path: root/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast')
4 files changed, 1243 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast/b3GpuRaycast.cpp b/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast/b3GpuRaycast.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..161e304f09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast/b3GpuRaycast.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,391 @@
+#include "b3GpuRaycast.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3Collidable.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3RigidBodyData.h"
+#include "Bullet3OpenCL/RigidBody/b3GpuNarrowPhaseInternalData.h"
+#include "Bullet3OpenCL/Initialize/b3OpenCLUtils.h"
+#include "Bullet3OpenCL/ParallelPrimitives/b3OpenCLArray.h"
+#include "Bullet3OpenCL/ParallelPrimitives/b3LauncherCL.h"
+#include "Bullet3OpenCL/ParallelPrimitives/b3FillCL.h"
+#include "Bullet3OpenCL/ParallelPrimitives/b3RadixSort32CL.h"
+#include "Bullet3OpenCL/BroadphaseCollision/b3GpuBroadphaseInterface.h"
+#include "Bullet3OpenCL/BroadphaseCollision/b3GpuParallelLinearBvh.h"
+#include "Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast/kernels/rayCastKernels.h"
+#define B3_RAYCAST_PATH "src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast/kernels/"
+struct b3GpuRaycastInternalData
+ cl_context m_context;
+ cl_device_id m_device;
+ cl_command_queue m_q;
+ cl_kernel m_raytraceKernel;
+ cl_kernel m_raytracePairsKernel;
+ cl_kernel m_findRayRigidPairIndexRanges;
+ b3GpuParallelLinearBvh* m_plbvh;
+ b3RadixSort32CL* m_radixSorter;
+ b3FillCL* m_fill;
+ //1 element per ray
+ b3OpenCLArray<b3RayInfo>* m_gpuRays;
+ b3OpenCLArray<b3RayHit>* m_gpuHitResults;
+ b3OpenCLArray<int>* m_firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay;
+ b3OpenCLArray<int>* m_numRayRigidPairsPerRay;
+ //1 element per (ray index, rigid index) pair, where the ray intersects with the rigid's AABB
+ b3OpenCLArray<int>* m_gpuNumRayRigidPairs;
+ b3OpenCLArray<b3Int2>* m_gpuRayRigidPairs; //x == ray index, y == rigid index
+ int m_test;
+b3GpuRaycast::b3GpuRaycast(cl_context ctx,cl_device_id device, cl_command_queue q)
+ m_data = new b3GpuRaycastInternalData;
+ m_data->m_context = ctx;
+ m_data->m_device = device;
+ m_data->m_q = q;
+ m_data->m_raytraceKernel = 0;
+ m_data->m_raytracePairsKernel = 0;
+ m_data->m_findRayRigidPairIndexRanges = 0;
+ m_data->m_plbvh = new b3GpuParallelLinearBvh(ctx, device, q);
+ m_data->m_radixSorter = new b3RadixSort32CL(ctx, device, q);
+ m_data->m_fill = new b3FillCL(ctx, device, q);
+ m_data->m_gpuRays = new b3OpenCLArray<b3RayInfo>(ctx, q);
+ m_data->m_gpuHitResults = new b3OpenCLArray<b3RayHit>(ctx, q);
+ m_data->m_firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay = new b3OpenCLArray<int>(ctx, q);
+ m_data->m_numRayRigidPairsPerRay = new b3OpenCLArray<int>(ctx, q);
+ m_data->m_gpuNumRayRigidPairs = new b3OpenCLArray<int>(ctx, q);
+ m_data->m_gpuRayRigidPairs = new b3OpenCLArray<b3Int2>(ctx, q);
+ {
+ cl_int errNum=0;
+ cl_program prog = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLProgramFromString(m_data->m_context,m_data->m_device,rayCastKernelCL,&errNum,"",B3_RAYCAST_PATH);
+ b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
+ m_data->m_raytraceKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_data->m_context, m_data->m_device,rayCastKernelCL, "rayCastKernel",&errNum,prog);
+ b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
+ m_data->m_raytracePairsKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_data->m_context, m_data->m_device,rayCastKernelCL, "rayCastPairsKernel",&errNum,prog);
+ b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
+ m_data->m_findRayRigidPairIndexRanges = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_data->m_context, m_data->m_device,rayCastKernelCL, "findRayRigidPairIndexRanges",&errNum,prog);
+ b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
+ clReleaseProgram(prog);
+ }
+ clReleaseKernel(m_data->m_raytraceKernel);
+ clReleaseKernel(m_data->m_raytracePairsKernel);
+ clReleaseKernel(m_data->m_findRayRigidPairIndexRanges);
+ delete m_data->m_plbvh;
+ delete m_data->m_radixSorter;
+ delete m_data->m_fill;
+ delete m_data->m_gpuRays;
+ delete m_data->m_gpuHitResults;
+ delete m_data->m_firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay;
+ delete m_data->m_numRayRigidPairsPerRay;
+ delete m_data->m_gpuNumRayRigidPairs;
+ delete m_data->m_gpuRayRigidPairs;
+ delete m_data;
+bool sphere_intersect(const b3Vector3& spherePos, b3Scalar radius, const b3Vector3& rayFrom, const b3Vector3& rayTo, float& hitFraction)
+ b3Vector3 rs = rayFrom - spherePos;
+ b3Vector3 rayDir = rayTo-rayFrom;
+ float A = b3Dot(rayDir,rayDir);
+ float B = b3Dot(rs, rayDir);
+ float C = b3Dot(rs, rs) - (radius * radius);
+ float D = B * B - A*C;
+ if (D > 0.0)
+ {
+ float t = (-B - sqrt(D))/A;
+ if ( (t >= 0.0f) && (t < hitFraction) )
+ {
+ hitFraction = t;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+bool rayConvex(const b3Vector3& rayFromLocal, const b3Vector3& rayToLocal, const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& poly,
+ const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& faces, float& hitFraction, b3Vector3& hitNormal)
+ float exitFraction = hitFraction;
+ float enterFraction = -0.1f;
+ b3Vector3 curHitNormal=b3MakeVector3(0,0,0);
+ for (int i=0;i<poly.m_numFaces;i++)
+ {
+ const b3GpuFace& face = faces[poly.m_faceOffset+i];
+ float fromPlaneDist = b3Dot(rayFromLocal,face.m_plane)+face.m_plane.w;
+ float toPlaneDist = b3Dot(rayToLocal,face.m_plane)+face.m_plane.w;
+ if (fromPlaneDist<0.f)
+ {
+ if (toPlaneDist >= 0.f)
+ {
+ float fraction = fromPlaneDist / (fromPlaneDist-toPlaneDist);
+ if (exitFraction>fraction)
+ {
+ exitFraction = fraction;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ if (toPlaneDist<0.f)
+ {
+ float fraction = fromPlaneDist / (fromPlaneDist-toPlaneDist);
+ if (enterFraction <= fraction)
+ {
+ enterFraction = fraction;
+ curHitNormal = face.m_plane;
+ curHitNormal.w = 0.f;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (exitFraction <= enterFraction)
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (enterFraction < 0.f)
+ return false;
+ hitFraction = enterFraction;
+ hitNormal = curHitNormal;
+ return true;
+void b3GpuRaycast::castRaysHost(const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RayInfo>& rays, b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RayHit>& hitResults,
+ int numBodies,const struct b3RigidBodyData* bodies, int numCollidables,const struct b3Collidable* collidables, const struct b3GpuNarrowPhaseInternalData* narrowphaseData)
+// return castRays(rays,hitResults,numBodies,bodies,numCollidables,collidables);
+ B3_PROFILE("castRaysHost");
+ for (int r=0;r<rays.size();r++)
+ {
+ b3Vector3 rayFrom = rays[r].m_from;
+ b3Vector3 rayTo = rays[r].m_to;
+ float hitFraction = hitResults[r].m_hitFraction;
+ int hitBodyIndex= -1;
+ b3Vector3 hitNormal;
+ for (int b=0;b<numBodies;b++)
+ {
+ const b3Vector3& pos = bodies[b].m_pos;
+ //const b3Quaternion& orn = bodies[b].m_quat;
+ switch (collidables[bodies[b].m_collidableIdx].m_shapeType)
+ {
+ {
+ b3Scalar radius = collidables[bodies[b].m_collidableIdx].m_radius;
+ if (sphere_intersect(pos, radius, rayFrom, rayTo,hitFraction))
+ {
+ hitBodyIndex = b;
+ b3Vector3 hitPoint;
+ hitPoint.setInterpolate3(rays[r].m_from, rays[r].m_to,hitFraction);
+ hitNormal = (hitPoint-bodies[b].m_pos).normalize();
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ b3Transform convexWorldTransform;
+ convexWorldTransform.setIdentity();
+ convexWorldTransform.setOrigin(bodies[b].m_pos);
+ convexWorldTransform.setRotation(bodies[b].m_quat);
+ b3Transform convexWorld2Local = convexWorldTransform.inverse();
+ b3Vector3 rayFromLocal = convexWorld2Local(rayFrom);
+ b3Vector3 rayToLocal = convexWorld2Local(rayTo);
+ int shapeIndex = collidables[bodies[b].m_collidableIdx].m_shapeIndex;
+ const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& poly = narrowphaseData->m_convexPolyhedra[shapeIndex];
+ if (rayConvex(rayFromLocal, rayToLocal,poly,narrowphaseData->m_convexFaces, hitFraction, hitNormal))
+ {
+ hitBodyIndex = b;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ {
+ static bool once=true;
+ if (once)
+ {
+ once=false;
+ b3Warning("Raytest: unsupported shape type\n");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (hitBodyIndex>=0)
+ {
+ hitResults[r].m_hitFraction = hitFraction;
+ hitResults[r].m_hitPoint.setInterpolate3(rays[r].m_from, rays[r].m_to,hitFraction);
+ hitResults[r].m_hitNormal = hitNormal;
+ hitResults[r].m_hitBody = hitBodyIndex;
+ }
+ }
+///todo: add some acceleration structure (AABBs, tree etc)
+void b3GpuRaycast::castRays(const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RayInfo>& rays, b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RayHit>& hitResults,
+ int numBodies,const struct b3RigidBodyData* bodies, int numCollidables, const struct b3Collidable* collidables,
+ const struct b3GpuNarrowPhaseInternalData* narrowphaseData, class b3GpuBroadphaseInterface* broadphase)
+ //castRaysHost(rays,hitResults,numBodies,bodies,numCollidables,collidables,narrowphaseData);
+ B3_PROFILE("castRaysGPU");
+ {
+ B3_PROFILE("raycast copyFromHost");
+ m_data->m_gpuRays->copyFromHost(rays);
+ m_data->m_gpuHitResults->copyFromHost(hitResults);
+ }
+ int numRays = hitResults.size();
+ {
+ m_data->m_firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay->resize(numRays);
+ m_data->m_numRayRigidPairsPerRay->resize(numRays);
+ m_data->m_gpuNumRayRigidPairs->resize(1);
+ m_data->m_gpuRayRigidPairs->resize(numRays * 16);
+ }
+ //run kernel
+ const bool USE_BRUTE_FORCE_RAYCAST = false;
+ {
+ B3_PROFILE("raycast launch1D");
+ b3LauncherCL launcher(m_data->m_q,m_data->m_raytraceKernel,"m_raytraceKernel");
+ int numRays = rays.size();
+ launcher.setConst(numRays);
+ launcher.setBuffer(m_data->m_gpuRays->getBufferCL());
+ launcher.setBuffer(m_data->m_gpuHitResults->getBufferCL());
+ launcher.setConst(numBodies);
+ launcher.setBuffer(narrowphaseData->m_bodyBufferGPU->getBufferCL());
+ launcher.setBuffer(narrowphaseData->m_collidablesGPU->getBufferCL());
+ launcher.setBuffer(narrowphaseData->m_convexFacesGPU->getBufferCL());
+ launcher.setBuffer(narrowphaseData->m_convexPolyhedraGPU->getBufferCL());
+ launcher.launch1D(numRays);
+ clFinish(m_data->m_q);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_data->m_plbvh->build( broadphase->getAllAabbsGPU(), broadphase->getSmallAabbIndicesGPU(), broadphase->getLargeAabbIndicesGPU() );
+ m_data->m_plbvh->testRaysAgainstBvhAabbs(*m_data->m_gpuRays, *m_data->m_gpuNumRayRigidPairs, *m_data->m_gpuRayRigidPairs);
+ int numRayRigidPairs = -1;
+ m_data->m_gpuNumRayRigidPairs->copyToHostPointer(&numRayRigidPairs, 1);
+ if( numRayRigidPairs > m_data->m_gpuRayRigidPairs->size() )
+ {
+ numRayRigidPairs = m_data->m_gpuRayRigidPairs->size();
+ m_data->m_gpuNumRayRigidPairs->copyFromHostPointer(&numRayRigidPairs, 1);
+ }
+ m_data->m_gpuRayRigidPairs->resize(numRayRigidPairs); //Radix sort needs b3OpenCLArray::size() to be correct
+ //Sort ray-rigid pairs by ray index
+ {
+ B3_PROFILE("sort ray-rigid pairs");
+ m_data->m_radixSorter->execute( *reinterpret_cast< b3OpenCLArray<b3SortData>* >(m_data->m_gpuRayRigidPairs) );
+ }
+ //detect start,count of each ray pair
+ {
+ B3_PROFILE("detect ray-rigid pair index ranges");
+ {
+ B3_PROFILE("reset ray-rigid pair index ranges");
+ m_data->m_fill->execute(*m_data->m_firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay, numRayRigidPairs, numRays); //atomic_min used to find first index
+ m_data->m_fill->execute(*m_data->m_numRayRigidPairsPerRay, 0, numRays);
+ clFinish(m_data->m_q);
+ }
+ b3BufferInfoCL bufferInfo[] =
+ {
+ b3BufferInfoCL( m_data->m_gpuRayRigidPairs->getBufferCL() ),
+ b3BufferInfoCL( m_data->m_firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay->getBufferCL() ),
+ b3BufferInfoCL( m_data->m_numRayRigidPairsPerRay->getBufferCL() )
+ };
+ b3LauncherCL launcher(m_data->m_q, m_data->m_findRayRigidPairIndexRanges, "m_findRayRigidPairIndexRanges");
+ launcher.setBuffers( bufferInfo, sizeof(bufferInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
+ launcher.setConst(numRayRigidPairs);
+ launcher.launch1D(numRayRigidPairs);
+ clFinish(m_data->m_q);
+ }
+ {
+ B3_PROFILE("ray-rigid intersection");
+ b3BufferInfoCL bufferInfo[] =
+ {
+ b3BufferInfoCL( m_data->m_gpuRays->getBufferCL() ),
+ b3BufferInfoCL( m_data->m_gpuHitResults->getBufferCL() ),
+ b3BufferInfoCL( m_data->m_firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay->getBufferCL() ),
+ b3BufferInfoCL( m_data->m_numRayRigidPairsPerRay->getBufferCL() ),
+ b3BufferInfoCL( narrowphaseData->m_bodyBufferGPU->getBufferCL() ),
+ b3BufferInfoCL( narrowphaseData->m_collidablesGPU->getBufferCL() ),
+ b3BufferInfoCL( narrowphaseData->m_convexFacesGPU->getBufferCL() ),
+ b3BufferInfoCL( narrowphaseData->m_convexPolyhedraGPU->getBufferCL() ),
+ b3BufferInfoCL( m_data->m_gpuRayRigidPairs->getBufferCL() )
+ };
+ b3LauncherCL launcher(m_data->m_q, m_data->m_raytracePairsKernel, "m_raytracePairsKernel");
+ launcher.setBuffers( bufferInfo, sizeof(bufferInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
+ launcher.setConst(numRays);
+ launcher.launch1D(numRays);
+ clFinish(m_data->m_q);
+ }
+ }
+ //copy results
+ {
+ B3_PROFILE("raycast copyToHost");
+ m_data->m_gpuHitResults->copyToHost(hitResults);
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast/b3GpuRaycast.h b/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast/b3GpuRaycast.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3a5cf44b79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast/b3GpuRaycast.h
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+#ifndef B3_GPU_RAYCAST_H
+#define B3_GPU_RAYCAST_H
+#include "Bullet3Common/b3Vector3.h"
+#include "Bullet3OpenCL/Initialize/b3OpenCLInclude.h"
+#include "Bullet3Common/b3AlignedObjectArray.h"
+#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/b3RaycastInfo.h"
+class b3GpuRaycast
+ struct b3GpuRaycastInternalData* m_data;
+ b3GpuRaycast(cl_context ctx,cl_device_id device, cl_command_queue q);
+ virtual ~b3GpuRaycast();
+ void castRaysHost(const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RayInfo>& raysIn, b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RayHit>& hitResults,
+ int numBodies, const struct b3RigidBodyData* bodies, int numCollidables, const struct b3Collidable* collidables,
+ const struct b3GpuNarrowPhaseInternalData* narrowphaseData);
+ void castRays(const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RayInfo>& rays, b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RayHit>& hitResults,
+ int numBodies,const struct b3RigidBodyData* bodies, int numCollidables, const struct b3Collidable* collidables,
+ const struct b3GpuNarrowPhaseInternalData* narrowphaseData, class b3GpuBroadphaseInterface* broadphase);
+#endif //B3_GPU_RAYCAST_H
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast/kernels/ b/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast/kernels/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e72d96876b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast/kernels/
@@ -0,0 +1,439 @@
+#define SHAPE_PLANE 4
+#define SHAPE_SPHERE 7
+typedef struct
+ float4 m_from;
+ float4 m_to;
+} b3RayInfo;
+typedef struct
+ float m_hitFraction;
+ int m_hitResult0;
+ int m_hitResult1;
+ int m_hitResult2;
+ float4 m_hitPoint;
+ float4 m_hitNormal;
+} b3RayHit;
+typedef struct
+ float4 m_pos;
+ float4 m_quat;
+ float4 m_linVel;
+ float4 m_angVel;
+ unsigned int m_collidableIdx;
+ float m_invMass;
+ float m_restituitionCoeff;
+ float m_frictionCoeff;
+} Body;
+typedef struct Collidable
+ union {
+ int m_numChildShapes;
+ int m_bvhIndex;
+ };
+ float m_radius;
+ int m_shapeType;
+ int m_shapeIndex;
+} Collidable;
+typedef struct
+ float4 m_localCenter;
+ float4 m_extents;
+ float4 mC;
+ float4 mE;
+ float m_radius;
+ int m_faceOffset;
+ int m_numFaces;
+ int m_numVertices;
+ int m_vertexOffset;
+ int m_uniqueEdgesOffset;
+ int m_numUniqueEdges;
+ int m_unused;
+} ConvexPolyhedronCL;
+typedef struct
+ float4 m_plane;
+ int m_indexOffset;
+ int m_numIndices;
+} b3GpuFace;
+// Quaternion
+typedef float4 Quaternion;
+ Quaternion qtMul(Quaternion a, Quaternion b);
+ Quaternion qtNormalize(Quaternion in);
+ Quaternion qtInvert(Quaternion q);
+ float dot3F4(float4 a, float4 b)
+ float4 a1 = (float4)(,0.f);
+ float4 b1 = (float4)(,0.f);
+ return dot(a1, b1);
+ Quaternion qtMul(Quaternion a, Quaternion b)
+ Quaternion ans;
+ ans = cross( a, b );
+ ans += a.w*b+b.w*a;
+ // ans.w = a.w*b.w - (a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y+a.z*b.z);
+ ans.w = a.w*b.w - dot3F4(a, b);
+ return ans;
+ Quaternion qtNormalize(Quaternion in)
+ return fast_normalize(in);
+ // in /= length( in );
+ // return in;
+ float4 qtRotate(Quaternion q, float4 vec)
+ Quaternion qInv = qtInvert( q );
+ float4 vcpy = vec;
+ vcpy.w = 0.f;
+ float4 out = qtMul(q,vcpy);
+ out = qtMul(out,qInv);
+ return out;
+ Quaternion qtInvert(Quaternion q)
+ return (Quaternion)(, q.w);
+ float4 qtInvRotate(const Quaternion q, float4 vec)
+ return qtRotate( qtInvert( q ), vec );
+void trInverse(float4 translationIn, Quaternion orientationIn,
+ float4* translationOut, Quaternion* orientationOut)
+ *orientationOut = qtInvert(orientationIn);
+ *translationOut = qtRotate(*orientationOut, -translationIn);
+bool rayConvex(float4 rayFromLocal, float4 rayToLocal, int numFaces, int faceOffset,
+ __global const b3GpuFace* faces, float* hitFraction, float4* hitNormal)
+ rayFromLocal.w = 0.f;
+ rayToLocal.w = 0.f;
+ bool result = true;
+ float exitFraction = hitFraction[0];
+ float enterFraction = -0.3f;
+ float4 curHitNormal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);
+ for (int i=0;i<numFaces && result;i++)
+ {
+ b3GpuFace face = faces[faceOffset+i];
+ float fromPlaneDist = dot(rayFromLocal,face.m_plane)+face.m_plane.w;
+ float toPlaneDist = dot(rayToLocal,face.m_plane)+face.m_plane.w;
+ if (fromPlaneDist<0.f)
+ {
+ if (toPlaneDist >= 0.f)
+ {
+ float fraction = fromPlaneDist / (fromPlaneDist-toPlaneDist);
+ if (exitFraction>fraction)
+ {
+ exitFraction = fraction;
+ }
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ if (toPlaneDist<0.f)
+ {
+ float fraction = fromPlaneDist / (fromPlaneDist-toPlaneDist);
+ if (enterFraction <= fraction)
+ {
+ enterFraction = fraction;
+ curHitNormal = face.m_plane;
+ curHitNormal.w = 0.f;
+ }
+ } else
+ {
+ result = false;
+ }
+ }
+ if (exitFraction <= enterFraction)
+ result = false;
+ }
+ if (enterFraction < 0.f)
+ {
+ result = false;
+ }
+ if (result)
+ {
+ hitFraction[0] = enterFraction;
+ hitNormal[0] = curHitNormal;
+ }
+ return result;
+bool sphere_intersect(float4 spherePos, float radius, float4 rayFrom, float4 rayTo, float* hitFraction)
+ float4 rs = rayFrom - spherePos;
+ rs.w = 0.f;
+ float4 rayDir = rayTo-rayFrom;
+ rayDir.w = 0.f;
+ float A = dot(rayDir,rayDir);
+ float B = dot(rs, rayDir);
+ float C = dot(rs, rs) - (radius * radius);
+ float D = B * B - A*C;
+ if (D > 0.0f)
+ {
+ float t = (-B - sqrt(D))/A;
+ if ( (t >= 0.0f) && (t < (*hitFraction)) )
+ {
+ *hitFraction = t;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+float4 setInterpolate3(float4 from, float4 to, float t)
+ float s = 1.0f - t;
+ float4 result;
+ result = s * from + t * to;
+ result.w = 0.f;
+ return result;
+__kernel void rayCastKernel(
+ int numRays,
+ const __global b3RayInfo* rays,
+ __global b3RayHit* hitResults,
+ const int numBodies,
+ __global Body* bodies,
+ __global Collidable* collidables,
+ __global const b3GpuFace* faces,
+ __global const ConvexPolyhedronCL* convexShapes )
+ int i = get_global_id(0);
+ if (i>=numRays)
+ return;
+ hitResults[i].m_hitFraction = 1.f;
+ float4 rayFrom = rays[i].m_from;
+ float4 rayTo = rays[i].m_to;
+ float hitFraction = 1.f;
+ float4 hitPoint;
+ float4 hitNormal;
+ int hitBodyIndex= -1;
+ int cachedCollidableIndex = -1;
+ Collidable cachedCollidable;
+ for (int b=0;b<numBodies;b++)
+ {
+ if (hitResults[i].m_hitResult2==b)
+ continue;
+ Body body = bodies[b];
+ float4 pos = body.m_pos;
+ float4 orn = body.m_quat;
+ if (cachedCollidableIndex != body.m_collidableIdx)
+ {
+ cachedCollidableIndex = body.m_collidableIdx;
+ cachedCollidable = collidables[cachedCollidableIndex];
+ }
+ if (cachedCollidable.m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL)
+ {
+ float4 invPos = (float4)(0,0,0,0);
+ float4 invOrn = (float4)(0,0,0,0);
+ float4 rayFromLocal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);
+ float4 rayToLocal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);
+ invOrn = qtInvert(orn);
+ invPos = qtRotate(invOrn, -pos);
+ rayFromLocal = qtRotate( invOrn, rayFrom ) + invPos;
+ rayToLocal = qtRotate( invOrn, rayTo) + invPos;
+ rayFromLocal.w = 0.f;
+ rayToLocal.w = 0.f;
+ int numFaces = convexShapes[cachedCollidable.m_shapeIndex].m_numFaces;
+ int faceOffset = convexShapes[cachedCollidable.m_shapeIndex].m_faceOffset;
+ if (numFaces)
+ {
+ if (rayConvex(rayFromLocal, rayToLocal, numFaces, faceOffset,faces, &hitFraction, &hitNormal))
+ {
+ hitBodyIndex = b;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (cachedCollidable.m_shapeType == SHAPE_SPHERE)
+ {
+ float radius = cachedCollidable.m_radius;
+ if (sphere_intersect(pos, radius, rayFrom, rayTo, &hitFraction))
+ {
+ hitBodyIndex = b;
+ hitNormal = (float4) (hitPoint-bodies[b].m_pos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (hitBodyIndex>=0)
+ {
+ hitPoint = setInterpolate3(rayFrom, rayTo,hitFraction);
+ hitResults[i].m_hitFraction = hitFraction;
+ hitResults[i].m_hitPoint = hitPoint;
+ hitResults[i].m_hitNormal = normalize(hitNormal);
+ hitResults[i].m_hitResult0 = hitBodyIndex;
+ }
+__kernel void findRayRigidPairIndexRanges(__global int2* rayRigidPairs,
+ __global int* out_firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay,
+ __global int* out_numRayRigidPairsPerRay,
+ int numRayRigidPairs)
+ int rayRigidPairIndex = get_global_id(0);
+ if (rayRigidPairIndex >= numRayRigidPairs) return;
+ int rayIndex = rayRigidPairs[rayRigidPairIndex].x;
+ atomic_min(&out_firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay[rayIndex], rayRigidPairIndex);
+ atomic_inc(&out_numRayRigidPairsPerRay[rayIndex]);
+__kernel void rayCastPairsKernel(const __global b3RayInfo* rays,
+ __global b3RayHit* hitResults,
+ __global int* firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay,
+ __global int* numRayRigidPairsPerRay,
+ __global Body* bodies,
+ __global Collidable* collidables,
+ __global const b3GpuFace* faces,
+ __global const ConvexPolyhedronCL* convexShapes,
+ __global int2* rayRigidPairs,
+ int numRays)
+ int i = get_global_id(0);
+ if (i >= numRays) return;
+ float4 rayFrom = rays[i].m_from;
+ float4 rayTo = rays[i].m_to;
+ hitResults[i].m_hitFraction = 1.f;
+ float hitFraction = 1.f;
+ float4 hitPoint;
+ float4 hitNormal;
+ int hitBodyIndex = -1;
+ //
+ for(int pair = 0; pair < numRayRigidPairsPerRay[i]; ++pair)
+ {
+ int rayRigidPairIndex = pair + firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay[i];
+ int b = rayRigidPairs[rayRigidPairIndex].y;
+ if (hitResults[i].m_hitResult2 == b) continue;
+ Body body = bodies[b];
+ Collidable rigidCollidable = collidables[body.m_collidableIdx];
+ float4 pos = body.m_pos;
+ float4 orn = body.m_quat;
+ if (rigidCollidable.m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL)
+ {
+ float4 invPos = (float4)(0,0,0,0);
+ float4 invOrn = (float4)(0,0,0,0);
+ float4 rayFromLocal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);
+ float4 rayToLocal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);
+ invOrn = qtInvert(orn);
+ invPos = qtRotate(invOrn, -pos);
+ rayFromLocal = qtRotate( invOrn, rayFrom ) + invPos;
+ rayToLocal = qtRotate( invOrn, rayTo) + invPos;
+ rayFromLocal.w = 0.f;
+ rayToLocal.w = 0.f;
+ int numFaces = convexShapes[rigidCollidable.m_shapeIndex].m_numFaces;
+ int faceOffset = convexShapes[rigidCollidable.m_shapeIndex].m_faceOffset;
+ if (numFaces && rayConvex(rayFromLocal, rayToLocal, numFaces, faceOffset,faces, &hitFraction, &hitNormal))
+ {
+ hitBodyIndex = b;
+ hitPoint = setInterpolate3(rayFrom, rayTo, hitFraction);
+ }
+ }
+ if (rigidCollidable.m_shapeType == SHAPE_SPHERE)
+ {
+ float radius = rigidCollidable.m_radius;
+ if (sphere_intersect(pos, radius, rayFrom, rayTo, &hitFraction))
+ {
+ hitBodyIndex = b;
+ hitPoint = setInterpolate3(rayFrom, rayTo, hitFraction);
+ hitNormal = (float4) (hitPoint - bodies[b].m_pos);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (hitBodyIndex >= 0)
+ {
+ hitResults[i].m_hitFraction = hitFraction;
+ hitResults[i].m_hitPoint = hitPoint;
+ hitResults[i].m_hitNormal = normalize(hitNormal);
+ hitResults[i].m_hitResult0 = hitBodyIndex;
+ }
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast/kernels/rayCastKernels.h b/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast/kernels/rayCastKernels.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6257909a4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/Raycast/kernels/rayCastKernels.h
@@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
+//this file is autogenerated using stringify.bat (premake --stringify) in the build folder of this project
+static const char* rayCastKernelCL= \
+"#define SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL 3\n"
+"#define SHAPE_PLANE 4\n"
+"#define SHAPE_SPHERE 7\n"
+"typedef struct\n"
+" float4 m_from;\n"
+" float4 m_to;\n"
+"} b3RayInfo;\n"
+"typedef struct\n"
+" float m_hitFraction;\n"
+" int m_hitResult0;\n"
+" int m_hitResult1;\n"
+" int m_hitResult2;\n"
+" float4 m_hitPoint;\n"
+" float4 m_hitNormal;\n"
+"} b3RayHit;\n"
+"typedef struct\n"
+" float4 m_pos;\n"
+" float4 m_quat;\n"
+" float4 m_linVel;\n"
+" float4 m_angVel;\n"
+" unsigned int m_collidableIdx;\n"
+" float m_invMass;\n"
+" float m_restituitionCoeff;\n"
+" float m_frictionCoeff;\n"
+"} Body;\n"
+"typedef struct Collidable\n"
+" union {\n"
+" int m_numChildShapes;\n"
+" int m_bvhIndex;\n"
+" };\n"
+" float m_radius;\n"
+" int m_shapeType;\n"
+" int m_shapeIndex;\n"
+"} Collidable;\n"
+"typedef struct \n"
+" float4 m_localCenter;\n"
+" float4 m_extents;\n"
+" float4 mC;\n"
+" float4 mE;\n"
+" float m_radius;\n"
+" int m_faceOffset;\n"
+" int m_numFaces;\n"
+" int m_numVertices;\n"
+" int m_vertexOffset;\n"
+" int m_uniqueEdgesOffset;\n"
+" int m_numUniqueEdges;\n"
+" int m_unused;\n"
+"} ConvexPolyhedronCL;\n"
+"typedef struct\n"
+" float4 m_plane;\n"
+" int m_indexOffset;\n"
+" int m_numIndices;\n"
+"} b3GpuFace;\n"
+"// Quaternion\n"
+"typedef float4 Quaternion;\n"
+" Quaternion qtMul(Quaternion a, Quaternion b);\n"
+" Quaternion qtNormalize(Quaternion in);\n"
+" Quaternion qtInvert(Quaternion q);\n"
+" float dot3F4(float4 a, float4 b)\n"
+" float4 a1 = (float4)(,0.f);\n"
+" float4 b1 = (float4)(,0.f);\n"
+" return dot(a1, b1);\n"
+" Quaternion qtMul(Quaternion a, Quaternion b)\n"
+" Quaternion ans;\n"
+" ans = cross( a, b );\n"
+" ans += a.w*b+b.w*a;\n"
+" // ans.w = a.w*b.w - (a.x*b.x+a.y*b.y+a.z*b.z);\n"
+" ans.w = a.w*b.w - dot3F4(a, b);\n"
+" return ans;\n"
+" Quaternion qtNormalize(Quaternion in)\n"
+" return fast_normalize(in);\n"
+" // in /= length( in );\n"
+" // return in;\n"
+" float4 qtRotate(Quaternion q, float4 vec)\n"
+" Quaternion qInv = qtInvert( q );\n"
+" float4 vcpy = vec;\n"
+" vcpy.w = 0.f;\n"
+" float4 out = qtMul(q,vcpy);\n"
+" out = qtMul(out,qInv);\n"
+" return out;\n"
+" Quaternion qtInvert(Quaternion q)\n"
+" return (Quaternion)(, q.w);\n"
+" float4 qtInvRotate(const Quaternion q, float4 vec)\n"
+" return qtRotate( qtInvert( q ), vec );\n"
+"void trInverse(float4 translationIn, Quaternion orientationIn,\n"
+" float4* translationOut, Quaternion* orientationOut)\n"
+" *orientationOut = qtInvert(orientationIn);\n"
+" *translationOut = qtRotate(*orientationOut, -translationIn);\n"
+"bool rayConvex(float4 rayFromLocal, float4 rayToLocal, int numFaces, int faceOffset,\n"
+" __global const b3GpuFace* faces, float* hitFraction, float4* hitNormal)\n"
+" rayFromLocal.w = 0.f;\n"
+" rayToLocal.w = 0.f;\n"
+" bool result = true;\n"
+" float exitFraction = hitFraction[0];\n"
+" float enterFraction = -0.3f;\n"
+" float4 curHitNormal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n"
+" for (int i=0;i<numFaces && result;i++)\n"
+" {\n"
+" b3GpuFace face = faces[faceOffset+i];\n"
+" float fromPlaneDist = dot(rayFromLocal,face.m_plane)+face.m_plane.w;\n"
+" float toPlaneDist = dot(rayToLocal,face.m_plane)+face.m_plane.w;\n"
+" if (fromPlaneDist<0.f)\n"
+" {\n"
+" if (toPlaneDist >= 0.f)\n"
+" {\n"
+" float fraction = fromPlaneDist / (fromPlaneDist-toPlaneDist);\n"
+" if (exitFraction>fraction)\n"
+" {\n"
+" exitFraction = fraction;\n"
+" }\n"
+" } \n"
+" } else\n"
+" {\n"
+" if (toPlaneDist<0.f)\n"
+" {\n"
+" float fraction = fromPlaneDist / (fromPlaneDist-toPlaneDist);\n"
+" if (enterFraction <= fraction)\n"
+" {\n"
+" enterFraction = fraction;\n"
+" curHitNormal = face.m_plane;\n"
+" curHitNormal.w = 0.f;\n"
+" }\n"
+" } else\n"
+" {\n"
+" result = false;\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" if (exitFraction <= enterFraction)\n"
+" result = false;\n"
+" }\n"
+" if (enterFraction < 0.f)\n"
+" {\n"
+" result = false;\n"
+" }\n"
+" if (result)\n"
+" { \n"
+" hitFraction[0] = enterFraction;\n"
+" hitNormal[0] = curHitNormal;\n"
+" }\n"
+" return result;\n"
+"bool sphere_intersect(float4 spherePos, float radius, float4 rayFrom, float4 rayTo, float* hitFraction)\n"
+" float4 rs = rayFrom - spherePos;\n"
+" rs.w = 0.f;\n"
+" float4 rayDir = rayTo-rayFrom;\n"
+" rayDir.w = 0.f;\n"
+" float A = dot(rayDir,rayDir);\n"
+" float B = dot(rs, rayDir);\n"
+" float C = dot(rs, rs) - (radius * radius);\n"
+" float D = B * B - A*C;\n"
+" if (D > 0.0f)\n"
+" {\n"
+" float t = (-B - sqrt(D))/A;\n"
+" if ( (t >= 0.0f) && (t < (*hitFraction)) )\n"
+" {\n"
+" *hitFraction = t;\n"
+" return true;\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" return false;\n"
+"float4 setInterpolate3(float4 from, float4 to, float t)\n"
+" float s = 1.0f - t;\n"
+" float4 result;\n"
+" result = s * from + t * to;\n"
+" result.w = 0.f; \n"
+" return result; \n"
+"__kernel void rayCastKernel( \n"
+" int numRays, \n"
+" const __global b3RayInfo* rays, \n"
+" __global b3RayHit* hitResults, \n"
+" const int numBodies, \n"
+" __global Body* bodies,\n"
+" __global Collidable* collidables,\n"
+" __global const b3GpuFace* faces,\n"
+" __global const ConvexPolyhedronCL* convexShapes )\n"
+" int i = get_global_id(0);\n"
+" if (i>=numRays)\n"
+" return;\n"
+" hitResults[i].m_hitFraction = 1.f;\n"
+" float4 rayFrom = rays[i].m_from;\n"
+" float4 rayTo = rays[i].m_to;\n"
+" float hitFraction = 1.f;\n"
+" float4 hitPoint;\n"
+" float4 hitNormal;\n"
+" int hitBodyIndex= -1;\n"
+" int cachedCollidableIndex = -1;\n"
+" Collidable cachedCollidable;\n"
+" for (int b=0;b<numBodies;b++)\n"
+" {\n"
+" if (hitResults[i].m_hitResult2==b)\n"
+" continue;\n"
+" Body body = bodies[b];\n"
+" float4 pos = body.m_pos;\n"
+" float4 orn = body.m_quat;\n"
+" if (cachedCollidableIndex != body.m_collidableIdx)\n"
+" {\n"
+" cachedCollidableIndex = body.m_collidableIdx;\n"
+" cachedCollidable = collidables[cachedCollidableIndex];\n"
+" }\n"
+" if (cachedCollidable.m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL)\n"
+" {\n"
+" float4 invPos = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n"
+" float4 invOrn = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n"
+" float4 rayFromLocal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n"
+" float4 rayToLocal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n"
+" invOrn = qtInvert(orn);\n"
+" invPos = qtRotate(invOrn, -pos);\n"
+" rayFromLocal = qtRotate( invOrn, rayFrom ) + invPos;\n"
+" rayToLocal = qtRotate( invOrn, rayTo) + invPos;\n"
+" rayFromLocal.w = 0.f;\n"
+" rayToLocal.w = 0.f;\n"
+" int numFaces = convexShapes[cachedCollidable.m_shapeIndex].m_numFaces;\n"
+" int faceOffset = convexShapes[cachedCollidable.m_shapeIndex].m_faceOffset;\n"
+" if (numFaces)\n"
+" {\n"
+" if (rayConvex(rayFromLocal, rayToLocal, numFaces, faceOffset,faces, &hitFraction, &hitNormal))\n"
+" {\n"
+" hitBodyIndex = b;\n"
+" \n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" if (cachedCollidable.m_shapeType == SHAPE_SPHERE)\n"
+" {\n"
+" float radius = cachedCollidable.m_radius;\n"
+" \n"
+" if (sphere_intersect(pos, radius, rayFrom, rayTo, &hitFraction))\n"
+" {\n"
+" hitBodyIndex = b;\n"
+" hitNormal = (float4) (hitPoint-bodies[b].m_pos);\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" if (hitBodyIndex>=0)\n"
+" {\n"
+" hitPoint = setInterpolate3(rayFrom, rayTo,hitFraction);\n"
+" hitResults[i].m_hitFraction = hitFraction;\n"
+" hitResults[i].m_hitPoint = hitPoint;\n"
+" hitResults[i].m_hitNormal = normalize(hitNormal);\n"
+" hitResults[i].m_hitResult0 = hitBodyIndex;\n"
+" }\n"
+"__kernel void findRayRigidPairIndexRanges(__global int2* rayRigidPairs, \n"
+" __global int* out_firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay,\n"
+" __global int* out_numRayRigidPairsPerRay,\n"
+" int numRayRigidPairs)\n"
+" int rayRigidPairIndex = get_global_id(0);\n"
+" if (rayRigidPairIndex >= numRayRigidPairs) return;\n"
+" \n"
+" int rayIndex = rayRigidPairs[rayRigidPairIndex].x;\n"
+" \n"
+" atomic_min(&out_firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay[rayIndex], rayRigidPairIndex);\n"
+" atomic_inc(&out_numRayRigidPairsPerRay[rayIndex]);\n"
+"__kernel void rayCastPairsKernel(const __global b3RayInfo* rays, \n"
+" __global b3RayHit* hitResults, \n"
+" __global int* firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay,\n"
+" __global int* numRayRigidPairsPerRay,\n"
+" \n"
+" __global Body* bodies,\n"
+" __global Collidable* collidables,\n"
+" __global const b3GpuFace* faces,\n"
+" __global const ConvexPolyhedronCL* convexShapes,\n"
+" \n"
+" __global int2* rayRigidPairs,\n"
+" int numRays)\n"
+" int i = get_global_id(0);\n"
+" if (i >= numRays) return;\n"
+" \n"
+" float4 rayFrom = rays[i].m_from;\n"
+" float4 rayTo = rays[i].m_to;\n"
+" \n"
+" hitResults[i].m_hitFraction = 1.f;\n"
+" \n"
+" float hitFraction = 1.f;\n"
+" float4 hitPoint;\n"
+" float4 hitNormal;\n"
+" int hitBodyIndex = -1;\n"
+" \n"
+" //\n"
+" for(int pair = 0; pair < numRayRigidPairsPerRay[i]; ++pair)\n"
+" {\n"
+" int rayRigidPairIndex = pair + firstRayRigidPairIndexPerRay[i];\n"
+" int b = rayRigidPairs[rayRigidPairIndex].y;\n"
+" \n"
+" if (hitResults[i].m_hitResult2 == b) continue;\n"
+" \n"
+" Body body = bodies[b];\n"
+" Collidable rigidCollidable = collidables[body.m_collidableIdx];\n"
+" \n"
+" float4 pos = body.m_pos;\n"
+" float4 orn = body.m_quat;\n"
+" \n"
+" if (rigidCollidable.m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL)\n"
+" {\n"
+" float4 invPos = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n"
+" float4 invOrn = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n"
+" float4 rayFromLocal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n"
+" float4 rayToLocal = (float4)(0,0,0,0);\n"
+" invOrn = qtInvert(orn);\n"
+" invPos = qtRotate(invOrn, -pos);\n"
+" rayFromLocal = qtRotate( invOrn, rayFrom ) + invPos;\n"
+" rayToLocal = qtRotate( invOrn, rayTo) + invPos;\n"
+" rayFromLocal.w = 0.f;\n"
+" rayToLocal.w = 0.f;\n"
+" int numFaces = convexShapes[rigidCollidable.m_shapeIndex].m_numFaces;\n"
+" int faceOffset = convexShapes[rigidCollidable.m_shapeIndex].m_faceOffset;\n"
+" \n"
+" if (numFaces && rayConvex(rayFromLocal, rayToLocal, numFaces, faceOffset,faces, &hitFraction, &hitNormal))\n"
+" {\n"
+" hitBodyIndex = b;\n"
+" hitPoint = setInterpolate3(rayFrom, rayTo, hitFraction);\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" \n"
+" if (rigidCollidable.m_shapeType == SHAPE_SPHERE)\n"
+" {\n"
+" float radius = rigidCollidable.m_radius;\n"
+" \n"
+" if (sphere_intersect(pos, radius, rayFrom, rayTo, &hitFraction))\n"
+" {\n"
+" hitBodyIndex = b;\n"
+" hitPoint = setInterpolate3(rayFrom, rayTo, hitFraction);\n"
+" hitNormal = (float4) (hitPoint - bodies[b].m_pos);\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" }\n"
+" \n"
+" if (hitBodyIndex >= 0)\n"
+" {\n"
+" hitResults[i].m_hitFraction = hitFraction;\n"
+" hitResults[i].m_hitPoint = hitPoint;\n"
+" hitResults[i].m_hitNormal = normalize(hitNormal);\n"
+" hitResults[i].m_hitResult0 = hitBodyIndex;\n"
+" }\n"
+" \n"