path: root/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh')
5 files changed, 2197 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6e9a5a538e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,917 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_intersector_hybrid.h"
+#include "bvh_traverser1.h"
+#include "node_intersector1.h"
+#include "node_intersector_packet.h"
+#include "../geometry/intersector_iterators.h"
+#include "../geometry/triangle_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_mb_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglei_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadv_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadi_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNv_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNi_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/curveNi_mb_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/linei_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/subdivpatch1_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/object_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/instance_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/subgrid_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/subgrid_mb_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/curve_intersector_virtual.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersectorK, bool single>
+ void BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<N, K, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersectorK, single>::intersect1(Accel::Intersectors* This,
+ const BVH* bvh,
+ NodeRef root,
+ size_t k,
+ Precalculations& pre,
+ RayHitK<K>& ray,
+ const TravRayK<K, robust>& tray,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ /* stack state */
+ StackItemT<NodeRef> stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackPtr = stack + 1; // current stack pointer
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackEnd = stack + stackSizeSingle;
+ stack[0].ptr = root;
+ stack[0].dist = neg_inf;
+ /* load the ray into SIMD registers */
+ TravRay<N,robust> tray1;
+ tray1.template init<K>(k,, tray.dir, tray.rdir, tray.nearXYZ, tray.tnear[k], tray.tfar[k]);
+ /* pop loop */
+ while (true) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node */
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ stackPtr--;
+ NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->ptr);
+ /* if popped node is too far, pop next one */
+ if (unlikely(*(float*)&stackPtr->dist > ray.tfar[k]))
+ continue;
+ /* downtraversal loop */
+ while (true)
+ {
+ /* intersect node */
+ size_t mask; vfloat<N> tNear;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_nodes, 1, 1, 1);
+ bool nodeIntersected = BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, types, robust>::intersect(cur, tray1, ray.time()[k], tNear, mask);
+ if (unlikely(!nodeIntersected)) { STAT3(normal.trav_nodes,-1,-1,-1); break; }
+ /* if no child is hit, pop next node */
+ if (unlikely(mask == 0))
+ goto pop;
+ /* select next child and push other children */
+ BVHNNodeTraverser1Hit<N, types>::traverseClosestHit(cur, mask, tNear, stackPtr, stackEnd);
+ }
+ /* this is a leaf node */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_leaves, 1, 1, 1);
+ size_t num; Primitive* prim = (Primitive*)cur.leaf(num);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ PrimitiveIntersectorK::intersect(This, pre, ray, k, context, prim, num, tray1, lazy_node);
+ tray1.tfar = ray.tfar[k];
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ stackPtr->ptr = lazy_node;
+ stackPtr->dist = neg_inf;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersectorK, bool single>
+ void BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<N, K, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersectorK, single>::intersect(vint<K>* __restrict__ valid_i,
+ Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayHitK<K>& __restrict__ ray,
+ IntersectContext* __restrict__ context)
+ {
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*)This->ptr;
+ /* we may traverse an empty BVH in case all geometry was invalid */
+ if (bvh->root == BVH::emptyNode)
+ return;
+ assert(context);
+ if (unlikely(types == BVH_AN1 && context->user && context->isCoherent()))
+ {
+ intersectCoherent(valid_i, This, ray, context);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* filter out invalid rays */
+ vbool<K> valid = *valid_i == -1;
+ valid &= ray.valid();
+ /* return if there are no valid rays */
+ size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ STAT3(normal.trav_hit_boxes[popcnt(movemask(valid))], 1, 1, 1);
+ if (unlikely(valid_bits == 0)) return;
+ /* verify correct input */
+ assert(all(valid, ray.valid()));
+ assert(all(valid, ray.tnear() >= 0.0f));
+ assert(!(types & BVH_MB) || all(valid, (ray.time() >= 0.0f) & (ray.time() <= 1.0f)));
+ Precalculations pre(valid, ray);
+ /* load ray */
+ TravRayK<K, robust> tray(, ray.dir, single ? N : 0);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tnear = max(ray.tnear(), 0.0f);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tfar = max(ray.tfar , 0.0f);
+ if (single)
+ {
+ tray.tnear = select(valid, org_ray_tnear, vfloat<K>(pos_inf));
+ tray.tfar = select(valid, org_ray_tfar , vfloat<K>(neg_inf));
+ for (; valid_bits!=0; ) {
+ const size_t i = bscf(valid_bits);
+ intersect1(This, bvh, bvh->root, i, pre, ray, tray, context);
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* determine switch threshold based on flags */
+ const size_t switchThreshold = (context->user && context->isCoherent()) ? 2 : switchThresholdIncoherent;
+ vint<K> octant = ray.octant();
+ octant = select(valid, octant, vint<K>(0xffffffff));
+ /* test whether we have ray with opposing direction signs in the packet */
+ bool split = false;
+ {
+ size_t bits = valid_bits;
+ vbool<K> vsplit( false );
+ do
+ {
+ const size_t valid_index = bsf(bits);
+ vbool<K> octant_valid = octant[valid_index] == octant;
+ bits &= ~(size_t)movemask(octant_valid);
+ vsplit |= vint<K>(octant[valid_index]) == (octant^vint<K>(0x7));
+ } while (bits);
+ if (any(vsplit)) split = true;
+ }
+ do
+ {
+ const size_t valid_index = bsf(valid_bits);
+ const vint<K> diff_octant = vint<K>(octant[valid_index])^octant;
+ const vint<K> count_diff_octant = \
+ ((diff_octant >> 2) & 1) +
+ ((diff_octant >> 1) & 1) +
+ ((diff_octant >> 0) & 1);
+ vbool<K> octant_valid = (count_diff_octant <= 1) & (octant != vint<K>(0xffffffff));
+ if (!single || !split) octant_valid = valid; // deactivate octant sorting in pure chunk mode, otherwise instance traversal performance goes down
+ octant = select(octant_valid,vint<K>(0xffffffff),octant);
+ valid_bits &= ~(size_t)movemask(octant_valid);
+ tray.tnear = select(octant_valid, org_ray_tnear, vfloat<K>(pos_inf));
+ tray.tfar = select(octant_valid, org_ray_tfar , vfloat<K>(neg_inf));
+ /* allocate stack and push root node */
+ vfloat<K> stack_near[stackSizeChunk];
+ NodeRef stack_node[stackSizeChunk];
+ stack_node[0] = BVH::invalidNode;
+ stack_near[0] = inf;
+ stack_node[1] = bvh->root;
+ stack_near[1] = tray.tnear;
+ NodeRef* stackEnd MAYBE_UNUSED = stack_node+stackSizeChunk;
+ NodeRef* __restrict__ sptr_node = stack_node + 2;
+ vfloat<K>* __restrict__ sptr_near = stack_near + 2;
+ while (1) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node from stack */
+ assert(sptr_node > stack_node);
+ sptr_node--;
+ sptr_near--;
+ NodeRef cur = *sptr_node;
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::invalidNode)) {
+ assert(sptr_node == stack_node);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* cull node if behind closest hit point */
+ vfloat<K> curDist = *sptr_near;
+ const vbool<K> active = curDist < tray.tfar;
+ if (unlikely(none(active)))
+ continue;
+ /* switch to single ray traversal */
+#if (!defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__X86_64__)) && defined(__SSE4_2__)
+ if (single)
+ {
+ size_t bits = movemask(active);
+ if (unlikely(popcnt(bits) <= switchThreshold))
+ {
+ for (; bits!=0; ) {
+ const size_t i = bscf(bits);
+ intersect1(This, bvh, cur, i, pre, ray, tray, context);
+ }
+ tray.tfar = min(tray.tfar, ray.tfar);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ while (likely(!cur.isLeaf()))
+ {
+ /* process nodes */
+ const vbool<K> valid_node = tray.tfar > curDist;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_nodes, 1, popcnt(valid_node), K);
+ const NodeRef nodeRef = cur;
+ const BaseNode* __restrict__ const node = nodeRef.baseNode();
+ /* set cur to invalid */
+ cur = BVH::emptyNode;
+ curDist = pos_inf;
+ size_t num_child_hits = 0;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ {
+ const NodeRef child = node->children[i];
+ if (unlikely(child == BVH::emptyNode)) break;
+ vfloat<K> lnearP;
+ vbool<K> lhit = valid_node;
+ BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, types, robust>::intersect(nodeRef, i, tray, ray.time(), lnearP, lhit);
+ /* if we hit the child we choose to continue with that child if it
+ is closer than the current next child, or we push it onto the stack */
+ if (likely(any(lhit)))
+ {
+ assert(sptr_node < stackEnd);
+ assert(child != BVH::emptyNode);
+ const vfloat<K> childDist = select(lhit, lnearP, inf);
+ /* push cur node onto stack and continue with hit child */
+ if (any(childDist < curDist))
+ {
+ if (likely(cur != BVH::emptyNode)) {
+ num_child_hits++;
+ *sptr_node = cur; sptr_node++;
+ *sptr_near = curDist; sptr_near++;
+ }
+ curDist = childDist;
+ cur = child;
+ }
+ /* push hit child onto stack */
+ else {
+ num_child_hits++;
+ *sptr_node = child; sptr_node++;
+ *sptr_near = childDist; sptr_near++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ //STAT3(normal.trav_hit_boxes[num_child_hits], 1, 1, 1);
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::emptyNode))
+ goto pop;
+ /* improved distance sorting for 3 or more hits */
+ if (unlikely(num_child_hits >= 2))
+ {
+ if (any(sptr_near[-2] < sptr_near[-1]))
+ {
+ std::swap(sptr_near[-2],sptr_near[-1]);
+ std::swap(sptr_node[-2],sptr_node[-1]);
+ }
+ if (unlikely(num_child_hits >= 3))
+ {
+ if (any(sptr_near[-3] < sptr_near[-1]))
+ {
+ std::swap(sptr_near[-3],sptr_near[-1]);
+ std::swap(sptr_node[-3],sptr_node[-1]);
+ }
+ if (any(sptr_near[-3] < sptr_near[-2]))
+ {
+ std::swap(sptr_near[-3],sptr_near[-2]);
+ std::swap(sptr_node[-3],sptr_node[-2]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (single)
+ {
+ // seems to be the best place for testing utilization
+ if (unlikely(popcnt(tray.tfar > curDist) <= switchThreshold))
+ {
+ *sptr_node++ = cur;
+ *sptr_near++ = curDist;
+ goto pop;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* return if stack is empty */
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::invalidNode)) {
+ assert(sptr_node == stack_node);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* intersect leaf */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ const vbool<K> valid_leaf = tray.tfar > curDist;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_leaves, 1, popcnt(valid_leaf), K);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_leaf))) continue;
+ size_t items; const Primitive* prim = (Primitive*)cur.leaf(items);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ PrimitiveIntersectorK::intersect(valid_leaf, This, pre, ray, context, prim, items, tray, lazy_node);
+ tray.tfar = select(valid_leaf, ray.tfar, tray.tfar);
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ *sptr_node = lazy_node; sptr_node++;
+ *sptr_near = neg_inf; sptr_near++;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(valid_bits);
+ }
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersectorK, bool single>
+ void BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<N, K, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersectorK, single>::intersectCoherent(vint<K>* __restrict__ valid_i,
+ Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayHitK<K>& __restrict__ ray,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*)This->ptr;
+ /* filter out invalid rays */
+ vbool<K> valid = *valid_i == -1;
+ valid &= ray.valid();
+ /* return if there are no valid rays */
+ size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+ if (unlikely(valid_bits == 0)) return;
+ /* verify correct input */
+ assert(all(valid, ray.valid()));
+ assert(all(valid, ray.tnear() >= 0.0f));
+ assert(!(types & BVH_MB) || all(valid, (ray.time() >= 0.0f) & (ray.time() <= 1.0f)));
+ Precalculations pre(valid, ray);
+ /* load ray */
+ TravRayK<K, robust> tray(, ray.dir, single ? N : 0);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tnear = max(ray.tnear(), 0.0f);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tfar = max(ray.tfar , 0.0f);
+ vint<K> octant = ray.octant();
+ octant = select(valid, octant, vint<K>(0xffffffff));
+ do
+ {
+ const size_t valid_index = bsf(valid_bits);
+ const vbool<K> octant_valid = octant[valid_index] == octant;
+ valid_bits &= ~(size_t)movemask(octant_valid);
+ tray.tnear = select(octant_valid, org_ray_tnear, vfloat<K>(pos_inf));
+ tray.tfar = select(octant_valid, org_ray_tfar , vfloat<K>(neg_inf));
+ Frustum<robust> frustum;
+ frustum.template init<K>(octant_valid,, tray.rdir, tray.tnear, tray.tfar, N);
+ StackItemT<NodeRef> stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
+ StackItemT<NodeRef>* stackPtr = stack + 1; // current stack pointer
+ stack[0].ptr = bvh->root;
+ stack[0].dist = neg_inf;
+ while (1) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node from stack */
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ stackPtr--;
+ NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->ptr);
+ /* cull node if behind closest hit point */
+ vfloat<K> curDist = *(float*)&stackPtr->dist;
+ const vbool<K> active = curDist < tray.tfar;
+ if (unlikely(none(active))) continue;
+ while (likely(!cur.isLeaf()))
+ {
+ /* process nodes */
+ //STAT3(normal.trav_nodes, 1, popcnt(valid_node), K);
+ const NodeRef nodeRef = cur;
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = nodeRef.getAABBNode();
+ vfloat<N> fmin;
+ size_t m_frustum_node = intersectNodeFrustum<N>(node, frustum, fmin);
+ if (unlikely(!m_frustum_node)) goto pop;
+ cur = BVH::emptyNode;
+ curDist = pos_inf;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ //STAT3(normal.trav_hit_boxes[popcnt(m_frustum_node)], 1, 1, 1);
+ size_t num_child_hits = 0;
+ do {
+ const size_t i = bscf(m_frustum_node);
+ vfloat<K> lnearP;
+ vbool<K> lhit = false; // motion blur is not supported, so the initial value will be ignored
+ STAT3(normal.trav_nodes, 1, 1, 1);
+ BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, types, robust>::intersect(nodeRef, i, tray, ray.time(), lnearP, lhit);
+ if (likely(any(lhit)))
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> childDist = fmin[i];
+ const NodeRef child = node->child(i);
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(child);
+ if (any(childDist < curDist))
+ {
+ if (likely(cur != BVH::emptyNode)) {
+ num_child_hits++;
+ stackPtr->ptr = cur;
+ *(float*)&stackPtr->dist = toScalar(curDist);
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ curDist = childDist;
+ cur = child;
+ }
+ /* push hit child onto stack */
+ else {
+ num_child_hits++;
+ stackPtr->ptr = child;
+ *(float*)&stackPtr->dist = toScalar(childDist);
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(m_frustum_node);
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::emptyNode)) goto pop;
+ /* improved distance sorting for 3 or more hits */
+ if (unlikely(num_child_hits >= 2))
+ {
+ if (stackPtr[-2].dist < stackPtr[-1].dist)
+ std::swap(stackPtr[-2],stackPtr[-1]);
+ if (unlikely(num_child_hits >= 3))
+ {
+ if (stackPtr[-3].dist < stackPtr[-1].dist)
+ std::swap(stackPtr[-3],stackPtr[-1]);
+ if (stackPtr[-3].dist < stackPtr[-2].dist)
+ std::swap(stackPtr[-3],stackPtr[-2]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* intersect leaf */
+ assert(cur != BVH::invalidNode);
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ const vbool<K> valid_leaf = tray.tfar > curDist;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_leaves, 1, popcnt(valid_leaf), K);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_leaf))) continue;
+ size_t items; const Primitive* prim = (Primitive*)cur.leaf(items);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ PrimitiveIntersectorK::intersect(valid_leaf, This, pre, ray, context, prim, items, tray, lazy_node);
+ /* reduce max distance interval on successful intersection */
+ if (likely(any((ray.tfar < tray.tfar) & valid_leaf)))
+ {
+ tray.tfar = select(valid_leaf, ray.tfar, tray.tfar);
+ frustum.template updateMaxDist<K>(tray.tfar);
+ }
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ stackPtr->ptr = lazy_node;
+ stackPtr->dist = neg_inf;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(valid_bits);
+ }
+ // ===================================================================================================================================================================
+ // ===================================================================================================================================================================
+ // ===================================================================================================================================================================
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersectorK, bool single>
+ bool BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<N, K, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersectorK, single>::occluded1(Accel::Intersectors* This,
+ const BVH* bvh,
+ NodeRef root,
+ size_t k,
+ Precalculations& pre,
+ RayK<K>& ray,
+ const TravRayK<K, robust>& tray,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ /* stack state */
+ NodeRef stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes that still need to get traversed
+ NodeRef* stackPtr = stack+1; // current stack pointer
+ NodeRef* stackEnd = stack+stackSizeSingle;
+ stack[0] = root;
+ /* load the ray into SIMD registers */
+ TravRay<N,robust> tray1;
+ tray1.template init<K>(k,, tray.dir, tray.rdir, tray.nearXYZ, tray.tnear[k], tray.tfar[k]);
+ /* pop loop */
+ while (true) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node */
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ stackPtr--;
+ NodeRef cur = (NodeRef)*stackPtr;
+ /* downtraversal loop */
+ while (true)
+ {
+ /* intersect node */
+ size_t mask; vfloat<N> tNear;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_nodes, 1, 1, 1);
+ bool nodeIntersected = BVHNNodeIntersector1<N, types, robust>::intersect(cur, tray1, ray.time()[k], tNear, mask);
+ if (unlikely(!nodeIntersected)) { STAT3(shadow.trav_nodes,-1,-1,-1); break; }
+ /* if no child is hit, pop next node */
+ if (unlikely(mask == 0))
+ goto pop;
+ /* select next child and push other children */
+ BVHNNodeTraverser1Hit<N, types>::traverseAnyHit(cur, mask, tNear, stackPtr, stackEnd);
+ }
+ /* this is a leaf node */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_leaves, 1, 1, 1);
+ size_t num; Primitive* prim = (Primitive*)cur.leaf(num);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ if (PrimitiveIntersectorK::occluded(This, pre, ray, k, context, prim, num, tray1, lazy_node)) {
+ ray.tfar[k] = neg_inf;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ *stackPtr = lazy_node;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersectorK, bool single>
+ void BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<N, K, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersectorK, single>::occluded(vint<K>* __restrict__ valid_i,
+ Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayK<K>& __restrict__ ray,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*)This->ptr;
+ /* we may traverse an empty BVH in case all geometry was invalid */
+ if (bvh->root == BVH::emptyNode)
+ return;
+ assert(context);
+ if (unlikely(types == BVH_AN1 && context->user && context->isCoherent()))
+ {
+ occludedCoherent(valid_i, This, ray, context);
+ return;
+ }
+ /* filter out already occluded and invalid rays */
+ vbool<K> valid = (*valid_i == -1) & (ray.tfar >= 0.0f);
+ valid &= ray.valid();
+ /* return if there are no valid rays */
+ const size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+ if (unlikely(valid_bits == 0)) return;
+ /* verify correct input */
+ assert(all(valid, ray.valid()));
+ assert(all(valid, ray.tnear() >= 0.0f));
+ assert(!(types & BVH_MB) || all(valid, (ray.time() >= 0.0f) & (ray.time() <= 1.0f)));
+ Precalculations pre(valid, ray);
+ /* load ray */
+ TravRayK<K, robust> tray(, ray.dir, single ? N : 0);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tnear = max(ray.tnear(), 0.0f);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tfar = max(ray.tfar , 0.0f);
+ tray.tnear = select(valid, org_ray_tnear, vfloat<K>(pos_inf));
+ tray.tfar = select(valid, org_ray_tfar , vfloat<K>(neg_inf));
+ vbool<K> terminated = !valid;
+ const vfloat<K> inf = vfloat<K>(pos_inf);
+ /* determine switch threshold based on flags */
+ const size_t switchThreshold = (context->user && context->isCoherent()) ? 2 : switchThresholdIncoherent;
+ /* allocate stack and push root node */
+ vfloat<K> stack_near[stackSizeChunk];
+ NodeRef stack_node[stackSizeChunk];
+ stack_node[0] = BVH::invalidNode;
+ stack_near[0] = inf;
+ stack_node[1] = bvh->root;
+ stack_near[1] = tray.tnear;
+ NodeRef* stackEnd MAYBE_UNUSED = stack_node+stackSizeChunk;
+ NodeRef* __restrict__ sptr_node = stack_node + 2;
+ vfloat<K>* __restrict__ sptr_near = stack_near + 2;
+ while (1) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node from stack */
+ assert(sptr_node > stack_node);
+ sptr_node--;
+ sptr_near--;
+ NodeRef cur = *sptr_node;
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::invalidNode)) {
+ assert(sptr_node == stack_node);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* cull node if behind closest hit point */
+ vfloat<K> curDist = *sptr_near;
+ const vbool<K> active = curDist < tray.tfar;
+ if (unlikely(none(active)))
+ continue;
+ /* switch to single ray traversal */
+#if (!defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__X86_64__)) && defined(__SSE4_2__)
+ if (single)
+ {
+ size_t bits = movemask(active);
+ if (unlikely(popcnt(bits) <= switchThreshold))
+ {
+ for (; bits!=0; ) {
+ const size_t i = bscf(bits);
+ if (occluded1(This, bvh, cur, i, pre, ray, tray, context))
+ set(terminated, i);
+ }
+ if (all(terminated)) break;
+ tray.tfar = select(terminated, vfloat<K>(neg_inf), tray.tfar);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ while (likely(!cur.isLeaf()))
+ {
+ /* process nodes */
+ const vbool<K> valid_node = tray.tfar > curDist;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_nodes, 1, popcnt(valid_node), K);
+ const NodeRef nodeRef = cur;
+ const BaseNode* __restrict__ const node = nodeRef.baseNode();
+ /* set cur to invalid */
+ cur = BVH::emptyNode;
+ curDist = pos_inf;
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ {
+ const NodeRef child = node->children[i];
+ if (unlikely(child == BVH::emptyNode)) break;
+ vfloat<K> lnearP;
+ vbool<K> lhit = valid_node;
+ BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, types, robust>::intersect(nodeRef, i, tray, ray.time(), lnearP, lhit);
+ /* if we hit the child we push the previously hit node onto the stack, and continue with the currently hit child */
+ if (likely(any(lhit)))
+ {
+ assert(sptr_node < stackEnd);
+ assert(child != BVH::emptyNode);
+ const vfloat<K> childDist = select(lhit, lnearP, inf);
+ /* push 'cur' node onto stack and continue with hit child */
+ if (likely(cur != BVH::emptyNode)) {
+ *sptr_node = cur; sptr_node++;
+ *sptr_near = curDist; sptr_near++;
+ }
+ curDist = childDist;
+ cur = child;
+ }
+ }
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::emptyNode))
+ goto pop;
+ if (single)
+ {
+ // seems to be the best place for testing utilization
+ if (unlikely(popcnt(tray.tfar > curDist) <= switchThreshold))
+ {
+ *sptr_node++ = cur;
+ *sptr_near++ = curDist;
+ goto pop;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* return if stack is empty */
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::invalidNode)) {
+ assert(sptr_node == stack_node);
+ break;
+ }
+ /* intersect leaf */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ const vbool<K> valid_leaf = tray.tfar > curDist;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_leaves, 1, popcnt(valid_leaf), K);
+ if (unlikely(none(valid_leaf))) continue;
+ size_t items; const Primitive* prim = (Primitive*) cur.leaf(items);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ terminated |= PrimitiveIntersectorK::occluded(!terminated, This, pre, ray, context, prim, items, tray, lazy_node);
+ if (all(terminated)) break;
+ tray.tfar = select(terminated, vfloat<K>(neg_inf), tray.tfar); // ignore node intersections for terminated rays
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ *sptr_node = lazy_node; sptr_node++;
+ *sptr_near = neg_inf; sptr_near++;
+ }
+ }
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid & terminated, &ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ }
+ template<int N, int K, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersectorK, bool single>
+ void BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<N, K, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersectorK, single>::occludedCoherent(vint<K>* __restrict__ valid_i,
+ Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayK<K>& __restrict__ ray,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*)This->ptr;
+ /* filter out invalid rays */
+ vbool<K> valid = *valid_i == -1;
+ valid &= ray.valid();
+ /* return if there are no valid rays */
+ size_t valid_bits = movemask(valid);
+ if (unlikely(valid_bits == 0)) return;
+ /* verify correct input */
+ assert(all(valid, ray.valid()));
+ assert(all(valid, ray.tnear() >= 0.0f));
+ assert(!(types & BVH_MB) || all(valid, (ray.time() >= 0.0f) & (ray.time() <= 1.0f)));
+ Precalculations pre(valid,ray);
+ /* load ray */
+ TravRayK<K, robust> tray(, ray.dir, single ? N : 0);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tnear = max(ray.tnear(), 0.0f);
+ const vfloat<K> org_ray_tfar = max(ray.tfar , 0.0f);
+ vbool<K> terminated = !valid;
+ vint<K> octant = ray.octant();
+ octant = select(valid, octant, vint<K>(0xffffffff));
+ do
+ {
+ const size_t valid_index = bsf(valid_bits);
+ vbool<K> octant_valid = octant[valid_index] == octant;
+ valid_bits &= ~(size_t)movemask(octant_valid);
+ tray.tnear = select(octant_valid, org_ray_tnear, vfloat<K>(pos_inf));
+ tray.tfar = select(octant_valid, org_ray_tfar, vfloat<K>(neg_inf));
+ Frustum<robust> frustum;
+ frustum.template init<K>(octant_valid,, tray.rdir, tray.tnear, tray.tfar, N);
+ StackItemMaskT<NodeRef> stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
+ StackItemMaskT<NodeRef>* stackPtr = stack + 1; // current stack pointer
+ stack[0].ptr = bvh->root;
+ stack[0].mask = movemask(octant_valid);
+ while (1) pop:
+ {
+ /* pop next node from stack */
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ stackPtr--;
+ NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->ptr);
+ /* cull node of active rays have already been terminated */
+ size_t m_active = (size_t)stackPtr->mask & (~(size_t)movemask(terminated));
+ if (unlikely(m_active == 0)) continue;
+ while (likely(!cur.isLeaf()))
+ {
+ /* process nodes */
+ //STAT3(normal.trav_nodes, 1, popcnt(valid_node), K);
+ const NodeRef nodeRef = cur;
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = nodeRef.getAABBNode();
+ vfloat<N> fmin;
+ size_t m_frustum_node = intersectNodeFrustum<N>(node, frustum, fmin);
+ if (unlikely(!m_frustum_node)) goto pop;
+ cur = BVH::emptyNode;
+ m_active = 0;
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ //STAT3(normal.trav_hit_boxes[popcnt(m_frustum_node)], 1, 1, 1);
+ size_t num_child_hits = 0;
+ do {
+ const size_t i = bscf(m_frustum_node);
+ vfloat<K> lnearP;
+ vbool<K> lhit = false; // motion blur is not supported, so the initial value will be ignored
+ STAT3(normal.trav_nodes, 1, 1, 1);
+ BVHNNodeIntersectorK<N, K, types, robust>::intersect(nodeRef, i, tray, ray.time(), lnearP, lhit);
+ if (likely(any(lhit)))
+ {
+ const NodeRef child = node->child(i);
+ assert(child != BVH::emptyNode);
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(child);
+ if (likely(cur != BVH::emptyNode)) {
+ num_child_hits++;
+ stackPtr->ptr = cur;
+ stackPtr->mask = m_active;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ cur = child;
+ m_active = movemask(lhit);
+ }
+ } while(m_frustum_node);
+ if (unlikely(cur == BVH::emptyNode)) goto pop;
+ }
+ /* intersect leaf */
+ assert(cur != BVH::invalidNode);
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+#if defined(__AVX__)
+ STAT3(normal.trav_leaves, 1, popcnt(m_active), K);
+ if (unlikely(!m_active)) continue;
+ size_t items; const Primitive* prim = (Primitive*)cur.leaf(items);
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ terminated |= PrimitiveIntersectorK::occluded(!terminated, This, pre, ray, context, prim, items, tray, lazy_node);
+ octant_valid &= !terminated;
+ if (unlikely(none(octant_valid))) break;
+ tray.tfar = select(terminated, vfloat<K>(neg_inf), tray.tfar); // ignore node intersections for terminated rays
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node)) {
+ stackPtr->ptr = lazy_node;
+ stackPtr->mask = movemask(octant_valid);
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ } while(valid_bits);
+ vfloat<K>::store(valid & terminated, &ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid4_bvh4.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid4_bvh4.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2137da6a25
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_hybrid4_bvh4.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_intersector_hybrid.cpp"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// BVH4Intersector4 Definitions
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4Intersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA false> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4iIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMiIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4vIntersector4HybridPluecker, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMvIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4iIntersector4HybridPluecker, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMiIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMvMBIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMiMBIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4vMBIntersector4HybridPluecker, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMvMBIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Triangle4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA TriangleMiMBIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA QuadMvIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true > > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridMoellerNoFilter,BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA QuadMvIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA false> > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Quad4iIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA QuadMiIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true > > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Quad4vIntersector4HybridPluecker, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA QuadMvIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA 4 COMMA true > > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Quad4iIntersector4HybridPluecker, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA QuadMiIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA 4 COMMA true > > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA QuadMiMBIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true > > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4Quad4iMBIntersector4HybridPluecker,BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA true COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA QuadMiMBIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA 4 COMMA true > > >));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4Hybrid, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1_UN1 COMMA false COMMA VirtualCurveIntersectorK<4> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersector4HybridMB,BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D_UN2 COMMA false COMMA VirtualCurveIntersectorK<4> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4Hybrid, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1_UN1 COMMA true COMMA VirtualCurveIntersectorK<4> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_CURVES_OR_POINTS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4OBBVirtualCurveIntersectorRobust4HybridMB,BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D_UN2 COMMA true COMMA VirtualCurveIntersectorK<4> >));
+ //IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector4, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA SubdivPatch1Intersector4>));
+ IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4SubdivPatch1Intersector4, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA SubdivPatch1Intersector4>));
+ IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector4, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA SubdivPatch1MBIntersector4>));
+ //IF_ENABLED_SUBDIV(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4SubdivPatch1MBIntersector4, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA SubdivPatch1MBIntersector4>));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4VirtualIntersector4Chunk, BVHNIntersectorKChunk<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA ObjectIntersector4> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4VirtualMBIntersector4Chunk, BVHNIntersectorKChunk<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA ObjectIntersector4MB> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4InstanceIntersector4Chunk, BVHNIntersectorKChunk<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA InstanceIntersectorK<4>> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4InstanceMBIntersector4Chunk, BVHNIntersectorKChunk<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA false COMMA ArrayIntersectorK_1<4 COMMA InstanceIntersectorKMB<4>> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4GridIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA SubGridIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> >));
+ //IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4GridIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKChunk<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA SubGridIntersectorKMoeller <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4GridMBIntersector4HybridMoeller, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN2_AN4D COMMA true COMMA SubGridMBIntersectorKPluecker <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> >));
+ IF_ENABLED_GRIDS(DEFINE_INTERSECTOR4(BVH4GridIntersector4HybridPluecker, BVHNIntersectorKHybrid<4 COMMA 4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA SubGridIntersectorKPluecker <4 COMMA 4 COMMA true> >));
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a74d8468d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,528 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_intersector_stream.h"
+#include "../geometry/intersector_iterators.h"
+#include "../geometry/triangle_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglev_mb_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/trianglei_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadv_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/quadi_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/linei_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/subdivpatch1_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/object_intersector.h"
+#include "../geometry/instance_intersector.h"
+#include "../common/scene.h"
+#include <bitset>
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ __aligned(64) static const int shiftTable[32] = {
+ (int)1 << 0, (int)1 << 1, (int)1 << 2, (int)1 << 3, (int)1 << 4, (int)1 << 5, (int)1 << 6, (int)1 << 7,
+ (int)1 << 8, (int)1 << 9, (int)1 << 10, (int)1 << 11, (int)1 << 12, (int)1 << 13, (int)1 << 14, (int)1 << 15,
+ (int)1 << 16, (int)1 << 17, (int)1 << 18, (int)1 << 19, (int)1 << 20, (int)1 << 21, (int)1 << 22, (int)1 << 23,
+ (int)1 << 24, (int)1 << 25, (int)1 << 26, (int)1 << 27, (int)1 << 28, (int)1 << 29, (int)1 << 30, (int)1 << 31
+ };
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
+ __forceinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::intersect(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayHitN** inputPackets,
+ size_t numOctantRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ /* we may traverse an empty BVH in case all geometry was invalid */
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*) This->ptr;
+ if (bvh->root == BVH::emptyNode)
+ return;
+ // Only the coherent code path is implemented
+ assert(context->isCoherent());
+ intersectCoherent(This, (RayHitK<VSIZEL>**)inputPackets, numOctantRays, context);
+ }
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::intersectCoherent(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayHitK<K>** inputPackets,
+ size_t numOctantRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ assert(context->isCoherent());
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*) This->ptr;
+ __aligned(64) StackItemMaskCoherent stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
+ assert(numOctantRays <= MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE);
+ __aligned(64) TravRayKStream<K, robust> packets[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE/K];
+ __aligned(64) Frustum<robust> frustum;
+ bool commonOctant = true;
+ const size_t m_active = initPacketsAndFrustum((RayK<K>**)inputPackets, numOctantRays, packets, frustum, commonOctant);
+ if (unlikely(m_active == 0)) return;
+ /* case of non-common origin */
+ if (unlikely(!commonOctant))
+ {
+ const size_t numPackets = (numOctantRays+K-1)/K;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
+ This->intersect(inputPackets[i]->tnear() <= inputPackets[i]->tfar, *inputPackets[i], context);
+ return;
+ }
+ stack[0].mask = m_active;
+ stack[0].parent = 0;
+ stack[0].child = bvh->root;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ StackItemMaskCoherent* stackPtr = stack + 1;
+ while (1) pop:
+ {
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_stack_pop,1,1,1);
+ stackPtr--;
+ /*! pop next node */
+ NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->child);
+ size_t m_trav_active = stackPtr->mask;
+ assert(m_trav_active);
+ NodeRef parent = stackPtr->parent;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(cur.isLeaf())) break;
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = cur.getAABBNode();
+ parent = cur;
+ __aligned(64) size_t maskK[N];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ maskK[i] = m_trav_active;
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ const size_t m_node_hit = traverseCoherentStream(m_trav_active, packets, node, frustum, maskK, dist);
+ if (unlikely(m_node_hit == 0)) goto pop;
+ BVHNNodeTraverserStreamHitCoherent<N, types>::traverseClosestHit(cur, m_trav_active, vbool<N>((int)m_node_hit), dist, (size_t*)maskK, stackPtr);
+ assert(m_trav_active);
+ }
+ /* non-root and leaf => full culling test for all rays */
+ if (unlikely(parent != 0 && cur.isLeaf()))
+ {
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = parent.getAABBNode();
+ size_t boxID = 0xff;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ if (node->child(i) == cur) { boxID = i; break; }
+ assert(boxID < N);
+ assert(cur == node->child(boxID));
+ m_trav_active = intersectAABBNodePacket(m_trav_active, packets, node, boxID,;
+ }
+ /*! this is a leaf node */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_leaves, 1, 1, 1);
+ size_t num; PrimitiveK<K>* prim = (PrimitiveK<K>*)cur.leaf(num);
+ size_t bits = m_trav_active;
+ /*! intersect stream of rays with all primitives */
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+#if defined(__SSE4_2__)
+ STAT_USER(1,(popcnt(bits)+K-1)/K*4);
+ while(bits)
+ {
+ size_t i = bsf(bits) / K;
+ const size_t m_isec = ((((size_t)1 << K)-1) << (i*K));
+ assert(m_isec & bits);
+ bits &= ~m_isec;
+ TravRayKStream<K, robust>& p = packets[i];
+ vbool<K> m_valid = p.tnear <= p.tfar;
+ PrimitiveIntersectorK<K>::intersectK(m_valid, This, *inputPackets[i], context, prim, num, lazy_node);
+ p.tfar = min(p.tfar, inputPackets[i]->tfar);
+ };
+ } // traversal + intersection
+ }
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
+ __forceinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::occluded(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayN** inputPackets,
+ size_t numOctantRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ /* we may traverse an empty BVH in case all geometry was invalid */
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*) This->ptr;
+ if (bvh->root == BVH::emptyNode)
+ return;
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ occludedCoherent(This, (RayK<VSIZEL>**)inputPackets, numOctantRays, context);
+ else
+ occludedIncoherent(This, (RayK<VSIZEX>**)inputPackets, numOctantRays, context);
+ }
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
+ template<int K>
+ __noinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::occludedCoherent(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayK<K>** inputPackets,
+ size_t numOctantRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ assert(context->isCoherent());
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*)This->ptr;
+ __aligned(64) StackItemMaskCoherent stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
+ assert(numOctantRays <= MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE);
+ /* inactive rays should have been filtered out before */
+ __aligned(64) TravRayKStream<K, robust> packets[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE/K];
+ __aligned(64) Frustum<robust> frustum;
+ bool commonOctant = true;
+ size_t m_active = initPacketsAndFrustum(inputPackets, numOctantRays, packets, frustum, commonOctant);
+ /* valid rays */
+ if (unlikely(m_active == 0)) return;
+ /* case of non-common origin */
+ if (unlikely(!commonOctant))
+ {
+ const size_t numPackets = (numOctantRays+K-1)/K;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
+ This->occluded(inputPackets[i]->tnear() <= inputPackets[i]->tfar, *inputPackets[i], context);
+ return;
+ }
+ stack[0].mask = m_active;
+ stack[0].parent = 0;
+ stack[0].child = bvh->root;
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ StackItemMaskCoherent* stackPtr = stack + 1;
+ while (1) pop:
+ {
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ STAT3(normal.trav_stack_pop,1,1,1);
+ stackPtr--;
+ /*! pop next node */
+ NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->child);
+ size_t m_trav_active = stackPtr->mask & m_active;
+ if (unlikely(!m_trav_active)) continue;
+ assert(m_trav_active);
+ NodeRef parent = stackPtr->parent;
+ while (1)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(cur.isLeaf())) break;
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = cur.getAABBNode();
+ parent = cur;
+ __aligned(64) size_t maskK[N];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ maskK[i] = m_trav_active;
+ vfloat<N> dist;
+ const size_t m_node_hit = traverseCoherentStream(m_trav_active, packets, node, frustum, maskK, dist);
+ if (unlikely(m_node_hit == 0)) goto pop;
+ BVHNNodeTraverserStreamHitCoherent<N, types>::traverseAnyHit(cur, m_trav_active, vbool<N>((int)m_node_hit), (size_t*)maskK, stackPtr);
+ assert(m_trav_active);
+ }
+ /* non-root and leaf => full culling test for all rays */
+ if (unlikely(parent != 0 && cur.isLeaf()))
+ {
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = parent.getAABBNode();
+ size_t boxID = 0xff;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i++)
+ if (node->child(i) == cur) { boxID = i; break; }
+ assert(boxID < N);
+ assert(cur == node->child(boxID));
+ m_trav_active = intersectAABBNodePacket(m_trav_active, packets, node, boxID,;
+ }
+ /*! this is a leaf node */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ STAT3(normal.trav_leaves, 1, 1, 1);
+ size_t num; PrimitiveK<K>* prim = (PrimitiveK<K>*)cur.leaf(num);
+ size_t bits = m_trav_active & m_active;
+ /*! intersect stream of rays with all primitives */
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+#if defined(__SSE4_2__)
+ STAT_USER(1,(popcnt(bits)+K-1)/K*4);
+ while (bits)
+ {
+ size_t i = bsf(bits) / K;
+ const size_t m_isec = ((((size_t)1 << K)-1) << (i*K));
+ assert(m_isec & bits);
+ bits &= ~m_isec;
+ TravRayKStream<K, robust>& p = packets[i];
+ vbool<K> m_valid = p.tnear <= p.tfar;
+ vbool<K> m_hit = PrimitiveIntersectorK<K>::occludedK(m_valid, This, *inputPackets[i], context, prim, num, lazy_node);
+ inputPackets[i]->tfar = select(m_hit & m_valid, vfloat<K>(neg_inf), inputPackets[i]->tfar);
+ m_active &= ~((size_t)movemask(m_hit) << (i*K));
+ }
+ } // traversal + intersection
+ }
+ template<int N, int types, bool robust, typename PrimitiveIntersector>
+ template<int K>
+ __forceinline void BVHNIntersectorStream<N, types, robust, PrimitiveIntersector>::occludedIncoherent(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayK<K>** inputPackets,
+ size_t numOctantRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ assert(!context->isCoherent());
+ assert(types & BVH_FLAG_ALIGNED_NODE);
+ __aligned(64) TravRayKStream<K,robust> packet[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE/K];
+ assert(numOctantRays <= 32);
+ const size_t numPackets = (numOctantRays+K-1)/K;
+ size_t m_active = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
+ {
+ const vfloat<K> tnear = inputPackets[i]->tnear();
+ const vfloat<K> tfar = inputPackets[i]->tfar;
+ vbool<K> m_valid = (tnear <= tfar) & (tnear >= 0.0f);
+ m_active |= (size_t)movemask(m_valid) << (K*i);
+ const Vec3vf<K>& org = inputPackets[i]->org;
+ const Vec3vf<K>& dir = inputPackets[i]->dir;
+ vfloat<K> packet_min_dist = max(tnear, 0.0f);
+ vfloat<K> packet_max_dist = select(m_valid, tfar, neg_inf);
+ new (&packet[i]) TravRayKStream<K,robust>(org, dir, packet_min_dist, packet_max_dist);
+ }
+ BVH* __restrict__ bvh = (BVH*)This->ptr;
+ StackItemMaskT<NodeRef> stack[stackSizeSingle]; // stack of nodes
+ StackItemMaskT<NodeRef>* stackPtr = stack + 1; // current stack pointer
+ stack[0].ptr = bvh->root;
+ stack[0].mask = m_active;
+ size_t terminated = ~m_active;
+ /* near/far offsets based on first ray */
+ const NearFarPrecalculations nf(Vec3fa(packet[0].rdir.x[0], packet[0].rdir.y[0], packet[0].rdir.z[0]), N);
+ while (1) pop:
+ {
+ if (unlikely(stackPtr == stack)) break;
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_stack_pop,1,1,1);
+ stackPtr--;
+ NodeRef cur = NodeRef(stackPtr->ptr);
+ size_t cur_mask = stackPtr->mask & (~terminated);
+ if (unlikely(cur_mask == 0)) continue;
+ while (true)
+ {
+ /*! stop if we found a leaf node */
+ if (unlikely(cur.isLeaf())) break;
+ const AABBNode* __restrict__ const node = cur.getAABBNode();
+ const vint<N> vmask = traverseIncoherentStream(cur_mask, packet, node, nf, shiftTable);
+ size_t mask = movemask(vmask != vint<N>(zero));
+ if (unlikely(mask == 0)) goto pop;
+ __aligned(64) unsigned int child_mask[N];
+ vint<N>::storeu(child_mask, vmask); // this explicit store here causes much better code generation
+ /*! one child is hit, continue with that child */
+ size_t r = bscf(mask);
+ assert(r < N);
+ cur = node->child(r);
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(cur,types);
+ cur_mask = child_mask[r];
+ /* simple in order sequence */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) continue;
+ stackPtr->ptr = cur;
+ stackPtr->mask = cur_mask;
+ stackPtr++;
+ for (; ;)
+ {
+ r = bscf(mask);
+ assert(r < N);
+ cur = node->child(r);
+ BVHN<N>::prefetch(cur,types);
+ cur_mask = child_mask[r];
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ if (likely(mask == 0)) break;
+ stackPtr->ptr = cur;
+ stackPtr->mask = cur_mask;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ /*! this is a leaf node */
+ assert(cur != BVH::emptyNode);
+ STAT3(shadow.trav_leaves,1,1,1);
+ size_t num; PrimitiveK<K>* prim = (PrimitiveK<K>*)cur.leaf(num);
+ size_t bits = cur_mask;
+ size_t lazy_node = 0;
+ for (; bits != 0;)
+ {
+ const size_t rayID = bscf(bits);
+ RayK<K> &ray = *inputPackets[rayID / K];
+ const size_t k = rayID % K;
+ if (PrimitiveIntersectorK<K>::occluded(This, ray, k, context, prim, num, lazy_node))
+ {
+ ray.tfar[k] = neg_inf;
+ terminated |= (size_t)1 << rayID;
+ }
+ /* lazy node */
+ if (unlikely(lazy_node))
+ {
+ stackPtr->ptr = lazy_node;
+ stackPtr->mask = cur_mask;
+ stackPtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (unlikely(terminated == (size_t)-1)) break;
+ }
+ }
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// ArrayIntersectorKStream Definitions
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,TriangleMIntersectorKMoeller<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,TriangleMvIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,TriangleMiIntersectorKMoeller<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,TriangleMiIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,QuadMvIntersectorKMoeller<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,QuadMiIntersectorKMoeller<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,QuadMvIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ template<bool filter>
+ struct Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,QuadMiIntersectorKPluecker<4 COMMA K COMMA true>>;
+ };
+ struct ObjectIntersectorStream {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,ObjectIntersectorK<K COMMA false>>;
+ };
+ struct InstanceIntersectorStream {
+ template<int K> using Type = ArrayIntersectorKStream<K,InstanceIntersectorK<K>>;
+ };
+ // =====================================================================================================
+ // =====================================================================================================
+ // =====================================================================================================
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback<N>::intersect(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayHitN** inputRays,
+ size_t numTotalRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ intersectK(This, (RayHitK<VSIZEL>**)inputRays, numTotalRays, context);
+ else
+ intersectK(This, (RayHitK<VSIZEX>**)inputRays, numTotalRays, context);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ void BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback<N>::occluded(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayN** inputRays,
+ size_t numTotalRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ occludedK(This, (RayK<VSIZEL>**)inputRays, numTotalRays, context);
+ else
+ occludedK(This, (RayK<VSIZEX>**)inputRays, numTotalRays, context);
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ template<int K>
+ __noinline void BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback<N>::intersectK(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayHitK<K>** inputRays,
+ size_t numTotalRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ /* fallback to packets */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numTotalRays; i += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(i)) + vint<K>(step);
+ vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numTotalRays));
+ RayHitK<K>& ray = *(inputRays[i / K]);
+ valid &= ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
+ This->intersect(valid, ray, context);
+ }
+ }
+ template<int N>
+ template<int K>
+ __noinline void BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback<N>::occludedK(Accel::Intersectors* __restrict__ This,
+ RayK<K>** inputRays,
+ size_t numTotalRays,
+ IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ /* fallback to packets */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numTotalRays; i += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(i)) + vint<K>(step);
+ vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numTotalRays));
+ RayK<K>& ray = *(inputRays[i / K]);
+ valid &= ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
+ This->occluded(valid, ray, context);
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_bvh4.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_bvh4.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3e5f137b8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_bvh4.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_intersector_stream.cpp"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// General BVHIntersectorStreamPacketFallback Intersector
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4IntersectorStreamPacketFallback,BVHNIntersectorStreamPacketFallback<4>);
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ /// BVH4IntersectorStream Definitions
+ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA Triangle4iIntersectorStreamMoeller<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA Triangle4vIntersectorStreamPluecker<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA Triangle4iIntersectorStreamPluecker<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_TRIS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA Triangle4IntersectorStreamMoeller<false>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoellerNoFilter,BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA Quad4vIntersectorStreamMoeller<false>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA Quad4iIntersectorStreamMoeller<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA Quad4vIntersectorStreamPluecker<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_QUADS(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker, BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA true COMMA Quad4iIntersectorStreamPluecker<true>>));
+ IF_ENABLED_USER(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4VirtualIntersectorStream,BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA ObjectIntersectorStream>));
+ IF_ENABLED_INSTANCE(DEFINE_INTERSECTORN(BVH4InstanceIntersectorStream,BVHNIntersectorStream<4 COMMA BVH_AN1 COMMA false COMMA InstanceIntersectorStream>));
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_filters.cpp b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_filters.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b858eb163f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree/kernels/bvh/bvh_intersector_stream_filters.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2021 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#include "bvh_intersector_stream_filters.h"
+#include "bvh_intersector_stream.h"
+namespace embree
+ namespace isa
+ {
+ template<int K, bool intersect>
+ __noinline void RayStreamFilter::filterAOS(Scene* scene, void* _rayN, size_t N, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ RayStreamAOS rayN(_rayN);
+ /* use fast path for coherent ray mode */
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ {
+ __aligned(64) RayTypeK<K, intersect> rays[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ __aligned(64) RayTypeK<K, intersect>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i += MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE)
+ {
+ const size_t size = min(N - i, MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE);
+ /* convert from AOS to SOA */
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vij = vint<K>(int(i+j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vij < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const vint<K> offset = vij * int(stride);
+ const size_t packetIndex = j / K;
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect> ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ ray.tnear() = select(valid, ray.tnear(), zero);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid, ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ rays[packetIndex] = ray;
+ rayPtrs[packetIndex] = &rays[packetIndex]; // rayPtrs might get reordered for occludedN
+ }
+ /* trace stream */
+ scene->intersectors.intersectN(rayPtrs, size, context);
+ /* convert from SOA to AOS */
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vij = vint<K>(int(i+j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vij < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const vint<K> offset = vij * int(stride);
+ const size_t packetIndex = j / K;
+ rayN.setHitByOffset(valid, offset, rays[packetIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (unlikely(!intersect))
+ {
+ /* octant sorting for occlusion rays */
+ __aligned(64) unsigned int octants[8][MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K> rays[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ unsigned int raysInOctant[8];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ raysInOctant[i] = 0;
+ size_t inputRayID = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ int curOctant = -1;
+ /* sort rays into octants */
+ for (; inputRayID < N;)
+ {
+ const Ray& ray = rayN.getRayByOffset(inputRayID * stride);
+ /* skip invalid rays */
+ if (unlikely(ray.tnear() > ray.tfar || ray.tfar < 0.0f)) { inputRayID++; continue; } // ignore invalid or already occluded rays
+ if (unlikely(!ray.valid())) { inputRayID++; continue; }
+ const unsigned int octantID = movemask(vfloat4(Vec3fa(ray.dir)) < 0.0f) & 0x7;
+ assert(octantID < 8);
+ octants[octantID][raysInOctant[octantID]++] = (unsigned int)inputRayID;
+ inputRayID++;
+ if (unlikely(raysInOctant[octantID] == MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE))
+ {
+ curOctant = octantID;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* need to flush rays in octant? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ if (raysInOctant[i]) { curOctant = i; break; }
+ }
+ /* all rays traced? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ break;
+ unsigned int* const rayIDs = &octants[curOctant][0];
+ const unsigned int numOctantRays = raysInOctant[curOctant];
+ assert(numOctantRays);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> offset = *(vint<K>*)&rayIDs[j] * int(stride);
+ RayK<K>& ray = rays[j/K];
+ rayPtrs[j/K] = &ray;
+ ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ ray.tnear() = select(valid, ray.tnear(), zero);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid, ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ }
+ scene->intersectors.occludedN(rayPtrs, numOctantRays, context);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> offset = *(vint<K>*)&rayIDs[j] * int(stride);
+ rayN.setHitByOffset<K>(valid, offset, rays[j/K]);
+ }
+ raysInOctant[curOctant] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* fallback to packets */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(i)) + vint<K>(step);
+ vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const vint<K> offset = vi * int(stride);
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect> ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ valid &= ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
+ scene->intersectors.intersect(valid, ray, context);
+ rayN.setHitByOffset<K>(valid, offset, ray);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K, bool intersect>
+ __noinline void RayStreamFilter::filterAOP(Scene* scene, void** _rayN, size_t N, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ RayStreamAOP rayN(_rayN);
+ /* use fast path for coherent ray mode */
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ {
+ __aligned(64) RayTypeK<K, intersect> rays[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ __aligned(64) RayTypeK<K, intersect>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i += MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE)
+ {
+ const size_t size = min(N - i, MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE);
+ /* convert from AOP to SOA */
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vij = vint<K>(int(i+j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vij < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const size_t packetIndex = j / K;
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect> ray = rayN.getRayByIndex<K>(valid, vij);
+ ray.tnear() = select(valid, ray.tnear(), zero);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid, ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ rays[packetIndex] = ray;
+ rayPtrs[packetIndex] = &rays[packetIndex]; // rayPtrs might get reordered for occludedN
+ }
+ /* trace stream */
+ scene->intersectors.intersectN(rayPtrs, size, context);
+ /* convert from SOA to AOP */
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vij = vint<K>(int(i+j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vij < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const size_t packetIndex = j / K;
+ rayN.setHitByIndex<K>(valid, vij, rays[packetIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (unlikely(!intersect))
+ {
+ /* octant sorting for occlusion rays */
+ __aligned(64) unsigned int octants[8][MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K> rays[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ unsigned int raysInOctant[8];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ raysInOctant[i] = 0;
+ size_t inputRayID = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ int curOctant = -1;
+ /* sort rays into octants */
+ for (; inputRayID < N;)
+ {
+ const Ray& ray = rayN.getRayByIndex(inputRayID);
+ /* skip invalid rays */
+ if (unlikely(ray.tnear() > ray.tfar || ray.tfar < 0.0f)) { inputRayID++; continue; } // ignore invalid or already occluded rays
+ if (unlikely(!ray.valid())) { inputRayID++; continue; }
+ const unsigned int octantID = movemask(lt_mask(ray.dir,Vec3fa(0.0f)));
+ assert(octantID < 8);
+ octants[octantID][raysInOctant[octantID]++] = (unsigned int)inputRayID;
+ inputRayID++;
+ if (unlikely(raysInOctant[octantID] == MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE))
+ {
+ curOctant = octantID;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* need to flush rays in octant? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ if (raysInOctant[i]) { curOctant = i; break; }
+ }
+ /* all rays traced? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ break;
+ unsigned int* const rayIDs = &octants[curOctant][0];
+ const unsigned int numOctantRays = raysInOctant[curOctant];
+ assert(numOctantRays);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> index = *(vint<K>*)&rayIDs[j];
+ RayK<K>& ray = rays[j/K];
+ rayPtrs[j/K] = &ray;
+ ray = rayN.getRayByIndex<K>(valid, index);
+ ray.tnear() = select(valid, ray.tnear(), zero);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid, ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ }
+ scene->intersectors.occludedN(rayPtrs, numOctantRays, context);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> index = *(vint<K>*)&rayIDs[j];
+ rayN.setHitByIndex<K>(valid, index, rays[j/K]);
+ }
+ raysInOctant[curOctant] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* fallback to packets */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(i)) + vint<K>(step);
+ vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(N));
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect> ray = rayN.getRayByIndex<K>(valid, vi);
+ valid &= ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
+ scene->intersectors.intersect(valid, ray, context);
+ rayN.setHitByIndex<K>(valid, vi, ray);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K, bool intersect>
+ __noinline void RayStreamFilter::filterSOA(Scene* scene, char* rayData, size_t N, size_t numPackets, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ const size_t rayDataAlignment = (size_t)rayData % (K*sizeof(float));
+ const size_t offsetAlignment = (size_t)stride % (K*sizeof(float));
+ /* fast path for packets with the correct width and data alignment */
+ if (likely(N == K &&
+ !rayDataAlignment &&
+ !offsetAlignment))
+ {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ {
+ __aligned(64) RayTypeK<K, intersect>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ size_t packetIndex = 0;
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
+ {
+ const size_t offset = i * stride;
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect>& ray = *(RayTypeK<K, intersect>*)(rayData + offset);
+ rayPtrs[packetIndex++] = &ray;
+ /* trace as stream */
+ if (unlikely(packetIndex == MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K))
+ {
+ const size_t size = packetIndex*K;
+ scene->intersectors.intersectN(rayPtrs, size, context);
+ packetIndex = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* flush remaining packets */
+ if (unlikely(packetIndex > 0))
+ {
+ const size_t size = packetIndex*K;
+ scene->intersectors.intersectN(rayPtrs, size, context);
+ }
+ }
+ else if (unlikely(!intersect))
+ {
+ /* octant sorting for occlusion rays */
+ RayStreamSOA rayN(rayData, K);
+ __aligned(64) unsigned int octants[8][MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K> rays[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ unsigned int raysInOctant[8];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ raysInOctant[i] = 0;
+ size_t inputRayID = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ int curOctant = -1;
+ /* sort rays into octants */
+ for (; inputRayID < N*numPackets;)
+ {
+ const size_t offset = (inputRayID / K) * stride + (inputRayID % K) * sizeof(float);
+ /* skip invalid rays */
+ if (unlikely(!rayN.isValidByOffset(offset))) { inputRayID++; continue; } // ignore invalid or already occluded rays
+ __aligned(64) Ray ray = rayN.getRayByOffset(offset);
+ if (unlikely(!ray.valid())) { inputRayID++; continue; }
+ #endif
+ const unsigned int octantID = (unsigned int)rayN.getOctantByOffset(offset);
+ assert(octantID < 8);
+ octants[octantID][raysInOctant[octantID]++] = (unsigned int)offset;
+ inputRayID++;
+ if (unlikely(raysInOctant[octantID] == MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE))
+ {
+ curOctant = octantID;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* need to flush rays in octant? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ if (raysInOctant[i]) { curOctant = i; break; }
+ }
+ /* all rays traced? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ break;
+ unsigned int* const rayOffsets = &octants[curOctant][0];
+ const unsigned int numOctantRays = raysInOctant[curOctant];
+ assert(numOctantRays);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> offset = *(vint<K>*)&rayOffsets[j];
+ RayK<K>& ray = rays[j/K];
+ rayPtrs[j/K] = &ray;
+ ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ ray.tnear() = select(valid, ray.tnear(), zero);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid, ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ }
+ scene->intersectors.occludedN(rayPtrs, numOctantRays, context);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> offset = *(vint<K>*)&rayOffsets[j];
+ rayN.setHitByOffset(valid, offset, rays[j/K]);
+ }
+ raysInOctant[curOctant] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* fallback to packets */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
+ {
+ const size_t offset = i * stride;
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect>& ray = *(RayTypeK<K, intersect>*)(rayData + offset);
+ const vbool<K> valid = ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
+ scene->intersectors.intersect(valid, ray, context);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* fallback to packets for arbitrary packet size and alignment */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < numPackets; i++)
+ {
+ const size_t offsetN = i * stride;
+ RayStreamSOA rayN(rayData + offsetN, N);
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < N; j += K)
+ {
+ const size_t offset = j * sizeof(float);
+ vbool<K> valid = (vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step)) < vint<K>(int(N));
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect> ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ valid &= ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
+ scene->intersectors.intersect(valid, ray, context);
+ rayN.setHitByOffset(valid, offset, ray);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ template<int K, bool intersect>
+ __noinline void RayStreamFilter::filterSOP(Scene* scene, const void* _rayN, size_t N, IntersectContext* context)
+ {
+ RayStreamSOP& rayN = *(RayStreamSOP*)_rayN;
+ /* use fast path for coherent ray mode */
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ {
+ __aligned(64) RayTypeK<K, intersect> rays[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ __aligned(64) RayTypeK<K, intersect>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i += MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE)
+ {
+ const size_t size = min(N - i, MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE);
+ /* convert from SOP to SOA */
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vij = vint<K>(int(i+j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vij < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const size_t offset = (i+j) * sizeof(float);
+ const size_t packetIndex = j / K;
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect> ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ ray.tnear() = select(valid, ray.tnear(), zero);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid, ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ rays[packetIndex] = ray;
+ rayPtrs[packetIndex] = &rays[packetIndex]; // rayPtrs might get reordered for occludedN
+ }
+ /* trace stream */
+ scene->intersectors.intersectN(rayPtrs, size, context);
+ /* convert from SOA to SOP */
+ for (size_t j = 0; j < size; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vij = vint<K>(int(i+j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vij < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const size_t offset = (i+j) * sizeof(float);
+ const size_t packetIndex = j / K;
+ rayN.setHitByOffset(valid, offset, rays[packetIndex]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (unlikely(!intersect))
+ {
+ /* octant sorting for occlusion rays */
+ __aligned(64) unsigned int octants[8][MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K> rays[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ __aligned(64) RayK<K>* rayPtrs[MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE / K];
+ unsigned int raysInOctant[8];
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ raysInOctant[i] = 0;
+ size_t inputRayID = 0;
+ for (;;)
+ {
+ int curOctant = -1;
+ /* sort rays into octants */
+ for (; inputRayID < N;)
+ {
+ const size_t offset = inputRayID * sizeof(float);
+ /* skip invalid rays */
+ if (unlikely(!rayN.isValidByOffset(offset))) { inputRayID++; continue; } // ignore invalid or already occluded rays
+ __aligned(64) Ray ray = rayN.getRayByOffset(offset);
+ if (unlikely(!ray.valid())) { inputRayID++; continue; }
+ const unsigned int octantID = (unsigned int)rayN.getOctantByOffset(offset);
+ assert(octantID < 8);
+ octants[octantID][raysInOctant[octantID]++] = (unsigned int)offset;
+ inputRayID++;
+ if (unlikely(raysInOctant[octantID] == MAX_INTERNAL_STREAM_SIZE))
+ {
+ curOctant = octantID;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* need to flush rays in octant? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ {
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
+ if (raysInOctant[i]) { curOctant = i; break; }
+ }
+ /* all rays traced? */
+ if (unlikely(curOctant == -1))
+ break;
+ unsigned int* const rayOffsets = &octants[curOctant][0];
+ const unsigned int numOctantRays = raysInOctant[curOctant];
+ assert(numOctantRays);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> offset = *(vint<K>*)&rayOffsets[j];
+ RayK<K>& ray = rays[j/K];
+ rayPtrs[j/K] = &ray;
+ ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ ray.tnear() = select(valid, ray.tnear(), zero);
+ ray.tfar = select(valid, ray.tfar, neg_inf);
+ }
+ scene->intersectors.occludedN(rayPtrs, numOctantRays, context);
+ for (unsigned int j = 0; j < numOctantRays; j += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(j)) + vint<K>(step);
+ const vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(numOctantRays));
+ const vint<K> offset = *(vint<K>*)&rayOffsets[j];
+ rayN.setHitByOffset(valid, offset, rays[j/K]);
+ }
+ raysInOctant[curOctant] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* fallback to packets */
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < N; i += K)
+ {
+ const vint<K> vi = vint<K>(int(i)) + vint<K>(step);
+ vbool<K> valid = vi < vint<K>(int(N));
+ const size_t offset = i * sizeof(float);
+ RayTypeK<K, intersect> ray = rayN.getRayByOffset<K>(valid, offset);
+ valid &= ray.tnear() <= ray.tfar;
+ scene->intersectors.intersect(valid, ray, context);
+ rayN.setHitByOffset(valid, offset, ray);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::intersectAOS(Scene* scene, RTCRayHit* _rayN, size_t N, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterAOS<VSIZEL, true>(scene, _rayN, N, stride, context);
+ else
+ filterAOS<VSIZEX, true>(scene, _rayN, N, stride, context);
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::occludedAOS(Scene* scene, RTCRay* _rayN, size_t N, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterAOS<VSIZEL, false>(scene, _rayN, N, stride, context);
+ else
+ filterAOS<VSIZEX, false>(scene, _rayN, N, stride, context);
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::intersectAOP(Scene* scene, RTCRayHit** _rayN, size_t N, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterAOP<VSIZEL, true>(scene, (void**)_rayN, N, context);
+ else
+ filterAOP<VSIZEX, true>(scene, (void**)_rayN, N, context);
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::occludedAOP(Scene* scene, RTCRay** _rayN, size_t N, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterAOP<VSIZEL, false>(scene, (void**)_rayN, N, context);
+ else
+ filterAOP<VSIZEX, false>(scene, (void**)_rayN, N, context);
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::intersectSOA(Scene* scene, char* rayData, size_t N, size_t numPackets, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterSOA<VSIZEL, true>(scene, rayData, N, numPackets, stride, context);
+ else
+ filterSOA<VSIZEX, true>(scene, rayData, N, numPackets, stride, context);
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::occludedSOA(Scene* scene, char* rayData, size_t N, size_t numPackets, size_t stride, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterSOA<VSIZEL, false>(scene, rayData, N, numPackets, stride, context);
+ else
+ filterSOA<VSIZEX, false>(scene, rayData, N, numPackets, stride, context);
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::intersectSOP(Scene* scene, const RTCRayHitNp* _rayN, size_t N, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterSOP<VSIZEL, true>(scene, _rayN, N, context);
+ else
+ filterSOP<VSIZEX, true>(scene, _rayN, N, context);
+ }
+ void RayStreamFilter::occludedSOP(Scene* scene, const RTCRayNp* _rayN, size_t N, IntersectContext* context) {
+ if (unlikely(context->isCoherent()))
+ filterSOP<VSIZEL, false>(scene, _rayN, N, context);
+ else
+ filterSOP<VSIZEX, false>(scene, _rayN, N, context);
+ }
+ RayStreamFilterFuncs rayStreamFilterFuncs() {
+ return RayStreamFilterFuncs(RayStreamFilter::intersectAOS, RayStreamFilter::intersectAOP, RayStreamFilter::intersectSOA, RayStreamFilter::intersectSOP,
+ RayStreamFilter::occludedAOS, RayStreamFilter::occludedAOP, RayStreamFilter::occludedSOA, RayStreamFilter::occludedSOP);
+ }
+ };