path: root/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletSoftBody/btSparseSDF.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletSoftBody/btSparseSDF.h')
1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletSoftBody/btSparseSDF.h b/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletSoftBody/btSparseSDF.h
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index 0000000000..ba437c28ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletSoftBody/btSparseSDF.h
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+Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
+Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Erwin Coumans
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
+subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+///btSparseSdf implementation by Nathanael Presson
+#ifndef BT_SPARSE_SDF_H
+#define BT_SPARSE_SDF_H
+#include "BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btCollisionObject.h"
+#include "BulletCollision/NarrowPhaseCollision/btGjkEpa2.h"
+// Modified Paul Hsieh hash
+template <const int DWORDLEN>
+unsigned int HsiehHash(const void* pdata)
+ const unsigned short* data=(const unsigned short*)pdata;
+ unsigned hash=DWORDLEN<<2,tmp;
+ for(int i=0;i<DWORDLEN;++i)
+ {
+ hash += data[0];
+ tmp = (data[1]<<11)^hash;
+ hash = (hash<<16)^tmp;
+ data += 2;
+ hash += hash>>11;
+ }
+ hash^=hash<<3;hash+=hash>>5;
+ hash^=hash<<4;hash+=hash>>17;
+ hash^=hash<<25;hash+=hash>>6;
+ return(hash);
+template <const int CELLSIZE>
+struct btSparseSdf
+ //
+ // Inner types
+ //
+ struct IntFrac
+ {
+ int b;
+ int i;
+ btScalar f;
+ };
+ struct Cell
+ {
+ int c[3];
+ int puid;
+ unsigned hash;
+ const btCollisionShape* pclient;
+ Cell* next;
+ };
+ //
+ // Fields
+ //
+ btAlignedObjectArray<Cell*> cells;
+ btScalar voxelsz;
+ int puid;
+ int ncells;
+ int m_clampCells;
+ int nprobes;
+ int nqueries;
+ //
+ // Methods
+ //
+ //
+ void Initialize(int hashsize=2383, int clampCells = 256*1024)
+ {
+ //avoid a crash due to running out of memory, so clamp the maximum number of cells allocated
+ //if this limit is reached, the SDF is reset (at the cost of some performance during the reset)
+ m_clampCells = clampCells;
+ cells.resize(hashsize,0);
+ Reset();
+ }
+ //
+ void Reset()
+ {
+ for(int i=0,ni=cells.size();i<ni;++i)
+ {
+ Cell* pc=cells[i];
+ cells[i]=0;
+ while(pc)
+ {
+ Cell* pn=pc->next;
+ delete pc;
+ pc=pn;
+ }
+ }
+ voxelsz =0.25;
+ puid =0;
+ ncells =0;
+ nprobes =1;
+ nqueries =1;
+ }
+ //
+ void GarbageCollect(int lifetime=256)
+ {
+ const int life=puid-lifetime;
+ for(int i=0;i<cells.size();++i)
+ {
+ Cell*& root=cells[i];
+ Cell* pp=0;
+ Cell* pc=root;
+ while(pc)
+ {
+ Cell* pn=pc->next;
+ if(pc->puid<life)
+ {
+ if(pp) pp->next=pn; else root=pn;
+ delete pc;pc=pp;--ncells;
+ }
+ pp=pc;pc=pn;
+ }
+ }
+ //printf("GC[%d]: %d cells, PpQ: %f\r\n",puid,ncells,nprobes/(btScalar)nqueries);
+ nqueries=1;
+ nprobes=1;
+ ++puid; ///@todo: Reset puid's when int range limit is reached */
+ /* else setup a priority list... */
+ }
+ //
+ int RemoveReferences(btCollisionShape* pcs)
+ {
+ int refcount=0;
+ for(int i=0;i<cells.size();++i)
+ {
+ Cell*& root=cells[i];
+ Cell* pp=0;
+ Cell* pc=root;
+ while(pc)
+ {
+ Cell* pn=pc->next;
+ if(pc->pclient==pcs)
+ {
+ if(pp) pp->next=pn; else root=pn;
+ delete pc;pc=pp;++refcount;
+ }
+ pp=pc;pc=pn;
+ }
+ }
+ return(refcount);
+ }
+ //
+ btScalar Evaluate( const btVector3& x,
+ const btCollisionShape* shape,
+ btVector3& normal,
+ btScalar margin)
+ {
+ /* Lookup cell */
+ const btVector3 scx=x/voxelsz;
+ const IntFrac ix=Decompose(scx.x());
+ const IntFrac iy=Decompose(scx.y());
+ const IntFrac iz=Decompose(scx.z());
+ const unsigned h=Hash(ix.b,iy.b,iz.b,shape);
+ Cell*& root=cells[static_cast<int>(h%cells.size())];
+ Cell* c=root;
+ ++nqueries;
+ while(c)
+ {
+ ++nprobes;
+ if( (c->hash==h) &&
+ (c->c[0]==ix.b) &&
+ (c->c[1]==iy.b) &&
+ (c->c[2]==iz.b) &&
+ (c->pclient==shape))
+ { break; }
+ else
+ { c=c->next; }
+ }
+ if(!c)
+ {
+ ++nprobes;
+ ++ncells;
+ //int sz = sizeof(Cell);
+ if (ncells>m_clampCells)
+ {
+ static int numResets=0;
+ numResets++;
+// printf("numResets=%d\n",numResets);
+ Reset();
+ }
+ c=new Cell();
+ c->next=root;root=c;
+ c->pclient=shape;
+ c->hash=h;
+ c->c[0]=ix.b;c->c[1]=iy.b;c->c[2]=iz.b;
+ BuildCell(*c);
+ }
+ c->puid=puid;
+ /* Extract infos */
+ const int o[]={ ix.i,iy.i,iz.i};
+ const btScalar d[]={ c->d[o[0]+0][o[1]+0][o[2]+0],
+ c->d[o[0]+1][o[1]+0][o[2]+0],
+ c->d[o[0]+1][o[1]+1][o[2]+0],
+ c->d[o[0]+0][o[1]+1][o[2]+0],
+ c->d[o[0]+0][o[1]+0][o[2]+1],
+ c->d[o[0]+1][o[1]+0][o[2]+1],
+ c->d[o[0]+1][o[1]+1][o[2]+1],
+ c->d[o[0]+0][o[1]+1][o[2]+1]};
+ /* Normal */
+#if 1
+ const btScalar gx[]={ d[1]-d[0],d[2]-d[3],
+ d[5]-d[4],d[6]-d[7]};
+ const btScalar gy[]={ d[3]-d[0],d[2]-d[1],
+ d[7]-d[4],d[6]-d[5]};
+ const btScalar gz[]={ d[4]-d[0],d[5]-d[1],
+ d[7]-d[3],d[6]-d[2]};
+ normal.setX(Lerp( Lerp(gx[0],gx[1],iy.f),
+ Lerp(gx[2],gx[3],iy.f),iz.f));
+ normal.setY(Lerp( Lerp(gy[0],gy[1],ix.f),
+ Lerp(gy[2],gy[3],ix.f),iz.f));
+ normal.setZ(Lerp( Lerp(gz[0],gz[1],ix.f),
+ Lerp(gz[2],gz[3],ix.f),iy.f));
+ normal = normal.normalized();
+ normal = btVector3(d[1]-d[0],d[3]-d[0],d[4]-d[0]).normalized();
+ /* Distance */
+ const btScalar d0=Lerp(Lerp(d[0],d[1],ix.f),
+ Lerp(d[3],d[2],ix.f),iy.f);
+ const btScalar d1=Lerp(Lerp(d[4],d[5],ix.f),
+ Lerp(d[7],d[6],ix.f),iy.f);
+ return(Lerp(d0,d1,iz.f)-margin);
+ }
+ //
+ void BuildCell(Cell& c)
+ {
+ const btVector3 org=btVector3( (btScalar)c.c[0],
+ (btScalar)c.c[1],
+ (btScalar)c.c[2]) *
+ CELLSIZE*voxelsz;
+ for(int k=0;k<=CELLSIZE;++k)
+ {
+ const btScalar z=voxelsz*k+org.z();
+ for(int j=0;j<=CELLSIZE;++j)
+ {
+ const btScalar y=voxelsz*j+org.y();
+ for(int i=0;i<=CELLSIZE;++i)
+ {
+ const btScalar x=voxelsz*i+org.x();
+ c.d[i][j][k]=DistanceToShape( btVector3(x,y,z),
+ c.pclient);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //
+ static inline btScalar DistanceToShape(const btVector3& x,
+ const btCollisionShape* shape)
+ {
+ btTransform unit;
+ unit.setIdentity();
+ if(shape->isConvex())
+ {
+ btGjkEpaSolver2::sResults res;
+ const btConvexShape* csh=static_cast<const btConvexShape*>(shape);
+ return(btGjkEpaSolver2::SignedDistance(x,0,csh,unit,res));
+ }
+ return(0);
+ }
+ //
+ static inline IntFrac Decompose(btScalar x)
+ {
+ /* That one need a lot of improvements... */
+ /* Remove test, faster floor... */
+ IntFrac r;
+ const int o=x<0?(int)(-x+1):0;
+ x+=o;r.b=(int)x;
+ const btScalar k=(x-r.b)*CELLSIZE;
+ r.i=(int)k;r.f=k-r.i;r.b-=o;
+ return(r);
+ }
+ //
+ static inline btScalar Lerp(btScalar a,btScalar b,btScalar t)
+ {
+ return(a+(b-a)*t);
+ }
+ //
+ static inline unsigned int Hash(int x,int y,int z,const btCollisionShape* shape)
+ {
+ struct btS
+ {
+ int x,y,z;
+ void* p;
+ };
+ btS myset;
+ myset.x=x;myset.y=y;myset.z=z;myset.p=(void*)shape;
+ const void* ptr = &myset;
+ unsigned int result = HsiehHash<sizeof(btS)/4> (ptr);
+ return result;
+ }
+#endif //BT_SPARSE_SDF_H