path: root/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletCollision/NarrowPhaseCollision/btPolyhedralContactClipping.cpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 570 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletCollision/NarrowPhaseCollision/btPolyhedralContactClipping.cpp b/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletCollision/NarrowPhaseCollision/btPolyhedralContactClipping.cpp
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--- a/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletCollision/NarrowPhaseCollision/btPolyhedralContactClipping.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
-Copyright (c) 2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
-This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
-In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
-subject to the following restrictions:
-1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
-2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
-3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-///This file was written by Erwin Coumans
-///Separating axis rest based on work from Pierre Terdiman, see
-///And contact clipping based on work from Simon Hobbs
-#include "btPolyhedralContactClipping.h"
-#include "BulletCollision/CollisionShapes/btConvexPolyhedron.h"
-#include <float.h> //for FLT_MAX
-int gExpectedNbTests=0;
-int gActualNbTests = 0;
-bool gUseInternalObject = true;
-// Clips a face to the back of a plane
-void btPolyhedralContactClipping::clipFace(const btVertexArray& pVtxIn, btVertexArray& ppVtxOut, const btVector3& planeNormalWS,btScalar planeEqWS)
- int ve;
- btScalar ds, de;
- int numVerts = pVtxIn.size();
- if (numVerts < 2)
- return;
- btVector3 firstVertex=pVtxIn[pVtxIn.size()-1];
- btVector3 endVertex = pVtxIn[0];
- ds =;
- for (ve = 0; ve < numVerts; ve++)
- {
- endVertex=pVtxIn[ve];
- de =;
- if (ds<0)
- {
- if (de<0)
- {
- // Start < 0, end < 0, so output endVertex
- ppVtxOut.push_back(endVertex);
- }
- else
- {
- // Start < 0, end >= 0, so output intersection
- ppVtxOut.push_back( firstVertex.lerp(endVertex,btScalar(ds * 1.f/(ds - de))));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (de<0)
- {
- // Start >= 0, end < 0 so output intersection and end
- ppVtxOut.push_back(firstVertex.lerp(endVertex,btScalar(ds * 1.f/(ds - de))));
- ppVtxOut.push_back(endVertex);
- }
- }
- firstVertex = endVertex;
- ds = de;
- }
-static bool TestSepAxis(const btConvexPolyhedron& hullA, const btConvexPolyhedron& hullB, const btTransform& transA,const btTransform& transB, const btVector3& sep_axis, btScalar& depth, btVector3& witnessPointA, btVector3& witnessPointB)
- btScalar Min0,Max0;
- btScalar Min1,Max1;
- btVector3 witnesPtMinA,witnesPtMaxA;
- btVector3 witnesPtMinB,witnesPtMaxB;
- hullA.project(transA,sep_axis, Min0, Max0,witnesPtMinA,witnesPtMaxA);
- hullB.project(transB, sep_axis, Min1, Max1,witnesPtMinB,witnesPtMaxB);
- if(Max0<Min1 || Max1<Min0)
- return false;
- btScalar d0 = Max0 - Min1;
- btAssert(d0>=0.0f);
- btScalar d1 = Max1 - Min0;
- btAssert(d1>=0.0f);
- if (d0<d1)
- {
- depth = d0;
- witnessPointA = witnesPtMaxA;
- witnessPointB = witnesPtMinB;
- } else
- {
- depth = d1;
- witnessPointA = witnesPtMinA;
- witnessPointB = witnesPtMaxB;
- }
- return true;
-static int gActualSATPairTests=0;
-inline bool IsAlmostZero(const btVector3& v)
- if(btFabs(v.x())>1e-6 || btFabs(v.y())>1e-6 || btFabs(v.z())>1e-6) return false;
- return true;
-inline void BoxSupport(const btScalar extents[3], const btScalar sv[3], btScalar p[3])
- // This version is ~11.000 cycles (4%) faster overall in one of the tests.
-// IR(p[0]) = IR(extents[0])|(IR(sv[0])&SIGN_BITMASK);
-// IR(p[1]) = IR(extents[1])|(IR(sv[1])&SIGN_BITMASK);
-// IR(p[2]) = IR(extents[2])|(IR(sv[2])&SIGN_BITMASK);
- p[0] = sv[0] < 0.0f ? -extents[0] : extents[0];
- p[1] = sv[1] < 0.0f ? -extents[1] : extents[1];
- p[2] = sv[2] < 0.0f ? -extents[2] : extents[2];
-void InverseTransformPoint3x3(btVector3& out, const btVector3& in, const btTransform& tr)
- const btMatrix3x3& rot = tr.getBasis();
- const btVector3& r0 = rot[0];
- const btVector3& r1 = rot[1];
- const btVector3& r2 = rot[2];
- const btScalar x = r0.x()*in.x() + r1.x()*in.y() + r2.x()*in.z();
- const btScalar y = r0.y()*in.x() + r1.y()*in.y() + r2.y()*in.z();
- const btScalar z = r0.z()*in.x() + r1.z()*in.y() + r2.z()*in.z();
- out.setValue(x, y, z);
- bool TestInternalObjects( const btTransform& trans0, const btTransform& trans1, const btVector3& delta_c, const btVector3& axis, const btConvexPolyhedron& convex0, const btConvexPolyhedron& convex1, btScalar dmin)
- const btScalar dp =;
- btVector3 localAxis0;
- InverseTransformPoint3x3(localAxis0, axis,trans0);
- btVector3 localAxis1;
- InverseTransformPoint3x3(localAxis1, axis,trans1);
- btScalar p0[3];
- BoxSupport(convex0.m_extents, localAxis0, p0);
- btScalar p1[3];
- BoxSupport(convex1.m_extents, localAxis1, p1);
- const btScalar Radius0 = p0[0]*localAxis0.x() + p0[1]*localAxis0.y() + p0[2]*localAxis0.z();
- const btScalar Radius1 = p1[0]*localAxis1.x() + p1[1]*localAxis1.y() + p1[2]*localAxis1.z();
- const btScalar MinRadius = Radius0>convex0.m_radius ? Radius0 : convex0.m_radius;
- const btScalar MaxRadius = Radius1>convex1.m_radius ? Radius1 : convex1.m_radius;
- const btScalar MinMaxRadius = MaxRadius + MinRadius;
- const btScalar d0 = MinMaxRadius + dp;
- const btScalar d1 = MinMaxRadius - dp;
- const btScalar depth = d0<d1 ? d0:d1;
- if(depth>dmin)
- return false;
- return true;
- SIMD_FORCE_INLINE void btSegmentsClosestPoints(
- btVector3& ptsVector,
- btVector3& offsetA,
- btVector3& offsetB,
- btScalar& tA, btScalar& tB,
- const btVector3& translation,
- const btVector3& dirA, btScalar hlenA,
- const btVector3& dirB, btScalar hlenB )
- // compute the parameters of the closest points on each line segment
- btScalar dirA_dot_dirB = btDot(dirA,dirB);
- btScalar dirA_dot_trans = btDot(dirA,translation);
- btScalar dirB_dot_trans = btDot(dirB,translation);
- btScalar denom = 1.0f - dirA_dot_dirB * dirA_dot_dirB;
- if ( denom == 0.0f ) {
- tA = 0.0f;
- } else {
- tA = ( dirA_dot_trans - dirB_dot_trans * dirA_dot_dirB ) / denom;
- if ( tA < -hlenA )
- tA = -hlenA;
- else if ( tA > hlenA )
- tA = hlenA;
- }
- tB = tA * dirA_dot_dirB - dirB_dot_trans;
- if ( tB < -hlenB ) {
- tB = -hlenB;
- tA = tB * dirA_dot_dirB + dirA_dot_trans;
- if ( tA < -hlenA )
- tA = -hlenA;
- else if ( tA > hlenA )
- tA = hlenA;
- } else if ( tB > hlenB ) {
- tB = hlenB;
- tA = tB * dirA_dot_dirB + dirA_dot_trans;
- if ( tA < -hlenA )
- tA = -hlenA;
- else if ( tA > hlenA )
- tA = hlenA;
- }
- // compute the closest points relative to segment centers.
- offsetA = dirA * tA;
- offsetB = dirB * tB;
- ptsVector = translation - offsetA + offsetB;
-bool btPolyhedralContactClipping::findSeparatingAxis( const btConvexPolyhedron& hullA, const btConvexPolyhedron& hullB, const btTransform& transA,const btTransform& transB, btVector3& sep, btDiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface::Result& resultOut)
- gActualSATPairTests++;
- const btVector3 c0 = transA * hullA.m_localCenter;
- const btVector3 c1 = transB * hullB.m_localCenter;
- const btVector3 DeltaC2 = c0 - c1;
- btScalar dmin = FLT_MAX;
- int curPlaneTests=0;
- int numFacesA = hullA.m_faces.size();
- // Test normals from hullA
- for(int i=0;i<numFacesA;i++)
- {
- const btVector3 Normal(hullA.m_faces[i].m_plane[0], hullA.m_faces[i].m_plane[1], hullA.m_faces[i].m_plane[2]);
- btVector3 faceANormalWS = transA.getBasis() * Normal;
- if (<0)
- faceANormalWS*=-1.f;
- curPlaneTests++;
- gExpectedNbTests++;
- if(gUseInternalObject && !TestInternalObjects(transA,transB, DeltaC2, faceANormalWS, hullA, hullB, dmin))
- continue;
- gActualNbTests++;
- btScalar d;
- btVector3 wA,wB;
- if(!TestSepAxis( hullA, hullB, transA,transB, faceANormalWS, d,wA,wB))
- return false;
- if(d<dmin)
- {
- dmin = d;
- sep = faceANormalWS;
- }
- }
- int numFacesB = hullB.m_faces.size();
- // Test normals from hullB
- for(int i=0;i<numFacesB;i++)
- {
- const btVector3 Normal(hullB.m_faces[i].m_plane[0], hullB.m_faces[i].m_plane[1], hullB.m_faces[i].m_plane[2]);
- btVector3 WorldNormal = transB.getBasis() * Normal;
- if (<0)
- WorldNormal *=-1.f;
- curPlaneTests++;
- gExpectedNbTests++;
- if(gUseInternalObject && !TestInternalObjects(transA,transB,DeltaC2, WorldNormal, hullA, hullB, dmin))
- continue;
- gActualNbTests++;
- btScalar d;
- btVector3 wA,wB;
- if(!TestSepAxis(hullA, hullB,transA,transB, WorldNormal,d,wA,wB))
- return false;
- if(d<dmin)
- {
- dmin = d;
- sep = WorldNormal;
- }
- }
- btVector3 edgeAstart,edgeAend,edgeBstart,edgeBend;
- int edgeA=-1;
- int edgeB=-1;
- btVector3 worldEdgeA;
- btVector3 worldEdgeB;
- btVector3 witnessPointA(0,0,0),witnessPointB(0,0,0);
- int curEdgeEdge = 0;
- // Test edges
- for(int e0=0;e0<hullA.m_uniqueEdges.size();e0++)
- {
- const btVector3 edge0 = hullA.m_uniqueEdges[e0];
- const btVector3 WorldEdge0 = transA.getBasis() * edge0;
- for(int e1=0;e1<hullB.m_uniqueEdges.size();e1++)
- {
- const btVector3 edge1 = hullB.m_uniqueEdges[e1];
- const btVector3 WorldEdge1 = transB.getBasis() * edge1;
- btVector3 Cross = WorldEdge0.cross(WorldEdge1);
- curEdgeEdge++;
- if(!IsAlmostZero(Cross))
- {
- Cross = Cross.normalize();
- if (<0)
- Cross *= -1.f;
- gExpectedNbTests++;
- if(gUseInternalObject && !TestInternalObjects(transA,transB,DeltaC2, Cross, hullA, hullB, dmin))
- continue;
- gActualNbTests++;
- btScalar dist;
- btVector3 wA,wB;
- if(!TestSepAxis( hullA, hullB, transA,transB, Cross, dist,wA,wB))
- return false;
- if(dist<dmin)
- {
- dmin = dist;
- sep = Cross;
- edgeA=e0;
- edgeB=e1;
- worldEdgeA = WorldEdge0;
- worldEdgeB = WorldEdge1;
- witnessPointA=wA;
- witnessPointB=wB;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (edgeA>=0&&edgeB>=0)
- {
-// printf("edge-edge\n");
- //add an edge-edge contact
- btVector3 ptsVector;
- btVector3 offsetA;
- btVector3 offsetB;
- btScalar tA;
- btScalar tB;
- btVector3 translation = witnessPointB-witnessPointA;
- btVector3 dirA = worldEdgeA;
- btVector3 dirB = worldEdgeB;
- btScalar hlenB = 1e30f;
- btScalar hlenA = 1e30f;
- btSegmentsClosestPoints(ptsVector,offsetA,offsetB,tA,tB,
- translation,
- dirA, hlenA,
- dirB,hlenB);
- btScalar nlSqrt = ptsVector.length2();
- if (nlSqrt>SIMD_EPSILON)
- {
- btScalar nl = btSqrt(nlSqrt);
- ptsVector *= 1.f/nl;
- if (<0.f)
- {
- ptsVector*=-1.f;
- }
- btVector3 ptOnB = witnessPointB + offsetB;
- btScalar distance = nl;
- resultOut.addContactPoint(ptsVector, ptOnB,-distance);
- }
- }
- if((<0.0f)
- sep = -sep;
- return true;
-void btPolyhedralContactClipping::clipFaceAgainstHull(const btVector3& separatingNormal, const btConvexPolyhedron& hullA, const btTransform& transA, btVertexArray& worldVertsB1,btVertexArray& worldVertsB2, const btScalar minDist, btScalar maxDist,btDiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface::Result& resultOut)
- worldVertsB2.resize(0);
- btVertexArray* pVtxIn = &worldVertsB1;
- btVertexArray* pVtxOut = &worldVertsB2;
- pVtxOut->reserve(pVtxIn->size());
- int closestFaceA=-1;
- {
- btScalar dmin = FLT_MAX;
- for(int face=0;face<hullA.m_faces.size();face++)
- {
- const btVector3 Normal(hullA.m_faces[face].m_plane[0], hullA.m_faces[face].m_plane[1], hullA.m_faces[face].m_plane[2]);
- const btVector3 faceANormalWS = transA.getBasis() * Normal;
- btScalar d =;
- if (d < dmin)
- {
- dmin = d;
- closestFaceA = face;
- }
- }
- }
- if (closestFaceA<0)
- return;
- const btFace& polyA = hullA.m_faces[closestFaceA];
- // clip polygon to back of planes of all faces of hull A that are adjacent to witness face
- int numVerticesA = polyA.m_indices.size();
- for(int e0=0;e0<numVerticesA;e0++)
- {
- const btVector3& a = hullA.m_vertices[polyA.m_indices[e0]];
- const btVector3& b = hullA.m_vertices[polyA.m_indices[(e0+1)%numVerticesA]];
- const btVector3 edge0 = a - b;
- const btVector3 WorldEdge0 = transA.getBasis() * edge0;
- btVector3 worldPlaneAnormal1 = transA.getBasis()* btVector3(polyA.m_plane[0],polyA.m_plane[1],polyA.m_plane[2]);
- btVector3 planeNormalWS1 = -WorldEdge0.cross(worldPlaneAnormal1);//.cross(WorldEdge0);
- btVector3 worldA1 = transA*a;
- btScalar planeEqWS1 =;
-//int otherFace=0;
-#ifdef BLA1
- int otherFace = polyA.m_connectedFaces[e0];
- btVector3 localPlaneNormal (hullA.m_faces[otherFace].m_plane[0],hullA.m_faces[otherFace].m_plane[1],hullA.m_faces[otherFace].m_plane[2]);
- btScalar localPlaneEq = hullA.m_faces[otherFace].m_plane[3];
- btVector3 planeNormalWS = transA.getBasis()*localPlaneNormal;
- btScalar;
- btVector3 planeNormalWS = planeNormalWS1;
- btScalar planeEqWS=planeEqWS1;
- //clip face
- clipFace(*pVtxIn, *pVtxOut,planeNormalWS,planeEqWS);
- btSwap(pVtxIn,pVtxOut);
- pVtxOut->resize(0);
- }
- btVector3 point;
- // only keep points that are behind the witness face
- {
- btVector3 localPlaneNormal (polyA.m_plane[0],polyA.m_plane[1],polyA.m_plane[2]);
- btScalar localPlaneEq = polyA.m_plane[3];
- btVector3 planeNormalWS = transA.getBasis()*localPlaneNormal;
- btScalar;
- for (int i=0;i<pVtxIn->size();i++)
- {
- btVector3 vtx = pVtxIn->at(i);
- btScalar depth =;
- if (depth <=minDist)
- {
-// printf("clamped: depth=%f to minDist=%f\n",depth,minDist);
- depth = minDist;
- }
- if (depth <=maxDist)
- {
- btVector3 point = pVtxIn->at(i);
- curMaxDist = depth;
-#if 0
- if (depth<-3)
- {
- printf("error in btPolyhedralContactClipping depth = %f\n", depth);
- printf("likely wrong separatingNormal passed in\n");
- }
- resultOut.addContactPoint(separatingNormal,point,depth);
- }
- }
- }
- if (curMaxDist<maxDist)
- {
- resultOut.addContactPoint(separatingNormal,point,curMaxDist);
- }
-void btPolyhedralContactClipping::clipHullAgainstHull(const btVector3& separatingNormal1, const btConvexPolyhedron& hullA, const btConvexPolyhedron& hullB, const btTransform& transA,const btTransform& transB, const btScalar minDist, btScalar maxDist,btVertexArray& worldVertsB1,btVertexArray& worldVertsB2,btDiscreteCollisionDetectorInterface::Result& resultOut)
- btVector3 separatingNormal = separatingNormal1.normalized();
-// const btVector3 c0 = transA * hullA.m_localCenter;
-// const btVector3 c1 = transB * hullB.m_localCenter;
- //const btVector3 DeltaC2 = c0 - c1;
- int closestFaceB=-1;
- btScalar dmax = -FLT_MAX;
- {
- for(int face=0;face<hullB.m_faces.size();face++)
- {
- const btVector3 Normal(hullB.m_faces[face].m_plane[0], hullB.m_faces[face].m_plane[1], hullB.m_faces[face].m_plane[2]);
- const btVector3 WorldNormal = transB.getBasis() * Normal;
- btScalar d =;
- if (d > dmax)
- {
- dmax = d;
- closestFaceB = face;
- }
- }
- }
- worldVertsB1.resize(0);
- {
- const btFace& polyB = hullB.m_faces[closestFaceB];
- const int numVertices = polyB.m_indices.size();
- for(int e0=0;e0<numVertices;e0++)
- {
- const btVector3& b = hullB.m_vertices[polyB.m_indices[e0]];
- worldVertsB1.push_back(transB*b);
- }
- }
- if (closestFaceB>=0)
- clipFaceAgainstHull(separatingNormal, hullA, transA,worldVertsB1, worldVertsB2,minDist, maxDist,resultOut);