path: root/thirdparty/bullet/LinearMath/TaskScheduler/btThreadSupportWin32.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'thirdparty/bullet/LinearMath/TaskScheduler/btThreadSupportWin32.cpp')
1 files changed, 472 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/LinearMath/TaskScheduler/btThreadSupportWin32.cpp b/thirdparty/bullet/LinearMath/TaskScheduler/btThreadSupportWin32.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..00edac650b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/LinearMath/TaskScheduler/btThreadSupportWin32.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,472 @@
+Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
+Copyright (c) 2003-2018 Erwin Coumans
+This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
+Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
+subject to the following restrictions:
+1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+#if defined( _WIN32 ) && BT_THREADSAFE
+#include "LinearMath/btScalar.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btMinMax.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btAlignedObjectArray.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btThreads.h"
+#include "btThreadSupportInterface.h"
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+struct btProcessorInfo
+ int numLogicalProcessors;
+ int numCores;
+ int numNumaNodes;
+ int numL1Cache;
+ int numL2Cache;
+ int numL3Cache;
+ int numPhysicalPackages;
+ static const int maxNumTeamMasks = 32;
+ int numTeamMasks;
+ UINT64 processorTeamMasks[ maxNumTeamMasks ];
+UINT64 getProcessorTeamMask( const btProcessorInfo& procInfo, int procId )
+ UINT64 procMask = UINT64( 1 ) << procId;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < procInfo.numTeamMasks; ++i )
+ {
+ if ( procMask & procInfo.processorTeamMasks[ i ] )
+ {
+ return procInfo.processorTeamMasks[ i ];
+ }
+ }
+ return 0;
+int getProcessorTeamIndex( const btProcessorInfo& procInfo, int procId )
+ UINT64 procMask = UINT64( 1 ) << procId;
+ for ( int i = 0; i < procInfo.numTeamMasks; ++i )
+ {
+ if ( procMask & procInfo.processorTeamMasks[ i ] )
+ {
+ return i;
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+int countSetBits( ULONG64 bits )
+ int count = 0;
+ while ( bits )
+ {
+ if ( bits & 1 )
+ {
+ count++;
+ }
+ bits >>= 1;
+ }
+ return count;
+void getProcessorInformation( btProcessorInfo* procInfo )
+ memset( procInfo, 0, sizeof( *procInfo ) );
+ Pfn_GetLogicalProcessorInformation getLogicalProcInfo =
+ (Pfn_GetLogicalProcessorInformation) GetProcAddress( GetModuleHandle( TEXT( "kernel32" ) ), "GetLogicalProcessorInformation" );
+ if ( getLogicalProcInfo == NULL )
+ {
+ // no info
+ return;
+ }
+ DWORD bufSize = 0;
+ while ( true )
+ {
+ if ( getLogicalProcInfo( buf, &bufSize ) )
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER )
+ {
+ if ( buf )
+ {
+ free( buf );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int len = bufSize / sizeof( *buf );
+ for ( int i = 0; i < len; ++i )
+ {
+ switch ( info->Relationship )
+ {
+ case RelationNumaNode:
+ procInfo->numNumaNodes++;
+ break;
+ case RelationProcessorCore:
+ procInfo->numCores++;
+ procInfo->numLogicalProcessors += countSetBits( info->ProcessorMask );
+ break;
+ case RelationCache:
+ if ( info->Cache.Level == 1 )
+ {
+ procInfo->numL1Cache++;
+ }
+ else if ( info->Cache.Level == 2 )
+ {
+ procInfo->numL2Cache++;
+ }
+ else if ( info->Cache.Level == 3 )
+ {
+ procInfo->numL3Cache++;
+ // processors that share L3 cache are considered to be on the same team
+ // because they can more easily work together on the same data.
+ // Large performance penalties will occur if 2 or more threads from different
+ // teams attempt to frequently read and modify the same cache lines.
+ //
+ // On the AMD Ryzen 7 CPU for example, the 8 cores on the CPU are split into
+ // 2 CCX units of 4 cores each. Each CCX has a separate L3 cache, so if both
+ // CCXs are operating on the same data, many cycles will be spent keeping the
+ // two caches coherent.
+ if ( procInfo->numTeamMasks < btProcessorInfo::maxNumTeamMasks )
+ {
+ procInfo->processorTeamMasks[ procInfo->numTeamMasks ] = info->ProcessorMask;
+ procInfo->numTeamMasks++;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case RelationProcessorPackage:
+ procInfo->numPhysicalPackages++;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ free( buf );
+///btThreadSupportWin32 helps to initialize/shutdown libspe2, start/stop SPU tasks and communication
+class btThreadSupportWin32 : public btThreadSupportInterface
+ struct btThreadStatus
+ {
+ int m_taskId;
+ int m_commandId;
+ int m_status;
+ ThreadFunc m_userThreadFunc;
+ void* m_userPtr; //for taskDesc etc
+ void* m_threadHandle; //this one is calling 'Win32ThreadFunc'
+ void* m_eventStartHandle;
+ char m_eventStartHandleName[ 32 ];
+ void* m_eventCompleteHandle;
+ char m_eventCompleteHandleName[ 32 ];
+ };
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btThreadStatus> m_activeThreadStatus;
+ btAlignedObjectArray<void*> m_completeHandles;
+ int m_numThreads;
+ DWORD_PTR m_startedThreadMask;
+ btProcessorInfo m_processorInfo;
+ void startThreads( const ConstructionInfo& threadInfo );
+ void stopThreads();
+ int waitForResponse();
+ btThreadSupportWin32( const ConstructionInfo& threadConstructionInfo );
+ virtual ~btThreadSupportWin32();
+ virtual int getNumWorkerThreads() const BT_OVERRIDE { return m_numThreads; }
+ virtual int getCacheFriendlyNumThreads() const BT_OVERRIDE { return countSetBits(m_processorInfo.processorTeamMasks[0]); }
+ virtual int getLogicalToPhysicalCoreRatio() const BT_OVERRIDE { return m_processorInfo.numLogicalProcessors / m_processorInfo.numCores; }
+ virtual void runTask( int threadIndex, void* userData ) BT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void waitForAllTasks() BT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual btCriticalSection* createCriticalSection() BT_OVERRIDE;
+ virtual void deleteCriticalSection( btCriticalSection* criticalSection ) BT_OVERRIDE;
+btThreadSupportWin32::btThreadSupportWin32( const ConstructionInfo & threadConstructionInfo )
+ startThreads( threadConstructionInfo );
+ stopThreads();
+DWORD WINAPI win32threadStartFunc( LPVOID lpParam )
+ btThreadSupportWin32::btThreadStatus* status = ( btThreadSupportWin32::btThreadStatus* )lpParam;
+ while ( 1 )
+ {
+ WaitForSingleObject( status->m_eventStartHandle, INFINITE );
+ void* userPtr = status->m_userPtr;
+ if ( userPtr )
+ {
+ btAssert( status->m_status );
+ status->m_userThreadFunc( userPtr );
+ status->m_status = 2;
+ SetEvent( status->m_eventCompleteHandle );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //exit Thread
+ status->m_status = 3;
+ printf( "Thread with taskId %i with handle %p exiting\n", status->m_taskId, status->m_threadHandle );
+ SetEvent( status->m_eventCompleteHandle );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ printf( "Thread TERMINATED\n" );
+ return 0;
+void btThreadSupportWin32::runTask( int threadIndex, void* userData )
+ btThreadStatus& threadStatus = m_activeThreadStatus[ threadIndex ];
+ btAssert( threadIndex >= 0 );
+ btAssert( int( threadIndex ) < m_activeThreadStatus.size() );
+ threadStatus.m_commandId = 1;
+ threadStatus.m_status = 1;
+ threadStatus.m_userPtr = userData;
+ m_startedThreadMask |= DWORD_PTR( 1 ) << threadIndex;
+ ///fire event to start new task
+ SetEvent( threadStatus.m_eventStartHandle );
+int btThreadSupportWin32::waitForResponse()
+ btAssert( m_activeThreadStatus.size() );
+ int last = -1;
+ DWORD res = WaitForMultipleObjects( m_completeHandles.size(), &m_completeHandles[ 0 ], FALSE, INFINITE );
+ btAssert( res != WAIT_FAILED );
+ last = res - WAIT_OBJECT_0;
+ btThreadStatus& threadStatus = m_activeThreadStatus[ last ];
+ btAssert( threadStatus.m_threadHandle );
+ btAssert( threadStatus.m_eventCompleteHandle );
+ //WaitForSingleObject(threadStatus.m_eventCompleteHandle, INFINITE);
+ btAssert( threadStatus.m_status > 1 );
+ threadStatus.m_status = 0;
+ ///need to find an active spu
+ btAssert( last >= 0 );
+ m_startedThreadMask &= ~( DWORD_PTR( 1 ) << last );
+ return last;
+void btThreadSupportWin32::waitForAllTasks()
+ while ( m_startedThreadMask )
+ {
+ waitForResponse();
+ }
+void btThreadSupportWin32::startThreads( const ConstructionInfo& threadConstructionInfo )
+ static int uniqueId = 0;
+ uniqueId++;
+ btProcessorInfo& procInfo = m_processorInfo;
+ getProcessorInformation( &procInfo );
+ DWORD_PTR dwProcessAffinityMask = 0;
+ DWORD_PTR dwSystemAffinityMask = 0;
+ if ( !GetProcessAffinityMask( GetCurrentProcess(), &dwProcessAffinityMask, &dwSystemAffinityMask ) )
+ {
+ dwProcessAffinityMask = 0;
+ }
+ ///The number of threads should be equal to the number of available cores - 1
+ m_numThreads = btMin(procInfo.numLogicalProcessors, int(BT_MAX_THREAD_COUNT)) - 1; // cap to max thread count (-1 because main thread already exists)
+ m_activeThreadStatus.resize( m_numThreads );
+ m_completeHandles.resize( m_numThreads );
+ m_startedThreadMask = 0;
+ // set main thread affinity
+ if ( DWORD_PTR mask = dwProcessAffinityMask & getProcessorTeamMask( procInfo, 0 ))
+ {
+ SetThreadAffinityMask( GetCurrentThread(), mask );
+ SetThreadIdealProcessor( GetCurrentThread(), 0 );
+ }
+ for ( int i = 0; i < m_numThreads; i++ )
+ {
+ printf( "starting thread %d\n", i );
+ btThreadStatus& threadStatus = m_activeThreadStatus[ i ];
+ SIZE_T dwStackSize = threadConstructionInfo.m_threadStackSize;
+ LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpStartAddress = &win32threadStartFunc;
+ LPVOID lpParameter = &threadStatus;
+ DWORD dwCreationFlags = 0;
+ LPDWORD lpThreadId = 0;
+ threadStatus.m_userPtr = 0;
+ sprintf( threadStatus.m_eventStartHandleName, "es%.8s%d%d", threadConstructionInfo.m_uniqueName, uniqueId, i );
+ threadStatus.m_eventStartHandle = CreateEventA( 0, false, false, threadStatus.m_eventStartHandleName );
+ sprintf( threadStatus.m_eventCompleteHandleName, "ec%.8s%d%d", threadConstructionInfo.m_uniqueName, uniqueId, i );
+ threadStatus.m_eventCompleteHandle = CreateEventA( 0, false, false, threadStatus.m_eventCompleteHandleName );
+ m_completeHandles[ i ] = threadStatus.m_eventCompleteHandle;
+ HANDLE handle = CreateThread( lpThreadAttributes, dwStackSize, lpStartAddress, lpParameter, dwCreationFlags, lpThreadId );
+ //SetThreadPriority( handle, THREAD_PRIORITY_HIGHEST );
+ // highest priority -- can cause erratic performance when numThreads > numCores
+ // we don't want worker threads to be higher priority than the main thread or the main thread could get
+ // totally shut out and unable to tell the workers to stop
+ //SetThreadPriority( handle, THREAD_PRIORITY_BELOW_NORMAL );
+ {
+ int processorId = i + 1; // leave processor 0 for main thread
+ DWORD_PTR teamMask = getProcessorTeamMask( procInfo, processorId );
+ if ( teamMask )
+ {
+ // bind each thread to only execute on processors of it's assigned team
+ // - for single-socket Intel x86 CPUs this has no effect (only a single, shared L3 cache so there is only 1 team)
+ // - for multi-socket Intel this will keep threads from migrating from one socket to another
+ // - for AMD Ryzen this will keep threads from migrating from one CCX to another
+ DWORD_PTR mask = teamMask & dwProcessAffinityMask;
+ if ( mask )
+ {
+ SetThreadAffinityMask( handle, mask );
+ }
+ }
+ SetThreadIdealProcessor( handle, processorId );
+ }
+ threadStatus.m_taskId = i;
+ threadStatus.m_commandId = 0;
+ threadStatus.m_status = 0;
+ threadStatus.m_threadHandle = handle;
+ threadStatus.m_userThreadFunc = threadConstructionInfo.m_userThreadFunc;
+ printf( "started %s thread %d with threadHandle %p\n", threadConstructionInfo.m_uniqueName, i, handle );
+ }
+///tell the task scheduler we are done with the SPU tasks
+void btThreadSupportWin32::stopThreads()
+ for ( int i = 0; i < m_activeThreadStatus.size(); i++ )
+ {
+ btThreadStatus& threadStatus = m_activeThreadStatus[ i ];
+ if ( threadStatus.m_status > 0 )
+ {
+ WaitForSingleObject( threadStatus.m_eventCompleteHandle, INFINITE );
+ }
+ threadStatus.m_userPtr = NULL;
+ SetEvent( threadStatus.m_eventStartHandle );
+ WaitForSingleObject( threadStatus.m_eventCompleteHandle, INFINITE );
+ CloseHandle( threadStatus.m_eventCompleteHandle );
+ CloseHandle( threadStatus.m_eventStartHandle );
+ CloseHandle( threadStatus.m_threadHandle );
+ }
+ m_activeThreadStatus.clear();
+ m_completeHandles.clear();
+class btWin32CriticalSection : public btCriticalSection
+ CRITICAL_SECTION mCriticalSection;
+ btWin32CriticalSection()
+ {
+ InitializeCriticalSection( &mCriticalSection );
+ }
+ ~btWin32CriticalSection()
+ {
+ DeleteCriticalSection( &mCriticalSection );
+ }
+ void lock()
+ {
+ EnterCriticalSection( &mCriticalSection );
+ }
+ void unlock()
+ {
+ LeaveCriticalSection( &mCriticalSection );
+ }
+btCriticalSection* btThreadSupportWin32::createCriticalSection()
+ unsigned char* mem = (unsigned char*) btAlignedAlloc( sizeof( btWin32CriticalSection ), 16 );
+ btWin32CriticalSection* cs = new( mem ) btWin32CriticalSection();
+ return cs;
+void btThreadSupportWin32::deleteCriticalSection( btCriticalSection* criticalSection )
+ criticalSection->~btCriticalSection();
+ btAlignedFree( criticalSection );
+btThreadSupportInterface* btThreadSupportInterface::create( const ConstructionInfo& info )
+ return new btThreadSupportWin32( info );
+#endif //defined(_WIN32) && BT_THREADSAFE