path: root/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btQuantizedBvh.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btQuantizedBvh.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1397 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btQuantizedBvh.cpp b/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btQuantizedBvh.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 875d89c53e..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/bullet/src/BulletCollision/BroadphaseCollision/btQuantizedBvh.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1397 +0,0 @@
-Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
-Copyright (c) 2003-2006 Erwin Coumans
-This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
-In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
-subject to the following restrictions:
-1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
-2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
-3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-#include "btQuantizedBvh.h"
-#include "LinearMath/btAabbUtil2.h"
-#include "LinearMath/btIDebugDraw.h"
-#include "LinearMath/btSerializer.h"
-#define RAYAABB2
-btQuantizedBvh::btQuantizedBvh() :
- m_bulletVersion(BT_BULLET_VERSION),
- m_useQuantization(false),
- m_traversalMode(TRAVERSAL_STACKLESS)
- //m_traversalMode(TRAVERSAL_RECURSIVE)
- ,m_subtreeHeaderCount(0) //PCK: add this line
-void btQuantizedBvh::buildInternal()
- ///assumes that caller filled in the m_quantizedLeafNodes
- m_useQuantization = true;
- int numLeafNodes = 0;
- if (m_useQuantization)
- {
- //now we have an array of leafnodes in m_leafNodes
- numLeafNodes = m_quantizedLeafNodes.size();
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes.resize(2*numLeafNodes);
- }
- m_curNodeIndex = 0;
- buildTree(0,numLeafNodes);
- ///if the entire tree is small then subtree size, we need to create a header info for the tree
- if(m_useQuantization && !m_SubtreeHeaders.size())
- {
- btBvhSubtreeInfo& subtree = m_SubtreeHeaders.expand();
- subtree.setAabbFromQuantizeNode(m_quantizedContiguousNodes[0]);
- subtree.m_rootNodeIndex = 0;
- subtree.m_subtreeSize = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[0].isLeafNode() ? 1 : m_quantizedContiguousNodes[0].getEscapeIndex();
- }
- //PCK: update the copy of the size
- m_subtreeHeaderCount = m_SubtreeHeaders.size();
- //PCK: clear m_quantizedLeafNodes and m_leafNodes, they are temporary
- m_quantizedLeafNodes.clear();
- m_leafNodes.clear();
-///just for debugging, to visualize the individual patches/subtrees
-btVector3 color[4]=
- btVector3(1,0,0),
- btVector3(0,1,0),
- btVector3(0,0,1),
- btVector3(0,1,1)
-void btQuantizedBvh::setQuantizationValues(const btVector3& bvhAabbMin,const btVector3& bvhAabbMax,btScalar quantizationMargin)
- //enlarge the AABB to avoid division by zero when initializing the quantization values
- btVector3 clampValue(quantizationMargin,quantizationMargin,quantizationMargin);
- m_bvhAabbMin = bvhAabbMin - clampValue;
- m_bvhAabbMax = bvhAabbMax + clampValue;
- btVector3 aabbSize = m_bvhAabbMax - m_bvhAabbMin;
- m_bvhQuantization = btVector3(btScalar(65533.0),btScalar(65533.0),btScalar(65533.0)) / aabbSize;
- m_useQuantization = true;
- {
- unsigned short vecIn[3];
- btVector3 v;
- {
- quantize(vecIn,m_bvhAabbMin,false);
- v = unQuantize(vecIn);
- m_bvhAabbMin.setMin(v-clampValue);
- }
- aabbSize = m_bvhAabbMax - m_bvhAabbMin;
- m_bvhQuantization = btVector3(btScalar(65533.0),btScalar(65533.0),btScalar(65533.0)) / aabbSize;
- {
- quantize(vecIn,m_bvhAabbMax,true);
- v = unQuantize(vecIn);
- m_bvhAabbMax.setMax(v+clampValue);
- }
- aabbSize = m_bvhAabbMax - m_bvhAabbMin;
- m_bvhQuantization = btVector3(btScalar(65533.0),btScalar(65533.0),btScalar(65533.0)) / aabbSize;
- }
-int gStackDepth = 0;
-int gMaxStackDepth = 0;
-void btQuantizedBvh::buildTree (int startIndex,int endIndex)
- gStackDepth++;
- if (gStackDepth > gMaxStackDepth)
- gMaxStackDepth = gStackDepth;
- int splitAxis, splitIndex, i;
- int numIndices =endIndex-startIndex;
- int curIndex = m_curNodeIndex;
- btAssert(numIndices>0);
- if (numIndices==1)
- {
- gStackDepth--;
- assignInternalNodeFromLeafNode(m_curNodeIndex,startIndex);
- m_curNodeIndex++;
- return;
- }
- //calculate Best Splitting Axis and where to split it. Sort the incoming 'leafNodes' array within range 'startIndex/endIndex'.
- splitAxis = calcSplittingAxis(startIndex,endIndex);
- splitIndex = sortAndCalcSplittingIndex(startIndex,endIndex,splitAxis);
- int internalNodeIndex = m_curNodeIndex;
- //set the min aabb to 'inf' or a max value, and set the max aabb to a -inf/minimum value.
- //the aabb will be expanded during buildTree/mergeInternalNodeAabb with actual node values
- setInternalNodeAabbMin(m_curNodeIndex,m_bvhAabbMax);//can't use btVector3(SIMD_INFINITY,SIMD_INFINITY,SIMD_INFINITY)) because of quantization
- setInternalNodeAabbMax(m_curNodeIndex,m_bvhAabbMin);//can't use btVector3(-SIMD_INFINITY,-SIMD_INFINITY,-SIMD_INFINITY)) because of quantization
- for (i=startIndex;i<endIndex;i++)
- {
- mergeInternalNodeAabb(m_curNodeIndex,getAabbMin(i),getAabbMax(i));
- }
- m_curNodeIndex++;
- //internalNode->m_escapeIndex;
- int leftChildNodexIndex = m_curNodeIndex;
- //build left child tree
- buildTree(startIndex,splitIndex);
- int rightChildNodexIndex = m_curNodeIndex;
- //build right child tree
- buildTree(splitIndex,endIndex);
- gStackDepth--;
- int escapeIndex = m_curNodeIndex - curIndex;
- if (m_useQuantization)
- {
- //escapeIndex is the number of nodes of this subtree
- const int sizeQuantizedNode =sizeof(btQuantizedBvhNode);
- const int treeSizeInBytes = escapeIndex * sizeQuantizedNode;
- if (treeSizeInBytes > MAX_SUBTREE_SIZE_IN_BYTES)
- {
- updateSubtreeHeaders(leftChildNodexIndex,rightChildNodexIndex);
- }
- } else
- {
- }
- setInternalNodeEscapeIndex(internalNodeIndex,escapeIndex);
-void btQuantizedBvh::updateSubtreeHeaders(int leftChildNodexIndex,int rightChildNodexIndex)
- btAssert(m_useQuantization);
- btQuantizedBvhNode& leftChildNode = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[leftChildNodexIndex];
- int leftSubTreeSize = leftChildNode.isLeafNode() ? 1 : leftChildNode.getEscapeIndex();
- int leftSubTreeSizeInBytes = leftSubTreeSize * static_cast<int>(sizeof(btQuantizedBvhNode));
- btQuantizedBvhNode& rightChildNode = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[rightChildNodexIndex];
- int rightSubTreeSize = rightChildNode.isLeafNode() ? 1 : rightChildNode.getEscapeIndex();
- int rightSubTreeSizeInBytes = rightSubTreeSize * static_cast<int>(sizeof(btQuantizedBvhNode));
- if(leftSubTreeSizeInBytes <= MAX_SUBTREE_SIZE_IN_BYTES)
- {
- btBvhSubtreeInfo& subtree = m_SubtreeHeaders.expand();
- subtree.setAabbFromQuantizeNode(leftChildNode);
- subtree.m_rootNodeIndex = leftChildNodexIndex;
- subtree.m_subtreeSize = leftSubTreeSize;
- }
- if(rightSubTreeSizeInBytes <= MAX_SUBTREE_SIZE_IN_BYTES)
- {
- btBvhSubtreeInfo& subtree = m_SubtreeHeaders.expand();
- subtree.setAabbFromQuantizeNode(rightChildNode);
- subtree.m_rootNodeIndex = rightChildNodexIndex;
- subtree.m_subtreeSize = rightSubTreeSize;
- }
- //PCK: update the copy of the size
- m_subtreeHeaderCount = m_SubtreeHeaders.size();
-int btQuantizedBvh::sortAndCalcSplittingIndex(int startIndex,int endIndex,int splitAxis)
- int i;
- int splitIndex =startIndex;
- int numIndices = endIndex - startIndex;
- btScalar splitValue;
- btVector3 means(btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.));
- for (i=startIndex;i<endIndex;i++)
- {
- btVector3 center = btScalar(0.5)*(getAabbMax(i)+getAabbMin(i));
- means+=center;
- }
- means *= (btScalar(1.)/(btScalar)numIndices);
- splitValue = means[splitAxis];
- //sort leafNodes so all values larger then splitValue comes first, and smaller values start from 'splitIndex'.
- for (i=startIndex;i<endIndex;i++)
- {
- btVector3 center = btScalar(0.5)*(getAabbMax(i)+getAabbMin(i));
- if (center[splitAxis] > splitValue)
- {
- //swap
- swapLeafNodes(i,splitIndex);
- splitIndex++;
- }
- }
- //if the splitIndex causes unbalanced trees, fix this by using the center in between startIndex and endIndex
- //otherwise the tree-building might fail due to stack-overflows in certain cases.
- //unbalanced1 is unsafe: it can cause stack overflows
- //bool unbalanced1 = ((splitIndex==startIndex) || (splitIndex == (endIndex-1)));
- //unbalanced2 should work too: always use center (perfect balanced trees)
- //bool unbalanced2 = true;
- //this should be safe too:
- int rangeBalancedIndices = numIndices/3;
- bool unbalanced = ((splitIndex<=(startIndex+rangeBalancedIndices)) || (splitIndex >=(endIndex-1-rangeBalancedIndices)));
- if (unbalanced)
- {
- splitIndex = startIndex+ (numIndices>>1);
- }
- bool unbal = (splitIndex==startIndex) || (splitIndex == (endIndex));
- (void)unbal;
- btAssert(!unbal);
- return splitIndex;
-int btQuantizedBvh::calcSplittingAxis(int startIndex,int endIndex)
- int i;
- btVector3 means(btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.));
- btVector3 variance(btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.),btScalar(0.));
- int numIndices = endIndex-startIndex;
- for (i=startIndex;i<endIndex;i++)
- {
- btVector3 center = btScalar(0.5)*(getAabbMax(i)+getAabbMin(i));
- means+=center;
- }
- means *= (btScalar(1.)/(btScalar)numIndices);
- for (i=startIndex;i<endIndex;i++)
- {
- btVector3 center = btScalar(0.5)*(getAabbMax(i)+getAabbMin(i));
- btVector3 diff2 = center-means;
- diff2 = diff2 * diff2;
- variance += diff2;
- }
- variance *= (btScalar(1.)/ ((btScalar)numIndices-1) );
- return variance.maxAxis();
-void btQuantizedBvh::reportAabbOverlappingNodex(btNodeOverlapCallback* nodeCallback,const btVector3& aabbMin,const btVector3& aabbMax) const
- //either choose recursive traversal (walkTree) or stackless (walkStacklessTree)
- if (m_useQuantization)
- {
- ///quantize query AABB
- unsigned short int quantizedQueryAabbMin[3];
- unsigned short int quantizedQueryAabbMax[3];
- quantizeWithClamp(quantizedQueryAabbMin,aabbMin,0);
- quantizeWithClamp(quantizedQueryAabbMax,aabbMax,1);
- switch (m_traversalMode)
- {
- walkStacklessQuantizedTree(nodeCallback,quantizedQueryAabbMin,quantizedQueryAabbMax,0,m_curNodeIndex);
- break;
- walkStacklessQuantizedTreeCacheFriendly(nodeCallback,quantizedQueryAabbMin,quantizedQueryAabbMax);
- break;
- {
- const btQuantizedBvhNode* rootNode = &m_quantizedContiguousNodes[0];
- walkRecursiveQuantizedTreeAgainstQueryAabb(rootNode,nodeCallback,quantizedQueryAabbMin,quantizedQueryAabbMax);
- }
- break;
- default:
- //unsupported
- btAssert(0);
- }
- } else
- {
- walkStacklessTree(nodeCallback,aabbMin,aabbMax);
- }
-int maxIterations = 0;
-void btQuantizedBvh::walkStacklessTree(btNodeOverlapCallback* nodeCallback,const btVector3& aabbMin,const btVector3& aabbMax) const
- btAssert(!m_useQuantization);
- const btOptimizedBvhNode* rootNode = &m_contiguousNodes[0];
- int escapeIndex, curIndex = 0;
- int walkIterations = 0;
- bool isLeafNode;
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- unsigned aabbOverlap;
- while (curIndex < m_curNodeIndex)
- {
- //catch bugs in tree data
- btAssert (walkIterations < m_curNodeIndex);
- walkIterations++;
- aabbOverlap = TestAabbAgainstAabb2(aabbMin,aabbMax,rootNode->m_aabbMinOrg,rootNode->m_aabbMaxOrg);
- isLeafNode = rootNode->m_escapeIndex == -1;
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- if (isLeafNode && (aabbOverlap != 0))
- {
- nodeCallback->processNode(rootNode->m_subPart,rootNode->m_triangleIndex);
- }
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- if ((aabbOverlap != 0) || isLeafNode)
- {
- rootNode++;
- curIndex++;
- } else
- {
- escapeIndex = rootNode->m_escapeIndex;
- rootNode += escapeIndex;
- curIndex += escapeIndex;
- }
- }
- if (maxIterations < walkIterations)
- maxIterations = walkIterations;
-///this was the original recursive traversal, before we optimized towards stackless traversal
-void btQuantizedBvh::walkTree(btOptimizedBvhNode* rootNode,btNodeOverlapCallback* nodeCallback,const btVector3& aabbMin,const btVector3& aabbMax) const
- bool isLeafNode, aabbOverlap = TestAabbAgainstAabb2(aabbMin,aabbMax,rootNode->m_aabbMin,rootNode->m_aabbMax);
- if (aabbOverlap)
- {
- isLeafNode = (!rootNode->m_leftChild && !rootNode->m_rightChild);
- if (isLeafNode)
- {
- nodeCallback->processNode(rootNode);
- } else
- {
- walkTree(rootNode->m_leftChild,nodeCallback,aabbMin,aabbMax);
- walkTree(rootNode->m_rightChild,nodeCallback,aabbMin,aabbMax);
- }
- }
-void btQuantizedBvh::walkRecursiveQuantizedTreeAgainstQueryAabb(const btQuantizedBvhNode* currentNode,btNodeOverlapCallback* nodeCallback,unsigned short int* quantizedQueryAabbMin,unsigned short int* quantizedQueryAabbMax) const
- btAssert(m_useQuantization);
- bool isLeafNode;
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- unsigned aabbOverlap;
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- aabbOverlap = testQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabb(quantizedQueryAabbMin,quantizedQueryAabbMax,currentNode->m_quantizedAabbMin,currentNode->m_quantizedAabbMax);
- isLeafNode = currentNode->isLeafNode();
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- if (aabbOverlap != 0)
- {
- if (isLeafNode)
- {
- nodeCallback->processNode(currentNode->getPartId(),currentNode->getTriangleIndex());
- } else
- {
- //process left and right children
- const btQuantizedBvhNode* leftChildNode = currentNode+1;
- walkRecursiveQuantizedTreeAgainstQueryAabb(leftChildNode,nodeCallback,quantizedQueryAabbMin,quantizedQueryAabbMax);
- const btQuantizedBvhNode* rightChildNode = leftChildNode->isLeafNode() ? leftChildNode+1:leftChildNode+leftChildNode->getEscapeIndex();
- walkRecursiveQuantizedTreeAgainstQueryAabb(rightChildNode,nodeCallback,quantizedQueryAabbMin,quantizedQueryAabbMax);
- }
- }
-void btQuantizedBvh::walkStacklessTreeAgainstRay(btNodeOverlapCallback* nodeCallback, const btVector3& raySource, const btVector3& rayTarget, const btVector3& aabbMin, const btVector3& aabbMax, int startNodeIndex,int endNodeIndex) const
- btAssert(!m_useQuantization);
- const btOptimizedBvhNode* rootNode = &m_contiguousNodes[0];
- int escapeIndex, curIndex = 0;
- int walkIterations = 0;
- bool isLeafNode;
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- unsigned aabbOverlap=0;
- unsigned rayBoxOverlap=0;
- btScalar lambda_max = 1.0;
- /* Quick pruning by quantized box */
- btVector3 rayAabbMin = raySource;
- btVector3 rayAabbMax = raySource;
- rayAabbMin.setMin(rayTarget);
- rayAabbMax.setMax(rayTarget);
- /* Add box cast extents to bounding box */
- rayAabbMin += aabbMin;
- rayAabbMax += aabbMax;
-#ifdef RAYAABB2
- btVector3 rayDir = (rayTarget-raySource);
- rayDir.normalize ();
- lambda_max =;
- ///what about division by zero? --> just set rayDirection[i] to 1.0
- btVector3 rayDirectionInverse;
- rayDirectionInverse[0] = rayDir[0] == btScalar(0.0) ? btScalar(BT_LARGE_FLOAT) : btScalar(1.0) / rayDir[0];
- rayDirectionInverse[1] = rayDir[1] == btScalar(0.0) ? btScalar(BT_LARGE_FLOAT) : btScalar(1.0) / rayDir[1];
- rayDirectionInverse[2] = rayDir[2] == btScalar(0.0) ? btScalar(BT_LARGE_FLOAT) : btScalar(1.0) / rayDir[2];
- unsigned int sign[3] = { rayDirectionInverse[0] < 0.0, rayDirectionInverse[1] < 0.0, rayDirectionInverse[2] < 0.0};
- btVector3 bounds[2];
- while (curIndex < m_curNodeIndex)
- {
- btScalar param = 1.0;
- //catch bugs in tree data
- btAssert (walkIterations < m_curNodeIndex);
- walkIterations++;
- bounds[0] = rootNode->m_aabbMinOrg;
- bounds[1] = rootNode->m_aabbMaxOrg;
- /* Add box cast extents */
- bounds[0] -= aabbMax;
- bounds[1] -= aabbMin;
- aabbOverlap = TestAabbAgainstAabb2(rayAabbMin,rayAabbMax,rootNode->m_aabbMinOrg,rootNode->m_aabbMaxOrg);
- //perhaps profile if it is worth doing the aabbOverlap test first
-#ifdef RAYAABB2
- ///careful with this check: need to check division by zero (above) and fix the unQuantize method
- ///thanks Joerg/hiker for the reproduction case!
- ///
- rayBoxOverlap = aabbOverlap ? btRayAabb2 (raySource, rayDirectionInverse, sign, bounds, param, 0.0f, lambda_max) : false;
- btVector3 normal;
- rayBoxOverlap = btRayAabb(raySource, rayTarget,bounds[0],bounds[1],param, normal);
- isLeafNode = rootNode->m_escapeIndex == -1;
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- if (isLeafNode && (rayBoxOverlap != 0))
- {
- nodeCallback->processNode(rootNode->m_subPart,rootNode->m_triangleIndex);
- }
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- if ((rayBoxOverlap != 0) || isLeafNode)
- {
- rootNode++;
- curIndex++;
- } else
- {
- escapeIndex = rootNode->m_escapeIndex;
- rootNode += escapeIndex;
- curIndex += escapeIndex;
- }
- }
- if (maxIterations < walkIterations)
- maxIterations = walkIterations;
-void btQuantizedBvh::walkStacklessQuantizedTreeAgainstRay(btNodeOverlapCallback* nodeCallback, const btVector3& raySource, const btVector3& rayTarget, const btVector3& aabbMin, const btVector3& aabbMax, int startNodeIndex,int endNodeIndex) const
- btAssert(m_useQuantization);
- int curIndex = startNodeIndex;
- int walkIterations = 0;
- int subTreeSize = endNodeIndex - startNodeIndex;
- (void)subTreeSize;
- const btQuantizedBvhNode* rootNode = &m_quantizedContiguousNodes[startNodeIndex];
- int escapeIndex;
- bool isLeafNode;
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- unsigned boxBoxOverlap = 0;
- unsigned rayBoxOverlap = 0;
- btScalar lambda_max = 1.0;
-#ifdef RAYAABB2
- btVector3 rayDirection = (rayTarget-raySource);
- rayDirection.normalize ();
- lambda_max =;
- ///what about division by zero? --> just set rayDirection[i] to 1.0
- rayDirection[0] = rayDirection[0] == btScalar(0.0) ? btScalar(BT_LARGE_FLOAT) : btScalar(1.0) / rayDirection[0];
- rayDirection[1] = rayDirection[1] == btScalar(0.0) ? btScalar(BT_LARGE_FLOAT) : btScalar(1.0) / rayDirection[1];
- rayDirection[2] = rayDirection[2] == btScalar(0.0) ? btScalar(BT_LARGE_FLOAT) : btScalar(1.0) / rayDirection[2];
- unsigned int sign[3] = { rayDirection[0] < 0.0, rayDirection[1] < 0.0, rayDirection[2] < 0.0};
- /* Quick pruning by quantized box */
- btVector3 rayAabbMin = raySource;
- btVector3 rayAabbMax = raySource;
- rayAabbMin.setMin(rayTarget);
- rayAabbMax.setMax(rayTarget);
- /* Add box cast extents to bounding box */
- rayAabbMin += aabbMin;
- rayAabbMax += aabbMax;
- unsigned short int quantizedQueryAabbMin[3];
- unsigned short int quantizedQueryAabbMax[3];
- quantizeWithClamp(quantizedQueryAabbMin,rayAabbMin,0);
- quantizeWithClamp(quantizedQueryAabbMax,rayAabbMax,1);
- while (curIndex < endNodeIndex)
- {
- //some code snippet to debugDraw aabb, to visually analyze bvh structure
- static int drawPatch = 0;
- //need some global access to a debugDrawer
- extern btIDebugDraw* debugDrawerPtr;
- if (curIndex==drawPatch)
- {
- btVector3 aabbMin,aabbMax;
- aabbMin = unQuantize(rootNode->m_quantizedAabbMin);
- aabbMax = unQuantize(rootNode->m_quantizedAabbMax);
- btVector3 color(1,0,0);
- debugDrawerPtr->drawAabb(aabbMin,aabbMax,color);
- }
- //catch bugs in tree data
- btAssert (walkIterations < subTreeSize);
- walkIterations++;
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- // only interested if this is closer than any previous hit
- btScalar param = 1.0;
- rayBoxOverlap = 0;
- boxBoxOverlap = testQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabb(quantizedQueryAabbMin,quantizedQueryAabbMax,rootNode->m_quantizedAabbMin,rootNode->m_quantizedAabbMax);
- isLeafNode = rootNode->isLeafNode();
- if (boxBoxOverlap)
- {
- btVector3 bounds[2];
- bounds[0] = unQuantize(rootNode->m_quantizedAabbMin);
- bounds[1] = unQuantize(rootNode->m_quantizedAabbMax);
- /* Add box cast extents */
- bounds[0] -= aabbMax;
- bounds[1] -= aabbMin;
- btVector3 normal;
-#if 0
- bool ra2 = btRayAabb2 (raySource, rayDirection, sign, bounds, param, 0.0, lambda_max);
- bool ra = btRayAabb (raySource, rayTarget, bounds[0], bounds[1], param, normal);
- if (ra2 != ra)
- {
- printf("functions don't match\n");
- }
-#ifdef RAYAABB2
- ///careful with this check: need to check division by zero (above) and fix the unQuantize method
- ///thanks Joerg/hiker for the reproduction case!
- ///
- //BT_PROFILE("btRayAabb2");
- rayBoxOverlap = btRayAabb2 (raySource, rayDirection, sign, bounds, param, 0.0f, lambda_max);
- rayBoxOverlap = true;//btRayAabb(raySource, rayTarget, bounds[0], bounds[1], param, normal);
- }
- if (isLeafNode && rayBoxOverlap)
- {
- nodeCallback->processNode(rootNode->getPartId(),rootNode->getTriangleIndex());
- }
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- if ((rayBoxOverlap != 0) || isLeafNode)
- {
- rootNode++;
- curIndex++;
- } else
- {
- escapeIndex = rootNode->getEscapeIndex();
- rootNode += escapeIndex;
- curIndex += escapeIndex;
- }
- }
- if (maxIterations < walkIterations)
- maxIterations = walkIterations;
-void btQuantizedBvh::walkStacklessQuantizedTree(btNodeOverlapCallback* nodeCallback,unsigned short int* quantizedQueryAabbMin,unsigned short int* quantizedQueryAabbMax,int startNodeIndex,int endNodeIndex) const
- btAssert(m_useQuantization);
- int curIndex = startNodeIndex;
- int walkIterations = 0;
- int subTreeSize = endNodeIndex - startNodeIndex;
- (void)subTreeSize;
- const btQuantizedBvhNode* rootNode = &m_quantizedContiguousNodes[startNodeIndex];
- int escapeIndex;
- bool isLeafNode;
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- unsigned aabbOverlap;
- while (curIndex < endNodeIndex)
- {
- //some code snippet to debugDraw aabb, to visually analyze bvh structure
- static int drawPatch = 0;
- //need some global access to a debugDrawer
- extern btIDebugDraw* debugDrawerPtr;
- if (curIndex==drawPatch)
- {
- btVector3 aabbMin,aabbMax;
- aabbMin = unQuantize(rootNode->m_quantizedAabbMin);
- aabbMax = unQuantize(rootNode->m_quantizedAabbMax);
- btVector3 color(1,0,0);
- debugDrawerPtr->drawAabb(aabbMin,aabbMax,color);
- }
- //catch bugs in tree data
- btAssert (walkIterations < subTreeSize);
- walkIterations++;
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- aabbOverlap = testQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabb(quantizedQueryAabbMin,quantizedQueryAabbMax,rootNode->m_quantizedAabbMin,rootNode->m_quantizedAabbMax);
- isLeafNode = rootNode->isLeafNode();
- if (isLeafNode && aabbOverlap)
- {
- nodeCallback->processNode(rootNode->getPartId(),rootNode->getTriangleIndex());
- }
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- if ((aabbOverlap != 0) || isLeafNode)
- {
- rootNode++;
- curIndex++;
- } else
- {
- escapeIndex = rootNode->getEscapeIndex();
- rootNode += escapeIndex;
- curIndex += escapeIndex;
- }
- }
- if (maxIterations < walkIterations)
- maxIterations = walkIterations;
-//This traversal can be called from Playstation 3 SPU
-void btQuantizedBvh::walkStacklessQuantizedTreeCacheFriendly(btNodeOverlapCallback* nodeCallback,unsigned short int* quantizedQueryAabbMin,unsigned short int* quantizedQueryAabbMax) const
- btAssert(m_useQuantization);
- int i;
- for (i=0;i<this->m_SubtreeHeaders.size();i++)
- {
- const btBvhSubtreeInfo& subtree = m_SubtreeHeaders[i];
- //PCK: unsigned instead of bool
- unsigned overlap = testQuantizedAabbAgainstQuantizedAabb(quantizedQueryAabbMin,quantizedQueryAabbMax,subtree.m_quantizedAabbMin,subtree.m_quantizedAabbMax);
- if (overlap != 0)
- {
- walkStacklessQuantizedTree(nodeCallback,quantizedQueryAabbMin,quantizedQueryAabbMax,
- subtree.m_rootNodeIndex,
- subtree.m_rootNodeIndex+subtree.m_subtreeSize);
- }
- }
-void btQuantizedBvh::reportRayOverlappingNodex (btNodeOverlapCallback* nodeCallback, const btVector3& raySource, const btVector3& rayTarget) const
- reportBoxCastOverlappingNodex(nodeCallback,raySource,rayTarget,btVector3(0,0,0),btVector3(0,0,0));
-void btQuantizedBvh::reportBoxCastOverlappingNodex(btNodeOverlapCallback* nodeCallback, const btVector3& raySource, const btVector3& rayTarget, const btVector3& aabbMin,const btVector3& aabbMax) const
- //always use stackless
- if (m_useQuantization)
- {
- walkStacklessQuantizedTreeAgainstRay(nodeCallback, raySource, rayTarget, aabbMin, aabbMax, 0, m_curNodeIndex);
- }
- else
- {
- walkStacklessTreeAgainstRay(nodeCallback, raySource, rayTarget, aabbMin, aabbMax, 0, m_curNodeIndex);
- }
- /*
- {
- //recursive traversal
- btVector3 qaabbMin = raySource;
- btVector3 qaabbMax = raySource;
- qaabbMin.setMin(rayTarget);
- qaabbMax.setMax(rayTarget);
- qaabbMin += aabbMin;
- qaabbMax += aabbMax;
- reportAabbOverlappingNodex(nodeCallback,qaabbMin,qaabbMax);
- }
- */
-void btQuantizedBvh::swapLeafNodes(int i,int splitIndex)
- if (m_useQuantization)
- {
- btQuantizedBvhNode tmp = m_quantizedLeafNodes[i];
- m_quantizedLeafNodes[i] = m_quantizedLeafNodes[splitIndex];
- m_quantizedLeafNodes[splitIndex] = tmp;
- } else
- {
- btOptimizedBvhNode tmp = m_leafNodes[i];
- m_leafNodes[i] = m_leafNodes[splitIndex];
- m_leafNodes[splitIndex] = tmp;
- }
-void btQuantizedBvh::assignInternalNodeFromLeafNode(int internalNode,int leafNodeIndex)
- if (m_useQuantization)
- {
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[internalNode] = m_quantizedLeafNodes[leafNodeIndex];
- } else
- {
- m_contiguousNodes[internalNode] = m_leafNodes[leafNodeIndex];
- }
-//PCK: include
-#include <new>
-#if 0
-//PCK: consts
-static const unsigned BVH_ALIGNMENT = 16;
-static const unsigned BVH_ALIGNMENT_MASK = BVH_ALIGNMENT-1;
-static const unsigned BVH_ALIGNMENT_BLOCKS = 2;
-unsigned int btQuantizedBvh::getAlignmentSerializationPadding()
- // I changed this to 0 since the extra padding is not needed or used.
-unsigned btQuantizedBvh::calculateSerializeBufferSize() const
- unsigned baseSize = sizeof(btQuantizedBvh) + getAlignmentSerializationPadding();
- baseSize += sizeof(btBvhSubtreeInfo) * m_subtreeHeaderCount;
- if (m_useQuantization)
- {
- return baseSize + m_curNodeIndex * sizeof(btQuantizedBvhNode);
- }
- return baseSize + m_curNodeIndex * sizeof(btOptimizedBvhNode);
-bool btQuantizedBvh::serialize(void *o_alignedDataBuffer, unsigned /*i_dataBufferSize */, bool i_swapEndian) const
- btAssert(m_subtreeHeaderCount == m_SubtreeHeaders.size());
- m_subtreeHeaderCount = m_SubtreeHeaders.size();
-/* if (i_dataBufferSize < calculateSerializeBufferSize() || o_alignedDataBuffer == NULL || (((unsigned)o_alignedDataBuffer & BVH_ALIGNMENT_MASK) != 0))
- {
- ///check alignedment for buffer?
- btAssert(0);
- return false;
- }
- btQuantizedBvh *targetBvh = (btQuantizedBvh *)o_alignedDataBuffer;
- // construct the class so the virtual function table, etc will be set up
- // Also, m_leafNodes and m_quantizedLeafNodes will be initialized to default values by the constructor
- new (targetBvh) btQuantizedBvh;
- if (i_swapEndian)
- {
- targetBvh->m_curNodeIndex = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(m_curNodeIndex));
- btSwapVector3Endian(m_bvhAabbMin,targetBvh->m_bvhAabbMin);
- btSwapVector3Endian(m_bvhAabbMax,targetBvh->m_bvhAabbMax);
- btSwapVector3Endian(m_bvhQuantization,targetBvh->m_bvhQuantization);
- targetBvh->m_traversalMode = (btTraversalMode)btSwapEndian(m_traversalMode);
- targetBvh->m_subtreeHeaderCount = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(m_subtreeHeaderCount));
- }
- else
- {
- targetBvh->m_curNodeIndex = m_curNodeIndex;
- targetBvh->m_bvhAabbMin = m_bvhAabbMin;
- targetBvh->m_bvhAabbMax = m_bvhAabbMax;
- targetBvh->m_bvhQuantization = m_bvhQuantization;
- targetBvh->m_traversalMode = m_traversalMode;
- targetBvh->m_subtreeHeaderCount = m_subtreeHeaderCount;
- }
- targetBvh->m_useQuantization = m_useQuantization;
- unsigned char *nodeData = (unsigned char *)targetBvh;
- nodeData += sizeof(btQuantizedBvh);
- unsigned sizeToAdd = 0;//(BVH_ALIGNMENT-((unsigned)nodeData & BVH_ALIGNMENT_MASK))&BVH_ALIGNMENT_MASK;
- nodeData += sizeToAdd;
- int nodeCount = m_curNodeIndex;
- if (m_useQuantization)
- {
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes.initializeFromBuffer(nodeData, nodeCount, nodeCount);
- if (i_swapEndian)
- {
- for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodeCount; nodeIndex++)
- {
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[0] = btSwapEndian(m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[0]);
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[1] = btSwapEndian(m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[1]);
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[2] = btSwapEndian(m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[2]);
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[0] = btSwapEndian(m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[0]);
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[1] = btSwapEndian(m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[1]);
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[2] = btSwapEndian(m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[2]);
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodeCount; nodeIndex++)
- {
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[0] = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[0];
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[1] = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[1];
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[2] = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[2];
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[0] = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[0];
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[1] = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[1];
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[2] = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[2];
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex;
- }
- }
- nodeData += sizeof(btQuantizedBvhNode) * nodeCount;
- // this clears the pointer in the member variable it doesn't really do anything to the data
- // it does call the destructor on the contained objects, but they are all classes with no destructor defined
- // so the memory (which is not freed) is left alone
- targetBvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes.initializeFromBuffer(NULL, 0, 0);
- }
- else
- {
- targetBvh->m_contiguousNodes.initializeFromBuffer(nodeData, nodeCount, nodeCount);
- if (i_swapEndian)
- {
- for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodeCount; nodeIndex++)
- {
- btSwapVector3Endian(m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_aabbMinOrg, targetBvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_aabbMinOrg);
- btSwapVector3Endian(m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_aabbMaxOrg, targetBvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_aabbMaxOrg);
- targetBvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_escapeIndex = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_escapeIndex));
- targetBvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_subPart = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_subPart));
- targetBvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_triangleIndex = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_triangleIndex));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodeCount; nodeIndex++)
- {
- targetBvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_aabbMinOrg = m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_aabbMinOrg;
- targetBvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_aabbMaxOrg = m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_aabbMaxOrg;
- targetBvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_escapeIndex = m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_escapeIndex;
- targetBvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_subPart = m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_subPart;
- targetBvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_triangleIndex = m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_triangleIndex;
- }
- }
- nodeData += sizeof(btOptimizedBvhNode) * nodeCount;
- // this clears the pointer in the member variable it doesn't really do anything to the data
- // it does call the destructor on the contained objects, but they are all classes with no destructor defined
- // so the memory (which is not freed) is left alone
- targetBvh->m_contiguousNodes.initializeFromBuffer(NULL, 0, 0);
- }
- sizeToAdd = 0;//(BVH_ALIGNMENT-((unsigned)nodeData & BVH_ALIGNMENT_MASK))&BVH_ALIGNMENT_MASK;
- nodeData += sizeToAdd;
- // Now serialize the subtree headers
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders.initializeFromBuffer(nodeData, m_subtreeHeaderCount, m_subtreeHeaderCount);
- if (i_swapEndian)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < m_subtreeHeaderCount; i++)
- {
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[0] = btSwapEndian(m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[0]);
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[1] = btSwapEndian(m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[1]);
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[2] = btSwapEndian(m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[2]);
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[0] = btSwapEndian(m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[0]);
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[1] = btSwapEndian(m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[1]);
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[2] = btSwapEndian(m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[2]);
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_rootNodeIndex = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_rootNodeIndex));
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_subtreeSize = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_subtreeSize));
- }
- }
- else
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < m_subtreeHeaderCount; i++)
- {
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[0] = (m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[0]);
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[1] = (m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[1]);
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[2] = (m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[2]);
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[0] = (m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[0]);
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[1] = (m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[1]);
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[2] = (m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[2]);
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_rootNodeIndex = (m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_rootNodeIndex);
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_subtreeSize = (m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_subtreeSize);
- // need to clear padding in destination buffer
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_padding[0] = 0;
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_padding[1] = 0;
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_padding[2] = 0;
- }
- }
- nodeData += sizeof(btBvhSubtreeInfo) * m_subtreeHeaderCount;
- // this clears the pointer in the member variable it doesn't really do anything to the data
- // it does call the destructor on the contained objects, but they are all classes with no destructor defined
- // so the memory (which is not freed) is left alone
- targetBvh->m_SubtreeHeaders.initializeFromBuffer(NULL, 0, 0);
- // this wipes the virtual function table pointer at the start of the buffer for the class
- *((void**)o_alignedDataBuffer) = NULL;
- return true;
-btQuantizedBvh *btQuantizedBvh::deSerializeInPlace(void *i_alignedDataBuffer, unsigned int i_dataBufferSize, bool i_swapEndian)
- if (i_alignedDataBuffer == NULL)// || (((unsigned)i_alignedDataBuffer & BVH_ALIGNMENT_MASK) != 0))
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- btQuantizedBvh *bvh = (btQuantizedBvh *)i_alignedDataBuffer;
- if (i_swapEndian)
- {
- bvh->m_curNodeIndex = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(bvh->m_curNodeIndex));
- btUnSwapVector3Endian(bvh->m_bvhAabbMin);
- btUnSwapVector3Endian(bvh->m_bvhAabbMax);
- btUnSwapVector3Endian(bvh->m_bvhQuantization);
- bvh->m_traversalMode = (btTraversalMode)btSwapEndian(bvh->m_traversalMode);
- bvh->m_subtreeHeaderCount = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(bvh->m_subtreeHeaderCount));
- }
- unsigned int calculatedBufSize = bvh->calculateSerializeBufferSize();
- btAssert(calculatedBufSize <= i_dataBufferSize);
- if (calculatedBufSize > i_dataBufferSize)
- {
- return NULL;
- }
- unsigned char *nodeData = (unsigned char *)bvh;
- nodeData += sizeof(btQuantizedBvh);
- unsigned sizeToAdd = 0;//(BVH_ALIGNMENT-((unsigned)nodeData & BVH_ALIGNMENT_MASK))&BVH_ALIGNMENT_MASK;
- nodeData += sizeToAdd;
- int nodeCount = bvh->m_curNodeIndex;
- // Must call placement new to fill in virtual function table, etc, but we don't want to overwrite most data, so call a special version of the constructor
- // Also, m_leafNodes and m_quantizedLeafNodes will be initialized to default values by the constructor
- new (bvh) btQuantizedBvh(*bvh, false);
- if (bvh->m_useQuantization)
- {
- bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes.initializeFromBuffer(nodeData, nodeCount, nodeCount);
- if (i_swapEndian)
- {
- for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodeCount; nodeIndex++)
- {
- bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[0] = btSwapEndian(bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[0]);
- bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[1] = btSwapEndian(bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[1]);
- bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[2] = btSwapEndian(bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMin[2]);
- bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[0] = btSwapEndian(bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[0]);
- bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[1] = btSwapEndian(bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[1]);
- bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[2] = btSwapEndian(bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_quantizedAabbMax[2]);
- bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(bvh->m_quantizedContiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex));
- }
- }
- nodeData += sizeof(btQuantizedBvhNode) * nodeCount;
- }
- else
- {
- bvh->m_contiguousNodes.initializeFromBuffer(nodeData, nodeCount, nodeCount);
- if (i_swapEndian)
- {
- for (int nodeIndex = 0; nodeIndex < nodeCount; nodeIndex++)
- {
- btUnSwapVector3Endian(bvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_aabbMinOrg);
- btUnSwapVector3Endian(bvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_aabbMaxOrg);
- bvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_escapeIndex = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(bvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_escapeIndex));
- bvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_subPart = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(bvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_subPart));
- bvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_triangleIndex = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(bvh->m_contiguousNodes[nodeIndex].m_triangleIndex));
- }
- }
- nodeData += sizeof(btOptimizedBvhNode) * nodeCount;
- }
- sizeToAdd = 0;//(BVH_ALIGNMENT-((unsigned)nodeData & BVH_ALIGNMENT_MASK))&BVH_ALIGNMENT_MASK;
- nodeData += sizeToAdd;
- // Now serialize the subtree headers
- bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders.initializeFromBuffer(nodeData, bvh->m_subtreeHeaderCount, bvh->m_subtreeHeaderCount);
- if (i_swapEndian)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < bvh->m_subtreeHeaderCount; i++)
- {
- bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[0] = btSwapEndian(bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[0]);
- bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[1] = btSwapEndian(bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[1]);
- bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[2] = btSwapEndian(bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[2]);
- bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[0] = btSwapEndian(bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[0]);
- bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[1] = btSwapEndian(bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[1]);
- bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[2] = btSwapEndian(bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[2]);
- bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_rootNodeIndex = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_rootNodeIndex));
- bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_subtreeSize = static_cast<int>(btSwapEndian(bvh->m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_subtreeSize));
- }
- }
- return bvh;
-// Constructor that prevents btVector3's default constructor from being called
-btQuantizedBvh::btQuantizedBvh(btQuantizedBvh &self, bool /* ownsMemory */) :
-void btQuantizedBvh::deSerializeFloat(struct btQuantizedBvhFloatData& quantizedBvhFloatData)
- m_bvhAabbMax.deSerializeFloat(quantizedBvhFloatData.m_bvhAabbMax);
- m_bvhAabbMin.deSerializeFloat(quantizedBvhFloatData.m_bvhAabbMin);
- m_bvhQuantization.deSerializeFloat(quantizedBvhFloatData.m_bvhQuantization);
- m_curNodeIndex = quantizedBvhFloatData.m_curNodeIndex;
- m_useQuantization = quantizedBvhFloatData.m_useQuantization!=0;
- {
- int numElem = quantizedBvhFloatData.m_numContiguousLeafNodes;
- m_contiguousNodes.resize(numElem);
- if (numElem)
- {
- btOptimizedBvhNodeFloatData* memPtr = quantizedBvhFloatData.m_contiguousNodesPtr;
- for (int i=0;i<numElem;i++,memPtr++)
- {
- m_contiguousNodes[i].m_aabbMaxOrg.deSerializeFloat(memPtr->m_aabbMaxOrg);
- m_contiguousNodes[i].m_aabbMinOrg.deSerializeFloat(memPtr->m_aabbMinOrg);
- m_contiguousNodes[i].m_escapeIndex = memPtr->m_escapeIndex;
- m_contiguousNodes[i].m_subPart = memPtr->m_subPart;
- m_contiguousNodes[i].m_triangleIndex = memPtr->m_triangleIndex;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- int numElem = quantizedBvhFloatData.m_numQuantizedContiguousNodes;
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes.resize(numElem);
- if (numElem)
- {
- btQuantizedBvhNodeData* memPtr = quantizedBvhFloatData.m_quantizedContiguousNodesPtr;
- for (int i=0;i<numElem;i++,memPtr++)
- {
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex = memPtr->m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex;
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[0] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[0];
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[1] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[1];
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[2] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[2];
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[0] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[0];
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[1] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[1];
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[2] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[2];
- }
- }
- }
- m_traversalMode = btTraversalMode(quantizedBvhFloatData.m_traversalMode);
- {
- int numElem = quantizedBvhFloatData.m_numSubtreeHeaders;
- m_SubtreeHeaders.resize(numElem);
- if (numElem)
- {
- btBvhSubtreeInfoData* memPtr = quantizedBvhFloatData.m_subTreeInfoPtr;
- for (int i=0;i<numElem;i++,memPtr++)
- {
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[0] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[0] ;
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[1] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[1];
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[2] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[2];
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[0] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[0];
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[1] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[1];
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[2] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[2];
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_rootNodeIndex = memPtr->m_rootNodeIndex;
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_subtreeSize = memPtr->m_subtreeSize;
- }
- }
- }
-void btQuantizedBvh::deSerializeDouble(struct btQuantizedBvhDoubleData& quantizedBvhDoubleData)
- m_bvhAabbMax.deSerializeDouble(quantizedBvhDoubleData.m_bvhAabbMax);
- m_bvhAabbMin.deSerializeDouble(quantizedBvhDoubleData.m_bvhAabbMin);
- m_bvhQuantization.deSerializeDouble(quantizedBvhDoubleData.m_bvhQuantization);
- m_curNodeIndex = quantizedBvhDoubleData.m_curNodeIndex;
- m_useQuantization = quantizedBvhDoubleData.m_useQuantization!=0;
- {
- int numElem = quantizedBvhDoubleData.m_numContiguousLeafNodes;
- m_contiguousNodes.resize(numElem);
- if (numElem)
- {
- btOptimizedBvhNodeDoubleData* memPtr = quantizedBvhDoubleData.m_contiguousNodesPtr;
- for (int i=0;i<numElem;i++,memPtr++)
- {
- m_contiguousNodes[i].m_aabbMaxOrg.deSerializeDouble(memPtr->m_aabbMaxOrg);
- m_contiguousNodes[i].m_aabbMinOrg.deSerializeDouble(memPtr->m_aabbMinOrg);
- m_contiguousNodes[i].m_escapeIndex = memPtr->m_escapeIndex;
- m_contiguousNodes[i].m_subPart = memPtr->m_subPart;
- m_contiguousNodes[i].m_triangleIndex = memPtr->m_triangleIndex;
- }
- }
- }
- {
- int numElem = quantizedBvhDoubleData.m_numQuantizedContiguousNodes;
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes.resize(numElem);
- if (numElem)
- {
- btQuantizedBvhNodeData* memPtr = quantizedBvhDoubleData.m_quantizedContiguousNodesPtr;
- for (int i=0;i<numElem;i++,memPtr++)
- {
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex = memPtr->m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex;
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[0] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[0];
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[1] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[1];
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[2] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[2];
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[0] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[0];
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[1] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[1];
- m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[2] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[2];
- }
- }
- }
- m_traversalMode = btTraversalMode(quantizedBvhDoubleData.m_traversalMode);
- {
- int numElem = quantizedBvhDoubleData.m_numSubtreeHeaders;
- m_SubtreeHeaders.resize(numElem);
- if (numElem)
- {
- btBvhSubtreeInfoData* memPtr = quantizedBvhDoubleData.m_subTreeInfoPtr;
- for (int i=0;i<numElem;i++,memPtr++)
- {
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[0] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[0] ;
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[1] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[1];
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[2] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[2];
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[0] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[0];
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[1] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[1];
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[2] = memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[2];
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_rootNodeIndex = memPtr->m_rootNodeIndex;
- m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_subtreeSize = memPtr->m_subtreeSize;
- }
- }
- }
-///fills the dataBuffer and returns the struct name (and 0 on failure)
-const char* btQuantizedBvh::serialize(void* dataBuffer, btSerializer* serializer) const
- btQuantizedBvhData* quantizedData = (btQuantizedBvhData*)dataBuffer;
- m_bvhAabbMax.serialize(quantizedData->m_bvhAabbMax);
- m_bvhAabbMin.serialize(quantizedData->m_bvhAabbMin);
- m_bvhQuantization.serialize(quantizedData->m_bvhQuantization);
- quantizedData->m_curNodeIndex = m_curNodeIndex;
- quantizedData->m_useQuantization = m_useQuantization;
- quantizedData->m_numContiguousLeafNodes = m_contiguousNodes.size();
- quantizedData->m_contiguousNodesPtr = (btOptimizedBvhNodeData*) (m_contiguousNodes.size() ? serializer->getUniquePointer((void*)&m_contiguousNodes[0]) : 0);
- if (quantizedData->m_contiguousNodesPtr)
- {
- int sz = sizeof(btOptimizedBvhNodeData);
- int numElem = m_contiguousNodes.size();
- btChunk* chunk = serializer->allocate(sz,numElem);
- btOptimizedBvhNodeData* memPtr = (btOptimizedBvhNodeData*)chunk->m_oldPtr;
- for (int i=0;i<numElem;i++,memPtr++)
- {
- m_contiguousNodes[i].m_aabbMaxOrg.serialize(memPtr->m_aabbMaxOrg);
- m_contiguousNodes[i].m_aabbMinOrg.serialize(memPtr->m_aabbMinOrg);
- memPtr->m_escapeIndex = m_contiguousNodes[i].m_escapeIndex;
- memPtr->m_subPart = m_contiguousNodes[i].m_subPart;
- memPtr->m_triangleIndex = m_contiguousNodes[i].m_triangleIndex;
- // Fill padding with zeros to appease msan.
- memset(memPtr->m_pad, 0, sizeof(memPtr->m_pad));
- }
- serializer->finalizeChunk(chunk,"btOptimizedBvhNodeData",BT_ARRAY_CODE,(void*)&m_contiguousNodes[0]);
- }
- quantizedData->m_numQuantizedContiguousNodes = m_quantizedContiguousNodes.size();
-// printf("quantizedData->m_numQuantizedContiguousNodes=%d\n",quantizedData->m_numQuantizedContiguousNodes);
- quantizedData->m_quantizedContiguousNodesPtr =(btQuantizedBvhNodeData*) (m_quantizedContiguousNodes.size() ? serializer->getUniquePointer((void*)&m_quantizedContiguousNodes[0]) : 0);
- if (quantizedData->m_quantizedContiguousNodesPtr)
- {
- int sz = sizeof(btQuantizedBvhNodeData);
- int numElem = m_quantizedContiguousNodes.size();
- btChunk* chunk = serializer->allocate(sz,numElem);
- btQuantizedBvhNodeData* memPtr = (btQuantizedBvhNodeData*)chunk->m_oldPtr;
- for (int i=0;i<numElem;i++,memPtr++)
- {
- memPtr->m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_escapeIndexOrTriangleIndex;
- memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[0] = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[0];
- memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[1] = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[1];
- memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[2] = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[2];
- memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[0] = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[0];
- memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[1] = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[1];
- memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[2] = m_quantizedContiguousNodes[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[2];
- }
- serializer->finalizeChunk(chunk,"btQuantizedBvhNodeData",BT_ARRAY_CODE,(void*)&m_quantizedContiguousNodes[0]);
- }
- quantizedData->m_traversalMode = int(m_traversalMode);
- quantizedData->m_numSubtreeHeaders = m_SubtreeHeaders.size();
- quantizedData->m_subTreeInfoPtr = (btBvhSubtreeInfoData*) (m_SubtreeHeaders.size() ? serializer->getUniquePointer((void*)&m_SubtreeHeaders[0]) : 0);
- if (quantizedData->m_subTreeInfoPtr)
- {
- int sz = sizeof(btBvhSubtreeInfoData);
- int numElem = m_SubtreeHeaders.size();
- btChunk* chunk = serializer->allocate(sz,numElem);
- btBvhSubtreeInfoData* memPtr = (btBvhSubtreeInfoData*)chunk->m_oldPtr;
- for (int i=0;i<numElem;i++,memPtr++)
- {
- memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[0] = m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[0];
- memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[1] = m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[1];
- memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMax[2] = m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMax[2];
- memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[0] = m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[0];
- memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[1] = m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[1];
- memPtr->m_quantizedAabbMin[2] = m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_quantizedAabbMin[2];
- memPtr->m_rootNodeIndex = m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_rootNodeIndex;
- memPtr->m_subtreeSize = m_SubtreeHeaders[i].m_subtreeSize;
- }
- serializer->finalizeChunk(chunk,"btBvhSubtreeInfoData",BT_ARRAY_CODE,(void*)&m_SubtreeHeaders[0]);
- }
- return btQuantizedBvhDataName;