path: root/thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/builders/priminfo.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/builders/priminfo.h')
1 files changed, 362 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/builders/priminfo.h b/thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/builders/priminfo.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..06c1388742
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/embree-aarch64/kernels/builders/priminfo.h
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+// Copyright 2009-2020 Intel Corporation
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+#pragma once
+#include "../common/default.h"
+#include "../common/primref.h"
+#include "../common/primref_mb.h"
+namespace embree
+ // FIXME: maybe there's a better place for this util fct
+ __forceinline float areaProjectedTriangle(const Vec3fa& v0, const Vec3fa& v1, const Vec3fa& v2)
+ {
+ const Vec3fa e0 = v1-v0;
+ const Vec3fa e1 = v2-v0;
+ const Vec3fa d = cross(e0,e1);
+ return fabs(d.x) + fabs(d.y) + fabs(d.z);
+ }
+ //namespace isa
+ //{
+ template<typename BBox>
+ class CentGeom
+ {
+ public:
+ __forceinline CentGeom () {}
+ __forceinline CentGeom (EmptyTy)
+ : geomBounds(empty), centBounds(empty) {}
+ __forceinline CentGeom (const BBox& geomBounds, const BBox3fa& centBounds)
+ : geomBounds(geomBounds), centBounds(centBounds) {}
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void extend_primref(const PrimRef& prim)
+ {
+ BBox bounds; Vec3fa center;
+ prim.binBoundsAndCenter(bounds,center);
+ geomBounds.extend(bounds);
+ centBounds.extend(center);
+ }
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void extend_center2(const PrimRef& prim)
+ {
+ BBox3fa bounds = prim.bounds();
+ geomBounds.extend(bounds);
+ centBounds.extend(bounds.center2());
+ }
+ __forceinline void extend(const BBox& geomBounds_) {
+ geomBounds.extend(geomBounds_);
+ centBounds.extend(center2(geomBounds_));
+ }
+ __forceinline void merge(const CentGeom& other)
+ {
+ geomBounds.extend(other.geomBounds);
+ centBounds.extend(other.centBounds);
+ }
+ static __forceinline const CentGeom merge2(const CentGeom& a, const CentGeom& b) {
+ CentGeom r = a; r.merge(b); return r;
+ }
+ public:
+ BBox geomBounds; //!< geometry bounds of primitives
+ BBox3fa centBounds; //!< centroid bounds of primitives
+ };
+ typedef CentGeom<BBox3fa> CentGeomBBox3fa;
+ /*! stores bounding information for a set of primitives */
+ template<typename BBox>
+ class PrimInfoT : public CentGeom<BBox>
+ {
+ public:
+ using CentGeom<BBox>::geomBounds;
+ using CentGeom<BBox>::centBounds;
+ __forceinline PrimInfoT () {}
+ __forceinline PrimInfoT (EmptyTy)
+ : CentGeom<BBox>(empty), begin(0), end(0) {}
+ __forceinline PrimInfoT (size_t begin, size_t end, const CentGeomBBox3fa& centGeomBounds)
+ : CentGeom<BBox>(centGeomBounds), begin(begin), end(end) {}
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void add_primref(const PrimRef& prim)
+ {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::extend_primref(prim);
+ end++;
+ }
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void add_center2(const PrimRef& prim) {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::extend_center2(prim);
+ end++;
+ }
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void add_center2(const PrimRef& prim, const size_t i) {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::extend_center2(prim);
+ end+=i;
+ }
+ /*__forceinline void add(const BBox& geomBounds_) {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::extend(geomBounds_);
+ end++;
+ }
+ __forceinline void add(const BBox& geomBounds_, const size_t i) {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::extend(geomBounds_);
+ end+=i;
+ }*/
+ __forceinline void merge(const PrimInfoT& other)
+ {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::merge(other);
+ begin += other.begin;
+ end += other.end;
+ }
+ static __forceinline const PrimInfoT merge(const PrimInfoT& a, const PrimInfoT& b) {
+ PrimInfoT r = a; r.merge(b); return r;
+ }
+ /*! returns the number of primitives */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const {
+ return end-begin;
+ }
+ __forceinline float halfArea() {
+ return expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds);
+ }
+ __forceinline float leafSAH() const {
+ return expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds)*float(size());
+ //return halfArea(geomBounds)*blocks(num);
+ }
+ __forceinline float leafSAH(size_t block_shift) const {
+ return expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds)*float((size()+(size_t(1)<<block_shift)-1) >> block_shift);
+ //return halfArea(geomBounds)*float((num+3) >> 2);
+ //return halfArea(geomBounds)*blocks(num);
+ }
+ /*! stream output */
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const PrimInfoT& pinfo) {
+ return cout << "PrimInfo { begin = " << pinfo.begin << ", end = " << pinfo.end << ", geomBounds = " << pinfo.geomBounds << ", centBounds = " << pinfo.centBounds << "}";
+ }
+ public:
+ size_t begin,end; //!< number of primitives
+ };
+ typedef PrimInfoT<BBox3fa> PrimInfo;
+ //typedef PrimInfoT<LBBox3fa> PrimInfoMB;
+ /*! stores bounding information for a set of primitives */
+ template<typename BBox>
+ class PrimInfoMBT : public CentGeom<BBox>
+ {
+ public:
+ using CentGeom<BBox>::geomBounds;
+ using CentGeom<BBox>::centBounds;
+ __forceinline PrimInfoMBT () {
+ }
+ __forceinline PrimInfoMBT (EmptyTy)
+ : CentGeom<BBox>(empty), object_range(0,0), num_time_segments(0), max_num_time_segments(0), max_time_range(0.0f,1.0f), time_range(1.0f,0.0f) {}
+ __forceinline PrimInfoMBT (size_t begin, size_t end)
+ : CentGeom<BBox>(empty), object_range(begin,end), num_time_segments(0), max_num_time_segments(0), max_time_range(0.0f,1.0f), time_range(1.0f,0.0f) {}
+ template<typename PrimRef>
+ __forceinline void add_primref(const PrimRef& prim)
+ {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::extend_primref(prim);
+ time_range.extend(prim.time_range);
+ object_range._end++;
+ num_time_segments += prim.size();
+ if (max_num_time_segments < prim.totalTimeSegments()) {
+ max_num_time_segments = prim.totalTimeSegments();
+ max_time_range = prim.time_range;
+ }
+ }
+ __forceinline void merge(const PrimInfoMBT& other)
+ {
+ CentGeom<BBox>::merge(other);
+ time_range.extend(other.time_range);
+ object_range._begin += other.object_range.begin();
+ object_range._end += other.object_range.end();
+ num_time_segments += other.num_time_segments;
+ if (max_num_time_segments < other.max_num_time_segments) {
+ max_num_time_segments = other.max_num_time_segments;
+ max_time_range = other.max_time_range;
+ }
+ }
+ static __forceinline const PrimInfoMBT merge2(const PrimInfoMBT& a, const PrimInfoMBT& b) {
+ PrimInfoMBT r = a; r.merge(b); return r;
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t begin() const {
+ return object_range.begin();
+ }
+ __forceinline size_t end() const {
+ return object_range.end();
+ }
+ /*! returns the number of primitives */
+ __forceinline size_t size() const {
+ return object_range.size();
+ }
+ __forceinline float halfArea() const {
+ return time_range.size()*expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds);
+ }
+ __forceinline float leafSAH() const {
+ return time_range.size()*expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds)*float(num_time_segments);
+ }
+ __forceinline float leafSAH(size_t block_shift) const {
+ return time_range.size()*expectedApproxHalfArea(geomBounds)*float((num_time_segments+(size_t(1)<<block_shift)-1) >> block_shift);
+ }
+ __forceinline float align_time(float ct) const
+ {
+ //return roundf(ct * float(numTimeSegments)) / float(numTimeSegments);
+ float t0 = (ct-max_time_range.lower)/max_time_range.size();
+ float t1 = roundf(t0 * float(max_num_time_segments)) / float(max_num_time_segments);
+ return t1*max_time_range.size()+max_time_range.lower;
+ }
+ /*! stream output */
+ friend embree_ostream operator<<(embree_ostream cout, const PrimInfoMBT& pinfo)
+ {
+ return cout << "PrimInfo { " <<
+ "object_range = " << pinfo.object_range <<
+ ", time_range = " << pinfo.time_range <<
+ ", time_segments = " << pinfo.num_time_segments <<
+ ", geomBounds = " << pinfo.geomBounds <<
+ ", centBounds = " << pinfo.centBounds <<
+ "}";
+ }
+ public:
+ range<size_t> object_range; //!< primitive range
+ size_t num_time_segments; //!< total number of time segments of all added primrefs
+ size_t max_num_time_segments; //!< maximum number of time segments of a primitive
+ BBox1f max_time_range; //!< time range of primitive with max_num_time_segments
+ BBox1f time_range; //!< merged time range of primitives when merging prims, or additionally clipped with build time range when used in SetMB
+ };
+ typedef PrimInfoMBT<typename PrimRefMB::BBox> PrimInfoMB;
+ struct SetMB : public PrimInfoMB
+ {
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_THRESHOLD = 3 * 1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE = 1024;
+ static const size_t PARALLEL_PARTITION_BLOCK_SIZE = 128;
+ typedef mvector<PrimRefMB>* PrimRefVector;
+ __forceinline SetMB() {}
+ __forceinline SetMB(const PrimInfoMB& pinfo_i, PrimRefVector prims)
+ : PrimInfoMB(pinfo_i), prims(prims) {}
+ __forceinline SetMB(const PrimInfoMB& pinfo_i, PrimRefVector prims, range<size_t> object_range_in, BBox1f time_range_in)
+ : PrimInfoMB(pinfo_i), prims(prims)
+ {
+ object_range = object_range_in;
+ time_range = intersect(time_range,time_range_in);
+ }
+ __forceinline SetMB(const PrimInfoMB& pinfo_i, PrimRefVector prims, BBox1f time_range_in)
+ : PrimInfoMB(pinfo_i), prims(prims)
+ {
+ time_range = intersect(time_range,time_range_in);
+ }
+ void deterministic_order() const
+ {
+ /* required as parallel partition destroys original primitive order */
+ PrimRefMB* prim = prims->data();
+ std::sort(&prim[object_range.begin()],&prim[object_range.end()]);
+ }
+ template<typename RecalculatePrimRef>
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const RecalculatePrimRef& recalculatePrimRef) const
+ {
+ auto reduce = [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> LBBox3fa
+ {
+ LBBox3fa cbounds(empty);
+ for (size_t j = r.begin(); j < r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ PrimRefMB& ref = (*prims)[j];
+ const LBBox3fa bn = recalculatePrimRef.linearBounds(ref, time_range);
+ cbounds.extend(bn);
+ };
+ return cbounds;
+ };
+ return parallel_reduce(object_range.begin(), object_range.end(), PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE, PARALLEL_THRESHOLD, LBBox3fa(empty),
+ reduce,
+ [&](const LBBox3fa& b0, const LBBox3fa& b1) -> LBBox3fa { return embree::merge(b0, b1); });
+ }
+ template<typename RecalculatePrimRef>
+ __forceinline LBBox3fa linearBounds(const RecalculatePrimRef& recalculatePrimRef, const LinearSpace3fa& space) const
+ {
+ auto reduce = [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> LBBox3fa
+ {
+ LBBox3fa cbounds(empty);
+ for (size_t j = r.begin(); j < r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ PrimRefMB& ref = (*prims)[j];
+ const LBBox3fa bn = recalculatePrimRef.linearBounds(ref, time_range, space);
+ cbounds.extend(bn);
+ };
+ return cbounds;
+ };
+ return parallel_reduce(object_range.begin(), object_range.end(), PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE, PARALLEL_THRESHOLD, LBBox3fa(empty),
+ reduce,
+ [&](const LBBox3fa& b0, const LBBox3fa& b1) -> LBBox3fa { return embree::merge(b0, b1); });
+ }
+ template<typename RecalculatePrimRef>
+ const SetMB primInfo(const RecalculatePrimRef& recalculatePrimRef, const LinearSpace3fa& space) const
+ {
+ auto computePrimInfo = [&](const range<size_t>& r) -> PrimInfoMB
+ {
+ PrimInfoMB pinfo(empty);
+ for (size_t j=r.begin(); j<r.end(); j++)
+ {
+ PrimRefMB& ref = (*prims)[j];
+ PrimRefMB ref1 = recalculatePrimRef(ref,time_range,space);
+ pinfo.add_primref(ref1);
+ };
+ return pinfo;
+ };
+ const PrimInfoMB pinfo = parallel_reduce(object_range.begin(), object_range.end(), PARALLEL_FIND_BLOCK_SIZE, PARALLEL_THRESHOLD,
+ PrimInfoMB(empty), computePrimInfo, PrimInfoMB::merge2);
+ return SetMB(pinfo,prims,object_range,time_range);
+ }
+ public:
+ PrimRefVector prims;
+ };