path: root/thirdparty/bullet/BulletSoftBody/btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.cpp
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diff --git a/thirdparty/bullet/BulletSoftBody/btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.cpp b/thirdparty/bullet/BulletSoftBody/btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.cpp
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index 0000000000..6b742978ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/thirdparty/bullet/BulletSoftBody/btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.cpp
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+ Written by Xuchen Han <>
+ Bullet Continuous Collision Detection and Physics Library
+ Copyright (c) 2019 Google Inc.
+ This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied warranty.
+ In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages arising from the use of this software.
+ Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
+ including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it freely,
+ subject to the following restrictions:
+ 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be appreciated but is not required.
+ 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be misrepresented as being the original software.
+ 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+ */
+/* ====== Overview of the Deformable Algorithm ====== */
+A single step of the deformable body simulation contains the following main components:
+Call internalStepSimulation multiple times, to achieve 240Hz (4 steps of 60Hz).
+1. Deformable maintaintenance of rest lengths and volume preservation. Forces only depend on position: Update velocity to a temporary state v_{n+1}^* = v_n + explicit_force * dt / mass, where explicit forces include gravity and elastic forces.
+2. Detect discrete collisions between rigid and deformable bodies at position x_{n+1}^* = x_n + dt * v_{n+1}^*.
+3a. Solve all constraints, including LCP. Contact, position correction due to numerical drift, friction, and anchors for deformable.
+3b. 5 Newton steps (multiple step). Conjugent Gradient solves linear system. Deformable Damping: Then velocities of deformable bodies v_{n+1} are solved in
+ M(v_{n+1} - v_{n+1}^*) = damping_force * dt / mass,
+ by a conjugate gradient solver, where the damping force is implicit and depends on v_{n+1}.
+ Make sure contact constraints are not violated in step b by performing velocity projections as in the paper by Baraff and Witkin Dynamic frictions are treated as a force and added to the rhs of the CG solve, whereas static frictions are treated as constraints similar to contact.
+4. Position is updated via x_{n+1} = x_n + dt * v_{n+1}.
+The algorithm also closely resembles the one in
+ */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include "btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld.h"
+#include "DeformableBodyInplaceSolverIslandCallback.h"
+#include "btDeformableBodySolver.h"
+#include "LinearMath/btQuickprof.h"
+#include "btSoftBodyInternals.h"
+btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld(btDispatcher* dispatcher, btBroadphaseInterface* pairCache, btDeformableMultiBodyConstraintSolver* constraintSolver, btCollisionConfiguration* collisionConfiguration, btDeformableBodySolver* deformableBodySolver)
+: btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld(dispatcher, pairCache, (btMultiBodyConstraintSolver*)constraintSolver, collisionConfiguration),
+m_deformableBodySolver(deformableBodySolver), m_solverCallback(0)
+ m_drawFlags = fDrawFlags::Std;
+ m_drawNodeTree = true;
+ m_drawFaceTree = false;
+ m_drawClusterTree = false;
+ m_sbi.m_broadphase = pairCache;
+ m_sbi.m_dispatcher = dispatcher;
+ m_sbi.m_sparsesdf.Initialize();
+ m_sbi.m_sparsesdf.setDefaultVoxelsz(0.005);
+ m_sbi.m_sparsesdf.Reset();
+ m_sbi.air_density = (btScalar)1.2;
+ m_sbi.water_density = 0;
+ m_sbi.water_offset = 0;
+ m_sbi.water_normal = btVector3(0, 0, 0);
+ m_sbi.m_gravity.setValue(0, -9.8, 0);
+ m_internalTime = 0.0;
+ m_implicit = false;
+ m_lineSearch = false;
+ m_useProjection = true;
+ m_ccdIterations = 5;
+ m_solverDeformableBodyIslandCallback = new DeformableBodyInplaceSolverIslandCallback(constraintSolver, dispatcher);
+ delete m_solverDeformableBodyIslandCallback;
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::internalSingleStepSimulation(btScalar timeStep)
+ BT_PROFILE("internalSingleStepSimulation");
+ if (0 != m_internalPreTickCallback)
+ {
+ (*m_internalPreTickCallback)(this, timeStep);
+ }
+ reinitialize(timeStep);
+ // add gravity to velocity of rigid and multi bodys
+ applyRigidBodyGravity(timeStep);
+ ///apply gravity and explicit force to velocity, predict motion
+ predictUnconstraintMotion(timeStep);
+ ///perform collision detection that involves rigid/multi bodies
+ btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::performDiscreteCollisionDetection();
+ btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::calculateSimulationIslands();
+ beforeSolverCallbacks(timeStep);
+ ///solve contact constraints and then deformable bodies momemtum equation
+ solveConstraints(timeStep);
+ afterSolverCallbacks(timeStep);
+ performDeformableCollisionDetection();
+ applyRepulsionForce(timeStep);
+ performGeometricCollisions(timeStep);
+ integrateTransforms(timeStep);
+ ///update vehicle simulation
+ btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::updateActions(timeStep);
+ updateActivationState(timeStep);
+ // End solver-wise simulation step
+ // ///////////////////////////////
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::performDeformableCollisionDetection()
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ m_softBodies[i]->m_softSoftCollision = true;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ for (int j = i; j < m_softBodies.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ m_softBodies[i]->defaultCollisionHandler(m_softBodies[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ m_softBodies[i]->m_softSoftCollision = false;
+ }
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::updateActivationState(btScalar timeStep)
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); i++)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ psb->updateDeactivation(timeStep);
+ if (psb->wantsSleeping())
+ {
+ if (psb->getActivationState() == ACTIVE_TAG)
+ psb->setActivationState(WANTS_DEACTIVATION);
+ if (psb->getActivationState() == ISLAND_SLEEPING)
+ {
+ psb->setZeroVelocity();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (psb->getActivationState() != DISABLE_DEACTIVATION)
+ psb->setActivationState(ACTIVE_TAG);
+ }
+ }
+ btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::updateActivationState(timeStep);
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::applyRepulsionForce(btScalar timeStep)
+ BT_PROFILE("btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::applyRepulsionForce");
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); i++)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ if (psb->isActive())
+ {
+ psb->applyRepulsionForce(timeStep, true);
+ }
+ }
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::performGeometricCollisions(btScalar timeStep)
+ BT_PROFILE("btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::performGeometricCollisions");
+ // refit the BVH tree for CCD
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ if (psb->isActive())
+ {
+ m_softBodies[i]->updateFaceTree(true, false);
+ m_softBodies[i]->updateNodeTree(true, false);
+ for (int j = 0; j < m_softBodies[i]->m_faces.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ btSoftBody::Face& f = m_softBodies[i]->m_faces[j];
+ f.m_n0 = (f.m_n[1]->m_x - f.m_n[0]->m_x).cross(f.m_n[2]->m_x - f.m_n[0]->m_x);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // clear contact points & update DBVT
+ for (int r = 0; r < m_ccdIterations; ++r)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ if (psb->isActive())
+ {
+ // clear contact points in the previous iteration
+ psb->m_faceNodeContacts.clear();
+ // update m_q and normals for CCD calculation
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_nodes.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ psb->m_nodes[j].m_q = psb->m_nodes[j].m_x + timeStep * psb->m_nodes[j].m_v;
+ }
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_faces.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ btSoftBody::Face& f = psb->m_faces[j];
+ f.m_n1 = (f.m_n[1]->m_q - f.m_n[0]->m_q).cross(f.m_n[2]->m_q - f.m_n[0]->m_q);
+ f.m_vn = (f.m_n[1]->m_v - f.m_n[0]->m_v).cross(f.m_n[2]->m_v - f.m_n[0]->m_v) * timeStep * timeStep;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // apply CCD to register new contact points
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ for (int j = i; j < m_softBodies.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb1 = m_softBodies[i];
+ btSoftBody* psb2 = m_softBodies[j];
+ if (psb1->isActive() && psb2->isActive())
+ {
+ m_softBodies[i]->geometricCollisionHandler(m_softBodies[j]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ int penetration_count = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ if (psb->isActive())
+ {
+ penetration_count += psb->m_faceNodeContacts.size();
+ }
+ }
+ if (penetration_count == 0)
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ // apply inelastic impulse
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ if (psb->isActive())
+ {
+ psb->applyRepulsionForce(timeStep, false);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::softBodySelfCollision()
+ BT_PROFILE("btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::softBodySelfCollision");
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); i++)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ if (psb->isActive())
+ {
+ psb->defaultCollisionHandler(psb);
+ }
+ }
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::positionCorrection(btScalar timeStep)
+ // correct the position of rigid bodies with temporary velocity generated from split impulse
+ btContactSolverInfo infoGlobal;
+ btVector3 zero(0,0,0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_nonStaticRigidBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btRigidBody* rb = m_nonStaticRigidBodies[i];
+ //correct the position/orientation based on push/turn recovery
+ btTransform newTransform;
+ btVector3 pushVelocity = rb->getPushVelocity();
+ btVector3 turnVelocity = rb->getTurnVelocity();
+ if (pushVelocity[0] != 0.f || pushVelocity[1] != 0 || pushVelocity[2] != 0 || turnVelocity[0] != 0.f || turnVelocity[1] != 0 || turnVelocity[2] != 0)
+ {
+ btTransformUtil::integrateTransform(rb->getWorldTransform(), pushVelocity, turnVelocity * infoGlobal.m_splitImpulseTurnErp, timeStep, newTransform);
+ rb->setWorldTransform(newTransform);
+ rb->setPushVelocity(zero);
+ rb->setTurnVelocity(zero);
+ }
+ }
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::integrateTransforms(btScalar timeStep)
+ BT_PROFILE("integrateTransforms");
+ positionCorrection(timeStep);
+ btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::integrateTransforms(timeStep);
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_softBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = m_softBodies[i];
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_nodes.size(); ++j)
+ {
+ btSoftBody::Node& node = psb->m_nodes[j];
+ btScalar maxDisplacement = psb->getWorldInfo()->m_maxDisplacement;
+ btScalar clampDeltaV = maxDisplacement / timeStep;
+ for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
+ {
+ if (node.m_v[c] > clampDeltaV)
+ {
+ node.m_v[c] = clampDeltaV;
+ }
+ if (node.m_v[c] < -clampDeltaV)
+ {
+ node.m_v[c] = -clampDeltaV;
+ }
+ }
+ node.m_x = node.m_x + timeStep * node.m_v;
+ node.m_q = node.m_x;
+ node.m_vn = node.m_v;
+ }
+ // enforce anchor constraints
+ for (int j = 0; j < psb->m_deformableAnchors.size();++j)
+ {
+ btSoftBody::DeformableNodeRigidAnchor& a = psb->m_deformableAnchors[j];
+ btSoftBody::Node* n = a.m_node;
+ n->m_x = a.m_cti.m_colObj->getWorldTransform() * a.m_local;
+ // update multibody anchor info
+ if (a.m_cti.m_colObj->getInternalType() == btCollisionObject::CO_FEATHERSTONE_LINK)
+ {
+ btMultiBodyLinkCollider* multibodyLinkCol = (btMultiBodyLinkCollider*)btMultiBodyLinkCollider::upcast(a.m_cti.m_colObj);
+ if (multibodyLinkCol)
+ {
+ btVector3 nrm;
+ const btCollisionShape* shp = multibodyLinkCol->getCollisionShape();
+ const btTransform& wtr = multibodyLinkCol->getWorldTransform();
+ psb->m_worldInfo->m_sparsesdf.Evaluate(
+ wtr.invXform(n->m_x),
+ shp,
+ nrm,
+ 0);
+ a.m_cti.m_normal = wtr.getBasis() * nrm;
+ btVector3 normal = a.m_cti.m_normal;
+ btVector3 t1 = generateUnitOrthogonalVector(normal);
+ btVector3 t2 = btCross(normal, t1);
+ btMultiBodyJacobianData jacobianData_normal, jacobianData_t1, jacobianData_t2;
+ findJacobian(multibodyLinkCol, jacobianData_normal, a.m_node->m_x, normal);
+ findJacobian(multibodyLinkCol, jacobianData_t1, a.m_node->m_x, t1);
+ findJacobian(multibodyLinkCol, jacobianData_t2, a.m_node->m_x, t2);
+ btScalar* J_n = &jacobianData_normal.m_jacobians[0];
+ btScalar* J_t1 = &jacobianData_t1.m_jacobians[0];
+ btScalar* J_t2 = &jacobianData_t2.m_jacobians[0];
+ btScalar* u_n = &jacobianData_normal.m_deltaVelocitiesUnitImpulse[0];
+ btScalar* u_t1 = &jacobianData_t1.m_deltaVelocitiesUnitImpulse[0];
+ btScalar* u_t2 = &jacobianData_t2.m_deltaVelocitiesUnitImpulse[0];
+ btMatrix3x3 rot(normal.getX(), normal.getY(), normal.getZ(),
+ t1.getX(), t1.getY(), t1.getZ(),
+ t2.getX(), t2.getY(), t2.getZ()); // world frame to local frame
+ const int ndof = multibodyLinkCol->m_multiBody->getNumDofs() + 6;
+ btMatrix3x3 local_impulse_matrix = (Diagonal(n->m_im) + OuterProduct(J_n, J_t1, J_t2, u_n, u_t1, u_t2, ndof)).inverse();
+ a.m_c0 = rot.transpose() * local_impulse_matrix * rot;
+ a.jacobianData_normal = jacobianData_normal;
+ a.jacobianData_t1 = jacobianData_t1;
+ a.jacobianData_t2 = jacobianData_t2;
+ a.t1 = t1;
+ a.t2 = t2;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ psb->interpolateRenderMesh();
+ }
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::solveConstraints(btScalar timeStep)
+ BT_PROFILE("btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::solveConstraints");
+ // save v_{n+1}^* velocity after explicit forces
+ m_deformableBodySolver->backupVelocity();
+ // set up constraints among multibodies and between multibodies and deformable bodies
+ setupConstraints();
+ // solve contact constraints
+ solveContactConstraints();
+ // set up the directions in which the velocity does not change in the momentum solve
+ if (m_useProjection)
+ m_deformableBodySolver->m_objective->m_projection.setProjection();
+ else
+ m_deformableBodySolver->m_objective->m_projection.setLagrangeMultiplier();
+ // for explicit scheme, m_backupVelocity = v_{n+1}^*
+ // for implicit scheme, m_backupVelocity = v_n
+ // Here, set dv = v_{n+1} - v_n for nodes in contact
+ m_deformableBodySolver->setupDeformableSolve(m_implicit);
+ // At this point, dv should be golden for nodes in contact
+ // proceed to solve deformable momentum equation
+ m_deformableBodySolver->solveDeformableConstraints(timeStep);
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::setupConstraints()
+ // set up constraints between multibody and deformable bodies
+ m_deformableBodySolver->setConstraints(m_solverInfo);
+ // set up constraints among multibodies
+ {
+ sortConstraints();
+ // setup the solver callback
+ btMultiBodyConstraint** sortedMultiBodyConstraints = m_sortedMultiBodyConstraints.size() ? &m_sortedMultiBodyConstraints[0] : 0;
+ btTypedConstraint** constraintsPtr = getNumConstraints() ? &m_sortedConstraints[0] : 0;
+ m_solverDeformableBodyIslandCallback->setup(&m_solverInfo, constraintsPtr, m_sortedConstraints.size(), sortedMultiBodyConstraints, m_sortedMultiBodyConstraints.size(), getDebugDrawer());
+ // build islands
+ m_islandManager->buildIslands(getCollisionWorld()->getDispatcher(), getCollisionWorld());
+ }
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::sortConstraints()
+ m_sortedConstraints.resize(m_constraints.size());
+ int i;
+ for (i = 0; i < getNumConstraints(); i++)
+ {
+ m_sortedConstraints[i] = m_constraints[i];
+ }
+ m_sortedConstraints.quickSort(btSortConstraintOnIslandPredicate2());
+ m_sortedMultiBodyConstraints.resize(m_multiBodyConstraints.size());
+ for (i = 0; i < m_multiBodyConstraints.size(); i++)
+ {
+ m_sortedMultiBodyConstraints[i] = m_multiBodyConstraints[i];
+ }
+ m_sortedMultiBodyConstraints.quickSort(btSortMultiBodyConstraintOnIslandPredicate());
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::solveContactConstraints()
+ // process constraints on each island
+ m_islandManager->processIslands(getCollisionWorld()->getDispatcher(), getCollisionWorld(), m_solverDeformableBodyIslandCallback);
+ // process deferred
+ m_solverDeformableBodyIslandCallback->processConstraints();
+ m_constraintSolver->allSolved(m_solverInfo, m_debugDrawer);
+ // write joint feedback
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->m_multiBodies.size(); i++)
+ {
+ btMultiBody* bod = m_multiBodies[i];
+ bool isSleeping = false;
+ if (bod->getBaseCollider() && bod->getBaseCollider()->getActivationState() == ISLAND_SLEEPING)
+ {
+ isSleeping = true;
+ }
+ for (int b = 0; b < bod->getNumLinks(); b++)
+ {
+ if (bod->getLink(b).m_collider && bod->getLink(b).m_collider->getActivationState() == ISLAND_SLEEPING)
+ isSleeping = true;
+ }
+ if (!isSleeping)
+ {
+ //useless? they get resized in stepVelocities once again (AND DIFFERENTLY)
+ m_scratch_r.resize(bod->getNumLinks() + 1); //multidof? ("Y"s use it and it is used to store qdd)
+ m_scratch_v.resize(bod->getNumLinks() + 1);
+ m_scratch_m.resize(bod->getNumLinks() + 1);
+ if (bod->internalNeedsJointFeedback())
+ {
+ if (!bod->isUsingRK4Integration())
+ {
+ if (bod->internalNeedsJointFeedback())
+ {
+ bool isConstraintPass = true;
+ bod->computeAccelerationsArticulatedBodyAlgorithmMultiDof(m_solverInfo.m_timeStep, m_scratch_r, m_scratch_v, m_scratch_m, isConstraintPass,
+ getSolverInfo().m_jointFeedbackInWorldSpace,
+ getSolverInfo().m_jointFeedbackInJointFrame);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->m_multiBodies.size(); i++)
+ {
+ btMultiBody* bod = m_multiBodies[i];
+ bod->processDeltaVeeMultiDof2();
+ }
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::addSoftBody(btSoftBody* body, int collisionFilterGroup, int collisionFilterMask)
+ m_softBodies.push_back(body);
+ // Set the soft body solver that will deal with this body
+ // to be the world's solver
+ body->setSoftBodySolver(m_deformableBodySolver);
+ btCollisionWorld::addCollisionObject(body,
+ collisionFilterGroup,
+ collisionFilterMask);
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::predictUnconstraintMotion(btScalar timeStep)
+ BT_PROFILE("predictUnconstraintMotion");
+ btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::predictUnconstraintMotion(timeStep);
+ m_deformableBodySolver->predictMotion(timeStep);
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::reinitialize(btScalar timeStep)
+ m_internalTime += timeStep;
+ m_deformableBodySolver->setImplicit(m_implicit);
+ m_deformableBodySolver->setLineSearch(m_lineSearch);
+ m_deformableBodySolver->reinitialize(m_softBodies, timeStep);
+ btDispatcherInfo& dispatchInfo = btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::getDispatchInfo();
+ dispatchInfo.m_timeStep = timeStep;
+ dispatchInfo.m_stepCount = 0;
+ dispatchInfo.m_debugDraw = btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::getDebugDrawer();
+ btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::getSolverInfo().m_timeStep = timeStep;
+ if (m_useProjection)
+ {
+ m_deformableBodySolver->m_useProjection = true;
+// m_deformableBodySolver->m_objective->m_projection.m_useStrainLimiting = true;
+ m_deformableBodySolver->m_objective->m_preconditioner = m_deformableBodySolver->m_objective->m_massPreconditioner;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_deformableBodySolver->m_objective->m_preconditioner = m_deformableBodySolver->m_objective->m_KKTPreconditioner;
+ }
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::debugDrawWorld()
+ btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::debugDrawWorld();
+ for (int i = 0; i < getSoftBodyArray().size(); i++)
+ {
+ btSoftBody* psb = (btSoftBody*)getSoftBodyArray()[i];
+ {
+ btSoftBodyHelpers::DrawFrame(psb, getDebugDrawer());
+ btSoftBodyHelpers::Draw(psb, getDebugDrawer(), getDrawFlags());
+ }
+ }
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::applyRigidBodyGravity(btScalar timeStep)
+ // Gravity is applied in stepSimulation and then cleared here and then applied here and then cleared here again
+ // so that 1) gravity is applied to velocity before constraint solve and 2) gravity is applied in each substep
+ // when there are multiple substeps
+ btMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::applyGravity();
+ // integrate rigid body gravity
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_nonStaticRigidBodies.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ btRigidBody* rb = m_nonStaticRigidBodies[i];
+ rb->integrateVelocities(timeStep);
+ }
+ // integrate multibody gravity
+ {
+ forwardKinematics();
+ clearMultiBodyConstraintForces();
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->m_multiBodies.size(); i++)
+ {
+ btMultiBody* bod = m_multiBodies[i];
+ bool isSleeping = false;
+ if (bod->getBaseCollider() && bod->getBaseCollider()->getActivationState() == ISLAND_SLEEPING)
+ {
+ isSleeping = true;
+ }
+ for (int b = 0; b < bod->getNumLinks(); b++)
+ {
+ if (bod->getLink(b).m_collider && bod->getLink(b).m_collider->getActivationState() == ISLAND_SLEEPING)
+ isSleeping = true;
+ }
+ if (!isSleeping)
+ {
+ m_scratch_r.resize(bod->getNumLinks() + 1);
+ m_scratch_v.resize(bod->getNumLinks() + 1);
+ m_scratch_m.resize(bod->getNumLinks() + 1);
+ bool isConstraintPass = false;
+ {
+ if (!bod->isUsingRK4Integration())
+ {
+ bod->computeAccelerationsArticulatedBodyAlgorithmMultiDof(m_solverInfo.m_timeStep,
+ m_scratch_r, m_scratch_v, m_scratch_m,isConstraintPass,
+ getSolverInfo().m_jointFeedbackInWorldSpace,
+ getSolverInfo().m_jointFeedbackInJointFrame);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ btAssert(" RK4Integration is not supported" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ clearGravity();
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::clearGravity()
+ BT_PROFILE("btMultiBody clearGravity");
+ // clear rigid body gravity
+ for (int i = 0; i < m_nonStaticRigidBodies.size(); i++)
+ {
+ btRigidBody* body = m_nonStaticRigidBodies[i];
+ if (body->isActive())
+ {
+ body->clearGravity();
+ }
+ }
+ // clear multibody gravity
+ for (int i = 0; i < this->m_multiBodies.size(); i++)
+ {
+ btMultiBody* bod = m_multiBodies[i];
+ bool isSleeping = false;
+ if (bod->getBaseCollider() && bod->getBaseCollider()->getActivationState() == ISLAND_SLEEPING)
+ {
+ isSleeping = true;
+ }
+ for (int b = 0; b < bod->getNumLinks(); b++)
+ {
+ if (bod->getLink(b).m_collider && bod->getLink(b).m_collider->getActivationState() == ISLAND_SLEEPING)
+ isSleeping = true;
+ }
+ if (!isSleeping)
+ {
+ bod->addBaseForce(-m_gravity * bod->getBaseMass());
+ for (int j = 0; j < bod->getNumLinks(); ++j)
+ {
+ bod->addLinkForce(j, -m_gravity * bod->getLinkMass(j));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::beforeSolverCallbacks(btScalar timeStep)
+ if (0 != m_internalTickCallback)
+ {
+ (*m_internalTickCallback)(this, timeStep);
+ }
+ if (0 != m_solverCallback)
+ {
+ (*m_solverCallback)(m_internalTime, this);
+ }
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::afterSolverCallbacks(btScalar timeStep)
+ if (0 != m_solverCallback)
+ {
+ (*m_solverCallback)(m_internalTime, this);
+ }
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::addForce(btSoftBody* psb, btDeformableLagrangianForce* force)
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btDeformableLagrangianForce*>& forces = m_deformableBodySolver->m_objective->m_lf;
+ bool added = false;
+ for (int i = 0; i < forces.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (forces[i]->getForceType() == force->getForceType())
+ {
+ forces[i]->addSoftBody(psb);
+ added = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!added)
+ {
+ force->addSoftBody(psb);
+ force->setIndices(m_deformableBodySolver->m_objective->getIndices());
+ forces.push_back(force);
+ }
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::removeForce(btSoftBody* psb, btDeformableLagrangianForce* force)
+ btAlignedObjectArray<btDeformableLagrangianForce*>& forces = m_deformableBodySolver->m_objective->m_lf;
+ int removed_index = -1;
+ for (int i = 0; i < forces.size(); ++i)
+ {
+ if (forces[i]->getForceType() == force->getForceType())
+ {
+ forces[i]->removeSoftBody(psb);
+ if (forces[i]->m_softBodies.size() == 0)
+ removed_index = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (removed_index >= 0)
+ forces.removeAtIndex(removed_index);
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::removeSoftBody(btSoftBody* body)
+ m_softBodies.remove(body);
+ btCollisionWorld::removeCollisionObject(body);
+ // force a reinitialize so that node indices get updated.
+ m_deformableBodySolver->reinitialize(m_softBodies, btScalar(-1));
+void btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::removeCollisionObject(btCollisionObject* collisionObject)
+ btSoftBody* body = btSoftBody::upcast(collisionObject);
+ if (body)
+ removeSoftBody(body);
+ else
+ btDiscreteDynamicsWorld::removeCollisionObject(collisionObject);
+int btDeformableMultiBodyDynamicsWorld::stepSimulation(btScalar timeStep, int maxSubSteps, btScalar fixedTimeStep)
+ startProfiling(timeStep);
+ int numSimulationSubSteps = 0;
+ if (maxSubSteps)
+ {
+ //fixed timestep with interpolation
+ m_fixedTimeStep = fixedTimeStep;
+ m_localTime += timeStep;
+ if (m_localTime >= fixedTimeStep)
+ {
+ numSimulationSubSteps = int(m_localTime / fixedTimeStep);
+ m_localTime -= numSimulationSubSteps * fixedTimeStep;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //variable timestep
+ fixedTimeStep = timeStep;
+ m_localTime = m_latencyMotionStateInterpolation ? 0 : timeStep;
+ m_fixedTimeStep = 0;
+ if (btFuzzyZero(timeStep))
+ {
+ numSimulationSubSteps = 0;
+ maxSubSteps = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ numSimulationSubSteps = 1;
+ maxSubSteps = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ //process some debugging flags
+ if (getDebugDrawer())
+ {
+ btIDebugDraw* debugDrawer = getDebugDrawer();
+ gDisableDeactivation = (debugDrawer->getDebugMode() & btIDebugDraw::DBG_NoDeactivation) != 0;
+ }
+ if (numSimulationSubSteps)
+ {
+ //clamp the number of substeps, to prevent simulation grinding spiralling down to a halt
+ int clampedSimulationSteps = (numSimulationSubSteps > maxSubSteps) ? maxSubSteps : numSimulationSubSteps;
+ saveKinematicState(fixedTimeStep * clampedSimulationSteps);
+ for (int i = 0; i < clampedSimulationSteps; i++)
+ {
+ internalSingleStepSimulation(fixedTimeStep);
+ synchronizeMotionStates();
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ synchronizeMotionStates();
+ }
+ clearForces();
+#ifndef BT_NO_PROFILE
+ CProfileManager::Increment_Frame_Counter();
+#endif //BT_NO_PROFILE
+ return numSimulationSubSteps;