path: root/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/b3GjkEpa.cpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1014 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/b3GjkEpa.cpp b/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/b3GjkEpa.cpp
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--- a/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/b3GjkEpa.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1014 +0,0 @@
-Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
-Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Erwin Coumans
-This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
-In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the
-use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-subject to the following restrictions:
-1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
-claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a
-product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated
-but is not required.
-2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-misrepresented as being the original software.
-3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-GJK-EPA collision solver by Nathanael Presson, 2008
-#include "b3GjkEpa.h"
-#include "b3SupportMappings.h"
-namespace gjkepa2_impl2
- // Config
- /* GJK */
-#define GJK_ACCURACY ((b3Scalar)0.0001)
-#define GJK_MIN_DISTANCE ((b3Scalar)0.0001)
-#define GJK_DUPLICATED_EPS ((b3Scalar)0.0001)
-#define GJK_SIMPLEX2_EPS ((b3Scalar)0.0)
-#define GJK_SIMPLEX3_EPS ((b3Scalar)0.0)
-#define GJK_SIMPLEX4_EPS ((b3Scalar)0.0)
- /* EPA */
-#define EPA_MAX_VERTICES 64
-#define EPA_ACCURACY ((b3Scalar)0.0001)
-#define EPA_PLANE_EPS ((b3Scalar)0.00001)
-#define EPA_INSIDE_EPS ((b3Scalar)0.01)
- // Shorthands
- // MinkowskiDiff
- struct b3MinkowskiDiff
- {
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* m_shapes[2];
- b3Matrix3x3 m_toshape1;
- b3Transform m_toshape0;
- bool m_enableMargin;
- void EnableMargin(bool enable)
- {
- m_enableMargin = enable;
- }
- inline b3Vector3 Support0(const b3Vector3& d, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesA) const
- {
- if (m_enableMargin)
- {
- return localGetSupportVertexWithMargin(d,m_shapes[0],verticesA,0.f);
- } else
- {
- return localGetSupportVertexWithoutMargin(d,m_shapes[0],verticesA);
- }
- }
- inline b3Vector3 Support1(const b3Vector3& d, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesB) const
- {
- if (m_enableMargin)
- {
- return m_toshape0*(localGetSupportVertexWithMargin(m_toshape1*d,m_shapes[1],verticesB,0.f));
- } else
- {
- return m_toshape0*(localGetSupportVertexWithoutMargin(m_toshape1*d,m_shapes[1],verticesB));
- }
- }
- inline b3Vector3 Support(const b3Vector3& d, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesA, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesB) const
- {
- return(Support0(d,verticesA)-Support1(-d,verticesB));
- }
- b3Vector3 Support(const b3Vector3& d,unsigned int index,const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesA, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesB) const
- {
- if(index)
- return(Support1(d,verticesA));
- else
- return(Support0(d,verticesB));
- }
- };
- typedef b3MinkowskiDiff tShape;
- // GJK
- struct b3GJK
- {
- /* Types */
- struct sSV
- {
- b3Vector3 d,w;
- };
- struct sSimplex
- {
- sSV* c[4];
- b3Scalar p[4];
- unsigned int rank;
- };
- struct eStatus { enum _ {
- Valid,
- Inside,
- Failed };};
- /* Fields */
- tShape m_shape;
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& m_verticesA;
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& m_verticesB;
- b3Vector3 m_ray;
- b3Scalar m_distance;
- sSimplex m_simplices[2];
- sSV m_store[4];
- sSV* m_free[4];
- unsigned int m_nfree;
- unsigned int m_current;
- sSimplex* m_simplex;
- eStatus::_ m_status;
- /* Methods */
- b3GJK(const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesA,const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesB)
- :m_verticesA(verticesA),m_verticesB(verticesB)
- {
- Initialize();
- }
- void Initialize()
- {
- m_ray = b3MakeVector3(0,0,0);
- m_nfree = 0;
- m_status = eStatus::Failed;
- m_current = 0;
- m_distance = 0;
- }
- eStatus::_ Evaluate(const tShape& shapearg,const b3Vector3& guess)
- {
- unsigned int iterations=0;
- b3Scalar sqdist=0;
- b3Scalar alpha=0;
- b3Vector3 lastw[4];
- unsigned int clastw=0;
- /* Initialize solver */
- m_free[0] = &m_store[0];
- m_free[1] = &m_store[1];
- m_free[2] = &m_store[2];
- m_free[3] = &m_store[3];
- m_nfree = 4;
- m_current = 0;
- m_status = eStatus::Valid;
- m_shape = shapearg;
- m_distance = 0;
- /* Initialize simplex */
- m_simplices[0].rank = 0;
- m_ray = guess;
- const b3Scalar sqrl= m_ray.length2();
- appendvertice(m_simplices[0],sqrl>0?-m_ray:b3MakeVector3(1,0,0));
- m_simplices[0].p[0] = 1;
- m_ray = m_simplices[0].c[0]->w;
- sqdist = sqrl;
- lastw[0] =
- lastw[1] =
- lastw[2] =
- lastw[3] = m_ray;
- /* Loop */
- do {
- const unsigned int next=1-m_current;
- sSimplex& cs=m_simplices[m_current];
- sSimplex& ns=m_simplices[next];
- /* Check zero */
- const b3Scalar rl=m_ray.length();
- {/* Touching or inside */
- m_status=eStatus::Inside;
- break;
- }
- /* Append new vertice in -'v' direction */
- appendvertice(cs,-m_ray);
- const b3Vector3& w=cs.c[cs.rank-1]->w;
- bool found=false;
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<4;++i)
- {
- if((w-lastw[i]).length2()<GJK_DUPLICATED_EPS)
- { found=true;break; }
- }
- if(found)
- {/* Return old simplex */
- removevertice(m_simplices[m_current]);
- break;
- }
- else
- {/* Update lastw */
- lastw[clastw=(clastw+1)&3]=w;
- }
- /* Check for termination */
- const b3Scalar omega=b3Dot(m_ray,w)/rl;
- alpha=b3Max(omega,alpha);
- if(((rl-alpha)-(GJK_ACCURACY*rl))<=0)
- {/* Return old simplex */
- removevertice(m_simplices[m_current]);
- break;
- }
- /* Reduce simplex */
- b3Scalar weights[4];
- unsigned int mask=0;
- switch(cs.rank)
- {
- case 2: sqdist=projectorigin( cs.c[0]->w,
- cs.c[1]->w,
- weights,mask);break;
- case 3: sqdist=projectorigin( cs.c[0]->w,
- cs.c[1]->w,
- cs.c[2]->w,
- weights,mask);break;
- case 4: sqdist=projectorigin( cs.c[0]->w,
- cs.c[1]->w,
- cs.c[2]->w,
- cs.c[3]->w,
- weights,mask);break;
- }
- if(sqdist>=0)
- {/* Valid */
- ns.rank = 0;
- m_ray = b3MakeVector3(0,0,0);
- m_current = next;
- for(unsigned int i=0,ni=cs.rank;i<ni;++i)
- {
- if(mask&(1<<i))
- {
- ns.c[ns.rank] = cs.c[i];
- ns.p[ns.rank++] = weights[i];
- m_ray += cs.c[i]->w*weights[i];
- }
- else
- {
- m_free[m_nfree++] = cs.c[i];
- }
- }
- if(mask==15) m_status=eStatus::Inside;
- }
- else
- {/* Return old simplex */
- removevertice(m_simplices[m_current]);
- break;
- }
- m_status=((++iterations)<GJK_MAX_ITERATIONS)?m_status:eStatus::Failed;
- } while(m_status==eStatus::Valid);
- m_simplex=&m_simplices[m_current];
- switch(m_status)
- {
- case eStatus::Valid: m_distance=m_ray.length();break;
- case eStatus::Inside: m_distance=0;break;
- default:
- {
- }
- }
- return(m_status);
- }
- bool EncloseOrigin()
- {
- switch(m_simplex->rank)
- {
- case 1:
- {
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i)
- {
- b3Vector3 axis=b3MakeVector3(0,0,0);
- axis[i]=1;
- appendvertice(*m_simplex, axis);
- if(EncloseOrigin()) return(true);
- removevertice(*m_simplex);
- appendvertice(*m_simplex,-axis);
- if(EncloseOrigin()) return(true);
- removevertice(*m_simplex);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 2:
- {
- const b3Vector3 d=m_simplex->c[1]->w-m_simplex->c[0]->w;
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i)
- {
- b3Vector3 axis=b3MakeVector3(0,0,0);
- axis[i]=1;
- const b3Vector3 p=b3Cross(d,axis);
- if(p.length2()>0)
- {
- appendvertice(*m_simplex, p);
- if(EncloseOrigin()) return(true);
- removevertice(*m_simplex);
- appendvertice(*m_simplex,-p);
- if(EncloseOrigin()) return(true);
- removevertice(*m_simplex);
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 3:
- {
- const b3Vector3 n=b3Cross(m_simplex->c[1]->w-m_simplex->c[0]->w,
- m_simplex->c[2]->w-m_simplex->c[0]->w);
- if(n.length2()>0)
- {
- appendvertice(*m_simplex,n);
- if(EncloseOrigin()) return(true);
- removevertice(*m_simplex);
- appendvertice(*m_simplex,-n);
- if(EncloseOrigin()) return(true);
- removevertice(*m_simplex);
- }
- }
- break;
- case 4:
- {
- if(b3Fabs(det( m_simplex->c[0]->w-m_simplex->c[3]->w,
- m_simplex->c[1]->w-m_simplex->c[3]->w,
- m_simplex->c[2]->w-m_simplex->c[3]->w))>0)
- return(true);
- }
- break;
- }
- return(false);
- }
- /* Internals */
- void getsupport(const b3Vector3& d,sSV& sv) const
- {
- sv.d = d/d.length();
- sv.w = m_shape.Support(sv.d,m_verticesA,m_verticesB);
- }
- void removevertice(sSimplex& simplex)
- {
- m_free[m_nfree++]=simplex.c[--simplex.rank];
- }
- void appendvertice(sSimplex& simplex,const b3Vector3& v)
- {
- simplex.p[simplex.rank]=0;
- simplex.c[simplex.rank]=m_free[--m_nfree];
- getsupport(v,*simplex.c[simplex.rank++]);
- }
- static b3Scalar det(const b3Vector3& a,const b3Vector3& b,const b3Vector3& c)
- {
- return( a.y*b.z*c.x+a.z*b.x*c.y-
- a.x*b.z*c.y-a.y*b.x*c.z+
- a.x*b.y*c.z-a.z*b.y*c.x);
- }
- static b3Scalar projectorigin( const b3Vector3& a,
- const b3Vector3& b,
- b3Scalar* w,unsigned int& m)
- {
- const b3Vector3 d=b-a;
- const b3Scalar l=d.length2();
- {
- const b3Scalar t(l>0?-b3Dot(a,d)/l:0);
- if(t>=1) { w[0]=0;w[1]=1;m=2;return(b.length2()); }
- else if(t<=0) { w[0]=1;w[1]=0;m=1;return(a.length2()); }
- else { w[0]=1-(w[1]=t);m=3;return((a+d*t).length2()); }
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- static b3Scalar projectorigin( const b3Vector3& a,
- const b3Vector3& b,
- const b3Vector3& c,
- b3Scalar* w,unsigned int& m)
- {
- static const unsigned int imd3[]={1,2,0};
- const b3Vector3* vt[]={&a,&b,&c};
- const b3Vector3 dl[]={a-b,b-c,c-a};
- const b3Vector3 n=b3Cross(dl[0],dl[1]);
- const b3Scalar l=n.length2();
- {
- b3Scalar mindist=-1;
- b3Scalar subw[2]={0.f,0.f};
- unsigned int subm(0);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i)
- {
- if(b3Dot(*vt[i],b3Cross(dl[i],n))>0)
- {
- const unsigned int j=imd3[i];
- const b3Scalar subd(projectorigin(*vt[i],*vt[j],subw,subm));
- if((mindist<0)||(subd<mindist))
- {
- mindist = subd;
- m = static_cast<unsigned int>(((subm&1)?1<<i:0)+((subm&2)?1<<j:0));
- w[i] = subw[0];
- w[j] = subw[1];
- w[imd3[j]] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if(mindist<0)
- {
- const b3Scalar d=b3Dot(a,n);
- const b3Scalar s=b3Sqrt(l);
- const b3Vector3 p=n*(d/l);
- mindist = p.length2();
- m = 7;
- w[0] = (b3Cross(dl[1],b-p)).length()/s;
- w[1] = (b3Cross(dl[2],c-p)).length()/s;
- w[2] = 1-(w[0]+w[1]);
- }
- return(mindist);
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- static b3Scalar projectorigin( const b3Vector3& a,
- const b3Vector3& b,
- const b3Vector3& c,
- const b3Vector3& d,
- b3Scalar* w,unsigned int& m)
- {
- static const unsigned int imd3[]={1,2,0};
- const b3Vector3* vt[]={&a,&b,&c,&d};
- const b3Vector3 dl[]={a-d,b-d,c-d};
- const b3Scalar vl=det(dl[0],dl[1],dl[2]);
- const bool ng=(vl*b3Dot(a,b3Cross(b-c,a-b)))<=0;
- if(ng&&(b3Fabs(vl)>GJK_SIMPLEX4_EPS))
- {
- b3Scalar mindist=-1;
- b3Scalar subw[3]={0.f,0.f,0.f};
- unsigned int subm(0);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<3;++i)
- {
- const unsigned int j=imd3[i];
- const b3Scalar s=vl*b3Dot(d,b3Cross(dl[i],dl[j]));
- if(s>0)
- {
- const b3Scalar subd=projectorigin(*vt[i],*vt[j],d,subw,subm);
- if((mindist<0)||(subd<mindist))
- {
- mindist = subd;
- m = static_cast<unsigned int>((subm&1?1<<i:0)+
- (subm&2?1<<j:0)+
- (subm&4?8:0));
- w[i] = subw[0];
- w[j] = subw[1];
- w[imd3[j]] = 0;
- w[3] = subw[2];
- }
- }
- }
- if(mindist<0)
- {
- mindist = 0;
- m = 15;
- w[0] = det(c,b,d)/vl;
- w[1] = det(a,c,d)/vl;
- w[2] = det(b,a,d)/vl;
- w[3] = 1-(w[0]+w[1]+w[2]);
- }
- return(mindist);
- }
- return(-1);
- }
- };
- // EPA
- struct b3EPA
- {
- /* Types */
- typedef b3GJK::sSV sSV;
- struct sFace
- {
- b3Vector3 n;
- b3Scalar d;
- sSV* c[3];
- sFace* f[3];
- sFace* l[2];
- unsigned char e[3];
- unsigned char pass;
- };
- struct sList
- {
- sFace* root;
- unsigned int count;
- sList() : root(0),count(0) {}
- };
- struct sHorizon
- {
- sFace* cf;
- sFace* ff;
- unsigned int nf;
- sHorizon() : cf(0),ff(0),nf(0) {}
- };
- struct eStatus { enum _ {
- Valid,
- Touching,
- Degenerated,
- NonConvex,
- InvalidHull,
- OutOfFaces,
- OutOfVertices,
- AccuraryReached,
- FallBack,
- Failed };};
- /* Fields */
- eStatus::_ m_status;
- b3GJK::sSimplex m_result;
- b3Vector3 m_normal;
- b3Scalar m_depth;
- sSV m_sv_store[EPA_MAX_VERTICES];
- sFace m_fc_store[EPA_MAX_FACES];
- unsigned int m_nextsv;
- sList m_hull;
- sList m_stock;
- /* Methods */
- b3EPA()
- {
- Initialize();
- }
- static inline void bind(sFace* fa,unsigned int ea,sFace* fb,unsigned int eb)
- {
- fa->e[ea]=(unsigned char)eb;fa->f[ea]=fb;
- fb->e[eb]=(unsigned char)ea;fb->f[eb]=fa;
- }
- static inline void append(sList& list,sFace* face)
- {
- face->l[0] = 0;
- face->l[1] = list.root;
- if(list.root) list.root->l[0]=face;
- list.root = face;
- ++list.count;
- }
- static inline void remove(sList& list,sFace* face)
- {
- if(face->l[1]) face->l[1]->l[0]=face->l[0];
- if(face->l[0]) face->l[0]->l[1]=face->l[1];
- if(face==list.root) list.root=face->l[1];
- --list.count;
- }
- void Initialize()
- {
- m_status = eStatus::Failed;
- m_normal = b3MakeVector3(0,0,0);
- m_depth = 0;
- m_nextsv = 0;
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<EPA_MAX_FACES;++i)
- {
- append(m_stock,&m_fc_store[EPA_MAX_FACES-i-1]);
- }
- }
- eStatus::_ Evaluate(b3GJK& gjk,const b3Vector3& guess)
- {
- b3GJK::sSimplex& simplex=*gjk.m_simplex;
- if((simplex.rank>1)&&gjk.EncloseOrigin())
- {
- /* Clean up */
- while(m_hull.root)
- {
- sFace* f = m_hull.root;
- remove(m_hull,f);
- append(m_stock,f);
- }
- m_status = eStatus::Valid;
- m_nextsv = 0;
- /* Orient simplex */
- if(gjk.det( simplex.c[0]->w-simplex.c[3]->w,
- simplex.c[1]->w-simplex.c[3]->w,
- simplex.c[2]->w-simplex.c[3]->w)<0)
- {
- b3Swap(simplex.c[0],simplex.c[1]);
- b3Swap(simplex.p[0],simplex.p[1]);
- }
- /* Build initial hull */
- sFace* tetra[]={newface(simplex.c[0],simplex.c[1],simplex.c[2],true),
- newface(simplex.c[1],simplex.c[0],simplex.c[3],true),
- newface(simplex.c[2],simplex.c[1],simplex.c[3],true),
- newface(simplex.c[0],simplex.c[2],simplex.c[3],true)};
- if(m_hull.count==4)
- {
- sFace* best=findbest();
- sFace outer=*best;
- unsigned int pass=0;
- unsigned int iterations=0;
- bind(tetra[0],0,tetra[1],0);
- bind(tetra[0],1,tetra[2],0);
- bind(tetra[0],2,tetra[3],0);
- bind(tetra[1],1,tetra[3],2);
- bind(tetra[1],2,tetra[2],1);
- bind(tetra[2],2,tetra[3],1);
- m_status=eStatus::Valid;
- for(;iterations<EPA_MAX_ITERATIONS;++iterations)
- {
- if(m_nextsv<EPA_MAX_VERTICES)
- {
- sHorizon horizon;
- sSV* w=&m_sv_store[m_nextsv++];
- bool valid=true;
- best->pass = (unsigned char)(++pass);
- gjk.getsupport(best->n,*w);
- const b3Scalar wdist=b3Dot(best->n,w->w)-best->d;
- if(wdist>EPA_ACCURACY)
- {
- for(unsigned int j=0;(j<3)&&valid;++j)
- {
- valid&=expand( pass,w,
- best->f[j],best->e[j],
- horizon);
- }
- if(valid&&(>=3))
- {
- bind(,1,horizon.ff,2);
- remove(m_hull,best);
- append(m_stock,best);
- best=findbest();
- outer=*best;
- } else {
- m_status=eStatus::Failed;
- //m_status=eStatus::InvalidHull;
- break; }
- } else { m_status=eStatus::AccuraryReached;break; }
- } else { m_status=eStatus::OutOfVertices;break; }
- }
- const b3Vector3 projection=outer.n*outer.d;
- m_normal = outer.n;
- m_depth = outer.d;
- m_result.rank = 3;
- m_result.c[0] = outer.c[0];
- m_result.c[1] = outer.c[1];
- m_result.c[2] = outer.c[2];
- m_result.p[0] = b3Cross( outer.c[1]->w-projection,
- outer.c[2]->w-projection).length();
- m_result.p[1] = b3Cross( outer.c[2]->w-projection,
- outer.c[0]->w-projection).length();
- m_result.p[2] = b3Cross( outer.c[0]->w-projection,
- outer.c[1]->w-projection).length();
- const b3Scalar sum=m_result.p[0]+m_result.p[1]+m_result.p[2];
- m_result.p[0] /= sum;
- m_result.p[1] /= sum;
- m_result.p[2] /= sum;
- return(m_status);
- }
- }
- /* Fallback */
- m_status = eStatus::FallBack;
- m_normal = -guess;
- const b3Scalar nl=m_normal.length();
- if(nl>0)
- m_normal = m_normal/nl;
- else
- m_normal = b3MakeVector3(1,0,0);
- m_depth = 0;
- m_result.rank=1;
- m_result.c[0]=simplex.c[0];
- m_result.p[0]=1;
- return(m_status);
- }
- bool getedgedist(sFace* face, sSV* a, sSV* b, b3Scalar& dist)
- {
- const b3Vector3 ba = b->w - a->w;
- const b3Vector3 n_ab = b3Cross(ba, face->n); // Outward facing edge normal direction, on triangle plane
- const b3Scalar a_dot_nab = b3Dot(a->w, n_ab); // Only care about the sign to determine inside/outside, so not normalization required
- if(a_dot_nab < 0)
- {
- // Outside of edge a->b
- const b3Scalar ba_l2 = ba.length2();
- const b3Scalar a_dot_ba = b3Dot(a->w, ba);
- const b3Scalar b_dot_ba = b3Dot(b->w, ba);
- if(a_dot_ba > 0)
- {
- // Pick distance vertex a
- dist = a->w.length();
- }
- else if(b_dot_ba < 0)
- {
- // Pick distance vertex b
- dist = b->w.length();
- }
- else
- {
- // Pick distance to edge a->b
- const b3Scalar a_dot_b = b3Dot(a->w, b->w);
- dist = b3Sqrt(b3Max((a->w.length2() * b->w.length2() - a_dot_b * a_dot_b) / ba_l2, (b3Scalar)0));
- }
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- sFace* newface(sSV* a,sSV* b,sSV* c,bool forced)
- {
- if(m_stock.root)
- {
- sFace* face=m_stock.root;
- remove(m_stock,face);
- append(m_hull,face);
- face->pass = 0;
- face->c[0] = a;
- face->c[1] = b;
- face->c[2] = c;
- face->n = b3Cross(b->w-a->w,c->w-a->w);
- const b3Scalar l=face->n.length();
- const bool v=l>EPA_ACCURACY;
- if(v)
- {
- if(!(getedgedist(face, a, b, face->d) ||
- getedgedist(face, b, c, face->d) ||
- getedgedist(face, c, a, face->d)))
- {
- // Origin projects to the interior of the triangle
- // Use distance to triangle plane
- face->d = b3Dot(a->w, face->n) / l;
- }
- face->n /= l;
- if(forced || (face->d >= -EPA_PLANE_EPS))
- {
- return face;
- }
- else
- m_status=eStatus::NonConvex;
- }
- else
- m_status=eStatus::Degenerated;
- remove(m_hull, face);
- append(m_stock, face);
- return 0;
- }
- m_status = m_stock.root ? eStatus::OutOfVertices : eStatus::OutOfFaces;
- return 0;
- }
- sFace* findbest()
- {
- sFace* minf=m_hull.root;
- b3Scalar mind=minf->d*minf->d;
- for(sFace* f=minf->l[1];f;f=f->l[1])
- {
- const b3Scalar sqd=f->d*f->d;
- if(sqd<mind)
- {
- minf=f;
- mind=sqd;
- }
- }
- return(minf);
- }
- bool expand(unsigned int pass,sSV* w,sFace* f,unsigned int e,sHorizon& horizon)
- {
- static const unsigned int i1m3[]={1,2,0};
- static const unsigned int i2m3[]={2,0,1};
- if(f->pass!=pass)
- {
- const unsigned int e1=i1m3[e];
- if((b3Dot(f->n,w->w)-f->d)<-EPA_PLANE_EPS)
- {
- sFace* nf=newface(f->c[e1],f->c[e],w,false);
- if(nf)
- {
- bind(nf,0,f,e);
- if( bind(,1,nf,2); else horizon.ff=nf;
- return(true);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- const unsigned int e2=i2m3[e];
- f->pass = (unsigned char)pass;
- if( expand(pass,w,f->f[e1],f->e[e1],horizon)&&
- expand(pass,w,f->f[e2],f->e[e2],horizon))
- {
- remove(m_hull,f);
- append(m_stock,f);
- return(true);
- }
- }
- }
- return(false);
- }
- };
- //
- static void Initialize(const b3Transform& transA, const b3Transform& transB,
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullA, const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullB,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesB,
- b3GjkEpaSolver2::sResults& results,
- tShape& shape,
- bool withmargins)
- {
- /* Results */
- results.witnesses[0] =
- results.witnesses[1] = b3MakeVector3(0,0,0);
- results.status = b3GjkEpaSolver2::sResults::Separated;
- /* Shape */
- shape.m_shapes[0] = hullA;
- shape.m_shapes[1] = hullB;
- shape.m_toshape1 = transB.getBasis().transposeTimes(transA.getBasis());
- shape.m_toshape0 = transA.inverseTimes(transB);
- shape.EnableMargin(withmargins);
- }
-// Api
-using namespace gjkepa2_impl2;
-int b3GjkEpaSolver2::StackSizeRequirement()
- return(sizeof(b3GJK)+sizeof(b3EPA));
-bool b3GjkEpaSolver2::Distance( const b3Transform& transA, const b3Transform& transB,
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullA, const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullB,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesB,
- const b3Vector3& guess,
- sResults& results)
- tShape shape;
- Initialize(transA,transB,hullA,hullB,verticesA,verticesB,results,shape,false);
- b3GJK gjk(verticesA,verticesB);
- b3GJK::eStatus::_ gjk_status=gjk.Evaluate(shape,guess);
- if(gjk_status==b3GJK::eStatus::Valid)
- {
- b3Vector3 w0=b3MakeVector3(0,0,0);
- b3Vector3 w1=b3MakeVector3(0,0,0);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<gjk.m_simplex->rank;++i)
- {
- const b3Scalar p=gjk.m_simplex->p[i];
- w0+=shape.Support( gjk.m_simplex->c[i]->d,0,verticesA,verticesB)*p;
- w1+=shape.Support(-gjk.m_simplex->c[i]->d,1,verticesA,verticesB)*p;
- }
- results.witnesses[0] = transA*w0;
- results.witnesses[1] = transA*w1;
- results.normal = w0-w1;
- results.distance = results.normal.length();
- results.normal /= results.distance>GJK_MIN_DISTANCE?results.distance:1;
- return(true);
- }
- else
- {
- results.status = gjk_status==b3GJK::eStatus::Inside?
- sResults::Penetrating :
- sResults::GJK_Failed ;
- return(false);
- }
-bool b3GjkEpaSolver2::Penetration( const b3Transform& transA, const b3Transform& transB,
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullA, const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullB,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesB,
- const b3Vector3& guess,
- sResults& results,
- bool usemargins)
- tShape shape;
- Initialize(transA,transB,hullA,hullB,verticesA,verticesB,results,shape,usemargins);
- b3GJK gjk(verticesA,verticesB);
- b3GJK::eStatus::_ gjk_status=gjk.Evaluate(shape,guess);
- switch(gjk_status)
- {
- case b3GJK::eStatus::Inside:
- {
- b3EPA epa;
- b3EPA::eStatus::_ epa_status=epa.Evaluate(gjk,-guess);
- if(epa_status!=b3EPA::eStatus::Failed)
- {
- b3Vector3 w0=b3MakeVector3(0,0,0);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<epa.m_result.rank;++i)
- {
- w0+=shape.Support(epa.m_result.c[i]->d,0,verticesA,verticesB)*epa.m_result.p[i];
- }
- results.status = sResults::Penetrating;
- results.witnesses[0] = transA*w0;
- results.witnesses[1] = transA*(w0-epa.m_normal*epa.m_depth);
- results.normal = -epa.m_normal;
- results.distance = -epa.m_depth;
- return(true);
- } else results.status=sResults::EPA_Failed;
- }
- break;
- case b3GJK::eStatus::Failed:
- results.status=sResults::GJK_Failed;
- break;
- default:
- {
- }
- }
- return(false);
-#if 0
-b3Scalar b3GjkEpaSolver2::SignedDistance(const b3Vector3& position,
- b3Scalar margin,
- const b3Transform& transA,
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesA,
- sResults& results)
- tShape shape;
- btSphereShape shape1(margin);
- b3Transform wtrs1(b3Quaternion(0,0,0,1),position);
- Initialize(shape0,wtrs0,&shape1,wtrs1,results,shape,false);
- GJK gjk;
- GJK::eStatus::_ gjk_status=gjk.Evaluate(shape,b3Vector3(1,1,1));
- if(gjk_status==GJK::eStatus::Valid)
- {
- b3Vector3 w0=b3Vector3(0,0,0);
- b3Vector3 w1=b3Vector3(0,0,0);
- for(unsigned int i=0;i<gjk.m_simplex->rank;++i)
- {
- const b3Scalar p=gjk.m_simplex->p[i];
- w0+=shape.Support( gjk.m_simplex->c[i]->d,0)*p;
- w1+=shape.Support(-gjk.m_simplex->c[i]->d,1)*p;
- }
- results.witnesses[0] = wtrs0*w0;
- results.witnesses[1] = wtrs0*w1;
- const b3Vector3 delta= results.witnesses[1]-
- results.witnesses[0];
- const b3Scalar margin= shape0->getMarginNonVirtual()+
- shape1.getMarginNonVirtual();
- const b3Scalar length= delta.length();
- results.normal = delta/length;
- results.witnesses[0] += results.normal*margin;
- return(length-margin);
- }
- else
- {
- if(gjk_status==GJK::eStatus::Inside)
- {
- if(Penetration(shape0,wtrs0,&shape1,wtrs1,gjk.m_ray,results))
- {
- const b3Vector3 delta= results.witnesses[0]-
- results.witnesses[1];
- const b3Scalar length= delta.length();
- if (length >= B3_EPSILON)
- results.normal = delta/length;
- return(-length);
- }
- }
- }
- return(B3_INFINITY);
-bool b3GjkEpaSolver2::SignedDistance(const btConvexShape* shape0,
- const b3Transform& wtrs0,
- const btConvexShape* shape1,
- const b3Transform& wtrs1,
- const b3Vector3& guess,
- sResults& results)
- if(!Distance(shape0,wtrs0,shape1,wtrs1,guess,results))
- return(Penetration(shape0,wtrs0,shape1,wtrs1,guess,results,false));
- else
- return(true);
-/* Symbols cleanup */