.occluded1(ray,k,context,quad.v0,quad.v1,quad.v2,quad.v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M quads with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMvIntersector1Pluecker
+ {
+ typedef QuadMv<M> Primitive;
+ typedef QuadMIntersector1Pluecker<M,filter> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the M quads and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ pre.intersect(ray,context,quad.v0,quad.v1,quad.v2,quad.v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of M quads. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ return pre.occluded(ray,context, quad.v0,quad.v1,quad.v2,quad.v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& quad)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, quad);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M triangles with K rays. */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct QuadMvIntersectorKPluecker
+ {
+ typedef QuadMv<M> Primitive;
+ typedef QuadMIntersectorKPluecker<M,K,filter> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersects K rays with M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMv<M>& quad)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<QuadMv<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!quad.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p0 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v0,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p1 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v1,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p2 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v2,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p3 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v3,i);
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,p0,p1,p2,p3,IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,quad.geomID(),quad.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test for K rays if they are occluded by any of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMv<M>& quad)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<QuadMv<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!quad.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid0),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p0 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v0,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p1 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v1,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p2 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v2,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p3 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(quad.v3,i);
+ if (pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,p0,p1,p2,p3,OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,quad.geomID(),quad.primID(),i)))
+ break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMv<M>& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ pre.intersect1(ray,k,context,quad.v0,quad.v1,quad.v2,quad.v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const QuadMv<M>& quad)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ return pre.occluded1(ray,k,context,quad.v0,quad.v1,quad.v2,quad.v3,quad.geomID(),quad.primID());
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/roundline_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/roundline_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e9393442b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/roundline_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,715 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_precalculations.h"
+ This file implements the intersection of a ray with a round linear
+ curve segment. We define the geometry of such a round linear curve
+ segment from point p0 with radius r0 to point p1 with radius r1
+ using the cone that touches spheres p0/r0 and p1/r1 tangentially
+ plus the sphere p1/r1. We denote the tangentially touching cone from
+ p0/r0 to p1/r1 with cone(p0,r0,p1,r1) and the cone plus the ending
+ sphere with cone_sphere(p0,r0,p1,r1).
+ For multiple connected round linear curve segments this construction
+ yield a proper shape when viewed from the outside. Using the
+ following CSG we can also handle the interiour in most common cases:
+ round_linear_curve(pl,rl,p0,r0,p1,r1,pr,rr) =
+ cone_sphere(p0,r0,p1,r1) - cone(pl,rl,p0,r0) - cone(p1,r1,pr,rr)
+ Thus by subtracting the neighboring cone geometries, we cut away
+ parts of the center cone_sphere surface which lie inside the
+ combined curve. This approach works as long as geometry of the
+ current cone_sphere penetrates into direct neighbor segments only,
+ and not into segments further away.
+ To construct a cone that touches two spheres at p0 and p1 with r0
+ and r1, one has to increase the cone radius at r0 and r1 to obtain
+ larger radii w0 and w1, such that the infinite cone properly touches
+ the spheres. From the paper "Ray Tracing Generalized Tube
+ Primitives: Method and Applications"
+ (
+ one can derive the following equations for these increased
+ radii:
+ sr = 1.0f / sqrt(1-sqr(dr)/sqr(p1-p0))
+ w0 = sr*r0
+ w1 = sr*r1
+ Further, we want the cone to start where it touches the sphere at p0
+ and to end where it touches sphere at p1. Therefore, we need to
+ construct clipping locations y0 and y1 for the start and end of the
+ cone. These start and end clipping location of the cone can get
+ calculated as:
+ Y0 = - r0 * (r1-r0) / length(p1-p0)
+ Y1 = length(p1-p0) - r1 * (r1-r0) / length(p1-p0)
+ Where the cone starts a distance Y0 and ends a distance Y1 away of
+ point p0 along the cone center. The distance between Y1-Y0 can get
+ calculated as:
+ dY = length(p1-p0) - (r1-r0)^2 / length(p1-p0)
+ In the code below, Y will always be scaled by length(p1-p0) to
+ obtain y and you will find the terms r0*(r1-r0) and
+ (p1-p0)^2-(r1-r0)^2.
+ */
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ struct RoundLineIntersectorHitM
+ {
+ __forceinline RoundLineIntersectorHitM() {}
+ __forceinline RoundLineIntersectorHitM(const vfloat<M>& u, const vfloat<M>& v, const vfloat<M>& t, const Vec3vf<M>& Ng)
+ : vu(u), vv(v), vt(t), vNg(Ng) {}
+ __forceinline void finalize() {}
+ __forceinline Vec2f uv (const size_t i) const { return Vec2f(vu[i],vv[i]); }
+ __forceinline float t (const size_t i) const { return vt[i]; }
+ __forceinline Vec3fa Ng(const size_t i) const { return Vec3fa(vNg.x[i],vNg.y[i],vNg.z[i]); }
+ __forceinline Vec2vf<M> uv() const { return Vec2vf<M>(vu,vv); }
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> t () const { return vt; }
+ __forceinline Vec3vf<M> Ng() const { return vNg; }
+ public:
+ vfloat<M> vu;
+ vfloat<M> vv;
+ vfloat<M> vt;
+ Vec3vf<M> vNg;
+ };
+ namespace __roundline_internal
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ struct ConeGeometry
+ {
+ ConeGeometry (const Vec4vf<M>& a, const Vec4vf<M>& b)
+ : p0(, p1(, dP(p1-p0), dPdP(dot(dP,dP)), r0(a.w), sqr_r0(sqr(r0)), r1(b.w), dr(r1-r0), drdr(dr*dr), r0dr (r0*dr), g(dPdP - drdr) {}
+ /*
+ This function tests if a point is accepted by first cone
+ clipping plane.
+ First, we need to project the point onto the line p0->p1:
+ Y = (p-p0)*(p1-p0)/length(p1-p0)
+ This value y is the distance to the projection point from
+ p0. The clip distances are calculated as:
+ Y0 = - r0 * (r1-r0) / length(p1-p0)
+ Y1 = length(p1-p0) - r1 * (r1-r0) / length(p1-p0)
+ Thus to test if the point p is accepted by the first
+ clipping plane we need to test Y > Y0 and to test if it
+ is accepted by the second clipping plane we need to test
+ Y < Y1.
+ By multiplying the calculations with length(p1-p0) these
+ calculation can get simplied to:
+ y = (p-p0)*(p1-p0)
+ y0 = - r0 * (r1-r0)
+ y1 = (p1-p0)^2 - r1 * (r1-r0)
+ and the test y > y0 and y < y1.
+ */
+ __forceinline vbool<M> isClippedByPlane (const vbool<M>& valid_i, const Vec3vf<M>& p) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> p0p = p - p0;
+ const vfloat<M> y = dot(p0p,dP);
+ const vfloat<M> cap0 = -r0dr;
+ const vbool<M> inside_cone = y > cap0;
+ return valid_i & (p0.x != vfloat<M>(inf)) & (p1.x != vfloat<M>(inf)) & inside_cone;
+ }
+ /*
+ This function tests whether a point lies inside the capped cone
+ tangential to its ending spheres.
+ Therefore one has to check if the point is inside the
+ region defined by the cone clipping planes, which is
+ performed similar as in the previous function.
+ To perform the inside cone test we need to project the
+ point onto the line p0->p1:
+ dP = p1-p0
+ Y = (p-p0)*dP/length(dP)
+ This value Y is the distance to the projection point from
+ p0. To obtain a parameter value u going from 0 to 1 along
+ the line p0->p1 we calculate:
+ U = Y/length(dP)
+ The radii to use at points p0 and p1 are:
+ w0 = sr * r0
+ w1 = sr * r1
+ dw = w1-w0
+ Using these radii and u one can directly test if the point
+ lies inside the cone using the formula dP*dP < wy*wy with:
+ wy = w0 + u*dw
+ py = p0 + u*dP - p
+ By multiplying the calculations with length(p1-p0) and
+ inserting the definition of w can obtain simpler equations:
+ y = (p-p0)*dP
+ ry = r0 + y/dP^2 * dr
+ wy = sr*ry
+ py = p0 + y/dP^2*dP - p
+ y0 = - r0 * dr
+ y1 = dP^2 - r1 * dr
+ Thus for the in-cone test we get:
+ py^2 < wy^2
+ <=> py^2 < sr^2 * ry^2
+ <=> py^2 * ( dP^2 - dr^2 ) < dP^2 * ry^2
+ This can further get simplified to:
+ (p0-p)^2 * (dP^2 - dr^2) - y^2 < dP^2 * r0^2 + 2.0f*r0*dr*y;
+ */
+ __forceinline vbool<M> isInsideCappedCone (const vbool<M>& valid_i, const Vec3vf<M>& p) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> p0p = p - p0;
+ const vfloat<M> y = dot(p0p,dP);
+ const vfloat<M> cap0 = -r0dr+vfloat<M>(ulp);
+ const vfloat<M> cap1 = -r1*dr + dPdP;
+ vbool<M> inside_cone = valid_i & (p0.x != vfloat<M>(inf)) & (p1.x != vfloat<M>(inf));
+ inside_cone &= y > cap0; // start clipping plane
+ inside_cone &= y < cap1; // end clipping plane
+ inside_cone &= sqr(p0p)*g - sqr(y) < dPdP * sqr_r0 + 2.0f*r0dr*y; // in cone test
+ return inside_cone;
+ }
+ protected:
+ Vec3vf<M> p0;
+ Vec3vf<M> p1;
+ Vec3vf<M> dP;
+ vfloat<M> dPdP;
+ vfloat<M> r0;
+ vfloat<M> sqr_r0;
+ vfloat<M> r1;
+ vfloat<M> dr;
+ vfloat<M> drdr;
+ vfloat<M> r0dr;
+ vfloat<M> g;
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ struct ConeGeometryIntersector : public ConeGeometry<M>
+ {
+ using ConeGeometry<M>::p0;
+ using ConeGeometry<M>::p1;
+ using ConeGeometry<M>::dP;
+ using ConeGeometry<M>::dPdP;
+ using ConeGeometry<M>::r0;
+ using ConeGeometry<M>::sqr_r0;
+ using ConeGeometry<M>::r1;
+ using ConeGeometry<M>::dr;
+ using ConeGeometry<M>::r0dr;
+ using ConeGeometry<M>::g;
+ ConeGeometryIntersector (const Vec3vf<M>& ray_org, const Vec3vf<M>& ray_dir, const vfloat<M>& dOdO, const vfloat<M>& rcp_dOdO, const Vec4vf<M>& a, const Vec4vf<M>& b)
+ : ConeGeometry<M>(a,b), org(ray_org), O(ray_org-p0), dO(ray_dir), dOdO(dOdO), rcp_dOdO(rcp_dOdO), OdP(dot(dP,O)), dOdP(dot(dP,dO)), yp(OdP + r0dr) {}
+ /*
+ This function intersects a ray with a cone that touches a
+ start sphere p0/r0 and end sphere p1/r1.
+ To find this ray/cone intersections one could just
+ calculate radii w0 and w1 as described above and use a
+ standard ray/cone intersection routine with these
+ radii. However, it turns out that calculations can get
+ simplified when deriving a specialized ray/cone
+ intersection for this special case. We perform
+ calculations relative to the cone origin p0 and define:
+ O = ray_org - p0
+ dO = ray_dir
+ dP = p1-p0
+ dr = r1-r0
+ dw = w1-w0
+ For some t we can compute the potential hit point h = O + t*dO and
+ project it onto the cone vector dP to obtain u = (h*dP)/(dP*dP). In
+ case of an intersection, the squared distance from the hit point
+ projected onto the cone center line to the hit point should be equal
+ to the squared cone radius at u:
+ (u*dP - h)^2 = (w0 + u*dw)^2
+ Inserting the definition of h, u, w0, and dw into this formula, then
+ factoring out all terms, and sorting by t^2, t^1, and t^0 terms
+ yields a quadratic equation to solve.
+ Inserting u:
+ ( (h*dP)*dP/dP^2 - h )^2 = ( w0 + (h*dP)*dw/dP^2 )^2
+ Multiplying by dP^4:
+ ( (h*dP)*dP - h*dP^2 )^2 = ( w0*dP^2 + (h*dP)*dw )^2
+ Inserting w0 and dw:
+ ( (h*dP)*dP - h*dP^2 )^2 = ( r0*dP^2 + (h*dP)*dr )^2 / (1-dr^2/dP^2)
+ ( (h*dP)*dP - h*dP^2 )^2 *(dP^2 - dr^2) = dP^2 * ( r0*dP^2 + (h*dP)*dr )^2
+ Now one can insert the definition of h, factor out, and presort by t:
+ ( ((O + t*dO)*dP)*dP - (O + t*dO)*dP^2 )^2 *(dP^2 - dr^2) = dP^2 * ( r0*dP^2 + ((O + t*dO)*dP)*dr )^2
+ ( (O*dP)*dP-O*dP^2 + t*( (dO*dP)*dP - dO*dP^2 ) )^2 *(dP^2 - dr^2) = dP^2 * ( r0*dP^2 + (O*dP)*dr + t*(dO*dP)*dr )^2
+ Factoring out further and sorting by t^2, t^1 and t^0 yields:
+ 0 = t^2 * [ ((dO*dP)*dP - dO-dP^2)^2 * (dP^2 - dr^2) - dP^2*(dO*dP)^2*dr^2 ]
+ + 2*t^1 * [ ((O*dP)*dP - O*dP^2) * ((dO*dP)*dP - dO*dP^2) * (dP^2 - dr^2) - dP^2*(r0*dP^2 + (O*dP)*dr)*(dO*dP)*dr ]
+ + t^0 * [ ( (O*dP)*dP - O*dP^2)^2 * (dP^2-dr^2) - dP^2*(r0*dP^2 + (O*dP)*dr)^2 ]
+ This can be simplified to:
+ 0 = t^2 * [ (dP^2 - dr^2)*dO^2 - (dO*dP)^2 ]
+ + 2*t^1 * [ (dP^2 - dr^2)*(O*dO) - (dO*dP)*(O*dP + r0*dr) ]
+ + t^0 * [ (dP^2 - dr^2)*O^2 - (O*dP)^2 - r0^2*dP^2 - 2.0f*r0*dr*(O*dP) ]
+ Solving this quadratic equation yields the values for t at which the
+ ray intersects the cone.
+ */
+ __forceinline bool intersectCone(vbool<M>& valid, vfloat<M>& lower, vfloat<M>& upper)
+ {
+ /* return no hit by default */
+ lower = pos_inf;
+ upper = neg_inf;
+ /* compute quadratic equation A*t^2 + B*t + C = 0 */
+ const vfloat<M> OO = dot(O,O);
+ const vfloat<M> OdO = dot(dO,O);
+ const vfloat<M> A = g * dOdO - sqr(dOdP);
+ const vfloat<M> B = 2.0f * (g*OdO - dOdP*yp);
+ const vfloat<M> C = g*OO - sqr(OdP) - sqr_r0*dPdP - 2.0f*r0dr*OdP;
+ /* we miss the cone if determinant is smaller than zero */
+ const vfloat<M> D = B*B - 4.0f*A*C;
+ valid &= (D >= 0.0f & g > 0.0f); // if g <= 0 then the cone is inside a sphere end
+ /* When rays are parallel to the cone surface, then the
+ * ray may be inside or outside the cone. We just assume a
+ * miss in that case, which is fine as rays inside the
+ * cone would anyway hit the ending spheres in that
+ * case. */
+ valid &= abs(A) > min_rcp_input;
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* compute distance to front and back hit */
+ const vfloat<M> Q = sqrt(D);
+ const vfloat<M> rcp_2A = rcp(2.0f*A);
+ t_cone_front = (-B-Q)*rcp_2A;
+ y_cone_front = yp + t_cone_front*dOdP;
+ lower = select( (y_cone_front > -(float)ulp) & (y_cone_front <= g) & (g > 0.0f), t_cone_front, vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ t_cone_back = (-B+Q)*rcp_2A;
+ y_cone_back = yp + t_cone_back *dOdP;
+ upper = select( (y_cone_back > -(float)ulp) & (y_cone_back <= g) & (g > 0.0f), t_cone_back , vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ return true;
+ }
+ /*
+ This function intersects the ray with the end sphere at
+ p1. We already clip away hits that are inside the
+ neighboring cone segment.
+ */
+ __forceinline void intersectEndSphere(vbool<M>& valid,
+ const ConeGeometry<M>& coneR,
+ vfloat<M>& lower, vfloat<M>& upper)
+ {
+ /* calculate front and back hit with end sphere */
+ const Vec3vf<M> O1 = org - p1;
+ const vfloat<M> O1dO = dot(O1,dO);
+ const vfloat<M> h2 = sqr(O1dO) - dOdO*(sqr(O1) - sqr(r1));
+ const vfloat<M> rhs1 = select( h2 >= 0.0f, sqrt(h2), vfloat<M>(neg_inf) );
+ /* clip away front hit if it is inside next cone segment */
+ t_sph1_front = (-O1dO - rhs1)*rcp_dOdO;
+ const Vec3vf<M> hit_front = org + t_sph1_front*dO;
+ vbool<M> valid_sph1_front = h2 >= 0.0f & yp + t_sph1_front*dOdP > g & !coneR.isClippedByPlane (valid, hit_front);
+ lower = select(valid_sph1_front, t_sph1_front, vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ /* clip away back hit if it is inside next cone segment */
+ t_sph1_back = (-O1dO + rhs1)*rcp_dOdO;
+ const Vec3vf<M> hit_back = org + t_sph1_back*dO;
+ vbool<M> valid_sph1_back = h2 >= 0.0f & yp + t_sph1_back*dOdP > g & !coneR.isClippedByPlane (valid, hit_back);
+ upper = select(valid_sph1_back, t_sph1_back, vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ upper = vfloat<M>(neg_inf);
+ }
+ __forceinline void intersectBeginSphere(const vbool<M>& valid,
+ vfloat<M>& lower, vfloat<M>& upper)
+ {
+ /* calculate front and back hit with end sphere */
+ const Vec3vf<M> O1 = org - p0;
+ const vfloat<M> O1dO = dot(O1,dO);
+ const vfloat<M> h2 = sqr(O1dO) - dOdO*(sqr(O1) - sqr(r0));
+ const vfloat<M> rhs1 = select( h2 >= 0.0f, sqrt(h2), vfloat<M>(neg_inf) );
+ /* clip away front hit if it is inside next cone segment */
+ t_sph0_front = (-O1dO - rhs1)*rcp_dOdO;
+ vbool<M> valid_sph1_front = valid & h2 >= 0.0f & yp + t_sph0_front*dOdP < 0;
+ lower = select(valid_sph1_front, t_sph0_front, vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ /* clip away back hit if it is inside next cone segment */
+ t_sph0_back = (-O1dO + rhs1)*rcp_dOdO;
+ vbool<M> valid_sph1_back = valid & h2 >= 0.0f & yp + t_sph0_back*dOdP < 0;
+ upper = select(valid_sph1_back, t_sph0_back, vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ upper = vfloat<M>(neg_inf);
+ }
+ /*
+ This function calculates the geometry normal of some cone hit.
+ For a given hit point h (relative to p0) with a cone
+ starting at p0 with radius w0 and ending at p1 with
+ radius w1 one normally calculates the geometry normal by
+ first calculating the parmetric u hit location along the
+ cone:
+ u = dot(h,dP)/dP^2
+ Using this value one can now directly calculate the
+ geometry normal by bending the connection vector (h-u*dP)
+ from hit to projected hit with some cone dependent value
+ dw/sqrt(dP^2) * normalize(dP):
+ Ng = normalize(h-u*dP) - dw/length(dP) * normalize(dP)
+ The length of the vector (h-u*dP) can also get calculated
+ by interpolating the radii as w0+u*dw which yields:
+ Ng = (h-u*dP)/(w0+u*dw) - dw/dP^2 * dP
+ Multiplying with (w0+u*dw) yield a scaled Ng':
+ Ng' = (h-u*dP) - (w0+u*dw)*dw/dP^2*dP
+ Inserting the definition of w0 and dw and refactoring
+ yield a furhter scaled Ng'':
+ Ng'' = (dP^2 - dr^2) (h-q) - (r0+u*dr)*dr*dP
+ Now inserting the definition of u gives and multiplying
+ with the denominator yields:
+ Ng''' = (dP^2-dr^2)*(dP^2*h-dot(h,dP)*dP) - (dP^2*r0+dot(h,dP)*dr)*dr*dP
+ Factoring out, cancelling terms, dividing by dP^2, and
+ factoring again yields finally:
+ Ng'''' = (dP^2-dr^2)*h - dP*(dot(h,dP) + r0*dr)
+ */
+ __forceinline Vec3vf<M> Ng_cone(const vbool<M>& front_hit) const
+ {
+ const vfloat<M> y = select(front_hit, y_cone_front, y_cone_back);
+ const vfloat<M> t = select(front_hit, t_cone_front, t_cone_back);
+ const Vec3vf<M> h = O + t*dO;
+ return g*h-dP*y;
+ const Vec3vf<M> h = O + t_cone_front*dO;
+ return g*h-dP*y_cone_front;
+ }
+ /* compute geometry normal of sphere hit as the difference
+ * vector from hit point to sphere center */
+ __forceinline Vec3vf<M> Ng_sphere1(const vbool<M>& front_hit) const
+ {
+ const vfloat<M> t_sph1 = select(front_hit, t_sph1_front, t_sph1_back);
+ return org+t_sph1*dO-p1;
+ return org+t_sph1_front*dO-p1;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec3vf<M> Ng_sphere0(const vbool<M>& front_hit) const
+ {
+ const vfloat<M> t_sph0 = select(front_hit, t_sph0_front, t_sph0_back);
+ return org+t_sph0*dO-p0;
+ return org+t_sph0_front*dO-p0;
+ }
+ /*
+ This function calculates the u coordinate of a
+ hit. Therefore we use the hit distance y (which is zero
+ at the first cone clipping plane) and divide by distance
+ g between the clipping planes.
+ */
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> u_cone(const vbool<M>& front_hit) const
+ {
+ const vfloat<M> y = select(front_hit, y_cone_front, y_cone_back);
+ return clamp(y*rcp(g));
+ return clamp(y_cone_front*rcp(g));
+ }
+ private:
+ Vec3vf<M> org;
+ Vec3vf<M> O;
+ Vec3vf<M> dO;
+ vfloat<M> dOdO;
+ vfloat<M> rcp_dOdO;
+ vfloat<M> OdP;
+ vfloat<M> dOdP;
+ /* for ray/cone intersection */
+ private:
+ vfloat<M> yp;
+ vfloat<M> y_cone_front;
+ vfloat<M> t_cone_front;
+ vfloat<M> y_cone_back;
+ vfloat<M> t_cone_back;
+ /* for ray/sphere intersection */
+ private:
+ vfloat<M> t_sph1_front;
+ vfloat<M> t_sph0_front;
+ vfloat<M> t_sph1_back;
+ vfloat<M> t_sph0_back;
+ };
+ template<int M, typename Epilog, typename ray_tfar_func>
+ static __forceinline bool intersectConeSphere(const vbool<M>& valid_i,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& ray_org_in, const Vec3vf<M>& ray_dir,
+ const vfloat<M>& ray_tnear, const ray_tfar_func& ray_tfar,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& v0, const Vec4vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& vL, const Vec4vf<M>& vR,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ /* move ray origin closer to make calculations numerically stable */
+ const vfloat<M> dOdO = sqr(ray_dir);
+ const vfloat<M> rcp_dOdO = rcp(dOdO);
+ const Vec3vf<M> center = vfloat<M>(0.5f)*(;
+ const vfloat<M> dt = dot(center-ray_org_in,ray_dir)*rcp_dOdO;
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org = ray_org_in + dt*ray_dir;
+ /* intersect with cone from v0 to v1 */
+ vfloat<M> t_cone_lower, t_cone_upper;
+ ConeGeometryIntersector<M> cone (ray_org, ray_dir, dOdO, rcp_dOdO, v0, v1);
+ vbool<M> validCone = valid;
+ cone.intersectCone(validCone, t_cone_lower, t_cone_upper);
+ valid &= (validCone | (cone.g <= 0.0f)); // if cone is entirely in sphere end - check sphere
+ if (unlikely(none(valid)))
+ return false;
+ /* cone hits inside the neighboring capped cones are inside the geometry and thus ignored */
+ const ConeGeometry<M> coneL (v0, vL);
+ const ConeGeometry<M> coneR (v1, vR);
+ const Vec3vf<M> hit_lower = ray_org + t_cone_lower*ray_dir;
+ const Vec3vf<M> hit_upper = ray_org + t_cone_upper*ray_dir;
+ t_cone_lower = select (!coneL.isInsideCappedCone (validCone, hit_lower) & !coneR.isInsideCappedCone (validCone, hit_lower), t_cone_lower, vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ t_cone_upper = select (!coneL.isInsideCappedCone (validCone, hit_upper) & !coneR.isInsideCappedCone (validCone, hit_upper), t_cone_upper, vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ /* intersect ending sphere */
+ vfloat<M> t_sph1_lower, t_sph1_upper;
+ vfloat<M> t_sph0_lower = vfloat<M>(pos_inf);
+ vfloat<M> t_sph0_upper = vfloat<M>(neg_inf);
+ cone.intersectEndSphere(valid, coneR, t_sph1_lower, t_sph1_upper);
+ const vbool<M> isBeginPoint = valid & (vL[0] == vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ if (unlikely(any(isBeginPoint))) {
+ cone.intersectBeginSphere (isBeginPoint, t_sph0_lower, t_sph0_upper);
+ }
+ /* CSG union of cone and end sphere */
+ vfloat<M> t_sph_lower = min(t_sph0_lower, t_sph1_lower);
+ vfloat<M> t_cone_sphere_lower = min(t_cone_lower, t_sph_lower);
+ vfloat<M> t_sph_upper = max(t_sph0_upper, t_sph1_upper);
+ vfloat<M> t_cone_sphere_upper = max(t_cone_upper, t_sph_upper);
+ /* filter out hits that are not in tnear/tfar range */
+ const vbool<M> valid_lower = valid & ray_tnear <= dt+t_cone_sphere_lower & dt+t_cone_sphere_lower <= ray_tfar() & t_cone_sphere_lower != vfloat<M>(pos_inf);
+ const vbool<M> valid_upper = valid & ray_tnear <= dt+t_cone_sphere_upper & dt+t_cone_sphere_upper <= ray_tfar() & t_cone_sphere_upper != vfloat<M>(neg_inf);
+ /* check if there is a first hit */
+ const vbool<M> valid_first = valid_lower | valid_upper;
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_first)))
+ return false;
+ /* construct first hit */
+ const vfloat<M> t_first = select(valid_lower, t_cone_sphere_lower, t_cone_sphere_upper);
+ const vbool<M> cone_hit_first = t_first == t_cone_lower | t_first == t_cone_upper;
+ const vbool<M> sph0_hit_first = t_first == t_sph0_lower | t_first == t_sph0_upper;
+ const Vec3vf<M> Ng_first = select(cone_hit_first, cone.Ng_cone(valid_lower), select (sph0_hit_first, cone.Ng_sphere0(valid_lower), cone.Ng_sphere1(valid_lower)));
+ const vfloat<M> u_first = select(cone_hit_first, cone.u_cone(valid_lower), select (sph0_hit_first, vfloat<M>(zero), vfloat<M>(one)));
+ /* invoke intersection filter for first hit */
+ RoundLineIntersectorHitM<M> hit(u_first,zero,dt+t_first,Ng_first);
+ const bool is_hit_first = epilog(valid_first, hit);
+ /* check for possible second hits before potentially accepted hit */
+ const vfloat<M> t_second = t_cone_sphere_upper;
+ const vbool<M> valid_second = valid_lower & valid_upper & (dt+t_cone_sphere_upper <= ray_tfar());
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_second)))
+ return is_hit_first;
+ /* invoke intersection filter for second hit */
+ const vbool<M> cone_hit_second = t_second == t_cone_lower | t_second == t_cone_upper;
+ const vbool<M> sph0_hit_second = t_second == t_sph0_lower | t_second == t_sph0_upper;
+ const Vec3vf<M> Ng_second = select(cone_hit_second, cone.Ng_cone(false), select (sph0_hit_second, cone.Ng_sphere0(false), cone.Ng_sphere1(false)));
+ const vfloat<M> u_second = select(cone_hit_second, cone.u_cone(false), select (sph0_hit_second, vfloat<M>(zero), vfloat<M>(one)));
+ hit = RoundLineIntersectorHitM<M>(u_second,zero,dt+t_second,Ng_second);
+ const bool is_hit_second = epilog(valid_second, hit);
+ return is_hit_first | is_hit_second;
+ /* filter out hits that are not in tnear/tfar range */
+ const vbool<M> valid_lower = valid & ray_tnear <= dt+t_cone_sphere_lower & dt+t_cone_sphere_lower <= ray_tfar() & t_cone_sphere_lower != vfloat<M>(pos_inf);
+ /* check if there is a valid hit */
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_lower)))
+ return false;
+ /* construct first hit */
+ const vbool<M> cone_hit_first = t_cone_sphere_lower == t_cone_lower | t_cone_sphere_lower == t_cone_upper;
+ const vbool<M> sph0_hit_first = t_cone_sphere_lower == t_sph0_lower | t_cone_sphere_lower == t_sph0_upper;
+ const Vec3vf<M> Ng_first = select(cone_hit_first, cone.Ng_cone(valid_lower), select (sph0_hit_first, cone.Ng_sphere0(valid_lower), cone.Ng_sphere1(valid_lower)));
+ const vfloat<M> u_first = select(cone_hit_first, cone.u_cone(valid_lower), select (sph0_hit_first, vfloat<M>(zero), vfloat<M>(one)));
+ /* invoke intersection filter for first hit */
+ RoundLineIntersectorHitM<M> hit(u_first,zero,dt+t_cone_sphere_lower,Ng_first);
+ const bool is_hit_first = epilog(valid_lower, hit);
+ return is_hit_first;
+ }
+ } // end namespace __roundline_internal
+ template<int M>
+ struct RoundLinearCurveIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ template<typename Ray>
+ struct ray_tfar {
+ Ray& ray;
+ __forceinline ray_tfar(Ray& ray) : ray(ray) {}
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> operator() () const { return ray.tfar; };
+ };
+ template<typename Ray, typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid_i,
+ Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& v0i, const Vec4vf<M>& v1i,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& vLi, const Vec4vf<M>& vRi,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org(,,;
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_dir(ray.dir.x, ray.dir.y, ray.dir.z);
+ const vfloat<M> ray_tnear(ray.tnear());
+ const Vec4vf<M> v0 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v0i);
+ const Vec4vf<M> v1 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v1i);
+ const Vec4vf<M> vL = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,vLi);
+ const Vec4vf<M> vR = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,vRi);
+ return __roundline_internal::intersectConeSphere<M>(valid_i,ray_org,ray_dir,ray_tnear,ray_tfar<Ray>(ray),v0,v1,vL,vR,epilog);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K>
+ struct RoundLinearCurveIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ struct ray_tfar {
+ RayK<K>& ray;
+ size_t k;
+ __forceinline ray_tfar(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k) : ray(ray), k(k) {}
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> operator() () const { return ray.tfar[k]; };
+ };
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid_i,
+ RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const LineSegments* geom,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& v0i, const Vec4vf<M>& v1i,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& vLi, const Vec4vf<M>& vRi,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org([k],[k],[k]);
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_dir(ray.dir.x[k], ray.dir.y[k], ray.dir.z[k]);
+ const vfloat<M> ray_tnear = ray.tnear()[k];
+ const Vec4vf<M> v0 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v0i);
+ const Vec4vf<M> v1 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v1i);
+ const Vec4vf<M> vL = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,vLi);
+ const Vec4vf<M> vR = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,vRi);
+ return __roundline_internal::intersectConeSphere<M>(valid_i,ray_org,ray_dir,ray_tnear,ray_tfar(ray,k),v0,v1,vL,vR,epilog);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/roundlinei_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/roundlinei_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..29061d6475
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/roundlinei_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "roundline_intersector.h"
+#include "intersector_epilog.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct RoundLinearCurveMiIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef LineMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1,vL,vR; line.gather(v0,v1,vL,vR,geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ RoundLinearCurveIntersector1<M>::intersect(valid,ray,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,vL,vR,Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1,vL,vR; line.gather(v0,v1,vL,vR,geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ return RoundLinearCurveIntersector1<M>::intersect(valid,ray,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,vL,vR,Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, line);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct RoundLinearCurveMiMBIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef LineMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1,vL,vR; line.gather(v0,v1,vL,vR,geom,ray.time());
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ RoundLinearCurveIntersector1<M>::intersect(valid,ray,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,vL,vR,Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1,vL,vR; line.gather(v0,v1,vL,vR,geom,ray.time());
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ return RoundLinearCurveIntersector1<M>::intersect(valid,ray,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,vL,vR,Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, line);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct RoundLinearCurveMiIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef LineMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1,vL,vR; line.gather(v0,v1,vL,vR,geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ RoundLinearCurveIntersectorK<M,K>::intersect(valid,ray,k,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,vL,vR,Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1,vL,vR; line.gather(v0,v1,vL,vR,geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ return RoundLinearCurveIntersectorK<M,K>::intersect(valid,ray,k,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,vL,vR,Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct RoundLinearCurveMiMBIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef LineMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1,vL,vR; line.gather(v0,v1,vL,vR,geom,ray.time()[k]);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ RoundLinearCurveIntersectorK<M,K>::intersect(valid,ray,k,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,vL,vR,Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& line)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const LineSegments* geom = context->scene->get<LineSegments>(line.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0,v1,vL,vR; line.gather(v0,v1,vL,vR,geom,ray.time()[k]);
+ const vbool<M> valid = line.valid();
+ return RoundLinearCurveIntersectorK<M,K>::intersect(valid,ray,k,context,geom,pre,v0,v1,vL,vR,Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,line.geomID(),line.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/sphere_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/sphere_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2670f9762d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/sphere_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "../common/scene_points.h"
+#include "curve_intersector_precalculations.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ struct SphereIntersectorHitM
+ {
+ __forceinline SphereIntersectorHitM() {}
+ __forceinline SphereIntersectorHitM(const vfloat<M>& t, const Vec3vf<M>& Ng)
+ : vt(t), vNg(Ng) {}
+ __forceinline void finalize() {}
+ __forceinline Vec2f uv(const size_t i) const {
+ return Vec2f(0.0f, 0.0f);
+ }
+ __forceinline float t(const size_t i) const {
+ return vt[i];
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec3fa Ng(const size_t i) const {
+ return Vec3fa(vNg.x[i], vNg.y[i], vNg.z[i]);
+ }
+ public:
+ vfloat<M> vt;
+ Vec3vf<M> vNg;
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ struct SphereIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(
+ const vbool<M>& valid_i, Ray& ray,
+ const Precalculations& pre, const Vec4vf<M>& v0, const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ const vfloat<M> rd2 = rcp(dot(ray.dir, ray.dir));
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org(,,;
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_dir(ray.dir.x, ray.dir.y, ray.dir.z);
+ const Vec3vf<M> center =;
+ const vfloat<M> radius = v0.w;
+ const Vec3vf<M> c0 = center - ray_org;
+ const vfloat<M> projC0 = dot(c0, ray_dir) * rd2;
+ const Vec3vf<M> perp = c0 - projC0 * ray_dir;
+ const vfloat<M> l2 = dot(perp, perp);
+ const vfloat<M> r2 = radius * radius;
+ valid &= (l2 <= r2);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid)))
+ return false;
+ const vfloat<M> td = sqrt((r2 - l2) * rd2);
+ const vfloat<M> t_front = projC0 - td;
+ const vfloat<M> t_back = projC0 + td;
+ const vbool<M> valid_front = valid & (ray.tnear() <= t_front) & (t_front <= ray.tfar);
+ const vbool<M> valid_back = valid & (ray.tnear() <= t_back ) & (t_back <= ray.tfar);
+ /* check if there is a first hit */
+ const vbool<M> valid_first = valid_front | valid_back;
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_first)))
+ return false;
+ /* construct first hit */
+ const vfloat<M> td_front = -td;
+ const vfloat<M> td_back = +td;
+ const vfloat<M> t_first = select(valid_front, t_front, t_back);
+ const Vec3vf<M> Ng_first = select(valid_front, td_front, td_back) * ray_dir - perp;
+ SphereIntersectorHitM<M> hit(t_first, Ng_first);
+ /* invoke intersection filter for first hit */
+ const bool is_hit_first = epilog(valid_first, hit);
+ /* check for possible second hits before potentially accepted hit */
+ const vfloat<M> t_second = t_back;
+ const vbool<M> valid_second = valid_front & valid_back & (t_second <= ray.tfar);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_second)))
+ return is_hit_first;
+ /* invoke intersection filter for second hit */
+ const Vec3vf<M> Ng_second = td_back * ray_dir - perp;
+ hit = SphereIntersectorHitM<M> (t_second, Ng_second);
+ const bool is_hit_second = epilog(valid_second, hit);
+ return is_hit_first | is_hit_second;
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(
+ const vbool<M>& valid_i, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Points* geom,
+ const Precalculations& pre, const Vec4vf<M>& v0i, const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org(,,;
+ const Vec4vf<M> v0 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v0i);
+ return intersect(valid_i,ray,pre,v0,epilog);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K>
+ struct SphereIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid_i,
+ RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Points* geom,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec4vf<M>& v0i,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ vbool<M> valid = valid_i;
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_org([k],[k],[k]);
+ const Vec3vf<M> ray_dir(ray.dir.x[k], ray.dir.y[k], ray.dir.z[k]);
+ const vfloat<M> rd2 = rcp(dot(ray_dir, ray_dir));
+ const Vec4vf<M> v0 = enlargeRadiusToMinWidth<M>(context,geom,ray_org,v0i);
+ const Vec3vf<M> center =;
+ const vfloat<M> radius = v0.w;
+ const Vec3vf<M> c0 = center - ray_org;
+ const vfloat<M> projC0 = dot(c0, ray_dir) * rd2;
+ const Vec3vf<M> perp = c0 - projC0 * ray_dir;
+ const vfloat<M> l2 = dot(perp, perp);
+ const vfloat<M> r2 = radius * radius;
+ valid &= (l2 <= r2);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid)))
+ return false;
+ const vfloat<M> td = sqrt((r2 - l2) * rd2);
+ const vfloat<M> t_front = projC0 - td;
+ const vfloat<M> t_back = projC0 + td;
+ const vbool<M> valid_front = valid & (ray.tnear()[k] <= t_front) & (t_front <= ray.tfar[k]);
+ const vbool<M> valid_back = valid & (ray.tnear()[k] <= t_back ) & (t_back <= ray.tfar[k]);
+ /* check if there is a first hit */
+ const vbool<M> valid_first = valid_front | valid_back;
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_first)))
+ return false;
+ /* construct first hit */
+ const vfloat<M> td_front = -td;
+ const vfloat<M> td_back = +td;
+ const vfloat<M> t_first = select(valid_front, t_front, t_back);
+ const Vec3vf<M> Ng_first = select(valid_front, td_front, td_back) * ray_dir - perp;
+ SphereIntersectorHitM<M> hit(t_first, Ng_first);
+ /* invoke intersection filter for first hit */
+ const bool is_hit_first = epilog(valid_first, hit);
+ /* check for possible second hits before potentially accepted hit */
+ const vfloat<M> t_second = t_back;
+ const vbool<M> valid_second = valid_front & valid_back & (t_second <= ray.tfar[k]);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_second)))
+ return is_hit_first;
+ /* invoke intersection filter for second hit */
+ const Vec3vf<M> Ng_second = td_back * ray_dir - perp;
+ hit = SphereIntersectorHitM<M> (t_second, Ng_second);
+ const bool is_hit_second = epilog(valid_second, hit);
+ return is_hit_first | is_hit_second;
+ }
+ };
+ } // namespace isa
+} // namespace embree
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/spherei_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/spherei_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7a0b428117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/spherei_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "intersector_epilog.h"
+#include "pointi.h"
+#include "sphere_intersector.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct SphereMiIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef PointMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre,
+ RayHit& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Primitive& sphere)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(sphere.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; sphere.gather(v0, geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = sphere.valid();
+ SphereIntersector1<M>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, context, geom, pre, v0, Intersect1EpilogM<M, filter>(ray, context, sphere.geomID(), sphere.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre,
+ Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Primitive& sphere)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(sphere.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; sphere.gather(v0, geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = sphere.valid();
+ return SphereIntersector1<M>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, context, geom, pre, v0, Occluded1EpilogM<M, filter>(ray, context, sphere.geomID(), sphere.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query,
+ PointQueryContext* context,
+ const Primitive& sphere)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, sphere);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct SphereMiMBIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef PointMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculations1 Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre,
+ RayHit& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Primitive& sphere)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(sphere.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; sphere.gather(v0, geom, ray.time());
+ const vbool<M> valid = sphere.valid();
+ SphereIntersector1<M>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, context, geom, pre, v0, Intersect1EpilogM<M, filter>(ray, context, sphere.geomID(), sphere.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre,
+ Ray& ray,
+ IntersectContext* context,
+ const Primitive& sphere)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(sphere.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; sphere.gather(v0, geom, ray.time());
+ const vbool<M> valid = sphere.valid();
+ return SphereIntersector1<M>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, context, geom, pre, v0, Occluded1EpilogM<M, filter>(ray, context, sphere.geomID(), sphere.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query,
+ PointQueryContext* context,
+ const Primitive& sphere)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, sphere);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct SphereMiIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef PointMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(
+ const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& sphere)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(sphere.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; sphere.gather(v0, geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = sphere.valid();
+ SphereIntersectorK<M, K>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, k, context, geom, pre, v0,
+ Intersect1KEpilogM<M, K, filter>(ray, k, context, sphere.geomID(), sphere.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(
+ const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& sphere)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(sphere.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; sphere.gather(v0, geom);
+ const vbool<M> valid = sphere.valid();
+ return SphereIntersectorK<M, K>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, k, context, geom, pre, v0,
+ Occluded1KEpilogM<M, K, filter>(ray, k, context, sphere.geomID(), sphere.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct SphereMiMBIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef PointMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef CurvePrecalculationsK<K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(
+ const Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& sphere)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(sphere.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; sphere.gather(v0, geom, ray.time()[k]);
+ const vbool<M> valid = sphere.valid();
+ SphereIntersectorK<M, K>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, k, context, geom, pre, v0,
+ Intersect1KEpilogM<M, K, filter>(ray, k, context, sphere.geomID(), sphere.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(
+ const Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& sphere)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims, 1, 1, 1);
+ const Points* geom = context->scene->get<Points>(sphere.geomID());
+ Vec4vf<M> v0; sphere.gather(v0, geom, ray.time()[k]);
+ const vbool<M> valid = sphere.valid();
+ return SphereIntersectorK<M, K>::intersect(
+ valid, ray, k, context, geom, pre, v0,
+ Occluded1KEpilogM<M, K, filter>(ray, k, context, sphere.geomID(), sphere.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ } // namespace isa
+} // namespace embree
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subdivpatch1.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subdivpatch1.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ae0d4e2616
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subdivpatch1.h
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../geometry/primitive.h"
+#include "../subdiv/subdivpatch1base.h"
+namespace embree
+ struct __aligned(64) SubdivPatch1 : public SubdivPatch1Base
+ {
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType
+ {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /*! constructor for cached subdiv patch */
+ SubdivPatch1 (const unsigned int gID,
+ const unsigned int pID,
+ const unsigned int subPatch,
+ const SubdivMesh *const mesh,
+ const size_t time,
+ const Vec2f uv[4],
+ const float edge_level[4],
+ const int subdiv[4],
+ const int simd_width)
+ : SubdivPatch1Base(gID,pID,subPatch,mesh,time,uv,edge_level,subdiv,simd_width) {}
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subdivpatch1_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subdivpatch1_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b4b15a1210
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subdivpatch1_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "subdivpatch1.h"
+#include "grid_soa.h"
+#include "grid_soa_intersector1.h"
+#include "grid_soa_intersector_packet.h"
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<typename T>
+ class SubdivPatch1Precalculations : public T
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline SubdivPatch1Precalculations (const Ray& ray, const void* ptr)
+ : T(ray,ptr) {}
+ };
+ template<int K, typename T>
+ class SubdivPatch1PrecalculationsK : public T
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline SubdivPatch1PrecalculationsK (const vbool<K>& valid, RayK<K>& ray)
+ : T(valid,ray) {}
+ };
+ class SubdivPatch1Intersector1
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef GridSOA Primitive;
+ typedef SubdivPatch1Precalculations<GridSOAIntersector1::Precalculations> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline bool processLazyNode(Precalculations& pre, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ lazy_node = prim->root(0);
+ pre.grid = (Primitive*)prim;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the primitive. */
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ if (likely(ty == 0)) GridSOAIntersector1::intersect(pre,ray,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ else processLazyNode(pre,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, size_t ty0, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node) {
+ intersect(This,pre,ray,context,prim,ty,tray,lazy_node);
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by the primitive */
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ if (likely(ty == 0)) return GridSOAIntersector1::occluded(pre,ray,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ else return processLazyNode(pre,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, size_t ty0, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node) {
+ return occluded(This,pre,ray,context,prim,ty,tray,lazy_node);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravPointQuery<N> &tquery, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ // TODO: PointQuery implement
+ assert(false && "not implemented");
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, size_t ty0, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravPointQuery<N> &tquery, size_t& lazy_node) {
+ return pointQuery(This,query,context,prim,ty,tquery,lazy_node);
+ }
+ };
+ class SubdivPatch1MBIntersector1
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef SubdivPatch1 Primitive;
+ typedef GridSOAMBIntersector1::Precalculations Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline bool processLazyNode(Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim_i, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ Primitive* prim = (Primitive*) prim_i;
+ GridSOA* grid = nullptr;
+ grid = (GridSOA*) prim->root_ref.get();
+ pre.itime = getTimeSegment(ray.time(), float(grid->time_steps-1), pre.ftime);
+ lazy_node = grid->root(pre.itime);
+ pre.grid = grid;
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the primitive. */
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ if (likely(ty == 0)) GridSOAMBIntersector1::intersect(pre,ray,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ else processLazyNode(pre,ray,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, size_t ty0, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node) {
+ intersect(This,pre,ray,context,prim,ty,tray,lazy_node);
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by the primitive */
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ if (likely(ty == 0)) return GridSOAMBIntersector1::occluded(pre,ray,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ else return processLazyNode(pre,ray,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, size_t ty0, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node) {
+ return occluded(This,pre,ray,context,prim,ty,tray,lazy_node);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravPointQuery<N> &tquery, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ // TODO: PointQuery implement
+ assert(false && "not implemented");
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, size_t ty0, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravPointQuery<N> &tquery, size_t& lazy_node) {
+ return pointQuery(This,query,context,prim,ty,tquery,lazy_node);
+ }
+ };
+ template <int K>
+ struct SubdivPatch1IntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef GridSOA Primitive;
+ typedef SubdivPatch1PrecalculationsK<K,typename GridSOAIntersectorK<K>::Precalculations> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline bool processLazyNode(Precalculations& pre, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ lazy_node = prim->root(0);
+ pre.grid = (Primitive*)prim;
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRayK<K, robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ if (likely(ty == 0)) GridSOAIntersectorK<K>::intersect(valid,pre,ray,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ else processLazyNode(pre,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRayK<K, robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ if (likely(ty == 0)) return GridSOAIntersectorK<K>::occluded(valid,pre,ray,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ else return processLazyNode(pre,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ if (likely(ty == 0)) GridSOAIntersectorK<K>::intersect(pre,ray,k,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ else processLazyNode(pre,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ if (likely(ty == 0)) return GridSOAIntersectorK<K>::occluded(pre,ray,k,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ else return processLazyNode(pre,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ };
+ typedef SubdivPatch1IntersectorK<4> SubdivPatch1Intersector4;
+ typedef SubdivPatch1IntersectorK<8> SubdivPatch1Intersector8;
+ typedef SubdivPatch1IntersectorK<16> SubdivPatch1Intersector16;
+ template <int K>
+ struct SubdivPatch1MBIntersectorK
+ {
+ typedef SubdivPatch1 Primitive;
+ //typedef GridSOAMBIntersectorK<K>::Precalculations Precalculations;
+ typedef SubdivPatch1PrecalculationsK<K,typename GridSOAMBIntersectorK<K>::Precalculations> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline bool processLazyNode(Precalculations& pre, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim_i, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ Primitive* prim = (Primitive*) prim_i;
+ GridSOA* grid = (GridSOA*) prim->root_ref.get();
+ lazy_node = grid->troot;
+ pre.grid = grid;
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRayK<K, robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ if (likely(ty == 0)) GridSOAMBIntersectorK<K>::intersect(valid,pre,ray,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ else processLazyNode(pre,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRayK<K, robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ if (likely(ty == 0)) return GridSOAMBIntersectorK<K>::occluded(valid,pre,ray,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ else return processLazyNode(pre,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ if (likely(ty == 0)) GridSOAMBIntersectorK<K>::intersect(pre,ray,k,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ else processLazyNode(pre,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ template<int N, bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t ty, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ if (likely(ty == 0)) return GridSOAMBIntersectorK<K>::occluded(pre,ray,k,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ else return processLazyNode(pre,context,prim,lazy_node);
+ }
+ };
+ typedef SubdivPatch1MBIntersectorK<4> SubdivPatch1MBIntersector4;
+ typedef SubdivPatch1MBIntersectorK<8> SubdivPatch1MBIntersector8;
+ typedef SubdivPatch1MBIntersectorK<16> SubdivPatch1MBIntersector16;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ce54421cab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid.h
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/ray.h"
+#include "../common/scene_grid_mesh.h"
+#include "../bvh/bvh.h"
+namespace embree
+ /* Stores M quads from an indexed face set */
+ struct SubGrid
+ {
+ /* Virtual interface to query information about the quad type */
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType
+ {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /* primitive supports multiple time segments */
+ static const bool singleTimeSegment = false;
+ /* Returns maximum number of stored quads */
+ static __forceinline size_t max_size() { return 1; }
+ /* Returns required number of primitive blocks for N primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t blocks(size_t N) { return (N+max_size()-1)/max_size(); }
+ public:
+ /* Default constructor */
+ __forceinline SubGrid() { }
+ /* Construction from vertices and IDs */
+ __forceinline SubGrid(const unsigned int x,
+ const unsigned int y,
+ const unsigned int geomID,
+ const unsigned int primID)
+ : _x(x), _y(y), _geomID(geomID), _primID(primID)
+ {
+ }
+ __forceinline bool invalid3x3X() const { return (unsigned int)_x & (1<<15); }
+ __forceinline bool invalid3x3Y() const { return (unsigned int)_y & (1<<15); }
+ /* Gather the quads */
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3vf4& p0,
+ Vec3vf4& p1,
+ Vec3vf4& p2,
+ Vec3vf4& p3,
+ const GridMesh* const mesh,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g) const
+ {
+ /* first quad always valid */
+ const size_t vtxID00 = g.startVtxID + x() + y() * g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const size_t vtxID01 = vtxID00 + 1;
+ const vfloat4 vtx00 = vfloat4::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID00));
+ const vfloat4 vtx01 = vfloat4::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID01));
+ const size_t vtxID10 = vtxID00 + g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const size_t vtxID11 = vtxID01 + g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const vfloat4 vtx10 = vfloat4::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID10));
+ const vfloat4 vtx11 = vfloat4::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID11));
+ /* deltaX => vtx02, vtx12 */
+ const size_t deltaX = invalid3x3X() ? 0 : 1;
+ const size_t vtxID02 = vtxID01 + deltaX;
+ const vfloat4 vtx02 = vfloat4::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID02));
+ const size_t vtxID12 = vtxID11 + deltaX;
+ const vfloat4 vtx12 = vfloat4::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID12));
+ /* deltaY => vtx20, vtx21 */
+ const size_t deltaY = invalid3x3Y() ? 0 : g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const size_t vtxID20 = vtxID10 + deltaY;
+ const size_t vtxID21 = vtxID11 + deltaY;
+ const vfloat4 vtx20 = vfloat4::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID20));
+ const vfloat4 vtx21 = vfloat4::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID21));
+ /* deltaX/deltaY => vtx22 */
+ const size_t vtxID22 = vtxID11 + deltaX + deltaY;
+ const vfloat4 vtx22 = vfloat4::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID22));
+ transpose(vtx00,vtx01,vtx11,vtx10,p0.x,p0.y,p0.z);
+ transpose(vtx01,vtx02,vtx12,vtx11,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z);
+ transpose(vtx11,vtx12,vtx22,vtx21,p2.x,p2.y,p2.z);
+ transpose(vtx10,vtx11,vtx21,vtx20,p3.x,p3.y,p3.z);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline vfloat4 getVertexMB(const GridMesh* const mesh, const size_t offset, const size_t itime, const float ftime) const
+ {
+ const T v0 = T::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(offset,itime+0));
+ const T v1 = T::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(offset,itime+1));
+ return lerp(v0,v1,ftime);
+ }
+ /* Gather the quads */
+ __forceinline void gatherMB(Vec3vf4& p0,
+ Vec3vf4& p1,
+ Vec3vf4& p2,
+ Vec3vf4& p3,
+ const GridMesh* const mesh,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g,
+ const size_t itime,
+ const float ftime) const
+ {
+ /* first quad always valid */
+ const size_t vtxID00 = g.startVtxID + x() + y() * g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const size_t vtxID01 = vtxID00 + 1;
+ const vfloat4 vtx00 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID00,itime,ftime);
+ const vfloat4 vtx01 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID01,itime,ftime);
+ const size_t vtxID10 = vtxID00 + g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const size_t vtxID11 = vtxID01 + g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const vfloat4 vtx10 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID10,itime,ftime);
+ const vfloat4 vtx11 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID11,itime,ftime);
+ /* deltaX => vtx02, vtx12 */
+ const size_t deltaX = invalid3x3X() ? 0 : 1;
+ const size_t vtxID02 = vtxID01 + deltaX;
+ const vfloat4 vtx02 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID02,itime,ftime);
+ const size_t vtxID12 = vtxID11 + deltaX;
+ const vfloat4 vtx12 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID12,itime,ftime);
+ /* deltaY => vtx20, vtx21 */
+ const size_t deltaY = invalid3x3Y() ? 0 : g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const size_t vtxID20 = vtxID10 + deltaY;
+ const size_t vtxID21 = vtxID11 + deltaY;
+ const vfloat4 vtx20 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID20,itime,ftime);
+ const vfloat4 vtx21 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID21,itime,ftime);
+ /* deltaX/deltaY => vtx22 */
+ const size_t vtxID22 = vtxID11 + deltaX + deltaY;
+ const vfloat4 vtx22 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID22,itime,ftime);
+ transpose(vtx00,vtx01,vtx11,vtx10,p0.x,p0.y,p0.z);
+ transpose(vtx01,vtx02,vtx12,vtx11,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z);
+ transpose(vtx11,vtx12,vtx22,vtx21,p2.x,p2.y,p2.z);
+ transpose(vtx10,vtx11,vtx21,vtx20,p3.x,p3.y,p3.z);
+ }
+ /* Gather the quads */
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3vf4& p0,
+ Vec3vf4& p1,
+ Vec3vf4& p2,
+ Vec3vf4& p3,
+ const Scene *const scene) const
+ {
+ const GridMesh* const mesh = scene->get<GridMesh>(geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(primID());
+ gather(p0,p1,p2,p3,mesh,g);
+ }
+ /* Gather the quads in the motion blur case */
+ __forceinline void gatherMB(Vec3vf4& p0,
+ Vec3vf4& p1,
+ Vec3vf4& p2,
+ Vec3vf4& p3,
+ const Scene *const scene,
+ const size_t itime,
+ const float ftime) const
+ {
+ const GridMesh* const mesh = scene->get<GridMesh>(geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(primID());
+ gatherMB(p0,p1,p2,p3,mesh,g,itime,ftime);
+ }
+ /* Gather the quads */
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3fa vtx[16], const Scene *const scene) const
+ {
+ const GridMesh* mesh = scene->get<GridMesh>(geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(primID());
+ /* first quad always valid */
+ const size_t vtxID00 = g.startVtxID + x() + y() * g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const size_t vtxID01 = vtxID00 + 1;
+ const Vec3fa vtx00 = Vec3fa::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID00));
+ const Vec3fa vtx01 = Vec3fa::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID01));
+ const size_t vtxID10 = vtxID00 + g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const size_t vtxID11 = vtxID01 + g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const Vec3fa vtx10 = Vec3fa::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID10));
+ const Vec3fa vtx11 = Vec3fa::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID11));
+ /* deltaX => vtx02, vtx12 */
+ const size_t deltaX = invalid3x3X() ? 0 : 1;
+ const size_t vtxID02 = vtxID01 + deltaX;
+ const Vec3fa vtx02 = Vec3fa::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID02));
+ const size_t vtxID12 = vtxID11 + deltaX;
+ const Vec3fa vtx12 = Vec3fa::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID12));
+ /* deltaY => vtx20, vtx21 */
+ const size_t deltaY = invalid3x3Y() ? 0 : g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const size_t vtxID20 = vtxID10 + deltaY;
+ const size_t vtxID21 = vtxID11 + deltaY;
+ const Vec3fa vtx20 = Vec3fa::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID20));
+ const Vec3fa vtx21 = Vec3fa::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID21));
+ /* deltaX/deltaY => vtx22 */
+ const size_t vtxID22 = vtxID11 + deltaX + deltaY;
+ const Vec3fa vtx22 = Vec3fa::loadu(mesh->vertexPtr(vtxID22));
+ vtx[ 0] = vtx00; vtx[ 1] = vtx01; vtx[ 2] = vtx11; vtx[ 3] = vtx10;
+ vtx[ 4] = vtx01; vtx[ 5] = vtx02; vtx[ 6] = vtx12; vtx[ 7] = vtx11;
+ vtx[ 8] = vtx10; vtx[ 9] = vtx11; vtx[10] = vtx21; vtx[11] = vtx20;
+ vtx[12] = vtx11; vtx[13] = vtx12; vtx[14] = vtx22; vtx[15] = vtx21;
+ }
+ /* Gather the quads */
+ __forceinline void gatherMB(vfloat4 vtx[16], const Scene *const scene, const size_t itime, const float ftime) const
+ {
+ const GridMesh* mesh = scene->get<GridMesh>(geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(primID());
+ /* first quad always valid */
+ const size_t vtxID00 = g.startVtxID + x() + y() * g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const size_t vtxID01 = vtxID00 + 1;
+ const vfloat4 vtx00 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID00,itime,ftime);
+ const vfloat4 vtx01 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID01,itime,ftime);
+ const size_t vtxID10 = vtxID00 + g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const size_t vtxID11 = vtxID01 + g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const vfloat4 vtx10 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID10,itime,ftime);
+ const vfloat4 vtx11 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID11,itime,ftime);
+ /* deltaX => vtx02, vtx12 */
+ const size_t deltaX = invalid3x3X() ? 0 : 1;
+ const size_t vtxID02 = vtxID01 + deltaX;
+ const vfloat4 vtx02 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID02,itime,ftime);
+ const size_t vtxID12 = vtxID11 + deltaX;
+ const vfloat4 vtx12 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID12,itime,ftime);
+ /* deltaY => vtx20, vtx21 */
+ const size_t deltaY = invalid3x3Y() ? 0 : g.lineVtxOffset;
+ const size_t vtxID20 = vtxID10 + deltaY;
+ const size_t vtxID21 = vtxID11 + deltaY;
+ const vfloat4 vtx20 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID20,itime,ftime);
+ const vfloat4 vtx21 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID21,itime,ftime);
+ /* deltaX/deltaY => vtx22 */
+ const size_t vtxID22 = vtxID11 + deltaX + deltaY;
+ const vfloat4 vtx22 = getVertexMB<vfloat4>(mesh,vtxID22,itime,ftime);
+ vtx[ 0] = vtx00; vtx[ 1] = vtx01; vtx[ 2] = vtx11; vtx[ 3] = vtx10;
+ vtx[ 4] = vtx01; vtx[ 5] = vtx02; vtx[ 6] = vtx12; vtx[ 7] = vtx11;
+ vtx[ 8] = vtx10; vtx[ 9] = vtx11; vtx[10] = vtx21; vtx[11] = vtx20;
+ vtx[12] = vtx11; vtx[13] = vtx12; vtx[14] = vtx22; vtx[15] = vtx21;
+ }
+ /* Calculate the bounds of the subgrid */
+ __forceinline const BBox3fa bounds(const Scene *const scene, const size_t itime=0) const
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ FATAL("not implemented yet");
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ /* Calculate the linear bounds of the primitive */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene* const scene, const size_t itime)
+ {
+ return LBBox3fa(bounds(scene,itime+0),bounds(scene,itime+1));
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene *const scene, size_t itime, size_t numTimeSteps)
+ {
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ FATAL("not implemented yet");
+ return allBounds;
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene *const scene, const BBox1f time_range)
+ {
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ FATAL("not implemented yet");
+ return allBounds;
+ }
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const SubGrid& sg) {
+ return cout << "SubGrid " << " ( x " << sg.x() << ", y = " << sg.y() << ", geomID = " << sg.geomID() << ", primID = " << sg.primID() << " )";
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int geomID() const { return _geomID; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int primID() const { return _primID; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int x() const { return (unsigned int)_x & 0x7fff; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int y() const { return (unsigned int)_y & 0x7fff; }
+ private:
+ unsigned short _x;
+ unsigned short _y;
+ unsigned int _geomID; // geometry ID of mesh
+ unsigned int _primID; // primitive ID of primitive inside mesh
+ };
+ struct SubGridID {
+ unsigned short x;
+ unsigned short y;
+ unsigned int primID;
+ __forceinline SubGridID() {}
+ __forceinline SubGridID(const unsigned int x, const unsigned int y, const unsigned int primID) :
+ x(x), y(y), primID(primID) {}
+ };
+ /* QuantizedBaseNode as large subgrid leaf */
+ template<int N>
+ struct SubGridQBVHN
+ {
+ /* Virtual interface to query information about the quad type */
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType
+ {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ __forceinline size_t size() const
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0;i<N;i++)
+ if (primID(i) == -1) return i;
+ return N;
+ }
+ __forceinline void clear() {
+ for (size_t i=0;i<N;i++)
+ subgridIDs[i] = SubGridID(0,0,(unsigned int)-1);
+ qnode.clear();
+ }
+ /* Default constructor */
+ __forceinline SubGridQBVHN() { }
+ /* Construction from vertices and IDs */
+ __forceinline SubGridQBVHN(const unsigned int x[N],
+ const unsigned int y[N],
+ const unsigned int primID[N],
+ const BBox3fa * const subGridBounds,
+ const unsigned int geomID,
+ const unsigned int items)
+ {
+ clear();
+ _geomID = geomID;
+ __aligned(64) typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode node;
+ node.clear();
+ for (size_t i=0;i<items;i++)
+ {
+ subgridIDs[i] = SubGridID(x[i],y[i],primID[i]);
+ node.setBounds(i,subGridBounds[i]);
+ }
+ qnode.init_dim(node);
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int geomID() const { return _geomID; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int primID(const size_t i) const { assert(i < N); return subgridIDs[i].primID; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int x(const size_t i) const { assert(i < N); return subgridIDs[i].x; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int y(const size_t i) const { assert(i < N); return subgridIDs[i].y; }
+ __forceinline SubGrid subgrid(const size_t i) const {
+ assert(i < N);
+ assert(primID(i) != -1);
+ return SubGrid(x(i),y(i),geomID(),primID(i));
+ }
+ public:
+ SubGridID subgridIDs[N];
+ typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNode qnode;
+ unsigned int _geomID; // geometry ID of mesh
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const SubGridQBVHN& sg) {
+ cout << "SubGridQBVHN " << embree_endl;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<N;i++)
+ cout << i << " ( x = " << sg.subgridIDs[i].x << ", y = " << sg.subgridIDs[i].y << ", primID = " << sg.subgridIDs[i].primID << " )" << embree_endl;
+ cout << "geomID " << sg._geomID << embree_endl;
+ cout << "lowerX " << sg.qnode.dequantizeLowerX() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "upperX " << sg.qnode.dequantizeUpperX() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "lowerY " << sg.qnode.dequantizeLowerY() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "upperY " << sg.qnode.dequantizeUpperY() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "lowerZ " << sg.qnode.dequantizeLowerZ() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "upperZ " << sg.qnode.dequantizeUpperZ() << embree_endl;
+ return cout;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N>
+ typename SubGridQBVHN<N>::Type SubGridQBVHN<N>::type;
+ typedef SubGridQBVHN<4> SubGridQBVH4;
+ typedef SubGridQBVHN<8> SubGridQBVH8;
+ /* QuantizedBaseNode as large subgrid leaf */
+ template<int N>
+ struct SubGridMBQBVHN
+ {
+ /* Virtual interface to query information about the quad type */
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType
+ {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ __forceinline size_t size() const
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0;i<N;i++)
+ if (primID(i) == -1) return i;
+ return N;
+ }
+ __forceinline void clear() {
+ for (size_t i=0;i<N;i++)
+ subgridIDs[i] = SubGridID(0,0,(unsigned int)-1);
+ qnode.clear();
+ }
+ /* Default constructor */
+ __forceinline SubGridMBQBVHN() { }
+ /* Construction from vertices and IDs */
+ __forceinline SubGridMBQBVHN(const unsigned int x[N],
+ const unsigned int y[N],
+ const unsigned int primID[N],
+ const BBox3fa * const subGridBounds0,
+ const BBox3fa * const subGridBounds1,
+ const unsigned int geomID,
+ const float toffset,
+ const float tscale,
+ const unsigned int items)
+ {
+ clear();
+ _geomID = geomID;
+ time_offset = toffset;
+ time_scale = tscale;
+ __aligned(64) typename BVHN<N>::AABBNode node0,node1;
+ node0.clear();
+ node1.clear();
+ for (size_t i=0;i<items;i++)
+ {
+ subgridIDs[i] = SubGridID(x[i],y[i],primID[i]);
+ node0.setBounds(i,subGridBounds0[i]);
+ node1.setBounds(i,subGridBounds1[i]);
+ }
+ qnode.node0.init_dim(node0);
+ qnode.node1.init_dim(node1);
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int geomID() const { return _geomID; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int primID(const size_t i) const { assert(i < N); return subgridIDs[i].primID; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int x(const size_t i) const { assert(i < N); return subgridIDs[i].x; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int y(const size_t i) const { assert(i < N); return subgridIDs[i].y; }
+ __forceinline SubGrid subgrid(const size_t i) const {
+ assert(i < N);
+ assert(primID(i) != -1);
+ return SubGrid(x(i),y(i),geomID(),primID(i));
+ }
+ __forceinline float adjustTime(const float t) const { return time_scale * (t-time_offset); }
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline vfloat<K> adjustTime(const vfloat<K> &t) const { return time_scale * (t-time_offset); }
+ public:
+ SubGridID subgridIDs[N];
+ typename BVHN<N>::QuantizedBaseNodeMB qnode;
+ float time_offset;
+ float time_scale;
+ unsigned int _geomID; // geometry ID of mesh
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const SubGridMBQBVHN& sg) {
+ cout << "SubGridMBQBVHN " << embree_endl;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<N;i++)
+ cout << i << " ( x = " << sg.subgridIDs[i].x << ", y = " << sg.subgridIDs[i].y << ", primID = " << sg.subgridIDs[i].primID << " )" << embree_endl;
+ cout << "geomID " << sg._geomID << embree_endl;
+ cout << "time_offset " << sg.time_offset << embree_endl;
+ cout << "time_scale " << sg.time_scale << embree_endl;
+ cout << "lowerX " << sg.qnode.node0.dequantizeLowerX() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "upperX " << sg.qnode.node0.dequantizeUpperX() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "lowerY " << sg.qnode.node0.dequantizeLowerY() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "upperY " << sg.qnode.node0.dequantizeUpperY() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "lowerZ " << sg.qnode.node0.dequantizeLowerZ() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "upperZ " << sg.qnode.node0.dequantizeUpperZ() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "lowerX " << sg.qnode.node1.dequantizeLowerX() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "upperX " << sg.qnode.node1.dequantizeUpperX() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "lowerY " << sg.qnode.node1.dequantizeLowerY() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "upperY " << sg.qnode.node1.dequantizeUpperY() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "lowerZ " << sg.qnode.node1.dequantizeLowerZ() << embree_endl;
+ cout << "upperZ " << sg.qnode.node1.dequantizeUpperZ() << embree_endl;
+ return cout;
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad5fee2e4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,517 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "subgrid.h"
+#include "subgrid_intersector_moeller.h"
+#include "subgrid_intersector_pluecker.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ // =======================================================================================
+ // =================================== SubGridIntersectors ===============================
+ // =======================================================================================
+ template<int N, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridIntersector1Moeller
+ {
+ typedef SubGridQBVHN<N> Primitive;
+ typedef SubGridQuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore<4,filter> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; subgrid.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ pre.intersect(ray,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; subgrid.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ return pre.occluded(ray,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ STAT3(point_query.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ AccelSet* accel = (AccelSet*)context->scene->get(subgrid.geomID());
+ assert(accel);
+ context->geomID = subgrid.geomID();
+ context->primID = subgrid.primID();
+ return accel->pointQuery(query, context);
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1<N,robust> isec1;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
+ {
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ size_t mask = isec1.intersect(&prim[i].qnode,tray,dist);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ STAT3(normal.trav_hit_boxes[popcnt(mask)],1,1,1);
+ while(mask != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t ID = bscf(mask);
+ assert(((size_t)1 << ID) & movemask(prim[i].qnode.validMask()));
+ if (unlikely(dist[ID] > ray.tfar)) continue;
+ intersect(pre,ray,context,prim[i].subgrid(ID));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1<N,robust> isec1;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
+ {
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ size_t mask = isec1.intersect(&prim[i].qnode,tray,dist);
+ while(mask != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t ID = bscf(mask);
+ assert(((size_t)1 << ID) & movemask(prim[i].qnode.validMask()));
+ if (occluded(pre,ray,context,prim[i].subgrid(ID)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravPointQuery<N> &tquery, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ bool changed = false;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
+ {
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ size_t mask;
+ if (likely(context->query_type == POINT_QUERY_TYPE_SPHERE)) {
+ mask = BVHNQuantizedBaseNodePointQuerySphere1<N>::pointQuery(&prim[i].qnode,tquery,dist);
+ } else {
+ mask = BVHNQuantizedBaseNodePointQueryAABB1<N>::pointQuery(&prim[i].qnode,tquery,dist);
+ }
+ while(mask != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t ID = bscf(mask);
+ assert(((size_t)1 << ID) & movemask(prim[i].qnode.validMask()));
+ changed |= pointQuery(query, context, prim[i].subgrid(ID));
+ }
+ }
+ return changed;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridIntersector1Pluecker
+ {
+ typedef SubGridQBVHN<N> Primitive;
+ typedef SubGridQuadMIntersector1Pluecker<4,filter> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; subgrid.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ pre.intersect(ray,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; subgrid.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ return pre.occluded(ray,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ STAT3(point_query.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ AccelSet* accel = (AccelSet*)context->scene->get(subgrid.geomID());
+ context->geomID = subgrid.geomID();
+ context->primID = subgrid.primID();
+ return accel->pointQuery(query, context);
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1<N,robust> isec1;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
+ {
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ size_t mask = isec1.intersect(&prim[i].qnode,tray,dist);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ STAT3(normal.trav_hit_boxes[popcnt(mask)],1,1,1);
+ while(mask != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t ID = bscf(mask);
+ assert(((size_t)1 << ID) & movemask(prim[i].qnode.validMask()));
+ if (unlikely(dist[ID] > ray.tfar)) continue;
+ intersect(pre,ray,context,prim[i].subgrid(ID));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1<N,robust> isec1;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
+ {
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ size_t mask = isec1.intersect(&prim[i].qnode,tray,dist);
+ while(mask != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t ID = bscf(mask);
+ assert(((size_t)1 << ID) & movemask(prim[i].qnode.validMask()));
+ if (occluded(pre,ray,context,prim[i].subgrid(ID)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravPointQuery<N> &tquery, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ bool changed = false;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
+ {
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ size_t mask;
+ if (likely(context->query_type == POINT_QUERY_TYPE_SPHERE)) {
+ mask = BVHNQuantizedBaseNodePointQuerySphere1<N>::pointQuery(&prim[i].qnode,tquery,dist);
+ } else {
+ mask = BVHNQuantizedBaseNodePointQueryAABB1<N>::pointQuery(&prim[i].qnode,tquery,dist);
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ STAT3(point_query.trav_hit_boxes[popcnt(mask)],1,1,1);
+ while(mask != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t ID = bscf(mask);
+ assert(((size_t)1 << ID) & movemask(prim[i].qnode.validMask()));
+ changed |= pointQuery(query, context, prim[i].subgrid(ID));
+ }
+ }
+ return changed;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridIntersectorKMoeller
+ {
+ typedef SubGridQBVHN<N> Primitive;
+ typedef SubGridQuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumbore<4,K,filter> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ Vec3fa vtx[16];
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ subgrid.gather(vtx,context->scene);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++)
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<K> p0 = vtx[i*4+0];
+ const Vec3vf<K> p1 = vtx[i*4+1];
+ const Vec3vf<K> p2 = vtx[i*4+2];
+ const Vec3vf<K> p3 = vtx[i*4+3];
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,p0,p1,p2,p3,g,subgrid,i,IntersectKEpilogM<4,K,filter>(ray,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ Vec3fa vtx[16];
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ subgrid.gather(vtx,context->scene);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++)
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<K> p0 = vtx[i*4+0];
+ const Vec3vf<K> p1 = vtx[i*4+1];
+ const Vec3vf<K> p2 = vtx[i*4+2];
+ const Vec3vf<K> p3 = vtx[i*4+3];
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid0),K);
+ if (pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,p0,p1,p2,p3,g,subgrid,i,OccludedKEpilogM<4,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID(),i)))
+ break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; subgrid.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ pre.intersect1(ray,k,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; subgrid.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ return pre.occluded1(ray,k,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid);
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRayK<K, robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersectorK<N,K,robust> isecK;
+ for (size_t j=0;j<num;j++)
+ {
+ size_t m_valid = movemask(prim[j].qnode.validMask());
+ vfloat<K> dist;
+ while(m_valid)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(m_valid);
+ if (none(valid & isecK.intersectK(&prim[j].qnode,i,tray,dist))) continue;
+ intersect(valid,pre,ray,context,prim[j].subgrid(i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRayK<K, robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersectorK<N,K,robust> isecK;
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid;
+ for (size_t j=0;j<num;j++)
+ {
+ size_t m_valid = movemask(prim[j].qnode.validMask());
+ vfloat<K> dist;
+ while(m_valid)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(m_valid);
+ if (none(valid0 & isecK.intersectK(&prim[j].qnode,i,tray,dist))) continue;
+ valid0 &= !occluded(valid0,pre,ray,context,prim[j].subgrid(i));
+ if (none(valid0)) break;
+ }
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1<N,robust> isec1;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
+ {
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ size_t mask = isec1.intersect(&prim[i].qnode,tray,dist);
+ while(mask != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t ID = bscf(mask);
+ assert(((size_t)1 << ID) & movemask(prim[i].qnode.validMask()));
+ if (unlikely(dist[ID] > ray.tfar[k])) continue;
+ intersect(pre,ray,k,context,prim[i].subgrid(ID));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1<N,robust> isec1;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
+ {
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ size_t mask = isec1.intersect(&prim[i].qnode,tray,dist);
+ while(mask != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t ID = bscf(mask);
+ assert(((size_t)1 << ID) & movemask(prim[i].qnode.validMask()));
+ if (occluded(pre,ray,k,context,prim[i].subgrid(ID)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridIntersectorKPluecker
+ {
+ typedef SubGridQBVHN<N> Primitive;
+ typedef SubGridQuadMIntersectorKPluecker<4,K,filter> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ Vec3fa vtx[16];
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ subgrid.gather(vtx,context->scene);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++)
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<K> p0 = vtx[i*4+0];
+ const Vec3vf<K> p1 = vtx[i*4+1];
+ const Vec3vf<K> p2 = vtx[i*4+2];
+ const Vec3vf<K> p3 = vtx[i*4+3];
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,p0,p1,p2,p3,g,subgrid,i,IntersectKEpilogM<4,K,filter>(ray,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ Vec3fa vtx[16];
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ subgrid.gather(vtx,context->scene);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<4; i++)
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<K> p0 = vtx[i*4+0];
+ const Vec3vf<K> p1 = vtx[i*4+1];
+ const Vec3vf<K> p2 = vtx[i*4+2];
+ const Vec3vf<K> p3 = vtx[i*4+3];
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid0),K);
+ //if (pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,p0,p1,p2,p3,g,subgrid,i,OccludedKEpilogM<4,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID(),i)))
+ if (pre.occludedK(valid0,ray,p0,p1,p2,p3,g,subgrid,i,OccludedKEpilogM<4,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID(),i)))
+ break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; subgrid.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ pre.intersect1(ray,k,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; subgrid.gather(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene);
+ return pre.occluded1(ray,k,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid);
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRayK<K, robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersectorK<N,K,robust> isecK;
+ for (size_t j=0;j<num;j++)
+ {
+ size_t m_valid = movemask(prim[j].qnode.validMask());
+ vfloat<K> dist;
+ while(m_valid)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(m_valid);
+ if (none(valid & isecK.intersectK(&prim[j].qnode,i,tray,dist))) continue;
+ intersect(valid,pre,ray,context,prim[j].subgrid(i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRayK<K, robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersectorK<N,K,robust> isecK;
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid;
+ for (size_t j=0;j<num;j++)
+ {
+ size_t m_valid = movemask(prim[j].qnode.validMask());
+ vfloat<K> dist;
+ while(m_valid)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(m_valid);
+ if (none(valid0 & isecK.intersectK(&prim[j].qnode,i,tray,dist))) continue;
+ valid0 &= !occluded(valid0,pre,ray,context,prim[j].subgrid(i));
+ if (none(valid0)) break;
+ }
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1<N,robust> isec1;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
+ {
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ size_t mask = isec1.intersect(&prim[i].qnode,tray,dist);
+ while(mask != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t ID = bscf(mask);
+ assert(((size_t)1 << ID) & movemask(prim[i].qnode.validMask()));
+ if (unlikely(dist[ID] > ray.tfar[k])) continue;
+ intersect(pre,ray,k,context,prim[i].subgrid(ID));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1<N,robust> isec1;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
+ {
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ size_t mask = isec1.intersect(&prim[i].qnode,tray,dist);
+ while(mask != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t ID = bscf(mask);
+ assert(((size_t)1 << ID) & movemask(prim[i].qnode.validMask()));
+ if (occluded(pre,ray,k,context,prim[i].subgrid(ID)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid_intersector_moeller.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid_intersector_moeller.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64937d34fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid_intersector_moeller.h
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "subgrid.h"
+#include "quad_intersector_moeller.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /* ----------------------------- */
+ /* -- single ray intersectors -- */
+ /* ----------------------------- */
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline void interpolateUV(MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> &hit,const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid& subgrid, const vint<M> &stepX, const vint<M> &stepY)
+ {
+ /* correct U,V interpolation across the entire grid */
+ const vint<M> sx((int)subgrid.x());
+ const vint<M> sy((int)subgrid.y());
+ const vint<M> sxM(sx + stepX);
+ const vint<M> syM(sy + stepY);
+ const float inv_resX = rcp((float)((int)g.resX-1));
+ const float inv_resY = rcp((float)((int)g.resY-1));
+ hit.U = (hit.U + (vfloat<M>)sxM * hit.absDen) * inv_resX;
+ hit.V = (hit.V + (vfloat<M>)syM * hit.absDen) * inv_resY;
+ }
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridQuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore;
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridQuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore
+ {
+ __forceinline SubGridQuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore() {}
+ __forceinline SubGridQuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore(const Ray& ray, const void* ptr) {}
+ __forceinline void intersect(RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid& subgrid) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<M> mapUV;
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> hit(mapUV);
+ MoellerTrumboreIntersector1<M> intersector(ray,nullptr);
+ Intersect1EpilogMU<M,filter> epilog(ray,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID());
+ /* intersect first triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v3,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ }
+ /* intersect second triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,v2,v3,v1,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ hit.U = hit.absDen - hit.U;
+ hit.V = hit.absDen - hit.V;
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded(Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid& subgrid) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<M> mapUV;
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> hit(mapUV);
+ MoellerTrumboreIntersector1<M> intersector(ray,nullptr);
+ Occluded1EpilogMU<M,filter> epilog(ray,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID());
+ /* intersect first triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v3,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ if (epilog(hit.valid,hit))
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* intersect second triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,v2,v3,v1,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ hit.U = hit.absDen - hit.U;
+ hit.V = hit.absDen - hit.V;
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ if (epilog(hit.valid,hit))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+#if defined (__AVX__)
+ /*! Intersects 4 quads with 1 ray using AVX */
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct SubGridQuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore<4,filter>
+ {
+ __forceinline SubGridQuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore() {}
+ __forceinline SubGridQuadMIntersector1MoellerTrumbore(const Ray& ray, const void* ptr) {}
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(Ray& ray, const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3, const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid& subgrid, const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx0(vfloat8(v0.x,v2.x),vfloat8(v0.y,v2.y),vfloat8(v0.z,v2.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x),vfloat8(v1.y),vfloat8(v1.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x),vfloat8(v3.y),vfloat8(v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x,v3.x),vfloat8(v1.y,v3.y),vfloat8(v1.z,v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x,v1.x),vfloat8(v3.y,v1.y),vfloat8(v3.z,v1.z));
+ UVIdentity<8> mapUV;
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<8,UVIdentity<8>> hit(mapUV);
+ MoellerTrumboreIntersector1<8> intersector(ray,nullptr);
+ const vbool8 flags(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1);
+ if (unlikely(intersector.intersect(ray,vtx0,vtx1,vtx2,mapUV,hit)))
+ {
+ /* correct U,V interpolation across the entire grid */
+ const vfloat8 U = select(flags,hit.absDen - hit.V,hit.U);
+ const vfloat8 V = select(flags,hit.absDen - hit.U,hit.V);
+ hit.U = U;
+ hit.V = V;
+ hit.vNg *= select(flags,vfloat8(-1.0f),vfloat8(1.0f));
+ interpolateUV<8>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<8>(0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0),vint<8>(0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1));
+ if (unlikely(epilog(hit.valid,hit)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool intersect(RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid& subgrid) const
+ {
+ return intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid,Intersect1EpilogMU<8,filter>(ray,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID()));
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded(Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid& subgrid) const
+ {
+ return intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid,Occluded1EpilogMU<8,filter>(ray,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ // ============================================================================================================================
+ // ============================================================================================================================
+ // ============================================================================================================================
+ /* ----------------------------- */
+ /* -- ray packet intersectors -- */
+ /* ----------------------------- */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void interpolateUV(const vbool<K>& valid, MoellerTrumboreHitK<K,UVIdentity<K>> &hit,const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid& subgrid, const unsigned int i)
+ {
+ /* correct U,V interpolation across the entire grid */
+ const unsigned int sx = subgrid.x() + (unsigned int)(i % 2);
+ const unsigned int sy = subgrid.y() + (unsigned int)(i >>1);
+ const float inv_resX = rcp((float)(int)(g.resX-1));
+ const float inv_resY = rcp((float)(int)(g.resY-1));
+ hit.U = select(valid,(hit.U + vfloat<K>((float)sx) * hit.absDen) * inv_resX,hit.U);
+ hit.V = select(valid,(hit.V + vfloat<K>((float)sy) * hit.absDen) * inv_resY,hit.V);
+ }
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridQuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumboreBase
+ {
+ __forceinline SubGridQuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumboreBase(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray) {}
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v2,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v3,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g,
+ const SubGrid &subgrid,
+ const unsigned int i,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<K> mapUV;
+ MoellerTrumboreHitK<K,UVIdentity<K>> hit(mapUV);
+ MoellerTrumboreIntersectorK<M,K> intersector;
+ const vbool<K> valid0 = intersector.intersectK(valid,ray,v0,v1,v3,mapUV,hit);
+ if (any(valid0))
+ {
+ interpolateUV(valid0,hit,g,subgrid,i);
+ epilog(valid0,hit);
+ }
+ const vbool<K> valid1 = intersector.intersectK(valid,ray,v2,v3,v1,mapUV,hit);
+ if (any(valid1))
+ {
+ hit.U = hit.absDen - hit.U;
+ hit.V = hit.absDen - hit.V;
+ interpolateUV(valid1,hit,g,subgrid,i);
+ epilog(valid1,hit);
+ }
+ return any(valid0|valid1);
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool occludedK(const vbool<K>& valid,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v2,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v3,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g,
+ const SubGrid &subgrid,
+ const unsigned int i,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<K> mapUV;
+ MoellerTrumboreHitK<K,UVIdentity<K>> hit(mapUV);
+ MoellerTrumboreIntersectorK<M,K> intersector;
+ vbool<K> valid_final = valid;
+ const vbool<K> valid0 = intersector.intersectK(valid,ray,v0,v1,v3,mapUV,hit);
+ if (any(valid0))
+ {
+ interpolateUV(valid0,hit,g,subgrid,i);
+ epilog(valid0,hit);
+ valid_final &= !valid0;
+ }
+ if (none(valid_final)) return true;
+ const vbool<K> valid1 = intersector.intersectK(valid,ray,v2,v3,v1,mapUV,hit);
+ if (any(valid1))
+ {
+ hit.U = hit.absDen - hit.U;
+ hit.V = hit.absDen - hit.V;
+ interpolateUV(valid1,hit,g,subgrid,i);
+ epilog(valid1,hit);
+ valid_final &= !valid1;
+ }
+ return none(valid_final);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool intersect1(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> &hit)
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e2 = v2-v0;
+ MoellerTrumboreIntersectorK<8,K> intersector;
+ UVIdentity<M> mapUV;
+ return intersector.intersectEdge(ray,k,v0,e1,e2,mapUV,hit);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridQuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumbore : public SubGridQuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumboreBase<M,K,filter>
+ {
+ __forceinline SubGridQuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumbore(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ : SubGridQuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumboreBase<M,K,filter>(valid,ray) {}
+ __forceinline void intersect1(RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3, const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid &subgrid) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<M> mapUV;
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> hit(mapUV);
+ Intersect1KEpilogMU<M,K,filter> epilog(ray,k,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID());
+ MoellerTrumboreIntersectorK<M,K> intersector;
+ /* intersect first triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v3,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ }
+ /* intersect second triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,k,v2,v3,v1,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ hit.U = hit.absDen - hit.U;
+ hit.V = hit.absDen - hit.V;
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3, const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid &subgrid) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<M> mapUV;
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> hit(mapUV);
+ Occluded1KEpilogMU<M,K,filter> epilog(ray,k,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID());
+ MoellerTrumboreIntersectorK<M,K> intersector;
+ /* intersect first triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v3,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ if (epilog(hit.valid,hit)) return true;
+ }
+ /* intersect second triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,k,v2,v3,v1,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ hit.U = hit.absDen - hit.U;
+ hit.V = hit.absDen - hit.V;
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ if (epilog(hit.valid,hit)) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+#if defined (__AVX__)
+ /*! Intersects 4 quads with 1 ray using AVX */
+ template<int K, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridQuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumbore<4,K,filter> : public SubGridQuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumboreBase<4,K,filter>
+ {
+ __forceinline SubGridQuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumbore(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ : SubGridQuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumboreBase<4,K,filter>(valid,ray) {}
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid &subgrid, const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx0(vfloat8(v0.x,v2.x),vfloat8(v0.y,v2.y),vfloat8(v0.z,v2.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x),vfloat8(v1.y),vfloat8(v1.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x),vfloat8(v3.y),vfloat8(v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x,v3.x),vfloat8(v1.y,v3.y),vfloat8(v1.z,v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x,v1.x),vfloat8(v3.y,v1.y),vfloat8(v3.z,v1.z));
+ const vbool8 flags(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1);
+ UVIdentity<8> mapUV;
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<8,UVIdentity<8>> hit(mapUV);
+ if (SubGridQuadMIntersectorKMoellerTrumboreBase<8,K,filter>::intersect1(ray,k,vtx0,vtx1,vtx2,hit))
+ {
+ const vfloat8 U = select(flags,hit.absDen - hit.V,hit.U);
+ const vfloat8 V = select(flags,hit.absDen - hit.U,hit.V);
+ hit.U = U;
+ hit.V = V;
+ hit.vNg *= select(flags,vfloat8(-1.0f),vfloat8(1.0f));
+ interpolateUV<8>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<8>(0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0),vint<8>(0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1));
+ if (unlikely(epilog(hit.valid,hit)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool intersect1(RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3, const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid &subgrid) const
+ {
+ return intersect1(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid,Intersect1KEpilogMU<8,K,filter>(ray,k,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID()));
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3, const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid &subgrid) const
+ {
+ return intersect1(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid,Occluded1KEpilogMU<8,K,filter>(ray,k,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid_intersector_pluecker.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid_intersector_pluecker.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5ded56e1f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid_intersector_pluecker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "subgrid.h"
+#include "quad_intersector_moeller.h"
+#include "quad_intersector_pluecker.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline void interpolateUV(PlueckerHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> &hit,const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid& subgrid, const vint<M> &stepX, const vint<M> &stepY)
+ {
+ /* correct U,V interpolation across the entire grid */
+ const vint<M> sx((int)subgrid.x());
+ const vint<M> sy((int)subgrid.y());
+ const vint<M> sxM(sx + stepX);
+ const vint<M> syM(sy + stepY);
+ const float inv_resX = rcp((float)((int)g.resX-1));
+ const float inv_resY = rcp((float)((int)g.resY-1));
+ hit.U = (hit.U + vfloat<M>(sxM) * hit.UVW) * inv_resX;
+ hit.V = (hit.V + vfloat<M>(syM) * hit.UVW) * inv_resY;
+ }
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridQuadMIntersector1Pluecker;
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridQuadMIntersector1Pluecker
+ {
+ __forceinline SubGridQuadMIntersector1Pluecker() {}
+ __forceinline SubGridQuadMIntersector1Pluecker(const Ray& ray, const void* ptr) {}
+ __forceinline void intersect(RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid& subgrid) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<M> mapUV;
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> hit(mapUV);
+ PlueckerIntersector1<M> intersector(ray,nullptr);
+ Intersect1EpilogMU<M,filter> epilog(ray,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID());
+ /* intersect first triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v3,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ }
+ /* intersect second triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,v2,v3,v1,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ hit.U = hit.UVW - hit.U;
+ hit.V = hit.UVW - hit.V;
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded(Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid& subgrid) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<M> mapUV;
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> hit(mapUV);
+ PlueckerIntersector1<M> intersector(ray,nullptr);
+ Occluded1EpilogMU<M,filter> epilog(ray,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID());
+ /* intersect first triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v3,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ if (epilog(hit.valid,hit))
+ return true;
+ }
+ /* intersect second triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,v2,v3,v1,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ hit.U = hit.UVW - hit.U;
+ hit.V = hit.UVW - hit.V;
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ if (epilog(hit.valid,hit))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+#if defined (__AVX__)
+ /*! Intersects 4 quads with 1 ray using AVX */
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct SubGridQuadMIntersector1Pluecker<4,filter>
+ {
+ __forceinline SubGridQuadMIntersector1Pluecker() {}
+ __forceinline SubGridQuadMIntersector1Pluecker(const Ray& ray, const void* ptr) {}
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(Ray& ray, const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3, const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid& subgrid, const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx0(vfloat8(v0.x,v2.x),vfloat8(v0.y,v2.y),vfloat8(v0.z,v2.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x),vfloat8(v1.y),vfloat8(v1.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x),vfloat8(v3.y),vfloat8(v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x,v3.x),vfloat8(v1.y,v3.y),vfloat8(v1.z,v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x,v1.x),vfloat8(v3.y,v1.y),vfloat8(v3.z,v1.z));
+ UVIdentity<8> mapUV;
+ PlueckerHitM<8,UVIdentity<8>> hit(mapUV);
+ PlueckerIntersector1<8> intersector(ray,nullptr);
+ const vbool8 flags(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1);
+ if (unlikely(intersector.intersect(ray,vtx0,vtx1,vtx2,mapUV,hit)))
+ {
+ /* correct U,V interpolation across the entire grid */
+ const vfloat8 U = select(flags,hit.UVW - hit.V,hit.U);
+ const vfloat8 V = select(flags,hit.UVW - hit.U,hit.V);
+ hit.U = U;
+ hit.V = V;
+ hit.vNg *= select(flags,vfloat8(-1.0f),vfloat8(1.0f));
+ interpolateUV<8>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<8>(0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0),vint<8>(0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1));
+ if (unlikely(epilog(hit.valid,hit)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool intersect(RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid& subgrid) const
+ {
+ return intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid,Intersect1EpilogMU<8,filter>(ray,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID()));
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded(Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid& subgrid) const
+ {
+ return intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid,Occluded1EpilogMU<8,filter>(ray,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ /* ----------------------------- */
+ /* -- ray packet intersectors -- */
+ /* ----------------------------- */
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void interpolateUV(const vbool<K>& valid, PlueckerHitK<K,UVIdentity<K>> &hit,const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid& subgrid, const unsigned int i)
+ {
+ /* correct U,V interpolation across the entire grid */
+ const unsigned int sx = subgrid.x() + (unsigned int)(i % 2);
+ const unsigned int sy = subgrid.y() + (unsigned int)(i >>1);
+ const float inv_resX = rcp((float)(int)(g.resX-1));
+ const float inv_resY = rcp((float)(int)(g.resY-1));
+ hit.U = select(valid,(hit.U + vfloat<K>((float)sx) * hit.UVW) * inv_resX,hit.U);
+ hit.V = select(valid,(hit.V + vfloat<K>((float)sy) * hit.UVW) * inv_resY,hit.V);
+ }
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridQuadMIntersectorKPlueckerBase
+ {
+ __forceinline SubGridQuadMIntersectorKPlueckerBase(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray) {}
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v2,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v3,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g,
+ const SubGrid &subgrid,
+ const unsigned int i,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<K> mapUV;
+ PlueckerHitK<K,UVIdentity<K>> hit(mapUV);
+ PlueckerIntersectorK<M,K> intersector;
+ const vbool<K> valid0 = intersector.intersectK(valid,ray,v0,v1,v3,mapUV,hit);
+ if (any(valid0))
+ {
+ interpolateUV(valid0,hit,g,subgrid,i);
+ epilog(valid0,hit);
+ }
+ const vbool<K> valid1 = intersector.intersectK(valid,ray,v2,v3,v1,mapUV,hit);
+ if (any(valid1))
+ {
+ hit.U = hit.UVW - hit.U;
+ hit.V = hit.UVW - hit.V;
+ interpolateUV(valid1,hit,g,subgrid,i);
+ epilog(valid1,hit);
+ }
+ return any(valid0|valid1);
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool occludedK(const vbool<K>& valid,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v2,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& v3,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g,
+ const SubGrid &subgrid,
+ const unsigned int i,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<K> mapUV;
+ PlueckerHitK<K,UVIdentity<K>> hit(mapUV);
+ PlueckerIntersectorK<M,K> intersector;
+ vbool<K> valid_final = valid;
+ const vbool<K> valid0 = intersector.intersectK(valid,ray,v0,v1,v3,mapUV,hit);
+ if (any(valid0))
+ {
+ interpolateUV(valid0,hit,g,subgrid,i);
+ epilog(valid0,hit);
+ valid_final &= !valid0;
+ }
+ if (none(valid_final)) return true;
+ const vbool<K> valid1 = intersector.intersectK(valid,ray,v2,v3,v1,mapUV,hit);
+ if (any(valid1))
+ {
+ hit.U = hit.UVW - hit.U;
+ hit.V = hit.UVW - hit.V;
+ interpolateUV(valid1,hit,g,subgrid,i);
+ epilog(valid1,hit);
+ valid_final &= !valid1;
+ }
+ return none(valid_final);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridQuadMIntersectorKPluecker : public SubGridQuadMIntersectorKPlueckerBase<M,K,filter>
+ {
+ __forceinline SubGridQuadMIntersectorKPluecker(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ : SubGridQuadMIntersectorKPlueckerBase<M,K,filter>(valid,ray) {}
+ __forceinline void intersect1(RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3, const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid &subgrid) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<M> mapUV;
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> hit(mapUV);
+ Intersect1KEpilogMU<M,K,filter> epilog(ray,k,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID());
+ PlueckerIntersectorK<M,K> intersector;
+ /* intersect first triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v3,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ }
+ /* intersect second triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,k,v2,v3,v1,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ hit.U = hit.UVW - hit.U;
+ hit.V = hit.UVW - hit.V;
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const Vec3vf<M>& v3, const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid &subgrid) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<M> mapUV;
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> hit(mapUV);
+ Occluded1KEpilogMU<M,K,filter> epilog(ray,k,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID());
+ PlueckerIntersectorK<M,K> intersector;
+ /* intersect first triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v3,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ if (epilog(hit.valid,hit)) return true;
+ }
+ /* intersect second triangle */
+ if (intersector.intersect(ray,k,v2,v3,v1,mapUV,hit))
+ {
+ hit.U = hit.UVW - hit.U;
+ hit.V = hit.UVW - hit.V;
+ interpolateUV<M>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<M>(0,1,1,0),vint<M>(0,0,1,1));
+ if (epilog(hit.valid,hit)) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+#if defined (__AVX__)
+ /*! Intersects 4 quads with 1 ray using AVX */
+ template<int K, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridQuadMIntersectorKPluecker<4,K,filter> : public SubGridQuadMIntersectorKPlueckerBase<4,K,filter>
+ {
+ __forceinline SubGridQuadMIntersectorKPluecker(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray)
+ : SubGridQuadMIntersectorKPlueckerBase<4,K,filter>(valid,ray) {}
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3,
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid &subgrid, const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx0(vfloat8(v0.x,v2.x),vfloat8(v0.y,v2.y),vfloat8(v0.z,v2.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x),vfloat8(v1.y),vfloat8(v1.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x),vfloat8(v3.y),vfloat8(v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx1(vfloat8(v1.x,v3.x),vfloat8(v1.y,v3.y),vfloat8(v1.z,v3.z));
+ const Vec3vf8 vtx2(vfloat8(v3.x,v1.x),vfloat8(v3.y,v1.y),vfloat8(v3.z,v1.z));
+ UVIdentity<8> mapUV;
+ PlueckerHitM<8,UVIdentity<8>> hit(mapUV);
+ PlueckerIntersectorK<8,K> intersector;
+ const vbool8 flags(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1);
+ if (unlikely(intersector.intersect(ray,k,vtx0,vtx1,vtx2,mapUV,hit)))
+ {
+ /* correct U,V interpolation across the entire grid */
+ const vfloat8 U = select(flags,hit.UVW - hit.V,hit.U);
+ const vfloat8 V = select(flags,hit.UVW - hit.U,hit.V);
+ hit.U = U;
+ hit.V = V;
+ hit.vNg *= select(flags,vfloat8(-1.0f),vfloat8(1.0f));
+ interpolateUV<8>(hit,g,subgrid,vint<8>(0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0),vint<8>(0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1));
+ if (unlikely(epilog(hit.valid,hit)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool intersect1(RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3, const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid &subgrid) const
+ {
+ return intersect1(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid,Intersect1KEpilogMU<8,K,filter>(ray,k,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID()));
+ }
+ __forceinline bool occluded1(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context,
+ const Vec3vf4& v0, const Vec3vf4& v1, const Vec3vf4& v2, const Vec3vf4& v3, const GridMesh::Grid &g, const SubGrid &subgrid) const
+ {
+ return intersect1(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid,Occluded1KEpilogMU<8,K,filter>(ray,k,context,subgrid.geomID(),subgrid.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid_mb_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid_mb_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..473d656e24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/subgrid_mb_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "subgrid_intersector.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int N, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridMBIntersector1Pluecker
+ {
+ typedef SubGridMBQBVHN<N> Primitive;
+ typedef SubGridQuadMIntersector1Pluecker<4,filter> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ float ftime;
+ const int itime = mesh->timeSegment(ray.time(), ftime);
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; subgrid.gatherMB(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene,itime,ftime);
+ pre.intersect(ray,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ float ftime;
+ const int itime = mesh->timeSegment(ray.time(), ftime);
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; subgrid.gatherMB(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene,itime,ftime);
+ return pre.occluded(ray,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, subgrid);
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1<N,robust> isec1;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
+ {
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ const float time = prim[i].adjustTime(ray.time());
+ assert(time <= 1.0f);
+ size_t mask = isec1.intersect(&prim[i].qnode,tray,time,dist);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ STAT3(normal.trav_hit_boxes[popcnt(mask)],1,1,1);
+ while(mask != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t ID = bscf(mask);
+ if (unlikely(dist[ID] > ray.tfar)) continue;
+ intersect(pre,ray,context,prim[i].subgrid(ID));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1<N,robust> isec1;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
+ {
+ const float time = prim[i].adjustTime(ray.time());
+ assert(time <= 1.0f);
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ size_t mask = isec1.intersect(&prim[i].qnode,tray,time,dist);
+ while(mask != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t ID = bscf(mask);
+ if (occluded(pre,ray,context,prim[i].subgrid(ID)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(const Accel::Intersectors* This, PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravPointQuery<N> &tquery, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ assert(false && "not implemented");
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int N, int K, bool filter>
+ struct SubGridMBIntersectorKPluecker
+ {
+ typedef SubGridMBQBVHN<N> Primitive;
+ typedef SubGridQuadMIntersectorKPluecker<4,K,filter> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ size_t m_valid = movemask(valid_i);
+ while(m_valid)
+ {
+ size_t ID = bscf(m_valid);
+ intersect(pre,ray,ID,context,subgrid);
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ size_t m_valid = movemask(valid_i);
+ while(m_valid)
+ {
+ size_t ID = bscf(m_valid);
+ if (occluded(pre,ray,ID,context,subgrid))
+ clear(valid0,ID);
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ vfloat<K> ftime;
+ const vint<K> itime = mesh->timeSegment<K>(ray.time(), ftime);
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; subgrid.gatherMB(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene,itime[k],ftime[k]);
+ pre.intersect1(ray,k,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const SubGrid& subgrid)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const GridMesh* mesh = context->scene->get<GridMesh>(subgrid.geomID());
+ const GridMesh::Grid &g = mesh->grid(subgrid.primID());
+ vfloat<K> ftime;
+ const vint<K> itime = mesh->timeSegment<K>(ray.time(), ftime);
+ Vec3vf4 v0,v1,v2,v3; subgrid.gatherMB(v0,v1,v2,v3,context->scene,itime[k],ftime[k]);
+ return pre.occluded1(ray,k,context,v0,v1,v2,v3,g,subgrid);
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRayK<K, robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersectorK<N,K,robust> isecK;
+ for (size_t j=0;j<num;j++)
+ {
+ size_t m_valid = movemask(prim[j].qnode.validMask());
+ const vfloat<K> time = prim[j].template adjustTime<K>(ray.time());
+ vfloat<K> dist;
+ while(m_valid)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(m_valid);
+ if (none(valid & isecK.intersectK(&prim[j].qnode,i,tray,time,dist))) continue;
+ intersect(valid,pre,ray,context,prim[j].subgrid(i));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid, const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRayK<K, robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersectorK<N,K,robust> isecK;
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid;
+ for (size_t j=0;j<num;j++)
+ {
+ size_t m_valid = movemask(prim[j].qnode.validMask());
+ const vfloat<K> time = prim[j].template adjustTime<K>(ray.time());
+ vfloat<K> dist;
+ while(m_valid)
+ {
+ const size_t i = bscf(m_valid);
+ if (none(valid0 & isecK.intersectK(&prim[j].qnode,i,tray,time,dist))) continue;
+ valid0 &= !occluded(valid0,pre,ray,context,prim[j].subgrid(i));
+ if (none(valid0)) break;
+ }
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1<N,robust> isec1;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
+ {
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ const float time = prim[i].adjustTime(ray.time()[k]);
+ assert(time <= 1.0f);
+ size_t mask = isec1.intersect(&prim[i].qnode,tray,time,dist);
+ while(mask != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t ID = bscf(mask);
+ if (unlikely(dist[ID] > ray.tfar[k])) continue;
+ intersect(pre,ray,k,context,prim[i].subgrid(ID));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<bool robust>
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Accel::Intersectors* This, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive* prim, size_t num, const TravRay<N,robust> &tray, size_t& lazy_node)
+ {
+ BVHNQuantizedBaseNodeIntersector1<N,robust> isec1;
+ for (size_t i=0;i<num;i++)
+ {
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ const float time = prim[i].adjustTime(ray.time()[k]);
+ assert(time <= 1.0f);
+ size_t mask = isec1.intersect(&prim[i].qnode,tray,time,dist);
+ while(mask != 0)
+ {
+ const size_t ID = bscf(mask);
+ if (occluded(pre,ray,k,context,prim[i].subgrid(ID)))
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24b758ae48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle.h
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "primitive.h"
+namespace embree
+ /* Precalculated representation for M triangles. Stores for each
+ triangle a base vertex, two edges, and the geometry normal to
+ speed up intersection calculations */
+ template<int M>
+ struct TriangleM
+ {
+ public:
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType
+ {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /* Returns maximum number of stored triangles */
+ static __forceinline size_t max_size() { return M; }
+ /* Returns required number of primitive blocks for N primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t blocks(size_t N) { return (N+max_size()-1)/max_size(); }
+ public:
+ /* Default constructor */
+ __forceinline TriangleM() {}
+ /* Construction from vertices and IDs */
+ __forceinline TriangleM(const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const vuint<M>& geomIDs, const vuint<M>& primIDs)
+ : v0(v0), e1(v0-v1), e2(v2-v0), geomIDs(geomIDs), primIDs(primIDs) {}
+ /* Returns a mask that tells which triangles are valid */
+ __forceinline vbool<M> valid() const { return geomIDs != vuint<M>(-1); }
+ /* Returns true if the specified triangle is valid */
+ __forceinline bool valid(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return geomIDs[i] != -1; }
+ /* Returns the number of stored triangles */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const { return bsf(~movemask(valid())); }
+ /* Returns the geometry IDs */
+ __forceinline vuint<M>& geomID() { return geomIDs; }
+ __forceinline const vuint<M>& geomID() const { return geomIDs; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int geomID(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return geomIDs[i]; }
+ /* Returns the primitive IDs */
+ __forceinline vuint<M>& primID() { return primIDs; }
+ __forceinline const vuint<M>& primID() const { return primIDs; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int primID(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return primIDs[i]; }
+ /* Calculate the bounds of the triangle */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds() const
+ {
+ Vec3vf<M> p0 = v0;
+ Vec3vf<M> p1 = v0-e1;
+ Vec3vf<M> p2 = v0+e2;
+ Vec3vf<M> lower = min(p0,p1,p2);
+ Vec3vf<M> upper = max(p0,p1,p2);
+ vbool<M> mask = valid();
+ lower.x = select(mask,lower.x,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ lower.y = select(mask,lower.y,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ lower.z = select(mask,lower.z,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ upper.x = select(mask,upper.x,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ upper.y = select(mask,upper.y,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ upper.z = select(mask,upper.z,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ return BBox3fa(Vec3fa(reduce_min(lower.x),reduce_min(lower.y),reduce_min(lower.z)),
+ Vec3fa(reduce_max(upper.x),reduce_max(upper.y),reduce_max(upper.z)));
+ }
+ /* Non temporal store */
+ __forceinline static void store_nt(TriangleM* dst, const TriangleM& src)
+ {
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v0.x,src.v0.x);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v0.y,src.v0.y);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v0.z,src.v0.z);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->e1.x,src.e1.x);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->e1.y,src.e1.y);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->e1.z,src.e1.z);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->e2.x,src.e2.x);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->e2.y,src.e2.y);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->e2.z,src.e2.z);
+ vuint<M>::store_nt(&dst->geomIDs,src.geomIDs);
+ vuint<M>::store_nt(&dst->primIDs,src.primIDs);
+ }
+ /* Fill triangle from triangle list */
+ __forceinline void fill(const PrimRef* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene)
+ {
+ vuint<M> vgeomID = -1, vprimID = -1;
+ Vec3vf<M> v0 = zero, v1 = zero, v2 = zero;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && begin<end; i++, begin++)
+ {
+ const PrimRef& prim = prims[begin];
+ const unsigned geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned primID = prim.primID();
+ const TriangleMesh* __restrict__ const mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID);
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primID);
+ const Vec3fa& p0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa& p1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa& p2 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[2]);
+ vgeomID [i] = geomID;
+ vprimID [i] = primID;
+ v0.x[i] = p0.x; v0.y[i] = p0.y; v0.z[i] = p0.z;
+ v1.x[i] = p1.x; v1.y[i] = p1.y; v1.z[i] = p1.z;
+ v2.x[i] = p2.x; v2.y[i] = p2.y; v2.z[i] = p2.z;
+ }
+ TriangleM::store_nt(this,TriangleM(v0,v1,v2,vgeomID,vprimID));
+ }
+ /* Updates the primitive */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa update(TriangleMesh* mesh)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ vuint<M> vgeomID = -1, vprimID = -1;
+ Vec3vf<M> v0 = zero, v1 = zero, v2 = zero;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M; i++)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(geomID(i) == -1)) break;
+ const unsigned geomId = geomID(i);
+ const unsigned primId = primID(i);
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primId);
+ const Vec3fa p0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa p1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa p2 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[2]);
+ bounds.extend(merge(BBox3fa(p0),BBox3fa(p1),BBox3fa(p2)));
+ vgeomID [i] = geomId;
+ vprimID [i] = primId;
+ v0.x[i] = p0.x; v0.y[i] = p0.y; v0.z[i] = p0.z;
+ v1.x[i] = p1.x; v1.y[i] = p1.y; v1.z[i] = p1.z;
+ v2.x[i] = p2.x; v2.y[i] = p2.y; v2.z[i] = p2.z;
+ }
+ TriangleM::store_nt(this,TriangleM(v0,v1,v2,vgeomID,vprimID));
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ public:
+ Vec3vf<M> v0; // base vertex of the triangles
+ Vec3vf<M> e1; // 1st edge of the triangles (v0-v1)
+ Vec3vf<M> e2; // 2nd edge of the triangles (v2-v0)
+ private:
+ vuint<M> geomIDs; // geometry IDs
+ vuint<M> primIDs; // primitive IDs
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ typename TriangleM<M>::Type TriangleM<M>::type;
+ typedef TriangleM<4> Triangle4;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2cdff78ec8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "triangle.h"
+#include "triangle_intersector_moeller.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! Intersects M triangles with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMIntersector1Moeller
+ {
+ typedef TriangleM<M> Primitive;
+ typedef MoellerTrumboreIntersector1<M> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleM<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ pre.intersectEdge(ray,tri.v0,tri.e1,tri.e2,UVIdentity<M>(),Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleM<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ return pre.intersectEdge(ray,tri.v0,tri.e1,tri.e2,UVIdentity<M>(),Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, tri);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M triangles with K rays. */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMIntersectorKMoeller
+ {
+ typedef TriangleM<M> Primitive;
+ typedef MoellerTrumboreIntersectorK<M,K> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersects K rays with M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleM<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT_USER(0,TriangleM<M>::max_size());
+ for (size_t i=0; i<TriangleM<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p0 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v0,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> e1 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.e1,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> e2 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.e2,i);
+ pre.intersectEdgeK(valid_i,ray,p0,e1,e2,UVIdentity<K>(),IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test for K rays if they are occluded by any of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleM<M>& tri)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<TriangleM<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid0),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> p0 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v0,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> e1 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.e1,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> e2 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.e2,i);
+ pre.intersectEdgeK(valid0,ray,p0,e1,e2,UVIdentity<K>(),OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ if (none(valid0)) break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleM<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ pre.intersectEdge(ray,k,tri.v0,tri.e1,tri.e2,UVIdentity<M>(),Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleM<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ return pre.intersectEdge(ray,k,tri.v0,tri.e1,tri.e2,UVIdentity<M>(),Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_intersector_moeller.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_intersector_moeller.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0a42d8f08b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_intersector_moeller.h
@@ -0,0 +1,525 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "triangle.h"
+#include "intersector_epilog.h"
+/*! This intersector implements a modified version of the Moeller
+ * Trumbore intersector from the paper "Fast, Minimum Storage
+ * Ray-Triangle Intersection". In contrast to the paper we
+ * precalculate some factors and factor the calculations differently
+ * to allow precalculating the cross product e1 x e2. The resulting
+ * algorithm is similar to the fastest one of the paper "Optimizing
+ * Ray-Triangle Intersection via Automated Search". */
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M, typename UVMapper>
+ struct MoellerTrumboreHitM
+ {
+ __forceinline MoellerTrumboreHitM(const UVMapper& mapUV) : mapUV(mapUV) {}
+ __forceinline MoellerTrumboreHitM(const vbool<M>& valid, const vfloat<M>& U, const vfloat<M>& V, const vfloat<M>& T, const vfloat<M>& absDen, const Vec3vf<M>& Ng, const UVMapper& mapUV)
+ : U(U), V(V), T(T), absDen(absDen), mapUV(mapUV), valid(valid), vNg(Ng) {}
+ __forceinline void finalize()
+ {
+ const vfloat<M> rcpAbsDen = rcp(absDen);
+ vt = T * rcpAbsDen;
+ vu = U * rcpAbsDen;
+ vv = V * rcpAbsDen;
+ mapUV(vu,vv,vNg);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec2vf<M> uv() const { return Vec2vf<M>(vu,vv); }
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> t () const { return vt; }
+ __forceinline Vec3vf<M> Ng() const { return vNg; }
+ __forceinline Vec2f uv (const size_t i) const { return Vec2f(vu[i],vv[i]); }
+ __forceinline float t (const size_t i) const { return vt[i]; }
+ __forceinline Vec3fa Ng(const size_t i) const { return Vec3fa(vNg.x[i],vNg.y[i],vNg.z[i]); }
+ public:
+ vfloat<M> U;
+ vfloat<M> V;
+ vfloat<M> T;
+ vfloat<M> absDen;
+ UVMapper mapUV;
+ public:
+ vbool<M> valid;
+ vfloat<M> vu;
+ vfloat<M> vv;
+ vfloat<M> vt;
+ Vec3vf<M> vNg;
+ };
+ template<int M, bool early_out = true>
+ struct MoellerTrumboreIntersector1
+ {
+ __forceinline MoellerTrumboreIntersector1() {}
+ __forceinline MoellerTrumboreIntersector1(const Ray& ray, const void* ptr) {}
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid0,
+ Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e2,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_Ng,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper>& hit) const
+ {
+ /* calculate denominator */
+ vbool<M> valid = valid0;
+ const Vec3vf<M> O = Vec3vf<M>((Vec3fa);
+ const Vec3vf<M> D = Vec3vf<M>((Vec3fa)ray.dir);
+ const Vec3vf<M> C = Vec3vf<M>(tri_v0) - O;
+ const Vec3vf<M> R = cross(C,D);
+ const vfloat<M> den = dot(Vec3vf<M>(tri_Ng),D);
+ const vfloat<M> absDen = abs(den);
+ const vfloat<M> sgnDen = signmsk(den);
+ /* perform edge tests */
+ const vfloat<M> U = dot(R,Vec3vf<M>(tri_e2)) ^ sgnDen;
+ const vfloat<M> V = dot(R,Vec3vf<M>(tri_e1)) ^ sgnDen;
+ /* perform backface culling */
+ valid &= (den < vfloat<M>(zero)) & (U >= 0.0f) & (V >= 0.0f) & (U+V<=absDen);
+ valid &= (den != vfloat<M>(zero)) & (U >= 0.0f) & (V >= 0.0f) & (U+V<=absDen);
+ if (likely(early_out && none(valid))) return false;
+ /* perform depth test */
+ const vfloat<M> T = dot(Vec3vf<M>(tri_Ng),C) ^ sgnDen;
+ valid &= (absDen*vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()) < T) & (T <= absDen*vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ if (likely(early_out && none(valid))) return false;
+ /* update hit information */
+ new (&hit) MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper>(valid,U,V,T,absDen,tri_Ng,mapUV);
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline bool intersectEdge(const vbool<M>& valid,
+ Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper>& hit) const
+ {
+ const Vec3<vfloat<M>> tri_Ng = cross(tri_e2,tri_e1);
+ return intersect(valid,ray,tri_v0,tri_e1,tri_e2,tri_Ng,mapUV,hit);
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline bool intersectEdge(Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper>& hit) const
+ {
+ vbool<M> valid = true;
+ const Vec3<vfloat<M>> tri_Ng = cross(tri_e2,tri_e1);
+ return intersect(valid,ray,tri_v0,tri_e1,tri_e2,tri_Ng,mapUV,hit);
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper>& hit) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e2 = v2-v0;
+ return intersectEdge(ray,v0,e1,e2,mapUV,hit);
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid,
+ Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper>& hit) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e2 = v2-v0;
+ return intersectEdge(valid,ray,v0,e1,e2,mapUV,hit);
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersectEdge(Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& e1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& e2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper> hit(mapUV);
+ if (likely(intersectEdge(ray,v0,e1,e2,mapUV,hit))) return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper> hit(mapUV);
+ if (likely(intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,mapUV,hit))) return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ auto mapUV = UVIdentity<M>();
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> hit(mapUV);
+ if (likely(intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,mapUV,hit))) return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid,
+ Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper> hit(mapUV);
+ if (likely(intersect(valid,ray,v0,v1,v2,mapUV,hit))) return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int K, typename UVMapper>
+ struct MoellerTrumboreHitK
+ {
+ __forceinline MoellerTrumboreHitK(const UVMapper& mapUV) : mapUV(mapUV) {}
+ __forceinline MoellerTrumboreHitK(const vfloat<K>& U, const vfloat<K>& V, const vfloat<K>& T, const vfloat<K>& absDen, const Vec3vf<K>& Ng, const UVMapper& mapUV)
+ : U(U), V(V), T(T), absDen(absDen), Ng(Ng), mapUV(mapUV) {}
+ __forceinline std::tuple<vfloat<K>,vfloat<K>,vfloat<K>,Vec3vf<K>> operator() () const
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> rcpAbsDen = rcp(absDen);
+ const vfloat<K> t = T * rcpAbsDen;
+ vfloat<K> u = U * rcpAbsDen;
+ vfloat<K> v = V * rcpAbsDen;
+ Vec3vf<K> vNg = Ng;
+ mapUV(u,v,vNg);
+ return std::make_tuple(u,v,t,vNg);
+ }
+ vfloat<K> U;
+ vfloat<K> V;
+ const vfloat<K> T;
+ const vfloat<K> absDen;
+ const Vec3vf<K> Ng;
+ const UVMapper& mapUV;
+ };
+ template<int M, int K>
+ struct MoellerTrumboreIntersectorK
+ {
+ __forceinline MoellerTrumboreIntersectorK() {}
+ __forceinline MoellerTrumboreIntersectorK(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray) {}
+ /*! Intersects K rays with one of M triangles. */
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ //RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir,
+ const vfloat<K>& ray_tnear,
+ const vfloat<K>& ray_tfar,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_e2,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_Ng,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ MoellerTrumboreHitK<K,UVMapper> &hit) const
+ {
+ /* calculate denominator */
+ vbool<K> valid = valid0;
+ const Vec3vf<K> C = tri_v0 - ray_org;
+ const Vec3vf<K> R = cross(C,ray_dir);
+ const vfloat<K> den = dot(tri_Ng,ray_dir);
+ const vfloat<K> absDen = abs(den);
+ const vfloat<K> sgnDen = signmsk(den);
+ /* test against edge p2 p0 */
+ const vfloat<K> U = dot(tri_e2,R) ^ sgnDen;
+ valid &= U >= 0.0f;
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* test against edge p0 p1 */
+ const vfloat<K> V = dot(tri_e1,R) ^ sgnDen;
+ valid &= V >= 0.0f;
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* test against edge p1 p2 */
+ const vfloat<K> W = absDen-U-V;
+ valid &= W >= 0.0f;
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* perform depth test */
+ const vfloat<K> T = dot(tri_Ng,C) ^ sgnDen;
+ valid &= (absDen*ray_tnear < T) & (T <= absDen*ray_tfar);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* perform backface culling */
+ valid &= den < vfloat<K>(zero);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ valid &= den != vfloat<K>(zero);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* calculate hit information */
+ new (&hit) MoellerTrumboreHitK<K,UVMapper>(U,V,T,absDen,tri_Ng,mapUV);
+ return valid;
+ }
+ /*! Intersects K rays with one of M triangles. */
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ MoellerTrumboreHitK<K,UVMapper> &hit) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<K> e1 = tri_v0-tri_v1;
+ const Vec3vf<K> e2 = tri_v2-tri_v0;
+ const Vec3vf<K> Ng = cross(e2,e1);
+ return intersectK(valid0,,ray.dir,ray.tnear(),ray.tfar,tri_v0,e1,e2,Ng,mapUV,hit);
+ }
+ /*! Intersects K rays with one of M triangles. */
+ template<typename UVMapper, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ MoellerTrumboreHitK<K,UVIdentity<K>> hit(mapUV);
+ const Vec3vf<K> e1 = tri_v0-tri_v1;
+ const Vec3vf<K> e2 = tri_v2-tri_v0;
+ const Vec3vf<K> Ng = cross(e2,e1);
+ const vbool<K> valid = intersectK(valid0,,ray.dir,ray.tnear(),ray.tfar,tri_v0,e1,e2,Ng,mapUV,hit);
+ return epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v2,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<K> mapUV;
+ MoellerTrumboreHitK<K,UVIdentity<K>> hit(mapUV);
+ const Vec3vf<K> e1 = tri_v0-tri_v1;
+ const Vec3vf<K> e2 = tri_v2-tri_v0;
+ const Vec3vf<K> Ng = cross(e2,e1);
+ const vbool<K> valid = intersectK(valid0,,ray.dir,ray.tnear(),ray.tfar,tri_v0,e1,e2,Ng,mapUV,hit);
+ return epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ /*! Intersects K rays with one of M triangles. */
+ template<typename UVMapper, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectEdgeK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_e2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ MoellerTrumboreHitK<K,UVIdentity<K>> hit(mapUV);
+ const Vec3vf<K> tri_Ng = cross(tri_e2,tri_e1);
+ const vbool<K> valid = intersectK(valid0,,ray.dir,ray.tnear(),ray.tfar,tri_v0,tri_e1,tri_e2,tri_Ng,mapUV,hit);
+ return epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ /*! Intersect k'th ray from ray packet of size K with M triangles. */
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline bool intersectEdge(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper>& hit) const
+ {
+ /* calculate denominator */
+ typedef Vec3vf<M> Vec3vfM;
+ const Vec3vf<M> tri_Ng = cross(tri_e2,tri_e1);
+ const Vec3vfM O = broadcast<vfloat<M>>(,k);
+ const Vec3vfM D = broadcast<vfloat<M>>(ray.dir,k);
+ const Vec3vfM C = Vec3vfM(tri_v0) - O;
+ const Vec3vfM R = cross(C,D);
+ const vfloat<M> den = dot(Vec3vfM(tri_Ng),D);
+ const vfloat<M> absDen = abs(den);
+ const vfloat<M> sgnDen = signmsk(den);
+ /* perform edge tests */
+ const vfloat<M> U = dot(Vec3vf<M>(tri_e2),R) ^ sgnDen;
+ const vfloat<M> V = dot(Vec3vf<M>(tri_e1),R) ^ sgnDen;
+ /* perform backface culling */
+ vbool<M> valid = (den < vfloat<M>(zero)) & (U >= 0.0f) & (V >= 0.0f) & (U+V<=absDen);
+ vbool<M> valid = (den != vfloat<M>(zero)) & (U >= 0.0f) & (V >= 0.0f) & (U+V<=absDen);
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* perform depth test */
+ const vfloat<M> T = dot(Vec3vf<M>(tri_Ng),C) ^ sgnDen;
+ valid &= (absDen*vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()[k]) < T) & (T <= absDen*vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* calculate hit information */
+ new (&hit) MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper>(valid,U,V,T,absDen,tri_Ng,mapUV);
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline bool intersectEdge(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const BBox<vfloat<M>>& time_range,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper>& hit) const
+ {
+ if (likely(intersect(ray,k,tri_v0,tri_e1,tri_e2,mapUV,hit)))
+ {
+ hit.valid &= time_range.lower <= vfloat<M>(ray.time[k]);
+ hit.valid &= vfloat<M>(ray.time[k]) < time_range.upper;
+ return any(hit.valid);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper>& hit) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e2 = v2-v0;
+ return intersectEdge(ray,k,v0,e1,e2,mapUV,hit);
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersectEdge(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper> hit(mapUV);
+ if (likely(intersectEdge(ray,k,tri_v0,tri_e1,tri_e2,mapUV,hit))) return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersectEdge(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const BBox<vfloat<M>>& time_range,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ MoellerTrumboreHitM<M,UVMapper> hit(mapUV);
+ if (likely(intersectEdge(ray,k,time_range,tri_v0,tri_e1,tri_e2,mapUV,hit))) return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e2 = v2-v0;
+ return intersectEdge(ray,k,v0,e1,e2,mapUV,epilog);
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ return intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,UVIdentity<M>(),epilog);
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const BBox<vfloat<M>>& time_range,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e2 = v2-v0;
+ return intersectEdge(ray,k,time_range,v0,e1,e2,mapUV,epilog);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_intersector_pluecker.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_intersector_pluecker.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8fbefcea88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_intersector_pluecker.h
@@ -0,0 +1,407 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "triangle.h"
+#include "trianglev.h"
+#include "trianglev_mb.h"
+#include "intersector_epilog.h"
+/*! Modified Pluecker ray/triangle intersector. The test first shifts
+ * the ray origin into the origin of the coordinate system and then
+ * uses Pluecker coordinates for the intersection. Due to the shift,
+ * the Pluecker coordinate calculation simplifies and the tests get
+ * numerically stable. The edge equations are watertight along the
+ * edge for neighboring triangles. */
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M, typename UVMapper>
+ struct PlueckerHitM
+ {
+ __forceinline PlueckerHitM(const UVMapper& mapUV) : mapUV(mapUV) {}
+ __forceinline PlueckerHitM(const vbool<M>& valid, const vfloat<M>& U, const vfloat<M>& V, const vfloat<M>& UVW, const vfloat<M>& t, const Vec3vf<M>& Ng, const UVMapper& mapUV)
+ : U(U), V(V), UVW(UVW), mapUV(mapUV), valid(valid), vt(t), vNg(Ng) {}
+ __forceinline void finalize()
+ {
+ const vbool<M> invalid = abs(UVW) < min_rcp_input;
+ const vfloat<M> rcpUVW = select(invalid,vfloat<M>(0.0f),rcp(UVW));
+ vu = min(U * rcpUVW,1.0f);
+ vv = min(V * rcpUVW,1.0f);
+ mapUV(vu,vv,vNg);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec2vf<M> uv() const { return Vec2vf<M>(vu,vv); }
+ __forceinline vfloat<M> t () const { return vt; }
+ __forceinline Vec3vf<M> Ng() const { return vNg; }
+ __forceinline Vec2f uv (const size_t i) const { return Vec2f(vu[i],vv[i]); }
+ __forceinline float t (const size_t i) const { return vt[i]; }
+ __forceinline Vec3fa Ng(const size_t i) const { return Vec3fa(vNg.x[i],vNg.y[i],vNg.z[i]); }
+ public:
+ vfloat<M> U;
+ vfloat<M> V;
+ vfloat<M> UVW;
+ const UVMapper& mapUV;
+ public:
+ vbool<M> valid;
+ vfloat<M> vu;
+ vfloat<M> vv;
+ vfloat<M> vt;
+ Vec3vf<M> vNg;
+ };
+ template<int M, bool early_out = true>
+ struct PlueckerIntersector1
+ {
+ __forceinline PlueckerIntersector1() {}
+ __forceinline PlueckerIntersector1(const Ray& ray, const void* ptr) {}
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid0,
+ Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVMapper>& hit) const
+ {
+ vbool<M> valid = valid0;
+ /* calculate vertices relative to ray origin */
+ const Vec3vf<M> O = Vec3vf<M>((Vec3fa);
+ const Vec3vf<M> D = Vec3vf<M>((Vec3fa)ray.dir);
+ const Vec3vf<M> v0 = tri_v0-O;
+ const Vec3vf<M> v1 = tri_v1-O;
+ const Vec3vf<M> v2 = tri_v2-O;
+ /* calculate triangle edges */
+ const Vec3vf<M> e0 = v2-v0;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e2 = v1-v2;
+ /* perform edge tests */
+ const vfloat<M> U = dot(cross(e0,v2+v0),D);
+ const vfloat<M> V = dot(cross(e1,v0+v1),D);
+ const vfloat<M> W = dot(cross(e2,v1+v2),D);
+ const vfloat<M> UVW = U+V+W;
+ const vfloat<M> eps = float(ulp)*abs(UVW);
+ valid &= max(U,V,W) <= eps;
+ valid &= (min(U,V,W) >= -eps) | (max(U,V,W) <= eps);
+ if (unlikely(early_out && none(valid))) return false;
+ /* calculate geometry normal and denominator */
+ const Vec3vf<M> Ng = stable_triangle_normal(e0,e1,e2);
+ const vfloat<M> den = twice(dot(Ng,D));
+ /* perform depth test */
+ const vfloat<M> T = twice(dot(v0,Ng));
+ const vfloat<M> t = rcp(den)*T;
+ valid &= vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()) <= t & t <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar);
+ valid &= den != vfloat<M>(zero);
+ if (unlikely(early_out && none(valid))) return false;
+ /* update hit information */
+ new (&hit) PlueckerHitM<M,UVMapper>(valid,U,V,UVW,t,Ng,mapUV);
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline bool intersectEdge(const vbool<M>& valid,
+ Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVMapper>& hit) const
+ {
+ return intersect(valid,ray,tri_v0,tri_v1,tri_v2,mapUV,hit);
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline bool intersectEdge(Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVMapper>& hit) const
+ {
+ vbool<M> valid = true;
+ return intersect(valid,ray,tri_v0,tri_v1,tri_v2,mapUV,hit);
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVMapper>& hit) const
+ {
+ return intersectEdge(ray,tri_v0,tri_v1,tri_v2,mapUV,hit);
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersectEdge(Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& e1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& e2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVMapper> hit(mapUV);
+ if (likely(intersectEdge(ray,v0,e1,e2,mapUV,hit))) return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVMapper> hit(mapUV);
+ if (likely(intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,mapUV,hit))) return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ auto mapUV = UVIdentity<M>();
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> hit(mapUV);
+ if (likely(intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,mapUV,hit))) return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid,
+ Ray& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVMapper> hit(mapUV);
+ if (likely(intersect(valid,ray,v0,v1,v2,mapUV,hit))) return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ template<int K, typename UVMapper>
+ struct PlueckerHitK
+ {
+ __forceinline PlueckerHitK(const UVMapper& mapUV) : mapUV(mapUV) {}
+ __forceinline PlueckerHitK(const vfloat<K>& U, const vfloat<K>& V, const vfloat<K>& UVW, const vfloat<K>& t, const Vec3vf<K>& Ng, const UVMapper& mapUV)
+ : U(U), V(V), UVW(UVW), t(t), Ng(Ng), mapUV(mapUV) {}
+ __forceinline std::tuple<vfloat<K>,vfloat<K>,vfloat<K>,Vec3vf<K>> operator() () const
+ {
+ const vbool<K> invalid = abs(UVW) < min_rcp_input;
+ const vfloat<K> rcpUVW = select(invalid,vfloat<K>(0.0f),rcp(UVW));
+ vfloat<K> u = min(U * rcpUVW,1.0f);
+ vfloat<K> v = min(V * rcpUVW,1.0f);
+ Vec3vf<K> vNg = Ng;
+ mapUV(u,v,vNg);
+ return std::make_tuple(u,v,t,vNg);
+ }
+ vfloat<K> U;
+ vfloat<K> V;
+ const vfloat<K> UVW;
+ const vfloat<K> t;
+ const Vec3vf<K> Ng;
+ const UVMapper& mapUV;
+ };
+ template<int M, int K>
+ struct PlueckerIntersectorK
+ {
+ __forceinline PlueckerIntersectorK() {}
+ __forceinline PlueckerIntersectorK(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray) {}
+ /*! Intersects K rays with one of M triangles. */
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ PlueckerHitK<K,UVMapper> &hit) const
+ {
+ /* calculate vertices relative to ray origin */
+ vbool<K> valid = valid0;
+ const Vec3vf<K> O =;
+ const Vec3vf<K> D = ray.dir;
+ const Vec3vf<K> v0 = tri_v0-O;
+ const Vec3vf<K> v1 = tri_v1-O;
+ const Vec3vf<K> v2 = tri_v2-O;
+ /* calculate triangle edges */
+ const Vec3vf<K> e0 = v2-v0;
+ const Vec3vf<K> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<K> e2 = v1-v2;
+ /* perform edge tests */
+ const vfloat<K> U = dot(Vec3vf<K>(cross(e0,v2+v0)),D);
+ const vfloat<K> V = dot(Vec3vf<K>(cross(e1,v0+v1)),D);
+ const vfloat<K> W = dot(Vec3vf<K>(cross(e2,v1+v2)),D);
+ const vfloat<K> UVW = U+V+W;
+ const vfloat<K> eps = float(ulp)*abs(UVW);
+ valid &= max(U,V,W) <= eps;
+ valid &= (min(U,V,W) >= -eps) | (max(U,V,W) <= eps);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return valid;
+ /* calculate geometry normal and denominator */
+ const Vec3vf<K> Ng = stable_triangle_normal(e0,e1,e2);
+ const vfloat<K> den = twice(dot(Vec3vf<K>(Ng),D));
+ /* perform depth test */
+ const vfloat<K> T = twice(dot(v0,Vec3vf<K>(Ng)));
+ const vfloat<K> t = rcp(den)*T;
+ valid &= ray.tnear() <= t & t <= ray.tfar;
+ valid &= den != vfloat<K>(zero);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return valid;
+ /* calculate hit information */
+ new (&hit) PlueckerHitK<K,UVMapper>(U,V,UVW,t,Ng,mapUV);
+ return valid;
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v2,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<K> mapUV;
+ PlueckerHitK<K,UVIdentity<K>> hit(mapUV);
+ const vbool<K> valid = intersectK(valid0,ray,tri_v0,tri_v1,tri_v2,mapUV,hit);
+ return epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ PlueckerHitK<K,UVMapper> hit(mapUV);
+ const vbool<K> valid = intersectK(valid0,ray,tri_v0,tri_v1,tri_v2,mapUV,hit);
+ return epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ /*! Intersect k'th ray from ray packet of size K with M triangles. */
+ template<typename UVMapper>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVMapper> &hit) const
+ {
+ /* calculate vertices relative to ray origin */
+ const Vec3vf<M> O = broadcast<vfloat<M>>(,k);
+ const Vec3vf<M> D = broadcast<vfloat<M>>(ray.dir,k);
+ const Vec3vf<M> v0 = tri_v0-O;
+ const Vec3vf<M> v1 = tri_v1-O;
+ const Vec3vf<M> v2 = tri_v2-O;
+ /* calculate triangle edges */
+ const Vec3vf<M> e0 = v2-v0;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e2 = v1-v2;
+ /* perform edge tests */
+ const vfloat<M> U = dot(cross(e0,v2+v0),D);
+ const vfloat<M> V = dot(cross(e1,v0+v1),D);
+ const vfloat<M> W = dot(cross(e2,v1+v2),D);
+ const vfloat<M> UVW = U+V+W;
+ const vfloat<M> eps = float(ulp)*abs(UVW);
+ vbool<M> valid = max(U,V,W) <= eps;
+ vbool<M> valid = (min(U,V,W) >= -eps) | (max(U,V,W) <= eps);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* calculate geometry normal and denominator */
+ const Vec3vf<M> Ng = stable_triangle_normal(e0,e1,e2);
+ const vfloat<M> den = twice(dot(Ng,D));
+ /* perform depth test */
+ const vfloat<M> T = twice(dot(v0,Ng));
+ const vfloat<M> t = rcp(den)*T;
+ valid &= vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()[k]) <= t & t <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* avoid division by 0 */
+ valid &= den != vfloat<M>(zero);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* update hit information */
+ new (&hit) PlueckerHitM<M,UVMapper>(valid,U,V,UVW,t,Ng,mapUV);
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<typename UVMapper, typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v2,
+ const UVMapper& mapUV,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVMapper> hit(mapUV);
+ if (intersect(ray,k,tri_v0,tri_v1,tri_v2,mapUV,hit))
+ return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(RayK<K>& ray, size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v2,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ UVIdentity<M> mapUV;
+ PlueckerHitM<M,UVIdentity<M>> hit(mapUV);
+ if (intersect(ray,k,tri_v0,tri_v1,tri_v2,mapUV,hit))
+ return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_intersector_woop.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_intersector_woop.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f05dcc4537
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_intersector_woop.h
@@ -0,0 +1,418 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "triangle.h"
+#include "intersector_epilog.h"
+/*! This intersector implements a modified version of the Woop's ray-triangle intersection test */
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ struct WoopHitM
+ {
+ __forceinline WoopHitM() {}
+ __forceinline WoopHitM(const vbool<M>& valid,
+ const vfloat<M>& U,
+ const vfloat<M>& V,
+ const vfloat<M>& T,
+ const vfloat<M>& inv_det,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& Ng)
+ : U(U), V(V), T(T), inv_det(inv_det), valid(valid), vNg(Ng) {}
+ __forceinline void finalize()
+ {
+ vt = T;
+ vu = U*inv_det;
+ vv = V*inv_det;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec2f uv (const size_t i) const { return Vec2f(vu[i],vv[i]); }
+ __forceinline float t (const size_t i) const { return vt[i]; }
+ __forceinline Vec3fa Ng(const size_t i) const { return Vec3fa(vNg.x[i],vNg.y[i],vNg.z[i]); }
+ private:
+ const vfloat<M> U;
+ const vfloat<M> V;
+ const vfloat<M> T;
+ const vfloat<M> inv_det;
+ public:
+ const vbool<M> valid;
+ vfloat<M> vu;
+ vfloat<M> vv;
+ vfloat<M> vt;
+ Vec3vf<M> vNg;
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ struct WoopPrecalculations1
+ {
+ unsigned int kx,ky,kz;
+ Vec3vf<M> org;
+ Vec3fa S;
+ __forceinline WoopPrecalculations1() {}
+ __forceinline WoopPrecalculations1(const Ray& ray, const void* ptr)
+ {
+ kz = maxDim(abs(ray.dir));
+ kx = (kz+1) % 3;
+ ky = (kx+1) % 3;
+ const float inv_dir_kz = rcp(ray.dir[kz]);
+ if (ray.dir[kz]) std::swap(kx,ky);
+ S.x = ray.dir[kx] * inv_dir_kz;
+ S.y = ray.dir[ky] * inv_dir_kz;
+ S.z = inv_dir_kz;
+ org = Vec3vf<M>([kx],[ky],[kz]);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ struct WoopIntersector1
+ {
+ typedef WoopPrecalculations1<M> Precalculations;
+ __forceinline WoopIntersector1() {}
+ __forceinline WoopIntersector1(const Ray& ray, const void* ptr) {}
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid0,
+ Ray& ray,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v2,
+ WoopHitM<M>& hit)
+ {
+ vbool<M> valid = valid0;
+ /* vertices relative to ray origin */
+ const Vec3vf<M> org = Vec3vf<M>(,,;
+ const Vec3vf<M> A = Vec3vf<M>(tri_v0[pre.kx],tri_v0[],tri_v0[]) - org;
+ const Vec3vf<M> B = Vec3vf<M>(tri_v1[pre.kx],tri_v1[],tri_v1[]) - org;
+ const Vec3vf<M> C = Vec3vf<M>(tri_v2[pre.kx],tri_v2[],tri_v2[]) - org;
+ /* shear and scale vertices */
+ const vfloat<M> Ax = nmadd(A.z,pre.S.x,A.x);
+ const vfloat<M> Ay = nmadd(A.z,pre.S.y,A.y);
+ const vfloat<M> Bx = nmadd(B.z,pre.S.x,B.x);
+ const vfloat<M> By = nmadd(B.z,pre.S.y,B.y);
+ const vfloat<M> Cx = nmadd(C.z,pre.S.x,C.x);
+ const vfloat<M> Cy = nmadd(C.z,pre.S.y,C.y);
+ /* scaled barycentric */
+ const vfloat<M> U0 = Cx*By;
+ const vfloat<M> U1 = Cy*Bx;
+ const vfloat<M> V0 = Ax*Cy;
+ const vfloat<M> V1 = Ay*Cx;
+ const vfloat<M> W0 = Bx*Ay;
+ const vfloat<M> W1 = By*Ax;
+#if !defined(__AVX512F__)
+ valid &= (U0 >= U1) & (V0 >= V1) & (W0 >= W1) |
+ (U0 <= U1) & (V0 <= V1) & (W0 <= W1);
+ valid &= ge(ge(U0 >= U1,V0,V1),W0,W1) | le(le(U0 <= U1,V0,V1),W0,W1);
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ const vfloat<M> U = U0-U1;
+ const vfloat<M> V = V0-V1;
+ const vfloat<M> W = W0-W1;
+ const vfloat<M> det = U+V+W;
+ valid &= det != 0.0f;
+ const vfloat<M> inv_det = rcp(det);
+ const vfloat<M> Az = pre.S.z * A.z;
+ const vfloat<M> Bz = pre.S.z * B.z;
+ const vfloat<M> Cz = pre.S.z * C.z;
+ const vfloat<M> T = madd(U,Az,madd(V,Bz,W*Cz));
+ const vfloat<M> t = T * inv_det;
+ /* perform depth test */
+ valid &= (vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()) < t) & (t <= vfloat<M>(ray.tfar));
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ const Vec3vf<M> tri_Ng = cross(tri_v2-tri_v0,tri_v0-tri_v1);
+ /* update hit information */
+ new (&hit) WoopHitM<M>(valid,U,V,t,inv_det,tri_Ng);
+ return true;
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(Ray& ray,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ WoopHitM<M>& hit)
+ {
+ vbool<M> valid = true;
+ return intersect(valid,ray,pre,v0,v1,v2,hit);
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(Ray& ray,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ WoopHitM<M> hit;
+ if (likely(intersect(ray,pre,v0,v1,v2,hit))) return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ static __forceinline bool intersect(const vbool<M>& valid,
+ Ray& ray,
+ const Precalculations& pre,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const Epilog& epilog)
+ {
+ WoopHitM<M> hit;
+ if (likely(intersect(valid,ray,pre,v0,v1,v2,hit))) return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ };
+#if 0
+ template<int K>
+ struct WoopHitK
+ {
+ __forceinline WoopHitK(const vfloat<K>& U, const vfloat<K>& V, const vfloat<K>& T, const vfloat<K>& absDen, const Vec3vf<K>& Ng)
+ : U(U), V(V), T(T), absDen(absDen), Ng(Ng) {}
+ __forceinline std::tuple<vfloat<K>,vfloat<K>,vfloat<K>,Vec3vf<K>> operator() () const
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> rcpAbsDen = rcp(absDen);
+ const vfloat<K> t = T * rcpAbsDen;
+ const vfloat<K> u = U * rcpAbsDen;
+ const vfloat<K> v = V * rcpAbsDen;
+ return std::make_tuple(u,v,t,Ng);
+ }
+ private:
+ const vfloat<K> U;
+ const vfloat<K> V;
+ const vfloat<K> T;
+ const vfloat<K> absDen;
+ const Vec3vf<K> Ng;
+ };
+ template<int M, int K>
+ struct WoopIntersectorK
+ {
+ __forceinline WoopIntersectorK(const vbool<K>& valid, const RayK<K>& ray) {}
+ /*! Intersects K rays with one of M triangles. */
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ //RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& ray_org,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& ray_dir,
+ const vfloat<K>& ray_tnear,
+ const vfloat<K>& ray_tfar,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_e2,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_Ng,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ /* calculate denominator */
+ vbool<K> valid = valid0;
+ const Vec3vf<K> C = tri_v0 - ray_org;
+ const Vec3vf<K> R = cross(C,ray_dir);
+ const vfloat<K> den = dot(tri_Ng,ray_dir);
+ const vfloat<K> absDen = abs(den);
+ const vfloat<K> sgnDen = signmsk(den);
+ /* test against edge p2 p0 */
+ const vfloat<K> U = dot(tri_e2,R) ^ sgnDen;
+ valid &= U >= 0.0f;
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* test against edge p0 p1 */
+ const vfloat<K> V = dot(tri_e1,R) ^ sgnDen;
+ valid &= V >= 0.0f;
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* test against edge p1 p2 */
+ const vfloat<K> W = absDen-U-V;
+ valid &= W >= 0.0f;
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* perform depth test */
+ const vfloat<K> T = dot(tri_Ng,C) ^ sgnDen;
+ valid &= (absDen*ray_tnear < T) & (T <= absDen*ray_tfar);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* perform backface culling */
+ valid &= den < vfloat<K>(zero);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ valid &= den != vfloat<K>(zero);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* calculate hit information */
+ WoopHitK<K> hit(U,V,T,absDen,tri_Ng);
+ return epilog(valid,hit);
+ }
+ /*! Intersects K rays with one of M triangles. */
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v2,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<K> e1 = tri_v0-tri_v1;
+ const Vec3vf<K> e2 = tri_v2-tri_v0;
+ const Vec3vf<K> Ng = cross(e2,e1);
+ return intersectK(valid0,,ray.dir,ray.tnear(),ray.tfar,tri_v0,e1,e2,Ng,epilog);
+ }
+ /*! Intersects K rays with one of M triangles. */
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline vbool<K> intersectEdgeK(const vbool<K>& valid0,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<K>& tri_e2,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<K> tri_Ng = cross(tri_e2,tri_e1);
+ return intersectK(valid0,,ray.dir,ray.tnear(),ray.tfar,tri_v0,tri_e1,tri_e2,tri_Ng,epilog);
+ }
+ /*! Intersect k'th ray from ray packet of size K with M triangles. */
+ __forceinline bool intersectEdge(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e2,
+ WoopHitM<M>& hit) const
+ {
+ /* calculate denominator */
+ typedef Vec3vf<M> Vec3vfM;
+ const Vec3vf<M> tri_Ng = cross(tri_e2,tri_e1);
+ const Vec3vfM O = broadcast<vfloat<M>>(,k);
+ const Vec3vfM D = broadcast<vfloat<M>>(ray.dir,k);
+ const Vec3vfM C = Vec3vfM(tri_v0) - O;
+ const Vec3vfM R = cross(C,D);
+ const vfloat<M> den = dot(Vec3vfM(tri_Ng),D);
+ const vfloat<M> absDen = abs(den);
+ const vfloat<M> sgnDen = signmsk(den);
+ /* perform edge tests */
+ const vfloat<M> U = dot(Vec3vf<M>(tri_e2),R) ^ sgnDen;
+ const vfloat<M> V = dot(Vec3vf<M>(tri_e1),R) ^ sgnDen;
+ /* perform backface culling */
+ vbool<M> valid = (den < vfloat<M>(zero)) & (U >= 0.0f) & (V >= 0.0f) & (U+V<=absDen);
+ vbool<M> valid = (den != vfloat<M>(zero)) & (U >= 0.0f) & (V >= 0.0f) & (U+V<=absDen);
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* perform depth test */
+ const vfloat<M> T = dot(Vec3vf<M>(tri_Ng),C) ^ sgnDen;
+ valid &= (absDen*vfloat<M>(ray.tnear()[k]) < T) & (T <= absDen*vfloat<M>(ray.tfar[k]));
+ if (likely(none(valid))) return false;
+ /* calculate hit information */
+ new (&hit) WoopHitM<M>(valid,U,V,T,absDen,tri_Ng);
+ return true;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool intersectEdge(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const BBox<vfloat<M>>& time_range,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e2,
+ WoopHitM<M>& hit) const
+ {
+ if (likely(intersect(ray,k,tri_v0,tri_e1,tri_e2,hit)))
+ {
+ hit.valid &= time_range.lower <= vfloat<M>(ray.time[k]);
+ hit.valid &= vfloat<M>(ray.time[k]) < time_range.upper;
+ return any(hit.valid);
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersectEdge(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e2,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ WoopHitM<M> hit;
+ if (likely(intersectEdge(ray,k,tri_v0,tri_e1,tri_e2,hit))) return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersectEdge(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const BBox<vfloat<M>>& time_range,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& tri_e2,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ WoopHitM<M> hit;
+ if (likely(intersectEdge(ray,k,time_range,tri_v0,tri_e1,tri_e2,hit))) return epilog(hit.valid,hit);
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e2 = v2-v0;
+ return intersectEdge(ray,k,v0,e1,e2,epilog);
+ }
+ template<typename Epilog>
+ __forceinline bool intersect(RayK<K>& ray,
+ size_t k,
+ const BBox<vfloat<M>>& time_range,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v0,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& v2,
+ const Epilog& epilog) const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> e1 = v0-v1;
+ const Vec3vf<M> e2 = v2-v0;
+ return intersectEdge(ray,k,time_range,v0,e1,e2,epilog);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_triangle_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_triangle_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..50106bcc16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/triangle_triangle_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "primitive.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct TriangleTriangleIntersector
+ {
+ __forceinline static float T(float pa0, float pa1, float da0, float da1) {
+ return pa0 + (pa1-pa0)*da0/(da0-da1);
+ }
+ __forceinline static bool point_line_side(const Vec2f& p, const Vec2f& a0, const Vec2f& a1) {
+ return det(p-a0,a0-a1) >= 0.0f;
+ }
+ __forceinline static bool point_inside_triangle(const Vec2f& p, const Vec2f& a, const Vec2f& b, const Vec2f& c)
+ {
+ const bool pab = point_line_side(p,a,b);
+ const bool pbc = point_line_side(p,b,c);
+ const bool pca = point_line_side(p,c,a);
+ return pab == pbc && pab == pca;
+ }
+ __forceinline static bool intersect_line_line(const Vec2f& a0, const Vec2f& a1, const Vec2f& b0, const Vec2f& b1)
+ {
+ const bool different_sides0 = point_line_side(b0,a0,a1) != point_line_side(b1,a0,a1);
+ const bool different_sides1 = point_line_side(a0,b0,b1) != point_line_side(a1,b0,b1);
+ return different_sides0 && different_sides1;
+ }
+ __forceinline static bool intersect_triangle_triangle (const Vec2f& a0, const Vec2f& a1, const Vec2f& a2,
+ const Vec2f& b0, const Vec2f& b1, const Vec2f& b2)
+ {
+ const bool a01_b01 = intersect_line_line(a0,a1,b0,b1);
+ if (a01_b01) return true;
+ const bool a01_b12 = intersect_line_line(a0,a1,b1,b2);
+ if (a01_b12) return true;
+ const bool a01_b20 = intersect_line_line(a0,a1,b2,b0);
+ if (a01_b20) return true;
+ const bool a12_b01 = intersect_line_line(a1,a2,b0,b1);
+ if (a12_b01) return true;
+ const bool a12_b12 = intersect_line_line(a1,a2,b1,b2);
+ if (a12_b12) return true;
+ const bool a12_b20 = intersect_line_line(a1,a2,b2,b0);
+ if (a12_b20) return true;
+ const bool a20_b01 = intersect_line_line(a2,a0,b0,b1);
+ if (a20_b01) return true;
+ const bool a20_b12 = intersect_line_line(a2,a0,b1,b2);
+ if (a20_b12) return true;
+ const bool a20_b20 = intersect_line_line(a2,a0,b2,b0);
+ if (a20_b20) return true;
+ bool a_in_b = point_inside_triangle(a0,b0,b1,b2) && point_inside_triangle(a1,b0,b1,b2) && point_inside_triangle(a2,b0,b1,b2);
+ if (a_in_b) return true;
+ bool b_in_a = point_inside_triangle(b0,a0,a1,a2) && point_inside_triangle(b1,a0,a1,a2) && point_inside_triangle(b2,a0,a1,a2);
+ if (b_in_a) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ static bool intersect_triangle_triangle (const Vec3fa& a0, const Vec3fa& a1, const Vec3fa& a2,
+ const Vec3fa& b0, const Vec3fa& b1, const Vec3fa& b2)
+ {
+ const float eps = 1E-5f;
+ /* calculate triangle planes */
+ const Vec3fa Na = cross(a1-a0,a2-a0);
+ const float Ca = dot(Na,a0);
+ const Vec3fa Nb = cross(b1-b0,b2-b0);
+ const float Cb = dot(Nb,b0);
+ /* project triangle A onto plane B */
+ const float da0 = dot(Nb,a0)-Cb;
+ const float da1 = dot(Nb,a1)-Cb;
+ const float da2 = dot(Nb,a2)-Cb;
+ if (max(da0,da1,da2) < -eps) return false;
+ if (min(da0,da1,da2) > +eps) return false;
+ //CSTAT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections4++);
+ /* project triangle B onto plane A */
+ const float db0 = dot(Na,b0)-Ca;
+ const float db1 = dot(Na,b1)-Ca;
+ const float db2 = dot(Na,b2)-Ca;
+ if (max(db0,db1,db2) < -eps) return false;
+ if (min(db0,db1,db2) > +eps) return false;
+ //CSTAT(bvh_collide_prim_intersections5++);
+ if (unlikely((std::fabs(da0) < eps && std::fabs(da1) < eps && std::fabs(da2) < eps) ||
+ (std::fabs(db0) < eps && std::fabs(db1) < eps && std::fabs(db2) < eps)))
+ {
+ const size_t dz = maxDim(Na);
+ const size_t dx = (dz+1)%3;
+ const size_t dy = (dx+1)%3;
+ const Vec2f A0(a0[dx],a0[dy]);
+ const Vec2f A1(a1[dx],a1[dy]);
+ const Vec2f A2(a2[dx],a2[dy]);
+ const Vec2f B0(b0[dx],b0[dy]);
+ const Vec2f B1(b1[dx],b1[dy]);
+ const Vec2f B2(b2[dx],b2[dy]);
+ return intersect_triangle_triangle(A0,A1,A2,B0,B1,B2);
+ }
+ const Vec3fa D = cross(Na,Nb);
+ const float pa0 = dot(D,a0);
+ const float pa1 = dot(D,a1);
+ const float pa2 = dot(D,a2);
+ const float pb0 = dot(D,b0);
+ const float pb1 = dot(D,b1);
+ const float pb2 = dot(D,b2);
+ BBox1f ba = empty;
+ if (min(da0,da1) <= 0.0f && max(da0,da1) >= 0.0f && abs(da0-da1) > 0.0f) ba.extend(T(pa0,pa1,da0,da1));
+ if (min(da1,da2) <= 0.0f && max(da1,da2) >= 0.0f && abs(da1-da2) > 0.0f) ba.extend(T(pa1,pa2,da1,da2));
+ if (min(da2,da0) <= 0.0f && max(da2,da0) >= 0.0f && abs(da2-da0) > 0.0f) ba.extend(T(pa2,pa0,da2,da0));
+ BBox1f bb = empty;
+ if (min(db0,db1) <= 0.0f && max(db0,db1) >= 0.0f && abs(db0-db1) > 0.0f) bb.extend(T(pb0,pb1,db0,db1));
+ if (min(db1,db2) <= 0.0f && max(db1,db2) >= 0.0f && abs(db1-db2) > 0.0f) bb.extend(T(pb1,pb2,db1,db2));
+ if (min(db2,db0) <= 0.0f && max(db2,db0) >= 0.0f && abs(db2-db0) > 0.0f) bb.extend(T(pb2,pb0,db2,db0));
+ return conjoint(ba,bb);
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglei.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglei.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6aad48a5ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglei.h
@@ -0,0 +1,442 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "primitive.h"
+#include "../common/scene.h"
+namespace embree
+ /* Stores M triangles from an indexed face set */
+ template <int M>
+ struct TriangleMi
+ {
+ /* Virtual interface to query information about the triangle type */
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType
+ {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /* primitive supports multiple time segments */
+ static const bool singleTimeSegment = false;
+ /* Returns maximum number of stored triangles */
+ static __forceinline size_t max_size() { return M; }
+ /* Returns required number of primitive blocks for N primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t blocks(size_t N) { return (N+max_size()-1)/max_size(); }
+ public:
+ /* Default constructor */
+ __forceinline TriangleMi() { }
+ /* Construction from vertices and IDs */
+ __forceinline TriangleMi(const vuint<M>& v0,
+ const vuint<M>& v1,
+ const vuint<M>& v2,
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs,
+ const vuint<M>& primIDs)
+ : geomIDs(geomIDs), primIDs(primIDs) {}
+ : v0_(v0), v1_(v1), v2_(v2), geomIDs(geomIDs), primIDs(primIDs) {}
+ /* Returns a mask that tells which triangles are valid */
+ __forceinline vbool<M> valid() const { return primIDs != vuint<M>(-1); }
+ /* Returns if the specified triangle is valid */
+ __forceinline bool valid(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return primIDs[i] != -1; }
+ /* Returns the number of stored triangles */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const { return bsf(~movemask(valid())); }
+ /* Returns the geometry IDs */
+ __forceinline vuint<M> geomID() const { return geomIDs; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int geomID(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return geomIDs[i]; }
+ /* Returns the primitive IDs */
+ __forceinline vuint<M> primID() const { return primIDs; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int primID(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return primIDs[i]; }
+ /* Calculate the bounds of the triangles */
+ __forceinline const BBox3fa bounds(const Scene *const scene, const size_t itime=0) const
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && valid(i); i++) {
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID(i));
+ bounds.extend(mesh->bounds(primID(i),itime));
+ }
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ /* Calculate the linear bounds of the primitive */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene *const scene, size_t itime) {
+ return LBBox3fa(bounds(scene,itime+0),bounds(scene,itime+1));
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene *const scene, size_t itime, size_t numTimeSteps)
+ {
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && valid(i); i++)
+ {
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID(i));
+ allBounds.extend(mesh->linearBounds(primID(i), itime, numTimeSteps));
+ }
+ return allBounds;
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const Scene *const scene, const BBox1f time_range)
+ {
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && valid(i); i++)
+ {
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID(i));
+ allBounds.extend(mesh->linearBounds(primID(i), time_range));
+ }
+ return allBounds;
+ }
+ /* Non-temporal store */
+ __forceinline static void store_nt(TriangleMi* dst, const TriangleMi& src)
+ {
+ vuint<M>::store_nt(&dst->v0_,src.v0_);
+ vuint<M>::store_nt(&dst->v1_,src.v1_);
+ vuint<M>::store_nt(&dst->v2_,src.v2_);
+ vuint<M>::store_nt(&dst->geomIDs,src.geomIDs);
+ vuint<M>::store_nt(&dst->primIDs,src.primIDs);
+ }
+ /* Fill triangle from triangle list */
+ template<typename PrimRefT>
+ __forceinline void fill(const PrimRefT* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene)
+ {
+ vuint<M> v0 = zero, v1 = zero, v2 = zero;
+ vuint<M> geomID = -1, primID = -1;
+ const PrimRefT* prim = &prims[begin];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M; i++)
+ {
+ if (begin<end) {
+ geomID[i] = prim->geomID();
+ primID[i] = prim->primID();
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(prim->geomID());
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(prim->primID());
+ unsigned int int_stride = mesh->vertices0.getStride()/4;
+ v0[i] = tri.v[0] * int_stride;
+ v1[i] = tri.v[1] * int_stride;
+ v2[i] = tri.v[2] * int_stride;
+ begin++;
+ } else {
+ assert(i);
+ if (likely(i > 0)) {
+ geomID[i] = geomID[0];
+ primID[i] = -1;
+ v0[i] = v0[0];
+ v1[i] = v0[0];
+ v2[i] = v0[0];
+ }
+ }
+ if (begin<end) prim = &prims[begin];
+ }
+ new (this) TriangleMi(v0,v1,v2,geomID,primID); // FIXME: use non temporal store
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(const PrimRef* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene, size_t itime)
+ {
+ fill(prims, begin, end, scene);
+ return linearBounds(scene, itime);
+ }
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(const PrimRefMB* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene, const BBox1f time_range)
+ {
+ fill(prims, begin, end, scene);
+ return linearBounds(scene, time_range);
+ }
+ /* Updates the primitive */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa update(TriangleMesh* mesh)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M; i++)
+ {
+ if (primID(i) == -1) break;
+ const unsigned int primId = primID(i);
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primId);
+ const Vec3fa p0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa p1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa p2 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[2]);
+ bounds.extend(merge(BBox3fa(p0),BBox3fa(p1),BBox3fa(p2)));
+ }
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ protected:
+ vuint<M> v0_; // 4 byte offset of 1st vertex
+ vuint<M> v1_; // 4 byte offset of 2nd vertex
+ vuint<M> v2_; // 4 byte offset of 3rd vertex
+ vuint<M> geomIDs; // geometry ID of mesh
+ vuint<M> primIDs; // primitive ID of primitive inside mesh
+ };
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int M>
+ struct TriangleMi : public embree::TriangleMi<M>
+ {
+ using embree::TriangleMi<M>::v0_;
+ using embree::TriangleMi<M>::v1_;
+ using embree::TriangleMi<M>::v2_;
+ using embree::TriangleMi<M>::geomIDs;
+ using embree::TriangleMi<M>::primIDs;
+ using embree::TriangleMi<M>::geomID;
+ using embree::TriangleMi<M>::primID;
+ using embree::TriangleMi<M>::valid;
+ /* loads a single vertex */
+ template<int vid>
+ __forceinline Vec3f getVertex(const size_t index, const Scene *const scene) const
+ {
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID(index));
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primID(index));
+ return (Vec3f) mesh->vertices[0][tri.v[vid]];
+ const vuint<M>& v = getVertexOffset<vid>();
+ const float* vertices = scene->vertices[geomID(index)];
+ return (Vec3f&) vertices[v[index]];
+ }
+ template<int vid, typename T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> getVertex(const size_t index, const Scene *const scene, const size_t itime, const T& ftime) const
+ {
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID(index));
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primID(index));
+ const Vec3fa v0 = mesh->vertices[itime+0][tri.v[vid]];
+ const Vec3fa v1 = mesh->vertices[itime+1][tri.v[vid]];
+ const vuint<M>& v = getVertexOffset<vid>();
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID(index));
+ const float* vertices0 = (const float*) mesh->vertexPtr(0,itime+0);
+ const float* vertices1 = (const float*) mesh->vertexPtr(0,itime+1);
+ const Vec3fa v0 = Vec3fa::loadu(vertices0+v[index]);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = Vec3fa::loadu(vertices1+v[index]);
+ const Vec3<T> p0(v0.x,v0.y,v0.z);
+ const Vec3<T> p1(v1.x,v1.y,v1.z);
+ return lerp(p0,p1,ftime);
+ }
+ template<int vid, int K, typename T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> getVertex(const vbool<K>& valid, const size_t index, const Scene *const scene, const vint<K>& itime, const T& ftime) const
+ {
+ Vec3<T> p0, p1;
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID(index));
+ for (size_t mask=movemask(valid), i=bsf(mask); mask; mask=btc(mask,i), i=bsf(mask))
+ {
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primID(index));
+ const Vec3fa v0 = mesh->vertices[itime[i]+0][tri.v[vid]];
+ const Vec3fa v1 = mesh->vertices[itime[i]+1][tri.v[vid]];
+ const vuint<M>& v = getVertexOffset<vid>();
+ const float* vertices0 = (const float*) mesh->vertexPtr(0,itime[i]+0);
+ const float* vertices1 = (const float*) mesh->vertexPtr(0,itime[i]+1);
+ const Vec3fa v0 = Vec3fa::loadu(vertices0+v[index]);
+ const Vec3fa v1 = Vec3fa::loadu(vertices1+v[index]);
+ p0.x[i] = v0.x; p0.y[i] = v0.y; p0.z[i] = v0.z;
+ p1.x[i] = v1.x; p1.y[i] = v1.y; p1.z[i] = v1.z;
+ }
+ return (T(one)-ftime)*p0 + ftime*p1;
+ }
+ struct Triangle {
+ vfloat4 v0,v1,v2;
+ };
+ __forceinline Triangle loadTriangle(const int i, const Scene* const scene) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int geomID = geomIDs[i];
+ const unsigned int primID = primIDs[i];
+ if (unlikely(primID == -1)) return { zero, zero, zero };
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID);
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primID);
+ const vfloat4 v0 = (vfloat4) mesh->vertices0[tri.v[0]];
+ const vfloat4 v1 = (vfloat4) mesh->vertices0[tri.v[1]];
+ const vfloat4 v2 = (vfloat4) mesh->vertices0[tri.v[2]];
+ return { v0, v1, v2 };
+ }
+ __forceinline Triangle loadTriangle(const int i, const int itime, const TriangleMesh* const mesh) const
+ {
+ const unsigned int primID = primIDs[i];
+ if (unlikely(primID == -1)) return { zero, zero, zero };
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primID);
+ const vfloat4 v0 = (vfloat4) mesh->vertices[itime][tri.v[0]];
+ const vfloat4 v1 = (vfloat4) mesh->vertices[itime][tri.v[1]];
+ const vfloat4 v2 = (vfloat4) mesh->vertices[itime][tri.v[2]];
+ return { v0, v1, v2 };
+ }
+ __forceinline Triangle loadTriangle(const int i, const Scene* const scene) const
+ {
+ const float* vertices = scene->vertices[geomID(i)];
+ const vfloat4 v0 = vfloat4::loadu(vertices + v0_[i]);
+ const vfloat4 v1 = vfloat4::loadu(vertices + v1_[i]);
+ const vfloat4 v2 = vfloat4::loadu(vertices + v2_[i]);
+ return { v0, v1, v2 };
+ }
+ __forceinline Triangle loadTriangle(const int i, const int itime, const TriangleMesh* const mesh) const
+ {
+ const float* vertices = (const float*) mesh->vertexPtr(0,itime);
+ const vfloat4 v0 = vfloat4::loadu(vertices + v0_[i]);
+ const vfloat4 v1 = vfloat4::loadu(vertices + v1_[i]);
+ const vfloat4 v2 = vfloat4::loadu(vertices + v2_[i]);
+ return { v0, v1, v2 };
+ }
+ /* Gather the triangles */
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3vf<M>& p0, Vec3vf<M>& p1, Vec3vf<M>& p2, const Scene* const scene) const;
+ template<int K>
+#if defined(__INTEL_COMPILER) && (__INTEL_COMPILER < 2000) // workaround for compiler bug in ICC 2019
+ __noinline
+ __forceinline
+ void gather(const vbool<K>& valid,
+ Vec3vf<K>& p0,
+ Vec3vf<K>& p1,
+ Vec3vf<K>& p2,
+ const size_t index,
+ const Scene* const scene,
+ const vfloat<K>& time) const
+ {
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID(index));
+ vfloat<K> ftime;
+ const vint<K> itime = mesh->timeSegment<K>(time, ftime);
+ const size_t first = bsf(movemask(valid));
+ if (likely(all(valid,itime[first] == itime)))
+ {
+ p0 = getVertex<0>(index, scene, itime[first], ftime);
+ p1 = getVertex<1>(index, scene, itime[first], ftime);
+ p2 = getVertex<2>(index, scene, itime[first], ftime);
+ } else {
+ p0 = getVertex<0,K>(valid, index, scene, itime, ftime);
+ p1 = getVertex<1,K>(valid, index, scene, itime, ftime);
+ p2 = getVertex<2,K>(valid, index, scene, itime, ftime);
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3vf<M>& p0,
+ Vec3vf<M>& p1,
+ Vec3vf<M>& p2,
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh,
+ const Scene *const scene,
+ const int itime) const;
+ __forceinline void gather(Vec3vf<M>& p0,
+ Vec3vf<M>& p1,
+ Vec3vf<M>& p2,
+ const Scene *const scene,
+ const float time) const;
+ template<int N> const vuint<M>& getVertexOffset() const;
+ };
+ template<> template<> __forceinline const vuint<4>& TriangleMi<4>::getVertexOffset<0>() const { return v0_; }
+ template<> template<> __forceinline const vuint<4>& TriangleMi<4>::getVertexOffset<1>() const { return v1_; }
+ template<> template<> __forceinline const vuint<4>& TriangleMi<4>::getVertexOffset<2>() const { return v2_; }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void TriangleMi<4>::gather(Vec3vf4& p0,
+ Vec3vf4& p1,
+ Vec3vf4& p2,
+ const Scene* const scene) const
+ {
+ const Triangle tri0 = loadTriangle(0,scene);
+ const Triangle tri1 = loadTriangle(1,scene);
+ const Triangle tri2 = loadTriangle(2,scene);
+ const Triangle tri3 = loadTriangle(3,scene);
+ transpose(tri0.v0,tri1.v0,tri2.v0,tri3.v0,p0.x,p0.y,p0.z);
+ transpose(tri0.v1,tri1.v1,tri2.v1,tri3.v1,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z);
+ transpose(tri0.v2,tri1.v2,tri2.v2,tri3.v2,p2.x,p2.y,p2.z);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void TriangleMi<4>::gather(Vec3vf4& p0,
+ Vec3vf4& p1,
+ Vec3vf4& p2,
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh,
+ const Scene *const scene,
+ const int itime) const
+ {
+ const Triangle tri0 = loadTriangle(0,itime,mesh);
+ const Triangle tri1 = loadTriangle(1,itime,mesh);
+ const Triangle tri2 = loadTriangle(2,itime,mesh);
+ const Triangle tri3 = loadTriangle(3,itime,mesh);
+ transpose(tri0.v0,tri1.v0,tri2.v0,tri3.v0,p0.x,p0.y,p0.z);
+ transpose(tri0.v1,tri1.v1,tri2.v1,tri3.v1,p1.x,p1.y,p1.z);
+ transpose(tri0.v2,tri1.v2,tri2.v2,tri3.v2,p2.x,p2.y,p2.z);
+ }
+ template<>
+ __forceinline void TriangleMi<4>::gather(Vec3vf4& p0,
+ Vec3vf4& p1,
+ Vec3vf4& p2,
+ const Scene *const scene,
+ const float time) const
+ {
+ const TriangleMesh* mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID(0)); // in mblur mode all geometries are identical
+ float ftime;
+ const int itime = mesh->timeSegment(time, ftime);
+ Vec3vf4 a0,a1,a2; gather(a0,a1,a2,mesh,scene,itime);
+ Vec3vf4 b0,b1,b2; gather(b0,b1,b2,mesh,scene,itime+1);
+ p0 = lerp(a0,b0,vfloat4(ftime));
+ p1 = lerp(a1,b1,vfloat4(ftime));
+ p2 = lerp(a2,b2,vfloat4(ftime));
+ }
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ typename TriangleMi<M>::Type TriangleMi<M>::type;
+ typedef TriangleMi<4> Triangle4i;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglei_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglei_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7deb9e72d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglei_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "trianglei.h"
+#include "triangle_intersector_moeller.h"
+#include "triangle_intersector_pluecker.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! Intersects M triangles with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMiIntersector1Moeller
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef MoellerTrumboreIntersector1<M> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0, v1, v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene);
+ pre.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0, v1, v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene);
+ return pre.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, tri);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M triangles with K rays */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMiIntersectorKMoeller
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef MoellerTrumboreIntersectorK<M,K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ const Scene* scene = context->scene;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<Primitive::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),RayHitK<K>::size());
+ const Vec3vf<K> v0 = tri.template getVertex<0>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v1 = tri.template getVertex<1>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v2 = tri.template getVertex<2>(i,scene);
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,v0,v1,v2,IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ const Scene* scene = context->scene;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<Primitive::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),RayHitK<K>::size());
+ const Vec3vf<K> v0 = tri.template getVertex<0>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v1 = tri.template getVertex<1>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v2 = tri.template getVertex<2>(i,scene);
+ pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,v0,v1,v2,OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ if (none(valid0)) break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0, v1, v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene);
+ pre.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0, v1, v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene);
+ return pre.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M triangles with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMiIntersector1Pluecker
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef PlueckerIntersector1<M> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0, v1, v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene);
+ pre.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0, v1, v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene);
+ return pre.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, tri);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M triangles with K rays */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMiIntersectorKPluecker
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef PlueckerIntersectorK<M,K> Precalculations;
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ const Scene* scene = context->scene;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<Primitive::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),RayHitK<K>::size());
+ const Vec3vf<K> v0 = tri.template getVertex<0>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v1 = tri.template getVertex<1>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v2 = tri.template getVertex<2>(i,scene);
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,v0,v1,v2,IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ const Scene* scene = context->scene;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<Primitive::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),RayHitK<K>::size());
+ const Vec3vf<K> v0 = tri.template getVertex<0>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v1 = tri.template getVertex<1>(i,scene);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v2 = tri.template getVertex<2>(i,scene);
+ pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,v0,v1,v2,OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ if (none(valid0)) break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0, v1, v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene);
+ pre.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0, v1, v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene);
+ return pre.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M motion blur triangles with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMiMBIntersector1Moeller
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef MoellerTrumboreIntersector1<M> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene,ray.time());
+ pre.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene,ray.time());
+ return pre.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, tri);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M motion blur triangles with K rays. */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMiMBIntersectorKMoeller
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef MoellerTrumboreIntersectorK<M,K> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersects K rays with M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMi<M>& tri)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<TriangleMi<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ Vec3vf<K> v0,v1,v2; tri.template gather<K>(valid_i,v0,v1,v2,i,context->scene,ray.time());
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,v0,v1,v2,IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test for K rays if they are occluded by any of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMi<M>& tri)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<TriangleMi<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid0),K);
+ Vec3vf<K> v0,v1,v2; tri.template gather<K>(valid_i,v0,v1,v2,i,context->scene,ray.time());
+ pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,v0,v1,v2,OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ if (none(valid0)) break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMi<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene,ray.time()[k]);
+ pre.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMi<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene,ray.time()[k]);
+ return pre.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M motion blur triangles with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMiMBIntersector1Pluecker
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef PlueckerIntersector1<M> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene,ray.time());
+ pre.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene,ray.time());
+ return pre.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, tri);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M motion blur triangles with K rays. */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMiMBIntersectorKPluecker
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMi<M> Primitive;
+ typedef PlueckerIntersectorK<M,K> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersects K rays with M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMi<M>& tri)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<TriangleMi<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ Vec3vf<K> v0,v1,v2; tri.template gather<K>(valid_i,v0,v1,v2,i,context->scene,ray.time());
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,v0,v1,v2,IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test for K rays if they are occluded by any of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMi<M>& tri)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<TriangleMi<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid0),K);
+ Vec3vf<K> v0,v1,v2; tri.template gather<K>(valid_i,v0,v1,v2,i,context->scene,ray.time());
+ pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,v0,v1,v2,OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ if (none(valid0)) break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMi<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene,ray.time()[k]);
+ pre.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMi<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ Vec3vf<M> v0,v1,v2; tri.gather(v0,v1,v2,context->scene,ray.time()[k]);
+ return pre.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglev.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglev.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cd94756b9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglev.h
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "primitive.h"
+namespace embree
+ /* Stores the vertices of M triangles in struct of array layout */
+ template <int M>
+ struct TriangleMv
+ {
+ public:
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType
+ {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /* Returns maximum number of stored triangles */
+ static __forceinline size_t max_size() { return M; }
+ /* Returns required number of primitive blocks for N primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t blocks(size_t N) { return (N+max_size()-1)/max_size(); }
+ public:
+ /* Default constructor */
+ __forceinline TriangleMv() {}
+ /* Construction from vertices and IDs */
+ __forceinline TriangleMv(const Vec3vf<M>& v0, const Vec3vf<M>& v1, const Vec3vf<M>& v2, const vuint<M>& geomIDs, const vuint<M>& primIDs)
+ : v0(v0), v1(v1), v2(v2), geomIDs(geomIDs), primIDs(primIDs) {}
+ /* Returns a mask that tells which triangles are valid */
+ __forceinline vbool<M> valid() const { return geomIDs != vuint<M>(-1); }
+ /* Returns true if the specified triangle is valid */
+ __forceinline bool valid(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return geomIDs[i] != -1; }
+ /* Returns the number of stored triangles */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const { return bsf(~movemask(valid())); }
+ /* Returns the geometry IDs */
+ __forceinline vuint<M>& geomID() { return geomIDs; }
+ __forceinline const vuint<M>& geomID() const { return geomIDs; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int geomID(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return geomIDs[i]; }
+ /* Returns the primitive IDs */
+ __forceinline vuint<M>& primID() { return primIDs; }
+ __forceinline const vuint<M>& primID() const { return primIDs; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int primID(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return primIDs[i]; }
+ /* Calculate the bounds of the triangles */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds() const
+ {
+ Vec3vf<M> lower = min(v0,v1,v2);
+ Vec3vf<M> upper = max(v0,v1,v2);
+ vbool<M> mask = valid();
+ lower.x = select(mask,lower.x,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ lower.y = select(mask,lower.y,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ lower.z = select(mask,lower.z,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ upper.x = select(mask,upper.x,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ upper.y = select(mask,upper.y,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ upper.z = select(mask,upper.z,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ return BBox3fa(Vec3fa(reduce_min(lower.x),reduce_min(lower.y),reduce_min(lower.z)),
+ Vec3fa(reduce_max(upper.x),reduce_max(upper.y),reduce_max(upper.z)));
+ }
+ /* Non temporal store */
+ __forceinline static void store_nt(TriangleMv* dst, const TriangleMv& src)
+ {
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v0.x,src.v0.x);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v0.y,src.v0.y);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v0.z,src.v0.z);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v1.x,src.v1.x);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v1.y,src.v1.y);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v1.z,src.v1.z);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v2.x,src.v2.x);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v2.y,src.v2.y);
+ vfloat<M>::store_nt(&dst->v2.z,src.v2.z);
+ vuint<M>::store_nt(&dst->geomIDs,src.geomIDs);
+ vuint<M>::store_nt(&dst->primIDs,src.primIDs);
+ }
+ /* Fill triangle from triangle list */
+ __forceinline void fill(const PrimRef* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene)
+ {
+ vuint<M> vgeomID = -1, vprimID = -1;
+ Vec3vf<M> v0 = zero, v1 = zero, v2 = zero;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && begin<end; i++, begin++)
+ {
+ const PrimRef& prim = prims[begin];
+ const unsigned geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned primID = prim.primID();
+ const TriangleMesh* __restrict__ const mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID);
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primID);
+ const Vec3fa& p0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa& p1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa& p2 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[2]);
+ vgeomID [i] = geomID;
+ vprimID [i] = primID;
+ v0.x[i] = p0.x; v0.y[i] = p0.y; v0.z[i] = p0.z;
+ v1.x[i] = p1.x; v1.y[i] = p1.y; v1.z[i] = p1.z;
+ v2.x[i] = p2.x; v2.y[i] = p2.y; v2.z[i] = p2.z;
+ }
+ TriangleMv::store_nt(this,TriangleMv(v0,v1,v2,vgeomID,vprimID));
+ }
+ /* Updates the primitive */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa update(TriangleMesh* mesh)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ vuint<M> vgeomID = -1, vprimID = -1;
+ Vec3vf<M> v0 = zero, v1 = zero, v2 = zero;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M; i++)
+ {
+ if (primID(i) == -1) break;
+ const unsigned geomId = geomID(i);
+ const unsigned primId = primID(i);
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primId);
+ const Vec3fa p0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0]);
+ const Vec3fa p1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[1]);
+ const Vec3fa p2 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[2]);
+ bounds.extend(merge(BBox3fa(p0),BBox3fa(p1),BBox3fa(p2)));
+ vgeomID [i] = geomId;
+ vprimID [i] = primId;
+ v0.x[i] = p0.x; v0.y[i] = p0.y; v0.z[i] = p0.z;
+ v1.x[i] = p1.x; v1.y[i] = p1.y; v1.z[i] = p1.z;
+ v2.x[i] = p2.x; v2.y[i] = p2.y; v2.z[i] = p2.z;
+ }
+ new (this) TriangleMv(v0,v1,v2,vgeomID,vprimID);
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ public:
+ Vec3vf<M> v0; // 1st vertex of the triangles
+ Vec3vf<M> v1; // 2nd vertex of the triangles
+ Vec3vf<M> v2; // 3rd vertex of the triangles
+ private:
+ vuint<M> geomIDs; // geometry ID
+ vuint<M> primIDs; // primitive ID
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ typename TriangleMv<M>::Type TriangleMv<M>::type;
+ typedef TriangleMv<4> Triangle4v;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglev_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglev_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3abb7f8e32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglev_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "triangle.h"
+#include "triangle_intersector_pluecker.h"
+#include "triangle_intersector_moeller.h"
+#include "triangle_intersector_woop.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! Intersects M triangles with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMvIntersector1Moeller
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMv<M> Primitive;
+ typedef MoellerTrumboreIntersector1<M> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ pre.intersect(ray,tri.v0,tri.v1,tri.v2,/*UVIdentity<M>(),*/Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ return pre.intersect(ray,tri.v0,tri.v1,tri.v2,/*UVIdentity<M>(),*/Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, tri);
+ }
+ };
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMvIntersector1Woop
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMv<M> Primitive;
+ typedef WoopIntersector1<M> intersec;
+ typedef WoopPrecalculations1<M> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ intersec::intersect(ray,pre,tri.v0,tri.v1,tri.v2,Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ return intersec::intersect(ray,pre,tri.v0,tri.v1,tri.v2,Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, tri);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M triangles with K rays */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMvIntersectorKMoeller
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMv<M> Primitive;
+ typedef MoellerTrumboreIntersectorK<M,K> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersects K rays with M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M; i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v0 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v0,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v1 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v1,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v2 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v2,i);
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,v0,v1,v2,/*UVIdentity<K>(),*/IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test for K rays if they are occluded by any of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M; i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v0 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v0,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v1 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v1,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v2 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v2,i);
+ pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,v0,v1,v2,/*UVIdentity<K>(),*/OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ if (none(valid0)) break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ pre.intersect(ray,k,tri.v0,tri.v1,tri.v2,/*UVIdentity<M>(),*/Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID())); //FIXME: M
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ return pre.intersect(ray,k,tri.v0,tri.v1,tri.v2,/*UVIdentity<M>(),*/Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID())); //FIXME: M
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M triangles with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMvIntersector1Pluecker
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMv<M> Primitive;
+ typedef PlueckerIntersector1<M> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ pre.intersect(ray,tri.v0,tri.v1,tri.v2,UVIdentity<M>(),Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ return pre.intersect(ray,tri.v0,tri.v1,tri.v2,UVIdentity<M>(),Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, tri);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M triangles with K rays */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMvIntersectorKPluecker
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMv<M> Primitive;
+ typedef PlueckerIntersectorK<M,K> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersects K rays with M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M; i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v0 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v0,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v1 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v1,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v2 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v2,i);
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,v0,v1,v2,UVIdentity<K>(),IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test for K rays if they are occluded by any of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M; i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v0 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v0,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v1 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v1,i);
+ const Vec3vf<K> v2 = broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v2,i);
+ pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,v0,v1,v2,UVIdentity<K>(),OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ if (none(valid0)) break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ pre.intersect(ray,k,tri.v0,tri.v1,tri.v2,UVIdentity<M>(),Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ return pre.intersect(ray,k,tri.v0,tri.v1,tri.v2,UVIdentity<M>(),Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglev_mb.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglev_mb.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b550a29fd5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglev_mb.h
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "primitive.h"
+namespace embree
+ /* Stores the vertices of M triangles in struct of array layout */
+ template<int M>
+ struct TriangleMvMB
+ {
+ public:
+ struct Type : public PrimitiveType
+ {
+ const char* name() const;
+ size_t sizeActive(const char* This) const;
+ size_t sizeTotal(const char* This) const;
+ size_t getBytes(const char* This) const;
+ };
+ static Type type;
+ public:
+ /* primitive supports single time segments */
+ static const bool singleTimeSegment = true;
+ /* Returns maximum number of stored triangles */
+ static __forceinline size_t max_size() { return M; }
+ /* Returns required number of primitive blocks for N primitives */
+ static __forceinline size_t blocks(size_t N) { return (N+max_size()-1)/max_size(); }
+ public:
+ /* Default constructor */
+ __forceinline TriangleMvMB() {}
+ /* Construction from vertices and IDs */
+ __forceinline TriangleMvMB(const Vec3vf<M>& a0, const Vec3vf<M>& a1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& b0, const Vec3vf<M>& b1,
+ const Vec3vf<M>& c0, const Vec3vf<M>& c1,
+ const vuint<M>& geomIDs, const vuint<M>& primIDs)
+ : v0(a0), v1(b0), v2(c0), dv0(a1-a0), dv1(b1-b0), dv2(c1-c0), geomIDs(geomIDs), primIDs(primIDs) {}
+ /* Returns a mask that tells which triangles are valid */
+ __forceinline vbool<M> valid() const { return geomIDs != vuint<M>(-1); }
+ /* Returns if the specified triangle is valid */
+ __forceinline bool valid(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return geomIDs[i] != -1; }
+ /* Returns the number of stored triangles */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const { return bsf(~movemask(valid())); }
+ /* Returns the geometry IDs */
+ __forceinline vuint<M>& geomID() { return geomIDs; }
+ __forceinline const vuint<M>& geomID() const { return geomIDs; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int geomID(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return geomIDs[i]; }
+ /* Returns the primitive IDs */
+ __forceinline vuint<M>& primID() { return primIDs; }
+ __forceinline const vuint<M>& primID() const { return primIDs; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int primID(const size_t i) const { assert(i<M); return primIDs[i]; }
+ /* Calculate the bounds of the triangles at t0 */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds0() const
+ {
+ Vec3vf<M> lower = min(v0,v1,v2);
+ Vec3vf<M> upper = max(v0,v1,v2);
+ const vbool<M> mask = valid();
+ lower.x = select(mask,lower.x,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ lower.y = select(mask,lower.y,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ lower.z = select(mask,lower.z,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ upper.x = select(mask,upper.x,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ upper.y = select(mask,upper.y,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ upper.z = select(mask,upper.z,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ return BBox3fa(Vec3fa(reduce_min(lower.x),reduce_min(lower.y),reduce_min(lower.z)),
+ Vec3fa(reduce_max(upper.x),reduce_max(upper.y),reduce_max(upper.z)));
+ }
+ /* Calculate the bounds of the triangles at t1 */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds1() const
+ {
+ const Vec3vf<M> p0 = v0+dv0;
+ const Vec3vf<M> p1 = v1+dv1;
+ const Vec3vf<M> p2 = v2+dv2;
+ Vec3vf<M> lower = min(p0,p1,p2);
+ Vec3vf<M> upper = max(p0,p1,p2);
+ const vbool<M> mask = valid();
+ lower.x = select(mask,lower.x,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ lower.y = select(mask,lower.y,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ lower.z = select(mask,lower.z,vfloat<M>(pos_inf));
+ upper.x = select(mask,upper.x,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ upper.y = select(mask,upper.y,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ upper.z = select(mask,upper.z,vfloat<M>(neg_inf));
+ return BBox3fa(Vec3fa(reduce_min(lower.x),reduce_min(lower.y),reduce_min(lower.z)),
+ Vec3fa(reduce_max(upper.x),reduce_max(upper.y),reduce_max(upper.z)));
+ }
+ /* Calculate the linear bounds of the primitive */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds() const {
+ return LBBox3fa(bounds0(),bounds1());
+ }
+ /* Fill triangle from triangle list */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(const PrimRef* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene, size_t itime)
+ {
+ vuint<M> vgeomID = -1, vprimID = -1;
+ Vec3vf<M> va0 = zero, vb0 = zero, vc0 = zero;
+ Vec3vf<M> va1 = zero, vb1 = zero, vc1 = zero;
+ BBox3fa bounds0 = empty;
+ BBox3fa bounds1 = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && begin<end; i++, begin++)
+ {
+ const PrimRef& prim = prims[begin];
+ const unsigned geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned primID = prim.primID();
+ const TriangleMesh* __restrict__ const mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID);
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primID);
+ const Vec3fa& a0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0],itime+0); bounds0.extend(a0);
+ const Vec3fa& a1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0],itime+1); bounds1.extend(a1);
+ const Vec3fa& b0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[1],itime+0); bounds0.extend(b0);
+ const Vec3fa& b1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[1],itime+1); bounds1.extend(b1);
+ const Vec3fa& c0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[2],itime+0); bounds0.extend(c0);
+ const Vec3fa& c1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[2],itime+1); bounds1.extend(c1);
+ vgeomID [i] = geomID;
+ vprimID [i] = primID;
+ va0.x[i] = a0.x; va0.y[i] = a0.y; va0.z[i] = a0.z;
+ va1.x[i] = a1.x; va1.y[i] = a1.y; va1.z[i] = a1.z;
+ vb0.x[i] = b0.x; vb0.y[i] = b0.y; vb0.z[i] = b0.z;
+ vb1.x[i] = b1.x; vb1.y[i] = b1.y; vb1.z[i] = b1.z;
+ vc0.x[i] = c0.x; vc0.y[i] = c0.y; vc0.z[i] = c0.z;
+ vc1.x[i] = c1.x; vc1.y[i] = c1.y; vc1.z[i] = c1.z;
+ }
+ new (this) TriangleMvMB(va0,va1,vb0,vb1,vc0,vc1,vgeomID,vprimID);
+ return LBBox3fa(bounds0,bounds1);
+ }
+ /* Fill triangle from triangle list */
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa fillMB(const PrimRefMB* prims, size_t& begin, size_t end, Scene* scene, const BBox1f time_range)
+ {
+ vuint<M> vgeomID = -1, vprimID = -1;
+ Vec3vf<M> va0 = zero, vb0 = zero, vc0 = zero;
+ Vec3vf<M> va1 = zero, vb1 = zero, vc1 = zero;
+ LBBox3fa allBounds = empty;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<M && begin<end; i++, begin++)
+ {
+ const PrimRefMB& prim = prims[begin];
+ const unsigned geomID = prim.geomID();
+ const unsigned primID = prim.primID();
+ const TriangleMesh* const mesh = scene->get<TriangleMesh>(geomID);
+ const range<int> itime_range = mesh->timeSegmentRange(time_range);
+ assert(itime_range.size() == 1);
+ const int ilower = itime_range.begin();
+ const TriangleMesh::Triangle& tri = mesh->triangle(primID);
+ allBounds.extend(mesh->linearBounds(primID, time_range));
+ const Vec3fa& a0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0],ilower+0);
+ const Vec3fa& a1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[0],ilower+1);
+ const Vec3fa& b0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[1],ilower+0);
+ const Vec3fa& b1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[1],ilower+1);
+ const Vec3fa& c0 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[2],ilower+0);
+ const Vec3fa& c1 = mesh->vertex(tri.v[2],ilower+1);
+ const BBox1f time_range_v(mesh->timeStep(ilower+0),mesh->timeStep(ilower+1));
+ auto a01 = globalLinear(std::make_pair(a0,a1),time_range_v);
+ auto b01 = globalLinear(std::make_pair(b0,b1),time_range_v);
+ auto c01 = globalLinear(std::make_pair(c0,c1),time_range_v);
+ vgeomID [i] = geomID;
+ vprimID [i] = primID;
+ va0.x[i] = a01.first .x; va0.y[i] = a01.first .y; va0.z[i] = a01.first .z;
+ va1.x[i] = a01.second.x; va1.y[i] = a01.second.y; va1.z[i] = a01.second.z;
+ vb0.x[i] = b01.first .x; vb0.y[i] = b01.first .y; vb0.z[i] = b01.first .z;
+ vb1.x[i] = b01.second.x; vb1.y[i] = b01.second.y; vb1.z[i] = b01.second.z;
+ vc0.x[i] = c01.first .x; vc0.y[i] = c01.first .y; vc0.z[i] = c01.first .z;
+ vc1.x[i] = c01.second.x; vc1.y[i] = c01.second.y; vc1.z[i] = c01.second.z;
+ }
+ new (this) TriangleMvMB(va0,va1,vb0,vb1,vc0,vc1,vgeomID,vprimID);
+ return allBounds;
+ }
+ public:
+ Vec3vf<M> v0; // 1st vertex of the triangles
+ Vec3vf<M> v1; // 2nd vertex of the triangles
+ Vec3vf<M> v2; // 3rd vertex of the triangles
+ Vec3vf<M> dv0; // difference vector between time steps t0 and t1 for first vertex
+ Vec3vf<M> dv1; // difference vector between time steps t0 and t1 for second vertex
+ Vec3vf<M> dv2; // difference vector between time steps t0 and t1 for third vertex
+ private:
+ vuint<M> geomIDs; // geometry ID
+ vuint<M> primIDs; // primitive ID
+ };
+ template<int M>
+ typename TriangleMvMB<M>::Type TriangleMvMB<M>::type;
+ typedef TriangleMvMB<4> Triangle4vMB;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglev_mb_intersector.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglev_mb_intersector.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..38cd52e85d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/geometry/trianglev_mb_intersector.h
@@ -0,0 +1,211 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "triangle.h"
+#include "intersector_epilog.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ /*! Intersects M motion blur triangles with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMvMBIntersector1Moeller
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMvMB<M> Primitive;
+ typedef MoellerTrumboreIntersector1<M> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMvMB<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const Vec3vf<M> time(ray.time());
+ const Vec3vf<M> v0 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv0),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v0));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v1 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv1),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v1));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v2 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv2),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v2));
+ pre.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMvMB<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const Vec3vf<M> time(ray.time());
+ const Vec3vf<M> v0 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv0),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v0));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v1 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv1),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v1));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v2 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv2),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v2));
+ return pre.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, tri);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M motion blur triangles with K rays. */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMvMBIntersectorKMoeller
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMvMB<M> Primitive;
+ typedef MoellerTrumboreIntersectorK<M,K> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersects K rays with M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMvMB<M>& tri)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<TriangleMvMB<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> time(ray.time());
+ const Vec3vf<K> v0 = madd(time,broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.dv0,i),broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v0,i));
+ const Vec3vf<K> v1 = madd(time,broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.dv1,i),broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v1,i));
+ const Vec3vf<K> v2 = madd(time,broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.dv2,i),broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v2,i));
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,v0,v1,v2,IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test for K rays if they are occluded by any of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMvMB<M>& tri)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<TriangleMvMB<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid0),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> time(ray.time());
+ const Vec3vf<K> v0 = madd(time,broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.dv0,i),broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v0,i));
+ const Vec3vf<K> v1 = madd(time,broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.dv1,i),broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v1,i));
+ const Vec3vf<K> v2 = madd(time,broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.dv2,i),broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v2,i));
+ pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,v0,v1,v2,OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ if (none(valid0)) break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMvMB<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const Vec3vf<M> time(ray.time()[k]);
+ const Vec3vf<M> v0 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv0),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v0));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v1 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv1),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v1));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v2 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv2),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v2));
+ pre.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMvMB<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const Vec3vf<M> time(ray.time()[k]);
+ const Vec3vf<M> v0 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv0),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v0));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v1 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv1),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v1));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v2 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv2),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v2));
+ return pre.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M motion blur triangles with 1 ray */
+ template<int M, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMvMBIntersector1Pluecker
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMvMB<M> Primitive;
+ typedef PlueckerIntersector1<M> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersect a ray with the M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const Precalculations& pre, RayHit& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMvMB<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const Vec3vf<M> time(ray.time());
+ const Vec3vf<M> v0 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv0),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v0));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v1 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv1),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v1));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v2 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv2),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v2));
+ pre.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,UVIdentity<M>(),Intersect1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(const Precalculations& pre, Ray& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMvMB<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const Vec3vf<M> time(ray.time());
+ const Vec3vf<M> v0 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv0),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v0));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v1 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv1),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v1));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v2 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv2),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v2));
+ return pre.intersect(ray,v0,v1,v2,UVIdentity<M>(),Occluded1EpilogM<M,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool pointQuery(PointQuery* query, PointQueryContext* context, const Primitive& tri)
+ {
+ return PrimitivePointQuery1<Primitive>::pointQuery(query, context, tri);
+ }
+ };
+ /*! Intersects M motion blur triangles with K rays. */
+ template<int M, int K, bool filter>
+ struct TriangleMvMBIntersectorKPluecker
+ {
+ typedef TriangleMvMB<M> Primitive;
+ typedef PlueckerIntersectorK<M,K> Precalculations;
+ /*! Intersects K rays with M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMvMB<M>& tri)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<TriangleMvMB<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid_i),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> time(ray.time());
+ const Vec3vf<K> v0 = madd(time,broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.dv0,i),broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v0,i));
+ const Vec3vf<K> v1 = madd(time,broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.dv1,i),broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v1,i));
+ const Vec3vf<K> v2 = madd(time,broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.dv2,i),broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v2,i));
+ pre.intersectK(valid_i,ray,v0,v1,v2,UVIdentity<K>(),IntersectKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ }
+ }
+ /*! Test for K rays if they are occluded by any of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline vbool<K> occluded(const vbool<K>& valid_i, Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMvMB<M>& tri)
+ {
+ vbool<K> valid0 = valid_i;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<TriangleMvMB<M>::max_size(); i++)
+ {
+ if (!tri.valid(i)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,popcnt(valid0),K);
+ const Vec3vf<K> time(ray.time());
+ const Vec3vf<K> v0 = madd(time,broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.dv0,i),broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v0,i));
+ const Vec3vf<K> v1 = madd(time,broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.dv1,i),broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v1,i));
+ const Vec3vf<K> v2 = madd(time,broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.dv2,i),broadcast<vfloat<K>>(tri.v2,i));
+ pre.intersectK(valid0,ray,v0,v1,v2,UVIdentity<K>(),OccludedKEpilogM<M,K,filter>(valid0,ray,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID(),i));
+ if (none(valid0)) break;
+ }
+ return !valid0;
+ }
+ /*! Intersect a ray with M triangles and updates the hit. */
+ static __forceinline void intersect(Precalculations& pre, RayHitK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMvMB<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(normal.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const Vec3vf<M> time(ray.time()[k]);
+ const Vec3vf<M> v0 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv0),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v0));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v1 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv1),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v1));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v2 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv2),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v2));
+ pre.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,UVIdentity<M>(),Intersect1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ /*! Test if the ray is occluded by one of the M triangles. */
+ static __forceinline bool occluded(Precalculations& pre, RayK<K>& ray, size_t k, IntersectContext* context, const TriangleMvMB<M>& tri)
+ {
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_prims,1,1,1);
+ const Vec3vf<M> time(ray.time()[k]);
+ const Vec3vf<M> v0 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv0),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v0));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v1 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv1),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v1));
+ const Vec3vf<M> v2 = madd(time,Vec3vf<M>(tri.dv2),Vec3vf<M>(tri.v2));
+ return pre.intersect(ray,k,v0,v1,v2,UVIdentity<M>(),Occluded1KEpilogM<M,K,filter>(ray,k,context,tri.geomID(),tri.primID()));
+ }
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/hash.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/hash.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..470e15f03e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/hash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2020 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#define RTC_HASH "12b99393438a4cc9e478e33459eed78bec6233fd"
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bezier_curve.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bezier_curve.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a5adad5cc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bezier_curve.h
@@ -0,0 +1,671 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/default.h"
+//#include "../common/scene_curves.h"
+#include "../common/context.h"
+namespace embree
+ class BezierBasis
+ {
+ public:
+ template<typename T>
+ static __forceinline Vec4<T> eval(const T& u)
+ {
+ const T t1 = u;
+ const T t0 = 1.0f-t1;
+ const T B0 = t0 * t0 * t0;
+ const T B1 = 3.0f * t1 * (t0 * t0);
+ const T B2 = 3.0f * (t1 * t1) * t0;
+ const T B3 = t1 * t1 * t1;
+ return Vec4<T>(B0,B1,B2,B3);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ static __forceinline Vec4<T> derivative(const T& u)
+ {
+ const T t1 = u;
+ const T t0 = 1.0f-t1;
+ const T B0 = -(t0*t0);
+ const T B1 = madd(-2.0f,t0*t1,t0*t0);
+ const T B2 = msub(+2.0f,t0*t1,t1*t1);
+ const T B3 = +(t1*t1);
+ return T(3.0f)*Vec4<T>(B0,B1,B2,B3);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ static __forceinline Vec4<T> derivative2(const T& u)
+ {
+ const T t1 = u;
+ const T t0 = 1.0f-t1;
+ const T B0 = t0;
+ const T B1 = madd(-2.0f,t0,t1);
+ const T B2 = madd(-2.0f,t1,t0);
+ const T B3 = t1;
+ return T(6.0f)*Vec4<T>(B0,B1,B2,B3);
+ }
+ };
+ struct PrecomputedBezierBasis
+ {
+ enum { N = 16 };
+ public:
+ PrecomputedBezierBasis() {}
+ PrecomputedBezierBasis(int shift);
+ /* basis for bezier evaluation */
+ public:
+ float c0[N+1][N+1];
+ float c1[N+1][N+1];
+ float c2[N+1][N+1];
+ float c3[N+1][N+1];
+ /* basis for bezier derivative evaluation */
+ public:
+ float d0[N+1][N+1];
+ float d1[N+1][N+1];
+ float d2[N+1][N+1];
+ float d3[N+1][N+1];
+ };
+ extern PrecomputedBezierBasis bezier_basis0;
+ extern PrecomputedBezierBasis bezier_basis1;
+ template<typename V>
+ struct LinearBezierCurve
+ {
+ V v0,v1;
+ __forceinline LinearBezierCurve () {}
+ __forceinline LinearBezierCurve (const LinearBezierCurve& other)
+ : v0(other.v0), v1(other.v1) {}
+ __forceinline LinearBezierCurve& operator= (const LinearBezierCurve& other) {
+ v0 = other.v0; v1 = other.v1; return *this;
+ }
+ __forceinline LinearBezierCurve (const V& v0, const V& v1)
+ : v0(v0), v1(v1) {}
+ __forceinline V begin() const { return v0; }
+ __forceinline V end () const { return v1; }
+ bool hasRoot() const;
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const LinearBezierCurve& a) {
+ return cout << "LinearBezierCurve (" << a.v0 << ", " << a.v1 << ")";
+ }
+ };
+ template<> __forceinline bool LinearBezierCurve<Interval1f>::hasRoot() const {
+ return numRoots(v0,v1);
+ }
+ template<typename V>
+ struct QuadraticBezierCurve
+ {
+ V v0,v1,v2;
+ __forceinline QuadraticBezierCurve () {}
+ __forceinline QuadraticBezierCurve (const QuadraticBezierCurve& other)
+ : v0(other.v0), v1(other.v1), v2(other.v2) {}
+ __forceinline QuadraticBezierCurve& operator= (const QuadraticBezierCurve& other) {
+ v0 = other.v0; v1 = other.v1; v2 = other.v2; return *this;
+ }
+ __forceinline QuadraticBezierCurve (const V& v0, const V& v1, const V& v2)
+ : v0(v0), v1(v1), v2(v2) {}
+ __forceinline V begin() const { return v0; }
+ __forceinline V end () const { return v2; }
+ __forceinline V interval() const {
+ return merge(v0,v1,v2);
+ }
+ __forceinline BBox<V> bounds() const {
+ return merge(BBox<V>(v0),BBox<V>(v1),BBox<V>(v2));
+ }
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const QuadraticBezierCurve& a) {
+ return cout << "QuadraticBezierCurve ( (" << a.u.lower << ", " << a.u.upper << "), " << a.v0 << ", " << a.v1 << ", " << a.v2 << ")";
+ }
+ };
+ typedef QuadraticBezierCurve<float> QuadraticBezierCurve1f;
+ typedef QuadraticBezierCurve<Vec2fa> QuadraticBezierCurve2fa;
+ typedef QuadraticBezierCurve<Vec3fa> QuadraticBezierCurve3fa;
+ template<typename Vertex>
+ struct CubicBezierCurve
+ {
+ Vertex v0,v1,v2,v3;
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve() {}
+ template<typename T1>
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve (const CubicBezierCurve<T1>& other)
+ : v0(other.v0), v1(other.v1), v2(other.v2), v3(other.v3) {}
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve& operator= (const CubicBezierCurve& other) {
+ v0 = other.v0; v1 = other.v1; v2 = other.v2; v3 = other.v3; return *this;
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve(const Vertex& v0, const Vertex& v1, const Vertex& v2, const Vertex& v3)
+ : v0(v0), v1(v1), v2(v2), v3(v3) {}
+ __forceinline Vertex begin() const {
+ return v0;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex end() const {
+ return v3;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex center() const {
+ return 0.25f*(v0+v1+v2+v3);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex begin_direction() const {
+ return v1-v0;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex end_direction() const {
+ return v3-v2;
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<float> xfm(const Vertex& dx) const {
+ return CubicBezierCurve<float>(dot(v0,dx),dot(v1,dx),dot(v2,dx),dot(v3,dx));
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<vfloatx> vxfm(const Vertex& dx) const {
+ return CubicBezierCurve<vfloatx>(dot(v0,dx),dot(v1,dx),dot(v2,dx),dot(v3,dx));
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<float> xfm(const Vertex& dx, const Vertex& p) const {
+ return CubicBezierCurve<float>(dot(v0-p,dx),dot(v1-p,dx),dot(v2-p,dx),dot(v3-p,dx));
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<Vec3fa> xfm(const LinearSpace3fa& space) const
+ {
+ const Vec3fa q0 = xfmVector(space,v0);
+ const Vec3fa q1 = xfmVector(space,v1);
+ const Vec3fa q2 = xfmVector(space,v2);
+ const Vec3fa q3 = xfmVector(space,v3);
+ return CubicBezierCurve<Vec3fa>(q0,q1,q2,q3);
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<Vec3fa> xfm(const LinearSpace3fa& space, const Vec3fa& p) const
+ {
+ const Vec3fa q0 = xfmVector(space,v0-p);
+ const Vec3fa q1 = xfmVector(space,v1-p);
+ const Vec3fa q2 = xfmVector(space,v2-p);
+ const Vec3fa q3 = xfmVector(space,v3-p);
+ return CubicBezierCurve<Vec3fa>(q0,q1,q2,q3);
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<Vec3ff> xfm_pr(const LinearSpace3fa& space, const Vec3fa& p) const
+ {
+ const Vec3ff q0(xfmVector(space,(Vec3fa)v0-p), v0.w);
+ const Vec3ff q1(xfmVector(space,(Vec3fa)v1-p), v1.w);
+ const Vec3ff q2(xfmVector(space,(Vec3fa)v2-p), v2.w);
+ const Vec3ff q3(xfmVector(space,(Vec3fa)v3-p), v3.w);
+ return CubicBezierCurve<Vec3ff>(q0,q1,q2,q3);
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<Vec3fa> xfm(const LinearSpace3fa& space, const Vec3fa& p, const float s) const
+ {
+ const Vec3fa q0 = xfmVector(space,s*(v0-p));
+ const Vec3fa q1 = xfmVector(space,s*(v1-p));
+ const Vec3fa q2 = xfmVector(space,s*(v2-p));
+ const Vec3fa q3 = xfmVector(space,s*(v3-p));
+ return CubicBezierCurve<Vec3fa>(q0,q1,q2,q3);
+ }
+ __forceinline int maxRoots() const;
+ __forceinline BBox<Vertex> bounds() const {
+ return merge(BBox<Vertex>(v0),BBox<Vertex>(v1),BBox<Vertex>(v2),BBox<Vertex>(v3));
+ }
+ __forceinline friend CubicBezierCurve operator +( const CubicBezierCurve& a, const CubicBezierCurve& b ) {
+ return CubicBezierCurve(a.v0+b.v0,a.v1+b.v1,a.v2+b.v2,a.v3+b.v3);
+ }
+ __forceinline friend CubicBezierCurve operator -( const CubicBezierCurve& a, const CubicBezierCurve& b ) {
+ return CubicBezierCurve(a.v0-b.v0,a.v1-b.v1,a.v2-b.v2,a.v3-b.v3);
+ }
+ __forceinline friend CubicBezierCurve operator -( const CubicBezierCurve& a, const Vertex& b ) {
+ return CubicBezierCurve(a.v0-b,a.v1-b,a.v2-b,a.v3-b);
+ }
+ __forceinline friend CubicBezierCurve operator *( const Vertex& a, const CubicBezierCurve& b ) {
+ return CubicBezierCurve(a*b.v0,a*b.v1,a*b.v2,a*b.v3);
+ }
+ __forceinline friend CubicBezierCurve cmadd( const Vertex& a, const CubicBezierCurve& b, const CubicBezierCurve& c) {
+ return CubicBezierCurve(madd(a,b.v0,c.v0),madd(a,b.v1,c.v1),madd(a,b.v2,c.v2),madd(a,b.v3,c.v3));
+ }
+ __forceinline friend CubicBezierCurve clerp ( const CubicBezierCurve& a, const CubicBezierCurve& b, const Vertex& t ) {
+ return cmadd((Vertex(1.0f)-t),a,t*b);
+ }
+ __forceinline friend CubicBezierCurve merge ( const CubicBezierCurve& a, const CubicBezierCurve& b ) {
+ return CubicBezierCurve(merge(a.v0,b.v0),merge(a.v1,b.v1),merge(a.v2,b.v2),merge(a.v3,b.v3));
+ }
+ __forceinline void split(CubicBezierCurve& left, CubicBezierCurve& right, const float t = 0.5f) const
+ {
+ const Vertex p00 = v0;
+ const Vertex p01 = v1;
+ const Vertex p02 = v2;
+ const Vertex p03 = v3;
+ const Vertex p10 = lerp(p00,p01,t);
+ const Vertex p11 = lerp(p01,p02,t);
+ const Vertex p12 = lerp(p02,p03,t);
+ const Vertex p20 = lerp(p10,p11,t);
+ const Vertex p21 = lerp(p11,p12,t);
+ const Vertex p30 = lerp(p20,p21,t);
+ new (&left ) CubicBezierCurve(p00,p10,p20,p30);
+ new (&right) CubicBezierCurve(p30,p21,p12,p03);
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<Vec2vfx> split() const
+ {
+ const float u0 = 0.0f, u1 = 1.0f;
+ const float dscale = (u1-u0)*(1.0f/(3.0f*(VSIZEX-1)));
+ const vfloatx vu0 = lerp(u0,u1,vfloatx(step)*(1.0f/(VSIZEX-1)));
+ Vec2vfx P0, dP0du; evalN(vu0,P0,dP0du); dP0du = dP0du * Vec2vfx(dscale);
+ const Vec2vfx P3 = shift_right_1(P0);
+ const Vec2vfx dP3du = shift_right_1(dP0du);
+ const Vec2vfx P1 = P0 + dP0du;
+ const Vec2vfx P2 = P3 - dP3du;
+ return CubicBezierCurve<Vec2vfx>(P0,P1,P2,P3);
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<Vec2vfx> split(const BBox1f& u) const
+ {
+ const float u0 = u.lower, u1 = u.upper;
+ const float dscale = (u1-u0)*(1.0f/(3.0f*(VSIZEX-1)));
+ const vfloatx vu0 = lerp(u0,u1,vfloatx(step)*(1.0f/(VSIZEX-1)));
+ Vec2vfx P0, dP0du; evalN(vu0,P0,dP0du); dP0du = dP0du * Vec2vfx(dscale);
+ const Vec2vfx P3 = shift_right_1(P0);
+ const Vec2vfx dP3du = shift_right_1(dP0du);
+ const Vec2vfx P1 = P0 + dP0du;
+ const Vec2vfx P2 = P3 - dP3du;
+ return CubicBezierCurve<Vec2vfx>(P0,P1,P2,P3);
+ }
+ __forceinline void eval(float t, Vertex& p, Vertex& dp) const
+ {
+ const Vertex p00 = v0;
+ const Vertex p01 = v1;
+ const Vertex p02 = v2;
+ const Vertex p03 = v3;
+ const Vertex p10 = lerp(p00,p01,t);
+ const Vertex p11 = lerp(p01,p02,t);
+ const Vertex p12 = lerp(p02,p03,t);
+ const Vertex p20 = lerp(p10,p11,t);
+ const Vertex p21 = lerp(p11,p12,t);
+ const Vertex p30 = lerp(p20,p21,t);
+ p = p30;
+ dp = Vertex(3.0f)*(p21-p20);
+ }
+#if 0
+ __forceinline Vertex eval(float t) const
+ {
+ const Vertex p00 = v0;
+ const Vertex p01 = v1;
+ const Vertex p02 = v2;
+ const Vertex p03 = v3;
+ const Vertex p10 = lerp(p00,p01,t);
+ const Vertex p11 = lerp(p01,p02,t);
+ const Vertex p12 = lerp(p02,p03,t);
+ const Vertex p20 = lerp(p10,p11,t);
+ const Vertex p21 = lerp(p11,p12,t);
+ const Vertex p30 = lerp(p20,p21,t);
+ return p30;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval(const float t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<float> b = BezierBasis::eval(t);
+ return madd(b.x,v0,madd(b.y,v1,madd(b.z,v2,b.w*v3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dt(float t) const
+ {
+ const Vertex p00 = v1-v0;
+ const Vertex p01 = v2-v1;
+ const Vertex p02 = v3-v2;
+ const Vertex p10 = lerp(p00,p01,t);
+ const Vertex p11 = lerp(p01,p02,t);
+ const Vertex p20 = lerp(p10,p11,t);
+ return Vertex(3.0f)*p20;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_du(const float t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<float> b = BezierBasis::derivative(t);
+ return madd(b.x,v0,madd(b.y,v1,madd(b.z,v2,b.w*v3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dudu(const float t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<float> b = BezierBasis::derivative2(t);
+ return madd(b.x,v0,madd(b.y,v1,madd(b.z,v2,b.w*v3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline void evalN(const vfloatx& t, Vec2vfx& p, Vec2vfx& dp) const
+ {
+ const Vec2vfx p00 = v0;
+ const Vec2vfx p01 = v1;
+ const Vec2vfx p02 = v2;
+ const Vec2vfx p03 = v3;
+ const Vec2vfx p10 = lerp(p00,p01,t);
+ const Vec2vfx p11 = lerp(p01,p02,t);
+ const Vec2vfx p12 = lerp(p02,p03,t);
+ const Vec2vfx p20 = lerp(p10,p11,t);
+ const Vec2vfx p21 = lerp(p11,p12,t);
+ const Vec2vfx p30 = lerp(p20,p21,t);
+ p = p30;
+ dp = vfloatx(3.0f)*(p21-p20);
+ }
+ __forceinline void eval(const float t, Vertex& p, Vertex& dp, Vertex& ddp) const
+ {
+ const Vertex p00 = v0;
+ const Vertex p01 = v1;
+ const Vertex p02 = v2;
+ const Vertex p03 = v3;
+ const Vertex p10 = lerp(p00,p01,t);
+ const Vertex p11 = lerp(p01,p02,t);
+ const Vertex p12 = lerp(p02,p03,t);
+ const Vertex p20 = lerp(p10,p11,t);
+ const Vertex p21 = lerp(p11,p12,t);
+ const Vertex p30 = lerp(p20,p21,t);
+ p = p30;
+ dp = 3.0f*(p21-p20);
+ ddp = eval_dudu(t);
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve clip(const Interval1f& u1) const
+ {
+ Vertex f0,df0; eval(u1.lower,f0,df0);
+ Vertex f1,df1; eval(u1.upper,f1,df1);
+ float s = u1.upper-u1.lower;
+ return CubicBezierCurve(f0,f0+s*(1.0f/3.0f)*df0,f1-s*(1.0f/3.0f)*df1,f1);
+ }
+ __forceinline QuadraticBezierCurve<Vertex> derivative() const
+ {
+ const Vertex q0 = 3.0f*(v1-v0);
+ const Vertex q1 = 3.0f*(v2-v1);
+ const Vertex q2 = 3.0f*(v3-v2);
+ return QuadraticBezierCurve<Vertex>(q0,q1,q2);
+ }
+ __forceinline BBox<Vertex> derivative_bounds(const Interval1f& u1) const
+ {
+ Vertex f0,df0; eval(u1.lower,f0,df0);
+ Vertex f3,df3; eval(u1.upper,f3,df3);
+ const float s = u1.upper-u1.lower;
+ const Vertex f1 = f0+s*(1.0f/3.0f)*df0;
+ const Vertex f2 = f3-s*(1.0f/3.0f)*df3;
+ const Vertex q0 = s*df0;
+ const Vertex q1 = 3.0f*(f2-f1);
+ const Vertex q2 = s*df3;
+ return merge(BBox<Vertex>(q0),BBox<Vertex>(q1),BBox<Vertex>(q2));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> veval(const vfloat<M>& t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4vf<M> b = BezierBasis::eval(t);
+ return madd(b.x, Vec4vf<M>(v0), madd(b.y, Vec4vf<M>(v1), madd(b.z, Vec4vf<M>(v2), b.w * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> veval_du(const vfloat<M>& t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4vf<M> b = BezierBasis::derivative(t);
+ return madd(b.x, Vec4vf<M>(v0), madd(b.y, Vec4vf<M>(v1), madd(b.z, Vec4vf<M>(v2), b.w * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> veval_dudu(const vfloat<M>& t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4vf<M> b = BezierBasis::derivative2(t);
+ return madd(b.x, Vec4vf<M>(v0), madd(b.y, Vec4vf<M>(v1), madd(b.z, Vec4vf<M>(v2), b.w * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline void veval(const vfloat<M>& t, Vec4vf<M>& p, Vec4vf<M>& dp) const
+ {
+ const Vec4vf<M> p00 = v0;
+ const Vec4vf<M> p01 = v1;
+ const Vec4vf<M> p02 = v2;
+ const Vec4vf<M> p03 = v3;
+ const Vec4vf<M> p10 = lerp(p00,p01,t);
+ const Vec4vf<M> p11 = lerp(p01,p02,t);
+ const Vec4vf<M> p12 = lerp(p02,p03,t);
+ const Vec4vf<M> p20 = lerp(p10,p11,t);
+ const Vec4vf<M> p21 = lerp(p11,p12,t);
+ const Vec4vf<M> p30 = lerp(p20,p21,t);
+ p = p30;
+ dp = vfloat<M>(3.0f)*(p21-p20);
+ }
+ template<int M, typename Vec = Vec4vf<M>>
+ __forceinline Vec eval0(const int ofs, const int size) const
+ {
+ assert(size <= PrecomputedBezierBasis::N);
+ assert(ofs <= size);
+ return madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis0.c0[size][ofs]), Vec(v0),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis0.c1[size][ofs]), Vec(v1),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis0.c2[size][ofs]), Vec(v2),
+ vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis0.c3[size][ofs]) * Vec(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M, typename Vec = Vec4vf<M>>
+ __forceinline Vec eval1(const int ofs, const int size) const
+ {
+ assert(size <= PrecomputedBezierBasis::N);
+ assert(ofs <= size);
+ return madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis1.c0[size][ofs]), Vec(v0),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis1.c1[size][ofs]), Vec(v1),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis1.c2[size][ofs]), Vec(v2),
+ vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis1.c3[size][ofs]) * Vec(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M, typename Vec = Vec4vf<M>>
+ __forceinline Vec derivative0(const int ofs, const int size) const
+ {
+ assert(size <= PrecomputedBezierBasis::N);
+ assert(ofs <= size);
+ return madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis0.d0[size][ofs]), Vec(v0),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis0.d1[size][ofs]), Vec(v1),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis0.d2[size][ofs]), Vec(v2),
+ vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis0.d3[size][ofs]) * Vec(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M, typename Vec = Vec4vf<M>>
+ __forceinline Vec derivative1(const int ofs, const int size) const
+ {
+ assert(size <= PrecomputedBezierBasis::N);
+ assert(ofs <= size);
+ return madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis1.d0[size][ofs]), Vec(v0),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis1.d1[size][ofs]), Vec(v1),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis1.d2[size][ofs]), Vec(v2),
+ vfloat<M>::loadu(&bezier_basis1.d3[size][ofs]) * Vec(v3))));
+ }
+ /* calculates bounds of bezier curve geometry */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa accurateBounds() const
+ {
+ const int N = 7;
+ const float scale = 1.0f/(3.0f*(N-1));
+ Vec3vfx pl(pos_inf), pu(neg_inf);
+ for (int i=0; i<=N; i+=VSIZEX)
+ {
+ vintx vi = vintx(i)+vintx(step);
+ vboolx valid = vi <= vintx(N);
+ const Vec3vfx p = eval0<VSIZEX,Vec3vf<VSIZEX>>(i,N);
+ const Vec3vfx dp = derivative0<VSIZEX,Vec3vf<VSIZEX>>(i,N);
+ const Vec3vfx pm = p-Vec3vfx(scale)*select(vi!=vintx(0),dp,Vec3vfx(zero));
+ const Vec3vfx pp = p+Vec3vfx(scale)*select(vi!=vintx(N),dp,Vec3vfx(zero));
+ pl = select(valid,min(pl,p,pm,pp),pl); // FIXME: use masked min
+ pu = select(valid,max(pu,p,pm,pp),pu); // FIXME: use masked min
+ }
+ const Vec3fa lower(reduce_min(pl.x),reduce_min(pl.y),reduce_min(pl.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper(reduce_max(pu.x),reduce_max(pu.y),reduce_max(pu.z));
+ return BBox3fa(lower,upper);
+ }
+ /* calculates bounds of bezier curve geometry */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa accurateRoundBounds() const
+ {
+ const int N = 7;
+ const float scale = 1.0f/(3.0f*(N-1));
+ Vec4vfx pl(pos_inf), pu(neg_inf);
+ for (int i=0; i<=N; i+=VSIZEX)
+ {
+ vintx vi = vintx(i)+vintx(step);
+ vboolx valid = vi <= vintx(N);
+ const Vec4vfx p = eval0<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ const Vec4vfx dp = derivative0<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ const Vec4vfx pm = p-Vec4vfx(scale)*select(vi!=vintx(0),dp,Vec4vfx(zero));
+ const Vec4vfx pp = p+Vec4vfx(scale)*select(vi!=vintx(N),dp,Vec4vfx(zero));
+ pl = select(valid,min(pl,p,pm,pp),pl); // FIXME: use masked min
+ pu = select(valid,max(pu,p,pm,pp),pu); // FIXME: use masked min
+ }
+ const Vec3fa lower(reduce_min(pl.x),reduce_min(pl.y),reduce_min(pl.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper(reduce_max(pu.x),reduce_max(pu.y),reduce_max(pu.z));
+ const float r_min = reduce_min(pl.w);
+ const float r_max = reduce_max(pu.w);
+ const Vec3fa upper_r = Vec3fa(max(abs(r_min),abs(r_max)));
+ return enlarge(BBox3fa(lower,upper),upper_r);
+ }
+ /* calculates bounds when tessellated into N line segments */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa accurateFlatBounds(int N) const
+ {
+ if (likely(N == 4))
+ {
+ const Vec4vf4 pi = eval0<4>(0,4);
+ const Vec3fa lower(reduce_min(pi.x),reduce_min(pi.y),reduce_min(pi.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper(reduce_max(pi.x),reduce_max(pi.y),reduce_max(pi.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper_r = Vec3fa(reduce_max(abs(pi.w)));
+ return enlarge(BBox3fa(min(lower,v3),max(upper,v3)),max(upper_r,Vec3fa(abs(v3.w))));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Vec3vfx pl(pos_inf), pu(neg_inf); vfloatx ru(0.0f);
+ for (int i=0; i<N; i+=VSIZEX)
+ {
+ vboolx valid = vintx(i)+vintx(step) < vintx(N);
+ const Vec4vfx pi = eval0<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ pl.x = select(valid,min(pl.x,pi.x),pl.x); // FIXME: use masked min
+ pl.y = select(valid,min(pl.y,pi.y),pl.y);
+ pl.z = select(valid,min(pl.z,pi.z),pl.z);
+ pu.x = select(valid,max(pu.x,pi.x),pu.x); // FIXME: use masked min
+ pu.y = select(valid,max(pu.y,pi.y),pu.y);
+ pu.z = select(valid,max(pu.z,pi.z),pu.z);
+ ru = select(valid,max(ru,abs(pi.w)),ru);
+ }
+ const Vec3fa lower(reduce_min(pl.x),reduce_min(pl.y),reduce_min(pl.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper(reduce_max(pu.x),reduce_max(pu.y),reduce_max(pu.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper_r(reduce_max(ru));
+ return enlarge(BBox3fa(min(lower,v3),max(upper,v3)),max(upper_r,Vec3fa(abs(v3.w))));
+ }
+ }
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const CubicBezierCurve& curve) {
+ return cout << "CubicBezierCurve { v0 = " << curve.v0 << ", v1 = " << curve.v1 << ", v2 = " << curve.v2 << ", v3 = " << curve.v3 << " }";
+ }
+ };
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ template<>
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4> CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4>::clip(const Interval1f& u1) const
+ {
+ const vfloat8 p00 = vfloat8(v0);
+ const vfloat8 p01 = vfloat8(v1);
+ const vfloat8 p02 = vfloat8(v2);
+ const vfloat8 p03 = vfloat8(v3);
+ const vfloat8 t(vfloat4(u1.lower),vfloat4(u1.upper));
+ const vfloat8 p10 = lerp(p00,p01,t);
+ const vfloat8 p11 = lerp(p01,p02,t);
+ const vfloat8 p12 = lerp(p02,p03,t);
+ const vfloat8 p20 = lerp(p10,p11,t);
+ const vfloat8 p21 = lerp(p11,p12,t);
+ const vfloat8 p30 = lerp(p20,p21,t);
+ const vfloat8 f01 = p30;
+ const vfloat8 df01 = vfloat8(3.0f)*(p21-p20);
+ const vfloat4 f0 = extract4<0>(f01), f1 = extract4<1>(f01);
+ const vfloat4 df0 = extract4<0>(df01), df1 = extract4<1>(df01);
+ const float s = u1.upper-u1.lower;
+ return CubicBezierCurve(f0,f0+s*(1.0f/3.0f)*df0,f1-s*(1.0f/3.0f)*df1,f1);
+ }
+ template<typename Vertex> using BezierCurveT = CubicBezierCurve<Vertex>;
+ typedef CubicBezierCurve<float> CubicBezierCurve1f;
+ typedef CubicBezierCurve<Vec2fa> CubicBezierCurve2fa;
+ typedef CubicBezierCurve<Vec3fa> CubicBezierCurve3fa;
+ typedef CubicBezierCurve<Vec3fa> BezierCurve3fa;
+ template<> __forceinline int CubicBezierCurve<float>::maxRoots() const
+ {
+ float eps = 1E-4f;
+ bool neg0 = v0 <= 0.0f; bool zero0 = fabs(v0) < eps;
+ bool neg1 = v1 <= 0.0f; bool zero1 = fabs(v1) < eps;
+ bool neg2 = v2 <= 0.0f; bool zero2 = fabs(v2) < eps;
+ bool neg3 = v3 <= 0.0f; bool zero3 = fabs(v3) < eps;
+ return (neg0 != neg1 || zero0) + (neg1 != neg2 || zero1) + (neg2 != neg3 || zero2 || zero3);
+ }
+ template<> __forceinline int CubicBezierCurve<Interval1f>::maxRoots() const {
+ return numRoots(v0,v1) + numRoots(v1,v2) + numRoots(v2,v3);
+ }
+ template<typename CurveGeometry>
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<Vec3ff> enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(const IntersectContext* context, const CurveGeometry* geom, const Vec3fa& ray_org, const CubicBezierCurve<Vec3ff>& curve)
+ {
+ return CubicBezierCurve<Vec3ff>(enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,ray_org,curve.v0),
+ enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,ray_org,curve.v1),
+ enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,ray_org,curve.v2),
+ enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,ray_org,curve.v3));
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bezier_patch.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bezier_patch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ff03902a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bezier_patch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "catmullclark_patch.h"
+#include "bezier_curve.h"
+namespace embree
+ template<class T, class S>
+ static __forceinline T deCasteljau(const S& uu, const T& v0, const T& v1, const T& v2, const T& v3)
+ {
+ const T v0_1 = lerp(v0,v1,uu);
+ const T v1_1 = lerp(v1,v2,uu);
+ const T v2_1 = lerp(v2,v3,uu);
+ const T v0_2 = lerp(v0_1,v1_1,uu);
+ const T v1_2 = lerp(v1_1,v2_1,uu);
+ const T v0_3 = lerp(v0_2,v1_2,uu);
+ return v0_3;
+ }
+ template<class T, class S>
+ static __forceinline T deCasteljau_tangent(const S& uu, const T& v0, const T& v1, const T& v2, const T& v3)
+ {
+ const T v0_1 = lerp(v0,v1,uu);
+ const T v1_1 = lerp(v1,v2,uu);
+ const T v2_1 = lerp(v2,v3,uu);
+ const T v0_2 = lerp(v0_1,v1_1,uu);
+ const T v1_2 = lerp(v1_1,v2_1,uu);
+ return S(3.0f)*(v1_2-v0_2);
+ }
+ template<typename Vertex>
+ __forceinline Vertex computeInnerBezierControlPoint(const Vertex v[4][4], const size_t y, const size_t x) {
+ return 1.0f / 36.0f * (16.0f * v[y][x] + 4.0f * (v[y-1][x] + v[y+1][x] + v[y][x-1] + v[y][x+1]) + (v[y-1][x-1] + v[y+1][x+1] + v[y-1][x+1] + v[y+1][x-1]));
+ }
+ template<typename Vertex>
+ __forceinline Vertex computeTopEdgeBezierControlPoint(const Vertex v[4][4], const size_t y, const size_t x) {
+ return 1.0f / 18.0f * (8.0f * v[y][x] + 4.0f * v[y-1][x] + 2.0f * (v[y][x-1] + v[y][x+1]) + (v[y-1][x-1] + v[y-1][x+1]));
+ }
+ template<typename Vertex>
+ __forceinline Vertex computeBottomEdgeBezierControlPoint(const Vertex v[4][4], const size_t y, const size_t x) {
+ return 1.0f / 18.0f * (8.0f * v[y][x] + 4.0f * v[y+1][x] + 2.0f * (v[y][x-1] + v[y][x+1]) + v[y+1][x-1] + v[y+1][x+1]);
+ }
+ template<typename Vertex>
+ __forceinline Vertex computeLeftEdgeBezierControlPoint(const Vertex v[4][4], const size_t y, const size_t x) {
+ return 1.0f / 18.0f * (8.0f * v[y][x] + 4.0f * v[y][x-1] + 2.0f * (v[y-1][x] + v[y+1][x]) + v[y-1][x-1] + v[y+1][x-1]);
+ }
+ template<typename Vertex>
+ __forceinline Vertex computeRightEdgeBezierControlPoint(const Vertex v[4][4], const size_t y, const size_t x) {
+ return 1.0f / 18.0f * (8.0f * v[y][x] + 4.0f * v[y][x+1] + 2.0f * (v[y-1][x] + v[y+1][x]) + v[y-1][x+1] + v[y+1][x+1]);
+ }
+ template<typename Vertex>
+ __forceinline Vertex computeCornerBezierControlPoint(const Vertex v[4][4], const size_t y, const size_t x, const ssize_t delta_y, const ssize_t delta_x)
+ {
+ return 1.0f / 9.0f * (4.0f * v[y][x] + 2.0f * (v[y+delta_y][x] + v[y][x+delta_x]) + v[y+delta_y][x+delta_x]);
+ }
+ template<typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t>
+ class __aligned(64) BezierPatchT
+ {
+ public:
+ Vertex matrix[4][4];
+ public:
+ __forceinline BezierPatchT() {}
+ __forceinline BezierPatchT (const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride);
+ __forceinline BezierPatchT(const CatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t>& patch);
+ __forceinline BezierPatchT(const CatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t>& patch,
+ const BezierCurveT<Vertex>* border0,
+ const BezierCurveT<Vertex>* border1,
+ const BezierCurveT<Vertex>* border2,
+ const BezierCurveT<Vertex>* border3);
+ __forceinline BezierPatchT(const BSplinePatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t>& source)
+ {
+ /* compute inner bezier control points */
+ matrix[0][0] = computeInnerBezierControlPoint(source.v,1,1);
+ matrix[0][3] = computeInnerBezierControlPoint(source.v,1,2);
+ matrix[3][3] = computeInnerBezierControlPoint(source.v,2,2);
+ matrix[3][0] = computeInnerBezierControlPoint(source.v,2,1);
+ /* compute top edge control points */
+ matrix[0][1] = computeRightEdgeBezierControlPoint(source.v,1,1);
+ matrix[0][2] = computeLeftEdgeBezierControlPoint(source.v,1,2);
+ /* compute buttom edge control points */
+ matrix[3][1] = computeRightEdgeBezierControlPoint(source.v,2,1);
+ matrix[3][2] = computeLeftEdgeBezierControlPoint(source.v,2,2);
+ /* compute left edge control points */
+ matrix[1][0] = computeBottomEdgeBezierControlPoint(source.v,1,1);
+ matrix[2][0] = computeTopEdgeBezierControlPoint(source.v,2,1);
+ /* compute right edge control points */
+ matrix[1][3] = computeBottomEdgeBezierControlPoint(source.v,1,2);
+ matrix[2][3] = computeTopEdgeBezierControlPoint(source.v,2,2);
+ /* compute corner control points */
+ matrix[1][1] = computeCornerBezierControlPoint(source.v,1,1, 1, 1);
+ matrix[1][2] = computeCornerBezierControlPoint(source.v,1,2, 1,-1);
+ matrix[2][2] = computeCornerBezierControlPoint(source.v,2,2,-1,-1);
+ matrix[2][1] = computeCornerBezierControlPoint(source.v,2,1,-1, 1);
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex_t bilinear(const Vec4f Bu, const Vertex matrix[4][4], const Vec4f Bv)
+ {
+ const Vertex_t M0 = madd(Bu.x,matrix[0][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[0][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[0][2],Bu.w * matrix[0][3])));
+ const Vertex_t M1 = madd(Bu.x,matrix[1][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[1][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[1][2],Bu.w * matrix[1][3])));
+ const Vertex_t M2 = madd(Bu.x,matrix[2][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[2][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[2][2],Bu.w * matrix[2][3])));
+ const Vertex_t M3 = madd(Bu.x,matrix[3][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[3][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[3][2],Bu.w * matrix[3][3])));
+ return madd(Bv.x,M0,madd(Bv.y,M1,madd(Bv.z,M2,Bv.w*M3)));
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex_t eval(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const float uu, const float vv)
+ {
+ const Vec4f Bu = BezierBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4f Bv = BezierBasis::eval(vv);
+ return bilinear(Bu,matrix,Bv);
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex_t eval_du(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const float uu, const float vv)
+ {
+ const Vec4f Bu = BezierBasis::derivative(uu);
+ const Vec4f Bv = BezierBasis::eval(vv);
+ return bilinear(Bu,matrix,Bv);
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex_t eval_dv(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const float uu, const float vv)
+ {
+ const Vec4f Bu = BezierBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4f Bv = BezierBasis::derivative(vv);
+ return bilinear(Bu,matrix,Bv);
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex_t eval_dudu(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const float uu, const float vv)
+ {
+ const Vec4f Bu = BezierBasis::derivative2(uu);
+ const Vec4f Bv = BezierBasis::eval(vv);
+ return bilinear(Bu,matrix,Bv);
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex_t eval_dvdv(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const float uu, const float vv)
+ {
+ const Vec4f Bu = BezierBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4f Bv = BezierBasis::derivative2(vv);
+ return bilinear(Bu,matrix,Bv);
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex_t eval_dudv(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const float uu, const float vv)
+ {
+ const Vec4f Bu = BezierBasis::derivative(uu);
+ const Vec4f Bv = BezierBasis::derivative(vv);
+ return bilinear(Bu,matrix,Bv);
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex_t normal(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const float uu, const float vv)
+ {
+ const Vertex_t dPdu = eval_du(matrix,uu,vv);
+ const Vertex_t dPdv = eval_dv(matrix,uu,vv);
+ return cross(dPdu,dPdv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex_t normal(const float uu, const float vv)
+ {
+ const Vertex_t dPdu = eval_du(matrix,uu,vv);
+ const Vertex_t dPdv = eval_dv(matrix,uu,vv);
+ return cross(dPdu,dPdv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex_t eval(const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return eval(matrix,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex_t eval_du(const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return eval_du(matrix,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex_t eval_dv(const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return eval_dv(matrix,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex_t eval_dudu(const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return eval_dudu(matrix,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex_t eval_dvdv(const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return eval_dvdv(matrix,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex_t eval_dudv(const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return eval_dudv(matrix,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline void eval(const float u, const float v, Vertex* P, Vertex* dPdu, Vertex* dPdv, Vertex* ddPdudu, Vertex* ddPdvdv, Vertex* ddPdudv, const float dscale = 1.0f) const
+ {
+ if (P) {
+ *P = eval(u,v);
+ }
+ if (dPdu) {
+ assert(dPdu); *dPdu = eval_du(u,v)*dscale;
+ assert(dPdv); *dPdv = eval_dv(u,v)*dscale;
+ }
+ if (ddPdudu) {
+ assert(ddPdudu); *ddPdudu = eval_dudu(u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ assert(ddPdvdv); *ddPdvdv = eval_dvdv(u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ assert(ddPdudv); *ddPdudv = eval_dudv(u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ }
+ }
+ template<class vfloat>
+ __forceinline vfloat eval(const size_t i, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv, const Vec4<vfloat>& u_n, const Vec4<vfloat>& v_n) const
+ {
+ const vfloat curve0_x = v_n[0] * vfloat(matrix[0][0][i]) + v_n[1] * vfloat(matrix[1][0][i]) + v_n[2] * vfloat(matrix[2][0][i]) + v_n[3] * vfloat(matrix[3][0][i]);
+ const vfloat curve1_x = v_n[0] * vfloat(matrix[0][1][i]) + v_n[1] * vfloat(matrix[1][1][i]) + v_n[2] * vfloat(matrix[2][1][i]) + v_n[3] * vfloat(matrix[3][1][i]);
+ const vfloat curve2_x = v_n[0] * vfloat(matrix[0][2][i]) + v_n[1] * vfloat(matrix[1][2][i]) + v_n[2] * vfloat(matrix[2][2][i]) + v_n[3] * vfloat(matrix[3][2][i]);
+ const vfloat curve3_x = v_n[0] * vfloat(matrix[0][3][i]) + v_n[1] * vfloat(matrix[1][3][i]) + v_n[2] * vfloat(matrix[2][3][i]) + v_n[3] * vfloat(matrix[3][3][i]);
+ return u_n[0] * curve0_x + u_n[1] * curve1_x + u_n[2] * curve2_x + u_n[3] * curve3_x;
+ }
+ template<typename vbool, typename vfloat>
+ __forceinline void eval(const vbool& valid, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv,
+ float* P, float* dPdu, float* dPdv, float* ddPdudu, float* ddPdvdv, float* ddPdudv,
+ const float dscale, const size_t dstride, const size_t N) const
+ {
+ if (P) {
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BezierBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BezierBasis::eval(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) vfloat::store(valid,P+i*dstride,eval(i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n));
+ }
+ if (dPdu)
+ {
+ {
+ assert(dPdu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BezierBasis::derivative(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BezierBasis::eval(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) vfloat::store(valid,dPdu+i*dstride,eval(i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n)*dscale);
+ }
+ {
+ assert(dPdv);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BezierBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BezierBasis::derivative(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) vfloat::store(valid,dPdv+i*dstride,eval(i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n)*dscale);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ddPdudu)
+ {
+ {
+ assert(ddPdudu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BezierBasis::derivative2(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BezierBasis::eval(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) vfloat::store(valid,ddPdudu+i*dstride,eval(i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n)*sqr(dscale));
+ }
+ {
+ assert(ddPdvdv);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BezierBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BezierBasis::derivative2(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) vfloat::store(valid,ddPdvdv+i*dstride,eval(i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n)*sqr(dscale));
+ }
+ {
+ assert(ddPdudv);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BezierBasis::derivative(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BezierBasis::derivative(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) vfloat::store(valid,ddPdudv+i*dstride,eval(i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n)*sqr(dscale));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ static __forceinline Vec3<T> eval(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const T& uu, const T& vv)
+ {
+ const T one_minus_uu = 1.0f - uu;
+ const T one_minus_vv = 1.0f - vv;
+ const T B0_u = one_minus_uu * one_minus_uu * one_minus_uu;
+ const T B0_v = one_minus_vv * one_minus_vv * one_minus_vv;
+ const T B1_u = 3.0f * (one_minus_uu * uu * one_minus_uu);
+ const T B1_v = 3.0f * (one_minus_vv * vv * one_minus_vv);
+ const T B2_u = 3.0f * (uu * one_minus_uu * uu);
+ const T B2_v = 3.0f * (vv * one_minus_vv * vv);
+ const T B3_u = uu * uu * uu;
+ const T B3_v = vv * vv * vv;
+ const T x =
+ madd(B0_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[0][0].x,madd(B1_u,matrix[0][1].x,madd(B2_u,matrix[0][2].x,B3_u*matrix[0][3].x))),
+ madd(B1_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[1][0].x,madd(B1_u,matrix[1][1].x,madd(B2_u,matrix[1][2].x,B3_u*matrix[1][3].x))),
+ madd(B2_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[2][0].x,madd(B1_u,matrix[2][1].x,madd(B2_u,matrix[2][2].x,B3_u*matrix[2][3].x))),
+ B3_v*madd(B0_u,matrix[3][0].x,madd(B1_u,matrix[3][1].x,madd(B2_u,matrix[3][2].x,B3_u*matrix[3][3].x))))));
+ const T y =
+ madd(B0_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[0][0].y,madd(B1_u,matrix[0][1].y,madd(B2_u,matrix[0][2].y,B3_u*matrix[0][3].y))),
+ madd(B1_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[1][0].y,madd(B1_u,matrix[1][1].y,madd(B2_u,matrix[1][2].y,B3_u*matrix[1][3].y))),
+ madd(B2_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[2][0].y,madd(B1_u,matrix[2][1].y,madd(B2_u,matrix[2][2].y,B3_u*matrix[2][3].y))),
+ B3_v*madd(B0_u,matrix[3][0].y,madd(B1_u,matrix[3][1].y,madd(B2_u,matrix[3][2].y,B3_u*matrix[3][3].y))))));
+ const T z =
+ madd(B0_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[0][0].z,madd(B1_u,matrix[0][1].z,madd(B2_u,matrix[0][2].z,B3_u*matrix[0][3].z))),
+ madd(B1_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[1][0].z,madd(B1_u,matrix[1][1].z,madd(B2_u,matrix[1][2].z,B3_u*matrix[1][3].z))),
+ madd(B2_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[2][0].z,madd(B1_u,matrix[2][1].z,madd(B2_u,matrix[2][2].z,B3_u*matrix[2][3].z))),
+ B3_v*madd(B0_u,matrix[3][0].z,madd(B1_u,matrix[3][1].z,madd(B2_u,matrix[3][2].z,B3_u*matrix[3][3].z))))));
+ return Vec3<T>(x,y,z);
+ }
+ template<typename vfloat>
+ __forceinline Vec3<vfloat> eval(const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv) const {
+ return eval(matrix,uu,vv);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ static __forceinline Vec3<T> normal(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const T& uu, const T& vv)
+ {
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_00 = Vec3<T>(matrix[0][0].x,matrix[0][0].y,matrix[0][0].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_01 = Vec3<T>(matrix[0][1].x,matrix[0][1].y,matrix[0][1].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_02 = Vec3<T>(matrix[0][2].x,matrix[0][2].y,matrix[0][2].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_03 = Vec3<T>(matrix[0][3].x,matrix[0][3].y,matrix[0][3].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_10 = Vec3<T>(matrix[1][0].x,matrix[1][0].y,matrix[1][0].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_11 = Vec3<T>(matrix[1][1].x,matrix[1][1].y,matrix[1][1].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_12 = Vec3<T>(matrix[1][2].x,matrix[1][2].y,matrix[1][2].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_13 = Vec3<T>(matrix[1][3].x,matrix[1][3].y,matrix[1][3].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_20 = Vec3<T>(matrix[2][0].x,matrix[2][0].y,matrix[2][0].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_21 = Vec3<T>(matrix[2][1].x,matrix[2][1].y,matrix[2][1].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_22 = Vec3<T>(matrix[2][2].x,matrix[2][2].y,matrix[2][2].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_23 = Vec3<T>(matrix[2][3].x,matrix[2][3].y,matrix[2][3].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_30 = Vec3<T>(matrix[3][0].x,matrix[3][0].y,matrix[3][0].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_31 = Vec3<T>(matrix[3][1].x,matrix[3][1].y,matrix[3][1].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_32 = Vec3<T>(matrix[3][2].x,matrix[3][2].y,matrix[3][2].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_33 = Vec3<T>(matrix[3][3].x,matrix[3][3].y,matrix[3][3].z);
+ /* tangentU */
+ const Vec3<T> col0 = deCasteljau(vv, matrix_00, matrix_10, matrix_20, matrix_30);
+ const Vec3<T> col1 = deCasteljau(vv, matrix_01, matrix_11, matrix_21, matrix_31);
+ const Vec3<T> col2 = deCasteljau(vv, matrix_02, matrix_12, matrix_22, matrix_32);
+ const Vec3<T> col3 = deCasteljau(vv, matrix_03, matrix_13, matrix_23, matrix_33);
+ const Vec3<T> tangentU = deCasteljau_tangent(uu, col0, col1, col2, col3);
+ /* tangentV */
+ const Vec3<T> row0 = deCasteljau(uu, matrix_00, matrix_01, matrix_02, matrix_03);
+ const Vec3<T> row1 = deCasteljau(uu, matrix_10, matrix_11, matrix_12, matrix_13);
+ const Vec3<T> row2 = deCasteljau(uu, matrix_20, matrix_21, matrix_22, matrix_23);
+ const Vec3<T> row3 = deCasteljau(uu, matrix_30, matrix_31, matrix_32, matrix_33);
+ const Vec3<T> tangentV = deCasteljau_tangent(vv, row0, row1, row2, row3);
+ /* normal = tangentU x tangentV */
+ const Vec3<T> n = cross(tangentU,tangentV);
+ return n;
+ }
+ template<typename vfloat>
+ __forceinline Vec3<vfloat> normal(const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv) const {
+ return normal(matrix,uu,vv);
+ }
+ };
+ typedef BezierPatchT<Vec3fa,Vec3fa_t> BezierPatch3fa;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bilinear_patch.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bilinear_patch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cade104a6c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bilinear_patch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "catmullclark_patch.h"
+#include "bezier_curve.h"
+namespace embree
+ template<typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t = Vertex>
+ class __aligned(64) BilinearPatchT
+ {
+ typedef CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClarkRing;
+ typedef CatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClarkPatch;
+ public:
+ Vertex v[4];
+ public:
+ __forceinline BilinearPatchT () {}
+ __forceinline BilinearPatchT (const HalfEdge* edge, const BufferView<Vertex>& vertices) {
+ init(edge,vertices.getPtr(),vertices.getStride());
+ }
+ __forceinline BilinearPatchT (const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride) {
+ init(edge,vertices,stride);
+ }
+ __forceinline void init (const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride)
+ {
+ v[0] = Vertex::loadu(vertices+edge->getStartVertexIndex()*stride); edge = edge->next();
+ v[1] = Vertex::loadu(vertices+edge->getStartVertexIndex()*stride); edge = edge->next();
+ v[2] = Vertex::loadu(vertices+edge->getStartVertexIndex()*stride); edge = edge->next();
+ v[3] = Vertex::loadu(vertices+edge->getStartVertexIndex()*stride); edge = edge->next();
+ }
+ __forceinline BilinearPatchT (const CatmullClarkPatch& patch)
+ {
+ v[0] = patch.ring[0].getLimitVertex();
+ v[1] = patch.ring[1].getLimitVertex();
+ v[2] = patch.ring[2].getLimitVertex();
+ v[3] = patch.ring[3].getLimitVertex();
+ }
+ __forceinline BBox<Vertex> bounds() const
+ {
+ BBox<Vertex> bounds (v[0]);
+ bounds.extend(v[1]);
+ bounds.extend(v[2]);
+ bounds.extend(v[3]);
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval(const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return lerp(lerp(v[0],v[1],uu),lerp(v[3],v[2],uu),vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_du(const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return lerp(v[1]-v[0],v[2]-v[3],vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dv(const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return lerp(v[3]-v[0],v[2]-v[1],uu);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dudu(const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return Vertex(zero);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dvdv(const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return Vertex(zero);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dudv(const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return (v[2]-v[3]) - (v[1]-v[0]);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex normal(const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return cross(eval_du(uu,vv),eval_dv(uu,vv));
+ }
+ __forceinline void eval(const float u, const float v,
+ Vertex* P, Vertex* dPdu, Vertex* dPdv, Vertex* ddPdudu, Vertex* ddPdvdv, Vertex* ddPdudv,
+ const float dscale = 1.0f) const
+ {
+ if (P) {
+ *P = eval(u,v);
+ }
+ if (dPdu) {
+ assert(dPdu); *dPdu = eval_du(u,v)*dscale;
+ assert(dPdv); *dPdv = eval_dv(u,v)*dscale;
+ }
+ if (ddPdudu) {
+ assert(ddPdudu); *ddPdudu = eval_dudu(u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ assert(ddPdvdv); *ddPdvdv = eval_dvdv(u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ assert(ddPdudv); *ddPdudv = eval_dudv(u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ }
+ }
+ template<class vfloat>
+ __forceinline Vec3<vfloat> eval(const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv) const
+ {
+ const vfloat x = lerp(lerp(v[0].x,v[1].x,uu),lerp(v[3].x,v[2].x,uu),vv);
+ const vfloat y = lerp(lerp(v[0].y,v[1].y,uu),lerp(v[3].y,v[2].y,uu),vv);
+ const vfloat z = lerp(lerp(v[0].z,v[1].z,uu),lerp(v[3].z,v[2].z,uu),vv);
+ return Vec3<vfloat>(x,y,z);
+ }
+ template<class vfloat>
+ __forceinline Vec3<vfloat> eval_du(const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv) const
+ {
+ const vfloat x = lerp(v[1].x-v[0].x,v[2].x-v[3].x,vv);
+ const vfloat y = lerp(v[1].y-v[0].y,v[2].y-v[3].y,vv);
+ const vfloat z = lerp(v[1].z-v[0].z,v[2].z-v[3].z,vv);
+ return Vec3<vfloat>(x,y,z);
+ }
+ template<class vfloat>
+ __forceinline Vec3<vfloat> eval_dv(const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv) const
+ {
+ const vfloat x = lerp(v[3].x-v[0].x,v[2].x-v[1].x,uu);
+ const vfloat y = lerp(v[3].y-v[0].y,v[2].y-v[1].y,uu);
+ const vfloat z = lerp(v[3].z-v[0].z,v[2].z-v[1].z,uu);
+ return Vec3<vfloat>(x,y,z);
+ }
+ template<typename vfloat>
+ __forceinline Vec3<vfloat> normal(const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv) const {
+ return cross(eval_du(uu,vv),eval_dv(uu,vv));
+ }
+ template<class vfloat>
+ __forceinline vfloat eval(const size_t i, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv) const {
+ return lerp(lerp(v[0][i],v[1][i],uu),lerp(v[3][i],v[2][i],uu),vv);
+ }
+ template<class vfloat>
+ __forceinline vfloat eval_du(const size_t i, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv) const {
+ return lerp(v[1][i]-v[0][i],v[2][i]-v[3][i],vv);
+ }
+ template<class vfloat>
+ __forceinline vfloat eval_dv(const size_t i, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv) const {
+ return lerp(v[3][i]-v[0][i],v[2][i]-v[1][i],uu);
+ }
+ template<class vfloat>
+ __forceinline vfloat eval_dudu(const size_t i, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv) const {
+ return vfloat(zero);
+ }
+ template<class vfloat>
+ __forceinline vfloat eval_dvdv(const size_t i, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv) const {
+ return vfloat(zero);
+ }
+ template<class vfloat>
+ __forceinline vfloat eval_dudv(const size_t i, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv) const {
+ return (v[2][i]-v[3][i]) - (v[1][i]-v[0][i]);
+ }
+ template<typename vbool, typename vfloat>
+ __forceinline void eval(const vbool& valid, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv,
+ float* P, float* dPdu, float* dPdv, float* ddPdudu, float* ddPdvdv, float* ddPdudv,
+ const float dscale, const size_t dstride, const size_t N) const
+ {
+ if (P) {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) vfloat::store(valid,P+i*dstride,eval(i,uu,vv));
+ }
+ if (dPdu) {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ assert(dPdu); vfloat::store(valid,dPdu+i*dstride,eval_du(i,uu,vv)*dscale);
+ assert(dPdv); vfloat::store(valid,dPdv+i*dstride,eval_dv(i,uu,vv)*dscale);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ddPdudu) {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ assert(ddPdudu); vfloat::store(valid,ddPdudu+i*dstride,eval_dudu(i,uu,vv)*sqr(dscale));
+ assert(ddPdvdv); vfloat::store(valid,ddPdvdv+i*dstride,eval_dvdv(i,uu,vv)*sqr(dscale));
+ assert(ddPdudv); vfloat::store(valid,ddPdudv+i*dstride,eval_dudv(i,uu,vv)*sqr(dscale));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ typedef BilinearPatchT<Vec3fa,Vec3fa_t> BilinearPatch3fa;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bspline_curve.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bspline_curve.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..51489ef37c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bspline_curve.h
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/default.h"
+#include "bezier_curve.h"
+namespace embree
+ class BSplineBasis
+ {
+ public:
+ template<typename T>
+ static __forceinline Vec4<T> eval(const T& u)
+ {
+ const T t = u;
+ const T s = T(1.0f) - u;
+ const T n0 = s*s*s;
+ const T n1 = (4.0f*(s*s*s)+(t*t*t)) + (12.0f*((s*t)*s) + 6.0f*((t*s)*t));
+ const T n2 = (4.0f*(t*t*t)+(s*s*s)) + (12.0f*((t*s)*t) + 6.0f*((s*t)*s));
+ const T n3 = t*t*t;
+ return T(1.0f/6.0f)*Vec4<T>(n0,n1,n2,n3);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ static __forceinline Vec4<T> derivative(const T& u)
+ {
+ const T t = u;
+ const T s = 1.0f - u;
+ const T n0 = -s*s;
+ const T n1 = -t*t - 4.0f*(t*s);
+ const T n2 = s*s + 4.0f*(s*t);
+ const T n3 = t*t;
+ return T(0.5f)*Vec4<T>(n0,n1,n2,n3);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ static __forceinline Vec4<T> derivative2(const T& u)
+ {
+ const T t = u;
+ const T s = 1.0f - u;
+ const T n0 = s;
+ const T n1 = t - 2.0f*s;
+ const T n2 = s - 2.0f*t;
+ const T n3 = t;
+ return Vec4<T>(n0,n1,n2,n3);
+ }
+ };
+ struct PrecomputedBSplineBasis
+ {
+ enum { N = 16 };
+ public:
+ PrecomputedBSplineBasis() {}
+ PrecomputedBSplineBasis(int shift);
+ /* basis for bspline evaluation */
+ public:
+ float c0[N+1][N+1];
+ float c1[N+1][N+1];
+ float c2[N+1][N+1];
+ float c3[N+1][N+1];
+ /* basis for bspline derivative evaluation */
+ public:
+ float d0[N+1][N+1];
+ float d1[N+1][N+1];
+ float d2[N+1][N+1];
+ float d3[N+1][N+1];
+ };
+ extern PrecomputedBSplineBasis bspline_basis0;
+ extern PrecomputedBSplineBasis bspline_basis1;
+ template<typename Vertex>
+ struct BSplineCurveT
+ {
+ Vertex v0,v1,v2,v3;
+ __forceinline BSplineCurveT() {}
+ __forceinline BSplineCurveT(const Vertex& v0, const Vertex& v1, const Vertex& v2, const Vertex& v3)
+ : v0(v0), v1(v1), v2(v2), v3(v3) {}
+ __forceinline Vertex begin() const {
+ return madd(1.0f/6.0f,v0,madd(2.0f/3.0f,v1,1.0f/6.0f*v2));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex end() const {
+ return madd(1.0f/6.0f,v1,madd(2.0f/3.0f,v2,1.0f/6.0f*v3));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex center() const {
+ return 0.25f*(v0+v1+v2+v3);
+ }
+ __forceinline BBox<Vertex> bounds() const {
+ return merge(BBox<Vertex>(v0),BBox<Vertex>(v1),BBox<Vertex>(v2),BBox<Vertex>(v3));
+ }
+ __forceinline friend BSplineCurveT operator -( const BSplineCurveT& a, const Vertex& b ) {
+ return BSplineCurveT(a.v0-b,a.v1-b,a.v2-b,a.v3-b);
+ }
+ __forceinline BSplineCurveT<Vec3ff> xfm_pr(const LinearSpace3fa& space, const Vec3fa& p) const
+ {
+ const Vec3ff q0(xfmVector(space,(Vec3fa)v0-p), v0.w);
+ const Vec3ff q1(xfmVector(space,(Vec3fa)v1-p), v1.w);
+ const Vec3ff q2(xfmVector(space,(Vec3fa)v2-p), v2.w);
+ const Vec3ff q3(xfmVector(space,(Vec3fa)v3-p), v3.w);
+ return BSplineCurveT<Vec3ff>(q0,q1,q2,q3);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval(const float t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<float> b = BSplineBasis::eval(t);
+ return madd(b.x,v0,madd(b.y,v1,madd(b.z,v2,b.w*v3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_du(const float t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<float> b = BSplineBasis::derivative(t);
+ return madd(b.x,v0,madd(b.y,v1,madd(b.z,v2,b.w*v3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dudu(const float t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<float> b = BSplineBasis::derivative2(t);
+ return madd(b.x,v0,madd(b.y,v1,madd(b.z,v2,b.w*v3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline void eval(const float t, Vertex& p, Vertex& dp, Vertex& ddp) const
+ {
+ p = eval(t);
+ dp = eval_du(t);
+ ddp = eval_dudu(t);
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> veval(const vfloat<M>& t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4vf<M> b = BSplineBasis::eval(t);
+ return madd(b.x, Vec4vf<M>(v0), madd(b.y, Vec4vf<M>(v1), madd(b.z, Vec4vf<M>(v2), b.w * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> veval_du(const vfloat<M>& t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4vf<M> b = BSplineBasis::derivative(t);
+ return madd(b.x, Vec4vf<M>(v0), madd(b.y, Vec4vf<M>(v1), madd(b.z, Vec4vf<M>(v2), b.w * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> veval_dudu(const vfloat<M>& t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4vf<M> b = BSplineBasis::derivative2(t);
+ return madd(b.x, Vec4vf<M>(v0), madd(b.y, Vec4vf<M>(v1), madd(b.z, Vec4vf<M>(v2), b.w * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline void veval(const vfloat<M>& t, Vec4vf<M>& p, Vec4vf<M>& dp) const
+ {
+ p = veval<M>(t);
+ dp = veval_du<M>(t);
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> eval0(const int ofs, const int size) const
+ {
+ assert(size <= PrecomputedBSplineBasis::N);
+ assert(ofs <= size);
+ return madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis0.c0[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v0),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis0.c1[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v1),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis0.c2[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v2),
+ vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis0.c3[size][ofs]) * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> eval1(const int ofs, const int size) const
+ {
+ assert(size <= PrecomputedBSplineBasis::N);
+ assert(ofs <= size);
+ return madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis1.c0[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v0),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis1.c1[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v1),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis1.c2[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v2),
+ vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis1.c3[size][ofs]) * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> derivative0(const int ofs, const int size) const
+ {
+ assert(size <= PrecomputedBSplineBasis::N);
+ assert(ofs <= size);
+ return madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis0.d0[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v0),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis0.d1[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v1),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis0.d2[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v2),
+ vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis0.d3[size][ofs]) * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> derivative1(const int ofs, const int size) const
+ {
+ assert(size <= PrecomputedBSplineBasis::N);
+ assert(ofs <= size);
+ return madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis1.d0[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v0),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis1.d1[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v1),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis1.d2[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v2),
+ vfloat<M>::loadu(&bspline_basis1.d3[size][ofs]) * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ /* calculates bounds of bspline curve geometry */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa accurateRoundBounds() const
+ {
+ const int N = 7;
+ const float scale = 1.0f/(3.0f*(N-1));
+ Vec4vfx pl(pos_inf), pu(neg_inf);
+ for (int i=0; i<=N; i+=VSIZEX)
+ {
+ vintx vi = vintx(i)+vintx(step);
+ vboolx valid = vi <= vintx(N);
+ const Vec4vfx p = eval0<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ const Vec4vfx dp = derivative0<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ const Vec4vfx pm = p-Vec4vfx(scale)*select(vi!=vintx(0),dp,Vec4vfx(zero));
+ const Vec4vfx pp = p+Vec4vfx(scale)*select(vi!=vintx(N),dp,Vec4vfx(zero));
+ pl = select(valid,min(pl,p,pm,pp),pl); // FIXME: use masked min
+ pu = select(valid,max(pu,p,pm,pp),pu); // FIXME: use masked min
+ }
+ const Vec3fa lower(reduce_min(pl.x),reduce_min(pl.y),reduce_min(pl.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper(reduce_max(pu.x),reduce_max(pu.y),reduce_max(pu.z));
+ const float r_min = reduce_min(pl.w);
+ const float r_max = reduce_max(pu.w);
+ const Vec3fa upper_r = Vec3fa(max(abs(r_min),abs(r_max)));
+ return enlarge(BBox3fa(lower,upper),upper_r);
+ }
+ /* calculates bounds when tessellated into N line segments */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa accurateFlatBounds(int N) const
+ {
+ if (likely(N == 4))
+ {
+ const Vec4vf4 pi = eval0<4>(0,4);
+ const Vec3fa lower(reduce_min(pi.x),reduce_min(pi.y),reduce_min(pi.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper(reduce_max(pi.x),reduce_max(pi.y),reduce_max(pi.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper_r = Vec3fa(reduce_max(abs(pi.w)));
+ const Vec3ff pe = end();
+ return enlarge(BBox3fa(min(lower,pe),max(upper,pe)),max(upper_r,Vec3fa(abs(pe.w))));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Vec3vfx pl(pos_inf), pu(neg_inf); vfloatx ru(0.0f);
+ for (int i=0; i<=N; i+=VSIZEX)
+ {
+ vboolx valid = vintx(i)+vintx(step) <= vintx(N);
+ const Vec4vfx pi = eval0<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ pl.x = select(valid,min(pl.x,pi.x),pl.x); // FIXME: use masked min
+ pl.y = select(valid,min(pl.y,pi.y),pl.y);
+ pl.z = select(valid,min(pl.z,pi.z),pl.z);
+ pu.x = select(valid,max(pu.x,pi.x),pu.x); // FIXME: use masked min
+ pu.y = select(valid,max(pu.y,pi.y),pu.y);
+ pu.z = select(valid,max(pu.z,pi.z),pu.z);
+ ru = select(valid,max(ru,abs(pi.w)),ru);
+ }
+ const Vec3fa lower(reduce_min(pl.x),reduce_min(pl.y),reduce_min(pl.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper(reduce_max(pu.x),reduce_max(pu.y),reduce_max(pu.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper_r(reduce_max(ru));
+ return enlarge(BBox3fa(lower,upper),upper_r);
+ }
+ }
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const BSplineCurveT& curve) {
+ return cout << "BSplineCurve { v0 = " << curve.v0 << ", v1 = " << curve.v1 << ", v2 = " << curve.v2 << ", v3 = " << curve.v3 << " }";
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename Vertex>
+ __forceinline void convert(const BezierCurveT<Vertex>& icurve, BezierCurveT<Vertex>& ocurve) {
+ ocurve = icurve;
+ }
+ template<typename Vertex>
+ __forceinline void convert(const BSplineCurveT<Vertex>& icurve, BSplineCurveT<Vertex>& ocurve) {
+ ocurve = icurve;
+ }
+ template<typename Vertex>
+ __forceinline void convert(const BezierCurveT<Vertex>& icurve, BSplineCurveT<Vertex>& ocurve)
+ {
+ const Vertex v0 = madd(6.0f,icurve.v0,madd(-7.0f,icurve.v1,2.0f*icurve.v2));
+ const Vertex v1 = msub(2.0f,icurve.v1,icurve.v2);
+ const Vertex v2 = msub(2.0f,icurve.v2,icurve.v1);
+ const Vertex v3 = madd(2.0f,icurve.v1,madd(-7.0f,icurve.v2,6.0f*icurve.v3));
+ ocurve = BSplineCurveT<Vertex>(v0,v1,v2,v3);
+ }
+ template<typename Vertex>
+ __forceinline void convert(const BSplineCurveT<Vertex>& icurve, BezierCurveT<Vertex>& ocurve)
+ {
+ const Vertex v0 = madd(1.0f/6.0f,icurve.v0,madd(2.0f/3.0f,icurve.v1,1.0f/6.0f*icurve.v2));
+ const Vertex v1 = madd(2.0f/3.0f,icurve.v1,1.0f/3.0f*icurve.v2);
+ const Vertex v2 = madd(1.0f/3.0f,icurve.v1,2.0f/3.0f*icurve.v2);
+ const Vertex v3 = madd(1.0f/6.0f,icurve.v1,madd(2.0f/3.0f,icurve.v2,1.0f/6.0f*icurve.v3));
+ ocurve = BezierCurveT<Vertex>(v0,v1,v2,v3);
+ }
+ template<typename CurveGeometry>
+ __forceinline BSplineCurveT<Vec3ff> enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(const IntersectContext* context, const CurveGeometry* geom, const Vec3fa& ray_org, const BSplineCurveT<Vec3ff>& curve)
+ {
+ return BSplineCurveT<Vec3ff>(enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,ray_org,curve.v0),
+ enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,ray_org,curve.v1),
+ enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,ray_org,curve.v2),
+ enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,ray_org,curve.v3));
+ }
+ typedef BSplineCurveT<Vec3fa> BSplineCurve3fa;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bspline_patch.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bspline_patch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ff47f01c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/bspline_patch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,449 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "catmullclark_patch.h"
+#include "bspline_curve.h"
+namespace embree
+ template<typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t = Vertex>
+ class __aligned(64) BSplinePatchT
+ {
+ typedef CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClarkRing;
+ typedef CatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClarkPatch;
+ public:
+ __forceinline BSplinePatchT () {}
+ __forceinline BSplinePatchT (const CatmullClarkPatch& patch) {
+ init(patch);
+ }
+ __forceinline BSplinePatchT(const CatmullClarkPatch& patch,
+ const BezierCurveT<Vertex>* border0,
+ const BezierCurveT<Vertex>* border1,
+ const BezierCurveT<Vertex>* border2,
+ const BezierCurveT<Vertex>* border3)
+ {
+ init(patch);
+ }
+ __forceinline BSplinePatchT (const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride) {
+ init(edge,vertices,stride);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex hard_corner(const Vertex& v01, const Vertex& v02,
+ const Vertex& v10, const Vertex& v11, const Vertex& v12,
+ const Vertex& v20, const Vertex& v21, const Vertex& v22)
+ {
+ return 4.0f*v11 - 2.0f*(v12+v21) + v22;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex soft_convex_corner( const Vertex& v01, const Vertex& v02,
+ const Vertex& v10, const Vertex& v11, const Vertex& v12,
+ const Vertex& v20, const Vertex& v21, const Vertex& v22)
+ {
+ return -8.0f*v11 + 4.0f*(v12+v21) + v22;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex convex_corner(const float vertex_crease_weight,
+ const Vertex& v01, const Vertex& v02,
+ const Vertex& v10, const Vertex& v11, const Vertex& v12,
+ const Vertex& v20, const Vertex& v21, const Vertex& v22)
+ {
+ if (std::isinf(vertex_crease_weight)) return hard_corner(v01,v02,v10,v11,v12,v20,v21,v22);
+ else return soft_convex_corner(v01,v02,v10,v11,v12,v20,v21,v22);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex load(const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride) {
+ return Vertex_t::loadu(vertices+edge->getStartVertexIndex()*stride);
+ }
+ __forceinline void init_border(const CatmullClarkRing& edge0,
+ Vertex& v01, Vertex& v02,
+ const Vertex& v11, const Vertex& v12,
+ const Vertex& v21, const Vertex& v22)
+ {
+ if (likely(edge0.has_opposite_back(0)))
+ {
+ v01 = edge0.back(2);
+ v02 = edge0.back(1);
+ } else {
+ v01 = 2.0f*v11-v21;
+ v02 = 2.0f*v12-v22;
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline void init_corner(const CatmullClarkRing& edge0,
+ Vertex& v00, const Vertex& v01, const Vertex& v02,
+ const Vertex& v10, const Vertex& v11, const Vertex& v12,
+ const Vertex& v20, const Vertex& v21, const Vertex& v22)
+ {
+ const bool MAYBE_UNUSED has_back1 = edge0.has_opposite_back(1);
+ const bool has_back0 = edge0.has_opposite_back(0);
+ const bool has_front1 = edge0.has_opposite_front(1);
+ const bool MAYBE_UNUSED has_front2 = edge0.has_opposite_front(2);
+ if (likely(has_back0)) {
+ if (likely(has_front1)) { assert(has_back1 && has_front2); v00 = edge0.back(3); }
+ else { assert(!has_back1); v00 = 2.0f*v01-v02; }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (likely(has_front1)) { assert(!has_front2); v00 = 2.0f*v10-v20; }
+ else v00 = convex_corner(edge0.vertex_crease_weight,v01,v02,v10,v11,v12,v20,v21,v22);
+ }
+ }
+ void init(const CatmullClarkPatch& patch)
+ {
+ /* fill inner vertices */
+ const Vertex v11 = v[1][1] = patch.ring[0].vtx;
+ const Vertex v12 = v[1][2] = patch.ring[1].vtx;
+ const Vertex v22 = v[2][2] = patch.ring[2].vtx;
+ const Vertex v21 = v[2][1] = patch.ring[3].vtx;
+ /* fill border vertices */
+ init_border(patch.ring[0],v[0][1],v[0][2],v11,v12,v21,v22);
+ init_border(patch.ring[1],v[1][3],v[2][3],v12,v22,v11,v21);
+ init_border(patch.ring[2],v[3][2],v[3][1],v22,v21,v12,v11);
+ init_border(patch.ring[3],v[2][0],v[1][0],v21,v11,v22,v12);
+ /* fill corner vertices */
+ init_corner(patch.ring[0],v[0][0],v[0][1],v[0][2],v[1][0],v11,v12,v[2][0],v21,v22);
+ init_corner(patch.ring[1],v[0][3],v[1][3],v[2][3],v[0][2],v12,v22,v[0][1],v11,v21);
+ init_corner(patch.ring[2],v[3][3],v[3][2],v[3][1],v[2][3],v22,v21,v[1][3],v12,v11);
+ init_corner(patch.ring[3],v[3][0],v[2][0],v[1][0],v[3][1],v21,v11,v[3][2],v22,v12);
+ }
+ void init_border(const HalfEdge* edge0, const char* vertices, size_t stride,
+ Vertex& v01, Vertex& v02,
+ const Vertex& v11, const Vertex& v12,
+ const Vertex& v21, const Vertex& v22)
+ {
+ if (likely(edge0->hasOpposite()))
+ {
+ const HalfEdge* e = edge0->opposite()->next()->next();
+ v01 = load(e,vertices,stride);
+ v02 = load(e->next(),vertices,stride);
+ } else {
+ v01 = 2.0f*v11-v21;
+ v02 = 2.0f*v12-v22;
+ }
+ }
+ void init_corner(const HalfEdge* edge0, const char* vertices, size_t stride,
+ Vertex& v00, const Vertex& v01, const Vertex& v02,
+ const Vertex& v10, const Vertex& v11, const Vertex& v12,
+ const Vertex& v20, const Vertex& v21, const Vertex& v22)
+ {
+ const bool has_back0 = edge0->hasOpposite();
+ const bool has_front1 = edge0->prev()->hasOpposite();
+ if (likely(has_back0))
+ {
+ const HalfEdge* e = edge0->opposite()->next();
+ if (likely(has_front1))
+ {
+ assert(e->hasOpposite());
+ assert(edge0->prev()->opposite()->prev()->hasOpposite());
+ v00 = load(e->opposite()->prev(),vertices,stride);
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(!e->hasOpposite());
+ v00 = 2.0f*v01-v02;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (likely(has_front1)) {
+ assert(!edge0->prev()->opposite()->prev()->hasOpposite());
+ v00 = 2.0f*v10-v20;
+ }
+ else {
+ assert(edge0->vertex_crease_weight == 0.0f || std::isinf(edge0->vertex_crease_weight));
+ v00 = convex_corner(edge0->vertex_crease_weight,v01,v02,v10,v11,v12,v20,v21,v22);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void init(const HalfEdge* edge0, const char* vertices, size_t stride)
+ {
+ assert( edge0->isRegularFace() );
+ /* fill inner vertices */
+ const Vertex v11 = v[1][1] = load(edge0,vertices,stride); const HalfEdge* edge1 = edge0->next();
+ const Vertex v12 = v[1][2] = load(edge1,vertices,stride); const HalfEdge* edge2 = edge1->next();
+ const Vertex v22 = v[2][2] = load(edge2,vertices,stride); const HalfEdge* edge3 = edge2->next();
+ const Vertex v21 = v[2][1] = load(edge3,vertices,stride); assert(edge0 == edge3->next());
+ /* fill border vertices */
+ init_border(edge0,vertices,stride,v[0][1],v[0][2],v11,v12,v21,v22);
+ init_border(edge1,vertices,stride,v[1][3],v[2][3],v12,v22,v11,v21);
+ init_border(edge2,vertices,stride,v[3][2],v[3][1],v22,v21,v12,v11);
+ init_border(edge3,vertices,stride,v[2][0],v[1][0],v21,v11,v22,v12);
+ /* fill corner vertices */
+ init_corner(edge0,vertices,stride,v[0][0],v[0][1],v[0][2],v[1][0],v11,v12,v[2][0],v21,v22);
+ init_corner(edge1,vertices,stride,v[0][3],v[1][3],v[2][3],v[0][2],v12,v22,v[0][1],v11,v21);
+ init_corner(edge2,vertices,stride,v[3][3],v[3][2],v[3][1],v[2][3],v22,v21,v[1][3],v12,v11);
+ init_corner(edge3,vertices,stride,v[3][0],v[2][0],v[1][0],v[3][1],v21,v11,v[3][2],v22,v12);
+ }
+ __forceinline BBox<Vertex> bounds() const
+ {
+ const Vertex* const cv = &v[0][0];
+ BBox<Vertex> bounds (cv[0]);
+ for (size_t i=1; i<16 ; i++)
+ bounds.extend( cv[i] );
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval(const float uu, const float vv) const
+ {
+ const Vec4f v_n = BSplineBasis::eval(vv);
+ const Vertex_t curve0 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][0],madd(v_n[1],v[1][0],madd(v_n[2],v[2][0],v_n[3] * v[3][0])));
+ const Vertex_t curve1 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][1],madd(v_n[1],v[1][1],madd(v_n[2],v[2][1],v_n[3] * v[3][1])));
+ const Vertex_t curve2 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][2],madd(v_n[1],v[1][2],madd(v_n[2],v[2][2],v_n[3] * v[3][2])));
+ const Vertex_t curve3 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][3],madd(v_n[1],v[1][3],madd(v_n[2],v[2][3],v_n[3] * v[3][3])));
+ const Vec4f u_n = BSplineBasis::eval(uu);
+ return madd(u_n[0],curve0,madd(u_n[1],curve1,madd(u_n[2],curve2,u_n[3] * curve3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_du(const float uu, const float vv) const
+ {
+ const Vec4f v_n = BSplineBasis::eval(vv);
+ const Vertex_t curve0 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][0],madd(v_n[1],v[1][0],madd(v_n[2],v[2][0],v_n[3] * v[3][0])));
+ const Vertex_t curve1 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][1],madd(v_n[1],v[1][1],madd(v_n[2],v[2][1],v_n[3] * v[3][1])));
+ const Vertex_t curve2 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][2],madd(v_n[1],v[1][2],madd(v_n[2],v[2][2],v_n[3] * v[3][2])));
+ const Vertex_t curve3 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][3],madd(v_n[1],v[1][3],madd(v_n[2],v[2][3],v_n[3] * v[3][3])));
+ const Vec4f u_n = BSplineBasis::derivative(uu);
+ return madd(u_n[0],curve0,madd(u_n[1],curve1,madd(u_n[2],curve2,u_n[3] * curve3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dv(const float uu, const float vv) const
+ {
+ const Vec4f v_n = BSplineBasis::derivative(vv);
+ const Vertex_t curve0 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][0],madd(v_n[1],v[1][0],madd(v_n[2],v[2][0],v_n[3] * v[3][0])));
+ const Vertex_t curve1 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][1],madd(v_n[1],v[1][1],madd(v_n[2],v[2][1],v_n[3] * v[3][1])));
+ const Vertex_t curve2 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][2],madd(v_n[1],v[1][2],madd(v_n[2],v[2][2],v_n[3] * v[3][2])));
+ const Vertex_t curve3 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][3],madd(v_n[1],v[1][3],madd(v_n[2],v[2][3],v_n[3] * v[3][3])));
+ const Vec4f u_n = BSplineBasis::eval(uu);
+ return madd(u_n[0],curve0,madd(u_n[1],curve1,madd(u_n[2],curve2,u_n[3] * curve3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dudu(const float uu, const float vv) const
+ {
+ const Vec4f v_n = BSplineBasis::eval(vv);
+ const Vertex_t curve0 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][0],madd(v_n[1],v[1][0],madd(v_n[2],v[2][0],v_n[3] * v[3][0])));
+ const Vertex_t curve1 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][1],madd(v_n[1],v[1][1],madd(v_n[2],v[2][1],v_n[3] * v[3][1])));
+ const Vertex_t curve2 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][2],madd(v_n[1],v[1][2],madd(v_n[2],v[2][2],v_n[3] * v[3][2])));
+ const Vertex_t curve3 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][3],madd(v_n[1],v[1][3],madd(v_n[2],v[2][3],v_n[3] * v[3][3])));
+ const Vec4f u_n = BSplineBasis::derivative2(uu);
+ return madd(u_n[0],curve0,madd(u_n[1],curve1,madd(u_n[2],curve2,u_n[3] * curve3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dvdv(const float uu, const float vv) const
+ {
+ const Vec4f v_n = BSplineBasis::derivative2(vv);
+ const Vertex_t curve0 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][0],madd(v_n[1],v[1][0],madd(v_n[2],v[2][0],v_n[3] * v[3][0])));
+ const Vertex_t curve1 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][1],madd(v_n[1],v[1][1],madd(v_n[2],v[2][1],v_n[3] * v[3][1])));
+ const Vertex_t curve2 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][2],madd(v_n[1],v[1][2],madd(v_n[2],v[2][2],v_n[3] * v[3][2])));
+ const Vertex_t curve3 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][3],madd(v_n[1],v[1][3],madd(v_n[2],v[2][3],v_n[3] * v[3][3])));
+ const Vec4f u_n = BSplineBasis::eval(uu);
+ return madd(u_n[0],curve0,madd(u_n[1],curve1,madd(u_n[2],curve2,u_n[3] * curve3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dudv(const float uu, const float vv) const
+ {
+ const Vec4f v_n = BSplineBasis::derivative(vv);
+ const Vertex_t curve0 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][0],madd(v_n[1],v[1][0],madd(v_n[2],v[2][0],v_n[3] * v[3][0])));
+ const Vertex_t curve1 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][1],madd(v_n[1],v[1][1],madd(v_n[2],v[2][1],v_n[3] * v[3][1])));
+ const Vertex_t curve2 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][2],madd(v_n[1],v[1][2],madd(v_n[2],v[2][2],v_n[3] * v[3][2])));
+ const Vertex_t curve3 = madd(v_n[0],v[0][3],madd(v_n[1],v[1][3],madd(v_n[2],v[2][3],v_n[3] * v[3][3])));
+ const Vec4f u_n = BSplineBasis::derivative(uu);
+ return madd(u_n[0],curve0,madd(u_n[1],curve1,madd(u_n[2],curve2,u_n[3] * curve3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex normal(const float uu, const float vv) const
+ {
+ const Vertex tu = eval_du(uu,vv);
+ const Vertex tv = eval_dv(uu,vv);
+ return cross(tu,tv);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> eval(const T& uu, const T& vv, const Vec4<T>& u_n, const Vec4<T>& v_n) const
+ {
+ const T curve0_x = madd(v_n[0],T(v[0][0].x),madd(v_n[1],T(v[1][0].x),madd(v_n[2],T(v[2][0].x),v_n[3] * T(v[3][0].x))));
+ const T curve1_x = madd(v_n[0],T(v[0][1].x),madd(v_n[1],T(v[1][1].x),madd(v_n[2],T(v[2][1].x),v_n[3] * T(v[3][1].x))));
+ const T curve2_x = madd(v_n[0],T(v[0][2].x),madd(v_n[1],T(v[1][2].x),madd(v_n[2],T(v[2][2].x),v_n[3] * T(v[3][2].x))));
+ const T curve3_x = madd(v_n[0],T(v[0][3].x),madd(v_n[1],T(v[1][3].x),madd(v_n[2],T(v[2][3].x),v_n[3] * T(v[3][3].x))));
+ const T x = madd(u_n[0],curve0_x,madd(u_n[1],curve1_x,madd(u_n[2],curve2_x,u_n[3] * curve3_x)));
+ const T curve0_y = madd(v_n[0],T(v[0][0].y),madd(v_n[1],T(v[1][0].y),madd(v_n[2],T(v[2][0].y),v_n[3] * T(v[3][0].y))));
+ const T curve1_y = madd(v_n[0],T(v[0][1].y),madd(v_n[1],T(v[1][1].y),madd(v_n[2],T(v[2][1].y),v_n[3] * T(v[3][1].y))));
+ const T curve2_y = madd(v_n[0],T(v[0][2].y),madd(v_n[1],T(v[1][2].y),madd(v_n[2],T(v[2][2].y),v_n[3] * T(v[3][2].y))));
+ const T curve3_y = madd(v_n[0],T(v[0][3].y),madd(v_n[1],T(v[1][3].y),madd(v_n[2],T(v[2][3].y),v_n[3] * T(v[3][3].y))));
+ const T y = madd(u_n[0],curve0_y,madd(u_n[1],curve1_y,madd(u_n[2],curve2_y,u_n[3] * curve3_y)));
+ const T curve0_z = madd(v_n[0],T(v[0][0].z),madd(v_n[1],T(v[1][0].z),madd(v_n[2],T(v[2][0].z),v_n[3] * T(v[3][0].z))));
+ const T curve1_z = madd(v_n[0],T(v[0][1].z),madd(v_n[1],T(v[1][1].z),madd(v_n[2],T(v[2][1].z),v_n[3] * T(v[3][1].z))));
+ const T curve2_z = madd(v_n[0],T(v[0][2].z),madd(v_n[1],T(v[1][2].z),madd(v_n[2],T(v[2][2].z),v_n[3] * T(v[3][2].z))));
+ const T curve3_z = madd(v_n[0],T(v[0][3].z),madd(v_n[1],T(v[1][3].z),madd(v_n[2],T(v[2][3].z),v_n[3] * T(v[3][3].z))));
+ const T z = madd(u_n[0],curve0_z,madd(u_n[1],curve1_z,madd(u_n[2],curve2_z,u_n[3] * curve3_z)));
+ return Vec3<T>(x,y,z);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> eval(const T& uu, const T& vv) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<T> u_n = BSplineBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<T> v_n = BSplineBasis::eval(vv);
+ return eval(uu,vv,u_n,v_n);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> eval_du(const T& uu, const T& vv) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<T> u_n = BSplineBasis::derivative(uu);
+ const Vec4<T> v_n = BSplineBasis::eval(vv);
+ return eval(uu,vv,u_n,v_n);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> eval_dv(const T& uu, const T& vv) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<T> u_n = BSplineBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<T> v_n = BSplineBasis::derivative(vv);
+ return eval(uu,vv,u_n,v_n);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> eval_dudu(const T& uu, const T& vv) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<T> u_n = BSplineBasis::derivative2(uu);
+ const Vec4<T> v_n = BSplineBasis::eval(vv);
+ return eval(uu,vv,u_n,v_n);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> eval_dvdv(const T& uu, const T& vv) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<T> u_n = BSplineBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<T> v_n = BSplineBasis::derivative2(vv);
+ return eval(uu,vv,u_n,v_n);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> eval_dudv(const T& uu, const T& vv) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<T> u_n = BSplineBasis::derivative(uu);
+ const Vec4<T> v_n = BSplineBasis::derivative(vv);
+ return eval(uu,vv,u_n,v_n);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> normal(const T& uu, const T& vv) const {
+ return cross(eval_du(uu,vv),eval_dv(uu,vv));
+ }
+ void eval(const float u, const float v,
+ Vertex* P, Vertex* dPdu, Vertex* dPdv, Vertex* ddPdudu, Vertex* ddPdvdv, Vertex* ddPdudv,
+ const float dscale = 1.0f) const
+ {
+ if (P) {
+ *P = eval(u,v);
+ }
+ if (dPdu) {
+ assert(dPdu); *dPdu = eval_du(u,v)*dscale;
+ assert(dPdv); *dPdv = eval_dv(u,v)*dscale;
+ }
+ if (ddPdudu) {
+ assert(ddPdudu); *ddPdudu = eval_dudu(u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ assert(ddPdvdv); *ddPdvdv = eval_dvdv(u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ assert(ddPdudv); *ddPdudv = eval_dudv(u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ }
+ }
+ template<class vfloat>
+ __forceinline vfloat eval(const size_t i, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv, const Vec4<vfloat>& u_n, const Vec4<vfloat>& v_n) const
+ {
+ const vfloat curve0_x = madd(v_n[0],vfloat(v[0][0][i]),madd(v_n[1],vfloat(v[1][0][i]),madd(v_n[2],vfloat(v[2][0][i]),v_n[3] * vfloat(v[3][0][i]))));
+ const vfloat curve1_x = madd(v_n[0],vfloat(v[0][1][i]),madd(v_n[1],vfloat(v[1][1][i]),madd(v_n[2],vfloat(v[2][1][i]),v_n[3] * vfloat(v[3][1][i]))));
+ const vfloat curve2_x = madd(v_n[0],vfloat(v[0][2][i]),madd(v_n[1],vfloat(v[1][2][i]),madd(v_n[2],vfloat(v[2][2][i]),v_n[3] * vfloat(v[3][2][i]))));
+ const vfloat curve3_x = madd(v_n[0],vfloat(v[0][3][i]),madd(v_n[1],vfloat(v[1][3][i]),madd(v_n[2],vfloat(v[2][3][i]),v_n[3] * vfloat(v[3][3][i]))));
+ return madd(u_n[0],curve0_x,madd(u_n[1],curve1_x,madd(u_n[2],curve2_x,u_n[3] * curve3_x)));
+ }
+ template<typename vbool, typename vfloat>
+ void eval(const vbool& valid, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv,
+ float* P, float* dPdu, float* dPdv, float* ddPdudu, float* ddPdvdv, float* ddPdudv,
+ const float dscale, const size_t dstride, const size_t N) const
+ {
+ if (P) {
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BSplineBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BSplineBasis::eval(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) vfloat::store(valid,P+i*dstride,eval(i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n));
+ }
+ if (dPdu)
+ {
+ {
+ assert(dPdu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BSplineBasis::derivative(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BSplineBasis::eval(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) vfloat::store(valid,dPdu+i*dstride,eval(i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n)*dscale);
+ }
+ {
+ assert(dPdv);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BSplineBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BSplineBasis::derivative(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) vfloat::store(valid,dPdv+i*dstride,eval(i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n)*dscale);
+ }
+ }
+ if (ddPdudu)
+ {
+ {
+ assert(ddPdudu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BSplineBasis::derivative2(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BSplineBasis::eval(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) vfloat::store(valid,ddPdudu+i*dstride,eval(i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n)*sqr(dscale));
+ }
+ {
+ assert(ddPdvdv);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BSplineBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BSplineBasis::derivative2(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) vfloat::store(valid,ddPdvdv+i*dstride,eval(i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n)*sqr(dscale));
+ }
+ {
+ assert(ddPdudv);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BSplineBasis::derivative(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BSplineBasis::derivative(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) vfloat::store(valid,ddPdudv+i*dstride,eval(i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n)*sqr(dscale));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream o, const BSplinePatchT& p)
+ {
+ for (size_t y=0; y<4; y++)
+ for (size_t x=0; x<4; x++)
+ o << "[" << y << "][" << x << "] " << p.v[y][x] << embree_endl;
+ return o;
+ }
+ public:
+ Vertex v[4][4];
+ };
+ typedef BSplinePatchT<Vec3fa,Vec3fa_t> BSplinePatch3fa;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/catmullclark_coefficients.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/catmullclark_coefficients.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..46959797bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/catmullclark_coefficients.h
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/geometry.h"
+namespace embree
+ static const size_t MAX_PATCH_VALENCE = 16; //!< maximum number of vertices of a patch
+ static const size_t MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE = 64; //!< maximum number of faces per ring
+ static const size_t MAX_RING_EDGE_VALENCE = 2*64; //!< maximum number of edges per ring
+ class CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients
+ {
+ private:
+ float table_cos_2PI_div_n[MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE+1];
+ float* table_limittangent_a[MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE+1];
+ float* table_limittangent_b[MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE+1];
+ float table_limittangent_c[MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE+1];
+ __forceinline float set_cos_2PI_div_n(const size_t n) {
+ if (unlikely(n == 0)) return 1.0f;
+ return cosf(2.0f*float(pi)/(float)n);
+ }
+ __forceinline float set_limittangent_a(const size_t i, const size_t n)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(n == 0)) return 1.0f;
+ const float c0 = 1.0f/(float)n * 1.0f / sqrtf(4.0f + cosf(float(pi)/(float)n)*cosf(float(pi)/(float)n));
+ const float c1 = (1.0f/(float)n + cosf(float(pi)/(float)n) * c0);
+ return cosf(2.0f*float(pi)*(float)i/(float)n) * c1;
+ }
+ __forceinline float set_limittangent_b(const size_t i, const size_t n)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(n == 0)) return 1.0f;
+ const float c0 = 1.0f/(float)n * 1.0f / sqrtf(4.0f + cosf(float(pi)/(float)n)*cosf(float(pi)/(float)n));
+ return cosf((2.0f*float(pi)*i+float(pi))/(float)n) * c0;
+ }
+ __forceinline float set_limittangent_c(const size_t n)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(n == 0)) return 1.0f;
+ return 2.0f/16.0f * (5.0f + cosf(2.0f*float(pi)/(float)n) + cosf(float(pi)/(float)n) * sqrtf(18.0f+2.0f*cosf(2.0f*float(pi)/(float)n)));
+ }
+ public:
+ __forceinline float cos_2PI_div_n(const size_t n)
+ {
+ if (likely(n <= MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE))
+ return table_cos_2PI_div_n[n];
+ else
+ return set_cos_2PI_div_n(n);
+ }
+ __forceinline float limittangent_a(const size_t i, const size_t n)
+ {
+ assert(n <= MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE);
+ assert(i < n);
+ return table_limittangent_a[n][i];
+ }
+ __forceinline float limittangent_b(const size_t i, const size_t n)
+ {
+ assert(n <= MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE);
+ assert(i < n);
+ return table_limittangent_b[n][i];
+ }
+ __forceinline float limittangent_c(const size_t n)
+ {
+ assert(n <= MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE);
+ return table_limittangent_c[n];
+ }
+ static CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients table;
+ CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients();
+ ~CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients();
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/catmullclark_patch.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/catmullclark_patch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..91772d94ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/catmullclark_patch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,562 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "catmullclark_ring.h"
+#include "bezier_curve.h"
+namespace embree
+ template<typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t = Vertex>
+ class __aligned(64) CatmullClarkPatchT
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClark1Ring;
+ typedef typename CatmullClark1Ring::Type Type;
+ array_t<CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t>,4> ring;
+ public:
+ __forceinline CatmullClarkPatchT () {}
+ __forceinline CatmullClarkPatchT (const HalfEdge* first_half_edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride) {
+ init(first_half_edge,vertices,stride);
+ }
+ __forceinline CatmullClarkPatchT (const HalfEdge* first_half_edge, const BufferView<Vec3fa>& vertices) {
+ init(first_half_edge,vertices.getPtr(),vertices.getStride());
+ }
+ __forceinline void init (const HalfEdge* first_half_edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride)
+ {
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<4; i++)
+ ring[i].init(first_half_edge+i,vertices,stride);
+ assert(verify());
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t bytes() const {
+ return ring[0].bytes()+ring[1].bytes()+ring[2].bytes()+ring[3].bytes();
+ }
+ __forceinline void serialize(void* ptr, size_t& ofs) const
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++)
+ ring[i].serialize((char*)ptr,ofs);
+ }
+ __forceinline void deserialize(void* ptr)
+ {
+ size_t ofs = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++)
+ ring[i].deserialize((char*)ptr,ofs);
+ }
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds() const
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds (ring[0].bounds());
+ for (size_t i=1; i<4; i++)
+ bounds.extend(ring[i].bounds());
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ __forceinline Type type() const
+ {
+ const int ty0 = ring[0].type() ^ CatmullClark1Ring::TYPE_CREASES;
+ const int ty1 = ring[1].type() ^ CatmullClark1Ring::TYPE_CREASES;
+ const int ty2 = ring[2].type() ^ CatmullClark1Ring::TYPE_CREASES;
+ const int ty3 = ring[3].type() ^ CatmullClark1Ring::TYPE_CREASES;
+ return (Type) ((ty0 & ty1 & ty2 & ty3) ^ CatmullClark1Ring::TYPE_CREASES);
+ }
+ __forceinline bool isFinalResolution(float res) const {
+ return ring[0].isFinalResolution(res) && ring[1].isFinalResolution(res) && ring[2].isFinalResolution(res) && ring[3].isFinalResolution(res);
+ }
+ static __forceinline void init_regular(const CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t>& p0,
+ const CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t>& p1,
+ CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t>& dest0,
+ CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t>& dest1)
+ {
+ assert(p1.face_valence > 2);
+ dest1.vertex_level = dest0.vertex_level = p0.edge_level;
+ dest1.face_valence = dest0.face_valence = 4;
+ dest1.edge_valence = dest0.edge_valence = 8;
+ dest1.border_index = dest0.border_index = -1;
+ dest1.vtx = dest0.vtx = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[0];
+ dest1.vertex_crease_weight = dest0.vertex_crease_weight = 0.0f;
+ dest1.ring[2] = dest0.ring[0] = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[1];
+ dest1.ring[1] = dest0.ring[7] = (Vertex_t)p1.ring[0];
+ dest1.ring[0] = dest0.ring[6] = (Vertex_t)p1.vtx;
+ dest1.ring[7] = dest0.ring[5] = (Vertex_t)p1.ring[4];
+ dest1.ring[6] = dest0.ring[4] = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[p0.edge_valence-1];
+ dest1.ring[5] = dest0.ring[3] = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[p0.edge_valence-2];
+ dest1.ring[4] = dest0.ring[2] = (Vertex_t)p0.vtx;
+ dest1.ring[3] = dest0.ring[1] = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[2];
+ dest1.crease_weight[1] = dest0.crease_weight[0] = 0.0f;
+ dest1.crease_weight[0] = dest0.crease_weight[3] = p1.crease_weight[1];
+ dest1.crease_weight[3] = dest0.crease_weight[2] = 0.0f;
+ dest1.crease_weight[2] = dest0.crease_weight[1] = p0.crease_weight[0];
+ if (p0.eval_unique_identifier <= p1.eval_unique_identifier)
+ {
+ dest0.eval_start_index = 3;
+ dest1.eval_start_index = 0;
+ dest0.eval_unique_identifier = p0.eval_unique_identifier;
+ dest1.eval_unique_identifier = p0.eval_unique_identifier;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dest0.eval_start_index = 1;
+ dest1.eval_start_index = 2;
+ dest0.eval_unique_identifier = p1.eval_unique_identifier;
+ dest1.eval_unique_identifier = p1.eval_unique_identifier;
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline void init_border(const CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> &p0,
+ const CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> &p1,
+ CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> &dest0,
+ CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> &dest1)
+ {
+ dest1.vertex_level = dest0.vertex_level = p0.edge_level;
+ dest1.face_valence = dest0.face_valence = 3;
+ dest1.edge_valence = dest0.edge_valence = 6;
+ dest0.border_index = 2;
+ dest1.border_index = 4;
+ dest1.vtx = dest0.vtx = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[0];
+ dest1.vertex_crease_weight = dest0.vertex_crease_weight = 0.0f;
+ dest1.ring[2] = dest0.ring[0] = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[1];
+ dest1.ring[1] = dest0.ring[5] = (Vertex_t)p1.ring[0];
+ dest1.ring[0] = dest0.ring[4] = (Vertex_t)p1.vtx;
+ dest1.ring[5] = dest0.ring[3] = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[p0.border_index+1]; // dummy
+ dest1.ring[4] = dest0.ring[2] = (Vertex_t)p0.vtx;
+ dest1.ring[3] = dest0.ring[1] = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[2];
+ dest1.crease_weight[1] = dest0.crease_weight[0] = 0.0f;
+ dest1.crease_weight[0] = dest0.crease_weight[2] = p1.crease_weight[1];
+ dest1.crease_weight[2] = dest0.crease_weight[1] = p0.crease_weight[0];
+ if (p0.eval_unique_identifier <= p1.eval_unique_identifier)
+ {
+ dest0.eval_start_index = 1;
+ dest1.eval_start_index = 2;
+ dest0.eval_unique_identifier = p0.eval_unique_identifier;
+ dest1.eval_unique_identifier = p0.eval_unique_identifier;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dest0.eval_start_index = 2;
+ dest1.eval_start_index = 0;
+ dest0.eval_unique_identifier = p1.eval_unique_identifier;
+ dest1.eval_unique_identifier = p1.eval_unique_identifier;
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline void init_regular(const Vertex_t &center, const Vertex_t center_ring[8], const unsigned int offset, CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> &dest)
+ {
+ dest.vertex_level = 0.0f;
+ dest.face_valence = 4;
+ dest.edge_valence = 8;
+ dest.border_index = -1;
+ dest.vtx = (Vertex_t)center;
+ dest.vertex_crease_weight = 0.0f;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<8; i++)
+ dest.ring[i] = (Vertex_t)center_ring[(offset+i)%8];
+ for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++)
+ dest.crease_weight[i] = 0.0f;
+ dest.eval_start_index = (8-offset)>>1;
+ if (dest.eval_start_index >= dest.face_valence) dest.eval_start_index -= dest.face_valence;
+ assert( dest.eval_start_index < dest.face_valence );
+ dest.eval_unique_identifier = 0;
+ }
+ __noinline void subdivide(array_t<CatmullClarkPatchT,4>& patch) const
+ {
+ ring[0].subdivide(patch[0].ring[0]);
+ ring[1].subdivide(patch[1].ring[1]);
+ ring[2].subdivide(patch[2].ring[2]);
+ ring[3].subdivide(patch[3].ring[3]);
+ patch[0].ring[0].edge_level = 0.5f*ring[0].edge_level;
+ patch[0].ring[1].edge_level = 0.25f*(ring[1].edge_level+ring[3].edge_level);
+ patch[0].ring[2].edge_level = 0.25f*(ring[0].edge_level+ring[2].edge_level);
+ patch[0].ring[3].edge_level = 0.5f*ring[3].edge_level;
+ patch[1].ring[0].edge_level = 0.5f*ring[0].edge_level;
+ patch[1].ring[1].edge_level = 0.5f*ring[1].edge_level;
+ patch[1].ring[2].edge_level = 0.25f*(ring[0].edge_level+ring[2].edge_level);
+ patch[1].ring[3].edge_level = 0.25f*(ring[1].edge_level+ring[3].edge_level);
+ patch[2].ring[0].edge_level = 0.25f*(ring[0].edge_level+ring[2].edge_level);
+ patch[2].ring[1].edge_level = 0.5f*ring[1].edge_level;
+ patch[2].ring[2].edge_level = 0.5f*ring[2].edge_level;
+ patch[2].ring[3].edge_level = 0.25f*(ring[1].edge_level+ring[3].edge_level);
+ patch[3].ring[0].edge_level = 0.25f*(ring[0].edge_level+ring[2].edge_level);
+ patch[3].ring[1].edge_level = 0.25f*(ring[1].edge_level+ring[3].edge_level);
+ patch[3].ring[2].edge_level = 0.5f*ring[2].edge_level;
+ patch[3].ring[3].edge_level = 0.5f*ring[3].edge_level;
+ const bool regular0 = ring[0].has_last_face() && ring[1].face_valence > 2;
+ if (likely(regular0))
+ init_regular(patch[0].ring[0],patch[1].ring[1],patch[0].ring[1],patch[1].ring[0]);
+ else
+ init_border(patch[0].ring[0],patch[1].ring[1],patch[0].ring[1],patch[1].ring[0]);
+ const bool regular1 = ring[1].has_last_face() && ring[2].face_valence > 2;
+ if (likely(regular1))
+ init_regular(patch[1].ring[1],patch[2].ring[2],patch[1].ring[2],patch[2].ring[1]);
+ else
+ init_border(patch[1].ring[1],patch[2].ring[2],patch[1].ring[2],patch[2].ring[1]);
+ const bool regular2 = ring[2].has_last_face() && ring[3].face_valence > 2;
+ if (likely(regular2))
+ init_regular(patch[2].ring[2],patch[3].ring[3],patch[2].ring[3],patch[3].ring[2]);
+ else
+ init_border(patch[2].ring[2],patch[3].ring[3],patch[2].ring[3],patch[3].ring[2]);
+ const bool regular3 = ring[3].has_last_face() && ring[0].face_valence > 2;
+ if (likely(regular3))
+ init_regular(patch[3].ring[3],patch[0].ring[0],patch[3].ring[0],patch[0].ring[3]);
+ else
+ init_border(patch[3].ring[3],patch[0].ring[0],patch[3].ring[0],patch[0].ring[3]);
+ Vertex_t center = (ring[0].vtx + ring[1].vtx + ring[2].vtx + ring[3].vtx) * 0.25f;
+ Vertex_t center_ring[8];
+ center_ring[0] = (Vertex_t)patch[3].ring[3].ring[0];
+ center_ring[7] = (Vertex_t)patch[3].ring[3].vtx;
+ center_ring[6] = (Vertex_t)patch[2].ring[2].ring[0];
+ center_ring[5] = (Vertex_t)patch[2].ring[2].vtx;
+ center_ring[4] = (Vertex_t)patch[1].ring[1].ring[0];
+ center_ring[3] = (Vertex_t)patch[1].ring[1].vtx;
+ center_ring[2] = (Vertex_t)patch[0].ring[0].ring[0];
+ center_ring[1] = (Vertex_t)patch[0].ring[0].vtx;
+ init_regular(center,center_ring,0,patch[0].ring[2]);
+ init_regular(center,center_ring,2,patch[1].ring[3]);
+ init_regular(center,center_ring,4,patch[2].ring[0]);
+ init_regular(center,center_ring,6,patch[3].ring[1]);
+ assert(patch[0].verify());
+ assert(patch[1].verify());
+ assert(patch[2].verify());
+ assert(patch[3].verify());
+ }
+ bool verify() const {
+ return ring[0].hasValidPositions() && ring[1].hasValidPositions() && ring[2].hasValidPositions() && ring[3].hasValidPositions();
+ }
+ __forceinline void init( FinalQuad& quad ) const
+ {
+ quad.vtx[0] = (Vertex_t)ring[0].vtx;
+ quad.vtx[1] = (Vertex_t)ring[1].vtx;
+ quad.vtx[2] = (Vertex_t)ring[2].vtx;
+ quad.vtx[3] = (Vertex_t)ring[3].vtx;
+ };
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream o, const CatmullClarkPatchT &p)
+ {
+ o << "CatmullClarkPatch { " << embree_endl;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++)
+ o << "ring" << i << ": " << p.ring[i] << embree_endl;
+ o << "}" << embree_endl;
+ return o;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef CatmullClarkPatchT<Vec3fa,Vec3fa_t> CatmullClarkPatch3fa;
+ template<typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t = Vertex>
+ class __aligned(64) GeneralCatmullClarkPatchT
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef CatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClarkPatch;
+ typedef CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClark1Ring;
+ typedef BezierCurveT<Vertex> BezierCurve;
+ static const unsigned SIZE = MAX_PATCH_VALENCE;
+ DynamicStackArray<GeneralCatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t>,8,SIZE> ring;
+ unsigned N;
+ __forceinline GeneralCatmullClarkPatchT ()
+ : N(0) {}
+ GeneralCatmullClarkPatchT (const HalfEdge* h, const char* vertices, size_t stride) {
+ init(h,vertices,stride);
+ }
+ __forceinline GeneralCatmullClarkPatchT (const HalfEdge* first_half_edge, const BufferView<Vec3fa>& vertices) {
+ init(first_half_edge,vertices.getPtr(),vertices.getStride());
+ }
+ __forceinline void init (const HalfEdge* h, const char* vertices, size_t stride)
+ {
+ unsigned int i = 0;
+ const HalfEdge* edge = h;
+ do {
+ ring[i].init(edge,vertices,stride);
+ edge = edge->next();
+ i++;
+ } while ((edge != h) && (i < SIZE));
+ N = i;
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned size() const {
+ return N;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool isQuadPatch() const {
+ return (N == 4) && ring[0].only_quads && ring[1].only_quads && ring[2].only_quads && ring[3].only_quads;
+ }
+ static __forceinline void init_regular(const CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t>& p0,
+ const CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t>& p1,
+ CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t>& dest0,
+ CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t>& dest1)
+ {
+ assert(p1.face_valence > 2);
+ dest1.vertex_level = dest0.vertex_level = p0.edge_level;
+ dest1.face_valence = dest0.face_valence = 4;
+ dest1.edge_valence = dest0.edge_valence = 8;
+ dest1.border_index = dest0.border_index = -1;
+ dest1.vtx = dest0.vtx = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[0];
+ dest1.vertex_crease_weight = dest0.vertex_crease_weight = 0.0f;
+ dest1.ring[2] = dest0.ring[0] = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[1];
+ dest1.ring[1] = dest0.ring[7] = (Vertex_t)p1.ring[0];
+ dest1.ring[0] = dest0.ring[6] = (Vertex_t)p1.vtx;
+ dest1.ring[7] = dest0.ring[5] = (Vertex_t)p1.ring[4];
+ dest1.ring[6] = dest0.ring[4] = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[p0.edge_valence-1];
+ dest1.ring[5] = dest0.ring[3] = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[p0.edge_valence-2];
+ dest1.ring[4] = dest0.ring[2] = (Vertex_t)p0.vtx;
+ dest1.ring[3] = dest0.ring[1] = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[2];
+ dest1.crease_weight[1] = dest0.crease_weight[0] = 0.0f;
+ dest1.crease_weight[0] = dest0.crease_weight[3] = p1.crease_weight[1];
+ dest1.crease_weight[3] = dest0.crease_weight[2] = 0.0f;
+ dest1.crease_weight[2] = dest0.crease_weight[1] = p0.crease_weight[0];
+ if (p0.eval_unique_identifier <= p1.eval_unique_identifier)
+ {
+ dest0.eval_start_index = 3;
+ dest1.eval_start_index = 0;
+ dest0.eval_unique_identifier = p0.eval_unique_identifier;
+ dest1.eval_unique_identifier = p0.eval_unique_identifier;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dest0.eval_start_index = 1;
+ dest1.eval_start_index = 2;
+ dest0.eval_unique_identifier = p1.eval_unique_identifier;
+ dest1.eval_unique_identifier = p1.eval_unique_identifier;
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline void init_border(const CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> &p0,
+ const CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> &p1,
+ CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> &dest0,
+ CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> &dest1)
+ {
+ dest1.vertex_level = dest0.vertex_level = p0.edge_level;
+ dest1.face_valence = dest0.face_valence = 3;
+ dest1.edge_valence = dest0.edge_valence = 6;
+ dest0.border_index = 2;
+ dest1.border_index = 4;
+ dest1.vtx = dest0.vtx = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[0];
+ dest1.vertex_crease_weight = dest0.vertex_crease_weight = 0.0f;
+ dest1.ring[2] = dest0.ring[0] = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[1];
+ dest1.ring[1] = dest0.ring[5] = (Vertex_t)p1.ring[0];
+ dest1.ring[0] = dest0.ring[4] = (Vertex_t)p1.vtx;
+ dest1.ring[5] = dest0.ring[3] = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[p0.border_index+1]; // dummy
+ dest1.ring[4] = dest0.ring[2] = (Vertex_t)p0.vtx;
+ dest1.ring[3] = dest0.ring[1] = (Vertex_t)p0.ring[2];
+ dest1.crease_weight[1] = dest0.crease_weight[0] = 0.0f;
+ dest1.crease_weight[0] = dest0.crease_weight[2] = p1.crease_weight[1];
+ dest1.crease_weight[2] = dest0.crease_weight[1] = p0.crease_weight[0];
+ if (p0.eval_unique_identifier <= p1.eval_unique_identifier)
+ {
+ dest0.eval_start_index = 1;
+ dest1.eval_start_index = 2;
+ dest0.eval_unique_identifier = p0.eval_unique_identifier;
+ dest1.eval_unique_identifier = p0.eval_unique_identifier;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ dest0.eval_start_index = 2;
+ dest1.eval_start_index = 0;
+ dest0.eval_unique_identifier = p1.eval_unique_identifier;
+ dest1.eval_unique_identifier = p1.eval_unique_identifier;
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline void init_regular(const Vertex_t &center, const array_t<Vertex_t,2*SIZE>& center_ring, const float vertex_level, const unsigned int N, const unsigned int offset, CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> &dest)
+ {
+ assert(2*N<(MAX_RING_EDGE_VALENCE));
+ dest.vertex_level = vertex_level;
+ dest.face_valence = N;
+ dest.edge_valence = 2*N;
+ dest.border_index = -1;
+ dest.vtx = (Vertex_t)center;
+ dest.vertex_crease_weight = 0.0f;
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<2*N; i++) {
+ dest.ring[i] = (Vertex_t)center_ring[(2*N+offset+i-1)%(2*N)];
+ assert(isvalid(dest.ring[i]));
+ }
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++)
+ dest.crease_weight[i] = 0.0f;
+ assert(offset <= 2*N);
+ dest.eval_start_index = (2*N-offset)>>1;
+ if (dest.eval_start_index >= dest.face_valence) dest.eval_start_index -= dest.face_valence;
+ assert( dest.eval_start_index < dest.face_valence );
+ dest.eval_unique_identifier = 0;
+ }
+ __noinline void subdivide(array_t<CatmullClarkPatch,SIZE>& patch, unsigned& N_o) const
+ {
+ N_o = N;
+ assert( N );
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ unsigned ip1 = (i+1)%N; // FIXME: %
+ ring[i].subdivide(patch[i].ring[0]);
+ patch[i] .ring[0].edge_level = 0.5f*ring[i].edge_level;
+ patch[ip1].ring[3].edge_level = 0.5f*ring[i].edge_level;
+ assert( patch[i].ring[0].hasValidPositions() );
+ }
+ assert(N < 2*SIZE);
+ Vertex_t center = Vertex_t(0.0f);
+ array_t<Vertex_t,2*SIZE> center_ring;
+ float center_vertex_level = 2.0f; // guarantees that irregular vertices get always isolated also for non-quads
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++)
+ {
+ unsigned ip1 = (i+1)%N; // FIXME: %
+ unsigned im1 = (i+N-1)%N; // FIXME: %
+ bool regular = ring[i].has_last_face() && ring[ip1].face_valence > 2;
+ if (likely(regular)) init_regular(patch[i].ring[0],patch[ip1].ring[0],patch[i].ring[1],patch[ip1].ring[3]);
+ else init_border (patch[i].ring[0],patch[ip1].ring[0],patch[i].ring[1],patch[ip1].ring[3]);
+ assert( patch[i].ring[1].hasValidPositions() );
+ assert( patch[ip1].ring[3].hasValidPositions() );
+ float level = 0.25f*(ring[im1].edge_level+ring[ip1].edge_level);
+ patch[i].ring[1].edge_level = patch[ip1].ring[2].edge_level = level;
+ center_vertex_level = max(center_vertex_level,level);
+ center += ring[i].vtx;
+ center_ring[2*i+0] = (Vertex_t)patch[i].ring[0].vtx;
+ center_ring[2*i+1] = (Vertex_t)patch[i].ring[0].ring[0];
+ }
+ center /= float(N);
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ init_regular(center,center_ring,center_vertex_level,N,2*i,patch[i].ring[2]);
+ assert( patch[i].ring[2].hasValidPositions() );
+ }
+ }
+ void init(CatmullClarkPatch& patch) const
+ {
+ assert(size() == 4);
+ ring[0].convert(patch.ring[0]);
+ ring[1].convert(patch.ring[1]);
+ ring[2].convert(patch.ring[2]);
+ ring[3].convert(patch.ring[3]);
+ }
+ static void fix_quad_ring_order (array_t<CatmullClarkPatch,GeneralCatmullClarkPatchT::SIZE>& patches)
+ {
+ CatmullClark1Ring patches1ring1 = patches[1].ring[1];
+ patches[1].ring[1] = patches[1].ring[0]; // FIXME: optimize these assignments
+ patches[1].ring[0] = patches[1].ring[3];
+ patches[1].ring[3] = patches[1].ring[2];
+ patches[1].ring[2] = patches1ring1;
+ CatmullClark1Ring patches2ring2 = patches[2].ring[2];
+ patches[2].ring[2] = patches[2].ring[0];
+ patches[2].ring[0] = patches2ring2;
+ CatmullClark1Ring patches2ring3 = patches[2].ring[3];
+ patches[2].ring[3] = patches[2].ring[1];
+ patches[2].ring[1] = patches2ring3;
+ CatmullClark1Ring patches3ring3 = patches[3].ring[3];
+ patches[3].ring[3] = patches[3].ring[0];
+ patches[3].ring[0] = patches[3].ring[1];
+ patches[3].ring[1] = patches[3].ring[2];
+ patches[3].ring[2] = patches3ring3;
+ }
+ __forceinline void getLimitBorder(BezierCurve curves[GeneralCatmullClarkPatchT::SIZE]) const
+ {
+ Vertex P0 = ring[0].getLimitVertex();
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++)
+ {
+ const unsigned i0 = i, i1 = i+1==N ? 0 : i+1;
+ const Vertex P1 = madd(1.0f/3.0f,ring[i0].getLimitTangent(),P0);
+ const Vertex P3 = ring[i1].getLimitVertex();
+ const Vertex P2 = madd(1.0f/3.0f,ring[i1].getSecondLimitTangent(),P3);
+ new (&curves[i]) BezierCurve(P0,P1,P2,P3);
+ P0 = P3;
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline void getLimitBorder(BezierCurve curves[2], const unsigned subPatch) const
+ {
+ const unsigned i0 = subPatch;
+ const Vertex t0_p = ring[i0].getLimitTangent();
+ const Vertex t0_m = ring[i0].getSecondLimitTangent();
+ const unsigned i1 = subPatch+1 == N ? 0 : subPatch+1;
+ const Vertex t1_p = ring[i1].getLimitTangent();
+ const Vertex t1_m = ring[i1].getSecondLimitTangent();
+ const unsigned i2 = subPatch == 0 ? N-1 : subPatch-1;
+ const Vertex t2_p = ring[i2].getLimitTangent();
+ const Vertex t2_m = ring[i2].getSecondLimitTangent();
+ const Vertex b00 = ring[i0].getLimitVertex();
+ const Vertex b03 = ring[i1].getLimitVertex();
+ const Vertex b33 = ring[i2].getLimitVertex();
+ const Vertex b01 = madd(1.0/3.0f,t0_p,b00);
+ const Vertex b11 = madd(1.0/3.0f,t0_m,b00);
+ //const Vertex b13 = madd(1.0/3.0f,t1_p,b03);
+ const Vertex b02 = madd(1.0/3.0f,t1_m,b03);
+ const Vertex b22 = madd(1.0/3.0f,t2_p,b33);
+ const Vertex b23 = madd(1.0/3.0f,t2_m,b33);
+ new (&curves[0]) BezierCurve(b00,b01,b02,b03);
+ new (&curves[1]) BezierCurve(b33,b22,b11,b00);
+ }
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream o, const GeneralCatmullClarkPatchT &p)
+ {
+ o << "GeneralCatmullClarkPatch { " << embree_endl;
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<p.N; i++)
+ o << "ring" << i << ": " << p.ring[i] << embree_endl;
+ o << "}" << embree_endl;
+ return o;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef GeneralCatmullClarkPatchT<Vec3fa,Vec3fa_t> GeneralCatmullClarkPatch3fa;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/catmullclark_ring.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/catmullclark_ring.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e5ad5dadfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/catmullclark_ring.h
@@ -0,0 +1,826 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/geometry.h"
+#include "../common/buffer.h"
+#include "half_edge.h"
+#include "catmullclark_coefficients.h"
+namespace embree
+ struct __aligned(64) FinalQuad {
+ Vec3fa vtx[4];
+ };
+ template<typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t = Vertex>
+ struct __aligned(64) CatmullClark1RingT
+ {
+ int border_index; //!< edge index where border starts
+ unsigned int face_valence; //!< number of adjacent quad faces
+ unsigned int edge_valence; //!< number of adjacent edges (2*face_valence)
+ float vertex_crease_weight; //!< weight of vertex crease (0 if no vertex crease)
+ DynamicStackArray<float,16,MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE> crease_weight; //!< edge crease weights for each adjacent edge
+ float vertex_level; //!< maximum level of all adjacent edges
+ float edge_level; //!< level of first edge
+ unsigned int eval_start_index; //!< topology dependent index to start evaluation
+ unsigned int eval_unique_identifier; //!< topology dependent unique identifier for this ring
+ Vertex vtx; //!< center vertex
+ DynamicStackArray<Vertex,32,MAX_RING_EDGE_VALENCE> ring; //!< ring of neighboring vertices
+ public:
+ CatmullClark1RingT ()
+ : eval_start_index(0), eval_unique_identifier(0) {} // FIXME: default constructor should be empty
+ /*! calculates number of bytes required to serialize this structure */
+ __forceinline size_t bytes() const
+ {
+ size_t ofs = 0;
+ ofs += sizeof(border_index);
+ ofs += sizeof(face_valence);
+ assert(2*face_valence == edge_valence);
+ ofs += sizeof(vertex_crease_weight);
+ ofs += face_valence*sizeof(float);
+ ofs += sizeof(vertex_level);
+ ofs += sizeof(edge_level);
+ ofs += sizeof(eval_start_index);
+ ofs += sizeof(eval_unique_identifier);
+ ofs += sizeof(vtx);
+ ofs += edge_valence*sizeof(Vertex);
+ return ofs;
+ }
+ template<typename Ty>
+ static __forceinline void store(char* ptr, size_t& ofs, const Ty& v) {
+ *(Ty*)&ptr[ofs] = v; ofs += sizeof(Ty);
+ }
+ template<typename Ty>
+ static __forceinline void load(char* ptr, size_t& ofs, Ty& v) {
+ v = *(Ty*)&ptr[ofs]; ofs += sizeof(Ty);
+ }
+ /*! serializes the ring to some memory location */
+ __forceinline void serialize(char* ptr, size_t& ofs) const
+ {
+ store(ptr,ofs,border_index);
+ store(ptr,ofs,face_valence);
+ store(ptr,ofs,vertex_crease_weight);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<face_valence; i++)
+ store(ptr,ofs,crease_weight[i]);
+ store(ptr,ofs,vertex_level);
+ store(ptr,ofs,edge_level);
+ store(ptr,ofs,eval_start_index);
+ store(ptr,ofs,eval_unique_identifier);
+ Vertex_t::storeu(&ptr[ofs],vtx); ofs += sizeof(Vertex);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<edge_valence; i++) {
+ Vertex_t::storeu(&ptr[ofs],ring[i]); ofs += sizeof(Vertex);
+ }
+ }
+ /*! deserializes the ring from some memory location */
+ __forceinline void deserialize(char* ptr, size_t& ofs)
+ {
+ load(ptr,ofs,border_index);
+ load(ptr,ofs,face_valence);
+ edge_valence = 2*face_valence;
+ load(ptr,ofs,vertex_crease_weight);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<face_valence; i++)
+ load(ptr,ofs,crease_weight[i]);
+ load(ptr,ofs,vertex_level);
+ load(ptr,ofs,edge_level);
+ load(ptr,ofs,eval_start_index);
+ load(ptr,ofs,eval_unique_identifier);
+ vtx = Vertex_t::loadu(&ptr[ofs]); ofs += sizeof(Vertex);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<edge_valence; i++) {
+ ring[i] = Vertex_t::loadu(&ptr[ofs]); ofs += sizeof(Vertex);
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline bool hasBorder() const {
+ return border_index != -1;
+ }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& front(size_t i) const {
+ assert(edge_valence>i);
+ return ring[i];
+ }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& back(size_t i) const {
+ assert(edge_valence>=i);
+ return ring[edge_valence-i];
+ }
+ __forceinline bool has_last_face() const {
+ return (size_t)border_index != (size_t)edge_valence-2;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool has_opposite_front(size_t i) const {
+ return (size_t)border_index != 2*i;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool has_opposite_back(size_t i) const {
+ return (size_t)border_index != ((size_t)edge_valence-2-2*i);
+ }
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds() const
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds ( vtx );
+ for (size_t i = 0; i<edge_valence ; i++)
+ bounds.extend( ring[i] );
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ /*! initializes the ring from the half edge structure */
+ __forceinline void init(const HalfEdge* const h, const char* vertices, size_t stride)
+ {
+ border_index = -1;
+ vtx = Vertex_t::loadu(vertices+h->getStartVertexIndex()*stride);
+ vertex_crease_weight = h->vertex_crease_weight;
+ HalfEdge* p = (HalfEdge*) h;
+ unsigned i=0;
+ unsigned min_vertex_index = (unsigned)-1;
+ unsigned min_vertex_index_face = (unsigned)-1;
+ edge_level = p->edge_level;
+ vertex_level = 0.0f;
+ do
+ {
+ vertex_level = max(vertex_level,p->edge_level);
+ crease_weight[i/2] = p->edge_crease_weight;
+ assert(p->hasOpposite() || p->edge_crease_weight == float(inf));
+ /* store first two vertices of face */
+ p = p->next();
+ const unsigned index0 = p->getStartVertexIndex();
+ ring[i++] = Vertex_t::loadu(vertices+index0*stride);
+ if (index0 < min_vertex_index) { min_vertex_index = index0; min_vertex_index_face = i>>1; }
+ p = p->next();
+ const unsigned index1 = p->getStartVertexIndex();
+ ring[i++] = Vertex_t::loadu(vertices+index1*stride);
+ p = p->next();
+ /* continue with next face */
+ if (likely(p->hasOpposite()))
+ p = p->opposite();
+ /* if there is no opposite go the long way to the other side of the border */
+ else
+ {
+ /* find minimum start vertex */
+ const unsigned index0 = p->getStartVertexIndex();
+ if (index0 < min_vertex_index) { min_vertex_index = index0; min_vertex_index_face = i>>1; }
+ /*! mark first border edge and store dummy vertex for face between the two border edges */
+ border_index = i;
+ crease_weight[i/2] = inf;
+ ring[i++] = Vertex_t::loadu(vertices+index0*stride);
+ ring[i++] = vtx; // dummy vertex
+ /*! goto other side of border */
+ p = (HalfEdge*) h;
+ while (p->hasOpposite())
+ p = p->opposite()->next();
+ }
+ } while (p != h);
+ edge_valence = i;
+ face_valence = i >> 1;
+ eval_unique_identifier = min_vertex_index;
+ eval_start_index = min_vertex_index_face;
+ assert( hasValidPositions() );
+ }
+ __forceinline void subdivide(CatmullClark1RingT& dest) const
+ {
+ dest.edge_level = 0.5f*edge_level;
+ dest.vertex_level = 0.5f*vertex_level;
+ dest.face_valence = face_valence;
+ dest.edge_valence = edge_valence;
+ dest.border_index = border_index;
+ dest.vertex_crease_weight = max(0.0f,vertex_crease_weight-1.0f);
+ dest.eval_start_index = eval_start_index;
+ dest.eval_unique_identifier = eval_unique_identifier;
+ /* calculate face points */
+ Vertex_t S = Vertex_t(0.0f);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<face_valence; i++)
+ {
+ size_t face_index = i + eval_start_index; if (face_index >= face_valence) face_index -= face_valence; assert(face_index < face_valence);
+ size_t index0 = 2*face_index+0; if (index0 >= edge_valence) index0 -= edge_valence; assert(index0 < edge_valence);
+ size_t index1 = 2*face_index+1; if (index1 >= edge_valence) index1 -= edge_valence; assert(index1 < edge_valence);
+ size_t index2 = 2*face_index+2; if (index2 >= edge_valence) index2 -= edge_valence; assert(index2 < edge_valence);
+ S += dest.ring[index1] = ((vtx + ring[index1]) + (ring[index0] + ring[index2])) * 0.25f;
+ }
+ /* calculate new edge points */
+ size_t num_creases = 0;
+ array_t<size_t,MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE> crease_id;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<face_valence; i++)
+ {
+ size_t face_index = i + eval_start_index;
+ if (face_index >= face_valence) face_index -= face_valence;
+ const float edge_crease = crease_weight[face_index];
+ dest.crease_weight[face_index] = max(edge_crease-1.0f,0.0f);
+ size_t index = 2*face_index;
+ size_t prev_index = face_index == 0 ? edge_valence-1 : 2*face_index-1;
+ size_t next_index = 2*face_index+1;
+ const Vertex_t v = vtx + ring[index];
+ const Vertex_t f = dest.ring[prev_index] + dest.ring[next_index];
+ S += ring[index];
+ /* fast path for regular edge points */
+ if (likely(edge_crease <= 0.0f)) {
+ dest.ring[index] = (v+f) * 0.25f;
+ }
+ /* slower path for hard edge rule */
+ else {
+ crease_id[num_creases++] = face_index;
+ dest.ring[index] = v*0.5f;
+ /* even slower path for blended edge rule */
+ if (unlikely(edge_crease < 1.0f)) {
+ dest.ring[index] = lerp((v+f)*0.25f,v*0.5f,edge_crease);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* compute new vertex using smooth rule */
+ const float inv_face_valence = 1.0f / (float)face_valence;
+ const Vertex_t v_smooth = (Vertex_t) madd(inv_face_valence,S,(float(face_valence)-2.0f)*vtx)*inv_face_valence;
+ dest.vtx = v_smooth;
+ /* compute new vertex using vertex_crease_weight rule */
+ if (unlikely(vertex_crease_weight > 0.0f))
+ {
+ if (vertex_crease_weight >= 1.0f) {
+ dest.vtx = vtx;
+ } else {
+ dest.vtx = lerp(v_smooth,vtx,vertex_crease_weight);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* no edge crease rule and dart rule */
+ if (likely(num_creases <= 1))
+ return;
+ /* compute new vertex using crease rule */
+ if (likely(num_creases == 2))
+ {
+ /* update vertex using crease rule */
+ const size_t crease0 = crease_id[0], crease1 = crease_id[1];
+ const Vertex_t v_sharp = (Vertex_t)(ring[2*crease0] + 6.0f*vtx + ring[2*crease1]) * (1.0f / 8.0f);
+ dest.vtx = v_sharp;
+ /* update crease_weights using chaikin rule */
+ const float crease_weight0 = crease_weight[crease0], crease_weight1 = crease_weight[crease1];
+ dest.crease_weight[crease0] = max(0.25f*(3.0f*crease_weight0 + crease_weight1)-1.0f,0.0f);
+ dest.crease_weight[crease1] = max(0.25f*(3.0f*crease_weight1 + crease_weight0)-1.0f,0.0f);
+ /* interpolate between sharp and smooth rule */
+ const float v_blend = 0.5f*(crease_weight0+crease_weight1);
+ if (unlikely(v_blend < 1.0f)) {
+ dest.vtx = lerp(v_smooth,v_sharp,v_blend);
+ }
+ }
+ /* compute new vertex using corner rule */
+ else {
+ dest.vtx = vtx;
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline bool isRegular1() const
+ {
+ if (border_index == -1) {
+ if (face_valence == 4) return true;
+ } else {
+ if (face_valence < 4) return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t numEdgeCreases() const
+ {
+ ssize_t numCreases = 0;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<face_valence; i++) {
+ numCreases += crease_weight[i] > 0.0f;
+ }
+ return numCreases;
+ }
+ enum Type {
+ TYPE_NONE = 0, //!< invalid type
+ TYPE_REGULAR = 1, //!< regular patch when ignoring creases
+ TYPE_REGULAR_CREASES = 2, //!< regular patch when considering creases
+ TYPE_GREGORY = 4, //!< gregory patch when ignoring creases
+ TYPE_GREGORY_CREASES = 8, //!< gregory patch when considering creases
+ TYPE_CREASES = 16 //!< patch has crease features
+ };
+ __forceinline Type type() const
+ {
+ /* check if there is an edge crease anywhere */
+ const size_t numCreases = numEdgeCreases();
+ const bool noInnerCreases = hasBorder() ? numCreases == 2 : numCreases == 0;
+ Type crease_mask = (Type) (TYPE_REGULAR | TYPE_GREGORY);
+ if (noInnerCreases ) crease_mask = (Type) (crease_mask | TYPE_REGULAR_CREASES | TYPE_GREGORY_CREASES);
+ if (numCreases != 0) crease_mask = (Type) (crease_mask | TYPE_CREASES);
+ /* calculate if this vertex is regular */
+ bool hasBorder = border_index != -1;
+ if (face_valence == 2 && hasBorder) {
+ if (vertex_crease_weight == 0.0f ) return (Type) (crease_mask & (TYPE_REGULAR | TYPE_REGULAR_CREASES | TYPE_GREGORY | TYPE_GREGORY_CREASES | TYPE_CREASES));
+ else if (vertex_crease_weight == float(inf)) return (Type) (crease_mask & (TYPE_REGULAR | TYPE_REGULAR_CREASES | TYPE_GREGORY | TYPE_GREGORY_CREASES | TYPE_CREASES));
+ else return TYPE_CREASES;
+ }
+ else if (vertex_crease_weight != 0.0f) return TYPE_CREASES;
+ else if (face_valence == 3 && hasBorder) return (Type) (crease_mask & (TYPE_REGULAR | TYPE_REGULAR_CREASES | TYPE_GREGORY | TYPE_GREGORY_CREASES | TYPE_CREASES));
+ else if (face_valence == 4 && !hasBorder) return (Type) (crease_mask & (TYPE_REGULAR | TYPE_REGULAR_CREASES | TYPE_GREGORY | TYPE_GREGORY_CREASES | TYPE_CREASES));
+ else return (Type) (crease_mask & (TYPE_GREGORY | TYPE_GREGORY_CREASES | TYPE_CREASES));
+ }
+ __forceinline bool isFinalResolution(float res) const {
+ return vertex_level <= res;
+ }
+ /* computes the limit vertex */
+ __forceinline Vertex getLimitVertex() const
+ {
+ /* return hard corner */
+ if (unlikely(std::isinf(vertex_crease_weight)))
+ return vtx;
+ /* border vertex rule */
+ if (unlikely(border_index != -1))
+ {
+ const unsigned int second_border_index = border_index+2 >= int(edge_valence) ? 0 : border_index+2;
+ return (4.0f * vtx + (ring[border_index] + ring[second_border_index])) * 1.0f/6.0f;
+ }
+ Vertex_t F( 0.0f );
+ Vertex_t E( 0.0f );
+ assert(eval_start_index < face_valence);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<face_valence; i++) {
+ size_t index = i+eval_start_index;
+ if (index >= face_valence) index -= face_valence;
+ F += ring[2*index+1];
+ E += ring[2*index];
+ }
+ const float n = (float)face_valence;
+ return (Vertex_t)(n*n*vtx+4.0f*E+F) / ((n+5.0f)*n);
+ }
+ /* gets limit tangent in the direction of egde vtx -> ring[0] */
+ __forceinline Vertex getLimitTangent() const
+ {
+ if (unlikely(std::isinf(vertex_crease_weight)))
+ return ring[0] - vtx;
+ /* border vertex rule */
+ if (unlikely(border_index != -1))
+ {
+ if (border_index != (int)edge_valence-2 ) {
+ return ring[0] - vtx;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const unsigned int second_border_index = border_index+2 >= int(edge_valence) ? 0 : border_index+2;
+ return (ring[second_border_index] - ring[border_index]) * 0.5f;
+ }
+ }
+ Vertex_t alpha( 0.0f );
+ Vertex_t beta ( 0.0f );
+ const size_t n = face_valence;
+ assert(eval_start_index < face_valence);
+ Vertex_t q( 0.0f );
+ for (size_t i=0; i<face_valence; i++)
+ {
+ size_t index = i+eval_start_index;
+ if (index >= face_valence) index -= face_valence;
+ const float a = CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients::table.limittangent_a(index,n);
+ const float b = CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients::table.limittangent_b(index,n);
+ alpha += a * ring[2*index];
+ beta += b * ring[2*index+1];
+ }
+ const float sigma = CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients::table.limittangent_c(n);
+ return sigma * (alpha + beta);
+ }
+ /* gets limit tangent in the direction of egde vtx -> ring[edge_valence-2] */
+ __forceinline Vertex getSecondLimitTangent() const
+ {
+ if (unlikely(std::isinf(vertex_crease_weight)))
+ return ring[2] - vtx;
+ /* border vertex rule */
+ if (unlikely(border_index != -1))
+ {
+ if (border_index != 2) {
+ return ring[2] - vtx;
+ }
+ else {
+ const unsigned int second_border_index = border_index+2 >= int(edge_valence) ? 0 : border_index+2;
+ return (ring[border_index] - ring[second_border_index]) * 0.5f;
+ }
+ }
+ Vertex_t alpha( 0.0f );
+ Vertex_t beta ( 0.0f );
+ const size_t n = face_valence;
+ assert(eval_start_index < face_valence);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<face_valence; i++)
+ {
+ size_t index = i+eval_start_index;
+ if (index >= face_valence) index -= face_valence;
+ size_t prev_index = index == 0 ? face_valence-1 : index-1; // need to be bit-wise exact in cosf eval
+ const float a = CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients::table.limittangent_a(prev_index,n);
+ const float b = CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients::table.limittangent_b(prev_index,n);
+ alpha += a * ring[2*index];
+ beta += b * ring[2*index+1];
+ }
+ const float sigma = CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients::table.limittangent_c(n);
+ return sigma* (alpha + beta);
+ }
+ /* gets surface normal */
+ const Vertex getNormal() const {
+ return cross(getLimitTangent(),getSecondLimitTangent());
+ }
+ /* returns center of the n-th quad in the 1-ring */
+ __forceinline Vertex getQuadCenter(const size_t index) const
+ {
+ const Vertex_t &p0 = vtx;
+ const Vertex_t &p1 = ring[2*index+0];
+ const Vertex_t &p2 = ring[2*index+1];
+ const Vertex_t &p3 = index == face_valence-1 ? ring[0] : ring[2*index+2];
+ const Vertex p = (p0+p1+p2+p3) * 0.25f;
+ return p;
+ }
+ /* returns center of the n-th edge in the 1-ring */
+ __forceinline Vertex getEdgeCenter(const size_t index) const {
+ return (vtx + ring[index*2]) * 0.5f;
+ }
+ bool hasValidPositions() const
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<edge_valence; i++) {
+ if (!isvalid(ring[i]))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream o, const CatmullClark1RingT &c)
+ {
+ o << "vtx " << c.vtx << " size = " << c.edge_valence << ", " <<
+ "hard_edge = " << c.border_index << ", face_valence " << c.face_valence <<
+ ", edge_level = " << c.edge_level << ", vertex_level = " << c.vertex_level << ", eval_start_index: " << c.eval_start_index << ", ring: " << embree_endl;
+ for (unsigned int i=0; i<min(c.edge_valence,(unsigned int)MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE); i++) {
+ o << i << " -> " << c.ring[i];
+ if (i % 2 == 0) o << " crease = " << c.crease_weight[i/2];
+ o << embree_endl;
+ }
+ return o;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef CatmullClark1RingT<Vec3fa,Vec3fa_t> CatmullClark1Ring3fa;
+ template<typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t = Vertex>
+ struct __aligned(64) GeneralCatmullClark1RingT
+ {
+ typedef CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClark1Ring;
+ struct Face
+ {
+ __forceinline Face() {}
+ __forceinline Face (int size, float crease_weight)
+ : size(size), crease_weight(crease_weight) {}
+ // FIXME: add member that returns total number of vertices
+ int size; // number of vertices-2 of nth face in ring
+ float crease_weight;
+ };
+ Vertex vtx;
+ DynamicStackArray<Vertex,32,MAX_RING_EDGE_VALENCE> ring;
+ DynamicStackArray<Face,16,MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE> faces;
+ unsigned int face_valence;
+ unsigned int edge_valence;
+ int border_face;
+ float vertex_crease_weight;
+ float vertex_level; //!< maximum level of adjacent edges
+ float edge_level; // level of first edge
+ bool only_quads; // true if all faces are quads
+ unsigned int eval_start_face_index;
+ unsigned int eval_start_vertex_index;
+ unsigned int eval_unique_identifier;
+ public:
+ GeneralCatmullClark1RingT()
+ : eval_start_face_index(0), eval_start_vertex_index(0), eval_unique_identifier(0) {}
+ __forceinline bool isRegular() const
+ {
+ if (border_face == -1 && face_valence == 4) return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool has_last_face() const {
+ return border_face != (int)face_valence-1;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool has_second_face() const {
+ return (border_face == -1) || (border_face >= 2);
+ }
+ bool hasValidPositions() const
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<edge_valence; i++) {
+ if (!isvalid(ring[i]))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ __forceinline void init(const HalfEdge* const h, const char* vertices, size_t stride)
+ {
+ only_quads = true;
+ border_face = -1;
+ vtx = Vertex_t::loadu(vertices+h->getStartVertexIndex()*stride);
+ vertex_crease_weight = h->vertex_crease_weight;
+ HalfEdge* p = (HalfEdge*) h;
+ unsigned int e=0, f=0;
+ unsigned min_vertex_index = (unsigned)-1;
+ unsigned min_vertex_index_face = (unsigned)-1;
+ unsigned min_vertex_index_vertex = (unsigned)-1;
+ edge_level = p->edge_level;
+ vertex_level = 0.0f;
+ do
+ {
+ HalfEdge* p_prev = p->prev();
+ HalfEdge* p_next = p->next();
+ const float crease_weight = p->edge_crease_weight;
+ assert(p->hasOpposite() || p->edge_crease_weight == float(inf));
+ vertex_level = max(vertex_level,p->edge_level);
+ /* find minimum start vertex */
+ unsigned vertex_index = p_next->getStartVertexIndex();
+ if (vertex_index < min_vertex_index) { min_vertex_index = vertex_index; min_vertex_index_face = f; min_vertex_index_vertex = e; }
+ /* store first N-2 vertices of face */
+ unsigned int vn = 0;
+ for (p = p_next; p!=p_prev; p=p->next()) {
+ ring[e++] = Vertex_t::loadu(vertices+p->getStartVertexIndex()*stride);
+ vn++;
+ }
+ faces[f++] = Face(vn,crease_weight);
+ only_quads &= (vn == 2);
+ /* continue with next face */
+ if (likely(p->hasOpposite()))
+ p = p->opposite();
+ /* if there is no opposite go the long way to the other side of the border */
+ else
+ {
+ /* find minimum start vertex */
+ unsigned vertex_index = p->getStartVertexIndex();
+ if (vertex_index < min_vertex_index) { min_vertex_index = vertex_index; min_vertex_index_face = f; min_vertex_index_vertex = e; }
+ /*! mark first border edge and store dummy vertex for face between the two border edges */
+ border_face = f;
+ faces[f++] = Face(2,inf);
+ ring[e++] = Vertex_t::loadu(vertices+p->getStartVertexIndex()*stride);
+ ring[e++] = vtx; // dummy vertex
+ /*! goto other side of border */
+ p = (HalfEdge*) h;
+ while (p->hasOpposite())
+ p = p->opposite()->next();
+ }
+ } while (p != h);
+ edge_valence = e;
+ face_valence = f;
+ eval_unique_identifier = min_vertex_index;
+ eval_start_face_index = min_vertex_index_face;
+ eval_start_vertex_index = min_vertex_index_vertex;
+ assert( hasValidPositions() );
+ }
+ __forceinline void subdivide(CatmullClark1Ring& dest) const
+ {
+ dest.edge_level = 0.5f*edge_level;
+ dest.vertex_level = 0.5f*vertex_level;
+ dest.face_valence = face_valence;
+ dest.edge_valence = 2*face_valence;
+ dest.border_index = border_face == -1 ? -1 : 2*border_face; // FIXME:
+ dest.vertex_crease_weight = max(0.0f,vertex_crease_weight-1.0f);
+ dest.eval_start_index = eval_start_face_index;
+ dest.eval_unique_identifier = eval_unique_identifier;
+ assert(dest.face_valence <= MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE);
+ /* calculate face points */
+ Vertex_t S = Vertex_t(0.0f);
+ for (size_t face=0, v=eval_start_vertex_index; face<face_valence; face++) {
+ size_t f = (face + eval_start_face_index)%face_valence;
+ Vertex_t F = vtx;
+ for (size_t k=v; k<=v+faces[f].size; k++) F += ring[k%edge_valence]; // FIXME: optimize
+ S += dest.ring[2*f+1] = F/float(faces[f].size+2);
+ v+=faces[f].size;
+ v%=edge_valence;
+ }
+ /* calculate new edge points */
+ size_t num_creases = 0;
+ array_t<size_t,MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE> crease_id;
+ Vertex_t C = Vertex_t(0.0f);
+ for (size_t face=0, j=eval_start_vertex_index; face<face_valence; face++)
+ {
+ size_t i = (face + eval_start_face_index)%face_valence;
+ const Vertex_t v = vtx + ring[j];
+ Vertex_t f = dest.ring[2*i+1];
+ if (i == 0) f += dest.ring[dest.edge_valence-1];
+ else f += dest.ring[2*i-1];
+ S += ring[j];
+ dest.crease_weight[i] = max(faces[i].crease_weight-1.0f,0.0f);
+ /* fast path for regular edge points */
+ if (likely(faces[i].crease_weight <= 0.0f)) {
+ dest.ring[2*i] = (v+f) * 0.25f;
+ }
+ /* slower path for hard edge rule */
+ else {
+ C += ring[j]; crease_id[num_creases++] = i;
+ dest.ring[2*i] = v*0.5f;
+ /* even slower path for blended edge rule */
+ if (unlikely(faces[i].crease_weight < 1.0f)) {
+ dest.ring[2*i] = lerp((v+f)*0.25f,v*0.5f,faces[i].crease_weight);
+ }
+ }
+ j+=faces[i].size;
+ j%=edge_valence;
+ }
+ /* compute new vertex using smooth rule */
+ const float inv_face_valence = 1.0f / (float)face_valence;
+ const Vertex_t v_smooth = (Vertex_t) madd(inv_face_valence,S,(float(face_valence)-2.0f)*vtx)*inv_face_valence;
+ dest.vtx = v_smooth;
+ /* compute new vertex using vertex_crease_weight rule */
+ if (unlikely(vertex_crease_weight > 0.0f))
+ {
+ if (vertex_crease_weight >= 1.0f) {
+ dest.vtx = vtx;
+ } else {
+ dest.vtx = lerp(vtx,v_smooth,vertex_crease_weight);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ if (likely(num_creases <= 1))
+ return;
+ /* compute new vertex using crease rule */
+ if (likely(num_creases == 2)) {
+ const Vertex_t v_sharp = (Vertex_t)(C + 6.0f * vtx) * (1.0f / 8.0f);
+ const float crease_weight0 = faces[crease_id[0]].crease_weight;
+ const float crease_weight1 = faces[crease_id[1]].crease_weight;
+ dest.vtx = v_sharp;
+ dest.crease_weight[crease_id[0]] = max(0.25f*(3.0f*crease_weight0 + crease_weight1)-1.0f,0.0f);
+ dest.crease_weight[crease_id[1]] = max(0.25f*(3.0f*crease_weight1 + crease_weight0)-1.0f,0.0f);
+ const float v_blend = 0.5f*(crease_weight0+crease_weight1);
+ if (unlikely(v_blend < 1.0f)) {
+ dest.vtx = lerp(v_sharp,v_smooth,v_blend);
+ }
+ }
+ /* compute new vertex using corner rule */
+ else {
+ dest.vtx = vtx;
+ }
+ }
+ void convert(CatmullClark1Ring& dst) const
+ {
+ dst.edge_level = edge_level;
+ dst.vertex_level = vertex_level;
+ dst.vtx = vtx;
+ dst.face_valence = face_valence;
+ dst.edge_valence = 2*face_valence;
+ dst.border_index = border_face == -1 ? -1 : 2*border_face;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<face_valence; i++)
+ dst.crease_weight[i] = faces[i].crease_weight;
+ dst.vertex_crease_weight = vertex_crease_weight;
+ for (size_t i=0; i<edge_valence; i++) dst.ring[i] = ring[i];
+ dst.eval_start_index = eval_start_face_index;
+ dst.eval_unique_identifier = eval_unique_identifier;
+ assert( dst.hasValidPositions() );
+ }
+ /* gets limit tangent in the direction of egde vtx -> ring[0] */
+ __forceinline Vertex getLimitTangent() const
+ {
+ CatmullClark1Ring cc_vtx;
+ /* fast path for quad only rings */
+ if (only_quads)
+ {
+ convert(cc_vtx);
+ return cc_vtx.getLimitTangent();
+ }
+ subdivide(cc_vtx);
+ return 2.0f * cc_vtx.getLimitTangent();
+ }
+ /* gets limit tangent in the direction of egde vtx -> ring[edge_valence-2] */
+ __forceinline Vertex getSecondLimitTangent() const
+ {
+ CatmullClark1Ring cc_vtx;
+ /* fast path for quad only rings */
+ if (only_quads)
+ {
+ convert(cc_vtx);
+ return cc_vtx.getSecondLimitTangent();
+ }
+ subdivide(cc_vtx);
+ return 2.0f * cc_vtx.getSecondLimitTangent();
+ }
+ /* gets limit vertex */
+ __forceinline Vertex getLimitVertex() const
+ {
+ CatmullClark1Ring cc_vtx;
+ /* fast path for quad only rings */
+ if (only_quads)
+ convert(cc_vtx);
+ else
+ subdivide(cc_vtx);
+ return cc_vtx.getLimitVertex();
+ }
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream o, const GeneralCatmullClark1RingT &c)
+ {
+ o << "vtx " << c.vtx << " size = " << c.edge_valence << ", border_face = " << c.border_face << ", " << " face_valence = " << c.face_valence <<
+ ", edge_level = " << c.edge_level << ", vertex_level = " << c.vertex_level << ", ring: " << embree_endl;
+ for (size_t v=0, f=0; f<c.face_valence; v+=c.faces[f++].size) {
+ for (size_t i=v; i<v+c.faces[f].size; i++) {
+ o << i << " -> " << c.ring[i];
+ if (i == v) o << " crease = " << c.faces[f].crease_weight;
+ o << embree_endl;
+ }
+ }
+ return o;
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/catmullrom_curve.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/catmullrom_curve.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74fc4c1230
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/catmullrom_curve.h
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/default.h"
+#include "../common/scene_curves.h"
+ Implements Catmul Rom curves with control points p0, p1, p2, p3. At
+ t=0 the curve goes through p1, with tangent (p2-p0)/3, and for t=1
+ the curve goes through p2 with tangent (p3-p2)/2.
+ */
+namespace embree
+ class CatmullRomBasis
+ {
+ public:
+ template<typename T>
+ static __forceinline Vec4<T> eval(const T& u)
+ {
+ const T t = u;
+ const T s = T(1.0f) - u;
+ const T n0 = - t * s * s;
+ const T n1 = 2.0f + t * t * (3.0f * t - 5.0f);
+ const T n2 = 2.0f + s * s * (3.0f * s - 5.0f);
+ const T n3 = - s * t * t;
+ return T(0.5f) * Vec4<T>(n0, n1, n2, n3);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ static __forceinline Vec4<T> derivative(const T& u)
+ {
+ const T t = u;
+ const T s = 1.0f - u;
+ const T n0 = - s * s + 2.0f * s * t;
+ const T n1 = 2.0f * t * (3.0f * t - 5.0f) + 3.0f * t * t;
+ const T n2 = 2.0f * s * (3.0f * t + 2.0f) - 3.0f * s * s;
+ const T n3 = -2.0f * s * t + t * t;
+ return T(0.5f) * Vec4<T>(n0, n1, n2, n3);
+ }
+ template<typename T>
+ static __forceinline Vec4<T> derivative2(const T& u)
+ {
+ const T t = u;
+ const T n0 = -3.0f * t + 2.0f;
+ const T n1 = 9.0f * t - 5.0f;
+ const T n2 = -9.0f * t + 4.0f;
+ const T n3 = 3.0f * t - 1.0f;
+ return Vec4<T>(n0, n1, n2, n3);
+ }
+ };
+ struct PrecomputedCatmullRomBasis
+ {
+ enum { N = 16 };
+ public:
+ PrecomputedCatmullRomBasis() {}
+ PrecomputedCatmullRomBasis(int shift);
+ /* basis for bspline evaluation */
+ public:
+ float c0[N+1][N+1];
+ float c1[N+1][N+1];
+ float c2[N+1][N+1];
+ float c3[N+1][N+1];
+ /* basis for bspline derivative evaluation */
+ public:
+ float d0[N+1][N+1];
+ float d1[N+1][N+1];
+ float d2[N+1][N+1];
+ float d3[N+1][N+1];
+ };
+ extern PrecomputedCatmullRomBasis catmullrom_basis0;
+ extern PrecomputedCatmullRomBasis catmullrom_basis1;
+ template<typename Vertex>
+ struct CatmullRomCurveT
+ {
+ Vertex v0,v1,v2,v3;
+ __forceinline CatmullRomCurveT() {}
+ __forceinline CatmullRomCurveT(const Vertex& v0, const Vertex& v1, const Vertex& v2, const Vertex& v3)
+ : v0(v0), v1(v1), v2(v2), v3(v3) {}
+ __forceinline Vertex begin() const {
+ return madd(1.0f/6.0f,v0,madd(2.0f/3.0f,v1,1.0f/6.0f*v2));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex end() const {
+ return madd(1.0f/6.0f,v1,madd(2.0f/3.0f,v2,1.0f/6.0f*v3));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex center() const {
+ return 0.25f*(v0+v1+v2+v3);
+ }
+ __forceinline BBox<Vertex> bounds() const {
+ return merge(BBox<Vertex>(v0),BBox<Vertex>(v1),BBox<Vertex>(v2),BBox<Vertex>(v3));
+ }
+ __forceinline friend CatmullRomCurveT operator -( const CatmullRomCurveT& a, const Vertex& b ) {
+ return CatmullRomCurveT(a.v0-b,a.v1-b,a.v2-b,a.v3-b);
+ }
+ __forceinline CatmullRomCurveT<Vec3ff> xfm_pr(const LinearSpace3fa& space, const Vec3fa& p) const
+ {
+ const Vec3ff q0(xfmVector(space,v0-p), v0.w);
+ const Vec3ff q1(xfmVector(space,v1-p), v1.w);
+ const Vec3ff q2(xfmVector(space,v2-p), v2.w);
+ const Vec3ff q3(xfmVector(space,v3-p), v3.w);
+ return CatmullRomCurveT<Vec3ff>(q0,q1,q2,q3);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval(const float t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<float> b = CatmullRomBasis::eval(t);
+ return madd(b.x,v0,madd(b.y,v1,madd(b.z,v2,b.w*v3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_du(const float t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<float> b = CatmullRomBasis::derivative(t);
+ return madd(b.x,v0,madd(b.y,v1,madd(b.z,v2,b.w*v3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dudu(const float t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4<float> b = CatmullRomBasis::derivative2(t);
+ return madd(b.x,v0,madd(b.y,v1,madd(b.z,v2,b.w*v3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline void eval(const float t, Vertex& p, Vertex& dp, Vertex& ddp) const
+ {
+ p = eval(t);
+ dp = eval_du(t);
+ ddp = eval_dudu(t);
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> veval(const vfloat<M>& t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4vf<M> b = CatmullRomBasis::eval(t);
+ return madd(b.x, Vec4vf<M>(v0), madd(b.y, Vec4vf<M>(v1), madd(b.z, Vec4vf<M>(v2), b.w * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> veval_du(const vfloat<M>& t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4vf<M> b = CatmullRomBasis::derivative(t);
+ return madd(b.x, Vec4vf<M>(v0), madd(b.y, Vec4vf<M>(v1), madd(b.z, Vec4vf<M>(v2), b.w * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> veval_dudu(const vfloat<M>& t) const
+ {
+ const Vec4vf<M> b = CatmullRomBasis::derivative2(t);
+ return madd(b.x, Vec4vf<M>(v0), madd(b.y, Vec4vf<M>(v1), madd(b.z, Vec4vf<M>(v2), b.w * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline void veval(const vfloat<M>& t, Vec4vf<M>& p, Vec4vf<M>& dp) const
+ {
+ p = veval<M>(t);
+ dp = veval_du<M>(t);
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> eval0(const int ofs, const int size) const
+ {
+ assert(size <= PrecomputedCatmullRomBasis::N);
+ assert(ofs <= size);
+ return madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis0.c0[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v0),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis0.c1[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v1),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis0.c2[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v2),
+ vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis0.c3[size][ofs]) * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> eval1(const int ofs, const int size) const
+ {
+ assert(size <= PrecomputedCatmullRomBasis::N);
+ assert(ofs <= size);
+ return madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis1.c0[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v0),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis1.c1[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v1),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis1.c2[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v2),
+ vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis1.c3[size][ofs]) * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> derivative0(const int ofs, const int size) const
+ {
+ assert(size <= PrecomputedCatmullRomBasis::N);
+ assert(ofs <= size);
+ return madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis0.d0[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v0),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis0.d1[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v1),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis0.d2[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v2),
+ vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis0.d3[size][ofs]) * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ template<int M>
+ __forceinline Vec4vf<M> derivative1(const int ofs, const int size) const
+ {
+ assert(size <= PrecomputedCatmullRomBasis::N);
+ assert(ofs <= size);
+ return madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis1.d0[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v0),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis1.d1[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v1),
+ madd(vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis1.d2[size][ofs]), Vec4vf<M>(v2),
+ vfloat<M>::loadu(&catmullrom_basis1.d3[size][ofs]) * Vec4vf<M>(v3))));
+ }
+ /* calculates bounds of catmull-rom curve geometry */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa accurateRoundBounds() const
+ {
+ const int N = 7;
+ const float scale = 1.0f/(3.0f*(N-1));
+ Vec4vfx pl(pos_inf), pu(neg_inf);
+ for (int i=0; i<=N; i+=VSIZEX)
+ {
+ vintx vi = vintx(i)+vintx(step);
+ vboolx valid = vi <= vintx(N);
+ const Vec4vfx p = eval0<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ const Vec4vfx dp = derivative0<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ const Vec4vfx pm = p-Vec4vfx(scale)*select(vi!=vintx(0),dp,Vec4vfx(zero));
+ const Vec4vfx pp = p+Vec4vfx(scale)*select(vi!=vintx(N),dp,Vec4vfx(zero));
+ pl = select(valid,min(pl,p,pm,pp),pl); // FIXME: use masked min
+ pu = select(valid,max(pu,p,pm,pp),pu); // FIXME: use masked min
+ }
+ const Vec3fa lower(reduce_min(pl.x),reduce_min(pl.y),reduce_min(pl.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper(reduce_max(pu.x),reduce_max(pu.y),reduce_max(pu.z));
+ const float r_min = reduce_min(pl.w);
+ const float r_max = reduce_max(pu.w);
+ const Vec3fa upper_r = Vec3fa(max(abs(r_min),abs(r_max)));
+ return enlarge(BBox3fa(lower,upper),upper_r);
+ }
+ /* calculates bounds when tessellated into N line segments */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa accurateFlatBounds(int N) const
+ {
+ if (likely(N == 4))
+ {
+ const Vec4vf4 pi = eval0<4>(0,4);
+ const Vec3fa lower(reduce_min(pi.x),reduce_min(pi.y),reduce_min(pi.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper(reduce_max(pi.x),reduce_max(pi.y),reduce_max(pi.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper_r = Vec3fa(reduce_max(abs(pi.w)));
+ const Vec3ff pe = end();
+ return enlarge(BBox3fa(min(lower,pe),max(upper,pe)),max(upper_r,Vec3fa(abs(pe.w))));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Vec3vfx pl(pos_inf), pu(neg_inf); vfloatx ru(0.0f);
+ for (int i=0; i<=N; i+=VSIZEX)
+ {
+ vboolx valid = vintx(i)+vintx(step) <= vintx(N);
+ const Vec4vfx pi = eval0<VSIZEX>(i,N);
+ pl.x = select(valid,min(pl.x,pi.x),pl.x); // FIXME: use masked min
+ pl.y = select(valid,min(pl.y,pi.y),pl.y);
+ pl.z = select(valid,min(pl.z,pi.z),pl.z);
+ pu.x = select(valid,max(pu.x,pi.x),pu.x); // FIXME: use masked min
+ pu.y = select(valid,max(pu.y,pi.y),pu.y);
+ pu.z = select(valid,max(pu.z,pi.z),pu.z);
+ ru = select(valid,max(ru,abs(pi.w)),ru);
+ }
+ const Vec3fa lower(reduce_min(pl.x),reduce_min(pl.y),reduce_min(pl.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper(reduce_max(pu.x),reduce_max(pu.y),reduce_max(pu.z));
+ const Vec3fa upper_r(reduce_max(ru));
+ return enlarge(BBox3fa(lower,upper),upper_r);
+ }
+ }
+ friend __forceinline embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const CatmullRomCurveT& curve) {
+ return cout << "CatmullRomCurve { v0 = " << curve.v0 << ", v1 = " << curve.v1 << ", v2 = " << curve.v2 << ", v3 = " << curve.v3 << " }";
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename CurveGeometry>
+ __forceinline CatmullRomCurveT<Vec3ff> enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(const IntersectContext* context, const CurveGeometry* geom, const Vec3fa& ray_org, const CatmullRomCurveT<Vec3ff>& curve)
+ {
+ return CatmullRomCurveT<Vec3ff>(enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,ray_org,curve.v0),
+ enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,ray_org,curve.v1),
+ enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,ray_org,curve.v2),
+ enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,ray_org,curve.v3));
+ }
+ typedef CatmullRomCurveT<Vec3fa> CatmullRomCurve3fa;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/feature_adaptive_eval.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/feature_adaptive_eval.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..58c0b63e62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/feature_adaptive_eval.h
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "patch.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t = Vertex>
+ struct FeatureAdaptiveEval
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef PatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> Patch;
+ typedef typename Patch::Ref Ref;
+ typedef GeneralCatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> GeneralCatmullClarkPatch;
+ typedef CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClarkRing;
+ typedef CatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClarkPatch;
+ typedef BSplinePatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> BSplinePatch;
+ typedef BezierPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> BezierPatch;
+ typedef GregoryPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> GregoryPatch;
+ typedef BilinearPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> BilinearPatch;
+ typedef BezierCurveT<Vertex> BezierCurve;
+ public:
+ FeatureAdaptiveEval (const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride, const float u, const float v,
+ Vertex* P, Vertex* dPdu, Vertex* dPdv, Vertex* ddPdudu, Vertex* ddPdvdv, Vertex* ddPdudv)
+ : P(P), dPdu(dPdu), dPdv(dPdv), ddPdudu(ddPdudu), ddPdvdv(ddPdvdv), ddPdudv(ddPdudv)
+ {
+ switch (edge->patch_type) {
+ case HalfEdge::BILINEAR_PATCH: BilinearPatch(edge,vertices,stride).eval(u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,1.0f); break;
+ case HalfEdge::REGULAR_QUAD_PATCH: RegularPatchT(edge,vertices,stride).eval(u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,1.0f); break;
+ case HalfEdge::IRREGULAR_QUAD_PATCH: GregoryPatch(edge,vertices,stride).eval(u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,1.0f); break;
+ default: {
+ GeneralCatmullClarkPatch patch(edge,vertices,stride);
+ eval(patch,Vec2f(u,v),0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FeatureAdaptiveEval (CatmullClarkPatch& patch, const float u, const float v, float dscale, size_t depth,
+ Vertex* P, Vertex* dPdu, Vertex* dPdv, Vertex* ddPdudu, Vertex* ddPdvdv, Vertex* ddPdudv)
+ : P(P), dPdu(dPdu), dPdv(dPdv), ddPdudu(ddPdudu), ddPdvdv(ddPdvdv), ddPdudv(ddPdudv)
+ {
+ eval(patch,Vec2f(u,v),dscale,depth);
+ }
+ void eval_general_quad(const GeneralCatmullClarkPatch& patch, array_t<CatmullClarkPatch,GeneralCatmullClarkPatch::SIZE>& patches, const Vec2f& uv, size_t depth)
+ {
+ float u = uv.x, v = uv.y;
+ if (v < 0.5f) {
+ if (u < 0.5f) {
+ BezierCurve borders[2]; patch.getLimitBorder(borders,0);
+ BezierCurve border0l,border0r; borders[0].subdivide(border0l,border0r);
+ BezierCurve border2l,border2r; borders[1].subdivide(border2l,border2r);
+ eval(patches[0],Vec2f(2.0f*u,2.0f*v),2.0f,depth+1, &border0l, nullptr, nullptr, &border2r);
+ eval(patches[0],Vec2f(2.0f*u,2.0f*v),2.0f,depth+1);
+ if (dPdu && dPdv) {
+ const Vertex dpdx = *dPdu, dpdy = *dPdv;
+ *dPdu = dpdx; *dPdv = dpdy;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ BezierCurve borders[2]; patch.getLimitBorder(borders,1);
+ BezierCurve border0l,border0r; borders[0].subdivide(border0l,border0r);
+ BezierCurve border2l,border2r; borders[1].subdivide(border2l,border2r);
+ eval(patches[1],Vec2f(2.0f*v,2.0f-2.0f*u),2.0f,depth+1, &border0l, nullptr, nullptr, &border2r);
+ eval(patches[1],Vec2f(2.0f*v,2.0f-2.0f*u),2.0f,depth+1);
+ if (dPdu && dPdv) {
+ const Vertex dpdx = *dPdu, dpdy = *dPdv;
+ *dPdu = -dpdy; *dPdv = dpdx;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (u > 0.5f) {
+ BezierCurve borders[2]; patch.getLimitBorder(borders,2);
+ BezierCurve border0l,border0r; borders[0].subdivide(border0l,border0r);
+ BezierCurve border2l,border2r; borders[1].subdivide(border2l,border2r);
+ eval(patches[2],Vec2f(2.0f-2.0f*u,2.0f-2.0f*v),2.0f,depth+1, &border0l, nullptr, nullptr, &border2r);
+ eval(patches[2],Vec2f(2.0f-2.0f*u,2.0f-2.0f*v),2.0f,depth+1);
+ if (dPdu && dPdv) {
+ const Vertex dpdx = *dPdu, dpdy = *dPdv;
+ *dPdu = -dpdx; *dPdv = -dpdy;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ BezierCurve borders[2]; patch.getLimitBorder(borders,3);
+ BezierCurve border0l,border0r; borders[0].subdivide(border0l,border0r);
+ BezierCurve border2l,border2r; borders[1].subdivide(border2l,border2r);
+ eval(patches[3],Vec2f(2.0f-2.0f*v,2.0f*u),2.0f,depth+1, &border0l, nullptr, nullptr, &border2r);
+ eval(patches[3],Vec2f(2.0f-2.0f*v,2.0f*u),2.0f,depth+1);
+ if (dPdu && dPdv) {
+ const Vertex dpdx = *dPdu, dpdy = *dPdv;
+ *dPdu = dpdy; *dPdv = -dpdx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline bool final(const CatmullClarkPatch& patch, const typename CatmullClarkRing::Type type, size_t depth)
+ {
+ const int max_eval_depth = (type & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_CREASES) ? PATCH_MAX_EVAL_DEPTH_CREASE : PATCH_MAX_EVAL_DEPTH_IRREGULAR;
+// return patch.isFinalResolution(PATCH_MIN_RESOLUTION) || depth>=(size_t)max_eval_depth;
+ return depth>=(size_t)max_eval_depth;
+ }
+ void eval(CatmullClarkPatch& patch, Vec2f uv, float dscale, size_t depth,
+ BezierCurve* border0 = nullptr, BezierCurve* border1 = nullptr, BezierCurve* border2 = nullptr, BezierCurve* border3 = nullptr)
+ {
+ while (true)
+ {
+ typename CatmullClarkPatch::Type ty = patch.type();
+ if (unlikely(final(patch,ty,depth)))
+ {
+ if (ty & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_REGULAR) {
+ RegularPatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3).eval(uv.x,uv.y,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ IrregularFillPatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3).eval(uv.x,uv.y,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ty & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_REGULAR_CREASES) {
+ assert(depth > 0);
+ RegularPatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3).eval(uv.x,uv.y,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (ty & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_GREGORY_CREASES) {
+ assert(depth > 0);
+ GregoryPatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3).eval(uv.x,uv.y,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale);
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ array_t<CatmullClarkPatch,4> patches;
+ patch.subdivide(patches); // FIXME: only have to generate one of the patches
+ const float u = uv.x, v = uv.y;
+ if (v < 0.5f) {
+ if (u < 0.5f) { patch = patches[0]; uv = Vec2f(2.0f*u,2.0f*v); dscale *= 2.0f; }
+ else { patch = patches[1]; uv = Vec2f(2.0f*u-1.0f,2.0f*v); dscale *= 2.0f; }
+ } else {
+ if (u > 0.5f) { patch = patches[2]; uv = Vec2f(2.0f*u-1.0f,2.0f*v-1.0f); dscale *= 2.0f; }
+ else { patch = patches[3]; uv = Vec2f(2.0f*u,2.0f*v-1.0f); dscale *= 2.0f; }
+ }
+ depth++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void eval(const GeneralCatmullClarkPatch& patch, const Vec2f& uv, const size_t depth)
+ {
+ /* convert into standard quad patch if possible */
+ if (likely(patch.isQuadPatch()))
+ {
+ CatmullClarkPatch qpatch; patch.init(qpatch);
+ return eval(qpatch,uv,1.0f,depth);
+ }
+ /* subdivide patch */
+ unsigned N;
+ array_t<CatmullClarkPatch,GeneralCatmullClarkPatch::SIZE> patches;
+ patch.subdivide(patches,N); // FIXME: only have to generate one of the patches
+ /* parametrization for quads */
+ if (N == 4)
+ eval_general_quad(patch,patches,uv,depth);
+ /* parametrization for arbitrary polygons */
+ else
+ {
+ const unsigned l = (unsigned) floor(0.5f*uv.x); const float u = 2.0f*frac(0.5f*uv.x)-0.5f;
+ const unsigned h = (unsigned) floor(0.5f*uv.y); const float v = 2.0f*frac(0.5f*uv.y)-0.5f;
+ const unsigned i = 4*h+l; assert(i<N);
+ if (i >= N) return;
+ BezierCurve borders[2]; patch.getLimitBorder(borders,i);
+ BezierCurve border0l,border0r; borders[0].subdivide(border0l,border0r);
+ BezierCurve border2l,border2r; borders[1].subdivide(border2l,border2r);
+ eval(patches[i],Vec2f(u,v),1.0f,depth+1, &border0l, nullptr, nullptr, &border2r);
+ eval(patches[i],Vec2f(u,v),1.0f,depth+1);
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Vertex* const P;
+ Vertex* const dPdu;
+ Vertex* const dPdv;
+ Vertex* const ddPdudu;
+ Vertex* const ddPdvdv;
+ Vertex* const ddPdudv;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/feature_adaptive_eval_grid.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/feature_adaptive_eval_grid.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4755aba28d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/feature_adaptive_eval_grid.h
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "patch.h"
+#include "catmullclark_patch.h"
+#include "bspline_patch.h"
+#include "gregory_patch.h"
+#include "tessellation.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct FeatureAdaptiveEvalGrid
+ {
+ typedef CatmullClark1Ring3fa CatmullClarkRing;
+ typedef CatmullClarkPatch3fa CatmullClarkPatch;
+ typedef BilinearPatch3fa BilinearPatch;
+ typedef BSplinePatch3fa BSplinePatch;
+ typedef BezierPatch3fa BezierPatch;
+ typedef GregoryPatch3fa GregoryPatch;
+ private:
+ const unsigned x0,x1;
+ const unsigned y0,y1;
+ const unsigned swidth,sheight;
+ const float rcp_swidth, rcp_sheight;
+ float* const Px;
+ float* const Py;
+ float* const Pz;
+ float* const U;
+ float* const V;
+ float* const Nx;
+ float* const Ny;
+ float* const Nz;
+ const unsigned dwidth;
+ //const unsigned dheight;
+ unsigned count;
+ public:
+ FeatureAdaptiveEvalGrid (const GeneralCatmullClarkPatch3fa& patch, unsigned subPatch,
+ const unsigned x0, const unsigned x1, const unsigned y0, const unsigned y1, const unsigned swidth, const unsigned sheight,
+ float* Px, float* Py, float* Pz, float* U, float* V,
+ float* Nx, float* Ny, float* Nz,
+ const unsigned dwidth, const unsigned dheight)
+ : x0(x0), x1(x1), y0(y0), y1(y1), swidth(swidth), sheight(sheight), rcp_swidth(1.0f/(swidth-1.0f)), rcp_sheight(1.0f/(sheight-1.0f)),
+ Px(Px), Py(Py), Pz(Pz), U(U), V(V), Nx(Nx), Ny(Ny), Nz(Nz), dwidth(dwidth), /*dheight(dheight),*/ count(0)
+ {
+ assert(swidth < (2<<20) && sheight < (2<<20));
+ const BBox2f srange(Vec2f(0.0f,0.0f),Vec2f(float(swidth-1),float(sheight-1)));
+ const BBox2f erange(Vec2f((float)x0,(float)y0),Vec2f((float)x1,(float)y1));
+ /* convert into standard quad patch if possible */
+ if (likely(patch.isQuadPatch()))
+ {
+ CatmullClarkPatch3fa qpatch; patch.init(qpatch);
+ eval(qpatch, srange, erange, 0);
+ assert(count == (x1-x0+1)*(y1-y0+1));
+ return;
+ }
+ /* subdivide patch */
+ unsigned N;
+ array_t<CatmullClarkPatch3fa,GeneralCatmullClarkPatch3fa::SIZE> patches;
+ patch.subdivide(patches,N);
+ if (N == 4)
+ {
+ const Vec2f c =;
+ const BBox2f srange0(srange.lower,c);
+ const BBox2f srange1(Vec2f(c.x,srange.lower.y),Vec2f(srange.upper.x,c.y));
+ const BBox2f srange2(c,srange.upper);
+ const BBox2f srange3(Vec2f(srange.lower.x,c.y),Vec2f(c.x,srange.upper.y));
+ BezierCurve3fa borders[GeneralCatmullClarkPatch3fa::SIZE]; patch.getLimitBorder(borders);
+ BezierCurve3fa border0l,border0r; borders[0].subdivide(border0l,border0r);
+ BezierCurve3fa border1l,border1r; borders[1].subdivide(border1l,border1r);
+ BezierCurve3fa border2l,border2r; borders[2].subdivide(border2l,border2r);
+ BezierCurve3fa border3l,border3r; borders[3].subdivide(border3l,border3r);
+ GeneralCatmullClarkPatch3fa::fix_quad_ring_order(patches);
+ eval(patches[0],srange0,intersect(srange0,erange),1,&border0l,nullptr,nullptr,&border3r);
+ eval(patches[1],srange1,intersect(srange1,erange),1,&border0r,&border1l,nullptr,nullptr);
+ eval(patches[2],srange2,intersect(srange2,erange),1,nullptr,&border1r,&border2l,nullptr);
+ eval(patches[3],srange3,intersect(srange3,erange),1,nullptr,nullptr,&border2r,&border3l);
+ GeneralCatmullClarkPatch3fa::fix_quad_ring_order(patches);
+ eval(patches[0],srange0,intersect(srange0,erange),1);
+ eval(patches[1],srange1,intersect(srange1,erange),1);
+ eval(patches[2],srange2,intersect(srange2,erange),1);
+ eval(patches[3],srange3,intersect(srange3,erange),1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ assert(subPatch < N);
+ BezierCurve3fa borders[2]; patch.getLimitBorder(borders,subPatch);
+ BezierCurve3fa border0l,border0r; borders[0].subdivide(border0l,border0r);
+ BezierCurve3fa border2l,border2r; borders[1].subdivide(border2l,border2r);
+ eval(patches[subPatch], srange, erange, 1, &border0l, nullptr, nullptr, &border2r);
+ eval(patches[subPatch], srange, erange, 1);
+ }
+ assert(count == (x1-x0+1)*(y1-y0+1));
+ }
+ FeatureAdaptiveEvalGrid (const CatmullClarkPatch3fa& patch,
+ const BBox2f& srange, const BBox2f& erange, const unsigned depth,
+ const unsigned x0, const unsigned x1, const unsigned y0, const unsigned y1, const unsigned swidth, const unsigned sheight,
+ float* Px, float* Py, float* Pz, float* U, float* V,
+ float* Nx, float* Ny, float* Nz,
+ const unsigned dwidth, const unsigned dheight)
+ : x0(x0), x1(x1), y0(y0), y1(y1), swidth(swidth), sheight(sheight), rcp_swidth(1.0f/(swidth-1.0f)), rcp_sheight(1.0f/(sheight-1.0f)),
+ Px(Px), Py(Py), Pz(Pz), U(U), V(V), Nx(Nx), Ny(Ny), Nz(Nz), dwidth(dwidth), /*dheight(dheight),*/ count(0)
+ {
+ eval(patch,srange,erange,depth);
+ }
+ template<typename Patch>
+ void evalLocalGrid(const Patch& patch, const BBox2f& srange, const int lx0, const int lx1, const int ly0, const int ly1)
+ {
+ const float scale_x = rcp(srange.upper.x-srange.lower.x);
+ const float scale_y = rcp(srange.upper.y-srange.lower.y);
+ count += (lx1-lx0)*(ly1-ly0);
+#if 0
+ for (unsigned iy=ly0; iy<ly1; iy++) {
+ for (unsigned ix=lx0; ix<lx1; ix++) {
+ const float lu = select(ix == swidth -1, float(1.0f), (float(ix)-srange.lower.x)*scale_x);
+ const float lv = select(iy == sheight-1, float(1.0f), (float(iy)-srange.lower.y)*scale_y);
+ const Vec3fa p = patch.eval(lu,lv);
+ const float u = float(ix)*rcp_swidth;
+ const float v = float(iy)*rcp_sheight;
+ const int ofs = (iy-y0)*dwidth+(ix-x0);
+ Px[ofs] = p.x;
+ Py[ofs] = p.y;
+ Pz[ofs] = p.z;
+ U[ofs] = u;
+ V[ofs] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach2(lx0,lx1,ly0,ly1,[&](const vboolx& valid, const vintx& ix, const vintx& iy) {
+ const vfloatx lu = select(ix == swidth -1, vfloatx(1.0f), (vfloatx(ix)-srange.lower.x)*scale_x);
+ const vfloatx lv = select(iy == sheight-1, vfloatx(1.0f), (vfloatx(iy)-srange.lower.y)*scale_y);
+ const Vec3vfx p = patch.eval(lu,lv);
+ Vec3vfx n = zero;
+ if (unlikely(Nx != nullptr)) n = normalize_safe(patch.normal(lu,lv));
+ const vfloatx u = vfloatx(ix)*rcp_swidth;
+ const vfloatx v = vfloatx(iy)*rcp_sheight;
+ const vintx ofs = (iy-y0)*dwidth+(ix-x0);
+ if (likely(all(valid)) && all(iy==iy[0])) {
+ const unsigned ofs2 = ofs[0];
+ vfloatx::storeu(Px+ofs2,p.x);
+ vfloatx::storeu(Py+ofs2,p.y);
+ vfloatx::storeu(Pz+ofs2,p.z);
+ vfloatx::storeu(U+ofs2,u);
+ vfloatx::storeu(V+ofs2,v);
+ if (unlikely(Nx != nullptr)) {
+ vfloatx::storeu(Nx+ofs2,n.x);
+ vfloatx::storeu(Ny+ofs2,n.y);
+ vfloatx::storeu(Nz+ofs2,n.z);
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach_unique_index(valid,iy,[&](const vboolx& valid, const int iy0, const int j) {
+ const unsigned ofs2 = ofs[j]-j;
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,Px+ofs2,p.x);
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,Py+ofs2,p.y);
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,Pz+ofs2,p.z);
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,U+ofs2,u);
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,V+ofs2,v);
+ if (unlikely(Nx != nullptr)) {
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,Nx+ofs2,n.x);
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,Ny+ofs2,n.y);
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,Nz+ofs2,n.z);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ __forceinline bool final(const CatmullClarkPatch3fa& patch, const CatmullClarkRing::Type type, unsigned depth)
+ {
+ const unsigned max_eval_depth = (type & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_CREASES) ? PATCH_MAX_EVAL_DEPTH_CREASE : PATCH_MAX_EVAL_DEPTH_IRREGULAR;
+// return patch.isFinalResolution(PATCH_MIN_RESOLUTION) || depth>=max_eval_depth;
+ return depth>=max_eval_depth;
+ }
+ void eval(const CatmullClarkPatch3fa& patch, const BBox2f& srange, const BBox2f& erange, const unsigned depth,
+ const BezierCurve3fa* border0 = nullptr, const BezierCurve3fa* border1 = nullptr, const BezierCurve3fa* border2 = nullptr, const BezierCurve3fa* border3 = nullptr)
+ {
+ if (erange.empty())
+ return;
+ int lx0 = (int) ceilf(erange.lower.x);
+ int lx1 = (int) ceilf(erange.upper.x) + (erange.upper.x == x1 && (srange.lower.x < erange.upper.x || erange.upper.x == 0));
+ int ly0 = (int) ceilf(erange.lower.y);
+ int ly1 = (int) ceilf(erange.upper.y) + (erange.upper.y == y1 && (srange.lower.y < erange.upper.y || erange.upper.y == 0));
+ if (lx0 >= lx1 || ly0 >= ly1) return;
+ CatmullClarkPatch::Type ty = patch.type();
+ if (unlikely(final(patch,ty,depth)))
+ {
+ if (ty & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_REGULAR) {
+ RegularPatch rpatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3);
+ evalLocalGrid(rpatch,srange,lx0,lx1,ly0,ly1);
+ return;
+ } else {
+ IrregularFillPatch ipatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3);
+ evalLocalGrid(ipatch,srange,lx0,lx1,ly0,ly1);
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ty & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_REGULAR_CREASES) {
+ assert(depth > 0);
+ RegularPatch rpatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3);
+ evalLocalGrid(rpatch,srange,lx0,lx1,ly0,ly1);
+ return;
+ }
+ else if (ty & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_GREGORY_CREASES) {
+ assert(depth > 0);
+ GregoryPatch gpatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3);
+ evalLocalGrid(gpatch,srange,lx0,lx1,ly0,ly1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ array_t<CatmullClarkPatch3fa,4> patches;
+ patch.subdivide(patches);
+ const Vec2f c =;
+ const BBox2f srange0(srange.lower,c);
+ const BBox2f srange1(Vec2f(c.x,srange.lower.y),Vec2f(srange.upper.x,c.y));
+ const BBox2f srange2(c,srange.upper);
+ const BBox2f srange3(Vec2f(srange.lower.x,c.y),Vec2f(c.x,srange.upper.y));
+ eval(patches[0],srange0,intersect(srange0,erange),depth+1);
+ eval(patches[1],srange1,intersect(srange1,erange),depth+1);
+ eval(patches[2],srange2,intersect(srange2,erange),depth+1);
+ eval(patches[3],srange3,intersect(srange3,erange),depth+1);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename Eval, typename Patch>
+ bool stitch_col(const Patch& patch, int subPatch,
+ const bool right, const unsigned y0, const unsigned y1, const int fine_y, const int coarse_y,
+ float* Px, float* Py, float* Pz, float* U, float* V, float* Nx, float* Ny, float* Nz, const unsigned dx0, const unsigned dwidth, const unsigned dheight)
+ {
+ assert(coarse_y <= fine_y);
+ if (likely(fine_y == coarse_y))
+ return false;
+ const unsigned y0s = stitch(y0,fine_y,coarse_y);
+ const unsigned y1s = stitch(y1,fine_y,coarse_y);
+ const unsigned M = y1s-y0s+1 + VSIZEX;
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,px,M,64*sizeof(float));
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,py,M,64*sizeof(float));
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,pz,M,64*sizeof(float));
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,u,M,64*sizeof(float));
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,v,M,64*sizeof(float));
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,nx,M,64*sizeof(float));
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,ny,M,64*sizeof(float));
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,nz,M,64*sizeof(float));
+ const bool has_Nxyz = Nx; assert(!Nx || (Ny && Nz));
+ Eval(patch,subPatch, right,right, y0s,y1s, 2,coarse_y+1, px,py,pz,u,v,
+ has_Nxyz ? (float*)nx : nullptr,has_Nxyz ? (float*)ny : nullptr ,has_Nxyz ? (float*)nz : nullptr, 1,4097);
+ for (unsigned y=y0; y<=y1; y++)
+ {
+ const unsigned ys = stitch(y,fine_y,coarse_y)-y0s;
+ Px[(y-y0)*dwidth+dx0] = px[ys];
+ Py[(y-y0)*dwidth+dx0] = py[ys];
+ Pz[(y-y0)*dwidth+dx0] = pz[ys];
+ U [(y-y0)*dwidth+dx0] = u[ys];
+ V [(y-y0)*dwidth+dx0] = v[ys];
+ if (unlikely(has_Nxyz)) {
+ Nx[(y-y0)*dwidth+dx0] = nx[ys];
+ Ny[(y-y0)*dwidth+dx0] = ny[ys];
+ Nz[(y-y0)*dwidth+dx0] = nz[ys];
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<typename Eval, typename Patch>
+ bool stitch_row(const Patch& patch, int subPatch,
+ const bool bottom, const unsigned x0, const unsigned x1, const int fine_x, const int coarse_x,
+ float* Px, float* Py, float* Pz, float* U, float* V, float* Nx, float* Ny, float* Nz, const unsigned dy0, const unsigned dwidth, const unsigned dheight)
+ {
+ assert(coarse_x <= fine_x);
+ if (likely(fine_x == coarse_x))
+ return false;
+ const unsigned x0s = stitch(x0,fine_x,coarse_x);
+ const unsigned x1s = stitch(x1,fine_x,coarse_x);
+ const unsigned M = x1s-x0s+1 + VSIZEX;
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,px,M,32*sizeof(float));
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,py,M,32*sizeof(float));
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,pz,M,32*sizeof(float));
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,u,M,32*sizeof(float));
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,v,M,32*sizeof(float));
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,nx,M,32*sizeof(float));
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,ny,M,32*sizeof(float));
+ dynamic_large_stack_array(float,nz,M,32*sizeof(float));
+ const bool has_Nxyz = Nx; assert(!Nx || (Ny && Nz));
+ Eval(patch,subPatch, x0s,x1s, bottom,bottom, coarse_x+1,2, px,py,pz,u,v,
+ has_Nxyz ? (float*)nx :nullptr, has_Nxyz ? (float*)ny : nullptr , has_Nxyz ? (float*)nz : nullptr, 4097,1);
+ for (unsigned x=x0; x<=x1; x++)
+ {
+ const unsigned xs = stitch(x,fine_x,coarse_x)-x0s;
+ Px[dy0*dwidth+x-x0] = px[xs];
+ Py[dy0*dwidth+x-x0] = py[xs];
+ Pz[dy0*dwidth+x-x0] = pz[xs];
+ U [dy0*dwidth+x-x0] = u[xs];
+ V [dy0*dwidth+x-x0] = v[xs];
+ if (unlikely(has_Nxyz)) {
+ Nx[dy0*dwidth+x-x0] = nx[xs];
+ Ny[dy0*dwidth+x-x0] = ny[xs];
+ Nz[dy0*dwidth+x-x0] = nz[xs];
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ template<typename Eval, typename Patch>
+ void feature_adaptive_eval_grid (const Patch& patch, unsigned subPatch, const float levels[4],
+ const unsigned x0, const unsigned x1, const unsigned y0, const unsigned y1, const unsigned swidth, const unsigned sheight,
+ float* Px, float* Py, float* Pz, float* U, float* V, float* Nx, float* Ny, float* Nz, const unsigned dwidth, const unsigned dheight)
+ {
+ bool sl = false, sr = false, st = false, sb = false;
+ if (levels) {
+ sl = x0 == 0 && stitch_col<Eval,Patch>(patch,subPatch,0,y0,y1,sheight-1,int(levels[3]), Px,Py,Pz,U,V,Nx,Ny,Nz, 0 ,dwidth,dheight);
+ sr = x1 == swidth-1 && stitch_col<Eval,Patch>(patch,subPatch,1,y0,y1,sheight-1,int(levels[1]), Px,Py,Pz,U,V,Nx,Ny,Nz, x1-x0,dwidth,dheight);
+ st = y0 == 0 && stitch_row<Eval,Patch>(patch,subPatch,0,x0,x1,swidth-1,int(levels[0]), Px,Py,Pz,U,V,Nx,Ny,Nz, 0 ,dwidth,dheight);
+ sb = y1 == sheight-1 && stitch_row<Eval,Patch>(patch,subPatch,1,x0,x1,swidth-1,int(levels[2]), Px,Py,Pz,U,V,Nx,Ny,Nz, y1-y0,dwidth,dheight);
+ }
+ const unsigned ofs = st*dwidth+sl;
+ Eval(patch,subPatch,x0+sl,x1-sr,y0+st,y1-sb, swidth,sheight, Px+ofs,Py+ofs,Pz+ofs,U+ofs,V+ofs,Nx?Nx+ofs:nullptr,Ny?Ny+ofs:nullptr,Nz?Nz+ofs:nullptr, dwidth,dheight);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/feature_adaptive_eval_simd.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/feature_adaptive_eval_simd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..edab0db12f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/feature_adaptive_eval_simd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "patch.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<typename vbool, typename vint, typename vfloat, typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t = Vertex>
+ struct FeatureAdaptiveEvalSimd
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef PatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> Patch;
+ typedef typename Patch::Ref Ref;
+ typedef GeneralCatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> GeneralCatmullClarkPatch;
+ typedef CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClarkRing;
+ typedef CatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClarkPatch;
+ typedef BSplinePatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> BSplinePatch;
+ typedef BezierPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> BezierPatch;
+ typedef GregoryPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> GregoryPatch;
+ typedef BilinearPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> BilinearPatch;
+ typedef BezierCurveT<Vertex> BezierCurve;
+ FeatureAdaptiveEvalSimd (const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride, const vbool& valid, const vfloat& u, const vfloat& v,
+ float* P, float* dPdu, float* dPdv, float* ddPdudu, float* ddPdvdv, float* ddPdudv, const size_t dstride, const size_t N)
+ : P(P), dPdu(dPdu), dPdv(dPdv), ddPdudu(ddPdudu), ddPdvdv(ddPdvdv), ddPdudv(ddPdudv), dstride(dstride), N(N)
+ {
+ switch (edge->patch_type) {
+ case HalfEdge::BILINEAR_PATCH: BilinearPatch(edge,vertices,stride).eval(valid,u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,1.0f,dstride,N); break;
+ case HalfEdge::REGULAR_QUAD_PATCH: RegularPatchT(edge,vertices,stride).eval(valid,u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,1.0f,dstride,N); break;
+ case HalfEdge::IRREGULAR_QUAD_PATCH: GregoryPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t>(edge,vertices,stride).eval(valid,u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,1.0f,dstride,N); break;
+ default: {
+ GeneralCatmullClarkPatch patch(edge,vertices,stride);
+ eval_direct(valid,patch,Vec2<vfloat>(u,v),0);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FeatureAdaptiveEvalSimd (const CatmullClarkPatch& patch, const vbool& valid, const vfloat& u, const vfloat& v, float dscale, size_t depth,
+ float* P, float* dPdu, float* dPdv, float* ddPdudu, float* ddPdvdv, float* ddPdudv, const size_t dstride, const size_t N)
+ : P(P), dPdu(dPdu), dPdv(dPdv), ddPdudu(ddPdudu), ddPdvdv(ddPdvdv), ddPdudv(ddPdudv), dstride(dstride), N(N)
+ {
+ eval_direct(valid,patch,Vec2<vfloat>(u,v),dscale,depth);
+ }
+ template<size_t N>
+ __forceinline void eval_quad_direct(const vbool& valid, array_t<CatmullClarkPatch,N>& patches, const Vec2<vfloat>& uv, float dscale, size_t depth)
+ {
+ const vfloat u = uv.x, v = uv.y;
+ const vbool u0_mask = u < 0.5f, u1_mask = u >= 0.5f;
+ const vbool v0_mask = v < 0.5f, v1_mask = v >= 0.5f;
+ const vbool u0v0_mask = valid & u0_mask & v0_mask;
+ const vbool u0v1_mask = valid & u0_mask & v1_mask;
+ const vbool u1v0_mask = valid & u1_mask & v0_mask;
+ const vbool u1v1_mask = valid & u1_mask & v1_mask;
+ if (any(u0v0_mask)) eval_direct(u0v0_mask,patches[0],Vec2<vfloat>(2.0f*u,2.0f*v),2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ if (any(u1v0_mask)) eval_direct(u1v0_mask,patches[1],Vec2<vfloat>(2.0f*u-1.0f,2.0f*v),2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ if (any(u1v1_mask)) eval_direct(u1v1_mask,patches[2],Vec2<vfloat>(2.0f*u-1.0f,2.0f*v-1.0f),2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ if (any(u0v1_mask)) eval_direct(u0v1_mask,patches[3],Vec2<vfloat>(2.0f*u,2.0f*v-1.0f),2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ }
+ template<size_t N>
+ __forceinline void eval_general_quad_direct(const vbool& valid, const GeneralCatmullClarkPatch& patch, array_t<CatmullClarkPatch,N>& patches, const Vec2<vfloat>& uv, float dscale, size_t depth)
+ {
+ BezierCurve borders[GeneralCatmullClarkPatch::SIZE]; patch.getLimitBorder(borders);
+ BezierCurve border0l,border0r; borders[0].subdivide(border0l,border0r);
+ BezierCurve border1l,border1r; borders[1].subdivide(border1l,border1r);
+ BezierCurve border2l,border2r; borders[2].subdivide(border2l,border2r);
+ BezierCurve border3l,border3r; borders[3].subdivide(border3l,border3r);
+ GeneralCatmullClarkPatch::fix_quad_ring_order(patches);
+ const vfloat u = uv.x, v = uv.y;
+ const vbool u0_mask = u < 0.5f, u1_mask = u >= 0.5f;
+ const vbool v0_mask = v < 0.5f, v1_mask = v >= 0.5f;
+ const vbool u0v0_mask = valid & u0_mask & v0_mask;
+ const vbool u0v1_mask = valid & u0_mask & v1_mask;
+ const vbool u1v0_mask = valid & u1_mask & v0_mask;
+ const vbool u1v1_mask = valid & u1_mask & v1_mask;
+ if (any(u0v0_mask)) eval_direct(u0v0_mask,patches[0],Vec2<vfloat>(2.0f*u,2.0f*v),2.0f*dscale,depth+1,&border0l,nullptr,nullptr,&border3r);
+ if (any(u1v0_mask)) eval_direct(u1v0_mask,patches[1],Vec2<vfloat>(2.0f*u-1.0f,2.0f*v),2.0f*dscale,depth+1,&border0r,&border1l,nullptr,nullptr);
+ if (any(u1v1_mask)) eval_direct(u1v1_mask,patches[2],Vec2<vfloat>(2.0f*u-1.0f,2.0f*v-1.0f),2.0f*dscale,depth+1,nullptr,&border1r,&border2l,nullptr);
+ if (any(u0v1_mask)) eval_direct(u0v1_mask,patches[3],Vec2<vfloat>(2.0f*u,2.0f*v-1.0f),2.0f*dscale,depth+1,nullptr,nullptr,&border2r,&border3l);
+ if (any(u0v0_mask)) eval_direct(u0v0_mask,patches[0],Vec2<vfloat>(2.0f*u,2.0f*v),2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ if (any(u1v0_mask)) eval_direct(u1v0_mask,patches[1],Vec2<vfloat>(2.0f*u-1.0f,2.0f*v),2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ if (any(u1v1_mask)) eval_direct(u1v1_mask,patches[2],Vec2<vfloat>(2.0f*u-1.0f,2.0f*v-1.0f),2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ if (any(u0v1_mask)) eval_direct(u0v1_mask,patches[3],Vec2<vfloat>(2.0f*u,2.0f*v-1.0f),2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ }
+ __forceinline bool final(const CatmullClarkPatch& patch, const typename CatmullClarkRing::Type type, size_t depth)
+ {
+ const size_t max_eval_depth = (type & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_CREASES) ? PATCH_MAX_EVAL_DEPTH_CREASE : PATCH_MAX_EVAL_DEPTH_IRREGULAR;
+// return patch.isFinalResolution(PATCH_MIN_RESOLUTION) || depth>=max_eval_depth;
+ return depth>=max_eval_depth;
+ }
+ void eval_direct(const vbool& valid, const CatmullClarkPatch& patch, const Vec2<vfloat>& uv, float dscale, size_t depth,
+ BezierCurve* border0 = nullptr, BezierCurve* border1 = nullptr, BezierCurve* border2 = nullptr, BezierCurve* border3 = nullptr)
+ {
+ typename CatmullClarkPatch::Type ty = patch.type();
+ if (unlikely(final(patch,ty,depth)))
+ {
+ if (ty & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_REGULAR) {
+ RegularPatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3).eval(valid,uv.x,uv.y,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale,dstride,N);
+ } else {
+ IrregularFillPatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3).eval(valid,uv.x,uv.y,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale,dstride,N);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (ty & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_REGULAR_CREASES) {
+ assert(depth > 0); RegularPatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3).eval(valid,uv.x,uv.y,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale,dstride,N);
+ }
+ else if (ty & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_GREGORY_CREASES) {
+ assert(depth > 0); GregoryPatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3).eval(valid,uv.x,uv.y,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale,dstride,N);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ array_t<CatmullClarkPatch,4> patches;
+ patch.subdivide(patches); // FIXME: only have to generate one of the patches
+ eval_quad_direct(valid,patches,uv,dscale,depth);
+ }
+ }
+ void eval_direct(const vbool& valid, const GeneralCatmullClarkPatch& patch, const Vec2<vfloat>& uv, const size_t depth)
+ {
+ /* convert into standard quad patch if possible */
+ if (likely(patch.isQuadPatch())) {
+ CatmullClarkPatch qpatch; patch.init(qpatch);
+ return eval_direct(valid,qpatch,uv,1.0f,depth);
+ }
+ /* subdivide patch */
+ unsigned Nc;
+ array_t<CatmullClarkPatch,GeneralCatmullClarkPatch::SIZE> patches;
+ patch.subdivide(patches,Nc); // FIXME: only have to generate one of the patches
+ /* parametrization for quads */
+ if (Nc == 4)
+ eval_general_quad_direct(valid,patch,patches,uv,1.0f,depth);
+ /* parametrization for arbitrary polygons */
+ else
+ {
+ const vint l = (vint)floor(0.5f*uv.x); const vfloat u = 2.0f*frac(0.5f*uv.x)-0.5f;
+ const vint h = (vint)floor(0.5f*uv.y); const vfloat v = 2.0f*frac(0.5f*uv.y)-0.5f;
+ const vint i = (h<<2)+l; assert(all(valid,i<Nc));
+ foreach_unique(valid,i,[&](const vbool& valid, const int i) {
+ BezierCurve borders[2]; patch.getLimitBorder(borders,i);
+ BezierCurve border0l,border0r; borders[0].subdivide(border0l,border0r);
+ BezierCurve border2l,border2r; borders[1].subdivide(border2l,border2r);
+ eval_direct(valid,patches[i],Vec2<vfloat>(u,v),1.0f,depth+1, &border0l, nullptr, nullptr, &border2r);
+ eval_direct(valid,patches[i],Vec2<vfloat>(u,v),1.0f,depth+1);
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ float* const P;
+ float* const dPdu;
+ float* const dPdv;
+ float* const ddPdudu;
+ float* const ddPdvdv;
+ float* const ddPdudv;
+ const size_t dstride;
+ const size_t N;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/gregory_patch.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/gregory_patch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9026d5c407
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/gregory_patch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,893 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "catmullclark_patch.h"
+#include "bezier_patch.h"
+#include "bezier_curve.h"
+#include "catmullclark_coefficients.h"
+namespace embree
+ template<typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t = Vertex>
+ class __aligned(64) GregoryPatchT
+ {
+ typedef CatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClarkPatch;
+ typedef GeneralCatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> GeneralCatmullClarkPatch;
+ typedef CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClark1Ring;
+ typedef BezierCurveT<Vertex> BezierCurve;
+ public:
+ Vertex v[4][4];
+ Vertex f[2][2];
+ __forceinline GregoryPatchT() {}
+ __forceinline GregoryPatchT(const CatmullClarkPatch& patch) {
+ init(patch);
+ }
+ __forceinline GregoryPatchT(const CatmullClarkPatch& patch,
+ const BezierCurve* border0, const BezierCurve* border1, const BezierCurve* border2, const BezierCurve* border3)
+ {
+ init_crackfix(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3);
+ }
+ __forceinline GregoryPatchT (const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride) {
+ init(CatmullClarkPatch(edge,vertices,stride));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex& p0() { return v[0][0]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& p1() { return v[0][3]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& p2() { return v[3][3]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& p3() { return v[3][0]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& e0_p() { return v[0][1]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& e0_m() { return v[1][0]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& e1_p() { return v[1][3]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& e1_m() { return v[0][2]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& e2_p() { return v[3][2]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& e2_m() { return v[2][3]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& e3_p() { return v[2][0]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& e3_m() { return v[3][1]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& f0_p() { return v[1][1]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& f1_p() { return v[1][2]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& f2_p() { return v[2][2]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& f3_p() { return v[2][1]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& f0_m() { return f[0][0]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& f1_m() { return f[0][1]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& f2_m() { return f[1][1]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex& f3_m() { return f[1][0]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& p0() const { return v[0][0]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& p1() const { return v[0][3]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& p2() const { return v[3][3]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& p3() const { return v[3][0]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& e0_p() const { return v[0][1]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& e0_m() const { return v[1][0]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& e1_p() const { return v[1][3]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& e1_m() const { return v[0][2]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& e2_p() const { return v[3][2]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& e2_m() const { return v[2][3]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& e3_p() const { return v[2][0]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& e3_m() const { return v[3][1]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& f0_p() const { return v[1][1]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& f1_p() const { return v[1][2]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& f2_p() const { return v[2][2]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& f3_p() const { return v[2][1]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& f0_m() const { return f[0][0]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& f1_m() const { return f[0][1]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& f2_m() const { return f[1][1]; }
+ __forceinline const Vertex& f3_m() const { return f[1][0]; }
+ __forceinline Vertex initCornerVertex(const CatmullClarkPatch& irreg_patch, const size_t index) {
+ return irreg_patch.ring[index].getLimitVertex();
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex initPositiveEdgeVertex(const CatmullClarkPatch& irreg_patch, const size_t index, const Vertex& p_vtx) {
+ return madd(1.0f/3.0f,irreg_patch.ring[index].getLimitTangent(),p_vtx);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex initNegativeEdgeVertex(const CatmullClarkPatch& irreg_patch, const size_t index, const Vertex& p_vtx) {
+ return madd(1.0f/3.0f,irreg_patch.ring[index].getSecondLimitTangent(),p_vtx);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex initPositiveEdgeVertex2(const CatmullClarkPatch& irreg_patch, const size_t index, const Vertex& p_vtx)
+ {
+ CatmullClark1Ring3fa r0,r1,r2;
+ irreg_patch.ring[index].subdivide(r0);
+ r0.subdivide(r1);
+ r1.subdivide(r2);
+ return madd(8.0f/3.0f,r2.getLimitTangent(),p_vtx);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex initNegativeEdgeVertex2(const CatmullClarkPatch& irreg_patch, const size_t index, const Vertex& p_vtx)
+ {
+ CatmullClark1Ring3fa r0,r1,r2;
+ irreg_patch.ring[index].subdivide(r0);
+ r0.subdivide(r1);
+ r1.subdivide(r2);
+ return madd(8.0f/3.0f,r2.getSecondLimitTangent(),p_vtx);
+ }
+ void initFaceVertex(const CatmullClarkPatch& irreg_patch,
+ const size_t index,
+ const Vertex& p_vtx,
+ const Vertex& e0_p_vtx,
+ const Vertex& e1_m_vtx,
+ const unsigned int face_valence_p1,
+ const Vertex& e0_m_vtx,
+ const Vertex& e3_p_vtx,
+ const unsigned int face_valence_p3,
+ Vertex& f_p_vtx,
+ Vertex& f_m_vtx)
+ {
+ const unsigned int face_valence = irreg_patch.ring[index].face_valence;
+ const unsigned int edge_valence = irreg_patch.ring[index].edge_valence;
+ const unsigned int border_index = irreg_patch.ring[index].border_index;
+ const Vertex& vtx = irreg_patch.ring[index].vtx;
+ const Vertex e_i = irreg_patch.ring[index].getEdgeCenter(0);
+ const Vertex c_i_m_1 = irreg_patch.ring[index].getQuadCenter(0);
+ const Vertex e_i_m_1 = irreg_patch.ring[index].getEdgeCenter(1);
+ Vertex c_i, e_i_p_1;
+ const bool hasHardEdge0 =
+ std::isinf(irreg_patch.ring[index].vertex_crease_weight) &&
+ std::isinf(irreg_patch.ring[index].crease_weight[0]);
+ if (unlikely((border_index == edge_valence-2) || hasHardEdge0))
+ {
+ /* mirror quad center and edge mid-point */
+ c_i = madd(2.0f, e_i - c_i_m_1, c_i_m_1);
+ e_i_p_1 = madd(2.0f, vtx - e_i_m_1, e_i_m_1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c_i = irreg_patch.ring[index].getQuadCenter( face_valence-1 );
+ e_i_p_1 = irreg_patch.ring[index].getEdgeCenter( face_valence-1 );
+ }
+ Vertex c_i_m_2, e_i_m_2;
+ const bool hasHardEdge1 =
+ std::isinf(irreg_patch.ring[index].vertex_crease_weight) &&
+ std::isinf(irreg_patch.ring[index].crease_weight[1]);
+ if (unlikely(border_index == 2 || hasHardEdge1))
+ {
+ /* mirror quad center and edge mid-point */
+ c_i_m_2 = madd(2.0f, e_i_m_1 - c_i_m_1, c_i_m_1);
+ e_i_m_2 = madd(2.0f, vtx - e_i, + e_i);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ c_i_m_2 = irreg_patch.ring[index].getQuadCenter( 1 );
+ e_i_m_2 = irreg_patch.ring[index].getEdgeCenter( 2 );
+ }
+ const float d = 3.0f;
+ //const float c = cosf(2.0f*M_PI/(float)face_valence);
+ //const float c_e_p = cosf(2.0f*M_PI/(float)face_valence_p1);
+ //const float c_e_m = cosf(2.0f*M_PI/(float)face_valence_p3);
+ const float c = CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients::table.cos_2PI_div_n(face_valence);
+ const float c_e_p = CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients::table.cos_2PI_div_n(face_valence_p1);
+ const float c_e_m = CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients::table.cos_2PI_div_n(face_valence_p3);
+ const Vertex r_e_p = 1.0f/3.0f * (e_i_m_1 - e_i_p_1) + 2.0f/3.0f * (c_i_m_1 - c_i);
+ const Vertex r_e_m = 1.0f/3.0f * (e_i - e_i_m_2) + 2.0f/3.0f * (c_i_m_1 - c_i_m_2);
+ f_p_vtx = 1.0f / d * (c_e_p * p_vtx + (d - 2.0f*c - c_e_p) * e0_p_vtx + 2.0f*c* e1_m_vtx + r_e_p);
+ f_m_vtx = 1.0f / d * (c_e_m * p_vtx + (d - 2.0f*c - c_e_m) * e0_m_vtx + 2.0f*c* e3_p_vtx + r_e_m);
+ }
+ __noinline void init(const CatmullClarkPatch& patch)
+ {
+ assert( patch.ring[0].hasValidPositions() );
+ assert( patch.ring[1].hasValidPositions() );
+ assert( patch.ring[2].hasValidPositions() );
+ assert( patch.ring[3].hasValidPositions() );
+ p0() = initCornerVertex(patch,0);
+ p1() = initCornerVertex(patch,1);
+ p2() = initCornerVertex(patch,2);
+ p3() = initCornerVertex(patch,3);
+ e0_p() = initPositiveEdgeVertex(patch,0, p0());
+ e1_p() = initPositiveEdgeVertex(patch,1, p1());
+ e2_p() = initPositiveEdgeVertex(patch,2, p2());
+ e3_p() = initPositiveEdgeVertex(patch,3, p3());
+ e0_m() = initNegativeEdgeVertex(patch,0, p0());
+ e1_m() = initNegativeEdgeVertex(patch,1, p1());
+ e2_m() = initNegativeEdgeVertex(patch,2, p2());
+ e3_m() = initNegativeEdgeVertex(patch,3, p3());
+ const unsigned int face_valence_p0 = patch.ring[0].face_valence;
+ const unsigned int face_valence_p1 = patch.ring[1].face_valence;
+ const unsigned int face_valence_p2 = patch.ring[2].face_valence;
+ const unsigned int face_valence_p3 = patch.ring[3].face_valence;
+ initFaceVertex(patch,0,p0(),e0_p(),e1_m(),face_valence_p1,e0_m(),e3_p(),face_valence_p3,f0_p(),f0_m() );
+ initFaceVertex(patch,1,p1(),e1_p(),e2_m(),face_valence_p2,e1_m(),e0_p(),face_valence_p0,f1_p(),f1_m() );
+ initFaceVertex(patch,2,p2(),e2_p(),e3_m(),face_valence_p3,e2_m(),e1_p(),face_valence_p1,f2_p(),f2_m() );
+ initFaceVertex(patch,3,p3(),e3_p(),e0_m(),face_valence_p0,e3_m(),e2_p(),face_valence_p3,f3_p(),f3_m() );
+ }
+ __noinline void init_crackfix(const CatmullClarkPatch& patch,
+ const BezierCurve* border0,
+ const BezierCurve* border1,
+ const BezierCurve* border2,
+ const BezierCurve* border3)
+ {
+ assert( patch.ring[0].hasValidPositions() );
+ assert( patch.ring[1].hasValidPositions() );
+ assert( patch.ring[2].hasValidPositions() );
+ assert( patch.ring[3].hasValidPositions() );
+ p0() = initCornerVertex(patch,0);
+ p1() = initCornerVertex(patch,1);
+ p2() = initCornerVertex(patch,2);
+ p3() = initCornerVertex(patch,3);
+ e0_p() = initPositiveEdgeVertex(patch,0, p0());
+ e1_p() = initPositiveEdgeVertex(patch,1, p1());
+ e2_p() = initPositiveEdgeVertex(patch,2, p2());
+ e3_p() = initPositiveEdgeVertex(patch,3, p3());
+ e0_m() = initNegativeEdgeVertex(patch,0, p0());
+ e1_m() = initNegativeEdgeVertex(patch,1, p1());
+ e2_m() = initNegativeEdgeVertex(patch,2, p2());
+ e3_m() = initNegativeEdgeVertex(patch,3, p3());
+ if (unlikely(border0 != nullptr))
+ {
+ p0() = border0->v0;
+ e0_p() = border0->v1;
+ e1_m() = border0->v2;
+ p1() = border0->v3;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(border1 != nullptr))
+ {
+ p1() = border1->v0;
+ e1_p() = border1->v1;
+ e2_m() = border1->v2;
+ p2() = border1->v3;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(border2 != nullptr))
+ {
+ p2() = border2->v0;
+ e2_p() = border2->v1;
+ e3_m() = border2->v2;
+ p3() = border2->v3;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(border3 != nullptr))
+ {
+ p3() = border3->v0;
+ e3_p() = border3->v1;
+ e0_m() = border3->v2;
+ p0() = border3->v3;
+ }
+ const unsigned int face_valence_p0 = patch.ring[0].face_valence;
+ const unsigned int face_valence_p1 = patch.ring[1].face_valence;
+ const unsigned int face_valence_p2 = patch.ring[2].face_valence;
+ const unsigned int face_valence_p3 = patch.ring[3].face_valence;
+ initFaceVertex(patch,0,p0(),e0_p(),e1_m(),face_valence_p1,e0_m(),e3_p(),face_valence_p3,f0_p(),f0_m() );
+ initFaceVertex(patch,1,p1(),e1_p(),e2_m(),face_valence_p2,e1_m(),e0_p(),face_valence_p0,f1_p(),f1_m() );
+ initFaceVertex(patch,2,p2(),e2_p(),e3_m(),face_valence_p3,e2_m(),e1_p(),face_valence_p1,f2_p(),f2_m() );
+ initFaceVertex(patch,3,p3(),e3_p(),e0_m(),face_valence_p0,e3_m(),e2_p(),face_valence_p3,f3_p(),f3_m() );
+ }
+ void computeGregoryPatchFacePoints(const unsigned int face_valence,
+ const Vertex& r_e_p,
+ const Vertex& r_e_m,
+ const Vertex& p_vtx,
+ const Vertex& e0_p_vtx,
+ const Vertex& e1_m_vtx,
+ const unsigned int face_valence_p1,
+ const Vertex& e0_m_vtx,
+ const Vertex& e3_p_vtx,
+ const unsigned int face_valence_p3,
+ Vertex& f_p_vtx,
+ Vertex& f_m_vtx,
+ const float d = 3.0f)
+ {
+ //const float c = cosf(2.0*M_PI/(float)face_valence);
+ //const float c_e_p = cosf(2.0*M_PI/(float)face_valence_p1);
+ //const float c_e_m = cosf(2.0*M_PI/(float)face_valence_p3);
+ const float c = CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients::table.cos_2PI_div_n(face_valence);
+ const float c_e_p = CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients::table.cos_2PI_div_n(face_valence_p1);
+ const float c_e_m = CatmullClarkPrecomputedCoefficients::table.cos_2PI_div_n(face_valence_p3);
+ f_p_vtx = 1.0f / d * (c_e_p * p_vtx + (d - 2.0f*c - c_e_p) * e0_p_vtx + 2.0f*c* e1_m_vtx + r_e_p);
+ f_m_vtx = 1.0f / d * (c_e_m * p_vtx + (d - 2.0f*c - c_e_m) * e0_m_vtx + 2.0f*c* e3_p_vtx + r_e_m);
+ f_p_vtx = 1.0f / d * (c_e_p * p_vtx + (d - 2.0f*c - c_e_p) * e0_p_vtx + 2.0f*c* e1_m_vtx + r_e_p);
+ f_m_vtx = 1.0f / d * (c_e_m * p_vtx + (d - 2.0f*c - c_e_m) * e0_m_vtx + 2.0f*c* e3_p_vtx + r_e_m);
+ }
+ __noinline void init(const GeneralCatmullClarkPatch& patch)
+ {
+ assert(patch.size() == 4);
+#if 0
+ CatmullClarkPatch qpatch; patch.init(qpatch);
+ init(qpatch);
+ const float face_valence_p0 = patch.ring[0].face_valence;
+ const float face_valence_p1 = patch.ring[1].face_valence;
+ const float face_valence_p2 = patch.ring[2].face_valence;
+ const float face_valence_p3 = patch.ring[3].face_valence;
+ Vertex p0_r_p, p0_r_m;
+ patch.ring[0].computeGregoryPatchEdgePoints( p0(), e0_p(), e0_m(), p0_r_p, p0_r_m );
+ Vertex p1_r_p, p1_r_m;
+ patch.ring[1].computeGregoryPatchEdgePoints( p1(), e1_p(), e1_m(), p1_r_p, p1_r_m );
+ Vertex p2_r_p, p2_r_m;
+ patch.ring[2].computeGregoryPatchEdgePoints( p2(), e2_p(), e2_m(), p2_r_p, p2_r_m );
+ Vertex p3_r_p, p3_r_m;
+ patch.ring[3].computeGregoryPatchEdgePoints( p3(), e3_p(), e3_m(), p3_r_p, p3_r_m );
+ computeGregoryPatchFacePoints(face_valence_p0, p0_r_p, p0_r_m, p0(), e0_p(), e1_m(), face_valence_p1, e0_m(), e3_p(), face_valence_p3, f0_p(), f0_m() );
+ computeGregoryPatchFacePoints(face_valence_p1, p1_r_p, p1_r_m, p1(), e1_p(), e2_m(), face_valence_p2, e1_m(), e0_p(), face_valence_p0, f1_p(), f1_m() );
+ computeGregoryPatchFacePoints(face_valence_p2, p2_r_p, p2_r_m, p2(), e2_p(), e3_m(), face_valence_p3, e2_m(), e1_p(), face_valence_p1, f2_p(), f2_m() );
+ computeGregoryPatchFacePoints(face_valence_p3, p3_r_p, p3_r_m, p3(), e3_p(), e0_m(), face_valence_p0, e3_m(), e2_p(), face_valence_p3, f3_p(), f3_m() );
+ }
+ __forceinline void convert_to_bezier()
+ {
+ f0_p() = (f0_p() + f0_m()) * 0.5f;
+ f1_p() = (f1_p() + f1_m()) * 0.5f;
+ f2_p() = (f2_p() + f2_m()) * 0.5f;
+ f3_p() = (f3_p() + f3_m()) * 0.5f;
+ f0_m() = Vertex( zero );
+ f1_m() = Vertex( zero );
+ f2_m() = Vertex( zero );
+ f3_m() = Vertex( zero );
+ }
+ static __forceinline void computeInnerVertices(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const Vertex f_m[2][2], const float uu, const float vv,
+ Vertex_t& matrix_11, Vertex_t& matrix_12, Vertex_t& matrix_22, Vertex_t& matrix_21)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(uu == 0.0f || uu == 1.0f || vv == 0.0f || vv == 1.0f))
+ {
+ matrix_11 = matrix[1][1];
+ matrix_12 = matrix[1][2];
+ matrix_22 = matrix[2][2];
+ matrix_21 = matrix[2][1];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const Vertex_t f0_p = matrix[1][1];
+ const Vertex_t f1_p = matrix[1][2];
+ const Vertex_t f2_p = matrix[2][2];
+ const Vertex_t f3_p = matrix[2][1];
+ const Vertex_t f0_m = f_m[0][0];
+ const Vertex_t f1_m = f_m[0][1];
+ const Vertex_t f2_m = f_m[1][1];
+ const Vertex_t f3_m = f_m[1][0];
+ matrix_11 = ( uu * f0_p + vv * f0_m)*rcp(uu+vv);
+ matrix_12 = ((1.0f-uu) * f1_m + vv * f1_p)*rcp(1.0f-uu+vv);
+ matrix_22 = ((1.0f-uu) * f2_p + (1.0f-vv) * f2_m)*rcp(2.0f-uu-vv);
+ matrix_21 = ( uu * f3_m + (1.0f-vv) * f3_p)*rcp(1.0f+uu-vv);
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename vfloat>
+ static __forceinline void computeInnerVertices(const Vertex v[4][4], const Vertex f[2][2],
+ size_t i, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv, vfloat& matrix_11, vfloat& matrix_12, vfloat& matrix_22, vfloat& matrix_21)
+ {
+ const auto m_border = (uu == 0.0f) | (uu == 1.0f) | (vv == 0.0f) | (vv == 1.0f);
+ const vfloat f0_p = v[1][1][i];
+ const vfloat f1_p = v[1][2][i];
+ const vfloat f2_p = v[2][2][i];
+ const vfloat f3_p = v[2][1][i];
+ const vfloat f0_m = f[0][0][i];
+ const vfloat f1_m = f[0][1][i];
+ const vfloat f2_m = f[1][1][i];
+ const vfloat f3_m = f[1][0][i];
+ const vfloat one_minus_uu = vfloat(1.0f) - uu;
+ const vfloat one_minus_vv = vfloat(1.0f) - vv;
+ const vfloat f0_i = ( uu * f0_p + vv * f0_m) * rcp(uu+vv);
+ const vfloat f1_i = (one_minus_uu * f1_m + vv * f1_p) * rcp(one_minus_uu+vv);
+ const vfloat f2_i = (one_minus_uu * f2_p + one_minus_vv * f2_m) * rcp(one_minus_uu+one_minus_vv);
+ const vfloat f3_i = ( uu * f3_m + one_minus_vv * f3_p) * rcp(uu+one_minus_vv);
+ matrix_11 = select(m_border,f0_p,f0_i);
+ matrix_12 = select(m_border,f1_p,f1_i);
+ matrix_22 = select(m_border,f2_p,f2_i);
+ matrix_21 = select(m_border,f3_p,f3_i);
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex eval(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const Vertex f[2][2], const float& uu, const float& vv)
+ {
+ Vertex_t v_11, v_12, v_22, v_21;
+ computeInnerVertices(matrix,f,uu,vv,v_11, v_12, v_22, v_21);
+ const Vec4<float> Bu = BezierBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<float> Bv = BezierBasis::eval(vv);
+ return madd(Bv.x,madd(Bu.x,matrix[0][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[0][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[0][2],Bu.w * matrix[0][3]))),
+ madd(Bv.y,madd(Bu.x,matrix[1][0],madd(Bu.y,v_11 ,madd(Bu.z,v_12 ,Bu.w * matrix[1][3]))),
+ madd(Bv.z,madd(Bu.x,matrix[2][0],madd(Bu.y,v_21 ,madd(Bu.z,v_22 ,Bu.w * matrix[2][3]))),
+ Bv.w*madd(Bu.x,matrix[3][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[3][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[3][2],Bu.w * matrix[3][3]))))));
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex eval_du(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const Vertex f[2][2], const float uu, const float vv) // approximative derivative
+ {
+ Vertex_t v_11, v_12, v_22, v_21;
+ computeInnerVertices(matrix,f,uu,vv,v_11, v_12, v_22, v_21);
+ const Vec4<float> Bu = BezierBasis::derivative(uu);
+ const Vec4<float> Bv = BezierBasis::eval(vv);
+ return madd(Bv.x,madd(Bu.x,matrix[0][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[0][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[0][2],Bu.w * matrix[0][3]))),
+ madd(Bv.y,madd(Bu.x,matrix[1][0],madd(Bu.y,v_11 ,madd(Bu.z,v_12 ,Bu.w * matrix[1][3]))),
+ madd(Bv.z,madd(Bu.x,matrix[2][0],madd(Bu.y,v_21 ,madd(Bu.z,v_22 ,Bu.w * matrix[2][3]))),
+ Bv.w*madd(Bu.x,matrix[3][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[3][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[3][2],Bu.w * matrix[3][3]))))));
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex eval_dv(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const Vertex f[2][2], const float uu, const float vv) // approximative derivative
+ {
+ Vertex_t v_11, v_12, v_22, v_21;
+ computeInnerVertices(matrix,f,uu,vv,v_11, v_12, v_22, v_21);
+ const Vec4<float> Bu = BezierBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<float> Bv = BezierBasis::derivative(vv);
+ return madd(Bv.x,madd(Bu.x,matrix[0][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[0][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[0][2],Bu.w * matrix[0][3]))),
+ madd(Bv.y,madd(Bu.x,matrix[1][0],madd(Bu.y,v_11 ,madd(Bu.z,v_12 ,Bu.w * matrix[1][3]))),
+ madd(Bv.z,madd(Bu.x,matrix[2][0],madd(Bu.y,v_21 ,madd(Bu.z,v_22 ,Bu.w * matrix[2][3]))),
+ Bv.w*madd(Bu.x,matrix[3][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[3][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[3][2],Bu.w * matrix[3][3]))))));
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex eval_dudu(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const Vertex f[2][2], const float uu, const float vv) // approximative derivative
+ {
+ Vertex_t v_11, v_12, v_22, v_21;
+ computeInnerVertices(matrix,f,uu,vv,v_11, v_12, v_22, v_21);
+ const Vec4<float> Bu = BezierBasis::derivative2(uu);
+ const Vec4<float> Bv = BezierBasis::eval(vv);
+ return madd(Bv.x,madd(Bu.x,matrix[0][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[0][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[0][2],Bu.w * matrix[0][3]))),
+ madd(Bv.y,madd(Bu.x,matrix[1][0],madd(Bu.y,v_11 ,madd(Bu.z,v_12 ,Bu.w * matrix[1][3]))),
+ madd(Bv.z,madd(Bu.x,matrix[2][0],madd(Bu.y,v_21 ,madd(Bu.z,v_22 ,Bu.w * matrix[2][3]))),
+ Bv.w*madd(Bu.x,matrix[3][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[3][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[3][2],Bu.w * matrix[3][3]))))));
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex eval_dvdv(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const Vertex f[2][2], const float uu, const float vv) // approximative derivative
+ {
+ Vertex_t v_11, v_12, v_22, v_21;
+ computeInnerVertices(matrix,f,uu,vv,v_11, v_12, v_22, v_21);
+ const Vec4<float> Bu = BezierBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<float> Bv = BezierBasis::derivative2(vv);
+ return madd(Bv.x,madd(Bu.x,matrix[0][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[0][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[0][2],Bu.w * matrix[0][3]))),
+ madd(Bv.y,madd(Bu.x,matrix[1][0],madd(Bu.y,v_11 ,madd(Bu.z,v_12 ,Bu.w * matrix[1][3]))),
+ madd(Bv.z,madd(Bu.x,matrix[2][0],madd(Bu.y,v_21 ,madd(Bu.z,v_22 ,Bu.w * matrix[2][3]))),
+ Bv.w*madd(Bu.x,matrix[3][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[3][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[3][2],Bu.w * matrix[3][3]))))));
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex eval_dudv(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const Vertex f[2][2], const float uu, const float vv) // approximative derivative
+ {
+ Vertex_t v_11, v_12, v_22, v_21;
+ computeInnerVertices(matrix,f,uu,vv,v_11, v_12, v_22, v_21);
+ const Vec4<float> Bu = BezierBasis::derivative(uu);
+ const Vec4<float> Bv = BezierBasis::derivative(vv);
+ return madd(Bv.x,madd(Bu.x,matrix[0][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[0][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[0][2],Bu.w * matrix[0][3]))),
+ madd(Bv.y,madd(Bu.x,matrix[1][0],madd(Bu.y,v_11 ,madd(Bu.z,v_12 ,Bu.w * matrix[1][3]))),
+ madd(Bv.z,madd(Bu.x,matrix[2][0],madd(Bu.y,v_21 ,madd(Bu.z,v_22 ,Bu.w * matrix[2][3]))),
+ Bv.w*madd(Bu.x,matrix[3][0],madd(Bu.y,matrix[3][1],madd(Bu.z,matrix[3][2],Bu.w * matrix[3][3]))))));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval(const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return eval(v,f,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_du( const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return eval_du(v,f,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dv( const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return eval_dv(v,f,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dudu( const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return eval_dudu(v,f,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dvdv( const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return eval_dvdv(v,f,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex eval_dudv( const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return eval_dudv(v,f,uu,vv);
+ }
+ static __forceinline Vertex normal(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const Vertex f_m[2][2], const float uu, const float vv) // FIXME: why not using basis functions
+ {
+ /* interpolate inner vertices */
+ Vertex_t matrix_11, matrix_12, matrix_22, matrix_21;
+ computeInnerVertices(matrix,f_m,uu,vv,matrix_11, matrix_12, matrix_22, matrix_21);
+ /* tangentU */
+ const Vertex_t col0 = deCasteljau(vv, (Vertex_t)matrix[0][0], (Vertex_t)matrix[1][0], (Vertex_t)matrix[2][0], (Vertex_t)matrix[3][0]);
+ const Vertex_t col1 = deCasteljau(vv, (Vertex_t)matrix[0][1], (Vertex_t)matrix_11 , (Vertex_t)matrix_21 , (Vertex_t)matrix[3][1]);
+ const Vertex_t col2 = deCasteljau(vv, (Vertex_t)matrix[0][2], (Vertex_t)matrix_12 , (Vertex_t)matrix_22 , (Vertex_t)matrix[3][2]);
+ const Vertex_t col3 = deCasteljau(vv, (Vertex_t)matrix[0][3], (Vertex_t)matrix[1][3], (Vertex_t)matrix[2][3], (Vertex_t)matrix[3][3]);
+ const Vertex_t tangentU = deCasteljau_tangent(uu, col0, col1, col2, col3);
+ /* tangentV */
+ const Vertex_t row0 = deCasteljau(uu, (Vertex_t)matrix[0][0], (Vertex_t)matrix[0][1], (Vertex_t)matrix[0][2], (Vertex_t)matrix[0][3]);
+ const Vertex_t row1 = deCasteljau(uu, (Vertex_t)matrix[1][0], (Vertex_t)matrix_11 , (Vertex_t)matrix_12 , (Vertex_t)matrix[1][3]);
+ const Vertex_t row2 = deCasteljau(uu, (Vertex_t)matrix[2][0], (Vertex_t)matrix_21 , (Vertex_t)matrix_22 , (Vertex_t)matrix[2][3]);
+ const Vertex_t row3 = deCasteljau(uu, (Vertex_t)matrix[3][0], (Vertex_t)matrix[3][1], (Vertex_t)matrix[3][2], (Vertex_t)matrix[3][3]);
+ const Vertex_t tangentV = deCasteljau_tangent(vv, row0, row1, row2, row3);
+ /* normal = tangentU x tangentV */
+ const Vertex_t n = cross(tangentU,tangentV);
+ return n;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vertex normal( const float uu, const float vv) const {
+ return normal(v,f,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline void eval(const float u, const float v,
+ Vertex* P, Vertex* dPdu, Vertex* dPdv,
+ Vertex* ddPdudu, Vertex* ddPdvdv, Vertex* ddPdudv,
+ const float dscale = 1.0f) const
+ {
+ if (P) {
+ *P = eval(u,v);
+ }
+ if (dPdu) {
+ assert(dPdu); *dPdu = eval_du(u,v)*dscale;
+ assert(dPdv); *dPdv = eval_dv(u,v)*dscale;
+ }
+ if (ddPdudu) {
+ assert(ddPdudu); *ddPdudu = eval_dudu(u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ assert(ddPdvdv); *ddPdvdv = eval_dvdv(u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ assert(ddPdudv); *ddPdudv = eval_dudv(u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ }
+ }
+ template<class vfloat>
+ static __forceinline vfloat eval(const Vertex v[4][4], const Vertex f[2][2],
+ const size_t i, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv, const Vec4<vfloat>& u_n, const Vec4<vfloat>& v_n,
+ vfloat& matrix_11, vfloat& matrix_12, vfloat& matrix_22, vfloat& matrix_21)
+ {
+ const vfloat curve0_x = madd(v_n[0],vfloat(v[0][0][i]),madd(v_n[1],vfloat(v[1][0][i]),madd(v_n[2],vfloat(v[2][0][i]),v_n[3] * vfloat(v[3][0][i]))));
+ const vfloat curve1_x = madd(v_n[0],vfloat(v[0][1][i]),madd(v_n[1],vfloat(matrix_11 ),madd(v_n[2],vfloat(matrix_21 ),v_n[3] * vfloat(v[3][1][i]))));
+ const vfloat curve2_x = madd(v_n[0],vfloat(v[0][2][i]),madd(v_n[1],vfloat(matrix_12 ),madd(v_n[2],vfloat(matrix_22 ),v_n[3] * vfloat(v[3][2][i]))));
+ const vfloat curve3_x = madd(v_n[0],vfloat(v[0][3][i]),madd(v_n[1],vfloat(v[1][3][i]),madd(v_n[2],vfloat(v[2][3][i]),v_n[3] * vfloat(v[3][3][i]))));
+ return madd(u_n[0],curve0_x,madd(u_n[1],curve1_x,madd(u_n[2],curve2_x,u_n[3] * curve3_x)));
+ }
+ template<typename vbool, typename vfloat>
+ static __forceinline void eval(const Vertex v[4][4], const Vertex f[2][2],
+ const vbool& valid, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv,
+ float* P, float* dPdu, float* dPdv, float* ddPdudu, float* ddPdvdv, float* ddPdudv,
+ const float dscale, const size_t dstride, const size_t N)
+ {
+ if (P) {
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BezierBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BezierBasis::eval(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ vfloat matrix_11, matrix_12, matrix_22, matrix_21;
+ computeInnerVertices(v,f,i,uu,vv,matrix_11,matrix_12,matrix_22,matrix_21); // FIXME: calculated multiple times
+ vfloat::store(valid,P+i*dstride,eval(v,f,i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n,matrix_11,matrix_12,matrix_22,matrix_21));
+ }
+ }
+ if (dPdu)
+ {
+ {
+ assert(dPdu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BezierBasis::derivative(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BezierBasis::eval(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ vfloat matrix_11, matrix_12, matrix_22, matrix_21;
+ computeInnerVertices(v,f,i,uu,vv,matrix_11,matrix_12,matrix_22,matrix_21); // FIXME: calculated multiple times
+ vfloat::store(valid,dPdu+i*dstride,eval(v,f,i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n,matrix_11,matrix_12,matrix_22,matrix_21)*dscale);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ assert(dPdv);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BezierBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BezierBasis::derivative(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ vfloat matrix_11, matrix_12, matrix_22, matrix_21;
+ computeInnerVertices(v,f,i,uu,vv,matrix_11,matrix_12,matrix_22,matrix_21); // FIXME: calculated multiple times
+ vfloat::store(valid,dPdv+i*dstride,eval(v,f,i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n,matrix_11,matrix_12,matrix_22,matrix_21)*dscale);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (ddPdudu)
+ {
+ {
+ assert(ddPdudu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BezierBasis::derivative2(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BezierBasis::eval(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ vfloat matrix_11, matrix_12, matrix_22, matrix_21;
+ computeInnerVertices(v,f,i,uu,vv,matrix_11,matrix_12,matrix_22,matrix_21); // FIXME: calculated multiple times
+ vfloat::store(valid,ddPdudu+i*dstride,eval(v,f,i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n,matrix_11,matrix_12,matrix_22,matrix_21)*sqr(dscale));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ assert(ddPdvdv);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BezierBasis::eval(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BezierBasis::derivative2(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ vfloat matrix_11, matrix_12, matrix_22, matrix_21;
+ computeInnerVertices(v,f,i,uu,vv,matrix_11,matrix_12,matrix_22,matrix_21); // FIXME: calculated multiple times
+ vfloat::store(valid,ddPdvdv+i*dstride,eval(v,f,i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n,matrix_11,matrix_12,matrix_22,matrix_21)*sqr(dscale));
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ assert(ddPdudv);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> u_n = BezierBasis::derivative(uu);
+ const Vec4<vfloat> v_n = BezierBasis::derivative(vv);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ vfloat matrix_11, matrix_12, matrix_22, matrix_21;
+ computeInnerVertices(v,f,i,uu,vv,matrix_11,matrix_12,matrix_22,matrix_21); // FIXME: calculated multiple times
+ vfloat::store(valid,ddPdudv+i*dstride,eval(v,f,i,uu,vv,u_n,v_n,matrix_11,matrix_12,matrix_22,matrix_21)*sqr(dscale));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename vbool, typename vfloat>
+ __forceinline void eval(const vbool& valid, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv,
+ float* P, float* dPdu, float* dPdv, float* ddPdudu, float* ddPdvdv, float* ddPdudv,
+ const float dscale, const size_t dstride, const size_t N) const {
+ eval(v,f,valid,uu,vv,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale,dstride,N);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ static __forceinline Vec3<T> eval_t(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const Vec3<T> f[2][2], const T& uu, const T& vv)
+ {
+ typedef typename T::Bool M;
+ const M m_border = (uu == 0.0f) | (uu == 1.0f) | (vv == 0.0f) | (vv == 1.0f);
+ const Vec3<T> f0_p = Vec3<T>(matrix[1][1].x,matrix[1][1].y,matrix[1][1].z);
+ const Vec3<T> f1_p = Vec3<T>(matrix[1][2].x,matrix[1][2].y,matrix[1][2].z);
+ const Vec3<T> f2_p = Vec3<T>(matrix[2][2].x,matrix[2][2].y,matrix[2][2].z);
+ const Vec3<T> f3_p = Vec3<T>(matrix[2][1].x,matrix[2][1].y,matrix[2][1].z);
+ const Vec3<T> f0_m = f[0][0];
+ const Vec3<T> f1_m = f[0][1];
+ const Vec3<T> f2_m = f[1][1];
+ const Vec3<T> f3_m = f[1][0];
+ const T one_minus_uu = T(1.0f) - uu;
+ const T one_minus_vv = T(1.0f) - vv;
+ const Vec3<T> f0_i = ( uu * f0_p + vv * f0_m) * rcp(uu+vv);
+ const Vec3<T> f1_i = (one_minus_uu * f1_m + vv * f1_p) * rcp(one_minus_uu+vv);
+ const Vec3<T> f2_i = (one_minus_uu * f2_p + one_minus_vv * f2_m) * rcp(one_minus_uu+one_minus_vv);
+ const Vec3<T> f3_i = ( uu * f3_m + one_minus_vv * f3_p) * rcp(uu+one_minus_vv);
+ const Vec3<T> F0( select(m_border,f0_p.x,f0_i.x), select(m_border,f0_p.y,f0_i.y), select(m_border,f0_p.z,f0_i.z) );
+ const Vec3<T> F1( select(m_border,f1_p.x,f1_i.x), select(m_border,f1_p.y,f1_i.y), select(m_border,f1_p.z,f1_i.z) );
+ const Vec3<T> F2( select(m_border,f2_p.x,f2_i.x), select(m_border,f2_p.y,f2_i.y), select(m_border,f2_p.z,f2_i.z) );
+ const Vec3<T> F3( select(m_border,f3_p.x,f3_i.x), select(m_border,f3_p.y,f3_i.y), select(m_border,f3_p.z,f3_i.z) );
+ const T B0_u = one_minus_uu * one_minus_uu * one_minus_uu;
+ const T B0_v = one_minus_vv * one_minus_vv * one_minus_vv;
+ const T B1_u = 3.0f * (one_minus_uu * uu * one_minus_uu);
+ const T B1_v = 3.0f * (one_minus_vv * vv * one_minus_vv);
+ const T B2_u = 3.0f * (uu * one_minus_uu * uu);
+ const T B2_v = 3.0f * (vv * one_minus_vv * vv);
+ const T B3_u = uu * uu * uu;
+ const T B3_v = vv * vv * vv;
+ const T x = madd(B0_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[0][0].x,madd(B1_u,matrix[0][1].x,madd(B2_u,matrix[0][2].x,B3_u * matrix[0][3].x))),
+ madd(B1_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[1][0].x,madd(B1_u,F0.x ,madd(B2_u,F1.x ,B3_u * matrix[1][3].x))),
+ madd(B2_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[2][0].x,madd(B1_u,F3.x ,madd(B2_u,F2.x ,B3_u * matrix[2][3].x))),
+ B3_v*madd(B0_u,matrix[3][0].x,madd(B1_u,matrix[3][1].x,madd(B2_u,matrix[3][2].x,B3_u * matrix[3][3].x))))));
+ const T y = madd(B0_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[0][0].y,madd(B1_u,matrix[0][1].y,madd(B2_u,matrix[0][2].y,B3_u * matrix[0][3].y))),
+ madd(B1_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[1][0].y,madd(B1_u,F0.y ,madd(B2_u,F1.y ,B3_u * matrix[1][3].y))),
+ madd(B2_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[2][0].y,madd(B1_u,F3.y ,madd(B2_u,F2.y ,B3_u * matrix[2][3].y))),
+ B3_v*madd(B0_u,matrix[3][0].y,madd(B1_u,matrix[3][1].y,madd(B2_u,matrix[3][2].y,B3_u * matrix[3][3].y))))));
+ const T z = madd(B0_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[0][0].z,madd(B1_u,matrix[0][1].z,madd(B2_u,matrix[0][2].z,B3_u * matrix[0][3].z))),
+ madd(B1_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[1][0].z,madd(B1_u,F0.z ,madd(B2_u,F1.z ,B3_u * matrix[1][3].z))),
+ madd(B2_v,madd(B0_u,matrix[2][0].z,madd(B1_u,F3.z ,madd(B2_u,F2.z ,B3_u * matrix[2][3].z))),
+ B3_v*madd(B0_u,matrix[3][0].z,madd(B1_u,matrix[3][1].z,madd(B2_u,matrix[3][2].z,B3_u * matrix[3][3].z))))));
+ return Vec3<T>(x,y,z);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> eval(const T& uu, const T& vv) const
+ {
+ Vec3<T> ff[2][2];
+ ff[0][0] = Vec3<T>(f[0][0]);
+ ff[0][1] = Vec3<T>(f[0][1]);
+ ff[1][1] = Vec3<T>(f[1][1]);
+ ff[1][0] = Vec3<T>(f[1][0]);
+ return eval_t(v,ff,uu,vv);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ static __forceinline Vec3<T> normal_t(const Vertex matrix[4][4], const Vec3<T> f[2][2], const T& uu, const T& vv)
+ {
+ typedef typename T::Bool M;
+ const Vec3<T> f0_p = Vec3<T>(matrix[1][1].x,matrix[1][1].y,matrix[1][1].z);
+ const Vec3<T> f1_p = Vec3<T>(matrix[1][2].x,matrix[1][2].y,matrix[1][2].z);
+ const Vec3<T> f2_p = Vec3<T>(matrix[2][2].x,matrix[2][2].y,matrix[2][2].z);
+ const Vec3<T> f3_p = Vec3<T>(matrix[2][1].x,matrix[2][1].y,matrix[2][1].z);
+ const Vec3<T> f0_m = f[0][0];
+ const Vec3<T> f1_m = f[0][1];
+ const Vec3<T> f2_m = f[1][1];
+ const Vec3<T> f3_m = f[1][0];
+ const T one_minus_uu = T(1.0f) - uu;
+ const T one_minus_vv = T(1.0f) - vv;
+ const Vec3<T> f0_i = ( uu * f0_p + vv * f0_m) * rcp(uu+vv);
+ const Vec3<T> f1_i = (one_minus_uu * f1_m + vv * f1_p) * rcp(one_minus_uu+vv);
+ const Vec3<T> f2_i = (one_minus_uu * f2_p + one_minus_vv * f2_m) * rcp(one_minus_uu+one_minus_vv);
+ const Vec3<T> f3_i = ( uu * f3_m + one_minus_vv * f3_p) * rcp(uu+one_minus_vv);
+#if 1
+ const M m_corner0 = (uu == 0.0f) & (vv == 0.0f);
+ const M m_corner1 = (uu == 1.0f) & (vv == 0.0f);
+ const M m_corner2 = (uu == 1.0f) & (vv == 1.0f);
+ const M m_corner3 = (uu == 0.0f) & (vv == 1.0f);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_11( select(m_corner0,f0_p.x,f0_i.x), select(m_corner0,f0_p.y,f0_i.y), select(m_corner0,f0_p.z,f0_i.z) );
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_12( select(m_corner1,f1_p.x,f1_i.x), select(m_corner1,f1_p.y,f1_i.y), select(m_corner1,f1_p.z,f1_i.z) );
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_22( select(m_corner2,f2_p.x,f2_i.x), select(m_corner2,f2_p.y,f2_i.y), select(m_corner2,f2_p.z,f2_i.z) );
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_21( select(m_corner3,f3_p.x,f3_i.x), select(m_corner3,f3_p.y,f3_i.y), select(m_corner3,f3_p.z,f3_i.z) );
+ const M m_border = (uu == 0.0f) | (uu == 1.0f) | (vv == 0.0f) | (vv == 1.0f);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_11( select(m_border,f0_p.x,f0_i.x), select(m_border,f0_p.y,f0_i.y), select(m_border,f0_p.z,f0_i.z) );
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_12( select(m_border,f1_p.x,f1_i.x), select(m_border,f1_p.y,f1_i.y), select(m_border,f1_p.z,f1_i.z) );
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_22( select(m_border,f2_p.x,f2_i.x), select(m_border,f2_p.y,f2_i.y), select(m_border,f2_p.z,f2_i.z) );
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_21( select(m_border,f3_p.x,f3_i.x), select(m_border,f3_p.y,f3_i.y), select(m_border,f3_p.z,f3_i.z) );
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_00 = Vec3<T>(matrix[0][0].x,matrix[0][0].y,matrix[0][0].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_10 = Vec3<T>(matrix[1][0].x,matrix[1][0].y,matrix[1][0].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_20 = Vec3<T>(matrix[2][0].x,matrix[2][0].y,matrix[2][0].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_30 = Vec3<T>(matrix[3][0].x,matrix[3][0].y,matrix[3][0].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_01 = Vec3<T>(matrix[0][1].x,matrix[0][1].y,matrix[0][1].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_02 = Vec3<T>(matrix[0][2].x,matrix[0][2].y,matrix[0][2].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_03 = Vec3<T>(matrix[0][3].x,matrix[0][3].y,matrix[0][3].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_31 = Vec3<T>(matrix[3][1].x,matrix[3][1].y,matrix[3][1].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_32 = Vec3<T>(matrix[3][2].x,matrix[3][2].y,matrix[3][2].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_33 = Vec3<T>(matrix[3][3].x,matrix[3][3].y,matrix[3][3].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_13 = Vec3<T>(matrix[1][3].x,matrix[1][3].y,matrix[1][3].z);
+ const Vec3<T> matrix_23 = Vec3<T>(matrix[2][3].x,matrix[2][3].y,matrix[2][3].z);
+ /* tangentU */
+ const Vec3<T> col0 = deCasteljau(vv, matrix_00, matrix_10, matrix_20, matrix_30);
+ const Vec3<T> col1 = deCasteljau(vv, matrix_01, matrix_11, matrix_21, matrix_31);
+ const Vec3<T> col2 = deCasteljau(vv, matrix_02, matrix_12, matrix_22, matrix_32);
+ const Vec3<T> col3 = deCasteljau(vv, matrix_03, matrix_13, matrix_23, matrix_33);
+ const Vec3<T> tangentU = deCasteljau_tangent(uu, col0, col1, col2, col3);
+ /* tangentV */
+ const Vec3<T> row0 = deCasteljau(uu, matrix_00, matrix_01, matrix_02, matrix_03);
+ const Vec3<T> row1 = deCasteljau(uu, matrix_10, matrix_11, matrix_12, matrix_13);
+ const Vec3<T> row2 = deCasteljau(uu, matrix_20, matrix_21, matrix_22, matrix_23);
+ const Vec3<T> row3 = deCasteljau(uu, matrix_30, matrix_31, matrix_32, matrix_33);
+ const Vec3<T> tangentV = deCasteljau_tangent(vv, row0, row1, row2, row3);
+ /* normal = tangentU x tangentV */
+ const Vec3<T> n = cross(tangentU,tangentV);
+ return n;
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> normal(const T& uu, const T& vv) const
+ {
+ Vec3<T> ff[2][2];
+ ff[0][0] = Vec3<T>(f[0][0]);
+ ff[0][1] = Vec3<T>(f[0][1]);
+ ff[1][1] = Vec3<T>(f[1][1]);
+ ff[1][0] = Vec3<T>(f[1][0]);
+ return normal_t(v,ff,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline BBox<Vertex> bounds() const
+ {
+ const Vertex *const cv = &v[0][0];
+ BBox<Vertex> bounds (cv[0]);
+ for (size_t i=1; i<16; i++)
+ bounds.extend( cv[i] );
+ bounds.extend(f[0][0]);
+ bounds.extend(f[1][0]);
+ bounds.extend(f[1][1]);
+ bounds.extend(f[1][1]);
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream o, const GregoryPatchT& p)
+ {
+ for (size_t y=0; y<4; y++)
+ for (size_t x=0; x<4; x++)
+ o << "v[" << y << "][" << x << "] " << p.v[y][x] << embree_endl;
+ for (size_t y=0; y<2; y++)
+ for (size_t x=0; x<2; x++)
+ o << "f[" << y << "][" << x << "] " << p.f[y][x] << embree_endl;
+ return o;
+ }
+ };
+ typedef GregoryPatchT<Vec3fa,Vec3fa_t> GregoryPatch3fa;
+ template<typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t>
+ __forceinline BezierPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t>::BezierPatchT (const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride)
+ {
+ CatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> patch(edge,vertices,stride);
+ GregoryPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> gpatch(patch);
+ gpatch.convert_to_bezier();
+ for (size_t y=0; y<4; y++)
+ for (size_t x=0; x<4; x++)
+ matrix[y][x] = (Vertex_t)gpatch.v[y][x];
+ }
+ template<typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t>
+ __forceinline BezierPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t>::BezierPatchT(const CatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t>& patch)
+ {
+ GregoryPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> gpatch(patch);
+ gpatch.convert_to_bezier();
+ for (size_t y=0; y<4; y++)
+ for (size_t x=0; x<4; x++)
+ matrix[y][x] = (Vertex_t)gpatch.v[y][x];
+ }
+ template<typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t>
+ __forceinline BezierPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t>::BezierPatchT(const CatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t>& patch,
+ const BezierCurveT<Vertex>* border0,
+ const BezierCurveT<Vertex>* border1,
+ const BezierCurveT<Vertex>* border2,
+ const BezierCurveT<Vertex>* border3)
+ {
+ GregoryPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> gpatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3);
+ gpatch.convert_to_bezier();
+ for (size_t y=0; y<4; y++)
+ for (size_t x=0; x<4; x++)
+ matrix[y][x] = (Vertex_t)gpatch.v[y][x];
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/gregory_patch_dense.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/gregory_patch_dense.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4cf9a7e98f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/gregory_patch_dense.h
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "gregory_patch.h"
+namespace embree
+ class __aligned(64) DenseGregoryPatch3fa
+ {
+ typedef Vec3fa Vec3fa_4x4[4][4];
+ public:
+ __forceinline DenseGregoryPatch3fa (const GregoryPatch3fa& patch)
+ {
+ for (size_t y=0; y<4; y++)
+ for (size_t x=0; x<4; x++)
+ matrix[y][x] = Vec3ff(patch.v[y][x], 0.0f);
+ matrix[0][0].w = patch.f[0][0].x;
+ matrix[0][1].w = patch.f[0][0].y;
+ matrix[0][2].w = patch.f[0][0].z;
+ matrix[0][3].w = 0.0f;
+ matrix[1][0].w = patch.f[0][1].x;
+ matrix[1][1].w = patch.f[0][1].y;
+ matrix[1][2].w = patch.f[0][1].z;
+ matrix[1][3].w = 0.0f;
+ matrix[2][0].w = patch.f[1][1].x;
+ matrix[2][1].w = patch.f[1][1].y;
+ matrix[2][2].w = patch.f[1][1].z;
+ matrix[2][3].w = 0.0f;
+ matrix[3][0].w = patch.f[1][0].x;
+ matrix[3][1].w = patch.f[1][0].y;
+ matrix[3][2].w = patch.f[1][0].z;
+ matrix[3][3].w = 0.0f;
+ }
+ __forceinline void extract_f_m(Vec3fa f_m[2][2]) const
+ {
+ f_m[0][0] = Vec3fa( matrix[0][0].w, matrix[0][1].w, matrix[0][2].w );
+ f_m[0][1] = Vec3fa( matrix[1][0].w, matrix[1][1].w, matrix[1][2].w );
+ f_m[1][1] = Vec3fa( matrix[2][0].w, matrix[2][1].w, matrix[2][2].w );
+ f_m[1][0] = Vec3fa( matrix[3][0].w, matrix[3][1].w, matrix[3][2].w );
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec3fa eval(const float uu, const float vv) const
+ {
+ __aligned(64) Vec3fa f_m[2][2]; extract_f_m(f_m);
+ return GregoryPatch3fa::eval(*(Vec3fa_4x4*)&matrix,f_m,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec3fa normal(const float uu, const float vv) const
+ {
+ __aligned(64) Vec3fa f_m[2][2]; extract_f_m(f_m);
+ return GregoryPatch3fa::normal(*(Vec3fa_4x4*)&matrix,f_m,uu,vv);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> eval(const T &uu, const T &vv) const
+ {
+ Vec3<T> f_m[2][2];
+ f_m[0][0] = Vec3<T>( matrix[0][0].w, matrix[0][1].w, matrix[0][2].w );
+ f_m[0][1] = Vec3<T>( matrix[1][0].w, matrix[1][1].w, matrix[1][2].w );
+ f_m[1][1] = Vec3<T>( matrix[2][0].w, matrix[2][1].w, matrix[2][2].w );
+ f_m[1][0] = Vec3<T>( matrix[3][0].w, matrix[3][1].w, matrix[3][2].w );
+ return GregoryPatch3fa::eval_t(*(Vec3fa_4x4*)&matrix,f_m,uu,vv);
+ }
+ template<class T>
+ __forceinline Vec3<T> normal(const T &uu, const T &vv) const
+ {
+ Vec3<T> f_m[2][2];
+ f_m[0][0] = Vec3<T>( matrix[0][0].w, matrix[0][1].w, matrix[0][2].w );
+ f_m[0][1] = Vec3<T>( matrix[1][0].w, matrix[1][1].w, matrix[1][2].w );
+ f_m[1][1] = Vec3<T>( matrix[2][0].w, matrix[2][1].w, matrix[2][2].w );
+ f_m[1][0] = Vec3<T>( matrix[3][0].w, matrix[3][1].w, matrix[3][2].w );
+ return GregoryPatch3fa::normal_t(*(Vec3fa_4x4*)&matrix,f_m,uu,vv);
+ }
+ __forceinline void eval(const float u, const float v,
+ Vec3fa* P, Vec3fa* dPdu, Vec3fa* dPdv, Vec3fa* ddPdudu, Vec3fa* ddPdvdv, Vec3fa* ddPdudv,
+ const float dscale = 1.0f) const
+ {
+ __aligned(64) Vec3fa f_m[2][2]; extract_f_m(f_m);
+ if (P) {
+ *P = GregoryPatch3fa::eval(*(Vec3fa_4x4*)&matrix,f_m,u,v);
+ }
+ if (dPdu) {
+ assert(dPdu); *dPdu = GregoryPatch3fa::eval_du(*(Vec3fa_4x4*)&matrix,f_m,u,v)*dscale;
+ assert(dPdv); *dPdv = GregoryPatch3fa::eval_dv(*(Vec3fa_4x4*)&matrix,f_m,u,v)*dscale;
+ }
+ if (ddPdudu) {
+ assert(ddPdudu); *ddPdudu = GregoryPatch3fa::eval_dudu(*(Vec3fa_4x4*)&matrix,f_m,u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ assert(ddPdvdv); *ddPdvdv = GregoryPatch3fa::eval_dvdv(*(Vec3fa_4x4*)&matrix,f_m,u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ assert(ddPdudv); *ddPdudv = GregoryPatch3fa::eval_dudv(*(Vec3fa_4x4*)&matrix,f_m,u,v)*sqr(dscale);
+ }
+ }
+ template<typename vbool, typename vfloat>
+ __forceinline void eval(const vbool& valid, const vfloat& uu, const vfloat& vv, float* P, float* dPdu, float* dPdv, const float dscale, const size_t dstride, const size_t N) const
+ {
+ __aligned(64) Vec3fa f_m[2][2]; extract_f_m(f_m);
+ GregoryPatch3fa::eval(matrix,f_m,valid,uu,vv,P,dPdu,dPdv,dscale,dstride,N);
+ }
+ private:
+ Vec3ff matrix[4][4]; // f_p/m points are stored in 4th component
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/gridrange.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/gridrange.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f2b90d7bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/gridrange.h
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/default.h"
+namespace embree
+ struct __aligned(16) GridRange
+ {
+ unsigned int u_start;
+ unsigned int u_end;
+ unsigned int v_start;
+ unsigned int v_end;
+ __forceinline GridRange() {}
+ __forceinline GridRange(unsigned int u_start, unsigned int u_end, unsigned int v_start, unsigned int v_end)
+ : u_start(u_start), u_end(u_end), v_start(v_start), v_end(v_end) {}
+ __forceinline unsigned int width() const {
+ return u_end-u_start+1;
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int height() const {
+ return v_end-v_start+1;
+ }
+ __forceinline bool hasLeafSize() const
+ {
+ const unsigned int u_size = u_end-u_start+1;
+ const unsigned int v_size = v_end-v_start+1;
+ assert(u_size >= 1);
+ assert(v_size >= 1);
+ return u_size <= 3 && v_size <= 3;
+ }
+ static __forceinline unsigned int split(unsigned int start,unsigned int end)
+ {
+ const unsigned int center = (start+end)/2;
+ assert (center > start);
+ assert (center < end);
+ return center;
+ }
+ __forceinline void split(GridRange& r0, GridRange& r1) const
+ {
+ assert( hasLeafSize() == false );
+ const unsigned int u_size = u_end-u_start+1;
+ const unsigned int v_size = v_end-v_start+1;
+ r0 = *this;
+ r1 = *this;
+ if (u_size >= v_size)
+ {
+ const unsigned int u_mid = split(u_start,u_end);
+ r0.u_end = u_mid;
+ r1.u_start = u_mid;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ const unsigned int v_mid = split(v_start,v_end);
+ r0.v_end = v_mid;
+ r1.v_start = v_mid;
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int splitIntoSubRanges(GridRange r[4]) const
+ {
+ assert( !hasLeafSize() );
+ unsigned int children = 0;
+ GridRange first,second;
+ split(first,second);
+ if (first.hasLeafSize()) {
+ r[0] = first;
+ children++;
+ }
+ else {
+ first.split(r[0],r[1]);
+ children += 2;
+ }
+ if (second.hasLeafSize()) {
+ r[children] = second;
+ children++;
+ }
+ else {
+ second.split(r[children+0],r[children+1]);
+ children += 2;
+ }
+ return children;
+ }
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/half_edge.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/half_edge.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..baf019cd79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/half_edge.h
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "catmullclark_coefficients.h"
+namespace embree
+ class __aligned(32) HalfEdge
+ {
+ friend class SubdivMesh;
+ public:
+ enum PatchType : char {
+ BILINEAR_PATCH = 0, //!< a bilinear patch
+ REGULAR_QUAD_PATCH = 1, //!< a regular quad patch can be represented as a B-Spline
+ IRREGULAR_QUAD_PATCH = 2, //!< an irregular quad patch can be represented as a Gregory patch
+ COMPLEX_PATCH = 3 //!< these patches need subdivision and cannot be processed by the above fast code paths
+ };
+ enum VertexType : char {
+ REGULAR_VERTEX = 0, //!< regular vertex
+ NON_MANIFOLD_EDGE_VERTEX = 1, //!< vertex of a non-manifold edge
+ };
+ __forceinline friend PatchType max( const PatchType& ty0, const PatchType& ty1) {
+ return (PatchType) max((int)ty0,(int)ty1);
+ }
+ struct Edge
+ {
+ /*! edge constructor */
+ __forceinline Edge(const uint32_t v0, const uint32_t v1)
+ : v0(v0), v1(v1) {}
+ /*! create an 64 bit identifier that is unique for the not oriented edge */
+ __forceinline operator uint64_t() const
+ {
+ uint32_t p0 = v0, p1 = v1;
+ if (p0<p1) std::swap(p0,p1);
+ return (((uint64_t)p0) << 32) | (uint64_t)p1;
+ }
+ public:
+ uint32_t v0,v1; //!< start and end vertex of the edge
+ };
+ HalfEdge ()
+ : vtx_index(-1), next_half_edge_ofs(0), prev_half_edge_ofs(0), opposite_half_edge_ofs(0), edge_crease_weight(0),
+ vertex_crease_weight(0), edge_level(0), patch_type(COMPLEX_PATCH), vertex_type(REGULAR_VERTEX)
+ {
+ static_assert(sizeof(HalfEdge) == 32, "invalid half edge size");
+ }
+ __forceinline bool hasOpposite() const { return opposite_half_edge_ofs != 0; }
+ __forceinline void setOpposite(HalfEdge* opposite) { opposite_half_edge_ofs = int(opposite-this); }
+ __forceinline HalfEdge* next() { assert( next_half_edge_ofs != 0 ); return &this[next_half_edge_ofs]; }
+ __forceinline const HalfEdge* next() const { assert( next_half_edge_ofs != 0 ); return &this[next_half_edge_ofs]; }
+ __forceinline HalfEdge* prev() { assert( prev_half_edge_ofs != 0 ); return &this[prev_half_edge_ofs]; }
+ __forceinline const HalfEdge* prev() const { assert( prev_half_edge_ofs != 0 ); return &this[prev_half_edge_ofs]; }
+ __forceinline HalfEdge* opposite() { assert( opposite_half_edge_ofs != 0 ); return &this[opposite_half_edge_ofs]; }
+ __forceinline const HalfEdge* opposite() const { assert( opposite_half_edge_ofs != 0 ); return &this[opposite_half_edge_ofs]; }
+ __forceinline HalfEdge* rotate() { return opposite()->next(); }
+ __forceinline const HalfEdge* rotate() const { return opposite()->next(); }
+ __forceinline unsigned int getStartVertexIndex() const { return vtx_index; }
+ __forceinline unsigned int getEndVertexIndex () const { return next()->vtx_index; }
+ __forceinline Edge getEdge () const { return Edge(getStartVertexIndex(),getEndVertexIndex()); }
+ /*! tests if the start vertex of the edge is regular */
+ __forceinline PatchType vertexType() const
+ {
+ const HalfEdge* p = this;
+ size_t face_valence = 0;
+ bool hasBorder = false;
+ do
+ {
+ /* we need subdivision to handle edge creases */
+ if (p->hasOpposite() && p->edge_crease_weight > 0.0f)
+ face_valence++;
+ /* test for quad */
+ const HalfEdge* pp = p;
+ pp = pp->next(); if (pp == p) return COMPLEX_PATCH;
+ pp = pp->next(); if (pp == p) return COMPLEX_PATCH;
+ pp = pp->next(); if (pp == p) return COMPLEX_PATCH;
+ pp = pp->next(); if (pp != p) return COMPLEX_PATCH;
+ /* continue with next face */
+ p = p->prev();
+ if (likely(p->hasOpposite()))
+ p = p->opposite();
+ /* if there is no opposite go the long way to the other side of the border */
+ else
+ {
+ face_valence++;
+ hasBorder = true;
+ p = this;
+ while (p->hasOpposite())
+ p = p->rotate();
+ }
+ } while (p != this);
+ /* calculate vertex type */
+ if (face_valence == 2 && hasBorder) {
+ if (vertex_crease_weight == 0.0f ) return REGULAR_QUAD_PATCH;
+ else if (vertex_crease_weight == float(inf)) return REGULAR_QUAD_PATCH;
+ else return COMPLEX_PATCH;
+ }
+ else if (vertex_crease_weight != 0.0f) return COMPLEX_PATCH;
+ else if (face_valence == 3 && hasBorder) return REGULAR_QUAD_PATCH;
+ else if (face_valence == 4 && !hasBorder) return REGULAR_QUAD_PATCH;
+ }
+ /*! tests if this edge is part of a bilinear patch */
+ __forceinline bool bilinearVertex() const {
+ return vertex_crease_weight == float(inf) && edge_crease_weight == float(inf);
+ }
+ /*! calculates the type of the patch */
+ __forceinline PatchType patchType() const
+ {
+ const HalfEdge* p = this;
+ PatchType ret = REGULAR_QUAD_PATCH;
+ bool bilinear = true;
+ ret = max(ret,p->vertexType());
+ bilinear &= p->bilinearVertex();
+ if ((p = p->next()) == this) return COMPLEX_PATCH;
+ ret = max(ret,p->vertexType());
+ bilinear &= p->bilinearVertex();
+ if ((p = p->next()) == this) return COMPLEX_PATCH;
+ ret = max(ret,p->vertexType());
+ bilinear &= p->bilinearVertex();
+ if ((p = p->next()) == this) return COMPLEX_PATCH;
+ ret = max(ret,p->vertexType());
+ bilinear &= p->bilinearVertex();
+ if ((p = p->next()) != this) return COMPLEX_PATCH;
+ if (bilinear) return BILINEAR_PATCH;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /*! tests if the face is a regular b-spline face */
+ __forceinline bool isRegularFace() const {
+ return patch_type == REGULAR_QUAD_PATCH;
+ }
+ /*! tests if the face can be diced (using bspline or gregory patch) */
+ __forceinline bool isGregoryFace() const {
+ return patch_type == IRREGULAR_QUAD_PATCH || patch_type == REGULAR_QUAD_PATCH;
+ }
+ /*! tests if the base vertex of this half edge is a corner vertex */
+ __forceinline bool isCorner() const {
+ return !hasOpposite() && !prev()->hasOpposite();
+ }
+ /*! tests if the vertex is attached to any border */
+ __forceinline bool vertexHasBorder() const
+ {
+ const HalfEdge* p = this;
+ do {
+ if (!p->hasOpposite()) return true;
+ p = p->rotate();
+ } while (p != this);
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*! tests if the face this half edge belongs to has some border */
+ __forceinline bool faceHasBorder() const
+ {
+ const HalfEdge* p = this;
+ do {
+ if (p->vertexHasBorder() && (p->vertex_type != HalfEdge::NON_MANIFOLD_EDGE_VERTEX)) return true;
+ p = p->next();
+ } while (p != this);
+ return false;
+ }
+ /*! calculates conservative bounds of a catmull clark subdivision face */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa bounds(const BufferView<Vec3fa>& vertices) const
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = this->get1RingBounds(vertices);
+ for (const HalfEdge* p=this->next(); p!=this; p=p->next())
+ bounds.extend(p->get1RingBounds(vertices));
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ /*! tests if this is a valid patch */
+ __forceinline bool valid(const BufferView<Vec3fa>& vertices) const
+ {
+ size_t N = 1;
+ if (!this->validRing(vertices)) return false;
+ for (const HalfEdge* p=this->next(); p!=this; p=p->next(), N++) {
+ if (!p->validRing(vertices)) return false;
+ }
+ return N >= 3 && N <= MAX_PATCH_VALENCE;
+ }
+ /*! counts number of polygon edges */
+ __forceinline unsigned int numEdges() const
+ {
+ unsigned int N = 1;
+ for (const HalfEdge* p=this->next(); p!=this; p=p->next(), N++);
+ return N;
+ }
+ /*! calculates face and edge valence */
+ __forceinline void calculateFaceValenceAndEdgeValence(size_t& faceValence, size_t& edgeValence) const
+ {
+ faceValence = 0;
+ edgeValence = 0;
+ const HalfEdge* p = this;
+ do
+ {
+ /* calculate bounds of current face */
+ unsigned int numEdges = p->numEdges();
+ assert(numEdges >= 3);
+ edgeValence += numEdges-2;
+ faceValence++;
+ p = p->prev();
+ /* continue with next face */
+ if (likely(p->hasOpposite()))
+ p = p->opposite();
+ /* if there is no opposite go the long way to the other side of the border */
+ else {
+ faceValence++;
+ edgeValence++;
+ p = this;
+ while (p->hasOpposite())
+ p = p->opposite()->next();
+ }
+ } while (p != this);
+ }
+ /*! stream output */
+ friend __forceinline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &o, const HalfEdge &h)
+ {
+ return o << "{ " <<
+ "vertex = " << h.vtx_index << ", " << //" -> " <<>vtx_index << ", " <<
+ "prev = " << h.prev_half_edge_ofs << ", " <<
+ "next = " << h.next_half_edge_ofs << ", " <<
+ "opposite = " << h.opposite_half_edge_ofs << ", " <<
+ "edge_crease = " << h.edge_crease_weight << ", " <<
+ "vertex_crease = " << h.vertex_crease_weight << ", " <<
+ //"edge_level = " << h.edge_level <<
+ " }";
+ }
+ private:
+ /*! calculates the bounds of the face associated with the half-edge */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa getFaceBounds(const BufferView<Vec3fa>& vertices) const
+ {
+ BBox3fa b = vertices[getStartVertexIndex()];
+ for (const HalfEdge* p = next(); p!=this; p=p->next()) {
+ b.extend(vertices[p->getStartVertexIndex()]);
+ }
+ return b;
+ }
+ /*! calculates the bounds of the 1-ring associated with the vertex of the half-edge */
+ __forceinline BBox3fa get1RingBounds(const BufferView<Vec3fa>& vertices) const
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = empty;
+ const HalfEdge* p = this;
+ do
+ {
+ /* calculate bounds of current face */
+ bounds.extend(p->getFaceBounds(vertices));
+ p = p->prev();
+ /* continue with next face */
+ if (likely(p->hasOpposite()))
+ p = p->opposite();
+ /* if there is no opposite go the long way to the other side of the border */
+ else {
+ p = this;
+ while (p->hasOpposite())
+ p = p->opposite()->next();
+ }
+ } while (p != this);
+ return bounds;
+ }
+ /*! tests if this is a valid face */
+ __forceinline bool validFace(const BufferView<Vec3fa>& vertices, size_t& N) const
+ {
+ const Vec3fa v = vertices[getStartVertexIndex()];
+ if (!isvalid(v)) return false;
+ size_t n = 1;
+ for (const HalfEdge* p = next(); p!=this; p=p->next(), n++) {
+ const Vec3fa v = vertices[p->getStartVertexIndex()];
+ if (!isvalid(v)) return false;
+ }
+ N += n-2;
+ return n >= 3 && n <= MAX_PATCH_VALENCE;
+ }
+ /*! tests if this is a valid ring */
+ __forceinline bool validRing(const BufferView<Vec3fa>& vertices) const
+ {
+ size_t faceValence = 0;
+ size_t edgeValence = 0;
+ const HalfEdge* p = this;
+ do
+ {
+ /* calculate bounds of current face */
+ if (!p->validFace(vertices,edgeValence))
+ return false;
+ faceValence++;
+ p = p->prev();
+ /* continue with next face */
+ if (likely(p->hasOpposite()))
+ p = p->opposite();
+ /* if there is no opposite go the long way to the other side of the border */
+ else {
+ faceValence++;
+ edgeValence++;
+ p = this;
+ while (p->hasOpposite())
+ p = p->opposite()->next();
+ }
+ } while (p != this);
+ return faceValence <= MAX_RING_FACE_VALENCE && edgeValence <= MAX_RING_EDGE_VALENCE;
+ }
+ private:
+ unsigned int vtx_index; //!< index of edge start vertex
+ int next_half_edge_ofs; //!< relative offset to next half edge of face
+ int prev_half_edge_ofs; //!< relative offset to previous half edge of face
+ int opposite_half_edge_ofs; //!< relative offset to opposite half edge
+ public:
+ float edge_crease_weight; //!< crease weight attached to edge
+ float vertex_crease_weight; //!< crease weight attached to start vertex
+ float edge_level; //!< subdivision factor for edge
+ PatchType patch_type; //!< stores type of subdiv patch
+ VertexType vertex_type; //!< stores type of the start vertex
+ char align[2];
+ };
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/hermite_curve.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/hermite_curve.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ffef5a4315
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/hermite_curve.h
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/default.h"
+#include "bezier_curve.h"
+namespace embree
+ template<typename Vertex>
+ struct HermiteCurveT : BezierCurveT<Vertex>
+ {
+ __forceinline HermiteCurveT() {}
+ __forceinline HermiteCurveT(const BezierCurveT<Vertex>& curve)
+ : BezierCurveT<Vertex>(curve) {}
+ __forceinline HermiteCurveT(const Vertex& v0, const Vertex& t0, const Vertex& v1, const Vertex& t1)
+ : BezierCurveT<Vertex>(v0,madd(1.0f/3.0f,t0,v0),nmadd(1.0f/3.0f,t1,v1),v1) {}
+ __forceinline HermiteCurveT<Vec3ff> xfm_pr(const LinearSpace3fa& space, const Vec3fa& p) const
+ {
+ const Vec3ff q0(xfmVector(space,this->v0-p), this->v0.w);
+ const Vec3ff q1(xfmVector(space,this->v1-p), this->v1.w);
+ const Vec3ff q2(xfmVector(space,this->v2-p), this->v2.w);
+ const Vec3ff q3(xfmVector(space,this->v3-p), this->v3.w);
+ return BezierCurveT<Vec3ff>(q0,q1,q2,q3);
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename CurveGeometry>
+ __forceinline HermiteCurveT<Vec3ff> enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(const IntersectContext* context, const CurveGeometry* geom, const Vec3fa& ray_org, const HermiteCurveT<Vec3ff>& curve) {
+ return HermiteCurveT<Vec3ff>(enlargeRadiusToMinWidth(context,geom,ray_org,BezierCurveT<Vec3ff>(curve)));
+ }
+ typedef HermiteCurveT<Vec3fa> HermiteCurve3fa;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/linear_bezier_patch.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/linear_bezier_patch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f8e8a25f35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/linear_bezier_patch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,403 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "bezier_curve.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<typename V>
+ struct TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface
+ {
+ QuadraticBezierCurve<V> L;
+ QuadraticBezierCurve<V> R;
+ __forceinline TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface() {}
+ __forceinline TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface(const TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface<V>& curve)
+ : L(curve.L), R(curve.R) {}
+ __forceinline TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface& operator= (const TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface& other) {
+ L = other.L; R = other.R; return *this;
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface(const QuadraticBezierCurve<V>& L, const QuadraticBezierCurve<V>& R)
+ : L(L), R(R) {}
+ __forceinline BBox<V> bounds() const {
+ return merge(L.bounds(),R.bounds());
+ }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface<Vec2fa>
+ {
+ QuadraticBezierCurve<vfloat4> LR;
+ __forceinline TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface() {}
+ __forceinline TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface(const TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface<Vec2fa>& curve)
+ : LR(curve.LR) {}
+ __forceinline TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface& operator= (const TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface& other) {
+ LR = other.LR; return *this;
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface(const QuadraticBezierCurve<vfloat4>& LR)
+ : LR(LR) {}
+ __forceinline BBox<Vec2fa> bounds() const
+ {
+ const BBox<vfloat4> b = LR.bounds();
+ const BBox<Vec2fa> bl(Vec2fa(b.lower),Vec2fa(b.upper));
+ const BBox<Vec2fa> br(Vec2fa(shuffle<2,3,2,3>(b.lower)),Vec2fa(shuffle<2,3,2,3>(b.upper)));
+ return merge(bl,br);
+ }
+ };
+ template<typename V>
+ struct TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface
+ {
+ CubicBezierCurve<V> L;
+ CubicBezierCurve<V> R;
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface() {}
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface& curve)
+ : L(curve.L), R(curve.R) {}
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface& operator= (const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface& other) {
+ L = other.L; R = other.R; return *this;
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(const CubicBezierCurve<V>& L, const CubicBezierCurve<V>& R)
+ : L(L), R(R) {}
+ template<template<typename T> class SourceCurve>
+ __forceinline static TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface fromCenterAndNormalCurve(const SourceCurve<Vec3ff>& center, const SourceCurve<Vec3fa>& normal)
+ {
+ SourceCurve<Vec3ff> vcurve = center;
+ SourceCurve<Vec3fa> ncurve = normal;
+ /* here we construct a patch which follows the curve l(t) =
+ * p(t) +/- r(t)*normalize(cross(n(t),dp(t))) */
+ const Vec3ff p0 = vcurve.eval(0.0f);
+ const Vec3ff dp0 = vcurve.eval_du(0.0f);
+ const Vec3ff ddp0 = vcurve.eval_dudu(0.0f);
+ const Vec3fa n0 = ncurve.eval(0.0f);
+ const Vec3fa dn0 = ncurve.eval_du(0.0f);
+ const Vec3ff p1 = vcurve.eval(1.0f);
+ const Vec3ff dp1 = vcurve.eval_du(1.0f);
+ const Vec3ff ddp1 = vcurve.eval_dudu(1.0f);
+ const Vec3fa n1 = ncurve.eval(1.0f);
+ const Vec3fa dn1 = ncurve.eval_du(1.0f);
+ const Vec3fa bt0 = cross(n0,dp0);
+ const Vec3fa dbt0 = cross(dn0,dp0) + cross(n0,ddp0);
+ const Vec3fa bt1 = cross(n1,dp1);
+ const Vec3fa dbt1 = cross(dn1,dp1) + cross(n1,ddp1);
+ const Vec3fa k0 = normalize(bt0);
+ const Vec3fa dk0 = dnormalize(bt0,dbt0);
+ const Vec3fa k1 = normalize(bt1);
+ const Vec3fa dk1 = dnormalize(bt1,dbt1);
+ const Vec3fa l0 = p0 - p0.w*k0;
+ const Vec3fa dl0 = dp0 - (dp0.w*k0 + p0.w*dk0);
+ const Vec3fa r0 = p0 + p0.w*k0;
+ const Vec3fa dr0 = dp0 + (dp0.w*k0 + p0.w*dk0);
+ const Vec3fa l1 = p1 - p1.w*k1;
+ const Vec3fa dl1 = dp1 - (dp1.w*k1 + p1.w*dk1);
+ const Vec3fa r1 = p1 + p1.w*k1;
+ const Vec3fa dr1 = dp1 + (dp1.w*k1 + p1.w*dk1);
+ const float scale = 1.0f/3.0f;
+ CubicBezierCurve<V> L(l0,l0+scale*dl0,l1-scale*dl1,l1);
+ CubicBezierCurve<V> R(r0,r0+scale*dr0,r1-scale*dr1,r1);
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(L,R);
+ }
+ __forceinline BBox<V> bounds() const {
+ return merge(L.bounds(),R.bounds());
+ }
+ __forceinline BBox3fa accurateBounds() const {
+ return merge(L.accurateBounds(),R.accurateBounds());
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<Interval1f> reduce_v() const {
+ return merge(CubicBezierCurve<Interval<V>>(L),CubicBezierCurve<Interval<V>>(R));
+ }
+ __forceinline LinearBezierCurve<Interval1f> reduce_u() const {
+ return LinearBezierCurve<Interval1f>(L.bounds(),R.bounds());
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<float> xfm(const V& dx) const {
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<float>(L.xfm(dx),R.xfm(dx));
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<vfloatx> vxfm(const V& dx) const {
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<vfloatx>(L.vxfm(dx),R.vxfm(dx));
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<float> xfm(const V& dx, const V& p) const {
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<float>(L.xfm(dx,p),R.xfm(dx,p));
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<Vec3fa> xfm(const LinearSpace3fa& space) const {
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(L.xfm(space),R.xfm(space));
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<Vec3fa> xfm(const LinearSpace3fa& space, const Vec3fa& p) const {
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(L.xfm(space,p),R.xfm(space,p));
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<Vec3fa> xfm(const LinearSpace3fa& space, const Vec3fa& p, const float s) const {
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(L.xfm(space,p,s),R.xfm(space,p,s));
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface clip_u(const Interval1f& u) const {
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(L.clip(u),R.clip(u));
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface clip_v(const Interval1f& v) const {
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(clerp(L,R,V(v.lower)),clerp(L,R,V(v.upper)));
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface clip(const Interval1f& u, const Interval1f& v) const {
+ return clip_v(v).clip_u(u);
+ }
+ __forceinline void split_u(TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface& left, TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface& right, const float u = 0.5f) const
+ {
+ CubicBezierCurve<V> L0,L1; L.split(L0,L1,u);
+ CubicBezierCurve<V> R0,R1; R.split(R0,R1,u);
+ new (&left ) TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(L0,R0);
+ new (&right) TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(L1,R1);
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<Vec2vfx> vsplit_u(vboolx& valid, const BBox1f& u) const {
+ valid = true; clear(valid,VSIZEX-1);
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<Vec2vfx>(L.split(u),R.split(u));
+ }
+ __forceinline V eval(const float u, const float v) const {
+ return clerp(L,R,V(v)).eval(u);
+ }
+ __forceinline V eval_du(const float u, const float v) const {
+ return clerp(L,R,V(v)).eval_dt(u);
+ }
+ __forceinline V eval_dv(const float u, const float v) const {
+ return (R-L).eval(u);
+ }
+ __forceinline void eval(const float u, const float v, V& p, V& dpdu, V& dpdv) const
+ {
+ V p0, dp0du; L.eval(u,p0,dp0du);
+ V p1, dp1du; R.eval(u,p1,dp1du);
+ p = lerp(p0,p1,v);
+ dpdu = lerp(dp0du,dp1du,v);
+ dpdv = p1-p0;
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface<V> derivative_u() const {
+ return TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface<V>(L.derivative(),R.derivative());
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<V> derivative_v() const {
+ return R-L;
+ }
+ __forceinline V axis_u() const {
+ return (L.end()-L.begin())+(R.end()-R.begin());
+ }
+ __forceinline V axis_v() const {
+ return (R.begin()-L.begin())+(R.end()-L.end());
+ }
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface& a)
+ {
+ return cout << "TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface" << embree_endl
+ << "{" << embree_endl
+ << " L = " << a.L << ", " << embree_endl
+ << " R = " << a.R << embree_endl
+ << "}";
+ }
+ friend __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface clerp(const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface& a, const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface& b, const float t) {
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(clerp(a.L,b.L,V(t)), clerp(a.R,b.R,V(t)));
+ }
+ };
+ template<>
+ struct TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<Vec2fa>
+ {
+ CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4> LR;
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface() {}
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface& curve)
+ : LR(curve.LR) {}
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface& operator= (const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface& other) {
+ LR = other.LR; return *this;
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(const CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4>& LR)
+ : LR(LR) {}
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(const CubicBezierCurve<Vec2fa>& L, const CubicBezierCurve<Vec2fa>& R)
+ : LR(shuffle<0,1,0,1>(vfloat4(L.v0),vfloat4(R.v0)),shuffle<0,1,0,1>(vfloat4(L.v1),vfloat4(R.v1)),shuffle<0,1,0,1>(vfloat4(L.v2),vfloat4(R.v2)),shuffle<0,1,0,1>(vfloat4(L.v3),vfloat4(R.v3))) {}
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<Vec2fa> getL() const {
+ return CubicBezierCurve<Vec2fa>(Vec2fa(LR.v0),Vec2fa(LR.v1),Vec2fa(LR.v2),Vec2fa(LR.v3));
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<Vec2fa> getR() const {
+ return CubicBezierCurve<Vec2fa>(Vec2fa(shuffle<2,3,2,3>(LR.v0)),Vec2fa(shuffle<2,3,2,3>(LR.v1)),Vec2fa(shuffle<2,3,2,3>(LR.v2)),Vec2fa(shuffle<2,3,2,3>(LR.v3)));
+ }
+ __forceinline BBox<Vec2fa> bounds() const
+ {
+ const BBox<vfloat4> b = LR.bounds();
+ const BBox<Vec2fa> bl(Vec2fa(b.lower),Vec2fa(b.upper));
+ const BBox<Vec2fa> br(Vec2fa(shuffle<2,3,2,3>(b.lower)),Vec2fa(shuffle<2,3,2,3>(b.upper)));
+ return merge(bl,br);
+ }
+ __forceinline BBox1f bounds(const Vec2fa& axis) const
+ {
+ const CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4> LRx = LR;
+ const CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4> LRy(shuffle<1,0,3,2>(LR.v0),shuffle<1,0,3,2>(LR.v1),shuffle<1,0,3,2>(LR.v2),shuffle<1,0,3,2>(LR.v3));
+ const CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4> LRa = cmadd(shuffle<0>(vfloat4(axis)),LRx,shuffle<1>(vfloat4(axis))*LRy);
+ const BBox<vfloat4> Lb = LRa.bounds();
+ const BBox<vfloat4> Rb(shuffle<3>(Lb.lower),shuffle<3>(Lb.upper));
+ const BBox<vfloat4> b = merge(Lb,Rb);
+ return BBox1f(b.lower[0],b.upper[0]);
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<float> xfm(const Vec2fa& dx) const
+ {
+ const CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4> LRx = LR;
+ const CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4> LRy(shuffle<1,0,3,2>(LR.v0),shuffle<1,0,3,2>(LR.v1),shuffle<1,0,3,2>(LR.v2),shuffle<1,0,3,2>(LR.v3));
+ const CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4> LRa = cmadd(shuffle<0>(vfloat4(dx)),LRx,shuffle<1>(vfloat4(dx))*LRy);
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<float>(CubicBezierCurve<float>(LRa.v0[0],LRa.v1[0],LRa.v2[0],LRa.v3[0]),
+ CubicBezierCurve<float>(LRa.v0[2],LRa.v1[2],LRa.v2[2],LRa.v3[2]));
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<float> xfm(const Vec2fa& dx, const Vec2fa& p) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 pxyxy = shuffle<0,1,0,1>(vfloat4(p));
+ const CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4> LRx = LR-pxyxy;
+ const CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4> LRy(shuffle<1,0,3,2>(LR.v0),shuffle<1,0,3,2>(LR.v1),shuffle<1,0,3,2>(LR.v2),shuffle<1,0,3,2>(LR.v3));
+ const CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4> LRa = cmadd(shuffle<0>(vfloat4(dx)),LRx,shuffle<1>(vfloat4(dx))*LRy);
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<float>(CubicBezierCurve<float>(LRa.v0[0],LRa.v1[0],LRa.v2[0],LRa.v3[0]),
+ CubicBezierCurve<float>(LRa.v0[2],LRa.v1[2],LRa.v2[2],LRa.v3[2]));
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface clip_u(const Interval1f& u) const {
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(LR.clip(u));
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface clip_v(const Interval1f& v) const
+ {
+ const CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4> LL(shuffle<0,1,0,1>(LR.v0),shuffle<0,1,0,1>(LR.v1),shuffle<0,1,0,1>(LR.v2),shuffle<0,1,0,1>(LR.v3));
+ const CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4> RR(shuffle<2,3,2,3>(LR.v0),shuffle<2,3,2,3>(LR.v1),shuffle<2,3,2,3>(LR.v2),shuffle<2,3,2,3>(LR.v3));
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(clerp(LL,RR,vfloat4(v.lower,v.lower,v.upper,v.upper)));
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface clip(const Interval1f& u, const Interval1f& v) const {
+ return clip_v(v).clip_u(u);
+ }
+ __forceinline void split_u(TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface& left, TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface& right, const float u = 0.5f) const
+ {
+ CubicBezierCurve<vfloat4> LR0,LR1; LR.split(LR0,LR1,u);
+ new (&left ) TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(LR0);
+ new (&right) TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface(LR1);
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<Vec2vfx> vsplit_u(vboolx& valid, const BBox1f& u) const {
+ valid = true; clear(valid,VSIZEX-1);
+ return TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<Vec2vfx>(getL().split(u),getR().split(u));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec2fa eval(const float u, const float v) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 p = LR.eval(u);
+ return Vec2fa(lerp(shuffle<0,1,0,1>(p),shuffle<2,3,2,3>(p),v));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec2fa eval_du(const float u, const float v) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 dpdu = LR.eval_dt(u);
+ return Vec2fa(lerp(shuffle<0,1,0,1>(dpdu),shuffle<2,3,2,3>(dpdu),v));
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec2fa eval_dv(const float u, const float v) const
+ {
+ const vfloat4 p = LR.eval(u);
+ return Vec2fa(shuffle<2,3,2,3>(p)-shuffle<0,1,0,1>(p));
+ }
+ __forceinline void eval(const float u, const float v, Vec2fa& p, Vec2fa& dpdu, Vec2fa& dpdv) const
+ {
+ vfloat4 p0, dp0du; LR.eval(u,p0,dp0du);
+ p = Vec2fa(lerp(shuffle<0,1,0,1>(p0),shuffle<2,3,2,3>(p0),v));
+ dpdu = Vec2fa(lerp(shuffle<0,1,0,1>(dp0du),shuffle<2,3,2,3>(dp0du),v));
+ dpdv = Vec2fa(shuffle<2,3,2,3>(p0)-shuffle<0,1,0,1>(p0));
+ }
+ __forceinline TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface<Vec2fa> derivative_u() const {
+ return TensorLinearQuadraticBezierSurface<Vec2fa>(LR.derivative());
+ }
+ __forceinline CubicBezierCurve<Vec2fa> derivative_v() const {
+ return getR()-getL();
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec2fa axis_u() const
+ {
+ const CubicBezierCurve<Vec2fa> L = getL();
+ const CubicBezierCurve<Vec2fa> R = getR();
+ return (L.end()-L.begin())+(R.end()-R.begin());
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec2fa axis_v() const
+ {
+ const CubicBezierCurve<Vec2fa> L = getL();
+ const CubicBezierCurve<Vec2fa> R = getR();
+ return (R.begin()-L.begin())+(R.end()-L.end());
+ }
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface& a)
+ {
+ return cout << "TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface" << embree_endl
+ << "{" << embree_endl
+ << " L = " << a.getL() << ", " << embree_endl
+ << " R = " << a.getR() << embree_endl
+ << "}";
+ }
+ };
+ typedef TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<float> TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface1f;
+ typedef TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<Vec2fa> TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface2fa;
+ typedef TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface<Vec3fa> TensorLinearCubicBezierSurface3fa;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/patch.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/patch.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c4340ea9b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/patch.h
@@ -0,0 +1,371 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "catmullclark_patch.h"
+#include "bilinear_patch.h"
+#include "bspline_patch.h"
+#include "bezier_patch.h"
+#include "gregory_patch.h"
+#include "tessellation_cache.h"
+#if 1
+#define PATCH_DEBUG_SUBDIVISION(ptr,x,y,z)
+#define PATCH_DEBUG_SUBDIVISION(ptr,x,y,z) \
+ { \
+ size_t hex = (size_t)ptr; \
+ for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++) hex = hex ^ (hex >> 8); \
+ const float c = (float)(((hex >> 0) ^ (hex >> 4) ^ (hex >> 8) ^ (hex >> 12) ^ (hex >> 16))&0xf)/15.0f; \
+ if (P) *P = Vertex(0.5f+0.5f*x,0.5f+0.5f*y,0.5f+0.5f*z,0.0f); \
+ }
+//#define PATCH_MIN_RESOLUTION 1 // FIXME: not yet completely implemented
+#define PATCH_MAX_EVAL_DEPTH_IRREGULAR 10 // maximum evaluation depth at irregular vertices (has to be larger or equal than PATCH_MAX_CACHE_DEPTH)
+#define PATCH_MAX_EVAL_DEPTH_CREASE 10 // maximum evaluation depth at crease features (has to be larger or equal than PATCH_MAX_CACHE_DEPTH)
+#define PATCH_USE_GREGORY 1 // 0 = no gregory, 1 = fill, 2 = as early as possible
+#define PATCH_USE_BEZIER_PATCH 1 // enable use of bezier instead of b-spline patches
+#define PATCH_USE_BEZIER_PATCH 0 // enable use of bezier instead of b-spline patches
+# define RegularPatch BezierPatch
+# define RegularPatchT BezierPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t>
+# define RegularPatch BSplinePatch
+# define RegularPatchT BSplinePatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t>
+#define IrregularFillPatch GregoryPatch
+#define IrregularFillPatchT GregoryPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t>
+#define IrregularFillPatch BilinearPatch
+#define IrregularFillPatchT BilinearPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t>
+namespace embree
+ template<typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t = Vertex>
+ struct __aligned(64) PatchT
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef GeneralCatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> GeneralCatmullClarkPatch;
+ typedef CatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClarkPatch;
+ typedef CatmullClark1RingT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClarkRing;
+ typedef BezierCurveT<Vertex> BezierCurve;
+ enum Type {
+ };
+ struct Ref
+ {
+ __forceinline Ref(void* p = nullptr)
+ : ptr((size_t)p) {}
+ __forceinline operator bool() const { return ptr != 0; }
+ __forceinline operator size_t() const { return ptr; }
+ __forceinline Ref (Type ty, void* in)
+ : ptr(((size_t)in)+ty) { assert((((size_t)in) & 0xF) == 0); }
+ __forceinline Type type () const { return (Type)(ptr & 0xF); }
+ __forceinline void* object() const { return (void*) (ptr & ~0xF); }
+ size_t ptr;
+ };
+ struct EvalPatch
+ {
+ /* creates EvalPatch from a CatmullClarkPatch */
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline static Ref create(const Allocator& alloc, const CatmullClarkPatch& patch)
+ {
+ size_t ofs = 0, bytes = patch.bytes();
+ void* ptr = alloc(bytes);
+ patch.serialize(ptr,ofs);
+ assert(ofs == bytes);
+ return Ref(EVAL_PATCH, ptr);
+ }
+ };
+ struct BilinearPatch
+ {
+ /* creates BilinearPatch from a CatmullClarkPatch */
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline static Ref create(const Allocator& alloc, const CatmullClarkPatch& patch,
+ const BezierCurve* border0, const BezierCurve* border1, const BezierCurve* border2, const BezierCurve* border3) {
+ return Ref(BILINEAR_PATCH, new (alloc(sizeof(BilinearPatch))) BilinearPatch(patch));
+ }
+ __forceinline BilinearPatch (const CatmullClarkPatch& patch)
+ : patch(patch) {}
+ /* creates BilinearPatch from 4 vertices */
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline static Ref create(const Allocator& alloc, const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride) {
+ return Ref(BILINEAR_PATCH, new (alloc(sizeof(BilinearPatch))) BilinearPatch(edge,vertices,stride));
+ }
+ __forceinline BilinearPatch (const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride)
+ : patch(edge,vertices,stride) {}
+ public:
+ BilinearPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> patch;
+ };
+ struct BSplinePatch
+ {
+ /* creates BSplinePatch from a half edge */
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline static Ref create(const Allocator& alloc, const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride) {
+ return Ref(BSPLINE_PATCH, new (alloc(sizeof(BSplinePatch))) BSplinePatch(edge,vertices,stride));
+ }
+ __forceinline BSplinePatch (const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride)
+ : patch(edge,vertices,stride) {}
+ /* creates BSplinePatch from a CatmullClarkPatch */
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline static Ref create(const Allocator& alloc, const CatmullClarkPatch& patch,
+ const BezierCurve* border0, const BezierCurve* border1, const BezierCurve* border2, const BezierCurve* border3) {
+ return Ref(BSPLINE_PATCH, new (alloc(sizeof(BSplinePatch))) BSplinePatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3));
+ }
+ __forceinline BSplinePatch (const CatmullClarkPatch& patch, const BezierCurve* border0, const BezierCurve* border1, const BezierCurve* border2, const BezierCurve* border3)
+ : patch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3) {}
+ public:
+ BSplinePatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> patch;
+ };
+ struct BezierPatch
+ {
+ /* creates BezierPatch from a half edge */
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline static Ref create(const Allocator& alloc, const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride) {
+ return Ref(BEZIER_PATCH, new (alloc(sizeof(BezierPatch))) BezierPatch(edge,vertices,stride));
+ }
+ __forceinline BezierPatch (const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride)
+ : patch(edge,vertices,stride) {}
+ /* creates Bezier from a CatmullClarkPatch */
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline static Ref create(const Allocator& alloc, const CatmullClarkPatch& patch,
+ const BezierCurve* border0, const BezierCurve* border1, const BezierCurve* border2, const BezierCurve* border3) {
+ return Ref(BEZIER_PATCH, new (alloc(sizeof(BezierPatch))) BezierPatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3));
+ }
+ __forceinline BezierPatch (const CatmullClarkPatch& patch, const BezierCurve* border0, const BezierCurve* border1, const BezierCurve* border2, const BezierCurve* border3)
+ : patch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3) {}
+ public:
+ BezierPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> patch;
+ };
+ struct GregoryPatch
+ {
+ /* creates GregoryPatch from half edge */
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline static Ref create(const Allocator& alloc, const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride) {
+ return Ref(GREGORY_PATCH, new (alloc(sizeof(GregoryPatch))) GregoryPatch(edge,vertices,stride));
+ }
+ __forceinline GregoryPatch (const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride)
+ : patch(CatmullClarkPatch(edge,vertices,stride)) {}
+ /* creates GregoryPatch from CatmullClarkPatch */
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline static Ref create(const Allocator& alloc, const CatmullClarkPatch& patch,
+ const BezierCurve* border0, const BezierCurve* border1, const BezierCurve* border2, const BezierCurve* border3) {
+ return Ref(GREGORY_PATCH, new (alloc(sizeof(GregoryPatch))) GregoryPatch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3));
+ }
+ __forceinline GregoryPatch (const CatmullClarkPatch& patch, const BezierCurve* border0, const BezierCurve* border1, const BezierCurve* border2, const BezierCurve* border3)
+ : patch(patch,border0,border1,border2,border3) {}
+ public:
+ GregoryPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> patch;
+ };
+ struct SubdividedQuadPatch
+ {
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline static Ref create(const Allocator& alloc, Ref children[4]) {
+ return Ref(SUBDIVIDED_QUAD_PATCH, new (alloc(sizeof(SubdividedQuadPatch))) SubdividedQuadPatch(children));
+ }
+ __forceinline SubdividedQuadPatch(Ref children[4]) {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++) child[i] = children[i];
+ }
+ public:
+ Ref child[4];
+ };
+ struct SubdividedGeneralPatch
+ {
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline static Ref create(const Allocator& alloc, Ref* children, const unsigned N) {
+ return Ref(SUBDIVIDED_GENERAL_PATCH, new (alloc(sizeof(SubdividedGeneralPatch))) SubdividedGeneralPatch(children,N));
+ }
+ __forceinline SubdividedGeneralPatch(Ref* children, const unsigned N) : N(N) {
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++) child[i] = children[i];
+ }
+ unsigned N;
+ };
+ /*! Default constructor. */
+ __forceinline PatchT () {}
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline static Ref create(const Allocator& alloc, const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride)
+ {
+ return nullptr;
+ Ref child(0);
+ switch (edge->patch_type) {
+ case HalfEdge::BILINEAR_PATCH: child = BilinearPatch::create(alloc,edge,vertices,stride); break;
+ case HalfEdge::REGULAR_QUAD_PATCH: child = RegularPatch::create(alloc,edge,vertices,stride); break;
+ case HalfEdge::IRREGULAR_QUAD_PATCH: child = GregoryPatch::create(alloc,edge,vertices,stride); break;
+ default: {
+ GeneralCatmullClarkPatch patch(edge,vertices,stride);
+ child = PatchT::create(alloc,patch,edge,vertices,stride,0);
+ }
+ }
+ return child;
+ }
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline static Ref create(const Allocator& alloc, GeneralCatmullClarkPatch& patch, const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride, size_t depth)
+ {
+ /* convert into standard quad patch if possible */
+ if (likely(patch.isQuadPatch()))
+ {
+ CatmullClarkPatch qpatch; patch.init(qpatch);
+ return PatchT::create(alloc,qpatch,edge,vertices,stride,depth);
+ }
+ /* do only cache up to some depth */
+ if (depth >= PATCH_MAX_CACHE_DEPTH)
+ return nullptr;
+ /* subdivide patch */
+ unsigned N;
+ array_t<CatmullClarkPatch,GeneralCatmullClarkPatch::SIZE> patches;
+ patch.subdivide(patches,N);
+ if (N == 4)
+ {
+ Ref child[4];
+ BezierCurve borders[GeneralCatmullClarkPatch::SIZE]; patch.getLimitBorder(borders);
+ BezierCurve border0l,border0r; borders[0].subdivide(border0l,border0r);
+ BezierCurve border1l,border1r; borders[1].subdivide(border1l,border1r);
+ BezierCurve border2l,border2r; borders[2].subdivide(border2l,border2r);
+ BezierCurve border3l,border3r; borders[3].subdivide(border3l,border3r);
+ GeneralCatmullClarkPatch::fix_quad_ring_order(patches);
+ child[0] = PatchT::create(alloc,patches[0],edge,vertices,stride,depth+1,&border0l,nullptr,nullptr,&border3r);
+ child[1] = PatchT::create(alloc,patches[1],edge,vertices,stride,depth+1,&border0r,&border1l,nullptr,nullptr);
+ child[2] = PatchT::create(alloc,patches[2],edge,vertices,stride,depth+1,nullptr,&border1r,&border2l,nullptr);
+ child[3] = PatchT::create(alloc,patches[3],edge,vertices,stride,depth+1,nullptr,nullptr,&border2r,&border3l);
+ GeneralCatmullClarkPatch::fix_quad_ring_order(patches);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++)
+ child[i] = PatchT::create(alloc,patches[i],edge,vertices,stride,depth+1);
+ return SubdividedQuadPatch::create(alloc,child);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ BezierCurve borders[GeneralCatmullClarkPatch::SIZE];
+ patch.getLimitBorder(borders);
+ for (size_t i0=0; i0<N; i0++) {
+ const size_t i2 = i0==0 ? N-1 : i0-1;
+ BezierCurve border0l,border0r; borders[i0].subdivide(border0l,border0r);
+ BezierCurve border2l,border2r; borders[i2].subdivide(border2l,border2r);
+ child[i0] = PatchT::create(alloc,patches[i0],edge,vertices,stride,depth+1, &border0l, nullptr, nullptr, &border2r);
+ }
+ for (size_t i=0; i<N; i++)
+ child[i] = PatchT::create(alloc,patches[i],edge,vertices,stride,depth+1);
+ return SubdividedGeneralPatch::create(alloc,child,N);
+ }
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool final(const CatmullClarkPatch& patch, const typename CatmullClarkRing::Type type, size_t depth)
+ {
+ const size_t max_eval_depth = (type & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_CREASES) ? PATCH_MAX_EVAL_DEPTH_CREASE : PATCH_MAX_EVAL_DEPTH_IRREGULAR;
+// return patch.isFinalResolution(PATCH_MIN_RESOLUTION) || depth>=max_eval_depth;
+ return depth>=max_eval_depth;
+ }
+ template<typename Allocator>
+ __noinline static Ref create(const Allocator& alloc, CatmullClarkPatch& patch, const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride, size_t depth,
+ const BezierCurve* border0 = nullptr, const BezierCurve* border1 = nullptr, const BezierCurve* border2 = nullptr, const BezierCurve* border3 = nullptr)
+ {
+ const typename CatmullClarkPatch::Type ty = patch.type();
+ if (unlikely(final(patch,ty,depth))) {
+ if (ty & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_REGULAR) return RegularPatch::create(alloc,patch,border0,border1,border2,border3);
+ else return IrregularFillPatch::create(alloc,patch,border0,border1,border2,border3);
+ }
+ else if (ty & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_REGULAR_CREASES) {
+ assert(depth > 0); return RegularPatch::create(alloc,patch,border0,border1,border2,border3);
+ }
+ else if (ty & CatmullClarkRing::TYPE_GREGORY_CREASES) {
+ assert(depth > 0); return GregoryPatch::create(alloc,patch,border0,border1,border2,border3);
+ }
+ else if (depth >= PATCH_MAX_CACHE_DEPTH) {
+ return EvalPatch::create(alloc,patch);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ Ref child[4];
+ array_t<CatmullClarkPatch,4> patches;
+ patch.subdivide(patches);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<4; i++)
+ child[i] = PatchT::create(alloc,patches[i],edge,vertices,stride,depth+1);
+ return SubdividedQuadPatch::create(alloc,child);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ typedef PatchT<Vec3fa,Vec3fa_t> Patch3fa;
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/patch_eval.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/patch_eval.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a3fafa72f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/patch_eval.h
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "patch.h"
+#include "feature_adaptive_eval.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t = Vertex>
+ struct PatchEval
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef PatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> Patch;
+ typedef typename Patch::Ref Ref;
+ typedef CatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClarkPatch;
+ PatchEval (SharedLazyTessellationCache::CacheEntry& entry, size_t commitCounter,
+ const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride, const float u, const float v,
+ Vertex* P, Vertex* dPdu, Vertex* dPdv, Vertex* ddPdudu, Vertex* ddPdvdv, Vertex* ddPdudv)
+ : P(P), dPdu(dPdu), dPdv(dPdv), ddPdudu(ddPdudu), ddPdvdv(ddPdvdv), ddPdudv(ddPdudv)
+ {
+ /* conservative time for the very first allocation */
+ auto time = SharedLazyTessellationCache::sharedLazyTessellationCache.getTime(commitCounter);
+ Ref patch = SharedLazyTessellationCache::lookup(entry,commitCounter,[&] () {
+ auto alloc = [&](size_t bytes) { return SharedLazyTessellationCache::malloc(bytes); };
+ return Patch::create(alloc,edge,vertices,stride);
+ },true);
+ auto curTime = SharedLazyTessellationCache::sharedLazyTessellationCache.getTime(commitCounter);
+ const bool allAllocationsValid = SharedLazyTessellationCache::validTime(time,curTime);
+ if (patch && allAllocationsValid && eval(patch,u,v,1.0f,0)) {
+ SharedLazyTessellationCache::unlock();
+ return;
+ }
+ SharedLazyTessellationCache::unlock();
+ FeatureAdaptiveEval<Vertex,Vertex_t>(edge,vertices,stride,u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv);
+ }
+ __forceinline bool eval_quad(const typename Patch::SubdividedQuadPatch* This, const float u, const float v, const float dscale, const size_t depth)
+ {
+ if (v < 0.5f) {
+ if (u < 0.5f) return eval(This->child[0],2.0f*u,2.0f*v,2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ else return eval(This->child[1],2.0f*u-1.0f,2.0f*v,2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ } else {
+ if (u > 0.5f) return eval(This->child[2],2.0f*u-1.0f,2.0f*v-1.0f,2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ else return eval(This->child[3],2.0f*u,2.0f*v-1.0f,2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ }
+ }
+ bool eval_general(const typename Patch::SubdividedGeneralPatch* This, const float U, const float V, const size_t depth)
+ {
+ const unsigned l = (unsigned) floor(0.5f*U); const float u = 2.0f*frac(0.5f*U)-0.5f;
+ const unsigned h = (unsigned) floor(0.5f*V); const float v = 2.0f*frac(0.5f*V)-0.5f;
+ const unsigned i = 4*h+l; assert(i<This->N);
+ return eval(This->child[i],u,v,1.0f,depth+1);
+ }
+ bool eval(Ref This, const float& u, const float& v, const float dscale, const size_t depth)
+ {
+ if (!This) return false;
+ //PRINT(depth);
+ //PRINT2(u,v);
+ switch (This.type())
+ {
+ case Patch::BILINEAR_PATCH: {
+ //PRINT("bilinear");
+ ((typename Patch::BilinearPatch*)This.object())->patch.eval(u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale);
+ return true;
+ }
+ case Patch::BSPLINE_PATCH: {
+ //PRINT("bspline");
+ ((typename Patch::BSplinePatch*)This.object())->patch.eval(u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale);
+ return true;
+ }
+ case Patch::BEZIER_PATCH: {
+ //PRINT("bezier");
+ ((typename Patch::BezierPatch*)This.object())->patch.eval(u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale);
+ return true;
+ }
+ case Patch::GREGORY_PATCH: {
+ //PRINT("gregory");
+ ((typename Patch::GregoryPatch*)This.object())->patch.eval(u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale);
+ return true;
+ }
+ //PRINT("subdivided quad");
+ return eval_quad(((typename Patch::SubdividedQuadPatch*)This.object()),u,v,dscale,depth);
+ }
+ //PRINT("general_patch");
+ assert(dscale == 1.0f);
+ return eval_general(((typename Patch::SubdividedGeneralPatch*)This.object()),u,v,depth);
+ }
+ case Patch::EVAL_PATCH: {
+ //PRINT("eval_patch");
+ CatmullClarkPatch patch; patch.deserialize(This.object());
+ FeatureAdaptiveEval<Vertex,Vertex_t>(patch,u,v,dscale,depth,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv);
+ return true;
+ }
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ Vertex* const P;
+ Vertex* const dPdu;
+ Vertex* const dPdv;
+ Vertex* const ddPdudu;
+ Vertex* const ddPdvdv;
+ Vertex* const ddPdudv;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/patch_eval_grid.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/patch_eval_grid.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..167e1ebe1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/patch_eval_grid.h
@@ -0,0 +1,245 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "patch.h"
+#include "feature_adaptive_eval_grid.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ struct PatchEvalGrid
+ {
+ typedef Patch3fa Patch;
+ typedef Patch::Ref Ref;
+ typedef GeneralCatmullClarkPatch3fa GeneralCatmullClarkPatch;
+ typedef CatmullClarkPatch3fa CatmullClarkPatch;
+ typedef BSplinePatch3fa BSplinePatch;
+ typedef BezierPatch3fa BezierPatch;
+ typedef GregoryPatch3fa GregoryPatch;
+ typedef BilinearPatch3fa BilinearPatch;
+ private:
+ const unsigned x0,x1;
+ const unsigned y0,y1;
+ const unsigned swidth,sheight;
+ const float rcp_swidth, rcp_sheight;
+ float* const Px;
+ float* const Py;
+ float* const Pz;
+ float* const U;
+ float* const V;
+ float* const Nx;
+ float* const Ny;
+ float* const Nz;
+ const unsigned dwidth,dheight;
+ unsigned count;
+ public:
+ PatchEvalGrid (Ref patch, unsigned subPatch,
+ const unsigned x0, const unsigned x1, const unsigned y0, const unsigned y1, const unsigned swidth, const unsigned sheight,
+ float* Px, float* Py, float* Pz, float* U, float* V,
+ float* Nx, float* Ny, float* Nz,
+ const unsigned dwidth, const unsigned dheight)
+ : x0(x0), x1(x1), y0(y0), y1(y1), swidth(swidth), sheight(sheight), rcp_swidth(1.0f/(swidth-1.0f)), rcp_sheight(1.0f/(sheight-1.0f)),
+ Px(Px), Py(Py), Pz(Pz), U(U), V(V), Nx(Nx), Ny(Ny), Nz(Nz), dwidth(dwidth), dheight(dheight), count(0)
+ {
+ assert(swidth < (2<<20) && sheight < (2<<20));
+ const BBox2f srange(Vec2f(0.0f,0.0f),Vec2f(float(swidth-1),float(sheight-1)));
+ const BBox2f erange(Vec2f(float(x0),float(y0)),Vec2f((float)x1,(float)y1));
+ bool done MAYBE_UNUSED = eval(patch,subPatch,srange,erange);
+ assert(done);
+ assert(count == (x1-x0+1)*(y1-y0+1));
+ }
+ template<typename Patch>
+ __forceinline void evalLocalGrid(const Patch* patch, const BBox2f& srange, const int lx0, const int lx1, const int ly0, const int ly1)
+ {
+ const float scale_x = rcp(srange.upper.x-srange.lower.x);
+ const float scale_y = rcp(srange.upper.y-srange.lower.y);
+ count += (lx1-lx0)*(ly1-ly0);
+#if 0
+ for (unsigned iy=ly0; iy<ly1; iy++) {
+ for (unsigned ix=lx0; ix<lx1; ix++) {
+ const float lu = select(ix == swidth -1, float(1.0f), (float(ix)-srange.lower.x)*scale_x);
+ const float lv = select(iy == sheight-1, float(1.0f), (float(iy)-srange.lower.y)*scale_y);
+ const Vec3fa p = patch->patch.eval(lu,lv);
+ const float u = float(ix)*rcp_swidth;
+ const float v = float(iy)*rcp_sheight;
+ const int ofs = (iy-y0)*dwidth+(ix-x0);
+ Px[ofs] = p.x;
+ Py[ofs] = p.y;
+ Pz[ofs] = p.z;
+ U[ofs] = u;
+ V[ofs] = v;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach2(lx0,lx1,ly0,ly1,[&](const vboolx& valid, const vintx& ix, const vintx& iy) {
+ const vfloatx lu = select(ix == swidth -1, vfloatx(1.0f), (vfloatx(ix)-srange.lower.x)*scale_x);
+ const vfloatx lv = select(iy == sheight-1, vfloatx(1.0f), (vfloatx(iy)-srange.lower.y)*scale_y);
+ const Vec3vfx p = patch->patch.eval(lu,lv);
+ Vec3vfx n = zero;
+ if (unlikely(Nx != nullptr)) n = normalize_safe(patch->patch.normal(lu,lv));
+ const vfloatx u = vfloatx(ix)*rcp_swidth;
+ const vfloatx v = vfloatx(iy)*rcp_sheight;
+ const vintx ofs = (iy-y0)*dwidth+(ix-x0);
+ if (likely(all(valid)) && all(iy==iy[0])) {
+ const unsigned ofs2 = ofs[0];
+ vfloatx::storeu(Px+ofs2,p.x);
+ vfloatx::storeu(Py+ofs2,p.y);
+ vfloatx::storeu(Pz+ofs2,p.z);
+ vfloatx::storeu(U+ofs2,u);
+ vfloatx::storeu(V+ofs2,v);
+ if (unlikely(Nx != nullptr)) {
+ vfloatx::storeu(Nx+ofs2,n.x);
+ vfloatx::storeu(Ny+ofs2,n.y);
+ vfloatx::storeu(Nz+ofs2,n.z);
+ }
+ } else {
+ foreach_unique_index(valid,iy,[&](const vboolx& valid, const int iy0, const int j) {
+ const unsigned ofs2 = ofs[j]-j;
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,Px+ofs2,p.x);
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,Py+ofs2,p.y);
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,Pz+ofs2,p.z);
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,U+ofs2,u);
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,V+ofs2,v);
+ if (unlikely(Nx != nullptr)) {
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,Nx+ofs2,n.x);
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,Ny+ofs2,n.y);
+ vfloatx::storeu(valid,Nz+ofs2,n.z);
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ bool eval(Ref This, const BBox2f& srange, const BBox2f& erange, const unsigned depth)
+ {
+ if (erange.empty())
+ return true;
+ const int lx0 = (int) ceilf(erange.lower.x);
+ const int lx1 = (int) ceilf(erange.upper.x) + (erange.upper.x == x1 && (srange.lower.x < erange.upper.x || erange.upper.x == 0));
+ const int ly0 = (int) ceilf(erange.lower.y);
+ const int ly1 = (int) ceilf(erange.upper.y) + (erange.upper.y == y1 && (srange.lower.y < erange.upper.y || erange.upper.y == 0));
+ if (lx0 >= lx1 || ly0 >= ly1)
+ return true;
+ if (!This)
+ return false;
+ switch (This.type())
+ {
+ case Patch::BILINEAR_PATCH: {
+ evalLocalGrid((Patch::BilinearPatch*)This.object(),srange,lx0,lx1,ly0,ly1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ case Patch::BSPLINE_PATCH: {
+ evalLocalGrid((Patch::BSplinePatch*)This.object(),srange,lx0,lx1,ly0,ly1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ case Patch::BEZIER_PATCH: {
+ evalLocalGrid((Patch::BezierPatch*)This.object(),srange,lx0,lx1,ly0,ly1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ case Patch::GREGORY_PATCH: {
+ evalLocalGrid((Patch::GregoryPatch*)This.object(),srange,lx0,lx1,ly0,ly1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ {
+ const Vec2f c =;
+ const BBox2f srange0(srange.lower,c);
+ const BBox2f srange1(Vec2f(c.x,srange.lower.y),Vec2f(srange.upper.x,c.y));
+ const BBox2f srange2(c,srange.upper);
+ const BBox2f srange3(Vec2f(srange.lower.x,c.y),Vec2f(c.x,srange.upper.y));
+ Patch::SubdividedQuadPatch* patch = (Patch::SubdividedQuadPatch*)This.object();
+ eval(patch->child[0],srange0,intersect(srange0,erange),depth+1);
+ eval(patch->child[1],srange1,intersect(srange1,erange),depth+1);
+ eval(patch->child[2],srange2,intersect(srange2,erange),depth+1);
+ eval(patch->child[3],srange3,intersect(srange3,erange),depth+1);
+ return true;
+ }
+ case Patch::EVAL_PATCH: {
+ CatmullClarkPatch patch; patch.deserialize(This.object());
+ FeatureAdaptiveEvalGrid(patch,srange,erange,depth,x0,x1,y0,y1,swidth,sheight,Px,Py,Pz,U,V,Nx,Ny,Nz,dwidth,dheight);
+ count += (lx1-lx0)*(ly1-ly0);
+ return true;
+ }
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ bool eval(Ref This, unsigned subPatch, const BBox2f& srange, const BBox2f& erange)
+ {
+ if (!This)
+ return false;
+ switch (This.type())
+ {
+ Patch::SubdividedGeneralPatch* patch = (Patch::SubdividedGeneralPatch*)This.object();
+ assert(subPatch < patch->N);
+ return eval(patch->child[subPatch],srange,erange,1);
+ }
+ default:
+ assert(subPatch == 0);
+ return eval(This,srange,erange,0);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ __forceinline unsigned patch_eval_subdivision_count (const HalfEdge* h)
+ {
+ const unsigned N = h->numEdges();
+ if (N == 4) return 1;
+ else return N;
+ }
+ template<typename Tessellator>
+ inline void patch_eval_subdivision (const HalfEdge* h, Tessellator tessellator)
+ {
+ const unsigned N = h->numEdges();
+ int neighborSubdiv[GeneralCatmullClarkPatch3fa::SIZE]; // FIXME: use array_t
+ float levels[GeneralCatmullClarkPatch3fa::SIZE];
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++) {
+ assert(i<GeneralCatmullClarkPatch3fa::SIZE);
+ neighborSubdiv[i] = h->hasOpposite() ? h->opposite()->numEdges() != 4 : 0;
+ levels[i] = h->edge_level;
+ h = h->next();
+ }
+ if (N == 4)
+ {
+ const Vec2f uv[4] = { Vec2f(0.0f,0.0f), Vec2f(1.0f,0.0f), Vec2f(1.0f,1.0f), Vec2f(0.0f,1.0f) };
+ tessellator(uv,neighborSubdiv,levels,0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (unsigned i=0; i<N; i++)
+ {
+ assert(i<MAX_PATCH_VALENCE);
+ static_assert(MAX_PATCH_VALENCE <= 16, "MAX_PATCH_VALENCE > 16");
+ const int h = (i >> 2) & 3, l = i & 3;
+ const Vec2f subPatchID((float)l,(float)h);
+ const Vec2f uv[4] = { 2.0f*subPatchID + (0.5f+Vec2f(0.0f,0.0f)),
+ 2.0f*subPatchID + (0.5f+Vec2f(1.0f,0.0f)),
+ 2.0f*subPatchID + (0.5f+Vec2f(1.0f,1.0f)),
+ 2.0f*subPatchID + (0.5f+Vec2f(0.0f,1.0f)) };
+ const int neighborSubdiv1[4] = { 0,0,0,0 };
+ const float levels1[4] = { 0.5f*levels[(i+0)%N], 0.5f*levels[(i+0)%N], 0.5f*levels[(i+N-1)%N], 0.5f*levels[(i+N-1)%N] };
+ tessellator(uv,neighborSubdiv1,levels1,i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/patch_eval_simd.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/patch_eval_simd.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fef88a4492
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/patch_eval_simd.h
@@ -0,0 +1,127 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "patch.h"
+#include "feature_adaptive_eval_simd.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<typename vbool, typename vint, typename vfloat, typename Vertex, typename Vertex_t = Vertex>
+ struct PatchEvalSimd
+ {
+ public:
+ typedef PatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> Patch;
+ typedef typename Patch::Ref Ref;
+ typedef CatmullClarkPatchT<Vertex,Vertex_t> CatmullClarkPatch;
+ PatchEvalSimd (SharedLazyTessellationCache::CacheEntry& entry, size_t commitCounter,
+ const HalfEdge* edge, const char* vertices, size_t stride, const vbool& valid0, const vfloat& u, const vfloat& v,
+ float* P, float* dPdu, float* dPdv, float* ddPdudu, float* ddPdvdv, float* ddPdudv, const size_t dstride, const size_t N)
+ : P(P), dPdu(dPdu), dPdv(dPdv), ddPdudu(ddPdudu), ddPdvdv(ddPdvdv), ddPdudv(ddPdudv), dstride(dstride), N(N)
+ {
+ /* conservative time for the very first allocation */
+ auto time = SharedLazyTessellationCache::sharedLazyTessellationCache.getTime(commitCounter);
+ Ref patch = SharedLazyTessellationCache::lookup(entry,commitCounter,[&] () {
+ auto alloc = [](size_t bytes) { return SharedLazyTessellationCache::malloc(bytes); };
+ return Patch::create(alloc,edge,vertices,stride);
+ }, true);
+ auto curTime = SharedLazyTessellationCache::sharedLazyTessellationCache.getTime(commitCounter);
+ const bool allAllocationsValid = SharedLazyTessellationCache::validTime(time,curTime);
+ patch = allAllocationsValid ? patch : nullptr;
+ /* use cached data structure for calculations */
+ const vbool valid1 = patch ? eval(valid0,patch,u,v,1.0f,0) : vbool(false);
+ SharedLazyTessellationCache::unlock();
+ const vbool valid2 = valid0 & !valid1;
+ if (any(valid2)) {
+ FeatureAdaptiveEvalSimd<vbool,vint,vfloat,Vertex,Vertex_t>(edge,vertices,stride,valid2,u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dstride,N);
+ }
+ }
+ vbool eval_quad(const vbool& valid, const typename Patch::SubdividedQuadPatch* This, const vfloat& u, const vfloat& v, const float dscale, const size_t depth)
+ {
+ vbool ret = false;
+ const vbool u0_mask = u < 0.5f, u1_mask = u >= 0.5f;
+ const vbool v0_mask = v < 0.5f, v1_mask = v >= 0.5f;
+ const vbool u0v0_mask = valid & u0_mask & v0_mask;
+ const vbool u0v1_mask = valid & u0_mask & v1_mask;
+ const vbool u1v0_mask = valid & u1_mask & v0_mask;
+ const vbool u1v1_mask = valid & u1_mask & v1_mask;
+ if (any(u0v0_mask)) ret |= eval(u0v0_mask,This->child[0],2.0f*u,2.0f*v,2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ if (any(u1v0_mask)) ret |= eval(u1v0_mask,This->child[1],2.0f*u-1.0f,2.0f*v,2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ if (any(u1v1_mask)) ret |= eval(u1v1_mask,This->child[2],2.0f*u-1.0f,2.0f*v-1.0f,2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ if (any(u0v1_mask)) ret |= eval(u0v1_mask,This->child[3],2.0f*u,2.0f*v-1.0f,2.0f*dscale,depth+1);
+ return ret;
+ }
+ vbool eval_general(const vbool& valid, const typename Patch::SubdividedGeneralPatch* patch, const vfloat& U, const vfloat& V, const size_t depth)
+ {
+ vbool ret = false;
+ const vint l = (vint)floor(0.5f*U); const vfloat u = 2.0f*frac(0.5f*U)-0.5f;
+ const vint h = (vint)floor(0.5f*V); const vfloat v = 2.0f*frac(0.5f*V)-0.5f;
+ const vint i = (h<<2)+l; assert(all(valid,i<patch->N));
+ foreach_unique(valid,i,[&](const vbool& valid, const int i) {
+ ret |= eval(valid,patch->child[i],u,v,1.0f,depth+1);
+ });
+ return ret;
+ }
+ vbool eval(const vbool& valid, Ref This, const vfloat& u, const vfloat& v, const float dscale, const size_t depth)
+ {
+ if (!This) return false;
+ switch (This.type())
+ {
+ case Patch::BILINEAR_PATCH: {
+ ((typename Patch::BilinearPatch*)This.object())->patch.eval(valid,u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale,dstride,N);
+ return valid;
+ }
+ case Patch::BSPLINE_PATCH: {
+ ((typename Patch::BSplinePatch*)This.object())->patch.eval(valid,u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale,dstride,N);
+ return valid;
+ }
+ case Patch::BEZIER_PATCH: {
+ ((typename Patch::BezierPatch*)This.object())->patch.eval(valid,u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale,dstride,N);
+ return valid;
+ }
+ case Patch::GREGORY_PATCH: {
+ ((typename Patch::GregoryPatch*)This.object())->patch.eval(valid,u,v,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dscale,dstride,N);
+ return valid;
+ }
+ return eval_quad(valid,((typename Patch::SubdividedQuadPatch*)This.object()),u,v,dscale,depth);
+ }
+ assert(dscale == 1.0f);
+ return eval_general(valid,((typename Patch::SubdividedGeneralPatch*)This.object()),u,v,depth);
+ }
+ case Patch::EVAL_PATCH: {
+ CatmullClarkPatch patch; patch.deserialize(This.object());
+ FeatureAdaptiveEvalSimd<vbool,vint,vfloat,Vertex,Vertex_t>(patch,valid,u,v,dscale,depth,P,dPdu,dPdv,ddPdudu,ddPdvdv,ddPdudv,dstride,N);
+ return valid;
+ }
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ private:
+ float* const P;
+ float* const dPdu;
+ float* const dPdv;
+ float* const ddPdudu;
+ float* const ddPdvdv;
+ float* const ddPdudv;
+ const size_t dstride;
+ const size_t N;
+ };
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/subdivpatch1base.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/subdivpatch1base.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3069dadee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/subdivpatch1base.h
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../geometry/primitive.h"
+#include "bspline_patch.h"
+#include "bezier_patch.h"
+#include "gregory_patch.h"
+#include "gregory_patch_dense.h"
+#include "tessellation.h"
+#include "tessellation_cache.h"
+#include "gridrange.h"
+#include "patch_eval_grid.h"
+#include "feature_adaptive_eval_grid.h"
+#include "../common/scene_subdiv_mesh.h"
+namespace embree
+ struct __aligned(64) SubdivPatch1Base
+ {
+ public:
+ enum Type {
+ };
+ enum Flags {
+ };
+ /*! Default constructor. */
+ __forceinline SubdivPatch1Base () {}
+ SubdivPatch1Base (const unsigned int gID,
+ const unsigned int pID,
+ const unsigned int subPatch,
+ const SubdivMesh *const mesh,
+ const size_t time,
+ const Vec2f uv[4],
+ const float edge_level[4],
+ const int subdiv[4],
+ const int simd_width);
+ __forceinline bool needsStitching() const {
+ return flags & TRANSITION_PATCH;
+ }
+ __forceinline Vec2f getUV(const size_t i) const {
+ return Vec2f((float)u[i],(float)v[i]) * (8.0f/0x10000);
+ }
+ static void computeEdgeLevels(const float edge_level[4], const int subdiv[4], float level[4]);
+ static Vec2i computeGridSize(const float level[4]);
+ bool updateEdgeLevels(const float edge_level[4], const int subdiv[4], const SubdivMesh *const mesh, const int simd_width);
+ public:
+ __forceinline size_t getGridBytes() const {
+ const size_t grid_size_xyzuv = (grid_size_simd_blocks * VSIZEX) * 4;
+ return 64*((grid_size_xyzuv+15) / 16);
+ }
+ __forceinline void write_lock() { mtx.lock(); }
+ __forceinline void write_unlock() { mtx.unlock(); }
+ __forceinline bool try_write_lock() { return mtx.try_lock(); }
+ //__forceinline bool try_read_lock() { return mtx.try_read_lock(); }
+ __forceinline void resetRootRef() {
+ //assert( mtx.hasInitialState() );
+ root_ref = SharedLazyTessellationCache::Tag();
+ }
+ __forceinline SharedLazyTessellationCache::CacheEntry& entry() {
+ return (SharedLazyTessellationCache::CacheEntry&) root_ref;
+ }
+ public:
+ __forceinline unsigned int geomID() const {
+ return geom;
+ }
+ __forceinline unsigned int primID() const {
+ return prim;
+ }
+ public:
+ SharedLazyTessellationCache::Tag root_ref;
+ SpinLock mtx;
+ unsigned short u[4]; //!< 16bit discretized u,v coordinates
+ unsigned short v[4];
+ float level[4];
+ unsigned char flags;
+ unsigned char type;
+ unsigned short grid_u_res;
+ unsigned int geom; //!< geometry ID of the subdivision mesh this patch belongs to
+ unsigned int prim; //!< primitive ID of this subdivision patch
+ unsigned short grid_v_res;
+ unsigned short grid_size_simd_blocks;
+ unsigned int time_;
+ struct PatchHalfEdge {
+ const HalfEdge* edge;
+ unsigned subPatch;
+ };
+ Vec3fa patch_v[4][4];
+ const HalfEdge *edge() const { return ((PatchHalfEdge*)patch_v)->edge; }
+ unsigned time() const { return time_; }
+ unsigned subPatch() const { return ((PatchHalfEdge*)patch_v)->subPatch; }
+ void set_edge(const HalfEdge *h) const { ((PatchHalfEdge*)patch_v)->edge = h; }
+ void set_subPatch(const unsigned s) const { ((PatchHalfEdge*)patch_v)->subPatch = s; }
+ };
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ Vec3fa patchEval(const SubdivPatch1Base& patch, const float uu, const float vv);
+ Vec3fa patchNormal(const SubdivPatch1Base& patch, const float uu, const float vv);
+ template<typename simdf>
+ Vec3<simdf> patchEval(const SubdivPatch1Base& patch, const simdf& uu, const simdf& vv);
+ template<typename simdf>
+ Vec3<simdf> patchNormal(const SubdivPatch1Base& patch, const simdf& uu, const simdf& vv);
+ /* eval grid over patch and stich edges when required */
+ void evalGrid(const SubdivPatch1Base& patch,
+ const unsigned x0, const unsigned x1,
+ const unsigned y0, const unsigned y1,
+ const unsigned swidth, const unsigned sheight,
+ float *__restrict__ const grid_x,
+ float *__restrict__ const grid_y,
+ float *__restrict__ const grid_z,
+ float *__restrict__ const grid_u,
+ float *__restrict__ const grid_v,
+ const SubdivMesh* const geom);
+ /* eval grid over patch and stich edges when required */
+ BBox3fa evalGridBounds(const SubdivPatch1Base& patch,
+ const unsigned x0, const unsigned x1,
+ const unsigned y0, const unsigned y1,
+ const unsigned swidth, const unsigned sheight,
+ const SubdivMesh* const geom);
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/tessellation.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/tessellation.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..abde4f2bde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/tessellation.h
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+namespace embree
+ /* adjust discret tessellation level for feature-adaptive pre-subdivision */
+ __forceinline float adjustTessellationLevel(float l, const size_t sublevel)
+ {
+ for (size_t i=0; i<sublevel; i++) l *= 0.5f;
+ float r = ceilf(l);
+ for (size_t i=0; i<sublevel; i++) r *= 2.0f;
+ return r;
+ }
+ __forceinline int stitch(const int x, const int fine, const int coarse) {
+ return (2*x+1)*coarse/(2*fine);
+ }
+ __forceinline void stitchGridEdges(const unsigned int low_rate,
+ const unsigned int high_rate,
+ const unsigned int x0,
+ const unsigned int x1,
+ float * __restrict__ const uv_array,
+ const unsigned int uv_array_step)
+ {
+#if 1
+ const float inv_low_rate = rcp((float)(low_rate-1));
+ for (unsigned x=x0; x<=x1; x++) {
+ uv_array[(x-x0)*uv_array_step] = float(stitch(x,high_rate-1,low_rate-1))*inv_low_rate;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(x1 == high_rate-1))
+ uv_array[(x1-x0)*uv_array_step] = 1.0f;
+ assert(low_rate < high_rate);
+ assert(high_rate >= 2);
+ const float inv_low_rate = rcp((float)(low_rate-1));
+ const unsigned int dy = low_rate - 1;
+ const unsigned int dx = high_rate - 1;
+ int p = 2*dy-dx;
+ unsigned int offset = 0;
+ unsigned int y = 0;
+ float value = 0.0f;
+ for(unsigned int x=0;x<high_rate-1; x++) // '<=' would be correct but we will leave the 1.0f at the end
+ {
+ uv_array[offset] = value;
+ offset += uv_array_step;
+ if (unlikely(p > 0))
+ {
+ y++;
+ value = (float)y * inv_low_rate;
+ p -= 2*dx;
+ }
+ p += 2*dy;
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline void stitchUVGrid(const float edge_levels[4],
+ const unsigned int swidth,
+ const unsigned int sheight,
+ const unsigned int x0,
+ const unsigned int y0,
+ const unsigned int grid_u_res,
+ const unsigned int grid_v_res,
+ float * __restrict__ const u_array,
+ float * __restrict__ const v_array)
+ {
+ const unsigned int x1 = x0+grid_u_res-1;
+ const unsigned int y1 = y0+grid_v_res-1;
+ const unsigned int int_edge_points0 = (unsigned int)edge_levels[0] + 1;
+ const unsigned int int_edge_points1 = (unsigned int)edge_levels[1] + 1;
+ const unsigned int int_edge_points2 = (unsigned int)edge_levels[2] + 1;
+ const unsigned int int_edge_points3 = (unsigned int)edge_levels[3] + 1;
+ if (unlikely(y0 == 0 && int_edge_points0 < swidth))
+ stitchGridEdges(int_edge_points0,swidth,x0,x1,u_array,1);
+ if (unlikely(y1 == sheight-1 && int_edge_points2 < swidth))
+ stitchGridEdges(int_edge_points2,swidth,x0,x1,&u_array[(grid_v_res-1)*grid_u_res],1);
+ if (unlikely(x0 == 0 && int_edge_points1 < sheight))
+ stitchGridEdges(int_edge_points1,sheight,y0,y1,&v_array[grid_u_res-1],grid_u_res);
+ if (unlikely(x1 == swidth-1 && int_edge_points3 < sheight))
+ stitchGridEdges(int_edge_points3,sheight,y0,y1,v_array,grid_u_res);
+ }
+ __forceinline void gridUVTessellator(const float edge_levels[4],
+ const unsigned int swidth,
+ const unsigned int sheight,
+ const unsigned int x0,
+ const unsigned int y0,
+ const unsigned int grid_u_res,
+ const unsigned int grid_v_res,
+ float * __restrict__ const u_array,
+ float * __restrict__ const v_array)
+ {
+ assert( grid_u_res >= 1);
+ assert( grid_v_res >= 1);
+ assert( edge_levels[0] >= 1.0f );
+ assert( edge_levels[1] >= 1.0f );
+ assert( edge_levels[2] >= 1.0f );
+ assert( edge_levels[3] >= 1.0f );
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ const vint8 grid_u_segments = vint8(swidth)-1;
+ const vint8 grid_v_segments = vint8(sheight)-1;
+ const vfloat8 inv_grid_u_segments = rcp(vfloat8(grid_u_segments));
+ const vfloat8 inv_grid_v_segments = rcp(vfloat8(grid_v_segments));
+ unsigned int index = 0;
+ vint8 v_i( zero );
+ for (unsigned int y=0;y<grid_v_res;y++,index+=grid_u_res,v_i += 1)
+ {
+ vint8 u_i ( step );
+ const vbool8 m_v = v_i < grid_v_segments;
+ for (unsigned int x=0;x<grid_u_res;x+=8, u_i += 8)
+ {
+ const vbool8 m_u = u_i < grid_u_segments;
+ const vfloat8 u = select(m_u, vfloat8(x0+u_i) * inv_grid_u_segments, 1.0f);
+ const vfloat8 v = select(m_v, vfloat8(y0+v_i) * inv_grid_v_segments, 1.0f);
+ vfloat8::storeu(&u_array[index + x],u);
+ vfloat8::storeu(&v_array[index + x],v);
+ }
+ }
+ #else
+ const vint4 grid_u_segments = vint4(swidth)-1;
+ const vint4 grid_v_segments = vint4(sheight)-1;
+ const vfloat4 inv_grid_u_segments = rcp(vfloat4(grid_u_segments));
+ const vfloat4 inv_grid_v_segments = rcp(vfloat4(grid_v_segments));
+ unsigned int index = 0;
+ vint4 v_i( zero );
+ for (unsigned int y=0;y<grid_v_res;y++,index+=grid_u_res,v_i += 1)
+ {
+ vint4 u_i ( step );
+ const vbool4 m_v = v_i < grid_v_segments;
+ for (unsigned int x=0;x<grid_u_res;x+=4, u_i += 4)
+ {
+ const vbool4 m_u = u_i < grid_u_segments;
+ const vfloat4 u = select(m_u, vfloat4(x0+u_i) * inv_grid_u_segments, 1.0f);
+ const vfloat4 v = select(m_v, vfloat4(y0+v_i) * inv_grid_v_segments, 1.0f);
+ vfloat4::storeu(&u_array[index + x],u);
+ vfloat4::storeu(&v_array[index + x],v);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/tessellation_cache.h b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/tessellation_cache.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..99edf49be4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/subdiv/tessellation_cache.h
@@ -0,0 +1,325 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/default.h"
+/* force a complete cache invalidation when running out of allocation space */
+#if defined(DEBUG)
+#define CACHE_STATS(x)
+#define CACHE_STATS(x)
+namespace embree
+ class SharedTessellationCacheStats
+ {
+ public:
+ /* stats */
+ static std::atomic<size_t> cache_accesses;
+ static std::atomic<size_t> cache_hits;
+ static std::atomic<size_t> cache_misses;
+ static std::atomic<size_t> cache_flushes;
+ static size_t cache_num_patches;
+ __aligned(64) static SpinLock mtx;
+ /* print stats for debugging */
+ static void printStats();
+ static void clearStats();
+ };
+ void resizeTessellationCache(size_t new_size);
+ void resetTessellationCache();
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ struct __aligned(64) ThreadWorkState
+ {
+ std::atomic<size_t> counter;
+ ThreadWorkState* next;
+ bool allocated;
+ __forceinline ThreadWorkState(bool allocated = false)
+ : counter(0), next(nullptr), allocated(allocated)
+ {
+ assert( ((size_t)this % 64) == 0 );
+ }
+ };
+ class __aligned(64) SharedLazyTessellationCache
+ {
+ public:
+ static const size_t NUM_CACHE_SEGMENTS = 8;
+ static const size_t NUM_PREALLOC_THREAD_WORK_STATES = 512;
+ static const size_t COMMIT_INDEX_SHIFT = 32+8;
+#if defined(__64BIT__)
+ static const size_t REF_TAG_MASK = 0xffffffffff;
+ static const size_t REF_TAG_MASK = 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ static const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 64;
+ /*! Per thread tessellation ref cache */
+ static __thread ThreadWorkState* init_t_state;
+ static ThreadWorkState* current_t_state;
+ static __forceinline ThreadWorkState *threadState()
+ {
+ if (unlikely(!init_t_state))
+ /* sets init_t_state, can't return pointer due to macosx icc bug*/
+ SharedLazyTessellationCache::sharedLazyTessellationCache.getNextRenderThreadWorkState();
+ return init_t_state;
+ }
+ struct Tag
+ {
+ __forceinline Tag() : data(0) {}
+ __forceinline Tag(void* ptr, size_t combinedTime) {
+ init(ptr,combinedTime);
+ }
+ __forceinline Tag(size_t ptr, size_t combinedTime) {
+ init((void*)ptr,combinedTime);
+ }
+ __forceinline void init(void* ptr, size_t combinedTime)
+ {
+ if (ptr == nullptr) {
+ data = 0;
+ return;
+ }
+ int64_t new_root_ref = (int64_t) ptr;
+ new_root_ref -= (int64_t)SharedLazyTessellationCache::sharedLazyTessellationCache.getDataPtr();
+ assert( new_root_ref <= (int64_t)REF_TAG_MASK );
+ new_root_ref |= (int64_t)combinedTime << COMMIT_INDEX_SHIFT;
+ data = new_root_ref;
+ }
+ __forceinline int64_t get() const { return data.load(); }
+ __forceinline void set( int64_t v ) {; }
+ __forceinline void reset() {; }
+ private:
+ atomic<int64_t> data;
+ };
+ static __forceinline size_t extractCommitIndex(const int64_t v) { return v >> SharedLazyTessellationCache::COMMIT_INDEX_SHIFT; }
+ struct CacheEntry
+ {
+ Tag tag;
+ SpinLock mutex;
+ };
+ private:
+ float *data;
+ bool hugepages;
+ size_t size;
+ size_t maxBlocks;
+ ThreadWorkState *threadWorkState;
+ __aligned(64) std::atomic<size_t> localTime;
+ __aligned(64) std::atomic<size_t> next_block;
+ __aligned(64) SpinLock reset_state;
+ __aligned(64) SpinLock linkedlist_mtx;
+ __aligned(64) std::atomic<size_t> switch_block_threshold;
+ __aligned(64) std::atomic<size_t> numRenderThreads;
+ public:
+ SharedLazyTessellationCache();
+ ~SharedLazyTessellationCache();
+ void getNextRenderThreadWorkState();
+ __forceinline size_t maxAllocSize() const {
+ return switch_block_threshold;
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t getCurrentIndex() { return localTime.load(); }
+ __forceinline void addCurrentIndex(const size_t i=1) { localTime.fetch_add(i); }
+ __forceinline size_t getTime(const size_t globalTime) {
+ return localTime.load()+NUM_CACHE_SEGMENTS*globalTime;
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t lockThread (ThreadWorkState *const t_state, const ssize_t plus=1) { return t_state->counter.fetch_add(plus); }
+ __forceinline size_t unlockThread(ThreadWorkState *const t_state, const ssize_t plus=-1) { assert(isLocked(t_state)); return t_state->counter.fetch_add(plus); }
+ __forceinline bool isLocked(ThreadWorkState *const t_state) { return t_state->counter.load() != 0; }
+ static __forceinline void lock () { sharedLazyTessellationCache.lockThread(threadState()); }
+ static __forceinline void unlock() { sharedLazyTessellationCache.unlockThread(threadState()); }
+ static __forceinline bool isLocked() { return sharedLazyTessellationCache.isLocked(threadState()); }
+ static __forceinline size_t getState() { return threadState()->counter.load(); }
+ static __forceinline void lockThreadLoop() { sharedLazyTessellationCache.lockThreadLoop(threadState()); }
+ static __forceinline size_t getTCacheTime(const size_t globalTime) {
+ return sharedLazyTessellationCache.getTime(globalTime);
+ }
+ /* per thread lock */
+ __forceinline void lockThreadLoop (ThreadWorkState *const t_state)
+ {
+ while(1)
+ {
+ size_t lock = SharedLazyTessellationCache::sharedLazyTessellationCache.lockThread(t_state,1);
+ if (unlikely(lock >= THREAD_BLOCK_ATOMIC_ADD))
+ {
+ /* lock failed wait until sync phase is over */
+ sharedLazyTessellationCache.unlockThread(t_state,-1);
+ sharedLazyTessellationCache.waitForUsersLessEqual(t_state,0);
+ }
+ else
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline void* lookup(CacheEntry& entry, size_t globalTime)
+ {
+ const int64_t subdiv_patch_root_ref = entry.tag.get();
+ CACHE_STATS(SharedTessellationCacheStats::cache_accesses++);
+ if (likely(subdiv_patch_root_ref != 0))
+ {
+ const size_t subdiv_patch_root = (subdiv_patch_root_ref & REF_TAG_MASK) + (size_t)sharedLazyTessellationCache.getDataPtr();
+ const size_t subdiv_patch_cache_index = extractCommitIndex(subdiv_patch_root_ref);
+ if (likely( sharedLazyTessellationCache.validCacheIndex(subdiv_patch_cache_index,globalTime) ))
+ {
+ CACHE_STATS(SharedTessellationCacheStats::cache_hits++);
+ return (void*) subdiv_patch_root;
+ }
+ }
+ CACHE_STATS(SharedTessellationCacheStats::cache_misses++);
+ return nullptr;
+ }
+ template<typename Constructor>
+ static __forceinline auto lookup (CacheEntry& entry, size_t globalTime, const Constructor constructor, const bool before=false) -> decltype(constructor())
+ {
+ ThreadWorkState *t_state = SharedLazyTessellationCache::threadState();
+ while (true)
+ {
+ sharedLazyTessellationCache.lockThreadLoop(t_state);
+ void* patch = SharedLazyTessellationCache::lookup(entry,globalTime);
+ if (patch) return (decltype(constructor())) patch;
+ if (entry.mutex.try_lock())
+ {
+ if (!validTag(entry.tag,globalTime))
+ {
+ auto timeBefore = sharedLazyTessellationCache.getTime(globalTime);
+ auto ret = constructor(); // thread is locked here!
+ assert(ret);
+ /* this should never return nullptr */
+ auto timeAfter = sharedLazyTessellationCache.getTime(globalTime);
+ auto time = before ? timeBefore : timeAfter;
+ __memory_barrier();
+ entry.tag = SharedLazyTessellationCache::Tag(ret,time);
+ __memory_barrier();
+ entry.mutex.unlock();
+ return ret;
+ }
+ entry.mutex.unlock();
+ }
+ SharedLazyTessellationCache::sharedLazyTessellationCache.unlockThread(t_state);
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline bool validCacheIndex(const size_t i, const size_t globalTime)
+ {
+ return i == getTime(globalTime);
+ return i+(NUM_CACHE_SEGMENTS-1) >= getTime(globalTime);
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool validTime(const size_t oldtime, const size_t newTime)
+ {
+ return oldtime+(NUM_CACHE_SEGMENTS-1) >= newTime;
+ }
+ static __forceinline bool validTag(const Tag& tag, size_t globalTime)
+ {
+ const int64_t subdiv_patch_root_ref = tag.get();
+ if (subdiv_patch_root_ref == 0) return false;
+ const size_t subdiv_patch_cache_index = extractCommitIndex(subdiv_patch_root_ref);
+ return sharedLazyTessellationCache.validCacheIndex(subdiv_patch_cache_index,globalTime);
+ }
+ void waitForUsersLessEqual(ThreadWorkState *const t_state,
+ const unsigned int users);
+ __forceinline size_t alloc(const size_t blocks)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(blocks >= switch_block_threshold))
+ throw_RTCError(RTC_ERROR_INVALID_OPERATION,"allocation exceeds size of tessellation cache segment");
+ assert(blocks < switch_block_threshold);
+ size_t index = next_block.fetch_add(blocks);
+ if (unlikely(index + blocks >= switch_block_threshold)) return (size_t)-1;
+ return index;
+ }
+ static __forceinline void* malloc(const size_t bytes)
+ {
+ size_t block_index = -1;
+ ThreadWorkState *const t_state = threadState();
+ while (true)
+ {
+ block_index = sharedLazyTessellationCache.alloc((bytes+BLOCK_SIZE-1)/BLOCK_SIZE);
+ if (block_index == (size_t)-1)
+ {
+ sharedLazyTessellationCache.unlockThread(t_state);
+ sharedLazyTessellationCache.allocNextSegment();
+ sharedLazyTessellationCache.lockThread(t_state);
+ continue;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ return sharedLazyTessellationCache.getBlockPtr(block_index);
+ }
+ __forceinline void *getBlockPtr(const size_t block_index)
+ {
+ assert(block_index < maxBlocks);
+ assert(data);
+ assert(block_index*16 <= size);
+ return (void*)&data[block_index*16];
+ }
+ __forceinline void* getDataPtr() { return data; }
+ __forceinline size_t getNumUsedBytes() { return next_block * BLOCK_SIZE; }
+ __forceinline size_t getMaxBlocks() { return maxBlocks; }
+ __forceinline size_t getSize() { return size; }
+ void allocNextSegment();
+ void realloc(const size_t newSize);
+ void reset();
+ static SharedLazyTessellationCache sharedLazyTessellationCache;
+ };