path: root/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletInverseDynamics/details/MultiBodyTreeImpl.hpp
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diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletInverseDynamics/details/MultiBodyTreeImpl.hpp b/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletInverseDynamics/details/MultiBodyTreeImpl.hpp
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index 3efe9d0492..0000000000
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-// The structs and classes defined here provide a basic inverse fynamics implementation used
-// by MultiBodyTree
-// User interaction should be through MultiBodyTree
-#include "../IDConfig.hpp"
-#include "../MultiBodyTree.hpp"
-namespace btInverseDynamics {
-/// Structure for for rigid body mass properties, connectivity and kinematic state
-/// all vectors and matrices are in body-fixed frame, if not indicated otherwise.
-/// The body-fixed frame is located in the joint connecting the body to its parent.
-struct RigidBody {
- // 1 Inertial properties
- /// Mass
- idScalar m_mass;
- /// Mass times center of gravity in body-fixed frame
- vec3 m_body_mass_com;
- /// Moment of inertia w.r.t. body-fixed frame
- mat33 m_body_I_body;
- // 2 dynamic properties
- /// Left-hand side of the body equation of motion, translational part
- vec3 m_eom_lhs_translational;
- /// Left-hand side of the body equation of motion, rotational part
- vec3 m_eom_lhs_rotational;
- /// Force acting at the joint when the body is cut from its parent;
- /// includes impressed joint force in J_JT direction,
- /// as well as constraint force,
- /// in body-fixed frame
- vec3 m_force_at_joint;
- /// Moment acting at the joint when the body is cut from its parent;
- /// includes impressed joint moment in J_JR direction, and constraint moment
- /// in body-fixed frame
- vec3 m_moment_at_joint;
- /// external (user provided) force acting at the body-fixed frame's origin, written in that
- /// frame
- vec3 m_body_force_user;
- /// external (user provided) moment acting at the body-fixed frame's origin, written in that
- /// frame
- vec3 m_body_moment_user;
- // 3 absolute kinematic properties
- /// Position of body-fixed frame relative to world frame
- /// this is currently only for debugging purposes
- vec3 m_body_pos;
- /// Absolute velocity of body-fixed frame
- vec3 m_body_vel;
- /// Absolute acceleration of body-fixed frame
- /// NOTE: if gravitational acceleration is not zero, this is the accelation PLUS gravitational
- /// acceleration!
- vec3 m_body_acc;
- /// Absolute angular velocity
- vec3 m_body_ang_vel;
- /// Absolute angular acceleration
- /// NOTE: if gravitational acceleration is not zero, this is the accelation PLUS gravitational
- /// acceleration!
- vec3 m_body_ang_acc;
- // 4 relative kinematic properties.
- // these are in the parent body frame
- /// Transform from world to body-fixed frame;
- /// this is currently only for debugging purposes
- mat33 m_body_T_world;
- /// Transform from parent to body-fixed frame
- mat33 m_body_T_parent;
- /// Vector from parent to child frame in parent frame
- vec3 m_parent_pos_parent_body;
- /// Relative angular velocity
- vec3 m_body_ang_vel_rel;
- /// Relative linear velocity
- vec3 m_parent_vel_rel;
- /// Relative angular acceleration
- vec3 m_body_ang_acc_rel;
- /// Relative linear acceleration
- vec3 m_parent_acc_rel;
- // 5 Data describing the joint type and geometry
- /// Type of joint
- JointType m_joint_type;
- /// Position of joint frame (body-fixed frame at q=0) relative to the parent frame
- /// Components are in body-fixed frame of the parent
- vec3 m_parent_pos_parent_body_ref;
- /// Orientation of joint frame (body-fixed frame at q=0) relative to the parent frame
- mat33 m_body_T_parent_ref;
- /// Joint rotational Jacobian, ie, the partial derivative of the body-fixed frames absolute
- /// angular velocity w.r.t. the generalized velocity of this body's relative degree of freedom.
- /// For revolute joints this is the joint axis, for prismatic joints it is a null matrix.
- /// (NOTE: dimensions will have to be dynamic for additional joint types!)
- vec3 m_Jac_JR;
- /// Joint translational Jacobian, ie, the partial derivative of the body-fixed frames absolute
- /// linear velocity w.r.t. the generalized velocity of this body's relative degree of freedom.
- /// For prismatic joints this is the joint axis, for revolute joints it is a null matrix.
- /// (NOTE: dimensions might have to be dynamic for additional joint types!)
- vec3 m_Jac_JT;
- /// m_Jac_JT in the parent frame, it, m_body_T_parent_ref.transpose()*m_Jac_JT
- vec3 m_parent_Jac_JT;
- /// Start of index range for the position degree(s) of freedom describing this body's motion
- /// relative to
- /// its parent. The indices are wrt the multibody system's q-vector of generalized coordinates.
- int m_q_index;
- // 6 Scratch data for mass matrix computation using "composite rigid body algorithm"
- /// mass of the subtree rooted in this body
- idScalar m_subtree_mass;
- /// center of mass * mass for subtree rooted in this body, in body-fixed frame
- vec3 m_body_subtree_mass_com;
- /// moment of inertia of subtree rooted in this body, w.r.t. body origin, in body-fixed frame
- mat33 m_body_subtree_I_body;
-#if (defined BT_ID_HAVE_MAT3X) && (defined BT_ID_WITH_JACOBIANS)
- /// translational jacobian in body-fixed frame d(m_body_vel)/du
- mat3x m_body_Jac_T;
- /// rotationsl jacobian in body-fixed frame d(m_body_ang_vel)/du
- mat3x m_body_Jac_R;
- /// components of linear acceleration depending on u
- /// (same as is d(m_Jac_T)/dt*u)
- vec3 m_body_dot_Jac_T_u;
- /// components of angular acceleration depending on u
- /// (same as is d(m_Jac_T)/dt*u)
- vec3 m_body_dot_Jac_R_u;
-/// The MBS implements a tree structured multibody system
-class MultiBodyTree::MultiBodyImpl {
- friend class MultiBodyTree;
- enum KinUpdateType {
- };
- /// constructor
- /// @param num_bodies the number of bodies in the system
- /// @param num_dofs number of degrees of freedom in the system
- MultiBodyImpl(int num_bodies_, int num_dofs_);
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::calculateInverseDynamics
- int calculateInverseDynamics(const vecx& q, const vecx& u, const vecx& dot_u,
- vecx* joint_forces);
- ///\copydoc MultiBodyTree::calculateMassMatrix
- int calculateMassMatrix(const vecx& q, const bool update_kinematics,
- const bool initialize_matrix, const bool set_lower_triangular_matrix,
- matxx* mass_matrix);
- /// calculate kinematics (vector quantities)
- /// Depending on type, update positions only, positions & velocities, or positions, velocities
- /// and accelerations.
- int calculateKinematics(const vecx& q, const vecx& u, const vecx& dot_u, const KinUpdateType type);
-#if (defined BT_ID_HAVE_MAT3X) && (defined BT_ID_WITH_JACOBIANS)
- /// calculate jacobians and (if type == POSITION_VELOCITY), also velocity-dependent accelration terms.
- int calculateJacobians(const vecx& q, const vecx& u, const KinUpdateType type);
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyDotJacobianTransU
- int getBodyDotJacobianTransU(const int body_index, vec3* world_dot_jac_trans_u) const ;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyDotJacobianRotU
- int getBodyDotJacobianRotU(const int body_index, vec3* world_dot_jac_rot_u) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyJacobianTrans
- int getBodyJacobianTrans(const int body_index, mat3x* world_jac_trans) const ;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyJacobianRot
- int getBodyJacobianRot(const int body_index, mat3x* world_jac_rot) const;
- /// Add relative Jacobian component from motion relative to parent body
- /// @param body the body to add the Jacobian component for
- void addRelativeJacobianComponent(RigidBody&body);
- /// generate additional index sets from the parent_index array
- /// @return -1 on error, 0 on success
- int generateIndexSets();
- /// set gravity acceleration in world frame
- /// @param gravity gravity vector in the world frame
- /// @return 0 on success, -1 on error
- int setGravityInWorldFrame(const vec3& gravity);
- /// pretty print tree
- void printTree();
- /// print tree data
- void printTreeData();
- /// initialize fixed data
- void calculateStaticData();
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyFrame
- int getBodyFrame(const int index, vec3* world_origin, mat33* body_T_world) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getParentIndex
- int getParentIndex(const int body_index, int* m_parent_index);
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getJointType
- int getJointType(const int body_index, JointType* joint_type) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getJointTypeStr
- int getJointTypeStr(const int body_index, const char** joint_type) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getParentRParentBodyRef
- int getParentRParentBodyRef(const int body_index, vec3* r) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyTParentRef
- int getBodyTParentRef(const int body_index, mat33* T) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyAxisOfMotion
- int getBodyAxisOfMotion(const int body_index, vec3* axis) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree:getDoFOffset
- int getDoFOffset(const int body_index, int* q_index) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyOrigin
- int getBodyOrigin(const int body_index, vec3* world_origin) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyCoM
- int getBodyCoM(const int body_index, vec3* world_com) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyTransform
- int getBodyTransform(const int body_index, mat33* world_T_body) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyAngularVelocity
- int getBodyAngularVelocity(const int body_index, vec3* world_omega) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyLinearVelocity
- int getBodyLinearVelocity(const int body_index, vec3* world_velocity) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyLinearVelocityCoM
- int getBodyLinearVelocityCoM(const int body_index, vec3* world_velocity) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyAngularAcceleration
- int getBodyAngularAcceleration(const int body_index, vec3* world_dot_omega) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getBodyLinearAcceleration
- int getBodyLinearAcceleration(const int body_index, vec3* world_acceleration) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getUserInt
- int getUserInt(const int body_index, int* user_int) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::getUserPtr
- int getUserPtr(const int body_index, void** user_ptr) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::setUserInt
- int setUserInt(const int body_index, const int user_int);
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::setUserPtr
- int setUserPtr(const int body_index, void* const user_ptr);
- ///\copydoc MultiBodytTree::setBodyMass
- int setBodyMass(const int body_index, const idScalar mass);
- ///\copydoc MultiBodytTree::setBodyFirstMassMoment
- int setBodyFirstMassMoment(const int body_index, const vec3& first_mass_moment);
- ///\copydoc MultiBodytTree::setBodySecondMassMoment
- int setBodySecondMassMoment(const int body_index, const mat33& second_mass_moment);
- ///\copydoc MultiBodytTree::getBodyMass
- int getBodyMass(const int body_index, idScalar* mass) const;
- ///\copydoc MultiBodytTree::getBodyFirstMassMoment
- int getBodyFirstMassMoment(const int body_index, vec3* first_mass_moment) const;
- ///\copydoc MultiBodytTree::getBodySecondMassMoment
- int getBodySecondMassMoment(const int body_index, mat33* second_mass_moment) const;
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::clearAllUserForcesAndMoments
- void clearAllUserForcesAndMoments();
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::addUserForce
- int addUserForce(const int body_index, const vec3& body_force);
- /// \copydoc MultiBodyTree::addUserMoment
- int addUserMoment(const int body_index, const vec3& body_moment);
- // debug function. print tree structure to stdout
- void printTree(int index, int indentation);
- // get string representation of JointType (for debugging)
- const char* jointTypeToString(const JointType& type) const;
- // get number of degrees of freedom from joint type
- int bodyNumDoFs(const JointType& type) const;
- // number of bodies in the system
- int m_num_bodies;
- // number of degrees of freedom
- int m_num_dofs;
- // Gravitational acceleration (in world frame)
- vec3 m_world_gravity;
- // vector of bodies in the system
- // body 0 is used as an environment body and is allways fixed.
- // The bodies are ordered such that a parent body always has an index
- // smaller than its child.
- idArray<RigidBody>::type m_body_list;
- // Parent_index[i] is the index for i's parent body in body_list.
- // This fully describes the tree.
- idArray<int>::type m_parent_index;
- // child_indices[i] contains a vector of indices of
- // all children of the i-th body
- idArray<idArray<int>::type>::type m_child_indices;
- // Indices of rotary joints
- idArray<int>::type m_body_revolute_list;
- // Indices of prismatic joints
- idArray<int>::type m_body_prismatic_list;
- // Indices of floating joints
- idArray<int>::type m_body_floating_list;
- // a user-provided integer
- idArray<int>::type m_user_int;
- // a user-provided pointer
- idArray<void*>::type m_user_ptr;
-#if (defined BT_ID_HAVE_MAT3X) && (defined BT_ID_WITH_JACOBIANS)
- mat3x m_m3x;