path: root/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletSoftBody/btSoftBodyData.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletSoftBody/btSoftBodyData.h')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 217 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletSoftBody/btSoftBodyData.h b/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletSoftBody/btSoftBodyData.h
deleted file mode 100644
index 87d8841cfa..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletSoftBody/btSoftBodyData.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
-Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Erwin Coumans
-This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
-In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
-subject to the following restrictions:
-1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
-2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
-3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-#include "BulletCollision/CollisionDispatch/btCollisionObject.h"
-#include "BulletDynamics/Dynamics/btRigidBody.h"
-struct SoftBodyMaterialData
- float m_linearStiffness;
- float m_angularStiffness;
- float m_volumeStiffness;
- int m_flags;
-struct SoftBodyNodeData
- SoftBodyMaterialData *m_material;
- btVector3FloatData m_position;
- btVector3FloatData m_previousPosition;
- btVector3FloatData m_velocity;
- btVector3FloatData m_accumulatedForce;
- btVector3FloatData m_normal;
- float m_inverseMass;
- float m_area;
- int m_attach;
- int m_pad;
-struct SoftBodyLinkData
- SoftBodyMaterialData *m_material;
- int m_nodeIndices[2]; // Node pointers
- float m_restLength; // Rest length
- int m_bbending; // Bending link
-struct SoftBodyFaceData
- btVector3FloatData m_normal; // Normal
- SoftBodyMaterialData *m_material;
- int m_nodeIndices[3]; // Node pointers
- float m_restArea; // Rest area
-struct SoftBodyTetraData
- btVector3FloatData m_c0[4]; // gradients
- SoftBodyMaterialData *m_material;
- int m_nodeIndices[4]; // Node pointers
- float m_restVolume; // Rest volume
- float m_c1; // (4*kVST)/(im0+im1+im2+im3)
- float m_c2; // m_c1/sum(|g0..3|^2)
- int m_pad;
-struct SoftRigidAnchorData
- btMatrix3x3FloatData m_c0; // Impulse matrix
- btVector3FloatData m_c1; // Relative anchor
- btVector3FloatData m_localFrame; // Anchor position in body space
- btRigidBodyData *m_rigidBody;
- int m_nodeIndex; // Node pointer
- float m_c2; // ima*dt
-struct SoftBodyConfigData
- int m_aeroModel; // Aerodynamic model (default: V_Point)
- float m_baumgarte; // Velocities correction factor (Baumgarte)
- float m_damping; // Damping coefficient [0,1]
- float m_drag; // Drag coefficient [0,+inf]
- float m_lift; // Lift coefficient [0,+inf]
- float m_pressure; // Pressure coefficient [-inf,+inf]
- float m_volume; // Volume conversation coefficient [0,+inf]
- float m_dynamicFriction; // Dynamic friction coefficient [0,1]
- float m_poseMatch; // Pose matching coefficient [0,1]
- float m_rigidContactHardness; // Rigid contacts hardness [0,1]
- float m_kineticContactHardness; // Kinetic contacts hardness [0,1]
- float m_softContactHardness; // Soft contacts hardness [0,1]
- float m_anchorHardness; // Anchors hardness [0,1]
- float m_softRigidClusterHardness; // Soft vs rigid hardness [0,1] (cluster only)
- float m_softKineticClusterHardness; // Soft vs kinetic hardness [0,1] (cluster only)
- float m_softSoftClusterHardness; // Soft vs soft hardness [0,1] (cluster only)
- float m_softRigidClusterImpulseSplit; // Soft vs rigid impulse split [0,1] (cluster only)
- float m_softKineticClusterImpulseSplit; // Soft vs rigid impulse split [0,1] (cluster only)
- float m_softSoftClusterImpulseSplit; // Soft vs rigid impulse split [0,1] (cluster only)
- float m_maxVolume; // Maximum volume ratio for pose
- float m_timeScale; // Time scale
- int m_velocityIterations; // Velocities solver iterations
- int m_positionIterations; // Positions solver iterations
- int m_driftIterations; // Drift solver iterations
- int m_clusterIterations; // Cluster solver iterations
- int m_collisionFlags; // Collisions flags
-struct SoftBodyPoseData
- btMatrix3x3FloatData m_rot; // Rotation
- btMatrix3x3FloatData m_scale; // Scale
- btMatrix3x3FloatData m_aqq; // Base scaling
- btVector3FloatData m_com; // COM
- btVector3FloatData *m_positions; // Reference positions
- float *m_weights; // Weights
- int m_numPositions;
- int m_numWeigts;
- int m_bvolume; // Is valid
- int m_bframe; // Is frame
- float m_restVolume; // Rest volume
- int m_pad;
-struct SoftBodyClusterData
- btTransformFloatData m_framexform;
- btMatrix3x3FloatData m_locii;
- btMatrix3x3FloatData m_invwi;
- btVector3FloatData m_com;
- btVector3FloatData m_vimpulses[2];
- btVector3FloatData m_dimpulses[2];
- btVector3FloatData m_lv;
- btVector3FloatData m_av;
- btVector3FloatData *m_framerefs;
- int *m_nodeIndices;
- float *m_masses;
- int m_numFrameRefs;
- int m_numNodes;
- int m_numMasses;
- float m_idmass;
- float m_imass;
- int m_nvimpulses;
- int m_ndimpulses;
- float m_ndamping;
- float m_ldamping;
- float m_adamping;
- float m_matching;
- float m_maxSelfCollisionImpulse;
- float m_selfCollisionImpulseFactor;
- int m_containsAnchor;
- int m_collide;
- int m_clusterIndex;
-enum btSoftJointBodyType
-struct btSoftBodyJointData
- void *m_bodyA;
- void *m_bodyB;
- btVector3FloatData m_refs[2];
- float m_cfm;
- float m_erp;
- float m_split;
- int m_delete;
- btVector3FloatData m_relPosition[2];//linear
- int m_bodyAtype;
- int m_bodyBtype;
- int m_jointType;
- int m_pad;
-///do not change those serialization structures, it requires an updated sBulletDNAstr/sBulletDNAstr64
-struct btSoftBodyFloatData
- btCollisionObjectFloatData m_collisionObjectData;
- SoftBodyPoseData *m_pose;
- SoftBodyMaterialData **m_materials;
- SoftBodyNodeData *m_nodes;
- SoftBodyLinkData *m_links;
- SoftBodyFaceData *m_faces;
- SoftBodyTetraData *m_tetrahedra;
- SoftRigidAnchorData *m_anchors;
- SoftBodyClusterData *m_clusters;
- btSoftBodyJointData *m_joints;
- int m_numMaterials;
- int m_numNodes;
- int m_numLinks;
- int m_numFaces;
- int m_numTetrahedra;
- int m_numAnchors;
- int m_numClusters;
- int m_numJoints;
- SoftBodyConfigData m_config;