path: root/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/b3ConvexHullContact.cpp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 4733 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/b3ConvexHullContact.cpp b/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/b3ConvexHullContact.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index fb435aa7fd..0000000000
--- a/thirdparty/bullet/src/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/b3ConvexHullContact.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4733 +0,0 @@
-Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
-Copyright (c) 2011 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
-This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
-In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
-Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
-subject to the following restrictions:
-1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
-2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
-3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
-bool findSeparatingAxisOnGpu = true;
-bool splitSearchSepAxisConcave = false;
-bool splitSearchSepAxisConvex = true;
-bool useMprGpu = true;//use mpr for edge-edge (+contact point) or sat. Needs testing on main OpenCL platforms, before enabling...
-bool bvhTraversalKernelGPU = true;
-bool findConcaveSeparatingAxisKernelGPU = true;
-bool clipConcaveFacesAndFindContactsCPU = false;//false;//true;
-bool clipConvexFacesAndFindContactsCPU = false;//false;//true;
-bool reduceConcaveContactsOnGPU = true;//false;
-bool reduceConvexContactsOnGPU = true;//false;
-bool findConvexClippingFacesGPU = true;
-bool useGjk = false;///option for CPU/host testing, when findSeparatingAxisOnGpu = false
-bool useGjkContacts = false;//////option for CPU/host testing when findSeparatingAxisOnGpu = false
-static int myframecount=0;///for testing
-///This file was written by Erwin Coumans
-///Separating axis rest based on work from Pierre Terdiman, see
-///And contact clipping based on work from Simon Hobbs
-//#define B3_DEBUG_SAT_FACE
-//#define CHECK_ON_HOST
-int b3g_actualSATPairTests=0;
-#include "b3ConvexHullContact.h"
-#include <string.h>//memcpy
-#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ConvexPolyhedronData.h"
-#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3MprPenetration.h"
-#include "Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/b3ContactCache.h"
-#include "Bullet3Geometry/b3AabbUtil.h"
-typedef b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> b3VertexArray;
-#include <float.h> //for FLT_MAX
-#include "Bullet3OpenCL/Initialize/b3OpenCLUtils.h"
-#include "Bullet3OpenCL/ParallelPrimitives/b3LauncherCL.h"
-//#include "AdlQuaternion.h"
-#include "kernels/satKernels.h"
-#include "kernels/mprKernels.h"
-#include "kernels/satConcaveKernels.h"
-#include "kernels/satClipHullContacts.h"
-#include "kernels/bvhTraversal.h"
-#include "kernels/primitiveContacts.h"
-#include "Bullet3Geometry/b3AabbUtil.h"
-#define BT_NARROWPHASE_SAT_PATH "src/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/kernels/"
-#define BT_NARROWPHASE_SAT_CONCAVE_PATH "src/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/kernels/"
-#define BT_NARROWPHASE_MPR_PATH "src/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/kernels/"
-#define BT_NARROWPHASE_CLIPHULL_PATH "src/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/kernels/"
-#define BT_NARROWPHASE_BVH_TRAVERSAL_PATH "src/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/kernels/"
-#define BT_NARROWPHASE_PRIMITIVE_CONTACT_PATH "src/Bullet3OpenCL/NarrowphaseCollision/kernels/"
-#ifndef __global
-#define __global
-#ifndef __kernel
-#define __kernel
-#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3BvhTraversal.h"
-#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3FindConcaveSatAxis.h"
-#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3ClipFaces.h"
-#include "Bullet3Collision/NarrowPhaseCollision/shared/b3NewContactReduction.h"
-#define dot3F4 b3Dot
-GpuSatCollision::GpuSatCollision(cl_context ctx,cl_device_id device, cl_command_queue q )
-m_totalContactsOut(m_context, m_queue),
-m_sepNormals(m_context, m_queue),
-m_hasSeparatingNormals(m_context, m_queue),
-m_concaveSepNormals(m_context, m_queue),
-m_numConcavePairsOut(m_context, m_queue),
-m_gpuCompoundPairs(m_context, m_queue),
-m_gpuCompoundSepNormals(m_context, m_queue),
-m_gpuHasCompoundSepNormals(m_context, m_queue),
-m_numCompoundPairsOut(m_context, m_queue)
- m_totalContactsOut.push_back(0);
- cl_int errNum=0;
- if (1)
- {
- const char* mprSrc = mprKernelsCL;
- const char* srcConcave = satConcaveKernelsCL;
- char flags[1024]={0};
-// sprintf(flags,"-g -s \"%s\"","C:/develop/bullet3_experiments2/opencl/gpu_narrowphase/kernels/");
- m_mprPenetrationKernel = 0;
- m_findSeparatingAxisUnitSphereKernel = 0;
- if (useMprGpu)
- {
- cl_program mprProg = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLProgramFromString(m_context,m_device,mprSrc,&errNum,flags,BT_NARROWPHASE_MPR_PATH);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_mprPenetrationKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,mprSrc, "mprPenetrationKernel",&errNum,mprProg );
- b3Assert(m_mprPenetrationKernel);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_findSeparatingAxisUnitSphereKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,mprSrc, "findSeparatingAxisUnitSphereKernel",&errNum,mprProg );
- b3Assert(m_findSeparatingAxisUnitSphereKernel);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- int numDirections = sizeof(unitSphere162)/sizeof(b3Vector3);
- m_unitSphereDirections.resize(numDirections);
- m_unitSphereDirections.copyFromHostPointer(unitSphere162,numDirections,0,true);
- }
- cl_program satProg = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLProgramFromString(m_context,m_device,satKernelsCL,&errNum,flags,BT_NARROWPHASE_SAT_PATH);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- cl_program satConcaveProg = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLProgramFromString(m_context,m_device,srcConcave,&errNum,flags,BT_NARROWPHASE_SAT_CONCAVE_PATH);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_findSeparatingAxisKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,satKernelsCL, "findSeparatingAxisKernel",&errNum,satProg );
- b3Assert(m_findSeparatingAxisKernel);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_findSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,satKernelsCL, "findSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel",&errNum,satProg );
- b3Assert(m_findSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel);
- m_findSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,satKernelsCL, "findSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel",&errNum,satProg );
- b3Assert(m_findSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel);
- m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,satKernelsCL, "findConcaveSeparatingAxisKernel",&errNum,satProg );
- b3Assert(m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisKernel);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,srcConcave, "findConcaveSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel",&errNum,satConcaveProg );
- b3Assert(m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,srcConcave, "findConcaveSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel",&errNum,satConcaveProg );
- b3Assert(m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_findCompoundPairsKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,satKernelsCL, "findCompoundPairsKernel",&errNum,satProg );
- b3Assert(m_findCompoundPairsKernel);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_processCompoundPairsKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,satKernelsCL, "processCompoundPairsKernel",&errNum,satProg );
- b3Assert(m_processCompoundPairsKernel);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- }
- if (1)
- {
- const char* srcClip = satClipKernelsCL;
- char flags[1024]={0};
-// sprintf(flags,"-g -s \"%s\"","C:/develop/bullet3_experiments2/opencl/gpu_narrowphase/kernels/");
- cl_program satClipContactsProg = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLProgramFromString(m_context,m_device,srcClip,&errNum,flags,BT_NARROWPHASE_CLIPHULL_PATH);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_clipHullHullKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,srcClip, "clipHullHullKernel",&errNum,satClipContactsProg);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_clipCompoundsHullHullKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,srcClip, "clipCompoundsHullHullKernel",&errNum,satClipContactsProg);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_findClippingFacesKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,srcClip, "findClippingFacesKernel",&errNum,satClipContactsProg);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_clipFacesAndFindContacts = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,srcClip, "clipFacesAndFindContactsKernel",&errNum,satClipContactsProg);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_clipHullHullConcaveConvexKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,srcClip, "clipHullHullConcaveConvexKernel",&errNum,satClipContactsProg);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
-// m_extractManifoldAndAddContactKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,srcClip, "extractManifoldAndAddContactKernel",&errNum,satClipContactsProg);
- // b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_newContactReductionKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,srcClip,
- "newContactReductionKernel",&errNum,satClipContactsProg);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- }
- else
- {
- m_clipHullHullKernel=0;
- m_clipCompoundsHullHullKernel = 0;
- m_findClippingFacesKernel = 0;
- m_newContactReductionKernel=0;
- m_clipFacesAndFindContacts = 0;
- m_clipHullHullConcaveConvexKernel = 0;
-// m_extractManifoldAndAddContactKernel = 0;
- }
- if (1)
- {
- const char* srcBvh = bvhTraversalKernelCL;
- cl_program bvhTraversalProg = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLProgramFromString(m_context,m_device,srcBvh,&errNum,"",BT_NARROWPHASE_BVH_TRAVERSAL_PATH);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_bvhTraversalKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,srcBvh, "bvhTraversalKernel",&errNum,bvhTraversalProg,"");
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- }
- {
- const char* primitiveContactsSrc = primitiveContactsKernelsCL;
- cl_program primitiveContactsProg = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLProgramFromString(m_context,m_device,primitiveContactsSrc,&errNum,"",BT_NARROWPHASE_PRIMITIVE_CONTACT_PATH);
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_primitiveContactsKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,primitiveContactsSrc, "primitiveContactsKernel",&errNum,primitiveContactsProg,"");
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- m_findConcaveSphereContactsKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,primitiveContactsSrc, "findConcaveSphereContactsKernel",&errNum,primitiveContactsProg );
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- b3Assert(m_findConcaveSphereContactsKernel);
- m_processCompoundPairsPrimitivesKernel = b3OpenCLUtils::compileCLKernelFromString(m_context, m_device,primitiveContactsSrc, "processCompoundPairsPrimitivesKernel",&errNum,primitiveContactsProg,"");
- b3Assert(errNum==CL_SUCCESS);
- b3Assert(m_processCompoundPairsPrimitivesKernel);
- }
- if (m_findSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_findSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel);
- if (m_findSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_findSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel);
- if (m_findSeparatingAxisUnitSphereKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_findSeparatingAxisUnitSphereKernel);
- if (m_mprPenetrationKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_mprPenetrationKernel);
- if (m_findSeparatingAxisKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_findSeparatingAxisKernel);
- if (m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel);
- if (m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel);
- if (m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisKernel);
- if (m_findCompoundPairsKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_findCompoundPairsKernel);
- if (m_processCompoundPairsKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_processCompoundPairsKernel);
- if (m_findClippingFacesKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_findClippingFacesKernel);
- if (m_clipFacesAndFindContacts)
- clReleaseKernel(m_clipFacesAndFindContacts);
- if (m_newContactReductionKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_newContactReductionKernel);
- if (m_primitiveContactsKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_primitiveContactsKernel);
- if (m_findConcaveSphereContactsKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_findConcaveSphereContactsKernel);
- if (m_processCompoundPairsPrimitivesKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_processCompoundPairsPrimitivesKernel);
- if (m_clipHullHullKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_clipHullHullKernel);
- if (m_clipCompoundsHullHullKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_clipCompoundsHullHullKernel);
- if (m_clipHullHullConcaveConvexKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_clipHullHullConcaveConvexKernel);
-// if (m_extractManifoldAndAddContactKernel)
- // clReleaseKernel(m_extractManifoldAndAddContactKernel);
- if (m_bvhTraversalKernel)
- clReleaseKernel(m_bvhTraversalKernel);
-struct MyTriangleCallback : public b3NodeOverlapCallback
- int m_bodyIndexA;
- int m_bodyIndexB;
- virtual void processNode(int subPart, int triangleIndex)
- {
- printf("bodyIndexA %d, bodyIndexB %d\n",m_bodyIndexA,m_bodyIndexB);
- printf("triangleIndex %d\n", triangleIndex);
- }
-#define float4 b3Vector3
-#define make_float4(x,y,z,w) b3MakeVector3(x,y,z,w)
-float signedDistanceFromPointToPlane(const float4& point, const float4& planeEqn, float4* closestPointOnFace)
- float4 n = planeEqn;
- n[3] = 0.f;
- float dist = dot3F4(n, point) + planeEqn[3];
- *closestPointOnFace = point - dist * n;
- return dist;
-#define cross3(a,b) (a.cross(b))
-b3Vector3 transform(const b3Vector3* v, const b3Vector3* pos, const b3Quaternion* orn)
- b3Transform tr;
- tr.setIdentity();
- tr.setOrigin(*pos);
- tr.setRotation(*orn);
- b3Vector3 res = tr(*v);
- return res;
-inline bool IsPointInPolygon(const float4& p,
- const b3GpuFace* face,
- const float4* baseVertex,
- const int* convexIndices,
- float4* out)
- float4 a;
- float4 b;
- float4 ab;
- float4 ap;
- float4 v;
- float4 plane = b3MakeVector3(face->m_plane.x,face->m_plane.y,face->m_plane.z,0.f);
- if (face->m_numIndices<2)
- return false;
- float4 v0 = baseVertex[convexIndices[face->m_indexOffset + face->m_numIndices-1]];
- b = v0;
- for(unsigned i=0; i != face->m_numIndices; ++i)
- {
- a = b;
- float4 vi = baseVertex[convexIndices[face->m_indexOffset + i]];
- b = vi;
- ab = b-a;
- ap = p-a;
- v = cross3(ab,plane);
- if (b3Dot(ap, v) > 0.f)
- {
- float ab_m2 = b3Dot(ab, ab);
- float rt = ab_m2 != 0.f ? b3Dot(ab, ap) / ab_m2 : 0.f;
- if (rt <= 0.f)
- {
- *out = a;
- }
- else if (rt >= 1.f)
- {
- *out = b;
- }
- else
- {
- float s = 1.f - rt;
- out[0].x = s * a.x + rt * b.x;
- out[0].y = s * a.y + rt * b.y;
- out[0].z = s * a.z + rt * b.z;
- }
- return false;
- }
- }
- return true;
-#define normalize3(a) (a.normalize())
-int extractManifoldSequentialGlobal( const float4* p, int nPoints, const float4& nearNormal, b3Int4* contactIdx)
- if( nPoints == 0 )
- return 0;
- if (nPoints <=4)
- return nPoints;
- if (nPoints >64)
- nPoints = 64;
- float4 center = b3MakeVector3(0,0,0,0);
- {
- for (int i=0;i<nPoints;i++)
- center += p[i];
- center /= (float)nPoints;
- }
- // sample 4 directions
- float4 aVector = p[0] - center;
- float4 u = cross3( nearNormal, aVector );
- float4 v = cross3( nearNormal, u );
- u = normalize3( u );
- v = normalize3( v );
- //keep point with deepest penetration
- float minW= FLT_MAX;
- int minIndex=-1;
- float4 maxDots;
- maxDots.x = FLT_MIN;
- maxDots.y = FLT_MIN;
- maxDots.z = FLT_MIN;
- maxDots.w = FLT_MIN;
- // idx, distance
- for(int ie = 0; ie<nPoints; ie++ )
- {
- if (p[ie].w<minW)
- {
- minW = p[ie].w;
- minIndex=ie;
- }
- float f;
- float4 r = p[ie]-center;
- f = dot3F4( u, r );
- if (f<maxDots.x)
- {
- maxDots.x = f;
- contactIdx[0].x = ie;
- }
- f = dot3F4( -u, r );
- if (f<maxDots.y)
- {
- maxDots.y = f;
- contactIdx[0].y = ie;
- }
- f = dot3F4( v, r );
- if (f<maxDots.z)
- {
- maxDots.z = f;
- contactIdx[0].z = ie;
- }
- f = dot3F4( -v, r );
- if (f<maxDots.w)
- {
- maxDots.w = f;
- contactIdx[0].w = ie;
- }
- }
- if (contactIdx[0].x != minIndex && contactIdx[0].y != minIndex && contactIdx[0].z != minIndex && contactIdx[0].w != minIndex)
- {
- //replace the first contact with minimum (todo: replace contact with least penetration)
- contactIdx[0].x = minIndex;
- }
- return 4;
-#define MAX_VERTS 1024
-inline void project(const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hull, const float4& pos, const b3Quaternion& orn, const float4& dir, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& vertices, b3Scalar& min, b3Scalar& max)
- min = FLT_MAX;
- max = -FLT_MAX;
- int numVerts = hull.m_numVertices;
- const float4 localDir = b3QuatRotate(orn.inverse(),dir);
- b3Scalar offset = dot3F4(pos,dir);
- for(int i=0;i<numVerts;i++)
- {
- //b3Vector3 pt = trans * vertices[m_vertexOffset+i];
- //b3Scalar dp =;
- //b3Vector3 vertex = vertices[hull.m_vertexOffset+i];
- b3Scalar dp = dot3F4((float4&)vertices[hull.m_vertexOffset+i],localDir);
- //b3Assert(dp==dpL);
- if(dp < min) min = dp;
- if(dp > max) max = dp;
- }
- if(min>max)
- {
- b3Scalar tmp = min;
- min = max;
- max = tmp;
- }
- min += offset;
- max += offset;
-static bool TestSepAxis(const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullA, const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullB,
- const float4& posA,const b3Quaternion& ornA,
- const float4& posB,const b3Quaternion& ornB,
- const float4& sep_axis, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesA,const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesB,b3Scalar& depth)
- b3Scalar Min0,Max0;
- b3Scalar Min1,Max1;
- project(hullA,posA,ornA,sep_axis,verticesA, Min0, Max0);
- project(hullB,posB,ornB, sep_axis,verticesB, Min1, Max1);
- if(Max0<Min1 || Max1<Min0)
- return false;
- b3Scalar d0 = Max0 - Min1;
- assert(d0>=0.0f);
- b3Scalar d1 = Max1 - Min0;
- assert(d1>=0.0f);
- depth = d0<d1 ? d0:d1;
- return true;
-inline bool IsAlmostZero(const b3Vector3& v)
- if(fabsf(v.x)>1e-6 || fabsf(v.y)>1e-6 || fabsf(v.z)>1e-6) return false;
- return true;
-static bool findSeparatingAxis( const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullA, const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullB,
- const float4& posA1,
- const b3Quaternion& ornA,
- const float4& posB1,
- const b3Quaternion& ornB,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& uniqueEdgesA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& facesA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesB,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& uniqueEdgesB,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& facesB,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesB,
- b3Vector3& sep)
- B3_PROFILE("findSeparatingAxis");
- b3g_actualSATPairTests++;
- float4 posA = posA1;
- posA.w = 0.f;
- float4 posB = posB1;
- posB.w = 0.f;
- float4 c0local = (float4&)hullA.m_localCenter;
- float4 c0 = transform(&c0local, &posA, &ornA);
- float4 c1local = (float4&)hullB.m_localCenter;
- float4 c1 = transform(&c1local,&posB,&ornB);
- const float4 deltaC2 = c0 - c1;
- b3Scalar dmin = FLT_MAX;
- int curPlaneTests=0;
- int numFacesA = hullA.m_numFaces;
- // Test normals from hullA
- for(int i=0;i<numFacesA;i++)
- {
- const float4& normal = (float4&)facesA[hullA.m_faceOffset+i].m_plane;
- float4 faceANormalWS = b3QuatRotate(ornA,normal);
- if (dot3F4(deltaC2,faceANormalWS)<0)
- faceANormalWS*=-1.f;
- curPlaneTests++;
- gExpectedNbTests++;
- if(gUseInternalObject && !TestInternalObjects(transA,transB, DeltaC2, faceANormalWS, hullA, hullB, dmin))
- continue;
- gActualNbTests++;
- b3Scalar d;
- if(!TestSepAxis( hullA, hullB, posA,ornA,posB,ornB,faceANormalWS, verticesA, verticesB,d))
- return false;
- if(d<dmin)
- {
- dmin = d;
- sep = (b3Vector3&)faceANormalWS;
- }
- }
- int numFacesB = hullB.m_numFaces;
- // Test normals from hullB
- for(int i=0;i<numFacesB;i++)
- {
- float4 normal = (float4&)facesB[hullB.m_faceOffset+i].m_plane;
- float4 WorldNormal = b3QuatRotate(ornB, normal);
- if (dot3F4(deltaC2,WorldNormal)<0)
- {
- WorldNormal*=-1.f;
- }
- curPlaneTests++;
- gExpectedNbTests++;
- if(gUseInternalObject && !TestInternalObjects(transA,transB,DeltaC2, WorldNormal, hullA, hullB, dmin))
- continue;
- gActualNbTests++;
- b3Scalar d;
- if(!TestSepAxis(hullA, hullB,posA,ornA,posB,ornB,WorldNormal,verticesA,verticesB,d))
- return false;
- if(d<dmin)
- {
- dmin = d;
- sep = (b3Vector3&)WorldNormal;
- }
- }
- int curEdgeEdge = 0;
- // Test edges
- for(int e0=0;e0<hullA.m_numUniqueEdges;e0++)
- {
- const float4& edge0 = (float4&) uniqueEdgesA[hullA.m_uniqueEdgesOffset+e0];
- float4 edge0World = b3QuatRotate(ornA,(float4&)edge0);
- for(int e1=0;e1<hullB.m_numUniqueEdges;e1++)
- {
- const b3Vector3 edge1 = uniqueEdgesB[hullB.m_uniqueEdgesOffset+e1];
- float4 edge1World = b3QuatRotate(ornB,(float4&)edge1);
- float4 crossje = cross3(edge0World,edge1World);
- curEdgeEdge++;
- if(!IsAlmostZero((b3Vector3&)crossje))
- {
- crossje = normalize3(crossje);
- if (dot3F4(deltaC2,crossje)<0)
- crossje*=-1.f;
- gExpectedNbTests++;
- if(gUseInternalObject && !TestInternalObjects(transA,transB,DeltaC2, Cross, hullA, hullB, dmin))
- continue;
- gActualNbTests++;
- b3Scalar dist;
- if(!TestSepAxis( hullA, hullB, posA,ornA,posB,ornB,crossje, verticesA,verticesB,dist))
- return false;
- if(dist<dmin)
- {
- dmin = dist;
- sep = (b3Vector3&)crossje;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if((dot3F4(-deltaC2,(float4&)sep))>0.0f)
- sep = -sep;
- return true;
-bool findSeparatingAxisEdgeEdge( __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullA, __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullB,
- const b3Float4& posA1,
- const b3Quat& ornA,
- const b3Float4& posB1,
- const b3Quat& ornB,
- const b3Float4& DeltaC2,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<float4>& vertices,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<float4>& uniqueEdges,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& faces,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indices,
- float4* sep,
- float* dmin)
-// int i = get_global_id(0);
- float4 posA = posA1;
- posA.w = 0.f;
- float4 posB = posB1;
- posB.w = 0.f;
- //int curPlaneTests=0;
- int curEdgeEdge = 0;
- // Test edges
- for(int e0=0;e0<hullA->m_numUniqueEdges;e0++)
- {
- const float4 edge0 = uniqueEdges[hullA->m_uniqueEdgesOffset+e0];
- float4 edge0World = b3QuatRotate(ornA,edge0);
- for(int e1=0;e1<hullB->m_numUniqueEdges;e1++)
- {
- const float4 edge1 = uniqueEdges[hullB->m_uniqueEdgesOffset+e1];
- float4 edge1World = b3QuatRotate(ornB,edge1);
- float4 crossje = cross3(edge0World,edge1World);
- curEdgeEdge++;
- if(!IsAlmostZero(crossje))
- {
- crossje = normalize3(crossje);
- if (dot3F4(DeltaC2,crossje)<0)
- crossje*=-1.f;
- float dist;
- bool result = true;
- {
- float Min0,Max0;
- float Min1,Max1;
- project(*hullA,posA,ornA,crossje,vertices, Min0, Max0);
- project(*hullB,posB,ornB,crossje,vertices, Min1, Max1);
- if(Max0<Min1 || Max1<Min0)
- result = false;
- float d0 = Max0 - Min1;
- float d1 = Max1 - Min0;
- dist = d0<d1 ? d0:d1;
- result = true;
- }
- if(dist<*dmin)
- {
- *dmin = dist;
- *sep = crossje;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if((dot3F4(-DeltaC2,*sep))>0.0f)
- {
- *sep = -(*sep);
- }
- return true;
-__inline float4 lerp3(const float4& a,const float4& b, float t)
- return b3MakeVector3( a.x + (b.x - a.x) * t,
- a.y + (b.y - a.y) * t,
- a.z + (b.z - a.z) * t,
- 0.f);
-// Clips a face to the back of a plane, return the number of vertices out, stored in ppVtxOut
-int clipFace(const float4* pVtxIn, int numVertsIn, float4& planeNormalWS,float planeEqWS, float4* ppVtxOut)
- int ve;
- float ds, de;
- int numVertsOut = 0;
- if (numVertsIn < 2)
- return 0;
- float4 firstVertex=pVtxIn[numVertsIn-1];
- float4 endVertex = pVtxIn[0];
- ds = dot3F4(planeNormalWS,firstVertex)+planeEqWS;
- for (ve = 0; ve < numVertsIn; ve++)
- {
- endVertex=pVtxIn[ve];
- de = dot3F4(planeNormalWS,endVertex)+planeEqWS;
- if (ds<0)
- {
- if (de<0)
- {
- // Start < 0, end < 0, so output endVertex
- ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = endVertex;
- }
- else
- {
- // Start < 0, end >= 0, so output intersection
- ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = lerp3(firstVertex, endVertex,(ds * 1.f/(ds - de)) );
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if (de<0)
- {
- // Start >= 0, end < 0 so output intersection and end
- ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = lerp3(firstVertex, endVertex,(ds * 1.f/(ds - de)) );
- ppVtxOut[numVertsOut++] = endVertex;
- }
- }
- firstVertex = endVertex;
- ds = de;
- }
- return numVertsOut;
-int clipFaceAgainstHull(const float4& separatingNormal, const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullA,
- const float4& posA, const b3Quaternion& ornA, float4* worldVertsB1, int numWorldVertsB1,
- float4* worldVertsB2, int capacityWorldVertsB2,
- const float minDist, float maxDist,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<float4>& verticesA, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& facesA, const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesA,
- //const float4* verticesB, const b3GpuFace* facesB, const int* indicesB,
- float4* contactsOut,
- int contactCapacity)
- int numContactsOut = 0;
- float4* pVtxIn = worldVertsB1;
- float4* pVtxOut = worldVertsB2;
- int numVertsIn = numWorldVertsB1;
- int numVertsOut = 0;
- int closestFaceA=-1;
- {
- float dmin = FLT_MAX;
- for(int face=0;face<hullA->m_numFaces;face++)
- {
- const float4 Normal = b3MakeVector3(
- facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.x,
- facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.y,
- facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.z,0.f);
- const float4 faceANormalWS = b3QuatRotate(ornA,Normal);
- float d = dot3F4(faceANormalWS,separatingNormal);
- if (d < dmin)
- {
- dmin = d;
- closestFaceA = face;
- }
- }
- }
- if (closestFaceA<0)
- return numContactsOut;
- b3GpuFace polyA = facesA[hullA->m_faceOffset+closestFaceA];
- // clip polygon to back of planes of all faces of hull A that are adjacent to witness face
-// int numContacts = numWorldVertsB1;
- int numVerticesA = polyA.m_numIndices;
- for(int e0=0;e0<numVerticesA;e0++)
- {
- const float4 a = verticesA[hullA->m_vertexOffset+indicesA[polyA.m_indexOffset+e0]];
- const float4 b = verticesA[hullA->m_vertexOffset+indicesA[polyA.m_indexOffset+((e0+1)%numVerticesA)]];
- const float4 edge0 = a - b;
- const float4 WorldEdge0 = b3QuatRotate(ornA,edge0);
- float4 planeNormalA = make_float4(polyA.m_plane.x,polyA.m_plane.y,polyA.m_plane.z,0.f);
- float4 worldPlaneAnormal1 = b3QuatRotate(ornA,planeNormalA);
- float4 planeNormalWS1 = -cross3(WorldEdge0,worldPlaneAnormal1);
- float4 worldA1 = transform(&a,&posA,&ornA);
- float planeEqWS1 = -dot3F4(worldA1,planeNormalWS1);
- float4 planeNormalWS = planeNormalWS1;
- float planeEqWS=planeEqWS1;
- //clip face
- //clipFace(*pVtxIn, *pVtxOut,planeNormalWS,planeEqWS);
- numVertsOut = clipFace(pVtxIn, numVertsIn, planeNormalWS,planeEqWS, pVtxOut);
- //btSwap(pVtxIn,pVtxOut);
- float4* tmp = pVtxOut;
- pVtxOut = pVtxIn;
- pVtxIn = tmp;
- numVertsIn = numVertsOut;
- numVertsOut = 0;
- }
- // only keep points that are behind the witness face
- {
- float4 localPlaneNormal = make_float4(polyA.m_plane.x,polyA.m_plane.y,polyA.m_plane.z,0.f);
- float localPlaneEq = polyA.m_plane.w;
- float4 planeNormalWS = b3QuatRotate(ornA,localPlaneNormal);
- float planeEqWS=localPlaneEq-dot3F4(planeNormalWS,posA);
- for (int i=0;i<numVertsIn;i++)
- {
- float depth = dot3F4(planeNormalWS,pVtxIn[i])+planeEqWS;
- if (depth <=minDist)
- {
- depth = minDist;
- }
- if (numContactsOut<contactCapacity)
- {
- if (depth <=maxDist)
- {
- float4 pointInWorld = pVtxIn[i];
- //resultOut.addContactPoint(separatingNormal,point,depth);
- contactsOut[numContactsOut++] = b3MakeVector3(pointInWorld.x,pointInWorld.y,pointInWorld.z,depth);
- //printf("depth=%f\n",depth);
- }
- } else
- {
- b3Error("exceeding contact capacity (%d,%df)\n", numContactsOut,contactCapacity);
- }
- }
- }
- return numContactsOut;
-static int clipHullAgainstHull(const float4& separatingNormal,
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullA, const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullB,
- const float4& posA, const b3Quaternion& ornA,const float4& posB, const b3Quaternion& ornB,
- float4* worldVertsB1, float4* worldVertsB2, int capacityWorldVerts,
- const float minDist, float maxDist,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<float4>& verticesA, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& facesA, const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<float4>& verticesB, const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& facesB, const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesB,
- float4* contactsOut,
- int contactCapacity)
- int numContactsOut = 0;
- int numWorldVertsB1= 0;
- B3_PROFILE("clipHullAgainstHull");
-// float curMaxDist=maxDist;
- int closestFaceB=-1;
- float dmax = -FLT_MAX;
- {
- //B3_PROFILE("closestFaceB");
- if (hullB.m_numFaces!=1)
- {
- //printf("wtf\n");
- }
- static bool once = true;
- //printf("separatingNormal=%f,%f,%f\n",separatingNormal.x,separatingNormal.y,separatingNormal.z);
- for(int face=0;face<hullB.m_numFaces;face++)
- {
- if (once)
- printf("face %d\n",face);
- const b3GpuFace* faceB = &facesB[hullB.m_faceOffset+face];
- if (once)
- {
- for (int i=0;i<faceB->m_numIndices;i++)
- {
- float4 vert = verticesB[hullB.m_vertexOffset+indicesB[faceB->m_indexOffset+i]];
- printf("vert[%d] = %f,%f,%f\n",i,vert.x,vert.y,vert.z);
- }
- }
- //if (facesB[hullB.m_faceOffset+face].m_numIndices>2)
- {
- const float4 Normal = b3MakeVector3(facesB[hullB.m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.x,
- facesB[hullB.m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.y, facesB[hullB.m_faceOffset+face].m_plane.z,0.f);
- const float4 WorldNormal = b3QuatRotate(ornB, Normal);
- if (once)
- printf("faceNormal = %f,%f,%f\n",Normal.x,Normal.y,Normal.z);
- float d = dot3F4(WorldNormal,separatingNormal);
- if (d > dmax)
- {
- dmax = d;
- closestFaceB = face;
- }
- }
- }
- once = false;
- }
- b3Assert(closestFaceB>=0);
- {
- //B3_PROFILE("worldVertsB1");
- const b3GpuFace& polyB = facesB[hullB.m_faceOffset+closestFaceB];
- const int numVertices = polyB.m_numIndices;
- for(int e0=0;e0<numVertices;e0++)
- {
- const float4& b = verticesB[hullB.m_vertexOffset+indicesB[polyB.m_indexOffset+e0]];
- worldVertsB1[numWorldVertsB1++] = transform(&b,&posB,&ornB);
- }
- }
- if (closestFaceB>=0)
- {
- //B3_PROFILE("clipFaceAgainstHull");
- numContactsOut = clipFaceAgainstHull((float4&)separatingNormal, &hullA,
- posA,ornA,
- worldVertsB1,numWorldVertsB1,worldVertsB2,capacityWorldVerts, minDist, maxDist,
- verticesA, facesA, indicesA,
- contactsOut,contactCapacity);
- }
- return numContactsOut;
-#define PARALLEL_SUM(v, n) for(int j=1; j<n; j++) v[0] += v[j];
-#define PARALLEL_DO(execution, n) for(int ie=0; ie<n; ie++){execution;}
-#define REDUCE_MAX(v, n) {int i=0;\
-for(int offset=0; offset<n; offset++) v[i] = (v[i].y > v[i+offset].y)? v[i]: v[i+offset]; }
-#define REDUCE_MIN(v, n) {int i=0;\
-for(int offset=0; offset<n; offset++) v[i] = (v[i].y < v[i+offset].y)? v[i]: v[i+offset]; }
-int extractManifold(const float4* p, int nPoints, const float4& nearNormal, b3Int4* contactIdx)
- if( nPoints == 0 )
- return 0;
- if (nPoints <=4)
- return nPoints;
- if (nPoints >64)
- nPoints = 64;
- float4 center = make_float4(0,0,0,0);
- {
- for (int i=0;i<nPoints;i++)
- center += p[i];
- center /= (float)nPoints;
- }
- // sample 4 directions
- float4 aVector = p[0] - center;
- float4 u = cross3( nearNormal, aVector );
- float4 v = cross3( nearNormal, u );
- u = normalize3( u );
- v = normalize3( v );
- //keep point with deepest penetration
- float minW= FLT_MAX;
- int minIndex=-1;
- float4 maxDots;
- maxDots.x = FLT_MIN;
- maxDots.y = FLT_MIN;
- maxDots.z = FLT_MIN;
- maxDots.w = FLT_MIN;
- // idx, distance
- for(int ie = 0; ie<nPoints; ie++ )
- {
- if (p[ie].w<minW)
- {
- minW = p[ie].w;
- minIndex=ie;
- }
- float f;
- float4 r = p[ie]-center;
- f = dot3F4( u, r );
- if (f<maxDots.x)
- {
- maxDots.x = f;
- contactIdx[0].x = ie;
- }
- f = dot3F4( -u, r );
- if (f<maxDots.y)
- {
- maxDots.y = f;
- contactIdx[0].y = ie;
- }
- f = dot3F4( v, r );
- if (f<maxDots.z)
- {
- maxDots.z = f;
- contactIdx[0].z = ie;
- }
- f = dot3F4( -v, r );
- if (f<maxDots.w)
- {
- maxDots.w = f;
- contactIdx[0].w = ie;
- }
- }
- if (contactIdx[0].x != minIndex && contactIdx[0].y != minIndex && contactIdx[0].z != minIndex && contactIdx[0].w != minIndex)
- {
- //replace the first contact with minimum (todo: replace contact with least penetration)
- contactIdx[0].x = minIndex;
- }
- return 4;
-int clipHullHullSingle(
- int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB,
- const float4& posA,
- const b3Quaternion& ornA,
- const float4& posB,
- const b3Quaternion& ornB,
- int collidableIndexA, int collidableIndexB,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RigidBodyData>* bodyBuf,
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4>* globalContactOut,
- int& nContacts,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3ConvexPolyhedronData>& hostConvexDataA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3ConvexPolyhedronData>& hostConvexDataB,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& uniqueEdgesA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& facesA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& verticesB,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& uniqueEdgesB,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& facesB,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indicesB,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Collidable>& hostCollidablesA,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Collidable>& hostCollidablesB,
- const b3Vector3& sepNormalWorldSpace,
- int maxContactCapacity )
- int contactIndex = -1;
- b3ConvexPolyhedronData hullA, hullB;
- b3Collidable colA = hostCollidablesA[collidableIndexA];
- hullA = hostConvexDataA[colA.m_shapeIndex];
- //printf("numvertsA = %d\n",hullA.m_numVertices);
- b3Collidable colB = hostCollidablesB[collidableIndexB];
- hullB = hostConvexDataB[colB.m_shapeIndex];
- //printf("numvertsB = %d\n",hullB.m_numVertices);
- float4 contactsOut[MAX_VERTS];
- int localContactCapacity = MAX_VERTS;
-#ifdef _WIN32
- b3Assert(_finite(bodyBuf->at(bodyIndexA).m_pos.x));
- b3Assert(_finite(bodyBuf->at(bodyIndexB).m_pos.x));
- {
- float4 worldVertsB1[MAX_VERTS];
- float4 worldVertsB2[MAX_VERTS];
- int capacityWorldVerts = MAX_VERTS;
- float4 hostNormal = make_float4(sepNormalWorldSpace.x,sepNormalWorldSpace.y,sepNormalWorldSpace.z,0.f);
- int shapeA = hostCollidablesA[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
- int shapeB = hostCollidablesB[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- b3Scalar minDist = -1;
- b3Scalar maxDist = 0.;
- b3Transform trA,trB;
- {
- //B3_PROFILE("transform computation");
- //trA.setIdentity();
- trA.setOrigin(b3MakeVector3(posA.x,posA.y,posA.z));
- trA.setRotation(b3Quaternion(ornA.x,ornA.y,ornA.z,ornA.w));
- //trB.setIdentity();
- trB.setOrigin(b3MakeVector3(posB.x,posB.y,posB.z));
- trB.setRotation(b3Quaternion(ornB.x,ornB.y,ornB.z,ornB.w));
- }
- b3Quaternion trAorn = trA.getRotation();
- b3Quaternion trBorn = trB.getRotation();
- int numContactsOut = clipHullAgainstHull(hostNormal,
- (float4&)trA.getOrigin(), (b3Quaternion&)trAorn,
- (float4&)trB.getOrigin(), (b3Quaternion&)trBorn,
- worldVertsB1,worldVertsB2,capacityWorldVerts,
- minDist, maxDist,
- verticesA, facesA,indicesA,
- verticesB, facesB,indicesB,
- contactsOut,localContactCapacity);
- if (numContactsOut>0)
- {
- B3_PROFILE("overlap");
- float4 normalOnSurfaceB = (float4&)hostNormal;
- b3Int4 contactIdx;
- contactIdx.x = 0;
- contactIdx.y = 1;
- contactIdx.z = 2;
- contactIdx.w = 3;
- int numPoints = 0;
- {
- // B3_PROFILE("extractManifold");
- numPoints = extractManifold(contactsOut, numContactsOut, normalOnSurfaceB, &contactIdx);
- }
- b3Assert(numPoints);
- if (nContacts<maxContactCapacity)
- {
- contactIndex = nContacts;
- globalContactOut->expand();
- b3Contact4& contact = globalContactOut->at(nContacts);
- contact.m_batchIdx = 0;//i;
- contact.m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = (bodyBuf->at(bodyIndexA).m_invMass==0)? -bodyIndexA:bodyIndexA;
- contact.m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = (bodyBuf->at(bodyIndexB).m_invMass==0)? -bodyIndexB:bodyIndexB;
- contact.m_frictionCoeffCmp = 45874;
- contact.m_restituitionCoeffCmp = 0;
- // float distance = 0.f;
- for (int p=0;p<numPoints;p++)
- {
- contact.m_worldPosB[p] = contactsOut[contactIdx.s[p]];//check if it is actually on B
- contact.m_worldNormalOnB = normalOnSurfaceB;
- }
- //printf("bodyIndexA %d,bodyIndexB %d,normal=%f,%f,%f numPoints %d\n",bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,normalOnSurfaceB.x,normalOnSurfaceB.y,normalOnSurfaceB.z,numPoints);
- contact.m_worldNormalOnB.w = (b3Scalar)numPoints;
- nContacts++;
- } else
- {
- b3Error("Error: exceeding contact capacity (%d/%d)\n", nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
- }
- }
- }
- return contactIndex;
-void computeContactPlaneConvex(int pairIndex,
- int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB,
- int collidableIndexA, int collidableIndexB,
- const b3RigidBodyData* rigidBodies,
- const b3Collidable* collidables,
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* convexShapes,
- const b3Vector3* convexVertices,
- const int* convexIndices,
- const b3GpuFace* faces,
- b3Contact4* globalContactsOut,
- int& nGlobalContactsOut,
- int maxContactCapacity)
- int shapeIndex = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullB = &convexShapes[shapeIndex];
- b3Vector3 posB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
- b3Quaternion ornB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
- b3Vector3 posA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
- b3Quaternion ornA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
-// int numContactsOut = 0;
-// int numWorldVertsB1= 0;
- b3Vector3 planeEq = faces[collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex].m_plane;
- b3Vector3 planeNormal=b3MakeVector3(planeEq.x,planeEq.y,planeEq.z);
- b3Vector3 planeNormalWorld = b3QuatRotate(ornA,planeNormal);
- float planeConstant = planeEq.w;
- b3Transform convexWorldTransform;
- convexWorldTransform.setIdentity();
- convexWorldTransform.setOrigin(posB);
- convexWorldTransform.setRotation(ornB);
- b3Transform planeTransform;
- planeTransform.setIdentity();
- planeTransform.setOrigin(posA);
- planeTransform.setRotation(ornA);
- b3Transform planeInConvex;
- planeInConvex= convexWorldTransform.inverse() * planeTransform;
- b3Transform convexInPlane;
- convexInPlane = planeTransform.inverse() * convexWorldTransform;
- b3Vector3 planeNormalInConvex = planeInConvex.getBasis()*-planeNormal;
- float maxDot = -1e30;
- int hitVertex=-1;
- b3Vector3 hitVtx;
- b3Vector3 contactPoints[MAX_PLANE_CONVEX_POINTS];
- int numPoints = 0;
- b3Int4 contactIdx;
- contactIdx.s[0] = 0;
- contactIdx.s[1] = 1;
- contactIdx.s[2] = 2;
- contactIdx.s[3] = 3;
- for (int i=0;i<hullB->m_numVertices;i++)
- {
- b3Vector3 vtx = convexVertices[hullB->m_vertexOffset+i];
- float curDot =;
- if (curDot>maxDot)
- {
- hitVertex=i;
- maxDot=curDot;
- hitVtx = vtx;
- //make sure the deepest points is always included
- numPoints--;
- }
- {
- b3Vector3 vtxWorld = convexWorldTransform*vtx;
- b3Vector3 vtxInPlane = planeTransform.inverse()*vtxWorld;
- float dist =;
- if (dist<0.f)
- {
- vtxWorld.w = dist;
- contactPoints[numPoints] = vtxWorld;
- numPoints++;
- }
- }
- }
- int numReducedPoints = 0;
- numReducedPoints = numPoints;
- if (numPoints>4)
- {
- numReducedPoints = extractManifoldSequentialGlobal( contactPoints, numPoints, planeNormalInConvex, &contactIdx);
- }
- int dstIdx;
-// dstIdx = nGlobalContactsOut++;//AppendInc( nGlobalContactsOut, dstIdx );
- if (numReducedPoints>0)
- {
- if (nGlobalContactsOut < maxContactCapacity)
- {
- dstIdx=nGlobalContactsOut;
- nGlobalContactsOut++;
- b3Contact4* c = &globalContactsOut[dstIdx];
- c->m_worldNormalOnB = -planeNormalWorld;
- c->setFrictionCoeff(0.7);
- c->setRestituitionCoeff(0.f);
- c->m_batchIdx = pairIndex;
- c->m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_invMass==0?-bodyIndexA:bodyIndexA;
- c->m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_invMass==0?-bodyIndexB:bodyIndexB;
- for (int i=0;i<numReducedPoints;i++)
- {
- b3Vector3 pOnB1 = contactPoints[contactIdx.s[i]];
- c->m_worldPosB[i] = pOnB1;
- }
- c->m_worldNormalOnB.w = (b3Scalar)numReducedPoints;
- }//if (dstIdx < numPairs)
- }
-// printf("computeContactPlaneConvex\n");
-B3_FORCE_INLINE b3Vector3 MyUnQuantize(const unsigned short* vecIn, const b3Vector3& quantization, const b3Vector3& bvhAabbMin)
- {
- b3Vector3 vecOut;
- vecOut.setValue(
- (b3Scalar)(vecIn[0]) / (quantization.x),
- (b3Scalar)(vecIn[1]) / (quantization.y),
- (b3Scalar)(vecIn[2]) / (quantization.z));
- vecOut += bvhAabbMin;
- return vecOut;
- }
-void traverseTreeTree()
-#include "Bullet3Common/shared/b3Mat3x3.h"
-int numAabbChecks = 0;
-int maxNumAabbChecks = 0;
-int maxDepth = 0;
-// work-in-progress
-__kernel void findCompoundPairsKernel(
- int pairIndex,
- int bodyIndexA,
- int bodyIndexB,
- int collidableIndexA,
- int collidableIndexB,
- __global const b3RigidBodyData* rigidBodies,
- __global const b3Collidable* collidables,
- __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* convexShapes,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Float4>& vertices,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Aabb>& aabbsWorldSpace,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Aabb>& aabbsLocalSpace,
- __global const b3GpuChildShape* gpuChildShapes,
- __global b3Int4* gpuCompoundPairsOut,
- __global int* numCompoundPairsOut,
- int maxNumCompoundPairsCapacity,
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3QuantizedBvhNode>& treeNodesCPU,
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3BvhSubtreeInfo>& subTreesCPU,
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3BvhInfo>& bvhInfoCPU
- )
- numAabbChecks=0;
- maxNumAabbChecks=0;
-// int i = pairIndex;
- {
- int shapeIndexA = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
- int shapeIndexB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- //once the broadphase avoids static-static pairs, we can remove this test
- if ((rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_invMass==0) &&(rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_invMass==0))
- {
- return;
- }
- if ((collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType==SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS) &&(collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType==SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS))
- {
- int bvhA = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_compoundBvhIndex;
- int bvhB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_compoundBvhIndex;
- int numSubTreesA = bvhInfoCPU[bvhA].m_numSubTrees;
- int subTreesOffsetA = bvhInfoCPU[bvhA].m_subTreeOffset;
- int subTreesOffsetB = bvhInfoCPU[bvhB].m_subTreeOffset;
- int numSubTreesB = bvhInfoCPU[bvhB].m_numSubTrees;
- float4 posA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
- b3Quat ornA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
- b3Transform transA;
- transA.setIdentity();
- transA.setOrigin(posA);
- transA.setRotation(ornA);
- b3Quat ornB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
- float4 posB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
- b3Transform transB;
- transB.setIdentity();
- transB.setOrigin(posB);
- transB.setRotation(ornB);
- for (int p=0;p<numSubTreesA;p++)
- {
- b3BvhSubtreeInfo subtreeA = subTreesCPU[subTreesOffsetA+p];
- //bvhInfoCPU[bvhA].m_quantization
- b3Vector3 treeAminLocal = MyUnQuantize(subtreeA.m_quantizedAabbMin,bvhInfoCPU[bvhA].m_quantization,bvhInfoCPU[bvhA].m_aabbMin);
- b3Vector3 treeAmaxLocal = MyUnQuantize(subtreeA.m_quantizedAabbMax,bvhInfoCPU[bvhA].m_quantization,bvhInfoCPU[bvhA].m_aabbMin);
- b3Vector3 aabbAMinOut,aabbAMaxOut;
- float margin=0.f;
- b3TransformAabb2(treeAminLocal,treeAmaxLocal, margin,transA.getOrigin(),transA.getRotation(),&aabbAMinOut,&aabbAMaxOut);
- for (int q=0;q<numSubTreesB;q++)
- {
- b3BvhSubtreeInfo subtreeB = subTreesCPU[subTreesOffsetB+q];
- b3Vector3 treeBminLocal = MyUnQuantize(subtreeB.m_quantizedAabbMin,bvhInfoCPU[bvhB].m_quantization,bvhInfoCPU[bvhB].m_aabbMin);
- b3Vector3 treeBmaxLocal = MyUnQuantize(subtreeB.m_quantizedAabbMax,bvhInfoCPU[bvhB].m_quantization,bvhInfoCPU[bvhB].m_aabbMin);
- b3Vector3 aabbBMinOut,aabbBMaxOut;
- float margin=0.f;
- b3TransformAabb2(treeBminLocal,treeBmaxLocal, margin,transB.getOrigin(),transB.getRotation(),&aabbBMinOut,&aabbBMaxOut);
- numAabbChecks=0;
- bool aabbOverlap = b3TestAabbAgainstAabb(aabbAMinOut,aabbAMaxOut,aabbBMinOut,aabbBMaxOut);
- if (aabbOverlap)
- {
- int startNodeIndexA = subtreeA.m_rootNodeIndex+bvhInfoCPU[bvhA].m_nodeOffset;
- // int endNodeIndexA = startNodeIndexA+subtreeA.m_subtreeSize;
- int startNodeIndexB = subtreeB.m_rootNodeIndex+bvhInfoCPU[bvhB].m_nodeOffset;
- // int endNodeIndexB = startNodeIndexB+subtreeB.m_subtreeSize;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int2> nodeStack;
- b3Int2 node0;
- node0.x = startNodeIndexA;
- node0.y = startNodeIndexB;
- int maxStackDepth = 1024;
- nodeStack.resize(maxStackDepth);
- int depth=0;
- nodeStack[depth++]=node0;
- do
- {
- if (depth > maxDepth)
- {
- maxDepth=depth;
- printf("maxDepth=%d\n",maxDepth);
- }
- b3Int2 node = nodeStack[--depth];
- b3Vector3 aMinLocal = MyUnQuantize(treeNodesCPU[node.x].m_quantizedAabbMin,bvhInfoCPU[bvhA].m_quantization,bvhInfoCPU[bvhA].m_aabbMin);
- b3Vector3 aMaxLocal = MyUnQuantize(treeNodesCPU[node.x].m_quantizedAabbMax,bvhInfoCPU[bvhA].m_quantization,bvhInfoCPU[bvhA].m_aabbMin);
- b3Vector3 bMinLocal = MyUnQuantize(treeNodesCPU[node.y].m_quantizedAabbMin,bvhInfoCPU[bvhB].m_quantization,bvhInfoCPU[bvhB].m_aabbMin);
- b3Vector3 bMaxLocal = MyUnQuantize(treeNodesCPU[node.y].m_quantizedAabbMax,bvhInfoCPU[bvhB].m_quantization,bvhInfoCPU[bvhB].m_aabbMin);
- float margin=0.f;
- b3Vector3 aabbAMinOut,aabbAMaxOut;
- b3TransformAabb2(aMinLocal,aMaxLocal, margin,transA.getOrigin(),transA.getRotation(),&aabbAMinOut,&aabbAMaxOut);
- b3Vector3 aabbBMinOut,aabbBMaxOut;
- b3TransformAabb2(bMinLocal,bMaxLocal, margin,transB.getOrigin(),transB.getRotation(),&aabbBMinOut,&aabbBMaxOut);
- numAabbChecks++;
- bool nodeOverlap = b3TestAabbAgainstAabb(aabbAMinOut,aabbAMaxOut,aabbBMinOut,aabbBMaxOut);
- if (nodeOverlap)
- {
- bool isLeafA = treeNodesCPU[node.x].isLeafNode();
- bool isLeafB = treeNodesCPU[node.y].isLeafNode();
- bool isInternalA = !isLeafA;
- bool isInternalB = !isLeafB;
- //fail, even though it might hit two leaf nodes
- if (depth+4>maxStackDepth && !(isLeafA && isLeafB))
- {
- b3Error("Error: traversal exceeded maxStackDepth\n");
- continue;
- }
- if(isInternalA)
- {
- int nodeAleftChild = node.x+1;
- bool isNodeALeftChildLeaf = treeNodesCPU[node.x+1].isLeafNode();
- int nodeArightChild = isNodeALeftChildLeaf? node.x+2 : node.x+1 + treeNodesCPU[node.x+1].getEscapeIndex();
- if(isInternalB)
- {
- int nodeBleftChild = node.y+1;
- bool isNodeBLeftChildLeaf = treeNodesCPU[node.y+1].isLeafNode();
- int nodeBrightChild = isNodeBLeftChildLeaf? node.y+2 : node.y+1 + treeNodesCPU[node.y+1].getEscapeIndex();
- nodeStack[depth++] = b3MakeInt2(nodeAleftChild, nodeBleftChild);
- nodeStack[depth++] = b3MakeInt2(nodeArightChild, nodeBleftChild);
- nodeStack[depth++] = b3MakeInt2(nodeAleftChild, nodeBrightChild);
- nodeStack[depth++] = b3MakeInt2(nodeArightChild, nodeBrightChild);
- }
- else
- {
- nodeStack[depth++] = b3MakeInt2(nodeAleftChild,node.y);
- nodeStack[depth++] = b3MakeInt2(nodeArightChild,node.y);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if(isInternalB)
- {
- int nodeBleftChild = node.y+1;
- bool isNodeBLeftChildLeaf = treeNodesCPU[node.y+1].isLeafNode();
- int nodeBrightChild = isNodeBLeftChildLeaf? node.y+2 : node.y+1 + treeNodesCPU[node.y+1].getEscapeIndex();
- nodeStack[depth++] = b3MakeInt2(node.x,nodeBleftChild);
- nodeStack[depth++] = b3MakeInt2(node.x,nodeBrightChild);
- }
- else
- {
- int compoundPairIdx = b3AtomicInc(numCompoundPairsOut);
- if (compoundPairIdx<maxNumCompoundPairsCapacity)
- {
- int childShapeIndexA = treeNodesCPU[node.x].getTriangleIndex();
- int childShapeIndexB = treeNodesCPU[node.y].getTriangleIndex();
- gpuCompoundPairsOut[compoundPairIdx] = b3MakeInt4(bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,childShapeIndexA,childShapeIndexB);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- } while (depth);
- maxNumAabbChecks = b3Max(numAabbChecks,maxNumAabbChecks);
- }
- }
- }
- return;
- }
- if ((collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType==SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS) ||(collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType==SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS))
- {
- if (collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType==SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS)
- {
- int numChildrenA = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_numChildShapes;
- for (int c=0;c<numChildrenA;c++)
- {
- int childShapeIndexA = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex+c;
- int childColIndexA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
- float4 posA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
- b3Quat ornA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
- float4 childPosA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_childPosition;
- b3Quat childOrnA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_childOrientation;
- float4 newPosA = b3QuatRotate(ornA,childPosA)+posA;
- b3Quat newOrnA = b3QuatMul(ornA,childOrnA);
- b3Aabb aabbA = aabbsLocalSpace[childColIndexA];
- b3Transform transA;
- transA.setIdentity();
- transA.setOrigin(newPosA);
- transA.setRotation(newOrnA);
- b3Scalar margin=0.0f;
- b3Vector3 aabbAMinOut,aabbAMaxOut;
- b3TransformAabb2((const b3Float4&)aabbA.m_min,(const b3Float4&)aabbA.m_max, margin,transA.getOrigin(),transA.getRotation(),&aabbAMinOut,&aabbAMaxOut);
- if (collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType==SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS)
- {
- int numChildrenB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_numChildShapes;
- for (int b=0;b<numChildrenB;b++)
- {
- int childShapeIndexB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex+b;
- int childColIndexB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- b3Quat ornB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
- float4 posB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
- float4 childPosB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childPosition;
- b3Quat childOrnB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childOrientation;
- float4 newPosB = transform(&childPosB,&posB,&ornB);
- b3Quat newOrnB = b3QuatMul(ornB,childOrnB);
- b3Aabb aabbB = aabbsLocalSpace[childColIndexB];
- b3Transform transB;
- transB.setIdentity();
- transB.setOrigin(newPosB);
- transB.setRotation(newOrnB);
- b3Vector3 aabbBMinOut,aabbBMaxOut;
- b3TransformAabb2((const b3Float4&)aabbB.m_min,(const b3Float4&)aabbB.m_max, margin,transB.getOrigin(),transB.getRotation(),&aabbBMinOut,&aabbBMaxOut);
- numAabbChecks++;
- bool aabbOverlap = b3TestAabbAgainstAabb(aabbAMinOut,aabbAMaxOut,aabbBMinOut,aabbBMaxOut);
- if (aabbOverlap)
- {
- /*
- int numFacesA = convexShapes[shapeIndexA].m_numFaces;
- float dmin = FLT_MAX;
- float4 posA = newPosA;
- posA.w = 0.f;
- float4 posB = newPosB;
- posB.w = 0.f;
- float4 c0local = convexShapes[shapeIndexA].m_localCenter;
- b3Quat ornA = newOrnA;
- float4 c0 = transform(&c0local, &posA, &ornA);
- float4 c1local = convexShapes[shapeIndexB].m_localCenter;
- b3Quat ornB =newOrnB;
- float4 c1 = transform(&c1local,&posB,&ornB);
- const float4 DeltaC2 = c0 - c1;
- */
- {//
- int compoundPairIdx = b3AtomicInc(numCompoundPairsOut);
- if (compoundPairIdx<maxNumCompoundPairsCapacity)
- {
- gpuCompoundPairsOut[compoundPairIdx] = b3MakeInt4(bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,childShapeIndexA,childShapeIndexB);
- }
- }//
- }//fi(1)
- } //for (int b=0
- }//if (collidables[collidableIndexB].
- else//if (collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType==SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS)
- {
- if (1)
- {
- // int numFacesA = convexShapes[shapeIndexA].m_numFaces;
- // float dmin = FLT_MAX;
- float4 posA = newPosA;
- posA.w = 0.f;
- float4 posB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
- posB.w = 0.f;
- float4 c0local = convexShapes[shapeIndexA].m_localCenter;
- b3Quat ornA = newOrnA;
- float4 c0;
- c0 = transform(&c0local, &posA, &ornA);
- float4 c1local = convexShapes[shapeIndexB].m_localCenter;
- b3Quat ornB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
- float4 c1;
- c1 = transform(&c1local,&posB,&ornB);
- // const float4 DeltaC2 = c0 - c1;
- {
- int compoundPairIdx = b3AtomicInc(numCompoundPairsOut);
- if (compoundPairIdx<maxNumCompoundPairsCapacity)
- {
- gpuCompoundPairsOut[compoundPairIdx] = b3MakeInt4(bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,childShapeIndexA,-1);
- }//if (compoundPairIdx<maxNumCompoundPairsCapacity)
- }//
- }//fi (1)
- }//if (collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType==SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS)
- }//for (int b=0;b<numChildrenB;b++)
- return;
- }//if (collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType==SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS)
- if ((collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType!=SHAPE_CONCAVE_TRIMESH)
- && (collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType==SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS))
- {
- int numChildrenB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_numChildShapes;
- for (int b=0;b<numChildrenB;b++)
- {
- int childShapeIndexB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex+b;
- int childColIndexB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- b3Quat ornB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
- float4 posB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
- float4 childPosB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childPosition;
- b3Quat childOrnB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childOrientation;
- float4 newPosB = b3QuatRotate(ornB,childPosB)+posB;
- b3Quat newOrnB = b3QuatMul(ornB,childOrnB);
- int shapeIndexB = collidables[childColIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- //////////////////////////////////////
- if (1)
- {
- // int numFacesA = convexShapes[shapeIndexA].m_numFaces;
- // float dmin = FLT_MAX;
- float4 posA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
- posA.w = 0.f;
- float4 posB = newPosB;
- posB.w = 0.f;
- float4 c0local = convexShapes[shapeIndexA].m_localCenter;
- b3Quat ornA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
- float4 c0;
- c0 = transform(&c0local, &posA, &ornA);
- float4 c1local = convexShapes[shapeIndexB].m_localCenter;
- b3Quat ornB =newOrnB;
- float4 c1;
- c1 = transform(&c1local,&posB,&ornB);
- // const float4 DeltaC2 = c0 - c1;
- {//
- int compoundPairIdx = b3AtomicInc(numCompoundPairsOut);
- if (compoundPairIdx<maxNumCompoundPairsCapacity)
- {
- gpuCompoundPairsOut[compoundPairIdx] = b3MakeInt4(bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,-1,childShapeIndexB);
- }//fi (compoundPairIdx<maxNumCompoundPairsCapacity)
- }//
- }//fi (1)
- }//for (int b=0;b<numChildrenB;b++)
- return;
- }//if (collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType==SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS)
- return;
- }//fi ((collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType==SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS) ||(collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType==SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS))
- }//i<numPairs
-__kernel void processCompoundPairsKernel( __global const b3Int4* gpuCompoundPairs,
- __global const b3RigidBodyData* rigidBodies,
- __global const b3Collidable* collidables,
- __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* convexShapes,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Float4>& vertices,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Float4>& uniqueEdges,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& faces,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indices,
- __global b3Aabb* aabbs,
- __global const b3GpuChildShape* gpuChildShapes,
- __global b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Float4>& gpuCompoundSepNormalsOut,
- __global b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& gpuHasCompoundSepNormalsOut,
- int numCompoundPairs,
- int i
- )
-// int i = get_global_id(0);
- if (i<numCompoundPairs)
- {
- int bodyIndexA = gpuCompoundPairs[i].x;
- int bodyIndexB = gpuCompoundPairs[i].y;
- int childShapeIndexA = gpuCompoundPairs[i].z;
- int childShapeIndexB = gpuCompoundPairs[i].w;
- int collidableIndexA = -1;
- int collidableIndexB = -1;
- b3Quat ornA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
- float4 posA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
- b3Quat ornB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
- float4 posB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
- if (childShapeIndexA >= 0)
- {
- collidableIndexA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
- float4 childPosA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_childPosition;
- b3Quat childOrnA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_childOrientation;
- float4 newPosA = b3QuatRotate(ornA,childPosA)+posA;
- b3Quat newOrnA = b3QuatMul(ornA,childOrnA);
- posA = newPosA;
- ornA = newOrnA;
- } else
- {
- collidableIndexA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx;
- }
- if (childShapeIndexB>=0)
- {
- collidableIndexB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- float4 childPosB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childPosition;
- b3Quat childOrnB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childOrientation;
- float4 newPosB = b3QuatRotate(ornB,childPosB)+posB;
- b3Quat newOrnB = b3QuatMul(ornB,childOrnB);
- posB = newPosB;
- ornB = newOrnB;
- } else
- {
- collidableIndexB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
- }
- gpuHasCompoundSepNormalsOut[i] = 0;
- int shapeIndexA = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
- int shapeIndexB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- int shapeTypeA = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType;
- int shapeTypeB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType;
- if ((shapeTypeA != SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL) || (shapeTypeB != SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL))
- {
- return;
- }
- int hasSeparatingAxis = 5;
- // int numFacesA = convexShapes[shapeIndexA].m_numFaces;
- float dmin = FLT_MAX;
- posA.w = 0.f;
- posB.w = 0.f;
- float4 c0local = convexShapes[shapeIndexA].m_localCenter;
- float4 c0 = transform(&c0local, &posA, &ornA);
- float4 c1local = convexShapes[shapeIndexB].m_localCenter;
- float4 c1 = transform(&c1local,&posB,&ornB);
- const float4 DeltaC2 = c0 - c1;
- float4 sepNormal = make_float4(1,0,0,0);
-// bool sepA = findSeparatingAxis( convexShapes[shapeIndexA], convexShapes[shapeIndexB],posA,ornA,posB,ornB,DeltaC2,vertices,uniqueEdges,faces,indices,&sepNormal,&dmin);
- bool sepA = findSeparatingAxis( convexShapes[shapeIndexA], convexShapes[shapeIndexB],posA,ornA,posB,ornB,vertices,uniqueEdges,faces,indices,vertices,uniqueEdges,faces,indices,sepNormal);//,&dmin);
- hasSeparatingAxis = 4;
- if (!sepA)
- {
- hasSeparatingAxis = 0;
- } else
- {
- bool sepB = findSeparatingAxis( convexShapes[shapeIndexB],convexShapes[shapeIndexA],posB,ornB,posA,ornA,vertices,uniqueEdges,faces,indices,vertices,uniqueEdges,faces,indices,sepNormal);//,&dmin);
- if (!sepB)
- {
- hasSeparatingAxis = 0;
- } else//(!sepB)
- {
- bool sepEE = findSeparatingAxisEdgeEdge( &convexShapes[shapeIndexA], &convexShapes[shapeIndexB],posA,ornA,posB,ornB,DeltaC2,vertices,uniqueEdges,faces,indices,&sepNormal,&dmin);
- if (sepEE)
- {
- gpuCompoundSepNormalsOut[i] = sepNormal;//fastNormalize4(sepNormal);
- gpuHasCompoundSepNormalsOut[i] = 1;
- }//sepEE
- }//(!sepB)
- }//(!sepA)
- }
-__kernel void clipCompoundsHullHullKernel( __global const b3Int4* gpuCompoundPairs,
- __global const b3RigidBodyData* rigidBodies,
- __global const b3Collidable* collidables,
- __global const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* convexShapes,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Float4>& vertices,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Float4>& uniqueEdges,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& faces,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& indices,
- __global const b3GpuChildShape* gpuChildShapes,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Float4>& gpuCompoundSepNormalsOut,
- __global const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& gpuHasCompoundSepNormalsOut,
- __global struct b3Contact4Data* globalContactsOut,
- int* nGlobalContactsOut,
- int numCompoundPairs, int maxContactCapacity, int i)
-// int i = get_global_id(0);
- int pairIndex = i;
- float4 worldVertsB1[64];
- float4 worldVertsB2[64];
- int capacityWorldVerts = 64;
- float4 localContactsOut[64];
- int localContactCapacity=64;
- float minDist = -1e30f;
- float maxDist = 0.0f;
- if (i<numCompoundPairs)
- {
- if (gpuHasCompoundSepNormalsOut[i])
- {
- int bodyIndexA = gpuCompoundPairs[i].x;
- int bodyIndexB = gpuCompoundPairs[i].y;
- int childShapeIndexA = gpuCompoundPairs[i].z;
- int childShapeIndexB = gpuCompoundPairs[i].w;
- int collidableIndexA = -1;
- int collidableIndexB = -1;
- b3Quat ornA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
- float4 posA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
- b3Quat ornB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
- float4 posB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
- if (childShapeIndexA >= 0)
- {
- collidableIndexA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
- float4 childPosA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_childPosition;
- b3Quat childOrnA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_childOrientation;
- float4 newPosA = b3QuatRotate(ornA,childPosA)+posA;
- b3Quat newOrnA = b3QuatMul(ornA,childOrnA);
- posA = newPosA;
- ornA = newOrnA;
- } else
- {
- collidableIndexA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx;
- }
- if (childShapeIndexB>=0)
- {
- collidableIndexB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- float4 childPosB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childPosition;
- b3Quat childOrnB = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childOrientation;
- float4 newPosB = b3QuatRotate(ornB,childPosB)+posB;
- b3Quat newOrnB = b3QuatMul(ornB,childOrnB);
- posB = newPosB;
- ornB = newOrnB;
- } else
- {
- collidableIndexB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
- }
- int shapeIndexA = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
- int shapeIndexB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- int numLocalContactsOut = clipHullAgainstHull(gpuCompoundSepNormalsOut[i],
- convexShapes[shapeIndexA], convexShapes[shapeIndexB],
- posA,ornA,
- posB,ornB,
- worldVertsB1,worldVertsB2,capacityWorldVerts,
- minDist, maxDist,
- vertices,faces,indices,
- vertices,faces,indices,
- localContactsOut,localContactCapacity);
- if (numLocalContactsOut>0)
- {
- float4 normal = -gpuCompoundSepNormalsOut[i];
- int nPoints = numLocalContactsOut;
- float4* pointsIn = localContactsOut;
- b3Int4 contactIdx;// = {-1,-1,-1,-1};
- contactIdx.s[0] = 0;
- contactIdx.s[1] = 1;
- contactIdx.s[2] = 2;
- contactIdx.s[3] = 3;
- int nReducedContacts = extractManifoldSequentialGlobal(pointsIn, nPoints, normal, &contactIdx);
- int dstIdx;
- dstIdx = b3AtomicInc( nGlobalContactsOut);
- if ((dstIdx+nReducedContacts) < maxContactCapacity)
- {
- __global struct b3Contact4Data* c = globalContactsOut+ dstIdx;
- c->m_worldNormalOnB = -normal;
- c->m_restituitionCoeffCmp = (0.f*0xffff);c->m_frictionCoeffCmp = (0.7f*0xffff);
- c->m_batchIdx = pairIndex;
- int bodyA = gpuCompoundPairs[pairIndex].x;
- int bodyB = gpuCompoundPairs[pairIndex].y;
- c->m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyA].m_invMass==0?-bodyA:bodyA;
- c->m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyB].m_invMass==0?-bodyB:bodyB;
- c->m_childIndexA = childShapeIndexA;
- c->m_childIndexB = childShapeIndexB;
- for (int i=0;i<nReducedContacts;i++)
- {
- c->m_worldPosB[i] = pointsIn[contactIdx.s[i]];
- }
- b3Contact4Data_setNumPoints(c,nReducedContacts);
- }
- }// if (numContactsOut>0)
- }// if (gpuHasCompoundSepNormalsOut[i])
- }// if (i<numCompoundPairs)
-void computeContactCompoundCompound(int pairIndex,
- int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB,
- int collidableIndexA, int collidableIndexB,
- const b3RigidBodyData* rigidBodies,
- const b3Collidable* collidables,
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* convexShapes,
- const b3GpuChildShape* cpuChildShapes,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Aabb>& hostAabbsWorldSpace,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Aabb>& hostAabbsLocalSpace,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& convexVertices,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& hostUniqueEdges,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& convexIndices,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& faces,
- b3Contact4* globalContactsOut,
- int& nGlobalContactsOut,
- int maxContactCapacity,
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3QuantizedBvhNode>& treeNodesCPU,
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3BvhSubtreeInfo>& subTreesCPU,
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3BvhInfo>& bvhInfoCPU
- )
- int shapeTypeB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> cpuCompoundPairsOut;
- int numCompoundPairsOut=0;
- int maxNumCompoundPairsCapacity = 8192;//1024;
- cpuCompoundPairsOut.resize(maxNumCompoundPairsCapacity);
- // work-in-progress
- findCompoundPairsKernel(
- pairIndex,
- bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,
- collidableIndexA,collidableIndexB,
- rigidBodies,
- collidables,
- convexShapes,
- convexVertices,
- hostAabbsWorldSpace,
- hostAabbsLocalSpace,
- cpuChildShapes,
- &cpuCompoundPairsOut[0],
- &numCompoundPairsOut,
- maxNumCompoundPairsCapacity ,
- treeNodesCPU,
- subTreesCPU,
- bvhInfoCPU
- );
- printf("maxNumAabbChecks=%d\n",maxNumAabbChecks);
- if (numCompoundPairsOut>maxNumCompoundPairsCapacity)
- {
- b3Error("numCompoundPairsOut exceeded maxNumCompoundPairsCapacity (%d)\n",maxNumCompoundPairsCapacity);
- numCompoundPairsOut=maxNumCompoundPairsCapacity;
- }
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Float4> cpuCompoundSepNormalsOut;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<int> cpuHasCompoundSepNormalsOut;
- cpuCompoundSepNormalsOut.resize(numCompoundPairsOut);
- cpuHasCompoundSepNormalsOut.resize(numCompoundPairsOut);
- for (int i=0;i<numCompoundPairsOut;i++)
- {
- processCompoundPairsKernel(&cpuCompoundPairsOut[0],rigidBodies,collidables,convexShapes,convexVertices,hostUniqueEdges,faces,convexIndices,0,cpuChildShapes,
- cpuCompoundSepNormalsOut,cpuHasCompoundSepNormalsOut,numCompoundPairsOut,i);
- }
- for (int i=0;i<numCompoundPairsOut;i++)
- {
- clipCompoundsHullHullKernel(&cpuCompoundPairsOut[0],rigidBodies,collidables,convexShapes,convexVertices,hostUniqueEdges,faces,convexIndices,cpuChildShapes,
- cpuCompoundSepNormalsOut,cpuHasCompoundSepNormalsOut,globalContactsOut,&nGlobalContactsOut,numCompoundPairsOut,maxContactCapacity,i);
- }
- /*
- int childColIndexA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
- float4 posA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
- b3Quat ornA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
- float4 childPosA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_childPosition;
- b3Quat childOrnA = gpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexA].m_childOrientation;
- float4 newPosA = b3QuatRotate(ornA,childPosA)+posA;
- b3Quat newOrnA = b3QuatMul(ornA,childOrnA);
- int shapeIndexA = collidables[childColIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
- bool foundSepAxis = findSeparatingAxis(hullA,hullB,
- posA,
- ornA,
- posB,
- ornB,
- convexVertices,uniqueEdges,faces,convexIndices,
- convexVertices,uniqueEdges,faces,convexIndices,
- sepNormalWorldSpace
- );
- */
- /*
- if (foundSepAxis)
- {
- contactIndex = clipHullHullSingle(
- bodyIndexA, bodyIndexB,
- posA,ornA,
- posB,ornB,
- collidableIndexA, collidableIndexB,
- &rigidBodies,
- &globalContactsOut,
- nGlobalContactsOut,
- convexShapes,
- convexShapes,
- convexVertices,
- uniqueEdges,
- faces,
- convexIndices,
- convexVertices,
- uniqueEdges,
- faces,
- convexIndices,
- collidables,
- collidables,
- sepNormalWorldSpace,
- maxContactCapacity);
- }
- */
-// return contactIndex;
- /*
- int numChildrenB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_numChildShapes;
- for (int c=0;c<numChildrenB;c++)
- {
- int childShapeIndexB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex+c;
- int childColIndexB = cpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- float4 rootPosB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
- b3Quaternion rootOrnB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
- b3Vector3 childPosB = cpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childPosition;
- b3Quaternion childOrnB = cpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childOrientation;
- float4 posB = b3QuatRotate(rootOrnB,childPosB)+rootPosB;
- b3Quaternion ornB = b3QuatMul(rootOrnB,childOrnB);//b3QuatMul(ornB,childOrnB);
- int shapeIndexB = collidables[childColIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullB = &convexShapes[shapeIndexB];
- }
- */
-void computeContactPlaneCompound(int pairIndex,
- int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB,
- int collidableIndexA, int collidableIndexB,
- const b3RigidBodyData* rigidBodies,
- const b3Collidable* collidables,
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* convexShapes,
- const b3GpuChildShape* cpuChildShapes,
- const b3Vector3* convexVertices,
- const int* convexIndices,
- const b3GpuFace* faces,
- b3Contact4* globalContactsOut,
- int& nGlobalContactsOut,
- int maxContactCapacity)
- int shapeTypeB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType;
- int numChildrenB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_numChildShapes;
- for (int c=0;c<numChildrenB;c++)
- {
- int childShapeIndexB = collidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex+c;
- int childColIndexB = cpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- float4 rootPosB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
- b3Quaternion rootOrnB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
- b3Vector3 childPosB = cpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childPosition;
- b3Quaternion childOrnB = cpuChildShapes[childShapeIndexB].m_childOrientation;
- float4 posB = b3QuatRotate(rootOrnB,childPosB)+rootPosB;
- b3Quaternion ornB = rootOrnB*childOrnB;//b3QuatMul(ornB,childOrnB);
- int shapeIndexB = collidables[childColIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* hullB = &convexShapes[shapeIndexB];
- b3Vector3 posA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
- b3Quaternion ornA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
- // int numContactsOut = 0;
- // int numWorldVertsB1= 0;
- b3Vector3 planeEq = faces[collidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex].m_plane;
- b3Vector3 planeNormal=b3MakeVector3(planeEq.x,planeEq.y,planeEq.z);
- b3Vector3 planeNormalWorld = b3QuatRotate(ornA,planeNormal);
- float planeConstant = planeEq.w;
- b3Transform convexWorldTransform;
- convexWorldTransform.setIdentity();
- convexWorldTransform.setOrigin(posB);
- convexWorldTransform.setRotation(ornB);
- b3Transform planeTransform;
- planeTransform.setIdentity();
- planeTransform.setOrigin(posA);
- planeTransform.setRotation(ornA);
- b3Transform planeInConvex;
- planeInConvex= convexWorldTransform.inverse() * planeTransform;
- b3Transform convexInPlane;
- convexInPlane = planeTransform.inverse() * convexWorldTransform;
- b3Vector3 planeNormalInConvex = planeInConvex.getBasis()*-planeNormal;
- float maxDot = -1e30;
- int hitVertex=-1;
- b3Vector3 hitVtx;
- b3Vector3 contactPoints[MAX_PLANE_CONVEX_POINTS];
- int numPoints = 0;
- b3Int4 contactIdx;
- contactIdx.s[0] = 0;
- contactIdx.s[1] = 1;
- contactIdx.s[2] = 2;
- contactIdx.s[3] = 3;
- for (int i=0;i<hullB->m_numVertices;i++)
- {
- b3Vector3 vtx = convexVertices[hullB->m_vertexOffset+i];
- float curDot =;
- if (curDot>maxDot)
- {
- hitVertex=i;
- maxDot=curDot;
- hitVtx = vtx;
- //make sure the deepest points is always included
- numPoints--;
- }
- {
- b3Vector3 vtxWorld = convexWorldTransform*vtx;
- b3Vector3 vtxInPlane = planeTransform.inverse()*vtxWorld;
- float dist =;
- if (dist<0.f)
- {
- vtxWorld.w = dist;
- contactPoints[numPoints] = vtxWorld;
- numPoints++;
- }
- }
- }
- int numReducedPoints = 0;
- numReducedPoints = numPoints;
- if (numPoints>4)
- {
- numReducedPoints = extractManifoldSequentialGlobal( contactPoints, numPoints, planeNormalInConvex, &contactIdx);
- }
- int dstIdx;
- // dstIdx = nGlobalContactsOut++;//AppendInc( nGlobalContactsOut, dstIdx );
- if (numReducedPoints>0)
- {
- if (nGlobalContactsOut < maxContactCapacity)
- {
- dstIdx=nGlobalContactsOut;
- nGlobalContactsOut++;
- b3Contact4* c = &globalContactsOut[dstIdx];
- c->m_worldNormalOnB = -planeNormalWorld;
- c->setFrictionCoeff(0.7);
- c->setRestituitionCoeff(0.f);
- c->m_batchIdx = pairIndex;
- c->m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_invMass==0?-bodyIndexA:bodyIndexA;
- c->m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_invMass==0?-bodyIndexB:bodyIndexB;
- for (int i=0;i<numReducedPoints;i++)
- {
- b3Vector3 pOnB1 = contactPoints[contactIdx.s[i]];
- c->m_worldPosB[i] = pOnB1;
- }
- c->m_worldNormalOnB.w = (b3Scalar)numReducedPoints;
- }//if (dstIdx < numPairs)
- }
- }
-void computeContactSphereConvex(int pairIndex,
- int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB,
- int collidableIndexA, int collidableIndexB,
- const b3RigidBodyData* rigidBodies,
- const b3Collidable* collidables,
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData* convexShapes,
- const b3Vector3* convexVertices,
- const int* convexIndices,
- const b3GpuFace* faces,
- b3Contact4* globalContactsOut,
- int& nGlobalContactsOut,
- int maxContactCapacity)
- float radius = collidables[collidableIndexA].m_radius;
- float4 spherePos1 = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
- b3Quaternion sphereOrn = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
- float4 pos = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
- b3Quaternion quat = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
- b3Transform tr;
- tr.setIdentity();
- tr.setOrigin(pos);
- tr.setRotation(quat);
- b3Transform trInv = tr.inverse();
- float4 spherePos = trInv(spherePos1);
- int collidableIndex = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
- int shapeIndex = collidables[collidableIndex].m_shapeIndex;
- int numFaces = convexShapes[shapeIndex].m_numFaces;
- float4 closestPnt = b3MakeVector3(0, 0, 0, 0);
-// float4 hitNormalWorld = b3MakeVector3(0, 0, 0, 0);
- float minDist = -1000000.f; // TODO: What is the largest/smallest float?
- bool bCollide = true;
- int region = -1;
- float4 localHitNormal;
- for ( int f = 0; f < numFaces; f++ )
- {
- b3GpuFace face = faces[convexShapes[shapeIndex].m_faceOffset+f];
- float4 planeEqn;
- float4 localPlaneNormal = b3MakeVector3(face.m_plane.x,face.m_plane.y,face.m_plane.z,0.f);
- float4 n1 = localPlaneNormal;//quatRotate(quat,localPlaneNormal);
- planeEqn = n1;
- planeEqn[3] = face.m_plane.w;
- float4 pntReturn;
- float dist = signedDistanceFromPointToPlane(spherePos, planeEqn, &pntReturn);
- if ( dist > radius)
- {
- bCollide = false;
- break;
- }
- if ( dist > 0 )
- {
- //might hit an edge or vertex
- b3Vector3 out;
- bool isInPoly = IsPointInPolygon(spherePos,
- &face,
- &convexVertices[convexShapes[shapeIndex].m_vertexOffset],
- convexIndices,
- &out);
- if (isInPoly)
- {
- if (dist>minDist)
- {
- minDist = dist;
- closestPnt = pntReturn;
- localHitNormal = planeEqn;
- region=1;
- }
- } else
- {
- b3Vector3 tmp = spherePos-out;
- b3Scalar l2 = tmp.length2();
- if (l2<radius*radius)
- {
- dist = b3Sqrt(l2);
- if (dist>minDist)
- {
- minDist = dist;
- closestPnt = out;
- localHitNormal = tmp/dist;
- region=2;
- }
- } else
- {
- bCollide = false;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- else
- {
- if ( dist > minDist )
- {
- minDist = dist;
- closestPnt = pntReturn;
- localHitNormal = planeEqn;
- region=3;
- }
- }
- }
- static int numChecks = 0;
- numChecks++;
- if (bCollide && minDist > -10000)
- {
- float4 normalOnSurfaceB1 = tr.getBasis()*localHitNormal;//-hitNormalWorld;
- float4 pOnB1 = tr(closestPnt);
- //printf("dist ,%f,",minDist);
- float actualDepth = minDist-radius;
- if (actualDepth<0)
- {
- //printf("actualDepth = ,%f,", actualDepth);
- //printf("normalOnSurfaceB1 = ,%f,%f,%f,", normalOnSurfaceB1.x,normalOnSurfaceB1.y,normalOnSurfaceB1.z);
- //printf("region=,%d,\n", region);
- pOnB1[3] = actualDepth;
- int dstIdx;
-// dstIdx = nGlobalContactsOut++;//AppendInc( nGlobalContactsOut, dstIdx );
- if (nGlobalContactsOut < maxContactCapacity)
- {
- dstIdx=nGlobalContactsOut;
- nGlobalContactsOut++;
- b3Contact4* c = &globalContactsOut[dstIdx];
- c->m_worldNormalOnB = normalOnSurfaceB1;
- c->setFrictionCoeff(0.7);
- c->setRestituitionCoeff(0.f);
- c->m_batchIdx = pairIndex;
- c->m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_invMass==0?-bodyIndexA:bodyIndexA;
- c->m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_invMass==0?-bodyIndexB:bodyIndexB;
- c->m_worldPosB[0] = pOnB1;
- int numPoints = 1;
- c->m_worldNormalOnB.w = (b3Scalar)numPoints;
- }//if (dstIdx < numPairs)
- }
- }//if (hasCollision)
-int computeContactConvexConvex2(
- int pairIndex,
- int bodyIndexA, int bodyIndexB,
- int collidableIndexA, int collidableIndexB,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RigidBodyData>& rigidBodies,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Collidable>& collidables,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3ConvexPolyhedronData>& convexShapes,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& convexVertices,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>& uniqueEdges,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<int>& convexIndices,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace>& faces,
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4>& globalContactsOut,
- int& nGlobalContactsOut,
- int maxContactCapacity,
- const b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4>& oldContacts
- )
- int contactIndex = -1;
- b3Vector3 posA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
- b3Quaternion ornA = rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
- b3Vector3 posB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
- b3Quaternion ornB = rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
- b3ConvexPolyhedronData hullA, hullB;
- b3Vector3 sepNormalWorldSpace;
- b3Collidable colA = collidables[collidableIndexA];
- hullA = convexShapes[colA.m_shapeIndex];
- //printf("numvertsA = %d\n",hullA.m_numVertices);
- b3Collidable colB = collidables[collidableIndexB];
- hullB = convexShapes[colB.m_shapeIndex];
- //printf("numvertsB = %d\n",hullB.m_numVertices);
-// int contactCapacity = MAX_VERTS;
- //int numContactsOut=0;
-#ifdef _WIN32
- b3Assert(_finite(rigidBodies[bodyIndexA].m_pos.x));
- b3Assert(_finite(rigidBodies[bodyIndexB].m_pos.x));
- bool foundSepAxis = findSeparatingAxis(hullA,hullB,
- posA,
- ornA,
- posB,
- ornB,
- convexVertices,uniqueEdges,faces,convexIndices,
- convexVertices,uniqueEdges,faces,convexIndices,
- sepNormalWorldSpace
- );
- if (foundSepAxis)
- {
- contactIndex = clipHullHullSingle(
- bodyIndexA, bodyIndexB,
- posA,ornA,
- posB,ornB,
- collidableIndexA, collidableIndexB,
- &rigidBodies,
- &globalContactsOut,
- nGlobalContactsOut,
- convexShapes,
- convexShapes,
- convexVertices,
- uniqueEdges,
- faces,
- convexIndices,
- convexVertices,
- uniqueEdges,
- faces,
- convexIndices,
- collidables,
- collidables,
- sepNormalWorldSpace,
- maxContactCapacity);
- }
- return contactIndex;
-void GpuSatCollision::computeConvexConvexContactsGPUSAT( b3OpenCLArray<b3Int4>* pairs, int nPairs,
- const b3OpenCLArray<b3RigidBodyData>* bodyBuf,
- b3OpenCLArray<b3Contact4>* contactOut, int& nContacts,
- const b3OpenCLArray<b3Contact4>* oldContacts,
- int maxContactCapacity,
- int compoundPairCapacity,
- const b3OpenCLArray<b3ConvexPolyhedronData>& convexData,
- const b3OpenCLArray<b3Vector3>& gpuVertices,
- const b3OpenCLArray<b3Vector3>& gpuUniqueEdges,
- const b3OpenCLArray<b3GpuFace>& gpuFaces,
- const b3OpenCLArray<int>& gpuIndices,
- const b3OpenCLArray<b3Collidable>& gpuCollidables,
- const b3OpenCLArray<b3GpuChildShape>& gpuChildShapes,
- const b3OpenCLArray<b3Aabb>& clAabbsWorldSpace,
- const b3OpenCLArray<b3Aabb>& clAabbsLocalSpace,
- b3OpenCLArray<b3Vector3>& worldVertsB1GPU,
- b3OpenCLArray<b3Int4>& clippingFacesOutGPU,
- b3OpenCLArray<b3Vector3>& worldNormalsAGPU,
- b3OpenCLArray<b3Vector3>& worldVertsA1GPU,
- b3OpenCLArray<b3Vector3>& worldVertsB2GPU,
- b3AlignedObjectArray<class b3OptimizedBvh*>& bvhDataUnused,
- b3OpenCLArray<b3QuantizedBvhNode>* treeNodesGPU,
- b3OpenCLArray<b3BvhSubtreeInfo>* subTreesGPU,
- b3OpenCLArray<b3BvhInfo>* bvhInfo,
- int numObjects,
- int maxTriConvexPairCapacity,
- b3OpenCLArray<b3Int4>& triangleConvexPairsOut,
- int& numTriConvexPairsOut
- )
- myframecount++;
- if (!nPairs)
- return;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3QuantizedBvhNode> treeNodesCPU;
- treeNodesGPU->copyToHost(treeNodesCPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3BvhSubtreeInfo> subTreesCPU;
- subTreesGPU->copyToHost(subTreesCPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3BvhInfo> bvhInfoCPU;
- bvhInfo->copyToHost(bvhInfoCPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Aabb> hostAabbsWorldSpace;
- clAabbsWorldSpace.copyToHost(hostAabbsWorldSpace);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Aabb> hostAabbsLocalSpace;
- clAabbsLocalSpace.copyToHost(hostAabbsLocalSpace);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> hostPairs;
- pairs->copyToHost(hostPairs);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RigidBodyData> hostBodyBuf;
- bodyBuf->copyToHost(hostBodyBuf);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3ConvexPolyhedronData> hostConvexData;
- convexData.copyToHost(hostConvexData);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> hostVertices;
- gpuVertices.copyToHost(hostVertices);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> hostUniqueEdges;
- gpuUniqueEdges.copyToHost(hostUniqueEdges);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace> hostFaces;
- gpuFaces.copyToHost(hostFaces);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<int> hostIndices;
- gpuIndices.copyToHost(hostIndices);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Collidable> hostCollidables;
- gpuCollidables.copyToHost(hostCollidables);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuChildShape> cpuChildShapes;
- gpuChildShapes.copyToHost(cpuChildShapes);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> hostTriangleConvexPairs;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4> hostContacts;
- if (nContacts)
- {
- contactOut->copyToHost(hostContacts);
- }
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4> oldHostContacts;
- if (oldContacts->size())
- {
- oldContacts->copyToHost(oldHostContacts);
- }
- hostContacts.resize(maxContactCapacity);
- for (int i=0;i<nPairs;i++)
- {
- int bodyIndexA = hostPairs[i].x;
- int bodyIndexB = hostPairs[i].y;
- int collidableIndexA = hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx;
- int collidableIndexB = hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
- if (hostCollidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_SPHERE &&
- hostCollidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL)
- {
- computeContactSphereConvex(i,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,collidableIndexA,collidableIndexB,&hostBodyBuf[0],
- &hostCollidables[0],&hostConvexData[0],&hostVertices[0],&hostIndices[0],&hostFaces[0],&hostContacts[0],nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
- }
- if (hostCollidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL &&
- hostCollidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_SPHERE)
- {
- computeContactSphereConvex(i,bodyIndexB,bodyIndexA,collidableIndexB,collidableIndexA,&hostBodyBuf[0],
- &hostCollidables[0],&hostConvexData[0],&hostVertices[0],&hostIndices[0],&hostFaces[0],&hostContacts[0],nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
- //printf("convex-sphere\n");
- }
- if (hostCollidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL &&
- hostCollidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_PLANE)
- {
- computeContactPlaneConvex(i,bodyIndexB,bodyIndexA,collidableIndexB,collidableIndexA,&hostBodyBuf[0],
- &hostCollidables[0],&hostConvexData[0],&hostVertices[0],&hostIndices[0],&hostFaces[0],&hostContacts[0],nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
-// printf("convex-plane\n");
- }
- if (hostCollidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_PLANE &&
- hostCollidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL)
- {
- computeContactPlaneConvex(i,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,collidableIndexA,collidableIndexB,&hostBodyBuf[0],
- &hostCollidables[0],&hostConvexData[0],&hostVertices[0],&hostIndices[0],&hostFaces[0],&hostContacts[0],nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
-// printf("plane-convex\n");
- }
- if (hostCollidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS &&
- hostCollidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS)
- {
- computeContactCompoundCompound(i,bodyIndexB,bodyIndexA,collidableIndexB,collidableIndexA,&hostBodyBuf[0],
- &hostCollidables[0],&hostConvexData[0],&cpuChildShapes[0], hostAabbsWorldSpace,hostAabbsLocalSpace,hostVertices,hostUniqueEdges,hostIndices,hostFaces,&hostContacts[0],
- nContacts,maxContactCapacity,treeNodesCPU,subTreesCPU,bvhInfoCPU);
-// printf("convex-plane\n");
- }
- if (hostCollidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS &&
- hostCollidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_PLANE)
- {
- computeContactPlaneCompound(i,bodyIndexB,bodyIndexA,collidableIndexB,collidableIndexA,&hostBodyBuf[0],
- &hostCollidables[0],&hostConvexData[0],&cpuChildShapes[0], &hostVertices[0],&hostIndices[0],&hostFaces[0],&hostContacts[0],nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
-// printf("convex-plane\n");
- }
- if (hostCollidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_PLANE &&
- hostCollidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_COMPOUND_OF_CONVEX_HULLS)
- {
- computeContactPlaneCompound(i,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,collidableIndexA,collidableIndexB,&hostBodyBuf[0],
- &hostCollidables[0],&hostConvexData[0],&cpuChildShapes[0],&hostVertices[0],&hostIndices[0],&hostFaces[0],&hostContacts[0],nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
-// printf("plane-convex\n");
- }
- if (hostCollidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL &&
- hostCollidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType == SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL)
- {
- //printf("hostPairs[i].z=%d\n",hostPairs[i].z);
- int contactIndex = computeContactConvexConvex2( i,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,collidableIndexA,collidableIndexB,hostBodyBuf, hostCollidables,hostConvexData,hostVertices,hostUniqueEdges,hostIndices,hostFaces,hostContacts,nContacts,maxContactCapacity,oldHostContacts);
- //int contactIndex = computeContactConvexConvex(hostPairs,i,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,collidableIndexA,collidableIndexB,hostBodyBuf,hostCollidables,hostConvexData,hostVertices,hostUniqueEdges,hostIndices,hostFaces,hostContacts,nContacts,maxContactCapacity,oldHostContacts);
- if (contactIndex>=0)
- {
-// printf("convex convex contactIndex = %d\n",contactIndex);
- hostPairs[i].z = contactIndex;
- }
-// printf("plane-convex\n");
- }
- }
- if (hostPairs.size())
- {
- pairs->copyFromHost(hostPairs);
- }
- hostContacts.resize(nContacts);
- if (nContacts)
- {
- contactOut->copyFromHost(hostContacts);
- } else
- {
- contactOut->resize(0);
- }
- m_totalContactsOut.copyFromHostPointer(&nContacts,1,0,true);
- //printf("(HOST) nContacts = %d\n",nContacts);
- {
- if (nPairs)
- {
- m_totalContactsOut.copyFromHostPointer(&nContacts,1,0,true);
- B3_PROFILE("primitiveContactsKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( pairs->getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( contactOut->getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_totalContactsOut.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_primitiveContactsKernel,"m_primitiveContactsKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst( nPairs );
- launcher.setConst(maxContactCapacity);
- int num = nPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- nContacts =;
- contactOut->resize(nContacts);
- }
- }
- B3_PROFILE("computeConvexConvexContactsGPUSAT");
- // printf("nContacts = %d\n",nContacts);
- m_sepNormals.resize(nPairs);
- m_hasSeparatingNormals.resize(nPairs);
- int concaveCapacity=maxTriConvexPairCapacity;
- m_concaveSepNormals.resize(concaveCapacity);
- m_concaveHasSeparatingNormals.resize(concaveCapacity);
- m_numConcavePairsOut.resize(0);
- m_numConcavePairsOut.push_back(0);
- m_gpuCompoundPairs.resize(compoundPairCapacity);
- m_gpuCompoundSepNormals.resize(compoundPairCapacity);
- m_gpuHasCompoundSepNormals.resize(compoundPairCapacity);
- m_numCompoundPairsOut.resize(0);
- m_numCompoundPairsOut.push_back(0);
- int numCompoundPairs = 0;
- int numConcavePairs =0;
- {
- clFinish(m_queue);
- if (findSeparatingAxisOnGpu)
- {
- m_dmins.resize(nPairs);
- if (splitSearchSepAxisConvex)
- {
- if (useMprGpu)
- {
- nContacts =;
- {
- B3_PROFILE("mprPenetrationKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( pairs->getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_sepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_hasSeparatingNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( contactOut->getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_totalContactsOut.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_mprPenetrationKernel,"mprPenetrationKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst(maxContactCapacity);
- launcher.setConst( nPairs );
- int num = nPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- /*
- b3AlignedObjectArray<int>hostHasSepAxis;
- m_hasSeparatingNormals.copyToHost(hostHasSepAxis);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>hostSepAxis;
- m_sepNormals.copyToHost(hostSepAxis);
- */
- nContacts =;
- contactOut->resize(nContacts);
- // printf("nContacts (after mprPenetrationKernel) = %d\n",nContacts);
- if (nContacts>maxContactCapacity)
- {
- b3Error("Error: contacts exceeds capacity (%d/%d)\n", nContacts, maxContactCapacity);
- nContacts = maxContactCapacity;
- }
- }
- }
- if (1)
- {
- if (1)
- {
- {
- B3_PROFILE("findSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( pairs->getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clAabbsWorldSpace.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_sepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_hasSeparatingNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_dmins.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_findSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel,"findSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst( nPairs );
- int num = nPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- }
- int numDirections = sizeof(unitSphere162)/sizeof(b3Vector3);
- {
- B3_PROFILE("findSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( pairs->getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clAabbsWorldSpace.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_sepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_hasSeparatingNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_dmins.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_unitSphereDirections.getBufferCL(),true)
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_findSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel,"findSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst( numDirections);
- launcher.setConst( nPairs );
- int num = nPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- }
- }
- if (useMprGpu)
- {
- B3_PROFILE("findSeparatingAxisUnitSphereKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( pairs->getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_unitSphereDirections.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_sepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_hasSeparatingNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_dmins.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_findSeparatingAxisUnitSphereKernel,"findSeparatingAxisUnitSphereKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- int numDirections = sizeof(unitSphere162)/sizeof(b3Vector3);
- launcher.setConst( numDirections);
- launcher.setConst( nPairs );
- int num = nPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- }
- }
- } else
- {
- B3_PROFILE("findSeparatingAxisKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( pairs->getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clAabbsWorldSpace.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_sepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_hasSeparatingNormals.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_findSeparatingAxisKernel,"m_findSeparatingAxisKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst( nPairs );
- int num = nPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- }
- }
- else
- {
- B3_PROFILE("findSeparatingAxisKernel CPU");
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> hostPairs;
- pairs->copyToHost(hostPairs);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RigidBodyData> hostBodyBuf;
- bodyBuf->copyToHost(hostBodyBuf);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Collidable> hostCollidables;
- gpuCollidables.copyToHost(hostCollidables);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuChildShape> cpuChildShapes;
- gpuChildShapes.copyToHost(cpuChildShapes);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3ConvexPolyhedronData> hostConvexShapeData;
- convexData.copyToHost(hostConvexShapeData);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> hostVertices;
- gpuVertices.copyToHost(hostVertices);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<int> hostHasSepAxis;
- hostHasSepAxis.resize(nPairs);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> hostSepAxis;
- hostSepAxis.resize(nPairs);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> hostUniqueEdges;
- gpuUniqueEdges.copyToHost(hostUniqueEdges);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace> hostFaces;
- gpuFaces.copyToHost(hostFaces);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<int> hostIndices;
- gpuIndices.copyToHost(hostIndices);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4> hostContacts;
- if (nContacts)
- {
- contactOut->copyToHost(hostContacts);
- }
- hostContacts.resize(maxContactCapacity);
- int nGlobalContactsOut = nContacts;
- for (int i=0;i<nPairs;i++)
- {
- int bodyIndexA = hostPairs[i].x;
- int bodyIndexB = hostPairs[i].y;
- int collidableIndexA = hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx;
- int collidableIndexB = hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
- int shapeIndexA = hostCollidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
- int shapeIndexB = hostCollidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- hostHasSepAxis[i] = 0;
- //once the broadphase avoids static-static pairs, we can remove this test
- if ((hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexA].m_invMass==0) &&(hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexB].m_invMass==0))
- {
- continue;
- }
- if ((hostCollidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeType!=SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL) ||(hostCollidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeType!=SHAPE_CONVEX_HULL))
- {
- continue;
- }
- float dmin = FLT_MAX;
- b3ConvexPolyhedronData* convexShapeA = &hostConvexShapeData[shapeIndexA];
- b3ConvexPolyhedronData* convexShapeB = &hostConvexShapeData[shapeIndexB];
- b3Vector3 posA = hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexA].m_pos;
- b3Vector3 posB = hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexB].m_pos;
- b3Quaternion ornA =hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexA].m_quat;
- b3Quaternion ornB =hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexB].m_quat;
- if (useGjk)
- {
- //first approximate the separating axis, to 'fail-proof' GJK+EPA or MPR
- {
- b3Vector3 c0local = hostConvexShapeData[shapeIndexA].m_localCenter;
- b3Vector3 c0 = b3TransformPoint(c0local, posA, ornA);
- b3Vector3 c1local = hostConvexShapeData[shapeIndexB].m_localCenter;
- b3Vector3 c1 = b3TransformPoint(c1local,posB,ornB);
- b3Vector3 DeltaC2 = c0 - c1;
- b3Vector3 sepAxis;
- bool hasSepAxisA = b3FindSeparatingAxis(convexShapeA, convexShapeB, posA, ornA, posB, ornB, DeltaC2,
- &, &, &, &,
- &, &, &, &,
- &sepAxis, &dmin);
- if (hasSepAxisA)
- {
- bool hasSepAxisB = b3FindSeparatingAxis(convexShapeB, convexShapeA, posB, ornB, posA, ornA, DeltaC2,
- &, &, &, &,
- &, &, &, &,
- &sepAxis, &dmin);
- if (hasSepAxisB)
- {
- bool hasEdgeEdge =b3FindSeparatingAxisEdgeEdge(convexShapeA, convexShapeB, posA, ornA, posB, ornB, DeltaC2,
- &, &, &, &,
- &, &, &, &,
- &sepAxis, &dmin,false);
- if (hasEdgeEdge)
- {
- hostHasSepAxis[i] = 1;
- hostSepAxis[i] = sepAxis;
- hostSepAxis[i].w = dmin;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (hostHasSepAxis[i])
- {
- int pairIndex = i;
- bool useMpr = true;
- if (useMpr)
- {
- int res=0;
- float depth = 0.f;
- b3Vector3 sepAxis2 = b3MakeVector3(1,0,0);
- b3Vector3 resultPointOnBWorld = b3MakeVector3(0,0,0);
- float depthOut;
- b3Vector3 dirOut;
- b3Vector3 posOut;
- //res = b3MprPenetration(bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,hostBodyBuf,hostConvexShapeData,hostCollidables,hostVertices,&mprConfig,&depthOut,&dirOut,&posOut);
- res = b3MprPenetration(pairIndex,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,&hostBodyBuf[0],&hostConvexShapeData[0],&hostCollidables[0],&hostVertices[0],&hostSepAxis[0],&hostHasSepAxis[0],&depthOut,&dirOut,&posOut);
- depth = depthOut;
- sepAxis2 = b3MakeVector3(-dirOut.x,-dirOut.y,-dirOut.z);
- resultPointOnBWorld = posOut;
- //hostHasSepAxis[i] = 0;
- if (res==0)
- {
- //add point?
- //printf("depth = %f\n",depth);
- //printf("normal = %f,%f,%f\n",dir.v[0],dir.v[1],dir.v[2]);
- //qprintf("pos = %f,%f,%f\n",pos.v[0],pos.v[1],pos.v[2]);
- float dist=0.f;
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullA = hostConvexShapeData[hostCollidables[hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx].m_shapeIndex];
- const b3ConvexPolyhedronData& hullB = hostConvexShapeData[hostCollidables[hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx].m_shapeIndex];
- if(b3TestSepAxis( &hullA, &hullB, posA,ornA,posB,ornB,&sepAxis2, &hostVertices[0], &hostVertices[0],&dist))
- {
- if (depth > dist)
- {
- float diff = depth - dist;
- static float maxdiff = 0.f;
- if (maxdiff < diff)
- {
- maxdiff = diff;
- printf("maxdiff = %20.10f\n",maxdiff);
- }
- }
- }
- if (depth > dmin)
- {
- b3Vector3 oldAxis = hostSepAxis[i];
- depth = dmin;
- sepAxis2 = oldAxis;
- }
- if(b3TestSepAxis( &hullA, &hullB, posA,ornA,posB,ornB,&sepAxis2, &hostVertices[0], &hostVertices[0],&dist))
- {
- if (depth > dist)
- {
- float diff = depth - dist;
- //printf("?diff = %f\n",diff );
- static float maxdiff = 0.f;
- if (maxdiff < diff)
- {
- maxdiff = diff;
- printf("maxdiff = %20.10f\n",maxdiff);
- }
- }
- //this is used for SAT
- //hostHasSepAxis[i] = 1;
- //hostSepAxis[i] = sepAxis2;
- //add contact point
- //int contactIndex = nGlobalContactsOut;
- b3Contact4& newContact =;
- nGlobalContactsOut++;
- newContact.m_batchIdx = 0;//i;
- newContact.m_bodyAPtrAndSignBit = ( -bodyIndexA:bodyIndexA;
- newContact.m_bodyBPtrAndSignBit = ( -bodyIndexB:bodyIndexB;
- newContact.m_frictionCoeffCmp = 45874;
- newContact.m_restituitionCoeffCmp = 0;
- static float maxDepth = 0.f;
- if (depth > maxDepth)
- {
- maxDepth = depth;
- printf("MPR maxdepth = %f\n",maxDepth );
- }
- resultPointOnBWorld.w = -depth;
- newContact.m_worldPosB[0] = resultPointOnBWorld;
- //b3Vector3 resultPointOnAWorld = resultPointOnBWorld+depth*sepAxis2;
- newContact.m_worldNormalOnB = sepAxis2;
- newContact.m_worldNormalOnB.w = (b3Scalar)1;
- } else
- {
- printf("rejected\n");
- }
- }
- } else
- {
- //int contactIndex = computeContactConvexConvex2( i,bodyIndexA,bodyIndexB,collidableIndexA,collidableIndexB,hostBodyBuf, hostCollidables,hostConvexData,hostVertices,hostUniqueEdges,hostIndices,hostFaces,hostContacts,nContacts,maxContactCapacity,oldHostContacts);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4> oldHostContacts;
- int result;
- result = computeContactConvexConvex2( //hostPairs,
- pairIndex,
- bodyIndexA, bodyIndexB,
- collidableIndexA, collidableIndexB,
- hostBodyBuf,
- hostCollidables,
- hostConvexShapeData,
- hostVertices,
- hostUniqueEdges,
- hostIndices,
- hostFaces,
- hostContacts,
- nGlobalContactsOut,
- maxContactCapacity,
- oldHostContacts
- //hostHasSepAxis,
- //hostSepAxis
- );
- }//mpr
- }//hostHasSepAxis[i] = 1;
- } else
- {
- b3Vector3 c0local = hostConvexShapeData[shapeIndexA].m_localCenter;
- b3Vector3 c0 = b3TransformPoint(c0local, posA, ornA);
- b3Vector3 c1local = hostConvexShapeData[shapeIndexB].m_localCenter;
- b3Vector3 c1 = b3TransformPoint(c1local,posB,ornB);
- b3Vector3 DeltaC2 = c0 - c1;
- b3Vector3 sepAxis;
- bool hasSepAxisA = b3FindSeparatingAxis(convexShapeA, convexShapeB, posA, ornA, posB, ornB, DeltaC2,
- &, &, &, &,
- &, &, &, &,
- &sepAxis, &dmin);
- if (hasSepAxisA)
- {
- bool hasSepAxisB = b3FindSeparatingAxis(convexShapeB, convexShapeA, posB, ornB, posA, ornA, DeltaC2,
- &, &, &, &,
- &, &, &, &,
- &sepAxis, &dmin);
- if (hasSepAxisB)
- {
- bool hasEdgeEdge =b3FindSeparatingAxisEdgeEdge(convexShapeA, convexShapeB, posA, ornA, posB, ornB, DeltaC2,
- &, &, &, &,
- &, &, &, &,
- &sepAxis, &dmin,true);
- if (hasEdgeEdge)
- {
- hostHasSepAxis[i] = 1;
- hostSepAxis[i] = sepAxis;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (useGjkContacts)//nGlobalContactsOut>0)
- {
- //printf("nGlobalContactsOut=%d\n",nGlobalContactsOut);
- nContacts = nGlobalContactsOut;
- contactOut->copyFromHost(hostContacts);
- m_totalContactsOut.copyFromHostPointer(&nContacts,1,0,true);
- }
- m_hasSeparatingNormals.copyFromHost(hostHasSepAxis);
- m_sepNormals.copyFromHost(hostSepAxis);
- /*
- //double-check results from GPU (comment-out the 'else' so both paths are executed
- b3AlignedObjectArray<int> checkHasSepAxis;
- m_hasSeparatingNormals.copyToHost(checkHasSepAxis);
- static int frameCount = 0;
- frameCount++;
- for (int i=0;i<nPairs;i++)
- {
- if (hostHasSepAxis[i] != checkHasSepAxis[i])
- {
- printf("at frameCount %d hostHasSepAxis[%d] = %d but checkHasSepAxis[i] = %d\n",
- frameCount,i,hostHasSepAxis[i],checkHasSepAxis[i]);
- }
- }
- //m_hasSeparatingNormals.copyFromHost(hostHasSepAxis);
- // m_sepNormals.copyFromHost(hostSepAxis);
- */
- }
- numCompoundPairs =;
- bool useGpuFindCompoundPairs=true;
- if (useGpuFindCompoundPairs)
- {
- B3_PROFILE("findCompoundPairsKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] =
- {
- b3BufferInfoCL( pairs->getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clAabbsLocalSpace.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuChildShapes.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_gpuCompoundPairs.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_numCompoundPairsOut.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL(subTreesGPU->getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL(treeNodesGPU->getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL(bvhInfo->getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_findCompoundPairsKernel,"m_findCompoundPairsKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst( nPairs );
- launcher.setConst( compoundPairCapacity);
- int num = nPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- numCompoundPairs =;
- //printf("numCompoundPairs =%d\n",numCompoundPairs );
- if (numCompoundPairs)
- {
- //printf("numCompoundPairs=%d\n",numCompoundPairs);
- }
- } else
- {
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3QuantizedBvhNode> treeNodesCPU;
- treeNodesGPU->copyToHost(treeNodesCPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3BvhSubtreeInfo> subTreesCPU;
- subTreesGPU->copyToHost(subTreesCPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3BvhInfo> bvhInfoCPU;
- bvhInfo->copyToHost(bvhInfoCPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Aabb> hostAabbsWorldSpace;
- clAabbsWorldSpace.copyToHost(hostAabbsWorldSpace);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Aabb> hostAabbsLocalSpace;
- clAabbsLocalSpace.copyToHost(hostAabbsLocalSpace);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> hostPairs;
- pairs->copyToHost(hostPairs);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RigidBodyData> hostBodyBuf;
- bodyBuf->copyToHost(hostBodyBuf);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> cpuCompoundPairsOut;
- cpuCompoundPairsOut.resize(compoundPairCapacity);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Collidable> hostCollidables;
- gpuCollidables.copyToHost(hostCollidables);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuChildShape> cpuChildShapes;
- gpuChildShapes.copyToHost(cpuChildShapes);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3ConvexPolyhedronData> hostConvexData;
- convexData.copyToHost(hostConvexData);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> hostVertices;
- gpuVertices.copyToHost(hostVertices);
- for (int pairIndex=0;pairIndex<nPairs;pairIndex++)
- {
- int bodyIndexA = hostPairs[pairIndex].x;
- int bodyIndexB = hostPairs[pairIndex].y;
- int collidableIndexA = hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx;
- int collidableIndexB = hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
- if (cpuChildShapes.size())
- {
- findCompoundPairsKernel(
- pairIndex,
- bodyIndexA,
- bodyIndexB,
- collidableIndexA,
- collidableIndexB,
- &hostBodyBuf[0],
- &hostCollidables[0],
- &hostConvexData[0],
- hostVertices,
- hostAabbsWorldSpace,
- hostAabbsLocalSpace,
- &cpuChildShapes[0],
- &cpuCompoundPairsOut[0],
- &numCompoundPairs,
- compoundPairCapacity,
- treeNodesCPU,
- subTreesCPU,
- bvhInfoCPU
- );
- }
- }
- m_numCompoundPairsOut.copyFromHostPointer(&numCompoundPairs,1,0,true);
- if (numCompoundPairs)
- {
- b3CompoundOverlappingPair* ptr = (b3CompoundOverlappingPair*)&cpuCompoundPairsOut[0];
- m_gpuCompoundPairs.copyFromHostPointer(ptr,numCompoundPairs,0,true);
- }
- //cpuCompoundPairsOut
- }
- if (numCompoundPairs)
- {
- printf("numCompoundPairs=%d\n",numCompoundPairs);
- }
- if (numCompoundPairs > compoundPairCapacity)
- {
- b3Error("Exceeded compound pair capacity (%d/%d)\n", numCompoundPairs, compoundPairCapacity);
- numCompoundPairs = compoundPairCapacity;
- }
- m_gpuCompoundPairs.resize(numCompoundPairs);
- m_gpuHasCompoundSepNormals.resize(numCompoundPairs);
- m_gpuCompoundSepNormals.resize(numCompoundPairs);
- if (numCompoundPairs)
- {
- B3_PROFILE("processCompoundPairsPrimitivesKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] =
- {
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_gpuCompoundPairs.getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clAabbsWorldSpace.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuChildShapes.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( contactOut->getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_totalContactsOut.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_processCompoundPairsPrimitivesKernel,"m_processCompoundPairsPrimitivesKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst( numCompoundPairs );
- launcher.setConst(maxContactCapacity);
- int num = numCompoundPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- nContacts =;
- //printf("nContacts (after processCompoundPairsPrimitivesKernel) = %d\n",nContacts);
- if (nContacts>maxContactCapacity)
- {
- b3Error("Error: contacts exceeds capacity (%d/%d)\n", nContacts, maxContactCapacity);
- nContacts = maxContactCapacity;
- }
- }
- if (numCompoundPairs)
- {
- B3_PROFILE("processCompoundPairsKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] =
- {
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_gpuCompoundPairs.getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clAabbsWorldSpace.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuChildShapes.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_gpuCompoundSepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_gpuHasCompoundSepNormals.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_processCompoundPairsKernel,"m_processCompoundPairsKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst( numCompoundPairs );
- int num = numCompoundPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- }
- //printf("numConcave = %d\n",numConcave);
-// printf("hostNormals.size()=%d\n",hostNormals.size());
- //int numPairs =;
- }
- int vertexFaceCapacity = 64;
- {
- //now perform the tree query on GPU
- if (treeNodesGPU->size() && treeNodesGPU->size())
- {
- if (bvhTraversalKernelGPU)
- {
- B3_PROFILE("m_bvhTraversalKernel");
- numConcavePairs =;
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_bvhTraversalKernel,"m_bvhTraversalKernel");
- launcher.setBuffer( pairs->getBufferCL());
- launcher.setBuffer( bodyBuf->getBufferCL());
- launcher.setBuffer( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL());
- launcher.setBuffer( clAabbsWorldSpace.getBufferCL());
- launcher.setBuffer( triangleConvexPairsOut.getBufferCL());
- launcher.setBuffer( m_numConcavePairsOut.getBufferCL());
- launcher.setBuffer( subTreesGPU->getBufferCL());
- launcher.setBuffer( treeNodesGPU->getBufferCL());
- launcher.setBuffer( bvhInfo->getBufferCL());
- launcher.setConst( nPairs );
- launcher.setConst( maxTriConvexPairCapacity);
- int num = nPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- numConcavePairs =;
- } else
- {
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> hostPairs;
- pairs->copyToHost(hostPairs);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RigidBodyData> hostBodyBuf;
- bodyBuf->copyToHost(hostBodyBuf);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Collidable> hostCollidables;
- gpuCollidables.copyToHost(hostCollidables);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Aabb> hostAabbsWorldSpace;
- clAabbsWorldSpace.copyToHost(hostAabbsWorldSpace);
- //int maxTriConvexPairCapacity,
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> triangleConvexPairsOutHost;
- triangleConvexPairsOutHost.resize(maxTriConvexPairCapacity);
- //int numTriConvexPairsOutHost=0;
- numConcavePairs = 0;
- //m_numConcavePairsOut
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3QuantizedBvhNode> treeNodesCPU;
- treeNodesGPU->copyToHost(treeNodesCPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3BvhSubtreeInfo> subTreesCPU;
- subTreesGPU->copyToHost(subTreesCPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3BvhInfo> bvhInfoCPU;
- bvhInfo->copyToHost(bvhInfoCPU);
- //compute it...
- volatile int hostNumConcavePairsOut=0;
- //
- for (int i=0;i<nPairs;i++)
- {
- b3BvhTraversal( &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &hostNumConcavePairsOut,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- nPairs,
- maxTriConvexPairCapacity,
- i);
- }
- numConcavePairs = hostNumConcavePairsOut;
- if (hostNumConcavePairsOut)
- {
- triangleConvexPairsOutHost.resize(hostNumConcavePairsOut);
- triangleConvexPairsOut.copyFromHost(triangleConvexPairsOutHost);
- }
- //
- m_numConcavePairsOut.resize(0);
- m_numConcavePairsOut.push_back(numConcavePairs);
- }
- //printf("numConcavePairs=%d (max = %d\n",numConcavePairs,maxTriConvexPairCapacity);
- if (numConcavePairs > maxTriConvexPairCapacity)
- {
- static int exceeded_maxTriConvexPairCapacity_count = 0;
- b3Error("Exceeded the maxTriConvexPairCapacity (found %d but max is %d, it happened %d times)\n",
- numConcavePairs,maxTriConvexPairCapacity,exceeded_maxTriConvexPairCapacity_count++);
- numConcavePairs = maxTriConvexPairCapacity;
- }
- triangleConvexPairsOut.resize(numConcavePairs);
- if (numConcavePairs)
- {
- clippingFacesOutGPU.resize(numConcavePairs);
- worldNormalsAGPU.resize(numConcavePairs);
- worldVertsA1GPU.resize(vertexFaceCapacity*(numConcavePairs));
- worldVertsB1GPU.resize(vertexFaceCapacity*(numConcavePairs));
- if (findConcaveSeparatingAxisKernelGPU)
- {
- /*
- m_concaveHasSeparatingNormals.copyFromHost(concaveHasSeparatingNormalsCPU);
- clippingFacesOutGPU.copyFromHost(clippingFacesOutCPU);
- worldVertsA1GPU.copyFromHost(worldVertsA1CPU);
- worldNormalsAGPU.copyFromHost(worldNormalsACPU);
- worldVertsB1GPU.copyFromHost(worldVertsB1CPU);
- */
- //now perform a SAT test for each triangle-convex element (stored in triangleConvexPairsOut)
- if (splitSearchSepAxisConcave)
- {
- //printf("numConcavePairs = %d\n",numConcavePairs);
- m_dmins.resize(numConcavePairs);
- {
- B3_PROFILE("findConcaveSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( triangleConvexPairsOut.getBufferCL() ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuChildShapes.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clAabbsWorldSpace.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_concaveSepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_concaveHasSeparatingNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clippingFacesOutGPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldVertsA1GPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL(worldNormalsAGPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL(worldVertsB1GPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL(m_dmins.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel,"m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisVertexFaceKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst(vertexFaceCapacity);
- launcher.setConst( numConcavePairs );
- int num = numConcavePairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- }
-// numConcavePairs = 0;
- if (1)
- {
- B3_PROFILE("findConcaveSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( triangleConvexPairsOut.getBufferCL() ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuChildShapes.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clAabbsWorldSpace.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_concaveSepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_concaveHasSeparatingNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clippingFacesOutGPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldVertsA1GPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL(worldNormalsAGPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL(worldVertsB1GPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL(m_dmins.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel,"m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisEdgeEdgeKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst(vertexFaceCapacity);
- launcher.setConst( numConcavePairs );
- int num = numConcavePairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- }
- // numConcavePairs = 0;
- } else
- {
- B3_PROFILE("findConcaveSeparatingAxisKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( triangleConvexPairsOut.getBufferCL() ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuChildShapes.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clAabbsWorldSpace.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_concaveSepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_concaveHasSeparatingNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clippingFacesOutGPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldVertsA1GPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL(worldNormalsAGPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL(worldVertsB1GPU.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisKernel,"m_findConcaveSeparatingAxisKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst(vertexFaceCapacity);
- launcher.setConst( numConcavePairs );
- int num = numConcavePairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- }
- } else
- {
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> clippingFacesOutCPU;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldVertsA1CPU;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldNormalsACPU;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldVertsB1CPU;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<int>concaveHasSeparatingNormalsCPU;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> triangleConvexPairsOutHost;
- triangleConvexPairsOut.copyToHost(triangleConvexPairsOutHost);
- //triangleConvexPairsOutHost.resize(maxTriConvexPairCapacity);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RigidBodyData> hostBodyBuf;
- bodyBuf->copyToHost(hostBodyBuf);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Collidable> hostCollidables;
- gpuCollidables.copyToHost(hostCollidables);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Aabb> hostAabbsWorldSpace;
- clAabbsWorldSpace.copyToHost(hostAabbsWorldSpace);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3ConvexPolyhedronData> hostConvexData;
- convexData.copyToHost(hostConvexData);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> hostVertices;
- gpuVertices.copyToHost(hostVertices);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> hostUniqueEdges;
- gpuUniqueEdges.copyToHost(hostUniqueEdges);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace> hostFaces;
- gpuFaces.copyToHost(hostFaces);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<int> hostIndices;
- gpuIndices.copyToHost(hostIndices);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuChildShape> cpuChildShapes;
- gpuChildShapes.copyToHost(cpuChildShapes);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> concaveSepNormalsHost;
- m_concaveSepNormals.copyToHost(concaveSepNormalsHost);
- concaveHasSeparatingNormalsCPU.resize(concaveSepNormalsHost.size());
- b3GpuChildShape* childShapePointerCPU = 0;
- if (cpuChildShapes.size())
- childShapePointerCPU = &;
- clippingFacesOutCPU.resize(clippingFacesOutGPU.size());
- worldVertsA1CPU.resize(worldVertsA1GPU.size());
- worldNormalsACPU.resize(worldNormalsAGPU.size());
- worldVertsB1CPU.resize(worldVertsB1GPU.size());
- for (int i=0;i<numConcavePairs;i++)
- {
- b3FindConcaveSeparatingAxisKernel(&,
- &,
- &,
- &, &,&,
- &,&,childShapePointerCPU,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- vertexFaceCapacity,
- numConcavePairs,i);
- };
- m_concaveSepNormals.copyFromHost(concaveSepNormalsHost);
- m_concaveHasSeparatingNormals.copyFromHost(concaveHasSeparatingNormalsCPU);
- clippingFacesOutGPU.copyFromHost(clippingFacesOutCPU);
- worldVertsA1GPU.copyFromHost(worldVertsA1CPU);
- worldNormalsAGPU.copyFromHost(worldNormalsACPU);
- worldVertsB1GPU.copyFromHost(worldVertsB1CPU);
- }
-// b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> cpuCompoundSepNormals;
-// m_concaveSepNormals.copyToHost(cpuCompoundSepNormals);
-// b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> cpuConcavePairs;
-// triangleConvexPairsOut.copyToHost(cpuConcavePairs);
- }
- }
- }
- if (numConcavePairs)
- {
- if (numConcavePairs)
- {
- B3_PROFILE("findConcaveSphereContactsKernel");
- nContacts =;
-// printf("nContacts1 = %d\n",nContacts);
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( triangleConvexPairsOut.getBufferCL() ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clAabbsWorldSpace.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( contactOut->getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_totalContactsOut.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_findConcaveSphereContactsKernel,"m_findConcaveSphereContactsKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst( numConcavePairs );
- launcher.setConst(maxContactCapacity);
- int num = numConcavePairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- nContacts =;
- //printf("nContacts (after findConcaveSphereContactsKernel) = %d\n",nContacts);
- //printf("nContacts2 = %d\n",nContacts);
- if (nContacts >= maxContactCapacity)
- {
- b3Error("Error: contacts exceeds capacity (%d/%d)\n", nContacts, maxContactCapacity);
- nContacts = maxContactCapacity;
- }
- }
- }
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- bool contactClippingOnGpu = true;
- bool contactClippingOnGpu = true;
- if (contactClippingOnGpu)
- {
- m_totalContactsOut.copyFromHostPointer(&nContacts,1,0,true);
-// printf("nContacts3 = %d\n",nContacts);
- //B3_PROFILE("clipHullHullKernel");
- bool breakupConcaveConvexKernel = true;
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- //actually, some Apple OpenCL platform/device combinations work fine...
- breakupConcaveConvexKernel = true;
- //concave-convex contact clipping
- if (numConcavePairs)
- {
- // printf("numConcavePairs = %d\n", numConcavePairs);
- // nContacts =;
- // printf("nContacts before = %d\n", nContacts);
- if (breakupConcaveConvexKernel)
- {
- worldVertsB2GPU.resize(vertexFaceCapacity*numConcavePairs);
- //clipFacesAndFindContacts
- if (clipConcaveFacesAndFindContactsCPU)
- {
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> clippingFacesOutCPU;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldVertsA1CPU;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldNormalsACPU;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldVertsB1CPU;
- clippingFacesOutGPU.copyToHost(clippingFacesOutCPU);
- worldVertsA1GPU.copyToHost(worldVertsA1CPU);
- worldNormalsAGPU.copyToHost(worldNormalsACPU);
- worldVertsB1GPU.copyToHost(worldVertsB1CPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<int>concaveHasSeparatingNormalsCPU;
- m_concaveHasSeparatingNormals.copyToHost(concaveHasSeparatingNormalsCPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> concaveSepNormalsHost;
- m_concaveSepNormals.copyToHost(concaveSepNormalsHost);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldVertsB2CPU;
- worldVertsB2CPU.resize(worldVertsB2GPU.size());
- for (int i=0;i<numConcavePairs;i++)
- {
- clipFacesAndFindContactsKernel( &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- vertexFaceCapacity,
- i);
- }
- clippingFacesOutGPU.copyFromHost(clippingFacesOutCPU);
- worldVertsB2GPU.copyFromHost(worldVertsB2CPU);
- } else
- {
- if (1)
- {
- B3_PROFILE("clipFacesAndFindContacts");
- //nContacts =;
- //int h =;
- //int4 p =;
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_concaveSepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_concaveHasSeparatingNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clippingFacesOutGPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldVertsA1GPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldNormalsAGPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldVertsB1GPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldVertsB2GPU.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_clipFacesAndFindContacts,"m_clipFacesAndFindContacts");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst(vertexFaceCapacity);
- launcher.setConst( numConcavePairs );
- int debugMode = 0;
- launcher.setConst( debugMode);
- int num = numConcavePairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- //int bla =;
- }
- }
- //contactReduction
- {
- int newContactCapacity=nContacts+numConcavePairs;
- contactOut->reserve(newContactCapacity);
- if (reduceConcaveContactsOnGPU)
- {
-// printf("newReservation = %d\n",newReservation);
- {
- B3_PROFILE("newContactReductionKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] =
- {
- b3BufferInfoCL( triangleConvexPairsOut.getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_concaveSepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_concaveHasSeparatingNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( contactOut->getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clippingFacesOutGPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldVertsB2GPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_totalContactsOut.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_newContactReductionKernel,"m_newContactReductionKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst(vertexFaceCapacity);
- launcher.setConst(newContactCapacity);
- launcher.setConst( numConcavePairs );
- int num = numConcavePairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- }
- nContacts =;
- contactOut->resize(nContacts);
- //printf("contactOut4 (after newContactReductionKernel) = %d\n",nContacts);
- }else
- {
- volatile int nGlobalContactsOut = nContacts;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> triangleConvexPairsOutHost;
- triangleConvexPairsOut.copyToHost(triangleConvexPairsOutHost);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RigidBodyData> hostBodyBuf;
- bodyBuf->copyToHost(hostBodyBuf);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<int>concaveHasSeparatingNormalsCPU;
- m_concaveHasSeparatingNormals.copyToHost(concaveHasSeparatingNormalsCPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> concaveSepNormalsHost;
- m_concaveSepNormals.copyToHost(concaveSepNormalsHost);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4> hostContacts;
- if (nContacts)
- {
- contactOut->copyToHost(hostContacts);
- }
- hostContacts.resize(newContactCapacity);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> clippingFacesOutCPU;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldVertsB2CPU;
- clippingFacesOutGPU.copyToHost(clippingFacesOutCPU);
- worldVertsB2GPU.copyToHost(worldVertsB2CPU);
- for (int i=0;i<numConcavePairs;i++)
- {
- b3NewContactReductionKernel( &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &nGlobalContactsOut,
- vertexFaceCapacity,
- newContactCapacity,
- numConcavePairs,
- i
- );
- }
- nContacts = nGlobalContactsOut;
- m_totalContactsOut.copyFromHostPointer(&nContacts,1,0,true);
-// nContacts =;
- //contactOut->resize(nContacts);
- hostContacts.resize(nContacts);
- //printf("contactOut4 (after newContactReductionKernel) = %d\n",nContacts);
- contactOut->copyFromHost(hostContacts);
- }
- }
- //re-use?
- } else
- {
- B3_PROFILE("clipHullHullConcaveConvexKernel");
- nContacts =;
- int newContactCapacity = contactOut->capacity();
- //printf("contactOut5 = %d\n",nContacts);
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( triangleConvexPairsOut.getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuChildShapes.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_concaveSepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( contactOut->getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_totalContactsOut.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_clipHullHullConcaveConvexKernel,"m_clipHullHullConcaveConvexKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst(newContactCapacity);
- launcher.setConst( numConcavePairs );
- int num = numConcavePairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- nContacts =;
- contactOut->resize(nContacts);
- //printf("contactOut6 = %d\n",nContacts);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4> cpuContacts;
- contactOut->copyToHost(cpuContacts);
- }
- // printf("nContacts after = %d\n", nContacts);
- }//numConcavePairs
- //convex-convex contact clipping
- bool breakupKernel = false;
-#ifdef __APPLE__
- breakupKernel = true;
- bool computeConvexConvex = false;
- bool computeConvexConvex = true;
- if (computeConvexConvex)
- {
- B3_PROFILE("clipHullHullKernel");
- if (breakupKernel)
- {
- worldVertsB1GPU.resize(vertexFaceCapacity*nPairs);
- clippingFacesOutGPU.resize(nPairs);
- worldNormalsAGPU.resize(nPairs);
- worldVertsA1GPU.resize(vertexFaceCapacity*nPairs);
- worldVertsB2GPU.resize(vertexFaceCapacity*nPairs);
- if (findConvexClippingFacesGPU)
- {
- B3_PROFILE("findClippingFacesKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( pairs->getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_sepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_hasSeparatingNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clippingFacesOutGPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldVertsA1GPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldNormalsAGPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldVertsB1GPU.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_findClippingFacesKernel,"m_findClippingFacesKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst( vertexFaceCapacity);
- launcher.setConst( nPairs );
- int num = nPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- } else
- {
- float minDist = -1e30f;
- float maxDist = 0.02f;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3ConvexPolyhedronData> hostConvexData;
- convexData.copyToHost(hostConvexData);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Collidable> hostCollidables;
- gpuCollidables.copyToHost(hostCollidables);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<int> hostHasSepNormals;
- m_hasSeparatingNormals.copyToHost(hostHasSepNormals);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> cpuSepNormals;
- m_sepNormals.copyToHost(cpuSepNormals);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> hostPairs;
- pairs->copyToHost(hostPairs);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RigidBodyData> hostBodyBuf;
- bodyBuf->copyToHost(hostBodyBuf);
- //worldVertsB1GPU.resize(vertexFaceCapacity*nPairs);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldVertsB1CPU;
- worldVertsB1GPU.copyToHost(worldVertsB1CPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> clippingFacesOutCPU;
- clippingFacesOutGPU.copyToHost(clippingFacesOutCPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldNormalsACPU;
- worldNormalsACPU.resize(nPairs);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldVertsA1CPU;
- worldVertsA1CPU.resize(worldVertsA1GPU.size());
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> hostVertices;
- gpuVertices.copyToHost(hostVertices);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3GpuFace> hostFaces;
- gpuFaces.copyToHost(hostFaces);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<int> hostIndices;
- gpuIndices.copyToHost(hostIndices);
- for (int i=0;i<nPairs;i++)
- {
- int bodyIndexA = hostPairs[i].x;
- int bodyIndexB = hostPairs[i].y;
- int collidableIndexA = hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexA].m_collidableIdx;
- int collidableIndexB = hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexB].m_collidableIdx;
- int shapeIndexA = hostCollidables[collidableIndexA].m_shapeIndex;
- int shapeIndexB = hostCollidables[collidableIndexB].m_shapeIndex;
- if (hostHasSepNormals[i])
- {
- b3FindClippingFaces(cpuSepNormals[i],
- &hostConvexData[shapeIndexA],
- &hostConvexData[shapeIndexB],
- hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexA].m_pos,hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexA].m_quat,
- hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexB].m_pos,hostBodyBuf[bodyIndexB].m_quat,
- &,&,
- &,
- vertexFaceCapacity,minDist,maxDist,
- &,&,
- &,
- &,&,
- &,&,i);
- }
- }
- clippingFacesOutGPU.copyFromHost(clippingFacesOutCPU);
- worldVertsA1GPU.copyFromHost(worldVertsA1CPU);
- worldNormalsAGPU.copyFromHost(worldNormalsACPU);
- worldVertsB1GPU.copyFromHost(worldVertsB1CPU);
- }
- ///clip face B against face A, reduce contacts and append them to a global contact array
- if (1)
- {
- if (clipConvexFacesAndFindContactsCPU)
- {
- //b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> hostPairs;
- //pairs->copyToHost(hostPairs);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> hostSepNormals;
- m_sepNormals.copyToHost(hostSepNormals);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<int> hostHasSepAxis;
- m_hasSeparatingNormals.copyToHost(hostHasSepAxis);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> hostClippingFaces;
- clippingFacesOutGPU.copyToHost(hostClippingFaces);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldVertsB2CPU;
- worldVertsB2CPU.resize(vertexFaceCapacity*nPairs);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3>worldVertsA1CPU;
- worldVertsA1GPU.copyToHost(worldVertsA1CPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldNormalsACPU;
- worldNormalsAGPU.copyToHost(worldNormalsACPU);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldVertsB1CPU;
- worldVertsB1GPU.copyToHost(worldVertsB1CPU);
- /*
- __global const b3Float4* separatingNormals,
- __global const int* hasSeparatingAxis,
- __global b3Int4* clippingFacesOut,
- __global b3Float4* worldVertsA1,
- __global b3Float4* worldNormalsA1,
- __global b3Float4* worldVertsB1,
- __global b3Float4* worldVertsB2,
- int vertexFaceCapacity,
- int pairIndex
- */
- for (int i=0;i<nPairs;i++)
- {
- clipFacesAndFindContactsKernel(
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- vertexFaceCapacity,
- i);
- }
- clippingFacesOutGPU.copyFromHost(hostClippingFaces);
- worldVertsB2GPU.copyFromHost(worldVertsB2CPU);
- } else
- {
- B3_PROFILE("clipFacesAndFindContacts");
- //nContacts =;
- //int h =;
- //int4 p =;
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_sepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_hasSeparatingNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clippingFacesOutGPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldVertsA1GPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldNormalsAGPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldVertsB1GPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldVertsB2GPU.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_clipFacesAndFindContacts,"m_clipFacesAndFindContacts");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst(vertexFaceCapacity);
- launcher.setConst( nPairs );
- int debugMode = 0;
- launcher.setConst( debugMode);
- int num = nPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- }
- {
- nContacts =;
- //printf("nContacts = %d\n",nContacts);
- int newContactCapacity = nContacts+nPairs;
- contactOut->reserve(newContactCapacity);
- if (reduceConvexContactsOnGPU)
- {
- {
- B3_PROFILE("newContactReductionKernel");
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] =
- {
- b3BufferInfoCL( pairs->getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_sepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_hasSeparatingNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( contactOut->getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( clippingFacesOutGPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( worldVertsB2GPU.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_totalContactsOut.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_newContactReductionKernel,"m_newContactReductionKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst(vertexFaceCapacity);
- launcher.setConst(newContactCapacity);
- launcher.setConst( nPairs );
- int num = nPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- }
- nContacts =;
- contactOut->resize(nContacts);
- } else
- {
- volatile int nGlobalContactsOut = nContacts;
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> hostPairs;
- pairs->copyToHost(hostPairs);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3RigidBodyData> hostBodyBuf;
- bodyBuf->copyToHost(hostBodyBuf);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> hostSepNormals;
- m_sepNormals.copyToHost(hostSepNormals);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<int> hostHasSepAxis;
- m_hasSeparatingNormals.copyToHost(hostHasSepAxis);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Contact4> hostContactsOut;
- contactOut->copyToHost(hostContactsOut);
- hostContactsOut.resize(newContactCapacity);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Int4> hostClippingFaces;
- clippingFacesOutGPU.copyToHost(hostClippingFaces);
- b3AlignedObjectArray<b3Vector3> worldVertsB2CPU;
- worldVertsB2GPU.copyToHost(worldVertsB2CPU);
- for (int i=0;i<nPairs;i++)
- {
- b3NewContactReductionKernel(&,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &,
- &nGlobalContactsOut,
- vertexFaceCapacity,
- newContactCapacity,
- nPairs,
- i);
- }
- nContacts = nGlobalContactsOut;
- m_totalContactsOut.copyFromHostPointer(&nContacts,1,0,true);
- hostContactsOut.resize(nContacts);
- //printf("contactOut4 (after newContactReductionKernel) = %d\n",nContacts);
- contactOut->copyFromHost(hostContactsOut);
- }
- // b3Contact4 pt = contactOut->at(0);
- // printf("nContacts = %d\n",nContacts);
- }
- }
- }
- else//breakupKernel
- {
- if (nPairs)
- {
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( pairs->getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_sepNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_hasSeparatingNormals.getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( contactOut->getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_totalContactsOut.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_clipHullHullKernel,"m_clipHullHullKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst( nPairs );
- launcher.setConst(maxContactCapacity);
- int num = nPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- nContacts =;
- if (nContacts >= maxContactCapacity)
- {
- b3Error("Exceeded contact capacity (%d/%d)\n",nContacts,maxContactCapacity);
- nContacts = maxContactCapacity;
- }
- contactOut->resize(nContacts);
- }
- }
- int nCompoundsPairs = m_gpuCompoundPairs.size();
- if (nCompoundsPairs)
- {
- b3BufferInfoCL bInfo[] = {
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_gpuCompoundPairs.getBufferCL(), true ),
- b3BufferInfoCL( bodyBuf->getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuCollidables.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( convexData.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuVertices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuUniqueEdges.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuFaces.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuIndices.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( gpuChildShapes.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_gpuCompoundSepNormals.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_gpuHasCompoundSepNormals.getBufferCL(),true),
- b3BufferInfoCL( contactOut->getBufferCL()),
- b3BufferInfoCL( m_totalContactsOut.getBufferCL())
- };
- b3LauncherCL launcher(m_queue, m_clipCompoundsHullHullKernel,"m_clipCompoundsHullHullKernel");
- launcher.setBuffers( bInfo, sizeof(bInfo)/sizeof(b3BufferInfoCL) );
- launcher.setConst( nCompoundsPairs );
- launcher.setConst(maxContactCapacity);
- int num = nCompoundsPairs;
- launcher.launch1D( num);
- clFinish(m_queue);
- nContacts =;
- if (nContacts>maxContactCapacity)
- {
- b3Error("Error: contacts exceeds capacity (%d/%d)\n", nContacts, maxContactCapacity);
- nContacts = maxContactCapacity;
- }
- contactOut->resize(nContacts);
- }//if nCompoundsPairs
- }
- }//contactClippingOnGpu
- //printf("nContacts end = %d\n",nContacts);
- //printf("frameCount = %d\n",frameCount++);